#the only thing I have nailed down is I think it would be hilarious if Bruno just did not get it
foggyfanfic · 6 months
Thoughts on the Madrigal's Love Lives
I'm currently playing around with my head canons for Encanto's future and in trying to solidify what each Madrigal's partner would be like I came to a realization. The Madrigals each have such unique life experiences, that their partners would kind of need to be equally unique in order for them to relate to each other. Like every time I start shaping an OC for one of the Madrigals, I just can't see Mirabel connecting to your average joe, or Luisa ending up with somebody who isn't especially gentle. Even when I try making a bland background sort of character, I just find myself asking "Why the hell would Mirabel be interested in this guy?". It's like how Agustin and Felix are both such great characters, they kinda have to be in order for it to make sense that Julieta and Pepa would love them.
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fleuraimer · 6 months
Overstimulation blurb pls
I love how Harry is so obsessed with her pussy so he keeps on making her cum / squirt but still not getting satisfied despite how overwhelming and teary eyed she got after 5-6 times she orgasms
sorry for the wait bestie 😭 i hope you like it!! 🩷
wc: 665
cw: smut, minors dni, 17+, overstimulation play, baldrry (he's so hot idc idc idc), and more. not proofread.
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Harry has been sucking Y/N’s clit for almost two hours now. The only reason she’s consciously aware of that fact is because of his phone, bright blue light illuminating their bedroom ceiling, blurry numbers scribing one hour and fifty-two fucking minutes. His favorite torture device—a sage bullet vibrator that should be criminal for having so many settings—sits, unused, beside her shaky form.
He set a stopwatch. For what reason, she does not know. She honestly doesn’t have the ability to, though. It’s actually kind of hilarious to expect anything from her expect incoherent huffs and puffs, and garbled curses.
But Harry just loves to laugh.
“C’mon, Sweetheart, talk to me; tell Daddy how it feels.” His palms press down on the backs of her thighs, keeping her spread for him—he’s made her smear her messy pussy open for him too, though, for extra measure—her poor clit exposed to every sensation. The AC turning on makes her twitch, let alone Harry’s own hot breath.
“S’g—ood, Daddy,” she gasps, her eyes as puffy and red as her sensitive cunt. “Feels—” She mewls through the rest of her sentence, his tongue back on her button, laving over it, petting softly with the very tip.
It tickles a part of Y/N’s belly that sets the rest of her body on fire. How something so faint, so delicate, can be so utterly disgusting at the same time makes her head spin, in the best way.
Her head falls back on the mattress with a subtle bounce, her chest arching away for the sheets when his lips wrap teasingly her clit, toes wiggling as her feet flail, precious cries involuntarily slipping from her pouty lips.
“H,” she soughs, her hands abandoning post and finding the back of his head, nails scratching through the soft peach fuzz from the nape of his neck to the top of his head. Her head lolls around until her eyes find Harry’s once more, his cheeky, practically delighted smile felt before his slick mouth and pearly teeth (and sinful tongue) register through her vision.
Her brows draw to the center of her forehead as he flattens his tongue against the whole of her, the slippery tip dipping into her weepy opening before working back up to swirl over her swollen button until he feels her twitch, then starting all over again.
He repeats the action enough times for Y/N to lose count, her hearing staticky, vision blurry, thoughts nonexistent. It would explain why she doesn’t notice Harry’s hand falling from the back of her thigh, explain why when he starts fucking his tongue into her neglected hole, she whines at the loss of contact to her clit, fumbling to pull back on the hood with one hand as the other remains petting over his soft, clipped hair, as if to say Don’t forget about your pretty button, Daddy.
Though, forgotten is the last thing her poor overused clit is. It’s probably at the forefront of Harry’s mind, as a matter of fact, if the sudden touch of silicone to his pretty button is anything to go off of. Not to mention, the resounding buzz that quite literally rocks through her entire system.
Her soft cries are no longer soft. They’re loud and whiny, some guttural, but most sad little uh uh uh’s that get slurred through babbled curses. She doesn’t think of how pathetic she might look to Harry right now, she can’t (a fact that she’s wildly grateful for). All she can fucking think about is his tongue stuffed in her drippy pussy and the toy pressed directly on her clit.
She whimpers when he starts moving the vibrator from side to side, pointlessly smearing her arousal and his spit into her throbbing cunt. It fucking hurts.
“Stop with the crocodile tears, Princess,” Harry mumbles into her, scowling at the sight of her wet cheeks. “Cut it out before Daddy gives y’somethin’ to really cry ‘bout.”
He just had all the jokes today, didn’t he?
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eideticmemory · 1 year
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While directing a new film, Matthew becomes infatuated with you, the lead actress, and he’s having a hard time not making it obvious.
Word Count: 4k.
Warning/Includes: Age gap, pining, smut.
The best thing to do is be casual. Calm, collected, cool. You’re not doing anything wrong. In fact, you’re not really doing anything at all. It’s all in the walk - slow, steady strides - you don’t want to look too eager. Keep your head up high, only glance down for a moment at a time, keep your hands busy.
Play the part.
As your knuckles lightly rasp on the trailer door, you look around, fanning yourself with the stack of paper in your hand. When you turn back around, Matthew is opening the door and this grand, bright smile stretches across his entire face the moment he sees you.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hey,” you grin, tilting your head. “Wanted to go over something in the script with you. Do you have a second?”
Only taking a beief moment to look around the barren lot, Matthews eyes fall back on you, and there’s a certain spark in them as he says, “Of course. Of course, come in.”
“Thanks,” you tell him as you step inside.
And then the door is locked and the script is on the floor and you’re straddling his lap, your mouth open so he can stick his tongue inside of it. Your fingers tangle themselves in his curls, your nails scratching his scalp. He makes this soft purring noise, but his hold on your waist is tight, his nails digging through the fabric of your shirt and into your skin. With a roll of your hips, he’s left gasping for air and his hands begin to wander, trailing from your waist to your thigh. His fingertips creep towards the apex of your hips and you tighten them around his waist. It’s at this point that you grab onto his wrists and you’re well aware that he doesn’t have to let you pin them behind his head, he could easily stop you. If he wanted to. He doesn’t. He wants to do absolutely whatever you want.
Matthew’s head rolls back and you take the opportunity to plant gentle kisses on his neck. He wonders if you know how much friction you’re creating between your bodies, but then he feels your nails sink into the skin on his wrist, the vibration of a quiet moan against his neck, and he knows the answer. He has the impulse to touch you, but he’s weak underneath your body and he goes limp as your tongue traces his jaw.
“God, you’re killing me,” he mumbles.
You giggle, the sound echoing in his ear before you kiss his cheek, “So dramatic.”
“I’ll do anything,” he begs, and his breath catches in his throat, your nose nuzzled against his.
“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Anything.”
Looking into his eyes, you slowly release your grip on his wrists and place your hands on his face, “Just kiss me,” you whisper. His arms wrap back around your waist and he does. He just kisses you.
By the end, when you’ve hopped off of his lap and begun applying your lipgloss, he’s watching you in a daze. His eyes scan over you from head to toe and it raises goosebumps on your skin.
“[y/n],” he calls.
“Mm-hmm?” you hum, checking your reflection.
“You know, I’m kinda in love with you, right?”
You burst into laughter and roll your eyes, “L. O. L.”
“Why is that funny?”
“You’re hilarious.”
“I’m so dead serious. We-we could do stuff.”
“Stuff? What kinda stuff?”
“Like,” he shrugs. “Maybe a little dating, a little marriage, some kids…something like that, I don’t know.”
“Mmm, but how would that look?” you ask, tilting your head at him.
“What do you mean?”
“It would look like I submitted my cooch as an audition tape and I didn’t. I dont want people to think this was a hand out. I earned it, right?”
“Of course,” he rises to his feet and steps towards you, “Of course. I would never-never wanna take away from that, I just-“
“And it’s the whole thing of it all, you know that. You’re the director, I’m the lead actress, plus you’re like, a senior citizen.”
He cackles, “That’s never bothered you before.”
“And I’m focused on this movie.”
“Oh, me too. Definitely, me too. Of course, me too…..you just, um…make it a little bit…harder.”
“Hm, I see that,” you smirk, glancing down at his crotch.
He laughs, his arms reaching out for you, his face nearing yours, and you put your hand to his chest. Push him away, “Chill. I just reapplied my lipgloss.”
He rolls his eyes as you pick up the script from the floor and flash him a smile. “Okay,” you huff. “Back to work,” then you plant a kiss on your fingertips and mush your hand into Matthew’s cheek.
He tries to pull you in, but you slide your wrist out of his grasp and you’re gone.
Your costar - Sam - he’s cute. Okay, Sam is very cute. Sam is cute in a way that you thought they didn’t make men anymore. He’s pretty, but he doesn’t know it. He takes everyone else’s word for it. He’s kind, respectful, talks to you like a human being. There’s a spark between you two that is, truly, the core of creating a solid movie. It makes all the kissing and the touching much easier. Sam is a good guy. If your type were age appropriate, Sam would definitely be your type. You would totally fuck Sam.
But Matthew’s your type, if you’re being honest. You want to fuck Matthew. You want to fuck Matthew very, very much and that’s going to make this sex scene a lot harder. But for the sake of professionalism, you bite the inside of your cheek, ground yourself in the moment. Matthew makes eye contact with you from behind the camera and he gives you a quick wink. It gets your engine started, just enough so that when he calls “Action!” you close your eyes and think of him.
This is the longest three and a half minutes of Matthew’s life. It’s not suspicious that he’s watching you so closely, but the way he’s pinching the skin on his wrist is certainly not helping.
Fake sex with Sam is fun and you will certainly feel different about him afterwards. He moves against you in a certain way and you have to keep this euphoric look on your face for every camera angle and your brain is like well, alright then, maybe Sammy Boy is an option.
Then, Matthew yells. “Cut!”
And your body comes to a complete halt, your breathing returns to normal. You catch a glimpse of Matthew and your brain goes: Oh, yes. Him.
“You okay?” Sam asks you, keeping you at arms length.
“Yes,” you nod, giving him a genuine smile. “Yes. Are you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nods. He holds out his hand and you both laugh as he gives you a firm handshake.
Cast and crew agree it was perfect straight shot and Matthew just approves with a thumbs up. You wonder if he’ll comment more but when he doesn’t, you just shrug it off, put on a robe, put your arm around Sam and walk off set with him.
When everyone starts to leave for the day, you walk past Matthew’s trailer and he pokes his head out the door, “Nice performance today, [y/n],” he waves.
You turn to him and laugh, “Thanks? Perv.”
“Why do you hurt me this way?”
“I’m going home. See you tomorrow,” you wave.
And as you walk away, he says, “I’ll be counting down the minutes,” and you have to keep going like you didn’t hear it.
It’s another 2 months before the movie is finished filming and the wrap party is that Friday. Matthew has been trying his best to keep some distance from you, but he finds himself texting you to find out if he’ll see you tonight. He’s tired of looking at you through a lense. It’s done, it’s over, it’s in post production. You don’t have to let his tongue in your mouth, but he hopes maybe he can hold your hand. Give you a hug.
Matthew’s not sure when you’ll arrive at the party until you’re there. You already have a beer in your hand and you’re grinning as you walk up to him. He takes you in this real tight side hug and you rest your head on his shoulder.
“You look nice,” he whispers in your ear.
“So do you,” you tell you. “I like this suit.”
He lets out a long sigh, “Thank you,” he chuckles. “Thank you, I thought you might.”
You hold his gaze for a moment and then seperate your bodies before you absolutely lose your mind.
You mix and mingle. You take pictures. A lot of pictures. You knock back a few drinks and by the time people have started clearing out, you’re cackling with Sam and other cast members out on the patio.
Matthew comes by to say goodnight to everyone and you all wave to him with a loud, collective “Bye!”
He goes around giving handshakes and hugs and when he gets to you, he leans down and wrap his arm around you. Your face nuzzles into his neck and he rubs your back softly. When he releases you, you can still smell him.
“Bye, [y/n],” he smiles and you can tell he wants to touch your face. But he doesn’t.
He leaves and you can still smell his minutes later. You take a deep breath, tell everyone you’re going to the bathroom, get up, and once you’re sure no one can see you, you run.
You catch Matthew as he’s hoping in his car and you call out his name. His heart stops and he turns to you, jaw dropped just slightly. “Hi, gorgeous.”
You chuckle under your breath, “Hi.”
Your face feels hot and tense, like you’re trying to keep yourself from grinning too much. “Can I have a ride?” you ask.
He not only drives you home, but he lets you control the music. He regrets the decision immediately.
“Don’t be such a grandpa!” you scold him.
“I’m-I’m not! I just don’t understand why it’s so…loud? And angry! Oh, my god…”
“I do sound like a grandpa.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, throwing your head back. “But I’m into it.”
He blushes, bites down on his lip, “What’d you think of Link’s speech? Too sappy, right?”
“It wasn’t until he cried.”
Matthew laughs, “Yeah, he’s a softie, but this movie is his baby.”
“Yours too, kinda.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can’t believe filming is already over.”
“Gonna miss me?”
“Fuck, [y/n]…come on, I miss you all the time. I’m kinda in love with you, remember?”
You roll your eyes, shake your head, “Over here. On the left.”
He turns into your parking deck and you unbuckle your seatbelt. You reach over his body, your knees tucked in the seat as you type in your passcode. Matthew’s eyes are wide and his hands are limp on the steering wheel. His eyes linger on your waist and your thighs. The gate opens and you plop back down in your seat and he drives off like nothing happened. He parks in a corner near the elevator and you look over at him, “Thank you.”
“Of course. Anytime. Anything-Anything you need.”
You smile at him.
“Y’know,” he says. “You can call me. You can text me and we can see each other, outside of press stuff and stuff. If you ever just-just wanna talk. I’m here, I’m here for that, for anything.”
You nod your head at him, slowly, your eyes scanning him up and down, lingering on his shaky hands. You lean over and unbuckle his seat belt. Confused he lets it slide off of his body and he follows your lead as you grab his opposite wrist and pull it towards you. You lean back in your seat and pull your dress over your thighs. You pull back your lace underwear and stick Matthew’s hand in it.
“Oh.” he says.
You arch your back, just slightly, his fingertips grazing your clit.
“What-what do I do?” Matthew asks.
You shrug, look up at him with dreary eyes, “Whatever feels right, I guess.”
And he moves his body closer to you, lowers his hand in your panties and rubs your clit. Soft, slow circles that make your eyes flutter shut. You spread your legs as far as they’ll go and he dips a finger inside of you, swims around in the flood. You grip onto the edge of your seat and Matthew touches the tip of his nose to yours. As he catches you in a kiss, his fingers slide into you and you can feel every inch. They curl in towards your belly and you whine against his lips, grinding your hips against his palm.
Matthew’s thumb pops into your mouth, his forehead pressed against yours, his wrist moving to match the rhythm of your hips. Choking on your moans, you widen your mouth, letting him slide two fingers towards the back of your throat. You can feel him watching you, but with every movement of his fingers, you’re nearing the brink and you can barely function.
He pinches your face between his fingers, covering your cheeks in your own saliva. Your groans echo around the small space, breaking up into choppy cries as Matthew increases his force, pushing his fingers as deep as they’ll go. You grip onto both of his wrists and whimper through gritted teeth, your thighs tightening around his hand.
“Fuck,” you gasp. “Oh, fuck!”
With his hand around your throat, Matthew makes you come so hard that you’re entire body spasms, your hips riding it out on his hand until you go completely weak.
“Oh, look at you,” he whispers, his voice soft and dreamy as he pushes your hair back, touches your face. He pulls his fingers out of you and sucks on them, moaning at the taste of you. You grab onto his arm and dazedly begin to nibble on his forearm. At certain points near his elbow, you sink your teeth in really deep, taking a moment to feel his skin in your mouth. The pain makes him gasp underneath his breath, but he doesn’t mind. He likes the view. You take three of his fingers in your mouth and moan as they hit the back of your throat.
Matthew hooks on by your bottom teeth, leans in and tells you, “If you want me, I’m right here…I’m right here…”
And you fix your panties, fix your dress, gives him one last kiss on the knuckles. “Thanks for the ride.”
He nods, “Anything for you. Anything.”
When the movie premiere, everyone is anxious. Everyone. No one is exempt. There are, however, those that handle it better than others. You, being those, and Matthew, being others. When he sees you, standing there in your pretty dress, looking like an angel, he rushes over to you and takes you into a hug.
“Oh,” you whisper, chuckling, “Oh, Matthew.”
“I’m about to piss myself.”
“Please don’t.”
“How are you not freaking out right now?” he asks, holding you under his arm as he looks at you.
“Someone’s gotta stay calm so you can freak out.”
“Did it hurt?”
“Oh don’t do this-“ you roll your eyes.
“When you fell from heaven?”
“I need to walk the carpet, you do, too. C’mon.” And you hold his hand.
He can’t believe it, you hold his hand!
There’s all sorts of mixing and matching that goes into the photos. You take a lot with Sam, a handful with the rest of the cast and only a few with Matthew and the rest of the crew. The energy is high and light. The interviews are positive and everyone is smiling.
You sit, you hope, you pray that this is the tone for the rest of the night.
And then the movie ends with a standing ovation.
And the energy gets even higher. You are a star. People clamor around you and Sam like royalty and you guys humbly accept it all. You ride back to the hotel with Sam and a few others, a bottle of champagne and music blasting through the speakers.
“[y/n]!” Sam calls as you part ways. “More drinks in the lobby?”
“For sure! I’m going to change into more celebrity casual, I’ll be right there!”
He laughs and waves as you head up the elevator.
You step into your hotel room and drop the key on the kitchenette counter. You stand in the center, just underneath the big, bright chandelier. And you dance. You jump. Your cheer. You nearly fall to yours knees and then there’s a knock on the door.
You skip over and open it to find Matthew, a big smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. You don’t even think about it, you just jump into his arms and the two of your erupt into joyous laughter. He carries you into your room, lets the door shut behind you and places your flowers down.
“The times. The post!” he exclaims. “Everyone is talking about you.”
“Shut up,” you shake your head, your hands pressed to his chest.
“No, you shut up!” he embraces you, laughing as he says, “They like you! They really, really like you!” He looks down at you, your eyes laced with happy tears, and he pushes your hair back. “I…” he whispers. “Really, really like you.”
You smile at him, reach up and run your hands through his curls. You nuzzle your body into his and your eyelids get heavy as you breathe him in. You lift yourself up on the tip of your toes and give him a kiss. Then another kiss. Then another. And you drive yourself into him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pushing your tongue into his mouth. You back him up against a wall and he gasps, “[y/n]-mm…oh, god…” he hands wanders around your body, gripping onto your ass. “What are you doing?”
You moan, throw your head back, “Just-fuck-take this dress off of me,” you order, holding his face in your hands as you peck at his lips.
“Okay, okay, okay,” he whispers. “Slower…” he tells you. His fingers push the spaghetti straps off of your shoulders and he gives you a nice, long kiss, “Slower, slower…”
You let him steadily roll the straps down your arms, feel the curves of your body as he pushes the dress past your hips. Leaving you in just your bra and panties, he takes you in his arms and loses his breath between your mouths.
He sweeps you up in his arms and your legs wrap around his torso. He drops you onto the bed and you chuckle as you bounce in the air. He leans over and you help him take his jacket off, throw it onto the floor. As he gives you a sloppy kiss, you unbutton his shirt, feels around his chest. He unhooks your bra and pulls it off, his tongue wet all over your jaw and collar and chest.
Matthews lips wrap around your nipple and your head rolls back, your hands tangled in his hair. He leaves a slimy trail down your stomach and looks up at you as he slides your panties down your legs.
“Oh, my god…” he whispers. He looks down at you, touching you all over, flat, warm, open palms on your breasts and ribs. “You’re so beautiful. So, so beautiful,” and he falls to his knees. He holds your legs open and starts to eat you off. Soft, slow, with a strong hold on your thighs. He buries his face between your legs and laps at you like he’s dehydrated.
You purr, pull at his hair, arch your back as you grind against his face. The noises you make come out jumbled and strained and Matthew can’t get enough. He hums against you, speeding up his tongue to bring you to the edge. You squeal and you squirm, but Matthew keeps you locked in place. You grip onto his arms, digging your nails into the flesh. You mutter soft, stuttering profanities, your throat raw from all the noise.
When you come, Matthew is moaning, loving the way your hold tightens around his face and your hands tug at his hair. As he returns to kiss you, you push his shirt off of his body and undo his pants. With his pants and boxers kicked off, he just falls straight into you and it’s like the whole earth shakes. You cry out, wrapping your arms around him. He breathes shakily into your ear, his hands getting under your thighs, pushing your knees to your chest.
The bed rocks back and forth as he pounds you, his eyes trained on you, your moans loud enough to shatter glass. You are absolutely everything he ever imagined you to be and more. So, so much more. You wrap around his dick in just the right way and his head falls back, his mouth falls open and his says your name on this broken, breathy loop. “[y/n], [y/n], oh, fuck, [y/n], baby.”
He watches you rub your clit in fast, hard circles, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He moves into you harder, faster, leaning in so he can hear your moans in his ear. You grip onto his shoulder and then his hair and then his throat and he peers into your eyes. He’s trying to hold on, to savor the moment, to keep you here. Just like this. But your thumb runs over his cheekbone and he breaks down and his face softens and he dissipates into these weak whimpers.
“Y-you going to come, baby?” he asks you, feeling your thighs twitch and tighten against his body.
“Y-yes,” you moan. “Fuck, yes.”
He kisses you, grunting against your lips as he uses his body to carve you out like marble, folding you in half, thrusting himself as deep as he can because he can tell how much you love it.
“C’mon, [y/n], come for me,” he groans in your ear. “Please, please, please, please.”
Your fingers work tirelessly on your clit and with one good move inside of you, you crumble. You pull Matthew close, spread your legs and let him fuck you through it. He’s talking to you, he’s telling you that you’re amazing, that you’re incredible, beautiful, sexy and you’re screaming too loud to hear any of it.
He had been waiting for you to let himself go and he stares at you the entire time he comes. You moan as you feel it splatter all over your stomach, your chest. You chuckle, wiping some off with your finger and popping the digit into your mouth, “Oh, fuck.”
Matthew laughs and crashes on top of you, holding your face as he kisses you. “Come on,” he orders, hopping up.
“I’m taking you on a date.”
“Right now?” you prop yourself up. “You don’t think we’re going in the wrong order here?”
“Oh, duh, right,” he says and suddenly he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. “We’ve gotta shower first.”
And as you laugh on the way to the bathroom, Matthew squeezes you real tight. Real, real tight, thinking:
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volklana · 2 months
My Woman. My Woman. My Wife.
Title comes from this song:
Request: All the sihtric fics😭 just fluff…mingled with angst. I just know he’s the most attentive lover ever. Always bringing flowers, making you laugh(bc his one liners are hilarious), sharing his furs with you… but I know he must have a temper. And he’s always gone away for so long. Poor rat boy probably thinks he’d be a terrible husband because of how often he’s gone for long periods of time. But he’s not😭 he’s the best husband ever. Anyway I got carried away, just all the sihtric things
@canyonmoon-2 I really hope I did your idea justice xx
Warnings: Details the loss of a baby and the grief in the aftermath of that loss. If that isn't for you, or it's too traumatic please don't read, protect your peace and you can catch me next time xx
Not proof read but mistakes will be corrected in time.
Requests are open:
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The ride back to Winchester seemed to be taking longer the closer he actually got to the city.
He was beginning to feel lightheaded with dizziness at the thought of seeing you again.
Sihtric was besotted with you, had been from the moment he laid eyes on you, catching your eye across the square, hauling your cart of produce to sell at the market.
At first he was too shy to even look you in your eye as he paid for apples he didn’t even need, but as soon as your fingers accidentally brushed, he couldn’t help but delight in the shy smile that you shot his way, as you wished him to have a good day. 
He couldn’t help but offer to escort you to your homestead that night, he had claimed it was to keep you safe but instead it was to steal a few more moments with you, you had walked in easy silence until you suddenly stopped and turned to face him.
“You haven’t told me your name.” you giggled and Sihtric’s face lit up “You’re walking me all this way and I don’t even know your name.”
“You would let a man you don’t know walk you home and you never even thought to ask his name. A pagan man at that. What would your nailed god say?”
“I know you are one of Uhtred’s men,” you considered.
“And that is the only reason you would allow me to accompany you?” Sihtric teased.
“That is the main reason, but I do have others,” you teased back.
“And what would those other reasons be lady?” he quirked his head to examine your face and you smiled, that gorgeous smile his way again.
“Perhaps we should start with your name first,” you giggled and goddamn it Sihtric wanted to get down on his knee right then and there for you, “I am Sihtric, lady,” he smiled, suddenly shy and you considered him for a moment, “I am y/n.” 
And so that became your weekly routine, Sihtric would walk you home from the market and you would chat easily. He would linger awkwardly outside your home, neither one of you wanting to say goodbye until the day when he got a sudden surge of confidence, Thor knows from where and sprung forward to press his lips against yours. You absolutely melted into his touch and giggled when he pulled away, his whole face lighting up with a smile, “I have been waiting weeks for you to do that Sihtric,” you giggled and for good measure he kissed you again.
“Sihtric, you barely know her,” Uhtred warned.
“I know enough lord,” he uttered shyly and Gisela considered him gently.
“You love her,” she eased after a while and Sihtric’s face broke out in a smile again.
“And she loves me. She tells me all the time,” he rushed before his cheeks lit up crimson with embarrassment, and Gisela couldn’t help her amused smile. 
She reached a hand to Uhtred who frowned her way at first, a silent conversation happening between their eyes.
“Very well Sihtric, you may marry your lady,” he sighed but Sihtric had already taken to running.
“Thank you. Thank you lord,” he shouted over his shoulder and he was away to find you scooping you into his arms, peppering kisses to any part of your skin he could reach.
Sihtric was the most attentive man you had ever known. He loved you in ways you hadn’t even known possible. There was not a single moment you were together that his hands were not on yours. You joked that he should climb inside you and live in your skeleton more than once, but you had a feeling that he would’ve if he could. Opting instead to be inside you in the only way he could, as many times a day as you would allow, and you would never refuse him.
Nobody had ever loved Sihtric, no one had ever been tender with him. No one had ever shown him that he was worthy of beautiful things and you vowed to spend every day of your life proving to him that he did. 
Gentle hands traced scars and kissed the parts of his skin that had been broken by his father’s cruelty and sometimes the feeling was so intense for Sihtric he could barely bring himself to look you in the eye.
“What is it love?” you murmured pressing kisses to his his worried brow.
“I have to go away with Uhtred again.” 
“To battle?” you asked gently, caressing his face.
“To battle,” he confirmed.
“Sihtric, you love being a warrior. What is this about?” 
“I don’t want to be without you. To go back to how it felt before I knew you. The darkness…”
“I will be here waiting for you. Right here,” you took his hand and placed it over your chest, “Feel my heart, know it is real and it belongs to you. I will be here, loving you.” 
Sihtric surged forward and pressed his lips to your needily, feeling reassured that his woman would be waiting for him.
You had built a wonderful life together with Sihtric, and you were happier than you had been in your life, but Sihtric struggled with leaving you every time.
He was weary from the ride but the thought of you pressed him forward. 
As soon as he and Finan dismounted, Finan urged him to come for a drink in the alehouse but Sihtric was furiously shaking his head and excitedly told him he was away to find his wife. 
He burst through the door of your home, flowers in hand, calling your name but the smile slipped from his face when instead of being greeted by the sight of his wife, he was instead greeted by Hild.
“Where is she Hild?” he almost shrieked, panic coursing through him, making it hard to breathe.
Hild squeezed his arm gently and as reassuringly as she could, but her face was grave, and she led him through to the bedroom, where Sihtric collapsed down to his knees by your side, the sight of your deathly pale skin and gaunt face, enough to send him into a spiral.
“What is it? My love? My Life?” he was begging, stroking your hair, he wanted to pull away from the coldness of your skin. You were always warm, his warmth his sunshine. 
“It was a little boy,” you whispered weakly “We had a baby boy, Sihtric.” 
His head was reeling, he hadn’t even known you were pregnant before he left, nor had you.
“I couldn’t keep him,” you suddenly cried, giant sobs wracking your weak body, “I lost him. I lost him.” you were hysterical and all Sihtric could do was crush him to you and wrap you up in his arms.  
Sihtric held you, letting you cry on him until you had no tears left, repeating that he was sorry, he was so sorry, and none of this was your fault, and when your eyes finally slipped closed he allowed his own tears to fall. 
Hild took him into her embrace when he finally re emerged from the bedroom, and they made their way outside, where under the shade of a leafy oak, he found the small arrangement of burial stones, that he threw himself upon and wept.
“She insisted we honour your traditions,” Hild finally broke the silence. “I had Gisela’s help, but she arranged the stones herself, nearly killed herself in the process.”
“Will she live?” he finally mustered the strength to beg.
“She is very weak, and if god..if the gods are good, she will live,” Hild reassured 
“She has to,” Sihtric whispered “Or you may as well place me here with my boy.” 
You regained your strength over the next few weeks, slowly and with the help of Hild and Sihtric. Sihtric never left your side, fetching you food, bringing you extra furs to keep you warm and at night, he pulled you as physically close as possible, lamenting the loss of your warmth, for now you always felt cold to him.
But soon you were back on your feet again, well enough to walk, well enough to have Gisela and Uhtred over for dinner and well enough to make love to Sihtric for the first time in weeks since he had got home. 
Sihtric was wound tighter than a leash the past few days, his face constantly pulled into a frown lately, and no matter how much you tried you could not seem to pull him from the depths.
“What have I told you?” he snapped suddenly, and you lowered your gaze to the floor, “You are my woman, there is no need for you to do these jobs anymore. I will do it!” he snapped.
You had been attempting to help him ready his horse, as you had done a million times, lifting his heavy saddle bag up to attach to his saddle.
You watched him silently as he roughly threw his things together. You were rarely on the receiving end of Sihtric’s temper but lately you seemed to be finding yourself under it more and more. 
He made to mount his horse and you couldn’t help the phrase that fell from your lips.
“You blame me for his loss?” you stated but it was more like a question.
Sihtric stilled all action, but he did not turn to face you.
“That is why you cannot speak to me with tenderness these days. Is it not?” your voice was small and you fiddled with a thread on your sleeve.
“If you cannot love me anymore. If I cannot make you happy, then I set you free. I told you the night we first made love that you deserved to be happy, and If I cannot do that for you, I set you free. I set you free because I love you more than anything on this earth and I cannot bear you to be this unhappy” 
“How can you still love me?” he snarled, turning to face you, wild eyed.
“I was not here. I left you alone. I left you to endure his loss alone,” he was clawing at the skin on his left forearm, leaving fresh nail marks, an old habit from when Kjartan would lock him in the cellar, knowing a beating or some other form of humiliation was coming his way. If he hurt himself first, the next hurt would never be as bad. 
“Set me free because you would be better off without my weight around your neck. Set me free so you may find a man who can love you the way you deserve. A man who will never leave you alone another second of his life. But do not dare set me free because you love me. I do not deserve your love, not now and I certainly never did.” 
You reached for him, but he pulled his arm from your grasp, your head reeling from his lack of tenderness.
“If you leave me now Sihtric, in this moment here, that will be the only time you will have abandoned me. The only time you will have left me when I really needed you.” 
Sihtric looked at you conflicted, two mismatched eyes trying to frantically find the right thing to say.
“I can’t forgive myself,” he finally mumbled “And to think you could ever believe that I blame you for his loss. There is only one person at fault here and that is me. Because I cannot promise that I will never leave you alone again.”
“I knew who you were when I agreed to marry you. I knew you then, as I know you now and I know for every time you leave me you will always return.” He finally allowed himself to be pulled into your arms, and you tutted at the unmistakable scratches on his arm, he had been hurting himself for a while. 
“Oh my love,” you cried “All this time I have thought you were blaming me, but you have been burdening yourself with the blame of this loss.”
Sihtric nodded in your arms and you traced your thumb across the scar on his face, before placing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“Neither of us are to blame my love, the gods were cruel.” he nodded in your hands finally allowing his eyes to soften, boring into yours and when he looked at you this way, you could always see the small, skinny boy who only ever knew hurt, fear and humiliation but never love. 
“Talk never of setting me free again my love,” he begged, closing the distance to lean his forehead against yours “My place, my only place is here by your side. My woman. My woman. My wife.”
Tagging: @canyonmoon-2 @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @shamrockqueen thenameswinter99 foxyanon
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
I am CACKLING like a cartoon villain oh my GOD you are a genius!!! Of course the toxic king breaks his back of COURSE he does the fucking idiot (affectionate), so there's fuck-all he can do with reader's big announcement that this was all worth it and he can totally get some...yknow, in a couple months. AHHHHH. And she just wanted to give him something to look forward to, motivation for the physical therapy <33 (she boops his nose while he lays there wishing for death and cowering from her, of course she does, omg. i love them your honor!!)
and maybe she gets more confident now that he can't fucking move 💀💀 (lmao, oh god. König if you weren't such a menace this would have been easier for her a lot earlier and nobody would be in this situation) and maybe this leads to way more sensual  touching from her on her own initiative; she's curious, after all, and she does like him a lot and she's just trying to help him get better, you know? and König eats that shit up, starts telling her all about these itches and sore muscles he can't reach, could she be a dear (trying to act like he's not literally begging for her touch) and then he basically blacks out the first time her hands linger and drift, but probably better that than the things he was going to say to her. So König wants to die, this is too much, he's done, he's a goner each time she visits him. and damn her, she's a devoted little thing, never misses visiting hours. Always so sweet and caring towards him and it's the perfect image of a faithful, doting housewife without the wife or the house or the sex part of it lmao. And of course he can’t move when all this is happening!!! so basically just more torture and his mind just kind of breaks into little tiny pieces held together by demented lovesick lust-filled fantasies. he says some absolutely filthy things (makes the cunt licking look family friendly in comparison), he can't control it really anymore, and poor reader is shocked/horrified and blushing furiously, but thinks it's the medications and the pain and whatnot, tries to be understanding, only chides him once she gets her shock under control (and he's actually stone cold sober the entire fucking time lmao, but he ain't telling her that, she'd run if she knew). 
AND THEN MAYBE~~ (dun dun dun) one day reader is FINALLY reaching under the stupid hospital bed blanket - he can feel her soft little fingertips and carefully manicured nails travel down his abs, trace the V of his hips (my man is going to black out again, good lord) and she's looking at him with big round eyes and she's nervous she's going to do it wrong and he won't like it (as if), and it's taking FOREVER for her to get her hand between his legs bc sweet little thing just wants to do it right, and he's out of his mind, half-crying, whisper-begging at this point (it's probably not even English, not German either, just mindless pleas). Her hand FINALLY wraps around his length and he's lucky he doesn't cum right then and there; she's blushing so violently at taking a man in her hands for the first time and she's seeking HIS approval with those pretty doe eyes as she bites her lip. So of course that's when there's a knock at the door (the universe hates him, he's going to scream, whoever this is is lucky he can't move and they might die anyway from the blast radius of sheer rage) and a doctor comes in for daily rounds. Reader barely has time to yank her hand back before doc sticks his head through the privacy curtains and yep our man's heart might actually just stop, he is just going to keel over right then and there. 
so not even a handjob for our poor king <3 if he doesn’t die (lol) he transfers to in-home care IMMEDIATELY and finally gets reader to himself in a more private setting where he can lock the fucking door. this is the part where I look away lmao, I'd leave him blue-balled & suffering forever ...am i a mean person?? also RIP to that doctor. this verse is so hilarious & wonderful and i love it, feels like a tug of war between tropes and genres if that makes sense which results in your delightful genius works, thank you thank you <333
This is so beautiful. I am puddle & I can't thank you enough for collaborating & I LOVE YOU Howdy anon 💋 and um, I think I got a little too excited about their first time lol oops (I can't leave him blue-balled forever! Poor man would die of heart failure 🥺)
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(Tamara and Demon (1864), Mihály von Zichy)
Word count: 3.7 k
CW: 18+ NSFW. Corruption kink goes brrrr. Masturbating, dirty talking, obsessive/yandere König. Awkward handjob. First time/virgin!reader. Kinda sweet and fluffy 🩷 Also coersion/mildly dubious consent, tread carefully!
A/N: You can find the story of König x virgin!reader and their relationship so far by following the tag (könig x virgin reader)
Oh she visits him alright!
She’s much braver now that König is bedridden and can’t move. They actually spend more time together after the weightlifting accident. The intense stares haven’t gone anywhere, he's actually gotten worse in that department, but otherwise, König is behaving quite nicely.
He seems to like it when she reads to him next to his bed, which is immensely cute in her opinion. Armed with a new book in the crook of her arm, she’s on her way to visit him again for another session.
She's already accustomed to simply floating in after giving his door a light rap. She's also gotten used to the sight of guns and knives and the smell of army storage, even the manly, pungent stench of sweat that lingers on top of it. 
But it’s not the potpourri of masculine military scents that stop her at the door and nearly make her drop her book.
The King himself is lying naked on the bed – well, naked except for the bag of a mask he seems to hold on to like it’s his soul. This time, she doesn’t even see it: her eyes fly straight to the towering erection he’s stroking, urgently with one hand while the other cups a pair of shaved, pale balls.
The man who calls himself King curses – in German or in English, she can’t tell. The sight of him there, caught red-handed on touching himself, only makes her feel sorry for him. König has nowhere to run and hide, nothing to cover himself with, he's not supposed to even move yet. And he is not the one who should be embarrassed, after all, she's the one who barged in on his privacy. 
Although… König doesn't look embarrassed. 
He only looks drunk and sweaty and in need.
She thinks about turning back and leaving him with hurried excuses because what the hell is she supposed to do…? Read him a book? He is still gripping his cock like it’s a sword or something, breathing like he just ran a marathon. 
And speaking of swords, that weapon is far too big for her... Hell, she doesn’t know much about swords but she would deem that sword far too big for any woman.
If she were clever, she would run away from that stare and that huge, monstrous cock. But she’s not that clever, that much is clear because everyone she’s told she’s dating König have warned her about him. Every cell in her body is warning her of danger, but she keeps running back to him, over and over again…
Well, at least he can’t move, she thinks, takes a hesitant step, and places the book down on a table. Just when she’s about to whisper some calming, soothing words to this beast, the beast speaks.
"Take your clothes off," comes a husky command from the bed, and she freezes with her fingertips still on the cover of her cute little book about German fairytales (she knows König likes his fairytales bloody). 
Normally, she would make a scene out of such audacity. She might even storm out of the room and vow to never speak to him again for daring to talk to her like that.
He looks so desperate. König looks like a giant bound for torture on that bed. And he's not the only one who has been tormented these past few weeks… The incident at the hospital has plagued her dreams every night as she has tucked herself in with the memories of König's… sword.
Perhaps it would help with his pain if she offers him relief in his time of need. No harm can come from that, surely. She doesn't know how exactly taking her clothes off will help, but if that is his wish, then it’s the least she can do. 
To her and his surprise, her hands drift to the hem of the top she’s wearing. She’s feeling rather wild – something about seeing König completely naked yet unable to move is making her act like this. Like she's the brave one. Like she’s in control now.
Dedicated to her task, she pulls the shirt over her head.
Nothing moves on that bed for a good long while. As far as she can tell, König might've stopped breathing. But by the time she takes her bra off, there’s a swallow under that hood. Then the hand slowly starts to stroke again, the moist, slick sounds continue as her breasts fall free from their confinement. 
She’s breathing heavily too, and the man on the bed is stiff as a stone: every single muscle in his body is pulled taut as he stares at her breasts like they’re the Revelation of John. Then those blue eyes lift to her face just before another command is issued.
"Take off the rest."
"The–the rest…?"
"I just want to watch you." 
His voice is hoarse and croaky, and she feels even more sorry for him – König must be in so much pain and she just keeps on teasing him. She started this, so perhaps it’s better just to see it through. 
What’s crazy though is that he actually moans when she gets out of her pants, socks, and finally, her underwear. The slick sounds of fapping increase, and he’s moaning.
She hasn’t even touched him yet… She’s just standing there before him completely naked, heat pooling low in her belly as König continues to work himself with what looks like both pleasure and pain.
"Komm… Come here," he orders next, out of breath but surprisingly politely, and she has no other option than to approach his bed. She sits down as chastely as possible, then almost jumps back up when a steel-hard thigh brushes against hers.
"Touch it. Ja?" 
Her eyes grow as wide as they can go as she takes in the cock she has touched once before, briefly and under a hospital sheet. Now it’s right there, foreign and demanding. 
Better just to see it through, her mind tweets as her hand reaches out through what feels like water. Like before, there's a sharp intake of air under the hood as she takes him in her hand. It’s even hotter than she remembered, and gives a tight pull the instant her fingers wrap around it. 
"Like this…?" 
"Just like that…"
Her meek little mouse peeps and multiple bats of eyelashes are like drug to him, it seems. The man is as tight as a bowstring when she starts to move her hand up and down, mimicking the motions she just saw him do. They're not as fast as his, and her grip must be way gentler, but she seems to do surprisingly well for an inexperienced virgin. The poor man looks like he’s about to faint on that bed. 
What she doesn’t expect, however, is König to touch her.
A large, warm palm sweeps across her ribs and lands on her breast, softly, as if he's concerned that he might scare her off. She's the one who's stopped breathing now… And then he rubs her, squeezes her. Gently… Reverently.
"You're soft," comes a strained sigh from the bed as she tries to keep her own grip both tight and gentle. She’s starting to get so wet she fears she will stain his sheets. Bewildered, she tries to change her position, but the palm cupping her breast seems to have bound her to the bed too. Nothing moves, except her hand and his as they explore each other. A giant and an angel...
Something hot and wet meets her hand as she strokes him – is he cumming already…? But it can't be, she has heard there’s supposed to be quite a bit of it when a man cums, and there’s only a few ample drops of clear liquid oozing out of the slit on his tip.
"Can't wait for the day I get to make you scream," he rasps, and her heart is hammering in her chest as more cum-like liquid streams from the slit of his cock, adding to the lewd, moist sounds of the handjob she’s giving him.
König doesn’t know she has never even kissed a guy… 
"We'll… we'll get there," she tries to soothe him, thanking her lucky stars this man can't move.
"I want to fuck you," he continues, sounding more and more desperate. "Good and hard… until you cry under me. Want to see if you can take it all in."
"It’s a long cock, ja? I can make you squirt."
"König, I'm still a virgin… You can't–"
"Nh–Sorry… sorry."
His head falls back on the pillow, his muscles relax just for the tiniest moment. But if she thought he would finally leave her to it, she was wrong. The hand of a giant killer drops between her legs next. 
She’s sitting on the bed like she would sit on a side saddle, with one leg slightly bent, giving the horniest man on earth good enough access to the heat between her legs. She doesn’t stop him – she doesn’t even want to – as broad fingertips meet her pubic hair and slip between her already slick folds. 
"...Was? Pretty angel is all wet," he comments on her state of mess. Approvingly: like all his fears have suddenly disappeared. 
She has to fight the urge to roll her head back and moan as those agile fingers start to give her full, generous strokes. She almost messes up her rhythm while stroking his cock, which seems to have gotten even harder.
His fingers delve into her with more courage, they tease her tight, tender nub with excited circles. She tries not to jolt and shiver as he makes her even more slick, tries to ignore how her nipples grow hard from that burning stare alone. 
"Such a pretty girl… and so wet. You sure you don't want it?"
She thinks about it – how it would feel if he somehow was able to take her on that bed. If he pushed that cock inside her and if it would hurt or make her moan even more. Even the thought of trying to fit that inside her makes her thighs feel like pudding.
"I don’t know… You're still recovering."
"Heh… That's not a problem. You can be on top. I'll help," he offers as if it’s a gentlemanly thing to do, to help her bounce on that huge cock. 
"I–I'd rather do it the classic way."
"I'll show you classic when I get better," he promises with unconcealed greed. "I'll show you all the other ways too. We’ll do it any way you like."
She tries hard not to whimper when hearing his promise. She tries her best to pleasure the biggest cock she’s ever seen. It’s ridiculous that it’s the only cock she’s ever seen... What sort of a cruel joke was it from the universe to choose this king-sized Austrian to be her first man? 
She wonders how König would react if she told him he’s too big for her.
Would he try to change her mind? Would he have a meltdown? 
Would he cry…? 
She doubts if this man ever cries. The last time a brutal soldier like him shed tears was probably when he was a kid. But he did look like he was about to cry that one time when she booped his nose... 
And despite being a cold-blooded soldier and somewhat awkward at times, König has always been so, so delicate with her. He's tender even now, touching her with the gentlest avarice there is. But that searing stare wants to possess her, devour her, and it makes her bite her lip nearly to the point of drawing blood.
"Sit on my face?" he offers next, this time sounding so desperate it's almost pathetic. 
Sit on his face… 
What would he even do? Lick her? Try to push his tongue inside her while finishing himself?
The thought alone makes her mess up her rhythm again and causes her pussy to pulse more wetness on his fingers. She secretly hopes he would slip at least one of those fingers inside.
"Let me see your cunt," he begs. God – this giant mercenary is begging to see her poor, aching pussy. "Just… let me at least taste you–"
She can’t even reply before the hand between her legs gives a sudden twitch and stops those delicious rubs. Actually, his whole body is going rigid. 
"König…? Am I hurting you?"
"I'm–gonna cum…" 
Oh god.
Oh god ohgod-
She's not sure what gives her more of a fright: the sound that leaves her soldier boyfriend as he cums, or the bright, hot flash of liquid that shoots from the cock in her hand.
He groans like it’s torture. Long and hard, so loud that she’s sure other people can hear it in the neighboring rooms, perhaps even further than that. There’s one, two, three spurts of thick, hot liquid, after that, she loses count because it spills to coat his stomach, it runs down her hand, and she’s pumping him in a frenzy while he just keeps on moaning.
"Slow, slow down–" he tries to groan in the middle of his climax and she obeys immediately, reveling in how his cock still throbs in her hand when she finally stops moving altogether. More cum gushes out with every strong pulse, even if the eruptions are less violent. Ropes of it already cover his abs, it coats her hand with thick film – it's far more than she would ever have expected, and a shiver goes through her as she imagines what it must feel like to take all of that semen inside her… 
"Ah… Das war wirklich…" König sighs dreamily while she must be looking like a startled deer.
Yes, that was really something… She doesn’t know what to do with his cock, or her hand, or the mess that coats half his body.
Luckily, he instructs her to take his old shirt from the floor and clean herself with it. She cleans him with it too, dabs the black t-shirt over his muscled stomach, even tries to swipe his crotch with it as gently as she can. 
König looks happier by the minute, looks at her like she’s an angel or something, and when she fully commits herself to getting him cleaned up, he gets another erection. She’s quite horrified – how is this even possible…? She thought men would need at least hours to get it back up again.
"Come on top," he offers, sounding all but seductive with that commanding tone. 
She swallows, thinking if König wants to be a "gentleman" and finish her too. With his tongue... or something else.
"Just for a hug? We don't have to put it in."
She seems to be under some spell tonight, because she simply drops the poor, cum-stained shirt back on the floor and crawls to the bed and on top of him.
König is hot and lean as she presses herself against him, her thighs now straddling the intimidating thing between his legs. Her head falls right beside his mask-covered face, and the smell of guns and fuel and sweat is prominent there, as is his natural odor, the woodland musk she has grown so fond of.
"There we go," his arms go around her waist, pressing her tighter against him. There’s no escape now, she thinks, but like always with König, she eventually softens and relaxes, molds against him… Accepts her fate.
"You did well, Meine Liebe," he even caresses her head as she slowly melts into his hold. "I’m sorry if I frightened you. Will you forgive me?"
"Um, of course."
"A gentleman should always apologize if he has upset his lady. Do you agree?"
"Uh… Yes."
"I promise to be a good man. The best man you could ever hope for."
She bites her lip as König continues to caress her. She’s far from upset, but she doesn’t want to tell him that and excite him too much. Otherwise he might end up hurting himself. He hugs her tight, and seems to have calmed down more than ever.
Is this what an orgasm does to a man...? The change is drastic, and her lover feels warm, and tender, and inviting. He even whispers more promises on her skin. They're nonsensical but gentle, König is probably trying to be romantic, but she can feel how his breaths grow heavier as time goes on. After all, they're both naked, pressed tightly together, closer than ever before, and he's having an erection again...
She tries not to shiver at the things he tells her. The husky promises of love and protection: "You are mine now, ja? Don’t be afraid. I would never hurt you. I will always keep you safe." And then, "You’re still wet, mein Mädchen… How about we practice just a little bit? We'll do it slow. Ja? I will make you moan…"
He coos those things in her ear while holding her in place for his cock. She starts to move on her own accord; it’s like her hips have their own will. Soon, her entrance meets the tip of him, still hot and bulged, and she starts to grind against it with barely restrained greed. She is wet – wetter than ever. 
König curses multiple times under his breath, and she feels so, so filthy for loving how unhinged he is, how unhinged she is – spread wide on top of him like that, trying to get off of the faintest touch of his cock. She’s so soaked that the hot tip of him glides across her folds with no effort at all. 
She feels like she’s doing something forbidden, taking her pleasure from him like that, but König doesn’t seem to know what the word filthy even means. He keeps praising her, guiding her, helping her, telling her how good she feels, that she’s doing so, so well.
Soon, he’s asking to put it in – just the tip. 
She tries her best not to sound too needy as she breathes a soft, mousy "Yes."
"How does that feel?"
He’s panting, few inches of thick cock inside her, and she thinks, did she just lose her virginity? Is this it? Why isn’t it hurting?
“You like that, hmm?”
He feels so, so good, pressing her against him, spreading her legs with his own, trying to feed more of that marvelous thickness inside. It doesn’t hurt, at least not yet. It makes her dizzy to even think what she must be looking like, with her legs spread and a huge cock partly inside her.
She should say something… What was it that he asked? Oh yes, if she likes it. She more than just likes it, and tries to push herself down to get more of him in. König reacts immediately with a ton of praise leveled at her in the softest possible way.
“That's it, that's it, pretty girl, take it in…”
Him cheering her on like that only makes her decide that it’s time to let go and let go for good. But she can’t get him in by herself, not while he’s holding her a prisoner like this.
"More… König, please," she hears herself whimper. 
God, is this all it took...? Him holding her close and letting her find the joys of sex herself? Apparently so, because he sounds goddamn smug when he turns his head to rasp more needy, throaty things in her ear.
"Ah… Knew you'd beg for it… "
His voice makes her inner walls clamp down on him, and that’s when it hurts, but only slightly. She wants him so much that it’s painful. And König… God, he keeps on showering her with praises and promises.
"I'll show you how good it can be… That's it, let me hear you. It's a good cock, ja? Good cock for a pretty girl…"
It’s not even fully in before he starts the thrusts. That’s when she knows she has lost her virginity. She’s being plunged. Not taken… Just… loved, thoroughly and deeply. 
When she moans, finally sounds as filthy as can be, he tells her how tight she is. How good she feels. He says he’s going to cum again soon. But not before her…
He doesn’t need to instruct her to rub her clit on his pelvis in rhythm with the thrusts. She is smart enough to do that by herself. And the thoughts of This is it, I’m not a virgin anymore have turned into Is it possible to cum on your first time…?
Everything’s perfect, all things considered. But there’s something missing.
"König," she swallows arduously. "I’ve never been kissed... Would you– Could you…?"
He stops moving, releases his hold a little. A strong heart is hammering inside his chest, she can feel it against her own fluttering heartbeat. 
Is it stupid of her to ask…? Will he only laugh at her for being so sentimental?
Apparently no, because it’s the warmest possible command that surrounds her this time.
"Lift the mask, angel."
By the time their lips meet, both hesitant and needy, he's fully inside her and holding her like a mountain. She feels like she's in a fairytale now: the only thing that moves is his mouth, and hers. Theirs is a slow, hungry rhythm. 
Her first kiss is not only awkwardly romantic and sweet, it’s sinfully good. 
The kiss also does things she did not expect. Her pussy goes tight around him, so tight that a whimper or two escape her nose, and König only purrs – she feels like the softest little creature in the embrace of a lean jaguar.
And she thinks… 
Why on earth didn't they do this months ago?
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sixosix · 1 year
Hi! I'm on a sae brainrot lately it's gonna consume me and your fics are soo good😫 can I req a sae with reader in love with him despite being friends with rin, I just love the idea of rin being annoyed with the two of them giving each other heart eyes when reader comes over to their house, thank you sooo much!
think of this as an au where the itoshi brothers aren’t as insane and strained ur welcome ALSO ANON HELPP this idea is so funny
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rin doesn’t consider himself as someone who has homicidal urges. on a good day, at least.
but you are making it harder and harder not to just strangle you and yell out strings of profanity whenever you sigh dreamily over his brother.
his big brother, of all people. rin knows that he and sae are pretty popular, but for his best friend to be head over heels for his brother when you should be immune to the itoshi bloodline is a bit absurd.
“it’s the best friend’s brother thing,” bachira said. rin has no idea what that means, but apparently, it’s when people go crazy over the best friend’s brother. rin hopes that none of sae’s friends are giving him the same googly eyes you do whenever sae passes by—that would be horrifying.
“he’s so handsome,” you explained to him when he asked why you are so obsessed with his brother in blood. “so—! just soo fucking—” and then rin asked you to not finish that sentence because he might have to damage his eardrums by hand if you continue.
that’s not even the worst part, no.
a normal person (like rin) would think that, okay, pining isn’t that bad. crushes are normal. my friend’s weird obsession with wanting to kiss my brother stupid is normal, maybe. but no. it’s not that easy. rin cannot just coax you to move on or force to imply anything in case sae hunts him down.
because his big brother, itoshi sae, is in love with you.
rin doesn’t know when— how it started. he just found out when you had to come up to rin to ask for something and left like a frightened deer, and sae, dead-inside, doesn’t-give-a-fuck-about-you sae, kept staring at you until you were out of sight. there was a smile on his face—a fond one, if that makes it any better.
(it does not. rin didn’t even know what to say at this point. his hands are itching.)
“that’s just a little brother thing,” shidou remarked once when rin lamented about his worrying urge to throttle you and sae simultaneously. rin understands that one, at least.
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you have to come over today.
it’s not a big deal since you’ve come to his room to hang out before. it’s not always voluntary on rin’s part; you just appear out of nowhere, carrying pillows and about three blankets, materializing out of nowhere and onto his doorstep.
the difference is that his brother is back in japan, and you’re coming over today.
why is this a problem?
well, for starters: rin is not fond of seeing you make a fool of yourself and cry about it to him later on. he sleeps through it, usually, but you smack his head when you meet again, and he is afraid he might get brain damage soon.
second, rin only stays in his room, so it is where you follow. if the time comes you leave, sae will interrogate the hell out of him and give the coldest glares out of sheer jealousy. rin cannot be bothered to explain that no, he doesn’t like you that way, and sae is free to take you.
he doesn’t want to expose you like that, though. he is not that much of an asshole. as horrible and hilarious it is to watch you trip over yourself to see him, rin knows you genuinely like sae.
rin sees it in the way you smile helplessly whenever anyone mentions him, and rin can tell that it’s serious. you’re still his friend; he still cares about how this will work out for you.
“rin, i’m telling you,” you say, and in your excitement—or hysteria, really—you fail to notice that your voice is terribly loud. “shidou is out to get me. i have nightmares about him hunting me down because i beat him four times. he has a bat with nails on it.”
“let him win, then,” rin deadpans.
although it is his house, he’s the one trailing after you. mostly to make sure you don’t eat all the ice cream. again.
“i can’t lose to shidou, rin. that’s a stain on my resume.”
“then don’t dream about shidou with a bat with nails on it.”
“you’re the life of the party, itoshi.”
you yelp as you turn into a sharp corner on the way to his room. rin blinks at the sound and visibly deflates when he realizes who you’ve crashed into. he holds back a groan, knowing precisely what’s coming next.
cue: romantic guitar, doves flying, bells ringing.
“y/n,” sae says, holding you up by the shoulders.
“...sae,” you reply, belatedly. and then proceed to gape at him as if you forgot that he is rin’s brother and they live together for that reason.
“nii-chan,” rin says, too, because he really is not in the mood to witness this.
sae blinks up at rin. “where are you two going?”
rin hesitates. “my room.” you’re still steaming because sae is still holding you.
sae narrows his eyes.
“y-you can join us!” you blabber, refusing to meet sae’s eyes—which is horrible, really, because if you just took a single glance at sae, you’d see how his eyes softened impossibly.
“don’t say that.” rin scowls. he already has it rough having one lovesick freak in his room; he is not fit to handle two simultaneously, for each other, too.
“i’ll join,” sae decides instantly, staring right at you. rin wants to throw his hands in the air. “what did you say about shidou?”
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thx for reading i had too much fun w this LMFAOOO
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kirameliaoustern · 4 months
Boston Chris
Summary: Chris and y/n have been dating since they were 15teen. Everything was fine but what happens when Chris starts to loose focus after he gets VERY famous with his YouTube career….
Chris sturniolo x reader, slight Vinnie Hacker x reader
Long As hell, sorry bout that, ANGST & fluff
Link to part two at the bottom
Not prof read!
“Nick, Matt and I have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel” Chris says with his arm around y/n’s shoulder and her head resting on his chest.”I know we probably won’t make a living out of it but we think it would be fun, I mean you always say it’s hilarious when we three are fighting so….”
“Really?” Y/n looked surprised. “It was just an idea I know it’s sounds silly but-“ “I think that’s a great Idea” she cut his rambling of sensing he was getting nervous.
“You guys are super funny and not just I think that. Nate and Ahlana are always laughing their ass of too so why not let the whole word have the enjoyment.”
Chris smiles looking at her. “It will be just for fun anyways, it’s not like we’re gonna be something” he says shaking his head.
“No stop that. You guys will probably become super famous I know it” y/n says as she starts laughing “the girls are gonna go crazy for you- now you stop” chris tries to cut her off as he starts laughing too and getting red in the face.
“No it’s the truth -y/n” he tries again.
“I’m serious, gonna have to compete with all the pretty girls who are gonna love you.” She jokes around smiling.
He turns his head, still smiling like an idiot and turns her around so he’s hovering over her. Her smile vanishes at his sudden move.
“No one could EVER compete with you my love. You’re the only one for me.” He says looking deep into her eyes. No sights of joking is seen in his expression. “I love you, y/n”
She starts smiling shyly
and she believed him, she really did. She thought nothing would ever come between them….
“I love you Chris.” She leans up, closes her eyes and they share a slow, loving kiss.
“Did you just call me love?” She says in a joking tone against his lips, eyes still closed.
“Shut up” he whisper with a faint smile on his lips as he leans down to kiss her again.
“You’re so corny” pulling always slightly
“You love me” leaning down again
“Doesn’t make you any less corny. You know for someone who claims he hates all this corny stuff yo-
“Shut up so I can kiss you y/n” looking into her eyes with a bright smile on his lips.
“If you insist, my love.” She says while leaning up to reach his lips with emphasis of my love just to tease him.
“You’re unbelievable” it’s the last thing that leaves his lips before he engulfs them with hers again.
Sitting on her couch y/n hears knocking on her door. She knows its Chris. She practically runs to her front door with the biggest smile on her lips.
“Hey you” Chris says as she opens the door with the same smile grazing his lips.
“What is this?” Glancing down at the bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Oh you know these are for the old man that lives beside you but he wasn’t home so could you give these to him?” He hands them to her.
“Ah yeah so you mean him when you say ‘for the most beautiful girl in the world’?” She says jokingly looking up at him as she reads the card that lays between the flowers.
“Absolutely, have you seen him? He’s very sexy. And we have this whole role playing thing going on where he’s the nice school girl and I am the strict teacher and when I come we-
“CHRIS” y/n cuts him off laughing
“They are for you obviously dummy.”
“Thank you” kissing his cheek.
They go inside as chris closes the door and y/n goes to find a vase for the flowers.
She’s about to put flowers in the vase that she filled with water just seconds ago as she feels Chris arms sneak around her waist and his face nuzzling in her neck.
It tickles as she lets out giggles
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
She smiles reaching her hand out behind her to scrap her nails on the back of his neck.
“Everyday Chris.” She says softly
“That’s no enough. You’re beautiful, beautiful so beauti-
“Okay okay okay, what has gotten you in such a happy mood? Not that I’m complaining.” Y/n wonders out loud, Turning around in his arms to face him.
“We just uploaded our first videos yesterday” he answers with the most exciting look in his eyes.
“Really.” Y/n jumps matching his excitement.
“Yeah and I know it doesn’t have a lot of views but the comments we received are so positive and it was so fun making it.”
“I’m happy for you chris. I knew they would love you. Maybe not as much as I do but still.” Letting out a slight chuckle as he caress his cheek.
“You’re love is the only one I need.” He says leaning down to kiss her.
“Okay so I was thinking a long knee short blue dress, but a light blue, and some white converse. I don’t know who it way to do my hair yet so.” Y/n told Nick as they were walking on their way to the Sturniolo household.
It was early April and currently talking about what they were gonna wear to their high school graduation.
“Oh yeah that would look so pretty. Blue is definitely your color bro.” Nick answers.
“Yes right, that’s what I am saying. Anyways back to you. What are you going to wear?”
“I was thinking about a Black suit but I want a special touch to it”
“I know what you mean. Do have any ideas yet?”
“No, something colorful for sure.”
“Mhm.. how about a little pink. Pink and black look good together and for sure are gonna look good on you”
“Oh stop it you’re gonna make me blush.” Nick jokingly takes an imaginary hair in his hands and puts it behind his ear, acting like a little school girl in love.
Y/n laughs at his actions as she took a sip of her iced coffe
“But seriously dude how about..” she trails off
“Wait I got it, a pink tie” nick yells slightly
“That would look so cool nick.” Y/n exclaims cheerfully.
“Did you tell Chris what dress you’re going to wear?” Nick turn to y/n.
“Nope. It’s a surprise. I hope he will like it.” She admits with shyness.
“Are you kidding me? That guy ist like crazy about you. I means seriously the amount of times he talks about you, don’t get me wrong I love you but damn he find a way to bring you up in every conversation. He would find you beautiful in a trash bag and frizzy hair girl.” The girl blushes at his words.
“What can I say, I’m just a in love with him. Probably even more.”
“Alright gross…. But in all seriousness I’m happy for you guys. You are the perfect couple. High school sweethearts.”
“I can’t believe we are already two year together. I can’t imagine ever being with someone else.”
“Okay future sister in law it’s starting to rain. Let’s hurry.”
“Race ya nick.” She yells as she’s running off
2021 May
“10K BABY” y/n hears Chris yelling through the house as she enters the Sturniolo household.
“You’re here.” He’s still yelling as he sees her. Running up to her, picking her and twirling her around.
“Wow chris I missed you too.” Y/n says chucking full of happiness.
“Did you see it?” He looks at her excitingly, all giddy.
“Yea but I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard you.”
“A they should.” Chris leans down kissing her passionately.
“Chris let the girl breath, jeez” nick blurts as he enters the room.
“alright, alright you need to see the cake we baked to celebrate, the other will come soon but I really need to use the toilette I drank like 3 cans of Pepsi out of happiness sooo suit yourself.” Chris yells already running in the direction of the toilette.
Nick just rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless at his brothers happiness
Y/n walks in the kitchen and sees Matt sitting at the table on his phone
“Sup matty boy” she calls out cheerfully to him
“What’s up y/n/n” matt looks up from his phone smiling at her, dabbing her up.
“Not much but I heard 10k people are up your ass.” Y/n says with a warm smile sitting down beside him
“Yeah it’s crazy, I never thought so many people would enjoy our videos.” Matt says running his hand nervously through his hair. “Can I tell you something tho?” He adds.
“Of course matt. Shoot.”
“Don’t get me wrong I love all of this but, ..but what if this all goes down?” He admits. “I mean now it’s great and the people are mostly nice but there comes also more pressure what if someday they turn against us? Nick and Chris are super happy and I am too but I’m scared that it will not end well. So many people lose themselves in the fame and I know 10k is not titled as famous but we growth really fast the last few weeks and if it goes on like this people will notice us and that’s great but then they expect things from us and we will disappoint them then they start too-“
“Okay Matt stop. You worry to much.” Y/n cut him off knowing he tends to start rambling when he panics.
“It’s gonna be okay. Look let’s say it goes downhill, what’s not gonna happen, you still have all of us. Nick, Chris, Alahna, Nate-“
“Don’t forget to add you.”
“Yeah of course I’m gonna be there. But they only gonna love you. You won’t need us i’m sure it’s overwhelming right now but it’s gonna be okay. You can’t influence how people think but that’s not your responsibility. Just be you and it’s gonna work out.” She sends him a warm smile his way.
He reciprocates her smile as he’s about to respond he gets cut off by alahna who just walked through the door.
“Alright my best friends just reached 10k followers and I heard the cake is ready so what are we waiting for” alahna practically yelled as she enters the kitchen with Nate right behind.
“That’s right let’s get stared. CHRIS” nick came back and screamed for Chris.
“I’M COMMING MAN DONT RUSH ME BRO” he replied while running up the stairs.
“Congratulations bro” Nate comes dabbing Chris up, than Matt than Nick
“Thanks, means a lot.”
As Matt got ready to start cutting y/n feels a pair of arm hugging her around her waist with a head resting on her shoulder.
“hi” Chris whispers in hear ear “I’m glad you’re here” kissing her cheek he focused back on Matt.
2021 July
“Oh my gosh you look so pretty girl” y/n turns around as she hears alahna entering her bedroom.
“Oh absolutely, Chris is going to drool babe” she replies while y/n lets out a chuckle. She stares a moment at the picture of Chris and her on her nightstand table.
The pictures was take at their one year anniversary. Chris looked at her while she laughed with her eyes closed.
She really hoped he will like her dress
“But enough about me you look so so so beautiful” the girl turns around and grabs alahnas hands and admires her
“Stop i’m getting red” she blushes
They both chuckled at each other as y/n’s mom began to yell
“The boys are here, come down girls I wanna get pictures.”
“Are you ready?” Alahna turns to y/n
“I think so, I can’t wait to be out of high school.” Y/n replies
“Okay I go first, I wanna capture Chris face when he sees you in this pretty, hot dress” she winks at y/n
“ALAHNA” y/n starts chuckling at her friends choice of words.
As Alahna walked downstairs she heard their boys greet her and she looks at herself in the mirror one more time before she starts heading downstairs too.
“Oh my god” she immediately heat Chris voice and she began smiling. Oh how much she loves him.
“You look stunning I can’t even- wow.” Chris says breathless
“Alright Chris we all see that the girls look beautiful but get yourself together man.” Matt says while letting out a giggle at Chris’s reaction.
“Alright guys now I wanna take pictures.” Y/n’s mom exclaims excitingly.
“You’re really are the most beautiful girl in the world.” Chris whispers in the girls ear so only she could hear him as they get ready to take pictures.
After spending 15 minutes on taking photos some with all of them, some with only the girls then only the guys and hundred of couple photos of y/n and Chris they finally made their way to their graduation.
Almost being late
It was now 8:46 pm and the group of friends were sitting outside the triplets house eating take out form mc donalds and reminiscing about their high school time now that they graduated just a few hours ago.
“Yeah I hated it most of the times but you guys made it special, well sometimes.” Nate said as the rest of them startet to laugh
“Okay I’ll be right back but I really need to get out of this uncomfortable dress.” Y/n’s while standing up, heading into Chris’s room where her spare and comfy clothes were.
Right as she pulled her Chris’s
Mac Miller t-Shirt over her head, her eyes fell on the photo on Chris’s wall of him, Matt, Nate, Nick, Alahna and her. The last day before they were about to start high school.
It feels like an eternity has gone by since the photo was taken. So much has happened in these years.
She didn’t notice Chris comming after her. He is leaning against the doorway just admiring her with the ghost of a smile on his lips.
He was so happy to have her. His girl. He couldn’t wait to start spending the rest of his days with her.
“What are you thinking about?”
She jumps at the sound of his voice
“Jesus Chris you scarred me” she said putting the photo on his bed.
“I’m sorry” he said lightly chuckling at her reaction “didn’t mean to” he add while slowly making his way over to her as they both sit down on his bed
“It’s crazy. High school is over. Can you believe that? The rest of our live is starting now.” Y/n said out of nowhere
“Yeah I can’t really realize it at the moment.” He answers
“I don’t know what happens next.” The girl admits
“None of us does”
“Ya but what if we mess this up”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean now it’s getting serious. There will be challenges and the real live and the pressure and all this-“
“Slow down love, you’re not alone. We’re in this together” Chris places his hand over y/n’s and started squeezing it “you and me.”
“Because in the end you and me is only thing I’m never going to doubt.” He finishes
“But what if we end up being shitty at this whole adult thing and end up living a sad live?”
“If we are together it’s not a sad live. Us, is more than enough, more than I ever need. As long as I have you I am happy.” Chris reassures her. “You’re it for me.”
“And you’re it for me Chris.”
They smile at each other and lean in to share a loving kiss.
Rolling his eyes he replies “COMING GIVE US A SECOND”
“I love them but they have bad timing.” The girl chuckles at that.
“Ready to get your ass beat?” She answers instead with as mischievous smile.
“We’ll see about that my dear.” He says in return, grabbing her hand and rushing down.
Summer 2021
Chris and his brothers are currently in LA for the first time
In coming call y/n <3
Chris sees his phone light up and immediately starts smiling seeing y/n’s name pop up on his screen.
“Hey LA boy”
The boy chuckles at that
“Hey, how are you?”
“Nothing just hanging out with alahna the whole day and complaining about not seeing my boyfriend”
“Thinking about me?” He’s asking, a teasing smile grazing his lips
“Oh all the time dear”
Another chuckle
“How is LA?”
“Amazing, it’s so different you have now idea. I really wish you were, you would love it here”
“That sounds great, I’m glad you like it”
“Yeah, I miss you though”
“I miss you too Chris”
After talking for another 15 minutes Chris heard Nick yelling at him to get ready that they going out
“Alright my love I need to go but I’ll call you tomorrow”
“Okay, I love you”
Chris smiles at the sincerity in her voice
“I love you more”
2021 November
Winter is about to arrive and y/n couldn’t be happier. She is going to see Chris again after 2 weeks of not seeing him.
In those 4 months after graduation a lot has changed.
Y/n is enjoying her gap year and travels a lot to get inspiration. She want to study Fashion next year. She met a girl named Lia in New York and they get along really well.
Chris was or is really busy. His career started to get big a few weeks ago. They even have a manager now, Laura and her daughter Madi.
Madi and y/n got really close due ind Chris bringing her to LA a few time and the always hung out for some girls time.
Madi updates y/n often and acts annoying that Chris is talking nonstop about the girl but she secretly finds it adorable.
For the holidays they alle celebrate in Boston and she can’t wait to see him again.
He will arrive in 3 days. December first an the staying til new years.
“Are you nervous” Nick asks Chris as they were sitting beside each other on their plane to Boston.
“I just CANT wait to see y/n again. I never thought I would miss her that much.” The boy answers looking dawn at his lap.
“I’m pretty sure she misses you just as much.” Matt chimes in. “You guys are crazy for each other. I’m surprised you even survived a week without another” he adds.
“What did you got her for Christmas?” Nick ask.
“I read her favorite book but I wrote down something nice that made me fall in love with her on every page.”
“YOU READ A BOOK?” Matt almost screams
“Just up dude.”
December first 2021
Knock knock’
“COMING” y/n screamed excitedly as she makes a run for the door. She knew exactly who it was, her favourite boy-
“Chris” she breaths out as a huge smiles takes over her face.
“Hey ma” Chris replies with the same smile on his lips.
For a moment they just stand there staring at one another. They haven’t seen each other for weeks and it was as if time stopped now that they were together again.
“Äh, I’m sorry come in” the girl let out a light chuckle as she walks in the living room. Chris following after he took his shoes off.
As Chris approaches y/n they both could sense how nervous the other was. Y/n smiles shyly and walks over to Chris, who returns the smile and engulfs her in a big hug.
Y/n buries her head in his chest and inhales his scent as Chris lays his head on top of hers an closes his eyes. For a while they just stood like that, enjoying each others company after not being able to do so for a long time.
“Hi” Chris whispers quietly in her ear.
“Hi” y/n says back in the same tone.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I’m glad you’re back home.”
“You’re my home.”
“Corny” she lets out with a teasing smile while her head is still buried in his chest but he could feel her grin and lets out a chuckle
“Unbelievable” and the Ice broke….
A few hours later they were cuddling in y/n bed just talking about everything
His phone lights up a few times signalling someone was clearly messaging him
“Chris you should check who it is.”
“Nah” The boy took his phone and turned it off “ My time with you is more important than anything else.” He finishes.
She smiles at that.
No matter how much was going on in his life, he always made time for her, always made sure she never felt left out in his live and as long as he did that she knew they were going to be okay.
A few days later
Y/n and Chris were cuddling in her bedroom talking about the next steps that were ahead of them in the following year.
“Yeah that will be awesome and I will -“
Ring Ring
Chris phone.
“I’m sorry ma, I gotta take this one.” He apologises while standing up. It was their manager who has been non stop calling him and his brothers.
Y/n understands this but that doesn’t mean she didn’t find it annoying.
“It’s okay, I know it’s important” she says as Chris leans down to kiss her head then walking out and accepting the call.
Y/n noticed that Chris was Stressed the last few days, it’s all still so new to him. Being known now and recognised, having to talk to important people and having to be available all the time. She catches him sometimes not really being with her instead being in his head about other things.
She wishes she could take some pressure off of him or help him in any way she just doesn’t know how….
2022 June
10am Los Angelos CA - 01pm Boston MA
“And then they said I had potential can you believe that?”
Y/n was currently on a phone call with Chris. He is in LA again for the 4th time this year. She wonders what’s so great about LA that they are so often there.
“Don’t talk down on yourself love, I knew they would love you when they see you.” The boy on the other side of the phone replies.
“Yeah but it’s so crazy. If I play my cards right I could really do something big there. Lia said she has a free room in her apartment in New York and for the time that I’m working at Vogue I could stay with her. They were all so nice. This could be the Chance for me. Do you think this is too soon tho?” She questions him.
“What, oh no yeah that is great ma” he answers but she could hear he didn’t knew what she was talking about. She didn’t blame him, she knew he was super busy with work at the moment, I mean they barely seen each other yeah even talk with each other the last 4 weeks.
“I didn’t even told you the best part yet, you will never guess what happened next.”
“Baby can I call you later? Laura just texted and Nick and Matt want to film later.” The boy ask in an apologising tone.
“Yeah no problem love.” She replies.
“You’re the best, kiss I’ll call you I promise”
“Alright love you”
“Love you too”
02am Boston MA - 11pm Los Angelos CA
She waited, The call never came.
09am Boston MA - the next day
From Chris ❤️: I’m sorry baby it got late last night, let’s call later, kiss
Send 09:12am
From Y/n <3: no worries
Send 04:28pm
2022 September
“You look gorgeous” Lia said as she saw what y/n was wearing for her date with Chris tonight.
“Are u sure? Shouldn’t I’ll be wearing something… I don’t know something more revealing?” She questioned with uncertainty in her voice.
“No, wear what you feel comfortable with. Chris will find you beautiful in everything.” Lia answered.
“Yeah but he’s taking me out to this fancy restaurant, I don’t know if this is the right fit.”
“You’re Crazy, do you feel pretty?”
“Then wear it.”
Y/n decided to listen to her. She and Chris haven’t seen each other the last month and phone calls were 10 minutes long maximum. She wanted this date to be perfect and for Chris to find her stunning.
A few hours later
Y/n drove to the restaurant. Chris and her agreed to met there since Chris had a meeting right before the date and it would be easier this way.
As Chris saw her car pull into park he made his way to the driver side and opened the door for her.
Taking his hand y/n stepped out as Chris admired her.
“You look beautiful y/n”
“Thank you” y/n blushes
As they sat down and ordered their food y/n began to feel nervous. They haven’t talked properly in weeks and now that they finally had the time to it felt weird. She didn’t liked this. Things never felt weird with Chris that what she loved about their relationship, she could say anything or nothing at all and it still wouldn’t feel weird.
Not it seems like things were different.
“So… how have you been?” How have you been????
Why did she asked that? He’s her boyfriend. She should’ve know how he is and what’s going on in his life.
“Uhm great yeah, business runs as good as ever and I’ll already met such cool people and the fans, Oh and the places we went to were amazing.” She could tell he also felt weird but she didn’t wanted to address it.
After a little small talk they began to get back to normal. Although it did bother her how often Chris went on his phone to message somebody or looked at something she could make out.
Sometimes he didn’t even notice when she stopped talking.
She didn’t say anything
“Lia said they found it amazing but I thought they looked like they’re expected to..” y/n stopped talking.
“Mhm” Chris hummed in agreement. Looking up from his phone for a second then back down. He didn’t even notice her not finishing her sentence.
“Sorry love, but you know how it is.” Chris tries to reassure her with an apologetic smile grazing his lips.
“But hey are you free next Friday?” She asked curiously.
“Yeah, why?” The boy answers putting his phone back in his pocket.
“They hosting a party for me as a sign of appreciation, I’m gonna hold a speech and everything and I would really look forward if you would come.” She asked
“Of course sweetheart. If you want me there I will be. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He said with a smile putting his hand over hers and squeezing it.
She returns his smile and it feels as if they were finally going back to how they were.
Next Friday, 05:48pm
“Excited?” Lia asked.
“You have no idea” y/n let’s out breathless. “I never talked infront or so many people before. I hope Chris gets here soon. He’s was supposed to be here at 05:30, that was almost 20 minutes ago.”
“He’s probably on his way and you’ll do great, I know you will.” She sends y/n are reassuring smile.
Y/n tries to return it but as she sees how many more people are just walking in the more nervous she gets and the smile falters.
“Stop worrying.” Lia tries one more time.
She would have to start in 12 minutes.
Y/n appreciate it, she really does but right now she just wishes for Chris to be here.
Chris ❤️
From Chris: Can’t wait to see you later 💋
Seen 01:22 pm
Y/n: Me either, I’m so nervous
From Chris: You don’t have to be. I know you and I’ll be there the whole time if anything goes wrong, what won’t happen, I’ll help you ❤️
Seen: 01:26 am
Y/n: Thanks. I know I will feel better if you are there ❤️
From Chris: ofc love, see you there
Y/n: see you there, kiss
Seen: 01:28 pm
Y/n: hey are you on your way? ❤️
Delivered: 05:34pm
Y/n: text me when you’re outside ❤️
Delivered: 05:38 pm
Y/n: Chris?
Delivered: 05:42 pm
Y/n: it’s about to start where are?
Delivered: 05:51 pm
Y/n: Chris come on
Delivered: 05:55 pm
Y/n: I really need you here please just answer me
Delivered: 05:57 pm
“Y/n you’re turn.” Lia informed her.
Y/n took a deep breath, shook her hands out and got up.
She felt sick to her stomach
The whole time her eyes searched the crown for one particular of blue yes…
They never showed up.
Earlier 04:05 pm
“Wow, for what have u dresses up so well?” Matt asks as he sees Chris putting much effort in his outfit.
“Y/n has this event tonight and as the hood boyfriend I am, I’m gonna support her.” The boy answers.
“Wait, tonight?!” Nick ask from the livingroom as he heard his brothers conversations.
“Äh yeah.. why?”
“It’s just Larry, Nailea, Arlington, Madison beer, Josh richards, Vinnie hacker, Jack wright (and other famous tiktoker, I’m sorry Idk a lot of them so just imagin) are coming over later to hang out ans I thought it would be the best if we three were there.” Nick answers.
“Tonight?! Oh man I really wish I could be there.” Chris replies.
“Can you really not come?” Matt chimes in.
“Sorry bro I promised her and u know her, she is super nervous and needs me there. I can’t let her hang it’s like I’ve barely saw her the last weeks and I miss her. You guys will be okay for one night without me.” The boy states.
“Yeah I guess.”
04:21 pm
Ding dang dong
Nick opens the door to their friends and greets madison and Nailea.
Chris had a few minutes left before he had to go so he took part in the conversation with his brother and the girls.
A little bit later Arrington and Larray showed up and after them Jack and Vinnie and the 9 of them ate the pizza jack and Vinnie brought with them.
“What time is it?” Chris asks
“Uhm… 04:52 pm” Jack answers his questions.
“Oh shit” Chris stands up “I need to go i a few” as he’s about to stand up Larray ask
“You’re going out?”
“Yeah, my girlfriend has this thing tonight.” The brunette boy response
“That’s why you’re dressed so well? I thought it was for the Party at the hype house” madison pipes up
“We’re invited? There are all the big influencers and important people.” Matt says
“Yeah we thought it will be cool if we could go.” Nailea adds
“..I’m sorry guys.” Chris response
As he was about to go to his room and take his phone to he meet y/n he was stopped by Arlington and Matt.
“Chris bro listen to me we need to go there tonight.” Matt shook his shoulders.
“Yeah man you know how many connections you guys would get.” The other boy says
“I can’t let y/n down guys. She counts on me.”
“Just this time. She’ll understand.”
Chris doesn’t know what to do. He knows he should be there for his girlfriend but this is such a big opportunity for not only him but his brothers as well.
“Alright.” Swallowing his guilt he goes back downstairs.
Totally forgetting his phone.
The next morning
Chris woke up late. It was currently 02:14 pm and the sun shone through his window.
He was rolling over to get his phone and his heart dropped at what he saw.
6 missed calls from y/n <3
9 missen texts from y/n <3
He tries calling her but to no avail. It’s was going straight to voicemail.
Earlier that day
Y/n was still sad at he fact that Chris basically stood her up on a night where she really needed him.
At first she was worried last night, thinking something bad had happened because he would just ghost her right?
As she saw Chris at the Party at the hypes house on Matts story.
To say she was mad was and understatement she could understand how her sweet, longing Chris ditched her for a party.
She shut phone off and tried not to think to much about it or she would burst out in tears.
A while later she heard knocking on her door. It was early in the afternoon and she was reading on of her books.
Standing up, waking to the door she wasn’t surprised seeing Chris standing on her doorstep.
He looked disheveled and had a guilty look on his face. At least something.
“Y/n” he breathed out “let me explain”
“I don’t wanna hear it Chris” she didn’t sound angry or upset but more so tired and disappointed. He hated it.
“Please can I come in?”
She didn’t answer him instead opened the door wider and walker back inside. He Follower her suit.
“Look I wanted to come, I really did. You know I was getting ready and had dressed up nice for you then Nick told me he invited Larray, Vinnie and all those other people and I thought ‘okay cool just hang with them for a bit and then go to y/n’ because I had some time left before I needed to go yk.” She just looked at him with her puppy eyes.
“Anyways as I was about to go madison mentioned the Party hosting at the hype house and I was like damn I have to miss it cause I can’t let you down but then Arrington and Matt came to me they begged me to go with them and made clear what a chance this would be not only for me but for Nick and Matt so I was like okay do it for them y/n would understand.” He finishes
She stayed silent
“And you couldn’t answer your phone?” She asked quietly
“I forgot it at home. Listen to me” he came over to her and her hands in his to pull her closer “I’m so sorry I just wanted to do them right and I knew you would be fantastic and I know I should have called you or anything but you know this is all knew to me and I just don’t want to miss any opportunity.”
The girl was still mad or more sad that he didn’t even think to call her and just forget her the moment he heard that those “famous” people were throwing a party but she didn’t wanna fight him.
Everyone makes mistakes.
She kissed his cheek and smiled sadly
Februar 2023
Y/n just woke up in Chris bed, in his arms. The pair was cuddling and just enjoying each others company.
“You smell really good” Chris says while nuzzling his head in y/n chest. She was spooning him with his head on her chest and he could feel her chest moving as she laughed at his comment.
That made him smile
“We have dinner left overs from last night. You hungry?” He asked.
“Yeah I could have some food right now” the girls answered his question.
The two of them made their way into the kitchen and as Chris was warming up the food y/n noticed her boy getting nervous.
“You alright, Chris?”
“What? mhm, oh yeah.. yeah”
Y/n set the table while Chris brought the food on the table.
While eating dinning Chris bounced his leg nervously.
After they finished eating and cleaned up Chris called out to Y/n.
“Hey, uh can we sit down for a moment? I kinda have to tell you something.” He admits
They sat down on the couch and Chris began to fiddle with his fingers. He didn’t know how to begin.
“So Um, as you probably noticed we’ve spent a lot of time in LA.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. I missed you like crazy honey.”
That didn’t make it easier
“Missed you too baby but what I want so say is so… uh we’ve… so we’ve kinda brought a house there.” Chris admits.
“You’re moving to LA?” The girls asks after some time.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t look at her.
“Are you.. I mean what.. that’s great and I’m happy if you’re happy with it but… but what does this mean for.. us?”
“We can make this work y/n.”
“You think?”
“Yes. 100%. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I come visit and you can visit us, we can call and, and I update you and you me and think about it when in years from now we are living together, our kids this time where we were apart won’t matter anymore.” He rushes out.
That was a lot to take in but she wanted to make this work.
“We can try” she smiles at him although it was an uncertain smile.
She was scared at the thought of not seeing Chris so often, that they would lose what they have.
It was already hard now how difficult would it be if he lives hours away?
April 2023
09:13 pm
“Ready to go?” Chris asked y/n from his bedroom. She was getting ready to go with her boyfriend and his brother to another party at the hype house.
She was wearing light blue jeans and a white top. Nothing too special. Her hair was curled and she was just finishing putting on her jewelry.
She’s been staying with Chris and his brothers in their house in LA for a few days. It was her third day there and she would leave in two.
If the girl was honest she was overwhelmed with all this. Her boyfriend lived in LA now for about 4 weeks now and this was the first time she was there.
She never met any of his “new” friends but he seems so happy here. He’s really living his life in LA with the fancy events and everything.
She’s worried about him not having space for her in his live anymore.
“Yes just gone done” y/n answers.
“Awesome. Nick and Matt are upstairs waiting.”
“Y/n you look beautiful.” Nick says immediately as his eyes land on her.
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself Nicolas.” She response with a smile.
Arriving at the party y/n definitely underestimated how big and how many people where going to be there. Sure she expected it but not THIS much.
Chris beamed as he saw the party while y/n looked like she was about to throw up. He didn’t noticed her distress and instead grabbed her hand and lead her into the crowd.
It feels like hundred of people were dabbing up her boyfriend and she didn’t know one of them. In fact she didn’t know anyone at this party except the triplets.
Finally in the kitchen y/n and Chris grabbed something to drink. Y/n just water and Chris grabbed a Pepsi her hand found his again as she felt slightly uncomfortable.
Chris looked relaxed as a few people came over to him. She had no idea who they were (seen as they weren’t famous people) but Chris dropped her hand as they came over to him.
She looked up at him with a slight frown but he looked like nothing happened.
Maybe he didn’t even noticed he dropped her hand but as she was about to reach for it he put them in his pants pockets.
“CHRIS BRO” one of the guys said coming to them.
“What’s up guys” her boyfriend response.
“Oh sorry this is my girlfriend y/n” he quickly introduced her.
She gave a shy wave to the people in front of her.
“Oh didn’t know you had a girlfriend” one says and that stung.
They began talking an y/n just stands there awkwardly.
After some time Chris says in her era, during the loud music “hey is it okay if I go with them for a second? They wanna show me something in the back I promise I’ll be right back.”
She nodded at him even tho him leaving her was the last thing she wanted.
She turned around and searched for Matt and Nick but no sight of them.
It was getting to loud for her so she tuned around but another body suddenly crashed into her and spilled their drink all over her white top.
“I’m sorry ya.” The guy apologised without even looking at her.
“No problem” the girl breathed out, slightly annoying.
She Began to search for a bathroom. She felt sticky because of the drink all over her shirt.
After about 10 minutes she gave up on finding a bathroom in this giant house.
She spotted Chris but stopped as she saw what was in front of her.
There was Chris laughing and dancing with his brothers, Arrington, Nailea and Madison beer. He looked so happy she didn’t wanted to interrupt them.
And as she saw him dancing and taking photos with madison beer with a smile on his face she felt her heart wink.
She wasn’t the jealous type by any means but she couldn’t but think about how they would fit good together.
She was walking outside as thoughts began to corrupt her mind. Their fans already shipped madison and Chris and sure madison was gorgeous why wouldn’t Chris want someone like her?
She understood the live style and she lived also in LA.
Furthermore the guys from earlier didn’t even knew he had a girlfriend. Does the girls here now he has one? Does madison know?
Is he even talking about her like she starts rambling what an awesome guy he is the moment someone mentioned his name?
Stop these thoughts y/n
She sat down outside on a tree trunk and held her cup of water.
“Enjoying yourself?” A male voice suddenly called out. She looked up and was met with a pair of hazel brown eyes.
She knew who he was. Vinnie hacker.
“Uhm me?” She pointed at herself, unsure if he was talking to her even if he looked directly at her.
“No I mean the other girl behind you who also looked like she would rather be anywhere else.” He spoke ironically with a warm smile.
Y/n let out a chuckle.
“What are you doing here all by yourself? Drinking alone?” Vinnie said pointing at the red cup in her hands .
“Oh no, I don’t drink it’s just water.” She answered.
“Sorry just assumes beaches you reek of vodka.”
“Yeah this guy spilled his drink all over me and I kinda lost my boyfriend and I don’t know anyone else here so..” she trailed off.
“Well now you do. I’m Vinnie.” The boy said stretching out his hand.
“I know.” Y/n said shaking his hand.
“Oh right, But I don’t know your name..” he said with a warm smile on his lips.
“So y/n.. not your night.” Vinnie let out while sitting down next to her.
“Not my night.”
“Who is your boyfriend by the way? Maybe I can help you find him?”
“Chris, Chris Sturniolo.”
A look of recognition flashes on his face. He knew who her boyfriend was, he was there when he ditched her for another party.
He felt bad but not just about that.
He saw Chris having the time of his life in there while he was on his way outside.
The thought that y/n just didn’t feel comfortable around them came to his mind because there was no way she didn’t saw Chris on her way out.
“Yes I know him.” He said while letting out a breath. “He’s been blowing up recently” he added.
“Yeah.” The girl beside him agreed “you could say that.” She finished with a sad tone in her voice.
Vinnie looked down beside him at y/n.
“You doesn’t like it?” He asked.
“No I am happy for him” she quickly defensives herself. “It’s great that he’s making a name for himself and gets al those opportunities.”
“But?” The boy said while looking at her.
“I’m not sure he has space for me in this “new” life of his.” She admits while looking up into his eyes.
She cant believe she just said that.
“I never told anyone this but this whole famous thing isn’t my world, not when he makes me feel like I’m not important. I want the old us back. The us that would do anything to make the other happy. Because in that us… I would.. I would have never questioned his love for me.” She finished.
Looking back at him and finding him just staring at her.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I tell you all of this you probably want to go back to your friends.” The girl apologised while running her hands up down her arms. She began to feel cold.
Vinnie noticed this too.
“No no, don’t apologize” he rushes out while taking of his jacket. “You’re cold” he stated “take this” he handed her the jacket.”
“Are you sure?”
“Y/n” crooking his head to one side with a loop sided smile.
“Alright alright” letting out a chuckle and taking the jacket from Vinnie.
“Thank you.” She let out looking deep into his eyes.
He knew she wasn’t just thanking him for the jacket but also for listening to her when no one else did.
“No problem.” He said in return while his mind swirled with thoughts of how beautiful she was with the moonlight shining on her.
Meanwhile y/n just hoped Chris would notice her absence and start coming to her.
“Chris is an Idiot if he doesn’t see how much you do for him.”
Y/n just forced a smile at him. She was thankful she wasn’t alone at this moment.
“How do you deal with this?” Looking up to the side at him again.
“What do you mean?” Vinnie asked.
“I mean the fame, the fans, spending time with your loved ones etc.”
“Oh. You know it gets hard sometimes and at the beginning I lost a little sight of who was important too. From one day of the other people just suddenly knew who I was and wanted me to do all those things and everything it got overwhelming. But after a while I understood it wasn’t about all the money and the fame and I started backing off a while.” Breathing out he continued
“ you start to see people different, nah it’s hard to explain but Uhm I started to miss the quiet life. And if you love someone or care for them you take your time for them it doesn’t matter who wants you at what event or what people wanna meet you. I thought All this people don’t even know me so why am I spending so much time with them just to make good impression and stressing about what they would think of me? I have friends and family who I don’t need to stress these kind of things over they just love me for me and once I realized that, i made time for the important things.”
That was a lot
They both talked for a while after that before y/n realised that it was time to find Chris and go home.
“Come on I’ll help you find him. Wouldn’t want you to get lost now would we?” They both chuckled at that as Vinnie brought his hand to her back to guide her through the crowd.
As Chris saw HIS girlfriend walking into the house with THE Vinnie Hacker he suddenly felt jealous.
If he was being honest he kinda forget she was there with him but seeing this handsome dude having his hands on his y/n he got mad.
And as he saw her laughing at something he said he lost it. Stalking over to them with an angry expression.
“Y/n where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you, got me worried” he lied but she didn’t have to know that. He wanted her to feel guilty for spending time with another dude.
“I was outside.” She stated pulling the jacket closer to her body as she bag an to get uncomfortable. Again.
Only then did Chris noticed the jacket she was wearing. A make jacket, Vinnies jacket.
His blood began boiling.
„come on, we’re going home now!” Chris let out, grabbing her hands and pulling her away harshly.
“Chris stop, what has gotten into you?“ the girls asked trying to wring her hand out of his grasp but he was too strong.
She didn’t knew this side of him, this aggressive side.
Chris didn’t listen to her as he was to busy texting Matt to meet them at the car.
Walking into house with angry food steps Chris turned around.
„What the was that?!“ he almost screamed.
„What?“ her voice gentle as y/n had a frown on her face.
„You spending the whole time with Vinnie. You’re even wearing his fucking jacket. I thought you were MY girlfriend.“
„Yeah well if you treated me like I was maybe I could act this way. No wait I didn’t even do anything wrong you’re the one that doesn’t act like my boyfriend.“ the girl said still not raising her voice.
„What the hell do you mean.“
„firstly you ditched me multiple times the last Month, then you dropped my hand as soon as your friends came to us and what really hurt was they didn’t even know you had one as if I’m some secret you don’t wanna talk about.“
„Oh I’m sorry but what do you think?“ Chris said letting out a sarcastic laugh which only hurt her more „that all that’s ok my mind is you?“ the way he said it, as if she was stupid. „I have more important things to worry about, no one wants to hear about a girlfriend that won’t even support me.“
No she was angry
„not support you? Are you kidding me? I have been nothing but supportive your whole career, I came to every show you did, to every event hell I always understood when you ditched me again for in don’t even know how many times.“
He just looked at her, knowing she was right and the worst thing was the he looked like he didnt care. He didn’t care that he hurt her or abandoned her because as he said now there are more important things he has to deal with.
They just stand there for a moment looking at each other while breathing heavily.
Then y/n made her way towards the front door. She didn’t know where she would go she just wanted away from him.
She came wide tho then Chris suddenly grabbed her wrist. Hard. It hurt her slightly.
„Where are you going?“
„Away from you.“ trying to pull her wrist away from his grasp to no avail as he was stronger than her.
„The fuck you are.“ pulling her harshly closer to him. „Do know how it would look if I let my girlfriend out alone, at this time in a city she wasn’t familiar with?“
Finally pulling out of his grasp she walked to the bathroom.
As she was finally alone she sat down on the bathtub and for the first time let the tears fall.
Gripping both sides of the tub trying not to let the sobs out. Pulling a hand over her mouth she saw the hand imprint from Chris‘s hate gripping earlier.
She couldn’t believe he gripped her so hard it felt sore.
Y/n knew he probably didn’t mean to.
As the girl heard the door to his bedroom close Signaling Chris going to bed she once realised he didn’t care that she was now all alone, he didn’t even bother asking her if she was okay.
The next day
Y/n woke up on the couch to the sound of someone pulling the cabinets harshly open.
Looking at her phone it said 09:54 am
She looked at again as she saw an Instagram notification.
Vinnie Hacker followed you
Vinnie Hacker: Are you okay after last night?
She smiled at his text at least someone asked her that. She noticed she was still wearing his jacket that she didn’t took of last and pulled the jacket off.
Standing up and walking in the kitchen she saw Matt as he pulled the cereal’s out.
„Morning“ she said
Matt twitched. He didn’t knew anyone was up.
„Y/n.“ breathing out and putting a hand over his heart „you scarred me.“
„Sorry“ she said sitting down at one of the bar stool’s.
Taking in her appearance. She looked tired, hair disheveled and make up smudged. He pieces together that she slept on the couch as a consequence of her’s and Chris‘s fight last night that he, unfortunately, heard loud and clear.
„Are you okay?“ the boy asked putting the cereals away, sitting down opposite her and putting his full attention on her.
„Uhm yeah of course.“
„I heard you last night.“
„Are you and Chris alright?“
Looking up in his eyes for the first time
„Honestly, I don’t know.“ she admitted trying to hold back her tears „I think he’s not in love with me anymore.“ the first tear fell.
Matt felt horrible watching one of his closest friend crying over something like this. He was honest he always thought y/n and Chris would get married someday but now sitting in front of her and hearing her crying over something his brother did broke his heart slightly.
Putting his hand over here he said „look I know it’s rough right now but there will be better times. You guys just have to pull through it.“ he gave her a reassuring smile.
„I Hope so.“
August 2023
It was the triplets birthday and they were all together in Boston to celebrate.
Since the night in April after the party things between y/n and Chris changed.
When Chris finally woke up the the day after he acted like nothing happened so y/n played along cause she didn’t wanted another fight.
But it felt like there was a wall between them now. The rest 2 day that y/n had stayed there they acted like a happy couple, like everything was okay.
They were never alone always with Nick and Matt or one of their friends so the wouldn’t have to talk about it. At night when they would have to sleep in the same bed they didn’t faced each other, they didn’t cuddled, the most there was, was a kiss on the cheek.
A wall was between them suddenly.
They saw each other during the months from April to august a few times but only to birthdays of their friends or when the triplets visited their family and they all hung out together.
It was awkward.
At their birthday it was exactly like this. No body contact, awkward eye contact and only small talk. As if they weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.
„Happy birthday Chris“ she congratulated him but she only patted him on the shoulder.
September 2023
Y/n stood outside the restaurant were Chris was supposed to meet her 20 minutes ago.
She tried to call him and message him multiple times but he wouldn’t answer.
He forgot.
Like the date in may.
November 2023
The triplets arrived yesterday in Boston and today was thanksgiving. Y/n and Chris haven’t seen each other but they have to tonight.
The two family celebrated together this year. The y/l/n would go over to the sturniolo‘s at five pm and it was currently three pm.
Y/n was a nervous wreck. She wasn’t sure how she felt about seeing him again. He was still her boyfriend right?
6 pm
The two family were sitting together, laughing and sharing jokes. Y/n and Chris opposite each other yet they couldn’t look at one another.
„So y/n..“ Marylou began. „Chris said you’re career is starting really off recently.“
The girl looked up.
„Oh Uhm yeah, they want me to work at their biggest facility.“
„Ah, so in LA? That would be fantastic you and Chris could live together and start making more plans for the future.“ the women gushes.
Y/n hesitated.
„No it would be in London.“
Chris dropped his fork.
„You’re moving to London?!“ he exclaimed and their eyes met for the first time that night.
„Yeah I was Uhm thinking about it.“
„You never told me this.“
An uncomfortable tension arose around them.
„Can we not do this now?“ she asked giving him a look.
„No y/n, what the hell youre dropping this bomb that you’re moving across the ocean and expect me not to have a reaction? How long have you known?“
„since June.“
„Wow.“ „all this time and you didn’t tell me?“
„When was I supposed to tell?! At your birthday we’re you couldn’t even look at me or the at the dates you didn’t show up to?!“ the girl let out. She regretted it now remembering both their family sat beside him and just heard everything. All of them had shocked expressions across their faces. They didn’t knew the pair has problems.
Y/n stood up and made her way outside. It was dark and cold.
Both family’s looked at Chris who also stood up and followed her out.
„Y/N“ he yelled finally out the door as she fell shut. „Y/n wait“
Y/n turned around to face him and Chris saw the tears in her eyes. „What are we doing Chris“ she let out. Her voice was calm and steady nothin like how she looked.
„What… what do mean“ Chris knew what she meant.
„come on now, it feels like I’m in a relationship with a stranger.“ she admitted.
Chris looked down.
„And I know you’re not in love with me anymore.“
As she said that Chris looked up. He didn’t denied it.
„You know I really did believed you when you said that you would love me forever. I know it sounds stupid but I thought we were the couple that wouldn’t break up, that would make it.“
„I said that when we were kids y/n“ was the only thing that left his mouth. „I grew up.“
„I just have to concentrate on my career now and, and this thing is still new to me alright, this is all a new world to me and I don’t know we’re I fit in yet and I.. I..“
„You have no space for me in this world.“ he shut his mouth at her statement.
He didn’t know what to say at that. As she didn’t hear him denying it, she knew they were over. At this moment as the words left her lips.
„So this is it. I really thought we would make it.“
„That was childish of us“ Chris said and that hurt because for her it’s wasn’t childish.
„How is this so easy for you?“ y/n asked
„I means losing you felt like losing a part of myself but to you it seems like losing me is a relieve.“
„That’s not true.“
„I watched you change. Now I don’t even know you anymore.“ y/n said looking deep into his eyes.
„The fame changed you Chris.“
She turned around to walk away.
„I really did love you y/n. once.“ Chris said watching her back.
Y/n didn‘t tunred around instead walking farther across the street toward her house. As Chris saw her enter he sat down on his front door steps and just stared in the dark.
After a while he got up and walked back inside.
As he came back to the table he sat down and began eating again. The family’s looked at him and saw so much sadness behind his eyes.
They didn’t comment on it.
The next day
The triplets will leave again for LA today.
Sitting in the car Chris looks out the window at y/n’s house. At her window.
“We can wait if you wanna say goodbye” Matt says looking at his brother while nick nods agreeing.
Chris thinks about but he already know the answer.
“No no there is nothing more so say. Drive.”
So they made their way towards the airport.
Meanwhile y/n woke up and stayed in bed. She didn’t wanted to go up, she didn’t want to go up about her day knowing Chris wasn’t part of it anymore.
She eventually did stand up, going to her window and looking out at the sturniolo drive way. Their car was gone. They were gone.
He was gone.
She felt relieved but also so much grief…
A/n: Hey guys sooo this is my first fic I’m sorry for spelling mistakes English isn’t my first language.
Also I just tried to write something and didn’t wanted to make people up so I just took the triplets as face claims and everything.
Let me know if you like it, xoxo
[part two below]
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mins-fins · 1 month
EPISODE 12 : ❛ yn and mark, mark and yn ❜
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Mark doesn't know why his head immediately shot up when he heard his phone ring.
For starters, it's one in the morning, who in their right mind is calling him at one in the morning? Second, he isn't expecting a call from anyone, so when his phone does ring, he almost throws it at the wall as the irritating ringtone repeats over and over.
Mark groans and stares at the ceiling, not even turning on the light as he feels the bedside table for his phone, his still vibrating phone. He scowls in annoyance when he can't find it after the first thirty seconds of not feeling his phone, so he sits up, much to his own dismay, and picks up his phone.
He blinks at the screen, rubbing his eyes as he swears he reads the contact name wrong. It's you, you're calling him. Why the hell are you calling at one in the morning? A puzzled expression crosses his face, and he contemplates on if he should actually pick up.
But after what seems like forever (in Mark's metrics), he sighs and answers the phone. "Hello?"
"Hiiiiii Markie".
Mark immediately picks up on the way your words are slurred, but he doesn't comment on it right away, laying back down onto his comfy duvet. "Hi Yn, good morning" He responds, and you giggle, you giggle, Mark finds that hilarious.
"Morning? It's only.. wait it is morning! One am! Wow you're so smart!"
Mark snickers. "Basic knowledge, Yn".
"Uh huh" You say on the other line, a hiccup accompanying your words.
Mark furrows his eyebrows, thinking this would be the right time to bring this up. "Are you drunk?" He finally asks, and you giggle again on the other line, seemingly finding the question hilarious. You hiccup again before answering the question.
"Sort of?"
"That's not a yes or no" Mark is quick to reply, and you giggle again, a sound Mark missed more than anything. "Why'd you call me at one in the morning anyway?"
"I like the way your voice sounds".
The blatantly honest response makes Mark snicker, a snicker you silently gasp at on the other end of the line. "Is that you or the alcohol talking?" He inquires immediately, holding his phone with his shoulder as he begins picking his nails.
"I don't know.." You mutter on the other end, the sound of something shuffling slightly is sounded in Mark's ears. "Just wanted to confess that I guess".
"So you called me while I was asleep?"
"How were you so sure I'd pick up?"
You chuckle, as if that was one of the stupidest questions he could've ever asked you. "I wasn't, I was just really hoping you would answer, it'd would've been embarrassing if you didn't".
Mark pauses, collecting his words. How does he say this without sounding like a pining, desperate loser?
Well— he can't exactly avoid that.
"If I'm being honest, I was kinda hoping you would call.."
The statement is met with immediate silence, silence that punches Mark in the gut and spits on him as he falls. He almost rips off his nail with how anxious he is, but he doesn't comment on your silence. It's like that for a few minutes before you let out a small giggle of disbelief.
"Don't lie to me, Mark".
"I would never do such a thing, I'm being honest, maybe you should be too".
Mark wishes he regretted saying that, but he doesn't, he just wants you to speak your mind, he wants to hear your thoughts, he wants to hear how you feel from you. "Oh? You want me to be honest with you, Mark?"
Your tone of voice makes his stomach flip, it's not because he likes your voice, though, it is definitely not because of that. "Yeah, honesty is key, Yn".
"Honesty is key huh?" You click your tongue, a habit of yours that has made Mark dizzy since forever, you always look so good doing it, he can't even begin to imagine how you look right now. "Is telling you I missed you too honest? Or.. hm, is saying that maybe I'm not so over you honest enough for you?"
Though Mark chuckles at that response, he can't help the way his face heats up, thank god this is a phone call and he doesn't have to see you face to face (for now.. that is), he would never live it down. He can't believe you just said that, and all of this at one in the morning too? You really are full of surprises.
"No, I think I'd like to know more, actually".
"Ah, your greedy".
Mark raises an eyebrow at the words, but he doesn't confirm or deny the claim, just snickers. "What if I am? It's you after all".
"Aww, am I special?"
You giggle again, you seem to enjoy giggling, Mark wants to make you giggle again, no, scratch that, he wants to hear you giggle again, it's so cute, you're so cute. You love the words, and Mark loves that you love the words.
You two always do this, huh? It's always with you. Yn and Mark, Mark and Yn..
Why did you guys even breakup?
Once the question crosses Mark's mind, he wants to punch himself in the face, and he's glad you're not there to see the way his face fall and his hands clench into fists. He feels like such an idiot, how is he still asking himself questions like this?
He knows why, he knows exactly why, you both know exactly why.
"It's late, Yn, you should sleep, and stop drinking".
"Do you really care that much for me?" You ask, your tone teasing, tormenting, another punch to Mark's already weakened gut.
"Yes, I do, now go to sleep Yn".
"Alright then, good nigh— morning, Mark, sleep well".
When you hang up, Mark stares at his phone for what seems like hours, he's not proud of himself for staring at your contact for as long as he does.
He can't sleep well, he's up all night thinking about you.
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cannibalhellhound · 4 months
Wings AU character bits
Hi this is me trying to get a grip on writing again and getting the characters while also adding the wing bits.
Ice Harpy Eagle
Likes having long nails (harpy eagles have fuckin huge talons), keeps them shaped and neatly painted if he's in the mood when on leave
Likes to keep his nest cool and clean (comfy but practical)
Tall nesting! He always claims the top bunk! 
His childhood bedroom had one of those tall beds with a desk under them because he kept piling stuff up to sleep atop of them and it could fit multiple people 
Sad because Navy bunk beds are small :(
Strong as fuck (he's smaller than Sli but can bench press almost as much) (harpy eagles grab animals as big as them like sloths and carry them) (can carry others while flying if needed just not for lengthy flights)
Very keen eyesight so sunglasses for light sensitivity (maybe reading glasses for near sight focus? I like him with glasses)
Very good hearing (don't shit talk near him he'll definitely hear it)
Hair moves very slightly, similar to feathers (kinda like their facial disk and feather crest) 
*Baby feathers are almost all white with some light gray. They molt usually once a year (sometimes twice) and it takes 5 years to get the adult coloring 
Ice's stayed in a middle coloring and he got insecure. His mom suggested matching his hair and that's how the frosted tips came to exist :D
He's a provider by nature but his little sisters have made him very nurturing and affectionate too (Slider knows this firsthand and thinks it's hilarious how fussy Ice can get)(the others learn with time but first baby goose)
Leaves feathers around the house (perfectly placed thank you very much)
Slider Bearded Vulture
Lämmergeier means “Lamb vulture” (wrong because they don't prey on sheep but shhhhh).  Slider calls Maverick “Little lamb” as a joke because he loves annoying him and wants to eat him up
CAN ACTUALLY EAT BONES!!! (Bone soup is a thing!) Will chew on them till it's painful to watch and will take anyone's bones off their plates to pick the marrow off them
The bone dropping shows a lot in him just throwing stuff. He does it. A LOT.
He also likes to have a tennis ball around to fidget dropping it and catching it when it bounces
Has an actual nest bed. The mattress is on the harder side but it has a shit ton of blankets and pillows (to the point you can't feel the mattress)
There are old feathers around the nest tucked in between pillows (don't tell Ice!!) ⁠(⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠)
Very involved into the life of the ones he loves (helpful, affectionate, etc) (this includes parenting looks at baby goose)
His feathers only dye red when visiting his family or on vacation with family because they frequent iron rich waters (his mom loves her red feathers and looking at her baby look like her makes her teary eyed)
Maverick Peregrine Falcon
Very lightweight!!!
He's beauty, he's grace, he'll dive down and kick you in the face (literally, peregrine falcons kill prey by punching them with their closed talons when dividing)
Very keen reflexes (both at ground and on air), will grab anything you throw at him even if distracted
Very! Good! At courting!!!! (Looking at the beginning bar scene)
Small but comfy nest. Very soft and also bunk bed! is perfect
Has a favorite blanket that he will ALWAYS take everywhere, even on deployment 
Cracking his head fuckin open more than once as a kid because he's a menace and small and tried to dive from places he climbed (not his best idea)
crying because he's so small he can't carry goose after the accident and can just grab at him until they get rescued
Now this would be for trans! Mav
To everyone's surprise Mav is as big as he can get (Female birds of prey are bigger than males= bigger wingspan, human height is genetic so for avians is a bit mixed)
Wings don't allow binding (for obvious reasons) but kinesiology tape exists! 
He already used KTape before joining the navy and top surgery so he's used to just strutting around shirtless (we stan a short confident king! It's honestly so freeing to tape and be shirtless I might just leave him pre surgery for next fanart pieces)
Goose Emden Goose
Literally a Mother Goose™
Has learned to deal with Maverick and not only does he not get surprised by his antics, he can predict them and is already prepared for them (aka get ready to scoop tiny ass Mav if he gets in trouble or hurts himself)
The good part is that it has made him baby proof. He can deal with a child he's been dealing with Mav!
Terrified. Absolutely terrified. Because his beautiful baby gosling is as much a little shit as his wife and best friend. If his wings weren't already white they'd for sure be by now ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
I need to think more about Mav and Goose but that involves looking for Peregrine Falcon and Geese facts
Edit to take out the divider because I don't like it
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deadbydangit · 4 months
hi! i would like to request a prompt.
how do you think the killers would react to a survivor!reader who screams extremely loud when injured?
I think I can do that. I'm sorry this one is a little shorter. I had a hard time coming up with ideas. Please enjoy.
With a Reader who is very loud when injured: Ghostface, Trickster, Pinhead
Danny actually enjoys watching people get hurt.
To an almost unhealthy level.
Like, seeing people fall down and get mildly hurt?
To him, that's hilarious.
But he takes it several steps further.
He's the guy laughing at horror movies when people are getting stabbed to death.
"Ha! It's funny cause they were stupid."
He'll say some dumb frat boy shit like that.
He really enjoys the sound of people screaming in pain.
The louder the scream, the funnier it is.
He finds a sick sense of humor in it.
You can ask him why, but he'll give you the same answer every time.
"Uh, because it's funny."
He's kind of an asshole.
But you?
"Okay, babe, I know I said I like the sound of people and pain and screaming at all but, like, chill. Okay?"
"Seriously, there's loud. And then there's you."
"I came out to have fun and kill, and now I can't hear shit."
But, he uses your scream as an excuse.
He won't ever go after you.
And if you ask why?
"Your scream is like, torture. I'll take my chances with the Entity."
Well, he isn't exactly lying. So you can't get mad at him.
He calls that a win-win situation.
The sound of screams?
Music to his ears.
If you thought Danny had a sick obsession with screams and people's pain, you haven't seen anything yet.
Ji-Woon lives for the sound of people in pain.
So much so that he uses it to create music.
"The last sound a human ever makes? It's a beautiful sound isn't it?"
He gets way too excited about it.
Your screams?
He'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.
You'll always catch him covering his ears when you scream.
Unlike danny, he'll still hunt you in a trial if you're in one together.
But, he won't record your screens for his music.
Don't take offense to it though.
He'll make sure to show you and tell you all the other ways you're special to him.
So what if you don't have pretty sounding screams?
You have so many more great qualities to you.
And, if you ever feel humiliated about not sounding pretty enough for him, he'll list all the other reasons why he loves you.
If you feel left out because you aren't in any of his songs, he'll find a way to include you.
Just, you know, not your atrocious screams.
You know what they say.
Pain is pleasure.
That's kind of his whole thing.
Elliot loves the sound of your screams.
He loves the sound of all screams.
As long as they are screams of pain, he's happy.
In fact, he seems to like yours more since they convey more emotion.
The more agony and suffering in the person, the more he enjoys the sound.
It's only to be expected of Hell's high priest.
Now, just because he likes the sound of your screams, doesn't mean he's going to go out of his way to attack you during a trial.
You'll be given a fair chance just like everyone else.
And, if he happens upon you, then it's up to skill after that.
He finds himself very fascinated by her screaming.
He didn't think a normal human could scream that loud.
Or that intensely.
He would love to experiment on it more.
However, he will refrain from causing you unnecessary pain.
Even though he likes the sound of your pain. He knows you don't like it.
And he loves you enough to respect those boundaries.
Even when you're screaming at the top of your lungs and pain, he'll hold his laughter back.
He wouldn't do that for anyone else.
It's a bizarre way of showing affection.
But, hey, it's a start.
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jensensitive · 2 months
I am obsessed with the way in which you draw Dean. You have his features nailed to perfection - somehow your Dean looks even more Dean than Dean in the show, because you exaggerate everything that makes him HIM. It's truly breathtaking <3 Any advice on how to get those features so flawless?
This is so so nice, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕
Honestly Dean is like my go-to thing to draw basically, and has been for many years, like I have to try to refrain myself from just drawing Dean again sometimes. He's like probably half of how I've learned to draw at all. So there's definitely practice there.
That said, I did not immediately have much of answer to this. It's like, his face is just his perfect, beautiful face, and then I try to draw that. 😅
So I drew some Dean to figure out what it is I do, so thanks for the excuse to draw more Dean lol
Extensive answer under the cut
If you're drawing something realistic from reference, for Dean you kind of have two options, you can either get a screencap that's closer up so you can see details better, but the top of his head is cut off, or you can get one where you can see less details but his whole torso is in frame. It can be weirdly difficult to guess at where the top of his head is sometimes, and you don't need details to capture a likeness, I think it was Sargent that said that the shape of the head is actually the most important aspect in capturing a likeness, so it's something to keep in mind. On the other hand, if you want to look at his pretty eyelashes while you draw him, you might want something closer up. (An understandable impulse).
Another thing is just to look for a reference that you really like, contrasty light and shadow are also great to look for. It's difficult to create a great drawing without them, but also it will illustrate the structure of his head best too. Look for shadow shapes you want to draw. If a reference is too dark (as it often is, because it's supernatural), edit it so you can actually see what you're drawing lmao.
I took a bunch of random screencaps of 11x02-- as random as I could, normally I'd just take screencaps of what I already kind of like, but I tried to just get all of it so you can see what I'm not choosing. (also couldn't help taking some cas ones when the lighting was going really hard)
I love a profile, I love a 3/4 view, I love when his eyes are like half open. His face was kinda giving towards the end of this episode.
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Hopefully you can see them well enough. The mass ideas are more important for picking at impactful reference, but ofc I'm also trying to avoid any where he's making a dumb face or it's blurry. Sometimes that's only evident when I open it bigger, but that's okay, we have a bunch to pick from.
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a. This one is one I picked out because it's an interesting angle, and I'd definitely do a little study of it, but because the lighting is so soft, it probably wouldn't be super interesting.
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b. I like this one, the face he's making is hilarious, and I like the rhythm of his hand, but if I were to draw it, I might draw a fourth finger, otherwise it might look strange. So keep that in mind too, if it looks odd in the reference, it will look odd in the drawing, so unless you're confident that you can effectively change it, pick a different reference or find a second reference to help you change it.
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c. This lighting's more dynamic, and I like his expression.
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d. Would be hard to pick between these. This one's 3/4 and has a nice eyelash shadow, and I love the shape of his eye when it's downturned.
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e. Shoutout to the shape of Jensen's brow when he looks down gotta be one of my favorite genders. + subtle Rembrandt lighting. Lovely.
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f. This one is so good. Overhead lighting getting a shadow from his ear in a sideview, defining the jaw in an interesting way. Great expression. It's a bit strange, the way he's looking to the side, so it might be hard to draw convincingly, but would be worth it if I could do it. The shadow from the hair defining the shape of the brow. The light on the cheek defining the slight eyebag. The reflected light under the eye, the light landing on the nose. Would probably change the hair a bit because it looks a bit odd at this angle in this lighting, and if drawn like this it would probably look at bit block-like.
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g. More rembrandt lighting. Shoutout to the shadow that this upper lip casts on his lower lip. Shoutout to the shadow his lower lip casts on his chin. Shoutout to the line of light defining his neck. Shoutout to the shape of his brow and forehead.
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h. The rhythms here are chefs kiss-- the shadow line diagonal from the corner of his hairline to the corner of his brow echoed by the shadow line diagonal of his cheekbone, then that second line following through to the line of light on his neck that curves the other way.
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i. This one's kinda boring wrt lighting, but it's an interesting enough angle to do a study of.
I'm going with screencap c because it's gonna work well to effectively illustrate the basic structure of how I construct his features. It's not directly straight-on, so the form isn't lost, but it's straight enough on to properly show our proportions.
For supplies here, I'm just using a soft charcoal pencil, I just use the kinda cheap ones (currently Markart) cause I actually like them better than General's. And it's on smooth newsprint. I just get it in a big thing of 500 sheets. Not archival but it's a cheap thing that's incredibly enjoyable to draw on. Pink Papermate eraser and a kneaded eraser. The pen I use at one point for some reason is a red Pentel RSVP ballpoint I think, although I actually prefer a Bic.
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1. So first thing I block in that main shape, in this case, his head and shoulders. I also have to draw in the hairline at the same time, cause I can't figure it out otherwise. He's got kind of pointy ears. The collar of his jacket often comes up pretty high on the back of his neck. He's got a distinctive hairline that I think can go a long way to showing it's Dean, it's worth taking note of. It swoops to our left, and then the corner (I guess?) of his hairline will line up with the corner/arch of his brow. And don't draw the hairline as an unbroken line, but several lines with some room to breathe. His shoulders are pretty straight and broad, but about three heads across which is pretty normal.
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2. Next what I think about is the shape of the eyesockets and the line of the brow. This bit will go a ways for conveying Dean's expression, because he has a wide range from light and happy to horribly scowly that's in the brows. You don't have to define the exact line of the brow at this moment, blocking in the general line is fine just to have an idea of where it lands. You can go back later and refine it. I also find where the bottom lid lands. In my brain it makes a shape like what I've drawn. I might not draw it just like this, but even if I don't, this is the shape I'm thinking about. The line from the end of his eyebrow to his bottom lid is a fave, sometimes you can see it on him, especially at an angle, and it's real pretty.
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3. Next I find where the bottom of his nose lands, it's about double the length of the eyesocket. And the line under his bottom lip, about halfway between his nose and the bottom of his chin. These measurements are pretty average measurements for a face. I didn't give myself enough room for his chin initially, so I moved it down to fix it. Also adjusted his face very slightly wider on the right side, cause it's looking a bit narrow.
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4. I added some of our shadow shapes. This is where finding a reference with well-defined shadows will be very helpful. And I sketched in the clothes cause why not. The clothes don't have to be perfect, who cares, Dean's collar is not our point of interest lol. The shadow on the neck will probably be slightly curved because of the roundness of the neck. If it's not, you might want to make it curve slightly anyway just to help define the form. I blocked in where the eyes are.
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eyes: For Jensen's lovely eyes, they have a specific shape that is so nice to draw, especially at certain and angles and with certain expressions. But basically the top lid is more angular and can be almost boxed off at the end, and the line from the corner of the eye to the lashes is an s-curve that's higher in the middle. Again, not unusual features in drawing a face, but such pretty examples. The shadow that his lower lid casts (or his makeup idk?) is often dark enough to look vaguely like eyeliner. Jensen's lower eyelids, an underrated part of Jensen. His eyebrows are thicker in the middle and sparser on the ends.
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5. Next I found the corners of the lips. This is an important aspect in the way I draw mouths. Sometimes I just draw them with dots where the corners of the lips are, a curve where the lips part in the middle, a shadow under the bottom lip, and the curve of the cupid's bow. (This is seen below in 6) I think I also adjusted the bottom lip shadow here. Straight-on, the middle of his lips is slightly higher than the corners, but of course, this will change when not straight-on, depending on if we're looking up or down at his mouth. I also sketched in the nose shape. The ridge of his nose has a nice subtle bump, and then the ball of his nose is very slightly squared off I think, from a front-facing perspective, I feel like. And I drew in his slightly drawn brows. Just pay attention to the angles in your reference, because the expression, the perspective and the angle of the head can impact it. But of course generally, drawn down in the middle, furrowed = scowly; drawn up, unfurrowed = happy.
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nose: I prefer drawing his nose in profile. And who wouldn't, look at it! The slight curve of the bridge and then the ball of the nose. I will exaggerate this a little sometimes, just because it's fun and I like it. I couldn't find a reference, but from below, you can see the shape of the bottom of his nose, it dips in the middle a bit more than average. Drawing the bottom of the nose is often a delicate balance between shadow and reflected light. I love keeping it light, save for the nostrils, but then the shadow under the nose can be important too. Sometimes it's just a stylistic choice. Note that there's a plane change between the side of the nose and the cheek. (I think I drew his nose too upturned here, but the general idea is still there)
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6/mouth: In drawing the mouth, the top line of the upper lip looks more rectangular at the ends, increasingly so as it turns away from us, and much less so as it turns towards us. Of course, he has a full upper lip that you can shade as you like. I try to keep it distinct from the shadow of the line of the mouth, and a reflected light on the top lip can be good here too. For the bottom lip, it's always nice to give is some shine with a hard-edge highlight. For the cupid's bow, I try to leave a light between the upper lip and the shadow in the cupid's bow. For some reason I drew the shadow backwards here, but I think it looks fine.
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7/ears: I started to shade it, and then I remembered that he has ears. There's a simplified way I draw ears that I like. It's not entirely accurate, because the two shadows at the top are actually usually connected, but I find it a bit distracting that way sometimes, so this is more subtle I guess. In profile, I don't really have a method of drawing it, I just draw whatever the reference gives me or bs it with a similar version of this, depending.
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8/hair: My method for drawing his hair is 1) suffer 2) hope and pray. I like to leave a rim light-type deal between the contour/outliine of the hair and the rest of the hair, I feel like it helps define it a bit more. The direction of his hair, and thus the direction of my lines is something like this.
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9. And then I more or less just shaded. When shading, it's always good to follow the direction of the plane, and I also alternatively like to shade in the direction that the light is falling to reinforce that gesture, but when I shade a face, I try to shade in the opposite direction of where wrinkles would go, if that makes sense, mostly up and down I guess. This is of course on a case by case basis, like a lot of times, I'll do the forehead horizontally anyway, but it's especially touchy around where the laugh lines of the mouth would be and the neck. And on soft plane changes (and softish hard plane changes), I often shade at a different angle to the main shadow. Shading direction can also delineate different areas of similar tones, like I did with the jacket and the side of the nose. I like to give Dean his eyelash shadow, because he deserves it. I also drew in the eyes, of course. I think I actually tend to shade them backwards, and the light would fall in the opposite direction, so when lit from the right, the right side would be darker, but I just don't draw it that way idk maybe I should.
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And there he is, that's our guy!
Normally when I'm drawing, I'm definitely a bit more all over the place, and don't necessarily do things in perfect order. And it's good to move around. I'm probably not going to be shading things before noting where all the features are going to land, but I often am shading something before I've drawn everything. Or end up drawing one eye and then maybe do part of the other and then move to do part of the nose and then sketch in an ear and then maybe notice something's off somewhere and adjust that, etc. Just go with it, have fun, he's got a fun face to draw! 💗
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berenwrites · 4 months
Always and Forever - Stranger Things - Steddie - G
Rating: G | cw: none | tags: fluff, very light angst, Corroded Coffin, rockstars, touring
Prompt: Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy (@forgottenkanji)
A/N: Written for @steddielovemonth day 29. Sorry I disappeared from this challenge halfway through. We lost one of our kitties (she was 14 ½) and I just kind of lost the impetus, but I figured I had to write something for the last day at least. No beta today because it was a last minute thing.
Also on AO3 soon | All My Other Stranger Things Fic
Always and Forever: Love Finds a Way
Steve stared at the phone for a long time after he put it down with the usual ‘I love you’. He spoke to Eddie every day after he got home and before Eddie was due on stage with the rest of Corroded Coffin. The three-month tour was nearly over, and it had done so much for the band’s popularity. Usually, Eddie sounded excited on the phone, even though he professed to miss Steve as much as Steve missed him.
Tonight, hadn’t been like that.
All Steve had been able to hear was the strain in Eddie’s voice. Oh, Eddie had tried to cover it with his usual exuberance, but Steve knew his boyfriend far too well. Something was wrong.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he picked up the phone again. He rang through to the band’s hotel, but this time he asked for a different room number.
“Hello,” came the rather disgruntled answer after a couple of rings.
“Gareth, what’s wrong with Eddie?” Steve asked without beating around the bus.
“Steve?” Gareth asked, although Steve was pretty sure it was just a stall.
“Gareth,” Steve said in a tone that usually had the not-kids-anymore kids jumping to do whatever he was telling them to.
There was a sigh from the other end.
“He’s having nightmares again,” Gareth finally said after a few moments silence.
“What? Why?” Steve asked.
“There was an incident at one of the venues,” Gareth revealed. “Nothing major, just some fans managed to get backstage and thought it would be hilarious to try and scare the big bad metal band. They had these demon masks and party poppers and hid in the green room. Security got rid of them, but it spooked all of us a bit.”
“If I ever get my hands on those assholes, I will fucking kill them,” Steve growled out, mind jumping to the nail bat he still kept under the bed.
The Upside Down was closed off, there hadn’t been any trouble for three years, but he could never quite shake the need to have a weapon to hand. He could only imagine what it was like for Eddie on tour in strange places. After all, Eddie had nearly died.
“They were just stupid kids,” Gareth did his best to sound soothing, but Steve was pretty sure they were actually in agreement.
“Why didn’t he mention it to me?” Steve asked.
“Probably because he didn’t want to worry you,” Gareth replied. “We’ll make sure he’s okay, Steve,” Gareth promised. “We love him too.”
“Yeah, I know,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Thanks. Don’t tell him I called, okay? He’ll only worry about me worrying.”
“No problem,” Gareth replied. “Sorry, I have to go, the van’s waiting downstairs.”
“Knock ‘em dead,” Steve replied, “and thanks again.”
“See you in a couple of weeks,” Gareth said, and the line clicked off.
Putting the receiver back in the cradle, Steve stared at the phone for a little while longer. It was as he picked it up for the third time, he realised he had made the decision before he had even put it down the first time.
He didn’t stop moving until he was in sitting on the plane. He’d let Robin and Dustin know he was going and asked them to pass on the information. Robin had told him to ‘go get his man’. He’d packed a bag and called a taxi to the airport, barely pausing to make sure he had anything but his wallet. Luckily the girl on the ticket desk had taken pity on him and found him a not completely terrible flight across the country. Staring out the window, all he could think about was Eddie.
By the time he reached the hotel it was the early hours of the morning. He didn’t need to ask reception because he already knew the room number, so he headed straight up. When he stepped out on the right floor a guy in a black suit lurking in the shadows gave him a look. Apparently, someone was taking security seriously now. Corroded Coffin was what some publications liked to call an over-night sensation, even though they had been working hard for several years that didn’t seem to count. You couldn’t turn on a rock station without them coming up. They deserved to be looked after.
Also apparently, someone had briefed the security guy well, because he glared at Steve for a few moments and then appeared to relax. How security knew what he looked like he decided not to ask.
Walking quickly along the hall he got to Eddie’s door. The first thing he noticed was the sound of an acoustic guitar. Not really a surprise after what Gareth had told him. When Eddie couldn’t sleep, he always retreated to his music.
Lifting his hand, Steve knocked.
The guitar playing stopped.
Steve knocked again when no one answered the door.
A second later, the door was yanked inwards, and Eddie was staring at him as if he didn’t quite believe what he was seeing.
“Steve,” Eddie said, eyes big and round.
“Hi,” he replied and gave Eddie a little wave.
“Am I dreaming?” Eddie asked and sounded just a little afraid Steve wasn’t real.
“Nope,” he said, reaching out and touching the side of Eddie’s face.
Eddie almost clocked himself on the side of the head with his guitar, clearly forgetting he was holding it as he tried to cover Steve’s hand with his own. At which point, Steve took the guitar and gently shepherded Eddie back into the room. Once the door was closed, he put the guitar down, dropped his own bag and crowded into Eddie’s personal space.
“Missed you,” he said, taking Eddie’s face in his hands.
The were dark circles under Eddie’s eyes and his skin was pale, but he was just a beautiful to Steve as always.
“Missed you too,” Eddie replied, a tiny smile quirking his lips as he drank Steve in with his eyes. “How?”
“Need you to be happy, Eds,” he said, leaning forward so their foreheads were touching. “That’s all that matters.”
“No buts,” he interrupted. “Need to hold you and chase the nightmares away.”
“Who told you?” Eddie asked, but there was no heat to his tone even as he wound his arms around Steve.
“Twisted Gareth’s arm,” Steve confessed, wrapping Eddie in a tight embrace. “Knew something was wrong on the phone earlier.”
“Not as good an actor as I think I am, huh?” Eddie said into his shirt.
“Only to me,” Steve assured him, “and well probably Wayne.”
That startled a laugh out of Eddie, but he didn’t move from his position in Steve’s arms.
“God I love you,” Eddie said.
“Me too,” Steve replied, “always and forever.”
When Eddie had gone off on tour it had seemed like such a big thing, the first reality of the rockstar lifestyle. Steve had worried it would pull them apart, but what he’d realised during the earlier phone call, was it was all irrelevant. All the mattered to him was Eddie. Everything else was just details to be worked out.
He didn’t have a plan. Hadn’t had more than the sure and certain knowledge he needed to get to Eddie. He would work out what to do next when he woke up in the morning with Eddie in his arms. That was the important part.
All My Other Stranger Things Fic
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entropicbias · 1 month
Last couple asks has me wondering what kind of johndave rep DO you like to read/see? Any examples you can think of in fanworks? And just your own interpretation. Thank you
i have got to reiterate that this is just a me thing. i'm not saying this to police anyone on their writing! i'm just really specific about the way i see these two get portrayed.
this is gonna suck and i'm gonna ramble about it for a while cause i'm mentally challenged. i have a hard time explaining my own thoughts with accuracy. sorry i can't keep this short and sweet. i am the type of person to just know when something is done right. i can't tell you why, but i'll try for you, anon. if you don't want to read all this here, i summarized it.
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even more simplified
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this is so crude. canon dave is really hard to nail for writers for some reason let alone the specific way i see him. i like a more chillaxed dave. some of the things that really throw me off with dave writing is missing the mark on how annoying he is and dumbing his character down to either angst, obama and apple juice jokes, or him being gay. i think john also encounters this issue. not enough research goes into their interests so writers can only represent them with the bare minimum. nicholas cage, con air, and 'dave i'm not a homosexual'. john and dave are assholes. they tease each other and aren't shy of doing that to other people. not that they're bad people! they care about each other and their friends a lot! but they're not afraid of being really honest about their thoughts or overexaggerating something that doesn't really bother them to poke fun at someone. they can make mendacious remarks to be polite, it just doesn't occur to them as often as just blatantly stating their thoughts on something or someone. i also like seeing them have more naturalistic dialogue. for some reason, when i think of that i think of zach from oneyplays or his character charlie from smiling friends. which is dumb even if it gives you an idea. i feel like a lot of this kind of banter is missing from these fanfics i read. at least, in the way i want it to go. think powerup comics.
gay part upcoming. i think the john and dave's relationship is best portrayed as a childhood crush that is unspoken of. a term i recently learned was "demiromantic", and i think that very perfectly describes how i think john's homosexuality would work. i mean, he doesn't really have a problem admiring dudes, which in itself could be called gay but that's not why i think he would be attracted to dave. i think it's kind of hilarious when people attribute john's homosexuality to him being "romantically interested in cage". john's idols are more like heroic figures to him. i don't like it when that is used as evidence that he's gay unless someone is making fun of him. this is the part where i talk about how john insists on the fact that he's straight. i'm not doubting that at all i think john still likes women and it's easier for him to do so. but he can also develop feelings for someone like dave. hence why i think he's demiromantic in that regard. this is exactly what my sexuality is like, so maybe i am projecting. i like to imagine i'm not projecting incorrectly, though. i think he'd only be able to develop feelings for dave in a setting where he is really a prominent figure in his life. earlier acts of homestuck were like this, but unfortunately the johndave relationship wouldn't work out on john's end with the way homestuck went. their friendship was kind of forgotten after a while, which sucks. in an ideal world, they would have remained in contact and then gotten close again in earth c. but dave was written to be with karkat and jade, which either nulls his feelings for john or opens up a whole new avenue of internalizing it. which is dumb and convoluted and i don't care about postcanon.
dave on the other hand would think about his feelings towards john a little more. i like to think that homestuck dave definitely had feelings towards john. i like to imagine they both developed a crush on each other around the same time, but unlike john who doesn't give it the time of day or even considers it as a crush, dave would. and he'd know that but he wouldn't want to act on it because of a plethora of reasons. probably to retain their friendship and his self image. i guess that could give them some 'angst'.
but you know what? i don't even care for romance all that much! they're bros before they're anything else! and that's all that matters to me! just nailing their friendship in itself is gold. john and dave mean a lot to each other in a platonic sense. even if they pursue other romantic avenues or don't, i don't care! i just like people putting them in a similar setting and showcasing their awesome bromance!
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fig. 3, i also like davejade. thinking of iterations of him and john in fanworks that i like is really hard cause i don't read much in that department. what comes to mind is mr. tambourine man and some of deacon_blues's comics. kgtac has a really good dave and karkat too. cole is a spectacular writer. but i've finished neither of those comics so i'm just basing it off the very little i've read. also, none of these examples are particularly johndave related. i just wanted to note down examples of john egbert and dave strider writing i enjoyed. i read like, one comic faygos made but that was also pretty good. pinballhazard is also a phenomenal writer and artist. especially for john! you guys should check all these guys out. anyways, thanks for reading all that!
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ametrictonofaudacity · 4 months
Okay so consider!!!
Yandere platonic Geralt!! Generally very cool!! Very nice!! But if you fuck up you have to deal with (what you have dubbed) the get along cuff. Which is literally him just making you sleep next to him and tying your leg to his with a bit of leather cord. It’s thin so he can easily snap it if there’s a danger, but he’ll wake up if you move it.
Also Jaskier being completely fine and okay with this would be hilarious, I would love to see you write a scenerio!! (Idk why but I picture a modern reader, like one who got dropped in the Witcher from the modern world)
I love this ask!! I also love the trope of a modern character in a medieval setting, I think it was all the ‘Modern Girl IN Middle Earth’ fanfics I read (an actual tag on ao3) so I have a weakness for it!! Also Jaskier just going ‘eh’ is so funny to me.
Warnings: forced proximity, captivity, kidnapping, some level of being infantalized, being tied to another person as a form of being restrained, future Stockholm syndrome. Jaskier is complicit, up to you whether he is also a yandere or not. Also the fact Geralt can smell emotions
“You know this could be like, an actual danger?”
You try and reason your way out of your situation, like reason has ever worked on Geralt before. He ignores you, mostly, concentrating on tying the knot around your wrist in a manner that you cannot undo the knot but it also didn’t cut off your circulation. He slips a finger under the cord, testing the knot and the cords strength, and you hear him make a satisfied rumble. You were still getting used to that, to the various sounds the Witcher made to express emotion.
“No it’s not. The cord’s thin, and if I have to fight I can snap it easily. Plus this area doesn’t normally have monsters, not this time of year.”
He stands, towering over you from you spot on the ground, near the fire, and you tilt your face up. The yellow light throws his features into a harsh countenance, makes his face all angles and scars, golden eyes reflecting the light the way a predators would as he glared down at you, scowling. You tighten your fingers in the wool cloak he had given you, so long ago, the fibers catching in your nails.
He must see something in your gaze, or maybe it’s the way you know you probably reek of anxiety right now, but his stance softens, the scowl melting away into something softer, not a smile because you knew he was still very, very upset with you, but not a harsh frown that made you feel small and stupid and like all the things he thought about you were true.
He crouches, making himself smaller next to you, and you feel your shoulders start to unwind. It was strange, being around someone who was so perceptive to your emotions, but seemingly had no clue how to address or handle them, beyond his own instincts as a Witcher and his limited interpersonal skills. His very limited interpersonal skills.
Seriously. You were pretty sure the guy only had two friends.
“You’re going to try and run again. Maybe not tonight, but I clearly can’t trust you to behave without me keeping my eye on you at all times. Since I can’t do that while I’m asleep, this is the solution.”
He motions to the thin leather cord, and you scowl, face twisting into something you know is ugly but doing it anyways. He wouldn’t be intimidated, you knew, he seemed to view you as some helpless kid, even though you were a fully grown adult who had been attending college.
“You wouldn’t have to watch me if you just let me go, Geralt. You can’t… you can’t just not let someone go home, that’s not right.”
You snap, fingers burying further into the cloak to stave off the chill that was only getting colder, creeping up your arms and legs to your torso and making you shiver. It had just gotten dark, the little fire Geralt built crackling away and too small to provide much warmth but rapidly gaining strength, and you shiver, leaning toward the fire and away from the Witcher.
“We’re not having this conversation again. You can’t survive out there on your own.”
Your face flushes, angry, and you bury your face further into the cloak. He had a point, to some extent. You weren’t used to the world of the Witcher, with its monsters and it’s hardships, weren’t used to the roughness of medieval life and all of its struggles. You were used to the modern world, where distances could be travelled by car, not horse, and you didn’t have to endure biting cold in the winter and blazing heat in the summer.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t at least try, Geralt. What kinda person would I be if I didn’t at least try to get home?” You protest, and there’s the sound of rustling, a muttered curse. Looks like Jaskier was back with wood.
“Ah. Seems I walked into a horribly tense situation.”
Jaskier remarks, but his voice is light, not taking your predicament seriously, even as his eyes land on the tether around your wrist and Geralt’s as he feeds wood into the fire, which licks up the logs and sticks eagerly, hungry for fuel. You scowl, face buried in the cloak to hide your sour mood as much as possible. Geralt didn’t care if you were pisses off or not, he cared when you were afraid not when you were mad, but Jaskier would do everything in his power to pull you out of your bad mood. From telling stories to playing little tavern songs, he would be relentless in making sure you cracked a smile at least once, and you didn’t feel like having to endure the bards attempts to cheer you up right now.
“Is tying them to you really necessary though, Geralt? They look like a kicked pup, can’t you be a bit more lenient?”
Jaskier wheedles, and wow, he might actually be your favorite person right now. You peek up from the fold of the cloak, and he’s got a hand on a hip, shifting his weight with a concerned frown. He looks entirely disapproving of the whole thing, which makes your heart soar. Maybe he would actually be able to get Geralt to listen to him.
“They’re lucky I don’t tie them on Roach all day.” Geralt grumbles, setting up the bed rolls. You could feel every small movement he made, the motion tugging gently on the thin tether.
“Oh you grump. Stop being so rude.” Jaskier huffs, sitting next to you, and you quietly despair how easily he gave in, how quickly he yielded to what Geralt wanted to do. You tuck your face back into the cloak, dejected.
“Hey now, it isn’t all bad. There are worse places to sleep. I can recall a few of them myself.”
Jaskier’s hand lands on your shoulder, and you glare, annoyed. You didn’t want company, or comfort, or any of it. You wanted one thing, and it was something that the both of them were denying you.
Jaskier, because he was Jaskier, seemingly didn’t notice. Which wasn’t the greatest.
“Yeah, sure, I guess. Never slept tied to somebody, though.” You say pointedly, and the annoyed rumble Geralt gives is almost worth it. Sharp gold eyes narrow at you slightly, before Geralt huffs, turning back to his task.
“I have! Well, it was more I had been knocked unconscious, but it still applies, I think! And those ropes were rather coarse, my wrists were aching for days!” Jaskier recalls. “Geralt had to rescue me, it was quite the adventure. I wrote a song about it, at some point, although I never published it. I really should rework that song, actually, come to think of it.”
He rambles, his voice filling the tense silence between you and Geralt, and you feel your shoulders start to relax. He was good at that, chattering to fill the silence that would drag on for hours between the two of you if it wasn’t for him. You sigh quietly, leaning into the warm hand clasped on your shoulders as the fire grows in strength, the bedrolls almost fully prepared.
“Alright. Jaskier, you take first watch, and I’ll take over in an hour or so.” There must not be many monsters around, you think, for Geralt to be so comfortable letting Jaskier take watch. Jaskier nods, slipping away your side as Geralt approaches.
“Not a problem! I was feeling wired tonight anyways, a few more hours though and I should be able to sleep well enough.” Jaskier agrees amicably. “Although I am a bit surprised, you normally insist on first watch.”
“Wanna get (Y/N) down.” Geralt huffs, and Jaskier nods.
“Fair enough, I suppose. They are criminally lacking in the sleep department, they’re beginning to get bags, poor thing.”
You scowl at Jaskier, annoyed.
“I’ve had these since middle school, first of all, not my fault I have insomnia.” You scowl, and jerk when Geralt all but drags you to the bed roll, barely waiting for you to finish talking.
“Hey!” You protests, annoyed, but he’s too busy ‘getting you settled’ as he liked to call it. Fussing over the blankets and the best roll, making sure your body was protected from the harsh winds that even the fire couldn’t stave off.
“Jaskier, stop keeping them up.” Geralt grumbles, sounding more tired than annoyed. He drags you closer, and it must be a Witcher thing to radiate heat like a furnace, because he was chasing off the cold without even trying, the same arm that you were tied to securing you against his chest.
“Pretty sure I can sleep on my own.”
You snark, and Geralt rolls his eyes.
“Not for the next week you aren’t, if that. Now go to bed.”
You scowl, glaring up at him. With the blanket over you, the fire, and the heat radiating off his body, you were tired, sure. But not tired enough not to say something, not when you were being treated like an idiot who couldn’t do anything for themselves.
“You can’t just- Geralt this isn’t right, and you know it. You can’t just- keep me here!”
You protest. Arguing with Geralt was much like arguing with a wall, honestly. Stubborn and just as likely to listen to you as the bricks that made up the walls of your old college.
But walls could come down. You just had to get through to him, make him realize that what was doing wasn’t going to work. You weren’t strong enough or fast enough to escape him, not without some clever plan or tricks up your sleeve, and you were pretty sure that an Olympic level athlete would still have issues trying to outpace him. So your only hope was getting him to listen.
It was a fragile hope, but it was the only hope you had.
“We’re not talking about this right now. Go to sleep.”
Geralt grumbles, and you open your mouth again. The warning rumble in his chest cuts you off, and you swallow.
The sound was exactly that. A warning. Geralt had never hurt you before, not really, but whenever he got mad things were miserable. Jaskier would be irritated with you for ‘putting Geralt in a mood’ as he put it, and you would be without the bard’s chattering to fill the heavy silent between you and Geralt. Not to mention the awkwardness of being forced to ride atop Roach with Geralt, the silence thick with tension between the two of you, or the way you would hope desperately for the day to end so you could go to sleep.
No, it was better to keep the Witcher happy. For all parties.
“Alright. Good night.” You finally mutter, and he sighs, the tension leaving his body. You feel his torso loosen, relaxing behind you, and you feel your hand shaking, just slightly. Or a little more than slightly. Your stomach twists, and Geralt sighs.
“I know you don’t understand. But you’ll realize this is what’s best for you.” He says it like it’s supposed to be an assurance, smoothing a hand over your hair like you’re a particularly fussy child, and you consider, for a second, twisting and biting that hand. Driving your teeth deep enough to draw blood and make him listen to you, for once.
You don’t, mainly because you know he would just move it fast enough your teeth would just snap at empty air.
You close your eyes. With the almost stifling heat behind you, and the too-heavy weight of the cord on your wrist that logically shouldn’t feel as heavy as it did, sleep does not come easy. Eventually, though, you feel your consciousness slip away into oblivion.
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veryblushyswitch · 6 months
Wallace W. (tickle hcs) ☕️
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I need to see his sassy ass get wrecked to pieces ✨ There ended up being way more hcs than I intended to write, but I always love when that happens. Hope you enjoy! ☕️
☕️ ~ This man is a huge ler. THE ler of the group.
☕️ ~ Somehow happens to know where everyone is ticklish. Doesn’t even need to tickle them to know he just knows.
☕️ ~ Wallace won’t go out of his way to tickle someone nor does he get into ler moods I would say, but he does take the opportunity whenever it arrives because he finds it entertaining. Especially when it comes to Scott.
���️ ~ Scott sleeps in quite a bit so Wallace resorts to tickling him out of bed a lot. He starts out gentle then gets annoyed if Scott still won’t get up. Then he tickles him until Scott is desperate to get out of bed begging to help cook breakfast.
☕️ ~ Copying this next headcanon from @happyandticklish because I love it so much-
☕️ ~ Wallace will just walk up behind Scott and grab his hips, not even tickling him yet, but Scott is already begging and giggling to be let go. Wallace will just lightly squeeze to hear Scott squeak. He does it constantly and out of nowhere.
☕️ ~ Wallace takes great care of his nails. He’s taken Scott to get manis and pedis before because Scott needed it.
☕️ ~ Wallace couldn’t help but giggle when Scott was too ticklish to not squirm around a bit for his pedicure. Wallace has gotten used to the feeling, but won’t ever admit that every now and then it tickles and catches him by surprise.
☕️ ~ He’s given Stacey random pokes to her sides and ribs before to make her scream. She gets so angry each time and he thinks it’s hilarious.
☕️ ~ So. 👏 Fucking. 👏 Teasey. 👏
☕️ ~ Will tease Scott to no end and knows how much the teases get to him. Wallace can also get Scott to do whatever he wants if he teases him long enough.
“Aww what’s wrong~ Does that tickle? Yeah? Too bad.”
“So are you gonna do the dishes? Good. And vacuum? And do the laundry? And clean the bathroom?”
“Wake the fuck up or this is gonna get a lot worse and you know it. Oh, don’t believe me?” *latches onto Scott’s hips*
☕️ ~ Scott has done chores around the house in fear of Wallace coming home and tickling him to death.
☕️ ~ I absolutely love Wallace and Todd so get ready for some hcs about them ✨
☕️ ~ While they were “going over lines” Todd found out Wallace was ticklish. And my gosh did he take advantage of it.
☕️ ~ Todd found it absolutely adorable that he could make Wallace all red in the face instead of the other way around for once.
☕️ ~ Plus, he finds Wallace’s laugh enchanting.
☕️ ~ Every little giggle and wheeze makes Todd’s heart melt. The fact alone that Wallace is ticklish was enough to make Todd fall in love with him all over again.
☕️ ~ Wallace hates that Todd found out-
☕️ ~ What he hates even more is that he couldn’t deny to himself that it wasn’t a little fun. He even got Todd back quite a bit. Only because Todd let him though.
☕️ ~ Todd has for sure used his vegan powers to pin Wallace down while he tickles him and Wallace find it so unfair.
☕️ ~ Todd is the only one who has found out about Wallace being ticklish behind his ears.
☕️ ~ He was kissing his neck and gave him continuous kisses behind Wallace’s ear and Wallace couldn’t contain his giggles.
☕️ ~ Wallace didn’t even know he was ticklish there until Todd discovered it!!
☕️ ~ Past boyfriends/lovers have kissed his neck before, but none of them touched or kissed behind his ears.
☕️ ~ Todd found this to be the cutest thing on Earth. How Wallace’s voice got all high pitched and whiny when tickled and/or kissed there. How his nose and shoulders scrunch up if you wiggle your fingers lightly behind them. And best of all, when you blow a raspberry behind either of his ears and Wallace squeals.
☕️ ~ You read that right. He fucking squeals-
☕️ ~ They deserved more screen time together they were so cute and funny!!
☕️ ~ Wallace is insanely ticklish on his back.
☕️~ Both Todd and Scott have sat on this thighs while he’s on his stomach and tickled everywhere in his back.
☕️ ~ His lower back and shoulder blades are the absolute worst. They make him wheeze and cackle into silent laughter. He tries so hard to wiggle away and reach back to try and tickle back whoever’s tickling him.
☕️ ~ However, it always leads the person who’s tickling him to go for another bad spot which are his underarms.
☕️ ~ When Todd used his vegan powers to slowly expose his underarms then tickle them, Wallace absolutely died-
☕️ ~ His final worst spot is the back of his knees.
☕️ ~ The top of the knees don’t get a reaction, but the back have him shrieking with high pitched laughter. He can barely form words when he’s ticked there.
☕️ ~ He’s mildly ticklish on the other normal places, but all you’ll really get is a small little chuckle or huffy breaths.
☕️ ~ Wallace gets super giggly when he’s drunk and even more ticklish!!
☕️ ~ He’s even asked Scott for tickles before when he’s drunk and Scott uses it as blackmail. He would never actually tell and Wallace knows this.
☕️ ~ He is also much more touchy and lovey dovey when he’s drunk. So he’ll be all over Scott or whoever’s he’s dating at the time. All giggly with a little pink on his face and slurring his words.
☕️ ~ Wallace has tickle attacked Scott when he’s drunk before and Scott doesn’t know if it tickles more when he’s sober or drunk.
☕️ ~ Wallace will drunkingly tackle Scott onto the bed and lazily scribble and poke everywhere he can reach. Scott cannot move and loses himself in laughter.
☕️ ~ Wallace won’t stop until Scott manages to tickle him back and overpower him, or Wallace stops and fall asleep on top of him.
☕️ ~ Very ticklish to raspberries on his back. Scott always does it as the big finally whenever he manages to fully pin down Scott.
☕️ ~ Scott actually convinced Ramona to help him tickle Wallace a few times.
☕️ ~ Then to make it up to him she helped Wallace get Scott back tenfold. The two exchange tickly secrets about him.
☕️ ~ They sometimes do it while they’re tickling him and it makes Scott’s face go bright red.
☕️ ~ While I did think Todd and Wallace were adorable, we have to include some tickly hcs for him and Mobile 💖
☕️ ~ Mobile was the second person to find out about the spot behind his ears. And he takes every chance he can get tickle him there.
☕️ ~ Scott also spilled all of Wallace’s tickly secrets to Mobile.
☕️ ~ Wallace only ever gets lee moods with Mobile. Doesn’t even have to be drunk! He gets all fake pouty and blushy and pretends he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
☕️ ~ Mobile always knows when Wallace is in a mood. And he thinks it’s adorable. His teases make Wallace crumble.
☕️ ~ That doesn’t Wallace doesn’t get him back though. Wallace loves making his husband laugh and dishing out revenge.
☕️ ~ His favorite technique is to kiss Mobile’s neck while giving him a tickle hug from behind.
☕️ ~ Overall, I need to see this man get wrecked to pieces 💖
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dipperscavern · 2 months
@cdragons & i were having some thoughts about secondincommand!reader.. specifically how she’d react to robb breaking his oath with the freys… enjoy
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜.・。.・゜✭・.
secondincommand!reader who is the glue that holds the war camp together & keeps it running smoothly
secondincommand!reader who is a tiny thing, but don’t let that fool you. she’s often seen dragging 6’0+, 200lb northmen by the ear — giving them a scolding that would make tywin lannister look like a kitten
most problems are laid at her feet, not that robb doesn’t do anything, but the chain of command makes them be brought to her first. she has a knack for fixing things, and sarcasm runs through her veins where blood should be. she has nothing, if not the audacity
tough as nails, and fears only the gods, all the northmen call her doe. they say she’s the long lost daughter of stannis baratheon, stubborn as a mule, she’ll break before she bends
so you can imagine how happy she is when she finds out the king in the north broke his oath and married a nurse. girl bye LMFAO
she gives robb the absolute cold shoulder when she hears the rumors are true. robb and talisa stroll through the camp on their horses, and when reader sees them, she just stands there. theon glances at her stiffness, before she turns around and just walks away.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
robb thought he was going crazy.
she had always been said to hold the camp & northmen together, and now, with her not on his side — he’s finding out how true that really is.
she hasn’t spoken to him since he left & returned with talisa, abandoning his oath with the freys. if he asked her a question during a meeting, she’d answer the lord closest to her as if he had asked her that, instead of robb. she had even resorted to speaking to him through theon, who found it hilarious.
“C’mon, Doe- you have to speak to me sooner or later.”
he’s this close to begging at this point. she merely turns to theon.
“Theon, do you hear that? It sounds like.. it sounds like a fucking idiot.”
theon nods. “Been a lot of those lately. Think it’s seasonal.”
robb runs his hands down his face as they both walk out, and eventually he confides in talisa about it. after all, she is his wife. she approaches her after a meeting, while she’s gathering her things to leave.
“I’m sorry if you’re unhappy with me, I’m only trying to do my best.”
she doesn’t miss a beat. “You’ve only put all our lives in jeopardy and half-way ensured we lose the war. Why should I be unhappy with you?”
she’s surprised by her boldness. talisa swallows thickly. “Feel how you will about me, Robb is your king. You should speak with him soon.”
she turns around, looking at her, brows pinched in faux empathy.
“I’m sorry— I don’t speak with southerners. Gives me the shivers.”
“I’ve been in the North for many moons.”
“How interesting.” she finishes gathering her stuff, walking out of the tent with lord karstark trailing beside her. he leans over to rub her shoulders.
“I can feel ya’ shiverin, child.” they both laugh, walking on.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
her silence was eventually replaced by nonsense, and robb considered letting the lannisters march in here and put him out of his misery.
she had taken to speaking the language of old valyria, for all robb could guess. and the men around him could be none the wiser, theon included.
“Karstark, you’ll lead the vanguard. And Doe, you’ll command the archers.”
“Mememememeh..” she said, rolling her eyes. theon nodded.
he thought someone would stop her eventually, but no, he failed to recognize these men adored her. their little doe, a spitfire who could demand their lives & they’d fall on their swords.
“Stew good, Doe?” he asked, walking by the campfire she sat at.
“Ehmememememeh..” she said, shaking her head. the men sat around her only nodded, murmurs of agreement to each other spilling from their lips.
and when she did start talking to robb again (in the common tongue), he almost wished for the silence to return. no he didn’t.
“Glad you’ve started speaking with me again.”
“Tell me, how much speaking will we be doing if Walder Frey decides to behead us?”
he opens his mouth to speak, but she raises a hand.
“If I die because His Grace, King Robb, saw a bit of arse & his cock forgot the oath he swore, I am going to kill you.”
he thought the northern lords were going to burst a blood vessel with how hard they tried to hold in their laughter. in the end, their efforts did not prevail.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜.・。.・゜✭・.
believe it or not, they’re in love with each other. i don’t make the rules (yes i do)
@ghostinvenus i’m sorry if this wasn’t what u had in mind when u asked to be tagged, i promise better things are coming 😭 just couldn’t get secondincommand!reader out of my head omg
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