#the roses in his sleeves still take me out . so funny but so beautiful hes the only one who can pull it off
nitunio · 6 months
yaotome gaku save me.............
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and despite all of that he is still very much the silliest guy I've ever seen.
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0 notes
apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 3
Steve was having a great time with Eddie. It was mostly because he was just that amazing. He was funny, hot, cute, and totally into him. A winning combo in Steve's opinion. But it was all due in no small part to the fact that his parents were so supportive. Steve didn't talk about the girls he dated that much (because why would he?) but his folks seemed actively interested in his going with Eddie.
Maybe it was the whole 'serious relationship' thing they were trying to commit him to. Maybe they were overcompensating for not being around much and wanting to also prove they were okay with his preferences. Either way, they always wanted to know how things were going with Eddie.
They'd been going out for a couple of dates at this point and honestly each one was better than the last. They were all typically low-key, with moments that they were able to get alone for a bit of privacy.
"Let's just say the back of his van is very spacey", Steve said into the phone as he paced about his room.
"So...you're still a total slut then?", Robin said from the other end of the line.
"Guys can't be slutty. And it's not being a slut if it's with the same guy."
"So you've?"
Diane was in the middle of bringing up a basket of laundry when she heard her son's conversation in his room. She swore she'd never be the kind of mother that constantly eavesdropped but well, the door was open just a smidge...
"Not, not the full thing, all the way yet. I think he's nervous. Or he can tell I'm nervous? I don't know. I told him I'd never been with a guy before and I thought that might make him, you know, take initiative?"
"Or maybe he's taking things slow because he doesn't wanna scare you off?", Robin suggested.
"That...could be it. But that's kinda why I called. I thought he was moving kinda slow, but guess where he's taking me tomorrow?"
"Steve, is Munson taking you to a hotel?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "No. He's taking me to Le Petit Nuange. That French place a town over?"
Robin gasped. "Sacre bleu! Va-t-il faire une proposition?"
"Robs, please. My extent of French is 'filet mignon'."
"Do you think he's serious? Like trying to meet your parents serious?"
"I don't know? Maybe? It's just weird. Le Petit is just...so not Eddie."
Diane was inclined to agree. A fancy place like that seemed out of character for someone as boisterous and non-conforming as Eddie. He has once brought a bouquet of lilies, despite their dire meaning. 'Screw flower language, these are some damn fine flowers', he had said.
And even if he thought of taking Steve somewhere special, Enzo's was the nicest place in town. Where would he get the idea to go to the next town?
Diane had thought he was being suspicious when he hid Steve's shoes before a date and met Eddie outside to talk. Diane had thought he'd been giving the boy some kind of shovel talk. He must've been giving Eddie advice on where to take Steve instead.
And she could just imagine what he was trying to do - clean Eddie up. Well, if he wanted to go behind her back, then two could play at that game.
The doorbell rung and Steve answered it. Eddie was there, in a button up shirt with long sleeves that hide his tattoos. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. And he had a bouquet of nice, traditional, red roses.
"They're beautiful", Steve beamed. He took a moment to put the roses in a vase, missing the thumbs up his dad gave Eddie. Diane however, did not miss it.
"Your chariot awaits", Eddie said, giving a sweeping bow and then locking his arm with Steve's. "Have a good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington!", he called back.
As the van roared down the street, Diane enacted her own plan. She had her husband would also be having a date night.
At Le Petit Nuange, Eddie and Steve were being seated and Eddie had never felt more out of place. It was like everyone could tell he didn't belong here. But when he saw Steve smiling from across him, he knew there was no place he'd rather be.
"What made you want to bring me here?", Steve asked.
Jonas had practically cornered Eddie when he had come to pick up Steve, saying he just wanted to talk a little. Eddie was prepared for the whole 'I have a shotgun/shovel and I'm not afraid to use it.'
"Let's talk", he had opened with. "Steve and you have been having fun, right?"
"Uh, yes? I guess?", Eddie said, unsure now.
"Fun's all well and good Eddie. But now's the time to show Steve you're serious. And you are serious? Aren't you, son?"
"Y-yes. Yes, I am, serious like a heart attack."
"Then you've gotta take him some place special. A place like, uh, say Le Petit Nuange", Jonas rubbed at his chin.
Eddie's brows rose up under his fringe. "Le Petit Nuange? That place is-"
"Is upscale. Which is what Steve deserves, isn't it?"
Eddie swallowed. "Yeah, yeah it is."
He looked at Steve's hand, sitting on the table, just asking to be held. Steve deserved all this and more. And Eddie wanted to be the one to give it to him. It was why he took extra shifts and more of his side business to have the dough to take Steve here.
"I just looked up places in the yellow pages and thought you might like it."
"You know, my parents actually come here a lot", Steve pointed out.
"You don't say", Eddie tried to hide his expression by covering his face with the menu. When he got a look at the prices, it did a good job hiding the way his eyes bugged out. Looks like his purse strings would be a little tight after this. But he had prepared for that. Steve was worth it.
He was worth the stiff shirt, the swanky eatery, and even spending more time selling music that was beneath him to the general populace.
"So tell me more about this gig you've got coming up", Steve said.
Eddie's face broke out into a wild smile and he nearly slammed the menu down. "It's gonna be a ride, Stevie." He wasn't shouting, but his volume was a little louder than polite, and he felt eyes on him. He cleared his throat and quieted himself. "I mean I'm excited to rub elbows with other bands. The experience is sure to be enlightening."
Steve gave him an odd look. "Yeah, I hope my parents let me go. Indy isn't far, but I feel like they've been keeping a closer eye on me lately."
The thought of Steve being in a crowd while he played made Eddie wanted to jump for joy. He wanted to tell him come, even if his parents said no. Sneak out for the weekend, what could they do? He was a man now. But he couldn't do that. Not just because he was trying to clean up and having his new boyfriend at a metal venue might ruin that image. It was also because Steve's had nice parents.
There weren't many that could both accept and encourage their queer child.
"You know Steve, your parents-hcck!" Eddie choked on his words as he saw the Harringtons walk right in and get led to a table.
"What about my parents?", Steve asked.
"They're uh, they're um great!", Eddie squeaked, then cleared his throat to get it back to its normal register. "I mean they're great. I can tell they love you very much."
Steve smiled, none the wiser to his folks being seated not too far away. Eddie tried not to look at them, tried to ignore them. But this couldn't be a coincidence.
Jonas was looking around while trying not to look around. "When you said you wanted to go out tonight....I didn't think you meant this place."
"Why not?", Diane questioned. "We're regular patrons. And it's been a while since we went out." They'd been getting plenty of alone time what with Steve dating now, but they usually spent their evenings at home.
Jonas pulled out her chair for her and when he sat down, he used the menu to continue looking around. Diane watched him like a hawk.
Steve didn't know what was going on with Eddie. He looked nice dressed this way, sure. But it didn't feel like him. He felt...smaller somehow. Like he was trying to shrink himself down. Even as they talked, his smiles were restrained, he didn't move his hands as much, and even his voice seemed like it was being held back.
Steve watched as he cut his food, using minimal motions like he was working with glass.
"Eddie, are you okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, course, I'm fine. I uh, I just need to hit the can-uh use the facilities. Please excuse me."
Eddie got up in a haste. He thought he'd be ready for tonight. It was just playing pretend. Potentially for the rest of his life. Maybe having an audience of the parents was what was tripping him up. He got close to the bathroom when a hand tapped his shoulder. He turned to see none of than Mrs. Harrington.
"Don't worry, I know this wasn't your idea", she started right off. "My husband put it in your head. I'll admit, I like the idea of Steve being treated like a prince, but if you clean up too much he'll get confused."
"Right, yeah, gotta strike a balance. Mhm."
"Glad we could talk", she patted his arm. "Go get him, tiger."
Eddie returned to Steve and saw Diane come back to her table not long after. He could see them exchange words, although he couldn't hear what. Then Jonas got up from his seat. He gave Eddie a strange look while making his way to the bathroom. Eddie sighed and excused himself again.
"Now I don't know what my wife might've said to you, but you've got to stay on this path. I can see a real future with you and Steve if you do."
"A real future?"
"I could only give my son to someone who could take care of him. You understand what I mean, don't you?"
Eddie nodded. The kind of man who could take Steve to these places and not have his soul leave his body when he looked at the menu. When Eddie sat back down, he looked at Steve, sitting across from him. It was the kind of view he could get used to.
Somehow, the meddling didn't end there. The Harringtons took turns, getting up to meet with Eddie and each time he had to come up with an excuse.
"I'm gonna check their wine selection."
"I want to make sure the kitchen knows my allergies."
"I'm gonna see if the violinist takes requests."
Finally, Steve stood up with him and grabbed Eddie by the elbow. "Come with me."
Steve took him to the bathroom and locked the door behind them.
"Steve", Eddie gasped, scandalized when his neck started to get kissed.
"You've been antsy all night." Steve's hands went to his hips and began to untuck his shirt.
Instantly, Eddie felt like being released from shackles. Steve's hand roaming under his shirt left him so distracted, he almost didn't hear what he said next.
"I said, do you wanna get out of here?"
"The bill-", Eddie was cut off when Steve reached behind him and took down his hair, running his fingers through it to free the tresses.
"A little dine and ditch never hurt anyone."
Eddie looked to the window in the bathroom. Just barely big enough to make a getaway. He was halfway out when they heard someone knocking on the door. Eddie was helping Steve out as the handle was shaking. Steve was giggling and it was like a sweet bell to his ears.
They were making their way around the back of the restaurant and towards the van as the manager finally came around with a key.
Diane and Jonas could make out the commotion going on near the bathroom and saw the empty table where two lovebirds should be.
"You knew I made Eddie take Steve here", Jonas confirmed.
"And every time you got up-"
"Was to speak with Eddie. And now they've-"
"-Snuck out the bathroom."
Together they sighed, remembering when they snuck out of stuffy formals to be alone together. And because they wondered if they were doing right by their son.
"We're going to have a long talk when we get home, huh?", Jonas asked his wife.
"Oh yeah."
"Any hope for me?"
"Ask me after dessert."
Part 5
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem @hallucinatedjosten @nburkhardt @littlewildflowerkitten @noctxrn-e @subversivecynic @larawrmonster @suikatto @platinum-sunset @imacowboy3 @tiny-enthusiast @netflixisacopingstrategymom @honorarybrit81 @manda-panda-monium @krazyperson @ninjapirateunicorns
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blondedmuse · 1 year
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part ii of pure heroin.
finnick odair x reader
synopsis. ꩜ your days seem to blur together but Finnick makes time still—at least for a night.
author's note. ∿ I am so sorry about the delay for this chapter. I have exams in two weeks so I have a bunch of studying to do up till then, so I can't promise the next chapter will be on time either...angst warning but again I think that's warranted for like all chapters
word count. ⨾ 2.5k
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"You don't understand, he's anything but a darling, I'm telling you!" You complained to Cinna, standing on one of his podiums as he measured whatever part of your frame he needed to. Cinna was your stylist, and one of the few people you could call a friend. Cinna was assigned to you in your games, who you quickly bonded with. He was kind, understanding, humorous, and above all, a great stylist. He was easy to get along with, generous and genuinely funny. Funny in the way where he made your stomach hurt and your eyes tear up, missing the dry, clammed up humor that every capitol citizen used as conversation filler.
"I mean the rumors about his eyes are true, they're like angels. But his heart-"
"Is cold?"
You furrow your eyebrows. "You've met Finnick?"
He laughed, shaking his head. "No."
"Funny," You replied, your lips pressed into a line.
Truth be told, you didn't have to react the way you did. While your watch held much more sentiment than anyone else but you would ever know, it's not like he stepped on it himself. But that was the effect morphling had on you. It made you ecstatic yet absolutely miserable. The euphoria in your veins was ephemeral, the vile that poisioned you was everlasting. Like any other victor, you needed morphling after a while. The highs were sky-scraping and the lows were hell. And when you ran into Finnick, you just happened to be in the comedown, about to crash.
But before its repercussions could take their effect, you took whatever nose candy you could find in your bag, sedating you into stability—at least for a little bit.
"I'm thinking gold." Cinna suggested, shuffling through the pages of his notebook.
"Didn't we do gold for the last dress?" You asked, your memory hazy.
"Silver," He answered. You opened your mouth about to spit a witty retort but Cinna stopped you before you could get the words out your throat.
"And don't try to tell me they're the same thing," He joked.
You didn't say anything, you only raised your eyebrows, your lips turned upward in a cheeky smile.
"You wound me."
"You love me," You tease.
He laughs. "Don't be so sure. Anyways, come look at this," He invites you over and you stepped down from the podium, walking over to the mannequin where your mock dress laid.
"I was thinking a sheath silhouette with cutouts on either ribs, bejeweled chains covering the missing material while connecting the fabric, as well as a harness and strap for the dress. The sleeves would reach your elbow, draping over your arms with a likeness to a cape."
You sighed. "Anything else?"
He smiled. "It's an open back." And you returned it.
"You do love me."
"Only the best for my favorite victor."
Cinna stayed true to his sentiments. Unlike the other stylists you’ve had, he made sure you looked beyond beautiful, used nothing less than high end textiles, and above all else: he made sure you were comfortable.
While the banquet was two weeks away, you were already apprehensive and beginning your disdain. Your dress, however, was one less thing to worry about.
Time passed strangely when you visited the Capitol. The two weeks you dreaded felt like days as they seemed to blur together. Everyday was the same like routine.
You’d begin each day irritable, your body aching in bed sheets that weren’t yours, left with remnants of the night before. You’d spend a day with your given lover, go out and make appearences, do whatever the wealthy citizens of the Capitol did in their free time. When the sun set into the same crevice it rose from only hours before and the night sky set in, you were free to let loose, have some fun. You lit yourself on fire, the substance that flowed through your body was all the same; only some longer lasting than others. But in the end it was all evanescent.
You’d end up in the bed of your client, lover, whatever name you’d decided to use for the night—and it was fun. You felt good. You could go as far to call it Pure Heroin. But like any other drug it was fleeting and momentary, and when it had run it’s course you were left empty and sustaining withdrawal.
The night of the banquet arrived quicker than planned and unlike the regime you’ve involuntarily created for yourself, you felt as though you were having anything but fun.
You looked like it though. Your look for the night lived up to the expectations of luxury as you plastered a smile on your face. You looked like you were having the night of your life.
Despite the lengthy list of victors and elitists, all eyes were on you once you arrived, and they never really left; briefly catching stolen glances and lingering glares.
Each step of yours left an echo that never went unnoticed as you made your way to your seat, especially by the blonde haired boy you’d ran into weeks before. He watched as your face twisted slightly once you’d noticed your seat was assigned next to his and how your expression immediately changed when someone had started to spark a conversation with you.
He watched and he wondered what was under the surface of the spectacle that was you he observed from a far.
Were you having a bad day when he’d run into you or were you just that ill-mannered, just that presumptuous? And if so? He wanted to see how much—how nasty he could get you, how much he could rile you up in return for last time.
You were talking with another guest when you felt a presence behind you.
“God, sweetheart, that’s an interesting getup.” You turned around, having to abstain from rolling your eyes. Once your gaze met Finnick’s, his lips turned up in a wicked smile you knew meant something more.
His gaze shifted to the person you were talking to. “Doesn’t she look-”
“Irresistible? Indeed she does! I’ve practically had my eyes on her all night.” They beamed, clearly knowing where their passions lie.
Finnick laughed. “Sure. Irresistible.”
He was insincere with his words, you knew that, but the way they sounded when they left his lips left something indescribable in your stomach. You had no time to dwell on it, as seconds later everyone had begun to take their seat, the banquet beginning in its own time.
You sat in yours, placing the until napkin in your lap, and you thought you could prepare for a nice night. As mush as you disliked the Capitol and its extravagance, you couldn't help but entertain it. And you were sure Finnick wouldn't mind ignoring you. You'd think it'd be polite.
A guest across from you whose name you learned to be Aurelia asked you to tell the table a story, because of course, such a fascinating victor such as you would have so many. And right as you were about to speak, you heard it; the smooth and silvery, yet self-righteous voice beside you.
"Actually, I might have something up my sleeve," He interrupted and everyone at the table turned to him. The table was small, no more than eight people, so he could captivate everyone—even you. You noted the smug smirk on his face you wondered was invisible to everyone else. Maybe you were past politeness.
Aurelia urged him to tell his story while her question towards you was left in the dust. And with each question directed towards you, it managed to stay that way. He'd find someway to steal the spotlight and make the show his.
The conversation had drifted in many directions, now ending up in a comparison between a few districts and the Capitol. And eventually, someone at the table found their interest in you again.
"Which do you like better, District one or the Capitol?"
This was a question you knew Finnick couldn't answer because he'd never been. At least you'd assume so. While you wish the question had more substance to it, it gave you a moment to engage with the others at the table if you were going to have to sit here for how much longer.
"I think-"
The sound of a utensil clanging against a wine glass interrupted you like Finnick had been doing all night. You found it amusing how frustrating this night has been and apparently Finnick did too, hearing him chuckle beside you.
You didn't hear it for much longer as the politician who was hosting the banquet—whose name you couldn't even try to remember—had begun a toast. His voice was underwater as you drowned his words out, still smiling as if you resonated with each one.
"And to our lovely victors that could be with us here tonight."
You raised your glass along with the others, clanking them together like second-hand nature. Before you could toss your drink back, letting bubbles of champagne burn your throat, you watched it spill from Finnick's flute on to your dress.
For the first time this night the attention could be yours, yet you were too appalled to say anything, only grabbing your clutch and excusing yourself to the bathroom.
You were glad it was empty, free to clean your dress without forged sympathy. You were able to let your emotions go, unfiltered and unsheltered no longer under the viewing pleasure of others.
You were sure you went through at least a roll of paper towels before you heard the bathroom door open, not daring to look up until you were done wiping your dress for what you hoped would be the last time. Once you did look up however, your frustration turned to indignation as Finnick Odair leaned against the door while his face read with concern.
"What is your problem?"
He smiled. "I thought you left.” And it dropped. “Guess not."
You wanted to scrutinize him, you really did. But you held your tongue, deciding to have some humility.
"What?" He cocked his head to the side. "Is your head hollow?" You admit his words only added insult to injury but they sounded better coming from his mouth. You hated it. So, you turned back to your reflection in the mirror, opening your clutch to dig for something you knew would pacify the animosity.
Finnick stood at the door way, watching, like he did earlier that night. Only now he was confused at your apathy and how you seemed to ignore him so easily. There was something so engrossing about you in the way that you treated him. You weren't friends, but you didn't throw yourself at him, treating him like a piece of meat the way everyone else seemed to do.
Lost in thought he hardly missed the small bag of narcotic you pulled from your clutch that he was all too familiar with. And in that moment, he wanted to make sure the white dust stayed in its bag—at least for tonight.
"You know, I think I owe you an apology." He spoke and you craned your head to face him.
You raised your brows. "You think?"
"I know," He admitted, stepping towards you.
"Who would've thought you knew anything?" You retorted, fully facing him now and you could see his dimples form just like they did the first time you met him. Only this time it wasn't sarcasm, maybe something more genuine.
"Well I know a few things," He replied. "I know I'm definitely sorry for spilling champagne on this beautiful dress."
You crossed your arms, holding back a smile. "You should be. It's still wet."
"Maybe some fresh air would dry it?"
You narrowed your eyes. "What are you suggesting?"
"Come with me," He proposed, holding out his hand. "I know you don't wanna go back in there. Not with your dress still damp."
"Which is your fault, by the way," You reminded him.
"I know and I'm sorry. Again," He apologized once again, still offering his hand out to you.
"Alright let's go," You accepted his offer but not his hand, grabbing your clutch from the counter and walking ahead of him. Finnick followed suit but before he left he grabbed the bag of coke from the counter and pocketed it, making a mental reminder to trash it later.
"Where to?" You asked. The two of you were out of the bathroom now, roaming the halls of some Capitol building.
"You'll see," He replied, wary of his surroundings.
"You're not trying to kill me right?" You joked and Finnick stopped in his steps once he reached a grand staircase.
"Worse," He answered. "I'm trying to help you."
You furrowed your brows as he grabbed the small train of your dress, lifting it so that you could walk up the stairs without tripping over yourself. A staircase and another long hallway later, you found yourself on the top terrace of the building. The view was breathtaking and the tranquility was a stark contrast to the commotion of celebration.
You walked to the edge and leaned on the balcony so much so you almost wanted to fall off. Not so much that it was a liability, but in the way you wanted to fully immerse yourself in the scenery, forget about everything else and focus on the green of the trees or how the streets looked under the moonlight.
"I'm not gonna fall off," You told him before his warning could ever be expressed.
"I- I didn't think you were," He lied. Straight through his teeth.
"You did."
"I did." He laughed. "How do you do that?"
"Catch me in a lie so easily. Like it's second nature," He explained taking a spot on the balcony right next to you.
"You said it yourself. We're the same—similar at least. We both have the same reasons to lie. You lied because you want me to think you care.” You said, your eyes unmoving from the landscape infant of you.
"But I also see more than you think I do. I saw how you pocketed my coke before we left the bathroom and threw it out in the second floor hallway." You turned to face him. Now he was just like the rest; bewildered and baffled that you were more than what met the eye.
He bit his tongue and quirked his head, silent for a moment before speaking.
"You caught me." And for the first time that night you smiled because you knew he was being honest. You couldn't care less for his compliments and niceties because you knew they weren't reserved for you. You'd like to think they were, though.
"Can I ask why, though?" His question tip-toped around the fact of the matter, but you knew exactly what he meant.
"It makes it easier," You replied. "Being here."
He didn't tell you but he understood, maybe not all of it, but just enough to not have to ask anymore. So he left you alone and did something he would've found absurd two weeks ago: he enjoyed your company.
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abitterboy · 1 year
Taste Of Your Universe
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Summary: Hyunjin loves Felix's freckles and wants to let Felix know just how much.
Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Soft fluffy stuff, smut (duh), gay, insecure Felix, sappy lines that made me kick my feet istg, body worshiping, consent kink, softer sex, oral, dom/sub and top/bottom, fingering, anal, a lot of kissing, shy Felix, light desperation, light teasing, sex without protection.
(The other day I was trying to find photos of Felix’s freckles and sadly remembered the fact that he used to not like them and then this brain rot happened. Think of this set a couple years ago instead of current 2023 Hyunjin and Felix.)
An alarm rang through the room causing the boy in bed to reach his hand to find his phone and silence it. He looked at the time and knew he couldn’t sleep any longer even though he was still tired. He put on the shirt he left at the foot of his bed before sleeping and shuffled out of his room. Like every morning for the past few months, Felix was in there bright and early. Felix had already covered the counter in makeup products and was applying his foundation. 
“Hyunjin do you see any of my freckles?” 
Felix always asked this question when Hyunjin came in to pee now and Hyunjin always hated it. He couldn’t understand why Felix wanted to cover his natural beauty. What Felix saw as imperfections, Hyunjin saw as a distinctive feature of the one he loved. 
But he could never bring himself to say that. 
“Looks like it but lemme check..”
Hyunjin washed his hands, then put his hand on Felix’s face to move it side to side in order to fully check. He moved in closer to look at a spot on Felix's face. His finger rose to the dot to show Felix where he had missed a spot. Once his finger landed on the freckle, Hyunjin stopped looking at it and instead looked up, simultaneously making eye contact with Felix. It was only now that he realized just how close he was to the younger boy. Hyunjin let go of Felix and looked away to go about his morning routine. Felix stood in place for a second before turning to the mirror and adding concealer over the freckle Hyunjin pointed out. While they were both in the bathroom, they stayed silent and went about their morning routines that way. 
~Later that day~
All the boys returned home and showered in order to quickly get clean and get some rest. The last two to shower were Hyunjin and Felix. 
“You wanna go first or should I?” 
Hyunjin asked Felix knowing that Felix would take longer due to needing to wash all his makeup off but he was willing to wait if that meant the younger got a good amount of rest. Felix insisted that Hyunjin shower first since Felix knew he took longer than his bandmate. Hyunjin went to his room and got his towel and rushed to the bathroom so Felix wouldn’t have to wait much longer than he already had. Hyunjin went into the shower and came out after around five minutes, the towel wrapped around his hips. He went to go knock on Felix's door but saw it was open and decided to walk in to tell him the shower was open. 
Hyunjin chuckled lightly when he saw Felix laid out on his bed. It was a funny position and didn't look the slightest bit like how Felix normally slept. His arms and legs were spread out and he looked like a starfish with his feet dangling off the foot of his bed. Hyunjin quickly ran to his room to slide a pair of sweats on and ran back to help Felix. He started by squatting down to take his shoes and socks off and then lightly tapped his shoulder to wake up his friend. Felix opens his eyes and slowly lifts his torso. A laugh escapes Hyunjins lips. 
“You can't sleep like this. Let me help you.”
Felix moves forward so his feet can touch the ground and Hyunjin looks up at the younger. Felix takes his sleeves and wipes his eyes as if trying to wipe away his tiredness. When he takes his sleeves off his face he put them down and didnt realize the makeup smudges he just put on his new black jacket. Hyunjin did though and gasps. 
“Felix! Let's get this off you and I’ll go wash the sleeves in the sink real quick.” 
Hyunjin helps Felix take off his jacket slowly as Felix groggily moves. 
“Then I’m gonna come back and get the rest of that off your face for you.“
Hyunjin walked to the bathroom and scrubbed the sleeves with a washcloth and some soap and water. It worked pretty well but only a real wash would tell if the makeup would fully come out of the fabric. Hyunjin then grabbed Felix's skincare box and came back to Felix's room to find the younger had moved to his desk where he was trying to put clips in his hair. Hyunjin walked over to Felix and grabbed his hands. 
“Stop this. Let me help you.” 
He took the messy clips out and only put two back to hold Felix's bangs. Felix looked nervous and Hyunjin didn't know why. Hyunjin took out the makeup remover from Felix’s bag and tried to put it on Felix's face but the younger moved his face away. 
“Hyunjin I’m fine I can do it myself.”
“You’re tired Felix.”
“No I’m awake I promise.”
“Well, that's fine if you’re awake but I still want to do this for you.”
“Please Hyunjin. Just let me do this.”
Hyunjin was confused. Why wouldn't Felix let him do this for him?
“What's wrong Lixie?”
Felix looked at Hyunjin with sleepiness and sadness in his eyes. 
“I don't want you to see me without my makeup right now.”
“That’s silly I’ve seen you without your makeup.”
“Not recently you haven’t.”
Hyunjin had to think. Felix was right. He hasn't gone anywhere without makeup for the past couple of months but Hyunjin had no idea why. 
“Why not?”
“Because I have more freckles now. I accidentally fell asleep outside and when I saw my face the next day I was covered in freckles.”
Hyunjin pouted at Felix and Felix looked away again. Hyunjin grabbed the younger face and bought the makeup wipe up again to wipe Felix's foundation off. 
“I’ll always think you’re beautiful.”
Felix kept his eyes closed as Hyunjin cleaned his face off. With every wipe, more freckles appeared on the youngers face and Hyunjin thought each one was beautiful. They were like a constellation on his face, showing the beauty of the galaxy that is Lee Felix. He saw a big one on Felix’s nose and tapped it with the hand he was using to hold Felix’s face. 
“I know, that one is bigger than most of them. Only a couple are that size. I hate them the most.”
He kept his eyes closed as he spoke, not wanting to see Hyunjins reaction or unblemished skin, skin Felix wished he could have. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile. He leaned in and kissed the freckle on his friend's nose. Felix’s eyes shot open at the feeling of his bandmate's lips on his nose. 
“I think it's cute.” 
He kissed another freckle on Felix's face. 
“I think they’re all cute.” 
Felix was frozen and his face started heating up at the warm contact. 
“They’re like little stars on your face.”
Felix was breathless at the comment.
Hyunjin kissed another one.
““I wanna count all of your stars with my lips, Lixie.”
He grabbed Felix's face with both his hands and kissed a freckle near Felix’s lips. The feeling of Hyunjins lips on the corner of Felix's mouth was enough to make him melt. Hyunjin felt the boy relax and took the chance to actually kiss Felix’s lips. The kiss was soft and delicate and made Felix feel dizzy. Felix placed his hand on Hyunjins bare chest and it chilled the older boy. He moved back at the feeling.
“Oh, I'm sorry I didn't think about my hand being cold I just wanted to feel you and I just I- Im sorry.”
Hyunjin kissed Felix again but released rather quickly. 
“Don’t apologize. I want to feel you too.”
Hyunjin pressed his lips softly against Felix again but kept them there this time. They kissed softly for a couple of minutes before it deepened and Hyunjin claimed his dominance over Felix. The taller boy made Felix stand up as their lips were still connected. He sat him down on the bed and then released his lips.
“Can I undress you?”
Felix nodded but Hyunjin wanted a verbal answer. With his pointer finger on Felix’s chin, he lifted his face and asked again. 
“Can I undress you?”
The shy voice from the younger made Hyunjin melt as he lowered his hands to the hem of Felix’s shirt. Once completely off, he admired Felix's torso and set his eyes for one thing, the freckles that adorn it. He told Felix to get further back on the bed so he was fully laying down then Hyunjin got up on the bed too, finding a seat between Felix’s legs. His hands climbed up on his bandmate's chest and sent shivers through him. Hyunjin's lips made their way to the freckles on Felix's chin before moving down to his neck. With each kiss, he sucked a little and before releasing his lips he licked every spot. From his chin to his neck, from his neck to his chest, and from his chest to his abs. Hyunjin made sure not to miss every spot he saw no matter how close they were.
“You’re so beautifully made, Love. So beautiful in every way. 
His mouth worked down to Felix's waistband and stopped on his boxer hem. Felix looked down wondering why Hyunjin stopped. 
“Can I take this off too?”
Felix had to muster up his voice to respond because it was most definitely stuck in his throat after being kissed that many times by Hyunjin. 
“Yes, you can.”
Hyunjin took off Felix's pants and left him with his boxers. Felix was getting impatient.
“Hyunjin, please just strip me fully.”
“Be patient, Love. Let me ask you.”
Hyunjin liked teasing a little but only enough to get his partner more desperate for his touch. He didn't want to tease too much and genuinely did want to know what Felix wanted along with making sure he was okay with everything going on. 
“Now, can I take this off too?”
“Yes. Hyunjin. Please.”
The words were almost a whimper but Hyunjin could understand them easily. He removed Felix's boxers slowly, running his fingers along his bandmate's thighs to feel his soft skin. Felix whimpered at the feeling of his dick being set free after all this time. Hyunjin looked Felix dead in the eye and he slowly ran a finger up his dick. 
“What would you like me to do for you?” 
Felix turned a little red and looked away, avoiding any further eye contact but Hyunjin wanted Felix to look at him and tell him what he needed. Hyunjin crawled over Felix’s body to whisper in his ear. 
“You can tell me what you want. I promise I’ll give you anything.”
Felix's voice hitched in his throat and he swallowed the saliva accumulating in his mouth. He wasn't the type to say such things or make any demands or even requests in his daily life so this was definitely not easy for him. He was stuck in his own head. Hyunjin saw the internal struggle and slid his hand back down to squeeze Felix's dick lightly.
“Come on, Love, Don’t you wanna release some of this tension?”
A choked “yes” managed to leave Felix's lips and Hyunjin smiled.
“See, I know you can talk so please, Love. Tell me what you want.”
Felix finally spoke.
“I want your mouth. Please Hyunjin.”
“That's all you had to say.”
Hyunjin lowered himself back to Felix's crotch and licked his hand before placing it on the base. He used his hand a couple of times to pump his cock before attaching his lips. A hiss escaped from Felix's lips as he felt his bandmate's lips go down and up for the first time. Hyunjins pace was slow but sped up gradually. Felix already felt so on edge and with the pace Hyunjin had set he lost control of his hips and thrusted into his friend's mouth. Hyunjin took this as a sign to go faster and that's exactly what he started to do. While sucking Felix off, he gathered some of the pre-cum on his hand to lube it up. He popped off of Felix's dick and asked him. 
“Want me to prep you for more or are we done after this, Love? Either is fine we don’t hav-“
“Yes please!”
Hyunjins sentence didn’t even finish before Felix whined out his response. Hyunjin lowered his head again with a smile and went back to sucking Felix off but this time he started slowly easing a finger in. Felix always hated the original pain of getting fingered but he knew it would be worth it. Hyunjin kept working his mouth and tongue and only got off to make sure Felix was okay which he responded to with a frustrated moan and a yes. This happened a couple more times until Hyunjin could fit three fingers into Felix comfortably. 
“Fuck me.”
Felix whined out while Hyunjin was still blowing him, causing Hyunjin to stop. 
“Are you sure?”
Felix nodded before remembering to speak.
“Yes, please. I want you.”
Felix sat up which caused Hyunjin to follow. The older didn’t have any time to react before Felix pulled him into a deep kiss.
“I need you.”
He laid back down but this time on his elbows so he could see Hyunjin enter him. Hyunjin took off his sweats and lubed up his dick with his own saliva before lining himself with Felix's hole. 
“It's still going to hurt a little so tell me when it does.”
Hyunjin slowly pushed his cock past Felix's rim and the stretch caused the bottom to instantly grip the bed sheets. Hyunjin bent forward to press his body against Felix and he told him to lay flat so they could comfortably be pressed onto one another.
“I won't move until you’re okay, baby. Tell me to stop and I will.”
He pressed his lips to Felix's ears and put his hand on the youngers face as his face returned to comfort. 
“I'm okay, keep going.”
Hyunjin slowly eased into Felix, ensuring he was never in too much pain. Once he fully bottomed out, Felix moaned in joy. Hyunjins dick fully inside of him was almost enough for him to cum but he knew he couldn’t just yet. Hyunjin felt the same feeling as Felix wrapped so tightly around him. His thrusts started slowly and Felix's light whimpers were driving him crazy. He wanted to go rougher but since it was his first time with Felix he wanted to go slow and show him how much love he had for him. He didn’t understand the phrase “make love” and had always thought it was stupid, all up till right now. Now he had this beautiful boy in his arms and wanted to make sure he felt amazing and knew how much love he held for him and his body. 
They switched positions so Hyunjin was sitting up and Felix's legs were wrapped around him. Hyunjin thrusted up into Felix at the same pace Felix bounced on his cock. His eyes half closed as he fucked into the younger and Felix's moans were getting a little louder. He was swallowing as much of his moans as he could due to not wanting the other members to be woken up because of them. Felix was nearing his edge as he kept slamming down on Hyunjins dick. Hyunjin could feel Felix clenching around him and decided to go a bit faster. Felix's head buried itself in Hyunjins shoulder and he tried to keep his mouth shut. He bit Hyunjin’s shoulder to shut himself up but it caused Hyunjin to moan and thrust up especially hard. This set Felix off and he ended up moaning around the skin of Hyunjin’s shoulder along with cumming on his friend and his own stomach. 
“Good boy, Lix.”
Hyunjin was so close to finishing too but wanted to be respectful of the boy whos body he was in. 
“Can I keep going, Love?”
Felix lifted his tired face and smiled softly.
“Of course, you can. Cum in me please Hyunjinnie?”
Hyunjin couldn't control himself much more and picked up his pace faster than before. Felix held onto the older’s chest as he bit on his shoulder again to contain his moans. 
“I’m cumming, Love ah- I’m- ah!”
Hyunjin came inside Felix with a couple more thrusts and laid back, taking the youngers body down with him. Hyunjin shifted so his dick would come out of Felix but didn't want to move from where he was. He was in heaven. Felix was laying on his chest breathless, messy-haired, and teary-eyed. Hyunjin held his bandmate closer and closed his eyes tightly as a smile painted itself on his face. 
“Yes, Love?”
Felix lifted his head from Hyunjins shoulder and kissed his lips once more.
“I need to shower and I think you may also need to.”
Hyunjin just smiled at Felix. He almost got teary-eyed himself just looking into his eyes. To Hyunjin, they held the universe in them. To Hyunjin, they were the best remedy. To Hyunjin, they made him feel, no, they made him know that everything was going to be okay. 
“I’ll draw us a bath.”
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romanarose · 2 years
Match made in Heaven
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Summary: The Miller brothers play match maker. Shinanagins ensue.
WANRINGS: Blow job, piv sex, dry humping, choking, spanking, doggy style.
When your friend Benny invited you to a cookout with some of his old Delta Force buddies, you could tell he had something up his sleeve, but you had no idea he was trying to set you up. You had no idea that Will was in on it. You had no idea it was with the hottest guy you’d seen in your goddamn life. One single minuet into introductions, it was obvious what they were doing.
“Santi! Fish! C’mere!” Benny loudy called his friends over to where you were walking in to Santi’s house with the Miller brothers. “This is Santiago and Fransico.” Benny introduced before telling them your name. Looking right at Santiago, Benny hyped you up “You’re going to love her, shes hilarious, good head on her shoulders too” Benny patted your back.
Will popped in, explaining what you do for a job, also looking at Santi.
Frankie shook your hand, glancing at Will. Was he on it too?
Santiago extended his hand for you as well. “You can just call me Santi.” His face quipped up in a smile as he eyed a grinning Benjamin. Santi knew what they were doing. 
“Thank you for letting me intrude on your party.” You told him, trying not to stare at his beautiful face. He insisted it wasn’t an intrusion, but you grabbed the dish you had sat at the side table. “I brought this as my atonement.” You hand it to him. The look he gave you, made you feel like you were the only people there, despite the three men watching you.
“T-thank you, that’s so sweet.” He smiles and takes it, bringing it to the table of food.
The party commences, and you corner Benny “What are you doing, Miller?”
Benny threw up his hands in defense, but he could never hide his smile. “I’m not doing anything!” he lied.
You poke his chest. “No, you’re trying to set me up! I told you no blind dates.”
“It’s not a blind date! It’s just… a chance for you to get to know Santi and see where it goes.”
Benny’s face soften. “Listen, honestly? He’s a good guy, you're a nice girl, you both deserves something good in your life. And if I’m being really honest? He’s got money, and he’d be a good dad.”
You laugh, smacking him. “Benny! That’s thinking WAY ahead!”
He returns the laugh. “Well I’m not just trying to get you a one night stand! You can do that yourself. Just keep an open mind, okay?
You agreed. Little did you know, a similar conversation was going on across the yard between Santi and Will.
“I told you I’m not looking to date right now, Will”
“I know, but Ben and I think you’d get along!” Will defended.
Santi sighed, knowing his friend had good intentions. “And why is that?”
Will put out a finger for every point. “She’s funny, a great cook, great with kids, she’s pretty, and she's nice, Pope. You need more nice.”
Santi rolled his eyes, but he had to admit, he was rather touched by your gesture with the food. And Will was right. You were pretty. “Fine, I’ll talk to her, but don’t blame me when it ends badly, like everything else.”
“Oh wha wha wha” Will standing walking away. “Sorry, I can’t hear anything above your self pity.”
The night went well. Beyond well. Ben and Will made it a point to compliment your food, Benny loudly moaning whenever he took a bite, and Will insisting Santi try some. When he does, he can’t help but moan like Benny (maybe slightly less dramaticly), the sound sending a wave of heat through you. The party was alcohol free, you’d later learned this was because Frankie was in early stages of recovery and no one wanted to tempt him. Despite this, conversation flowed naturally with all the party goers, but you still found yourself talking to Santi more than anyone. The tension was growing, you hoped to god he felt it too. As the hot Florida summer cooled down, the heat between you only rose. The two of you found yourselves under a blanket together at the fire pit, sitting in his lap. This move was so bold you’d never have done such a thing if the group hadn’t winded down to just Will, Benny, Frankie, you and Santi. No one said a thing, it all felt natural. Benny did wink at you as Will slapped Santi’s back. Frankie didn’t comment when he left, leaving Santi and you alone, but he did smile warmly at his friend.
The door shut, and Santi turned to your smiling. “What are you thinking, beautiful.”
Words escaped you. Fuck, had he been this stunning all night? He was so much fun to talk to, you didn’t get a chance to really take him in. Bit of gray peppered his hairline of thick curls, his jaw was strong and nose prominent. Santiago Garcia was absolutely immaculate. You stepped closer. “What are you thinking?” You difflect.
“I’m thinking…” He pulled you close, taking your mouth in his. It was immediately sultry, his tongue sliding in your mouth, allowing you to suck it before he pulled away. “That I want you take you in that bedroom and do what I’ve been thinking about all night.” He kissed into your neck as his fingers entangled themselves in your hair. “But, we can also watch a movie on the couch and eat more of that delicious food you made.”
Fighting for air, your press your body against Santi’s “I think Ben ate it all already”
“Damn him. Well, there’s plenty of other food. You can stay over, I have a spare bedroom if you don’t feel like sleeping next to stranger, or I can drive you home-”
Your hand slides down to up his ass in those tight jeans. “Santi?” You kiss him.
He groans into your mouth “Yes, Carino?”
“You’re not the smoothest talker. Let’s put that mouth to better use.” You push him against the wall, cupping the erection in his pants. With a few more deep kisses, you bite his lip and slide your body down, getting on your knees. Without further ado, you pull down Santi’s pants, biting your own lip this time as you take a look at his massive cock. “Fuck baby…” You mutter, slowly taking him in your mouth.
With a few pumps in and out, you pull back to spit on your hand, jacking him while you sat back on your knees to look up at him. Santiago Garcia looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky. 
You keep eye contact with him as you take him back in your mouth, his lush lips parting as you take him fully in your mouth. “Jesus christ, fucking hell” An aray of curse words fall from his lips as he watches you, your fist twisting and pumping and you bobbed your head up and down him. Unable to take it, you slip your hand under your skirt and began touching yourself, the soght of which making a whine slip out his mouth. Santiago Garcia, leader of the Delta force, tough as nails, fucking whined for you.  His hand found your hair. He didn’t pull, didn’t force you down him, but he played with your hair, petting your head and he cood praised. “Good girl, taking me so well…” But when you began swirling your tongue on his tip, he pulled you away, kneeling down to kiss you. “Won’t last wit you acting like that”
When the two of you found his bedroom, Santi pushed you down on the soft bed. Hand on your knees he spread you open, your skirt falling to reveal your underwear. He climbs on top of you, kissing you deeply as his hands explore your body, his hard cock rutting into your core. “Fuck, Santi, don’t stop, gonna- oh god” The fire in your stomach was almost unbearable, his dick rubbing your clit just right, and something about feeling how hard you make him… His hands were insaciable, pulling your your top for his mouth to attach to your tits and he squeezed and caressed everywhere he could reach.
“So fucking sexy, god, Benny been keeping you from me too long”
“Mh, mh Santi, please, please, please…” What you were asking for you didn’t know. His mouth latched onto your right breast, while one of his hand pinched the other nipple. His free hand slide up to your throat, gently trancing the neckline, asking for permission. You nodded eagly and he latched on, the oxygen deprivation being what you needed. Which another harsh thrust of his hips over your clothes sex, your orgasm crashed through you as you cried out his name.
He kissed you gently along the next “Let it out, pretty girl, I got you” He coaxed you down from your high, pulling off your underwear and flipping you on your stomach and propping you up your knees, ass in the air. You felt the cool breeze fo the open window on your wet cunt, slick from our orgasm running down your thighs. “So messy, and all for me…” he muttered, pushing your sundress up to your hips so he could caress your ass. Santi put two thick fingers inside you, slowly, tantalizingly as you whimpered. He leaned over to your face on the pillow, taking your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. “You still want this baby? Because we can stop. Offer to watch TV and eat food is still on the table.”
You grip the pillow, unsure how much longer you can wait. “Santi, please fuck me please? I need you baby” You look in his beautiful brown eyes, interlacing your fingers with his. “Need you” You beg.
Smiling, Santi kisses your lips, check, neck (stopping to suck on that tender spot below your ear), and back of your neck. He pressed deep, open-mouth kisses between your shoulderblades as he presses into you, careful not to hurt you. “Doing so good baby” he coaxes as you cry out. “You can take it, I know you can, sweet thing”
When he was fly sheathed inside you, he allowed you a moment to adjust, but you began moving on him, making him moan out your name.
Face down, ass up, he thrust into you at a violent pace, grunting out praises. “So beautiful” “Fucking perfect” “Feels amazing, baby”
You were unable to talk, the only thing on your mind was Santiago Garcia's cock rearranging your guts and his hot breath on your back. He sat up, pushing you down further into the bed, muffling your cries as he spanked you. Not hard, but enough to get a jolt of electricity through your body. He felt your walls fluttering around him, and watched you white-knuckling it against the sheets of his bed. “You close, Carino?”
You mumbled a yes into the pillow, and Santi grinned. Wrapped a hand around your waist, feeling the skirt you wore against his hand, he rubbed circles around your clit as he gripped your hips with a bruising force. All it took  was a few hard thrusts, and you were screaming into the pillow, sweat settling on your skin. The world around you was fuzzy, waves of pleasure as Santi fucked your through your second orgasm. He didn’t stop.
You turn your head off the pillow, feeling your droll on your cheek “S-santi”
“One more, baby. Can you give me one more? Please?” He asked you, leaning or so you can see his dark curls all a mess around his sweaty face. He brushed hair out of your face kindly. “One more for me?”
You nod. You’re not sure you could deny him anything at that moment.
He kisses your forehead. “Such a good girl, sweet little thing, I knew you’d be so good for me” Your body too fucked out to move, he pulls you up, back to his chest, one hand working your sensitive bud and the other wrapped around your throat “Where do you want me baby, Im close”
“I-inside, Santi. Come inside me, make me yours”
“Fuck!” He shouts, losing control at those last three words, spilling into you. He quickened his face, still determined to make you come thrice. His hand on your throat moved to your breasts, kneading them harshly. He slipped his fingers around your puffy folds, his wrist still on your clit, and you were done for. Neighbors be damned, because your shouts were definitely floating out the window as the two of you collapsed onto the bed, his heavy weight on top of you.
Santiago played with your hair as he laid on top of you, his presence comforting and warm.
You wrap an arm around him, gluing him to you; you didn’t want his to move. “What now?” You ask, unsure if this was a one night stand or if Benny and Will were right. You liked him, a lot.
“Tonight, I get you some clothes to sleep in, “Santi kissed your neck, then the tip of your nose, eliciting a smile from you. “and tomorrow I take you on a proper date to the most pretentious, hipster brunch place we can find. That is…. If you want you. If not, that’s okay, I can drive you home in the morning, or tonight! or-”
“Santi-” You can’t help but grin. For all his bravado, he still was human, a human with anxieties and insecurities. You roll over under him, smiling at being so close to the pretty, slightly nervous face. “Brunch sounds lovely. You know we’re gonna have to tell the boys they were right?”
Santi grinned back, eyes scanning your features. “Not a chance in hell, pretty girl”
You smile, pulling him to you and nestling your face in the crook of his neck. “Is the offer for food and TV still on the table?” you were starved.
You could feel him chuckle “Read my mind”
Thank you for reading!!!!! I was gonna do a quick Santi smut but if you know any of my work, you know i like backstory.
Anyway, if ur a slut for Santi Garcia like me, come read Leather and Lace! It's an ongoing fic, will only have a little smut buuuuutttt it's cute as hell, and people have seemed to really like it.
tagging @welcometostayingawake, @ahookedheroespureheart and @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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abitohoney · 1 year
Suffocate Me
(A sequel to the sequel to Roses are Red)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
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This contains Explicit smut, so NSFW, MDNI Sevika x female reader 4.8k words
AN: Thought I was done with this ficlet, but then anon sent me a funny video in this post and I was inspired to write another chapter, so here you go!
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It's only been a week since Valentine's day, and you're already dying to have another night with Sevika. She certainly hadn't been exaggerating about leaving you tired as hell after fucking you in the tiny supply closet. Took you several days to get back to walking like you didn't have something stuck up your-
The door to The Last Drop swings open, pulling you from your horny thoughts. It's closing time, so you're prepared to shout at whatever hooligan decided to let themselves in, but your scowl immediately shifts to a smile spread so wide your cheeks hurt.
Speak of the devil.
And she's looking right at you with an equally wide smirk.
Leaning on the counter, you push your boobs together and further out of your blouse. A blouse that already barely contains them.
"Hi Sevika," you say coquettishly as she saunters up to the bar across from you.
“Hey beautiful,” she replies smoothly. She makes no effort to hide how her gaze drops to your obvious display. Zero shame. As a matter of fact, she goes so far as to pull a small, folded piece of paper from beneath her cloak and slip it between your cleavage. And not without making sure her fingers graze over the curves before she pulls her hand away to rest her arm on the counter. “Since you seem to like poems so much,” she husks, finally meeting your eyes again.
You try but fail to keep your massive grin at bay as you anxiously pull the note out and unfold it. 
Roses are Red The sun gives off heat If your legs are tired Use my face as a seat
When Sevika catches how your eyes go wide after reading the last line, she adds, “You did tell me your feet were tired last time."
Smiling coyly up at her from beneath your lashes, you reply, “I did. And they’re so much worse tonight. I really could use a nice place to sit.” You fold the little note back up and slip it beneath Sevika’s leather sleeve, making sure you run your hand over her bulging bicep before pulling back.
The two of you enter some sort of flirty standoff. Eyes locked and teasing smiles in place. Hers; a sexy, lopsided grin. The one that makes your knees weak and your stomach flutter. Yours; a sweet, playful grin, which you’re pretty sure has a similar effect given how her pupils dilate when she sees it.
Your little game doesn’t last long before you catch the approach of a pair of swinging blue braids.
“Hiya Toots!” Jinx exclaims to you as she takes a seat on the stool beside Sevika. Like, right beside her. Nearly touching her. “Ogre,” Jinx grumbles when she finally regards Sevika.
You watch as Sevika’s shoulders tense and her demeanor does a complete one-eighty. Brows knitted into a deep frown, she’s about to spit out something nasty to the tiny girl next to her, but Jinx beats her to it.
“See! I told ya she’d like the poetry! Gotcha laid too, didn’t it?” Jinx exclaims far too loudly, evident by the strangled sound Thieram makes from the back of the bar. She turns back to you again. “The ogre’s got some pep in her step now. She’s prancing like a fairy rather than clomping like an ogre.” After a glance at Sevika, who is fuming beside her, she amends, “Yeah, maybe not a fairy. Still an ogre, but you get my point, don’t ya, toots?”
You try to hide your smile and stifle your giggles behind your hand. Sevika may detest Silco’s nutty adopted daughter, but you think she’s actually quite amusing. Especially with how easily she can get Sevika riled up.
Jinx’s bright eyes flick between the two of you. She’s just grinning from ear to ear. She leans towards Sevika, her gaze still on you. “And see! There’s those heart eyes I told ya about! She’s just swooning over there like a lovesick puppy!” She leans her forearm on the table, getting herself closer to you and ignoring the fact that she’s pushing Sevika’s arm out of the way in the process. Poking the very angry bear. She curls a finger, beckoning you closer before putting the side of her hand to her mouth like she has a secret to tell you.
You lean in closer, trying so hard not to smile at her antics because you know Sevika is damn near blowing steam from her ears. But for the love of Janna, this is all too funny.
Jinx whispers, but still very clearly loud enough for Sevika to hear, “Listen, I need you two to keep doing whatever nasty shit you two have been doing. I mean she has been a lot less cantankerous and… ogre-y than usual, ya know? Can you do that? For me?”
You simply nod, not trusting yourself to refrain from bursting into a fit of giggles.
“Knew I could count on you!” she exclaims as she leaps from her seat. “Hey, Chuck! A drink please!”
“It- It’s Thieram.”
“Nope. It’s definitely Chuck.”
After Jinx skips to another seat further down the bar, you turn to regard Sevika. And if looks could kill, Jinx would most assuredly be dead. Literally full of knives with how Sevika glares daggers at her. Trying to diffuse her anger, you reach up and gently trace a finger along the scars decorating her cheek. She turns to you, and that anger starts to fade rather quickly. “This gorgeous seat still open?” you ask seductively as you run your thumb over the plush of her bottom lip. And there goes the frown. Completely replaced by that sexy little smirk of hers.
"For you sweetheart? Always," she purrs. Gently taking your wrist into her hand, she brings the back of your hand to her lips to place a kiss there.
If you weren't already grinning like a fool in love, you sure as hell were now. "Your place then?"
"Mhm," she hums and takes a step back as you hoist yourself up onto the bar as you did last time. Her gray eyes go wide when she takes in the tiny, tight shorts you're wearing. They leave very little to the imagination. "Wear those for me?" She asks with a cocky grin.
"What makes you think I didn't wear them to get more tips?" You tease. You have definitely been wearing more revealing clothes since your last night with her in hopes of pulling her in for another. But she doesn't need to know that.
Sevika raises a brow. Probably in a mixture of disbelief that she was wrong, and that you'd even have the gall to say such a thing. But her crooked smile quickly returns as she runs both metal and flesh hands over the tops of your exposed thighs.  "Doesn't matter. They'll be coming off with the rest of your clothes."
Your cheeks flush and you take the opportunity to try to hide it by calling over your shoulder to Thieram, "See you tomorrow!"
He stammers some sort of response, but you're too focused on Sevika pulling you down and into her strong arms to give a shit. Sevika gazes down at you ravenously, both hands gripping the backs of your thighs and the curves of your partially exposed ass cheeks. And if you didn't have a damn audience- particularly the young blue-haired Jinx- you'd let her fuck you right here and now. Instead, you settle for a quick kiss. Hands on her shoulders, you pull her down to you as you stretch up on the toes of your knee-high boots.
Well, you thought it would just be a quick kiss.
Sevika's grip on your backside strengthens as she greedily returns the kiss. She forces her tongue between your parted lips, chuckling quietly when you moan into her mouth.
Fuck. She tastes so good. Like danger and sex and confidence and-
"Bleh! Gross!"
Jinx's loud complaint pulls you back to your senses and you break the kiss, much to Sevika's dismay.
"I know I told ya to keep doing the nasty shit, but I didn't mean right here! Geez! Get a room!" Jinx gripes.
You smile bashfully at her as she rolls her eyes so hard you're certain she's going to fall right out of her seat. "Sorry, Jinx. We're heading to her room now." Before Sevika's mood can fully sour at Jinx's interruption, you give her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. "Let's go. I really need to sit down."
Smirking, Sevika releases her death grip on your backside and slips her human arm protectively around your waist to guide you out the front door.
The walk back to her place is chilly and uncomfortably clammy. Wrapping your arms around your chest, you hug yourself to try to fend off the goosebumps that start to creep over your exposed skin. "I'm cold," you pout when you catch Sevika eyeing your puffed-out chest.
Without a word, she switches sides with you and pulls you under her cloak.
Though you can feel the cold press of her metal arm wrapped around your waist, the heat radiating from where your body presses to hers is more than enough to make it worth it. Not to mention the scent of her that permeates from where her cloak sits just below your nose. You inhale deeply and close your eyes, allowing Sevika to guide you through the dark streets of the lanes.
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The moment Sevika gets you inside her apartment, she doesn't even wait for the door to close before scooping you up into her arms bridal style.
Though you should have expected that, you still release a startled yelp. With one arm wrapped around her upper back, you grin up at her as she carries you toward her bedroom. “You’re so strong,” you swoon, relishing in how that stroke to her ego earns you a toothy smirk.
Sevika gently lays you across her bed and places an entirely too-sweet kiss on your forehead before not-so-gently ripping your boots and socks off.
“Impatient again?” you tease as you watch her from where you’ve propped yourself up by your forearms.
She doesn’t grace you with a reply, but her lopsided grin remains as she leans over you to pull your shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. After kicking her own boots off to the side, she starts to kiss her way up your body.
Her kisses begin sweet and chaste, trailing from an ankle to the top of a knee. But as she leans over you, hands pressed to the mattress beside your hips, those kisses turn into little love bites along the top of your thigh. Teeth sink into soft flesh before tongue laps and soothes the sting.
"Sevika," you whimper breathlessly as that warm mouth draws ever so close to the apex of your thighs. You want her there. Need her there. So bad. But she ignores your unspoken plea and lifts your shirt up to reveal more skin. And as she continues her path up your abdomen, you can feel the sinister curl of her lips against your heated skin. She knows exactly what she's doing. Teasing you. Getting you worked up and needy. And you'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on. Your whole body burns and aches for her touch, but the longer she makes you wait, the better it will feel when she finally gives it to you.
When she reaches the band of your bra, she uses one hand to yank it down, revealing both breasts before latching onto one. She wastes no time in sinking her teeth into the sensitive bud, tugging just hard enough to border on pain.
Again, you can feel her sexy little smile press against you when you release a startled gasp. Her tongue swirls around your singing flesh to ease the sting of her bite.
"Fuck," you curse as you arch your back, pushing your chest toward her mouth. But she doesn’t give you that control long before she pulls back, leaving you teeming with desire for more.
Knees and hands now on either side of your body, caging you beneath her, Sevika smirks down at your expression. Your half-lidded eyes. Your furrowed brows. Your parted lips. You look desperate for her. You are desperate for her.
You slip your fingers through the soft strands of hair at the back of her head and pull her down for a kiss. She gladly obliges, her tongue slipping between her lips to slide over yours. That damn tongue of hers, you’re certain, is one of her greatest weapons against your defenses. Not just in her wit, snark, and sexy little quips, but in how she uses it to assert dominance. The way she uses it to tease along your lips, only to pull back when you try to take it. How she trails it across the backs of your upper teeth, again refusing to let you stake your claim. How she finally finds yours and all but assaults it with how wild and deep she kisses you.
But right now, you need that mouth and tongue of hers elsewhere. So with your palms pressed to her chest, just below her shoulders, you push with all your strength. To your surprise, and hers, you manage to toss her onto her back against the mattress. Quickly moving to straddle her waist, you grin down at her victoriously as she blinks up at you in shock. That wide-eyed look doesn’t last long though before it's quickly replaced with a taunting smirk.
“Who’s the impatient one?”
“You’re the one who offered me a seat,” you reply as you remove your shirt and bra before tossing them somewhere behind you.
“Best seat in the house,” she replies and you have to bite back a laugh at how cheesy that is, and instead offer your own equally cheesy response.
“Best seat in all of Runeterra.” You flash her a sly smile to match hers.
Sevika merely grins up at you as she trails metal and flesh hands up the back of your thighs and guides you up over her body on your knees.
“Are you sure about this?” you ask, recalling how your legs had given way the last time she used her mouth down there.
She raises a single brow.
“Last time you were down there I lost control of my own damn legs,” you remind her, “I might end up suffocating you.”
“I want you to suffocate me,” she replies with a sinful smirk that disappears between your legs as she moves you into position.
That unexpected and sexy remark wipes the cheeky little smile clear off your face. Arousal winds like a tight coil deep within your belly and you take your bottom lip between your teeth to fight back to moan that threatens to escape. And fuck, the mere sight of Silco’s deadly right-hand woman lying between your thighs is enough to leave you speechless and at her mercy. Your thighs nearly shake with how bad you want to feel that hot mouth pressed against your wet and wanting-
“O-oh fuck,” you moan with a shaky breath when the tip of her tongue teases just outside your entrance.
Unlike your previous encounter, Sevika seems to favor a slower, more teasing approach this time. Using only the very tip of her tongue, she traces along the wet outer edges of your cunt. Gray eyes watch with entirely too much satisfaction, you think, as you struggle to remain still for her.
“Don’t tease, Sevika,” you whine as you clutch at your own thighs. Janna, do you want so badly to just take control. To grab her by those lovely ebony locks and just grind against her gorgeous face.
“Patience, sweetheart,” she murmurs. But the sexy brute beneath you lets her lips graze over your folds, clearly intentional given how she chuckles at the way your thighs tremble.
“We’ve already established neither of us are pa-” your rebuttal is cut short by the unexpected flick of her tongue against your clit. And this time your restraint flies right out the damn window, hips thrusting towards that devilish muscle of hers. “Fuck!” you cry out. And damn it, you get at least one good drag against that sweetly soft, round nose of hers before she’s pressing her fingers bruisingly hard into your hips and putting you back in place.
“I told you to be patient,” Sevika growls, accenting her words with a sharp bite of nails into your flesh.
That certainly gets your attention. You freeze, blinking several times as you stare down at her in surprise over the sudden change in tone. But, oh, she doesn’t look angry. She looks wickedly pleased. Too wound up with arousal, you simply offer her a small nod that you understand, hoping that will be enough to placate her.
“Good girl,” she purrs.
You no more than drop your jaw to release a moan at that sweet praise when you feel her pull you down to her mouth. And this time, she presses those soft, thick lips fully against your core, tongue delving deep inside. Your hands quickly find purchase on the iron rails of her headboard, gripping tightly as pleasure wracks your body.
Patience be damned, Sevika immediately drags her tongue back out, withdrawing not only the slick coating your walls, but also a broken, deep moan from your throat. Before you have a moment to recover, to regain the strength in your aching legs, she’s pulling you back down around her tongue again. She repeats the motions, this time dragging your clit over her nose. And for the love of Janna, she’s fucking you with her tongue and it feels so ungodly good. You don’t even notice the bruising grip she has on your hips as she repeatedly lifts you off her face only to pull you back down against it over and over again. Not when she’s left you desperately trying to contain the mewls, curses, and moans that build with each wave of pleasure that motion brings.
Mind completely clouded with unadulterated lust, the need to release that searing hot pressure that's built in your abdomen, you release the headboard to run your hands up your body. You need more stimulation. You let your head fall back as you grasp at your own breasts- kneading, squeezing, and rolling fingers over the hardened peaks- all while she fucks you with her mouth faster and faster. You no longer attempt to withhold your cries of pleasure. It's not as if you can hear them with how your pulse throbs in your ears.
Climax quickly approaching, you let your body take over, hips bucking in tandem with each descent she brings. But before you can reach that peak, you feel a sudden decline, Sevika losing her momentum. One of her hands, her human one, slips away from your hip.
Heart racing both with arousal and now the panic of losing grasp of that sweet release, you peer down at her through the slits beneath your lids. Sevika’s eyes are just as heavily lidded and dazed. However, you notice her gaze, though not focused, is on your hands where they still play with the supple flesh of your breasts.
“Sevika,” you plead softly.
For fucks sake you need her to pick that pace back up. You try, with little luck, to pick up her slack, thrusting using what little strength remains in your aching legs. It’s just not quite enough and she doesn’t seem to hear your plea, so you make one more attempt.
“Sevika! I- I need you to go faster!”
Somehow, through the blood roaring in your ears, you hear something rattle behind you. Slowly, you glance back over your shoulder, and you nearly cease your movements altogether at the sight before you.
Sevika’s thighs are spread, belt undone and jingling as she touches herself beneath her underwear.
Oh, fuck. That is so hot.
She’s touching herself to the sight of you getting off on her face. You turn back to her and wrap one hand around the headboard again, determination renewing your strength just enough to get your rhythm where you need it. You focus on her face, nearly crumbling as you watch her struggle to keep her eyes from rolling back behind her lids. Deep, quiet groans pull from her chest, muffled by where you now mercilessly grind your wet cunt against her face.
Janna, you’re practically suffocating her. But isn't that what she said she wanted?
Both of you struggle to focus, watching the other fall apart with the fast approach of that euphoric release. Neither you nor Sevika can keep your eyes completely open. Brows- glistening with beads of sweat- pinch together in a mixture of concentration and pure ecstasy. Movements becoming jerky and uncontrolled. Your hips stutter. Her fingers falter. Breath leaves both of your bodies in heated, ragged bursts between your mewls and her groans. Yours echo freely through the room as they fall from your slack mouth, while hers are muted against your cunt.
With just a few more drags of your swollen clit across her nose, you’re the first to fall off that sweet precipice. Your thighs clamp around Sevika’s head like a vice as the pleasure consumes you. A string of expletives mixed with her name falls from your mouth while you cling desperately to the headboard. Vision fading to black, you don’t notice how the sight of your orgasm, the feel of your release seeping onto her lips and chin, finally pushes Sevika over the edge.
Her metal fingers dig into your hip, piercing the skin. Her hips jerk erratically against her hand while her fingers carry her through the waves of pleasure. When she slowly recovers from her high, she opens her gray eyes to stare up at you in a daze.
As you start to come to your senses, your thighs release their death grip against the sides of Sevika’s head, trembling as they threaten to give way to your now dead weight. You peer down past your heaving chest to meet her gaze. Mind still fuzzy from your post-orgasmic bliss, it takes you a moment to realize she must have reached hers as well.
Fearful your legs won't be able to hold you much longer, you use what little strength remains to push off Sevika and roll into your back with a heavy sigh.
"Shit, Sevika," you say breathlessly towards the ceiling before turning to face her. Her eyes are already on you, her slick and drool-coated lips pulled into that damn sexy smirk again. So proud of herself. As she should be. "You really are amazing."
You no more than finish your sentence and she's on top of you, her face hovering mere inches from yours.
"I want to fuck you with my strap," she husks. She tries to lower her head to steal a kiss, but you press your palms against her chest to stop her. And it takes every ounce of willpower not to laugh at her stunned expression.
"On one condition," you reply as you reach up to gently tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear. When she doesn't reply, merely cocks a brow, you continue, "I want to stay the night and you make me breakfast in the morning." Once again Sevika graces you with a hilariously stunned expression. As if she's never been given a list of demands for anything before.
Sevika's lips finally curl into a snarky smile as she chuckles, "Sweetheart, I don't make breakfast for anyone." She makes another attempt to kiss you, but you smoothly roll away, sitting up with your back to her.
"Guess I need to go then. I'll need some extra time to get home and get up early enough to make my own breakfast." You don't dare glance over your shoulder, lest she catches your devious smile. But you don't need to see her to know her face is plastered with a look of pure astonishment at your audacity. Before you can stand to fetch your clothes, you feel her cool metal fingers wrap around your wrist.
"Wait," she says quietly. And you swear her voice is almost shaky.
Now you can't resist the temptation to take a peek at her. You glance over your shoulder, but keep your chin tucked low to hide your smile. Your heart nearly sinks at the sight of her frown. She's sitting up and looking anywhere but at you. She really isn't accustomed to being turned down. That, or she's just really into you.
"Okay. Just- stay. Please," she pleads, stormy gray eyes finally meeting yours.
Oh shit.
Well, now you feel terrible. Damn near brought Zaun's scary lady to her knees.
"Of course," you say softly and offer her a sweet smile as you crawl up onto the bed to straddle her lap. With your arms wrapped over her shoulders, you finally bring your lips to hers.
Sevika snakes her arms around your back, holding you tight and flush against her as if you might float away if she let go. The deep hum of appreciation she releases reverberates through her chest to yours. At the feeling of your gentle prodding, she parts her lips to let you slip your tongue inside.
The taste of your release lingers in her mouth. It reignites the flame of your desire, leaving you with the urge to grind against her lap. You break the kiss to rest your forehead against hers. Both of you are already getting worked up again, exchanging warm breaths between parted lips.
"I want to be on top. Like this," you whisper.
Sevika pulls back to quirk a brow, but her lips curl into a tiny smile. "Any more demands, princess?"
That's a new one.
"Mmm…" you hum exaggeratedly, "Not off the top of my head, but I'll let you know." You give her a playful smile and hop off to allow her to get up.
Lying on your side, head propped up in your hand, you watch Sevika move to the opposite side of the bed to pull a harness and strap-on from a small bedside drawer. Before she can step into it, you're hit with another idea.
"One more thing."
This time Sevika shoots you a warning glare over her shoulder, but she waits to hear your request.
"I want you naked this time."
Her expression remains unchanged.
"Please?" You ask, pushing your bottom lip out. And for just an extra little push, you trail a fingertip down between the valley of your breasts, taking note of how those gray eyes follow with obvious interest. "I'll make it worth it."
With a shake of her head, Sevika releases a sigh of defeat. "You're lucky you're so beautiful," she says as she starts to remove her top.
Those words don't quite sink in immediately. You're too distracted by the sight of Sevika's bare back. The muscles that stretch across her neck and shoulders. The curves of her hips and waist. And oh heavens, there's that gorgeous ass she reveals when she bends over to pull her pants and underwear down.
If she thinks you're beautiful, what does that make her? A damn goddess. That's what.
Wait- Did she tell you you're lucky you're beautiful?
"You only like me for my body?" You ask incredulously as she turns to you, in all her naked glory, while adjusting her harness. "Don't you like me for my personality too?"
"I'm not fucking your personality," she teases as she gets back onto the bed and positions herself upright against the headboard before stroking her faux cock with her flesh hand. With the curl of a metal finger, she beckons you over.
Obediently, you crawl on hands and knees across the bed towards her, but not without making sure she sees your pout.
Sevika gently grasps your chin between metal thumb and finger, tilting your head back until you look her in the eye. Her crooked smile is taunting, but not mean. She thinks your little act is cute. "Sweetheart, you know I'm just toying with you."
It's true. You do know that. But that doesn't mean you're not going to milk her for all she's worth. Get her to confess just how bad she's down for you. You avert your eyes, pushing your bottom lip out further.
She pulls you closer, speaking in a hushed tone as she does. "Your personality, though bratty and demanding-" She pauses, waiting for you to meet her gaze again and continuing once you do, "-is just as beautiful as your body."
You finally let loose a devious little smile, just as she closes the distance to press her lips to yours.
Hook, line, and sinker.
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
Pretty in Pink (Nathan Chen x Reader)
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Title: Pretty in Pink
Pairing: Nathan Chen x fem!reader
Word count: 802
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: You and Nathan go on your first date... in pink.
Author's Note: Ever since I saw Nathan appear in the BAZAAR Icons 2022, I knew I had to write a fanfic inspired by it. Also, I was supposed to upload this yesterday, but Tumblr was loading so slow at the time, so I had to wait until the next day. Hopefully there will be no more delays again, but I can’t guarantee that will happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Image belongs to Harper’s BAZAAR.
You stood in front of the mirror, adjusting your makeup. Tonight was your first date with Nathan, and it was impossible for you to contain your excitement. You took a look at your reflection; you were dressed in a pastel pink pleated dress that ended at your knees, with its top and long sleeves adorned with lace that matched the color of it. Accompanying your dress was a pair of matching flats, with a bow at the tip of each shoe. Just gazing at your appearance made you look and feel like a princess. Perfect, you thought. As you were finishing your makeup, you heard a knock on the door.
"Coming!" You shouted as you headed on your way to the door. When you reached the door, you glanced through its peephole. As you expected, there stood Nathan, sporting a pink Hermès shirt and black trousers, carrying a large white rose with both hands. Your eyes widened and your face turned slightly red at the sight of him as you gasped and turned around, your back against the door. Oh my God, you thought. He's so hot. But how would he react if he found out your dress matched his shirt? After a moment of deep breathing, you mustered up the courage and pulled the door open.
You stepped out of the doorway all while maintaining your composure. Your grace and elegance was enough for Nathan's cheeks to glow red. "Hello, Nate," you greeted in an accent as posh as possible. "I see you're looking fine tonight," you smiled followed by a wink.
"Yeah, you too," Nathan replied, trying to contain his laughter.
"Excuse me," you teased with your fancy accent, "but what's so funny?"
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, "but I can't help but notice we're both wearing pink." He then burst out laughing.
"Oh yeah," you commented, "you're right." You started laughing along with him, immediately unmasking from the posh personality and reverting to your normal self. There was no way on earth that the both of you wearing pink on your first date was merely a coincidence. After catching your breath from the laughter, you wiped the wet corner of your eye and walked towards Nathan, embracing him.
"But that doesn't change the fact that you're still beautiful," he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, with you smiling in response. "Oh, and I meant to give this to you," Nathan handed out the rose in front of you.
You took the rose from him and brought it to your nose. You deeply inhaled its aroma; it had the most elegant scent you've ever sensed. "Thanks Nate," you smiled as you rested your arms on his shoulders, with your face leaning against his as if you were gonna kiss. "I love you so much."
"You too, Y/N," Nathan replied before giving you a very passionate and loving kiss that made your heart flutter. As the two of you parted lips, you noticed your lipstick stained on his lips.
"Oh my," you gasped.
"What is it?" Nathan questioned.
"I'm so sorry, but it's your lips," you replied.
"What about them?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I got lipstick all over them," you grabbed a tissue from your purse, about to wipe Nathan's lips when his hand signaled you to stop.
"Hey, it's okay," he chuckled. "It's nothing to worry about."
"You know what, you're right," you admitted. "Besides, I think you look cute with that shade," you winked.
"Aww," Nathan said softly before taking one of your hands and giving it a gentle kiss.
Your heart fluttered once again as he did this. Gosh, were you so lucky to be together with this cutie! Still holding your hand, he walked you over to his car and opened the passenger door, allowing you in. Before Nathan could close the door as you fastened your seatbelt, you asked, "So, Nathan, where exactly are we going?"
"To the party that my friend's hosting," he answered. "Figured this would be a great opportunity as our first date together. Hope that answers your question," he winked.
"I see," you chuckled as you watched Nathan close the door and go around the car to get to the driver's seat.
After an hour drive, the both of you arrived at the party. As you walked into there, with your hand holding onto Nathan's almost the entire time, you won the attention of multiple partygoers, either due to the fact that you and Nathan were wearing matching outfits, or the two of you were in love with each other, or both. All this made you look and feel like royalty, and that made you grateful. Tonight was a blast, and your first date with him was a complete success. Most of all, you were proud to be his. ❤
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frogtanii · 3 years
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it’s too warm, was your first waking thought as you sluggishly waded through the mound of blankets that encompassed you to get a breath of fresh air (you assumed bokuto and kuroo were the culprits for your warm and fuzzy hellhole). your eyes first fell on the television playing the credits to the second or third pirates of the caribbean movie on mute, the remote haphazardly thrown somewhere to your left as though the person who did so left in a hurry.
speaking of people, there was no one left in the room as you slowly joined the land of the living. a part of you suspected everyone had gone to bed but atsumu or akaashi would’ve woken you up if that had been the case.
belatedly, you recognized voices coming from the front door and your still sleep-addled brain lit up. oh! you thought. food must be here! untangling yourself from the blankets proved to be an exhausting feat because by the time you were done, your body was covered in a sheen of sweat underneath oikawa’s sweats and sakusa’s hoodie.
ugh, gross.
you began to make your way towards the door, the blood rushing through your head preventing you from hearing the details of conversation but knowing atsumu, he was just haggling for a lower price even though you told him repeatedly, that isn’t how pizza places work tsum.
as you drew nearer to the commotion, you started to pick up on the heavy tension in the air, leaving you extremely uncomfortable. you had no idea what the cause of it was but you did know it was making most of the boys upset, who, by the way, hadn’t noticed you creeping around just yet.
a feminine voice rang out from outside the doorway and though you were still attempting to gain your hearing, the sound sent chills down your spine. it sounded saccharine, sweet, familiar, and oh so evil.
even with a head full of cotton, you figured now wouldn’t be the best time to reveal yourself, what with the clear discomfort permeating the atmosphere, but your big fat mouth apparently had other plans.
“‘tsum, just let the poor pizza lady go,” you muttered, the beginnings of a headache making itself known at the back of your skull. you were a little too caught up with the dwarf banging at your head with a sledgehammer to notice the shock that everyone in the room turned to look at you with.
a gentle hand grasped at your forearm, whispering something into your ear before attempting to pull you back to the living room, but that same familiar voice from the door kept you planted where you stood.
“oh, the princess finally makes herself known,” meiko sneered, her face finally coming into focus, striking you with pang of fear straight through your heart. “funny, i thought i left you speechless the last time we... ‘talked’.”
“ya shut yer fuckin mouth,” atsumu lunged at her but was stopped by sakusa’s arm around his waist, successfully holding him in place. meiko just giggled, taking a step into the house, her heels clicking as she glided across the hardwood floors.
in the back of your head, you noted that meiko looked unusually beautiful, her makeup flawlessly done and her outfit complementing it perfectly, almost reminiscent of how she used to be before... well, just “before”.
you watched the boys unconsciously angle themselves as a protective wall around you, the person holding your arm (who you now realized was koushi) pulling you in tighter until your back was resting against his chest.
a part of you couldn’t help but feel a little suffocated but the other, more self preserving, bit felt irrationally safe and protected around these boys. it was nice... or it would’ve been if meiko wasn’t taking herself on a tour around the house as though she hadn’t been living there for almost the past year.
“you all can tone down on the guard dog act. i’m not here to fight,” she said as she pretended to wipe dust off the island. “you’re not?” bokuto’s skeptical voice rose up from behind you, one of his hands finding yours underneath the massive sleeves of your (sakusa’s) hoodie.
meiko shook her head with an empty smile, her perfectly painted red lips stretching unnaturally wide. “no, of course not! i’ve just come here to collect.”
the boys collectively tensed around you, akaashi whispering for kenma to go find yachi and quickly. as he slipped away, you made eye contact with sakusa who gave you an imperceptible nod that you assumed meant one thing — keep her talking.
“collect what?” you asked, your voice coming out weaker than you wanted, but you hoped she didn’t notice. she cocked her head as her eyes snapped to you as if she’d forgotten you were there, but judging by her growing smirk, you knew that wasn’t the case.
“my boys of course!” meiko clapped gleefully, clicking her way over toward kuroo to run her hand over his bicep, laughing when he jolted away from her touch. “they’ve always been mine, you know that don’t you?”
it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dropped over your head. you felt frozen again, the same feeling of dread creeping up your spine as it did when meiko attacked you. in turn, you barely noticed kenma’s return who whispered something to sakusa — an action that didn’t go unnoticed by meiko.
“what’re my boys talking about? are you plotting against me?” she pouted, scooting closer to the pair. kenma visibly paled and moved to hide himself behind sakusa’s broad shoulders. “we aren’t doing anything, meiko.”
wrong answer.
“oh, we both know that isn’t the case kiyoomi. i’m not a fucking idiot.” meiko’s voice filled with venom before moving even closer still. you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest, your hand gripping bokuto’s even tighter.
what if she brought some kind of weapon to the house? what if she hurt you? what if she hurt them?
before you could think, you were standing in front of the group, the boys calling out your name as meiko’s face lit up. “so the precious little princess wants to take a stand! let me have it then, huh? let me see what all the craze is about!”
despite the fear thudding in your chest, you stood tall, glaring at her with your head held high. “the boys are not yours, meiko,” you declared, her mouth instantly opening in protest but you refused to let her speak.
“they aren’t possessions or objects you can own and treat like shit. they are people, real living, breathing people and they aren’t mine either. they have full reign to do what they want, when they want, to make their own choices and decisions. and you know what? they didn’t choose you or me. they chose themselves and their happiness over any bullshit you or i could try and sell them. so please, for the love of god, get your shit together, put it in a box and take it to fucking therapy.”
by the end of your impromptu speech, your chest was heaving but you felt good. really good. adrenaline was rushing through your veins and you felt powerful. out the corner of your eye, you noticed osamu and daichi standing at the bottom of the stairs with something akin to awe on their faces.
yeah bitches. take it all in.
unfortunately, while you were basking in the feeling of badassery, you completely missed meiko’s eyes lighting up with pure, unadulterated,
you faintly heard someone call your name before you were taken to the ground by meiko leaping at you like an animal. the two of you scrambled about on the hardwood, her hands yanking at your clothes and leaving scratches on your skin but you were sure as hell giving her a run for her money.
you finally managed to get on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground but that wasn’t before you gained a hard elbow to the side and a bruise to your face. meiko thrashed and shook in your hold but you were not wavering, trying to keep her entirely still for...
well, for what exactly?
almost as though they were on cue, you heard the sound of police sirens wailing in the distance, growing louder as they drew closer to the house. underneath you, meiko’s eyes widened before she began fighting even harder than she’d done before, her erratic movements making it much more difficult to keep your hold on her.
luckily, you had extremely muscular men at your disposal, one of which (osamu — even though he was a dick, he was still incredibly muscular dick) held down meiko’s arms as the lapd stormed the building.
the police officers easily retracted meiko from your arms and cuffed her, taking her to the back of the cop car, despite her loud and insistent threats on you and everyone you love.
very disney villain-esque.
a kind looking officer helped you to your feet and walked you out to the porch where he began to ask you and the boys a few questions. you answered them honestly and you were genuinely proud of how well you were handling the whole situation when—
“bubs, you’re shaking.” sure enough, when you looked down at your hands, you were twitching uncontrollably, the reality of the events that just occurred finally sinking in.
you were just attacked. again.
you and your friends were threatened.
meiko was sitting in the back of a fucking cop car.
“what the fuck,” you whispered, eyes staring unblinking at your palms. the same officer mentioned something about shock, prompting all the boys to gather around you; atsumu pulled you in between him and sakusa, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, kenma and bokuto took hold of your quivering hands, sugawara and oikawa sat off to the side watching you with blatant concern, and kuroo and akaashi spoke to the officer in hushed tones.
the man nodded and shook their hands before shooting you a pitying smile and heading back to the car where meiko was waiting.
“it’s over angel, ‘s over,” atsumu muttered into your hair, pressing kisses to your forehead in between each phrase. you leaned into his touch but you refused to take your eyes off meiko who was watching the whole scene from the backseat, her eyes wide with anger, hurt, and confusion.
you didn’t bother dwelling on it, instead focusing on evening out your breathing and looking at the car drive over the horizon. you heard yachi’s soft voice calling everyone inside, atsumu lifting you up to your feet and walking with you, never once taking his hands off of you.
still, his words echoed in your head, even as yachi spoke of the end of the hyper house, even as the boys brought you to your room, and even as they all automatically cuddled around you in an attempt to get you to sleep.
it’s over. it’s all finally over.
you couldn’t keep the grin off your face if you tried.
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℗ poker face
it’s over
series masterlist
an - OK THE TITLE IS MISLEADING THE STORY IS NOT OVER YET SKENSM (there are 2 more official story chapters before all the endings :3) also m not the biggest fan of this chapter?? so i’d love to hear what y’all think <33 don’t forget to feed me!!
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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refiwrites · 3 years
can you do a diaval imagine? The reader is familiar with magic but is human. It could be sfw or nsfw. Whatever you’re comfortable with, have a lovely day! :)
Hello love! Sorry I've been late to your request but here, have some protective Diaval :D have a lovely day ahead too!
Diaval x Female!Reader
Warning/s: One of the guards being a creep, makes it up for fluff at the end!!
Word count: 1,556
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You woke up, rays of sun shining through the window of your room in the castle. After Aurora and Prince Philip were married, you being Aurora’s sister, she wanted you to be with her at all times. Prince Philip was kind enough to let you move in to one of the rooms in the castle.
Your first thought was to go to the balcony, opening up the door to spot a lot of people running through their business on this sunny day. You were thankful enough for the view the balcony gave you, where it out looked the kingdom and it had a very beautiful view when it got dark, something that tends to calm you on sleepless nights.
You closed your eyes shut for a moment, enjoying the peace and the birds that were singing.
Caaw, caaw, caaw
Your brows furrowed, eyes slowly open to spot a rather familiar black raven that now perched upon the railings.
You decided to playfully ignore the Raven for the time being, turning and closing your eyes again and letting the sun hit your face.
Then you felt something nipping on the sleeve of your night gown. Deciding that it was time to greet your friend, you chuckle and looked down at the raven before you.
“Hi there, Diaval, what brings you here?“ You ask, lifting your hand up and petting his head with your finger.
You see his wings shudder after a moment and you continued.
“Is mother around? I’d rather talk to you when you can speak, it’s rather hard to understand you like this.” You laugh.
Truth is, you admired Diaval for quite a while now, both of you grew close when Maleficent first introduced him to you and Aurora. You knew how his shapeshifting works and how he was able to turn into anything that Maleficent wished. You knew originally that he was a raven that was captured, but you were lying if you said you didn’t find his human form alluring.
You were cut off in your daydreaming when your room door opens, revealing Maleficent. You smiled widely, running over to greet her, Diaval following close by.
“Oh, I was wondering where you were.” Maleficent said, and you knew she was referring to Diaval.
“Is he bothering you (Y/N)? You know I could just turn him to a lizard then and there and just send him off flying into the Moors.” Maleficent said to which Diaval whined in an angry way which meant he did not want that.
“Mother, no, don’t worry he’s not causing me trouble.. Though I would appreciate it if you can turn him back to human..” You suggested.
She clicked her tongue and spoke. “I’d turn him back once you’re dressed and downstairs, your sister is looking for you.” Turning on her heel, she walks out of the door, motioning for Diaval to come with her.
Pink rose to your cheeks as you nodded, Diaval turning his head to you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be long.” You reassured and he reluctantly followed Maleficent.
After bathing and dressing properly, you headed down to meet the others.
“(Y/N), about time you woke up!” Aurora, your sister piped up at you.
“Oh shush Aurora!” You laughed.
You sat with them at the dining hall, though your eyes were searching for black ones. Although Aurora seemed to have taken notice of your attraction towards Diaval that she leaned towards you.
“He’s there, look!” She whispered with a giggle as your eyes snapped in the direction she discreetly pointed at.
And there Diaval was, walking towards the dining hall, skin smooth and white as snow, slicked back hair, the noticeable marks on both sides of his temples, his clothes that lightly exposed his chest, markings that threatened to peek out of his shirt accompanied by his black coat.
You felt that you were taking your sweet long time staring at him as your sister had to pinch your hand to bring you back.
“Oh- uh.. I’m sorry, what was that?” You asked shaking your head to get yourself out of the trance.
On the corner of your eye you saw your sister tried to hide her laugh by covering her mouth with the towel.
“You appear to be distracted lately (Y/N) dear, is everything alright?” Maleficent questioned. You quickly shook your head and decided to make up something.
“No mother, I just woke up funny is all.” You lied and hoped she would take it.
She stared at you for a while before nodding. “Alright.”
You definitely missed how Diaval’s eyes looked at you whilst you were busy coming up with a lie.
After everyone ate and done their duties, it was almost noon and you decided to get some fresh air and strolled through the gardens.
The flowers were exquisite, everywhere you laid your eyes on was a feast of colours. You felt proud that some of the flowers that bloomed were your own since you took most of your time tending to the gardens, seeing them bloom made your heart overwhelmingly happy.
But as you walked, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes staring at you, but you shake your head, it was probably just you.
Simply put, you lost track of time and before you know it, it was already sundown. You ought that going back to the castle was a great idea but that idea was taken from your head when a guard stepped up in front of you.
“Oh.. I was just on my way back.. excuse me please.” You excused politely, trying to move out of the guards’ way but he didn’t budge.
A lump in your throat started to form, you still tried to slip through his side but he suddenly gripped your hand, tugging you towards him.
“Let me go,” You spat at the guard “I’m sparing your life, unless you want to be met with the terrible consequences of your actions.”
“Oh? Might as well make this worthwhile.” He said, yanking you close. Before he spoke again, a voice spoke behind him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
The guard turned and you had a good look at the owner of the voice. It was Diaval. You thanked the gods for his arrival.
The guard seemed to tense up, but he kept his hand on your wrist firm that it was starting to hurt.
“Or what?”
“Or I could turn into a creature you deeply fear and rip you limb from limb.. slowly..” Diaval said with venom underlying his tone as he inched closer.
The man seemed to come to his senses as he finally let go and stumbled upon his feet to escape.
You stood there frozen and Diaval was quickly on your side, inspecting your hand and your face.
“Did he do anything to you, (Y/N)?” He asked. Diaval was clearly fuming with anger at the man yet he managed to soften his tone when he asked you.
You nodded, holding onto his arm.
“I’ll walk you through your room now, alright?” He asks, searching your eyes for any disagreement, but there was none.
After making it inside your room, you changed into your sleepwear while Diaval waited outside. Once you gave him a signal to come in, you were sat on your bed.
“That bastard’s gonna pay.” You heard Diaval mumble under his breath.
You motioned for him to come over and sit beside you.
“I swear (Y/N), if he decides to lay a finger on you again-“ You cut him off by pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Thank you for saving me back there.”
You didn’t miss how his skin turned lightly red at your action but you continued.
“Although I feel this isn’t an appropriate time to say this but I no longer care.” With a deep breath, you looked at him straight in the eyes and spoke.
“I have been inlove with you for the longest time now, Diaval. I’m surely you’ve taken note someway somehow but here is me saying nothing but the truth. I take it upon me to understand if you don’t happen to feel the same way.”
His eyes widened at your confession as the room stayed silent, all that can be heard was the whispering of the cool night wind, and the occasional birds flying outside.
You fear that you ruined your bond with him as you decided to speak up when he didn’t.
When you opened your mouth, he finally spoke.
“(Y/N), I’ve also laid my eyes on you from the first time we ever met, when we grew close, my attraction only grew into love. It makes me so happy to learn that you feel the same.” He breathed out.
It felt like all your hopes was built back up, you didn’t destroy what you had with him. And most importantly, he loves you back.
You were quick to smile and cup his face, turning him to face you.
You saw how his eyes crinkled when he mirrored your smile and it only made your heart jump.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Diaval.”
This was one of the happiest nights of your life, you both knew you had to tell Aurora and Maleficent sooner or later but that’s a story for another time.
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acnelli · 2 years
hullo! do you have any good ron centric fic recommendations? they could be ship or gen i don't have a preference, I'm just in need of good ron centric stuff :3
Hello anon,
okay, since you're not picky with pairings, I'll recommend a little bit of everything. Oh, and there are also WIPs among them. If we don't read and support ongoing stories, how would we ever get new content?
This became a longer post than I thought, so I put the recs under the readmore line (I really hate long posts showing up in my time line).
And dear anon and everyone else who'll read these stories, please please take a minute to leave a comment. No matter how old the stories are, no matter how many comments & kudos the fic already has, it always means something for the author and also for other readers. All this content might be free, but it's still good to get something back. Writing is hard work. And the more you support the writers who write your fav characters, the more content you'll get.
I'll start with the Gen Fics, then Romione, then Rarry, then Other Pairings.
*** *** ***
GEN (there might be pairings, but they're not the focus)
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce by @imagitory
Inspired by a post on Tumblr, this is a AU story set during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, with one big, foul-mouthed difference. Instead of Horace Slughorn, the position of Potions professor will be taken on by...Gordon Ramsay.
While the summary doesn't indicate it, this story is actually very very Ron-centric.
Pendragon: The House of Pendragon by @chuchiotaku
An unsung hero haunted by the loss of his brother's love. An overshadowed youth abandoned by everyone he ever loved. Why the enigmatic Lady of the Lake chose these two as her new champions against the growing threat of the Dark Lord--or why she chose now, of all times, to do so--is beyond anyone's rhyme and reason.
But the Lady does what she wants. All Ron Weasley and Regulus Black can do is hold on for the ride.
Very promising! I'm looking forward to the next part.
Tugging Sleeves by @windschildfanfictionwriter
Ron struggles with what to do when he realizes that there can only be terrible reasons for why Harry isn’t responding to his letters. Little does he know that Ron’s distress is just as worrying for his family.
This is adorable, angsty and just beautiful. I also recommend everything else by that author, but all of their stuff is over on FFN. My favs are The Boogeyman (read the A/N at the beginning!) and Spitfire.
Pawn to C3 by Realmer06
Teaching Lily chess started as a way to keep her occupied and out of everyone’s hair. It grew into much more than that.
This is a really great story about Ron and Lily Luna. A sweet family story.
How to Succeed in Dark Wizardry (Without Really Trying) by technically_direct
Ron maybe accidentally-on-purpose becomes a dark wizard, and everything changes.
This is so so funny. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I cracked up several times while reading this.
Kiss Each Other Clean by @constitutionalweasleymonarchy
The war is over and all Hermione wants is to wash it all off of her.
A chaste Romione shower scene where the important bits stay covered up but everything else is stripped away.
Low key my fav take on their second kiss. And you know what else is amazing? This author is not just brilliant at writing angsty/fluffy goodness, she's also my fav weiter when it comes to comedy. So, also check out A Counterpoint to Working Lunches and Hardboiled.
Tarnished Gold by ephemeral_ashes
For so much of her life he had felt like home to her, a steady place to rest when the world seemed to be spiralling out of control. So it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise that she’d ended up here, tonight of all nights. Inspired by Nothing New (Taylor's Version)
An absolute gem if you ask me.
First Pick by writergirl8
For Rose Weasley, her father will always be her first pick.
I could talk about this fic all day long. It's mainly about Rose & Ron's relationship but it has the absolute sweetest Romione moments.
Meraki by @remedialpotions
(v.) To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work.
In which Ron finds his calling.
Beautifully written, lovely, and overall just so wholesome. I love this story.
When Fate Decides by @azaleablueme
Ron returns years later to the only woman he has ever loved- the one whose heart he ruthlessly broke before leaving. But who said the path to redemption was ever easy? Fate sometimes has crazy ways of bringing people together. A journey of a man to find his lost love through the twirling pathways riddled with lust, jealousy, heartbreak and often hopelessness.
Hello, it's me again, the broken record. Read. This. Story. Do yourself a favor and don't ditch this story because of the Dramione pairing at the start. It's fantastic and you're missing out big time if you don't give it a go.
Everything Has Changed by @accio-writes
When single dad Ron gets paired with new teacher Miss Granger sparks fly in more than one way. Can the pair work together to deliver a successful stall for the end of term summer fete? Or will other things get in the way?
I love everything by accio but single dad Ron just hits different, you know?
Fraternizing With The Enemy by @adenei
Join a sorority, they said. It’ll be fun! You’ll make so many lifelong friends and have more connections to the professional world than you could ever imagine. ...but what will happen when Hermione meets the mysterious man of her dreams who just so happens to be in the rival fraternity? The one they've been feuding with for fifty years? American College Muggle AU! Inspired by the Shakespearean classic, Romeo and Juliet.
A Muggle AU that I absolutely adore!
The For And Against List by PinkyBrown
Hermione tries to talk herself out of liking a particular idiot boy the way teenage girls have been doing since time immemorial: she makes a For & Against List. All the reasons we love Ron Weasley in handy list form!
Definitely a Romione classic along all her other stories. Great writer who'll make you laugh and cry (Faultlines is infamous for that).
A Day in the Life by KatieBell70
'All was well…' And it was, really. Only, some days…it wasn't. Ron Weasley's life has become so bogged down with details that sometimes he has trouble seeing the bigger picture. Post-Final Battle, Pre-Epilogue, Ron as a dad and husband.
One of my favorite one-shots. I have reread this story many times. Check out her other works as well.
7 Years, 6 Months, 4 Days by @trademarkblue
Hermione tries to cope with life after Ron's death, but what if all she thought she knew about what happened to him so many years ago was a lie.
So good!! Also a Romione classic. So much angst but also so much smut and all the feels. Check out her other works as well!
With You by SailorX1
"Then he kissed him. Nothing fancy. Just… kissed him."
Sometimes, the things that seem the most complicated are actually quite simple. Harry and Ron were never known for choosing the simple route though.
I adore this story okay? It's about mutual pining, coming out, finding yourself, love, friendship, and all the important moments between Harry and Ron. It's a fucking MASTERPIECE! And if you're not keen on starting WIPs, read it anyway. Because you can read it as it is. No cliffhangers or anything.
Two Households, Both Alike In Dignity by mad_martha
That very first day on the Hogwarts Express, Harry shook Draco Malfoy's hand and became a Slytherin. Ron has hated him ever since. But Harry doesn't hate Ron ...
Read the whole series. Rarry starts with this story but it continues on. It's actually very Harry centric, but Harry's attention mainly goes to Ron here, so...it counts as Ron-centric imo. We also get some Ron POVs.
Please Don't Flirt With The Healers by BleepBloopBotz
Young hotshot Auror Harry has landed himself in St.Mungo's. Again. Luckily, he's not too bothered by it. The fact the bloke he's been eyeing for a while is the one looking after him definitely helps matters.
Do yourself a favor and read everything by that author. I love their stories and I read them as soon as I get the notification about a new Romione or Rarry story from them.
Four Gallons of Oblivious by @cassiaratheslytherpuff
Ron is head over heels in love with his best mate, but it’s going to take more than a horrendous orange sofa, painted pornography, and opening a shop together for him to let Harry know.
You'll absolutely love this story if you're into mutual pining, idiots in love, great witty dialogue, heart melting love confessions and crazy good smut.
Something They Can Barely See by @firethesound
Harry has no idea how to tell his best friend he wants more that friendship. He’s pretty sure this would be hell of a lot easier if he knew for sure how Ron felt about him.
Very beautiful story. Probably one of the first Rarry stories I read.
Prelude and Fugue by shes_gone
It took over an hour, from the time Harry arrived at work, for him to realise just how different today actually was.
I love this and all other stories of that author so much. One of the best writers out there imo. And the smut is 🔥.
Sun-Kissed by @static-abyss
Harry notices the freckles the first time they meet, the light dusting across Ron's face as he stands there in his maroon knitted jumper with the yellow R in the centre. If Harry didn't know any better, he'd swear he could trace the tendrils of a lightning bolt from Ron's nose down to his cheek. Something warm settles in Harry's chest at the knowledge that, perhaps, Ron carries a piece of Harry, no matter how unknowingly. It's proof of a connection between them, the first real tangible relationship Harry's ever had that is good and whole and wanted.
Or how Harry falls in love with every one of Ron's freckles long before he realises he's in love with his best friend.
I love all of this author's stories. I aspire to reach this level of talent one day. Check out the other fics as well. Absolute jewels.
i was on fire (for you) by @livingincolorsagain
“You’re leaving?”
A sigh, heavy and tired, then Ron turned to him, already fully clothed. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Harry pushed himself up from where he was sitting on the floor, still only in his boxers, disturbing Pig, who was sleeping against him. Though Pig didn’t seem too bothered, simply stretching before going over to Ron.
Fluff fluff fluff and angst and fluff. Also check out all their other stories!!
a mother's love by @playitaagain
Molly stumbles upon her boys sharing a bed after a long day of training.
This is a whole series and it's one of the sweetest things I have ever read. Also check out their other stories. All amazing.
Treacle Treat by @orange-peony
Fred's funeral turns out to be quite lovely, Harry thinks, in spite of how heartbroken they all feel. Everyone says something nice or funny about Fred, trying to remember the good moments. Harry can’t get the words out, but Ron is by his side, the back of his hand pressed against Harry’s, his eyebrows scrunched up as he sobs quietly.
“Stay,” Ron whispers after dinner, when everyone gets ready for bed, pale faces looking empty and wiped out. “Don’t go back to Grimmauld Place. Stay here, Harry. Please…”
Harry nods, then follows Ron upstairs, to the room where they’ve spent countless summer evenings, chatting in bed with a laugh and a cheeky grin on their faces.
They lie in the dark in silence this time, and Harry feels so cold.
Oh, the angst. You'll get a truck load of angst with this but also so much Rarry-goodness. Great story written by a talented author.
A Dark Companion by @fivenamereveals
When Sirius escaped Azkaban, he had planned on hunting down the traitor, Peter Pettigrew, and then have Harry live with him-if Harry wanted to. He had not foreseen becoming Harry's confidant. And he especially hadn't foreseen some of the things he shared!
This is such a cute concept. I really like every new chapter. It's so lovely.
misconceptions by @ballerinaroy (Ron/Harry/Hermione)
What should have been a normal Thursday night at the pub turns into a conversation that Seamus doesn't know how to have.
This is the start of the together or not at all series. Loved reading the whole series. The dynamic between the three is amazing.
Finding Home by RogueWhimsy (Ron/Draco)
The war ends and Ronald Weasley disappears. He returns a different man. This is a story of change, willing and unwilling, and of falling in love despite knowing better.
I really really love this story. I can't wait for an update but I love what's already there. I want to marry this Ron right away.
Nothing Ever Lasts Forever by hull1984 (Ron/Draco)
Ron and Harry meet during their exchange year at an American University. Ron isn't having much fun until he meets Viktor at a party. Things pretty much go down hill from there.
It's a Ron/Draco story but the real star of this fic is the Rarry friendship and the first star comedy.
Inevitably Everything by CheekyTorah (Ron/Draco)
Ron didn’t need help finding a date.
This is a really sweet and well-written story.
Bishop to E-5 by harryoof (Ron/Draco)
Ron Weasley feels insignificant. Draco Malfoy is irritated that it's not because of him.
This is so interesting so far and I'm looking forward to read more.
While You Were Sleeping by keeperofthemoon (Ron/Draco)
No, no, it was because if Ron didn’t manage to speak then Draco would find out from the Daily Prophet that Ron had died in a back alley after being hit by a curse from a Death Eater. If Ron didn’t somehow tell Harry the truth now, Draco would never know how he truly felt. Because Draco had made Ron swear to not tell his loved ones they were dating—not yet, not until Draco was ready. And Ron had agreed. But now, as he lay dying on a sidewalk in some random Muggle town, Ron rather wished he would’ve broken that particular promise.
When Ron doesn't return home from a mission as expected, Draco has to swallow his pride and figure out what happened to him.
This is a angsty and fluffy story. Very very sweet.
Red by @kedavranox (Ron/Teddy)
Teddy is a rockstar; Ron is his muse. (Or a love story fueled by drugs, sex & rockn'roll—but mostly plain old awkward and embarrassing young love.)
A great story! I'm not sure if I ever read a story where the tension, longing and built-up had been so well done. Oh, and Teddy is 21 in this. So, no underage and no grooming or something.
Apples & Buttercups by @xgardensinspace (Ron/Neville)
Ron works at the city's art museum, and one day before going to work he finds a brunette sitting on his sofa; talking to his brother, Bill, about work in the family's business. What blooms between the two of them remains amongst the trees and apples of the orchard.
Not just a cute story but also some super adorable art work.
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Eyes in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere). Trilogy - part one. Next part.
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, sugestive content, threats, blood, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade was watching Y/N for some time, trying to stay in the shadows. Unfortunately voices and thoughts won against the logic and he want her now on his side forever.
Author's note: Inspiration from a lot of things, but especially: Hades and Persephone, Beauty and the Beast. This used to be oneshot, but I changed my mind, ut will be trilogy. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colour are Y/N thoughts.
Y/N didn’t know when was the last time she ran for her life. Probably during one of the pillagers attack on the village or maybe in the Nether. But none of them was that type. Now she was being chased by something way much more dangerous than besties. At the moment, she’s being followed by the Blood God himself. Despite the aching and pain of her muscles and her throat feeling dry from gasping for air, Y/N was still asking herself how did on earth this happen?
Y/N always loved books and reading, she came to Smp two weeks after Foolish arrival. Actually her friendship with him leaded her here. They exchanged the letters and she was interested in staying somewhere for a while. After some time, she decided to come. Her divine friend already started to build his summer home and had few buildings done. She stayed there for few couple of days, they decided to build something for herself. She already have met most of Smp members including Dream Team, Bench Trio and rest, but owning home, place for stay was good idea. Sometimes Y/N liked to be alone. Eret allowed her to build something behind his castle, it was always nice to have someone close.
It took time before she ended house, it was cozy one with big field in front, farms, cellars and most important - library with enchanting place. It was huge, biggest part of the house with plenty of regals and reading spots. Y/N loved to spend there time and collectin more books or texts. Foolish had a lot of ancient scrolls or manuscripts and liked to share them with her. They could spend hours discussing about their favourite ones.
Books caused that Y/N met Phil, because he was the second person on the Smp, which had great collection from centauries. Shark god took her at trip to Tundra. Y/N was excited to meet such person and nervous too. Happily, everything went all right, Technoblade wasn't that time in home, so they had chilling conversation. Winged man was very curious about her skills and enchants. Of course during his travells and lifespan he met enchanters, but didn't paid much attention to them. Now, he could meet one in chill ocassion. Their three had a lot of talking, giggling and being wholesome. Phil promised to borrow more interesting books and Y/N said, that she can give some enchantments.
When Technoblade came back he immediately felt, that Foolish was there with... someone else... someone new. It smelled like pine and old paper, very nice. Phil told him about visitors and Y/N, he ignored it a little bit, but voices... voices liked this smell a lot.
'So strange.' 'Which woman can smell like that?' 'Where is she living?'
Y/N was peaceful person with no intention to harm anybody, staying in her place. She stayed in positive relations with almost everyone, providing needed enchantments and helping caused, that a lot of members were friendly to her. Y/N liked to hanging out with Bench Trio, although they were sometimes so chaotic. Usually she went mining with Ranboo, when it was needed, cutting trees with Tommy for his buildings and staying in Snowchester with Tubbo. That is why she came with almost everyone, when Tommy and Tubbo were in Dream bunkier fighting with him. Discs were just items, but... Dream's obsession, it was dangerous and teenagers were her friends. After that a lot of things changed. Putting him into Pandora's Vault was meant to protect them, but she was getting cold shivers each time she looked at black walls of prison. Knowing that everyone could be locked there...
After Egg's influence grew stronger she tried to find some infromations about it and how could ghe possible defeat it, but that took time. Foolish and Phil were so helpful handing their ancient texts, to make research. Suddenly with crimson vines everywhere, Smp became less safer, at least she felt it that way. More members were busy with their business and stuff, they finally could do them, when Dream was locked. For example Foolish agreed to build big mansion for Tubbo and Ranboo, which got platonical marriage and Tommy started his hotel. Meeting Michael was so wholesome and funny, little zombie piglin started to like her and at each visit she read him fairy tales and stories.
Y/N decided to not think about bad sides of Smp, just being busy and tried to help, if someone needed it. Before Doomsday wandering around could be dangerous, especially for La'Manburg citizens, because Dream and Technoblade were unpleasant for them. Now she enjoyed visiting almost everyone everywhere. After a few visits, she could tell that something was wrong, Y/N couldn't tell what, but it was almost like being watched, blaming Egg and vines was her answer for that, but actually why? Why did it do that? She would never joined their side. Never ever. Sometimes she spotted the Phil's corws, but that wasn't a s surprise, birds were telling him a lot of informations around the Smp. Easy way to know almost everything.
Y/N was heading to her house, stepping at Prime Path. In opposite direction she spotted Quackity, slowly walking by from prison direction, which was surprise. She smiled softly to him and he smiled back.
"What's up?" Big Q asked when got closer to her.
"It's good I am coming back home, need to eat and get some nap, and you?"
"I... ended some buisness." His face stiffened and his look became more serious.
Y/N nodded little unsure about his changed emotions. Suddenly she spotted that his sleeve is covered in fresh blood.
"Are you hurt?" She asked worried.
Quckity looked at his shirt as surprised as she and frowned, he checked axe which hanged down from his belt.
"I guess so then, but I don't know where did that come from."
"Let me take care of this." Y/N suggested with warm smile. "My home is closer than Las Nevadas."
After a few moments he nodded in agreement. They together headed to her place. Weather started to become stormy, dark cloud covered the sun, threating to start raining.
Then went inside, but when she was closing door, feeling of being watched hit her with dubled strength. House was in the spine forest, but fenced and had a gate. In filed were some farms, trees and small garden, but everything seemed to look normal. Big Q sat on the couch in living room and Y/N brought bandages, water in bowl and even healing potion. He rose sleeve, wound wasn't long, but deep, something cut his arm, probably weapon.
"It doesn't look good, but you will be okay." She said after looking at cut.
"Good." He sighed with relief.
"What did make it? Do you have an idea?"
Big Q looked dead in her eyes and remained silence. Of course he knew what, but he didn't even noticed the wound before leaving the prison. Well, someone will pay for this.
"Maybe working at Las Nevadas, you know... I am still building there." He spoke after a while.
"Oh... ye you have right, but be careful next time." Y/N suggested and started to work on cut carefuly. Starting on cleaning, then gently bandaged it.
"Thank you." Big Q said after seeing the results.
"No problem, just don't walk around with untreated wound." Y/N giggled softly.
He stood up and moved his eyes on windows. Black clouds didn't go away, even became worse.
"I will go now, weather is getting worse, I want to be in home before storm." Big Q said with soft smile.
"Of course, see you next time."
After he left, big storm came, darkness fell upon the Smp, rain and wind were too strong, for coming outside. Y/N decieded to take a chance and nap. She baked some cookies and sit down on a couch with another book, which Phil borrowed her. Only the torches gave light, sometimes thunderbolt stroke and filled room with unatural blue light. Drops hit hardly, making loud sounds, but Y/N was too much into a book. Two hours has passed and slowly night was coming. She moved eyes to meet clock, yep that was supper time, put the book away and up, Gods thr storm didn't let go. Y/N watched for a while outside, then go to kitched. She grabbed blanket and wrapped it around her posture, damn there were cold.
Again feeling of being watched kicked in. She was alone at home, that was sure thing. Outside was deep dark and behind the windows was the wall of the water. Y/N bite her lip and shook head, it was just her imagination, a feeling which stayed for no reason after putting Dream into Pandora's Vault. She took an kettle and suddenly was seeing something in the corner of the eye, something red and unusual in the spine forest. Her figure frozen when she moved back eyes. Deep in the dark, around sprouce trees in the line of forest, Y/N spotted pair of shinning, red eyes, high above the ground. They were locked at her figure.
'This has to be spider... or something else...'
Right after this thought, ceature turned back and disappeard in the darkness, cold shiver went down at Y/N spine. What was that? And why it was here? At least she was safe in home...
'More.' 'Training is boring, let's find someone to fight.' 'We demand blood.'
Technoblade sighed and stopped, voices today were very, very loud. That was why he decided to train, but during it, they became even worse. He hid sword and walked into home. Phil wasn't here today, he had to do something, but didn't bother to tell him what it was. Blade went back to home by his old path through the forest. His training place was near the cottage, but still hidden from common people. All members of Syndicate knew where it was. First of all he need to take shower. When cold water touched his skin, he felt like even his bloodlust became less, quiet hiss left his lips. He earned some chafings this week. Next, he changed his clothes to common and made a cup of tea, then sit in the kitchen. Immediately his thoughts went to Y/N.
Somehow voices were acting diffrent around her and he even found himself acting that way. They were focused around Y/N and he was more calm, like just her pressence was comforting him. Technoblade remembered their first meeting, it was common day, when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and rose his eyebrows in surprise, outside was standing fragile woman, without any armor and only with trident on her back. They shared awkward eye contact, when suddenly she introduced herself as Y/N. Of course he saw her couple of times, but it wasn't officialy. Y/N has known who was he for sure, she swallowed hard and looked down with shyness. Phil yelled across the room, that she could come in. Ah yes... she loved to read books and his old friend was borrowing her them a lot. Technoblade again felt the spine and old papers smell, for him, it could stay here forever. After short visit, Y/N took books, gave back book of enchantment and left.
Techno's curiosity has increased, when he heard about her more. She was peaceful, friendly soul, completly opposite of him, maybe that was, why he felt so... diffrent around her and voices too. Piglin hybrid enjoyed watching her from the distance, in the shadows, but lately... lately it wasn't enough. Now he wanted to breathe at Y/N scent, holding her close and pressed soft kisses at forehead. He was under voices pressure so long and now his salvation was so close. But what would he make it? As longer he has thought of that, a diffrent ideas came to his head. She was delicate creature, he had to get plan at all. Techno knew almost everything about her: hobbies, traditions, friends and fighting skills. Phil told him a lot about enchanters, they could make enchanting books after years of studying and had magic talent sometimes. As they knew, Y/N could enchant books at any spell, so she had to studied a lot. Technoblade sighed and grabbed his cloak, time to keep an eye on few things.
'Let's not go quietly!' 'Let's go quiet as grave...' 'Blood for the Blood God!'
That was busy week, Y/N could only one time saw Foolish and Phil, but whole Smp seemed a little bit diffrent... luckily she was able to go on mining trip with Ranboo and Eret visited her with a couple of books, which were about Smp. Now was afternoon and sun slowly started to set, she was heading to her house, where waited for her snow fox, which she found in Snowchester. Cute, little ball of fur stole Y/N heart immediately. When she finally stepped inside, Snowflake - that how she named it, ran into her squeaking high.
"What happend my little one?" She knelt down and pet it's head.
Fox looked at her with big brown eyes and squeaked once more, then jump into her arms.
"Oh oh oh... are you afraid of something?" Y/N hugged Snowflake and looked around. Everything in home seemed normal, door was closed, in a field same, animals were quite nervous, but everything was good. She frowned and stepped inside, then put fox into basket with small blanket.
"I will bring you some berries, you will like it for sure." Y/N smiled gently.
Unfortunately, she didn't have any at this moment in home, Snowflake was there only for three days, so she couldn't make berries farm so fast, because she had to set up a space. Luckily, she lived around coniferous forest, so didn't even hesiatate, Y/N just grabbed backpack and went outside. Sun was lower in the sky, but still it was warm and brightly. Birds were humming quietly and around was quite quiet. Berries bush weren't so far, she founed some, but in order to make supplies, decided to find more, then plant them around the house. It would spared the time and work.
"Y/N." She heard deep, lazy voice and immediately turned at it's direction.
The Blade was standing under big sprouce tree with satisfied grinn on his lips. Eyes locked on Y/N figure, which completly froze at the sight of him. She have never been with him alone, in tundra always Phil or Ranboo were around, now it felt... strange and risky, she still remembered what happend to La'Manburg citizens.
"Technoblade." Y/N spoke softly, being careful to not crack her voice, despite building feeling of fear. She noticed, that piglin hybrid under his royal, crimson cloak was wearing armor, probably not his best one, but still enough to win fight. Part of hair made into bun, rest were freely in his back and shoulders. From his belt was hanging netherite sword and netherite axe was sticking out from behind. She spotted, that his weapons were a little covered in blood, same as his sleeves and parts of shirt. He was killing monsters right? Or just hunting? Uncomfortable, awkward silence reminded between them, only forest noises distrubed it from time to time.
Voices were too loud today, too agressive, too greedy, killing monsters and pillagers wasn't enough, Quackity has already tasted his steel, well he deserved that after showing up in Y/N home. He had so much fun with him, but after that he needed some rest, comfort and calm. That is why without even thinking too much Technoblade went straight to Y/N house. He hoped, that everything will change, that he finally will has some break from voices, violence and killing. Of course he liked his way to be... but yes sometimes, you have to make a nap.
"Are you wounded?" Y/N asked quietly breaking the silence. After all, if he needed help, she would help him, without hesitation.
Technoblade's grinn became more sinister, he put hand on sword hilt and slowly tilted his head on right side.
"This isn't my blood." He said without caring at all.
"Oh, that's good then..." Y/N whispered, but he could hear that.
Piglin hybrid studied her posture, she had only trident at her back, backpack in left hand, no armor, no more weapons. Poor little girl, that's not how you are going outside your home, she was literally unarmed in his eyes.
"So... what are you doing here? Alone? In the forest?" Technoblade asked and moved closer to her.
The way he spoke these words, made Y/N shiver inside, outside, she grabbed her backpack harder. Surely there was nothing to worry about, she has never done something wrong to him or Philza, she wasn't dangerous or wanted to has any power. Techno is probably just passing by. Suddenly he was so close, now she could for real see the height diffrence, for the gods sake, her head reached around his breastbone. Y/N looked up only to meet piglin hybrid's burning gaze.
"I... I was collecting berries for my snow fox. Something scared her, so I thought that she will calm down after getting some and I ran out of them..." she suttered and swallow hard.
"How sweet." Technoblade commented and his smile widened.
"So... you are just passing by?"
"Not really."
Sudden grip on her chin caught Y/N off guard. Technoblade forced her to look straight into his eyes. His face stiffened a little bit, she hissed quietly, when claws touched harder gentle skin. Then she realised... Blade's eyes were red and she heard, that it could glow in darkness. Her skin became pale and pupils widened. It was him, that time during a storm, he was watching her...
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked quietly, without any clue, what was going on.
'She is so innocent.' 'We love her scent.' 'Let her know.'
"I have something to tell you." He leaned and immediately her scent hit him harder, resisting to take deep breath wasn't that easy.
"What excatly?"
"I was watching you for a while Y/N. Belive me or not I found that interesting, because your pressence is calming for me, I can fall asleep while listening your voice and push away my violence behaviour, when you are around." He stroked her cheek by his thumb and smiled haughty. "I am always getting , what I want and I want that so badly, you can't even imagine."
Y/N shook head and made few steps back, leaving his grip, couldn't belive what she just heard. That's impossible.
"I don't know what to say... I can admit, that I had strange feeling of being watching but... I blamed the Egg..." She looked deep into his eyes, trying to put everything together. "What do you mean, you are always getting, what are you want? How am I suppose to understand that?"
"Listen sweetheart, we can do this in two diffrent ways: good or bad. If you choose first one, fine politely you will go with me. Second way? Well I can be very convincing, when I want to." Technoblade frowned.
None of this options was good for her. Y/N sighed and her shoulders dropped. She couldn't do anything literally...
"Come on princess. I can take care of you, I promise, you will be happy." He gave her his hand, but gripped sword hilt harder.
Y/N always avoided the conflicts and argues, never has started any, that was easier and better way to live. She could take care of her interests, powers anf friends by being supportive or neutral. Technoblade's behaviour made her shiver and feel sick, there was no guarantee that he will keep his words, even if it were sweet and promising. Y/N knew that fighting him was pointlees, he were ten thousand better than her, she didn't even have armor or second weapon. But surrender just like that? Without any resistance? She always was determinated, miss 'you can always find a way, solution'. Not a chance.
"I think I have better option, which lay in the middle." Y/N smiled gently.
"Well, tell me then." Technoblade rose his eyebrows with curiosity.
With one smooth move, she put backpack on and immediately started to run. The Blade's pupils widened, he burst out laughing.
"It will be funny."
She has known, that she needed to lose him in forest. Going to home wouldn't help, because door or gate couldn't stop Blood God. Lost him and then ran away from Smp, at least her current living location. Y/N realized that she couldn't even ask for help anyone. Probably Technoblade would come after her friends, helpers, so that was it. Y/N versus The Blade, she was on her own.
'How did she dare to run away from us?!' 'Chase her, catch her.' 'Faster, faster, faster!'
It seemed like running away from Tommy for fun, came in handy and long trips with Ranboo caused her to move fast through forest. Y/N nimbly jumped over obstacles and avoid rocks or roots. Her pace wasn't the fastes, but she could hold it for pretty long time. She wasn't thinking a lot, just tried to run away as far as she could.
'Don't look back, don't look back, it will make you slower.'
Hiding could be good idea, but not now. As long as he was close, she couldn't stop at all. Breaking through the forest was only hearing noise, soon, she heard her heavy breathing. Heading to unknown direction wasn't so wisely, but Y/N had no choice. After a few minutes, she stopped to catch breath. Around was sudden so quiet, cold shiver went down at her spine. Too quiet.
"Already tired?" Technoblade's voice surprised her from left side.
She turned head, just to see him leaning against the tree. In his right hand he held sword, didn't even look like he was running.
"You can't outrun me little one. A lot of people tried, now they are dead." He aimed sword at her. "We can end this farce here. I am not mad, honestly, you made me smile a little bit."
"You will have to catch me, if you want me going with you." Y/N said and then continue to run away.
"Oh I will princess, that's what predator does to the prey."
Y/N started to feel really tired, muscles aching, throat dry from gasping for air, hair dispelled and cheeks red. She ran for a while, but now had to stop. Technoblade immediately appeared in her field of vision. He was walking carefuly, but still looked intimidating.
"Don't come closer!" She released a cry.
Piglin hybrid stopped about eight meters away. He leaned sword against the ground and looked at her with curious gaze.
'Here she is, our reward.' 'Let's finally take her with us.' 'We like that sound.'
"I think, I just caught you." A little grinn appeared on his lips.
She looked straight into his eyes. Her gaze full of fear met a calm and determination. Y/N didn't even want to think what would happend, if he fulfilled his desires. Gods sake, she was free human being, none could take her freedom, she didn't ask for this. In an act of desperation, with the last of her strength, she used her powers. Feeling of warm through fingers and energy drained from her veins, but then burning light. In Technoblade's towards direction flew literally fireball, but he was too skilled for this. He made a dodge and looked at Y/N with mix of proud and shock. She dropped to her knees, struggling to stay conscious, despite the pain at her whole body and tired mind and unclear vision. Technoblade immediately was with her, he knelt down and support her, by putting arm around her waist. Y/N leaned back against his chest, fatigue prevailed over reason.
"Enough for today princess. You run out, if you will keep resisting." He whispered calmly.
"Please, please... please I don't want this, I want to go home." Her voice was cracking, tears strimming down at her cheeks.
"Hush darling, everything will be all right."
Technoblade's body radiated warm, his tone suddenly was so calming and sleepy. She wanted to close eyes so badly, but still fear was too big.
"You are safe, nothing can hurt you I promise."
After this words Y/N gave up and lost consciousness. Sun went down and shadows became longer and darker.
Phil careful closed the doors, then walked quietly down. Technoblade sat in kitchen with cup of hot tea, he immediately looked at his old friend, his eyes were worrying.
"Y/N is good, she lost consciousness, because was too tired. You said that, she used her powers."
"It was literally fireball, but I dodge that easy."
"Well, now we know about her powers at least... interesting, what you are going to do, when she wake up?" Phil asked and sat in opposite site.
"I know, that you are not glad about this, but I will figure this out. She won't cause any troubles." Techno's voice became deeper.
Winged man sighed and looked at his friend. He knew what he was going through, when voices became louder and demanded blood, each moment of silence or when they were quiet, Technoblade cherished and tried to make it worth. Phil couldn't be angry or mad for his friend about that deed, but... he was torn.
"Come on spit it out. I can see that you want to tell something important." Piglin hybrid said slowly.
"We were through a lot of shit, we know each other for almost ages and we blew up the nation for gods sake, kidnapping isn't the worst thing you have done, but..." Phil started and looked at Techno. "I wish you best and everything good, but I don't know how will I act around. Y/N has come to me for books, we were talking about stuff, I gave her cookies and tea. How will I explain, that I am supporting your decision? And I am always on your side." Phil said aloud his worries.
"I will give her time to get used to. After certain amount of time Y/N will understand." The Blade was lost in his thoughts.
He was so greatful of his friend statement, but still a little bit unsure. This case shloudn't affect on their relationship or Phil's life. Honestly Technoblade belived that his pressence will comfort Y/N at least, as he said they were close and enjoyed each other company.
"Someone will notice her disappering. What then? And Ranboo is visiting us a lot." Phil sighed a little.
"I've got this, trust me."
"I trust you with my own life." Winged man nodded.
Sunlight kissed her skin gently, when it showed up on window. Y/N felt softness under herself and on her back. Quiet sigh left her lips, when she opened eyes. In the room was very bright, but for sure it wasn't her room. Immediately cold shiver went down at her spine. Still weak, she tried to lift herself, because she was lying on stomach. Bed was big, with good beddings and pillows.
"Don't move, you are still weak." Technoblade's voice was soft, but loud.
Y/N bite her lip and then lifted head. He was standing near the bed and observing curiously, looking completly diffrent. White, linen shirt and high waisted, leather trousers, hair braided tighly. In this version he was... more open and accessible, not so scary.
"Where am I?" She asked slowly and rolled at her back with quiet hiss. Muscles still hurt and throat was dry.
"In my house, in tundra safe and..." He cut off, while noticed that Y/N is trying to get up. "What did I say?" He stepped closer and sat on bed.
She sat unsure on mattress, just to met Technoblade here, he gripped again her chin, as in the forest and forced her to look at him. This time it was more gently.
"Darling please..."
"You can't take my freedom!"
His eyes darkened immediately and Y/N regreted her words. She swallowed hard, when Blade looked deep into her eyes.
"Of course I can and I will, if you don't behave good. If you didn't notice, you aren't chained or tied, but pretty comfy in my bed." He said slowly with threat in his voice. "Think about it."
Technoblade released her and got up. She looked down thinking about situation, yes he didn't tied her, but still it wasn't good case. Y/N just wanted to be free, do stuff which she want and meet friends. Maybe Smp wasn't perfect, but still now it was her home, there were a lot of wars or argues, but she still had house and persons which she cared about and this was mutual, now everything was unsure.
"I am just afraid... " Y/N whispered quietly.
"As I said earlier you are safe here, you are safe with me. Nothing can hurt you." Techno grabbed bowl with soup and came back. "Here, eat, you need to recover."
"Thanks." She smiled weakly to him, took bowl and started to eat slowly.
'Good girl.' 'She will behave for sure.' 'We can teach her a lesson.'
Y/N was napping for the rest of the day, Technoblade gave her one of their books, so she wasn't bored. Probably tomorrow or next day she will stand up.
The sound of closing doors, caused her to closed book and put it away. Piglin smiled gently and took off his shirt suddenly. Y/N eyes became big.
"Wait wait wait..."
"Calm down princess, I am just going to sleep, nothing else." Technoblade smirked for her panic.
"So... where shloud I move?" Y/N asked looking around the room.
"Nowhere. You are staying here with me."
Immediately her cheeks went slighty red. She looked at him curiously. His pink skin seemed gentle from the distance, a lot of scars marked his chest and arms. Some of them little, some of them large, the biggest one was through both sides of chest. Technoblade released his hair and came closer. Y/N moved to make him some space. He laid down, she followed his steps but remain distance.
"Goodnight." She said and turned back from him.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
He blow up torches near the bed and silence fell upon them. Not even a five minutes passed, when Y/N felt sudden grip on her waist. She froze, Technoblade hugged her and pressed kiss on her shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Quiet whisper left her lips.
"Snuggling and cuddling." He whispered softly.
Y/N couldn't help, she giggled quietly. Techno took this as premission, her back touched his chest and second hand slowly stroked her hair.
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keijislove · 3 years
Pureblood Mania: Sirius Black X Reader
A/N: Warning: toxic mother-daughter relationship. Mentions of drinking.
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Sirius Black was one of the most arrogant, thick and inconsiderate prats anyone would have the misfortune to meet. He found his pleasure in staying with random girls who truly fell for his charm all while he didn’t even look back once he got what he needed. Which is why to say that he was furious at the moment was a complete understatement.
His ‘beloved’ mother had decided to pounce upon him this very morning and Walburga Black was not one to beat around the bush. Authoritatively, she stormed into his room and snapped her fingers in front of her face, saying, “We’ve got to talk.”
Sirius supressed a massive groan – this couldn’t be good.
“I can see your future is going nowhere, boy!” she snarled, “You shall, under no circumstances, besmirch the ground that my forefathers have bestowed upon me by ending up to be a – a street dweller!”
Sirius rolled his eyes. Trust her to say something dramatic like this.
“Therefore, to improve our situation and get rid of you,” she added nastily, “You will be getting married at the end of this month.”
If there was anything Sirius was expecting, it definitely wasn’t this. He got up so fast that his chair crashed to the ground. He did not care.
“Wha- married?!” he sputtered, “To whom?!”
“You shall see this evening,” his smother snapped, “She’s a lovely girl. They will arrive at around five. Wear something respectable. And fix your hair!”
She stormed out of the room, leaving Sirius mouth agape.
She would probably be some swotty pureblood. The very thought disgusted him. Though, deep down, Sirius always knew he would be married this way, he wasn’t ready for that level of commitment. He was used to variety. Now he’d be stuck with some dull girl for the rest of his life. This day could not get worse.
“I’m ready, mum,” you spoke in a monotonous voice.
This morning, your darling mother had announced that you’d be getting married at the end of this month to a ‘charming’ young man. You knew she didn’t care who you married. Pureblood was the word.
You were wearing a F/C dress and your hair was styled neatly – very unlike you.
Your mother came bustling into the room saying, “Good. We should leave now, they’re expecting us. And don’t embarrass me.”
She glared threateningly at you.
You rolled your eyes.
As you stepped into the car, very much aware of what you were signing up for, it drove ahead through the beautiful town you’d once called home. Your car stopped in front of a handsome manor – one you’d never seen before.
As the front gates opened to reveal a scrawny house elf, you followed your mother inside. The moment you reached the living room, something felt off.
“Ah, Y/M/N!” a richly dressed woman greeted, “And dear Y/N! How lovely to see you!”
It was at that moment that you spotted one of your oldest friends, Regulus Black. Your eyebrows rose. This was better than any random pureblood, however, you were quite incapable of thinking of Regulus that way and you were sure he was too.
You looked at him and he looked back. You pointed to yourself and then him and mouthed, “Seriously?”
Regulus looked sickened and shook his head in disgust, mouthing, “Not me.”
You frowned slightly. Regulus didn’t have a cousin, did he? After all, the only other person in the house was –
Oh. Oh, OH.
Your face morphed into an expression of absolute horror as you registered the other person who had just entered the room, mirroring your expression.
Realising you were gaping, you cleared your throat and spoke, “Sirius.”
Your voice was three octaves higher than usual and you hated it.
“Y/N.” Sirius breathed, still in shock.
“Oh, you two know each other?” Mrs Black clapped happily, “How lovely.”
“Yes,” you muttered, “How lovely.”
You glared his way as a pang of immense guilt welled in Sirius’ stomach, eating at him like termites as he relived his only memories of you at Hogwarts.
A girl was laughing and chatting animatedly to an otherwise quiet boy, who reciprocated her actions. Y/N L/N and Regulus Black were almost inseparable.
“Oi, Y/N!” a dark-haired boy with a handsome face called, “Is it because you pity my idiotic brother that you hang out with him? Or is it just that you’re so pathetic that no one else wants to hang out with you?”
His mates howled with laughter as you blushed furiously. Regulus threw a disgusted look their way and tugged at your sleeve, muttering, “Let’s leave.”
The same girl was now attempting to carry a large pile of books to the library to help Madame Pince with her work, when they tumbled out of her hands and she fell to the floor with a thud.
“What’s that, L/N?!” Sirius Black yelled from nearby, “Bite off more than you can chew?”
James and Peter positively roared with laughter as Remus suddenly became interested on one spot in his book, his brows furrowing into a frown slightly.
You gathered your books in embarrassment before practically running to the library with them.
As he relived these moments, he realised how much you’d actually grown. You weren’t the same old dorky girl from Hogwarts. You were now a quiet, reserved and admittedly extremely attractive young woman who looked ready to burst into tears.
“Sirius dear, take Y//N up to your room, will you?” Mrs Black gave a nasty fake smile.
“Yes, uh, okay, come on,” Sirius stammered.
You walked up the stairs in silence, not daring to look at each other. The house was indeed, very beautiful. As you reached Sirius’ room, you clambered inside before he finally spoke.
“So,” Sirius awkwardly began, “H-how are you, where’ve you been?”
“Do you really care or are you just being polite?” you muttered, upholding a deadpan stare out the window and on the handsome garden.
“Listen, Y/N, I know we got off on the wrong foot-”
“Yeah, we damn right did!” you snapped, pouring out seven years’ worth of feelings at once, “You never had the right foot when it came to me, Sirius, and I doubt that you have it now.”
“Look, I know you don’t want to do this,” Sirius desperately said, “I don’t want to force you into anything but-”
“Oh yes, there’s always a but when it comes to you, isn’t it?” you spat, “I can’t call off this marriage because my mum will kill me, you understand? Kill me. And I’m not like on of the many girls you screw every night-”
“I never said you were,” Sirius angrily spoke.
“Thank Merlin, you’ve finally done something wise, Black,” you snarled in his face, “We’ve got to grit our teeth and do it. Will you please try not to be a complete and utter arse and make it harder for me than it already is?”
At that moment, your mother burst into the room, “Y/N darling, we’ve got to leave now, and get your dress picked.”
Trying not to gag at the fake ‘darling’, you threw one last nasty glare in Sirius’ direction before following your mother out of the room.
DAY OF WEDDING (A/N: sorry 😉)
“Bleurgh,” you blankly stated to your friend Lily Evans, who was getting you ready for the wedding alongside another girl called Marlene McKinnon, to whom you’d never really talked but she seemed nice anyway.
“What’s wrong, you look gorgeous!!” Lily gasped.
“Spiffing, Y/N,” Marlene grinned at you, “Let’s get your hair done, Sirius is a lucky man!”
She hastily added, “Joking!” as you glared murderously at her.
Soon your hair was styled and your veil perched on top of your head along with a bouquet of roses in your arms.
As you walked alongside your father down the aisle, you fought the urge to turn and run on the spot. Sirius was gaping at you from the front. He looked quite nice, you had to admit.
His face formed a cocky smirk as you fought another urge to throw the bouquet at his face.
You didn’t register any vows the priest made, your mind wandering over to glimpses of the future you were signing up for.
The word that caught you by surprise was, “You may kiss the bride.”
“Oh shit,” you thought, trying not to panic.
Sirius threw an anxious glance at your face, as if asking for your permission and you closed your eyes and nodded slightly. You could feel his minty breath on your face as his lips captured your own. They were gone the moment they appeared.
You flushed. How foolish of you to think Sirius Black would ever like you. You were looking anywhere but his face, refusing to fall for his charm. As the guests congratulated you and the food was eaten, the speeches delivered, it was finally time to go home. You were to go to a honeymoon destination your mothers had chosen and Merlin you were going to regret this.
The moment you stepped inside your bedroom; something was off. The whole room smelt like flowers and there was this tiny ass bed in which the two of you would have to squeeze.
“Ugh,” you moaned into your palms, grabbing your clothes and heading off to the bathroom to change out of this awful wedding dress and into your nightclothes.
By the time you washed off your makeup and brushed your teeth, your new ‘husband’ was already sitting on the bed, changed into his own nightclothes.
You sat warily on the bed, as far away from him as possible. Sirius threw a questioning glance your way before speaking, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Ignoring this mildly hurtful jibe, you spoke, “You don’t care how attractive the girl is, as long as she’s ready to shag you.”
“Nice,” Sirius sarcastically muttered, “I can see why Regulus liked you. You’re a bloody psychopath.”
“He’s a damn sight better than you are,” you retorted.
“I’m the handsome one,” Sirius cockily stated.
“I’d rather marry Severus,” you coldly spoke, “At least he knows his manners.”
“You really know how to wound a man.”
“It’s midnight, go to sleep. And no funny business, Black,” you warned.
“Can’t make no promises,” Sirius chanted as you threw a pillow at his face before turning the other way and falling asleep.
Married life didn’t suit you at all, especially when your husband was such an arse. He would leave early morning and go out with his stupid friends and sometimes even bring them over. Let’s just say you didn’t fancy quietly sitting in the corner, watching James Potter and Sirius Black taking turns shoving pencils up their noses while Peter cheered them on and Remus sat with his head in his hands, continually apologising to you.
You drew the line when Sirius returned one day, apparently been out with his friends.
He silently hung up his coat before turning to walk to the bathroom when you shut your book and spoke, “Enjoyed ourselves, did we?”
Sirius turned around to face you, confused, “Huh?”
“We need to talk,” you spoke, struggling to keep your voice even.
“’Kay, but first I’m going to-”
“NOW.” you spoke with such a ringing force in your voice, Sirius was surprised at himself for not recoiling several steps.
He cleared his throat, “Yeah, OK. What’s up?”
“I’ll tell you what’s up,” you fumed, “Where do you get to these days? I go to bed and you’re not there; I wake up and you’re still not there and you turn up for lunch then disappear again to wherever you go!”
“So?” Sirius shrugged, “’Smatter with you?”
“For Merlin’s sake, Sirius, I’m your wife,” you spoke, “I have a right to know where you go-”
“You’re not my wife,” Sirius frowned slightly.
“I – what, sorry?!” you sputtered.
“I thought we just married for namesake,” Sirius’ frown grew deeper.
“Yeah, but that still makes me your wife, git!” you yelled angrily.
“Why do you care where I go?” Sirius furiously asked you, “It’s not like you like me any better when I’m around-”
“If you’re married, I hope you realise that you can’t sleep around anymore, namesake or not,” you coolly stated.
Sirius looked taken aback, “I don’t sleep around.”
“A likely story,” you snarled.
“You know what, you’re being ridiculous right now,” Sirius huffed in annoyance, “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait, no,” you hurried forward and made to seize his forearm but he roughly shook you off before slamming the door in your face.
“I’d make fun of you right now,” Regulus was trying to control his laughter, “But you seem pretty miserable already. Care telling me what’s wrong, brother?”
Sirius scowled at his younger brother. Trust the little shit to try and get back at him for possible blackmail material.
“I need something to drink first,” Sirius stated.
Regulus snorted before summoning a bottle of firewhiskey and two glasses with a wave of his wand. He poured some out for himself and gave the other glass to his brother.
Sirius took a swig before speaking, “It’s Y/N. She’s acting weird.”
“You always found her weird,” Regulus coldly stated.
“Nah, now she’s weirder than usual,” Sirius shuddered, and with a deep breath, began to explain.
By the time he finished, Regulus was staring at him with incredulity and exasperation.
“Are you really such an idiot?” he asked disbelievingly, “You’re supposed to be smarter than this, Sirius, dogs are smart!”
“What’s intelligence got to do with this?” Sirius asked, confused.
Regulus rolled his eyes, “You’ve no idea, have you? Imagine, brother, my situation at Hogwarts when she used to burst into tears in front of me after you’d teased her, telling me that she was no good and how Sirius Black would never like someone like her back!”
Sirius’ look of confusion morphed into one of comprehension, followed by horror.
“She-?” he asked.
“Yes,” Regulus nodded, staring at him in disgust, “Now go apologise to her, or I’ll hex you so bad you’ll shoot flames out of your-”
“No, okay, no,” Sirius made a disgusted face before proceeding to down the entire bottle of Firewhiskey.
A knock on your door around midnight told you that your delightful ‘husband’ had come home. Scowling, you got out of bed to open the door to reveal and extremely drunk Sirius standing there.
“What the-”
“I’m sorryyyyy Y/N ieeeee,” Sirius sobbed, flinging himself onto you.
“Uhm,” you awkwardly patted his head, “What’s going on-?”
“All the time I thought you – hic – fancied my – hic – brother, when you were really – hic – oh, I’ve been a complete – hic – arse to you and – hic – now I’ve – hic – ruined everything,” he rambled.
“Sirius, what-” you got cut off as his lips sloppily grazed over your own. You closed your eyes for a brief moment before realising he was drunk. He probably didn’t know what he was doing. This was wrong.
“Sirius,” you muttered, pushing him off slightly, “You don’t mean this, trust me, you don’t.”
“I do, I do,” he howled, still sobbing, “I wanna be your husband – make lots of little kids with you!”
“OK,” you spoke, this was where to draw the line, “Tell me this when you’re sober, with a straight face, and I’ll believe you.”
His face morphed into a dorky grin and his head lolled over to your shoulder as you practically carried him inside before the both of you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were surprised to see him leaning impatiently over you, showing no sign of a hangover whatsoever.
“Ready to make those little kids?” he asked cheekily as you gasped, a realisation hitting you.
“I’m going to kill Regulus.”
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“You will learn to love me.” - With Heisenberg and restorator darling, please? Perhaps when this is her first experience?
Heisenberg/F!Darling: "You'll learn to love me."
TW: Dubcon, loss of virginity, forced marriage
Weddings were usually a joyous affair. Gorgeous dresses, dancing and enjoying your loved ones' company, celebrating the life you wanted to share with your one-and-only... ____'s wedding was not at all like what she or her family might have hoped it would be. For one thing, none of them even knew where she was; she'd spent the last few months trapped by the terrifying man who'd kidnapped her from the Romanian wilderness, a man named Heisenberg who had a gift with metal that bordered on supernatural. As a restorator she would've been fascinated if she wasn't terrified of what he could do with that power of his, especially when his "work" littered his factory with corpses and their scattered body parts. The only other company she had were the wolflike monsters and patchwork creations that followed Heisenberg's orders.
He'd actually bothered to get a wedding dress for her, an admittedly beautiful traditional gown made by the women in the village. The delicate lace along the sleeves and the vibrant embroidered flowers and patterns on the vest looked so out of place in the dusty and rusted-out factory. The villagers were eager to celebrate their Lord's marriage and hadn't stopped sending flowers, pastries, clothing, and handmade talismans for long-life/love/fertility to the outskirts of Heisenberg's property until he'd stationed some of the Lycans to scare off the throngs of annoying worshippers and well-wishers. ____ didn't know if it was better or worse that Heisenberg and her would be the only ones at the wedding; she was terrified of being alone with him, but the way the villagers stared at her and threw themselves to the ground while reverently calling her "Lady Heiseberg" left her uncomfortable to say the least.
____ stared at her reflection in the mirror and tried her best to prepare herself for what was to come. I can still try to escape, but...being his wife just makes it feel more hopeless. She bit the inside of her cheek and glared at the reflection of her dress through her veil. I'll have to be tied to him, even if I'm being forced to say those fucking vows to always stay with him until "death to us part."
She didn't hate him, at least not as much as she did when he'd first taken her. She definitely feared him, but that was just common sense when your captor has an army of corpse-machines, werewolves, and can control electricity and metal with his mind. He'd been more accommodating than he'd expected for a kidnapper. He had been sexually forceful sometimes whenever he groped her or turned her head to kiss her, or lightly rutted against her body when the two of them slept in the same bed. But he'd also given her a room to herself, and insisted on not forcing himself on her completely until he'd made her his wife--another reason she was dreading this day. He'd appreciated her restoration skills and the two of them had actually shared some enjoyable conversations while spending time in his workshop. And he was fiercely protective of her when it came to his equally monstrous siblings and mother. Part of it seemed to be selfishness, not wanting them to go after HIS woman, but he'd consoled her after that wretched little doll of Lady Beneviento's had insisted on "playing" with her by chasing her and tearing at the flesh and skin of her legs. His voice had been soft when he'd promised to not let anyone hurt her, and having him hold her was comforting.
The sound of her bedroom door opening snapped ____ out of her thoughts, and she saw Heisenberg walk into the room. He wasn't wearing his usual trenchcoat, and instead had on an outfit that ____ had never seen him in before: a black vest with similar embroidery to her own outfit, along with a white blouse underneath with fur-trimmed black sleeves. His pants were also black, save for the bit of dust around the hem from walking around the factory. His shoes were made from dark leather and had the same fur trim as his shirtsleeves and the inside of ____'s vest. His signature sunglasses were absent, and his hair was freshly washed and combed.
Heisenberg stared at ____ for a moment, looking her up and down as she stood in her wedding clothes. He had seen what they'd looked like folded up and hanging in her closet, but it was nothing compared to her wearing them. He wasn't used to seeing something so delicate and beautiful, especially in his factory. "Everything's ready," he said. He put one arm around ____'s waist and kept a gentle yet firm grip around her. "Since Miranda gave us her 'blessing' beforehand, we don't need to have her here to watch and attend in all her glory," he quipped. "God knows that bitch would ruin this whole thing just by being here."
____ let Heisenberg lead her to his own room, where a small leather box lay on his bedside table. He used his powers to shut and lock the door behind ____ while he went to grab the box. "I don't have much from my real family," Heisenberg said, carefully opening the lid. The inside was lined with cloth, and inside was a pair of exquisite wedding bands. There were some signs of age in the metal, but the small opalescent jewel nestled in the center of the bridal ring shone as if it had been polished just yesterday. The other ring was less flashy, with the only flair being am etched ridge in the shape of a mountain on the top, inlaid with gold. "This ring's one of the only things I've got from them." He took the groom's ring and slipped it on his own finger. "I want to say it was one of my great uncles who made it? One of them was a jeweler, I think." He shrugged and held his hand out to admire how it looked. "My mom slipped them into my things after Miranda's people had come to take me and my cousins away. I think she knew it'd be the last time she saw all of us together."
____ noticed the strange tone in Heisenberg's voice as he recalled his last memory with his family. She'd never heard him reminisce about them before; with how far-off and melancholy he sounded, she knew why it wasn't something he discussed that often. Just as she was about to try to say something to try and comfort him, he took the bride's ring with one hand and slipped the box into his pocket. He took ____'s hand and squeezed it. "There's no set of vows we have to take," he explained with a half-smile. "One of the perks of being royalty in this shit hole is anything you do is fine, no matter how informally you do it. Not like the villagers are gonna complain about us not following all the traditions, so it saves a lot of time. But..." Heisenberg stared intensely at her as he slipped the ring onto her trembling finger. "One day, you'll learn to love me. I promise that."
____'s hand felt as if it were chained to a sinking weight, pulling her through the ground and crushing her. There was no way out. She'd be "married" to this man who'd ruined her life, isolated from the rest of the world and completely at his mercy. Her heart leaped into her throat and she suddenly felt a rush of dizziness; she stumbled forward and Heisenberg caught her, helping her back upright and holding her in his arms. He brushed her clothed hip with his thumb and then lifted her veil to fully reveal her face. Before ____ knew it, Heisenberg's lips were against hers as he tilted her head back slightly to deepen the kiss.
Heisenberg ran his fingers through her hair as he lowered her onto his bed. ____'s heart raced and panic ran up and down her spine as she lay on the bed. He was taking off his shoes, unbuttoning his vest...reaching down to take off her veil. "K-Karl," she stammered, "I'm not...I've--"
"Never done this before?" He rested one hand on her vest before unbuttoning the golden clasps and sliding it off of her shoulders while she just tried her best to stay still. "I figured as much." Heisenberg smirked and moved one hand underneath the skirt of her dress, creeping up her thighs and stopping just inches from her panties. "You always get that funny little look on your face whenever I touch you for a bit in bed, almost like you're feeling a certain way for the first time. Wouldn't surprise me if you've never even touched yourself."
Goosebumps rose on ____'s legs as Heisenberg ghosted his fingers over her pubic mound, and she looked away as she rubbed her thighs together. Was she really THAT obvious about it? "I know I can't stop you," she said quietly. She bit her lip and tears welled up in her eyes as she tried her hardest to not envision what ____ was about to do to her. Maybe he'd start to tire of her once he finally fucked her and got what he really wanted, and he'd let her go. Would she get blood on the sheets and her dress when he entered her? Would he even care? She could already feel his cock prodding her through his pants; it was a strange, foreign presence that filled her with dread. She knew that some men had penises so large that they could fill someone up all the way to their cervix...just how painful was this going to be once he took all of his clothes off? How harsh would he be now that he didn't feel the need to be so accommodating and kind once he finally claimed her?
____ sniffled and looked up at Heisenberg pitifully. "Please be gentle," she begged. "I don't want...I know it can hurt a lot during your first time, so just..."
Heisenberg cocked his head slightly and rested his fingers on the flesh of her right thigh. "It can hurt if you don't do it right," he replied, sounding a little confused. "What, you think I'm just gonna whip my cock out, go in dry, and finish after a few pumps?"
____ looked up at him, not sure of what to say. "You want to f-fuck me, don't you?" She sounded more confused than accusatory. "That's why you kidnapped me. That's why you've tried to be nice to me and make me trust you." Her shoulders drooped slightly and she clenched her jaw. "I just figured that you wouldn't care that much about...about making me feel good, at least not as much as yourself."
Heisenberg's brows furrowed, but only for a moment before leaning down to kiss her again. ____'s eyes widened at just how gentle this kiss was compared to the one he'd given her after slipping his ring on her finger. "I didn't kidnap you just to be a cocksleeve," he replied with a slightly disappointed frown. He caressed the inside of her thigh and trailed his lips down to her collarbone. "If I wanted that, I would've just raped you the first night you were here." ____ moaned softly as he moved one hand underneath her blouse to massage her breast, and a sudden rush of heat pooled between her legs as he used his other hand to play with an extra-sensitive bundle of nerves through her underwear.
"Kidnapping you doesn't really help my case," he said begrudgingly, "But I do love you, you know. As much as I can love anyone after the shit I've been through." He toyed with her nipple and smiled when he felt her hips rock a bit as he circled around her clit through her panties. "You're not my whore, you're my wife. So tell me what you want, and how you want it. And I'll give it to you."
____'s entire body felt so warm underneath her wedding dress. The places he was touching her felt so tingly, just like how they did whenever he groped her before tonight. Somehow though, this was different. Her fear wasn't as prevalent and the heat bubbling up underneath her skin wasn't from shame. This felt gentler. This felt good. So, so good. He wasn't lying to her about doing whatever SHE wanted; for once, she felt like she had a semblance of control while in bed with him--previously her kidnapper, but now her husband.
____'s voice was breathier than she expected whenever she spoke again. "C-could...could you put your mouth on me?" She rested one shaky hand by her chest on top of his own. "On my breasts, where your hand is right now. I want to f-feel more of...of this." She was struggling to articulate just what she was feeling and what she wanted, but Heisenberg just grinned as if he'd heard her loud and clear. When he lifted her thin white blouse over her head, leaving her in just her skirt, panties, and stockings, he immediately latched onto her right breast while he continued to play with her left nipple. ____ gasped and bucked her hips as he swirled his tongue around the pebble of flesh; his stubble grazed her soft skin, and the texture made her shiver.
Heisenberg finally moved his lips back with a small pop and switched to her other breast while he circled even faster around her clitoris and occasionally stroked the damp spot around her cunt's lips. "Can you feel how wet you are down here?" He chuckled and hooked one finger around the waistband of her panties before pulling them off of her completely. "I definitely won't hurt you if you're dripping like this from just my fingers." He slowly inserted his middle finger inside of her tight walls and eagerly looked at her face as she moaned and moved her hips to take even more of his hand. "Does it hurt, honey?"
"Ah, n-no..." ____ had never felt so hot and lightheaded and FULL. There was a stretch, but it wasn't painful; if anything, she wanted to feel more and more of it. "It feels good, so good..." Heisenberg curled his finger inside of her and laughed again at how his wife cried out in pleasure, practically shoving her pelvis forward to fuck herself on his hand while her pussy clenched around him. "More, more, please! That felt even better, do it again--o-or, or put another finger inside, or your whole hand or your cock or--"
Heisenberg shushed her and slightly increased his pace as he slipped another finger inside of her. "Easy, tiger," he teased with a smile. "I'm not using my cock until you cum at LEAST once on my hand. I haven't even gotten to taste you yet!"
"But...don't you want to feel good t-too?"
Heisenberg felt his hard-on stabbing through his clothes as he rutted his hips against the mattress. He'd get some relief soon, but for now he wanted to show her just what she really meant to him. He could fill her up with his cum and fuck her silly later--right now, he wanted to make sure his perfect little wife enjoyed every single second of her wedding night the way she deserved.
This WAS a celebration of their love, after all.
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A Holland brunch is not a Holland brunch without a twist - S.H
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hello there! This is my first request. I hope you all will like it, i want to say thank you to the beautiful and lovely @petersasteria, without her, my text would be such a mess. Word count: 1489 Warning: mention of car accident, a little angst. But it's fluffy at the end! Pairing : sam holland Request: yes! ღღღ
Since the pandemic, the Holland family could count on their fingers the times they were all together, in full. When it wasn't Sam who was in Scotland, it was Tom who had a filming project, often accompanied by Harry. And when Harry couldn't go with Tom, he had his own life, his own plans. Tom's birthday was therefore a good excuse for a family reunion. As Sam's girlfriend for a few months, you haven't had a chance to meet everyone yet. However, you were not unknown in the eyes of the family. Although discreet about his personal life, which you fully understood, Sam had left some clues on his social media, about you and your romantic relationship with him.
The man had taken a long time to get into this relationship. You were college friends. You attempted a move that he had initially refused the first time. Sam just wanted to live out his last days as a culinary student, finish his internship at this lavish hotel that he hoped would end up hiring him, and enjoy a few beers with friends. Having a love interest was, therefore, not in his priorities. But a simple evening changed his perspective. The rest is history.
Your schedule had not allowed you to go to London at the same time as Sam. Your boyfriend was already with his family the day before yesterday and you had only just arrived at the Airbnb you had rented— despite Sam's protests that you stay at his parents' or Tom's-. You liked your independence. Plus, you found it a bit opportunistic to stay with your boyfriend's family when they didn't officially know you.
On this Sunday morning, you put on an outfit that you felt comfortable in and that was still good enough for a family meal. You grabbed the keys to your rental car, quickly texted your boyfriend: "on my way. See you soon, babe". Then you're directed to the address Sam sent you.
On the Holland side, Sam put his phone back in his pocket and put his glasses on his nose. He was wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt, a small miracle since the last time he actually put one on was for the shoot of Roses for Lily. But he had wanted to please you and hoped you would enjoy the effort. Harry was setting the table and Nikki walked out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron.
"So, sweetheart?"
"She's on her way. She shouldn't be late."
Nikki gave him a big smile. She had had the opportunity to speak to you once or twice on the phone, when Sam asked you to pick up when he was busy. She already found you so sweet and kind, she couldn't wait to meet you in person.
You weren't particularly dangerous behind the wheel, but you had to admit you were a little over the speed limit. Yet you have been extremely careful. You were a few yards from the Hollands' residential area. You were on the A308 London Road when a driver left you right of way at the Station Road intersection. The impact was pretty harsh and you were pretty shaken up. When the paramedics arrived, they asked you who the emergency contact person was. And although they were your parents, you gave Sam's number. He was the closest after all.
At Holland’s place, several minutes have passed without hearing from you. Sam was really starting to wonder what you were doing. It was sunny, maybe there was more traffic than usual? But the answer to his questions fell when his phone buzzed again in his pocket. The name of the caller indicated that it was you. But, when he picked up, a male voice stunned him. His face instantly paled as he took in the information. Harry immediately noticed the condition of his twin. And as soon as the apprentice cook hung up, Harry put a hand on his shoulder, looking worried.
"What is it, mate?"
"I need to go to Kingston Hospital now."
Nikki's eyes, who was not far from her sons, widened in shock. What had happened then?
"What? What's going on honey?" she asked
"y/n was in a car accident. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go."
"Don't be stupid Sam, we're coming with you." Tom said, grabbing his keys.
Tom did this for a number of reasons: one, because he wasn't planning on letting his little brother drive in this state of shock; and two, y/n was, in a way, part of the family. Once you bond with a Holland boy, expect to be bonded with the rest of the group, even if it's only been a few months, and even if you haven't met them yet. You had a connection to them and you were important to Sam.
You were now in a hospital bed with a slight bruise on your head and your arm in a cast. You really didn't expect to end up here on a Sunday over brunch time. What you even less expected was seeing your boyfriend tumble into the emergency room with a supportive platoon behind him. The whole family was there, or almost, after all, pets weren't allowed in the hospitals, so Tessa Holland was the little forgotten one in the procession. Sam walked over to you and inspected you from every angle, as if he were a doctor.
"You’re alright, love?"
You didn't know if you were still in shock from the accident or if it was the embarrassment to find yourself in the hospital in front of your boyfriend's whole family. But you just nodded. Sam then kissed your forehead under the tender gaze of those close to him.
“I have to say,” Harry began, "That for a first impression, you typed in a gigantic way."
It immediately relaxed the atmosphere. You let out a chuckle as Sam glared at his twin in a disapproving way. Tom, smirking, decided it was an honor to add a layer.
"You know, there were many other ways than getting a plaster to ask me for an autograph" joked the actor.
Dom held the bridge of his nose, cursing a little while muttering under his breath, "Such a movie star." Sam moaned as he hugged you while the others laughed, finding themselves extremely funny. You, yourself, found this rather a picturesque situation and let out several laughs. Nikki shakes her head, resigned to the idea that she raised such idiots. She walked over to you, flicking the back of Harry's head and giving Tom a disapproving look. Harry frowned, noticing the difference between him and his brother.
"We know who’s the favorite child." he said ironically.
The redhead turned to her son and gave one last look, a warning look. Sometimes you have to learn to be more serious. Plus, Nikki hated it when her kids implied that she loved one more than the other. She loved them equally and did anything to make them happy. The curly boy raised his hands in redemption as his mother finally turned to you.
"Nice to meet you my dear. You scared us pretty much." She finally said.
"Nice to meet you too, mrs. Holland. I'm sorry I ruined the brunch."
"Oh please, darling, call me Nikki. And you haven't ruined anything at all. A Holland brunch without a twist isn't a brunch." she joked, trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
You gave her a smile as the doctor who had been taking care of you walked into the room. He looked at the crowd in the room with a puzzled look.
"Okay, I didn't know we had a famous person here."
Tom opened his mouth and Sam interrupted him unprecedentedly
"Don't even dare to make that joke or I swear I'm going back to Scotland straight away!"
The rest of the family laughed at the exchange. The doctor then asked to clear the room and only Sam stayed with you.
"So from the x-rays and the pretty cast you already have. I can tell you that you don't have anything too bad considering the car crash. You can go home, just check for any symptoms of concussion. I'm leaving some papers here to sign and return to reception and you can go. "
You thanked the doctor. When he left the room, you turned your gaze to Sam.
"I'm so sorry I ruined this brunch."
"Hey ... you didn't. As my mom told you, brunch at the Holland's without a twist is not brunch."
"I know, but—"
" Furthermore..." Sam interrupted you
"What?" You asked
"I told you they would love you ..."
You couldn't help but offer a loving smile to Sam. He puts his lips gently on yours and you kiss him back. What had you done to deserve such a perfect boyfriend?
"I love you, Sam Holland."
"And me, even more."
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 3 years
Hi! If you’re still taking requests I would love to make one. If it’s possible, can I get a Draco x reader where Draco is jealous? Something with a little angst but fluffy ending.
thank you so much!!♥️
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Year: 7th
House: Any
Warnings: slight angst, fluff!
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Thank you for the request! I have three more requests to write before I’ll open my requests up again!❤️
“Unbelievable.” Draco glowered from his seat at the Slytherin table, dinner untouched. Theodore Nott looked up from his position beside his friend
“Y/L/N and Potter.” The blonde Slytherin spat, looking at Y/N Y/L/N, a sweet Y/H/H he planned on asking to Hogsmeade that weekend.
Theo rolled his eyes. “They’re just talking, Draco. You know Y/N, friendly to everyone she meets.”
Draco’s fingers curled into a fist as Y/N laughed at something Scar-Face said. “What could possibly be so funny?” he grumbled, glaring at the back of Potter’s head. At that moment, Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes met his. Draco’s heart fluttered at the warm smile she sent his way.
Potter turned to see who she’d been smiling at. His lip curled into a sneer as Potter spotted him. The Boy Wonder rolled his eyes before turning back to Y/N, whose eyes hadn’t lost their friendliness.
He dug his nails into his palms, anxiety swirling around in his head. What if she preferred Potter over him?
Theo rolled his eyes. “Merlin, Draco, would you relax?”
“Easier said than done,” Draco mumbled.
For whatever reason, Draco spotted Y/N with Potter the most in the library. Fury swept through his entire being every time Potter said something to make her smile or laugh. This was his girl, not Potter’s! He squinted at the witch.
It didn’t seem like she was refusing Potter’s obvious advances, which stung more than Draco cared to admit. By the time Y/N finally approached him on Friday evening, Draco was angry.
“Hey!” She beamed at him. Draco glowered at her.
“Y/L/N,” he greeted coldly. Her eyebrows lowered in confusion.
“Are you okay?”
“Why do you care?”
Y/N frowned. “What in the world is going on? What did I do?”
Draco snorted. “Shouldn’t you be spending time with Saint Potter? Since he’s the only one you seem to deem worthy of your time nowadays.”
“Draco,” Y/N let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s not-“
“No need to explain, Y/L/N,” Draco snapped as he stood up from his seat in the library, ignoring Madam Pince when she shushed him. “Scar-face is obviously and pitifully single. Have at it. See if I care.” He turned to walk away, but Y/N grabbed his sleeve.
“Draco, I was tutoring him.”
“Is that what the kids call it these days?”
“For Merlin’s sake, Draco!” She gripped his forearms tightly, holding him in place. “He was failing an assignment in Herbology. I offered to explain the lesson to him. That’s it. Besides,” the witch offered him an impish smile. “I happen to have my eye on another wizard.”
His heart thumped hard. “Oh?”
“Mmhmm,” Y/N reached up to pinch Draco’s face. “He’s tall, platinum blonde hair, the most beautiful gray eyes. Obviously quite dreamy.”
“Obviously.” Draco squeaked, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment: he cleared his throat. “So if this wizard happened to invite you to Hogsmeade tomorrow,” he swallowed hard. “Would you accept?”
Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up into his eyes. “Depends,” she murmured. “Does the wizard in question happen to be you?”
Merlin’s sodding boxers. For a moment, Draco couldn’t remember how to breathe. “Quite possibly.” He smirked when he could speak again.
His heart nearly stopped when Y/N rose up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He was certain he had never blushed so hard in his entire life, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“In that case,” Y/N smiled shyly up at him, a smile of new beginnings. “It’s a date.”
Draco’s heart soared.
Cannot. Bloody. Wait.
taglist: @rosiehufflepuff
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ravennm84 · 4 years
Part 2     Part 3
Based on @unmaskedagain post “Marinette’s Haunted Doll” this is my take on the story and the kind of things Serafina would have done to get even. There’ll be three parts, and will hopefully be posted through the week. Blood, gore, and character death ahead. You have been warned.
She was seven years old when her Grandma Gina’s sister, Ramona, passed away. Marinette couldn’t remember ever meeting her. Her dad said that she was a very private person and didn’t get out much. Since she had never married or had any children, all of her relatives were asked to come over to the house and divide the property before the rest was sold and equally divided. 
While her parents had been in the kitchen, looking over some family cook books, Marinette had wandered around the old house until she came to a small room. It was full of spiderwebs and old toys, which greatly interested her. She spent a long time looking through the boxes and shelves until she found a locked chest in the closet. Remembering the key she had seen in a dresser drawer, she retrieved it to see if it worked. It was hard to turn, but she heard the click and was able to open the lid. Inside was a box with an envelope laying on top of it. Curious she opened the envelope and read the note as best as she could.
“If I’m dead, Serafina killed me.”
Tilting her head in curiosity, Marinette set the letter aside and opened the box. Inside was an old looking porcelain doll. It was covered in spiderwebs, the dress was old and ripped, she was missing a shoe, and the hat looked like it was stained with red paint. 
“Are you Serafina?” She asked the doll before carefully lifting it out of the box. “I don’t think you’re bad, you just look lonely. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of you!” Giving the doll a gentle hug, the little girl got to her feet and left the room and letter behind. Finding her parents, she asked if it was okay to take the doll home so she could take care of her.
Tom remembered seeing that doll when he was a kid and had always thought it was creepy, but if his little girl saw the good in it, he would trust her. And since none of the other relatives wanted anything to do with the doll, it came home with them. 
Once home, the little girl raced up to her room with the doll and immediately got to work. She threw away the old dress, hat, and shoe before cleaning away all the dirt with a washcloth and carefully combing out the knotted hair. Then Marinette got to work on making Serafina a brand new outfit with new shoes and a hat. It took a few days, but she was really happy with what she came up with: a pink Victorian dress with rose and pearl accents, a wide brimmed hat with maroon feathers, and maroon slippers that tied with ribbons around the ankles.
Proud of what she had made, Marinette held the doll up high as she twirled around her room. She had been interested in fashion and clothes for months now, and making the pretty outfit for Serafina was a lot of fun. If anything, it proved to her that fashion design was what she wanted to do.
“I hope you like your new clothes, Serafina. You make the perfect little model, so I hope you don’t mind if I make more clothes for you later on. I promise to only make you clothes that will make you feel pretty.” Giving the doll a kiss, Marinette placed her next to her computer before skipping down stairs for dinner.
Serafina had not been expecting this when the young girl, Marinette, had opened her box. It had been decades since anyone had shown her any kindness. For so many years, she had been passed from person to person, shoved into boxes and hidden from sight or attempted to be sold off. Serafina had had no choice but to punish many of her past owners, and she had not been lax with their punishments. 
But she didn’t feel the need to do that with Marinette, this girl was different. She wasn’t afraid of her. She didn’t scorn her and hide her away where no one could see her. No, this girl was kind and made Serafina feel loved; something she hadn’t felt in nearly a hundred years. Staying with Marinette, she knew that she would be happy. So, no one needed to die here.
And she was.
The porcelain doll smiled quietly on Marinette’s desk as the years passed, and felt more for this girl than she could remember with anyone else. She felt beautiful whenever Marinette used her to experiment with a new outfit before she would make a full sized outfit for herself. She had fun when the girl would sing and dance around the room, sometimes even picking her up so she could dance with her. She felt entertained when she would play movies on her computer, one time watching a movie about a haunted doll like herself; they didn’t watch much before she turned it off, but Serafina thought it was funny. Scratching people and leaving notes wasn’t scary, she had done much scarier things than that.
As Marinette grew into a teen, Serafina felt proud as she grew from a shy girl into a fearless superhero. Her owner had a lot of love and light to give, so it made sense to her that she became Ladybug. She also felt scared for the girl, not wanting to lose her to Hawkmoth, but silently promised her that if she was ever hurt, the people who hurt her would pay her back in blood.
Serafina was also aware of the tiny god that gave Marinette her power, just as Tikki was aware of her. No doubt, the god could sense the darkness that dwelled in her porcelain body, but realized that she cared for the girl and would not harm her. So the little god wisely said nothing, she would hate it if Marinette suddenly feared her.
After all, the three of them were happy and at peace.
Until the day Marinette came storming into her room, complaining about a girl named Lila. From what she could hear, this girl was a liar and was using her friends. Knowing how much her human cared for other people, that didn’t sit well with how it would affect her. Then she didn’t hear anything about the girl for months. But when she was mentioned again, it quickly got worse from there. 
Serafina heard about the threats, the lies, almost being akumatized, her crush Adrien telling her to take the high road, all of it. She watched as one by one, her friends turned against her. Bullying her while accusing her of being a bully until only three of her classmates remained. She knew that the teacher and principal were useless and even accused Marinette of being a problem, especially after the expulsion. Serafina had nearly enacted her revenge that day, but held back when she was reinstated the next day.
Nathaniel, Rose, and Juleka were the only people left that believed her or even bothered to try and help in her class. There was also Kagami and Luka, Juleka’s brother. Serafina would admit, that boy was sharper than most. When he first saw her, his blue eyes studied her intently for a long moment until Marinette spoke up.
“That’s Serafina, she’s been passed down through my family for a long time. She was in really bad condition when I got her and took a lot of work to get her fixed up, but it was worth it. She was my first ever model and I’ve never felt lonely since she’s been around.”
Luka looked back over at the doll and gave her a smile. “I can tell, I’d bet no one gave her the proper love or attention until she came to you. And I think, if she could talk, she would say that you kept her from feeling lonely too, and all she wants is for you to be happy.”
Serafina liked that boy, a lot more than she had liked Adrien when he had come to play video games. The boy genuinely seemed to care for Marinette. And even though he could somehow sense that she was more than just a doll, he didn’t spill her secret. Yes, she approved of this one.
And then, less than a week after she returned to school, came the worst day. They were taking pictures at the school and Marinette had worked so hard on a new dress; it was pale purple cotton with teacup sleeves, a tulip skirt and pink lace at the hem. It was so sweet and looked like she was going to a spring tea party. Then half way through the day, she came into her room crying. Her makeup was smeared, there were bruises and scratch marks on her arms, another bruise on her cheek, her hair was a mess and covered in dark blue paint. The same paint that covered almost half of the dress. Tikki was doing her best to comfort the girl as she showered. Marinette was unable to save her dress and ended up throwing it away before she cried herself to sleep on her bed. 
Serafina was angry, the kind of anger she hadn’t felt since Ramona had attempted to burn her in the fireplace… and that hadn’t gone well for her. Tikki flew over to face her. “I know what you’re thinking and I can’t condone you falling into old habits and killing her entire class. Despite how much they’ve hurt her, it would still break her heart if they all suddenly died.”
The doll actually considered that for a moment before picturing some very specific people. Lila, the liar that was trying to take away/destroy the person she cared about. Alya, the best friend that betrayed her, acted like a hypocrite, and took joy in hurting her. Adrien, the boy that not only broke his promise to help her as a civilian, but continually harassed her as a pseudo-hero. And finally, Hawkmoth, the person that was constantly putting her in danger. Everyone else that had harmed her would be punished, paying back the harm they had done to Marinette in blood, but those four would pay with their lives.
Tikki shook her head. “As angry as I am with Adrien, you can’t kill him. Marinette still has feelings for him and if he dies, she might never get over him. I can’t stop you from punishing them, but please try not to kill them. You know that she has a big heart and it would hurt her to lose any of them, so please keep that in mind.”
Serafina would have argued, but the little god was right. Killing around Marinette would only upset her. So she would do her best to punish them without killing them… although, accidents do happen. 
It was easy enough to sneak herself into Marinette’s bag the next day of school. It was even easier to select her first victims. One of her classmates, Kim, stole her backpack and dumped out all of her stuff, including her. The boy laughed about Marinette bringing a doll to school as he ran up the stairs to keep it away from her. It took little effort to make the boy trip, in full view of everyone that had been watching, and fall backwards down the steps. 
Serafina had landed at the top landing with a perfect view of the boy’s tumble, and it was oh so satisfying. She could see his knee bent in the wrong direction, a bone in his arm protruding from the skin, and blood dripping from the cuts and open wounds. But the sound was even better, all the cracking and popping of bone before he began crying like a little girl, begging for his mom.  Ah, she hadn’t realized how much she had missed those sounds.
When the principal came out to see what was happening, she hid her presence and let the principal trip over her and fall as well. He even landed on Kim, causing more injuries to both of them. She held back a laugh as the grown man wailed and cried until the paramedics arrived. Loading the two into the ambulance while one of the teachers called the Board of Governors. A representative, M. Rupere, quickly came to take over the principal’s duties while he was gone, and was surprised when a bunch of students tried to blame Marinette for the incident.
“And how is it her fault?” He asked the students that surrounded him. “Did you see her push or trip M. Le Chien or M. Damocles down the stairs?
“Marinette brought in a doll and Kim was distracted by it when he was going up the stairs, that’s how he tripped and fell,” Lila told him with tears in her eyes. “Then M. Damocles tripped over the doll and fell down the stairs too. It’s just like how she pushed me down the stairs last week and I hurt my knee. I think she’s actually trying to hurt people.”
The man looked at Lila for a moment before looking to the top of the stairs, but there was no doll there. Then he looked back at Lila with a stern glare. “Young lady, if you had been pushed down the stairs last week, you would have been severely injured just like your friend or M. Damocles. And whether or not it was Mlle. Dupain-Cheng’s doll that caused the incident or not, does not mean that she is at fault for the accident. To the principal’s office, right now. I think we should have a discussion as to why you are trying to blame another student for something she did not do.”
Totally shocked, the girl looked around to her followers for some support, but they were now looking at her with uncertainty. They had just seen two people fall down the stairs and receive severe injuries, so how was Lila walking around just fine without a scratch on her? Huffing in annoyance, Lila stomped her way to the office while the class stared after her, most of them noticing the lack of limp to her walk.
Serafina was pleased with how this was turning out, she had already punished two of the people that had betrayed Marinette and had begun sewing seeds of doubt with the liar. At the moment, she was hiding in the classroom, observing everyone so she could figure out the best way to punish them. She noticed Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel sitting close to the girl and doing their best to comfort her. She also noticed Nino, a boy she had seen a couple of times over the years, casting looks back at Marinette. 
During the first break, the boy cautiously approached her, clutching his hat in his hands. “Hey dudette, listen… I, um, wanted to say I was sorry,” he said, having a hard time looking her in the eye. “After Kim fell, what that Governor dude said about Lila not being hurt, and the fact that I’ve known you forever. I felt so stupid. You would never push someone down the stairs or cheat or steal from someone like that. And I tried looking up Jagged’s discography to see if there was any mention of a song about Lila, and there was literally nothing. I tried telling Alya, but she didn’t want to listen and-”
Nino was interrupted by Marinette giving him a hug. Serafina smiled at that. The boy had thought for himself and admitted that he was wrong. He apologized and Marinette was willing to offer him forgiveness. She supposed that Nino could also be exempt from punishment, so long as he never betrayed the girl again.
Half way through the second lesson, Lila had returned to the class with two weeks worth of detention and had a meeting scheduled with herself, M. Rupere, and her mother at the end of the week. Serafina decided to let the girl’s empire fall before going in to completely destroy her.
During lunch, when all the students had left. Serafina got to work on punishing Mme. Bustier. She started by slamming the door shut, it made the woman jump and look around the room, but there was no one there. Then the giggling started, causing her to look around the room again. This time, she walked up the steps to see if anyone was hiding in the room, but she was completely alone. When she turned back to her desk, the papers she had been grading were torn to pieces. A bit panicked, Bustier tried to run out of the room, but the door was locked. As she struggled with the door, she heard the scraping of chalk and froze for a moment before looking at the board. Large words were scrawled in block letters: LIAR, ENABLER, MEAN, CRUEL, and the most frightening of all, YOU WILL PAY.
Bustier’s hands were shaking as she erased the words from the board, not understanding what was happening. Only taking a breath when the door opened and her students began to file in. Serafina quietly laughed at the teacher’s fear, she was another person that she would take her time in punishing. Payback for failing to help Marinette. For now, it was time to take out her biggest supporter. 
Again, it was much easier than it should have been to sneak herself in Alya’s backpack and go home with her. When the girl found her she sneered. “The klutz must have put you in my bag by mistake.” Then she smiled cruelly at her. “I think I’ll give you to Etta and Ella to play with before giving you back to Maribrat, maybe tell them that you need a makeover and give them some permanent markers too.”
Turning to take the doll out to her sisters, she stubbed her toe on her desk chair hard enough that she felt a crack and dropped back on her butt while hissing in pain. When she was finally able to think past the pain, she realized that she had dropped the doll and didn't see it on the floor. After wrapping her foot, she looked all over her room but couldn’t find it anywhere.
That night, things got… more than scary. Alya was absolutely terrified.
First, her computer turned on, on its own, and started printing off papers saying “YOU KNOW THE TRUTH”. She turned the computer off, only for it to turn back on after she’d climbed into bed and the browser pulled up past searches; specifically, the searches that proved that Lila had been lying. She had found that out after Lila had disappeared from school for months, but had kept to herself so she wouldn’t lose her credibility on her blog or have to admit to Marinette that she’d been right. Turning it off again, she’d decided to sleep on the couch when her phone suddenly let out a hiss and burst into flames.  
Letting out a shriek, Alya rushed to her door, and had just barely opened it when it slammed shut on her fingers, causing her to scream as she struggled to pull her hand free. She could hear her parents and Nora shouting on the other side of the door, trying to push it open, but it wouldn’t budge. Her head got fuzzy and she suddenly felt cold, she realized that she was going into shock. Her parents’ shouts became garbled background noise and Alya heard the sound of tiny feet running around the room. She tried reaching the light switch so she could see, but it was out of reach.
From the light outside her window, she could barely make out the movement of a small shadow, moving from one part of the room to another. Coming closer and closer to her with every sweep. Alya began tugging harder on the doorknob and her hand. She needed to get out. Something was in the room with her. She could almost feel the darkness creeping closer. It wanted to hurt her!
What happened next, Serafina couldn’t have planned better if she’d tried. Alya jerked back her trapped arm and the doorknob at the same time Nora threw her shoulder into the door as hard as she could. Sending the teenagers flying into her bedside table and her head hitting the corner with an audible *crack*. The doll smiled silently in the corner of the room as the paramedics were called and listened to her parents cries for their horrid daughter to wake up. They called time of death at 2:03am.
It was a bit more of a chore for Serafina to get back to the school, but it was still manageable as her mother had to inform the school of her daughter’s death and pick up her things. The woman had also noticed the information that had been brought up on Alya’s computer and thought that she had been up late chasing a lead. And as the lead had to do with the disturbing behavior of one of her daughter’s classmates, she thought it best to show the acting principal the information before taking her leave. 
Making her way back to the classroom, she saw that the news had spread already. Nino seemed to be hit the hardest, as it was his girlfriend, but he would get over it. Kim was still out of class, and likely would be for a few more days. Tikki saw the doll when she was peeking out of the purse and gave her a disapproving glare, but there was nothing she could do. And in Serafina’s defense, she had only intended on maiming the failed journalist, her death had been an “accident”.
When class let out for lunch, Serafina got back to work tormenting Mme. Bustier. Today, the door slammed and locked shut a few minutes after the last student left. The woman shrieked and was struggling to open the door when the giggling started again. Bustier started screaming for it to “go away” but the giggling continued. Turning back to the door, books began flying at her from all over the room, hitting her chest, back, arms since they were shielding her head.
Then the door opened to show a panicked looking M. Rupere. “I heard screaming, are you alright?” The red haired teacher looked extremely frazzled; her hair was a mess, eyes wide and dilated, and her hands were shaking.
“The books,” she said in a trembling voice. “There was giggling, the door wouldn’t open, and the books attacked me. And this was the second time!”
His eyebrows rose to his hairline as he stared at the woman. “Did you see who was throwing the books at you?”
Bustier shook her head in a frantic manner. “There was no one, the books just started flying at me after the giggling.”
Giving her a slow nod, Rupere gently motioned her to step out of the room ahead of him. “How about you take the rest of the day to recover? Some rest will do you some good.” 
To his relief, Mme. Bustier agreed and collected her purse before leaving the school. Looking around the room, he was confused to see all the books in place on the shelves. Curious, he went to examine her desk and saw essay papers… covered in red ink with large “F’s” on every one of them. Reading the paper on top, all he saw were a few grammar mistakes, nothing that should have resulted in a failing grade. A bit unsettled, Rupere called the Board to schedule a psychological exam for the teacher. Serafina watched the man with satisfaction, at the rate she was going with that terrible teacher, she wouldn’t be around much longer.
Her next victims were Max and Alix during science class. She switched a couple of labels on the tubs on their desk before hiding in the room to enjoy the show. Half-way through class, Max poured a large amount of reactive chemical into the mix while it was warming over a burner, and the glass exploded. The two screamed and cursed in pain as Max tried wiping the liquid away from his face, only succeeding in getting more in his eyes. Alix tried wiping it away with a cloth, not noticing in time that the fabric was also soaked in the chemicals that now covered her entire face.
Serafina was impressed with how quickly Mme. Mendeleiev reacted to the incident. Doaning on gloves in an instant and leading the two students to the chemical wash station. Both students looked to have chemical burns on their faces, arms and necks. She could already see the burns covering a large amount of their exposed skin. While the class was distracted, Serafina switched the labels back so it would appear that the two had not been doing as instructed.
When school let out, the doll hid away in Mylene’s bag and ended up going on a date with the girl and Ivan. They commented on the bad luck their class seemed to be having and wondered out loud at what the cause might have been.
Mylene was hesitant to speak as the two ate their ice cream. “Do you think… maybe it’s karma coming back on our class?”
“Why do you think that?” Ivan asked her, seeming genuinely curious. Deciding that their conversation might lead to something more, Serafina waited and listened.
“It’s just… ever since Kim fell down the stairs, it’s got me thinking. Lila says that Marinette pushed her but the only injury she says she got was a bad knee, and she’s been walking around fine since then. And then she tried blaming Marinette for Kim and M. Damocles, when Kim shouldn’t have been running up the stairs and M. Damocles tripped at the top of the stairs when she was still down in the courtyard.”
“You’re right, now that I think about it. Lila lied to that new principal and she did it really easy.” Ivan nodded slowly, his brow creased as he pulled out his phone. “I wonder if she lied about anything else.” Mylene watched over his shoulder as he looked up the story about saving Jagged Stone’s kitten from an airplane. There was nothing, the only article that came up about a pet was his crocodile, Fang. The story said that he had hatched the reptile himself seventeen years earlier and any other pet wouldn’t be as rock’n’roll as Fang. “I don’t think Jagged ever had a cat, this article says that he’s only had Fang for longer than we’ve been around.”
Mylene pulled out her phone and called Rose, putting the call on speaker when she answered. 
“Hi Mylene, did you hear anything about Max and Alix? Are they going to be okay?” The girl asked as soon as she picked up.
“Ivan and I haven’t heard anything about them yet, but we have a question for you, Rose, and it’s something only you would be able to answer.”
There was a slight pause on the line. “Go ahead.”
“Do you still chat with Prince Ali?”
“Sure I do! We video chat every Saturday and I send him videos of our performances with Kitty Section. Why do you ask?”
“Ivan and I were wondering… Has he ever mentioned Lila to you?”
There was another pause, although they could hear a hushed conversation in the background. “So, you guys figured out the truth about Lila?” When they didn’t respond right away, Rose continued. “I found out a few weeks after Lila says she came back from Achu. I mentioned Lila to Ali and asked him about the charities they had been working on together, but he’d never heard of her. And Ali is only working on charities involving children, nothing with the environment. When Juleka and I tried asking Lila about it, she got really mean and threatened us if we told anyone. I would have been akumatized if Marinette hadn’t been there to calm me down.”
Ivan and Mylene were horrified, not only had Lila been lying to them, but she had threatened Rose, Juleka, and probably Marinette too. “What should we do?”
“First, you should apologize to Marinette for how you’ve been treating her and let her know that you know the truth.” They heard Juleka over the phone. “Lila has been more terrible to her than anyone else and she keeps getting in Lila’s way to protect us and Nathaniel since we know the truth about her.”
“Who all knows?” Ivan asked, feeling a bit sick to his stomach. Sure, he and Mylene hadn’t really hurt her or done anything, but they hadn’t stood up for her either and they were supposed to be her friend.
“Us, Luka, Kagami, Nathaniel figured it out when she said she could introduce him to Stan Lee, Nino figured it out yesterday, and Adrien’s apparently known from the start but didn’t say anything because he doesn’t think her lies are hurting anybody.”
Both of them could hear the acid in Juleka’s voice when she mentioned Adrien, and they couldn’t argue with her. They knew he had led a sheltered life, but how could he claim that ‘lies don’t hurt anybody’ after sitting back and watching Lila and her friends torment and bully Marinette?
Mylene hadn’t even realized that she had asked that question out loud until Rose answered them. “He told us that it was Marinette’s own fault for antagonizing Lila, and ‘If she just took the high road like I told her, then Lila would leave her alone’. It took everything I had not to slap him.”
Coming from Rose, that really was saying something.
Serafina was then taken on a shopping trip to an arts supplies store, a card shop, and a stop at an ATM before going to Marinette’s family’s bakery. She smiled quietly and with great respect to the couple as they apologized to her girl, gave her cards, an entire bolt of soft purple cotton the same color that her ruined dress had been, a new sketchbook, and money to pay her back for some of the things that Marinette had given them over the past year. They even asked her to provide them with proper receipts, and admitted that they knew the amount they had given her wasn’t enough to cover everything. But they promised to pay her back before asking for anything else, as well as pay in advance for any future items or baked goods. 
The little doll would have cried right along with Marinette if she could. These two had proven themselves to her and would avoid punishment, just as Nino had.
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@themagicmistic @andromeda612 @ramos123 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @justanotherweirdo277 @irisfox @thestrangestofthemall @plz-excuse-my-inner-ravenclaw @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @the-fandom-girl @wisecolorthing @mewwitch @luxurioushellgirl97 @seraphichana @fantasiame @whydoexamsexist @wispyrainbow @legodetectivemalsblog @kindasoundslikealien @shadowangelreborn @kazedancer @unmaskedagain @7-sage-7 @irontimetravelflower @ghostmaster83 @izang @ulmban @plushbookworm @corabeth11 @darkened-flame @caffeinetheory @iamablinkmarvelarmy @raiderofthelostbooks @cheshire5210 @chocolateherringtacofan @city-of-all-tunas @aadnrsstar @kitten12113 @interobanginyourmom @pandacatxd @nerd-nowandforever @jesussavedevenme @zoiechance @the-smallest-kittenz @wonderbat91939 @maskedpainter @tazer6787 @that-girl-sakea @seesea22 @with-forward-motion @ola-is-dead @thecrazyfantrollshasmoved @bayball @2confused-2doanything @queen-in-a-flower-crown @sabrina1414 @ceres-zephyr @if-you-give-a-chat-a-cookie @zalladane @tails-and-scales @rumbelle18 @sam-spectra @collegefae @pale-lady-dreamer @animegirlweeb @evaraux @consumeconstantly @iz-bell-saiah @puspa-san @wishing-to-be-a-fictional-chara @sassakitty @miraculous-ninja @fandom-trapped-03 @idontfuking @sillyfishrubberducky @anonymousreviewer-t @i-am-fallen-angel @zotinha456 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @chocolatecatstheron @crypticsabbat @startouchedqueen1318 @para-dox-normal @marinettepotterandplagg @incredulous-reader @professionalfangirl1738 @fangirlnerd001 @redscarlet95 @sixtyeightdays @iamtotalfandomtrash @tazanna-blythe @animehime94 @mysticsoulgirl @miraculouspenta @local-witch-of-mn @roseinbloom02 @senpaiweird @iggy-of-fans @tropestropestropes @sleep-deprived-aroace @comteqfr @neromerp13 @prudencerika @galaxylightmoon @c-s-stars
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