#the others were kinda scared of him swinging that huge sword
luna-loveboop · 1 year
Ok so in the May art
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All of them are our little gremlins we love who just had the best time destroying the pots.
And Time’s standing there all dignified so I think a lot assume he was kinda calmer…
But not only is Time holding the Biggoron’s sword, with his smaller one stowed away on his back, but he’s next to the largest pile of pots in the room near someone.
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Bro went apeshit
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24hlevi · 3 years
can I request headcanons of mikey, smiley and draken dating a tall male s/o who fights with a katana blade and they are really badass. They fight kinda like a hashira and they are just really strong and super cool.
Mikey, Smiley, & Draken Dating A Tall Male!Reader Who Fights With A Katana Blade
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Sano “Mikey” Manjiro:
- mikey always knew that you could handle yourself, you were already much taller than him and had a muscular build but when the fight against moebius had begun and you showed up with the rest of toman and a new katana on your back, he immediately knew this was going to be a fun fight
- he had only seen you use your katana once and it was when you were protecting him from a rival gang member and you took them out without even getting blood on the blade
- so he knew when you showed up with it that it meant you were definitely going to use it
- everything was going well for the beginning of the fight, you didn’t even have to take out your blade
- but as soon as you heard “draken’s been stabbed!” you knew that it was time to take it out
- mikey and you were rushing towards draken while pushing past people and occasionally knocking them to the ground when you finally reached him
- “i’ll cover draken, you get him out.” you said to takemichi who was right beside draken
- “figure it out. now let’s go.” you lifted up draken and helped lean him against takemichi before attempting to get out of the battlefield
- mikey was watching the whole time to make sure that none of you got hurt, or more hurt, before he went back to fighting
- while you were covering draken and takemichi, multiple moebius members were coming at you and you decided that if they brought out knives, then you can sure as hell bring out your own huge knife (the katana)
- unsheathing the blade, you began to swing it at anyone who was running up on you three, and making sure they stayed down
- now there was blood on your sword, not much, but still enough for anyone to call the police over
- by the time the police came, you had already cleaned and put your sword back on your hip, driving alongside mikey on your motorcycle to the hospital to find draken
- thankfully everything went well and draken survived
- and everyone in toman and moebius knew, don’t fuck with invincible mikey and sword-holder y/n
- mikey would want to learn how you use the sword, but would never want to try it out because he doesn’t want to take away the wow factor from you
- but he would totally watch you train with it and see how you’re supposed to use it the correct way
- calls you his “hot sword swinging boyfriend”
Kawata “Smiley” Nahoya:
- smiley would be the one that would think you were the most badass imo
- like it doesn’t even need to be a life or death fight where you don’t stab, he just thinks that you’re fucking awesome
- when it came down to the valhalla fight on halloween, you both were standing beside each other with smiles on your faces, knowing damn well toman was going to win
- as soon as it got started you two went to town beside each other, making sure that no one would hit or injure the other
- since you’re taller than him, he would make so much fun out of ducking under you and hitting one guy for you to hit the taller guy with your sword
- also loves jumping on your back and jumping off of you onto the guys below him
- would love if you taught him how to use your sword because it means spending time together by yourselves and without angry always with him
- but he would only want to learn a little so he doesn’t steal your thunder whenever you brought it out
- smiley loves wrestling around with you even if you’re taller because he thinks it’ll be better “training” for when he fights taller guys
- has only seen you stab a person with it once because multiple guys were ganging up on him and you flipped out and stabbed one of them out of anger
- but it never happened again because he told you not to even if he was getting beat up or seriously hurt
- whenever you two are standing beside each other right before a gang fight or in a toman meeting you both are smiling so that everyone can immediately know that you two were at least close
- sometimes he’ll just sit on your back or shoulders like a little kid when in a meeting or when with the other members that he’s comfortable around
- for your birthday he bought you a brand new case and katana as a way to show his appreciation towards you
Ryuguji “Draken” Ken:
- first of all if you’re taller than him then damn he will never admit that he hates that you’re taller than him
- but once he saw you fight he realized it was better to stay on your good side and never piss you off
- it was the valhalla fight and it was going to be a serious one and both you and draken knew that
- so you came equipped with your new katana that you had been wanting to use and when draken saw you with it he immediately knew that you weren’t gonna play this time
- so he wasn’t gonna either because he can’t let you beat him
- so it sorta became an unspoken competition between you two
- so there you two were, fighting beside each other while the rival gang was staring at you with wide eyes
- “it’s the vice president and his boyfriend!” they said with scared looks
- it wasn’t until that kazutora was holding down mikey and hitting him with a pipe that you finally unsheathed the blade and started to go to town
- despite being extremely tall you were incredibly fast and running past everyone in your way and hitting them with the end of your katana, not even getting blood on it
- when it was you and draken up against hanma, you didn’t hesitate as you quickly ran up to him and jumped, kicking him in the chest and onto the ground and holding the blade to his neck
- everyone in toman knew from that day on to not fuck with you or draken
- draken would totally want to learn how you use the sword as he’s just fascinated with you being able to move so fast and not cut anyone up but still keep them on the ground
- plus he thought you looked badass as hell when you were in the toman uniform and fighting alongside him
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heyo your imagines are amazing and i like reading them so much. i really appreciate you for writing for Alice in borderland as there isn’t a lot of content out there~ can you please write an imagine for niragi where the reader has been at the beach for quite the time and when she gets to know niragi she somehow falls for him because she sees right through him, and that he maybe starts to develop feelings for the reader too because she’s fearless and very confident. if it’s not too much trouble, could you make it a bit suggestive as well? thank you in advance~~
Of course I can! I’m not the best at writing with suggestive themes so I’ll try my best! 😅 I’m sorry but I changed the story line a little bit for it to fit more, so I hope this is still kind of what you had in mind.
Unlovable | Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Niragi (ft. Ann, Aguni, Hatter, Mira, Chishiya, Arisu, Last Boss)
Summary: Niragi finally finds you, who loves him for who he is, well, not exactly. And he gets a bit too attached.
Warnings: toxic relationship, suggestive themes, a lot of gaslighting, obsessive themes, a little bit angsty, threatening, choking, swearing, name calling
Word Count: 3.2k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: Sorry this took a while to post. I was busy for the past couple of days so it’s kinda rushed 😣
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“Y/N! Come quick!”
You jolted awake as Ann burst into your room, shaking the door frame from the force. You blinked your eyes to adjust to the light, looking at her dazed.
“What?” you murmured, sitting up and out of the comfy sheets on your bed. 
“The executives have called a meeting. They say it’s urgent,” she stressed, rushing up to the side of your bed and ripping the duvet off of you.
You shivered and sighed loudly in disappointment. “Why? It’s too early for this shit,” you whined, rolling back onto your side and closing your eyes again. These urgent emergency meetings have become ridiculous, always taking place in the morning when everyone’s still sleeping. You would gladly have quit having the higher place at The Beach if it meant for you to have some peace and quiet.
“Now!” Ann pushed again. You groaned in annoyance and got out of bed. She seemed serious, so you didn’t want to anger her more.
You both quickly made your way to the top floor where the meeting room for the executives was located. You noticed Ann’s heavy breathing and worried expression, making you anxious as to what she thinks could have happened.
Hatter had left the night before to replenish his visa, having a big celebration as he drove off with Aguni and a few more of his men. Things had been becoming more tense as time went on. It felt wrong watching Hatter drive away so reluctantly. You offered to assist him in his game, seeing as you earned yourself a high number at The Beach from clearing many difficult games yourself. But Hatter declined, insisting that he would return to The Beach safe and sound before you knew it.
But unfortunately, he was wrong.
You and Ann rushed into the large room. You saw Arisu and Chishiya standing near the end of the table placed in the middle of the room. You strolled over to them and laid eyes on the scene before you.
There, Hatter laid dead on the table. Limbs spread out lifeless, skin pale and dead. The horrific sight made you feel sick, making you cover your mouth with your hand. The scene almost felt unreal, this shouldn’t have happened. Hatter wouldn’t be dead if you just went with him.
Ann walked over to his body to examine it, but before she even had the chance to touch the bullet wound embedded in his bare chest, Niragi barged into the room with his usual cocky and obnoxious aura filling the air like a bad smell.
“Oi, don’t touch him as you please. You dissection maniac,” he growled.
Your eyes followed him closely. Now that Hatter was gone, people like him could start dangerous trouble at the hotel. But, as long as you said something about it, you would make sure Niragi wouldn’t start any fires that he’s not willing to put out himself.
After all, you were the only person who knew his true self, and how he perceived everyone around him. It was pathetic really. In a way you took pity on him. Such a simple tactic for the brain to protect itself, become a heartless and cold monster towards others so no one could ever do the same to you again.
With Niragi, unfortunately it was hunt or be hunted.
You kept your strong gaze on him as he lifted his eyes to meet yours from across the table for a hot minute. His dark orbs glistened as they locked with yours, making the tension in the room become thicker as every second passed. He smirked in your direction before turning away.
“He was shot by a gun,” Ann stated, breaking the thick silence in the room. She looked over the small hole in his chest in fascination.
“What will happen to The Beach?” a young man asked who was standing nearby you. You stayed silent, not wanting to start anything that may end in chaos. You always had good points and valid arguments, but sometimes you knew when the best time was to bring them up. This was not it.
“I mean it’s only reasonable for the strongest to become the new leader!” Niragi exclaimed over everyone. “We need someone who can take good care of The Beach and keep order,” he yapped on, swinging his sniper rifle all around making a few people flinch when he aimed it at them.
You rolled your eyes at his behaviour. Trust him to be the most opinionated.
“I say, how about Aguni as our new leader,” he suggested, leaning forwards onto the table and watching everyone like a hawk. Aguni held no reaction, keeping his usual cold stone expression while having Niragi speak for him.
After no one reacted, all looking down to the ground to avoid Niragi’s gaze, he stood up straight and pulled a bored expression. “That’s not a good reaction,” he mocked, “Last Boss?”
You glanced over to where the hooded figure stood, watching in fear as he unsheathed his katana sword and rushed over to Ann, holding the deathly sharp blade a few inches from her throat. Your heart leaped to your mouth. If he was to try anything, you were ready to start chaos.
But nothing of the sort happened. Ann simply sighed frustratingly and held up her hand obediently. Niragi hummed, approving.
“This isn’t a majority vote,” Mira hissed from next to him.
Niragi stood and leaned his face close to hers, holding the barrel of his weapon close to her face to threaten her. “But it is! Isn’t it? After all, you’re all free to vote as well.”
One by one, he slowly circled the table, each person being scared for their life the closer he got to them. But you remained calm next to Chishiya, knowing that considering the relationship you have with Niragi, he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you. He didn’t have the guts to.
As he moved from Chishiya, he finally locked eyes with you. He quickly strolled up to your still frame, stopping suddenly very close to you in an attempt to make you feel threatened. ‘As usual,’ you thought to yourself. ‘The old “I’m taller and bigger than you so I’m stronger” stupid tactic.’
“And what about you princess? Care to raise your hand for a vote for Aguni?” he hissed into your face. You held your neutral expression, becoming bored from this act he was putting on. It was purely for show, and yet wasn’t everyone’s personality? But Niragi, his act of this scary psychotic man angered you to your core.
“What if I don’t?” you snickered, walking towards him in an attempt of intimidation. He took a step back in shock. “It’s not like you need my precious vote, you already have so many.”
Niragi’s usual cocky smirk melted from his face, turning into a frustrated scowl. You felt him put his rifle underneath your chin, forcing you to lock eyes with him. “Be careful with that tongue of yours sweetheart, you wouldn’t want to lose it,” he growled quietly.
His threat made you smirk, almost bringing butterflies into your stomach. “I think you should be more concerned about that head of yours. You wouldn’t want to get it stuck too far up your own ass.”
You flinched as you felt his rough hand shoot from his rifle to your neck, instantly tightening around your throat making you widen your eyes in surprise. You lifted your arm and gripped his wrist in case he tightened his hold anymore. The look on his face was deathly. If looks could kill, you’d be already a few years into the afterlife.
Chishiya stood beside you watching the whole scene. He knew better than to intervene, as he could tell that Niragi wouldn’t ever intentionally permanently hurt you.
Niragi held you still as he leaned down to your ear, his hot breath hitting your sensitive skin. “Shut your fucking mouth you brat. You wouldn’t want me to hurt you too much later, would you?” You cringed as you felt his tongue slide behind the back of your ear, the piercing making you shiver.
“Niragi,” you heard Aguni say, saving you from the public embarrassment of getting felt up by Niragi in front of everyone you knew. “That’s enough, I think she gets the point.”
Niragi grunted in annoyance before loosening his fist on your neck. You sucked in a huge gasp of air, coughing slightly. Chishiya placed a gentle hand on your back in a sign of care, hoping that you’re okay.
Niragi aimed his rifle lazily at Chishiya’s face. “She’s fine, don’t touch her. A little choking is nothing she can’t handle.”
Chishiya immediately took his hand off of you, being taken back by Niragi’s comment.
You stood up straight after recovering, laying your eyes back on Niragi as he continued terrorizing the executive members.
God you hated that man. You hated how much you loved him.
The room was now empty, consisting of no one except for you and Ann, who was still looking over Hatter’s body for any other injuries. You watched curiously, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
“Seems a bit weird, doesn’t it?” you spoke up through the silence.
“What does?” Ann answered, not bothering to look at you.
“Someone with a hundred percent winning streak dies now? Just as the tension between the militants and the others was getting to its peak?” you questioned.
Ann rolled her eyes sarcastically and turned towards you. “Took you long enough to figure out. Really? You didn’t suspect that from the start? Even after that shit-show that Niragi pulled earlier?”
You were taken back by her sudden anger. Ann never became mad at you, even if she had a legitimate reason to. You looked at her as she stared into your eyes intensely before sighing and turning back to Hatter.
“Sorry Y/N,” she apologized. “I’m just stressed. This shit is getting too heavy to handle, and now with Hatter gone and Aguni in his place, who knows what will happen to people like you, me, Mira, Chishiya and Alice. They could kill us if they want to.”
Her words hit your heart heavily. It was true. Aguni and his militants were never a particularly predictable bunch. And you weren’t exactly on all their good sides, well, except for Niragi’s.
“Sorry Ann,” you muttered out quietly. You thought it would be best to leave her alone. She obviously was quite distraught from Hatter’s death.
You shuffled out of the room, head held low in despair. Who knew what would happen to this place now? It was like a ticking time bomb only no one knew how long there was left until it exploded.
As you walked through the large door frame that led outside of the meeting room, a sudden grip on your arm brought you out of your thoughts and made you yelp. You were yanked into a hard chest, being held close and tight.
“Hey love. How are you feeling?” the person growled. You looked to see it was none other than Niragi himself. Of course it was, who else would treat you so roughly?
You stared into his ominous eyes, trying to read him. He ran his hand down your back slowly causing you to shiver. “Niragi,” you breathed out. You pushed against his broad chest to separate you. “Sorry, but I’m not in the mood right now.”
You stepped away from him and tried to escape down the hall, but he grabbed your hand before you could go anywhere. “Bullshit. You’re never in the mood. And the sass you were giving me in there in front of everyone says otherwise.” He pulled you back towards him, pushing your head onto his shoulder and nuzzling into your neck. “I didn’t like how you treated me, it made me upset.”
He was lying through his teeth, knowing that making you feel guilty for defending yourself against him would bring him more of your attention. Simple gaslighting, worked every time.
You chuckled against him then leaned back and cupped his face with your hands. He held a sad expression on his face, obviously to make you sympathetic.
“You’re such a big baby,” you laughed. “Try to act so tough and dominant in front of everyone, but look at you now. Crying into my shoulder about your feewings?” you mocked him. Niragi scowled and pulled his head out of your hands. “Shut up, as if you’re any better.”
It was true. That’s why you both clicked together. He was a gaslighting maniac who knew how to put up a fake ‘nice guy’ façade around you and you were a tough and snappy woman, who felt much too much empathy for others.
That’s how you fell into his trap. He used your empathy to his advantage, making you fall in love with him so he could have what he’d always wanted. Someone who loves him for who he is, no matter how many masks he had to put on for them.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, leaning up and pressing a small peck onto his lips. “Can you promise me something?” he suddenly asked after you pulled away from his face.
You grew anxious about what he wanted and nodded your head slowly in hesitation.
“When the chance comes, can we leave The Beach together? Like, run away?” he questioned, snaking his arms around your waist and squeezing tightly.
You laughed at his question, making him frown. He was being completely serious. “And go where Niragi? There’s not exactly a place we can go to.”
“Anywhere,” he answered sharply. “We could find a nice little hideout in Tokyo. Just you and me, no one else.” His grip on your waist tightened, making you flinch in his arms slightly.
He could see you tossing between answers. It wasn’t working, he had to try something else. He put on the fakest sad face he could do and pressed his forehead against yours while pouting. “Please? I promise I’ll take care of you.”
You practically melted as his begging. “Okay,” you sighed.
“Promise me,” he reminded you, running a hand through your soft hair.
There was a short moment of silence before you answered. “I promise.”
You laid in your room with the sheets tossed lazily over you. Niragi was called to go talk to Aguni again before he went to sleep, so you were waiting for him.
Your eyes scanned your book quickly, wanting to finish the chapter you were on before Niragi returned. Because god forbid you having your attention on something that wasn’t him when he was around.
You glanced over at the door when you heard it creep open and Niragi stepped in, placing his sniper rifle carefully on the ground nearby and removing his boots.
“You took your time.” you teased, putting your book on the nightstand and sitting up in bed. Niragi groaned tiredly, stumbling over to your shared bed and collapsed dramatically face down onto the duvet. You giggled at him, running a soft hand though his midnight hair and pulling it out of it’s hair tie.
If he was a cat, he swore he could’ve purred at your touch. It made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Not having physical affection for years on end does that to a person.
He sat up and crawled over to you. He grabbed your chin and pressed your lips together roughly, running his tongue across your mouth as he did so. You groaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, making him smirk against your lips.
After a few minutes, he detached his lips from yours and started licking and sucking your sensitive skin on your jaw, slowly making his way down your neck. He felt shivers run down his spine as you gripped his shirt in your fist on his back. He loved having this power over you, and having you accept him and love him enough to not fight back.
You leaned your head back and closed your eyes, giving him more access to your neck. As you did so, he placed a hand on your lower back and pulled you towards him, forcing you to lie down on the bed with him hovering over you.
He pulled away from your neck and looked down at you, admiring your anxious expression painted across your face. He chucked. “What’s wrong baby,” he cooed, leaning down and continuing kissing your collarbones.
His voice was dripping in sweetness, so sweet it could’ve made you feel sick. It sounded fake, but you didn’t pick up on it. It was a shame. You saw Niragi as nothing but a victim of his own mind, but you weren’t able to see yourself becoming a victim of it.
“I’m just...” you mumbled out, feeling weak and vulnerable under his touch. “I’m scared Niragi.”
He pulled back again and looked into your eyes with a worried expression. “Why are you scared? It’s just me and you here angel. You’re perfectly safe,” he whispered out, stroking his knuckles down your cheek lovingly.
You knew you loved Niragi, but knowing he can change his personality in a blink of an eye unsettled you. Who knew when he would do that to you? You heard him speak up again.
“We’ve slept together many times before, why are you becoming shy just now?” he teased, lifting a hand and slowly running it up along your tummy underneath your shirt. Your breath hitched as his cold hands made contact, making your stomach muscles tense.
“So sensitive,” he cooed again, snuggling his head into your chest, just above your breasts. “I love you.”
The confession made your heart skip a beat and you tensed. Niragi noticed this, making his body fill with anxiety. Did he say it too soon?
“Sorry,” he mumbled against your shirt. “That was a bit much, you don’t have to say it back,” he gaslighted.
“No,” you cut him off. “I love you too.”
Niragi’s heart filled with warmth and he felt all his nerves tingle around his body. He hadn’t heard that since he was a kid, and hearing you say it did nothing but make him more fall in love.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he sniffed out. You looked down to see him staring at you, tears filling his eyes. It made your heart ache.
He took his body weight off you and hovered himself above you again. “I promise, I won’t let anyone ever hurt you,” he mumbled, voice cracking slightly. His arms that laid on either side of your head acted like a cage. Whether you were trapped willingly or forcefully was beyond your guess.
As he leaned his head down again and pressed his still wet lips against yours, you felt his lanky arms snake around your torso underneath you, keeping you in place.
You laid there, moving your mouths together and holding each other as close as possible. It would’ve almost been romantic and loving if it wasn’t for the context. While one was preying on their victim to achieve what they’ve so desperately wanted their whole life, the other believed that that person was the victim themselves.
Such irony, to love someone who has a ‘unlovable’ personality, when it’s not even the one that you fell in love with.
The one you fell in love with was nothing but one of his many masks. And no one could determine whether he would ever take it off in front of you.
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this one was actually hard to write. It’s a bit all over the place but I hope it was still enjoyable to read! Also I’m not going to do a Part 2 to this fic, but if you want to read something similar to this kind of yandere theme with Niragi, read my other fic called You’re Everything You Once Hated. I’m going to be posting a Part 2 of that one soon.
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lemon-trap · 4 years
The Main Six with a Adventurous MC
Now, if you don’t know, an adventurous person in this head canon is someone who will randomly go down a different path that isn’t the main one or finds more joy going somewhere that isn’t the main path. I am an adventurous person and I love finding new paths and doing new things outside. There was this one time-
I think I’m getting sidetracked. Anyway, this is my first head cannon! So if you would like, please like and reblog! Reblogs are important!
Also, a little WARNING: I kinda went overboard on Nadia’s so if you get creeped out easily then don’t read that one.
Asra 🔮💜✨
We know Asra and we know how chill he is
He loves to explore and is a bit of a wanderer himself
He’d smile at how you went down a small path without hesitation and he would be close behind you
You two probably wouldn’t say much but instead listen to the woods around you
You find a small lake with a huge tree next to it
Immediately, you want to climb the tree
Asra joins you, of course, and makes sure you don’t fall but this isn’t your first tree climb
You go as far up as you can and look around the area, amazed by how much you could see up there
Asra joins you but not on the same branch
You both marvel at the sight of the trees, far off mountains, and the beautiful lake underneath you
Your little banter up there is so cute
“You think a fall from this height would kill me?”
“Yes, please don’t do that.”
Eventually, because you can’t stay in one place for too long, you hop down and check out the lake
Asra drops a little flower onto the water and blows towards it, watching as it floats away
You pick up pretty rocks and place them in a pile because shiny rock pile
You two spent way too much time there and would have probably spent the night there if it wasn’t so cold that night
You make a promise to have a picnic out there one day and Asra happily agrees
Nadia 👑💖🍷
At first she wanted to stay on the main path but by the end of your adventure she was glad she went along
She’s usually the one leading so it’s odd for her to follow you down a path that she doesn’t know
She’d want to listen to what else you got yourself into the other times that you wandered off
You’d tell stories that would make the pretty lady laugh
Your adventure takes a darker turn when you approach a somewhat of a clearing
Nadia notices that the clearing has little buildings in a small circle
Surprisingly, Nadia walks to it first
Once closer, you realize that it’s a town that has been abandoned for a very long time based on the overgrowth and the types of buildings
You only go into a few buildings, making sure it’s safe and not touch anything
Everything seemed so untouched. Personal belongings were spread in the rooms. Tons of clothes still where they belonged
Nadia ponders on what happened there, telling you her thoughts at times
You reach the center and it’s a little statue of a strange creature that you can’t quite describe
Nadia then asks if you hear anything and that’s when you notice that it’s eerily quiet. No animal or wind noises at all
The town seemed so untouched
On your way out, no one says anything but you can tell that Nadia is thinking
It’s not until you’re out and back into the forest when you start talking again
You talk about strange things that happened to you before and she talks about this one time when her family was visiting another royal family
Nadia was very little but said that she remembered it vividly. There was a little boy who used to follow her around the castle wherever she went. He was dressed in royal clothing but on one in that royal family they were visiting had a son that young but they told her the story of a little prince that once lived in this castle but he died years and years ago. Visitors and servants would say they saw the boy follow them then weeks later those people would go mad and always drown themselves in the lake behind the castle.
Nadia’s curiosity was killing her so she went to the lake at night and didn’t tell her parents. When she was there, she saw the little boy just staring straight into the water and she watched for what seemed like hours before the boy smiled and walked into the lake. Nadia had waited but she never saw anyone come out. She was so scared that she’d be next that she ran back to her room but she didn’t tell her parents because she didn’t want to get in trouble.
You couldn’t believe your ears yet you knew that Nadia wouldn’t make up a story like that
Nadia just waves it off like it was nothing
Soon enough, you’ve reached the main path
Nadia thanks you for the adventure even if it was a little dark
Julian 🎻🖤☕️
As a wanderer myself, I think that Julian would be an excellent exploration partner
I’m sure he’d be right next to you or even ahead of you
With it all the way
If both of you wanted, you could spend hours just exploring new paths
He’d make suggestions for a new path, you’d see where that lead you then you would pick a path
You find an untouched clearing that’s just covered in flowers
They aren’t exactly roses or anything fancy but with all those different colors and types it looks so beautiful
Julian brings up the fabulous idea of making each other bouquets
You are excited for the idea and immediately you both go your separate ways to find the perfect flowers
Now, we know that Julian’s favorite flower is Wolfsbane but if you know anything about that flower then you definitely don’t want to put it in your bouquet
You find some pretty blue flowers that you’d think he’d like
Once you’re done, you go back to where you both were supposed to meet and you see that Julian is already there but with his back to you
You call his name and he almost drops what’s in his hand but he turns around with his hands behind his back
You show him the bouquet you made him and the look on his face is priceless
He looked so grateful and excited that you picked out these flowers, even though it was his idea
Julian brings his hands in front of him to show you the one he made for you
You gasp at how beautiful the array of colorful flowers were, they were so beautiful and thoughtful
You both switched bouquets and held on to them as you walked back into the forest
As Julian went on about having a picnic next to those flowers, you couldn’t help but stare at the flowers he gave you and smile
Muriel 🪨💚🪵
If your in the forest then he’d probably tell you to stay on the path but you really wanted to see what else there was in the forest besides the path you always went down
In the end he agreed and just went along with it
He’d follow right behind you, making sure you didn’t go somewhere dangerous
It would be mostly quiet. He wouldn’t start any conversation
You somehow find a temple of sorts
It’s built out of stone and despite how old it looks, it was pretty sturdy
Muriel was hesitant to go in but was kinda curious to what was inside too
It’s not a big or professional temple, just one that a little village would have
Neither of you say anything in the temple either out of thought or respect
You find the main shrine and put a small flower on top of it and Muriel does the same
After you leave, you look up at Muriel and grin then thank him for letting you go this way
He’d probably say that you left him no choice after you ran off
You know that he enjoyed this adventure even if he doesn’t talk about it often
Portia 🐈🧡💫
Doesn’t take much to convince her
“Hey, how about we go down there?”
“Really, (Y/N)? We were just heading back.”
“Yeah but-“
“Alright you’ve convinced me, let’s go!”
She’s so excited
She’d point out all the cool things she sees like a fat little bird
You both find a small abandoned castle that is so heavily overgrown with plants that you almost don’t see it
Portia basically drags you in there
It’s a really cool thing to see because both of you wonder what this castle held
You both make guesses that get crazier each time
Now, it isn’t a big castle but it is certainly beautiful
She finds the big room where the people who owned this castle would most likely have held parties
She convinces you to dance with her and of course you say yes
You dance formal then start just making up your own dances that just felt good
Something about dancing in a abandoned castle just hits different
By the end, you’re both laughing and you’re cheeks hurt when you leave
By then it’s dark so both of you decide to head back to the main path
Lucio 🍑🤍🔥
Honestly, he probably won’t like it.
He’ll complain that his feet hurt or that he was thirsty
But give him a minute and he’ll be excited
He’d swing around his sword at the overgrown plants like he was a professional explorer
He might even tell about a few of his own adventures
You’d listen and laugh and try to get a few of your own stories in but you took him on this trip so now you gotta deal with him
At first, you find a fountain that is almost in the ground and covered in moss
That fountain was connected to a small path that led to a huge mansion that was so engulfed by nature that you couldn’t tell where the house began or where the plants ended
Lucio was absolutely ecstatic
He kept going on about how amazing the mansion was while also gloating about how much better his castle was and he did this while basically running to the house
You could barely keep up with him but you were happy that he was having some fun
The front door was nailed shut with boards so Lucio decided that it would be a good idea to basically slam himself against the boards
Because the boards were so weak, he fell right through
The inside was magnificent with big staircases that led to the second floor
Lucio twirled in the middle of the big room then he smiled at you and asked for a little dance
You nodded, not having the power to say no to that offer, and danced with him while the sun from the many windows poured down on the both of you
You can’t help but laugh when he twirls you
The dance stops when you’re both out of breath
He still wants to explore the mansion and so do you
You find many rooms, some of the belongings of the people who used to live there still scattered around the rooms almost as if everyone left in a hurry
Lucio makes guesses as to what he would do if he lived in this mansion
You chime in with a few things you would do
The mansion definitely had led an interesting life in its prime but was now just an empty shell of what it used to be
Lucio reluctantly agrees when you say it’s time to go home
He’d definitely bring this adventure back up whenever he thought of it
Thank you for reading!
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kamenriderlogik27 · 3 years
Kamen Rider headcanons part 1: Saber meets Ex-Aid!
I've been thinking about this for a while. Not sure why my brain chose Ex-Aid though. Just kinda happened. hehe. It took me a lot longer to write than I was hoping 'cause I ended up getting writer's block somewhere near the end, and didn't entirely know how to end it. Not much action either since I can't write action scenes, but hopefully ya'll will like it!
- It was a bright, sunny day with no sign of megido activity. Touma and Mei were traveling to Tokyo due to Touma having a book reading scheduled at Seito University Hospital. Rintaro, intrigued by the idea of finally being able to visit a grand medical institution, decided to tag along under the guise that it'd be better for him to go as backup just in case something happened.
- Upon arrival, the trio run into Ogami and his son, Sora. Who the latter is scheduled an annual check up at the hospital and was following a nurse.
- After hearing about Touma's book reading, Sora begged Ogami to let him stay so he could join them. Ogami gave no hesitation in giving his son permission to stay after his check up. This actually played in Ogami's favor 'cause he had something to do down the street (probably to get bakery sweets for his son and wife or something.) So he asked Rintaro and Mei to help Sora with his check up, and left before hearing their response.
- A bit dumbfounded but not surprised, Mei quickly told Touma to check in at the front so a nurse could escort him to set up, then she and Rintaro both took Sora's hands and followed the (surprisingly patient) nurse to their assigned hospital room.
- On their way to the room, the nurse quickly stopped near a scale, asked Sora to take off his shoes and started taking his height and weight measurements. Mei had to stop Rintaro from taking off his second shoe (he already had the first one off) as he thought that they all had to get their measurements taken.
- As they waited for the doctor to come, Mei and Sora talked and played while Rintaro took his time looking around the room at all the different equipment and posters with fascinated eyes.
- It wasn't long a wait. However, as the doctor opened the door to enter, he accidentally (somehow) tripped and face planted the floor.
- *Que overly shocked and confused Mei face and sounds, and an unimpressed Sora*
- Rintaro was the only one who asked if the doctor was ok and if he needed help. This caused the doctor to inwardly blush in shame a bit.
- The doctor (if you couldn't tell by now) is Hojo Emu, as said by the patient nurse who sighed "Not again, Emu...."
- Sora took a quick liking to doctor Emu as he was really nice and tried to make the check up feel like a game. However, Emu was a bit shocked to say the least when he tried to bond with Sora over video games and Sora said that he likes reading more. (score one for Touma!)
- As the check up went on, Emu ended up having to juggle with doing his job as well as try to answer the many questions that Rintaro had. (i.e. Is that a stethoscope?! How clear are you able to hear a heartbeat with it? May I perhaps try it out myself? Do doctors really keep a jar of tongue depressors at their desk? That's amazing! you can also use a stethoscope to hear a person's breathing pattern? etc.)
- After the check up, Emu told Mei and Rintaro that Sora was in extraordinary health, especially for such a young child. (score one for the best Kamen Rider dad!)
- Since Emu had no more scheduled appointments for the next hour or two, he and nurse Asuna both ended up escorting the three to the book reading. They were also really curious as to who this 'Touma' person was that Sora and Mei talked excitedly about.
- The book reading was held in a wide open area outside in the courtyard, right next to a huge wall made of windows. Touma had brought a total of 10 picture books to read to his audience; which consisted of mainly hospitalized children, and Sora sitting in the front row.
- Emu and nurse Asuna were both, to say the least, really impressed with Touma's reading skills and interactions with the children. To them, it almost seemed as if Touma was truly taking them on a magic carpet ride or journeying through the decade a jungle.
- Emu mumbled something about looking up Touma's books one of these days, which Mei over heard of course, giving her the opportunity of handing him Touma's business card which had the bookstore's phone number and address printed on the back.
- Just as Touma is about to finish his last book, screams are heard coming from nearby and Mei's white book starts glowing. Nurse Asuna is the only one that notices the book however since Emu is already running towards the chaos, Rintaro and Touma hot on his heels. Nurse Asuna has so many questions, but Mei just awkwardly smiles and runs to Sora so they can help the children and other patients back inside.
- Once Emu gets to the source of the screams, he finds a huge, bug-like monster with a book on its chest attacking people with its long, blood-sucking spear. Emu gets confused at what he was looking at since the monster didn't look or seem like a bugster. Before he could observe further, Touma and Rintaro rushed past him, both putting on their drivers and shouting "Henshin!" before swinging out what seemed like swords and transforming.
- although super confused at these two new Riders, Emu decided to wait to ask questions and jumped into action himself by pulling out his gashats and gamedriver, wanting to transform into Kamen Rider Ex-aid level 2. However, upon further observation of the scene, he could see people kneeling/laying on the ground, groaning in agony and pain. He would have to rely on the strange Riders for the moment as Doctor Emu was needed, Genius Gamer M would have to wait.
- the two SOL Riders noticed the Doctor by now, with Rintaro gasping and trying to tell Emu to get away before he gets hurt. This attracted the megido's attention and it quickly brushed off the Rider's swords, jumped high into the air and aimed it's spear at the doctor who was now trying to help a poor old lady to stand up.
- Before it could hit the doctor though, a very large, heavy sword blocked it's path causing the megido to fall back, clutching it's spear-nose in pain. Emu looked at the huge sword in shock, before glancing at the wielder next to to. Which happened to be an untransformed man with a smirk on his face.
- "Ogami-san! Nice save!" Touma yelled with relief.
"Huh? OGAMI???" Emu said to himself, putting the pieces together "Eh??? Sora-kun's FATHER?!" Noticing that the man he saved was a doctor, due to Emu's white coat, Ogami-san understood what was going on and told Emu to keep doing what he was doing. "Don't worry, I've got your back!"
- While Emu depended on Ogami-san to protect him and the patients, the other Rider doctors had came to help. Kiriya was helping anyone that could still walk, Taiga and Nico were attending to those that couldn't, and Hiiro took the chance to look into and see if the bugster virus was related.
- The megido took account of the situation and, seeing as he could continue his job else where, started to fly away. But not before seeing a curious Sora staring right at him and deciding that "one more couldn't hurt." and dove down to the boy. But before it could pierce Sora's skin, a frantic Mei pushed him out of the way, getting pierced by the megido's spear in the process.
- I think ya'll can imagine the way Touma and, especially, Rintaro screamed Mei's name right at the moment. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
- The megido quickly flew away before the riders could reach them. But Rintaro quickly de-henshined and rushed to Mei's side, quickly, but as gently as possible, picking her up in his arms and checking to see if she was alright. On the outside she seemed fine, there wasn't even an open wound, but then an electric-like ripple coursed through her body and she gasped in pain. Hiiro was at their sides in an instant, using his Game Scope to assess the situation.
- Emu, who was checking to see if Sora was alright, quickly squatted next to Hiiro and furrowed his brows at the screen. there was a new type of Bugster running through Mei's body. In fact, everyone that was attacked by the megido had been infected.
- They took Mei back to the hospital (Rintaro carrying her with the excuse that it'd be faster for him to do it, when in fact he just didn't want anyone else to carry her.) and set her down in the Ex-aid HQ center (I know it's officially called something else, but I'm tired and have no time to look it up at the moment.)
- Now Emu's a bit overwhelmed 'cause there's a very sick Mei, 2 very worried riders asking questions, another rider who's also a bit worried but is also trying to calm his heart down after getting the scare of his life when Poppy suddenly costume changed next to him without warning, and everyone is just super confused about what the monster is. He literally has to yell "shut up!!!" for the room to quiet down enough so he can add "How about we just take turns asking questions, yeah?"
- and that's what they do, Emu starts by asking Touma and Rintaro what the monster is. So Rintaro quickly explains the SOL organization, swordsmen and the megido. Then Rintaro asks Emu what's happening to Mei and if she'll be ok. Emu, along with the other doctor Riders, started explaining Bugsters and the Game Disease. Emu explained that since they've been battling the virus for years now, and have advanced the treatment extraordinarily well that Emu is confident that they'll be able to heal Mei.
- Even though still worried, Rintaro and Touma visibly relax, the latter starting to think about the megido. He had a suspicion of what the megido could be and wanted to go back to the bookstore to check. Knowing it'd be a long drive back however, Ogami quickly pulled out his book-gate WRB and created a doorway that links the hospital to the Northern Base. Touma and Rintaro head through it without a second thought, shocking the doctor Riders.
- At the Northern Base, the duo find Daishinji who's been trying to track the megido for some time now. As they talk, Daishinji cuts off what he's saying halfway and adverts his eyes due to the doctor Riders suddenly appearing.
- Turns out that Parado had come back after playing games with some of the children in the hospital, saw the doctor Riders staring at a door that he'd never seen before. curious, he opened the door (despite Ogami yelling and Emu trying to stop him) which resulted in him and Emu getting sucked into the vortex-like path between the destinations. The other riders too as they either tried to save the duo or they got pulled in by others *cough!* Kiriya *cough!* trying to save themselves.
- The doctor Riders suddenly finding themselves to be in a library of sorts makes them shocked to say the least.
- By the time Ogami catches up, Rintaro is busy explaining that they're now at the North Pole while Touma has gone off back to his bookstore to look for a specific book.
- Emu had followed after Touma and was amazed by how homey and comfortable the bookstore felt and looked.
- As Emu looked around the bookstore (low-key spazzing about how cool the diorama was), Touma rummaged through a pile of books until he came across a book on insects. He skims through it and confirms that the bug-like megido is a mosquito, which is known to spread viruses like wildfire. Excited, the two go back and inform the others at the Northern Base of what they found.
- Everyone then spends the night doing what they can to help. Ogami found and dragged Ren out to help him look for the megido with Kiriya and Parado offering to help. Parado's involvement caused Nico to see this as a game, so she forced Taiga to help search as well. Hiiro went back to his other patients, checking in every now and then to see if the Bugster in Mei had grown.
- Touma and Rintaro also thought about searching, but then Emu and Poppy mentioned how the Bugster Virus reacts and grows via stress. What stresses Mei the most is 1. Touma not finishing his drafts on time and 2. not seeing her friends. So they decided to stay by her side with Rintaro watching over her, and Touma taking up the nearby desk so he can work on drafts for the next two+ months.
- Seeing Mei so pale and frail broke Rintaro's heart. She looked like a different person entirely, as if her warm smile had been stolen. Somewhat tired and worry clouding his mind, he started speaking his thoughts out loud, so loud that Touma could hear.
- "Why can't I do anything?" "What if we can't defeat the megido?" "What if we DO defeat the megido but can't defeat the virus?"
- Touma has to firmly tell Rintaro that they will save Mei, no matter what. He's so adamant about it that he ends up promising Rintaro that they'll both defeat both the Bugster and the megido.
- Emu, who was observing them from afar, takes note of their promise before heading up to the main office of the ward. There, a new face, Kento, is standing next to the window and gazing down at the trio.
- Alarmed, Emu asks who Kento is and how he got in. But Kento doesn't reply, and instead mentions how this wasn't supposed to happen, that this wasn't something he foresaw. He looks back at Emu before opening a black portal and disappearing through it.
- Sometime during the night, Hiiro checks in on Mei, and has a chat with Rintaro about her. He warns the swordsman about waiting and not taking action before leaving him to his thoughts.
- The next morning, Emu finds Touma and Rintaro both asleep. The latter hunched over the desk full of written drafts and the former upright in a chair with his hand clenching Mei's. Poppy, who had came in right behind him, loudly gasped in delight at the cute scene, causing the two Riders to wake up in alarm. Touma ended up falling from his chair while Rintaro awkwardly jumped with embarrassment after realizing he was holding Mei's hand, especially so tightly.
- Emu checks Mei's temperature and vitals. When she wakes up, he asks her how she feels which she groggily explains that she feels way better than when she was turned into the cat megido. Turns out that the boys staying with her and seeing that Touma got a lot of work done really did help in de-stressing her.
- Just then, they get a call from Ogami, informing them that the megido has been spotted. Quickly reassuring Mei that they'll defeat the Megido, the two left to aid Ogami.
-Them leaving however, caused Mei to grow worried and stressed. Resulting in the Bugster Virus inside of her to grow and finally form outside of her body. The form that the Bugster took, was of her Megido monster form, the cat megido. Which slashed at Emu and Poppy before fleeing from the hospital.
- Emu and the other doctor Riders chased after it, bumping into the SOL Riders on the way. This results in them fighting together AND having the SOL Riders react to seeing the doctor Riders transform for the first time.
- "eh?! you guys are Kamen Riders too?!" "What?! B-but! I thought that only SOL swordsmen can be called 'Kamen Riders'?! I have to ask Sophia-sama about this..." "Oi.... What's with the cartoon eyes...? and... is that HAIR?"
- They also run into more bugsters as well, so they break up into teams to fight them off. Touma and Emu vs the megido, Rintaro and Hiiro vs the cat megido bugster, Kiriya and Ogami vs. a megido bugster, and Taiga and Nico vs. another megido bugster and Ren and Parado vs Bugster mooks.
- After defeating them all, the one behind this mess reveals himself; Dan Kuroto with one of Zoous's Alter Ride Books. (possibly given to him by Storious)
-This leads to another huge battle between Kuroto (who fused with the alter ride book) and the Riders (plus Kento who'd been watching the whole thing), which ends with Kuroto being defeated and disappearing, and Mei with everyone else that caught the megido bugster virus to be fully cured.
- Mei reunites with Touma and Rintaro at the hospital, which Rintaro smiling to himself. (He now fully realizes his feelings for Mei and is planning on confessing soon.)
-Later on, Emu, Poppy and the other doctor Riders visit the Kamiyama bookstore, which results in an amusing event.
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specsforwoo · 3 years
Son of Notus | Demigod!Ten
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Parent Deity: Notus ( God of the Southern Winds)
Allegiance: Aether
asldkfjaslkj Airhead much
Okay he is actually really smart
But he hates showing it because he doesn’t want to be stuck up
Like top of his meteorology class
But also top of of his modern dance class
He really likes dancing
It makes him feel like he is flying
Which is the best feeling in the world if you ask him
Kinda found out he was a demigod on accident, but he doesn’t even know he is a demigod asldfkgj
So maybe he got a little too heated in an argument and a desk was flown into a wall
And he didn’t touch the desk
Notus is known for being the most temperamental of the Wind Gods
And it definitely passed on to his son
But he is also probably one of the most laid back of his friends beside Johnny
His personality really changes depending on who he is around
He likes to act silly around Taeyong and Yuta because seriously those two need to take a chill pill and down it with a Piña Colada
But when he is around his half-siblings and younger demigods he turns really protective really fast
And when he is around say Johnny or Chenle or Haechan he becomes the somber one because someone needs to stay calm when those three are together
So he actually got brought to camp rather forcefully
Because apparently when a monster is hot on your tail it tries to directs you to other demigods
Which is exactly what happened
Remember that desk that flew into a wall, well the person he was arguing with was actually a cyclops shrouded by the Veil
Good job, Ten
And the monster chased him all the way to the camp
But like he wasn’t claimed yet and had only known about his powers for a few mere hours, the poor boy
So he crossed the borders to camp and suddenly the cyclops stopped chasing after him? But he was open in the middle of the woods?
Until he turned around and he saw this huge green field with a pavilion and a lake and what looked like 50+ cabins in the distance and an amphitheater
And he was even more terrified because what in hell is this place and how could I not see it before
And suddenly this young girl who was probably around 5 years old with green skin came up and latched onto his leg
And now he’s even more scared bEcAUSEe GreEEN SkiN
But then a normal human walks up to him and sees the cyclops outside the border and kinda just goes oh, new demigod? Have you been claimed?
And honestly he is ready to pass out
Which he does
So apparently after he passed out (the little girl started crying because the cute man is hurt) that random demigod called for help and helped carry him to the pavilion before calling the Apollo/Achelios Camp Leader to check him out
After he woke up it took him a realllllly long time to process everything
And that night when he went to sleep in the Hermes cabin he was still super confused and kinda scared. Because did his mom know where he was? His cellphone dropped into a river while he was being chased. Did he even know where he was? Was he a freak? A million thoughts were running through his head at once
After barely sleeping a wink he woke up to an blow horn and 3 campers cackling around his bunk
Which got him mad and when he clenched his fist the blown horn popped
So basically he was in the Hermes cabin for around 3 months because no one had claimed him but he had also shown powers limited to demigods so he definitely wasn’t an outsider
And he actually got into the swing of things
Archery was cool, he was okay at it
He didn’t like swords that much but he could survive
But wow, flying on a pegasus? That was the best feeling in the world
He loved the go to the track and fly around after dinner until midnight
And suddenly one day while he was training with his pegasus, Tadd, he got bucked off the saddle while everyone was watching
It was at least 30 feet high
And he landed on his damn feet
And the next thing he knew he had a shining silver cloud erupting in flames over his head
And a voice in the back of his middle, deep, gruff and spiky was talking to him about how he was ready to face the challenges as the son of a god, a specific god: Notus
And Ten was really happy, so was everyone else because 1) they had never had a son of Notus here before and 2) Everyone could tell Ten couldn’t wait until the day he found out who his father was
So Ten has probably been at this camp the longest except for Jaemin but that’s a long story
And the one thing he does do during the summer is go out into society to look for other demigods
Which was how he met you. He had tracked you to a small town outside of Seoul and you were just like any other person
Music blasting in your ears as you walked down the street, humming along, eyes glued to your phone
And he almost thought that he had tracked the wrong person
Until he noticed your little obsession with gold.
Not like you were robbing banks and jewelry stores but as he got closer to you in order to bring you to the camp he realized you like to sew clothes with gold colored thread, Your jacket had gold embroidering. Your phone case was gold
When he brought it up you just laughed and said that your mom had told you all your life that gold was your dad’s favorite color and for a while you used to use it to give a connection to him but soon it became your favorite color as well.
And one day while he was meeting you up for coffee at a local donut shop, he noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye but decided to ignore it
2 hours later he was gripping your hand running down an alleyway trying to pull drachma out of his pocket so he could hitch a ride back to camp and away from the Griffin currently chasing you down
Apparently waiters don’t like it when you try to send cold coffee back
He finally got you in a Hermes Cab and spent the entire time to the camp explaining what had happened
Let’s just say you took it a lot better than he did and didn’t have to be carried inside the camp borders
He was about to take you to the Hermes cabin when a Sun and Lyre appeared simultaneously above your head
You had been claimed by Apollo in the mere 5 hours you had been aware that you were a demigod
And Ten had to admit, he was jealous, why did he have to wait 3 months when you had to wait 5 hours
But he was also happy because he knows the feeling of finding a missing part about the puzzle that was a demigod’s life
So he goes and introduces you to your half-siblings and you immediately fit in
And he usually leaves new campers here, their cabins will take care of them now, but he doesn’t want to leave you
But has to because Johnny keeps Iris messaging him from the Aether Cabin about some party he needs help setting up
And to his dismay it seems like you don’t even notice him leaving
Or even his presence for the next 3 weeks because you have been getting along with your siblings really well
But one day Johnny is throwing another party and it spread across the entire camp, but he just wasn’t feeling it
He seemed even more bitter about the party than Taeyong
And you were there of course, talking with Sicheng (your Camp Leader) and Taeyong but kept noticing Ten just sitting in the corner reading a book? It was about modern dance okay
So you excuse yourself from Tae and Sicheng to go and plop down next to Ten
They were both totally giving you wiggly brows and side eyes
But he looked up from the book, startled to see you sitting across from him
You were the first one to speak
You're usually the life of the party, what’s going on?
Just not feeling it
It was easy to tell he didn’t want to talk about it, at least to you
So right as he went to pick up the book again you cut it
And you realized what you said right after you said it causing you to jump out of your seat, racing pasting a chuckling Sicheng and Haechan while blushing
Did I mention Ten is also Track Captain at camp because Wind Gods are super fast and that passes on to him and Johnny just hates running
So he caught up to you right in front of the lake holding your arm
I think you are cute too
And he leans down, kissing your cheek
And he walks you to the Apollo Cabin, kissing your cheek again before going back to his own cabin
It’s the first night since his first day at camp that he can’t sleep
But he doesn’t mind it this time
They think I’m cute too. *cue unmanly giggling at 4 am followed by a pillow thrown from Johnny’s side of the room*
And the next day it’s back to when you didn’t know you were a demigod
You and Ten are practically joined at the hip
While he helps you with agility and reflex you help him with archery
And you both are great flyers
And while he practices dance, you play the harp to create simple melody for him to follow
You guys really just compliment each other in every way
Making you the perfect team
Especially when chariot racing is on the table
You are a much better marksman than he is and he is a much better driver than you lol
So basically every time you 2 team up for racing
No one else wants to join because they know you will win
So the Camp Director forces you two to be on separate teams with in your own cabins
Which means you are paired with Sicheng, who is a great driver and an even better shot
And Ten is stuck with Johnny, dear god
Actually Johnny is really good with a Javelin and Sword so you know you are going to have to watch out for him
And you two get competitive
Remember how I said you make a perfect team?
You might make better enemies lmao
Ten tried to drive your chariot off the track so you Stuck a javelin in his back piston
Sicheng fired a flaming arrow into their hold so Johnny sawed through half of your reins
In the end you won
Shhhh, Ten wants a recount
Okay but he is really excited, jumping out of the chariot and racing over to you while Sicheng is trying to pull at your arm to go to the pavilion to be crowned with a golden laurel
And Johnny is silently sulking on the second place pedestal
But once you and Sicheng are hoisted onto the first place platform and you are crowned he is screaming and hollering and just overall being a really supportive boyfriend
But when you guys go onto the track competition he whoops your ass and doesn’t think twice about it
But you are there in the crowd screaming and hollering and being an overall supportive girlfriend
And later that night the camp decides to hold a sorta dance to commemorate the competitions and their winners
And everyone takes it seriously
Like after a straight week of pushing each other into mud and water and falling of pegasi in the sky and pushing your way through monster infested forests
Everyone wants to dress up and be slightly classy
So the Aphrodite and Eros houses have had boys and girls alike weaving in and out of their common areas because they offered to help everyone look their best for this event
And you and Ten agreed to not reveal your outfits to each other until you met up at the pavilion
And you were in a light blue dress that you got an Aphrodite kid to enchant so it would look like clouds moving around the ripples in the dress
And Ten was in a flowy gold top, half tucked into slacks and a couple buttons undone. An Eros kid temporarily threaded his hair with gold
So basically he forces you into the middle of the dance floor and does that cheesy slow dance in the middle of everyone else jumping around and headbanging
But DJ!Mark totally notices so he switches the song to a self composed one that has a nice melody to it and soft vocals so he can create the mood for you two
And you are both slightly swaying to the music, nothing too fancy, definitely not what everyone was expecting from Ten
But you have you head on his shoulder, his hand encaptured in yours with his other on your waist as you both whisper a small conversation
And he mentions he’s met Apollo once
Which totally shocks and scares you… because he’s met your dad? The god?
But he just chuckles under his breath, and whispers in your ear about how he made Ten promise to never hurt you or he would face the full wrath of a god
Which got you even more scared because Ten… pls dont get hurt
But he laughs under his breath again and lets go of your hand to pull something out of his back pocket
And it’s a charm bracelet with a lyre and a cloud on it with a cursive T too
And as he slips it onto your wrist
He whispers about how he told your dad that he would quicker marry you than hurt you
a n y w a y s
Ten is a really soft bf and demigod and person in general
Unless it comes to hurting someone he loves
Then he can and will seriously injure someone
But other than that
Everyone looks up to him
Not just because he has been there forever
But because he has shown he has what it takes to protect the camp and how much everyone in it means to him
Especially you
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Geralt and the Minotaur p5
Y’all can thank @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher for how fast this came out. Brain Cell Bae, feast on the serotonin my dear 💖
Pairing: Geraskier
Warnings: canon consistent violence, blood, gore, fight scene, talk of human sacrifice, talk of child sacrifice, talk of animal sacrifice, reference to bestiality, talk of dismembering monsters, beheading monsters 
some background for y’all that don’t know: King Minos had a deal with Poseidon that he would sacrifice his prize bull to the god every year but one year Minos couldn’t do it. He was way obsessed with this fine ass bull and sacrificed the second best and Poseidon got PISSED. So, like the little shit he is, he made Minos’ wife get hot for the bull and hence we have the Minotaur. This is an extra big no no in ancient Greece bc bulls were practically worshiped and seen as holy. There’s some other fucked up shit to do with bull sex but like I’ll let you live on in blissful ignorance like I wish I could. 
also just in case y’all didn’t know the Greeks used to collect and sell gladiators sweat as perfume. Idk how that smelled good but like, as a thirsty hoe, I kinda get it. 
heres part 4!
Geralt woke to screams. 
It took him a moment to realize what was happening, let alone where he was. Jaskier was curled in his arms, still sound asleep as the screams made way to sobs and the singing of a sword being pulled from its scabbard. It was time, but Geralt felt nothing.
He shook Jaskier awake and snatched the ball of twine and sword, tucking the blade into his belt and praying to Athena, Poseidon, any god that would listen that the guards wouldn’t shove it loose. Jaskier snatched the twine from his hand and stowed it in his own clothes just in time for the soldiers to reach their cell. 
They were ushered at sword point up a path to the back of the palace where dingy stone steps lead down to a massive stone door, underground by a dozen feet at least. Jaskier clung to Geralt’s hand, clenching his jaw tight and looking forward as they were lead to the doors. It took three men to open them and Geralt heard someone in their party mumble about how well and truly fucked they were. He couldn’t blame them. 
They were shoved through the arch, surprisingly without ceremony, and the doors were heaved closed behind them.
When the rumble of stone on stone finally ceased and they were left with near darkness Geralt finally felt the panic. Everyone was looking at him, he could barely make out their features, but he knew, and all he could do was stare at the door. 
Jaskier gave his hand a gentle squeeze, offering him the now glowing gold ball of twine, “Geralt?”
Something snapped into place deep in Geralt’s gut and the panic vanished. He took the twine and tied it to the door before removing the sword from his clothes and handing the dagger to Jaskier.
“Do not stray from the twine. Stay with the group.” He growled, now better able to see from the light of the yarn. Everyone was terrified, but they were his responsibility now, and if he had to scare them further to keep them safe he would. 
“What if it sneaks up on us?!” A young girl squeaked, she couldn’t have been more than fifteen.
“We’ll hear it. Now, follow me.”
“Do you know where you’re going?” 
Geralt frowned, ready to admit like before that he hadn’t a clue, but then he heard it. It was faint, and he could only hear inhales, but there was snarling breathing that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than a monster.
“I do.” He turned to go before anyone asked any more questions. 
Jaskier was at his heels, one hand gripping the dagger and the other clutching at Geralt’s belt to stay close, “Geralt, do you really know where we’re going?” he whispered.
“I can hear him.” Geralt muttered. Every muscle in his body was tensed and ready to strike as he lead the way down the arched corridor, unraveling the twine as they went. 
They walked on for what felt like forever, the hall twisted and turned, even went up a flight of stairs, but nothing about it seemed very maze-like. Jaskier kept quiet, but Geralt could feel his hand at his back trembling. Others in the group were whispering, They say it has a battle ax and Maybe it'll kill us quickly. 
Geralt held a hand up upon coming to their first T, “Everyone hush.” He closed his eyes, doing his best to listen past the panicked panting of the group. It was there, just barely, but the deep breathing of something much bigger than him was coming from the left. 
This continued for hours, or maybe it was only minutes, Geralt couldn’t tell,  until everyone could hear the beast’s steady breath and see a faint orange glow around a corner. 
Geralt stopped, turning to face the terrified group of teenagers, “Stay here and stay quiet.” he instructed. Then, handing off the glowing twine and whispering to Jaskier, “If I die you have to run. Sprint back to the doors, all of you should be able to open them. I’d tell you to go now if I weren’t afraid of waking it.” 
Jaskier had the gal to look offended, “If you think for one second I’m letting you go in there alone-”
“You will. The ship we came in on will be leaving in the morning with or without us. Be on it.” Geralt was getting jumpy, being a little more aggressive than he needed to, but the thought of Jaskier being left to die in this labyrinth without him was overwhelming and he’d never had more adrenaline coursing through him before. 
Jaskier held Geralt’s face between his hands and drew him in for a lip bruising kiss. Geralt’s unoccupied arm looped around his waist and pulled him close as his whole body screamed at him to run away with him. Nothing sounded better right then than sneaking out of the labyrinth and sailing off to some other island where they could live their lives in peace. No responsibility, no destiny, no monsters. 
Someone cleared their throat and Geralt pulled back, blushing furiously as he switched his sword back and forth between his hands, “That was one hell of a goodbye kiss.” 
Jaskier rolled his eyes, “Good luck, not goodbye. You’ll be fine.”
Geralt nodded and peeked around the corner, catching a glimpse of a large open hall with a fire burning at its center and what one might have mistaken for a pile of furs and pillows laying in front of it. He ducked back into the corridor, pressing his back against the wall and doing his best to take a deep breath that wasn’t a panicked gasp. His limbs felt like goatskins full of water and his palms were already starting to sweat. He barely kept his face under control as he tried to work up the nerve to move. 
Jaskier held his free hand, gently massaging at the tendons, “You’ve done this before, you can do it again.”
“It’s huge, Jask,” Geralt whispered, mortified that he’d made it all this way, and now when it mattered he couldn’t stifle the panic. 
“You threw a man twice my size halfway across the deck on our way here. You are strong and brave and deceptively intelligent.” Geralt raised an eyebrow at his words but let him continue, needed him to continue, “The blood of the gods runs through your veins and you’ve been blessed by the goddess of strategy and wit herself. You can do this.”
“Athena sending my mother to the sea is hardly a blessing.” Geralt argued, pushing off the wall and squeezing Jaskier’s hand before letting go. 
Jaskier pursed his lips, eyes somber despite his annoyed expression, “I’ll be waiting for you.” 
Geralt nodded and, though his limbs were still shaking, he stepped out into the hall of the Minotaur. 
He ran over all the advice he could remember from every soldier he’d spoken with as he crept toward the sleeping beast. As he got closer to the fire he saw the bones of previous sacrifices, some no bigger than a child’s, and the remnants of animal carcasses that were far fresher. The stench was getting progressively worse as he approached, so much so that he wondered if he might vomit before he could attack. He wanted to look back, he wanted to run back, but he kept his eyes trained on the beast before him. It was at least twice his size, covered in a strange coat of hair with a tail to match. Horns protruded from it’s forehead, long and sweeping forward in dramatic curves. He couldn’t see it’s face and prayed he wouldn’t have to while it was still alive.
When he was within feet of the Minotaur he raised his sword, gripping it in both hands and set his feet, readying to stab it in the neck. It was laying on its side, half curled into a fetal position as it slept. He felt a pang of sympathy for the creature. It wasn’t given a chance, wasn't guilty of the sin its mother committed or the offence her husband had committed against Poseidon. With it sleeping so still and so vulnerable he almost forgot the horror stories he’d heard from before they caged it here. He paused a moment too long.
As he brought down the blade the creature shifted and his sword cut deep across its back rather than a fatal blow at the neck. 
The roaring scream it let loose was disorienting, it rattled Geralt’s bones and had him shuffling backwards. It rolled to its hands and knees, or what functioned as knees, and Geralt slashed at it’s arm, slicing through thick ropy muscle as if it weren’t there. He thanked the gods the sword Triss had given him was sharp as he jumped out of the way of the Minotaur’s other arm swinging at him. He brought his sword down where he had just been standing, barely missing the monster’s forearm, but exposing his side, just like Eskel had warned not to. The Minotaur, now standing upright and towering over Geralt, kicked him in the ribs, sending him tumbling across the floor. He barely kept hold of his sword as he rolled to a stop, gasping for breath. 
It snarled at him, stomping closer on cloven hooves but holding one arm close to its middle. Geralt waited, kept gasping for breath long after he’d regained the ability to breathe properly and let the thing get closer. When it was within reach, raising it’s good arm in preparation to pummel Geralt into the stone, he lashed out again with his sword. This time the metal swiped clean through the canon of its left leg, severing the hoof from the leg completely. The Minotaur fell forward, nearly pinning Geralt to the ground as he scrambled out of the way. It struggled to push itself up on its one good arm but Geralt kneeled on its back, knee digging into the wound across it’s shoulders. He barely registered the screams of pain and outrage over the thrumming of his own pulse as he grabbed one of its horns with one hand and dragged his sword across its throat with the other. 
The screaming stopped, replaced by a stomach churning gurgle and trickle of blood. A deep, nearly black red liquid oozed out in every direction from the beast’s wounds as it struggled and twitched. Geralt didn’t want to take any chances. Cursed beasts had magical properties and he’d be damned if he left the thing alive enough to heal. Before the corpse began to cool he hacked and slashed until the head was completely severed from the body. 
Only then did he feel the pain radiating from his side all the way down his leg and into his toes. He threw the Minotaur’s head toward the corridor he’d entered from and collapsed on this good side, barely missing the rapidly expanding pool of blood. He grunted out a labored “Fuck.” before he heard shuffling feet and felt hands under his arms.  
Jaskier and the girl with all the questions were hauling him toward the fire. 
When they set him down Jaskier’s hands were flitting over his body searching for injuries, “I told you you’d be fine.” he teased, an undercurrent of fear cutting through his tone.
“Not fine,” Geralt huffed as Jaskier prodded his side and he tried to sit up, “Alive.”
“You probably broke a rib, go slowly.” Jaskier warned, helping Geralt up.
“You’re a doctor now?” Geralt teased, wincing as he straightened to full height.
Jaskier patted Geralt’s chest, “I’ve been kicked by a cow or two.”
He pulled Geralt close and kissed him softly, sighing like the world had been lifted from his shoulders. 
When he released the prince he rearranged the soft grey fabric and whispered so only Geralt could hear, “I could sell your sweat for a fortune right now.”
Geralt laughed and rolled his eyes, beginning to limp back to the other Athenians and scooping up the Minotaur’s head by the horns, “Lets go, I need a bath.” 
Next part here!
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thekytchensynk · 4 years
So when I am trying to get a story done, I somehow always spend a lot of time writing other stories instead, as a sort of procrastination aid. Not sure I'll continue it, or even post it anywhere else ... we'll see. But if I do, it could be fun to have Eiko RPF her way through Iruma-Kun Cannon. _____________________________
Eiko leaned against the cold stone of the main building of the Babyls school campus, one hand pressed to her chest as though she could make her heart stop beating so very loud. It felt like it was trying to slam its way free of her ribs, which she felt sure wouldn’t be healthy.
“Oh my gosh, Aiko, are you okay?” Gaako’s voice cut through the ringing in her ears, and a friendly pressure on her shoulder brought her out of her reverie. Eiko blinked and looked over at her friend. The concern on her green face helped her calm down a little, but only a little. 
“That was so scary,” Gaako continued, looking around as though she expected to see another fire demon charging at them, sword in hand.
When word had gotten around that the representative of the first years was challenging the school president’s grandson in the school courtyard, it had seemed like a bit of fun. And while seeing Azmodeus in all his power had been a beautiful sight, it was also kinda funny to see the growing bafflement and rage on his face as Iruma avoided attack after attack after attack. Eiko had to admit she’d been getting really into it.
Until she saw that fire sword heading straight for her face. 
She’d had one crystal clear moment that seemed to stretch on and on, enough time to think this is it. I’m going to die here, before even my first day of classes. I never got to go to that Beeber concert. I never went on a real date. I never even got to find out what my familiar is. It’s too soon to die! Too soon-
And then, faster than her mind could comprehend, the sword was gone, Azmodeus slammed into the ground and out cold. And the one who’d done it?
The whole thing had ended so suddenly. In a flash, Iruma was taking Azmodeus to the nurse, and the people were all scattering and going back to their business, but Eiko, still caught up in her panic, couldn’t get the hammering of her heart to stop after that fright. She’d fled here, to a quiet interior corridor, hoping that getting some space would help. But her heart was still going way too fast. What was wrong? Had all that magic in the courtyard somehow affected her?
“It was pretty cool of that Iruma guy to stop Azmodeus though, wasn’t it?” Gaako asked. She smiled hopefully at Eiko. She’s trying to distract me to calm me down, Eiko realized with a flood of gratitude. “I mean, until then he’d pretty much kept his distance. But then he saw the danger and stepped in, like some sort of hero from a book.”
“Y.. yeah, you’re right,” Eiko agreed in shaky tones. “It was pretty cool.” Even now, she could see the look of alarm that had crossed his face, just before he’d stepped in, ahd put himself in harm’s way…
To save her.
Maybe, she realized, my heart’s not beating because I was scared. 
“He was pretty cool.”
  After school that night, Eiko lay on the floor in her room, staring at a blank notebook, pen in one hand.
She hadn’t been able to catch up to Iruma after all the madness of the afternoon, but her imagination just wouldn’t shut up. It kept imagining the scenario, but adding variables. Changing the scene. If she didn’t do something about this she was going to go wicked. And her mother had often encouraged her to write things down in order to think them through. So here, in the safety of her room, she started writing.
It was the first day of school and Beeko stopped in the entrance hall to look around. All around were other students, and they were cute or smart or mean or wild, but from the moment she had stepped onto campus, there was one who captured her attention like a hook.
He was a slender young man with azure orbs that flashed with compassion and humor. His sapphire hair was perfectly styled into place to give him a mature and sophisticated look. He wore only the finest clothing from Saks 666th Avenue. Today he wore a closely tailored silver suit with intricate embroidery up the sides of the legs, highlighting how slender yet strong those appendages were. His vest was cut perfectly to accentuate-
The rattle of her door opening drew Eiko out of the scene. Face reddening, she tried on impulse to scoop the notebook out of sight, but it caught on the ember-bear rug and stopped within arm’s reach as her mother came into the room.
“Mom!” she said, scandalized by this invasion at a vulnerable moment.
Her mother paused at the tone, then looked at the notebook. A wicked smile spread across her face. “Ahh. Starting a diary?” she asked.
Scrambling to a sitting position, Eiko grabbed the notebook and flipped it shut. “No, it’s not like that,” she said, feeling the heat rise in her face. “I just wanted to take some notes about the day. That’s all.”
The grin deepened. “Notes about a boy maybe?”
Her mother laughed. “Fine, fine. I just wanted to let you know dinner’s ready in about thirty minutes. Try to finish up your notes by then.”
The door closed. Eiko watched it for a while, half expecting it to open again and her mother’s prying eyes to peer once more into the room. But when nothing happened, she sighed and settled back into the story. But … shoot, she’d lost the mental picture of the rest of that description. Ah well. It didn’t matter. 
  He was walking around to greet every one of his new classmates when a noise drew everyone’s attention to the ceiling. There was a huge chandelier overhead that was swaying back and forth wildly like someone had given it a kick. It was going to fall!
“Oh no!” shouted some of the students.
“It’s going to fall!”
But Beeko could only watch it swing, and then fall, because she was so scared that her legs were shaking and would not let her take a step. “Oh no!” she shouted. “I need a hero! Someone save me!”
Beeko felt warm arms around her instead of a heavy light fixture on top of her. She opened her eyes and saw that someone had saved her. Those azure orbs looked into her eyes, probing for an honest answer as he asked in his masculine voice, “Are you all right?”
“I am now that you saved me,” she replied, still not quite daring to believe that she was in his strong arms. He had saved her! On the first day of class. Overcome with relief and wanted to give her rescuer a reward, she leaned over toward him, tilting her face as she got closer. A kiss would be his reward! At first he looked surprised, then he smiled at her and leaned in too and-
  A loud knocking made her scratch a fat line of ink across the rest of that line and onto the carpet. “Eiko?” her mother called through the door. 
She looked up, heart hammering, “What? 
Eiko looked back at the story. Up at the door. Back to the story. “Be down in a minute!” she said, scooping the book and rushing to stuff it under her pillow. It had been a really cool day. But she didn’t think she could stand her mother reading this. 
That story was for her alone.
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noneatnonedotcom · 5 years
Magical Girl rwby au
yang idly wondered if enjoying this made her a bad person as her flame covered fist crushed the skull of a beowolf. she sidestepped the one behind it as it lunged forward swiping and snarling at the air where she was before. she brought her leg up with a devastating kick to its midsection as the Grimm went sailing through the air wincing at the mistake yang went to follow it only to be distracted by her sister Ruby: yang we’re all done here you ready to head back? yang looked over to her sister the silver-eyed girl was smiling as the read scythe she rested against her shoulder was dissipated into silver sparkles. the scene was almost cute if not for the Grimm viscera that was splattered all over her frilly dress and red hood Yang: yeah we’ll head home, you look like you could use a bath  ruby pouted cutely at the remark and yang smirked Ruby: it’s the price I pay for awesome, and crescent rose is definitely that! I mean did you see my baby cutting through those Grimm? she was all “swing” and they were all “bleah” and then they went “fwoosh” and it was like those ninja movies blake likes but it’s a lot less cool when you have to clean off the blood  yang smiled at the excitement in her baby sister's voice. it wasn’t always like this back, in the beginning, they had trouble using their powers it was more a chore than anything but then they’d met Weiss and blake and Pyrrha and the five of them working together really helped cut down on the amount of work they had to do any given night. tonight it was her and ruby. tomorrow would be Weiss and blake, then Pyrrha the strongest of them would take a swing at it solo. then a day off and back to her and ruby unless one of them wanted to switch off for someone else which they did on occasion. sometimes they all decided to go out together when there was nothing going on. which was most days. since Pyrrha was the only one with after school stuff like sports and Weiss had her job as a singer to work on it was typically just her and ruby. and blake but the cat could be so damn lazy and Ruby: swear jar! yang: but I didn’t say anything! Ruby: you were thinking it! yang reached down and started to give her sister a noogie  yang: little brat! Ruby: arg, yang no! ruby took off in a flurry of rose petals as she used her magic to run away yang smirked and took off after her a streak of fire burning through the sky completely forgetting about the Grimm she’d sent flying in the opposite direction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jaune idly wondered if avoiding this would make him a bad person over the last few days, a beowolf had been seen in the area. most thought it was a superstition but jaune knew the truth. and he hated that fact he checked his gear again, his family sword hung at his hip, on his back was a small pack holding an emergency medical kit, extra water and a little bit of food (he’d learned his lesson after that time he’d gotten trapped in the cave) his hoodie was more a source of comfort than disguise. after all most people didn’t focus on him when there were Grimm around. still, the hood made him feel more disguised so he’d keep it. his back up knife hung on the opposite hip from his sword.  frankly, he’d have liked a gun but guns didn’t hurt Grimm. only his family's ancestral blades. he wielded crocea mors, his father wielded  Claíomh Solais and they were alone against the dark.  he silently cursed the lack of a brother and thanked the gods that Adrian wasn’t required to fight. he drew his blade and stood. briefly shaking out the stiffness of his limbs as he followed the Grimm back into its den. he’d honestly have preferred a pack of beowolves. yes, they were dangerous in numbers but those numbers could be mitigated when they were alone they tended to grow... alpha beowolf: *lands behind jaune and roars, shaking the crumbling building around them* bigger jaune lunged to the side but just a second too late as the Grimm grabbed his leg with its clawed hand. throwing him into and through the ruined wall of the abandoned building. he rolled as he hit the ground dodging the claws of the Grimm before retaliating with a slash of his own to the beast which howled in rage  great now it was mad. he struggled to breathe as he moved around the debris-covered floor trying to get away from the steel rending claws by the barest margin. trying to preserve as much room as he could for further movement. barely flinching as the claws cut open his face just under his eye as they grazed him. dipping under a swipe jaune saw his opportunity and slashed open its neck. as the black blood spilled freely from the new wound it backhanded him launching him into the wall once more as he struggled to stay awake against the coming blackout. jaune: *through gritted teeth* get up jaune the Grimm having noticed he was still alive lunged at him jaune: fucking move dumb ass! he rolls to the side stumbling as he stood tripping and twisting his ankle as he grunted in pain. luckily for him, he was distracted from the pain by the pain of a set of claws ripping through his chest just barely shallow enough to survive. he rolled back as the Grimm lunged again he managed to get the sword in-between its teeth as the Grimm tried desperately to bite his face off. they struggled for what felt like an hour before he felt the Grimm weaken. loss of blood taking it’s tole as the massive beast was finally rolled off of him. he placed his sword against its throat before cutting it open. as the Grimm dispersed into the air jaune leaned back against a wall and slid down exhausted doing a quick check he had four deep cuts on his chest that he was going to have to stitch shut, a cut on his face that was definitely gonna scare jaune snorted at that thought jaune: oh no, my precious modeling career a couple of broken ribs, a sprained ankle, and a concussion he was gonna be out of commission for a while. jaune: *forcing himself to stand* that went far better than expected he limped off, heading back home where his sisters and mother could patch him up. great thing about having such a large family  there was always someone around to patch up your horrible painful wounds  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ruby  wondered if this was some sort of punishment for being a bad person she’d been transferred to beacon at the behest of ozpin, an old friend of her moms and someone who knew about the maidens and their powers. her silver eyes being the main reason but her recent breakthrough with her mechanical engineering class had given him an excuse to invite her to the prestigious school. her friends had promised to show her around but there was only one problem with that Ruby: where the heck was I supposed to meet them again?  she studied the map of the admittedly huge campus as if it would offer any more information  unknown voice: excuse me? do you need some help? ruby: *turning around grateful for the help* yeah I was looking for... the guy she saw when she turned around was tall. his shaggy blonde hair framed a scared and tired face that didn’t look any less scary for the smile on it as he leaned down. ruby backed up against the map on the wall  scary guy: for...? ruby: *squeaking* library the guy nodded  scary guy: alright, so you’ll wanna head for the music room the stares past that will take you to the third floor the other stairs are down after something ripped them up pretty bad so that’s the only way up there ruby remembered exactly what had ripped up those stares she’d been the one to kill it after all.  she might have made the stares worse with her baby but now wasn't the time to cast blame.  even if it was she blamed violent video games scary guy: now did you catch all that? ruby froze, she’d zoned out, why had she zoned out! oh god now he was frowning at her, she’d made him mad! who knows what he’d do to her now? he grabbed her hand and she felt her life flash before her eyes scary guy:*growling* come on she was too young to die! contrary to her previous thoughts, she wasn’t actually in danger. as they had walked she’d noticed something that took her back ruby: you have a cute bunny on your hoodie! scary guy:* embarrassed* it’s pumpkin Pete  ruby: *giggles* scary guy: *chuckles* sure go ahead and destroy my pride, ah well at least I made a pretty girl laugh *winks* from there the conversation went to things like comic books, then it went to weapons (scythes are impractical but really cool regardless, he though swords were better the philistine) guns (guns were awesome) older sisters (they both loved them but sometimes they were too much) and sweets (he was actually quite the baker since his mother had told him the fastest way to a girls heart was through her sweet tooth) by the time they made it to the library they were laughing at each others jokes and he was smiling and now she had to say he didn’t actually look that scary... maybe rugged oh no, he was hot! ruby:*blushing* uhsoanywaystheresmysisterishouldgobye! she ran into the library only to be caught by yang and pulled into a bone-crushing hug  yang: he didn’t do anything to you right? I swear to god if that asshole touched you Weiss: we’ll need to talk to him  blake: why was he even around you? Pyrrha: did jaune hurt you at all? ruby: *struggling to get free* who are you talking about? yang: *looking ruby over* that guy you were running away from ruby: *finally getting free* oh, uh... no, no he didn’t do anything, he actually helped me get here when I got lost Ruby:*internally* so his name’s jaune? huh, short, sweet, rolls off the tongue *nods* I love it Weiss: well I suppose even a monster like him can be kind blake: you should be careful ruby, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what he could have done to you ruby: *tilting her head* huh? Pyrrha: ruby he didn’t touch you did he? ruby: *remembers him grabbing her hand* uh yeah, it was a little scary at first since I didn’t know him *remembers the conversation as they walked* but then I kinda really enjoyed it *remembers what she thought of him before getting to the library, blushes red* I think I kinda maybe really like him now wby+p: *shocked silence* yang: he needs to die
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session 11 notes (i’ll fix them one day but i’m agro this was tea hate this)
Two minute one shot while dom pees
Adam has a floaty tube
Asyna can't turn into a hippo
Giant seahorse
Jane austen
Elizabethh and darcy my hands are shaking
Dom has 4e books
Dom was pretty out of it last session
It's afternoon
Dom is toasty
In jacob's other campaign a goat bit off his penis so the goat's name is richard byter
"at first the goat was reluctant"
"what a goat"
Last week on dragon heist
We were meandering through the city
"one of you met with an old friend, briefly"
Zoo time
Aerana knows where the zoo is in the sea ward
Raised brick gate w high walls; on top are intricate metal railing spiked stuff
Entrance is v wide, not too many people going in bc it's raining a lot
Apparently the weather is super important and I still don't know why the weather is so important
It is currently raining
Ticket booth in the front
Gold piece per person
Botanic repository
We walk up to the booth covering ourselves w the hoods we have
Velvet rope line but we just navigate through it like in shrek
Adam goes first
Walks in and see smiling figure, human male middle-aged, heavyset, festive outfit, "thank you for visiting - oH how's it going?!" it's volo
He's doing research for his newest obok
Hi jacob's dad
Jacob's gonna go fishing
Volo under impression he would be one of zoological experts but no
They brought monsters in from the isle of chault
Points us off to the exhibit to go
Originally zoo was not a zoo as we think of but like throwing them in a pit and being like look at them think httyd
Now it's closer to what we'd consider a modern day zoo
Lots of foliage
It's a big zoo
Like the San diego zoo
Or disneyland
Dom talks abt his brother's haircut
We can run through it
Can asyna just sprint
Aerana and asyna r gonna run
Adam cel and theo r gonna not run
Most of the zoo taken up by exhibits devoted to the island
Looking in the entryway a lot of ppl r carrying pamphlets n papers and speaking in foreign tongues like tourists or smth ig
Adam casts disguise self to make him look as fancy as everyone else
Has feathered cloak
Three major pathways
Chault exhibits for weird stuff r left
Marine stuff and some chault r forward
To the right r monsters from the interior continent
Adam cel and theo (?) go to the right
Most ppl r in pairs
A lot of biologist-type ppl; ppl who look like they're used to handling animals
First real exhibit on the right is a human woman inside the exhibit throwing down pieces of meat to lions
Is asyna a moon druid ? Yes
How did the human woman get there ? But she doesn’t notice
"does this zoo have dippin dots" - lillian 2020
Perception check, 15
There r ppl selling stuff, sees dejected gnome sitting under a pedal cart w a dingy umbrella and he's grumpy n angry
Adam walks over to him
Selling diff snacks n refreshments
He's mostly selling a fizzle pop
Strawberry flavor, blueberry, butterfly flavor
"are ur fizzle pops made w organic butterflies ? Bc I'm kinda on a diet rn"
Adam says it's disgusting
"I'll have a blueberry thank you"
Cel is gonna try the butterfly one
It's sweet; doesn't taste like blood but does taste almost nutty
So like what I would think pistachio tastes like
Fun size popsicle
Theo gets strawberry
They go to the next exhibit
A really vertical exhibit
Cel is gonna try and ride seahorse asyna but rolls a nat 1 for acrobatics and then a nat 1 for dex save
Smashes head on rim of the pool, bleeding out and unconscious
Healing words from adam
Climbs out of the pool
The water is now red
Three children on the other side of the pool
One of them gets really excited and pees when adam tells them that there's a chemical that turns pool water red
Asyna left the pool when the kid peed
Asyna leads everyone over to the hospital
Adam is gonna try and healing words fix cel
Cel is back to full health
One of the kids is crying scared when she finds out the water is blood
Theo is gonna go get the kids ?
Ok back to the zoo
There's a hippo exhibit
We go check it out
On the way there run into different typical zoo stuff
The younger ppl r around these exhibits
A lot of closed sections bc of weather like "don't worry next winter this animal will be back"
Ringtails that r lemurs ringtail lemurs
Carefully curated trees that r uber high
Hawks and giant eagles
Oops my phone froze
Tap on the glass to say hi to the what now
Theo wants it to come say hi to her
Animal handling check, 10
Can't attract their attention but
The hippos
Asyna has speak with animals LMAO
Basically can't talk to worms
No more tapeworm talk :/
"Theo says hi . This is theo"
"everybody gangsta until they find out jacob thinks barney is a hippo" - dom 2020
Colombian drug lord one time built private zoos and the hippos broke out but now there's a hippo problem in colombia
Pablo escovar
Speak with animals is ten minutes
We're also probably fighting later
We're gonna talk to the hippos
Theo waves
One of them paddles over and tries to sniff
"hm . Can you eat it ?"
"pleaes don't"
 I just remembered seaweed is not a plant it's an algae
This hippo does not have a name
Calls sister sister
"ask about juicy hippo gossip" - adam
"no but if I did I would share it"
Originally zoo was place for research
Anything else to ask hippos before we check out rare animals ?
The hippo floats away and we say bye
To the chault exhibits
Getting late but there r a lot more researchers
First exhibit has a lot of strange, unfamiliar trees
Monkeys w really big fluffy sideburns clustering around overhanging branches bc it's raining
Some of them r taking leaves and using them to keep the rain off
One of the monkeys hops off the branch
The sideburns actually extend into wings and it goes to another branch
"it's like the wizard of oz"
"adam what's the wizard of oz"
Flying monkeys
Adam walks over to a researcher and asks the most must-see
Woman who is probably from chault bc wearing strange woven beret w branches n stuff
Alien to anything they've seen
"I would point you in the direction of the behemoths"
"what are behemoths"
Adam rolls nature check
9, he doesn't know what a behemoth is
She is from chault
Behemoths r considered friends there
Asyna and aerana know where chault is
Everyone else just knows chault is v far away, almost like a nightmare story told to children
Described as a hellscape
"I'd sooner go to chault than-"
Asyna and aerana know chault is a massive island to the sw of the sword coast, home to v tropical, intensely humid climate w lots of rain + some invasions in the past but now things r opening up
We're gonna check out the behemoths
From a distance, this exhibit much larger than others, much more heavily excavated
Not so much walls as railing looking into a deep cavern
All manner of plant life brought in to accommodate the creatures
Huge lizard of some kind
Huge size category
Irl a horse is large
Humans and dwarves are medium
Exhibit says it's a macetail behemoth
Ground trembles w each step of the behemoth
Slow, ponderous
Gigantic armored lizard w tough plating on its back and spikes on the sides of its head w bony, protective coverings all over it
Massive swinging tail protruding bone swinging back and forth as it walks
Looks like that one dinosaur
We would call it an ankylosaurus
Things that go over my head : see description bullet points before this
Tail end of speak with animals
Asyna can turn into dinosaurs
"you look really cool do you have a name"
One of them looks up but doesn't really respond
Doesn't answer
Look for velociraptors
Gonna look at all the exhibits
Spirehorn behemoths
Faces almost look like shields
Alien to us tho
I can't believe that like as dom's explaining these everyone else can like ,, imagine it
Like that's crazy they see pictures inside their heads
Feathered behemoths
Occasionally jump around
Claws and walk around on two legs
Bloodspike behemoth
Stegosaurus, baby and two parents
Asyna can turn into a deinonychus
We have enough time for one more exhibit
We see a creature alone in its pen save for two researchers dropping treats in front of it, other has a pickaxe and is tapping the ground and scooping smth up trailing the creature and brushing it into a bin
Creature reflects rainbow of colors ? I think
Huge snail, has three eyestalks but they kind of droop down and have heavy spikes off each individual one
Cel reads description
Flail snail?
It's a big boi
Described not as a beast but as something that comes from a realm of earth
As it moves it excretes glass
Generally docile but if prodded r really dangerous bc the things it has r more weapons than eyes
Adam asks if it's a petting exhibit
The flail snail is just as slow as a regular snail
"that is the most disgusting magic resistance I've ever seen in my entire life" - jacob 2020
Everything starting to shut down
We realize we should probs skedaddle
Time to find loser boy
Rain has not stopped but has kinda calmed down
Heading straight to the wig shop
Lamps in the trades ward r lit
Brighter than what we've seen recently
Adam peers into the shop
Perception check
6, tries to get water off the window, looks empty
Theo's gonna pick the lock
25, it's a simple lock and theo gets it open easily
Shop is empty
Somewhat eerie for those without darkvision bc the mannequins
Cel will go and investigate the back room, door is locked
Theo tries opening again
23, opens easily
Immediately smells weird powder
A lot of the perfumes for preserving dyes n stuff kept back here
Cel makes a perception check
V organized, neat and tidy
Manhole cover in the back
Sewer system v advanced in waterdeep but also means there's a lot of it
A lot of ppl will build over sewer openings bc cheaper real estate
"sewer access authorized city officials only"
Adam rolls nat20 for boxes
Looking for anything necromancy related, licking things, doing all manners of investigation
Feels a small leather sack, pulls it out, kinda heavy
Opens it up, sees coins that are kind of heavier and thicker; not silver, 5 platinum pieces
Platinum is 10 gp each
Could take the platinums
Scry the money and sack
There are cupboards at the front desk
Necromancy considered suspicious, looked down upon
"ah . It's like watching anime ." - jacob 2020
"no, it's not like watching anime" - dom 2020
The art itself is not a crime but the things that occur in tandem w it r usually crimes
Discussing what to do in character
Cel insight check, 16
Earlier dom mentioned we're aware many ppl in waterdeep use the sewers to traverse unseen in the city; kinda suss the building was built on top of a sewer
Adam is borrowing aerana's warhammer
Adam hits the floor, leaves big dent and a v loud sound
Cel makes strength check w advantage w crowbar
Rolls a 12, can't get it open
Can sort of shift it up
Adam smashes a jar over the floor
Dex check, 5
Cloud of neon yellow sprays out like a cloud of dust and smoke, just the color
Covered in bright yellow dye
Theo tries lockpicking
23, lock is more difficult and takes a little longer, but eventually it opens
Once it's opened, the chains undo themselves and snake out on their own accord
It's just a dark hole
Can see a short drop that leads to a staircase
Adam holds lantern
Cel's just gonna go w adam at the front, pitch dark
Darkvision lets us see to some extent; everything is in grayscale
Lantern beam does help us see a little
Asyna closer to front as well
Leads to a room, 10' x 20'
Descending down short flight of stairs, room totally bare save for a barred door that u can see out of, also locked
Hear faintly some water
Theo rolls 23 for lockpicking
Door opens
Adam investigating room for secret door, tunnel, anything
Investigation check, 10 and 5 for investigation checks
Look around but room is barren
Nothing stashed anywhere, nothing to indicate a secret door or anything
Adam and cel step out, to immediate right extends for 10ish feet before merging into wall
Directly in front is water and like a sewer river flowing to the right
"are there any rats" "make a perception check" "nat 1"
To left, passage curves so hard to see but for at least 40 or so feet the pathway continues
Adam rolls another 5 for investigation check
We eventually get to a small stone bridge
I FORGOT I RESEARCHED THE SEWER SYSTEMS idk if I should bring it up I brought it up
A 15 intelligence check
Waterdeep's sewers are a subject of fascination for the city
You know the passageway like the one ur in often has arteries or iron doors set in them leading to different areas
Also know sometimes due to poor planning or smth some areas without walkways also have access tunnels
There's a bridge ? Nasty water under it
Over the bridge we go
Cel rolls a 22, plenty of damp areas around ,, no light in the passage, walking for a minute or so and w each step just hear a wet squelching noise; we're leaving behind wet, muddy footprints
No sign of recent mud in front of us
10 minutes go by and every once in a while pass side arteries w more sewage flowing in
This part seems relatively well planned
Can only go straight ? No other curvature in the path
Traveling south
"I'm gonna try and get that rat" - adam 2020
Adam picks up the rat for sleight of hand check
"you're able to grab up that rat pretty good" - dom 2020
Adam holds rat out to asyna and tells her to do her thing
"hey buddy"
"uh you have to cast your spell first"
"hey pal how's it going"
"let me go"
"uh we'll let you go if you answer some of our questions"
"don't even"
"no he's saying don't eat him"
"my friend here holding you is gonna take a big chomp of you if you don't answer our questions"
"have you seen anyone"
"don't know"
"I open my mouth"
"I kind of want to squeak" - marguerite 2020
Rat points north
Adam wants a piece of string to tie onto the rat like a leash
Adam is starting to feel short of breath after 10 minutes of walking
"that's either from the powder . Or the key"
Adam doesn't feel indigestion right now just that it's difficult to get air
Adam tries to tie a leash to the rat
Dex check
Rat runs away
We go back the way we came, another 10 minutes, we pass three of those stone bridges
Cel investigation checks the dead end again, adam will give bardic inspiration
"Open sesame" - song
18, nothing there
It's a maze, we'll try naya
Adam takes out sack of platinum
Naya appears, looks around and shudders and bounds away
Following the deer
Naya is guiding back to where we originally where
Moving south again
Looks at passage back again passage then vanishes
Naya was standing on one of the bridges
First artery
It's a passage
We gotta wade through the sewer
Aerana readies weapon
Wading through, halflings get disgusting smth in their boots
Passage goes 20 ft before turning on a diagonal, turn onto passageway then it extends v far into distance
"adam's adding to the sewage right now probably" - jacob 2020
Adam's feeling lightheaded
Cel makes medicine check on adam
Rolls a 6, don't know what's wrong bud
Adam rolls around in the sewer water to get the powder off ??
I guess he is
Adam makes a constitution save, a 3
The yellow stuff is off but adam is smeared in shit
Did I make a good or bad decision
We keep going but adam feels better like fine like nothing's wrong
Oh no adam's gonna die it's like hypothermia where u feel super hot at first then u die
Passageway stretches on for awhile until coming across a rusty ironed door raised so that we'd have to step up to access it
Aerana makes perception check on the door, 20 not a nat
Hears people shouting and what appears to be a cat
Can't tell if the shouting is bad or not
Theo wrings out cape
Go up to the door, realize there's no lock; the entire lock has fallen out bc the door is so rusty
Adam checks door for traps, 12 investigation
Does not appear to be trapped, looks p old
Adam is in middle, cel towards back, aerana at front
About 25' ahead is a wider chamber and a door set into the wall, the areas are lit
We already walked through the rusty door
Massive screeching sound that came from the door when u opened it
Gotta b stealthy
Door to the right is unlocked
Adam opens the door open, looks like a storage room w different crates and sacks; bland
Some water barrels, adam pours it on himself; the rest of us also do it
Moving into room adjacent to passageway; triangle things in the wall has arrow stuff to make it easier to fire from but the room looks abandoned
Deeper in we go
Don't go that far but hit a wider room extending out 40'
Center of the room; at one point looks like there was a wall covering the room but has since collapsed; several ppl looking at us
Far corner opposite to us is an old halfling man in dark robes, clutching wound at chest, long gray braid down back staring at us as if he heard we were coming
In front of him are two smiling skeletons
It's the necromancer
The skeletons r also looking at us
They appear to be guarding him
In front of skeletons are three kenku looking at us
Bingbong is not one of the kenku
"I can explain" - adam
"we came down here and I was covered in shit and" adam casts pyrotechnics centered in between skeletons and kenku
Aerana, 19
Cel, 17
Asyna, 15
Adam, 15
Theo, 9
Holds attack, if kenku move within 5 ft of her she'll attack
Skeletons have bows and shortswords
Kenkus have shortswords
Will hold an action if attacked
Appear to b human skeletons, medium size
Lash out at kenku
One kenku able to parry away an attack, other skeleton slashes another kenku
Attacks kenku closest to her, the one not hit
15, "what are you attacking with" "iiiiiiiii don't knowwwwwwwwwww"
Asyna turns into ape
Runs up to terrified kenku
Swings both times but it gets out of the way and hisses like a cat
Casts pyrotechnics on kenku
One passes, one fails
Failed one is blinded for next turn
Cutting words on the kenku by asyna
Tries to escape, skeleton misses and kenku staggers away and starts feeling way along wall and runs into room west of where we are
Other one
Makes attack on skeleton, half of ribcage slashed but it's still standing
Other other one
Tries to attack ape, misses
Stands up, tries to flee
Hits kenku that tried to get asyna, 5 damage
Has sneak attack, deals 12 damage
Arrow shot into neck, still alive but not for long
13 damage to other kenku
"how do you want to do this"
Kenku drops dead
Skeleton turns smiling to aerana
15 to hit, 6 damage, dead
"how do you want to do this"
Pulls arrow back as far as she can "and I don't know if it's bingbong, but I'm gonna pretend it's bingbong and shoot it right through his eye socket"
"I want to keep bingbong as a pet" - jacob 2020
"kenku are sentient beings, that would be slavery" - dom 2020
Looking around we see the bodies of three other kenku and remains of two other skeletons
The skeletons attack aerana
One hits, 3 damage
Goes into the room to follow the halfling and the kenku
Some kind of exit around
The blinded kenku is in here
Can reach halfling or kenku
Marguerite wants to hug the halfling
Athletics check to do it
Old man screams but asyna can hold him, unable to escape
Kenku still feeling around on the floor
Follows asyna
Gonna cast sleep
Kenku falls asleep
Yells over at the halfling
"can you call off your skeletons please"
Loser boy's turn
I don't remember how to spell losser unless it's losser
Tries to escape asyna's grasp
"he does not escape your grasp"
Asyna rolls another athletics check
17, he does not escape
14 to hit, 16 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Arrow to the skull just goes really far in and the skull falls off as do misc bones
Misses hit
Tries to thrust forward w sword but it drops and contracts, sword slipping through ribcage
19 to hit
8 damage, hits shoulder and arm falls off
Waddles the halfling over to adam
Gives him a little squeeze
baned halfling
And cutting words
No cutting words nvm
Asyna rolls a 25
Can't squirm out
"unhand me there are more of them there are more kenku"
"ok. Bye bye skeleton boy"
22 to hit
12 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Hits him in the smile; teeth knocked out and all of it collapses like a xylophone type noise as the bones hit the floor
Out of combat
Aerana ties up sleeping kenku
Adam casts charm person
Cel is gonna loot
Investigation check, 7
10 gold combined on the kenku; takes
Halfling is charmed to consider adam a dear old friend
Says he just finished work on his new purse; his fanny pack (basically)
Not sure we recognize the material
Adam says he knows who sent the kenku
"you have the stone"
"they stole it from me"
Says he randomly found a nice stone from a rat
Adam puts his hand on loser boy's shoulder and asks if he wants to work from home
Trying to convince loser boy to come with us
The purse is made out of elf skin
Bc it's supple
Adam trying to get a magical weapon out of loser boy
Has a potion that protects from necromancers
Persuasion check, 24
Goes into side closet
Damage resist potion
Aerana kills him
Wow are you ?? Desensitized ?? Are you desensitized or does it help not being able to see anything ever
Adam rummages through loser boy's desk
Investigation check, 15
False bottom to one of the desk drawers w 100 gold inside
Cel investigation checks loser boy, 13
Finds a little wand w a skull tip
Adam is gonna look at the purse
This bag is a faint gold
Adam shakes the kenku awake, wisdom 13 saving throw
Charm person
Making dog noises
"you want to take us to your friends"
"I don't know where they are"
"then let's just go back to your base"
"get back to base ? No one knows where that is"
Adam introduces himself, mentions bingbong
Gets theo and cel's names, mimics sound of a hammer hitting metal when asked his name
His name is bonk now
Asks asyna's name, asyna is still an ape
Big hairy git
Aerana says she'll trade information for her name
Adam swings warhammer into ground to threaten kinda
Adam makes 12 insight check
We don't recognize any of the voices he uses
Asks if we live in a hole
Asks if the house is nice
Copies adam's voice for the house boom
Adam asks if he knows about the puppet
"couldn't tell you if I knew"
Nat20 adam runs insight check across entire conversation
He's lying abt not knowing where his friends are
Adam asks him why he was lying
Hear a voice we've never heard before
But this one in particular is bizarre and warped as if it's through some filter
"do you know what happens when you lie to me"
Anyone w passive perception over 9 hears a bottle break and a door slam in one of the rooms to the south
Cel hits his brain basically
Some of you starting to piece together that smth strange is happening
Pattering of footsteps from room to the south
Session over for the night
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disrespectfullcalum · 5 years
A roaring fire (2/?)
Pairing: Bjorn Ironside x OC
Word count: 2.122
Summary: Bjorn comes back after a long raid to find a new healer in town. She’s living on her own, trying to make a living and raise her brother while secretly wanting to be a warrior herself. Bjorn makes it his mission to see the distant Ríkví smile at least once - but does he know what he’s getting himself into?
Warnings: mentioning of death & violence; drinking; name-calling; kinda slow-burn; lots of swearing (later parts)
A/N: Second part is here! It’s longer than I thought, but well. Also, the song in here is originally from the movie Brave (link) and so, yeah, it is actually Scottish. But let’s just pretend they also sing it in Kattegat, alright? As usual, feedback/likes/reblogs/etc are most welcome! xx
It had been long eight weeks since he left his home. The Gods had not been kind and they had not only lost some of their treasures to the sea, but they also lost good men. Bjorn did not take that lightly, it was a shame whenever a man couldn’t return home to his family and he was a lucky man that he always came back in one piece.
The crowd had gathered at the harbour of Kattegat to greet him and the other men, screaming out names in joy and some in pain, taking in the plenty of treasure that they brought with them. A huge smile formed on his face when he spotted his smaller brothers waiting for him. It had been weird at first when his parents seperated but he realised over time that it had been for the best. His mother was now an Earl in her own right after murdering her abusive husband and his father was thriving as King of Kattegat. Though Ragnar now was nearing his 55th nameday and had quite a few strands of grey in his beard and hair, he still made an impression and would never see himself as an old man.
“I’m glad to see you back, my son.” Ragnar spoke with his booming voice and hugged his eldest son tightly. When he finally released him, the woman next to him made a few steps forward and curtsied slightly in front of Bjorn. The Prince only chuckled, placed his big hands on her shoulders and gave her a kiss on each cheek. “There’s no need to do that, Brunhild.” He spoke warmly as she rose and smiled at him. “I’m just paying my respects to the great adventurer and Prince of Kattegat who also happens to be the eldest son of my dear husband.” Brunhild said with a slight cheek in her voice which caused Ragnar to grin broadly. She was his third wife now and set to bear some more children to his name who would carry on the bloodline of the Ragnarssons.
Behind his father stood Bjorn’s half-brothers: Ubbe, who greeted him with a big smile on his face and a strong clap on the shoulder. He was the oldest of the four and already very skilled with the sword. It would not be long until he would be allowed to join on his first raid so that he too could become a warrior in his own right. Next were Hvitsverk and Sigurd, both just a year apart in age and close in their development as men. The latter had just received his arm ring days before Bjorn had left and wore it proudly – he had been a true pain in the ass when Hvitsverk had gotten his one first! They both grinned at their big brother and Hvitsverk immidiately started asking questions about where they had been, what they brought with them, and many more. But Bjorn simply stated that he would answer all his questions later when they had time before turning to his youngest brother, Ivar. He was quite small for his age and not as well-developed as Bjorn had been at 10, but his mind was that of an old man.
“There’s going to be a feast tonight for you and your men, but you probably should freshen up a bit. If there are any men injured, you send them to Ríkví – she will be an inviting change!” Ragnar laughed, knowing exactly how the young woman would react upon seeing roughly seven vikings at her door: all smelly, sweaty, and without the company of an attractive woman for weeks. She’d be furios!
Bjorn’s brows arched at the name. Ríkví… he couldn’t recall any woman living in Kattegat with that name. But then again, there were always new people here whenever he came back from a raid and when he stayed here as well. “So Helgard did retire at least?” The man had been the healer at this town for as long as the young man could remember. Brunhild smiled slightly and nodded while looking after the younger Ragnarssons who were already leaving the landing. “In a way, yes. He is still the main healer and will continue to do so as long as he lives – his words, not mine – but he took Ríkví on as a…” She left the words hanging in the air for a few seconds before continuing. “She cares mostly for the younger ones. And the women.” She was stroking her growing belly as she spoke which made Bjorn smile slightly. As it seemed, his father had been busy with continuing his bloodline.
But the thought also struck something inside of him which he didn’t like at all. Jealousy. His 28th nameday had passed last autumn and he still lived on his own, without a wife or children. Most of his men prayed to Odin that they would make it back to their family or that their children wouldn’t grow up without a father. Bjorn wished mostly for the well-being of his father and his brothers. Not that there were no possibilities – there had been many and Bjorn wasn’t one to keep a willing lady out of his bed! But it had always been more of an adventure to him, nothing too serious and definitely not love. He had been in love with a girl before and it had seemed like she loved him as well, but then she went and married some other man that had been into more fights and to more raids than Bjorn at the time. He was 18 at the time and lovesick like a fool – a feeling he never wanted to experience again. It made him feel weak which he couldn’t allow himself to be. He was Bjorn Ironside!
“C’mon now. Your father will want to celebrate your homecoming with lots of ale and won’t take it lightly if you don’t do the same.” Brunhild gave him a slight pat on the chest before walking ahead of him, away from the water towards the buildings that made up Kattegat.
It was true that Ragnar liked to celebrate with lots of ale and mead whenever his son or his warriors came back from a raid – especially when it was as successful as this one had been. The men were sharing their stories of the cities they plundered, the money and precious gems they brought home, and how they made some of the people their slaves. Everyone knew that most of the women and young girls had been dishonored at least once because that was just how the vikings were.
Bjorn never participated in telling such stories. He took no pride in fucking a woman who was too scared to move and oviously not enjoying herself. So, he didn’t do it but who was he to tell his men to stop it? It was a viking custom and he simply decided not to take part in it. Of course he had done so when he was a young and impressionable boy who went on his first raids and wanted to be just like the other warriors there! It hadn’t been easy to explain to the other men when they went and he stayed in camp – but he was Bjorn Ironside and most of them thought that now there were just more left for them.
Now, he was listening to his friends telling their stories of victory while watching the room. His family sat at a table on a little platform at one end of the room so that they would see everyone and everyone could see them when they entered the big hall. There were some other tables at the sides of the hall, placed around the big fire in the middle of it. A lot of people fit into the hall, men and women alike and Bjorn spotted some younger children here and there. They likely stole food from the tables to take with them outside where they now could play without the adults watching over them. A smile lingered in the corner of his mouth as he watched a particularly bold girl sneaking up between some drunken guys and taking the fresh meat right off their plates. She ran like a whirlwind on her way out as the men realised what had happened and tried to get up in time.
At some point, music had begun to play and a few people got up to dance around the fire. As Brunhild went to join them with some lady friends of hers, Bjorn moved to sit next to his father as he had sat with his friends. “Boy or girl?” He asked with a grin and took another swig from his cup. Ragnar barely moved his eyes away from his beautiful wife to glance at his eldest and grinned as well. “A girl if the Gods are good. Odin knows I have enough sons to send into battle, it is time for some shieldmaidens!” There was pride in his voice as he talked. Ragnar loved all of his sons but he wished for a girl this time. The gods had taken Gydda far too soon after he held her in his arms all those years ago – barely a week old. Bjorn had been four at the time and still remembered the cries full of pain and anger by his parents that filled the nights at the hut for months.
“I pray for it every day.” Bjorn answered simply and then joined his father in watching the women dancing. The musicians played a tune he didn’t recognize but apparently some of the younger women did as they quickly fell into pace: They all danced in unison, entrancing everyone with their turns and jumps. But there was one he had never seen before – her hair swinging just a bit more, her turns more of a natural movement than a learned step, her eyes closed as she seemed to feel the music rather tan hearing it.
Where dark woods hide secrets And mountains are fierce and bold Deep waters hold reflections Of times lost long ago
Bjorn didn’t know who had started singing and he didn’t care. All he knew was that he couldn’t stop watching her as she came closer to their side of the hall with the circle the ladies had formed.
I will hear their every story Take hold of my own dream Be as strong as the seas are stormy And proud as an eagle's scream I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky
The music stopped and Bjorn felt like he had been ripped out of a dream. His cup stood forgotten on the table in front of him as he watched the young women lose her stiffen position from the end of the dance and joined the other girls in their chatter and laughter. Apparently his gaze had gotten noticed by either one of her friends or herself as she slowly raised her head and looked straight at him.
Bjorn was taken aback a little by her boldness. She simply looked at him without even a hint of a smile or any emotion before raising her chin a little higher, turning on her heel and leaving the hall. “Try not to look so much like a lost puppy, son. Doesn’t suit your reputation well.” The amusement in Ragnar’s voice was clear and Bjorn wanted to retort something just as Ubbe joined them, confusion clear on his face. “Where’s she gone? You didn’t tell her anything, did you?” Even at 16, his voice still tended to get pitchy when the teenager yelled, got upset or just hadn’t his emotion in line. At the moment, he was clearly upset but Bjorn had no idea what he was talking about. “Who should I have told nothing?”
Ubbe huffed and crossed his arms in front of him. “Ríkví’s mine, not yours to take, brother. Not like she’s gonna like you anyway. Not into that beefy, big guy type of a viking.” He regained his composure and managed to send a glare at his brother that was probably meant to be intimidating. Ragnar laughed out loud at the words of his second son and patted him on the shoulder lovingly. “Any woman here is fair game until she’s married, Ubbe. So you should probably get into that if you seriously wanna protect her from your big, beefy brother!” A tomato couldn’t be redder than Ubbe’s face right now. He huffed a last time and quickly made his way through the hall to leave.
Bjorn sat there, still a litte starstruck at the whole situation. What in the name of Odin had just happened here?
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 41
Link was the last one out of the building. It was finally Friday, and the world had been fairly quiet. There were no further appearances from the Shadow Beasts, no sign that the third portal had been open, and in general, no sign of Ganondorf's revival, but that only made Link feel more uneasy. He was preparing. It was only a matter of time before he made his next move.
He looked over as his friends were huddled together at the corner of the building where they usually stood. Revali leaned against his car, just outside of the huddle, his arms folded over his chest. They seemed to be surrounding Urbosa, and he approached them curiously. He peered over Mipha’s shoulder to see what was going on. Urbosa stood with a letter in her hand, frowning.
“What are we looking at?” he asked, moving his gaze around the circle.
“Urbosa got an acceptance letter,” Riju said. Her gaze was hard on Link’s.
Link hesitated. “Isn’t that… good?”
Mipha sighed softly and shook her head, disappointed in his stupidity.
“I have to tell them no,” Urbosa said quietly.
Link’s brows furrowed together and he took the letter from her hands. His eyes scanned it quickly. “We are pleased to inform you… blah blah blah… your shining performance… blah… ideal candidate… blah… scholarship of $50,000 to cover your first year…” Link moved his gaze back to Urbosa. “This is your dream school,” he said. “They gave you fifty-freaking-thousand-dollars. What do you mean you’re going to say no?”
Urbosa met his gaze. She hesitated. “Link… I only get two months this summer before I have to move half way across the world to go to this school. And one of those months is a four week prep course I need to take before I move in.” She paused, waiting for him to put the pieces together, but it became clear she would have to spell it out for him. “I can’t possibly go to college and try to defend Hyrule from Ganondorf's forces.”
Link blinked at her. He handed the letter back to her. “No one said you were required to help us,” he said with a shrug.
“I have to,” Urbosa said sternly. “You sad bunch need all the help you can get.”
Link shook his head. “This is more important.”
“More important than our lives?” Urbosa hissed. “My dream school won’t matter if we’re all dead.” She hesitated, her voice lowering. “I can always… apply next year, or something.”
“Look,” Link said sternly. “I never asked for your help. I never asked for anyone’s help. As far as I’m concerned, Zelda and I are the only ones that need to do this.”
“It better be finished by next year,” Zelda muttered. “Because I won’t give up my dream school for anything.”
Link ignored her. “You volunteered yourself,” he continued. “You want an out? Here it is. Get out. Get out while you still can.”
“I don’t want an out,” Urbosa hissed. “I volunteered for this. I’m in it to win it.”
“Well, I don’t want you here,” Link snapped. “I won’t be responsible for anyone getting killed.”
They were silent for a moment, the idea of putting their own lives on the line weighing heavily on their minds.
Riju crossed her arms. “Link has a point,” she said. “He obviously can’t even take care of himself. You’re all gonna fucking die if you stick around with him.”
“You’re not even supposed to know about this,” Urbosa hissed to her sister.
Riju looked up into the sky. “I may not have any super powers, but as an outsider, can I just say, you’re all in way over your heads. Who has to die before you realize that? You’re all damn lucky you made it this far. And if you let Urbosa die, so help me, you will feel my wrath. I bet I’ve got that power in me. I’ll shock you into oblivion, so help me Goddess.”
Link sighed and pinched at the bridge of his nose. “I’m doing this alone from here on out,” he said simply. He turned away from them and shoved his hands in his jeans pockets.
Revali stood up and moved away from his car. He stepped in front of Link, his brows knit together fiercely. “Look,” he said. “We’re all involved in this. One way or another, we’re gonna finish it. We don’t have much of a choice. The fate of this world is on our shoulders. If we all bail, we’re all doomed. Get it? I don’t like it anymore than you do, but we’re not about to ditch. I can’t believe you would think any of us would do that. I thought you thought better of us.”
“Don’t try to turn this around on me,” Link hissed.
“Get over it, tough guy,” Revali said, pushing passed him. “You don’t scare me. You’re nothing without that sword and Triforce, anyway.” He smirked at Link as he made his way back to his car and jumped into the seat without opening the door. The sports car roared to life as he turned the key in the ignition. “Smell ya later, bitches,” he said as he pulled out of the parking lot. He paused next to Link. “Urbosa’s going to that school one way or another. I’ll kill you myself if she doesn’t get this chance. So you better wrap this war up quick.”
Link said nothing as Revali pulled out of the lot and onto the road, the engine roaring loudly as he drove away. Revali had a point, anyway. Without the sword and Triforce, he was just a scrawny nobody.
Mipha watched as Link left them alone without so much as a goodbye. Daruk called after him, but when he didn't respond, he hurried to catch up with his friend, leaving Mipha and Urbosa alone. Urbosa folded the letter up and tucked it in her bag with a sigh.
“How are you doing?” she asked Mipha.
“I don't think my love problems compare to your college problems right now,” she muttered.
Urbosa smiled. “True love comes but once in a lifetime,” she said. “I can catch the college train the next time it comes around. It runs on a pretty regular schedule.”
Mipha rolled her eyes but said nothing further, distracted by vibrating in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and scrunched her nose when she saw Zelda's name on the screen. She hesitated, letting it ring a few times before begrudgingly answering it.
“Hey,” Zelda said. Her voice was wary. “I kinda have a huge favor to ask of you. Do you time to meet me today?”
“Sure, I guess.” She listened as Zelda gave her strict instructions, which included a time and place to meet her. She was very cryptic, but Mipha did not question her.
“Who was that?” Urbosa asked when Mipha hung up the phone.
Urbosa frowned in an attempt not to look catty. Even though she didn't dislike Zelda, she felt obligated to hate her for the sake of her friend. “What does she want?”
“I don't know,” Mipha said. “Wanted to ask me a favor. I gotta go meet up with her.”
“Odd.” She paused for a moment. “And you're going to help her?”
“I guess so.”
“Even though you kinda hate her right now?”
Mipha sighed. “It's not her fault,” she said. “Besides. I should probably stay on her good side. But Link is dead to me.”
Urbosa laughed. “Call me later,” she said over her shoulder as she made her way across the parking lot. “I want all the gossip.”
It was getting dark when Mipha found Zelda, sitting atop the trunk of her car in the empty parking lot just outside one of the city parks. The swings in the empty playground swung lazily in the breeze, making an eerie squeaking sound that could have only been the start of a horror movie. Hesitant, Mipha approached Zelda.
“What's this big favor?”
Zelda looked up from the open book in her hands, her expression very serious. “I need your help,” she said simply. She moved the book at an angle that Mipha could see it, inviting her in to investigate it.
Mipha peered at the text on the pages, but she couldn't make heads or tails of any of it. Her brows furrowed. “What is this?”
“It's ancient Hylian,” Zelda explained. “I found this book, among others, a while back. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but when I asked Impa about them, she didn't seem to want me to have anything to do with them. Next thing I know, they're all gone. Impa hid them from me.” She looked down at the book, her brows knit together. “Impa is hiding something from us, though I'm not sure why. But I'm going to find out.” She turned her gaze back to Mipha, closing the book. “I've been teaching myself how to read ancient Hylian, and I've managed to find a few of the books that were missing. But I can't possibly do all this by myself.” She hesitated, her gaze softening. “You're the smartest person I know. I need to know what these books say. Will you help me?”
Mipha hesitated, looking from the book to Zelda. “I don't understand,” she said slowly. “Impa... she's supposed to be helping us.”
Zelda's expression hardened once more. She looked down at the book. “I know. I don't trust her. I don't know who I can trust.”
“So, why trust me?” Mipha asked.
Zelda was quiet for a moment. “Well,” she began. “I like to think we're fighting for the same thing. And if I can't trust my own comrades, then I won't get very far in this world.” She sighed loudly. “And if it turns out you all betray me, I think I'll be able to kill you all easily enough.” She grinned up at Mipha. “So? Are you in?”
Mipha nodded. “Alright,” she said. “But, this sounds dangerous. If anyone finds out, I'm throwing you under the bus.”
Zelda hopped off the car and threw open the trunk. “Deal.” She dug through various items, pulling a few more books out of the blankets they were wrapped in. She handed them to Mipha and jabbed her finger into one of the covers. “This is the best thing I've found to help translate ancient Hylian,” she said. “You'll need it.”
Mipha hugged the books close to her chest, bidding Zelda a goodnight before making her way back towards the street. She looked down at the books as she walked, still pondering Zelda's words to her. It seemed strange that a Sheikah would go to such lengths to keep information from not only the princess of Hyrule, but the chosen heroes who were supposed to save the entire world. She couldn't blame Zelda for being so cautious and wanting to get to the bottom of the secrets hidden in the texts. Still, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Not only did she have finals to study for, but now Hyrule's princess was giving her homework, too. Sometimes being one of the smartest students in school came at a price.
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667-darkavenue · 6 years
young legends die all the time (part two.)
allurance gang au. heads up for mention of blood and injuries.
read part one here
or read the whole thing on ao3 here
The next day, Allura introduced him to Shiro—The friendly neighborhood paladin that everyone and their mother knew, idolized by all the boys on this side of town. Lance’s first assignment was to shadow him, learn the ropes from him. It felt like being promoted from valet guy to vice president.
Just from trailing behind Shiro, Lance became a somebody overnight. Everybody seemed to know him. And they treated him like... well, pretty hot shit. He didn’t wait in line for a bagel and coffee in the deli anymore. The owner knew who he was with and he’d beckon Lance out of the queue, right up to the counter. He memorized Lance’s order and made sure he was taken care of first, every single morning. The neighbors didn’t park in his family’s space anymore, even though Lance’s family didn’t have a car at the moment. One day, some random kids carried his mother’s groceries all the way home for her.
It felt amazing. And it was all because of the royal family. The people of the city knew Lance was one cog in the system that kept them taken care of. Serving the royal family was serving everyone. Paladins got more love than the cops.
Things escalated quickly on the job, though. Lance found out that he could kill. And that killing could feel fine.
Lance’s first kill was a cop who’d been acquitted three times for the murders of three different teenagers of color. He hit the target in one shot. Quick, clean, possibly painless. Even on these so-called “dirty” assignments, Lance felt like a guardian angel. When reported back to Allura, she cupped his face and kissed his cheek.
Most businesses depended on the royal family’s protection from criminals that came from the bad side of the city. So, Alfor got tributes from everyone living on the nice side of town.
In what seemed like no time at all, Lance was making more money than both his parents. The money freed them from exploitative jobs and worrying about bills and taking the subway to work. They could stay home, cook five meals a day, and take care of the grandkids.
The icing on top of this fantastic cake? He got to see his favorite person most days and nights! After enough time paying his dues and proving his chops, Shiro put a good word in for Lance. He got promoted from grunt to personal driver. “Driver,” however, was a loose title that didn’t encapsulate most parts of the job.
Allura was untouchable. As her driver, it was Lance’s responsibility to make sure that remained an unbreakable fact. Stay by her side, obey her, watch her back, and keep her hands clean. Allura would never ever sever an ear or break a finger or toss someone in the trunk. Yet still, every bad guy in a 30 mile radius had nightmares about her.
Sometimes Lance worried what she thought of him. Times like when he popped open the trunk in the garage and fumbled with black-gloved fingers to unbutton his shirt. She lingered at his side and stared like she wanted to help. But she knew better than to get her hands on the evidence. If anything at all got traced back to her father, the entire castle would come crumbling down. Lance eventually managed to get the white shirt speckled with red open and shrugged it off, tossed it into the trunk. Bloody gloves got flung in there after it and he pulled a clean shirt on.
This time, Allura reached out to help with it. “I’m going to verify if what we learned about the location is true.”
Lance carefully tucked the rosary dangling over his chest beneath his shirt as she buttoned it up for him. “Naw, it’s gonna be over by the time we do that. We can finish this tonight, while we still have the element of surprise.”
Tonight’s mission was to interrupt an attempted ransom. Some guy found himself on the wrong side of town and didn’t make it back. His family were well off enough to afford the price the Witch forced them to pay to see their son again, but the King couldn’t let this slide. Watching out for your own means everything.
“But it’s Friday,” Allura argued.
Friday nights were milkshake night.
“The diner doesn’t close! Late night shakes are the best.”
“It’s already late night.”
“I’ll pop in and out. You just sit somewhere looking pretty while I collect your money. I’ll be looking pretty, too.”
Her lips twitched, trying not to smile and failing. “See you at the diner, then.”
Shiro’s team went into the Witch’s territory to rescue the kidnapped son while Lance and Allura investigated the ransom money’s location. Everything would be returned to the Holt family. And if the family wanted to let the King keep the ransom money as a thank you, well... That’s just being polite, isn’t it?
Lance dropped Allura off at the Moonstruck Diner, then drove on to the drop location by himself. The spot turned out to be the parking lot of a dinky little shopping center on the bad side of town. He only needed to drive by once to spot the best vantage point. Lance parked his car in the back alley of an apartment complex across the street and quietly crept all the way up the fire escape. On the roof, he found a spot where the shadows could hide him well and got to work assembling his rifle. Clicking the pieces into place was strangely calming work. So was leaning down to look through the eyepiece and preparing to wait.
Unlike Allura, Lance was not untouchable. Far from it.
He didn’t know how long someone had been in the shadows of that rooftop with him, also waiting. A hand clapped over the bottom of Lance’s face, smothering a rag over his mouth and nose. He tried to hold his breath as he was yanked backwards, against a broad chest. That wasn’t much use. He refused to inhale as he struggled, but a massive punch on the side of his head knocked Lance right the fuck out anyway.
A slap to the face brought him back. He winced, clenching his teeth and eyes shut. His arms and legs were numb. His vision was blurred and drowned out by a way too bright lamp swinging right in his eyes, drilling a headache straight through to the back of his head. He was disoriented, but simultaneously adrenalized by a fight-or-flight response. It felt like his nerves were lighting up beneath layers of gauze.
“Hel-lo!” Another slap stung his cheek.
Through the blinding lamplight, a redhead with wide blue eyes came into focus for him. Pretty cute. In the shadows of the room beyond her, Lance spotted three other girl. A huge one, a short-haired one, and… Oh, wait. One’s a guy.
“Look at this, Allura’s dog has left her lap for once,” he drawled.
The redhead giggled. “Nah, he was just fetching her something.”
Lance looked down. His arms and legs were bound several times over.
“Tell us where she’s waiting for you.”
“Pfft,” Lance scoffed.
The girl pinched his chin between two fingers and yanked his face back up. “We have ways of making you ta-alk,” she sing-songed.
“What, slap me again? Jokes on you, I kinda like it.”
Her draw was extraordinary. Some hella Bruce Lee movement, almost too fast for the eye to see. He only realized she’d taken a gun out when he felt the butt of it bash against his cheek hard enough to rattle his teeth. His head snapped to the side with a breathless yelp. Fuck, that hurt. Warmth trickled down the side of his face. It dripped red on the clean shirt he’d changed into.
The girl lifted his chin up with the barrel of the gun, making Lance meet her eyes again. “Keep acting cute and see what happens.”
She smiled, sweet and bubbly. He tasted copper in his mouth. Now, Lance started to get really scared. He had heard of this gang and he knew how ugly interrogations can get. Hell, he’d conducted one himself that same night—which was a trap he walked right into, Lance realized several hours too late. He should’ve listened to Allura instead of rushing off to impress her.
“Let’s bring it back now,” the guy said. “Where is Allura meeting you?”
Lance swallowed, feeling the gun barrel tap his throat as he did. The ropes around his legs were bound too tightly for Lance to move a centimeter. Still, he kept his mouth shut. It was weird. He wasn’t the quiet type. But he could stay quiet. He could hold out. His people would be coming for him. Any minute. Any minute now. Please, fuck, someone had to be coming for him.
The huge girl stepped forward, into the light. “C’mon, let me smash some fingers as a warmup.”
“That’s a start.” From a scabbard Lance had not noticed hanging from the ringleader, Lotor’s, waist until now, he pulled out a freaking sword. How tacky.
Nonetheless, the whisper of it unsheathing made Lance’s blood run cold. His eyes went from the glint of the blade, to the big one’s knuckle cracks, to the quiet one cocking her own gun. A pair of hands slid down his shoulders, almost gentle. From behind, the redhead slipped her fingers beneath his half-buttoned shirt and pulled out a rosary. She twirled the cross in her fingers and hummed. Then, started winding the beads around her hand.
“We got alllll night to play with you,” Ezor cooed, tightening the beads around his neck until it hurt. Until he couldn’t breathe. Until the beads snapped.
A neon sign that spelled “Moonstruck” flickered pale blue light across Allura’s face. Throughout the diner, friends and couples chattered loudly, laughed obnoxiously. She was the only one sitting alone.
The whipped cream on top of her milkshake had melted to a white puddle that spilled down the sides of her untouched drink and pooled around the glass base. The waitresses kept looking in her direction with sad, sympathetic expressions. At first, Allura felt embarrassed. Now, she felt afraid.
When Lance came back to consciousness, his lungs were filled with smoke. His own coughing had startled him awake. He didn’t know he had blacked out in the first place. How long had he been out?
His eyes opened to plumes of grey drifting across the sky, covering the stars. And a view right up Shiro’s nose. Lance was being carried, apparently. Not gently, either. Shiro was running. Lance’s nerves seemed to wake up a few seconds behind, but the rough jostling sparked them right back to life. In a split second, he went from feeling numb to his bones to feeling like every inch beneath his skin was made of exposed wires rubbing against each other. Lance tried a garbled attempt at screaming a curse, but it sounded more like someone shouting “Fuuuuck!” while tumbling face-first down a flight of stairs.
“Sorry!” Shiro huffed.
It sounded sincere, but that was undercut by the fact that Shiro unapologetically flung him into the open backseat of a car moments later. Lance made a sound like someone screaming “SHIT!” while hurtling face-first down a flight of stairs.
Everything happened in the span of three seconds. Shiro climbed in after Lance and someone else dove in from the other side, smushing him into the middle seat. “Owowowow,” he complained at being shoved to sit upright with absolutely no tenderness. The engine roared and tires screeched against asphalt. The car was already peeling out of there before every open door had slammed shut.
Then silence. Only the sounds of five people panting filled the car. Keith in the driver’s seat, frowning at the road as he weaved around traffic and refused to stop at a single red light. On the passenger side, Allura spun in her seat to look at Lance—or tried to, but something tugged her back.
“Are you—” She whipped back around mid-sentence. “Ah, shit, my skirt’s caught in the door.” She turned again, more carefully this time. “Are you okay?”
The slight wince when she got a proper look at him in between passing streetlamps was a hint that he didn’t look okay. Lance took stock of everything he remembered before passing out. His right leg: fucked. His right fingers: fucked. Both sides of his previously beautiful face: fucked.
And he took stock of new fuck-ups he didn’t remember, so probably happened post-blackout. Most notably, his nose and his shoulder: fucked.
Without waiting for an answer, Allura assured, “We’re taking you to emergency. You’ll be alright.”
“Yeah, well, my lucky necklace broke. Will emergency fix that?” Lance turned to the paladin on his other side in an attempt to include them. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized it was not one of them. “WHOA. The fuck is she doing here?”
For the past minute, he’d been literally rubbing elbows with one of the girls from Lotor’s squad.
“Acxa’s a double agent,” Keith chimed in.
“She shot me back there!”
“I grazed you.”
Lance groaned. “Ugh, pedantics.”
“Semantics,” Acxa corrected.
“Ughhh,” he repeated.
At that point, Shiro intervened. “We wouldn’t have known where you were taken if it wasn’t for her. We couldn’t have gotten in, either.”
“Fine, thanks, but I’m just saying—You let me think I was gonna get murdered. I mean, you coulda winked or something!”
“A wink would help?” Acxa asked flatly.
“Uh, yeah! Gimme some hope, y’know.”
“I’m pretty sure Ezor winked at you at some point. And she was definitely going to murder you.”
After a long pause, Lance admitted, “You know what. Touche.”
In the front seat, Allura unzipped a Burberry purse in her lap. Plastic crinkled as she opened a makeup wipe. Lance watched her wipe her hands with it, flickering between darkness and orange light from posts outside. The white towelette came back red.
“Is that mine?” he asked.
“No,” Allura answered, something heavy in her voice.
Another tense silence descended on the car.
Keith was the first to break it. “Do you have any idea what we started?”
No one answered.
Lotor, like Allura, was untouchable. Supposed to be untouchable. Tonight, because of Lance, they broke the one rule between the warring families that was sacred.
Now, all bets would be off. No one and no place would be untouchable. They were in some deep shit.
“Hey. Hey.” Shiro tapped Lance’s cheek, snapping him out of it.
“Try to stay awake. We’re almost there.”
“I’m awake,” Lance mumbled.
“Don’t close your eyes,” Allura added. “Keep them open. And keep talking.”
“Okayokayokay, um…” Yeah, he was slurring his words. “Turn the radio on.”
Allura leaned forward in her seat to switch the radio on.
She humored him even when he started getting picky with stations, guiding her on the dial. “That sucks, change it. Nope, next. Next. Next—Yes! Right there—I like dollars, I like diamonds, I like stuntin’, I like shinin’—”
Listen. She told him to stay awake and keep talking.
At first, it was Lance jamming by himself and bobbing his head to the extent that he could without disturbing the messed up shoulder. Then Allura swooped in for the pre-chorus. Shiro caved and joined in a couple seconds after she did. The other two kept playing it like they’re too cool for car karaoke, but Lance could see a smirk on Keith’s lips in the rear view mirror. And, up against his side, he felt Acxa chuckle softly right after the three of them barked the first line of the chorus in unison.
Lance still sang beneath his breath even as he was hauled out of the car in the hospital’s driveway.
“Can you believe I woulda died without Cardi B?”
All quiet in the diner. It was nearly empty, except for a handful of old timers getting breakfast. A little early for milkshakes, but Lance had a tradition to uphold.
The window behind Allura outlined her in a bright halo of early morning sunshine. “Mhm. You have some nerve, you know.”
Lance raised an eyebrow and took a doubtful slurp of his chocolate and banana shake.
She raised one right back at him. “You stood me up. No one’s ever done that to me.”
“Oh, c’mon. That’s not fair. I was literally taking a bullet for you.”
“She says it grazed you.”
“Come on.” He slumped back in his seat, smiling despite the offended tone in his voice.
It felt nice to act normal. Like things could carry on as always after last night. Lance didn’t even receive a single odd look when he lumbered in on a crutch with his cheek bandaged and lip stitched. The grandpas in the corner booth kept their heads down, politely staring at their bacon and eggs until he and Allura passed. The waitress was warm as always, but she didn’t take her eyes off her notepad when it was Lance’s turn to order.
He thought of when he was young, playing in the schoolyard, pretending to be something he wasn’t. Now, he played with Allura over milkshakes, both pretending they didn’t need to worry about what would come next.
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x06: Rewatch Blog
Heeey everybody! Welcome to my rewatch liveblog of episode 2x06, “Tallahassee”. This one’s about the capital of Florida, which is called ‘The Sunshine State’ because there’s a lot of sunshine there when alligators aren’t eating you and/or meth addicts aren’t eating your face off.
Wait, what? Oh, my research team has just informed me that this episode isn’t actually about Florida at all - it’s about beanstalk adventures and flashbacks to Emma’s history with Neal. So no alligators most likely. Okay.
Well, let’s get started!
Well, this is off to a great start already! Every episode should start with Killian Jones tied up in some way, shape, or form. Nice!
“Freakier than I remembered from the story.” YOU AIN’T KIDDING.
“Reminds me of death.” Whoa, now that’s a little melodramatic.
Awww, lookit his face D: “Please untie me missus” *flails at him*
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Mmm... Angry untying. That’s nice. The leather’s back. Saucy Hook, yay. “Don’t be afraid to, you know, really get into it.” Haha, he’s so cute <3
Flashback Emma’s glasses really bug me. Like, we see NO sign of poor eyesight in any of the young Emma flashbacks, and no signs of poor vision in present day Emma. It’s like she developed poor eyesight for an isolated year or two in her late teens and it just... cleared up?
Oh, I know, I know, she could’ve switched to contacts. Right. However, we see no evidence of that, either. No glasses in the morning or late at night. No issues with spending an extended time in the Enchanted Forest without access to either glasses or proper contact lens care. No vision impairment on Princess Emma in S6 who wouldn’t have access to glasses OR contacts, etc, etc.
So maybe Lasik surgery? Okay, but how would she have access to an expensive medical procedure that insurance didn’t cover (assuming she even HAD insurance, which, given her age and financial situation, is doubtful)?
It’s like the writers gave her glasses as a cute little character quirk in this awkward “ugly duckling” stage of her life without having any idea how glasses and bad vision actually work. Which would be ridiculous, considering Adam and Eddy both fucking wear glasses.
...and then they went and did it again with Robin in S7. No glasses on her primary persona, but her cursed persona needs them to see. And after the curse is broken... she still apparently needs them. WTF, show?!
Okay, but that outfit is super cute, glasses and all.
Yellow Bug origin story, guys! Is there a ship name for Emma and her car? Like, SwanBug or something? There should be if there isn’t. It’s so pure <3
Hahaha, Neal, you little shit. That grin of his is kinda cute.
Not sure why antis pick on that line of Neal’s about women. I mean, I’m not a huge fan of his, but it’s pretty obvious he’s reading the cop and (correctly) guessing on how to play him to get him to let them off. And Emma even calls him on it immediately - and he basically implies that’s exactly what he was doing. Antis don’t make any sense sometimes.
Okay, not as cute now... kinda smarmy. (Hi Ashley!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaand back to the beanstalk!
Oh, they kinda are getting really into it, aren’t they? Haha.
You know, I find it really hard to believe that Killian Jones would ever use the phrase “Tick, Tock” in casual speech. I’m just saying.
“I was hoping it’d be you.” :D
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ “Don’t think I’m taking my eyes off you for a second.”
“I would despair if you did.” ∩(︶▽︶)∩
One of my favorite Captain Swan moments riiiiight here:
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And he follows after her like an eager puppy. Total subbie.
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*sips beverage* Still climbing, huh? Seriously, though. Did they climb that far without talking at all? Or did Hook just chatter endlessly the whole time? Somebody better have written a fic of him babbling at her for hours.
“I love a challenge!” Hee hee! <3
“That’s not perception, that’s eavesdropping.” And he doesn’t deny it, lol.
“No, I’ve never been in love.” Okay, but she’s obviously lying. That’s a terribly transparent lie, Emma. You can do better.
The sniffing face, heehee.
That’s a pretty good ruse, though. I mean, really. People just sort of trust expectant parents. Although I’m sure it worked better 10 years ago than it would today.
Imagine if she’d pointed higher up. “Our future awaits us in... Detroit.” “Umm, lemme point again.” “No, no, that first point was legally binding.”
“I don’t really... sleep now.” Oh, sure. That’s normal.
This scene’s kinda boring :/
♫ Welcome to the laaaaaaaaaand of CGI and Giiiiiiiiiiiants ♫
“What happened here?” I mean, he kinda told you earlier in the episode.
“Giants can smell blood... and I’m always a gentleman.” <3
The cheerful way he says, “It’s rum!” XD
...and now my entire female reproductive system has died. That is the seventh time this month, dammit. This man is a menace.
Milah angst. Someone hold me T_T
I kinda don’t care about Neal’s problems.
I like this shade of lipstick on Emma, though. Okay, actually, I just like that shade of lipstick. Fun KW fact: Whenever I’m out and buy a new shade of lipstick, when I get home, I always discover it’s the same as all the other shades of lipstick I’ve bought, thinking they were different and so pretty. They’re all this color.
Colin sounds weird when he says, “You ready?”
You swing that bone, big guy! The things this show had him do XD
...It’s Jorge!!! :D Hi Jorge!!! :D I love him! I loved him on Lost, too. He’s just got such a lovely smile. He not smilin’ now, tho. Looks kinda grumpy.
“You big git!” Hahaha, that’s the best he’s got, apparently XD “You wanna kill a human, eh? You wanna kill a human?” The way Colin says “human” here makes me laugh for some reason, and he does it twice XD “Come on!”
“Come on then! Come on then!” I wonder if Colin’s flashing back to that role he played as a football hooligan in Love Is the Drug XD
Him popping up. This scene is so silly and ridiculous. I confess, it’s not one of my favorites, because it kinda borders on cringey in it’s ridiculousness, but it’s also unintentionally hilarious, so...
She’s so relieved <3
This is a good scene. I don’t have much to say about it, but it’s a good scene. Laying the groundwork for the big reveal of Henry being in the room. Ooooh. Also, I love Snow looking after Aurora.
And Aurora’s tiara or hair decorations or... whatever that is... is so pretty.
“What’s your rush?” Hahaha, you adorable idiot. “How long do you think magic knock out powder lasts?” “I’ve no clue,” as he sniffs coins like a derelict. “That’s my rush.” Like, why does she even have to explain this to him? XD
“Everything we need is right in front of us!” Everyone always turns this into some kind of big CS line, but I always thought it just... triggered a memory for Emma, hence the segue into the next flashback. They weren’t even really facing each other when he said it, so I don’t think it was intended to be foreshadowing. Just my opinion, though. Not legally binding :P
Nice sword, Jack. Not pompous at all.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Epic scene alert. “That’s a plausible excuse for grabbing me, but next time, don’t stand on ceremony.” Yooou fucking idiot <3
EAR SCRATCH *jumps on him* *rides him home*
Yeah, I know. All the liveblogs are gonna be like this. I’m so sorry.
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Emma, too, is wondering what she’s gotten herself into. “Oh no. He’s sexy and absolutely ridiculous all at once. I am so fucked.” I think this was the moment she realized she liked him. That fucking menace.
Ugh. This train is just speeding towards derailment D: I hate storylines like this, when you just know the shoe’s gonna drop and-
Uh huh. Here’s August now, dropping shoes all over the place.
That drove me nuts the first time, not knowing what was in the fucking box.
And why did she have to go to jail? Like, dump her, leave her alone, fine, but sending her to jail is a bit... extra, isn’t it?
Ah, she’s so broken :( Alexa, play Despacito.
“Try something new, darling. It’s called trust.”
WHUMP! It’s whump!!! Buried in Rock Rubble Whump!!! :D
She’s even more panicked this time. Nice.
Jorge is mad.
Hahaha, I can’t stop seeing Jen in the green donut, though.
This scene is all pretty great, really. I forgot I was liveblogging.
Sweet, summer child. You’re so enamored with Emma and the compass and... Aw, geez. This is why Colin’s a menace. It doesn’t matter who he’s playing or what you think of them. He puts these faces on and tugs your heartstrings and suddenly you’re like, “Oh, look at this sweet, sincere little nugget!”
And then this happens...
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And then his voice shakes a little. “What are you doing?”
“Emma... Look at me. Have I told you a lie?” D:
“Why do this to me now?”
“You’re just gonna leave me here to die? Let that beast eat me, to crush my bones?” T_T
“SWAAAAN!!!!” He’s so fucking scared D: I died.
I love how Aurora’s the only one who asks about Hook XD
Congratulations. You get a car. And a baby. When you get out of jail.
...and the end! PEW PEW PEW!!! <3
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cmyknoise · 6 years
Comfort - Part 2
Words: 1755
Relationship: If you squint maybe platonic LAMP? Platonic Anxiet? Kinda
Warning: Sympathetic Deceit? Angst I guess but not much.
Characters: Virgil, Deceit, Roman, Patton, Logan, Thomas. ‘Carefree’, ‘Pride’, and ‘Envy’
Fic under the cut!
Anxiety soon grew used to those he lived with. He learned that the one in yellow was Deceit. He never gave a straight answer for his name, but he seemed to enjoy giving names of his favorite musicians. Everyone called him ‘Dee’. The green one was Envy, and he only let Dee call him ‘Ennie’. The taller orange one he had seen was Pride. Dee and Envy seemed to call him Tiger Face. He seemed to be the lead in the household.
Pride reminded him of the dark blue one from the light. Well dressed, smart, glasses,  though Pride had a huge ego. He cooked them food on occasion, but was mainly found reading or writing alone.
Envy reminded him of the red one from the light. His outfit had been almost identical if not for the complete color swap. He even wore a bare vine crown sometimes. A black prince like outfit, with golden accents and a green belt.
Dee’s personality most reminded him of the light blue one. For being Deceit, Dee was horrible at lying. He often slipped up and told the truth, he had to think about his lies, and it was obvious when he lied. It didn’t take long for Anxiety to find out that he could shape shift. It was spot on how much it looked like he was looking into the mirror when he opened the door. The only difference was a forked tongue, blepped past Dee’s lips.
He found out more about himself. He seemed to heavily rely on the fight or flight system, having no real control of whether his body decided to fight, run, or freeze up. He also found that in high states of anxiousness, panic, and fear that his eyes went white. Plus, Dee had been right. He had scales right under his eyes. Something he didn’t remember having until he left his room. He didn’t remember the sides in the light having those either.
Anxiety hadn’t seen the light for awhile… He did find out where to look. His window peered straight into the light, but it had just...been awhile. He hadn’t seen those strange eyes either, though thinking back...they were awfully similar to Dee, Envy, and Pride’s eyes. The thought made him curious. Had they been watching him as he...developed? Or had they been guiding him? It was something he would rather not dwell on.
Anxiety heard a knock on his door. He only had so many guesses as to who could be there, and he no longer worried or was scared. This was his...home. As much as he had hoped and dreamed of being on the light, being surrounded by these three wasn’t all too bad. They were a bit over dramatic and...extra but they were good company. He twisted the handle, opening up the door to see a certain snake, grinning at him.
Anxiety chuckled, opening the door to let Dee in.
“Do you ever have a light on, Anx?”
“Nope. At least, never the main one.”
Deceit groaned and found his way to Anxiety’s bed, throwing himself on it. The purple clad side chuckled and sat beside him. They both had been having a rough week. Thomas started his sophomore year not long ago. The stress of homework and tests were getting to Anxiety, and Deceit had to come up with a lot to make Anxiety and the rest feel better.  
“Why don’t we go to the imagination?”
“Yeah! It’s a real bore, Anx. It’s really not that cool.”
Anxiety chuckled softly. Dee was really bad with his lies.
“Sure. Let’s go. I have no idea how to get there.”
“I planned on showing you. There’s an entrance in my room. Thomas got his ability to act from somewhere.”
“Mhm. Come on, show me.”
Anxiety got up, offering his hand to Dee, who grabbed his hand. Anxiety pulled him up, and Dee rushed to the door, dragging the purple side along with him. This...scared and excited Anxiety at the same time. It had felt like weeks, and yet at this point he and Dee had been pals for years. It seemed that time only slowed when Thomas was in big bouts of distress. He wondered now if that’s how it was for everyone.
Dee drug him into his room, past the snake patterned door, and into an...equally snake filled room. Deceit’s room was extremely warm, his bed covered in blankets. He had plenty of light, that could be dimmed if Dee felt it was needed. Tanks were on practically every desk and table, housing a snake, or in one case, a chameleon. Those clearly weren’t the focus, as Dee drug Anxiety to the back of his room, opening up his closet. Was this really some Narnia sort of thing?
Dee pushed aside the clothes in this closet, revealing a door behind it. He stepped in and pushed open the door. Beyond the door, locations shifted across it. A forest, an ocean, a river, a...school? Several places flashed, but it stopped darker looking forest with some mysterious glows. Deceit looked to Anxiety, whose eyes were slowly growing dull. The fear of the unknown started to kick in. Deceit gently squeezed his hand, giving him an assuring look taking a step past the door, hand still holding Anxiety’s.
They stepped through the door and it closed behind them. The two were left in a dark forest, but it was absolutely gorgeous. It was littered with glowing flowers, plants that looked straight from a fairy tale. Dee pulled him off, Anxiety was too focused on the fantastic surroundings to care where they were going. He...trusted Deceit. He thought back to his past while Dee drug him off into the forest. He had already made the connection of the orbs that once watched him in the void, they must’ve been the side’s eyes. Was this...why he found the yellow and brown ones so comforting? Because they were Deceit? From the beginning it seemed that Deceit stuck to him like glue. Envy was fine, so was Pride, but it was Deceit who eventually lulled him from the dark cave of his room.
He was once curious on why there were two sides, one in the light and the other shrouded in the dark. Pride had told him that it was because they were the main sides of Thomas’s personality. Logic, Morality, Creativity, and Care-free. That’s why they were in the light, they had a job to do. Pride had seemed bitter about the subject, and it was quickly changed. Anxiety never brought it up again.
Deceit stopped, taking Anxiety from his thoughts. They had stopped in a pretty open clearing, surrounded in dark trees, odd plants. Dee sat down in the soft looking grass, and Anxiety followed in suit, sitting down beside him.
“So why...are we out here?”
Anxiety’s voice was quiet and low, he was pretty calm. Dee gave a sly grin, looking at Anxiety and then at the dark forest surrounding them.
“Dunno Anx. Thought it’d be boring, thought you’d hate it.”
He chuckled and lent back. Anxiety rolled his eyes and looked around. The place was cool, quiet… He liked it. He didn’t know they could reach the imagination directly like this and...go places. A weight was felt on his shoulder and the purple clad side looked over to find that Deceit had rest his head on his shoulder, tongue stuck out past his lips. He gave a soft chuckle and closed, his eyes. He could get used to coming to this place.
A rustle of leaves and snapping of twigs alerted the two. Anxiety tensed up and got up quick, Deceit followed and stood up with him, looking around. Anxiety knew right where the noise was coming from, and he stood in a protective stance, stance, staring on into the trees. There was a glint as a blade came down on heavy thorns and shrubbery, and from behind…
Anxiety’s eyes widened and his heart rate picked up. It was the red, prince side.
Dee scowled, “Why are you not here, Creativity?”
Creativity looked up, staring at Deceit, then Anxiety. His eyes looked confused, lingering on Anxiety. The prince held his sword at the ready, and Anxiety moved over, almost blocking Deceit.
The prince completely disregarded the question, looking straight at Anxiety, “Carefree…? Is that you?”
Panic shot through Anxiety, and he quickly shook his head, hair moving, revealing his scales. Dee gave a hiss toward the Prince. Creativity’s eyes narrowed and he gave a growl, raising his sword. He almost growled, completely switching from caution to aggression.
“What did you do with Carefree?” He glared down at the two sides with the scales. Anxiety didn’t know what he was talking about. Deceit held his mouth shut and shook his head. The Prince muttered something about the ‘Dragon Witch’ and their minions before bringing his sword down, swinging at Anxiety only to clang… Anxiety had his hand up, a thin, light purple..shield of sorts, protecting his hand from the blade. His clouded white eyes widened and he looked to Deceit, before gripping his arm. Fight or flight- and he was not fighting Creativity. He grabbed Dee’s arm and the two popped out, leaving Creativity in the imagination.
Anxiety had his arms tightly around Deceit in a protective manner as they just appeared in his room, his heart pounding. Creativity was left in the imagination, just as confused as he was furious. How dare...how dare those monsters, those villains. The imagination crumbled down around him, and he was off, returning home.
Deceit clung to Anxiety, frozen in shock. Not a word was spoken, but it seemed they silently agreed not to go back into the imagination, certainly not any time soon. They both fell to sit on the floor.
Several minutes passed before they slowly unlatched from each other. Deceit looked at Anxiety, eyes wide.
“Since when could you conjure a shield?”
His voice was hushed and airy, he still sounded terrified and in shock. Anxiety just shrugged some, he still couldn’t find his voice, and his eyes were still clouded a bright white. Maybe...those sides in the light weren’t as nice and happy as they seemed. Dee made Anxiety promise not to tell Envy or Pride, which he promised not to. Envy would throw a bossy fit and Pride would’ve been pissed more so at the others. They kept what happened a quiet secret.
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years
Turtles Forever Part 66
The Christmas Aliens
Mikey looks around wearing his winter clothes. "Man, there's nothing like the Big Apple at Christmas time," He commented. "I love it." He holds his hands out letting the snowflakes fall into them.
"Even if I have to wear this scratchy scarf," He said as he adjusted his scarf when suddenly a snowball hits him from behind.
"Hey!" Mikey shouted. He turns around and narrows his eyes. A kid looks at the snowball in his hand nervously before hiding it behind his back.
"Sorry, mister, I wasn't aiming at you. I was trying to hit Jimmy," He apologies as another kid came out from hiding, in a snow fort. Mikey glances angrily at Jimmy, who smiles sheepishly. Mikey approached the kid with the snowball.
"Tell you what, kid? Let me borrow your sled for a bit and we'll call it even," He said, holding his hand out. The kid shakes his hand.
Mikey slid in the snow using the sled like a surfboard. He slides up a snow dune and spins in the air.
 "Cowabunga!" Mikey exclaimed. 
The two kids look at each other confused. "Cowabunga?" one of them asked. Jimmy shrugs. Suddenly, Mikey wipes out and lands on the snow on his shell. He gets up and shakes some of the snow off of his face and the rest of his body. He looks down in the snow, where he had landed.
"Hey...I made a snow turtle!" He commented. "Maybe I'll start a new trend." The two kids run up to him.
"Hey, mister, you got some sick tricks," one of the boys commented, picking up his sled. "You're alright." He and his friend walk away, leaving Mikey.
Mikey looks up into the sky, loosening his scarf. "Yep. Best town in the world," He commented as he falls back into the snow, his arms and legs outstretched. "Specially at Christmas." Mikey happily starts making a snow "turtle." Meow! Mikey looks up and sees a small orange kitten with yellow eyes and white fur on his paws and the tip of his tail. Mikey turns around and bends down to the kitten as it starts meowing again. The kitten was shivering from the cold. "Aw, poor little guy," Mikey commented as he petted the kitten. "All alone out here in the cold," He sees that there was no collar. "No collar." Mikey said as he looks at the kitten's neck, scratching it.
He hums in thought and picks the kitten up, putting him inside his clothes. "Come on, you'll be nice and warm in here," Mikey said. He scratches the kitten's belly. "Maybe we could find you a home." 
The kitten meowed again as Mikey walked away.
In the Lair, Splinter was hanging origami cranes in front of the sliding door to his room. Christmas wreaths and garnets were hanged from the pipes and around the columns in the Lair. Leo was wrapping another garnet around a column while Raph was doing the same to another. The elevator door opens and April walks in wearing a purple coat and white scarf. Casey was behind her carrying a big tree, wearing a blue coat and white hoodie.
Splinter walks up to them. "April, you have returned." He greeted.
"With the tree as promised," April said, jerking to the tree with her thumb. "We had to go to three different lots. They're almost all sold out!"
Casey wobbles in, holding the tree. "Hey, don't worry about me. I don't need any help or nothin'!" He retorted, sarcastically. The doors to the elevator slam on Casey as he struggles with the tree.
"Hey, case, watch it with the tree, will ya?" Raph asked, reluctantly.
Casey moves away from the elevator as it shuts again. April shakes her head with a sigh, crossing her arms.
"Oh, I'm okay, thanks for all your concern," Casey commented, sarcastically. "I didn't break nothing, I just had a huge stone elevator door slam shut on my head!" He wobbles inside before falling down with the tree. Raph helps him as they carried the tree to the center of the lair.
"Yeah, you're lucky it was your head and nothing important," Raph commented. Leo was holding a rug while Donnie was carrying a box with Christmas ornaments.
"Perhaps we had best start cooking the dinner," Splinter suggested.
"Count me in. Cooking the holiday dinner is almost as fun as eating it," April said, raising her hand.
"That's not what Mikey would say, April," Leo said as he laid the rug down on the floor.
"Yeah, where is that bozo?" Raph asked.
"Come on, it's Christmas Eve, even Mikey couldn't get into trouble on a night like tonight," Donnie commented. Leo picks up an ornament of a train.
"Unless, he stops by the toy store...again." Leo retorted, smirking.
 "AAhh!" Everyone nearly jumped, startled, at the voice, it was Mona's, followed by a loud shattering of glass. Raph immediately rushed towards the kitchen to see her grasping her stomach painfully, standing over the sink.
"What's wrong?! Are you alright? Is it the baby?!" Raph rambled worried. "What are you doing up? You should be resting."
"I'm fine, Raphie. The baby's just kicked me right in the spleen." Mona replied. "I was just trying to get some water."
In front of a toy store, Mikey was standing in front of the glass. He looks in awe as he wipes the glass that was being fogged. "I...I can't take it! They've got the new Sargent Guts and Glory action figure with remote control tank!" He gaped as he walked further down the glass, looking at the toys in the widow. "And they've got the new Captain Fanatics Space Probe! And the Mavis Moon Jumper! And, of course, they're sold out of the Lil' Orphan Alien dolls," He bends down, looking at the doll. "Boy...those things won't stay on the shelf. That's one hot toy," Mikey commented. The kitten in his coat pops out and meows in agreement. "You've said it, Klunk." Mikey said, getting up.
"You don't mind if I call you Klunk, do ya? I always wanted a cat named Klunk," He commented as he pulls Klunk out from his coat, scratching his belly. Suddenly, there was a loud crash coming from the alley.
"Whoa, get back!" Mikey heard a voice said. He stashes Klunk inside of his coat and fixed his scarf, covering his face. Mikey peeked around the corner to see three Purple Dragons who was ganging up on a man in front of a truck full of toys. 
"Leave me alone! What do you want?" the man asked, fearfully.
One of the Purple Dragons with blue hair in a long braid, rest his body against the truck, smirking. "Just your truck," He said.
Another with red hair comes out from inside of the truck holding one of the Lil' Orphan Alien dolls. "And all of the Lil' Orphan Aliens in it," He said.
"You can't steal this truck," the scared man said, holding his hands up in defense. "This whole lot of Lil' Orphan Aliens is being donated into the Brown Children's Street Home. Have a heart, will ya? It's Christmas!" Mikey sneaks closer to the truck without any of them noticing him. The gang look at each, smirking evilly.
"And that's why we're givin' ourselves this truck. It's our Christmas present." the man with the blue hair in a braid said as the red haired member threw the toy back into the truck. The third, was an over weight man as he advance closer to the terrified man with a gun.
"Ho, ho, ho, bozo." Two Tone said as he hit the man with the butt of his gun, knocking him out. All three Purple Dragons laugh evilly.
"Man, just imagine how much we'll get for these things on the internet." The braided hair dragon said.
"These Lil' Orphan Alien dolls go for five times what you paid for them in the stores." The red haired dragon commented.
"And we didn't pay nothin'" Two Tone retorted as they all laughed. However, above them, Mikey was crouched over the truck, looking down at them.
"They haven't paid yet." He whispered, shaking his head. "But, they will. Lay low, Klunk." Klunk hid inside of the turtle's coat as he got up.
"Things might get a little rough."
In the Lair, Raph walked over to Leo who was standing next to the tree, carrying knives.
 "Raph, what's with the, uh, butterfly swords?" Leo asked, nervously.
"Just trimming the tree." Raph said "Man, I'm good. I should've been a barber. A little of the top?"
"No, I'm good." Leo said. Donnie walked over to Leo and Raph carrying a bowl with some leftover cookie dough.
"Christmas cookies are in the oven." Donnie said. "Who wants to lick the bowl?" Raph grabbed the bowl out of Donnie's hands  and immediately started to lick the remains of the dough.
"Sweet!" Raph commented. "Normally, Mikey hogs all the good stuff."
"Maybe, we ought to go look for Mikey?" Leo suggested.
"Nah, he'll be okay. He's probably on his way back, right now." Raph replied.
Back in the alley, Mikey jumped down from the truck and landed in front of the three thugs, kicking two of them down. He grabs one with his legs and swings the gang member, sending him crashing into his partner, who was about to fire his gun. Two Ton fired his weapon at Mikey. Mikey dodges every shot and sweep kicks the man, knocking him to the ground.
The other two thugs started get up and glared angrily at Mikey. The red haired purple dragon fired his gun at Mikey, who dodges his shots with agile. Two Ton and the purple dragon with braided hair got up and fired their weapons as well. Mikey was backed up against a wall as the red haired thug fired again. Mikey back flips off the wall and takes cover behind a dumpster.
    "Get the truck!" Two Ton called out. "We're outta here!" 
The red haired thug got into the truck with the other two and began to drive off. Mikey came out from behind the dumpster and leaped up, swinging on a wire, landing on top of the truck. Mikey looses his balance as the truck sped faster and he falls off. He sees a wire handing off the back of the truck and quickly grabbed onto it. The truck drives off quickly as Mikey hanged off from the back. Klunk meowed as he popped his head out from Mikey's coat.
"Hang on, Klunk! I'm kinda busy right now!" Mikey called out. He tries to pull himself closer to the truck but it quickly turns, making Mikey slide on the snow.
The red haired thug looked in the rear view mirror to see Mikey hanging of the back of the truck.
"What the? That punk that attacked us is skitching on the back!" he called out.
"Not for long, he ain't." The braided purple dragon replied. He turned the truck sharply around another corner, making Mikey lose his balance. The truck drives closer to a car but Mikey jumps and slides over it, as well with other cars.
"This isn't so hard." Mikey replied, smiling. As he slid, Mikey did a couple of flips in the air. "Hi ho Silver! I got it all under control," The truck rams into a fire hydrant, smashing it open. Mikey splashes over the hydrant, landing on his shell. The truck turns again, with Mikey bumping on the ground. "Ho ho ho, Merry...Bumpy Christmas!" Klunk popped out from Mikey's coat. "Luckily for me, I have a shell, right, Klunk?" Mikey smiled.
The braided haired purple dragon wiped some of the water off from the rear view mirror, seeing Mikey still hanging on. His eyes widen in shock.
"I don't believe it! That monkey's still back there!"
"Bring 'em up front!" Two Ton replied as he and his other partner pulled out their guns. "We'll take care of ''em!"
"You got it." The braided haired dragon said and quickly slammed his foot on the brakes. Mikey immediately lets go of the wire and slides underneath the truck, stopping in front of it. Klunk pops out from the turtle's coat, shaking his head.
"Ha! We made it." Mikey said. Klunk quickly hid back into Mikey's coat as the thugs crashed the window shield breaking it open, pointing their guns at Mikey. Mikey jumps up. "Then again," They fired at him. Mikey dodged the shots and flipped over the truck landing on top. The thugs fired again aiming their guns above them and Mikey rolled away as they fired through the roof.
Mikey back-flipped and went inside the back of the truck.
"He went in the back with the dolls!" The red haired dragon called out.
"Well, go take care of him...permanently!" The other thug ordered. The red haired purple dragon and Two Ton walked to the back of the truck, opening the doors, but all they saw was dolls.
"You see 'em?" The red haired thug asked.
"I don't see nothing'" Two Ton replied. "Maybe he ain't here."
Suddenly, Mikey swings down from the roof of the truck, kicking the two dragons to the ground. "Merry Christmas, boys!"Mikey said. "I got you somthing...it's a kick in the stomach!" He grabs both thugs by their shirts and kicked them in the stomach. "Hope you like it!" 
The other purple dragon looked out from the rear view mirror seeing the red haired dragon and Two Tone fall to the ground.
"I don't believe it! He took out Two Tone and Spike!" he exclaimed. The thug pulls out his phone and quickly dials. "Yo, it's Sunny. I'm 18th first. I got some freak on my case, I could use a little back up." Sunny hears a reply back. "Got it. I'll meet you half way." He stomps on the accelerator and began to speed away. Mikey jumped onto the truck holding onto the back of the doors.
As the truck began to sped up, it was heading towards a guy riding on a motorcycle. The guy on the bike screamed in fear as the truck heading towards him.
"Where's he goin'?" Sunny asked. The truck crashes against a car as the guy on the bike slid, falling off. He looks up seeing Mikey hanging off from the back of the truck.
"Call the cops!" Mikey called out. "These guys are crooks! They tried to hijack this truck!" The guy stared in confusion watching the truck sped off.
Mikey pulled out his shuko spikes from his pocket to get a better hold onto the truck. The truck turns again and Mikey wobbles and he tried to climb himself onto the top of the truck. Sunny looks into the rear view mirror and his eyes widen in shock. He crashes into another car, trying to knock Mikey off. Mikey swings off and and lands on a few cars before jumping back onto the truck. 
The truck turns, and a police car was sitting in a corner seeing the truck. Mikey opens the truck door.
"I think this is where you get off!" He exclaimed, pulling Sunny out and tossing him onto the patrol car window shield. One of the cops pulls out his radio.
"This is one problem 14, we got a third perp that hijacked the truck full of toys. Looks like there's still a fourth hijacker hanging onto the truck." 
Mikey climbed into the driver's seat and put on the seat-belt, taking the wheel. "And now for the fun part...driving." Mikey pulled down his coat and Klunk popped his head out. "Check it out, Klunk." Mikey replied as he drove. However, a red car with flames on it was heading straight towards Mikey. Spike, Two Ton, and another thug were inside. Mikey screamed in fear.
"What would Raph do in a situation like this, Klunk?" Mikey asked Klunk. Klunk meowed as he quickly hid back inside Mikey's coat. Mikey frowned and stepped onto the accelerator, speeding up.
"He ain't gonna stop!" The purple dragon exclaimed in worry. Mikey sped the truck faster heading towards the car. "He ain't gonna stop!" All three purple dragons screamed in fear and quickly pulled the car out of the way, dodging the truck as it sped past. The thugs immediately chased after Mikey, following him.
April, Donnie, and Venus were setting the table in the Lair. Suddenly, the elevator doors the Lair open. 
"That would be our guests." Splinter said, smiling. Casey and Raph walked out with their guests: The Silver Century, NANO, Angel, Sarah and Michael, Yuuki and the professor with some of his homeless friends. All of them were wearing blindfolds, except for Yuuki as they walked into the Lair.
"Sorry about the blindfold, folks. Matters of security and all that jazz." Casey explained.
"You know, I can see through this blindfold with my x-ray vision, right?" The Silver Century asked, looking at Raph.
"And I have GPS!" NANO replied. "I know exactly where you live!"
"Just play along with ya? It's for Master Splinter. He's got this thing about letting people know where we live." Raph answered as he pulls the blindfold off Silver Century.
Leo, Splinter, Venus, Donnie, Alopex, April, and Mona walked over to the group as they took off their blindfolds.
"Merry Christmas, everybody!" Angel greeted everyone. Donnie greeted the professor and his homeless friends.
"And Happy Kwanzaa. Thank you so much for inviting us." The professor said to Donnie and Splinter.
"You are all welcome in our home." Splinter said. One of the homeless looked at his friend and whispered. 
"Man, those dudes wear their turtle costumes even on Christmas."
"Uh, yup." The other replied.
"So, where's my sidekick?" The Silver Century asked. "Where's the Turtle Titan? I thought Michelangelo would be here."
"Yeah, so did we." Raph answered.
"Don't worry, he'll be here any minute." Leo said.
Mikey was driving the truck as the thugs in the red car chased after him from behind. He looks into the rear view mirror seeing the car behind him. Spike stood up on top of holding a bazooka, aiming it at Mikey. 
Mikey looks down at Klunk nervously. "Uh, what should I do, Klunk?" Then he looks up and narrows his eyes as he sees an badly parked car up ahead. "It's what James Bond would do." He retorted. Spike shoots the bazooka as Mikey drove onto the car, tilting the truck. The truck dodges the missile as it explodes into a car, driving by it.
"Do something!" The other purple dragon yelled at Two Ton. "Get me closer, I'll blow out his tires!" Two Ton answered, holding his gun close to him. Two Ton climbed out of the car and aimed his weapon at the truck's tires. Mikey looks into the rear view mirror and smirked. He slammed on the brakes, stopping the truck. Two Ton's eyes widen.
"Not that close...Not that close!" He exclaimed as the thugs car were driving closer to the truck. All of them covered their eyes as they crashed. The car crashes against the truck and slid, landing upside down on top of two cars. All three purple dragons groaned in pain.
"Nice driving, dip stick." Two Ton commented the purple dragon that was driving as he punched him in the face. Mikey drove away, smiling in victory.
"Tailgaters." He laughed, looking down at Klunk, chuckling. Klunk meowed.
Back in the Lair, Leo, Splinter, Donnie, Venus, Yuuki, the homeless men and Silver Century were decorating the tree as they placed ornaments on it. Yuuki handed NANO the star. He smiled as he took it from her and flew up placing it on top of the tree.
Casey and April were finishing up, setting the table. Casey looks up and sees a mistletoe branch. "Yo, what do you know? Mistletoe." He replied in a teasing tone of voice. "Ain't we supposed' to kiss or somethin'?" He asked as he leaned closer to April.
"That's not enough mistletoe to make me kiss you. I'm afraid you'll need a whole tree." April answered, smirking, as she walked away. She placed another plate down as Casey sets down a napkin until he notices the same mistletoe hanging above them. 
"Whoa, check it out! More mistletoe!" He exclaimed as he leans in for a kiss. April backs away from him and walks away. Casey opens his eyes seeing her leave.
"April, wait up!" He called out. A pulley moves the mistletoe down close to April and Casey.
 "More mistletoe!" Casey sings. "There's no way out of this, you gotta kiss me!" 
April steps back as Casey steps closer to her and the mistletoe follows them with each step they took as April tried to move away from Casey.
"Look, it's following us! It's a sign, a sign from above." Casey said with his hands together, smiling.
April frowns as she grabs the mistletoe and looks angrily behind Casey. "Exactly," Casey turns around, seeing Raph and Angel sitting on top of a platform with a mischievous grin on their faces. Raph waves sheepishly.
"Hiya, April. Whatcha got there? Mistletoe?" He asked playfully, looking at Angel as the two snickered together. April glared at Casey.
"Jones...did you put them up to this?" She asked angrily. Casey's eyes widen.
"No, never...uh, maybe." He answered sheepishly. April smiled placing her hand on her chin.
"Okay, then...pucker up." She smiled. Casey leans in closer to her as he closes his eyes. But, April hits him on the mouth with the mistletoe, instead. Angel, Raph, and Mona winced.
"Ooo, that's gotta hurt." Angel commented.
"Oh, right in the kisser." Raph said.
Suddenly, a light began to appear from the pool as a portal began to form. The people walked out from it: Usagi, Gen and the Daimyo.
 "It's an honor to be in your home, Splinter-sensei." The Daimyo greeted as the three of them bowed. Leo, Yuuki, and Splinter bowed in return.
"The honor is all mine." Splinter said. Usagi turned to Leo and Yuuki and smiled.
"Kunichiwa, Leonardo-san and Yuuki-san." He answered. He pulls out a brown sword with a red ribbon on it and a brown package that was tied up as well handing them over to Leo and Yuuki. "I got you both a present."
"A sword! Wicked!" Leo said in awe. Yuuki squealed as she opened the package holding up a yellow and orange checkered kimono with sakura petals on it. 
"Oh, wow! A kimono!" She cried. Yuuki crushed Usagi as she hugged him tightly. He laughs.
"Thank you!" Yuuki said gratefully.
Leo pulled out a sword with a blue case and a white ribbon on it. "We got you something too," He said as he handed Usagi his present. Usagi grinned, happily.
"A sword! What a wonderful gift!" He said.
"Nice letter openers, boys," Gen commented. "But, where's the free chow? I'm starving."
Three police cruisers chased after Mikey as he drove.
"Finally, I get to ditch those Purple Dragon bozos, and I end up on the World's Scariest Police Chases!" He groaned as he muttered under his breath. He rolled down the window, looking back at the cops.
"Hey, yo, I'm one of the good guys!"
Mikey looks back in front of him seeing a police road block ahead of him.
"Hello, a police road block." He commented, nervously. Mikey narrows his eyes, speeding up. "For what I'm about to do...forgive me."
He droves faster towards the police cars heading towards them. All of the officers scattered as they tried to jump out of the way as Mikey barrels right through the cars, driving past them.
"Sorry, sorry about that, sorry!" He called out.
Casey and Silver Century were arm wrestling in the center of the Lair as everyone gathered around them, cheering at them. Casey was struggling while Silver Century yawned not even breaking a sweat. Then he swings his hand down, throwing Casey as he slammed upside down into a pillar. Casey falls to the ground as Silver Century stands up.
"Forgive me, Mr. Jones, I don't know my own strength sometimes." He apologizes. Casey gritted his teeth. Casey tried to wrestle again, with Raph helping him as everyone cheered them on. But, the Silver Century throws the two of them upside down, slamming into a pillar. Raph and Casey fall to the ground and frown at Silver Century.
Next, April tried to arm wrestle against Silver Century. She was struggling as everyone watched in anticipation.
 "Hey, Apes', give up, okay?" Casey commented with his arms crossed. "Raph and I couldn't beat ''em." He continued, looking at Raph then turned back to her. "There's no way you could-" April pulls her hand down and slams the Silver Century right into the pillar, cracking it. Everyone's eyes widen as their mouths dropped in shock as they stood speechless.
April stood up proudly and turned to Casey, smiling. "You were saying, Casey Jones?" She said as she walked away.
In the Kitchen, Silver Century was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed as April walked in carrying a small tin cookie box.
"Thanks, I guess they fell for it." She said.
"My pleasure." Silver Century said.
"And, as promised, your reward." April said, holding up the box of cookies that was filled with chocolate chips to Silver Century. The superhero holds up his hand. "Actually, the looks on those guys faces was reward enough." He answered.
"Okay, I'll just give three dozen of my famous chocolate chip cookies to the guys, then." April said, starting to walk away. Silver Century reaches for the box, taking it from her.
"No, no, I didn't mean that!" He called out. "I love cookies." He opens the box and started to scarf them down. April smiled and shook her head, walking away.
Splinter was sitting in his room, bowing to Yoshi as Yoshi bowed back. The rat master pulled out an origami crane from his kimono and hand it to Yoshi, who took it from him gratefully. Splinter closes his eyes when he hears two voices.
  "Master Splinter?" Leo called out. 
Splinter opens his eyes turned his head to see Leo and Yuuki standing at the door, as he was holding the orb that the Utroms had gave him. Yuuki looked down seeing the orb.
"Are you okay, Splinter?" She asked, worried. Splinter smiled as he looked directly into Yuuki's eyes then turned to Leo.
"Yes, my children, I am fine...just visiting an old friend." He reassured them.
Everyone was now gathered around sitting at the table, but someone wasn't there, Mikey. He still hadn't returned.
Angel rested her head on her palm while Silver Century looked down at his nails and sighs. The Daimyo was tapping his finger on the table. April was blowing into a spoon and placed onto her nose. Casey frowned.
 "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving!" He called out. "Let's chow down on the holiday goodies!" He slides a bowl of bread closer to him.
"No, this is a time for family and being together," Splinter called out. "We must wait for Michelangelo."
"Where is that bum?" Raph asked as he rested his hand on his chin.
Alopex looked at a empty chair worried.
Michelangelo, where are you?...
Four police cars chased after Mikey. He looks into the rear view mirror seeing the cars. Mikey spins the wheel, making the truck go over a pile of snow. Klunk meowed as he hid. The snow covers one of the patrol cars window shield, making them stop. One of the cars crashes into it then the other two as well. 
Mikey cringed in guilt seeing the cars crash but continued to drive away.
Snow was starting to fall gently down into the city. Mikey stopped and left the truck in the dump. He looks outside, seeing all the patrol cars, looking for him. Mikey looks down at Klunk and pets the kitten.
 "Finally," He said.
April looks down at her watch seeing that it was past midnight.
"Alright, we'll give Mikey another five minutes, but that's it," She said. "The food's getting cold."
"Agreed." Splinter called out.
"He'd better get here soon that bonehead." Raph commented.
Mikey jumps onto the rooftops and slid down the fire escape until he reaches a manhole cover. He opens it up and climbs down, sliding the cover to close it with his foot. Mikey walked into the Lair holding Klunk, seeing everyone at the table.
"Merry Christmas, everybody!" He greeted as he held up the kitten. "Meet my friend, Klunk!" Klunk meowed. Alopex, Yuuki, Venus and Mona squealed seeing Klunk. Splinter had an uncomfortable look on his face as he sat back in his chair keeping his eyes on the kitten.
"Mikey, where have you been?" Leo asked, reluctantly.
"Our guests have been waiting, it is very rude," Splinter said.
"I know, I'm sorry, but you're not going to believe what happened!" Mikey answered as he apologized.
"Mikey, we don't wanna hear some lame story," Raph said as he waved his hand.
"Ah, ah, ah, Raph, this is supposed to be the season of giving'," Mikey answered, lifting Raph's chin with his finger.
"Yeah, and I'm thinking of about giving you a well-seasoned smack upside the head!" Raph yelled, shaking his fist.
"Guys, it's Christmas Eve!" Mikey called out. "It's a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves!" Everyone looked at each other, smiling. "In fact, it's not the time to think of ourselves at all, and I have just the ticket." Mikey said.
At the Brown's Street Children's Home, Mikey, Leo, Raph, and Donnie were all wearing elf costumes, handing out Lil' Orphan Alien dolls. Yuuki, Mona, Alopex, Venus were all wearing santa dresses and hats, with black belts and boots. Mikey gives a little girl a doll and she hugs him.
  Splinter was dressed up as Santa Claus sitting in a chair with children around him. A little girl gives Silver Century and NANO presents and they hug her. Usagi and Gen were wearing elf costumes as well. The Daimyo was wearing a wreath on his neck with reindeer antlers on his head. 
Angel held a mistletoe over the railings, above April and Casey while she and the homeless men stood on the stairs. April steps to Casey and kiss him on the cheek.
 "Ah, my children, I believe Michelangelo is right," Splinter said. "This is definitely the time for thinking of others...a season of giving." Mikey steps closer to him as he carried a little girl who was petting Klunk. Splinter shrank back into the chair, keeping his eyes on Klunk, cautiously.
"Happy holidays, everybody!" Mikey cheered.
Raph smiled and turned to Mona. His eyes widen and his smile immediately dropped when he saw Mona clutching onto her stomach in pain.
"Mona, what's wrong?!" He called out as he rushed over to her as well as the others when they heard him.
"I think the baby's coming!" Mona cried. Raph immediately went pale as his eyes widen in shock.
"WHAT?!" He exclaimed. "NOW?!" He quickly turned to Donnie.
"Donnie, I thought you said that it would be another three months?!" Raph asked.
"I did!" Donnie yelled, nervously.
"Well, the baby's saying now!" Mona groaned in pain.
"Okay, time to go!" Leo ordered and everyone quickly left, while Raph helped Mona as he carried her to the van. 
"Again, Merry Christmas!" Mikey shouted as the van took off.
"Congratulations!" "Good luck, your going to need it!" Some of the people and children shouted as the van drove away.
Everyone made it back to lair and Donnie took Mona into his lab to get her settled in, while everyone else waited outside. They cringed when they heard Mona let out a loud wail of pain.
"Is she going to be alright, sensei?" Mikey asked.
"All we can do now is wait." Splinter replied, calmly.
"Talk about an early Christmas present. I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew!" Mikey shouted, excitedly.
Leatherhead and Venus watched over Mona while Raph held her hand. Raph groaned painfully as Mona squeezed his hand tightly as another contraction hit. This freaking kid is going to cause Mona to break his hand. However, he was more worried by how much pain Mona was in.
"Donnie! What's the hold up?!" Raph growled. 
"It's not a thing to rush, Raph." Venus said trying to calm him down.
Donnie walked over to the two and checked Mona as he lifted the blanket that was dropped over her. His face turned a completely pale shade of green. 
"Mona, I'm going to need you to start breathing and push." Donnie explained. "The baby's coming and its coming now." 
Mona bit her lip as she groaned in pain, feeling another contraction then she pushed. Several minute went by which felt like hours, Mona was coated in sweat as she continued to try and push.
"Just one more, Mona you're almost there!" Venus encouraged. Donnie let out a started yell, making everyone look at him.
"Donnie, what's wrong?!" Raph shouted. 
"The baby punched me." Donnie replied rubbing his beak. Mona let out another yell then the entire room was followed by a dead silence.
Then a loud wail rang out in the room.
"It's a girl!" Donnie exclaimed.
He held out the baby that was wrapped in a blanket towards Mona and Raph. Both of them froze hearing the small crying from their baby. Mona reached out and took her from Donnie. She pulled the blanket back revealing the small mutant baby.
"She's so tiny." Mona mumbled, breathlessly.
The baby looked everything like her mother, Brown hair, facial features. However, her skin was a darker shade of green like her father's. Then she opened her eyes traveling a paler shade of blue. 
She close softly as her eyes wondered around the room looking at the strange people around her until she focused on Mona and Raph, mainly at Raph. She reached her hands out towards Raph who was still frozen in shock staring at her.
"I think she wants Raphie to hold her." Venus teased.
 "Go ahead, Raph." Donnie told him. Raph shook his head.
"N-no, I-I cant..What if I hurt her-" Before he could refuse, Mona gently handed their daughter into his hands. Raph looked down at the small baby in his arms not moving an inch. She looked so fragile. Tiny and helpless... Raph felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness of the baby girl in his arms.  
"Is it okay to come in?" Leo asked peeking into the room. Donnie nodded and the whole group walked in little by little fawning and adoring the baby girl. 
"Congratulations, my son." Splinter smiled.
"So what's the little tyke's name?" Mikey asked. 
 "Well, Raph and I have been thinking until one stood out that we both liked.." Mona said.
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