#the pink and teal would look amazing
danikatze · 1 year
I have one (1) irl friend who loves Critical Role and she can't come with me to the live show in London, but I'm going to try to get a ticket anyway and go by myself!
Also also, I'm learning to screen print on fabric in a week and a half and if I manage to get a ticket I'm going to print one of my own CR drawings on a hoodie to wear to the show 🤩
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Designed a dress I want to make heavily inspired by Merida from brave and then I decided to draw it on Merida.
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The original sketch:
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#I've been big on costume design ever since sophomore year when I was on our play's costume team and I like to think I'm good at it#In 11th grade I got a superior at districts competition for costume design so#Unfortunately I didn't get to do it again in 12th grade#I think my into the woods antebellum Red riding Hood and my regency Rapunzel would have gotten high scores but whatevs#Oh yeah! I also gave her archery gloves. I wish I had archery gloves it would save my hands so much pain#I have money I should get some#This had got to be one of my only dress designs without a million pounds of tulle#I like tulle heavy dresses lol#Like my Cinderella from into the woods design. Or my Juliet and Clara dresses (I admit I do name the dresses I design with people names#I know a lot of people do that and I think it's better than saying 'oh that one pink dress' like babes which one#I still need to properly draw my tinkerbell dior dress design#Basically the skirt is just like that one door dress. The one that looks like it's got flower petals. But it's green#And also very tulle heavy#For this dress I was trying to figure out a way to incorporate tartan in the design and as I was looking online for teal velvet fabric I#remembered how hard it is to find that exact shade of fabric (my dad made me a merida dress when I was little and it took forever for him t#find the exact shade) and then I realized I could just use blue and green tartan (which is way easier to find they've got plenty at Joann's#And I'm pretty sure my dad already has some I could use) instead!#I want to get a few simpler sewing projects under my belt before I attempt this#But my mum suggested I make a matching dress for my dolls and like. Literally amazing idea.#I've got a tunic I need to make for a convention so that's how I'm gonna start. Like the most I've done on a sewing machine is hem so yeah#we're starting small#I design dresses all the time so I really need to learn to sew so I can make them#And this is my motivation I NEED this dress#Anyway#my posts#my art#pixar brave#I once said my favorite Disney princess was Merida and my friend said 'yeah that's what I figured' like??? Is it obvious?#anyway moving on
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years
Friends Don't
Word Count: 4.2k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Y/N comes to a startling revelation when brewing Amortentia in potions class
Warnings: All characters aged up to 18+. Potential spoilers for HL
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Meet me in the Common Room, midnight - S 
Y/N looked across the cauldrons at Sebastian and nodded once, a small smile on her face. He grinned back, before turning to face Professor Sharp before he could get caught not paying attention. 
“Is that a love letter from Sallow?” Imelda leant forward, a teasing smirk on her face.
“Come off it,” Y/N rolled her eyes and tucked the note into her textbook. “You know we’re just friends.”
“Friends don’t look at friends that way,” she shot a look over at Sebastian, who was standing over his cauldron with a confused look on his face. His brow was furrowed as he looked between his textbook and the potion he was making, which was supposed to be a teal colour, but was currently navy blue. “Point proven.” Y/N turned back to her with an unimpressed glare as she stirred her own potion (which was the correct shade of teal).
“You need a new hobby. Clearly Quidditch isn’t keeping you busy enough.”
“Watching you and Sallow pine after each other like lovesick Crup puppies is my new hobby.”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“And you’re in denial,” Imelda smiled sweetly as Y/N and turned back to her potion as Professor Sharp made his rounds by their station. He stopped by Sebastian’s smoking cauldron with a sigh and quiet reprimand (You’re usually better than this Mr Sallow) before moving onto the next group of students.
“If you’ve been following the instructions in your books,” Professor Sharp called out, “your potions should start turning pink as you stir it. Once it’s the right shade you may place the final ingredient in.”
Y/N watched in fascination as the contents of her cauldron began to change colour with every clockwise rotation of her wand. Although she had now been attending Hogwarts for two years, magic never failed to amaze her. She couldn’t believe she had gone the majority of her life not knowing it existed. The colour eventually shifted to the pale pink that Professor Sharp had spoken about and Y/N added the crushed moonstone and watched it take on a pearlescent sheen. 
“Ten points to Slytherin, Miss Y/L/N. Would you care to share with the class?” Sharp loomed over her shoulder, peering into her cauldron. Y/N watched as the class looked over curiously and caught Sebastian’s eye. He raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed with her, and looked down at her potion as if to say well, go on then. She leant forward to smell the contents of the cauldron, trying to decipher the scents coming from in front of her. Petrichor, wildflowers and…oh. Y/N blinked and leant back so she could pick up the coffee beans Sharp had left on each station so they had a palate cleanser. After a quick smell of the bitter grounds she turned to her cauldron again. Oh.
“Well?” Imelda asked her.
“If it’s all the same, Professor. I’d rather not,” Y/N muttered, her face flaming. The class broke into a chorus of whispers, all trying to guess what scent had turned the Hero of Hogwarts a pretty shade of pink. Although it was hidden well, Y/N watched as Sharp’s mouth twitched up in amusement before he moved on from her.
“What did you smell?” Imelda whispered to her. Y/N shook her head, her heart thundering in her chest. She couldn’t tell anyone she had smelled Sebastian’s smoky cologne, the one that seemed to stick to him all day even though he barely used it. Imelda looked between Y/N’s red face and her cauldron before looking across the station to Sebastian and a knowing smirk fell on her features. “Sebastian…” Y/N shot her a warning look, which Imelda pointedly ignored. “What do you smell?”
“Nice try, Imelda,” he chuckled and stirred his own potion. “I’m not falling for that.”
“You’re both no fun.”
“Just because yours is probably something predictable like broom polish doesn’t mean we’re not fun for not wanting to share,” Y/N shot. Imelda let out a laugh and patted her friend’s hand. 
“Careful there Y/L/N, I’ve still got some cards up my sleeve for you.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Y/N glared at the girl next to her, stomach churning nervously. Imelda just grinned at her before adding her own crushed moonstone to her cauldron, signalling the end of the conversation. Y/N was vaguely aware of Sebastian watching them curiously from across the potions station and turned to face the raven-haired girl next to her, clutching the sleeve of her robes. “Imelda.”
“Calm down,” she laughed quietly and leant in so no one else could hear. “Your not-so-secret crush on Sallow is safe with me. I actually quite enjoy watching you two act like you don’t have feelings for each other.” With a wave of her wand, Imelda tidied her potions station and left the class swiftly, just as the bell rang outside. Y/N cursed the day she met the girl, and more specifically, became friends with her after completing all of her stupid broom trials, and quickly cleaned her own station before leaving the classroom. It wasn’t until she was halfway to the Great Hall for dinner that she realised what Imelda had implied with her parting words. 
Sebastian couldn’t have feelings for me, she wondered, chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully, could he? No, that’s ridiculous, she shook her head to rid herself of the assumption.
“Careful, Y/N,” a hand grabbed the back of her robes and gently tugged her back a couple of steps before she could fall off the Grand Staircase. “You’re usually more aware than this, where did you go?” Sebastian looked concerned and pulled her away from a crowd of students that was walking their way. Y/N looked up at him, craning her neck more than she used to when they met in fifth year. Sometime in the summer between fifth and sixth year Sebastian had really come into his own. He had always been attractive, but somewhere along the way, without her really noticing, he had suddenly shot up and filled out. The jumper he wore to fight the perpetual chill in the dungeons did little to cover up the muscle that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. 
“Dinner, I’m starving,” she lied, freeing her robes from his grasp so she could continue to walk towards the Great Hall. “How’s Ominis? I haven’t heard from him much since he went on his unsanctioned visit to see Anne.” Although he grumbled like he was annoyed, Y/N knew deep down Sebastian was a little pleased that his best friend and sister had finally started to court a few months ago. Apparently watching Ominis pretend he hadn’t been in love with her since they were children was sickening to say the least. 
Y/N was relieved when Anne reached out to Sebastian at the beginning of their final year at Hogwarts and extended an olive branch. She watched as Sebastian had read the initial letter, a wide smile on his face and unshed tears in his eyes before he brandished the piece of parchment at her excitedly. The twins weren’t as close as they used to be, but they were slowly mending the bridge that had burned down with their Uncle’s untimely death. 
“Where do you keep going? What are you thinking about?” Sebastian asked her. His hand came out to smooth the crease in between her eyes, lingering for a moment before he pulled away. 
“Oh really?” he arched an eyebrow, a sly smile falling on his lips. “Is this where you finally admit I’m the most handsome student at Hogwarts?”
“I thought you had three years worth of self-imposed trophies to say just that.”
“Yes, but none of those mean anything without your agreement.” Something danced behind Sebastian’s eyes, a look Y/N couldn’t quite decipher. She was used to his charming nature and the confidence he seemed to exude, but every so often he said something and paired it with a look that was different. He looked…uncertain? Hopeful, maybe. 
“I didn’t realise my opinions held so much weight for you.” 
“And here I thought it was obvious that I hold you in the highest regard.” The air around them changed. Y/N couldn’t pinpoint it exactly - it wasn’t tense, but she felt a palpable shift in energy. She looked away from him and hoped he couldn’t see the blush that she felt rise to her cheeks as she walked into the Great Hall and made her way to the Slytherin table. She found Poppy seated with Imelda, heads bent together as they chatted quietly. They looked up as Sebastian and Y/N sat down, and a downright devilish grin was plastered on Imelda’s face. 
“The rumours about what you can smell in Amortentia and refused to share in class are already circling.”
“Don’t start,” Y/N groaned as Sebastian filled her plate with food. 
“The majority seem to think you can smell something that relates to Sebastian or Ominis,” Poppy added.
“Ominis?” Sebastian stopped filling Y/N’s glass with pumpkin juice, his tone incredulous. “That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.”
“How would you know?” Imelda shot at him. “Has Y/N told you what she could smell?”
“This whole conversation is ridiculous,” Y/N cut in, rolling her eyes. She grabbed the large bowl of mashed potatoes and spooned some onto Sebastian’s plate. 
“It’s not that bad, Y/N,” Poppy gave her a reassuring smile. “I think it’s sweet. What you can actually smell, that is.” Y/N paused, the piece of chicken intended for Sebastian’s plate wobbling precariously on the serving spoon.
“How do you know what she can smell?” Sebastian looked up at her sharply, though there was no malice in his voice.
“Imelda told me.”
“Imelda,” Y/N hissed at the girl across the table from her at the same time Sebastian gave her a reproachful look. 
“You told Imelda?”
“I didn’t tell her anything,” Y/N protested. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. She could hear a few of her classmates around them mutter about her, all supplying options for what she could smell in the love potion. “I think I’m going to grab something from the kitchens instead,” Y/N stood and quickly made her way out of the hall before any of them could follow her. The moment Y/N was out of earshot Imelda leant across the table to hit Sebastian across the back of his head.
“Ow,” he rubbed his head and gave the raven-haired girl a disapproving glare, “what was that for?”
“You’re an absolute idiot, Sebastian Sallow.”
“Imelda…” Poppy nudged the girl gently before offering Sebastian a sympathetic smile. “What she means is - ”
“Oh, I have no doubt she meant it.” Later Sebastian would vehemently deny to anyone that he was pouting like a scolded child after being accosted by Imelda Reyes, but at that current moment all he could do was sulk as he pushed some peas around his plate. 
“I did,” Imelda offered him a saccharine smile and shrugged unapologetically at Poppy, who looked disappointed at the pair. “If you don’t go after what you want, Sallow, others are going to take it from you.”
“Y/N isn’t some belonging that people can just have, least of all me. She’s a person with her own thoughts and feelings.”
“Who said I was talking about Y/N?” Sebastian’s head shot up to meet Imelda’s self-satisfied smirk and let out a low groan. “My point is,” she continued as he (rather dramatically, Imelda thought) lay his head down to rest on the table, “you’re in Slytherin. We’re ambitious to a fault, and when we know what we want we strive to achieve and obtain it. What’s stopping you from going after Y/N?”
“We’re just friends.” The lie Sebastian muttered on a daily basis felt thin to even his ears, and clearly neither Imelda or Poppy was impressed either. 
“Why could you smell her in the Amortentia then?” Poppy asked.
“How did you know I - oh. I’m impressed, Sweeting. That was very Slytherin of you,” Sebastian laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “What would you both have me say then? Y/N I’ve been in love with you since fifth year when we fought a troll together in Hogsmeade?” he asked rhetorically. If his face wasn’t red with embarrassment before, it was now as the words slipped out of his mouth. “I don’t - I mean, I do? I think. I didn’t mean - ” His stammers were interrupted by Poppy’s quiet laugh. 
“Oh Sebastian, you don’t need a pair of working eyes to know that you’re in love with Y/N Y/L/N. I think the only person oblivious to your feelings is Y/N herself.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same? What if I ruin our friendship?” he asked quietly. The girls shared a look, and if Sebastian would have looked at either of them he would have noticed a silent conversation happening between the pair.
“Okay, look. I told Y/N I wasn’t going to tell you this, but you’re behaving like a lovesick second year and it’s making me sick,” Imelda flicked a pea at Sebastian in disdain. “Now, I can’t confirm it, but I strongly suspect that her Amortentia did smell of you.” Sebastian gave her a disbelieving look and sent the pea back across the table at her. “I agree that it lacks proof, but I do happen to know for a fact that she does have feelings for you. She told me herself.”
“She what?” That caught Sebastian’s attention, and that of a few people around them as well. Imelda shot them all a glare and they quickly turned back to their own conversations.
“If you tell her I told you I will hunt you down like the animal you are and use you as target practice for the beaters. I know where you sleep, Sallow.”
“She…” Sebastian was at a loss for words as he looked at Poppy for confirmation, who nodded uncertainly in agreement. “I need to go speak to her,” he muttered, more to himself than the girls in front of him. He continued to murmur quietly to himself as he hauled himself up and out of the Great Hall, his expression wavering between surprise and bliss as he left.
“When did Y/N tell you she liked Sebastian?” Poppy asked once he had left.
“Oh, she didn’t. But I think we can both agree neither of them was going to do anything without a nudge, don’t you? Could you pass the pumpkin juice?”
Y/N let out a quiet sigh as she snuck back into the Slytherin Common Room. It was nearing midnight, and although she wanted nothing more than to fall into her bed she trudged through the silent room instead to sit and wait for Sebastian by the fireplace. After leaving the Great Hall, Y/N had trekked her way up to the Room of Requirement to spend some time taking care of the various magical beasts in her vivarium. The animals couldn’t pester her like people did, asking her questions she didn’t want to answer, and worst, ones she didn’t have the answers to. She couldn’t understand why everyone was pushing their way into her business; why did it matter what (or who, she thought dryly) she could smell in the Amortentia? So what if she could smell Sebastian, and who was Imelda freaking Reyes to tell her she had feelings for her best friend.
Well, Y/N chewed on her lower lip as she stared into the dying embers, he was rather handsome. Something he would take great satisfaction in if she admitted it out loud. And she supposed, if she was really thinking about it, he was quite funny, and charming, and smart, and possibly the kindest person she knew, and - oh Merlin, she had feelings for Sebastian Sallow. 
He was her best friend, and hadn’t her aunt always told her those made for the best life partners? Not someone who you just existed with, but someone who knew you, knew every part of you, and would still stand by you. Not that she was thinking about spending the rest of her life with him. Y/N felt a blush rise to her cheeks as an unwarranted image of her in a white dress and Sebastian looking absolutely striking in a suit came to mind. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” A low voice startled her, and Y/N pressed a hand to her chest as she took note of Sebastian sitting in the armchair next to her. He bit his lip in amusement at her shock, but was smart enough to keep his comments to himself.
“How long have you been sitting there?”
“Long enough to watch you groan to yourself twice and turn the most enticing shade of pink,” he teased. “Where do you keep going today?”he asked, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”
“Anything I can help with?” Sebastian offered. Yes, Y/N thought to herself, you can start by bathing in bubotuber pus.
“I’ll be fine, Sebastian. There’s no need to fret.”
“You battle trolls for fun, I think there is some need to fret.”
“You’ve battled more than one troll with me, too.”
“Ah, but there’s the obvious difference. You don’t worry for me the same way.”
“You can’t mean that,” Y/N sat upright in her chair, a withering glare on her features. “Of course I worry about you, you idiot.”
“Why is everyone calling me an idiot tonight?”
“Clearly it’s warranted,” Y/N sniffed in annoyance and sank back down into her seat. How dare he say she didn’t worry for him, all she’s done for the past two years was worry about him.
Sebastian could tell he had said the wrong thing. He knew - of course he knew - that she worried and cared for him. No one else would have witnessed and experienced everything they had together in their fifth year and still stood by him afterwards. It was never a question to Y/N whether he needed forgiving. Even Ominis, who had been with him since before he could remember, needed a while to come back around and speak to Sebastian again, but she didn’t. Granted, it had taken a couple of weeks as things had happened in quick succession, from the death of his uncle, to fighting Harlow, then Rookwood, to finally defeating Ranrok; but there Y/N was, sitting next to him at Professor Fig’s memorial, silent tears running down her face as she clutched his hand tightly for comfort. 
“I apologise,” he reached out to take her hand. “It seems I’m not quite done putting my foot in my mouth whenever you’re around.”
“Yes, it seems so.” Her words were flat, but she squeezed his hand back gently to let him know all was forgiven. Sebastian had the overwhelming urge to take Y/N into his arms and never let go, but also reprimand her at the same time. She was always the first to call him out when he was being a prat - which, he admitted to himself, happened more often than not - but she always forgave him for it moments later.
He took a moment to watch as she stared into the flames once more. His eyes roamed over her features, from her brilliant eyes, down the slope of her nose and rested on her mouth. Y/N could give any Ravenclaw a run for their money with the amount of wit she fired, and even though Sebastian was often on the receiving end, he loved it. He loved the way she rolled her eyes at him when she shot a particularly sarcastic or dry comment his way; he loved when she teased him and made him question his sanity and oh, he adored it when she would shoot him a rare, flirtatious comment.
He loved her.
The thought took his breath from him. He had said it out loud in the Great Hall earlier, but it was unintentional, and he wasn’t quite sure of it then, but now…now he was sure. He was in love with her. Every part. He wanted to share every day, every night, every moment with her. 
“You’re staring.”
“You’re beautiful,” he replied without thinking. He watched as a faint blush dusted Y/N’s cheeks and his heart stuttered in his chest. How could he ever doubt how he felt for her? “What did you smell in the Amortentia?” Sebastian asked, a sudden surge of confidence hitting him.
“Sebastian,” Y/N sighed heavily, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Y/N turned to look at him, a pleading look on her face. She was tired, so tired, at having to pretend she wasn’t irrevocably head over heels for the man next to her. She feared if he asked her any more questions he would see straight through her, and then their friendship would be ruined and he would want nothing more to do with her. No, the logical part of her brain replied, Sebastian is too nice for that. Instead he would let her down gently, with the soft tone one would reserve for an injured animal or a sick child.
“I could smell you,” he blurted out. Y/N blinked once, not quite sure she had heard him properly, before looking over at him slowly. “Your perfume, to be more specific. And the smell of rain, from the night we danced out in it. Also those strawberry tarts you love to eat at breakfast.” He stood from his seat before sinking to his feet so he could kneel in front of her on the stone floor. “All I could smell was you.”
“What did you smell?” he asked her again, a hint of desperation in his eyes. She thought there was nothing more between them but friendship, that he could never look at her the way she wanted him t, but the look in his eyes right now…Merlin, how could she ever think that? Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked down at him and watched as his hands came to rest on her knees gently. She could feel the heat of his skin through the material of her trousers and all she could think of was more. She wanted more. “Darling? I’m putting my heart on the line here.”
“It was you,” she whispered after a moment, afraid to say it much louder. “You, when we danced in the rain. You, when you showed me the clearing full of wildflowers. Just…you. It was all you, Sebastian.” She met his gaze, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “It’s always been you, I just didn’t realise it until lately.”
“You’re supposed to be the smart one,” he teased lightly. He raised his hand to wipe away a stray tear, his thumb stroking her cheek gently. “Why are you crying?”
“I…” Y/N let out a sound that was between a sob and a chuckle and slid down so she was kneeling on the floor with Sebastian. “I think I was too scared to tell you before, so I pretended like it didn’t exist. These feelings have been bottled up for so long, only to be let out now…” she wiped away her own tears this time and offered him a rueful smile. 
“Oh darling,” he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “it seems we’ve both been a little slow, hm? How could you not see I’m hopelessly head over heels for you?” He rested his forehead on hers, watching with slight satisfaction as her eyes fluttered closed in anticipation and longing. “You have been, and always will be, my one and only.”
“You’re going to make me cry again,” Y/N protested weakly. Sebastian chuckled quietly and brushed a stray hair from her eyes. He watched as the wheels turned in her head, and knew she was deep in thought when she started to chew on her lower lip thoughtfully. 
“Come back to me, what are you thinking?”
“It’s highly improper.”
“My favourite,” he smiled crookedly and ran his thumb across her lower lip. “Tell me.” Instead,  after a brief moment of hesitation, Y/N closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his gently. She pulled away all too soon for Sebastian’s liking, her eyes darting across his face for any reaction he disapproved of - or worst, didn’t enjoy - their chaste kiss. He pulled her back in slowly, giving her more than enough time to pull away should she choose to do so, and pressed his lips back to her sweetly. 
From the other end of the Common Room, Imelda watched quietly as the couple kissed each other with stomach-churning sweetness, and as she turned to leave she made a mental note to boast to Poppy first thing in the morning that she was right yet again. 
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
✿ 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙨<3 ✿
characters: il!dan heng x nb!reader
warnings: fluff, just fluff, also dan heng’s tail holding u hostage, also also reader is shorter than dan heng
notes: dan heng needs more love and appreciation. come on, this mans fine asf
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if anyone were to ever tell dan heng that one day he would be purring contently while keeping a struggling familiar tuft of [c] haired person in his hold, he would have simply shrugged them off with a thought of how weird that is. really? keeping someone in his hold? while being content and purring? yeah, that doesn’t exactly sound like dan heng.
if so, then whose teal scaled tail was holding you so tightly? wrapped around your middle, keeping your hands to your side as you try to wiggle out of his grasp? purrs like a cat’s reverberating in his room as he pulls you close over and over to place a peck on your forehead.
the vidyadhara high elder is a respected title. one that causes the people of the luofu to kneel and sing praises to him. in his name.
saying how amazing he is to split the seas, to control the waters and the ocean like it was nothing, to hold the highest title amongst an ancient species of even more ancient beings.
yet here he was. this needy dragon. keeping you tightly in his hold as he peppers your face in kisses.
“dan heng… my love”
“yes, dearest?”
“will you please be willing to let me—“
“not happening”
and there goes your chance of freedom. taken away, cruelly stripped off of you as he wraps his arms around you, keeping you in place. lovely. any other time of the day, any other moment, any other day and this would have been such a lovely occasion for you.
having your usually stoic and a bit reclusive lover turn into a clingy cat. wait no, dragon? cat-dragon? dragon-cat?? in your hold. but right now… nature calls. and his tail wasn’t helping.
long scaled limb wrapped around your shoulder all the way to your stomach. his arms coming around to pull you closer to himself on the mattress that works as his bed in the archives. smushing his face against your collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses on the exposed skin as deep rumbling purrs resound from deep within his chest.
sometimes, due to his current form, his horns would knock up to your chin. each time, he would leave soothing kisses as a means to “kiss the booboo better”.
this was your lover, ladies and gentlemen and everything up and above. this… clingy cat-dragon.
“perfect height for forehead kisses…” dan heng mumbles quietly to himself as he moves to plant soft kisses all over your forehead after moving your bangs to the side.
smooch! smooch! smooch! smooch! smooch!
pulling away with a content smug smile on his face, the vidyadhara looks at the amount of lipgloss stains left all over your face and exposed skin of your neck. you had complained about his lips being a bit harsh and he decided to borrow one of your chapsticks. the colored one specifically. and here you were, eating your very own words.
especially when the dragon leans in to plant an unusually deep kiss on your lips, almost as if wanting to devour you whole. the more… primal parts of his brain did wanted to do that. just wrap you up in his hold and chomp on your exposed flesh until you look like you were mauled by a wild animal. which… was kinda the truth.
but that was for later on.
for now, the greedy dragon was just content to hold you tightly in his grasp, planting soft kisses on your forehead or cheeks. wherever his lips reach first. the ends of his tail wagging happily like a puppy, a certain flare of possessiveness sparking in him whenever he sees you trying to escape his grasp. a feeling of happiness and sheer adoration blooming instead when he sees the colored chapstick leave another mark on your skin.
thankfully, a certain cheerful pink haired girl knocks on the doors to dan heng’s room. upon entering and seeing your colored face and how your lover’s tail would tighten around you just a little bit, she raises a brow.
placing her hands on her hips, march looks between the two of you. one with a happy smile on his face, if one could squint, they could see imaginary small flowers and bubbles floating around him. and the other… they looked like they wanted to die.
“uhhhh… what happened here?”
“i fell for a trap… i went in for a kiss and now. he’s got me. and he won’t let me go”
“i know but nngh!”
“i know but mnngh!”
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shiny-kaibernyte · 9 months
I immediately gave you a follow since you wrote Drayton content. Toothpaste man!!!
Anyways, I love drama. I like the idea of Drayton pining after the reader while also making Kieran jealous 😭😭 could you write something like that??
Please take care of yourself btw! You write wonderful content!
We love our toothpaste man! And I'm so glad you like my stuff. This is so sweet of you and such an amazing request as well I would love to do this for you! I really do hope you like this 💜💜
Side note: I got a shiny Popplio when I read your request so I named it Cloudy as a little nod to you whenever I play.
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
A rivalry between the Dragon Elite four members and the Champion of the BB League turns into much more than just a race for Pokémon battles. When Drayton just wants to take you out on a date, Kieran's jealousy comes out to play, only pushing Drayton's goal to win your heart more.
SPOILER WARNING AHEAD (Indigo Disk Main Story and a little bit of The Teal Mask)
A Dragon’s Heart | Drayton x Reader
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“Awe, come on~ just one date!” Drayton innocently pleaded, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His eyes staring down at you whilst you scribbled down notes from your previous shiny hunt. 
You shook your head with a cheeky smile on your face, as you continued to scribble, “And my response will remain the same Drayton, a cafeteria chat is not a date! Maybe I'll say yes when you think of something creative, hm?”
“I’m creative! The cafeteria is just easy, it's not too noisy since everyone eats out in the terrarium! Plus free food!” He joked, attempting to make it sound appealing, even though he knows it's not good. Unfortunately, his brain can’t think of anything good enough, at least for him. Everything he’s thought of, he doesn’t think is good enough for you. And he’s thought of a lot. “I can help you out with your shiny notes, you know~ maybe even join you on a hunt!”
“Drayton, you don’t know the first thing about shiny hunting, let alone actually joining me on one.” You sighed jokingly, looking up at him as you closed your notebook, “If I remember correctly, didn’t you fail a shiny Pokémon?”
His face turned slightly red, embarrassment washing over him for a moment as he grumbled to himself, “Hey I thought the Axew was sick… It’s not my fault I didn't know the Axew was going to run from me!”
“You threw a berry at its head!” You exclaimed, lightly chuckling when you saw his embarrassed face. “And you call yourself the Dragon expert” 
His embarrassment turned into laughter as he thought about how stupid that was, the pair of you laughing together with bright smiles on your faces.
Your laughter didn’t go unnoticed however, from across the room, Kieran's eyes glared into Drayton. The sound of you laughing along with him only fuels Kieran's desire to be the best. But the jealousy was too strong for him to focus with the two of you laughing. “If you two are finished chirping like Starly’s over there, Drayton, you have a battle in five minutes. I suggest you get going.”
“Relax Kieran, I got plenty of time bud! Besides, it's unlikely they will be on time, it takes a while to prepare for a battle against one of us. So my opponent can take as long as he needs to!” Drayton argued with a hint of playfulness in his voice as Kieran gritted his teeth. A small smile crept on your face when you heard Drayton’s response, that was something you always admired about him. His patients was contagious, never rushing anyone into anything, always trying to make someone smile. Sure he has his moments of cockiness but that just adds to his character, every Dragon has a bite after all.
“Spoken like a true Elite, Drayton!” You chimed, standing up from the sofa. Drayton’s face turned a light pink, his heart lightly thumping. Surprised at himself that something so simple made him blush. His dragon heart only making more room for you.
Kieran's heart pounded in rage at your words, annoyed over the fact you were saying those words to Colgate and not him. Eventually, he puts on his no fudges given face and turns towards you both fully. “If you want to remain as the top Elite four members, Drayton, I'd get to your battle. I still have the power to remove you from this club.”
“Alright Alright! I’m going!” Drayton sighs, raising his hands in defeat. Kieran shook his head displeased as Drayton stretched his arms up, a sigh leaving his mouth before turning back to you. “So about that date… How about instead, as a warm-up, you come watch my battle as my special guest? That way, it’s not our official first date and I still get to spend time with you.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, trying to see where he’s going with this and what extra little plan he has going on inside that head of his. Until he raises a hand up for you to take, a genuine smile on his face as he patiently waits for your decision. With a bright smile, you take his hand, “I think that is a fair deal.”
“Have fun moping, Kieran!” Drayton yells as he gently pulls you along with him towards the door. Kieran had steam coming off his body as he watched the pair of you leave, and not just from Drayton’s response. A smirk appeared on Drayton’s face when he saw the jealousy in Kieran’s eyes. 
Soon his focus returned to the matter at hand, and he smiled at you, pushing and holding the door open for you as he guided you through it, “After you sweetheart~”
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lovemaiyo · 1 year
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lovesick . romance tropes with blue lock . (full length fics coming up soon!!) .
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" hey nana, no matter how much or how often people hurt each other, loving someone is never a waste .
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ISAGI childhood friends to lovers & in the rain you always admired isagi. every since the age of 7, he had been obsessed with football. it was really rare to find a passion and ambition like his. and he was so nice to you! and cute.. and hot.. and driven.. and- okay, you liked him. like, a lot. but he was in love with someone.. something else. football. it was what he lived for. but you were next, really. isagi would come to you with stories, ideas, and just about anything. and you would listen religiously, because that was the only thing you could do to keep your heart from bursting. these habits, and your 10 year crush, carried on until high school. you were neighbors, so you always walked with him to school and back. it looks like someone forgot to read the weather report today, because it's rainy with a chance of a confession. (EWWW I CRINGED AT MYSELF) "you like me? i like you too. you're my best friend!" "yoichi. i like you. like, like like. like love." "i love you too!" ".. yoichi isagi. it's been 3652 days since i've liked you." "oh. that kind of like."
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RIN enemies to lovers & academic rivals to lovers you hated itoshi rin. you HATED him. you hated how he always acted all high and mighty and thought everyone was below him and called everyone that didn't fit his high ass standards "lukewarm." you hated how your name was always second to "itoshi rin." in every exam, in every lesson. you hated him and he hated you right back (or you thought) though, that didn't really explain why he was standing in front of you with a heart shaped box, eyes wandering across the room, one hand scratching his neck bashfully, with a little bit of blush on his cheeks. your jaw almost dropped. yeah, you hated itoshi rin, but was he always this pretty? his eyes were spotify green cerulean, and his hair framed his face perfectly. now, up close, you noticed that his eyes weren't blue ー they were teal. his jawline was sharp. was it bad that you wanted to kiss it? was it bad that you wanted to kiss him? "HUH?????? I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME?" wow, excellent thing to say to your crush!!! woooo!!! you dumb bitch.. "hated you? uh.. i never really hated you.." "oh..." "yeah.." silence.
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CHIGIRI stuck in a elevator & hot neighbor
wow, moving was the best decision you ever made. the rent was way lower, the community was friendly, and your neighbor was, well.. hot. hot as fuck. he was tall, with long and silky red hair, and the prettiest pink eyes. and he was really nice. cookies on the day you moved in, frequent hi's and hello's, and he even invited you for dinner some day! no doubt, you were head over heels. and how could you not be? he made one hell of a pasta. so, would it be considered good, or bad that you're currently stuck in an elevator with him? you were going out to meet some friends, you so did your makeup and everything. he just got back from the gym. god, he was really eye candy. "you look nice. who're you all dolled up for?" "just some friends. you?" "got back from the gym." "so.." "hm?" and then there was a crash. ".." ".." "holy shit. what was that."
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KUNIGAMI best friend's older brother & protecting you
ever since you were eight, still watching icarly on the tv and dressing up dolls with your best friend, you had been MADLY smitten with her older brother. honestly, who wouldn't be? he was so nice, treated you with utmost care even when you were younger then him. he never lost his calm, he was always kind, and... he was extremely handsome. you always chased after him, but he always just thought you were his little sister's best friend. naturally, you enrolled in the same college as him. you were only a year younger, and with the mindset that kunigami only liked smart girls, you got into college with amazing grades. so why was it, that every time you tried to dress up all cute for him, he barely paid attention. it wasn't like you were in the same friend group, but really? just a occasional 'wow, those clothes suit you.' and a smile? how dense was this guy? and on top of that, you always attracted unwanted attention. "hey, girl, let's go out." ".. no." "why not? listen, i have a lot of girls chasing me, and i chose you. you must be honored." "i have a boyfriend.." "sure you do. listen, just give it up." he moved his arms towards you. "no means no." a familiar voice said, grabbing that creepy guy's hands. "and who're you?" ".. her boyfriend."
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REO fake dating
the silence was deafening. "what. did you just say?" "i said, date me. for 2 weeks, fake date me. just to get my parents off my back." .. is he being for real? you knew mikage reo since you were 5. your parents and his parents were business partners, so you saw each other a lot. it was him, with his little purple bowlcut, at 5 years old, who excitedly took your hand and introduced himself. reo quickly became a close friend of yours - until he moved overseas for his little football trip or something. you hadn't seen him in years, yet he came back, knocked on your door, and made this crazy proposal. sure, he'd grown into a hot guy.. a little bit too hot. his fluffy purple hair framed his beautiful face perfectly, and his curious eyes looked at you, waiting for your answer. his lean and toned arms were visible from the black half sleeve he wore, and traces of a fully defined body were visible from under... maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea? "so? yes or no?"
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NAGI sharing a room
going on a trip with your crush was the BEST thing that had ever happened to you. well, it was until about 10 minutes ago. reo, your mutual friend, decided to sponsor a trip for every one of his friends for reasons only god knows. you all met at the lobby of the expensive hotel he booked, and drew straws to see who'd get which room. reo, being the sore loser he was, (no reo hate i love reo) switched up the straws as soon as he got the shorter one. so, just your luck, right? getting stuck with your crush, nagi seishirou, in one room. you're so gonna kill reo when you get out of this. "uhh, i can take the floor?" you offered. "okay. take it then." he said, plainly. your eye twitched at his pettiness. ".. nevermind!! i'm taking the bed." "hey." he frowned "we flip a coin.. i'm heads." actually, your luck was sort of good. it landed on tails! "this thing is rigged..." he grumbled while getting ready to sleep on the floor. which somehow included taking off his grey sweatshirt, to reveal abs and a body like a greek god.. wait, why were you even staring?? (alr pack it up "greek god" SHUT UP HAHAHA WHY DO I DO THIS) "soo... uh.. do you always take off your shirt before going to bed?"
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⪩ ⪨ lovemaiyo 2022 - 2024 . choose wisely
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Heyo! First off I gotta say your last post *chef kiss* lol I've really enjoyed reading all your fics!
May I request y/n giving Gorou, Tighnari, and Scaramouche and maybe Xiao forehead kisses?
Thank you<3
Eeeee thank you so much!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed them all! I hope you like this! <3
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You giving them forehead kisses~
(Includes: Gorou, Tighnari, Xiao, and Scaramouche!)
You smiled at Gorou, laying next to him on the soft ground, his arms wrapped around you holding you close to him. Above you the sakura tree showered you both with its silky light pink leaves, the gentle breeze shaking its branches and the sun slightly peeping through, making you feel warm in its rays.
He leaned in closer to you, your noses touching slightly as he looked into your eyes, his tail wagging gently behind him, letting you know he was enjoying the moment just as much as you were. Your face heated up a little as you moved, placing a soft kiss on your boyfriends forehead and watching lovingly as his cheeks turned a soft pink before he returned the favour, kissing your lips softly.
Tighnari was deep into his paperwork, studying some plants you had never heard of before, while you organised a couple of his shelves and tidied up some of his loose sketches, taking your time to look at each one of them. It still amazed you how close to life he could make them look, even with just a few swipes of his pen.
Suddenly a small note caught your attention, your name being printed in his handwriting as well as a checklist. The checklist wasn't like any one he had written before or at least none that you had seen as you read each one of the goals:
⊡ Tell them they are beautiful at least once a day.
⊡ Bring them flowers for every date.
⊡ Say I love you more often.
⊡ Make sure to take a break from work to spend time with them.
By the time you had finished reading you had a dark blush on your face, noticing how he had marked them all and remembering just how loving he had been towards you recently. Your heart swelled and as he shifted in his seat you decided to hide the note back where it was, making your way over to him.
As soon as he looked up at you, his eyes filled with curiousity, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before hugging him, a large smile on your face. "What's gotten into you hm? You didn't eat any aphrodisiacs did you?" He chuckled teasingly his face turning a slight pink as his arms wrapped around you tightening the embrace.
(Went a little crazy with this one! Hope that's okay! >w<)
You looked at Xiao who had taken to resting his head in your lap, looking up at you as you gently ran your fingers through his dark teal hair and hummed a quiet melody. This time with him felt so peaceful and calming, not a worry in the world, just the wish of wanting to stay like this with him forever.
You glanced down at him, his eyelids looking heavy like he was about to fall asleep and his normally threatening yellow eyes looking gentle, you couldn't help but wonder just how long it had been since he had last relaxed like this. You smiled leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his forehead, watching as his eyes widen for a second and his cheeks turned slightly pink, before he could say a word sleep got the better of him, his eyes slowly closing as he rested on you.
Scaramouche smirked, looking at your blushing face like he had won a medal, his teasing had worked on you and despite calling you pathetic he actually enjoyed watching your cheeks turn red. "This isn't even a challenge anymore, just a simply victory like taking candy from a baby. Honestly I'm starting to think you'll never get me to blush." He gloated, each word full of self confidence and overwhelming pride.
For a second you considered giving up on ever making him feel flustered, wondering if it was actually impossible...till a idea popped into your head. It would be a last resort but it was all you could think of. You stepped closer to him tipping his hat backwards, he made a annoyed noise but you didn't take the time to care as you kissed his forehead gently.
You watched, savouring the moment as his face turned slightly pink and his smirk fell into a frown. He attempted to hide away behind his hat but you wouldn't let him get away so easily, as you ducked under the brim, your face inches from his. "What were you saying again?" You couldn't help but giggle at him as he groaned in annoyance.
~Requests open!~
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amateurasterism · 1 year
what it means to believe.
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synopsis ; itoshi sae doesn’t believe you and him could exist. but the universe is against him and helps him realize that maybe it can.
pairing ; itoshi sae + fem!reader
notes ; dramatic!sae, possible ooc!sae, a LOT of pining, angst?? idk, fluff, cute lil brother rin, strangers to friends to strangers to friends to lovers, fake dating. first bllk fic yuhh
word count ; 4.2k
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itoshi sae wants you. but he knows all too well that even though you’d make him a good person, he makes you a bad person. he’s not good enough for you.
which is why you believe itoshi hates you.
every day he enters your classroom, those pretty teal eyes not sparing even a flicker towards you, despite the fact you sat next to him.
that is exactly sae’s problem—he’s hanging on the edge of a cliff, sitting here next to you. he’s holding on to his final pieces of dignity just trying not to turn around and look at your pretty face.
as much as it twists his blocked off heart, he settles with your fallen lips and downturned eyes because he’d rather you hate him than let himself fall into your innocent smile. he wouldn’t fill you with that false hope, because in the end he’d ruin you.
you didn’t deserve someone who would prioritize a sport over relationships. soccer meant too much to him.
he told himself he wouldn’t get attached, but deep down he knew somehow, because fate had its ways, he would. he always knew at some point, he would fall from that ledge he’d been hanging on since he was sixteen.
turns out, he was falling today.
ring! ring!
“rin! go open the door, that’s your new babysitter,” mrs. itoshi calls from the living room. she turns to her older son, “can you go with him, sae?”
internally groaning, sae gets up and follows his green-haired brother to the gigantic front door of their luxurious house. to his surprise, rin was already there, chatting cheerfully with his new babysitter. odd—rin wasn’t usually chatty with his caretakers.
“i know you!” rin jumps, pointing to the babysitter’s face. sae wonders who it must be for rin to recognize you so excitedly. 
“oh really? where from?” the voice is sweet, sounding too much like something sae knew all too well—
“my brother’s phone! he says you’re the prettiest girl—”
before rin can finish, sae appears in the doorway, hand over his brother’s mouth and ears blending into his pink hair. you stare at the sight, eyes wide in bewilderment.
“stop lying,” sae says firmly. “i never said that.”
rin whacks sae’s hand off. “you did, though.”  
“i’ll play soccer with you later if you don’t talk about it.”
you watch, amazed, as rin looks up at his brother in utmost adoration and disbelief, “promise?”
sae nods, and rin runs away with the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
now, it was just you and sae. you and the guy you were convinced hated you. sae and the girl who soccer stood in the way of. in another universe, one where sae didn’t love soccer as much as he did, he thinks you could be standing here as part of the itoshi family, rather than just “rin’s new babysitter.”
but it seemed like this universe was against sae, because he just about died inside when you smirked at him, voice full of mocking as you say, “so, the prettiest, hm?”
his hand let go of the cliff in that moment, and he knew he was screwed.
you’ve been rin’s longest-standing babysitter thus far, lasting a year now. but you’re not sure if it’s because you’re a special babysitter, or because you happen to be attracted to rin’s older brother.
you were seventeen when you were sure itoshi sae hated you.
but now you’re eighteen and believe something exists between you.
you’d be stupid not to. stupid not to notice the way he greeted you at the front door every time you came over, his teal eyes flitting to you whenever he came home to the sight of you and rin playing soccer in the backyard, your favorite snacks you only told him about always fully stocked in their pantry. and especially stupid to not notice the smiles he let escape his lips whenever you made an effort to talk to him before you left. it made you feel special knowing you were the only person at school who knew that smile.
but then you realize; maybe you were stupid. because somehow, without knowing, you managed to fumble and a week after sae’s eighteenth birthday, he disappeared.
sae could tell you thought you were stupid. he knew from the fallen smile every time you watched him head straight to his room and hide when he came home, acting like you weren’t there. slowly returning to the ignorance you thought you’d escaped when you were seventeen.
he wishes he could tell you that in truth, he was the stupid one. stupid for allowing those heart-turning moments to happen. he hates himself for being so stupid.
because he knew you and him—“us”—couldn’t exist. together wasn’t fate. he hates himself for not having enough self-restraint to stop talking to you, giving you that hopeful shine in your eyes, when he knew this would happen the whole time.
“this” being soccer. fuck. it was always soccer for him.
which is why it didn’t take him a second thought to accept the letter in his hands inviting him to play for the royales in spain. the flight was already two months from now.
so sae used every ounce of self-restraint his body owned, and left you alone for two months. still, he couldn’t help himself from watching through his bedroom window as you and rin played soccer, wishing that proud look in your eyes every time rin scored a perfect goal would be coming with him to cheer him on in the frontlines in spain instead.
two months later, a week after landing in spain, you still haven’t left sae’s mind. he knew he distanced from you in his last months in japan, trying to nonverbally tell you that together wouldn’t happen for you two; yet you wouldn’t listen. of course you didn’t. hopeful, cheerful you wouldn’t let go of him that easily.
so he allows himself this once to look at the message you sent him, asking to talk, at a photo he took of you that week before he ceased to be in your life. as he leaves the messages on sent, watching the date under your last text get further in the past, he realizes that now you’re really gone. he misses those scraps of together you had.
hah. he could almost laugh at how cruel the world was for giving you both a taste of what could’ve been.
at twenty-one, itoshi sae has become one of the world’s best midfielders. and with that, of course came delusional and obsessive fans. 
he hadn’t properly dated anyone since he’d moved abroad—didn’t care enough for more than an occasional one-night stand. soccer took up his time anyways.
but part of him wonders that maybe, in those small moments with you so long ago when you were seventeen, part of him allowed himself to save himself for you. not that he would ever admit it. 
nonetheless, his media manager wouldn’t allow him to say he didn’t care, so he begrudgingly agreed to respond with “it’s none of your business who i’m dating.” when the painfully annoying interviewers bombard him with personal questions after every game. 
unfortunately, his media manager was getting tired. “you need to spark some rumors to the public, sae. the fans will get bored.”
“rumors about my love life have nothing to do with soccer. if all the fans want are updates on my love life, then they shouldn’t be fangirling over a soccer player.”
“you have the business party tomorrow night. how about i sign you up with someone to bring? you don’t need to talk or anything. just stay with her for the night. it will at least help your image with the soccer companies.”
sae didn’t have the energy for arguing. “i’ll do it as long as i get to choose who i’m bringing.” his manager lit up at the agreement. 
later, sae realizes as he knocks on his apartment neighbor’s door in search of a fake date, that this is the stupidest thing he could be doing. he could only hope his neighbor wasn’t some old man and he wasn’t about to get in more trouble than he signed up for.
luckily, it wasn’t. in fact, it was you.
sae swears he nearly faints. you watch, jaw unhinged in pure disbelief as his teal eyes blink twice before returning to their original stoic expression. three years older than you were when he left, he notices you’ve matured, somehow prettier. he didn’t know that was possible.
“sae?” you squeak. god, he missed that so much. missed the way his name rolled of your tongue and how you’d have to look up him with that hopeful expression of yours every time you said it. 
“y/n.” he had practiced how to ask on his way home, but didn’t expect to be saying it to you standing in the apartment complex hallway wearing shorts and an oversized t-shirt. all the words disintegrate on his tongue. “i need a fake date for a business party tomorrow.” he wants so slap himself for sounding so dumb. what happened to “hi! how are you?”
it takes a while for you to register his words. you’re a bit shocked, not only that sae was here, in front of you, after three years, but also because all the interviews led you to believe he had a girlfriend. you wouldn’t be lying if you said you weren’t glad at the fact he was single. “oh! i would, but i just moved in yesterday…i don’t have anything nice to wear.”
he watches your smile falter the slightest bit, feeding his sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, you wanted to go with him. he’s so selfish for this, letting you back into his life and feeding your hope again, even knowing he wasn’t right for you. “wait.”
he reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet and shuffling through to find two 100 dollar bills, handing them to you. “here. buy yourself something nice. i’ll pick you up here at 6:30 PM tomorrow.”
“are you sure?” you hand back one of the bills. “i don’t need that much.”
“no. i’m sure.” he gulps. does he sound desperate? “treat yourself to something nice.”
“we’ll, if you insist. thank you, sae! i’ll see you tomorrow. it was nice seeing you after so long,” you smile up at him, and sae has to fight back his own.
“yeah. thank you.”
you shut the door. for a moment sae stands in the empty hallway, staring at your door.
the universe really was against him, leading you back to him after he detached himself so long ago.
after a restless night of thinking about a certain someone and a morning practice in which his teammates picked at him for being out of the game for some reason, it was finally time for the dinner party. he knocks on your door, and when you open it, his mind goes blank at the sight of you. he thinks he’s going insane.
how could he not, when you’re standing there looking like that. he’s glad he let you treat yourself, because you choose a dress in a color that complimented your skintone and hugged the shape of your body perfectly. he doesn’t know how it’s possible, but the makeup you put on made you look even prettier, even under the dull apartment hallway lighting.
he still isn’t over how breathtaking you are three hours into the party. true to fake dating fashion, you and sae stay next to each other the entire night, occasionally drifting into separate conversations. you find that many people are quite interested in you and sae’s “relationship” since he’d been so secretive of it. thankfully, on the car ride to the party you and sae had figured out your fake backstory. although it wasn’t so fake, considering you told them you were childhood best friends and happened to reunite due to both of you going abroad for soccer and college.
being with you the entire night filled the void in sae’s heart that had settled when he left you in japan. being around you reminded him that happiness is a thing that just, exists. he thought soccer was enough to make him feel whole, but you brought in so many emotions he couldn’t feel with anything or anyone else.
so later that night, when you’re too drunk to be alone, sae lets you lean against him on the way to your apartment, lets you pull him into the couch with him and wrap his arms around you because it felt right. when he feels you fall asleep in his arms, he knows he’s doomed for anyone else’s embrace. no one can compare to you.
“do you really want to do this?” sae whispers into your ear.
“shut up and kiss me, everyone’s staring.”
you lean in, hand tugging on the black tie of the suit he was wearing to tonight’s party. you’ve been fake dating for a year now, so the kiss to seal everyone’s belief was inevitable. it was right here, your eyes starting to flutter as you both lean in, breath hot and tense against each other—
“stop.” sae pulls away at the last second, leaving you in front of the party as he shamefully walks out the venue.
he can’t do this. he can’t kiss you like this. it’s not like he doesn’t want to—in fact, it’s all he’s ever wanted since he was sixteen. but he doesn’t want the first kiss with you to be for a crowd. he wants it to be out of love. a foolish part of him in that moment five seconds ago thought maybe there was something like love about to be shared in that kiss, but the sensible part of him wasn’t so sure. how can he believe its love if he doesn’t even know its real? how can he believe all those smiles across the room and moments drunk after a party in your living room weren’t for the facade?
“itoshi sae!” he’s outside, on the stairs of the grand venue at midnight when he feels your wrist grab his. he can feel about a hundred emotions in the tightness of your grip.
“what the hell was that?!” you’re fighting back waterworks. “itoshi sae! look at me for fucks sake!”
slowly, he turns around to face you. those teal eyes you loved so much take a moment to lock onto your teary ones, hesitant as he knows he’ll crumble at the responsibility of those tears. yet, his face is still stoic as he listens to you talk.
“are you dumb?!” yeah, he thinks.
“you can’t lead me to believe there was something between us, the same way you did when we were seventeen, and then let it all come crashing down by running away the moment you have to make it look real by kissing me! you confuse me, itoshi sae. i don’t care abut this fucking fake relationship anymore! i don’t care that everyone knows we were pretending to date! goddammit, sae, i just need you to talk to me! tell me what’s real, because i can’t keep doing this if its leading me down to unknown—”
suddenly all the words you had spat on him dissolved in the air, replaced by the enamor of his lips landing on yours.
your eyes shut, letting yourself fall into this one kiss that held the feelings of it all—every single happening between you since you met in that classroom when you were sixteen. it’s an initially reluctant kiss; sae’s lips are slow and tentative against yours, almost like he’s scared he’s touching a piece of artwork on display, like if he moves even slightly wrong he’ll mess it all up. but then it all feels right, and your lips are against each other like that was how they were sculpted to be.
later that night, sae decides that together could exist. and with the words “can you be my girlfriend?” he made it real. maybe the universe wasn’t against him after all.
a year after you start dating, sae has said i love you in every way but “i love you.”
you’re his happiness. you’re everything he didn’t know he could have when it was just him and soccer. you complete itoshi sae. and he makes sure you know that.
he says it in his expression whenever teammates or business partners will tell him “i’ve never seen you so happy before” when he walks into the room after kissing you goodbye, trying to stifle a giddy grin and keep up the stoic itoshi sae they all know.
“you’re sunshine as a person. i hope you know that.” is what he said a month after it was official, five seconds before the photo you forced him to take with you at the beach was taken, which is now the photo on his lockscreen that captures the lovesick look that never ceased even after a year.
he says it in every kiss you share before every game, the discreet grins he gives you after he scores that he hides from cameras because he wants to save you from the public.
“you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever laid my eyes on.” as quiet whispers against your ear when you put on a dress he bought for you for the business parties or fancy dinner dates that long ceased to be fake.
he says it whenever you get mad at him, and he knows he’s wrong, but hates being scolded by you so he pinches your cheeks with his thumb and index finger to shut you up, loving your flustered expression whenever he does it.
“i’ll never get tired of you.” whenever you feel like you’re not enough for the world-famous midfielder that so many girls would die for.
he says it in the way he falls into your body, arms and legs wrapping around any part of your body he can reach and shutting his eyes, not saying a word as you tease him for being so spent after his tough workout routines.
“no.” whenever you ask for him to do something because you’re absolutely beat and too tired from work to be bothered to do late-night house chores, but you can already hear his feet tapping against the floors as he gets up to do it for you.
he says it in the cocky look he gives to the camera, the public being able to see it but the look in his eyes only being reserved for you, whenever the interviewers ask “who’s the lucky girl?” and he responds with “none of the media’s business.” his manager always gets mad for coming off as rude, but sae doesn’t care if it means protecting you from crazy fangirls.
“doesn’t mean i don’t want to spend every second of my day with you.” when you insist on staying out of his way on his busier days but he wants you by his side when he has small breaks.
he says it in his expression whenever you make him do something he says is “dumb,” but because you’re doing it with him you can tell just from his pink ears and bright teal eyes that he loves it.
needless to say, when you’re stood at the itoshi mansion’s front door, grocery bag in hand as you just came back from a quick run during you and sae’s week-long visit to japan, you’re all but shocked when your boyfriend opens the door and says “i love you.”
you aren’t sure what triggers him to say it at such a random time. maybe it’s because this place that you stood at six years ago when you were seventeen, exchanging words for the first time, made sae think about just how lucky he was to have you in this life. there was no more thinking about universes where “us” existed, because this it. but either way, it feels right.
“i love you too, sae.”
the words “i love you” still give you and sae the same giddy feeling a year later.
“i love you,” sae slurs, voice still deep from morning fatigue. he traces figures of your names, soccer balls, his number “10” on your back with his finger, his other arm holding you secure as you lay on top of him. you look pretty like this, he thinks, bathed in the morning sunlight that filters through his bedroom window and eyes still slightly puffy from just waking up.
“again,” you smile into his chest, urging him on.
“i love you.”
“i love you.”
“running out of oxygen here, love.”
you laugh at that, but insist anyways. “again.”
“wow, sae. i guss you don’t love me anymore. how fake of you.”
your boyfriend sighs at your antics, “i loved you when you first got sat next to me when we were sixteen and in highschool, and i’ll love you forever.” 
you give him a kiss, muttering the words back. 
“speaking of,” you start, “i thought you hated me in highschool.”
“no. but i hate you now for bringing it up.”
you slap him on his arm. a moment of silence.
“i was just scared. you were too good for me, and i knew i wouldn’t be enough because i prioritized soccer more than anything. i didn’t think we could be together until you became my neighbor. then i thought that maybe we could.” he hides his face in your hair to hide his flush.
that rises a teasing grin out of you, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “i didn’t know mr. grumpy had it in him to be so romantic! what starcrossed love.”
“shut up, y/n.”
the bedroom is filled with quiet laughter. as it falls, his mind thinks back to the letter hidden in his closet, inviting him to play for japan’s national team with the newly rebuilt team that came out of the blue lock project. he was willing to sign up, as he had seen firsthand a couple years ago how powerful japan’s team was with their new striker. but it required him to move back to japan.
he’s scared. even though you had just been joking about it, he was still scared this would be the moment where his soccer career ruins it all for you. what if you weren’t willing to move back to japan with him?
“i’ve been invited to play for japan’s national team.”
he lets the words sit in the air, lets you process it. he gets nervous as each second comes by without response, then it finally comes.
“okay. if this means going back to japan, i don’t mind. i’ll go wherever you go, sae.”
“are you sure?”
“i mean it when i say this is the place i want to be. anywhere with you.”
god, he didn’t think he could love you any more. he presses a kiss to your lips.
once, when he was sixteen, itoshi sae firmly believed that soccer would get in the way of you and him.
now, he is twenty-four and laughs at his past self for thinking that. you were his, and nothing would ever get in the way of that.
you and sae moved to japan a month ago, in your shared apartment. you would be lying if you said you didn’t like it here more. you especially like being able to be close to the itoshi family, specifically rin. you often spent time with the younger itoshi when sae was busy.
today, though, was sae’s turn to visit his family. he had something important to talk to them about.
rin greets him at the front door, telling sae that their parents wouldn’t be home until an hour from now. the pink-haired was too lazy to make the trip and back, so the brothers settled on playing soccer in the back while waiting. sure enough, after half an hour they found themselves sweaty and panting on the grass. it’s quiet until rin lets out words he’d been holding.
the green-haired turns, looks at his brother. “y/n’s good for you.”
although a bit taken aback, sae remains cool. he almost chuckled. “i would hope so. i’ve been dating her for three years.”
“you should marry her.”
to rin’s surprise, sae snickers, hand discreetly moving towards his pants pocket. “i know. already got the ring.”
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one reblog = one fake date
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essycogany · 10 months
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Amy’s Eye Color
Since I couldn’t get this off my mind I’ve decided to dive deep into the abyss of character design. I’ll mostly add on to what I said in my tags in the, “What Eye Color Looks Good On Amy Rose,” voting post and elaborate.
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Short History
Amy’s eye color from the start of her redesign in Sonic Adventure has always been the same as Sonic’s. A warm green that use to be apart of Amy’s classic dress. Which is a nice detail in my opinion. The pink hedgehog’s eyes has been somewhat consistent with Sonic’s from official art, 3D models, to the comics.
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It almost always been that way aside from Sonic X. Where her eyes are on the cooler side then Sonic’s. Jade or Emerald to be specific. Her eyes are closer to the color of jewelry. While Sonic has a warmer grassier colored green. I like jade or emerald on Amy’s eyes as well, but I want to keep the topic consistent and less complicated then it already is.
Anyways, I think the minor inconsistencies was done for artistic vision or whenever the lighting would change in the comics. To be honest I’ve noticed color inconsistencies all the time when it comes to Sonic characters. Which isn’t a bad thing. It just shows how much variety you can have when it comes to these characters.
My Thoughts On Amy’s Eye Color
I don’t mind Amy’s eyes being the same as Sonic’s. It doesn’t look bad on her and is one of the reasons her design is as iconic as it is. Especially since it’s been a part of her for so long.
But let’s get into why I personally prefer teal.
I’m no color theory expert, but I’ll do my best. Also, not every Sonic character or cartoon character period, follows these rules. Just a good majority of them do.
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Sonic: Blue is a primary color and green is a secondary color. Because green complements blue Sonic’s eyes stands out. Not to mention they symbolize his energy and love for nature.
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Blaze: Purple is a secondary color and gold is a primary color. Her purple fur works amazingly with her harsh gold eyes. Symbolizing her fire powers. Also I’ve noticed a few artist add a bit of a reddish orange to her and Silvers eyes and I think they look lovely.
Amy: She’s a bit complicated. Since her red dress takes up most of her design I’ll use it as Amy’s primary color. I believe teal would be a better secondary color for Amy because it stands out a bit better and is less harsh then green. It gives Amy a softer look too.
Teal and pink is also a wonderful combination in general because they balance each other out. With pink’s warmth and energy going with the teal’s calm and coolness. Giving off a more enchanted and mystical feeling to Amy’s eyes. It perfectly compliments her personality too because she’s an energetic character with a soft and sweet nature.
Here are some characters with similar color tones:
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They’re not all similar characteristically, but what most of them have in common is they’re kind natured and they’ll protect the people they care about. Just like a certain pink hedgehog.
See how the eyes are the first thing you notice?
These are around what I have in mind( jade/emerald are cooler greens so they work too):
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The main reason I prefer Amy’s eyes to be teal is due to a lot of amazing fan-artist. I won’t give out names, (because there’s a bunch of them) but they are so brilliant and I appreciate what they bring to the Sonic feast of wonderful art.
I’ve seen it so much to the point when I think “Amy Rose,” I see her with teal eyes. I know it’s silly, but that’s genuinely what I feel works for her. Besides I enjoy talking about weird topics like these. It keeps the mind turning, you know.
I appreciate the official artist and 3D models as well. Even if Amy’s eyes are barely ever teal, she still looks wonderful without them because of those talented people.
Will Amy’s eyes ever be teal? Probably not. Does any of this matter? No.
Teal eyes or not Amy Rose is a wonderful Sonic character. I hope you had fun with me on exploring this wild world of colors and character design.
Stay Creative! 💜
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t-hal-mothman · 6 months
CW: blood
Lately I wanted to work, but I started drawing… and BOOM, absolutely at random Rick and Morty in Centaur AU came up…
by this point, I have already come up with a pretty extensive plot around this, so I intend to develop this dimension a little in my head :D
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I'm also absolutely thrilled with the dumb pink backpack, so I plan to write a fanfiction-oneshot for this art in the near future, just to make sure that enough attention is paid to the pink backpack.
number of times I fixed this sketch should have been seen... I break and change the poses/hands etc. of the characters
the idea WAS BORN QUICKLY, it was just so instant, "I need centaurs Rick and Morty, who are running from something by jumping into a portal!!!" and I sat down to sketch it quickly, so it's kind of just spontaneous :D
I would also like to show some work with the designs that I started picking at
when I was starting, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to see, and to my surprise, I stumbled more at Rick than at Morty coat, although I've always been bad at bay and buckskin horses, I'm better at dealing with palomino or gray coats, and here it turned out the other way around
But I'm glad that it turned out to be very pleasant and good! So have a look:
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As a result, I got 2 versions of Rick - old and youth, a kind of azure handsome alien appearance, just for fun
I really think our looks kind of reflect our essence, don't ya'll think?
When we do not meet on earth such a coat (or hair colour) as Rick's, except perhaps shades of more gray-purple like grulla or blue dun, you will not find such a bright blue and azure and I just found it INCREDIBLY AMAZING in the sense that through his coat you can show a little more in terms of his "strangeness" than when he's just a human being
and about Morty's coat - there's everything much simpler, his usual hair colour in general easily falls on the ordinary most "common" horse coat, let's say so BUT I still didn't want to make him simple chestnut or bay, it was just for me it was meh
I wanted something closer to the chestnut dun coat, and it was quite difficult to make it so that it still fit Morty, but I also didn't want something overly ordinary >:( I wanted to add beige brown and a little crimson, just so that his coat didn't look like dirt - I wanted to show that he was actually a pretty cute young stallion with a cute look (if he would have cared about it a little more...)
I also really wanted to show the difference through their legs and hooves by adding dark stockings and hooves to Rick (Rick's stockings turn noticeably gray with age, as well as a bright dorsal stripe); and light hooves and white socks for Morty!
although I did have thoughts of adding a little more to the bodies, for example a little more ammunition, like boots or bandages to protect their legs
but I thought that Morty wouldn't really think about it in the long run - after all, it's pretty safe on Earth, and as for space it's possible that he doesn't really care, and Rick just doesn't give a heck about it as if losing an arm or a leg or getting a couple of open wounds - is a trivial matter
I've also always been delighted with Rick's cybernetics, so at some point I just took AND BIT OFF RICK'S LEG on art, because who knows what he faced protecting Morty and stuff they originally went for where they went, so I just added a couple of holes where you can see his gold-teal mechanics
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lively-potter · 8 months
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— nepenthe ; part five
— genre ; age gap, angst, fluff, smut, sheltered oc, ceo jungkook, mafia/gang vibes ( kinda/sorta )
— warnings ; please note that in the beginning, the oc is in an abusive home — and if this triggers you please do not read. the oc is of age but nothing smutty will be happening for a while — but there WILL be smut. A small bit of SA is in part two and if it tiggers you, don’t read.
— intro, part one, part two, part three, part four
— 2024 © LivelyPotter all rights reserved
— find me on Wattpad ; LivelyPotter
— taglist ; @ahgasegotarmy116 @jk97bam
— word count ; 1.2k
SOLARIS January 22nd, 2024 Charleston, SC
Theo entertained my questions as he drove me home in a cool sleek black car.
Beside him, in the passenger seat, I droned on and on about nothing in particular – but after not being able to talk to anyone but myself or Father for so long, I doubt I'd ever get tired of chatting.
"Y'know, Mister Theo–"
Theo raised a brow and flicked his eyes to mine, "I thought we talked about this whole 'Mister' thing." I was thankfully able to understand him better now that I had spent time with him.
I sheepishly giggled, "Ah, sorry! I...I'm just trying to be on my best behavior so Chairman Jeon doesn't find any faults in me and make me disappear." I chirped back, tugging at the split ends of my hair.
Theo's foot pressed gently on the break and turned his attention to me after stopping at a stop light. His lips twitched and beheld me in the highest amusement. I blinked back owlishly.
Suddenly, Theo threw back his head and laughed, silky-looking curls smushing against the headrest.
"Ah, dannare!" he chortled, clapping his palms together in mirth, I hesitantly eyed him before nervously joining in on his laughter so I wouldn't feel left out.
Theo calmed his laughter, but amusement still flickered within his hazel eyes. "He will not hurt you, tesoro. There is much more to him than others think." he divulged to me, continuing driving.
I excitedly nodded, "Seems so, Mister Theo! He looks really scary but he has really pretty eyes and pretty jewelry. He even doctored my knees for me," I turned my knees towards him so he could see the pink band-aids on my knees. "Could that mean we're friends now and he won't have me killed?'
Theo's lips twitched, eyes still on the road, "He would love to hear that, little tesoro. I promise you, Gguk has no plans of harming a hair on your head – and I'm sure he would be honored to be your friend."
A delighted squeak left my lips, "How wonderful! I like having friends! We're friends too, right Mister Theo?"
I pointed to the road I lived on and waited for Theo's answer as he started to drive down my street.
"Of course, little tesoro."
I grinned happily and felt my heart beat quickly in happiness. This night turned out much different than I had expected, but I wasn't complaining. I had made not one, but two friends. My first friends ever.
It was an amazing feeling.
"Oh! There's my house!" I chimed in, pointing to a small, run-down-looking three-bedroom house.
The teal paint had begun chipping away, and the yellow door had some stains, but it was where I had grown up. Mama liked the teal paint on the house and the yellow door – she had painted it herself, and I was sad to see it washing away as the years passed.
Theo's brows drew together when he looked at my house.
Lips thinning, he watched me unbuckle my seatbelt and prepare to exit the car, bag in hand.
"There is one thing I need to discuss with you, tesoro," he said, stopping me from leaving the car.
My head cutely cocked to the side, "Yes, Mister Theo?"
Theo cocked his head to the side and watched me carefully. My shoe gently tapped against the floorboard, slightly impatient, not in a bad way – but it was only a matter of time before Father would come home...and if he saw me getting out of Mister Theo's car...
I shivered at the beating I would get for that.
"Yeah, Mis–I mean Theo?" I corrected myself, flushing at my near miss. Again.
Theo snickered lightly and gave me a quick pat on the head. I leaned happily into the gentle touch, not used to other people treating me so nicely. I reveled in it and hoped it would happen again.
Theo smiled softly and turned his upper body around to face me. "I would like for you to come back to Ataraxia tomorrow if you could."
My brows furrowed when he watched me closely.
"Why?" my bottom lip pooched out as I thought.
Theo chuckled and gently touched my tender head. "My wife used to be a nurse...and we – the Chairman and I – would like for her to check over you to make sure you're not injured further."
My heart fluttered happily.
They cared! Since they cared...that means they really are my friends, right? Friends care about one another! Oh, how exciting this was! Life was turning around! Thank you, dear lord! I silently prayed but a thought came to mind and had me balking.
Would Mister Theo's wife ask where my bruises come from? And what would I tell them? I don't like to lie. I've never been good at it.
My teeth came down to nibble on my bottom lip.
Friends don't lie to each other. But I couldn't tell them the truth about Father. If he found out...he would be really...really mad and I could never see my new friends again.
But maybe I could hide my arms! Right? That would work! And I could see Chairman Jeon again!
I would love to see him again! Since he wasn't so scary now that I had spoken with him. And Theo said he was my friend now. And friends wouldn't kill one another.
Theo's eyes slightly widened at my worried, downtrodden frame.
"It is alright, little tesoro. Arilie will only check your head, plus I would like to learn more about my new friend," he assured me, hazel eyes staring deeply into my sapphire-colored ones, smiling when I perked up.
"...okay." I nodded, a little grin coming on my face. "It may be late when I come...if that's okay. I have chores to do." I told him, fisting my crocheted bag in my hand to resist the urge to squeal happily.
I would see the man with the pretty, sparkling eyes soon!
Oh, Mama! Isn't this wonderful!?
Theo clapped his hands happily and sent me a wide smile – bright white teeth gleaming and contrasting beautifully against his skin tone.
"Great! I will see you tomorrow, little Tesoro! Sleep well."
I opened the door and hopped out, giggling happily.
"I will, Theo! Thank you!" I held onto my bag with both hands and peeked into his eyes. "I hope you sleep well to! Drive safe." I waved goodbye with both hands before turning to scamper inside the house.
I closed the door behind me and fell against it.
"Wow," I murmured to myself, wondering how so much had happened in the span of mere hours.
I made two friends, went outside for the first time in years, met Chairman Jeon and looked into his pretty eyes, and got to ride in a cool car.
This was a dream come true!
A tear of joy dripped down my cheek, the overwhelming feeling of euphoria washing through my body as I slid down to the floor, sniffing.
I was so excited for tomorrow!
I just had to think of a way to sneak out without Father noticing my absence.
author's note ; ✨
Ahhhhh! It's almost time for interactions with Solaris and Chairman Jeon! I'm so freaking excited! As always, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ❤️✨
Thanks so much for reading!
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hlizr50 · 10 months
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Sooo remember yesterday when I reblogged that amazing art by elenana.art on Instagram?
Well, I couldn't stop myself from writing a drabble for my Gwynriel headcanon that it inspired... So here it is!
And there's no angst!!
Read on AO3
Nesta rolled her eyes, unwilling to give her sister the satisfaction of, well, being right.
“The drummer was kinda hot, I guess,” she muttered. ‘Kinda hot’ was a gross understatement for the colossal man who had manned the drums during the trio’s set. The Bat Boys, they called themselves. And that drummer had been nothing less than drool-worthy.
“What do you mean ‘I guess’?! Have you seen his biceps?” Feyre sputtered.
Oh yes. Yes, she definitely had.
“Okay, but what’s with all the tattoos?” Nesta demanded, lifting a brow. “They’re a band, Feyre, not the yakuza.” Her sister’s answering expression was unimpressed, to say the very least.
“I should’ve just brought Elain.”
The Hell she should have.
With another eyeroll, Nesta snapped, “Don’t be silly. Those tattoos would give Elain a heart attack. Besides, she’s—“
Her sentence was cut off when she ran face first into a wall of black.
“Hey!” She seethed. “Watch where you’re…” Nesta looked up, ready to give the offending obstacle her famed I-will-slay-my-enemies expression. Her gaze drifted up… and up and up. Over the collar of the tight fitting black tee and the tendrils of ink that peeked out over it. Over the jaw that was sharp as a knife. Over the beautiful lips, straight nose, and high cheekbones. Until her eyes were met with churning hazel — nearly gold. The bassist.
Holy fuck, was he pretty.
Nesta gaped at him, all lean muscle and height. Not as ruggedly handsome as the drummer, but unfairly gorgeous, nonetheless. Beautiful enough to make the two women gape as he stared back down at them, his face a mask of cool disinterest.
Absolute, awkward silence.
“Um… could you let me through, please?” His voice was as deep and rich as the instrument he played, even if it was soft as a whisper.
What planet of perfection had this guy come from?
“Oh, yeah,” Feyre stammered, pushing Nesta to the side. “Sorry.” The towering, tattooed god of a man passed between them as they stared, slack-jawed.
Forget the drummer. An angel had just appeared before them. Nesta dramatically sucked in a breath as her sister began giggling like a fan girl.
But there was still a chance to shoot her shot—
“Az!” Someone called from behind them. And then, passing between them as the bassist had, a blur of cobalt blue topped with a curtain of copper bounded up to the tall, dark, handsome man.
And his whole demeanor… changed.
He’d turned just in time for the woman to barrel into him, and his whole face lit up. If Nesta had thought him attractive before, that bright white smile — complete with a little dimple on one side — sent him straight into drop-dead gorgeous territory.
“Bird. You made it,” the bassist — Az, apparently — murmured into the woman’s hair, his arms wrapping around her shoulders. Her arms were pale against his bronzed skin, and Nesta couldn’t help but notice how much she looked like…
Her pin straight mane flew as the woman’s head jerked, meeting Nesta’s stare with wide, teal eyes.
“Nesta? What are you—“
“Wait, this is the guy you’ve been seeing?” Nesta didn’t need to wait for an answer. Not when Gwyn’s cheeks turned the most incriminating shade of pink.
With a nervous laugh, she replied, “Nesta, this is Azriel.” Icy eyes narrowed on the couple, keenly aware that Azriel’s hand had not moved from Gwyn’s hip and Gwyn’s arm had remained around the musician’s waist. “Azriel, Nesta.”
“I’m Feyre,” Nesta’s sister chimed in, earning a scathing side-eye.
The towering bassist chuckled, pulling Gwyn into his side and dipping his chin toward her. “Have you been keeping me a secret from your friends, Gwyneth?” He teased, only fanning her blush into a roaring red.
Turning to him with beseeching eyes, she exclaimed, “No!” Then she dragged her lower lip between her teeth and looked away from him. “I just… haven’t dated much and I wanted it to be… all mine. For a bit.”
Well, much to Nesta’s displeasure, that was incredibly sweet. It wasn’t that she was unhappy with Gwyn — the redhead she’d met at work was more like a sister to her than a friend, and she deserved only the most wonderful things.
It was the musician that was the focal point of her skepticism now. She’d been drooling over him only moments before, but a man would have to be nearly perfect to even get close to being deserving of Gwyneth Berdara.
Azriel leaned in and pressed his lips tenderly against Gwyn’s temple. “Of course, bird. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Well, he sure was smooth, wasn’t he?
“It’s nice to meet you both,” he added with a warm smile and a nod. “You can come back to the green room with us if you want. We have some food and a bar. And I’m sure Rhys and Cass would love the company.”
And with that, Azriel returned his focus to the freckle-faced woman at his side, guiding her gently down the hall. After a moment of stunned silence, Nesta shook her head and began to follow, dragging her sister along.
Perhaps the drummer would do, after all.
Tag List... I don't have my Gwynriel list handy, so sorry in advance...
@headcanonheadcase @daevastanner @beaumaismortel @vikingmagic33 @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @sunshinebingo @shadowsxgwynriel @freyjas-musings @foreverinelysian @mystical-blaise @positivewitch @thecrispypotatochip @sv0430 @almosttenaciousmoon @aldbooks
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Hikari and Mother of Ultra have Akari hooked up to some kind of giant light bulb looking contraption, apparently they heard about her gaining certain mutations from eating kaiju meat like, fire resistance, poison immunity etc, etc... Their testing the effects from her eating Elecking meat Zero and Seven were there to observe and though neither were keen on the idea of experimenting on Akari but they had to make sure there were no negative effects from her dietary habits.]
Mother: Now dear, we're doing a electricity test today.
Hikari: You just need to eat some Elecking meat and we're going to monitor any changes in you body or energy levels.
Akari: Okay, but I should warn you beforehand don't touch my ax unless you wanna get shocked!
{A few minutes of Akari eating the meat there wasn't really any change until they heard a loud pop they looked over at Akari's ax and could see it was letting off electrical discharges as the slugger's blade turned teal green and it's shape morphed into a more jagged or zigzag appearance; almost resembling a lightning bolt.
They looked back at Akari and saw the three nondetachable sluggers on her head had also taken a similar shape, the color of her body had also changed; now silver it bore some semblance to her brother's Shining form, however it had teal and yellow Lichtenberg figure designs going down her body and the energy coming off her was caused the light bulb to shine brightly before overloading then the bulb blew out.]
Hikari: Fascinating, Let's do a combat test.
Seven: Right now? She's barely been on the planet a week!
Hikari: It's better to do this now, then sit on it later.
Zero: You'll be using drones, right?
Mother: Of course we're using drones, You don't need to worry about your sister's safety.
[Zero winces]
Seven: It's not Akari's safety we're worried about...
{Hikari and Mother didn't understand until after the combat simulation was over, When they witnessed Akari's electrical attacks had fried the drones and the systems of the training room they were using to a crisp; which would take days to repair! both Mother and Hikari were both stunned in amazement and terror at the sheer power the teen could put out, Mother was suggesting that Seven enroll Akari into the more advance combat classes as she'd be too much for the beginner and mid class students to handle, Seven reluctantly agreed.]
{Akari doesn't actually have to consume Kaiju meat to achieve her power up forms, she can turn at will or from absorbing large amounts of electricity (for her electric form anyway), Eating kaiju meat just gives her a little boost to speed things up.
In her poison form Akari's body turns purple and black and her eyes turn pink; she can't use her ax due to the oily poison secreting from her hands, she can however elongate her nails into claws that can be used in devastating slash attacks, in this form Akari's touch is not deadly by any means but it can paralyze her foes, put them to sleep, hypnotize or cause them to hallucinate.
in her fire form Akari looks the same except for her all her silver markings turn gold and she emits a blazing aura that's hot enough to glass sand and melt steel, and since she lives in a heavily forested area, Akari tries not to use that form at all so not to burn her home down.]
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kittyball23 · 1 year
Connection (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: What if Poppy and Branch had done something in addition to the high-five at the end of Trolls World Tour?
“Shall we?”
While Branch had a small smirk on his face, Poppy had to bite her lip to keep from smiling too hard. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for, to prove that they indeed did have a good connection. How could they not, after what they had been through? After the confession that they had just made to one another? A confession, mind you, of love? Poppy’s answer: there was no hair-flipping way they could not have a good connection!
Raising her pink hand high in the air, she charged at the teal Troll who met her hand halfway for an all-powerful, all-around- amazing high-five, the satisfying SMACK resounding loud and clear, and sparkles and colors emanating from their palms as they did so.
“YES!” Poppy cried, soon dissolving into happy giggles at the wonderous feeling of being one with her best friend in the world.
Branch, too, whooped in delight, happy that he had finally overcome that obstacle that had been with him for such a long time. To finally be able to tell Poppy how he felt about her and the strong love he had was one thing, yes, but to have her reciprocate that love in her own confession was filling him with pure bliss. Nothing could possibly make this moment better!
Or, could it?
Because Poppy, too, had believed that nothing could make that special moment better… at least, until a passing thought crossed her mind. But before the thought had even allowed itself to properly root itself in her head, she had already executed it. In a blur of pink, Poppy had leaped up, wrapped her arms around Branch’s neck, and crashed their lips together in a full-blown, heart-stoppingly INCREDIBLE kiss!
Branch, who had been far less than crazy-prepared, nearly fell back from the force, barely catching himself and Poppy, when he regained his footing. The teal Troll would have gasped had it not been for Poppy's lips over his.
Branch forced his now widened eyes to blink.
POPPY’S lips over HIS.
Branch almost felt like bursting into tears with joy.
I’m kissing Poppy.
I’m really, REALLY kissing POPPY!!
No, wait… SHE’S kissing ME. And I’m doing absolutely nothing!
Pulling himself from the shock, Branch reeled himself back in, wrapping his arms around Poppy – one hand behind her back, one behind her head – and gripping the Pop Queen tightly against him as he shifted their position enough to dip her down. From there, Branch ensured to pour everything he had into that one long-coming kiss – determination, longing, enamor, passion, devotion, adoration… everything and anything he could possibly think of went into it. Every bit of his being, every bit of his soul he possessed was put into that kiss. He loved her, more deeply than anything else on earth, and wanted her to know it.
And, by the sparkling look in her eyes, pink flushed cheeks, and breathless little smirk on her face after they'd parted, Branch could tell that Poppy knew it as well.
__________________________________________ A/N: I distinctly remember watching Trolls World Tour for the first time back in 2020 and asking myself "Are they gonna kiss??" when it got to the end and they admitted their love for each other xD
(I know some folks say they DID kiss if you look closely when they zoom out, but it looks more like a hug to me 🤷)
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ansitru · 19 hours
Hi! Your hair and make-up always look amazing <3 It's honestly been a factor in deciding if I'd like to dye my hair a bright color again as well. I've mostly had warm colors like orange and pink. But would love to try blue or green. So I was wondering which color you use to dye it? (I couldn't find if it had been mentioned before.) Either way I hope you have a lovely day!
Ahhhh, thank you so much, Starsli! <3
So, my current hair color is a mix of three colors:
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It's 50% Arctic Fox Aquamarine, and then 25% each of Manic Panic Enchanted Forest and Lunar Tides Magic Oracle.
The aquamarine makes it teal, and the two others give it a bit of a darker depth.
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vaile-elenya · 2 months
1. Favorite character? 17. What are your thoughts on the original characters? Do you like them? (For example: Nori, Bronwyn, Adar) 22. Do you create fan-content for the show? Any headcanons?
For the Rings of Power themes asks <3
Thank you so much for the ask, Merry 🫶🏻
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1. Favorite character?
I don't think this will be surprising at all, but – Elrond. He stole my heart right from the very beginning, and I haven't recovered since. Rob Aramayo is doing an amazing job portraying him!!! He captures Elrond's essence perfectly, plus, let's be honest, he really is as kind (and as hot 🥵) as summer
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17. What are your thoughts on the original characters? Do you like them? (For example: Nori, Bronwyn, Adar)
YES! I love them so much 🫶🏻 I know many people dislike adding anything new to canon, but I think it makes the story feel more realistic. I mentioned earlier that I absolutely loved Nori, and that's still true, but Bronwyn also holds a special place in my heart, along with Arondir. I adored their relationship sooo much and how they could communicate so much just by looking into each other's eyes. I'm so sad we won't get to see more of her in the next seasons; I was really curious to see where her story would go 😭
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22. Do you create fan-content for the show? Any headcanons?
I've written these little one-shots and have a huuuuge story planned out in my head that I just don't have the time to put into words 😭 It includes some events from Rings of Power along with my own ideas, and the protagonists are Elrond and one of my OCs, Anárien!
As the sun set, painting the sky in vivid pinks and oranges, Anárien returned with her harvest, her lap filled with peaches that almost melded with the rusty color of her dress. She sat beside Elrond, and he closed his eyes, savoring the tranquil moment against the cool grass. His teal blue robe lay folded beside them, leaving him in only his silver tunic. “Let us hope there will be more summers like this,” he said softly, reclining against the tree trunk. “Yes,” she responded, her gaze fixed on the eastern horizon. “Let us hope.”
A little sneak peak! 👀
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(list of questions is here if anyone wants to ask me anything!)
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