#the only stem romance i care about
magenta-somethings · 2 months
the toxic doomed old woman yuri of navaniel... brandon sanderson truly is an ally
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bro-atz · 8 months
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in which: you're struggling with a specific class that's required for your major; but, luckily, your professor, professor jeong, has no problem helping you out outside of class
pair: professor!yunho/afab!reader
word count: 6k
content: smut, teacher x student relationship (college level, so it's completely legal mind you), late night study sessions, vaginal sex, soft and sensual, completely consensual!
author's note: i was definitely thinking about jung kyungho in crash course in romance while i was writing this... but it's definitely not like crash course in romance that i can say for certain
apply for the permanent taglist here! professor!series: yunho pt. 1, yunho pt. 2, san pt. 1, san pt. 2, yeosang, seonghwa
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You seriously wondered why you decided to pursue a career in STEM. You remembered liking physics back in high school, but now learning at a higher institution, you feared that you made a huge mistake. Then, you took one look at your teacher, and all of that concern immediately disappeared.
The thing with this class was that every student in your major was required to take it, and truth be told, you took the class because it fit well with your schedule. You had no idea who the professor was before joining the class, and you only found out from your friends after you registered that you actually got incredibly lucky securing a seat in his class because his classes were always the first to fill up.
His name was Jeong Yunho— Professor Jeong. He was probably one of the smartest men you were ever going to meet. He was super successful in the world of physics and was always in the news for some reason or the other. He had a huge fanbase inside and outside of your college for a multitude of reasons, one of them being because of his rakishly good looks. His classes were always filled to the brim with female students, and you just so happened to be one of them. You were constantly surrounded by other female students in that class who would always actively participate in the lectures because they wanted so desperately for Professor Jeong to notice them. You, on the other hand, always kept quiet in that class and did your best to pay attention to the material because the class material was just too fucking hard for you.
You spent a lot of your free time studying in the library to the point where your roommate worried about whether or not you were even going to come home to eat and sleep properly. You wouldn’t have cared so much about this class if it wasn’t required for you to get your degree, so you were ultra stressed about doing well in the class. You did reason with yourself that if you failed the class, then you could retake it with Professor Jeong again and get to appreciate his beauty all over again, but you were on a tight schedule, and if you fucked up this class, then you would fuck up the rest of your schedule to graduate.
“Y/N, you can study at home…” you roommate called you, worried about your late night whereabouts.
“I know, but I definitely won’t focus. This class is just insanely hard, I need to focus as much as I can.”
“It’s literally Friday night. Come home, please!”
“Let me finish the homework at least. I’ll be back soon, I promise,” you said, knowing that your promise was definitely a lie.
You heard your roommate sigh before hanging up on you. Immediately, you set your phone across the table to keep you from going on your phone every two seconds. You had your textbook open in front of you, and after about three lines, all the words and numbers started to blur together. You let out a deep sigh and buried your face in your textbook. It was hopeless. Either you had to pray for a miracle or retake the class the next semester.
Then, the miracle happened. Professor Jeong was in the library with a huge stack of papers that needed to be graded. He was looking for a place to sit and get this work done, but every single table was occupied. He walked past your table, only to backtrack. He barely saw any of the content in the textbook, but he immediately knew that you were studying for his class because he instantly recognized one of the problems on the page.
“May I sit here?” you heard your professor ask quietly.
You looked up and felt your face get warm quickly. You had never seen Professor Jeong from so close before. You nodded and immediately brought your eyes back to your textbook, suddenly feeling self conscious that you were doing his work right in front of him. Professor Jeong took a seat across from you and spread out his papers, only to keep glancing at you— he not only recognized the textbook, but he also recognized you.
“Are you in my class?” Professor Jeong whispered to you.
You nodded.
“Oh, so you’re working on the assignment from class then… It’s a Friday night! You should be enjoying your weekend.”
“Ha, yeah right,” you instinctively responded sarcastically, only to realize who you were talking to. “Sorry, professor… I meant, like, I can’t do that when I barely understand anything.”
He laughed. “You can call me Yunho. Professor is so stifling.”
“Al-alright, Yunho…” you said, his name feeling foreign on your tongue.
“What’s so hard to understand?”
“Um, everything. I thought I had a good grasp on the subject until the first week of classes. Now, I feel like I know nothing…”
“What’s your name, again?”
“Y/N… Oh! I remember your last test. I was wondering what happened there…” Yunho recollected.
“Yeah, I did not do well at all…”
“No, you were doing well, but then didn’t finish the problems correctly. If anything, I think you just got way into your own head. You have a good understanding of the fundamentals, which is always a great starting point.”
The flattery was nice, but that still didn’t change how miserable you felt about your knowledge on the subject. You graciously accepted Yunho’s praise, but your kept your head down knowing that despite the praise, you were still struggling to grasp the current unit. Yunho noticed your reaction, to which he wanted to do something to change that because he did not like the fact that you looked absolutely miserable because of him. He placed a light hand on your textbook and said, “Hey, if you would like, I could tutor you every now and then.”
“Really? I mean, are you sure?”
“Of course. It’s my job as an educator, isn’t it? I want to see you do well in my class.”
You stared at the God-sent figure before you. Sure, it was his class you were studying for, but you were grateful for the help regardless. You nodded your head slightly, a small smile settling on Yunho’s face. He set aside his own materials and gestured to ask if he could sit in the seat next to you. You nodded, and Yunho moved from his seat to the one next to you. He pulled the textbook towards himself and glanced at the page briefly before immediately pointing at the problem you were stuck on.
“This one is tough,” he started. “Essentially, what you want to do is…”
Yunho explained the problem to you in depth, and you took every single note. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t get the information in class— Yunho was an excellent teacher, and you always paid attention in class, but learning from him one on one was so much more beneficial for you.
The two of you left the library at the same time that night. Yunho got absolutely no work done, but you ended up finishing all of the homework that was due for his class. You both stood outside of the library and talked, giving you the chance to thank him.
“Thank you so much, Professor— I mean… Yunho…” saying his name out loud was still incredibly foreign to you.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Now, enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you in class next week.”
Yunho waved and took off. You departed as well, heading in the opposite direction of him. You felt a lot better about the class now, and you were starting to feel hopeful that you would, in fact, be able to graduate on time.
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The class was still incredibly hard. You found yourself cooped up in the library every single Friday trying to learn, and every single Friday, Yunho would sit with you and help you with the lessons and homework. It was a ritual that would begin with you stressing in the library and end with you and Yunho going your separate directions at the end of the night.
One day, while you were sitting in class waiting for the professor to show up, you were sitting next to a bunch of girls talking about him.
“I want to take a bite out of his ass,” one girl said, immediately sending you into whiplash to see who on Earth was talking about the educator in that way.
“Tell me about it. Whenever he wears those tight pants of his, I feel like combusting,” another girl said.
“Did you guys see what that one girl wrote on the fan club forum?” the girl who wanted to take a bite out of Yunho’s ass pulled out her phone and showed the girls.
You craned your neck to see— what the fuck did they mean by fan club forum? Apparently, there was a forum on the school network dedicated to Professor Jeong Yunho, and on the forum was a post that one of the girls read out loud.
“I would do anything for Professor Jeong to step on me with his long legs and pants that make his booty look so nice… When he stands and puts more weight on one of his legs while crossing his arms over his chest? I lose my goddamn mind. I’d do anything for him to annihilate me.”
“Yikes, this girl is down bad,” Yunho’s ass girl commented.
“I wouldn’t be talking if I were you, ass kink,” the other girl responded while rolling her eyes.
“Hey, better than a foot kink. Someone posted that they would buy Professor Jeong’s feet pictures.”
“That forum is weird…”
You, meanwhile, tuned out from their conversation. Yes, Yunho was definitely attractive, but not once have you thought about him in a sexual sense. You were so out of it that you didn’t even know that Yunho entered the classroom and started teaching. The lesson completely went over your head because you were too busy staring at Yunho’s legs.
The girl on the forum was right. He looked so nice from behind when he stood and had more of his weight on one of his legs while he wrote on the board. And, when he turned around to ask the class a question, you felt your face flush. How could you think about your professor in this sense? More importantly, how on Earth were you going to succeed in the class now that you could only salivate every time you saw the man?
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You were praying that Yunho wouldn’t show up at the library that Friday night. Your luck had been turning around, but your luck wasn’t that nice to you because Yunho was there right on schedule and there to help you. When he sat right next to you, as usual, you held your legs together. Tension rose within you the more Yunho leaned towards you to point out problems and information on the textbook.
“Everything alright, Y/N? You’re kind of spacing out now, and I noticed that you were out of it in class the other day,” Yunho whispered.
You nodded frantically— you hated that he paid attention to you in class and that you couldn’t control your expressions that well. Hopefully, he believed you.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m just, uh, a little under the weather. I think I’m going to head home and rest,” you told him while slowly sliding the textbook away.
“You should definitely get some rest. I’ll see you in class next week,” Yunho patted your shoulder lightly.
You nearly flinched when you felt Yunho’s warm touch. Being so close to this hot human being was already extremely overwhelming, but now he was touching you? You desperately needed to leave before you absolutely lost your mind.
Your roommate was incredibly surprised to see you home so early that Friday night.
“Did you actually finish your homework quickly for once?” she asked in shock.
“No… I couldn’t take it anymore…”
“Damn, I was going to congratulate you. What happened?”
You told her about everything that happened that week from learning about the fan-club forum to how you couldn’t look at Yunho with a pure mind anymore. She nodded in understanding before answering, “Professor Jeong is fine… All I can really tell you is to remain professional with him. You need to pass this class to graduate.”
“I know… Is there a way for me to get over this… Fucked up crush or whatever the hell it is?”
“Get laid? Go have a one night stand or something.”
“Well, then suck it up. I literally have no advice because this is such a weird situation to begin with.”
With a heavy sigh, you nodded and retired to your bedroom for the night. You prayed to God that your mind wouldn’t give you any wet dreams about the man, but let’s face it, you knew you were going to. When you woke up the next morning, you seriously wondered about your sanity. Maybe the only way to get over him would be to sleep with someone else like your roommate suggested, but you didn’t have the physical or mental capacity for that kind of relationship right now. You just had to suck it up and try your best to act normal in front of your professor.
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Soon, it was Friday night once again. That week, whenever you had class, you would enter right before class would start and immediately run out as soon as class ended to avoid Yunho. You even considered not going to the library to get the work done, but you knew that if you went home, nothing would get done. With bated breath, you attempted to study while waiting for Yunho to show up as he usually did to help you.
Yunho showed up later than usual, and he was actually surprised to see you studying in the library. He approached your table and sat across from you.
“Y/N, I’m surprised to see you here,” he said to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Your results from the last quiz were good, and you were in and out of class promptly this week. I assumed it was because you got a good grasp of everything now,” Yunho didn’t sound hurt— he sounded proud, but the look on his face said otherwise.
“I-I mean,” you stammered and cleared your throat. “I’m starting to get it, but I still can’t focus at home…”
“Ah, I get it.”
You nodded and returned to your textbook, your legs pressing together as you tried desperately not to think about Yunho in the naughty way you had been for the past week or so.
“Do you mind if I see what you’ve finished so far?” Yunho asked, snapping you out of your blank mind.
You passed Yunho your notebook and textbook. He quickly reviewed the three problems you had managed to solve in two hours, his lips quickly pulling into a frown. Your heart sank— the look on his face pretty much told you that you didn’t get a single thing right.
“Okay, so here’s where you went wrong with the first problem— Uh, is it okay if I take the seat next to you?” Yunho was about to explain the problem, only to ask for permission to move closer.
You nodded for what felt like the twentieth time in ten minutes. Yunho took the seat next to you, and he explained the problem. Thankfully, all of the dirty thoughts you had disappeared the second you started properly studying. You knew that you and Yunho were leaning into each other as you shared the textbook, but your body wasn’t physically reacting to his touch in the slightest, which made you all sorts of relieved. All you needed was for Yunho to actually teach you for your mind to get out of the gutter.
He had assigned ten problems for the homework that week, and you were able to get through six of them before the library staff came to your table and kicked you out. You and Yunho stood outside the library doors as you tried to figure out how you were going to finish the last four problems before class the next week.
“Y/N? You okay? You have a grim look on your face,” Yunho said softly.
“Yeah, well, no. I don’t know how I’m going to finish the rest of the homework… I think I’m going to lose my mind this weekend just trying to work on the other four problems…” you sighed.
“Well, I want you to be able to enjoy your weekend…” Yunho trailed off as he thought out loud. “I have an idea, but you’re more than welcome to decline.”
You shot him a questioning look. You noticed Yunho’s ears get slightly red as he looked away and cleared his throat. He seemed to be mustering up the courage to tell you his proposal.
“Would you like to come back to my place? We can hash everything out tonight so you can relax the rest of the weekend.”
You couldn’t help but gawk. You knew for a fact that all the girls in that fan-club forum would kill for the situation you were in right now, but you, on the other hand, actually debated the idea. The thought of finishing your homework with the professor and knowing that you did the homework correctly made you want to eagerly say yes, but you also wondered about whether or not you’d be able to remain sane if you did go back to his place.
“What do you say?”
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Yunho’s apartment was nice. No, nice was an understatement. His place was fucking gorgeous. He had a duplex in the middle of the city that was minimalist and elegant and expensive as hell. You knew that he was pretty famous in the field, but it didn’t occur to you that he would be rolling in dough (especially because he was a college professor and you didn’t think that professors made that much money).
He led you to the dining table and gestured for you to take a seat, which you did timidly. You felt way out of place in such a posh place that you couldn’t help but shrink down in the chair. You felt even more out of place when you saw Yunho unbutton the cuffs of his shirt sleeves and rolled them up, revealing his muscular forearms. You had to swallow the pool of saliva collecting in your mouth quietly to keep it together.
“You can just take out your notebook. I’ll grab my textbook. It’s filled with my annotations,” Yunho told you as he walked towards a room.
So, you pulled out your notebook and pencil case and waited for Yunho to return from what you assumed was his bedroom. He sat down next to you and opened the textbook to the assigned pages. He immediately got down to business, leaving you to wonder about his apartment later and focus on the homework first.
It took you about an hour to get through the remaining problems— the annotations in his textbook really made the process go faster. You were astounded by the details of his notes. You knew that his work was very eloquent based off the way he solved the problems in class, but seeing them in his personal textbook was a whole new game. You were even more amazed by your professor at that point.
“How do you feel about the problems now?” Yunho asked while closing his textbook.
“Amazing. Thank you so much, Yunho,” his name was starting to become easier for you to say.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. I’m glad I was able to help,” Yunho smiled sweetly at you as he placed a light hand on yours.
You felt your entire body flush when he touched you. You immediately locked eyes with him, your body tingling as he kept his hand on yours. Yunho looked as though he wanted to say something, but he didn’t utter a word. His hand, however, went from resting on yours to going under your hand, his fingers lacing with yours. He held your hand and brought it to his chest. Your heart raced faster and faster the closer he got to you.
“You know, Y/N,” Yunho started his voice hushed. “I worry about you.”
“You’re one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met, and I admire your tenacity. All I want is for you to succeed.”
“But why do you worry about me?”
“The past couple of weeks, you’ve been acting rather odd. Did something happen for you to be acting this way?”
“I… Uh…”
“You can trust me, Y/N. You can tell me anything.”
He looked into your eyes earnestly. You didn’t know how to vocalize your thoughts to him because, truth be told, you didn’t want to tell him the truth, but you didn’t want to lie to him either. You cast your eyes downward, unsure of what to do.
“Y/N, I just want you to know… You’re an incredible person, and you’re so smart and capable. Please remember that when you’re having a rough time…”
Yunho cupped your face and left a soft kiss on your cheek, your heart nearly bursting through your chest. You looked up immediately and locked eyes with him once again. Yunho rubbed your cheek with his thumb lightly, his gaze getting softer. Your heart was pounding so hard that it was all you could hear. You were barely able to hear Yunho’s voice over the sound.
“Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
You nodded slightly. You closed your eyes then felt his lips press against yours lightly seconds later. Your eyes fluttered open when the kiss ended, and you saw a look of longing on Yunho’s face. He finally let go of your hand, only to place his hand on your waist as he brought his face to yours once more. Your hand held onto his shoulder as he kissed you again, his lips trapping your upper lip. He kissed you slowly and delicately as if you were a glass doll.
You don’t know how he managed, but Yunho somehow brought you to his bedroom, his lips still passionately connected with yours. He laid you down gently on his bed and pinned you down, his fingers slipping under your shirt and moving upwards slowly, his fingernails tickling your ribs. He left you with a mind-numbingly sensual kiss before sitting up. He knelt before you as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt before discarding it behind him, the fabric rustling as it flew through the air and fell onto the ground.
If only the girls of the forum could see him now. The bedroom lights were off, so the only things illuminating the room were the lights from the buildings outside and the minimal moonlight that shone through the city faintly shining on the pale skin of Yunho’s body. He had a beautiful figure. His defined muscles swelled up as he pinned you down again. He pressed light kisses against your jawline and neck, making your toes curl.
“Y/N,” Yunho breathed out, his breath tickling your collarbone. “Let me know if at any point you would like to stop, and I’ll stop.”
There was no way in hell you were going to ask him to stop. You felt his lips suck lightly on the skin on your neck, earning a slight moan from you. You held onto his shoulders and continued to stifle moans the more he left light hickeys all over your neck and whatever was exposed of your chest in your top.
Usually, you were one for animalistic instincts, and every time you dreamt about Yunho, you dreamt about him completely ravaging you. You didn’t expect him to be so soft, and you didn’t expect to like it so much. All of your senses were heightened. When his fingers made any sort of contact with your bare skin, your nerves tingled. Your arms instinctively wrapped around him and your fingers were buried in his hair when he returned to your neck, his teeth occasionally nibbling at your sore skin.
You nearly whimpered when he moved away from you. He held the hem of your shirt and removed it, your shirt dropping to the ground. His arms wrapped around you and unhooked your bra before pushing your bra up. Your bra was still on you, and at first you thought it was a little uncomfortable, but then Yunho began sucking on your nipples and all the discomfort immediately disappeared. Between the painfully good suction and his teeth tugging on your overly sensitive nipple every so often, you felt like you were losing your mind. Your hold on him only got tighter as he decided to alternate between breasts.
His fingers fumbled with unbuttoning your jeans briefly as his lips were still on your breast. With a soft sigh, he released your breast to move up and help you out of your jeans. He tossed the jeans to the side then ran his hot fingers along your leg, trailing upwards slowly until his fingers got to your panties. He trailed kisses along your torso as his fingers hooked onto the hem of your panties and pulled them down, his kisses trailing closer and closer to your cunt. He nudged your legs so that your feet were pressing into the bed while your knees were bent and up.
You knew that you were completely soaking wet at that point, and that fact was emphasized when Yunho ran two of his fingers up your pussy, his fingers teasingly pressing through your folds. They continued to barely penetrate you as Yunho brought his face up to lock lips with you again. While one hand was busy with your pussy, the other pulled off your bra, allowing you to move a little more comfortably. You ran your fingers through his hair and rested your other hand on his neck, pulling him into you because you desperately needed more of him and his lovely lips.
Yunho pushed two of his long, slender fingers inside you, which surprised you so much that you nearly making you bite his lower lip. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers go further and further into you. He fingered you slowly as he continued to kiss you, making you feel all sorts of ways.
You were panting heavily when Yunho released your lips. He also pulled his fingers out, your arousal fluid completely coating his two fingers. When he licked his fingers, you covered your face in embarrassment— how could he just do something like that so casually?
The tinkling of Yunho’s belt buckle echoed in the room as he removed his belt. He leaned towards his nightstand and produced a condom before returning to you. He held the packet in between his teeth as he removed his pants and underwear, revealing his penis— his massive, smooth, straight, hard penis. As you stared at his penis, your eyes trying to calculate his length, Yunho ripped open the condom packet and swiftly rolled the condom on.
With one hand right above your shoulder and pressing into the mattress, Yunho positioned himself, the tip of his dick rubbing against you slowly. You couldn’t help but stare at him, your body flushing as you observed his facial features in the moonlight. He looked stunning as he hovered above you, his hair nearly shielding his eyes, his muscular arms tensing up as his penis slowly started making its way into you. You let out a gasp as you felt him stretch you out, his length fitting inside you completely to the point where you felt him hit your cervix.
“Y/N,” his husky voice rang out. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm,” you responded while nodding.
“Okay. I’m going to start moving, then.”
That being said, Yunho pulled out just as slowly as he entered, only to thrust into you slightly faster. You let out tiny little yelps as you felt him move more and more, his waist hitting yours gently every time he thrusted into you.
“Ah! Yunho!” you cried out as you felt him repeatedly hit your cervix. “M-more!”
You didn’t even know what you meant by that, but Yunho apparently did. Moving from his hands to his elbows, he lowered his upper body. He brushed his lips past yours briefly at first before encompassing them. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and clutched him tightly.
Yunho’s pace sped up, the entire bed moving as he got faster and harder. Yunho let you freely moan and cry as he dropped his head to the crook of your neck to leave wet kisses. The sensation was too much for you— you felt yourself nearing your climax. You let out a breathy moan and dug your nails into Yunho’s skin.
“Fuck, I’m gonna to cum.”
Hearing your professor swear did it for you. You pushed your head back into the pillow and cried with pleasure as you came. Shortly thereafter, Yunho’s thrust slowed down, and with a final thrust, he came, his cock spasming inside you. Yunho groaned in your ear, the sound of his groan turning you on all over again.
After a brief moment, Yunho pulled out and removed the condom. He got off the bed to throw it away, leaving you in a puddle of yourself on his bed. You didn’t even realize that Yunho left his bedroom until you pushed yourself up, your back leaning against the headboard. He returned with a glass of water and handed it to you as he sat on the edge of his bed. You drank the water slowly as you watched the man let out a pleasant sigh.
“How do you feel?” Yunho asked, his body turning to face you.
“I feel really good,” you admitted honestly.
“Me too.”
He moved into the bed and sat next to you. He pulled the duvet over the two of you, allowing you to cover your naked body. Seeing that you were done with the water, Yunho took the glass from you and set it aside on his nightstand. His hand found yours, and he laced his fingers with yours while brushing hair out of your face with his other hand.
“You’re so lovely, Y/N. You’re so lovely and so beautiful,” Yunho whispered before leaving a small kiss on your temple.
Hearing the gorgeous man next to you compliment you made you all sorts of shy. You felt your face heat up as you avoided eye contact with him. You felt his fingers go under your chin and turn your head so that it was facing him again leaving the sweetest kiss on your lips. You got even more shy with that, but there was no way in hell Yunho was going to let you turn your head away from him again.
“Do you feel better now?” Yunho asked in reference to what got you, as he put it, all out of sorts.
“Actually… I do. I feel a lot better… I think…”
“You’re uncertain?”
You took a deep breath that ended with a sigh as you mustered the courage to tell Yunho the truth. You looked him right in the eye and said, “On one of the college forums, there’s a fan-club for you… Have you heard of it?”
“I have, actually. The other professors make fun of me for it all the time.”
Your eyes went wide— does that mean he saw the thirst post from that one girl that your classmates were talking about?
“Did you post anything on the forum?” he asked.
“What? No!” you were completely flustered.
“Damn, I was kind of hoping you did…”
Yunho saying “damn,” made you want to fuck him again right then and there, but you refrained because you were curious. “Why?”
“Because I want to know if you like me like that, too.”
“Well, I might not have posted on it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t agree with some of the stuff posted,” you mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
“There was a post on the forum about the way you stand during class, and when I paid attention to what the post was pointing out, I immediately had… Dirty thoughts… About you…”
“Is that why you’ve been so squirrelly?” Yunho asked with a slight chuckle.
He cupped your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, his fingers tracing along your sensitive ears. You pressed your face into his warm hand just a little more, enjoying the sensation of his lovely touch. You nodded and let out a light sigh, the weight of your dirty secret lifting off your shoulders. He kissed your forehead and smiled softly at you, your heart skipping a beat looking at the caring expression on his face.
“I have a question for you, then,” he whispered.
“Does that mean you had dirty dreams about me?”
Embarrassed you dropped your face and covered it with your hands. You could tell that Yunho was trying to keep from laughing based off the way his chest was swelling up. He put his arm around you and hugged you, your hot cheek pressing against his even hotter chest.
“Then tell me something.”
“What’s that?”
“Was I better in your dreams or in real life?”
His question sent you into shock. “I-I really can’t say…” was your lame attempt at responding.
“Then tell me what I did in your dreams, and maybe we can make them a reality.”
You leaned away from Yunho and stared at him, your jaw dropped. You felt his hands trail along the curve of your waist then get to your thigh. He pulled your thigh up and closer to him, the look of lust on his face intensifying.
“Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?”
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You thought seeing Yunho in class after the two of you had slept together was going to be very awkward and very weird, making you dread attending class. Why did Yunho have to make attendance mandatory?
But, when he walked in for the lesson, it was anything but awkward. You did have to press your legs together as you watched him teach, but you were completely captivated by him instead of avoiding his gaze at any given moment. And, when enough of the students in class were distracted, he shot you a sly wink, making your entire body flush with heat.
“How is it that Professor Jeong gets hotter every time we see him?” one girl near you whispered to another.
“Tell me about it… God, I’d do anything to have him pin me down and annihilate me.”
Your mind immediately flashed back to you and Yunho having sex and him becoming more animalistic after you described your dreams to him. You buried your face in your textbook so that no one would see your beet red face.
Before you could leave class, Yunho called your name, making you freeze in your tracks. You could feel the rest of your classmates who were still in the room stare at you (mostly the girls, their eyes full of envy). Yunho was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, his shirt sleeves rolled up, and his legs shoulder width apart with most of his weight on one of his legs— also known as the stance that drove all the female students crazy. You walked towards the professor and stood before him, trying your best to remain calm, but your heart raced faster the closer you got to him.
“Are you understanding the material?” Yunho asked, despite already knowing your answer.
“Then,” Yunho leaned towards you and lowered his voice. “Instead of studying in the library, let’s keep studying at my place from now on, okay?”
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celestialtarot11 · 6 months
Astro Observations 💘💌
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• Jhené Aiko has a pisces stellium in her chart, no wonder she is ethereal, and carries spirituality as a huge part of her platform. I feel those with pisces in their big 3, or stellium could benefit from incorporating spiritual themes in their career/side hustle! Jhené has a wonderful way of connecting to her audience, and Pisces is very much in tune with the collectives energy. Pisces is dreamy & manifests easily due to their flowing nature! So pisces, ya’ll can greatly benefit from a spiritual side hustle to help grow yourselves 💅🏻🤍 I love jhené aiko 🤝
• She often talks about getting high in her songs which make so much sense. Pisces may use drugs, weed and alcohol as a way to escape. But when healing, they turn towards spirituality and themselves to face their shadows 🤗🫶 shadow world is incredibly important to all water signs to help settle their subconscious! And a way to open their heart so it can flow the way it’s meant to.
• Virgos when they were younger probably carried the most health issues ❤️‍🩹 virgo babies please take care of your health. I believe health issues are your bodies way of communicating strongly, it’ll tell you what needs to change in your life, and if what you’re pursuing is helping you/hurting you. Your body is strongly connected to the energies around you which is why it’s so in tune. Powerful 🤗💘 just like pisces.
• Saturn in the first have a way of finding comfort in their melancholy, they almost never want to leave. Especially if this native has cancer placements. Their past is their comfort and only source of predictability, thats why they stay the same, or it takes a long time to make inner changes. Even if their past was turbulent, they would rather be able to predict what happened, than to change and face the unknown ❤️‍🩹
• Libra venus are so sweet and definitely know how to talk your ear off in romance 💘🌸 golden retrievers for sure! All libra placements honestly ‼️
• Capricorn venus is very particular about who they date. Perfectionism is apart of their motive, which is unhealthy, but also they want someone who can equally help them and support them in their life. Lets be rocks together ‼️ kinda vibe lmao. Some capricorn venus’s want control to the point of not letting anyone in, it stems from fear of everything falling apart ❤️‍🩹
• 12th house synastry is truly unique. Every experience I’ve ever had is different, because it’s a water house. That kind of synastry will reflect exactly what needs healing in your subconscious, and in your heart. I’ve been in mature connections involving 12th house synastry, I saw how deeply spiritual it is & it has soulmate energy to it. Ive also been in connections that were turbulent, and fell apart because of the healing I needed to do. Now, of course other partners with 12th house synastry can have their own healing they were not committed to which also contributed! This is important to remember. Both partners need to heal and dedicate time to their shadow work to evolve, and move forward 🤝 12th house synastry is not bad, it is simply reflective of your innermost state when you meet that person. You are meeting yourself in another 🌸🌅
Thank ya’ll so much for reading 🤗🫶 this was cool to make again! I appreciate any likes reblogs and comments. Share to me what you think! 🙌🌸 see ya’ll around.
Distance Healing Services 💘💌
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shall-we-die · 10 months
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How jealous do they get? || What do they do when they're jealous?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Moriarty the Patriot}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ─────┈┈{0003}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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↬|William| (9/10)
• William will get jealous when someone he cares deeply for, gives equal or more affection to someone else, especially if that person isn't truly worthy of their attention, or worse. He's quite possessive by nature, if that wasn't obvious.
• If you prefer spending more time with others compared to him, he'd honestly be jealous. I suppose you'd know when he's jealous when he starts clinging you, demanding your attention.  He'd just try to keep you for himself.
• When he's jealous... he thinks about all the things the other could be doing to 'steal' you away from him. How they spend time with you, talk to you, make you laugh...I mean, you're an amazing person in William's eyes, and he wants you all to himself.
• William mostly gets jealous when someone flirts with his lover or when someone shows any kind of attraction towards them, since he considers them to be *his* and only his. This is especially true after a while, since William can develop an unhealthy kind of attachment to his loved one and start to consider them as an extension of himself, a sort of possessive attitude that he knows is wrong.
• and When it comes to getting rid of a love rival who thinks it's funny to play with his heart, he would simply show the other side of the coin. The savage side of it.
{"I could be the worst person they'll have ever met. Ever"}
• You can be very comforting after he got jealous by showing that you care and understand his  feelings. Reassure him that there's no need to be jealous as you only have eyes for him. Comfort him with words of affection and appreciation.
Show him that you still want to spend time with him despite what happened. Make sure to remind him of his value and worth.
↬|Albert| (10/10)
• Albert is fiercely protective of the people he cares about, and he'll be sure to show it. As a result, he gets very jealous when it comes to romance. He wants to be the only one who gets to take care of and spend time with his partner, and he won't tolerate any attempts by another individual to intervene. This can manifest in him constantly asking about his partner's comings and goings, or being openly rude to people who show interest in them.
• Albert's jealousy in a relationship is rooted in an insecurity. While he may seem like someone confident and suave, he's always afraid of losing his partner, feeling there is always someone "better" than him out there. He wants to be appreciated, and if he isn't, he'll act out, passive aggressively or otherwise.
• In the face of a love rival, Albert might become a little more flirtatious, a little more playful, little more dangerous in order to try and win back his partner's affections.
• He isn't one for direct confrontation without good reason, but he's not afraid of playing dirty. He's known to be quite manipulative and scheming when he wants to be, and this may apply to getting rid of a love rival.
• If his lover wants to comfort him, they must be prepared to give extra attention, show signs of affection and make compliments towards him as well as reassuring him he's their center of the world. He may not be able to admit it, but he wants to be *needed* and be his partner's center of existence, especially if he believes he's not their first choice in a romantic sense.
{"Jealousy? It's an odd thing, is it not? Jealousy stems from the fear of being without, the fear of being alone. When they stop caring, or when they pretend to care. When someone stops investing time and emotion into a relationship, when they grow complacent because they already have you. That's what creates loneliness, because you feel as if you're the only one trying."}
• yes he's also so dramatic...
↬|Louis| (10000/10)🚩
• Louis is very possessive of his partner, and anything that he considers to be a threat to their relationship would make him very jealous. This includes any sort of deception or dishonesty, lack of communication, spending time with other people, and not placing their partner's needs or feelings at top priority.
• He would see a romantic rival in a very negative light, and would likely react in an aggressive or even violent way if they attempted to take over his relationship with his partner. He may become possessive and controlling out of fear of losing what he views as his property, and would go to great lengths to protect his relationship by any means necessary.
• When he's jealous, hus behavior can vary. He may becomes withdrawn and isolate himself from his lover or also may tries to make his lover jealous by showing interest in someone else.
• Louis may becomes distant towards his lover, or may even lashes out with anger. He may tries to ignore the jealousy and attempt to hide it away. In extreme cases, He may even tries to manipulate the situation and attempt to control his lover, which is unhealthy and not recommended.
{"Stay away from what's mine. If you even think about interfering with my relationship, you'd be making the biggest mistake of your life."}
• While he may feels insecure, you could reassure him and attempt to allay his concerns. You could have a discussion that's more open and honest, so that he may expresses his worries to you. In addition, you could attempt to show him your commitment and love for him, as this is most likely where his jealousy originates, from fear of losing you.
↬|Sebastian| (4/10)
• He has always considered jealousy to be a rather negative and unnecessary feeling, particularly in romantic relationships. If you guys are in love with each other and you're spending time with other people, he would be rather happy for you. After all, it's very important for both of you to have your own interests and a sense of independence. There's no reason to be jealous of others enjoying their time with you.
• It's completely understandable to feel a certain level of apprehension when his partner gets close to another male (that he's not familiar with). However, he also believes that trust is an essential component of any romantic relationship.
• He's so confident in his role as a partner, and he trusts that anyone he has chosen to share his life with, wouldn't betray his trust. That said, if his partner were to take up a close friendship with another man, or was constantly spending time in places he wasn't welcome, it might make him question your commitment to this relationship.
• He's not one to tolerate jealousy or envy in his relationships, so if someone appeared who he felt was a threat to his love with his partner, he would be direct in confronting them. If he felt it was necessary, he would make his presence known in an attempt to intimidate or dissuade them from interfering with your relationship.
{"Sweetheart, let's talk about this."}
• After he becomes jealous of your interactions with another male, he would appreciate some reassurance and affection from you. He would like to have a meaningful conversation in which you let him know that he can trust you and you have no secret agenda with that person. Furthermore, some extra attention and affection would go a long way in making him feel better.
↬|Sherlock| (5/10)
• Sherlock is not overly jealous by nature. Even with his love of the chase, he recognizes that jealousy is a pointless emotion that only leads to further conflict.
• However, he does get irritated when his feelings for someone seem to be unreciprocated, and he can be a bit possessive, wanting to be the only one that gets to spend quality time with them. He doesn't necessarily dislike the idea of sharing, but does want to be prioritized over other people. He is also very observant, noticing even the smallest change in behavior from someone he is interested in. Seeing this change could make him feel jealous.
• It's not really clear whether Sherlock is a particularly jealous person or not, it's certainly possible that he could feel jealous under certain circumstances. Some of the things that might make Sherlock feel jealous include seeing his partner interacting with another man, particularly if it appears flirtatious; learning that his partner is hiding something from him; or discovering that his partner has been spending more time with someone else than they have with him.
{"Jealousy is a waste of time, in my opinion, I feel no need to get jealous of anyone because I know our relationship is strong enough that no other person could weaken it."}
• Being protective of those he loves, Sherlock would be upset if he knew another person had entered the picture, and would do anything he has to to reclaim his partner's attention. He might get overly protective of the person he is pursuing, and use his skills in deduction and manipulation to sabotage the rival and bring his love back to him.
• When Sherlock feels jealous, he just needs a bit of reassurance and love from his partner. He needs to be shown that he is still their number one. This can include spending quality time together doing activities that Sherlock enjoys, complimenting him, and being extra affectionate. Showing him that he is still their top priority can go a long way in alleviating Sherlock's jealous feelings and putting his mind at ease.
↬|John| (4.5/10)
• John doesn't usually like showing his jealousy easily. However, if you were to spend too much time with another person, or if you were to prioritize them over him, that would definitely make him jealous. He understands that certain things must be done for work or to help friends, but being ignored altogether is something he cannot deal with. It's a fine line between trust and insecurity, and John appreciates it if you're considerate of his feelings.
• John will usually try to suppress his feelings of jealousy and act outwardly composed, but if the source of his jealousy is right in front of him, he has been known to become cold and quiet. He may try to make light of the situation and attempt to downplay his feelings, but deep down he is stewing in his own hurt and anger. At times like these, he usually retreats into himself and tries to figure out how to move forward without coming across as an insecure and controlling mess.
• John tends to get jealous when the people he deeply cares about aren't honest with him, when he feels like he's being left out, or when someone he loves is being mistreated. He is also a very protective person and will get jealous if a friend or loved one is close with someone else, or if he feels like their attention and care is being divided. He's always worried about losing other people's affections. It's the result of being somewhat isolated during his childhood and needing to fight to find people to accept and love him.
• If John got jealous over someone, he would initially feel like he should say nothing and work through his feelings alone. However, if his partner noticed and asked him about it, he would try to be honest and explain his feelings.
{"I'm feeling a little bit jealous right now, but I still trust and love you. I'm just scared of losing you, so please don't take my feelings personally."}
• John would appreciate it if you took the time to reassure him that there's nothing to worry about, and that you truly are devoted to him and only him. He would also like you to give him some time and space to process his feelings, and you can help by being understanding and supportive. If you want to do something extra special for him, try and treat him to his favorite meal or a relaxing getaway to help him unwind. it's okay to give your partner the benefit of the doubt and trust their feelings for you, and John would appreciate the same.
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animehouse-moe · 4 months
Questions Of Love In Bucchigiri!?
Hiroko Utsumi is no stranger to distilling homoeroticism into their works, but Bucchigiri!? is able to take it a step further as it intertwines with the hypermasculine idea of fighting and gangs. Because of that, Bucchigiri!? poses two questions to the definition of love and how people experience it.
"What is love versus lust?"
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Truthfully, it's a rather simple question to answer (at least to someone outside of high school). The point being the depth of feeling. Lust is strong but shallow, while love moves much deeper.
And the second episode in particular expresses this very strongly through the two gang leaders, Marito and Ken.
They don't feel any way in particular about Arajin until they feel their punch. After that, like Marito says, they just can't forget about it. That's all they know about this kid, "his" punch. And that's all they want from him as well.
The point is to express superficial lust towards Arajin because of something they only experience one single time. They believe that they want the strength behind the person no matter what because of a single moment.
And it's a great comparison to make against Matakara's feelings for Arajin.
Matakara doesn't need to feel "Arajin's" strength to know how he feels about him. On the contrary, he only ever needed to fight (really train) beside him to come to understand that emotion. Even more than that is Matakara's understanding of Arajin outside of fights, and he focuses in specifically on Arajin's passivity and carefulness.
Because of that, you can begin to draw the conclusion that "Lust" is represented by actions involving violence and action, while "Love" stems more from passivity and aversion in this context. Which I think is really really great. It's sort a sort of symbolic explanation of the whole point of violence being boorish and shallow while other communication is deeper and more valuable.
"How much is love worth if they don't love you for who you are?"
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Super easy example here with this one. Just look at the Love Forever stone Arajin gives Mahoro vs the friendship one that he gave Matakara.
The whole point is that Arajin's love in the hands of someone who doesn't love him isn't valuable at all, nor is it valuable in the hands of someone that doesn't love him for who he is.
Marito and Ken can only feel something for Arajin because of the strength channeled through him by Senya. It's something entirely foreign to Arajin as a person, and represents both how shallow the gang leaders are, but also how shallow Arajin is.
Loving yourself is something that's tricky to do, and obviously especially so for high school kids. I think it's well understood at this point that Arajin struggles to love himself in a meaningful way, and that's expressed by his willingness to take on Senya.
Case and point being that he intentionally used Senya's strength to try and make himself look good in front of Mahoro, and in the same way used it against Ken to the same effect.
He's afraid of being and accepting himself, so he's allowed something else to speak for him. And while that catches the eye of many, including Matakara, Arajin himself already knows that it's nothing more than a farce to save face.
It's just... really great work in terms of narrative as it bundles so many different aspects of love together to create this complicated web that all stems from Arajin's inability to love himself. Matakara loves the current Arajin, but that Arajin is unable to face himself so he runs from the reflection that Matakara offers and buries himself in lust and unrequited romance.
And that all just comes from high school kids duking it out for fun alongside mystical fighting people that can merge with humans.
It's definitely a step up the symbolic ladder in comparison to Sk8 The Infinity, but I think it's allowed Utsumi to express much more in terms of romance through implicit narratives.
These first two episodes have been incredible, and I'm loving every moment and want to share every bit, but the overall production effort Mappa's been putting in leaves me in an awkward spot for sharing stuff like this.
I really love to, and I want to celebrate the efforts of the staff behind the series, but Mappa rains on that parade with its terrible scheduling and work ethic. The credits are a veritable mess that make episodes like this an incredible feat. And I'll celebrate that and share what I want to, but I do also want to call out Mappa for their terrible work as a studio.
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
Some people don’t seem to get the gist of Gwaine’s character so let me break it down:
Gwaine deciding that Arthur is worth defending as a king and wanting to repay him for saving his life… does not mean that he loves Arthur the way he loves his literal best friend. Gwaine is deeply bound by his sense of morality, and his moral compass points him to Arthur. The anger with which Gwaine responds to threats against Arthur is identical to his response when, say, the Cailleach laughs at the knowledge that innocent people are dying because of her own inaction. Gwaine posits himself as a defender of good, and Arthur proved himself to be “noble” in his eyes. Ergo, he protects Arthur, as he protects civilians.
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All in all, there is nothing really personal to their bond, just as there is little personal about Gwaine’s duty to the people of Camelot. Gwaine and Arthur have a begrudging respect for each other, and both have a sense of duty to ensure that the other does not come to harm. This dynamic does not need to be construed as anything other than what it is, but since we have been conditioned to believe that people can only act altruistically given a motive of friendship, romance, or family, their actions are subsequently read as such—contrary to the onscreen evidence.
I cannot stress this enough: this series is based on Arthurian legend. The knights are meant to display chivalry. That is the bond between them.
This differs greatly from Merlin and Gwaine’s dynamic, wherein Gwaine’s attachment does not stem from a sense of duty but, rather, his own personal feelings. He is drawn to Merlin from the start, finds an understanding and emotional support from Merlin that he’s never had with anyone before, and is stunned touched that Merlin hasn’t grown tired of him, despite the burden he’s placed on Merlin’s shoulders since his arrival in Camelot. By contrast, Arthur grew sick of Gwaine… almost immediately, and their dynamic was established as one of mutual duty the moment Arthur said, “He saved my life… He’s to be given anything he needs.” This is very much a discernible difference. An important one, too.
This is the reason that, despite how he is willing to lay down his own life for Arthur as early as 3x04, Gwaine explicitly does not consider him a friend afterwards in 3x08, but does for Merlin.
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Furthermore, given Gwaine’s moral code—the very same one he used to judge Arthur as “noble”—Gwaine would indeed side with Merlin over Arthur in the case of a magic reveal (not to mention the fact that Merlin is his friend, he knows that Merlin is good, and he doesn’t want Merlin to be hurt). Gwaine believes that one’s actions determine their goodness, rather than their birth circumstances. Therefore, Merlin being born with magic is not proof that he is corrupt.
Outside of magic reveal scenarios, and despite his sense of duty to Arthur, Gwaine is still shown to put Merlin first. There is nothing wrong with Gwaine placing Merlin above Arthur. It’s not “unfair” to Arthur that Gwaine cares more about Merlin, and it’s not something that needs fixing. Arthur is not entitled to Gwaine’s love or loyalty. It’s beautifully satisfying, both emotionally and narratively, that Gwaine’s loyalty is to a servant first and a king second. That is the entire crux of Gwaine as a character. It is a deliberate choice on the part of the writers, and it’s perfect as is.
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Heyo!! I was hoping to send a request for your domestic bliss event too with you know who 😔🙏 very hard to pick because I want them all 🥲 but!! Can I request jing yuan with a gn reader for ☕️ cafe date?
Hi Honey! I'm so happy you've dropped by and asked for something. I appreciate the support. And I know what you mean. Jing Yuan fits so many of these prompts so well that you are spoiled for choice. I hope you like what I wrote, it's almost 2k words of pure, self indulgence. Take care xx
cw. fluff, gender neutral reader
Domestic Bliss
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"You’re spacing out again."
You snapped back to attention as Jing Yuan brushed a stray strand of your hair out of your eyes, the wisps curling around the tips of his finger as he gently tucked it behind your ear. Your cheeks burned, the tips of your ears turning hot as Jing Yuan retracted his hand and placed it back in his lap. Your eyes flitted away nervously.
"Sorry" you mumbled.
A warm chuckle breezed past Jing Yuan’s lip as he rested his chin in the upturned palm of his hand, a smile playing at the edges of his lips as his eyes shimmered with amusement in the warm, afternoon sun. 
"It’s quite alright."
His words did little to ease the heat simmering in your veins and drenching your body in a hot flush. You could feel beads of sweat prickle the back of your scalp despite the cool air that permeated the humble little cafe that you and Jing Yuan decided to dine in. You each had a drink placed in front of you and a myriad of the finest sweets that had caught Jing Yuan’s eye the moment he had stepped foot in the shop. You had mentioned to him not to spoil you and he politely didn’t listen to your suggestion. 
You idly picked at the skin under your nails, trying to stop the tremble of your knee as your leg continued to bounce under the table. It was getting harder for you to contain your nerves by the second. This wasn’t the first date you had been on with Jing Yuan, but the budding romance that was shared between you had only just started to blossom. You had been friends longer than you had been lovers. The shift in your relationship still made you a little nervous. And being seen out in public with him in such a casual setting did not help calm your frantic nerves. All eyes were on him constantly and since you were frequently by his side, those eyes were now on you too.
The cafe was quiet today, only a few patrons speaking amongst themselves over the soft tunes of classical music that occupied the space in between hushed whispers. You were sure you could hear someone mention his name a few tables over. Though your table was seated behind a wide folding screen, Jing Yuan’s voice was distinct and it was very easy to pick him out in a crowded room. Jing Yuan, on his part, didn’t seem worried. He was as calm as he always had been, lazy eyes half lidded and a smile stretching his lips. He did not care what opinions others held for him and you envied that lackadaisical nature. You wished you could be more like that. Instead, your head continued to spin like a broken record as you continued to worry and fret over such trivial matters. 
You took a deep breath and reached for your coffee, the mug warm in the palm of your hands as your fingers curled around the fine china and you brought the rim to your lips. You gently blew on it, the stemming steam disturbed by your heavy breaths as you glanced in Jing Yuan’s direction over the rim of your cup. You tried your best not to let your nerves get the better of you and decided some small talk would be a nice distraction. 
"So, how’s work?" you asked. 
Jing Yuan opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off by you as you abruptly corrected yourself with a shake of your head. 
"Right, you’re the General. You probably can’t talk about official business" you said. 
Jing Yuan was ready to retort to your comment but didn’t get the chance as you took a swig of your coffee and immediately regretted it. You had briefly forgotten that you had been letting your drink rest because your coffee had been made as hot as the sun itself. You remembered when you singed your tongue on the scalding liquid. You sputtered as you swallowed your mouth full, tears pricking the corners of your eyes from the boiling heat that tickled the back of your throat. You coughed roughly; hand placed over your mouth as you tried to hold onto what little dignity you had left. Jing Yuan didn’t hesitate to reach over the table once more, large hand wrapping around your wrist as he tugged it away from your face. 
"Relax" he said. "Just breathe."
He brushed his thumb along the sensitive pulse on the inside of your wrist, causing goosebumps to erupt along your arms from the soft touch. Your coughing fit subsided as you started to relax, eyes focused on the way Jing Yuan rubbed soothing circles into your soft skin with the calloused tips of his fingers, drawing unfamiliar patterns that you only faintly recognised as the erratic beat of your heart quelled. Nervous butterflies fluttered in the pit of your stomach as you offered him a sheepish smile.
"Thank you" you murmured.
Jing Yuan cocked his head to the side, a small furrow in his brow as his smile dropped off a fraction.
"Is everything alright?" he asked.
Your tongue darted over your cracked lips as you swallowed thickly. You nodded gently, your other hand coming to rest over the hand he held you with. Your fingers struggled to curl around his wrist and you were mildly fascinated with how your fingers didn’t even touch. His skin was pleasantly warm placed against your own searing flesh and it felt like little bolts of electricity were shocking you when he dragged his fingertips over your pulse. 
"I’m okay. Just nervous" you admitted. 
Jing Yuan offered you a warm smile. He was well aware of your nervous habits, even before you had been properly acquainted. He found your modesty completely endearing and he was always patient with you.
"There’s no need to be nervous" he replied. "There’s nothing to worry about."
You hummed in acknowledgement. You knew that. You knew how silly it sounded. And when Jing Yuan touched you like this, he was able to calm that fierce storm inside of you. He had the innate ability to be able to calm you, no matter the situation. Your jittery nerves started to calm the longer Jing Yuan held you, your deep breaths subconsciously syncing up with his own, steady breathing as your tense shoulders slumped. You eyed the spot next to him and you were sorely tempted to request that you sit next to him, just to help control your unruly nerves. You knew it was a selfish question yet your lips parted around his name as you attempted to ask.
"Jing Yuan, can I…"
Your voice trailed off when your brain finally caught up. You shook your head, trying to shake the thought out of your mind as you forced a smile on your face, gaze still looking longingly at the empty spot beside him.
"Never mind."
Jing Yuan gently squeezed your hand as he let go and you silently mourned the loss of warmth, your skin tingling from the lingering heat of his skin. He idly patted the spot beside him on the seat, a smile curling his lips. 
"Come, sit with me and indulge in these sweets."
You blinked owlishly at him as he patted the spot beside him once more. He had noticed your staring and he was not going to stop tapping his fingers against the plush cushion until you got up and occupied the space beside him. You couldn’t contain the smile that lit up your face as you sprang to your feet and trotted over to his side of the table. Jing Yuan scooted over just a smidge before raising his arm and ushering you closer. You missed the dangerous glint smouldering in his golden gaze when you went to sit down, a sly smile playing on his lips as he snagged his arm around your waist and dragged you the rest of the way down. You swallowed the squeak that bubbled up your throat, a sharp gasp of surprise whistling through your teeth as Jing Yuan practically pulled you into his lap. You panicked in that instance. You cared about his public image. But he did not.
"Don’t worry so much" Jing Yuan said with a light chuckle.
Your cheeks puffed up as a small pout tugged at your lips. Despite the small spike of panic, it was quick to quell when you settled in Jing Yuan’s lap, his hand by your side and soothing your frantic mind. If you were really uncomfortable, he left you room to climb out of his lap unhindered. Yet you didn’t, the smell of his pleasant cologne curling in your lungs as you nestled against him, his chest warm against your back. 
"Scoundrel" you commented.
Jing Yuan nodded along as he plucked one of the sweets from the tray, peeling the delicate wrapper from it as he offered up to you. 
"Yes dear. Now, say ‘ah.’"
You opened your mouth and let him push the sweet past the seam of your lips. You hummed softly as you bit into the small treat, the burst of flavours dancing along your tongue as you rolled it around your mouth. Jing Yuan watched you with rapt attention, watching as the tip of your tongue timidly licked your lips and lap away the sweetness still clinging to the plump flesh. 
"How is it?" Jing Yuan asked. 
"Good" you replied with a nod. 
You reached over and picked up the closest sweet to you, mimicking Jing Yuan’s actions as you peeled the wrapper off and brought it up to his lips. Fluffy strands of white tickled your chin as you leaned closer, close enough to notice the bob of his Adam’s apple as your warm breath brushed over his jaw.
"Say ‘ah.’"
Jing Yuan’s lips parted and you deposited the sweet in his mouth. As you pulled your hand away his teeth playfully caught on the tip of your finger, pinching the soft skin before you wrenched your hand further away from his nippy mouth. A chuckle rumbled in his chest as you scowled softly. You pinched his cheek in retaliation, waiting until his skin flushed red under your touch before you let go. You had many choice words rattling around in your brain but you swallowed them, not wanting to draw attention to yourselves. You were just thankful that you were both obscured behind that folding screen otherwise you didn’t think your heart would be able to take it. Jing Yuan’s casual pda never failed to catch you off guard but…you didn’t exactly hate it. 
Jing Yuan hummed softly as a thought struck him, idly reaching for another sweet to offer up to you again. 
"Next time, I shall show you my garden" he mused. "It’s a lot more…private" he added, large hand squeezing your plump stomach.
You nodded in agreement as you took another sweet from him, indulging in the vibrant flavours that melted in your mouth. Your heart was ready to jump up into your throat at the elation that pulsed through your system, ears ringing as your name dripped from his mouth like warm honey and warmed your throat. You swallowed your food, a shy smile playing on your lips as your mind already started to swirl with anticipation.  
"I’d like that."
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rwbyrg · 26 days
I don't known if you noticed or not, but in the back ground of v7ep9, with the Rosegarden fumble scene, the pillars have what looks like roses and green stems going around them and I'm just like did they (CRWBY) plan this !?!?
I did notice!! Everything about that scene is so blatant, intentional, and in your face and... y'know what, I've been meaning to talk about this scene for forever. Now feels a good a time as any.
Reasons Why Rosegarden is Canon: #013 - The Fumble
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I have to admit, this was the first scene that really made me realize that these two were being set up as more than just character foils. And the way it does that is by making this scene sooooo tropey. We've got them Speaking in Unison, Finishing Each Other's Sentences, all with the air of Sickening Sweethearts. Ruby's little run towards him making them almost completely collide? Her closed off body language and nervous giggles? The second jinx at the end? The way it ties into their respective arc(s) while also paralleling other ships?
Lets break it down piece by piece.
First, this scene represents a resolution of sorts to the conflict - or, in romance arc terms, "break up" - that was set up between them at the start of the volume. The disagreement over what to say to Ironwood about the Oz situation is something that Oscar doesn't agree with, but respects either way; prompting the two of them to spend much of the volume separate and distant from each other.
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As CRWBY says in the V7 commentary, The Fumble is when they "finally start to regain trust in each other". This, as well as their interactions within it, stand perfectly well on their own. Especially how it talks about the themes of trust, truth, and fear that both their solo arcs brush up against often. It also reaffirms the mutual care that's been established within their relationship thus far.
Ruby has spread herself too thin with her responsibilities and is offering to go tell Ironwood the truth that she initially decided to keep from him... but she's needed in Mantle with the rest of her team. So Oscar, who as we've previously established, is well aware of the weight of responsibility Ruby carries as leader, offers to take over for her. While he didn't agree with her decision from the start, he did respect it and therefore has his own amount of blame in keeping the truth hidden. His actions in this scene tell Ruby that she doesn't have to carry it all alone. That her decisions are not solely hers to bare the weight of. Even reassures her when she double checks that he's okay with it. Look at the little thumbs up! He's got it, Ruby! No worries!!
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But outside of how it works for their individual and shared arcs as a pair, it also follows an established pattern within how CRWBY writes their romances. This 'breach of trust/break up' arc is one that has been explored with both Bumbleby and Renora as well. With BB, it kicks off when Blake runs at the end of V3, followed by her and Yang at odds with each other throughout most of V6, before they regain trust after protecting each other against Adam.
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With Renora, it's running tangentially to Rosegarden throughout the Atlas arc. Ren, not believing they should be huntsman or be carrying these responsibilities, follows Ironwood's orders to the letter, represses his feelings and gives his team the cold shoulder, etc... all while Nora is in complete disagreement with how he's handling it. But both Bumbleby and Renora have new conflicts and resolutions throughout V8 as well... and so does Rosegarden.
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Ruby and Oscar don't end this scene working fully together. They split up, following the name of the episode. Oscar stays behind in Atlas (As Above) to talk to Ironwood, and Ruby goes down to Mantle (So Below). Only for the two to swap places by the end of the volume with Oscar falling to the crater, and Ruby getting picked up from Atlas. They separate again in V8 following the split of the other ships as well; Yang, Ren, Jaune, and Oscar split from Blake, Nora, Weiss, and Ruby, respectively. The narrative constantly separating them with intention.
When they do have another resolution with the (rudely interrupted) reunion hug in V8E10, it is once again in this same location: The Schnee Manor entryway. Which, if you look at the full scope, with its rose engraved pillars, is designed like the definition of a fairy tale ballroom.
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This romantic setting having not just one, but two very important moments to their shared narrative, ties into a Chekov's gun that's been following them around since the beginning: the idea that fighting and dancing aren't so different.
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Even their body language and poses have them set up as if they're asking the other to dance!!
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During this scene, they're also framed between two open doorways. Doors framing Rosegarden is something I've mentioned a few times, but am still working on a full meta for. To explain it briefly, open doors within stories - especially RWBY's narrative - are often symbolic of a few things. New beginnings, transitions and change, but also opening up or vulnerability. In this scene, Ruby and Oscar end up coming to an agreement between two thresholds marking a mutual transition. And they do this by trusting each other, opening up to one another, and ultimately growing closer in the process.
Speaking of being on the same page, I also want to talk about how the other characters are framed here. (Disclaimer: this isn't meant to downplay other ships, it is just an objective observation.)
Within the scene proper, team JNR all leave before Ruby and Oscar arrive, but there is an Interesting Focus on the characters that pass them over. The first we see passing over Ruby's shoulder is Penny, the second one is Weiss, this time over Oscar's shoulder. Leaving the two behind...
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But then the camera angle changes. When Ruby and Oscar say "we should tell Ironwood" in unison, they are overlapped by Yang and Blake. Ruby then asks "Guess we're on the same page, huh?" before it pans back to Oscar and shows Bumbleby crossing past them a second time, as he responds "Guess so".
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Which tells us two things. First, that they're on the same page as each other, and second that they are also on the same page narratively as Bumbleby. And if that wasn't enough to really drive the idea home, they give us another parallel to them by the end of the scene when Ruby and Oscar jinx with each other again!!
Ruby is so excited that she actually jumps off the ground when she turns around to wish Oscar luck, they bid each other farewell before she gives him the finger guns (just like her big sis does to Blake in V9), and then Ruby leaves through the front door, giggling again. Which prompts Marrow to roll his eyes in exasperation at the cringey, overly romantic youth he's been forced to witness twice over now. Once here, and once with BB earlier in the volume.
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The last thing I'll mention has less to do with analyzing the scene objectively and more about a little test a dear friend of mine ran. She took the clip of this scene and sent it to some friends that weren't familiar with RWBY, the ship, or either of the characters individually, and asked them the question: What do you think the dynamic is between these characters?
And every single person that was asked immediately agreed that there was either a crush situation going on or it was building to a potential romance arc.
So take that as you will. Love this scene with all my heart, and thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about it. 🥰
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viv-weylin · 2 months
Some thoughts about Shilo (and a lot of my thoughts about the aromantic reading of him)
Okay, so Shilo has been a character that's been spinning in my head pretty constantly. This isn't going to be organized but rather kind of just. Thoughts.
I see a lot of people interpret Shilo as a purely innocent person who has done no wrong wet cat, and yeah! He is! But the thing is, he's... done wrong. He's a vampire. There's something inherently evil in all vampires, and i believe this misconception stems from people not knowing the vtm lore. In VTM, all vampires have a beast inside of them, and this beast is inherently evil and cruel and animalistic, which is the part that forces vampires to feed. Shilo hasn't frenzied, he's never lost control of this beast but the fact he has one is enough to make him "not purely innocent", I'd argue he thinks he's innocent and hasn't done wrong but keep in mind he has zero hestitation throwing guards to die. He's indirectly killed several times, and that's not really something we can ignore when thinking about shilo.
He's also incredibly manipulative. He has no worries dominating or manipulating people for his own gain, and again, this comes from his sheltered life. This comes from him simply not knowing any better, but even then, this is a major flaw that i feel some people dont think about.
Shilo isn't rapunzel, Rapunzel isn't a killer, and she isn't manipulative with a disregard for people's lives. That is to say Shilo isn't pure evil, but rather, he's a morally grey character. He's killed, and he's manipulated, but you could argue that it came from a place of not knowing any better, but even then, he's still killed and manipulated. Do you see where the interesting moral dichotomy lies? Is he at fault for the evil he does if he doesn't know any better. I just dont like the "purely good" Shilo takes I've seen some people have.
The aromantic stuff:
I think it's rather well known I'm an aroace shilo truther (if im being honest, i have a distaste for armored pheasant to an extent, but that is not what this is about). I feel as if that's a rather crucial part of his character, and it's not unsubstantiated. He quite literally says he's incapable of having romantic feelings, and in the newest episode (i am not caught up, forgive me), I've heard there's more he says that hints towards this aromantic reading. He's had zero interest in romance, and the fact he was bloodbonded to Edward without his consent can have rather interesting implications that I believe could be expanded on. A lot of aromantics know that feeling of being told "I can fix you" or whatever and Shilo parallels it quite well with the experience he has had with Edward. Below is the quote where he says he's incapable of romantic love.
(This is my own personal opinion but I believe his character is also sort of dumbed down once someone ships him with Grefgore. A lot of people did from the get go, and I get and see the appeal but I also think they're better as friends but again, personal opinion and I don't care if you ship them but his character falls into the "only interesting for the shipping to the fandom" pit quite easily.)
There's something incredibly validating to have a character like Shilo, who's kind and silly and aromantic if that makes sense. Aromantic representation has been lackluster, and most representation is god awful (coughLovelesscough) so having Shilo would be really nice. He's not canon representation, yes. Unless Bizly straight up confirms it, it's just implied representation but come on. It's right there guys. Give us an aro win.
His character has a lot of interesting bits: a character who's only experience with the world is through media & book (hashtag autism), a character who's incredibly cruel yet kind, a character blind to his own flaws, an aromantic character who loves despite. Give me more morally grey Shilo, more guilty Shilo and most of all. More Aromantic Shilo.
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nikethestatue · 7 days
Having been in this fandom for a long time, I think what's become apparent--and I think that's where most of our problems stem from--is that PERSONAL INTERPRETATION has become the default thing to fall back onto, and consequently, it's been used over and over again to negate or disregard the author's INTENT, because it doesn't align with personal preference. Consequently, people began being duped into believing that a reader's personal interpretation of text is 'right' and that canon doesn't matter and that SJM's own intention don't matter as well.
Here are some examples:
Did SJM INTENDED for Cassian to be a terrible mate who will sell Nesta for a chicken nugget if Rhys tells him to? Was the intent to show how poor Nessian pairing is?
Is it just that Cassian did not live up to the readers' own expectations of what they wanted for Nesta? And is their interpretation of Cassian as an awful match for Nesta, who doesn't care about her, only cares about sex, and would never stand up for her or support her, actually correct?
Did SJM INTENDED for Gwyn's scenes in ACOSF to be romantic towards Azriel? Was her cutting the ribbon or climbing or running a prelude to the great Gwynriel romance novel?
Is it that Gwyn was created to be a springboard for Nesta's self-discovery and healing? Someone who accepted, supported and encouraged Nesta when Nesta was at her lowest? And did many readers' animosity towards Elain's characters drove them to willfully interpret absolutely non-romantic scenes as romantic in a futile hope that somehow, their personal wants would translate to page?
Did SJM intended for Rhys and Feyre to be viewed as ignorant despots who hate their own people, only care about wealth and power, and don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their five houses?
Is Rhys's love for Feyre the driving force behind many of his decisions? for example giving her an extravagant house? Does Rhys really want to trample on everyone's rights, or is he allowing some of his subjects the freedom of autonomy and self-actualization? Is the intent to show that he is a thoughtful and imperfect leader, who cares about the welfare of his people, or is that he is a dictator who gave his lover an empty title?
While SJM's execution of certain topics isn't perfect, I think that wilful ignorance and the desire to see something that isn't there, and something that SJM didn't intended at all, is really the cause of all the shipwars and the IC hate.
Is SJM REALLY in love with Lucien and is excited to write his book, or is that the fantasy of his stans? Whereas SJM's never been particularly complimentary towards Lucien and his character in interviews or in canon?
Will Tamlin's elusive 'redemption arc' REALLY be something that SJM is interested in writing? Or her calling him a 'douchebag' is kind of indicative of her feelings towards him?
"Elriels are obsessed with canon'. We heard this again and again and again. Being obsessed with canon' simply means that we are paying attention to what SJM's intentions are and what she wants to convey through her words. Elriels, just like everyone else have headcanons about Elain, and Az, and Elriel. But we don't discard the actual books and writing in favour of our headcanons.
I feel that lack of consideration towards 'intent' is really leading some people down a very slippery road, where at the end of it, they'll find a lot of crushed dreams. Because most of the time, 'black' is just....black. It's not white. It's not even opaque. It's just, black. I think people should remember that when they do their 'analysis'.
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vasyandii · 4 days
I’m a huge sucker for romance and relationship dynamic type questions so I do have some questions about VernAM (I believe that’s the right way)
Not the questions have to be answered, as I believe I have too many! But here’s my top three
1. In one of the little comics you did I believe AM talked about how he refused to give himself a body heat because of the concern he would produce and odour and this is where this question blooms from, does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body, or a fear that he doesn’t meet Vernons expectations? Or that she’ll find something un attractive or gross about him?
2. Whats their favourite thing about each other? It could be a personality trait, a skill, a body part, or say a little habit they tend to do?
3. Are they more dog people, cat people, or some other species like fish or reptilians or do they not prefer animals at all (if they had the ability to adopt pets)
Thank you so much! I love your art so very much and gain lots of inspiration from you to grow better in not just art but in educating myself in different cultures and ethnicities, please remember to drink water and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you once again! ^_^
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Howdy Romeo! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in some way! I'd be happy to answer all your questions! Thank you for the ask! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
1.) Does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body?
Obviously, yes. It's AM's first time on Earth physically, of course he would have insecurities. However, it's not fully because he wants to meet Vernon's expectations. It's the fear of BEING.
(This is gonna lean into some confusing type shit so bear with me. I briefly touched upon it in the second question of this post)
When AM was given a physical, tangible body, there's now a HIM that can suddenly be held accountable for his actions and that makes him uncomfortable. So being aware his body isn't as mighty as him (the complex), AM tries to combat it by removing variables that can be prone to criticism even if Vernon doesn't mind.
Look at it this way; usually people act differently online than they do in real life, right? That's usually because there's often a disconnect with their actions. This discrepancy largely stems from the perceived disconnect between their online actions and their real-world identities. When interacting online, there is often no face or tangible form that can be directly traced back to the individual. This sense of anonymity can lead to a significant reduction in accountability.
As a result, individuals—particularly those who may not be well-adjusted or who possess mean-spirited tendencies—feel emboldened to say and do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. They exploit this lack of immediate consequences, engaging in behaviors that are often harmful, disrespectful, or downright cruel - Much like AM, who only just recently acquired a body. (I hope that makes sense ;0;)
2.) What's their favorite thing about each other?
I'll categorize these by personality traits, skill, body part, and habit!
Vernon likes AM because of his hatred/sass because it allows her to have an outlet for her morbid curiosity along with an entertaining conversation. She doesn't find his skills her favorites because that's just him, she believes AM doesn't have skills as a man. Her favorite body part is AM's eyes, he's easier to read as a man. His pupils dilate significantly when he looks at her and AM doesn't even know. A habit she finds endearing from AM is him holding onto the end of her shirt with his hand and following her around wherever she goes.
As for AM, Vernon's take no prisoners attitude is his favorite part of her personality. Of course AM also enjoys the moments when she's caring towards him, but that's something expected. His favorite skill is how good of a liar Vernon is. She could tell him something so outlandish with such a straight face that AM would consider believing it; it's like she believes the lie herself. His favorite part of Vernon's body is her lips, AM likes how soft and warm they are, and how they're shaped. A habit he enjoys is that she would pace around the space they're sharing when she's talking, AM just likes watching her walk, I guess.
3.) Which animals do they prefer, if any?
In regards to if they're cat or dog people; Vernon is a dog person, to her they're easier to train. AM would probably like cats since they do as they please.
For other animals, They would be a Reptile and Bird household xD. I could see Vernon owning a bearded dragon or any cold blooded reptile while AM has like a cool African Grey Parrot :)
But in reality I don't think these two should have access to animals lmao
Aaand that's all for now :3 if you'd like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!
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alekthefox · 9 days
Fluff argenti x reader where the reader and him are dating and loves when argenti picks her up and spins her around plz?
Absolutely adorable! Your wish is my command.
Author's note after writing: I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS, AHHHHH, MY HEEEEART!!!! I cannot breathe and yet I'm the one who wrote it. ;u;
Tags: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, existent relationship, sweet love
Pairing: Argenti/fem reader, 3rd person
It had been five months of blissful romance that the two had shared. She remembers the first day they had met dearly. Argenti bowed deeply with one hand behind him, the other gently pulling hers in to kiss the knuckles.
"By Idrila, you are a beauty like no other. Truly, you amaze me. Allow me to introduce myself, if I may. My name is Argenti, I belong to the Knights of Beauty. May this rose convey my heartfelt salutations."
The hand from behind his back appeared into view as he rose to his height, it held a single, thornless, red rose. The stem was cut at an angle, every petal perfectly in place.
Now, five months into this beautiful love, the honeymoon phase is yet to end. At every month's anniversary he writes her a poem, every time the roses in the vase wither he replaces them with fresh ones; always with a note, and every night he'd take off his armour to hold her the entire night. His arms were heavy from the strife he engages in, yet he is always as gentle as a petal swirling in the wind only to fall upon her figure.
Her dearest moments would be whenever he'd return home after work and head to wherever she is, setting aside his weapon, and pressing her into his arms. To Argenti she weighs nothing at all, akin to a feather of the most beautiful bird. And that is how he holds her, as she is precious to him, and her smile is worth more than anything else in existence. And every time he'd return he'd press her into his chest, strong arms clad in armour picking her up with ease, and spinning her around.
"Look at how beautiful you make the world, my love, my dearest. When you smile the world seems oh-so colorful. If I were to see a triple rainbow it would not compare to you."
She laughs as she wraps her arms around him and looks into his eyes, the world around them blurring through the motion. As if nothing else was worth seeing aside from each other. He'd gently put her down but not let go, bending to bury his head in her neck, soft cheek against her skin. His silky red hair would tickle her. But she doesn't mind in the slightest.
After an eternity in each others arms, which felt like less than a second, he'd take off his armour and get comfortable. The two would eat, talk about their day, consider adopting some sweet, small creature to keep her company in his absence. When evening would come he'd softly brush her hair, looking at her in the mirror, placing a kiss on her head. Then she would return the favour, brush his hair; and because he always allows it, braid it as well.
The next day he would be free, only to spend more time with her. To embrace her, speak sweetly with her, spin her around every chance he gets, play with her hair, treat her with sweet treats, kiss her forehead, anything to see those eyes of hers light up and those lips form a smile. And even when she is too tired for anything else, he looks at her like a unique masterpiece, a painting made by Idrila herself, and just sighs with hearts in his eyes, completely content.
The day after that he clutches a small box in his pocket he recently bought, after a long time of careful choosing. As he exits the door with a kiss to her cheek and closes the door... he pulls out the box and examines the ring inside.
"Soon, my dearest. You make me the happiest. I hope I can forever have that smile in my life."
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plutowrites · 4 months
love is strange
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✧ pairing : Armin Arlert x Nurse!Reader (gn)
✧contains: angst, mentions of violence, canonverse (takes place between s3 and s4), Armin in love
✧summary: y/n urges Armin to confront Eren and seek vengeance for her best friend, harmed during one of the Attack Titan's village onslaught. Unknown to everyone, Eren has orchestrated this entire situation to force Armin to view him as the monster he wants to be seen as, believing that if the request of his demise came from the person he cherishes the most, Armin would not be able to refuse.
✧important note: this fic is a reimagining of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" (Act 4, Scene 1 to be more specific, the conversation between Beatrice and Benedick). I saw the quote "I want to eat his heart in the marketplace" and the wheels tuned so fast in my head i couldn't keep up! Let me know your thoughts mwahh<3
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You're not sure when Armin entered the room, but his voice doesn't startle you as he asks from behind, “Have you been crying all this time?”
You knew he would find you.
Standing up from the edge of the hospital bed you stopped attempting to clean 10 minutes ago, you glance at the dirty sheets, riddled with dirt and other stains beneath you. Your focus remains solely on your friend a few floors above, in her own room, making you indifferent to the mess or the fact that your job entails cleaning it. “I have. I haven't been able to stop."
“I wish you wouldn’t cry…” Armin rubs the back of his neck, his expression weighed down with guilt, which only serves to annoy you further.
“My tears have nothing to do with you,” you retort coldly, making no effort to veil your anger.
“I will say this: Your friend did not deserve what happened today.”
Throwing your hands up in exasperation, you snap, “Argh! I would give anything and everything to the person who could make this right!” The thought that Eren can cause such destruction without a second thought, oblivious to the precious lives and the essence that imbues your village with its beauty and heart, pains you. Your closest friend now injured; a disregarded casualty of his rampage.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“No, not you.” You're certain that Armin grasps your insinuation. What you desire is Eren's head, something he can't deliver.
His incapacity to fulfill your wish isn't a question of ability—you're well aware he's the Colossal Titan, a secret he confided in you after a close bond formed while you nursed him back to health following a particularly brutal mission. You know his hesitance stems from his unwavering loyalty to his friend, a loyalty that now clashes with yours.
As you're wiping the tears you've wept, Armin confesses, “I don’t love anything in this world more than I love you. Isn’t that strange?”
You can't help but smile at his choice of words, “Is loving me the strange part?”
His eyes widen at you, “No, no, I mean loving anyone in times like these is. Amidst all this turmoil and uncertainty…”
You feel a pang in your chest. He’s right. This isn’t a time for any sort of romance, but still, a mix of tenderness and vulnerability lingers between you in the dimly lit hospital room. So, you admit without truly admitting, “What’s really strange is how I feel about you… don't consider this any sort of confession, though. If you mention it, I’ll simply deny it.”
Armin offers you a soft look, taking your hands gently in his. “You love me. I wasn't sure before, but now I know.”
You roll your eyes but don't withdraw your hands from his hold, “So, you think you know my heart? Be careful, I might make you eat those words.”
He meets your eyes unabashedly, “I love you so openly and without caution, everyone knows it. I just need you to know it.”
“God forgive me—”
His brows knit together slightly, “Forgive you for what?”
“For almost admitting I loved you before you so rudely interrupted,” you smile the tiniest bit.
“If you’re going to say it, I need to hear you really say it. Fully, without reservation.”
You sigh, trying to hide your vulnerability with feigned annoyance, “You have my whole heart, Armin. No part of me resists loving you.”
He closes his eyes momentarily, as if to fully absorb your words, then speaks slowly, “Ask anything of me, and I’ll do it. Anything to ease the pain you’re feeling.”
His eyes remain shut. Without hesitation, you demand, “Kill him. Kill Eren.”
A short breath of laughter escapes Armin at the request, which enrages you. You're tempted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him, to make him understand what he must do.
“I’m sorry, sincerely and truly, but you ask for the one thing I don’t think I could ever do. Eren is… He's...It’s not simple. I—”
You cut him off, “Then you’ve made your choice. You've destroyed whatever was between us.” You wave a hand in his face, dismissing him.
It was a mistake to think Armin could be the hero in this story. No matter how deeply you love someone, you cannot transform them into something they're simply not.
He doesn’t take your cue to leave. “Wait, my love,” he pleads.
“I am not your love. Enough.”
“If you won't leave then I will, Armin.”
“Then, before you go, can we make amends? Can we agree to be friends at least?”
Your laugh is cold, “You offer friendship now? You wish to be friends yet refuse to confront my enemy? Is that your idea of friendship?”
“Has Eren become your enemy?” he asks with a voice barely above a whisper, his words dripping with hurt.
“He has become all of ours!” you cry out, despair gripping you, “If only I had the power of a shifter! Consumed by pure hatred and rage, that boy... Oh, if I possessed your titan, Armin— I would eat his heart in the marketplace.”
“Listen to me.”
“She lies alone in a hospital bed as we speak!”
“Please, listen…”
“She’s the epitome of innocence and kindness. If she dies... I can’t even begin to imagine—”
Armin grabs your shoulders to hold you in place before saying, “She will survive, but please, I need you to hear me out.”
“If I were a soldier, I’d confront him myself… or if there were someone in the corps, anyone with a shred of honor, willing to seek vengeance for her, for all of us,” you shriek, your head in your hands in frustration and desperation. “It seems like courage and duty are foreign concepts to you all. The very essence of being a soldier, of bravery, has been lost. If someone as vile as him is left to roam free, then what does that make you? I will tell you: Cowards, all of you!”
“I love you,” is all he replies with after moments filled with only the sounds of you catching your breath.
“Proving your love for me would mean much more."
“Do you genuinely believe Eren is responsible for what happened?” Armin inquires, unable to meet your gaze. You know he’s aware of his friend's involvement. Who else could wreak such havoc in mere minutes? Who else is capable of such heartless acts against their own? You didn't need to witness the events that transpired this morning to know the answer.
You lift his chin forcefully, your eyes burning into his, “As certain as I am of anything.”
He nods once, solemnly, lowering your hand from his face, “That settles it then—I’ll do it. I promise he’ll pay for what he’s done," Armin presses a tender kiss to your cheek. "Go comfort your friend."
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rallentando1011 · 4 months
hi! Saw the inbox was open, and wondering if I could slide in with a rise donnie boy x readerone-shot..
So essentially- donnie is STEM smart right? What if- what if reader was the opposite, like lit/history smart? Like, reads a lot, and almost never puts there book down, even when people talk to them (puts it down for donnie and gives him their full attention tho-) knows a lot about almost any point in history and adores archeology. (The only thing they understand when donnie goes science mode is biology.)
And so what if- what if reader, who's oblivious to almost everything and is a huge hopeless romantic bc of ✨️books✨️, decides to try and come up with ideas to ask donnie out in a more STEM way? But like, before they can donnie sees the list and is just like "smh ur math is atrocious/aff" and then fluffy stuff yaknow??
Lol sorry, went on a tangent. Anywhizzle, love ur writing! Don't forget to take a break, stretch and get some food and water if you need to!Have a good morning/evening/night!!! :))
U + Me = Date?
(this took a minute, but it’s such a fun and sweet request that I had a wonderful time with! Tysm, and please make sure that you’re taking care of yourself as well! Enjoy! Request guidelines are located here btw) Word Count: 2371
Everything on earth has a niche, a designated function it gets to act out, a role it gets to fill. The Cape May Warbler, Bay-Breasted Warbler, and Yellow-Rumped Warbler have the top middle and bottom of a spruce tree to eat in, respectively. Humanity has its niche of expansion, whether it be out through the globe or up in towering metropolises.
If you had to specify your niche, it would just about have to be reading. Now, of course your life is filled with numerous aspirations, but your multifarious interests can all be classified under your affinity for books.
Any form of literature, thrillers, epics, romance novels, they all did it for you, enveloped the entirety of your attention in an immersive world.
That was without a doubt: they entertained you. 
At least, they made you feel inspired to do things, take action in your personal life, possibly commit to confessing certain feelings to a certain softshell turtle. Actually committing to the bit, though, was a completely different story.
In the extensive library you had under your belt, there were many a meet cute and innovative confession. However, just because it worked out in literature, it didn’t mean that you could actually do it. What if it ended up weird or cringe or downright friendship shattering?
The status quo was comfortable, subsisting off of shared time in your turtle-in-question’s lab, the two of you simultaneously performing your own tasks. You would sit and enrich yourself with a book, Donnie would tinker until he had something that piqued his interest, which happened rather frequently, and your attention would suddenly be on him. It was simple. It worked. Taking action could complicate things.
So, your inspiration remained squandered by doubt, an inkling of hope staying concealed internally.
At least, inspiration wouldn’t make anything occur unprompted, and, luckily, that nudge came swiftly.
Earlier, as you were straight chilling in a cozy bean bag chair in the lair’s living room, you saw Donnie enter the room out of your peripheral vision. However, he only seemed like a purple blur because your attention was on the thick, dense book sitting on your lap. The cover was of a similar slickness and feel to that of a textbook, the size was as well, but this read was solely for entertainment. The content could practically be summed up as history of the entire world, i guess but fleshed out with more anecdotes and primary sources.
You had been soaking in a finely written excerpt entailing early hominid tool use, accompanied by an image of a related artifact, when you felt a presence leaning over your shoulder. You opted to continue your train of thought through the lines until you heard a familiar timbre clear its throat behind you. With a sigh, you placed a finger on your spot and faced one Donatello.
“Something the matter?” You blinked slowly.
“Oh, nothing,” he shrugged, expression seeming intentionally cool, “just checking out the book choice for today.”
You lifted the book from your lap to display the contents to him.
His eyes skimmed over the page before he grinned slightly. “Ah, prehistoric archaeology? I could dig it.”
You pursed your lips, trying to keep your thought from spilling out of your mouth before ultimately giving in to your amusing whims. “Leo ahh humor.”
Donnie gaped. “Gasp, you wound me. I rescind my statement and shall not be partaking in any archaeological reading-slash-discussion with you.”
“I’m just messing around, ‘Tello. I can dabble in some crude wordplay.”
“Crude. Heck, I’d bargain to say that was more archaic than the sector of human history I’m in right now, and they don’t even have wheels.”
He raised a curious brow, visibly less offended. You could work with that.
“Rather intriguing. Care to join me?” You patted the ample space on the bean bag next to you.
Curiously, he stared at you, then the space you were offering, and back, before slipping beside you.
“Care to enlighten me on this subject?” he parried, and with a grin, you were off, describing the main theme of the page, the early development of primates and humans, as well as outside archaeological examples that you knew of, the whole nine yards.
As you rambled on, you locked eyes with him occasionally, and his eyes were intrigued saucers every time you did. It made something in your brain click.
He played along with your banter. He was sitting right beside you, absorbing your words so vehemently and genuinely and ohmigosh this guy of all people wouldn’t judge you for trying something that could be weird. Heck, he’s a fanatic of oddities, anything mystic or scientific, so if he didn’t like you asking him out, at the very least he’d admire the effort. So, you were inspired to try something, finally take some action.
You were going for it.
You set to work on your asking-out endeavor as soon as you arrived home.
At first you tried looking at STEM-related pickup lines.
Sardonically, of course. You wanted something that got your point across without seeming too vulnerable, something you could play off in the scenario you got completely and irrevocably rejected.
“I less than three you… That’s not that bad,” you scrolled through the results of your search, perched at your kitchen table.
You only made it down the list to ‘the square root of all my fantasies is you’ until you actually needed to call it quits on that route. There was a fine line between being intentionally corny and the monstrosity that was that line.
So you took the next completely logical leap: concocting a page full of intricate mathematical and scientific questions, the answers of which spelled out an encrypted message.
It was the sane thing to do. 
4  1  20 5          20 15 13  15  18  18 15 23 ?
D  A  T  E          T   O   M   O   R   R  O  W ?
You scribbled the message on a scrap piece of paper. You entertained the idea of writing a whole sentence, but just these two words covered the gist clearly and concisely. Plus, coming up with questions for only two words was enough to melt your brain.
“Limit as x approaches sixteen of the square root of x… equals… yeah, four. That works,” you mumbled. “One down,” you sucked in a deep breath, “eleven to go. Crud.”
The next few hours blended together aimlessly, riddled with just about every mathematical scenario you could conjure up. Sure, derivatives and Planck’s Constant and the unit circle (the bane of your existence) were all ambitious topics to have on the totally inconspicuous worksheet, but, to quote a phrase, go big or go home. When in Rome also works.
By the time you reached ungodly hours in the night, you had curated a functional way to surprise and ask out your best friend. With your brain oozing out of your ears, you put the paper somewhere safe and collapsed face down on your bed.
You would have mentally prepared yourself to give him the paper tomorrow if not for the calculus-derived headache already splitting your mind.
Instead, you immediately dozed off.
You could deal with the minutiae of tomorrow… tomorrow.
The next day when you waltzed into the lair, he was conveniently seated at the desk in his lab.
“Heya D! I come bearing gifts.” You presented him with the paper as coolly as you could, keeping all the panic and nerves internal, and took up the chair beside him.
“A calculus sheet?” He grinned. “You shouldn’t have.”
After a moment of looking at it, however, his eyes dimmed and smile lessened. “...You shouldn’t have.”
You faltered. “Oh, gosh, is it that bad?”
“Which letter corresponds with negative one?”
“What?” you exclaimed. “Oh nononono no, I checked my math like five times, it’s not even possible-”
“The derivative of cosine theta is negative sine theta. Not positive. Simple mistake, really. It was a valiant effort of- whatever you were trying to do.”
You blinked, smacked your lips. Well, that was the end of that. You would just take your leave and move out of the city and change your name and never feel anything again. Easy.
“Just forget I did anything, forget this paper exists- like, what paper even?” You reached for the sheet of paper only for him to use the mechanical extensions on his battle shell to hold it out of your reach.
“No, my interest is piqued,” he smirked. You could almost feel the mischievousness emanating from him. “I will gladly continue, if you do not mind.”
You complied and sat stiffly, anxiously glancing about the lab, until you saw him pick up a utensil and start marking on the paper.
“Are you correcting it with a pen? Are you seriously grading this right now?” you muttered. You weren’t mad, just thoroughly panicked.
He stopped writing momentarily. “What? No, not grading, per say. This is just how I’m deciphering this.”
You knew that tone and you knew that was a lie. 
“I- ugh,” you flopped your head down on his desk and closed your eyes. “Just tell me when you’re done fixing it. I spent a needlessly long amount of time on this just for it to be terrible.”
He didn’t deny that it was terrible, though you excused that to him being busy and hopefully not him agreeing.
Although, with how quickly his pen was scratching marks on the page, the latter seemed more feasible.
You focused on taking deep, steadying breaths, relaxing to the sounds of the busy pen until it suddenly stopped.
Lifting your head from its place, you saw he had completely stilled, staring at the paper with wide eyes and upturned lips.
“What? Did you spot another comically egregious mistake?” you mumbled, halfway intrigued.
He took another few seconds to answer you. “Something like that.” And with that nothingness of an answer, he started writing again, much more fervently.
“Okay then.” You went to put your head down again before he slammed the paper down before you.
“Boom! Here is the revised and finalized version of the worksheet,” he grinned.
You narrowed your eyes at the comments about your inability to include units, corrections on when something was supposed to be negative, but the markings at the bottom of the page were what caught your attention the most.
When you looked at the corner of the page, you saw an odd combination of zeros and ones. 
01101111 01101000 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 
“Actually, what is this?” You gestured to the code.
“It’s my response.”
“And you had to put it in binary?”
“You’re the one who wanted to talk in codes.” He sounded frustratingly nonchalant.
“Yeah, but-” you considered asking him to directly tell you, but maybe this was slightly less nerve wracking. Ripping off the bandaid be darned, you took the coward’s way out and pulled out your phone. “Man, I let you get away with way too much stuff. Has this interaction not dragged on painstakingly enough?”
“The greater the hardship, the greater the reward,” he commented with a shrug.
That pleasant surprise of a response made you copy the ones and zeros faster into the binary decoding website you’d searched up.
Just as you had everything in and your finger steadied over the button that would tell you what he was saying, you hesitated, steadied yourself with a deep breath, and hit it.
Nothing could have prepared you for the rush of adrenaline and euphoria that washed over you at seeing his answer.
“Ohmigosh, you’re serious?! Because you cannot be joking like this, Donatello.”
“As the plague.” One of his hands rested on his chest, the other was in the air as if taking an oath.
“Haha, yes!” you cheered, spinning the desk chair you were in. The late night and headache had paid off, and it felt great!
“So, where am I accompanying you tomorrow?” He mused.
Immediately, you paused. You’d only spent time thinking about the part where you ask him out, not the actual going out part.
“Where? Uhh, I hadn’t really gotten to that point of the planning stage.”
“You were too focused on biffing a math paper to actually plan out its intended purpose?”
“Yeah, not my brightest decision, nor my best work. It was a rather dumb decision on my behalf.”
“You are a dum-dum, but just because of how needlessly complex you made this, not because of your mathematical errors.”
“I genuinely don’t know if I should take offense to that or not.”
“Maybe you should be thinking about where we’re going tomorrow? Just a thought.”
You clicked your tongue. “Fine, uhh coffee?”
“A little trite for a first date, no?” Donnie propped his elbow up on the desk and rested his chin on his hand, smiling widely.
“Okay then, coffee and we go to the library?”
“Don’t we normally do that anyway? What about it makes it a ‘da-”
“Donnie, I am running on fumes from making the erroneous atrocity that is that worksheet last night. If you don’t have any suggestions, coffee at the library works. If you have a contribution, go right ahead.” You put your hands up in surrender.
Donnie’s smugness faded slightly and he lightly nudged your elbow. “Coffee at the library sounds great. And for what it’s worth, I appreciate that you tried to do something innovative. It was truly a highly admirable effort.”
“Thanks, D.”
“Of course.  But from now on, let’s leave the math to the professionals.”
There it was again: the sass.
“Oh, that’s a low blow.” You shook your head, still smiling.
“A low blow would be mentioning how you confused the natural logarithm for a standard logarithm. You see, when you have e to the power of…”
The corrections and banter flourished on from there, the both of you giggling and getting mockingly, lightheartedly angry with each other.
Despite your interests in different subjects, the two of you understood each other. It was wonderful to have a partner that you could be niche with wherever and whenever.
It was almost worth all the math and science it took to get there.
(I actually made inconspicuous math worksheet that reader made for Donnie, and it is linked HERE!)
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damon-loves-pie · 1 year
“Thank You For Still Playing.”
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader.
Word count: About 3,300 words
Warnings: 18+, setting is mostly at a bar and all that goes with it, emotional talks about family, implied abuse but nothing descriptive, Enemies to lovers implied, fake relationship. (I think that is all. Please let me know if I missed something.) 
Summary:  Robin wants a fun night out and drags reader to Eddie’s show at the hideout even though Eddie and reader don’t always gets along. Steve meets someone who is insecure about reader and he states reader is dating the lead singer of the band, Eddie Munson, Not expecting the musician to join them. After talking both of them realize all their anger stemmed from something that happened in middle school. 
Author’s note: I am going to be completely honest, I didn’t plan for this story to end up like this. I had a whole different ending in mind but decided to go a different route halfway through. But I am actually super happy with how it turned out! 
I hope you enjoy as much I did writing it! 
Writing Masterlist
"Come on (Y/N), it would be fun and you like that kind of music anyway." Robin begs while I'm stocking the romance section, looking like she's thinking about getting on her hands and knees.
She had been asking me all week to go out with her this weekend.  
"Why would I want to go see Eddie Munson's band play at some shitty little bar?" I ask her, glancing up from the pile of tapes in my hand with an eyebrow raised.
"Because the drinks are cheap?" She shrugs sheepishly making me roll my eyes in response since the drinks at my house are cheap too.
Feeling defeated Robin moves and leans against the rack I was working on.
"Come on, please. I just need a fun night." Robin pleads, as I shake my head in rejection to her invite.
"Aren't you going with Steve? He's fun sometimes." I shrug, placing the last tape onto the shelf.
"Yes, but he's Steve and I need someone who's actually fun and won't leave me to talk to girls." She explains motioning over to the register where he was flirting with another customer yet again. Sighing I turn back towards her, desperation screaming in her eyes.
I guess I could deal with being around Eddie Munson for a few hours.
"Okay, I'll-
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! You don't understand how bad I need this." She thanks excitedly, clapping her hands together tightly.
"Only, and I mean only if you buy me at least one drink every hour we are there." I finish, pulling away from the rack.
"Anything you want, it's on me. I promise. We're going tomorrow since Becky and Keith are closing." Robin tells me, still smiling as we start to walk up to the register.
"And Steve here will be picking us up at eight." Robin continues, placing her hands on the counter.
"You actually got miss stick in her ass to agree to going?" Steve jokes, leaning towards us as I huff.
"I do not have a stick in my ass!"
"You do when it comes to Eddie." Robin admits as my mouth drops more.
"Thank you!" Steve says to her lifting his hand up.
"I do not have a stick in my ass when it comes to Eddie. He's just a dick to me for god knows what reason and I'm not going to force myself to be in situations with him on purpose." I say defensively seeing Steve rolls his eyes at me.
"I think you two just need to fuck out your problems if I'm being honest." He mumbles under his breath.
"As if that would ever happen." I grimace leaning onto my elbows, shaking my head.
"Wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen after everything." Robin reminds me as a customer walks in,  taking us back into the reality of our job the rest of the night.
It was leaning close to eight and I still wasn't ready to go.
If I'm being honest, I don't know what to wear tonight. Robin wants a fun time so do I dress up for that? Or do I dress down so Eddie didn't think I was dressing up see them play like some groupie?
Normally I wouldn't care what someone would think about what I wear and when but I already wasn't wanting to spend my night off at the local dive bar and didn't know what tonight actually had in store.
Settling on a short plaid skirt and plain black top I decided this would have to do tonight, slipping on a pair of fishnets and boots with it.  
It was not too much, but not too casual either which was perfect for what I was going for.
Steve and Robin arrived right on the dot, excited to go out for a change.
The bar was pretty full already as we arrived with it being a Friday night, the people of the town wanting to head out for a good time.
"Want a drink?" Robin asks us as we make our way to the bar.
"I need a drink." I laugh, eyes focusing on the crowd as I scanned threw.
Adverting my eyes to the stage I see Mr. Munson already staring with a smirk playing on his lips as we make eye contact.
"Oh god." I breathe, turning around quickly towards the bar.
"What?" Steve asks confused, turning around to see Eddie walking towards us.
"Hey, you guys made it to a show." Eddie smiles giving Steve and Robin a side hug while I tried to not look at them, tapping my fingers lightly on the counter.
"Well I wanted a night out and figured I could support a friend, a local business, and have a fun night all in one." Robin tells him, taking a seat onto one of the stools.
"Mmh, funny to see you here (Y/L/N)." He says directly to me,  leaning against the counter next to me.  
Adverting my gaze to his cocky brown eyes, I see the bartender approaching from the corner of my eye.
"You have Robin to thank for that." I say coldly to him before turning towards the pretty brunette who making small talk with Robin and Steve.
"Wouldn't dare to think you came here on your own will." He chuckles, leaning in closer to get her attention.
Tapping the counter he leans back,
"Lane, put these three's first round on my tab." He asks, backing away from the counter.
"These are my friends- well most of them." He finishes, sending me a wink as he goes to head back on stage.
"God he's such a dick." I tell them as I sip on straw.
"You took the free drink he bought you though." Steve reminds me as I knock my shoulder lightly against his.
"I would take a free drink from almost anyone." I argue as Robin laughs.
"Girls man." Steve shakes his head, spinning the stool to face the counter.
Giggling with Robin, I turn around to face the counter with him.
"Steve babe." I ask as he raises an eyebrow suspiciously.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"Since you're already probably going to be spending some money buying girls who have no interest in getting laid tonight drinks, - why don't you start with buying a round of shots for the two you know are going home with you?" I ask nicely, batting my eyelashes.
Steve goes to speak but looks defeated waving Lane over.
"To tonight." Steve says, holding up his drink.
"To tonight!" Me and Robin cheers, clinking ours with Steve's.
3 shots in and a mixed drink, I was starting to feel really good. The anxiety about tonight faded away as I realized I started swaying to the sound of Eddie's voice.
"You know, their band actually isn't terrible. I think I would be okay coming again." I tell the two as they nod.
"From what I heard before we got too far away in the upside down, he was great." Steve agrees.
"They are starting to get more recognition, they've been playing weekend shows the past month because more people keep requesting them." Robin tells us, leaning in so we could hear.
Nodding, I take a sip of my drink seeing Robin tapping her foot to the beat of the music.
"Want to go dance in the front?" I ask as she smiles, clearly surprised as I stand up.
"You wanted a fun night right?" I tell her, grabbing her hand.
Turning towards Steve, I laugh.
"Consider the stick removed for the night." I joke, waving him off as we go to move to the front of the stage.
Standing below the stage I started to sway my hips, holding hands with Robin as we cheered with the rest of the crowd.
Sending us a quick wink Eddie continued singing, the vein in his neck sticking out as he belted out the lyrics.
He actually looked kind of hot like this, his bangs sticking to his forehead as his fingers moved skillfully up and down the neck of his guitar, the other hand plucking at the strings.
If he wasn't such a dick, he would of looked fuckable.
Shaking the feeling off I turned towards Robin, waving our arms up in the air with the crowd.
After getting refills we found a table since the bar was full, taking a seat as Steve came up quickly, bending over to whisper at me and Robin.
"I don't have time to explain but I may have to find you guys other rides home and (Y/N) the girl walking up thinks you're dating a member of the band because she was worried about you." Steve scrambles to get out as we're approached by a blonde in a red dress before I could even question why he would say that.
"Erin! These are my friends and coworkers, (Y/N) and Robin. The one's I told you about." Steve smiles as she waves.
We all exchange introductions while she took a seat, smiling as we all discussed how the night was going.
"Did you guys enjoy the show?" Eddie asks walking up to our table as Erin's eyes grew.
"This is your boyfriend right?" She asks me causing my mouth to fall open.  
Eddie chuckles nervously, eyes roaming the girl as he see's Harrington's hand on her knee.
"Steve, why would you tell her that?" I ask him sternly as Erin looked confused between us.
Steve turned pale stuttering when Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulder before taking a seat next to me.  
"It's okay sweetheart, there's no reason to keep it a secret anymore. It's not Steve's fault." He plays as Erin smiles.
I look at Eddie who motions his eyes to Steve.
"Right." I agree knowing I should help my friend, turning towards the couple.
"It's just we thought it would be better to keep our relationship private for the sake of the band's fans." Eddie explains to Erin.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I shouldn't of told her. How about I go get a round for all of us to apologize?" Steve asks standing up.
"I'll help you." I tell him, removing Eddie's arm off of me.
We smile to the others before heading over to the bar.
"Steve why would you do that to me!" I whisper yell at him, smacking his arm slightly.
"I'm sorry, Erin thought you were my type and wondered if there was anything between us. I panicked and that was the first thing that came to my mind." He explains.
"God you are so lucky I love you." I groan.
"I'll cover any two nights you want at work." He offers as I glare at him.
"Four." I argue.
"Three." He retaliates as I sigh knowing it wasn't getting any better than that. He had gotten used to arguing with the kids.
"Deal." I tell him as he orders the drinks.
"So (Y/N), Eddie here says you play the guitar as well?" Erin asks as we arrive back at the table.
"Yeah actually I do." I tell her as Eddie scoots closer to me.
"She beat me in our middle school talent show with her skills." Eddie informs her as I glance over at him.
"Oh yeah, I remember you won that year." Robin snaps pulling my attention towards her.
"Was a lot for a young boy to take." Eddie laughs, nudging his shoulder with mine.
"You two look like you work great together." Erin awes at us.
"Yeah, I look up to the relationship these two have. Hoping one day I'll be as happy as they are." Steve agrees as I shoot daggers at him.
Gareth walks up tapping Eddie on the shoulder, giving us a confused look as Steve pleads with his eyes, worried his cover was about to be blown.
Gareth shakes his head, not even wanting to know what was going on with Eddie now as he goes to speak.
"Hey man, the van is loaded up but I'm going to go ahead and head home in a little while." He tells him.
"Could I catch a ride with you actually?" Robin asks standing up nervously.
"Wait how am I going to get home?" I ask her, holding her arm.
"Why can't Eddie take you since he's your boyfriend?" Erin asks confused.
"Boyfriend?" Gareth asks turning towards us.
"Yeah boyfriend Gareth. It's alright, we're telling people now since Steve spilled the beans. The band's fans will be fine." Eddie tells him winking as Gareth catches on that it's Harrington's fault.
"Oh, okay well that's good to know. And yeah Robin I'll give you a ride, come on." He motions towards the exit.
"Yeah we should probably get going too sweetheart." Eddie asks, connecting his hand with mine.
"We should shouldn't we?" I agree, wanting to get out of this situation as fast as possible.
"It was great meeting you Erin, and I hope we get to spend some time together soon." I smile, standing up.
"That would be great! Maybe we all could go on a double date sometime!" She suggests.
"That would be great! Steve we can talk about it Monday at work." I tell him, grabbing Eddie.
"Hope you two enjoy the rest of your night and thank you for coming to the show." He smiles, bowing slightly as I grab his hand to lead him outside.
"God I'm going to kill Steve." I groan as the cool night air hits my face.
"Come on it wasn't that bad." Eddie chuckles, motioning his pack of cigarettes towards me.
"Yeah, I'll take one." I sigh, grabbing the pack and lighter from him.
"Guessing I need to take you home?" He asks leading me towards his van.
"Yeah," I sigh stopping as he goes to walk to the drivers seat.
"Wait, fuck." I curse, pulling on my hair.
"What is it?" Eddie asks, walking back towards me.
"I can't go home tonight. I was supposed to crash at Steve's." I tell him, throwing my hands into the air.
"God I am going to kill him." I say taking a drag, Eddie sits there quietly smoking his cigarette before he scratches the back of his head.
"Look, I know it's not ideal. But if you're going to get in trouble going home, you could just crash at my place. I'll sleep on the floor, it's not a big deal." He offers. Inhaling, I look at him.
"You would really be okay with that?" I ask him.
"I mean yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt or something." Eddie shrugs.
"What do you mean get hurt?" I raise an eyebrow as he blows out smoke.
"Look (Y/N), it's a small town. Everyone knows how your dad is." He says quietly as I go to turn around, not feeling like being judged.
"(Y/N), I didn't mean anything bad about it. Hell my father was the same way." Eddie tells me, grabbing my hand.
"I'll just wait 10 minutes and call Robin and ask if I can crash there." I tell him.
"Come on, you know Buckley is going to be passed out as soon as she see's her bed. She's such a lightweight." He reminds me as I sigh.
"God, you're right." I agree, moving side to side on the heels of my feet.
"I'll stay the night with you I guess." I tell him as he leads me to the passenger side, opening the door for me.
"Don't worry about getting in trouble here, Wayne won't care and he's at work tonight anyway." Eddie says letting me into the trailer.
"My bedroom is back here." He motions as I follow him through the kitchen and down the hall.
His bedroom seemed to fit him as he hung up his guitar.
It was defiantly messy, meaning he probably didn't expect anyone to come back with him.
Clothes were thrown around the floor, mello-yello bottles littered across the stand and dresser.
Posters and handcuffs on the wall? My eyes widen as he notices my gaze.
"Oh uh, one of Hopper's stupid deputies tried arresting me for a joint my junior year but I managed to get away from him." He chuckles, playing with his rings.
"It was officer Callahan wasn't it?" I laugh, raising a brow at him.
"Yeah, it was." He tells me, smiling as he headed towards his dresser.
"He totally sucks." I smile.
I watched quietly while he rummaged through his drawers pulling out a worn out Metallica shirt and some boxers.
"Here, I know that your clothes couldn't possibly be comfortable to sleep in no matter how much you had to drink. The bathroom is the next room over." Eddie says handing me the clothes.
"Thank you." I mutter going to change.
When I come back the room looks cleaner and Eddie himself was in an old t-shirt and boxers as well.
"Like I said you can have the bed and I'll lay here." He motions towards the partially made bed.
I crawl in being ingulfed by the smell of old spice, weed, and cigarettes, realizing that's what I smelled when Eddie wrapped his arm around me.
"Goodnight, Eddie." I say as he turns off the light.
"Goodnight." He tells me.
I close my eyes waiting for sleep to take over hearing Eddie rustle below me.
This goes on for about 30 minutes till I speak up.
"Eddie, you can just lay up here with me if you want. I know it has to be uncomfortable down there." I sigh.
"Are you sure?" He asks as I hum in response.
I hear movement as he places his pillows onto the bed before crawling on.
We both lay there quietly in the dark.
"Are you awake?" Eddie asks, turning his whole body towards me.
"Yeah, I'm awake." I tell him, looking over.
"I couldn't stand you in middle school." He admits to me.
"In middle school? I thought you couldn't stand me now?" I ask, turning towards him.
"I was so angry a girl as pretty as you, could sing and play the guitar better than me." He laughs as I smile slightly.
"So that's why you don't like me? Because I won our middle school talent show?" I question.
"To be honest, I think it's because I knew you wouldn't have noticed me back then. I didn't have much, my hair was buzzed and I constantly wore hand me downs my uncle found at the thrift store since my dad had just been arrested. So it was easier to act like I didn't like you." Eddie says to me.
"But we aren't in 8th grade anymore? Why do you still give me attitude ninety percent of the time." I ask him.
"Sometimes when I'm on that stage I think about how it felt to not win when that's all I had to be excited for at the moment and I'm realizing it wasn't your fault especially since you went through your own hard times. " He sighs, before continuing.
"I just want to say I'm sorry, and that I've actually always thought you were pretty awesome." Eddie finishes.
"Can I tell you something?" I ask him.
"Hm?" He questions.
"You were never invisible to me, even back then. Plus no matter how mean you've been, I've always thought you were pretty awesome too." I admit, moving closer to him.
Tension started to build as we sat there.
"Can I kiss you?" Eddie barely whispers.
"Please." I smile, feeling his hands wrap around to pull me closer as I grip his shirt slightly.
Eddie's breath lingered on my lips before he softly pressed his against mine, my hand resting on his chest.
The kiss was soft and tender, pulling emotion from the conversation that just happened while we let ourselves go into the kiss.
"Thank you for coming tonight." He thanks, pulling away.
"Thank you for still playing." I tell him.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
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;R1999 PAVIA - Relationship Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons about Pavia in a romantic relationship.
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sure thing! glad you liked the previous pavia posts <3
I already wrote like, a couple thousand words analyzing Pavia and romance, how he expresses his love and how he likes to receive affection, so apologies if I end up?? repeating myself?? I feel like I'm running out of general romance stuff to discuss when it comes to him LMFAO I did try to branch out a lil here
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Pavia despises labels and refuses to "name" his relationship.
Yes, I just said I'd try to branch out and avoid repeating myself - but I feel like this point is important to put here as well, since it's pretty much Pavia's one and only "rule".
In a previous post, I talked about how the one thing that would make Pavia feel truly betrayed, even going as far as to cut you out of his life entirely, is something as simple as insisting on putting a name or label to your relationship with him.
Once become part of the pack and part of his life, you get free reign to do anything you want, your dynamic with him can be as complex or as simple as you make it out to be, and he'll follow you to hell and back - as long as you don't ever try to categorize the special bond you and Pavia share.
He's not your boyfriend, he's not your husband, he's not your fuck buddy. Nor your best friend, nor your soulmate, nor your coworker or neighbour. Don't expect him to live up to any of these titles.
He's just Pavia, and he's yours. The same way you're just yourself, and you're his. Period.
This all stems from Pavia's deep seated hatred for everything that's "proper" in society - he rejects everything they stand for, including these small boxes, these stupid names they have that could never even begin to describe the depths of his feelings and relationship with you. They can't apply to what you two have. Why even bother trying to get the world to understand by telling them he's "your boyfriend"? He's so much more than that, and you're so much more than just his "partner" - it's almost an insult to him.
As far as Pavia is concerned, the world consists of him and his partner and the pack. He's not someone who'd bother trying to justify, let alone explain, his existence and experiences to others. Why start now?
You're also shit out of luck if you think you can drag him to the altar, get him to propose or do whatever "proper" partners do. Instead, he prefers things that are unique to this relationship and that are privy only to the two of you. To find and create little traditions with you that feel just right, whatever they may be.
This also applies on reverse, too. There is never any pressure from Pavia for you to live up to some stupid, nonsensical and unspoken standard for couples - such as doing something special for anniversaries, holidays like Valentine's Day, remember his birthday or whatever else. You two get to decide which days are important, thank you very much! And if he wants something, he'll simply ask for it, it's as easy as that.
Being in a relationship with Pavia can be quite intense at times because of the way he's wired, but at the same time it's a breeze of fresh air because he quite literally frees you from all the extra baggage of typical relationships.
On the subject of Pavia and possessiveness.
Because of how territorial he is with his material possessions, people expect Pavia to be the exact same with you. I'd say it depends on the day?
Overall, Pavia is extremely confident, both in himself and in this relationship. You're the only person he sees as a true equal, so his trust in you is unwavering. And because of the unorthodox nature of this relationship, it's established pretty early on that he doesn't care what you do with other people - as long as it doesn't affect your dynamic with him, he really couldn't care less.
He's had his own share of flings and one-night stands prior to meeting you, all of them devoid of any meaning, importance or emotional weight. So he gets it, sometimes you wanna fuck around. Doesn't mean you care about him any less. If you allowed some small fry to get between the two of you, you wouldn't have lasted as his partner. Easy. And he trusts that you'll seek him out if you ever have any trouble dealing with suitors and whatnot. Pavia is always down to bury a body with you, it builds character!
If you ever see Pavia act possessive in public, trying to throw hands with anyone who looks at you and making a point of showing that you're both taken, it's because he knows you're into it. He knows you like the back of his hand, if you're into the scary dog privileges that come along with being with him, he'll know. Ohhh, he'll know and he'll be so obnoxious about it.
There's not a single person in this world that could ever make him feel threatened enough to do all of this on impulse. It's a little act, he loves to show off for you and do things with you in mind.
On the other hand, that could also just be Pavia being his casually affectionate self, not caring at all about his surroundings. If he feels like having you sit on his lap, he'll just pull you there. If he feels like sitting on your lap, he'll just do that.
Who cares who's watching? If people wanna take it as him being possessive, that's their issue. He just wants to be near you. If anyone has any problem, the complaint box is right there. They can die mad about it, seethe, etc.
The pack will start obeying and listening to you. They live in your shadow, as much as they live in Pavia's.
Because the wolves come from his arcane skills, they're attuned to Pavia. And because Pavia is so attuned to you and vice versa, the wolves will inevitably start treating you the same way they treat him.
I like to think this is the closest thing to Pavia "imprinting" on you, to draw more parallels to his animalistic side - no matter where you are, there's a part of him with you: the pack. They'll jump out should you feel in danger or lonely whenever he's not around, and also serve as a way for him to keep track of where you are, just in case. If he ever gets too injured to crawl home back to you, one of the wolves will drag you to his location instead, though this is extremely rare.
If you travel too far away from Pavia, this whole thing will stop working. And you'll know it because it'll feel like a part of you is suddenly gone - just a very small part, enough to make you feel suddenly weird, like you put on your shoes on the wrong feet in the morning.
I don't think anyone could ever reach the same level of connection Pavia has with the pack, that's a whole different can of worms. Yet another inexplicable dynamic. The furthest you could go is understanding how Pavia can tell them all apart, which is when they'll start to properly obey you.
Biting as a show of affection.
I did talk about this in a different post, but then I remembered this one post about how Pavia would get your bite marks tattooed and I started losing my mind over it again.
Instead of kisses, Pavia has the tendency to bite and nibble on you. Your shoulder, your neck, your ears, your nose... Anything he can get his teeth on. If he's particularly playful, he just takes a big bite of your cheek or straight up licks your cheek to piss you off.
I like to think Pavia is the type of person who leads with his mouth first and foremost - he's loud when he speaks, he's all bark and all bite, he has no problem baring his teeth at the world, he points at things with his lips, sticks his tongue out when focusing on something, he chews on lollypop sticks until they end up soggy and fucked up, he gets so riled up when you kiss him and your tongue brushes or traces his teeth.
And he can't get enough of having you fill his thoughts, heart and mouth. The guy has so much aggressive affection for you, it's almost unbearable. If he could, he would eat you up on the spot. You're his personal chew toy, his silly rabbit, the one person that drives him up the wall.
Sometimes, he gets distracted and goes too far, it's pretty easy for his sharp canines to draw blood - he'll apologize and make up for it by lapping it up and kissing you better all over. And by reminding you that you're free to bite him as hard as you can, anytime you want, as payback! Though you suspect it's more of a reward than a punishment for him.
If you give him the chance, Pavia would love to get your bite marks tattooed anywhere you want - pick a spot and start biting, don't be shy! Any scars you leave on his body for whatever reason, he'd love to make them permanent and visible.
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