#the pansy one is my favourite tbh
broomsticks · 2 years
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@thistlecatfics absolute queen of there is nothing wrong with you and you are okay i swear i promise and just unconditional love and acceptance.
and also darkfic 🥰
no but seriously. thank you for all the thoughtful comment love, for braving the tiktok waters to bring us such insightful metas, and hoollyyyy shit your fics. i drop everything and run when any of your fics hits my inbox and all! of! you! should! too!!
plotty casefic packed with backstory and societal commentary and lesbians: you will burn right now but then you won't regret it • flonks • 31k, M. so many female characters and they’re ALL given such rich storylines. the black family dynamics would be absolutely show-stealing in any other fic but fleur manages to be just as if not more fascinating in this fic. also, does this fail the reverse bechdel test?? #goals
finding truth and resolution and that one way out of complicated impossible inescapable situations (tbh this is every thistlecat fic): Icarus • pansy/millicent/parvati • 20k, M. the representation in this fic is also IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE.
marvellous juggling act of a fic: Two Quaffles Pub • cho/ginny • 9k, M. it’s snappy and smart and avoidant and honest and real and so lovely and i legitimately don’t know how you do it. also, this might be one of my favorite snippets i’ve read EVER:
A woman dating another woman? That’s like playing Quidditch with two Quaffles and no Snitch.
QUEEN of the M rating, of writing sex and kink as such fascinating explorations of power dynamics and power exchange! AND such delightfully defiant takes on canon -- and fanon!
Alphard's Favourite • sirius/peter • 5k, M A Rat in the Drawing Room • regulus/peter • 2k, M Acting Out • narcissa/molly • 2k, M Breathless • dorlene • 400, M
sometimes thistlecat manages something approximating wholesomeness and it is just as good and somehow just as utterly bring-a-tissue:
Silent Garden • daphne/theo • 1k, T. postwar selective mutism daphne. Family Legacy • tedromeda, remadora, tedoire • 2k, T. Three generations of trans/nonbinary/gender questioning Tonks-Lupins.
thistlecat’s humor, too, so underrated:
A Farewell Letter • wolfstar • 500, M, Sirius uses a Quick Quotes Quill to let his parents know he's, er, leaving! Height Difference • wolfstar • 500, G SETTLING this age-old fandom debate once and for all! Good Chat • wolfstar/jily/dorlene • 200, E. every! single! word!!
It was a planned action against heteronormativity and a complex statement about the exploitation of reality tv. Alternatively, the islanders were horny and bored.
literally wrote the goddamn meta on it: Fanfiction as an Arts-Based Trauma Therapy Modality. mandatory reading for anyone who uses fic as personal trauma processing!
speaking of which, i’m gonna necro your uquiz 😂 what ~problematique~ trope are you?
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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would you ever consider doing like. a list of your favourite/most used cc?? stuff like skins or presets.. etc. i just love your sims so much sanx your style! np if not ^^
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Ngl, I've been putting this off since these asks are a bit more difficult to answer. Maybe in the future, I'll put a resources page so you guys could have easier access to what I use but for now, we'll have to settle for this. A quick disclaimer though is that even though I listed the cc below, I try not to use their items all the time since I like to experiment with different cc from different creators so don't be surprised when I sometimes don't use the CC below at all on my sims. That being said, here's some of the stuff I use:
h同学/Classmate H
Simbience (ngl I almost always use everything they make)
Stacked Rubbish
Hi-land (Mainly their jaw preset packs)
northsiberianwinds (mainly body presets)
obscurus (mainly body presets)
Golyhawhaw (mainly teeth)
Sammi-xox (tbh I use so much of their skinblends)
and more...much much more...im beginning to realize i have too much cc... and that i may have a problem lmao, i also have stuff from sglynyp but they’re much more difficult to get since u need an account for that... 
So uhh, I wasn’t sure what you meant by skins??? That’s too broad of a term so here are some skin deets that I use and a couple of skin tones since I avoid sim skins with premade face details that I can’t overlay with anything since I can’t change the face details.
Simbience (Just use previous link)
And more (I have more cc creators but atm their names seem to be escaping me)
No one really asked for this one this but my recent favorites have been the following (also note I use a lot of eye details but I’ll link them next time):
Saruin (Please use previous link)
And more...
So I use reshade but tbh I never paid any attention whether or not the settings/ini files I downloaded were gshade or reshade since some of them still work as intended lmao im prolly not supposed to do this but i personally dont really mind and i tweak it if it’s kinda off... i also dont check if its meant for sim 4,3, or 2 since they still kinda work in my case...please dont be like me and please download the correct files lol
Oshinlite (my go-to in game reshade)
give me a nickname
and more...
I’m tired now, lmao but I hope these help :) If you guys need my cc finds it’s at @the-daydream-search-files
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indigo-scarf · 2 years
P, S and T for the ask game please?
ask game here
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
For oneshots I just start with a snippet or a concept and see what I can do with it as I write. Meanwhile, with my one failed attempt at a multi-chapter I've learnt that I need to know every single detail beforehand so I can foreshadow etc, but then I just can't write anything lol
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
emotional hurt/comfort
cuddles, especially hair-stroking
asexual coming out/"we don't have to do anything you don't want"
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Almost all the tropes involving my favourite characters lol
echoing @leogichidaa's sentiment about Regulus: Draco was forced to take the dark mark (he was canonically bragging about it on the train, wym)
pretending Draco, "Greg", "Vince", and the other Slytherins were wholesome BFFs
pretending Narcissa isn't bigoted
Lucius being completely abusive to Draco
Draco completely hating Lucius
tbh in general I don't like black & white relationships with toxic parents, because my own experience is frustratingly grey
sassy non-pink-wearing BAMF Pansy
pretending Draco's rivalry with Harry was just "scared, Potter?" and not "haha, your parents were murdered by the terrorist my father works for"
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gooseghoul · 6 years
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@casualcollectionpost2 I tried to save your ask to drafts but ended up deleting it instead lol. sorry this took so long to get out, hopefully it was worth it. I didn’t know too much about Theo so I’m hoping it worked out. put 3 characters in my inbox and I’ll tell you who I’d slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers with
slow burn: Theo I’m on the edge of Theo’s circle. I spend time with Pansy and Daphne but even more than that I’m around the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I’m just skirting the boundary of house loyalty. I befriend no gryffindors, leave distance between them and I, but still Theo finds reason to complain.
Our year is small. We’ve no room for infighting. Have little choice but to stick together despite any differences our families have. Theo is a pure blood and proud. As vicious in his thinking as Malfoy but not insistent enough to voice it.
In third year, after Malfoy annoyed that damn hippogriff and won’t. stop. talking about it, Theo finds me at a table in the library.
“I can’t stand him right now,” he says as he pulls out a chair. potions is his best subject, charms mine, and together we find refuge in the silence of the library. the only sound the turn of a page, the scratching of quills on parchment.
he has an obsession with time. he hates how i procrastinate, forces me to sit in the library at my own table, glaring at me across tables while i ignore my essay to count the bricks in the wall.
“you’re being an idiot,” he hisses at me the day before our charms essay is due.
“I’m only hurting myself,” I say. my essay is half finished. i’ve taken two hours to write half a paragraph.
he gets taller over summer but stays just as thin. his hair gets longer too. light brown, haloes gold in the torchlight, a slight wave twisting by his ears. his smile is both sweet and grating.
in the library, it’s not just charms and potions we study. now he pores over latin textbooks, looks at conjugation tables, memorises declensions. he traces the grammar on the roof of his mouth. he’s there longer than i am most nights. but his magic is brighter for it. more vivid and powerful and he finally understands what it is we’re begging for when say a spell.
he walks that thin line between good and evil. it is the same line my family and i have learnt to walk. both pure blood. both proud. both solitary. our friendship, if we can call it that, doesn’t extend far beyond the library.
“i wish we had more time,” he says at the end of our sixth year. he doesn’t mourn dumbledore but his voice his thick. we all lost something that night, no matter what side we fell on. draco’s absence from the common room is palpable.
when war reaches us at hogwarts he runs. i stay and fight against voldemort, but not with potter. i don’t blame Theo. he could have done well under either victor. he was a child afraid of the choice of his actions. inaction isn’t always a choice — not when that inaction is to run and hide and pray.
we go to the same university. an ancient institution still tied with its muggle counterpart. peace, he says, still walking that line between love and hate. fear and acceptance.
he abandons potions for spell crafting. I study the history of our hatred. look for signs of the wizarding in ancient authors. we overlap in a need for language. in the library we learn greek the way the ancient athenians spoke it. their magic was in prayer and ritual. nearly all curses, begging the gods through words scratched in lead, folded over and pierced. there is no proof of the follow through, no result recorded in history, but the ancients believed and isn’t magic itself founded in intent?
the unspeakables scout him while he’s halfway through his postgrad. he doesn’t tell me what it is they want from him. not over coffee or drinks at the union, and certainly not in whispered conversations between the bookshelves. he’s taken to wearing jewellery: a chain round his neck which my eyes cant seem to hold.
his hair is near gold. his words well practiced. he wants me to know. i think i already do. think of how much we could do, how much we could recover had we simply had more time. it’s immoral. impossible. but we live in the after, always wanting what we left behind. the silence of loss reverberates around us all. it is there in everything we do.
back at his flat, he slips the chain round my neck and spins magic from his fingertips. i learn the taste of latin as it spills from his tongue.
fate date: Blaise
by our fifth year, blaise had worked his way through almost everyone slytherin house deemed acceptable. mostly he stuck to ravenclaws, or slytherins in the years above. no gryffindors, no one in our immediate circle. those were the only rules.
i could see why people fell for him. he was charming, handsome, and indiscriminate in who he fell into bed with (unless, of course, you were anything less than a pureblood). he was annoyingly likeable as well despite the arrogance that lay behind his charm.
“you know what would be hilarious,” pansy said one night in the common room. we were in the common room. pansy, blaise, theo and I. everyone else had long since gone to bed but we’d all gotten distracted working on our potions essay.
“what?” blaise said.
“you and M. no, blaise, think about it. you’re both absolutely perfect and it doesn’t have to be real. no one would expect it.”
I cast a look at blaise. “I thought I was a blood traitor, Pansy. as much as Blaise likes to forget, I don’t think he could look past it long enough.”
Blaise’s eyes narrowed.
“I said it doesn’t have to be real. That’s part of the fun. We’d all be in on the joke, and everyone else would be surprised that Blaise settled for you of all people.”
“I’d look past it. You can’t help your parents mistakes. You do like to go on about how we’re not our parents.”
“oh, you’d look past it would you? how noble of you zabini. I’m utterly charmed.”
“shh, M,” Pansy said.
“well if you’re not up for it,” Blaise continued.
“I didn’t say I’m not up for it. I’m just don’t think you’d actually be willing to touch me considering my family.”
“I said I would didn’t I?”
“I said fine. we’re doing this, and I am going to prove you wrong. you’re just as prejudiced as the rest of us.”
Theo, who’d been sitting in silence this whole time turned to pansy and said. “what have you done?”
“I’ve created a monster,” she replied. her eyes glinted with the firelight. “and it’s beautiful.”
most of our dates consisted of me baiting blaise and he hissing that i ought to try harder. pansy didn’t let go of her pet project, but she let it filter through our year naturally that blaise zabini was dating a girl from a family of blood traitors. a family, though pureblood and ancient, that was entirely poor.
we sat in stone cold silence at a table in the Three Broomsticks. Pansy was somewhere behind me, talking loudly at how cute we were. look, we didn’t even need to speak to show how in love we were.
Blaise was my friend, first. but in this game we had lost something of one another. our friendship became stilted. our touches, once casual, were now stiff. people were now expecting us to show affection. so what little affection was shown was no longer natural but rehearsed. we were acting and it was the ruin of us.
we stopped talking outside of our dates. were sure to be seen with each other in the corridors. sat beside each other in classes but made certain to make time for our friends. we included them in everything we did.
i missed what we had. the friendship we both knew was based on inequality and a low lying disregard for the other’s beliefs. it was a friendship formed to keep the peace in our year. slytherins, despite all our apparent faults, stuck together. prejudices be damned.
but now things were different. blaise’s eyes didn’t linger like they had. i couldn’t even pass him notes from fear of our fingers touching.
because how could he like me? how could he when the pretence was disgusting enough. we were too different, our politics misaligned, my family’s name worth too little and his too much. it was easy to overlook before, when things didn’t matter so much. but how could we continue on as we had before when everything was suddenly significant? he had no reason to like me, no reason to look at me and —
i did not love him. i did not. i simply missed the casual touch of his hand on my arm to get my attention. i missed his easy smile. missed the assessing warmth of his eyes.
in the common room one night, after everyone else has gone to bed he comes over and sits next to me.
“I think we should stop,” he says. “go back to how things were before.”
I nod my agreement. our friendship is tainted, we both know that. we are two stubborn people, both arrogant in our own ways.
things are slow at first. the memory of how ugly things had been between us too fresh to be anything other than awkward. but he tucks my hair behind my ear one day. smiles.
enemies to lovers: Pansy
I made the mistake of wearing a jumper in gryffindor red on the train ride. It was enough for Pansy to hate me once she’d learnt my name; I was a blood traitor, a bastard, an enemy to the house. i was lucky in a sense that she fell in with draco. her hatred of hermione was the natural counterpart to his hatred of potter.
but still, I’d come back to my dormitory some evenings to find my possessions thrown all over. my shoes missing, my hairbrush in the toilet cistern, my diary with pages ripped out. so i retaliated. spread rumours to the hufflepuffs, who’d tell the ravenclaws who’d tell the gryffindors. spent time in the library brushing up on potions to at least be slightly higher up in snape’s good graces. not that snape would do anything against pansy. her family were death eaters and snape’s alliance was no secret in the school.
people think slytherin means malice and hatred, but it is far more than that. it is small cunning. the type that can’t easily be seen. it is power through any means. to be slytherin is not to be evil. it is to break people down into pieces. to watch your enemies flinch when you near. it is to meet their expectations of retaliation with a slighting smile. your indifference to them is vital. that is cunning. that is power.
i went out of my way to be a good slytherin. won our head of house’s favour in the act of evenings spent studying potions books. my victory over pansy was silent.
hate is a strong word. eventually, it winds down to this: in our fifth year we are both made prefects. snape, the evil bastard, insists we patrol together. something about pansy and i balancing each other out. she’s not pretty, not really. her mouth is a permanent frown, her nose unfortunate, eyes slightly bugged. but she is, surprisingly, adept. she’s quick to anger, finds enjoyment in berating the younger gryffindors. but she’d lay down her pride for her house. she’d hex anyone who injured her friends.
i suppose she didn’t think i was awful either. she stopped bringing up my name to spite me. said that maybe i was more worthy than my parents. i think, in her eyes, that was a compliment. i was something other than my blood traitor, muggle indifferent parents. i was a pure blood. untainted. it was my parents who were wrong, not me, i was only suffering because of them.
i’d do good under voldemort, she said. though she didn’t say his name.
i ignored her. ignored the pull of her words. she look for draco when we returned to the common room after patrol. she’d hang off his every word.
potter comes to the feast with a bloodied nose. he’s always one to make a scene. can’t ever be normal. pansy laughs at something draco says, smiles at blaise’s joke. for once, though i am two seats away, i laugh too.
we sit next to each other in defence. for the first time since coming here, we only have kind words to say about our professor. snape is teaching defence at last. our pride is biting, shared between pansy, all the other slytherins and i. he has wanted this above all else and his patience has paid off.
she’s not ugly, exactly. her mouth is full and downturned. her nose small and upturned. her eyes are wide. she’s like a portrait of innocence, all of her features coming together to create a powerful image of a girl who is anything but ugly. it’s a strange sort of pretty. an old, unconventional kind.
she doesn’t smile when she sees me. but she tilts her head. her eyebrows draw together. i undo her hatred, and she my indifference.
“but he’s there! potter’s there! someone grab him!”
I understand her words. her fear. I want to feel their bite against my throat. part of me wants my father to have the mark on his skin just so i can understand her. her words were toxic. tantalising.
i stay behind. fight against her father. defy any want the dark lord had. i am not for potter. not for that blinding black and white view of the world, but i am not for him either. i want that freedom of choice; that violent in between. i knew not of snape’s betrayal. but i think, now, he would have been proud.
retribution comes for pansy after voldemort’s defeat. she was a young girl. a child. not to be blamed but forever tarnished by her words against potter.
it is not my place to forgive her. it wasn’t me she wronged. but i have learnt as we all have the weight guilt on one’s conscience. potter will never care for her. never see a need to talk to the girl who so openly wanted his death. she was scared. a child marked by her father’s choice.
pansy has changed since i saw her last. she drinks coffee that’s mostly milk and sugar and too much syrup. her lips are soft. mouth tastes like bitter coffee and cinnamon.
in the future, she’ll stand opposite me as she does now. she’ll have learnt from her past. learnt the power of words and how ugly they can make us seem. she’ll hold my hand in hers and take my name.
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sapphicwhxre · 4 years
i read fics just as much as i write them so here are some of my favourites. tysmsm for this milestone, i love you all <3 quick note: i didn't re-tag anyone if i recommended more than one of your works because of the tag limit.
───────── girls ─────────
hermione granger
tuesdays - @stupxfy
probably one of my all time favs for hermione. it's just so well written and adorable and fluffy and yes.
if i could tell her - @hellounicorn
pining, pining, PINING. the way these emotions and hermione's described is just... art. perfection. there's a happy ending and it is so worth the build up.
darling dearest - @dracolvr
fluffy goodness. read to be hopelessly in love with hermione ─ which, let's be real, we all are.
november rain - @pansydaisy
uhm i love this one sm. it's so simple but amazing ─ everyone has their days like this and having hermione to cure them? it's what everyone needs.
i need more - @15-dogs
i sobbed the first time i read this. it'll break your heart but it's so amazingly written that it's worth the sadness. actual gut wrenching / mindblowing writing.
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
the title. need i say more?
honeyed eyes - @minty-malfoy
HEAVEN. being hermione's first kiss as friend? but both of you idiots liking each other? oh my god, sign me up.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
again, the title. read to feel 🥺💙
grey days - @pepperimps01
PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
grenade - @hellounicorn
another one that'll make your heart shatter. but in the best way. these are the fics i live for where the you can't help but feel like it's really happening to you and hermione and god it's so fucking powerful. underrated writing right here in general. and also pansmione is the loml so it hurts in that way.
honeybees - @pansydaisy
fluffy aesthetic heaven.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
two queens in a king sized bed - @shysneeze
domestic christmas morning with hermione and it's angelic.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
one of those blurbs i never imagined i'd read or love so much. not to mention it's spot on and adorable.
pansy parkinson
right and wrong - @starrkidmalfoy
a first kiss and the overdone trope that i will never get sick of, the bitch who's soft only for you. the descriptions in this are perfection and the writing is beautiful <3
messed up - @writseo
toxic, messed up love fics will be the death of me. insane how well you captured it all and i just yes damn fucking props.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
dating pansy would include - @lotsoffandomimagines
ABSOLUTE POWER COUPLE SHIT and to this day, pansy saying "jealous much?" when being scolded for pda remains iconic.
grey days - @pepperimps01
as i said before: PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
new rules - @silversslytherin
excuse me this is immaculate ─ pansy is the best friend and the second you see that she's also the best s/o, you're done for. perfection.
study "dates" - @turning-dreams-into-chaos
the title is self explanatory and this whole thing is fluffy heaven <3
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
read the title, thank me later.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
traitor - @hufflepuff-writings
a masterpiece where pansy chooses the wrong side in the battle of hogwarts. this ties up so well and the writing is so powerful.
back alley love potions - @a-simple-imagine
this actually hurts but in a beautiful way. watching pansy give draco a love potion is such a fucking concept and this is executed incredibly.
my little bunny - @emmamarie7708
pansy making you do this is so dirty yet she's slightly sweet and i am a sucker for it. god is a woman and her name is pansy fucking parkinson.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
i'll let pansy beat people up for me all day. they put me in madame pomfrey's, feel my girlfriend's wrath.
ginny weasley
blissful - @enyastasia
fluffy ginny goodness. the friends to lovers? the amazing kiss? 🥺🥺🥺💞💞 this fic lives in my heart <3
bubble pop electric - @hunnypot-imagines
this is hotter than a lot of actual smut and the chemistry is so... wow. ginny weasley owns me.
dear ginny - @alyssamalfoy
how does this short ass letter manage to make me feel so much. it's sorcery but i don't even care, it's beautiful.
wildflower - @pansydaisy
will i ever get tired of cheeky i love yous? not when loves like ginny weasley and ayli's so so pretty writing exist.
all i want - @hellounicorn
ouch. fuck you harry :) quite possibly the best ginny fic i have ever read. insanely talented writing, i genuinely feel every touch of emotion you put down and you need to know how amazing that is. keep breaking my heart.
linny hcs - @bluebirdlinginthenest
who doesn't need good linny content in their life?
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
sexy bitch, fuck me up.
willow - @padmeamiala
ginny is the loml. her brothers can cry about it.
bellatrix lestrange
attempting to bake with bellatrix - @carters-coffee
MY FAVOURITE BELLA FIC ─ there's not enough bellatrix fluff out there but this makes up for the lack of. heaven.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
this gives me chills. she knows she's a bad bitch and that's what we love about her.
change of plans - @dumb-sbian
why THE FUCK have i not had a rainy morning with bellatrix? she can sleep and mumble something just like this and i'm still head over heels for her.
being tortured as bellatrix's girlfriend - @writings-of-a-british-fangirl
definitely a concept BUT this makes me feel some type of way and i recommend giving it a minute of your time 😌
bellatrix finding out you're a muggleborn - @carters-coffee
the beauty, the nuance omg. this is art.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
yep jealous bella. trust me, im all yours mommy <3
sex with bellatrix would include - @onegayastronaut
so short but... sign. me. up.
luna lovegood
never leave - @/deactivated
luna smut is hard asf to come by and this is my favourite. it's so luna and the pain over her not knowing, not getting that closure about how you feel until this is an amazing rollercoaster.
she - @hunnypot-imagines
the beauty of falling in love with luna, through this majorly talented writing. ten out of fucking ten. i will not elaborate but there's also majorly good association in this imo.
silver berries and flickering fireflies - @duskgrangers
i love this fic so much. she's so herself and that is why we ✨ simp ✨ and the scene set just sounds so prettyy
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
luna + this title? yes please, ma'am i am simping.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
put me in your pocket luna. im begging you.
dancing in the rain with luna - @/deactivated
only luna would get you a dress to go dancing in the rain and this is the stuff of blissful, fluffy dreams.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
short and cute, do me a favour and read it :)
dating luna lovegood would go like - @glossymalfoy
life is NOT worth it if you don't read these cute little headcanons and imagine dating ravenclaw's baddest bitch.
linny hc - @bluebirdlinginthenest
like i said, who doesn't need good linny content?
cho chang
strawberry kisses - @pansydaisy
the only cho fic i've been able to find and it's SO WORTH IT. the cutest, it flows so well, and i absolutely love it. i need this with cho tbh.
fleur delacour
toutes les etoiles - @coffee--writes
im in love with fleur and this amazing writing. and for the first time since i started high school, my three years of taking french feel good for something.
being best friends with fleur would include - @harrypotter-imaginess
not romantic but actually so sweet pls. i want this friendship in my life so bad.
nymphadora tonks
dating nymphadora tonks would include - @imaginesforgirls
dating her + that warm little feeling of bliss that only HCs can give you
taking care of her after the war - @random-imagines-blog
this kind of hurts in that good ass way and i lovee it. they're simple hcs but i feel for tonks so much and then there's that warm lil feeling when you're the one to put her back together aand now my primary life goal is to help this woman heal.
───────── boys ─────────
harry potter
phosphenes - @minty-malfoy
ok shakespeare, the fuck?? this fic will never not get me right in the heart. the angst, holy fuck. and for once, the reader doesn't hurt harry and let draco walk all over them and it's just done so well. the transition from a toxic relationship to a sweet, loving one PLEASE. it's beautiful.
happy memories - @15-dogs
how does this manage to be so. smutty and fluffy at the same time? this is one of those short ones that has lived in my head, rent-free since i read it. and tbh any fic that includes expecto patronum is guaranteed to be good.
come back to me - @wondernimbus
right from the beginning, it's a mess of emotions both good and bad. that kind of good ass writing that hits you in the heart <3
making out with harry potter would include - @badfvith
read this title. done? now thank me later.
harry prompt - @thoseofgreatambition
harry x a sarcastic swooning bitch is an elite trope idc. short and sweet, i'm marrying this fic.
keep your eyes on the prize - @rowema-ravenclaw
first of all, showing harry up and second, pure fluff (and a little steam) right after. i also love how she writes harry in general because he's totally safe/in love with the relationship but still has that awkward lovable shyness and i just... *sighs*
always - @pansydaisy
uhm i will always love him and always reread this a thousand times so its a fit title + a good read.
late night studying - @lumosandnoxwriting
fuck studying, let his hand stay in my shirt. once again recommending fluffy bliss in the form of a short read that makes me feel things <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
he's so stupid. but he still loves you + this is from our resident perfectly talented writer so its a win.
cuddling after a rough quidditch practice - @badfvith
harry james potter is : b a b y
gryffindor's victory - @rowema-ravenclaw
make me gryffindors fucking cheerleader because HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. AND THE WRITING IS IMMACULATE PLEASE. just read it, you won't regret it.
draco malfoy
silent treatment - @slytherinwh0re
andy's mad talented and this is just... insert a cheesy chefs kiss. unbelievably adorable but so fucking hot and an actually good smut plot (which is rare lmfao). remind me to give draco the silent treatment every time im upset.
rewards - @malfoysstilinski
so hot PLS. hype him up for the match and get your reward, bye. so good.
reading between the lines - @minty-malfoy
i've said this a thousand times but that's what happens when you've got a mad talented mutual BLESSING everyone with beauty like this. butterflies and warm feelings all around when i read this 💓
point of view - @draconisxcaput
its angst for hermione and fluff for you but overall ethereal writing. i am never going to recover from the pure talent that this is.
im not kidding im dying - @malfoysmatrioshka
i hate being sick with a passion but this... this would make it worth it.
hogwarts express - @/deactivated
draco fucking you because he knows harry's watching. the shit of legends and god is it hot.
draco laughing at you because you can't walk after sex - @glossymalfoy
*motions to the title* fluff with this loser 😌
the cheeseburger - @slytherinwh0re
really short read but this is one of those things i just. didn't know i needed. you're missing out and haven't even realised it if you haven't read about introducing him to cheeseburgers. and that ending is so funny/in character to me i fucking love it.
four am - @malfoysstilinski
domestic draco 🥺 but also sad draco 🥺 and then fluffy draco 🥺
hugging him from behind - @pastanest
real short and it'll brighten your day <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
how is it that this is so stupidly adorable. i love it 💘
ron weasley
heather - @hellounicorn
always making me cry with your fics i swearrr. this is a must-read. having someone but them not really being yours is a beautiful trope and this fic absolutely does it wonderful, poetic justice. your angst is addicting.
apple pie - @pregnant-piggy
ABSOLUTE DOMESTIC BLISS I AM IN LOVE. i don't even like kids or baking that much but this made me so soft. the whole cozy, heavenly vibes from this fic yes yes yes.
jealousy - @writeroutoftime
cliché jealousy turns friends to lovers and i am a sucker for it all over again <3
shaking and trembling - @ronsbadidea
if ron doesn't finger fuck me and then make a cheeky comment about it in class later then WHAT IS THE POINT :(
mixed signals - @iamthecabbage
i've always figured ron is this awkward idiot cutie with a crush and yea, this is it.
fred and george weasley
i love you, but you don't - @george-fabian-weasley
fred's a character i really don't read for often but goddamn. it's the saddest, most beautiful mix of rejection and pain and fred desperately caring but not in the way you want him to ─ an angsty masterpiece.
cockwarming george - @roonilwazlibimagines
because of this filthy gem, i one hundred thousand percent believe that he could make me cum without even fucking me and this is just... it's a good fucking read.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
their responses are so wonderfully chaotic and adorable and GOD you're missing out if you haven't read these lil blurbs.
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ghaniblue · 2 years
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My June was crazy so I didn't get to read as much as I would've liked. Here is what I enjoyed in June. 2x Drarry fic, 1x Drarry podfic, 1x Dronarry podfic, 1x Wolfstar podfic
[fic] The Seventh Life by @corvuscrowned | Drarry, Explicit, 18k
If Draco had looked the other way, he may never have seen him again. But Draco turned, because he always would have turned. He found him, because he always would have found him - in life, in death, or in Paris.
Written for @hd-fangfest Gorgeous exploration of life, love and death featuring vampire!Draco and non-binary!Harry in Paris. Tender and thoughtful, aching and wistful and full of love.
[fic] Potter's Got a Tiny Dick (that I can't stop thinking about swallowing whole) by @vukovich | Drarry, Explicit, 4k
Things I can fit in my mouth:
Eight large marshmallows
Two golden kiwi ((the fruit) not that kind of fruit)
Most of Pansy Parkinson's Fist
The end of a Coke can
Things I'd like to fit in my mouth:
Harry Potter's dick
An entire chocolate and toffee muffin from that place on Upper St
Harry Potter's balls
A very nice glass of Merlot ((I'm not terribly fussy) but I lie)
Harry Potter's dick AND balls
This Draco POV is screamingly funny. Who can I bribe to turn this into a podfic?
[podfic] Marbles Lost and Found written by saras_girl, read by xancredible | Drarry, Teen, 40 min
All Draco wanted was a cup of tea. Now he has to find out what Potter is doing with all of those purple things.
The reading fits the fic very well: charming and warm.
[podfic] The Taste of Ťuiča written by @fluxweeed , read by @lastontheboat| Ron/Harry/Draco, Explicit, 1h 40min
It’s quite one thing for your best mate to casually tell you about all the sex his boyfriend wants to have. It’s altogether another to have him bring up the time you snogged him in a shitty Central London park.
I don't read Ron/anyone fic tbh, but I liked this, and I especially enjoyed the reading of Ron's POV in this. It fits so well.
[podfic] Rebel Rebel written by @teacup-tai , read by @erajakira | Wolfstar, Explicit, 35 min
Sirius has just turned twenty and life is changing around him, blossoming, like Remus wrote in his last letter.
This is a story about life and exploration, about feeling lost and finding oneself in other people's bodies, about building love and community. This is a story about hope and sex and growing up.
Or: There was no war, so Sirius Black goes to David Bowie's concerts, has lots of sex, falls in love and finds a path he would like to follow.
This is such a wonderful fic about discovery and finding your people and happiness. And the reading is so lovely.
May Favourites
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
first lines
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
thank you @amywaterwings, @pennygalleon, and @cavendishbutterfly for the tags!! i loved seeing all of your first lines 💕 these are from my 20 most recent fics, not including ao3 works that are drabble collections. im surprised there aren’t more that start with dialogue tbh!
✩ You wouldn’t consider yourself a soft man.
pretty boy [E, 1.5k]
✩ hey!!!
golden boy blues [T, 2.5k]
✩ Draco’s locker door slams closed.
you’re the one that i want [G, 1.4k]
✩ If Draco has to hear a cat acapella rendition of Jingle Bells one more time, he may be losing his mind much earlier than usual this holiday season.
the call of sweet things [E, 88k]
✩ “Nooooo!” Draco yells, diving behind the makeshift barricade of snow as Ron hurls a snowball towards him.
sunlight on the snow [T, 841 words]
✩ Draco wakes up with a flurry of kisses pressed to his face, and he giggles helplessly while shoving his lump of a boyfriend off of him.
easy kindnesses [M, 1.7k]
✩ “Okay, Draco, what?”
getting no signal [G, 891 words]
✩ Harry is making dinner when the Floo roars in the living room.
loving, quiet [T, 1.3k]
✩ “Tell me your safeword.”
yours (in every way) [E, 1.7k]
✩ “Harry, Harry, fuck baby let’s at least get to the bed–”
give me something to hold onto [E, 1.9k]
✩ “No, no, that one’s for Pansy–”
these little gifts [G, 663 words]
✩ Draco can’t move.
sink your teeth in [E, 3.8k]
✩ Harry’s room for Eighth Year is tucked up high in a corner of the castle, catches all of the morning sunlight, and is shared by Draco Malfoy.
to be a bit of warmth (for you) [M, 9.3k]
✩ Draco shoves his wand back up his sleeve, watching impassively from his hiding place as the sixth year’s large, pink sign bursts into a flurry of pink butterflies.
please call me baby (say it aloud) [T, 4.7k]
✩ Draco is the only one who notices.
how easy you are to need [M, 1.2k]
✩ Harry sleeps through his alarm, and is subsequently woken by the distant yowl of multiple hungry cats.
you bring me home [E, 35k]
✩ The first time it happens, Draco had just brewed himself the perfect cup of tea and settled down in his favorite armchair to read, sighing softly at the persistent ache in his feet.
ever-giving heart [E, 6.1k]
✩ The day Draco moves in with Harry, it’s pouring rain.
home is wherever i’m with you [T, 6.1k]
✩ It starts with a party game.
proving your sexual expertise over your roommate without catching feelings (and failing spectacularly): a how to by potter and malfoy [E, 2k]
✩ It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
thaw [T, 3.4k]
tagging (sorry if you’ve already been tagged!) @m0srael @corvuscrowned @academicdisasterfic @moonstruckwytch @hogwartsfirebolt @the-starryknight @wheezykat @nv-md @slytherco @lou-isfake @vina-writes @thesleepiesthufflepuff and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!!
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spearxwind · 2 years
Aaaa I’ve been struggling through watching my favourite streamer play the quarry! What a mess! I’ve not even reached the ending yet but I think I’m not going to be watching that video again, which is rare. It feels like a realtime fandub of the actual game, but without any of the humour or life. All the screens where you focus in way too close to a characters face as they debate A or B are goofy as hell, that one guy was either falling asleep or on his phone while reading his lines, the werewolves are goofy as hell, and I’ve actually lost the plot. I don’t know what’s happening. Some old lady got shot? Was she a werewolf? I don’t know. Another guys in a cage. Why. I don’t know. you could say that’s my fault but I feel like in a game with good consistent writing I’d be able to at least *guess* at what’s happening
also the constant not-telling-people-whats-going-on is going to be the end of me, I think. Everything is made so much worse by the awkward as hell lack of communication.
If I can say one positive for the game— and it’s one, very, very small positive, it’s that A werewolf did look spooky for maybe 3 seconds. That influencer girl, she encounters one in that tree house and the lightings all dim, and you only see it a bit until suddenly you focus on the face and those eyes. I paused there and thought ‘that’s a neat shot, it looks like it actually wants to hurt her. If they keep the werewolves looking like that then they might get a little spooky leeway.’
They did not keep the werewolves looking like that. Classic thing— making the horror monster too visible.
And this is more a personal thing but I’m not even scared of the game and I’m the biggest pansy alive. I *cannot* handle horror without getting Way Too Spooked and the quarry just bores me
Honestly yeah I struggled watching through to the end, just because I wanted to see the story at least resolved, but the whole last section was just... not worth it at all. It's very confusing and convoluted for no reason, the ending itself is incredibly underwhelming, and yeah Ryan's voice lines are... bad delivery.
I tried not to be too harsh on him though because I thought it might get justified later but it doesnt and he does feel just... completely disinterested in whats happening. Honestly you can guess 90% of whats happening because it comes down to 'hey theres monsters out there and some of them might be us kind of' and the only mystery is how the fuck that bit from the start ties into everything else
I also thought the wolves might like.. be a progressive kind of thing where when they begin the transformation they look like that and the longer the night goes on the freakier they look but no they just look like that
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The more I think about it yeah the more it just feels like they tried and failed to make until dawn again. except this time the monsters are there all the time and instead of unraveling a mystery and getting characters killed due to negligence or bad decisions its always "do you want to kill this character >yes >no" it kinda feels a lot more random when deaths happen
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Yeah the tutorial thing was very jarring but I thought it was charming. it definitely takes you out of the experience though, they should have put those in like... a menu section for when youre paused or something.
and man yeah!! the transformation is so weird like... just explode into blood and bam theres a werewolf underneath. tbh i wouldnt have minded as much if like.. they made the wolves visually different from each other or actually resemble what person each one is but no its literally 1. explode into blood 2. instant model change like. alright
i dont really do teen drama anyway but i thought it was alright, at least some of the banter seemed pretty decent, and yeah campy movies that this is based on usually have all this drama stuff so I can excuse that
also kaitlyn deserved so much more screen time for real she was the only one with an actual braincell
actually as a sidenote theres just so many things that dont make sense from the setup at all i just remembered theres also a shot of a corpse in a lake and this is never explained nor mentioned nor acknowledged for the entirety of the game.
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euclydya · 2 years
i really appreciated y'all's recommendations, kimya dawson is one of those artists where everything they produce becomes a favorite of mine. you don't need to worry about doubles, it's a non-issue for us.
my recommendations for today are: stiff competition by cheap trick for billy, prove my love by the violent femmes for steve, blister in the sun also by the violent femmes for your jonathan, and anthem by pansy division for eddie (their song fem in a black leather jacket was a contender because it sounds like a song about eddie, but anthem sounds like the one he'd have more fun singing).
!!!! OKAY COOL COOL COOL GLAD TO KNOW /POSITIVE bc we. Love doubles all of us do LMAO
And!!!!!!!!! All those song are SO fucking good!! Violent Femmes is definitely growing on us as a hyperfixation band, we're gonna have to sit down one day soon n listen to their whole discography goddamn
Stiff Competition is def going on Billy's playlist it is SO catchy and fun tbh, and both pansy division songs are also great!! our Mains listen to em every now n then we should also listen to their entire discography huh. Perhaps someday,,, When our brain lets us just Listen To Music All Day </3 Dunno when that'll be though lmao
Anyways here's our recs for today too!!:
Dead Rats - Against Me! (Eddie's suggestion)! Against Me has so many good songs but this one's always our go-to when we wanna listen to their shit idk why. Just very catchy sound-wise!
Anxiety Song - Human Petting Zoo (my suggestion)! Short sweet n too the point, I prefer the version on their self titled EP but the version off their album UFO is also very good, the EP ver is just,, much more Raw which I like a lot
Drown With Me - Porcupine Tree (Steve's suggestion)! Now thiiis is where our memory gets fuzzy. We don't recall if we suggested this one already, not gonna lie. We'll check in a lil bit though! As for the song itself, Steve really relates to this song source-wise. He remembers the whole uhh. Pool Incident™ happening to him too. It's helped him cope with that, but it's also just a Very good song by a Very good band in general—it's been one of our go-to songs for when we need to ground ourselves bc we find it super calming!
We're In This Together - Nine Inch Nails (Billy's suggestion)! This one is kinda cheating I suppose since it's a system-wide favourite /lighthearted. Billy likes to listen to this a lot when Max is around front too, nowadays they've got a really close friendship and I'm happy for them tbh. He likes dedicating songs to everyone that he's close to in-sys (as we all do honestly lmao) and he dedicates this one to Max especially!
BONUS 5TH ONE BECAUSE YOU MENTIONED 5 SONGS LMAO: This Song Is A Curse - Frank Iero!! Very silly but fun and has catchy guitars and lyrics, I adore this song it's just. Very fun!! i would 1000% put this on my Spotify playlist if it was fucking oN Spotify but alas! It isn't! </3 And despite it being written specifically for A Disney Movie Of All Goddamn Things, it's still. Relatable in a way to me! tl;dr: good song, Frank Put It On Spotify Immediately I Am Begging You,
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skiitter · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
tagged by the lovely @simplifiedemotions
I am procrastinating as per usual and decided to do a tag game. Anyone who also wants to procrastinate can join in!
1. What was your favourite thing to write about when you first started writing? Has that changed with time?
I loved diving deep into the ins and outs of what made a character tic and using those motivations to help further the story itself. Now I'm more interested in the way characters can fuck things up for each other and mess up trajectories. Really I just like throwing them all in a room and seeing what comes of it.
2. Describe your most recent WIP in the worst way you can think of. If you don’t have a WIP, then your most recently completely story.
Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are forced to play house. Lots of people die and they spend waaaay too long waxing poetic about the sea.
3. What is a line you’ve written recently and been proud of?
Being an only child has instilled in me a grand sense of entitlement and now that I’ve somehow managed to worm my way into her good graces, I’m overrun with the need to be near her. I want her attention constantly, be it good or bad, and if my father could see what I’ve let fester inside my chest, he’d burn it out of me.
4. Is there anything you would read but not write? How about anything you would write but not read?
I read for a lot of ships I wouldn't really write for tbh. As for the flip side, I write fic I want to read and therefore wouldn't make something I don't already like.
5. Is there a fan-fiction character that makes you want to rip your hair out when you write them?
Most of the Hogwarts profs for some reason. Also Pansy Parkinson. Idk why but I avoid her.
6. Which HP character do you relate to? Which one do you like writing the most?
As a kid it was Hermione. Now it's kind of Draco, especially him as an adult. I love writing for them both, but probably Draco if only because I tend to give his inner voice more of my own traits than her. Hermione is more analytical than i am and it makes writing things from her POV a challenge sometimes.
7. What is your favourite writing spot?
In my big yellow chair with my laptop and the heating pad.
8. Do you structure your writing extensively, go by the fly, or are you somewhere in between?
In a perfect world, yes. In this world, no. I always go with the flow aside from some key scenes/plot points I want and then I inevitably hit a snag that forces me to go back and fix everything I've written.
Tag, idk, however many people you want. :) I’ll tag: @cuteasamuntin @mightbewriting @heyjude19-writing and uh whoever else
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luvdsc · 4 years
tag games ;
tagging :: @eggyukhei ; @taeyongtime ; @choerrypuffs ; @wincore ; @latetaektalk ; @dropofgoldensun ; @jaemericano 🌷🌷
TAG GAME: 10 songs, 10 people
tagged by :: @m88n ty, ti! 💞
rules :: you can tell a lot about a person from the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs. then tag ten people. no skipping!
playlist chosen :: van gogh’s irises (1889)
you broke me first — tate mcrae
pansy — taemin
cotton candy lemonade — blu detiger
i need u — yaeow
plot twist — niki
just like a movie — the wallows
baram x 3 — taeyeon
u n eye (live) — boy in space
can i call you back? — shy martin
this is how you fall in love — jeremy zucker & chelsea cutler
TAG GAME: fic writers ask game
tagged by :: @hyucksie & @kopikokun ty !! 🌸
Which new trope would you like to try writing?
fashion designer / model au! I want to write this idea for winwin so badly, and it’s inspired by a drabble request I received along with taylor swift’s gold rush, and I just love the idea so so soo much 💛
Which trope do you want to write again?
this is a bff2l support blog, and you can pry that trope from my cold dead hands. I am itching to write renjun’s bff2l rom com fic 🤩🤩
Which draft are you most excited to post?
pussy blocked!!!!! oh my god, it’s so close to being done, i have two scenes left, and I’m so so sooo excited to post it because I’m really proud of it :’) I’m having second thoughts about the big scene I have left tho, so I haven’t touched the wip in the past few weeks
Is there any new genre you want to explore?
angst !! Gut wrenching, heart breaking, bittersweet angst is my absolute favorite genre to read, but I can never give my own characters angst because I feel bad about it. also, it’s just really hard to write, like writing fluff is as easy as breathing for me tbh djdjddj I can write mindless tooth rotting fluff so fast, but angst is what I love most and what I want to perfect so badly. I’m really excited to try writing it for my collab fic!!! 🥰
Do you have a favorite line in any of your drafts up to now?
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Have you decided on any creative goals for 2021?
not really! i just write whatever i want whenever i want, so i suppose my goal is to just do whatever makes me happy 💓
Describe your journey on this blog last year in three words! And three more words for what you hope for 2021!
2020: unexpected, happiness, friendship
2021: improvement, happiness, friendship
TAG GAME: aesthetic challenge
tagged by :: @m88n ty, ti! 💟
rules :: to make your own moodboard go to pinterest and search:
favourite colour + aesthetic
favourite colour + outfit + aesthetic
favourite colour + shoes (choose one that goes with your style)
favourite colour + an accessory you like
type a word that identifies you + quote (choose one that goes with you)
favourite celebrity + favourite colour (if you don’t find anything then search favourite cartoon)
type your favourite hobby
favourite colour + aesthetic again
favourite colour + favourite word + aesthetic
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siriusly-sapphic · 4 years
number 2 and Narcissa please
Send me a ship or character and I'll tell you:
How I feel about this character:
My angel. Darling girl. Love of my life.
Narcissa is kind of a horrible person but then also So Fucking Interesting and I just really really love her and I'm so attached to her?? My favourite character, 10/10 would stan again.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Oh boy. I apologise in advance. I'm just gonna put the main "actively would consume and create content for them" ships I guess??
Lucius is an A+ husband even if he is Dumb; Rabastan is a heartbreaking 'could have been' that fucks me up everytime; Sirius is... a disastrous relationship, really, but fun as fuck; Mrs. Zabini and Cissa just make the ultimate power couple okay I don't make the rules; Cissamione fic is Gorgeous and if you haven't read Extinction you should; and then there's Lily/Pansy/Charlie/James/Remus but they usually don't amount into anything serious.
You asked.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE. Legit it's been my headcanon for a while that Cissa and the Lestrange brothers grew up such close friend and her friendship with Rodolphus is legit my FAVOURITE thing?? It works so well and it's so Good and then there's all this angst and ugh, I love it. They give me Alex and Meredith vibes from greys??
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Idk?? She's horrible?? I see a lot of her fans proclaim her as some Disney princess level as naive and innocent in all the pureblood bigotry stuff and that just... feels off?? She's not a good person, she's bigoted as fuck in some ways, and I don't like the idea that she never believed in any of the pureblood stuff??? It feels like an easy cop out to not have to deal with it lmao
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
Can I say I wished she'd marry Rabastan sometimes?? But honestly just give me more scenes with her??? Work her out more? She's so cool please show me more of the cool hot witch
Oh... choices... Yikes... I think Rabastan or Sirius at this point??? I guess? I definitely write her with Sirius the most idk? But also Lucius...
My cross-over ship:
I don't really ship cross overs most of the time but I'd like to read a Cersei/Narcissa something one day tbh
A headcanon fact:
Cissa definitely grew up alongside the Lestrange brothers and she kind of looks at Adrastia Lestrange (their mum) as her own mother and role model because Druella Black is a horrible excuse for a mother and a transphobic piece of shit (because also the whole reason Narcissa isn't a star/constellation like the rest of the fam is because she's trans I don't make the rules) and Adrastia kind of just looked at her and went "well I always wanted a daughter" and that was that.
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oh2e · 4 years
I was tagged by @casgender - thank you!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
1. name/nickname: November/Nov
2. gender: genderqueer but also man-but-not
3. star sign: Scorpio
4. height: 165cm (5′5)
5. time: 20:31
6. birthday: November
7. favourite bands/groups: The Saw Doctors, My Chemical Romance, Icon For Hire, Pansy Division
8. favourite solo artist: SayWeCanFly
9. song stuck in my head: none surprisingly, though I did have People Are Strange earlier cos my housemate was singing it.
10. last movie: Léon? No wait it was Bill (2015). I watched it with the kids.
11. last show: The Wrong Mans
12. when did i create this blog: April 2015? Somewhere around then
13. what do i post: everything and anything. You may have noticed the frequent Yonderland/Ghosts/Six Idiots stuff lately but there is also a lot of Justified going on
14. last thing i googled: “teutonic glam-rock pervert played with immense relish by Laurence Rickard’ like five minutes ago. I was curious where that description of Kendall was given. Before that it was ‘Wants by Grace Paley pdf’ which is for class.
15. other blogs: well. I have a queer Irish page @duine-aiteach, an edit page @novemberenby, a general positivity/LGBT page @seth-the-hobbit and an LGBT media page @lgbtplus-literature....among others. Those are the ones I care about the most though.
16. do i get asks: sometimes. I have been getting more recently from a lovely Kendall fan
17. why i chose my url: it’s my username for everything tbh. I think it originated from some R2-D2 username maker thing but don’t quote me on that.
18. following: 1041 but a lot are fandom blogs I am no longer interested in so I do need to have a look
19. followers: 523 - my consistent posting about mostly Yonderland has made me gain around 40-50 new followers in the past couple of months
20. average hours of sleep: 7-8
21. lucky number: 23
22. instruments: Twinkle Twinkle on the tin whistle. I started learning the drums from my uncle a few years ago which I enjoyed but then I injured my wrist and I can’t keep time any more. Not necessarily the worst thing, I don’t have a single musical bone in my body.
23. what am i wearing: grey flowery socks, black tracksuit pants, a grey t-shirt with whales on (not Wales!) and a Bring Me The Horizon hoodie.
24. dream job: writer - novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry, anything. I enjoy playing around with a variety.
25. dream trip: I’d love to go back to Fethiye because my entire family had a great time there. Also Goa because I don’t remember it (I was five). I would also love to visit various historical sites in Egypt, Greece and Rome.
26. favourite food: every food I have ever eaten leaves my mind. Uhh...fan of pretzels. And Marmite. And Skittles. And Battenburg. And samosas and onion bhaajis and Yorkshire puddings. Had some very tasty spicy noodles for dinner?
27. nationality: Irish
28. favourite song: one?? Just one?? At the moment I’m probably playing Dick Turpin, RAF Pilots and Spartan School Musical from Horrible Histories the most with a healthy dose of Dicked Down in Dallas by Trey Lewis and Rose Red by The Mechanisms (but specifically only the version on Soundcloud)>
29. last book i read: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I am currently reading The Crooked Tree by Una Mannion which is very good so far (and she is a wonderful woman. Do not know anyone who knows her who doesn’t like her; she’s absolutely fantastic.)
30. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: probably not. Too many monsters killing stupid humans for my taste. 
I don’t like tagging people because I feel like I’m bothering them, but if you follow me feel free to give it a go and say I tagged you!
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triggerlil · 4 years
For that ask thingy- Fandom: HP, Ship: Drarry, Character: Draco? :3 💕
Omg the whole shebang! Thanks Pau!!!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favourite character:
Least Favourite character:
Umbridge >:(
5 favourite ships: 
Drarry, Ginsy are the only ones I really care about tbh
Fred/Hermione? Romione?
Character I find most attractive:
This is so difficult,,, Harry, Draco, Ginny, Cho, Cedric, the twins, Bill, Fleur, in no particular order
Character I would marry:
How can you make me choose!!! (Although when I was like 12 I wanted to marry Draco)
Character I would be best friends with:
*chanting* Harry Harry Harry Harry
Random thought:
HP good
Unpopular opinion:
I dislike most Het ships unless done with extreme finesse
Canon OTP:
.... Romione?
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
The Golden Trio obviously
Kingsley TBQH
Most epic villain:
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writer screwed up: 
G i n n y
Favourite friendship:
Character I most identify with:
Character I wish I could be: 
This is so fucking tough UHM Harry??? Because I like being special,,,,
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: 
At least six or seven years ago
My thoughts:
The best couple to ever couple, literally how can you wish for better chemistry. I truly believe they were born together, and that any other pairing with either of them is tragic because it means the true soulmates are being kept apart
What makes me happy about them:
Everything!!! But also the way their relationship progresses so harshly and then turns so tender,,, beautiful to behold every time
What makes me sad about them:
That they missed out on being with each other earlier because adults were racist bigots :(
Things done in fanfic that annoy me:
Some pet names irk me
Sexism/Racism/Ableism and other sly remarks that pertain to it
Character bashing
Things I look for in fic:
Good plot and good characterization basically
My wishlist:
With the amount of fic that’s out there I’m not sure I could possibly wish for more
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Literally.... No one really tbh
My happily ever after for them:
Happily married professors together or living above Harry’s wand shop/Draco’s apothecary
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
The love.... it hurts
Characters I ship them with romantically, if any:
Favourite non-romantic relationship: 
Draco and Pansy!!!!!
Unpopular opinion about this character:
Drake is the worst nickname ever change my mind, also he would vehemently hate certain pet names
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: 
REdemption fucking arc
Favourite friendship for this character:
Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, Greg
My crossover ship:
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
Tagged by @dragoncreek319 Thanks! :D
Name: Ángel
Nickname: Don’t really have one? All my nicknames are of my birthname. Some friend call me Angie, and my bf calls me dude sometimes lol
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 1.65
Languages: Spanish and English. Currently learning Italian and Hindi :D (doing pretty good on both if I may say so myself :’) )
Nationality: Argentinian
Favourite season: Winter
Favourite flower: Sunflowers, pansies and forget-me-nots
Favourite scent: Wood
Favourite colour: Black and dark blue
Favourite animal: Elephants, penguins, dogs, cats (big and small), idk I like all animals except sea animals :P
Coffe, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee (it’s been years since I had hot chocolate :o )
Average amount of sleep: 7hs
Dogs or cats: Both? Both. Both. Both are good.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Right now 2 (plus the bed sheet)
Dream trip: Anywhere tbh get me out of here!!
Blog est: August 2013
Number of followers:  3231 no idea why
Random fact: I had to go check when I created my blog, just like every single time I have to answer that question, and just like every time, I got surprised and worried I created this blog when I was 14yo YIKES!
Idk who to tag, my brain is mush today so anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you ;)
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fedonciadale · 4 years
I was tagged by @athimbleful and @amymel86
Thank you very much!
Ao3 name: FedonCiadale
Fandoms: GoT, HP, Lucifer
Ships I’ve written for: Jonsa, Dramione, Deckerstar, Nedsei
Number of fics: 23
1. Fic you spent the most time on: As things stand now: To go South, but The Phoenix Potion comes second.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Probably At the weirwood tree, because I wrote it in one afternoon after the trailer for season 7 got out (oh the wonderful times!)
3. Longest fic: To go South is the longest by far (110 128 words)
4. Shortest fic:  My series on the Girl in Gry, all three drablles of about 500 words:  The girl in Grey (500 words), A song to soothe a beast (500 words) and Pearls of Water (494 words)
5. Most hits: To go South (48 834)  
6. Most kudos:     To go South (1 041)    
7. Most comment threads:   To go South (237)    
8. Fave fic you wrote:  This is a good question.... I sort of love all my fics and I hate them... because they never turn out in exactly the same way as I imagined them? I usually love the fic I am working on at the moment. And sometimes I am surprised when I revisit old fics and think: That is not too bad.... haha.
Bittersweet is probably my dearest Jonsa baby, and I will finish it at some time, when I’m done with other projects. The Phoenix Potion is my Dramione baby, that has been in the making in my head since Draco Malfoy stared at Hermione Granger at the Yule Ball in the fourth book.... This is very funny, because I’ve shipped Dramione so much longer than Jonsa, but Jonsa is the pairing that actually made me write and not just daydream.
My favourite one shot is Pearls of Water .
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Rewrite? None tbh. When it is done, it is done. Expand? I want to expand on The Phoenix Potion. I have several ideas about Neville and Pansy outside of the main timeline of Phoenix Potion and I might give them a try, because they have grown dear to me since starting the fic. 
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
I plan a one shot “Casa del Papel” AU for Dramione with Draco as the professor and Hermione as the inspectura....
I plan a short story about Neville and Pansy coming together in my Phoenix Potion world and a story about their wedding which should feature the broom closet incident....
And I want to finish my Bran is Bloodraven series (which will take one or two one shots)
And obviously I want to finish Bittersweet once I am in full Jonsa mood again - which I am sure will happen
And now have a tease for my next chapter of Phoenix Potion:
When the children made to board the train, Draco held Colin back. “Just to give you some advice, son, if you have a crush…”
Colin rolled his eyes. “…don’t try to get her attention by insults and sneers. I know this, dad. There is no need for you to tell me this every time.”
Neville thought it was superfluous as well. The probability of Colin trying to imitate his dad in that respect was zero in his opinion.
Rina hugged her mum. “There is no need for your love advice either, mum. I promise I won’t throw the avis spell at some unsuspecting person just because I am jealous.”
Hermione flushed. “It is pretty bad behaviour.”
Draco shook his head. “Of all your actions, that is the one that haunts you?”, he asked.
“It is only the most likely to be reproduced. I hardly expect my children to have to do some of the stuff I did during the war.”
O.k. now for tagging I tag @scullylikesscience @kitten1618x @orangeflavoryawp @kittykatknits @what-would-wonderwoman-do @starryar
And whoever else wants to play!
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