#the only other songs i know are heathens and stressed out
evilbubu · 5 months
nobody cares but i just want to say thank you to twenty one pilots song; next semester for giving me the strength to drop out of University after it absolutely crushed me mentally, emotionally and physically. So, thank you. I'll try again, next semester.
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thebowieconstricker · 8 months
Hello! I saw you wanted requests for Lucifer, and I would love any sort of angst where Lucifer ends up comforting the reader, like maybe something happened to the reader, or the reader is just really stressed and just breaks down
Ease My Mind
(Lucifer Morningstar x reader)
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AN: To this request: yes yes yes yes YES I just KNOW that he gives the best hugs and is so ready to comfort the people he loves. For this fic, I decided the angst is a little of everything, job struggles, moral dilemmas, and some self-doubt, so I hope I delivered. This isn’t proofread so please alert me to any errors! Thank you for your request! <333
Summary: You have a bad day at work and it triggers a breakdown. Luckily, your big bad boyfriend is here to help.
Tags: Gender neutral reader, could be read as platonic if you reeeeally squint but it’s implied romantic, heavy on the angst, a dash of fluff, Lucifer is trying his best, you guys are precious.
Warnings: Reader is afraid they’re being used by the people around them and they have lots of thoughts about being useless and others not liking them.
Also, the title is inspired by the song “Ease My Mind” by Ben Platt, go listen to it! Enjoy ya heathens!
You’ve been used by others for your entire life.
And now you were stuck in that same cycle in death.
As a young, naive, alive-person, you were desperate for some one to love you. Growing up in an environment where compassion was scare, you decided that the only way to get people to notice you was by offering to help them in some way. A favor, a ride, somewhere to crash, and, for one specific person, a place to hide the bodies. In life, you had gotten so deep into your desire to please others that you had latched onto the first person to give you the time of day. Unfortunately for you, that individual happened to have a thing for serial killing.
Looking back on it now as you miserably walked back to the hotel, tears threatening to fall down your face, you couldn’t think about anything other than how stupid and useless you were. It was your fault that they were found out, your fault that the innocents were dead in the first place, your fault you were stuck in hell and that fucker was still out there.
How much time had passed on Earth? How many more had they killed?
On most days, you could compartmentalize, putting the bad thoughts in a little box and shoving it in the back of your brain, but work had broken you today. You worked for the Vees, specifically Velvette, and it was no secret how they overworked and abused their staff. You were stuck picking up Velvette’s leftover energy drinks for as long as she had control of your soul.
And yet. You thought maybe someday, someday you might make a connection. You might impress her, or surprise her, or something, and maybe she would give you a break.
But no. Today you had been an hour late for the first time and Velvette had screeched at you, calling out all of your flaws and insecurities and bringing all of the horrible memories that you had oh-so-carefully stowed away to light. But you held back tears and did your fucking job, the emotions boiling all day and the hectic office space doing nothing to calm it.
You had needed this cry for a long time, and now there was no stopping it.
Walking along the brimstone pathways, you finally made your way to the rickety Hazbin Hotel. Its incomprehensible height only worsened your now growing headache as you walked up to the doors, grabbing the handles and swinging the heavy iron frame and red-stained glass open.
You immediately started towards your room, but you were blocked by the obnoxiously cheery Princess of Hell herself, Charlie.
Charlie’s not obnoxious, you’re so vile for thinking that.
Shit, the thoughts were getting worse and you could not do this right now.
Charlie, oblivious to your mood, smiled brightly. “There you are! How was work? I’ve got someone here who’s been waiting-“
You shoved past her, bumping her harshly.
“Not in the mood.”
Charlie frowned in confusion behind you.
“But, wait, hey-“ You ignored her pleas and- ah shit, now Angel’s in front of you.
“Hey, babe, you might wanna hang around for a sec-“
You shut your eyes tightly and moved your hands towards his chest, your fight or flight kicking in as you pushed him.
“ANGEL, leave me alone.”
Why would you yell at Angel like that? He’s just being nice.
Shut up shut up SHUT UP
Everything was only getting worse. You bolted to the grand staircase and raced up the steps. As you sped down the seemingly infinite hallways, the tears you had been fighting back for the last millennia finally fell. With a choked sob, you finally spotted your bedroom and lurched for the doorknob, swinging the door open and slamming it behind you as you bursted into your room. You ran to your bed and grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as you loudly cried.
Charlie only keeps you here because she needs the guests, you know. She hates you. They all hate you. They wish you weren’t here. You’re just lying there, crying, why would they want you?
The hateful thoughts were all you could hear in your mind. As you pulled your knees to your arms holding your pillow, you wanted nothing more than to disappear. To just pop out of existence and finally be free of the burden of yourself.
Then, suddenly, three knocks at the door.
“GO AWAY.” You screamed, throat on fire from your sobbing.
A voice came from outside. A smooth, relaxed, kind male voice.
“It’s me, hon.”
You froze, terrified. Quickly you climbed to the floor on the left side of your bed, blocking your body from the view of the door. You took several deep breaths, trying to steady your nerves.
“Come in.” You said shakily.
You heard the door creek open, then footsteps.
“Where ya hiding these days?” He awkwardly chuckled, clearly trying to lighten up the mood you were in.
“Just- stay over there.” You were still holding your pillow, and you gave it an extra squeeze.
“I’m a mess right now.” You sniffled.
He paused, like he was thinking. “Well, if that’s what you want, but I hope you know by now that I’m always happy to see you. Even when you’re a mess.”
You felt the bed shift. He was sitting on the opposite side.
Like a child looking for a secret, you turned around to look at the back of his head. His hat was gone, probably left downstairs, and all you saw was his sweep of blond hair.
He made a ‘hm’ sound. “Bad day?”
You nodded. Then, realizing he couldn’t see you. “Y-yeah.”
You watched him nod. “I’m sorry about that.” He fiddled with his cane, his hands tightening and loosening around it. “Would you… like to talk about it?”
You paused.
Lucifer had been a confidant of yours since you first arrived in Hell. He was the one to tell you what was going on right after you died, calming you down and offering you a place to stay. Sure, you didn’t know that he was literally the Devil, but everything about him made you feel at peace. Like you could deal with the hand you were dealt.
Secretly, though, you were waiting.
Waiting for the moment when he would reveal that he only kept you around because he needed you to do something for him.
No one was that kind, or caring, or wonderful.
He wants something from you. Why else would he keep coming back?
You had yet to answer his question. Lucifer sighed.
“You don’t have to tell me anything. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, okay?”
The voices were still wringing in your head, you were still crying, and you felt pathetic.
“I- I don’t- fuck, would you please stop acting like you care?” You knew your words were harsh but they were begging to be said.
His posture straightened in surprise.
“I do care! What makes you think I don’t care?” He sounded hurt.
Nice going, you hurt his feelings.
You bent forward, hands covering your face in frustration. A fresh wave of tears rises through your body and you loudly cried out, too scared and angry and sad to hide it anymore.
“Woah, woah, hey, it’s okay, hon.” Lucifer’s voice was nearing your form on the ground, and he was quickly at your side. You could feel his presence beside you.
He sighed in exhaustion. “Listen, I’m not- I’m not the greatest at this, but I’m gonna ask so I don’t upset you. Do you want a hug? Or a hand on your shoulder-“
Your arms were wrapped around him before he could finish his question, clinging to his waist and biting your face in his neck.
“WOAH there- well hey, sweetheart, there you are.” You could hear him smiling as he gently brought his hand to rub your back.
“I’m sorry. I- I’ve just had a shitty day at work and I’m worried about a lot of things and- I don’t want to take it out on you.” You were shaking, but he held you steadily.
“What kinda things are worrying you?” He asked.
And so you told him. In the comfort of his embrace you were able to somewhat coherently explain all the things that had been freaking you out. Velvette’s torture at work, your own moral dilemmas about your life on Earth, and you were just getting into your feelings about others using you when you felt Lucifer’s breath hitch.
He leaned away from you to look you in the eyes and gently put a finger to your chin.
“Honey, I want you to know that I know for a fact that the people here really care about you. Not because you’re an extra pair of hands, but because you’re you. You’re wonderful to be around. People like you.”
He looked at you with a warm smile and leaned towards you, giving you a small kiss on the forehead.
“I like you. I care about you because you’re worth caring about.”
You stared at him in awe, your mind finally at ease after such a chaotic day. Smiling, you leaned back into him to rest your head on his chest.
“Thank you, Luci.” You reached out and took one of his hands, holding it tightly in an effort to show him how grateful you truly were for his words of assurance.
He tightened his fingers around yours and grinned down at you.
“Always, love. Now, let’s get you on the bed, okay?”
You nodded and he gracefully picked you up, gently placing you on the bed. With a snap, you were in comfortable clothing with a warm blanket around you and plenty of soft pillows.
“You want me to hang out for a bit?” He looked at you through half-lidded eyes, clearly sleepy.
“If you don’t have anything else going on…” You offered, already half dozing off.
“Even if I did, I would love nothing more.” With an affectionate grin he curled up beside you, and you immediately went to lay your head back on his chest. As you drifted away, listening to the King of Hell’s heartbeat, you took a deep breath.
He was right. Things were gonna be okay.
You had friends.
You were loved.
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pilotstreets · 3 months
psst....hey you. come here i got something to tell you. okay there's this band called twenty one pilots and they've had a bunch of songs get super popular mainstream success. okay. and if you only know those songs that got mainstream success like ride and heathens and stressed out etc. and you find yourself enjoying those songs but don't know any other songs of theirs. guess what. you're a fan! congrats! did you know there's no quota of song liking that you have to know to be a fan? that's right! if you enjoy any song(s) and want to call yourself a fan, do it! nobody is going to make you take a lore test to prove that you're a fan, and if they do you can just say "that's dumb lol" and move on. just a little secret i thought i'd let you in on.
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inkbagel · 16 days
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I drew a postcard for my show :) the concert was really amazing I had so much fun. Genuinely one of the best nights of my life.
Idk if people want to avoid spoilers so I’ll put my rants below.
It was so AWESMOEE I have so many thoughts on each and every songgg that was my first concert experience EVER and ohh man it was spectacular
Heathens was SO GOOD LIVE. Was genuinely my favorite part of the show and HEATHENS ISNT EVEN MY FAVORITE!!! like I don’t dislike any of their songs but I have a very long list of favorites and heathens is not in it. However that being said it was spectacular. I had the most fun during that song I think that song was actually made to be played live and not for suicide squad
The transition from heathens to next semester is so so good. I didn’t notice the similarities in those songs until they were back to back. I do really wish they had played all of next semester instead of like. Half the song but it’s okay the rest of the night made up for it
THEY PLAYED GUNS FOR HANDSSS THAT SKNG MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEEE AAAAAAA I almost started crying when I heard the tune it was so so good. That song genuinely like. Made me realize so many things about myself. I’m so glad I got to hear it live
EVERYONE WAS SO NICE DURING TREES!! I saw so many clips from LA and it looked like hell for those two but everyone was really respectful here and Tyler even started picking people around the circle to stand closest to the islands and I thought that was so sweet
The thing with the lights in mulberry street was so cool. Honestly the whole show was so interactive he kept calling to specific parts of the stadium and had certain people doing certain things I loved it. Tyler really made sure that even the people wayyyy in the back were having fun and that the people in the pit were getting their moneys worth
After the proctologist line Tyler yelled GROSS!!!! Really loudly and I thought that was funny. He then said “you guys are wayy cooler than me. The only difference is I’m on a stage and you’re not you guys are better than me. Anyway we’re taking a photo losers.” I love him
Right before the show started Josh said into the mic WHATS YOUR ETA? TWO MINUTES! And that was really cute
OVERCOMPENSATE LIVE. HFJSJSJJDK AKAKGKFKDKEJRJFJFJFJFJFJ THAT WAS SO GOODDD. I saw some clips from other shows where he jumped off his piano and caught the microphone mid air and while he didn’t do that here he def made up for it bc that performance was AMAZINGK.
I think he might’ve been feeling a little unwell or smth because he was definitely not as acrobatic as in clips from other nights BUT I DIDNT MIND! HE STILL DID AMAZING ANYWAY and honestly I could NOT be performing like that if I was sick so I think it’s more impressive if he’s actually not doing good. He’s actually insane
During vignette he did grab the keyboard and play it on the floor again I’m like 90% certain he knows the fandom thinks he’s a catboy and plays into it. Bc sir. You are NOT beating the cat allegations. Get off the floor and play your keyboard standing up like a REAL MAN /silly I loved that part actually
I actually started crying when he played addict with a pen. It was so good. That song means so much to me.
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I have not put enough Josh Dun appreciation in this post and for that I am truly sorry Josh Dun you were amazing the whole night you were so energetic your backflip was the best part of the night you were awesome
I think I’ve said it before but everyone screaming “our brains are sick but that’s okay” was so surreal. Like wow I’m sitting in a stadium FULL of people and every single one of them treasures this band just as much as I do. Idk man there’s something so amazing about that. It really felt so amazing. I’ve never before felt like I was the same as a whole crowd of people. We’re all going through our own things but we’re all still here. We’re still alive and we’re still fighting. And tonight we’re fighting together. I loved it
Midwest indigo <3 that song was MADE to be played live I got chills it was so good
This post is getting kind of long and I’m tired so I’m ending it with this picture of Clancy with the glowing microphone I drew :) as a first time concert experience the Clancy world tour was life changing and I am never going to be the same person I was before the concert
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Why you calling me tonight?
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Ex!August Walker x POC!Reader
Walter Marshall x POC!Reader
The grass is never truly greener on the other side and all that jazz. It is never easy to walk away from something you love, but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do. Just remember, the better tended garden will always produce the brightest blooms.
Exes, Smut, Shameless Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Phone Sex, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Possessive Sex, August Walker Lives (Mission: Impossible), Light Angst, Love Triangles
Hello Heathens! Here's a story that just wouldn't leave my mind after I heard the song "Not Like Alice" by SkyeChristie. It just paired so well with August and Walter. Happy Reading!!! *I do not own the rights to any lyrics used in this fic*
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune
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I was August Walker’s first, and probably only love. I supported him going into the CIA, and welcomed him home with open arms whenever he would return from a mission. Until he changed. He grew distant, and rarely came home. He was always with a fellow female agent “Alice” and I had suspicions that they might be more than just colleagues. Instead of causing myself more pain by snooping, and confirming my suspicions, I chose to pack up my things and leave everything behind. Including him. He had always been a hardened grump to my soft sunshine but this new hardness, the rays of my light could not penetrate. It is never easy to walk away from something you love, but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do.
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Five years have passed since I left, with barely a peep from August. I’m not sure if that is due to  a lack of caring or throwing himself deeper into his work and Alice. No matter, I’m happy with the life I currently lead, running a small used books store that I just so happen to live above. 
I’m also very happy spending time with one Detective Walter Marshall. Clearly I have a type. We’ve kept it casual so far, as his schedule is forever changing. He tells me that he doesn't want to tie me down when I could be cozying up to someone who has more time. That doesn't stop him from spending late nights worshiping my body though. According to the grizzly man, I’m the perfect stress reliever.
Tonight, Walter was able to make it over for dinner and a movie. We’re all cuddled up on the couch when my phone begins to ring with an unknown number. Without thinking much of it, I pick it up, only to hear the unmistakable baritone that haunts my dreams of days past. 
“Hello, baby girl. Did you miss me?”
I let out a shaky breath. “Of course I missed you. I never stopped. Just like my love never did. But it’s been five years, August. Why are you calling me tonight?”
Walter was well aware of who August was to me. I never hid the reason I ended up in this town. He found my courage to leave quite attractive actually. He was glad I knew what I was worth. Although we weren’t exclusive, August calling me out of the blue did put him on alert. I'm not sure how things will play out but I know, deep down in my bones, he is not going to leave me to handle this on my own. Not if he has a chance to make things finally official and put his claim on me. 
“You were on my mind. Have been since you snuck away from me.” August chuckles. “It was surprisingly difficult to find you. I had to call in a favor from an old friend. I still have the note you left behind.”
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My bags are stacked neatly next to the door, awaiting my exit. Three bags was all I was taking with me. Packed with all the things that held meaning to me. Everything else can be replaced when I reach my final landing place. I can’t bring myself to completely ghost him, even if I am leaving like a thief in the night while he is away. The love I still have for him is what leads my hand to scrawl across a page and leave the wounded pieces of me behind. 
I miss how you touched my skin Before I knew where else you’d been Felt your promise growing thin Had to leave before you did Want forgiveness for your sins I’m not like Alice She knows how to twist a knife She knows how to start a fight She’s knows how to fuck you right She’s the kind of girl you like I’m not like Alice It's not your fault Thought you wanted sugar You chose salt I never meant to be your black sheep With all my silly thoughts I mean no malice I’m just not like Alice
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“Still in touch with Lloyd I see.” I calmly state. “How’s Alice?”
“Wouldn’t know. I’ve been on a special assignment.” 
“Hm. How convenient.” I hum.
At this point Walter takes the phone from my hand, putting it on speaker and setting it on the arm of the couch.
“Such sass. I wasn't expecting that. You were always such a good girl for me. Happy to take whatever I gave you.” August taunts.
Walter slowly begins to peel my leggings, and panties down my legs. He then proceeds to maneuver my body so that I am on all fours, facing my phone on the arm of the couch. He leaves a trail of soft kisses along my inner thighs. Blowing on my hot weeping slit before teasing my clit with his tongue. 
I try to hold in my moans, but my strained voice, accompanied by the Walters growls as he devours my pussy from behind, has August hanging up, and switching to a video call. 
“Go head baby, answer it,” Walt commands. He places a pillow under my hips to raise them higher. So that I can remain comfortable while he fucks me stupid. 
I prop the phone up, clicking accept on the call, and Augusts’ chiseled, mustache sporting face appears on the screen. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, Walter slides himself inside of me. I close my eyes, moaning out, as I enjoy the stretch his girth always provides on that first thrust.
“What the fuck is this?!” August growls, “I knew something was going on, but did you really answer my video call with another man inside you?”
I can’t seem to formulate any words, as Walter gets to work destroying my perfect little pussy. But that’s okay, he is in full control, and has no problem speaking. “She sure as fuck did. You must be, August. The asshole who fucked up and let this little vixen get away. I should really thank you for that.” He thrusts in nice, and deep, making me cry out once again.
He doesn't hide what he is doing to my body. In fact, he gets a bit possessive, leaning forward and biting my neck. Dirty talking loud enough for the camera to pick up. “Fuck, sweetness, look at your little hole stretching around me. You’ve got a vice tight grip on my cock, baby girl.”
He tangles his hands in my hair, pulling my head back so that I can watch August lose his mind as he watches me succumb to the pleasure that Walter is providing. My eyes roll back as he picks up the pace and plays target practice with my g-spot. 
“That’s it, sweetness. You’re right there. I can feel your walls squeezing. Now be a good girl and come for me.” The grizzly detective demands, letting August know I’m his good girl now.
As if his words were a key to unlocking my orgasm, I come undone. Moaning out and writhing beneath him. Uncaring of the show I’m putting on for my ex. 
Walter is thankful for this coincidence. Glad that he made the time to come over tonight. This was the kick in the ass he needed to pull the trigger on locking me down for good. I’ve already met Faye. His ex wife adores me, and has even been pushing him to make it official. 
Now he’s going to mark my body up for the world to see. A proclamation of who I really belong to.
He ignores the angered voice, shouting from the screen, and lets his instincts take over further. He ruts into me with a ferocity I have never experienced from him before. It ratchets my orgasm up to a new level, as he seeks out a release of his own.
My voice is going hoarse from the abuse my voice box is taking, but I couldn’t care less. Not while I can feel Walter, fingers digging into the meat of my hips, surely leaving bruises behind. The dirty talk has all but disappeared. Leaving only grunts, groans and curses in its wake.
I manage to slam myself back against him. Meeting in the middle of each powerful thrust, when I lower my chest further into the couch. Raising my ass higher, allowing for Walter to fuck me even deeper. 
That instinctually submissive movement is the last straw holding back Walter’s impending climax. With what I can only classify as a roar, he buries his cock to the hilt, painting my womb white with his seed. 
He bites my shoulder, as his dick gives its finally twitch. Placing a kiss after to soothe the tender flesh. It’s decided, from here on out, only death could take him away from me.
“You have got to be fuckign kidding me?!” August screams into the phone. We both look up to see his hair disheveled, tie undone and shirt a mess. “If you think this little stunt is somehow going to keep me away from you. You’re sorely mistaken. You. Are. Mine.”
Unbothered, by the angry CIA agent, Walter reaches over and grabs the phone. “Say goodbye to August, sweetness. We have some aftercare to attend to.”
I snuggle up to Walter's scruffy chin, eyes closed and mumble out, “Goodbye August.”
As August continues his tirade, Walter hangs up the phone. He places a kiss on my forehead, before pulling out of my sensitive channel. Placing me in his lap, he proceeds to kiss each cheek, before pulling me in for a soft kiss on the lips.
“What do you say to a nice hot shower and then cuddles in bed while we watch scary movies?”
“Is clothing required after our shower?”
“Most certainly not, sweetness. I don’t want a single barrier between me and your delectable body tonight.”
“Mmm. Good answer.” I place your arms around his neck. “You may now proceed with the aftercare, Sir.”
He growls at the title. “I’m going to need to hear you screaming that later. For now, let’s get you pampered. Oh, and baby girl..”
“Yes, Sir.”
“You’re forever mine now. Let that asshole try and come take you away from me. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever let you go.”
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Darkiplier/Damien Playlist (Updated)
172 songs
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Evermore- Dan Stevens
Everybody Wants To Tule the World- Lorde
Control- Halsey
Gasoline- Halsey
Dynasty- MIIA
Judas- Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church- Hozier
Castle- Halsey
Sing To Me- MISSIO
Kamikazee- MISSIO
Panic Room- Au/Ra
Isolate- Sub Urban
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover)- Written by Wolves
Crossfire- Stephen
Dead!- My Chemical Romance
Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift
Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
The Voice of Darkiplier- Markiplier
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know- Arctic Monkeys
In His Eyes- Jekyll & Hyde (musical)
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me to the Horizon
Feeling Good- Michael Buble
Can You Feel My Heart x Favorite Dress (slowed)- Miro remix
My Demons- Starset
Achilles Come Down- Gang of Youth
Monster- Skillet
What’s the Use of Feeling Blue- Caleb Hyles
Where I Want to Be- Chess in Concert
Can’t Help Falling In Love- Ice Nine Kills
The American Nightmare- Ice Nine Kills
A Grave Mistake- Ice Nine Kills
Left Behind- DAGames
Farewell II Flesh- Ice Nine Kills
Below the Surface- Griffinilla
The Wrecked and the Worried- NateWantsToBattle
You Can’t Take Me Anywhere- NateWantsToBattle
Goner- Twenty One Pilots
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring
Fake You Out- Twenty One Pilots
Miss You- Corpse
Epoch- The Living Tombstone
In the End- Linkin Park
Me, Myself & Hyde- Ice Nine Kills
The World In My Hands- Ice Nine Kills
Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse
Monster- Imagine Dragons
What I Could Have Been- Sting
Hushh- AViVA
Phantom of the Opera
Darkside- NEONI
Broken- DNMO & Sub Urban
Killer In the Mirror- Set It Off
Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
I’m Not Okay- My Chemical Romance
Friends on the Other Side- Princess and the Frog
Apologize- One Republic
My Lullaby (metal cover)- Jonathan Young
I See Red (slowed)- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
F.L.Y- Ice Nine Kills
Migraine- Twenty One Pilots
Car Radio- Twenty One Pilots
Demons- MISSIO
Villain- KDA
Royalty- Egzod & Maestro Chives ft. Neoni
The Red Means I Love You- Madds Buckley
Loser- Neoni
Not Ready To Die- Avenged Sevenfold
I Want You- Mitski
Poltergeist- Corpse
Life Waster- Corpse
All Of Me (slowed)- John Legend
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
Dark Paradise (slowed)- Lana Del Rey
How Villains Are Made- Madalen Duke
Love and War- Fluerie
Dark Things- Adona
Wicked Game- Ursine Vulpine
Neptune- Sleeping At Last
Enemy- Tommee Profitt
Far From Home (The Raven)- Sam Tinnesz
City Of The Dead- Eurielle
Throne- Saint Mesa
Paint it, Black- Ciara cover
Man Or A Monster- Sam Tinnesz
Dark On Me- Starset
Hell’s Comin’ With Me- Poor Mans Poison
Wires- The Neighbourhood
Liquid Smooth- Mitski
Little Dark Age- MGMT
Devil In Disguise- Elvis (LLusion)
Toxic- 2WEI
Dark Room- Foreign Figures & EJ Michels
Heathens- Twenty One Pilots
Dance With The Devil- Breaking Benjamin
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane
Monsters- Ruelle
Whispers In The Dark- Skillet
Salvaged- NateWantsToBattle
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
F*ck You- Silent Child
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead- Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt
Broken Inside- Broken Iris
Sweet Dreams- Besomorph
Saints- Echos
Screaming Bloody Murder- Sum 41
Dandelions (slowed)- Ruth B
Master Mirror- Ashley Serena
Everyday A Little Death- The Count of Monte Cristo
FREAK- Jordan Friction
Broken (slowed)- lovelytheband
Michelle- Sir Chloe
Like A Villain- BAD OMENS
If It’s Vengeance You Want- Unlike Pluto
Monster- Fight The Fade
Listen Before I Go- Billie Eilish
Mary On a Cross (slowed)- Ghost
Nervous- Lola Blanc
Unravel- Johnathan Young
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
Lies- Evanescence
Haunted- Laura Les
Dread- Unlike Pluto
Monsters- Shinedown
Black Soul- Shinedown
Sorrow- Sleeping At Last
Seeing Red- Saint Chaos
Villain- Bella Poarch
Lithium- Nirvana
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Down With The Sickness- Disturbed
Animal I Have Become- Three Day Grace
Greed- Godsmack
One of Us is the Killer- The Dillinger Escape Plan
All The King’s Horses- Karmina
Gilded Lily- Cults
Haunted & Unwanted- NateWantsToBattle
Symbol of My Regret- NateWantsToBattle
In My Head- NateWantsToBattle
Vendetta- Unsecret & Krigare
Nothing To Me- NateWantsToBattle
Chasing Cars- Sleeping At Last
Villain- MISSIO
Used to the Darkness- Des Rocs
Unforgiven- Ghost Nation
Monster- Starset
Eight- Sleeping At Last
Already Gone- Sleeping At Last
Devilish- The Phantoms
Motherland- Reach
Falling Away From Me- Korn
Just a Man- Jorge Rivera-Herrans & EPIC Ensemble
Something Wicked- Starset
Darkness in Me- Fight The Fade
I Would Die for You- In This Moment
Eye For An Eye- Rina Sawayama
Psycho in my Head- Skillet
Done With Everything- Line So Thin
Monster- Besomorph
Twisted Games- Night Panda, Krigarè
Killer Inside of Me- Willyecho
King For A Day- Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn
someone i’m not- Layto
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mx-misty-eyed · 3 years
A bunch of SAI livestream observations
I literally just copied and pasted the notes I took so I'm sorry if they make no sense.
Chronological notes:
-livestream starts by showing a birds-eye view of Dema and playing Good Day
-Tyler looks really depressed
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-bishops (Sally/Sacarver and Dan/Lisden) introduce TOP as “the popular band, Twenty One Pilots” - trying to portray them as popular and likable to get more people to listen
-Sacarver says the dragon (Trash) is “kinda dark” - implies that Trash is good
-Tyler’s hair is “number 16 cotton candy” - further shows how Dema controls/catalogs everything
-“there’s not twenty one pilots, there’s only two guys!” - maybe it doesn’t mean anything but that phrase is *the* phrase that will piss off almost any clikkie
-bishops ask where Josh is and if he’s hiding, Sacarver says “come here, you little moron” - Josh isn’t with Dema because they don’t know where he is, plus they wouldn’t call him a moron if he was on their side
-Sacarver wants Tyler to play Stressed Out because she’s always stressed (due to working with Lisden) and because “it’s my favorite” - Stressed Out is the song that made TOP popular, she may be stressed due to working with Lisden because she’s the one that seems to want to escape Dema more, while he seems to buy into the message/concept of Dema more
-Tyler tunes out bishops and then starts singing Choker
-Bishops grab Tyler after Choker and force him onto another set, where Stressed Out plays.  Bishops stay onstage during Stressed Out - again, Stressed Out made TOP popular, which is what the bishops want
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(okay i know the bishops are bad but that last image would make a badass computer wallpaper)
-Stressed Out fades into Migraine
-“thank God it’s Friday/because Fridays will always be better than Sundays” - probably doesn’t mean anything, but the livestream was on a Friday
-Josh counted for Tyler on “depressssssing”, but not verbally like in the studio version
-Migraine background has the psi symbol
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-Migraine transitions into Morph, with a video of a crowd from the Trench era (Tyler interacts with the ‘crowd’ with a call and answer)
-Tyler doesn’t say “Josh Dun” in Morph
-Morph turns into Holding on to You (“entertain my faith” part) with a rain/lightning effect
-right before “lean with it rock with it”, there’s static and it cuts to the bishops who advertise SAI on the second set (blue/pink/yellow rainbow)
-“they just don’t play hits like this on the radio these days” - “this song will never be played on the radio” from Fairly Local
-after, a ‘commercial’ plays
-the first commercial has the black slipcase on the right and the blue slipcase on the left.  In the back, from left to right: cassette, three cd’s stacked on top of each other (white on top, pink in the middle, blue on the bottom), blue box (limited edition box set sold on their website), lyric booklet
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-“Dema is bringing you this music collection that is vibrant with saturation” - the Twitter banner was slowly desaturated while in the process of announcing the album, ads for SAI said “feel the saturation!”
-Shy Away, Choker, and Mulberry Street are mentioned during the first ad - two out of three singles released before the album dropped and the most propaganda-like song
-After commercial, Tyler plays Mulberry Street - Lisden said it was his favorite (likely b/c it’s propaganda)
-Mulberry Street starts inside but Tyler goes outside to a street (Mulberry St.) with extras that are ‘frozen’ in place
-Mulberry Street was the whole song (or almost the whole song), while most songs played were only a small segment - again, it’s Dema’s propaganda, so they want it to go on longer than older songs
-after Mulberry Street, the intro to Lane Boy plays (“why do I kneel to these concepts?  Tempted by control, controlled by temptation.  Stay low, they say, stay low”)
-Lane Boy has people with gas masks in the background
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-“Don’t trust a perfect person and don’t trust a song that’s flawless” is repeated several times - later, Sacarver calls the album “perfect”
-Lane Boy transitions into Redecorate
-Chlorine plays next, background has barrels like in music video
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-“Running for my…” (Tyler himself doesn’t say the word “life”)
-After Chlorine, Shy Away plays with obviously fake snow/mountainous background.  Chandeliers are hanging and a fancy dining table is set
-Bishop commercial after Shy Away (“break the cycle in half”) plays, bishops have nosebleeds
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-Sacarver says “nothing is missing from this collection”, yet SAI has 11 tracks while past albums have 14
-cd’s in front are swapped (black on left and blue on right), and the three cd’s are in a different order (pink on top, blue in the middle, white on the bottom)
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-“But remember, you should-” *static* - bishops are likely being controlled by someone else, as it’s unlikely that the Banditos would have the power to cut them off
-Cuts to Mulberry St. set but darker (dusk/nighttime)
-The Outside plays next with Josh wearing skeleton hoodie - The Outside was mentioned in the commercial
-when water is poured on the street after The Outside, it forms a footprint
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-Tyler sits in a boat named “Oh” with a lamp and an artificial night sky
-Plays Heathens with a ukulele (no frog croaks)
-transitions into Trees, which is normally the last song
-during Trees, the stars start to blur together (it looks like a timelapse of the North Star)
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-Josh in Bandito clothing with a torch is shown (torch looks slightly different than in music vids), then it cuts to Jumpsuit
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-Jumpsuit background is a valley like in the music video but it looks greener and more manufactured
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-After, Heavydirtysoul plays with a flaming car on set (kinda like in the mv)
-Tyler looks upwards during “can you save my heavydirtysoul?”, looks like he’s pleading (sorry the last pic is so blurry(face))
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-background is a road similar to the one in the music video
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-Josh keeps crossing his drumsticks during HDS
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-Commercial break with hosts (bloody and Sacarver has overexaggerated makeup, plus they have yellow eyes)
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-“Now that you’ve heard some of this collection, you must be just like us”
-”Sometimes I close my eyes to try to escape, I just can’t believe how unbelievably perfect this collection is!”  “You know you can’t escape, Sally.”  “Yes, I know.”
-”We’ve come for you”, “We got people on the way, no chances” - “We come for you, no chances”, “We got people on the way” (lyrics from No Chances (which they didn’t play))
-Commercial zooms out to show that it’s on a TV with Tyler, Josh, and others watching - we don’t believe what’s on TV
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-Saturday plays, during Jenna dialogue, Jenna has a pink streak in her hair and her top is half-blue, half-white
-Jenna has a yellow phone (Trench) while Tyler has a red one (Dema)
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-stutter/pause between “might get” and “loud” happened twice, not just once
-after, they dance onto another set and play Level of Concern
-LOC background looked kind of like Josh’s in the music video (glow in the dark stars against a dark background)
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-“In a world where this is as good as it gets, and we miss you, we really do”
-Fades into Ride, background is pink scales and what looks like sideways palm trees?
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-Car Radio plays, Josh and Tyler are wearing black masks instead of white ones
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-pause after “I liked it better when my car had sound”
-right after Car Radio, an alarm sounds and red lights flash, people run around in the background as Tyler walks onto Mulberry St. set
-Never Take It plays, Tyler comes up close to the camera (almost like in LOC music vid)
-Heavydirtysoul car is on fire to the right of the set
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-Trash figurine is on the ground, it looks larger than usual
-Tyler walks back to first set and sits between bishops, who are frozen, and sings “I know it’s over/I was born a choker/nobody’s coming for me” from Choker
-fades out and cuts to bird’s-eye view of the set with crew members clapping and cheering, although even that feels subdued and fake
-shows Josh and Tyler with bishops in background, then credits roll
Various observations:
-Josh’s drumsticks are yellow - furthers concept that he’s against Dema
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-SAI songs were generally played longer than older songs
-Bishops call it a “collection”, not an “album”
-Guitarists/trumpet player have one of Tyler’s tattoos on shirt
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-Tyler has a pink ring and a blue ring on his left ring and index fingers, respectively (Shy Away music vid)
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-various easter eggs on Mulberry St. set (sorry for the quality/size of the pictures)
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(says “Rosie’s lounge)
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-The door numbers on the Mulberry St. set coincide with the dmaorg.info error message numbers (at the bottom of the message)
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-Josh’s bandito mask looks different (has a design on it that looks like a lion?) (unless I’m dumb and it was always like that)
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-FPE: the Few the Proud the Emotional (Blurryface), Failed Perimeter Escape (Trench), now Food Petrol Etc (SAI)
-Tyler looks less energetic when singing SAI songs (because it’s Dema propaganda)
-after the show, instrumental versions of The Hype, We Don’t Believe What’s on TV, and Doubt were played.  WDBWOTV is obvious, The Hype has the lyric “just don’t believe the hype”, and Doubt has the lyric “gnawing on the bishops”
-in the Q&A, they said Josh would backflip off the piano, but he didn’t.  They also didn’t do the deathdrop (thing where Tyler just kinda falls backwards)
-Stream was exactly one hour long (started at 8 PM EST, ended at 9 PM EST)
-The livestream ad doesn’t have a crossed O in the only of “one night only”
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Josh’s drum set designs:
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Psi symbol 1:
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Psi symbol 2:
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[song number]. [song title] - [album] ([design on Josh’s drum]): [additional notes]
Asterisks indicate songs that transition into each other smoothly
Good Day - SAI (Josh not present): not sang by Tyler (live, that is)
*Choker - SAI (Trash)
Stressed Out - Blurryface (alien)
Migraine - Vessel (alien)
Morph - Trench (alien)
Holding on to You - RATB/Vessel (alien)*
[Dema commercial 1]
Mulberry Street - SAI (Trash)
*Lane Boy - Blurryface (alien)
Redecorate - SAI (alien)
Chlorine - Trench (alien)*
Shy Away - SAI (Psi Symbol 1)
[Dema commercial 2]
The Outside - SAI (Trash)
*Heathens - Suicide Squad soundtrack (Josh not present)
Trees - RATB/Vessel (Josh not present): usually played at end of concert)
[Josh as a Bandito]
*Jumpsuit - Trench (alien)
Heavydirtysoul - Blurryface (alien)*
[Dema commercial 3]
Saturday - SAI (Psi Symbol 2)
*Level of Concern - single (alien)
Ride - Blurryface (alien)
Car Radio - RATB/Vessel (alien)*
[alarm sounds]
Never Take It - SAI (Trash)
Anyways, thats all I have for now but if I missed anything, let me know and I’ll add it!  (I’ll be sure to credit you ofc)
-Admin Crow
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homesteadchronicles · 3 years
Original Writing Excerpt: “To Me”
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Hello, my homies! I have an unexpected piece of writing to share with you all today, one not related to my known WIPs. Instead, this comes from the world I detailed here, one I’ve now been given permission to flesh out into a full-fledged story.
You don’t need to know the world in order to read, but I’ve provided the necessary context below in order to dive on in!
Ero “Del’Gris” Idess: An intergalactic music idol in service to her agent, Kiladian Wellthane, who enlists her help in exposing his enemies’ corruption. Yoselle of the Starsea (”Ghost”): Ero’s bodyguard and long-time employee of Kiladian Wellthane whose unspoken feelings for Ero grieve him.
Ero and Yoselle have been dispatched by Kiladian to the Polaris Nightclub in order to secure information on the corrupt CEO of a pharmaceutical empire. When Ero botches her mission, she seeks comfort from a source both she and her target know can only lead to complications.
You are a specter: ethereal, immaterial, insignificant. She is a spotlight: illuminating, enticing, unyielding. These two halves cannot hold one another. These pieces fit different puzzles. But she needs something to elucidate and you did not hallucinate her invitation to centerstage. Still you skirt around the sidelines, flirting with shadows, fearful of exposure. She stands, a beacon in the clubhouse, awaiting your answer.
You refuse to reply.
Polaris, you convince yourself, requires better surveillance than the shoddy bodyguards provide it. Expensive liquor, lavish decor, and a distinct lack of security – the omen of emergencies. It was everything you loathed and Ero loved.
She didn’t seem to mind now, not that she ever had before. Why would she? She has you. Needs you. Wants you, a part of you thinks, hopes, refutes. Ero plays her role without shame. Flattery reserved a permanent space in her mouth and her lips make use of their eternal inhabitant to elicit information even when her hips were in motion.
Your place lies elsewhere. Astride. Afar. Procurer and protector both had their parts to play. Separately.
Then why does she keep staring at me?
It is your fifth circuit around the dance floor when you notice her attraction attention. Her gaze ought to be on your target, on Gentarou Hongou, on the mastermind of a corrupt pharmaceutical company. Her hand would bat his chest as her lashes bat her cheeks and he would indulge her as everyone always did. Their mission depended on his entanglement. Did she expect to seduce him with a half-given gaze?
Either Ero or Gentarou comes to the same conclusion, as she discreetly excuses herself to evacuate the floor and he does not even bother watching as she goes. You give chase, coming to a heel behind her as she reaches the dancing’s edge. Stress tugs her brows together. She has disappointed her target. Disappointed herself. Worse, you realize, she has disappointed Kiladian.
“You’re off your game,” you note. A comment and a question intermingle therein, indiscernible.
Ero maneuvers through the crowd with angered grace. Each foot falls just shy of stepping on another’s toes, the click of her heels on the metal beneath like a tongue snapping against bared teeth. “Hongou’s harder than I thought,” she mumbles, “and not in the way I need him to be.”
The bar comes quickly into focus as you follow her. It’s going to be a long night.
Ero glides into the shaky comfort of a barstool. Before you can intercept, she has the bartender concocting something with a name you won’t remember for a price you cannot fathom. Ero’s erratic when inebriated and adamant when infuriated – not a winning combo for their cause.
She beckons you over with a caress of the empty seat beside her and you stiffen. Your place is beneath behind her. But, for a moment, weariness cracks her mask and the lonely soul inside creeps out. “Ghost,” she drawls. Her fingers walk up your chestplate, eyes unblinking in unspoken expectation, and you will indulge her as you always have. “To me.”
The seat is filled before you can stop yourself.
Two drinks slide along the countertop and stop in front of them, one a glittering gray encrusted with crystal and the other a dusty yellow clouded by rising mist. Ero cradles the latter before acknowledging the former. “Oops. Looks like I ordered one too many.” Her tone holds no remorse, only mischief. She nudges the glass towards you. “Guess someone ought to keep me sober.”
You can’t deny that. Deny her. You drink.
Each sip is a burning kiss to your lips, searing all the way down until the sweetness kicks in thereafter. It’s easier to forget the sting when the aftertaste settles in. You swallow again. Again. Again, until you learn to love the flames, too.
Ero only toys with her order. It’s not her usual selection, not her Nightfire. The glass in front of her holds Del’Gris’ favorite - all flash and fruitiness - but no bite. Which means she believes the show must go on. Which means Del’Gris gets an encore.
You need to navigate this delicately. “Hongou gave you the slip?”
“He may as well have. Kiladian’s information was off – Hongou’s not involved.”
“You’re sure?”
Ero dips her head as if to nod before it droops in defeat. “Honestly? I don’t know. Making heads or tails of the man is more complicated than making eyes at him.” She retrieves the cherry inside her drink and rips it clean off the stem. “I’m not myself tonight.”
“That’s not true.” The words slip out before you can subdue them. An unfortunate error, but Ero appraises you with wide-eyed surprise and you wonder whether it was a blessing in disguise. “You were not Del’Gris tonight, true. Del’Gris holds every man captive in her grasp. But you were Ero tonight – and any glimpse behind the curtain is enough to fluster a lesser man like Hongou.”
Ero twists your words around in her mind like the stem she knots in her mouth. When she pulls the stem free, her answer spills out too. “You know me too well.”
Not as much as I’d like, you think. Still not enough to keep you safe. It is an unbidden - but honest - admission. Not one Ero would adhere to half-plastered and wholly penitent. You settle for “well enough to know when you’re not well.”
She scoffs into her cup, a bitter laugh against sweet liquor. “Can’t get any worse”. Ero raises her hand and requests another round of liquid courage: Nighfire on the rocks. It’s a slow burn, she told you once, reeking of booze and other bodies, just the way I like it.
You hadn’t liked it. Hadn’t liked the way her hair ensnared your shoulders, encircling you in her scent as you scraped her offstage. Hadn’t liked the lingering kindling of body heat. Hadn’t liked how much you dreamt of her touch afterwards.
The bartender brings her his poison and she tips it back in one go. Tipsy, but standing, Ero advances towards the dance floor. “Well, if our mission’s botched, must as well bust a move.” Half-lidded eyes hone in on you. “Don’t make me do it alone.”
There’s a plea beneath that tease, but the implications complicate your reaction. To stay would be wise. To go would be wine, a gradual inebriation, a delight today and a mistake tomorrow. A slow burn.
Noticing your hesitance, knowing your heart’s a mess, she approaches. “I’m not the only one unwell,” Ero whispers. Her tender denouncement strangles your judgment. “But we both have to choose health.”
She steps away. The crowd begins to swallow her, enclosing on all sides. Ero extends her hand to you. “Ghost,” she calls out. Her fingers curl inwards, a gambler clutching their stake. “To me.”
Your hand finds hers before you can stop yourself.
Polaris’ patrons shove you deeper into the throng of hedonism. Writhing bodies surround you on all sides, ushering you and Ero closer, closer, closer along to the beat of a song. You can’t make it out – not over the beat of your heart. 
But Ero can. She leans into you, giggles sending shockwaves against your skin, and it’s then you realize: the woman on the soundtrack is Del’Gris, but the one in your arms is Ero.
In my arms. The thought locks into place before you can register that your arms are, in fact, around her. Mechanically? Yes. Uncomfortably? Undoubtedly. Neither of you seem to mind, if the way she slides her hands around your neck and nuzzles into its crook is any evidence. 
Then again, you always were the problem. After all, what right have you to hold her after haunting her for so long?
“You’re overthinking it,” Ero says. You’re not the only one who knows the other too well. “Maybe I ought to take the lead.”
You both laugh at that, at yourselves, at everything that your twisted lives have led to because if you don’t laugh, you might both break. Then again, at least you’d crumble into one another.
Ero only leans back and leads on. Your hands keep her feet aloft, her back aligned. This imperfect rhythm, this imbalancing act, leaves you both in synchronized breathlessness.
Neon lights illuminate your mingling skin in a patchwork of discordant colors. They rise to wreath Ero in a heathen’s halo: green envy, violet ire, scarlet lust. The crowd around exalts her alias - “Del’Gris! Del’Gris! Del’Gris” - but Ero has only ever worshipped you.
Always the star, you muse, and I am but the planet trapped in orbit.
“They’re calling for their queen,” you tease.
“They’re calling for Del’Gris,” she clarifies, “but I believe someone requested Ero.”
“You must have heard a ghost.”
Whatever impish inclinations Ero might otherwise maintain were exorcised in an instant. Seriousness seats itself in place of playfulness, mouth thin and eyes taut. Her hand rises to graze his cheek. “Ghost you may be to everyone else, but you’re always Yoselle to me.”
You have been brutalized by mobsters, held for ransom by hitmen, and crushed by an atmospheric crucible more times than you can count, but nothing has ever taken hold of your heart half as hard as that. “I never mind playing the specter if it means shadowing you.” And it’s true. You would spend the rest of your days in obscurity if it meant skirting around her radiance.
But Ero has never been one to settle for second best.
“Oh, is that so?” That ruinous mischief reclaims her lilting smile as she presses herself inward, upward. “In that case,” she whispers and her breath is a phantom promise against your lips. “Ghost, to me.”
Your mouth finds hers before you can stop yourself.
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keltunes · 3 years
twenty one pilots concert/livestream
My notes mixed with theory (feel free to comment/correct!):
-Starts with control panel; similar to interactive website (buttons for each of the nine bishops in keypad arrangement; specific colors- Sacarver is yellow which is odd); panel has switches entitled “Control Contentment; Content; Delusion”  Only Nico and Sacarver are lit up
-Starts with colorful map of Dema and intro to Good Morning Dema with Good Day song
-he won’t answer them; girl says “Josh are you hiding, come here you little moron haha”
-she is wearing the new logo and another pin
-stressed out is girls favorite; asks him to play it
-he starts Choker from the couch (he ends on the couch and they freeze, maybe he’s not performing cuz Josh is there too... but it is neon set)
-Tyler does a peace sign here in choker; Josh does one later
-bishops come and make him play Stressed Out; light poles look like towers in the middle; bishops are red; lisbens button was red; symbol on Josh’s drum changed
-Migraine; Trench symbol in background in lights
-fake audience sings
-Tyler starts screaming and it gets cut off by commercial
-guys favorite is Mulberry Street; emphasizing “saturation”
-FPE store; Food, Petrol, Etc
-other stores: Bounce Bail Bonds (Bounce Man... bail); Saturday’s paint supplies (paint = saturation); Rosies (daughter); mulberry street sign; signs saying Paint the Town and colorful buildings; Bayou- reference to Clancy letters
-he is very dance-y in the new songs (too happy?)
-interlude of radio messaging... muffled/couldn’t understand; images of talk show hosts with black bottom halves to their faces; “why do I kneel to these concepts?  Tempted by control; controlled by temptation; stay low they say; stay low”
-Lane boy: men in quarantine suits and gas masks; lyrics say don’t trust a song that’s flawless... maybe he’s breaking through to tell us not to trust this
-then he goes into Redecorate; sounds like Clancy to me; scaled and icy = scaled back and isolated; controlling voice breaks through and cuts off Redecorate rly quickly
-neon lights for Chlorine; barrels; he’s going back under/being sedated/poisoned maybe (this is a theme in Redecorate too); looks sad/pleading; symbol on one of the barrels behind Josh... not sure what; at the end Josh and Tyler go different directions
-they go to where he is cold (shy away; fairly local... world is burning but we’re so cold); mountains; snow; fancy dinner table; 8 chairs at table (not nine)
-maybe Shy Away is a message to Josh to keep hiding (hiding mentioned in beginning); a song we wrote that’s never heard
-another commercial; bleeding and look roughed up; woman “felt trapped” without this music; they like The Outside; fills them with contentment (on control panel); woman is cut off “but remember you should...”
-very colorful shirt for The Outside; what’s the club/who can get in??
-lots of people are wearing plaid pants; even Tyler near the end
-Debby throws water on them (water puts out fires)
-Skelton clique onesies
-heathens/trees: really sad looking when he says “you don’t know the half of the abuse”; boat says OH for Ohio maybe?  Boat could symbolize escape??; lantern light... Bandito fire?; stars turn into lines in circle... Dema is circular
-torch!  Banditos are here!!  Josh first (maybe he’s still out there); background is kinda a rock trench; only old songs when Banditos are here... he’s remembering; looks visibly distressed; Josh holds up drumstick X; car torch + fire; red at the end... maybe bishops are fighting back
-another commercial:  even more bloody; red and yellow eyes; torch/burn marks on man’s shirt; “sometimes I close my eyes to try to escape.... you know you can’t escape Sally.... yes I know” “Listen... we’ve come for you; we’ve got people on the way.  No chances”
-Saturday:  Friday/Saturday reference in Migraine; Saturday comes between the good and the bad; paint the town... propaganda!!!
-his wife appears; going to bed cuz he’s busy working
-level of concern: plaid pants; just noticed he’s been wearing a neon blue bandaid the whole time (Dema?) also maybe the hair is a sign; we see him direct the band... is he getting leadership?
-Ride: he finally smiles; Josh holds up the second peace sign (peace or two?... two meaning doubles/cloned?)
-background goes black (absence of color); “I’ve been thinking too much help me” cry for help
-masks on for Car Radio; red sirens at end; everyone running; transition to Never Take It; fire again... Banditos present again maybe; Trash the dragon at the end
-Tyler walks back to frozen Dema hosts; starts Choker
-Hosts were Lisden and Sacarver
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sagehaleyofficial · 3 years
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One Step Closer shared another song from their upcoming debut full-length album This Place You Know titled “Chrysanthemum.” The album is set to drop on September 24 via Run for Cover.
Along with the release of the highly-anticipated The Blacklist album, a cover compilation of songs from Metallica’s Black Album, Weezer released their cover of “Enter Sandman.” Biffy Clyro also dropped a cover of “Holier Than Thou,” among others.
The World is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die revealed that they are releasing a new album titled Illusory Walls. The album will be released digitally on October 8 and on vinyl on December 3 via Epitaph.
Kills Birds released a new track titled “Rabbit” and announced the details of their second album Married. The album is set for release on November 12 via Royal Mountain/KRO Records.
Underoath announced details of their upcoming new album Voyeurist, which will be released on January 14, 2022 via Fearless Records. The band gave fans the first taste of the record with their new single “Hallelujah.”
Grayscale released another single off of their upcoming album Umbra titled “Babylon (Say It to My Face).” The new album will officially be out on August 27 via Fearless Records.
As It Is released a new single titled “I Lie to Me,” following their previous single “IDGAF.” The band is scheduled to appear at Slam Dunk Festival in the United Kingdom this September.
PVRIS unveiled an intense new music video for their current single “Monster.” The band recently headed back out on the road, with their tour kicking off in Detroit this past Friday.
Don Broco released the latest track from upcoming new album Amazing Things titled “One True Prince.” The album is set for release on September 17 via SharpTone Records.
Twin Atlantic released a brand new track and music video titled “Bang on the Gong.” The song marks the band’s first new music since their album Power in 2020.
Weatherstate dropped a brand new song titled “Current Dose,” following the release of their previous single “Hangar” earlier this year. The band worked on their last song with Four Year Strong’s Alan Day.
Lil Huddy released a new track titled “Don’t Freak Out” featuring The All-American Rejects’ Tyson Ritter, Blink-182's Travis Barker and Iann Dior. The song is taken from the singer’s upcoming debut album Teenage Heartbreak, due out September 17.
Grandson released a new remix of “Oh No!!!,” taken from the soundtrack of The Suicide Squad, featuring Vic Mensa and Masked Wolf. He previously released the track “Rain,” also from the movie’s soundtrack, which he performed alongside Jessie Reyez.
Following the song’s release, Coheed and Cambria released a music video for their new single “Shoulders.” The band are heading out on tour across the United States this fall with The Used and Meet Me @ the Altar.
Seahaven performed an acoustic set titled “Halo Sessions” this past week. The band played songs from their most recent album Halo of Hurt, which was released late last year.
Fall Out Boy stated they are unable to perform on the New York, Boston and Washington, DC dates of the Hella Mega Tour. The announcement came after an individual from their team tested positive for COVID-19.
Slam Dunk Festival released an update to fans with alterations to their lineup. Sum 41, Four Year Strong, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, The Vandals, With Confidence, Crown the Empire, Ice Nine Kills and Free Throw will no longer perform.
All Time Low brought special guests Demi Lovato and Pale Waves’ Heather Baron-Gracie onstage with them during their Sad Summer Fest Show in Anaheim, California. The acts performed their respective collabs, “Monsters” and “PMA.”
Boston Manor announced three warm-up shows ahead of their appearance at Reading and Leeds Festival later this month. The gigs are part of the National Lottery's Revive Live Tour, which is helping to reopen music venues across the United Kingdom.
Ice Nine Kills announced details of a special film event in London titled Welcome to Horrorwood. The event will be taking place on September 8 at the Everyman Cinema at Screen on the Green.
Twenty One Pilots’ hit song “Heathens” has been certified 9x Platinum, following their other mega single “Stressed Out” achieving 10x Platinum. The next highest placed track behind the song is ‘Ride,” which is 6x Platinum.
Two classic Rise Against albums - The Sufferer and the Witness and Appeal to Reason - were certified Platinum in the United States. Their 2009 album Siren Song of the Counter Cult was also previously certified Gold.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
📚𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜✏️
(ᴀ sʙɪ+ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ & ᴄᴏ ʜɪɢʜsᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴀᴜ) ☟︎︎︎ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ☟︎︎︎
ʷᵉ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳⁱᵉˢ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵇᵘⁿᶜʰ ᵒᶠ ᵏⁱᵈˢ ʰᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵗᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ
❣︎ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏ ɴ. ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ (Second year):
ᴄᴏɴғɪᴅᴇɴᴛ | ʟᴏʏᴀʟ | ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴛ | ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴅᴇᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴇᴅ | ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ | sᴀʀᴄᴀsᴛɪᴄ | ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛᴇᴅ | ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴄᴏʟᴅ
-The fucking brain of the whole school.Gets all the top grades and is every teacher's favorite.
-English is his main thing,he knows so many complex words and phrases that he uses to sound smarter and confuse other poeple.
-Spends most of his free time and breaks in the library reading a book or studying.
-Doesn't like getting involved in conflicts or fights but he will step in and tell them back off if they are making fun of someone or bullying them :(
-His sleeping schedule is messed up.So after staying up all night playing videogames he buys atleast seven cups of coffee in the cafeteria to keep him awake.
-Finds sticky notes his three best friends left behind on his locker.It's either daily reminders or just some dumb shit like an insult or a crappy drawing.He pretends to throw them away but he secretly keeps them all in his room :)
-Gives his friends after school lessons and guides if they are stuck on homework or have a big exam coming up so they don't fail and get a good mark :D
-Doesn't like going to football games or any school games at all,but he will go when it's one of Tommy's basketball games (He even went with him to his tryouts for moral support-)
-Will give both Tommy and Wilbur cheet sheets and answers for bigger and more harder exams or tests :P (But they have to pay him lmfaooo-)
-Agrees to do risky (but fun-) shit with Tommy and Wilbur (They have broken into the school multiple times at night-)
-Sometimes Techno gets these horrible head aches so Phil,Wilbur and Tommy created a little sleeping spot on an old couch in the library where they can all lay down and relax together :D (This shit is so wholesome)
-Drags his friends and talks so much shit about them but in reality he cares for them.He will call them names like loser or idiot but he never truly means it :) (He loves them but he would never admit it out loud- cringee)
-Is in two clubs.He plays the violin in the school band and performs in the theater. (He played a king once and till this day it's by far his favorite performance) :D
-Completely oblivious to the fact that these random two dudes (Squid and Dream) are competing against him for the reputation of the smartest student.
❣︎ ᴘʜɪʟ ᴡᴀᴛsᴏɴ(Third year):
ᴄᴀʀɪɴɢ | ᴋɪɴᴅ | ʜᴇʟᴘғᴜʟ | ʜᴀʀᴅᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ | ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴏᴜs | ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢ | ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ | sᴇʟғʟᴇss | ᴘᴏʟɪᴛᴇ | ᴇᴍᴘᴀᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ
-The parent of the school.He helps out wherever he can so his hands are always full and occupied.It gets hard to catch him sometimes since he's always running around.
-The teachers love him.He will help them with papers and he also volunteers to stay longer and clean up the classroom after everyone leaves.
-Keeps the chaos trio out of trouble and makes sure they don't end up in detention,though he doubts Techno ever will.He can't say the same for the other two though :)
-Helps out the nurses and lunch ladies if they have too much work- (He gets free chocolate milk in the cafeteria as a little thank you :D)
-He basically steals the teachers work.They don't get any more complaints from the students or any type of fight they need to solve since Phil's got it all under control.
-He stops by the bakery and brings breakfast for Tommy and Wilbur,and a coffee for Techno with him.Techno said he doesn't like to eat early so Phil kept that in mind :)
-They think he doesn't know but Phil indeed does recall all the shenanigans the three of his best friends have done. (Yes even the school break ins-)
-Attends ALL of Techno's and Wilbur's shows and performances.And he doesn't forget about Tommy's basketball games :3 (He's probably the loudest in the crowd and hypes them up like a proud father-)
-Gets way too worried over his friends.One time Tommy twisted his ankle during a game and Phil freaked out. Tommy reassured him that it's just a bruise but turns out he broke his ankle so- Yeah trust Phil and get it checked if he says to get it checked :)
-Student council president?- That's Phil for you.
-The students (and teachers) were both very happy that Phil got to be council president since he has proven himself worthy of that title.
-Constantly has to apologize for Tommy's and Wilbur's antics.He can't argue against Techno but these two brainless children get into way too much trouble :(
-Phil keeps the school under control- At first the teacher's were kinda pissed off but now they get to spend more free time and still get payed for doing less work.They always make sure to thank Phil though don't worry :)
-There have been way less fights and stressful situations in school since Phil takes care of them and makes sure everything runs smoothly,the way it's supposed to :D
❣︎ ᴡɪʟʙᴜʀ sᴏᴏᴛ(First year):
ᴄʜᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ | ғʟɪʀᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ | ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ | sᴜᴀᴠᴇ | ᴄʜᴀʀɪsᴍᴀᴛɪᴄ | ᴇɴᴛʜʀᴀʟʟɪɴɢ | ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ
-The heartthrob of the school.Cliche definition of Mr.popular.The whole school is either in love with him, jealous of him or they admire him.
-Has the most sick parties over the year.Halloween?Birthdays?Home alone parties? With Wilbur it's like prom every month :D
-Flirts with all the girls,he's never been in a relationship before but he can't help the fact that he's handsome :) He's a huge ass romantic.The reason behind that may be the fact that his favorite movie genre is romance lmao-
-Is in the school band and theater club with Techno.He plays the guitar and sings(Bonus points for the girls) His favorite type of performances have to be musicals :D (Hamilton reference let's go-)
-Fights with Tommy all the time.You could catch the two of them throwing insults at eachother and from time to time even a middle finger (or in Tommy's case both)
-People continously ask him if he's dating Niki but they are just good friends who bond over music :( He would sing and play guitar for her,Niki has so many polaroids of their cute moments together in her room- (Wilbur may or may not have stolen one while he was hanging out with her-)
-Knows everyones dirty secrets and will blackmail others if they fuck with him or his friends.
-Also hates Dream,doesn't know if it's becouse he competes with Techno all the time or that he's a huge wheezing jerk >:(
-He loves sitting next to Techno in the library while he comes up with new song ideas.He would ask Techno for his opinion to <3
-The whole school is behind his back.You start shit with Wilbur and not only are his friends there to back him but every student (Even the janitor lmao)
❣︎ ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ sɪᴍᴏɴs(First year):
ᴇɴᴇʀɢᴇᴛɪᴄ | ʟᴏᴜᴅ & ғᴜɴɴʏ | ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs | ᴇxᴘʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ | ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ | ᴇɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴɪɴɢ | ʀᴇᴄᴋʟᴇss | ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs | ʜʏᴘᴇʀ | ᴏᴘᴇɴᴍɪᴍᴅᴇᴅ
-Seen as a heathen by the whole school.Got himself the nickname troublemaker from pretty much everyone.
-Shit you not he goes around the school and starts fights with people who are way stronger than him but still manages to beat them up like?
-Road his skateboard through the school hallways once and made Tubbo record it while he pulled off some stupid stunt down the stairs- He ended up breaking his leg lmao.
-Legit always goes after the popular kids-(That's how he met Phil,Wilbur and Techno)now he has people who can beat ass with him (except for Phil)
-Calls teachers out on their bullshit.He will literally say they are wrong and what they're saying his complete bullshit
-May or may not have got suspended a few times
-Gets into so many detentions.The teachers are pretty much used to him coming and even have a special seat reserved for him in the back.
-Plays basketball and gets super excited when the Blade comes and picks him up from practice.Feels extremely cool that he's walking away with him while his teammates stare in shock.
-Once spread a rumor about Wilbur to pay him back for pranking him and let's just say Tommy and he had a pretty deep conversation lmao-
-That kid who always couldn't contain his luaghter in class and threw paper balls across the room.Yeah that's Tommy
-Has a gang he hangs out with (Tubbo is his favorite but he loves to annoy Deo lmao)They also have a groupchat,tbh it's mostly just Tommy asking if he can copy homework from one of them
-Tried to hack into the school system with Techno's help atleast five times but after Phil cought them the two of them stopped
-Brings nerf guns into school and jumpscares people with them.He shot the principal once and that was the most terrifying moment of his life (Apart that conversation with Wilbur lmaoooo)
-Loves breaking rules with Wilbur and Techno lol.It was his idea to break into the school the first time so they kinda stuck to doing that (especially during summer break)
AHHHHH- It's finished! This time I tried something different and made it a bunch of short headcanons!This is probably my favorite type of au so I'm really happy with how it turned out! Love y'all <3
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topweeklyupdate · 3 years
TØP Bi-Weekly Update #140: Don't Choke (4/30/21)
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Now that I have finished my assessments for grad school, maybe Tyler Joseph will let me live (I sure hope not).
As you all know, our band dropped another track off of Scaled and Icy last night with an accompanying music video. Both the song and video are interesting! Plus, their first single still exists, and we've got news about the other tracks on the album! There's definitely a lot to parse through from the last two weeks, so let's get to it.
To be real, "Choker" initially threw me for a curve. After the much more mainstream sound of "Shy Away", I just wasn't prepared in any way for the very Regional at Best turn of the sound (right down to a naval-gazey whine-rap outro) and the very obtuse concept of the Mark-directed music video (which features Tyler and Jim Dun getting turned into toy by Josh going into the Avatar State). This being TØP, the song has grown on me; I love the very video-game-soundtrack production, the hook is real ear-wormy, and there's a few solid lyrical gems about feeling small and unsubstantial that resonate. I still think that outro could have used a few rewrites (or a cut entirely), but maybe I'll reassess.
(Note: While I'm writing this, some folks on Twitter figured out that one of the many Easter eggs in the toy store include Josh reading a book written by a "Nicholas Bourbaki" that folks speculated a few years ago was written by Tyler before anyone actually read its... controversial content and realized there was about zero chance of that. Apparently, no one on production caught wind of the book's contents until after they started filming; Mark has disavowed the book and apologized for missing hiding its cover in a few shots.)
We'll have to see if "Choker"'s bizarreness is able to catch on with popular audiences next week. For now, we can look at how its predecessor is doing. On the one hand, its general listenership has slumped pretty hard in the past two weeks, barely cameoing at #87 on the Hot 100 last week before dipping right back out. However, on the Alternative charts, "Shy Away" has only continued to grow, reaching #1 on Alternative Airplay more quickly than any other song. (Oh, and Blurryface became the first album in the history of the Hot 200 to chart for 300 weeks.)
In other news: We've got confirmation via Tension Division (the band's creative management team) of Scaled and Icy's production list. Some important takeaways: a) Mike Elizondo, producer of "Stressed Out", "Heathens", and several Blurryface tracks, is making a return on this album to produce "Good Day" and "Mulberry Street", b) A-list producer Greg Kurstin has a credit on "Saturday", c) Paul Meany's back for "Redecorate", and d) Jay's got background vocal credit.
Oh, and Jenna posted some cute-as-hell pictures.
What will next week bring? Will there be enough to flesh out a full update? More music/content? Interviews? I sure hope so!
Power to the local dreamer.
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lvllns · 4 years
otp tag!
oh holy shit this was a whole thing. i was tagged by @rosebarsoap​, @solasan​, @impossible-rat-babies​, and i’m sure others but my activity feed is a disaster i’m sorry if i missed u. thank y’all for the tags!!
pretty sure everyone has been tagged at this point? i can’t keep track anymore, my brain is mush. if you wanna do this, you’re tagged now!
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DISAGREEMENTS. Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Neither of them. At most, they get a hard edge to their voice or speak in clipped tones. It's always about risks being taken.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: NEITHER OF THEM. There is no way Sparrow or Mason would ever do that.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: NOBODY LEAVES.
Who trashes the house?: Who the fuck? NEITHER OF THEM!
Do either of them get physical?: NO.
How often do they argue/disagree?: Very, very, very, rarely. It's always about, like, one of them just fuckin doing something and getting injured or being put in danger and the other panicking about it. Or the two of them ignoring the other one telling them to save somebody else and instead saving each other. LISTEN.
Who is the first to apologize?: They both do, like in the middle of whatever they're talking about. It's always like "I'm sorry but I'd do it again" and the other person just "I know and I love you but I think you shaved 5 years off my life."
SEX. Who is on top? Who is on bottom?: This changes every single time.
Any kinks?: Sparrow is with a vampire. You get one guess. A lot of it is Sparrow.......uh, learning things about themself as this goes so like. They discover they're into choking when Mason puts his hand on their neck one time. Ya know. Absolutely into praise as well.
Who has the strangest desires?: I don't know that either of them really want anything considered strange??? I mean, Sparrow wants him to bite them but I feel like Mason would be onboard so.
Who’s dominant in bed?: Mason probably more often than Sparrow, though it definitely flip flops depending. I feel like once Sparrow is more confident, they'd be more up for taking the lead.
Is head ever in the equation?: Of fucking course it is.
If so, who is better at performing it?: Mason for sure.
Ever had sex in public?: They fucked in a haunted house at a carnival.
Who moans the most?: They're both pretty quiet I think, each of them takes great pride in making the other get vocal. A lot of like, soft moans and grunts and whispers.
Who leaves the most marks?: Mason on Sparrow, bc his whack ass healing makes it impossible for Sparrow to leave marks on him, even though they try.
Who is the more experienced of the two?: Mason for sure. Sparrow hasn't........had a lot of experience.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: They make love baby. Even when it gets rougher, it’s never really fucking. Well, okay, wait, maybe they fucked in the haunted house....that’s not exactly.....an environment conducive to love making.
How long do they usually last?: A...av....average? I don't know enough about sex for this section.
Rough or soft?: Soft most of the time.
Is protection used?: Like 99% of the time, yeah.
Does it ever get boring?: Lol no. Mason is Mason and Sparrow is always up for an adventure or a challenge.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: THEY. FUCKED. IN. A. HAUNTED. HOUSE. AT. A. CARNIVAL.
Where did they not have sex?: I mean they probably wouldn't fuck, like, in a gas station bathroom?
FAMILY. Do they plan on having children/or have children?: This is so complicated and requires it's own post tbh. Currently, no kids and no plans for kids but it's.......yeah, it's just complicated.
If so, how many children do they want/have?: See above.
AFFECTION. Who likes to cuddle?: Oh they both do, Sparrow initiates it more though.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: Fucking, both of them. Handsy mother fuckers.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?: BOTH OF THEM. Early in a relationship, Mason more often, but once Sparrow is comfortable? All bets are off, sorry. Don't go into the library ever.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: There is no becoming uncomfortable, they both just pass out. Or Sparrow falls asleep and Mason is legally unable to move, it's like cat rules.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?: Mason will sit and braid Sparrow's hair while they read. Sparrow likes to just sit with Mason, like leaning on each other, watching a show or talking. Just, they really just like to exist together. Also, fucking off into the woods to go camping.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: Literally anywhere, Sparrow is not picky and both of them are so tactile, who gives a shit.
SLEEPING. Who snores?: Neither of them.
If both do, who snores the loudest?: Listen.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?: Oh they share a bed for sure. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: Sparrow clings to Mason like an octopus.
What do they wear to bed?: Nothing, they both sleep naked.
Are either of them insomniacs?: Nah. Sparrow runs fine on like 4-6 hours of sleep though.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: Nope.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: Sparrow likes to wrap themself around Mason but sometimes they will just lay side by side and like, hold hands.
Who wakes up with bed hair?: They both do, Sparrow's is probably worse considering it's long and slightly wavy.
Who wakes up first?: Surprisingly, Sparrow! Only because Mason will fall asleep after they've been asleep for some time already so they wake up before he does.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: Sparrow is too worried about crumbs in the bed bothering Mason to even think about eating in bed.
What is their favourite sleeping position?: Mason flat on his back, Sparrow with a leg slung over his hip, arm across his chest and their head smashed against whatever part of him is nearest.
Do they set an alarm each night?: Yeah.
Who has nightmares?: They both do, though I think Sparrow is the only one who remembers them after they wake. Mason, luckily, forgets his dreams.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Nope, laptops can though.
Who has ridiculous dreams?: Again, both. Again, Mason forgets them while Sparrow remembers.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: MASON. He just spreads out and Sparrow tucks themself against him, it works fine really.
Who makes the bed?: Mason most often because Sparrow tends to get sidetracked and forget.
What time is bed time?: When Sparrow next passes out is up to the Gods. Mason just crashes whenever he finally feels tired.
Any routines/rituals before bed?: They'll watch an episode or two of a show. Sparrow will meditate. Mason often tries to break their focus.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: Probably Mason? Sparrow is an annoying morning person.
WORK. Who is the busiest?: Oh they both are. Maybe Sparrow slightly more because of the whole, working for the PD and the Agency thing.
Who rakes in the highest income?: I feel like it ends up pretty even eventually?
Are any of them unemployed?: Nah.
Who takes the most sick days?: I guess Sparrow would, though it's very rare. Mason can't get sick, bastard.
What are their jobs?: Sparrow is a detective and agency liaison. Mason is a specialist agent for the Agency.
Who sucks up to their boss?: I don't think either of them do? Sparrow is polite with the Captain but he's nice enough. They definitely don't suck up to Adam or Rebecca or whomstever is in charge of them at the Agency.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?: Neither of them. Sparrow has Anxiety so they're always at least 10 minutes early.
Who stresses the most?: SPARROW.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: Mason enjoys what he does for sure. Sparrow.......never wanted to be doing this. At all. They definitely aren't thrilled but they do like it, it's just......not what they wanted.
Are they financially stable?: Oh yeah.
HOME. Who does the washing?: Even trade off I think.
Who takes out the trash?: Sparrow.
Who does the ironing?: Neither of them lmao
Who does the cooking?: Sparrow! Mason likes to sit on the counter and talk while they cook.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: Mason lmao
Who is messier?: Even split again. Sparrow will set something down, get sidetracked, and then that book stays on the counter for five days until Mason is like "Bird you forgot your book." It's less.....intentionally messy and more just....brain going sideways.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?: Neither of them.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: BOTH OF THEM. There is a HAMPER and they both just throw their clothes on the ground like HEATHENS.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?: Fucking NEITHER OF THEM.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: Nope, absolutely never happens. Sparrow's anxiety kicks in and overrides the ADHD and the keys are always in sight.
Who answers the telephone?: If it's not a work call for Sparrow, then Mason.
Who mows the lawn?: Currently, neither of them bc there is no lawn lmao.
Who does the vacuuming?: Sparrow.
Who does the groceries?: Both together because they like doing it together. Mason enjoys putting random shit in the cart and seeing if Sparrow notices.
Who takes the longest to shower?: dasjgnd they're both very quick about showers, so neither?
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: Sparrow I guess. They're both very much like, there's no real routine. They just fiddle with their hair and go.
MISCELLANEOUS. Is money a problem?: Nah.
How many cars do they own?: Just Sparrow's ol' reliable right now.
What’s their song?: We Love Like Vampires by Sparks the Rescue. Me & You by Honne.
Do they live in the city or in the country?: Country for sure. Both of them like the quiet.
Do they own their home or do they rent?: Right now, Sparrow rents their apartment.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?: I think so, yeah. Sparrow wishes they weren't still in Wayhaven sometimes but it's fine.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Whatever needs to be done? There isn't like something specific they have to do if they're apart, they just go on with their day.
Where did they first meet?: Formally, Sparrow's office when Rebecca introduced the entire team.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?: Gods, both of them?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: Mason, I guess.
Any mental issues?: Sparrow is a whole Mess honestly, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, etc. etc.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: Both of them, bastards that they are.
Who’s terrified of bugs?: Eh, neither of them.
Who kills the spiders around the house?: NOBODY. Sparrow scoops them up and puts them outside.
Do they have any fears for their future?: The inevitable "Sparrow is going to die, Mason is an immortal vampire" obviously.
Their favourite place?: Somewhere in the woods together.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: Mason, since, you know, he doesn't really enjoy eating food.
Who pays the bills?: They both do.
Who’s the tallest?: Mason by like 6 inches.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: Mason, though Sparrow will too. He just does it more often.
Who wanders around in their underwear?: Oh they both do.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Sparrow, though it's rare they do.
What do they tease each other about?: Mason likes to good naturedly tease Sparrow about their bookish nature. Sparrow will squish his cheeks when he glares and grin at him.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: MASON. Oh Gods, Sparrow is....listen, if they aren't dressed professionally for work or going out, they're a hot mess. I'm talking like bright green hoodie, neon yellow leggings, hot pink running shoes. Like a Lisa Frank folder exploded on a human being.
Who crushed first?: Mason. It took Sparrow a bit to be like "oh it's more than thinking his face is just nice, okay."
Any alcohol or substance related problems?: Nah, Sparrow doesn't drink.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Neither of them, considering the above and Mason's vampire biology.
Who swears the most?: Oh they both do. Sparrow looks sweet but they..........listen. They have the mouth of a sailor tbh. You get the two of them in a room together and let them talk and it's a mess of swearing.
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Top 15 Music Artists!
I won’t be doing a separate song one, instead I’ll just recommend a few for each artist (at most 3). Other than that, there aren’t any rules to this, no order, it’s all just opinion. I will however say that I don’t like “one genre or another” I either like a song or I don’t and I’m not as big of a stan for individual artists, just what song they created so I always hate when people ask me. Not to mention most music I listen to is from either a game, anime, or movie. I’ll try to make most of these the clean versions.
Daft Punk: This is an easy one. They created the Tron Legacy soundtrack (Tron seems to always make its way onto most of my top 15 lists), they are my number 1 that I would go see in concert (that’s still around) if only they’d have another tour. So many other artists have sampled their work and people have mixed their tracks with other artists on YouTube and they just add to the excellent sound. 
Some notable jams: Robot Rock, Instant Crush, Something About Us
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David Bowie: This a bit of a comfortable one, in a way it reminds me of my stepdad but his music ranges from stuff about space to just every day stuff that massages your needs, another one that can have remixes done and just add to the magic. I’ve heard some of his songs before he died like Moonage Daydream in Guardians of the Galaxy but it was only after his death that I really started liking his music. I used to think he was an actor first and a musician second but I stand corrected. 
Some notable jams: Oh! You Pretty Things, Moonage Daydream, Space Oddity
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The Weeknd: This boy can drop a track and the words don’t even have to matter because the lyrics can be twisted but the vocals and the beat say otherwise and I know somewhere, somehow, you’ve heard his music even if you haven’t realized it. Oh and Starboy? Yeah that features Daft Punk. Oh and that song? Got its own Marvel comic! (before it was cancelled after the first issue due to name and story issues) 
Some notable jams: Starboy, Secrets, Reminder
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Kendrick Lamar: I don’t consider myself into rap much but I genuinely think that Kendrick is probably one of the best rappers. Who else do you know that talks about Grey Poupon mustard and makes it sound good? His voice is recognizable and calm but almost raspy but then he can turn it and make it fast and angry, either would make just about any song sound good. I wish they had him cover ‘Can you feel the love tonight’ for the Lion King, because I could just imagine how good it’d sound especially with Beyonce. 
Some notable jams: Humble, Poetic Justice, Swimming Pools
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Electric Light Orchestra: My introduction was Don’t Bring Me Down but what really brought me into their music was trying to come up with something classic for a soundtrack for one of my stories and well this stood out the most. 
Some notable jams: Don’t Bring Me Down, Turn to Stone, Strange Magic
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The Black Eyed Peas: I grew up in this age. This was the kick-off to getting myself into music. It was my first CD, it was my first song on my new iPod nano, it was the first time I even showed an interest (which was late in the game).  
Some notable jams: Imma Be, Just Can’t Get Enough, Back to Hip-Hop
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Aerosmith: Another early one for me because this is what I was exposed to as a kid and everything since then has made an impression on me. Steven Tyler had the most plays on that iPod nano. I would normally suggest Dream On but I picked You See Me Crying first because it came to mind first to display the range of music they have, it’s a very sad song but also a bit of a calmer one that I don’t think gets nearly as much attention as it should. 
Some notable jams: You See Me Crying, Cryin, Walk This Way (Ultimate version)
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Kanye: He made a music video based on Akira. Did I mention that it popularized the shutter shades again? Oh, and the song? Yeah it samples Daft Punk. That’s not even the only time he did that either, he sampled a track from Tron with Kid Cudi (but it was just a demo). He does a lot of sampling but somehow he builds on the original songs and tracks and makes them better. 
Some notable jams: Stronger, Roses, Through the Wire
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MJ: I can’t find a better deconstruction of a song than Billie Jean. It’s practically a masterpiece. Take the track out and the vocals still sound good. Take the vocals out and the track still sounds good. You can do whatever the heck you want to this song and it will still sound good, I even listen to the Animal Crossing remix sometimes. The closest I could find to that was Billie Joel’s ‘For the Longest Time’ because it’s acapella. 
Some notable jams: Billie Jean, Bad, Thriller (vocals only, it’s creepier)
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Twenty One Pilots: Trench. Need I say more? I like nearly every song in that album and that’s rare. I see plenty of stans for this band but that’s not what made me care, because a lot of their old songs are ear worms and have been overused and I think even they realize that such as ‘Ride’ and ‘Stressed Out’ (more like Worn Out). But then somehow something good came out of the Suicide Squad movie, a special song, Heathens! By the title, it sounds odd but upon closer inspection, it’s juicy. On top of that, Trench comes out and basically clarifies that a lot of their music videos connect and involve theories with their own universe and whole ARGs devoted to it. 
Some notable jams: Heathens, Legend, Chlorine 
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Genesis: If I could give this band a number, it would be 17 because that’s the age that Genesis seemed to define. I liked a lot of their songs but I began using the songs as references to my love life at the time because I was going through a lot. I like Phil Collins on his own too but Genesis simply has more tracks that I love, I even bought and read Phil’s autobiography because as you probably already know, he did the music for both Tarzan and Brother Bear. 
Some notable jams: Invisible Touch, In Too Deep, Tonight Tonight Tonight
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John Mayer: I almost put Drake Bell here instead but John Mayer is the kind of music you listen to when your heart aches and I for one like it. 
Some notable jams: Heartbreak Warfare, Moving On and Getting Over, Gravity
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Smash Mouth: These later ones are getting a bit weird, huh? But yeah, the famous ‘All Star’ creators make some decent music, I won’t even reference any more from Shrek.
Walking on the Sun, Can’t Get Enough of You Baby, When the Morning Comes
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Sweet: You remember that part in Regular Show where they had the dance off with the ghost DJ’s? Or how about the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 trailer? I even have a shirt with their logo on it because I liked the idea of making it tie-dye but it didn’t work very well so now it’s just an orange stained Sweet tee. 
Some notable jams: Love is like Oxygen, Fox on the Run, Ballroom Blitz
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Sheryl Crow: “This ain’t no disco. This ain’t no country club either. This is L.A.” I can’t help but vibe when I hear her, I’m not into country (as you can see from this list) but she makes it fun, she is an exception of sorts, she doesn’t do just one thing. If you read her Wiki, she does basically all genres and I like that she isn’t bound to one thing, it’s representative of her fun music and personality. Yeah, she’s guilty of the mainstream wear out as well but they can’t have them all. Picture is technically Kid Rock but she’s featured and I’d feel bad if I didn’t include it. 
Some notable jams: All I Wanna Do, Picture, Real Gone
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Darkiplier Playlist
194 songs
Evermore- Dan Stevens
Control x Pity Party (slowed)- Halsey x Melanie Martinez
Twisted- MISSIO
Ophelia (slowed)- The Lumineers
Everybody Wants To Tule the World- Lorde
House of Memories (slowed)- Panic! at the Disco
Control- Halsey
Gasoline- Halsey
You’re So Creepy- Ghost Town
Dynasty- MIIA
Judas (slowed)- Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church (slowed)- Hozier
Castle (slowed)- Halsey
Sing To Me- MISSIO
Kamikazee- MISSIO
Panic Room- Au/Ra
Isolate- Sub Urban
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover)- Written by Wolves
Crossfire (slowed)- Stephen
Dead!- My Chemical Romance
Life Sux- Silent Child
Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots
Look What You Made Me Do (slowed)- Taylor Swift
Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
The Voice of Darkiplier- Markiplier
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
I Wanna Be Yours (slowed)- Arctic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know (slowed)- Arctic Monkeys
Baby You’re a Haunted House- Gerard Way
In His Eyes- Jekyll & Hyde (musical)
Queen of the Freaks- AViVA
Fairytale (slowed)- Alexander Rybak
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me to the Horizon
Feeling Good (slowed)- Michael Buble
Can You Feel My Heart x Favorite Dress (slowed)- Miro remix
My Demons- Starset
Achilles Come Down- Gang of Youth
Monster- Skillet
What’s the Use of Feeling Blue- Caleb Hyles
505- Arctic Monkeys
Where I Want to Be- Chess in Concert
Can’t Help Falling In Love- Ice Nine Kills
The American Nightmare- Ice Nine Kills
On My Own- Les Miserable
A Grave Mistake- Ice Nine Kills
Left Behind- DAGames
Farewell II Flesh- Ice Nine Kills
Below the Surface- Griffinilla
The Wrecked and the Worried- NateWantsToBattle
You Can’t Take Me Anywhere- NateWantsToBattle
Goner- Twenty One Pilots
The Other Side of Paradise- Glass Animals
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring
Fake You Out- Twenty One Pilots
Miss You- Corpse
Ashes (slowed)- Stellar
Epoch- The Living Tombstone
My Ordinary Life (slowed)- The Living Tombstone
In the End- Linkin Park
Me, Myself & Hyde- Ice Nine Kills
The World In My Hands- Ice Nine Kills
Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse
Monster- Imagine Dragons
What I Could Have Been- Sting
Hushh- AViVA
Phantom of the Opera
Darkside- NEONI
Broken- DNMO & Sub Urban
Killer In the Mirror- Set It Off
Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
I’m Not Okay- My Chemical Romance
Friends on the Other Side- Princess and the Frog
Apologize- One Republic
Stomp Me Out- Bryce Fox
My Lullaby (metal cover)- Jonathan Young
I See Red (slowed)- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
F.L.Y- Ice Nine Kills
Migraine- Twenty One Pilots
Car Radio- Twenty One Pilots
Demons- MISSIO
Villain- KDA
Redemption- Besomorph & Coopex
Royalty (slowed)- Egzod & Maestro Chives ft. Neoni
The Red Means I Love You- Madds Buckley
Loser (slowed)- Neoni
Not Ready To Die- Avenged Sevenfold
I Want You- Mitski
Haunted House- Neoni
Poltergeist- Corpse
Life Waster- Corpse
Funhouse- Pink
All Of Me (slowed)- John Legend
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey *Y/N x Damien*
Dark Paradise (slowed)- Lana Del Rey
How Villains Are Made- Madalen Duke
Love and War- Fluerie
Dark Things- Adona
Wicked Game- Ursine Vulpine
Neptune- Sleeping At Last
Enemy- Tommee Profitt
Far From Home (The Raven)- Sam Tinnesz
City Of The Dead- Eurielle
Throne- Saint Mesa
Paint it, Black- Ciara cover
Man Or A Monster- Sam Tinnesz
Dark On Me- Starset
Boo Hoo- Neoni & Riell
Hell’s Comin’ With Me- Poor Mans Poison
Wires- The Neighbourhood
Liquid Smooth- Mitski
Little Dark Age- MGMT
Devil In Disguise- Elvis (LLusion)
Toxic- 2WEI
Dark Room- Foreign Figures & EJ Michels
Lullaby of Woe- Ashley Serena
I’m Not Afraid- Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra
Heathens- Twenty One Pilots
Dance With The Devil- Breaking Benjamin
Afraid- The Neighbourhood
Black Confetti- DREAMERS
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane *Damien*
Monsters- Ruelle
Whispers In The Dark- Skillet
Salvaged- NateWantsToBattle
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
Fuck You- Silent Child
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead- Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt
Broken Inside- Broken Iris
Sweet Dreams- Besomorph
The Hanging Tree- James Newton Howard, Jennifer Lawrence
Feel Invincible- Skillet
Saints- Echos
Screaming Bloody Murder- Sum 41
Sweater Weather (slowed)- The Neighbourhood
Dandelions (slowed)- Ruth B
Death Bed (slowed)- Powfu
Master Mirror- Ashley Serena
Born Again- Black Veil Brides
Everyday A Little Death- The Count of Monte Cristo
FREAK- Jordan Friction
Broken (slowed)- lovelytheband
Michelle- Sir Chloe
Like A Villain- BAD OMENS
If It’s Vengeance You Want- Unlike Pluto
Monster- Fight The Fade
Slow Dancing In The Dark (slowed)- Joji
Listen Before I Go (male cover)- Billie Eilish
Mary On a Cross (slowed)- Ghost
Trouble (slowed)- Cage The Elephant
Nervous- Lola Blanc
Unravel- Johnathan Young
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
Lies- Evanescence
Haunted (slowed)- Laura Les
Dread- Unlike Pluto
Monsters- Shinedown
Black Soul- Shinedown
Sorrow- Sleeping At Last
Seeing Red- Saint Chaos
Villain- Bella Poarch
Lithium- Nirvana
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Down With The Sickness- Disturbed
Animal I Have Become- Three Day Grace
Greed- Godsmack
One of Us is the Killer- The Dillinger Escape Plan
All The King’s Horses- Karmina
Gilded Lily- Cults
Haunted & Unwanted- NateWantsToBattle
Symbol of My Regret- NateWantsToBattle
In My Head- NateWantsToBattle
Vendetta (slowed)- Unsecret & Krigare
Nothing To Me- NateWantsToBattle
Chasing Cars- Sleeping At Last
Villain- MISSIO
Used to the Darkness- Des Rocs
Unforgiven- Ghost Nation
Monster- Starset
Eight- Sleeping At Last
Already Gone- Sleeping At Last
Devilish- The Phantoms
Motherland- Reach
Falling Away From Me- Korn
Just a Man- Jorge Rivera-Herrans & EPIC Ensemble
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purghhappenings · 4 years
Hey hey hey!
This is technically my third time trying to post these but they won’t post and if it gives me problems again, I’m gonna go postal.
Down below I am going to give you snippets of the Strawhats daily life and what they do during quarantine, as always my HC’s are bullet points but somehow also little stories. I don’t know how I work either. It will also be mostly an AU Modern life just cause on the sea I don’t know how it would really effect them? Other than in fights and everyone would have to debate do you get six feet away and try to duke it out or do you fight like normal and just really sanitize afterwards
During this quarantine I am home 24/7 and would be more than happy to talk, I’m figuring out now how to steal episodes of different shows so that i can make AMV’s so stay tuned for that,
Lets seriously start a discord 
Or come talk to me on twitter!!! <3 
Luffy: Is really glad to not have to work or do anything really, they live with most of their friends and the ones they don’t live with, well they never claimed they wouldn’t go out so its not a promise broken really. He doesn’t know much about the virus except what everyone else tells him but he does misunderstand the “high risk=old” thing and fights anyone for an entire day who tries to go near his grandpa, and while Garp and everyone else want to correct him it’s kind of cute so they let it slide and send all the newbies to talk to Garp(okay Aokiji sends Akainu but nobody stopped him so they all go down with that secret)
Zoro: “the bars are whAT?!” is not fucking happy. He expresses this every day and let me tell you when the liquor stores closed down for not being essential it took several hours to calm him down and for Sanji to be like “i know a guy” and everyone was immediately like ?? Usually Luffy says that??? and by knowing a guy, Sanji meant Judge has several cellars dedicated to alcohol so yes, they did acquire some alcohol. And thankfully Judge can’t even leave his house to track anyone down so was it really even stolen to begin with?
Nami: Has so many side hustles she isn’t even worried about money, what she is worried about is people who don’t have supplies or food, so with Sanji they go around just making sure their neighborhood/relatives(that they like)/friends have everything they need and let me tell you when they saw people hoarding and over buying? Since police can’t go out for every little thing, you really can’t prove if they beat the shit out of you and left you only with necessities. Nor will you because once the other guys find out?? Oh its on, do not panic buy around these kids, they’ll fuck you up like it’s their job.
Usopp: Swings wildly from believing they have COVID19 and that it doesn’t even exist and somehow its all a way to control the masses(their hysteria knows no bounds) Usopp doesn’t go out much and cleans the crap out of everything every 3-4 hours just to make sure, they are considered essential at their job being an engineer so they 100% go out in a hazmat suit, works in a completely sterile environment and does not touch anything in the suit until they have taken a shower and removed their clothes from the day. Are they overreacting? Yes. Do they care? Absolutely not. Because if they get sick there's a 100000000% chance everyone in the household will get sick and that’s on Usopp, but they do make funny videos when their home with Zoro and Luffy about how the virus is affecting them. 
Sanji: As previously stated he’s okay on money(they all are with how Nami runs their finances) and has taken up cooking meals for the elderly(making sure his dad(Zeff) stays healthy) and also beating the shit out of the people hoarding and trying to upsell supplies. Its one thing to joke, and hey Sanji can take a joke, but he can’t handle anyone going without because of stinginess. Sanji also, because he’s literally the purest child starts posting videos on how to make something delicious and also nutritious taste good on a budget, or with a picky eater who doesn’t like vegetables *cough cough* Luffy *cough cough*. He helps Zeff with the restaurant but makes people tip the servers at least 20%, 
Chopper: Is stressed the fuck out, at every turn theres something new with the virus, he’s got one more exam to pass and “they’ve changed it from being in class to online which changes the rules and if he fails or has questions theres nobody there to help him-” and god save the queen Law comes in like a knight in shining armor and is like “I’ll be there to help you answer some questions you have a difficult time on” and choppers like “wut no that’s cheating” and Law and Robin are both like “yo it’s not like in the field you won’t be able to consult other doctors so it’s not” and choppers now suddenly fine with the not-cheating. While he’s not freaking out about exams, he’s freaking out about his essential friends, and that’s almost worse. Law’s thinking of writing him an anxiety prescription until all this is over(Law is also in panic mode 25/7).
Robin: calm, cool and collected, has a contingency plan for her original contingency plan. No peanut butter? She can make it. No fresh meat? Frozen will do just fine. Somebody is buying more than what they need and trying to mark it up? “Franky.” and like that the problems were handled. 100% helps Usopp and Law and Chopper with their anxiety about this, while she is concerned she also goes about her relatively normal daily business, like reading outside on a sunny day, going to the park with Luffy(they just walk, they don’t touch anything) practicing social distancing, washing her hands a bit more. (honestly everyone be like robin)
Franky: Is fine up until the store runs out of cola and now it’s fucking war. Him and Zoro are devising a plan to topple the world and Luffy will join in only because he is a child of chaos. While he’s not being melodramatic, he’s doing house repairs for the low and yard work(with Zoro and Luffy's nonessential asses) for older people who can’t get outside and do it and are too old, or for new moms and dad, single parent households, the whole shabang. If you don’t have money they take I.O.U’s because one day, they’ll need a favor that’s just their destiny. 
Brook: Was immediately placed on lockdown for being the oldest of the group(mostly as a joke but the younger ones do go to the store for him, even Usopp) but he spends his time making music and funny videos so people can have a laugh. He’ll do concerts online and remake songs about the coronavirus, and even review some other songs(kind of like Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross, he’s so affectionate) he puts up halloween decorations mixed with Christmas decorations and the entire neighborhood follows suit and one morning he and the gang walk around in renaissance gear and scream “bring out yer dead!” and while the neighborhood thinks it's funny, the police do not(but they aren’t fast enough to catch the heathens).
Jimbei: Doesn’t see his people as much as he’d like but, thankfully they social distance and walk in the park to hold him over. He also spends a lot of his time helping the elderly, and also other people in need. And if a few people who try to upsell things are suddenly hospitalized, Law’s not going to inquire about the increase in assault victims and if he doesn’t inquire and the people don’t file a claim with the police, did it even happen? Jimbei works with Franky sometimes but mostly handles his own neighborhood and stopping punks from doing dumb shit(see Eustass for example) and if the gang sneaks over at night to hang out with Jimbei well he thinks its sweet and also dumb but he loves it.
Thanks for reading! Let’s be active and talk rn!!!!!!!!
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