#the quality isn't the best and the cleaning isn't that good either... but i did my best! hope y'all like it
purple-lake · 7 months
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Happy birthday Akutagawa🎉🎉 I did something kind of different: A colouring from an illustration from the bsd staff book!!
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^Here are the original scan, and my cleaned up version^ (thank you for uploading the scans @kyouka-supremacy!)
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entomolog-t · 8 months
Silly lil brainrot thats stuck in my head cause everyone's been talking about sizeshifters lately (AND I AM HERE FOR IT)
Just image a character looking for a roommate to help split rent, but their spare room is stupidly small. They put an add out, and get a few people coming by but no one wants that cramped of a bedroom, no matter how cheap they make it-
Until someone does.
They're frankly surprised- they figured at this point it was a lost cause but the person seems weirdly delighted??
They are overjoyed at the price too- and character A can understand their joy- given the size of the room they were getting desperate price wise.
A week goes by and everything seems fairly normal. They put a lock on their door, but that seemed pretty standard when you're moving in with a stranger. They're clean, friendly, and pretty fun to be around- just a little forgetful, but who isn't?
By the second week though, Character A is noticing some weirdness. B doesn't seem to eat... They never see them cooking, theres nothing in the fridge, and they don't seem to go out for food either.
When A brings it up B brushes it off, saying they have a minifridge in their room and a lil personal stove. It seems like a good enough excuse until A realizes they've never seem them do dishes. Ever.
By the third week A is convinced theres something weird about B. They have to do some repairs on B's room and when they go in they're just in shock. It looks even smaller than before- B having put bookshelves along almost every wall- but theres no books in the shelves. Its all...
Fantastically intricate rooms, ranging from something out of a fantasy castle, to influencer mansion type rooms. The longer they look, the weirder it seems though. The rooms are all connected- slides, bridges, ladders... Did they have a pet mouse or something??
Spying one room with a hamster wheel, A is convinced that B has the most spoiled pet in the world. Although... they never mentioned having a pet. Not that it was an issue, but A made it pretty clear that they should tell them if the have a pet in case of a fire or any type of emergency.
And then A sees it- or well, more accurately, doesn't see it.
They ... they dont have a bed??
Sufficiently weirded out but trying their best not to judge, A starts on whatever repairs they have to make, only to realize the project is not going to be a one and done job.
They let B know they'll have to go back into their room later this week and they work out a date and time-B assures them they'll be out of the house and will leave the door unlocked.
The day rolls around and when A goes to start the repairs they grimace. B forgot to leave their door unlocked. They really didn't have time for this. They give B a call, but it goes straight to voicemail.
With a sigh, they grab a credit card. It looked like a cheap lock anyways. Slipping the card between the door and frame they manage to bypass the lock with ease. It really was a cheap thing...
As they go to start the repairs, a little bit of movement catches their eye.
A small lump curled up under the covers of a massively luxurious bed.
Awe! So they did have a mouse!
and it slept under the covers?? Adorable.
It had to be pretty well trained if it didn't have any sort of actual cage? Maybe it was a rat? They could be pretty smart... though it was small.
Curiosity peaked, A pinches the tiny covers in their hand- not without noticing how incredibly soft and high quality they are- pulling the covers back.
A small hand rips the cover back, and they here a muffled
"Five more minutes..."
Eyes wide, they freeze, the world around them feeling frozen in this bizarre moment. A second passes. Then another.
The tiny figure in the bed bolts upright, head turning to A.
Their eyes lock in the most awkward dual realization.
"What are you doing-"
A interrupts them, holding up a tool.
"Repairs were today."
B nods, eyes wide.
"I uh... I forgot about that."
"BuT eNtO, DoNt YoU wAnT tO bE bIg?"
Yes obviously, but in this economy?? In the privacy of my own home I'll subsist for month off of 10$ in groceries thank you very much.
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joojeans · 1 year
hi sno! im just wondering who do you think would be the boy dad or girl dad among hyung line? imsoo sick im already thinking of them as the father of my children (i dont think id ever want to have kids...) thank you <3
&team hyung line: girl dads vs boy dads
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k: k is such a boy dad. i think he would get nervous with a little girl because he would be so afraid of accidentally hurting her sdfjsfs :( but a little boy! he would be k's shadow. he'd take him with him to run errands, to walk the dog, even to work if he's able. he would make it his duty to turn the little guy into a miniature version of himself. he'd even have him double team you (the mom) with matching pouty faces when k wants to go for ice cream but you've said it's too late. because how can you say no to both of them at the same time? he's the cool dad 99% of the time so you usually have to be the disciplinarian but he can step up to the plate if and when he needs to. fake beefs with his son about which one you love more.
fuma: equal parts girl dad and boy dad. with a little girl, he's spoiling tf out of her and treating her like she hung the moon in the sky. it's a stark contrast to how he'd raise a little boy—making sure he corrects even the smallest misbehavior. he teaches his son about nutrition and being active from a young age so he doesn’t have to struggle with it later in in life while also playing video games with him when they get back home. his little girl is his princess and he buys her pretty things and snuggles with her mid-day if she wants him to. his little boy is expected to help with dinner and cleaning up and he watches his words a lot more carefully. it's not that he doesn't hold them to the same standard so much as it is letting the mom take the lead with the daughter while he takes the lead with his son. he will still make sure his little princess isn't acting crazy. she just gets away with a little bit more until her mom's around.
nicholas: he's a girl dad and i'm so sad about it !! he's the softest dad, carrying her around as much as she wants. he will cave to anything she asks for and if mom says no, he'll give it to her in secret. paints her tiny nails :(( her freedom of expression is very important to him so he'll be walking around the grocery store with her dressed fully in costume if that's what she wanted to wear that day. he's good at disciplining her, but in the gentlest way possible. he'll use a soft voice and puppy eyes to make sure she doesn't feel like he's angry. she's his heart for real. he comes home and no matter what kind of day he's had, he finds her first thing and spends quality time with her, only to make your heart swell with that much more love for him.
euijoo: both pt. 2. with a son, he's dedicated to raising a polite, well-intentioned young man. he has many heart to hearts with him as he's growing up to make sure he understands that just because some boys may act this way or that way, it doesn't mean that it's right. makes sure he understands how to treat women and be mindful of their struggles. his daughter is his sunshine in a sometimes stormy world. he's so protective of her. if she trips or hurts her finger or someone at school makes her cry, he's falling over his feet to make sure she's okay. makes sure to warn her about "how boys can be" and will give a stern look to any boy around her so they know to be on their best behavior with his daughter. good at talking either of them through any misbehavior by making them understand exactly why what they did was wrong and how they can handle it better next time. will watch them carefully when the situation arises again, a proud smile and words of praise when they navigate it successfully.
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nethhiri · 3 months
Marooned: Chapter 47
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: mention of sexual situations, lite trauma
Confessions of a (Grown Ass Man) Drama Queen
For the entire next day, you slept. Kid and Killer had taken you back to the ship and cleaned you up after waking up in a sticky mess with you, Wire, and Heat. The following day, you woke up while it was still dark. You were in the captain's quarters, but Kid wasn't around, neither was Killer. Still feeling a bit... crusty, you decided to shower off. When you were done, you tried rousing Mini to no avail. She would not be woken easily, so you let her sleep and went to the infirmary.
You weren't really trying to sneak around. You were trying not to wake anyone up who still might be sleeping, including Kid if he was in his workshop. Hushed voices caught your attention and you couldn't help but eavesdrop. 
"Kil, what do I do?"
"What do you mean? It sounds like you already spilled the beans."
"What if she doesn't remember? What if she DOES remember?"
"Is this why you've had trouble sleeping?" Killer sighed. "Well, did you mean it? Or was it just the heat of the moment?
"Both?" Kid paused. "Yer feelin the same ain't ya?"
Killer took a while to respond and your ears strained to hear his answer. "More or less... I'm not ready to go there yet."
Your ears got hot and your palms got sweaty. The memory of the other night came back to you. Wasn't this what you wanted? You were overwhelmed at the thought. You had never experienced this feeling with one person, let alone two. Truly, you thought Killer would say it before Kid, not to mention, you never expected that either would say it in that context, or maybe even at all. Kid hated you in the beginning. Though they do say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and when Kid had feelings, they were usually impulsive and strong.
Suddenly, you felt very guilty about what you were doing. You went back to the entry, opening and shutting the door loud enough for them to hear. "Good morning, gentlemen." You walked into view, leaning against the doorframe to the adjoining room. They looked mildly startled, but were nonchalant. You tried your best to appear cool, like you hadn't heard anything.
"Well if it isn't our sleepy little cumpling."
You blinked. Cumpling? "I hate that." 
"What! Cum dumpling? I thought it was kinda cute," Killer pouted. 
"She prefers cum dump," Kid snickered.
"I do not." You added, "I'm rescinding my greeting and would like to replace it with 'Good morning, assholes'."
"Aw don't be like that. We had such a good time two days ago."
"You mean yesterday?"
"Nah you slept a long time, doll."
"Oh. Well, fuck." You glanced outside to see that it was still dark out. "And you guys aren't still sleeping because?"
Kid's face turned pink. 
"I've gotta start breakfast." Killer left, but not before pointedly elbowing his friend.
"I was uh... working on something for ya." Kid rifled around his workbench looking for whatever it was. 
He presented you with a metal bracer. It was fairly plain and a bit thicker than you would expect for something like that. It was very high quality metal, however, which you only knew because Kid taught you how to recognize it. You looked at it and back to Kid, questioningly. 
"It's, um, nice." 
"I said I would make ya something useful, didn't I?"
"I believe your exact words were something along the lines of: I'll make ya something that will blow your tits off." You looked down. "They're still attached." You grinned at him.
Kid huffed, bringing the item to you and using his power to put it around your forearm. "I would have made it more decorative but the whole point is that ya can mold it into whatever ya want. I thought for a while about what would suit ya, but I've seen ya pick up just about anything and yer able to fight with it, so why would I restrict ya to one thing. Ya use your fruit or yer weapon, but with this ya can use both at once." Kid added. "A snake has two fangs, aye?" He pointed to your holstered gunblade and your new addition.
You were impressed that Kid put that much thought into it. It was smart. This way you wouldn't have to look for raw materials to convert. It glowed a soft yellow as you played around with it. First, you made it into a sword, metal crawling down the back of your hand into a long, flat blade. It was still attached to the bracer, leaving your hand free. Simple enough. Next, you changed it again into claws coming from your fingertips, into brass knuckles, into a gauntlet. Then, the metal coated your arm, mimicking Kid's. 
"I'm you." You showed it off. "Wait." You used your fruit to make your hair red and spiky, and matched your facial scars to his. "Now, I'm you."
"Pf. My tits are bigger."
You quirked an eyebrow. You hadn't tried body modification in that way before. You laughed, at the same time making your boobs bigger. "This is so stupid." You made the best impression of Kid's scowl that you could and impersonated him. "Yer a pain in the ass, Rotten."
"Is it wrong that this is turnin me on a wee bit?" Kid took a step toward you, hands outstretched and making grabbing motions. 
"Fucking narcissist." You changed yourself back to normal, minus one thing, well, two things. When Kid's hands touched your chest, it was flat. 
Kid made a pouting face, hands full of nothing. "HAH?!"
"Would you look at that? You did blow them off," you said, cackling. 
"Put them back!" Kid sounded slightly concerned, "You can put them back, right?" 
"What? Am I only a walking pair of tits to you?" This time, you actually returned to your normal appearance.
"No!" He couldn't help himself, reaching out to grab one anyway. 
You knocked his hand away and backed up. "Say three things you like about me, then."
"Mouth, pussy, ass." Kid smirked. "Not necessarily in that order."
You blocked a few more of his attempts, backing away from him, before it escalated into him chasing you around the workshop. It helped that you were smaller and faster than him, and that he wasn't using his devil fruit to grab you. Every time he got closer to catching you, you giggled. He was close to catching you. It probably would piss him off, but you jumped and slid over his workbench, scattering tools and papers to the ground. You righted yourself and rounded on him, forming a sword with your bracer again. It clanged against his metal arm as he parried. Neither of you moved, pressing against each other with equal strength. He didn't look pissed though. He was laughing, too. Both of you were catching your breath.
"Tsk. I don't think you're telling the truth, Captain." You felt his force waver ever so slightly. Internally, you smirked. 
"Get over yourself." Kid forced you back. "Looks like a draw."
"I heard what you said the other night." Your eye bored into his and you waited for the inevitable hesitation in his push, using it to force him back against the bench.
Kid stumbled backwards, falling onto the flat surface. "H-Hold on." Kid pushed himself upon his elbows.
You walked until you were flush with his knees, pushing them apart to settle between his thighs hanging off the table's edge. Your power returned your sword to the bracer and also lowered the height of the table, so that you could bend over him. You licked your lips, grabbing his meaty thighs. 
Kid bit his lip. Were you referring to that? What if you weren't and he outed himself accidentally. Whatever the case, his mouth was running dry with you staring down at him like you were. His face was going cherry red as you picked up one of his thighs and rested it on your shoulder. "Remind me what I said." This way there would be no confusion. And even if you didn't return the feeling, at least he might get to hear it from your lips just once. He could pretend. 
You snickered, hand running up and down his thigh. It was hot, seeing him flustered like this. Maybe he would be open to trying something like this in the future. A thought popped into your head: Could I.... give myself a dick?. This wasn't the time to think about possibilities. No. You had to focus on embarrassing Kid as much as possible. 
You kissed the inside of his knee and leaned down until your lips nearly brushed his ear. Shockingly, he was flexible enough for you to keep his thigh on your shoulder as you did so. "I love ya." When you pulled back slightly to see his face, you were taken by the softness in it. You meant to tease him and gloat about it. This face though, it changed your mind. You cleared your throat. "That's what you said." You looked from his eyes to his lips and back. "I didn't say it."
Kid's eyes flicked the same way yours did, from your lips back to your eyes. "Ya just did."
Before you had a chance to protest or argue that you were just repeating what he said and most certainly did not say it of your own volition, Kid had pulled you down into a kiss. It was soft, not like the hungry, rough ones you were used to with him. Your lips moved slowly against his, alternating between kissing his top and bottom lip. You had released his thigh to instead grab his face, a hand on each side. You hadn't consciously done it. He sucked on your bottom lip, though didn't use teeth or slip his tongue in your mouth. This wasn't a sexual kiss, it was a sensual one, a romantic one. You pulled away and found that you both had a hard time looking each other straight in the face. You let go of the fact that you were simply repeating what he had said, unwillingly to take it back now. 
"We should go-" You started.
"Go get breakfast, yeah." Kid finished.
Somehow, this clarification of feelings, left you both more confused than ever. Neither of you could look at each other. Neither of you knew how to act. This was uncharted territory for you, and somewhat for him as well. You silently cleaned Kid's lipstick smears from each other before leaving, hesitating by the door, awkwardly staring at each other's hand, wondering if you should hold it or not. Was that something you were supposed to do now? What were you supposed to do now?
Breakfast was weird. You sat with the girls for the first time in a while. Quincy teased you, asking if you and Kid had been fighting again. Killer asked a similar question to Kid. You both replied the same thing: "Worse." Quincy and Killer were equally baffled by what that could mean. Especially since neither of you were angry or in a bad mood. In fact, you both seemed to be in anxiously happy. 
This would be the last night on the island. Naturally, everyone was making plans to go out. The daytime was for unfinished errands. The nighttime was for unfinished debauchery. You didn't have any particular errands to do, so you focused on plans for that night. The obvious thing would be to go out with Kid and Killer. Obviously you were avoiding that because of this morning's events. Killer was fine. Kid would be with him though. You asked Heat, but Heat was going to see Jade again, as he had the prior night. Apparently they had taken a liking to each other. You even asked Wire. He wasn't going out. He had routes to plot. The girls were going back to the brothel you had no interest in. So it looked like you would be stuck with Kid and Killer, or you could go by yourself. 
The night started slow. You were at a low-key bar, people-watching and drinking a beer. Unlike the other night, you weren't in the mood to fight, so you were toned down, wearing your regular clothes. Minerva kept you company, lying on the floor next to you. She scared away anyone that you didn't. When that got old, you walked around the streets. The hairs on the back of your neck abruptly stood up with the feeling that you were being watched. Despite that, you scanned the crowd and saw nothing. It was probably nothing. Your observation haki was shit anyway. 
You ran into a few crewmates in the street and in the bars. You were walking amongst the people when you felt it again. You looked at Minerva. She didn't seem concerned with anything, her ears flicking around and her snout twitching to scent the air. You had Mini wait at one of the buildings and walked down an alleyway. If you were being tailed, they would take the opportunity to have you out of sight and alone. Sure enough, someone came in shortly after. Minerva blocked the opening of the alley, leaving no escape route. With one fluid motion, you had the person up against the wall with your blade at their neck. You let your eye adjust.
"Emma, what the fuck?" You let her go.
"I didn't want to shout over the crowd."
Yeah that checks out. "That was stupid. What if I killed you?"
"Then I'd be dead." 
You deadpanned each other. "What do you want?"
"Everyone else is hanging downtown. Come join."
One of the more lively bars in town was packed with Kid Pirates, you even saw Heat with Jade. You weren't actually sure if it was lively normally or if it was like this because of the Kid Pirates. Before you were able to check out the rest of your surroundings, Quincy grabbed your hand and dragged you onto the dance floor, placing a drink into your other hand. You took a sip and curled your lip, pouring the rest into Mini's mouth when Quincy wasn't looking and discarding the glass. You spotted Pomp with a better looking drink and snagged it from his table as you passed. Letting Quincy lead you in a dance that had no relation to the music at all, you nursed your drink until you spotted Killer sitting by himself. You pulled away from Quincy, much to her dismay and headed in his direction. You were just about at the booth when Kid slid into a seat. Turning on your foot, you went to the bar instead, tossing the rest of your drink back.
"So what the fuck is up with you two?" Killer sipped his beer through a straw. He saw you avoid them. 
"Nothing." Kid mumbled, staring into his drink.
"She remembered?"
"Ok and?" Killer prompted for more information. 
Kid remained tight-lipped. 
"Fuck's sake. I've never seen you stop talking for this long." 
"Shut up, Killer!" Kid growled. Adding more softly, "She said it back... sort of."
"That's good, isn't it?" Killer was puzzled by your behavior. "Why are you avoiding each other now?"
"What do we do now?" Kid had never gotten this far in the way of feelings and neither had you. 
"What do you mean? I would think you'd both be in the bathroom fucking each other silly." Killer stared at his friend. "So you can be in a flat-out orgy together just fine, but you're too chickenshit to dance together? Is that it?" Killer watched as Heat and Jade came out of the bathroom, speaking of. Heat's pants were on backwards. 
"It changes things." 
"It really doesn't."
Kid huffed, leaning back and chugging the rest of his beer. He snapped at one of the waiters for another. 
You returned to the floor after a few shots at the bar. That was all the liquid courage you needed to start dancing. You started with Quincy and Emma then the shifting crowd deposited you near Heat and Jade. You and Jade put Heat in a sandwich, grinding on him from the front and the back. That fucking dog reeked of pussy, and his pants were backwards. Your lips curled into a smirk. Good for them. Your eye caught Killer's and you beckoned him over. He shook his head. You made a fake pout. He shook his head again. You gave him a thumbs down and stuck your tongue out. You danced by yourself for a while, very nearly drunk. You backed into someone, someone large. You didn't bother to see who it was. You didn't care what his face looked like in this state, as long as he was big. And you were planning on finding that out quickly with the way your body moved against his. He cleared his throat. You turned slightly, recognizing your captain. 
You jumped off him and spun around to be face to face instead of ass to dick. "Oh fuck."  You both stared at each other silently.
Kid was several beers and one shot in, enough to work up some courage. "Dance with me." He said it like a command, but the inflection was that of a question. 
You stepped toward him, grabbing onto his shirt. You were too short to put your hands around his neck without it looking stupid. It took him a minute to realize you responded affirmatively. He placed his hands on your hips lightly, as if he thought he was going to get burned by touching you. Both of you were stiff, not really dancing so much as walking in weird patterns and spinning around, like those spinning cup rides at an amusement park. You stumbled over your own feet and Kid snickered. You swatted his chest. That seemed to loosen you both up and soon you were dancing like two normal people, maybe even with the rhythm. Kid's soft amber eyes were on you affectionately, making your heart pound. You were sure you had a blush, too. Kid bent down and you met him on tiptoes to kiss. Just a simple kiss. 
Killer joined you both, "Finally." 
You both flicked him off, but let him in to dance. He made it easier to relax. You were between them, alternating between grinding on one and kissing the other. It escalated from somewhat tame to obscene in a relatively short time. Kid pushed some poor guy and his date out of the way and pulled you and Killer into the bathroom behind him. The tile on the floor was digging into your knees as you gave Killer head, using your hand to jerk Kid off at the same time. Every so often you would switch. There were plenty of angry knocks at the door from people who actually had to use the bathroom for its intended purpose. Kid was quick to tell them to fuck off. Honestly they should be grateful you guys weren't just doing this in the open. 
You emerged from the bathroom wiping the corners of your mouth followed by Kid and Killer. You winked at the first person in line. At this point the bar was dying down, so the Kid Pirates made the decision to head back to the ship. You grabbed another shot to act as a chaser for your bathroom activities and walked outside while the other two hung back to round everyone up. Minerva followed you out and the two of you walked toward the ship. 
There were still a fair amount of people out. There was a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Maybe I overdid it. A chill went down your spine and the hairs on your arms and neck went up. It was that feeling again. But you knew Emma was still inside. Something was definitely off. Your heart was beating a a fast pace and all you could hear was blood rushing in your ears. Bile started to rise in your throat. You scanned the crowd, still slowly walking. Your body was having a visceral reaction to this presence. Abruptly you felt it, you turned and your breath caught in your throat. Piercing yellow eyes were staring at you. It was him. You saw his face. You saw his white hair. It was unmistakably him. You bent over and retched, but when you looked back he was gone.
You were shaking. You wanted to run but you couldn't. Your hand was buried in Minerva's fur to steady yourself. She was uneasy because you were uneasy, but of course she wouldn't recognize his scent, since she wasn't with you at that time. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey. Whoa. Are you alright?" It was Killer. "Did you have too much to drink?" You looked pale, like you were about to pass out. 
"K-K-Kil. I saw him. He's here." 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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borninwinter81 · 6 months
DIY budget cyber/industrial outfit - first time in public!
I made a couple of previous posts about this dress here and here, as well as the matching collar, and I thought it would be fun to show how I styled it when I wore it for the first time on Friday. Honestly I was a little concerned it would just look dumb, but when I tried it with the full makeup and shoes I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.
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Apologies for the abysmal photo quality, especially in the first image. I don't have a good camera and I wanted to try and show the full outfit. That blurred mirror selfie is the only head to toe picture I got.
I didn't mention in my other posts but in addition to making patches for the dress I also nipped in the seams so it fit me better (it was my size but kinda shapeless, and I wanted to give myself a waist). This is very easy to do with almost any dress, skirt or top, you just put the garment on inside out, pinch in the side seams so they fit the contours of your body (try and do this equally on both sides) and pin them together. Safety pins are best so you don't accidentally hurt yourself.
Take the garment off and draw a smooth line with tailors chalk connecting all the pins, then sew along that line, either with a machine or by hand. Turn right side out and try it on again. Provided you're happy with the fit, trim away the excess fabric. You may need to be careful if it's a fabric that could fray - I usually go over the seams again with a zig-zag machine stitch to try and minimise this. There are also products you can buy like fray-check. If in doubt, or there isn't much excess fabric you could just leave the seams untrimmed.
The length is a little out of my comfort zone so I wore gym shorts underneath to help myself feel less exposed and reduce the risk of flashing - I tend to do this with any dress or skirt that's above the knee anyway.
Continuing the budget theme, rather than buying any new accessories (again, cyber stuff is mega expensive) I looked through my wardrobe for items I already had that might work.
These goggles are not the usual kind of cyber goggles, but they matched everything else I was wearing. I was given them by a friend who was getting rid of them ages ago so they cost me nothing!
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I really didn't feel like making and wearing cyberlox, so instead I just got some yellow hair elastics and did a ponytail.
I made these arm warmers about 12 years ago. You can probably tell that they began life as a pair of skinny jeans. To cut down on the amount of sewing I needed to do I used the existing hem and seams. After cutting them to a length I liked I did the pinch and pin thing to make them fit to my arm, and put in zips along the outer seam to make them easier to put on. As it turned out this wasn't necessary because the fabric is stretchy enough that I can pull them on and off. The zips add a nice bit of visual interest though.
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I ripped a hole in each one for my thumb, and I had a pack of extra large hook-and-eyes, so I sewed the "eye" parts down them and added some old bootlaces. I've never been 100% happy with this decoration, but I haven't had any inspiration on how to change them in the last 12 years.
I wanted a necklace in addition to the collar, and couldn't think of anything more appropriate than this. I originally got it for a cosplay, Vasquez from Aliens, and with the big yellow industrial loader from the end of that movie which Ripley uses to fight the Queen alien... it seemed there was kind of a connection there.
I once met Jeanette Goldstein whilst dressed as Vasquez and told her she was my childhood hero and she signed these tags, but unfortunately most of the signature has come off when I was cleaning them.
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Lastly, the boots. As with any goth outfit the footwear tend to be the most expensive, particularly if you want ridiculous platform heels like these.
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When it comes to footwear, I really would not recommend any alternative brand names like Killstar, Koi or similar. They're often terrible quality, the heels will snap, the soles will peel off, zips will break. In my opinion the only decent specifically alternative shoe brand are New Rock (even they're lower quality than they used to be in the 90s) and although New Rock do make heels I wouldn't wear them often enough to justify spending £200 on a pair. I prefer flats the majority of the time!
The brand of these is Funtasma, and I believe they are intended for use by pole-dancers, meaning they're decent quality and will be up to a night of dancing in a club. I took a change of shoes along with me to put on at the end of the evening but they are surprisingly comfortable for the first few hours.
I got them about 15 years ago on sale, and at that time they were around £40. Not cheap but not super expensive either, and I've definitely got my money's worth out of them. I had them re-soled once with special toughened soles that have extra grip so they're safer to walk in, but that's it. One time I even did the 3 mile walk home at 2am in 6 inches of snow wearing these because I didn't want to wait hours for a taxi (an occasion where I did not take a change of shoes!)
So, not your standard cyber outfit, but one that gives my own spin on this look (which should be the goal with any fashion style - a guideline to create something unique, not a rulebook that you have to follow 100%) and was put together super cheaply. The only new things I bought were the dress, fabric to make the patches, and a pack of multicoloured hair elastics.
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heraldeez · 3 months
i saw your requests were open temporarily, may i request a first kiss with jayce ? i think it'd be cute. i hope youve been well !
I have been well, thanks for asking! Life's crazy because I'm getting ready to move.
DEFINITELY CUTE. I want to smooch him. I wasn't sure if you meant his first kiss, the reader's first kiss, or their first kiss together, so I just knocked down two targets and hoped for the best 🙈. Hope you enjoy!
Jayce x Reader | 962 | SFW
Contains: bad group projects, falling asleep on someone, and some sweet sweet smoochin.
Jayce stiffens as your jaw comes to rest against his shoulder, hands freezing their progress. Chancing a glance down, he confirms that yeah, you’re out cold.
It's another late night at the Academy, spent doing curriculum work instead of work that could change the world someday. Jayce was fighting with a tricky relay of copper fittings. You'd finished your share of the project twenty minutes ago, both the clean copy of delicately illustrated schematics and all the vocal presentation bits that Jayce dreaded.
Nobody likes group projects. Jayce knows he isn't out of the ordinary there. He just can't help but feel that it grates on him more than the average student, faced with the fact that most of his peers didn't actually care about discovery. They just cared about making themselves look good. 
Not you, though. He'd only shared classes with you this semester, but you were always fair in your division of the work.
And you were one of the only people who seemed to be able to stand his… candidness, always laughing it off when he’d get frustrated with the pace, being slowed down by others.
‘It’ll get done either way, slow or not.’ You'd been smiling at him so sweetly when you'd said that, despite the fact that he knew he had been nothing but irritated and fussy. Your patience had left him stricken with… something.
Jayce decides to leave you be, asleep on his shoulder. This project wouldn't have been a problem if the rest of your group members had anything to offer except slapdash efforts and excuses, leaving the two of you with the brunt of the work.
Tonight, Jayce is the one slowing you down, grumbling his way through fixing the shoddy work your other partners had put forward and finishing the things they had neglected to do entirely. To get this project up to his usual standards…
It’s eating up far too much time. The least he can do is let you rest a bit.
Your pillow is talking.
“Finally. Alright, I’ve got it dialed in so the fluid can actually cycle through all of the cooling chambers even as a prototype – the professor should be impressed. This is almost professional quality, so our marks should be flawless.”
Your pillow also smells incredibly good, nice and warm, so you elect to ignore it and nuzzle deeper.
“Are you listening?” – it sounds incredibly put out – “Hey. Wake up, we can go home now.”
Blearily, you blink your eyes open and find yourself caught up in Jayce’s gaze, the low lamplight reflecting off the gold of his eyes and revealing him peering down at you, close and tired and – dare you say – almost fond looking.
This close you can see every last eyelash, and how his stubble is starting to come in from the late hour on the alluring curve of his jaw. Despite the bags under his eyes, they’re bright and satisfied, his face almost glowing, the way it always does when he’s worked hard and made something perfect.
In fact, you can almost feel that glow on your skin. When did he get so warm? His ears are starting to get red.
That little detail reminds you just how close your faces have become, but a sleepy contentedness has drizzled its way into your joints, and you can’t bring yourself to pull away.
He’s just so –
“You’re really lovely when you’re making progress, you know that? It opens you up,” you sigh, still half dreaming, watching the flush spill across his face.
Jayce is too busy looking at your mouth to respond, his own ever so slightly parted.
Were you not half asleep, you probably never would have chanced it. But the way he was looking at you almost lost, how close he was –
It felt natural, to wriggle in closer, tilt up your jaw invitingly.
You catch the way his brows shoot up just as your eyes slip shut, and your mouth slots perfectly against his, slow and –
And unmoving. A little shocked stiff. Jayce makes a funny little noise in the back of his throat, something aching and perhaps a touch confused.
You jolt back, suddenly a whole lot more awake. “Sorry. Wow, sorry, I should have asked first –”
“It’s fine,” Jayce cuts in, a little strangled, busying himself with wrapping the prototype in oilcloth and setting it inside its small crate as an excuse not to meet your eyes. “You were – It was nice, just – I’ve never done that before.”
The end of his sentence leaves him in a rush. If it’s possible, his ears seem even redder now.
“Never?” you echo, a bit disbelieving in the wake of how plush and soft his lips had been against yours.
His shoulders hunch up defensively, looking awfully small for such a large man. “I’m kind of a busy guy, alright?”
Jayce’s fingers snap the clasps shut on the lid of the box, but your brain wrapped itself around the way he’d said your kiss was ‘nice’, and you’re itching to try again, to give him something even nicer to latch on to.
“Too busy to give it another go?”
Jayce’s wide eyes cut over to yours finally, from where he’s tucking the prototype into his satchel.
His fingers loosen on the strap of his bag. “Well. Maybe not,” Jayce mumbles, leaning in close enough for you to close the gap again.
The shuddering exhale Jayce gives you when you bring your lips together this time is everything, your hand coming up to cup his jaw and guide him into the most comfortable angle. His movements are still a bit stilted compared to yours, but he’s mimicking your motions in an incredibly earnest fashion.
You have no doubt he’ll be a quick study.
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magicaleggplant · 5 months
extremely belated montreal worlds impressions, part 1
i've been meaning to write this for weeks now, but never found the time for it. finally putting some thoughts down in words before i forget everything.
this post covers the pairs and women's events. part 2 will be ice dance and men (if i ever get around to writing it...) warning for extremely unfocused writing; i have been so stupidly busy lately.
ETA: here is part 2
pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed pairs at worlds! the short program was remarkably clean, and while the free was messy, there were still a few bright moments. the level of pairs did decrease after the last olympics, but i think many teams have been gradually building up their technical content and skills, and it's good to see teams coming from many small feds. i have to admit that i did not watch many pairs events this season (it's the first discipline i cut when i don't have time to watch everything), but pairs live is much more fun than pairs on screen. i can appreciate their elements much better. in general, my favorite thing about watching live skating is the sense of speed and scale.
miura/kihara: i was nervous as hell for them but they pulled through! i really didn't know what to expect after all of their injury struggles this season. it wouldn't have surprised me if they didn't make the podium, so i'm thrilled for their silver medal. this was my second time seeing them live and it was clear that they weren't at the top of their game - there were a bunch of little mistakes scattered throughout their programs. the free went much better than i hoped. i'm glad they went back to an old program, but i really wish they had started the season with better programs to begin with... (hear me out: have you considered lori nichol for choreo?) but i think at their best, m/k are still the class of the field. their speed and skating skills really, really stand out when you see them live. i cannot stress enough how fast they are; no other team comes close to their speed. their lifts are also very steady (when ryuichi isn't injured, anyway). i was happy that the audience cheered loudly for them even though they were clearly rooting for deanna and max to win. it was a tough season for them but they are such strong skaters, and i really hope the next season goes better. i'm also really glad they were able to get a medal ceremony do-over after the men's ceremony. they looked happy there.
stellato-dudek/deschamps: the crowd was HYPED for them, i couldn't believe how many people came to watch pairs for them, considering it always gets scheduled in the middle of the week! i'm happy for their win, though there was a little bit of home cooking to help out lol. they have great programs this season. it's a bit of the opposite situation with m/k where i really liked sd/d's programs, but their actual skating, not as much. their lack of speed is really obvious compared to m/k. many of their elements feel like a fight instead of effortless. but i was really impressed with how they held up under the pressure of a home worlds. deanna's determination is amazing.
hase/volodin: ok, count me impressed by this new team. they still have a ways to go in connecting with each other, but their elements are really solid and their skating skills aren't bad, either. technically speaking, i'd put them behind m/k but above sd/d in quality. i enjoyed their short program a lot; the free was a bit of a snooze, imo. minerva is a wonderful pairs skater. i'm looking forward to seeing them improve. that one lift entry they do is SO cool.
other notes:
really enjoyed both of hocke/kunkel's programs. they're fun, i'm a fan now.
also enjoyed golubeva/giotopoulos-moore quite a bit
still can't believe cats won euros
peng/wang's throws were too big for this rink. i was very sad at their placement, but cheng is such a wonderful skater and their choreo was excellent, i especially love their free.
a very up and down worlds after a very inconsistent season. so, more or less as expected.
kaori: her fs was a MOMENT. i think the first time i saw kaori live was...2017 skate america? it was her first senior season, and i remember being so impressed by the lightness of her jumps then. the same is true this time, but her growth has been astounding. kaori was not one of my favorite skaters when she was younger; she absolutely is now. while her free skate this season is not my favorite of hers, i love how her range of expression has expanded. her skating is lush, luxurious, she's learned to take her time with the music. and god, her speed. she makes everything look so easy. i'm so happy i got to see this confident, mature kaori win her third world title. the crowd was losing their shit for her, as they should. also love how she was the team mom at the medal ceremony with the two younger medalists. she's such a great role model.
isabeau: i feel like every time someone talks about her, they have to add the caveat that they hate her jump technique. which, yes, i do agree with that. but from now on i'm just going to talk about the positive aspects of her skating, because i think she deserves more of that. it was my first time seeing her live and i liked her! she's musical, her arm movements are beautiful, and she's not slow at all, except on jump entries. her spins are great when she hits them. i appreciate her a lot more after seeing her live. her reaction after her fs was really cute.
chaeyeon: unexpected medalist but i'm happy for her! she is not my favorite among the top korean women but i'm impressed with her improvement this season. her sp is one of my favorites. that kind of quirky program suits her really well. the fs is a bit muted, but i think she does a good job with it as well. her musicality is the less obvious kind, but it's there. she's gradually growing into her own style.
loena: her sp was a lot of fun, the audience really got into it. she can sell a program, alright. loads of charisma and she skates BIG. the fs...well, to be fair, even without the jump mistakes, i never liked it. i appreciate what loena brings to the women's field, but i hope her programs are better next season. maybe a change in choreographer would be interesting?
haein: sirens is a masterpiece. i'm so glad she could skate it cleanly like that at least once. she has my favorite step sequences in the women's field by far. we'll just ignore everything else in the fs except for the step sequence. i love her so much and i want her to win another world medal someday.
mone: her skating skills are a dream, her overall quality is chef's kiss. but when she's nervous, you can really feel it. she skated like she was terrified in the sp and it showed. it detracted from the performance. i'm glad her fs went better. i hope her confidence improves and that this worlds was a good learning experience for her. i randomly ran into her on the concourse and she signed my japanese flag! she’s so tiny and adorable.
hana: on the other hand, hana does not skate scared. she just goes out and does her thing! but to me her skating still feels a bit "small" at the moment. her lutz-toe technique is terrifying... she can also work on her dance skills a bit more, her overall polish. but i love her programs. i still can't believe she made koo koo fun work. i love that she never does conventional "pretty" programs.
other notes:
amber: love her, but it is what it is. her 3a was excellent.
katia kurakova's fs reaction was a great moment. i like that she's trying different styles of music now, but i think she went a bit too far in the "serious" direction. her natural spark feels too muted.
young you: my darling. we all wanted so badly for her to do well... her sp was wonderful, though.
olga mikutina is becoming a new fave of mine. her skating is powerful and she's a good performer!
also love niina petrokina's powerful skating
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Your art is very good, but it seems that you make it quite fast(I could be wrong though, sorry for assuming). How do you do that? What does your usual uncleaned sketch look like and how do you achieve such clean and beautiful lines?
hi! thank you so much! ❤ and you're correct, i do draw quite fast. it's a mixture of being hyperfocused on it, and the 10 or so years of digital art experience. the downside is that i have to really get in the mood to draw something, otherwise i pretty much abandon it and never return to it. because of that, doing something in one sitting is the best option for me, though there are some drawings that i spent multiple days on, either because they were complicated (such as the painting pinned on my blog) or because they involved a lot of individual drawings (the grimm cloak doodle page is a good example of this). most of my "lower effort" drawings usually take me a few hours max, so i can do them in one go quite easily
i will say that i did have some conflicting thoughts about for a while, as in, i was worried that my art might appear as "fast food quality" - low effort, fast produced and same-y. i still sometimes worry about it, especially since they do seem a bit repetitive, at least from my perspective, but at the same time, there's no point in forcing myself to spend a longer time on art if there's nothing i can add to it. and i am happy with my current style for those quicker drawings, it's relatively easy to do and i like the final result, so why worry, right? yeah...
as for the process, it depends. sometimes it only takes a quick sketch i'm happy with and i can go straight to lineart, other times it takes me a lot of sketching to get the result i want (since i have aphantasia, it's almost like carving a good looking sketch out of the incoherent mess using a vague idea of what i want it to look like, rather than trying to replicate what i see in my head, if that makes sense). so as a result, a lot of the sketches look messy. in those cases, i make another sketch layer, one that's a bit cleaner and easier to work with. i usually delete the early sketch layer so it doesn't clutter the layers list, but one of my recent drawings still has it so i can illustrate what i mean
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(turning myself in to the art police and admitting that i used a stock image of a couch in place of the base sketch, that's why it looks a lot cleaner in both screenshots hahah)
the second sketch layer isn't "final" either, i often end up making a lot of corrections while doing the lineart. the brush you see in my drawings is the basic mechanical pencil brush in clip studio paint, and i use it for both the sketch and the lines. so in a way, it's almost like a third sketch layer, with the most detail put into it. if you look closely, there are some imperfections, it's not completely clean, but i think it adds to the pencil-like effect so i'm usually not too bothered by it
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then at the end i color some of the inner lines to finish it up and make the outlines pop a bit more, and it's more or less done
i hope this was what you were looking for, i'm pretty bad at explaining things, but hopefully you find it helpful!
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plantcrazy · 10 months
How to make a Chapter Cover
I'll do my best to keep everything spoiler free/ minor, however that won't really be possible for anyone who hasn't ready Lost Children so... you've been warned?
(Aka. This is your chance to leave and go read it)
Alrighty, today I'll be walking you guys through my process of making Ch.11, 12 & 13's cover!
Normally I make different covers for each chapter, however since these chapters are more strategic divides to give the reader a chance to breathe (, one big chapter chopped into 3 parts), I felt one cover for the lot would work.
I had no ideas going into this, so my first thinking was to re-work the original Rocket Launch cover. Swap out Wilhelm & Ahnoldt for someone else, since that scene they're drawn from has been scrapped. In general, the idea was to use my improvement skills in composition/ design & character anatomy to produce a higher quality cover.
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For doing my idea, I make pen thumbnails, to experiment with composition & posing. This way I can try out different ideas without feeling too committed to them, or spending a long time on it.
I tried my re-work idea, but I didn't really feel it.
Instead, I started by writing down the important/ relevant characters in these chapters. I do this to make sure I, A) don't miss anyone, & B) select the most important ones as you can't fit EVERYONE on a cover without making it crowded.
Another thing I'll do is make a note (if I don't remember half-way through, like I did here,) of other things or characters which I want to show a visual image of. I'll do this to tease or hint at something which I feel may not come across well in writing, or I want to reinforce for the reader to notice. It's like another level of foreshadowing.
Eg. The cover for Part 1:
Take notice that the Triple Threat ending isn't glowing. This could either be interpreted as the past that led Henry to his current path, or the fact that him changing the timeline has broken the Triple Threat ending, creating a new one in it's place.
A bit more of a spoilery example, but the cover for the Checkmate Part 2 & 3. Notice the character's have a blue glow to their eyes. Anyone who's read the chapters after, what do you think this blue glow is suggesting about what they're seeing?
Another question I would hope the reader would ask from seeing this is, what other character is shown with a light blue? Could there be a relationship between that character and what is happening?
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Usually, the process of making thumbnails can be anything from 1 to 10, but I found and settled on an idea quite quick today.
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I sketched out one other idea first, playing with the idea of Sven's storyline, but quickly scrapped it feeling it was A) Spoiler heavy, B) These chapters aren't written in his POV & C) his segment only effected one of the three chapters.
I felt I needed something more generalized which lead me to this layout:
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A design which incorporates elements of all three chapters, but done so in a fashion which gives little away. I think the only thing this cover spoilers is that no, Ahnoldt isn't dead following the end of Ch.10.
With my idea thumbnailed, I start on the sketch.
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I'm no good with digital line art and my sketches are... meh, so for me, it's easiest to draw my sketches traditionally and use them to make clean digital line art from later.
This is as far as I've got in progress, so I'll return once I'm ready to start the digital part :D
In the meantime, have these re-designs of Ellie & Henry, and what is a re-design for Katie, but I think your first look at her...?
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brandycranby · 9 months
brandyyyyy 🥰 your new years post was so sweet! and mentioning little old me? 🥺 hehe come here you get some forehead kissies MWAH 💋🥹 also thank you for the raccoon video, I was very entertained 😌
I hope you’re feeling better! also congrats on finishing grad school 🎊🥰 I won’t be done with uni for another few semesters, but I’m already looking forward to graduating 😂 which also means taking a giant final graduation exam 🥲
I didn’t have any plans for new years (it’s probably my most hated holiday… like, I just don’t get it?), so I just did a biiiiiiig clean of my room! was very satisfying and feels good now 🤓🥰
raccoon readers tree probably looks wild with all the lights haha! I bet when steve takes away the boxes with decorations she’s getting creative with what she can add to the tree just to annoy him 👀 anything with a string attached goes on the tree to see if steve finds it 😌
and I totally get being distracted by the content of your gifts. but reader simply is a responsible gift giver bc quality control is important!!! 😤
hehe all the best vibes for your 2024, brandy!!! and some more forehead smooches 😙💋
MWAH smooching ur cheeks 🥺💕💕 ty, it doesn't feel real after six years of college/grad school but we're here i guess. hehe i started cleaning out my desk and reorganizing my room on new year's eve. tbh new years isn't my fave either, it barely qualifies as a holiday to me :/ but letting the year end without a bang also feels weird to me
(WAAAAAAH TUMBLR ALMOST ATE YOUR ASK - it didn't let me edit my draft)
it's early but manifesting the good vibes and lots of braincells for your big big final exam 😤🕯️✨
what presents do you think raccoon reader received? hehe 😏
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naraven · 2 years
i fee so bad for leaving you all so here a quick skin hc for some of the synthetic beings of genshin! my brain reverted back to its albedo phase and ive always been a long time scara stan so i feel obligated to write a lil something for them :D
cw / describing skin in depth, nothing graphic but some mentions of violence and dismemberment
wc / 600
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while being named "chalk prince," i don't think his skin would actually feel all that chalky.
mainly because i think rhinedottir would try not to? it would be weird for albedo to look "non-human" to me
that being said he probably doesn't have normal skin either
if he did, rhine where did you get that from-
i think he would always be room temperature
not like cold-blooded animals who always need a source but also not warm like humans are, in a sense
i think he would have the normal patterns on humans, like fingerprints and pores
the texture of his skin i think could go two ways:
kind of like normal skin but rough
not quite leathery, but the more you feel it the more it feels almost rubbery compared to normal flesh
or, he is just. smooth.
like model levels of good skin
(i'm so jealous i want my skin to look that clean all the time,,,)
i'm debating whether or not he would have body hair?
i'm sure to some extent he would but would he be able to grow more hair,,,?
this goes for scara too how would their bodies make for hair when they can't, y'know,,,
he probably doesn't have bones, so if you cut his arm or leg off by accident i think he would just be like all white underneath
if hyv was allowed to show blood i think albedo would be one of the ones who wouldn't
when he gets a papercut do you think he just erodes,,,
since he is probably made of "chalk," i think when bathing or touching water he might turn more chalky
again, rhinedottir would probbaly do something about that, but i like chalk man
i wonder how he digests spiders in his stomach
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maybe ei went far enough to cover him with synthetic flesh, but i love love love the idea of scaramouche with ball joints so,,,
maybe when he is taken in by the people of tatarasuna he still has his "skin" on and throughout the centuries with the fatui he just kind of abandons it
maybe the synthetic skin starts to wear down because he's just a prototype and he hates seeing how he was nothing important so he has a worse quality of fake skin than the raiden shogun-
his fatui subordinates notice that their boss has the body and face of a doll but everyone is too scared to ask why
i think his synthetic flesh would be almost realistic, but of course nothing compared to the real shogun, with his rightful gnosis
kidding. he isn't all that interested in inazuma's affairs at the moment
the porcelain exoskeleton is probably pretty sturdy, i would think
probably almost reflective, polishes when he wants to (he's stinky like that)
he doesn't need anything to keep himself looking pretty he can do that even when covered in dirt and blood tbh
every once in a while dottore or sandrone has to oil parts of his joints that aren't keeping up with his body
after his three betrayals he abandons his human skin because he when he sees himself similar to them he feel disgusted,,,
i think after the archon quest though he would be more comfortable without any fake skin
because he isn't human, he doesn't need to be like them anymore
but while in the past it was because of his contempt for humans, now he feels the world better as air whistles through his knuckles, elbows, knees, neck, etc.
when he would gets hit hard enough that the porcelain breaks, he's probably hollow inside like actual dolls
before again maybe sandrone had to put him back together but now nahida probably helps him pick up the shards and put them back together as best they can
its not as well as it could be, but the material nahida uses are stronger and would probably last longer than whatever sandrone used
nahida and scara friendship real,,,
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allycat75 · 10 months
Aren't you tired, Boston Dumb Fuck? I know we are!
As someone who is on record as not liking to be manipulated, aren't you tired as a perpetrator of it? Of all the lies and machinations? Let's just take a little look at the last few months, shall we. This is a bit long, but you have been busy and getting no where. In fact, further than no where (cue Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away"). And I recognize this may not be under your control, but you signed on the dotted line so you hold ultimate accountability. If you don't like what is happening in your name, you are a grown ass man with agency, regardless of what that contract says. There is always a way.
First, bravo for pretending to be married to a racist, antisemetic, fatshaming Lolita. Something I never thought someone who really loved love or was a good upstanding citizen with integrity would ever do, but you never cease to surprise me.
Then, creating the illusion of two ceremonies- the "East Coast" one (was it your house in MA, Cape Cod, somewhere in New York, your cursed place in Vermont?) with a random smattering of work friends who were in the area for other commitments (and had projects to promote but couldn't because of the strike) and your clout chasers who needed to boost their followers, all on your niece's birthday, I think (way to be a super user uncle- was all the prep for her party good cover for you? I am sure she appreciated your care and attention). Then the "Portugal" ceremony ("let's go Portugal") which only seemed to prove some of your family and friends got a free trip to Portugal at some point this summer.
But what we didn't get were sighting of you and the little wifey, not even puttering around town making preperations, or getting coffee at a local cafe. Were no phones working in either location? They couldn't give a shit about her, that I get, but I am sure a few people would have recognized you, even in your current sorry state, and at least done that thing where you pretend to take a picture of something else and catch you in the background (see "funeral dinner" below), and posted it in real time.
Seeming to be everywhere and nowhere, strategically planting anachronistic and ambiguously located photos on "random" people's SM. Or the blurry, Ghost Hunter-quality photos of people that could be fake, you and/or Fish Mouth or the image of your soul slowly leaking out of your body.
Like the one where you look healthy one day (and your bride looks exactly like she did in one of your lame-ass scare videos from years ago when you see her in the reflection in your glasses), then magically, two days later, you look like absolute shit. As if you are having a Mitch McConnell-like seizure!
But my favorite has to be the funeral dinner with Scarlet, Colin, Stanley and Fish Mouth, that was taken months ago (you looked much less sickly then). Interesting how the poster, for some reason, made her account public then made it private again once the damage was done. Colin looks like he just loves you and how you are using his wife so this talentless twit can get ahead. Awesome how you put one of your best friends in this awkward position!
The only seemingly legitimate sighting we got was on the plane where you didn't even sit together. Even stranger because you rarely fly commercial these days- I wonder why this time was different? We find her non-posing, feigning interest in something the stranger next to her is saying while someone in the aisle obviously takes her picture. Girl's not famous in any country- no way some rando traveler is just going to recognize her and stop the flow of passengers to take a photo. Then there was the ghost bag Fish Mouth was pulling. My theory is we thwarted a bad photoshop of you holding her hand, BDF, because you still don't want to touch her. Ah, true love!
(Side note- you do know you are paying for all this set-up and clean-up, by the way. Megan isn't doing a bad job out of the goodness of her heart).
Forget that this "marriage" and globe hoping could get you and the wifey into a heap of trouble with immigration, but you are a famous, rich, white man and she is an arrogant, entitle brat who seems to be able to pitch a tantrum until she gets what she wants so I am sure you will be fine. No need for introspection on how your decisions have consquenses. Sounds like bliss to me!
PS- don't give your crack (like the drug, not the compliment) team any ideas. One of the reasons I did this rundown was to show how absurd this all is. There is no amount of "proof" that could make your lies true at this point, so save the billable hours for your next crisis. We've seen the show and all its sequels and we are not buying tickets because it sucked from the very start. Don't insult our intelligence!
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akuma-homura · 10 months
oh fuck yes akuma kourin made it on here too
I desperately want to make a V3 cover of this song, but uh. I do not have the range to get near a lot of the notes for this song, and since it's so distorted, using a vocal remover to rip the vocals for a midi doesn't work either.
eyelash flutter at anyone who might be able to have have a better time doing midis so i can do the cover,,,,? >KICKED
also i'm gonna ramble about this song because... i have a history with it
but also I have a history with this song. Like. Okay, first off, fun fact, it-- or at least the video?? was apparently an april fools project! Like I'm pretty sure at least the video for it was definitely >lets push its dark and ~disturbing~ nature for the giggles-- some parts making this obvious tbh.
But as a kid like, I didn't know this. It struck a chord in me in actually horrifying me. Plus like, admittedly, I was still in my deeply christian raised mindset too, despite some of my likes, so seeing something translating to Devil Ascends or whatever, seeing a pic of baphomet, seeing KAITO on the cross was like. Felt very blasphemous and scared me in that way too wheezes
but I was also. deeply fascinated with it. like it genuinely piqued 14 y/o me's interest despite being scared of it. (this also isn't surprising, my interest and love for KAITO literally started from me actually being creeped out by Yandere KAITO stuff but... being fascinated. Then RP's started, and that sealed it.)
so eventually I, a 14 year old who only knew english despite living in an area and family where I should have also learned Spanish too but it didn't catch with me, wanted to translate it myself to see what the fuck was going on in the song.
Of course, I didn't know Japanese at all. I didn't know how the language worked at all, I didn't even know how sentence structure or word structures worked for it.
But what I did have?
.....2009 era online machine translators.
You can imagine the quality that was spit out by them.
I used multiple of them though, not just Google-- I don't remember the names now, but. I basically translated lines with what was at least 4 different machine translators, also cross referenced some kanji and words with... fuck, was it wikipedia at the time? other google sites? I don't remember, and like. Wrote down my best understanding of the combination thereof.
again. you can imagine the quality of the translation.
BUT. it did at least give me SOMEWHAT of an idea of what was going on in the song... somewhat. Honestly I still felt a bit confused, but there was the general gist of
>...possible demon possession? Demon possession from computer....??? mental breakdown. Trying not to hurt a loved one bc of it I guess???? are they fucking crucifying him. oh he's hoping for god to save him in the final days or something
Honestly. It's one of the 'founding' songs in my head for Proto(the KAITO muse that eventually became 'mansionKai' with retwrites which bacame Kai / Kadin), among other certain yandere KAITO songs.
...because that's the thing, it's also a yandere KAITO song! So that's also some context to think of it in!
I always hoped someone else would see the song and want to do a Proper translation of it, but like... that never happened. Over a decade passed and I never saw a proper, good english translation for it. It's a shame, honestly.
Nowadays, with machine translations, Google Translate has actually notably improved-- and we have the likes of DeepL, too-- but. That doesn't always take into account of context, and other little intricacies when it comes to language and lyrics and such.
And like, I have a cleaned up DeepL translation on the reupload for the song now-- and it IS better than the one I put on it with annotations over a decade ago. But...
It definitely feels like >man. I need someone who actually knows the language and could see things I'm definitely missing to give this song a proper english translation.
(also, I admit, I also sometimes have a hard time grasping even just. how things are said in english sometimes, and what could be better said in english, and such things, so like, that doesn't help)
Anyhow, I do legitimately like the song. The fear of it has obviously passed, and finding out it was an april fools project kind of also has me like >haha. wow. i sure Experienced over what was a joke.
but hey, that's just how art is, I guess.
Honestly, with the DeepL translation, I do feel it still fits as a founding song for Proto, hahaha.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
WWE Money in the Bank 2023 - Quick Review
Okay so I did have a highlights for MITB but when I hit CTRL+Z to fix a bullet I deleted it instead deleted all but half the title, and CTRL+Y didn't fix either, and it couldn't be recovered in the draft so quickfire stuff
Spoilers for MITB 2023
I enjoyed it, it was a good show. All the matches were consistent and the UK crowd was unsurprisingly great. We had 'surprise' returns from Drew and Cena (well, the latter was a surprise), a surprising heel turn by Shayna and valid MITB winners in Damien Priest - the second best option because he's worked his butt off this past year - and Iyo Sky - who has been long overdue a proper push. We had solid showings from the Women's Tag and the IC match, as well as some more unique thinking like using Handcuffs in the MITB or Gunther chopping a foot to soften it. Also as much as the Pre-Show is a nothing hour of nothing, you gotta watch Heyman's promo with Kayla there because it's great.
If there's negatives I'd say that it was still safe, nothing quite thrilled me and thus some felt just like regular matches rather than PPV quality ones, as much as it was consistent there was little peaks and troughs. In comparison to Forbidden Door, a lot clearer and fulfilling finishes but at the same time it was higher lows but lower highs, the men's MITB was messy at times and as much as Cena's promo was great we all know that a Wrestlemania in London will be at least a couple of years away given how we know what next Mania's at Philly, Cody/Dom felt a little pointless without Lesnar showing and Cody winning gives neither man anything, plus all the Bloodline matches remain direly by the numbers, only really being entertaining in the final 5 minutes after the mandatory ref bump...also infinite negatives for not pulling the trigger on LA Knight that was just the most easy open goal they reneged on.
You may've heard people say that Forbidden Door was 'a two match show' but you can argue the same here, you eliminate the Men's MITB and Main Event and it wouldn't have drawn as well just like how Forbidden Door wouldn't have drawn as well without Omega/Ospreay and Danielson/Okada, even though the 10-man was a banger, Punk/Kojima was fun and both WWE's women's matches were the better of the night. I guess that is the main problem, I didn't feel strongly about anything (especially Logan Paul trying to GIF himself with a botched Spanish Fly) a lot of the time it was just 'oh, that happened' because each moment felt more like a stepping stone to the end goal rather than the end goal, the only feud quashed was the Women's Tag - which was basically a reset button to before Liv got injured, Cody/Dom maybe depends when Lesnar's feeling up to it, and the IC title where Riddle wasn't gonna stand a chance anyway, all others like Iyo/Bayley, Trish and Zoey/Becky, Bloodline, and Priest/Balor are gonna continue, which while it isn't a bad thing it's a greater percentage.
However, there's a lot of good to come from the show and come out of it going forward, such is the nature of MITB when you don't immediately try to cash in. WWE sets a clear path to Summerslam with little damage control to clean up after.
So overall yeah, good show; you get your money's worth, consistent on the board with some unexpected twists, and you gotta love a good crowd, I hope to hear that noise in Wembley come August.
Match of the Night: Women's Money in the Bank, it was inventive and layered by different feuds occurring in the match. Becky is once again denied the briefcase while being fingertips away to continue the poetic irony paired with Iyo handcuffing her and Bayley to step over both of them to win. Best Attire: I had to deliberate since Ronda's Majin Vegeta gear appeals to the anime fan in me, and I'm sure Becky was going for a Jean Grey look with hers, but I'm giving it to Liv's Union Jack gear because it's inspired by Geri Halliwell's dress when she was in the Spice Girls. I was more shocked that Seth didn't come out to anything I must admit. Performance of the Night: It's a hard choice because of how consistent everyone was, but I'm gonna give it to Becky given how many spots in the ladder match she was involved in and her narrative with Trish and Zoey was a lot more physical than Bayley and Iyo's one. Spot of the Night: Shayna's surprising heel turn and the Usos surprisingly pinning Roman almost took the top but I'll hand it to the aforementioned clever finish of the WMITB, utilising the handcuffs, getting a strong winner and using Bayley and Becky being outwitted to give Iyo the rub.
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erigold13261 · 11 months
Been thinking of Failed Revolution AU a few years into the future where 1010 is no longer working for NSR and are living in the UK trying to overcome their trauma and basically start life over.
The idea that each one has their own baggage to deal with but slowly gets better is something I love to think about, but it also made me realize just how much Green had suffered.
Like yes, all of 1010 suffered, but they all had someone else to help them out or at least hang out with. Green had no one. Like technically he had Yinu, but she wasn't always able to visit because of Mama's hatred for 1010. Not to mention Yinu would just use Green as a person to vent to and so wasn't really someone Green could rely on.
Red and Yellow had each other. Blue and White had Neon J. Green could kinda rely on Blue, but both Yellow and White would constantly harass Green. Red was a total flake and even helped Yellow in this harassment (mainly because he was scared to be in Green's situation so he went along with Yellow's asshole-ery).
I just love the idea that 1010 try to move past the pain they had, but Green is the only one not healing. He doesn't have the energy or care to try and move on, even if things are objectively better for him now than they ever were working under NSR.
Yellow and White (not Sun and Silver) do their best to make it up to Green (not Fern), but it's just not working. Fern just stays in the rooftop garden or cleaning the shop/machines in their little family run candy shop.
Unlike the rest of 1010 who are trying to get educations, better jobs, make friends, Fern is just isolating himself and going throught the motions of life. Not caring to even try and heal (honestly if anything, he is still holding a lot of anger and pain towards the rest of 1010 for everything that happened, even if he isn't showing it).
Like Green didn't even have Neon J to fall back on. J was too busy wrangling Yellow in, scolding White, calming down Red, and putting more and more responsibilities and teaching moments onto Blue, that he just never even had time for Green (who for the most part seemed the most self sufficient and well behaved of all of 1010 in Neon J's eyes).
There's also the fact that if Neon J did have time to spend with Green, he was instead spending it either drinking or with Nova. To Neon J, there was no need to spend quality time with any of 1010 as he wasn't supposed to actually care for them (he did, but didn't want to admit that). And since Green was well behaved and not lashing out physically or emotionally, then Neon J didn't need to actually spend time with him (he did, but it was very rare and mostly cut short by the jealousy of the other 1010 members).
Anyway, I'm just rambling at this point. But I love the idea of exploring how each member of FRAU 1010 tries to heal from their time at NSR. I also like the idea of how White/Silver and Blue/Sky end up becoming friends with Ex-Jay and B2J in the future.
It is nothing like how the OG versions are, but it is something that helps them all get to a better place. Like closure (something that Green will definitely need at some point).
So yea. Just wanted to type this out. Been thinking about it for a few days (honestly probably a week now). I have 2 versions of this whole thought process.
One where there was a multiverse merge, where almost all my AUs combine into one like pocket of time universe. There my AUs meet and they see the different versions of themselves and learn how to be better people from seeing their flaws either reflected or called out. (and years down the line from this event it happens again just so the AUs can meet and see the progression everyone made lol)
The other is just where FRAU naturally continues without any silly multiverse shenanigans. Less self reflecting and a bit more serious, but still a bunch of good ideas.
Okay. Rambling basically over. Just really wanted to talk about Green and how his neglect and abuse will be something he doesn't get over for years, much longer than the rest of 1010 took to seemingly "get over" what happened to them.
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incubabe · 1 year
Cute little place. Not too loud, hip enough to have live music here and there, and some good sweet drinks that probably made the staff sneer, but, well, it's on the menu, and coffee tastes like dirt. Low light, dark wood, plenty of plants in terrariums. It's nice -- though, Riley admits, certainly not reasonable -- to have a café-away-from-your-café. Sure, sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name, but anonymity has its own worth and quality, too.
The cute waitress with the tip-dye ombre and a nice butt passes by, shares a smile. It's surely only polite, customer service style, but Riley returns it just the same. With her all-but-in-name chocolate shake in hand, she's prepared to settle in for a pleasant hour or two of decompression -- at least, until the cafe's window shatters and a goddamn crossbow bolt embeds itself into the closest wall.
Fuck. This is what I get for not paying as I go. She ducks under the table, catching only a glance of the hostile in question as she plunges hand into pocket to produce her wallet. Bifurcated reasoning, which had been enjoying the idleness, spins into pragmatic topics.
A twenty, handful of ones... No immediately obvious Fine, that should cover it. cameras, nobody's looking. I'll have to give an A+++ Okay. Blink directly into the tip next time. Sorry. kitchen, there's no sightline. Hope nobody's around to Can't see the shooter, which get in the crossfire. Where'd isn't great, but at least they that waitress go? can't see me.
Her payment's slapped on the table, and Riley breathes, focuses, disappears, leaving behind little more than a gasp as air rushes in to fill the void. It's a bit cowardly, perhaps, but this CW reject's after her, and they'll book it if she does. For surely that's what it is, an attack -- the café isn't affluent enough to get targeted by robbers. And if they are? Well, she's no brave hero, not trained in conflict resolution. Can take a hit better than the rank and file, sure, but that just means they'll shoot her more.
And speaking of brave heroes -- as expected, the kitchen's deserted, but the door still swings as if shoved open. Not by her, so Riley's inclined to peek from the kitchen window despite her cowardly inclination. A shock of blonde -- no, black-and-white, web pattern, on the other side. Not making the clever choice of fleeing, either.
Christ. Hope that's not a loon How did she get here in a mask. Better than the so quickly? Nobody's that hunters but not by too much. good. Unless she was At least she'll be able to handle already here? God, what this. I should've paid more is her name? I've seen her attention to local lycra lovers. before. TV?
The idea's barely born yet, the implication dangling. If Spidergal has arrived so quickly, then she was already here. So either she was aware of this, or was someone at the café and is reacting. If she'd been aware of it, then she would've stopped it prior to the window smashing, so she wasn't aware of it. So Arachnidlass was in the cafe. Not that it matters.
No, what matters is the speed with which she's handled the hunter -- just one, turns out, lucky lucky (Is it Spectral Spider? That doesn't make any sense. Spiders aren't ghosts.) -- and moved to secure the scene. And then turned back to the kitchen.
Shit. She must've seen the blink. Alright. No need to panic! Swiftly, the hellspawn busies herself in the cleaning of plates, rolling up sleeves and sinking her hands into the sink. It's -- not the best idea, but there's not a ton of alternatives.
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