#the only person who ever got close enough to guessing right was Raph but it was a half ass joke
imababblekat · 2 years
Okay, so, picture this!
The Bay Turtles having constant theories about who Spider-Man reader is under the mask, but none of them have not a single clue that it’s actually their friend. Reason? Because they have the agility of a rock and the pose of a gremlin that woke up from a thousand year hibernation.
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midnightcreator12 · 2 years
Well, only one person replied to my post..... but that person was @antimattercontainment​ Who is awesome soooooo....
Fr tho, just wanna talk about this cus I drew a thing, anyway!
My one main issue with the 2012 Mutant Apocalypse was this guy here VVV
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Maximus Kong, aka Leo, aka the Shredder stand in for this arc. And I don’t dislike him because of the design, but because he’s Leo.
You’re telling me Leo, who is routinely shown to be a very empathetic person with a strong sense of justice throughout the show, became a ruthless, tyrannical overlord who's only goal is to take over the world after losing his memories?
And yeah, we could make the argument that he was alone and probably got picked up by a bad crowd, or he got like this to survive, but I personally wouldn’t have gone in this direction.
So, I guess this is kinda an AU? Does it count as an AU if I’m not really gonna do much with it?
idk, anyway!
So, the arc goes down like normal, the only change is Kong is not Leo and he’s brought up from episode one as this kinda boogeyman that everyone tries to stay as far away from as possible and his Beast. The story goes that Kong has this powerful, unstoppable mutant that no one can kill. No one really know what kind of mutant it is, anyone whos gotten close enough to see it is swiftly killed by it.
Throughout the arc Kong shows up just behind our heros, starting pretty far away but getting closer with each appearance. And whenever he appears, the audience sees flashes of a hulking beast with mutagen glowing spikes and murdious glowing eyes. No one gets a good look at it, not even Donnie can get a good read on what that thing is, but where ever Kong is, his monster is right at his side.
Then we get to the final fight, Raph is on Kong’s rig and is actually winning the fight. But then Kong whistles and Raph is tackled to the ground by the Beast. It towers over Raph, wild eyes and snapping teeth inches from his face, claws ripping at his armor.
And at first Raph fights back, ready to give his all against this monster. But then he looks, really looks, the monster in the eye, in an attempt at intimidation maybe, or ready to face his death head on.
But he knows those eyes. The scalaria has gone green and bloodshot but he knows that shade of dark blue almost as well as his own neon green.
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(look this is as close to scary as I can get, just pretend he looks scary)
And at first, the name doesn’t seem to do anything but make Leo more mad, doubling his efforts to try and take Raph down. But Raph has switched tactics, now going on the defensive and begging Leo to recognize him, to remember him.
Leo doesn’t seem to hear him, he does hesitate a few times but Kong commands him to “Take that worm down for your master!” And goes right back to attacking Raph.
Eventually he slams Raph to the ground hard enough to daze him. Kong laughs as Raph hoarsely keeps calling for Leo, saying, “Whoever that freak used to be is long gone. You waste what little breath you still have.”
Kong grabs Raph, intent on beating him to death. Raph cries out when something in his shoulder snaps. He turns to look at Leo standing to the side, staring at the scene unfolding.
And, thinking he’s going to die here, Raph wants Leo to know one thing, “Leo....I love you brother.”
And something shifts. It’s still fuzzy but something deep in Leo’s mind stirs, remembers a much smaller, younger Raphael.
His brother...that’s his brother.
Kong was not expecting his loyal attack dog to suddenly pounce, he barely had time to react before powerful jaws closed around his neck with a wet crunch.
Leo then goes to Raph, his voice is all but gone from years of not using it, but he nudges his brother, wheezing out a weak, “Raph.”
Then the tank lurches. It had been heavily damaged in the fight and was veering through the canyons out of control. Leo doesn’t even hesitate to curl himself over Raph, tucking his long lost brother close as the rig is ripped to pieces around them.
When the rest of the gang catch up, they find Leo, curled up in a ball. At first they freak out when they see Leo’s maw is coated in blood but Leo slowly rises, revealing a very alive Raph under him.
Leo stares at his family, voice still rasping painful as he calls for them, “Donnie....Mikey....”
And then it clicks for everyone and they all surge forward to hug their big brother.
They’re reunited, brothers against the world. As it should be.
So, yeah, that was the one bit in MA that I didn’t like and how’d I fix it. Have a good day y’all! 
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Orange Graffiti Pt. 5
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author’s note: i want to thank @i-am-chaos-no-one-can-stop-me for reblogging and motivating me to continue! i hope you enjoy ~~~ <3
warnings: cursing, angst, violence, fluff
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previously. . .
“Say bye bye turtle” that was the only warning Mikey got as he lunged for you while the foot pushed you off the building. Your hand reaching out towards Mikey, his own hand stretching impossibly to meet yours. He felt your fingertips briefly before gravity pulled you down.
“Y/N!” Mikey yelled immediately going over the edge after you. His hand finally reaching yours as he pulled you close. The two of you fell in what felt like slow motion, you were looking at Mikey with a shocked expression, had he really just leapt off a building for you?!
Right before the two of you hit the ground Raph’s red power form somehow caught both of you. “Good to see ya big brother!” Mikey exhaled in relief. “Real reckless of you Mikey,” Raph blew out a breath of relief too just happy he had gotten there in time.. well one of Leo’s portals had been needed. It was a team effort to reach the two of you.
“Thanks Raphael,” you said as he let both of you slide out of his ginormous hands. “You’re welcome,” he replied. Donnie patched in on the voice channel, “what’re we doing with these feet?” Leo and Donnie had chased after the bad guys, effectively keeping them from running off by tying them with rope Donnie just happened to have.
“We’re coming,” Raph spoke to the voice channel as all of you made your way back up to the rooftop. You crossed your arms looking at the foot members that had not only chased you out of your home but pushed you off a building. Mikey crouched next to you. His eyes narrowing at them, disgusted. What you really wanted to do was approach them both now that they were tied up and give them hell, but with Mikey’s brothers around and Mikey himself, you didn’t think it was…appropriate even considering the circumstances…. okay you were trying to somehow save your horrible reputation. Being the bigger person had to count for something in Raph’s book you thought to yourself.
Plus it’s not like they went unscathed. One of them had burn marks on their face (the disaster twins had taken of their foot masks) from you throwing your hot ramen. That made you chuckle to yourself, you totally missed the opportunity to say ‘hot soup.’ While the other was still heaved over breathing heavy, you hadn’t held your punches back, you had been fighting for your life.
“The foot generals have been searching for me ever since I betrayed them,” you said to all the turtles. One of the foot spit, “traitorous bit-“ a robotic hand came out and covered the offending mouth. “Enough of that.” Donnie smirked as the foot glared up at the purple turtle. You gave Donnie a smile, it really would’ve been hard to stand still and not punch that guy if no one had done anything.
“So yeah, I guess it took them a year to find my place..” you continued. Mikey looked over at Raph, who was looking between you and the foot members. “Seems a bit like déjà vu,” you sighed of course. You nodded, biting on the your inner cheek. “Well thanks for the rescue. I won’t bother you anymore.” What did you expect? This was basically a repeat of what happened last year. No way they would make the same mistake twice even if you really were being chased by the foot clan this time. “Guys!” Mikey pleaded, “If I remember correctly Y/n hadn’t been pushed off a building all those times last year!” He looked at all his brothers imploring them to reconsider, “they could’ve died if I hadn’t been up here. And Y/n hasn’t seen me in a week, this was all pure luck!”
Mikey’s heart sank at that, truly if he hadn’t been at the right place at the right time, you would’ve.. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked to his brothers. They all sighed. You stuffed your hands in your pant pockets. “I’ve got a place to go Mikey, seriously.” He shook his head, “no no the last time you lied and I couldn’t see you for a week!” You smiled, remembering your words, you said you’d see him later, technically it could’ve been at anytime. “I didn’t lie, Raph was there, I said see you later, well now is later.”
Mikey scowled, “you know what I mean! You were purposefully not hanging out with me,” he pouted and Leo coughed. “Ahem.. let’s say we do let you stay, just til the foot give up.” Mikey gasped, Raph gave Leo a glare, “Leo!”
“A vote then, right here right now, all for Y/n to be back in our good graces?” Leo said and Mikey shot his hand up in the air, Leo slowly raised his hand. Mikey was looking to Donnie, eyes pleading. A robotic hand slowly came out of his battle shell. “You guys!” Raph exclaimed. “Alright majority wins, Raph suck it up!” Leo went on as he turned and started walking towards the manhole. Donnie followed suit, hovering slightly in the air, on his phone.
Raph sighed, giving you a hard stare, a warning to not mess this up. You stared back at him, as he turned away following the twins. Mikey stuck out his tongue at the back of Raph’s head, you snickered. “To the lair!” Mikey smiled and grabbed your hand pulling you forward. “To the lair” you agreed only making him smile wider.
“WHAT ABOUT US?!” The foot members screamed and the two of you laughed. You turned giving them the stank eye while Mikey blew a raspberry. “Don’t worry the cops will find you eventually if ya keep yelling!~” you hollered over your shoulder. You were happy, things weren’t perfect, and you had a bit of a rough evening, but what the hell! Life ain’t perfect and at least Mikey’s next to you. You smiled over at him, making his heart melt.
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ordin-arily · 2 years
I have read all your rottmnt works bc I recently (finally!) got into this amazing show. I love your work!!
If you ever have the time, I'd love to see a Donnie-fic where maybe he gets jealous when his crush wears his brother's colours, and either tries to "sneakily" (clearly not subtle) put them in purple/his clothes/brand, or (if you have enough inspiration to continue the 'mating season' idea) claim them some other way? *wink*
I always hear about possessive turtles (esp from Donnie) but I don't see much of it (esp from Donnie). We like to see some spicy turtles lol
thank you!! i couldn't squeeze anything spicy in this time but i think i managed to get a little bit of that possessive behaviour! :)
Notes: 2nd POV & fem reader for this one
Okay here's your fic! :D
When you walk into the lair wearing red, Donnie’s fists come down against a table. 
You flinch at the sound and turn away from your conversation with Raph to peer at him expectantly. Under your observation, Donnie swipes his hand over the area he’s just hit, pretending to dust something off.
"There was a bug.”
You nod sort of distractedly and return your attention to his brother, who’s continued his dialogue, never one to be particularly bothered by interruptions.
If this were any other day, Donnie might have mulled over whether or not you actually bought his lame attempt at a cover-up. Today, though, he keeps his focus trained on you, straining to hear what you’re saying as he tinkers mindlessly somewhere in the background. 
You... in that little scarlet tank top. 
You, making him chew through several different writing utensils.
He hadn't thought much of it when you showed up wearing the most adorable orange crew neck the other day. He’d barely registered the colour at all. Why study your clothing when you were there, scribbling away in your notebook, the cutest crease between your brows as you paused every so often to punch in something on your calculator... 
It was only when Mikey passed by and playfully bumped you on the side, buoyantly exclaiming something like “hey Y/N, we’re matching!” that Donnie had picked up on it. 
With your head still in math problems, it’d taken you half a second longer to process what his younger brother was saying, but when you did, you broke out in the most award-winning grin. “Oh! Hey, yeah!” 
And then you’d fully stood up to compare hues and textiles, chatting up a storm of delight. 
It was sweet—endearing, even.
But then it happened again...
The next time he saw you, you were in a brilliant cobalt long-sleeve cropped tee. It hugged you in all the right places and brought out your features stunningly.
Donnie would’ve been a fool not to notice, which is probably exactly why Leo did. 
“Ho-ho-ho! Repping me today, Y/N?”
You’d laughed, looking down at yourself like you just now remembered you were wearing his colour, and pointed at him enthusiastically. “Hey! Yeah, I guess I am!”
“I always knew you were a fan,” he’d grinned, throwing his arm around you easily.
You made a show of rolling your eyes and shoved him away jovially. “Keep pushing, Nardo. See where it gets you."
Donnie likes your personality, he does. He likes that you’re charming and witty and that you can keep up with all of them.  
So, why then, had he snapped his pencil in half the moment Leo got close to you and tauntingly asked, “Is that an invitation, Y/L/N?"
He’d wanted to step right between the two of you and spread his arms as far as they would go—pummel his twin into oblivion if the right situation presented itself.
He’d just reached for another pencil instead.
Donnie almost forgot about those events. Whatever you’d worn between then and now must’ve not struck him as anything spectacularly out of the ordinary—maybe you’d worn black or grey or green. He wasn’t sure. But now…
But now.
The red. 
God, it’s like you’re doing it on purpose.
He knows it’s silly to get worked up over something this trivial, but he can’t help it. And when Raph inevitably calls attention to such a discovery? Forget it.
“Hey! Did you wear red for me?” He sounds so excited. Pathetic, Donnie thinks scornfully.
You look down at yourself. “Oh! Y’know, I’d love to say that I did, but just a happy accident I guess.”
In the distance, Donnie narrows his eyes, unconvinced that you’re not doing this just to torture him. He repeats the last part of your sentence under his breath, mocking your voice in an entirely unintelligible grumble.
“What was that, D?” Raph asks genuinely, craning his neck around you to address the boy with steam wafting up off of him.
“Hm? Nothing, just that pesky bug.” He laughs too loudly and hits the table again. “Got it!”
The both of you blink at him and he can nearly feel his cheeks turn the colour of your shirt if they could turn such a colour.
Well, this is certainly a blow to his pride. 
“I shall fetch a tissue!” he announces overzealously, and books it out of the room at lightning speed, taking a sharp turn in the direction of the thermostat. He peeks over his shoulder before cranking it way down. 
If he needs to turn his brothers into turtsicles, so be it. You’ll be asking for a sweater any minute now.
Any… minute…
Yep, that’s what he told himself forty-five minutes ago, just as you settled into his lab, sitting across from him at his high table. 
He glances over every few seconds now, anticipating, and doing his best to suppress some pretty gnarly teeth-chattering.
“Hey, uh, aren’t you a little cold, Y/N? Do you, um, do you want a jacket—I can get you a jacket,” he tells you, breath coming out in a cloud. 
You’re engrossed in yet more school work—this time, a history textbook. “Mm, n-no, thank you,” you respond almost unconsciously, not tearing your eyes away from the open page.
“Oh, okay,” Donnie says and pulls his purple Dragons club jacket out from behind him.
He leaves it on the table between the two of you for a few minutes, pretending to busy himself with a screwdriver and a circuit board... until he can’t take it anymore. You still haven’t looked up from your reading and it’s driving him nuts. 
It’s only once you feel something touch your shoulders that your concentration is sliced clean through. You sit up poker-straight, jolting at the feel of soft fabric being draped over your form. Behind you is a very sheepish-looking Donatello, snaking, slinking, and all but slithering about. 
You put down your pencil. “Okay, I give. What’s going on with you?”
“Whatever do you mean?” Those odd little inflections he does have become so normalized to you that the comical stiffness with which he says this doesn’t derail your resolve in the slightest. Shucks.
“You’ve been acting weird all afternoon. Is it my tank top? Does it bother you that much?”
“No!” he rushes out. “I mean, yes, but not for the reason you think!”
It’s difficult not to feel self-conscious with that kind of response, and you pull his jacket on properly, hoping to hide your front a little more if that’s what’s making him so uncomfortable.
The second it’s on though; the second you’re wearing his colour, his attire, his… He completely short-circuits. (Is this what it’s like to be Mikey?) 
You’re looking at him funny and calling his name, but his basic motor functions are as good as gone. (Is he having a stroke right now?
He knew you’d look in purple but… god damn.) 
He’s just regaining his ability to think—forget speak—when his door flies open with a gruff “DONNIE!” 
The dancing sparkles and rose-coloured orbs poof from his vision with a disembodied pop!
“WHY’S it so cold in here?” Raph berates. "We’re all freezing! What’d you do now?!”
“Um,” Donnie punctuates too defensively for the bearings of a guilty man. “First of all, I am deeply wounded by your preposterous implication that I had anything to do with this. And, second of all…” His head falls and his voice gets quiet. “Check the thermostat...”
Raph squints, suspicious and testy, before backing out of the room, mumbling something about the gifted child under his breath. 
Meanwhile, puzzle pieces are starting to fit together in your mind. 
Part of you wants to tease him. You could take off his jacket—claim it’s actually hot in here. You could tell him you’re not really that big a fan of the colour or that the garment is a little scratchy.
The better part of you, however, surmises that, if your friend has gone to such great lengths to see this through, it might be better to attend to this one delicately. 
You double-check to make sure that his brother is indeed no longer in the room before folding your arms and confronting a shamefaced Donatello. 
“You were going to be next, you know?”
His eyes shift from side to side nervously and he feigns ignorance. “W-what are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about. I didn’t plan it initially, but I thought it might be fun to keep going. Saved the best for last and everything.”
He perks up at that last part, lifting his head to look at you. “You... Really?”
You nod. “Had the cutest little babydoll all ready to go. But… I guess the jacket works too.”
His posture wilts. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think jealousy was in my roster of attributes, but here we are.”
“It’s not an attribute,” you insist. “It’s a feeling. You know what those are right?"
He bites back a smile and shakes his head. “No idea what you’re talking about.”
“You know, for someone who’s supposed to be the smartest on the team, you’ve now said that twice in the last minute.”
This time he does smile, but you can tell it’s without his consent. “Gah—fine!” he relents. “I’ve been had! Just put me out of my misery already.”
You let out a hearty chortle at this and figure he’s paid enough. Still, this doesn’t stop you from asking: “So… how do I look?”
He averts his gaze anxiously, eyes flitting back to you erratically like he can’t quite help himself, then clears his throat. “Uh, goo—yeah, um good. You look good.”
“My god, that was painful.” You start to slip the windbreaker off when he stops you.
“N-no. Seriously, um—“ He holds a hand out and swallows harshly. “Keep it on. If-if you want. It looks good on you.”
And now it’s your turn to blush. You wish desperately in these moments that you had some kind of control over it; it’s all fun and games when you’re not the one who’s flustered. 
There’s some kind of shift in his demeanour at your reaction, though—his confidence apparently skyrocketing exponentially because the next words out of his mouth are: “And not just because it’s purple.”
“It’s also… mine."
(Gone are the nervous gulps and fumbling hands, apparently.)
There are insinuations behind those words too—the kind that make your heart pick up speed in your chest—and you scramble for a witty retort. 
“I’ll have to steal your hoodie next time then.”
(...Mediocre but it’ll have to do.)
Donnie goes stock-still at this response, like he’s conjuring up the mental image. And then he smirks. Like, a full-on, self-satisfied, impish smirk. Jesus.
“Good idea."
Alright—where the hell is this coming from?
Despite your discomfiture, you have to admit the thought of wearing his clothes is unexpectedly... comfortable—about as comfortable as the real deal. You toy with the fabric of the sleeve reflexively, lost to your ruminating.
If you go home that night, accidentally taking his jacket with you and finding, as you finish up your history reading, that it still smells like him… you figure none will be the wiser.
If you rummage around in your closet a little later in the evening, looking for all things violet, amethyst, plum, and lavender... Well, so what?
And if you show up to the next beach day clad in a bright purple two-piece...
Maybe you’re looking forward to the kind of results it might yield.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
For the Love of Shell - Chapter Forty Six - Halloween Festivities
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Another chapter for you to snack on!
Here it is in its entirety. 
It had taken Donnie close to two weeks of hacking and snooping the government database to find out who and what that strange man was about. He was the head of a secret agency funded by the US Government called The Earth Protection Force or E.P.F for short and went by the name John Bishop.
 Unfortunately there wasn’t much on Bishop’s past but from the looks of his training and connections he wasn’t someone to cross.
Leo leaned against Donatello’s desk, his arms crossed over his chest deep in thought. He had been watching his genius brother search through pages upon pages of tedious government documents trying to learn more about this new threat. They were aware of their existence even before they saw them. Bishop said something about a little birdie chirping in his ear about them, who could that be? Was it possible one of the police officers that had assisted them with taking down Krang informed the government about them? Rebecca had assured them their secret was safe.
 His name being called broke him from his thoughts and Leo looked down at Donnie still parked in his chair. “What is it Don?”
 “Do you think if they got a hold of us they would really dissect us?” his younger brother’s voice wavered with  the horrid thought of being strapped down to a metal table cut and apart like a lab rat.
 Leo’s large hand rested gently on his younger brother’s shoulder giving it a quick reassuring squeeze, “I would never let anyone dissect any of you. I would die before I would let that happen.” The vile images that raced through Leo’s mind of his dead brothers in pieces made his stomach churn making him feel sick to his stomach. It was true though, he would lay down his life in a second to save his brothers and die defending them to his very last breath.
 Looking up from Donnie’s brown eyes Leo saw Mikey and Raph saunter in towards the Leader and the genius. The sly smile on Michelangelo’s face put Leo on edge, the youngest had something up his sleeve and was ready to test is sway with his eldest brother.
 Reaching Leo, Mikey swung his arm up and over his shoulder pulling the blue leader to his side.
 “What do you want Mikey?” Leo sighed allowing the brotherly embrace.
 “Do you know what today is oh brother of mine?” Mikey cooed playfully slapping his palm against the hard plates of Leonardo’s plastron.  
 “It’s October 31st Mike.”
 “Yeah Brah, its Halloween and we wanna go out and enjoy the parade. We never get to go out and do anything fun.”
 Leo let out a heavy sigh shaking his head, “Mikey, I told you before, we’re ninja and we stay in the shadows. Going topside isn’t a smart idea.”
Raphael moved next to his younger brother and tilted his head eyeing Leo, “We know what we are fearless and we know we don’t belong on the streets. But today is the only day in the year we get to experience walking around with the humans unnoticed and safe. I think after all we’ve dealt with lately I think we deserve to go have a little fun topside.”
 Before Leo could reply the voice of their Sensei interjected stopping the conversation. “My sons, you are right, you have been so dedicated to the safety of this city that you have not been able to enjoy the spoils of your hard work. Halloween is the only day you can go up into the streets with no fear of hatred for your appearance or fear of scrutiny of your mutation. Please take this day to enjoy yourselves and unwind. Interact with the outside world but please be careful.”
 Leo and his brothers stared wide eyed at their aging father. He had just given them permission to go topside and enjoy Halloween. For the first time ever!
 “Besides.” The old rat continued. “You are old enough to make your own decisions and able to care for your own safety. Who am I to keep you from your destiny?”
 The atmosphere in the lair exploded as Raph and Mikey jumped into the air in excitement high threeing each other. Mikey turned to his genius brother beaming from his large skateboard chair and slide to his side smacking him on the back of his shell.
 “Tell them about that party you heard about Donnie. Maybe we could go there for a bit. Didn’t it say there would be food?” Mikey turned Donnie’s chair to face his other brothers who were now looking at him awaiting a response.
 “What’s he talkin about Donnie?” Raph quipped picking up a small trinket from Donnie’s desk flipping it over and over in his oversized palm.
 “I follow a local neighborhood watch blog and I guess someone bought that old church on the edge of town that’s been abandoned for years for a dollar. You know the one, the one built in the early 1800’s with all the missing windows? It’s been in shambles from all the vandalism over the years.  They have been remodeling it for the past year and finally finished a few weeks ago. They’re holding a neighborhood Halloween party for all the people in the neighborhood. There had been so many people stopping by during the construction to see what was going on, the owner thought it would be nice to let everyone see the work done to restore the old church. Supposedly there will be food too, which is what caught Mikey’s attention a week ago.”
 Mikey took out a lone nunchaku and spun it in his wrist circling Leonardo; he could tell by the confused look on his brother’s face he couldn’t remember the place. “You know that old church we used to play in when Master Splinter went to bed, we’d sneak out and play around swinging in the open rafters and hurtling the old pews.”
 Suddenly Mikey stopped in his tracks the blood in his veins running cold, he realized what he had just confessed in front of their father. Something he did not know about their past.
 “Mikey.” Raph growled in frustration resting his large head in his hands.
 With a grimace across his face Mikey slowly turned his head to face his father, dreading the death glare from the feisty old rat. The amused look on the rat took him by surprise, he wasn’t angry?
 Splinter watched his sons faces as they glared at their youngest brother then trained their gaze to their father to see how upset he was. When all their attention was on him he began to laugh, a good belly laugh he hadn’t managed to have in quite some time. “My sons you were only 6 years old when you started to venture out on your own. Your ninja skills were barely even tapped yet, so I heard you four leave each time. Instead of punishing your natural inquisitiveness for the outside world I just followed close behind to make sure you were safe. You boys will have hardships around every corner as you continue to age, who was I to stop you exploring your city. The more you got comfortable with your surroundings the more you could protect yourself; learn faster ways to get home. It was a very tiring time though, making sure I heard you each time, so I could supervise. Not a lot sleep when you were curious toddlers. But it did help your confidence and your bond with each other. You knew you had to rely on each other to get back home safely.”
 Their tense bodies relaxed as their father confessed he knew they had gone topside when they were younger. It was a secret they had promised not to tell anyone just in case it would get back to their father. As it turned out he knew the entire time and had followed them on each adventure.
 Leo let out a shaky breath realizing the wrath of his father would not come. A large bullet had been dodged and a small weight of the lie was lifted. “Yes, I know which church you’re talking about now. Yeah, I wouldn’t see why not, could be fun seeing the old place redone.” Leo scratched his chin contemplating their route; if they were going up to the streets they needed some sort of plan before they headed out just in case they got lost in the crowd. They still needed to be careful even though this was a leisurely outing. There was always a chance of running into some Purple Dragons at Halloween.
 To their surprise and delight it wasn’t difficult to get into the parade. With their great “costumes” they were pulled into the sea of people by several hands congratulating them on the detail of their work. At one point people on a parade float had tried to coax them up and onto the decorated trailer. Politely declining they moved back away from the reaching hands. That would expose them more than they already were. Thankfully their ninja skills had helped them mange to avoid any cameras as well.
 It was nice getting to know people, conversating and mingling with their fellow New Yorkers. There were no screams or flying insults, just random high fives and praises.
 “So life like!” One woman squealed running her hands over Raphael’s forearm excitedly and pressing down on his skin to feel the dense muscles beneath. “It feels like real scales; how did you do that?!”
 The red brute smirked when her wandering hands tried to encircle the impossible mass of his biceps. He allowed her hands to travel farther up to his neck, her touches giving his green skin a rush of goose bumps. “These hands are pure talent sweetheart in more ways than one.” He cooed seductively stepping into her personal space getting lost in the attention.
 Leo watched the exchange and figured it was a good time to pry the beast away from his prey before he sunk his teeth in too far. “Come on lover boy, let’s get moving before you bite off more than you can chew.” His hand hooked around the back of the brutes harness and started to pull him away from the unsuspecting female.
 The woman grew disappointed when Raphael was pulled from her groping fingers, “Come back! He’s fine, I like it rough!” She called after the retreating terrapins.
“Damn Raph, you attracted the girls real quick.” Mikey laughed giving a quick glance over his shoulder at the sad woman they had just left behind.
 Raphael turned abruptly ripping his harness from his older brother’s tight grasp and hissed in frustration. “Damn fearless, why you gotta cock block a brother.”
 “What were you gonna do Raph when she found that ‘costume’ doesn’t come off? When you got back to her apartment for a few fun evening activities?” Leo laughed as he moved around a poorly designed SpongeBob costume.
 “You never know Leo; she could have been cool with fucking a mutant turtle? Aurora can’t be the only woman who’s willing to spread her legs for mutant dick?”
 The comment made the leader stop in his tracks and the dense muscles in his neck bunch painfully. Slowly he turned to face his brother and the expression Raph was expecting was nowhere close to the look on the leader’s face. Pain swirled in the blue orbs of his eldest brother making Raph instantly regret the remark.
 “I-I’m sorry Leo, that was disrespectful to Aurora.”
 Leos’ eyes lowered to the city streets contemplating something and gave his muscled brother one final glare before returning his attention back to the mass of people in the parade.
 Donnie came up to the ashamed brother and nudged his shoulder gaining his interest, “You know you’re not wrong Raph. Statistically speaking there are plenty of woman out there who would be willing to bed us. There is a huge following of people online calling themselves ‘Furries’ and ‘Scalies’ that would prefer our unusual body types and larger…….physiques to normal human beings.”
 With a deep rolling laughter Raphael patted his genius brothers shell, “Thanks Don, I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m on the net.”
 As the parade came to a close they parted from the bustling crowd and headed towards the remodeled church that was holding the public house warming party. The walk was short but the anticipation for their first real party was staggering.
 Just as they remembered, the old church was surrounded by a large brick wall that towered even over them, perhaps 15 feet tall. It would require scaling it they needed to get over its walls. The old cast iron door they was barely holding onto its hinges was replaced by a massive wood and iron door. Its structure looked sound and secure not like the rickety old gates. This was built to withstand some heavy pounding and privacy.
  As they passed through the new protective doors they gazed up at the newly restored stained glass windows, marveling at the colors. When they were kids they remembered several kids throwing rocks at the beautiful glass shattering the window to smithereens. It was good to see them intact and cleaned for once; they seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
 The once broken and uneven stairway up to the main door had been removed and replaced by fresh concrete and a new wood and iron hand rail. Gone were the tags from gang members and inconsiderate kids who defiled the old brick work on the outside of the ancient building. Someone had spent hours power washing the outside to rid the grey stone of the canned paint.
 Reaching the top of the stairs the old wooden doors that had been long torn from their hinges had been replaced by new metal doors. About half way up the thick doors were matching stained glass windows just above their eye line to complete the look of the exterior.
Donnie pointed to the almost invisible camera just to the left of the large front door, noting the advanced security system that protected the property. “So far I’m impressed, the tech is high end, like nearly impossible to hack and the outside is wonderfully redone. Even the shrubbery is trimmed and lush.”
 Raph’s large thick fingers wrapped around the elaborate handle and opened the door revealing the newly converted sanctuary. After all the years of abuse most of the pews had been burned or stolen so it wasn’t too much of a shock seeing the rows of benches gone. All of the religious relics were long gone as well; even the large wooden statue of Jesus that had hung above the pulpit had been taken years ago.
 The large spacious vaulted ceilings were repaired and refinished leaving no trace of the old roof’s leaks to see. At the back of the sanctuary was a huge circle stained glass window that sat high above the pulpit. It had been shattered long before they found the old building when they were tots so they never saw the vibrant colors inside the window. Now inside the round window sat a beautifully crafted piece of art, each little different colored piece of glass formed a dahlia flower. The large center piece was outlined with more flowers and stars with a background that transitioned from light blue to dark.
 Below the circle stained glass window was a large flat screen TV hanging from the wall with an oversized u-shaped couch just before it. Already people were sitting on it mingling and having conversations while snacking on plates of food.  
 The atmosphere was friendly and inviting and almost immediately people began to introduce themselves commenting on their ‘costumes’. That was when the aroma of delicious smelling food invaded their senses. Mikey was the first to grumble and turned towards the large kitchen sitting to the left, open to the expansive room of the old sanctuary. Atop the counters along with another large island covered in white quarts sat a plethora of foods and desserts.
 Mikey wasted no time and made a beeline for the kitchen and the foods followed by Raph and Donnie. Leo kept his attention on the transformation of the old church. They had never seen the space so lit up besides the beams from their flashlights. It was nice to see the old church fixed up and ready for its new life.
 Leo left his brothers to pillage the refreshments and continued down a wide hallway to look at more of the house. A bright sign with bold lettering was sitting on a stand just at the opening.
 “Please feel free to roam about the house. If the door is open you are welcome inside, but if the door is closed please respect the privacy of the home owner and remain outside.”
 Continuing down the wide hallway he peaked through each room that was open. The first room on the right was the old Library, it looked like it had been restored to its former glory. All of the busted shelves were whole and matching the rest of the wood perfectly. You wouldn’t have been able to tell of the previous vandalism which was nice, there had been too many swastikas lining the floor.
 Shelves took up every inch of space on the walls, from floor to ceiling it towered. Almost every inch of space was lined with books ranging from what looked like ancient to new. Colors splashed the shelves from their spines like an abstract painting making his fingers inch to pull a book from its home to read. They had their own library but nothing this expansive. His eyes and finger tips roamed over some of the spines and grew a bit envious at the rare books he only dreamed of reading. Some of them were ancient books from Japan dating back almost 200 years, he wondered if they should be in a museum not sitting freely on someone’s bookcase.
 Resisting the rising urge to pull a book from the shelve and take a spot on one of the lush chairs Leonardo took his leave and headed back out into the hallway. With a quick look the blue banded terrapin found his brothers hovering over the food thoroughly stuffing their faces. With a crooked grin he turned back and continued his tour of the renovated church.
 As Donnie and Raphael moved away from the refreshments Mikey stayed behind sampling a tray of fancy cheeses. This was a great opportunity to try different cheeses together to better his pizza making skills. Where else would be get chance to sample so many cheeses at once…for free?
 Putting a slice of munster and gouda on top of each other Mikey slid the concoction between his lips and found very unpleasantly the two did not mix. While his face was scrunched up from the awful taste the person behind the counter who had been diligently working to prepare a new snack turned around and nearly dropped the tray in their hands.
 Mikey’s hand moved over his mouth as he hurriedly tried to finish off the taste on his tongue, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled quietly before popping a strawberry in his mouth to mask the flavor. “Munster and gouda do not mix. Mistakes were made. Blerg….”
 The woman in what was a phantom of the opera costume set the plate of what looked like pizza pinwheels down next to the veggie tray and stepped back. She smelled of freshly baked breads and sweets, it was comforting and made his stomach grumble for more. Mikey ignored her unsure gaze and swiped up a pinwheel to pop it in his mouth.
 “Wait!” she cried out reaching for him as the pastry disappeared behind his teeth. “It’s still hot!”
 She was undoubtedly right; he could have sworn he heard the flesh on his tongue sizzle at the treat settled on the wiggling appendage. But instead of spitting it out Mikey huffed around the burning deliciousness trying his best to cool the food down and not drool all over himself. In and out he sucked in air desperately trying to bring the temp down. After a few minutes of rolling the burning dough around on his tongue it was finally cool enough to swallow. Mikey took a swig of his punch to sooth his throbbing tongue and eyed the now giggling woman.
 “Are you alright?”
 Sticking the tip of his tongue out he nodded, “I no longer have skin on my tongue but you know I’ll live drinking the rest of my meals through a straw.”
 She mumbled something under her breath but Mikey couldn’t make it out.
 “What was that?”
 “Ohh oh nothing, just talking to myself really.” The woman stepped back and leaned up against the counter, “So that’s a pretty elaborate costume you got there.” Her finger waged up and down alluding to his massive shell and green skin. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were a living breathing turtle man.”
 “Nope.” Mikey coughed popping a piece of cool broccoli in his mouth. “All foam and plastic. Can you imagine a giant turtle living in New York. Where would something like that live?”
 “The sewer?” she calmly remarked. “I can imagine there are a never ending slew of tunnels under us with abandoned train stations perfect for subterranean housing?”
 Mikey reached for a chicken salad sandwich and paused. “Don’t you think it would smell down there?”
 “Nah, it’s not that bad down there.”
 “How would you know?” His baby blues rose in surprise but found the woman gone and another plate of pizza pin wheels in front of him. “Hmmmm.”
Leonardo made his way down the hallway and found a bathroom, two extraordinarily large empty rooms but only encountered two closed doors.  At the end of the hallway there were two large French doors open wide to a giant roaring fire. Taking his time to reach the large room he noticed an open set of stairs leading to the second floor to the old structure. Making a detour he began scaling the old wooden stair case noting the restored finish and carpentry work.
 His hefty green hand ran over the handy work with each unhurried step taking in the detailed craftsmanship. At the first landing there was another partial stained glass window that had been restored like the others along with a built in bench. Stopping to peer out Leonardo found a beautiful fresh garden with a massive water feature just below. The water poured out freely from a fountain that contained four large turtles perched on top of each other playfully. What a usual choice of animal for a fountain he thought in the back of his mind making his way up the last flight of stairs to the second floor.  
 At the landing Leo found the master bedroom just to the right. Like the large room below it had two ornate doors leading into a massive room and a large fireplace in the same spot as the first floor. Looking up he saw the only original stained glass window left sitting high on the wall. A massive circle with the virgin Mary holding a baby Jesus, the array of colors was stunning and as the moonlight filtered through the colored glass it left beautiful streaks of color on the white linen of the king size bed just below.
 A flair of jealously sparked through the leaders mind, to be human to be able to live above ground with such luxuries like windows and clean linen that didn’t smell like the dank sewer systems. To finally be able to sun themselves in the sunlight, would be a treat in itself. His fingers ran over the soft fabric and pressed down on the mattress enjoying the textures against his skin.
 He wandered around the room for a bit and ventured into the bathroom, his blue eyes wandered to the very large tiled shower and massive soaking tub. The tub alone looked like it could fit him and his shell plus another person comfortably inside. Taking his phone out Leo took a quick picture to show Donnie. What an improvement to the lair it would be to be able to actually have a tub large enough for them to immerse completely in, shell in all.
Raphael made his way through the open doors of the first floor, until he found the giant study in the back with a massive warm crackling fire in the gigantic hollow of the room’s main focal point. It radiated a welcoming heat helping the chill from the night’s air melt from his scaled skin. Looking around Raphael remembered most of the walls in this church had been crumbling stone. There had been small holes in the structure as time ate away at the history of the building. Now all the walls had been repaired and covered with sheet rock and no doubt insulated property for New York’s winters.
 He walked around the room running his finger tips over the antique wooden desk when a voice came from  behind him.
 “And there was two.”
 Spinning around her found a woman leaning up against the thick trim of the open doorway dressed as a female phantom of the opera. She was dressed in a nice fitting tux with a large flowing red cap, a black brimmed hat covered her hair and a white mask that covered more than half of her face. He vaguely remembered seeing the woman working in the kitchen putting out fresh food for the guests. Maybe she was the host?
 Resting his backside on the edge of the desk Raphael kept his sights on the woman as she moved forward into the room, “Yeah I’m here with my brothers. If you see two more less attractive pretend turtles they be them.”
 “Brothers?” She cooed. “Are you all as handsome? And who is the talent behind these amazing costumes?”
 He watched her shift close fingers trailing along the crevasses of Raph’s muscled bicep. As she passed by he could smell bread and sugar, the woman had been baking all day for the scent to cling her to her like that. A hint of pizza accompanied the delicious smell as well making him suddenly hungry.  
 Raph was ecstatic Fearless wasn’t there, he may not get to take anyone home but by the way the woman was circling him like a vulture he was more than happy to offer up a small meal to the woman. He deserved a little action. Besides it had been a while since he had kissed a woman and Raph very much missed the taste of her even if it was brief. “Yeah we’re blessed, but you’re lookin at the cream of this crop lady. It don’t get any better than this.” His arms opened flexing his muscles putting on a show for the enthralled female.
 The woman stopped a few feet in front of him and smiled, “Impressive. What brings you guys to the open house and not out winning some costume contest? You could win top dollar looking like that. Not that I’m complaining about the position I’m in.” closer she moved resting her hands on his thighs.  
 The lowered lights and flickering flames from the fire crackling in the background made it difficult to see her eyes but one thing was for sure, she was definitely eye fucking him. The signal couldn’t have been clearer. Raphael leaned back spreading his legs which shifted her fingers higher on his thick thighs, “You’re just lucky I guess.”
As he finished his solo tour on the second floor Leonardo found three more empty bedrooms along with their own en suites with equally large shower stalls and soaking tubs. Each room even had their own fireplaces, most likely for heating the rooms back in the day when electricity wasn’t widely available. Exiting from the last room he saw Mikey and Donnie leaving the master bedroom still munching on hors d’oeuvres.
 “I can’t believe you did that Mike!” Don growled giving his younger brother a smack on the back of his carapace.
 Mikey gave an indignant huff and shrugged his broad shoulders, “What? I wanted to see if I could get in the tub. Don we need one of those in the lair, I think Leo would love to take baths in the winter.”
 “Please tell me you didn’t let him get in the tub.”
 Both stopped in their tracks and found Leonardo standing just down the hall from them, his thick arms folded over his chest in frustration.
 Mikey popped the last of his mini slider into his mouth and smiled sticky sweet to his older brother. “Omf corsh nomf ((swallows)) why would I crawl into a complete strangers tub to see if our shells would fit inside? I mean who would be that crazy and rude? You have such little faith in me brah.”
 “Of course he did,” Donnie cut in dryly. “Had to swat his hands away from the faucet to keep him from filling it up for a ‘test run’.”
 “Mikey.” Leo’s voice was low and threatening in its authority wiping the smirk right from the younger turtle’s face instantly.
 With one stern gesture from their fearless leader all three mutants headed back down to the main floor. Without a word Leonardo felt himself pulled subconsciously into the large room with the fireplace just to the right of the staircase, as if it called to him.
With delight Raphael allowed the enthusiastic woman to crawl into his lap straddling his powerful legs. Now with her so close the bread smell gave way to a familiar smell, the smell of a woman and her arousal. It was thick and clouded his senses as she leaned in, mask still covering her face. His large hands found her waist but didn’t stop her from advancing further.
 “God you smell amazing, it’s been too long Red.” And with that she leaned forward slanting her mouth over the brute’s beak claiming a kiss.
 The familiar taste flooded his senses and Raphael reacted gripping her tighter. His tongue pressed into her mouth plundering the warmth groaning as she whimpered softly grabbing his cheeks with her hands.
 “Fuck.” He moaned breathlessly between each engage of their lips.
 As their mouths connected Leo, Donnie and Mikey walked in on the pair stopping in their tracks. They watched Raphael’s enthusiasm skyrocket as the kissed deepened. Both large arms wrapped around the woman pulling her impossibly close returning the kiss with everything he was.
 Raphael’s large mitt ran up the back of her neck and ripped the black hat from her head and locks of blonde were wound up in his green fingers. Mouth open and dumbfounded the three brothers could hear his rumblings over the fire. Raphael was clinging to the mysterious woman like she was a life line.
 “Hey it’s the snack lady!” Mikey pointed out breaking the spell around the two entangled on the desk.
 The woman slowed their kiss and disengaged from the brute and the massive turtle slumped down on the desk panting with a punch drunk look on his face; lips still glistening from their activities. One hand reached to her cheek under the mask cupping the right side of her face lovingly.
 Slowly she reached for the mask covering her face and slipped it free. There perched above the content brute was Aurora. Her violet eyes met with all three brothers and grinned. “Welcome to my home boys.”
 @imthegreenfairy88​ @tmntspidergirl​ @ravn-87​ @alonia143​ @blossom-skies​ @tmnt-bucklover​
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years
Okay, so the official update deadline for me is now every Sunday before I sleep. This is the second part. If the formatting is off, I apologize. Also, if you want to read the first bit, the link’s at the bottom. And the third one. I know there’s a way to make it so that touching on underlined text or something links you to the link, but I dunno how to do that.
Chapter 2
Surprisingly enough, the easiest one to convince of your legitimacy is Hamato Yoshi.
As soon as you walk into the lair, all you have to say to Ratman is that his daughter “was” named Miwa (obviously, dropping a bombshell like, “Your daughter is alive,” is somewhat bad form) and that he was going to give her a fan/knife thing, and he is convinced. Maybe it is to do with his natural compassion and/or naivety, but it allows you the option to sleep on the couch and not have to wander around to find exactly where the hell that address is.
You pull your knees to your chest as you stare blankly at the dead television screen, mind wandering as you listen to the accumulative sounds of the others. You are used to being awake at ungodly hours, of course, but typically they are spent alone; this is an uncommon occurrence. Now, anyways, you wish you had a way of contacting people. You already feel homesickness writhe around in your stomach, and your dread for what is going to happen next is outmatched by your gnawing curiosity regarding the fate of your family in the fire. Of course, you know their chances for survival was close to none, but—
You almost jump out of your skin, having not noticed the sinking of the couch next to you. You look over at the speaker, relaxing slightly. You put your hand on your chest. “Sorry,” you breath to Donatello as you try to calm your beating heart. “I uh, kinda zoned out.”
“It’s alright.” His posture is awfully stiff. “I just figured—ya know, since we’re going to be interacting more—we should uh, get to know each other a bit.”
You nod as you stretch your legs back out. “Sounds like a plan.” You turn your body to face him, shaking a little from the start but getting over it relatively quickly. “Oh, by the by, you’re the one that can kill me with your bare hands. You can and should relax.”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Was it that obvious?”
“A little,” you shrug. “But, in your defense,” you smile playfully, “if some random bitch walked up to me and started telling me every detail of my past, I’d be hesitant to get too friendly too.”
“Oh, it’s not that!” He put his hands up, talking oddly quickly. “It’s just that you’re the first human I’ve ever met, and really the only person I’ve ever really talked to that isn’t one of my brothers or Splinter—”
A memory slaps you across the face. “Oh! Right!” You grab his hands, making sure his full attention was on you. “I gotta tell you something really important.”
He went red. “W-what?”
“I don’t think it’s wise to tell you outright exactly what’s going to happen,” you start, impulsively running your thumb over one of his knuckles, “but if you run into a triceratops man, or if you hear about a triceratops man, you have to kill him immediately.”
“I- huh?”
“Three or so episodes before the season three finale,” you repeat, “you or someone else is going to run into a triceratops man, who you have to kill. If you let him live, the world as you know it will be destroyed and sucked into a black hole.”
“Black hole?” He blinks. “So, in a few months, we—what?”
“Well, they call it a black hole, anyways.” You roll your eyes. “It’s pretty weak sauce for a black hole. I’d hasten to call it more than a portal, but, I guess, technically, it’s a black hole.”
“You seem to know quite a bit about this sort of thing.” He smiles awkwardly. “You know, for someone who just kinda popped out of the blue.”
“Well, yeah.” You smile back. “People like you inspire me to learn more about how the world around me works.”
His pupils dilate, and he breaks eye contact. “Wait, but you said that we had at least until the season five finale, right?” You feel his thumb wrap around yours slightly. “If that’s the case, how can a black hole destroy our world? We’d die with it, wouldn’t we?”
“See, you would think that.” You shrug, letting his hands fall between you two. “But the show is already playing fast and loose with science in general, so.”
“I am legitimately so confused right now.”
You sigh, patting him on the shoulder. “Me too, buddy.”
“I just—“
“Honey.” You stifle a giggle. “No combination of words will make any of this make any more sense than it already does.”
“I know, but—“
“Listen, if you ask me any more questions, we’ll start having to deal with more time travel bullshit then we’ll already have to.”
He sighs. “Okay, I’m dropping it.”
You nod, already feeling the sting of guilt. “But, hey,” you nudge with your shoulder teasingly, “if it makes you feel any better, you definitely got the most sugar than your brothers.”
He blinks. “What does that have anything to do with that?”
“Compensation? I dunno.” You pull your legs under you. “Just trying to make up for the fact that it’s really not a good idea for me to give out too much info about an uncertain future.”
There is an awkward pause.
“So,” Donatello asks gently, “if you don’t mind me asking, you said you died, right?”
You nod.
“So, uh, how did you…?”
“House fire.”
He blinks. “You… you remember—?”
“Yup.” You chuckle tightly. “Every excruciating detail.”
He tenses slightly. “I’m sorry.”
You sigh. “Don’t be. Not your fault.” ‘My fault, actually.’
He rests his head on his hand. After a pause, “Do you know, then?”
“Know what?”
“You know, what happens after.”
You shake your head. “I blacked out and now I’m here. I’m guessing you don’t run into a ton of people like me.”
He cracks a smile. “I don’t really run into a ton of people period.”
You try to help lighten this stifling mod you have created. “Well, I’m glad your first introduction to humanity proper is through some psycho pseudo-Cassandra.”
“Less Cassandra and more just general prophet.” He grins. “If Raph believes you enough to go off the handle—well, I guess that’s just Raph in general.”
You chuckle. “Hey,” you whine teasingly, “lay off your brother. Obviously he’s a very levelheaded man.”
“Totally.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly. “Cool as a cucumber, that guy.”
“Speaking of, where is everyone?” You look around the noticeably empty living room.
“Sleeping, probably. I tend to stay up later than they do.”
“And why’s that, Bill Nye?”
He shrugs. “It’s easier to work when people aren’t asking for help with things.”
“That is very fair.” You close your eyes as you lean against the back of the couch. “I must say, I’m not envious of your position.”
You hear him shift closer. “Why’s that?”
“If you don’t already, you’re probably—at least, from what I’ve seen,” you clarify. “Well, it seems like, sometimes, you have the world on your shoulders. It can’t be a good feeling.”
A pause. “I guess you could say that, yeah.”
You stretch upwards. “But” you continue, moaning softly as you feel your muscles crack, “if it makes you feel any better, I have—or at least had— access to the internet. I will gladly explain google.”
He clears his throat. “The internet search engine or the number?”
You grin. “Either or, although I would most certainly lose track if my zeros halfway through at best.”
He laughs. “It took me so long to figure out how to say it,” he sighs, “The trick is to just say zero for a long time and eventually just kinda zone out. You can really just stop after fifty and people won’t notice.”
“See,” you open your eyes, wrapping an arm around his shoulder—he certainly stiffened up quick— “that is why I like you, Donnie. You always know the score.”
He relaxes quickly. His speech is slurred a little. “You like me?”
“Hell yeah I do!” Your voice is noticeably lighter than it was before, more relaxed. “You are totally awesome, if you’ll pardon my candor.”
“N-not at all!” He smiled bashfully. “I’m flattered, really. I just—I’m surprised is all. I didn’t think you’d—uh—_like_ someone like me.”
“What? Why?” You are, apparently, extremely dense. “You’re the coolest guy ever!”
“Well, I’m not really a guy.”
“Wait, is this the whole turtle thing again?” You roll your eyes, leaning into him as you close them. “Dude, legitimately? I don’t care.”
His voice softened. “You what?”
“I don’t care. You’re smart, reliable, funny… I mean, what isn’t there to appreciate?” ‘I didn’t expect him to feel warm.’ “If I’m being honest,” you shrug in an attempt to stay casual, “and, if you promise not to give me shit—”
“I won’t,” he promises, almost eagerly.
You smile. “I will admit that I had a thing for you, along with many other people where I’m from. Fictional crush, you know.”
“You’re joking,” he challenges.
“Scout’s honor.” You raise your right hand, already starting to zone out. ‘Really warm…’
“You’re serious?”
You hum in confirmation. “I don’t…” You yawn, the weight of the incredible stress admittedly starting to take its toll. “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable after what I just said,” you mumble, curling into him, admittedly not in your right mind, “but do you mind staying here until I fall asleep? Sup… surprisingly enough, you are ridiculously warm and comfortable and warm.”
He tenses up a little, but slowly wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Yeah. I’ve got nothing better to do.” His voice is gentle, soft.
“I owe you cupcakes.” You nod off.
You could tell you boosted his confidence if only a little bit. He stood taller the next night; admittedly, you feel a sense of pride at his pride. At least, it makes up for the verbal abuse from his brothers when they find you asleep together.
As you walk down the street that next night with Donnie shadowing you, you consider the pros and cons of revealing more about what you know; although there were certainly more items for pro, the chaos theory was sort of a big deal, and, knowing the reputation of this franchise and its post-apocalyptic bullshit, the last thing you need is to tempt fate. Still, something about this felt wrong, like not telling someone to get out of the way of a moving car. ‘Wish I were Cassandra,’ you think bitterly. ‘At least I wouldn’t feel bad.’
You stop in front of the offending building. ‘Finally.’ You look around for your chaperone and, after not seeing him— ‘Fucking ninjas, man.’—sigh and give in. “Good night,” you said to the open air.
You look back at the door, startled to see someone looking back at you. ‘You are fucking with me right now.’ You wave awkwardly as the man holds the door open for you. You step inside the building, making a beeline for the elevator. ‘A doorman? Really?’ The lobby was entirely too hotelish for your liking, the warm lighting bouncing off the smooth tile cleanly. ‘How much is this place, anyways? It’s fucking New York.’ You press one of the buttons. ‘If I’m the one paying rent, I am royally fucked.’
Somehow, via some sort of divine intervention, you find the apartment. You take the key out of your pocket— ‘Note to self: scavenge up enough money for a keychain.’—and stepped inside.
The apartment made you do a double take. It is so… familiar. Nicer than usual, more polished, yet somehow exactly how you’ would have used the space. The floors are hardwood, the walls painted a relatively neutral color that is easy on the eyes. As soon as you enter, you see the kitchen to your left; small, but considering it is only you, it would be perfect. To your left, down a short hall, is a bathroom—bright white surfaces with black countertops. And in the only other room in the apartment, in front of you, is a bed, a couch, some chairs, a table, a chest of drawers, a closet, a television, and a coffee table with a phone and an envelope on it.
You walk over to a large window overlooking the street, shutting it and sitting down on the couch. You pick up the letter first, carefully breaking its seal and pulling out a note and a card. Your heart leaps as you see your name in white lettering. ‘Well, having a credit card doesn’t sound too bad.’ You place it back onto the table as you start reading.
“Dear Y/N L/N:
We understand that the transition between your previous life and this one may be difficult, and we at The TIS are more than happy to provide for you and your needs during this transition period. Your questions are likely numerous. That is the purpose of this document, to address any concerns you may have.
Finances/Personal Belongings: The most noted concern of those just beginning in our program is to do with housing. We understand that it is incredibly important to the mental health of our members to have relatively stable housing, especially considering the strange, new environment they have been thrown into. Your residence is paid for by the TIS. All necessary emergency services (repair costs of any sort, medical bills, phone bills, etc.) and any utilities that may be included in said residence are also covered by this plan. In addition, your TIS assigned debit card will receive a daily balance of $300 (balance will change with inflation), which can be used at your discretion. Your residence has been pre-furnished to what our experts believe to be your taste, and your refrigerator and cupboards are filled with a variety of raw food items. Silverware, crockery and cookware has also been included. You have also been provided with various detergents and whatever hygiene products you used before your transition. These things will be replenished biweekly unless, for whatever reason, you start using different food/hygiene products. In this event, your inventory will be adjusted accordingly.
You are currently in position of one (1) weeks’ worth of clothing, including any undergarments applicable, which includes 7 pairs of pants and 7 shirts taken from your wardrobe, along with any clothing you are currently wearing.
Cell Phone: Your TIS assigned cell phone is, practically speaking, identical to your previous device. Any streaming services you were previously subscribed to, along with any you may decide to subscribe to, are covered by the TIS. Your login information is included with your banking/personal information, all of which is included in this envelope. If you wish to upgrade your phone as the years go by, or if you wish to purchase a second device, these log ins will still be available to you, although you will be required to purchase any additional software/electronics through our website: www.TISShop.org/FU. A charging cord and block are located by your bed. We recommend purchasing a case for your device.
Please note that all websites/services/apps previously available to you are also available via TIS approved electronic devices.
Employment: Employment has not been taken the TIS. We do not offer employment, although minors have been provided with a permit in the event that you chose to enter the workforce. If you choose to enter the workforce, aid will continue to be provided.
Enrollment: All minors are required by the TIS to enroll in their local school. Any documents required are provided in this envelope. If you are currently attending a college/university, or are thinking of enrolling/reenrolling, any credits you have accumulated will be transferred to whatever college/university you choose to attend. If you are currently a minor considering attending college, your funds will be provided by the TIS if applicable.
Identification: Any websites/services/products that are age restricted will be available to you, regardless of age.
Death: We at the TIS assure you that unnatural death, in your current situation, is not a matter that you need concern yourself with. While it is certainly possible to die, it is extremely unlikely, and we have the policy in place in the event of your death.
We at the TIS are aware of your awareness of the place you are now in. We wish to stress the importance consuming any media associated with the world in which you find yourself. If you gain nothing from this letter, please remember that we at the TIS are here for you, if only indirectly.
We wish you luck.”
The letter ends there. You check the envelope to see the other documents listed.
You stand up, picking up your new phone and laying down on the bed. You are left reeling from the little information you have been given. ‘So I was brought here. Well,’ you sigh, closing your eyes, ‘I guess I already knew that, but…’
You start scrolling through your device. Everything is still there, except for your contacts. You try to call what numbers you had memorized; they are apparently invalid.
You curl into a fetal position, clutching onto your jacket. “Well,” you mumble to yourself almost bitterly, “at least I know I won’t starve to death.” You decide against even turning the lights off as you hug yourself tightly. “This,” you decide, “is going to majorly suck.”
You nod off, already dreaming of smoke.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
Saviors in a Half Shell 2
It was always the same routine. Find somebody (or somebodies) causing trouble, get there as soon as possible, and kick ass. He knew his role- he knew he could rely on his brothers to know what to do as well. They worked almost seamlessly as a team every night. As soon as the shadows began to fall, they were there to protect the city.
This was nowhere near as easy.
“You alright there, miss?”
“I’m pretty sure this is pretty illegal. Leonardo.”
Very few humans had ventured down to the turtles’ lair. It wasn’t the most inviting place. All sewer lines and tunnels leading to the lair stunk like nobody’s business. It was no surprise nobody ever accidentally made their way down.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to begin her complaints about the smell. Longer than he expected, but still. Even when she asked where they were going, why the smell was so strong, nobody gave her a straight answer. It was a good thing she had a blindfold.
Leonardo wasn’t sure why she didn’t seem disgusted at the sight of them. The few humans that had witnessed them had varied reactions- even April was in a state of shock the first time they met face to face. What could she be thinking about them now?
She didn’t even ask what they were. She had seen them.
“Ah, home sweet lair!” Mikey sighed with glee as he hopped down from the rather large ‘pipe’ like entryway. “Welcome to our crib, Y/N!”
The woman took in a deep breath as Raph set her down on the ground. She was thankful he didn’t put her on her feet, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stand right. “Was the blindfold really necessary?”
The orange-masked turtle snickered. “Of course it was.”
“I guess the smell isn’t so bad now- wait, did we just go through the sewers? Why is it so cold down here?”
“Guys, I think she figured it out.”
“Can it, Mikey.” 
Y/N could hear a quick ‘thud’ before someone untied her blindfold. She blinked a few times as her eyes began to adjust to her surroundings. 
Oh, this would take more than a few seconds to adjust to.
She got to her feet finally, brushing off the thighs of her pants. She did a slow spin, looking the room up and down. She pursed her lips together before she finally turned to the four that had kidnapped her.
Leonardo stood first, his arms placed tightly around his back. She noticed he wasn’t the tallest of them all, but he definitely wasn’t short. This one stood at least a foot above her, and was a wall of green muscle.
Green muscle?
She assumed the next was Raph, he had been referred to a few times on the way there. He’s the one that carried her. He was definitely the biggest, both height and muscle wise. She made a mental note to make nice with that one. Though, she thought, if they had meant to hurt her, they would have done it by now. They wouldn’t have taken her.
She wasn’t going to use the term ‘rescued’ just yet.
The third one was adorned with a purple mask and- were those tortoise-shell glasses?
About that last one.
“Well, whaddya think?” The green thing with an orange mask asked. He was practically jumping up and down. “You’re here!”
Y/N frowned, not saying a word. This was definitely a lot to take in. Were those shells on their backs?
“My bad, my bad! Allow me to introduce ourselves!” the orange-masked green one said quickly as he waved his arms in the air, as if to erase everything up till now. “I’m Michelangelo, the best one of the group. That’s Donatello, the brains. Raphael, the muscle, and Leonardo.”
She slowly turned towards Leonardo. “Huh, you don’t get a description. What’s that about?” It was unclear if it was sarcasm or pure curiosity dripping from her voice.
The blue-masked turtle smirked at her. “Don’t need one, miss.”
She waved a hand mindlessly through the air. “Y/N is fine. I guess. You guys live in the sewers?”
“How’d you guess?” Raphael had never given a better deadpan look in his life.
“I mean, it makes sense. Not sure how you could afford an apartment like this in the Big Apple in this economy,” she shot back, though it was clear this was no longer sarcasm. It wasn’t anger, irritation- what was it. “Now. Do you guys regularly kidnap women on rooftops or was this a one-time thing? I’m sure there are more out there.”
Leonardo shook his head. “Not that we’ve seen.”
“I guess I’ll have to cross ‘mutant turtle ninjas’ off of my list of things I don’t think are real,” she said slowly, thoughtfully, looking towards the ceiling. “That’s really high up.”
Not as high up as I had been earlier, she noted.
“What made you try to do it?”
She turned back to them, not sure which one had spoken. “What?”
“Stand on the edge. What made you do it?”
“It’s… It’s complicated, I guess,” she said quietly. “Probably not something you’d be interested in hearing about.”
The blue-masked turtle (Leonardo?) took a small step forward. “We swore to ourselves and our allies to protect this city at all costs. That includes you.”
“I’m not sure my life story up until now is something you can mentally prepare for.” Y/N forced a laugh, shaking her head again. She had convinced herself time and time again that it was just another sob story, one more tally that might not even be worthy of being drawn. “I’m gonna be frank here. So, are you guys turtles? Not regular turtles, obviously.”
“Mutant turtles, miss,” Raphael said through a grin. “Unlike any other.”
She tapped on her chin. “Mutant turtles that are about twice my height, made of muscle, that… Fight in favor of the most populated city in the country.”
Michelangelo tipped an imaginary hat to her. “Saving damsels in distress in the shadows.”
“I’m definitely distressed,” she snorted. “I must be dreaming.”
It surprised Leonardo how easy it had been to get this woman to talk to them. She didn’t seem afraid, and she didn’t say why. He wasn’t about to ask.
Sure, she didn’t divulge into her life story with them, but she did agree to play a multiplayer video game with them. Even April didn’t indulge at their requests.
He settled on the belief that she thought she was dreaming. It was an easier reality to swallow than a human simply accepting that she was napped by mutant ninja turtles. He couldn’t stop from questioning what made him notice her in the first place.
It was a quiet night. The brothers were jumping from the rooftops both for exercise and pleasure. It definitely wasn’t to see who could do it the fastest. And Michelangelo definitely was not the fastest.
He never bragged, of course.
“How did you get all of this stuff down here? Did you really carry things one by one through the sewers?”
It was amusing how easily she spoke now versus just an hour ago. And while dominating at Super Smash Bros, nonetheless.
“We’ve been living here for as long as we can remember, we’ve had years to collect,” Raphael answered before Leonardo could even open his mouth.
“Collect much more and you’d be considered ‘hoarders’,” she said, grunting as she was taken out by none other than Michelangelo.
She set the controller down in front of her, leaning back against the couch. She felt even smaller sitting against the couch on the floor, but it was her fault. She had declined a space on the actual couch.
“Finally! Thought you’d never die!”
As the words left Michelangelo’s mouth, everybody in the room fell silent.
“Oh. Was that too soon?”
That was putting it lightly. You could slice through the tension in that room with a knife. Or a katana.
“Is there anything to drink in here?” Y/N said finally, looking up to the first turtle she could see without straining her neck. She made no comment about what Mikey said.
“What were you thinking you’d want? We have sodas, juices… Not much juice. We have soda that tastes like juice, though,” Leonardo said. He stood up. “Come on, I’ll show you where it is.”
Y/N grabbed a chip from the bowl positioned between Michelangelo and Rafael as she followed the oldest brother. He had to be the oldest. Donatello was a close second, but he didn’t seem nearly as confident.
She was certain that all eldest siblings were just dripping with that oldest-sibling, leader, person-in-charge kind of confidence.
It wasn’t nearly as long a walk as she expected to a room that faintly resembled a kitchen. There looked to be a stove of sorts in the corner, something that resembled a deep freezer next to it, and an assortment of tables between those and a refrigerator.
“You guys kind of have it made down here,” she noted as she followed him towards the fridge. It had to be an older model, but there were wires sticking out the back that made her feel like it had been ‘upgraded’ somehow. “Solitary, no neighbors to disturb you, all the fixings to have a good time.”
“We make it work for us,” the large mutant turtle told her. “It’s our safe haven. Up top, we’re heroes, but only if we’re not seen. Here, we can be ourselves.”
“I always have to be ‘on’, a facade of myself,” Y/N said. “But no matter what I do, it feels like it’s never enough.”
The two stood in silence before Leonardo slowly, oh ever so slowly, opened the fridge. He gestured for her to look inside.
This kind of stock would put any caffeine-addicted young adult to shame.
“Sodas, all flavors, we have cherry, vanilla, orange- I probably wouldn’t touch the orange without Mikey’s permission, he might cry.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” she bobbed her head. “Is there anything… Not carbonated? But also not water.”
“Before you ask, we don’t have any coffee or alcohol. Or milks, not our thing.”
She tilted her head to one side. “Any tea?”
He perked up. “You want some tea? I could brew some. Any requests?”
“Anything but green tea is fine with me,” she shrugged. “I don’t like leaf water that looks like.. Green leaf water.”
Leonardo quickly ushered her out of the ‘kitchen’ and back to his brothers, crossing his fingers that they would stray away from the ‘death’ comments. Mikey was going to pay for that later.
He took his time looking through their rather large selection of teas. It was curious that she asked for tea specifically- his brothers barely touched it unless they were sick. They stuck to the bubbly, syrup-filled beverages that he swore would make their teeth rot within the next few years.
White teas, black teas, caffeinated and decaf varieties covered the table. He had decided to lay them all out to really choose. It took a few minutes of pondering before he settled on his favorite. He hoped she liked chamomile.
As the water was brewing, he could feel a new presence in the room. He turned to see his adopted father, and quickly gave him a slight bow. “Sensei.”
Why was he surprised? He was more surprised it took this long of them being home for him to come see them.
“You brought a civilian home,” Splinter said carefully.
He felt his heart drop. “I had to, dad. She was standing on the edge of the roof- I thought she was going to jump.”
Splinter let out a slow breath. “I see. It was a good decision to bring her.”
“I couldn’t just leave her, even if I talked her off, what if she actually did it?” He didn’t want to imagine that. He barely knew her, but the idea of anybody willingly taking their own life wasn’t something he wanted to picture. She didn’t seem like a bad person. She seemed good. She didn’t deserve it.
“Now that she is here, what will you do?” his master questioned, flipping the switch off of the kettle as the water began to almost boil over. “I see she has already made herself welcome with your brothers.”
“If Mikey can keep his comments to himself,” he gritted his teeth. A deep breath in, a deep breath out. He poured the hot water into a cup, though now that he thought of it, he wasn’t sure she’d be able to hold that quite comfortably. They weren’t exactly for small human hands.
“Leonardo, what will you do now?”
“Dad, I don’t know what to do. I swore to help the people of this city, but against the bad guys and robbers and thieves- I don’t know what to do. What should I do?” He felt smaller with every word.
He was supposed to be the leader, the turtle with a plan. It was his idea to help her, his idea to bring her to their home. He hated to even think the words ‘suicide watch’, but that was it, in a nutshell.
“Dad, do you think we can help her?”
“If she came this far without a fight, I have no doubt she is able to be helped. Mental illness is a complicated matter. I implore you to help this woman see the light. At this point, she might need someone to show her that life is worth the journey to get here.”
Leonardo, as he always was, was both enlightened and baffled by his father’s words. But if he said that he needed to show this human that life was worth the journey, that show her he shall.
Starting with that chamomile tea. He just hoped he didn’t burn the tea leaves.
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It started with the Milk: Chapter 3 - Hysteria and Cream
This was worse. This was so much worse.
Maybe it was the echoing boom from a crack of thunder, or maybe it was the cold sweat, either way, Leo woke up with a tight throat and irritated skin. He inhaled sharply with a whine, forcing himself into a seated position as he tapped around blindly for his phone. He felt the cool case under his finger pads and dragged it across the sheets before weakly flipping it over. Leo flinched when the bright screen blinded him, but he blinked out the pain and stared until the numbers on the screen came into view. He groaned. 2:57 am. Leo flipped the phone back over and flung it across the sheets, he didn’t care when he heard it hit the floor. That’s what the case is for. He plopped back onto his shell and took a deep breath. Then he took another. And another. The rain was back in full force this evening. It was a lot louder than it had been the previous night, and although it helped calm his brain down, it did nothing for his body. Pinpricks erupted on his skin, it was too hot and too cold all at the same time. He turned over, but nothing felt right as he tossed and turned on his mattress. He threw the blanket off of himself and he heard it float to the floor. The naked air felt better against his skin and shell, but it wasn’t enough.
After what happened in the game room, Leo spent the rest of the afternoon skateboarding. Mikey and Raph had attached themselves to their father asking about old recipes and making plans, and while he had seen Donnie walk into his lab, he didn’t see him after that. Leo spent the first hour just practicing on the vert-ramp, but once he got tired of that he took to traveling the sewers. The rain had subsided for mid-day, but the damage to the city’s water system had already been done. Leo had nowhere in particular that he wanted to go, so he had skated all the way to Queen’s checking out the flood rooms. The rainfall, along with the city's usual expected water usage, had caused a major amount of flooding, some routes had been completely blocked off by rivers of sewage. The flood rooms were almost filled to capacity, but seemed to be holding fine. Leo had expected for there to be a worse smell, but thanks to the rainfall the smell wasn’t as bad as usual. 
Leo was grateful for the alone time, besides giving him the assurance that his home wasn’t about to be twenty feet under raw sewage, it gave him an opportunity to think. The little voice in his head was giving him less and less reasons to believe that exhaustion was the only reason that Donnie was acting… off. Sure, he was up late, but 120 points. 120 points? He never, ever, dropped below 75% of the score possibility. Leo remembered Donnie remarking about his average score, ‘my room for error will never exceed past 25% in order for me to achieve a consistent rate of success,’ whatever that meant. Leo was able to paraphrase that into, ‘I know that my score won’t be perfect, but I’m not a noob to dance.’ Then there was the water bottle, none of the boys were exactly fans of backwash, but Donnie was especially that last person that Leo would expect to just want some of your water. As Leo rolled through the city’s massive pipes, he couldn’t stop going over the whole scene. Donnie’s eager mannerism to dance wan’t off character, but the way his eyes flickered to the water bottle before they even started dancing. Then there was the super low score and the lack of exhaustion after playing DDR’s most difficult song, it’s like he wasn’t even trying in the first place. Then there was that last moment, not just asking for the water, but the way he looked when Leo wouldn’t take it back. The stare was blank, it was hollow, like no-one was home. Leo had returned home right before dinner, where he, Mikey, Raph, and Dad ate the rest of the Chinese leftovers. Donnie had made his appearance just as they had finished, but Leo didn’t stick around.
He sighed into his hands, the pressure against his eyes had helped, but not as much as he had hoped. Leo slowly dragged himself out of bed, growling in irritation when he nearly tripped over his fallen blanket.
He knew he might be a little peeved, but he chose Dad’s barley tea this time around. After flicking on the burner and pulling the kettle forward, he zoned out while the water boiled. Leo grasped the teabag loosely as he stared at the blue flames. They waved gently in the dark kitchen, illuminating not only the kettle, but it also created a ghost of the stove. With a sigh, Leo folded his arms and closed his eyes. Warmth radiated from the stove and he just stopped thinking. The blackness and the warmth was enough for him to psychologically melt, so he let it happen. He didn’t feel sleepy anymore, he felt tired. Last night was a joke in comparison to this. His weight pulled his skeleton down to the floor and every breath that Leo took was a full body effort that made him even more exhausted with every intake. He wanted to crawl on top of the table, or maybe slip himself into the oven and rest but he knew that that wouldn’t be any better than his own bed.
The whistling of the kettle brought him back. After switching the heat to low he realized that he didn’t have a mug. Chewing toasted barley kernels and drinking boiling water straight from ‘Old Skully’ didn’t sound fun, so Leo left the bag on the counter to quietly rifle through the cabinets. It was Donnie’s turn to do the dishes tonight, so of course there weren't any clean mugs left. With a grumble, Leo quietly picked a random mug from the dishwasher and turned the sink on to its lowest setting, scrubbing quietly at the inside and rim. ‘At least that hasn’t changed,’ Leo involuntarily laughed at the thought. He was right, Donnie never did the dishes when asked unless it was some new attempt at tech. He cut the laugh short though, he didn’t want to think about Donnie right now.
After a quick rinse he walked the dripping mug back to the stove and dropped the bag in. He poured the (thankfully) still boiling water into the cup and walked to the kitchen table.
Leo sat down with a sigh. The steam from his mug glided over his face and he stared at the small blue flames on the stove. If it wasn’t for the aching exhaustion, Leo might have mistaken this moment for a dream. He stared a bit longer until the chill of the evening brought him back to center. Leo picked his tea up and brought it to his face. The tea was a bit more bitter than he would’ve liked, but the toasted, nutty flavor more than made up for it. Instead of his usual sipping, he swallowed gently, he didn’t want to disturb the moment with noise.
There were gaps that lasted minutes between each swallow. He would drink, stare at the stove, and repeat. Leo didn’t want to think about anything right now, his brain was bouncing between a heavy fog and the start of a headache. When he ran out of tea he would walk back to the stove and do a refill, he used the same bag again the first time, but the tea wasn't’ as god when he reused the bag so he began changing it every time after that.. Yeah. Dad was going to be irritated.
As good as the tea was, and as great as the warmth in his stomach felt, it didn’t relax him. He still felt sore, he still felt tired, and he still felt irritated. He lost track of how much tea he drank. When his hand felt the empty bottom of the mugicha box, he felt a pang of regret that was quickly stifled by his need for more tea. He had to refill the kettle, but after a quick boil he started back on the sleepytime. 
A distant snap pulled him out of his tea frenzy. He froze. When the snap was followed by a clatter he sat his mug down. He flicked off the stove before sneaking into the common room. Leo hesitated when he saw Donnie’s lab illuminated, but when another noise sounded, he knew that it came from deeper in their home.
He stuck to the shadows as he entered the garage. The turtle tank’s lights were on and he could see the bottom hatch ajar, a shadow danced as something was moving on the inside. He didn’t have his sword. With a quick scan he could see an open toolbox by the back tire of the tank. He snuck over quietly, hesitating when another clang (although quieter than the first) struck the floor from the inside, when he heard nothing else Leo took the largest wrench.
He slid beneath the tank and jumped through the hatch, recovering into a standing position and falling into a fight stance. 
Despite his vision being blurred from exhaustion, it wasn’t hard to tell who it was. “Mikey?”
Mikey flinched and turned with the most guilty look on his face. In one hand he grasped a glue stick, and in the other he held the handle of the soft-serve ice cream machine. “Don’t tell Donnie.”
Leo broke out of his fight stance with only a slight stumble and rubbed his temples with a sigh. After a heavy pause, “Mikey, I thought you were a burglar or something…” Leo threw the wrench down with a heavy clang. “What are you doing at-” he looked over his shoulder at the clock in the dashboard and groaned, “4:30 in the morning?”
“I- I wanted some ice cream,” he hesitantly stated with a stutter before breaking into a full ramble. “I woke up a few minutes ago and after talking all day and eating dinner I forgot to have dessert so I woke up and I just really wanted something sweet and I know that donnie just added marshmallow and creamsicle flavor so I thought I’d just come in here real quick and grab some but then the handle wouldn’t go down and I thought “ok I guess i’ll pull a little harder” and then it just SNAPPED in my hands! I got the glue, and it’s my favorite glue stick because it’s worked on everything so far, even dad’s favorite mug,  but now the handle won’t stick and I-” As much as Leo loved Mikey, he had to start tuning his voice out or Leo was going to have to start running. Leo stepped over to the machine and looked over to where the metal had snapped.
He cut Mikey off with a snicker. “You forgot to remove the lock before you pulled the lever, dum-dum.” He took the glue stick from Mikey’s hand and capped it, Leo knew that a measly kiddie glue stick wasn’t going to do anything. 
“Don’t tell Donnie.” Mikey dropped back down to a whisper, “please don’t tell Donnie you know how he gets about his tech!” Leo took the lever out of Mikey’s hand and lined it up with the break, if they lined it up just right and added a bit of silver paint, they might be able to hide the break from Donnie for a while. “Stop laughing Leo!”
Leo tightened his lips trying to stifle his giggles, “why did you keep pulling on it?”
Mikey hugged himself subconsciously and rocked on his heels, “I thought it would work!”
“So you thought pulling harder on a thing that doesn’t want to go down would work?”
“It works for Raph!” Mikey’s voice rose again in a shout.
Leo folded his arms with a scoff, “Raph pulling harder is the reason we don’t have a microwave anymore.”
Mikey put his face in his hands and groaned, “Donnie’s going to be so mad!” He began pacing in a tight circle.
“Mikey,” Leo reached for his younger brothers shoulder and pulled him into a loose side-hug, “chillax bro, a little glue, a little time, and a silver sharpie will fix this thing right up.”
“The glue didn’t work,” Mikey whined, dragging his hands down his face and pulling at his eyelids.
“Better glue, Micheal,” He waved the glue stick in front of Mikey before chucking it behind them both. Leo hugged him a little tighter and smiled a little wider, “not your grade school craft glue.”
Mikey whined nervously and looked between Leo and the broken lever that he held in his hands, “you really think we can hide it from Donnie?”
Leo covered his mouth for a quick yawn. “Of course, Mikey,” he said softly, “now let’s find some glue.”
With a few minutes and a quick trip into Raph’s craft box, they had collected a small array of different sticky materials. Mikey set them messily on the counter next to the soft-serve machine.
They tried the white craft glue first, but that just dripped down the sides and wouldn't hold when they let go. The fabric glue was a little more discreet, as it was completely clear, but even after holding it for twenty minutes, the handle fell to the floor with a bang. Next was the glue gun. 
Despite Donnie’s absolute genius he had neglected to put any normal outlets on the turtle tank, so Leo had to skulk back into the dim garage,and quietly dig for a power cord. Leo crawled back through the bottom hatch carrying a daisy chain of six power cords that he had to assemble together. Mikey got the glue-gun ready. 
“Let’s see if this one will work,” Leo smiled, trying to stay positive as he handed Mikey the cord. “One of these has gotta work,” Mikey plugged the gun in and tapped his foot impatiently as it heated on the counter, “Donnie was so proud of this.”
Leo chuckled as he leaned against the counter, “don’t worry,” he yawned as he spoke teasingly, “worse case scenario, I’ll just grab the duct tape and blame it on Raph.”
Mikey pouted but said nothing as he sat down with a thump. It was quiet again.
“Speaking of Donnie…” should he even be talking to Mikey about this? 
Mikey groaned at the name. He leaned his head against the wall of the turtle tank, “the ice cream maker was his sixth favorite part of the tank, he’s gonna kill me~” he moaned.
“Every part of the tank is Donnie’s favorite part.” Leo chuckled, but the gravity of his question kept it from being sincere. “Have you noticed anything…” Leo rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously, hesitating to finish his question, “off about him lately?”
“Off how?” Mikey scoffed.
“It’s not serious, it’s just… earlier today we played DDR… and he lost.”
Mikey giggled. “He usually loses Leo, we’ve got too much razzmatazz for ‘em.”
“Well of course he lost to me considering that i’m an amazing dancer,” Leo grinned, but he couldn’t keep it as he continued, “but his score was only 120.”
“That’s pretty low, for Donnie”
“I know!”
Mikey hummed with a smile. “Why are you worried about it? Number 3.”
Leo ignored the tease. “Well, it’s not just that,” he remembered the water bottle, “he drank after me.”
“Yeah, and at breakfast did you see him drink his coffee?”
“Uh,” Mikey scoffed and leaned his face on his hand as he looked up at Leo, “he has coffee like, every minute of the day?”
“He put milk in it!” Leo rubbed his eyes trying to wipe out some of the drowsiness that was clouding his vision.
“This is Donnie! He doesn’t put milk in his coffee!” Leo’s voice rose unintentionally.
“He drinks pumpkin spice Latte’s sometimes.”
“It’s April!” Leo guffawed as he brought his hands up to accentuate his point. Donnie didn't like that they knew about his love affair with fall flavors, but that was the only time he changed his preference. Leo continued to carp, “Donnie’s taken his caffeine black since we were 10, and what. He just starts putting milk in it overnight?”
Mikey speaks softly but firmly, putting his hands up in a defensive position to try and calm Leo down, “calm down Leo, is it really such a big deal that he has a little dairy to go with his beans?”
Leo stopped and snapped his head at Mikey, who flinched at the sudden attention, “so you haven’t noticed anything?”
“I mean…” Mikey hesitated with wide eyes, “Leon… are you ok?”
“I’m fine, just…” Leo repeated quieter, “you haven’t noticed anything?”
There was a pause between them, Mikey sat contemplatively as Leo sighed in frustration, he shouldn’t have said anything.
“I’m sorry Mikey,” Leo stood up straight and took a few uneasy paces before coming back to the counter. He rubbed his face with his hands, the lack of sleep was making him crazy. “I think i’m just tired.”
“It’s okay…” Mikey chuckled. His brows furrowed before he slowly turned his head to look towards Leo. “Donnie just…” He dropped his voice to a nervous mumble, “I mean, there was this one thing but it’s not like the thing he did was anything serious.” 
Leo’s eyes widened and he looked to see the nervous expression on Mikey’s face, “what?” 
Mikey nervously rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Was it the coffee?” Leo asks.
“No, it wasn’t the coffee,” Mikey laughed awkwardly, folding into himself a little more. “It was yesterday.”
“But you were with Dad and Raph all day, right?” Leo contemplated, he had been in the sewers by himself for the majority of that day, what did he miss?
“No, that was today.” Mikey stated, looking confused.
“So you mean the day after yesterday,”
“Whatever, just…” He looked uncomfortable as he started to pick at the flooring.
“What is it?”
“I don’t…” Mikey tapped his fingers against the floor of the turtle tank, avoiding eye contact briefly as he tried to consider his answer. “It really was just this one thing?” He chuckled quietly. “It’s so dumb too, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
“What do you mean?” Leo went down to the floor and scooted close to Mikey.
Mikey hesitated to answer, “he turned off Shelldon.” 
“Raph had broken the game cube, so I went to ask Donnie to fix it before dinner. I went in his lab but he wasn’t there, and that’s when I saw Shelly lying in his charging station. I tried talking to him, but he was off. No lights, no eye movement, just… off”
“Like… charging?” Leo asked.
“No.” Mikey answered quickly, still avoiding eye contact as he spoke. “Like off. Off, off.”
“Shelldon can’t turn off,” Donnie had installed multiple processors into Shelldon in order for him to be able to be alert at all times, a ‘security measure’ as he had put it, “He’s got a sleep mode-”
Mikey looked at Leo suddenly, and there was a bead of panic depicted on his face, “he was open and his battery was sitting on the table.”
Leo’s throat tightened. Donnie would never do that. “Woah… that’s…”
“When Donnie came in I asked him about it,” Mikey rubbed the back of his neck again and his voice got even quieter as he continued, “he said he just needed to change the battery in order to… something about his coolant?” His explaining tone of voice didn’t really convey that he believed that. “I didn’t really get it, but he said he’d fix the game cube so I left,” Mikey looked away from Leo and stood. He picked up the glue gun.
Leo was stunned. He turned off Shelldon. Shelldon! Shelldon was the one family member that Donnie could tolerate for more than ten minutes and he just… gutted him on the table? He didn’t remember seeing Shelldon the previous night when he had bothered Donatello, but then again, the lab was pretty messy, he could have missed him among the broken car and vending machine.
“It was just that one thing though,” Mikey cut into his thoughts. Leo stood as Mikey began squeezing the clear sealant on the handles break. Leo picked up the handle that laid on the counter and pushed it against the fracture. “We shouldn’t be talking about him like this.”
“Wha-” Leo was shocked, “you can’t just give me that information and not make me worried about it Mikey,” Leo wiggled the handle until it fit cleanly against the jagged piece, “he turned off Shelldon? His most recent pride and joy turtle robot son?”
“He made Shelldon,” Mikey put the glue gun down and sighed, “he knows more about him than us and updates him like… every week.”
“I think somethings up with him,” Leo whispered, Leo’s fist clenched tighter against the metal handle and his fist paled.
Mikey unplugged the glue gun and his tone turned into a mix of concern and reason, “Shelldon needs a coolant change three times a day,” he set the gun down to let it cool , with a sigh he continued, “is it really so unbelievable to you that Donnie would want to fix that?”
“Something is wrong Mikey,” Leo’s whisper rose and he took a step closer to Mikey. 
Mikey looked nervous as Leo approached. “Stop it Leo,” he warned.
“He’s been acting so weird, with the coffee, dancing, backwash, staring at me!” Leo’s voice was rising. “Are you seriously telling me that he turned off Shelldon and you’re not even a little concerned?” Leo grasped at Mikey’s arm loosely. 
Mikey looked at the hand and then back to Leo, squinting as he studied Leo carefully. After a pause, “Leo, why were you up this late anyway?”
Leo was taken aback by the question. He scoffed and shook his head as he stuttered his response. “We’re not talking about me, here, we’re talking about Donnie.”
“Yeah, but…” Mikey was starting to see the heavy bags under his eyes, “how long have you been awake?”
“Mikey, please, are you concerned or not?”
Mikey’s voice was soft and patient, but it couldn’t blanket the anxiety that was underneath “Is it the Insomnia?”
“Mikey, I am actually getting scared,” there was a shake in Leo’s voice. “He’s been acting like a stranger.”
“How much have you slept?” Mikey continued, “you’re not acting like yourself-”
Leo rose into a frantic shout, “he’s not acting like Donnie!” Mikey stumbled at the rise in his voice, shaken by the sudden hostility he stared at Leo with quivering eyes. 
“What are you guys doing?” They both jumped at the sudden voice. Leo looked towards the floor hatch where Donnie was. He was only halfway through, leaning his head in one hand as he watched inquisitively.
“Uh,” Leo started, “we were just-” The handle fell to the floor with a bang. Mikey and Leo looked at the handle and then each other. If they could sweat, Mikey would be sweating bullets. He was painfully nervous, and so was Leo. How much did Donnie hear?
Leo swallowed the knot in his throat, “hey Donnie,” Donnie’s eyes flickered to Leo and took mark of him from top to bottom. Leo swallowed again. “Whatcha doin-”
“I broke the ice cream maker!” The answer burst out of Mikey and he was suddenly ranting again. “I woke up and after talking all day and eating dinner I forgot to have dessert so I woke up and I just really wanted something sweet and I know that you had just added marshmallow and creamsicle flavor so I thought I’d just come in here real quick and grab some but then the handle wouldn’t go down and I thought “ok I guess i’ll pull a little harder” and then it just SNAPPED in my hands! I got my glue stick, and it was my favorite glue stick because it’s worked on everything so far, even dad’s favorite mug,  but then it wouldn’t stick so I-” Leo tuned Mikey out and studied Donnie from the corner of his eye.
Donnie gazed nonchalantly at the handle before he considered the two of them. His eyes shifted between Mikey and Leo, and for a moment he just sat in the floor hatch, listening to Mikey quietly. He looked at Leo again, and as Donnie’s eyes narrowed a weight resettled in Leo's stomach, almost dragging him down to the floor. Donnie smiled, and Leo shivered. Donnie stood up from the floor hatch and placed himself between Leo and Mikey, shell to Leo.
“-and then we tried the hot glue and it was working for a second and then BAM, it fell to the floor and I am so so, So! Sorry Donnie I know how important it was to you and I shouldn’t have even-” Mikey stopped when Donnie pulled him in for a hug.
“It’s okay Micheal,” he spoke softly as he embraced Mikey carefully. “Accidents happen.” 
“Re- really?” Mikey spoke hesitantly, carefully bringing his arms up to hold Donnie back, as carefully as someone would approach an animal that might run away. Donnie never initiated hugs. “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not!” Donnie laughed, “it’s just an ice cream maker, no biggie!”
“But still, I shouldn't have-”
“You know what,” Donnie cut him off. “Why don’t we both have some ice cream together?”
Leo found his voice.“What?”
Donnie looked over his shoulder at Leo with a wide grin before looking back to Mikey “I just finished making a brand new ice cream maker in my lab!”
“Like… right now?” Leo was confused.
“No you dum-dum,” Donnie laughed heartily, “earlier today, right after dinner.”
“You mean yesterday?” Mikey chirped.
“Whatever,” Donnie expressively waved his hand, “do you want some ice cream or not?”
Mickey laughed hesitantly at the offer, squeezing Donnie tightly before letting go with a nervous laugh. “I mean-”
Purple continued, “We could have mango flavor, sprinkles and chocolate, coffee and cream, or even that new one you wanted to try, creamsicle and marshmallow!” He threw an arm over Mikey’s shoulders. “For breakfast!”
“Sure…” In disbelief, Mikey slowly returned to his ecstatic senses, quickly perking up with excitement as Donnie began to lead him towards the door of the tank. “Sure! Yeah, yeah!”
“Great!” Donnie smiled eagerly and Mikey started talking about possible ice cream combinations that he was going to try. Mikey was smiling so happily and Donnie listened fondly as he rambled on a more positive note. He held him closely, hugging him tightly by the shoulder as they approached the passenger seat door. Leo stood still, uncertain with what to do or what to say. Donnie looked back, and his grin widened.
Leo grabbed Mikey’s hand instinctively, addressing Donnie before they could go any farther, “wait!”
Donnie hummed.
Leo’s voice was choked as he tried to find a reason for stopping them. “Isn’t it a little early for ice cream?”
“No.” Mikey and Donnie said in unison, and Donnie laughed before Mikey could, the mischief in Donnie’s eyes twinkled, “want to join us?” 
Leo did not. The rock in his stomach had grown into his legs and he didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want Mikey to go either. Something was wrong while at the same time nothing was wrong. He shouldn’t be worried, nothing bad has happened, so why was he so full of dread. “We’ve still gotta fix the machine in here, right, Mikey?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Donnie scoffed, “I’ll fix it later.” He flicked open the door and Mikey was pulled out of Leo’s hands. Mikey looked back with a smile, but it broke when he saw Leo’s face. ‘Don’t let him go,’ the small voice whispered. Too late.
Leo watched from the window as they walked towards the door of the garage. Mikey was back to rambling and Donnie held him closely as they exited. Leo yawned so hard it made him dizzy, he stumbled back to the counter and growled as he rubbed his face. What was wrong? What was wrong with Donnie? What was wrong with him? He stayed there for another few minutes, closing his eyes and breathing as he tried to get a grip on himself.
He turned off every light in the turtle tank and closed the floor hatch before locking up the garage for the night. As he walked back into the common room he could see that the lights were still on in the Lab. Mikey’s loud voice was ecstatic as he talked about ice cream and the plans that he and Raph had made with Dad.
Leo dragged open the curtain to his room and closed it behind him just as he heard Raph shouting for them to be quiet. He picked his blanket up off of the floor and flopped onto the bed, curling into a tight ball under the thick sheet trying to drown the noise of Donnie and Mikey’s stifled giggles.
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🌅Found Peace In Your Violence 🌅
Dean Winchester x Castiel
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Moving to a new place for a new start was always hard for Castiel . He wasn't really a people person , not because he didn't like them . It was just that his " people skills " are " rusty " as he likes to say .
His mother and Father liked to adopt & foster until they divorced .
Father had gotten custody of everyone and got remarried to Becky , my mother used to call her the annoying , crazy ,bitch etc , etc . He wonders how she's doing , she wasn't quite the best mother but he still  remembers everyone that comes and goes from his life .
His family was weird , they weren't like other family's.  It always seemed to be a competition among each other . It even caused almost half his siblings to leave and never look back . Anna is probably living the craziest life with no rules . 
Balthazer is probably running a fashion line . Or maybe there all with Lucifer breaking the rules and rebelling to everything. Although he thinks Balthazar would have gone far away from those three . He was the one he miss the most .
Father doesn't like talking about them , maybe he doesn't cares . We were after all kids he took in his home to create a batallion of soldiers that's what Gabriel says all the time . It was now 9 members of the family that was left  .  His Father , Becky , their son Alfie , Michael the oldest , Gabriel the trickster,   Eileen Leahy his favorite sister , she was the last child to be recruited from the foster house . I was the youngest one from the rest of the herd .
..... ..... .....
His Mother was the first to go , should he still call her that . Once the divorce papers was filed , Naomi packed her stuff and slammed the door shut . Castiel waited for her to come back that night . Hours went by but she never came back .
Anna soon left after , She had left in there middle of the night .
Father wasn't upset he just announced that we should move soon .
3 week before moving , dad and Raphael had a fight . Father faced him and gave him ultimatum,  it had seemed for a while everything was alright . But Lucifer had other plans ,he had managed to convince raph that he shouldn't listen to father .
The move was cancelled , and when Gabriel had started prank wars against everyone Father wasn't even there to ground him . Balthazar told his siblings that he would soon move out he was 18 after all . He talked about his dreams , plans and adventures . Michael and lucifer didn't sticked around to listen  only Gabriel,  Eileen,  and him .
He promised that every time he would go visit a different place he would bring back souvenirs . And once he was stabled they would take a family trip together .
In their last hug castiel didn't want to let go , something told him that he wasn't gonna see him anymore .
When he was  15 , standing near  the porch in front the house waiting for Balthazar to appear until father shouted his name . They had to get on the road to head to their new home . All he could do was hold Eileen and Gabriel's hand .
..... ... .....
 Everything was calm , other than the fear of not knowing if you were the next victim of Gabriel's prank list .
Eileen was teaching him to get better at sign language . Michael was going to college while Lucifer was only 17 but seemed no to be interested in school . Becky had Alfie.  Silence didn't exist in the household .
. And for once he had a friend , He was kinda surprised she stucked around.
Her name was Kelly Kline , she was in the debate team and a Straight A student . He met her through Eileen . He understood why they both got along . Both were strong minded girls and didn't let anybody tell them shit .
Kelly wanted to make a change and she wanted both Eileen and him to help her . And to this day he doesn't understand why the world took her away soon .
She was pretty , she had raven hair and had a kind smile . She taught him good things can come out of the bad things . She made him want to do things he normally wouldn't do .
So he honestly didn't understand what she saw in Lucifer. They would constantly bicker but yet  they were together . Eileen would just let him rant about bees because she preferred that instead of seeing him wallow .
Gabriel would often give him advice that would make her  be interested but it usually involve some porno Gabe once watched . And Castiel usually didn't know If he was kidding or not .
But then suddenly His brother and best friend broke up . Kelly wanted to go out and forget she ever dated an asshole . Lucky for her They were invited to a party .
He doesn't quite remember that much of that night .
" Are you sure you want to do this . I think we are extremely intoxicated and not in our right minds . And we might doing a mistake that we will regret , I'm not saying I regret making out with you cause your an amazing girl I have ever meet besides Eileen but that's different cause she's my sister and I don't think of her that way , And now I made this so awkward by bringing up m- "
A hand covering his mouth making him stop ranting . looking up to see her , and the fear he once had just vanished just by looking at her smile
" Castiel ! There are alot of regrets that I have done including that I ever got involve with that douchebag . I just want to make a choice that I know won't end up as a mistake . "
..... ...... .....
That choice was inevitable to hide , not because both Kelly and castiel started a somewhat relationship . It was revealed on a Thursday that Kelly was pregnant .
Lucifer was never one take responsibility for his actions , so he told her to get rid of it .
" yeah I'm not planning to do some father bonding or give up my plans for a baby that might not even be mine . Hey you can't lie and deny that you haven't been jumping back and forth with Novak brothers . But wow really castiel , but look at the bright side you can dump all that responsibility to him . He will believe anything - ".
The sound of the slap that Kelly gave him echoed but it wasn't enough so she kneed him on the balls and lastly punched him .
" I hope you rot in hell , "
That was the last conversation she had with him when Eileen told her he had left the house .  
... ..... ..... ..... ....
Father never showed  how it affected him when his children left . But now that Lucifer left , he started to drink again and he looked sad .
He shook it off when it had been a week later . It  seemed a good time to mention someone pregnancy.  Father didn't think the same , he was quite mad , especially when it was revealed that they weren't sure who the father was . He remained calm afterwards when they all agreed it was 90 percent Lucifers .
Castiel was only 18 and now left with the mess of his own brother .
Once he graduated he stopped seeing Kelly for 5 months . Eileen would lecture him how he was being a bad friend , how he should be more supportive. He let 2 more months pass by and he couldn't help but ask Eileen how was Kelly doing .
That's how he end up in her room , Kelly was glowing . She had belly bump , He apologized for not being by her side , for letting their friendship tumble down the drain . She forgave him , discussing what they had missed . Avoiding the topic of the elephant of the room , until the baby kicked .
Castiel loved the baby already .
..... ..... .....
They never really tackled in depth of truth of who was the father . Castiel didn't put mind into it , since he felt the baby move he doesn't know how to explain it . it was like epiphany , a connection. 
So he soon took the role , he read books , used the internet , asked some questions from Becky that rambled on and on but he still got information he needed .  In favor that he would learn and be ready when his baby would come . He helped Becky with Alfie  , at first it was hard but then it was fine
" your gonna be alright , you got this castiel . "
" I hope so . "
... .... ..... .... .... .... .....
It happened so fast , his mind was so confused one second he's in bed and then he's at the hospital . Every time she would scream of pain he felt bad . his hand was hurting from the way she was holding it .She  held a grimace from every contraction .
" It hurts so much , I don't think I can't do it . Ahhh baby you have to go easy on mommy . "
She screamed again of agony , she hold his hand tighter as if it would help from the pain .
" You can , your strong and soon we will be at home I'll be taking care of our baby while you rest and sleep . How does that sound ? "
" That sounds like the best idea "
..... ...... ...... ....
He feels like he failed , he could've done something or maybe done something different . He didn't think Kelly would leave him , she promised no to . He guess it wasn't a coincidence,  life seemed to take everything from him .
Today was supposed to be the happiest day in his life . Now he's holding onto his siblings , crying seemed it would help but the feeling wouldn't go away .
" Its gonna be alright cassie , it's gonna get better . "
He really hoped Gabe was right .
He was following the nurses that was leading him to his baby . He didn't even got to see his newborn , it just happened to fast .
The nurse open the door wide to let him pass , his hands were shaking waiting for her directions .
" Here they are , seems like they were waiting for dad to come see them . Congratulations Mr Novak and I'm sorry for you loss ."
stunned he couldn't answer , he had his eyes only for them . he heard the door close he assumed she left to give him privacy . Tears started to build up but of happiness. 
"  We're gonna be ok , I will do my best because your all I got . I love you so much , Mommy loved you so much but she had to go rest . I think she deserves it , how ironic how she always said there was an angel watching you over . Now you do , . "
Chuckling , as he wipes away his tears  trying to compose himself . Letting out a shaky breath he starts speaking again .
" I guess is time to give you a name , bear this in mind when the time comes be thankful I didn't give you a horrendous name . You in the other hand are lucky because Kelly had already picked out one for you  . "
Smiling as they both made a noise that seemed they were going along with him on the conversation. 
.... ..... .
" I'm so ready to meet my nephew !! , I'm so excited !!! "
" shhh  "        " shhhhhhh" 
                   "shh "      " Shhh "          "sHhhh"
It wasn't like Gabriel was screaming , sheesh these people sometimes , ready to respond he stays quiet when he sees his brother motioning his family to come closer .
" Say Hello to Jack and Claire Novak . "
.... ..... ..... ..... ... .....
His kids were his pride and young , he will admit he struggled at first but with the help of his siblings he catched on . They had already turned two , they were growing so fast . Both are so smart and beautiful .
Claire with her beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair that were in pigtails in the moment . She was a troublemaker but love her endlessly.  Jack is his small bee , he was tiny and adorable . The kid loves nougat , he blames it on Gabriel.  He also had blonde hair but he had golden eyes .
He wants the best for his kids , thats why  he was contemplating on Gabriel's plan to move .
Gabe was planning to open another bakery ,
since his last three was successful and was trying expand his work . Father was quite happy with Gabriel , he helped with everything he could do . As usual Gabe took advantage and stacked up on candy , his response was always with
 " he won't even notice , he has enough and more . So shut up and help me decided between those two , who am i kidding Im taking  both . " 
Eileen was going with Gabriel,  something about a fresh start . Michael was only going to keep an eye on his siblings  , Fathers orders . And his big brother isn't one to disobey  , he was gonna get paid for babysitting gabe . His study's are kept on hold until father says so .
Castiel didn't  know what to do . He was a highschool dropout , father of fraternal twins , relying with the money of his father and it wasn't like someone is waiting for him here .
Maybe this would do him good and for his kids .
Gabriel went full on screamed of joy that he had accepted,  screaming that they were gonna have a blast . Michael was boxing their stuff fully knowing the trickster of his brother wouldn't do it , he turns to look at the youngest giving him a pointed look .
..... ..... ..... ...
Gabriel was full on rambling of why he choose the location . He wanted a challenge and one of the many things he loves to do is
1: Himself
3: Pranks
4: proving Dad wrong
Once the trickster told his father his plans , he told him no . To him is practically a Yes , he wasn't planning getting him self involved , oh well  you gotta do what you gotta do .
Michael was pissed but hey he could just for once say no to dad . Eileen and Castiel and his nephew coming along was the best thing of the trip . He might even admit that he's kinda glad dad forced his big bro to come along .
The perks of having a wealthy father is that they had everything solved . Airplane . Check . Ride CHECK.  House check . Moving Truck . Check . Schelduing everything on the same date ...........
It wasn't his fault , who would in their right mind would leave him with all that responsibility.  They got to their flight , the ride into country , House was there and with their boxes surrounding it . Hey they got Michael might as well put use to his muscles .
..... .... ... ..... ....
" Only you would do this Gabriel , I don't know why I let you drag me into this "
" Look at the bright side , were surrounded with some hot cowboys " Eileen spoke and signed with a mischievous smirk .
" see cassie , even Eileen  not complaining , just relax . Take a deep breath and - Ok you grab that box and I will take the heavier one . "
Gabe said as to fool Michael they were helping but as the annoyed glared they were all receiving it was obviously the 3 younger siblings were just resting .
" Your doing well Michael keep up the good work "
They all burst out laughing when the oldest retorted with a angry 'Shut up ! '
" Maybe we should help " She said & signed to both of them .
" yeah , I'm gonna go check on the kids , they might wake up any --- . "
Turning around to see where the noise was coming from , he took in the sight of a sleek  black jaguar . Squinting to block the sun , he hears the person above signalling the horse to halt .
" I wasn't informed new people were moving in , Welcome . "
  Removing his stetson , he looks at them but his gaze fall onto the bluest eye he had ever seen and the cutest head tilt . Making his Voice huskier and putting on his best smile he asked .
" Dean Winchester .
              Need A Hand , Angel ? "
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo x Reader- Oneshot
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“Guys I’m back!” Between school and your track practice, you tried your best to squeeze in time to see your favorite people err...turtles. Mikey jumped up with a wide grin and Donnie offered a small wave.
“Oh Donnie thanks for the advice yesterday, my knees feel much better!” you pulled out a twelve pack of juice boxes handing it to him. He smiled giving a small thanks. “Thank you.” He spoke happily. He was already pulling the first one out.
“I take it ya won your race.” you nod at Raph’s question, and he patted you on the back, maybe a bit too roughly because you stumbled. “Came first place. My third one this week but who’s counting.” you boast.
“I wish we could watch your races, I’d like to see you beat all those other people.” Mikey said.
“I got my brother to tape it here.” taking out your phone you pulled up the video and they all started gathering around to see. With the four of you huddled in a circle, Leo raised a brow when he walked outside. “Are you guys planning another prank.” he asked unimpressed.
“Nah, (Y/N) is showing us her last race.” Mikey says enthusiastically. Leo looked a bit curious now, and when he walked over to take a look you flushed, clicking the button as soon as your race ended.
“O-Oh, look at that I think my battery just died. Maybe next time.” you mutter. Raph sent you a little smirk, and slowly they all started to disperse. Leo looked a bit disappointed, but he didn’t voice it.
“I-I should get going, practice starts in half an hour. I’ll check back in tomorrow. It's my off day.” Just like that you were heading out the lair, and Leo watched you leave.
“Does she hate me or something?” At first he thought he was imagining it, but every time he was around you made it your mission to disappear. He didn’t understand it because you weren’t that way with the others. And he was pretty sure he hadn’t done anything to make you think ill of him. So why were you being so distant?
“You just intimidate her.” Raph states doing push ups.
“Intimidate? Why do I intimidate her? If anything she should be intimidated by you.” Leo defended. He didn’t see himself as an intimidating person.
“Ya so blind it ain't even funny.” That just annoyed him more. Raph was speaking in riddles and it was irritating him. Of course he was way too prideful to come out and ask, so he just walked away.
“You think she’ll ever tell him?” Donnie mutters from the side. They all knew the reason behind your quick escapes, and truthfully it was entertaining to watch, especially since you and Leo were just so bad and being forward about your feelings. Donnie had once insisted they just set you both up, but Raph was adamant on letting you figure it out on your own. He didn’t like getting in the middle of these kinds of situations, or maybe he just wanted to see Leo squirm a bit. Either way, it would play out.
“Guys check this out!!’ Donnie’s eyes made all of their heads turn. Raph and Leo stopped their little play fight, heading over to the screens.
“It’s (Y/N), she just finished third in her national meet. This is playing live.” Now they were all watching attentively, Mikey cheered when he saw the shot of you running up on the screen.
“And our third place finisher, do you have anything to say to your friends and family.” The reporter turned the microphone to you.
“I’m just really grateful to my family for always pushing me hard, especially my miserable brother.To all my friends old and new, thanks for the endless support.” You were smiling and breathing a bit heavily, clearly still winded from the race.
“Any message for the special someone in your life.” The question made your cheeks slightly flush.
“Oh uh I..” your gaze drifted, but then you looked right at the camera.
“Leonardo, thank you for being my inspiration. '' Leo's eyes were wide, and Raph shoved him playfully. “Oooooo! Our fearless leader’s got an admirer.”
“Well you heard it folks. Thank you again for tuning in and congratulations (Y/N) on the amazing race. “ The reporter moved to other runners, but Leo’s eyes were still glued on the screen. He tried not to read too much into it. But his heart was still pounding in his chest. It’s not like you’d confess to him, yet those words felt far greater than any confession he could imagine.
“I think she broke him brah.” Mikey was poking Leo insistently, but he didn’t budge.
Donnie smiled from his seat. “I recorded it Leo, if you want to watch it again.” Leo’s eye hardened, and he straightened his shoulders, letting out a small sound as he left. It seemed to be his only response lately whenever he got flustered. He still hoped though, that maybe you meant something more. That you wanted something more.
“If it ain't Bolt.” you giggle at the nickname, flexing your muscles. “What can I say, can’t keep all this raw talent contained. “
“Shell yeah you can’t!!” After celebrating with your family. Of course you came to hang out with the boys. They were family too after all. You saw Splinter and he walked over with a smile.
“Congratulations (Y/N).”
“Thank you Master Splinter.” With a small bow, he was off, and Mikey was grilling you on the whole experience. Raph was sitting on the couch listening. As you were giving major details, you couldn’t stop yourself from searching out Leo. You knew for a fact they saw the interview, and your blood had been practically pumping since then, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the race. When you were done giving Mikey a rundown, you excused yourself, heading for the one place you could always find the blue eyed leader. You gripped at the metal of your medal in your hands. You were excited to show him it. Stepping through the hall of the training area, you caught sight of him on a mat. He was standing but his eyes were closed. He looked completely concentrated.
“Leo..” usually you never disturbed him when he was meditating, mostly because he could always tell when you were there. His eyes opened slowly and you gave a little wave.
“Hey, I saw your competition. Congratulations (Y/N).” Hearing that from him had a completely different effect than all the others. You blush, fully stepping in. “Thanks Leo.” you never seem to be able to keep your cool when you're in the same room as him, it’s crazy. His eyes watch you. The pretty tint of red on your cheeks. Your wandering eyes. It’s so cute to him, and now he can’t stop himself from asking the question that’s been burning in his mind.
“(Y/N), what you said..I just, I feel like I can’t take much credit for you performing that well. If I’m being honest I was under the impression that you disliked me.”
“W-What! “
Leo chuckles at the look you’re now wearing. “ You run out the moment you see me, I could only assume that’s what it was. Raph also said that you’re intimidated by me, which was even more confusing. “
You really sucked at emotions, you realized that now. With a small sigh, you tucked the medal into your pocket. You’d have plenty of time to show him that later. “Leo I..I am intimidated by you. But not for the reasons you may think.” The look in his eyes urged you to continue.
“When I first met you guys, I’m not gonna lie it freaked me the hell out. I never believed things like this existed and I started questioning a lot. After a while though, I got to know you and your brothers and it showed me that we weren’t very different. You were just like everyone else, maybe even more. Leo to me you’re just so incredible, every night you go out and risk your life expecting nothing in return. You put your family first, you lead your brothers with so much confidence and ease that it just...it amazes me.”
Leo hadn’t looked away since you started talking, and his sapphire orbs were conveying so much. “You amaze me in so many ways and that’s why it's so hard for me to be around me because you do intimidate the hell out of me because I’m terrified that you’ll see right through me and realize just how crazy I am about you.”
“I really like you Leo.”
There, you finally said it. No more stolen glances or silent wishes. Everything was out there.
He started walking closer, and you kept eye contact, heart pumping briskly.
“I have no idea what I did to deserve someone like you (Y/N), but I’m happy that we actually have mutual feelings.”
“Are you saying that…”
“I thought it was obvious.” He whispered.
“Guess we’re both pretty bad at this.”
He smiles, and the hand that rests on your cheek heats up more than just the skin it’s laying on. The final step makes you inhale, and when he leans down, your eyelids lower. You push unto your toes to balance out the height differences, and Leo’s hand runs down your cheek, to your shoulder as he plants a much awaited kiss to your lips. The little sound you let out is involuntary, and Leo smiles into the kiss, wrapping his other hand around your waist as he pulls you closer.
Your hands even out on his strong firm chest, and your delving deeper and deeper. You’ve been dying to experience this, and you can’t get enough. It doesn’t feel like enough. Leo must be thinking the same. Your lips part and as you’re about to rejoin, Leo opens his mouth slightly slipping his tongue in. You quiver, whining at how great it feels. He invades your mouth with incredible precision, and you try your best to match him. You moan, you can’t help it. This is too good. Leo arm tightens around your form at the sound, still driving you mad with his wet tongue.
Oxygen, that’s the sole reason you part. Leo is reluctant, you can tell, but he needs to get a breath just as much as you. When he separates, your grinning and huffing, quite the same as when you finished your race.
“I guess..I should be glad that I intimidate you, I’ll try to do it more often.” His cheeky response just makes your grin widen.
“I have absolutely no complaints. “
It really wasn’t such a bad thing.
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keysszz · 4 years
A Talk
A Rottmnt Fanfic
He felt useless.
Hours before, he and his brothers had encountered a new mutant. They of course had to fight them since the mutant attacked first, but the slider felt like he hadn't done anything. Donnie and Mikey attacked the creature from both sides as Raph hit it from its front. The battle was supposed to end with Leo making a portal to send the beast away from them, that way the city would be safe once again.
But things just had to go wrong, didn't they?
As Leo swung his sword to create the portal, nothing had happened. The sparks shot out of his odachi like normal, but the portal hadn't formed. Standing there like the complete idiot that he knew he was, he looked at his brothers in fear.
Raph had noticed this and he decided to take matters elsewhere.
He told Leo to work on the portal while Donnie and Mikey helped him lead the mutant somewhere else. They had left Leo alone with his thoughts and his sword, and that didn't exactly make the slider feel any better.
Leo tried to create a portal, but nothing had worked. He knew that he had to focus, but that same voice in his head kept coming back and it just distracted him more.
"Come on..." Leo muttered. "Make a portal already!"
You're such a failure.
That voice was back again. That sentence would be engraved into Leo's mind and he tried to ignore it, but it would just get louder and louder. Sometimes it got to where Leo couldn't hear anything else.
His brothers had returned back to him cheering, and that made Leo feel even worse.
Nothing. He did nothing to contribute to the fight. He had one chance and he blew it.
He had masked it behind his smiles and one-liners, so his brothers didn't think anything was wrong. Leo knew this would happen, and that's why he did it, so that his brothers didn't see how weak he really was.
But now it was hours later; 2:05 in the morning to be exact, and the slider was wide awake while his mind wandered. It kept going back to the fight, and that chant was still in his mind.
You're such a failure. No wonder your family doesn't trust you.
His family did trust him though!
Most of the time they did... But...
Leo groaned as he looked up to the ceiling of his bedroom. He grabbed his phone from his desk to check the time again as he stood up and put all of his gear on. He grabbed his odachi from the corner of his room and walked out towards the entrance of the lair.
He needed someone to talk to. His brothers were definitely out of the question, and he knew that April wouldn't be up at this time, so that left only one person.
As he served the last customer and waved goodbye to them, the skeleton let out a sigh. It had been a busy day today; it seemed like everyone had wanted a slice of pizza from his restaurant. He didn't blame them though, the pizza was just that good.
As he flipped the sign on the door to "I'm sorry, we're closed.", he walked over to the tables to start cleaning up. It was then when he heard an knock on the door and sighed. Some customers just couldn't take a hint. The sign was clearly up, and they just had to ignore it, didn't they?
Hueso had done this before though. He would go through the same old speech and say that the restaurant was close and to come back tomorrow, and if he was lucky he would get the understanding customers and they would leave.
"I'm so sorry, but we're close," he said as he walked towards the door. "Please come back-"
He stopped as he looked at who was standing on the other side.
"Pepino?" He questioned as he unlocked the door. Leo looked to be in pretty bad shape. He had bags under his eyes and he was shivering pretty badly. The temperature was extremely cold today, and it had only gotten colder that night. His face also seemed to be wet, but it hadn't been raining. No other part of him was wet either, so what had happened-
Oh... Hueso thought to himself. Is it one of those nights again?
"Hey, bone man," Leo said with a small smile. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," Hueso said as he let the slider in. "You look terrible."
"Wow, thanks," Leo said sarcastically.
"I don't mean like that," the skeleton replied as he led Leo to a table. "Are you feeling ok?"
Leo looked up at Hueso and opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it quickly. He waved his hand as he sat down at the table; dismissing the skeleton's question.
"Busy day, huh?" Leo smiled as he looked around the room. "The restaurant's a mess."
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't exhausted," Hueso replied. He knew that Leo was trying to avoid his question, and at the moment he would let off on asking the slider if he was alright. He had to coast into the question instead of just saying it suddenly.
"Are you hungry?" Hueso asked him. Leo looked up and smiled, shaking his head slightly.
"I don't wanna put more work on you," he said softly.
"Since when have you ever felt that way before?" Hueso chuckled. "Just tell me what you want and I'll make it."
The slider smiled again as he ordered his food and waited patiently for Hueso to come back with it.
As he sat though, he couldn't help but have his mind wander back to the previous fight they had earlier.
Why did his sword have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't it work like his brothers' weapons?
Or was it not the sword that was the problem, but instead it was him?
Don't blame the game, blame the player...
A saying that Leo knew a little too well. He would say it all the time when he would play video games with his brothers, and his mind would chant it to him whenever he was dealing with moments like this.
Why did you come here? You're only making things worse.
But he wasn't trying to make things worse! He had only come here to seek help from Hueso.
You're taking up his precious time. He only let you in out of pity.
But Hueso didn't even know why he was here... Right?
Hueso was always nice enough to let the turtles in, even after hours. But Leo felt so sure that he was cutting in on the skeleton's time that he couldn't think straight.
He was the worse. The absolute worse, and even more he was a complete failure.
"Pizza's done!" Hueso called out why carrying out the food. "Sorry it took so long, I was trying to-"
He stopped as he looked over to Leo's table, seeing that the slider's head was down and he was shaking.
"Pepino?" He asked concerned. He walked over to the table and placed down the pizza as he put his hand on Leo's shoulder.
"Are you ok?"
Leo looked up slowly and wiped his eyes as Hueso frowned. He could see that Leo had been crying for quite some time now since his eyes were red. Hueso's frown only deepened; he looked so sad, and it was hard to look at one of his most cheery customers like this.
"Yeah... I- I'm fine..." Leo answered with a sniffle.
"You're clearly not, Leo," Hueso replied as he sat down beside the blue masked turtle. "Did something happen?"
Leo didn't answer and Hueso sighed softly. He was going to have to do this the hard way, meaning that he would have to guess.
"Did something happen to your brothers?" He asked. He got a head shake from Leo and smiled softly.
At least he knew that his brothers were safe now.
"Did you fight with them?" Hueso questioned; earning another shake of his head.
"Did you loose something?" Hueso asked. Leo then chuckled slightly and that made Hueso smile a little.
"It'll take you all night to figure it out at this rate," Leo replied.
"Well then, are you going to tell me?" The skeleton asked.
"I guess I have to now," Leo answered quietly.
He sighed as he began to speak again.
"Am I... Do you think I'm useless?" He asked as he turned towards Hueso.
"What?! No!" Hueso responded in shock. "Why would you ask such a thing?"
"Because I'm useless..." Leo sighed. "I can't do anything for the team, I have no special talent, and I'm a failure. So what's the point of helping my brothers if they can manage just fine without me?"
Hueso sat quietly as he thought about what Leo had said. He didn't realize how bad the slider had been feeling. Calling himself useless and a failure meant that he didn't believe in himself, and Hueso didn't like seeing Leo in this state.
He looked over at Leo and saw him facing the other direction. He realized that he still hadn't answered the slider's question, so he cleared his throat and started to speak.
"Leo, you are not a failure," Hueso began. "If anything, you're a hero."
Leo scoffed at Hueso's statement. He looked up and stared.
"How am I a hero?" He asked.
"Well for one thing, you save the city of New York every day," the skeleton replied. "And when your brothers need help, you are so quick to helping and or giving them advice."
Leo listened quietly as Hueso continued.
"You also have many talents," Hueso said. "You can cheer up anyone when they are feeling down, you bring out the best in people, and you're great at making up plans on the spot. And aren't you the doctor of your family?"
"Yeah," Leo responded.
"Then that's another thing you do to help your family out," Hueso smiled.
"But I fail so many times," Leo said with a sigh. "I failed today in a battle. I had one chance to make a portal to send away a mutant, and I blew it."
"Everyone fails in their lives at some point," Hueso said. "Even me."
"Oh really?" Leo looked up. "Like when?"
"Remember when I had to call you and your orange brother here since I scheduled for the Makers of Brutality and the Master of Barbarianism to dine on the same night?" Hueso asked, which earned a smile from the slider.
"Yeah," Leo chuckled. "Those were some rough guys to deal with."
"Exactly," Hueso smiled. "Everyone makes mistakes and or 'fails' at times, but that doesn't make you a failure."
Leo smiled at Hueso and looked down at his pizza. He took a slice and ate it while he smiled the whole time.
"Thanks, bone man," Leo replied after eating another slice. "For the pizza, I mean."
"Sure, Pepino," Hueso chuckled. "But just know that if you need anything, my door is always open."
"That's not really true though," Leo laughed. "Because it was locked when I came here."
"That's not what I-" Hueso groaned, but he then began to chuckle.
He could yell at Leo any other time. But for now, he was just happy to see the slider back to his usual self.
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imma-lil-teapot · 4 years
TMNT 2003/2K3 Headcanon: Crying - (Raphael)
Feel free to scroll past this first part if you’re not interested in my silly rambling and nonsense. I won’t mind. Promise. ;)
Alrighty then, lockdown has officially started here. :/ *Unenthusiastic streamers fly* Oh well, look what we have all the time in the world for: WRITING! *Enthusiastic streamers fly* Not too much extra to add in this regard since the last headcanon (thanks a bunch for the likes btw, guys :D ), so I guess we’ll just get right into it. :)
Please bear in mind that I’m SUPER rusty! Haven’t written in ages so there are bound to be typos and all matter of general errors scattered throughout the post. Don’t pet them! They bite!  
Anyhoo~ Despite attempting to create and share with the goal in mind to uplift spirits, I decided to start on a rather upsetting subject (PLEASE DON’T LEAVE! They end on happy notes ;) ) because, Imma just come and say it, I enjoy seeing my favourite characters shed tears (not for just any old reason -their personality plays a huge role in this- and CERTAINLY not for sadistic reasons, land sakes no! But… well, you’ll see~ ;) ) It makes me all gooey and fuzzy inside to see them display such raw emotion and I just wanna leap into the TV screen to hug and console them. I dunno why. Maybe I’m nuts like that. (Remembers Raph crying at the farm when Leo was badly injured and wishes she could just hug them all and take away the pain) Oh well, if you enjoy visualizing the same, then *High Fives*. :)
So yeah, if you read the title, you’ll know this is based on the 2003/2k3 series (my favs). Hope you all enjoy~ :D Grab tissues cause sad turts ahead! :’(
Jibber jabber stops here~
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RAPHAEL - You are here
DONATELLO - Coming soon
MICHELANGELO - Coming soon
WARNING(S): Because of the subject, Angst and Hurt/Comfort will be present.
RATING: G (General)
WORD COUNT: Uhhh... *Shrugs shoulders*
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Well, you’re just gonna have to scroll down to find him, Master Splinter. ;) I really didn’t know what to add so... *Shrugs* And look at da squishy Turtle Tots, dey so cuuuuute!!! <3 
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– With his infamous hotheadedness and quick capacity for battle, it’s of course natural at first for one to expect Big Bad Raphie-Boy to be completely opposed to the very thought of crying. He is the resident ‘tough guy’ after all.  
– However, this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth: sure, he can be brash, quick to temper and lash out at those that give him enough incentive to, but underneath that rockhard exterior beats the heart of a real softie, and when something truly upsets that tender muscle, you can bet Mr. Hothead’s not going to try too hard to keep the tears at bay. 
– He’s as passionate as he is headstrong, and reining in such powerful emotions proves to be difficult at most times for him, so out of the four of them, and given the right circumstances, Raph can be surprisingly easy to get the tears flowing.
-- He’s no crybaby by a long shot, mind you, but he also knows that holding back on the waterworks is pointless and makes one just feel worse in the long run. If you’re going to cry, just cry. Simple as that. 
-- Like all of his brothers, Red can’t handle the thought of losing any of his family and close friends. It tears him apart inside and he’ll desperately attempt to protect and prevent anything terrible from happening to them, but when it does, he’s an emotional wreck and doesn’t always know how to handle his distress.  
– His initial reaction is to be by their sides before becoming outraged, and depending on the different situations, it’s not uncommon for him to also nag and pass remarks at the injured brother(s). It’s the only real way of expressing his fear of losing them before dampness starts forming in his eyes.
– Despite his tough guy front, he’s not against crying in front of his family and friends at all. He knows his place and doubts a few tears will have them seeing  him in a different light, particularly his father/master and brothers for they’ve seen the worst in him on many occasions. 
– It’s only when a particularly harsh meltdown wishes to happen does Raph choose to spare them the sideshow; he knows it’s not a pretty sight, so before the sniffling begins, he leaves the Lair and heads topside for some much needed air.
– He chooses the nearby rooftops as his destination; the ideal location to let go of the ever building waves of raw emotion that continue to grip at his chest, and by the time he makes it up the fire escape ladder, he spares little time letting out a rough growl in frustration, kicking an air vent a couple of times for good measure.
 -- With some rage and frustration now out of his system, he heads on over to the brick wall and turns his back to it, roughly sliding down into a sitting position and exhales a dismal sigh. As he subconsciously replays the earlier events through his mind, he finally allows the next phase of his sorrow to surface unbridled. 
-- He dolefully holds his head in one hand and balances it on a single knee pad as the tears now begin to flow freely.
– They instantly soak into his mask, and he grits his teeth as he feels the surges of emotion wrack his entire body. He doesn’t characteristically whimper or sob when crying, but he coughs a lot, and his nostrils leak like a faucet, forcing him to frequently sniff and snort just in order to breathe. This is the very reason why he refuses to really break down in front of the the others; not because of his tenacity, but because he simply finds the whole affair gross. His family certainly didn’t need to hear him constantly hacking up a lung and sounding like an untuned trumpet every time he blew his nose.
– The episode doesn’t last too long, though, much to his delight, and after some more thorough nasal clearing, Raph then wipes at his still somewhat wet eyes and mask before drawing out another -now exhausted- sigh. 
-- He’d begin gradually twirling a single sai around whilst he collected his thoughts. It felt more natural to keep his hands busy than have them being static when he was feeling this way. As his demeanor altered, so did the actions he performed with it.  
– He wouldn’t return to his family just yet for there was still some brooding left to be done... At least that was what he’d convinced himself he was doing. He wanted a clear head when he returned so for now, he’d remain in place on the rooftop in the crisp air with the city bursting with life just below him. 
-- He had to admit, it was certainly the best place for him to be with his thoughts. Comforting in fact. A true New Yorker at heart.
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– Aside from having everyone special to him perish, one of Raph’s greatest fears is his inability to fully control his own temper. On more than one occasion has it gotten out of hand and thus resulted in him injuring his own brothers, and it had shaken him to the core each time. 
– He’s come to the realization that he is his own worst enemy when it comes to reigning in his own inner rage, and it uneases him immensely that it could happen again and he’s fully aware that the probability is higher than he cares to admit. The more he concerns himself with it, the more it upsets him and thus, the tears of frustration start. 
– Fortunately, his bros are there for him and can tell when he’s feeling low about it. They know the best course of action is to have a light-hearted conversation about it with him and offer their reassurances... With Mikey of course adding his own two cents on the matter in his unique Mikey style, which usually involves poking fun at his brother in red and causing Raph to go from broody to enraged in record breaking time. Just how it should be.
– Not only is Raph A-okay with crying himself, but he’s often first on the emotional support committee to offer the shoulder of comfort to his friends, amazingly enough, and he’s actually pretty decent at it too. Though, not for absolutely everyone; he has his limitations when he knows someone’s really just blubbering for attention.
– He wasn’t always so accepting of shedding tears, though: as a very young Turtle Tot, he often thought of it as being too ‘babyish’ for him to do and thus despised it whenever something happened to cause him to tear up. 
– It took Master Splinter a rather surprisingly lengthy amount of time to change his perception of crying. No amount of explanations on how it was a perfectly natural expression of emotion would sway his son. 
– It got so out of hand that Raph would be in utter denial about crying right in front of his father, even while the latter would be staring at his tear-stained face directly in front of him. “M‘not cryin’,” the little Turtle would sniff. “Cryin’s fah sissies.” 
-- Splinter could only sigh and shake his head as he knelt down to embrace his son. When could he feel that Raphael would not fight the closeness, he’d give him the same lecture again, and Raph would finally succumb to his emotions and sob into his father’s robe whilst Splinter comfortingly rubbed his shell.
-- He could only guess that his words finally got through to his son for ever since that day, Raph’s entire attitude had altered for the better on the subject.
BONUS EXTRA EXTRA FEMALE READER OR S/O EDITION~ (Can also use an OC/FC insert if you wish, up to you)
From the moment you entered the Lair, you could clearly see something was up; Mikey was nursing an obvious wrist injury with a bag of frozen peas and hovering around Donny’s work area, complaining about the swelling to the purple-banded Turtle, who appeared to be paying little attention towards his ‘younger’ sibling as his back was turned.
"Hi, (Y/N).” 
You visibly jumped at the voice behind you and briskly turned, only to meet Leonardo’s placid form, and he swiftly apologized for the start. 
After the formal greeting, you gestured with a thumb in confusion at the former scene with an added, “Do I want to know?”
The leader’s facial features altered to a more serious aspect. “The end result of testing Raph’s patience,” he offered, which instantly had you more than a little concerned. Sure, Mikey could come off as being annoying, but to go so far as to physically harm him? 
“Are you sure it’s not worse than ‘just a sprain’?” You overheard the injured brother asking Donny, whose focus remained on a contraption of sorts you couldn’t quite make out on his desk.
“Yes, Mikey, you’ll live,” he responded with just a hint of weariness. “But no swinging your nunchucks around for a coupla days,” which was met with a typical whine in response from his patient. 
“It’s really not as bad as he makes it out to be,” Leo then added, turning your attention back towards him. Though you didn’t express it, you were grateful to hear the good news.
"Where is he now?” 
“Topside most likely.” Of course. It didn’t surprise you in the least that Raph had chosen to head there and you quickly set a course for the surface. “Need an escort?” The leader in blue offered, to which you politely declined. You knew he needed no further explanation. 
As you pushed back the manhole cover and made your way towards the nearest fire escape ladder, you were unable to put aside the various speculations as to why your special Turtle would hurt his own brother... Well, you would be kidding yourself to say you didn’t have at least one very plausible theory in mind, but as you neared the top of the ladder, the guesswork was instantly dropped and replaced with trepidation for you knew how Raph felt about injuring family. 
To put it simply, you were going to be dealing with a very dejected Turtle, and true to form, as you peered over the top of the building, the iconic emerald green hide and red mask tails met your sight. 
This was Raph’s favorite spot to gather his thoughts after all, so it was a no-brainer decision to begin the search there, and it was clear as day that it was exactly what he was doing for he made no effort to acknowledge your presence as he remained seated against the wall in a slouching position and gaze locked out front. 
As expected, he appeared to be moping. “Hey, Raphie,” you greeted, clambering over the wall. 
You were unable to tell if he had been aware you were nearby for he made no prior indication but instead merely replied with a gloomy, “’Sup, Kiddo?” No movement whatsoever. 
It amused you whenever he chose to refer to you by that nickname, especially since you were both the same age, but as you ambled on over towards him, you were left anything but amused as your former notion was set in stone when you caught the telltale signs of wet stains under his eyes. “You okay?”
It wasn’t the first time you had witnessed ‘ol Red crying, but it didn’t prevent your heart from breaking all the same. Something about seeing the bullheaded bad boy in tears left you in a real state of dismay, so without invitation, you seated yourself next him, affectionately leaning against his side, but before the consoling could begin, you had to gently ask, “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“Ugh, it was so stupid! Mikey wouldn’t quit goin’ on n’ on about beatin’ me in the Battle Nexus tournament and kept rubbin’ it in our faces about becomin’ the champ,” he exclaimed with shockingly little provocation, sniffing loudly. “I jus’ got so sick’ve it this time, an’ it’s not like we neva duked it out before or nothin’ but... I went too far this time, (Y/N), ya know?” 
He still refused to look at you as he began to wipe away some fresh tears that were forming in his eyes.
Your assumption had been correct all along; you acknowledged full well how Mikey’s triumphant achievement grated on Raph’s last nerve and how the orange-banded Turtle would seek out every opportunity to gloat about it in a bid to purposely provoke his ‘older’ brother. “Well, you know Mikey, Raph,” you said, not quite sympathizing with the actions he took, but rather offering some support. “He tries to get under your shell on purpose.”
"Yeah, I know, but... Dat’s no reason ta clobber the guy. Not like that, anyway” You noted how his voice gradually lowered grievously and you couldn’t stop yourself from placing your head on his shoulder. 
“No, it isn’t, but...” you knew you were grasping at straws by this point, but still offered, “They say it’s not as bad as he makes it out to be.”
He sighed dolefully. “I lost control again, (Y/N),” and you could feel the vibrations beginning to surge through him. “No matta what I do, I jus’... I jus’ can’t...” He trailed off, wracked with emotions as he covered his face with one hand and allowed the tears to fall, a cough slipping here and there.
You heart bled for this boy, and more than anything right then, you longed to relieve him of the pain, so you did the only thing you could think of: be right there by his side, comforting him through the breakdown. “Oh, Raph. It’ll be okay,” you calmly whispered, slinking an arm around his carapace and shoulders, bringing him closer and lightly squeezing his bicep with your free hand. “It’ll be okay.”
He leaned into the much needed support and continued to allow his misery to flow forth. You didn’t mind in the least for it was exactly what he required in order to heal, and you would be there for him every step of the way.
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WOOT, that’s Turt number two completed! Sorry it took a little longer than expected; I still feel rusty with sentence structure and all and am not entirely pleased with the outcome, but I did feel an improved ‘flow’ from the first so maybe things are slowly coming back to me? Or maybe it was the scenario; it felt more natural o write than Leo’s... Maybe cause Bloo Boi’s my fav Turt and I felt added pressure with his?
Oh well, Donny Boy’s next~
Thank you all so much for the read and hope you enjoyed~ :D
~Drag0n Mistr3ss’ Random Fandoms*
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
something about the rain
(a/n) i had the most fun time writing this fic for @sassatello and their amazing oc, Adrian!! thank u so so much for letting me write him and donnie!!! love u!
Donnie remembers seeing space for the first time, wide-eyed and curious, only sixteen and terrified. It would have almost been perfect, had it not been for the mind probing and electrocution and shit.
But in spite of it all, being in the depths of space was probably the most exhilarating, awe-inspiring, fantastical thing and there were an awful lot of perks about floating through stars literally and saving and liberating and all that. 
It had its ups and downs, Donnie had to admit. And now he’s a little bit more removed from the trauma of his last intergalactic encounters. He’s not sixteen, he’s not even a teenager anymore, and so he’s sort of learning how to detangle himself from the awful shit he’s been through.
And maybe the universe has kinda given Don a reason to move forward. 
Like it got very, very tired of seeing Donnie destructively bury all of his stress until it made him physically sick. So it gave him something that would kill him if he ever let that happen.
That universal gift is named Adrian. And he’s fucking insanely the greatest. 
Going through District TZ-3 is hell. But it’s the best way to Zrt•vn. 
On this edge of the galaxy it snows. Though it looks more like ash the further towards the epicenter of the planet they get. 
The flakes fall slowly and some stop suspended in the air, rotating on an axis as they melt, and rocks float through them, falling down to the ground. They bounce off the shuttle and dent the sides, skipping back into the moving sea of snow and ash. 
The storm lasts a while and the wind rolls the snow and ash and rocks form like waves, over the wings of the space shuttle, rocking it softly. 
Inside, Adrian watches, his eyes lost in the swell of waves, fingers pressed lightly against the glass windows; something is aching in him, picking at him as a familiar kind of thing, as he looks out into the flakes that spun so slowly to the waves. 
It was one of those things, he guessed- like when he saw the Guide maps with all of these galaxies and planets and worlds and he'd look real, real hard at one of the planets, green and blue and huge, and know it instantly. Donnie’s planet. 
Donnie calls that place home so naturally; no uncertainty in the way he claims that world, and Adrian knows that as much as he’s tried to- he knows he doesn’t belong there fully. 
That he’ll never have the contentment Donnie so easily possessed. It drove him crazy thinking about how someone could be so grounded and yet such an incredible dreamer. 
And how someone who dreamed so hugely for others couldn’t even make sure he got more than three hours of sleep a night. 
It’s wonderfully out of reach to Adrian. Donnie’s always been one notch above him in that way. 
And as he watches Don fight sleep at the control of their ship, Adrian adds Earth, belonging- and Donatello- to the plethora of things that he can't get out of his head. 
It takes only another half hour for Donnie to stop blinking away exhaustion and just full on pass out at the helm, his head officially connecting with the control panel and sending their teeny explore ship zooming through the sea of snow and ash. 
Adrain only lets himself completely chortle over it once he knows they’re definitely not gonna crash, and that Donnie definitely didn’t hurt his forehead. 
“‘M okay…. ‘m okay, really,” Donnie mumbles, blindly swatting Adrian away because that’s convincing, “Just resting... my eyes.” 
“Like hell you are,” Adrian snickers, and hefts Donnie up as best he can, Don’s sleepy eyes blinking open to find his, cheeks all droopy and shit, “Don’t think Raph didn’t tell me about you pulling, like, an all-weeker.”
There’s cots in the back, a small tucked away space Adrian sorta designed himself, filled with a collection of things he’s picked up from dozens of planets he’s traveled to on his journey to come pick Don up. 
They’ve known each other for a good while now, a real good while. Enough for Adrian to know that Donnie’s bound to be feeling kinda shitty this week because their little talks of late have been nothing but Don being grumpy and self-deprecating through little soft spoken jabs at his worth. 
And so Adrian stopped his work and his planet-hopping and came to scoop his best friend up, finding a nice little corner of this district with just the best scrapped tech and organisms worth studying. 
And a long enough travel time to catch up on some much-needed sleep. 
He gets Donnie onto the cot and watches him sink instantly into it with a content sigh, a smile following it. Mission accomplished, Adrian goes to stand, only pausing when his wrist is tugged, caught in Donnie’s grip. 
“This means nothing…” Donnie yawns, “You just wanna drive.” 
Adrian hopes Don can’t feel his pulse, that he’s too out of it to notice the way Adrian freezes up, breath caught in his throat. 
“Get sleep, dummy,” he forces out, patting the side of Donnie’s face affectionately before closing the curtains to the cots.
He settles down in Don’s spot at the controls, resting his chin in his palms and breathing out wistfully. 
Neither of them are the best at preparing meals, and preserving food on a space shuttle isn’t the easiest, but there’s something about eating next to the best person you know that makes bologna and colby jack cheese sandwiches taste exponentially better. 
They touch down on Zrt•vn earlier than they estimated, and rising suns are a marvel.
“I cannot believe Earth has like, only one sun,” Adrian says around a mouthful of bologna and cheese, “That’s drab.”
Donnie snorts, brushing the crumbs off his thighs, “It is drab. I mean, it’s beautiful...but compared to this?”
He gestures to the horizon, a blaze of brilliant purples and oranges. Adrian loves this most of all- seeing Donnie so amazed, seeing all the things Adrian himself might feel are mundane shine so beautifully through Donnie’s eyes. 
Eyes that light up, still, in spite of all the horrors he’s been through.
It’s extraordinary. 
“I’d love to study the UVs- I mean that’s definitely not my field of study but geez….it’s gotta be a whole different setup here.”
Adrian nudges Donnie softly, “‘Field of study’ my ass… you have a gillion fields of study.” 
He subconsciously wonders if he shoved too hard, or too softly- was it too weird? Ill-timed? Jesus, he was overthinking, spending too much time with this goof, and Adrian would be damned if he started second guessing himself around Don like this. 
“I actually don’t dabble in a ton of fields. I wish I had the time anymore...there’s just so much to retain, you know?” Donnie says, every attempt at flirtation going above his head as he smiles softly and aloofly at Adrian. 
“Yeah… yeah I feel ya,” is what Adrian murmurs back, unable to completely detach himself from Donnie’s stupid big ass brown eyes. 
They hold a stare for what feels like an eternity, before Donnie blinks and lets out a laugh that cuts through Adrian’s thoughts.
He goes to stand, offering a hand to Adrian, “Guess we better get this exploring on, right?”
Adrian takes it, swallowing hard and getting to his feet too, offering Donnie a lopsided smile, “Early bird gets the worm!”
Donnie’s grin widens, he doesn’t let go of Adrian’s hand.
“Hey, lookit you! Picking up on lowly Earthling terms,” he teases, poking at Adrian’s plastron. 
It pierces right to the heart, and Adrian can’t get a normal rhythm back the whole time they suit up, not with the way Donnie stays so close to him the entire time. 
On this planet, it rains. Just when the suns rise and just as they make it out the ship, the clouds roll in thick and heavy and dark, and the precipitation starts. 
In the darkness patrol lights from ships in search of spare parts sway across the dirt, and they hide, Adrian and Don, search goggles glowing in the heavy blackness. The sky lights up with dying stars that burst quietly from miles away, their dust falling onto them right alongside the rain, making the downpour harder. 
Still, from afar, the sky is pink and purple, and even in this, there’s beauty to be found. But Donnie can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Maybe if he’d just slept back home and didn’t freaking pass out on Adrian, maybe if he got up sooner they’d- 
A hand rests heavy on Donnie’s shoulder, startling him out of his racing spiral of self pity and loathing. His eyes snap up and Adrian comes into view, his lips moving before sound even registers to Donnie. 
“-ood? I can go find- find the ship if you’re not feeling good, I’m so sorry, shoulda double checked the weather…”
Donnie takes a gulping breath and blinks away the heat behind his eyes. 
“I’m okay…” he says, as confidently as he can, because he is, now, “And don’t be silly, Adrian, it’s a mess out here...you could get hurt or...really wet or...you know…”
As stupid as he feels, Adrian’s slowly spreading grin somehow pacifies the feeling, and Donnie finds himself rubbing the heat from his neck.
“X’vr’s forbid I get wet now,” Adrian jokes, his hand falling from Donnie’s shoulder, but it still hovers beside his arm, “But we shouldn’t split...this rock’s a pretty great cover for now.”
Donnie chuckles breathily, surveying the storm happening around them, “Yeah...yeah I guess it is. Sorry I panicked- I mean, I- I don’t know. I fucked this up...we could’ve been done scavenging if I hadn’t-”
Adrian looks a cross between hurt and confused and it’s a look powerful enough to shut Donnie up a little.
“And now I’m making shit worse by...rambling like this,” he mumbles guiltily, wringing his hands. 
There’s only a few heartbeats of silence where Donnie’s sure Adrian is gonna chew him out for being so...himself. But that’s a stupid thing to think, actually. Because Adrian’s face softens into a smile. 
“You didn’t make nothin’ worse, Donnie,” Adrian says, his voice quiet but firm enough that it overpowers the sound of the pouring rain, “You couldn’t have...because as shitty as this rainstorm is...it’s kinda pointless ‘cause I’m. I don’t really care, as long as I’m with you.”
At his admission, Donnie stops wringing his hands. He just stops...everything really. He blinks slowly. “You...well, I mean-” he tries searching for his words, because surely Adrian is just- “That’s...that’s really nice of you to say but-”
“Don,” Adrian says, more loudly, more certain, and holds Donnie by his shoulders this time, “I’m not… ‘being nice’ or some shit. I like being near you.”
Donnie’s eyes widen, the silly, lovely lost look in them subsiding as realization takes its place. 
And without taking his eyes off Donnie, Adrian presses the release to his helmet, searching Don’s face breathlessly. “Can I kiss you?” he asks around this huge, wonderful smile.
Donnie’s only half-sure that he nods, and still unable to form words he undoes his helmet too, his lips meeting Adrian’s within seconds- half of seconds. The embrace is warm and strong and frames by overeager and overjoyed smiles. 
And Donnie silently thanks the universe for this, for this wild gift he’s been given- for yet another beautiful thing to live for. 
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
The Aftermath Part Four
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Here is part four of Aftermath. Angst is finally coming. Sorry it took so long!
Raphael and Reader 
After Raphael had sufficiently calmed your rising panic attack and with a little convincing you were fine, they finally allowed you to walk around their home. Michelangelo most enthusiastically pulled you around their subterranean lair, pointing out every room and its purpose. You could see the other brothers follow close behind, Raphael a little closer than most.  
Soon you were seeing the luxuries they still had; running water, electricity and a plethora of running vehicles.
“How did…..” you trailed off turning back to the three oldest.
“Don is a genius.” Leonardo quickly answered your unspoken question resting his hands on the tall terrapins shoulder with a squeeze. “We are very lucky. Without him we’d be living like savages like those neanderthals up there.”
“You don’t want to get into close quarters with any of them. Most of them don’t seem to know where water is located.” Mikey cut in wrinkling his beak in disgust as he brought you a glass of water which you took suspiciously.
Donnie watched you eye the liquid through the clear glass and chuckled, “Don’t worry I have a pretty extensive filtration system in place. That water is cleaner then what we had before the apocalypse.”
Satisfied with the answer you took a sip and found he was right. It was even better than your water…damn.
Leo continued sitting down at a kitchen chair ushering you to do the same which you obliged the large terrapin. “I can tell you yourself are quite smart. Your food situation, personal hygiene and that pretty slick rig you have. Along with your interest in solar power, this unfortunately makes you a very hot commodity in this day and age. We found that out rather quickly when we were exposed years ago. Now they hunt us in hopes to get Donnie boy for his brains and the rest of us for our strength. Donavan has tried to strong arm us several times to get us to work for him….well I use the word ‘work’ very loosely when it comes to that scum bag.”
“Yeah that asshole don’t have employees. He has slaves both male and female alike.” Raphael growled with discontent, spinning the red sai with expert precision between his thick green digits. “If those idiots ever wake up and report back to fuckface that you were snooping around a solar panel you’re gonna be high on his list as well.”
“Wait, you guys didn’t kill them?”
“Nah those assholes aren’t worth the cleanin I’d need to do on these babies.” Raphael half growled and laughed sheathing his weapon in his belt.
Leonardo shook his head with a smile and caught your gaze once again. “No we do not kill if it can be helped. We practice Bushido; we are not allowed to take a life unless it is unavoidable.” He adjusted his massive weight in the rickety chair and swallowed heavily. “Raphael and I are the only ones of my brothers to have taken a life.”
Turning the cup in your hands you thought about what they had said about Donavan. “So, so they hunt you? Like daily?”
Donnie nodded, “Pretty much. They have scouts all around the city looking for us. I have hidden surveillance around our exit points to make sure we conceal our comings and goings and never leave the same place in a month twice, just in case. We have been lucky enough to keep under their radar and keep our home a secret.”
“And the buddy system is always a must.” Leo added.
“Why do you guys stay here? You do know there is a massive continent ripe for the picking. You could pretty much live anywhere. If you haven’t noticed all of the human population could probably inhabit New York at the same time. “
Leo looked around at his brothers and shrugged his shoulders. “I guess we never considered it, New York has always been home. It’s where we were born, where we grew up, where our father is buried.”
“Your father?” as the question came from your lips a loud blaring sound came from high above the massive space echoing throughout.
Immediately each one of the massive turtles sprung from their seats heading towards a wall full of monitors lit up with different feeds of what looked like tunnel systems.
Donnie typed feverishly at his keyboard pulling up codes and then several feeds popped up on the main screen in front of where he sat. “The motion detectors caught movement in the east tunnels but for some reason the live feeds aren’t picking up anything?”
Leo sprang into action, his soft calming voice transitioning into a stern commanding tone catching his brother’s attention quickly and efficiently. “Raph, and Mikey on me, we’ll go check it out and see if we can lead them back out into the streets. Don’t let them see you, scare them back into the light if we have intruders. Donnie stays here with Y/N, keep her safe and see if you can pin point their location. I want radio silence, unless you have an exact location.”
And with that and without a word the other three brothers were gone out into the sewer tunnels ready to defend their home and you. Your eyes flew to Donatello who continued to work at his station eyes moving from one monitor to the next.
“Can I do anything to help?”
“No, not at the moment. Please take a seat and stay close just in case. One of them might have gotten lucky and followed us down when we brought you down.”
Suddenly the thought of their home being compromised because they were helping you made you sick to your stomach. Watching the screens you could see them for a split second as they flew by the camera. They were so god damn fast, it was just a blur.
“You guys sure are fast for how big you are?” You moved closer to the preoccupied terrapin and watched him work. Maps began to race across the screens as his fingers worked over the keyboard in from of him. Another alarm blared, this time louder.
“That’s not good.”’ Donnie mumbled pushing his chair to another set of screens. “Leo are you there?”
“Yeah Don, did you find the problem?” the leaders voice came over the com on Donnie shoulder.
“Yeah, whoever it is they’re getting closer to the lair.”
“Shell…ok Don……emergency lock down protocol, get out of there. You know what to do next. See you soon.”
The next few moments were a blur. In that instant the tall turtle leapt from his chair moving about the lair loading a few things in the bag. “Your vehicle is just beyond those big doors. Go grab a few things to last a couple days. We need to leave it here and go on foot.”
You didn’t argue or ask questions you only did as you were instructed. You moved about the trailer grabbing things you needed stuffing them in a bag along with your roll of blades. Man this was moving way to fast, you were here for solar panels and some supplies, not a potential abduction attempt. This trip was not going as you had planned.
You could run? There was a spare set of keys in the camper and you could figure out how to open those doors? Right? Maybe? But then these four brothers had saved you from those goons and brought you down to safety, probably compromising their home. You couldn’t abandon them.
When you returned Donatello was waiting at his command center and nodded typing something into the keyboard with a few keystrokes. Soon around their home large metal doors began to slide close one by one closing off the lair from the outside.
“Let’s go!” Donatello called and hurried to the final door not waiting to see if you were following. His long legs took him across the floor but you managed to catch up to him. With one final press on the tablet on his wrist the final door shut locking you away from your only form of transport.
A large hand rested on your shoulder, “Don’t worry we’ll be back in a few days. I promise, this keeps everything safe until the heat dies down. We need to get going they’ll be waiting for us.”
You nodded and followed after him as he took down the sewer tunnel.
Several tunnels and a few dilapidated buildings later you found yourself following the tall purple turtle down into a basement. He began to type on his tablet again and lights began to snap on humming with electricity. A large metal door was unlocked and swung open revealing a large well furnished space but from the dust on the furniture it looked like it had been visited in a while. A smaller command center blinked to life in the distance while Donatello quickly occupied.
“Hmmm, that’s strange they’re not here yet? I figured they’d beat us by 10 minutes.”
Minutes turned into hours and Donnie paced the floor nervously checking his com and his systems for any sign on his three brothers. “Leo? Mike? Raph? Is anyone out there?” he called into his com resting on his shoulder.
You could hear the panic rising in his voice with the number of times he tried for them and you tried your best to stay out of his way. You had taken up a space on the old couch watching Donnie as he grew more frantic as the minutes passed.
Then yelp and the sound of someone tumbling down the stairs made you both jump from your position. Donnie pulled his bo staff out at the ready and you filled both palms with the cold steal of your blades.
“Don!” the low bass of Raphael came from the outside and a steady pounding on the door shook you both from your defensive stances.
Donatello put away his bo and rushed to open the door catching the massive brute as he fell into his outstretched arms. “Raph! What happened?! Jesus Christ!!”
You rushed forward to help brace the immense weight of the largest terrapin and without hesitation Raphael slung an arm over your shoulder allowing you to take his partial weight. He had been wounded, blood pouring from several cuts and gashes that littered his body, some looked deep. How was he still standing?
“T-they…they got ‘em Don. They got Leo and Mikey.”
  All of story
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bahrlee · 4 years
Suck the blood from my Wound
Enter: Raph the Womf
🦇🦇🦇chapter 5: Impossible🦇🦇🦇
The next day, the three girls were reported as dead due to…. Throat related injuries. They didnt go into much detail as to not disgust or trigger their viewer's, they just mentioned the basics---they were found in the woods with their throats ripped out, bitemarks present---but still. It left him a little nauseous, and nervous. They were only in kindergarten, and here they were, viciously mangled buy someone in the woods during probably one of the happiest day of their lives. He tried to connect Dook too the crime, that would so obviously point to him, but there was just something so off about it in the first place. Were vampire fangs that strong enough to pull out a little girls trachea? Mitzi would definitely think so, in fact he remembered she said so.
   Even though it was still offputting, he didnt let that ruin his day. He needed to get his house back to its former glory since that weird night. He found it hard to go on with his day, however, since there was an unpleasantness in the air that couldnt be ignored. Everyone all day was looking over their shoulders, hugging themselves, holding their children close to them as they walked down the streets. He has never seen a mother walk so quickly from him, a man with long blonde hair wearing cargo shorts a a shirt with flamingos on it. They were scared of any man, he guessed, since men always seemed to be the killers. Even ones who look like theyd surfed since they were toddlers. Which reminded him that he needed to surf again soon. Ever since Fatz left, he never found the motivation to hop on a board for awhile. But for now, today's goal: paint over the scratches on the wall. He was so happy it was only the paint that chipped, no actually wall damage, because he didnt know how to fix something like that. He wasnt good at fixing things.
   The inside of the store was just as somber. Mothers pulling their kids from the toy isle when they usually let them explore it by themselves, the newspaper wrack was completely empty, things were just so different. It was only one murder, and everyone was losing it, like Ted Bundy was on the loose. And it was only one murder. Well, three, but it was all done at once. Who knows what would happen when or if another one happened? Who knows what would happen if they found out that a possible culprit was a vampire? That was too scary to think about, so he stopped and went to go get him some paint. He didnt even know what to do about the carpet yet. 
   Heck, what was he going to do about anything anymore since the possibilities seemed endless, now that there was a vampire loose through town.
    He stayed up late, but for the last couple days hes been staying up TOO late, trying to contemplate what he has learned. He just lived his life. Making a deal to become some sort of spy, getting himself involved in a rivalry between two different cryptids who treated it as though it were the civil war, except one of the sides wasnt even aware of what was happening and what the other was planned against them. 
   Just like he predicted, he didnt see him that much. For the first day, he once again had nothing to report to Mitzi. The next day, same thing. He hasn't seen him since their conversation at Roxys. She did return her part of the deal, providing the conversations you usually had with a friend. He even sat in the water with her, so she didnt have to be in such shallow places. That case if anyone walked by they wouldnt see the rest of her. They didnt get too deep, just stories, small talk, interesting things about being a sea monster and vice versa since even though she lived a double life she didnt exactly know too much, the normal stuff. She seemed a little upset he hasn't seen him, but it's not like he was seeking him out every single day. He wasnt a stalker. What a funny turn of events that would be though, if the HUMAN turned out to be the stalker instead of the vampire. That would be interesting. He hoped she didnt cut the deal off, and kept explaining to her why stalking is actually a bad thing, feeling shamefully desperate. But he couldnt help it, he had no friends.
   He crossed his fingers, however, that they would cross paths again, both to satisfy Mitzi, and to see him again. He was so torn, when he spotted him acrossed the room at a comedy club while out with Fatz, he didnt know if he should go up to him. 
   He preferred to sit in the back of everywhere, appearently. Maybe because it was so dark, and secluded, that he wouldnt be called out by the comic onstage at this particular place. Although it felt so out of place for him to be anywhere in town, or anywhere around town, really. Maybe theres this whole council of vampires, and hes on a mission right now given to him by them. Maybe he just liked to hang out at relatively dark places, or examine the nature of mortals. Or…. Maybe he was looking for his next victim, adult and in the next town this time, to mix it up a little.
   His shoes were glowing this time. Similar to the vintage boots he wore, but this time the stars and crescent moons lit up. That was enough to mesmerize him. 
   "Whatcha looking at there, Beach?" Fatz asked, noticing his glances.
   "Well obviously that boy over there." Esmeralda answered him instead of Beach. That was the thing with her, she answered all of Fatz' questions, even when directed to him, or somebody else. 
   "Hes a new guy. Met him at the movies once." Beach explained.
   "Guess we didnt have to order you food tonight then," Esmeralda quipped. "You got yourself a nice meal right over there."
   "Esme, I tried to flirt with him, okay? It's like flirting with Wednesday Addams child if she had a baby with the Willy Wonka from Tim Burtons awful adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." He angrily drank his coke. 
   "Maybe you're just a bad flirt, you know?" 
   "Oh be quiet, Esmeralda. Beach is fine. Hes charming!" Fatz retorted enthusiastically.
   "If you're so charming, go up to him. Say hi. Buy him a drink." Esmeralda advised.
   "He doesnt drink." Beach quickly reverbed.
   "Well now why doesnt he drink?"
   Because hes a vampire, future Mrs. Geronimo.
   "I dont know. I jus know hes not much for actually living in the moment you know, he just…." He turned and looked at him again, his head so obviously in the clouds. "....Kind of observes everything."
   "You always go for the types that just sit there and look pretty, dont you?" Fatz said. He always questioned his type. The very monotone, 'too cool for school' men who tended to be more introverted and less talkative, two opposites of Beach. He liked his conversations. He was one of the best people to converse with because he kept it going. But he always went for the guys who's social skills were a bit stale. At least that's what Fatz thought, the truth was hes been with men of all kinds, Fztz only saw the shy guys, who were much less sh the more you got to know them. Fatz just tended to hold onto first impressions a little longer than he should.
   "Shut up, quit acting like you know my type." He glowered.
   "Cant deny it, Beach." He shrugged.
   Some friend he was.
   Esmeralda checked the time on her phone. "Fatz, its 10."
   "Oh, what? Its 10 already?" He said.
   "Yeah! We gotta go Beach, we're sorry. We gotta get sleep so we catch our flight to Louisiana for my family reunion tomorrow." She said.
   A little mad that they were leaving, but understanding he had no control over it, he let them leave. He wasnt going to be too petty about it. Speak of Louisiana, however… he turned and saw Dook there, legs crossed, shows glowing---he still couldnt get over that, he wanted glowing shoes now---his eyes fixated on nothing.
   Now that he was alone, he could probably try to talk with him. Mustering up his courage, he stood up, forgetting how tall he was for a moment and feeling a bit clumsy, and walked over to him. He seemed to be really deep in his own mind, because when he said hello, he jumped.
   "Jesus christ!" He exclaimed. "What?!"
   He held up a hand and waved. "Hello."
   He exhaled loudly, giving him the stink eye, genuinely annoyed by his presence. "What the hell are you everywhere I go?" He spoke, putting emphasis on every word.
   "Just find it funny that we find each other everywhere."
   "No, you come up to me, say your shit, trying to get into my pants or whatever."
   These non-mortals sure had some big mouths on them. But he guessed if they cant even get along within their world, of course they dont put any care into their interactions with humans. Was this his life now? Getting yelled at by two overgrown leeches for the rest of his days?
   "No, I just came over here to say I like your shoes." He said. "You dont drink alcohol, but do you drink soda?" He recalled him drinking something at the movies.
   Dook pointed to the soda on the table. "Little too late for that, man."
   "Why are you so rude?" He asked him. "Why cant you just talk to me like a normal person without everything coming out of your mouth being a nasty comment? Why cant I just treat you nicely and be treated nicely back, huh?"
   Dook slightly smirked at him. "Ficety."
   Beach was a tad frustrated, but it only made him want to try harder. "No, you're ficety. I'm just trying to talk to you."
   "You a nice guy?"
   "No, I'm Beach."
   And he finally heard him legitimately laugh. He was surprised at how audacious it was, and how much it revealed about him---he was a pretty goofy person. He seemed to be one for jokes, and humor. "Oh my god, alright, you're pretty funny, you can stay I guess. Sit down."
   He obliged, feeling like he just achieved something impossible. 
   "So, Beach, if that's even you're real name, which I know it isnt, go ahead. Make this a speed date. Tell me a-a bit about yourself."
   "Um…. Well…. I like surfing, and writing---I was an english major, actually---"
   "Oh, interesting. Tell me something smart."
   His mind drew a blank.
   "Oh yes, wonderful. Did you uh, drop out or anything?"
   "No, finished all four years. First one in my family not to drop out to persue a career as a rockstar, actually." He babbled, just excited to be getting through to him in any way. 
   "Huh. Interesting. I never went to college." He stirred the straw in his soft drink, smiling modestly.
   "Did you drop out to become a rockstar?"
   He thought for a moment. "Eh, kinda just happened. My dad forced me to play in a band when I was a sophmore. Actually, uh, enjoyed it and decided to stick with it for awhile. After that, I sang with my sister for a bit, and then something happened, and now I'm here."
   "Huh." He knew what the thing was. He was immortalized. "Tell me about her."
   "She lives back home. Three kids. A bit older than me, that's why she already has three. School music teacher." He said.
   "Cool. I have a brother who's much older than me. Not as cool, kinda mean." He sighed.
   "Hm, not very close to anyone, are you? I always see you alone. Guess that's why you bother me a lot." 
   He shook his head. "Yeah, my one friend who was just here a moment ago left, and hes been drifting away a bit. Everyone else is a workmate or an acquaintance." 
   Dook pulled the sleeves to his shirt over his hands and placed them under head chin. He was so obsessed with the way he dressed he couldnt handle it. "No wonder you're up the new guys ass."
   Beach couldnt help be giggle. He was glad he was funny. 
   Dook reached over and grabbed one of those tiny pencils used to fill in Keno cards, and a napkin, and wrote something down. "Guess I'll amuse you for now." He slid it over to him. It was his number. 
   "Oh my god." He did it. It was out of pity, so obviously out of pity, but he got his number.
   And finally, the late night comedy club announced its next act, after a long while of radio silence. The emcee came on stage, everyone cheered, well except for Dook who just glared up at him---well not really glare, he just seemed to have a case of a resting tired face, which wasnt necessarily a bad thing, but it still looked funny---seemingly board of every comedy routines seen tonight.
   "Sorry for the delay everyone, we just had a minor difficulty with some of our guest comics tonight. But thankfully, one of them came prepared. Please everyone, give it up for Rolfe DeWolfe, and his no-so-friendly sidekick, little Earl Schmerle. 
   Once again everyone cheered accept Dook, who's eyes widened, a little stunned by his presence. The comedian, clad in a plaid vest and black undershirt, with a wacky voice and a yellow puppet on his hand, smiled and thanked the audience for being there.
   "I knew he was here." Dook murmured.
   He leaned down, and turned his shoes off. "Can we leave?"
   His eyes were locked on the comedian in a strange, prey-like state. "Hes not that funny."
   It was very obvious it was not because of that reason, but of course he couldnt point it out. 
   He stood up slowly, creeping quietly (or as quietly one could walk in heels) through the dim room, as Rolfe and the puppet began their routine. Yes, Dook was actually correct, the routine was…. Meh. It made you smile, not laugh. But of course that wasnt the point if the whole thing going on right now, was it? He copied his moves, standing up and moving quietly, this time actually quiet because of the fact he was wearing actual shoes.
   Beach Bear copied him, slinking out of his seat and following him to the door. They slipped out, into the warm night. The way he just…. Stared at him. He was going to take note of that. If only he remembered the name of whomever was onstage. 
   "So um…. What are we doing now?" He asked him.
   "Ummm…. I dont really know." He laughed nervously.
   "What do you know about that person in there?" He asked. "Seemed a little more than 'hes not funny.'"
   He sighed. "You dont wanna know." He said.
   Beach had a few guesses.
   Dook shrugged and looked around, still a little alert. "We can just…."
   "Take a walk?" He guessed. 
   "I mean…. Why not?"
   The more time to get to know him.
   He dodged any personal questions, and the ones he did answer, he didnt go too deep into it. Simple, vague answers. No names of people, no small anecdotes, no detail. They did just meet anyways, of course he was valid for keeping most things for himself. Beach already knew things he was keeping from him anyways. He seemed a bit more anxious than usual, however, seeing that puppeteer onstage seemed to shake him a bit. Genuinely worried about how disoriented he seemed, he asked him if he were okay.
   "Yeah, I'm fine. If-if I go into it, itll just…" he trailed off.
   "Oh, okay. Just…. Making sure. You need to sit down or something?" 
   He shook his head. "I said I'm fine." He repeated. 
   "Like I said, just making sure." He sighed. 
   He hoped that not every moment between them would have some kind of stale silence between them. It was starting to get annoying at this point. 
 "Wait." Dook stopped, so he stopped, a little confused.
   Dook crouched down and turned back on his shoes. "There. Better." He smiled, as if those shoes were the source of his pride and joy. 
   "Whered you even get those shoes?" He asked him.
   "Huh. Are they battery powered or something?"
   "Yeah. Batteries go in the heels." He said. 
   "You dress very cool."
   "Um…. Okay, uh, thanks I guess." He laughed modestly. "You dress like you play beer pong."
   He snorted, realizing it was entirely true. "But I'm serious. You're just… unapologetically bold in the way you dress. And I can tell you dress because you like it and not for attention, because you certainly dont seem like the type who likes all eyes on them." He explained. 
   "Well, yeah. Nobody can tell me what to wear, so…" he shrugged. "Many people think I'm a girl at first, but…. You know, whatever. I-I like it."
   "Same thing about the mullet?"
   He laughed again, covering his mouth shyly. "I mean…" 
   "It looks good on you though, not everyone can pull off a look like that."
   Dook shrugged, grabbing the long part of his hair. "Yeah. I guess."
   The streets were so serene when they were empty. Even though there was the abduction of three little girls who were found dead the next morning, and he might be standing next to the culprit, the night still felt so welcoming, and calm. Something about the street lights shining down on the sidewalk, the neon of the open signs in almost every window, the clearness of the night sky which he caught Dook glimpsing up at in awe once every few minutes. 
   "You like space?" He asked.
   "Yeah. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut." He said. "When um… playing with the band I always said I was gonna play with them until I could go to space." He said. "Didn't happen, though."
   "Do you still wanna go there?"
   "I mean, yeah, it would be cool." 
   The way the stars glistened in his eyes as he looked up at them in complete amazement. 
   "I feel the same way about the sea. I wanted to go underwater, like, in a submarine, for my whole life, just to explore. Don't you think it's weird how we know our moon better than our sea?"
   He thought for a moment, looking a little hazed, maybe from the way the waning moon was shining down on them, distracting him from the real world. He seemed to be the type with an imagination. 
   "I can't believe every single one of those is a star up there. Every single one." Dook said. He began wiggling his fingers a bit in excitement. 
   He's never seen him impressed before. Maybe he should try and use space theme pick up lines to flirt, maybe then he'll notice him. But the only one he could think of was the classic your ass is out of this world joke, which he didn't think was a very cool one to throw his way. He might get punched in the face. He also was way too tired of thinking of something. These late night outings were really starting to get to him. It wasn't even that late out, compared to how late he usually stayed out.
   "How close were you to achieving your submarine dream?" He asked him.
   "I surf. That's about as close. I love it." He responded.
   "Ah. The closest I got was space camp as a kid." He ran his fingers through the bangs and his mullet.
   Beach put his hands in his pockets and kicked a rock into the road.
   "Didya try going into biology or something to get into the ocean?" He asked.
   "Oh no, my science grades were…. Not too good. I majored in english." He answered.
   "How old are you?" 
   "23." He said. "What about you?"
   Dook froze for a moment, thinking. Probably doing math in his head, which he probably wasn't very good at, from the way he snuck his fingers out to count. He didn't know why he was assuming so much from the little things, but he was.
   "21." He finally said.
   So he must've been 21 when he was turned into a vampire. And from the looks, it was in the 80s. Now he was wondering a lot. How did one even get turned into a vampire? He tried remembering back to Stoker's Dracula, Sookie Stackhouse, vampire chronicles, heck, even twilight. A bite? Excessive drinking of the blood? Canoodling with your partner, accidentally killing her, because vampires are apparently that strong (he hoped that wasn't the way, if anything that happened in twilight was true he'd probably run over to Stephanie Meyers house and drink HER blood)? All these questions he couldn't ask, because he didn't tell him. It was probably a very hard thing to tell in the first place. Mitzi was always incognito, and had a human end a close friendship with her once they found out about her secret, so he wasn't too surprised Dook was the same way. Mitzi was merely a teen, but Dook has been around for awhile---how many times was his heart broken by both partners and friends fearing him once they found out? 
   "So you're a drummer, right?" Beach asked. He couldn't be in his own head for too long.
   "Yeah?" He said.
   "Howd you get into drumming?"
   "Band. You know…. School band."
   "Huh, cool. I played Tenor sax."
   "So you like Rush and have a strong disliking towards cornets." He assumed.
   "Stereotypes, really?"
   He shrugged. "What? You know it's true."
   "Well then…. Since you're a percussionist I believe that you yell yeehaw any chance you get, have weak lungs, and have an affinity for Oingo Boingo."
   He looked to his side with a knowing smile. "I mean I do like Oingo Boingo---"
   "What? You just proved my point!"
   They both started laughing, the feeling of their bond growing a bit stronger. 
   "What chair were you?" He asked.
   "Always like…. Second. Third. I'm not the best. And…. Lemme guess, you were first chair a-and got all the solos?"
   He shrugged. "We only had two in the top band, what can I say?" 
   He liked the constant laughter between them. It was a good sign, he believed. Laughter was an important step to any kind of relationship. If you couldn't see yourselves traveling the world as a comedic duo, what was the point? So his Hope's were set high, just as a love sick gay person should be. 
   When they walked back to the club (both of their cars were there, they couldn't just walk home), Dooks goodbye was surprisingly hasty. Maybe he didn't want to encounter that guy that was here earlier, in case he was still loitering about, because his eyes carried the same alertness they did at the moment he spotted him. But he had his number now, an all powerful thing that Mitzi would be very happy to hear. He went to his car, very proud of what he accomplished, happy he finally got through to him enough to get to know a little more. When he had his hand on the handle, however, he heard something… interesting. A struggle of a woman was what he could compare it most to. He heard a male voice, one that wasn't Dooks, saying something. Remembering Dooks quick exit off of centerstage, he was inclined to follow the sound. He followed it to the side of the building, where he could clearly hear a woman's muffled screams. He could also hear the words from the other, currently disembodied voice, urging on whomever had her pinned.
   "You want to starve, Dook? You can't just not feed for three months then go purge on woodland creatures for the next week!" The voice scolded. 
   Against the wall, he peaked over the corner, and saw the sight of Dook with a terrified blonde against the wall, fangs out, the pure look of struggle, and willpower in his face as he bit his lip, as to resist his urge to plunge them into her neck. The other dude was the comedy man, mister Ralph whats-his-name (man no wonder he was performing in a small comedy parlor in a small town in florida), was trying to egg him on to make the kill. Dook opened his mouth, obviously starving, but unwilling to bring harm upon the poor, unsuspecting patron, and turned away, dropping her to the ground. She shot up and scrambled away, probably scared for life. He turned back around the corner, hoping he wasn't spotted. 
   "Come on, Dook!" Comedian guy huffed at him. "Why can't you just be like every other vampire planet? Why do I have to force I yoh human blood?!"
   "I mean…. ED?" He responded, scared but able to respond in his usual way.
   "You were turned into a vampire to get rid of that." He groaned, tired, but seemingly used to his sass.
   "Well that didn't work, did it---" there was a thump against the wall.
   He turned to peak again. This time it was Dook against the wall. He had a hold of him with his shirt. He pulled out something in his pocket, and from closer examination, he made out the classic---a wooden stake, fit to kill any vampire with a stab to the heart. He lightly placed it against his chest, Dook visibly shaking, and struggling with all his might. 
   "You'll reap what you sow, Dook. If you don't follow orders, if you don't keep yourself alive for the better of your kind, you'll pay." He threatened.
   Dook brought up his leg and kicked his stomach, the comedian losing grip on him and falling back, the stake falling to the ground.
   "My kind is human, got it? I'm not doing anything for a vampire, or a werewolf, or-or for anyone, really!"
   "Was human, Dook. You're one of us now, and you have to accept it. You do the duties bestowed upon you, I wouldn't be on your tail all the time!" He got up.
   "Fuck you." He replied. The comedian screamed and threw his fists at him, only smacking against the brick as Dook flew out of the way. 
   "I can't believe I was assigned to you, my god!" He seethed. 
   "Then LEAVE!" He shouted.
   "I won't, because I'm not disobeying my orders! It's my job to keep people like you in check and I'm sticking by it until the end of time, like what i'm supposed to do. I'm going to keep following you until you feed on humans, turn humans, and be grateful you died in our hands."
   They both stared at each other silently, eyes fixed on the other with intimidating adrenaline. 
   "If you don't, you're dead. And I'll make sure of it. I'll make sure you don't up and head out of town this time."
   "You wish."
   He grabbed him by the shirt again, and began pulling him to the front. 
   Terrified, he turned back around, eyes wide.
   Mitzi was gonna have a ball, hearing this.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - BONUS DRABBLES
(Also available to read on AO3)
((Just decided to post both drabbles on one post even if they don’t relate to each other since they’re pretty short. Also, just as a Heads up: The first drabble gets pretty PG-13. (Though it's probably about as far as I'm ever going to go with my writing, since I'm not really a fan of writing smut). So yeah, enjoy!))
There were very few things in this world that were more satisfying than spending a warm Sunday afternoon in the arms of the person you loved. That's what Lou thought anyways.
The boys were currently over at April’s playing with some new video game console that her father had bought her, leaving the house quiet and peaceful. It was actually Draxum that had suggested laying down and stretching out some, after the two of them enjoyed a light lunch together. But while Draxum had assumed they'd be doing this on the loveseat, but with enough coaxing Lou managed to lead him upstairs instead.
“After all, the bed is much comfier,” Lou had told him, “And much more ‘tall-person friendly’.”
“I'm only about a foot or so taller than you,” Draxum lightly argued back as Lou had continued up the stairs, “and I'm within the average male height for men of my characteristics. You're the one who's a bit on the short side.” Lou’s light laughter echoed down the hall, unbothered by this fact at all.
Still, Draxum couldn't exactly argue with his boyfriend, the bed was indeed more comfortable than the small couch, as well as more private. One kiss led to another, and another, and a few more for good measure as they held each other in their arms. As they got a bit closer, each kiss being deeper and longer than the last, Draxum could feel Lou start to tangle his fingers through his hair, undoing his ponytail with little concern. It was an action that was quickly starting to become familiar to Draxum, yet it still managed to send shivers of pleasure up his spine.
Smirking a bit, Draxum decided to return the favor. Moving away from his boyfriend’s lips, he began to kiss his neck, one of his hands gripping Lou’s shoulder. Lou moaned, squirming at each touch and kiss.
Each time they caught each other’s gaze or saw the other smile, it just seemed to lead into another kiss. They hadn’t yet said it out loud, but there was love between them. Physical (obviously), emotional, platonic, romantic - you name it, they had it. And they wanted to enjoy every second of it. At some point during their makeout session, Lou had unbuttoned his shirt - or, maybe Draxum unbuttoned it? Neither one of them could really remember, nor could they care too much. All they cared about in that moment was each other.
However, love or no, they had a while to go before they made that big next step in the physical part of their relationship. Still, they accepted this, being more than alright with what they had and willing to be patient and take their time. But as momentary lust began to settle some and their kissing began to slow down a bit, Draxum remained comfortably on top of him, their arms staying tangled around each other. One of Lou’s hands was under Draxum’s shirt, rubbing his warm back a bit. Draxum pressed his forehead to Lou’s, and Lou hummed as he returned the gesture, lazily smiling at his boyfriend as he did so. “See,” he mumbled, “Told you it was more comfortable up here…”
Draxum sighed, rolling his eyes as he smiled back at him. “Yes yes, I know, you were right…” Lou chuckled, and lifted his chin slightly for another kiss-
His ears picked up on something - something close by. It was subtle, but still somewhat noticeable. The light thud of fast feet going up stairs, the slight squeak of the old floor, the voices of- Lou gasped. In one shift motion, Lou shoved Draxum off him (and, in his haste, completely off the bed) and sat up, forcing a ‘normal’ grin onto his face as the door opened.
“-Pop?” Raph asked as he and Leo poked their heads in, “Hey, what-?”
“AH! Yes!” Lou nodded, “Hello boys! Uh, a-aren’t you two supposed to be at April’s? You know we don’t like you kids walking around outside by yourselves!”
“We all started gettin’ bored with the video game she had and wanted to come play over here instead since we’ve got the bigger yard,” Raph explained.
“And her mom walked us over, so we can’t get in trouble for it,” Leo added, “Anyway, can we have an ice cream cup before we start playing again?”
“Oh. Uh, yes, that will be fine,” Lou nodded, “I will come down and get them for you.” After last time (the ‘frozen food avalanche’ incident as dubbed by his sons), he wasn’t going to trust his boys with the task. “A-Anything else you two need?”
“...How come your shirt’s unbuttoned?” Raph asked, tilting his head a bit as he pointed at his father’s open chest.
Right. Ignoring the heat now in his cheeks, Lou answered the question as he began fumbling over his buttons. “W-Well, heh, I-I was feeling a bit warm, you see? So I thought an open shirt would cool me down. But I am feeling much cooler now so now I am just going to button it back up before I catch a cold.”
“Okayyyy… And how come Draxum’s on the floor?” Leo asked, leaning over a bit to get a better look at the two feet that were sticking out from behind the bed.
“Oh. That. Well, uh-”
“I was doing sit-ups,” Draxum explained as he stood up, shooting his boyfriend a flat look before continuing, “I forgot about my workout this morning, so I figured I would at least get part of it done here. Exercise is important, after all.” With how even his tone was and how natural his words seemed, Lou might have actually believed him himself if he didn’t know the truth.
“Oh yeah! Our gym teacher at school tells us that too!” Raph agreed. His brother in blue took a bit longer to convince, not quite believing the explanation if his face was any indication.
But eventually, Leo just shrugged it off, deeming it not important. “So, ice cream?”
“Yes, I will be down there in a moment.” The boys accepted this, and as soon as they left the room, Lou breathed a sigh of relief.
“...Did you really have to push me off the bed?”
“I panicked, okay?!”
“...So, do you really think that’s what they were doing in there?” Raph asked as they went back downstairs, “Dad watchin’ Draxum do sit-ups?”
Leo shook his head. “Nah, they were probably just kissing or somethin’ and wanted to keep it a secret. Which is weird ‘cause we already know they’re boyfriends and kiss and stuff. ...Grown ups are weird.”
“Heh, yeah,” Raph agreed, the two brothers then sharing a laugh. Grown ups were DEFINITELY weird.
“-It's just that, they don't always get it, you know?”
He didn't really, but Draxum still nodded.
Donnie paused, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he turned a couple screws. “They don't make fun of me because I like science, but I know when I try to teach them science stuff, they get super bored…”
Draxum nodded again, giving a small hum to let the boy in purple know he was still listening.
Donnie glanced up towards the kitchen window, where he could see his father and brothers playing outside. “I know Dad says it's okay that we all like different things, an’ even if I don't always like playing their games or doing what they like, there are still things we all like to do and play together, so that's good. Pliers, please.”
Draxum handed him the pliers. “It is good. Make sure there's enough room on each wire to avoid any short circuiting.”
“I know.” He carefully cut each wire, attaching them with precision. “Still, I guess sometimes I wish they liked the same stuff as me… They call my experiments cool, but they never really wanna help with the ‘boring’ parts that you gotta do to lead up to the cool ending. ...They don't say it's boring, but I can tell that's what they think.”
Donnie could feel a sympathetic hand on his shoulder now. “Unfortunately, some people can't always appreciate that there's a process to things,” Draxum told him, “You can't skip ahead to experimentation without the proper research and preparation.”
“EXACTLY!” If it weren't for the fact that he was trying to install the last few parts, Donnie would’ve thrown his hands up in relief that SOMEONE finally got it! ...In fact, Draxum got a lot about him, and he was very much thankful for that. “Oh well… At least I'm not the only one in this family who likes science stuff anymore. So… Thanks for that, Dr. Draxum.”
Draxum smiled back at him. “Of course. Now, it looks like you're about ready for the ‘eyes’.” He gestured to the small pile of Christmas lights light bulbs that he had brought over. “Which color?”
“Purple, duh!” Donnie answered, confident that there was no other ‘right’ answer to that question.
Draxum chuckled. “‘Duh’, indeed.” He handed Donnie the lights, and watched as the boy installed them. A few more adjustments to the circuitry, and it was ready to go.
The building of the little robot had been an easy enough process, and with Draxum’s help and the teaching from a ‘Koding of Kidz!’ site, Donnie had been able to write a simple code for the bot too. “Here we go,” Donnie mumbled. He adjusted his glasses, took a deep breath, and pressed a button on his tablet.
The little bit moved forward towards the salt and pepper shakers. Another press of a button, and the bot’s arms widened. Donnie pressed the button again, and the tiny arms closed around the salt shaker. He was grinning now as he directed the robot to take the salt over to an equally pleased Draxum. “It actually works! I did it!��
“Yes, you did,” Draxum nodded, “And it's working very well at that, no bugs or need for adjustments as far as I can tell.”
Donnie nodded, agreeing. Maybe he’d try to add more functions later, make the robot a little more exciting and cool. But for now, despite its simplicity, it was still a success. It was still his .
“So, what are you going to call your invention,” Draxum asked, figuring it would be christened with some creative name that only a child could come up with, like the Salt-Transporter 2000 or the Condiment Bot or-
“I think I'm gonna call him Shelldon,” Donnie answered after a moment, driving the bot back towards him.
“Shelldon?” Draxum repeated.
“Yeah, it seems like a good name for him, don't you think?”
Amused, Draxum had to agree. “Alright, Shelldon it is. So, are you ready to show it- Er, him to everyone then?”
“Yeah!” Donnie carefully gathered both the bot and his tablet into his arms before racing outside to his family, with Draxum right behind them, both of them confident that this likely wouldn't be the last time the two of them built something together.
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