#the polycule eats breakfast
joshbruh10x · 1 year
So fellow Fazcule enjoyers, we just gonna agree Monty was a dense himbo idiot while Bonnie and Freddy tried getting his attention :>?
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strawberry-jellicle · 11 months
Everyone talks about platoria or victeazer. What about platojerrie or the polycule that is plato/victoria/mungojerrie/rumpleteazer??? Wake up sheeple!!!!
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sleepyminty · 1 month
He’s a babygirl, he’s a bottom, he’s a war criminal, he’s a ruthless motherfucker, he’s a tortured soul. He hate himself, he got a god complex, he’s a poweful entity but the most helpless creature on the planet, he’s a flawed man, he’s a savior, he’s a creator, he’s capitalism, he’s the apple to others and a monster to the latter. he’s the villain of his own story, he’s the best and worst parental figures, he got friends and in a polycule yet he’s the loneliest person in the world. He wanted in every plane of existence, there’s also a religion dedicated to him. He eat raw onion for breakfast, he has depression, he has autism, he has iron defficiency, he’s the messiah and the devil, he’s the modern prometheus. He loves his family, he subject his family into horror beyond comprehension. He overturn the foundation of the narratives for the better or worst. He’s a walking abnormality, he’s the singularity, he’s the world. He’s doomed by the narratives, he haunted the narratives, he is the narratives, he loves coat. He’s playing 5D chess with multiversal time travel but dont know how to use the microwave. He 10 steps ahead while also the biggest idiot. Everyone hates him as much as they love him
And he fucking look like this
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keirawantstocry · 7 months
your page made me hyperfixate on morning crew polycule and on the topic of hyperfixating, maybe a little fic about Tubbo or Pac hyperfixating on a thing like a project that they forget to take care of themselves? Can be fluff or angst i don't mind :) -✉️
hiiiiiii im so glad ive infected you with the brain rot
Pac wasn’t sure how long they had been working. It seemed like he had been at Tubbo’s since he woke up but the exact time was unclear. They had been working for at least an hour because Tubbo had proposed that they try and figure out a way to expand the amount of kinetic stress the drill could take without using a water wheel or generator. His stomach growled and he looked down at it in confusion. Hadn’t he just eaten? Surely he had grabbed breakfast before joining Tubbo. “Did I eat breakfast?” he said out loud and Tubbo turned away from the machine to look up at him. “No, you said you would grab something for lunch.” “Oh. Is it lunch time? I feel like I’m hungry enough for it to be lunch time.” Tubbo stood, wiping his hands on his pants before glancing at his watch. “Ah,” he said in a strained voice. “It's midnight.” “EXCUSE ME?” At that exact moment, the door swung open on both of them and Fit stepped inside with a large backpack in his hands. He smiled gently at the both of them and their surprised faces. “Let me guess. You guys just realized that you’ve been working for hours and hours because you’re incredibly hungry?” Pac laughed lightly as his stomach growled. “Sim, Fitchie.” He lifted the backpack higher. “Good thing I brought this then.” Soon they were finally sat down, all cross legged on the floor with an absolute feast in front of them. “Did you make all of this?” Tubbo asked as Pac dug in. “I did,” Fit said proudly. Tubbo leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek before diving into the food. “Thank you.” “Sim. sim, obrigado, Fitch,” Pac said once he swallowed. “You’re so good to us.” He waved him off, a light blush blooming on his cheeks. “Oh stop. It’s nothing. Honestly.” His face softened. “It’s my honor to take care of you two dumbasses when you forget to.”
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virtualcarrot · 1 month
Polycule ask: can you share some fluff and angst scenarios? And what is a day in the polycule life of Tenzo?
Ooh, missed this one!
Hmm I haven't plotted anything regarding them, so I'm coming up short on scenarios.
Iruka might feel insecure, surrounded by kage level shinobi, and question his legitimacy in the polycule. Yamato may feel similarly about being the only one among them who's never known what it is to have parents. And perhaps Kakashi wakes up in the middle of the night and slowly extricates himself from their many tangled limbs to indulge in some survivor guilt over being, well, happy.
As for Gai, he probably has an adjustment period after the war to learn to live with his disability and the end of his career as a warrior. For the man who told his beloved student Lee that it's best to risk dying for one's dream than live with a disability, I assume even his optimism will dim. Even harder because this is a man used to smiling and hyping himself and others and being helpful and encouraging in the face of struggle. I don't know that he'd dare burden people with anything negative.
But Kakashi's there, who knows him like no other, and the signs that Iruka and Yamato wouldn't catch on, he does, and from then on so do them, so Gai's not alone.
A day in the polycule life depends on when it takes place, who's working, who's retired. If it's their day off, Yamato wakes up with his arm gone numb from pillowing Iruka's head, to the barely hushed clatter of Gai getting ready for his obnoxiously early morning run. Yamato meets Kakashi's open eye(s?) in the dark, who smiles back before shutting them again, because Kakashi's the kind of early riser who stays in late in bed and rests with intent.
Yamato usually keeps up with only half of Gai's jog--because Gai is a freak of nature and while Yamato's assiduous in his training there's a time and place for it and he's now an adult free to make his hours, and the hours say it's time for breakfast. So he comes home, grabs the batter Kakashi leaves at the ready in the fridge and heats up a pan. The smell of warm pancakes draws Iruka out of the bedroom, staggering with his eyes half-closed like he's under an enchantment, while Kakashi saunters behind looking deeply entertained. Gai crashes in just as they're about to start eating, giving everybody a sweaty hug or kiss before taking his place.
They'll probably soak at the onsen sometime during the day, because a day off means relaxation, and being slowly marinated in hot water is something they all agree sparks joy. Yamato usually sticks to Iruka's side, there, because they both respect the sanctity of thermal baths, and if Gai and Kakashi feel tempted to start a competition of some sorts they should know better than to trouble their little corner of the pool. Yamato appreciates Iruka taking care of the necessary yelling when they don't.
Kakashi will make something easy and mild and light to eat in the evening, and they'll all sprawl lazily around afterwards. It's one of the times Yamato feels bold enough to drop his head against Kakashi's thigh and doze off. Around the time he reaches the threshold between dream and reality, Kakashi's fingers will start carding his hair, only leaving it to turn a page.
Iruka and Gai are talking taijutsu on the other side of the room. There's the scratch of pen on paper.
"They're not supposed to be working," Yamato mumbles.
Kakashi snorts, shushes him, and resumes petting his hair.
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thegayer-thebetter · 10 months
Learning to Heal - Chapter 1
Alpha Bakugo x Alpha Kirishima x Beta Todoroki x Omega Izuku (It's a polycule because why tf not)
Summary: Izuku is not like the other omegas at the Omegan Sale Facility. He was raised to be the ‘perfect omega’, the obedient alpha fantasy. His whole life he was taught to put his wants last, to listen to an alpha no matter what. When he’s of age he’s sold to an Omegean Sale Facility, others were kidnapped to be trained and broken into the ‘perfect omega’, to be auctioned off to the highest bidding alpha. He’s been brainwashed and manipulated his whole life to believe this is what he wants. That by doing so he’s fulfilling his duties as a good omega should. 
   However, when pro heroes take down the omega trafficking ring and Izuku realizes that he was lied to his whole life. He has to unlearn everything he was taught and listen to his inner omega. With the help of the pack of pros that made his freedom possible Izuku has a lot to learn.
I wake up to the alarm, as always. I make my way to the shared bathrooms and begin my morning hygiene routine, as always. The rules at this Omegan Sale Facility are strict but simple.
Rule 1: Hygiene and maintaining my appearance is my priority. That means I brush my teeth twice a day; eat only the food given to me during mealtime; I must participate in active time; shower every day; shave every week at least; and do my skin care every morning and night. My body and looks are the commodity, I am the facility���s property. The better I look, the more money I bring in.
Rule 2: I will obey any and every order. My will and my wants do not matter. No matter what the guards and trainers tell me to do, I must do it. My omegean instincts are second to the will of those above me. I do not know what is best for myself, only an alpha knows what an omega wants and needs.
Rule 3: By completing the obedience and alpha care training I will be added to the roster of the next auction and sold to the highest bidder. That alpha will be my new owner. That’s the goal. To be an alpha’s plaything, a mindless, obedient, omega. That’s how omegas were intended to be, after all, and the facility helps keep omegas in order. The facility shows us our place in the world, some take longer to accept it than others. But in the end every omega brought here succumbs to the natural order of things.
It’s only three rules! It’s far simpler than I had imagined it would be. Some omegas here were taken off the streets, targeted for their looks and/or scents. While others had no choice than to give themselves over because of a large amount of debt. I do not fall into either of those categories. I am one of the very few omegas specially trained since birth to be the perfect omega. The rules of the facility have been taught to me since birth, I knew my place from a very early age.
The second I was eligible, my original trainers sold me to this facility. Omegas like me are highly sought after, an omega who knows nothing but obedience. I passed my obedience and alpha care training faster than any other omega. I did not need to be broken in, like the newer omegas. As there was no learning curve for me. I did not need to be punished in order to follow my rules, they had been drilled into me my whole life. This is what I’m meant to do.
After I do my skin care, I and the other omegas line up at the bathroom door and are escorted by some guards to the dining hall. I eat some oatmeal and have some water and wait patiently for the guards to signal that breakfast is complete. After this I would usually be brought to training. Where we practice a variety of useful omegean skills.
Like being able to stay in a cage for hours on end; remaining in a room blindfolded with noise canceling headphones for as long as the trainers wish; learning the correct way to respond to an alpha; practicing pleasing an alpha sexually, learning all the correct positions and techniques; and not speaking unless I am allowed to do so. All very necessary in order to make an alpha happy and be a good omega for them.
But training is not on my schedule for today. I, and six other omegas, have completed our training and are scheduled to be auctioned off tonight. And, from what I understand, there will be some important alphas in attendance tonight. Tonight, all my training pays off, tonight I get what I’ve been working for my entire life. I get to belong to an alpha. And maybe, maybe if they like me enough, they might mate and mark me. To be pupped by an alpha is the highest honor an alpha can give to an omega. If everything goes to plan tonight, I can finally put all of my skills into practice and make myself useful!
On my auction day most of the day is spent in my room. I read some of the books I received as a reward for my obedience. Reading is pretty much the only thing the facility allows obedient omegas to do in their free time, which is rare to have. I am grateful to them for allowing me such a privilege and I always enjoy reading the books I’m allowed.
Around 5 pm I am escorted down a long hallway and to a door labeled ‘Dressing Room’. The guard opens the door and I walk in, with my head down in respect, inside the room are two trainers. This is where I will be dressed and prepared for my auction.
“Undress, omega, let us see what we have to work with.” One of the trainers' orders. I take off my shorts and tank top and neatly fold them, setting them on the table in front of me, as instructed. Panties are a privilege omegas are not entitled to. Our owner will decide what they deem is appropriate for us to wear underneath our clothes, if anything.
I stand still as the trainers take in my naked body and watch as they go to the racks of clothes and lingerie, deciding what will suit my body best.
“He’s definitely gonna bring in the highest auction tonight. We decided to put you on last, Izuku, we wanted to end this auction with a bang. The prettiest little omega that all the alphas out there have been waiting for. They can barely sit still,” The tallest and most muscular trainer says as he begins to dress me in the outfit they picked out, a dark green lace bodysuit that has sheer flower embroidery on it and shows off my thighs and butt perfectly. I look up into the mirror before me and see myself in the prettiest outfit I have ever been allowed. I feel tears come to my eyes as I look at myself. I want to remember how my future owner will first see me. Tonight is the night I will meet the alpha that I have been dreaming about my whole life, my owner.
“Look at him. Someone’s definitely gonna wreck him tonight.” The other, slimmer trainer says to the first trainer as she puts a touch of makeup on me. Just some mascara and lipgloss. “Those freckles of his are so precious.”
The trainers step back, motioning for me to spin and nod to each other.
“Perfe-” Before the muscular trainer can finish his thought, a siren blares. The emergency siren indicates someone has infiltrated the facility, an attack of some sort. This hasn’t happened before, not since I’ve been here. I start to panic and look at the two guards.
“Goddamnit. Ben probably set it off again,” The lady trainer says as she looks at the other trainer.
“He’s a fucking idiot.” he responds, and his attention turns to me, “Stay in here until we get back. You are not to move a single muscle while we’re gone. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes sir.” I say as they leave the dressing room.
And suddenly I’m alone. Of course something would go wrong on my auction day. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy for me. I should’ve expected something like this. I whine to myself as I wait for this mess to be over. My auction will probably be rescheduled for next week, there’s no way any of the buyers will stick around tonight if they expect a raid or attack, even if it is a false alarm.
I keep still, like the obedient omega I am. Patiently waiting for the trainers to return, I feel myself growing more anxious as time passes. The alarm keeps blaring then, suddenly, I hear an explosion and yelling over the alarm. My heart stops. I hadn’t, even for a second, expected this to be a real attack. An inconvenience at most, a mistake. But an attack? An attack is not something I had ever anticipated.
I look around the room, weighing my options. Eventually, I decide hiding is my best option. I go behind the clothing rack, sit in the corner and pull my knees to my chest as I try to make as little noise as possible. I have no idea what will happen after this. But I can’t think about that right now, I just have to stay safe. I have to stay hidden.
I’m not sure how much time has passed, I’m not sure when I can get out of here. Where would I even go? I don’t know where anything is. Eventually the alarm quiets down but I don’t move. I wait for the trainers to come and get me. I can hear people walking around, which I’m going to assume is a good sign. Maybe everything’s gonna be ok after all. Maybe it was just a false alarm and I was panicking over nothing.
Then, I hear voices, “Yeah, I’ll clear this hall! Shitty hair you take the northern one! I’ll radio if I find anybody.” The voice in the hall says. His voice is low and gravely, not a voice I’ve heard before. That’s not a good sign. None of this is. My life is over.
It’s only a matter of time until I’m discovered. This is one thing I was not trained for. This is the one thing I’ve never planned for. I’ll probably be held prisoner or sold to another alpha, which wouldn’t be so bad. But what if their intention is to hurt me or worse? Maybe it’s someone trying to get revenge on the facility- I need to stop. Spiraling like this won’t help. Right now, all I can do is hide and keep myself safe.
Then, the door of the dressing room opens and my breath hitches, they won’t see me. They won’t see me. They can’t see me. I hold my breath and close my eyes hoping they just skim over the room and do not notice me.
They stomp through the room and just when I think they’re gone I hear, “Riot, I’ve got another one.” It’s the gravelly voice from the hall. I cover my ears and shake my head as I feel it becoming harder to breathe. I force my eyes closed, he can’t be talking about me, he’s talking about someone else. I feel myself start to cry; this wasn’t how today was supposed to go.
Then I realize I can smell him giving off a calming scent, he’s definitely an alpha all right. His scent smells like smoke and caramel. I’m not used to being able to smell an alpha, all the trainers and guards here wear scent patches. And, somehow, I can feel myself actually start to breathe deeper again, his scent is actually calming me down, though I hate to admit it. I didn’t know an alphas scent could have such a strong effect on my omega.
I uncover my ears and finally open my eyes, crouching in front of me is a blonde haired, sweaty alpha wearing some sort of hero costume, he must be a pro hero. But that doesn’t make sense. Why would they attack the facility? They’re supposed to stop crime- Oh! He’s probably here to help with the attack that happened. Of course. That makes sense. I start to take deep breaths and look up at him. He’s just staring at me, I can smell worry on him.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” He says, in a voice far softer than the growl he had earlier, he stands up. I keep looking at him, somewhat skeptical given the current situation. Is he a pro or a villain or maybe someone disguised as a pro? Even though I’m not fully convinced, he is the alpha here and I must listen to him.
He puts his hand out to try and help me up and, against my better judgment, I take it. As I stand and see his eyes widen and a faint blush covers his cheeks. I look down, suddenly remembering the outfit I’m wearing and feeling self-conscious and exposed. He pulls off the black jacket with an orange X down the center of it and holds it out for me.
I look up at him, confused. “For you to… um, cover up a bit?” I stare at him and then at the jacket that reeks of him. It’s covered in soot and sweat but at the same time it looks comfortable? I’m not liking the way the omega side of me is reacting to him. I can’t accept this. More importantly, why has he offered it to me? It’s his jacke- my brain short circuits when I finally register that this alpha is now standing before me in a black tank top. A black tank top that hugs his very apparent abs and shows off his extremely muscular and mouth watering build.
“Are you gonna take it or just keep staring?” He questions, catching me stare at him. I take the jacket and pull it over the lingerie. It looks way bigger on me than it did on him. The sleeves are too long on me and it falls down to my mid thighs. So I am pretty much covered.
“I know this is all shocking. You probably have a lot of questions, but right now I need to get you out of here.” I look into his red eyes as he talks to me, taking in the alpha before me. He’s unlike any alpha I’ve ever seen or interacted with. He’s far bigger than any alpha I’ve ever seen. All the alpha trainers and guards here pale in comparison to the sheer domination his alpha seems to command.
He opens the door and I hear the ground crunch as his black boots step into the hall. I move to the doorway and see the floor is covered in broken glass and some pieces of the wall that have been broken, forming a huge hole in the side of the facility. Debris and rocks cake the floor before me and I look up at the alpha who sighs and looks back at me, clearly frustrated that I haven't followed him.
Before he can say anything, I motion to my bare feet, his eyes widen and he nods slightly in understanding. “Shit, right, I’m going to have to carry you out of here, is that okay?” He asks, looking at me, clearly trying to read whether I’ll have another panic attack over this or not. I nod.
He swoops me up into his arms, bridal style may I add, and pulls me close to his chest as he carries me. I find my anxiety decreasing and for the first time since the alarm went off I actually feel safe. Maybe it’s the alphas relaxing scent, maybe it’s the way he stood by me as I cried and soothed me with his scent, not touching me or pushing me, the way he asked for permission to touch me, as if he actually cares about what an omega wants. This is not how I thought alphas acted. Not at all. But something about this seems to soothe my inner omega as he walks out of the rubble and through the broken hole in the wall and to a parking lot full of omegas, ambulances, police, and other people I’m assuming are pro heroes.
I don’t see any of the trainers or guards. He sets me down on the pavement, and goes back inside the building, as he leaves, so does that feeling of calmness and safety. I am now hyperaware of the fact that I am surrounded by police officers yelling and pointing, omegas crying and seemingly happy, sirens blaring. It’s too much. It’s all too much. I can feel myself begin to breathe faster, heart rate increasing, the fear inside me growing.
An officer rushes me into an ambulance and tells me I’m safe now. That they can’t hurt me anymore. But that doesn’t give me any relief. Safe from what? I was safe! They are the ones taking me away from the facility, from my life, and not giving me any answers!
Is taking me away and leaving me in the dark their version of ‘saving’ me! Before I realize it’s happening, I begin to scream and fight the officer in the ambulance, trying to reach the handle and get out of here. The cop says something, screams something, he’s trying to calm me down, I cry and I feel him grab my arm tightly and try and force me back into submission, but I kick and scream and I bite him. I bit him. Another person grabs me from behind and I feel a sharp pain in my neck and everything goes black.
Here's the AO3 link for the full fic:
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linskywords · 14 days
I think the best part of the polycule is that Connor has THREE necks to hide out in! Don't tell Lauren but he still thinks Leon has a wonderful neck to hide in
Awww this is such a good point. Now I'm thinking about how Connor and Celeste relate to each other in the polycule, and I bet they have such a sweet friendship. They have coffee dates together in Connor's breakfast nook (it's a big house, it's possible to have an excursion to a different part of it) where they eat biscotti and talk about their feelings. They aren't in love with each other like they're in love with the other two, but they do rely on each other for emotional support, and sometimes they lie on the grass in the sunshine holding hands just because it feels nice.
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silaceata · 1 year
i kinda wanna distance myself from one of my friends. Every time we work out at the gym, she gets really competitive, and goes overboard with calorie-burning and says some really triggering stuff about how she’s not eating enough and "just forgets to". Like just last night she talked about how she ate "so much more today", and she listed that she ate *three potato tacos *one breakfast burrito and *half a deli sandwich, and then bragged about how her calorie-burning record on the treadmill is 640. She knows I have an ED and it just kinda makes this whole thing we’re doing so miserable. I haven’t been so triggered in such a long time until we started working out, wacky.
And then,, on the same night, she told me she’s planning a "no-commitment date" with her partner and with my ✨NOW✨ EX-CRUSH by the end of the month! She even asked me if I was still into them because she already planned this date out to see if my ex-crush would be a good third for her polycule,,, i cant help but feel livid about that, my friend didn’t know that I lost interest in them,, and hell, even if she did, i only felt that way a week ago.
It seems like everything is a competition between us, and she always invalidates my feelings I have towards issues involving her friends. I thought I was crazy this whole time, but after talking to my other friends, I learned that she’s just not the best supportive friend for me. I dont know what to do tho, and I feel so uncertain about everything
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i have 5 million things to do this evening, i have horrifyingly few hours to complete said tasks, BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS IT'S WOT S2E6 TIME BABEY
oh damn i was so sure that we'd pick straight back up with lanfear domming rand in tel'aran'rhiod since we got cliffhangered so hard with that last week
GODDDDDDDDD they are doing such an incredible job of portraying the horror of the seanchan. i am in agony ty
sidenote it's absolutely unforgivable of them to make renna this hot js
oh here we GO it's femdom hours (as always in this show but like. more than usual). lanfear's everything in this scene im. hm! i shall not speak 🙏
"what makes you think you can't trust me" [gestures] BOTH THEIR FACES IM YELLING god lanfear is so fucking funny. she's evil she can control your dreams she's going to murder that random man she's the hottest woman alive she's a comedian. what CANT she do!!
"you have... interesting fixations" hellO
sorry but this is now my favourite character combo of all time actually i am eating this for breakfast ooooohhhhhhhhmyGOD
ooooh treesinging as throatsinging is such a great concept i LOVE it
alanna is so fucking hot my GOD
...this liveblog rly is just me swooning over this entire cast but im literally a lesbian whAT else am i supposed to do?????
HELL YES WE LOVE A REVEAL IN THIS HOUSE even if it's just a new character finding out info that the audience has known for ages WE STILL LOVE IT
"Ishamael has her" the absolute deliciousness of the web of grudges and relationships being spun in this episode it's SO GOOD
ALSO the dramatic book reader irony of rand dropping into egwene's dreams like Literally Of All People
"I hope they told you, at your White Tower, how special you are" godDAMN the LAYERS of PAIN
okay fucking hell not to repeat what i said LITERAL MINUTES AGO but like. put mat IN the POLYCULE are we all seeing this shit literally HEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO???????
IF YOU LOVE HIM STAY AWAY???????? they are expecting me to not be on my bullshit about this ship for fucking ever now??? i think NOT
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Just, cut up the carrots without cutting up yourself. It’s not hard. Please. Okay, and you failed. Great. for the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule?
He looked up, and saw Luke, fiddling with the guitar pick in his hands, his fidget toy of choice, and Willie grinned. "What's up Guitar Hero?"
"I need your help."
"Sure bro, what do you need?"
Luke blew out a breath and rubbed the back of his head. "So it's almost the end of the semester and I wanted to do something nice to like celebrate? Show everyone how proud I am of them for finishing school."
Willie cooed then gave a shit eating grin as Luke flipped him off. They were the only two not pursuing a post-secondary education, with his art selling well and working at the skate shop designing boards between competitions. Luke barely got his GED, so he riled against more school, preferring to write songs, find gigs for the band, and work on his parts of the demo they were oh so slowly recording.
Meanwhile everyone else was suffering through four years of college, with Carrie and Alex in Performing Arts, Flynn in Fashion Design, Reggie in Photography, and Julie in Musical Composition and Performance. Sure the band planned on making it big, but they all wanted to have back ups to fall back on, just in case.
So Willie was all for doing something nice for their partners. Except he'd never known Luke to be all that proficient in the kitchen. They all took turns cooking of course, but Luke usually made breakfast for supper, grilled cheese, or something from a can. "Okay, do you have a meal in mind?"
"Umm, I know everyone likes that chicken broccoli casserole you made not that long ago?" Luke suggested. "And maybe I could do some carrot cake muffins for dessert, I know those are Julie and Alex's favourites."
"We can do that," Willie stated, and accompanied Luke into the kitchen. "I'll handle the protein if you wanna start on the veg."
Luke bit his lip, looking at the vegetables before him like they were a foreign substance. Which, was fair because everyone usually cut them super smile due to Luke and Willie's texture issues, and Flynn's dislike for anything healthy. "What do I do?"
"Just, cut up the carrots without cutting up yourself. It’s not hard. Please," Willie said, handing Luke a knife and cutting board, letting him go as he started chopping up the chicken breasts into chunks until he heard a hiss and saw Luke sucking a finger into his mouth. "Okay, and you failed. Great."
Thankfully there was minimal blood to clean up, so with a bandage and fresh surfaces, Willie helped guide Luke's hands with no further injury, then helping him toss the carrots into the food processor. Sure, traditionally you would use a box grater to shred the carrots, but Willie didn't exactly trust Luke not to flay the skin from his knuckles with that.
Thankfully he managed much easier with the broccoli, and even managed to measure out the cake stuff fairly properly, even if Willie triple checked he was using sugar and not salt.
Soon enough the casserole was bubbling away and the muffins were cooling on the rack. Luke happily did the dishes, and Willie dried, the two of them harmonizing to a Beatles tune that was playing on the radio, with ample air guitar breaks on Luke's part and Willie bopping along.
"Honeys we're home!" Reggie called as he entered.
"Smells good in here," Carrie said suspiciously. "Did you two order supper?"
"No, I made supper!" Luke said proudly.
Alex screwed up his face but then relaxed when Willie assured him that he had supervised the whole process.
"Good job mi vida," Julie said, pressing a kiss to Luke's cheek. Then pressed a friendly one to Willie's temple. "Thank you for making sure he didn't poison us or burn down the house."
"Hey!" Luke argued, but then slumped. "That's fair. Thanks Wils," he held out a fist, which Willie dutifully bumped.
"Anytime bro," Willie replied.
Later they all sat down and tentatively dug into the meal, but then happily gobbled it down, everyone complimenting Luke and WIllie, though no one could hide the surprise in their voice as they did.
"Why did you make food anyways?" Alex asked. "I'm not complaining, especially since it gave me a night off. But what's the special occasion?"
"Figured you guys all deserved a nice meal after the semester ended," Luke said with a shrug. "I'll do something nicer when exams are done."
"I'd be fine with this again boy band," Flynn remarked. "You did a damn good job."
"Is there dessert?" Reggie asked. "Because otherwise I'm going back for thirds."
"I made muffins?"
"What kind?" Carrie asked with narrowed eyes.
"Carrot cake."
"My favourite!" Julie and Alex chorused, then turned to each other and simultaneously screamed "Jinx!"
Willie rolled his eyes fondly and got the muffins, everyone wolfing them down and agreed Luke could make them anytime.
"My fingers might not survive that," Luke said sheepishly, holding up his bandaged hands. "But thanks."
They all laughed, and then ensured Luke got to relax while the rest of them took care of dishes. Well, until Alex thanked Luke and Willie in his own way.
And Luke figured if he got a thanks like that every time he cooked, he might just do it more often!
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swxxtcidxr · 2 months
If you put a polycule ship in front of me, I will eat it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
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liquidstar · 11 months
Ok! I cried in front of my boss today so YOU are getting a scenario! So, OC guy, Tony, he has a bunch of siblings, none but one are at all close to him (emotionally) and none of them have any clue who or what he is dating. First he mentions a girlfriend and everyone loses their fucking minds bc Tony the weirdo got a gf wtf. Then he mentions a boyfriend and they're like fuck what did he realise as gay, is our bro GAY and then. He mentions one of his girlfriends and they just Cannot. The fact that their eldest brother (Tony was the second kid of five, this eldest bro is the only one who knows abt the urban fantasy BS plot. On account of having a gun.) who doesn't live w them anymore gets this. Pained look everytime he's in the vicinity of a statement rgd Tony's love life.
And eventually they start meeting people like, oh, is that tall gymbro guy with a face like he eats kittens for breakfast who we're pretty sure we've seen in school, your boyfriend? Haha no, that's my girlfriend! Oh, ok, cool, is that even taller guy who looks a bit too old for you and perpetually visibly exhausted your boyfriend? Well, right now she's my girlfriend! WHAT.
These poor kids and parents can barely wrap their heads around the concept of bisexuality being a thing, let alone polyamoury, genderfluidity, or the fact that their elder brother's 5' 3'' heyyyyy-now-im-just-a-little-birthday-boy ass can pull.
(Not pictured - the 27 y/o guitar-playing loser with only one non-teenager friend and the gutter spirit supplying her ex with magic rat estrogen who are also part of the Danger Club, just not the polycule)
THAT'S AWESOME THO. Icon and legend of confusing everyone and never explaining anything. As it should be.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
do you have a ship/pairing that you feel is widely misunderstood?
Disclaimer: I'm not super invested in shipping at the moment, but I'll do my best to give you a good response that isn't just bitching about my frustrations regardless.
The easy answer is "all of them" because fandoms have a tendency to condense interesting, multifaceted characters down into components of a ship and ignore any aspect of their characterization that doesn't immediately lend itself to common shipping memes and scenarios and it's fucking annoying, but if I had to pick a specific option, I'd probably go with Dragonslayer for RWBY (inasmuch as I still ship that) and Texas x Lappland for Arknights. I'd like to have given you an answer for Baldur's Gate 3, but I still haven't found the time to finish that game.
For Dragonslayer, there's a bizarre segment of the RWBY fanbase that really likes portraying Jaune as some kind of ultra-Chadly chick magnet, which is not accurate to his canon portrayal despite him being the writing team's clear favorite. Like, sweetie, Dragonslayer is not a ship where Jaune is the dominant alpha male partner. That boy gets pegged. Yang pounds his prostate. She wears the pants in that relationship. He does not decide what to eat for breakfast in the morning without asking her and he is happy to have things that way.
(I'm exaggerating a bit for comedic effect but Yang would run roughshod over Jaune and no argument on Earth can convince me otherwise)
As for TexLapp, a lot of people don't bother really looking at the characters as individuals instead of treating them as "uwu cute violence lesbians who have fantastic bloody hatesex" and thus don't bother to engage with their trauma or any of their personality traits that don't lend themselves to stabbing each other with swords or stabbing each other with penises real or artificial (in fairness, Arknights dropped hints about their dynamic and then took ages to develop it, so like... hard to blame people for filling in the blanks). Also, I am sick and fucking tired of people acting like Lappland is a perpetual lunatic who acts unhinged at all times and can't be trusted to navigate any interaction that doesn't involve violence when that's literally not true and the proof is found directly in her files, a resource that has been available since launch.
(I, on the other hand, understand both these characters perfectly, a state of enlightenment that led to me unleashing a thesis about Lappland having a breeding kink and wanting a polycule upon a few of my unsuspecting mutuals. It's hard being as smart as I am sometimes.)
I'll close this out with a couple ships I don't like: almost every piece of NearlPlat and BlemiPlat content I've seen fundamentally misunderstands or willfully misinterprets their dynamic and characterization as it exists in canon in favor of shaving off anything that could possibly get in the way of "kyaaaa enemies to lovers so kyuuuteeeee uwu!!!" and I fucking hate it so much. It takes ships I already despise and strips them of anything that could be remotely unique or compelling. This shit is the McDonalds of Arknights ships: boring as hell, tastes like cardboard, and does nothing to differentiate itself from its competitors in a positive manner
Meanwhile for Bumbleby the fucking writers don't understand the ship dynamic or the characters involved, so I can't even get annoyed when the fanbase doesn't either
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chromorbid · 8 months
How's about 12 and 27
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
living on a plot of land in a house that's nearby or adjacent to the homes of close and dear friends/the theoretical polycule, where we all take care of a produce garden and a kid together. we cycle every day between who makes breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and vote on different places to eat it. everyone pitches in to do chores for each other, providing extra support to whoever is having a rough time of it. i have a home where i live alone, but not alone.
27. What’s your pet peeve?
the existence of the cycle of constantly needing to eat to maintain homeostasis. what do you mean i'm hungry again, i just ate a few hours ago!!! why can't i just a nice wholesome meal once a week and only have more if i really want it!!!
....but i do love delicious food. i love making food, for myself and others. i just wish it wasn't so obligatory!!!
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sylviesnrmts · 7 months
My favourite things about Ace Attorney :>
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~ Part 1 ~ Relationships
Narumitsu. // >:) It's my favourite ship ever atm, they bring me so much joy ahhh (I have thought about them non stop for 4 months omg)
Mia Fey x Lana Skye // In college they dated and or explored each others bodies so to speak. (not actual but that's my hc) (Also there's rlly good fanfics on ao3 that take place in a timeline where Mia didn't get conked and Lana didn't get Ganted which r rlly wholesome.)
The sheer intensity of Godot's love for Mia. // That is true passion.
Ron and Desirée DeLite // THE STRAIGHT COUPLE EVER. This is real love! At points you wonder if Dessie is just with him because he’s rich but no! She just really loves him. 🧡
Franmaya // Very swaggy. Wholesome and I LIVE FOR THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF THEM!! 🫶🫶
Klapollo // I haven't played Apollo Justice but I eat minor spoilers for breakfast. Klavier just decides from first sight. That is the one. "I've never felt this way about a man" And he just flirts with the short king while Apollo is oblivious but also is madly in love IDK AGAIN I HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET BUT I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM. (THE SHIP)
Faraskye // So cute, idk much about Kay Faraday but their designs together r rlly cute and I've seen a few edits of them which r rlly wholesome. 🫶
Doug Swallow.. x Feenie. // I read a fanfic about them and da bunch of objection.lols and I'm ngl they grew on me.
Maggey x Gumshoe // The age gap is iffy to me but they are extremely wholesome. (Weenie lunchboxes, anyone? :3)
Adrian x Franziska // They are similar, that's for sure. I can't help but feel the perverse power dynamic though that would likely be their undoing. Or maybe, They could change each other for the better. Adrian lets Franzy get more acquainted with her softer side, and Franzy teaches Adrian to be stronger and more confident! Ok now I have to write a fic about that. Feel free to use that idea, my treat.
April May x Ini Miney // I saw some fanart of them on Pinterest 😼 They both got a bit of an act goin, but they r very cute.
Dahlia Hawthorne/ Melissa Foster x April May // April and Ini's acts, dialled up to 11. I read a really good fic of them. I drew them too and I would do it again :)
Franziska x Ema Skye // (As adults) Pretty wholesome ngl.
Mia x Lana x Godot. // I dub them the hottest polycule in anime. This is assuming that Lana isn't lesbian (likely story.) and we would have to do some timeline gymnastics to give these three a happy ending but I think they would make a very good poly ship :)
Lana x Angel x Mia // Kinda popular on Tumblr, actually. (I just remembered I am ON TUMBLR right now...) Very cute. I want to draw them.
(I had a rainbow sherbet mother energy drink today 🤤 It tastes like nerds, would recommend.)
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Edgeworth and Franziska siblings // They are bouncing in my head like a screensaver constantly. I love Sound the turnabout melody because it shows us how much love Franzy has for Miles.
“Why’d you go and dress him (Miles’ dog) up?”
“I thought it would make you smile..” IMSOBBING
And when Miles becomes Manfred’s disciple, Franziska is off to the side, literally in the shadows. But what does she do? The sweet girl who wants nothing more than to follow in her beloved papa’s footsteps and become a great prosecutor, watching as her papa gives his attention to the boy he took in as his own? She gives that boy the biggest smile she can muster. Her little head is filled with nothing but love and admiration.
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Even as an adult, Franziska admires Miles. Her main motivation for even BEING in the second game revolves around him. It is made clear that she isn’t going after Phoenix because of her father, but because of Miles. She believed that Phoenix was the reason for Miles choosing death, and she was NOT going to let him get away with it. (I will add more later, I could go on about them for hours.)
Ema and Lana Skye // I think about them at least once a day, let Lana go see her sister PLEASE she's done her time ok let my girls be happy and investigate together... 🙏 anyway Lana risked and lost so so much to protect Ema..
Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne // Iris loves her sister so very much. Dahlia sees her as dirt. Been thinking abt them alot today. Iris was willing to help with Dahlia’s schemes despite not being evil herself.
Phoenix and Maya sibling relationship // They will forever be siblings to me lel.
By extension I feel like Mia and Phoenix were like family cuz they were like 🥲 all they had
Signal samurai trio // Especially as kids they r so fcking CUUUUTETETTEEE give me lifeee
Also narumitsu art where they are kids makes me so happyyyy cuz they r so!! adorable!! <3
Phoenix and Trucy being father and daughter // 🥲 Phoenix, can.. Will u be my father too? 🙏 (father issues) They are the adhd dad & adhd daughter representation we need but ya'll aren't ready for that information. (Direct quote from a post I made on my main 💀💀)
Gumshoe and Edgeworth friendship. // Trust. They have their own ways of showing their respect for each other 😭 but they work very well together and r close even if they don't act like it! (Or if Gumshoe's salary reflects it. 😭)
MIA AND MILES’ DYNAMIC. // I love how many interpretations there are of these two’s relationship. For one we got them being besties. I love this and yes I have drawn art of it. Then theres them hating each other’s very guts. This is reasonable! Also interesting. I wish we were able to see Mia’s reaction to the reason Phoenix became a lawyer. That would be very interesting. Anyway they live in my mind. Novice bimbos forever <3
Phoenix and Franziska friendship // When they manage to tolerate each other they r very cute and fun!
Trucy and Franzy auntie and niece relationship // This one is specifically because of the "How to court a fool in three months" fanfic. But they work so well together and I rlly want to see more ppl to utilize them :)
Miles and Gregory Edgeworth // All the art and posts about them are so very wholesome and Gregory seemed like a great dad. (I can't wait to learn more about him in AAI :3)
Manfred VK and Miles Edgeworth //
Drops this and runs but I run into a pole and get knocked unconscious 😵‍💫 I posted this btw 😵‍💫
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Will be adding more cuz VK fam r the only thoughts in my brain rn.
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Larry Butz.. and Maya Fey.. but their relationship is that of a fun uncle and silly niece. // This one may need some explaining. This is very much projection cuz these two remind me of me and my uncle (literally the funniest dude I know) Well not actually my uncle but a family friend. But yk.
Then I played... 😡 trials and tribulations 😡 And this bitch ass Butz was flirting with Maya! WTF?! Was that necessary?? Did anyone laugh at that? No! I could write a whole essay on how Larry's character got obliterated throughout the trilogy. He went from one of my favourite characters, to me actually cheering a little when he had something bad happen. (I still love him tho and choose to pretend that he doesn't become a shell of himself after the first game.)
(“Not exactly a friend… but yes, I know him” Cracked me tf up. Deserved lmao.)
---Not plot relevant spoilers for bridge to the turnabout ---
Going off from that I want to touch on Larry and Pearls friendship. // This had potential! Just kidding! It was ruined from before they even saw each other. Larry hears Pearl over the phone and goes "oH wHaT a CuTiEeE!" in a weird way. My c*nt that is a whole 8 year old child. But if we IGNORE THAT GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I like in the anime adaptation of farewell my turnabout, Larry is rlly nice to Pearl :) And in bridge to the turnabout, this could be a hot take but I think the whole 'loser shack' thing was hilarious. Larry was so enthusiastic and boisterous and Pearl was just like yeah guess I'm here.. and as soon as Phoenix comes around she turns her full attention to him. Idk I just thought that whole exchange was charming.
--- Spoilerz over ---
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-- Hints at sexual shit ahead if you don't want to read that then all g — I removed some cuz idk 😭
These ones are just for shits and gigs.
Phoenix and Larry college situationship. // Had to throw a bit of a curveball at ya. I don't fucking know why this is in the back of my head but it is.
Ema and Franziska // This was from like one person on twitter or Tumblr but I like it. Bitter exes, get it. 💅
If by some miracle Edgeworth isn't a virgin (and also isn't asexual of course!) by the time he actually gets with Wright then I think he would do it with Gumshoe or agent Lang. Trust. I refuse to believe he would ever think about a woman that way 😭 And also the man's just married to his work he don't got time for that.
But why Lang gotta go around telling him to be a good little pretty boy or whatever the fuck gay stuff he says to him. (I have only seen a few screenshots, I have yet to meet Lang in the game 💀💀)
Anyway I just had to get that out there lmao. Don't take this too seriously 🤣
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That's all for now! I was typing this for about 2 hours longer than I expected. Anyway please share your thoughts in the comments or tags!
Have a great day or night and if it is night then... please go to sleep. (5:22am 😻) Goodnight
Stfu tryna give people advice on when to sleep when I pulled an all nighter this week and got very disoriented the next night or maybe the night after (last night?!) because the last 48 hours had merged together to form a blur 😭
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gingerpeachtea · 10 months
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual
Gender Headcanon: aggressively cisgender but also performs “ideal” masculinity to such a degree it’s borderline drag. if someone showed him that tweet about eating meat thats like “you took your dumpy ass to costco” it would cause real tangible visible damage to his self-perception
A ship I have with said character: house-wide polycule aside, mikebriggs but also jakesbriggs makes several points (and charliebriggs too tbh… roderick voice. sorry women)
A BROTP I have with said character: he doesnt have friends
A NOTP I have with said character: him and ari. i dont know either it’s just the first thing i came up with
A random headcanon: his favorite place to kiss mike is his neck and he loves cooking charlie breakfast and
General Opinion over said character: do not get me fucking started. as a character he is so insanity inducing i cant think about him for more than five minutes lest i give myself a fucking aneurysm and as a person he is just so horrible but so complex and he cares so much but also only thinks of himself but also sat and held mike’s hand through his drug detox and saved his life twice and brought charlie bananas and tea and and and and
image of him looking at mike. for ur viewing pleasure
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