#the only faerie fire posts i can find are 'i got my book'
1800naveen · 4 months
Long rant so be warned
I remember starting The Cruel Prince after seeing a Tik Tok compilation on YouTube. I thought it would be a nice series to get into as I was entering my junior year of highschool. I left the series absolutely loving it and relating so much to Jude.
I made a post about the mischaracterization of Jude Duarte and how it annoys me because when you see a character you can relate to, wouldn't you be annoyed that people reduce them to a single trait or quality?
Out of her older siblings, Jude is the youngest (Taryn is the older twin). I too am the youngest of my siblings so it's nice to read a book about a fellow younger sister. You see, I never had my parents killed by my mom's former husband and then taken to land filled with faeries and proceeded to get bullied when I got older but yeah, I still relate to Jude and the thing that I relate to her is that she's human and her relationship with her adoptive father, Madoc.
In this series, we're shown that being a human is both a strength and a weakness. Many faeries hate humans and will find ways to use them if a human is in Elfhame. They can be servants, nurses, lovers, entertainment, etc. From a young age, Jude knew that she would never be like the Folk and how she'll always be a human. But her mortality doesn't stop her from changing the game.
"Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever."
"You are nothing. You barely exist at all. Your only purpose is to create more of your kind before you die." Said by Valerian. "He's wrong about me. I am going to make my mayfly life count for something. I won't be afraid of him or of Prince Dain's censure. If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse."
Her ability to lie is a great asset for navigating Elfhame as faeries themselves cannot lie. She enters the system of politics after her attempt to be a knight went wrong. To survive in Elfhame, she needed to become "worse" than the Folk but as a human, she technically already did. In their eyes, humans are beneath them. Their lives are short and the supposed purpose they have is to create more before dying. Humans are disgusting, low-life, and in a way, worse than the Folk.
But do faeries of Elfhame know what humans have accomplished in their short lives? Through mortal hands, empires and kingdoms rose and through mortal hands have they fallen. Humans commit heinous acts towards each other and some of these acts could even make the Folk disgusted. All humans are capable of being bad but when you have a life like Jude's, it's only a matter of time before you have to dig that out of you and wield it like a weapon or wear it like an armor.
Through Jude's mortal hands, she became the first mortal High Queen of Elfhame and in the end, the land accepted her as their queen. Even though she is queen, she doesn't let herself be too vulnerable (said to us by Oak in The Prisoner's Throne).
Her relationship with Madoc reminds me of my own relationship with my dad. Jude acts similar to Madoc and I've been told that I act just like my dad and that I even look like him. When Jude was still a kid, Madoc acted like a somewhat normal dad as he would give her hugs and kisses on the forehead. My dad would do the same and give me piggyback rides around the house. But as Jude got older, their relationship got strained. My relationship with my dad got strained as well but it wasn't too bad, just that we could get on each other's nerves a lot.
Now, my dad and I have a good relationship as I'm getting older and he's getting older too. In the end, Jude will always love Madoc even though a part of her hates herself for that.
"Good-bye, Father, I whisper as he is led away. I say it softly, and I do not think he hears me."
Jude and Taryn's relationship reminds me of me and my sister. My sister hasn't betrayed me but she has told me rude, vile things and made fun of things that I have struggled with before in the past. Like when she gets mad, she'll sometimes take it out on me and I'm thinking what the fuck did I do? We can go from sharing some laughs to hating each other. Taryn has betrayed Jude twice and left her heart broken but in the end, they forgave each other. See if I was Jude, it would be a while before I forgave Taryn. I would rather have Taryn as a sister than my own, she sucks.
Shout out to the people who got a shitty relationship with their sister🫶🏾.
Jude will always be a special character to me because she's human and stays human. When I realized that I could relate to her character, I felt a sense of pride in myself. She always tries to be strong even when she's in a moment of weakness and honestly, that inspires the fuck out of me. If I'm ever in a really tough situation, I think "What would Jude Duarte do?". To anyone who also relates to Jude, you're awesome and the best and stay amazing! Keep that head and that crown held up high 👑💜.
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shallyne · 2 years
Hello! Welcome!
Some of you may remember the post from a few days ago where I introduced my OC Feysand children, Nemesis, Nyx and Bragi.
I commissioned @thattrable to bring these babies alive and she did such a great job, I'm in love. Plus you see Nemesis' pet snake, Jelly.
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Sibling descriptions underneath the line
Obviously Nyx is the oldest of the bunch. He's the big protective brother who would lay his life down for his family. The details we know about Nyx is that he is an Aries, his pronouns are he/him, he's pansexual and he is the tallest of his family, even taller than Rhys. Nyx is great at weaponry and fighting because that's what he got taught from an early age. He got the creativity from his mom, he loves pottery and painting, he's obsessed with oil paint, and he got his obsession with astronomy from his father. Nyx will meet a mortal girl early in his life that he will fall head over heels in love with, her name is Alara. There is no way to make Alara immortal, Nyx tried to find ways, so she will live her mortal life with Nyx in the Night Court. She'll die peacefully at 92 and during the next decade, the hardest decade of his life, he's bonding a lot with his aunt Mor, because of her experiences with her mortal lover. Two centuries after Alaras death Nyx will meet his mate and reject the bond, still mourning his wife.
Nemesis is the middle child of the kids but she certainly does not get the usual middle child treatment. She's a princess and she gets treated as such. Nemesis is a Leo, her pronouns are she/her, she is a lesbian and although she's not the tallest, she's still taller than her mom. Since Nemesis is seven years old she's introducing herself as the future High Lady of the Night Court. She will later rule the Night Court with Nyx on her side as her personal guard. They both choose their place in the court and Feysand couldn't be prouder. Of course Nemesis also got taught weaponry and fighting and powers. While Nyx prefers to use water, like his mother, Nemesis prefers her fire powers. Nemesis has a lot of hobbies, whatever she desires to do, but the hobby that will always be a part of her will be ballet. While Nyx is into astronomy, Nemesis is into astrology. When she watched a soccer play one day her eyes fell on the pink haired girl, the first lesser faerie who ever got a place in an official sports team, Eirene. After some bantering they fall in love and they choose their own pacing in their relationship. When they are both around 300 years old someone asks them if they ever want to marry and they are like "Oh shit we forgot". Rhys promises Nemesis she can get a kitten from the shelter at one point and Nemesis chooses a white, blind cat and calls her Kronos. She also has a black pet snake named Jelly.
Bragi is the youngest of the Feysand children. Bragi is a Libra who is non binary, their pronouns are they/them. Like Nyx and Nemesis, Bragi is taller than their mom, which makes Feyre the shortest of the family. Although Nemesis and Nyx are very smart in a lot of ways, objectively Bragi is the smartest. You barely catch Bragi not reading a book and if you do, they probably are writing poetry. They are the most emotional and sensitive ones from the family, which makes the family very protective over them. Because Bragi isn't interested in fighting and their powers, Feysand only trains them enough to be able to defend themselves in an emergency and enough to deal with their powers. They tried to teach Bragi more but they vehemently refused. To the family's surprised, Bragi was the first one to get out into the big world, after they convinced Feyre and Rhysand to let them into a boarding school. Grown up Bragi is exploring the world, sending letters and postcards to their family and little somethings that Nemesis asked them to bring back home. Modern Bragi would be obsessed with Taylor Swift
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Heir of Fire, Day 5
Aedion to Chaol: “I didn’t think that kind of honor still existed in Adarlan.”
FR!!!! Why on EARTH is he going through with it, except for the vague sense of duty, of honor. Going to Anielle is… I guess good for his family? but who cares?! His family should be proud of him for being a member of the king’s guard…. Like, is that not important to them?
(I know he promised but the situation is still so stupid to me) (your dad is so stupid Chaol) (and boring) (stop letting him control you)
Aedion is so cool, though
He’s the only SJM man not to have daddy issues
(Cause he has no dad)
(Hey good for you Aedion) (you’re quickly becoming my favorite boy)
So, who are the guys
Why do they wanna kill Ren
They belong to the king? But not in the same legion as Chaol, somehow?
I wanna solve this mystery but I feel like I’ve got nothing to go on
31 manon please I love you so much
Manon and Abraxos taking flight feels like the music swelling in a moment of triumph in a 90’s movie, It’s like Free Willy it’s like the Neverending Story, it’s everything it’s EVERYTHING.
33 ok so hear me out
Rowan should open a tattoo shop for pansexual fae
Ugh, I actually thought her heart was HEALING. Guess not. She’s back on her anguish. (Poor Celaena.)
34 back on her anguish big time,
I am actually still torn up about Nehemia too, so, I get it. But girl. You can be sad without making it everyone else’s problem. Be nice to my boy Emrys. He’s literally so loveable, how dare you make him feel bad.
Idk what Rowan even did? Except not be a good friend, I guess, but like, she’s in such a tender place it’s really HARD to be friendly to her. I think he’s doing alright being the aloof handsome magic teacher…. And I think he’s a pretty good teacher. She needs space before she’ll welcome anything close to what she had with Nehemia.
Anyway that scene rescuing Luca was cute
Build back the ability to have friends and get close to people
You got this, girl
I believe in you
Idk what’s wrong with me lol
But I DID like seeing her beat him up and him just taking it
Somehow when he started talking about his dead mate all I could think was… wait they’re not mates? I know, I know, it’s a different book than ACOTAR, but I just expected them to be mated to each other.
And then I was like, wait….
Because, based from her other work - when you are a faerie, the most important thing, the highest calling in life and the truest happiness you will ever know, is finding your mate. And if your mate dies, that’s probably so devastating…
Anyway, WHAT IF, what if, Aelin lost her mate too? What if her mate was Nehemia???
(Remember when she said it was like a piece of her soul was gone)
(like she had lost a “soul friend”)
What if, because she was mortal the whole time, she just never noticed that Nehemia was her mate. And now she’s coming into her abilities and at the same time experiencing the real anguish of knowing that Nehemia is dead.
I think it could be real interesting to watch them come together as survivors, who have gone through the loss of a mate, and they could like, grow closer and trauma bond over that. Not many people know how it feels. I feel like it would be kind of an interesting spin on the “fated mates” trope. Idk.
Wrapping up the first part of the book. I’m invested. Also, I’m gonna be on vacation for the next week, and I’ll take this book with me, but idk if I’ll be on here posting my daily reactions!
I will if I can make time for it, but no promises. My flight returns may 1st, when we will be reading the Assassin’s Blade!
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praesaepe · 6 years
guess im the one man band for this but kra calamor from the faerie fire book is wonderful and i love him
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echotzzz · 3 years
The introduction : Archeron- batboys dinner.
There were already post talking about this and i want to give and add some of my thoughts because for me in this scene, there are so many foreshadowing and chemistry between Feysand, Nessian and Elriel and not to mention that this was before the sisters were turn into fae..well save for Feyre. There are reason why Sjm made this scene exclusively for the 6 of them. ( Mor n Amren need to stay in Velaris while all the servants had gone home)
This is very significant because sjm said that when Nesta and Elain came back in acomaf, she knew that the sisters will have their own journey. This introduction will be the start for both Nesta and Elain journey as well for Cassian and Azriel.
Looking at Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel, I knew I’d been right to select it as the meeting spot.
I said to the males, “My sisters, Nesta and Elain Archeron.”
We know that Sjm is very good with wording and in every book ( if i’m not mistaken) the sequence when mentioning three brothers, three sisters will start with
Feyre- Nesta- Elain
It has always “ Cassian and Azriel “ and “ Nesta and Elain” . The spin off will be Nessian first then follow by Elriel. This is the foreshadowing of the couple and book sequences.
And if we look closely, After the introduction both Cassian and Azriel focus on one person from each of the sister.
Cassian was sizing up Nesta, a gleam in his eyes that I could only interpret as a warrior finding himself faced with a new, interesting opponent.
“It’s been a few centuries since someone got under Cassian’s skin that easily. Too bad they’re both inclined to kill the other.”
Nessian from the first moment they met already start to bickering and throwing insults to each other ( later in acosf is exactly what they do for the first half of the book). “ a warrior finding himself faced with a new, interesting opponent.” This is forshadowing how later Nesta indeed became a warrior and equal opponent to Cassian in many aspects ( sexual needs, fire, etc..)
So now let’s move on to my favourite part🥰
Elain said, “It’s all very disorienting.” “I can imagine,” Azriel said. Cassian flashed him a glare. But Azriel’s attention was on my sister, a polite, bland smile on his face. Her shoulders loosened a bit.
Elain, noticing Azriel’s ease as proof that things weren’t indeed about to go badly, offered one of her own as well.
From the very beginning, Elriel already have their own understanding. Again i remind you that Elain have not turn fae and yet she able to read Azriel who is the shadowsinger, the spymaster, the one that most people said unreadable. They both read and calm each other through body language. And surprisingly this parallel with the pov almost kiss scene. They didn’t say out loud that they want to kiss. Elain read Azriel face and Azriel saw that as ‘offer and permission’.
“Yes,” Elain breathed, like she read the decision. Just this taste in the dead of the longest night of the year, where only the mother might witness them.
True to their nature, before the start of the conversation Azriel would rather hide in his shadow to avoid the conversation while Elain was mentioned likely to faint. But it turns out, Elain was the one that act and talk rational between them and try to prevent Nesta to further provoke Feysand, she also made small talks to change the mood.
Elain said to Azriel, perhaps the only two civilized ones here, “Can you truly fly?” He set down his fork, blinking. I might have even called him self-conscious.
Azriel felt self conscious in which i could interpret it as an issue about his self worth. Again this parallel with his pov regarding his self worth and his scars. But instead he answered Elain’s question
“Yes. Cassian and I hail from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We’re born hearing the song of the wind.”
This is the first time that Azriel actually talk about himself. He even admitted that he sometimes felt frightened during flying but training had made him braver.. Azriel is known to dislike illyrians but the flying is the only part where he include himself as one of them. Before this any information about him would be explain from other characters. The fact that he willingly gave a vulnerable information about himself when Elain asked actually tell us that he trust her when they only just met.
“That’s very beautiful,” she said.
For Elain, everything about Azriel is beautiful. His passion about flying, his scars and his present 🥺
So, what happen during the dinner are representing their personalities as a couple.
Feysand : Rhys defending and siding with Feyre
Nessian: snarled and challenge each other
Elriel: the peace controller and the rationals
And lastly after the dinner, Feysand began to talk about Elain’s engagement and Azriel’s feelings towards Mor.
“And Elain,” Rhys said, sighing as he removed his other boot, “should not be marrying that lord’s son, not for about a dozen reasons, the least of which being the fact that you won’t be invited to the wedding. Though maybe that’s a good thing.”
“Oh, so you haven’t noticed the way Azriel looks at Mor? Or how she sometimes watches him, defends him? And how both of them do such a good job letting Cassian be a buffer between them most of the time?”
And in acosf we got this
Elain cocked her head. Didn’t dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up. Instead she said, “You’re angry with me.”
He was still happy to be Mor’s buffer with Azriel, but there’d been a change lately. In both of them. Mor no longer sat beside Cassian, draped herself over him, and Azriel … those longing glances toward her had become few and far between. As if he’d given up. After five hundred years, he’d somehow given up. Cassian couldn’t think why.
From the very first interaction, Elriel already have their own chemistry
Both calm and able to read each other
Both have had a first love that failed
Both have powers that most of the people don’t understand
Both are the mysterious characters in the books
Both love each other’s company
Both of them can make each other laugh and smile
Both have moved on
Both wants each other
Elriel have every reason to want to be together and not to mention their mate behaviours. THE ONLY THING THAT STOPPING THEM RIGHT NOW IS THAT DARN ELUCIAN’S MATING BOND!!! in which have every reason to be broken.
Elriel will serve the best forbidden love trope in 2023 and no amount of Gwynriel will make me believe otherwise😌
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rocohen20 · 3 years
Pod Fic: 1988
I like to listen to podfics a lot. And I’m prone to listen to the long ass ones. This post consist of my ablosute favourite Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews podfics. Most of those I have downloaded to my phone and I listened to them too many times, to the point that whole lines pop in my mind from time to time, with the exact way the nerator said them. Every story there is really is the best. I hope you’d enjoy it. 
-[Podfic of] This Love Is Be and End All, by exmanhater, 22:17 minutes
[The written work has been deleted]
Because of an blackhawks book club competition, Jonny goes to the local library and there he meets librarin Patrick.
-[Podfic of] For they are rain upon the binding dust of earth, by exmanhater, 23:39 minutes
[Original written work: For they are rain upon the binding dust of earth, by ingenius, 3,966 words]  
Times when Patrick cried during sex. I really like their relationship in this.
-[Podfic] fight or run, you're just getting older, by AshesandGhost, 28:36 minutes
[The written work is not available]
Beta Patrick imprinted on human Jonny as his alpha within the first week of meeting him. The story is about him trying to cope with that.
-5 things everyone really didn't need to know about kaner and tazer's sex life, thanks by grim_lupine [Podfic] , by Rhea314 (Rhea), 37:33 minutes
[The written work is not available]
the team finds way too much about Patrick and Jonathan’s sex life.
-a light-handed approach to regulation by hazel [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 03:37:19 hours
[Original written work: a light-handed approach to regulation, by hazel, 34,078 words]
Alpha Patrick is drafted to the team with Omega Jonny. It leads to a lot of false assumptions. 
-[Podfic] Highly Sticked, by marianas, 21:38 minutes
[Original written work: Highly Sticked, by orphan_account, 3,984 words]
Patrick wants to measure the team’s packages, but mainly he wants to measure Jonny’s.
-It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes by Svmadelyn [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 03:33:21 hours
[Original written work: It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes, by svmadelyn, 34,053 words]
Patrick kane has feeling for Jonny, he tries to fuck them away.
-Like Other Girls, by smoulderandbraids, 01:33:30 hours
[Original written work: Like Other Girls, by BlackEyedGirl, 14,212 words]
This amazing fic is about pat and her relationship with the media and the team. I really recommand listening to the podfic version. Special guests: girl!Sidney Crosby, girl!Tyler Seguin.
There is also a fanart for this fic that I think is fabulous: Like Other Girls art, by essouffle
-[Podfic of] Savoy Truffle, by thisissirius, 47:02 minutes
[Original written work is not available. There is another Podfic version that I did not listened to it, if you are interested]
Patrick goes back to baking after madison, Jonny found his secret and enjoyed it since.
-Say It With Flowers by Hazel [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 47:33 minutes
[Original written work: say it with flowers , by hazel, 6,741 words]
Patrick can speak to flowers. 
-Scattered Pieces of My Mind [Podfic] , by speakingwosound (sev313), 02:28:16 hours
[Original written work: Scattered Pieces of My Mind, by orphan_account, 22,581 words]
 after a gay sex tape scandal Patrick gets traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins.
- [Podfic] Tour de Force, by marianas, 02:09:26 hours
[Original written work is not available]
Patrick writes a book during the offseason after the madison incident. This book became a smashing hit. I love this story so much, and what I liked the most about it is the writing process of Patrick.
-yet we will make him run [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 04:14:06 hours
[Orignal written work is not available]
Lit major Patrick kane befriends the captain of The Chicago Blackhawks. This fic is amazing, I love this story so much and I heard the whole fic so many times.
-Keep You On My Arm [PODFIC], by bessyboo, 39:17 minutes
[Original written work: Keep You On My Arm, by rsadelle, 6,732 words]
The team started to go to gay bars. Jonathan keeps pretending to be Patrick’s boyfriend.
-Drawing Lines In The Palm of Your Hand [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 02:21:03 hours
[Original written work is not available anymore] 
The story follows genderqueer Pat. This story was really interesting. 
-Shot right through with a bolt of blue by mermaid [podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 05:32:04 hours
[Original written work: Shot right through with a bolt of blue, by mermaid, 54,722 words]
When Jonny is a little kid he discovered that he could shoot fire out of his eyes, ever since he tried to bury it deep inside.
-Our Family or Whatever by Rsadelle [Podfic], by Rhea314 (Rhea), 09:56 minutes
[Original written work: Our Family or Whatever , by rsadelle, 1,550 words]
Jonny finds out that Patrick is a dad, and he helps him with the child
-we like to get our kicks in this one way [PODFIC], by Opalsong, 04:16:15 hours
[Orignal written work: we like to get our kicks in this one way, by nebulia, 21,929 words (5 works)]
This is a collection of stories from girls of the NHL. The first few parts are about Patrick/Jonny.
-[Podfic of] According to Plan, by exmanhater, 14:41 minutes
[Original written work: According to Plan , by rsadelle, 2,546 words]
Patrick needs to speak to Jonny about their life plan.
-[Podfic] chicago is so two years ago, by AshesandGhost, 46:26 minutes
[Original written work: chicago is so two years ago, by Fireblasts, 8,839 words]
Jonahan and Patrick both adopted a dog at the same day, and named it after the other. That leads to freaky stuff.
-[Podfic of] Write Our Names On the Wall, by exmanhater, 01:31:55 hours 
[Original written work: Write Our Names On the Wall, by twentysomething, 15,995 words]  
always a girl Patrick and Jonathan start to sleep together. It’s eventually leads to feelings.
-[Podfic of] The Limited Circle, by exmanhater, 34:09 minutes
[Original work is not available anymore]
Jonny is an introvert, Patrick doesn’t mind that at all. The intimacy there is really good.
-[Podfic of] Space Kaner, by exmanhater, 18:05 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Star Trek! AU. You don’t need to know anything about Star Trek. The story is really funny and light-hearted.
-[Podfic] You Give Love a Bad Name, by AshesandGhost, 20:59 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Jonny is a sex-column consulted. He have a crush for the worker in his go-to sex shop.
-[Podfic of] Dealing with Dragons (Hockey RPF Style), by exmanhater, 13:20 minutes
 [Original written work: Dealing with Dragons AU, by orphan_account]
When Patrick needs to marry he runs away and started to live with a dragon. This story is humorous and fun.
-[Podfic of] something old, something new, by exmanhater, 01:51:24 hours
[Original written work: something old, something new, by longtime_lurker, 19,419 words]
Always a girl! Patty takes teammate Jonny to her sister’s wedding to save face. 
-[Podfic of] our song is the way you laugh, by exmanhater, 59:06 minutes
[Original written work: our song is the way you laugh, by orphan_account, 9,951 words]
In order to get up on Sharpy, Jonny convinces Patrick to fake a relationship with him.
-[Podfic of] Racy, by exmanhater, 31:50 minutes
[Original written work: Racy, by Lenore, 5,245 words]
After an ill-advised decision of drunk Patrick, he can’t look in Jonny’s direction without thinking of that said decision.
-[Podfic of] three hundred sandwiches, by exmanhater, 01:25:18 hours
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Patrick is making three hundred sandwiches for Jonny, maybe then he would get his man. 
-[Podfic of] Somewhere Only We Know, by exmanhater, 02:17:00 hours
[Original written work: Somewhere Only We Know, by jezziejay, 21,705 words]
Patrick is having an existential criris on his 28 birthday. I love the feelings in this story and the pacing.
-[Podfic of] Kiss and Ride on the CTA, by exmanhater, 52:39 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
Patrick hates the regular guy he sees on his mornin comute. Ben Smith took it upon himself to change it. 
-[Podfic of] the days are young, by exmanhater, 42:49 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
After the 2010 Olympic Patrick feels like Jonny is hiding something from him, he tries to figure out what.
 -[Podfic of] The slowest spark is a breather, by exmanhater, 13:05 minutes
[Original written work is not available anymore]
When Patrick was in the bathroom Sharpy dicked around in his phone contacts. This leads to an embarrassing situation.
-[Podfic of] Orbital Resonance, by exmanhater, 07:39:08 hours
[Original written work: Orbital Resonance, by joyfulseeker & thefourofswords, 80,825 words]
Patrick and Jonny started to have threesomes with different girls. This leads to feelings and more.
-[Podfic] I've Got A Feeling (I Hope You're Feeling It Too), by RsCreighton, 01:43:36 hours
[Original written work: I've Got A Feeling (I Hope You're Feeling It Too), by textbookchoices, 14,746 words]
Patrick wants to be in Jonny’s pack when they grew up. In order to do that he would have to be a beta. This story is so good and emotional.
-[Podfic] Black Lettering, by RsCreighton, 01:09:18 hours
[Original written work: Black Lettering, by textbookchoices, 10,472 words]
name-on-the-wrist soulmate au.
-[Podfic of] Sign it with your heart, by exmanhater, 56:22 minutes
[The original written work is not available for now]
High school AU where nerd Patrick started to tutor Jock Jonny.
-[Podfic of] you ruined everything in the best way, by exmanhater, 01:30:23 hours
[Original written work: you ruined everything in the best way, by thisissirius, 14,663 words]
When Brendon is de-aged into a kid it’s up to Patrick and Jonny to take care of him. This leads to different decisions.
 -[Podfic of] call it magic, by exmanhater, 59:22 minutes
[Original written work: call it magic, by thundersquall, 10,640 words]
Patrick is turned into a faerie.
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
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Genre: Drama, Angst, Humor
Warnings: Swearing
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Y/N reached over and gripped Shinsou’s shaking fist between her hands. Leaning over, she whispered softly, “He’s not worth getting dropped from the program. Just pretend he doesn’t exist.” Shinsou could only nod, as he squeezed her hand in return. At the front of the room, Shouta Aizawa stood staring out into the faces of his students for the next number of months. 
The man had half a mind to fail half of them. He knew who Shoto was and he knew what he did. He couldn’t believe someone so shitty could be related to someone as great as Dabi. “Today is the first day of the term, so rather than pile on a shit ton of work, I’m going to let you guys get to know one another. There will be partner work and group projects. I do not give out easy grades in this class.” he declared, slamming his paper work on his desk. “So if your parents paid your way here, you’re shit out of luck because they can’t get me fired.” Turning away from the students, Shouta made his way to the side of the classroom. “Make small talk and get to know one another, I’m going to grab some coffee.”
Shoto turned, and stared at Y/N. It had been years now since he had last seen her, and she looked amazing. It was a wonder how they never ran into each other, especially if they attended the same college. “Stop staring at her Todoroki, it’s fucking creepy.” Katsuki grunted, hitting the mans shoulder. “If you have something to say, then just fucking talk to her.” Shoto merely shook his head, shrugging off his friends advice. “I don’t even know what I would say, I haven’t seen her in years.” He answered, turning back to his phone in front of him. Shoto wondered if her number had changed, but before he could find out, someone else spoke up. 
“You got a fucking staring problem?” Inasa hissed, eyes narrowing at Kaminari. The blonde shrugged, a pleased grin on his face. “Nah, think your boy over there might though.” He answered, nodding in Shinsou’s direction. The book next to Y/N was whipped faster than anyone could process, as it connected with Denki’s face. As the blonde man held his nose, Y/N stood, making her way towards him. Gripping him by the collar, she hauled him over the table and up to her face. “If you even breathe near him, what I did to you when I found you stepped out; will be a fucking cake wall. Ya got me?” Y/N hissed, shoving Kaminari back into his seat. 
Shouta walked back into the classroom coffee in one hand and resumes in the other. “A good portion of you already have internships set up, but the rest of you need to fill out your f-” “Aizawa-sensei! She attacked another student!” Mina screeched, pointing an accusing finger at Y/N. “She needs to be kicked out of the program.” Camie nodded, agreeing with her friend. “She’s a total menace and she’s a danger to the rest of us.” Aizawa-sensei scoffed, as he set down his coffee. “She’s my sister, so there’s a low chance I’m going to kick her out of my program; and whatever Kaminari did was probably warranted.” He finished, sitting in the chair behind his desk. “I’ve already asked around about the lot of you, and we professors know everything, so whatever shit you thought you were going to pull; think again.” 
@dabilove27​ @victory-is-here​ @that-chick212​ @lia-faerie-queen​ @sugabeaniee​ @loveinhaikyuu​ @marvelousmimicry​ @its-the-aerieljeane​ @koutayoomi​ @oppositesunchild​ @black-rose-29​ @marajillana​ @cuddlesslut​ @bitch-swerve-123​ @letmebreathepls​ @angelofdarkness1020​ @lavender-moon13​ @nightlygiggless​ @mybigredclifforddick​ @whyarealltheusernamestaken @insomniac-nerd-posts-things​ @prettyinblack231​ @dabi-sunflower​ @waffleareniceandfluffy​ @fluffyviciousbunny​ @salty-satan​ @fairybnha3 @renhold-nightspear​ @midorichoco​ @averysinclaire​ @livie-bug82108​ @honeybeelia​ @sempiternal-amour​ @itsyaspwr​
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yabai-korra · 3 years
Eris getting some of Nesta's powers and his importance in the future
Y'all I'm 90% sure some of Nesta's power has been transferred to Eris, at first it occurred to me in a sort of "ha, could be" way but I'm pretty certain, hear me out! Also going to touch on the subject of Nesta not losing her powers completely.
The power in the dagger
Nesta Made the dagger and put some of her own power into it, and then Eris got that dagger as a present by Inner Circle, which wasn't really a necessary scene nor plot point unless you read between the lines.
We have seen the exact same thing in Kingdom Ash, Aelin lost all of her power but an ember, but beforehand put it in her sword Goldryn and whooped Maeve's ass, actually head lol, with it. Having power shoot out of her hands and her sword felt pretty much the same so I'm sure Nesta will be equally powerful in the next book! Not only does she have a bit of her power left, three weapons filled with her power, and the Dread Trove. Nesta is still the most powerful character 😎
If Nesta can put some of her power into a weapon, it doesn't seem like a stretch at all for the power in the weapon to get out and into a person.
Eris only pretended to be influenced by Koschei
This one was kinda obvious to me from the moment I read it, no psychoanalyzing needed.
Nesta and her weapons were said to "probably" grant immunity from Koschei's power because they were both Made, and Eris had the dagger while he when he was captured.
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Every person that has been possessed by Koschei has been said to have glassy eyes, EVERYONE except Eris!
Eris's soldiers had glassy eyes.
Bellius had glassy eyes.
Cassian had glassy eyes.
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Eris is the only "possessed" person to get "accidentally" caught.
Eri's soldiers said nothing, and it was Briallyn who reveal that Bellius and Cassian were possessed.
Out of Cassian, Bellius, Eris, and his soldiers, Eris is undoubtedly the slickest and most cunning one. Comparison between him and Cassian has been dragged throughout the whole book, while Cassin is the muscle, Eris plays mind games and politics.
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ERIS IS THE MASTER AT WORD GAMES! How did Cass and Az realize he was possessed and therefore Koschei being there? THROUGH ERIS USING A WORD GAME he knew only Cass and Az will pick up on.
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Are y'all trying to tell me that Eris, who supposedly had immunity from the Koschei's power, didn't show the only sign of being possessed which is glassy eyes, had accidentally said something that will let Cass and Az know he's "possessed"?
Golden flames
The word "flame" has been used in 4 different contexts throughout the book
a) actual fire in the fireplace
b) silver flames in Nesta's eyes
c) flames in Lucien's eyes
d) flames in Eris's eyes
We know that Autumn Court's power is fire, both Lucien and Eris were described to have red flames in their eyes, which is completely expected right?
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Eris was said to have flame/red flame multiple times, but I'm only allowed ten pics per post, and obviously not gonna put quotes of Nesta's silver flames cause it's literally the title lol.
Then, when Eris was "possessed" and held a dagger to Cassian's chest, it was said that flame rippled from it, and Cass didn't know if it came from the dagger itself or from Eris.
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My guess? Both or combined! When Eris received the dagger, he said that it has flame in it, and Eris is said to have had flames in his eyes previously.
Last but not least, AFTER Eris had been "possessed" and AFTER the dagger was returned to the Night Court, ERIS NOT LONGER HAS RED FLAME IN HIS EYES, BUT GOLD.
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This was in the penultimate chapter! Aka the chapter before the last. SJM always takes great care to put something important or foreshadowish at the end of each book. The last chapter was obviously Nessian and Archeron sisters, since it was the Nessian book and the three sisters are all finally happy together (plus announcing the next book as Elain's) but chapter before that... about Eris? Interesting.
There was so much about him there I for a second thought the next book is going to be about him lol. So much to unpack in that chapter:
Eris was tortured by his father for information (which I think is the hint for Eris not being possessed).
Eris still insists there are some things about him and Mor that Mor hasn't told the Inner Circle.
He wants to explain something to Mor.
He obviously just wants to be friends with the Inner Circle (but that's a discussion for another post).
Cassian, who hates Eris with burning passion throughout the whole book, says he thinks Eris is a good guy, but is too much of a coward to act like it.
It was hinted that Beron did much worse things to Eris during his life, "The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege - on paper. But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him? Cassin knew Beron had murdered Lucien's lover. If the High Lord of Autumn had been willing to do that, what wouldn't he do?" If you ever read any SJM serials you would know that this wasn't put here just because, it's always foreshadowing with her.
"Because it doesn't add up. You know what a monster your father is and want to usurp him; you act against him in the best interests of not only the Autumn Court but all of the faerie lands; you risk your life to ally with us... and yet you left her in the woods." - Cassian. Do you see all the material for the future book?
"Eris crossed his arms, then winced. As if whatever injuries lay beneath his immaculate clothes ached." I THINK THIS IS A DESCRIPTION OF NOT ONLY ERIS'S CURRENT SITUATION, BUT HIS WHOLE LIFE. As Cass said, born in luxury, raised by a monster.
Eris is generally very fucked up? Not only was it in this last chapter, but it was stated multiple times that his upbringing really damaged him. When Cassian was surprised by the fact Beron tortured him, Eris responded with: "Get that pitying look off your face. I know what sort of creature my father is. I don't need your sympathy." That is an extremely fucked up way to respond to being tortured by one's father, and implicates he was subjected to similar misery earlier in his life.
"Nesta could see he didn't believe them - that he was so used to twisted politics and scheming of his court that even when the simple, easy truth was offered, he could not see it." Again, very messed up mindset, which in the author's language means writing material.
The last line said to Eris in the book is: "Eris was still their ally. Was willing to be tortured to keep their secrets. And Cassian didn't need to be a courtier to know his next words would slice deep, but it would be a necessary wound. Perhaps it would be enough to push him in the right direction. "You know, Eris, I think you might be a decent male, deep down, trapped in a horrible situation." He looked over his shoulder to find Eris's gaze blazing again. But only pity stirred in his chest, pity for a male who has been born into riches, but had been destitute in every way that truly mattered. In every way Cassian had been blessed - blessings that were now overflowing. So Cassian said; "I grew up surrounded by monsters. I've spent my existence fighting them. And I see you, Eris. You're not one of them. Not even close. I think you might even be a good male. You're just too much of a coward to act like it." This was said by Cassian, whom Eris insulted every time they interacted, who hurt his sister, who wanted to steal his mate, whom Cassian said he wanted to kill or leave to die on so so many occasions, who made Cassian feel stupid and insecure every chance he had, and yet Cass of all people found it in his big good heart to see the good in Eris and try to push him to be good.
And now, his eyes burn with golden flames.
There is so so much to unpack and reveal about Eris's character, and SJM couldn't be more obvious with pointing it out. He is definitely going to play a huge role in the next book(s). With his possible new powers, overthrowing Beron, healing from all the emotional and physical trauma inflicted upon him, revealing a lot of secrets he's been keeping, and finding a way to show his true colors.
Also I think Nesta might be the one to help him with it because she at some point says that she deserves to marry him because "she is just like him", and not only in a way that they both insulted Cassian. They both had/had demanding parents which made them cold and unfeeling, preferring to appear as assholes because they don't want and don't know how to be their true kind selves. I think she would a great friend and the best person to help him deal with everything.
And the way Eris obviously likes her which we've seen when they were dancing. How he saw that she really liked spinning around so he went out of his way to spin her on multiple occasions even though it wasn't in the dance protocol. I'm pretty sure that was his way of getting closer to her because he obviously can't do it with words.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
If you're up to date with my posts, then you know what's about to happen.
I've read the books, WE'VE ALL READ THE BOOKS, but this is a somewhat fun switch-a-roo.
Expect a BUNCH of changes that I'll try justifying, especially painful ones, so bear with me🙏
I'm starting with the first book for obvious reasons
Like before, we start in the mortal world with Ashley Duarte(yes, human!Cardan's last name is Duarte, but like I said, bear with me) making tacos in the kitchen while one of the MANY dogs and other animals wait for her to drop some food. Baby boy Cardan and his older half-sister Rhyia are watching some human stuff, maybe Looney Tunes or old Mickey Mouse cartoons, when the door is knocked on, which alerts the animals and wakes a half asleep Cardan; Rhyia does not wake up.
Cardan answers it and finds a cloaked Madoc at the door. Rather than ask who he is or call for his mother, he stares at this man, who kneels and asks as evenly as possible if his mother is home.
Cardan slams the door in his face, which prompts Ashley to ask why he did so.
Madoc BANGS on the door and shouts, "Asha!" and Ashley pales as she realizes who is at the door.
She demands Cardan to go upstairs as Madoc kicks the door open and walks inside, giving the same speech as the original, that Balekin told him she'd ran away with his daughter, that she killed a woman who was just as pregnant as her, that she ran away and married some lowly farm hand and blacksmith. He thought it was a lie, but nope. Here she stands.
Asha(which is her real name) is deeply ashamed at his words, and tries to pull Cardan away; an angry Madoc is an unstable Madoc.
Like before, Justin rushes in to save his family, but ends up getting kebabbed with his wife.
Rhyia does wake up to see both and Madoc spills the tea that she's his and needs to pack her bags because they're leaving, and Cardan's coming with.
Cardan, despite being seven, is outraged and tries to kick Madoc into oblivion with no avail. Rhyia, however, swears that she'll never love a monster like Madoc, who simply scoffs and tells her to wrangle the human and gather her things in half an hour, because they're leaving for Faerie.
Reluctantly, they do and they never see the mortal world again for a very long time.
Jump to the present day as Cardan, a now seventeen year old human heart throb, is getting prim and proper for a revel. His hair is getting styled nice, he's in a nice suit, he's wearing a cool belt that makes him look like he has a tail, and has ear cuffs that make his ears look pointed like a faerie.
He also has rowan berries on his wrist, because he doesn't want the necklace to be easy to see as a lot of his shirts show his chest.
He's dolled up and meets Locke, his brother that came around when Madoc married Oriana and had Oak. The two did not get along, at first, but they began to tolerate each ither as they realized they were the only humans in Faerie that were gentry kids.
Locke is more of a bard or a poet, always seen with a little book, and doesn't wear the same stuff Cardan does, so no pointed ear cuffs for him. He's also more accustomed to Faerie, being good with half truths and minor deception. He's on good terms with both Madoc and Oriana.
Cardan, however, is not on good terms with either of them, as he has tried multiple times to leave Faerie, with and without Rhyia with him, and every time ended with Madoc outside scowling at him and leading him back to his room. Still has that 'no kill' rule, but he's better with sneaking and a sword, having been able to lighten his steps so he could sneak past Madoc and his guards whenever he tried to leave. He's not bad with a sword, but he still has a lot to learn, being 17 and all. When he doesn't have a sword in his hands, he has an animal in them, i.e. a foal, a dog, or, at one point, a skunk that was calm enough to not spray him. Yeah, animal lover that can hold his own.
The two exchange banter and Locke shows show rare excitement for this revel, saying the two will have the time of their lives. Locke, who isn't as close with her, wonders where Rhyia is, but Cardan reveals she's not attending, instead going to visit some friends in the mortal world.
Her funeral as the boys saddle up with Oriana amd Madic and go to the revel.
Similar events occur, like Oriana telling the boys to be careful, Madoc talking to Dain and Balekin, and Locke leading Cardan through the revel so they can have a good time.
IT GOES DOWNHILL WHEN THE GREENBRIAR TWINS AND THEIR FRIENDS ARRIVE. Jude, her older sister Taryn, and their friends, Edir, a bard that can sing and play anyone under the table, Valerian, who's a sadist, and Nicasia, the princess of the Undersea.
Jude and Taryn may have the same face and body, but don't be fooled, Jude has horns, always wears a sword, and will slap you in a dress and then set it on fire without a second’s hesitation. Taryn, however, always has a bunch of flowers in her hair, always wears a dress, and uses words as her weapon. Did you know that she broke on of the most boisterous men in Faerie qith nothing but her words? True story. Edir is the guy that keeps them both in check, an order of Balekin's, which we'll learn later. He is also more of Jude's friend and Taryn's bed buddy, in SFW terms. Nicasia is Jude's friend, like FRIEND, and Valerian is the same, really, just more of an ass now that he has more even targets.
Everyone bows to these guys, even Cardan and a smirking Locke. That smirk vanishes when Taryn winks at Cardan, who Jude GLARES AT.
Locke feels the same way, cinfused and angry, but no time to think in it because Valerian storms toward a confused Cardan and grabs him by the collar, snarling that he can play dress up and make believe all he wants because it won't hide his plain hair or round ears or barn dog smell, so he shouldn't even bother.
Valerian throws him back and Locke rounds on Cardan, asking him what the hell that was between him and Taryn. Cardan brushes him off, as it was just a wink, not a lap dance. Before they can REALLY go at it, crying draws their attention and see that Jude just pincushioned someone who didn't bow, said someone nkw having a hole in their stomach and a slash across their torso. Taryn is annoyed, Nicasia and Valerian are trying not to laugh, and Edir, who's embarassed, is scolding Jude for losing it at a revel.
Jump to after the revel and the day of school. The boys do indeed get dirt kicked on their food, but instead of 'make me,' Cardan snaps, 'TRY me,' because Nicasia asks if he's as filthy as other human boys. Locke talks him down, but Valerian, kicking more dirt and even throwing some IN Cardan's face, asks if the two qould like them for friends.
Locke apologizes for Cardan, but Jude commands he prove it by dropping out of the tournament, it'll be less embarrassing than getting his ass beaten in front of everyone.
Nicasia spots one of the ear cuffs and pulls it off, asking if he stole it. Big mistake because the cuff burns her hand, as it is iron and iron hurts Faeries.
Cardan smirks and the group leaves, Locke scolding him for being stupid.
Later, at dinnner, after talk of Dain's coronation, Cardan, despite some minor objection from Rhyia, asks Madoc a question: May he please have a green sash for the tournament? Why? He would like to be a knight, please and thank you. Madoc chikes on his wine, Locke coughs to hide a laugh, Rhyia winces, and Oriana os shicked into silence.
Madoc gives it to him straight: he's not bad with a sword, he's good on his feet,and he's the best damned rider that anyone's ever seen, but no. He cannot compete for knighthood, on the count of being the furthest thing from a killer imaginable and just being in over his head.
Cardan protests that he can do just fine, but Madoc warns him to stop before he gets himself thrown in a dungeon instead if his room until the coronation of prince Dain.
Cardan relinquishes and we get the salt prank like before, except Locke is pissed beyond all reason at his foster brother. Cardan doesn't mind until he's grabbed by Edir and Valerian, Locke being pulled by the hair by Jude and both are thrown in the river, which has Nixies in it.
Thier supplies get yeeted, Locke gets pulled out by Valerian and is made to kiss Jude on the lips and both her horns, but, when asked, Cardan does not give up, vowing that he will never give up, which makes Jude laugh and the group leave.
Locke and Cardan walk home, get some baths, and go to bed, except they go to the mortal world with Rhyia and meet her friends Vivienne and Heather at the mall. Vivienne apologizes for Jude's behavior, and we learn that Rhyia is planning to leave Faerie, and is probably going alone.
The boys return and endure a lesson, but Jude pushes Locke's buttons, so Cardan pushes her into a tree. Challenge accepted.
TOURNAMENT TIME!! Cardan fairs wellin that Valerian is lazy, Edir is out of shape, and Jude got cocky, so he wins.
Jude fumes at him, later grabbing him by the tail on his belt amd demanding he beg for her forgiveness. He does... NOT! And spits in her face that she may push him down, but he'll pull her down with him, and it will hurt her like hell.
Taryn approaches him and expresses interest in him, saying that she once took both Edir and Nicasia from Jude because people just like a sensitive girl.
She leaves and the tournament eventually ends, which leads Cardan to return hime and meet Dain, who requested one of Madoc's people to tell Cardan one of Eldred's children had come for a visit.
Dain and Cardan get talking and Dain offers him something that isn't knighthood: spying. Plus one wish.
Cardan knows what he wants: to not be controled.
Granted, but Dain can still control him and the fruits of Faerie will still effect him.
Screwy, but deal, he's a spy now
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inthedarkofficial · 3 years
Stats at 25
I did this at 18 and at 21 because they felt like milestones, and... well, so does 25, I guess. It's going under this time though, because you know what that is? Growth.
Novels Written: In the Dark (no, really, it's done this time!), Dragons, In the Flames (which was meant to be In the Know), and I'm about 31,000 words into the real In the Know
Poems written: 40+
Agent Rejections: 21 this year alone (and I at about 30 total? Fuck)
Agent Requests: On their way, of course
Works planned: 15 novels, 4 short story collections, 1 encyclopaedia. 1 poetry collection, 1 short play, 1 nonfiction essay.
Publishing credits: 1 that we talk about (FourxFour baby!)
Characters: where do they keep coming from?
Lives lived: Why did I phrase this in the past tense? It's still happening
Life path: One step at a time, but an author, always
Books Read: Not as many as I'd like
Books to Read: A lot more than I'd like
Concerts seen: 27
Grades in piano: 3 (why do I keep including this?)
Memories: Treasured and painful and apparently something I have to fight for
Time: Lost all meaning this last year
Nickname: Still going by Padfoot, call me Roro and I will cut you
Clothes: So! Many! Clothes! but they make me feel better than ever
Style: It changes every day because I change every day
Friendships: How did I make new, incredible friends during a lockdown? I don't know, but gods bless D&D
Parents: We survived together in one house locked down for over a year, I'm so grateful for them
Family: I miss you Kali. I miss you nan. I want to hug you, Maddison. I want to give all of you a hug, honestly.
Enemies: I'm still coming for you, Derek
Sexuality: I keep looking closer and closer to see what the ins and outs are, but I'm bi and queer and that's enough
Gender: I fucking came out as genderqueer and I've started playing with pronouns and gender presentation and honestly? Never felt better
Hair colours: Literally could not tell you anymore. How many? Who knows. I want another.
Education: A in 11+, 2 A* and 8 A GCSEs, 1 A* and 2 A A Levels, 2.1 English Literature Degree, and I will finish this fucking proofreading course! Also, that masters degree is really calling me like a siren...
Tattoos: 2, and as soon as Covid allows it, I'll be getting more
Continents : 3
Countries: 10
Cities: I clearly counted this wrong and now? no clue
Homes: About to be 9!
Places to visit: I just want to go and see (and meet!) my friends, honestly
Vaginismus: Diagnosed! Fucking diagnosed!
Dilators: size 2!
Relationship status: Not going to be fucking decided by what some fucking Western doctor thinks I should be using my vagina for holy gods.
Standards: I want to be loved right down to my scalp. I enjoy my own company too much to settle for less.
Tears shed: My eyes hurt
Laughter: My ribs hurt
Jobs: 5, +writer, always. Fingers crossed for some sweet, sweet income soon though.
Readings: More! Let me do more! Covid, you bitch!
D&D campaigns: 1 abandoned, 1 shelved, 2 ongoing, 1 beginning soon
D&D Podcasts: R.I.P. Edge of Night
D&D characters: Where are all you stupid bisexuals coming from? (Not you, Caleb, we're thrilled to have you here)
Clean: Been a daily struggle this year. Not quite succeeding sometimes. But never fully relapsed. I can be proud of that.
Mental health: Ups and downs, but I'm taking back control
Physical health: Ready to fight doctors, but I'm getting there
Height: 5′2″, do I really need to keep recording this?
Shoes size: 3 (uk), I totally need to keep recording this
Weight: Most days I like my body, and that's a big improvement
Puns: cannot count how many times I got kicked out of skype calls this year
Beliefs: Maybe it's better to have ideas, but I've found names to give power to, powers to give love to, I have principles I live by, the faeries in the garden still get offerings, hawthorn trees carpet the garden in flowers, and I am enough. The worls is on fire, and full of people doing harm for no reason, so it's hard to believe that the world is good, but my life, at its core, is a good life. And I'm so grateful, even when things are hard.
Happy memories: even in the darkest and hardest of times, I have had moments of pride, and moments I felt loved. I know what unconditional love is. What could be better
Sad memories: Reclaimed, remembered, and not going to fucking control me.
How the things I planned to do at 21 panned out: actually learned what it takes to find an agent and though it took longer than I planned, I am now doing that process. Gave up krav maga, no regrets. Did finish my third novel (at least, first draft), then learned it was the wrong novel. But I did write a whole other novel. Graduated UEA with a 2.1. Successfully left Norwich and never have to fucking return! Have done freelance editing work and got a job at Debenhams, though Covid fucked those a bit. Wrote that fucking dissertation and it's fabulous. Did see Hamilton. Did put more hats on Cicero before he broke (but he's now getting repaired!) Decided a TEFL was an insane idea, I hate teaching. Did, indeed, continue to live and did a whole lot else.
Goals at 25: Keep submitting to agents, finish In the Know and work on the faery books, continue my physical and mental health journey, keep working with the dilators, move into my own house (!), find a steady source of income, start getting my poetry and other writing out there, finish my vaginismus article, visit my friends, get a new tattoo, keep volunteering at Pride, play enough D&D to justify all these fucking dice sets, get Cicero back, keep building the life I want.
Life at 25 years: when I wrote my "Stats at 21" post, I didn't know how much denial I was in. I'd totally repressed the memory of being sexually assaulted and I didn't even know about a condition that I've just learned has likely been impacting me in multiple ways all my life. I hadn't even met a person who would become one of my best friends, and then my boyfriend, and then my ex, and then totally out of my life by the time I write this. I barely knew the guy who is now one of the most important people in the world to me. I was only beginning to question my gender. I'd not questioned my sexuality in years. I've been through counselling, learned to stand up for myself, worked on so many projects I couldn't even imagine being a part of back then, been on a huge vaginismus journey that's still on going, started playing D&D, went to the graduation ceremony I never planned to attend, and I'm about to have my own house, just to point to a select few things. There's been a global pandemic (still ongoing), movements and trials that helped me find my truth and broke my heart, Brexit fucking happened, I lost my best, dearest and oldest friend (I love you Kali) and my nan... I could not have imagined what 25 would look like on the night I turned 21, just like at 18, 21 was impossible to picture.
So I guess... hi future Rowan. Happy 27th birthday (of course it's going to be 27). What does your world look like now? Did we fall in love? Did we make good dilator progress? How's the house? Did we decide on kids? I cannot begin to wonder what your world looks like, but I swear, I'm working on making it good.
"Soft and slow/Watch the minutes go/Count outloud/ So we know you don't keep them for yourself." - Halsey
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metanoiyed-archive · 4 years
“A Deed Without A Name” by Lee Morgan Notes and Thoughts part two
If you haven’t seen part one, here it is, probably should check that out first. To recap, we went over the use of ‘shaman’ and ‘ecstatic’ in witch and scholarly circles, briefly discussed fetch-beasts and the concept of a witches Double, and some implications around being marked as ‘other’. Whether it’s in this part or another, I will be discussing the validity of being marked as ‘other’ and discerning which ones are based in straight ableism and which are not.
Without further ado, “A Deed Without A Name” by Lee Morgan notes and thoughts part two, electric boogaloo!
On the ‘Bestiary’ section:
‘Alp’ refers to a Germanic incubus or nightmare that typically pressed on the chest of the sleeper. It was originally a kind of elf in the stories, and not seen so malignantly. [Possibly two different entities that got confused through time and passed down folklore merging?] Stillborn infants were thought to return from the grave to torment the family as alps [suspecting this is superstition -- have not given it a double check]
‘Awenyddion’, Welsh individuals who would behave in a strange manner as if possessed - would spew incoherent sentences except for the slightest bits where they would express a solution to your problem, if you asked/knew how to listen. When shaken out of their trance, they will exit it as if they’ve been in a deep sleep. There is only one [presumably surviving, if there were ever others] account of the awenyddion.
Aforementioned ‘benandanti’,  Italian witches, an ecstatic human who would ‘fight’ enemy witches for the benefit of their community.
‘Faerie/Fae’ are described as unpredictable spirits. A faerie seer or faerie doctor was someone who interacted with a holy stone, according to Morgan.
‘Leannan Sidhe’ is like a succubus; it drains the lover of life in return for inspiration.
‘Liderc’ is an imp from Hungary
‘Revenant’ is explained as a ghost that has failed to complete a crucial life transition.
‘Taltos’, Hungarian (usually men) as mentioned in my previous post, were identified by people born with more bones than usual, or already grown in teeth or a long head of hair. They were believed to be ‘born knowing.’
Returning to the topic of Fetch-Beasts and Familiar Spirits:
The fetch-beast in Germanic tradition is called the ‘Fylgia’ - the guardian or the follower. [For any who follow Germanic or Norse tradition, I haven’t verified this, it’s just what’s in the book. If Morgan misused the term Fylgia, please feel free to correct me and I can correct my notes.]
The fetch-beast often is a mammal or a bird, though other fetch-beasts have been known to pop-up throughout history of witchcraft trial records (such as horses, either a horse itself or a witch riding their fetch-beast-as-horse)
The fetch-beast usually has an ancestral connection to the land in which one was born [Indigenous people to North America will probably have a better connection to white-tail deer, grey wolves, and other such common animals than those who do not have an ancestral connection to the land, and others who could find themselves with a ‘confusing’ fetch beast, in my opinion, should research the animals of their homeland’s ancestry if they are displaced and descended from colonizers.]
Ancestral patrons or spirit guides usually attach to your family and leave messages at important crossroads in life.
In a fetch-mate or faerie lover [apparently also known as an incubus or succubus by the Church, but I’m hesitant on that information as I don’t remember there being a source] information can be passed from fetch-mate to witch through sexual encounters.
Regarding the Devil, Superstitions and a Witches Power:
Many testimonies of being approached by the Devil or faeries or even the Spirit of another living practitioner exist today, and even modern testimonies show up.
According to Morgan, a uniquely post-Christian idea that witches made pacts solely to obtain their power, it appears - even as far back as the Greek Magical Papyrus, there are accounts of the magician extracting an oath from the daimon, not the other way around.
Crossroads as a symbol are important in pre-Christian Europe, as well.
Witch hunts across Europe sparked ‘imp suckling’ lore, but it doesn’t seem to be based in anything factual. The marks of the imps very well may have been created by witch hunters, whether Morgan meant in their imaginations or their accounts or literally marking those they accused, I am unsure. The idea is, though, that wherever there was a red mark, a witch had an imp suckling on them.
However, it does provide a better understanding of the power economy between the witch and the familiar spirit, despite being probably false. Vitality becomes sacrifice, and vitality in Aboriginal society was known as ‘fat’. When you take into consideration the saying of ‘fat of the land’, it makes much more sense to consider how witches were ‘known’ for stealing fat from others in neighboring communities. It makes even more sense when you consider fat as a flammable substance. Direct quote, “In this way, the fire of your spiritual work will consume the vital forces in your body and you must therefore be very vigilant about this and maintain your health.”
With those notes, I find that the last part is incredibly important. Balancing your spiritual health and wellness with your physical and mental health along with your material life is a difficult game to play, but using fat as an example is incredibly apt. Especially given the context of imp suckling, where the exchange is the concept of literally giving your life force to an infernal thing, the idea that you might need some back-up energy makes sense that maybe some witches were subconsciously dreaming out into the dairy farms and taking fat from the milk at night -- for other reasons, not the imp suckling, that’s bullshit. They probably had small pox or something.
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The thing is, I’m not entirely sure I remember how to dream. How to write. How to imagine anything independently of a world created by someone else, in their mind.
I’ve grown so used to hanging my dreams on what other people have created for me that I don’t know if that person is still in there.
That weird little girl, who peeled acorns for squirrels, and walked in circles over and over and over again on the roots of the big oak tree. She had a big imagination. She told herself all sorts of stories.
Was it just because I couldn’t play the other games? Too slow - reflexes and running. Too weak - climbing, throwing, running, playing.
(Or was it because I wasn’t allowed to — couldn’t — play those games? I have a few dim memories of trying to play and being sent away. They’re dim though. I stopped asking.)
Or was it simply that I was filling time? Waiting until I could go back into a world I could navigate a little better than the playground?
Sometimes, though, I was waiting. Hoping, really.
More than a few times.
A lot.
I hoped, I thought, maybe - maybe if I walk in the right way, I’ll hear the trees laughing, like Anne told Diana about. Maybe they’ll talk to me. Maybe a faerie will come creeping out from a little crevice and wave, winking. Maybe a squirrel will come crawling down the wrinkled bark while I watch, and take the little heap of acorn meat I’d left for him. Maybe there’s a tiny scrap of magic somewhere in the world that I just haven’t found yet.
I haven’t had dreams for a long time. That’s what happens when your dreams have expiration dates. I’ve already missed most of mine.
Never really even came close.
I had a “schedule” that makes me want to cry to think of it. Meet someone in college or shortly after. Get married by 25, so we would have a few years together after college. Have our first child by 27, because mom always said I should start having babies by 30 if I really wanted to have more than one and space them out.
I’m 28. I’ve never had a real relationship with anyone, romantic or platonic. I’ve never had a best friend who would place me on the same importance as I would them.
I have borderline personality disorder. I have adhd. I am on the autism spectrum. I have depression and anxiety so severe they cripple me. More than one of these things may be false. The symptoms are nearly indistinguishable once you have more than 2. No one will give me a straight answer, and no two doctors can agree.
Added onto years of emotional and mental abuse - which is what it was, wasn’t it. Maybe because I’m autistic, maybe it really was that bad. Neglect, sure. Public humiliation, that happened too, I’m pretty sure. Being told flat out that I was stupid and fat and ugly and I was lucky to have any friends at all so maybe I should just shut up and sit down before I ended up with none.
I’m pretty sure that happened. I don’t really remember it though. I don’t really have any memories at all.
Supposedly that’s something that happens with “complex post traumatic stress disorder,” which generally crops up when a person is systematically ground down for a long time until there is nothing left but the stories they told themselves when they tried to explain to the fake audience in their head who they were. How they got that way.
I don’t know who I was, who I could have been if I hadn’t had the life I did. Maybe my memories are skewed.
My therapist didn’t seem to think so, but she also sometimes seemed to think I was full of shit. That’s probably me reading too much into things again. That’s what I do.
Was it really that bad? I remember a lot of screaming, and crying, and hiding, and wishing I was dead or that someone would just hit me already so I would have something to say, to tell people other than “they yell at me and make me cry and sometimes they grab my arms and shake me and sometimes they tell me they’ll throw me out onto the street to fend for myself and sometimes they tell me they love me so much they’re so sorry and then sometimes they cry”.
But how much of that was me? How much was that my perception of things? Am I really that crazy, or have I really been gaslit that much? Is it gaslighting if they didn’t even realize how much pain they caused you, which is why they say “it wasn’t that bad stop exaggerating”?
Did I imagine all of it?
If I did, if I didn’t, what was real? What had the weight I felt it carry? What should have been a minor blip in my life but instead metastasized into a catastrophe?
I don’t know. Maybe I never knew. Reality hasn’t ever been my friend.
Fantasy is so much better.
It’s painful now, though. To read some of these stories, these books I used to adore.
Stories about Mature Adult Women of 25! Whole! Years! Going on adventures and meeting their soulmates and having wonderful happy lives.
I’m spiraling. It’s late. I’m tired and a little high, wishing I was higher and maybe I wouldn’t be so bored.
Bilbo was middle aged, wasn’t he? When he went on his adventure? He had an adventure, and then he came home and had a long, rich, happy, lonely, bitter life. Hmm. Perhaps the one ring is not the best foundation for a guiding principle.
I went to law school because I’d come to the end of every plan I actually had. (You don’t really plan for a future when you’ve been suicidal since before puberty.) I figured I’d get to read and write at least reasonably interesting things, make good money, maybe even make a difference.
I’ve been a paralegal for the same law firm I worked for right out of college for two years now and I have never felt more like a shambling corpse.
When I graduated from college, I couldn’t get a job. Could I have tried harder? Sure. Is executive dysfunction a bitch? You bet.
So I worked for a family friend’s law firm. Personal injury and medical malpractice. She’s the mother of my older sister’s oldest best friend and has employed all of my mother’s three daughters.
She’s also a heinous bitch and a terrible boss. Her employees have a shelf life of about 2 years. I’ve hit my expiration date. Once you’ve audibly cried during a phone conference, you’re really near the bottom. Once she decides you suck at your job, there’s no coming back. Either you quit or you get fired. She prefers when people quit so she can blame them and not feel guilty. So she just increasingly treats people worse and worse until they quit in self defense.
I worked for her for a year. It was awful. I became an alcoholic and gained 25+ lbs.
I decided to go to law school.
I moved to New Orleans.
I made friends. I had an apartment all to myself. I had a life I actually enjoyed.
Then I graduated.
And I couldn’t get a job again.
(Of course, all of this is underpinned with my cyclical periods of intense illness, often accompanied by being hospitalized and missing long periods of school. In college and in law school, actually.)
(All the cocaine and drinking didn’t help either.)
(Ah, New Orleans. How I miss thee.)
So I ended up at the same firm again. Living with my parents. Again.
Then I passed the bar.
Now I’m doing the same work as my younger sister, for the same amount of money. (When she graduated from her masters program and was unemployed for 6 months, I convinced my boss to hire my younger sister again, and my sister to work for my boss again after a semi-disastrous summer job.)
(To be fair, while I’m technically a licensed attorney, she has a masters in education, so it’s not like there’s a massive education disparity here.)
(It doesn’t help that I’m barred in a different jurisdiction than the one my firm typically works in, so there aren’t any cases I can really work on as an attorney, and then on top of that my bosses don’t want to pay for malpractice insurance for me so I’m not allowed to practice as an attorney or put that I’m an attorney or call myself an attorney or even put in my letterhead that I’m licensed in the District of Columbia.)
Then there was a pandemic, and I decided I probably shouldn’t try to make a huge life change during a pandemic.
The pandemic is still fucking here. Nearly. Two. Years. Later.
So I guess I have to make a new plan.
Can I be a lawyer? I guess we’ll see.
I don’t really want to, though. I’m burned out and I wasn’t even practicing.
I want to move to a beach and write a novel and actually have a life I enjoy.
The problems with this plan are numerous. Not only is inertia an incredibly powerful enemy of mine, but I’ve lost all imagination.
I cannot imagine a future in which I am happy. Will I kill myself? Probably not, at least not for a long while. I’ve thought too long and hard about the long-lasting, far-reaching repercussions it would have. (Say what I will about my family, at least it’s always been clear that my death is NOT an acceptable outcome.)
I want to find my imagination again. I want to be able to imagine not only a future in which I am happy, but other futures, other worlds. I want to be able to dream, not only for me, not only for reality, but for unreality. I want to create worlds in my mind again, and allow them to take whatever shapes they wish.
I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if all those horrible teachers, all those “peer editors” in fucking elementary school were right, and my story ideas are hackneyed and overwrought.
Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if they were wrong. Wouldn’t it be nice, to start writing, and to find that my imagination didn’t go so very far.
It’s been hiding in the intertwined branches of a birch grove, slim and tall and ringing with laughter. In the space between stars. Down the path shaded with wisteria and jasmine and honeysuckle, where the scent and the heat and the humidity are so thick you can feel the heavy perfume coating your lungs. Tucked away, safe, waiting to peek out. Waiting to creep down the wrinkled bark of a huge old oak and wink at the little girl playing among its roots.
I hope it is there. I hope I can find it.
I’ll keep you posted.
This is my own personal void to yell into, after all.
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bookscapadesblog · 4 years
What to Read While Stuck in Quarantine
Right now, many people (myself included) are stuck inside and social distancing due to the Hell that is considered our world because of Corona.  As a fun activity for myself and in the hopes of maybe helping a few people through this weird/uncomfortable/stressful/whatever other negative phrase you want to use time, I thought I’d compose a list of books that may occupy your time. I’m going to try and stick with completed series or stand-alones so that in addition to everything else you’re not miserable you have to wait for a new book.
Similiar to my Non-Horror October reads post, I’ll add the Goodreads link so you can check out ratings and such!
So...here is my list of books that might help get you through the dumpster fire that is our current situation!
(I am aware some of these are very popular but I’m adding them anyway in case someone hasn't read them)
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Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas 
After serving a year in a slave camp, Celaena Sardothien is granted the chance at freedom when the crown prince chooses her to be his champion in a competition to find the new royal assassin.
If you haven't read this series yet and love YA fantasy please do yourself a favor and get it. Katie and I love it so much
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
A loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast; Feyre is dragged off as a prisoner to a magical kingdom after killing a faerie while hunting in the woods.  She comes to learn that maybe her captor, a beautiful Fae trapped in a mask, might not be as terrible as she thought.
I’m not even going to lie this was difficult to give a two sentence summary of. The first book is great but 2 and 3 are exponentially better and Feyre is just the badass woman we all need.
The Iskari Trilogy by Kristen Ceccarelli 
Asha is the Iskari, responsible for hunting dragons in her kingdom. Engaged to a man she will never love, she is given the opportunity to prevent her marriage by killing the most ancient of all dragons.
All three of these books are interconnected but each one follows a different main character.  They were all AMAZING, but book two (The Caged Queen) was my favorite
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
In the country of Ravaka, cut in half by a darkness called The Shadow Fold, Grisha are an elite magical group.  After learning of her own abilities during an attack on the fold, Alina Starkov is taken away to learn to harness her power while under supervision of their leader, The Darkling.
I put off reading these like an idiot and finished them a few months ago and absolutely loved them. King of Scars is a continuation but maybe wait until the second one comes out to read it because I’ve been struggling getting over it and anxiously waiting for any news about it.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Kaz Brekker is one of the most notorious criminals in Ketterdam. When offered a job that will make him rich beyond his wildest dreams, he gathers a crew that can help him pull off a deadly heist.
This book has an array of diverse characters and a lot of excitement and hijinks. Takes place in the same universe as Shadow and Bone, so I would recommend reading it after them, but it can be done on its own.
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
The small town of Sparrow is located on the coast of Washington and has a troubling history.  Every summer witches possess three mortal girls and use their bodies to lure boys into the ocean and drown them.  When a new boy arrives Penny doesn't know if she will be able to protect him from her sinister home.
I read this one in a day and absolutely loved it. Easy and entertaining read.
The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
Alessandra is tried of being in the shadow of her older sister so she devises a plan: make the Shadow King fall in love with her, marry him, and then kill him and take his kingdom.
This book was described as a ‘slytherin love story’ and I was all about it. It was an easy read and definitely kept me intrigued in the story.
Gone by Michael Grant
All adults disappear, along with cell phones, internet, and any other way to get help. Teens are left to pick up the pieces in this sic-fi story.
I read this series a pretty long time ago but it was SO GOOD. Grant did such a great job sucking you in, to this day I will still recommend it to people.
The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning (Book #1 is Darkfever)
When her sister is murdered, MacKayla travels to Ireland in search of answers. While there she learns she is able to see beyond the human realm, into the real of the Fae.
Honestly this series was so wild and I remember there being some unnecessary erotic stuff but it was still SO DAMN ENTERTAINING. A good way to escape the humdrum of quarantine life.
Anything by Gillian Flynn
If you need a thriller, murder mystery, etc just honestly pick Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, or Dark Places. They're all so good.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber 
Scarlett has always wanted to participate in the fantastical performance that is Caraval. She gets her wish when an invitation arrives, but then regrets it when she learns the performance centers around her sister Tella, who has been kidnapped by Caravel Master Legend.
I love these books. Scarlett and Tella are both amazing in their own way and the mystery and not knowing what is real and whats part of the game makes it so fun to read.
These Rebel Waves (Stream Raiders) by Sara Raasch
Adeluna is a soldier that helped free her home island of Grace Loray from its oppressors, the kingdom of Argrid. Devereux is a pirate, sailing the waters of Grace Loray and collecting its magic plants and selling them on the black market.  Benet is the Crown Prince of Argrid, unsure of his father’s beliefs and methods after watching his uncle and cousin burned to death after practicing magic. Their fates are intertwined as they all search for peace between Grace Loray and Argrid.
Katie and I both just read this and they were so good. The beginning is a little slow but the history you get on all the characters is great.
Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days) by Susan Ee
Angels of the Apocalypse have fallen to Earth.  Streets are ravaged and life as we know it is over. When Penryn’s little sister is taken by Warrior Angels, she's willing to do anything to get her back, even make a deal with an enemy angel.
I looked for a hard copy of this trilogy everywhere and couldn't find it, so finally gave up and got the kindle books.  I loved it, the end of world sci-fi and enemies-to-lovers tropes were wonderful.
The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking) by Patrick Ness
Todd Hewitt lives in a town of only men, where everyone can hear each other’s thoughts.  He stumbles across a girl in the swamp, the only one he’s ever seen and it sets off a chain of events that can't be stopped. On the run and hunted by the only people he's ever known, Todd tries to discover the dark truth of his world.
This series was so well written and just sucked you in. Even if it seemed like nothing was happening or was going to happen soon, I couldn't put it down.  The books are all long too so thats a plus for quarantine reading.
And if you need something to bring you back to a time when things were simpler, may I recommend rereading some old favorites, two of mine are:
Harry Potter by J.K Rowling and Percy Jackson and the Olympians (also The Heroes of Olympus) by Rick Riordan 
These don't need links, but they were two series that I loved when I was younger. The Goblet of Fire was the first big chapter book I ever read on my own and PJO just was so fun. I just read all the PJO graphic novels because I found them when I redid my bookshelves and it was a nice little escape.
Honestly, I have more recommendations but I feel like this is a long post already so I’m going to stop here and maybe I’ll do another one.
Anyway...happy reading, I hope this helps someone. It definitely improved my mood. Just remember High School Musical and hopefully we’ll get through this soon.
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jasonsthunderthighs · 5 years
Book Explanation Post
Ok, so the story will take place in four different parts of the world and distinct timelines for two of the characters. There are four characters:
Draven (Hybrid, in the UK)
Evelyn (Human Experiment in Oregon, USA)
Zevonia (Faerie Creature in Transylvania, Romania)
Baxter (Human in Munich, Germany).
It’s basically about how a different group of beings in the world (Humans, Human Experiments, Creatures and Hybrids) live and survive. Cause in this book, the Creature and Hybrids are basically illegal and are seem as dangerous and should be killed or sent to a facility if seen or caught. But even the Human Experiments get it worse as well.
But when it came to people being sold off to in the underground auctions or facilities, it doesn’t matter who you are, they don’t care and will do it for money, both Humans and Creatures.
And now this year in the year 2020. I had vowed to finish this book and get it published after 11 years of dicking around with this (started at the age of 12 with the small idea until it grew when I was 15, and life happened, and now I’ve been actually writing this since 2018 at the age of 20)
Also, this story begins in 2013 and has a five-year time stamp on what happens from them explaining how they’re living for the past five years to when the characters actually meet up and form their group. (Cept for Draven and Evelyn.)
**Side note: There are two countries in the world that are safe havens for Creatures and Human Experiments:
And that’s where rescued Creatures and Human Experiments go-to for refuge and to live without getting killed for no reasons and sold out. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn't happen, though it’s illegal to and it’s being stopped. They also do kill the auctioneer and their followers or anybody apart of the auction wanting to buy a Creature or Human Experiment. And it’s run by Creatures as well. (Yes, the Queen is a CREATURE!)**
Draven is a Hybrid who is 1,000 (21) years old who's been owned, sold out to, tortured and all that for 334 years cause his older brother, Logan, hates him for being a Hybrid. He's also the second youngest of ten kids:
Anastasia (his twin sister)
In which Logan is the biggest arsehole ever, and everybody wants him dead (but I'm not going to kill him cause I like to piss off my friend and Tim with the fact that the bastard child won't be dead anytime soon). The night before Draven was sold, Logan killed their own mother, Draven's twin and lover in a house fire just to make Draven's life more miserable. Draven then goes on a killing spree in a white rage, killing 3 million people in a white rage for the loss of his twin sister and lover before Logan found and sold him off. (Logan also ended up kidnapping Xion and has hidden her in Russia somewhere) He was sold off to an underground auction for bout 450k£. He had been sold off to from "master" to "master" (He would also kill his "masters" and would get caught months later, cause he had no idea how to defend himself at the time until years later. He's killed 4 out of 7 "masters") before he landed in America and killed the last "master" he had.
This is where the real story begins to where the other characters will be involved. Draven then finds out bout the underground auctions and bout facilities (a place where Humans get turned into a Human Experiment via Creature Blood. They're kidnapped as babies and kept there to be experimented on. Creatures get sent there by authorities, so it's like a Creature prison as well.) and stumbles upon one where Evelyn is at, rescue Evelyn and the other prisoners before blowing up the facility to the ground.
I'm not going to tell you more on what happens cause it'll ruin the book.
Draven is very anti-technology and will NOT pick up a phone, computer, etc., in fear he’ll be tracked down and sold off again. He can kill them, but he wants to not do a lot of killing, so he can try to give Hybrids a good name. 
He’s also got a safe house in a very secluded area and loves it there to relax and be away from the bullshit of the world. But, sadly, he doesn’t live there at all, cause he’s afraid that he’ll somehow be tracked there, despite hum making no technology to be tracked from and uses so many protection spells and techniques to keep that house safe from ever being tracked down by scent. And that nobody can even enter the premises cause of some Creature repellent that immediately kills anybody who tries to enter.
He’s got trust issues and barely trusts anybody, but sees good in Evelyn. He’s a messed up dude with a shit load of problems and can’t even trust his own shadow cause of the bullshit he went through. (I put him through.)
So a Hybrid is a mixture of ALL the Creatures in the world. It's almost like a birth defect. They're godlike and really powerful; unlike in Draven's case, he was suppressed from ever using or leaning his powers, so he didn't even know how powerful he was until he escaped the final time.
Evelyn is a 19-year-old Human Experiment who escapes with Draven and tries to live her life as a Human Experiment. She's a “Dream Waster”, technically she can manipulate thoughts and create fake memories and thoughts of oneself into anything she wants that person to believe what I want them to believe. She’s got the IQ of 174 and one of the only Human Experiments with a high IQ, so she got tortured and experimented on the worse.
She doesn’t know who her parents are, due to being kidnapped by one of the workers of the facility. So she doesn’t even know if she has any siblings (I’ll probably give her an older sibling.)
Oh, the government knows about this shit and were the ones who allowed it to happen in the first place.
I can’t tell you any more on what happens in her life, cause it’ll ruin the story.
But she’s a very sweet girl who’ll kick your arse if you fuck her over.
Baxter (Tim’s ( @nycterisarts​) German husband. Haha) is a 22-year-old Human who’s a Creature Hunter that wants what's best for his younger siblings and his mother. He’s the eldest of 5:
His father got killed by a Werewolf Creature when he was 12 or 15 (I forgot the correct age and I can’t find my notebook filled with my information and small details, cause I just moved and everything is packed up.) in front of him and got scarred by it and vowed to protect his family and be the best older brother and the son.
He’s got scars from the Werewolf Creature attack on his face and upper body area and doesn’t care for his appearance as his family is already known to be the best Creature Hunters in Germany and everybody hires them to hunt the Creature for money in their village, cities and towns.
He’s a badass motherfucker who cares for his family and will kill you if you hurt them. He’s serious at what he does but is a loving and playful brother. Just not on a job. He’s asshole™ but can be a teddy bear.
Last but certainly not least, Zevonia. She just an 809 (17) Faerie Creature who just wants to not get killed by anyone and run the clothing shop she got after her parents left after Adrian was born.
She’s also the middle child of 3:
She’s the only one who runs the clothing store and works with Mermaid Creatures who owns a jewellery store and they both help each other get the jewels and fabrics for their shops. 
She’s pretty good at keeping the shop standing for the past 190 years but wants to design outfits for Creature models that are in some countries and in the UK and Sweden.
She’s a stubborn headed, thoughtful girl who is still growing and learning more of the horrible world. She is just a little shit wanting to fuck shit up and cause havoc for the Humans and the government. 
I have yet to make a blog. But, if you’re all interested, then I’ll do it and cosplay the characters in this book:
Draven Roché
Roché Family:
(In Hell) (The dad) Azrael
(Deceased) (The mum) Sylvia
(Missing) Logan
(Missing; possibly deceased) Xion
(Decease) Anastasia
(Sent to America) Riko
  Molino Family:
Friends (Bucky’s friends that Riko was sent to America to, and these two are dating):
Reynard Way (Best friends with Sebastian and Souxie)
Natasha Johansson (Best friends with Souxie and Sebastian)
(Bucky’s girlfriend) Lady Death
(Draven’s lover) Aurora
(Logan’s girlfriend) Scarlet
(Sebastian’s girlfriend) Souxie (Best friends with Natasha and Reynard)
Evelyn Hurt
Rawlings Family:
I think that’s it! Feel free to ask questions! Sorry that it took forever, ADHD is a bitch. 
I’m honestly going to be sad if nobody reads this, cause it took me forever to write this and I just wanna get this book out for people to read.
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ineffably-good · 5 years
Faeted (Good Omens AU)
Summary:  Ezra fell is an English professor at a prestigious academy for boys. Crowley is the lord of the Unseelie court in the lands without sunrise or moonfall. Somehow fate will bring them together.
Excerpt:  “That’s the only part that concerns you?” Ezra exclaimed. “My heart’s desire is apparently a large reptile and you’re just concerned about the laws of magic?”
Read it on AO3!
Chapter One
Ezra Fell laid down his chalk and turned to face the twelve teenage boys in his care. Twelve bodies ensconced in navy blazers jittered in barely concealed anticipation; twelve pairs of eyes jumped between him and the clock on the wall, ticking loudly as the last minutes of Friday lecture faded away.
There was no competing with the weekend, even at a school as prestigious as St. Aloysius Academy.
“Yes, yes, all right,” he sighed. “I expect you all to read the next section of the Faerie Queen for Monday, and to complete your permission slips for next week’s field trip.”
The bell clanged and the room was suddenly awash with the screeching sounds of chairs being pushed back and students exploding into motion.
“Class dismissed,” he called futilely, over the chaos.
Ezra sighed and wiped the chalk dust from his hands as he returned to his desk and began to straighten up his papers. There was a knock at the door and he smiled to see Miss Device, his friend and the resident art teacher, standing in the doorway. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a braid and there were tiny bits of paint speckled on her glasses and her cheek. She still wore the smock she’d placed over her dress to protect it from her students’ creative endeavors.
“Survived another week, did you?” she asked with a grin.
“Indeed I did, my dear,” Ezra replied. “And you? Still employed I assume?”
“So it seems,” she said. “So that’s a score of two for us, zero for the urchins. We just might get through this term yet. Supper at the pub at seven?”
“Of course! Wouldn’t miss it.”
Anathema sketched a little wave and disappeared around the corner towards her own room.
Read it on AO3!
Ezra gathered his things into his leather satchel and made his way outside. It was a beautiful fall day, and the air was crisp and bracing. He stretched in the angled sunlight for a moment and then headed off towards his home.
He passed through the school gates and enjoyed the walk for another twelve minutes before he found himself arriving at his own doorstep – a small, tidy, whitewashed cottage, just the right size for one. Many of the instructors at the academy lived on campus with the students, but Ezra valued his privacy and his quiet reading time too much for that; he’d felt lucky to find and purchase his own modest little home so close to the school when he’d been hired on five years ago.
He stopped to collect his post and examine the flowers in his front window box, and then let himself in with a contented sigh and immediately set about putting a kettle on to boil. Time for tea.
The clock over the mantel showed that he had a little over two hours before he needed to meet Anathema. With a happy wriggle, he carried his tea over to his favorite arm chair in front of the fire, sat down, and picked up the copy of The Mabinogion he’d been reading. It took him just a moment to find his place, and then the world disappeared as he was lost in tales of pre-Arthurian Britain.
Anathema was waiting for him when he parked his bicycle outside the pub later that evening. She waved to him from their usual table in the front window and he noted she had two pints ready for them.
“So, what were you reading that made you late this time?” Anathema asked.
“Oh, doing some background research on old Celtic and British legends,” Ezra answered. “Faeries and mounds and elfshot and fairy stroke and what have you. Fascinating stuff! I’m taking the boys out to visit a few sites on Monday afternoon and want to give them context.”
Anathema nodded. “Faeries,” she said solemnly, “are not generally the nice little creatures that people like to imagine. They are dangerous and unpredictable and not to be taken lightly.”
Ezra examined her closely. “In literature, you mean,” he said pointedly.
“Whatever makes you happy,” she said with an ambiguous smile.
“I know you believe in magic, of course, but are you telling me you believe in the fair folk too?”
Anathema shrugged and took a long drink from her pint. It left a bit of foam on her lip that she licked off before answering. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Ezra tutted at her fussily. “Now, now, using Shakespeare to win an argument with an English professor is completely unfair.”
“Who ever said I play fair?”
“Indeed,” Ezra said with a fond smile. “I keep forgetting that.”
They turned their attention to food, then to sharing the latest gossip from their respective departments as the munched on their fish and chips.
“What is your coven up to tonight, then?” Ezra asked pleasantly.
“Oh, you know. Preparing for the larger gathering next week. Scrying.”
“What are you scrying for?”
She shrugged. “It varies from person to person. Glimpses of the future. The face of your one true love. The essay question that will appear on next week’s exam.”
He laughed. “And you find that this works?”
“Well maybe not for essay questions,” she said with a wink. “Although if the will is strong, anything is possible.”
She stopped and looked at him more closely.
“Oh now, don’t start, my dear,” he protested, knowing what was coming.
“You should come join us,” she said. It was an old refrain and quite possibly the hundredth time she’d brought this up.
“My dear, covens are for women,” Ezra said primly.
“No, they aren’t,” she said. “We are an equal opportunity coven. And you’d fit right in.”
“Perhaps some other time,” he said, signaling for another round of pints.
“Really, Ezra. We’ve got a few men who work with us regularly. And with your powers of concentration and imagination, you’d be a natural.” She peered at him. “What’s the harm in giving it a chance?”
Ezra had to think about that one. Born into a conservative and very rich family, he’d long since abandoned his family’s religious beliefs and instead devoted himself to a life of the mind and the senses. He considered himself an open minded man, and didn’t mind at all that his closest friend considered herself a practicing witch. But to try it himself?
Anathema leaned forward and prepared to break out the big guns. “Really Ezra,” she said. “Where’s your academic curiosity?”
She sat back and tried not to grin while she watched that comment land.
He huffed in mock disgust. “You,” he said, shaking a finger, “are a menace. You are an American menace, come to Great Britain to corrupt the souls of our young.”
She continued to grin smugly at him, one eyebrow coolly raised.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” he said. “I’m not coming to your coven. But perhaps you can show me something about how scrying works, after dinner. I do admit to some curiosity about the process.”
Anathema made a fist pumping gesture, which Ezra primly ignored.
“Do you have some ink?” Anathema asked as they entered the cottage.
Ezra gave her a stern look and gestured around him at the overflow of books, papers, notebooks, and pens lying on every possible surface. “What do you think?” he asked. “Of course I have ink!”
“Grab it,” she said, “and a pitcher of fresh water, and a silver spoon if you have one, and meet me in the back garden.”
“No niceties? No sitting down for a biscuit first?” he teased.
“I’ve got a coven to get to in an hour,” she said, pushing her glasses back up on her nose. “If you want a little tutorial, we’ve got to do it now.”
Ezra set about gathering the items she’d asked for, placing them carefully on a wooden tray, and then stopped and added a few biscuits on a plate too, just in case someone got peckish.
When he emerged in the backyard, he found Anathema had upended the brackish water and leaves out of his old, stone birdbath and wiped it as clean as she could with just her hands, and then had pushed and pulled it out of its usual corner beneath the plum tree into a spot where it was open to the sky above.
“It’s actually a beautiful night for scrying,” she said. “Nice bright moon, no wind…”
“Oh lovely,” Ezra said, a tad sarcastically.
She punched him lightly in the arm. “You asked for a lesson in scrying. Don’t be a bastard.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, smoothing his face into a more agreeable expression. “What do we do?”
“First pour the water into the bowl,” she said, indicating the birdbath. “And then add a few drops of ink to make it darken. Then stir it with the silver spoon, three times clockwise.””
He did so.
“Now,” she said firmly, “it’s mostly about your intention at this point.”
“My intention?”
“What do you want to see?” she asked. “You don’t have to tell me, but think of a question in your mind, as clearly as you can, and focus on it while you take deep breaths and calm yourself.”
Ezra sat back and thought. What did he want to know? He thought about asking it to show him his family and what they were doing, but he wasn’t really interested in that, to be honest. His parents were undoubtedly at some fancy fund raiser, as that was how they spent most of their weekends, and his older brother was undoubtedly preparing for tomorrow’s sermon at his swanky parish. None of them were thinking about him and seeing them would just point out how hopelessly different their lives were from his.
Did he want to know about the possibility of love or romance? To be perfectly honest, he wasn’t sure. He’d never had a strong feeling that love and romance were for him. He hadn’t ever really met anyone who evinced a strong interest in him, other than the occasional school crush on an older boy or two. These interests were passing and short, and he’d found himself mostly content with his life alone. He had his books, and his students, and a few good friends. It wasn’t out of the question that cupid could encounter him someday, but it hadn’t happened yet.
“I don’t know what to ask for,” he finally admitted.
Anathema studied him quietly. “Why don’t you ask it to show you what you most need to see?”
He straightened up and smiled. “Why, my dear, that’s a perfect solution. Nice and open, difficult to misinterpret. I do like to be precise.” He closed his eyes and took a series of long, slow breaths. He concentrated on that statement, repeating it over and over. Show me what I most need to see. Show me what I most need to see. Show me what I most need to see.
After a few minutes, he felt calm and centered, and he opened his eyes to look at Anathema, who was watching him closely.
“Lean forward,” she said, “and look into the water. Keep breathing and try to relax, and just wait.”
“That’s it?” he asked doubtfully.
“That’s all it takes,” she said.
He placed a hand on either side of the cold stone basin and leaned forward to stare at the reflection of the moon in the dark, inky water. Nothing happened for several minutes. There was only his face, watery and distorted, and the reflection of the moon, wobbling a little as gentle ripples made their way out from the center of the pool. He realized he was holding the edges of the basin with a death grip and tried to loosen his hands a little, letting the tension flow out of him.
He took a deep steadying breath and leaned in a little further, still repeating the words in his head, and suddenly the image in the water shifted, into a pair of golden, snake-like eyes that blinked at him in surprise and then darkened in alarm. He had a brief impression of hair like flames and a sense of agitation as the eyes leaned closer towards the surface and then — disappeared.
Ezra leapt back as if the bird bath had bitten him.
“What did you see?” Anathema asked, taking in his breathless surprise.
“I — I’m not sure!” he stammered. “Eyes. Reptilian eyes. Possibly a snake? I think it saw me, too.”
“That’s impossible,” the witch said. “Scrying is one direction only; no one can see back across the connection.”
“That’s the only part that concerns you?” Ezra exclaimed. “My heart’s desire is apparently a large reptile and you’re just concerned about the laws of magic?”
Anathema started to make a smart comment and then noted his pallor and how rapidly he was breathing. “Come on,” she said, “let’s get a finger or two of scotch into you.” She took him by the elbow and led him into the house.
The encounter left Ezra off balance and out of sorts for the rest of the evening. He saw Anathema off after more tea and a bit of whiskey, then set about trying to settle down and focus on lesson planning, but found himself distracted by thoughts of those golden, reptilian eyes widening in surprise and alarm. Who on earth was that supposed to be? His soulmate? He might not know a lot about the larger world outside of the academy, but he was fairly certain that nobody human had eyes like that.
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goddess-aelin · 5 years
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I split my fic rec list into two parts since it got so long. So, as promised, here is part 2! This is the canonverse/fantasy/random AUs. I always love me a good fantasy story but while compiling this list, I also realized that I definitely have a thing for werewolf and grounder Bellamy. It is what it is at this point lol.
Canonverse fics
-Darling, Just Hold My Hand by Killianslonghaul...N/R
a post-S4 fic where Clarke and Bellamy get together. Clarke gets a little sad that Bellamy doesn’t like PDA. Honestly, this is much angstier than I anticipated.
-I Have Been Homesick for You Since We Met by swishywillow....G
 I have read this fic a thousand times since I first read it. I completely 100% cannot handle how cute this fic is. Do not read in public because you will giggle like a child.  The 4 times Clarke sees Bellamy with a baby and the 1 time he sees her. Uncle!Bellamy. Featuring the most married platonic couple ever.
-Maybe This Time is Different by @griffinnblake...G
An alternate s5 story. Short but so fluffy that I can’t handle it. I had to plug my girl Lindsay’s fic. She’s such a talented writer!
- Love Will Come Through by monroeslittle ....M
 When the ark comes down, it is split into two camps. Clarke has to go live with the other camp, where she meets most of the characters that were part of the delinquents. This has one of my fave tropes, an arranged marriage where love literally comes through. Bellarke at their prime. Stunningly written and perfectly in character. One of my absolute favorites. Also threads book and show characterization together.
-Love is Not a Whisper (or a Weakness) also by monroeslittle...M
An AU where the 100′s ship crashes in a tropical area. This was such a cool concept and so well done!  Wells lives! Bellarke gets together (obviously)! And everyone is having babies.
-In My Dreams We Are Always Together by @andsowemeetagain...M
Oh lord, this one is chock full of my favorite tropes...grounder Bellamy, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, hothead Bellamy. So. Much. Angst. Clarke and the 100 come down and land in enemy territory. They make a deal with King Bellamy, which includes, you guessed it, an arranged Bellarke marriage! Features super amazing angsty smut.
-Just as You Are Mine by @prosciuttoe....M
  A grounder!Bellamy, arranged marriage fic. God I love this fic so much! The characters are perfect, we get cute, drunk Clarke, protective Bellamy, and Bellarke slowly falling in love.
-Stars In the Water, Blood on Our Hands by @grumpybell...M
A grounder Bellamy AU. Clarke gets sent from the Ark to make sure that Earth’s inhabitants are peaceful and welcoming. Eventually, Bellarke falls in love. So much angst, so much cuteness!
-They Will See My Strength (in This Love I’ve Found) by glowinghorizons...T
Ark AU where Bellarke gets fake married to help each other out. Such a good fic!
-And Now You’re Home by asroarke...M
A grounder Bellamy fic where he is the one who Clarke finds instead of Madi after she gets left behind in praimfaya. An absolutely beautiful fic! It has all of my favorite tropes.
-Come Get a Hold of Me by @talistheintrovert...T
Clarke is overwhelmed by being back in civilization again after being alone with Madi for so long. Bellamy helps her through it.
-The Price of Peace by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky...T
 A spec fic of season 6 and honestly....looking back on it now, its not far off. Lets hope season 6 ends the same way. I DARE anyone who reads this to not cry at the ending. It is a bet you will lose.  Also go read all of Lindsey’s fics because I literally always have tears in my eyes when reading them.
Fantasy/Random AUs
-The Fire is Coming by adelicatepeach.....T
  A Pacific Rim AU that absolutely ripped my heart out and then put it back together. Clarke and Bellamy as Jaeger pilots who help each other heal.
-How To Save A Kingdom by @wellsjahasghost ....M
 So this is actually a companion piece to the author’s other fic, How You Stay Alive. I haven’t gotten through that one completely yet but this companion piece is AMAZING. Bellamy and Clarke are soulmates and have to find each other in different lives. “Whether you fall in love again is up to you.” How To Save A Kingdom is just one of those lifetimes but it is absolutely beautiful.
-His Moon, His Light in the Darkness by @andsowemeetagain​...E
An ACOTAR AU. Holy shit I think about this fic all the time! I’ve never read ACOTAR but I don’t even want to because it will NEVER measure up to this fic. Bellarke is HOT HOT HOT in this. Faerie!Bellamy and human!Clarke. Bellamy is king of the night court (uhh Bellamy wearing dark colors and looking ominously hot? I think YES) and Clarke is the human that wandered into the Faerie realm. Originally has a lot of Flarke but honestly paints Finn in such a terrible manner that I’m not even mad. Again, features some super amazing angsty smut.
 -Don’t Look Back, You’re Not Going That Way.  by @andsowemeetagain...M
Viking!Bellamy, Soulmate Bellarke. This fic honestly ruined me because of the angst. Features slight C/exa in the middle if you don’t like that. This fic is so hard to describe because I don’t want to give anything away. Once again, as the authors brand continues on, features amazing angsty smut.
(if you haven’t noticed, this author is one of my favorite fantasy writers)
-With a Mouthful of Thorns by @grumpybell ...T
A fantasy AU featuring human Clarke, fae Bellamy, werewolf Bellamy, and such amazing worldbuilding. I’m not sure if Erin based this off of anything but she paints such an amazingly detailed picture. One of my absolute favorite fics. I’m also plugging a few more of her fics because she gives me my werewolf Bellamy fix.
-Facing Tempests of Dust. by @grumpybell...M
Werewolf/grounder Bellamy comes to the 100′s camp but only Clarke knows he can switch from human to wolf. I LOVE this and Erin also wrote a few follow-up fics, Creatures of My Dreams Part I and part II where Bellarke has a baby (a part human, part wolf baby, of course)
(Ok anyway, now that I’ve dedicated half of this to recommending Erin’s fics, you guys should def just go read all of her stuff!)
-The Clockmaker (Fixer of Hearts) by MercuryM....T
OH. MY. GOD. This fic!! Soulmates AU where everyone has a compass watch where their dial is the same as their soulmate’s. Clarke’s dial always points north. Bet you can’t guess why :)
-I’ll Always Wear the Crown that You Gave Me by safeandsound13...M
Hooooo boy. So this is divided into 3 works but is 135k words total, which I’m pretty sure makes it longer than the first Lord of the Rings book? But its so worth it! A Hunger Games AU where Clarke is reaped and Bellamy is her mentor.
-I Was in the Middle Before I Knew That I Had Begun by Kacka...G
A regency AU where Clarke and Bellamy are in an arranged marriage. Like usual, they don’t like each other in the beginning but over time learn to respect and love each other. Everyone who knows me knows that I was searching for this fic for HOURS because its so good. I read this so long ago but I had to have it on here!
Disclaimer: all of these authors are AMAZING and you should def check all of their fics out!
Thank you guys for 600 followers! I love each and every one of you!
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