#the prince and the snake charmer
Seven Snippets Tag
Bro i love these even tho i can NEVER pick between my babies
Anyway @late-to-the-fandom tagged me in this chain on my other blog but I'm doing it here because I got all SaSi fics at the moment B)
No-pressure tags: @i-will-physically-fight-you @glacierruler @prince-rowan-of-the-forest @lily-janus @groovyghostie @vinbee631 @girlboypatton be free to lore dump !!!
If you haven't done a writing tag game b4 no worries. This one's prompt is to put seven snippets (or as many as you can find) that you like from your WIPs or favorite fics in a post and bam! you've done a tag game
Because i'm Me(TM) i gotta set a requirement for myself for fun so it's gonna be whichever number that snippet is, it has to have that many characters talking/mentioned/in the snippet/etc. for fun! this is not a necessary requirement btw
Hit read more to see the snippets >:D/\
One Character (from "Brothers by Blood")
A inky one-way-window, long and thin like a serpent, spread across one side of the room. Faint shadows moved behind it. Left of it was a matte metal door; scuff marks on the floor showed where it would swing inward. In the center of this room, a young boy sat on one side of a white folding table, rigid in a matching folding chair. His curled-up poise could have been mistaken for that of a panther: lean, scared – ready for a fight. Layers of black, baggy clothes were his tattered fur. Bushy brown hair was his ruffled mane, lined with old streaks of violet meant to distract from his sore eye bags and heavy eye liner. The boy seemed sweaty, despite the cold, and smelled faintly of cleaning chemicals. He fidgeted absent-mindedly with his chain necklace. Shivering. He glanced up at the clock, squinting, and snapped his head back down as if out of fear of being caught.
2. Two Characters (from "The Prince and the Snake Charmer")
"Sorry, just-" Roman paused, steadying his breathing, "-just a bit jumbled up in the head." Janus nodded in understanding. "That's alright. It might take a second before you can think straight again." "I'm not straight, so it's not a problem," Roman replied on instinct, immediately turning bright crimson at Janus's startled reaction. "I mean, as in thinking-wise," Roman covered up, "I don't think straight ever, y'know? Like, because I'm dumb, and, y'know. Dumb, like really, uh, stupid, right?"
3. Three Characters (from "He Who Holds The Ruler")
Roman nodded. "Y-yeah, I mean, I guess. My brother Remus has a boyfriend. They more so…don't care." Patton nodded and was quiet again. "Maybe you should try telling them over lunch," Patton suggested gently. "I'll be there will you. I'm sure they'll at least try to be understanding." "Yeah," Roman said, nodding. "Understanding." Patton sighed sadly, but smiled reassuringly. "I'm sensing the need for a hug, I think?" "You never have to ask first, you know," Roman mumbled thankfully, hugging Patton around his side. "The answer will always be yes."
4. Four Characters (from "Kingdoms for a Mind 1")
"I would not phrase it as a 'quest'," Logan commented, "Maybe a 'reluctant onus'?" "Oh, hush, Specks," Roman snapped, "You'll get used to our adventures! It 'tis inevitable. With the same ease as the sun rises and falls, you shall soon fall in love with-" Virgil cleared his throat. "Wait a second," he began, looking to Roman, "What did you say about King Dolion 'disturbing peace'?" Thomas started fidgeting with the tablecloth, looking anywhere but at them.
5. Five Characters (from "Takeover" — Zombie apocalypse AU)
“Well, it’ll make great fertilizer!” “Remus, that is disgusting,” Virgil complained. “Stop kicking it!” Stepping back into the garage, Janus made a face. “Dios mío, this truck looks terrible.” “Agreed.” Logan said. He spritzed Lysol on the chair were the zombie once sat, stirring up a wave of dust. “Even my abuelo would not drive this,” Janus muttered, squatting down to look underneath the haphazardly off-balance vehicle, “And he drives the worst AMC Gremlin you will ever see.” Out on the lawn, Remy waved Remus away from him, demanding that he take a shower. This most certainly prompted Remus to ask if he could "join in." Virgil practically fled over to the garage to avoid getting caught in the crossfire of that conversation.
6. Six Characters (from "Kingdoms for a Mind 2")
"Forgive me if I'm rude, I've not seen anyone in months," Hypatia said, taking a seat at the head of the table. "But what are you doing here?" The princes glanced around at each other, none really wanting to explain. Janus sighed and put down his spoon. "We're traveling," Janus said simply. "Though we hadn't planned for this long of a trip. Running short on supplies." "Mainly medical supplies,” Logan said. “And enough rations for everyone,” Patton mentioned. "And weaponry," Remus added. "And sanity," Virgil piped up.
7. Seven characters oh god (from "Takeover")
“Crazy Dave’s not here to reinforce us,” Emile said monotonously. Roman sighed. "That game isn't even good." "Says you." "Well, do one of you have a better suggestion?" Logan asked, slightly exasperated. Patton leaned forward and rested his chin on Logan's shoulder gently. "Could maybe ask Janus…" Virgil wondered out loud, glancing outside, "He's a mechanic at his abuela's shop. Could maybe, with luck, possibly fix the truck." Logan nodded, writing it down quickly. Remy raised an eyebrow. "That's all peaches and cream, babes, but that big-ass zombie wedged in the front seat?" they asked, "Who would be insane enough to even touch it?" WHAM. "I'M BACK, MOTHERFUCKERS!" The front door was kicked wide open by a tall, broad-shouldered figure in loud a punk jacket, which could be described using both definitions of 'dirty.' His grimy combat boots, covered in spikes, had left brown sludge on the window. A name-tag on his shirt, from when he’d worked at a soup kitchen, said, 'Hello! I'm: Remus EVIL BITCH OF THE WEST'.
Sorry for the length. This was fun though >:D/\
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Detachable Antics [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, nsfw, rough sex, mentions of anal, Buggy detaching his dick(and doing it in front of people)
a/n: I love Buggy☺️
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Y/n was doing her regular duties, checking to see if everybody had their equipment for their acts, checking to see if all of the lights were set up, and making sure everybody knew their queues.
“Ok- snake charmer, you come in after the baton twirlers, and somebody move the tank so that it’s not directly under the tightropes, that could be a hazard—” Y/n was interrupted by a series of gasps and giggles from the people around her. She furrowed her brows, wondering what everybody was gawking at, “What’s wron- HOLY FUCK!” Y/n screamed when she saw Buggy’s big, floating dick right beside of her face.
“What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, baby!!” Buggy laughed as his voice came out from the speakers. Y/n screamed bloody murder and ran out of the circus tent, to which Buggy’s penis followed her, balls flopping through the air as it zoomed in her direction, “C’mon give it a little kiss!!”
“NO!!! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!” Y/n growled, still running from Buggy’s flying dick, she screamed and tried to hide, hiding underneath and table set up outside of the tent. She breathed heavily, thinking that she was safe.. until she looked up and saw Buggy’s tip staring right at her face. Y/n squealed and threw the table off of her completely and tan again.
It looked like she didn’t have any other choice— Y/n was running for the shore. “Y/N!! NO!! You’re a devil fruit user!!!” Buggy shouted as he ran after her, miles behind his floating penis
“STOP CHASING ME WITH YOUR DICK!!” Y/n screamed, turning around to face Buggy’s penis, he was right behind it in the distance. “Give it one kiss, c’mon!! Don’t kill yourself, you’re too sexy!” Buggy called out.
“NO!! Literally everybody saw it, Buggy!!” Y/n growled. “I know, that’s why it was so hilarious!! You should’ve seen your face!” Buggy cackled, then his dick floated closer to her, making her flinch. The floating cock flopped up and down, inches away from her lips, “C’mon, kiss it and it’ll turn into a prince.” Buggy snickered, clearly getting a kick out of this. It was such a riot for him, just a floating cock right in his girlfriend’s face.
Y/n growled, then turned her face away.
“Why are you so afraid of it? You’ll let me put it in your ass but you draw the line at kissing it?” Buggy teased, moving his penis right back in front of her face.
“If I kiss it you’re just gonna shove it down my throat. I know you.” Y/n looked at his cock, then looked at Buggy. “I promise I won’t, c’monnnn.” Buggy continued to egg her on until she gave in. Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes before leaning in and pressing her lips against his tip. “Mwah. There, happy?”
Buggy grinned widely and finally, his dick flew back inside of his pants. “You’re so gross.” Y/n grumbled at him. Buggy giggled and walked over to Y/n, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tightly, “You love me.”
Buggy woke up one morning. However.. something felt off, something felt amiss. He decided to go to the bathroom area to take his morning piss and that’s when it hit him.
“WHERE IS MY DICK?!” He shouted through the halls of the Big Top as he made his way to the upper deck, “THIS ISN’T FUCKING FUNNY, MY DICK IS GONE!! WHO HAS IT?”
Buggy’s crew looked at their captain with wide eyes, all of them going silent and pausing what they were doing. “SPEAK UP!! Penises just don’t-.. grow legs and walk away!!” He growled.
“STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!” Buggy continued to shout.
Y/n strutted out from behind Buggy, acting as if nothing was happening at the moment, she wasn’t frozen in place like his crew, just following her usual schedule. Buggy snarled and suddenly grabbed Y/n’s arm, making her turn and look at him, “Where is it.” He growled at her.
“Where is what?” Y/n looked at Buggy as if he was crazy, “What the hell are you mad about this time?”
Buggy grunted and let go of Y/n’s arms, walking past her, looking at her up and down. Even though he was mad, he could still admire his girl’s figure, “Somebody took my dick, and thinks it’s FUNNY to hide it from me!!” He growled, then looked back at his crew with rage in his eyes. “Bugs, maybe you’re overreacting.” Y/n crossed her arms, looking at Buggy.
“Overreacting?! My PENIS is gone!! Are you not concerned?!” Buggy turned back to look at his girlfriend.
“Well you’ve been taking it off and bothering me with it for the past few days, maybe you just lost it!” Y/n huffed.
“I don’t just lose my own penis, I’m very careful with it, thank you very much!” Buggy growled as he looked down at her. He then looked back at his crew, who were still frozen in place with fear, “GET BACK TO WORK!! I’ll find it, and when I do, SOMEBODY is getting theirs CUT OFF!!” With that, everybody scrambled to get back to work.
The Buggy Pirates stopped at a new location, and began setting up the circus tent and all of the other equipment. Y/n was.. nowhere to be seen, but she was known to take breaks whenever she felt like it, Buggy had no problem filling in for her; though nobody was really thrilled whenever he would take her place.
“MOHJI!! GET RICHIE OUT OF HERE!!” Buggy shouted, “I told you several times to KEEP HIM ON A LEASH!!” He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t understand, you IDIOTS are much more competent when my girlfriend is telling you what to do. Just because I don’t have a nice set of tits doesn’t mean you shouldn’t LISTEN to me!!” Buggy growled, then whipped his finger around in the air before slapping his hand back down to his thigh, “Ok, from the top!”
As everybody began their acts, getting their queues down, Buggy suddenly felt a strange sensation in his groin area. But— his dick was still missing, what was going on-, “Ohh fuck..” Buggy let out a low groan, hunching forward slightly. He quickly turned away from everybody and put his hands on his knees for a moment, taking a breath. What the fuck was that?
Everybody was looking at Buggy with a slightly concerned look, but they were too afraid to speak up and ask their captain what was wrong. Buggy groaned and stood up straight again once the sensation subsided, he turned around and looked back at his crew. There was a good moment of silence between all of them, before Buggy barked out again, “What are you guys staring at?! You look like a bunch of fucking seagulls, GET BACK TO REHEARSING!!”
Y/n, back in the Big Top, was laying in the bed that she shared with Buggy, rubbing his cock between her folds, moaning softly, she brought his balls up to her lips, admiring them and lightly fondling them before sticking her tongue out and giving them a lick.
Back at the circus tent, Buggy’s back arched as that same sensation came back again, a pleasurable feeling of arousal shooting up his abdomen. He gasped sharply, then slapped a hand over his face and grunted, “SHIT!” He hissed through gritted teeth. His jaw tensed.
Everybody paused what they were doing again, staring at their captain, thinking he was about to shout at them for something again.
Buggy inhaled, then exhaled, realizing what was happening.. and what his girlfriend was doing. “That bitch..” Buggy growled, hanging his head low, hand still over his face, he glanced back up at his crew, “Keep practicing! I have to deal with- AGGH! DAMMIT!!” He grunted and began to stomp out.
Y/n moaned, sliding Buggy’s throbbing cock in and out of her pussy, moaning while rubbing her clit.
Buggy was going nuts. Damn it! I knew she was up to something, I should’ve stripped that bitch down and searched her!! When I had the chance! His jaw was clenched tightly, teeth grit as he felt that clenching sensation in his abdomen.
Y/n’s eyes snapped open when she heard Buggy stomping back onto the boat, headed towards his quarters. She pulled his dick out of her pussy with a wet pop, then hid it between her breasts where she had been keeping it. Then, she quickly stood up off of the bed and stood in the middle of the room, acting like she was doing something else.
Buggy threw the door open, then stormed toward’s Y/n and roughly grabbed her shoulders, “WHERE IS IT!!” He growled, the flames of hell practically burning in his eyes, “I KNOW YOU HAVE IT!!” He shook Y/n roughly, and before she could even say anything— his cock slipped out from under her breasts, and plopped onto the floor.
Y/n’s eyes were wide as they both stared at his hard cock. Buggy threw his belt off and unzipped his pants, letting it fly back up to its proper area.
The man then glared at Y/n, “You think that’s funny?” He growled at her.
Y/n’s mouth was agape, trying to find the words to say, “Y-You think flying it around in my face is funny?!” She snapped back.
After a long, uncomfortable silence, Buggy grunted. He grabbed her shoulders again, and threw her on the bed, “I guess we’re even, then.”
His hands roughly grabbed underneath her knees and spread her legs wide. He stood at the edge of the bed, looming over top of Y/n and pulling her hips close to his crotch, his hard cock laid on her belly as his balls were pressed against her pussy. Y/n gasped and whimpered as Buggy manhandled her.
“Such a little slut aren’t you? You think you can just steal an old man’s cock and get away with it?” Buggy grumbled under his breath, then took one hand off of her leg to yank her shirt upwards to reveal her breasts, “Hiding it in here? Huh?” He slapped her tits around, pinching one of her nipples before grabbing her legs again. Y/n moaned and whimpered, grinding her pussy against his sack.
“Damn you ARE a naughty bitch.” Buggy laughed roughly before leaning his hips back, lining his cock up with her entrance and slamming into her. Buggy grunted and let out a loud groan, he began to thrust, not giving her any mercy.
“B-Buggggyyy!!” Y/n whined, leaning her head back and moaning loudly. Buggy dug his fingers into the flesh of Y/n’s legs, grunting and huffing as he rammed into her, snapping his hips back and forth at a rough pace. Y/n was seeing stars, her breasts bouncing as he plowed her.
“I’m gonna drag you into the fucking ring once the show starts, and I’m gonna show everybody how much of a naughty little bitch you are,” Buggy growled, it was an empty threat, something to just get him going as he pounded her. Just the thought of making Y/n crawl onto the main stage, wearing nothing but bondage gear, being dragged by a leash.. the thought of that got Buggy so hot and bothered.
The closest he ever got to that was spanking Y/n in front of the audience.. but that ended up with him getting chewed out by her in front of everybody. And she didn’t talk to him for days after that.
Y/n was screaming and moaning Buggy’s name, squirming underneath him. It was so much for her, he was so rough; and the way his fingers were digging into her thighs was making her so flustered and overstimulated, “B-Buggyy..! Slow down!” Y/n groaned.
“No.” Buggy simply grunted out, his hands moved to grab her sides, holding her in place as he continued to plow into her, making their skin slap and the bed creak loudly. “Buggyyy!!” Y/n squealed, cumming around his cock, her entire body trembled violently.
Buggy hung his head low and grit his teeth, cumming as well and spilling deep inside of her, “Oh fuck yeah..” he growled through his teeth, “Take that, you little shit.” He grunted.
Y/n moaned, panting heavily as Buggy rode out his orgasm, wet noises coming from her pussy as he slid in and out. “Don’t take my cock again.” Buggy growled at her, grabbing her face tightly. Y/n was fucked out of her mind, she looked at Buggy with cloudy bedroom eyes, “Yes captain.” She said, making Buggy release her face.
He sighed in pleasure as he pulled out of her, he slapped his cock against her pussy as it leaked cum. He smirked to himself, finally putting Y/n in her place.
After having his fill of watching her tremble while her pussy leaked, he walked over and grabbed a hand towel, gently wiping her off before kissing her on the cheek, “You know I’m hard on you ’cause I love you.” He cooed at her, rubbing her sides playfully.
Y/n hummed softly and moved her head to the side so Buggy could kiss her neck, tickling her with his stubble. She giggled, “I love you too, Bugs.” She then turned to look at him once he pulled back, “If you don’t want me to take your dick next time, maybe don’t bother me with it.” She laughed, sitting up on her elbows.
Buggy smirked at her, then leaned over her again, pressing their foreheads together; his big red nose squished against hers, “Am I gonna have to fuck you into this mattress again, slut?” He growled.
“Mm~ maybe.” Y/n grinned.
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mariondeux · 1 year
I kindaa want idia to wreck my ass rn, can i request prince!idia with butler!mReader where's the reader get a rough ass pounding in the throne room with other servant looking.
idia somehow gain confident after seeing butler reader at vulnerable state before ( like reader usually strict and malicious on public just to show people that he's dominant, so probably idia saw reader either jerking himself or something; whining like a submissive boy ), maybe add voice kink and creampie, please ignore if the plot kinda meh or against the rule thanks!! Have a great day <3
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— SYNOPSIS ; Idia catches you stroking yourself in a pathetic hiding spot in the throne room. Once he makes his presence known, you immediately apologize and ask for punishment. He’ll gladly punish you.
CW ; NSFW, public sex, throne room sex, voice kink, creampie, rough sex, manhandling, bruises
PAIRING ; Prince!Idia Shroud x Butler!Male!Reader
A/N ; I love this loser so much oh my god.
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This was new. Idia watched as the usually strict and malicious butler (that he thought was annoying at times) acted like a completely different person. Your pathetic attempt at a hiding spot behind a pillar at the far corner of the throne room hardly concealed you. 
Muffled whines struggle to make it past your hand as you quickly jerk yourself off, clearly determined to come as quickly as possible. Your eyes closed, hips bucking up into your hands. Each little whine or whimper that made it past your hand went straight to Idia’s cock. Your usual assertive voice could give him a headache if he heard it long enough, but hearing you whimper like that made him feel things towards you he’d never felt before. This new, vulnerable side of you was absolutely delicious.
Never in a million years would he think he’d ever gain the courage to make such a ballsy move, but the sounds you made were so hypnotic. You were practically begging him to come closer, like a charmer and a snake.
“What are you doing?”
You jumped, using both of your hands to cover your exposed cock. Your eyes widened, blood running cold at the sight of prince Idia Shroud staring at you.
“Your Royal Highness! I apologize for my highly indecent activities. I’ll accept any punishment you give me.” You hurriedly tucked your cock back into your pants, repressing a whine as you hadn’t yet gotten your release. You got onto your knees, body positioned at a 30° angle with your head hung low in shame.
Idia stared at you for a second, taking his time with taking in your vulnerability. A sharp, creepy smile twisted onto his face, showing off his threatening sharp teeth. He enjoyed this side of you more than he should’ve.
“I have the perfect punishment in mind for you.”
When you brought up punishments for your indecent behavior, you were expecting food restrictions, sleeping out in the stables with the horses, or even being stuck with doing most of the maid’s chores. Yet, here you were, tightly grabbing onto the arm of the throne as Idia fucked you into a blabbering mess.
“Oh, fuck- Don’t stop, sir!” You moaned loudly, legs and arms trembling as you struggled to keep your body stable. His cock plunged into you so roughly, tugging at your insides as his balls slapped against yours. Idia’s hands on your waist grew tighter, knuckles nearly growing white under the black leather gloves he wore.
Idia’s body loomed over you, hips striking your ass as the sound of slaps of skin against skin echoed around the room. Your body wavered, feeling your limbs slowly give out from underneath. You couldn’t utter another word, not with constant moans preventing you from trying to form a single syllable word. Your head rested against the arm of the throne as your body leaned further against his. Your right arm lets go of the throne, reaching down and stroking your weeping cock. You weren’t particularly disappointed you received proper punishment. In fact, this form of punishment was the best outcome out of your little slip up.
“I want to hear you whimper and whine for my cock.” Idia grunted, his right hand riding up your back, making you arch into his touch. You let out a shaky hum of confirmation, quickly swallowing up your saliva before you could start drooling over how good your prince was fucking you.
You two had completely forgotten that other staff of the palace had access to the throne room. You two were so engrossed in your own activity that you hadn’t noticed the shock in the other servant’s faces as they watched you go at each other like rabbits in heat.
Idia let out a loud groan at your needy words, fucking you at a frenzied pace as his hands shifted to hold on to your hips with a bruising grip. His head hung low, mouth open as he murmured curses under his breath. He slapped his hips against yours a couple more times before burying his cock inside of your ass as deep as he could go, making you feel his cock pulsate, emptying himself inside of you. He ground his hips, milking every last drop of his semen. 
He pulled out a little, listening to your whimpers as he gazed down at the cum dripping onto the cushion of the throne.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @1694 @ajaints @berrycolaa @twst-rui @kytesakuma @secretivemessenger @yumixxn @gay-as-hell-blog @bokutosproperty @rennie-1 @leoyayzies @nazunis @maxx0inwonderland @resluv @kangdae @miyuuuki @harumagi
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The Little Mermaid Masterlist
cPrince Eric 
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Part of Your World 
Sneakin’ Around With You
Plastic Hearts 
Prince Eric Headcannons  
Dating/Being Married To Eric Headcannons
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Mermaid in the water, angel on the beach: alt. ending 
Choose Me 
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Chaotic Idiot
Change of Plans 
Poly Eric & Ariel & Hybrid!Reader 
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Mermaid in the water, angel on the beach 
mermaid in the water, angel on the beach p.ii
cuddly boy
social cues & Love bites 
snake charmer 
the greatest gift 
shy siren 
mermaid tears
Silence & Picnic's 
the way of water 
i love them 
my sweet melody 
pity party
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Hmmm, any headcanons for twst boys in nebula college? Saw your drawing of Lilia in the Dragon house and it opened up a whole avenue of possibilities for me :3
Omg Anon!! Yeah, this is exactly what happened to us when I was drawing it, well not this exact sketch, but the one similar to that. The realisation that Nebula College is already thought out enough to have a crossover of sorts really hits hard lol So ironically, we did end up discussing which houses the twst characters would be in. And now you’ve given us the opportunity to share those thoughts, so thank you so much for your ask and for your interest <3
For those who don’t know: Nebula College is a project that Katsu writes (and I illustrate)! Katsu also wrote a post about the cast of Nebula College in NRC a couple of months ago, so it’s only fair to link it in this post >:3 Also, here is the description of all the houses and what they represent.
Riddle – the Dragon house; it’s debatable whether Riddle’s love for discipline and rules is something that is natural to him and not just his trauma lol but he would fit perfectly there: “organised, yet impulsive and loud” sounds like the most Riddle thing ever. He would be great at patrolling the school, plus he is technically a sporty boy.
Ace – the Snake house; the other option was the Unicorn house, and he would really prefer the latter because he would be super excited to be surrounded by rich and dazzling senpais spoiling him for being such an adorable charmer. The boy can dream all he wants, but he is destined to be a Snake because of his slyness and opportunism.
Deuce – the Dragon house, and he would probably be so honored. He would always do his best during the patrols… And also think about how being surrounded by reliable and organised people should be a good influence on him.
Trey – the Snake house; Katsu made two notes about him: the first one “asshole/knave I mean snake”, and the second one is “he’s a boa snake wearing glasses”. I think it describes Trey perfectly: he really is like a large calm and collected boa (the image of a boa snake in glasses is related to some of the cartoons we used to watch as kids lol), but at the same time the man is a liar and a hypocrite, he would fit right in with those fake bitches lol Even though he would probably consider himself a Dragon.
Cater – the Snake house; he is similar to Ace in a way, and I can picture him trying to befriend some of the Unicorns and maybe even succeeding at that, but ultimately he is kind of a poser. He is very good at communicating, but he is even better at knowing things about other people.
Leona – the Unicorn house; he is a prince, so it’s kind of a given. Falena probably graduated from this house as well, so Leona thinks that him being there is kind of a joke; it’s obvious that they people compare them all the time… but hey, at least the Unicorn colours look good on him.
Ruggie – the Snake house, this one is easy lol He also probably hangs out close to the Unicorns (this isn’t how Snakes usually act, it’s just the NRC Snakes are fucking leeches I guess), but that’s because he runs errands for Leona, to whom it’s much easier to talk to Ruggie than to fellow Unicorns.
Jack – the Dragon house; he would probably have a good time there surrounded by those who aren’t just as sporty as him, but also as responsible and earnest. Damn, Deuce would be his dormmate instead of Ace’s 😳
The Octa-Trio are from the Snake house;  there are some meta reasons for that, but also it’s just pretty obvious come on look at these lying bitches lol They are everything a Snake should be: smart, cunning, sociable when necessary, great at making connections and getting information, they’re also good at business and stuff. Azul would probably advocate for connecting with other dorms more though, and Jade would be intrigued by others too. Floyd probably doesn’t really care which dorm he is in, but don’t get fooled: he is one terrifying and dangerous snake…
Kalim – the Unicorn house! Nothing to add here, he is just there. People think he is a good-for-nothing princely type, but he is actually surprisingly good at communication. He is probably well-liked by everyone there.
Jamil – the Snake house, at least until Kalim enrolls and somehow Jamil gets transferred to the Unicorn house for some reason. He would hate it though because he really felt at home surrounded by Snakes, and now… now he is surrounded by Kalim-adjacent people who are amused by the fact that Kalim managed to get his servant to live at his dorm….
Vil – the Unicorn house; he has very strong charisma and amazing leadership skills, he is also charming and stubborn at the same time. He probably wasn’t necessarily expecting to end up there, but he fits in perfectly. But he is kind of a Dragon at heart when it comes to discipline and stuff… similarly to how there are some similarities between Pomefiore and Savanaclaw.
Rook – the Dragon house; his demeanor is a bit off, but honestly Rook could pull off being at every single House successfully, and his demeanor would always be off lol Now this is someone who loves patrolling. When it’s his shift, some students probably make a mistake of assuming that if they can’t see the patrolling guy then he isn’t there. But Rook is always watching…
Epel – I’ll quote Katsu on that one: “Epel is an idiot. The Dragon house, his dream came true” lol He shouldn’t get too happy about getting into the sportiest and “manliest” of dorms though because they are super serious about discipline, and no one is going to allow him to look like a hooligan. Brush your hair, Epel.
Idia – the Raven house- WOW, IS THIS OUR FIRST RAVEN? DANG so much for Night Raven College lol but yeah, Idia is definitely a Raven, and this is the only dorm he would survive in: he’s introverted, but very knowledgeable, perceptive and honestly surprisingly good at reading people for someone who hides from them all the time.
Ortho – the Unicorn house; he probably wanted to join Idia just so they could be together, but he is such an obvious charismatic leader when he wants to be. Considering that this is likely human!Ortho, he would also work as a kid from the Shroud family... Idia and him could be a great example of the Unicorn + Raven alliance.
Lilia – the Dragon house; there are some meta-reasons for that as well, but even without that, Lilia is very organisation-oriented, and he would be very comfortable in a structure that is the Dragon house. He is a great leader, but a different kind of leader, a war general, if you will.
Sebek – the Dragon house; pretty self-explanatory, look at this boy.
Silver – the Dragon house, but a Unicorn at heart. Sometimes it feels like he is in the wrong place, but it’s absolutely not because of how he acts: he does everything he is supposed to very diligently and tries very hard to be an honorable Dragon student. It’s just that if he stands near the Unicorns it just feels… right somehow.
Malleus – technically he should be in the Unicorn house, but he we couldn’t decide: he is kind of a mix of Unicorns and Ravens lol He has a lot of charisma and he is a good leader when he needs to be, and he sure as hell knows how to persuade people, but the overall vibes and architecture of the Raven house + their attitude is very close to him…
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untitledmemes · 11 months
The Prince of Egypt Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the movie The Prince of Egypt (1998). Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ I have nothing I can give but this chance that you may live. ”
“ Be still, love. Don't cry. ”
“ Do you know somewhere he can live free? ”
“ Brother, you're safe now. ”
“ How would you like your face carved on a wall? How about now? ”
“ You almost killed me! ”
“ Where is your sense of fun? ”
“ Come on, admit it. You've always looked up to me. ”
“ You don't think we'll get in trouble for this, do you? ”
“ Have I taught you nothing? ”
“ You must'nt be so hard on yourself. ”
“ Hmph, Responsible. And do you know the meaning of that word? ”
“ Do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you? ”
“ One weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty. ”
“ You know it was really my fault. ”
“ Must you be so hard on him? ”
“ All he cares about is your approval. ”
“ Could have been worse. ”
“ Well, you are rather pathetic. ”
“ Tell me this: Why is it that every time you start something, I'm the one who ends up in trouble? ”
“ You'll pay for this! ”
“ You know what your problem is? You care too much. ”
“ Nobody will even notice us coming in. ”
“ Apparently, someone thought he just needed the opportunity. ”
“ Not much of a snake charmer, are you? ”
“ I won't be given to anyone! ”
“ Are you gonna let her talk to you like that? ”
“ But I am showing you all the respect you deserve. None! ”
“ I demand you set me free! ”
“ I have a long journey ahead of me. ”
“ I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. ”
“ I didn't expect to see you here, of all places. ”
“ Freedom? Why would I care about that? ”
“ They never told you? ”
“ But you're here. You must know! ”
“ I know to whom I speak. I know who you are. ”
“ I said enough! ”
“ Here among my trappings and belongings I belong. ”
“ Tell me you didn't do this. ”
“ Sometimes, for the greater good, sacrifices must be made. ”
“ Everything I am is a lie. ”
“ Why did you choose me? ”
“ When the gods send you a blessing, you don't ask why it was sent. ”
“ Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity. ”
“ Somebody's got to stop this! ”
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hellishjoel · 8 months
ahh so many congrats to you, my love!! i feel so lucky to have met you through this fandom and definitely consider you a friend worth having <3
for your casino: 💎 + "fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair"
the red viper of dorne and the snake charmer
1k / pairing: oberlyn martell x reader
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physical affection request: fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), reader is described to have hair but no other physical traits - including unspecified gender (this is my first time attempting a non-specified reader so if there are any slips, please feel free to let me know and I will quickly address it!)
a/n: I used the lovely @morallyinept’s character analysis of Oberyn and dialogue for assistance since this is my first Oberyn piece! Thank you so much, Jett! Please go read the rest of their works, they are amazing! 
What’s to like about King’s Landing? 
You miss home. You miss Dorne. It may be summer here in King’s Landing, but the warmth wasn’t as rich. The sun didn’t glow on your skin, it didn’t make you melt into happiness. There were no hills, there was no sand. It was all crowded streets and city dwellers. And it smelled like the sewers. 
The only reason you’re here is at the request of your paramour, Prince Oberyn of Dorne. And he hates this place as much, if not more, than you do. 
So many terrible memories here, terrible people, terrible ideologies. No one was open here. It was incredibly traditional and formal, with not a single soul open to anything but the old ways. 
Perhaps that’s why you and Oberyn were seen as sore thumbs compared to the rest of the capital visitors for the great wedding of yet another king. You wonder how long this one will last before another usurper takes the dead man’s crown. The gold smelter must have been very busy these past few years. 
You sit atop Oberyn’s balcony, legs dangling over the edge as you look past the city and over the water. You’d rather wait on the ship, to be truthful. 
A warm presence joins you from behind. Oberyn’s silky robes and toned muscles meet the planes of your back. 
“You’re not present, my love.” 
An immediate peace settles over you, letting your muscles go lax at Oberyn’s gentle coos. 
“I'm sorry, my dearest. I’m not sure I’ll ever be while I’m here,” you admit, eyes casting downward as you watch people weave in and out of the market streets. They’re so small from up here. Maybe that’s why the Lannister's act the way that they do. They really must believe they are bigger and better than everyone else because that’s all they see from the towers of the Red Keep. Tiny little people with tiny little dreams. 
You can hear Oberyn sigh, his tough and calloused hands working up your arms and gently into your shoulders. Your eyes fall closed as he speaks. 
“You know, when I was just a boy and visited King’s Landing for the first time, the Iron Throne and the fight for it was at its peak. I was so curious about this Iron Throne, having never seen it before, but knowing all the great stories. Young and with a wild imagination, I leaned into the legends of the throne, not knowing how true or untrue those rumors may be.” 
Oberyn pauses to run his fingers down the long braid you had tied your hair into. Your hair in all its naturalness didn’t seem to be taken affectionately by the people of the capital. You didn’t know how to style it in the manner that they did. So you thought it would be best to tie it back and keep it out of the way. Make yourself smaller so they can make themselves larger.
Oberyn loves every single piece of you just the way you are. His fingers dip in and out of the interwoven pieces as he continues. 
“I imagined that the Iron Throne was a hundred feet tall, made upon tens of thousands of iron swords that were conquered from King Aegon. It was dark, and scary, and daunting. But when I saw it in person, saw it for what it really was…” he pauses to stroke his fingers through the strands, your face softening as he admires the beauty you so naturally possessed. 
“And what?” You ask as you turn your head just slightly to the right, chin over your shoulder to let him know you are listening. “What was it really?”
Oberyn shakes his head and shrugs nonchalantly. 
“It was a horrible chair.” 
You sputter up a laugh and smile for the first time in King’s Landing. He joins you with a hearty chuckle, and it makes your heart beat faster. 
“Truly, it was just a horrible, uncomfortable chair. Others saw it as a symbol of power, I saw it as a symbol of oppression. It was made of melted swords from defeated enemies, that so much is true, but it was made with no care. It has sharp edges and points, those parts left unmelted by dragonfire. It is ugly and brutal. It wasn’t smooth or elegant or formal, it was all a lie. But it was told to be great.” 
Your face softens, and your gentle eyes meet that of the Red Viper’s. Oberyn sees you as his equal; not many in such a high-powered position could so confidently say that. 
Finally free of your braid, of your constraint, Oberyn runs his fingers through in a routine way he usually does at night, the two of you bare between silk sheets. It’s comforting to him just as it is you. 
“You don’t like it here.” He states. “Then… we set sail tomorrow at dawn.”
You part your lips in surprise, tilting your head. "What about the wedding? The King?"
He scoffs and shifts his jaw. "Fuck the King."
His large hand cups your cheek, strong fingers memorizing the curvature of your features as the brown embers in his eyes meet yours. But you can’t help but feel a bit guilty. 
“You don’t have to void your entire trip just because I’m…” Your words fall flat and you look back out over the sea, wishing so desperately to be seeing the outskirts of Dorne. 
“My dearest, there is nothing I would love more than to be in the sultry embrace of a Dornish night with you, where the stars themselves seem to dance to the rhythm of our beating hearts. You are my flame, my fire, and your flame is dying here. I must protect you. Your eyes scream for the desert sun. I was a stubborn bull to take you away. Our shadows will burn together, I know this to be true, for the passion I feel for you is marked on the landscape of my desires.”
Your heart races under his gaze. He’s made by the Gods with his sharp jawline and cheekbones etched of marble stone. Eyes brewing with pure charm and eroticism that dance hand in hand. 
“Let us escape the constraints of King’s Landing. For in the realm of pleasure, there are no houses, no sigils, no armies. Dorne is here, with you, always. Be with me for one more night in King’s Landing, and I promise to never return.” 
He stands and offers his open hand to you. You smugly smile and join him, letting him reel you in further to the bedroom. “The Red Viper has quite the tongue.”  You taunt as your warm palms fall to Oberyn's sun-soaked chest. 
“You already know that to be true, my love.”
hehehe ngl that was fun, thank you so much for celebrating with me, Erin!
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juneymont · 8 months
Ominis 🥰
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Feeling pretty squealy happy dance about the new chapter up in ‘Return of Sebastian Sallow.’
(Takes place 10 Years After Hogwarts) read it on AO3 or Wattpad if you’re into it.
Excerpt from latest Ominis POV chapter below! (Spoilers, but only a little, and worth it🙃)
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Thiago Braga, OC. Magizoologist. Castleobruxo alum.
“Thiago Braga, you listen to me,” I start, not entirely sure of what I might say next, but trying my best to speak from the heart. I swallow against a throat that is tacky with dregs of courage that taste stale and bitter and demand that my chest take in air in only very short gasps.
“I don’t know why — and I do not care to learn — but the hard reality of my meager life is that I have had no one, no one, in my life like you. Yes, I have Anne, April and, rather unbelievably, Sebastian, again. Even Sharp. Friends, allies, advocates. Brother, sisters. And now that I think of it, once after Sebastian left, Garreth Weasley punched Hobhouse in the jaw on my behalf for calling me a ‘snake charmer.’ That was nice. But the point is – no one has ever…”
Dear god, why is this so difficult!
“...no one has ever loved me the way you have. The way you do. The way you are.”
I stop myself, thank heavens, before my voice cracks with emotion, and I squeeze his shoulders. Thiago begins a dismissive sigh but I cut him off, powering though. “No! You will not dismiss me. I am speaking!”
Oh dear, I can feel tears streaming down my face. Press on, Ominis.
“I’m speaking from my heart, Thiago, and what I say matters. You make me feel like what I say matters. You make me feel like I matter, so you of all people do not get to dismiss my reality because of your own discomfort with how I revere you. Are we clear?”
My heart is racing with the fear that I am coming across too harshly but Thiago’s tongue crackles in his mouth while he presumably swallows, and he squeezes my hand. He whispers, simply, “yes. I am listening, my prince. Always, to you.”
Links to AO3 or Wattpad
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0iam0 · 2 years
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Team Chandora, redesigned a lil cuz it's kinda insulting how boring their designs are lol. I maintained their colour scheme in clothes but changed it to be different from one another. Ig it was intentional for them to wear similar clothes so I let that be. Idk if ppl even remember them so, there're the characters that battle wild fang once. They also fell victim to Masked Bull's "speech" that embarrassed everyone in Japan, maybe something that people would remeber. They are minor one off characters only to be seen once again as a single frame. This post is basically Indian bladers across generations, cuz, I Indian.
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I love this guy and his adorable snake friend.
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what are they
Below is just me overanalyzing and comparing the generations.
So, mfb. Team Chandora. It's the best in terms of giving them a personality and also screentime. The character names are most probably just slightly altered versions of some really popular Indian actors/celebs. Salhan - Salman (Khan); Vridick - Hrithik (Roshan); Aniel - Anil (Kapoor). Neither of their names are familiar to me, nowhere near a common name in India and, mean nothing actually. So this is how I think they named them. Salhan is the hot headed guy I'm assuming. His design is just as basic as you can get. Even tho he's the leader, I can't say much about him. But he's probably a good starting point in building a character. Which will never happen he's a one-off character. They all pretty much have the same height too, so I gave that a variation in my drawing. Vridick is the tallest. Ok, the first time I saw Vridick I thought "wtf is wrong with him". Like, his eyes. I realised it's just a "animators drawing characters weird in low budget episodes" problem, his design is probably the best of the three. Simple yet cute cuz idk if anyone else has noticed it but he has a little catness about him. The eyes and :3 mouth. It's subtle, but it's there. Just because of that he's my favourite of the trio. (I didn't realise this before but I'm a fan of his corresponding celeb lol) Aniel, is the one I was "wtf" about till the very end. His design is just horrible 😭 like, it SHOWS they really tried making a design look even somewhat distinguishable, but failed. Like with them "eyes that are different from the first two" and "hairstyle that isn't short like the first two" naw. So I just redesigned him to have, pretty much the same hairstyle but doesn't reveal the weird hairline. They are all the snake beyblades, cuz India snake charmers yadayada. Tho their designs don't really reflect the snakey thing; so I just added a dupatta/scarf to reflect that. (I originally just added it cuz it looked cool actually).
I can't help but notice how badly they were disregarded in their episode. Like not even in a way that would teach them to not be so full of themselves, but in a way like they are not even considered to be a proper opponent but an obstacle on the way to defeat the protagonist of the series (I'm talking about kyoya). They get overshadowed by kyoya and ginkas battle. It's actually kinda sad (
I ALSO can't help but notice the Blader DJ of India is based on Gandhi. Lmao. It's actually funny asf. Where did the battle between wild and fang and chandora take place, the Taj Mahal? Idk how many people don't know this but Taj Mahal on contrary to it's name is not actually a palace, it's a mausoleum. You would wonder where the tombs went. Even worse they might be battling ON the tombs. lul (edit: I don't really know lmao. The thing they built seemed like it was based on taj mahal. It's actually pretty neat if they designed it themselves. It's beauty :>)
Now on the bsb, first season bsb Indians we meet are the Charming Princes. They have the weirdest designs of all like wha. The unnamed blader is probably the most normal of them all. But the rest, idk what to say. I kinda like Ronnie's glasses ig, even tho they are impractical. Tho they are the weirdest in terms of design, they are the best in terms of beyblades, as in, a team quirk. That their beyblades are as big and heavy as one can be allowed to have. Makes sense cuz they are all princes of some place. They don't get much screentime either, just some guys the bladebreakers defeat. Robin gets overshadowed (annihilated) by Driger coming back to Ray and his rivalry with Lee.
Next in beyburst, it's Dhaula Giri. So, he's the best in like, overall. He's the best in design, he's not bland or weird, just a normal guy from India. He has a normal generic beyblade (same Suoh's original bey). Nothing crazy and I think that's a good thing. Oh oh, and a cute lil Snaker, I just love him for having a snaker just hang out with him, it's goofy but I actually like this idea, it's way better than giving them snake beys. I think he and Hae Jin would be homies. He's not much personality wise, prolly just a nice guy. Not much plot or screentime either but Hae Jin getting over his fear of his snake friend was neat enough. His name is good too, not entirely random names like Robin or Ronnie, or just jumbled celeb names. Out of all, I like him the best. Tho I'll have to say, if I build upon Team Chandora, I'll probably like them more.
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Houou Byoudouin
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Birthday: July 4th (Cancer)
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Hyogo
Relatives: Great-Grandmother, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Younger Sister
Middle School: Makinofuji Academy Junior High School (graduate)
High School: Makinofuji Academy High School
Grade: Third Year
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Philosophy
U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: First String | No.1
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives (Youth Captain)
Favorite Motto: “All things perish; do not be negligent, but diligent.”
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Hobbies: Copying sutras
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Book: The Heart Sutra
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Favorite Food: Green tea
Favorite Anniversary: The day Japan wins the World Cup, which will be very soon
Preferred Type: A person with a cause
Ideal Date Spot: A temple where you can do zazen
His Gift for a Special Person: “I will eliminate anyone who opposes you.”
What He Wants Most Right Now: Shinai ➜ For Japan to win the World Cup [23.5]
Dislikes: None
Skills Outside of Tennis: None
Routine During the World Cup: Misogi
Height: 189cm
Weight: 74kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 2.0 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Destruction, Pirates of the American, भारतम उचारण.साँप (The Snake Charmer of India), El toreo de español, مصر من طائر الفينيق (The Phoenix of Egypt), Pirates of the World
Favorite Brands:
Racket: HEAD YouTek Graphene Speed Pro 18/20
Shoes: adidas adizero ACE II AC M
Overall Rating: Immeasurable
Kurobe Memo: “Is it truly okay to have this kind of talent as a high schooler? His abilities are excellent, but he’s rather rude. He needs to be taught some manners, otherwise he’ll be an embarassment as a representative of Japan.”
What’s in His Locker at the U-17 Training Camp [10.5 II]:
Foreign novel // A Sherlock Holmes novel. He reads books from various countries and has recently gotten into mysteries
Beard trimmer (unused) // Duke had bought it for him to replace his razor that he had dropped into the river, but he’s never used it
Sweatband // He has several of the same ones. They are washed everyday and are always clean when he uses them
A sticker with Sanskrit on it // He has secretly gotten very interested in them, and also wants Sanskrit accessories
What’s in His Travel Bag [23.5]:
A wallet full of 10-yen coins // He collects them for some reason
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He is on bad terms with Tokugawa
He is good friends with Duke
He has wandered around the entire world playing tennis
He is surprisingly a clean freak
When he lost to Oni and was sent to the training on the cliffs, he was chosen for the special mission to retrieve the sake. During it, he had a scuffle with the bats and dropped his razor into the river. He then grew out his hair and beard and kept it ever since
Since middle school, he’s had his sights set on the world and has traveled to various places to hone his skills. Therefore, the names of his techniques are in different languages
There is a scene of Byoudouin in Duke’s room in Golden Age 69. It is revealed he climbed the balcony to enter Duke’s room
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
Right before the World Cup, he returned to the cliffs to settle the score with the bats. When he retrieved his razor, it was rusted, so he bought a new one
He attends Makinofuji Academy located in the Hyogo Prefecture, the location of Shitenhoji and Maikozaka as well. It is said to be a strong and prestigious school
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is one where he and his partner share a great cause despite all else. A relationship where they are two sides of the same coin
His younger sister is a middle school third year attending Makinofuji Academy. She has been described as a “Madonna” and Kadowaki is infatuated with her
He can speak 29 different languages
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neoyi · 1 year
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I'm almost done with season one of Ranking of Kings and it keeps blowing me away with its characters and the oodles of nuances and layers they're carrying.
It's ridiculously clever how the fairy tale aesthetic (which is gorgeous - like looking at an animated picture book) uses well-worn archetypes, narratives, and character appearances to throw you for a loop. I'm thoroughly impressed particularly by the seemingly "evil" characters who quickly reveal they're anything but.
Like Prince Daida, the younger, brutish half-brother to the main character, Bojji, had all the introduction to mark his path as another Joffery-like Kid Sociopath. But nah, man, he's actually horrified of any untoward acts and is capable of sympathy and loneliness.
Or Bojji's best friend, Kage, a shadowy thief who's led a shitty life that's left him cynical, except right after episode 2, when he sees Bojji's suffering, he decided to be his best friend right then and there, and has stuck by his side since. This shadow blob, who could have been a roguishly selfish asshole, is instead Bojji's biggest supporter!
I love that Bebin, the sneaky snake guy, who seemingly has a rivalry with the Good, Blond Knightly Knight Domas, does not have some grand plan to quietly betray his King and take over. Hell, I'm not sure what his goal really is (as befitting his nature), but he's far from some treacherous backstabber, just a really damn good information gatherer/spy.
He and his snake buddies are also friends! I love that the big, fucking two-headed snake, Mitsumata, is actually super kind and loyal, largely because Bebin actually treats his reptilian friends with love for their well-being. Can I say how much I appreciate all the snakes being good creatures instead of reducing them to yet another Evil Reptile thing? They're all nice and helpful.
It's actually the Handsome, Fair-Haired Domas, who actually betrays Bojji (under orders, but still) via attempted assassination instead of the usual suspect. Which he acknowledges and works to fix. Like holy shit, it's NOT the Snake Charmer, it's Mr. Good Knight. Because Domas has a complex about loyalty to his kingdom versus what he feels is right. And it eats at him. Oh my GOD, these characters are a lot and it's great.
I also love Despa, who's foppish and physically weak, hardly what you'd expect to be Bojji's trainer to be a better fighter. But he's incredibly quick-witted and can strategize like a motherfucker. He literally learned fighting by observation and passes that knowledge to others. Like he looks like a french coward, but nah man, he's a good, smart egg.
But for my money, the best is Bojji's stepmother, Queen Hiling, who starts off as the supposed "evil stepmother", but really at worst, can be blunt. There is never a single doubt she doesn't love both her sons and will go to hell and back from them (symbiotically, it is appropriate she has healing powers.) Even her demanding and unmovable personality is shown in a good light, because she gets shit down and refuses to rest when her kingdom is in danger (and people around her are often in shock and awe in response.)
I love her. She's great. I hope she kicks Bosse in the nuts because what the FUCK is that dude doing? What is his plan? What are you doing, my dude?
I just love that these characters and their specific archetype were deconstructed with a myriad of contrasting personality traits from what we initially expected of them, and never in a Dark and Edgy Way. Not every character is "Good", what they are are richly defined with a lot of admirable traits.
Man, I'm gonna be sad once I catch up because lord knows when season two's gonna arrive.
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iridisentry · 2 years
Re: Merlin and the 1000+ yrs later AU
When I read this kind of fic, the general idea is that Merlin has spent a 1000 years as a complete loner pining for Arthur(platonically or romantically) and as a result is a complete cynic and completely broken and when Arthur (+gang depending on fic) returns, they find him as a shell of who he was and heal him and everyone returns to the same dynamic they occupied before-- the great respected prince and his devoted, loyal but slightly (perceived) idiotic servant.
Which is... fine. I like those fics too, I'm a big fan of whump in general.
But... I think we're missing out on Merlin achieving his sheer potential as the token wise chaotic old man like Gandalf or Dumbledore or even the different versions of Merlin himself.
The man has lived for over a millenium. A whole fucking millenium.
Sure maybe he chose to spend it by the lakeside waiting for Arthur, never straying, ever a devoted servant/friend/lover but that's soooo boooooring. Sure, he can be a complete virgin, not getting into relationships at all because he's waiting for his soulmate but it's sooo frankly unbelievable. Merlin is the kind of character that thrives on loving ppl--his mom, Gwen, Morgana, Arthur, all the round table knights. Every person in Camelot falls in love with him at one point or another, he makes friends like honey attracting flies.
It's so much more interesting to make him heal after all that trauma and grief. He can even experience the Big Sad for a century if you like but after that... let him stray.
Let him find a friend.
Let him learn to live.
Let him fall in love again
and again
and again
with people he meets,
the sunrises and sunsets,
the way the wind whistles through the trees,
the new innovations, the leaps and bounds of science, the food, the clothes, the culture.
Let him leave Avalon, let him leave Albion, let him explore the world. He's named after a literal bird, you can't shackle a bird to one place, it's cruel.
Let the most powerful warlock ever meet others. See the way magic is used in different lands. The snake charmers of India for eg. We all know he has the most raw power but let's be honest, his education in Camelot is from ONE (1) spell-book and a man who wouldn't even perform magic unless in literal live or die situations. He can learn so much MORE. From druids, from the Catha, from wandering traders who use it to dye cloth, polish and cut gems, keep their produce fresh. From warriors who use it to fight and physiciams who use it to heal.
Merlin has lived for a millenium. Whether he wanted to or not.
He has seen shit. He needs a different outlook on life than "I hate everything and I wanna die" which is typical of us high schoolers. Give my baby the character growth he deserves.
When Arthur and gang trip out of the lake, I want them to meet Merlin who arrives a week late because he was helping dryads caught in the Californian forest fires. Merlin who speaks approximately 60 different languages and is involved in NGOs all over the world. He is overjoyed to see them of course and his contacts help him fake birth certificates etc for his friends.
He goes to protests and drags them to his immortal friends get-together which happens every half a century or so (dragons are canon, fight me if you think vampires or fallen angels can't exist) all the while working as .....well they can't exactly figure out what he works as. He says he is going to work every morning and he tells them funny anecdotes about his co-workers all the time but they can never place it-
"Jeremy has a headache from all the uncooperative patients"
"Amita is trying introduce an improved filing system, I love it but the oldies at the office think she's crazy-""Merlin, you're older than all of them put together" "Yes, and in my old age I know the importance of change unlike those toddlers. Amita is a genius, they should make her HOD, we'd all benefit really"
Gwen and Lancelot keep worrying about Merlin because goddamn this man has been alive for so long until Merlin casually mentions, "Oh yeah, I have a therapist. Petyr is great, I love him so much for keeping my sanity intact."
A Merlin who is the cheerful bubbly man Arthur remembers from their first few months and simultaneously knows so much, has experienced so much-- multiple wars and the destruction they cause, so many sweethearts who lived and died, the girl battling cancer who was his patient and such beautiful brave people changing the world for better.
A Merlin who is kind and caring and a chaotic little shit with zero fucks- "Merlin, hurry up we need to find <insert important world saving thing> or <insert certain doom> will happen!" "Chill guys, the future will unfold as the future does. Focus on the important things-like this cute caterpillar" *screams of frustration from all the knights* "Oh and by the way I had a guy take care of <world saving thing>. Do you wanna help me makea home for this caterpillar? *more frustrated screaming*
Anyway that's all I have. I just want to see Merlin unlock his true Overpowered Wise Old Guy Who Knows Everyone And Everything potential, is that so bad?
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adilqalbi · 2 months
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well hello traveller
name: lucien
age: 19
pronouns: she/her/he/him/they/them
location: india
I made this blog to have a place for my RC ramblings, opinions, fangirling and maybe perhaps, if the stars align, fics.
note: only completed stories will be recorded
status: 1st playthrough
path: emperor
reputation: high redemption
endgame li: robert steltz
replay for: bert
achievements: none
heart of trespia
status: 1st playthrough
path: rationality
reputation: high influence
endgame li: reinhold
replay for: wyatt
achievements: a proper farewell (dine with your uncle one last time), the matchmaker (unite gisella with delias, bring taki and reyna together, and help cyril find his happily ever after with caine), glory to trespia (acquire the highest support from allies, win the war with minimal losses, and keep all your friends alive)
kali: call of darkness
status: 1st playthrough
path: loyalty, kindness of goddess
reputation: high respect
endgame li: ratan vaish
replay for: killian lightwood and amrit doobay
achievements: none
the flower from tiamat's fire
status: 1st playthrough
path: fire
reputation: high willpower
endgame li: kingu
replay for: iyar
achievements: none
vying for versailles
status: 1st playthrough
path: hedonism
reputation: bright influence
endgame li: alexandre bontemps
replay for: philippe de france
achievements: aphrodite's golden apple (you're as beautiful as a goddess and the court knows it), snaring the spymaster (you caught the spider in his own web), the dauphin's savior (you saved the dauphin from the hostage - takers), brotherly love (you helped prince philippe reconcile with louis xiv)
the desert rose
status: 1st playthrough
path: Rebellion, balance path (chose The Desert Flower)
reputation: n/a
endgame li: adil (see: username)
replay for: everyone but mostly, jack and mustafa
achievements: brilliant detective (you found an important clue in your father's box), rebellious heart (you have a very close relationship with Adil), treacherous as a snake (you saved the snake, and it helped you), sefer's hope (you saved everyone at the crucial moment), the legendary desert rose (we are the 'desert roses'. a bit broken, but very strong!)
the one: volume 1
status: 1st playthrough
path: following your heart
reputation: n/a
endgame li: luka
replay for: deshawn
achievements: the secret sister (you patched things up with your estranged sister)
the one: volume 2
status: 1st playthrough
path: playing the flirt
reputation: high charisma
endgame li: joel
replay for: ben
achievements: the queen of paintball (you gained the maximum amount of points during the paintball game)
path of the valkyrie
status: 1st playthrough
path: path of change
reputation: path of high glory
endgame li: ullr
replay for: thor, andvari, loki
achievements: hel' kiss (you showed respect to the mistress of the halls of the dead), family values (when you saw thrud forgive her father thor, you witnessed the true power of love), snake charmer (through your courage and cunning, you defeated nidhogg and brought the light of victory to the battle of jormungandr), single path follower (you have not backed down or strayed from your chosen path), echo of greatness (your fame has transcended the boundaries of the nine worlds, becoming a legend that inspires tales and songs), creator of einheim (you helped loki create a new world and a bunch of new problems)
chasing you
status: 1st playthrough
path: path of logic, path of kindness
reputation: path of high authority, highest businessman points, highest survival points
endgame li: alexander nielsen
replay for: samuel, ellia
achievements: big and heavy (kiss dante while stealing the key [ew]), burn brightly (auntie's house burned down), por una cabeza (dance the tango with alexander), fair day (have fun at the skansen fair), legolas in a skirt (beat olivia at archery), judge and executioner (kill christopher), the price of madness (kill edward), winter michelangelo (win the snow sculpture competition), in the grip of the cold (fight and defeat yuki - onna), at all costs (survive the story's finale)
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slaanxsh · 3 months
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As with Khorne, I'm not really in a write-y mood, so TV tropes it is!
No Biological Sex
Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous
Sex Shifter
Agent Peacock
Hot God
Uncanny Valley
You Cannot Grasp the True Form
Sliding Scale of Beauty - Intolerable
Blood Knight
Combat Sadomasochist
Dance Battler
I Shall Taunt You
Dainty Combat
Delicate Is Beautiful
Attractiveness Discrimination
Long-Haired Pretty Boy
Statuesque Stunner
Proud Beauty,
Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon
Too Kinky to Torture
Interplay of Sex and Violence
Glass Cannon
Squishy Wizard
Fragile Speedster
Hemo Eroticism
Consuming Passion
Magnificent Bastards
The Charmer
The Evil Prince
Immortal Ruler
The Magnificent
Royal Harem
Warrior Prince
Prince Charming
Cosmic Entity
Snooty Haute Cuisine ( Horror Hunger )
Soul Eating
Drunk on the Dark Side
All Powerful Bystander
Anthropomorphic Personification
God of Chaos
Sentient Cosmic Force
Aroused by Their Voice
Big Brother Attraction
Incest Subtext
Sexual Deviance Is Evil
Flaming Devil
Non-Action Big Bad
Sissy Villain
The Hedonist
Extreme Libido
Absurdly Sharp Claws
Manipulative Bastard
It Amused Me
Seven Deadly Sins
It's All About Me
Above Good and Evil
Faux Affably Evil
 The Corrupter
Satanic Archetype
Hurricane of Euphemisms,
I Have Many Names
Man of Wealth and Taste
Cruel Mercy
Complete Monster
Bright Is Not Good
Embodiment of Vice
Crossing The Line Twice
Villainous Glutton
A Form You Are Comfortable With
Smug Snake
Brilliant, but Lazy
Cold-Blooded Torture
Tranquil Fury
Fairest of Them All
Green-Eyed Monster
Greater-Scope Villain
Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes
Why Did You Make Me Hit You?
Soft-Spoken Sadist
Grande Dame
Fantastic Arousal
Annoying Younger Sibling
Berserk Button
Beware the Silly Ones
Composite Character
Deathless and Debauched
Drunken Master
Extreme Omnisexual
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writingsofwesteros · 5 months
Ooooo Stev being called the Snake Charmer
The woman who finally made the bachelor Prince an honest man
!!!!! IMAGINE ! Oh they whisper the name through the markets and she hardly notices
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
For the poll
“Can there not even be a dream of us?” Cregan asked. His grey eyes were like quiet storms that threatened to let loose upon all the careful plans Celia had made for herself.
Vengeance and retribution had been on her tongue just as often as the blood of her fingers had been. Since her brother had been maimed—since she had understood the longing looks her father had cast Rhaenyra’s way. She had watched and waited and planned so that she could to be a player that none might suspect held all the pieces. A serpent ready to strike upon those that had done her, her mother and her brother ill.
Where was a man like this, she thought, when I still believed in honor—when I thought men could be good? Where was he when mine innocence was untouched by the cruelties of rogue princes and blind kings? The girl that could have been worthy of him died long ago.
Cregan Stark, with all his mercy and forgiveness, had made his way into her heart and spoke those sweet words to her like a song.
A charmer of serpents.
But snake charmers often broke the fangs of the snakes they charmed—condemning them to a slow starvation.
Cregan had yet to break her fangs.
“We were not meant to dwell in dreams,” she told him instead. Poison was all that truly fell from her lips these days, and she knew that Cregan would drink from them still. Her poison would kill him one day, she was certain of it. Her blood would spill his and where would that leave Celia? What more destruction could she wrought with a heart of stone crumbling in her chest? “It is dangerous to dwell in dreams and forget the horrors that come with the morning.”
“A dream remains with us long after we have woken,” he said, taking a step closer to her.
“And it is a thing we can never return to once we wake,” she said plainly, stepping away in fear that her resolve might be crushed under the weight of his honor. “And we must always wake.”
“Do you ever dream, my princess?” he asked, reaching to touch her as though she were a specter—a ghost of the girl he had never met.
“A long time ago, my lord,” she answered. “When I believed that fathers loved their children and kings dispensed justice.”
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