#the rest of the motel is not by me. ♥
ssspringroll · 9 months
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shitty little 'kitchen' at this motel im editing. good god i feel like ive been here.
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kaiwewi · 2 years
How Not to Interrogate Your Enemy
tw: kidnapping, drugs Synopsis: kidnapping Hero was a huge mistake. All Villain has to show for it is regret and a bad headache.
“I should not have forced those drugs down your throat.”
Villain threw the box with the rest of the Ritalin pills carelessly aside once again. There wasn’t any information on it that might be of assistance to them anyway. They’d checked. Five times, as of yet.
Of course rereading it over and over hadn’t magically changed the words printed on the stupid patient information leaflet either, and yet it had at the very least provided Villain with an immediate distraction.
Mercifully, Hero had finally managed to shut up for longer than their lungs needed to fill with a single breath of air. And not a moment too soon, as Villain almost hadn’t been able to remember what silence sounded like anymore.
Frowning, they rubbed the bridge of their nose. “I’d really hoped it might loosen your tongue and you’d let something useful slip sooner or later.” They sighed deeply. “But instead, you’ve just been babbling about some kind of … philosophical bullshit for hours. Hours! And honestly, half of it makes no sense whatsoever, and the rest …”
Why didn’t Villain have henchmen who could take care of situations like this? All the other villains they knew had henchmen! And lairs with functioning prison cells. And proper truth serums.
Why had Villain been sitting here for more than 20 hours now, in a cramped motel room, all alone with their captured hero?
“Ugh, I don’t know,” they complained aloud.
Hero looked up then, no longer so intently focussed on the ropes tying their wrists and ankles to the chair they sat in. The knots seemed to be the only thing about Villain's stupid plan that actually worked as intended. The rest was a complete disaster.
When Hero opened their mouth, Villain lunged to their feet and grabbed their bottle of water from the table.
“You must be thirsty, right?” They hastily unscrewed the cap and pressed it to Hero’s lips. “Here, you should drink something!”
Just, please, keep your mouth shut!
Their captive gulped down the bottle's contents without hesitation.
In Villain's honest opinion – and given the circumstances – some reluctance to accept a drink offered by an enemy would definitely have been in order. Not that it mattered; this was only water after all. As if Villain would ever consider giving Hero any additional drugs with possibly even more annoying side effects.
They took a deep breath. Then another.
Thankfully, Hero couldn’t drink and talk at the same time, which granted Villain another moment of peace and quiet. When their captive had emptied the entire thing, Villain begrudgingly set the bottle aside.
Pacing the room, they racked their brain for something to say that might convince Hero to let them rest for just a tiny little bit. Having had no more than two or three hours of sleep during the last two days, Villain was so exhausted their mind seemed engulfed in fog so thick they could hardly locate the words to form coherent thoughts.
They needed a break.
“Listen, Hero.” Villain’s voice took on a pleading tone, but at this point they hardly cared about dignity anymore either. “I just want to lie down for a few hours, okay? Please? I know you’ve got all these fascinating thoughts floating around in your head, but—”
“Oh!” Hero gasped. Their face lit up with vigour. “Let me tell you something really fascinating!” they said, way too enthusiastically and much too loud.
Villain flinched.
If Hero had noticed, they didn’t care. Instead, they started a new, insanely fast-paced monologue that, as all the previous ones had, lacked any kind of a core topic or apparent objective.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake …” Villain’s groan was almost a sob.
How much longer was it going to take for the drugs to wear off?
This was torture.
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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m4yasnotthatcool · 1 month
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warnings: just fluff guys istg(thats it i think) (if u find anything else you think should be put as a warning pls tell me dawg); its written in all lower case as a stylistic choice; also reader is shorter than sam;
breif descripiton of contents: okay so *kicking my feet in the air and wearing sunglasses so people dont see what im looking at * (its sam edits that use the clip of him from s1 where we get a tummy peak) (yum) GIRL. imagine this (no its not a 2014 1d imagine, calm yourself down princess and get off of your knees suckers) youre sitting on his lap, one of his hands pressed flat against your lower abdomen, fingers lightly grazing the skin underneath your (actually his) shirt. his voice soft as hes reading to you from one of his mistery books, his back hunched over as hes resting his chin on your shoulder as his bangs lightly tickle the side of your face that they rest upon.
now that wasn't very breif, was it?- anywayyssssss
relationship not established but it's very obvious you guys are head over heels for eachother dont play w me rn;
(a/n) guys, this is more self indulgent more than anything if im being honest. i just wanted some feel good with my boy sammy wuth his painted puppy dog eyes and his cute boyish smile AGHHH i love him sm; anyway, enjoy :))) (or dont, idc) (if you tell me you dont like it im hoing to commit sewer slide)
with dean away to "run some errands", the cheap motel room was left solely to you and your best friend, sam. the both of you had ordered take out a couple of hours ago, the now empty boxes littering the tiny desk provided in the room.
after the two of you ate, you guys decided to watch some tv. the only problem? the shitty little tv didnt work. so what did you do? what brilliant sollution did the two of you come up with?
"ugh why is it not working!" you say frustrated as you punch the top of the tube tv. "well thats not surprising i guess, i mean look at the thing..." With one of his numerous books in one hand and his other arm resting its elbow on his knee to support his head, Sam murmurs to himself as he sits cross-legged on the bed the two of you have grown accustomed to sharing.
"wow, you, sammy my boy, are completely destroyed by these news, arent you?" he feels his cheeks warm up ever so slightly at the use of the nickname, before tryibg ti regain his composure by responding with a snarky comment of his own "yes, mortified" he said as he reached to turn the page of hie book, but stopping for a second when his fingers reached the page. instead of turning to a new page, he neatly folded the corner of the pice of paper before closing the book. "i can land you one of my books if you wanna read anything" he said, reaching for the small stavk of the few books he had brought with him on the hunting trip, but you stopped him before he got to it. "nah im good, but thanks" you said giving him a warm smile. "oh, okay, but what are you going to do? go to bed or something?" "mmmm... you know what, i think i will." you paused as you lowered yourself right next to him, covering your lower half with a comforter the two of you found in the closet when you first entered the room. you closed your eyes, trying to drift off to sleep, but nothibg seemed to work. you shuffled and shuffled, shifting your position every 2 minutes or so. after about 20 minutes that to you felt like 20 hours, sam spoke: "do you need a bedtime story now or what?" he said and you could hear his signature boyish smirk in his tone. it was obviously supposed to be taken as a joke, but much to his surprise you said "yes, that would be awsome actually" you reached your hand blindly as your eyes were still closed and you tapped sams knee "okay you can start now".
and he did. while his voice alone didnt help you fall asleep, it at keast calmed you quite a bit to say the least. you previous shifting in search for the perfect position to sleep in had been long forgotten as sam read to you. sometimes he would pause to explain certain paragraphs before moving on to reading from the book once again, but if you were being honest you were not sure when the reading woult resign and the comments regarding the events of the book would flod your senses, but you didnt mind.
after some time, he asked you in a shushed tone if you fell asleep, seeing as your breathing had stabilized and softened. on the contrary tough, you were very much awake, so you responded to his question mocking tone he used. "yea, im very much asleep right now, thank you for asking" .
he smiled as he lightly smacked your shoulderblade. you scoffed in fake annoyance as you rolled out of bed, heading for the fridge to get some cold water out.
opening the fridge door you asked him "you want some water too?"
"no, im good. but thanks tough!" he flashed you a quick smile.
getting the bottle out, you returned to your side of the bed before opening the water. what you didnt know was that it was sparkling water, and it exploded all ober you and your side of the bed when you tried to take a drink.
sam couldnt control himself, so the first thing your now wet self heard was him snorting, trying not to full on laugh.
you sighed loudly before closing the remaining contents of the bottle and sitting back up. "ugh, oh shit" you said as you glanced at the sheets on your side of the bed. "im sorry, fuck" "yea, yea, its fine, dont worru about it" he said tough his mind focused on something far more important: your now wet shirt clinging to your body, showning off the shape he had came to love so much but could only feel whenever the two of you hugged.
he quietly observed you desperetly look for something, until, he realized what he was doing, so he shamefully looked away, all of a sudden being very interested in the color of the walls surrounding the two of you.
"sam, have you seen my stuff?" "huh? oh... yea, i think its in the car. do you want me to go get it for you?" he asked you, forgeting for a moment his brothers usual antics of taking the car and speeding off intro the night. "but didn't dean take it?-" "oh shit you're right..." he mumbled, sitting (his goofy ahh) back down. "what did you need?" he asked you grabbing his duffle bag to look for something to substitute your missing item. "a dry shirt I guess, my shorts aren't that wet" you said signaling to the wetness of the long sleeve top you were wearing in comparison to the slight dampness of your pajama bottoms. he gave you a quick nod before briefly looking for something to give you. he landed on his purple t shirt that had an also freakishly purple dog printed on it which you accepted gratefully.
you left the room for a minute, going to the bathroom where you changed your top.
the way his clothes swallowed you was just another reminder of the already obvious size difference between the two of you, the shirt almost covering your shorts entirely with how long it was on you. you sighed in content as you walked out, wet shirt in hand as you reach one of the two chairs by the desk. you used it to hang the pice of clothing up to dry before sitting on the other chair.
sam raised a curious eyebrow at you before asking "what do you think you're doing?" you looked at him confused before he patted the bed, motioning for you to come sit with him. "sam, my side is like, soaking wet right now. I gotta wait for it to dry."
"who said anything about your side of the bed? come on we can share mine." His eyes met yours expectantly and he smiled kindly. you slowly got up and sat next to him, trying to take up as little space as you possibly could, to which sam grabbed your arm and pulled you to stay on top of him instead of on the almost non existent space left.
your breath hitched the second your head came in contact with his chest, one of his arms holding you in place as the other one still held the book he had been reading to you earlier. "you wanna read it with me or do you want me to read it to you?" "or, a 3rd option would be you shut up" you smiled into his chest. God, why does he have to smell so good? you asked yourself before realising what had just ran trough your head. "but, I guess the first option sounds good." unscebted soap and woods, thats the best way to describe the way he smelled at that moment. a warm woody musk leading you into him to explore his warmth. and with that his grip on your waist loosens, letting you turn around but not fully allowing you to escape his grasp.
His hand was flat on your lower abdomen, playing ever so slightly with the tie of your shorts, which you had tied into a loose bow, as you turned to face the book. his head rested on your left shoulder, his bangs touching your face, tickling you slightly making you giggle under your breath. his periodic breath fanned on your shoulder, and his body emitting such comfortable warmth, you could feel yourself finally getting tired. your body relaxed against his own, something he welcomed quickly, letting you rest your head on his chest and you finally drifted off to sleep.
(a/n) guys I'm deeply aware this is bad asf and idek why I still posted it tbh
anyway, I'm sorry it's so short
It's the 2nd oneshot I wrote after almost a year of giving up (and even then I had like 2 disc posted to my name) so please excuse how shitty it was
Anyway, lly byeeee
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non-binarypal7 · 6 months
~ Writing Patterns ~
Thank you very much for the tag @ullvide❣️
How to play: Write the opening line from the last ten fics that you posted and see if there are any patterns! (I’m linking to the fics in question, but just so folks know, my fics are locked to anyone not signed into an AO3 account)
1) “See-ew stepped out of his sandals, making sure to arrange them neatly next to Liu’s (he’d learned that kicking them off haphazardly and leaving them where they landed irritated her) before following Liu into the kitchen and unpacking the two items they had just impulsively purchased.” 200 degrees (that’s why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit) See-Ew/Liu, The Warp Effect
2) “When Sean was nineteen, his parents were attacked and drained by vampires.” everlast Sean/White, Todd/Black, Gram/Black (one-sided), Yok (Not Me)/Longtae (A Tale of Thousand Stars), Not Me & ATOTS
3) “Pan had seen Prae kissing Meen, and she’d led her away from the rest of their group and Prae had been worried that this would add to Pan’s social ammunition against her and that all her carefully constructed stature would be dismantled, but Pan had assured her that she understood what she needed (Prae didn’t buy that for a second - how could Pan know what she needed when she was still figuring that out herself?) and had brought her to a secluded corner of the party where people were getting high on who knows what kind of drugs and having sex all together in a disorienting jumble in a dimly lit room.” don’t dream it; be it Prae (P.S. I Hate You)/Kat (The Warp Effect), P.S. I Hate You & The Warp Effect
4) “Boeing had been excited at the prospect of traveling all around the world as a flight attendant.” one and only Boeing/Boston, Only Friends
5) “Yo had spent her whole life practicing the taxing art of not taking people’s prejudiced judgments personally.” promotion period Yo & Sand’s mother (who I named Shine), Only Friends
6) “Chompoo was perpetually sleep deprived.” getting lost in the dark is my favorite part Chompoo & Night, Dirty Laundry
7) “Maetee approached the room he shared with T-Rex, not expecting it to be occupied, as everyone had communicated that they would be out at this time, and Maetee had been the first to get back to the house - or so he thought.” T-℞ Maetee/T-Rex, I’m Tee, Me Too
8) “Khatha slowly turned his head back to face Tum again, his cheek smarting where the punch had landed.” Khatha's Unhealthy Guide for How to Fill a Void in Your Soul Khatha/Tum, Midnight Museum
9) “Mote looked up at the opulent building currently shrouded in fog, then locked eyes with Kat to his right.” wo:oing hour Khatha/Dome, a bit of Mote (Midnight Motel)/Dome (Midnight Museum), Midnight Museum & Midnight Motel
10) “Jim had been a loyal customer of theirs for as long as Gaipa could remember, never expressing frustration over rising prices, and they supported his diner as much as they could.” chickened out of luck in love Jim/Gaipa (one-sided), Moonlight Chicken
I seem to alternate between starting my stories with introspective exposition and starting right in the middle of a scene. I’m glad that not very many of these opening lines are run-on sentences, as I have a tendency to write those, and I think they can be a bit of a turn-off when they appear right at the outset (thank you very much to everyone who reads past my overly long first sentences). I always enjoy revisiting my fics, so I had a lot of fun with this game 🥰
No pressure tags ♥︎ @xagan @7nessasaryevils @ablazenqueen @topcatnikki @thepancakelady
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renisence-a · 2 years
@loyaltied pressed ♥ for a Ben Paul Starter
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Savannah was far behind them. It was only a week later, his wound barely healed at all. Kenny had found a car after they'd escaped from the alleyway. He'd been siphoning gas for miles. Though there was a CD player, they dared not use it, for fear of using too much of the car battery, or worse, attracting walkers.
That meant a long, silent car drive. Kenny at the wheel, while Ben laid on the backseat. He was almost on constant bed rest, making him feel useless. If he'd just jumped on time, he wouldn't be hurt at all. They would still be with Lee and Clementine. They wouldn't be stuck on their own.
A man, and the stupid teenager who got his family killed.
Ben felt near constant anxiety, that one of these days, Kenny would just leave him on the side of the road. Leave him to bleed out, or get eaten by nearby walkers. It's what he deserved, wasn't it? It's what he had lead Kenny's family to. He thought he was doing good, back at the motel.
Keeping everybody safe, by making a deal with the bandits. How stupid he'd been. His mind swam, thinking of how sick he had caused Duck to get. How he'd made Katjaa so depressed, so hopeless that she had..... Ben couldn't help the tears that began to gather, and fall.
He tried his hardest to be quiet, not wanting to cause any more anguish to the older man. He didn't even know why he was here. Why Kenny had taken him off the fence, why he'd lead him to safety, why he patched his wounds....None of it made sense to him.
So, he decided to speak on it. Get an answer. Break the painful silence.
"Kenny? Why...." He took a deep breath, before continuing. "Why did you save me? If you hate me so much."
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hc (because the two days later is my villain origin story) ♥︎
— after el woke up after the fight against vecna she fell into mike's arms and when she calmed down a bit, mike carried her to the van with a piggyback ride. he didn't care if he got wet or not. mike kept el warm with a woolen blanket that argyle found in the surfer boy's office.
— they stayed at the nearest motel and while everyone was asleep, el and mike had been talking. not much like mike said to will, but definitely it was also about their feelings towards each other. they fell into bed together in each other's arms. mike kissed el several times on the head and forehead and she was the one who fell asleep first. she was totally exhausted. (and mike promises himself that they will never be separated again.)
— and on the second night, mike and el definitely lay in each other's arms on the back seat of the sufer boy van. for breakfast they shared a pack of eggos that they got with their last money at a gas station.
Bro, yes, these are absolutely amazing 🥺🥺🥺 And yes, I agree, that 2 days later haunts me, dude. There's so much potential within all that and they gave us none of it. Like what was that for, that's not fair at all 😩😩😩
Yes, El definitely needed to be held by Mike for a long while after she came out of the fight with Vecna. The poor baby probably sobbed and cried for like a whole hour after all that 😔 And Mike didn't even care, he didn't mind it at all. She woke up, gasping, immediately using the hand that was holding hers to pull herself to Mike before she just wrapped her arms around him and broke down as he pulled her close and held her. He half carries, half guides her back out to the sitting area of the restaurant and sits back down in one of the booths, El halfway in his lap as she clings to him and cries, the other 3 kinda just watching from afar, trying to give El some space to just let it all out. None of them no what really happened, obviously, but they know they can't ask her in the state she's currently in. And Mike is just holding her and trying his best to reassure her without knowing what happened, saying things like, "I'm here, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Whatever happened, we'll get through it. We'll figure it out together. Just let it all out, I'll be right here the whole time." Until she eventually calms down for now and manages to tell them how the fight went and that they need to get back to Hawkins soon and she definitely clings tight to Mike throughout that entire 2 days, but especially for the rest of that night.
They have a very much needed conversation that night while everyone else is asleep about things and they both may or may not end up crying a little bit during/after the conversation because they just love each other so much and so much is going on for them right now, the poor babies ☹ And Mike definitely clung to El, too, it wasn't just her. When she started choking while she was in Vecna's lair, he was absolutely fucking terrified, no doubt about it. And he definitely had a long conversation with himself in his head that night about everything after El fell asleep, just holding her and thinking about everything. Boy makes a whole ass vow to himself that they will never be separated ever again. It's happened way too many times by now and he will literally attach himself to her in order to make sure it never happens again. His poor little heart can't take anymore of that worry and anxiety and sadness from it. He just wants to be with El and be able to love her and be loved by her forever and ever, that's all he asks 🥺🥺🥺
And yes 😩😩😩 They would've been cuddled up together almost that entire van ride to Hawkins and they would of been all cute and shit, ughhhhh. And yes, El would get so excited when they found the eggos, too. She would be extra happy about it because it's such a small thing but holy fuck, it's been a long week and they have fucking eggos hell yes thank you universe and they immediately grab them and buy them without looking at anything else and then they just munch on them in the van, cuddling and talking quietly and being all cute and shit and ughhhhh, I need it so bad, it's so not fair 😭😭😭
But anyways, thank you so much for sharing your headcanons with me!!!!! I love them so much!!!!! I appreciate it greatly!!!!! I hope you're having an amazing day/night!!!!! 💜💜💜
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Glitter, Sparks and Ceiling Beams
Merry Christmas, @not-gothicc​!! I have no idea how late it is where you live, so I hope this isn’t too late. Hope you like this little thing I wrote here! Short info: this is purely and shamelessly based on the Moscow 2005 bootleg, because you CANNOT change my mind about Moscow Munk and Misto being best friends. You can’t. It’s impossible, because they are. Anyway. Enjoy! ♥
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“Mistoffelees is stuck on the ceiling.”
“He’s what now?”
“He’s stuck on the ceiling.”
Munkustrap pinched his nose between two neatly sharpened claws. “How did that happen?”
The Rum Tum Tugger seemed to melt off the ledge he had been balancing on, coming to a sprawling stop in front of Munkustrap’s black hind legs.
“Well, you know him better than me. He dissolved himself into a little glitter cloud and floated upwards and then turned back into a cat, and now he won’t let go of the ceiling. Go and do something.”
“Do something? What exactly are you expecting of me? Should I turn into a glitter cloud and keep him company?”
With an exaggerated huff, the tomcat on the floor rolled from his side onto his back, grooming his mane as if it was an absent-minded habit. It definitely wasn’t – Munkustrap knew him too well.
“No, but you’re better at convincing him to let go and let nature run its course than me. He might stay up there all day, and then where would we be?”
Munkustrap frowned. “Oh? You’re usually very convincing. What seems to be the issue?”
The Rum Tum Tugger made a very seldom heard noise; he tittered. “I would be,” he agreed with a wistful grin, “if I could stop laughing my mane off every time I look at him up there.”
“That’s indeed not very helpful,” Munkustrap grumbled, fighting down a grin and a titter of his own at Tugger’s mirthful expression.
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If he was in such a good mood, the stakes did not seem to be very high. Still, Munkustrap hurried his steps as he approached the den that Mistoffelees had recently chosen as his ‘bureau of magic’, laboratory and experimentation stage. It had once been a side room of an old motel at the side of the junkyard that had been abandoned and half-demolished years ago. Being built by humans instead of cats, the ceiling was far higher than what Mistoffelees was used to, so it made sense that he was stuck.
Nonetheless, it was very funny.
When he entered through a gap in the massive wooden door, there was no panic or overwhelming fear hanging in the air as he had feared. Munkustrap silently thanked the Everlasting Cat and turned his head up, searching for his dearest friend inbetween rusty pipes and velvet fabric scraps that Mistoffelees had hung up and strewn about as decoration.
When the twitching white tip of a tail came into view, followed by a wave of annoyance and resigned frustration that was almost tangible, Munkustrap couldn’t suppress a delighted mew. Peals of laughter quickly followed.
The tomcat in distress was suspended upside down on the ceiling, all four paws gripping the plaster with all his might. He had turned his head in Munkustrap’s direction at the new noise, and was now putting on a quite gloomy face, tail twitching back and forth aggressively. Since it was dangling down just like the rest of him, said tail looked a lot like a white and black propeller.
“Hello, Mistoffelees,” Munkustrap said to him as soon as he could breathe again, flanks still heaving with suppressed laughter.
“Munkustrap,” Mistoffelees greeted, “I had hoped Tugger would bring someone who wouldn’t laugh about my misfortune.”
“His selection wasn’t big,” Munkustrap giggled, looking around for a pillow or anything that might help him convince his friend to let go. “And I think I was the best choice here, wouldn’t you think?”
“That’s true,” Mistoffelees sighed. His tail had stopped twitching and now dangled limply. “You at least wouldn’t dare to tell anyone.”
“Never,” Munkustrap promised. No pillow to be found. Bugger.
“Think of all the blackmail I have provided you with these past years…”
Mistoffelees’ eyes widened with every word. He shook his head and guffawed. “No, because you’re my best friend!”
Munkustrap’s tail lifted itself into a perpendicular position without his control. He trilled. “Oh yes, that.” He trilled again and turned his head upwards to give Mistoffelees a smile.
“Let go.”
“I’ll catch you.”
“Promise?” Mistoffelees’ flexed one front paw, his tail angling to balance out the movement.
Munkustrap stood on his hind legs and reached upwards. He was long for a cat, but not nearly long enough to reach a man-made ceiling. “I promise.”
With no further ado, Mistoffelees sheathed his claws and proceeded to plummet to the ground. His righting reflex made him turn in the air, hitting Munkustrap’s outstretched arms in just the perfect position to be caught safely.
Munkustrap barely budged a centimeter from the impact. He was acclimated to being misused as landing pad or spring board by adventurous kittens; there weren’t many things that could bowl him over anymore.
“Ugh. Thank you,” Mistoffelees sighed as Munkustrap set him on his own paws before comfortably loafing next to the frazzled black tomcat.
“Don’t mention it,” Munkustrap answered easily, curling his tail around himself as Mistoffelees began to groom his still poofed-up coat and trembling forepaws in slight embarrassment.
“Believe me, I won’t mention it ever. To anyone.”
Munkustrap’s whiskers twitched with amusement. “Neither will I.”
“...Thank you.”
His only answer was a trill and a helping rough tongue smoothing out the tufts and wrinkles in his fur.
“Was your experiment successful, at least?”
Mistoffelees shook out both of his hind legs and stretched luxuriously. “Oh yes, very much so! I’m slowly getting the hang of letting go of my physical form without automatically teleporting. It’s hard work, and I’m afraid I will probably have many more… uh, mishaps, but as soon as I figure out how to stay at one place-” he suppressed a giggle, “-you won’t have to deal with it raining cats and dogs, if you excuse the pun.”
Munkustrap snorted. “And to think it was raining inside, too. We live in strange times indeed.”
“Courage, my friend!”, Mistoffelees crowed, shaking a paw as if preparing to ride into battle. “The times would be a thousand times stranger without you catching cat-shaped shooting stars. Don’t give up on me now.”
“Never,” Munkustrap promised, copying Mistoffelees stretch and bumping his head against his friend’s flank. “Just imagine what certain artful cats would get up to in my absence.”
“Not helping me down from the ceiling, that’s for sure,” Mistoffelees grumbled, half-heartedly batting at Munkustrap’s tail.
Munkustrap pulled a face. He did that very often, and he didn’t seem to notice. Mistoffelees had made sure that nobody would ever tell him. “He definitely could have found a better solution if he had tried… Then again, perhaps it was better this way. You do have to demonstrate your newest trick for me, after all.”
Mistoffelees lifted his eyebrows.
“If you are up for it, of course,” Munkustrap added hastily. “Don’t overdo it. Who knows what else could happen.”
“Let me find a decent scratch post and I’m as good as new.” With a last flex of his paws and a broad rub against Munkustrap’s forehead, Mistoffelees jumped up and left the room through the splintered door. Munkustrap followed at a leisurely pace, checking and touching up scent marks out of habit.
They engaged in a small game of chase, ducking through junk and rubbish with practised ease. Munkustrap caught Mistoffelees by his long tail again and again, in return Mistoffelees was very proficient in winding himself so thoroughly around his friend that he stumbled over his own long legs, giving him the chance to escape. If his body elongated far beyond what seemed physically possible while doing so, well. He had learned that from Alonzo, or so he claimed. (Munkustrap was certainly inclined to believe him.)
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“Visitors!” the Rum Tum Tugger purred when they arrived at an old threadbare sofa which was mostly used as scratch post and seldom as seating. The springs were very uncomfortable to lay on, even for a cat. Contradictory as he was, Rum Tum Tugger loved to lounge on the sofa.
“We won’t bother you too long,” Munkustrap told him while Mistoffelees pulled his ears back and fluffed his fur.
“Not a word.”
“Magical Mister Mistoffelees… what do you think of me? A little lost dignity won’t stop making me praise you to the Heaviside Layer and beyond. Although humility is healthy, you know.” Tugger smirked and polished a claw on his coat. “At least every once in a while.”
A snort. “As if you’d know.” Mistoffelees probingly brushed his chin along the side of the sofa arm and began to scratch as if it was going out of style, tail still raised high from Tugger’s praise. Munkustrap settled for washing his ears, just so he had something to do.
“Oh, am I ever so lucky that you know less about me than you think,” Tugger hummed, rolling onto his side and flexing his big paws.
Mistoffelees paused. “Do I?”
“Do you?” Tugger suddenly didn’t seem to be very sure, either.
Munkustrap gave an amused trill. “Oh, definitely.”
“Well then.”
“Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about myself,” Munkustrap continued jauntily, pulling one of his comical faces again.
“I’m all ears,” Mistoffelees goaded him, giving the sofa a good scratch. A shower of sparks shot out of his paws.
“Here’s a thought,” Tugger interrupted hastily, shaking out his mane and sitting up, tail lashing just so to smack the side of Munkustrap’s head. “How about you continue your practice and I make sure there’s nothing and no-one to disturb you? Now that they feel you’re not doing an emergency visit anymore, the kittens will find you in no time, Strappy.”
“I could make them vanish,” Mistoffelees giggled, scratching vigorously at the sofa, sparks flying as if he had strapped mini-fireworks to his paws.
“Hush, you.” Munkustrap gave a thoughtful trill. “You are the strongest kitten magnet around. Won’t your presence make the problem worse?”
“Kitten magnet? Ha. Gotta remember that.” Tugger jumped off the sofa and bumped his head against Munkustrap’s with a chirp. Munkustrap reciprocated with a chirp of his own, standing on the tips of his front paws to give Tugger’s right ear a wash. “It certainly wasn’t me who taught them, but they can read a room. They know when to leave someone alone, and they follow their instincts. They’ll grow up to be exceptional cats, I’m sure.” The pride in his voice was hidden behind nonchalance, but it was not hidden well.
“I disagree.” Mistoffelees blew away a few sparks from his claws and sheathed them, slowly leading the little group back to his bureau of magic. “They definitely learned that from you.”
“At least the first part,” Munkustrap added teasingly, nipping at Tugger’s flank. The fluffy tomcat guffawed and the chase began anew, this time through other cat-made alleyways and routes that were safe to run through and rough-house about in even for a cat of Tugger’s impressive size.
The kittens did end up finding Rum Tum Tugger, and he ended up being right – after a bit of pleading and comforting and a few placating shimmies of a gorgeous mane, they ran off to play elsewhere, a new game brewing in their little minds, leaving Tugger to enjoy the afternoon in peace and quiet.
And if there were two little cat-shaped glittery clouds chasing each other around the ceiling beams, now that was really none of his business. He was just here to keep them company.
(And to provide them with emergency landing pillows. Just in case.)
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This is the Moscow Munk Face™ I’m referencing, for anyone who’s interested:
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You’re welcome.
I hope this qualifies as Christmas present sdjfkajsd it’s just a little drabble, but I just had to write about them. ♥♥ Thank you for reading!
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Destiel: The Autopsy of a break up
This post was made as a poor collective decision of watching the last part of last night's episode, and dissect the exact moment when Dean realizes the true meaning of his words and actions towards Castiel. (and a personal therapeutic attempt to go through this event without finishing all the heavy liquor in my houseಥ_ಥ)
This post's full intention is to poke at everyone's emotional cuts and bruises that SPN 15 x 03 may have caused. So, unless you love drama, or are equipped with Kleenex and heavy liquor, you should continue with caution from this point on.
This was the final blow of all the events of the night. This was very painful, but Cas made us proud because he deserves better.
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The worst part was watching Cas go through this. He was waiting for Dean to say something...
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But then, Dean reacted with….
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Cas had enough strength/faith to continue with his decision of leaving, but yet still hoping for Dean to stop him…
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This is it. This was the closets to real that Dean will ever feel Cas leaving him for good. We waited for Dean to react and he…
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Took some time to process the recent drama.
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Finally, Dean realized what was actually happening and that Cas was really leaving. He just stood there, frozen, acting like Dean, while Cas, the love of his life " his Bro", whom he had shared a decade of adventures, misfortunes, and one bed motel rooms and constant gay panic, became a trench coat's shadow fleeing up the stairs of the bunker.
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All that hunter’s bravado, and conviction which made him say those words to Cas, left him alone and frozen with this face.
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Dean was now alone with his regret and the same frozen fear he felt years ago when he held Cas' dead body on the night Jack was born. Left in that enormous room alone with only a lamp that he would for sure victimize later, and his glass of whiskey...he wished he had said something else instead of nothing. As his strength leaves his hands, he can no longer hold his glass or himself up on that desk anymore.
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(the sound of a broken glass shattering in the the distance, and the heavy metal door of the bunker closing are the final sounds we can hear when the scene fades to black) 
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Thank you to @zeeimpalaangel​​ and @agus-likes​​ for watching these details with me at the end of our Watch party. And to the rest of my dear friends @bamcrux​ @flyingcatstiel​ @verobatto-angelxhunter​ @ltleflrt​ @lykanyouko​ who were there holding hands and exchanging Kleenex while we went through this episode,and all the best in the word for @jenabean75​ for helping me to English ♥.
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