#the problem is right now i have soooo many WIPs to finish
shitouttabuck · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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cheesybadgers · 7 months
okay soooo tell me your favorite thing about writing the epic beast that is OHDH. i want the directors cut lol
Ahhh Alex, bless you and thank you for sending this question ❤️😘
And oh boy, where do I start?!! It’s hard to pick just one, so here are three main things:
1) I think one of the trickiest yet most satisfying parts of the process was figuring out a) how any canon divergence made sense for the characters and their motivations and b) what the impact of those changes were on future canon events. It was such a fine balancing act and I had a lot of lightbulb moments in the shower (I swear my shower is some sort of creativity portal lol) solving plot problems. I had someone comment on AO3 saying how much they liked the ‘butterfly effect’ of the canon divergence and that sums it up so well, because one change at the start of the fic has a domino effect on everything else.
Sort of linking on from this, I also had so much fun making characters interact who never met in canon, or only had very minimal screen time together. Horacio and Chucho obviously never meet in the show, but their paths crossing in OHDH led to a whole new subplot and ultimately helped shape the ending of the fic. I wanted this to be a transformative work rather than a re-hash of canon, so if I achieved anything, I think it’s safe to say I achieved that!
2) I was also surprised how much I immersed myself in fic research, more so than I ever did for my degree back at university 😂 I knew I was going to have to do some research when the story got to a certain point, but I just kept falling down different rabbit holes and it expanded my reading list in all sorts of directions I wasn’t expecting. It got me back into the habit of reading books too, which I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t done much of in recent years. But knowing I needed to read X or Y in order to progress with a certain scene or chapter was great motivation.
I must confess, my knowledge of Colombian history wasn’t great before (it’s not something the British education system covers), but my reading actually made me question and challenge the source material in ways I hadn’t before. So, shipping might be considered just shoving two characters together like dolls, but hey, at least I learnt some history along the way lol.
3) Getting to make up a tonne of backstory (especially for Horacio, who is a bit of a blank slate in canon) and create OCs. I’d never created proper OCs before this fic, so it was fun building them around the main pairing, giving them their own personalities and histories but also letting them affect the story. I think the different locations throughout the fic were like OCs of their own too (I’ve been contemplating a holiday to Madrid since I wrote the chapters set there lol), so the world building aspect of it was a fun learning experience too, and not something that came naturally to me at the start.
I’m sure there are so many more things! I will also say it’s been the steepest of learning curves re: my writing skills as well. I’m probably not even consciously aware of everything I’ve learnt, but going back to earlier chapters has been difficult, because I was obviously much more inexperienced back then lol. The urge to do re-edits has been real, but I don’t think I have the energy for that right now (and it was posted as a WIP, so by its nature it’s going to show the progress of my writing from start to finish).
Back in 2020/2021, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone (I think it was around a time during the pandemic when I realised how uninspiring my day job is and how little motivation I have for it anymore, so pursuing creative hobbies away from it seemed like a better use of my time), and it's safe to say I managed that with this behemoth 😂 It's been a huge journey of self-discovery and realising what I'm capable of. Fic used to be something I thought only other people wrote, so there were times I'd pull a metaphor or certain phrasing out of thin air and laugh at my laptop in shock, because I didn't think I had it in me to be poetic lol.
So, my advice to anyone reluctant to start a creative project because they don't feel skilled enough, please, please, please do it anyway. Seriously. Because you will muddle through, learn so much along the way and surprise yourself ❤️
Ok that was a bit of a ramble, but you did say director’s cut, so here we are 😂 Thank you once again for sending this, I've been in such a reflective and bittersweet mood since finishing, so it's nice to focus purely on the positive aspects of the experience 😘
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agerefandom · 9 months
1, 4, 29, and 37 for the author ask game please!!
Thank you thank you! I love writing questions and this ask game is soooo fun!
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Ohhh this feels like I'm going to drag myself for only writing one (1) kind of fanfiction
I like spending a few paragraphs on background (memories and how the person got into the current situation, since I write oneshots), then a problem with a little bit of angst, and then it gets resolved and we get a page or two of fluff to fix it all. That's my standard agere formula! Now you can tease me when I follow it 80% of the time.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
My gosh I have so many requests in the inbox I don't really do my own fic ideas anymore! I'm mentally prepping for the follow-up to my Great Comet of 1812 fanfiction: relistening to the musical and generally turning the characters over in my head.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Ough I have been writing a self-insert version (with the author's permission) of a FNAF fic and it's been so very fun: my partner has been talking about writing a sequel and I've been working with them on it, although I don't think it'll ever really get written.
If you wanna read the best FNAF fic, here it is! It's got an aro/ace nonbinary main character (OC), magnificent robotics writing (to a layman), great character development, and an M rating for violence. It's twice the length of Moby Dick and I read it twice in a month, once by myself and once out loud to my partner. Feel free to hit me up for specific content warnings, since it did make me cry for about an hour, but it was soooo good.
37. Talk about your current wips.
Ughhh I really only have finished fics or fics that I'm stuck on: I do most of my stories in one sitting (and then another for editing), so if I only get halfway through, it's a bad omen.
That said, I'm partway through a fic about Light regressing during the chained-together era and I was having a really good time writing the L and Light dynamic, but got myself stuck right on the edge of Light admitting what was happening and couldn't wrangle him back into character.
And I'm a few paragraphs into the Armand and Lestat part of my IWTV fanfic: I feel like I've really got them down separately but then they start interacting and I'm like ????? who are you????
Anyways this has been me "talking" (complaining) about my wips lol
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ficsforeren · 2 years
omg babe i haven't read any aot fics (or any fics, really) in sooooo long so I really don't know what to recommend i'm sorry 😭😭😭
sandra and I literally share the same braincell so if you're looking for someone who has similar writing style (and she's better than me too) you can try and read her works! her smutty fics are SUPER HOT but her fluffy ones are great too! go to @smfics and have fun!
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itsemilyofc · 2 years
Haters can hate but reposting this as its own post so that it's not entirely under the long post cut. Re: KakaYama Week 2022
Soooo many great prompts this year! Too many for me to stick with my initial plan of just one, multichap fic. Here’s a quick preview of what you can (tentatively) expect from me. These are in various states of progress, so not all of them have summaries or even snippets yet. My hope is that I can get most if not all of them out during KkYm week. The two big iffy ones are Stripped Screws, which is still largely just a concept, and Working Title: Losing Tenzō, which has been a wip for so long that I can't say with confidence I will be able to get it where I want it to be.
Deep Summer in Willow Oak
AU, 7 chapter fic Prompts: Envy/Kindness, Gluttony/Temperance, Modern AU, Greed/Charity, First Times, Pride/Humility, Sloth/Diligence, Stolen Moments, Lust/Chastity, Vows, Wrath/Patience Rating: Explicit Summary: Dense summer air trapped under an unbroken canopy of leafy branches. No rush, no obligations, and certainly no cell phone service. Though it’d been fourteen years since he had seen it last, Willow Oak was almost exactly as Kakashi remembered it, even down to the ice cream selection at the local gas station.
This week-long vacation was supposed to be just the break he needed to clear his head so that he could return home to New York prepared to handle the mounting problems in his life.
But he hadn’t considered for even a moment that Tenzō would still be in Willow Oak. Tenzō, with whom he’d spent the countless summers of his youth, racing through the woods, floating in the lake, and sharing secrets in the dark. Tenzō, who had done a lot of growing up in the intervening years, it turned out.
And now, after a week of rediscovering their friendship and uncovering something new and promising, Kakashi is realizing that Willow Oak has problems of its own, and no matter how long he stays, the ones he left behind in New York will be waiting for him when he returns.
The Debt Collector
One-Shot Prompts: Day 1 - "You Deserved it" Rating: Mature Snippet: If he’d taken even a second to consider his words, Tenzō would have never have had to bear witness to his stuttering, incoherent admission. His feelings and failures spilling out haphazardly. His flaws catching on the harsh fluorescent light of the locker room, the reflecting flash enough to jolt anyone out of respecting him.
But Kakashi hadn’t been in control. He hadn’t considered. And Tenzō had stood across from him, twenty years old and forcibly disillusioned as Kakashi had burdened him with the worst of it.
To Tenzō's credit, he hadn’t let the disappointment show on his face. He had fetched a first aid kit and stood silently by Kakashi’s side as he had washed and bandaged his hand. When he had finished, Tenzō had asked him what he could do to help.
Kakashi had placed his bandaged hand on Tenzō's shoulder, squeezing once before letting it fall to his side again as he exited the locker room.
At that time, Kakashi had foolishly thought that would be the end of it. Sure, Tenzō wouldn’t see him as the bastion of surety that he maybe had before, but perhaps that would be a good lesson for him. Kakashi had been telling him for years, after all, to stop looking up to him.
Tenzō hadn’t let it go, though. And after every mission Kakashi had been subjected to offers for company, all of which he had rejected. And every new bandage the following day had been unmistakably scrutinized by Tenzō's watchful stare.
Until finally they were here. At some kind of tipping point.
One-Shot, Smut Prompts: Day 2 - Late Nights Rating: Explicit From the outline:
Tenzō scoffs. “Kakashi. No. The protocols are clear. Someone has to be keeping watch, undistracted, while anyone is sleeping.
"Hm. You’re right.” Kakashi says defeatedly, and Tenzō nods approvingly. His eyes scan the trees again finding nothing.
Two seconds later, the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone reaches his ears. His head whips around to see Kakashi, hand disappeared down the front of his pants
“Senpai! What are you doing?!” he hisses
Kakashi’s right eye crinkles closed in a smile. “It’s like you said. The protocols only require one person on watch. You’ve got it. I trust you."
This reminds Tenzō of his duty and he faces forward again but he can feel that his cheeks are hot. He’s grateful for the dark. “So what?! You’re just going to…?!”
The log is shifting beneath him and Tenzō's brain provides plenty of possible explanations for what is going on next to him that he can’t block out.
“Don’t worry about what I’m doing. Stay vigilant, Kohai.”
Working Title: New Challenges
One-Shot Prompts: Day 4 - First Times Rating: G First Draft Snippet (unedited):
“Senpai, I’ve never used one of these before either. Should we maybe ask Yugao?” Tenzō hated to admit that Kakashi had called upon the wrong former team member, but he knew when to admit that he was out of his depth.
“That might be insulting to her, I think,” Kakashi replied. “To assume she would know because she’s a woman.”
Tenzō supposed that was true. “Maybe Itachi, then? He lives at home.”
“No.” Kakashi said definitively. “I am not asking Uchiha how to use a washing machine.”
Tenzō understood, then, why he had been summoned. It was not because he possessed some skill set that Kakashi admired. It was because he was the person his senpai would be least embarrassed to admit this truth to.
Tenzō felt a bit deflated at this realization. But then, Kakashi trusted him. He knew that Tenzō's opinion of him would not be tarnished by this. And Tenzō would not let this show of trust go unappreciated. He would help. He would figure out how to use the washing machine.
“Okay,” Tenzō said, full of determination. “What do we know so far?”
The relief in Kakashi’s expression bolstered Tenzō's confidence even more. He watched as his senpai pressed a round button on the device, causing it to beep to life, green lights blinking on in various places.
“This turns it on,” Kakashi said.
“Yes,” Tenzō said, studying the display with as much scrutiny as he would a mission brief scroll. “I understand.”
“And then this dial…” Kakashi continued, spinning the dial in question a few times so that Tenzō could see the way the green light followed it, indicating the available settings. “You have to make a choice with it. But I don’t understand any of these options.”
Tenzō frowned, leaning closer to see for himself what the choices were.
“Tenz, there are six options, and not a single one of them is ‘wash clothes,’ Kakashi said, and the frustration in his voice told him that his senpai had struggled with this on his own for quite some time before calling in for reinforcement.
Tenzō pointed to the option on the far right “This one has the word ‘wash’ in it,” he observed.
“It does,” Kakashi agreed. “It says ‘hand wash’, though, which is…perplexing. I’m trying to avoid hand washing. Why is that even a choice?”
Tenzō had to agree. He reviewed the other options. Most of them were nonsense combinations of words as far as he was concerned.
“Permanent press…” he mumbled to himself. “Sounds somewhat severe.”
Stripped Screws
One-Shot Prompts: Day 5 - Soulmates Rating: Not yet rated Concept Snippet (unedited): Tenzō wondered what it was worth, one more try. Second chances were all well and good but at what point did the damage caused by failed previous attempts render a project untenable? He and Kakashi had tried to make it work countless times over the years. Would the pieces even fit together properly anymore? Were the screws not stripped bare by now?
Working Title: Losing Tenzō
One-Shot Prompts: Day 7 - Vows Rating: Not yet rated First Draft Snippet (unedited):
“I don’t need a team. I can go by myself,” Kakashi insisted, still standing at attention in front of the Fifth Hokage’s desk. His square shoulders and straight spine contrasting noticeably with Tsunade’s own hunched form.
“And what?” Tsunade demanded, tongue sharp enough to cut through flesh. “Get yourself killed before we can even get our feet under ourselves? I need you here and you know it.”
Kakashi gritted his teeth. “I know, but if I can find him, if you could have us both at your disposal-” “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. And we don’t even know where he is.” It was obvious that Tsunade was losing what little patience she had. Kakashi could see a vein in her forehead pulsating threateningly.
“I can find him.” Kakashi said the words confidently, though there was admittedly nothing to back them up. Where there was a will, though, there was a way. And Kakashi had the full force of the Will of Fire within him, if nothing else.
Tsunade let out a frustrated growl. “I said no, Kakashi! I expect better of you. Of all people you should know we have to put the village first! You should know how to deal with losing a comrade!”
“Tenzō's not lost! He’s still alive!” Kakashi found himself at the edge of Tsunade’s desk without having even consciously made the choice to break rank. His palms were pressed flat on the mahogany surface, the structure creaked in protest.
“He-he’s still-” Kakashi couldn’t get the words out. The sentences wouldn’t come together, their syntax unzipping apart even as he tried to articulate them. “They didn’t kill him- they- they took him, and-and that means they wouldn’t-”
A soft, manicured hand on top of his own quieted Kakashi’s rambling.
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peachraindrops · 3 years
soooo... I've been writing a good girls soulmates fic. which is...original, I know. lol. but I was am so excited about it.
with this excitement, I wanted to share the start of it. I'm not posting it on ao3 yet because it's a WIP but this is the beginning. it briefly starts at this point in their lives but they quickly grow up as characters in soulmate au's often do. this is nearly done and is a long one shot so you won't have to worry about it being finished if for some reason you think it won't be.
anyway, if you've been struggling after the cancelation today just like I have, I hope this brings you a little joy.
disclaimer: this has not been edited whatsoever.
It’s the morning of his seventh birthday when he wakes up to a string of numbers on his wrist he’s never seen before. He counts six black numbers and rubs at them but they sit there permanently etched into the depths of his skin. Whatever they are, they’re a part of him now, and maybe that’s just the way it’s meant to be.
But 262,831 what?
“Mijo, time to get up,” his grandmother knocks on his door, opening it with a gentle smile. She comes in and sits on the edge of his bed like she does every morning to wake him up. He likes it, remembers his own mom doing it back before she left. Back before everything went so wrong.
“How did you sleep?” she asks him warmly, rubbing his short dark hair gently to smooth away all the mess from his sleep. It soothes him. It’s the only time he lets her do it without complaint, behind the curtain of his younger sister’s gaze because she doesn’t need another reason to tease him.
“Good,” comes out easily, because he always sleeps well now that he lives with her, he’s decided. All the problems from his life before feel far enough away to relax now. Despite whatever this new thing etched into him is that he’s stuck with.
“Seven years old already! Why must you insist on growing up so quickly, Christopher?” she sighs but it’s fond praise she sings him. He can remember how lonely she was when his grandfather passed away and just how much her crying reminded him of his own mother’s, feels like maybe she needed him as much as he needs her.
“Grandmaaa,” he groans, and she laughs, her eyes innocently wide and hands are immediately thrown up into the air in surrender.
“Ok ok, at least you gave me a few minutes of sweet Christopher time,” she laughs and he rolls his eyes, focused back down on trying to rub the numbers off his wrist and she pauses. He sees her take notice of the numbers, hesitant to acknowledge them. For some reason, he feels the same way.
Her hands reach out to grab his, holding his fingers gently in place to stop him from rubbing at the taunting numbers. “When did you get these?”
“This morning.” If that means anything. Do they even mean anything?
Her face is scrunched up and he follows her eyes down to the numbers that apparently she can see too. She knows what they are, he can tell. He wants to know what they’re for. “What do they mean?”
She shakes her head, standing up from her position on the side of his bed to dismiss him as if he doesn’t need to know. “Not today, you’re too young to worry about it. Someday maybe, when you’re older. Looks like you have plenty of time.”
When she walks away, he all but forgets about the string of numbers he carries around with him now. They’re an extension of him, something he feels the weight of either all the time or never at all. Doesn’t even remember to take more than a passing glance down at his wrist until a couple of days later when his sister finally notices them. The number seems lower but he barely recalls what they were the first time he saw them, just knows now they’re lower. He scribbled them somewhere on his desk just in case they meant something later. Judging by his grandmother, they would.
His sister doesn’t have any numbers of her own, he figures maybe it’s because she’s younger. Or maybe she isn’t meant to, none of it makes any sense but eventually, she notices them, and he finds her staring down at his wrist just like he did himself when they first appeared. She licks her finger and tries to silently wipe them off and he pushes her away.
He makes a game out of it one day, telling his sister it means he put 262,784 bugs into her room. She screeches and tattles, he can hear his grandmother laughing from the kitchen, cooking dinner. “It’s not bugs,” she laughs in the background, taking all his fun away.
The next day Isabel tells him it’s how many cooties he has, 262,773 cooties to be exact, and that the whole school knows. He knows she’s lying about the cooties because his grandma told him before that cooties aren’t even a real thing but it still ends up in an all-out fight. Just the way things usually do between them.
Beth knows it’s her birthday before she opens her eyes. The bed dipped a few seconds ago when Annie tumbled across her and a foot landed right across her face.
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essektheylyss · 3 years
Fanfic ask game for procrastinating on writing, that's what I'm understanding here, got it.
(tagged by @mllekurtz, thank you! these are super fun questions)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
55! Jeeeeeez that's a lot.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
295k. (Maybe it's because I come from the writing month world but that's the only stat I genuinely pay attention to lol.)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In current times, only Critical Role—back in the day I wrote on ff.net for Heroes and Castle and a few YA books.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
before it buries me
This was... actually my first shadowgast fic! One-shot set right after 91.
now I will ask you to be brave
Okay, so, this fic. I will not describe it, as I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. I started it right after hiatus with lofty ambitions and promptly realized my hubris, and now it is definitely never going to be finished. I did not get far. My deepest apologies to anyone who has read it and wanted more.
seeing eye to eye
One-shot of the nein running into Essek's family, and Beau understanding him a little better, rich kid with shitty parents to rich kid with shitty parents. A very specific characterization of Deirta in here, mostly filtered through Beau's mentality, which was so fun to write.
not from the absence of violence
OLD GUARD AU MY BELOVED. I desperately want to write in this au more but have not had the time or ideas, but holy shit I love this au so much.
cruel tricks the gods play
Another pre-97 shadowgast one-shot—the peace talks go very wrong and Caleb and Essek end up pulling a Titanic on a plank of wood after the ship sinks. Very fun, very no longer canon-compliant.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
So, okay, I do not, but this is a Thing for me, because I have, inexplicably, deep panic about responding to ao3 comments. I do not know why. I can feel physical panic thinking about it now. I aggressively hate it because I do really want to respond to comments because commenters are so lovely! I think it is a combination of my brain not knowing the culture of ao3 interaction well enough that it seems alarming (thanks, neurodivergence) and college screenwriting workshops in which I was taught not to respond during critique.
In any case, I do not have the same weird panic about tumblr interactions, so I'm always down to chat here.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
You know, for all of the angst that I write, I don't really write angsty endings. I think my two main Verin-centric fics (laid out one by one and this guilt-ridden heart) end kind of angstily, because that relationship isn't gonna be fixed in a conversation. But in general I think the worst I've got is bittersweet.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't—I'd have to have a really, really good concept to write a crossover.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I can remember, though who knows if I got any in high school. I'm a little impervious to flames anyway—again, workshop classes helped with the reminders that critique is what's useful, while hate is just, 'you can't please everyone'.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do not!
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I mean, not that I'm aware of lol.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
I mean, currently? Shadowgast. I don't have an all-time.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
sweet child. "Someday!" she says, shaking her fist at an unforgiving god.
15) What are your writing strengths?
I've suddenly forgotten every comment I've ever gotten. I am pretty good at grounded settings when I put in the effort. I think I am good at matching character voices—far better than inventing new ones.
And in terms of writing process... I managed to decide somewhere along the way that I like my own writing? Which is very hard, but also once you do that, it's a lot easier to just write instead of being hung up on quality, and it's then easier to notice when you're falling out of your own voice or when you actually need to rewrite a scene. I think I forced myself into this practice because I am soooo bad at sitting down and editing, so I have to do it as I write, and I had to get over the "this writing sounds like me therefore it is bad" feeling to manage that. (This has been my "love yourself as a writer" high horse.)
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I overexplain. And on the other side, I lean so heavily into showing emotion via physical sensation that I forget to actually write the emotion.
And on a similar process high horse, I am so bad about feeling constantly like I need to write everything right now. This is primarily a problem because if I get too in my head about it, I end up writing none of it. I have not found a way to combat this, except to put one sentence in front of the other. (This is not helped by my ever-increasing pile of wips and ideas lol.)
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I patently refuse to do it, because I hate the idea of butchering a language I don't know, and because I tend to try to draw as little attention to the fact that a thing is written as possible, and if a language has to be translated via a glossary or something, it's drawing more attention to that, and even if it's something I'm leaving untranslated, someone who speaks that language will know that I have butchered it. That being said, I don't dislike it when I'm reading!
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! I wrote so much PJO fic in middle school.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
what luminous worlds await, if only for the sheer enormity of that project and my delight that it actually came together. Though I cannot mention that without mentioning Icarus to your certainty, without which I probably would not have even written the former.
Tagging (and please feel free to ignore if you so choose) @the-littlest-goblin @mithrilwren @sky-scribbles!
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yeahhiyellow · 3 years
First Lines Meme
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Thank you so much @emiliaf25 for tagging me!!! I've seen a lot of fun writing tag games going around, but I haven't been tagged in any before now. This is probably due to the fact that while I write a lot, I don't publish most of my stories so like no one knows lol. I tried to put these in chronological order from newest to oldest, but they're not perfect, as I do not keep accurate time of when I write things (and probably should). Anyway, here are mine:
1. Blasting heavy metal so I can't think
"Heavy Metal": Detroit: Become Human (This one is in the form of a poem, so that's why it's a bit weird.)
2. Markus's head popped out of the last bedroom.
"Family": Detroit: Become Human (I still have to finish this one and publish it so I can't provide a link... yet)
3. I know I'm not enough.
"Enough": Detroit: Become Human (listen this is one of the angsty ones I never published so uhhhh)
4. CHRIS: Hank! Connor! What are you two doing here?
Unnamed: Detroit: Become Human (This one is formatted as a script soooo... yeah. It's also another one I am working on and have not and probably won't publish)
5. Crowley stood by the side of the road, his arms tightly coiled around his waist.
"Alone": Good Omens (aaaaand another really angsty one I never published, I have problems)
6. "What's wrong, angel?"
"It Started in 1957": Good Omens (currently not finished and has not been worked on for over half a year... probably should get on that at some point)
7. Every dystopian novel ever has some random teenage girl save the world. Unfortunately for the world, I don't think I can do that.
This was just an original story I started back in January that I wrote like a page of and never finished because I had way too many wips. Figured I'd put it in here anyway though
8. Finally, after 17 years of work, I had made it to the most prestigious school humanity had ever created.
This is another original story, however one that I have actually worked on for more than a page lol
9. RENATA: Oh, shit. This can't be good.
Function (Free Will): original. I have been working on this story for nearly 2 years now, and I'm still nowhere even close to done. It's formatted like a script and also has the same type of rpg choice-based storytelling as Detroit: Become Human. Add to that the fact that this story is meant to critique our current political and social society, systems, and structure and touches on a variety of incredibly heavy topics, and you have the recipe for writing a story that feels like it just. Never. Ends.
10. Demons aren't supposed to feel love.
"I Love You Too": Good Omens (I wrote this one a whiiiillleeee ago, as to why it's down here on the list. I only published it a few days ago, though, a little after I first saw you tagged me in this. So thanks for finally motivating me to do it lol)
11. "You obey or he's dead."
"Exit": Detroit: Become Human
12. "Come closer. Don't be scared."
"First Kiss - The Traci's - DBH Rare Pairs Week": Detroit: Become Human
13. If I broke that shotglass, I bet it could hurt me.
"Help": Detroit: Become Human (Essentially, I published this one on Tumblr and then proceeded to take it down later the same day. It was another angsty one.)
14. "Shut up, dipshit."
"Expectations: Shut Up, Dipshit": Detroit: Become Human (This one was actually from a zine I took part in that fell apart before anything could really happen. I never finished it, so I probably won't publish it, but I guess if I finished it I could. Will that happen, however? I doubt it.)
15. "You're back."
"Hannor Week: Living Deviant Prologue Compilation": Detroit: Become Human (*sighs* Now we're getting into the old stuff. Hang on, for I have no idea what atrocities lie ahead. Or behind?)
16. System Instability. Deviancy Detected. Contact Cyberlife for a inexpensive replacement, only $2000 with your warranty!
"Living Deviant": Detroit: Become Human (I wrote this story years ago and as a result it is so cringeworthy and has so many grammar mistakes I hate to even link it so I'm not going to lol)
17. "I'm just so glad we're alive, personally."
"Who I Thought I Was": Detroit: Become Human (Surprisingly, this one isn't actually too bad. I mean, it's definitely not good, but I don't facepalm and curl up into a ball when reading it, so that has to be a good sign.)
18. I heard a gunshot from around the corner.
"Dbh Revolution Week ~ November 13 ~ Connor, Hank, and Sumo": Detroit: Become Human
19. RK900 visibly shook as he looked into the mirror.
"Scarred": Detroit: Become Human (Another one that I never published, surprise, surprise. Given how old this one is and subsequently how bad and also utterly angsty it is, I don't think I'll be publishing it unless I, like, rewrite the whole thing, so.)
20. LAUREN: 8:51, hmm? I've already been here for 11 minutes, and no one else has shown up.
"Choices": a horrible original romantic comedy I wrote as a script 5 years ago. Tbh the idea wasn't even that bad, it was the execution of it that just... really sucked. So it's a good thing we're stopping here, as if I went any farther back in my writing history, I think I might just cringe myself to death.
Woo, thank god we're done with that! XD In all seriousness though, this was quite a bit of fun and got me to revisit pieces I hadn't seen in years. Thank you again for the tag!!! :DDDD
Now for which one is my favorite... there are some that are definitely good, and others that are definitely bad. I like numbers 2 (cute opening line for a fluffy fic), 5 (wordplay with "coiled" and Crowley being a snake), 7 (twisting of an expected trope), 8 (brings in scifi element and introduces the character's personality while hooking the reader in), 9 (set up for the tone of the rest of the chapter and immediately introduces tension), 11 (same as previous), and 12 (also attention-grabbing), so we'll just let those make up for whatever atrocities 16 (horrible imitation of corporate writing), 20 (just plain boring), and the attempt of 18 (I had the right idea of it being a hook, the execution however was horrific) were. I start a lot of my pieces with dialogue, or at least I used to. I became aware of that within the past year and tried to work on introducing stories in other ways, which I think I've done a pretty good job on. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd probably go with 7. I just really like the subversion of expectations that you get right away from it. It announces the trope loud and clear, but plays with it instead of following it.
While I'd love to tag lots of other writers, I unfortunately don't know many at all (listen I would love to read more fics but also tiiimmmeee). I'll just tag @konami-code-ao3 for now. However, if you see this and want to hop in, feel free!
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Happy WIP Wednesday!! Chapter One is LIVE on Patreon! 
Synopsis: They were friends for years. Almost as long as they were lovers. She was his best friend and the only woman he loved. And he was hers. But that was four years ago before Inuyasha broke Kagome's heart and married someone else. When he shows back up in her life randomly, she doesn't care if she's being childish.
Just so you all know, I have one new chapter of Cell Mates: Freed done but I want to get two more finished before I start posting again (so there’s less lag time in between posts). Don’t forget that chapters 1-2 are on my Patreon now as well as the first chapter to this fic and many others for your consideration. As well as access to the Kissing Booth for you to create your very own kiss between your fave OTP. Subscribe today!!
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He stood, leaning against the wall right beside her door. Hands shoved into the pockets of his tight, light blue jeans he hid his claws. But not his ears, sticking out proudly on top of his silver halo of hair. Even tied back behind his head, she knew it would be just as long as she remembered, the tips touching the top of his ass. Her own hair was just at her lower back now and she wondered if he would notice the difference? 
Not that it mattered, it didn’t matter!! She screamed at herself inside her head and ducked just as his golden eyes lifted from the floor to seek out her gray ones.
Standing up straight, she could tell he was nervous. That only made her more on edge, tottering between anger and agony. Whatever his reason for being here, she didn’t care. Or rather, didn’t want to know. So she ignored him, as childish as that was. It didn’t stop him from standing unbearably close to her, so much so, she had to stop for a moment and push him back, praying he missed the shudder that rushed through her as she felt his tight warm skin through his thin t-shirt.
He was whispering like he was struggling to get out her name. 
If it was that difficult, then why was he even here?? 
Her answer was to nearly break her key inside her lock, struggling to get her door open fast enough. Looking at her feet, the bags she sat down were missing. Without looking at his face or eyes, she turned back to rip them from his hold. It was then that she noticed her shaking, emotions making a wreck of her once calm and satisfied form. 
She hated how he did this to her. No matter how much time passed and how much she told herself she had moved on, was the bigger, better person, his presence would call into question all of it. There was no one that could affect her like this and she hated him for it.
Then his fingers gently ran down her scars. The four long, deep marks he had left on her when they were children. Another reminder of the two of them when she had enough as it were. 
Jerking harshly from his touch, he gasped lightly. “I just want to talk…”
“Four years and now you want to talk? Forget it, Inuyasha. Just stay away from me.”
His once hidden hands clenched into tight fist by his sides as she watched, still not looking up at him. Now inside, she tried to shut her door but he stopped her, a foot in the way. “Kagome, just listen to me…”
“NO!” She screamed, lifting her tear-stained face to shoot fire at him with her eyes. He was taken aback, stumbling in her hallway and out of her doorway. So she slammed it shut and locked it tight, knowing he was still just on the other side. Something he proved when he began banging a fist on her door.
“Damnit, Kagome, for once stop being the stubborn wench you always are and let me talk to you!!!”
“Go back to your wife!!” She called out as bitterly as she could before sliding down her door to the floor. 
The groceries, now forgotten, scattered on the floor before her and her grab bag dug into her side. Even fruitless, she did her best to not make another sound. Not because he wouldn’t hear her, the youkai could hear her breath and heartbeat as they raced painfully. No, she did it to hear him, needing him to be gone so she could leave as well.
She bit her lower lip as punishment for her cowardice, letting him keep her from things she needed to do. But she couldn’t face him. Or worse, have him follow her. How he found her, she wasn’t sure but it was the last thing she expected to happen today.
Time passed slowly and she didn’t hear any more sounds from her door. But there was no way to know for sure as she carefully collected herself from the floor along with her room temp groceries. Setting them in her kitchen, she caught sight of the clock. 
“Shit.” She cursed to herself, running and digging out her cell in haste. 
The ringing in her ear only made her heart rate spike more. But then the other end finally connected. “Oh thank god. I’m so sorry about this…”
“But you need me to pick him up?”
“Yeah, I’m...stuck. I’m so so sorry…”
“Please. You barely ever call needing something. I’m always calling you. It’s no problem, I got it.”
“Thank you soooo much!!”
Hanging up, she gingerly lifted up on her toes, pausing by her door as she passed it again. Looking out the peephole, she didn’t see a trace of the silver-haired demon. She couldn’t see or feel him, he was gone. The feeling was just as empty as always, happy he was gone but lacking any real joy from it. Her mind threatened to slip into another one of her ‘visions’ but she fought it, forcing her to stay in the presence. 
Her so-called foresight had a bad habit of taking her down memory lane too. Which was different from a normal human’s as she was thrust into the moment as if it were real. With the feeling of fingers on her spine, she knew it wasn’t a premonition or a memory she wanted to revisit. She returned to her cool existence and waited for her friend to come through for her. Alone.
@underwater0phelia​ @lavendertwilight89​ @mamabearcat​ @nartista​ @nopenname22​ @echobows​ @superpixie42​ @smmahamazing​ @redflamesofpassion​ @jme-chan​ @cstorm86​ @cicleydark-light​ @ruddcatha​ @lavaffair​ @kirrtash​ @sistasecbhere​ @obsessandfangirl​ @britonell​ @lordofthechips​ @mcornilliac​ @faolenwolf​ @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz​ @phoenix-before-the-flame​ @artisticloveexpressitsall​ @lamuertadehambre​ @noyourenotreal​ @mitty-san​ @thenoammonster​ @little-deeluna​ @royaltrashpanda​ @sailorbabydoll92​ @storyweaver2017​ @malditamigs​ @adorabubblesblog​ @lilms-obsessed @petri808​ @anniehcresta​ @fan-dumpp​ @itzatakahashi​ @utakuprincess​ @theschultinator​ @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed​ @theseagullqueen​ @queenofthesquirps​ @jolinaaa00​ @knowall7k​ @neutronstarchild​ @fawn-eyed-girl​ @eringobroke​ @sapphirestarxx​ @dangerouspompadour​ @misspepperpottss
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katiecomma · 4 years
Fanfic Tag Game
Tagged by the scoundrel behind this: @sky-larking​ - and by @nade2308​ - thanks lovelies!
Ao3 name: KatieComma
Fandoms: MacGyver, Hawaii Five-0, CSI, Teen Wolf, Merlin, Star Wars, MCU, Wolfe and Vaughn mysteries
Number of fics: 112
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Probably The Rookie Problem (MacGyver baseball AU) or Fresh Start (CSI Nick/Mandy fic)... hard to say which... both are still unfinished... BUT NOT ABANDONED!
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Any of my Tumblr Prompt Fills - most of the time when I do a prompt fill I’ll think about the idea... but the actual work I put into it is usually a spontaneous burst finishing it in one sitting.
3. Longest Fic: A Fresh Start - my Nick/Mandy ongoing fic... 120K so far... SO FAR... :D
4. Shortest Fic: Cleaning Up at 460 words - some domestic MacDalton sweetness
5. Most hits: A Christmas Surprise - speaking of surprises I had NO idea this was my most hits. It’s a Sterek Christmas get together fic... and I didn’t realize it was my most viewed. Huh!
6. Most kudos: A Christmas Surprise again at 717 - when in the actual heck did this fic take the top spot among my fics?! No complaints... I just didn’t realize.
7. Most comment threads: The Rookie Problem - this doesn’t surprise me because it’s my second longest fic, written in a more active fandom. So every time I post a chapter I get a ton of great new comments from all of the MacDalton shippers who are SOOOO supportive and beautiful! And even many non-shippers have read and commented... This fandom really is the best.
8. Fave Fic you wrote: I honestly have a crazy soft spot for Cabin Under the Stars - rereading it is like summer vacation... I also love The Rookie Problem though... it may be my favourite once it’s done. And the whole Mac + Jack + Nick verse is HUGE for me... they are my gateway OT3...
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I really just want to finish the stuff that I have unfinished... I also want to write a sequel to Cabin Under the Stars... it’s in the planning stages now... but I don’t have enough inspiration to really get started on it yet.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: Oh man... you guys have NO idea... my epic escapism lately has been this HUGE porny/fluffy get together Sterek fic I’ve been randomly writing on the side... it is at like 50K right now and has NO plot other than romance and smut. It’s beautiful and I love it... but I refuse to publish ANY of it until it’s actually DONE. Except this little piece I will share with you now:
Derek nuzzles at Stiles’ cheek and breathes deep of the smell of his mate and the growing arousal between them. Their scents mingle and become one quickly as though being together is their natural state.
I feel like everyone has been tagged - so anyone who writes fic and sees this: you are officially part of the game if you want to partake!
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lemonjoonah · 5 years
No fr how long does a sex scene have to be to make a believable orgasm?? Is there a point where it gets too long ?? What DO blowjobs feel like?? How much detail should go into this dick? 🤔
LMAO 😂 thank you for this Anon!  I’m going to try to answer these to the best of my ability, but just remember I ask myself these question of myself because I’m still not 100% sure on the best routes to take. A lot of it has to do with personal preference, my writing style, and editing process. In addition the answers might change from story to story.
Warning: Rated M (for sexual content) 
-How long does a sex scene have to be to make a believable orgasm?
The reason why I typically ask myself this question is that I’m a very ‘straight to the point writer.’ I often find it difficult to stretch scenes like this so I use this as a safe guard to make sure that I do the scene justice.
There can also be so many factors related to this question.  What lead up to this point? Was there foreplay? Has the MC been lusting after this character for a while? What erogenous zones are being stimulated? (This always reminds me of the scene in Friends when they’re discussing the best order of those zones).
I don’t go based on word count but I like to make sure that at least a few of these zones have been well tended to and usually finish of with both clit and vaginal stimulation (a personal preference…). 
Now a do have an MC in a WIP who has had a bit of difficulty reaching that climax in the past, so of course those scenes are going to have to be far longer to be believable. So in the end it’s going to be different for every story based on the factors listed above. 
-Is there a point where it gets too long?
I’ve never personally seen any feedback on any story saying that a smut scene was too long. Heck if you want to write a 30K sex scene I would say go for it, and be sure to send me a link!!! But just make sure to keep it fresh or eyes might start to wander down the page. I personally find that dialogue always draws me back into a story. A heated conversation is always a good way to pull a reader back in if you find your descriptions becoming to long.
-What DO blowjobs feel like?
Okay, so there’s kind of a funny story behind why I asked myself this question. When I was writing Let the Villain Win, I knew that I wanted Namjoon to write his point of view of their intimate moment in his own book. The only problem was I had no idea what it would be like to be on the receiving end. Soooo I asked my boyfriend… 😂. Unfortunately he wasn’t helpful at all, he said that he didn’t know how to describe it, mumbling something about pressure and sensitivity. Even my beta (god love her) @m00nchild-shi asked her boyfriend and he didn’t really have an answer either.
Instead I ended up working around the problem. Taking from personal experience, I had Namjoon focus on the specific actions which he really enjoyed, rather than the feeling itself. Still not quite sure what it feels like and I’m kinda hesitant to google it…
-How much detail should go into this dick?
This is something I am very much still working on figuring out myself. Right now I am leaning to the idea that it is completely based on your MC. Since your seeing the world through their eyes, you have to ask yourself, what would they focus on? What are they looking to get out of this intimate moment? Would they flat out focus on what their partners dick looked like?
You’ll notice in Beastly Gods there’s very little description when it comes to Taehyung’s dick. That’s due to the fact that the MC is far more focused on his wings, both the look and the feel as they drag down her bare back. Sure she likes Taehyung at this point but the allure of his wings are what draws her too him, far more than his dick 😂.
Now on the opposite end of the dick description spectrum I am going to reference one of my favourite author’s works, Void by @btssavedmylifeblr. The main character in this story is a highly detail oriented science officer who has spent the last two years completely deprived of cock. You bet she’s going to focus on every aspect of an erection. The descriptions are so brilliantly written, mixing the descriptions along with actions that make the MC lust after it even more. 
Keeping descriptions faithful to what a character would see in my opinion is absolutely key, so in the end just follow their lead!
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
👍😍    Please, please another chapter for ‘We’ll Be Home For Christmas’!!! I love that story, and I’ve so been waiting for another chapter! 🥰❤️💕💖    I check every night, and 😭 nothing yet. Are you still going on it?    Virgil is my absolute favourite and that story is so sweet with him and the 🐋!    * 🤞*
Comment on Ao3
I’m gonna answer this here as well as on Ao3 as there is a certain amount of guilt that needs explanation.
I have two fic priorities at the moment - We’ll be Home For Christmas & The Hero.
So why haven’t I written either of these?
Two reasons.
The first is that both are large fics. When I start a fic, I can write it anywhere, usually with any state of mind. When I say ‘anywhere’ I mean it. When I’m crazy nuts inspired I write before breakfast, in the car, at lunch, at McDonalds, on the couch, in the backyard, even at my desk occasionally which is where I’m sitting now, proper back support and everything.
Because starting a fic is easy.
Once I’m over halfway into a large fic, it starts getting harder. The reasons for this are many, but mostly include:
The need to keep track of the story and not forget major points,
The need to hit major planned story points - because beyond a certain size a fic starts needing a plan, no matter whether it started with one or not (We’ll Be Home For Christmas was a planned fic from before I even started as I needed to do a lot of research to even know what the hell I was writing - what do I know about boats or the ocean north of NZ?)
The need to keep any OC’s consistent and yeah, I have a couple more of those in that fic who weren’t initially planned ::waves at Sam and Liam::
The need to keep track of story threads so I can bring each of them to a proper solution and tie them all together
The need to put my own brain back into the correct mood to write in a consistent way with the rest of the fic - I have an entire suite of music tied to that fic to try and rein in my chaotic brain and keep it in the right headspace in order to have the characters feeling the way they are supposed to - in the last chapter or two, you may have noticed Scott went nuts - he wasn’t supposed to do that, canon!Scott altered my interpretation of him and he got anxious and worried and now I have to dig him out of it again ::sigh:: But as you can see, if I’m not careful the characters can lose consistency.
So, all of these factors slow down the writing process, because I go from being able to write anywhere to needing my note book, needing to concentrate more and needing to get the right mood. There is also a little less excitement and a little more hardwork, because I’ve usually got the story where it was going to go and know what is going to happen, so it requires more motivation to actually do it.
So yeah, the writing process changes and becomes something that needs allotted time - something I am generally short on (my blog header says I should be doing something else and it is not lying :D).
Also, when you throw a fickle mood and muse and even my health into the pot it makes it even harder. I spend the majority of my life bribing myself to do what I need to get done. It is my way of working around a stubborn brain that has the capability of absolutely refusing to do what I want to do and in the process making my life hell. It’s a compromise - I can’t push too hard or the brain will rebel and dig in hard and nothing will get done.
So, long fics switch to allocated time off work to sit down and concentrate.
This leaves all those moments where my muse, which comes up with ideas all the frickin’ time and demands things get written. Also the need to keep my blog alive, react to the latest episodes that just came out, various fic requests and prompts, the occasional inspirational spark that hits me up the head sideways - these things do not stop (except the episodes ::wails::). So I have to cater to little bits of writing that pull me over to the side of the road and demand they get written down. Sometimes these bits become monsters and end up on the allocated writing pile alongside my other wips and that’s when I start having problems. I was really actually quite proud of myself last year when Dirt sidetracked me off VT Green. I was terrified I was going to lose the thread of VT Green, but no, I managed to get back to it and mostly give it the justice it was due. For a kid who had the depressing and life forming statement shouted at her repeatedly through school ‘you never finish anything!’ I feel I’ve come a very long way. Yes, I have a few WIPs on my fic list, but MOST of my fics are complete. And I have to think positively that I will complete most of those still hanging. I do know they are there and they nag me from time to time.
But back to We’ll Be Home For Christmas. I love this fic. It introduced me to a place on this planet I had no idea even existed. I’ve made new friends through this fic. I’ve learnt soooo much through the research of this fic. I will finish this fic.
Work has been intense over the last few weeks as I have been building a website to a crazy deadline on top of my usual routine. This week it got so bad, I actually stopped writing completely. That hasn’t happened in a long time and is a sign that I’m overtaxing everything. When Nutty doesn’t create, things are not good (I create everyday, I have to). So I’m being very kind to myself at the moment. Next week is also going to be disrupted as I’m having dental surgery (yay for the revenge of the The Dentist fic, Virg got me back for that one) and will likely be incapacitated for a bit.
So when am I going to write this fic? Well, I’m on leave for six weeks, so I’m hoping to get my teeth into it asap. Now that Scott will hopefully be a bit calmer, I will have more time and can destress to get my head in the right space.
Anyway, the purpose of all this dribble (I obviously haven’t written in a while, cos look an essay ::headdesk::) is to explain that it is not as straight forward as it looks, and I am trying, and will do my best to write some more of this fic as soon as possible. It may look like I’m ignoring it with all the other bits of fic turning up, but I’m not. I just need to find the right headspace.
So yeah, the fic has not been abandoned, apologies for the delay, I will do my best. Thank you for trusting me with it and for your kind comments.
(the hardest thing about being me, is living with me in this mess in my head)
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ashthatdrmmrgrl · 5 years
Ooh she's getting fiesty 😈😂 here you are, love ❤
1. What is your preferred place to write?
Laptop/computer, but since I dont have either anymore, my phone is my go to
2. When did you start writing?
I think it was 8th grade offically; my english teacher got me into reading and writing so that was the 2013/2014 school year I think
3. Favourite thing to write?
Idk, I like writing gay smut if that counts for something 🤷‍♀️
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4. Fluff or angst?
I'm good at writing fluff but I love reading angsty stuff
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
Ideas come to me in dreams, otherwise if I'm watching a movie/TV, listening to music, or just seeing something during the day will spark something.
7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
Yes! I would get soooo distracted if I didn't; that way I dont hear anything outside my head and I can focus on my writing (I'm listening to music now as I'm answering these too actually 😂)
8. What's the biggest "challenge" for you as a writer?
Finding time to write at all; I've got so many ideas bopping around in my head but life gets in the way 😭😭
9. Where do you usually go to write?
My room usually; it gives me privacy and a lot less distractions than my living room or outside the house.
10. Can you give us a sneak peek at your current WIP?
Yes!! I love this scene so much so you get to read it again;
My phone buzzed in my hands and I look down to see Sofia's face smiling at me. I pause my music and pull my earbuds out. 
"The Kid's calling," I say aloud before answering. "Hey, Fi!" 
"Hey yourself, is Steve available? I've got history questions that I need help with and he's not answering his phone."
I roll my eyes but put the phone on speaker. "Steve, Fi needs help with her homework."
"What's up, kiddo?" Steve asks, keeping his eyes on the road. 
"Stupid history homework; about the Commandos and I thought, 'what better way to finish this then get it straight from the source, old man," Sofia says. Sam lets out a small laugh and Bucky shifts awkwardly beside me. 
"Alright, shoot," Steve says with a shake of his head. 
"Original 7 members? I only know 3 of them off hand," Sofia starts.
"Easy, Me, Buck, Dum Dum, Morita, Jones, Monty, and Frenchy," Steve says casually. There's a pause before Sofia's sigh echoes through the car. 
"I don't think my teacher would appreciate it if I put their names in as if we were best friends," Sofia says offhandedly.
Steve cleats his throat awkwardly. "Right. Uh, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Timothy Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabriel Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier," Steve reiterates after Sofia's let's out little "uh huhs."
"Why were the Howling Commandos formed?" Sofia asks next. 
"To eliminate and wipe HYDRA bases off the map; although it seems we weren't very successful," Steve says with a frown and I see his eyes flash towards the rear view mirror, to look at Bucky, I'm assuming.
"Who did the Commandos capture during a raid in the Alps?" 
"Arnim Zola." 
There was a pause and I couldn't help but look over at Bucky who almost looked startled that he had spoken.
"Who was that?" Sofia asks a moment later. 
"Oh, uh, Sofia, that was Bucky," I say, my voice cracking at his name. Sofia stays quiet. I check my phone and see the phone was still connected. 
"Bucky?" Sofia asks, sounding doubtful.  "As in Stevie's Bucky?" 
I feel Bucky almost stiffen in surprise next to me. "Yeah, that would be him," I confirm. 
Sofia stays quiet for a few beats again before clearing her throat. "Right, well when do you think you guys are gonna be home? I hate all of this cooking I've gotta do now that you guys are gone, not that either of you were chef's," Sofia complains. 
"I'm not sure, kiddo," Steve chirps from in front of me. I lean my elbows onto the front seat and rest my head near his shoulder. "We've got something really important to take care of." 
"Okay, well stay safe, and don't do anything stupid; Sam, keep them in line," Sofia says with a laugh.
"Will do, Half Pint," Sam promises.
"Well, I'll talk to you guys later. And it was nice to meet you Bucky," she says. 
Bucky doesn't respond, but the rest of us say goodbye before I hang up. 
"Thanks, Steve," I say, clapping my hands over Steve's shoulders. 
"Anytime; I don't mind helping the kid out," Steve says. 
I ruffle Steve's hair before leaning back and laughing. Bucky was looking between Steve and I with confusion written all over his face.
"So the kid?" Bucky asks, his eyes resting on Steve for a moment before looking at me.
"Yeah, she's great," Steve says excitedly and flashes Bucky a smile. 
"She's my sister," I say and look down to see Sofia had texted me. 
I forgot to ask while on the phone but could you ask Steve if I can look through some of his stuff that the museum let him have back?
"Hey Steve, can she look through the stuff the Smithsonian gave back to you? She didn't say what for though," I ask. 
"Yeah, no problem, tell her I've got stuff in the chest at the end of the bed."
"Cool cool, thanks," I say and pass the information onto Sofia. 
"Not a problem," Steve says as he takes the off ramp and turns left. "Sharon's just up here," he points out a black car that was pulled over under the bridge. 
Steve pulls over and ducks out of the car and greets Sharon with a smile. 
Bucky sits up and looks out the front window, eyes flickering across the background, scanning the surrounding area. Bucky's knees hit the back of Sam's seat and he glares at the back of Sam's head. 
"Can you move your seat up?" He asks for probably the 100th time this trip, sounding bored.
"No," Sam replies once again. 
I roll my eyes and squish myself against the window. "Scoot over here more," I offer, pointing towards the leg room that I've got behind Steve's seat. 
"Thanks," Bucky mumbles and scoots over so his arm is pressed against mine. It was quiet while we watched Steve and Sharon talk as she popped her trunk. "So," Bucky starts quietly, trying to exclude Sam from the conversation. "How long have you and Steve been together?" 
Sam, of course, hears and snorts out a laugh, having to hold onto the door for support. 
I felt my face flush and I reach over the seat to smack Sam across the side of his head. "Shut up, bird brain. Steve and I aren't together though," I say, turning to look at Bucky who looked embarrassed. 
"Sorry, I just assumed…" Bucky apologizes. 
"Nah, it's okay, everyone apparently thinks the same thing," I say with a shrug. "Steve's like a brother to me. Plus right now he's not swinging this way."
Bucky's eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me with wide eyes. "So like, he's..?"
"Gay? Yeah, basically. He still likes women, but he's actually with my brother, Graham," I say, pulling up a picture of Graham, Steve, Sofia, and I on my phone. Tony insisted on us having more family pictures even though we were the least conventional family on the planet.
"So being… a homosexual," Bucky says, almost sounding like the term was weird coming off his tongue. "That's openly okay now? I don't mind, but the 30s really pressed people down, so I didn't think Steve… at least I think, from what I remember," Bucky trails off and looks out to see Steve giving Sharon a hug before grabbing the gear from the trunk. 
"He was hard on himself at first," I say, remembering how weird Steve would act whenever Graham would say something to try and test the waters. "I think knowing and befriending Graham really helped him a lot, seeing that it's not a mental illness, that you wouldn't be imprisoned or institutionalized for it."
Bucky still looks at Steve, but there was a small smile crooked at the corner of his mouth and his eyes seemed fond. 
"I'm happy for him," is all Bucky says in reply.  
"So am I," I say, patting Bucky's forearm with my hand. "So am I." 
11. How many stories have you written so far?
Well I've only ever completed 1, (excluding oneshots) but I've got... at leave 7 going, a few that I've discontinued, and a shit ton of ideas that haven't been written yet 😂
12. What's your favourite thing that you ever wrote?
Well I'm honestly so proud of my Beauty and the Beast Lashton fanfic that I wrote and the only one I've ever finished. But I'm also sooo proud of 2 WIPs that I'm writing with the lovely asker
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13. How many chapters does your longest series have?
I dont have any series yet, but my longest fic has like 200,000 words and no distinctive chapters yet (writing specific scenes then gluing them together)
14. What's your favourite character/person to write for?
I only really write Lashton or Stucky but I'm my cowritten books I have an OC be with Ashton Irwin and Bucky Barnes because DAMN they are kweens
15. "OCs" or "Reader" inserts?
I personally like writing OCs but I've been getting into readers lately
16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
I suppose, but asker already knows since she's helping me write it 😂 it's a Marvel fic about these two girls and their brother who lose their parents in the Battle of New York in 2012. Brother is working for Stark Industries already when Steve asks my OC to join the Avengers but my OC and her brother keep that a secret from their younger sister (my friends OC). That's enough for now tho 😘
17. How long was the longest fic you ever wrote?
Question 13 kinda answered this question but its 200,000ish and growing
18. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel and 5sos mainly, but I used to do Supernatural back in like 2015/2016. I also dabble in Shadowhunter stuff too
19. What is/are your favourite fandom author/authors?
Well the asker is such an amazing writer I love her work, um, @Larry_Lashton on Wattpad is good, @moonstruckbucky and @sunmoonandbucky are phenomenal
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20. Have you ever written an AU?
That's basically all I write; I've only got one original piece and not many are real to whatever reality.
21. What is your favourite AU trope?
I have a weakness for Professor Seb/Bucky and I love stucky (and StuckyxReaders) so if you know of any hmu 😉
22. A fanfiction trope you can't help but love?
23. For how long have you been a fandom writer?
Shortly after I started writing, so like 2015?
24. Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it?
Absolutely! I usually loosely plot out the whole thing and try and hit the main points but by like... 1/4 or 1/2 way through depending on how long it is I'm like fuck I totally forgot I was going to add that (and by then it wouldn't make sense to add it in)
25. What do you do to motivate yourself to write?
Listen to music, but I also read what I've got to help myself get back into the flow of the story.
26. How did you find out you like to write?
Like I said it was 8th grade and my english teacher showed me this new side of reading that I didnt know about and then I was like fuck I can do this too!
27. Are there any writers (fanfiction writers or not) that have inspired you to start writing?
Well I used to only read the Twilight series, but then I read Cassandra Clare's books, and the it sorta branched out from there, so Stephanie Meyer and Cassandra Clare are who you should thank for that 😂
28. What's your favourite fandom to write for?
Does Stucky count as it's own fandom? Because that ship sails itself man #ExceptEndgame #FuckingSucked
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29. Describe your style in three words.
Um... smutty... gay.... fluffy?
30. What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written?
Well I've got one on Wattpad with almost 20k but it's a continuation of a story that has like 300k, otherwise most of my other ones on there have 4k actually.
31. Blurbs or drabbles?
Both are great, dudes 🤷‍♀️
32. Have you ever written smut?
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33. How long does it usually take you to write?
Used to be I could get like 20 chapters (decently long ones too) in about 8 months but now I'm not really posting anything and I'm slowly working on a current WIP
34. What's your favourite font to use when writing?
Ariel, size 11, 1.15 line spacing. Veranda is a nice font too though
35. What do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics?
I like long ones man; but I either write forever long ones or oneshots 😂
36. How do you keep yourself inspired? Seeing new things, listening to new music. Sleeping?
37. Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted it anyway?
I don't think so. I mean I've posted stuff that I wasn't excited about, but I don't think I've ever hated anything I've written
38. What's your "strong suit" as a writer?
My OCD with punctuation and formatting?
39. What's your favourite trope?
Friends who are oblivious to the other persons feelings so they dont ever make a move until they're drunk 🤷‍♀️ *40s Stucky bonus*
40. How many likes does your fics usually get?
300 for 4k reads on Wattpad
41. Have you ever used a prompt?
Absolutely! Sometimes you just need a little help and there ain't nothing wrong with that!
42. What is your weakness as a writer?
I am obsessed with the small details that nobody cares about (especially height comparisons) but I think that comes from my artistical side.
43. Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you wrote?
Oh absolutely, all the fucking time!
44. Have you ever done a collab with another writer?
Yes! Only 1 other writer who is also the asker 😘😘
45. One thing you love about fanfiction?
I think it's an amazing thing to write because people already have deep connections with the characters so you dont have to waste the first part telling their story (unless it's an AU, but even then it's totally okay to just jump right into it!)
46. What's your favourite emotion to cause your readers?
I definitely enjoy leaving them on the edge of their seats, but I also love writing fluffy scenes that make peoples hearts flutter
47. What's your favourite thing about writing?
The creativity and ability to create a reality! There's endless possibilities and that's so fascinating and amazing to me
48. Do you post your writing on other platforms? I only post on Wattpad, but I have thought about posting things on tumblr too! Thoughts?
49. What app/apps do you use to write?
Either google docs or just in Wattpad itself
50. One thing you don't like about fanfiction?
Some people get the characters totally wrong personality wise and that sorta bugs me when reading because I get confused
51. Least favourite trope?
Coffee shop AUs are a little boring unless somebody brings something new to the table (like one of them is a vampire or witch or single parent instead of just like OH this barista/customer is cute). But if I come across a coffee shop AU I'm not going to NOT read it, you know?
52. Favourite words to use when writing?
No? I mean I know everyone's writing is different and unique to the person but I don't think I have any favourites.
53. Least favourite words?
When writing straight smut I get uncomfortable with certain words people use to describe the female anatomy other then that no 🤷‍♀️
54. Do you usually like what you write?
Yeah! And if I don't, I'll change it until I like it before posting it 😂
thank you @scaryaryanna for the lovely ask and thank you to anybody who stuck around to read everything ❤❤❤❤❤
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jaerie · 5 years
I was tagged by @phd-mama and @allwaswell16 and @chloehl10 so this is more like 33/11/11 hahaha  I got a little carried away with this but I love answering stuff like this
Answer 11 questions, come up with 11 more, tag 11 people.
1. Tell me, do you like music on when you write?? 
No, I have to have silence.  Or, you know, normal household noises.  When I was in high school I listened to music with the tv on while doing my homework but now.... I think it’s moreso because I periodically close my eyes and visualize the scene or really throw myself into the character to get the emotions right and the music just takes away from that.  I also hear music in a really complex way which I won’t explain here because this is about writing, but yea, it’s too much stimulation
2. Are you someone who plots everything out before you write it?
Absolutely not.  I can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve actually plotted something for a fic in this fandom.  I’m definitely a fly by the seat of my pants kind of writer.  I generally have somewhere the fic is going, but I usually let the characters steer so sometimes it vectors off someplace I never expected it to go.  That’s how so many of my better fics have gone.  I did have to plot out As We Were, As We Are extensively because wow complex precise true to life timelines, but that’s really the only one I’ve actually done a real one for. 
3. Do you write in chronological order?
Most of the time, yes.  Occassionally I’ll jump down and write or start a scene that either inspired the whole fic or that I want to get down before I forget it, but I usually write from start to finish.  
4. Do you like to eat while writing?
hahahahaha usually no.  But only because I’ll get distracted and like.... not write.... 
5. Is there a trope you love?
I am a sucker for fake/pretend relationships.  It’s so obviously one of the most predictable storylines but I’ll read every one of them.  I don’t know why.  The misunderstanding angst of it... I don’t know! 
6. Have you written it? (See 5)
I don’t... think so... Is that bad I don’t remember?  But I don’t think I have 
7. Is there a trope you hate?
I can’t really do the sugar baby/daddy scenario... there are a few cases where it’s worked but in general, no.  
8. Have you written it? (See 7)
I think there is a little bit of it in a couple maybe?  And someone asked me to write one that’s still in my maybe pile... so I might.  
9. Can you read your main ship with other pairings?
Depends.  Usually yes because if it’s a pairing I don’t like I just kind of generically gloss over it in my mind a bit?  Or imagine the same description but not that exact person?  But there aren’t really a lot of absolute nos for me and it’s usually related to me not like that PERSON rather than the ship (taylor swift for example, have to really speed through fics with her in parts BUT like I said, it’s easy for me to imagine a likeness that’s not HER specifically. Idk).  If it’s well written then it’s worth getting through it, if it’s not well written, I probably wouldn’t finish it anyway.  
10. What’s a solid NO GO for you?
I don’t have many and most of them even have exceptions so I don’t know what a solid no is until I see a tag that’s a solid no??  And they’re the usual general niche things?  (scat, watersports, idk those things)  Hardcore bdsm-type is a no for me (but there have been some exceptions).  MOST things that are nos for me like daddy kink, I can still read the fic, I just kind of... speed through those parts?  I don’t really have any actual triggers...  I don’t really read a lot of girl direction if they’re both girls.  Which is a weird complicated issue for me because I WRITE IT.  And there are some good ones out there that I have read but in general...?  idk it’s weird and probably has a lot to do with me being sdpofijapsdgjoidsjfosdj about words for vagina rather than it actually being girls.  But to be fair it took me years to be comfortable writing cock and dick without blushing and running off.  I don’t know, it’s something about reading it that it usually isn’t my first choice.  That was a long complicated answer just to say “not really”
11. Do you have a signature move, aka, let’s say for no particular reason, just because, coming in pants?
oh my god.  Yes.  Probably.  I can’t think off of the top of my head but I definitely find myself returning to the same phrasing or words or actions.  Especially when it comes to abo and knotting.  
1. What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written, and why?
Sisterwives and As We Were, As We Are I think because they are the two I put the most into.  Plotting, planning, emotions, etc. 
2. Pick three words that you think describe your works overall.
Problematic (lol), intense/emotional, sexual. 
3. How long does it take you to write a fic?
Varies.  I’ve written 20k+ in 24 hours and I’ve written 5k in a month.  Really depends on what I’m working on and my emotional state of stress.  
4. What’s the hardest thing about writing?
For me?  Fluff and filler.  And English.  I’ve fallen into a pattern of writing that probably has a lot of errors in tense.  But... it is what it is.  
5. Do you listen to music or anything while you write? What’s normal for you when you write?
I answered this one in depth above 
6. How do you come up with titles for your fics?
I have this terrible thing where I just name a fic and run and then regret it and want to change it once it’s already posted hahahahaha There are a handful that I’ve named after Hanson lyrics just because I think it’s funny... but most of the time there is no rhyme or reason to it.  
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a new writer?
Just keep writing.  Because it’s easy to get discouraged about kudos and attention.  Kudos and attention does NOT equal quality.  It’s still something that I struggle with letting go, but as a new writer it’s more difficult not to see that as a failure.  But my first fics in this fandom still have some pretty low kudos counts and my fics in other fandoms have as few as FIVE kudos.  Five.  I think they’re great fics, but I’m just not as known in that fandom/there aren’t as many readers.  For example, I wrote this AWESOME Brokeback Mountain fic for the Hanson fandom and it has only 15 kudos.  
8.  How important do you think tags are when you are publishing a fic?
*gets up on soapbox* Tags are the most important part of publishing a fic.  I am a firm believer that anyone can write anything the want as long as it is properly tagged.  Proper tagging is the writer’s only responsibility to the reader.  If those are in place, what follows doesn’t have to be tailored to anyone.  
9. Do you write for fests/exchanges? If so, do you enjoy them? If not, why not?!
I have mixed feelings about this.  I used to write for both.  Now I exclusively write for fests and I’m selective about the ones I participate in.  Why?  Well for one, deadlines.  I’ve made the mistake too many times of overcommitting and then nothing felt right and I was stessed about it and just... not good.  As for exchanges... I’ve been burned in the past?  By dropouts and such?  Or by the giftee not liking or never reading the fic?  Or by me needing to drop out for mental health reasons but not because I was writing FOR someone?  I’ve done a handful of pinch hits since I swore off exchanges, but they’re too much anxiety for me personally.  (I have had some good experiences with exchanges though!! Not all of them were bad!!)
10. Which work of yours are you most proud of and why?
As We Were, As We Are..... because.... DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FRICKIN RESEARCH I DID FOR THAT FIC!? ALL WHILE WRITING IT DURING NANO?!?!  I put soooooooo much into that fic that I’m sad it didn’t get much attention.  It was written for the Alex exchange so Harry is written as Alex so that’s probably why.  Some people have a big problem if fics aren’t written a certain way.  I don’t know.  I was really sad about that though.  I LIVED in WWII for months with that fic and it will always be special to me.  I’ve even thought about putting more work into into it to have it published somewhere.  I know it’s not like... classic 1D fic quality or whatever but I think the bones of it are strong enough.  I don’t know, I’m probably delusional. haha but I still like it
11. What’s next for you?
Oh man.  Well.  I said I was going to stop writing for this fandom.  But then this rush of support came in and then I started to feel really spiteful and thought that I’d keep going just because of that... and I feel like I’m only just now gaining a following for my fics that keeps me motivated enough to keep improving... soooo I’ve committed to a few fests coming out this fall.  I am also participating in Wordplay going on right now.  The first fic comes out tomorrow I think.  I also have some Sisterwives timestamps.  
1. What fic have you written that you wish everyone would read?
dunkirk fic and sisterwives probably 
2. What’s your favorite character you’ve ever written?
hahahahaha harry from one of my yet to be published sekret fics hahahahaha but I really love so many of them like shifter harry
3. What’s your most popular fic and why do you think it’s your most popular?
By Kudos?  Where Do We Go Now.  And I have no idea.  Because I always have to click to even remember which one it is.  And it was written so fast and I remember not liking where it went but just hit publish because it was a pinch hit... I honestly have no idea.  Someone please give me insight on this because i have no idea.  
4. What’s one of your favorite fan fics that you haven’t written?
I kind of answered this above but I’ll also say The Wilds because it wrote so fast.  I wrote the whole thing in under 24 hours
5. What is your current WIP about?
Ummmmm Some of them are going to be posted on anon I think?  So I’ll just say Thor Harry
6. What is a fic that you hope to write someday?
siiiiigghhhhhhhh my Almost Famous au
7. Do you read fics from other fandoms? Which ones?
I read a lot of Thorki... and random fandoms.  I love to read a lot of fucked up shit just for the shock value of it?? I don’t know, I’m weird like that.  So I started branching out to general tag searches so I’ve read stuff from tons of fandoms that I don’t even know what they are.  I think Supernatural is one I frequent a lot because they have some real fucked up fics. 
8. What author or book has influenced you as a writer?
Sooooo There was a writer that really sparked my creativity back when I was in a different fandom.  But then they disappeared from that fandom and I ran into them as a popular figure in the 1D fandom but they’re kind of hated in the fandom now?? so I won’t say their name.  BUT in the other fandom, they had this fic that I still go back and read to this day every once in a while.  It was intense, a lil fucked up, and just... yeah.  The kind that sticks with you.  
9. What’s one of your favorite books from when you were a child?
Island of the Blue Dolphins.  Which I reread a few years ago and ??? idk I was a weird child.  I mean I didn’t think it was a BAD book
10. What’s an au/trope that you thought you didn’t like until you read one and loved it?
Harry Potter AUs?   haha I’m sure there are more than that because there have been a LOT I didn’t think I’d enjoy and then I loved... OH THE TIME TRAVELER AU.  I don’t remember why but I didn’t read that foreeeeever because I didn’t think it was my thing.
11. Choose one: angst or fluff?
angst.  this isn’t even a question.  
Wow.  I probably spent too much time on that.  If you’ve made it this far, kudos for sticking in there through my ramblings.  
Let’s see.  
1. What is the most problematic concept in one of your fics?
2. Mpreg. Yey or ney and why.
3. What aspect of a fic can you write but not read? 
4. What aspect of a fic can you read but not write? 
5. What fic is your most popular? 
6. Is it a fic that surprises you or is it one you wish was not as popular?
7. Is there an exchange/fest that you didn’t write for that you wish you would have?
8. Do you write in any other fandoms? 
9. What was the first fandom you started writing for? 
10. Do you write other pairings other than your main? 
11. What projects are on the back burner?  
Omg this was so hard.  um.... @tragic---love @wendydarlingfics @reminiscingintherain ummmmmm omg tagging people gives me such anxiety bc i feel like i’m annoying. its a struggle.   back at cha @chloehl10
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Righting a Wrong
This has been a WIP for soooo long but I finally finished it! (and probably stayed up wayyy too late finishing and editing it...) 
This is an AU of “To Find A Home” where Tony doesn’t end up adopting Peter. So, the next time they meet, it’s in New York and Peter has some new found super powers...
Posting below the cut because this is lonnnnng (Or at least long for my fics xD)
Peter collapsed on his bed, his ears still ringing from the reprimand he had just gotten. Yes, he understood why Mrs. Olsen had been upset, he had stayed out two hours past curfew, and this was the third time this week. But every time he told himself to head home, he would see someone else that needed help, that needed a hero, and he couldn’t say no. Even as his body ached and his head swam with exhaustion, he would never stop helping others. He had gotten these powers for a reason, he wasn’t going to waste them.
A poster on the wall caught his eye and Peter felt a small prick of sadness in his chest. Every time he had moved to a new foster home, he had debated leaving the poster behind, but he could never bring himself to. By now it was fading and curling at the edges, but the image was still as clear as ever. Tony Stark posing for…who even knew what. Peter had bought it in a store after moving on from the Onderons. It was silly, he knew. He had only stayed with Mr. Stark for a few weeks, but they had been some of the most enjoyable weeks of his life. There were days when it almost felt like it had just been a dream. But then he would pull out one of the old notebooks he had gotten with Mr. Stark all those years ago and he knew it wasn’t. Then there were the days when he couldn’t even look at the poster. He knew in his heart that it hadn’t been Tony’s fault for what happened, but he still wondered what might’ve been different if he had stayed at the mansion. If Mr. Stark had fought to keep him. But he was just a piece in a publicity game, so of course Iron Man wouldn’t do that for him.
Pushing away the painful memories, Peter reached over and grabbed his backpack, pulling out his homework while making sure his homemade suit was hidden. Glancing at the clock, Peter held back a groan. It was almost midnight. Tomorrow was going to be another long day…
With a tap, Tony rewound the video again. You would think after years of dealing with aliens and super soldiers he would be used to seeing new heroes, but this hero was different. His suit was obviously homemade, and very lacking in many departments, but it worked and he was still able to do things any normal person wouldn’t be able to accomplish. Despite Spider-man’s obvious amateur fighting style, he had potential. One day he might be an asset to the team, but only one day, for now, Tony had other things to worry about.
Upgrading tech, planning out new missions, there was plenty to focus on besides a new hero in New York. And yet during nights when he couldn’t sleep, Tony found himself studying Spider-man’s suit, and his fighting style. It really wasn’t a good suit, it clearly was a hand me down jacket or something. It wasn’t intentional, but whenever the new hero crossed his mind, Tony found himself brainstorming what kind of suit would be good for him. Soon it went from brainstorming to working out a rough prototype.
That’s how Tony found himself staring at the screen in front of him, his brain trying to wrap his mind around what he was seeing. After working on a suit, he realized he really should figure out who Spider-man was. After all, he couldn’t exactly give a suit to a stranger, and he was curious as to who this new vigilante was. But he wasn’t expecting this.
Peter Parker.
Tony would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about the kid. Hearing a child laughing in a park, picking up a science book that he just knew Peter would’ve loved. They were little things, and every time they came up, Tony tried to ignore the pang of guilt in his chest. Peter had just been a kid, and Tony had promised him that he’d pay to get him through school and make sure he had everything he needed, and he had broken that promise within a few weeks. At first, Tony had been tempted to check in on the kid, maybe call him, but then he would tell himself that wouldn’t help anyone. Peter needed to move on, Tony making any kind of contact would only make things worse. So, he forced himself not to look, instead he simply sent a few generous donations to the foster care system, hoping it would benefit Peter in some way.
But now Peter was back. He was in New York of all places. And he was a superhero. The odds of that happening were about ten trillion to one, but it had happened.
A few minutes ago, Tony was fully planning on calling whoever Spider-man was, or at least trying to plan a visit so he could show off the suit and help the vigilante out, but now all of those plans were thrown out the window. It took only a few seconds to find that Peter was still in the system. No one had ever adopted him, he had been shuffled from home to home and the guilt that weighed down on Tony’s chest was unbearable.
“Close it all, Fri.” Running a hand over his face, Tony looked over at the suit he had made and quickly pushed it to the side. He wanted to help inspire the next generation, he wanted to support new heroes, because he knew one day they would be the ones saving the world. But the thought of seeing Peter again, after all these years, after letting him down…Tony couldn’t face that. Not now.
Maybe one day he would be able to, but not today. Spider-man was doing okay for now, he didn’t need a new suit yet, right?
Right. That’s what Tony told himself over and over again, even as guilt clawed at his heart.
You’re letting him down again. That was the continual thought that haunted Tony for a week until he caved.
It was a new Spider-man video, where the kid stopped a car from running into a bus. For anyone else, it would’ve been impossible, but not for him. But as he swung away, Tony saw him holding his arm to his chest. How many times had Peter gotten bruised and battered because his suit offered no protection?
So, despite every bit of guilt and worry pressing down on him, Tony grabbed the suit and drove to the address listed for Peter’s current guardians.
He wasn’t going to let the kid down again.
Peter was exhausted. It had been another long night – though now he had made a habit of going home and then climbing out the window so he didn’t get grounded for being a hero. Every time he did, he felt a small wave of guilt for sneaking out, but it wasn’t like he was getting drunk at a party, he was helping people. That was the only way he could make himself feel better about it, even if it did result in him being exhausted on a regular basis.
Maybe tonight he would give himself a day off and just finish his homework and go to bed early. The thought was still playing around in his head as he walked to the apartment, so much so that he didn’t even notice the nice car parked outside.
As he exited the elevator, Peter’s increased senses went crazy and he quickly looked up, only to freeze as he saw who was standing in the hallway. It couldn’t be…he was hallucinating, his brain was just making things up. But as he took a few hesitant steps forward, nothing changed. Mr. Stark was still standing in front of the apartment door.
“Mr…I uh…what are you uh…?”
Mr. Stark gestured to the door. “Can we talk inside? I’ve already gotten some strange looks out here.”
Peter glanced at the door, his brain slow to connect that Mrs. Olsen was probably out visiting her sister, she did that a lot. He knew it was one of the only reasons she had taken him in, to help pay for the treatments, but she wasn’t the worst person he’d been housed with.
“Uh, right, yeah…” Peter shook his head, trying to figure out what the heck was going on even though all he wanted to do was lie down and sleep for a few hours.
Unlocking the door, Peter walked in and dropped his backpack on the floor before hesitantly looking up at Mr. Stark, who was studying the room.
“Not a bad place.”
A spark of anger jumped in Peter’s chest. Not bad. Yeah, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t a mansion either. “What are you…why are you here?”
Tony sighed and then looked up at Peter. “I just…wanted to see how you are doing.”
“Why do you care? I haven’t seen you in…years and then you just show up?” The anger in Peter’s chest blazed brighter even while he felt the hurt that had been aching inside for years press down on him.
Opening his mouth, Mr. Stark looked like he was going to talk, but then he closed his mouth and shook his head, muttering to himself.
“Look…I…it’s cool to see you and all but, I’m not your problem anymore okay?”
“Well, that’s not entirely true.” Mr. Stark held up his phone and flicked it.
A video of Spider-Man saving a car popped up and Peter felt his heart skip a beat. But then disappointment washed over him. So that was the only reason he came back…
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Peter, come on, give me some credit. You aren’t exactly subtle when you change in alleyways. How long?”
For a moment, Peter wanted to just pretend he didn’t know what Mr. Stark was talking about, but despite the hurt expanding in his chest, he also didn’t want his old guardian to leave, at least, not yet. “A few months…”
Out of the corner of his eye, Peter saw Mr. Stark nod. “What about the webbing? I’m assuming that’s not coming out of you.”
“I made it…”
A smile. “I always knew you were a bright kid.”
“Yeah, good for you. Now, it was nice to catch up and everything but I have homework I need to do so-”
It was amazing the kind of memories one word could bring back.
“What? What do you want? You obviously didn’t care about me before, but now that I have powers you suddenly remember me? I’ve been doing fine on my own okay, so if you don’t have anything else to say can you please just-”
Peter’s voice cracked and he quickly looked away, not wanting to show how hurt he was. That he only mattered now because he was a superhero.
There was a sigh, then a thump on the table. “…I’m sorry, Peter…”
A second later, the door opened and closed and Peter was alone, but when he glanced up, he saw a silver briefcase on the table. Despite the well of emotions in his chest, he found himself walking towards it and opening it up, only to jump back as he saw the most complex and amazing suit.
Glancing up at the door, Peter almost ran out after Mr. Stark, but he had no clue what to say, so he just stood there, staring at the door until his exhaustion returned and he quickly stuffed the case under his bed before taking a well needed nap.
Everything hurt. Peter was used to it by now, but normally it came from fighting crime, not just living in an apartment. It had been a few weeks since Mr. Stark had visited him and about a week ago, Mrs. Olsen had told him her sister was moving in and had to take his room. Which meant a new family. And as soon as he met Mr. Grey, Peter knew he was bad. With just one look, the hair on his arms raised and every instinct told him to run. But of course he couldn’t run. This was his new home, if he ran, he would only be in more trouble. So, he managed, and escaped through hero work while trying not to listen to the insults yelled at him every day. He had dealt with things like it before…he could again.
At least that’s what he told himself.
Maybe if he had some of his old comforts, he could get through it. But almost all of his personal items had been slowly taken away until he only had the bare necessities, and his suit. So, he did what he could. Some nights he stayed out longer than he should, sneaking in only to sleep then rushing out before anyone woke up. It was exhausting, but it was better than the alternative.
However, he couldn’t go on like that forever, there were times when he had to face his guardian and just close his eyes and take it. Then there were the nights when he was too tired to go home, when he fell asleep on fire escapes or rooftops – which oddly enough felt safer than his own room.
Something was wrong. Tony didn’t notice it right away, it was slow at first. Peter staying out later, sometimes leaving earlier. He blamed the kid’s desire to be a hero, and maybe it helped him adjust to a new home. But then, one night, when he couldn’t sleep, Tony pulled up the tracker and saw the kid far from his apartment, and his heartrate indicated he was…sleeping?
The rest of the night, Tony tried to reason that he must’ve been sleeping over at a friend’s house, but the next morning – after having barely slept at all – he still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling.
I’ll just go check on him. The thought of talking to Peter again weighed down on Tony - it hadn’t exactly gone amazing last time - but he needed to make sure the kid was okay. Even if it meant he had to face the guilt, it wasn’t like he was a stranger to guilt after all.
As soon as he knocked on the door, Tony knew something was up. The man that answered the door glared at him and was obviously trying not to show the inside of the apartment.
“What do you want?”
“Are you, Carson Grey, the guardian of Peter Parker?” Tony asked, studying the man and trying to get a better read on him. He could’ve sworn he saw a flash of fear flash on the man’s face.
“You with the state?”
“Well no, but-”
“Good. Now get out of here.”
Before the man could close the door, Tony grabbed it. “I don’t think you know who I am. I’m Tony Stark.”
The man glared at him. “I don’t care who you are. Leave!”
The door closed and Tony barely moved his fingers away in time. Something definitely wasn’t right, and he almost called Friday to send him one of his suits but a small voice told him that wasn’t the right move. No, he knew where to go.
Turning on his heel, he started walking back to his car when something caught his eye and he almost tripped over his own feet.
Sitting on the ground, next to garbage cans was a dirty looking stuffed animal.
“No…” Walking over to it, Tony crouched down and picked it up. It was…Freckles. He didn’t know how he remembered the name, or even what it looked like, but he knew it was Peter’s. After all these years the kid hadn’t gotten rid of it. But now it was out in the trash. Yes, something definitely wasn’t right. And Tony was going to fix it.
When Peter came home, he was expecting yelling, but not this…
“Who did you tell?!?”
“Wha-what?” Peter stammered backing himself against the wall and glancing at the window. He needed to get out of here before…
“Don’t ‘what’ me kid! Iron Man just showed up at my door and you play dumb?”
“Iron-” Peter stared at the man in front of him. He rarely ever believed anything Mr. Grey said, but why would he make up Mr. Stark coming to…check in on him?
“That’s it!”
The hairs on Peter’s neck rose up and he tried bolting out of the house, but a rough hand grabbed his shirt and yanked him back and it took all his power not to use his strength to stumble away. But no one knew who he was – aside from Mr. Stark – and he couldn’t change that now…
Tony was barely keeping himself in check as he walked next to Janet, the social worker who the agency had sent to check in on Peter.
“Mr. Stark, you really must wait in your car, you aren’t qualified-”
“I fostered Peter once and I’m not standing around if some jerk is hurting him.” There was no way he would’ve been able to wait in the car, especially because he highly doubted the man he had met would respect a simple social worker.
As Janet knocked on the door, Tony crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, glancing down to look at his watch. He might not have a suit but he wasn’t totally unarmed…
From the other side of the door, there was yelling, then it opened. Mr. Grey took one look at Tony and the anger on his face increased.
“Mr. Grey, I’m with the system. I’m here to check in and make sure Peter is doing well.” Janet glanced at Tony. “Per request of Mr. Stark.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but the brat isn’t here right now.” He made to close the door again but, like this morning, Tony grabbed it.
“That’s funny because I heard you talking with someone a second ago.”
“It was the TV.”
“You talk to the TV, huh? The heat signature I’m picking up would indicate otherwise.” Without another word, Tony shoved the door open, sending Carson Grey stumbling backwards.
“Mr. Stark! Forced entry is-”
Tony ignored the social worker as he made his way into the apartment and opened the door that the signature was coming from, but when he saw the sight in front of him, he froze, anger rising in his chest. Peter was huddled in the corner of the room, a black eye highlighting his face and bruises covering his arms.
Without thinking, Tony found his hand pressing a button on his watch.
“You can’t just-” Tony spun around, pulling the one shot repulsor over his hand and aiming it at Mr. Grey.
“Beat up a kid and get away with it? I agree.”
Mr. Grey stared at the repulsor, anger blazing in his eyes, but fear was holding him back.
“Say, Janet, you mind getting Peter out of here?”
“What…are you going to do?”
“Keep an eye on this piece of garbage until the police get here.” Tony caught a glance at Peter as Janet helped him up, and the kid was staring at Tony, his eyes wide.
“It’s going to be okay now, Pete.” Tony locked eyes with the kid for a moment, then looked back at Mr. Grey who had taken a step towards the door.
“No you don’t!” Tony snapped, as he took a step forward, making sure to place himself in-between Peter and the jerk.
“M-Mr. Stark?” Peter’s voice was hesitant and shaky. It broke Tony’s heart.
“Janet will take care of you, kid, don’t worry.”
Peter hesitated, but a second later he was out the door and Tony looked back at Mr. Grey. All he wanted to do was beat this jerk senseless, but he simply kept his repulsor trained on him until the police came. Then he shot him. It wouldn’t kill him, Tony knew that, but it would hurt, and if anyone deserved to be in pain for the next few days, it was this man who had hurt an innocent kid.
Peter wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. His nerves were shot during the whole ride to the agency. He didn’t know this woman, he’d only been to the agency once before, and now Mr. Stark was alone with Mr. Grey, and despite knowing that Iron Man could more than handle it, he was still worried. He knew firsthand how painful Mr. Grey’s fists could be…
And then there was the walk into the building. People were staring at him, some with curiosity, some with sympathy. Either way, Peter shrunk away from every look, wishing he had a hood he could pull over his face.
Then there was the waiting, the whispering, the questions. Every time someone new walked into the room, Peter would hug himself a little tighter and just wish they would stop making him relive it all. He knew they weren’t trying to be mean, but they needed to know what had happened, he just wished it didn’t hurt so much.
The door opened again and Peter made himself hold back a whimper. Maybe this was one of the easier ones, like that nurse who had checked over his bruises, or the nice man who had brought him something to eat.
“Hey, Pete.”
Peter’s eyes snapped open and he found himself looking at Mr. Stark, who was standing in front of him, concern glistening in his eyes. That surprised Peter almost as much as seeing Tony again.
Then the door opened again and Peter quickly whipped his head around to see who had come in. His heart sank when he recognized it as Mrs. Hinsen, the woman who always assigned his new home. He didn’t even want to think about going to a new home, not now…
“Mr. Stark, I heard you came in. While we appreciate you alerting us to the situation, your part is done now.”
“So, what? I can’t check on the kid to make sure he’s okay?”
The defensiveness in Mr. Stark’s voice was not what Peter was expecting. After all, he had only known Tony for a little while, years ago. Unless this was because of being a hero. What was he thinking? Of course it was about him being Spider-man, nothing more…
Mrs. Hinsen gestured to Peter. “He’s okay. Now please, I need to talk with Peter about where we go from here.”
Mr. Stark crossed his arms. “So, you are just going to come in and talk about new homes right after everything that happened? Why not give the kid a break?”
“We will do what is best for Peter, and that includes finding where he will be staying. Now, if you will please-”
Mr. Stark glanced at Peter, then back and Mrs. Hinsen. “Where are you sending him?”
“I am not discussing it with you, this is a matter between the agency and-”
“No.” It was a simple word, but even Peter froze at the intensity behind it. “I am not letting Peter end up in another home like that one.” He spat the last words out. “I’m not leaving until I know he’ll be okay.”
Peter wanted to say something, but his tongue seemed frozen in his mouth. He didn’t know what to say, heck he didn’t even know what to think or feel. Despite that though, he couldn’t help but feel a little touched that Tony was worried about him…even if it was only because of his newfound powers.
Mrs. Hinsen sighed. “Mr. Stark, you have no right to play any role in that unless you plan to foster Peter yourself, and with your record I don’t think-”
“I’ll do it.”
The words struck Peter in the chest. Had he just heard…?
“Foster Peter, that’s not against the law, right?” Tony’s straightforward manner was the exact opposite to the complete dumbstruck confusion Peter was experiencing.
“I…well, no but with your record, I don’t think-”
“What? I left the kid for five minutes with an AI who is smarter than many humans. I’m pretty sure there are a lot worse people out there. Oh wait, the police just arrested one. You know what? I change my mind. I don’t want to foster Peter.”
Peter couldn’t breathe. For a moment, he was a kid again, elated at the thought of living with Mr. Stark. And now it was gone…
“Good, now can-”
“I want to adopt him.”
“What?!?” Peter blurted out, the same moment Mrs. Hinsen did.
“Yeah. So, how do we go about that?”
The next day, Peter was still in shock. If someone had told him a day ago that he would be walking into the Avenger’s complex with Tony Stark, he would’ve laughed. But here he was. He felt like pinching himself to make sure it was real but…if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up from it.
“Come on, your room is this way.”
Peter glanced at Mr. Stark, but he was already walking towards the stairs so Peter grabbed the strap of his duffle a little tighter and followed.
Tony stopped in front of an open door and Peter hesitantly walked in, only to freeze as he saw the bed.
“Freckles?” Without thinking, he rushed forward and grabbed the cheetah, holding it tight, only when Mr. Stark spoke did he realize how childish it was.
“I found him and cleaned him up a little. Thought he might make it a little more like a home, cause…well the compound isn’t exactly a house.”
Even as Peter’s cheeks flushed, he found himself smiling as he held the stuffed animal tighter. “Thank you…”
“Yup. Well…I’ll let you get settled. If you need anything just ask Friday, she’s programed into the whole complex.”
“Friday? What about Jarvis?” Peter couldn’t help but ask. It may have been years ago, but he still remembered the AI who had helped him out. Only when he saw Mr. Stark flinch did his stomach clench in fear.
“He…well, he’s kind of here. But…well, you’ll meet him soon. Friday is my new AI, she handles things almost as well.” Tony gave a half smile and then waved as he headed out the door, leaving Peter feeling confused and slightly guilty.
Still hugging Freckles, he looked around the room. It was pretty plain, but it was nice. There was a window looking out over the complex and Peter found himself standing in front of it as he tried to come to terms with all that had happened.
He couldn’t be more relieved to be away from Mr. Grey, and the sore ribs were the only things left from his time there. But as excited as he was to be here, with Mr. Stark, with the Avengers, he couldn’t help but feel anxious. He was here because he was an asset, he was a hero…what if he couldn’t keep up?
Training was normal around the complex, making sure everyone was in top form for the next mission. Tony hadn’t expected Peter to want to join in so quickly, but a day after he arrived, he showed up – albeit a little late – to training. A small knot of worry grew in Tony’s chest at first. Peter was just a kid and he had been beaten up only a few days ago. But after a few rotations, he seemed fine.
So, Peter joined each training session, though Tony made sure he never went on mission. He was just a kid and he was Tony’s responsibility, there was no way he was taking him to other countries to fight. Besides, he would have plenty of time to be a hero in the future, now he was just a kid. But apparently Peter didn’t think that.
“What am I doing wrong?”
Tony froze, stopping before the bend in the hall. Peter was frustrated, that was clear, but about what? In the few weeks he had been here, the kid had been perfectly fine. And after the little incident with his science project, he always came to Tony when he was confused with school – though sometimes he went to one of the other Avengers, much to Tony’s disappointment.
“I train as hard as I can and I never go on missions…ugh!”
As Tony walked around the corner, he saw Peter kicking the wall.
“Hey now, if you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at me, not the wall.”
Peter’s head shot up and his eyes went wide. “Mr. Stark, I uh…” Ducking his head, he looked at the ground. “Sorry…”
“What are you sorry for? Kid, this place is built to withstand just about anything, I don’t think even your super strength could hurt it too much.” Tony hoped a little teasing might help the kid relax a little, but Peter didn’t even look up.
Peter opened his, but then he shut it and bunched up his shoulders. “I…I’m going to go work on my homework.” He turned around, obviously wanting to get away quickly. But a knot of worry was growing in Tony’s chest and he couldn’t ignore it.
“Wait.” Tony reached out and placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder to stop him. When he flinched, Tony quickly pulled away, not wanting to spark any bad memories for the kid. To his relief though, Peter didn’t keep walking, though he didn’t turn and look at Tony either.
“Look, Pete, you’re still learning. Missions are dangerous, you’ll get to them one day, but for now I want you to focus on school, okay?”
A simple nod. Then Peter turned and hurried away, leaving Tony even more worried than before. For a split second, a spark of doubt fired in his chest. He didn’t know any more about raising a kid than when he had first taken in Peter. But he waved that thought away. He had regretted letting Peter go once, he wasn’t going to second guess himself now. The kid was something special, and Tony wasn’t going to let him go again. He would give him time and space. If something was really wrong, Peter would ask for help.
Focus on school. The words kept ringing around in Peter’s brain, each time berating him more and more. He wasn’t ready for missions, he wasn’t good enough, he was too inexperienced. And there was only one way to change that.
After school, Peter would suit up and look for anything to fight. It was reminiscent of the days of using being a hero to escape the harsh realities of life. But now it had a different purpose. To prove he was ready, that he wasn’t just a kid. Most days, he told Mr. Stark he was hanging out with a friend, or staying late at the school lab to work – which were flimsy excuses seeing as his lab at the complex was way better than anything at school and he didn’t really have any super close friends. But they seemed to work. If only crime in the city would work for him too.
Most of the time he only caught thieves or muggers, or spent his days doing little things - which he normally enjoyed - but he needed something big.
It wasn’t until he overheard a police radio that he found something promising. It was chatter about a gang of people who kept hitting up banks and jewelry stores, anything with a lot of money or valuables. And they didn’t care about who got hurt in the process.
“I hate these guys…”
Peter heard the officer in the car mumble. It wasn’t a supervillain but…it might do…
Then he saw their handywork. Or really, the rubble left behind. After finding out about the gang, Peter had looked up where they had recently attacked and decided to see just what they had done in the past, and it was bad. But maybe that was a good thing. If Peter could take them down on his own, surely that would be enough to get on a mission, to prove that he was ready to be a hero.
It was about a week after he had found out about the gang. Peter had done recon and put together a list of possible places they would hit, and knowing where the police normally patrolled, he narrowed it down to a museum.
Waiting was a pain, but if he knew what was to come, Peter would’ve been fine waiting all night. When he saw the group, his stomach dropped. There were at least six of them, and none of them were small. Maybe this was too much…but this was his chance, Peter had to earn his keep and prove his worth. Taking a shaky breath, he steeled himself then jumped to the ground, wanting to stop them before they could inflict any damage – on the museum or the guards inside.
“Hey guys, I think the museum is closed.” Despite the fear, Peter found the quip escaping his mouth, and the familiarity of it helped him feel steadier.
The group looked at him, but after a second, all but one continued their trajectory towards the museum.
“Aw, come on, it’s more fun when everyone joins in!” Peter shot webs at two of them, and started aiming for a third.
Then his entire body exploded in pain and he fell to his knees, a cry escaping his mouth. Looking up, he saw one of the men walking towards him, a strange looking gun in his hand, and it was pointed at Peter, finger on the trigger.
Peter jumped out of the way before the blast hit him again, but his body felt weak and shaky. There was no blood, but whatever had hit him felt much worse, making his vision fuzzy. Fear closed around his throat. He hadn’t been planning on strange guns in this scenario, but he had to do this.
Hitting the strange gun with his webs, Peter pulled it out of the thug’s hand before webbing up another one. But the rest had already blasted the door, apparently his webs didn’t hold them for long.
“Come on, Peter, step it up.” He muttered to himself as he ran to the entrance of the museum, only for something to hit him hard in the chest, sending him flying back into the ground.
“Take that bug.”
A laugh. “He’s not much of a threat, is he?”
With the ringing in his head, only Peter’s enhanced senses alerted him to the incoming hit, and he barely managed to jump away, only for a shock to erupt through his entire body as the strange gun hit him again, resulting in a clumsy landing. And this time, he couldn’t move fast enough to avoid being hit by the other thug, which sent him flying into a lamp post. Pain shot through his back and tears played in his eyes.
Everything hurt, and Peter could barely dodge the next attack, but it wasn’t any use. A blast from the other thug’s gun stunned him. Then another hit. Peter needed to move, he needed to leave, to get out of there, to do something. But pain and fear were clouding his mind. He couldn’t think straight.
Another hit. Blood in his mouth. A small attempt to web up the guy, but Peter’s aim was off and it flew right over the man’s head. This time two blasts hit him, draining all the energy from his body.
“You picked the wrong crew to mess with kid.”
Peter could barely hear the words, maybe his ears were broken, or maybe he was just in too much pain to understand what was happening. Because the next second he thought he heard a loud thump, and a voice that he could’ve sworn was Mr. Stark.
“Actually, you’re the ones who picked the wrong kid to mess with.”
There were blasts, yells, all of them rang painfully loud in Peter’s ears. Car wheels screeched, and then it was silent, blissfully silent. Until the sound of machinery and footsteps echoed in his ears.
“Pete!” This time, Peter was almost sure it was Mr. Stark’s voice, but even the thought of opening his eyes exhausted him. Only when his mask was pulled off and his chest propped up did Peter try to try to open them, but the lights of the city physically hurt him and with a groan he quickly shut them again.
“Oh thank goodness, Fri what’s wrong with him?”
There was silence for a moment, and then a curse from Tony.
“Kid what were you thinking?” There was anger in his voice, and Peter would’ve flinched if his body wasn’t hurting so much.
“Bad guys, had to stop them.” It was all he could mutter, and when he did, he could taste the blood in his mouth.
“Not six guys with crazy tech!” Tony practically yelled, which was murder on Peter’s ears.
Silence, then a sigh. “Come on, let’s get you to the complex and cleaned up.”
“What about the guys?” Despite everything hurting, Peter wanted to make sure they had been stopped.
“They had some kind of tech that took out my suit for a bit. The others should be tracking them, they won’t get far.”
“Mkay…” It was the only response Peter could come up with. Now that his adrenaline was dying, everything was starting to hurt even more, which didn’t seem possible. Darkness started creeping over him and he couldn’t find the strength to fight it.
A dull pain. That was the first thing Peter woke to. The next thing he noticed was the beeping coming from somewhere off to his side. Then he pried an eye open, only to close it at the brightness of the room. After a second, he forced himself to open both eyes, and then he saw the room – an infirmary room in the complex.
How had he gotten here? He tried to piece together what had happened before he blacked out, but it was all fuzzy. He had a vague memory of talking to Mr. Stark but…that couldn’t be right, could it?
“About time you woke up.”
The voice sounded from his side and Peter quickly looked for its source, but regretted the movement as soon as he did.
Peter spotted Tony as he spoke again, and he froze. “I…what…”
Mr. Stark held up a hand. “First things first. You’re grounded.”
“Second.” Tony continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “I’m taking away your suit.”
“What! No! You can’t do that!” Peter sat up, wincing at the pain, and a hand helped ease him down so he was lying back again.
“Yes, I can. I made the suit and you ran blindly into a fight that you had no chance of winning. If you can’t use it properly, then you shouldn’t have it. Or fight, hence the grounded part.”
“What? Wha…what about training?” Peter felt himself deflating. He had been trying to prove he was ready for more, and now he had lost everything.
A shake of the head. “No suit, no training.”
The simple words hurt, not as much as the strange weapon, but…almost as much. If he wasn’t training, how long would it be until he was sent away again?
Peter didn’t realize tears were building up in his eyes, until the world started going fuzzy. Shame grew inside of him. Heroes didn’t cry. But then again, he wasn’t really a hero anymore, was he?
A sigh from Mr. Stark. “You should rest up.” A hand patted his shoulder, but Peter barely felt it. He was going to lose everything again, and it was all his fault.
He tried to hold back the tears, he managed for a few seconds. But each moment he fought it, the pain in his body grew, until everything hurt, and then a sob escaped his mouth. Covering his mouth, he tried to stifle it, but it was no use. Another sob, then another as the tears fell from his eyes.
“Pete? Hey…it’s okay.” Mr. Stark’s voice was soft, he almost sounded worried, but Peter barely registered that.
“No it-it’s not I-I thought I could…I could prove myself, but-but then I…” Another sob.
“You don’t need to prove yourself.”
“Yes I do! That-that’s the whole reason I-I’m here.”
“Peter, what…? What are you talking about?” There was genuine confusion in Tony’s voice, but Peter didn’t register it, all he could think about was going to a new home, of being sent back into the world, lost and alone.
“Spider-spider-man…I, he…he’s why I-I’m here.”
Silence. Only the beeps of the machine next to him broke it, and each moment drove Peter deeper and deeper into the reality of it all. He had ruined it all, and now he was going to have to leave. The complex was only for heroes, he didn’t belong there anymore.
The seriousness of Mr. Stark’s voice pulled Peter out of his thoughts, and he found himself looking up at Tony – a true hero. The man Peter had looked up to for so many years.
“I didn’t adopt you because you’re Spider-man.”
It was the last thing Peter expected to hear. “You…you didn’t?”
“Of course not!” Tony tossed a hand up as if it was obvious. “Ever since you left all those years ago I…I wondered if I had made a mistake. I told myself it was the right call, that you would be fine. And then I found out all that happened to you, all I could’ve prevented if I had just swallowed my pride and fought to get you back. I let you go once and you suffered for it. I couldn’t let that happen again.”
Peter’s sobs had eased a little, but as Tony spoke, he found tears welling up in his eyes again, but this time they weren’t fueled by fear. “So…you…you aren’t going to send me back?” Peter could barely get the words out, but he had to know.
Mr. Stark placed a hand of Peter’s shoulder. “Pete, someone would literally have to fight me if they wanted to put you back in the system.”
“Yup, and good luck to them, because I have plenty of suits and a lot of money to-”
It was too good to be true. But relief, hope, happiness – more emotions than Peter could process – flooded his system and he found himself doing something he never thought he would do. He flung his arms around Mr. Stark and hugged him tight. And then the impossible. Tony hugged him back.
Tears fell from Peter’s eyes, but this time, they didn’t hurt. Because he had been wrong. The complex might not be a normal home, and maybe Mr. Stark wasn’t a typical guardian, but as a hand ran through his hair he knew that it was where he belonged.
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WIP tag meme
aaah, I was tagged over 2 months ago by @parkkate O.O sorry for not doing this sooner @parkkate​ XD I’ve been offline for a few months! Just now catching up on everything I missed! but I’m ignoring asks for now because my inbox is a mess
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I’m gonna cheat and only do this for my drarry wips, since I post everything else on another account now, and tbh I have so many drarrys it’s still gonna be a long ass post XD
Oh man *sweats nervously* I’m a bit of a hoarder in all aspects of my life...I don’t even know where to begin! 
I’m not tagging anyone cos I was tagged 2 months ago and I have no idea who has and hasn’t done this and don’t want to be a pain. But if you wanna do it, go a head, and please tag me so I can be nosy and hopefully find someone with a wip problem as bad as my own so I can be less embarrassed XD
Also I’m putting this under a cut for reasons
1. 4th year au idea 
Sooooo, right off the bat, I often open a new file to jot down an idea even though I have docs specifically to dump ideas...and then at some point during the process of jotting down basic details of the idea...I start writing it....? This is one such occurrence...but I had to open it to check...and now I want to keep writing it XD
But also yikes it’s super dark
2. ... 4th year au idea
I swear, this is an entirely different wip and I am going ‘wtf’ at myself because wtf that’s confusing! I had also totally forgotten the existence of this before opening it....probably because of the name of it and the only reason I apparently have 2 files the exact same name is that one is a word doc and one is a libre office doc XD
3. drarry character death idea
Soooo, I need to stop turning idea files into wips without changing the names because I actually forget they are wips apparently
Also, I really want to finish this RIGHT NOW IT HURTS SO GOOD GIMME GIMME GIMME
4. Veela fic followup
LOL LOL LOL I’m rewriting my veela fic so I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to end up doing with this XD I might have to try and merge it with the re-write if the story has a similar outcome when I’m done. or maybe I’ll just turn this into its own thing....
5. Veela fic present tense
I really need to get back to working on this, this is actually the full re-write that re-doing the tenses spawned...I was binge writing this before my life went to hell but then my life went to hell and I went offline for like three months and didn’t do any writing or anything XD
although, the last time I looked at it I got the itch to change it back to past tense so who fucking knows what I’ll do with it now
6. Veela fic Draco pov
Curse my obsession with alternate povs of the same story and Draco for being such a good angsty pov
7. Veritaserum idea start
At least this one has ‘start’ in it so I know it is in fact a wip and not just an idea outline XD
7. Veritaserum
So, turns out I started that fic over in a new file and just left the old one lying around XD I do that too often. I should delete that other one...
Also...this better not turn into another ‘Amortentia’ with me unable to think of a fucking title and going with the file name because lame
This is also my first time trying to do god’s eye 3rd person instead of 3rd person pov...also first time trying to do this weird structure thing...I dunno but I like it XD
8.  CTS followup
9. CTS sequel
Two separate followups set at different times in the same story verse... I hate myself. I love them both. I can’t pick which one to stop writing so I’m gonna keep them both around and try and make them merge at some point...
10. MMB saying sorry
11. another erase the shame
12. next erase the shame
I work on followups and lose interest so often (usually because people bug me for followups and I get very ‘fuck you’ about it and stop writing them...but I keep them around and tinker with them every now and then soooo they’re still technically wips
13. Tea and Coffee oneshot series (Tea and Coffee, Coffee and Dark Marks, The Cottage Kitchen, next untitled one)
There’s also a present tense version of the first one of those *sweats nervously* first 3 are finished, of course, but my original purpose is lost to them becoming a long fic soo....gonna merge them into one long fic soon...once I decide what tense I like better......kill me now
14. Communion of the Soul (folder name)
This is the sequel to One Touch and this is spread across 5 files because apparently I did that and even though each time I got to work on it I have to figure out which file holds which part of the sequel timeline and which I feel like working on...I have yet to merge them into one file to make my life easier...
15. Crumbling Facade
ugh working on this always makes me want to re-write restraint and actually put in the major plot line, or what was supposed to be Harry’s major plot line before the relationship crap got away from me and I had to cut out all the plot stuff because by the time I got around to addressing it, it started reading like a completely different fic and I had to cut a huge chunk and end it instead, because back then I sucked more than I do now and couldn’t juggle
sooo...I still work on this in starts and stops and then get frustrated for having to stick to Restraint’s chain of events when I have better ideas now for working in Harry’s plot about his damn magic problem and ARRGEHGEHGFVEDHDBVUIOFNBFKDB EFBVJ
I should just let Crumbling Facade take me where it wants to take me and fuck Restraint
16. Potter’s Insatiable Heart
This is my longest wip at 130k XD and I’m stalling now because if I keep going with it where I was intending to go it will end up my longest fic and I’m getting intimidated by the length and how much work it will be to edit that long of a fic so I just go in and write a few paragraphs now and again, get scared of the length and move on to another wip XD
I also periodically binge read this bitch because I love it to death even though it’s severely flawed XD
17. Corset Drarry
oh boy, when I started writing this this I was weirded out by writing a kink I didn’t understand and kind of tailed off and left it...then I did kinktober for voltron and now I’m laughing at myself because corsets and lingerie is so fucking tame after that kinktober list and all the the crap I wrote for it XD
18. Music in the Periphery
Emily bugs me about finishing this a lot...I bug me about finishing it, progress is non-existent because I have a clear plan for it and when I have a clear plan I can’t write for shit
19. Saying Sorry (Round 2) (MMB)
I gotta kick that habit of starting over with something but keeping the first attempt and still working on it parallel to the second attempt, because then I wind up with 2 fics too similar to each other to post both and I’m completely unable to pick which one I like more *facepalm*
Also, MMB is dead if I can’t stop turning the next fic attempts into angst, I just look at that big fluffy mess and want to angst it all up
20. scrapped MMB ficlets - theo’s letter
not technically drarry thought the greater series is drarry...torn between making it mmb or making it its own fic for a rare pair
21. Weather the Storm
*cries* my 6th year war au, I have such plans for this, but the plans get in the way of writing =(
22. Soulmate AU (folder name)
fucking hell, this is 10+ files and I’m not naming all of them, current count is 5 completed versions 60k+ each, 1 incomplete alternate version, all of which I’m seriously unsatisfied with, none of which I can bear to delete, all of which I periodically go and tinker with, thus leaving them all wips i’m such a fucking hoarder but also I have never gotten over all the awful comments that were on the original soulmate fic on ffnet before my purge and now I can’t ever be satisfied unless it is perfect and wont result in such horrible comments again
23. Turnabout (folder name)
Once again, multiple wips in here of the same 60k finished fic I’ve been unhappy with since the moment I finished it and keep trying to fix by starting over and changing things here and there to change the course of the story. Honestly ready to hit the delete button with this one unless my latest attempt pans out, liking it so far buuuut I’m a mess about my writing so who knows
In the Ways that Matter was based off this fic XD
24. Dependency 
Oh boy, I abandoned this cos it was so dark I got too uncomfortable writing it...I’ve since started revisiting it after being in the Voltron fandom gave me a new tolerance range for dark content XD
Plan on posting this on anon if I ever finish it, obviously changing the title XD it stopped being relevant after the first 30k anyway 
25. Dependency V2
LOL light version of the above that removes most of the dark aspects while maintaining the core plot, but I’m finding it a bit dull XD not sure how long I’ll keep trying to chug along with it
26. *censored title*
hahahaha omg why is this in a different subfolder, this is actually one of the soulmate au ones only it’s actually a spin off au of the original soulmate one I from ffnet and therefore it’s new ground and I’m less unhappy with it
.....I’m probably going to stop working on turnabout today and work on this instead now
(censoring the name because I might post this on anon because I’m too scared to post another drarry soulmate fic under my own name)
27. Retrospection
Sooo, I’m always on and off this fic cos it triggers my anxiety and depression, but fuck that I want to write it so I keep trying XD
I’m also thinking of splitting the two main plots and only going with 1 and using the other to write another story....see if that eases how difficult it is for me to write without self triggering
28. Sequel to mornings
29. Sunrise (loose prequel to mornings)
30. Surrender
but also I really really really love what I wrote so far and now I’m itching to write more *cries* making this list is leaving me with so many open files to work on
31. day 2 ass worship
32. day 3 sensory deprivation
*laughs nervously* the kinktober oneshots that starting turning into a long fic hahahaha cos I really needed more wips
33. Perception of Angels
*wistful sigh* one day I will be able to finish a heavily plot driven story full of fantasy elements and creatures and magic I made up, and when that day somes, Perception of Angels....or that timetravel war au drarry fic idea I have sitting around.....which isn’t on this list only cos I’m not stupid enough to start writing it
So that’s all the drarry files in my wip folder.... I also have heaps more for other ships and fandoms, but I’m keeping that separate =)
And...now I have some writing to go do, cos after 2 months of being unable to write thanks to the bullshit in my life, I started binge writing again 2 days ago =) and opening a few of these to remind myself what they were has a lit a fire under my ass
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