#the open shelves kinda freak me out though
thelasttime · 1 year
lily aldridge's kitchen is a dream
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justasecretflower · 7 days
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🥀 Meeting Jeff! The killer again after dating him before he was a proxy🤍.
A/N- The long awaited sequel to my. Dating Jeff the killer before he was a proxy. Yes, I am still doing requests, except I’m writing really slow because I’m sick :(.
- you met him again at a dingy old convenience store while you were out with your friends.
- he didn’t come back from murdering someone, he was just kinda hanging out and getting some junk food and that’s when he saw you, and you saw him.
One of my friends pushed open the door with an exaggerated heave, laughing with my other three friends. After a long night of bar hopping with my friends f/n suggested that we stock up on gas station junk food then have a movie marathon at their house. Everyone agreed of course, being absolutely wasted and it being a Saturday night.
I walked into the local convenience store. The flickering lights reminded me of a worn down elementary school, the metal shelves top to bottom filled with up with sugary sweet candy to salty and spicy chips. bunch of junk food and a slushy machine was turning and making 3 flavors of slushy. Mindlessly, I walk towards the chips aisle. My shoes lightly tap on the dirty cold floor, crossing my arms to gain warmth in the cool atmosphere while my eyes roll over the options. I hear someone strolling through the aisle with me, instinctively I look over to see..Jeff?
He was looking at me, his head turned and his eyes glittered in such a peculiar way that I had to make sure I was seeing things right. His cheeks were cut, making him have a permanent smile, his black hair now shoulder length and tousled, dirty black converse, and a white hoodie stained with some slightly dried up blood stains. He looks so different, so..not him? Like after he went away he lost all sanity, fell into the depths of a black hole to never return, never find himself again. Nonetheless his eyes were still the same the same ocean blue, the ocean that I fell into and happily let myself drown in, the eyes that looked at me, one day, with a deep affection, with love and care, the eyes that would scan over mine, and without any words create poetry in my soul. My heart squeezed and started thumping hard and fast, like out of instinct to try and reach out for him. Reach out for his touch, his voice, his arms. I couldn’t even get a word out before f/n stuck their head into the chips aisle and asked if I was done in a chipper voice.
I just take a bag of hot fries, eyes still trained on Jeff, and walk away from him, sensing his eyes still burned into my back. Like he was having a hard time taking his gaze away from me out of pure subconscious instinct. I may be reading into it too much.
But it seemed like we both wanted to say something to each other.
- Jeff would follow you to your friends house that night.
- it took him awhile to muster up the words bubbling in his throat, stalking you and just..standing in front of you all the time.
- eventually he rasped out your name in the most desperate, lost, love-filled tone that made you literally almost fall down to your knees.
- his tone was more so of desperation because of the void left in his heart after he became a killer and you had left his life. He had needed you back, to fill it.
- he tells you what he does now, killing, in a casual manner. But inside? He’s freaking out that you’ll leave him again.
- he can’t let anyone know he’s freaking out though…
- comes through your window to your room all the time?
- dates are just the park at night like when you were kids. Alone in the slide together just talking about random stuff.
- that or you’re having a movie night.
- he doesn’t give physical affection that much. But he likes receiving it.
- he’ll just wait for you to be in the right position for him to lay down his head so you can play with his hair
- calls it “stupid” (he loves it)
- bullies you /srs
- doesn’t introduce you to the other creeps not for your safety but because he’s jealous.
- randomly likes going into the forest just to aggressively push you up to a tree, grip your hair like there’s no tomorrow and kiss you hard.
- then walks away😟
- whenever you say “I love you” he says “you better”
- I don’t think he’s ever actually said “I love you” as an adult to you.
- if you do ever end up visiting the mansion in his room, he’ll push you off him if someone walks in his room.
- scarily overprotective
- he’s such a meanie too.
- he’s overprotective, unstable, and mean.
- if you’re arguing, he’ll punch a wall near you just to scare you.
- I’m sorry I romanticize him a lot you guys need this..
- when he’s gone for missions he doesn’t call or text.
- but when he gets back he’s super clingy even though he denies it.
- yes, he’s toxic. But he’s also just a really really mentally broken man that needs some love here and there.
- he’ll never give you a white picket fence dream. He’ll give you like..random 7-11 runs at 1:30 am, and chug a monster while discussing random stuff
- he doesn’t call you pet names. If he does it’s baby and that’s when he’s being super soft or sarcastic.
- definitely gave you a necklace with his blood in it…
Hope you liked it!!
Working on a bunch of drafts rn✍️
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glitch-karma · 1 year
have you seen the new valentine episode for horimiya?? can you write a one shot where the reader gives iura chocolate 🥹 he deserves it!!!
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✧Cw: Fluffy fluff, slight implied fem reader (no prns specified though)
✧ Confession, Reader is also a third year, reader and Iura are friends and in the same class
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"it's that time of year. Store shelves are gonna be packed with valentine's stuff everywhere." Toru speaks up. "I feel ya man. But... you're one of those guys who are gonna be swimming in chocolate treats so maybe I don't feel ya." Iura sulks, resting his head in his hand. You glance over at him as you nibble at a pastry you'd bought from the cafeteria earlier.
"you already said you did, no take backs." Toru says. "So, any plans for the lovey dovey day?" Iura asks Toru. "Uhm, Practice tying a tie? Yeah." Toru says. "Is that what Miyamura's teaching you now?" Iura questions as you both watched Miyamura attempt to tie Torus tie.
"he said he wanted to practice too." Toru replied. "Tada!" Miyamura said as he finished. Looking at it, it was a mess. Maybe the worst tie you'd ever seen. After a short pause Miyamura spoke up. "It's not appealing at all." "Uh, yeah you think?" Toru remarked. "Damn dude it's impressive how bad that is." You spoke in-between bites. "What is this monstrosity? Uh, it's freaking tight dude! I can't untie your stupid note!" Toru yelled.
Hearing the door crack open, You and Iura peaked around to see sawada peaking in. "Oh hey! Sawada just showed up guys!" Iura loudly announced. "I'm guessing you can for Miyamura." Iura continued as you finished your pastry. "No." Sawada said quietly. As soon as Miyamura greeted her she as usual ran behind him.
"I'm actually here for you Iura." Sawada said. "Me? Really? What's up dudette?" Iura questioned. "Uhm, do you like chocolate? Or no?"
Everyone in the room stood quietly in shock for a few seconds. You looked over at Iura as he looked shocked and shook lightly. "Y-Yes. I like chocolate." He said shyly. "Do you have a favorite?" Sawada asked as you stared in shock still. "No not at all! I love them all! I like bitter or sweet and I have no known allergies, kay!" Iura said with a big smile on his face. You stared at him as you could feel your face getting sweaty.
"So yup! Any kinda chocolate works!" Iura then said. "Got it. Thanks Iura." Sawada said. You could see Iura looking back and forth before reiterateing by yelling; "Any kind at all!"
"You wanna spend time and cash on chocolate for Shuu?" Toru asked. "Wait!" Sawada said surprised. "Shocked anyone besides Hori is on your list." Miyamura said. You nodded as well. "Kinda surprising.."
"Shut your mouths right now before you discourage her you killjoys!" Iura yelled. "Hey if you wanna make me sweets that's your prerogative okay?" Iura says with a hand behind his head. "Ugh- what kind of warped delusion are you living in to think I'd make sweets for you?" Sawada says with a grossed out look on her face. Iura stands there shell shocked. "I'm going back to class, where things make sense." She says as you four watch her leave. Iura stands there shocked still.
"Huh.. What!? She's the one who's not making sense, y'know?! Huh?!" Iura yells in a phrensy. You sigh a bit. Although you felt bad, it was revealing that Sawada wasn't going to give Iura any sweets.
After a while, Iura heads out for the day. You stand slightly awkwardly looking at your feet. "So, bet that was pretty awkward for ya?" Toru teases you as he slaps your shoulder. "Considering you were planning on giving Shu something?" "Toru!" You yelled as you punched his shoulder. "Ah you like Iura, Y/n?" Miyamura asked. "It's pretty obvious." Toru speaks up as you continue hitting him.
You sigh as you finally stop, looking towards the ground as you whip your bag over your shoulder. "I've liked Shuu for awhile now. He's my best friend though. So this I guess will be the test or whatever? Ugh. Why am I even talking to you two about this?" You turn twords the two with a frown. "I need someone like Hori or Yoshikawa." "Harsh." Toru and Miyamura sulk slightly.
"Well, whatever you get him I'm sure he'll go crazy. He's my friend, but he's pretty lonely." Toru says as Miyamura nods. "Thanks for nothing." You sigh as you open the class door. "I'm out, see you tomorrow." "Cya." Toru waves as you close the class door.
Valentine's day is so far away, yet so soon. You were pretty nervous, but still. This was something that had to happen. It is third year after all.
The day was here. You'd stayed up late into the night out of fear, but it was finally time. The entire walk to school you were a mess as you shook with nervousness and fear. You inhaled as you looked around the corner to see Iura laughing with a classmate. As you backed away a little, you felt a shove. You looked behind you to see Yoshikawa shoving you with a grin. You hid the gift behind your back before speaking up.
"U-Uhm Shuu?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear as your blush grew. "Oh, hey what's up N/n?" Iura paused as he saw the blush painting for face. When he saw your hand behind your back his face suddenly also exploded in red.
You stuttered for a second as you took your hands out shakily, revealing a small box wrapped with a yellow and pink pattern and a cd that had a small yellow bow on it. "Happy.. Valentine's day." You said as you held them out towards him. He yelled as he shook his head causing you to jump lightly. He grabbed them from you quickly with stars in his eyes. "Wow really for me?!" He yelled. You nodded as you cracked a smile at him.
"The CD has some new songs I thought you'd like.. I'm not sure if you've listened to them though." You awkwardly laughed. Shuu nodded as he placed the CD under the box and opened it up. There were various different kinds of chocolates all placed neatly in a row. Shuu could feel his face get hotter.
"I made the fillings myself. There's only 3 of them though." You laughed. "Oh! And here," you said digging through your bag pulling out a pink paper bag. "For your sister and you to share.. I made too many for just you." You blushed more.
"Y/n.." Iura looked shell shocked as he just stared at you. He then laughed as he pulled you into a hug. "You're just the person I wanted to receive chocolates from y'know!!" He yelled. You gasped as you felt him slightly rock you back and forth. He backed up a bit, popping a chocolate in his mouth. "Mhm matcha.." he gapped as he spoke with his mouth full. You chuckled as you could feel yourself get nervous again. "so.. Do you.. Uhm." You stopped as you could feel more eyes on you. Suddenly you remembered you were in the hallways. You looked around in embarrassment as you stuck your face in your hands. "I should have chosen a calmer spot!" You yelled, startling Iura.
He then laughed as he closed the box and hugged you again. You slowly took your hands out of you face as you looked up at his face. His goofy grin was replaced with this serious smile, one you'd only really seen at his house.
"I like you too." He said softly. You gasped as you tensed a bit. You then relaxed into the hug as you hugged him back. "Good. Cause those chocolates were hard." You joked.
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if you would all allow me to be delusional for a moment - so i went back to staring Very Hard at the neighborhood map and. um. well. im chucking my marbles out the window! as always take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt!
i thought i saw a weird pixel in Frank's window so i zoomed in. then i took a screenshot, and fucked with the contrast/brightness settings. and uhhhhhh
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FRANK??? HELLO???? HE'S IN THERE? i'm pretty sure im Not seeing things bc that is definitely a vague gray tube-outline with a yellow spot in the shape of Frank's nose. hidden in the dark. and i might be seeing things but in the pane next to his face it kinda looks like his hand is on the window? but! Frank's in there! what the fuck!
so naturally i slowly scrolled through the neighborhood Zoomed The Fuck In. obvi there's nothing in Home's eyes, and Barnaby's & Sally's single visible windows(?) are closed. I couldn't find any out-of-place pixels in Julie's or Poppy's.
but! Eddie's kinda freaked me out a little! look at this shit!
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on the top left pane... are those fingerprints pressing into the glass? and in the lower left, is that a fucking Face peering out? a creepy ass face that almost looks like some sort of mask? there seems to be another Shape in the upper right... another face perhaps?
and then there's the weird window shine in the lower right (along with maybe Another face...). it almost looks like a string of letters. there isn't a single pattern/design like that anywhere else in the neighborhood. what's up with that....
oh and also, just went back to double check the post office's display window
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there seems to be another face - all the way to the right in the darkness. judging by the shape of the paler (yellowish?) pixels between what must be eyes, i think that's Eddie. and i think i see ears and a hat... not sure though. this one is really tough to see but it's There
(side note: Eddie is totally fucked, isn't he? between the faces(?) and hands behind his door, Home sitting in his display, and the hyacinths by his building, the emphasis on his memory (or lack-thereof) in a project that is, in a sense, About memory... i'm concerned! and eating it tf up! hell yeah lets get funky!)
now i couldn't see any, like, concrete Faces or anything in Howdy's store. but! you can kinda see inside! observe~
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in the big open window, you can kinda make out some sort of container on a counter and what might be shelves or a kind of brick pattern. and then above the 100% sign... hold on are those fuckign Eyes? lets take a look zoomed in & without the image adjustments!
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yeah those uh. i think those are eyes. Wally-esque eyes peering out of the darkness. though they also mildly remind me of eyespots on insect wings. butterfly eyespots, perhaps. inch resting indeed...
WAIT I LIED!!! there DOES seem to be another string of letter-like symbols in the neighborhood, not just the post office's window shine. now it could be just a wild coincidence, but at the same time it seems kind of... purposeful. like that's not normal shading/coloring.
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check out the blue window border on Howdy's Place, next to the apples. the lighter blue pixels seem Arranged. i think i see a clear N, and either an R or a P... along with some other symbols that i don't recognize as anything. the lower ones look kinda like faces? what could the top one be? is any of it anything or am i looking too hard?
in short: they're watching us watch them and there's way more to the map than initially meets the eye....
(edit: i've added a reblog w/ the images outlined! badly outlined but a clearer View of what i see nonetheless! + some notes on more little things outlining helped me notice)
#throttling my laptop WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNN#got a little spooked there ngl....#noticing the faces(?) in eddie's gave me a lil startle. got a little chill up my spine#I LOVE IT!#im gonna be reeling over this all night....#the implications! the arising questions!! the Choices!!!#frank and eddie being the only ones with their faces in their windows (plus a couple extra)#eddie and howdy having letters/symbols(?) on their buildings#THE EYES IN HOWDY'S STORE!!!#i feel like these are important misplaced pieces of a puzzle i havent even opened yet#god and like. tiny home in eddie's window yeah but that With the eyes in howdy's store?#both buildings - both Stores! - seeming to have hidden letters on them??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN#of course i could be just plain insane and seeing things#but some of it.... ough i dont think i am fellas#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#homebogging#ive been meaning to Examine the updated map.... not much Changed or caught my attention but a few things did#why does barnaby have a carton of milk outside his house? something to do with the phrase 'no use crying over spilled milk'?#the flower patch behind julie's house is Oddly green.... kinda reminds me of a body dump#that plus the red thing next to the bowling ball (a ribbon? scissors? something else?) makes me Suspicious#along with a mildly delusional Theory i've had since my first good Examining Of The Map (before the update!)#but thats not what this post is about#theres just. theres interesting things in there!#thank you for reading! i need to go Think about this all....#im feeling the urge to up the contrast/brightness of Every Single Slightly Dark image on the site <3
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l0serloki · 2 years
You and I
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Peter Maximoff x Reader 
CW : GN!Reader, kissy kissy moment & Peter teasing, nothing more 
A/N : is there still xmen fans? probably not but I will singlehandedly write for Peter till I die.  I originally had this posted and tumblr hates me.. D:
Peter was driving you mad. More than usual, that is. It had been a while since the two of you had become friends and it was building up to be something.. more. 
“Y/N! I got you a drink!” Peter moved over your shoulder, settling said drink into your hand. The breezes of him running in didn’t scare you anymore, getting used to the sudden intrusions - and secretly enjoying them. You hummed as the boy settled next to you. His legs bounced in sync with how your pounding heart felt. 
“Thanks, Pete.” You graced him with a smile, meeting his chestnut hues for a few seconds. You swore he grew more and more handsome every time you looked at him.
“Yeah, anytime. Whatcha workin on?” 
Your hands skimmed through the work, noticing a missing page. 
“Well, I was working on homework. I assume you already know that though.. Considering our science pages are missing.” 
The only response you got was a short laugh and slap on the knee. Your eyes wandered to Peter’s formidable hands. You were violently aware of the small touches that he would leave across your flesh. He had to have been doing it on purpose - there was no other reason for the close contact. 
You shook your head, diverting any dirty thoughts away as you continued to work on the paper. It had only been about two minutes before Peter sighed and jumped up. 
“Y/N, we gotta do something. I’m gonna rot if we spend more time just staring at the wall.”
You had to agree that the silence and tension would eventually kill you both. You dropped your pencil on the table and looked over at the man. 
“What do you suggest we do then, Pete?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Wait - You want to stop working? That was easier than I thought. Maybe we could.. Go listen to music? I got some new records.” 
You stretched your tense limbs waving for Peter to lead the way. The two of you dodged the younger kids on the trek to get to his room. You had never been inside his room and were nervous. What if he was a mess like Scott or a clean freak like Jean? You were only mere moments from finding out..
“Come on in, Y/N.” 
You eyed the postered walls and shelves of merch. The room smelled faintly of candy and laundry detergent. You couldn’t exactly place the feeling but it just fit Peter precisely. His warm eyes creased as he smiled.
“It’s nothing special but I tried to add my own spin.” He pulled a record out of the shelf, opening the player.
“No - it’s perfect. It suits you.” You sat down against the messy bed and closed your eyes. His scent enveloped and soothed you from the stresses of the day.  Music drifted as the bed dipped and Peter sat dangerously close. You could recognize the song from the first few lyrics, the romantic notion making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“You and I by Queen?” You questioned and felt his breath puff against your ear. You were suddenly aware of every flaw and shake you made as he hummed.
“Yeah. I’m surprised you know it! You like this kinda music?” 
You turned to peek at his face, noses brushing together. It felt as if you were going to die if he didn’t kiss you in that moment. This had to be the final string that broke the tension between the two of you. He seemed content on staring at you which annoyed you even more. You had to say something to push him.
“Yes, I like the music. Reminds me of a guy I like.” Your eyes darted away from him, hands jittering with embarrassment. 
Peter’s hand rubbed against your cheek, bringing your eyes back to him. You saw the rose tint that dusted his cheeks and cracked a smile. Maybe it wasn’t so embarrassing if you got to see him like this.
“What kinda guy is he? Any cool powers?” Peter couldn’t stop himself from laughing at his own sentence, awaiting your response. You acted as if you were deep in thought and left him to sit in silence for a moment. That would teach him for the teasing he has put you through for days on end.
“He’s cool but doesn’t know when to take hints. For having super speed he’s pretty slow..” You trailed off and he gasped.
“SLOW!? I’ll have you know he sounds like a very lovely gentleman.” 
“If he was, he would kiss me already.” 
Peter finally broke the wall between you two, warm lips meeting yours in an embrace. His tongue grazed your mouth as your palm traced against his firm chest. You gave him entrance and the kiss got more passionate with every growing second.
Peter’s hair tickled your face as he separated from you. He pulled you flush against him, head resting against his rapid heart.
“That was awesome. We should do that again.”
“As long as I’m yours you can do that as much as you like.”
“I thought that much was obvious. You’re stuck with me now.”
You snorted as your hands gripped at the cloth of his shirt.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Pete.”
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barbieb0y · 28 days
with a snap of the fingers.
day 6 already!! we're in the final stretch!!!!
for today, i went with a comfort unasked for yet welcomed ! and a wall of snow keeps us hidden kinda
this one is definitely more elaborate than my previous work ... bc this one's a fantasy au!! ive had this vivid image of paper cut and joe being a mage and a blacksmith respectively and them being kinda neighbors in a village. but it kinda extended to other characters too so you may see them here. also i used my actual name here bc paper cut doesnt sound like it'd fit in a fantasy setting 😭 and also his personality here is kinda inspired by a character named beryl from a game called sword of convallaria! here hes a really skilled mage whos kinda cocky but ultimately still a socially awkward dude who doesnt go out much. lol
if i have time, i'll expand on this au a little more! but for now, aside from what i said above, this au has sonetto as the "main character" or the hero who keeps coming back to the village from dungeon raiding (bc i cant see vertin doing it despite her technically being the protag in re99). kinda like dungeon meshi (<- read like 5 chapters of dunmeshi)
i love roguelikes so the idea of the hero reviving after dying in an always shuffling and changing dungeon appeals to me. so that happens to sonetto in this au
SORRY FOR THE WORD VOMIT i just enjoyed writing this a lot. anyways
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Safar hates to admit it but he is very much snowed in.
Usually he wouldn’t mind the blizzard causing it - hell, sometimes he’d celebrate - but he needed to go out to get some potions from Sotheby across the village. It’s just misfortune after misfortune for him this winter season.
He can only mumble complaints under his breath as he instructs various (previously) inanimate objects to tidy up the place. It’s a rare occasion as he can be… quite the disorganized individual, despite having the convenience of magic literally at his fingertips. Though the process itself isn’t as magical, ironically enough.
Everything comes to a stop when he hears a banging on the door. His complaints double as he stomps over to the door. He quickly casts a translation spell, just to throw a warning to whatever monster threatens to break into his house.
“Get the hell out, you freaks! Do not piss me off!”
Instead of growling and howling, he is instead met with some coughs. Very humane coughs (or at least, humanoid). His temper subsides slightly at the possibility that annoying winter monsters finally got the hint after many, many years.
“I have no idea what you’re saying but it’s me, Joe! Y’know, the blacksmith next door?”
The big, tough guy next door? The sole source of all the sound pollution that made Safar soundproof his walls? Well, at least it’s a human. They’re supposed to be good at reasoning with other humans. At least, the mage hopes so.
Even then, it’s strange that the blacksmith is out there during a literal blizzard. Like it or not, the mage has to let the tough guy in, lest he dies out there. The snow-drenched blacksmith stumbles in, which helps with the mage’s attempt to open and close that front door as quickly as humanly possible.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The host spouts the moment he slams the front door. It’s a genuine question asked sort of out of concern but the mage has to admit he didn’t want any kind of visitor, monster or not. Thankfully, his little inanimate servants managed to clean up the place in time for the unexpected visitor.
“I was on my way home but then the snow got super heavy and well. Your place is nearer and my balls are freezing.”
Safar can’t argue with that. He can interrogate where he was from once they settle down. And so the mage surrenders to his fate with a sigh, making his way towards his shelves flowing with ingredients of many varieties. Making the blacksmith feel right at home will be a piece of cake.
“I do not want to hear about your freezing balls. Sit down over there, I’ll make some tea. Or are you more of a coffee guy?”
Out of habit, the mage starts throwing out everything he’s not looking for. Joe is oblivious to this despite all the noise he’s making and simply enjoys himself on the very comfortable couch, right beside a very cozy fire.
“I’m fine with anything.”
The blacksmith begins to lay down on the couch. Safar knows well that Joe has the luxury of being a guest and it’s common courtesy for him to treat the guest well but he can’t help but think for someone so big and tough-looking, he sure as hell seems content to not put those muscles to use.
Well, whatever! He’s a mage for Pete’s sake! He has the convenience of using supernatural powers to aid him in his daily activities! And moving things around with magic is child’s play for the best mage in this village!
He proves this point by snapping his fingers, which drops a whole tea set (with cookies on the side) on the coffee table in front of Joe. The guest jumps from the sudden movement, though the self-pouring kettle remains unfazed.
“And anything you will get.”
The host smugly proclaims as he struts towards his guest. With another snap of his fingers, lanterns illuminate the living room. He looks around the room, pondering if there’s anything else that needs some finger-snapping. Ultimately, his gaze lands on the fireplace. He sneaks a glance at Joe.
“Is the fire warm enough?”
Increasing the heat of the fireplace requires more effort than just finger-snapping but the extent of it just consists of the inconvenience of having to grab an extra ingredient from his stuffed shelves. Yet Joe only smiles at the host, as warm as the flames that lick the smooth stone.
“Yeah. The perfect temperature actually.”
Safar’s smug smile turns into a genuine one. He has to admit – the guy’s energy is contagious. Having his mood lifted up slightly prompts him to join his guest near the fireplace as he quite literally lifts himself up off the floor, hovering in midair in a cross-legged sitting position. Joe pretends to not be impressed but the mage can tell he’s stealing glances.
It’s easy for the mage to forget certain tricks up his robe’s sleeves are unthinkable for other people, especially for a regular human such as Joe. Some think the mage can be a little too boastful for his own good but Joe isn’t part of that crowd - he deserves to be boastful. He’s the most skilled mage in the village! That much can be seen with the huge certificate that’s pinned up right above the fireplace. The words “BEST MAGE IN CHARLESTON VILLAGE” in the mayor’s crude handwriting swell with pride.
“...Reminds me of my forge back home.”
The blacksmith comments on the warmth of the fireplace, but it also alludes to the fact that he has a certificate in his workshop too - except it says “BEST (AND ONLY) BLACKSMITH IN CHARLESTON VILLAGE”. He always chooses to ignore the words in the parentheses.
Joe lets his eyes wander around the small establishment. It’s a simple little house, the only doors there being the front door and the bathroom door. Everything else is open-ended and connected, with only some half-walls partitioning specific rooms. The place is both tidy and messy. He doesn’t even have to try to feel right at home. Maybe he already is.
…Or not, because Safar is basically a stranger to him.
“Oh yeah, where were you going before the storm hit anyway? I thought you didn't go out of your smithy?”
Right when he thought to start up a conversation, the mage had that handled. Even the blacksmith himself forgot he was out and about still when the storm hit. He racks his brain at the interrogation.
“Sonetto just finished another dungeon run and managed to bring back some good metals for me to mess with and uh… I got excited.”
Safar can never understand Sonetto’s insistence on making her way down that cursed dungeon. But he supposes that strong sense of justice is the reason why she’s The Hero. Bestowed with powers of reincarnation, she’s basically immortal. He can’t help but feel a bit bad for her though.
He never understood why so many yearn for eternal life. Initially he believed that those people merely have an innate desire to be remembered forever which then translates into desire for immortality. Yet he doubts Sonetto is one of these people, despite being The Hero. She’s… really just a good person at heart.
The mage tries to illustrate the image of both Sonetto and Joe in the same room. Hm. A little too full of sunshine for his liking. But no doubt it’d be a delightful room to be in all the same.
“Probably should’ve stayed put then, dude. There’s a reason why people say patience is a virtue.”
The mage comments as a cup of tea makes its way towards him. He downs all of it in one gulp.
“Don’t remind me. I’m impatient as hell.”
The host has to give it to him, he is self-aware at the very least. Safar laughs at his response, Joe pouting at the former’s reaction. The mage then offers a sincere smile. “I get it. Why do you think I use magic for everything?”
He has to admit it too. The mage can be a very prideful person in front of others but behind that closed door, he yearns for a lazy life just as any tired person does.
“Lucky. All I got are these awesome muscles.”
Joe flexes his left arm, bicep bulging boastfully. The mage finds himself entranced by the display. It’s a reminder of his preferences for people to stare at. His gaze is a little too shameless.
“Like what you see, don’tcha?”
Blood rushes to Safar’s face almost immediately at his comment. He would respond but he knows the words that’d leave his lips will stutter. So instead he turns towards the fireplace, attempting to be enchanted by the flames’ dance instead.
“...This is nice. We never really had the time to get to know each other.”
To his relief, Joe changes the topic just as quickly as he was to tease Safar. The latter says nothing for a while.
Joe was definitely an uninvited guest but Safar would be lying if he says that his presence is not comforting. And for the time being, the blizzard outside will keep them hidden from the outside world for a little while. More than enough time to forge a friendship.
And it’ll be easy as snapping your magical fingers.
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rarilight · 2 years
And They Were Roommates
Ficlet for @pr3x inspired by @punkitt-is-here wonderfully hilarious Sigma Mare Rainbow Dash's comics.
In Rainbow Dash’s humble opinion, it was very cool for Fluttershy that they were now roommates. Sure, it sucked that the cottage was under renovation due to some freak firestorm, but until that was fixed, Rainbow was determined to make sure her dear friend lived the GOOD life. 
We probably need more furniture, Fluttershy had suggested, which Rainbow didn’t understand—what else would you need besides a fridge, a sleeping bag, a chair, and a TV—but she wasn’t about to say no to her friend. 
Taking on the task of finding furniture while Fluttershy did the sweeping she insisted on doing, Rainbow Dash took off into town and came back thirty minutes later with the mother of all sweet hauls. 
“Hey, Shy, check this out!” she exclaimed excitedly, slamming open her door and dragging in her loot. “We’re set for life!”
Fluttershy flew in from the kitchen, delighted. “Oh! Let me see.”
And see she would, as Rainbow proudly dragged in: 
Four milk crates of varying sizes
Several cinderblocks with 2x4 plank shelving
A standing lamp that was all twisted in a super cool way
A big plastic table that had the SICKEST graffiti on it
And that was it
“Oh,” said Fluttershy. 
“Right?!” Rainbow exclaimed, slamming a hoof on her new table. “Can you believe all this shit was FREE? They were, like, outside this house and stuff!” She puffed up her chest. “We’re lucky I saw them before some bozo took them first, huh?”
Fluttershy didn’t say anything and just stared at her new furniture, probably overwhelmed by how awesome it was. Which was great, because Rainbow loved making Fluttershy happy. 
“Where should we put these?” Rainbow asked, wanting to include Fluttershy in the process. Mi casa es tu casa stuff and all, you know? She gestured to the table. “Let’s figure that out first.”
Fluttershy gingerly approached the graffiti’d table, inspecting it before focusing in on something written in the center. 
“Uhm,” she said, softly. She looked to Rainbow. “That’s a bad word.”
Rainbow blinked. Looked at the word. Back to Fluttershy. “That’s a bad word?”
“Uhm, yes,” Fluttershy said. “A really bad word.”
Ah, fuck, Rainbow thought. 
“Uuuuuuuh…” she said, calm and collected because she was calm and collected. 
She could still save this. Right. She just had to THINK, which she was really good at. Okay. The other day when they were at Rarity’s house, Rarity’s table had this long stretchy tablecloth in the center going from one side to the other, length-wise. Rainbow thought it was stupid because it was, like, fifteen inches wide so it didn’t cover the entire table, but Fluttershy said it was nice. 
So she needed something like that. 
And then it hit her. She had one.
“Wait, I’ll be back!”
She rushed into her room and came back with something she bought once that happened to kinda work like that. Colored like the rainbow, it was called a ‘Runner’ and she’d bought it at the store to help her run. It didn’t, though, and she couldn’t return it, so she stashed it in a box in her closet. 
But, now, finally, it had a use. 
Quickly, she placed it on the table and was stoked to see it perfectly covered the bad word, even if it looked just as stupid as Rarity’s. 
“There!” she exclaimed, hopeful. “Better?”
Fluttershy nodded, pleased. “Oh, yes. That works for now.”
Nailed it, Rainbow thought, pumping her hoof in the air while Fluttershy went to one of Rainbow’s Boxes of Stuff. 
“Maybe there’s something here we can put as a centerpiece,” Fluttershy suggested. She opened the box, stared at it for a moment, and then pulled out a nail gun. “What’s this for?”
Rainbow snorted. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“To hang posters, duh.”
“O-Oh, dear.”
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sillykana-13 · 5 months
Ok these suck bc when I wrote these it was like 1am but here they r anywayyy
-Nemona once tried cleaning up pennys dorm as yk like a nice gesture but she ended up ruining an insanely specific organizing method penny used for her collectables (for figures she had them in rainbow order; for snowglobw it was rainbow and categorized by theming) and then Nemona had to watch penny fuck up(/sillie) her cleaning while they told her about the 'right way' to organize things
-Nemona is formerly banned from Arvens kitchen (almost set him on fire (papyrus I burnt the water/ref)) but surprisingly not Penny's. penny also really likes to bake but is shit at cooking (the fuck do you mean "add some of this" how much??!!? (she needs specific instructions or she's dead on the floor)) also is the designated cake maker for birthdays. they also definitely tried teaching Nemona how to bake and it went decently well. Nemona did get sick though because she kept eating the cookie dough
-on the topic of baking Penny's favorite thing to make is apple pie (is that a pjs- gets fucking shot gets brutally killed)
-SPEAKING OF PJSK,,, they are so nenean/mizumafu to me
-before they were dating Penny started leaving notes (and occasionally some candy) at Nemona's door and she thinks she nnever got caught until Nemona mentions one time opening the door and seeing penny running down the hall like she was running a marathon
-pennys also insanely fast at running (downside is that she literally dies for the next 2 hours afterward)
-id like to think Nemona like vaugely knows a bunch of celebrities and actors and shit and Nemona's like "hey penpen do you like [insert popular artist in the Pokemon universe]" and they're like "no??? who the fuck is thay". on the other side penny was saying something about Hatsune Miku (probs a concert or a cool figure they saw) and as soon as Nemona askked who Miku was penny freaked the fuck out. "YOU DONT KNOW FUCKIGN HATSUNE MIKU!?!!? WHO ARE YOU??!!" and then explained what and who Miku is for the next hour
-also penny definitely has a shitton of Miku merch like posters all over their walls and a while spot in her shelving thingy just for miku
-(penny) has probably gotten Nemona into some weird ass game nobody even cares about except for them
-either penny is asleep all day and makes everyone think it's dead or stays awake for like a week straight and passes out at her desk
-love how opposite of each other they are. Nemona loves pokemon battles and is really loud all the time meanwhile penny mostly just kind of has them like pets and doesn't talk too much. sun and moon (pokemon reference,,) idiots,,,,…, <3333
-i wanna talk about their confession but there's so many ways it could go. all of them involve it being penny the one to confess on Valentine's day because erm idk I'm just attached 2 that idea <3
-one confession scenario I'll share: penny begins leaving candy and notes (and occasionally flowers) at nemona's door at 6am sharp once every week. after a few weeks of this, Nemona comes up with a plan to catch the mystery person (who Nemona assumes is some random guy who just kind of wants her cause her familys rich blahh) so as soon as the knock on her door comes she's read and swings it right open to reveal penny there, standing up from putting the stuff at her door. before Nemona even says anything, penny runs off. then their relationship is kinda muddled 4 a bit before they date party popper emojiii
-(more of an angsty thing ooo) penny tends to get physically aggressive when she's angry. she tends to take it out on walls, pillows, other things she can kick/punch easily. once penny and nemona got into a fight over something stupid and accidentally ended up hurting Nemona. she then proceeded to not talk to Nemona for the next like week and lock herself in her dorm. only reason they talked and made up is because Nemona had to force herself inside of Penny's room. ok yeah sorry for being silly I'm really attached to this happening (probs cause it happened in my canon or smth but hey what do I nose/ref)
-Nemona's love language is probably words of affirmation and Penny's is physical touch (and probably gift giving she'd defo give Nemona some cool rock she found and like a puzzle piece she stole from a puzzle of Arvens. like hey babe here's this cool stick I found <3)
-they both use pet names for eachother but Nemona probably uses them more tbh. aside from more normal ones (dear, honey, darling, etc) Nemona calls penny her star and occasionally her moon) and penny calls Nemona her sun/sunflower. Nemona also calls penny penpen but it's more of a silly thing rather than an actual nickname. same with penny calling her 'mona
-penny is a hoodie stealer (on purpose) Nemona is a clothes stealer in general (on accient)
-penny totally does the hand flap thingy but she also wears bracelets so whenever she's excited she turns into like a maraca idk
-id like to think both believe in ghosts. Nemona is more afraid of them (like more traditional ooh spooky ghost yk) and penny is just like yeagh they probably exist
-penny is simultaneously very afraid of the dark and needs to have her light off at all times otherwise ough too bright uaggh "'sup dungeon master," Nemona says, walking into Penny's dorm. "I will kill you if you call me that again."
-ooh nother confession thing Penny totally gave Nemona an Applin and kind of forgot only people back in galar really do that so Nemona's really confused and penny has to explain the entire thing while really embarrassed and trying not to collapse onto the floor
these characters are from pokémon if i’m not mistaken? idk because i haven’t watched in a while but the names ring a bell
also i agree with half of these lmao especially the love languages!!
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sharaheartsixx · 11 months
The Library Dream
Since it's Halloween, I thought I'd share what I'd like to call my personal 'Horror Story' experience.
I've dubbed it...
The Library Dream
So... For about... 6/7 years or so I had this reoccurring dream. Honestly I would love to hear/read what people think it means because it was always the same thing. It kinda freaked me out and to this day I have no idea.
In this dream, I would always wake up in this.. warehouse like place. It would always be late evening/early night. Like between 11 to 2am. The shelves were tall like skyscrapers and were disgustingly long. At the ends of the isles, you'd look down both sides and see the shelves continue on for miles into darkness. These shelves were filled with large books. Old, hardback, thick like dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Not entirely sure what was in them though. But they looked like they'd been there for years.
I would walk down an Isle, turn into another, surrounded by an eerie silence apart from my own slow, slightly echoey footsteps as if I were wearing heels. It was.... Disturbingly empty and dimly lit from small ceiling lamps with dulling, flashing bulbs.
While looking at the books, my hand reaching out to touch the withered fabric, a hand would always grab my shoulder, cold, long and boney. I'd turn around and a tall figure with a dark hood would stand there, stare at me, then ask "Can I help you?".
Then I'd wake up. It was weird and creepy the first time I had this dream. But as said before, the fact that I kept having the same dream for over half a decade was... Strange.
The last instance of this dream, it was.... roughly half a year to just over a year since the last one. I wake up, same "library". I'm now at what looks like a 'corner' of this place. There are thin, rectangular windows near the 'ceiling', no way of actually seeing the outside but the light coming in appeared to be dawn.
The row of books curved at the corner, but the ones in the middle ended like normal bookshelves (abet ridiculously tall bookshelves).
There's an opening, with shallow steps that lead to more bookshelves at waist height that spiral in a circle. The figure from before, there were more of them, fully cloaked in dark, black to charcoal grey veil fabric. They were sitting in like groups of two or three on the bookshelves, steps and the walls. I'm now holding a large black book and I put it on the circular shelf in front of a figure who looks up and stares at me.
And thats it. I never had a dream about this 'Library' again. Weird, strange. Yet... fascinating.
But anyways there we go. This is a real story and not like a Creepypasta despite me loving those, I'm really interested in finding out what these dreams meant.
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bsblogsstuff · 2 years
I MEANT EVERYTHING I SAID - Eddie Munson X Harrington!Reader
Word count: 6k.
TW: SMUT 18+, minors DNI, reader is Steve’s younger sister, angst, shitty Harrington parents, Steve’s an amazing brother, mentions of drugs (edibles) and smoking (both weed and cigarettes), established relationship, oral sex (both m and f), unprotected p in v sex, praise kink, daddy kink, choking. Eddie and reader tease each other and are really fluffy in the end.
Author’s note: hello babies, thank you for reading this, reblogs, comments and likes are highly appreciated!! I just wanted to clarify that in this fic, the reader resembles me, I’m kinda short (sometimes I really can’t reach the top shelves in my kitchen, lol), I wear glasses and the reference to the pasta box is because I’m italian. Maybe this didn’t need a note, but I thought it’d be nice to share.
Anyways, thank you for your support, anonymous requests are open. Hope you have a great day, sweethearts <3
You and the boy are sitting on the grass, sipping beer while he’s rolling a joint.
“Can’t believe you actually broke your arm chasing Dustin Henderson down the stairs”, he laughs. You shrug and chuckle, “Believe it or not, I think you remember me walking at school with a cast on my arm and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the true story of how it happened”.
“It’s unbelievable”, he laughs and you join him.
“I’m telling you, I tried to catch him and didn’t manage to”.
He is still smirking, then he puts the freshly rolled joint between your lips.
He’s so handsome, you think.
“Of course I remember you with the cast”, he whispers, lighting the joint, “How could I not remember a pretty girl like you, huh?”
You blush, take a drag and exhale the smoke, your brain is trying to come up with a smart comeback. It fails.
“Thanks”, is all you manage to reply. Then you place the joint in his hand, slowly caressing his wrist, “You’re not mean and scary as they…”, you scoff, pointing at the people inside the house, “…describe you. Steve warned me, in fact: you’re kind and funny”, you admit.
He plays with his rings, avoiding your gaze, “Kind and funny you say, huh? Even though that were true, you’re the most wanted girl at this party, yet you’re smoking and drinking with the freak”.
“I like this better, honestly”, you shrug and steal the joint from his lips, you take a few drags in silence. You know he’s studying you, you feel his gaze on your head and hands. “And you’re not a freak, I already told ya that”.
A few moments later, he’s the one breaking the silence.
I’ll show you funny, darling, you look so pretty when you laugh, he thinks, smirking.
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“What I’m about to ask you is… embarassing and difficult, please don’t make fun of me”, he pouts.
You frown but smile at the same time, “Okay, just go ahead”.
What the actual fuck?
He sits in front of you, “ I’ve been waiting for this for a long time”. You swallow worriedly and nudge his hand, “Go on”.
“Who has the best hair? Me or your brother?”
You gasp dramatically at the question, “Excuse me? Are you trying to compete with someone called The Hair?”
“I’m sorry, I thought I could stand a chance”. You nod your head, “Definitely not”, you chuckle, “I’m joking about my brother, obviously”, you add in a whisper.
He laughs loudly and you join him, “I’m sorry, did I freak you out?”
You nod, “Just a bit, but that was funny”
“Y/N Harrington thinks I’m funny, motherfuckers”, he smirks, “I think you’re funny too”.
You thank him and smile.
After a moment, “Take a sit next to me in Biology”, you tell him, without even realizing that.
“I don’t like seeing you alone in the corner. I’m good at sneaking notes around, it won’t be so boring”.
“That’s cool, thanks Harrington”, you smile at him. “Can you pass me also answers, during tests?”
You smirk, “It depends on what I receive for a change”.
“Weed and a friend”, he replies. It’s that easy.
“We have a deal then”.
He nods, “Munson and Harrington, on the way to becoming friends”. You hit your beer with his, “Cheers to us becoming friends”, you agree.
Just flashword this scene and this two teenagers a few months later: you’ll find what’s described from here.
“Eddie, for fuck’s sake!”, you shout, “Where are all my towels?”
“Who’s Eddie? Never heard of him”
You roll your eyes and take a step on the mat just outside the shower to reach your glasses.
“Right, that’s the other guy I’m dating”, you reply.
“So you’re cheating”, he shouts from the hallway.
You hear footsteps approaching. “I am indeed, and he fucks me so good”, you chuckle.
Eddien opens the door and runs to you, his eyes trying not look at your naked and wet body. “Has he got a bigger dick than me?”, he asks, worried.
“Let me think”, you reply, pretending to focus, trying not to look at his naked and wet body either, “Nah, you’re bigger”.
Eddie sighs, “Thank God, I was getting worried”.
You chuckle, “Just hand me a towel, baby, we’re already running late”.
“Nope, I’m here literally worshipping your body and you ask me to get a towel? Ungrateful little thing”, he groans, shaking his head dramatically.
You smile lovingly at him, “C’me here, lover boy”. You open your arms and he jumps onto you, almost letting you fall.
You squeal, “We almost fell, be careful”. Eddie clings his arms to your back, then covers your head in kisses, “I don’t want to go to school”, he pouts.
“And I don’t wanna go to school either, but you need to get better grades in Maths and I have to tutor Robin after lunchbreak”.
He lets go of you and you’re the one pouting, “I like the clingy you, puppy”, you whisper.
Eddie blows a kiss, leaves the bathroom to come back with a towel. He wraps it around your bodies and you thank him with a kiss on his lips.
“We should shower together in the early mornings more often”, you whisper in his ear, rubbing his back and smacking his butt when your hands reach that point. Eddie groans, kissing sloppily your neck.
“We should fuck”, he grins, “Like right now”. You bite your lips.
It’s already late, so…
“The first one to arrive to the bed gets to cum first”, you shout, while running to your bedroom.
“Please, Robin, please”, you beg, running after your friend in the hallway.
“God, you’re the most annoying human being in the world”, she rolls her eyes.
You grin, “Is that a yes?”
“No, that’s more a I really can’t stand you but you’re my best friend, ride or die kinda stuff”, Robin snorts.
“Love you, like, endlessly”, you chuckle and kiss her cheek, “If everything goes smoothly, I’m buying you all the booze you’ll need for the following weeks”, you promise.
Robin smiles faintly, “Add some weed too, your boyfriend’s a drug dealer”, she shrugs.
“Sure, I’ll give you the best stuff”, you nod, while you open the locker and reach for your clothes. Your gym class has just ended, so you take off your oversized t-shirt and shorts to slide inside a tank top, followed by a chequed shirt.
“Jeez, Y/N”, Robin chuckles, “You need to put a trigger warning on those boobs before you take off your shirt”.
You snort, “You say that just because I'm your best friend, ride or die kinda stuff”.
You wear your skirt, take a few steps to the mirror and take off your glasses to retouch your make up, with Robin standing by your side, fixing her hair.
“I’m meeting you right after band practice, sounds good?”
“Sounds very good, Robs”, you wear your glasses and smile at her through the mirror.
“Can’t believe that you, of all the smart people, would offer to tutor me”, she snorts. “And I can’t believe you’re making me study even all next week mornings before school”.
You shrug, “Robs, you need to pass Latin with a C-, at least. Of course I would offer to help you!”. Robin rolls her eyes, “Thank you, but sometimes I wonder, what are you, a devil? Or worse, do you get horny when you explain equations?” she asks, interrupting, and you both chuckle.
“Eddie agrees too”, you confess. “But, if you do so”, you add, “You’re getting drinks and weed, I remind you”.
 Robin smirks at you, “Okay, now I really get why Eddie was beaming when you were assigned as his tutor”
“What do you mean?”
“You just become so generous when I get good grades and you confessed this makes you horny, I really can’t guess how you’re rewarding Munson”, she blinks and you blush a little.
“Let’s just say that this is the reason why we both arrived very late today”.
Robin high fives you, “That’s gross but still a good reason to be late”.
Lunchtime, the cafeteria, your gaze wanders around until you find Eddie, reading something out loud to the boys sitting with him. The usual, relieved feeling of his eyes, looking at you lovingly, warms you.
You bump into someone and quickly excuse yourself.
“Harrington! Still dating the freak?”
Jason Carver grins, waiting for your answer. Eddie’s approaching the two of you, in the meantime.
“Actually no, Carver”
“Oh, really?” he beams.
“No, sorry, I wasn’t finished”, you smirk, “Not dating the freak, cause I’m dating Eddie, not you”. His smile fades and you hear Eddie chuckling.
In fact, your boyfriend steps to your side, holding your waist.
“Ouch, Carver, did it burn?”, he pouts.
“I still don’t get what you Harringtons find interesting in hanging with the freak”, Carver replies angrily, walking away.
Dustin bows in front of you, “Ma’am, that was amazing”. You chuckle and hold him in a hug, “You’re my favourite 14 year old, you know that?”. Dustin winks at you, “And you’re my favourite amongst you older guys, but still, Steve’s my favourite Harrington”.
Eddie interrupts the hug, “Are you really hitting on a 14 year old boy? Are you a perv or just a nymph?”
You scoff and Dustin chuckles. “Wow, Eds, the word nymphomaniac is actually advanced, did you learn it during which one of your senior years? The second, maybe?”, you comeback, raising your eyebrow.
Gareth claps his hands at you, “Bold”.
You chuckle at Eddie, he flips you the bird but quickly he pats his legs. “Take a sit here, love”.
You sit with your legs intertwining his right leg, lay your back against his chest and wait for him to hug you. When he does, you melt completely in his arms.
“I’m meeting Robin after school to tutor her”, you tell him after sipping some water. Eddie nods, “There’s Hellfire tonight, so we’ll see tomorrow morning, is that okay?”.
“That’s okay, love”, you reply and kiss the corner of his mouth.
Eddie grins, “You are a perv, you know?”, he whispers in your ear, “You wear this little skirt and sit like this on my leg just to tease me”.
“Well, you’re rockhard from this morning when I wore this, right, pretty boy?”
He swallows and you nod, proudly. “I did that on purpose, if you must know”.
Eddie’s hand wanders on your leg and rests on your inner thigh. “You’re killing me, pretty girl”.
It’s very early when you manage to sneak out of the house and sit in your brother’s car. “Can we go, like now?”, you beg him.
The drive is awkward: Steve’s fingers are tapping nervously the steering wheel, you’re fidgeting your hands and tapping your leg. Dried tears have formed at the corner of your eyes.
He turns his head slightly to look at you.
“I don’t know what happened between you and dad”, you admit, “It’s just… I’m tired of their screaming and tonight it was too much to take”.
Steve is nodding his head, “Oh you know, the usual: I’m a disgrace and you’re the perfect child ever with your good grades”.
You shrug, “I’m sorry, I’ve never wanted to put you in this position”.
“Hey, Y/N, I don’t blame you”, he replies softly.
“I thought you were mad at me”, you smile shily.
“No, I’m not”, your brother chuckles and you lean over to pat his arm. “That’s good to know”.
You sigh in relief. It’s nice to remember that, despite all of your personal battles and problems, you and Steve are still allied.
He’s the one to start the conversation again.
“Why would I be mad? You literally jumped in the room and yelled at dad to stop treating me like shit”
You laugh, “Yeah, I was pretty revved up”. Steve laughs with you, “I’m trying to say that you had my back and I’m glad to have a little sister like you”.
You thank him and press a kiss to his cheek. “I gotcha, Harrington”.
“I gotcha too, Harrington”, he replies, mimicking your proud tone and holding out a hand to stroke your hair messily.
You groan at his touch and try to fix it. “Don’t touch my hair like this, Steve, I’m your sister anyways”. Hair is clearly a thing between you siblings.
“I had your back even in the Upside Down”, you add with a grin on your face, after a pause.
“Jeez, you really saved my ass”, he frowns at the thought.
“Enough with the fluff, where are we going?”, you ask.
“I’m leaving you at school, Hellfire is about to end, isn’t it?”
Oh. You’re surprised.
“So you’re just shoving me into Eddie’s arms?”
He smirks, “Are you pissed I’m helping you sleeping with your boyfriend?”
“Of course not”, you grin. “And where are you going?”
“I’m seeing this girl”, he replies and you shake your head. “You’ll never change, Steve”
“So, is she the one? The future Mrs Harrington?”, you tease. Steve groans, “Stop making fun of me, I said this she’s the one stuff one time, ages ago, and yet you tease me”.
You chuckle, “Is this more of a friends with benefits situation?”
“Actually, yes, but I think she’s catching feelings”.
“Ouch”, you exclaim. “That’s a bummer”.
Steve nods again, “That’s a bummer, cause I’m not falling for her. After that, I’m going to Henederson’s”, he explains and chuckles at the sight of your frowned look. “What? He told me has a spare couch”.
“Okay”, you shrug, “Totally not judging you for having a sleepover at a 14 year-old’s house”.
Steve parks the car in the school parking lot and you try to apply your make up. “'S too dark”, you groan, “Steve, turn on the flashlight you have somewhere in the backseats”, you tell him.
“I have a flashlight?”, he replies, eyes widened in wonder.
“Dumbass, that’s Dustin’s first rule: always carry a flashlight, so he just left one in your car”, you reply sharply. “Do you need to be told everything?”
Steve mumbles a “Go to hell, Y/N” and reaches for the flashlights, lights it and you try to settle your mirror to look at your face.
“Did you cry?”, Steve asks with an inquistory gaze. “I think so”, you shrug, retouching your lipgloss, “I was too caught up”. He chuckles, “Man, that was very bold of you”.
You chuckle back, “I didn’t think I had it in me”.
“You’re bold and tough, everyone thinks that”
 “Aw, thanks my big brother”, you reply, scooting over to shuffle his hair.
“Nevermind, you’re annoying”. You laugh at his comment.
Hellfire runs late tonight, so you roll the windows down and Steve is searching the glovebox for a tape.
You light up a joint, take a long drag with your eyes closed, “God, I needed that”.
Steve points at your lips, “Can I have a drag too?”
“Sure”, you reply, frowning.
Does he know that’s a joint? Yeah, he knows how a cigarette looks like and this is very different, you think.
He smokes and then, when he exhales, starts coughing desperatedly.
Oh, he doesn’t know.
You chuckle and rub his shoulder, “I thought you knew, I’m sorry”.
He flips you, still coughing. “That’s a fucking joint!”
“It’s the best weed I have in my stash, I’m always spoiling you Harringtons”, Eddie’s voice makes you gulp in your seat.
“Hi baby”, you smile, leaning over the opened window to peck at his lips. Eddie’s hands cup your cheeks, “Hello, sweetheart, what are you doing here?”
“Lots of yelling at home, we just snuck out”, you shrug.
“She was a badass, but I also think she’s probably gonna be locked out of her room for the following weeks”, Steve snorts and you nod, “Yeah, I fear I’ll just have to sleep on the front porch”.
Eddie frowns: he knows everything about your shitty parents and, most importantly, he knows how bad you always feel after these arguments.
“Well, I’ve been feeding stray cats for a while now”, Eddie opens his arms, “I don’t think that taking care of a stray girlfriend will be so different”. You and Steve chuckle. “You can stay at my place as long as you need, love, that’s all I’m trying to say”.
You smile, “Thanks Eddie, I appreciate that”.
Steve nods, holding out his hand to shake Eddie’s, “Thanks, take care of her, will you? She forgets to eat when she’s upset and it’s been quite an awful week”, he adds.
You blush. It’s true, you can’t remember the last time you had a proper meal.
“Don’t worry, I gotcha”, Eddie nods. You reach for your bag and open the door, “Bye, Steve, say hi to future Miss Dumped by Harrington and to Henderson”, you wink.
“Bye, dumbass, I’ll see you tomorrow at school”.
You’re wrapped in you boy’s arms, you are laying on top of his body, your is head on his chest and your legs are tangled with his.
“Baby, can you get closer to me?”, you whisper, moving your arm to caress Eddie’s face.
His laughter shakes your bodies, “Baby how can we get any closer than this, huh?”. You smile, “Right, sorry Eds”.  
“Do you wanna eat something?”, he asks in your ear but you shake your head. “Did you at least eat some food today?”, his voice is getting worried. You shake your head again, “Nope”, you reply, “Too many thoughts on my mind and you know, when I get stressed or nervous I find it hard to eat”.
Eddie groans with his chin against your forehead. “Oh come on, you need to eat, darling”. You chuckle, “Okay, I’ll cook something for us”. You get up from Eddie’s body, “Do you have proper food?”, smirking.
He flips you, “PB&J’s are proper food, you nerd”.
“Oh, so you’re a chef now, huh? Just get your butt here and learn how to cook”, you laugh.
Eddie follows you to the small kitchen and grips your waist when you lift on your toes to reach the cabinets. “I keep telling you, babe, these cabinets were made for tall people”, you whine. He chuckles at your attempt and lifts you up, holding by your hips, “There you go, dwarf”.
You clearly didn’t see that coming and you almost drop the pasta box you’re holding, between your giggles. “I’m sorry, that was unexpected and I’m clumsy”
Eddie carefully leaves you on the ground and chuckles at you.
He kisses your temple, “Don’t worry, sweets, when we move in together we’ll buy short cabinets for my short girl”.
This time you really drop the box on the ground.
“W-what?”, you ask, turning around with an amazed look on your face.
Eddie’s cheeks turn the brightest red you’ve ever seen and he rambles, “S-sorry… that slipped out… I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you”.
“Scare me?”, you frown, “Why would I be scared?”
“Oh… sorry, I thought you freaked out cause of… what I said”
You smile and hug him tightly. “Why would that scare me, baby, huh?”, you whisper.
“I didn’t see that coming, honestly”, you chuckle and Eddie smiles lightly. “But yeah, totally”
“Totally what?”
You blush, “We should totally buy shorter cabinets when we move in together”
“I didn’t mean anytime soon, I mean…”, Eddie replies quickly, “There’s your college, I need to find a real job…”
You shush him, placing a finger on his soft lips. “Love, I know, we’ll talk about it later on, mkay?”
Eddie’s face still red and you kiss his forehead. “That’s like a big step in our relationship”, he claims, nodding his head. “Indeed”, you reply, knowingly.
“Are we celebrating this… moving in together in the future kind of thing?”, Eddie asks you, tilting his head.
You nod, “Oh, absolutely, but first I’m cleaning up the mess I’ve made and I’m cooking dinner”.
Eddie’s cleaning the dishes, humming to the song playing on tape, while you’re laying on the couch holding a beer in your hands.
“Babe, wanna try something new for our little celebration?”, he asks, turning around with a glass in his hand.
“You mean, sexually? I’m open to almost anything”, you reply.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “You girls are always horny and always think about sex, it’s so annoying”.
You get up, chuckling, and hold his belt loop to pull him closer, “You have a nice ass, Munson, not my fault if I’m horny around you”, palming his butt in the meantime.
“Biggest compliment ever”, he growls mockingly in your ear.
“No, babe, I have some edibles, wanna try?”
“Sure, go get ‘em”, you smile. Eddie leaves the kitchen and, while he’s in his room, he calls you.
“Sweets? What did you mean earlier, mh?”, he asks, “I’m open to almost anything”, mocking your voice.
“Go to hell, you cult leader”, you shout, you hear him chuckling.
Eddie comes back with a small pack in his hands. “Peaceful bliss, just moments away”, he chants, handing you the edibles.
You eat one, then Eddie insists on making you sit next to him on the couch.
“Seriously, love, what did you mean earlier?”
You blush, but try to keep it cool, “I guess I’ve discovered something”
“What’s that? A new kink?”, he widens his eyes. You lick your lips and whisper, “I’ve got this… fantasy”, your cheeks get red at the word, “About your hands”.
Eddie interrupts you halfway, almost falling off the couch. “My hands? That’s definitely kinky”, he chuckles.
“I thought that was metal, sweetie”, you reply, mimicking his favourite word to use.
“I concur, that’s kinky and metal”.
His ringed fingers move to cup your cheeks, “What did you have in mind, doll?”, he smirks.
You swallow, “Oh… maybe choke me?”.
Eddie’s beaming, “Sure, but I want to be chocked too and see your perfect red nails around my neck”. You gulp louder than expected at Eddie’s request.
“Fuck, Eds, that’s hot”, you whisper.
“Are you feeling stoned?”, he’s giggling at your reaction and you slap his shoulder with your feet. “Don’t make fun of me, dungeon master”, you giggle. Eddie growls and jumps onto your body to tickle your waist. You manage to tickle him back and this leads to the most stoned and ticklish fight you’ve ever engaged in.
“Stop, baby, need to breathe”, Eddie pins your hands and the both of you take deep breaths, panting.
You get up to get him a glass of water, you kiss his lips before handing him the drink.
“That’s my good girl”, he grins.
“Munson, you gotta stop that”, you groan, pushing his shoulder.
Eddie takes a sip and looks at you with an innocent gaze, “What’s wrong, Harrington? Are you mad cause I’m making fun of your praise kink?”.
You groan loudly, get up and sit on the opposite side of the couch.
“I’m not mad, I’m just teasing, my pretty boy”, you blink. You know how much he loves being called pretty boy. He swallows, trying to play it cool.
“Shit, the edible is kickin’ in”, you snort. “Yeah, don’t get up too suddenly, sweets, you’re not used to it”, Eddie warns you.
You lean over to drink some water from his glass and the bastard your loving boyfriend waits for you to swallow the drink, to whisper in your ear, “Just be a good girl, like you do when you keep my cum safe in your pussy, huh?”
You choke on the water and, through some coughs and laughter, you manage to squeal Eddie to go to hell. He tries to hold it together, patting your back and kissing your cheek, but as soon as you laugh, he loses it.
“That was fun, shit”, he exclaims.
“Yeah, but you’re bullying me, my love”, you chuckle.
I'm the one teasing, now, you think
You sit on his lap suddenly, guide his hands to your hips and bite his neck. Eddie whispers, “Fuck, baby”, tilting his head to give you a better access.
You grind on his dick, then lean in to whisper in his ear, “Don’t act like I don’t know that you want to cum on my glasses, daddy”. In the meantime Eddie processes the words, you get up from his lap and reach the table, where you left your Marlboro’s.
“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s what you get when you try to fuck with me, not in that way”, you light up the cigarette with a grin on your face.
“Harrington, for fuck’s sake”, he shouts, getting close to you. “Enough with the teasing, okay?”, Eddie pouts, handing you his hand to shake.
You shake it, “We have a deal, then, Munson”.
He steals the cigarette from your lips, “That was hot as fuck, love”, you whisper, his hand hugs your waist and you press your hands on his chest.
Eddie grins, “Harrington?”, then he kisses your neck.
“What’s up, love?”
He smacks your ass with his free hand, “How wet are you?”
You lift your finger up in an attempt to focus, “Not sure, but I’m gonna say a lot, it’s like a tsunami”.
Eddie chuckles, “Okay, let’s get to my room”. He drags you by your wrist, chuckling.
You jump on his bed, followed by Eddie. He’s kissing your lips messily, while you try to take off your shirt. Eddie’s hands are faster than yours and he leaves you naked. He groans in your mouth when he touches your already naked breasts.
“God, I wanna fuck your tits”, he moans.
“Next time, baby”, you whimper, as his tongue laps your nipples.
“Tomorrow?”, he begs, with a smirk on his face, moving away from your boobs.
“Yes, tomorrow”, you agree, almost breathless. Your hand moves between Ed’s sweatpants and finds his hard dick.
“Can’t wait”, he grins but quickly he whimpers when you stroke his length. You pat his hips, “Need you to be naked”, you blink and Eddie shimmies out of his clothes.
You lick your palm and grip the base of his dick, stroking it a few times before licking his tip, already wet in precum. Eddie moans loudly, but then his hand stops you, holding your shoulder.
“Can’t take it, princess, I need to be inside you”.
You groan, “Can I suck your dick tomorrow, baby?”, you ask, pouting and holding Eddie’s hand to get up.
Eddie chuckles at your reaction, “Sure, my sweetheart tomorrow can suck my dick”.
You smile, “Tomorrow, what a big day”.
You lay down on your back and Eddie’s body hovering you. He discards of his Hellfire t-shirt while you take off your jeans and panties. In the movement of throwing your clothes, your head hits Eddie’s forehead.
“Shit, I’m sorry, does it hurt?”, you ask, rubbing his forehead.
“Fuck! How did that happen?”, Eddie groans.
“Eds I’m really sorry”, you add, worriedly. He rubs the red skin again and then snorts, “Easy there, tiger, do you wanna send me to the ER?”. You smile faintly, “I’m really sorry love”.
“It’s okay, sweets, doesn’t hurt anymore”, he replies, pushing you back on the bed.
“Besides, I’m such a sucker for you that I’ll thank you even if you broke my bones”.
You chuckle and lift your head up, very carefully this time, to kiss his mouth playfully. “I’ll thank you even if you ran me over with your van”.
Eddie raises his eyebrow, “That was cheesy, love”. You both chuckle and Eddie kisses your tummy.
“I’m still sorry, Eds”, you whisper, stroking his hair, “I’m clumsy”.
“I know, Y/N, but everything’s fine”, he mumbles with his mouth on your skin.
He kisses your inner thigh, then proceeds to kiss your folds gently.
“How can you even be this wet?”, he comments, eyes widened in awe.
You snort, “Told ya, tsunami”. Eddie scoffs with his face buried deep in your pussy.
He licks gently your folds, then laps your clit and you moan his name.
“Eddie… God, just fuck me”
“So eager, huh?”
“Yeah”, you reply, breathless. Eddie holds his cock at the base and guides it towards your entrance, gathering some of your slickness.
“You’re so wet, you don’t even need foreplay”, he whispers in your ear.
He pushes his dick into your pussy gently and waits for you to let him move.
“Green light?”, he asks, caressing your cheek. “Green light”, you nod. Your hands cups his face and you lift your body up slightly when Eds starts to fuck you slow and deep.
“I love you so much”, you tell him between your moans, holding your forehead against his. Eddie pushes you back down and presses his knee on the mattress to steady his body. Then, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, kissing gently the soft skin. “I love you so much”, he tells you back.
Your legs cage his waist and your arms hug him closely, while whimpering due to the slow pace he’s settled.
“I want to move in with you”, you whisper in his ear, “And I want to stay with you forever”.
Eddie looks in your eyes with the most loving gaze he’s ever had. “I wanna have kids with you”, he tells you, so quiet that you almost think you’d dreamt it.
“How many?”, you ask, lifting your eyebrows.
Eddie fastens his pace a little. “Two or three”, he replies, smiling and cupping your boobs with a hand.
You chuckle, “Let’s settle with two, love, a mini Eds and a mini Y/N”. Eddie groans loudly and starts to rock his hips faster and faster.
“Fuck, Y/N”, he moans, looking in your eyes. You kiss his lips sloppily, teeth clanging and you slowly hold his neck. He nods, “Choke me, baby, choke me”.
Your hand tightens around his neck and you kiss him again, more chastely this time. You moan in his ear, “You like my hand around your neck, huh? You look so hot right now”. He grunts, fucking you relentlessly and hitting the right spot in your tight walls. You choke him tighter, “Am I being a good girl for you, choking your neck like you told me to do?”.
He smiles at you, “Does my little needy girl want to be chocked, huh? Want my rings on your neck?”.
“Yes, yes, please”, you hold him less tighter.
“Just because you’ve been the best girl”, he nods his head, tapping your hand to set free from your grip. “Now be a good girl again and tell me what to do with my hand”.
He slows his pace, fucking you almost lazily. You whine, “Faster, please”.
Eddie shushes you, “Ssh, pretty thing, tell me what to do with my hand and then I’m fucking you the way you want”, he grins.
“Choke me”, you whisper, almost embarassed. Eddie pouts, “Who is gonna choke you, mh?”. He licks your neck and you whimper. “Choke me, daddy”, you reply. His hand grips your neck tight, you gasp out of breath. His rings surely are going to leave bruises on your skin.
Eddie smirks, “That’s my girl”. He lets go of your neck for a few seconds, lets you breathe properly and then chokes you again. He’s fucking you fast and deep, your moans are mixing with his.
“I’m close”, you whisper and Eddie starts to circle your clit.
“Come for daddy, sweet thing, can you do that?”
You nod, whimpering at the new stimulation. Eddie pulls his hand away and caresses your cheeks, where a few tears have fallen. “Be a good girl for daddy and come”, he whispers in your hear. Then, Eddie’s tongue laps your nipple and you feel the familiar knot in your stomach. Your walls clench around his dick, “That’s it, come for me”.
The orgasm shakes your whole body and Eddie keeps fucking you slowly, holding you steadily in his arms.
“Shit, that was one of the best ones”, you whisper, worn out. Eddie chuckles and you kiss his cheek. “Cum on my face and glasses, daddy”, you smirk.
He grunts and thrusts into you quickly and you almost cry at the overstimulation. “Eds, pull out, I’m too sensitive”, you whine.
His face hides in your neck another time and you clench your walls to help him come.
Eddie’s dick is pulled out fastly and he gets up, standing next to the bed.
“Fuck, this is so hot”, he groans, holding your face between his hands. You kiss him, still panting from your come.
“Need help”, you warn him. Eddie’s arm scoop you up and he places you kneeling in front of him.
Your tongue licks his tip and Eddie moans out your name.
“I’m almost there”, he whimpers, while you cup his balls and wait for his release with your tongue out.
“Fuck”, he exclaims, stroking his cock harder.
Then, hot and salty rops of Eddie’s cum cover your face, your tongue and, most importantly, your glasses. Eddie’s a panting mess, you hold his hands and swallow the come on your tongue. He leans over to kiss you, tasting himself in your mouth.
You feel Ed’s fingers taking your glasses off.
“Shit, this is the hottest thing we’ve ever done”, he chuckles. You squeeze your eyes to look at him, “Can’t see you, but I’m sure you look so hot, babe”.
“How can you be so sure?”, he questions you and you shrug, “You look like a sex god evertyime you cum”. He smirks, “You look like a goddess during and after sex”.
You feel his fingers tapping your mouth. “Lick”, he orders and you proceed to lick his digits clean. Then, your glasses are moved back on your nose.
“Did I just swallow the cum I had on my glasses?”
Eddie snorts, “Sure, did you wanna waste my precious seed?”
“God no, fuck me if I ever waste a drop”, you chuckle.
After a shower, you and Eddie are cuddling under the blankets. His bare chest is pressed against your back and your legs are intertwined.
“Nice boobs, Munson”, you chuckle, turning around and looking at his chest.
“Oh, thanks, bought them yesterday”, he smirks.
You kiss the tip of his nose, “Can I lay on you?”
“C’me here, little thing”, he agrees and manhandles you, your body now laying on top of his.
He reaches for the bedside table, holding his arm around your back to keep you steady. He lights up a cigarette and takes a few drags.
“I wanna smoke too”, you whine and Eddie holds the cigarette for you. You lean over to take it between your lips and then exhale.
“They always taste better, after sex”, you comment, pointing at the cigarette with your head. “Ciagrettes after sex”, Eddie mumbles, “That sounds like a good name for a band”.
“Are Corroded Coffin gonna change name?”, you chuckle and Eddie shakes his head. “Jesus H Christ, woman, don’t say prophanities lilke these out loud”.
After a few moments of silence, you kiss Ed’s jawline.
“Yeah, sweethart?”, he replies, starting to rub your back.
“This fuck was very metal”, you tell him, proudly.
Eddie laughs, “’Twas both metal and cheesy”, he adds.
“Yeah, chatting about the future while fucking, wasn’t so metal”.
Eddie smacks your ass lightly, “But that was so hot, babe”, he replies and you nod, “Totally”.
You yawn and then whisper, “I’m sleepy, Eds, ‘s that okay if I sleep here, on your chest?”
He lifts your chin up to kiss your lips, “Sure, c’me here”. You wrap your arms around his neck and he hugs you tightly.
“Sorry I hurt you in a way you don’t find kinky”, you and Eddie laugh.
Then, “I meant everything I said, Eds”, you whisper, yawning again.
“I know, love, and I meant everything I said, too”, he whispers back, smiling at you.
“Love you, my dungeon master”, you smile, “But I love your dick more”.
Eddie’s laughter shakes the both of your bodies. “Love you, smarty pants, but I love your pussy more”, he chuckles.
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aceie-desire · 2 years
Hello again! Lemme get a writing request in too while I'm at it, hehe. :3 You got any househusband octotrio headcanons? I'm always starving for some seafood.
Househusband Octotrio Drabble Headcanon Thingies
✎ Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech
☁︎ Fluffy
⚠︎ Warnings: Slight suggestiveness in Jades part.
☆ Notes: I sat and stared at this for an hour before I could start writing. writers block kinda sucks ngl, but i did try my best!! so i hope you enjoy lol
! Word Count: 650ish
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He hates to just sit around, especially when he thinks there’s more to do. He loves to keep busy, he always has to be doing something.
It doesn’t all have to be manual labor though, he might spend hours looking up recipes that he’d think you’d enjoy, or taking extra classes, like a cooking or spend some time peacefully gardening.
He likes to pack your lunch every morning, and he’ll always add a lot bit of your favorite snack to give you a boost of energy to get through the day
He’s always overworking himself, and ignoring his needs. Like rest.
“Ah, y/n, you’re home early. What a surprise…”
“Are you okay Azul, you look like you’re drenched in sweat- Are you coming down with a fever…?”
“No I feel fine,” He reassured you.
“You’ve been overworking yourself too much then.”
“I have not. I’ve just been doing what needs to be done.” He scolded, trying to prove a point.
“Come on, I’ll cook dinner today, it’s your turn to rest.”
“But you’ve been at work all day- It’s fine really-!”
“And you’ve been cleaning all day, it’s your turn to take a break.”
“Thank you y/n… I appreciate it.” He sighed with a smile, knowing that arguing was futile.
An absolute clean freak, but in a chaotic way. You’ve never seen anyone scrub a toilet with so much energy and effort but with such a stoic yet smiley face.
He might leave things out a bit if he gets preoccupied with something else, like he’ll leave the faucet on for hours while he’s vacuuming, or he’ll leave out a carton of milked cause he remember that he needed to clean the windows.
But he likes to work by himself, you’ll offer to help but he can be stubborn when he wants to, so you cave, and right after you tell him that the sink is on fire, for the 3rd time that week. It was a Tuesday.
He loves to welcome you home from work with kind gestures, like preparing a surprise picnic, or giving you a massage if you mention that you’re sore.
“Ah… Please be gentle, Jade.”
“Of course, y/n…”
“Uggh…Not so hard!”
“I apologize it’s hard to contain myself when you’re… like this.”
“Jade! It- it hurts! But it feels so good.”
“I know y/n, trust in me.”
“Nngh…Azul was right, you really do give great shoulder massages.”
And poor Grimm was outside your door wanting to ask you something, traumatized. Ngl, situations like that happen quite frequently.
Your shelved are filled with random things he finds at markets or thrift stores. Including a very creepy doll that you swear you saw blink.
But Floyd calls it his treasure so you just shrug and let him continue his collection. He is a bit of a hoarder though and you need to help him sort through a bunch of things.
You try the pile method but he ends up putting everything in the maybe it the keep pile. You get absolutely no where.
He hates being bored but he won’t do a lot of extra work, so he’ll go out and find more things, like little nicknacks that he says reminds him of you. …Like a cartoon squirrel easy-bake-oven. You decide to take it in stride.
He also breaks things quite a bit, he tries to fix them for the most part, but sometimes he just gives up and will put broken dishes back in the cabinets.
“Why are all of our dishes broken..?”
“They’re not broken, now we have dinner ware for 57 more little shrimpies!”
“…When are we inviting 57 shrimp over dinner?”
“Next Wednesday, do you not check the calendar? We put it up for a reason.”
“…My bad..?”
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requests are open!!
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cursedwriter · 4 years
Dancing with your Ghost - Fushiguro Megumi
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Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist 
Warnings: Deals with death, Megumi has various breakdowns, it’s just really sad over all... sorry for making you cry in advance! 
Words: 4.9k
Author’s Note: Kind of inspired by this song: Dancing with your Ghost - Sasha Sloan // Also, when they dance, I kinda imagined them to dance to this: Technicolour Beat - Oh Wonder 
“Is he still in there?” Yuji pointed at the door by the end of the hallway. Gojo was walking in his direction, his expression unreadable.  
“No matter what I tell him, he won’t come out.” His voice sounded tired, almost worn out. The sight must’ve been hard for him to bear. Itadori gulped. He wasn’t sure if he could take it. “You should try talking to him. Maybe he will listen to you. We both know he would regret it if he missed the ceremony.” Gojo patted Yuji on the shoulder, hand lingering for a few additional seconds in silent comfort.
“I’ll try my best,” Itadori nodded, though, he sounded more hopeful than he was. This was going to be rough.
Soon after, Gojo disappeared behind the corner and out of sight. His shoulders were slouching and his head was hanging low as if he couldn’t walk upright. This was hard on everyone. But the person who had it the worst of all was…
“Fushiguro, can I come in?” Yuji knocked on the door three times. No answer. He tried again. This time more forceful. “Hey, Megumi! It’s me, Yuji! Do you mind if I come in?” Still no answer. Itadori sighed, but he pushed the door open anyways, peering into the dimly lit library of the Jujutsu Tech High school. Admittedly, he’s never been in here before. Yuji wasn’t really the non-fiction reader… or anything that wasn’t manga, really. But upon entering the room, he couldn’t help but gawk. The shelves were stacked to the max, piling up above his head in a seemingly endless supply of books. There were books everywhere. The amount of knowledge that was stored in here was immense. And all about curses and jujutsu? Incredible! Maybe he should’ve come here sooner. He bet that there had to be at least a dozen books about Sukuna here somewhere.
“It doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense.” Itadori was pulled out of his thoughts by the repetitive mantra that was coming from somewhere behind a shelf. He followed the sound that was mingled with quiet sobs and he had to force himself to keep walking. This was more terrifying than facing all the curses of this world together.
“Megumi?” He peered around the shelf, finding his friend sitting on the old wooden floor, frantically flipping through a book with yellowed pages that seemed to be falling apart at the seams. It must’ve been ancient.
“No sense, no sense, no sense,” he repeated over and over again as if that phrase was the only thing keeping him sane.
“Megumi?” Itadori tried again and finally Megumi’s head snapped up and he looked at Itadori like a deer caught in headlights… only way worse. His eyes were bloodshot with dark purple circles underneath them. A stark contrast to his sickly pale skin. Briefly, Yuji wondered if Megumi had slept at all since it happened. Tears were streaming down his face and it felt like they would never stop. An endless river of sorrow and despair. Yuji was sure he heard his own heart shatter in his chest as he looked at his best friend. He wished he could take some of the pain away. Even if it was just a little, but of course that was impossible. “The ceremony will start soon and-“
“That’s stupid!” Fushiguro cut him off harshly, his voice hoarse and quieter than usual. “Why would there be a freaking ceremony when she’s coming back?!”
“Megumi, she-“
“No! Stop it!” He yelled, throwing the book he was reading against the opposite wall. “Stop it! Shut up!” He pressed his palms against his temples as if he wanted to crush his own skull. “I’ll do it, you’ll see! All of you! You’ll see! I’ll bring her back! I’ll bring her back, okay?! I will – I will!” He repeated it over and over again and it was apparent that he wanted to proof himself right more than anything else. Maybe making him believe would help ease his pain? Should he encourage him? No. Despite wishing that he could provide some words of comfort right now, Itadori knew that false hope would be the cruelest thing he could offer. No matter how much it hurt, but Megumi couldn’t go on like this… searching for something that wasn’t real.
“Megumi, please. You’ll regret it if you don’t come,” Itadori tried again, picking up the book that Megumi had thrown away. He flipped through the first pages and he could already tell that the answers Megumi was searching for weren’t in this book. It was mostly about how sorcerers could reincarnate as curses if their dead bodies weren’t handled properly. If they died you had to make sure that the last hit was infused with cursed energy. Usually, that took care of things. However, if they died of natural causes, diseases or accidents there was a special ritual, a ceremony that made sure their bodies were put to rest accordingly. Kind of like a funeral, but then again, not quite. This was the ceremony Fushiguro refused to attend, even though it was highly valued among sorcerers. It was a way to pay your last respects, value their accomplishments and thank them for their sacrifice. He probably refused to go because that would make her death final and he would be forced to move on, no matter how hard it would be… and it was going to be very hard.
“SHE’S COMING BACK, DAMMIT!” Megumi yelled at him, reaching for another book that was stocked in a pile he’d built himself. The tower crumbled with the way he yanked it out, dozen books falling to the ground, scattering to their feet. It was eerily quiet for a second, Yuji didn’t dare to speak. The atmosphere so thick, he doubted even Maki’s demon blade could cut through it. And then, right when he wanted to say something, anything really to get rid of the suffocating silence in the room, Megumi started sobbing. Not like before. Impossibly, it was even worse. His whole body shook with the action, hands that were clinging onto the book were trembling and despite him hanging his head low, Yuji could see the frequent tears that were hitting the old worn out pages of the book, blurring the ink further, making it almost unreadable.
Hesitantly, he took a step forward, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Should he hug him? What could he even say? Should he call for someone? Gojo-sensei? Would he know what to do? Or Nobara? Or, wait! Y/N always knew what to do when it came to him… Oh, right…
Yuji slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. How could he forget?! It really didn’t feel real yet, huh? Itadori tried to swallow the big lump in his throat as he crouched down and gently took the book out of Fushiguro’s shaking hands. He looked so fragile, as if a single slap to the wrist could break his arm.
“I just don’t get it,” Megumi whispered. His voice sounded far away, as if he was underwater or as if Yuji had cotton in his ears, muffling his voice to a point where it was almost incomprehensible. “It’s just so unfair.”
Yuji placed the book on the ground beside him, skipping over the title “Resurrection and the balance of the world”, it read. He gulped again. Could it be possible?
“I know it is.” He laid a comforting hand on his shoulder and another muffled cry escaped Megumi’s mouth. Yuji had seen a lot over the course of just one year, but not once has he witnessed such utter despair. The sight pulled on his heart strings in ways he couldn’t even explain.
“She fought against the most heinous creatures every day and you’re telling me she died because some fucking asshole thought it was a good idea to drive while being absolutely shit faced?!” Some of his words were swallowed by his sobs, but Itadori understood him well enough. “I refuse to believe that! I refuse to accept that!”
Momentarily Itadori was thrown back to the moment they got the call, he remembered it all too vividly. The shock, the confusion and his scream…
“I’m sorry for your loss,” the nurse led them into the room. The air was chilly and it smelled like disinfectant.  The stench so unbelievably strong, Megumi thought he might throw up. It burned in his eyes and nose and he distantly felt his cheeks getting wet. He couldn’t tell if it was because of the smell or of what was to come… at this point, it still felt like a sick joke, some twisted game or prank. Just not real, like a dream, a nightmare he would wake up from any second.
There was a single bed in the middle of the room, the body underneath covered by a white cloth. Gojo, Nobara and Yuji gathered around it, hands clutched together in front of them as if they were silently praying. Megumi hesitated. He stood in the doorframe, looking at the scene in front of him and nothing seemed to make sense anymore. Everyone was crying. Even Gojo seemed more tense than usual and he was sure he saw a stray tear slip from underneath his sunglasses.
The room was silent, except for the door falling shut behind him as the nurse left them to mourn in peace. This was a dream, right? A nightmare? How could it be anything else?
Megumi’s footsteps echoed off the walls as he hesitantly approached the bed covered in white sheets.
This is just a dream. This is a nightmare. You’re going to wake up any second now. Just wake up. Wake up! Wake up, dammit!
But he didn’t wake up. Not even as he reached for the white cloth. And he didn’t wake up as he slowly lifted it up. He didn’t wake up when everyone sucked in a sharp breath. And he didn’t wake up as Nobara’s knees buckled and she fell to the ground sobbing. He didn’t wake up as he laid his eyes on your peaceful but lifeless face.
Megumi didn’t wake up. But God did he wish he did.
He stood there for what felt like an eternity. Studying your features. How your hair was softly flowing on the pillow, how your lips were slightly parted as if you would wake up at any given moment and tell him something important. But he also noticed that your cheeks lacked their signature pinkish tint and your lips were more blue than their usual vibrant red.
His hand inched closer to your face, connecting to your cheeks and adoringly caressing it. It was cold underneath his touch. Your skin feeling more like wax than it felt alive.
No one said anything, the only sound was Nobara’s quiet sobs that she tried to stiffle to the best of her abilities. Everyone watched Megumi and no one knew what to do. Neither of them has ever felt so helpless. Even Gojo was rendered speechless at the heartbreaking sight in front of him.
And then, everything slowly started to sink in…
She’s gone.  She’s gone. She’s really gone! You’re not waking up! Why aren’t you waking up?! Wake up!! No, no, no. This can’t happen. This can’t happen. This isn’t happening! Tell me this isn’t happening?!
Didn’t I just talk to her this morning? Didn’t we talk about going to the beach as soon as it got warmer? Didn’t we make dinner plans? Didn’t she boast about a new recipe she wanted to try? Didn’t this just happen? And you’re telling me that all of that is just… gone? Just like that? In a moments notice… poof?! Evaporated into thin air? You’re telling me that?
“Wake up, dammit! Wake up, dammit! WAKE UP!”
Everyone stared helplessly at Fushiguro. At first no one knew if he was talking to himself or you, but then he started desperately shaking your shoulders, repeating the words over and over again. “We wanted to go to the beach, remember? You told me you couldn’t wait! Come back, and I’ll drive us right now! Come back! Come back to me, please! Please!”
Gojo couldn’t bear the sight anymore. The way he shook your body as if that would change anything. With a few long strides he closed the distance between him and Megumi and pulled him away from the bed. He was thrashing at him, screaming in his face to let him go, but Gojo didn’t listen. He gladly took a hit or two if that meant Fushiguro could get at least some of his frustration out of his body. To Gojo, the room itself was a hard place to be in – for obvious reasons. The energy here made him feel uneasy and on edge. The amount of cursed energy gushing out of Megumi was immense and almost unbearable. He had to get his emotions in check or else…
Megumi continued to yell and thrash. “Let me go, you bastard! Let me go! I need to see her! I need to see her!”
“I understand that this is hard for you, but you need to calm down!” Gojo’s voice was stern. This was probably the first time ever that he actually put on the façade of a responsible adult. Nobara and Yuji watched the two with wide eyes, but didn’t interfere otherwise. “If you keep this up, you might end up cursing her! Do you want that?!”
“Let me go! Let me go!” Megumi wasn’t listening.
“Megumi, snap out of it!” Gojo’s palm connected to Megumi’s cheek, his flesh burning hot where it had connected. For a moment, the room was silent again. Only Megumi’s labored breaths broke through the thick tension.
“You bastard!” Megumi launched himself at Gojo with all his strength, but that was exactly what Gojo intended. It was better if he directed all his energy towards him than having it leak out of him uncontrollably. Otherwise he had the potential of manifesting a new special grade curse that neither one of them wanted to deal with, especially if you were to be reborn as said curse.
Megumi stopped his relentless attacks, knees buckling under his weight as a single agony filled screamed echoed off the walls…
Megumi slowly opened his eyes. His head was aching, blood soaring in his ears. What happened? He looked around himself. The room was dark, only illuminated by the moon light that peered through his partially closed blinds. He was laying in his bed, the room a mess just like he remembered. That was unlike him. Well, ever since that day he hasn’t been himself at all. Now, he more or less felt like an empty shell, existing but not alive.
He groaned, sitting up while he rubbed his temples, hoping to get the relentless throbbing to stop. Ah, that’s right. A few flashes of the previous events reminded him of what had happened. Megumi’s frustration and anger had gotten the best of him and he started throwing books, ripping them out of their shelves and even tearing some of them apart when he couldn’t find the answers he was looking for. Yuji had to call for Gojo and he in turn had knocked him unconscious.  
Megumi huffed. Great. Now he was probably not permitted to go to the library again. He should really start thinking before lashing out like this. No, matter, though. If push comes to shove he’d find a way in and if it’s the last thing he did. He didn’t really care anymore anyways. What’s the worst that could happen? Expulsion? That was nothing.
He peeled the covers back, his shirt sticking to his body uncomfortably. Maybe he should take a shower before he went back again.
Reluctantly, he got up and walked towards his bathroom, mindful not to trip on anything that was scattered on his floor.
Once he was there, he turned the shower faucet on, letting the water heat up while he stripped out of his clothes. His head was still killing him and his whole body ached. He shivered, even as he got into the shower and the hot water burned his skin. He was still cold. For some reason he didn’t seem to be able to get warm anymore, as if you took all of his warmth with you, when you left him.
“Ew, stop doing that,” you laughed wholeheartedly as Megumi shook his wet hair in your face after coming out of the shower. “Seriously, are you a dog?”
“No, but I love hearing you laugh.” Megumi wrapped his arms around you, pressing your back against his naked chest as you both watched your reflection in the mirror. “I really love you, Y/N. So much,” he whispered in your ear, not taking his eyes off the mirror. He could see the faint blush on your cheeks and he placed a soft kiss to the nape of your neck to emphasize his words.
“I love you, too.” The smile on your lips and the way your eyes sparkled with joy, filled his heart with warmth and light. He could bask in it for all eternity and he would never get tired of it.
Megumi turned the water off, still shivering. It was to no use. His skin was burning red, though, and the whole room was filled with steam and yet, he had goosebumps all over his body. His teeth started clattering as he dried himself and he put on new clothes.
The clock on his bedside table told him that it was three in the morning. He felt like he forgot about something… something important. What was it again?
And then his eyes widened in shock. No, no, no.
“Hey, look!” Megumi felt your slender fingers wrap around his wrist, your warmth immediately warming his cold skin. You tugged him gently and he followed you. It didn’t take long for you to reach your desired destination and you stopped, eyes shining with awe in them as you watched over the city, lights sparkling and illuminating the darkness. Megumi couldn’t deny that the view was breathtaking, but he couldn’t keep his eyes from constantly looking at you instead. The way your face lit up, the way the lights danced on your face and how your cheeks were always tinted in their usual pinkish color, made him fall for you all over again. His heart hammered in his chest and his pulse picked up. Butterflies assaulting his stomach in the best way imaginable and he felt like he was floating above ground. Never has he felt so happy. “There! It’s starting!” You beamed at him as the first flash of light painted the night sky in a bright blue color, then it changed to red and then green. The sound of other fireworks being set off rang through the otherwise silent night. Here, on top of the mountain away from anyone, it was the most peaceful place he could imagine. But he wasn’t sure if it was only because of the view and the fact that no one was around or if it was because you were here. Whatever it was, he didn’t dream to fight it. The feeling so foreign yet so welcomed.
Suddenly your hand appeared in his line of vision and he didn’t hesitate to take it. What he didn’t expect was you starting to spin around. It took him a moment to catch up. “C’mon, Megumi, what are you doing? Don’t just stand there so stiffly! Dance with me!” You urged him on and Megumi felt his cheeks heating up in embarrassment. He could only hope that you couldn’t see it.
“There’s no music, though,” he said, trying to find an excuse to not make a complete fool out of himself. You see, Megumi wasn’t a dancer. Give him a choreographed fighting formation and he could do that no problem, but moving his feet to the rhythm of a song? Nope. That was sure to end in him tripping over his own feet and in the worst case break his leg or arm.
You rolled your eyes at him, but instead of saying anything, you reached into your back pocket to get a hold of your phone. It didn’t take long and the sound of the fireworks was mixed with the soft tune of a song that he didn’t know. “Better?”
Well, not really… Megumi scratched the back of his head, unsure. Better to come clean, I guess. “You see… I can’t really dance… like at all,” Megumi stammered.
“So what? I can’t dance either,” you laughed, spinning around and jumping up and down like it was the most normal thing to do. The smile on your face never faltered and you did another spin, throwing your hands up in the air, moving them around awkwardly. Megumi couldn’t help but laugh at your awkward movements. You looked so silly, it was hilarious. “See? Now it’s only fair that you make a fool out of yourself, too. You can’t leave me hanging like this!”
What the hell, right? Megumi started moving his feet, still super stiffly and anything but graceful, but he did it. He looked at you, following your movements and it didn’t take him long to get the hang of it… well, somewhat at least. He still looked really awkward and helpless, so you reached both your hands out for him again and he grabbed them without hesitation, just like before. You started spinning both of you in circles, giggling at the way his face lit up slightly. He joined your laughter, looking at you with the most adoring smile in the world. It felt… so easy. Everything with you felt so easy.
So now it was just the both of you, spinning around in fast circles, laughing at the night sky filled with stars while in the distance the sound of fireworks slowly died down. The music playing softly in the background, but you didn’t even care that the rhythm of the song didn’t match with your movements at all. Nothing mattered in that moment. Just the two of you. Together. Forever.
“Ah, I was wondering when you’d show up.” Gojo scratched the back of his neck, smiling apologetically. “Maybe I was a bit too rough, when I knocked you out. Sorry about that.”
Megumi stared at him sitting in the front row of lined up chairs. The room was only dimly lit by the candles at the other end. The soft light they cast illuminated a picture of you in a black frame. It was the same one he had saved as his phone background. Megumi gulped, feet moving on their own as he approached Gojo, though, he felt his knees wobble unsteadily. The air became thicker and thicker with every other step he took. It felt excruciatingly hard to breathe. It was suffocating.
Megumi sat down on a chair next to Gojo, forcing himself to tear his eyes off the framed picture in front of him. If he didn’t he was afraid he might break down again. So he shifted his attention to the man in the chair next to him. He was already looking at him, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, as usual. There was a slight frown in his features, though, and his mouth was pressed into a thin line, a stark contrast to his normally giddy self. So Gojo could be serious, huh? Who would’ve thought? Bet you would’ve loved to see him like that…
“Megumi,” Gojo broke the silence first, his tone soft, but there was a certain sternness behind it that Megumi didn’t know he had until now. It left no room for interpretation. This was going to be a serious talk and Fushiguro didn’t know if he was ready for that yet. “I know that losing someone you care about is not easy and I’m not trying to pretend that I know exactly what you’re going through right now, but I’m telling you as your sensei and as a friend… you have to move on. And that means you have to stop looking for ways to bring her back.”
Megumi opened his mouth to tell him off, but Gojo just held a finger up to show him he wasn’t done yet. The crease between Megumi’s brows deepened, but he kept his mouth shut regardless. “The world works under a few distinct principles. Rules that cannot be broken, if you will. Like we know that after the sun sets, dawn will come. With darkness, there is light and no matter how harsh a winter might be, spring will always come next. And the pinnacle of those rules will always be that with life there comes death. We don’t get to choose when this’ll be or how it’ll happen, but from the moment we’re born we know without a doubt that we’ll have to leave this place at some point. Death is certain. It’s but one part of life and disrupting that cycle, breaking one of the unbreakable rules, would cause the whole system to fall apart. It would level the ground for mayhem and destruction, nothing would make sense anymore. The world would crumble. As sorcerers you know that we protect the ones who cannot protect themselves, but we also maintain balance and Megumi… while I do understand your desire to see her again, I have to warn you… even if there is a chance, I won’t let you do it at the expense of everyone else’s life.”
Silence fell between them again. Megumi had a hard time believing that these words really just came out of Gojo’s mouth. Deep down, he knew he was right. He knew it was a futile plan to bring you back. It was selfish and irresponsible, but he was so… desperate. So desperate to hear your voice again, so desperate to listen to you laugh or complain, so desperate to feel your delicate and warm touch on his cold skin. He was so desperate for these things; he couldn’t think straight. His mind felt foreign to him without you there. He didn’t know who he was, who he would be without you by his side. He didn’t know if he wanted to be in this world anymore with his source of warmth and comfort gone. They said, time healed all wounds but as of now that seemed impossible. Just a thing people told themselves to keep moving forward. A lie that was supposed to protect oneself from the cruel and harsh truth that the world didn’t stop spinning, that time passed by and that dawn always came… no matter what. The world moved forward regardless if you were here or not and it felt like a cruel joke to him. Nothing seemed the same. He didn’t recognize anything, looking at the world with different eyes. How could there be a world without you in it? Why was everyone moving forward while he was left behind? And how could they? How could they move on? Why didn’t the world stop spinning? It should. Because nothing felt right. Nothing was the same. And yet… that only held true for him.
Megumi wiped away his silent tears with the sleeve of his shirt. “But I didn’t even get to say goodbye,” he croaked out. It was the first thing that came to his mind. He replayed the morning with you over and over again and he couldn’t remember if he said goodbye to you when you left that fateful day. Did he? Did he not? In any case, he would’ve never thought how final of a farewell it would’ve been in the end. “I don’t even remember the last thing I said to her,” he sobbed.
He felt beyond guilty for not being able to recall it clearly. Did he say ‘I love you’? Did you say it back? He wanted to believe he did, but he just wasn’t sure and it drove him insane.
“She knew that you loved her very much, Megumi. I’m sure she knew until the very end.” Gojo patted his shoulder a few times, before he got up. “Take all the time you need.” He left the room, closing the door behind him, but not before he turned around one last time, looking at Megumi with worried eyes. “But remember, Megumi… You have to move on eventually, no matter how hard it is. For her sake and your own… Just know that you have people in your life that you can rely on any time, okay?”
Megumi nodded and Gojo let the door fall shut behind him. The silence that ensued was almost deafening. Finally, Megumi let his tears fall freely, sobbing like a child and sucking in air after shallow breaths.
Everything hurt with you gone. How could he ever move on? How could he ever love again? Megumi was scared he might break in half. How much pain could someone even bear? Though, deep down he knew that he didn’t have a choice… He had to try. And he would try his hardest to keep moving forward, holding on to that tiny glimpse of hope that one day he’d see you again. And when he did, he swore to himself to never stop telling you how much he loved you. Always and forever.
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thebest-medicine · 2 years
So, I don't know who else to tell this story to, so I think I'm just gonna tell you. Today I was in a gas station, and you know how sometimes, when they're stocking shelves, they've got trolleys with crates on them and it's kind of a tight squeeze? Well that was the situation. There was me and one of the builders working on the roof of the building next door - big dude. So, we're trying to squeeze past each other, and as I pass by, I feel a poke on my side and it made me jump a foot in the air even though I'm positive it was an accident because it was so unexpected and my sides are one of my worst spots. He kinda laughed and apologized and so did I. We had to pass by each other again on the way out of the store in a much more open area, and as we did, he poked me in the side again - this time deliberately - and I jumped and kinda giggled, and he laughed at me again and told me to have a nice day. Typically I would be freaked out if a stranger tried to tickle me, but that time it was actually kind of a fun, cute little story. I guess because he wasn't being all intrusive and creepy lol
living in a real life fic intro? that could def seem weird since it wasn’t someone you know though but I’m glad the vibes you had were good!
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adorethedistance · 4 years
City Slicker, Cowboyfriend - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, nerves, mentions of covid.
Words: 2163
Summary: You’re starting to have doubts about moving all the way to Norman until a shopping trip to Ikea turns into the meet-cute you’ve been waiting for.
A/n: This isn’t a request or one of my Valentines day fics, this is just something that I have had stuck in my head ever since Owen posted this on IG and bc I’m facing total writers block with my other pieces I cranked this one out in a few hours to get the ball rolling again. Hopefully. Enjoy this totally unproofed, fluffy madness!! (Because who doesn’t need more Owen content in their life?)
There are perks to moving and one of them is undoubtedly: shopping. For furniture, home decor, kitchen utensils, whatever! Granted, shopping alone can be tedious and, for some, like pulling teeth, thus, I’ve enlisted the help of my best friends Leila and Chelsea. I didn’t even have to bribe them to come because everyone loves getting lost in Ikea. It’s one of the best things about the human experience.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been in an Ikea,” Leila says to no one in particular as we walk through the onslaught of staged bedrooms.
“What?! Are you telling me you don’t get meatballs and lawn chairs on a weekly basis?” My exaggeration makes Leila laugh as she steps into one of the display kitchens. Looking between me and Chelsea she asks,
“What would you do if I turned the handle then a jet of water sprayed out?”
“Die, I guess.”
The three of us continue through the faux house displays and past the mattresses despite Leila’s urge to jump on every single one. As we walk through the section of different lighting features, I sigh with a frown as I think about college. I changed my bachelor’s to an associate’s so I could graduate in two years. Chelsea’s parents moved out here at the end of our senior year in high school, and she moved with them to study in Norman. Leila in turn went to Arizona for an athletic physical therapy gig, leaving me to face college alone in L.A.. In the two years the three of us were apart, we missed each other more and more, and after determining which of the three states we lived in was cheapest, we packed up and headed East. Covid kind of delayed our plans. But after a few months, I picked Leila up from Arizona and together we chased open job opportunities into Norman, Oklahoma. The three of us found an apartment space to live in together and thus, we ended up in Ikea on this fine Sunday afternoon.
Snapping back into reality I see Leila standing directly under a light that’s hanging very low from the ceiling. Once standing directly underneath it, she pulls down her mask and opens her mouth, rising to her toes to eat the fixture.
“Leila, don’t you dare fellate that light bulb! You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
I swear I’m practically their mom when it comes to behaving in public. Figuring they can’t hurt themselves in the college dorm section, I lead them quickly through it and into the giant furniture warehouse section. On the far wall, I see a large poster of a couple smiling brightly behind Chelsea, but I don’t bother to read the text. Leila and I spot the poster at the same time, and the imagery jogs her memory.
“Chelsea, how’s Hunter? Haven’t heard from him slash about him in like a week,” she asks about Chelsea’s boyfriend of a year.
“Oh, yeah, he tore a ligament in his wrist.”
“Yeah, I guess he moved it wrong or something and put too much stress on the area that it just tore. He was moving hay bales into the horse stables.”
“As opposed to the chicken stables,” Leila judges under her breath, which makes me snicker as a result.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating a literal cowboy,” I interject, “Like, I know we’re in Oklahoma, and he’s from Tennessee, but we saw Texas on the way out here and that’s cowboy country. Norman seems more...” I trail off in search of delicate phrasing.
“Just barely marry your cousin territory, but still downing chewing tobacco whilst driving a lifted truck?” Leila hits the nail squarely on the head.
“Yeah, that sounds about right-” Before I can continue giving my thoughts on Norman, I cut myself off at the sound of laughter behind me.
“Sorry. We weren’t trying to eavesdrop, that was just really funny.” When I turn around, I see a guy roughly our age dressed in all black with bleach-blonde hair, speaking through light, broken laughter.
“No worries,” I dismiss the apology as we pass by one another, and out from the dressers section. The three of us continue into the different sections, and come to a stop once I see we’re exactly where we need to be: dining room shit!
“Cowboy boyfriends aside- oh my gosh: cowboy boyfriends. Cowboyfriends,” I say getting lost in my new terminology. Both of my friends share a mix of laughter and gasps and my ingeniousness. “Anyway. Cowboyfriends aside, how is Avery?” I ask Leila who begins blushing madly.
“She’s really good. We were just making plans for our three year anniversary, which reminds me to tell y’all I’m flying back to Phoenix to surprise her.”
“Awwww,” I nearly tear up and the sweet image of Leila and her girlfriend reuniting, “Y’all are so cute. Both of you and your partners. You know, being the only single friend in this group has made life suck a lot. Y’all are so happy and in love and not dead inside. Honestly? Get fucked both of you.” Despite my harsh words, the three of us break into a lighthearted conglomerate of laughter.
“We’ll find you someone… eventually.” Leila pretends she also can’t hear the last part of her sentence despite being the one saying it.
“I know, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for me to find love in Norman. I don’t need a cowboyfriend, and we’re not gonna find a true city slicker here either.”
When I finish my statement, I see our blonde friend seems to have followed us. I observe he comes to a stop in front of another guy in a flannel with a shopping cart. The way they jump into conversation with one another parallels the animated body language Leila, Chelsey, and I share. I continue to watch their exchange as Chelsea speaks up.
“Maybe you need someone right down the middle.”
“Yeah, like a guy who drives a truck but uses it to transport Ikea furniture instead of a whole ass tree that he’ll carve into a chair.” A small laugh escapes my lips, at both Leila’s statement, and the scene ahead of Blondie pretending to strangle his friend over something. I’m snapped out of my nosy yet endeared stare as a third guy appears. He’s a sandy blonde with billowing locks tucked under a trucker hat. And he came from behind me and my two friends to place something in their cart which keeps his back toward me. When he turns back around, my mind goes blank. Any thoughts of shopping for dining room chairs has left my mind. He is wearing a face mask, but he has such nice eyes that he could have a giraffe snout under the mask for all I care. I see him look up from the shelves, directly into my eyes. We stay locked for a moment before he breaks away and turns to his friends. I slowly turn to my friends too who are both giving me the exact same look of excitement and conspiracy.
“He’s really cute,” I sigh out with a laugh, swooning much louder than I’d have preferred.
“He has a face mask on,” Leila points out, her expression dropping from excited to cynical.
“Still! I can just tell.”
“Girl, what are you doing? Talk to him!” Chelsea whisper-shrieks.
“Shhh, I cannot take you anywhere!”
Glancing back at the handsome stranger, we connect eyes once more and I feel my face heat furiously as I realize he was already looking at me. I’m the first to break; I consult my friends for the best course of action and as I’m turned 180 to face them, Chelsea starts pretending to hyperventilate excitedly. Leila looks over my shoulder for me, discreetly surveying the other trio in the dining chairs aisle.
“Don’t look now, but he’s talking to his friends and looking between them and you.” I can hear in her voice she’s trying her best not to smile despite wearing a face mask.
“Should I give him my number?”
“What are you waiting for?”
“I’m nervous! What if he’s gay?”
“Will you just get over there? I promise you a gay man would not be wearing what he’s wearing right now. Maybe a lesbian,” Leila adds for good measure.
“You guys are freaking me out, I need you to leave so I know you’re not judging my flirting.” I shoo my best friends out of the aisle as inconspicuous as possible. Kinda wish blondie would’ve done the same because when I turn back around, the other trio hasn’t moved and the only one looking at me is the one in all black. He quickly averts his eyes though and I take one last deep breath before walking over to the stranger. I tilt my chin up ever so slightly to fake a sense of confidence that I unmistakably don’t have right now.
“Hey.” Really, Y/n? Hey??
“Hey,” he greets back breathily. Why is he nervous? I’m the one who gets to be nervous! Man, he’s really cute. I can’t fuck this one up. I’m not doing so stellar right now. Perhaps you should say something else, dipshit?
“Uhm,” I should’ve scripted this. “I just wanted to say that-” You’ve got this. Don’t be a bummer. “I-uh, I think you’re really cute and I was wondering if I could give you my number?” My speech is slow, each word deliberate in spite of the fact that I feel like I’m having an out of body experience right now. I’m not the one in control of the words that are coming out of my mouth.
Upon realizing why I walked over, blondie’s friends take the question as a sign to leave and less than inconspicuously back away from the two of us. Trucker hat spares them one last glance over his left shoulder and judging by the look flannel gives him, they were definitely talking about me in their team huddle.
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna ask for your instagram- if you have one, that is.”
“I’m cool with both.” The two of us reach for our phones and unlock them with anxious hands. I move to hand him my phone with instagram open, and he trades me for his which has a new contact open. I type my name and put my favorite heart emoji next to it after triple checking the number is correct. Wow, you’re just so ballsy today, Y/n!!!!! I give him back the phone, scanning the instagram account he’s just opened and followed for me. I hear him exhale a little harder as a small laugh and can only imagine it’s from the stupid heart emoji.
“Owen,” I say in a hushed, endeared voice, fully not intending to say it out loud. “You have a million followers?! Oh, you’re an actor. OH… You’re an actor.” I really don’t need to be speaking my entire thought process right now in the middle of this Ikea. Exhaling a small laugh of my own, I see we already have a small bunch of mutuals, one of which is… Chelsea??? Looking up from my phone I turn around to see Chelsea and Leila watching the interaction from around the corner of one of the industrial shelves.
In the flurry of scattered likes, I see him find my account and follow me back. I accept the request, nervous of what he thinks of me without a face mask on. What do I think of him without a face mask on? Going back to his account, seeing his entire face is even better than just his eyes. I was right, Leila: he is cute.
“You’re really pretty,” I hear him almost sigh as he combs through the grid of my account. The comment makes my heart beat all the much faster and I finally look upward to get a glimpse of Owen in the flesh. Still as beautiful as the last time I checked!
Sparing a quick glance over my shoulder, he looks back down at me and laughs,
“I think your friends got tired of waiting.”
“I think yours did, too.” The other members of our trios come back into the aisle we had kicked them from more or less two minutes ago. We connect eyes once more and stare longingly, wordlessly at one another, so lost in each other’s beauty our friends have to break up the staring contest of infatuation.
“Y/n?” I hear Leila behind me.
“Uh, well, I have to get back to chair shopping, but- text me later?”
“For sure.”
“For sure,” I mimic his voice.
“Guess I’ll see you later. Y/n.”
“Yeah.” And with that, we’re pulled apart by our respective best friends, through the vast expanse of the Norman Ikea.
“What was that?” Chelsea asks, excitedly linking arms with me.
“I don’t know I- Wait, you have some explaining to do!”
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13 @kaitlyn2907 @itz-jas @crybabyddl @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @calamitykaty @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys @amazinggracy @kaitieskidmore1 @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99 @ifilwtmfc @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker @lovesanimals @thebloodthirstyvampress @bumbleberry-pie @losers-club6 @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz @talk-on-the-street @phantompogues @konciousdreamer @sunsetcurvej @warmnesss0ul @lilyjoyner 
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hi! Can I requests a HC with Suga, Kageyama, and Noya where they go into Ukais store and they completely fall head over heels for the girl behind the register ( she can be related to Ukai or just works there for him)
This is my first request! Make sure you guys like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed it and requests are open! 
Suga, Kageyama, and Noya develop a crush on Ukai’s new employee 
One day after practice, Suga finds himself heading to Ukai’s store with Daichi and Asahi because they’ve been craving those steamed pork buns and since it was Daichi’s turn to pay for food, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse 
He’s definitely an advocate for “Free food is the best food” 
The boys walk into Sakanoshita and Suga is the first to notice a new girl standing behind the counter who is reading the newspaper with her legs propped up just like a mini Ukai
Instead of a cigarette between her lip, she has a stick of chocolate pocky in her mouth 
Suga thinks you are SO cute and he can’t stop staring at you but once you look up from your newspaper to lock eyes with him, he averts his gaze and continues to walk forward, only to bump into one of the shelves by accident 
“ Woah, you okay suga?” Daichi asks as he turns around to face his friend
“ GAH I’m fine!”
Suga hears you let out a small giggle as you went back to your newspaper and pretended to act uninterested in the boy, even though you knew fully well that he was reallllllly cute
Daichi is a smart boy and he can clearly tell that Suga is completely flustered over you but decides to say nothing for now while Asahi is deciding between which flavor drink he should get 
He’s oblivious, aren’t all aces? 
The boys grab their buns and head over to the counter where you greet them extra politely because you are an underpaid customer service worker who is just genuinely nice a cute boy is in front of you and you wanna make a nice impression
“ Okay, you’re all set,  is there anything else I can do for you guys?” You asked sweetly as Daichi looks over to Suga who’s cheeks are getting flushed
Daichi gets Asahi’s attention and nods over to the door,” We’ll be outside Suga, don’t take too long.” 
Suga’s eyes practically are pleading with Daichi saying “ Please don’t leave me I think I’m choking on my own tongue” but Daichi just laughs and walks out with a confused Asahi trailing behind him 
Suga just tries to calm himself down because he knows the goal is to make a nice impression and hopefully set up a date so he can see you again 
“ From the way you were sitting, I imagine you’re related to Ukai? ”
Suga immediately regrets this approach because now he sounds like a weird stalker but you don’t think anything of his question
“ Mhm, I’m his niece Y/N, how do you know him?” 
He replays your name out loud and for some reason it makes him smile even more
You being Ukai’s niece doesn’t really make Suga panic even though the thought of crushing on his coaches niece seems like he is crossing some sort of moral line
Suga tells you that he plays volleyball for Karasuno and that your uncle is also his coach which lights up your face 
“ No kidding, what a small world! I would love to come out and cheer you on. When’s the next game?”
Suga short circuits for a second because you specifically said you would cheer him on instead of the team as a whole
“ S-sure! There’s one next week if you want to come .ANDmaybewecangetsomethingtoeatafter!” 
“ Sounds like a plan, its a date,” You smiled as Suga nods excitedly before rushing out of the store without another word 
“ Did I just hear her say that Ukai is her uncle?” Asahi asked as the three of them walked down the street
Suga nods and blabs on about his interaction with you but Asahi and Daichi look at each other the whole time as they think of how screwed Suga will be once Ukai finds out
Kageyama never really heads to Ukai’s store unless he’s with his teammates but one day when he’s out jogging, he forgets his water bottle so he decides to stop by Sakanoshita to grab a drink since he knows he won’t be able to run much longer in this heat 
He steps into the store and he’s blessed with not only the blasting AC but the sight of a girl around his age refilling the drinks in the fridge
Kags can only see the side of your face but even then, he feels his heart skip a beat 
He’s never felt anything like this before so he’s convinced he’s about to have a heart attack but then the unsettling thought hits him as he��s just standing there in the middle of the store with his wallet out 
“ She’s really pretty” and Kageyama doesn’t even realize he’s said this OUT LOUD until you turn around and give him a shy smile
“ Um, thank you, you too”
Kageyama wants to just run out of the store because he is so embarrassed and he can feel the back of his neck and ears heat up as he contemplates leaving
And that’s EXACTLY what he does!!!!
The dude just leaves without buying anything and decides to just run back home because he is MORTIFIED 
You’re kinda bummed out because “damn, I scared another one off this week” but you realize that he dropped his wallet as he was sprinting out so you knew he’d be back
You didn’t look through his wallet, all you did was put it in one of the drawers at the register and continued on with your day as usual 
Just kidding, you totally looked through it and founds his Karasuno school ID and when you saw he was a first-year too, you mentally gave yourself a high five
Kageyama on the other time is freaking out because not only did he lose his wallet, he is so sure that the last time he had it was at Ukai’s store which means he has to see you again
He decides to wait until later that night to show up because he thinks maybe Ukai will be there instead-but sure enough when he shows up, you’re still sitting behind the counter and this time, he can see your whole face as you’re doing homework 
And his heart stops when he sees that you’re wearing a Karasuno school uniform because he could’ve sworn he would’ve recognized someone as pretty as you around the hallways
He’s never felt this way about any girl before and now, he slightly regretted not listening to Tanaka’s advice on how to pick up girls because he was felt so lost on what to do 
You could feel someone staring at you but when you turned your head up, you found yourself almost glad to see him
“ Oh hey Tobio! Did you come back for something?” 
His brain short circuits for the millionth time because hardly anyone calls him by his first name and he figures you probably went through his wallet 
Kageyama sheepishly nods as he heads over to the counter. You don’t even understand how hard it is for Kageyama to even talk to you
Cause granted, he’s talked to girls before like Kiyoko and Yachi but never a girl he was interested in because until now, he never even found himself attracted to girls 
You hand him his wallet as you defend yourself, saying that you only went through it to find his address so you could return it after your shift  
he apologizes over and over again on how much it was a burden for you to keep his wallet for the day
All you could do was laugh at how absurd this whole situation was and your laugh made Kageyama tense up because even your laugh was attractive 
He made sure to keep that in his head though 
Kageyama doesn’t know why his feet are practically cemented in front of you but he just doesn’t want to leave
He makes up any excuse and looks down at your math homework and thinks of an idea
“ Oh, do you need help with that?”
And Kageyama feels so stupid because why the hell did he just offer to help you with math homework when he only has one working braincell
You look down at your homework and back up at him,” You know this stuff?”
Kageyama looks at you before swallowing hard and shakes his head,” No…I’m actually really bad”
You giggle at his attempt at trying to be helpful but you nod back towards your homework,” Well don’t worry, I have math under control...If you want I can tutor you sometime?”
Kageyama almost says yes way too quickly before he pretends to think it over in his head and happily accepts your offer
You smile back at him before grabbing a sticky note and scribbling your name and number on a piece of paper,” Call me whenever, yeah?” 
You know that face Kageyama makes where his smile is super weird and squiggly? Well thats the exact face he has as he takes the piece of paper and tells you goodnight
And you can bet everything you have that he immediately rushes home and pulls out his homework just so he can have an excuse to call you up 
Nishinoya frequently visits Ukai’s store even if it’s out of the way because he likes to see a familiar face 
And also tries to bargain a “family discount” to which Ukai always denies him 
So one night Noya feels a sudden craving for literally anything that isn’t within his own house and he just decides to go drop by Sakanoshita to annoy Ukai out of a free bag of chips
“ Oi Ukai-” Noya stops in his tracks when he sees a girl around his age carrying a big box of products out from the back of the store
He is completely SMITTEN for you right away and in the back of his mind he’s like Kiyoko who? 
He had been going to Ukai’s for a long time but he had never saw you around before so already his mind was thinking of who you could be 
“ She’s too pretty to be Ukai’s daughter- he isnt even married why would he have a daughter-unless his wife left him with a baby and that’s why he’s grumpy all the time- wait but aren’t babies made by having-”
Noya kinda snaps out of it as you let out a small grunt while you’re trying to balance the two boxes on top of each other
Lets be real, Noya is the number one women respecter so when he sees you somewhat struggling, he rushes over and helps take some of the weight off of you
You could feel your load lighten but you still keep your hand on the box,“ I got it, it’s fine!”
“ No, please let me help! You’re too pretty to carry heavy things, you need a big strong man to help!” 
He didn’t mean for it to sound so unfeminist because again, he loves women as much as Hinata loves volleyball but he just didn’t want you to hurt yourself
You guide him where to set the boxes and they’re way heavier than Noya anticipated but since he wanted to impress you, he tried to play it off like it wasn’t even that heavy 
“ Thanks for the help, I hate making multiple trips” You said as you crouched down and opened up the boxes. When you look up at the boy for the first time, you feel your heart skip a beat because duh, cute stranger alert and Noya was feeling the exact same way 
“ I would do it again in a heartbeat,” Noya smiled and introduced himself and when you said your full name, Noya felt like his mind had exploded
“ Woah! I know him, he’s my volleyball coach- I’m Karasuno’s libero-that’s the school I go to- and he owns the store- but you probably already know that- I’ve never seen you around before, are you new?” 
When Noya gets excited, he has a tendency to talk people’s ear off but you found it so amusing and almost endearing 
“ Yep, today’s my first day. It’s been pretty hectic but it keeps me pretty busy for the most part.”
“ You know, I’m here all the time so I practically own the store myself. If you need any manly assistance, I could help you- like right now- do you want me to stock these chips? The cheesy ones are my favorite what about you?” 
You didn’t want to burden him but after trying to convince him you were fine doing it by yourself, you just gave up and decided that it would be quicker with him by your side
It would’ve taken you about an hour to stock whatever was left but with Noya’s help, you two managed to get it done in 20 minutes. While you closed up the shop, he even offered to walk you home because “ someone as pretty as you shouldn’t walk home without a bodyguard” 
You happily accepted your offer because hellooooo any excuse to hang out with him longer worked for you! 
When you got to your house, you gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek to thank him and for extra measure, you pulled out a bag of cheesy chips from your coat
Noya practically fell to his knees once you closed your front door and he was simping so hard for you that everytime he wasn’t busy with volleyball, he would close up the shop with you and walk you home
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
It’s A Love Story - Part 3
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Part 2
"What the hell Frank," (YN) heard Ray shout from where she was sitting on the steps in front of the school, digging through her backpack. Her head snapped up as she looked between them, trying to figure out what was happening.
"What did I do?" He asked defensively.
"Tucker just told me he delivered a pizza to you on Friday night, and he saw girls shoes and a purse by the door. You lied about being sick to go on a date?!"
(YN)'s eyes wide as panic ran through her. She hadn't seen Tucker, she was in the living room, so there couldn't have been any way he would have seen her. Ray would have said if he knew it was her, right? Tucker would have surely told her brothers.
"You got a girlfriend?!" Mikey asked, clearly surprised.
"Umm, yea, I do," Frank answered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Gerard asked.
"Who is she?" Ray asked, not even giving him time to answer the last question.
"She doesn't go here," Frank lied.
"Is she cute?" (YN) finally piped up, a wicked smile on her face.
"She's gorgeous," Frank replied emphatically and (YN) grinned even wider.
"Are we gonna meet her sometime?" Gerard asked.
"I dunno, maybe, if she wants."
"What's her name?" Mikey asked.
Frank opened his mouth to answer and (YN) was genuinely curious to see how he was going to respond when the bell rang, signaling that they had five minutes to get to their homerooms.
"I'll tell ya later," Frank replied as they all made their way into the school.
(YN) hung back and Frank slowed down so he could walk with her. "Saved by the bell," she smirked.
"Who knew Tucker was fuckin Sherlock Holmes," he muttered and (YN) laughed.
“What name were you gonna give them?”
“Yours,” he smirked.
“Stop it,” she said, smacking his arm and he laughed.
“I’ll see ya in algebra,” he said before heading down the hall. (YN) watched him go and sighed. One day they’d all know she was the girl at Frank’s house. One day she’d be able to kiss him before they parted ways. One day couldn’t come soon enough.
A few weeks passed, and (YN) was still living for the thrill of being with Frank. There were small moments like (YN) coming out to the garage to watch the band, or rather Frank, practice, to them spending more time doing homework together, to Frank taking her hand as they sat next to each other during the weekly movie night, even though her brothers were right there. Then there were the more exciting moments, like when she found Frank between the shelves, deep in the library.
“Hey,” she whispered, making him jump.
“Shit, oh hey (YN)," he grinned. "What are you doing here?”
“I'm in study hall, but I came to get some books for my research project for history. I saw Mikey up front and he said your English class was in here so," she shrugged, leaning against the shelf.
"You thought you'd come find me in the stacks?" He smirked.
"I thought I'd come find my books for my research project. Come on Frank, what did you think was gonna happen?" She replied with a smirk of her own.
Frank glanced over his shoulder, before grabbing her waist and kissing her hard. (YN)'s mind began to spin, partially because of how amazing the kiss was, but also because her brother was also in the library. Hell, anyone could wander over and find them making out. It'd take all of a minute for the entire school to find out. And (YN) loved it.
She ran her hands through his hair, as they made out against the historical fiction books until they heard footsteps and they pulled apart and both turned their attention to the books. Whoever it was, kept walking, not even slowing down to do more than glance their way.
“Close one,” Frank whispered.
“Mmhmm,” she agreed, stealing a look out of the corner of her eye.
“Kinda awesome.”
“Oh yea,” she giggled.
That afternoon at lunch, (YN) was at her usual spot with the guys, minus Mikey. Ray and Gerard had been practically bouncing out of their seats, clearly having news to share.
“Where is Mikey?” Ray asked, looking around anxiously.
“I dunno, but I’ll fill him in later,” Gerard said. “Let’s just tell ‘em!”
“There’s a battle of the bands coming up and we’re signed up!” Ray announced.
Frank, Bob, and (YN) all exchanged a look of surprise.
“Wait, when is it?” Frank asked.
“Next month!” Gerard grinned.
Bob put his head in his hands. “We have so much more practicing to do.”
“I think we got a real shot!” Ray explained. “And when we win, we get prize money and  real studio time to record an album!”
“We’ll be taking off in no time!” Gerard nodded.
“Can I help?” (YN) asked. 
Before anyone could answer, Mikey walked into the cafeteria with a cute blonde girl. 
"See ya there Mikey," the blonde waved before going off to join her friends and Mikey had a smug smile on his face.
"About time!" Ray said.
“What was all that about?” Gerard asked.
"Me and Kristin are going to the fall formal together."
“Oh nice,” Gerard replied.
(YN) almost choked on her sandwich. "Wait, what?! That's not fair! I wanted to go to fall formal!"
"Who's stopping you?" Mikey replied.
"You and Gee! When you two, the least intimidating nerds at this school, somehow convinced the entire male population to stay away from me!"
She could feel people were starting to look at her as her voice raised with every word but she didn't care. She was angry and sick of how she'd been treated.
"Just go with Christine and Marie," she heard Gerard say, and she began to see red.
"I don’t want to because they have dates and I don't want to be a third wheel!" She snapped. "The double standards in this family are such BULLSHIT!"
"Miss Way!" Mrs. Simon barked. “The office, now!”
(YN) felt her cheeks burning red and her shoulders slumped in defeat as almost everyone in the cafeteria started laughing at her while she was marched down to the office by the teacher. She sighed in frustration at yet another way her brothers were ruining everything for her.
A few hours later the school day was over and (YN) reported to detention.
"Is this your first time in detention?" The teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, asked as she slid into the desk and she nodded. "Ok. The rules are there is no talking, you may do your homework, read, or sit silently."
(YN) wondered who she would even talk to since the room was empty. She pulled a folder out of her backpack and was about to get started on her homework when someone else walked into the room.
"Mr. Iero, please take a seat, you know the rules," she heard the teacher say. She looked up to see Frank coming to sit down at the desk next to hers.
"Hey," he whispered.
She grinned and then turned her attention back to her homework. They both worked silently until the teacher announced he would be right back.
"He's gonna be gone at least 10 minutes," Frank said once the door was closed.
"How do you know?"
"He's taking a smoke break."
"Oh, right. Well what are you doing here?"
"I couldn't let my girl go through her first detention alone," he smiled.
(YN) covered her face, partially because she was blushing, and partially because she was embarrassed to be in detention in the first place. "What did you do to be here anyway?"
"I threw a ball at Mikey's head during gym."
(YN) could hardly stifle her laughter. "Oh my god, were you playing dodgeball?"
"No, soccer."
(YN) burst out laughing, thankful Mr. Rodriguez was not in the room. "Thanks for that."
"He deserved it," Frank nodded.
"I agree,” she grinned.
When they walked out of the school almost an hour later, (YN)'s mom was sitting in her car waiting to pick her up. "Ugh, I can't wait to get grounded."
"Maybe it won't be that bad?" Frank said sympathetically as they walked down the steps.
"Hello Frankie, did you wait for (YN)?" Her mom called out the open car window.
"No, I had detention too," he shrugged.
"Oh," her mom seemed taken aback. "Well would you like a ride home?"
"Please," (YN) whispered, hoping to delay the trouble she was certain to get into.
"Sure, thanks!" He nodded, getting in the backseat.
"That Mrs. Simon said this wasn't your first outburst this year, (YN)," her mom said as they started to head home.
"Yea, I know."
"That's not like you," her mom replied, more concerned than angry.
"I know," she muttered, head against the window.
"No one asked me, but I think Gerard and Mikey should back off," Frank piped up from the backseat.
"What do you mean Frankie?"
"Don't worry about it," (YN) mumbled.
"They're too protective of her. I know she's a girl, and the youngest, even if it's just by a few minutes, but they don't need to treat her like every single guy is a predator," he explained.
"Did something happen?" Her mom asked, now very concerned.
"No, some guy in Gee’s class was talking to me at that pool party this summer and Gee freaked out. It doesn't matter, the social damage is done. I don't even care anymore."
"Do you want me to talk to them?"
"No, I don't wanna make it worse. Just let me handle it," (YN) answered.
The rest of the drive was silent until they arrived at Frank's house. "See you tomorrow," he said, reaching forward to rub (YN)'s arm sympathetically before getting out.
"He's a good boy," her mom said as they started back toward their house and (YN) hummed in quiet agreement. "And that necklace he bought you for your birthday is lovely."
(YN) didn't even realize she was playing with it until her mom drew her attention to it. "Yea," she agreed.
"If you ask me, I think he likes you, I've always thought that."
(YN) blushed. "Don't tell anyone, but I know he does."
"Because you like him too?" Her mom asked. (YN) nodded as they pulled into the driveway. "I'll keep it our little secret."
"So am I in trouble for getting detention?"
Her mom laughed lightly. "No, but don't let it happen again. If you want to yell at your brothers, wait until you're home."
"Will do," she nodded, a relieved smile crossing her face.
(YN) didn’t say anything to either of her brothers that night at dinner, eating quickly before running back up to her room. It still wasn’t fair that she got in trouble, or that Mikey could date whoever he wanted to and she couldn’t. She curled up in bed with her sketch book, and tried to let her frustrations come out through her pencil.
"Hey," she heard Mikey say from her doorway after a while.
"Go away," she muttered, not even looking up until something landed at the foot of the bed. It was her favorite candy bar.
"Sorry for being an ass," he said.
"Whatever," she said, grabbing the candy, but still not even looking his way.
"Did you hear what Frank did?"
"Gave you what you deserve," she replied.
"I guess you could say that, but we’re just looking out for you."
She glared at him. "I'm not that fragile Mikey! I can handle myself, now go away!"
“Sorry,” he muttered as he retreated back to his room next door.
(YN) got up and slammed her door and settled back onto her bed when there was another knock. 
“Oh my god, leave me alone!” (YN) shouted, but the door opened anyway.
“Can we talk?” Gerard asked, peaking in.
“No! Go away!” She said getting up to push the door shut, but Gerard was stronger than her.
“I’m sorry! I was thinking about how you said you wanna help with the band, and I was wondering if you’d design our logo for us, and maybe like some shirts or something?”
(YN) stopped pushing on the door. “Wait, really?”
“Yea, like when we win this thing, we’re gonna need some merch to sell to help get our name out there, and posters for gigs, stuff like that,” Gerard shrugged.
“Yea, I guess I could try,” she nodded.
“And I know Mikey tried to apologize, but didn’t do a good job of it. We just didn’t want a guy like Adam to get a chance to do anything, because then people would start talking and-”
“Hang on,” (YN) cut him off. “This isn’t the Regency era, I don’t need my older brothers telling me who I can and cannot spend time with, out of fear that I’ll disgrace the family!”
“That’s not it! I just… I just feel like it’s my duty to protect you. You and Mikey both, but it’s different with you because you’re a girl and I’ve seen the way the guys look at you and I can imagine what they’re thinking and it’s gross and it makes me mad.”
(YN) sighed. "I just wish that if you felt like making a decision in my best interest, you’d actually ask me what I want first."
"Sorry," Gerard mumbled.
"Doesn't do much good now, but whatever," she shrugged.
Gerard stepped back from the door, and she shut it behind him. It didn't really matter, she had Frank, but it was the principle of the matter that still left her steaming.
Part 4
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