#the other side of the door demo
theredtours · 11 months
The Other Side of the Door (Studio Demo) - Taylor Swift
It's finally leaked, so here you guys go! Grab it while it's still up!
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sadrockandwaltzes · 4 months
Bad Taste
I was looking at a list of the worst Doors songs ranked, and you'd never believe what I saw!
My two favorite songs ranked in the top 5!
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My favorite song being placed at no. 5 (interestingly lower than the arguably much better no.3. Then again this was only one person's ranking- clearly lacking in taste)
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See how even the description doesn't make it sound bad! Dreamy! Creakiest and crooniness! How is that an insult?!
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But even worse is this gorgeous track. What'd you do to be placed at 3rd worst?? Methinks this author simply despises all things heartfelt and romantic.
It is true that I like their outlier songs more than their general sound, but I don't see why this should mean that true fans only enjoy their typical tunes! Who are they to hate on a perfectly lovely wistful summer serenade? Who are they to resent a band's attempts to branch out? They're not even bad!
But again, this is but one person's take. I feel it may be wise not to go looking for other people's rankings in case this is the norm and not the outlier...
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taylor-on-your-dash · 11 months
The Other Side Of The Door Studio Demo has finally leaked after being in circulation for 400 years. The trading community was discussing about leaking it a few days ago cause we didn't need it anymore, but someone did it first. Either way, you were always gonna get this.
Here's the kraken link
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folklaurens · 11 months
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
Hi! I loved your comfort goddess post! If your still taking requests, could you do one where Fem! Motherly Goddess reader is the wife of Ares and watches over his children with intense care. Especially Clarissa (if your comfortable with adding a dash of favoritism with Clarissa lol). And the Ares kids are possessive of their Motherly Goddess even though she literally only cares for them at the camp and how the other campers see this. ^^ thank you!!
Divine Mother
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Yandere Ares!Cabin x Stepmother!Goddess!reader. (Platonic!!)
-£ Warnings: Yandere Tendencies, Reader taking care of her child, Cheating, Obsession, Jealousy, Fighting.
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Many centuries ago you had be punished for your husbands doings.
Ares had upset Hephaestus by having a affair with his wife, Aphrodite. and you knew your husbands actions but you cared little about them, because his attention wasn’t on you. and you didn’t hate Aphrodite for it and you actually liked her, even had tea meetings with her at times.
Hephaestus was so upset he was going crazy in anger, so Zeus needed to punish his son. And that meant with you because he knew how much his son cared for you. So, you were sent to watch over the demo gods with Dionysus.
You spent years caring for all the children of your family and cared for them.
And for centuries it was Ares kids who took up most of your time. Their anger and hotheaded nature made your attention be placed on them mostly.
No matter what time it was, your husbands children need something.
When Clarisse came in things took a heavy turn. They became more needy and clingy to you that you constantly had to break fights they had started.
They seek your praise more then their fathers.
Asking for your blessing each capture of the flag, every fight, every mission, anything they need.
“Did you see that?” One of the younger children ran up to you with armor half the size of himself. “I would have killed him if it wasn’t a dummy.” You just patted his head and gave him the slight bit of praise.
But, Clarisse. She was at your side almost always. Even fighting with her siblings for you and she didn’t care. She was better then them.
When Percy arrived at camp she couldn’t believe her ears when you agreed with the stories of him killing the minotaur. how dare he? he wasn’t special and worth nothing to have you talk about him.
she hated him so much more and wanted nothing more then to have him say he was lying so she could drag him to you. and have him bow at your feet to apologize.
He was a fake.
Any bad emotions you could sense them. So when you felt a overwhelming sense in the bathrooms in camp you followed to find out what was happening. That’s when heard a loud noise.
Rushing in you see three of them on the floor and the new kid in the stall, door broke and water overflowing throughout the place. Clarisse was soaked and looked like she was about to attack him, you knew she was probably causing problems before you came in.
“Clarisse,” Your stern voice echoed through the place and made everyone turn to you and their faces worried. “What did you do?” You glanced at the two beside her as you crossed your arms.
they tried to explain but you grabbed them and started to scold them and take them back to their cabin. a goddess yelling at you was scary. and having the one who is know for her calmness was even scarier.
the whole cabin was out for Percy when capture of the flag came but Clarisse and her team were going for him. he made them look like fools in front of their mother? he was a dead man.
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 1
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 2 - Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), mammon and mc taking a shower together, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, kinda ooc but i had so much fun with this
Wherever you went, rumor followed. Haven't you heard? The mighty Lord of Pride has a significant other. Who could it be? Maybe the prince or his butler? Both of them? Or perhaps it was just some random demon? Surely not the human... right?
"Of course not!" said the witch, surrounded by both curious and jealous nobles.
You weren't in the balcony, but you could still hear the conversation in your spot near the open door. You could also hear the gasps and the murmurs. It was ridiculous.
What to do next? You could interrupt the gossip and make your relationship public; after all, it was only a matter of time before someone spotted you both in Ristorante Six or an empty hallway in RAD.
Ignoring them was the better option, however. No words sounded aggressive and yet polite enough to get the witch to shut up without making a scene. Plus, Lucifer was looking exquisitely fine that night. His wings did wonders to his appearance.
"Then who?" the voices asked while you walked away towards your boyfriend.
"Well, I wasn't supposed to say anything..."
Oh no she did not.
"But we're just so in love"
I'll be damned, you thought. She did.
The wrath you felt was primal and it provoked a worried glance from Satan, who was chatting with one of his many contacts in the other side of the ballroom.
You wanted to make an entrance, a dramatic one, but you could only watch as the witch talked and talked about her supposed first date with Lucifer, their first kiss, their first time, his performance in bed (which... No. She was so wrong about that one).
Finally, you opened your mouth.
"You don't say?"
But that wasn't your voice.
Beside you stood Lucifer in all his glory, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes and a hand hugging your waist. The floor trembled under your feet as he walked and, if it wasn't for his tight grip, the magic induced vertigo would've send you to the ground.
You could tell he was trying not to harm you too much, but the group in the balcony wasn't so lucky. All of them were on their knees and some even coughing blood.
"Do tell all your stories tonight, by dawn you'll have no tongue to keep lying"
The witch had tears in her eyes, too focused on her own pain to be aware of her surroundings or his words. Was he being serious? You wanted to ask what would really happen to that woman, but Lucifer was always two steps ahead.
He cradled your face and kissed you, slowly yet firm. His cold skin felt good against yours, already blushing under his half lidded eyes.
"Dance with me?" he asked, caressing your bottom lip with his thumb.
Damn, did he know how to distract you.
"You're dating the Great Mammon!" he'd said with his characteristic smile, both of you eating ramen in your bed while watching bad romcoms "That's something to be stoked about! You need to tell everyone about it!"
Of course, that translated to: please, please, please, I need people to know that I bagged YOU and YOU chose ME.
So, there you were, chatting with his makeup stylist and some other models while he posed in front of the camera. It was better than you expected, actually. You thought the fashion world in the Devildom would be full of self righteous assholes and insufferable divas, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Well, of course, there's always an exception.
There was a demoness in the other side of the studio, taking selfies with a pout in her lips and a fake, nauseating, innocence in her expression. She looked toxic from a mile away.
And yet, your boyfriend dated her for three months; three long and excruciating months, yes, but still. They'd dated.
And you were cool with that. So so cool with that. You were chill. A freezer, even. You loved Mammon and everyone and their mother could tell Mammon loved you. Everything was fine.
Except... well...
It was easy to forget the brothers were famous and popular bachelors, princes of hell, that, just like in every human monarchy, had fans to spare. People that would support them no matter what they did and no matter who they dated and people that would hate everyone they dated because... You don't really know why.
You just had some haters.
And this bitch was taking advantage of this, you knew it in your heart.
Rumors of Mammon cheating on you with one of his model coworkers had been there since the beginning of your relationship. It was something you just had to live with, one of the reasons the Avatar of Greed doted on you with everything he had.
Mammon loved you.
So why did you panick so much when he stood up in the underwear he was advertising, getting ready for the next picture, and the demoness took a selfie of her lips with his half naked body behind her?
"That whore" whispered another model behind you. You liked them.
But it was okay, you didn't mind. No, really. You didn't.
Except you did.
And so did Mammon.
Everyone looked at him and you could swear his demon form was starting to show, blending with his siluette in blurred edges.
"Delete that"
She could've laughed at him, like everyone tended to do. She could've ignored him and tempt fate, but it was not a wise idea.
There was static in the air, black mist barely clouding your vision and a faint voice whispering in the back of your brain. The sound of feathers filled the room and soon crows started to surround the studio outside the window.
After a couple of sickening minutes, a loud pop settled the place back to normal and caused the birds to fly away.
The demoness gasped, letting her DDD fall to the ground like it burned her. Looking at her smoking hands, it probably did.
After that, everyone acted like nothing happened. You, however? Your whole body was buzzing, leaving you paralyzed with feelings you needed to explore in the future and making Mammon look at you with a knowing smile.
"...sick of those rumors..." he'd say hours later while he washed your hair in the shower "and you dumbass humans believe everything you see, even if it's stupid"
He'd wait until you were both in bed, ruminating about every little thing that happened back there before talking again.
"Because it's stupid, you know? I'd never cheat on ya. The Great Mammon would never do that to you. I mean, I'd never to that anyway, but specially not to you. Keep that in mind, human! You catched the best demon of all hell! Lucky you!"
Lucky me, he wanted to say instead.
You understood him anyways.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu sent you a message!
You stared at the screen and the screen stared back at you.
Reading the user name physically hurt you and you'd lie if you said you weren't worried about it. Did you trust Levi? Yes, absolutely. Did you trust f3istyk1ttenuwu? Not really, no.
So (this time voluntarily), you opened the gates of hell.
It was the Devildom version of Discord, which was worrying enough, and the user's pfp showed a cute pinked hair girl with dainty horns and half of her boobs out.
With a frown and your heartbeat in your throat, you opened the chatroom.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: r u lone?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: did ur frend leef?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: their a party pooper
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: didnt let u join the grp
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: :(
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: leviachsn?
Oh, heeeeell no.
First of all, it was leviachAn. Second, YOU were the only one who could call him THAT.
Ignoring the voice of reason, you checked the door before investigating the previous messages. Levi was in your room, retrieving your nightwear as punishment for not letting you win in Devil Kart YET AGAIN, so, knowing how flustered he got everytime he saw you in the Ruri Chan's inspired piyamas he got you for your birthday, you were sure you had another couple of minutes alone in his room.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: thx 4 sving me !!
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: we shld team more
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: were zo good 2gether
wEre Zo gOoD 2gETheR
You couldn't help but mock her in the privacy of your mind. Did she think writing like a 10 year old was attractive? If so, what the fuck?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: call? brke my pc & cn't fix it alone \(-o-)/
"Call a fucking tech" you whispered to yourself.
You turned around like a deer in headlights. Levi's cheeks still wore a furious red, but he remained quiet at the door when he saw you snooping through his private conversations.
Fuck it, you thought after some uncomfortable seconds. If someone could understand jealousy, it would be him.
"Who's this girl?"
Levi frowned and got closer to you, leaning over your shoulder to see his computer, probably giving you the closeness he'd crave if he was in your place.
"Oh, I don't know" his final answer disappointed you "Some girl the others wanted in the party"
But why was she talking to him like that?
"And why is she talking to you like that?"
He shrugged his shoulders, knowing that both of you knew the answer. Then, he straightened like he had an epiphany, and looked at you with shining eyes and a smile too big for his face.
"Are you jealous, MC?"
Levi jumped in happiness before you could say anything, unable to truly express how happy he was upon his sin affecting you.
"My Henry is jealous!! Because of a yucky disgusting otaku like me!! This reminds me of that anime: 'Help?! My crush snooped through my pc and now they're jealous because someone else is flirting with me??'"
It was obvious by now you had nothing to worry about, so you let him be. You let him appreciate how much you loved him.
In the end, you had to shower his face in kisses to shut him up and, for great measure, you also changed into that extra large Ruri Chan t-shirt in front of him.
Hours later, both of you were sweating in the comfort of his bathtub and Levi was completely sure you fell asleep.
And if you saw how he offered himself to fix this girl's computer only to hack her camera and post her real face all around the internet, no you didn't.
Tagging them lovely people: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin
Hope you like it!
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eddiesxangel · 1 month
I Don’t Think We Are In 1986 Anymore? Part 2
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Big thanks to @allthingsjoeq @bettyfrommars @somnambulic-thing for the prompts. The Stranger Prompts - directly from the Twilight Zone.
Sort of proof read, if you see mistakes no you didn’t… Sharing is caring. Reblog and comment 💙
You have to read part 1 for this to make any sense.
Cw: time travel, modern/Henderson reader, the aftermath of the upside down/ finding out who your father is and the reunion they never thought possible. Angst, fluff, smut 18+ content, fingering (f), oral (m) p in v sex, cream pie, MDNI
wc: 10k. oops
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…”
"What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!"
You watch and listen as your father has a mental breakdown in your open-concept kitchen. You just got off the phone with your uncle Steve, telling him to get to your place ASAP.
Your dad was stunned… and Eddie was stunned… What were the odds that Eddie would stumble into the house belonging to Dustin Henderson’s daughter?
Eddie could barely discern any similarities. You resembled the woman who came in after Dustin, and Eddie could only presume it was your mother. If he squinted, your eye shape was somewhat reminiscent of Dustin's, but even that was a stretch.
“How?! When?! Holy shit, man, you’re-you’re dead! You died in the upside down!” Your father was dumbstruck, as was your mother, because Eddie died in 1986. Everyone mourned and moved on with life. 
“The upside down?” You looked to your mom to see if she knew what the two men were discussing. It seemed that she was also withholding something from you. 
“I don’t know, man! That was only a few hours ago for me!” Eddie yelled.
“Holy shit,” your dad whispered.
“Wait. You think I’m dead? Like you guys just left me there? In that place?! With those demo-bats?” Eddie’s eyes were wide and, if you were being honest, he looked a little crazy.
“Well… I mean… so much shit was still happening!” 
Your dad was interrupted by a frivolous knocking on the door. 
You rush over to the door. Standing on the other side are your Uncle Steve and Aunt Robin, aka the woman from whom you got your nickname. 
You grab both of them before they can even say hello and drag them by their shirt sleeves. 
“Woah, Birdie, what’s going on!” 
You didn’t need to speak because you were in the kitchen before they could continue. 
You hear your aunt audibly gasp, and your uncle’s mouth hangs agape, stunned. 
There he was, a dead man walking in your kitchen, clear as day. 
“What the fuck”-“That’s not?”
“Uh, hey,” Eddie waves. 
“Holly shit,” they both say in unison. 
Before Eddie knew what was happening, Robin charged at him and wrapped him in a bear hug. 
This was weird for Eddie. He hardly knew the woman—not really. He had only spoken to her for the first time a week ago… well, a week and thirty-eight years ago. 
“Ouch!” -“Sorry!”
“What the actual fuck is going on” she pulled back, still gripping his shoulders. 
“Hey, uh, Robin.”
Her long fingers trailed up his shoulders to grab him by the face, squishing his cheeks together, not believing the sight before her. 
Despite the passing years, her youthful features still shone through. Her face was adorned with a sprinkle of freckles, her hair, still a beautiful shade of dirty blonde with some strands of silver, was now cut a little shorter, but it looked just as radiant as ever. She was unmistakably Robin, just a more mature and refined version of herself.
“Ohhhh-okay,” Eddie forced her hands off his cheeks. 
“Okay, what is going on here?” Steve spoke.
Eddie's eyes lingered on his acquaintance, taking in the lines etched into his face like a map of time. Despite the signs of age, he still looked strikingly handsome, with broad shoulders and a sturdy frame that spoke of years of hard work. His hair, once a wild mop, was now tamed into a close-cropped salt-and-pepper buzz cut. Eddie couldn't help but admire how his friend had aged with dignity and grace, and he felt a twinge of envy at his own mortality.
“One minute, we're in the upside-down fighting off those… those creatures,” Eddie looks to your dad, “and the next…” Eddie waved his hands above his head before flinching from the pain of the bat bites. “I was here!” 
“I don’t understand,” Robin said. 
“You think I do?!” He looked at her. 
“Woah, guys, let’s just calm down,” Steve tried to defuse the room. 
“Calm down? I just learned everyone left me for dead.” Eddie’s voice hitched. 
God, you had a lot of questions. 
“Come on, man, we couldn’t go back without another one of us dying. You stopped breathing in my arms! I swore you had died. I-I-I,” Dustin stammered.
You had never seen your father so distraught. 
“Fuck, come here, man” Eddie reached out to hug his friend. 
It had been mere hours to Eddie, but for his friends, it had been years of mourning and grieving, the acceptance that Eddie Munson was gone from the world. 
“What are you guys talking about?” You ask, breaking the moment. 
“Not now, honey,” your dad spoke, wiping a stray tear. 
“Yes, now!” You screamed. “What are you all talking about? Leaving him for dead? Fighting off creatures? Bats? I saw his wounds! A bat did not make that so. What. happened. in. 1986? And do not tell me an earthquake…” 
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After a long explanation, you still could not understand what the most important people in your life had been keeping from you for twenty-eight years. 
“So that brings us to now…” Dustin looked at Eddie. “Tell us exactly what you remember.” 
“I was with you,” he said, pointing to your dad. “And the bats got me; I passed out, I guess because I didn’t remember anything, and when I woke up, I was in the trailer park, but it wasn’t the trailer park anymore… I was here.” 
“There must be an explanation… do you think a gate is open now?” Steve spoke. 
“Not possible; that was closed years ago.” 
“Wait, so what happened to Vecna?” Eddie asked. 
“El dealt with him; he’s long gone.” 
“Wait… Aunt Jane?” You clarified. 
“Yes,” the group confirmed. 
You still cannot believe what the fuck was going on? How everyone seemed so casual about the topic of supernatural occurrences happening in the eighties. 
“I think I need to lie down…” you excuse yourself from the conversation. 
This was too much, too overwhelming. How were you to believe all of this? The evidence was right in front of you… Eddie had time-travelled, and your family confirmed that. 
“Birdie honey, I’m sorry; I never wanted you to learn about all the shit we went through.” Your father pulled you in for a hug before you got too far. 
You needed a second to collect your thoughts, so you went to your living room to lay on your couch. 
You replay the details of what just sprung on you. A man with supernatural powers wanted to take over the town of Hawkins, Indiana, and your aunt, who also has supernatural powers, defeated him. Your dad and his friends, your aunts and uncles, helped. Your super nerdy, uncool father helped save the world. And Eddie, their dead friend, was now alive; somehow time travelled unknowingly and is sitting in your kitchen…
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You’re unsure how much time has passed, but you feel the couch dip by your feet. 
“Hey,” a deep voice you’ve now recognized as Eddie filled the empty room. 
“Hey,” you open your eyes and face him. 
“I uh… I just wanted to thank you for everything. You’re being super cool about all of this, about not calling the police on me, calling Dustin- uh, your Dad-that’s so fucking weird to say- I’m glad it was your home I broke into.” He fiddled with the hem of the borrowed shirt you lent him. 
“I wouldn’t say I’m being cool. Honestly, I’m freaking out, but you’re welcome.” You half-heartedly smile. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m just as freaked out about this whole mess as you are… in the same boat and all, I guess.”
You hum with acceptance.
When you finally came around and decided to get off the couch, Eddie had already returned to the group's elders, and you walked in on their conversation. 
“Oh, god! Wayne?! Is he? Where?” Eddie couldn’t believe this was the first time he thought of his uncle’s whereabouts. 
“I’m so sorry, Ed.” Dustin couldn’t look him in the eye as he spoke. 
“He’s… what happened?” His voice shook. 
“We would visit from time to time over the years; he found a wife, he never stopped talking about you, he loved you.” Robin smiled as tears welled. 
“The uh… the smoking caught up to him. Lung cancer. He was diagnosed about ten years ago. He fought it for a long time but passed in 2019.” you hear your dad sigh. “…but even if he were still alive, Eddie, you’d sure give him a heart attack if he saw you,” Dustin chides 
“No… yea... No, I guess he would be almost ninety-four now…” Eddie sniffles, trying to hide his glossy eyes.
Not even five hours into living in the future, and it sucked immensely; who knows if he would get to go back home to his time. you felt for him your heart yearned to hug him and tell him it was all going to be okay, but you just met the guy.
“I’m sorry, Eddie.” Your dad touched his shoulder, and your mom looked at him sorrowfully. Like you, she had never met the man your dad idolized. 
As a kid, you were told stories of the great Eddie the Banished, and you worshiped what your father told you about him. But now, seeing the real man in the flesh, wounded, scared, and confused, humanized him. You felt so sorry for him; you wanted to do all you could to help him. 
“Ed, I think we should take you to a hospital,” Steve spoke, breaking the tension. 
“How? I don’t exist. I can’t pay for anything.”
“We have insurance and money; we can pay for it,” Steve rebutted. 
“What if someone recognized me?” 
“What if we gave you a makeover?” You suggested. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“My daughter is right, Eddie; you stick out like a soar thumb.” 
“What do I need to change?” He asks hesitantly. 
“The hair,” you nod. 
"Not like all of it, but, you know... shorter" You cocked your head, amazing his features.
He was very handsome, and you were attracted to him more than you would care to admit. You should not feel like this toward your dad's friend. Technically, he was thirty years your senior, but you were older than him in the real world.
Eventually, you will accept your supernatural time-travelling weird-ass family secret, but for now, you need to focus on Eddie healing and looking like he was from this century. 
You take to your phone for inspiration. Tapping away on the touch screen, Eddie is memorized by the new technology before him. 
“Can you uh- show me that stuff?” He points to your phone in your hands. 
“Yeah, of course,” you blush; Eddie's intense gaze on you didn’t go unnoticed by your overbearing father. 
“Woah woah woah, no—nope,” Dustin spoke as he wedged between you and the time-travelling man.
“Dad!” You scold.
“What are you even talking about, man?” 
“I know you, Eddie,” your father gave him a stern look. 
“I had no idea what you’re talking about?” he shook his head. But he was lying. He thought you were hot; there was no denying that. It was weird that you were Dustin’s offspring, but did that matter to Eddie? No. He has experienced much weirder these past few days.
“Let’s focus people.” Steve snapped. “Makeover—than a hospital.”
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After some internet sleuthing, you and Eddie decided on a haircut you both agreed on. 
“You trust me?” You raise your brows. 
“No, but I don’t really have a choice.” He looked at your overprotective father, hovering, not leaving the two of you unsupervised. 
“Dad, there is not enough room in the bathroom for all of us. Can you leave?” You sass. 
“No funny business,” he points.
"No funny business? The girl has scissors to my head." 
“Mooooooom,” you call for her to help.  
This was ridiculous. You’re a grown woman who can make her own choices, and Eddie is injured; that’s probably the last thing on his mind… and he’s probably not even thinking about you like that. So what could possibly happen? 
You turn to Eddie with a smile as your mom drags away your father. 
As you work away chopping at his hair, rewinding, and re-watching the tutorial off TikTok, you are not paying attention to Eddie's reaction to cutting his hair. If you looked down, you would see a man in pure heaven, blissed out by your touch. To see Eddie's eyes close when your fingers run through his hair. Eddie hadn’t had someone touch his hair in years, not since he first started growing it out. Fully immersion making sure his hair is even, you also don’t notice that you’re standing between his legs and your tits are sat directly at Eddie’s eye level, bouncing around in your tank top, as your arms work above his head. 
Eddie tried hard not to stare; that’s another reason why his eyes were closed, but here he was, basking in your touch while fighting with himself to keep his eyes from zeroing in on your chest. He felt overwhelmed by you in the best way possible, your delicate voice and gentle touch mixed with your sweet-smelling perfumes and hair products. It didn’t take much for Eddie to get wrapped up in you. You had been so kind to him; he was so scared this morning. He was scared of the pain of his injuries; he was alone and the fact that he was no longer in his proper time. 
You made him feel comfortable and safe, but you also made him nervous because he is attracted to you. Once the fright wore off and the calm washed over him when you offered your shower and food, it was instant; how couldn’t he fall for your beauty? 
“What about my face?” Eddie speaks, his eyes still baring into your chest. 
“What about it?” As you step back, your eyes are drawn to the man beneath you. You can't help but admire the striking features that define his face. You trimmed his unruly, chocolate-brown hair, but it still falls in gentle waves that frame his face beautifully. The freckles that dot his cheeks and nose add a touch of playfulness to his otherwise serious expression. But it's his eyes. Those are what captivate you the most. Thick, dark lashes frame deep, earthy-toned irises that seem to hold a whole other world. You can't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of him.
“Should I shave?” She cocks his head, a few wet tendrils fall on his forehead, and you can’t help but admire his beauty. His scratched face bore a five-o-clock shadow; the circles under his eyes only darkened as the hours passed. However, it only made his deep brown orbs that much more compelling.
“No,” you smile. “I like the scruff.” 
You step back again to admire your work, and Eddie’s eyes awkwardly try to look everywhere but you. 
“Okay, I think we are good,” you smile as you run your fingers through his curls again with a bit more holding mousse. 
Eddie holds back a whimper when your fingers are no longer in contact with his scalp, but he swallows it and stands up off the chair to look in the mirror. 
He smirks at the soft mullet look you’ve given him. It’s still a nod to the eighties but more modern. It’s long still, but he reluctantly doesn’t hate it. 
“I don’t have anything to tip you with,” he awkwardly giggles. 
“That’s okay. You can thank me later.” 
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“What? What's wrong?” Eddie whipped his head around. He hated hospitals.
“It’s Andy.”
“As in Jason’s friend Andy? As in, Andy that tried killing me, Andy?” 
“Yea, he’s a doctor now.” 
“Fuck” Eddie whispered under his breath. 
“Ok, new plan. You’re my nephew, and your name is Jeremy.” Dustin removed his glasses and put them on Eddie as an extra disguise. 
“Dude no, that—“
“How can I help you, gentleman, this afternoon?” Andy. Dr. Andy pushed aside the curtain. 
“He was out hiking and was attacked by a… a….” Dustin stumbled. 
“Bobcat,” Eddie finished. 
“A bobcat in Hawkins?” Dr. Andy raised a brow in question. 
“I was up north. I patched it up, but I thought it should be looked at.” Eddie cleared his throat. 
“OK, let’s take a look. Where is the injury.” He puts down his tablet and watches how Eddie lifts up his shirt, revealing the amateur job you’ve done. 
“It’s also on my leg, but it’s uh, this is the worst of it.” he clears his throat, wincing as Andy peels back the medical tape. 
He lets out a whistle as he examines Eddie’s torso. 
“A bobcat you say?” 
Eddie nods his head silently. 
“Okay, it looks like it’s been cleaned pretty well. You did a good job, but I’ll have to suture some of the gashes that are still bleeding. Andy looks at Eddie and really looks at him this time. 
“Do I?  What did you say your name is?” 
“Jeremy Potter, my nephew! On my wife’s side.” Dustin interrupted. 
Eddie gave him a look to cool it. He was so jumpy it would be suspicious. 
“Huh. Ok. Let’s get you all fixed.” 
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A half-hour later, Eddie and your dad stroll out of the examination room with some antiseptic creams and low-grade painkillers. 
“So, uh, it’s getting late; should we grab dinner and go back to Birdie’s?” your dad says. 
“Yeah, sure, sounds good.” Eddie can hear his stomach growl again. 
After picking up the food, Eddie and your dad finally arrived at your place, almost five hours later. You had spent the entire time waiting at home, feeling anxious and restless. As you waited, you couldn't help but imagine Eddie being tended to by a cute nurse. You pictured her doting on him, taking care of him in ways you never could. The thought of him falling for her made your heart ache with jealousy. Despite your best efforts to push away these feelings, you couldn't help but imagine him walking away from you, leaving you behind.
You didn't understand why these feelings were happening. You’d known him for less than twenty-four hours, and the urge to protect and care for him was so strong. You were already starting to miss him and worry about him.
Your mom kept you company, as she felt it wasn’t good for either of you to be alone. The others had to leave, but your mom stayed, and you discussed more of what happened before you were conceived. She knew exactly how you felt, overwhelmed and crazy. It took a while for her to come to terms with what your father described to her all those years ago, but she loved him too much not to believe him, especially when she saw what Jane could do. 
A sense of relief washed over you as your dad and Eddie returned from the hospital. They were okay; his injuries weren’t bad, and he could return to you.  
“Could I stay with, uh, with you guys? Eddie asks your folks, and you set the table, and your stomach drops.
“Shit, man, we are renovating right now; we don’t have space.” 
“You can stay here,” you quickly offered. Your whole guest room hadn’t been used in months. 
“Are you sure? I don’t—you have already done so much for me.” He blushes. 
“Please? I insist.” 
You couldn’t sleep, and he wasn’t going out on the street.
“You raised a good one, Dusty Bun,” Eddie teased.
“Dusty Bun?” You giggle.
“Oh yes your dad had this imaginary girlfriend, Suzy, and—“
“She was real!” Your dad boomed back.
And the three of you laughed.
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The house fell silent when your parents left. After saying your goodbyes, you and Eddie stood awkwardly by the door until you offered to show him the room in which he would be staying.
“Sorry if it’s a little feminine for your taste, but the mattress is really comfortable; it’s memory foam,” you smiled.
“Memory foam?” He questioned.
“You sink into it and feel like you’re on a cloud, trust me. Give it a go,” you gesture to the bed for him to sit on.
You watch as Eddie takes a few steps, and she’s his body to sit on the edge; when his bum hits the comforter, his eyes widen, and he falls back and lets out a moan.
“Holy shit, I’m never leaving” he splays himself over the mattress, and you can’t help but giggle.
“I mean-“
“It’s okay, Eddie, I understand. You can stay as long as you need to.”
Who knows how much time he will be here? How would you even begin to figure out how he gets back home? And can he even get back home? Would he have to go through the upside-down again? Or could he just appear back in the real Hawkins? So many unsolved answers were running through everyone’s minds.
Did Eddie even want to go back? Probably. That would be a bummer, you like him, and not only because he is your father’s good friend….
The longer you pondered, the more awkward the silence became.
“Hey, you want a drink?” you offer, not really thinking; you just need something to ease the tension.“Wait, are you old enough to have a drink?” you eye him. 
“Trust me, sweetheart, I can take a drink.” 
“How old did you say you were again?” 
“I’ll be twenty-two this….year? Well, uh, you know.”
You both walk back to your kitchen and grab the bottle of white wine from the fridge.
“This is all I have, I hope it’s okay?”
“I’ll take anything,” he smirks, and your stomach does a summersault.
You ignore the deep inner attraction and walk over to the cabinet where you keep your glassware.
“So, uh— you gonna call me Uncle Eddie?”
You turn to see that smirk still plastered on his face.
“Absolutely not,” you deadpan.
“Why not?”
Because that would mean I want to fuck my uncle…
“I’m older than you.” You uncork the bottle and pour two big glasses each.
“Not technically."
"Technically, you'd be old and wrinkly," you giggle.
"I would still be a badass, though."
"A badass?"
"Oh yeah, everyone is scared of me." He looked a bit sad.
Your dad did tell you how the town was scared of devil worship and shit but you never took it seriously.
“Not scary to me,” you smile.
“Oh yeah, you could handle all of this?”
“I’m a grown woman; you couldn’t handle me.” You pass him the wine glass.
“I’m technically older than you,” he reminds you again. 
“You’re lucky you’re the legal drinking age.”
“Still legal.” His tone implies something more. 
“I could run laps around you.”
“You think so?”
“I know sweetheart”
The name made your stomach flip, and you took a big sip of wine before you moved to sit on your sofa in the living room.
Eddie followed and sat on the other side facing you.
“So tell me more about the future.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Shit, everything.” He took a long sip and hummed at the flavour.
“What’s Ozzy doing?”
“Like Ozzy Osborn?”
“He’s fine; he used to have a reality show," you giggled.
“About what?”
“Him and his family.”
“Really? And people like that?”
“Oh, yeah, it was huge. I never watched it, but it was pretty mainstream…. You like metal?”
“Like is an understatement. Had my own band and everything.”
“Oh yea dad mentioned that Uncle Jeff was in a band… coffin something?”
Eddie bloomed with pride that you knew of his band. His face turned flush but he could blame that on the alcohol.
“Corroded Coffin.”
“Yes that’s it!” You snapped your fingers. “You cover anything I would know?”
“Uh maybe? Metallica, Dio, Ozzy… obviously.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard some stuff from those bands. Uh, here, let me put in something. “ you smile and grab your phone.
Eddie watches in awe as your fingers click against the glowing rectangle in your hands.
“That thing can play music?”
You nod your head and smile.
“Anything it can’t do?”
“Not really” you shake your head.
You find an 80’a playlist, thinking it will make him feel at home and he was in awe.
“Can you show me more about that?” He points to your smartphone.
“I’m yea sure.” You scoot closer to him so he can see and he looks down at the glowing screen.
As you show him the different features, he’s enamoured with Spotify. He loves how you can have any music at your fingertips.
Google was also another thing he had way too much fun with, asking anything and everything he could think of. He googled Metallica and was shocked when they were nominated for a Grammy only a few years later.
Online shopping was also a whirlwind to explain. Amazon was a trip for him; he couldn't believe in one-day shipping for anything you could desire.
“You mentioned you liked fantasy stuff, what do you like?” You snuggled into him closer so you could see the phone in Eddie’s grip.
“Lord of the rings, D&D, Excalibur— "
"Oh my god!" you jump, and so does Eddie.
You don't answer but scurry to find your TV remote.
"Woah," Eddie mumbles as he sees the crisp picture on the flat screen, which lights up the dark room.
You hold down the mic button on the remote and speak into it. Sure, you could have typed it out, but showing Eddie futuristic things was fun.
"Lord of the Rings"
You turn and watch Eddie to see his eyes light up when the trilogy of movies appears on screen.
"No way!"
"There are also three movies of The Hobbit," you giggle.
It was like watching a kid on Christmas morning. The pure joy on Eddie's face said this was the best news he’d ever heard. And to his defence, this was the best thing that’d happened to him in about three weeks.
“Well, I know what I’m doing tomorrow. I need to be all in and clear-minded when I get to experience these.”
“We can make a day of it.” You smile, not even thinking about your job or any responsibilities. Sure, you worked from home, but you were not getting any work with Eddie in the house.
“Really?” He smiles.
“Yea.” You smile back.
The look in his eyes was too intense. You had to break eye contact and excuse yourself to get the bottle.
You don’t even ask Eddie if he wants more, but you empty the contents into his glass and then return to get the second bottle in the back of your fridge.
The conversation held its own as you explained to Eddie about Tesla, social media, legalization of weed in some states, LGBTQ+ rights, 9/11, Obama, Trump, and the pandemic. You didn't want to overwhelm him with too much at first, but you settled on important things.
“Is sex still the same in the future?” He asked casually. And you almost choke.
“Explain to me how it is in the eighties, and I’ll let you know,” you giggle. The alcohol was definitely taking effect.
“W-w-well I….shit” he didn’t think you’d bite.
“Come on, Eddie. We are both adults.” You slide your foot across the couch and nudge his leg playfully.
“Never mind, forget it.” He blushes.
“No, come on, what do you want to know?”
“Is porn still a thing?” He meekly asks, and you can’t help but burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I promise I’m not laughing at you; it’s just like the biggest industry on the internet.”
“Oh yea. Anything you are into it’s there. Trust me.”
“Trust you? You’ve paid for porn? Sweetheart, I didn’t take you as that kinda girl,” He accuses.
“Hell no, I don’t pay for it.” You laugh.
“Then how do you know what’s out there?” He retorted.
“Because it’s free.” You take your last sip of wine for the night.
Eddie stares at you, mouth agape.
“I’m a single woman, and I have needs.” You defend.
Eddie was stunned. Did he just hear that you touch yourself to free porn on that tiny electric box in your hands? Yes, he did.
“Uh— uh, is there any chance I could brow that phone thing you got there?"
"Absolutely not!" you laughed.
"Why not?! I’m a curious man! I need to learn I have needs too."
"Good night, Eddie," you laugh as you get up off the couch.
“Birdie, come on, please!”
“Goodnight, Eddie.” You shake your head and leave Eddie alone to get ready for bed.
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The next morning you were tired, to say the least. You’d gone to bed late and decided to call in sick for the rest of the week.
You woke up around 10:00 a.m. to find the guest room door ajar, and Eddie was still sound asleep. He probably needed a good night's sleep after everything he’d been through, so you made your way downstairs to make breakfast for the both of you.
As the smells wafted through the house, they made their way to the guest room and woke up Eddie instantly. He woke up with a jerk, having forgotten where he was for a split second, but he calmed down once he remembered you.
“He pulled on the same sweatpants and shirt you gave him yesterday and stumbled down to the kitchen.
“Morning, sleepy head,” you smiled over your shoulder.
Eddie wasn’t ready to see you in only a small tank top and tiny sleep shorts.
“M-morning” he stuttered as he took in the view of you.
“I’m making us some food; hope you like bacon and eggs”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“How about coffee?” You walk over to your specialty coffee bar. You loved making gourmet coffees with the syrups and milks.
“Black, please.” he walked over to see the different options.
“That’s so boring! Let me make you something special.”
He gave another funny look, but you insisted.
So you ignore his request, brew your cinnamon coffee pod, add dulce de leche-flavoured syrup and a splash of cream, and slide it over to him.
He looks at you suspiciously, sniffs it and gives a curious look.
“Oh my god, it’s delicious. Just taste it.”
“I’m not sure what freaky futuristic shit you put in this,” he teases.
You squint your eyes but then give a smirk of satisfaction as his eyes bulge as he takes the first sip.
“Shit, that’s good,” he mumbles before taking another sip.
“Told ya” you turn back to the food of the stove to start platting it.
It was fairly quiet as the both of you ate. Eddie was still scarfing down the food like he’d never eaten a home-cooked meal, which made you more curious about the events he’d been through.
“I was thinking we could go shopping today. Can we get you some clothes and maybe a phone?” You tease.
“A phone?” He perked up.
“Maybe, I’m not sure how long you’re staying, and if you wanted to keep in contact with everyone, it’s the easiest way.” You shrugged.
“O-o-okay. But then we can come back here and watch Lord of the Rings?"
"Of course." You smile
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Your dad and Uncle Steve met you at the Starcourt Mall around noon. You never thought you would be shopping with these two and their dead friend, but here you were.
After a very long time in Target, and a fashion show, Eddie got a full wardrobe.
“Can we get Eddie a phone?” You ask as you hrough the familiar halls.
“Really? Do you think he needs one? We don’t know how long he’ll be here,
“We don’t even know if we can get him back home”
“I think I’d like one… if it isn’t too much money.” Eddie asked.
“Don’t worry about that Ed’s” your dad turns.
So you and Eddie walk over to the mobile booth and get him a basic smartphone so he can interact with everyone.
Eddie was still enamoured by the touch screen technology, especially in your car. You had to tell him off for messing with the music but he couldn’t help himself.
You let him know you’d help him with his playlist once you got home.
When you and Eddie get home, you teach him how to use it. After the painstaking lesson, he seems to eventually get used to the new technology. He seemed like a natural after an hour or so then the two of you settled down to watch the movie.
You had the whole set up with blankets, pillows, snacks, and drinks.
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Turns out Eddie has a knack for new technology because that night, it didn’t take much for him to find porn. He was overwhelmed by the thousands of options. He clicked the first few that were featured and basically came without seconds of watching, but Eddie was determined and unbelievably horny. After the first time, he wasn’t satisfied, so he continued to look for videos. His curiosity took over with all of the categories, but he found himself going back to the ones where the girl resembled you.
As you’re laying in bed trying to fall asleep, you hear him. Did he not release how loud he was? How incredibly hot he sounded as his grunts travelled through your walls. You couldn’t get the image of Eddie touching himself out of your head, no matter how hard you tried to block him out. You couldn’t even get your headphones because they were in your purse downstairs, and you didn’t want to get up and alarm Eddie.
So you lay there on your phone, scrolling mindlessly until you see Eddie’s new contact pop up. You click on it instantly. It’s a voice note.
Do you dare? You know what he’s doing down the hallway. Even if it is muffled, it’s obvious. You can hear the moans of a girl getting fucked on the screen.
The little devil on your shoulder wins as you find yourself pressing play.
‘Uuuuuuuh fuck-yessssss, just like that! Unnnnnngh mmmmmmmm so hot, fuck-“
His voice was deep and gasping with need.
You didn’t even know you could record a voice note while watching a video, but who knows?
“Such a good girl. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”
And it cuts off. You rewind it again to listen to him say goodgirl, and your stomach flip flops, and you can feel something burning in your core.
It’s been so long since you’ve been with anyone. You can’t help but reach for your vibrator hidden in your nightstand.
You replay the voice note and turn it on. You imagined Eddie’s body on yours, how he would touch your skin, kiss your collarbone, eat you out, praise you; God, his voice was so hot, you were quivering with pleasure. Before you knew it, you had been cumming within minutes.
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The next morning, you, too, were oblivious to Eddie also hearing your needy breaths.
He had no idea that he was the reason behind them, but when he heard the toy's low humming and your moans, he had a slight hunch that you were also doing the same as him.
“Sleep well?” you ask, walking into the kitchen to see Eddie trying to figure out the coffee maker. He turns to see you in nothing but a large T-shirt, fuzzy socks, and bunny slippers, and he never thought he could feel more butterflies looking at someone. It’s fast, it’s strong, and it’s scaring Eddie. His attraction to you is nothing like he’s experienced before.
“Uh yeah— you?" you think back to how you fell asleep, blissed out.
“Yeah,” he smirks, also thinking back to how he made himself cum three times last night, a new personal best.
You think for a minute that you should tell him about the voice note, but you decide against it. It would only be an uncomfortable situation. So you leave it and pretend like nothing happened.
You drove both you and Eddie to Uncle Steve's house. It was a strange and surreal experience watching Steve and Eddie interact, as if no time had passed since they last saw each other. It was like they had picked up their friendship right where they left off.
As you and Eddie caught up with Steve, you learned about what happened after the incident. There was a funeral, which was attended by few people, but the ones who mattered were there. You discovered that the kids took turns visiting the empty grave, cleaning up the graffiti left by the townspeople. Eventually, the graffiti stopped and people ceased to care. However, Hellfire and the rest of the gang still visited the grave and left flowers from time to time.
Steve got married, but the marriage didn't last long. You remembered how much you disliked her when they visited you as a kid. Steve never got over Nancy; he still loved her, even though she chose someone else. He hoped they would find their way back to each other someday, but she had moved overseas for investigative journalism.
Eddie wasn't surprised to hear that Uncle Mike and Aunt Jane got married. Although he had never met her, he remembered how fondly Mike had spoken about her. Mike loved her with all his heart.
You also learned that Will, the other boy Eddie never met, became a big animator working in LA. Steve shared that Lucas was the basketball coach at Hawkins High, and Erica had become a CEO.
Eddie asked about Max, and Steve replied that she was okay now. It took a while, but after Vecna had gotten to her, she was in a coma for months. Her vision never came back, and it took a long time for her to recover. Steve half-heartedly smiled. Eddie cringed and asked if Vecna had any more victims, and Steve replied that Carver hadn't made it. There was a huge earthquake that came from the Upside Down that killed about ten people they didn't know. Talking about it was clearly bothering Steve, but Eddie needed to know.
"Can you show us some pictures?" You asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, sure, kid." He smiles and leads you to where he kept the photo albums. After seeing all the memories Eddie missed out on, he felt a feeling he's never felt before.
"You okay?" You ask, noticing how quiet he was on the drive back.
"Yeah? No? I don’t know. I’m just— I missed out so much! I was supposed to be there with them! I'm starting to regret my choice of staying back… I. Shit that sounds awful, but I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be back there, in 1986, with my friends and my uncle! And now I'm stuck here and don't even know if I'll be able to go back home?!"
You don't know why you're hurt by Eddie's words, but you are. This wasn't about you, but the thought of Eddie not wanting to be here made you feel like he doesn't want to be with you.
"Don't say that, Eddie! What you did was brave; it was dignified! You chose to help save your friends. Sure, it was a little stupid because you died. Or didn't die? I don't know… but I always saw you as this hero my dad would talk about! You're honourable and kind and so selfless. And somehow, it led you to here…"
To me.
"Thanks, Sweetheart."
The nickname made your heart flutter. It's not the first time he called you that, but each time it doesn't go unnoticed.
"I'm scared," Eddie finally admits as you pull into the driveway.
"I know," you whisper.
You would be terrified if it were you in Eddie's position. You don't know how he's held it together this long. You weren't lying when you told him he was brave. He's the bravest person you've ever met."
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Several weeks have passed, and you and Eddie have settled into a comfortable routine. You’re back at work, and Eddie has accepted that he will be stuck in the future. You and Eddie wouldn’t want to leave one another at the end of each day. You’d catch one another, with both of your lingering glances.
Your family had searched for anything and everything to research and look into anything that could be used as a portal to the upside-down or time travel. But the gate was permanently closed and had been for over thirty years, and there was no way they would risk opening it back up just of the possibility of Eddie getting attacked again, so maybe he could get back. The possibility of a gate on the other side was extremely slim because it had been sealed.
Eddie would spend hours sitting by the window, gazing at the vast expansion of houses before him. It was hard to believe that the once-desolate trailer park he called home was now this fancy. The years he had spent away from it had brought about so many changes that he struggled to come to terms with. He often found himself pining for a life that should have been, but he knew deep down that he had to accept the way things were now.
Despite feeling emotionally numb, he took solace in the fact that he was still here, breathing and healing. Each day brought with it small signs of progress, and he clung to them with all his might. He knew that he still had a long road ahead of him, but for now, he was content to sit by the window and watch the world go by, slowly but surely regaining his strength and sense of purpose. he was dead to the world but here he was, living, breathing... healing.
His physical wounds were healed; all that was left was a nasty scar. His mental wounds, however, were still ever-present in his mind. He would have night terrors; he couldn’t hide them. You would hear him screaming in the night, sometimes multiple times, if he was able to fall back asleep.
He tried talking about it with Dustin and the others, but nothing seemed to help. He was exhausted and mentally drained by the fact that nothing was the same; nothing was familiar. Sure, his friends were there for him, but they had changed; they weren’t the same people as he remembered them.
Eddie had another awful dream tonight if you could call it that. It was more of a memory; the exact events of that fatal night replayed as a loop inside his brain.
It always starts when he's with Dustin in the boarded-up trailer. Then, he watches as Dustin crawls through the gate. Eddie waits, watching him for a split second before running back out. He no longer wants to be a coward or a runner. He's surrounded by unearthly creatures, fighting for his life, but there are too many. He can't escape. All he feels is the pain, terror, and then nothing. It's all darkness, quiet, and loneliness. The worst part is the solitude, the feeling of being so alone. He longs for the day when he no longer feels that way.
Sometimes, when he's with you, he forgets that he's not supposed to be here. But as soon as he returns to this room, which is not his, it all comes crashing back down.
As the night wore on, Eddie's screams pierced through the stillness of the house. You had been lying awake for hours, listening to his panicked cries, feeling helpless and powerless to ease his distress. You can no longer take it; you can't listen to him suffer. You push the covers off, not caring that you’re only in a big T-shirt, and walk over to Eddie’s room and timidly knock on the door.
You slowly push it open as he never latches it fully shut. You can see him in the dim light of the moon fling the room and the light from the hallway. He’s a bit sweaty, trashing under the covers. He’s still sleeping, if that’s what you can call it. You can’t imagine the image playing in his mind as you slowly make your way over to wake him, to not get knocked out in the process. The room was dimly lit, and Eddie's ragged breathing was the only sound as he tried to calm himself down.
Eddie hadn't noticed you walked over to him, he was still sleeping. You sat beside him, gently stroking his hair, and whispered comforting words in his ear. Slowly but surely, his screams subsided, and his breathing became more regular.
“Eddie,” you gently whisper, brushing your hand across his bare back. His skin is sticky with sweat but he’s cold.
“Eddie,” you repeated, slowly circling your hand around his back in comfort.
He jerks awake with a gasp, and unexpectedly, he grabs you and pulls you into a tight hug.
“I’m so scared, Birdie.” You can feel him trembling in your arms as your body slowly relaxes under his touch.
“Shhhh. I’ve got you; I’m here.” You hold him as silent tears fall down his cheeks, staining your shirt. You rock him slowly to help calm him down. You lay beside him in silence, there for him, holding him.
“I don’t- can you-“ he takes a deep breath. You stay quiet to let him gather his thoughts.
“Can.... you stay with me tonight?”
Your heart melts as you hear the words trickle from his lips. He’s so delicate. He needs to be cared for, and you’re more than willing.
“Come.” You take his hand and lead him to your room. You pull him into your still-warm bed, snuggling under the covers together.
This isn't the closest youve been to Eddie. You've managed to fall asleep on his shoulder while watching the lord of the Rings movies a time or two. But this felt different. It was more intimate, and you weren't sure how to go about it.
You let Eddie take the lead as you lay beside him. You feel his fingers intertwine with yours under the duvet, and you squeeze his hand before opening up your arms so you can hold him. He lays his head on your chest. The tears have subsided for now, and you kiss the top of his head without thinking. You let your lips linger on his head before he looked up at you. His pleading eyes long for any source of comfort, especially from you.
You have been there for him, even when you should have called the cops after he broke into your house. But you were selfless; you let him find shelter, a shower, clean clothes, and food, all before you knew who he was. He was so frightened, but you showed him compassion. He started falling for you then, even if he didn't really see it a month ago; he sees it now.
You're so kind and fun; you get him to the fullest degree, even if you're not from the same time. Maybe Eddie has Dustin to thank, but he is falling for you. At this moment, in another time of need, you're with him in the middle of the night, comforting him even if you have work tomorrow. Eddie sees that didn't matter to you. You're here for him. So can he really blame himself when he tilts his head further to see more comfort from you in a gentle kiss? No, he can't. He's been longing for this, pining and itching to feel his lips on yours.
It takes you by surprise; his lips are so soft and delicate. It's been so long since you've kissed someone you've developed feelings for.
Eddie is desperate for more. He wants this so badly; he moans as he feels you start to kiss him back, but that snaps you out of it.
“We shouldn’t. This is wrong; you’re not in the right headspace.” You pull back, looking into his pleading eyes.
“Please, I want to forget. I don't know how else to forget," he begs you. He needs this to not be remembered, even if it is temporary. Eddie's lips hover centimetres from yours. His hot breath fans over your skin as you try to think of what to do.
You want this, he wants this, so what is stopping you?
"Birdie, if you don't want to, I'll go back to my room; I can move in with Steve or Robin or someone. I'm sorry; I overstepped. I just-"
You cut him off with another kiss, but you're not overthinking it this time. You need him to feel how you're feeling, how everything is only right when you're with him.
Before Eddie came into your life, you felt like everything was average and unremarkable. But since he's entered your world, he's brought a sense of excitement and adventure that you never knew existed. Even though his presence can be chaotic sometimes, you find yourself drawn to him and the thrill he brings. You feel like he's exactly what you've been missing and never want to return to your old, mundane life.
"I need this too, Eddie," you mumble into his lips, and Eddie sighs; his heart skips a beat.
You feel his weight shift as Eddie leans into the kiss. He leans you back into your pillows, taking the lead. You feel how his hands trace up your arms so he can cup your face.
He wants to feel you, breathe you, and be with you. No one has ever shown Eddie so much selflessness as you have. You deserve the world in Eddie’s eyes, and he wants to let you know how grateful he is to have you.
But he also wanted to forget it all—all the terrible things he’d witnessed and gone through. He just wanted it to go away for a while. So, for now, while he’s with you, his anxieties and fears are slowly being plucked away with each moan, gasp, and timid graze.
Eddie can feel your heat through the thin pyjama pants adorning his waist. You’re only in a shirt and your panties, but Eddie needs to see more of you.
“Can I take this off?” He mumbles in between desperate kisses as his fingers grip the hem of your sleep shirt.
You don’t let him ask again before you tug it over your head. You didn’t think his doe eyes could get any bigger, but here he was, proving you wrong, and it only made him look more endearing.
You reach out to Eddie as he sits there like a statue, staring at you. You take his hand, bring it up to your chest, and place his large hand on your breast.
“Hollyshit,” he whispered, realizing he was touching his best friend’s daughter. But that thought quickly passed as you leaned up in to kiss him; it's sloppy, it’s desperate, it’s wet, it’s so hot Eddie thinks he might just bust in his pants here and now when you ground your hips into his already painfully hardened cock.
You can’t help but moan when your pussy brushes up against him. You can feel how turned on he is, and it only makes you want him more.
“More,” you moan as Eddie’s hip grinds into yours.
Eddie didn’t need to be told twice. His fingers find the twists of your underwear, and he lets his fingers slip down to your slit. You widen your legs so you can feel it all. His long fingers trace up and down your slit, collecting your slick before he impressively finds your clit on the first go.
His lips travel down lower so they can latch on your neck.
“Oh, Eddie,” you breathe as the combination of his fingers and lips sends a shockwave of pleasure through your body. His mouth leaves a mark on your delicate skin.
“Good girl, say my name.”
Another wave of pleasure travels through you these words.
“Eddie,” you moan. You don’t even recognize your own voice. It’s so desperate and needy. If you weren’t so desperate, you’d be embarrassed.
“Fuck, that’s so hot” he slips a single digit up into you to test the waters. “Baby, you’re soaked. All for me?” He groans with need.
“Yes, Eddie, I want you so bad; I need you so bad,” You squirm under his touch. He pumps his thick, long finger in and out before adding another one.
His head travels lower, and his mouth latches onto your perked nipple. His warm, wet mouth feels so nice, but that quickly is gone as he nips at your bud, and you let out an unexpected yelp.
“Fucking love your noises” Eddie moved onto your other nipple doing the same thing, only this time you’re prepared, and you arched up into his touch. His fingers are still working on you, and you’re so close.
“Don’t stop” You’re so close, and he knows it; he can feel your pussy clamping down on him with each pump of his hand.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Pleasing you has been the only thing that has made him feel this good in a while.
All his worries and anxieties were by the wayside. His only purpose was to please you, to touch you, to please you.
You could feel it coming; you were so close only a few more seconds, and you would be flooded with ecstasy.
A roar of Eddie’s name rips from your lungs as you soak his fingers. Eddie never thought he would be so lucky to experience this with you, but here he was, watching as your body shook with pleasure all before of him.
“Fuuuuuck, you did so well for me, baby.” You don’t even notice when he sticks his fingers in his mouth to taste you. You’re too blissed out.
You didn’t think your pussy would need anything more, but hearing his praises only makes you quiver with need. You need his cock; you need to make him feel good. This was about him forgetting; this was about the both of you making one another feel good. You needed to take care of him.
Once you caught your breath, you shuffled so he was under you.
Eddie watched as you discarded your soaked panties and were fully naked for him. Kneeling at his waist, drooling over what was under his tented pants.
“Can I?“ you bat your lashes innocently as you reach for the waistband of his pants.
“Fuck, you have to ask, sweetheart; any time you want to, just do it.”
You giggle at his eagerness, but it’s cut off when you see just how pretty his cock is.
The head is so pink; it’s just screaming at you to put it in your mouth.
Your mouth waters as he grips his cock in his hand, guiding it to your mouth.
You stick out your wet tongue and the moonlight reflects off of it, it’s that wet.
Eddie can’t help but tap it a few times before you take his tip fully.
Eddie’s messy curls fall back as he lets his head hang, you looked up through your lashes to see his exposed neck and it only made you want to mark him as yours.
Your attention shifts when you feel his large hand run along your scalp, gently tugging at your roots. Your eyes roll back as his grip tightens, and you sink deeper.
His hard cock feels heavy in your mouth. His small whimpers make your pussy drip as you bob your head up and down his shaft. His taste and smell are overwhelming. All you want is to please him. To help him forget. Selfishly, you only want him to focus on you, and it’s working.
Eddie can’t believe he’s in your room, in your bed, watching you naked as you give him the best head of his life. He’s forgotten everything; he only knows you and how you’re making him feel. He’s feeling good. It's the first time in weeks he feels good, amazing even.
“Such a good girl, Birdie.” He tried so hard to not thrust his hips up into your mouth, but it’s so hard when he feels you take all the way.
You nuzzle your face into the thatch of hair at the base of his cock. It’s soft and smells of him; it’s overwhelmingly Eddie. You drool out of the sides of your mouth as you finally come back up for air. Replacing your mouth with your hand. Jacking him off as Eddie takes your mouth in his own once again.
“Need to be inside of you.” he pulls you up so you're straddling his lap.
You adjust quickly so you can sink slowly on his cock. I'm not even thinking about a condom; you’re on birth control anyway. You need him. He needs you. Simple.
You hold his shoulders for balance as you ease your way on his thick long cock. It burns slightly as he stretches you out, but you need it. You want it.
“Fuck you’re so big, Eddie” your head falls back as you sink to the bottom.
Eddie watches in awe as your body envelopes itself around him. You’re so tight and warm around him that he can’t help but grip your hips to help guide you up and down his cock.
Slowly you start to rise and fall on his cock. Both your mouths hang open as the pleasure courses through your veins. You slowly build up your place until you’re bouncing on his cock.
“Got, you’re so fucking hot,” Eddie pants.
He can’t help but take your breast in his mouth again. This had to be the hottest experience of his life. An ‘older’ girl from the future wanting him just as much as he wanted her? Fuck maybe this was heaven?
“Does that feel good, baby?” you coo. All you want is for him to feel as good as you do.
“Shit, yes, your pussy is so tight, fuck me. You’re so sexy.”
“You’re so big,” you moan.
You silence him with another kiss. You feel his tongue in your mouth immediately. He’s so skilled it makes you think how he can use it elsewhere….
“I’m so close, Birdie. Are you close?” He pulls back.
“Mmmmmmmmmm” you nod your head yes.
You need more, but your legs are burning and about to give out. Your pace falters, and Eddie can see you’re getting tired, so he steadies your hips and fucks himself up into you.
“Oh my god!!! Eddie!!!” You hold on to his shoulder to brace yourself. His cock hits your g spot with each powerful stroke; it feels so good you can’t focus on anything else but cuming all over him.
“That’s it, Birdie, come on my cock, good girl.”
“Holy shit,” you cry out.
“I’m going to come. Where do you want?”
“Inside!” The aftershock still taking over your senses.
You listen to Eddie’s grunts as he releases himself inside of you, it sounds so hot you didn’t think he could be any more attractive, but he was holding you down on his cock, not letting any of his cum leak out just yet.
You collapse down onto Eddie chest as your heavy breathes become synchronized.
“I think they nicknamed you the wrong woodland creature.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to call you Bunny stress of Birdie.”
Your brain is still foggy, and you’re unsure what he means.
“You’re like a bunny hopping all over my cock”
“Eddie!” You playfully slap his chest before you decide to go off of him.
“So, is sex really that much different from the eighties?” You giggle as you roll over to lie beside him.
“I think it might be better,” he says as he pulls you in for another hot kiss.
“You wanna go again?” You look at him, surprised.
“What? Can’t keep up with a younger man?”
“It’s four in the morning, Eddie. I have to work,” you moan. Your heart wants it, but your head says otherwise.
“Shit! I’m sorry”
“Don’t be. Tomorrow, I’ll show you what I can do; that first round was nothing.” You giggle.
After Eddie helped you get cleaned up, the room was silent for a bit.
"Thank you for being there for me, Bridie." Eddie takes your hand and gently squeezes it.
"No need to thank me, Eddie, I'll always be there for you."
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jojikawa · 6 months
Ice Cream & Kisses 🍨
Sukuna makes Yuuji agree to terms that involve visiting you more regularly.
tw// fluff, adult language, MC is Lilith! (a powerful demoness), lewd/suggestive themes.
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Full Image + Artist: bikku__2
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Yuuji found himself pretty exhausted from his excessive training at school, so when he finally got back to his dorm, he was just grateful to be in bed again. This is how things went for a while until he had taken Sukuna to meet you again for the first time. Now, he bothered Yuuji every night. The helpless boy was caught in the middle of a love that lasted thousands of years. The King of Curses thoughts of you bled into his own. It made Yuuji curious about what your relationship with Sukuna was like. On the surface, you seemed kind and gentle. Your voice was soft-spoken and you were utterly gorgeous as your beauty was unaffected by age.
Although, your sheep’s clothing didn’t change the wolf that was inside. You were the Goddess of Demons. The first woman, condemned by God themself and turned into the first woman-shaped demon. If Sukuna is supposed to be this terrifying threat, he couldn’t imagine what sort of threat you’d be. To be honest, he was just grateful that you are as docile as you come off to be. For now, at least.
So, when Ryomen Sukuna approached Yuuji with an offer, he wasn’t too on the fence about the whole thing.
“New rules, kid. Trust me, you’re gonna like them too.” 
A mouth on the side of Yuuji’s face formed to utter these words. With his eyebrows knitted together, he replied “Whenever I agree to something with you, it never goes well. I don’t believe you when you say I’ll ‘like’ them either!” Then he proceeded to fold his pillow over to suffocate Sukuna’s mouth so that he could rest. 
“Don’t you wanna lay your head down somewhere other than this shitty bed?!”
Suddenly, Yuuji became a bit self-conscious of the bed he had been lying in. The school beds were fine…right? However, he noticed how his back would hurt sometimes. Sukuna spoke his new terms to which Yuuji reluctantly agreed.
“You listen to me and you listen closely. After school, you go find her. I won’t ask again. Understood?”
It was the evening. You had spent nearly all day at the local elementary school before you walked the children to their routes as usual before going to your spacious apartment. The weather was distrustful. It was spring so it would rain, but some days it would be dry and others you’d even still feel the bitter cold of winter nipping at your cheeks and making them sore.
After your talk with Sukuna again, you expected him to take what you said seriously. You didn’t know how the two of you could be together with Yuuji always around. It was awkward. So, you wanted him to figure out his situation first. You dangled the possibility over his head the way you would a biscuit for a dog.
knock! knock! knock!
You had just sat down on your couch, hot cocoa in hand when you heard a series of knocks at your door. You hoped that it wasn’t your disturbing neighbor. Anything but her. Instead of setting your mug down, you took it with you to the door.
Upon opening it, you saw that it was—
“You found me again.” You smugly sipped your drink as you laid eyes upon Yuuji. A blush of embarrassment covered his face. “He made me come.” He couldn’t help but shut his eyes when he caught the sight of what you chose to wear. There was nothing sexual about it at all—really. It’s just that Sukuna’s filthy thoughts shouted over Yuuji’s innocent ones. Internally, he ushered the boy to open his eyes so that the King of Curses could see you in all of your glory. 
“You can come in, I suppose.” You stepped aside, allowing the boy to come in. Getting inside, he took in the familiar warmth of the living space. It was cozy and suited for one person. Carpeted rugs, couches with fuzzy pillows, feminine-scented items, and lastly…demons?
“What is that!?” Yuuji yelled, pointing in disbelief at the small imp that was stalking him in the doorway of your kitchen. It was a small, ugly thing…looking like some sort of deformed animal. In its clawed hand was a can of febreeze that it dropped and ran away out of fear of the human, Yuuji. 
“It’s getting away!” The boy added, causing you to laugh. “Oh, don’t worry. That's one of my little helpers. His name is Gnaar.” 
“You just have those things running around? Isn’t that dangerous?” Yuuji frowned. You figured that he wasn’t able to differentiate curses and demons.
“No,” Your eyes rolled to the left, sipping more of your drink. “They’re harmless.” You gave him a reassuring smile. “I know you didn’t come all this way for nothing. Feel free to have a seat.”
Yuuji then saw you sit your cup down and disappear into the kitchen. For a few moments, he sat in silence—or what seemed like it.
“You brat! Let me talk to her!”
Tired of his yelling, Yuuji gave control to Sukuna, trusting that you’d make him behave or else the student would suffer consequences from his teachers and probably all of Jujustu Society.
The King of Curses was able to take in his environment without being a passenger within the vessel. The way the room smelled was familiar and it reminded him so much of you. His eyes darted to the nearby mug you had been drinking from. Lazily picking it up, he sniffed it. It was chocolatey…then he proceeded to down the remaining contents before licking his lips. That was when you emerged from the next room. You had witnessed him setting the mug back down. Naturally, your eyebrows knitted together. Sukuna helping himself to your stuff was nothing new.
“Oh, Ryo. I was just making you a cup!” You scold him like an upset mother. Sukuna turned his head towards you, his mouth curling into a grin. He loved being annoying. To you—most of all. “What’s yours is mine.” He noticed that you were holding a tray. It had a fresh cup of hot cocoa and a bowl of…ice cream. In a moment, you were back on the couch next to him. It was nice to see you like this finally. You wore a sleeved white shirt that was appropriate for the weather, but it was low cut, showing off your cleavage. The shirt was cropped where it showed off your belly. As for your bottoms, you were wearing thick leggings that were tight enough to show your shapely body.
“Excuse me.” You handed him his mug of cocoa which he took. He had the entire thing in one gulp with no caution to the temperature. “Ah…HEY, GNAAR GET IN HERE!”
Gnaar came running in, tripping over his own hooves to heed Sukuna’s request.
“Don’t yell at him.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his obedience. It was only slightly but you had become giddy with excitement. Gnaar took the empty dishes to the kitchen. “God, I missed that little freak.” He watched the imp stumble into the next room. “He certainly hasn’t missed you.” You replied as you reached for the ice cream. It was Neapolitan.
“I have something I want to share with you.” Instinctively, you scooted over towards Sukuna. On the inside, Yuuji felt his heart skip a beat when your thigh touched Sukuna’s. It was hard for him to believe that Sukuna could have his heart rate quicken at your actions. 
“It doesn’t look like anything.” He faked a bored tone so that you’d continue. “It’s ice cream. Surely you’ve had it since this vessel has found you?”
His nose scrunched up. “No.” He replied flatly. Or maybe, he didn’t remember having it? He didn’t pay attention to the things Yuuji consumed so this would probably be his first time having modern ice cream.
“Then try some, Darling.”
Sukuna hadn’t even noticed how close you were to him now. He wasn’t used to the two of you being at eye level. The time you spent together was mostly you trying to navigate his large body. He missed the days when you’d climb onto his lap and he’d let you do whatever you wanted to him. But he liked this too. This was—normal.
Sukuna let you feed him the ice cream. It was only a spoonful but he already knew he liked it. It was cold but sweet. It sent a pleasant tingle to his cheeks that made him want to smile. He resisted this feeling, but couldn’t stop himself from wanting more. You patiently waited for his subtle expressions. You weren’t able to tell if he liked it or not.
“Did I tell you to stop?” 
You placed a hand on your cheek. “Aw, so Ryo does like ice cream. But you have to eat it slowly.” You gave Ryo another spoonful. He grew impatient, demanding he feed himself. Of course, he gave himself a brain freeze doing so.
“I tried to warn you.” You watched as Sukuna held his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He muttered curses under his breath as he felt no relief and couldn’t bring himself to do anything else about it.
The bowl of ice cream was gone and simply a dish waiting to be taken away by Gnaar. Although, you grew concerned when it seemed like he wasn’t recovering from it. “Ryo~” Your arms snaked around his neck and you pulled his body towards you. Sukuna felt your lips press upon his temple and his cold headache magically disappeared. 
“Do that again.”
On instinct, you rolled your eyes. “Of course.”
You placed a kiss on his temple again. Another on his cheek and then on his jaw. He reveled in your kisses. They felt like heaven; a reward for simply existing because existing is exhausting.
He almost wanted to return the favor. You see, Ryomen Sukuna isn’t exactly the best at reciprocating any love that wasn’t a display of power. He was the best at killing things, pleasing during sex, and scaring any man who dares to breathe in your direction…but kissing, cuddling, holding…that was your thing. Ryo hasn’t even said those sacred three words. He hoped that you could feel how pure his love is for you or at least, him killing your evil ex-husband aided in conveying his feelings. He genuinely believed he didn’t deserve you but he was too selfish to ever part from you. 
Ryomen Sukuna wanted you all to himself. 
“There. You should feel better now.” Your lips curved into a smile that brought him peace. The same thing kept running through his head. Things are “normal” now. Sukuna despised being inside the body of a punk like Yuuji but it surely had its perks.
“Can I kiss you?”
Normally, he wouldn’t need to ask but you were confused. Your lover looked as if he were in a daze. Your watchful eyes could see every micro-expression on his face but he still managed to make things hard to understand since he was always sure of himself. You expected more of a Kiss me or a very commanding I deserve my reward for being your husband but you entertained him nonetheless. Is he asking for permission? You just had to tease him.
“Just a kiss? Knowing you, you’d probably want to take it a step further but I don’t know…you’re not exactly my type anymore.” You stifled a laugh by placing your fingertips over your mouth. There it was again. A reminder that he wasn’t in his own body or at his pull strength. But it was fine. He enjoyed it. 
He liked to know you preferred his true form when he thought about it. Sukuna felt so ugly in the Heian Era. Before you, the only things to satisfy him were wailing concubines and prostitutes who didn't enjoy his presence because of his huge body, four arms, and two mouths.
“What does it matter?!” He spat, behaving like a total tsundere at times. “That’s what you want anyway right?!” Oh, how he longed to be inside of you again. 
“Hm..” Your eyes rolled to the left as you pretended to think. “I’m not sure. Two fewer arms wouldn’t be as fun in bed.”
“I can still please you.” He quipped.
“I guess you’ll have to prove it to me…but not—“
You were silenced by Sukuna’s lips being pressed to yours. It wasn't his usual hungry kiss where it felt like he was trying to devour your face. It was sweet—no, innocent…desperate, like if he stopped, you’d disappear like a moment in time. Your belly filled with butterflies, making you put your hands on his chest to push him away, but he didn’t budge.
It wasn’t until Sukuna finally pulled away that you got a breath of air. Even he was slightly panting at his actions. You’ve never experienced such raw emotions from him…you kinda liked it.
“Why even ask if you’re just gonna do it huh, Ryo?” You smirked, making him even more flushed than he already was. “Shut up.” He grumbled before running a hand through his hair. What did you expect? The two of you have been sitting here this long. How long is he supposed to go without it?
On the inside, Yuuji expected you to scold Sukuna but he saw you smile instead. You didn’t seem to take offense to the King of Curses telling you to shut up. 
“I actually like it when you make the first move like that.” You scooted even closer and leaned your body against his. Whether you knew it or not, your chest was pressing up against his arm. “Do it again~!” 
You were literally peak woman.
So, of course, he gave into your temptation. He couldn’t resist your plush lips. Especially after getting a taste just now. It was an open mouth kiss. He practically shoved his tongue into your mouth. You could taste the lingering ice cream on his lips and tongue. 
Briefly, he would pull away just to nuzzle into your neck and take in your perfume. He was being romantic and he didn’t even realize it. It made you feel so wanted. Neither of you was able to fight the bottled-up feelings you had for each other.
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Hi! hope you liked this part. I’m already working on the next part. I’ll be working in more Lilith themes to help expand on your relationship with Sukuna and also an explanation for “Adam” in future parts :3
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Lay All Your Love On Me
Summary: Insecurity bites harder than one would think in the underworld, and you are no stranger to its sting. However, with two affleunt and attractive boyfriends, you may learn just how beautiful you are. (AKA: My lovely you are beautiful the way you are and these boys wanna show you)
Warnings: NSFW/18+
Oral sex/cunnilingus, implied P in V, nipple play, Dom/Sub dynamics, use of names such as "Daddy"/"Ducky" in sexual context, restraints, SMUT
Only my second time writting smut so...sorry
Requested by @boogiewoog
Requests OPEN
In the vibrant, chaotic realm of Hell, where redemption seemed like a distant dream, a unique bond blossomed among three unlikely souls - Alastor, Lucifer, and Y/N. Alastor, the radio demon with a twisted sense of humor, Lucifer, the suave and sophisticated ruler of Hell, and Y/N, a human soul, whose presence brought light to the darkest corners of their world. Nothing could ever compare the joy that Y/N had awoken within the two demons, loving them both equally proved no challenge for her bright soul. With her love and guidance, the relationship bloomed and soon all three parties fell head over hooves in love with each other. From dates in Alastor’s radio tower, to Lulu Land, or helping Y/N work around the kitchen; Hell seemed like Heaven. 
However, not everything was sunshine and rubber ducks. At least for Y/N. One evening, as the crimson sky draped over the cityscape of Hell, Y/N found herself consumed by her own insecurities. She sat alone in her room, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across the space. Her fingers traced the scars and imperfections on her skin, each one a reminder to herself that even in death, she couldn’t look how other people did. Dating one handsome and affluent demon was one thing, but two was another all together. What if she wasn’t good enough for them, what if someone else came along? What if Lillith came back, heaven forbid, Y/N just knew Lucifer would leave her in the dust the second that demoness walked through the doors., Y/N couldn't shake the nagging whispers of doubt that plagued her mind, centered around her own insecurities about her body. She just couldn't help but scrutinize every curve and contour of her form. The voices of doubt echoed in her mind, taunting her with their cruel words, as she fought to hold back tears.
Just then, a gentle knock sounded at the door, and in walked Alastor, his signature grin brightening the room like a ray of sunshine. Beside him stood Lucifer, his elated gaze filled with slight concern as he took in Y/N's troubled expression.
“Ducky, we just came to get you for dinner! Al made a real nice…something. What did you say was in it again?”
“It’s just jambalaya, I promise all normal ingredients. Why don’t you join us darling?”
“That’s alright, guys. I think I’m not super hungry right now.” Shying away from Lucifer’s embrace, Y/N wrapped her arms around her waist. 
Alastor and Lucifer sensed her distress, looking at each other the moment the words passed her lips.  With silent understanding, they came slowly to her side, their presence comforting and reassuring. Y/N looked up, her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill over.
"Ducky, what’s going on in that head of yours?" Lucifer's voice was smooth like velvet, soothing her troubled mind.
Y/N hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I feel so insecure about my body. I can't help but compare myself to others, to feel like I'm not enough for you two."
Alastor knelt beside her, his grin warm and genuine. "Now, now, my dear. You are perfect just the way you are. Perfect just for us."
“But, I am not. Just look at me! I am not slender, heck you couldn’t put me next to anyone without noticing. Let alone Lillith or–” Holding her arms just to gesture to herself, Y/N could feel herself spill all her emotions manically. 
Suddenly, Lucifer grabbed her wrists and pinned her down against the bed. His smoldering gaze glowered down at her as his face leaned down to whisper in her ear. 
“I don’t want to hear that name off your pretty little lips, okay? You are mine, the one for me. Not her, not anyone else.” 
Coming to their side, Alastor joined his partner in looking down at Y/N. Using his hand to reach around and cup her chin, bringing her gaze to him. 
“My dear, I think out little darling needs to learn a little lesson. Mhmm?” 
A dark chuckle erupted from Lucifer’s throat, as he stood up and let his grip go. Both men now stared down at their partner, who laid on the bed; half near tears from her thoughts and half near moaning at the sight of her boys looking at her in such a manner. 
"We love you, Y/N," Alastor murmured, his voice soft like a melody. "Every inch of you, flaws and all." Slow kisses started down her neck and chest, heat blooming in her core. Attempting to maneneur her shirt lower, her hands werre halted by Lucifer; who grabbed her wrist and pinned them to the headboard as the red demon continued a show of his devotion. 
“Ducky, you are going to learn very quickly. Your pleasure, is our only concern.”
With a quick snap of his fingers, all clothes were removed from Y/N and both men were left shirtless; toned and slender bodies on full display. Both men’s eyes darkened with hunger at the sight of her bare form, a silent understanding among them of what was about to happen. 
Alastor leaned down and took one of her hardened nipples in his mouth, the warmth of his tongue teasing the aroused bud. Dragging her hands across her torso, he slowly marked her skin with his hands. Lucifer, instead dipped down and spread her thighs, enjoying the way they felt in his hands. Slowly kissing up her thighs, just barely ghosting over where she needed him most, Y/N let out a soft moan. 
“Darling, see what you do to us? You are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Driving me mad ducky, fuck, you are just so good to squeeze.” 
Finally giving into her whimpers, Lucifer licked one long stripe up her dripping slit. Y/N gripped the sheets below her, legs attempting to get away from the overwhelming sensation. Alastor pinned her legs to the bed, as his mouth came off her nipple with a pop. 
“Now darling, let the man finish his meal. He hasn’t even started yet.” Lucifer then dived into her cunt like a man starved, sucking on her clit and slurping her jucies that it was better than heavenly ambrosia; while Alastor moved his minstratitions to her neck, sucking softly. It was only a matter of time before that familiar band became taut in her stomach. 
“Fuck, Luci…baby please.”
“Let go ducky, cum all over daddy’s face.” 
That’s what did it, Y/N felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cried Lucifer’s name. Cum now coated his face and the bedsheets below as her high overtook her senses and she saw stars. Lifting his head up slowly, slick shone and glinted. Licking his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and both moaned at the salty taste. Pulling back, Lucifer looked at Alastor who smirked; grabbing Y/N’s chin and forcing her gaze to him. 
“Now darling, how would you like your beautiful lips to scream my name next?” 
As the night unfolded, Y/N found solace in the arms of her two loves, their embrace a sanctuary from the harsh whispers of doubt that had plagued her for so long. In their presence, she discovered a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have Alastor and Lucifer by her side, guiding her through the shadows and into the light of self-acceptance.
In the heart of Hazbin Hotel, amidst the chaos and clamor, a quiet moment of love blossomed, as Alastor and Lucifer vowed to stand by Y/N's side, their bond unbreakable and their love unconditional.
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Old face, new place
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up: High school or College AU
rated: t | cw: none | tags: disabled Steve Harrington, pre-Steddie | wc:1000
Steve and Eddie meet again in college. The Upside Down still happened, but Eddie was never involved.
Honestly, Steve never thought he would go to college. Between his average grades, lack of ambition, and just not knowing what he wanted to do, it just didn’t seem to be on the cards for him. But it all changed after the Upside Down turned his life upside down.
After it was all over, and he’d been disowned by his parents, he and Robin moved to Chicago together. It was there she encouraged him to start taking classes at the same community college as her, to try and get a degree.
And that was how he got here, facing down the door of an art room, trying to build up the courage to go in. He’d signed up to be a nude model for a figure drawing class. At $20 a session, it would really help stretch his and Robin’s lousy paychecks that bit further. As he opened the door, he could hear the teacher reminding the class to be mindful about the model's bodies. That made him feel a little more uneasy, because it reminded him that it was the first time anyone other than doctors or Robin had seen him uncovered since everything with Vecna, and then losing his leg in the final showdown. He stripped down in the cubicle at the side of the room, changing into just a bathrobe.
As he came into the main space, he could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on his prosthetic. He reached the stool set up for him, and slipped off the robe. A collective gasp rang through the room, and he knew it was because of the scarring from the demo-bat attacks. 
He got into a pose, and tried to forget where he was. Whenever he took a minute to move because of getting too stiff, he glanced over the class, seeing if there was anyone he recognized. There was one guy who felt vaguely familiar, who would not stop staring at his scars, his gaze more intense than anyone else’s.
Eddie had always known that college wasn’t in the cards for him. Hell, it took him three attempts to graduate high school. And he was only successful the last time because everyone in the class of ‘86 was allowed to graduate without sitting their finals because of the freak earthquake, and the murders, that happened during spring break that year. Wayne had all but forced him into volunteering in the relief efforts, but as soon as he had his diploma in hand, he was hightailing it out of town, looking for something better.
He ended up in Chicago, working evenings in a bar, and getting an apprenticeship to become a tattoo artist. He was a few months into the apprenticeship when his mentor recommended that he take a couple of semesters of art classes at the local community college to help him with technique and to refine his style. He tried to deny it on grounds of cost, but it was covered under the apprenticeship program.
Which is how he found himself a few months in, sitting in a figure drawing class. He zoned out a little as the teacher brought up the rules that had been laid out on the first day of the figure drawing unit, about making the models comfortable and not saying anything about their bodies. That hadn’t happened before any of the other models came in, so it did make Eddie wonder. Maybe it would be a guy with a really interesting dick.
Instead, it was Steve Harrington, of all people, that limped into the room. Eddie couldn’t help but watch as he went into the corner blocked off for the models to change in. What had brought King Steve to be a model for an art class? Looking for more validation on how pretty he was? Trying to pick up girls?
He brought himself out of his thoughts as Steve came out in a robe and. A prosthetic leg. That explained the limp, but brought so many more questions about what had happened. Because Eddie clearly remembered Steve in those tiny gym shorts and he definitely wasn’t missing a leg at that point. 
Then Steve dropped the robe. Eddie, alongside the rest of the class, gasped. And not for the reason he’d thought he would be gasping when seeing Steve Harrington naked. He had horrific scarring on his chest and sides. Just opening even more questions to what the hell had happened to him.
He did his best to complete the assigned drawing, but his eyes kept getting drawn to Steve’s scars. The curiosity kept building as the time went on, and he was unsure if he’d be able to keep it in. 
He packed up slowly at the end, wanting to try and catch Steve. They’d never been friends, but he needed to know if he was okay. He waited until they were both out of the room, before he called after him. “Hey, Harrington.”
Steve turned around, and looked at Eddie for a moment before recognition flashed in his eyes. “Munson.”
“Are- are you okay?” He asked, feeling a bit lost, unsure if what he wanted to ask was inappropriate.
“You mean my-” Steve rested his hand on his side where the worst of the scarring was. “Animal attack during the earthquake. It’s fine now.”
“And your-” Eddie’s gaze dropped to Steve’s legs.
“An accident a few months later.”
“Damn. You’ve really been through it, Harrington.”
Steve gave a bitter laugh that Eddie couldn’t quite read. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“Maybe you could tell me some of it? Over coffee if you’re free?” Eddie suggested.
Steve looked at his watch. “I’ve got class in like twenty minutes. But I’ll be free after eleven tomorrow?”
Eddie ran through his scheduling in his mind, he was in the shop in the morning. “I’m working in the morning, but I’ll be off about two. We could do a late lunch or something?”
“It’s a date.” Steve agreed.
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hrts4kyo · 2 months
Music to my ears. —★
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♡dom!jiung x fem!reader
♡ genre: smut. strictly, mdni. (wc; 1.5k)
♡ sypnosis: No matter what you did, you could not relieve your desires or that feeling of need. Even though Jiung told you to not contact him and to leave him alone at the studio so he could record his songs, you gave in to your temptation once again . . .
♡ warnings: degration !! — (slut + etc) semi-public sex (studio), masturbation, dry-humping, rough (??) Jiung.
♡ song recs: Coming down — the weeknd + Heartbeat — childish gambino. ✮
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You were quickly awoken from your trance after hearing the distracting sound that buzzed from your phone. You groaned loudly, dissapointment settling at the pit of your stomach. Undeniably, since around 9pm, you had been horny, and matter what you did, you just couldn’t relieve yourself.
to make matters worse, Jiung was not home to help you. Instead, he was in the studio recording for his new album he was set to release soon. Due to the strict deadlines his company had set, seeing him had become more difficult than anything else, so you both agreed to call each other if you needed something. Yet, tonight was different. There was only one week left to finish the final track, and Jiung had strictly told you to not call him unless it was urgent, saying he really needed to get the song done before midnight.
Of course, being the good girlfriend you were, you agreed and smothered him in kisses before he went to go to the recording studio. Now though? you regretted it. A lot.
You pulled your hand out from your shorts and grabbed a small towel located to the side of your bed, collecting and cleaning the arousal that had spalyed across your own hand with a sigh. You turned your phone over; only to see a notification from Jiung on weverse. You smiled to yourself, clicking open the turquoise notifcation that displayed itself brightly on your screen.
“break time ~ recording for this album is nearly done…who’s excited?”
You chuckled seeing the small selfie he had attached to the post, admiring his beautiful features as you sat up straight, leaning your legs over the edge of the bed. You continued to look at the post as an idea occured in your head. An idea that Jiung probably wouldn’t like. But, he’d probably make an acception for you, right?
You immediately got out of bed, throwing an oversized sweatshirt on to cover your bare torso, and changing into a clean pair of shorts. You grabbed your keys and put on your most comfortable shoes, rushing out of the house to get to Jiungs recording studio.
. . .
You clicked open the doors to Jiungs room after kindly asking one of Jiungs close friends; Intak to lend you his ID card into the studio. He agreed after a bit of questioning, yet he seemed to not believe anything you said about just wanting to hear the demo, he shook his head, smiling as he gave you the id sceptically.
“Don’t be too loud. Keeho and Theo are recording in the studio next to you both.” He laughed, turning his back as he shut the door and went towards Soul and Jongseobs office. Your eyes widened, your hand coming up to touch your face to see if you were blushing and he could just see right through you.
You rolled your eyes, finally opening the door fully to see Jiung tapping his knee up and down as his hands clicked on the multiple buttons infront of him, editing the track on the huge computer. You sat down on the couch behind his desk, waiting for him to realise and turn around, yet, he didn’t.
“Intak— why are you sitting down come here we gotta— oh.” Jiung turned around quickly, his mouth propping open as he saw you sitting down on the couch infront of him instead of the person he was supposed to be recording with.
“Baby, what happened? I told you i was on a strict deadline and—“
“Jiung i need you so bad.”
Jiungs eyes widened, his knee stopping and his voice dropping until he stopped speaking. He leaned back on his chair, Resting his head on his hand that was propped on the armrest,
“What did i tell you before leaving sweetheart?” Jiung questioned, eyeing you up and down.
You felt your body heat up, cheeks turning a slight tinge of pink as you watched the way Jiungs eyes took in every curve of your body. Exploring every inch without even touching you.
“I know, I tried to help myself but I couldn’t. Please jiung…” You were practically begging, your legs rubbing against each other as your hands fiddled with the hem of your shorts.
Jiung rubbed his temple, smiling to himself as he shook his head slowly.
“God baby, you cant even go a single day without me. Without my touch. What a slut.” Jiung tapped his hand on his thigh, nodding his head as he signalled you to come over.
You squealed, jumping up from the couch and sitting in his lap as you sunk into him and his touch. His breath fanned on your collarbone, shivers running down your spine as your entire body shook.
“If you came here for your own pleasure, then you’re gonna do it all by yourself. I dont care if that means you rut against my thigh like a bitch in heat, just get it done and over with, yeah? Jiung hummed in your ear, placing one light kiss the the nape of your neck as he got back to working on the song.
You couldn’t do anything but agree, he was already doing more than enough by allowing you to chase your high using him despite being so busy, and you were thankful for that. You slipped your hand under your sweatshirt, internally thanking yourself for not wearing a bra. You began to lightly skim over your chest, arousal already pooling at your core. As your fingers traced over your perked up nipples, you found yourself on Jiungs right thigh, your two legs wrapped around him as you leaned into his chest. You begun to move your hips ever so slowly, the texture of his jeans easily being felt through your thin shorts.
The roughness felt nice against your clothed pussy, your lacey underwear sticking to your now dripping cunt. You could feel Jiungs thigh tense up, and as he tensed, his muscles flexed and this drove you into picking up your momentum. As you continued to rut against his thigh, you shut your eyes tightly and moaned quietly, trying to muffle the sounds of pleasure that was builiding at your throat.
You bit the back of your hand as you threw you head back, continuing to chase your high with Jiung. Despite trying to stay focused on his work, Jiung couldn’t help but get turned on from the your eyebrows arched together in pure ecstasy, and muffled moans escaped your mouth every now and then.
Within an instant, Jiung had grabbed the hand that covered your mouth, bringing it down so it could rest on his other thigh.
“No need to be quiet baby, let me hear you.” Jiung whispered, kissing your hand and up your arm.
You moaned loudly at his words, not realising his hand sneak up to the record button that was located on his desk near the small microphone. Jiung began marking you, biting down at your neck as he kissed all over you.
“Look at you…dripping wet on my thigh like the horny bitch you are,” Jiung groaned sweet nothings into your ear, finally sending you over the edge as you rubbed against his thigh one last time. You moaned loudly, causing Jiung to smile at himself as he realised how he could sample your beautiful voice onto the track. It was just what he needed.
“That’s right, cum on my thigh baby” Jiung quickly grabbed a fistfull of your hair, gently yet harshly bringing your face closer to the microphone as he stripped you of your last audible moans.
You felt your whole body weaken as he brung you back into his chest, wrapping his arms around you as you softly lay your head in the crook of his neck. You were out of breath, your chest heaving up and down as you sat in the pool of your own slick.
“That felt..so good. I’m sorry for disturbing you I can leave now if you wa—“ You were cut off by Jiung hushing you.
“You were perfect for me y/n. And your beautiful voice was just what I needed to complete this track, music to my ears baby.” Jiung smiled, brushing his hand through your messy hair.
You looked at him in confusion. not understanding how your voice had any relevance to the track. Jiung noticed the look on your face and smiled, he turned your head to the computer infront of you and clicked play. Within an instant, your moans could be heard loudly from the speakers that surrounded the studio.
Your eyes widened and you immediately yelled at Jiung to turn it off.
“the others are going to hear! stop!” Jiung laughed as he turned it off right after you asked, making sure to not make you uncomfortable.
“Oh baby, its not just the members that’ll be hearing your sweet voice, it’ll be everyone that listens to this song.”
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try sweetheart”
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please reblog and like !! — lmk if you enjoyed it, and remember, requests are always open!!
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remnant-verse-if · 4 months
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Hello everyone, this will be the main post for Remnant: 21 & Before the Incident. I've decided to make a more concise summary of the following stories that take place in the same universe. Your support is appreciated!
Remnant: Twenty-One <- Demo [225,948 words] ________________________________________________
Tags: Isekai, Action, Supernatural, Fantasy, Psychological, Tragedy The skies are gray. Devils run amok. Is this some sick divine punishment by some sort of god? Your body is no longer yours. Will you survive this world or will it break you? The cycle of reincarnation calls for you to lose every part of yourself until you're born anew. Remnant Twenty-One, only you can undo this shattered world.
You’re taken to a mysterious room and greeted by two strangers. They tell you that your life is no longer, but you aren’t necessarily dead. You cross through a door on the other side of the room and enter a world similar to your own. Except, there’s the existence of demons, Devils, and other supernatural entities. Not only that, you’re trapped in the body of the Chosen One, the hero who will save humanity. The issue is there’s no time for training or preparing, the final battle is in five days!
Fight against Caph and the four Enforcers. One Enforcer for each day which will test the potential of your main character. Meet new/‘old’ teammates that will aid you in the final battle. Maybe even find some love with them? There might be a more sinister force out there than the Devils. Survive to the best of your abilities in this new world. Good luck out there, Remnant Twenty-One.
Before the Incident <- Demo [71k words] ________________________________________________
Tags: Action, Superpower, Adventure, Fantasy, Revenge The world is truly unfair, but what if you were allowed to enact your revenge. Will you destroy yourself before you destroy those who have wronged you? The ends justify the means does it not?
You and your best friend haven’t talked to each other in a while after losing your parents. Until one day, your friend reaches out to you about Starford Festival. Celebrate the festival with your best friend and reminisce about your past together! Tradition says when you light sparklers while watching the late-night fireworks, a great change will come to your life! Enjoy a slice-of-life-filled prologue!
This story takes place around 1.5 years before the main events of Remnant: Twenty-One. You never knew demons existed until now. Join the Organization and take arms to enact a battle against the Apostles, a secret society that wishes to open the Gates of Hell. Manifest your powers based on the prologue. Will you get your revenge or will you fall before you can achieve it?
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Remnant: Twenty-One ________________________________________________
Customize the Chosen One and your original self to your liking.
Mold out your personality the longer you live in this world.
Romance the agents of the Organization in your short time here.
Build bonds with your allies
Your choices will determine who lives and who dies in the story
Indulge in the Chosen One's Sealed Evil
Try your best to avoid suspicion
Before the Incident ________________________________________________
Customize your agent to your liking
Decide what your past ambitions were, they will affect how you perceive things.
Find love in this crazy world of Contract users and demons
Determine what your definition of revenge is.
Will you continue to feed into the cycle of revenge?
Unlock a Contract at the end of the prologue (Powers below):
Wanderer: You can switch between a magical katana and a revolver. You have higher physical prowess and agility with this Contract. Your foes won’t be able to keep up with your speed and aim. You essentially cover both long-range and short-range. Fuel your desire for vengeance. Painter: You wield an ink brush that allows you to paint constructs and summons. Use your creative skills to deal with your foes. The world is your canvas and only you can paint your retribution. Arbiter: Words are powerful. Especially when they can bend reality. Manipulate your targets to convince them of lies. These lies will become their truths and ultimately their downfall. The world is unfair, so why not fix it with your justice?
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Remnant: Twenty-One ________________________________________________
Ash [M/F]
A powerful contract user that was close to the Chosen One. They came back to things being much more different. How will they react that you're no longer the person they loved. There are more mysteries and problems for this person.
Anja [F]
A cheerful individual who acts as the communicator for the team. She often likes to keep things lighthearted. However, she hides her internal struggles for the sake of the mission. Will she make it to the very end?
Sigma [M]
A clueless musclehead through thick and thin. He's incredibly strong and has a heart of gold. Yet, he still yearns to learn the truth of who he is. Can he forgive himself in time, or will he die with regrets?
Uri [M]
A man who doesn't really know how to talk to people properly. He has trouble expressing his true feelings, but there's no changing the fact that he deeply cares for the team. He holds the Chosen One in high regard. Will you raise him up or will he crumble?
Before the Incident ________________________________________________
Apollo/Anna [M/F]
Your best friend you haven’t spoken to in a year. Celebrate the Starford Festival with them and recall the memories you had together in high school and college. Perhaps you can find love at the festival as well?
Syo [M]
An odd man with an eye patch. He has a casual attitude to most things and has a lax personality. However, it seems as if he knows a lot more than he actually leads on. Have you seen him in another story?
Tenth [F]
A stoic woman with strong convictions. She’s quite serious most of the time. She gives Syo a hard time for his laziness. She wants what’s best for people and wishes for them to reach their full potential, although her methods can be quite unhealthy. She's also a hopeless romantic.
???? [M/F]
This person has a wild heart and a passionate personality. They can be quite too much for people and they’re intense all around. Abrasive and rude. Could there be more layers to this individual?
???? [M/F]
This person was born from a high stature. Manners are everything in this world. Reputation is king. How you present yourself is life and death. They have high expectations of how people should behave. Are you proper enough?
???? [M/F]
You’re on opposing sides. Is it possible for you to shake this person’s convictions and join you? Or will you meet a tragic fate in your journey for their love?
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rainbowmothed · 4 months
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★ more content for the sapphic ladies because my brainrot for them is unfathomable!! as always, likes and reblogs deeply appreciated ♡ ly all
Vaggie yawned as she sprawled her wings out across the mattress. What she used to see as something horrible– a constant unwavering reminder of her gruesome past– was now something that she openly embraced. Most merely presumed she showed up in Hell with them since they didn't inherently look exactly like exterminator wings, so, hey, that was a definitive plus if anyone curious stumbled past.
Vaggies’ back ached slightly, strained from her previous workouts and strenuous activities. Through babysitting most of the Hotel residents to try to fix her fighting style with the help of Carmilla as her mentor, sometimes it got tiring. But one thing she could always look forward to at the end of the day was her girlfriend. Her beautiful, excellent, talented, outstanding girlfriend– who was also conveniently the Princess of Hell. But, sometimes, Vaggie failed to realize just how serious Charlie's status within the underworlds’ hierarchy was. After all, she interacted with Charlie just as she would anyone else; if not obviously much sweeter, and that was only because she was the best person in the world. Who wouldn't treat Charlie with utmost respect and love? Crazy people, Vaggie mused. The woman was a bundle of sunshine– it was hard to dislike her shining radiance. Charlie's idealism and bubbly attitude clearly set her apart from most other Inhabitants of Hell, which was one of Vaggie's favorite things about the demoness.
Vaggie flipped on her side, heavy eyelashes fluttering as her eyes opened, a flicker of illumination entering her pupils and catching her off guard as she saw the door to the bedroom slowly creak open, casting a line of soft, dull light across the carpet floor of her quarters. Vaggie’s first instinct was to reach for the angelic spear she kept by her bed at all times– soldier instincts, she endearingly deemed her first reactions to any possible threat– but she didn't. Vaggie wouldn't dare draw a blade on the person she loved the most, even if she was damn well considering it for the first few weeks following their first meeting. That all felt like such a blur, such a long, long time ago. It was both sweet and sad at the same time; the overbearing nostalgia was an overwhelming feeling that was foreign every time Vaggie experienced it, no matter how many times she was pulled through it.
The moth-like demon stretched slightly, a soft smirk spreading across her lips, which were still tainted with her typical black lipstick. Vaggie used her arm to perk her head up, resting her elbow on the mattress as she willed herself into a more comfortable position. “Hey, hon.” Vaggie greeted Charlie gently, tone as delicate as always.
“Heya, babe!” Charlie cheerfully mirrored the welcoming, despite hers being far more chipper and upbeat. It usually always was. She had an affinity for being loud; Charlie felt like she got to others easier that way! The princess bounded across the room, shutting the door behind her with her foot and flicking on the lamp with her index fingers, smooth black fingernails brushing across her girlfriend's forehead and swiping away any stray hair as she placed a kiss to her cheek.
Vaggie chuckled in response, scooting over to make room for her girlfriend on the bed. Charlie sat down and was immediately transfixed by her girlfriend's wings. They were always so beautiful to her– soft, feathery, and absolutely adorable! Everything that Charlie cherished, but especially the adorable-ness. Obviously, she had a clear affinity for things of that nature. Charlie got to work expertly running her fingers through the feathers, preening them with her delicate fingertips, mirroring the actions she'd been taught by her girlfriend. Charlie of course had wings, just like her father– but she disliked them. She never thought they fit with her overall demeanor, and were far too flashy for her personal liking. Charlie had a strong dislike for coming across as threatening, and strived to avoid drastic changes in her appearance like that to stay as gentle-looking as possible. “Your wings are so pretty, Vaggie,” Charlie complimented. “They fit you.”
Vaggie immediately rested her head on the pillow, lulled into ultimate relaxation as her girlfriend gently got to work preening her wings. She smiled further at the array of compliments spewing from Charlie's mouth, though most of them were drowned out by her state of rest. Usually, Vaggie never had time to truly settle down like this; it almost always felt like she was bouncing from one place to another, straying far away from one thing or pulling another closer. It was a busy life schedule, especially when she had to pertain to the Hazbin Hotel and its residents, but the gleeful grin on Charlie's face always made the hard work and raw effort worth it in the end.
“You're prettier than any old wing, Charls,” Vaggie retorted softly, paired with a chuckle under her breath. Charlie beamed, a bright toothy smile spreading across her face, enveloping her round features. “I wouldn't trade anything for you, you know that?” Vaggie continued, pressing her cheek into the fabric case of the pillow.
“I don't know about that. You're like, the prettiest thing in the history of pretty things!” Charlie responded, chipper as ever. That earned a chuckle from Vaggie. “I'm serious! You're gorgeous, Vaggie. I love you more than anything.”
★ not proofread, so if there are any mistakes, i apologize!! have a good day everyone <3 more content coming soon,, feel free to leave requests!!
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lick-me-lennon22 · 1 month
How they act when they're in love, but haven't confessed yet
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(here is the second request fill for the previous anon !! sorry to keep you waiting ✨️ I hope this is what you had in mind!)
John is openly affectionate and flirtatious with you and will do anything he can to get your attention
he's also the embodiment of the "if he pulls your hair, that means he likes you" trope
he'll engage in playful teasing and banter with you, trying his best to get under your skin
in conversation, he'll make subtle references to shared interests or inside jokes, showing that he pays close attention to your preferences
John often slips you silly handwritten notes or doodles to make you giggle and blush
he invites you to rehearsals and recording sessions in an attempt to impress you with his songwriting prowess and musical talent
he'll send you handwritten letters or postcards when on he's tour to let you know he's thinking of you, showing a bit of his softer side
Paul is more traditional in his approach, doing things like writing anonymous love letters and complimenting your style of dress
he initiates subtle gentlemanly displays, like holding the door open for you or offering to share his umbrella on a rainy day
when you're near he'll find reasons to touch you casually, brushing against your arm or offering a reassuring pat on the back
even from across the room, he's always gazing longingly at you or shooting winks in your direction
Paul makes an effort to remember small details about your life like your coffee order or the names of your pets
he'll even dedicate songs to you during live performances, using the stage as a platform to subtly declare his affection
George prefers a subtler approach rather than grand gestures and is somewhat shy about showing his affection
however, this doesn't mean he's any less in love with you
he'll share meaningful glances and smiles with you from across the room, conveying his affection and admiration in a subtle yet powerful way
when he's feeling bold he'll find excuses to be near you, positioning himself strategically to create more opportunities for chatting
George always shares new books and music with you when he discovers something he thinks you might like
he'll ask about your interests to find common ground and reasons to spark up a conversation
he plays you demos or rough cuts of new songs he's working on, showing you that he values your opinions and seeking your approval in a display of trust and vulnerability
Ringo is a bit more shy than the other lads when it comes to his crush
he'll joke around and be playful with you, willing to do anything to make you smile
he'll try his best to act naturally and be himself, wanting you to feel comfortable around him
he always finds reasons to spend time with you (like inviting you to see shows with him), seeking out opportunities for one-on-one interaction
Ringo often gifts you small tokens of appreciation like snacks or trinkets as a subtle way of expressing his feelings
he favors physical displays of love, afraid he will trip over his words or become tongue-tied if he tries to express his feelings through language
he'll mirror your body language and gestures, subconsciously displaying his affinity for and connection with you
he always notices subtle changes in your mood or behavior, demonstrating his devotion and offering support and comfort when you need it most
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jo4n1e · 10 months
mmmm i wanna ride carmy like rn (read at ur own risk 😉)
sex is basically carmy's way of relieving stress after a rough day at the beef - or the bear - whatever the fuck it's called now. you don't really understand what is going on but you're always there for him when he needs it. you're there to visit when demo is happening and you let him breathe in your scent when he hugs you so that he can feel okay for just a second during the work day. and when the bear opens and everyone is pissing him off and he comes home and sees you sleepily watching something he realizes you're all that he needs in his life. he comes over to you after taking off his coat, shoes, and hat by the door and just lays on top of you. you start kissing his head and asking how his day was and he's just trying to merge your bodies together and pushing his head deeper into your neck. he's mumbling and pushing random words together to hopefully make a coherent sentence for you to understand just how stressed he is after that day. you ask if he needs anything from you and he sits up onto the other side of the couch and looks at you with a gleam in his eyes that's reversed only for you. you then sit up and sit on his lap with his hands immediately gluing themselves to your sides, then the two of your are very heavily making out while he is slowly taking off your clothes.
after you are naked you sit on him again and start unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants and boxers so that you can get his cock out. you spit on your hand and start rubbing his cock slowly while he fingers your pussy to get you ready for him. after you're both already so close to feeling a knot develop in your stomachs you sit on the tip of his thick cock. your eyes roll into the back of your head with how big and thick he is and you slowly sink down until you're fully sitting on his big cock. he lets you get used to the feeling of him before he grips your ass and he starts fucking his cock up into you. your head finds its way to the crook of his neck while he forces moans to come out of your mouth as he keeps pounding into you like that's his only purpose in life - to pound the absolute shit out of your little pussy.
he keeps going and going and going until you whisper to him that you're going to cum and he forces your head out of his neck so that he can look at you when you cum all over his thick, long, cock.
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alastor-simp · 4 months
Antidote☠️💉 - Angel Dust x Powerful Reader Part 1
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⚠️Warning- This story contains mentions of abuse/sexual themes, so be warned if this makes you uncomfortable. This story is gonna contain some spoilers from Episode 4 of the series⚠️
Twirling the martini in your hand, you let out a sigh. You were sitting at the bar in the Hazbin Hotel, completely bored out of your mind. Your name was Y/N, or Morana, the frost demoness overlord that resided in Pride. Having arrived in Hell a few years ago, the power you wielded toppled over numerous overlords, causing you to be truly feared by those who attempted to threaten you. While you did possess unyielding power, you never used it for sadistic satisfaction, only in means to defend yourself. The true side of you was a compassionate demon, wanting to help those under dire circumstances, and also defend those you loved dearly. How you arrived at the hotel, was during one of your walks down Pride ring, and listened in to the 666 news. The broadcast was focused on Lucifers own daughter, Charlie Morningstar. She was going on about her hotel project that wanted to help rehabilitate demons, making them able to be forgiven to ascend to heaven. The sentiment touched you greatly, while the other demons around you, found it completely ridiculous and went on about their day. In fairness, redemption was not an easy thing to accomplish, and you had committed many sins in hell, that left you with no shot to go up to the golden gates. However, there were demons that either landed in hell for unknown reasons that didn't qualify as sin or wanted to make a change in their current life. Feeling for the kindhearted princess, you decided to head to the hotel, wanting to offer any services you could provide.
Charlie and Vaggie were shocked having seen you at the door, not expecting, not one but TWO overlords coming to the hotel. Charlie had heard the stories about you, but she saw purity in your eyes, and was ecstatic when you offered to help. Vagatha, immediately, pointed the spear to your throat, expected honesty, since you were almost on the same scale as Alastor. She saw no deception when you further explained yourself to her, resulting in her trusting you, but barely. Charlie then introduced you to everyone else that was residing in the lobby.
Laying on one of the couches appeared to be an 8 ft spider-like demon, sporting a semi-revealing outfit with pink gloves and black heels. Based on how he presented himself, he was very confident in his looks. His response to seeing you was a toothy smirk, along with a wink. It caused a bit of pink tinge to your cheeks. You responded back with a smile and wave, as Charlie kept dragging you by the hand. Simply adorable was your thoughts when you saw the little bundle of excitement, speed towards you, smiling wide and hopping with enthusiasm. She commented how pretty you were, before darting to catch the bugs with a needle. Catching a flash of red in the corner, your irises spotted Alastor the radio demon. You had come across him during your time in Hell. The both of you had no beef thankfully. You knew the power he wielded and treated him with respect, despite not enjoying his methods, but he was a gentleman, and that earned points in your book. Alastor assumed you were a power hungry overlord when he saw you near his turf, and couldn't wait to broadcast your screams in Hell. That idea diminished quickly, after learning how charming of a demon you were, and showed no fear when meeting him, acting very cordial with him. "Highly unusual" he thought since many demons feared him on sight, fleeing like cockroaches. He now considered you a very good companion, which wasn't easy to accomplish, so consider yourself VERY LUCKY being in Alastors good books. The last demon, was a anthropomorphic cat demon, standing near the hotel bar. He was guzzling cheep booze, before stopping when you introduced yourself. A head nod was his response to you, as he went back to drinking. Vaggie was able to tell you his name was Husk, and he was a bit of a grump.
Your arrival occurred a few months ago, and you had managed well in the Hotel. True, it was a bit difficult to get new demons to come, but like Charlie, you had many inspiring ideas to help, which Charlie greatly appreciated. Sir Pentious was the new addition to the group. He was very fearful of you since you had roughed him up a bit in the past when he was going around blowing up everything with his blimp. You appeased him, saying that you were here to help and that you would not fight him again. Well, he was very grateful for that. He was a bit of a dork, but he had a soft heart underneath that "wannabe overlord" persona. The relationships you built with everyone only grew over time, and you considered them all family, despite being very dysfunctional. Back to the present at the hotel bar, you were observing Charlie and the others, minus Alastor, watching one of Angels most popular films. It was obvious it was highly inappropriate so you decided to skip seeing it, but you felt rude to just leave the room, so you stayed around.
"Haha! What do you think you f✪✪✪✪? Starting to appreciate how good my skills are yet? I told ya let me do the next advertisement for this place, and there will be a line out the door!" Angel dust exclaimed this, laughing while laying on the couch. Charlie was flushed to her ears, but she was able to clear her throat and said that while she appreciated Angel wanting to help, she didn't want to exploit him like that. Rolling his eyes, Angel just said "whatever toots" and crossed his arms. A loud ringing penetrated the room, causing everyone to jump. It was Angel Dusts phone, giving how quick he got up to answer it. He was quick to walk away from the group, but you knew something was off, as you tried to listen to the conversation. "B-boss, You need me right now?! But I- No no, I'm not- Sigh, okay Valentino." That did not sound good. Your eyes gazed at Angel's face, and you saw the fear plastered all over it. That face was quick to disappear, and Angel put on a wide smile. "Welp. Time to head to work. Sayonara Bit✪✪✪✪" Flashing everyone four middle fingers, he bolted out the door. "Wait Angel" Charlie extended her hand out to stop Angel, but it was too late. Getting up from the bar, you placed your hand on Charlie's back, asking what was wrong. Charlie went on to explain that she wanted to finish the exercise with Angel, but now he got called away from his boss." Charlie insisted that she wanted Angel to spend more time at the hotel, but she knew he had a job to do with his current boss. Thinking of a way to help, your thoughts dissipated when Charlie came up with an idea. She would go to his workplace and talk to Angel's boss. "Charlie, I understand you want to do this, but it might not be so easy to reason with Valentino." Warning Charlie, you tried to make her change her mind but she was determined to do it. Heaving a sigh, you let Charlie go through with the plan, but you were coming along, since you figured she might need some help dealing with the moth man.
"Ah! Angel-cakes~! You made it right on time." Valentino swayed his way over to Angel, who was wearing a large fake smile, as he didn't want to upset him. "Of course, boss!" Angel winked at Val, as his body was getting dragged by him. "Wanted to do a spicy session today~. Couldn't decide on BDSM or doing 20 guys, but I figured why not both. You can handle it right, baby~!" Valentino leaned down towards Angel, exposing his golden tooth, as red saliva dripped from his mouth. Chills rain down Angels back, and he wanted to pull away, but he stopped himself. "Of course Val. You know me. I can go on forever without stopping" Angel smiled through the pain. "Excellent Angel-cakes. Now run along and get ready, and be quick about it" His sweet laced words then turned venomous, as he smacked Angels behind causing him to yelp, as he went into his dressing room. Angel was standing in the center of the shooting room, getting touched up by the makeup crew. Cameras were scattered around the room and stage lights were aiming at Angel. Valentino was sitting in the directors chair, gazing at Angel with glowing red eyes. "Now ACTION!!" The clapperboard snapped, signaling Angel to start. Heaving a deep sigh, Angel put on a smile and started doing what he does best.
(This song is such a bop and extremely heartbreaking. Credit to Blake Roman and Vivziepop for making this amazing song)
🎶I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashin' lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah I shoulda' guessed that this would happen I shoulda' known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes Spewin' all your red-hot lies Yeah, yeah, yeah What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself 'Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison Poison, I'm drownin' in poison I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison Wish I had something to live for tomorrow…🎶
Laying on the floor in his dressing room, Angel was curled up into a ball. Tears were raining down his cheeks, staining it with black mascara. He was in pain, it was clear, but he had to pull through with it, unless he wanted to suffer Valentino's wrath. A knocking was heard from the other side of the door. It was one of the crew members telling Angel it was time for the next session. Collecting himself off of the ground, he walked over to his mirror. Wiping off the stains of ruined makeup, he applied it back on. Staring at himself in the mirror, it took everything in him not to punch his reflection. Taking a deep breath, Angel put on his mask, and headed to the next session. As he made his way over to the shooting spot again, Angel heard voices from the right side of the room. Looking towards them, he gasped in shock, seeing both you and Charlie entering inside the room. "WTH were they doing here?!" he thought as he rushed over towards them. "Oh excuse me, sorry, sorry." Charlie was bumping into everyone, despite blushing as she still wasn't use to this stuff. Following behind her, you tried to look for Angel, until your eyes spotted him walking towards the both of you. "Charlie!! Y/N!! What the f✪✪✪ are you doing here?!" Charlie smiled up at Angel, saying they wanted to see him and if they could talk with his boss. "Now is not a good time! Come on, get out of here before he sees you!" Warning them to leave, Angel tried to push the both of you back outside.
"Well Well, Angel-cakes! You didn't tell me you brought guests to my fine establishment~." A seductive voice came from behind the three of you. Valentino was making his way over, swaying his hips as he walked. "Why if it isn't the Princess of Hell? Such a pleasure to meet you." Valentino bent down, while grabbing her arm, giving it a lick. "Umm hello (no thank you)" Charlie gave an uncomfortable smile, not enjoying what Valentino did. Feelings of disgust began to build up inside you at his actions. His red piercing eyes then locked on you. "Oh what a beauty! Who might you be, darling~?" Valentino had leaned closer to your face, placing his hands around areas that were a major red flag. "My name is Y/N and I prefer if you would remove your hands from me." Your eyes glowed a neon blue, as you had grabbed his arms and push them back towards himself. His eyes widen at that, and a glare flashed towards you before his signature smirk came back. "Oh feisty~. I like that in a lady." Standing back to his regular height, he moved back a little bit and gazed at the both of you. "Now what are you fine specimens doing in a place like this~?" His crimson eyes were piercing the both of you. Angel had moved to the side, gazing down at the ground. He was petrified in fear, you could see it. "Yes, sorry. I was wondering if we could talk to you about Angel." Charlie chirped up, not reading the mood clearly. Valentino placed his hands on his hips, wondering what they wanted with his number one star. "Angel is staying at the Hazbin Hotel, and we had some rehabilitation activities we wanted to do with him. We understand he works for you, but we wanted to know if it was possible if he was able to get a break for today." Charlie's smile was so angelic. You knew she was being very sincere with what she was saying. Gazing at Valentino, you saw the slight twitch in his smirk as Charlie continued to talk.
"Oh I see~ Let me discuss this with Angel-cakes privately~." Angel grimaced at that statement, as he felt an arm loop around his neck, and moving him towards his dressing room. Charlie looked at the both of them with a frown, sensing something wrong. Your emotions were rising as you knew something was very wrong given how Angel was acting when his boss was near. Pushed into the room, Angel turned back towards Valentino. "Wait Val! I didn't know they were gonna show up her-" Angels words were cut off with a backhand to his face. "You pequeña mierda! What gives you the right to bring those sluts to my club?!" Valentino kicked Angel, sending him flying across the room. "AGH" Angel exclaimed in pain, as he hugged himself, shaking in fear. Valentino marched towards him, glaring down at him. Picking him up off the ground, he slammed Angel against the wall. "Do you not remember who owns you?! I'm the one that controls you. I have your soul, or did you forget that?" Choking him, Angel gasped for breath, as the life was squeezed out of him. Valentino smirked down, extending his head next to Angel's ear. "Those little putas can't save you Angel. Besides that hotel is not your home, this is, here with me~. Now, you are going to tell those little c✪✪✪✪ to leave. Understand~" Angel was trying to pull Val's hands off, crying tremendously.
Part 2 Here
Epilogue Here - Warning Smut
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