#the person i spoke to started replying to me in english as soon as i broke out the italian tho
duolingo is great bc i had to call a client today to yell at them politely ask why they were ghosting me, and when i got through to their office and asked to speak to my contact they just made confused noises at me THEN HUNG UP
so fuelled by the power of indignation and duolingo i immediately called back and once again oh-so-politely asked if i could please please please speak to their colleague BUT IN ITALIAN THIS TIME
and lo and behold i got an answer that time. grazie mille 💚
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ssahotchnerr · 11 months
okay so, I really don't like angst so I'll go with jealous!Hotch 🤭
Something like when Reader is at Jack's soccer game and Idk, a dad flirts with her? But when Jack sees that she's talking with someone who isn't Hotch, he calls her "mom" in front of the dad who's flirting with her, (bc he's jealous too 🤭) but Hotch hears him and he's kind of moved, but someone is flirting with his girl so he gets all jealous and starts like kissing her or something in front of the man? And the night they end up at his home, with Hotch showing her that she belongs to him 🤭
(feel free to change anything, don't worry, also, sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language 😭)
keeping score
🤭 minors dni cw; fem!reader, jack calls reader mom, unwanted advances, suggestiveness, allusions to sex, small praise, dominant!jealous!possessive aaron 🦋 wc; 1.5k
early saturday mornings - grass still slightly wet from the dew, the sun slowly rising higher into the sky (threatening a hot day), sat alongside a soccer field - you couldn't imagine another place you'd rather be.
as aaron was the coach, you spent majority of jack's game sitting alone. it was a small price to pay; you were more than happy to cheer on jack from the sidelines, and to check aaron out as much as you wanted.
but most importantly, attending his games made you feel like you were a part of the family. the hotchners were closed off and let very few people in, and so your attendance here only solidified your role in both their lives. that aaron planned on keeping you around, and that jack trusted you. your role in his life wasn't to someday replace his mom, but rather you were just another person who simply loved him. you loved him like he was your own, and he knew it.
"mornin'," a voice pulled you from your thoughts; a familiar face amongst the other parents on the team, but you didn't know him by name.
you offered a quick, friendly smile, "good morning."
he set up camp near you, setting his foldable chair down and getting settled a few feet away. you paid him no mind, resuming your attention to something more worthy of your focus, such as how attractive aaron looked in the jeans he was wearing. and the game, obviously.
however, you could feel him peering at you from time to time, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
ten minutes or so passed before he spoke again, "so, big soccer fan?"
your eyes followed jack, who was dribbling the soccer ball down the field. your heart swelled with pride as he successfully kicked it to a teammate, "not until recently."
"me too." he offered you a look that he probably thought was slick, while you kept your gaze straight forward. "i'm always looking to score, if you know what i mean."
his words instantly caused your cheeks to burn, along with your whole body. it was clear he was objectifying you, with no good intentions in mind.
you didn't bother replying. hopefully, that would be a clear indicator for him to leave, or to leave you alone.
but he still chose to linger. and while he wasn't speaking, in your peripheral you kept noticing his head turn, gazing in your direction. his eyes were nearly burning a hole into you.
"shit." he swore as he suddenly stood up, picking up and moving his chair even closer to yours, "the grass is eating away at my chair. must've been that damn rain last night."
it hadn't rained last night.
the unsettling feeling he was causing you only grew, but again you didn't dare to say anything. the uncomfortableness only eased when the whistle finally blew, signaling halftime. this meant a water break and a small snack for the kids, and it meant aaron and jack would soon be joining you for a moment.
as expected, jack hurried towards you as soon as one of the other moms distributed him his snack, but paused abruptly as he reached you, his eyes scanning between you and the man. a confused expression filled his face, his bottom lip sticking out into a pout. it was the same one he produced whenever aaron gave him the fifteen minute warning for bedtime.
"mom," jack inserted himself in between the two of you, a small package of fruit snacks in hand, "can you open these for me?"
you froze for a spilt second, touched and surprised. you've been a constant in both aaron and jack's lives for almost a year now. but that title, was a first.
"of course sweet pea," you coughed a bit to clear your throat, and to stop the tears from surfacing, opening it for him.
"you did good out there kiddo," the dad spoke again, flashing a smile.
your fists clenched at that one - you knew he was trying to impress you, and you hated how he had decided to use interacting with jack to his advantage.
just wait until you find how he's the coach's son.
while you were furious, jack ever so slightly rolled his eyes, such an annoyed expression almost humorous for a child his age, choosing to focus on his snack and leaning comfortably against your shoulder.
and a minute or two later, aaron joined.
as aaron approached, his face nearly pulled into the same expression as his son's as he analyzed the visual in front of him. only his was accompanied with a more hardened, possessive aggressiveness.
"hi sweetheart," aaron greeted you, leaning in to kiss you once you were on your feet. it wasn't a chaste peck either, but rather more showy. his fingers grasped onto the waistline of your pants, pulling you flush to him. "enjoying the game?"
you nodded, still recovering from the unexpected heated kiss, looking down at jack who also was glued to your side, offering protection of his very own. you gave him a smile, ruffling his hair gently, "i think we've got a soccer star on our hands."
"speaking of," aaron started, straightening his torso and squaring his shoulders, making him appear taller. "jack, why don't you join the others. they're taking turns aiming at the goal before the game resumes."
with a nod, and after handing you the empty wrapper, jack ran off to his teammates. aaron was still holding his menacing glare, but dropped the entire expression suddenly.
"how are you feeling?"
"feeling...?" your eyebrows quirked in confusion.
"you're not too sore today, aren't you?" his eyes darted behind you, a rather confident, fiery glint within them. "i wasn't holding back last night, was i?"
"and now that i'm thinking about it, i don't think you've ever been that loud either."
aaron had always been a stickler for pda; any displays were kept to quick kisses, hand holding, and any suggestive comments were kept to a murmur, meant for you and you only. even when you tagged along with him to bau outings, such as a bar on a saturday night, he held back. anything more was private, and aaron preferred it that way - him being the only one to witness you in such a vulnerable state, was something he took gratification in, and only added to his overall pleasure.
so this, was something else. he wasn't speaking loud enough for all to hear, just enough for the man in question. your back was towards him, so you had no idea how he was reacting to aaron's words.
"i'm fine." you managed, your body also reacting immediately.
aaron's lips found home behind your ear, again conscience of his volume - just loud enough. "good, because i'm not done with you yet."
aaron's hand slid up to the small of your back, but not without stopping on the curve of your ass first - again he wasn't subtle about it, making sure it was noticeable.
and it had to be working, for the man hadn't uttered a single word.
"and actually, sweetheart." another glare pointed behind you. "would you mind helping me at the bench for the rest of the game? i could use an extra set of hands."
"of course." you blurted out, complying without a second thought.
"good girl," he was heavy on the emphasis, patting your hip affectionately. "c'mon."
you were visually flustered as you leaned down to gather your belongings, especially when aaron's hand rested on the small of your back as you did so. your eyes lifted to the man, who was avoiding all eye contact, staring off into the field with a flushed face.
once you straightened up aaron took your hand, leading you away.
"thank you." you mumbled as your hand slid up his arm, giving his bicep a squeeze.
aaron's jaw clenched. "i fucking hated the way he was looking at you."
"you wouldn't like what he was saying either." you mumbled, causing aaron's nostrils to flare in anger. but to calm him, you changed the subject, heat filling your cheeks again, "and you."
a pleased, closed lip smile graced his face. "what about me?"
"what was all that?" you teased, stomach fluttering. you already knew the answer, but it was something you wanted to hear from him again. "i've never heard you, so..."
he chuckled softly, an almost embarrassing undertone to his words. "vocal?"
"yeah." you blurted out, blinking. "it was hot."
aaron shrugged, satisfied but still agitated. "he was devouring you, practically undressing you with his eyes."
"well, i don't think he'll be trying anything again."
"i know he won't," aaron's eyes darkened as his overly confident demeanor resurfaced, his lips pulling into a smirk as one of his fingers tapped your neck, "especially when he sees you next week. because you won't be covering up those marks."
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rveyjules · 10 months
A Second Chance
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Pairing: RE6!Leon Kennedy x Prime Minister's Daughter! Reader (ft. Ada Wong)
Genre: Smut, Romance, Angst
Warning: cheating, Leon is obsessed with the reader, stalking, taking photos, the reader is cold but deep inside she’s a sweetheart, mentions of arranged marriage, pure smut (mentions of masturbation, foreplay, kissing, breasts fondling and sucking, markings,  p in v intercourse, virgin sex, penetrative sex, Leon is huge [I think it's at least 9 inches, sheesh], creampie, aftercare)
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: As the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister and one of the faces of the family, you received multiple assassination attempts. So, your father hired someone to keep an eye on you. And to your surprise, out of all people, it was Leon Kennedy your father picked for you. You and Leon had a secret relationship but soon did not last because another woman came into his life. Now that the both of you meet again, will it be the start of chaos or a continuation of romance?
author's note: This story is entirely fictional. I do not know what the President and the Prime Minister exactly do for the country. Same with the occupation of being a prosecutor and the chief of the CIA. English is not my mother tongue so pardon if you encounter mistakes and grammatical errors. This is only for entertainment purposes only. And minors, please do your homework first.
        It all started when you had an assassination attempt for the fifth time. Being the only daughter of the Prime Minister isn’t easy. The more your father becomes powerful, the more assassination attempts you receive because if the opponent can't attack the Prime Minister, their target will be his family and pick the most treasured and precious gem of his life, his daughter. 
"The President will help to capture those bastards who tried to kill you." Your father spoke, looking at you, who was fixing the files from the CIA. 
"Papa, this is the fifth time you told me that. All the men you hired to guard me ended up being fired." 
"Because they failed to protect you," The Prime Minister replied in a strict fatherly tone. "This time, it was the President who recommended this agent to keep an eye on you." 
"I hope he wouldn't think that I am being a spoiled brat and a baby when he found out that I am a prosecutor." You chuckled, shaking your head a little. 
"Yes, you are a prosecutor. Not just a simple prosecutor. You are one of the most powerful prosecutors in the Supreme Court. You have access to every government agency as the Chief of the CIA. So, it’s quite understandable that those people who tried to eliminate you were not just because of me but because you are one of the most influential people in politics.”
      You sighed and gave him a small smile. Your father has been stressed out with international political stuff plus your assassination attempt. And speaking of the President, both of them are best friends and they climbed the political ladder together. The President is personally closer to the Prime Minister than the Vice President. That’s why when you survived your fifth assassination attempt, it was the President who was one of the first people that paid a visit to check on you.
“Alright, I’ll accept whoever the President has to recommend to guard me. But Papa, I don’t want to be guarded all the time. You know what I mean. I need some private time.” Your father nodded in agreement. 
“I understand. I’ll call the President.” With that, he walked out of your office and was escorted by his bodyguards as he walked down the hallway of my office. 
“I heard our dads having a conversation about your assassination attempt. Are you sure you’re okay?” Your friend, Ashley asked in a concerned tone on the other line of the call. 
“Yeah, I am fine. The assassin must have poor eyesight.” You laughed but Ashley only sighed. 
“You’re still joking around as if you weren’t stunned when you barely dodge the bullet. By the way, my dad recommended the man who saved me from Spain. You haven’t heard about him, have you? Because you have three cases to finish.” Ashley chuckled.
“The two are successful, only the rape case left. But believe me, I was so worried about you. And don’t tell me his name. I love surprises.” You grinned. 
“Oh, no. Here we go again with that behavior of yours. I think you know this person. Because when I mentioned you once in our conversation, he was surprised to hear that you are the Chief of the CIA and a prosecutor.”  
“Do we know each other?” I asked, confused. Ashley hummed and chuckled. 
“You’ll meet him tomorrow, according to the conversation between the Prime Minister and the President.”
         With that, you started critically thinking about the person. According to your father, he’s a federal agent and was exclusively picked to save Ashley from an insane cult in Spain. But why did this person seem to know you?
“This is Leon Scott Kennedy. Your bodyguard starting today.” Your father, the Prime Minister introduced the federal agent who saved your friend from Spain and the one the President recommended. 
            And for the very first time, you hated surprises. This is the worst surprise you’ve ever had. Leon looks different from before. How long has it been since the Raccoon City outbreak? Fifteen years? Leon looked at you, scanning you from head to toe. You are wearing a black tight turtleneck knee-length dress, black high heels, and simple makeup but the matte red lipstick made you look bold. Your chest and curves perfectly fit the dress you are wearing. His gaze went back to you and swiftly rolled your eyes. 
“Bodyguard?” You repeated, hiding your irritation because out of all people to become your bodyguard, why this fucking bastard? Why your ex? 
            Your father nodded his head. 
“If he saved the President’s daughter alone from a deadly cult in Spain, then he can save you from assassination attempts.” 
“Papa, that guy can’t predict if there’s someone who will try to eliminate me.” You retorted and your father gave you a disapproving look. 
“We agreed on this already, Y/n. And this is an exclusive decree from the President. You are one of the secret weapons of the country so for him, it is also his responsibility to take care of you.” Your father reminded you. 
“I know my job, Papa! You don’t have to remind me of that! Right now, I can’t help but feel embarrassed of myself that the Chief of the CIA needed to be guarded as if I can’t protect myself.” 
“Y/n L/n!” Your father yelled, shutting you up. “For Christ’s sake, Y/n! Just for once! I am trying to protect you but you wouldn’t listen! And for the first time, you despised the man we selected to keep an eye on you. I mean, what’s wrong if this guy keeps an eye on you?” 
             His question made you pause. Your father must never know the reason why the hell you hated Leon so much. Even thinking about it makes your heart break. So, you looked down and replied against your will to not make this worse. 
“Alright. End of discussion.” 
              Your father scoffed at your sudden change of mood and aura. He had never seen you glare and roll your eyes at the agents he picked to protect you. You are warm to the four guards who used to protect you. It was he who fired them when an assassination attempt occurred and those men failed to protect you. But now, he sees nothing but the fire of rage in your eyes when he introduces Leon to you as your bodyguard. 
“Y/n, what the hell is wrong with you?” He asked. 
“I accepted him already, Papa! Don’t ask me such questions again. Just fire him the moment someone fired a gun on me while he was nowhere to be found. Just like what you did to my former bodyguards.” You replied, turning your back on him so that he couldn’t see the tears forming in your eyes. 
           And then, the Prime Minister’s phone rang. He accepted the call and there was silence in the room so that he could have a proper conversation with the caller. After a few seconds, he hung up and looked at you. 
“I need to go. They need me to discuss something in the White House.” He announced and you gave him a nod without sparing him a glance. 
            When your father left, you turned around and faced Leon who was looking at you the whole time, realizing that you are not the young girl he left for another woman back then. It’s true, he thought. You are no longer naive, eyes full of anger with the mess he made fifteen years ago. 
“You changed, Y/n. After fifteen years…” Leon started which made you smirk. 
“Unlike that woman who’s still manipulative. Bet you didn’t last.” You straight-forwardly rebutted and headed over to your desk. You sit on your executive leather chair and cross your legs as you rest your back against the backrest. 
“Tell me, what’s your motive?” You asked sharply. 
“It was the President who recommended me to the Prime Minister.” He replied but you shook your head in disapproval. 
“You can decline but you didn’t. There must be a reason why you accepted the offer. The government needs you to save the country from bioweapons but here you are, standing in front of me as my bodyguard.” 
“Well, I am protecting the country’s secret weapon so I think it’s considered. Besides, the President and I agreed that I will still work as a federal agent of DSO while guarding the Prime Minister’s daughter.” 
                 Well, he has a point. You hummed in satisfaction with his answer and opened a file and checked the documents regarding the case you are currently in. There was a silence between you and Leon couldn’t help but feel your anger behind your calm expressions. No matter how much you tried to not make this personal, the pain he gave you makes it difficult for you to calm your nerves. 
               But Leon decided to give it a try…
“Ada and I were not in a relationship… or even on good terms.” He stated, causing you to grin. 
“Not interested. Besides, you are nothing to me.” 
             You can feel that your words affected him but you don’t care. And there’s an awkward silence again until you receive a call from the Chief Prosecutor. At least it saved you from the uncomfortable feeling of being with your ex. You stood up and kept your documents in the proper places and grabbed your handbag. 
          You walked to the door but Leon moved faster to open the door for you. You ignored his presence and walked out of your office to the ground floor. Leon tailed behind you until you came out of the law firm’s building and your driver pulled up the car in front of you. Before Leon can move, you open the door for yourself and get inside the car. 
           Leon paused for a moment and shook his head and was about to get inside the front seat but you rolled your windows down and said…
“I do not allow my bodyguard to come to join me in my car so go join my other guards in the other car.” Leon scoffed and retorted back. “According to the Prime Minister, I shall join you in every vehicle you are going to ride.” 
“Are you working for the Prime Minister or me?” You sarcastically asked. 
           He didn't want to make further arguments so he sighed and just obliged. You rolled your windows up and your driver drove away to your destination. 
             It was now nighttime. You and Ashley decided to hang out in a fancy bar in the city. You are staying in the VIP Room while your bodyguards are staying outside of the room, securing the area.  You two are regular customers of the bar and the owner doesn’t mind if you two brought a bunch of bodyguards for safety purposes. 
           So here you are, sipping a glass of whiskey with your legs crossed and back against the backrest of the leather couch as you stare into nowhere in the room. It has been two weeks since your father hired Leon as your bodyguard. Having him around you during those days felt like being chained up again to your past. 
“Hey, you’ve been staring at nowhere. Are you even listening to me?” Ashley’s voice snapped you back to your senses. You hummed and took the last drop of the whiskey before putting the glass down and pouring yourself another shot. 
“You rarely drink whiskey, Y/n. What’s wrong?” She asked and you didn’t reply to her. Instead, you pulled a cigarette and put them between your lips, and lit them up before huffing out a smoke. 
“Knew it. Something’s wrong. Was this because of your new bodyguard?” She asked and you hummed, huffing out another smoke. 
“Tell me, Ash. Do you think my life right now would be different if I asked you his goddamned name before we met?” You asked. 
“Why do you ask?” She asked too while you breathed out another smoke and sipped on your glass of whiskey. 
“Because I could’ve stopped Dad from hiring him! That bastard has been getting on my nerves for the last two weeks.” You hissed.  
             Like your father, Ashley asked the same question. “What’s wrong if my dad recommended him and your father hired him to be your bodyguard? Y/n, Leon is one of the top agents in the country. He saved many lives and protected the country from bioweapons. And this is the first time you despised your bodyguard. You weren’t this cold to your former bodyguards until Leon came.” 
           There was another pause as you finished your cigarette and put it on the ashtray and drank your whiskey. Ashley continued, “Was I right? Do you two know each other?” She asked and you hummed again as the response. Even responding to her is difficult, especially when you're talking about the man who ruined you. 
“We used to, Ash. We used to.” You replied, chuckling to yourself as you tried to stop your tears from falling. Ashley has been your best friend even before his father became the elected President of the United States of America but you don’t want her to see your vulnerable side. 
“Used to? Like, he’s a part of your past?” She asked and you nodded your head. 
“Worst part of my life, rather.” You sipped again, gulping the strong liquor down to your throat. 
“You know, it would be nice if you would share your backstory with me. Even just the highlights, I’m sure I can understand it.” 
“Ash, he’s my ex-boyfriend.” You frankly said. Ashley gasped upon hearing this from you. 
             She never thought that the man who saved her in Spain was your ex-lover. This is a shocking revelation for her. Ashley recalled the moments she mentioned you during her conversation with him back in 2005. Leon’s reaction was still clear in her memory when she told him that you are a prosecutor and one of the most powerful ones in the Supreme Court. He was completely surprised but then he was grinning moments later. 
“No wonder why he was surprised when I mentioned your name back in 2005. How long has it been since you two broke up?” 
“Since 1998. It was during the Raccoon City outbreak. After we parted ways, I never heard from him again and just focused on my studies.” You lit up another cigarette, putting the stick between your fingers and lips. 
“Why did you two break up?” Ashley asked. 
            You paused for a moment. A lump formed in your throat and a tear slipped out of your eye. Your only way is to gulp down the whiskey in your glass. Ashley doesn’t want to force you to spill out the truth. Her point is to ease the pain in your heart. Seeing you struggling to speak is enough for her to understand that you and Leon did not have a good end. 
“He’s a traitor,” You managed to speak out, taking deep breaths as you struggled to breathe.  
               Ashley had to go because her mother, The First Lady called because of curfew. She doesn't want to leave you in tears but you ushered her to leave, saying that you will be fine and enjoy the time by yourself. Ashley gave you an apologetic look before grabbing her purse, kissing your cheek, and leaving the VIP Room. 
               And there you are, having deep thoughts. You huffed out another smoke and groaned. You are not a menacing teenager who will do everything to get rid of Leon. That’s too immature. Ever since you graduated in Law and become a prosecutor, you promised yourself that you are no longer that young girl who’s sweet and naive. You need to be tough no matter how hard the situation is. No matter how much pressure a case gives you, you will do everything to win the trial. 
              Same as being the Chief of the CIA. Your hacking skills, high potential on battlefields, gunfight skills, and being a deadly agent made you reach your current position. None of the missions you had were easy. Most of them cost the lives of agents that failed to complete the mission. Only you are the last man standing. At the end of the missions, you’d always look around and see the pools of blood scattered around whether it is from your enemy or comrades. Dead bodies lay down on the bloodied ground. And now, the President takes you as the country’s secret weapon against the threat from other countries who will dare to attack. 
             Those events happened within fifteen years. You didn’t get enough rest. Your mind is so occupied with your job that even when Ashley was kidnapped back in 2005, you did not let your emotion take over you and continued pursuing your goals and fulfilling your responsibilities as a prosecutor and the Chief of the CIA. Leon never popped into your mind ever since. Now that he’s here again as your bodyguard, you couldn’t help but recall what pain he gave you in Raccoon City fifteen years ago. 
           Fifteen years ago in Raccoon City, things go wrong as you, Leon, and Ada encounter another group of survivors and now they are chasing you down to kill you. Ada, the most experienced one in fighting got shot in the leg causing her to fall to the ground. You and Leon are shooting them with your guns but he saw Ada get shot. 
“Ada!” He yelled and shot those people who are after her before running to her to check on her. But there’s a guy who appeared out of nowhere and pointed his gun at Leon. 
“Leon, duck!” You yelled and covered Leon with your body. A gunshot echoed around the road and you hissed in pain as the bullet hit you on your arm. 
          You growled and reloaded your gun as fast as you could and shot the guy right in the head. You took care of the rest of the people while Leon is busy treating Ada’s injury with a small medical kit he has. After a few seconds of silence, you lowered your gun and held your injured arm to stop the bleeding. You turned around and found Leon carrying Ada in his arms. 
            In your view, Ada was telling Leon that she’s fine and can’t walk, even including a phrase that it was just a bite of an ant. But Leon insisted on carrying her. It makes you feel jealous. Like, you are his girlfriend while Ada is just a random FBI Agent who appeared out of nowhere and saved Leon from infected dogs. Then, why is he treating her as if you are not around? Does he even realize that he was hurting you? Does he realize that a man who’s in a relationship shouldn’t act like that around his girlfriend? 
            So, to not ruin Leon’s time with her and to avoid making an issue between you in the middle of a zombie outbreak, you uncovered your arm, letting it bleed. You’re wearing a black hoodie so the blood isn’t noticeable. Claire will be here soon so you can treat your wound later. You wouldn’t die if you bleed and wait for Claire, would you? With a heavy sigh, you walked away, taking the lead while Leon followed you with Ada in his arms. 
          Soon, you found Claire with Sherry in a safe room. She was treating Leon’s wounds too while Ada was resting in the bed. While you are looking outside through the window. It was your only way to ease the pain and jealousy you felt. That shot could have killed Leon if you didn’t cover him. That could’ve cost your life too. This isn’t the first time you felt jealous. This is the tenth time you felt this way and you hate it. You noticed how Ada acts around Leon and she usually dismisses you. If she did, it was against her will. 
            You are in deep thought when you hear Sherry gasp… 
“Y/n, you’re bleeding! Why are you not saying anything?!” With that, you gained everyone’s attention. Claire immediately approached you and found your arms bleeding. 
“How could you not say anything! You’ll die if we don't treat this immediately!” Claire scolded you, rolling up your sleeves, and gasped when he found your injury bleeding more. She grabbed all the things she needed and started treating your wound. 
                 You gritted your teeth as Claire took the bullet out of your arm and wrapped it with a bandage. Leon approached you too and attempted to hold your hand but you declined and said, “I can manage.” And there Leon realized that something was wrong.
               Until one day… you find out Ada’s secret. Upon finding out about this, anger quickly rushed down through your veins and quickly grabbed your gun and pointed it to Ada and fired multiple times but none of the bullets hit her as it was your way to catch her attention. 
“Tell us the truth, Ada Wong,” You growled venomously. “Tell us who the hell are you…” 
“Y/n!” Leon quickly stood between you and Ada, facing you. “Put the gun down! What the hell is wrong with you?!” He shrieked. 
“That bitch is fooling around us! She told us that she was an FBI Agent when I didn’t see her record on the FBI’s server! Stay away from that traitor, Leon!” You hissed, firmly pointing your gun at Ada. 
            Ada did not reply but there is no hint of worry or regret in her eyes. Instead, she glared at you. She stepped in front of you, never breaking eye contact with you. She then smirked and put on a smug look on her face. 
“Traitor? Seriously? If you are just a student, you wouldn’t know how to access the FBI’s server. From the very start, I’ve been helping you and Leon. I’ve saved your life a lot of time and now this is how you are going to repay me?!” Ada hissed at you. 
“For an eighteen-year-old student, it’s not easy to hack the FBI. What about you, Y/n? Who the hell are you?” She turned the tables around. She takes steps closer to you as if she was challenging you.
“Don’t change the topic, Ada. You’re working under Albert Wesker, right? One of the researchers and the reasons why the hell we are here in this damn situation? Too bad, Ada. You did not pass as the best actress.” 
            Then, Ada attacked you at such speed. Of course, you dodged her attacks and are more trained than her regardless of your age and state in the government. You may be just a student, practicing Law but no one must look down on you or even doubt your commitment especially when you are doing this for your team’s safety. The combat between you and Ada ended when you pulled the trigger and hit her on the waist. Ada grunted and you took the opportunity to take her down. 
“Y/n, enough!” Leon pulled Ada away with such care which breaks your heart more. Claire was holding Sherry who was sobbing in her embrace. 
“Leon, are you defending her?” You asked, feeling betrayed. Leon put Ada to the side for a moment before pulling you away to a more private room. 
“What the hell did you just do?! You know that Ada is our key point to survive this damn apocalypse!” Leon hissed at you and of course, you retorted back. 
“From the very start, I did not trust that woman even a bit! It feels like she planned to cross paths with us to gain our trust and take the samples because she is working for Albert Wesker!” 
“Aside from accusing her, shooting her, how did you access the FBI’s server? We have only limited devices! We even barely called for help and now we found out that you accessed the FBI just to do some stupid research on her!” 
“Stupid research? I did it for our safety!” You rebutted. “Leon… I don’t understand. Why are you being so protective of her? Why are you defending her? Leon, I am your girlfriend.” 
              Leon sighed. “You are. But these days, it feels like we’re not together. It feels like you are different from the girl I love. I… I don’t know you anymore.” Your heart shatters as Leon said those. Tears filled your eyes, your heart pounded against your chest, and a lump formed in your throat. 
               You couldn’t believe that Leon was saying this to you when you just want to protect him, to protect everyone. A tear slipped out your eye and you pulled yourself away. “Are you doubting me, Leon? Do you believe that the fake agent is your girlfriend?” Then Leon snapped at you, 
“Don’t call her that!” 
“Then what?!” You yelled at him. “You think I don’t notice your behavior ever since she came into our lives? That you are becoming more affectionate to her than me? That you will prioritize her over me? That night when those groups of survivors chased us and tried to kill us, I saw how worried you were for her that you insisted on carrying her when she just had a shot in her leg because of her stupidity, rather than me catching the bullet for you!” 
                 Leon was taken aback by your sudden outburst. 
“If there’s someone I truly don’t know anymore, that is you, Leon. Even thinking if I should approach you for help is difficult for me because your attention was on Ada. Tell me the truth, Leon. Is there someone else? Is there someone else who captured your heart away from me?” 
              He didn’t reply to your question. Seeing you in this kind of situation hurts him. But he couldn’t lie to you. His silence is enough for you. With a deep breath, you turned away from him. 
“I can leave, if that’s what you want. I know you very much, Leon. As a rookie police officer, you wouldn’t ride the same boat with the person you are doubting. But mark my words, Leon…” You paused but Leon interrupted you. 
“You’re not leaving.” You turned to look at him and he was looking directly into your eyes. “We will survive this apocalypse together, I promise. Please, stay with us. For me….” 
               For his sake, you stayed. To not lose him, you swallowed your pride for him. Until one night… when you almost escape the damned city, things went wrong again. He broke his promise.
                You woke up from being knocked out and there you found yourself cuffed in a chair. You looked out to the glass window and found Leon heading to the helicopter with Ada. And the sound of zombies banging outside of the room you are in made you panic even more. So, you forcefully pulled your hands off the handcuffs. You kept pulling yourself and your wrists started to bleed. Tears fall from your eyes, struggling to be free. “Leon!” You yelled and winced in pain until you successfully freed yourself. You banged against the glass to gain his attention. 
           He did. He looked at you who was crying, scared of death. The banging of zombies against the door gets louder and you look at Leon with pleading eyes as blood stains the clear glass that was coming from your wrists. 
“Leon, don’t leave me here! Help me!” You screamed but Leon only looked at you with saddened eyes. 
              He had no choice but to leave you. Even if it hurts him to see you crying like a puppy, injured and terrified, there’s no other way but to leave with Ada. The woman in red noticed that Leon was looking in your direction. So, she held his hand and gave him an assuring smile. 
“Leon, I know that this is hard but you need to strengthen yourself…” 
              What breaks your heart more is that he smiled at her before proceeding to walk to the helicopter.  After connecting the dots, you realize they use you as the bait while they take the opportunity to escape. With that, anger rushed throughout your veins upon realizing that Leon just betrayed you. He betrayed you for Ada. Your hands clenched into fists while your wrists keep bleeding. 
             Leon gave you a last look and he saw nothing but pain and anger in your eyes as if you were cursing him for betraying you. There’s no point in turning back now. Call him selfish but he made up his mind…
          And so he rides the helicopter with Ada, leaving you, scared and alone. Soon, the zombies break into the room where you are in. You ain’t going to cry and let those zombies eat you alive. On that night, you vowed to yourself that no matter what it takes, you will get your revenge on them. You used all the weapons you can use just to survive even if you’re alone. 
           Remembering how you struggled to survive made your eyes teary. You don’t want to be as weak as the person you used to be. That night when Leon betrayed you, another persona came into you. It made you more powerful. Having Leon back makes you feel like meeting your past self. A naive, sweet, and caring young girl who was now looking at a sophisticated, high-class, elite, and exclusive prosecutor and a superior of the country’s most powerful agency, the CIA. 
            You put your glass down and the cigarette on the ashtray before removing your black leather gloves and looking at the scars on your wrists that were carved on your skin. You still can feel the pain those cuffs gave you. When you survived and escaped that damned city, you started wearing gloves, not wanting to see your scars. 
              Anger rushed down through your veins. You grabbed the glass and threw it away with a growl, creating shattering sounds. There, you broke into tears. You rest your head against the backrest while you drape your arm over your eyes as you weep. 
“I will make your life a living hell, Leon Kennedy.” You muttered under your breath before passing out.
            Leon, who was patiently waiting for you outside the VIP Room heard a shattering sound inside. And there he found you, sitting on the couch with your head resting against the backrest with an arm draped over your eyes. He sighed in relief that you were fine. 
“Is that how you throw tantrums?” He asked. You didn’t reply, not even moving from your position. Leon sighed again, realizing that you passed out. 
             The man approached you to pick you up but something caught his attention. Your scars. He moved closer to you and stared at your scars. It was carved around your wrists. Your skin was torn, he can tell that the cuffs he gave you back then have made you ruin your skin, desperate to escape. 
          Leon still remembers how you looked at him with a fire of rage in your eyes as your tears fell uncontrollably. When he looked at you during his introduction as your bodyguard, the flame was even worse behind your calm expression. The mystery of Prosecutor L/n's gloves is now finally solved. 
"Traitor…" Leon snapped back to his senses and looked at you. You are looking at him with hooded eyes. You stood up and grabbed your bag and gloves before walking to the door, without regretting telling him that. Because that's what he is.
To be continued...
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your-nanas-house · 4 months
She could be my "woman"
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◇ Pairing: Robert Fisher X fem!Reader/ (future Robert Fischer X android!Reader)
◇ Warnings: angst, androids, security, fear, business, robots as "slaves"
◇ Summary: Robert fears for his safety and tries his luck with Y/n's business.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. FINALLY wrote the first part of the fic I mentioned months ago!
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Robert chuckled at that.
"What is this, a movie?" he mocked, trying to lighten the mood, his light eyes staring at the old woman in front of him as if she was nuts.
He called her that day for a specific reason... his security and now she was talking about some weird futuristic stuff.
"I thought we were talking about a security system, not personal assistants!" He reminded her slightly annoyed by the situation.
When he didn't receive a response, he tried again with a softer tone this time.
"I can see why your granddaughter would need someone to try this out," he started, rubbing his chin with his long fingers, "...But I can hardly be her test case.... I can't believe androids are that advanced."
The disbelief of the young man was understandable and the older woman got perfectly Robert's point of view but was still a bit offended by the lack of trust in her... after all the years she had worked with his father.
"You're underestimating my granddaughter, dear. I tested them out as well...they do anything and if someone tries to enter your dreams they come inside as well working as your bodyguard there too" she informed him with a soft nod.
Security and assistance, Robert thought not believing at a word.
He raised his eyebrow surprised by the informations but still with the feeling of being made fun of. "This has to be a joke," he said, shaking his head.
"Your granddaughter created androids that protect you even in your dreams? I've heard some insane things in my life but that tops the cake."
And as words of mockery left his mouth he couldn't help but imagining it happen to him... Having someone watching over him even in his most vulnerable moments... it wouldn't be so bad.
After a couple of minutes in silence the older woman spoke again, her shaking and wrinkly hands put a note on his rich desk
"Think about it, if you need more information just call my granddaughter, she will be able to explain everything to you."
It wasn't a bad idea after all.
Robert looked down at the card in his hand, sighing. He had hoped to convince the older wise woman to work with him as well, but this was a nice alternative.
And as soon as she left his office he grabbed his phone, he read the number and then dialed it.
He couldn't waste any precious time and luckily for him, he didn't have to wait much.
A female voice replied after just a couple of rings, introducing herself as 'Y/n Y/l/n' exactly as he expected. She sounded calm and young.. probably in her 20s, her tone made him feel at ease and it was quite charming even though a bit awkward.
"Good morning, miss. I'm Robert Fischer... I had a meeting with your grandmother today and she gave me your number. I'll put my hands forward and tell you that I don't really believe in all this, it seems excessive and not very functional to me but... I have nothing to lose so I'm willing to try, and even if it is a scam, I'm pretty sure I could deal with it very easily. If you know what I mean..." Robert informed her with a calm tone, his hand busy playing around with his pen as his face remained tilted and rested against the back of his chair... serious as his business mask.
It was business after all, he needed some kind of security around him and the guarantee of being 100% safe every day.
"But I would like to know more about this androids" he quickly added after not receiving an answer, his heart strangely beating fast in his chest and his hand sweated anxiously
"Oh, sure thing. I can do that, are there any specific questions? Or would you like to receive the policy first?" the voice replayed softly, echoing now in his empty office.
He could actually hear her moving around, probably working or getting ready for something in a rush... not that he cared though.
At the questions Robert sat up in his seat, his grip tightened around the pen as he thought quickly before dropping it on the desk and let his light blue eyes travel towards the phone.
"I want to know everything. Starting from how they work, what they can do, where they come from and most importantly... how protected I am with them watching over me" The business man listed while staring intently at the object as if it would make Y/n reply faster at everything.
There was a soft music in the background, he could hear it, even if a bit muffled, and his mind focused on it, snapping back just when her voice interrupted the melody with her owns
"Well first of all I won't tell you how I created them. I'm not stupid, am I? They can do anything you want them to, they come from my cellar" she informed with a soft chuckle after apologizing and explaining to him the reason of the background noises.
"You are 99,9% protected, they have the ability to watch over you whenever you need or don't need. Not in a creepy way of course. They have the ability to enter your dreams if someone else does, so that they can protect you.... They are also loyal to their owners and you can set the program you prefer. There are a lot of different androids... each one more adapt for a situation" she explained with a more focused and professional tone, her knowledge and passion for her creations showing just by the seriousness of her speech.
She made it sound pretty acceptable and intriguing, leaving Robert silent for a moment, still and lost in his thoughts as he took in the informations. He honestly wasn't expecting such a comprehensive answer from her.
"They sound like the perfect companions," the man said, making an attempt at joking before asking her other questions, his hands already turning on his laptop
"What kind of androids are there, where can I purchase them and what sort of program do you suggest should be installed in them?"
It really was catching his interest, even if he didn't really believe in all the progress the science was doing lately... but he still was willing to try.
"Well... They are like puppies, Mr. Fisher. Like pets, without need to care too much for them. And it's highly depends on your situation and what I have down here." She explained while probably pouring herself a cup of something.
A moment of silence and Robert hummed lost in thoughts again, surprised and amused by Y/n's analogy.
"I'm glad that I won't have to worry about them too much," he murmured, rubbing his chin "And I'll happily take a look at what you have available. My main concern is my dreams, so what do you suggest to deal with that?" He murmured out, leaning back to stare at the ceiling and glance at the phone... she wasn't answering anymore but he could feel that she was thinking intently.
Then... her harsh words of truth came out "Your voice sounds lonely, you are probably sitting in a rich office, playing with something in your hand while you talk to me— I want to try to give you my first invention" the young woman declared cheerfully, making sure he didn't took her analysis as an insult before starting to explain again.
"I'm pretty proud of her. And I will make sure to deliver everything as soon as the payment is done also I'm sending you the contract so that you know that whatever the android sees it will remain between you and them" the young woman quickly stated, ready to say goodbye and hang up.
It was convincing... enough to bewitch Robert and his business mind, which was now fully engaged, even though a part of him was still cautious.
He wasn't really sure about allowing someone else to intrude so deep in his personal space and in such a little time. "How do I know that the androids and their recordings will remain private? What if they witness something... embarrassing or something that should remain fully private?" The man asked lowly, tapping his fingers against the rich wood of his desk.. he couldn't and didn't want to afford a scandal.
"I make you sign the contract because of that. I have no intention to look through all the memory. I just delete everything when their work it's done" Y/n reassured him sweetly with a soft chuckle, giving her availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of questions or problems.
Robert considered it all in silence, weighing his options carefully. On one hand, he was still hesitant about sharing his space with these things.
But on the other hand, they would be guarding his dreams, which was exactly what he needed. And their "mother" seemed trustworthy enough to make him take things further.
"I want to see the contract first," he stated thoughfully, adding after a small break of suspance "If I like its terms, I'm ready to sign."
And she already did, everything was in his laptop now. So Robert checked his emails, finding the contract attached.
He opened the PDF with a single click and began reading, his eyes scanning each word for any potential loopholes or hidden meanings.
After a few minutes of reading, he let out a sigh and printed it out, signing it before scanning it and sending it back to her along with a brief message:
"I agree to the terms, please start the installation as soon as possible. RF"
Since their call had ended just a couple of minutes before he could have finished to read it all.
Afyer that, the proceedings began and the young woman asked him a couple of personal questions, plus an address before reporting to him the date and the hour of the delivery.
'To: Robert Fischer, NYC'
Android n. 0.0'
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Make Up Your Mind
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You ask Scarlett out on a date
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. Also, this is very cute in the end
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“Hey, boo. You there?”
You sent the text and waited to see if your best friend would take too long to answer. You didn’t have much time to wait for a reply since you were supposed to be heading to the editing room again in ten minutes, so you could only hope that your friend would see your text soon. Being across the globe from each other was proving to be harder and harder as the days went by because you missed talking to your friend in person. Two more weeks, though, and the movie you were working on would wrap and you finally be coming home.
The sound of your phone going off snapped you out of your thoughts and you wasted no time looking at it, quickly taking notice of the text your best friend sent you.
“Stop calling me like that. Sup?”
You sighed in relief and started typing your next message. “Can I call you?”
You didn’t get a reply, thinking that maybe your friend didn’t have time to talk with you, but suddenly your phone started to ring in your hand and you answered it when you saw your friend’s name on the screen.
“This better be an emergency. It’s so freaking early.”
“I will be fast, promise, Sam!” You said in a desperate attempt to keep your friend in the line.
You heard a sigh from the other side, although Sam didn’t sound upset when she spoke again. “Clock’s running. Go on.”
“Okay, so… I met someone,” deciding to just rip the bandaid off all at once, you started talking, leaving no room for your friend to interrupt you even if you heard a gasp coming from her. “And this will sound crazy but… I don’t know, it feels different. Like, I don’t know, like she can be very important to me somehow. Very important,” you repeated to make your point clear.
“Okay,” Sam sounded oddly placid. “Where did you meet her?”
You brought the pad of your thumb between your teeth, nibbling at it nervously. “On set.”
“Oh.” There was a beat of silence and then: “Holy cow! Who is she?! Is she, like, a super hot actress? Or does she work with the nerds like you do?”
Rolling your eyes at the light teasing, you were hit with the nice feeling of calmness that came from talking with someone who knew you so well. “Can you help me out with my breakdown before asking that many questions?”
“Yes! Yes, sure. Sorry. You were saying you met someone. Okay, have you talked with her already?”
You nodded, noticing only after that your friend couldn’t see you. “Yes.”
“Why don’t you ask her out?”
“She just got out of a relationship,” you told her and sighed. “It didn’t end badly, but it’s complicated. And we started talking a couple of times. We go to a coffee shop close to where the shootings are happening, and she seems okay, but I don’t want to ask her out and make her feel bad.”
“Well, there’s not many options here, bestie. You either ask her out and figure out her answer, or you’re going to live the rest of your life thinking about what would have happened,” Sam declared, sounding much more alert now.
“I know, I’m just scared.” You ran a hand through your hair when frustration started getting the best of you. “I don’t want her to get uncomfortable.”
“Hey, she won’t be uncomfortable if you do it nicely,” Sam advised. “Just ask her. If she says no, then you move on. If she says yes, then you start planning where to take her.”
“That is the right thing to do, I know.”
There was a pause in your conversation where neither of you knew what to say next, but it was broken by a light chuckle from Sam. “I don’t think I ever saw my friend being so scared of asking anyone out.”
You blushed, even if the conversation was happening on the phone, and scratched the back of your neck. “Well, maybe she’s important, you know?”
“Okay, what about this? You work on asking her out and I will be here whatever happens. If she says yes, I will help you search for restaurants to take her in the hidden place on Earth that the studio sent you guys to film. If she says no, you can come over as soon as you get back and I will let you eat an entire ice cream pot.”
Even if you still felt nervous, you couldn’t help but smile. “Deal.”
“Good!” Sam laughed. “Now, are you telling me who she is?”
“Maybe,” you teased her. “If it works out.”
“You’re a mean woman,” she grumbled and, this time, you were the one who laughed.
“I have to go. Thanks for listening to me.”
So maybe you were running away from that part of the conversation, but no one could blame you. How could you explain to your best friend that the person you had caught feelings for was the one and only Scarlett Johansson? That was something you kept thinking about while putting your phone away and walking back to your workstation.
Your friend knew you were working on some big movie - they did, after all, fly you from across the globe to start working on editing some parts of the movie before it was even done shooting, so it had to be something huge - but she would never be able to imagine that, somehow, you managed to form a friendship with the Hollywood actress. To be fair, you couldn’t quite grasp it yet either, and it had been going on for a few months now.
It started with quick conversations when the director of the movie took some of the actors to see some cuts you and the rest of the team did. She was always kind, though very focused on her job. She would greet everyone, offer you a smile and would go back to work immediately. After that happened two or three times, you ran into her in a hallway when you were out to fill up your coffee mug. You shyly offered her a smile as a way of greeting and was surprised when she remembered your name to wish you a nice day while she walked past you to go somewhere. You met two other times like that, and the visits with the director didn’t stop, and, before you even realized what was happening, both of you were sharing small talk while drinking coffee.
It didn’t take much for you two to start going to the café nearby and your conversations became more intense. You talked about your life, how you ended up working in editing, your family, your friends, and your plans for the future. And listened when Scarlett talked about her own life, albeit she never shared too many details. You couldn’t blame her because she didn’t want the risk of having anyone overhearing her.
However, those conversations - the laughs and the jokes you had together - made something inside you shift. You knew you were screwed when hearing Scarlett laugh made your heart beat faster, but you shoved it all down and tried not to let these feelings blossom. Didn’t work, of course, but at least she tried.
The thing is, it was easy to fall for Scarlett. So damn easy. It was a free fall from the start and now, two weeks away from coming back to your mundane life locked inside a room working on a computer while she would travel the world to keep shooting movies, you reached the point where you couldn’t ignore it anymore. You had to do something about it because what you told Sam was true. You felt like Scarlett was different. She was important already and you had the feeling she could change your life even more.
You just knew that. You didn’t know how to explain it, but you knew. You felt that deep inside you.
You just had to do something about it.
Your eyes were glued to the computer screen, working on a scene the director wanted to see that day, when you heard her phone going off beside your hand. You sighed, having already lost your focus, and glanced at it to see who was it. Your best friend’s name flashed on the screen and some of your frustration washed away. You grabbed your phone to read the text, enjoying the break to take a sip of your coffee as well.
“So… Do you have a hot date already?”
It has been five days since the conversation you had with your best friend. It was honestly surprising that Sam took so long to ask you about this, but you could picture her restraining herself from asking that same question every five minutes. It almost made you laugh.
“Didn’t talk to her yet. Work is crazy.”
“Well, don’t wait too long or it will be too late.”
You knew that. Better than anyone, actually, because the days were running way too fast now that it was getting closer and closer to saying goodbye to Scarlett. It wasn’t a lie that she didn’t find the time to talk with the actress yet, though. They were getting to the end of shooting, which meant that Scarlett was working extra hours, and you were quite busy making quick shots for the director to see. It has been some crazy days. You certainly miss having a few minutes or hours to spare talking with Scarlett over your coffee mugs.
“I’m working on it.” It was a promise more to yourself than to Sam, but you ignored it in order to go back to work.
You would do it, you weren’t chickening out.
It was a promise as well.
“If you don’t have any news on lady lover land, I’m going to be upset.”
You laughed out loud when you read Sam’s text, letting go of your cup of coffee to type back a reply. You were standing in the hallway, getting a refill from the machine that was placed there, even if the coffee there wasn’t good at all, but there was no one else around but you, so it was okay to stay there for a few more seconds just to send a text message. It was just the day after you told Sam you were working on things, but nothing had changed yet.
“Hope you’re up for disappointment.”
You were still smiling when the next text came. “Oh, come on, girl! Get it together and ask this mysterious woman out!”
“What got you smiling so wildly?”
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard another voice right beside you. You did jump a bit, turning around and grasping your phone as if it was the only weapon you had to fight for your life, but, even if took you a second to understand it, it was just Scarlett and your life surely wasn’t in danger even if your instincts kicked for a moment there.
“Jeez, you scared me,” you said, placing a hand over your chest.
“Sorry.” Scarlett placed a hand on your shoulder and offered you an apologetic smile. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
However, you narrowed your eyes and her because you could see a glint behind her very, very, beautiful eyes. “You’re lying, but I’m going to let that one slide,” you huffed, earning a soft chuckle from the other woman. She retreated her hand and you remembered she had asked you a question before. “I was talking with Sam.” She knew who your best friend was, so you didn’t bother giving away more details.
“Oh, that’s great,” Scarlett smiled again and you felt your breath getting stuck in the back of your throat for a second. “You came here to grab more coffee to be able to finish your day?”
You were confused for a moment, but the realization hit you when you glanced down and noticed your mug was still on the machine. You quickly took it out when you saw Scarlett was also holding a mug, taking a step to the side to give her room. “Sorry, got distracted.”
“That’s okay,” she said and moved to put her mug down and press a button on the machine. “I wish I had a longer break. I would take you to the coffee shop to get real coffee.”
Smiling, you shrugged. “Well, to be fair, I don’t think I would have the time for it either.”
“That crazy, huh?”
You made a nonchalant sound as you raised the mug to take a sip of the coffee, but you saw Scarlett still smiling at you and your cheeks warmed up despite your best efforts to stop it. Scarlett’s mug was filled just a second later and it thankfully gave her something else to look at, so maybe she missed your blush. You watched in comfortable silence as Scarlett grabbed some sugar to put inside her mug and you knew you had no reason to be standing there still. You had your coffee and you could go back to work. But going back meant leaving Scarlett behind and you didn’t want to say goodbye just yet. You probably wouldn’t see her again for the rest of the day and, as pathetic as it might sound, you wanted to enjoy that moment for a few more seconds.
You were so lost in thoughts that you almost missed the fact that Scarlett was talking to you again. “I watched that movie you told me about. You were right, it was very funny.”
“See?” You wiggled your brows. “I told you it was a good movie to watch.”
“Don’t be cocky about it.” Scarlett gently pushed you away with her elbow and you laughed loudly. She glanced at you pretending to be mad, but her lips were tugging upwards as if she was fighting a grin.
It was maybe the way she was looking at you or the way you realized you wished to see her smile more than anything. Whatever it was, it pushed you off the edge and made you start talking before your brain even registered what you were going to say. “Would you go out with me?” You felt your blood run cold in your veins as panic immediately washed over you, but you had already said that and you could enjoy the wave of courage that hit you suddenly. “In a date, I mean.”
Scarlett’s smile was gone so fast that you just knew it wasn’t a good sign. “Oh,” she breathed out, blinking in surprise and turning her head away. You noticed the way her hands were gripping her mug and how she avoided looking at you. Your heart sank like a rock. “Oh, I would love to, but…”
Unable to stop yourself, you asked: “But?”
Scarlett sighed deeply, sounding tired even, and finally tilted her head to the side to look at you again. Her eyes were sad and her smile was polite. “I don’t think it’s wise.”
Well, that sucked.
It sucked because not only did she turn you down, but because you weren’t surprised by it either. She was Scarlett Johansson. Of course she wouldn’t want to go out with you. It was ridiculous to even think about that. And, to be honest, you were expecting the rejection, so it didn’t take too long for you to recover from that to be able to say something else.
“Okay.” You offered her a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes, but wasn’t a fake one either. She bit her lip, looking at you with some concern, so you straightened your back and made sure you sounded better when you spoke again: “Yeah, fine. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or if I ruined this.” You gesticulated with your hand between you two, trying to address the sort of friendship that you had formed, although you knew you had ruined it of course.
And you felt like shit for doing so.
Because Scarlett needed a friend. She had enough people around the world trying to get into her pants, making her feel like an object, trying to get her to be their trophy or something. Even if you weren’t doing that because of who she was, even if you really liked her, you shouldn’t have said anything. Now Scarlett was once again facing the fact that no one seemed to want to be friends with her, that they always wanted something else. Of course she wouldn’t want to keep this tentative friendship between you.
Even so, Scarlett was nothing if not polite. “You didn’t,” she reassured, but you wouldn’t call her out on her lie.
It was fine, really. You would tend your wounds, grab your broken ego, and eat ice cream straight from the pot. Sam promised you that. And you were sure she would buy your favorite if you managed to tell her you got rejected by Scarlett Johansson herself. You just needed to finish this job and get home first.
“Well, I better get going.” You pointed over your shoulder to the closed door you worked all day, and offered her a small smile. “Enjoy your coffee.”
You turned around and walked away before things could get too weird, wishing, one more time, that you hadn’t said anything.
Sam texted you again the next day. You didn’t muster the courage to tell her about what happened the day before but, after you saw your friend reaching out to you again, you couldn’t lie to her.
“She said no.” Was your reply. Straight to the point because you still had work to do and, honestly, you didn’t want to keep talking about that. When the message was read and no reply came, you decided to add: “It’s fine.”
The three dots indicating that Sam was typing something appeared several times before she actually sent it, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes fondly. “Well, she’s an idiot apparently. I’m sorry. You will find someone better, promise!”
You put your phone away after that. It was still early, but you had so much work to do and a renewed desire to be over those last few days of filming as fast as possible. At the same time, you didn’t want to walk away from Scarlett just yet. You knew you ruined whatever you had before, but you already missed her and it hadn’t even been a day yet. You kept thinking you should have valued the friendship you had with her, at the same time you were happy you mastered the courage to address your feelings because now you knew and you could move on.
You weren’t exactly sure how you would move on from a person who made you feel things you never felt before in so little time, but you would have to find out soon.
It was hours later, after a quick lunch break and five cups of coffee, that a knock on the door grabbed your attention. Your colleagues were out talking with other people on the team, so you were alone inside the small room. Luckily, you didn’t have to get up to open the door because, after a pause, someone pushed it almost hesitantly.
And then Scarlett’s head appeared behind it and you felt your eyes going wide. You were not expecting to see her there. The director hadn’t said anything about showing up to see your work, and she was only there when he was, and you started freaking out for a moment thinking you forgot to do something until you noticed the way her eyes took on the empty room.
Surprised, you didn’t reply right away, which earned you an arched eyebrow that made you jump into action. “Oh, hi! Hello! Sorry, I was… distracted.”
“That’s okay. I don’t want to disturb your work,” she said.
You chuckled just because you didn’t know what else to do, and scratched the back of your head. “Are you going to grab some coffee?” You asked to try and wash away the awkwardness that fell in the room.
“No, I, uh,” Scarlett stumbled over her words, which was something so unusual that you quickly got up from your chair to get closer to her when worry started to grow inside you. You placed a gentle hand on her arm and nudged her inside the room so you could close the door behind her, thinking that maybe she would be more comfortable talking if she knew no one could hear. She seemed thankful for that. “I have to go back to set, I just wanted to tell you something.”
“Oh, okay,” you nodded. “What is it?”
Scarlett looked up at you, biting her bottom lip and playing with her fingers, and you only got even more worried. She looked nervous, uncertain, and you hated to see her like that. “I, uh, changed my mind.”
“About what?” You asked
“If the offer is still up, I would like to take it.”
It took you several seconds to understand what she was trying to tell you and, when you did, you immediately felt your heart start to race, your palms became sweaty and you lost the ability to talk for several seconds.
“I-Yes! Yes! Of course, yes!” You didn’t even try to hide your happiness, which earned you a content grin from the woman standing in front of you. “Of course it’s still up! You just tell me when you’re free and I will pick you up!”
“Actually,” Scarlett said with a chuckle. “I was thinking that maybe you would like to have dinner tonight? I got us reservations already.”
“Oh my God! Yes! Absolutely! Holy-” You stopped yourself from cursing just in time and shook your head a couple of times. “I promise you I will get a grip on myself before dinner time.”
Scarlett just laughed though and turned around to open the door again. “I have to go back, but I will pick you up at eight, okay?” She asked, not having to get directions to the hotel you were staying in because you had already told her before.
“Okay, yes, sure!” You were moving from one foot to another, unable to stop yourself because of the rush of adrenaline going inside you, and you were almost alone inside the room again when you decided to stop her from going away. “Hey, do you mind telling me what changed? Yesterday you said no, I was just wondering.”
Scarlett stopped, her eyes glued on you and a fond smile turning her lips up, and she seemed to be considering her words before answering you. “I didn’t say no, I said it wasn’t wise,” she reminded you gently. “There’s a lot going on in my life and I was afraid things wouldn’t work out between us. I’m still afraid, actually.”
“Why did you change your mind then?”
“Because I think…” Scarlett licked her lips and glanced down for a second. When she looked up again, your breath caught in your throat. “Because I think this might be important and I don’t want to regret not living it just because I was afraid.”
You were at a loss of words after that. After a few seconds, Scarlett offered you another smile and finally walked away, leaving you alone one more time. There was a delay while you were still trying to process everything, but you finally snapped out of it and punched the air in celebration before grabbing your phone to text Sam.
“Holy crap, I have a date!”
Three years later, Sam was about to finish telling this story during her speech on your wedding day. Half of the room had tears in their eyes, the other half was laughing because of the way your best friend was telling this, but you only had eyes for your wife. Scarlett was sitting beside you wearing the most gorgeous wedding dress ever made, leaning against your side while she watched Sam telling everyone how she denied your request for a date. You had your chin resting on top of her head, carefully not to mess with her perfectly done hair, but the smile in your lips was permanent. That was, indeed, the happiest day of your life.
“Do you guys want to know the text I received after the said date?” Sam asked the room, always the good storyteller. After receiving a chorus of ‘yes’, Sam picked up her phone and read it. “I asked her how her date went, and she said: I think that was my last date. I was right. She’s important. I’m marrying her one day.”
While everyone in the room cooed and clapped, Scarlett turned around to peck your lips, placing a soft hand on your cheek, and you couldn’t help but smile. “I love you,” she whispered after pulling away.
“I love you,” you repeated softly at her before leaning in for another kiss.
And, really, you would never stop kissing her.
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jmdbjk · 10 months
This is my bias...
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Help me figure out what's happening here... is this the big dick energy I was talking about or just an optical illusion with the mirror?
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Jimin was relaxed and seems like he has certain specific things he wants to accomplish and he's going after it in his usual Jimin-like way. He laughed when talking about what he's been doing and why he's not come to see us live. He said "Do you think I would be doing nothing?" and laughed:
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Our Jiminie, through and through.
He addressed his busted up knuckles several times during the live.
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Ok, here me out... if he's dabbling in martial arts again... what if Jimin is practicing breaking cinderblocks... because I feel like there are a few blockheads out there that need breaking...yes? But seriously, what if...?
One of the things that I love about Jimin is his self-awareness, his humility and his unpretentiousness. About attending the Dior event prior to this live he expresses how he views himself:
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Nervous amongst people in those circles, he says he's a little uncertain and awkward. Though he might feel out of place because of how he views himself, we all know the impact he brings whenever he (or any of the other members) makes an appearance at events like this, no matter how briefly. Fans just want to see him.
One of the things he spoke at length on was how he's been assessing himself, saying it as if stepping back and evaluating what he was doing in a "cold" way, as in clinically critiquing himself.
He said he was able to learn a lot from his Face album activities and promotions and he is improving the way he does things from now on.
He felt like there were a lot of areas where he was lacking and instead of just working on fixing this or that, his mindset is to "start from scratch".
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Looking back at it, the excuses are not acceptable to him... to say he was lazy and didn't practice enough or that equipment malfunctioned.
He heard the antis and the criticisms. I personally want to smash their heads in two but I digress with my violent little thoughts.
In order to feel confident while performing onstage he wants to change the way he approaches things.
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Overall, Jimin seems like he's got his shit together. He knows there's a time crunch...
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He has been thinking how to spend his remaining time with us...
But because he's re-evaluating himself, its taken a long time and I think he's still working on it.
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Other things he's mentioned during this live: he's composing new music, shooting a few things, working out, studying English.
He said if he doesn't force himself to take lessons he won't do it. Same, Jimin, same.
He mentioned that he goes out alone in the middle of the night to run along the Han River and when he does he sees Namjoon:
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There was other stuff on his mind but he wouldn't share it.
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He's been thinking deeply about his future. He is facing his own Chapter 2 (they all are and collectively we are calling this BTS Chapter 2) and he says starting anew is not easy. He's thought a lot about it and still considering how he wants to live his life and future.
You can understand more of his attitude as soon as someone says "Don't forget there are many people cheering for you, Jimin."
His reply is: If there were no people supporting me in my job then there is no need for me to do it.
This is his job. He is the artist. We are the fans. He is not going to forget that there are people cheering for him. He is not worried about fans disappearing as long as he delivers a good product to us.
He is reinventing Park Jimin. And he is taking time to do it and that's why he has not come to see us.
His goal is to change and he's fully confident he can do it. He feels a responsibility as a member of BTS and the man is out to conquer so I say watch out for future Jimin. He just asks for time to make it happen.
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I said in a previous post a while back that Jimin – and the company – are not perfect. Speaking only about Jimin: after Face promotions were over and everyone was criticizing him and the company, I said he will evaluate what he's done and if he sees mistakes, things that could be done differently or better, he will fix them going forward. I told y'all this. This is exactly what he is doing.
He mentions that he cut his hair today... and described how long it was (to his chin) before he cut it and I'm crying. I hope he shot photos or video for something before he cut it so we can see...[cry]
His brief mention about Jungkookie's birthday:
My interpretation of his body language: The wheels are turning as he glances around, he is thinking about everything he knows that Jungkook is up to and matter-of-factly tells us "Jungkook is really busy." (Because I know what he's working on).
"I talked to him on the phone yesterday too." Too as in talked to him today as well since this day of Jimin's live IS JK's birthday.
He pauses a moment, thinking about what they spoke about/what he knows about Jungkook's activities and repeats "he's really busy," glances around again, still thinking about what Jungkook is up to and with an intake of breath and looking directly at us says he hopes Kookie-pookie takes good care of his health. He didn't say Kookie-pookie, that was me saying Kookie-pookie.
We know when Jimin is working intensely that he sometimes overdoes it. This is what Jimin implies when he says "he's really busy" and "I hope he takes care of his health" because Jimin can relate to the intensity of JK's activities.
Then asks us to please send his Jungkookie many birthday wishes.
Taking care of his Jungkookie, as he should.
And ending with his own thought about Jungkook's birthday: "It's a wonderful day, right?"
Awwwww.... so sweet. And then that little smirky smirk that I had to edit off because he smirked for another six seconds until someone else asked him AGAIN about his beat up knuckles.
Does he mean scroll back later after the live and look for his explanation about his scraped up hands or is he saying we'll find out later (in future content) why his hands are all beat up?
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He's embarrassed his apartment is dirty or he'd show us. Ok, this is ALREADY A DIFFERENT PARK JIMIN.
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My first reaction was NO SHIT, JIMIN! But he meant what he was about to show us was unusual for him. He wanted to show us his solar system mood light (my whole self burst with love for him when he did this).
He's laughing at himself the whole time he's setting it up, telling us his friend made fun of him, a 30 year old man with a mood light.
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In bed with Jimin:
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Versus in bed with Jungkook:
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This is one of the ways I see Jimin transitioning himself. I don't know what the specific catalyst is/was but he's pivoted from being a total privacy freak to now walking around his apartment and showing us various rooms.
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His dad's room when he comes to visit:
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Jungkook has stated how he grew up learning from the members. You can see that he's learned a lot specifically from Jimin. Well, I think it's Jimin's turn to learn from Jungkook how to show another side of himself in this less inhibited way. I don't expect a naked-in-bed live from Jimin anytime soon but just the fact he showed us even a glimpse of his bed:
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And then actually laid down on his bed and did this:
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It's fitting he has a realistic solar system mood light. He was into astronomy in school, right? And as I said in a previous post, it makes sense now why the moons on his back look realistic.
He responded to a few comments and one about his earring, he's wearing one in his left ear but the right one got infected so he took it out.
When asked what his plans were for activities he said this:
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[he said something that translated to "pondering" and I love him]
When asked to show his seven tattoos (behind his ear, his back, left elbow, right elbow, chest, wrist, finger) he said he posted it yesterday and he looked like an anchovy:
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That's my bias, a skinny little anchovy with a heart as big as the universe and a smile that rivals the sunniest day.
I just want this man to be happy in his life:
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Jiminie seems to be in control and thriving. I'm excited for him and my heart will break in a billion pieces when he leaves for enlistment. I know I will need to take the day off work (HOW CRAZY IS THAT??)
But sounds like he's going to show us/give us more before he goes and I feel very blessed that this one is my bias.
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stvharrngton · 11 months
a lesson in romantics; lesson two
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summary: a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love 🥀
a/n: lesson two is here! i'm going to try and update this at least once a week (hopefully!!!), if anyone would like to request any scenarios or tropes they would like to see in this series then please feel free to drop me an ask! <3
characters: steve harrington x fem!reader, robin buckley, nancy wheeler
word count: 1.1k
warnings: none
taglist: @inkluvs @dukesmebby @sweetbabygirlsworld @kennedy-brooke @pbs-theundeadmaggot @alana4610
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The rest of the school week went as normal. You got to know your kids a little better, figured out who was out to impress and who the trouble makers were. But you were looking forward to finishing for the weekend and to meeting your co-workers at the bar later. Just a little.
You were a little nervous too, you didn’t know who else was going to be there or if you would be stepping on any toes by being there. You hoped you wouldn’t be.
So when you walked inside the bar you couldn’t remember the name of you were pleasantly surprised to see Steve stood to attention, waving you over to their booth when he spotted you. 
You smiled shyly as you made your way over, Steve greeting you with a one armed hug which earned a surprised look from Robin to the person sat opposite her in the booth, which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Steve introduced you to that person, who turned out to be Nancy, Ms. Wheeler, who taught English at Hawkins High. She offered you a kind smile as you raised your hand in a wave, urging you to sit next to her as Steve made off to the bar to get the next round of drinks.
The evening went particularly normal, you all made small talk about the school and your week with each other, drinking cheap beer as the condensation from the cold bottles trickled down onto the wood table. 
You found yourself at the booth alone with Steve a little later on, Robin and Nancy off at the jukebox in the corner arguing over what Blondie song to put on. Taking a sip of your beer, Steve finally spoke.
“So,” he started, leaning in on his elbows, “tell me about yourself Miss Art Teacher.”
Rolling your eyes playfully at him before asking simply, “What do you want to know, Mr. Harrington?”
Conversation flowed easily with Steve, much easier than with people you had known for years, you found yourself thinking. It was never awkward, there were never any uncomfortable silences. It was quite the opposite actually - neither of you could shut up.
You felt like you had known each other for years - when in reality it was a little less than a week.
“What brings you to Hawkins, then?” was his next question.
“Oh, you know,” you sighed, “a fresh start and all that.”
He nodded with an understanding look on his face. A look that said you can tell me more, if you want, or nothing at all. But he wouldn’t judge if you made that choice.
“Shitty ex-boyfriend,” you shrugged, fingernails picking at the damp label on the bottle, “that about sums it up, I think.”
“I see,” Steve said with a nod, fingers reaching to brush over your forearm softly, “that sucks. I’m sorry.”
There was a beat of silence before Steve spoke again, “I can’t promise the gentleman pool of Hawkins will be any less shitty.” He said with a chuckle.
You burst out in a fit of giggles in response, a sound that made Steve beam from ear to ear. “Noted.” was all you could muster in reply.
Steve watched you with a giddy smile on his face as you excused yourself to use the bathroom. Unbeknownst to either of you, Robin and Nancy had been watching the whole scene before them unfold from their corner of the bar.
They shot straight back over to Steve as soon as he was alone, the pair sitting opposite of their friend like an interrogation. 
“What’s going on with you two?” Robin asked, eyes narrowing at her best friend across the table.
“Robs, what are you talking about?” Steve was dumbfounded, the accusatory look on his face all but said it, “Me and—?” he gestured towards the restrooms now, “We’re just friends, we’ve barely known each other a week!”
“Steve,” Nancy sighed.
And that’s when Steve knew he was in trouble. His actions had earned him that tone from Nancy Wheeler more than once. 
“Nancy, I—“
“You are head over heels for this girl, Steve,” Nancy began, looking Steve dead in the eyes.
“I am not!” Steve exclaimed in a hushed tone before Robin interjected.
She only rolled her eyes in response, “If anyone would know, it would be Nance.” she muttered under her breath, earning her a scowl from Steve.
“Look,” Steve groaned, “I like the girl, sure, but we’re just friends.” Steve was adamant and stubborn, despite what Nancy and Robin could see, “She’s new in town and I wanted to be nice and make her feel welcome at the school and if that’s such a crime then you two can bite me.”
Robin and Nancy shared a look before bursting out into a fit of giggles at Steve’s expense, both holding their hands up in innocence. Steve could only shake his head before pressing his forehead to his hand in agitation. 
Neither party had realised you had made your way back to the table to the scene unfolding before you, the details which you weren’t privy to. You awkwardly took the free seat next to Steve, who gave you a sheepish smile, a pleading look that said please don’t run away, this is totally normal.
“Ignore them, please,” Steve begged, chuckling under his breath, cheeks turning a little pink. 
It wasn’t much longer until you were all heading home for the evening, Nancy and Robin making their way together, leaving you and Steve standing outside the bar alone. 
“I better get going,” you said, finally breaking the silence between you two. Gesturing over your shoulder as you offered Steve a soft smile, “long weekend of lesson prep ahead of me.”
“I hear ya,” Steve replied, sticking his hands in the front pocket of his jeans, “I’m glad you came tonight, I hope you had fun?”
“Oh, for sure,” you nodded eagerly, eyes light and hopeful, “I had a great time.”
Steve returned the sparkle in your eye with one of his own, a cheeky expression playing with his features, “Maybe,” he started, eyes darting to look at the ground before they flitted back up at you, “maybe we could do it again sometime? Maybe without those two embarrassing me at every turn.”
“I’d like that.” you grinned up at him. You weren’t sure what it was about Steve, but he was enticing, his personality addictive. You liked being around him, you liked his jokes, no matter how bad they were. It didn’t scare you one bit that you’d only known him a week.
“Now, are you gonna let me be a gentleman and walk you home?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised with a smirk.
And you weren’t about to say no to that.
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Getting To Know You
michael afton x fem!reader
fandom: fnaf
Context: Y/n was quite the ‘Michael Afton Observer’ and she has come to the conclusion that he’s a strange one until she started to get to know him
A/n: I did a poll and Michael won said poll. Also semi following the lore bc I’m nothing but faithful to my source material. Hope you enjoy!
Fall 1982
You found the boy known to you as Michael Afton none other than odd. You honestly didn’t know why. Sure you have never talked to him personal, you just observed him from a far. He had a small group of friends though he seemed to be popular, yet he was much more of a loner most of the time. How do know that? Well, the two of you have many class together, where he’s mostly doodling in his notebook more than anything.
You’d look up from your notes you were taking in English and glance in his direction every so often and he’s always drawing something in there. You were curious yet you never had the courage or the opportunity to ask him. It’s not that you were shy or anything, you’ve just seen how he and his friends treat your other peers. Not getting opportunity to ask while in class is because Michael is always quick to leave as soon as the bell rings.
But today, you were determined. Your curiosity was getting the best of you and Michael well he just fascinated you. You walked into your English class earlier then you usually did and there you saw him, Michael, doodling his notebook. Hearing you walk into the classroom, he looked up from his notebook and looked at you.
“Um, hi.” You awkwardly waved at him.
Michael’s blue eyes scanned you, he knows you’re one of his classmates he just forgot your name. “Hey.” He said and repeated your wave gesture.
‘Progress!’ You thought as you made your way to your seat.
Michael watched you, his eyes trained on your every move until you plopped down in the desk next to him. Were you seriously always next to him? How come he never noticed? Maybe he was to busy trying to escape the world and ignore the teacher that he just never knew.
Michael shifted his eyes from you and back to his notebook and went back to the sketch he was working on. His attention to the sketch was cut short when you piped up.
“What are you always drawing in there?” You asked him.
He looked at you and scoffed at your question. “None of your business.” He said.
This time when he spoke, you noticed his British accent. It caught you a bit of guard more so than his rude tone.
“I’m just curious,” You said back. “I noticed you draw all time in class.”
Michael took notice of your words. “You watch me?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“No! I was observing!” You exclaimed.
“So, watching?” Michael replied.
“No!” You whined.
Michael chuckled at this. “You’re such a weirdo. I’m Michael.” He said.
“I know. I’m Y/n.” You said casually.
“You already know my name?” He asked.
“Yeah, why? Are you going to say I’m stalking you? Cause I’m not! We have several classes together you just don’t notice.” You said.
“Oh…” He trailed. This was news to him but to be honest, Michael knew he was loner without his group of friends and he doesn’t talk with other people unless he has to otherwise he keeps to himself. Yet you decided to talk to him, maybe he can make a new friend.
Winter 1982
Michael turned around after hearing his name being called. He saw you, bundled up in your puffy winter coat that looked a little too big on you. A small smile appeared on his face when he saw you. The two of you have become close in the last three months you started talking. He found he liked hanging around you more than his other friends yet you never mentioned you to them.
“Y/n, hey,” He waved as he met you halfway in the hallway. “That coat looks like it’ll swallow you whole.” Michael chuckled at his comment.
“Haha,” You rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled. “It was a hand-me-down from my brother that’s why I can practically swim in this.”
“You have a brother?” Michael asked. This is the first time you mentioned family members to him so he was taking his chances with asking you about about your brother.
“Yeah. He’s away at college. He calls the house every so often so I hear from him frequently. He’s coming home for Christmas though. My mom is very excited about it.” You said.
“Really? Are you excited to see him?” Michael asked.
You smiled and nodded. “Yeah, of course I am,” You said. “Hey, Mike?”
‘Mike? That’s new.’ Michael thought to himself. He never heard you use nicknames maybe it’s a sign that the two of you are close. He liked the nickname you gave him.
“Yeah?” He answered.
“Do you have any siblings?” You asked.
“Oh yeah. I’m the oldest and I have a younger sister and brother.” Michael said.
“That sounds like a full house.” You said.
Michael shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, it isn’t really.” He said.
“Oh come on, being a big brother has to be fun.” You said.
Michael frowned as he scrunched his face up at you. Are you serious? Well, he can’t really blame you for saying that since you are the younger sibling between you and your brother. But the look on his face didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“What’s that face for?” You asked him.
“Nothing, just… being the older sibling is not fun.” Michael said.
“For you maybe, my brother and I have good relationships.” You grinned proudly with your hands on you hips.
Michael rolled his eyes at you. “Let’s get to class, Y/n.” He said, ruffling your hair.
“Fine. You remembered to do the homework, right?” You asked him as the two of walked to English together.
“We had homework?!”
Spring 1983
Time passed and the season changed. As well as yours and Michael’s friendship. To the point that you have been begging him for him to let you go over to his place. Mainly because A). He’s been over to your house and met your parents and B). You wanted to the same. You wanted to meet your best friend’s family but he’s been denying your request and coming up with bullshit excuses.
“Come on, Michael please!” You begged him.
The two of you are hanging out by his locker, it was the end of the day and you weren’t taking “no” for an answer.
“No. How many times do I have to say it.” He said.
“You’re being unfair,” You exclaimed. “Why can’t I come over, Mike?”
“Because I don’t want you too.” Michael said.
“That’s not a reason,” You frowned, crossing your arms. “Tell me! Why can’t I come over?” You asked again.
Michael went completely silent, honestly he didn’t have a reason, well not a good reason. It’s just, his feelings towards have changed in the last couple of months. He feels a lot more tense around you, not that he’s uncomfortable but that he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you and at home, it’s his downtime, Michael is still a bit secretive about things and you respect that.
Though he’s been dodging this question since you started asking two weeks prior. Maybe he should just give in at this point, he doesn’t want you to be mad at him. Honestly, he doesn’t want to argue with you about something so petty.
Michael sighed, combing his hand through his hair. “I don’t have a reason why, y/n.” He said, he sounded a bit defeated.
This perked you up. “Really?” You answered.
He nodded his head as he looked off to the side away from your gaze.
“Soooo, I can come over?” You asked.
Michael shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Whatever.” He said.
“Yes! Thank you! I’ll see you this Saturday, Mikey! Don’t forget!” You exclaimed.
His face flushed pink at the nickname. ‘Wha?! Mikey?!’ He thought. Did you really just call him that with no hesitation.
“Y-Yeah, yeah. See you Saturday.” He muttered out.
“Great! Well I have to get home! See you then, Mikey!” You waved to him as you walked away from his locker and headed down the hallway.
There it was again. You called him Mikey again. Nobody calls him Mikey other than his younger siblings even his own mother. It made him feel strange, his heart skipped a bit. God, he’s fallen hard for you. You were just something, kind yet stubborn, tough yet gentle, smart and willing to ask questions. He thought he just admired you but no. His heart skips a bit when you’re around, whenever you smile or when he makes you laugh with a dumb joke he said.
He felt like he doesn’t deserve you yet that’s for you to decide.
Summer 1983
Once summer rolled around, Michael couldn't be more than happy. He never liked school that much more so going to class though he has to say that school this year wasn't so bad with you around. You make going to class less of a drag to him. But, sure had his other friends and you had yours, Michael felt that his friendship with you was more special in his eyes. Yet that comes down to his recently found feelings for you.
He's gone to your house and you've have gone to his. You've met each other's families. You hang out at the mall just the two of you, you beat him at video games at the local arcade. He wanted more. He wanted to tell you how he felt. But at the back of his brain he had 'what ifs', he had doubts. Would you feel the same?
He remembered when he first got his driver's license a month before, he remembered telling you, the smile on your face as you congratulating him with a big hug, telling him that you were excited to not walk everywhere, he laughed at you comment. He had recently got a car from his father (of all people) for his good grades (thanks to you of course). Holy shit, this was definitely his chance.
Grabbing his keys from his dresser, walking out of his room and downstairs with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Michael passed his mother who was in the kitchen with Elizabeth.
Elizabeth caught notice of her older brother as a glint of curiosity shimmered in her eyes as she watched him walk passed. She ran to the empty doorway of the kitchen and stopped him.
“Mikey? Where are you going?” She asked.
Michael ignored her when he yelled to his mother that he was going out as his mother said okay back. He looked to Elizabeth and said. “None of your business, shorty.”
Elizabeth brushed off her older brother’s comment. “It’s N/n, isn’t it?” She asked with a sly smirk on her face.
Michael’s face flushed. “N-No, No it’s not. You’re imagining things I’ll be back for dinner.”
Elizabeth laughed waving to him as he left. “Bye, Mikey!”
You heard the sound of a car horn outside of your house. You were slightly confused as you sat up from your bed. You walked over to your window, pulling back your curtains and that’s when you saw Michael, waving up at you leaning against his car. Your eyes widened as you waved back. You gestured to him that you’ll be down in a minute.
Grabbing a bag, you rushed down the stairs passing your parents in the living room, telling them that you’ll be out with Michael. With them telling you to be back before dinner.
Making your way outside and towards Michael with a smile on your face. He smirked as he leaned off his car and looked at you.
“Damn, Mikey. When did you get this?” You asked him looking at his car in awe. It was so shiny!
He smirked at your question. “Well, my father gave it to me a week ago.” He said.
You were surprised. “Bullshit!” You exclaimed with a smile.
“Bull-true!” Michael exclaimed back.
“Damn… no offense, Mike but your dad is… standoffish and prickly. Yet he gave you a car and a brand new one at that.” You said.
Michael chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck out of nervousness. “True, but he said it was proud of me with school this year so I deserved it.” He said.
“And who helped with that?” You asked with a smirk as you reached up to ruffle his hair.
Michael laughed as he tried to swat your hands away from his hair. “You did, you did! And thank you, N/n.”
You smiled proudly as you took your hands away. “So, what’s the plan today, my good sir?” You teased.
Michael rolled his eyes at you. “I though I could take you on a drive and maybe stop for ice cream, m’lady.” He said playing along with you.
“Sounds perfect, Mike.” You said with a smile.
Michael smiled back at you as he opened the passenger door for you. You thanked him as you hopped into the seat.
‘This is going well so far.’ Michael thought to himself. He had plan, he hoped when you spilled his feelings to you you’d feel the same.
After driving around, talking and getting ice cream, Michael drove to your hangout spot. You showed Michael this spot back in the spring just for peace and quiet. A hill in a grassy area not to far from the neighborhood. It was nice, Michael and you sometimes talked but most of the time you two just sit in a comfortable silence enjoying each other’s company.
That’s what you did this time but Michael was a bit more tense than usual and you took notice of this. You frowned as you placed your hand on his shoulder.
“You okay, Mike?” You asked him.
Your voice made the boy in question jump a bit startled as he whipped his head around to look at you.
“Y-Yeah,” He replied nervously. “I’m fine.”
You scowled at him. “No you’re not. You seem a bit tense and a wee bit nervous.” You replied.
Damn you’re good but he knew how observant you are. He hates you for it but he’s grateful for it too. Whenever you ask if he’s okay, he’s always willing to opening up and talk. Yet not this time.
He sighed. “You don’t say.” He replied.
“That’s all I get? Come on, Mike. What’s going on?” You asked.
“I, well, I… jeez, this is harder than I thought it would be…” He said in a low tone.
“What?” You said you were confused. He was never this tight lipped before.
“Mike, I don’t understand.” You said to him.
“Close your eyes.” He blurted out.
“Huh? Why do I have to close my eyes?” You asked in a confused tone.
“Just do it, please?” He asked with pleading eyes.
You couldn’t say no, you trusted Michael.
“Okay.” You said as you closed your eyes.
As soon as you shut your eyes, you felt something warm press against your lips. You scowled a bit in confusion as you opened your eyes. Your eyes widened in shock. Michael was kissing you gently on the lips. You didn’t know what to do but you kissed back leaning towards him. You’re finger tips brush the top of his hand as you placed your hand on top of his. Michael pulled away and he looked at you and smiled a bit.
“I really like you, Y/n. I feel that I can be myself around you. That’s why I love you, you’re everything a guy would want. You’re kind but stubborn, gentle but tough. I like that about you.” Michael said.
You blushed at his words. “I don’t know what to say. But, I’ve found that I’m very happy that you feeling the same as I do.” You said.
“Wait. You’re not messing with me are you?” Michael asked, he gripped onto you hand, squeezing it a bit.
“No, not this time. I’m being serious. I grew a crush on you even before I talk to for the first time.” You said, you chuckled a bit in embarrassment.
“What?! How come you never said anything? And how did I not notice?” Michael asked face-palming himself.
“Well, I guess I can hide my feelings pretty well. Or you’re just clueless.” You said teasing with your last comment.
“Okay, now you’re being a tease.” Michael replied with a smirk.
“Hey, I thought you loved me.” You said.
“I do love you.” Michael said.
“Good.” You said back.
Summer time love. Something that doesn’t last forever. Before his younger brother’s birthday party, you moved away, saying goodbye to the boy you loved.
Moving back to Hurricane. You thought you’d never see the day, though you had hopes that you’d return. It was your one goal once you became an adult. Mostly having the hope that you’d see the boy that had your heart and occupied your mind since you moved. Michael Afton. You had other boyfriends in your teen years and college years though they never compared to Mike.
Your neighbors were quiet friendly when you moved into your new house. They told you about your neighbor that lived next door to you. Said he worked the night shift at his job. Gee, that must suck. Though you have taken an interest in this next door neighbor of yours.
It took you a few days to get the guts to go over and introduce yourself but to say who it was, stunned you to your core.
Knocking at the door to his house, you heard a faint yell of a “coming” from behind the front door. You waited, slightly nervous as you rocked on the balls of your feet. You jumped a bit when the door opened and revealed a young man your age and he looked oddly familiar.
His blue eyes shifted to you, he had slight bags underneath his eyes must become of his night shift job. Your eyes widened and you gasped a bit.
The young man widened his eyes too as you said his name. When he looked at you, he knew there was something familiar about you. He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself.
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yulixi · 1 year
Together pt.1 | my
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Summary: Few people stop to observe and know about the friendship of Yoongi and solo rapper Y/N.
But since their collaboration on Yoongi's solo album was seen and also their presence at one of the rapper's concerts, for some fans it changed the way they see them together.
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader
Genres: Cute, fluffy, idol au, comfort.
sometimes i'm not good with english but i try to improve^^
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@/Yoonmeowmeow: Okay but let's remember the emotion with which Yoongi mentioned the entrance of someone special to him.
His big gummy smile and twinkling eyes, i just can't-
"Okay, now I welcome Y/N," the singer announced while looking at a part of the stage where a reflector suddenly lit up and the figure of the soloist could be seen.
The place was filled with emotion and on the big screen you could see the face of the young woman "hello army" the soloist spoke with emotion and began to approach Yoongi.
“I'm so excited that we can finally see each other in person” Yoongi laughed looking at the soloist in front of him and then at his fans.
"I'm happy to be here too" the young woman smiled "I could only wait and look at the clock with excitement every minute"
Yoongi just made a happy face and extended his arms to the singer in front of him and they joined in a cute hug.
He began to hear the screams of emotion.
The singers will separate looking at each other happily "Let's start with this" Yoongi said while still looking excitedly at the female figure.
The big stage was illuminated by the big screen.
The beginning of the song was heard and the fans showed their excitement for the song.
They sang their first song and first collaboration from the 2016 album Agust D, a quiet song but that maintains its beautiful meaning.
Before the song ended, you two looked at each other directly and with a smile.
And the song came to an end "That's a good song" you said, still smiling.
"Hmmm" Yoongi nodded happily "I still remember when we wrote it"
"I remember that" laughed the young woman covering her mouth
Suddenly everything went dark and I began to listen to their recent song, a fast rap song that gives a unique emotion.
Soon Yoongi's male voice was heard all over the place.
This is how the minutes continued and the rappers were excited.
"That was good" Yoongi spoke and you could see he was breathing heavily "i haven't felt this emotion for a while" affirmed the female looking at the fans
"Thank you for accompanying me on this adventure" the singer smiled broadly looking at her "You can always count on me" replied the short one
Before they said goodbye again, they gave each other a big hug that lasted a few long seconds and they looked at each other for the last time.
@/Yoonmeowmeow: Nice moments of them together, could they notice the looks they gave each other while they sang?!?!!
They are so cute together T.T
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If you like it, give me a like and reblog ^^
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part three
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A year and a few more months passed since that event, and it seemed that karma was taking its revenge.
That sweet lady who had given you a job in her real estate agency had died of a heart attack. Although at first it seemed that her children were going to take over the business, they all declared that none of them could since they already had their respective jobs. And so you were left without a job.
It was a very hard blow, not only the loss of your job, but also the death of that lady whom you considered a mother.
Although you had your savings, you hated the fact of being left without a fixed income, so you started looking for a job, but this time you had no luck. Many of the jobs were part-time, and you didn't like the idea of leaving Ryusei with someone else for so long. And the ones that weren't part-time, didn't want to hire you as soon as they heard you had a son who was almost two years old. And to top it off, none of them could offer you a salary even close to what you had when you worked at the agency.
"I don't know what to do" you said frustrated to Ieiri through the call, "Well, you always have a very reliable option to choose from" she told you, while you were preparing food for Ryusei, "Oh yeah? which one?", "You can always go back and practice as a teacher here" you let out a laugh, thinking she was joking, but you stopped when you realized she was serious, "Ieiri, it's not an option to go back, tell me, how am I going to show up at school with a two year old, who happens to look like a copy of my ex-boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, who it should be clarified also teaches there? it's crazy". Of course you had thought about going back, from the first moment you did, but you didn't have the guts to face Satoru and tell him the truth. "Y/n, are you seriously thinking of not telling him, you said it yourself, Ryu is a copy of his father and therefore, surely, he's going to have the same skills as Satoru, and that makes him the future heir of the Gojo clan", there was silence in the call and she spoke again "Besides you not only have to go back for that, you also have to claim your place in your clan, your father disappeared more than a year ago and you're still the only heir". You got a shudder when you heard that, you weren't interested in claiming anything and you didn't think it was right to do so either.
"Think about it, you know I can talk to Yaga-sensei and I'm sure he will be very happy to welcome you here again." Masamichi Yaga, besides having been your teacher, was like a dad to you, he always understood you and helped you in everything, you remembered how Satoru always bothered you saying that Yaga-sensei had a preference with you and it wasn't a lie.
"Okay, I'll think about it" you told her, "Alright, I'll call you later, say hi to my cute nephew" she replied. "When he stops eating and pays attention to me, I'll tell him you said hi" you heard her laugh on the other end of the line, "Bye Ieiri" and they both hung up.
You walked over to your son and stroked his white, slightly messy hair, but he continued to eat and watch a children's program on the TV. "Hey Ryu" he finally looked up at you, his big little eyes that seemed to reflect the sky, just like his father's, and the corner of his mouth a little smeared with food, almost killed you with tenderness, "Would you like to go live near Aunt Ieiri?" you asked him and his eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, and a smile formed on his face, showing his little teeth, "Yes, yes!" he replied. Ryusei adored Shoko, even though he didn't know her in person, he loved talking to her on video call and loved when she sent him toys as gifts.
Even though you were so scared, you made up your mind. You were going back to Japan. You needed work and maybe it was time to face the problems you left behind when you ran away.
And mostly, it was time to tell Satoru the truth.
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Hii, I am very happy for the support I am receiving and I thank you very much🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I was just dropping by to tell you that the question box is open for any request you want to ask me!
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sugarmouchie · 7 months
hello valentine! how are you? i hope life is being kind to you! i heard that your request is open, so i try to send something :D hopefully this isn't too much!
may i request haitham with inazuman fem!reader? let's say they met because she's pursuing education in akademiya. once she graduates, she spends some times working in sumeru. but of course, one day she need to go back to inazuma again. how are their long distant relationship look like? do he visit her sometimes? bonus point if she's the opposite of him, like emotional and sunshine type person (but not as loud as kaveh! no shade to him tho, i lobe him xD). of course you can adjust this request as much as you want~ no pressure at all xD
i think that's it! i'm sorry if i make grammarical mistakes or anything, english is not my mother tounge. but still, thanks in advance, dear valentine! 💖
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a/n. so sorry this took a while to get to :') im trying my best to catch up with my inbox i promise, other than that,, thank you for the request anon! <3 i’m sick but i’m getting better !! :)
cw. fem!reader, reader is from inazuma, a bit of angst in the beginning (?), mentions of scara (my beloved), cyno, tighnari, kaveh and other characters, i got sorta lazy at the end LOL this was just supposed to be a little time after time fic ig? if that makes any sense like something happens then another thing happens i guess? idk LMAO
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"you realize i won't be able to stay for long, right?" your weary voice catches onto his ears when you begin to speak.
with a facepalm, alhaitham replies, "of course, kaveh’s coming home soon so you’d have to go," alhaitham replies, to which you chuckled about.
"well," you pause, "that's not what i meant."
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"haitham! stop rummaging through my papers!" you squeak when he attempts to help you, mentally face palming yourself.
"[name]," he looks at you, "people like to help each other, everyone's gotta help someone else some day."
ah, here he goes again.
you giggle.
"okay, okay," you roll your eyes in a playful manner, "well, go check up on kaveh, he's practically screaming your name at this point."
"i'd rather stay here with you," he interrupts.
does he know what will happen?
those words sent shivers down your spine.
yes, you two were in a healthy, established relationship, but what he does not know is that you took his words a completely different way.
all of a sudden, you hear someone walking over to the two of you, alhaitham right beside you instantly assuming it was kaveh.
"hey, you kids gotta go, the bell rang already."
...apparently not.
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"stop thinking so hard about it [name]," alhaitham interrupts your train of thought.
"nothing's gonna happen either way, you do realize that if you don't get into [desired career], then there's multiple other options you have in here. we went here for a reason, right?"
...ah, his smart self always seemed to cheer you up, always enough to get rid of every thought in your brain possible, just like when he comforted you when you were panicking about what seemed like fifty different school assignments back in high school.
"let me help you," alhaitham spoke, instantly swiping the papers out of your hands.
"but-!?" you insist, but not quick enough since alhaitham was already looking for his glasses, the ones that kaveh gave him since he changed careers in high school.
"no 'but's," he interrupted you once more, your insists practically flying out of the already freezing cold window that was still going because of how hot it was inside your apartment.
back in the present time, he was tapping on the side of your head like it was a solid rock, but trying his best to be careful with you.
"you always zone out," alhaitham starts once more, interrupting your train of thought once more.
"and you always interrupt me," you roll your eyes, scoffing at him.
"you didn't even say anything though."
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after you and alhaitham’s graduation, you’d decided that you would work in sumeru, with the special occasions of helping out alhaitham too.
"cyno! stop kicking sand onto me!" you laughed, trying not to get sand in your eyes as you were cleaning up the eremites' base.
“where’s tighnari?” you suddenly ask.
"he's on his way, he was dehydrated not too long ago until scaramouche gave him water," he replied, thinking back to the time he had to hand over the water that scaramouche gave him to tighnari who could barely even stand, breathing heavier than usual.
after that, he knew tighnari would take longer than expected to come visit both of you.
scaramouche, having just obtained the crown and lost it, he was more unmotivated than usual so you all knew that he wasn't going to come, considering how stubborn he was and how he refused requests almost all the time.
...and of course, kaveh was stressed out again.
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after months and months, here you were, wking on the streets of inazuma with none other than kaveh, alhaitham’s stubborn roommate.
“do you know when you’ll be able to go back to sumeru?” kaveh suddenly asks you, to which you whipped your head to the left to look at him.
“erm… well, i did tell him that i’d have to leave one day but,” you paused, “he didn’t… understand.”
“what do you mean?” kaveh questioned with a gasp to which you let out a small laugh about.
“well, i told him a year ago that one day i’d have to leave and he instantly thought it was about you coming over so i would have to leave,” you replied, trying your best to explain to alhaitham’s blonde friend.
“well i guess that’s just how life works,” kaveh sighed, trying to attempt an emotional facade.
you laughed again.
ever since that day, you’ve met some people along the way of your journey back in your hometown, inazuma.
the summer shade of inazuma under certain sakura trees caught your attention when you were walking with ayaka.
the sight reminded you of how things would go downhill but alhaitham was always there with you.
the shade representing your emotions, and the petals representing alhaitham being by your side.
you thought it was cheesy, letting out a small giggle from it to which ayaka questioned you about.
she was the girl who had always thought you were different from any other person in inazuma, since you’ve never told her that you were previously in sumeru for a long period of time.
you looked over to her, your view meeting her confused face.
“…ayaka, i’m fine,” your weary tone of voice spoke.
and ever since that day, you and alhaitham always called over any devices that ayaka and thoma made for you.
thoma, having always practiced forging with ayato, has taken a very long time trying to make certain souvenirs for you and other trinkets.
you could never thank him enough for the device that he made for you in order to call alhaitham.
however, you never told thoma that you were in a relationship with a man from sumeru.
so when you told him, he was shocked.
to say the least.
“AND YOU NEVER TOLD US THAT PART!?” he practically screamed.
“i knew you would act like this,” ayato came up from behind.
and well, so in conclusion, you and alhaitham’s relationship was… pretty much perfect!
the only downside was that you could never find ways to convince ayato to drive you back to sumeru, but you had your ways to convince him.
“alhaitham, hi!” thoma yelled, seeing his camera on screen from a few meters away behind you.
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms please and thank uu 🤍
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ledalasombra · 11 months
My not so normal little sister
Chapter 4 - Friends until the end
New York 5 years ago
"Don't worry mama, everything is fine here. My meeting with Edna will be in the afternoon and now I'm going to central park…." She frowned briefly when she heard her mother's answer on the other end of the line, then replied "okay, don't worry… we'll talk when I get back from the meeting. I love you too… au revoir "
Marinette left the building as soon as she finished talking to Sabine on the phone. She had been in New York for a week and it was the first time she would venture out into the streets of the big city alone. She was lucky to got an exchange program for her senior year of high school and the teenager was excited about the internship she got with Edna Mode. So excited that she barely noticed the person who came running as soon as she left the building, causing both of them to bump into each other, spilling all the coffee she was holding all over them.
“Merde, comme je suis inattentif ! Êtes-vous bien? mille pardons pour cela..." She stopped to observe the boy who was looking at him strangely, not understanding what she had said.
“Sorry, I didn’t understand what you said…”
Marinette was immediately embarrassed by the guy, realizing she hadn't spoken English “sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I spilled all the coffee on you. Everything is fine? Did you get hurt?"
Peter looked at the young woman in front of him. He was surprised that he hadn't sensed her presence before impact, something his senses prevented from happening. He stared at her as if she'd grown another head. Realizing that he was staring at her, he glanced at the clock widening his eyes and realizing that he was late for the internship interview he had scheduled.
"I'm late and I won't be able to go home and change for the interview" Peter said running a hand through his hair. “I'm fine miss, don't worry, events like that happen. Are you well? Did you get hurt in any way?”
“I'm fine, thanks, but I can't let you go out like this, even more so with an interview to do” she spoke looking at the boy's clothes, pressing his lips together and taking a deep breath. It was her fault and she needed to fix the problem she caused.
"Ahn, I'll be going then, I'm already very short of time..." Peter started to speak but was cut off by Marinette.
“I know we don't know each other but I can't let you leave like that for your interview either… My name is Marinette Dupain - Cheng and I live here” she said pointing to the building behind him and extending his hand to shake  “Let me at least fix what I did? I can’t be responsible for you missing an opportunity…”
"My name is Peter Parker, you aren’t from around here, are you?" He commented briefly, squeezing her hand and not giving her time to respond, “I can't accept this miss…”
"Don't be silly, I won't allow you to go to an internship interview like that.. " She took his hand and pulled him towards the building… "I'll help you, it's only fair after I ruined your outfit"
'Time passes and one thing remains constant: Marinette Dupain - Cheng can't be on time even if her life depends on it' the young woman thought, running towards the stairs and, as always in her life, obviously she was late on her first class day. Lucky for her (so much for being the lucky miraculous holder) she had already picked up her schedule the previous afternoon. The biggest problem at the moment would be getting to class on time “argh” she mumbled looking inside the school not knowing where to go, until she felt someone bump into her shoulder.
“Could you… Peter! I didn't know you studied here. Good to see you! How was the interview? Did you get the internship?” Marinette spoke as soon as she saw the young man at the entrance of the school where she was going to finish her senior year. She was relieved to find someone who could perhaps give her some direction on where to go...
“Marinette? Wow... what are you doing here? Is this where you got your exchange?” he said adjusting the backpack on his back that had almost fallen
"Yes! How lucky to find you here… think you can help me? I'm kind of lost here, it's my first day” she said excitedly.
“Of course, I'll take you to your class, it's the least I can do for the help you've given me. By the way, I passed the interview and got the internship" He commented, taking the schedule from her hands and walking beside her… “We have a few classes together, including this first one. Come on, I'll show you around here later..."
"Congratulations on the internship! And thanks for the tour. It's good to know I can count on you!" She said smiling with a mix of nervousness and hope, following him closely, almost a step away.
"Whenever you need it..." replied the boy, looking at her as he held the door for her to go through first.
Present day - Paris 9:30am
Marinette had just entered the room. She started to remove her earrings, seeing Tikki Sass and Long talking in the corner of the room. She stopped next to Luka and Kagami, taking a deep breath as if she was trying to gather her courage.
“You know what you need to do, if something happens…” she spoke in an agitated way being cut off by Luka who placed a hand on her shoulder
“It's going to be okay, you need to calm down. Are we going to take care of everything, or do you not trust us?” he smiled slightly watching the youngest make a line with her lips.
“Thank you, I know I can count on you…” she hugged him and then her friend who was beside her, smiling slightly. She was going to make a comment, however she saw the Kwamis hide and the door opened right after. She didn't have long to register what was happening, when she was nearly thrown back by the force of the hug she received. She only really understood when she heard the boy call her name.
“Mars! Did you really think you were going to get rid of me…” Peter spoke as he hugged her tightly;
“I couldn't even if I wanted to… and this time I really tried” he replied a little muffled, feeling tears gather in his eyes. She stopped to look at her friend closely, smiling slightly at him. "I missed you…"
“Me too, you stubborn. You should have given me the details of the surgery, I could have been here sooner. And it doesn't even come with that one that ‘I didn't want to disturb.’ We are in this together!” He said not letting her say anything, he pulled away a little giving her a light kiss on the forehead. “Your parents are outside talking to the doctors…”
“I figured you came with them… Let me officially introduce you.” she said pulling away and turning to Luka and Kagami “I know I already introduced you online, but this is the first time you've seen each other in person. Kagami, Luka, this is Peter Parker, a good friend from New York. We worked together a few times on some projects and the whole tech part is usually he who saves me.” she smiled, watching her friends get to know each other better.
“We'll let you talk a little bit before your parents and the medical team come in. Everything will be fine Mari, remember that luck is always on your side!” Luka commented as he hugged her.
“We'll be here when you get back.” Kagami completed, hugging her next.
"I know." She responded, reassuring the two that she was aware of everything they both felt and wanted to go through. She waited for the two to leave and turned her attention to Peter.
“I need you to have my cell phone. He texted me at dawn saying he would try to be in Paris tomorrow…” she spoke nervously “what if he doesn't like me or thinks I want something from him? Did I do the right thing?”
“Mars, relax and take it slow… what are you talking about?” Peter smiled looking at her curiously.
“Timothy Drake. He's one of my clients” she ran a hand through her hair nervously “I told him about our mothers and he said he'd look into it. He believed in me Peter” she sighed and paused." We talked via email and I gave him my number.” She said handing over the cell phone with the exchange of messages between the two "he wants to do a DNA test and I don't know what to do with all this right now"
“Calm down, everything will be fine. I'll keep it and if by chance he decides to show up, I'll take care of everything. Did you tell Aunt Sabine?” He spoke as he read through the emails.
“No…I also told him that my parents don't know yet. What if this all goes wrong Peter?”
"It won’t. Let's solve one thing at a time. You can't be nervous now, let me take care of it and you calm down, ok? I'm here with you until the end” he smiled lightly hugging her.
“Thank you, you don't know how much this already helps me…”
“I see that you are very well accompanied, miss” the two walked away looking at the doctor who was entering the room with her parents “however, I think we should start the preoperative procedures, so as not to delay.”
Marinette took a deep breath going to her parents and hugging them tightly, then returning her attention to the doctor in a determined way "Let's get this over with!"
It didn't take long for all the preoperative procedures to be completed, including the shaving of part of her hair, in the region where the procedure would be performed. She took a deep breath, trying to put her anxiety and nervousness aside, saying goodbye to her parents before heading to the operating room. Her last thought before the anesthesia took effect was that this would not be the first and not the last time that her life would be in the hands of fate.
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the-bittera-one · 1 month
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Chapter Keywords: Another attempt of fluff was made, childhood friendship recount, wonky english Chapter CWs: Implied sex, light mention of bullying, alcohol consumption, a squishmallow was traumatized in this fic. Prev - Main - Next
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2. Phlox
The sound of a door opening and closing echoed through an occupied kitchen. The person inside, who was busy drying some cups with a cloth, calmly turned around. She already knew who was the one that entered. And because of it, her lips had naturally curved into a smile even before settling her eyes on the brown-haired man that looked like he had been caught red-handed.
"Miguelito! Here to hang out with my spawn, I suppose." Said the older woman, who looked friendly and at ease thanks to the laugh lines on her mature and beautiful face, not at all bothered by the younger man's sudden trespassing.
Your mother was a kind person, but reserved with those she was not close to. And that specially the case if you were involved in the equation.
In the beginning she had treated Miguel with caution. It wasn't anything to do with him, really, he was just a child at the time, but his household's (or more precisely, his parents') reputation was not something that could be simply dismissed.
She feared for you at first, but after a few years had passed she came to realize that he was harmless; a victim of his environment, yes, but not impressionable enough to let it dictate his behavior towards you and others, or even towards his own future.
He was a kind one, studious and patient, specially with you who sometimes had uncontrollable bursts of chaotic energy. Your occasional "zoomies", as you both had named them. But he was also determined and caring, brave enough to confront whatever bully crossed your path, even if that meant his frail and weak body was going to bear the brunt of it.
"Yeah… We're, uh… going to… that… thing…" With a poor attempt at lying, he replied. Listening to himself made him wince, knowing that his lack of familiarity with the action was causing him to perform terribly at it.
Ah, he was also honest… to a fault.
But luck was on his side, because as caring as your mother was, she also had her flaws. One of which was that once she started trusting someone, that trust was rarely questioned, unless major inconsistencies began to show.
And your mother trusted him. A lot.
So she just smiled, her eyes going back to the cup and cloth as she spoke. "Go upstairs. And be quick, my husband went shopping a while ago, I'm sure he'll be back soon."
A cold ran down his spine. Your father was the complete opposite of the woman before him. Many said he had the personality of a golden retriever.
And he did, he was such a lovable and high-spirited man that put your own chaotic energy to shame. Even Miguel himself had agreed with that comparison...
At least until you hit puberty, and then your father went from viewing Miguel as your friend to viewing him as a bespectacled wolf who could take his baby away in a heartbeat.
To say that your father was protective was a sickening, gross understatement. So the first thing Miguel did after hearing the news was to scramble up the stairs and hastily push open your bedroom door with a
"…. Dude, what the fuck?" You said, arms up and stuck inside a shirt, leaving most of your torso exposed. He had just caught you in the middle of a shirt change, but you didn't seem as startled as any other person would have been considering the situation.
"No time, put that shirt on before I drag you out half dressed." He said as he picked up your bag and pushed you towards the door from behind.
"Are you really going to let everyone see me like this?" You replied, waving your shirt-bound arms for emphasis.
That, not surprisingly, did made him stop.
But not for propriety's sake, oh no. One look and it wouldn't take to be a person who had an English accent and used the term "mind palace" to figure out that you had been ravaged recently.
Those dark pretty spots on your waist and chest were as bad liars as he was.
And if your father were to see it-
So he let go of your bag, making it fall to the ground and then helped with sliding your shirt down to its rightful place, one that covered all the sins he had committed with you over and over again.
Besides, he wasn't keen on anyone else looking at something he was just starting to enjoy.
The quick footsteps of two people descending the stairs were what followed, accompanied by a hasty "Bye Mom!" and then the slamming of the front door as you two made your escape.
That was the last thing the older woman heard before breaking into a fit of giggles.
The thing was…
No one really knew what was actually going on with you two.
Yes, you were still spending time together. And yes, things between the two of you were becoming more and more ambiguous over time.
You hadn't really talked about what had happened that sunny afternoon. Or the mornings/afternoons/evenings/midnights that followed.
The lack of formality didn't stop your little fling though; your intimate encounters continued, becoming more frequent, more intimate, and more risky.
You were friends and you were not. You were lovers and you were not. You weren't keeping it secret, but you weren't making it public either.
Your relationship was Schrodinger's cat, its status uncertain until the fragile box in which it was contained was opened, revealing either Pandora's curse or the most sublime of joys.
So instead of finding out if the cat was dead or alive, you chose to pretend that everything was just the same, even as you kept screwing under the sheets, or on his desk, or on his parents' kitchen counter, or even inside the car the two of you just got into.
People did have suspicions, like your mother, who had just finished drying cups and was now drying plates instead, or your father, who was just entering the house, carrying bags and more bags filled with groceries with him. But those suspicions had been there even before anything had happened.
In fact, they had been there ever since you became teenagers.
So, in a sense, no one actually knew what was really going on. The only ones who knew the truth were you, him, and your poor flattened Axolotl Squishmallow who to this day remained there, in the corner of your bed while facing the wall ever since that day.
The dates you had together were mainly focused on having a good time. And just like now, he would drive you to a place where you'd perform your usual hanging out routine: talking, bantering, playing with your phones (or the game machines if you were at the arcade), stealing each other's food and gossiping even after you both said that activity was beneath your extraordinary minds, and giggling when he finished the session with a "pero quiénes somos nosotros para juzgar" (but who are we to judge).
Of course, there were a few things thrown into the mix that weren't there before, like you deliberately using clothes that were easy to get under and then discarded, or him needing to bring wet wipes and some little square packets made out of aluminum foil, or both of you needing to eat mints before going home to keep the smell of certain fluids from clinging to your breath.
But it felt like it wasn't enough. It was never going to be when it came down to him. Which is why your friendly time together was sometimes clandestinely continued under the veil of the night, and maybe even under the covers of your bed.
Your plushy still faced the wall while your pillows were riddled with bite marks. The walls of your bedroom were ticker than his, after all.
Vacations were getting shorter and you began to hang out a lot more, as if you felt your time together was coming to an end. For some strange reason, you had a bad feeling about the next semester…
Maybe it was the dread of knowing the amount of academic load that was waiting for you.
As much as you loved having made it into this specific college, the assignments, tests, and other crap were already beginning to weight on your mind.
That was why you were now lying on the verdant grass of a park in the middle of a beautiful afternoon, hangovered and wearing the same clothes you'd grinded on Miguel the night before at a party.
How did you get there, you ask? Let's just say it all started with a trip to a board-game-themed bar with a very unethical owner who was willing to offer alcoholic drinks without the requirement of an ID and a bet on who could do more damage at a party thrown by one of your ex-classmates you planned to crash.
It was wildly uncharacteristic for both of you.
But then again, you had both been acting out of character for quite some time.
The cold can that suddenly touched your eyelids brought you back to the present, and your hands went for it as Miguel's retreated.
"Do you feel better now?" He asked, concern coloring his tone.
You grunted as a response, the weight of your own body felt so heavy that it crushed whatever desire you had of replying verbally.
That, and the spinning of your head.
You were the one who came up with the idea for the bet, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that you were 4 drinks in when you placed it.
Why were you doing this to yourself? Had you finally awakened your wild child phase that your parents had dreaded so much when you hit puberty, but which never came?
"Should I take you hom-"
"No," you finally replied.
And have your time with him cut short? Not a chance.
So you sat up as more pained groans escaped from you.
"I'm fine, see?"
Your voice came out hoarse, worse than your Aunt Rita's who had spent 5 of her 7 decades on this earth smoking like an overworked steam train.
You guessed that cigarettes did make her healthier than a horse just like she proclaimed. She had managed to outlive her 4 husbands after all.
The can between your hands made a sizzling sound as the tab was discarded. A peachy scent accompanied the smell of fresh greenery that surrounded you. Your eyes went back to him, who looked as handsome as ever, even after such a long night.
"I… went too far last night, sorry." Your apology came out mumbled as your eyes went back to your opened drink, the fragrant bubbles not enough to distract you from the sense of guilt you were experiencing.
"I know you're not much of a party person, and yet-"
His deep laugh distracted you from your self-deprecating session, and your attention returned to him as he flashed those canine teeth that normally put you on edge, especially when they sunk into the skin of your neck.
"Don't worry, it was fun. I don't know what you're doing with all that booze, though."
You groaned again.
Right, the booze… it hurt to think about it. Of course, you had managed to steal the entire liquor cabinet's content without that idiot of Allen McNamara noticing.
His stupid ass was way too focused on the lap dance he was receiving from a drunk girl who was clearly not old enough to be there.
Had you had more time, you would have stolen his parents aifryer too. He deserved it, being one of the guys who had bullied Miguel for years just because he refused to do his math homework. Was algebra really that hard?
"Sell it? There's way too many bottles for me to give them all away," you said, pointing to your tote bag, which was filled to the brim with bottled goods whose labels were unrecognizable to your penniless self.
But before the conversation could continue your phone vibrated as a notification chimed in. You read the text, which was from your parents who were checking in to make sure you were safe and sound and in the park, just as you had told them an hour ago.
A reply was sent, reassuring and promising to return early this time, but as you locked your phone, your eyes caught today's date.
It weighed on you how little time you had left before you had to go back to campus.
4 days to be exact.
You must have turned into a bear with the amount of grumbling you had been doing today.
" Everything okay?"
You felt a presence shuffle to your side and a warm hand on yours.
"Yeah, yeah…" The sigh that left you sounded defeated, which was why Miguel used his other hand to pull your head back to rest on his shoulder. "…classes are about to start again."
Miguel chuckled. "Is it so bad for you to have to go back?"
His carefree attitude made you pout, a little resentful that he didn't feel as down as you were feeling right now.
"Hey, hey…" He said as he placed your head back on his shoulder after you had tried to straighten up. "It's not that bad, we can still hang out."
Your cheeks flushed red, a little embarrassed that he had read you so easily after you tried to disregard the real reason of your fluctuating emotions. What bothered you the most was not the huge amount of academic work that waited for you, but the notion of not being able to spend time with him as often as you did now.
Still, his words comforted you.
But his smile stopped, as did the comforting stroke of his hand on your head. You even felt it tremble as he removed it.
Not comforting at all.
"…Wait here," he said before leaving your side to get up.
Once standing, you saw him awkwardly pat his pants pockets, front and back, then pat his chest through the blue sweater he refused to take off even if the sun was blasting down.
"Fuck…" He muttered, his tone growing increasingly desperate.
"Miguel, what…?"
His hands went under the woolen sweater, patting the pockets of his blue and white striped button-down shirt. He seemed to have finally found what he was looking for as he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
You began to worry as the seconds passed and he remained motionless. With your mouth open, you were about to say something. But then he turned abruptly, making you jerk back while still sitting on the grass.
And yet there was another pause.
"I… have something to tell you." His voice was the one that cut you off this time. But as your head tilted to the side with a puzzled look, all air left your lungs as you saw him drop to one knee.
"I… I know I don't have enough money to get you a better one, and, God, rings are so expensive, and this might not be the best time or way to do it, and I might scare you off by asking, so I don't want you to take it too seriously if you don't want to, but-"
He seemed to catch himself rambling on for he stopped. Closing his eyes, a shaky sigh escaped as he tried to compose himself.
You would have said something if not for the small box his hands held out to you, capturing your attention and making every nerve in your body quiver.
It was wooden and shaped like a book, but seemed too rustic to have been made to order.
"We've known each other for so long. And, and…"
It was then when you noticed the bandages covering his fingers, and you remembered that they had been there for days.
Maybe even a weeks.
His sonorous swallow was scarcely enough to jolt you out of your frozen state, but it did the trick as your eyes returned to him.
The blush on his cheeks and the sweat forming under his hairline were enough to convince you that he was just as nervous and probably as close to passing out as you were.
"We… We've been partners- friends since we were kids. I keep going back to the day you threw your pencil at me for snoring too loudly during nap time."
A shaky laugh left you, but the tears didn't let you see straight.
"You… You've been in my head. Not just lately, but for a long time. And this summer has made it clear- that I'm too enchanted by you to let you go. So- so, please…"
The box opened to reveal a pair of modest looking rings with stones so small and bands so thin they looked as if they might bend with the slightest force placed on them.
But it didn't concern you. Not because you were wearing rose-colored glasses that were product of infatuation...
But because the filter had already been ingrained in your brain years ago.
"Yes, yes!" You shouted, ignoring the fact that the volume of your own voice was making your head hurt a little. He didn't need to finish, because you threw yourself at him, making the both of you crash against the green ground.
Your combined laughter surely attracted the attention of many passers by, but the two of you didn't care as you kissed and hugged one another. The PDA had to be cut short or your wandering hands could land you at a police station for public indecency.
So, forced by the fear of having to pay a fine, you both sat up, still laughing while looking silly. The hand he had on the back of your waist went to the box that his other hand was fortunately still holding. With your thighs straddling his, he slid the fragile-looking ring into your finger, then the other one into his own.
"It's a promise ring," he said, wanting to clarify the reason for its cheap appearance. "I'll get you something better soon, I promise."
Another giggle rang through the air, yours.
"Don't worry about it. I'm happy with it, really." Your lips landed on his cheek to reassure him, he seemed a little insecure about the rings while you just wanted to kiss him dumb.
He didn't seem convinced, but dropped the subject when he saw your sincere smile and felt your loving hug.
You were sure now, and as a wise philosopher from your time had said, that sandbox love never died.
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thesheelfsworld · 2 years
Trust me or f*ck off
Warning: mild swearing
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x reader; Thorin's Company x reader
Summary: Being an outsider, it was expected that the dwarves were doubtful of you, but they should at least let you do your job!
Author's Note: As always, English is not my first language, so please be nice and enjoy!✨
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If you are interested, here are part 1, part 3.
Walking away was the right decision because as soon as I stepped away, tears started rushing down my face. I hated crying, and I hated the reason I was crying. 
I wandered deeper into the forest, and soon enough, anger became exhaustion. I was tired from all the traveling, and being on guard all the time. Tired of being looked at with doubt, and having my skills questioned. 
It was a shame because I really did like the dwarves -those few sweet moments where they opened up. In all my years of traveling, I have learned some bits and pieces about dwarven culture and found it fascinating. I had hoped to learn more on this quest, but oh well. 
I had also learned the story of Thorin Oakenshield long before I arrived at Bilbo’s house all those weeks ago. The prince of a fallen stolen kingdom, who had to watch his grandfather die a terrible death and his father be lost to his grief. The prince who had to step up to find his people a new home. Once upon a time, I had been excited to meet him.
Not anymore. 
Looking back at it now, and with anger still flowing in my heart, that dwarf was nothing but a 150-year-old bastard who smelled like a wet warg’s ass from being in the woods for so long. Maybe that is why he acts like such a beast, he has finally blended with his surroundings. 
I let out a defeated sigh. What am I to do now? If I go back, there is a high chance a fight will start again for I am still mad and dwarves suck at apologies, or at least I am sure Thorin does. His idea of an apology would be something along the lines of  “sucks that you felt that way about us taking care of you” or a simple “unfuck you” probably.
Where was I? Oh yes, mulling my options. Well, I could always leave, although I am contractually obligated to this quest … and I could not do that to them. Damn, being the bigger person was hard. 
The sun was beginning to set and the light of a few stars shone through the darkening sky. A cold breeze picked up and I felt rushed to make a decision. Losing daylight was both good and bad when making a hasty departure. If I were to leave, the darkness would hide my absence from them until morn. Of course, I would prefer to not leave like a thief in the night, but I also do not want to see their faces as I go, scoffing at the cowardly human woman who could not handle their adventure.
However, my thoughts were interrupted by soft footsteps and crunching leaves. I stood with my back to the newcomer, still not ready to face whoever had joined me. 
“I do not mean to upset you any further, I have just come to apologize. We started on the wrong foot, and that is probably our fault.” 
I was not surprised they sent Fili to talk to me. Of all the dwarves, he had been the one who spoke to me the most. In total, we talked five times, and three of them were about needing more firewood, so yes, one could say we were very close. Gods, sarcasm seems to come easy to me today.
Truthfully, I was not very moved by his attempt to fix things. His apology did very little to lessen my anger, but it was an apology nonetheless and it was as good as it would get. 
Without turning, and with no intention of continuing this conversation, I hummed uninterested in reply. Fili, however, was not deterred. 
“We did not mean to make you feel that way. And for what is worth, I do not think you are weak. In the time I have known you, you have defeated all of your opponents and gained nothing but a few scratches when most of us have already been wounded at least once.”
I would have loved to tell him that that was because I have barely been in any of those battles, but at this point, it would have been going in circles. I already spoke my mind, and he was simply trying to make me feel better. 
“Thank you, Fili. You can go back now.” 
Although I appreciated his apology, I still wanted to be alone. Words could mean nothing, and so far their actions have said the opposite. 
Fili stood there for a bit. I could tell he was not sure what to do; I had dismissed him but he had not gotten the answer he had expected. Yet, he slowly turned and made his way back to the group. 
With a few deep breaths, I decided to go back to camp. After all, my belongings were there, and I knew it was not wise to make any decisions when one was so emotionally affected. 
With my best neutral expression and a steady pace, I rejoined the company. Silence settled among the travelers as soon as I came into view and nobody moved. As if I had noticed nothing, I made a beeline to my belongings, grabbed my daggers and my sharpening stone, and settled against the farthest tree. Without looking at anyone, and desperately trying to not show any emotion, I began my nightly ritual of caring for my weapons. Slowly, movement around camp picked up again, minus the usual chatter. Good, I am glad I stirred them up enough to silence them a bit. 
Of course, my enjoyment was short-lived and brought to an end by no other than -you guessed it, our most beloved leader.
“I would like to speak with you, about earlier.”
“I don’t think so.” My voice remained steady, my answer short and final. If I had to make a wild guess based on his sharp breathing, I would say His Majesty was not pleased with my answer.
“I advise we both walk a bit and discuss what transpired. Sitting and scowling at others like children will fix nothing,” there it was again, comparing me to little children and complaining about scowling. Him. It was laughable. 
“Thorin, I swear, if you do not step back, this is going to get very disrespectful very fast.”
Balin, always the mediator, came to his king’s aid as fast as lightning.
“Now lass, do not mind him; words are not his forte, as you already know.” Thorin’s scoff could not have been more evident, but seeing every other dwarf and hobbit looking at him with scrunched eyebrows made him snap his mouth closed. 
“We would all like to apologize to you for how we made you feel. You see, dwarves are usually born male; we have very few dams, so we treasure them dearly. Of course, they are not treated as delicate flowers, dwarrowdams are strong, determined, and as stubborn as any dwarf should be, so we have no excuse other than our culture’s care of women and a bit of prejudice toward humans being more um… easily harmed.” Weaker, your mind provided.
“I understand, but I think that is quite enough. I cannot continue being treated like this, otherwise what good am I doing to this company? Why am I here?” Maybe giving them some perspective will help, and an ultimatum “If this goes on, I will leave, find myself another job and you will have one less person to worry about.”
Shouts erupted around camp 
“Come on lass, there’s no need to do that,” 
“You can not leave us!"
I was surprised by their reaction.  They don’t trust me but don’t want me to leave either. Who understands them? 
“No, that is not the way to deal with this,” was Thorin’s response, his voice rising above the others. “Please, let us talk privately,” he tried once more. 
Setting my weapons aside, I followed Thorin into the forest. 
We walked for a bit, just close enough to see the others, but not be overheard. Thorin came to a stop and turned to face me. His expression was, as always, unreadable. His ever-present frown seemed to deepen as he looked for the right words to say. 
“It was never my intention to offend you,” his shoulders slouched as the words left his mouth, giving him an air of defeat. Gaze never meeting my eyes, he continued “I knew you were doing just fine without my help today, I just …”
“You just, what?”
“It is my responsibility to care for everyone in this company, and I care about you … very much,” he finished.
“You care about … me?” Confusion laced each of my words. 
Thorin’s grimace showed every ounce of embarrassment he felt and a soft blush graced his neck and cheeks. He scratched his beard roughly as if to muffle his words “Yes, I care about you and your safety. Especially your safety. I will not force you to remain with us, but if you do, I promise this will not happen again.”
He cares about me and my safety. I am so confused. I mean, sure, he is attractive and I admire him for all the hardships he has endured, but he has been a downright brute up until now, surely he doesn’t mean …. This is not how I thought this day was going to go.
“Okay, I appreciate it. However, I still think I should fully calm down to make a decision,”
My reply came out doubtful. I was still way too perplexed by the way things turned out. 
“Of course, I understand”
Thorin began his way back to camp when he stopped and looked at me over his shoulder, “I hope you choose to remain with us, it will be a shame to lose such a valuable warrior.” And with that, he left.
Why did that just make my cheeks feel warm?
Here it is! I hope you like it and maybe be interested in part 3?
Feel free to give me some feedback in the comments! Also, if you have any requests let me know <3
Taglist: liscurrisa ; @farmerpinkpie ; @artaxerxesthegreat ; @tschrist1
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By: Anonymous
Published: Feb 8, 2023
• An anonymous student speaks out about transgender ideology in her school  • The student, aged 14, attends a state secondary school in South-East England • Claimed teachers say Lady Macbeth non-binary and girls wear breast binders
She’s 14 and attends a co-educational state secondary in South-East England — where she says one in ten children in her year identifies as trans or non-binary. After becoming increasingly upset by the school’s acceptance of transgender ideology, this female student has decided to expose the truth about life in an ongoing culture war.
The other day, I went to the school office to get a new copy of the timetable. The teacher I spoke to used ‘they/them’ pronouns about me, asking another member of staff, ‘they have lost their timetable, can they have a new one?’
He knows me really well and it’s clear that I’m a girl. I felt furious he didn’t just say ‘she’. But it’s not just the odd teacher here or there; I am regularly asked if I am in the process of transitioning.
There is a gender-neutral uniform policy at school and lots of the girls wear trousers. Those of us that do are often asked if we are transgender, especially if we have short hair, as I do.
The fact a girl likes playing video games, or doesn’t like feminine clothes or make-up is enough to be seen as potentially trans. When my mum complained about me being called ‘they’, the teacher apologised but explained he was being cautious in case I was transitioning. He said the teachers are treading on eggshells, scared of being labelled transphobic.
It feels like trans is all anyone talks about. The library has a section devoted to LGBTQQIA+ books and there is a display for Pride in the school entrance, with rainbow flags and words and terms such as ‘non-binary‘, ‘polysexual’, ‘demiboy’, ‘demigirl’ and ‘pansexual’. These words come up in lessons, too. I’m now in Year 10, and the other day a girl in my English class asked if the Greek god Zeus was a man or a woman and the teacher replied that Zeus could have ‘identified as non-binary’.
More recently another teacher said Lady Macbeth was ‘neither a man nor a woman’. I think most parents will have no clue this is what their kids are being taught.
So I’m glad the Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is set to tell schools they must be more open about their handling of trans issues. I would be too scared to say this at school, though. I would lose my friends if I did, as they’re completely intolerant of anything they think is transphobic.
That’s what made me decide to speak out here — without giving my real name.
When I started at my secondary school four years ago, I didn’t even know what ‘transgender’ meant. It hadn’t been talked about in primary school or at home. But within days, we were told by a teacher in our PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) class that we would be seen as ‘transphobic’ if we used any of the ‘offensive words’ from a long list, which included ‘gender bender’ and ‘butch’.
I had no idea what transphobic meant, but I could tell it was definitely something I didn’t want to be seen as. At that age, when you are told something at school you just believe it. We trusted that what the teachers told us was true. 
But I did ask my mum about it later. She is a feminist and is critical of students being dictated to. She said that often it depends how you use words — that people within queer communities have used ‘gender bender’ as a positive way to describe themselves and that ‘butch’ is used by lesbians to describe other lesbians who are quite masculine in appearance.
While still in my first year, 11-year-old girls in my class began asking to be called ‘he’ or ‘them’.
Soon afterwards a number of others were doing the same. It felt as if they joined in because it meant they were seen as cool.
You get special treatment if you say you are trans or non-binary and suddenly become the centre of attention when you ‘come out’.
As soon as a girl says she is a boy, her name is changed on the school register and students are told to use their chosen boy’s name.
Now, out of 200 students in my year, at least 20 say they’re trans — almost all are girls claiming to be boys or non-binary. Although there is one boy saying he’s a girl, this really is largely about girls saying they are boys. The kids in my year don’t say they are lesbian or gay, because those words are thought to be an insult.
There is a straight boy going out with a straight girl who says she is trans, so he now has to say that he’s bisexual. It’s often said by my schoolmates that trans girls are ‘better’ girls than ‘other girls’. I find this insulting. But the teachers don’t take any action even if they do hear conversations like this.
Recently, I was watching a news item with friends about the changes to the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland and every time a guest on the programme said, ‘this is a threat to sex-based rights’, my friends were sneering and laughing. It made me feel as though girls have no rights and are not respected in my school.
There is constant talk of transphobia and bigotry and many of the students who say they are trans constantly talk about being ‘victims’, with anyone who isn’t trans being the perpetrator.
Coming out as a lesbian or gay doesn’t have the same effect, but barely any students do, in my experience.
My friend Kelley* was ‘affirmed’ [accepted without question] as a boy in Year 7. She has serious mental health issues and is regularly off school as she self-harms.
Kelley socially transitioned without any teacher challenging her. She has a new name and can now use the boys’ changing rooms. All my friends pretty much believe in ‘gender identity’. Girls and boys are referred to by teachers and students as ‘assigned female at birth’ or ‘assigned male at birth’. This is shortened to AFAB and AMAB.
There is also confusing language such as the word for being attracted to non-binary people, ‘skoliosexual’. I find it ridiculous — but can’t say that.
There is a lot of breast-binding going on, too, but we don’t know who might be on puberty blockers because no one talks about that. One trans-identified girl wants to get a breast binder, but was complaining that her parents would not want her to.
I joined the Equalities Club because I believe in equal rights for all, then found it was impossible to talk about any group, other than trans people, that was discriminated against. There’s a rule against wearing badges in school but some students wear trans flag and pronoun badges and nobody tells them off.
Recently, a group of us were watching Prime Minister’s Questions and when MPs talked about maternity care, using the terms ‘birthing partner’ and ‘non-birthing partner’, I wondered out loud why they didn’t just say ‘mother’.
I was told off by a friend who said that not everyone with a cervix is a woman. I didn’t want to disagree because I knew what would happen — I would be publicly humiliated.
Until now, I’ve just gone along with most of it. But there are some things I can’t leave alone. For example, I really like J. K. Rowling but she was called a ‘TERF’ (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) by a friend, who said she was heartbroken to hear that J.K. was ‘anti-trans’.
I asked in what way J.K. was transphobic but this friend couldn’t give me an answer, she just said: ‘I hope all TERFS drop dead.’ I was shocked by her anger.
There have also been violent comments on social media towards ‘transphobes’ with students from the school threatening to strangle them.
That’s why I’m writing this piece anonymously, although I believe I should be able to say these things without fear of attack. I want adults to know what it’s really like in schools like mine now.
*Names have been changed.
This confusion, this uncertainty isn't a bug of Queer Theory, it's the explicitly stated intent. When nobody can trust anything about the world, they can't know whether to oppress you or to give you the privileges associated with being an oppressor. No more "systemic" oppression. One of the big problems is that this constantly questioning your own perceptions is a tactic of Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's no wonder it attracts narcissists.
The new NHS guidance recognizes social transition as a form of psychosocial intervention and not a neutral act, as it may have significant effects on psychological functioning. The NHS strongly discourages social transition in children, and clarifies that social transition in adolescents should only be pursued in order to alleviate or prevent clinically-significant distress or significant impairment in social functioning, and following an explicit informed consent process.
It's Psych 101 that affirmation solidifies belief, because it wires the amygdala to accept the belief as reality. If you keep telling someone "yes, you are a victim, the world is out to get you," they'll become helpless and incapable. If a therapist actually recommended affirmation therapy for those with anorexia nervosa - "if you think you're overweight, you must be, since you're the expert on you. In fact, you could probably even stand to lose a few more lbs" - we'd know they were incompetent and dangerous.
If those who are born Black or disabled are the chosen, trans people are the converts who have voluntarily accepted Marginalization. They choose to suffer more from their involuntary embodiment. Because of this, they become virtuous. They are saved.
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annaphoenix1994 · 2 years
Ch.5 - Cirice
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Graves takes the reins in Hassan's interrogation; The group is faced with a tough decision; Ghost grows jealous of Soap and Kiera's friendly banter; Ghost struggles with his own thoughts.
"I can see through the scars inside you; I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart."
Coyotes whaled in the hills of the Mexican desert, making the average person uneasy, but with Alejandro's team of soldiers, nobody budged. Alejandro forced Hassan onto his knees, removing the burlap sack from his head as he wasn't allowed to get a glimpse of the last ounce of freedom he thought he had. Soap and Alejandro surrounded him as well as Graves, leaving Kiera and Ghost to stand close to the Jeep and standing in the shadows. 
Ghost glanced over at Kiera, taking the opportunity to get a really good look at her, to see how the headlights from the Jeep highlighted her features, even the jagged opening on her lip from the wreck. Her hair was a mess from earlier when they had all gotten soaked in the river, only she showed it due to her long hair. Her eyes were a sharp hazel color by what he could tell. Her breathing was steady, but he knew that with the gleam in her eye, he would've hated to be in Hassan's shoes. 
He too fought the drowsiness that he and Kiera shared, sure that everyone else on the team was feeling it too. Ghost knew for sure that his plans were to get rest as soon as he got back to base, a shower following suit when he had the desire to get up. He didn't care at this point, he just wanted to sleep. 
And it was obvious when Kiera glanced over at him as he was going through Hassan's cell phone, seeing his blood-shot eyes and slumped shoulders. She knew he was exhausted, even being able to tell from behind his mask. His eyes told it all. 
"On your knees." Soap commanded Hassan.
"Y'all got a clear picture?" Graves said, looking into the camera of the government-issued laptop, connecting live to General Shepherd and Laswell. 
"Crystal." Shepherd replied. 
"Allset." Laswell added. 
"Alright, we are live, folks." Graves said, gripping the shoulder straps of his vest as he began to walk towards Hassan. 
"Do you speak Arabic?" He forced out, looking up at his captor.
"Of course not," Hassan scoffed. "Then I'll speak your bastardized medieval English because you are all uneducated street dogs." 
"Ahh, see... we're getting off to a bad start here, Hassan." Graves sighed. 
"You're talking to a Quds Force officer." 
"You're the commander of a foreign terror organization." Graves corrected. 
"I could say the same to you."
"What's your target? "Major." Graves mocked. 
"What was your target when you sent missiles to my land?"
"Oh, wild guess, to nail your ass?" Graves shrugged.
Kiera smirked. 
"So insolent and foul-mouthed. You will learn to respect me when your nation sees fire." 
"You're in bed with the cartel, Hassan," Kiera spoke up, gaining his attention with a threatening glare. "If you disappeared, no one would know where to look for the damn stain." 
Oh, shit... 
The terrorist scoffed and looked her up and down, a glance that didn't go unnoticed as well as fly with a person, in particular, that was at the whim of her attention, "So I see it's all Americans that are so foul-mouthed and unintelligent. I'll find pleasure in stuffing that mouth to keep those nasty words from coming out." He warned with cruel intent.
Not a damn chance.
She smirked, "Yeah? Well, when you do that, I'll be sure to use my fucking teeth." 
Soap and Alejandro breathed a chuckle while Ghost stood calm, although his demeanor was completely different behind his mask. He was shooting an "if looks could kill" glare to the terrorist.
Hassan couldn't reply to her retort as he truly didn't have anything else to say about it as well as Soap cut her off so that she wouldn't continue to speak her mind. 
"Where'd you get American missiles from?" Soap questioned. 
"I don't care where they're from, I want to know where they're going!" Shepherd shouted through the screen. 
Graves sighed, listening to the coyotes that seemed to get closer. "Take a look around, Hassan. Now, you can either become a part of the food chain or you can start talking." 
"I doubt you'll have pleasure in torturing me, but I'm a hostage here. This is illegal--"
"You are a prisoner of war." Alejandro growled. 
"Iran is not at war with Mexico, I've broken no laws. These men and woman and their commanders are the lawbreakers." He scoffed, glancing at Kiera, who had begun walking closer to Alejandro to hand him Hassan's phone she had gotten from Ghost. 
"Yeah? Bin Laden said the same thing too and you saw what happened to that motherfucker, huh?" Kiera said. 
"Do not speak his name!" Hassan warned. 
"Bin-fucking-Laden," She replied, bending over to get eye contact with Hassan as she said it. She didn't give a fuck what Hassan said or threatened. No man intimidated her and she took no bullshit. To make matters worse for her own pleasure, she continued, "By the time we were done with him, he looked like Clyde Barrow." 
Hassan glared at her, desperately wanting to spit in her face for her disrespect, but he stopped himself. "You and your beloved General Ghorbrani, too," Soap continued. "Broke every law-"
"You executed him and you will all pay for your crimes! Only God can help you now!" He shouted. 
"I want this bastard in permanent custody or looking up at the goddamn grass!" Shepherd ordered. 
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, General," Kiera added as she was now standing next to the Jeep that held the laptop on its hood. 
"And why not, Officer?" Shepherd asked, irritation coating his voice. 
"Killing him is an act of war and you know it. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to go back to war with Iran, when they have possession of our missiles, after being killed on Mexican soil." She replied. 
"Officer Dutton is right, General," Laswell added. "Killing him is asking to start a war. Keeping him is illegal. He is too hot to hold." 
Shepherd ignored Kiera's warning, turning only to Laswell's response, "Tell me you're getting something actionable, Laswell." 
"Working on it. Stand by." 
Kiera stepped out of the way as Graves approached the laptop, irritation in his eyes. "Actual, let me finish this." Graves proposed. 
"There's nothing I would like more, but Laswell and Dutton are right. Without proof, we need to turn him loose. See where he takes us."
"He's right here. You can't be serious!" Soap sighed, begging.
"I'm afraid I am, son."
"Did we get anything from his phone?" Ghost asked.
"Affirmative. We got a hit." Laswell answered. 
"Good. Now, take him back and let him go." 
Soap sighed, watching Graves shut the laptop as Alejandro covered Hassan's head with the burlap sack, irritated that they did all of that work for what felt like nothing. "I'd kill for a whiskey and nic-stick right now." Kiera sighed, removing her helmet and scratching her head.Fucking hell... 
"Tempting." Soap agreed. 
"That's my plan when I get back to base, at least. Getting sleep for one, a nice shower,food, andnicotine." 
Soap smirked, "Emphasis on food and nicotine, huh?" 
She raised her brows, "Yeah, because if you all want me in a good mood, I need both."
Letting Hassan go on the side of the road to wander through the desert blindly, the task force returned to base, neither of them knowing or caring what time it was as they all reeked of sweat and river water. "I call first dibs on the shower." Soap commented. 
"I don't think so," Kiera joked. "I'm just assuming by your name that you take an unGodly amount of time to shower." 
"He might as well baptize himself." Ghost added. 
"Great, now I got two blokes poking at me all the time, yeah?" He scoffed, turning back in his seat. 
"Just wait until he finds out there's more than one shower," Ghost whispered, making Kiera giggle as it was clear they were teaming up to tease Soap. "He'll get worked up for nothing. It's hilarious." 
Kiera shook her head as the Jeep stopped at the security checkpoint of the base, having a clear visual before proceeding further. Kiera hadn't even had time to unpack her suitcase given the short stick of time she was dealt after landing in Mexico. She was desperate to taste any sort of food, drink clear water, and dwell on the smoke of nicotine. Her head spiraled with pain as her adrenaline wore off. She grunted as she moved to shift her weight before exiting the Jeep as Alejandro opened the back door for her. "Do you need a medic, senora?" 
"It'll probably be wise. I haven't seen my leg yet, but I'm sure it's not pretty." 
"I'll call Dr. Rodriguez in and have him look at it," Alejandro assured her before looking at the rest of the group. "Does anyone else need medical attention?" 
The men shook their heads. 
Kiera then limped towards the barracks to collect the small pile of her belongings that had sat vacant for the last day or so. Hell, she didn't even know what day it was let alone how long she had been there. All she cared about was moving forward. 
Soap and Ghost watched her, wondering when one of them would assist her or if she even needed help at all. 
Ghost watched Soap make the first move, offering his arm to help her carry the heavy duffel bag. "I can get this for you. You're hurting."
"Oh, thank you, Sergeant." She nodded, forcing a smile as she grabbed the bag that held her laptop and other devices to submit her reports to Chief Laswell - something that was required at the end of every mission. 
Ghost then found himself walking towards her, offering his assistance as he felt a ping of slight jealousy after seeing a warm smile being exchanged between Kiera and Soap. He hadn't been attracted to another female soldier before, and although all of the females he had worked with were beautiful, Kiera had a certain glow and draw about her that he liked that drew him in further with every accented word that came from her pretty mouth. She was almosttoopretty. 
"Where's your station at?" Soap asked as the trio entered the barracks. 
"Hell, I don't know! This is all new to me!" She and Soap shared a laugh. He thought her accent was funny as well as cute - almost like a southern draw, but her accent sounded Texan - strong and to the point. And it was always funny to hear a woman cuss. "I guess just anywhere with a bed and an easy route to find food. That's all I give a shit about." 
"Okay," Soap chuckled, failing to see the jealous glare Ghost was shooting him as he walked behind the two. He turned his head over his shoulder, looking at his comrade. "What're you doing, L.t.? I got it." 
"I know. I'm just going to my room." He forced an answer, moving by Kiera in the narrow hallway to go to his own room. She knew he tagged along because he was jealous.Hell, men are so easy to read. 
"Thanks, Sergeant," Kiera said to Soap as he opened the door for her and set her duffel bag aside against the wall. "I'm going to get cleaned up and go find some food." 
Soap nodded, "The kitchen is just down the hall and to the right. It looks like a lounge. It's where we all hang out and eat together is what Colonel told me."
"Thank you," She nodded a playful smirk on her lips. "I call first dibs on a shower." She said, taunting him, pleased at how she watched him be vulnerable to her words. 
"O-Okay. That's okay." 
"...Because there's more than one shower," She giggled. "I call dibs on my own." 
The private shower for female guests was right next to the lounge, leaving the men on the other side to wonder what she looked like under the fall of hot water, each of them starving for female attention. Kiera knew this, too, but she didn't care. Only one man had her attention. 
If only she knew the same thought applied to him...
Open the Gateby Zach Bryan could be heard from the shower as she brought along an iPod with dozens of playlists of her favorite songs. From outlaw country to Rammstein, she had a variety of different tones to compliment her different moods. 
Ghost heard the music from his room as well as he sat on the edge of his bed, the balaclava that had his favorite skull mask sewn to it tussled between his fingers as he looked at it. His tactical gear still dressed his torso as he was deep in his thoughts.Get your fucking head right, Simon. 
He was desperate for a shower of his own but refrained from going now to avoid coming into contact with her again. He wanted to save it for when he needed to talk to her as he feared the urge he fought to control himself would seep further and further into the shadows. He knew his thoughts were nothing of cruel intent, nor would they ever be, but it had been a long while, a very long while, that he would have to force himself to hide an erection as the thoughts of any type of sexual frustration entered his mind. 
He never could make himself take care of the issue by his own hand, so he turned to be more violent while fighting enemies as the adrenaline forced him to be tired afterward, not the subsiding wave of an orgasm that he so desperately wanted. There were many times that he had an opportunity to screw a woman with mutual satisfaction, but he never pursued it. He thought about it but never did. Maybe there's a reason for that, yeah?
Hearing no music, he decided to make the move in heading for his own shower. Sliding the balaclava back over his head, he removed the tactical vest and gear from his waist, leaving him in only a shirt and pants still tucked into his boots. 
He exited his room before walking towards the shower, taking a left turn at the corner only for her to be running straight into his rock-hard chest. Her wet hair smelled of oats and honey - sweet. She was dressed in an olive shirt and her favorite ZF Silkies shorts, showing off her toned legs. Even though they were pale from the lack of sun, they were still hot to look at.Fucking hell.
He kept his eyes anywhere but her, the urge becoming stronger and stronger as she looked up at him with sorry eyes. He wanted nothing more than to feel those legs around his waist.Fuck, Simon! Get it together! Go to the fucking shower! Get those thoughts from your mind!
"Sorry, love," He graveled out. "How's your leg?" 
"Not as bad as I thought," She chuckled, looking down at it to see the view of the open laceration from the rock. It was beginning to bruise, but it wasn't broken. Thankfully. "See? It cut clean through me." She said innocently, unaware of the thoughts behind Simon's eyes. He looked at the wound before a glimpse of permanent ink on her thigh caught his attention. It was an entire floral thigh piece.Goddammit. I'm not going to last long if I get a chance with her.Those thighs wrapped around his waist all tattooed and pretty?Fuck. 
He ignored the sexual tension as he took the moment to look at her arm, it being a full sleeve of floral and independent lacings. It was a beautiful piece, actually. He thrived to have a good look at it, but from what he could see at that moment did just fine for him. 
The two shared a glance for a second, that short stretch of time feeling like a fucking hour before he continued to the washroom. 
Both Kiera and Ghost walked away from each other in a flustered mess. 
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