#the reason people have stopped posting every time they have a positive test is because it's no longer remarkable to have covid
haintxblue · 1 year
i try not to post about covid at all as i find the entire topic incredibly frustrating to discuss online but genuinely distressed by how many people in the comments of that poll think that they are going to avoid covid forever or are mad at the "yet" when the mainstream view of basically every epidemiologist by spring of 2020 was that we were all eventually going to get covid and the best we could do was hope to delay it til after we were vaccinated. i remember having arguments with people irl that early that "flatten the curve" meant that the area under the curve was *still the same* and was just spread out further and being told that i was wrong.
you are going to get covid, statistically speaking; if you don't you'll be a statistical outlier. that's the nature of an endemic universal virus, especially one with a million animal reservoirs. you may have already had it and dismissed it as allergies. it's better to go ahead and make peace with that than be in denial about it. it's genuinely distressing how many people think that they can avoid this forever, it's not good for you to have that belief and you should confront it.
and before you start yelling at me, i am chronically ill and possibly mildly immunocompromized myself and the person i live with and love most in the world is a two-time cancer survivor with COPD and heart problems. i spent the worst phase of the pandemic living with a man dying of stage IV cancer and taking scrupulous pains to remain covid-free for his sake and mine. i am not saying it is GOOD that we all have another virus to worry about on top of all the others. I am saying that it's just a fact of life, unfortunately.
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coffeegnomee · 17 days
Wrote this after Flame tried to get his fight the first time but before the whole spawn destroying thing went down.  (I was vodwatching so I paused to contemplate devotions.) And then everything exploded and I never posted it. 
Mapicc, all session, was SO happy whenever Zam mentioned he would fight. He reminded me so much of that one character in an action movie that just Loves the battlefield, loves fighting, loves the thrill of testing your skill, goes around swinging his sword, big smile on his face, just waiting to go out and fight those enemies. 
He embodies everything that is Good about fighting. And none of the evil. None of the evil that princezam is so afraid of. None of the bloodlust, none of the blowing up builds, none of the being unable to stop. 
Mapicc has his evil tendencies, for sure, but when you take everything away, he just wants his friend back so they can have fun together. Every season. Castle arc, eclipse, taking zam back for the wormhole without hesitation. Getting zam on the abyss, (getting him back to streaming with the chat poll), counting it a betrayal when zam gave his blessing to minute. 
All through season 5 mapicc had so much more confidence when Zam was by his side. Every fight they took with Minute and Jumper, Mapicc was wildly positive about EVEN when they had half an inventory and two stacks of xp. He never once considered how much they could be out geared. Zam gave him the confidence. 
He’s the complete opposite of everything Zam is afraid of. Everything he’s hiding behind to cling to the pacifism. That’s why he’s always capable of getting Zam to fight with him in previous seasons. Zam is lulled in by the friendship and the joy of the fight. Mapicc got Zam to fight on his side during the Pagi/Red v Clown fight and on the 100k yt stream, and, jumping ahead, during eclipse he got Zam to lay down the castle arc beef and fight on his side against Pangi in the crown battle, and embraced him back when zam joined wormhole.
Which is another thing, Zam has this beautiful need to always balance fights. He will throw away all his lore just to make sure both sides have enough players to make it even. That’s lowkey why he joined the wormhole too, not the only reason by far, but it was a contributing factor. 
And then on that Saturday, realizing Flame needed more people to even the fight out, he was willing to fight. He almost did it. His “I wouldn’t hit him” after when he was reflecting on what his did to chat was equal parts “I planned not to hit him” and “I wouldn't have hit him, right?” 
And to follow it up with “main goal [of pacifism] is to just work in the server’s best interests [...] Despite it normally being the wrong answer, violence was kind of the answer to fixing that problem there” (~2:13:00) 
Is such a large shift from his earlier main goal of limiting himself, and then the 8/22/24 stream where he started doubting himself and “I did it so that I could, I dunno, just avoid repeating prior mistakes.” (~48:00)
And Mapicc is right there to support that claim. Violence was the answer, it was the fun thing, it was the video idea, the event. It was positive. Good. And Mapicc was sooooo excited. I wrote down that Mapicc came over while Zam was messaging Pangi to get back on and said  “Zaaaaaam” in a ‘lets fucking win this basketball game’ type voice.  (~1:57:00) 
Because pvp can be so much closer to a sport than to being a psychotic maniac. 
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oconist · 4 months
I posted a note saying how bad I feel for Esteban but how glad I am he's leaving Alpine (meaning to say that I hope he goes to a good team) and a good friend of mine replied with "yeah I don't like him, bad driver, agreed" and I have no idea how to respond to that... I'm a new F1 fan so no stats ready but I DO know he's not a bad driver but all I can talk about is his background growing up but IDK I need help responding pls?
hi!! same sentiment here, hope he has a contract but glad he left that toxic team.
he's not a bad driver, despite what people say. if u check his stats in feeder series like f3 n gp3 he was a consistent driver that was usually in the podium. if you check his early f1 stats, he had good first full year in force india (points in every race except a retirement and a p12) and was usually close to checo in the standings (if he wasn't being disqualified or had retirements) or his other teammates (last year with 6 retirements vs gasly's 2 and like a 4? 6? point difference)
the year with the biggest position difference is 2020, covid year, in which esteban had not raced in an f1 car for a year against dric who had already a year on the team.
most people think he's a bad driver because of the collisions he has been in, specially with his teammates, but only two of them have been fully his fault (a collision with perez and now in monaco with gasly). the problem is the people he gets in collisions with, and the reason why most people are quick to blame him. drivers that, as usual, blame the other before checking the on-board after the race (which is normal behaviour btw and totally expected, it's weirder if a driver doesn't defend themselves) but ocon never really defends himself, and his biggest/most memorable crashes are with drivers like checo, alonso and verstappen that have big diehard fanbases.
it's true that his style is agressive, but he has also proven he is a team player when needed (defended gasly in australia 2023 after the crash, does follow team orders on the radio, not to mention that he has never talked badly about any team nor teammate he has had and is always cheering the team up on the radio [radio this year after alpine sucked, he was the first to open the radio and cheer the team up, while gasly said the car sucked (true)]). people forget that your teammate is your first rival, but ocon doesn't and unless he is told otherwise, he races them as if they were any other driver. and he normally is on par with his teammate, so of course there are going to be fights between them.
most of the time he does deliver with his overtakes and defense. he is good at managing tyres (record for longest stint in c3 tyres in baku, turkey 2021 where he didn't change tyres, alpine relying on him to manage tyres for all their one pit stop strategies all these years) and good at qualifying.
also, he has never been in a good car, either backmarkers (now and his first half year in f1) or midfield cars and yet he has a win, a 2nd place and a 3rd place. he is consistently in the points if the car allows it, has been praised by prost and is a good test driver and at giving feedback.
i hope the reason why he left alpine is because of the disrespect he has been put through and i really hope that he has a contract for next year. i have never seen a driver been more attacked by his own team (rossi, bruno, otmar) than ocon in the recent years.
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
Hello Darlings 🌻
So I received a Nonny message asking for clarification regarding Zelda’s situation in yesterday’s post. While I am always glad to answer Nonny messages, please keep in mind that I do not have the ability to answer those asks privately as I would if you sent them off anon. While I totally understand why y’all use anon, it does limit my ability to address them, especially for more sensitive or personal questions.
However, I still wanted to resolve this question as yesterday’s post comes from a very personal place, and perhaps for that reason, I do want it to be clear moving forward. While I think subsequent posts may do that, in case they do not, I will also answer it here.
That said, I will be doing so under the cut because it involves a more in depth discussion of Zelda’s situation in yesterday’s post. So if that post is as far as you would like to go on this subject, please stop reading here.
No, Zelda did not have a miscarriage. Nor did she just “not become pregnant.” Zelda and Antoine have more or less been trying to get pregnant for a year, and she has continued to get her period month after month. Let me make something abundantly clear, I am in no way minimizing the pain of having a miscarriage, nor ignoring how that could have been the conclusion of that post. However, I am specifically writing about a different experience with one’s fertility and how that can affect one’s mind in its own way.
I am clarifying this because it is its own, albeit deeply related and sometimes simultaneously experienced, pain. That is because many people will view it as “you never had anything to lose” or “there was never any traumatic event to be upset over.” It is a slower pain, damn near constant; that comes to you in cycles as you follow your own so closely.
As many women who have tried to get pregnant can testify, the hyper awareness of one’s fertility can be overpowering, as you restart each and every month, planning your life around the best time to try and conceive. Then once that passes, you search your body for every little sign to tell you whether or not you succeeded. But still, there’s nothing you can do but wait.
There’s a very specific line in that post that sometimes Zelda was late enough to make them think she had conceived. Imagine there is no pregnancy test, and all you can do is hope that every time you look down, you haven’t started your period. Even if it’s “just” one day, or a few hours, you do it every single time. Every single trip to the bathroom becomes a high stakes moment because if it’s there, then you “failed”, and you have to start all over again. Until sooner or later it eats away at the excitement and hope you felt when you first began the process.
It is exhausting and Zelda’s statement that “she is broken” becomes an almost inevitable thought as it happens over and over and over again. Meanwhile there seem to be countless examples or even other women telling you that it should be easy or that all you have to do is relax. Even worse, you’re told you have to “keep trying” because nothing “bad” has happened, has it?
There are countless women in this position, and if you are or have ever been one of them, my heart goes out to you. That is why I wanted to clarify this before we proceed any further in this story, because this is a very intentional experience I am writing about and I don’t want it to be misinterpreted for that very reason.
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lucy90712 · 7 months
Road to recovery- part 8
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Part of me was hoping that the hate would slow down a bit but of course it didn't. Every time I checked any form of social media all I saw was people posting about how much they didn't like me and assuming that I'm only friends with Pablo to gain something. I thought I'd be able to handle the comments but I just can't there has been so many more than I thought there would be and people have said such hurtful things about my appearance and my character. Pablo keeps apologising and asking if I'm ok and I just keep telling him I'm fine which is a bit of a lie but I can tell he already feels bad enough I don't want to make him feel worse by telling him how I really feel. The worst part about it is that everyone seems to be drawing attention to the things I was already insecure about which hasn't helped my mental state at all.
Today though I have a chance to cheer myself up a bit as I have a big check up with my doctor to see how my recovery is progressing. I think it's going pretty good so hopefully he agrees and says something positive as that would really lift my spirits. I've been nervous about the appointment today as well which has really made the last few days even more challenging on my mental health but I'm trying to stay positive as I know wallowing in sadness and anxiety won't do me any good. 
Alonso came to pick me up a bit before my appointment; when I got in the car I expected him to tease me about everything that happened with the game this weekend but he didn't instead he asked if I was ok. I was going to lie to him too but because he's my brother he knows exactly when I'm lying so I had to tell him the truth. It was kind of nice to get all of my feelings off my chest and Alonso was really supportive and gave me some good advice. He's been through things like this before with getting hate for his performances out on track so he told me to just delete the apps off my phone for a bit that way I'm not tempted to look at what people are saying. In fact he stole my phone and did it for me as I think he knew I probably wouldn't do it myself. 
Once I had my phone back I went into the hospital on my own leaving Alonso to wait in the car for me. The wait for my appointment wasn't long at all and then I went in and was immediately taken for some new scans to see how everything was healing. After scans I was subjected to a load of tests on my range of movement, how much weight I could put on my leg and how much pain I was in. The testing was rigorous and honestly quite exhausting as it's been a long time since I've done this much movement with my knee but for the most part it felt good. After I had done everything the doctor left for a while to review it all and look at my scans which left me just staring at the wall hoping to hear good news. Just as I was daydreaming the door opened again and the doctor came back in, his expression was impossible to read which for some reason filled me with a few more nerves.
"Ok Lola things aren't progressing as we would like them too internally you aren't healing as quick as we thought you would and your movement isn't at the range we would expect it to be" he said 
"What does that mean?" I asked holding back tears 
"For now it doesn't mean too much this can happen as we can't always accurately predict how quickly people will recover but we will set another one of these appointments in a few weeks and if we aren't seeing improvement you may need a second surgery so that we can see what's going on" the doctor explained 
"Ok" was all I could manage to say 
"I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but don't let it discourage you if you keep working hard you won't need the surgery" he said 
We scheduled my next appointment and that was as long as I could hold it together. All of my emotions that I'd been holding onto for the last few days came out all at once, as soon as I left the hospital doors I burst into tears and I couldn't do anything to stop them. I made my way back to where Alonso parked but before I could get into the car Alonso had got out and wrapped me in his arms. He tried to get me to stop crying and tell him what was wrong but I just couldn't he tried everything to help me all of which had worked before but today nothing could stop me. Eventually he gave up and let me get in the car so we could go home because right now all I want is to just go home and get to grips with my emotions as I clearly have a lot to process. 
As much as my eyes were filled with tears I could tell that Alonso didn't take the turn to take me back to my place which meant he was going to take me somewhere in hopes of cheering me up. I really didn't want to go wherever it was he was planning to go but I was sobbing too much to tell him to take me home. We went a bit further before the car stopped and I looked round a bit as at first I didn't recognise where we were but then I saw Pablo's house and realised we were just down the street. I should've known Alonso was going to bring me here but this is the last place I want to be I don't want Pablo to see me like this. I knew we said we would help each other out but I know for a fact Pablo is doing better and I know he's in a better place mentally and I don't want to ruin that by projecting my problems onto him that wouldn't be fair. 
Alonso had to practically drag me out of the car and down the road which was rather easy for him as I'm not strong enough to put up too much of a fight. We walked down the street to Pablo's house where Alonso left me to ring the doorbell, part of me was hoping that he wouldn't be in even though he said he had no plans today. Of course after just a few seconds the door opened and I locked eyes with Pablo who straight away rushed over as quick as he could and wrapped me up in his arms. I wanted to stop crying but for some reason I only cried more once I was in Pablo's arms it was like he made me feel safe enough to truly let all of my feelings out. Pablo said a few words to my brother before taking me inside and allowing him to leave. 
Pablo took me to the sofa and allowed me to settle into his embrace with my head buried in his chest so he couldn't see my tear stained and probably red and puffy face. His hand was gently stroking my back trying to calm me down while he whispered comforting words in my ears. It wasn't anything special what he was doing but hearing his words and feeling his hands on me did wonders in helping calm my emotions which I didn't have any control over. As my tears began to slow down Pablo kept rubbing my back and he even wiped some of the tears from my face that he could reach as I was still hiding most of my face. I never would've thought he would be so good at comforting me I mean he's always so hyper and full of energy I never imagined that he'd be any good at keeping calm and radiating that onto others but clearly he is. Once I had completely stopped crying and my breathing was getting back to normal Pablo put a hand under my chin and got me to look at him.
"Can you tell me what's wrong I hate seeing you so upset and I want to help" he said 
"The doctor said my knee isn't healing properly and I might need another surgery if things don't get better" I said still sniffling slightly 
"I'm sorry that sounds awful but that's not the only thing on your mind is it" he probed further 
"No that's it" I lied 
"Don't lie to me please just tell me what's wrong I'll do whatever I can to help and I won't judge you you know that" he said 
Damn why doesn't he have to be able to read me like a book.
"Ok I've been getting a lot of hate since we were seen together at the game and it's been getting to me a bit I thought I could handle it as I'm used to criticism but I can't some people are just so mean" I admitted letting a few more tears fall 
"I knew it was getting to you people on social media are assholes because they don't feel the consequences of what they say but none of what they say is true" he said 
"But they keep talking about how I must be using you or how I don't deserve to even be friends with you which that part is kind of true" I rambled 
"No it's not true I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you I love spending time with you just because you aren't famous doesn't mean you don't deserve to be friends with me and despite what they say I know you aren't using me I know you would never do that" he said 
"And before you say anything all of the things they say about your appearance aren't true either you are beautiful inside and out and they are just jealous" he added 
Hearing him say that put a smile on my face. Pablo has never really complimented me before he's told me my outfit was cool a few times but he's never called me beautiful so hearing it made me feel a lot better about myself. He must've noticed that I was finally smiling again as he told me I looked pretty when I smiled which only made my cheeks heat up but luckily my face was already red from crying so Pablo probably wouldn't have noticed. Although I kind of wish he knew how he made me feel because as time goes on it's getting harder and harder to hide my true feelings from him. 
Pablo's POV
The pain in her eyes just shattered my heart. She's been my rock throughout every step of the way so far so to see her breakdown right in front of me really hurt. This whole time she's been the strong one never letting anything get to her but finally it's caught up with her and part of it's my fault because we got seen together at the game and now people are tearing her apart and one person can only handle so much. I feel so awful that I'm part of the reason she's so upset but knowing that I can be there for her and calm her down makes me feel a bit better. When she arrived she was hysterical and her brother told me he couldn't get a word out of her so he wanted me to try so that's what I did. I'm not very good at keeping myself calm at times let alone other people but I tried my best and after a while of just rubbing her back and whispering to her she calmed down. It felt good to be the one to help her because she's done so much for me that anything I can do to even remotely repay that I'll do in a heartbeat.
Hearing the way she criticised herself as well it pained me. She's the most beautiful and kind person I've ever met so to hear her say that she thought she didn't deserve to be friends with me hurt but what hurt more was to see that those horrible people got to her and made her feel insecure in herself. Throughout the time we've known each other I've always wanted to tell her just how beautiful she is but I've refrained as I know once I open the flood gates there's no going back. Once I start complimenting her I'm scared that I'll let my feelings show but today she needed it so I knew I had to take the risk. Seeing the smile that my compliments gave her made the risk feel worth it though as I'd do anything to keep her smiling 24/7.
Looking into her eyes as she smiled and blushed at my words made me feel some type of way. I've felt something for her since we first met and I've kept those feelings repressed until now but I don't know if I can do it any longer. She's just the most perfect girl I've ever met and I don't want to lose her whether that be to another guy or to the fear of what us being friends might mean for her. I have to tell her how I feel in hopes that as long as she feels the same way it gives her a reason to stick around even when things are tough like they are right now. As scary as it is I have to take the risk. 
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 months
Going on a Trip
Summary: Set in a Modern AU. Ever since that pregnancy test came back positive, Astrid's been a little overprotective.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Rating: General
Dead Dove: No
Words: 1 002
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: So fun fact: in Dutch/Flemish we have the saying "zoals een kip zonder kop!" Which basically means doing something without thinking and often in a nonsensical way.
Posting something a little lighter after the Dead Dove fic I just posted. 😇
I got the inspiration for this fic because I went to a zoo last Monday and there are always without fail families with very small children (literally ages 0 to 10, I saw two mothers with literal 1 to 3 month olds in slings) or a pregnant partner. And since I was taking requests for this Pregcup series, I had to write it, of course.
Also wondering just how many people are going to click on this fic thinking it's a Pregstrid fic despite the tags and the series I'm putting this in.
“And you’re sure you have everything you need?”
“Yep, 100%!”
“But you’re sure? You got a bottle of water? Bottle of coke to keep your sugar levels up? Made your sandwiches?”
“Well, no, you made them because you’re scared I’ll go hungry for an hour. But anyway, yes and yes and you stuffed my bag full with literally every sugary thing we have in the house. If our doctor knew, she would get a heart attack.”
“You got your pain killers for your leg? Your migraine meds? Are you sure we shouldn’t take an extra bottle of-”
“Astrid, please!”
Hiccup grabs her hands and puts a stop to her pacing. They’re in the kitchen and she’s holding onto the strap of his shoulder bag, running around with it like a headless chicken. They’re leaving for a trip today, a trip to the zoo because living amongst dragons doesn’t mean they don’t still appreciate or are even fascinated by the other countless of creatures they share their amazing planet with. The entire group is going, the dragons get a day off for once.
Much to Toothless’ dismay.
He would much rather come along, but zoos are going through the trouble of keeping dragons out. So if they were to bring one in, they wouldn’t exactly be welcome.
“We made a list yesterday, we got everything ready before bed and you woke up extra early to make sure I wouldn’t be going hungry today. We’re ready to leave,” he assures her and Astrid relieves herself with a sigh. Because he’s right, they’re ready.
She looks down at their joined hands and smiles, his thumbs stroking the back of her fingers. This is before her gaze falls further down and finds the reason why she’s so concerned. Her husband is about five months pregnant.
They knew from the start that they wanted to have kids and after some time spend talking about it in which they both agreed Hiccup would carry their first, they went ahead and found success rather quickly. But ever since that pregnancy test came back positive, she’s been a little bit overprotective. And Hiccup thought it was annoying at first, he has already spend his entire childhood with an overprotective father. But in his fifth month, he both understands it and even appreciates it.
Because while his morning sickness was at its worst, she, Toothless and Sharpshot made sure he didn’t need to leave the bed for anything other than to go to the bathroom. She muttered sweet nothings in his ear when his moodswings appeared. There is this one commercial about these doggy treats that are meant to be good for their dental hygiene and every single time he watches it, he cries without fail. Something about them having good dental hygiene just gets to him. This coming from a dragon and cat person.
The other side of this is that Snotlout is no longer allowed to eat at their place, Hiccup can no longer stand his eating habits. Then there were his cravings, which she gets up for in the middle of the night just to take care of. Astrid has been so understanding and supportive, he figured that the least he could do was return the favor.
“You’re right,” Astrid admits. “We’re ready.”
And if it turns out the five sandwiches she made for him aren’t enough, they can always buy an extra snack at the zoo.
They took a bus there and now they’re taking that same bus home. It’s from a private company with comfortable cushions, air conditioning and a bathroom. But that first one is the most important to Hiccup in particular, who sits next to Astrid and is just knocked out cold after the tiring day they’ve had. His seat leans back just enough for him without bothering Heather, who sits behind them along with her brother and reads a book.
As he sleeps, Astrid looks through the many pictures on her phone. Between her device and those of all her friends, they probably have hundreds of pictures. Of animals and monuments, some as a joke, of them as a group, split up in duos, selfies… or in her case; her pregnant partner.
Him looking at animals, reading a plaque, watching a family with small children, resting on a bench, taking a picture of something or someone else, in the souvenirship, she even has one of him eating. This man could do nothing without giving her some reason to take out her phone’s camera. Astrid is certain he has a picture of her taking one of him.
Because he’s tall and skinny, his bump isn’t all that big yet, which is a slight disappointment that Astrid will not share. Although it is probably better for his back, which already suffers from being a lower leg amputee. At the same time, he started showing a little earlier than normal, which she thought was a blessing. She loves his belly and she loves seeing it in pictures. He’s growing their first child!
Glancing at it now, she can’t help but smile and places a hand on it, her thumb stroking through the t-shirt he wears. He did end up eating all five of those sandwiches.
All of them are sunburned. Because while Astrid was so worried about Hiccup going hungry, she completely forgot about the dangers of the sun. They all did. From the corner of her eyes, she spots Ruffnut’s fight not to scratch the itchy redness of her skin, Snotlout looks as bright red as a tomato and the shape of Dagur’s sunglasses have been burned right into his face. Both of the redheads in their group are more sunburned than then rest.
When they finally get home in another hour or two, she is going to lotion hers up from head to toe. And they will probably both enjoy it.
But for the time being, Astrid puts on her music and closes her eyes, her hand still on her husband’s belly.
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 months
so my current 3D printing project is this: I am making a giant lego man
not super huge, just 5x regular lego size. It'll be about eight inches tall when complete
the reasons for this are, primarily, because it’s cool, and also. I just bought legos with my own adult money for the first time, and it turns out that lego people are for some reason considerably more expensive than lego bricks. I had a whole rant about it earlier that I'm not going to retype here, but the short version is, I did not buy any lego people
but then I went on thingiverse and I found a model for a large-scale lego person! (with this remix for better arms)
and I thought, that is very cool. I am going to make a giant lego person, who can sit on top of the lego box and guard the bricks
and then, because it would take quite a while to print the whole thing, I did a miniature test print at regular lego size, which is 20% of the original file size
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it took about an hour
and he is a pretty good little lego man!
His head's a little loose, but not too bad. I had to reprint the hands cause I originally oriented them stupidly and they broke immediately, but once I redid them in a smarter position, they just took a little sanding of support droopies before they fit great.
The shoulders took some effort to pop into place, but I had expected that. On the rare occasion an arm came off of a lego person when I was a kid, I remember it being extremely difficult to put it back on. Once I got the arms in place and wiggled them back and forth a few times, they moved perfectly smoothly
The legs were trickier to attach to the hips, and one of them keeps angling itself oddly, so that he stands a bit pigeon-toed. If you mess with it too much, it will fall off.
Also the hips keep springing back out of the torso, which isn't great.
Based on this, plus a couple comments on thingiverse which said several connections were not working great, I knew I might need to make some adjustments. And to know exactly how it needed to be adjusted, I needed to print it at full scale
but I didn't want to spend several days printing, only to have to make adjustments and potentially have to reprint every file
so, first, I made a connection test file
I cut the individual pieces up into just their connection points: a slice of neck from the torso, and the bottom of the head. the shoulder pin on the arm, and the shoulder hole in the torso. The hip pin and hole. the wrist, and the entire hand because it's the smallest piece and didn't make nearly as much of a difference if I printed the whole thing. Plus, it rests on the hand on the buildplate, and it would be tricky to get just the hand post to print without including the hand
the first printing attempt spaghettified
it slipped horizontally not far in, and I suspect that caused the spaghetti, when it tried to print over somewhere that should have been supported and now wasnt. Can't be sure, because nobody saw it happen. My husband called me down to stop the printer when he noticed.
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this is the shoulder hole and neck post
it wasn't a total waste, however. I was able to tell from what little had printed of the neck and head that the neck hole was far too large for the post.
So, I made an adjustment to the torso file, making the neck post larger, and restarted the test print with the new version. Unfortunately, restating meant that it went into the evening rather later than I had initially planned, sparking a conversation about what times of day would be most convenient for me to print things so as to not render the living room unhospitible (no hard feelings in either direction, it's just. a loud machine. and it can get annoying to listen to)
That test print went fine, and I was able to test all the fits
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the neck now fits perfectly
the hand post is much too small for the wrist
the hip and shoulder joints are both too snug. I was able to force them together, but they will not rotate (they also now will not separate, and the layers around the shoulder hole split when forcing the shoulder pin inside)
so, back to the modeling program to make more adjustments. The simplest of these was to thicken the arm post
for the shouder, I measured all the bits and discovered that part of the problem is that the wall of the torso around the shoulder hole was thicker than the length of the pin before the flared head
in short, the pin was not long enough to reach all the way through the hole and have the flared head pop out on the other side
so, I lengthened the pin, and also put the slit on the flared head on the top as well as the bottom, for extra squishability
For the hips, they have a different pin shape than the shoulder, so I decided to replace it with the same mushroom-shaped kind of pin the shoulder has. I also widened the hole in the leg piece slightly.
You may notice that I didn't mention testing the hip-to-torso connection, despite noting that there was an issue on my initial miniature print. This is because in order to test it, I'd need to print a large enough portion of both the hip and torso pieces that I might as well print the whole thing, so I figured it would be better to get all the other connections correct first, and then adjust that one as need be.
I did take a look at it in the modeling program, however, and discovered that when assembled, the posts in the hips and the sides of the torso attempt to be in the same location. So I trimmed the hip posts to fit.
Then I printed all the altered files in miniature again, because that's a pretty quick test print
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As I had hoped, the legs clicked on much better and more sturdily, and the hips fit into the torso much more securely as well.
The hands and head no longer fit at all, but I'd figured that would be the case as well, considering their fit on my initial test and my subsequent adjustments. I'd printed four hands when reprinting them earlier, testing two slightly different positions (the difference in results was negligible), so I used the extras for the new figure. I sanded down the neck post a bit to get the head to fit, and perhaps I should have sanded a bit more but I didn't feel like it
With that promising test, I prepared a new test print file to test the fit of all the adjusted parts at full scale (save the neck, already tested, and the hip-to-torso connection, will test later as explained earlier - so, just the hip and shoulder joints, and the hand, since I didn't change the wrist and can reuse it to test the new hand)
That's printing currently. Will update when it's done.
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People share a great deal of their personal lives with people who aren't close friends and family members, and even with people they don't know at all. The merits of that have been debated and can still be debated. But we're not only sharing more. We're actively planning parts of our lives around sharing. That's not brand new. People have been known to visit beautiful or difficult-to-access places for the sake of a photo, and even died taking selfies on the edges of cliffs. But that hasn't stopped everyone from doubling down, it seems.
I started thinking about this the other day after I watched a Facebook friend's pregnancy announcement: a video compilation of her reacting to the positive test, telling her husband, and telling her parents. I thought it was sweet, at first, but then it occurred to me that she had had to set up her phone ahead of time to record her reaction if she got a positive result. Then she had to position her phone at a good vantage point to capture her husband's reaction. And, days later, she had to position her phone at a restaurant table to capture her mom's reaction to finding out she was going to be a grandmother. It all meant that these moments were planned in advance for maximum sharing potential.
And of course, this is just an example. People do things like this all the time nowadays. And it might seem harmless enough now. But is it harmless in the long run?
Relatedly, I follow a person on LinkedIn who has garnered a following over the past couple of years posting not only about his niche field of law practice, but how he runs his office, tales from his past experiences at other firms, how he manages his personal time, his dog, and the dinners he cooks on weekends. He has a new post up almost every day. This week, he's already posted twice about his vacation - one about why vacation is important, and one about his experience with the TSA. I like this guy. I think he's insightful a lot of the time. And other times I get the impression that he was reflecting on his day, wondering what detail he could spin into a story on LinkedIn that would keep the attention coming. Whether he's doing it because he thinks his audience is waiting to hear from him, or because he wants to get his name out there for business reasons, is it perhaps a little sad that he's constantly analyzing his day-to-day life this way?
And I'm not above similar behavior. This year, I've been taking a lot of pictures of trees, flowers, birds, and village scenes not just so I can enjoy them personally, but with the firm intention of making a 12-month compilation to be posted on social media. I'll see something I want to put in the compilation and keep trying until I get the "shareable" photo. I wouldn't say it's gotten to the point where I'm missing the joy of the moment because I'm thinking about the photos, but I know it's something to watch because it could certainly get there.
All this has me thinking...
What are the long-term consequences of being a culture that encourages and rewards turning the most intimate and precious moments with our families into a production for public spectacle?
What are the long-term consequences of being a culture that incentivizes turning the most mundane and routine aspects of your life and work into fodder for more followers, more clients, more money, and more influence?
And are we really doing anyone a kindness in the long run when we feed into this culture by liking and sharing this type of content?
I don't know that anyone truly has the answer right now, or if there is only one answer, but I think those are questions worth pondering.
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formalpeacaps · 5 months
We Are Gathered Here Today Because A Bitch Really Tried It
You know how people test if their cat is smart by holding them up to the wall? A smart cat will flex their feet so they’re resting against the wall while a dumb cat will refuse to learn that the wall is a flat surface and bonk their paws into the wall over and over and meow? I feel like Paige is a cat who just fucking bonks her paws into the wall every time.
I had retired from doing recaps. Basically, I'd done them for the Paige-specific sub, and I'd gotten used to a certain level of nonsense. Maybe once a month or two Paige would send burners after me, report me to Reddit cares, threaten to dox me, say slurs, etc etc etc. No big. I would report it to the mods and even if they weren't online, someone would eventually get back to me and we'd figure out what needed to be done and who needed to be banned that hadn't already deleted their account or been auto-banned by Reddit for using slurs or something. I was fine with this, because I understood that mods have lives outside of Reddit and that no one could ever truly stop Paige from spiraling, you could only ever make it harder and force her to spend more money if she wanted to do so.
When I moved to the NYC Snarking sub, I first of all asked permission to even begin posting my recaps. When I did that, I warned them that my recaps tended to cause Paige to lash out and told them I respected their decision if they didn't want to deal with that level of drama. They said it was fine and they were excited for me to post there. When Paige started ramping up her burner activity and clearly going into a hate speech/burner tailspin, I messaged them again asking if they were comfortable with me posting a recap because this would inevitably mean more work for them, and they said yes. So I went ahead and posted the recaps, and lo and behold, got a lot of threats and hate speech in my inbox and in comments.
Despite what the mods claimed, I'm not all that upset that that happened. I understand that that's what I signed up for. What I was upset about - and what I'm still upset about, is that when I alerted the mods that this was happening, rather than responding and, you know, moderating, they instead got very defensive and called me entitled and how dare I expect that they'd be online at all times and refused to do anything. This was ridiculous for a few reasons, namely a) they're moderators and if they don't want to moderate or be asked to moderate and then have people upset when they don't, maybe they shouldn't be moderators, and b) one of the mods was online the entire night and could very clearly see that a burner of Paige's was violating the sub rules, using slurs, and replying to herself when no one would reply to her getting increasingly agitated, and they did nothing. If they had simply banned the burner when this was happening, the burner wouldn't have been able to message me later that night while I was asleep with threats of violence. And again, I would have forgiven both of these things if the mods had apologized for them or said "whoops our bad", but instead made a whole post about how people expected too much of them specifically to call me out and gather support. It felt a bit like driving, getting t-boned at an intersection, and then when you give your insurance the information of the person who t-boned you they tell you you still have to pay for all the repairs because you were driving and getting t-boned happens and what did you expect, it's super entitled of you to be out there driving and not get t-boned at least once in your life. They can't be responsible for every driver on the road and prevent that from happening, obviously.
As I have always said, these recaps were a hobby for me, a fun thing I did to hang out with my buddies and have a bit of a tee hee once a week. The mods made clear what their position was and how they'd respond to anything that happened in the future, and as mods, that's their right. But it was also my right to say that, taking all things into consideration, I didn't want to keep metaphorically driving knowing that this would be the response every time there was so much as a metaphorical fender bender. What I was doing wasn't that deep or serious or contributing to the fabric of society or worth it. Was me stopping giving Paige what she wanted? Sure, sort of. But it also meant she was getting less attention and didn't have a place to direct her rage and blame at, and I was fine with the idea that that was, in and of itself, a punishment for her. Like I'm not some avenging angel here to dispense justice to the unworthy via snark, I'm just a little rat at a typewriter. Just a silly little guy trying her best. So I left all the snark pages I was subscribed to. I only talked to my friends in chat and otherwise was completely retired from snark. This was for two or three weeks and it was fine, and if Paige had been able to leave well enough alone I would have kept this up forever and she never would have heard from me ever again.
But we've all met Paige, which means you know she couldn't just leave things alone.
If you've been to the NYC Snark sub (the one not run by Paige), you'll see she's done her favorite technique of copyright claiming everything related to her. Since Reddit has an absolute garbage system that accepts all copyright claims without review and the only way to get it reviewed is to dox yourself and disclose your identity to the person reporting you, as an anonymous (anonymouse in this case) snarker you have no recourse. This would be a foolproof plan for Paige if everyone, like her, was not a clever little rodent who had been on the internet since its dawn (by which I mean ya girl got her start playing Neopets). You know who doesn't have that system? Tumblr. You know who's got two vestigial little thumb gripper things and an internet connection and penchant for sneaky crime and saved all her recaps since the last sub went down?
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Now all the old recaps since she deleted the original PL Snark live on Tumblr where I hope she has so much fun trying to delete them, since Tumblr is at this point is the Wild West and run by entirely by hobgoblins. Even if she's successful at shutting down this Tumblr, who knows where I'll go next? No one can say. I'm just a tiny little guy and rats can fit anywhere that their skull fits in because their ribs are flexible which allows them to contract and squiggle into spaces less than a quarter inch wide. (Google it and have fun sleeping tonight thinking about that, all of you!!!!!) I could be anywhere. Everywhere! If she does anything more egregious in her vlogs that abuse the full font library in one single video, who knows, I may even come out of retirement and post a few new recaps here. No one can say for sure, I’m wily like that.
Anyway, so looking forward to this next chapter,
XOXO Gossip Rat
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I feel like we don't really talk about Thomas Midgely Jr.
The man who is single-handedly responsible for creating the 2 most destructive chemicals of the 20 century. Chemicals that should have never been created.
So I am here to change that.
While Thomas Midgely died in November 1944. At the time of his death, the public sang his praises and his contributions to the automobile industry and coolant industries. Today, however, he is effectively canceled. If you ever Google him you won't find any positive on him.
Thomas started his career at the National registered company or NCR in Ohio where another one of his colleagues started his path to fame Charles Kettering, who was also relatively famous because of his contributions to the automobile industry.
He was famous for creating the first electric cashier register and electric ignition system which changed the locomotive industry.
Which brings us to what his inventions actually were.
Deadly Invention #1
Leaded gasoline:
Kettering was originally the one who tasked Midgely to solve the pesky and horrible problem of engine knocking. Engine knocking wasn't just any sound, it was a sensation that was felt by people throughout their driving in the cars of that time. This knocking also sometimes suddenly stopped the power flow to the engine which was quite problematic as a car just suddenly stopping anywhere could both be dangerous and unpredictable.
Midgely soon realized that this was not an engineering problem but a chemistry problem, and while Midgely was passionate about chemistry he wasn't a chemist. So to start his research he took the basis of chemistry as his starting point.
The periodic table.
Midgley tested 33000 compounds and finally came to a solution.
The engine knocking was dissipated by lurium however, lurium left a 'satanic garlic smell' in its wake which was not a solution Midgeley was looking for.
Midgely however soon concluded that, the heavier the element that is added to petrol, the more the knocking dissipated. Which was finally what turned him to lead. He tested this by adding a spoonful of lead to the engine and BOOM!! as if by magic the knocking completely dissipated.
This virtually overturned the automobile industry overnight. The limitations that first made people reluctant to buy a car were gone and thus registered car users in the US tripled exponentially.
However, this had dire consequences. Today, it is suspected that over 40000 - 80000 people especially children died every year of lead poisoning between the first usage of leaded gasoline to its ban.
But how did we find out about lead poisoning?
Enter Dr. Clair Patterson, he initially had the plan to measure the age of the earth by dating the oldest rocks known to mankind, however, he soon realized that he cannot truly get rid of lead from his lab which is a crucial thing to do in the dating process. He soon noticed that lead was everywhere due to emissions. In the blood of a human, in the hair of a human body, rocks that are far away from inhabited towns.
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Dr. Clair Patterson, the man who suffered for his accomplishments.
Due to his efforts, gasoline was finally banned in the US but people still suffer through its consequences. But why did it take so long and such hardships to ban leaded gasoline?
The main reason is that lead poisoning is very subtle until the very end. When lead enters the bloodstream the RBCs confuse it with other minerals that the cells actually need that are zinc, iron, etc.. Since lead mimics other viral minerals so well cells absorb them and this began their dance of death. Slowly they self-destruct and since there is no communication the brain fails to understand what is happening with the body as lead blocks neurotransmitters amongst the cells.
Perhaps I will explain more about Dr. Patterson's journey to ban leaded gasoline in a later post.
Now we are finally at
Deadly Invention #2
CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons
It was an age-old problem, i.e. to actually reverse the effect of heat on food items and to actually make a machine that emitted cold instead of warmth. which was when Midgley had another stroke of genius; CFCs.
Before the invention of CFC, companies used coolants such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and methyl chloride. But ammonia was notorious after the disastrous catastrophe in an ice manufacturing plant that got destroyed because ammonia in that building caught on fire. sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride on the other hand were toxic gases and caused deaths all around the country.
The situation genuinely got so bad that the government almost passed a law that banned the usage of home fridges.
Midgley was once again tasked with another problem to solve. Find a coolant that was actually both safe and effective in its job.
Once again Midgley knew the answer will come from his passion, chemistry. He narrowed down the elements in the periodic table that were gaseous at low temperatures. finally, there was one element that caught his eye; fluorine.
Now, fluorine was highly toxic on its own, however, Midgley was hoping to combine it with another element that will together make a stable compound and render fluorine non-toxic.
In just a few hours, Midgley and his team came up with a compound in which they combine fluorine, chlorine, and carbon. a new class of compounds called chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs.
Kettering finally concluded that this compound was non-toxic, non-flammable, and essentially safe for both humans and animals. He quickly partnered with DuPont to commercially start the sale of this compound in bulk after a successful previous partnership with the company over leaded gasoline. CFC was finally ready for commercial sale under the catchy name 'Freon'.
In 1932, it finally made its debut. The timing was near perfect, 15 more people were killed by methyl chloride leak. Just like leaded gasoline, it was an overnight sensation and by 1939 DuPont sold 8 million fridges.
Soon other companies used this compound to create a new AC cabinet. It was not actually the freon that caused environmental damages but actually when freon was repurposed into a handheld product that will be catastrophic for the environment and whose price we are still paying today.
By the 1970s, freon was used in almost everything, from ACs to hair sprays.
It was around the time when 2 scientists created the aerosol version of freon to be used as an insecticide mist which gave birth to the aerosol industry that one scientist found out the disastrous consequences of CFCs.
Enter James Lovelock, the scientist who found out the environmental effects of freon in a most unexpected way.
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i mean look at that face. so happy and cute. that is the face of the man whose passion and wife is science.
Lovelock actually began this drastic discovery when one day he decided to know whether the haze in front of his house was actually natural mist or chemical compounds from the urban cities. In order to measure this he created a device that will help him accurately measure the synthetic compounds in the air with an accuracy never seen before. In order to measure this, he went on a grand sea voyage from England to Antarctica and just like Dr. Patterson he found out that high concentrations of CFC's emissions were everywhere.
Lovelock presented his findings at a scientific conference in 1976, his findings intrigued 2 chemists who decided to research further on this issue. They found out that unlike other chemicals CFCs had no natural sinks in the earth where they can be naturally dissolved.
Since there were no natural sinks the gas went upwards and accumulated in the upper atmosphere. while roaming in the upper atmosphere the sun's UV rays will ultimately break it down. This chemical reaction will release chlorine from CFCs and thus begins the process of destruction of the ozone layer.
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Chlorine singlehandedly was responsible for the ozone hole in the atmosphere of Antarctica. this caused an immediate alarm amongst the scientific community because as we all know ozone layer provides a protective layer against the sun's UV rays and prevents us from catching numerous fatal health conditions, most common being skin cancer.
If the emission of CFCs continues at this rate then half of the earth's ozone layer will be gone by 2050. What's more is that in places like DC or Paris, just being outside for 5 minutes will cause severe sunburns. Skin cancer rate will skyrocket and by 2065 plant life will be affected. There will be a decrease in co2 absorption during photosynthesis in plants.
After the Montreal Protocol and international collaboration, CFC was finally banned in 1982. However, the ozone layer destroyed by Midgeley's compound since its use from the 1920s to 1970s is not expected to recover till 2050.
and this is the story of Dr. Thomas Midgely Jr.
next will be perhaps Dr. Clair Patterson.
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loftwingsuarus · 2 years
ouchie wouchie (bridal carry version will go here)
“Why didn’t you write them doing bokator” well you see I’ve never taken on someone in hand-to-hand combat but I beat the shit out of my friends (consensually) with a staff many times
“We had some prior training with weapons before we moved here," Citra says. Not that Citra or Rowan need training in any capacity, but they need a safe area to spar in. "Mind if we use one of the mats?"
"Of course, that’s what we’re here for," says the person operating the training area. They have no reason not to believe Citra.
“Great. We have a score to settle.” Citra walks into the actual training room and grabs one of the staves. She gives it a little toss in her hand to test the weight.
"Yours is heavier," the woman says. "Go easy on him." Citra tilts her weapon so it’s held tight between her hand, wrist, and the crook of her elbow.
"He can take it,” she says. The woman gives her a skeptical look.
Rowan picks one of the weapons at random. They would get on with it if no one stopped them. 
“If you don’t use the safety equipment, you’re going to have to sign a waiver.” Citra and Rowan glance at each other. Neither of them used any kind of safety equipment during their apprenticeship. The punishment for failing to meet expectations was injury. Rowan shrugs.
“Which one’s faster?”
She sighs and pulls out a tablet before accessing the document. They each write in an electronic signature.
“Are we good?” Rowan asks.
“You can change your mind and use the safety equipment whenever you like,” she replies in exasperation. She was born post-mortal, but working here makes her wish for the caution that humans once had. People are stupid as fuck.
Citra and Rowan take the floor, which is a hilarious thing to write about two people who will not be ballroom dancing. They tap their weapons once before they start, if only because they were trained to do so.
There’s no reason to start by circling around each other, but they simultaneously forget that they’re sparring with staves, and not doing bokator. The woman watches them both like they’re crazy.
Citra always attacks first, and her first tell is always swapping the side of her staff. It catches almost everyone off guard. Except Rowan. The sound of their weapons clashing echoes off the walls. The staves slide off each other. Citra swaps her staff again, attacking from the side.
Every blow is parried. Rowan knows he can't beat her at speed. He plays a strong defense instead. Citra can swing at him a thousand times- she won’t break through when they’re facing each other head-on. No opening with him. 
Citra circles around, and pretends to slow down. Rowan finally strikes. She blocks fast, then uppercuts with the other end of her staff. He swings again with a weak downward cross. Citra’s staff meets it with twice the force- his weapon recoils. Citra pivots on her lead foot, and thrusts her staff into his ribs. The impact makes him stumble.
She starts bearing down on him from the side. Rowan is met with a flurry of blows. He’s cornered, but she doesn’t relent. He moves completely on instinct as Citra drives up the pace. She tests his defense again and again. But even from a weak position, he can match her full strength. And Citra is easily frustrated. Rowan is caught off guard when she slams her weapon down- and vaults off the ground to kick the wind out of him with her knee.
She doesn't mean to pummel the shit out of him, but she miscalculates. Citra aims low to knock him down. Instead something cracks in his leg. It’s a nauseating sound. A blow like that would take out anyone. Rowan doesn't even wince.
Citra’s heart twists for a second in panic. He finally takes her by surprise. Citra barely blocks him on instinct. She stops fighting after that. Something else drives Rowan to keep going- she’s never seen him like this before. When he knocks her to the floor, she lets him. The ground shakes as Rowan slams the end of his weapon into the floor, just beside her head.
"Yield," he rasps. She does not do that. Citra stares up at him with wide eyes. She's gasping for air. They both are. 
"How are you still standing?!"
Rowan tilts his staff to the side and lets it fall, making sure it lands away from her. A second later he collapses. Citra rolls onto her side, and pushes herself up. She shuffles next to Rowan. Even with clothes on, she can see a distinct fracture where she landed a direct hit on his leg. Luckily there is no skin puncture, but it doesn't look good either.
"Why didn't you dodge that!?" Citra yells, more out of panic than anything else. He lays there for a moment, and does not move.
"Too slow, I guess," Rowan mumbles with his cheek against the floor.
The woman working at the training center hurries over.
“For fuck’s sake,” she mutters. “How bad is it?”
Citra prods his leg as lightly as possible with her fingertips. He hisses in pain, then lets out a shuddering breath. Citra has officially grievously injured or otherwise killed three out of the four important men in her life.
"Oh, fuck. I’m so sorry. Why did you keep going?"
Rowan mutters something incoherent. He didn't even notice he got the shit beat out of him. Maybe becoming immune to his own pain response is not ideal.
“I can call for a drone,” the woman tells them, “But we need to get him outside the building for it to pick him up.” 
“I can do that,” Citra says. The woman gives her a skeptical look.
“He'll be easier to carry with two people.”
“Fireman’s carry will work. I can do it myself,” Citra says.
“Are you absolutely sure?”
“I only need to get him out of the building.”
The woman doesn’t even know why she’s surprised. The situation doesn’t call for starting an argument, so she doesn’t.
“Fine. I’ll call for help then.” She steps back, and pulls her phone out of her pocket.
“Okay, we’re doing this.” Citra turns Rowan over so that he’s laying flat on his back. 
“Can you move your leg?” Rowan tries, but his body stops him.
“One of them,” he answers. Citra manually pushes his knees up and stands over him. She anchors his feet to the ground with her own, so he doesn’t turn into a pinwheel when she tries to pull him.
“Give me your hand.” Rowan does, and Citra pulls until his arm is fully extended. She pauses right there. “I’m going to lift you up. Don’t put any weight on that leg.”
“I won’t.”
In one swift motion, Citra kneels, flips him completely onto her back, and grabs his non-injured leg with her other arm. She reaches around to grab his hand, pinning it to the same leg. Rowan doesn’t comprehend anything until Citra stands to her full height again. He just swoons from her strength.
“Are you okay?” she asks. She can’t see his face from the way she’s carrying him. Rowan makes some incoherent noise. He is now a potato sack with a view of Citra’s ass.
"Congratulations on winning that match," she says, even though he did not. "Your prize is a trip to the healing center."
"I win a date with my girlfriend?” he says weakly. Citra would normally shoot back her own quip, but she already fucked up for the day.
“Yeah, you do.”
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Legendary Pokémon breeders exist? I thought they were nothing more than the headline grabbing creation of *certain* publications that shall’t be named.
That seems like such an extreme and difficult thing to accomplish. I mean legendaries like Moltres or Raikou (actually Raikou cubs sound adorable) probably aren’t substantially more difficult to breed than Talonflame or Luxray, but for more destructive or mystical legendaries, it seems impossible that it could be done it captivity at all! And that doesn’t even consider the matchmaking headache that certainly comes with Pokémon able to hold a conversation.
How do legendary Pokémon breeders handle the extremely destructive powers of Pokémon like Groudon, or the insane abilities of Jirachi? (I’m going assume nobody’s regularly breeding Pokémon like Palkia, because the alternative terrifies me)
Curious as to which publications you're referring to, but there are enough sensationalist tabloids that I can see how you'd get the impression that it's fake, heh. But they do exist! Only a few organizations in the world, but they do!
In truth, these organizations are a lot less...regimented than your ask implies. They serve more than anything as aids to Legendary or Mythical Pokemon breeding naturally, with protection, pre-natal/post-natal care, helping raise the young especially when they're very young, and yes, arranging matches between Legendary (usually owned) Pokemon.
The difficulty of these things is...well, complicated. The Pokemon themselves are usually happy to help and understanding of what's going on as long as they're treated well, and most Trainer's Legendaries are more than able to be careful with their wild abilities. In addition, nearly every single staff member must have at least a basic license, meaning they must have passed a test proving they can battle powerful Pokemon like these and at least stand a chance - doubly so for people with the Dangerous Legendary License, which is absolutely a requirement for working with Pokemon like Groudon.
And, interestingly...Pokemon who can converse make things a LOT easier, believe it or not. They can make and easily communicate their own choices, so the role of these organizations often falls to providing medical or logistical help, including in figuring out where the young are going to go when they're old enough to separate from their parents. The only reason there are ethically created Mewtwo is because of collaboration between the not-so-ethically created Mewtwo and organizations like these.
Also, I hate to scare you, but there is an organization in an undisclosed location not far from my lab (even I'm not allowed to know where their HQ is because they're SUCH a hot poaching target) that specializes in working with Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina...and there's a persistent rumor that a Shard of Arceus stops by periodically. I certainly wouldn't describe it as 'regularly', though - these Pokemon can take as long as a human to mature to adulthood, and usually have a single chick once per fifty years or so - and don't start until they're sixty or seventy at least! The arrival of a new baby, even given that the organization's HQ is commonly visited by these Dragons as a safe place, is a rare thing to celebrate. They welcome about one per year or two, but can work with an individual pair or group and their chick for as long as twenty. One of my colleagues volunteers there on weekends and they share baby pictures, as they have a nine-month-old Palkia right now, and they're amazing.
After I spend a while at the lab, beef up my team a fair bit, and get my licensing sorted, I'm half-planning to work at one of those! Or at least, volunteer for a while or take a part-time position. It's a difficult job, but as I understand it, a completely wonderful one. I also hear that the pay and benefits are stellar, which makes sense considering how few people out there are even qualified to do that.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Hello! Can you write a plot with Fabio Q meeting a jornalist? Thanks
Fabio Quarararo- Crush
A/n: a lot of this will be Fabio's POV
This year is starting like most do with me flying out to Qatar to report on the first motogp race of the season. I have been doing this since 2019 but this year is going to be slightly different as usually I am there just as a journalist but this year I have a job with a tv broadcaster and so I will be doing some presenting and my usual interviews but they will also be filmed for tv now. The whole reason I'm in this position is because after finishing school I used the money I had from working part time to travel to races and trying to combine my passions which are writing and MotoGP. When I tried it I thought I would only make it to a few races but for some reason people actually liked what I wrote and I was able to make some money off it which meant I could keep going to races. Over time I kept building on what I was doing and now I'm very proud of everything I created but it's time to change things up a bit and try presenting as well as journalism. 
As much as I'm very nervous about the switch as writing something to post online and appearing live on tv are very different things I know I just need to do what I always do and I will be fine. It also helps that the first person I'm going to interview is my favourite rider Fabio, I know I'm not supposed to have favourites but he has always been super kind to me and always smiles at me when we see each other in the paddock. I know that that isn't anything special but most people don't acknowledge me when I'm walking around the paddock as I usually keep myself to myself but Fabio always acknowledges my existence which is nice. Having him be the first person I interview for tv is keeping me calmer as I know that he will be patient with me if things go wrong and he's always happy to answer questions when we did media last year so hopefully he'll be the same this year. 
When I arrived this morning I was given a schedule and joined by a camera man straight away so that we could go and set up our filming spot for the day. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be doing as I have never had to film interviews before as I always just use my phone to record the audio but luckily everyone else knew what they should be doing so I just had to prepare my questions and notes. As we had a bit of time before Fabio would arrive for his interview I sat down and started to write down my own questions to add to the few I was given for each interview as I like to make interviews more interesting than just the basic questions everyone asks. Quickly I realised that I was doing that as a distraction because as soon as I stopped I got incredibly nervous and had to walk away from where we had set up to calm myself down and tell myself it's just like any other interview. 
Fabio's POV
Being back to racing is great but I can't say I've missed the media side of things as that's always my least favourite part of a race weekend but it comes with the job. The first interviews of the season are usually the worst as no one really has anything to ask as we haven't been on track yet so usually questions are about testing or last season. When I first arrived to the track we had a team meeting to discuss the finalised spec of the bikes and just other general things but then it was time for my first interview so I headed there with the team media manager while looking at my phone to reply to some messages. While we walked I was given a briefing of the schedule for the day which was pretty packed but honestly it wasn't really any different to usual. 
Finally we reached the media centre where I had my first interview and just as I was about to sit down I almost stopped dead in my track when I saw who was doing the interview. Ever since I joined motogp there has been this girl who is always at every race and usually she is there with all the rest of the journalists recording and writing notes on our briefings. To everyone else she is probably just a normal journalist but from the second I saw her I thought she was incredibly pretty and always loved to see her at the debriefs. When walking around the paddock I always smile at her when I see her but we haven't spoken because I haven't been brave enough to strike up a conversation. None of that matters now as I'll have to speak to her for this interview and who knows maybe that will make me actually talk to her more often. 
Thinking about it more I don't know why she's doing this interview as normally she just writes about the sport which I know because I like to read whatever she puts out as it's actually interesting to read. As this is an interview for tv I'm quite surprised to see her as it's not something I ever expected her to do but I'm actually quite happy to see her as if this is something she's doing all season I think media is going to be a lot better. I also felt somewhat proud that after these last few years of just seeing her sit quietly and work hard on her skills that she got the recognition she deserved and is now working for a tv broadcaster. 
As I sat down she looked very nervous as I could see her biting her lip and tapping her pen on the notebook she had in her hand but I was hoping I could make her feel less nervous once we got started. She offered me a smile as she handed me a microphone which I could tell wasn't on so I quickly turned it on so that she didn't get embarrassed about doing something wrong before we even started. Once we started rolling and got a few questions out the way she definitely settled down and started to have more fun with it by asking more interesting questions which I enjoyed as I know for the rest of the day I'll be asked the same question a million times. We definitely went over the scheduled time but it was well worth it as it's the best interview I've done in a long time. After we were done with the interview I was determined to actually talk to her so I went over to her before realising I didn't know what to say. 
"Hey I just wanted to properly say hello as I've seen you around the last few years" I said 
"Well hello I should probably introduce myself I'm y/n" she said 
"Lovely to properly meet you y/n I'm Fabio but you already knew that" I joked 
We talked for a bit longer and I learnt that she started all of this on a whim after turning 18 and has since made it a career which I thought was really impressive. She talked about her new position a bit and how now she'll be doing more interviews and some presenting so I should see even more of her than usual. With how tight our schedules are we didn't really get chance to talk about anything other than work but it gives me an excuse to talk to her again. I didn't even get chance to properly say goodbye to her as I was made to go to my next interview and she had to talk with one of the other presenters about something. 
After the first race I have seen so much more of y/n as she does all the interviews for the broadcaster she works for so I get to see her on media day and throughout the weekend. Doing those interviews has become my favourite parts of the day as she always has a smile on her face and always has something positive to say about the session even if it hasn't been the best for us which I like. I have also been trying to speak to her a bit outside of interviews which isn't always the easiest thing as we both have other things to do all the time but I try my best. Because I keep trying my best to speak to her I have learnt a bit more about her as a person like I know that she is a year younger than me and can speak bits of many different languages as she learnt them to speak to people around the paddock. She's just such a cool person and has so many stories to tell but you would never know as she just does her own thing and no one else cares enough to find out more. 
As much as I enjoy when I have interviews with her and getting to talk to her a bit in between I would love to spend time with her outside of work when there isn't such strict schedules to stick to. This is why I've been trying to build up the courage to ask her to go for drinks or something after a race weekend but its not been going quite to plan. Every race weekend I tell myself that I'm just going to ask her as the worst that can happen is that she says no but I just can't make myself do it. However this weekend I have promised myself that I will do it and I have told Jake (Dixon) so he will hold me accountable no matter how nervous I get. I don't know why I'm so nervous about it as I've never been like that before but something about y/n just makes me nervous in general. 
This weekend has been pretty chaotic as it is Le Mans which means I've had more interviews than usual so I haven't really had chance to speak to y/n but today after the race I'm determined to do it for myself and to avoid being ridiculed by my friends for backing out. Once the race was over my mind went straight to thinking about y/n like it usually does just this time I was worried about seeing her not excited. Through all of my other interviews I wasn't really paying attention as my one with y/n happened to be my last one which felt like the universe was trying to push me to ask her as well. 
When I got there she was all smiles as usual but there was no time for us to even say hello before we had to start as we were both running late so we quickly got on with the interview. After we were done she began to pack up all of her things and thanked the camera crew as they were now done for the day while I let my media manager go so that I could be alone with y/n. As I stood there waiting I began to get incredibly nervous again but I knew I had to do it especially when I got a text from Jake telling me that if I don't do it he will do it himself which I definitely don't want. Once she was ready I made my way over to her and psyched myself up to ask her but before I could start the conversation she did. 
"Hey there I feel like I've barely seen you this weekend how has your home race been?" She asked 
"Its been amazing even if I would have liked to have won the atmosphere has been incredible it's so weird to see so many people cheering for you" I replied 
"I could hear the crowd earlier and it was pretty loud from here so I can only imagine what its like actually out on track" she said 
"Yeah it was really cool, I wanted to ask you if at some point you would want to go and get drinks or some food" I said 
"I would love to when were you thinking?" She asked 
"If you are free now I know somewhere quiet we can go" I said 
"I'm free" she said 
We agreed for me to pick her up from her hotel at 6 which is why I'm currently sat outside waiting for her to come out the door. Since I asked her I've been a lot less nervous as I know we get along and there is a lot for us to talk about so it shouldn't be awkward at any point plus she agreed to come out with me so it's not like she doesn't want to be here. At exactly 6 o'clock because y/n is always on time she walked out of the hotel front door looking absolutely stunning. She wasn't wearing anything particularly fancy but her hair was down and looked incredible and she had taken her makeup off so you could see how naturally beautiful she was. Once I saw her I got out of my car and went around to open the passenger door for her which she thanked me for after she said hello and got in the car. When in the car we got straight to talking like we had been friends for years which made me feel a bit conflicted because as much as it's nice that we are so comfortable with each other I would love to be more than friends but I'm not sure if that's what she wants. 
When we got to the little bar/restaurant I picked for us to go to we got given a table pretty quickly and then ordered our food and drinks before getting back to our conversation. Immediately we started joking and laughing with each other which had some people in the restaurant staring at us but neither of us cared as we were having fun. We told stories from our lives outside of the track the whole evening which was really nice as we haven't had too much chance to get to know more about each other's life. She kept saying that she hasn't lived the most interesting life but I loved every story that she told as I haven't lived a very normal life so it was interesting to hear what she had done with her life and family. 
After we finished eating and had a few drinks I paid even though she wanted to split the bill and then we went for a little walk around the town as its a small place so not too many people should be around. As time went on it got colder outside which y/n clearly wasn't prepared for as I could see her getting a bit cold. We walked for a bit longer before I could see that she was really cold so I took my hoodie off and gave it to her which she refused at first but I made her put it on before we went any further. Eventually we made it back to the car and I drove her back to her hotel where we said goodbye to each other and said we would do this again at the next race which happens to be next weekend.
It is Thursday again which means its media day but luckily I'm almost done for the day and next I have my interview with y/n. I haven't seen her since we went out together last Sunday so I can't wait to se her again and maybe properly agree to do that again. I was so in my head thinking about plans for this weekend that I didn't even realise that it wasn't y/n doing the interview it was one of her colleagues. It took me by surprise but I told myself that she must just have something else to do or maybe her flight got delayed both of which are very reasonable things but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but worry about her. 
As the day went on I hadn't seen y/n around at all which wasn't how it normally is as usually we run into each other all the time and because I hadn't seen her my mind has been running wild with a million things that could of happened some of which I know are ridiculous but I can't help but worry about her. Typically we have never exchanged phone numbers as most of the time we only talk in the paddock so I can't just text her to make sure she's ok. I tried to just ignore it as its only one weekend but it was bugging me too much so I decided to find one of her colleagues to see if they had her number as they know we get along so they should be ok with giving me her number. 
I found one of her colleagues quite quickly and they were happy to give me her number and didn't even ask why which was great as I didn't want to admit that it's because I like her so much that her missing a race weekend has me worried. Once I got out of the conversation I went straight back to my motorhome and typed the number in and clicking the call button. Straight away I kind of regretted it as if she answers and has some good reason for not being here she's going to think that I'm weird for calling her and being so worried. I was beginning to hope that she wouldn't answer which is quite likely as to her it will just be a random phone number. With each ring it was looking less like she was going to answer but just as I thought the universe had saved me from embarrassment the ringing stopped and I heard her voice come through my phone. 
"Hello, who is this?" She asked 
"Hey y/n its me Fabio I'm really sorry for calling you but you weren't at the track and I wanted to make sure everything was alright" I kind of rambled to try and make myself look less weird 
"Oh hi everything is fine I just caught an awful sickness from my nephew when I went to help my sister out and they told me not to come to this weekends race even though I wanted to" she explained 
"That sounds awful I hope you feel better soon" I said sympathetically 
"Thank you but I have to ask who did you get my number from and why did you phone?" She asked 
Those were the exact questions I didn't really want her to ask as I know I'm going to have to tell the truth which could be awkward.
"I got your number off your colleague and I phoned as I was worried about you I mean you are always here and when you weren't I couldn't stop worrying about if you were ok" I said 
"Why were you so worried?" She probed 
"I'm just going to admit it as it will make things easier I really like you y/n and as more than a friend which is why you are always on my mind and why I was so worried when I didn't see you today as I just want to know that you are ok and happy" I admitted 
"Well I like you too" she said 
"Oh thank god I was worried I would ruin a good friendship how about we go on a proper date once you feel better" I suggested 
"I would love that I'll text you now that I have your number" she laughed 
With that I ended the call with the biggest smile on my face. It probably would have taken me months to actually ask her on a date if this hadn't happened so I guess her being sick has a good side to it. 
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autisticlee · 2 months
pretty sure I made a post about this before and maybe worded it better but I want to throw out a big text wall and just whine about gender stuff again with no editing so you get all the typos and bad grammar and stuff
sometimes I think about how my old friend group may have pushed me away because they decided i'm ~a big scary man~ or at least that's what the other guy in our group suggested once. when I was telling him I don't know why they uninvited only me from the group trip suddenly, since I never got a real answer, he said maybe they want "girl time" together and saw me as a man so i wasnt welcome and going to intrude. that's nkt fair, especially as someome who grew up exclusively friends with girls and never even truly identified as a man. only used he/him to test it out and make the gender police happy so I could get reproductive care i wanted but am not allowed if i use she/her or they/them. (though so i'm confused because the guy if our group couldn't afford to do the trip but they still said they wanted him to join but i was always left out if conversation about the trip i initially planned myself!) anyway, I transitioned for personal medical reasons (mainly I wanted those life-ruining female organs out because severe pmdd and every doctor I talked to acted like I was crazy saying it's not a real illness basically and they won't remove because you want to unless you're trans or about to die) so I had to go by he/him and change my name to a masc one and go on hormones to get the doctors and insurance to be happy. didn't have time to explore non binary genders. I finally got my surgery, nit long after the other guy in our gc. he was great help! I decided it was time to explore gender more since I'm not tied to needing to be masc anymore. didn't tell those friends yet because I was still figuring out which word and pronouns to use (ended on nonbinary). I was never very masc presenting though around them anyway and never called myself "man" ever. I didn't have words to describe it yet but it was obvious imo I wasn't "man." at one point not long before i was pushed out if the group, one girl in the chat called me a man or something, so I corrected her and said i'm actually nonbinary. she apologized and I said it's fine because i've been trying to figure it out and have now decided, so this is my coming out to the group chat. no one else responded. but even so, I expected them to have seen it? so I didn't connect that maybe they still insisted on seeing me as "man" based solely on pronouns I used and maybe that "threatened" them. because they're ciswomen and transmascs are "big scary men" even though i'm actually, under all the performative gender to get approved for surgery, more of a fem nonbinary. but they would have known/learned that if they had just kept their promise of the group trip and didn't hurt and betray me and push me out of the group without warning or reason!!!!!! I know they're bad friends. but they were so good up til that final few months where things went downhill and hostile towards me for no reason at all. sighs.
the point is, ciswomen really like to make anyone they perceived as slightly masc out the be the enemy when I also feel uncomfortable by most masc men and seek the comfort and companionship of femme people instead. so the fact that they disown me helps keep me in a very lonely position and perpetually "othered" which isn't fair. not sure how people feel about my more femme nonbinary presenting but I feel like the little bit of masc-ness I have due to being on hormones will keep me getting pushed out of femme spaces still. it's really an issue. trans women have it the worst and that really needs to stop! but if I want to be some silly little nonbinary aroace lesbian then what right do people have to push me out of the spaces I feel comfortable in? you feel uncomfortable? suck it up and deal with it! you have a space to be comfortable in and can go to the other side of it. you have no right to kick me out into the cold!
if I want to be an aroace nonbinary lesbian mingling with the femmes, I wont let you decide I belong with men just because I might have some "masc" features you dislike (I've had Experiences and it gives me a discomfort of most men in general. or at least makes me wary of them) it feel horrible when they decide I can't stand beside them. Just like a past friend that decided she's ending out friendship because "girls can't be friends with guys so we can't be friends anymore" which is gross. that mindset needs to end. WE NEED GENDER EQUALITY. everyone needs to be treated truly equally. it would be so easy if people jist stopped putting gender in boxes and acted normal. but society isn't ready for that. so I will keep getting gendered with shitty stereotypes depending on who is deciding and i'll never have am equal footing among the gender policing. ugh.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
Trump and allies plotting militarized mass deportations, detention camps - The Washington Post
Who do you think this is wrong yeah we do we need this guy out he's an evil bastard to our son and needs to die we're going to kill him and make sure he's dead we've had enough of him and he's going to be out this is not what the presidency is about and this piece of s*** has stopped all over it and it's time to get him out of here and I mean out if you're forever and now I want to work till want to teams on it I want progress it says Apollo and got his wife have the car to get the movie going and they say that's traffic I really appreciate that and it's true too that's how they are honorable one in a duty and they accept it and say we are on point now and that you pointed out we're going to get going on it and we will make it happen and he needs that and it will help him as well these are things that are going on every day we better make sure they happen and we're on it this is good this is a real effect at the movie is important and things that lead up to it but it is a string of movies and it's his specialty and he's going to get to it right now he's doing things and great
There's other things happening and they're pretty big news here in Charlotte county
-a judge has awarded recently against John remillard and he used to pay a certain amount of money and he has not and the time frame has passed he'll be arrested if he doesn't turn himself in and starts today in 2 hours the judge will declare him in default
-there are other people here who understand what that means yeah the walls will start closing in order on him as they'll see his houses and apartments and things here in Charlotte county and you'll also be attacked as soon start losing positions
-there's several more things that are happening and he is somehow at the center of them and he's a big loser but there are a lot of people losing their positions today it's already started a little at the DMV actually is at the places like department of sanitation has others that open early but really they're going to lose positions today and it's going to start up soon
-additionally they're noticing that the empire the pseudo empire that is is starting to fight the clones a lot and they are not tolerant of their behavior and the more like you're getting hit when they act like clones. And it is increasing in numbers and ferocity today they're having a real conflict it is going to not help the psuedo empire. And more
-there's a huge number of people running around who cannot stand our son they say and they're getting picked up and arrested everyday they're quite a few of them in town and for some reason they haven't picked them up they're going to now cuz I see what they're up to and they are trust mostly and it's a cover Act
-there's other things happening Trump is going to get cut down here to size and other countries follow but his people went out into the rings last night and it was only 10 households and they're a hundred left and he has 20 left and those 10 went out and they were butchered they were killed and quite badly cuz they knew who they were and they hate them they were in the third ring and heading for the 4th and they have about eight trucks and a couple smaller ones and they're spotted and you're hit by a missile strike about 50 missiles hit there looks like locality and they having some of their connected and those trucks blew to hell they're trying to deliver devices they found out and they had ships hit them and it pulverize those trucks into dust now there's 90 households left and a board where several freaks and son used to encounter in westborough and all the way until here and now they're gone they're fighting over the roll because they enjoy testing people and there is a big line of idiot to take over and he's going up quick all over the world fighting over territory too it's going to be over for the trumps they have only 15 households left in the neighborhood and it's really a reflective on their territory too and today the battle has already heated up in the northern areas of Earth over the bunkers including Russia the bunkers in the Middle where re taken and by Justin. Out of those 15 households has 10 of them have people in them who are annoying as hell daily and they blame the pseudo empire and it is reflective on what they're saying that they are going to go out there they say and get the job done and they are preparing and it's all 15 of them no it's 10 households and really the five left or these idiots here. And the Sun is flipping off the remaining five saying he" just wants them to know that they've been great" and it says you but okay now these people suck real bad but the whole empire is coming down and these 10 want to go out today and they're going to wait till tonight if they can and if they disappear all of their clans are going to be fighting and they will not last. Others are going to be fighting them too that's what happens it becomes a free-for-all so they're going after them right now and it's going to weaken them and they're going to end up going out there and they're only be 80 households left but most of them don't like Trump and his trumpsters and they're going to have all sorts of problems roadblocks and things in the way and every day and already it's pretty tough it's starting to do that kind of thing and they're going to get his population down and you're going to start firing his people a lot more but for real I have the warlock population is already dropping due to the evacuation about 18% we expect one or 2% more out of Florida which would be great it's actually going down now and the general populace is heading down and her son is calling for an invasion of the islands and other groups will follow suit the reason being is the empire is below and unfettered and the pseudo empire is just going to sit there but if we don't the empire will take over both islands and it'll be a bear to get there and the too close to Antarctica and there's not enough of these Mac and warlock doing anything excep actually his cover and then become a liability so we will start taking over territory and the others will come
We're going to issue this now and we're going to send the orders shortly
Thor Freya
Olympus he said we take over a place you want to keep them out of and we know about it and we understand where and we can raise something up with it and we're going to go ahead and do it we do thank you for the order and we do get it
The adds is too much pressure coming from these Max and on Earth and on himself and Hera
That you appreciate my husband and we are saying this and we're trying to make it work now there's a lot of stuff going on this half a billion ships left of Trump's seems to be heating up again and it's going to be a problem but really I hear there giving orders to stop the thing
We are usually orders to stop that particular fleet and we do see the pseudo empire moving in and last time they were hitting them from a distance and they are getting ready to and we see the rest of the fleet near them firing on them and they're emitters you can hardly tell and they're disabling a lot of ships probably half of the ones that were heating and they're getting the other half and they're going to probably sack most of the fleet this left and stuff very big and they really need information and they're going to get it
Savage Opress
We're going to print now
0 notes
prabhatjairam · 8 months
Chat GPT vs. Google
The Internet is evolving as a result of new technology and innovations. Google is without a doubt the most popular search engine in the world, but since ChatGPT was developed, more people are using it. 
Google and Chat GPT each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and their effectiveness will vary according to the particular work at hand. In this blog post, let's talk deeply about ChatGPT and Google.
Google is the most widely used search engine throughout the world and the most popular website on the planet. A play on the word "googol," which is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, gave rise to the name "Google." The major goal behind the creation of this search engine is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and valuable." 
Yet, Google is helpful for everyone who needs to obtain knowledge about a certain issue, including students, teachers, learners, corporate groups, and individuals.
Chat GPT
An artificially intelligent chatbot named ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI. The chatbot's language-based model is tuned by the developer for conversational human contact. In reality, it's a simulated chatbot created mostly for customer support; nevertheless, individuals utilize it for a variety of other purposes as well. It includes creating code, writing business proposals, and essays.
The advantages of ChatGPT
Overview of the benefits of ChatGPT, as it has gained significant traction with its users.
Highly scalable and efficient
Due to ChatGPT's excellent scalability and efficiency, businesses of various sizes can use it for a reasonable price. It can provide a more thorough conversation than other technologies because of its capacity to evaluate both written and spoken language. It is very accurate, with a low percentage of false positives and negatives.
Generative training transformer
It is a useful tool for talking with others who might not speak the same language as you or who have distinct methods of communication since it uses natural language processing, which is trained to process and comprehend natural language. Children's homework will be made simple, and they'll be dependent on chat, which will impair their ability to think critically.
Free of charge
There are no paid fees associated with Chat GPT, and it is completely free to use. A new alternative has been made available; if you did not like it or were dissatisfied with the outcome, you may offer your comments, and they will amend their data accordingly. Every user of Chat Bot receives unique recommendations and responses. It delivers quick responses, which are frequently completed by people.
The disadvantages of ChatGPT
Indeed, ChatGPT has a variety of weaknesses that describe its limitations at times. The following are some of ChatGPT's drawbacks:
Cannot address challenging problems
ChatGPT cannot manage complicated requests or queries. Customers could only get in-depth support if they have complex inquiries because many GPTs are taught to have simple discussions, such as serving up basic product information or answering frequently asked questions.
Reduces human thinking capabilities
ChatGPT can kill creativity, lower intelligence, cause people to stop working hard, weaken children's ability to reason, and instill a belief in incorrect information. 
Requires more time
ChatGPTs require more time to provide quick answers due to the time it takes for the program to respond. GPTs must process and respond, and clients may have to wait much longer compared to communicating with an actual customer support person.
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The pros of Google
Some of the benefits of Google are listed below.
Provide information and accessibility
Undoubtedly, Google is one of the world’s largest search engines. There are one trillion websites indexed on Google, which claims to be the most popular search engine in the world. As a result, internet users can find trustworthy information on a range of topics based on their preferences.
No cost
The main perk of utilizing Google is the fact that it is a free web browser. Users can use its rich collection of search tools to get free responses to their requests.
Most precise outcomes
Of all the search engines in use today, Google's algorithms are arguably the best. Due to its size, it has the means and capacity to devote resources to improving its algorithms to give users the most precise search results possible.
The cons of Google
Let’s review the drawbacks of Google.
Lacks customization
The Chrome browser lacks customization and choices. For instance, you won't be prompted to decide whether or not to close every tab if the Chrome session is closed with several active tabs. Windows and tabs are immediately locked.
Poor image search result
Another drawback of utilizing the Google search engine is that, in contrast to the text and standard search engines, the image and video search engines are actually less accurate and user-friendly.
We trust that this post gave you useful details about ChatGPT and Google. Although many people are familiar with Google, ChatGPT is steadily gaining ground in this cutthroat industry. Given that it can successfully comprehend and interpret linguistic nuance, it has the potential to be more accurate. While both have their qualities and skills, it might be challenging to determine which is best.
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