#the plightful clan
teamtriplethreat · 4 months
Hey so,,, Interest check 👀
Ngl, been having an idea in my mind recently...
What if I made a tumblr blog dedicated to either the Toppats or to a fan clan (probably sky pirates ngl lol), and people could submit their ocs and it would be a collaborative thsc oc blog where we share an oc connected universe or smth?
Would you be interested in joining maybe? And if so, for the toppats or for some kind of fan clan?
Whether answers are through the reblogs or comments, I would very much appreciate extra thoughts from others. Though even just likes, reblogs, etc just to show your support I'd appreciate it.
This is just kinda for the funsies but I would genuinely love to do something like this for the Henry Stickmin Collection to liven the fanbase up again, cause it was really fun when the community was alive and I think it could be super neat if it works :>
I also wanna give credits to @sleepis4theweak with their Foodie Au, which is mainly what inspired this idea of a collaborative oc universe. Please give her some love, especially if you're a tmnt fan. She makes really neat stuff-
Okay, I'm gonna keep talking if I don't stop now lol
Hope you guys all have a nice day/night.
Let me know what you think uwu
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winepresswrath · 4 months
Its the jiao jiao anon again .
You keep giving me great pairings. Tell me everything how su she (Shang Qinghua) transmigrate and how will fuck jiang cheng. Is he still an author ? What was his intention with this kinda book?
I think he is still a writer but not the actual author of mdzs. He's a relatively casual fan who admires the vision and winces in sympathy every time drama gets kicked off. This is why you don't try, mdzs author! You give the people what they want and take their money. He's originally planning on keeping his head down and learning just enough cultivation from the Lan to make his life easier than it otherwise would be, then getting an urgent letter from his sick mother right before the Wen are scheduled to attack, but alas, his wandering not-cultivator dumpling sabbatical puts him directly in Jiang Cheng's path while he's frantically running for help after leaving Wei Wuxian in the Xuanwu cave. And the thing is he's still kind of reflexively haughty when he needs something? So pathetic and vulnerable. So cute. What could possibly be the harm in giving him a ride? The Wen aren't scheduled to attack Lotus Pier for ages. He can be on a ship to Dongyin by that time!
Anyway no good deed goes unpunished because Jiang Fengmian does as a general rule believe in giving credit and naming names. He should have fucking known. Now Wen Chao has a grudge against him and he's running around under a fake name wracking up credit for things he did (while trying to run away) and things he did not do (sometimes even when you have a massive army and the most powerful cultivator in the world on your side, things go wrong! He's not responsible for every problem with Wen supply lines. He's responsible for exactly one cart blowing up, and he was just trying for a distraction so he could sneak onto a ship. It didn't work and the harbour is kind of a no-go zone for him now). He comes up with a new plan: find Huaisang and use his shitty unwanted heroic reputation and talent for creative pornography to worm his way into the young master's guard, where he can get some writing done far from the front lines. Unfortunately, he once again stumbles across Jiang Cheng, who is tragically trying to rebuild his sect and searching for a missing shixiong. Shang Qinghua is still a logistics guy, because he was doing grunt work for the Lan and also I feel like that's the shape any transmigration setting is going to bend into around him. Jiang Cheng is so grateful to see a familiar face. He knows the value of a good spreadsheet. His eyes are so pretty when he's trying not to cry. The Jiang aren't in a great place during the war, but Shang Qinghua knows the sect makes it through and he doesn't remember any Jiang disciples being asked to heroically sacrifice themselves after Lotus Pier falls. Plus the food is better and there's plenty of room at the top! A veritable power vacuum. To say nothing of all the empty space in Jiang Cheng's personal life when almost everyone he loves dies and leaves him alone! Anyway this is the story of how Shang Qinghua accidentally paints a series of targets on his back, unnecessarily involves himself in the plot, and overcomplicates his life because being a sucker for a pretty face and a bad personality is even more integral to his character than underappreciated grunt work. Probably he manages to save Yanli, at least. He's not interested in being a stepfather! That's a lot of work. Wei Wuxian barely notices he exists until either he saves everyone or the second life roles around, depending on how ambitious and/or motivated Shang Qinghua is feeling. Then he hates him passionately, but it's too late. They probably eventually reach some kind of begrudging peace.
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akatsukitrash · 2 months
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Tried to draw hakama pants for the first time and decided to use Touka for it. This is roughly what she wears in the first chapter of But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate
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tushanfoxspirit · 11 months
More Information about the Reincarnation system in FSMM:
According to the latest arc of the Manhua:
When the human souls of the reincarnated people that have undergone the “Pledge Of Love” together with their Yaoguai partner go through the underworld for the process of rebirth; their human souls will be protected by the “Plight Tree” so it will not be scattered nor destroyed by the underworld members.
However, the ordinary people souls that didn't undergo the reincarnation of the Plight Tree, their human souls will be scattered into “Three Souls & Seven Souls” that will be recombined randomly with others “Three Souls & Seven Souls” to form entirely new souls that will be born into the living world as completely new individuals. Thats what they call: “The Process Of Rebirth”
But like always, there is an exception which is the “Dongfang Spirit Clan”
They have their own “Special Reincarnation System” that the souls of the dead Dongfang Clan members will go to the secret place of the Dongfang Clan in the underworld. More information about the Dongfang Clan are still unclear since it is been talked about currently in the current arc of the Manhua.
To summarize:
1. Currently, there are two reincarnation systems in FSMM, “The Plight Tree” & “The Dongfang Spirit Clan”
2. The reincarnation system of the Plight Tree occurs only between lovers with mutual romantic feelings towards each other (Human x Yaoguai) while the reincarnation system of the Dongfang Clan it happens only to its members (which the process of it is still unclear)
3. The human souls that undergo the reincarnation system of the Plight Tree are always protected by it, thus the reincarnated people are still the same souls as their pervious lives with the exception of the multi-souls phenomena of Dongfang Yuechu's Soul
4. The normal process of “Rebirth” occurs to ordinary people souls that didn't undergo the Plight Tree reincarnation system which their souls will be scattered into “Three Souls & Seven Souls” that will recombine randomly with others “Three Souls & Seven Souls” to form entirely new souls that will be born into the living world as completely new individuals
About common misunderstandings about some of the reincarnated individuals:
Dongfang Yuechu Multi-Souls Phenomena:
Dongfang Yuechu's Soul has become beyond common sense of this world in which in every reincarnation of his soul, his own soul will produce a soul copy from his original soul that the newly produced soul will have his own thoughts and individual independence, in other words, his soul will produce an entirely independent soul that has his own thoughts and emotions.
The first reincarnation of Dongfang Yuechu's Soul was Pingque Yuechu that has already become an entirely independent soul that has been completely separated from Dongfang Yuechu's Soul. Thus, Pingque Yuechu has nothing to do with Dongfang Yuechu reincarnations!! So Bai Yuechu has no relationship nor any connection with Pingque Yuechu's Soul!! Pingque Yuechu is not the pervious life of Bai Yuechu nor is Bai Yuechu the reincarnation of Pingque Yuechu!! They are both entirely different souls from each other!! That's why Rongrong didn't count Pingque Yuechu with the other four reincarnations of Dongfang Yuechu when explaining to Bai Yuechu early in the story that he is not the only reincarnation of Dongfang Yuechu that they have found so far and calling him the fifth reincarnation not the sixth!! The only reason why Pingque Yuechu's Soul is inside Bai Yuechu's body is beacuse of San Shaoye that has dragged all the souls copies of Dongfang Yuechu's Soul into Bai Yuechu's body forming the “Multi-Souls Body Phenomena” (Which the process of it is still unclear) in order to completely resurrect Dongfang Yuechu.
So far the factors that affected Dongfang Yuechu's Soul greatly causing his soul to become “Beyond Common Sense Of This World” are:
1. Cooperating with the Aolai Nation (Specifically San Shaoye which is still unclear)
2. The Dongfang Spirit Clan Unique Reincarntion System (Which is still unclear)
3. Feng Xi (Black Fox Empress) interference with YueHong continuation of fate and forcibly sending Dongfang Yuechu's Soul to the secret Dongfang Spirit Clan Space in the underworld which interfered with the normal reincarnation system of the Plight Tree (It is still unclear what exactly she did to his soul)
4. More Unknown Factors
Thus with all of the information above; The Little Taoist that saved Little Honghong life is not the pervious life of Dongfang Yuechu nor is Dongfang Yuechu his reincarnation!! Also the two strands of hair that sticks out of the Little Taoist head where added by the animation team while in the Manhua he didn't have them at all!!
Wangquen Fugui & Wang Fugui:
They are one and the same soul which means they are the same person!! It is just that they have been raised and lived in different environments and both of them has undergone different teachings since childhood thus the different in personality!! But with the current progress of the Manhua, Wang Fugui is becoming more and more like his past self but with his current self still remaining and growing into a more capable responsible person that really loves Qingtong and holds her dearly in his heart!! And Qingtong loves him for who he is!! (She really loves him be it his past self as Wangquen Fugui or his current self as Wang Fugui, she always sees them as one person and loves him the most and she always respects his wishes!! While giving him his freedom of choice and respecting his personal space and his journey to find his true self!!)
Wangquen Wumu is the ancestor of Wangquen Baye & Wangquen Fugui and he is not a reincarnated individual!!
The other reincarnated individuals through the Plight Tree Reincarnation System are the same souls as their pervious lives!!
That's it for now :)
*With more new information coming maybe I will edit this post later and maybe will also add some panels/pages from the Manhua.
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Human Sully reader meeting the Metkayina Tribe.
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This is how I would image the reader acclimating to the Metkayina.
Honestly, it was kind of a struggle to get the reader to Awa'atlu. While the Sully's definitely wanted to bring you, there was barley a discussion, they just knew they couldn't be without you.
However, Max and Norm didn't think it would be smart to take you with them. They knew the Metkayina wouldn't be too happy out a human being brought into their clan, so they didn't think it was safe for you.
At this point however, they didn't really have much of a say in where you go. Jake and Neytiri very much consider themselves your parents, so they feel as though they have complete authority over where you go. They knew they could take care of you, regardless of where they went. It was getting too dangerous in the forest, and Jake didn't want his family there anymore.
Like I said, there wasn't much discussion about you leaving with them, it just happened. Jake made sure to stock up on spare oxygen masks and any other things you needed before leaving. Since you didn't have an Ikran, you rode with Jake, even though it causes a fight between Lo'ak and Neteyam, who wanted you to ride with one of them.
It took a while, but once you arrived at Awa'atlu, you were instantly not welcomed. The Metkayina were not happy to see forest Na'vi, especially ones with demon blood. The moment they saw a human was brought along, they instantly wanted to send you all away, mainly Ronal. She was not a fan of humans due to what they had done to her people, and if it wasn't for Tonowari, you would've been killed right then and there.
It was safe to say that you were not welcomed in the clan. Even though your whole family wasn't welcomed, they eventually were able to become somewhat acclimated. You, however, were a human. You couldn't breathe long underwater, couldn't bond with an Ilu, and overall was completely isolated. Your siblings knew what you were going through, and always there for you. Kiri specifically would take you on walks around the shore so that you weren't stuck in the Marui.
It was during one of these walks that you met the younger Metkayina. Tsireya was very nice, which was a nice change of pace from the hatred you were getting from everyone else. Tsireya had this childlike curiosity towards you. She, unlike most other Na'vi, thought you were super interesting and quickly became close friends with you.
Tsireya was the one who introduced you to Aonung, who was not a fan of you. He, like he mother, hated the sky people, and didn't want them anywhere among his clan. He was smart enough not to mess with you in front of your siblings, but when you were alone, he did not hesitate to voice his hatred for you. He would pull your hair, prod at your body, poking fun at how small you were. He would even make fun of your poor Na'vi speak. He and his friends made a lot of your days miserable, but the worst was that you couldn't tell anyone about it due to the collective hatred surrounding you and your family.
Speaking of your family, you did a good job hiding the abuse you suffered from them. That was until Lo'ak got in a fight with him when he witnesses him messing with you, resulting in Jake getting upset. While he was happy his son was defending you, he knew he had an image to uphold, and attacking the chief's son was not a great way to gain the people's trust.
Aonung's bulling eventually died down, due to both Lo'ak and Tonowari. His father, while also not trusting of humans, knew that it was wrong what his son was doing. You were just a child and didn't deserve the treatment you were receiving, regardless of your heritage. Tonowari was more sympathetic to your plight and was grateful his daughter was there to befriend you.
Ronal despised you. She did not want you or your siblings anywhere near her children. She didn't understand Jake's and Neytiri's obsession with you, you were some random demons. In her mind, she saw you as someone trying to destroy her home. It didn't matter what Tsireya told her, in her mind she would never trust you.
Eventually, you were able to build a strong relationship with Tsireya she would take you out on her Ilu's and explore the reefs with you. Tsireya was more patient with you, knowing your limitations and would carefully guide you through the reefs and help you find pretty shells. Aonung did eventually become your friend but would still tease you, just not as much as before. Aonung and Lo'ak became your bodyguards, going everywhere with you. Lo'ak was always protective of you and was not afraid to hide it. Aonung was more embarrassed about protectiveness over you. He didn't understand, you were a sky person, a demon. There was no reason to be so hung up over you. But he couldn't help but become jealous when he saw you hanging out with one of the Sully children or with his sister. It all culminated with him basically demanding you to be his friend and ever since you were always with him.
Tonowari is a good father. A good mate. So, of course he feels bad when he sees you and feels a sense of yearning. He wonders if this is what Jakesully felt when he saw you for the first time. If he felt the same care and longing. He knows it's not right, to care so much about a demon, but he can't help it. Tonowari worries about you always and will always keep an eye on you whenever you travel into deep water with one of his children.
Regardless of how much he cares for you, he will never act upon it in respect for both his mate and Jakesully. He knows what fatherhood can do to a person and would never take that away from him. He instead, chooses to remain content protecting you from the sidelines and making sure no harm ever came to you.
A/n: Please send me any ideas you have for the Metkayina, I would love to hear it.
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy happy holidays 🎁🎉🕎🎄❄☃️ As always, I’d love some more of thee MDZS Identity Porn (with the masks and LWJ getting jealous of all of his husband’s “husbands”) (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5
Nie Huaisang has spent most of the banquet fluttering back and forth between his brother and Meng Yao, stroking and then soothing Nie Mingjue's anger by turns.
At this point, Lan Wangji can't help but find himself wholly unsympathetic to Nie Mingjue's plight. Meng Yao has his husband's trust and care and whatever friction he'd experienced in the Nie is lacking in the Burial Mounds.
The more formal portion of the night has faded and people are intermingling and drinking and spread throughout the Jin gardens and main hall.
Wen Qing spends the evening drinking and scowling and unsubtly putting as much distance between herself and Jiang Wanyin as possible.
Lan Wangji had gotten so caught up talking with his brother and other Lan, now that it's socially permissible to do so, that it takes him a while to notice that his husband is missing.
It takes him significantly less time to notice that Nie Huaisang is missing too.
His face drops into a scowl that he's afraid he's learned from Wen Qing. Xichen blinks then his eyebrows push together in concern. "Wangji?"
He forces his face to smooth out. "Apologies, brother. It's nothing."
Xichen raises an eyebrow then leads him away from the others with some murmured excuses that they pretend to believe. “Go on.”
“It’s fine,” he insists, then under his brother’s unwavering gaze swallows down his embarrassment to say, “The Yiling Patriarch and I have a political marriage.”
“Yes,” Xichen agrees in puzzlement before his faces darkens. “If he is behaving dishonorably-”
“He had a life before me, Xichen,” he says. “His personal and political interests are simply not aligned.”
Not completely. He had flustered Wei Wuxian before. He’s never seduced anyone before, but Wei Wuxian seems as if he’d be amenable, if only he can figure out how to do it.
Xichen looks at him carefully before his mouth tips up on the side. “This is displeasing to you. That the Patriarch’s interest in you is not personal.”
He flushes but gives a single nod.
There’s clear amusement in his tone now. “So he is handsome under the mask then?”
“Xichen,” he says, helpless and a warning at once. He’d spoken in generalities all evening, unwilling to reveal any of the particulars about the clan he’s married into, even to his brother. Meng Yao and Wen Qing are correct. Their clan will have to come more fully into the public soon but that’s Wei Wuxian’s decision, not his.
Well, realistically it’s Meng Yao’s, considering it seems as if Wei Wuxian would happily keep[ their clan in the shadows forever.
“Do you promise it’s not terrible?” Xichen continues, the teasing gone and just leaving gentle concern in its place. “You weren’t just saying that so the others wouldn’t worry? The burial mounds is such a horrible place. I hate thinking of you there.”
The burial mounds are beautiful.
It holds their village and their people and lush fields and thriving crops. There’s soft greys and blue skies and every horrible part of it is underneath his husband’s control and he would never, ever let that horror touch the people he’s sworn to protect.
“It’s not what it looks like on the outside,” he says finally. “The Patriarch isn’t either. You’ll understand when you see it.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Xichen says.
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There are a few reasons I don't like the perspective that Tobirama was deliberately pushing to oppress the Uchiha and even harm them. Especially the idea that he was 'racist' (though that has never made sense because the Uchiha and Senju are the same race).
Besides the lack of evidence in the Manga (in my opinion), it is too easy.
It's so cheap to say these people were oppressed and doomed because of the actions of this one guy that then carried on through others.
It takes away the depth and intricacy of what the Uchiha went through, and I find it is an injustice to their actual suffering. They were systematically oppressed by a village partially created by someone who claimed to want to protect them. They were neglected and ignored by a community at large when they weren't needed for war.
Continuously, they were failed by their leaders who, by all accounts, did not stand up for them until they were 100 years into their plight. Why didn't Fugaku right for his clan? Why did Madara abandon his clan when he could have stayed and tried to fight?
Their lone survivor was treated like a spectacle at the chunnin exams because suddenly, he was the final celebration of a dying lineage.
Furthermore, Konoha had such a disregard for human life that they launched an entire war on selected individuals to destabilize their communities. That establishes a pattern that includes more than just the Uchiha.
The Uchiha suffered, and the idea that Tobirama alone created it is not correct or original in the slightest.
So, yeah. It's boring to blame it all on Tobirama when it is so much more nuanced and fleshed out by the narrative. I could go on forever but I think I'll leave it there.
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izvmimi · 5 months
cw: gods au. fem!reader and izuku are both gods, although izuku is now a human. pining. part 2 of this.
“You should stop watching.”
The sudden voice behind you shocks you out of your reverie, and the gash that you’ve formed in the veil between your world and the human realm shrinks to almost imperceptible, yet your best friend can tell you’ve been peering behind the proverbial curtain again. You haven’t spent a millenia together for nothing.
You frown. 
“How did you know?” 
She scoffs, gliding over to you along marbled paths to where you sit, legs folded to the side and tucked beneath your robes, in your garden of never-wilting flowers. 
“How don’t I know? You have that look in your eye.” Her voice lowers and softens as she circles around your chair, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder as she stands behind you to see from your vantage point. “There’s no use watching,” she continues, “I understand that you want to keep him safe, but all humans will deteriorate and die eventually. You cannot stop the natural flow of time and circumstance.”
As expected from one who hails from the clan that stitches the thread of mortal life into the tapestry of Fate.
You shrug her off; it’s not meant to be an act of aggression but she frowns even deeper before raising her hands in feigned surrender and letting out a sigh. 
“He’s not a mere human and you know it,” you reply as you turn to glare at her. 
“Yes… right.” 
It’s a statement that she offers you that also is not meant to be condescending, yet somehow is. It’s been like this, for the two of you, any time he is brought into conversation. Although it’s been nearly a century since the transmutation of your lover’s soul, you have failed to come to terms with the fact that your partner is truly not ever coming back. 
He’d disappeared out of the fabric of time and space after the event, and you’d been so numb from tears that you were not sure you’d make it through the next millennium without letting your soul rot from bitterness, but just a couple decades ago, you had felt him reborn, his light, although significantly dimmed reappearing again in the womb of a young woman. And although his signature was nothing like you’d known of him your entire existence, it still burned brighter than the typical human, likely owing to the fact that he was once a god. You’d wondered if there was a loophole to the punishment - this was not something that was supposed to happen - but things were different for those immortals who descended directly from the Sun, more powerful than the rest.
“Is he still feeding the cat?” your companion asks. Raye comes to sit besides you, shifting your legs so that they lay on her lap. She wants to understand. She has tried to understand for so very long now, but she fails to understand why you haven’t given up the part of your heart that longs for him. There are rituals to harden your heart that she knows very well and have often been prescribed to people with your plight, and yet you prefer to suffer this way. 
So instead she indulges you with questions like this. Her gray eyes shift and watch your profile as you widen the gash between realms and watch the mortal once more. Raye peers into the hole to see from your vantage point.
Izuku Midoriya, the man, is not doing anything very interesting at this moment. You watch him on his couch, opening up a plastic bag containing a prepared dinner he must have picked up from a convenience store a few blocks away. Earlier today, he had a fanmeeting where he’d smiled and signed hundreds of autographs, and only now was getting the opportunity to eat. Sleep would probably occur to him soon and you would have to find something else to do aside from watching him tirelessly. 
“I didn’t descend today,” you reply. 
She lays her head on your shoulder and the two of you lay in silence. There’s a gentle warm breeze that runs in your garden and in the snap of your fingers, you could request some music to fill the pregnant pause between you too but you refrain. Your heart doesn’t hurt right now so you don’t need it. But it will soon.
“What would you do if he stopped?” she asks.
It’s a question that makes your heart pound ever so slightly in your chest. The idea of your Izuku walking by you, without even noticing, without any offer of attention to you, seems far too much to reconcile in your conscience.
But you lie.
“I’d have to accept it.”
“You wouldn’t turn into anything else?” she asks.
You pause, and lie again. “I wouldn’t.”
She blows out air from her nostrils in a slow, deliberate sigh.
“Liar,” she hisses before straightening up to a sitting position. She pauses, and then instead decides to stand before marching off to your front gate. 
“I’m not-” you call after her.
“You are such a bad liar! You would never let him go, face it.”
Her lips are pressed into a tight smile, and she’s somewhere between amused and annoyed as she runs a hand through her orchid-pink hair.
And you have started to get angry too, but you bite your lip so as to not let the honeysuckles that sprout around you wilt in your rage. 
“Why should I?” you demand.
“Because he’s a HUMAN.”
You grit your teeth but let your rage simmer. You can see that there’s an edge to her voice, a small plea to come back to your senses. 
It’s your turn to sigh.
“He isn’t meant to be…” you try to ignore the tears that well up in your eyes, aware that by now you’ve cried a flowing river over the years. 
She scoffs - not because she no longer cares but because the outcome of your moroseness is no longer beneficial to any of you. She misses him too, believe it or not, but she cannot watch you deteriorate forever. 
There’s an eternity that remains, and she wants you to be happy.
Izuku Midoriya, aged 27, dreams of fire and felines.
He wakes up in a cold, uncomfortable sweat, panting heavily in a too-sticky mess of matted bedsheets. It’s not the first time and it likely won’t be the last time he wakes up in a shock like this.
Izuku steadies his breath and grabs his phone from the end table, rubbing his eyes as he brings himself to a sitting position before checking the time and any pending notifications from overnight. There’s a text from his mother, reminding him to eat breakfast every morning. He smiles, then immediately frowns as he remembers that he actually has nothing left in his fridge aside from ketchup and katsudon leftovers from the night before. 
It’s Saturday morning, and he’s not sure what to do first, but there’s a long list of tasks and upkeep that he has to perform before the week starts. Laundry piles up in the corner of his room, overflowing from his laundry basket and he’s pretty sure the dishes in the sink have been there since last weekend. These are the moments he’s reminded that, despite being admittedly lonely in this apartment, he’s not equipped to take care of much else aside from himself, especially not a pet.
There is a jet black cat that he’s been seeing constantly since he moved to this neighborhood several months ago that seems to haunt him, although it should be a sign of good luck. Golden eyes watch him, glowing and far too intense, enough so that the first time he met it, he wondered if it would speak to him in formal Japanese.
It seemed to be waiting for him, the way it sat perfectly still on his route home from work. He had been mostly lost in thought when he suddenly encountered the animal, trying to decide if it were a good idea moving so far away from his mother when he had no other compelling reason besides asserting his independence. He saw the cat from a distance - rather felt compelled to look - and stood just as still. The two beings faced each other, and the cat seemed to size him up, as though hesitating, with far more interest in him than strays usually do. Perhaps it was hungry, he figured, and that made it friendly enough to beg for scraps, but its movements towards him - when it eventually decided he was worthy - were too graceful for a being humbled by starvation.
It passed between his legs once, then twice, then stood before him with far too much familiarity in its eyes. Squatting to his knees to look at it more closely, he decided eventually to pet it, gingerly placing his hand on its fur to test the waters. It purred to his touch, its coat again far too soft for an animal that wasn’t being taken care of somehow, by someone. He looked around for a collar and saw nothing on first pass, but as the animal continued to mew, he noticed an inscription behind its ear. 
It was a symbol he couldn’t recognize but felt intrinsically like he should be able to read. It bothered him for a split second, that feeling of uneasiness, but he soon forgot it, eventually realizing he had to get home. He took his time however to say goodbye to the small creature before he continued on his way, leaving the animal to watch him with newly shiny feline irises.
It almost seemed like it was sad to see him go.
As he stirs his protein shake, Izuku ponders on that symbol again, recreating it in his mind’s eye on his counter with the pad of his finger. It seemed not to be shaved in, but rather etched into its very flesh. Did it hurt? Who would brand their cat like this? Is that why it’s so oddly trusting?
He takes a sip of his drink and lets out a sigh. This is a lot of energy to be wasting on a stray and he has things to get to. 
But first, he needs to make a phone call to a friend.
Ochaco is far better at grocery shopping than Izuku is. 
“Buy the organic eggs, they’re better for you~”
“These snack bars are on sale if you buy two packs, and you can always save some for later!”
“The produce at this store isn’t high quality enough to be this expensive! Let’s go to the farmer’s market three blocks down!”
Ochaco reminds him a lot of his mother, Izuku thinks, and all he can do is nod and smile as she drags him from place to place that morning.
“I have an incredible recipe for an apple pie, “ she chirps, holding two apples to her face with a grin. The light red tones of the fruit compliment the pinks of her cheeks well, he notices, and his own face reddens ever so slightly as he realizes he’s staring.
He should tell her how he feels, he thinks. One day, when the dust settles, and his dreams are no longer dreams, he should tell her what she means to him. She’s always been there for him after all. The one constant in his hectic life, the only person he has never had to prove anything to.
Someone who knows all of him.
Izuku digs through the first heavenly bite of his longtime crush’s apple pie and excitedly exclaims that it’s the most delicious thing he’s had in a while. Ochaco beams, and she cuts herself a piece before slipping into the chair next to him and taking a bite. 
“It’s best with vanilla ice cream too!” she adds. “We should get some next time,” she hums, kicking her feet as she enjoys her pie. 
Izuku nods emphatically and Ochaco grins widely, brushing a few crumbs off his mouth. Her eyes linger just too long on his lips, but then she looks away and smiles. The air in the room gets quiet and he wonders if now is the time to kiss her. She tenses and right before he considers holding her hand, she jumps off the barstool and circles back around to the freezer.
His heart slows and then he chuckles gently to himself before occupying himself with finishing his desert.
In the skies, millions of miles above, pink hydrangeas wilt to nothing.
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kirain · 3 months
Hi! I love your metas and I had a question if you don't mind. I love Barcus but I'm a bit confused by the Ironhand gnomes and why they were so mad at the Gondians? Did I maybe miss something?
Omg, I'm so glad someone asked me this! Thank you, anon. I broached this exact subject with my friend a few days ago, and I'd already considered writing a post about it, so this was the kick I needed! Barcus is hands down my favourite NPC (perhaps of all time) and the gnome plight is easily my favourite side quest in the entire game, so I'm excited to share what I've learned!
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To preface, I'd like to mention that most gnomes, according to D&D lore, live in clans and keep to themselves. This is especially true for deep gnomes, as the Underdark is an exceedingly dangerous homeland. Their people are often enslaved by drow or duergar, or eaten by other nefarious creatures that lurk in the shadows. As such, they have become a profoundly somber and cynical race, relying only on each other for survival. They're also extremely wary of strangers, as Barcus perfectly demonstrates when we first meet him.
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Now, a history lesson. The Ironhand Gnomes, who at some point left the Underdark, worked in Baldur's Gate for generations, providing the city with the best mechanomagical inventions the populace had ever seen. Though they still kept to themselves and worked in isolation, they were well respected by the citizens, and flourished enough to inspire other gnomes to seek a new life in the city as well. This may not have been their goal, but whether they meant to or not, they brought gnomish innovation to the forefront of one of the most multicultural cities in all of Faerûn.
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More importantly, the Ironhand Gnomes worshipped a lesser deity called Gaerdal Ironhand, who Wulbren's ancestor, Wolverforce Bongle, allegedly conversed with. Massive however, in all of my research, I haven't been able to find any evidence that he was truly capable of such a feat, nor is he ever referred to as a "Chosen" by either himself or anyone from his clan. Therefore, it's possible this is nothing more than an unsubstantiated claim made by zealots. A book called Ironhand Gnomes: Our Grievances can be found in the gnome hideout in Act 3, verifying some of this information, but it's glaringly biased against the Gondians, with radically religious and violent undertones.
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But where did this hatred come from? Well, according to the book, the Ironhand Gnomes shared some of their expertise with other clans, and some of those clans took what they learned and opened their own workshops. The Gondians, who worship Gond, did particularly well, constructing their own factories and becoming quick competition. They even built a Gondian Church in the city, and attributed their success to Gond; god of craft, smithing, and inventiveness. For whatever reason, the Ironhands didn't appreciate this and accused the Gondians of stealing their methods and designs, as well as pointing out flaws in their "shoddy" craftsmanship.
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However, Gondian work was relatively flawless, as well as artifice-based, meaning it relied on science and raw materials. The Ironhands specialised in mechanomagical inventions, meaning they imbued their engines with arcane influence. This put the Gondians and Ironhands at odds with each other, as Gond espoused artifice supremacy, whereas Gaerdal Ironhand, according to Wolverforce, accused Gond of being a thief. So yes, we've reached the crux of the issue—religious turmoil. Both gods, I should mention, are good-aligned and easily misinterpreted, so of course that adds another layer of complications.
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In response to the Ironhand's accusations, the Gondians started slandering the Ironhand clan, losing them favour in the city. In other words, the feud quite literally became a he said/she said situation, with both clans acting like petty children. Whether or not the Ironhand Gnomes taught the Gondians a few tricks, they weren't owed credit for their inventions. That would be like my friend showing me how to use Adobe Animate, then demanding credit for all of my artwork thereafter ... and all while criticising it. And the Gondians, though attempting to protect their reputation, had no right to spread lies about the Ironhand clan, not all of whom participated in the drama. They could've let their work speak for itself.
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But this war of finger-pointing dragged on, with both sides losing and gaining support from confused Baldurians. Eventually, the Ironhands became desperate to get the upperhand, rousing Wolverforce to experiment with the thought-to-be mythical runepowder. This led to what became known as the "Unfortunate Runepowder Incident", wherein the overweening Wolverforce caused a massive explosion, killing himself and countless others in the blast. Wulbren blames this tragedy on the Gondians alone, and many Ironhands seem to feel it was the root of their exile, but there's more to it.
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In reality, the Ironhand Gnomes were banished from Baldur's Gate because they aligned themselves with Sarevok Anchev, the Bhaalspawn who tried to destroy the city in the first game. For some reason, Wulbren completely glosses over this detail, likely because he can't bring himself to admit the Ironhands are responsible for their own downfall. In fact, he brushes it off, as if it's some insignificant happenstance that deserves forgiveness without merit. After all, it happened over a century ago. Then, in Act 3, he says a painfully backwards line about how he thinks the Gondians would've joined Sarevok, if given the chance. But they did have a chance, and they didn't join him. The Ironhands did. As far as I'm concerned, this highlights Wulbren's extensive denial.
Which brings me around to Barcus and why he's such an endearing character. He doesn't care about ancient feuds or gnome supremacy. He made a name for himself, despite his clan's reputation. The Gondians never saw him as an enemy, and he in turn saw the value in their work. He prefers diplomacy and open dialogue, and he abhors violence to the highest degree. With a little hard work, he proved that the Ironhand Gnomes could've redeemed themselves without resorting to such extreme and radical measures; which is why I will always argue for him to take leadership. He's the best. He's everything. He is the shining future of unity and creation.
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 4)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, ethnic slur, violence, childbirth
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1924, Tommy’s wedding day
A broken side window and a smell of petrol. Nothing left, but smoke and ash. You tried to put the disturbing thoughts out of your mind, but it was all you could think of as you sat at the long banquet table adorned with tapered candles and silver trays of food. Across the table, John laughed at his own joke, an expensive cigar in one hand and a glass of Irish whisky in the other. Isaiah clapped him on the back as he joined in and you wondered if they held a shred of remorse for what they had done.
“Y/n, is everything alright?” Ada asked, noticing the far off look in your eye.
“I need some fresh air,” you lied. Pushing your chair away from the table, you threw your napkin on the table and turned from the rowdy men as they called after you, feeling nothing but disgust. Finding the front of the house occupied by Grace’s family, you attempted to escape the sea of red uniforms with the rest of the staff below stairs. As you paced the darkened hallway outside the kitchens, you heard someone clear their throat and you looked up to find Arthur standing before you, hands in his pockets as he watched you carefully.
Unable to hold it in any longer you demanded to know, “I’m not allowed a man on my arm?”
Adopting the tone of a weary older brother reluctant to enforce his authority he began softly, “It’s about your choice of man. You know the rules.” You turned from him and he lay a hand on your shoulder attempting to console you, “Come upstairs and enjoy the party, love.”
You faced him, wiping a tear away with your sleeve. “Pretend we’re all a happy family, is that what you’d like?” you asked, failing to contain your spite.
“Aren’t you happy for Tommy?” Arthur asked, confused by your words. As he pulled away from you to study you with concern, Michael passed through with a girl on his arm. Motioning for her to go on without him, he stopped to speak to you.
“Everything alright?” he asked, the hazy, cocaine induced grin fading from his face. 
“You know it isn’t! You know why he didn’t come, don’t you?” you asked bitterly, placing your hands on your hips to stare him down.
“Who? You mean the wop?” he said scrunching his nose as though the very idea was repugnant. You could tell by his reaction he held no concern for Angel Changretta’s plight and that made you angrier than before.
“His name is Angel Changretta and his restaurant was burned to the ground to stop him coming tonight!” you corrected as you charged Michael, unable to believe his callousness.
Arthur stepped between you and Michael, placing a hand on your shoulder as he said in a calm voice, “Now, y/n, we tried to tell you. Angel Changretta weren’t good for ya. He’s a dangerous man. He’s had five different names in the last six years, and he’s got connections with the Naples boys.”
“How could you be that bloody stupid? The order was simple! No fraternizing with foreigners!” Michael spat at you from over Arthur’s shoulder.
You shook free from Arthur’s grasp, a wild look in your eye at the thought of being told what to do by the youngest member of the family. “You have no right to choose who I see in my own time!” you shouted at him. Micheal only returned an icy stare as you shook your head at him in disbelief.
Then you added more quietly, “Maybe I was stupid…to have told John that Angel showed me kindness.” Looking down at your shoes you said to more to yourself than to the men surrounding you, “Angel didn’t deserve this for being with me. I wasn’t even serious about him. Just passin’ the time cause I can’t be with the man I want.”
“Be glad it was only a warning then. Sometimes killing is a kindness and the Peaky Blinders do that very well,” Michael threatened, holding your gaze a moment before stalking off to find his girl.
You gulped as you watched him go, feeling chilled to your core. Your anger soon returned as you picked up a nearby vase and threw it as far as you could, letting out a scream of frustration. You slid down the wall, watching water drip down the subway tiles across from you. Arthur surveyed the damage, before shuffling toward you.
“It goes for all of us. We all have our orders,” he said as he extended a hand to you.
You ignored it as you picked up a crushed flower at your side, “But you have someone so you couldn’t possibly understand,” you answered sadly. Pulling your knees into your chest and pressing your cheek to your forearms you muttered, “Go back to Linda, Arthur, and leave me alone.”
Arthur slipped away quietly. As he passed Tommy on the stairs, Tommy asked, “Where’s y/n?”
“Downstairs, but she wants to be alone,” Arthur said as he stood in his way.
Tommy cocked his head and squinted at Arthur. “Have you said something about the order given last night? She wasn’t to know, Arthur.”
“She already knows, Tommy. I tried to explain it to her, but fucking Michael was high on snow. Made it worse,” he said running his hand through his hair.
Tommy punched the wall beside him in a fit of rage. He had only tried to keep you safe. He hadn’t intended to hurt you. 
From somewhere deep within the house calls for the groom could be heard and Arthur shifted uncomfortably. “We need to go back up, brother. Let’s go see your lovely bride,” Arthur suggested, but he could tell that wasn’t what consumed Tommy’s thoughts.
Tommy hesitated on the stairs as he took one final glance around. Massaging his sore knuckles, he murmured to himself, “I will make this right.”
It was far too late for you to be awake, but you couldn’t sleep. Some nights you still dreamt of home. It was difficult not to think of your sisters at times, wondering what they were doing, and if they ached for you the way you ached for them. As you sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea, Tommy descended the stairs. He looked exhausted, braces hanging from his shoulders and hair tousled as though he had tried to sleep and failed.
“What are you doing awake, ey? Thought the kids would have worn you out,” he said, voice raspy from the late hour and too many cigarettes. He lit another as you thought of an answer.
“Why are you awake?” you countered, looking him in the eye. You wanted to show him you weren’t afraid of him, hoping to put the unpleasantness behind you and start anew.
Tommy sat back in the chair across from you, blowing smoke into the air. “I asked you first,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“Alright, I was thinking of my family. What they’d say now,” you confessed, swallowing harshly.
Tommy nodded thoughtfully, then leaned forward, digging into his pocket. He placed a bullet in front of you, standing it on end and left it there for you to consider. “That’s what they’ve said. Go on, have a look,” he said, taking another lazy drag.
You watched his eyes as your fingers reached for the cool metal, rolling it over in your hand before reading his name etched on the side. You knew what it meant. His death had been ordered. You knew it wasn’t your father, he wouldn’t have bothered. Your sister would be married by now though to one of the men Tommy and his brothers had cut the day you had left so this could only have come from one family.
Nodding thoughtfully you replied, “This came from the Lees?”
“That’s right, love,” he said seemingly unbothered by the fact that men were trying to kill him.
“What are you going to do?” you asked, eyes darting to his for some sign he understood the severity of the threat.
“Nothing,” he replied simply.
“But…the bullet has been written, Tommy. They will kill you,” you stressed to him.
Tommy shook his head and a small smile crept onto his face as he leaned forward, “No, I don’t think they will. And do you know why?”
You shook your head, fearing what he might say next.
“Because you know everything that went on in that camp. So I need some information from you to implement a plan for my business. Do you understand?” he asked snatching the bullet up and holding it in front of you.
You nodded fiercely. “Yes, what do you need?”
“You can start by telling me what you know of the racetracks,” he said with a grin. 
“Are we going to see Daddy?” the children asked excitedly. 
“Yes, we are. We’re going to surprise him today,” you said with a big grin, swinging hands with Clara along the way. The sun was setting over Small Heath at the end of a long day and the golden light made everything look softer somehow. 
“I want to see Uncle Tommy!” William shouted.
“He’s not there now. He and Aunt Polly have gone away on business,” you explained as everyone began talking at once. 
As you came upon the front door, you noticed a Lee boy sneaking inside. Your stomach turned, knowing something wasn’t right. “Katie, why don’t you wait outside for me while I fetch your dad?” you suggested. She shrugged, taking Henry from your arms and you carefully ventured inside. 
The moment you crossed the threshold, hands clamped over your shoulders and the front door slammed shut. Before you could scream, the man holding you clapped a filthy hand over your mouth and pulled you into his sweaty body. You inhaled a sharp breath as a knife came to your throat. “So you’re still here, y/n,” a familiar voice hissed in your ear. The knife pressed against your skin as he tightened his grip on your waist. “Like being Tommy Shelby’s whore do you?” You attempted to shake your head, but thought better of it, replying through clenched teeth, “What do you want Erasmus?”
“Just taking back what’s ours, sweetheart. Every last dime you helped Tommy Shelby steal at Cheltenham” he spat. “And more because I know he’s got it,” he sneered. Angered by his words you fought with all your might, feeling the sleeves of your dress tear and nails drag across your skin as you pulled away. You jabbed and clawed your way free until you could sink one hand to your boot to retrieve the knife Esmerelda had given you to defend yourself. Unsheathing it quickly, you raised up cutting Erasums from his chin to his forehead. He reared back with a roar of pain, holding his face as blood gushed forth in bright red spurts.
As you tried to run through Polly’s house you were met with the sight of Ada, asking what was wrong. You gasped for breath as you replied, “We’ve been done over. Run, Ada!” But the warning came too late, as one of the Lee boys barged into the parlor with a gun pointed at you.
“You’re not going anywhere. Sit the fuck down,” he said and you did as he said, watching as the men who accompanied him, mostly kin, overturned the shop. They broke everything in sight and stole what money and valuables they could find, four cash boxes in total. When they were satisfied they had what they wanted, Erasmus came in to see you, jerking you up from your chair by your elbow. 
“You give Tommy a message from me,” he said, holding you harshly by the jaw.
“What’s that?” you asked defiantly. 
“Tell him we want our cut or there'll be more of this,” he said, striking a blow to your cheek that knocked you to the ground. Ada screamed, rushing to you as you fell. The men ran out as quickly as they had arrived and you were left alone in the disheveled house. Only then did you hear the children calling to you, grateful that they hadn't witnessed any of it.
You called them in, hugging them tightly to you. You rocked Henry until he stopped crying and checking everyone over to be sure they weren’t harmed. William shouted out in protest. “Y/n, you’re hurting me, let me go!” Soon your attention was stolen by Ada’s whimpers then a shout.
“Holy shit. Water!” Ada said, looking down at the puddle at her feet.
“What does that mean?” Katie asked.
“Means the baby’s comin’,” you explained. “Take your brother to the neighbors’,” you said trying to keep the fear out of your voice as you pushed Henry into her arms. Of all days for Polly to be away, you thought. 
“Alright, let’s get you comfortable,” you said to Ada, praying you’d be able to do just that, but knowing you were in for a long evening. As the night wore on, John eventually came looking for you and the children and was met with Ada’s screams. 
He’d obviously been drinking because he didn’t seem to notice the state of the betting shop or understand what was happening with his sister asking, “What’s going on in here? Someone strangling a cat?”
“I’m going to strangle you if you don’t get the fuck out, John Shelby!” Ada yelled at him before lurching forward to push once more.
“Keep going. That’s right. Push,” you encouraged her, trying to ignore John. Ada screamed out in obvious pain once more and you looked up to see the note of recognition wash over John. You shook your head at him as you felt her stomach, prodding at the top of her bump and then the bottom. He eyed you suspiciously, your look of concern sobering him instantly.
“The baby’s the wrong way round,” you proclaimed, feeling sick to your stomach.
“How do you know?” John asked.
“I’ve attended three other girls before in camp. One was like this,” you said, biting your lip and trying to think.
“What do we do?” John asked removing his coat and hat, rolling up his sleeves to show he was ready to help. Ada threw her sweat soaked head back against the pillows, too tired to care who was in the room now.
“There’s something else to try. Lean her forward,” you instructed and John helped you move Ada onto all fours. 
“It’s not long to go now,” you cooed in her ear, rubbing along her back, then helped her count “one, two, three. Push.” Ada groaned out a miserable sounding whine as she forced herself to push harder through the pain before trying to collapse onto her elbows.
“Ada, if you stay strong, I’ll fetch Freddie soon and he can see his son,” John said, and that gave Ada the motivation she needed. In two more pushes, her son Karl was born, wailing to the heavens.
“It’s a beautiful, baby boy,” you said as you cleaned and swaddled the child to hand to his mother. You helped Ada move into the rocking chair by the crackling fire just as Freddie burst through the door, tears glistening in his eyes at the sight of his wife and newborn son.
As you washed your hands clean of blood in the porcelain basin, your heart swelled at the sight of Ada leaning her head onto Freddie’s shoulder as he cradled their child and whispered to him softly. Sneaking out the back as quietly as possible so as not to disturb them, you collided with John who was waiting for you in the alley.
“You did well, tonight, love,” John said, moving toward you with a warm smile. 
“I couldn’t have done it all by myself,” you said, shyly. Then jerking your chin across the street you asked, “Do the children know you they have a cousin?” 
John nodded and added, “Yeah, but then they went back to sleep. They’re gonna stay with Mrs. Andrews tonight. Tommy just got back so I sent a blinder to tell him the news….how should we celebrate, ey?” he asked, placing a rough hand to your cheek. Your breath hitched as he leaned down to ghost his lips over yours, pressing against you gently until you were moving in perfect sync with him. The pad of his thumb caressed you softly as his tongue pushed your lips apart, seeking more of your warmth and you let out a quiet moan against him, feeling him smirk against you. 
Suddenly you heard someone in the darkness clear their throat and then you saw Polly’s figure come into view in the doorway, her curls outlined by the lamplight. “John, I would’ve thought you’d be at the Garrison by now wetting the baby’s head.”
John pulled away from you slowly, hand dropping to your shoulder as though unwilling to let you go as he replied, “Aunt Pol, when did you get back?”
Polly motioned to you as she offered, “Y/n, I’m sure you’d like a nice, hot bath after the day you’ve had.”
You realized what a state you must be in, moving to smooth your hair before ducking under John’s arm. “Thank you, Polly.”
She nodded, glancing back at John who still stood frozen in place, one hand against the brick wall. 
After you’d gone, Polly lit a cigarette, walking toward her nephew in slow, measured steps as she considered him. Standing at his back, she turned her head and blew smoke into the night air. “John, she’s only just found her footing here. She’s young and the last thing she needs is heartbreak,” She placed a hand on John’s shoulder, thinking of the many affairs he’d had since he returned home from the war. “Find someone else to put your fires out,” she warned.
John only nodded in reply and headed back toward the Garrison to join his brothers in celebrating their new nephew. As he opened the door of the snug, Tommy and Arthur greeted him. He stepped inside, removing his cap and glancing to the corner as he took in another familiar face, kind and beautiful. “Hello, John,” she said brightly.
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teamtriplethreat · 4 months
Okay, so I deem the interest check a success!
small notifications, but I’d say it’s enough to get started, since I have a feeling doing actual posts will lead to more people wanting to join. We’ll just have to wait and see, but the big thing now, is…
the plot.
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I have two general plot ideas, and each has a very different story and timeline connected to it depending on which you guys choose! Yep, that’s right, you guys get full choice! Which is why I’ll be really relying on those reblogs to get the most votes.
Whatever happens though, here are our options:
The Toppat Clan-
The clan is ruled by Reginald and Right Hand Man, who have Henry and Ellie in their ranks along with other Toppats, but the only ones listed are ocs ofc. It follows a generally normal set up with missions and teams and is relatively the most simple, but not a lot of room for change. That’s okay though, if it’s the system you want :] I know I’ll need more story here, so I think the Toppats would have a rougher time, since because of the system, both the Wall and the Government are after them, but they’re proud and powerful.
2. The Plightful Clan
This was an idea I had for a different story but we can certainly use it here too! Might be more unique, but may also take more work as well (and world-building lol). Basically, the theme is on Pirates and the signature item is Bandanas! The clan is ruled by Henry and Ellie based on the Capital Gains ending, where they steal from the Toppats and decide to make it a full-fledged revenge plot by creating a clan that steals exclusively from other thieves and criminal clans. Henry and Ellie are mostly unbothered by the government since they don’t actually steal anything that hasn’t been stolen before, but the Wall does have issues with their clan of course…
Now without further ado… The poll!
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theheirofthesharingan · 2 months
Not that I disagree with the point about the strength of Itachi's love at all, but I think people vastly overstate the scope of "Kotoamatsukami" and by doing so they create a plothole that didn't originally exist. The jutsu is meant to be subtle mind control that alters experiences, it's not supposed to override one's entire belief system, autonomy or their personality in the way Edo Tensei can. That's why at the 5KS, people dont even notice it's been used on Mifune until Ao's byakugan picks up its chakra. It's explicitly stated that Kabuto gave the majority of his zombie army their personalities and a certain level of autonomy so they could retain their fight styles without him diminishing their efficiency. It's also shown that strong souls can break free of its influence even though we know Orochimaru uses a much stronger level of control than Kabuto, Hashirama wasnt under his control at all. So the use of Kotoamatsukami was less about "ordering" Itachi to do anything but more about restoring his complete autonomy because it overrides Kabuto's will entirely--as its his own will. It wouldn't have any influence over how Itachi reacts to Sasuke's threats because, particularly now that he's reflected on his behaviour, he could determine that the best way to "protect Konoha" was to apologize to Sasuke. If Kotoamatsukami was that strong, he wouldn't have been able to show Sasuke his memories because Itachi perceived them as threats to Konoha (as shown by his threat towards Danzo before he leaves Konoha). It's also why Danzo's argument that Kotoamatsukami wouldn't work on the clan somewhat resonates with Itachi, because it wouldn't eliminate any future resentment that could or would culminate (as evidenced by Madara's generation initially submitting to Konoha for fear of discord, but slowly growing discontent).
Rather than be about the strength of Itachi's love, I think those scenes are meant to show the true resolution of his character. He initially mocked and sort of tried to bully Naruto into getting him to be more forceful with Sasuke, so we have reason to believe if he hadn't realized he was wrong he would've been much more forceful against Sasuke's threats towards Konoha. Instead, he shows Sasuke empathy and the compassion/contrition he deserves along with trying to soothe the various hurts that Sasuke gained even beyond Itachi's hand (eg. complimenting his strength, reminding him he is loved, etc.)
I agree that kotoamatsukami doesn't suppress someone's actual personality or the whole belief system, however, it does rewire one's brain to follow a certain task/idea it has been programmed to allow to happen. It doesn't turn one into a mindless slave to the idea where everything else is secondary. Which is why Itachi could see where he was wrong, and even saw Kabuto’s plight, a life lived similar to his own. He's capable of feeling empathy, regrets, and guilt, affection, pride, and comradeship with the people he encounters as Edo Tensei. So, yes, there I agree with you.
I will, however, disagree that Danzo's idea of using kotoamatsukami on the clan would be fruitless was because it wasn't that strong of a jutsu. It's in the novel and it was meant to be used on Fugaku only. Fugaku alone changing his stance wouldn't save anything and wouldn't change much because the rest of the clan would still not be on his side. Some radical Uchiha wouldn't agree with Fugaku's changed ideology and his pro-Konoha stance, which is why it wouldn't work. Fugaku could forever stay pro-Konoha, fight against his own clan members, and maybe even kill them, unless an Uchiha, of course, suspected what happened and found some way to reverse it.
Both Hashirama and Madara are built different. They've been equated to the divine powers. They could break free from Edo Tensei, but at the same time Tobirama, who created this very jutsu, couldn't. Neither could Hiruzen and Minato. Itachi isn't anywhere close to these men in power (except for Minato, maybe). So, the part of Itachi that had to be essentially remain under Kabuto’s control and follow his orders, whether he wanted to or not, was overruled by another "order" that wasn't a destructive one.
Itachi's mockery and "bullying" of Naruto happened because he didn't want Naruto to know that he was meeting him because he was concerned about Sasuke. That after his death people would try to reach out and use Sasuke against the village, which would either result in Sasuke being known as a criminal forever, or him dying. Both ways, Sasuke loses either his life or his dignity. And he didn't want kotoamatsukami to work on Sasuke either.
I believe he always knew he was wrong. It's just he believed it was necessary for Sasuke to survive in the ninja world because a weak Uchiha would always be preyed upon. And given the clan's bloodied history, Sasuke would be feared and hated. It could be because he himself never saw a better world for Uchiha. So, if it wasn't fair to other Uchiha, why would it be fair to Sasuke? His realization wasn't that he expected different outcomes from his actions, but that despite the desired results, he failed as a brother to Sasuke. Sasuke might have become strong, invincible, powerful, but he's broken, lonely, and without home and friends because of him. He didn't think Sasuke could have a better life, but he understood he could have not made his life worse. The admission 'I broke you' was necessary and revealing of his true character. He understood it wasn't Konoha or Orochimaru responsible for Sasuke's sufferings as much as he himself was. That guilt affected him immensely in how he interacted with Sasuke.
I believe if, instead of Sasuke, there was someone else threatening to destroy Konoha, he wouldn't have reacted like he did with his brother. Itachi showed his memories after Edo Tensei was undone, which meant anything that connected him to the mortal world was fading along with his consciousness. In the perfect Genjutsu cast by kotoamatsukami, there's only one anomaly and that's his love for Sasuke. I like to believe this is what it was meant to be. That no way what happened, Itachi's love would always be above everything else he felt.
This is how I've always interpretated this whole thing anyway. Thank you for sending this ask because it was lovely answering it.
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New characters alert!
My imaginative ass has come up with a new idea! Dragon clan Bakusquad.
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These guys are by far the ones hunters seek out the most and the ones travelers avoid. They are fierce, confident and aren’t afraid to take what they want. Bakugou is their fierce leader and has zero tolerance for humans coming into his group’s territory.
Unlike in canon, where their bond isn’t really explored and Bakugou is a douche, they have a strong pack mentality here.
Fuck with one of them, you fuck with the entire group.
Unlike the rest of the mythical creatures that reside in the forest, Bakugou isn’t afraid of Shigaraki.
In fact, he’ll actively challenge the naga into fighting him.
“Your weak ass venom can only do so much against my flames! Come and bite me, you miserable snake creature!!”
Bakugou is the leader and perhaps the most powerful figure in the clan
Kirishima is the more calm and relaxed guy, often thinking up plans and not being so trigger happy.
He’s the most well known companion Bakugou has. He’ll be more willing to help travelers. He’s the self proclaimed, second in command.
Kaminari is the collector type of guy, often bringing back strange things and “twisting the truth” about where he found it.
“Yeah, I had to wrestle two bears and a monkey for this” “Kaminari, that is avocado you stole from a traveler.”
Sero is the tailor and the guy who is the only person who knows how to make clothes. Give him some fur and fabric and he’ll make the best of it.
Mina and Jiro are the weapon makers, often conjuring up spears, bow and arrows, knives and daggers for hunting. They are very friendly but aren’t afraid to attack.
They all can transform into dragons and mostly use those forms for protecting their homes.
They met Reader Chan after Kaminari snatched her from a tree. Bakugou didn’t want a human stinking up the place but Mina has already proclaimed you as her sibling and Sero had made you a fur cape. You gave them your plight: Shigadabi had kidnapped you and proclaimed you as their child, you received the aid of Hawks for a bit before having to flee, you vibed with Chisaki before you ran away in order to protect them, Toga kept you as her pet for a bit, Ochako attempted to help you before Dabi attacked her and now you’re here.
They all felt so bad and Bakugou couldn’t exactly turn you away. He’s an ass but not a complete bastard.
So now, you got an entire dragon fam to vibe with.
For now at least.
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tushanfoxspirit · 2 months
The Story Of The Four Monkeys - Current Contents:
*Summarizing The Past Events Of The Four Monkeys Of Aolai Nation From The Latest Chapters Of The Manhua*
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megashadowdragon · 8 months
volume 0 of jjk is more important then you think
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because the idea that a burdensome level of strength is nothing but a curse, is literalised with Yuta. Rika is literally a curse that's formed out of love. this same plight is not as apparent with Gojo Satoru and Kashimo Hajime. with these two, their mannerisms say far more.
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what's noteworthy is that the resolution of Gojo's own crisis is 100% opposite of how Yuta's was resolved, and it looks to be the same for Kashimo as well. Yuta forgoes his overwhelming strength by dispelling the curse on Orimoto Rika, and prioritizes his bonds with his people.
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after all, that's the central theme of volume 0. as such, the most interesting thing about the shift between the prequel and the main series is just how COMPLETELY the main series contradicts the themes of the prequel.
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the main series, so far, has severely punished anyone that prioritizes their bonds over a robust sense of self + selfish pursuit of power. the special grades are the best example of this. Tsukumo Yuki worked with Tengen and Choso; she didn't fight with her own domain.
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only in death could he stand on an equal footing with his comrades. the framing of these demises in the main series is so deliberately opposed to how the thematic framework of JJK 0 functions. and the reason is none other than the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna.
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Sendai, the City of Trees. established in the year 1600 by the daimyō Date Masamune. Date Masamune was a descendant of the Fujiwara. any JJK reader knows the significance of the Fujiwara clan in the series
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the emphasis JJK gives to the Fujiwara cannot be understated. lemme run through some key examples rq. the turning point of the series, the Shibuya incident, happens in the vicinity of the Meiji Jinguu, a shrine dedicated to Empress Shōken, a deified member of the Fujiwara clan.
the revival of the Heian era, which saw the supremacy of the Fujiwara clan in the political scene, also plays a part in this. Onmyōdō, or sorcery, was at its peak in the Heian era. Ashiya Dōman, one of the most prominent sorcerers in history, was a hiree of the Fujiwara.
and this specific fact is called back to in the New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, developed by Ashiya Sadatsuna, being utilised widely in the series. the relevance of all this to the topic at hand is that Yuta is a descendant of the Sugawara clan.
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symbolically, literally and meta-textually, Yuta is removed from a position of importance, and a guy from a Fujiwara-established city replaces him.
all of this is why some wouldn't feel confident about Yuta continuing to be in good health for the rest of the series 💀🚩
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all the special grades in the series have been murked, except Yuta. you can clearly see why people would think he's next. BUT NOT ME! and here's why: in the Sendai colony, i.e. in the same city established by the Fujiwara, he beats Uro Takako, a hiree of the Fujiwara.
he cyclicality that JJK is obsessed with plays out on various levels, but Yuta is the only exception. and I mean the ONLY exception. not even Gojo was exempt. Yuta, a Sugawara, beats someone that was associated with the Fujiwara. it plays out the opposite of how it's meant to.
in conclusion, i think we should put our stocks in Yuta. someone that won't be the next Gojo Satoru sounds about desirable rn. Vol-0 is a treasure trove of hints when we reread with new context. i hope i gave you new insight, or at least a fun read.
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I can’t wait for Yuta vs Sukuna, the themes of strength, loneliness, love and modernity vs history finna clash like crazy
The Queen of Curses vs The King of Curses 😤😤😤
Furthermore Yuta as the previous MC whose succeeded despite contradictory themes with Sukuna…
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paragonrobits · 1 year
I was rewatching the 2nd episode of Hunter the Parenting and I was thinking about how Pyotr isn’t that weird looking for a Nosferatu and it hit me that all of the Sabbat group here are deliberately contrary to how their Clans normally function, both in the sense of stereotypes about them but also in the way the outlooks fostered by those Clans don’t apply to them in a way that doesn’t quite feel like the way Antitrubu (Vampires who go against the grain of their Clan’s normal political leanings by joining the Sabbat if they are normally Camarilla aligned) tend to do
Pyotr is the obvious one and the one who sparked this whole avenue of thought. The first and most obvious case is that he’s weird looking but not as much as expected for a Nosferatu. He looks odd, yes, but huge eyes, a somewhat skeletal face and exposed teeth is incredibly mild by the standards of the Nosferatu. The fact that he’s something of a sexyman here also adds to it, since the Nosferatu curse (whether in this setting or in Requiem) manifests as instinctive revulsion so its not the sort of thing that gets found attractive except through sheer charisma, and he’s so determined to be a monster that he doesn’t even bother to try that.
The second bit though is that he is the most loose-lipped of the vampires, barring Ape’s attempts to be a Sabbat speaker so much that he annoys the others. He doesn’t just drop terminology like Ape, he actively explains things to them and tries to win them over to the cause by just telling them all about the vampire condition, albieit from the Sabbat’s warped perspective. This is notable because the Nosferatu are widely known as the Clan of information brokers. They do NOT just tell stuff like this. They know everything. A Nossie just telling info like this is deeply subversive.
Additionally, he is the most overwhelming evil of the Sabbat and while that is expected for the Sabbat, especially someone as fanatical as he seems to be, the Nosferatu have a reputation for being more moral. Not that much in this setting, true; they ARE still vampires. But the rejection and being forced to live in the shadows tends to make the Nosferatu more inclined to notice the plights of others and feel compassion in a way other vampires often refuse to, and they can’t pretend they’re something better. They’re monsters, and acknowledging this makes it easier to be something more than just the beast that haunts the blood. Pyotr on the other hand is remarkably cruel and unpleasant to the point that of all the TTS characters, he bears the most resemblence to the DARK ELDAR of all things!
Ape is a stand out example. Firstly, while he’s odd looking its a bit weird that he LOOKS so human; its honestly hard to tell he’s animalistic and not just a weird looking guy if you don’t notice his teeth and claws. The Gangrel in this edition developed permanent animal features whenever they frenzied, and even a young would-be Sabbat should look absolutely inhuman, and yet he doesn’t ,which indicates he’s probably not quite as genuine about it as he tries to act. The second bit is that he’s kind of a dumbass; the Gangrel are genuinely a Clan of cagey, cunning survivors and they tend to be smart, since you have to be smart to survive as a Gangrel; Requiem goes a lot further with this. but a meathead Gangrel is a pretty big difference given that the signature Gangrel character was Beckett, who is a professional scholar.
On a more tragic level is Shitbeard; its been noted he was most likely a highly moral man who felt passionate enough about learning that he went to college later in life, only to have that mortal life taken from him when he took part in a blood drive. And this ties into his biggest grief, the feeling of losing his mortal mundanity and the pleasures of being truly human, when as a Brujah he should have the easiest time holding onto those feelings. The vampires of this setting are often depicted as creatively sterile and burned out, with difficulty maintaining genuine passion for anything other than bloodlust or darker pursuits, but the Brujah are deeply passionate to a degree that it can imbalance them into destructive rages. Not for nothing are they the ones that keep the Anarch Movement going; they can muster a raw passion most humans can’t match, let alone a vampire. (Werewolves probably have them beat, though.)
So for Shitbeard to so intensely feel and mourn everything he’s lost is deeply tragic, because he should have the easiest time keeping in touch with what once kept him human.
This brings us to Kevin, who is the most different from the usual expectations to such a degree I honestly think it’s likely Alfabusa and the rest sat down, worked out the Tremere’s normal stereotypes, and wrote a character that flaunts them at every measure. The Tremere are proud, arrogant and widely disliked assholes that are so broadly evil that the very concept of a likable Tremere is, itself, kind of shocking, given that they tend to be arrogant and disdainful to everyone and everything. Kevin, on the other hand, is a very likable guy.
Tremere are also tightly linked to heirarchy and the dictates of their sires; while Kevin has worked his way free of it, the Pyramid is such an integral part of the Tremere mindset that this is even more shocking on a huge level.
He’s compassionate and attached to animals, when casual cruelty is very common to the Tremere. He’s as human as a vampire can be while being in modest standing among the Sabbat, he tends to use his Dominate powers in surprisingly nonviolent ways (i meant he did try to stab Big D but in the world of darkness, a delaying tactic at all is pretty humane), and perhaps most noteworthy, it’s not clear if he can use thaumaturgy, the blood magic of the Tremere. He clearly knows ABOUT it and he’s very defensive, but he has very clearly not used it at all, which is odd for a Tremere, they’re very stuck up about it. This is possible given that since he has a clear low ranking among his fellows, its possible he was only given the most basic training in thaumaturgy before he cut his own way loose and finds it better to exploit Dominate rather than more bloody skills.
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