#i do indeed lack sense!
I’m sorry I just gotta say after your most recent post, I find that your head canons and personal stories for ocs and whatnot are top notch. Especially due to your wording. Love your stuff man your creativity always makes me smile /gen (I really do get a smile when you post, my friends always ask me why giggle and flap my hands when I visit tumblr!)
[P:S] your way of writing reminds me of Clown’s social media posts. If I were to find a couple words to describe it I’d go with “Whimsy”, and “daffy”!
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logicalbookthief · 1 year
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Rei please talk to your husband he just wants to communicate
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okay-babe · 4 months
Imagine alastor thinks his wife is just the most perfect, angelic being he’s ever met, so he’s downright shocked to fight out she also ended up in hell going “yeah I killed a man once” (he falls even more in love)
A Good Thing, Indeed
tags: alastor x fem! reader, established relationship, alastor and reader are married, angelic reader, protective/possessive alastor, brief human alastor x human reader, fluff, very mild angst note: I went a little overboard with this one, but I hope you enjoy, anon <3 Find a sequel (of sorts) to this fic, here.
Alastor had never quite understood how someone like him had ended up with a woman like you.
You were soft and understanding, utterly ceaseless in your kindness and love of near anyone who crossed your path, a true saint to be sure.
Alastor on the other hand, had always been quite the opposite.
Where you were soft, your lover was unyielding, where you were understanding, he was impatient, and when it came to the capacity for kindness and love within his heart, many would have gone on record stating that there was much to be desired in that regard.
Yet, even still, you chose him, and he, you.
Every. Single. Time.
It was as if the two of you were meant to be.
The proud and charismatic up and coming host of a brand new radio show, and the modest and soft spoken kindergarten teacher that was ever present upon his arm.
To Alastor, you were everything and more, and whether he was willing to admit it aloud or not, he all but worshiped the very ground that you walked upon.
There was so very little worth caring for in a world like the one that he lived in, and yet there you were, a shining beacon of light and hope to keep him from losing his mind over it all (well, at least in part, though he knew deep down that a portion had been missing since long before you'd made your way into his life).
For all of this, Alastor praised you and your love ceaselessly, his appreciation for your union a vast and endless thing that filled him with a sense of pride stronger than any other he'd felt before.
And how could it not?
You were his wife.
The beautiful kindergarten teacher who worked in the public school just down the street from his broadcasting station, the one with the smile that lit up a room and the laugh that could make a man blush.
The one with the students who sung her praises to their parents during pick up and the coworkers turned friends who would utterly gush about her at even the briefest mention of her name.
The woman that no one believed had gotten New Orleans' most prominent radio host to settle down after only just a year of courting, and whose stunning church wedding had been the talk of the town.
You were perfect, you were lovely, and the sweetest part of it all was that you bore his last name.
And oh, what whiplash that must have caused for those who hadn't known of your courtship earlier on. It nearly sent Alastor into a tizzy just imagining it.
The sweet, adoring woman that your son calls his teacher is also the wife of the ever unreadable and notably cold radio host from just down the street that scarcely any could say they truly knew?
How scandalous! Whatever is a woman like her doing with a man like him?!
Well, the answer, quite honestly, was being doted upon nigh endlessly.
If you wanted for even the smallest of things, it would be yours in an instant, and if you desired even the most useless of luxuries, he would have spared no expense to have it in your hands by the end of the day.
And even beyond that, there was the persistent desire to stay by your side, his presence always guaranteed the very moment you mentioned want for it.
An ice cream social at the school where you'd be meeting your new students and their parents? Alastor was there, conversing politely with a few mothers on the difficulties of parenting (in spite of his notable lack of children), making nearly everyone wonder what the hell a famous radio host was doing at the local elementary school.
Visiting Mimzy at her slightly sleazy little lounge in the shadier side of the city? Alastor was there, dressed to the nines, looking immensely out of place as you danced the night away with your friends (and him of course) to your little heart's content.
His love for you was nearly as endless as yours was for the very world beneath your feet, and in spite of himself he couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love at every borderline naive action you took.
You want to buy that man a drink because he looks lonely? Certainly darling, your husband would be happy to scare him off all night as the fool tries to make unwanted advances at you that he thinks are warranted thanks to your kindness.
You want to pick a fight with the burly man whose house is on your walk to work because he's been shouting cruel things at his dog nearly every morning for the past several weeks? Oh of course, just let Alastor prepare to use his most unsettling smile while he reaches for the leather sheathed knife he keeps attached to his belt so he can wordlessly threaten the oaf without you ever even realizing.
And so, knowing all of that and having lived such a love-filled few years at your side, how could Alastor ever have believed he might one day see you again once he came to in Hell shortly after his demise?
The short answer was, he couldn't.
And though he would never have been willing to admit such a thing aloud, it utterly shattered a portion of his heart to know he would never see your sweet smile or hear your perfect laugh ever again.
And to imagine what your reaction may have been once the police had informed you of all that he had done?
Well, he tried his best not to.
Because while he couldn't bring himself to regret those he had killed and the things he had done, he did regret having been left with no choice but to keep such a thing from you and leave you with such a mess upon his death.
Certainly you had deserved better, that much he knew.
But there was absolutely nothing he could do about that now.
Or, at least, that's what he had led himself to believe.
Until one day, he'd been broken out of his typical morning routine of brewing his black coffee and digging into a freshly caught deer by the sound of knocking at his door.
There were very few people who knew of where Alastor lived at this point, with him being multiple years removed from life and having firmly cemented himself within society as a powerful and merciless overlord, so honestly it hadn't come as very much of a surprise when he opened the door and found an old friend waiting rather impatiently on the other side.
Having arrived in Hell not very long after the radio host, the former flapper, (who he had actually met through you), had become a familiar face throughout the past few years as he'd tried to grow accustomed to life without his darling wife at his side.
It was nice, in a way, to have that reminder of you near when he wished for it to be, and so he allowed the sinner to call him something like a friend and offered her protection when it was convenient enough for him that it didn't prove to be a hassle.
Although, today of all days the overlord was certainly a little less than pleased to see Mimzy's familiar face at his doorstep, and he was reasonably certain that she knew why that was.
It was your former anniversary after all, and today would have been your tenth year of marriage had he only lived long enough to reach such a landmark achievement with you.
A smile, strained and thin, descended upon his lips, and, in spite of his feelings, Alastor remained as cordial as ever, albeit rather cold with his words.
"Mimzy, my dear! How wonderful to see you! Whatever could possibly be so important as to have you at my door on a day like today?"
There was a certain level of threat to his tone that no doubt left the woman standing before him floundering for a few seconds, before finally, she mustered up her reply, her smile ever so slightly less confident than before.
"Alastor, just the fella that I was lookin' for!"
The sinner began, placing her right hand upon her hip as she inspected the condition of the nails on her left,
"Now I know ya like to be left alone and all on days like this, but I've got a surprise for ya back at my place that I promise you're gonna wanna see a-s-a-p."
She said with her typical air of confidence, immediately causing the Radio Demon to roll his eyes in response, his facade of interest slipping ever so slightly before he seemed to catch himself once more, ever the gentleman.
"Oh do you now? Well, as utterly transfixed as I am over this little mystery of yours, I'm afraid that I just don't have the time to stop by today. Lot's of things to prepare for the upcoming broad-"
Mimzy said sternly, cutting the overlord in question off rather uncharacteristically with a glare of her own.
"I know damn well that you don't got nothin' planned for the day, so don't you start fibbin', mista, I can see right through ya!"
She began, quickly changing the subject when she seemed to recall exactly who she was talking to at the increasing sound of static.
"Look, I didn't come here to argue with ya or nothin', so you do whatever it is that you wanna do. I just wanted to come over and warn ya that if you don't come by for a visit by the end of the day you're gonna feel like a real fool, okay?"
She emphasized her warning with a dramatized raise of her brow before she grinned rather wickedly and stepped down off of his doorstep, wiggling her fingers in a teasing little wave as she climbed into the back of the very same taxi she must have used to get to his dwellings in the first place.
"I'll see ya around dollface!"
She called out as the car pulled away, leaving Alastor with quite a few more questions than he'd had upon her already unplanned arrival.
What a fantastic start to one's day.
By the time that Alastor made the decision to actually stop by Mimzy's lounge, it was already dark outside, the subtle chirping of crickets reminding him briefly of home as he walked toward his destination, ever a fan of the more simplistic methods of transportation.
He thought of the sounds of crickets and all of the moments with you that their seemingly endless chirps had backed until their sounds faded away with the increasing sounds of the busier section of the city, wherein Mimzy's place was located.
Just as sleazy and sketchy as it had been above, so it was below, and Alastor felt a sudden sense of longing and familiarity as he stepped inside, the smell of cigarettes and the sound of ever so slightly out of tune jazz music reminding him of his days of swing dancing with you on the cracked dance floor of the place Mimzy had owned and operated in life.
The Radio Demon had only just begun to contemplate what you might have thought of a place like this one when suddenly, he heard a familiar voice call out his name, and he turned to find the lounge's owner walking quickly toward him, a wide grin that nearly rivaled his own splitting her cheeks.
"Well would you look who it is, Alastor the Radio Demon here in my lil' lounge, what a lucky lady I must be!"
Mimzy teased as she shouted over the obnoxiously loud music, immediately forcing the man in question to hold back another instinctual roll of his eyes.
"Oh, nonsense, I should think that luck has very little to do with it, my dear."
Alastor drawled, dragging his gaze downward to find his friend standing there, all but vibrating upon her feet, clearly excited by something, though he couldn't quite fathom what in Hell it could possibly be.
That is, until he heard another familiar voice pipe up from somewhere behind him, this one far less anticipated than the last, and by a rather significant margin at that.
It called, an edge of stress to it that had the corners of the overlord's smile twitching downward ever so slightly for the briefest of moments.
Alastor watched as the ex flapper standing before him grinned widely in response to his barely noticeable reaction, her eyes shining as she allowed the person speaking to continue with their question.
"Who did you say the whiskey on the rocks was for?"
The lounge's owner hopped up onto a stool beside where she had been standing, gesturing to the space at the bar near where Alastor was still firmly planted, the ears atop his head twitching ever so slightly as they took in the sound of a voice he'd never thought he'd hear again for the very first time since he'd awoken with them camouflaged within his hair.
"Right here, doll. Speakin' of which, why dontcha c'mere and meet one of my regulars, huh?"
She asked as casually as she could manage, gesturing slightly for the still reeling sinner standing beside the bar to take a seat, which, to her surprise, he actually did, eyes seeking out the source of the voice he was hearing as if in utter disbelief.
And then, much to his shock, there you were.
Sure, you looked different as a sinner, but he would recognize you anywhere, and it certainly helped that your beautiful smile was the very same as he remembered it to be whenever he closed his eyes and found you there waiting for him.
Busy with what was likely a fairly large number of orders that your fellow bartender seemed to be doing very little to try and keep up with, you didn't seem to notice him at first, walking quickly toward your old friend with a glass of whiskey in hand, moving to place it down in front of the ever so prominent Radio Demon absentmindedly when suddenly, you froze, your hand still wrapped around the chilled cup.
The two of you stared at one another for several long moments, eyes widened and breaths halting entirely, until finally Mimzy spoke up from Alastor's right, her laughter obnoxious beside his ear, though he could scarcely bring himself to care with his gaze locked so heavily onto yours.
"Happy anniversary, ya lovebirds! Didn't expect that, didja?!"
She all but cackled, causing you to break eye contact with your husband to gawk at your friend.
"Wait a second, you knew he was here the whole time and didn't tell me?!"
You cried, hand flying to your mouth as Alastor began to regard the woman sitting beside him with a hugely threatening glare, the frightfulness of which was only increased by his unyielding grin, which was beginning to appear more and more malicious by the second.
"Woah woah woah, hold your horses!"
Mimzy shouted, waving her hands all about as if in surrender as she looked back and forth between the two of you nervously,
"She only just got down here this mornin' I swear!"
She explained hurriedly to the overlord beside her, causing the man's eye to twitch with effort as he struggled not to tear his old friend limb from limb while her entire bar watched on in horror.
Alastor tapped one clawed finger against the bar in front of him, his sharpened teeth appearing even more threatening than usual at his apparent anger over the situation at hand.
"And you didn't think, my dear,"
He began, his voice low,
"That I may have wanted to know sooner?"
The sound of static overtook the lounge as the sinner's anger increased with each word he said, causing everyone, including those hired to play the live music, to flee out the front door, leaving the trio to their own devices within the confines of the now empty space.
This fact worked extremely well for Alastor, who was only growing more enraged with each passing second as he considered the implication of Mimzy's actions further.
Not only had this woman, someone who had dared call him a friend for so many years, betrayed him by keeping your presence unknown, but she had also clearly employed you at her poor excuse for a lounge, and was now acting as if she had done him a favor by allowing him to be in the presence of the very woman he'd married.
The urge to rip the sinner to shreds with his very own claws was immense, and perhaps he even would have done so had it not been for a gentle hand coming to rest upon his forearm, the weight of it felt even through his shirt and coat.
Immediately, he stiffened, the familiarity of the touch so jarring that his previous thoughts of murder ceased within an instant as he turned his head to face you properly.
There, illuminated by the dim and yellowed lights of the bar, stood his wife, a woman who he had never expected to see again after all that he had done.
What good deed must he have committed in life to deserve such a blessing as this?
Surely there was some kind of mistake and someone would be descending from the heavens to collect you soon, an angel sent to Hell on accident by way of some great failure on Saint Peter's fault.
Your husband stared at you for a few moments, as if afraid you might disappear if he so much as blinked, before finally, you spoke up, your lips curving into a slightly nervous smile.
"Let her explain?"
You asked gently, taking up the very same tone you used to when asking your beloved to make an exception to one of his many strict internalized rules for your benefit.
'Stay home with me?'
'Give him a chance?'
'A slightly less violent solution, perhaps?'
(the latter of which he'd heard more often than he was willing to admit).
And this time, as always, he caved almost immediately, giving a rather stern nod of his head before looking toward Mimzy with an obviously strained smile on his lips.
She didn't have long, that was for sure.
If she wanted to explain, she'd better do so quickly.
And that much must have been clear, because the ex flapper started talking just about as fast as she could manage while still remaining intelligible.
And what a tale she spun, indeed.
With hurried words and a remarkably nervous expression the likes of which neither you nor your husband had ever seen Mimzy wear before, the sinner apologized profusely for not telling either of you sooner, promising that she had only been trying to make it a surprise in celebration of your anniversary.
Apparently, she had vastly overestimated how persuasive she could be, and had assumed (rather incorrectly) that Alastor would be much more urgent in his arrival to her lounge after she'd paid him a visit, meaning she hadn't exactly intended to have kept the two waiting so long for the "grand reveal" of her surprise.
And, slowly but surely, as Mimzy explained her thought process, your confusion and your husband's apparent anger all but melted away, both reactions coming to be replaced with something located somewhere between amusement and exasperation.
How very like your friend it was to meddle in such a manner, after all.
You'd missed this.
(Alastor wished dearly that he could say the same, but having been stuck alone with it for several years, he couldn't quite relate.)
Still, even he had to admit that Mimzy's actions were something far more similar to misguided kindness than intentional ill will.
Though, there was still one issue that was still bothering him...
Alastor interrupted the sinner in the middle of her ramble, watching as she immediately shut her mouth and looked up at him, a familiar bout of nervous laughter falling from her lips as she wrung her hands together.
Seeing that she was paying attention, the overlord continued,
"I understand what you were going for with your..." He trailed off for a moment before hearing you pipe up from where you stood on the other side of the bar,
How amusing, it seemed that even after years of separation, not even death could sever the almost supernatural ability you had to understand what your husband was trying to say before even he truly did.
Alastor nodded,
"Exactly. But that being said, I struggle to understand one thing."
He leaned toward his old friend slightly, watching her eyes widen as he did so, clearly unsure of what was going to happen next.
"Why, pray tell, my dear, is my wife spending her precious time working at your lounge if you had every intention of returning her to me?"
The possessive tone to his voice made you blush, eyes moving to the ground as you awaited Mimzy's response.
She was quick to answer.
"Great question, dollface!"
She laughed nervously,
"I uh, I guess I kinda figured she'd know if she was down here then you would be too, so I wanted to give her a little bit of a distraction... and maybe get some extra help for a few hours in the meantime."
She admitted quietly, though by the time she was finished speaking, Alastor wasn't paying her much mind anymore, his mind now occupied with what he considered to be a far more pressing issue.
Because now that Mimzy mentioned it...
He began, immediately catching your attention as he turned to face you fully, allowing you to take in the sight of him and his new "look" for the first time since your arrival.
You would be lying if you said you weren't a fan, as different as it may have been.
"Speaking of 'down here',"
Alastor continued, amusement dancing within his eyes,
"What exactly are you doing in a place like Hell?"
Your gaze moved downward once more at that, and you cleared your throat awkwardly as you tried to find anything else to focus on.
Eventually though, you gave up, and forced yourself to meet your husband's gaze once more.
"I uh, I killed a parent..."
You muttered under your breath, immediately causing Alastor's eyes to widen slightly in surprise, one of his ears twitching slightly atop his head.
He asked in utter disbelief, unable to even begin to comprehend what he was hearing.
You, his beautiful and darling wife, had killed a parent of one of the children you taught?
Utterly unbelievable, perish the thought.
You sighed, crossing your arms in a mix of embarrassment and frustration,
"I killed a parent, Al. Lucy and Arnold's father. He was beating on them and their mama something fierce, and I saw the opportunity to put a stop to it one night when walking over to the station after work... He went down the alley between the grocers and the tailor to take a shortcut home or something like that, and I just followed him before I even knew what was really going on..."
You sounded hesitant as you spoke, eyes downcast once more until without a word, your husband pressed his gloved index finger to your chin, raising your gaze to his own once more so you could see the utter awe present there.
He was positively enamored.
"You killed Harry Wells?"
He asked, shock still coloring his tone as he watched you for your reaction.
Slowly, after a few seconds of contemplation, you nodded, cheeks still pink as you did your best to keep from trying to avoid Alastor's heavy gaze.
"I uh, yeah. I did."
The overlord sitting across from you chuckled softly, a sound that slowly grew in volume and exuberance until he was laughing outright, the familiar sound music to your ears even as he sighed and wiped a tear from his eye afterward, something he had done often in life.
He grinned even wider at you than before, the pride in his eyes obvious as he shook his head as if still in disbelief.
"And to think,"
He began, reaching across the counter to grab both of your hands so he could pull you closer, your forearms resting against the bar countertop.
"I hadn't thought it possible to love you any more than I already did."
You laughed at that, pressing your forehead against your husband's with a sigh,
"Well in that case, I suppose it's a good thing that I have all of eternity to prove you wrong, huh?"
Alastor chuckled softly, humming as he took in the sight of you, as if trying to commit each individual detail to memory.
"A good thing, indeed, dear heart."
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35 / 2.1k / shark merman Price and remora mermaid reader for mermay :)
Price isn’t stupid. He knows you’ve been following him since the early morning as he makes the rounds through his favorite reef. You’re stealthing poorly—just poorly enough that he knows you’re there, but you’re still small enough to dart into the reef every time he tries to get a good look at you.
He's been ignoring you and hoping you’ll take the hint to buzz off before he makes you buzz off.
You think you’re getting the hang of sneaking up on him when you turn a corner and lose him. And then he’s sneaking up on you.
You peek around the bright lumps of coral, wondering where he’s gone, when something blots out the sunlight above. You look up to see him—the long expanse of muscle and bulk on top and the smooth shark’s tail below—as he peers down at you.
You stiffen, pressing yourself to the sandy sea floor.
He scans you with his dark eyes to determine just what kind of creature has been following him. Not a threat, decides. Even as a mer. You’re too small. Too soft. You have no teeth to speak of. How laughable. And a tiny little thing, at that.
You straighten up, watching him circle you. You’d been looking for an opportunity just like this. That’s why you were tailing him. But now that his shrewd gaze is finally on you, you feel exposed.
He takes his time inspecting you. Then he swims a wide arc around you once more and lowers his clawed as if to touch you. You force yourself to stay still, your tail curled under you on the sand.
“You’ve been following me,” he says. It’s not a question.
Price hooks one of his claws under your chin and pulls your head lightly upwards. You slowly rise as he tilts your chin up until you're suspended in the water in front of him.
"You should be scared of me,” he says.
You settle your own hands on his wrist in contentment. You look less like a meal being evaluated and more like a kitten being scratched under the chin. "Would you like me to be scared?"
He chuckles at your enthusiasm. He knows exactly what this is. You're a remora mer, which means you instinctively seek out and bond with bigger creatures. Even if that creature is an unfriendly shark mer. Surely you must know how dangerous it is to be within his reach?
"You're very big. You must be king of this reef,” you say.
He pauses as the praise washes over him. He knows how intimidating he is, and you should realize you're nothing but small, soft and fragile. But obviously your instincts for fawning and flattery are finely honed.
He can see the way your little self seems to be drawn to him. A remora mer, indeed. He's seen others like you, but they've always avoided him. He could just as easily kill you as he could accept your company.
There is something pitifully adorable about you. The way you tilt your head and expose your throat unwittingly is endearing. He knows it’s because your instincts are leading you to bond with him for the safety he provides. You're too willing.
"Do you lack the common sense to fear an apex predator?" he asks, voice low and amused.
"Yes," you respond obediently.
He can see the way your little body is pressing up to his hand, desperate to get closer. He moves his arm, gently guiding you closer to him. "Good," he rumbles softly before using two claws to stroke down the curve of your neck. "Very good. You're too small to survive my teeth, you know."
"Of course. Much too small. Your teeth are so big and sharp."
"And you're soft and weak. Soft as a piece of kelp, I bet." He gives the tip of your tail a flick, and his eyes glitter as you bob and shake out your tail fin at the touch. Fussy little creature. "You're not very good at what you're supposed to do, little mer."
You open up your eyes. "I'm not?"
"Following me for hours without even trying to ingratiate yourself to me," he growls. "You're supposed to busy yourself with my needs. Not..." He trails off as you tilt up into his touch, almost nuzzling his hand. He gives your forehead a light flick with his claw to make you pay attention. "Acting like some kind of pet."
You quickly smooth yourself down. "Of course. I know that." You dart closer, putting your small hands on his inner arm, his shoulder, his chest, inspecting him. Your fingers glide over him, brushing and scratching and plucking away bits of sea debris and dry skin. Grooming him. "I just thought you might want me to be scared of you first."
Oh. He’s enjoying this far more than he thought he would. For something so soft, you’re quite bold.
He presses on your hip to turn you slightly as you work, idly inspecting you in return. "Maybe later. Let’s see if you’re worth the effort first." He rests his chin on his other hand to watch you fuss over him. It's been a long time since he had any kind of attention on him. You dart around behind him and busy yourself with his hair next.
He leans into your touch when you start to untangle his hair. "You seem to enjoy this.”
“I do.”
“Good for you,” he drawls. "Are you good for anything else?"
"I'm good for lots of things." You move from his hair down to his tail, trying not to stare.
"Oh?" He reaches up and idly drags the back of his knuckles down your spine and over the fin there. He smirks as your fin flattens with the touch. "Like what?"
"Anything you can think of."
"Anything?" He gives a low rumble in his throat at your words. "Don't go promising favors you can't fulfill, little remora."
"Okay," you chime.
He grabs ahold of your tail fins. "And don't agree with every single thing I say, either. That makes you far too easy to manipulate."
"Yes, sir!"
He rolls his eyes. You really are a pushover. It's like you want him to be cruel to you. He lets go of your tail but twirls his fingers in the tip of your tailfins. "Is it your instincts that are making you so deferential? Or are you just a coward?"
You pretend to think about this for a moment. Then you respond, pleasantly, "Which do you prefer?"
"Mm, so you do have a brain."
"Me? No, surely that can't be. Not a thought in my head, sir. Promise."
He eyes you like a disobedient puppy. You're putting on this fairly convincing act, being a mindless, servile little thing, and it's confusing his instincts to know you're doing a fair bit of manipulation yourself to win his protection.
"Might prefer you a bit more brainless, actually," he says. He nudges the underside of your chin with his knuckle this time instead of his claw, noting how you drop what you were doing to follow the gesture as he guides you out in front of him again. "You're willing to do anything I ask, then? No questions?"
"Yes, sir.” You rest your much smaller body against his forearm again. “Anything.”
He looks down at how you submit willingly to his hand, taking in the sight of your small body pressed up against it. He feels something primal coil in his gut at the display. You let yourself fall under his control so easily. "What if I told you to open your mouth like a goldfish?" He brings his thumb up to your lip. "Would you?"
You open your mouth.
Interesting. He taps your lower lip with the tip of his thumb. "Wide," he murmurs. "Open up wide for me."
You open wider.
"Now bite."
You bite down around the tip of his thumb.
His lips twitch up into a smile at the feeling of you nibbling at him, the little scrape of your teeth. "Good. Harder."
You reposition your grip and chomp down in earnest this time. He grunts. Your teeth are smaller than his, but they're still sharp.
"There you go. Not bad for such a small mouth." He pulls it away, half-expecting you to start hollowing your cheeks on his thumb if he dawdles too long. "Have you ever had to deal with bigger fish?"
"Of course," you chirp. Like it's no big deal.
Price snorts. It's hard to imagine something like you doing anything but darting behind the nearest rock at the first sign of danger. “How many have you killed?"
"Right, I'm sure you ask them nicely to leave you alone," he says. "And do they listen?”
"Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't."
"And when they don't, what do you do? Do you fight back? Do you give up?"
"Well..." You wring your hands briefly. "You're going to handle it now, right? So what does it matter?"
"It matters to me." For some reason, the thought of you trying to fight back against a larger fish makes him restless. "You still need to know how to defend yourself."
You frown. "You're not going to do it for me?"
He scoffs, but you're starting to make him feel something close to concern for you. He doesn't know why the thought of you being defenseless irks him so. "Are you really that helpless? Are you really so soft that you just want me to fight all your battles for you?"
"I mean, you're a shark."
He huffs irritably at that, his annoyance with you outweighed by his annoyance with himself for feeling concerned over you. "Do you think I'm going to do everything for you just because I'm bigger and stronger?"
You smile at him, pleased.
Ah. He's the fool suddenly. He grabs you around the waist with just one of his big hands and brings you close, his voice lowering in warning. "Stop smiling, little fish."
"Okay," you chime.
"I told you to stop sounding so bloody agreeable. You make me want to bite you." He lifts you up in front of him to get a clearer look at your face. Your eyes are too wide, your smile is too sweet, your body is too flimsy. It's all infuriating to him. He’s been roaming the ocean a long time and he's grown comfortably hard and cold. You’re not changing that. "You have no self-preservation instincts at all, do you? You're just going to get yourself killed one day."
You settle into his hand comfortably. "Maybe so. Can I get you anything else, boss?"
You're hopeless, he decides. With how sweet and docile you are, he feels something clawing at the inside of his chest the longer he holds you.
Instead of answering you, he fits you against his chest, into the crook of his arm. There. Better. He can keep you closer this way without having to look at your silly doe eyes.
“Not now,” he says finally. “Maybe later.”
You lean into the position, tucking into the side of his chest like you're making yourself at home. "Okay, boss."
He can’t decide if he likes you calling him that or not. He can feel the way you nestle against him, settling in comfortably and making no effort to resist. You really are too easy to control. Just a little pull and you're molded against his side. He feels you start to smooth down some of his chest scales without even thinking. Grooming him. Nice and clean. Little busybody.
He's not used to being pampered, but feeling the tension start to bleed from his muscles under your touch… maybe it’s not so bad. He glances down at you, wondering how you're able to look so contented tucked up against him. His chest rumbles as you scratch near his throat. He lets his muscles relax under your hand.
You're an annoying little thing--too innocent, too naive, too sweet, and he conveniently forgets how capable you are of convincing him of that to win him over--but it's been too damn long since he's allowed himself to be comforted.
Maybe it would be alright to let you stay with him for a little while.
more Price / more mer au / masterlist tag
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anantaru · 8 months
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kinktober 2023. — masterlist | ao3
𖧡 — including — alhaitham, thoma, scaramouche, wriothesley
𖧡 — warnings — fem! reader, jealous & possessive boys, a lil insecure, fear of you leaving them, prone bone, oral (male! receiving), teasing & rough
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indeed, it was a lot more convenient for alhaitham to pretend like he wasn't jealous right now, painfully so, and the thought of him even getting to this point was somewhat embarrassing to the renowned scribe— especially since you're giving him no reasons to be jealous in the first place.
with shaky fingers, you frame your hands behind his neck as you push him close for a quick kiss, and alhaitham found himself welcoming you with a roughness that manifested into ruthless ruts of his length shattering all sense of rationality in you when you jolt your hips into him, his cock continuously pushing into you possessively before dragging his palm down to grope your tits— his way of handling and pleasing your body was always enough to make you empty headed and crave more friction, even though alhaitham was rougher than usually this time around.
little do you realize that alhaitham couldn't look at your wide, pleading eyes, instead he focused on making you feel good, despite his head being full of constant bothering thoughts and emotions, his own glossed over eyes filled with deep annoyance.
what the man didn't wanted to happen was for you to suddenly believe that his obvious lack of attention and negligence was directed at you, but alas, it gave the impression away, especially when you whine out his name, alhaitham, alhaitham, again and again, but he doesn't even look at you, and it's like a mark burning into your skin when he stops himself at last, his cock still throbbing inside the confines of your walls but alhaitham wasn't moving an inch anymore.
"i-is something wrong?" you mutter, breathing and sniffling through your moans, "did i do something?" your gentle words of compliance  slip past his ears as he suddenly returns your gaze at last, his eyes open wide when the realization hit him. the heat in the air gets drained entirely and the mood falters a little, replaced with subtle touches, low breaths and at last, alhaitham's unwavering focus on you.
"no," he shakes his head immediately, "you did nothing," and here his voice softened, continuing, "you could never, you know that," he looks at you, and in return, you raise your eyebrows at him, utterly irritated, asking him non-verbally to explain himself and his difficult pondering— your cunt still pressed around his girth and it's more pleasurable than painful, yet neither of you was moving an inch, and it doesn't seem like you will for a while.
alas— as you might be utterly aware by now, alhaitham wasn't a man of many words, he preferred the easier route, and his heart was steady for once, thanks to you shaking his thoughts and calming him with nothing but your sensual voice.
and, truthfully, there was a part of him that enjoyed letting his desires out like that, to signalize you his desires despite him drifting off into his thoughts every now and then.
or, that in the end, any other individual fumbling their attempt to get to know you will fail, because as always, alhaitham never has to fear for any lack of loyalty coming from you.
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the mental picture of not being good enough for you creeped its way over thoma's psyche and body, while this particular thinking was making him much too jealous, too insecure and grumpy, truly, he absolutely loathed the feeling of it, it left a bad taste in his mouth and he hated himself deeply right now.
by now, it felt as though he had memorized every word that his negative emotions spoke to him, and it served as an evident contrast to the lustful temperature littering over your naked bodies as he plays with you, his red tip battering against your sensitive insides with such roughness that your entire body was bouncing back and forth the bed. 
"you're mine," thoma's repeated declarations ooze into you and scratch the deepest depths of your brain, "mine, fuck— and mine," it truly messes with your mind, his thrusts deep and precise making you cry desperately with quick snaps of his hips holding your breath away.
"yes.." you hiccup weakly, "forever... yours," and thoma groans loudly at your sentences, he was so glad that he cannot help himself but smile— even though of course, it didn't entirely melt away the troubling thoughts, they continue to pester him, how not when he was thinking about it all day long.
in spite of that, he wanted to prove himself until you're utterly trapped to the feeling of being overflowed by his throbbing length swelling inside, taking up all the sweet space until you're nothing but full of him— swiftly hiding your dampened face against thoma's neck, stifling your darling cries as he pushes faster, deeper, his painfully hard cock pistoling in and out until you're practically yelling his name in broken spells.
it only takes a couple more thrusts before he spills into you, your clenching walls trying to keep him in as your legs tremble while trapped in a frenzy, fluids mixing and oozing over his erection— and it's sudden, when you run your fingers over his scalp to drag him into you, and it immediately fills him with an emotion akin to joy, "i'm yours, thoma,"
perhaps, that’s all thoma needed to hear— remembering the fact that he was chosen by you, that it was only him who was allowed to touch you, kiss you, taste you.
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"are you close? please tell me, please.." a hot breeze ignites the shell of your ear as scaramouche's warm, desperate heaves brush across the deepest parts on your body, each word of his spoken out so sinfully that it somehow showed a different, much more vulnerable side of him. he holds you close to his figure, one hand planted on top of your hips while the other was located on the back of your neck, sinfully pressing your head against the soiled pillows with your mouth gaped open, moaning out the pleasure.
the unforgiving, strong pace of his hips was never losing on strength, the intensity of his blows was maddening, merciless, and you could feel it all, he made sure of, the thick veins prancing around his shaft ripping through your bruised walls, sending a stimulating bolt all the way down to your spine.
"cry for me, come on," he breathes, his voice thick of lust, fuck, he was so worked up, so fucking mad at the fact that his own insecurities were playing cruel tricks on him, and he needed to make you cum right now, so he could release himself right after and bury every last drop of his seed inside of you, until you're overcrowded, your eyes brimming with warm tears due to the sheer impact.
now, kuni's broken inability to talk about his feelings and concerns was difficult to navigate through, but this is where everything changes— because after you whine out his name when his rough fingers slide down between your trembling legs, rolling two digits over your neglected clit as he glides his tongue over his lips before pressing his entire weight on top of you, with his mouth located right against your ear.
"i hate, hate, hate, hate, how they look at you," scaramouche really wanted to be gentle this night, he was really trying his best to not let his emotions run freely, but he just couldn't help himself anymore, so he grinds down harder, feeling everything, fucking you hard and deep and reaching the sweet spots he knew you'd roll your eyes back at.
completely lost in the feeling of you, his dripping erection ridges into your bruised walls as his cock repeatedly stretches you— he needed to feel you, more and more, endlessly craving your insides to tighten around his shaft and milk every last drop of him, until his troubled mind would stop racing into negative directions and perhaps then, he'll finally open up to you and tell you about his deep-rooted insecurities.
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"hold still for me", wriothesley inhales deeply into his chest, the scent of pheromones and sweat driving him ferocious— he could feel himself twitch underneath your warm palm hungrily smearing his salty pre all over his shaft and it's uncontrolled, stimulating, when you pin a snug kiss on his rosy tip.
he places on hand against the back of your head as you part your mouth to take him, your nostrils filled with his scent that permeated every single part of him and made you push your thighs together in impatience— but it wasn't your turn yet, and you wanted to parade your hot mouth over his throbbing dick a while longer, until wriothesley realizes that you could do this perpetually, his lengthy cock in your mouth so you could give it the attention it deserved, your saliva streaming down and making it shine as the spit dribbles all the way down to his aching balls.
"you know you're the only one for me, right?" he laughs before hissing out in exhilaration when you fondle his balls, adding more strength towards the underside but holding them sensitively, you wouldn't want to hurt him, so you bob your head up and down, swallow his salty pre whilst massaging his balls in your hand, all the while parting your mouth as wide as you could, taking as much into your throat as would fit.
"and there's— fucking hell, no reason to be jealous, baby," you suddenly look up at him through pleading eyes, were you really this obvious with it today? well, granted, you cannot even describe the level of rage you would feel whenever someone would talk about your boyfriend, as if he was single, even though knowing full on well he wasn't— yet the good part? wriothesley might be the last person who'd ever give a damn about those pestering intruders, how you referred to them, and he was barely able to wait until he could bury your mouth to the hilt before spilling sweet nothings into your ears.
"fuck—," he grunts, clenched jaw tensing when he feels it move over your wet tongue tracing over his swollen veins, "fuck, just you wait— just you wait," before he spreads his legs further, so you could fit right in between his strong thighs better, and have enough room while being stuffed full of his cock prodding at the back of your throat.
as was anticipated, wriothesley was slowly turning louder and it's a melodious sound sending a warmth through your body, heightening the temperature on your drenched core slicking up your panties and puncturing it to a sizzling degree— but you're keeping yourself contained, all for him, for his delicious erection  slipping through and expanding, sealing you together as one.
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©2023 anantaru's kinktober do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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cinnamoodles · 2 months
what are ur favorite anthony bridgerton five
hi! i'm assuming this says fics, and i am SO HONOURED that you trust me to recommend my favourite fics to you!
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first up… the amazing and fantastic @fayes-fics, one of THE MOST skilled writers alive. she never misses!
some of my personal favs from her are:
➥ a beneficial arrangement [ ⭐️ ]
a marriage pact with a viscount. what could possibly go wrong?
➥ rescue and ruin
anthony rescues something for you… and it will likely lead to your ruin.
➥ the friends+ series
modern AU. series of fics that feature anthony & journalist!reader’s burgeoning relationship.
those are just a few of my favorites, but READ HER ENTIRE MASTERLIST! you will not regret it, promise.
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secondly, a series of fics by the wonderfully talented @rubysunnday, and once again, be sure to read all of her masterlist!
➥ take my hand
as much as y/n appreciates anthony’s matchmaking efforts, it’s hard to accept them when he’s the only man she wants. luckily for her, a fall in the lake allows her to voice her feelings in more ways than one
➥ a long, long time
y/n has waited a long, long time for anthony bridgerton to finally decide to get married. but by the time he finally decides to find a wife, y/n has run out of time and anthony is suddenly faced with losing her to someone else.
➥ it’s a bad idea, me and you [ ⭐️ ]
y/n was ready to give her entire heart to anthony bridgerton. only for him to shove her aside in favour for sienna rosso. but, now, sienna is gone and despite what y/n keeps telling herself - anthony truly does own her heart.
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now, for the queen of the modern!anthony au, @eleanor-bradstreet! some of my favorites from her are…
➥ gala
you attend a charity gala with your boss who really is too much trouble in a tux.
➥ locked out
when you find yourselves locked out of your house in the middle of the night, anthony has some ideas for how you can kill time.
➥ take me instead [ ⭐️ ]
you and anthony find yourselves in the middle of a bank robbery on an ill-fated day.
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next we have @colettebronte, BRIDGERTON SMUT AUNTIE HERSELF WOOO!
(warning, these fics are VERY mature, and include BDSM and other possibly triggering material).
➥ rise and breathe
newly arrived back in london after a long journey across the mediterranean sea, you encounter a pathetically drunk viscount bridgerton the night he is rejected by sienna rosso. after a sobering morning on all counts, you sense that he is indeed lost and in need of a new purpose and direction. through submission and service, he may just find it.
➥ what (who) are you doing on new year’s eve?
a mysterious benefactor invites you to ring in the New Year with them.
➥ kinktober day ten: blindfolded
your tenth evening with your client. day ten for kinktober. I’m going with two prompts tonight, blindfolded and massage.
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finally, we have some individual fics that stole my heart.
➥ diamonds and pearls by @multiharlot
diamonds and pearls do not make up for the lack of love in your marriage.
➥ enamoured by @dreamwritesimagines
everything you heard about matters of heart and desire told you the same thing; love could lead to heartbreak at best and disastrous results at worst. yet, you were convinced that everyone was wrong. they had to be, because love was supposed to make everyone happier, no confusion or pain in sight. regardless of how naive it sounded, you were sure that you were ready to fall in love and lose yourself in the infamous bliss. that assumption right there was a terrible mistake, though. you were nowhere near ready.
➥ right person, all the wrong times by @wwinterwitch
you and anthony have been in love with one another from the moment you met, but it seems as though nothing will ever happen between you. after you catch the attention of another gentleman, he realizes perhaps it's time to finally do something about his feelings.
➥ right in front of me by @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
the only way he could rationally find a suitable wife was by removing love from the equation all together. courtship was game of jumping through hoops he really did not want to play, and he was a viscount. surely there would be a father with a more than suitable daughter he could simply ask for your hand and get it. or the one where your arranged marriage with anthony bridgerton isn’t a loving marriage… until it is.
➥ melt away by @healmydesires
the night you give your love and body to your husband.
➥ sham, pride, and illicit affairs by @peeterparkr
or, the story of how you rejected his proposal because you once loved him.
➥ enchanted by @imthebadguyyy
you and anthony don’t need words to converse.
➥ better man by @midnightfictionlibrary
anthony must rectify his rakish ways and wed, but he has a lot to think over if he doesn’t want to lose his dearest friend forever. 
➥ no longer in denial by @iwritefandomimagines
anthony has made no secret of not wanting to marry, despite it being more than clear that he is head over heels in love with you, his “best friend”. benedict decides he is fed up of anthony’s denial, and takes matters into his own hands — by inciting jealousy from his older brother.
➥ the language of flowers by @cinnamoodles (shameless self plug)
you and anthony have been friends for as long as you can remember, but what happens when his world turns upside down? will he open his heart and let the woman silently pining for him in?
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AHH ok that was it, and these are the bridgerton fics i love with all of my soul. thank you so much for your ask, it was so nice to see all these wonderful fics again.
xo, lottie !
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flowerandblood · 14 days
Hopes and Prayers (2/2)
[ canon • Aemond x courtesan • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, angst, working in the brothel, mention of murder, kind of trauma ]
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[ description: Even though she tries, Prince Aemond's sobbing face refuses to leave her thoughts and heart. Although she is convinced that she will never see him again, everything changes when she decides to go to pray in the Great Sept. ]
After a few seconds from the trailer that changed our lives, this little series was created. No more thoughts.
Part 1 − Flowers and Thorns
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
They spent the rest of the night in complete silence, which, however, to her surprise, was not uncomfortable. Despite his lack of words, his embrace was not cold − his face was nestled between her soft, plump breasts, his fingers roamed her bare back, once in a while his lips placed a non-committal, gentle kiss on her exposed skin.
She knew it was an expression of his gratitude − of her not asking him questions, of her hands combing through his long white hair, her cheek nestled against the top of his head. They had fallen asleep in the morning in an embrace she might have called tender, but she dared not think of it that way.
She knew who she was, she knew he was in pain, and she knew he sought comfort in her, which she had no intention of denying him.
He got up as the sun rose, slipping gently out of her embrace, trying not to wake her.
On the one hand she felt disappointment that, like so many men before him, filled with shame and remorse after what he had done he wanted to leave without a word, on the other she understood him.
For a moment she wondered if she should just pretend as usual that she was asleep, but found that she wanted to look at him one last time.
She opened her eyes and blinked to see that, clasping the buckles of his tunic, he was standing over her head, looking at her. She saw the look of surprise and a grimace of embarrassment flash across his face − she raised herself on her elbow as he turned, moving aggressively towards the door and left without a word.
She swallowed hard, hearing that familiar, uncomfortable silence all around her, tears, as after every night like this, welled up under her eyelids at the feeling of emptiness that filled her heart. She looked down at her hands, letting them flow, letting the sadness drain from her body until the evening, when her face would once again be lit up with a smile for another shy man.
Her friends as soon as she joined them at the morning meal asked about the Prince and what kind of lover he was. She answered truthfully that he pleased her, that he was indeed shy and made a pleasant impression on her. The girls expressed jealousy that it was to her that this happiness fell and wondered if he would return here.
She felt a squeeze in her heart and discomfort at the thought.
She sensed that something was wrong − despite her attempts, welcoming new men inside her body, she thought of him − of what he had said when he burst into sobs.
I killed him.
Gods, forgive me.
She had never seen such a broken man before in her life − there were times when men confided in her or sought her advice, but he didn't ask for it − he had no one to pull the stone mask off his face in front of, even for a moment, and she witnessed it crack before her eyes.
She wondered if he had coped with what he had done, if the fact that he had felt the closeness of her warm, soft body that night had soothed the black emptiness that surely filled his heart now, even a little.
He didn't return for days, and she realised, feeling a kind of discomfort surging through her gut at the very thought, that he felt for certain embarrassment and shame at what he had allowed her to see.
She chastised herself in her mind for not letting herself forget him − she thought at first that perhaps it was influenced by his status, by what he could give her as a Prince, but then she realised that this was not true.
What he had done, his sobbing, the words that had involuntarily ripped from his throat that night had forced their way deep into her heart and refused to leave it, haunting her even in her dreams.
She prayed for him in the Great Sept; crossing the gates of that gigantic, ancient temple, she felt pure again, and a strange, solemn calm possessed her mind and heart. She would then approach the great candlesticks and kneel before them, repeating the same words each time.
Warrior, support me with your strength so that I do not lose myself in the world around me.
Mother, in your graciousness, surround me with your protection, receive me with understanding like your own child.
Maiden, purify me, make me feel light again, so that the weight of my sins may leave my shoulders.
Father, support one of your sons, the One-Eyed Prince, who has shown me kindness and who is suffering, with your strong hand, so that he does not fall under the weight of his own guilt.
That day, immersed in prayer, she paid no attention to the quiet echo of footsteps, accustomed to the fact that at such an early hour she was not the only one who wished to experience silent prayer in solitude.
She didn't open her eyes, focused on her own musings, feeling the pleasant warmth of the fire on her face until she felt someone stop behind her − she lifted her gaze up and froze, watching with her heart pounding in panic as he knelt beside her with a loud creak of wood, bowing his head, folding his hands in prayer.
She turned her face towards the burning candles feeling that the knees on which she rested the weight of her body began to tremble as did her hands, her quickened breath turning to steam within the cold walls of the temple, a drop of cold sweat running down the back of her neck.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, feeling tears under her eyelids, not knowing whether she should get up and leave or stay.
She closed her eyes, thanking the gods gratefully that he was alive, that they had listened to her pleas, that they had allowed her to see him once more.
She felt them run down her cheeks, hot and pink with emotion, one by one − she drew in the air loudly, trying to calm herself, focusing on his presence beside her, on the fact that their elbows were touching.
They continued in silence like this for a long time until he suddenly stood up, placing the hood of his grey coat over his head and turned to leave, without even bestowing a single glance on her.
She didn't know why this time it was she who burst out into silent sobs, why she hid her face in her hands, why she felt as strongly as never before in her life who she really was.
She was a whore who would never deserve anyone, who would never have a husband or children, who would work in some inn when she grew old, taken by force by her owner.
She thought about this as she returned to the place that had been her home for so many years − she had to use ice cubes to make the swelling from her tears come off her face. She looked at herself in the mirror thinking that a few more years and she would no longer be beautiful and young, her body would wither like a flower and with it her heart.
Who would believe her that she could have cared about anything other than golden coins?
Mothers used to teach their sons: never trust a whore.
She was not surprised.
In their place, she wouldn't trust herself either.
When she joined her friends and lay down beside them on the big red bed covered with curtains she bestowed on them a broad, warm smile. They told her about what they had been doing all day, about the new gowns Madame had allowed them to order, but her thoughts were far away, with him, in the Great Sept.
She shuddered when she heard Madame call her name and swallowed hard, standing up slowly, the girls escorted her away with curious eyes. She approached her guardian with a questioning expression on her face, she, however, merely pointed with her hand to the chamber she was to go to. She nodded her head.
"− I will prepare myself −" She said softly.
Madame shook her head.
"− he demands your presence immediately −" She said calmly, an expression of satisfaction on her face that she did not understand.
She blinked, surprised, thinking that someone was very desperate, but decided that perhaps it was better.
It would be over sooner.
She moved wordlessly down the corridor and walked into the chamber, freezing immediately when she recognised his silhouette standing by the window. When he heard her he looked in her direction, his gaze dark and piercing.
"− close the door −" He commanded, and she nodded quickly, doing as he ordered, feeling her whole body quiver. She swallowed hard, turning towards him again, not knowing what to do with herself.
"− undress and lie down on the bed −" He hummed, his voice deep and cold, making shivers run down her spine.
She nodded, looking at the stone floor, walking on trembling legs towards the bed, feeling small, helpless, humiliated for some reason.
Though she never did, she sat backwards on the bedding, giving herself any sense of privacy as she slid her thin, translucent gown off her body with a soft, light flick of her wrist.
She swallowed hard when she heard him draw in the air loudly as he approached her slowly, undoing the buckles of her tunic with a quiet click and rustle of fabric.
"− lie on your side with your back to me −" He said a little more softly, his low voice trembling with emotion, from which she felt a tingling heat in her lower abdomen.
She lay on the cold bedding, curled up like a small child, exposed and vulnerable, for some reason feeling that what he was going to do now would break her heart.
She sighed when, a moment later, she heard the bed creak and bend under the weight of his body, which lay behind her − she shuddered as his fingertips traveled along her arm to her waist, his full, warm lips placing a soft, wet kiss on her neck.
"− come here −" He whispered in a way that made her feel tears under her eyelids, with calmness and tenderness, as if he were speaking to someone he knew well.
She let him draw her closer as his hand slid from her waist to her lower abdomen and pressed her back against his bare chest, both of them sighed when his already hard, long erection slapped impatiently against her buttocks.
"− spread your thighs, sweet girl − I won't hurt you –" He muttered in her ear, his other hand, which he slid under her body gently teasing her nipple, puffy and popping from the sudden, unexpected, hot wave of desire that surged through her loins.
She obeyed his command, tilting her head back, his full lips clinging to her warm, pink cheek, trailing over her skin, leaving wet, sticky marks behind. He began to pant as his hand slid down from her belly between her thighs, finding her slickness, her plushy folds, wonderfully soft and moist, ready to welcome him.
"− just like that − let's caress this little cunt a bit before I put it inside you − hm? −" He gasped encouragingly, and she nodded quickly, feeling that her walls clenched around nothing.
"− y-yes, Your Grace − please −" She mewled, a loud, girlish cry breaking from her lips as his fingers dug into her leaking womanhood, teasing and rubbing her puffy bud, making waves of delightful heat flow through her whole body.
Her lively reactions and how ready she was for him made him impatient − she felt the fingers of his hand spread the folds of her slit to the sides as he moved his hips back with a soft motion, only to push the pink, fat head of his cock deep inside her a moment later.
They both groaned low, shocked at how intensely delightful the sensation was − she involuntarily spread her thighs wider, wanting to make it easier for him − he felt it, and with an impatient, deep thrust of his hips forced his throbbing length deep inside her.
They both began to pant loudly and quiver with pleasure as he imposed a fast, greedy pace on her at once, barely sliding out of her, opening her wide on his erection with loud slaps of their naked bodies against each other.
"− gods witness I was one step away from putting it inside you in the Sept − to profane that sacred place for this warm cunt −" He exhaled in a trembling voice into her ear and she felt his words deep inside her, in her nipples and in her lips − they both gasped as her walls began to squeeze him, intensifying his sensation, his hand clamped tighter on her hip, not slowing down.
"− ah − g-gods −" She mumbled, feeling her fulfilment building slowly inside her, the way her fleshy core clenched greedily and sucked him inside, soaking him wet.
"− did you want this? − were you so wet there, kneeling beside me? − were you waiting for my seed? −" He mocked, running his rough tongue over her exertion-sweaty cheek, his hand tightened warningly around her neck, suggesting she not dare lie to him.
"− yes − gods, forgive me, yes, yes, yes! −" She cried out, feeling the tears run down her cheeks as her tension peaked − her little cunt gave him a few more thirsty, strong squeezes before she heard him sigh loudly in pleasure, and then he became still, his erection pulsing hard inside her as his warm spend filled her.
"− fuck − mghmm −" He gasped out, clearly not believing himself at how wonderful the sensation was, his hands roaming over her body as if trying to soothe both himself and her.
He swallowed hard when he heard her cry; she heard him raise himself on his elbow and lift himself to look over her shoulder at her face.
He was silent for a moment, his hot, heavy breath enveloping her face.
"− did I hurt you? −" He asked, and she shook her head quickly, covering her mouth with her hand, feeling that she could not catch her breath, her body shook again and again with convulsions of pleasure and terror at the same time.
She felt him tentatively place his hand on her shoulder, stroking it reassuringly.
"− shhh − breathe, sweet girl −" He hummed and she nodded her head, trying to calm herself down. She sighed quietly when she felt him lay his head behind her again, his arms embracing her breasts and pressing her against his naked body, his legs sliding between hers.
"− I have paid for you − no one will touch you −" He whispered and she swallowed quietly, smiling involuntarily, feeling relieved at the thought that he had provided her with the comfort of no other man touching her this night.
"− I have conveyed to Madame that I do not wish you to live here any longer – for you to see other men − she will assign you rooms separate from the main quarters on my command −"
She blinked, freezing in stillness, furrowing her brow, trying to understand what he had just said.
She turned towards him and he lifted himself onto his arm, letting her look at his face, his broad hand gently caressing and squeezing her soft breast between his fingers.
"− I − I do not understand − Madame will only agree to one night −" She explained to him, not wanting him to be disappointed. His expression didn't change, a sigh of slight impatience left his nostrils.
Only after a moment did she realise that his half-soft manhood was still deep inside her.
"− I paid her for you − she sold you to me − you and your life belong to me now −" He said, a warmth and threat in his words at once, from which a shudder ran through her, the fingers of his free hand tracing over the line of her waist.
He bought her.
"− does that mean − does that mean I won't have to anymore −"
"− no − you are mine now − you will only share your body with me − do you understand? −" He asked dryly, as if he wanted to make sure she knew that one mistake on her part would cost her everything.
She nodded quickly, her eyes glistening with tears of disbelief, her swollen lips parted in a heavy breath.
"− good −" He murmured, laying his head next to hers, his nose snuggled into her hair. "− I wish to rest now −"
She nodded, turning away, letting this time the tears of happiness and relief flow down her pink, puffy cheeks, her small hands clasped around his arms with which he embraced her in her wordless gratitude.
He had taken her for himself.
She was his.
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decayedgloria · 10 months
sundress szn pt. 3
ft. Ayato, Thoma, Itto
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Summer is creeping up on the city, so you decide to wear a garment fit for the occasion…
Tags:  nsfw under cut, i was lacking in the inazuma department therefore i wrote this, i love my bbgs tho, public/semi-public, established relationships, afab!reader, reader is a tease in some of them thoma’s lol, submissive themes, I popped off on Itto’s LMFAO
Word Count: ~1.2k words, not proofread
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Inazuma’s summers were getting increasingly hotter as its borders opened following the arrival of the Traveller. Whether it was the Shogun’s doing or not didn’t matter, all you knew was that you definitely needed some new dresses. 
As you stood in the Kamisato Estate’s courtyard fanning yourself, patiently waiting for your husband to arrive home, you began growing annoyed as the wind kept picking up the bottom of your dress. It was short, and makeshift in a sense, as it was an older dress you had hastily cut up in the name of fashion (and the weather). You were starting to regret it- you really did not want the estate’s staff see the… questionable marks your husband left on your behind the night before.
A blush began to creep up on your face as you recount how his nimble hands worked on your body, causing you to fan yourself faster. As if Barbatos himself saw your predicament, a strong gust of wind suddenly swept through the courtyard, ultimately lifting your dress up to reveal an indecent view. Being so lost in thought your hands tried to rush to pull it down once more, but your clumsy fingers end up dropping your fan in the process.
“Shit…” You cursed quietly, bending your knees so you could pick up the fan without compromising your dignity. As you quickly rise, you eyes caught a glimpse of your husband’s familiar white suit at the gate, filling you with happiness and relief. Making your way towards him, you gave him a welcoming smile and quickly pecked him on his cheek.
“Welcome home, my love.” Your greeting was met with Ayato’s silent gaze, surprising you. Usually, he’d shower you in kisses and affections as soon as he returned, however this time his eyes seemed to scour your entire being, taking in exactly what you were wearing. You find yourself blushing again, realizing that he was indeed checking you out.
“Darling…” His voice was just as low as it was last night, sending shivers down your spine despite the heat. “This dress that you have on is quite small.” He raises a gloved hand to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he leans in and whispers, “Shall we take it off and find a better garment?”
You knew exactly what his words entailed. Despite the growing heat inside and outside of you, you relented; following him as he leads you back into the mansion, hands all but gripping your waist tightly.
Thoma’s off days were far and few in between, so today was somewhat of a special occasion. As it had been a while, he wanted to treat you to a date in the city, and who were you to refuse your boyfriend? Especially considering how hardworking he was. You had decided to sweeten the day a little bit by donning the dress you had forgotten about in your closet; it was considerably tighter, and a little short, but nonetheless perfect for the hot Inazuman summer.
As you walked with Thoma through the city, you couldn’t help but notice how flustered he suddenly became. His eyes were constantly darting around the streets, avoiding looking at you, but his hands found themselves barely touching above your ass- he was holding himself back, you knew then. 
Smirking, you usher Thoma to the back of an alleyway and before he could object, pushed him against the wall. Both of you were out of sight, which gave you the perfect opportunity to watch as his green eyes widened when your hands made their way to cup the growing bulge in his pants.
“Ah… are you sure?” He asks apprehensively, though the mischievous glint in your eyes told him everything he knew. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as you kept up your minstrations, his hands positioning themselves under your dress to squeeze your plump cheeks.
“Look at you, already so hard.” You teased, kissing his jaw as he tried to silence himself for fear of getting found out. “Was it my dress, baby? Do you like it that much?” With a feeble nod, he shudders as he feels you undoing his pants and freeing his hardened cock, stroking it with your fingers. 
Sinking to your knees, you grinned up at your pretty boyfriend, who shivers under your touch. If Thoma liked your dress so much, maybe you should consider wearing similar ones more often, especially if it gets your boyfriend as flustered and turned on as this.
What was it, the third time in the last two weeks? You sigh as you trudged through the city jail, following a guard as you make your way to the cell that currently housed your reckless boyfriend. The oni had gotten himself into trouble with Kujou Sara again, and for what you didn’t want to know; hearing that he was thrown in there for the upteenth time on the day you both agreed to hang out was enough to irritate you beyond belief.
As you neared his cell, you began to hear his boisterous voice carry through the hallway, growing louder and louder accompanied by metal shaking. The guard threw a glance at you, probably feeling a little bad that you somehow ended up as Itto’s girlfriend. Rounding the corner, you’re met with the man himself banging on the cell bars, shouting to his heart's content, stopping only when you came into his line of sight.
“Hey! I told you guys I’m not guilty- hey, babe!” Smiling like an idiot and giving you a big wave, which in spite of your annoyance, you actually found quite cute. Disregarding the fact that he was behind bars. You toss a bag of mora to the guard for the trouble as you drag Itto out of the jail, scolding him repeatedly.
“I told you to stop getting arrested, and where do you end up on the day that we planned to go on a date? Jail!” 
“I told you it wasn’t my fault, babe! I’m sorry- ow!” You continue to chastise him, pulling his ear as you both make your way through the streets, earning a few glances. Once you had him in a secluded alley, you turned towards him and glared, crossing your arms in a huff. Unbeknownst to you, you were highlighting what might’ve been Itto’s favorite part of you by doing so- your chest.
The oni’s mouth was watering as your complaints went into one ear and out the other, preoccupied by your assets- actually, your entire body seemed to entice him this particular day. Surely, it had nothing to do with the cute dress that barely covered your ass, right?
In the midst of your rant, Itto suddenly backs you up against the wall, caging you in his strong arms as he leans down to your height. “Whoa there, sweetcheeks. There’s no need to get so worked up now.” His breath was warm against your face as you stared at him in confusion, unsure of the reason for his mood change. Before you could retort, the oni hoists one of your legs up against his side, leaving your clothed pussy right in the open. 
His fingers get to work right away, rubbing against your slickening folds as he kisses you passionately. Your mind goes blank from the sudden pleasure, only being able to moan into his lips as he toys with your pussy. When he finally pulled away, you had been reduced to a writhing mess underneath him, panting and moaning like a little whore.
“Let me make it up to ya, ‘kay?”
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There was supposed to be one more character but I couldn't write anything else so here you guys go lol
also sorry thoma enjoyers i made his criminally short :(((
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genshinology · 1 year
(alternatively, how they are dropping hints left and right that you are more than just a friend.)
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— PAIRINGS ; alhaitham, ayato & childe x gn!reader (separate)
— CONTENT ; oblivious!reader, may contain a spoiler from sumeru's story quest on alhaitham's, mentions of childe's real name (ajax), reader is addressed as “little bug” in childe's (please, it's just a poorly written joke, i swear).
— NOTES ; don't care what everyone says but a man that has the power and money is definitely a man that i want. wrote this on a whim so 'm sorry for the horrible writing and the lack of details in this.
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"why are you so dense?" alhaitham's question caught you off guard, considering the fact that you were so immersed with yet another history book of teyvat in the akademiya's house of daena.
his sudden question made you unknowingly gazed at him with annoyance (it wasn't your fault though, not when he actually interrupted your reading of the fourth chapter), and you quickly bookmarked the page you had last read before actually paying full attention to the scribe across you.
"dense is not really a word to describe me. i think i catch on things around me quite fast," you huffed out, exaggeratedly bumping your forehead onto the desk. a silent thud was heard afterwards, not necessarily loud enough for other people to hear, but alhaitham definitely caught on the hint you mentally saying that you were bored and the fact that he took away the only form of your entertainment by taking away the thick book from you made you squinted your eyes at him.
your eyes prying at his action. he was an unpredictable man, so you couldn't question what he did. especially when the question of, "do you know what is the context of this book?" suddenly came out from his mouth.
"uhm.. yes?" you stopped thinking too deep when alhaitham's gaze zeroed straight into you, signalling that you should be answering his question more precisely. "a book about teyvat; the seven nations, the archon war, the history, the irminsul, the heavenly principles, the fatui, the abyss—
"ah yes, sounds like classified information, isn't it?" alhaitham cut you off, showing the old cover page with a knowing look that you couldn't really decipher. "you do realise that this book comes from the restricted repository room?" alhaitham was questioning you, slightly smiled when he saw how the gears in your brains were slowly turning and you finally understood what he was trying to point out.
"wait. you are right. it makes sense now, how incomplete certain details are since the book itself covers forbidden knowledge.." you put your right palm underneath your jaw, still in disbelief at the fact that the book in his hold was a restricted material for general use to the scholars and the public.
"not really the brightest mind," he paused. "that's why i said you are, indeed, a slow-witted person," he shook his head, his own work was slowly forgotten amidst the conversation he accidentally forced you into.
"that is just saying 'stupid' in a more formal manner. i am truly offended," you sighed, noting the way alhaitham seemed taken aback at the last sentence you gave to him.
alhaitham could only put down the book in front of you. "..and i am offended as well. you don't even think that i am using my authority to give you access to this one book you have been super interested in these days, haven't you?"
he turned away after seconds of eye contact, especially when your eyes widened and you felt how your cheeks were hurting due to the shock. "you.. did this for me? not exactly the first thing i would think of, especially if it's from the scribe of the akademiya."
you smiled, way too wide and alhaitham thought he was holding his breath for a moment. "thank you, you're so kind."
'kind' wasn't what he really expected you to say, specifically when he, himself, wasn't filled with kindness and tenderness alike. the you that he knew would be instantly flustered if you ever knew the true meaning of his intention when he first directed you with those questions.
he could only laughed heartlessly at your statement, thinking that you must have never received this much attention from someone, or that you really treated him as a true friend.
"i do not do this for some mere scholars, just so you know that you are exceptional."
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"my lord," you bowed down, giving ayato the respectable approach that he deserved. "is there something you would like me to help?"
ayato was a diligent and a busy man, that was the first thing you had noticed when he first took you right under his wing. his smile specifically was something you swore would be your death one day, he was too charming for your own good.
"come here," his bright face made you ten times more nervous than ever. "also, please, drop the formalities. we are hidden from the public view."
the last sentence was way too intimate, but you decided that it must have been his figure of speech.
"yes, my lord—i mean, ayato," you slightly cringed at the way his name rolled off your tongue not-so-eloquently. something about calling him by his name, even without his family name, felt super uncivil to you.
he had done so much for you, so to hear his request of doing what you had been accustomed to was hard.
so you could only stumble forward awkwardly, hands clasping together to stop yourself from shaking a little bit too much. why did he always bring out the nervousness within you in private? did he really had these effects?
"here, sit down," ayato's calligraphy pen halted its movement, and it didn't help to calm you down when he patted the sit beside his chair.
"i'm sorry, my lord," the title accidentally slipped away nonetheless, and you decided to ignore the look in his eyes—as if he was hurting by the fact that you didn't address his name, but he possibly couldn't be that childish, it was the commissioner after all—as he quickly regained his composure. "you need my help to assort these paperworks?"
"it is fine, y/n," oh, the fact that he didn't address your first name made you knew he did feel slightly dejected.
you quickly made up your action by swiftly gliding onto the chair he already pulled out underneath his study. for a moment, you were stunned at the act of a gentleman he usually did to you. he was so kind, and you knew that you were super lucky to have him as your employer.
"i don't want you to do anything today. you can rest up until tomorrow," he said, slightly rummaging some precious items he kept in the drawer. you knew those items in there were far more important to him, especially when it also had his late father's will that was neatly preserved in the sakura-scented letter he and ayaka made a long time ago. it was honestly a cute activity for them now that you reminisced the memory.
"is there any occasion? or you will be away?" you asked him, and you could see his eyes lightened up at the way his hand reached out to yours, and you were left baffled.
his hand was warm, that was the first thing you noted. besides when you felt something smooth in your palm, you questioned the foreign thing in your hand.
it was a necklace, with a lighter hue of blue as its pendant. your intrusive thought won you over as you saw how the pendant resembled ayato's hydro vision to an extent. it was ethereal, at least in your eyes.
by the feel of it, you already knew this necklace's worth had already exceeded your wage.
"it is for you. i was buying one for ayaka when i was reminded of you, y/n," he warmly explained, his sincere eyes were too much for you as you avoided his eye contact.
your beating heart felt dangerous as ever. his hands were still engulfing yours, as if to keep you from shying away.
"take it. it would mean a lot to me."
"thank you, sir-ayato," you corrected yourself, and ayato thought it was adorable of you to stutter around him.
his heart was content when you thanked him over and over again.
if giving the necklace was a metaphor to his love letter, then he would be overjoyed when he saw you roaming around his estate with the necklace on you the next day.
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"today's a really nice day," childe sighed happily, as he picked you up from the ground, and you repeatedly punched his back, flailing in his arms to put you down.
"ajax!" you gasped, who wouldn't be in shock, when you were literally caught off guard by his attack and then your feet weren't touching the snowy path anymore. "put me down."
"ehem, manners, please," he faked a cough.
you could only kick around, although none of your actions would actually affect him physically. "i am almost going to swear at you, you know?"
"put me down, please," you tried to whisper into his ear, so that he would feel ticklish by the air that escaped from you.
"gross," he commented, and before you knew it, he already let you go from his somewhat soothing hold onto your body. "need to disinfect my ear after this."
you slapped his arm after hearing his bad joke, roughly enough to get his focus onto you. "let me do it with the bug spray i have at home. i hope it'll cleanse your whole soul too."
"touché," childe cracked a smile at hearing you almost choked on your breath. "aren't you my little bug?"
"don't you have a cuter nickname for me? seriously, bug? out of all lovelier things on this world?" at this point, you had already clinging onto childe's side, hyper aware at some people who had been watching the playful fight between you two for some time now.
childe noticed the way you practically glued to him, your hand fisting the sweater he wore, and childe could only thought that your ministration would only bring a misunderstanding, especially that one which people always commented on when they saw both of you.
"look at you two."
childe could only smile at the old lady that passed by him. "couple fights are normal, until the old days. i hope you're having a great time," the old lady patted your back, and when you were about to clear the misunderstanding he had always loved, the old lady left.
"w-what?" you turned to childe whom somehow looked at you fondly, and you could only voiced out your opinion on the cold day. "that old lady is not making any sense."
"—and you, ajax," you continued when you caught childe slacking from paying his full focus attentively to you, as he only shrugged his shoulder. "...are you really going to leave again?"
"hm?" he hummed, and thought to himself that you were so adorable in his spare sweater, fighting against the chilly wind and hesitating to actually say that you would miss him if he went to liyue for his work again.
"of course. it is my duty for the tsaritsa, and no, you won't be going to join me this time. have you forgotten when you almost got hit by the fatui because they were belittling you?" childe quickly cut you off when he saw how your lips twitching at his words, knowing too well that you would suggest the idea of venturing to liyue with him. the last time he accepted your idea, he almost blamed himself fully if one of his subordinates hurt you. he could only thank the archons that nothing too severe happened on you.
"and, our date for today went exceptionally well, wasn't it? you won't miss me like you have always did before," he winked, and you almost threw your fist at his face if you could. "i am going there for a week. i'll be back before you know it."
"right. let's stop now before your teasing goes too far ahead of yourself," you rolled your eyes, and only did you notice that you were still holding him dearly.
you quickly pulled your hand, and childe swore he had already missed the way you stayed close by his side. he was definitely smitten, he knew it.
"thank me later for wasting my money on you," childe laughed at the way you tried to run away from his grasp.
if he could, he would voice out loud that he really didn't care about his money, as long as you were happy with him, and it frustrated him a little bit that you really thanked him for that when all he wanted to say was that he loved you too.
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cheesus-doodles · 4 months
How does Ran view Rindo’s best friend reader? And what’s his opinion on their relationship? I really like your work on Rindo and reader!
thank you for your kind words anon!
Masterlist | Rindo Tags
Ran thinks that the two of you together are adorable.
Yes sure, he knows damn well that both the both of them are delinquents who ruthlessly rule the back alleys of Roppongi with an iron fist, and that they are indeed supposed to be feared. But how was he supposed to think any other way when he sees Rindo with you?
Even though you clearly are the more easygoing and naive of your little pair with a tendency to go along with whatever it was that Rindo wanted, in Ran's eyes, its still his younger brother who comes off as the lost puppy trailing you looking for affection and attention, happy to let you lead him around by the nose. Yes, both of the Haitanis have both been in and out of juvie for various reasons, and Ran is perfectly aware of how Rindo is actually like during fights, having no qualm with breaking bones and putting faces through cement. Yet Ran still finds it hard to find any good reason to fear Rindo whenever you are arm-in-arm with him, chattering away with a complete lack of awareness to your surroundings. Ran, in fact, finds it rather amusing to occasionally poke his younger brother by linking arms with you just to get a reaction out of him and see him growl and threaten.
There was no way that Ran could possibly hate you, not with what you had done for Rindo. As the older of the two (not by much but still), Ran takes it upon himself to learn about and keep an eye out for Rindo, even if the younger Haitani dislikes his older brother's intrusions into his life.
And from what Ran can tell, Rindo has only changed for the better - as much as a delinquent can, at least. He knew that the day you picked Rindo over him was the day that something within Rindo had sparked (or snapped), and the younger Haitani had never let go of you since then, which you didn't seem to mind. Good thing either way, since with you came a sense of responsibility for Rindo that he never had, and Ran do so appreciate Rindo caring about something outside of picking fights for a change. Maybe you could get him to care about bills as well soon.
You did bring a breath of fresh air into both their lives, which the older of the brothers appreciates. With you came normal afternoons, calm evenings, and even peaceful nights; being a regular civilian with no ties to the gang life, you usually were the one to drag the two Haitani brothers around to your favourite cafes or the newest shops. Normal activities. Of course, the the only caveat to peace and normality being that you were within arm's length of Rindo, but that was easy enough to achieve.
Ran does however wish from time to time that you were the slightest bit more self aware and less air-headed. The amount of stress you cause his younger brother on a day-to-day basis simply can't be healthy, but more importantly, it affects Ran as well. Don't get him wrong, this older delinquent was content to watch his younger brother run around like a headless chicken from time to time, but when it spills over into his life and causes Ran to lose his precious sleep is where he draws the line. Maybe with a few more brain cells, you would be able to learn which action would result in a explosive reaction from your best friend, but it has already been years and Ran isn't hopeful.
Rindo always anxiously checking in on you whenever he could as if you would vanish off the face of the earth the moment he wasn't looking (being lured into a van and kidnapped with candy was what Rindo swears would be enough to work on you, and Ran didn't doubt as much). And when he couldn't, Ran would have the chance to be amused by his younger brother compulsively opening and closing his phone every second just to make sure he wasn't missing any messages that you were sending him, before giving in after five minutes and simply calling you. This would quickly turn into a full blown cursing and swearing session when you fail to pick up within half a minute, followed by a panicked Rindo dropping everything to take off and hunt you down.
This usually happens during school time, when the younger of the Haitanis reluctantly let you attend class, only to storm your classroom later on, though meltdowns also tend to happen at night when you aren't sleeping over at their place. And the latter is when Ran gets awoken by all the scrambling, sometimes getting dragged up as well to look for you when Rindo happens to barge into your room on the rare occasion you wandered out for a midnight snack.
Despite Ran knowing that whatever Rindo has going on with you isn't quite normal, with Rindo being a tad too obsessed with knowing where you were and what you were doing at all times, the older delinquent doesn't care. As long as his younger brother was happy, Ran was content with playing along. And alas, until Ran can knock some common sense into that empty head of yours, he'll settle for tying you to a chair and hauling your ass back to Rindo.
Ah the woes of being an older brother.
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sinkovia · 5 months
He's cheating, isn't he?
Price x Fem!Reader
As the weeks turned into months, you couldn't ignore the growing unease that had settled in your heart. It had started innocently enough, with Price getting up to take a phone call in the living room. At first, it didn't raise any suspicion, but it soon became a regular occurrence, happening every week, sometimes even multiple times within the week.
You knew deep down that Price would never cheat on you. His love for you was undeniable, and you were well aware of it. However, the constant disappearances for hours on end began to wear on your trust and your self-esteem.
Price would always tell you that he was just going to get groceries, but when he returned, there would only be one bag in his hand. It didn't make sense for him to be gone for hours just to bring back one bag of groceries.
The months went by, and the secret phone calls continued. With each instance, your patience wore thinner, and the restraint you had built was beginning to crumble. You couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.
When you asked him about the calls, he only mumbled that it was work. But you couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't simply take those calls near you if they were indeed just work-related matters.
The increasing secrecy and lack of transparency were eroding your trust and leaving you with a growing sense of unease. It was clear that something was amiss, and you couldn't help but wonder who Price was hiding from you.
One day, as you lay with your head nestled in Price's lap, his fingers gently brushing through your hair, the soothing rhythm of his touch had started to lull you into a peaceful state. But that tranquility was abruptly interrupted when his phone rang, startling him.
Price quickly moved you off his lap to take the call. You felt a surge of anger bubbling up inside as he did, a sense of rejection and abandonment washing over you. You got up from the couch, the slow, deliberate steps taking you to your bedroom, where you leaned your ear against the door, desperate to eavesdrop.
Through the muffled sound, you heard Price's voice as he spoke on the phone. The words were unclear, but you strained to listen. There was a long pause, and then Price let out a sigh, a heavy and weighted sound that filled you with dread.
"...Four months..." Those two words hung in the air like a storm cloud, and your heart sank as you tried to make sense of what they meant.
It felt like the ground beneath you was slipping away, and you couldn't help but wonder if Price was planning on leaving you in four months, ending your relationship and moving on to someone else. Tears welled up in your eyes as you walked back to the couch, your mind racing.
The thought left you emotionally paralyzed, tears threatening to brim in your eyes as you walked away from the door, quietly retaking your spot on the couch. Your gaze fixed on the television, your mind racing. Price soon entered the living room and took a seat next to you, his concern evident in his voice.
You were lost in your thoughts, not immediately hearing him. It was only when he said your name that you snapped back to reality, forcing a smile and responding, "Sorry, hun, just daydreaming."
Price smiled and placed his hand over yours, "You know I love you, right? More than anything."
Your smile almost faltered, but you managed to keep up the facade, placing your hand over his and gently squeezing. "I know you do."
He kissed your forehead and you leaned your head back into his lap, his hand combing through your hair, while his attention shifted to the TV. But for you, everything else seemed to fade away.
You battled back tears and internal questions. Who was this other woman? When had Price started seeing her? What excuse would he make to end your marriage?
Over the next three months, you worked hard to keep up the facade. Occasionally, it would slip, and you'd find yourself crying in Price's arms, but you always made excuses, blaming it on cramps or a bad day. However, your heart was heavy with the uncertainty and fear of what might be coming.
However, one day during dinner, as you looked up from your plate, you saw blood trickling from Price's nose. Your eyes widened in alarm.
"Oh my god, hun, your nose is bleeding," Concern evident in your voice. Price raised his hand to his nose and saw the blood on his fingertips.
"I'm fine, sweetheart. Let me just clean it up," he assured you. As he got up from the chair, he suddenly collapsed to the ground. Panic set in as you rushed to his side.
"Give me a second; I'm going to get my phone and call 911," you said, running to the other room, your fingers trembling as you dialed for help.
You sat in the hospital room, holding Price's hand while he slept in the hospital bed. The tension was palpable, but you had no idea of the heavy news that was about to be revealed. The doctor entered the room, and you turned your attention to him, your heart already drumming in your chest.
"The tumor has grown significantly over the past three months," the doctor said, his voice laden with sorrow. "I'm very sorry to say, but he only has a few weeks, a month at best."
Your world froze as the words left the doctor's mouth. "What do you mean, tumor? What tumor are you talking about?" you asked in shock, your voice trembling.
The doctor's eyes widened as he realized that Price had never shared this information with you. "I'm very sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your husband has had a brain tumor for the past year. He has been coming here quite frequently for CT scans. I thought he shared the news with you.”
Your heart dropped, and your ears were ringing as the doctor's words sank in. "Thank you, doctor. I think I want some alone time if that's okay with you," you said, turning away to be by Price's side, your hand finding his again.
"Of course," The doctor nodded and left the room, leaving you in silence.
This revelation shattered your world. All those months of misunderstanding, suspicion, and fear, thinking that he was cheating on you, were suddenly replaced with the realization that he had been dealing with a life-threatening condition. And he had hidden it from you, for what reason, you couldn't fathom.
Alone with Price, your hand found his once more. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, and as they met yours, he saw the tears streaming down your face. Confusion and worry knitted his brows, and tears welled up in his own eyes.
"You know, don't you?" he whispered.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you sobbed, gripping his hand tightly. Price's own tears fell freely now. Using his other hand, he covered yours, squeezing it with all the strength he had left.
"I didn't want it to ruin you. I didn't want you to let it destroy you, for you to count down the days you had left with me. I wanted us to live a normal life together. I wanted your last year with me to be full of happiness. I just wanted you to be happy. I'm so sorry,"
Price confessed, his voice cracking. You dropped your head as you cried out, the weight of his secret too much to bear. Price did his best to sit up, his hands cupping your face, making you look at him.
"I thought you were cheating on me," you cried out as tears ran down your face. Price looked shocked but quickly laughed softly through his own tears.
"Sweetheart, I would never," he assured you. You reached over and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his neck as you sobbed out your anguish.
"I don't want you to die," you choked out as Price's tears streamed down his face, and he held you even tighter.
"I don't want to die either," he whispered back. He cried with you, and you both shared your pain, finding comfort in one another. Eventually, you fell asleep next to him on the hospital bed.
Two weeks later, you found yourself standing in front of Price's casket, a sea of mourners around you. Your eyes were vacant and hollow, lost in a world of pain and sorrow as you gazed at his lifeless form, lying in the casket. The weight of his absence was suffocating, and the pain of losing him was overwhelming, etching deep lines of grief and despair on your face.
The world moved around you, but you felt frozen in time, unable to comprehend that Price was gone. As the solemn ceremony continued, the reality of your loss settled heavily on your shoulders, and the tears flowed freely, reflecting the profound sense of emptiness that had taken root in your heart.
You had been going through the motions of daily life, the absence of Price weighing heavily on your heart. As you checked the mail one afternoon, you noticed a letter that seemed different from the usual bills and advertisements. Your eyes grew wide with curiosity as you recognized the handwriting on the envelope, and your heart raced with anticipation.
Rushing to the living room, you tore open the envelope with trembling hands. Your eyes scanned the familiar words, and tears welled up as you realized it was a letter from Price. Your heart ached as you devoured every word, feeling his presence through his written words, and a bittersweet mix of emotions washed over you.
My Dearest y/n,
As I sit here, pen in hand, I am filled with a mixture of emotions that I'm struggling to put into words. I write this letter in the hope that it reaches you a few days after I'm gone, a small attempt to convey what's in my heart before my time in this world ends.
I want you to know how much I love you. I want you to carry that love with you always. You are the sun, the warmth that has filled my heart, and the love that has given my life meaning.
I want you to understand that my decision to keep my illness from you was not out of deceit or a desire to protect you from pain. It was a misguided attempt to preserve your happiness.
I see now that my silence did more harm than good, and for that, I am truly sorry. The weight of my secret was a heavy burden, and I regret not sharing it with you sooner.
As you face the days without me, I want you to know that it's okay to grieve, to feel anger, sadness, and loss. Emotions are a natural part of life, and there is no right or wrong way to experience them.
I want you to cherish the memories we created together. The laughter, the shared dreams, the quiet moments, they are all a testament to the beautiful life we built. Please, hold on to those memories, for they will keep me alive in your heart.
Live your life, my love. Pursue your dreams, follow your passions, and find joy in the simple pleasures of life. I have always believed in your strength, your resilience, and your ability to make the most of every moment. You have a bright future ahead, and I hope you embrace it with all the enthusiasm and optimism that you have always possessed.
I may be leaving this world, but my love for you will never fade. I will always be with you in spirit, watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you. You are a remarkable person, and you deserve all the love and happiness that life can offer.
I'm grateful for the love you gave me, and I am blessed to have known you. Cherish the life we had together, and as you move forward, carry our love with you in your heart. Until we meet again in a better place, my love, I will be waiting for you, just as you will always be in my heart.
With all the love in my soul,
John Price.
You can almost hear his voice echoing through the written lines. Your heart tightens, and tears roll down your cheeks as you finish reading.
Uncontrollable sobs wrack your body, and the ache in your chest intensifies with each passing moment. You find yourself gasping for breath between heart-wrenching cries. The raw pain of loss washes over you, and each word in the letter feels like a bittersweet echo of the love you shared.
In the days that followed, the words lingered, an ethereal presence in your heart. The letter remained a harbinger of sorrow, a tangible testament to the void Price left behind. Tears now blurred the lines, rendering his words almost unreadable. Yet, within those blurred lines, you found a flicker of resilience.
The pain of loss remained, an unwelcome companion, but within the lines of his letter, there was an urge to honor his memory through living life the way he would have wanted you too.
Slowly, like the tentative bloom of flowers after a harsh winter, you began to unfurl. You traced a path towards healing, stumbling through the fog of sorrow. The world around you seemed dull at first, colors muted and sounds distant. Yet, with each passing day, a glimmer of resilience emerged, a hesitant spark pushing through the darkness.
You found yourself in small moments – a sunrise painting the sky with hues of warmth, a stray cat lying on your porch, the scent of rain on the pavement. In these fragments of life, you began to glimpse a flicker of the light that once danced in your husband's eyes.
Carrying his memory, you navigated the world anew, a hesitant traveler on a journey of healing. His words echoed in your mind, encouraging you to embrace the vibrant symphony of existence. You found fragments of him in unexpected places – a familiar song on the radio, a butterfly dancing in the garden, or the scent of his favorite cologne lingering in the air.
In these moments, you felt a connection beyond the tangible, a comforting presence whispering that he was still with you. It wasn't a cure for the ache of loss, but rather a soothing balm, a reminder that love could transcend the boundaries of life and death.
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agendabymooner · 7 months
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summary: dilf!mick really wants more…
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), pwp, use of explicit language, unprotected sex (use protection yall) body worship, breeding kink, mentions of lactation, broody!mick
note: cursing tle anon but it’s okay she gets to have the best of both worlds with the wholesome content then the filth after. enjoy xx (this is also my tenth smut— what’re y’all doing to me…?)
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
💌re:moony’s planner is opened!!!
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that was the first thing that came to mind when she saw her husband pouting in the corner of the room while their little daughter gave her slobbery kisses all over her face. he was fucking pouting instead of grinning widely at the sight of his girls— and she knew exactly why he was reacting like this. 
mick schumacher was brooding, and all she could do was giggle at the sight of his cute pouting. their daughter looked so much like him— so much like him. 
and while she was amused at the sight of him, he wasn’t feeling the same way. in fact, all he felt was nothing but pent up frustration as she continued to act all innocent— pretending like she didn’t see how much he needed her.
“da,” their little girl, minna schumacher, was indeed a delightful girl. with her pretty eyes and chubby face, she acted as a welcome distraction for mick’s needs — putting her hands over mick’s face before her open mouthed kisses attacked them. 
“minna,” mick’s wife said with a giggle, smirking at the german driver’s direction as she continued, “dada’s upset no? give dada a kiss? maybe that’ll help him.” 
mick scowled at the direction of his wife, watching her fall from laughing hysterically before his eyes looked down at the baby.
“da da da,” minna babbled, letting out a high pitched squeal when mick chomped on her little fingers. 
“num, nyam nyam— so cute i could just eat you up!” mick exclaimed, grinning as minna giggled. “you deserve everything, minnie baby.” 
mick looked up to see his wife shifting on her seat, the tank top she'd just put on was tight around her chest as she adjusted the straps. his eyes continued to watch as she adjusted her top, not even noticing the smirk on her face before she slightly tugged down her shirt — her breasts were plump and taunting him. 
“da!” minna exclaimed, getting frustrated at the lack of attention from her father before mick looked back at his daughter with a cheeky grin. 
“‘m sorry, liebe,” mick murmured, pressing loud kisses all over the infant’s face as he continued, “dada will give you everything youuuu want~”
“in fact,” mick glanced at his wife, “if you ask dada for a sibling? i’ll give you as much as you wan’, little baby.” 
“you don’t even have to ask for one,” he grinned cheekily, now staring at his wife as his eyes darkened. “i’ll make sure you’re happy with all the siblings you’ll get before you can even walk.” 
his wife shifted in her seat once more. 
yeah. he really was brooding. 
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a whimper escaped her mouth pathetically, her legs hooked over his shoulders as he grunted quietly. 
he covered her mouth and shushed her, “shh, you don’t want her to wake up, schatz.” 
her eyes were covered in tears, her pussy too overwhelmed with his girth as he pressed his hand at her stomach. his eyes gleamed in excitement, “ya feel that?” 
she nodded frantically, her senses turning up to a notch as his cock slid in and out of her like it was a puzzle being teased to be completed. “that’s me, schatzi.” 
“you look so fucking hot, love,” he crooned quietly, his body weighing the two of them down as he continued to fold his wife in half. 
he looked down at her writhing body, admiring the youthful glow that mixed with motherhood as he grinned. her postnatal body — despite having a baby who’s close to turning one — showed nothing but the marks of love and devotion for their child. one that they made and continued to raise with pride. 
he just couldn’t believe that this body grew the little one that they have now. his wife was a goddess and he couldn’t find himself denying that. 
his thrusts turned frantic as he chased his high and hers, hips slamming against hers as she whimpered quietly, her fingernails making marks on his back as he let out a strangled moan, “god, you’re so fucking beautiful. so good f’me— such a pretty woman with the prettiest body.” 
“growing my child in this body— fuuuuck~” he groaned, “gonna give you more to raise, schatz. y’want that?” 
“mm- hm,” she nodded as she cried quietly, her sensitivity increasing as her walls tightly clenched his cock. 
“gonna fuck you ‘til you have more of my kids,” he whispered in her ear, his fingers rolling her nipple as liquid escaped her breast. “gonna fuck you full— make sure that these tits are full of milk again— y’want that?” 
“you’re gonna give our girl more siblings,” he whispered heatedly, his cock stilling to fill her cunt to the brim as he groaned. 
she let out a high pitched moan before her body eased from the orgasm, feeling herself stuffed by his cum as her body finally calmed itself. 
full was what she felt. content was what they both felt as they cuddled closer, legs tangling together as they breathed quietly. 
then she spoke with a grin, “you really were brooding.”
mick chuckled and shoved her playfully, “shut up.”
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
I have really mixed feelings about the small proportion of F/F fiction (original or fanfic), because yeah sure, people have their desires, they should write what they want, I get it. It all works out when I hear it from person to person. But somehow the logic only ever applies in one direction? "There are more male protagonists because men only care about male characters! Women also mostly care about male characters, because that's the majority of characters they get!" And then somehow we also yet kvetch when men write female characters (because it's incorrectly or something, nevermind if women are writing male characters correctly). Why don't we expect gay men to feel compelled only by femslash for the same reasons (but gender swapped) as the lesbian slashers/fujoshi? All of those very rational justifications are applied selectively, "for me for not for thee," and it all only leads to "idk I just don't wanna write femslash", for Reasons. Do we get to call them microaggressions yet?
No, you don't get to call other people's fantasy life a microaggression.
That is indeed "for me but not for thee" in the sense that you get to want what you want but other people aren't supposed to follow their id.
Do you also police gay men who spend too much time on drag and obsessing over female divas? That's an actual real world behavior that's somewhat equivalent. It frequently goes unchallenged, at least by progressives, because men are allowed to do whatever they want with chick stuff, while women are "stealing" if they dare to stray into dude stuff.
(God, I've seen so much more policing of drag kings being ~problematic~ for acting out stereotypical gender than policing of drag queens for the same. It's nuts!)
Fujoshi are often queer, but it's absurd to think we're mostly lesbians. We tend to be bi or asexual women with gender stuff going on, though there is a mix of everybody, including lesbians. There are also a lot of AFAB non-women who get lumped in with us. On the rare occasions I find a man willing to admit to being a similar demographic, he usually does like gender play in his hobbies and entertainment. It's just that men face even more pressure than women do to fit into tidy categories. Bi women get told we're whores. Bi men are told they don't exist.
Yes, I know plenty of lesbians who write more m/m than f/f, but in the big picture of all of AO3 or all of fanfic or all of media, they aren't the demographic driving these numbers. They're vastly outnumbered by the bi women, the asexual women, and the straight and gnc women.
The men we should be looking at as an equivalent aren't cis gay men but bicurious soy boys and the like.
Do most of us fujoshi object to equivalent men doing an equivalent thing? I've seen it sometimes, and I agree it's hypocritical. I'd like us to afford men the same ability to play and take on identities in their art. I remember enjoying Ranma fandom back in the day and reading quite a lot of f/f that was probably by men. It had some of that same sense of distance and fantasy that I so enjoy in m/m aimed at fujoshi. (I do consume some by-cis-gay, for-cis-gay content, both m/m and f/f, but it's often too literal and too bound up in specific named identities for my taste.)
On average, the people I see complaining most about men producing f/f material are the same people who think that because I have a clit, I should center my life around women exclusively. In other words, people spouting radfem ideology, perhaps on purpose or perhaps without realizing.
I do agree that some of the ways of expressing a lack of desire to write femslash can get pretty douchey. I want us to move away from some of the less accurate ones like "There are no compelling female characters" because of this.
But the reason for all these jerkass explanations is that women and people perceived as women who like m/m are constantly asked to explain ourselves. These aren't usually microaggressions: they're openly hostile. People get defensive and try to answer with important-sounding reasons about identity and pain because society at large won't accept "I like this" as the true explanation.
Pleasure is never enough of a reason for a woman to do something.
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charliedawn · 1 year
(is it alright if I send a request?! Feel free to ignore this if not. I've heard there are some new rules regarding that?) So what if their s/o had to travel somewhere outside the country/state (could be something work/family related) for like a week or so, which Slashers would take it the hardest/easiest (basically who has separation anxiety and who is chill lol)?! Hopefully this makes sense, sorry for bad english?! I have a feeling Brahms (and maybe Jason) are in the first category, but your stories are always full of suprises so 🤷
Mature themes mentioned. You've been warned.
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Jason would be the worst when it comes to abandonment issues. He would be too afraid of you leaving him forever.
He'd come up with various excuses to make you stay.
He'd wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you go. The man is touch-starved. He'd beg to come with you.
If you didn't let him ? Well...I think he'd be miserable.
Jason *whines and cries against your shoulder while holding you close* : "Stay. Please. Stay."
For him, to speak takes tremendous effort—so when he does ? That means it is important.
Do not leave the poor man alone without anything to contact you with, or you'd come back to a mess. He'd have turned the whole house into a target practice.
And believe me, you don't want to be in the way of his machete...
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Brahms would be close second after Jason. He'd make you stay by any means necessary.
Brahms *breathes heavily* : "DO NOT LEAVE ME !"
His parents told him they would be gone for only a few days—but they never came back.
He wouldn't let you do the same.
He tried to get Greta to stay, but it failed. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Brahms *grabs you and groans* : "If you leave me, I'll find you...I'll find you, Y/N."
The way he uttered your name made you shiver. Brahms would be close to a break down if you were gone for a few minutes. Imagine his state if it was for more than a few days ?
The moment you got back, he'd be borderline hysterical and crush you in a bear hug—crying and sobbing for you to never leave him again.
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Bo has serious abandonment issues as well but—unlike Brahms or Jason—he would be more radical in his ways to make you stay.
Bo *grabs your arm and grits his teeth* "OH NO YOU DON'T !"
Bo was hated by his mother and it only aggravated his loneliness until he became...well...very self-centred and afraid of the pain.
The moment he gets attached to someone—their freedom is of no interest to him whatsoever.
Bo would rather tackle you to the ground, attach you or even have sex with you for you not to leave him.
That redneck isn't a quitter. Good luck trying to make him stay away.
Yeah...He's not going to cry, but you might. Sorry.
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And in the category worse abandonment issues we also have Vincent. Of course the other twin wouldn't be very far from the first.
Vincent is...gentler than Bo ? He wasn't hated by his family. He was actually rather liked.
So, his wouldn't be as bad—but still.
There is a reason he wanted to make all his wax statues from actual people. He is scared of being lonely...He likes to be surrounded.
And since all the people in his town treated him and his family as freaks—he couldn't make a lot of connections apart to his brothers.
He was lonely. And hence, he'd be afraid to lose the only person he ever cared about than them. You.
So, he'd be very hesitant to let you go and try to make you stay with gifts and soft touches. Try to make you understand how much you mean to him before eventually letting you go. Just so you know that you'd be taking a part of him with you.
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You might be surprised, but Pennywise belongs to the category of the slashers who would be very upset by the lack of physical proximity.
Indeed, even though he hates physical touch, he is still clingy when it comes to the presence of the people he loves—one of the reasons why he stays with Penny.
So, he'd be upset, a little bit more moody than usual without you around. He'd be constantly looking at the road and unconsciously hoping you'd come back.
Pennywise *sighs deeply to himself* : "Come on, you old clown...Don't be so stupid. Come on. Stop thinking about...about..."
He'd fight against his inner demons and believe that you'd come back on your own...until the very end.
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"...Oh, you're leaving, human ?"
Surprisingly enough, Penny isn't as clingy as people think he is.
He does like physical contact a lot and would be very sad to see you go, but he also knows he is a god and would be able to get to you whatever happens.
Penny is confident in his abilities, maybe too much.
So, he'd keep a smile on and giggle while waving to you when you go.
But, remember...
He's always watching.
You try to escape ? He'd know.
And he'd hunt you down. He'd make you regret ever trying to escape. He'd drag you back if he has to.
Penny *giggles darkly* : "Aww...Poor poor Y/N. Don't look so sad. We'll be together forever. Isn't that what we wanted ?"
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Freddy would take it badly, but old habits die hard. He'd find a way to blame you and move on...no matter what.
"Ya think you can hurt me, huh ? Well, I've got news for you, ~sweetheart. You can go. I can always find ya a replacement."
Douchebag attitude is Freddy's defense mechanism.
You want to leave ? Fine. He'll find a way to fill the hole. Booze. Brothels. Chaos...
Whatever he can do, he'll do. Freddy needs a moral compass in order to stay in check. You and Michael fill that position.
But, if you're gone ? Then, Freddy would be missing an important part of his functioning mechanism and would go back to his old ways.
He'd be lost. Trying to find himself all the wrong ways all over again...
For his safety and others, make sure to remind him that you care for him from time to time—especially if you're going somewhere he can't follow.
And be sure to invite him into your dreams from time to time. 😉
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Michael would remain himself. He'd watch you go and stay impassive. Because he knows it wouldn't change a thing.
He expects you to never come back. It would be better.
Every time he takes a knife in his hand, he wouldn't find that tingling feeling...the little voice in his head telling him to kill you.
He wouldn't be so afraid of hurting you every single day. He wouldn't have to lock his door every night because he's afraid he might wake up with your blood on his hands.
He'd even tense up when you come back.
You *smile when you see him* : "Well, hello there. Missed me ?"
Michael : "..."
You *smile falter* : "Oh...Well, okay then."
Michel *slowly approaches you and slowly hugs you*
He did miss you. He just didn't know how to tell you...or stop himself from grabbing the kitchen knife and plunging it into your heart over and over.
Michael would die before hurting you, but it doesn't mean he isn't a slasher. Or that your love for him isn't dangerous.
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Arthur would put his feelings aside and try to appear cruel.
"You think I care ? ~Oh, sweetie. I've spent most of my life caring about people. Not anymore. Not ever again...So, if you want to leave me ? Go ahead. There's the door."
You have to understand, Arthur has been hurt most of his life...by life itself.
He was never lucky. He never had any friends. He was basically alone most of his life.
He wouldn't want to be kept down, and so wouldn't want the same for you. He understands the need to leave. More than anyone else.
He'd prefer you leave than stay and be miserable—like he was. So, he would never stop you from leaving, no matter if there was a risk you wouldn't come back.
Arthur *smiles and holds your hand* "...Please. Don't let me stop you. Be free."
If you want to leave ? He won't stop you.
Because that's how much he loves you.
He'd let you have your freedom. No matter what.
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"I'm going out.", you said.
"Have fun, honey.", he replied. He didn't even look up from his newspapers.
"I may be out for a couple of days.", you added—waiting for a reaction.
"Sure. I'll be right here when you come back.", he answered and smiled—but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jack is a ghost. He doesn't really have feelings anymore and can sound cold sometimes. But, it's not because he doesn't care. It's just he knows what it is to have responsibilities.
He failed at being human—and he wouldn't want the same for you.
He would of course be worried that you'd leave forever, but honestly ? He'd be happy to let you live your life as you intend.
He doesn't have abandonment issues.
Matter-of-fact, he's the one who leaves most of the time. Of course, he wouldn't want your relation to stop so suddenly and would prefer you to come clear to him.
He wouldn't get mad, but he'd feel a little more dull and emotionless inside.
He'd become even more of a ghost than he was—but wouldn't let you see.
Jack *smiles before you close the door* : "...Bring back a souvenir, alright ? Something...something nice."
And that would probably be the only attempt he'd do to hint that he wants you to come back.
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roronoaswifey · 1 year
hi could we get some tattoo artist!law nsfw headcanons?? i saw timi’s art work for him and i’ve just got the feeling you’d write him so amazingly!
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pairing. trafalgar law x black!fem!reader
warnings/tags. explicit content, foul language, substance consumption, reader has dermal piercings + other tattoos, pussy eating, cunningulus, overstimulation, implied breeding *not encouraging….maybe*, trafalgar law can’t handle pussy, what else is new
kazu’s note. timi’s work if you haven’t seen it yet 🌚
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never expected somebody like yourself to be in any way connected to luffy. when the younger boy had messaged law a simple “client on the way! :D”, the tattoo artist had expected the worst of the worst. anybody affiliated to luffy gave him an irritating throb in his temple, and even if he wanted to refuse their requests, his morals as an artist never allowed him. so when the sound of chiming from the front door echoed in the shop, he bit back a groan as he mentally prepared himself for the blunt he’d desperately need afterwards.
for the first time in a cool minute, felt his tongue heavy in his throat at the sight of you. pushing past the door, you stepped inside the shop, curvy body snug in a low rise cargo miniskirt and bikini top, your inked skin shining through the golden rays of the sunset behind you. you looked majestic, knotless braids freshly done and with one push of your hair behind your shoulder, law felt his gut pool with arousal.
is taken aback by your sparky personality. you’re not as reckless or loud and smitten as the rest of luffy’s friends, but instead sport a very bored look. your rest in bitch face oddly sets him at ease, giving him sense of security that he may not indeed need to smoke to settle his nerves (though nothing beats a blunt after a long day of work). “you law?” you greet him after a small ‘hey’ and he nods and pats the lengthy chair, not trusting his unsteady vocal chords as all that runs through his mind is how can you be this pretty?
who takes admittedly longer than required to prep your soft skin for the tattoo. you’d shown him a design of words in arabic that you wanted tatted on your spine, and though he wasn’t the most religious person, law simultaneously thanked yet cursed god that he wouldn’t be facing you because it’s one thing to rejoice that you’d be missing the soft pink blush resting at his cheeks at your very revealing outfit, but it’s another having your plump ass peaking right through the miniskirt. maybe the blunt would be needed after all, he thinks as he cleanses your skin and shaves off body hairs to smoothen the process.
can’t help but grin when you ask him to take a hit of his blunt. he wasn’t sure how you’d feel about an artist smoking during his work hours but when you tilted your head at the sound of his lighter sparking up the blunt, a familiar earthy scent filling your senses, the blunt quickly left his mouth in favour of yours. he watched in a mix of awe and confusion as you inhaled deeply, ghosted the cloud of smoke before puffing it out. “‘for the nerves,” was your excuse, placing the spliff back in his parted lips, and laying back on your chest. law nearly felt himself choke on the smoke at the recoil of your ass beneath your thin bottom, slacks growing suspiciously tight as he mentally cursed his own body for the betrayal. lack of pussy, he figured he could blame it on.
with the course of time, alters between sharing his blunt with you. whenever he finds he could use a hit, you stretch your arm back to pass it back to him, and whenever he’s deemed relax, passes it back to you. small talk grows rapidly, as he does his best to keep it as professional as he can (though the smoking contradicts his point) while attempting to keep you entertained. he isn’t confident he’s doing a good job, but you are luffy’s friend after all, so he isn’t surprised you can hold up his lame attempt at conversing.
who isn’t sure if he’s finally gone mad, or maybe just really fucking high, but his almost positive you keep purposely pushing your ass onto him. he’s finished the design, intentionally making sure to not injure or infect the dermals on the dimples of your lower back, but good heavenly lord, your miniskirt rose up the curves of your ass along the inking process and with the weed infiltrating his system, he’s so fucking horny, wanting nothing more than to lay you down and beat the shit out of your pussy— to which, if were a perverted shit, one good lean back in his seat and the outline of your flesh through your thong would be clear as day.
whose suspicions are finally answered the second he vocally announces he’s finished his job. with wrap surrounding your fresh tattoo, his hands linger a bit longer, relishing in the last bit of an opportunity he’d have to hold you before letting you go for good. to his surprise, you stretch an arm out behind you, tilting your head to the side to catch a glimpse of him through your lash extensions and reddened low-lidded eyes, whispers of pleads for him to touch you a little lower.
doesn’t want to push his luck, so he gulps and lets his calloused thumbs caress your smooth brown skin, trailing from the back of your thighs, shaping at any old ink carved in, at any stretch mark that shaped your body, the the crease beneath the cup of your ass that caused the shelf it did. he’s so tempted to push your miniskirt up and watch what he’d imagine of your glistening pussy through your flimsy thong, the fat flesh poking through the material. the thought alone has him biting back a groan, holding these urges back for his sanity and yours. though, clearly you couldn’t give a fuck less about anyone’s sanity, as you intentionally raise your hips during the trailing of his thumb on your skin, forcing his thumb to slip in the warm crevice between your thighs.
finally lets go and swiftly creases your skirt up to your hips. the recoil of your ass set from the intense impact has him groaning, guts swarming in hot arousal, and not even his wildest dreams would’ve prepared him for the sight of your fat cunt. the pad of your panties drenched in your slick, he sees your pussy clenching at nothing, he hears you moaning softly with a sweet arch to your back, and he wants to feel more of you.
relishes in your pretty moans as you fist and clench at anything within the vicinity of your hands. with your thong lowered to the back of your knees, his mouth latched at your lower lips and licked, sucked, tugged, nibbled with precision, so long as he kept hearing you whine and moan, pushing your cheeks back into his face. he’s probably running short on oxygen, nose stuffed in the crack of your ass but he figures he could die a happy man this way. you taste as good as you smell, possibly even better, that he can’t help the slip of fingers E and A in your cunt, simultaneously working his tongue at your folds while fucking into you with long and thick digits, scissoring you open in hopes to find that gummy spot that’ll have you spraying him in your essence.
who drinks you up quicker than you can finish moaning ‘oh fuck baby’ and wastes no time to fumble with his pants. he’s not sure how he managed to not cum in his briefs at the sight of you alone, but the sheer realization that his bottoms were still on made the possibility likely to happen. he finds himself before you, avoiding to have you do any unnecessary movement, as he pumps his brick hard dick in his tattooed hands, and watches your tired eyes shimmer at the sight of his drooling dick alone.
who groans pathetically at the first slip of his tip in between your plump lips, the warm wetness of your mouth sucking him in for what he’s worth as your tongue swirls around the salty skin of his dick. his hips push in and out your mouth slowly, wanting to ease into this naturally before fucking your mouth senseless, but gods with the way you keep humming around his tip, an guided hand pumping what you couldn’t reach for measure, with a pool of saliva gathering at the base of his cock and beneath your vice claw grip on his dick, he’s holding onto a thin thread of sanity, torn between wanting to respect you and let you take your time or rutting his hips and shoving his tip down the back of your throat, making use of you as he finishes himself off in your mouth. it isn’t long before he’s got a hand at the back of your neck, and the sinful sound of you attempting to keep up with his rapid thrusts in your mouth, the squelches of your plump lips and saliva on his lubed dick echoing in the room, that he releases a guttural moan with a head thrown back, painting your mouth white with him. he taps his dick onto your tongue for good measures, assuring you swallowed every last drop.
whose dick hardens painfully quick as soon as he feels you reaching for the base of his dick, and lining it at your sopping entrance. chest laid flat on the chair with your ass in the air, he eases the process by swiftly pushing his hips into your ass, dick slowly getting engulfed by your tight pussy and not even brent faiyaz’s vocals could outmatch the harmony in both your ranges of moans. your hand left his dick the second he bottomed out, in favour of holding at his hips, pushing and pulling him back in, clearly eager for this as badly as he was. though through gritted teeth, he breathed deeply and intensely as he pulled back out, your pussy lips latching at his tip so desperately, before he slams back down, your body jerking from the forceful impact and you whine, pushing your hips back into him for a better feel. the sex gradually quickens, his tattooed arms caging your head at the sides, fucking you like it’s his last resort for air, hips angling to the side as he pounds into your pussy. your ass jiggles like jello against him, mouth muffled by his thigh fingers as you lay down and take whatever the hell he gives you. your eyes roll back uncontrollably at a certain shift of his hips, and law decides he wants to see you do that again, so he relentlessly ruts into that spot that had you blacking out.
who turns you on your side, still weary about your back but is on the brink of losing it if he holds back any longer, lifts a leg up onto his shoulder, and starts to pound into you with a new angle. this position has him seeing stars, already feeling pussy drunk as your wetness engulfs him whole, sucks him in greedily. you’re not better, laid flat as your boobs move in clockwise rotations from the slamming of his hips into your ass. he’s got a tight grip on your plush thigh, his other hand thumbing at your neglected clit, flicking and playing with the nub in hopes of drawing you in closer to the orgasm he feels himself approach. the leg he holds soon begins to shake, and he knows you’re getting close, your jaw slack and babbles spilling past your lips, the most he’s heard you speak in this entire session. he’s tempted to lean forward and finally catch your lips on his, the one thing he hasn’t managed to do so far, but his mind is soon clouded with other thoughts, such as making sure you get to that desired high around the same time he does. and you both do, your back arching as you clamp impossibly tighter down his cock, milking him dry of every seed left in his heavy balls, shooting his loads in your cunt, spraying your walls in his essence, while you spray his balls and thighs in your sweet liquids yet again.
notices the room has gotten quiet after he’s been sated of the lack of pussy he’s practically self diagnosed himself with. you’re on your stomach, body still shuddering from the intense pleasure that hit you like a wave, and law can’t help the tongue that licks your pussy clean, lapping up any evidence left of what you guys had done in this room. your broken moans sound downright pathetic, shaking in overstimulation as law finds himself back on his knees, thumbs spreading your ass cheeks apart and licking into your pussy yet again. he couldn’t help it, you tasted heavenly and he was a greedy bastard. he ignored your pleads, in favour for the hand tugging at his messy locks, your leg thrown over his shoulder as you watched him from the middle of your thighs ravage you like his last meal. his golden eyes never letting go of eye contact with you, his tongue flicked at your clit, spread your folds and feasted on your spent out cunt. didn’t take as much effort this time to be gifted with his favorite drink, as he greedily moans and gulps down everything you give him.
who, after making sure you’ve been decently wiped and hydrated after having fucked you dumb, finds himself feeling hollow despite having the fuck of his life. had it been your previous conversations? or was it when he had you face down and ass up? what was it that suddenly made him realize he did not want you to walk out that door for good? he doesn’t have much time to think as you limp up to the cashier register and await him there. he then realizes you expect him to charge you for the tattoo, as if your pussy wasn’t worth all the riches in this forsaken world. he grunts a low ‘on the house’, betraying yet again another ethical artist moral, but he soon found himself realizing there’s a lot more of rules he’d bend just for you. you look at him with a smirk, almost having expected that answer. you reach in your mini purse regardless, and pull out a 50$, old receipt and pen. you lay flat all objects on the counter, quickly writing something down on the receipt, before pushing it closer near the register. he’s shocked at the hug you give him afterwards, a strong whiff of your previous activities lingering on your scent glands with a mixture of your own fragrance, and he can’t help the soft inhale he does in the crook of your neck, arms tightening around your waist as he holds you back.
who flushed pink in embarrassment when you pull away from the hug just slightly, now face to face as you glossy lips gently kissing his own ones, mumbling a soft ‘see you soon’ with another soft kiss at the corner of his lips, and he barely registers you left the tattoo parlour, the chimes at the door ringing their melody as the soft thrumming of his heart pounds against his chest, throat dry and now glossy lips tugging into a lovesick smile. though he’s slightly irritated that you still left a tip when he insisted it was free of charge, he picks up the receipt you left, eyes scanning over the message you left: ‘tip for a tip ;) call me back whenever, hot stuff, xoxo y/n <3’ and he’s never ran as fast in his life to his phone plugged into the wall, a chuckle rumbling from his chest, feeling uncharacteristically giddy at the thought that you wanted to see him again too.
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i love this man so much it’s insane. also this took much longer than expected, my baddd 🦦
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lizardaggro · 7 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) pt 3
here we are, the long-awaited (it was literally like 1 day) part 3!! i wanted to declare on one of the actual chapters since those get seen by the most people that I DID NOT MAKE THIS AU, credit i believe goes to @azulsluver. i swear i don't hate you guys, leaving everything on a cliffhanger, but the good news is i have a lot of time on my hands due to chronic illness so i can update super often. also i gave up on the purple theme on posts bc tumblr hates me and always leaves the end of the word count black.
part 1 part 2
genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, mild yandere (will be escalating throughout the series, but no non-con) word count: 1246
You couldn’t really afford to space out and think about it though, not when he was right in front of you. Riddle tapped his foot impatiently, clearly irate at your lack of response. “Well?” He asked. “Do you not even have anything to say in your defense?”
Oh dear. However were you supposed to get rid of him when he was so intent on getting some sort of answer out of you? You had no idea what he wanted! He was more difficult to threaten, too, since you’d made up your mind that you didn’t want to be like your tormentors and completely ruin others’ lives. No, your end goal was just to make them leave you alone. After everything you’d been through, you really didn’t want to see them again.
It might seem strange to some people, that you weren’t dead set on destroying any semblance of normalcy they once had. You had all the ammunition you needed, of course. The Overblot victims would be the easiest to topple, considering what they’d done in and leading up to that state. But you didn’t think you were a particularly vengeful person; at least, you didn’t want to be. Crowley had always said that you must’ve been sent here to get his precious students to work together, so clearly you weren’t like them.
“I never asked for this, Riddle. Any of this. So if you think somewhere in your fucked-up mentality that you’re doing me some sort of favor, you’re dead wrong,” you intoned. Indeed, even though you just wanted them gone, you missed the days when you were all friends. Back when you thought everyone had your back no matter what. Oh, if only you knew what they’d do for you. It wouldn’t be hard at all to push some of the more unstable students over the edge. Those who felt they didn’t have anyone else. Much like a certain dragon fae who never did seem to get invited to things.
Riddle looked like he was about to say something, but before he could, he was drenched by a great torrential rain. Where did that come from? Didn’t the forecast say it was supposed to be clear skies and sunny for the rest of the week? Your question was soon answered, as you had two more visitors.
“Silver? Sebek? What brings you here?” You inquired, not at all amused. When those two showed up at the same time, it could only mean one thing, and it wasn’t good. Riddle looked like he had caught on as well, since he stepped in front of you, as if that would do any good.
“LORD MALLEUS REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE!!” Sebek boomed. You’d made progress on his volume in the past, so you were sure he did it just to annoy you. Silver just stared. He always stared, you felt like. Sometimes you swore you could feel his eyes on you even when he was nowhere to be found.
“Oh, gee, I wonder what that’s about,” you snarked. “Poor little princey-poo doesn’t want his embarrassing little secrets getting out? Well you can tell him to fuck off.” You must’ve been feeling especially brave, since normally you knew that defying Malleus Draconia was as good as a death sentence. He wasn’t even that bad, compared to some of the others. He just… locked you in his room and made you listen to him talk, with no room to get a word in edgewise. He’d go on and on about one thing or another for HOURS, with no regard for your schedule or your bodily needs. Clearly fae had a different sense of time than most.
It was the loss of control over your own life that you hated; that, and that if he really still considered you a friend, he never bothered to do anything about your bullies. You knew he was more than capable; you’d witnessed his strength firsthand on multiple occasions. You didn’t know what his endgame was, and frankly you were too scared to find out. He could trap you there forever and you wouldn’t be able to do a single thing about it.
Sebek was not amused. He raised an arm, likely to strike you, but Silver placed a hand on it, effectively stopping him. “Don’t. You wouldn’t want Lord Malleus to see a bruise on them,” he reasoned. You didn’t get it. Since when would he care? Sebek roughly shoved Riddle out of the way, despite all his objections, and nonchalantly slung you over his shoulder.
“What the hell?!” You screeched, pounding your fists on his back. “Put me down! I’m not going!” You weren’t sure why you were objecting so vehemently; this time wasn’t any different than the others. But something about the dark gray clouds pouring rain on what should’ve been a lovely day just told you that this was not going to be good.
But alas, your plight was ignored. The three of you made your way to Diasomnia in silence. No one bothered to stop and stare in the halls, as you being carried off by people was somewhat of a normal occurrence. You could swear Savannahclaw and Diasomnia even had some sort of twisted capture-the-flag game going, for whatever reason.
When you entered the gothic-style castle, you were greeted by none other than Lilia. Much like Malleus, he’d never bothered you too terribly, only engaging in less-than-welcome pranks. You knew he was far older than he let on, so you supposed he didn’t see the point in such childish endeavors. There was, however, one thing you feared about the man: his cooking, which he tried to shove down your throat at every opportunity. How Silver grew up healthy you’d never know.
And so, of course, you were greeted by a plate of… well, goop, to put it nicely. “Here, have a seat, dear, I made lasagna,” Lilia offered with what you assumed was supposed to be a warm smile. To you in that moment, with the fumes starting to reach your nose, it looked like a shit-eating grin.
“I’ll pass, thanks. That is to say, I’d rather die than eat that shit, because it looks and smells like it’ll send me straight to hell,” you deadpanned. Sebek let out an unholy screech and started ranting about how dare you refuse Lord Lilia, even though you knew he wouldn’t want to eat it either. You did your best to tune him out. Silver looked relieved, surprisingly enough. You supposed he was able to empathize since he grew up eating the stuff.
Luckily for you, Lilia just sighed and walked off, taking his culinary abomination with him. The three of you who remained shared a look. “How are you still alive after all these years?” You asked Silver. He shrugged. If even he didn’t know, you’d just call it a miracle.
“SILVER, QUIT FRATERNIZING WITH THE ENEMY! LORD MALLEUS IS WAITING!” Sebek practically screamed in your ear. You really wished he would stop doing that. But you had more important things to worry about, like your impending death by dragon fae. Once you arrived at Malleus’s room, Sebek set you down and pushed you inside. You heard the lock click behind you. You gulped, feeling the pressure of being alone in a room with a presumably angry and very powerful mage. You looked up to see a pair of emerald eyes staring you down. Oh boy, this was not going to be fun.
taglist: @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx
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