#the pig the snake and the pigeon
ao3-anonymous · 6 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (04/08/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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xbethelight · 5 months
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The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon 週處除三害 (2023)
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kaipanzero · 7 months
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The Pig the Snake and the Pigeon
周處除三害 (2023)
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betasunkern · 7 months
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osugna · 5 months
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An energetic, stylish and ultimately somewhat genre-bending film likely to perplex audiences as readily as it entertains.
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movieshaswposter · 6 months
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freecinemaa · 8 months
Свинья, змея и голубь The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon (2024) Русский ...
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missmoriarty2600 · 3 months
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Ok so random thought of the day. If Moriarty characters had pets what would they have. Though I'm aware he's taken care of fish before I think Louis would have a cat. Albert though good friends with a pigeon I think a guinea pig or a dog (probably a border collie). William would definitely have a snake hands down. Thoughts ?
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Why Did I Trust You?
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Robin Hood
Pairings: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sadness, angst, betrayal (sort of!), depression mention, fluff
Comments/Notes: Requested by @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig who is the biggest Guy fan that I know. From the prompt "They told me not to trust you but I didn't listen."
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Everyone kept telling you how Guy had always been taken with Marian, and that his heart still belonged to her. No one could get over lost love that easy. She had disappeared into Sherwood Forest with her lover, Robin Hood. Leaving Guy to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart. You had never met this Marian woman, but had heard plenty about her from the locals. 
You had travelled to Nottingham in high hopes of better income, and thankfully, you had been given a roof over your head, alongside the work, for all for your trouble. Guy had sorted that out for you. After all, he knew your father, who worked as a fellow tax collector in the next town over and often visited Nottingham to report to the Sheriff. 
Being a newcomer also meant that everyone was suspicious of you. And you had become aware of the rumours that people were spinning behind your back, despite being polite to your face. Snakes, all of them. Most days when you walked through the courtyard of the castle, heading in for your day of work, you’d see people gently shoulder each other. You’d see this action out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as they saw you’d noticed them, they would smile. Vipers! 
By the time you had been there six months, you knew it was time to move on. Nottingham was not quite the charming place that you had been told by your old townsfolk. Maybe the stories had been spun from those assuming that due to Nottingham being a central stronghold for finances, that the streets were paved with gold. That couldn’t have been any further from the truth. Only the Sheriff’s personal chambers were lined with gold; everywhere else was run down and full of squalor.
The last arrangements were in place, and the following day, you were ready to return home. It would take you about a day to walk to your meeting point with your father, who was coming by horse and cart to collect you. Messenger pigeons had been flying between you and your father for the last month, as your depression had gotten deeper and beckoned you home. 
The only good thing about the place was Guy. In fact, he was the only friend you had in this horrible place. The thought of leaving him was hitting you hard, and as you cleaned the larger chambers of the castle, you kept Guy’s until last. 
Upon stepping inside the room, you saw the seat that you sat in most evenings, where you would share dinner with him. You would watch the candlelight dance across his pointed features, highlighting the sadness in his ice blue eyes. Was the sadness remnants of an unrequited love? 
Tears kept threatening to fall down your cheeks as you cleaned the surfaces with a rag. At his bedside table, you moved the vase of flowers you had placed there three days ago, sweeping the dust beneath it. All you could feel was the painful, burning sensation of something lodged in your throat. 
Don’t you cry. Don’t you dare cry! 
As you made the bed and took one last sniff of his pillow, you realised that you had nothing of his. And you couldn’t leave Nottingham without at least one token from him, even if he had not given it you freely. 
There was a jewellery box which you knew Guy kept in his wardrobe, just behind his boots, on the floor. You could remember him telling you about it, where he explained that no one else knew of its existence, but you. 
Your hands were shaking as you approached the wardrobe, and slowly you opened the door, listening to it creak. The box was simple, with no inscription at all. It didn’t matter what it was that you took, as long as it was Guy’s; something to remember him by. Not that you could ever forget him in a hurry. 
Blood was thumping in your ears as you opened the box and looked upon two gold rings inside. That was all the box held, these two gold rings. The first one was a simple band, with no jewels or inscriptions. The other was gold, but had a simple green stone upon broad shoulders. You snatched the ring with the green stone and slipped it into your apron pocket. 
“What are you doing?” a deep voice came. 
You gasped, stepping back at the sight of Guy. When had he come into the room? “P…please, it’s not what it looks like.” 
“Oh, I know it was exactly what it looked like. You stealing one of my grandmother’s rings.” His eyes were so wide now, and you couldn’t help but swallow hard, feeling a rod of ice shoot down your spine. Guy was terrifying when angry, a trait that many a person had seen who lived in Nottingham. This was your first time of seeing his anger directed at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. You pulled the ring back out of your pocket and placed it down on the table next to you. “It really is not what it looks like.” 
Guy turned on his heel. “They told me not to trust you, but I didn’t listen.”
“Guy, please,” you pleaded, touching his shoulder. 
“Don’t touch me!” he growled. “I let you in. I offer my vulnerability to you, and I offer you so much, and this is how you value our relationship? By stealing from me?” 
Tears fell down your cheeks. Your heart thundered, shattering even more with each beat. “I wanted something of yours, to remember you by.” 
“Remember me by? What do you mean?” Guy asked, his voice less hostile now. Slowly, he turned back to face you. 
Tears had begun to form in his eyes. His gaze was intense, and locked on you. 
“I would never have betrayed your trust, Guy. Believe me. I value you more than you realise.” 
“Yet you still plan to leave?” 
Of course he knew what you had meant. “You have no idea how it’s pained me to complete my duties today, knowing it will be the last time we stand face to face.” 
“Am I not enough to stay for?” The words only just came out of his mouth, broken by the breath that was struggling to get out. “I’m never enough.” Those words were despaired whisper. 
“Guy, no!” you exclaimed. “Never think that.” 
“But you’re leaving!” His voice had re-gained its power, and he stared at you. “I’ve been beside you in everything since you came here. Why am I not enough?” 
You reached out and took Guy’s leather-clad hand. “You are enough. Why don’t you think you are? Is it because of Marian?”
Guy closed his eyes for a second and sighed. Then he focused his gaze back on you. “I see the townsfolk enjoy talking about me.” 
“Don’t blame them. You’ve mentioned her before, and I guessed she’s the woman you love.” 
“She isn’t. Not anymore. I did love her once and she left. Every woman I grow to love leaves me.” 
Did that mean…? Breath caught in your throat, but you tried not to get above yourself in your want of him. “So other women before her have left?” 
Guy smirked. “Don’t deny what’s right in front of you.” He whispered your name and came closer, his body so close to yours. He looked down from his taller height.
You placed both of your hands on his chest, wanting so much to feel his bare skin beneath the leather. Your gaze met his and you leaned up, placing a gentle kiss against his lips. 
Guy opened his eyes, seeing uncertainty in your face. And gathering his confidence and love, he wound his arms around your waist and kissed you. 
The kiss was full of love, passion and desperation. Your tongues met, and within a few more seconds, Guy’s lips were on your neck. He was panting, and you whimpering.
As you both slowed down, your breaths harsh, you embraced Guy. 
“Is this now enough to make you stay?” he asked. 
You looked up from his chest, and smiled. “What do you think?” 
“And maybe I have more reason.” Guy reached across to the ring you had placed on his table and held it to you. “I want you to have this…and be my wife.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @knittastically @middleearthpixie @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @luna-xial @asgardianhobbit98 @mrsdurin @rachel1959 @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @whoooooisthis @emmyspov @dumbassunderthemountain
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
So this Au still needs a name, BUT
I have figured out what Most of the pokemon evolved from! It only took uh, lemme look at a clock, a week or three!
For those not interested in clicking a link, it's a pokemon/dc crossover but pokemon is straight up just a Gotham thing. Like, the flora and fauna and everything else have become corrupted/ mutated/ adapted, etc into strange creatures with stranger abilities thanks to the chemicals, magic, death pits, curses, and everything else all mixing together.
So anyway, have a list of what each pokemon originally were before Gotham got a hold of them. Some things brought into Gotham (such as via zoos, museums, or rogues or whatever) and others always there. Do keep in mind I am (mostly) not including Legendaries because I'm still not sure if I want those in the Au yet lol.
Vulpix Lines (Foxes) 
Growlithe Lines (Large Dog Breeds) 
Abra Line (Fox) 
Snubbul Line (Bulldog Mix Breed) 
Houndour Line (Medium Dog Breeds) 
Smeargle (Beagle Mix Breed) 
Poochyena Line (Hyena) 
Electrike Line (Maned Wolf) 
Absol (Samoyed Mix Breed) 
Riolu Line (Egyptian Wolf) 
Lillipup Line (Terrier Mix Breed) 
Zorua Lines (Wolf) 
Fennekin Line (Fox) 
Furfrou (Poodle Mix Breed) 
Rockruff Lines (Akita Mix Breed) 
Nickit Line (Red Fox) 
Yamper Line (Small Dog Breeds) 
Fidough Line (Dachshund Mix Breed) 
Greavard Line (Sheepdog Mix Breed) 
Meowth Lines (Domestic Cats) 
Eevee Lines (Domestic Cats) 
Skitty Line (Shorthair Cat) 
Shinx Line (Lynx) 
Glameow Line (Domestic Cat) 
Purrloin Line (Domestic Cat) 
Litleo Line (Lion) 
Espurr Line (Folded-Ear Cat) 
Litten Line (Tiger) 
Sprigatito Line (Lynx) 
Rattata Line (Domestic Rat) 
Alolan Rattata (Wild Rat) 
Pikachu Lines (House Mouse) 
Clefairy Line (Chinchilla) 
Azurill Line (Vole) 
Plusle (Long-Eared Woodrat)
Minun (Long-Eared Woodrat) 
Bidoof Line (Beaver) 
Pachirisu (Squirrel) 
Minccino Line (Chinchilla) 
Emolga (Flying Squirrel) 
Chespin Line (Chipmunk) 
Dedenne (Gerbil) 
Togedemaru (Spiny Rat) 
Skwovet Line (Red Squirrel) 
Morpeko (Guinea Pig) 
Pawmi Line (Viscacha)
Tandemaus (Field Mouse)
Pidgey Line (Waxwings) 
Spearow Line (Sparrow) 
Doduo Line (Kiwi Bird) 
Magby Line (Duck) 
Hoothoot Line (Horned Owl) 
Togepi Line (Chicken Eggs) 
Natu Line (Quail) 
Murkrow Line (Crows) 
Delibird (Penguin) 
Skarmory (Condor) 
Torchic Line (Chicken) 
Taillow Line (Barn Swallow) 
Wingull Line (Seagull) 
Swablu Line (Lorikeet) 
Piplup Line (Penguin) 
Starly Line (Starling) 
Chatot (Parrot) 
Pidove Line (Pigeon) 
Ducklett Line (Swan) 
Rufflet Line (Eagle) 
Vullaby Line (Vulture) 
Fletchling Line (Robin) 
Spritzee Line (Grosbeak) 
Hawlucha (Raptor Bird) 
Rowlett Line (Owl) 
Pikipek Line (Toucans) 
Oricorio(s) (Honeycreepers) 
Rookidee Line (Corvid) 
Cramorant (Cormorant)
Eiscue (Penguin) 
Quaxly Line (Duck) 
Squawkabilly (Parakeet) 
Wattrel Line (Petrel) 
Flittle Line (Ostrich) 
Bombirdier (Stork) 
Flamigo (Flamingo) 
Charmander Line (Newt) 
Squirtle Line (Box Turtle) 
Ekans Line (Ringneck Snake) 
Lapras (Sea Turtle) 
Dratini Line (Sea Snake) 
Totodile Line (Alligator) 
Dunsparce Line (Snake) 
Larvitar Line (Spiny Lizard) 
Treecko Line (Leaf-Tailed Lizard) 
Aron Line (Terrapin) 
Torkoal (Snapping Turtle) 
Seviper (Viper) 
Kecleon (Chameleon) 
Turtwig Line (Box Turtle) 
Snivy Line (Vine Snake) 
Sandile Line (Crocodile) 
Scraggy Line (Lizard) 
Tirtouga Line (Sea Turtle) 
Helioptile Line (Frilled-Neck Lizard) 
Salandit Line (Skink) 
Turtonator (Sideneck Turtle) 
Jangmo-o Line (Geckos) 
Sobble Line (Basilisk Lizard) 
Chewtle Line (Snapping Turtle) 
Silicobra Line (Cobra) 
Fuecoco Line (Crocodile) 
Cyclizar Lines (Anole) 
Bulbasaur Line (Toad) 
Poliwag Lines (Tadpool) 
Slowpoke Lines (Salamander) 
Lickitung (Tailed Frog) 
Happiny Line (Axolotl) 
Wooper Lines (Axolotl) 
Bagon Line (Salamander) 
Croagunk Line (Frog) 
Tympole Line (Toad) 
Froakie Line (Frog) 
Toxel Line (Salamander) 
Tadbulb Line (Green Frog) 
Fish & Sealife 
Tentacool Line (Jellyfish) 
Shellder Line (Clam) 
Horse Line (Seahorses) 
Goldeen Line (Goldfish) 
Staryu Line (Starfish) 
Magikarp Line (Karp) 
Omanyte Line (Nautilus) 
Chinchou Line (Anglerfish) 
Qwilfish Lines (Pufferfish) 
Corsola Lines (Coral) 
Remoraid Line (Remoras) 
Mantine Line (Manta Ray) 
Mudkip Line (Mudskippers)
Gulpin Line (Sculpin Fish) 
Carvanha Line (Piranha) 
Wailmer Line (Whale) 
Barboach Line (Loach) 
Lileep Line (Crinoid) 
Feebas Line (Bass) 
Clamperl Line (Clam) 
Relicanth (Coelacanth) 
Luvdisc (Discus Fish) 
Gible Line (Shark) 
Finneon Line (Freshwater Butterflyfish) 
Basculin Line (Sea Bass) 
Frillish Lines (Jellyfish) 
Alomomola (Mola Mola Fish) 
Tynamo Line (Electric Eel) 
Stunfisk(s) (Stargazer Fish) 
Inkay Line (Squid) 
Binacle Line (Barnacle)
Skrelp Line (Leafy Seadragon) 
Wishiwashi (Herring/Anchovies) 
Mareanie Line (Crown of Thorns Starfish) 
Pyukumuku (Sea Cucumber) 
Bruxish (Triggerfish) 
Arrokuda Line (Barracuda) 
Clobbopus Line (Octopus) 
Hatenna Line (Jellyfish) 
Pincurchin (Urchin) 
Wiglett Line (Garden Eel) 
Finizen (Dolphin) 
Glimmet Line (Sea Anemone) 
Cetoddle Line (Whale) 
Veluza (Hake Fish) 
Dondozo (Catfish) 
Krabby Line (Crab) 
Kabuto Line (Horseshoe Crab) 
Corphish Line (Crawfish) 
Dwebble Line (Hermit Crab) 
Clauncher Line (Lobster) 
Crabrawler Line (Crab) 
Klawf (Velvet Crab) 
Caterpie Line (Butterfly) 
Weedle Line (Bee Larva) 
Paras Line (Cicada Nymph) 
Venonat Line (Swallowtail Moth) 
Scyther (Praying Mantis) 
Pinsir (Stag Beetle) 
Ledyba Line (Ladybug)
Yanma Line (Dragonfly) 
Pineco Line (Bagworm) 
Heracross (Rhino Beetle) 
Wurmple Lines (Spiked Caterpillars) 
Surskit Line (Water Skater) 
Nincada Lines (Cicada) 
Volbeat (Lightning Bug) 
Illumise (Lightning Bug) 
Trapinch Line (Antlion) 
Kricketot Line (Cricket) 
Burmy Lines (Bagworm) 
Combee Line (Honeybee) 
Sewaddle Line (Leaf Insect) 
Venipede Line (Centipede) 
Karrablast Line (Carabid Beetle) 
Pawniard Line (Beetle) 
Durant (Ant) 
Larvesta Line (Atlas Moth) 
Scatterbug Line (Butterfly) 
Grubbin Line (Stag Beetle) 
Cutiefly Line (Bee Fly) 
Fomantis Line (Orchid Mantis) 
Wimpod Line (Isopod) 
Blipbug Line (Ladybird) 
Sizzlipede Line (Centipede)
Snom Line (Jewel Caterpillar) 
Nymble Line (Grasshopper) 
Rellor Line (Scarab Beetle) 
Spinarak Line (Smiling Spider) 
Skorupi Line (Scorpion)
Joltik (Jumping Spider)
Dewpider (Diving Bell Spider) 
Tarountula Line (Orb Weaver) 
Slugma Line (Iron Snail) 
Shellos Lines (Sea Slugs)
Shelmet Line (Snail) 
Goomy Lines (Slug & Snail) 
Ponyta Lines (Domestic Horses) 
Drowzee Line (Tapir) 
Rhyhorn Line (Rhino) 
Tauros(es) (Large Horned Cows) 
Mareep Line (Sheep) 
Girafarig Line (Giraffe) 
Swinub Line (Mangalica Pigs) 
Phanpy Line (Elephant) 
Stantler Line (Deer) 
Miltank (Milk Cow) 
Numel Line (Camel) 
Spoink Line (Teacup Pig) 
Hippopotas Line (Hippo) 
Tepig Line (Domestic Pig) 
Blitzle Line (Zebra) 
Deerling Line (Deer) 
Bouffalant (Buffalo) 
Skiddo Line (Goat) 
Mudbray Line (Mule) 
Wooloo Line (Sheep) 
Cufant Line (Elephant) 
Lechonk Line (Pig) 
Mankey Line (Barbary Macaque) 
Aipom Line (Squirrel Monkey) 
Meditite Line (Indri) 
Chimchar Line (Chimpanzee) 
Pansage Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Pansear Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Panpour Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Darumaka Lines (Gibbon) 
Oranguru (Orangutan) 
Grookey Line (Gorilla) 
Sandshrew Lines (Armadillo) 
Nidoran Lines (Hedgehog) 
Jigglypuff Line (Capybara) 
Zubat Line (Bat) 
Diglett Line (Mole) 
Psyduck Line (Platypus) 
Seel Line (Seals) 
Cubone Lines (Wombat) 
Kangaskhan (Kangaroo) 
Snorlax (Bear) 
Cyndaquil Lines (Echidna) 
Sentret Line (Ferret) 
Gligar Line (Scorpionfly) 
Teddiursa Line (Brown Bear) 
Sneasel Lines (Weasel) 
Zigzagoon Lines (Raccoon) 
Slakoth Line (Sloth) 
Whismur Line (Rabbit) 
Spinda (Panda) 
Zangoose (Mongoose) 
Spheal Line (Walrus) 
Buizel Line (River Otter) 
Buneary Line (Rabbit) 
Stunky Line (Skunk) 
Oshawott Lines (Sea Otter) 
Patrat Line (Meerkat) 
Woobat Line (Bat) 
Drilbur Line (Mole) 
Auduno (Pika) 
Cubchoo Line (Polar Bear) 
Mienfoo Line (Ermine) 
Heatmoor (Anteater) 
Bunnelby Line (Hare) 
Pancham Line (Panda) 
Noibat Line (Bat) 
Popplio Line (Sea Lion) 
Yungoos Line (Mongoose) 
Passimian (Lemur) 
Komola (Koala) 
Scorbunny Line (Wild Hare) 
Shroodle Line (Tenrecs) 
Living Fossils & Dinosaurs
Aerodactyl (Pterosaur) 
Anorith Line (Anomalocaris) 
Cranidos Line (Pachycephalosaurus) 
Shieldon Line (Ceratops) 
Archen Line (Archaeopteryx) 
Axew Line (Hadrosaurid) 
Tyrunt Line (Tyrannosaurus) 
Amaura Line (Amargasaurus) 
Dracozolt (Raptor-Rex) 
Arctozolt (Raptor-Plesiosaur)
Dracovish (Dunkleosteus-Rex) 
Dreepy Line (Diplocaulus)
Great Tusk (Mammoth) 
Slither Wing (Prehistoric Lepidoptera)
Roaring Moon (Unknown Fossil/Time Travel)
Walking Wake (Dryptosaurus) 
Gouging Fire (Styracosaurus) 
Raging Bolt (Brontosaurus) 
Living Plants & Fungi 
Oddish Lines (Mandrake) 
Bellsprout Line (Pitcher Plant) 
Exeggcute Lines (Palm Seeds) 
Tangela Line (Seagrass) 
Chikorita Line (Pear) 
Hoppip Line (Dandelion) 
Sunkern Line (Sunflower) 
Shuckle (Slime Mold) 
Lotad Line (Lilypad) 
Seedot Line (Acorn) 
Shroomish Line (Mushroom) 
Budew Line (Rose) 
Cacnea Line (Cactus) 
Tropius (Banana Tree) 
Cherubi Line (Cherries) 
Carnivine (Venus Flytrap) 
Snover Line (Pine) 
Cottonee Line (Cotton Plants)
Petilil Lines (Lily Flower) 
Maractus (Flowering Cactus) 
Foongus Line (Mushrooms) 
Ferroseed Line (Durian Fruit) 
Flabebe Line (Flower) 
Pumpkaboo Line (Pumpkin) 
Morelull Line (Hallucinogenic Fungi) 
Bounsweet Line (Mangosteen) 
Comfey (Flowering Vine) 
Gossifleur Line (Cotton Plant) 
Applin Lines (Apples) 
Smoliv Line (Olive & Olive Tree) 
Bramblin Line (Thorns) 
Toadscool Line (Toadstool) 
Capsakid Line (Peppers) 
Stone & Gemstone
Geodude Lines (Rocks) 
Onix Line (Stone) 
Nosepass Line (Stone Statue) 
Sableye (Gemstones) 
Lunatone (Rock Carving) 
Solrock (Rock Carving)
Roggenrola Line (Geode) 
Druddigon (Gargoyle) 
Golett Line (Stone Statues) 
Carbink (Diamond) 
Diancie (Pink Diamond) 
Sandygast Line (Sand) 
Minior (Meteor) 
Stakataka (Stone Bricks) 
Rolycoly Line (Coal) 
Stonjourner (Stone Brick) 
Objects & Material
Magnemite Line (Magnets) 
Grimer Lines (Toxic Waste) 
Voltorb Lines (Balls) 
Porygon Line (Digital Data) 
Bonsly Line (Fake Trees) 
Wynaut Line (Doll) 
Baltoy Line (Clay Doll)
Shuppet Line (Doll) 
Duskull Line (Skull) 
Chimecho (Wind Chime) 
Drifloon Line (Balloon) 
Chingling (Bell) 
Bronzor Line (Mirror) 
Rotom (Digital Virus) 
Shaymin (Chia Pet) 
Munna Line (Pillow) 
Yamask Lines (Old Masks) 
Trubbish Line (Trash) 
Gothita Line (Dress) 
Solosis Line (Giant Cell) 
Klink Line (Gears) 
Litwick Line (Candles) 
Cryogonal (Ice) 
Honedge Line (Sword) 
Klefki (Keychains) 
Bergmite Lines (Ocean Ice) 
Stufful Line (Teddy Bear) 
Dhelmise (Ship Anchor) 
Xurkitree (Wiring) 
Meltan Line (Mercury) 
Sinistea Line (Teaset) 
Falinks (Toy) 
Duraludon Line (Skyscrapers/Bridges) 
Nacli Line (Salt) 
Charcadet Lines (Armour) 
Varoom Line (Engines) 
Vanillite Line (Ice Cream) 
Swirlix Line (Cotton Candy) 
Milcery Line (Cream) 
Tatsugiri(s) (Sushi) 
Poltchageist Line (Matcha Tea) 
‘Unknown’ Origins 
Machop Line
Gastly Line (Ghosts) 
Tyrogue Lines
Koffing Lines (Poison Gases) 
Elekid Line
Misdreavus Line (Ghosts) 
Unown(s) (Runes) 
Ralts Lines (Dolls) 
Makuhita Line
Mawile (Yokai) 
Castform (Paper Doll) 
Snorunt Line
Spritomb (Lazarus Pit)
Deino Line 
Phantump (Forest Child Ghost) 
Mimikyu (Lone Ghost Children) 
Marshadow (Shadows) 
Impidimp Line (Children) 
Tinkatink Line 
Orthworm (Earth Worms) 
Altered Via Outside Influence 
Beldum Line (Alien Technology) 
Deoxys (Alien DNA & Cloning) 
Elgyem (Alien Technology) 
Genesect (Alien Tech & Cloning) 
Iron Moth (Luthor Tech & Alien Tech) 
Iron Thorns (Luthor Tech & Alien Tech) 
Iron Valiant (Wayne Collab) 
Iron Leaves (Wayne Collab)
Iron Crown (Wayne Collab)
Iron Boulder (Wayne Collab)
⏵Most non-sapient plant variation has happened in things such as berries & fruits 
⏵It’s noted that many of the creatures show signs of convergent evolution to other animals & plants, especially in further mutations
⏵Several animals & other things not native to Gotham or New Jersey were brought in as experiments or for the Gotham Zoo which were affected over time
Like IRL Animals & Plants, They Can Have Mutations & Color Variations:
Normal color/Pattern [Very Common]
“Shinies” [Uncommon color variant] 
Piebaldism/Vitiligo [Patches of no melanism] 
Albinism [No melanism] 
Leucism [No melanism save for eyes] 
Melanism [Excess black] 
Erythrism [Excess red] 
Axanthism [No yellow & more blue] 
Xanthochromism [Excess yellow] 
Chimerism [2 offspring fused] 
Gynandromorphism [Split & both male/female]
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TWST Characters And Unconventional Pets I Think They Would Have
Riddle - Hedgehogs, obviously Trey - African Grey Parrot Cater - Fennec Fox Deuce -Chicken :D Ace - Tarantula (bc if he forgets to feed it its ok for like 3 - 12 months)
Leona - Needs an actual ESA, please Help Him Iguana (they Also Sleep So Much) Ruggie - Raven -it can steal shit, he can train it to speak, and he can make people pay him to teach it certain things Jack - Potbellied Pig PLEASE
Azul - again, needs an actual ESA, Help Him Blue and Gold Macaw Jade - Sugar glider Floyd - An emu those things are assholes, and a tortoise that Jade rehomed behind his back bc he thought it was the same thing as a turtle
Jamil - (Great Horned) Owl would have been a snake but when they're young they eat stuff like mealworms and whatnot and Jamil DOES not vibe. Kalim - Absolutely Not (I want to let him raise cockroaches simply to be a nuisance to Jamil)
Vil - He has chinchillas idk how many anywhere from 2-6 Rook - banned Epel - BEEEG FUCKING SNAKE (probably a Burmese Python or something)
Idia - Possum Ortho - A capybara for the baby :D
Malleus - an ant farm (something something a reminder of the constant cycle of life etc. etc. its kinda depressing) Lilia- fuckin bats Silver - A llama/vicuna/alpaca (he can shear it and get the comfiest freakin sweaters, and its a good nap buddy and it will spit at Sebek Sebek - Squirrel :) Others
Neige - Pigeon Che'nya - If he could, he would have a fucking condor, but I think he has a bunch of Atlas moths Cheka - Leopard gecko bc he wants something like Leona's
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Miraculous: Magical Connections Power Changes
I went over certain power changes briefly in my backstory rewrites, but I wanted to go into more detail as well as add a specific link to the master post I have pinned
Let's get into it (keep in mind, certain things won't be said to avoid spoilers even if you're reading this after things have been revealed)
No Changes:
Rabbit Miraculous (Only it's concept which is now Time)
Turtle Miraculous
Monkey Miraculous
Mouse Miraculous
Eagle Miraculous
The Prodigious
Weapon Changes:
Goat/Rooster/Dog/Horse Miraculous:
All four of the original weapons (Paintbrush, fountain pen, ball, and horseshoe respectively) were not good weapons, so I changed them to keep the same feeling as the original but actually work as proper weapons
The Goat now has a bat, the Rooster has a dagger, the Dog has a flail, and the Horse has a tekkō (the tekkō is similar to that of brass knuckles and resembles a horseshoe)
Pig/Snake Miraculous:
Neither of these weapons (tambourine and lyre respectively) fit and unlike the other four, they aren't even on brand with the power or animal, so they've been changed to be good weapons and fit with them better
The Pig now has a rapier, a weapon that needs precision to use as it is a stabbing, not a slicing weapon, and the Snake now has a whip, a fitting choice for it as it resembles a snake tail (both of these also play into their powers)
Minor Changes/Tweaks:
Cat/Bee/Horse/Fox Miraculous:
When the user activates their Cataclysm/Venom/Voyage/Mirage, it won't start their timer until the use it, meaning they can also deactivate it after it's been primed (This is only the case for these four as these do not immediately activate)
Bee Miraculous:
The user sets the time for Venom to last, ranging from seconds to hours to days (depending on the experience of the user), however if the user doesn't have a set time it'll simply be "Indefinite" as it'll either disappear when the user wants it to or when the user detransforms (or an outside force frees them)
Cat Miraculous:
We've seen before that the Cataclysm can spread; however it can only spread if it is the same item, so it could be spread further and faster along something like a billboard, but the moment the user's hand is not touching something it'll stop
Dog Miraculous:
It's not a simple touch anymore because it was too easy to do accidentally, now the user most use the end of their flail (the weapon was changed) and say "Sniff" to activate it, and "Fetch" to retrieve it like in canon
Fox Miraculous:
We've seen this in canon, but it's never been clarified, so I wanted too here: it's possible to create a "scene" of illusions which will not all disappear when one is disrupted (ie; an illusion of Ladybug and Chat won't both be disrupted if the Ladybug illusion is)
Ladybug Miraculous:
Very small tweak that the power adapts not only to the user but to the villain, while this is sort of true in canon, I wanted that to be more apparent here
For example, if Marinette were to fight Mr. Pigeon, she'd get a coin for the vending machine, if it were Adrien, he'd get a clothes pin because of his allergies and fight him head on, if it were Alya, she'd get a bird call to confuse the pigeons and so on
Peafowl Miraculous:
When an Amok uses negative emotions it creates a Sentimonster, whereas if it uses positive emotions, it creates a Sentibeing
The name of the Miraculous has also been changed to Peafowl
Major Changes:
The "Miraculous Ladybug" Ability:
It still exists but in concept but in concept alone, the entire power has been reworked to be less overpowered and not be an undo button at the end of each battle
The first change is that, to use it, it can only be used by combining the magic of the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous (not unification, but two holders combining their powers)
The second is that it can only fix damage directly caused by magic, so it'll put the animal's that Animan controlled back in the zoo, but if Ladybug ripped out a streetlight it wouldn't fix it since, while it was her enhanced strength that did it, it wasn't magic in nature
The third is that this power takes a lot of energy from both Ladybug and Chat Noir AND Tikki and Plagg, meaning this isn't something that can be done constantly without taking a physical toll on the users
Butterfly Miraculous:
The thing is, there wasn't anything wrong with them before, but since I wanted to reduce the Ladybug Miraculous to not being a magic fix-all, I had to change how the power worked
Akuma and Kamiko are the same and work identically with the exception that Kamiko target positive emotions and Akuma target negative emotions, so Akuma aren't just a reverse of a positive power because none of the Miraculous are inherently good or bad
Second, if the Butterfly wielder recalls their Akuma/Kamiko, it'll stay powered and can be reused, however if it is forceable removed (Ie; Ladybug/Chat Noir breaking the item it's possessing) the magic will disappear completely; however, either way once the Akuma/Kamiko is no longer possessing an item, all the magic disappears and everything that needs the magic to work will go back to normal (ie; Reflekta's clones, Syren's water, and Kung Food's mind control)
While this isn't really a change, I wanted to clarify that if someone is unwilling Akumatized OR Kamikotized, they'll only remember fragments or it'll be fuzzy, in other words they don't just have a gap in their memory, rather it's just not a clear image of what happened
Dragon Miraculous:
The Dragon's power was one of the MOST powerful in canon, and since it was three-in-one, I needed to fix that
The power is now "Storm Dragon" which transforms their body into a cloud-like state in which they can control wind, water, and lightning; however, as a tradeoff, they cannot physically interact with anything while in this state
This basically puts them into a ghost-like state, however magic can still affect them the same way their magic can affect others
Goat Miraculous:
Originally the power was being able to create any one object (or set of objects) but not only does that directly interfere with the Ladybug, given it's, y'know, the concept of creation, plus it just being an overall boring power, I changed it to be "Magic Repel"
This makes it so any and all physical, mental, and magical attacks don't do anything, however this only lasts for five minutes (regardless of their timer) and they still feel the effects even if it leaves no physical/mental damage
Ox Miraculous:
I changed the power because I decided to make it better and give it to the Goat instead, plus I wanted to go with a popular headcanon/theory for it instead
Stampede increases the Ox holder's strength, stamina, and speed to superhuman level, allowing them to act as a one man stampede
Rooster Miraculous:
Like the Dragon Miraculous, the Rooster's canon ability is too overpowered, especially since it can quite literally cross dimensions
To play into the whole "Mother Hen" phrase, I gave the Rooster the ability to heal any and all injuries of a person under the pretense that they could otherwise heal from it, so it can't be used to bring people back from the dead or save them if they otherwise cannot be saved
It also cannot heal emotional, mental, or spiritual damage unless it was directly caused by a magical source, so it's mostly for physical injuries
Snake Miraculous:
To keep from the ability crossing over into Fluff's concept of time, I changed the power to instead focus more on the user's true intuition
Ontological shows the user anywhere from a few to thousands of possible future timelines, forcing them to figure out what the best course of action is at any given moment, this will also update whenever something drastic enough happens to change their entire future (ie; Ladybug's identity is exposed)
(The name Ontological comes from the Ontological Paradox in which a future event causes a past event which therefore causes a future event)
Tiger Miraculous:
I liked the idea of the Tiger being invisibility, so I went with it (especially since the Ox now had super strength)
While invisible, the user's heat signature is also gone, and they also become much quieter, however they aren't silent
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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frogletskyes · 6 months
hiii my emergency comms are open, my ko-fi is open for donations pls we need money for bills rn!also gonna be job hunting since my job's work environment is toxic & we're not paid enough
(pics of my own pets)
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bungostraycreatures · 5 months
Bungo Stray Creatures character list: ------------------------------------------------
Armed Detectives Agency: Dazai: Cat Atsushi: Tiger Fukuzawa: Wolf Ranpo: Mongoose Kunikida: German Shepherd Kyoka: Rabbit Kenji: Cow Yosano: Axolotl Katai: Hermit crab Junichiro (and his wack ass sister): Geckos Haruno: Cat Port Mafia: Chuuya: Slug/Fox Verlaine: Snail/Jackal Akutagawa (and by proxy Gin): Hedgehog MORI: Dolphin you gross bastard Elise: Porpoise Hirotsu: porcupine Koyo: Hare Higuchi: Guinea pig Rimbaud: Penguin Kaji: Fork Tailed Katydid Doc: (Poisonous) Salamander lippmann: Golden Retriever Pianoman: King snake shirase: Ram Albatross: an albatross c'mon man Iceman: Crow Oda: Capybara Q: Tasmanian Devil Tachihara: Coyote The Hunting Dogs: Jouno: Bobcat Tecchou: Sheltie dog Terouko: Chihuahua Fukuchi: Mountain Lion Decay of Angels: Fyodor: rat Nikolai: Dove Sigma: Jerboa Bram: Vampire bat The Guild: Francis: Eagle Poe: Raccoon Lucy: Red Panda Lovecraft: octopus Steinbeck: gopher louisa: Magpie herman: Whale Mark: Rooster Nathaniel: Sheep Margret: Llama Uncategorised/I’m lazy (my bad gang): Natsume: cat Ango: Frog Aya: Fruit bat Adam: Pigeon Yokomizo: Legless lizard Sasaki: poison dart frog Gide: Maned wolf Shibusawa: Albino alligator rokuzou: bass Mushitaro: Snake Ivan: Termite
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thebunnylord · 11 months
TTTE pet headcanons
Thomas: has a pair of zebra finches, technically they’re Annie and Clarabel’s but he likes to take care of them, had a cat when he was younger though
Edward: no pet, but likes to look after the neighborhood stray cat, the stray cat likes to hang around his house.
Gordon: never had a pet, but kind of wants a horse because his brother and cousin have one
Henry: five guinea pigs and a Flemish Giant rabbit, used to keep mice as pets when he was little and had a baby squirrel at one point that he brought to school in his shirt pocket that then got out, and freaked the teacher out.
James: had a goldfish that died after a week, doesn’t trust himself to look after a pet rock
Percy: five pigeons and two doves
Toby and Henrietta: a dachshund and a pair of canaries
Duck: one very old terrier and a tabby cat.
Donald: Dilly obviously
Douglas: no pets but wants a little Shetland pony because they’re cute
Oliver: no pets but wants a Norfolk terrier
Toad: a hamster
Emily: a Scottish terrier that screams whenever a bike passes by, and a Yorkshire terrier
Diesel: no pets but wants a snake to terrorize everyone with.
Daisy: a Persian cat
Flying Scotsman: a Morgan horse
Spencer: a very expensive thoroughbred horse with a certificate of authentication and a pair of foxhounds
Salty: a crusty old one eye three legged ship cat with a snaggle tooth
Cranky: do seagulls that he feeds everyday count?
Porter: a bad tempered fowl mouthed Severe macaw that bites
Bill and Ben: no pets, but they love to tease Porter’s parrot to get it to cuss
Paxton: a pair of Siamese cats
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