#the saturation im destroying everything....
brinefrolick · 1 year
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{ shades that hide my tears as i get legitimately emotional just sitting here THINKING about her (rambling in tags) }
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yesloulou · 5 months
any tips on coloring f1 gifs for a rookie like me 🤲🏼
i only sharpen gifs because whenever i work on coloring and even the brightness it destroys the quality of my gifs
making f1 gifs is so hard i don’t know how you do yours so perfectly
you're too kind to me thank you 🥹 i think everything in moderation is a very good rule to follow. for example you might want to be gentle with brightness and sharpening so it doesn't lower the quality too much (i mean idk if that's the case without seeing your gif but that's usually the case for me <3)
besides that i think it's important to think about what a gif needs rather than what usually works for you. for example here i thought the red looked a lil pale so i isolated the reds and then made them darker and more saturated. then i felt like there were too much cool cyan tones so i added more red into the blacks.
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but for another gif you might want to do something completely opposite. for example for this daniel gif i thought that the shadows were too red/magenta so i added some cyans and greens into the blacks. and then i thought there were too much cool tones so i added a liiil bit of yellow into the whites of daniel's shirt.
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there were other things i adjusted for these gifs but they all came from this same motivation (what the gif needs/lacks). dk if im making sense but hope some of this is helpful 🫶🫶
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Now that you mention it I still have NO idea on how mankind came back to Remnant after the Gods left. Maybe the final stage of Grimm evalution is humanity? Or maybe the 2nd Generation Humans were derived from the Faunus? I'm not sure, it is suspicious though.
i think the most horrifying possible answer is that humans just straight up evolved again,
do you ever think about the probable aftermath of the massacre because i do and it haunts me like
the gods slaughter every person on the planet, including salem, who reconstitutes. then they leave, shattering the moon on their way out
consequently an enormous quantity of moon chunks hammers down on the planet, which in the best case scenario causes a prolonged impact winter and subsequent mass extinction of other species; worst case scenario, depending on how severe and how long the bombardment lasted, we’re looking at ‘everything is on fire everywhere and the oceans are boiling away’ levels of apocalyptic. salem is alive for all of this,
im distraught.
anyway regarding the revival of humankind i have a small fleet of theories gamboling around in my head, including:
1. salem did it. team oz may have forgotten or overlooked the fact that she got dunked into and equally changed by THE POOL OF LIFE too, but i haven’t
2. squints at the very humanlike spirits who inhabit the relics squints at the god of light i have questions (or: this is something of a crack theory but i am not sure i believe the brother gods actually made those spirits, and that the two we’ve met are both wrapped in chains is perhaps more than an aesthetic choice)
3. millions of years pass and myriad different ancestor species convergently evolve in accordance with the cosmic ‘blueprint’ the gods established when they made humans the first time, like carcinization except it’s humankind hdjfhdjsk
4. in order to make humanity, the brothers combined their innate natures and accidentally made something greater than the sum of their parts; that is, while the gods are stronger than humankind as a matter of raw power, metaphysically the dual/harmonious nature of humankind surpasses the broken and strictly dichotomous nature of the gods, and in making humans the gods created something they just aren’t capable of destroying, no matter how many individuals they slaughter. (i think the general thrust of this is likeliest to be what rwby is going for, given the staunchly humanist outlook saturating the narrative + the hopepunk lean)
5. the god of animals is real, has nothing to do with the brothers whatsoever, and is playing silly buggers in the sandbox they abandoned (this is the funniest option we love a god who rocks in after the apocalypse and goes MY PLANET NOW) (realistically though i am doubtful that the god of animals exists in the literal sense) (i have been toying with the theory that the god of animals might actually be the god of darkness, which go hand in hand with the mulling i’ve been doing that the divine ultimatum wasn’t a joint declaration / the brothers have split from each other a lot more than we realize since the massacre; see also, the ‘it is SPECIFICALLY light who will be the final boss’ tinhatting and vague thoughts i don’t think i’ve ever written out properly regarding how dark is, on balance, actually the lesser danger vis-a-vis humankind)
6. the humans on remnant were and aren’t the only humans in the cosmos, and humanity 2.0 actually came from somewhere else (an intriguing possibility given that rwbyj are now somewhere else, plus the girl who fell through the world)
7. all of the above somehow
bonus round: funny u should say that about the grimm because, while i have not the slightest clue where rwby’s going with them, that is in fact EXACTLY how i decided it works for the purposes of the for want of a nail au i’m working on rn—not that humanity 2.0 evolved from the grimm somehow, but that when the brothers made humankind they combined destruction+knowledge and creation+choice and the grimm are straight up just the raw material dark whipped up in preparation for that process. take a person, cut away creation+choice, and you get a grimm; likewise, give a grimm creation+choice and you get a person. i promise to utterly lose my shit if this turns out to be how it works in canon too
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Falling Angels: chapter two
A/n took me longer to get around to writing part 2 than i thought!! i didn’t know there was an audience for this idea but im glad you guys liked it!!
Im adding a country to the grishaverse to make my story work,, def not a big deal i just needed a country in which i could control the history of without worrying about conflicting with cannon lol 
Link to part one: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/yesimwriting/652318577650696192 (lmk if this works ive never linked something to a tumblr post lol)
Series Summary: Y/n is a rising star in the most famous circus in Ketterdam because of her ability to see the future. Unfortunately for her, Kaz Brekker knows more of her backstory than he should, and he’s willing to use that to his advantage. The one thing he’s not betting on? That he doesn’t know her entire story
Chapter summary: Y/n gets a visitor before getting tricked into the most dangerous show of her life. 
Pairng: SOC x reader, Kaz Brekker x sunshine-y! Psychic! Reader 
My father seemed to love me more after two glasses of something amber. It was after these two glasses that he would tell me realities his inebriated self believed I needed to internalize. He’d pat my head affectionately and smiled at me as he told me that the world was a bad place. Most of his lessons are lost in my mind, but the one I remember most clearly is that there’s no such thing as a kept secret. There’s always a leak or a flaw or a factor you could not account for. He told me that if I wanted to keep a secret, I would have to decide what I was willing to risk for it. 
I know from Seria’s reaction to his presence that listening to Kaz is a risk, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take for my secret. “I don’t know what you think I am, but you’re mistaken.” It doesn’t really matter that he believes me. I have the paperwork I need to disprove him. “I have to get to my tent.” 
“The princess gets her own tent?” His words are saturated by mock casualness but I can feel his pride on how he delivered that line. 
My body is still tense from balancing over flames and his confidence only adds to my desire to unravel. I can’t get angry here. Not at him. Not with the way he grips that cane of his. “I don’t understand what--” 
“You may be able to play pretend here where no one wants to look twice at you, but I know what you are.” His stiffness leaves my skin prickling. “I know who you are.” 
I swallow back my panic. “Then who am I?” 
“You’re that king’s bastard--the one with a high bounty on her head.” Don’t back down. Even the smallest crack will confirm his story. “As long as she’s returned alive.” 
Thoughts of what my father would do to me if ever given the chance strike me with more anxiety than his presence does. “I’ve heard of the girl you’re talking about,” I admit, the lie leaving me as easily as the air leaves my lungs when I exhale. “But I’m not her.” 
“You’re not from Ketterdam, if you were you would have known who I was after you friend referred to me as Dirtyhands.” I have no defense, but I never claimed to be from Ketterdam. “You make your business claiming to be a psychic.” I am a psychic, but now is not the time to make that argument. “Elkosa is a relatively small and self efficient port kingdom, the island is nothing more than a jagged coastline barely larger than Ketterdam, but I have connections in all places.” He knows someone from Elkosa? I have to fight the instinct to move all of my weight on the balls of my feet, prepared to run. “A captain of the royal fleet told me the story of the night the King’s bastard ran into the meeting room the night before ten ships were meant to sail to Ravka.” 
He studies my reaction as I struggle to keep my expression blank. “None of that seems connected.” 
“Patience is a virtue most Saints are familiar with.” I roll my eyes. “The bastard couldn’t have been more than nine at the time, but the guards did not want to let her in. The King told them to let her interrupt. The sailor noted this because he had never made an exception to his meeting before. The girl described a nightmare to her father, a nightmare of a storm and ten dead birds. The king did not comfort her, she finished her story by saying that he asked to know about all of her dreams. She went back upstairs and the King continued the meeting as normal but the next day the King cancelled the trip.”
I remember that night as the night I realized that if I’m not careful, I’ll feel what I see in my visions. It felt like I was drowning. I felt the death of each of those men and instead of comforting me, my father nodded once like I had offered him advice and sent me back to my room. “And?” My defense is weak, my mind too lost in the memories of drowning. “Many smaller countries are superstitious.” 
“The next day the worst storm to have impacted that ocean occurred. For four nights and three days the storm continued.” 
I press my nails into my palms. “You don’t believe that I am precognitive, so that sailor’s unverified story has nothing to do with me.” 
“A princess that can see the future disappears at the same time a failing circus hires a girl who has no business in this city who claims to be able to see the future.” He adjusts his stance, taking pressure off the cane as if he’s preparing to need to use it for something else. “I am not fool enough to believe in coincidence.” 
“And I am not fool enough to crack beneath the vague threats of a man. In my experience, men always threaten with a blade when really all they’re in possession of is a butter knife. Try to drag me from here kicking and screaming, find a way to incapacitate me and put me on a ship to Elkosa, but when the King sees that you brought him a stranger he will have your head.” 
He blinks, expression hard as stone. I tense, preparing for a physical blow. “I didn’t expect you to be a half-decent liar, but I should have.” I bite my tongue to avoid resorting to something I can’t take back. Like begging. “Even if it’s in only half your blood.” 
“I am not her.” My stubbornness burns more than the need to survive. I inhale, hoping to shake the grasp of the sensation but it only worsens. The pinch of dread in my chest is heavy and familiar. A vision. 
No. Not now--not in front of him. I push against it even though I know that only makes it worse. Not now. Not now. I should be grounding myself but all I can think about is how stupid I am and how bad this situation is.
“I’m not an idiot, I know to be quiet. I see myself crouched somewhere dark. 
“Being defensive doesn’t make you any more intelligent.” It takes me a minute to recognize Kaz in the darkness. 
We’re somewhere small, our backs against the same wall but our shoulders do not touch. This vision is enshrouded by the feel of panic. 
This other me grimaces, but her eyes lack anger, “Remind me why I agreed to help you again?” 
“You never told me why,” he admits, “you can change your mind on participating and I can change my mind on whether or not you're more useful than your father’s money.”
Something loud crashes from behind the door we’re both staring at. “You’ll have no use for me or my father’s money if we die here.” I squeeze my hands together. 
He hesitates, “My ghost will.” 
The future-me almost smiles. “I wonder if I’ll be able to see ghost futures.” I hesitate, something strange behind my eyes. “I wonder if that can exist, if there’s a future beyond endings.” 
Future-Kaz is silent for a long second. “There should be,” he says, “for someone like you, at least.” 
I watch the way I take in his words. “You’d be there, too,” my voice is low, “your ghost at least.” I turn my head, staring at the door instead of him, “If you weren’t, I’d miss the brooding.” 
The vision leaves me with sweaty palms and swirling thoughts. All of my visions do that. Not all of them make me feel so confused. Apparently, he needs help and I agree to do so. At one point we’ll be pushed into a life or death situation and I won’t loathe him. 
I blink twice, forcing myself to hold onto the reality in front of me. I don’t have to agree--the future isn’t set in stone. For all I know tomorrow morning I’ll have a vision in which he kills me. 
“Are you ignoring me?” 
Shaking my head, I turn to face him. “You need help.” I don’t wait for his reaction. “You’re not here to return someone to the King of Elkosa, you’re here because you need someone that can see the future.” 
“It’s not that you won’t take me to Elkosa, it’s that you’d rather use my abilities for something.”
I’m confusing him again, but that’s okay. I’d rather deal with him confused than angry. “I need to know how a certain business deal of mine is going to be worth what it costs.”
He’s spent the entire time claiming he doesn’t believe in my power. Was that some kind of tactic? In the vision I saw, despite the panic surrounding the situation I didn’t feel panicked around him. The probability of that future occurring is probably low. I’ve been wrong before, the future changes too much for me to know everything. 
“That’s not how readings work,” I admit, “I don’t have that much control on them. Most of them come to me randomly. The events I see always involve me or someone I care about to a certain capacity. I can give someone a general glimpse into their future but I can’t promise I’ll see what they want. Sometimes I can see the general vision by just focusing on their energy but usually I need some physical contact for it to work.” That seems like a fair explanation. “Oh--and not all of my predictions come true, most are blurry, few are solid--the future is always moving.” 
Wait...the vision I saw where I was with Kaz wasn’t blurry. Those can be wrong, but it’s much rarer. Do I really agree to this? 
“Then maybe I should make it involve you.” His aggression has me forcing myself to stand my ground. He can threaten me all he wants but that won’t change things. “Or take the money your father would give me and cut my losses.” 
Every time I’ve purposefully destroyed a solid vision, something bad has happened. I’m genuinely considering it. “What do you need a psychic for, anyways?” 
“To get through the Fold.” 
Despite everything, I laugh. “I’ve never seen anyone get through the Fold, literally or in my visions.” 
He’s unphased by my doubt. “It’s happened.” 
I really don’t want to help him. “Well then good luck, I’m happy to part ways here.” 
I manage one step forward before he moves his cane in front of my path. I’m getting tired of this. “You’re assisting me one way or the other, whether that aid will be financial or through your services is up to you.” 
Anger pinches in my stomach the way it often does when I’m told what to do. The one thing centering me is the vision still reflecting in my thoughts. There’s no denying it--I had felt comfortable with him. There is a future in which I feel comfortable with him and I’m not sure I’ll be able to avoid it. 
“I won’t get in trouble for you,” I tell him, “The Ringmaster holds onto those indentured to him, especially the commodities that bring him profit.” 
There’s something stiff about his silence. I wonder if he’s always like this, pushing the weight of his presence onto those around him without saying a word. “When I have a goal, it is achieved. I’ll speak to him.” 
I cannot imagine a conversation I want to be involved in less. The Ringmaster and this man that Seria had labeled ‘Dirtyhands’. “I just had a vision--I saw your entire conversation and it ends with you missing an arm.” His stoic expression does not shift. “Okay, I’m aware that it wasn’t the funniest joke, but throw me a bone--you threatened to kidnap me and sell me to my father in order to extort me and I’ve been nothing but polite to you.” 
He’s quiet for a moment, something in his expression changing in a way I can’t read. “All you’ve done is lie since the moment you started to speak to me.” 
The optimist in me would like to think that his annoyance counts for banter. I shrug, feeling a little lighter than I did a second ago. I’m certainly not comfortable but I’m starting to see how to put up with the tension without letting it strain me. “Well, polite for my standards.” 
I let him brood. “You must have done well as a royal.” 
My past cuts through the peace I managed to grab onto. It’s not his fault, he has no way of knowing what the castle was like for me. I open my mouth, but I don’t know what I’m going to say. “I had my moments,” I finally settle on, hoping the echo of pain isn’t visible behind my eyes. 
I guess it doesn’t matter if he sees me bleed. He’s heartless, and I hate sympathy. 
“Y/n,” Seria’s voice is genuine anger, “You’ve turned into an idiot--first the tightrope walk and now entertaining whatever deal he’s trying to coax from you.” I love Seria, she’s the reason I didn’t die in the street when I first arrived in Ketterdam, but she sees me as a mindless child. “Whatever he told you, whatever he promised you--it’s a lie.” 
“He hasn’t promised me anything.” I need to calm her down. Once she’s calm, everything will be normal again. “And he knows.” I don’t have to turn to feel the way Seria gapes at me. “He knows who I am, so I have to do what he wants.” 
“You never have to do anything a man is forcing onto you, y/n. We’ll find a way--” 
“Seria, it’s fine,” I reach to touch her arm, “I’ll be fine, you can’t protect me from everything and you don’t have to.” 
Kaz throws a pointed glare at the man who was with him earlier. When did the stranger get here? “Boss, she’s faster than she looked, but I have what we need to get the girl--” 
“You’re late,” Kaz sighs, bored, “she’s agreed.” 
Wait--what was he going to do if I didn’t agree? “Out of curiosity, what are you talking about?” The man blinks twice, squeezing a rag between his ring-clad fingers. “You were going to use chloroform to kidnap me, weren’t you?” 
For some reason I don’t understand, the stranger gives me a look that’s a cross between sheepish and charming. “Nothing personal.” 
“Or original.” 
Seria pinches my arm. “Y/n,” she scolds, “your sense of humor is going to kill me one of these days.” 
I cringe, pulling my arm away. “When I met you, you were pickpocketing in the pleasure district, please remember that.” 
She rolls her eyes. “An attitude like that is going to leave you without a place to sleep at night.” 
I take her comment for the empty threat it is. Every other day she’s threatening to kick me out of her private trailer so that I’m forced to fight for cots or speak to the Ringmaster about my lodging arrangements. He’d give me what I want, but speaking to him feels so slimy I’d sleep in the woods before trying it. 
“Kaz.” I turn my head in time to see the girl that gave me the advice about the tightrope walker. “We need to go, he’s coming soon--you’ll do better to speak to him in the morning after she’s gone, that way he has nothing to hold over your head.” 
“Once I’m gone?” The girl had called me a Saint. I can appeal to her. “I’m not--I’m not going anywhere, I said I’d help.” 
Her eyes widen, sympathy reflected clearly in her dark irises. “There was never a version of this in which you ended up staying here.” I hear a hint of apology in her voice. “You won’t believe me, but I promise this will be better for you.” All of her pity is gone with those, replaced by something hard.
Seria responds for me, “I think you should go.” 
She almost smiles, but her eyes are painfully sad. “I never wanted you to be here forever. I don’t trust these people, but I trust their ability to get you out of here, even if only for a little while. Bad things are coming, and I think you’ll miss the worst of it if you go now.” 
What she alludes to is a blade in my heart. “You want me to leave you here to deal with it?” 
“Y/n, I’ve been hurt here more times than I can count--”
“No, I won’t leave y--” 
Seria squeezes my shoulder, “It’s not forever.” When she wants something, it’s almost impossible to get around it. “Besides, if I need you, you’ll see it.” 
My world feels to have lost the vibrance of color. I’ve left so much, but I let myself believe I wouldn’t leave her. I pull her into the hug. “The moment I see a vision of you in any type of danger, I’m coming back.” I hug her even tighter when she tries to pull away so that I can whisper something in her ear, “I’ll use this opportunity to leave the Ringmaster and then I’ll get you out, and together we’ll leave Ketterdam. We’ll find your child, like you always wanted to and they’ll know that they're lucky because they’re the only kid in the world to have you as a mother.” 
She squeezes me so tightly I find it hard to take full breaths. “Two,” Seria whispers, “I have two children.”
My eyes burn as her words find their way into my heart. “I love you, Seria.” 
“I love you too, my star,” she pulls away enough so that I can look her in the eye, “you don’t like being called a Saint, but I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the title.” 
Tears prick my eyes as she releases me. “I’ll find you.” 
“He’ll be coming soon,” the girl warns, “He spoke to an advisor about wanting to find you after the show.” 
No doubt to praise the fire stunt he forced onto me. Bastard. I nod once but I don’t move. I can’t bring myself to leave Seria until the girl places a hand on my elbow. 
Falling Angels Taglist: @glowstick-lesbian @cashlum @whatiswrongwithpeople @pass-me-jeez-it @thecraziestcrayon
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kil-me-n0w · 3 years
I recently finished the JJK Manga and will never be dropping this theory I heard once so Um… I’m gonna prove why I’m right and this theory is probably correct!
JJK 137? Spoilers… fuck it Im just gonna say like 100 and beyond and move along with this
Akutami is a smart Author, who definitely wouldn’t have missed the chance to show directly what Sukuna did to Inumaki when Yuji wasn’t in control (possibly for a future event where Sukuna just snaps and kills everyone) but there’s more than that, so just hear me out real quick!
Yeah, it would make sense that sukuna cut off his arm whatever whatever especially since Sukuna’s ability is slicing and dicing like a pro chef…
But look at Sukuna’s Domain expansion in 119
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He didn’t CUT anything. It was completely dismantled and torn apart. And then it seems to dissipate in a fiery bomb-like after effect.
And oven if it were after this, Sukuna neatly, or in this case, he obliterates everything. If Inumaki’s arm got cut off it would have been one clean deep cut at the shoulder getting rid of his whole arm, leaving nothing left. But the way everything is laid out makes it seem like Inumaki was caught in the domain.
Here’s why that’s bullshit;
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This is Inumaki’s injury. Those scars aren’t burns, we see burns on Maki, those are clean slices. And even if I’m wrong about the fire thing, that’s a clean cut, like amputation level clean. Aka: not what Sukuna’s domain was. That expansion tore everything apart, and his arm wouldn’t be so neatly cut. If Inumaki was caught in that domain, he wouldn’t have just cleanly lost his arm, he would have gotten that arm torn apart… OR WORSE, lost his life. And there wouldn’t be scars, the way those two in the explosion panel looked, there was no TIME to leave scars. They were just torn apart. So here’s why he wasn’t in the domain.
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That. That right there? That’s blood.
Sukuna’s domain destroyed everything, tearing it apart and then going into what I believe is some kind of blaze-like explosion.
1. Heat cauterizes, kinda like a light saber or that one instant toast knife. When it comes to blood and a fiery hot explosion, there wouldn’t BE any, he wouldn’t be bleeding, he would be burned and his arm wouldn’t be bleeding. Not in that specific spot
2. Even if I am wrong about the heat and Cauterization, His arm would not just be bleeding at that point. He would have a lot more blood in other spots because he was completely torn up OR he would have a more saturated spot of blood because it was completely ripped apart. He wouldn’t specifically be bleeding at a major artery if he was caught in that domain that would be the least of his worries.
Sukuna’s domain dosent match the injuries that Inumaki has so the higher ups grabbed Inumaki after the Shibuya incident, held him down, kept him from talking, and cut off his arm.
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jitteryjive · 3 years
Ok so I dont really use Webtoon because Im not much a comic read/reading in general. So what up with High Class Homos? Is it like the High Gardian Spice of Webtoon?(Ie: has a lot of LGBTQ+ representation but 1.) has horrible story telling or 2.) doesn't represent the LGBTQ+ comunity respectivly)-C
oh my god. okay. I’m gonna do an entire rant underneath the cut because it’s really bad
tldr: it’s horribly racist and stereotypical and it is basically a way to lure queer people even further into shitty stereotypes. stop praising it for being like progressive or whatever the fuck it’s supposed to be
okay where do I start. basically I may not be allowed to say most of this stuff since it was so bad that I stopped reading it around like. episode 15/16? inform me if I need to change anything
okay so. I don’t remember anyone’s names except for augustus and sapphia so I’ll nickname the other important characters as knight [mlm love interest], maid 1 [first wlw love interest], and maid 2 [second wlw love interest, one with the lighter hair]
first of all: the fucking RACISM oh my god.
so basically here’s the main cast okay? all of them are white. the same exact skin tone [except for maid 1 who’s tanner but white]. except for knight, who’s black.
repeatedly throughout the panels, knight’s skin tone is always saturating and lightening and usually never stays a darker tone? which is? very blatant whitewashing??? dude just pick a fucking tone and stop being weird
and then. god okay. so the main “character trait” of knight is that he’s stupid. he’s described as being like teehee I’m so ditzy and gay and stupid and there’s a scene where I have no idea what gay means or what it is!!!!! which is fucking awful and racist already. and I do understand that in medieval times it wasn’t uncommon to be illiterate but every other person in the cast can read and write and yet the knight’s ENTIRE plotline is having no idea how to read or write which. if you’re following that’s just. literally why the fuck are you emphasizing that the ONLY black character’s stupid and illiterate. literally what the fuck is wrong with you.
second: the horrible stereotyping and further fetishization + demonization of orientations. + bad trans rep
alongside that, every single character except for the transhet character and the trademark #”evil nasty cishet” character are gay or lesbian. unless something was stated that I missed in the more recent episode, a webtoon that’s praised for having amazing “””lgbtq+ themes””” only has gay and lesbian, not??? arospec or multiro or any other romantic orientations????? not to mention that they are pretending aspec people are nonexistent and everyone is definitely allosexual without a fault. but the thing is. this tiny representation of a huge community is. so. just absolutely awful.
prince augustus and knight are both represented by being uwu soft boys because they’re gay and always being nervous oh no!!! what if he thinks I’m weird >~< type of characters. honestly just say you fetishize gay men to be crammed into your soft owo yaoi boxes and get the fuck out of here.
princess sapphia and the maids are either fetishized or demonized as well. princess sapphia plays into the disgusting stereotype than lesbians are furious, violent monsters due to her constantly destroying things and yelling at everyone and generally being a huge asshole. maid 1 isn’t as bad and has a grasp on sense but she’s still incredibly rude. then maid 2 is forced to be like a soft cute lesbian who’s clueless to the fact that maid 1 loves her!!! she’s so cute and sweet and has no idea she’s in love with the lesbeans!!!! god grow up is it not hard to treat lesbians like real people.
and oooh yay they’re pretending [identity] doesn’t exist again! assuming from webtoon’s ads spoiling everything, there was a heated love triangle between the maid characters and the princess oh no!!!! as someone who’s polyam I think I’m gonna lose my mind if media keeps mislabeling weird love corners as love triangles and ignoring the fact polyam people. exist?? like it’s not weird for three or more people to enter a relationship????
with that said, every single mlm buildup scene is soft and >w< and completely non-sexual while there’s a fucking scene where maid 1 walks in on sapphia with only a bra on and she freaks out because OMG!!!! with that being the only chemistry at all between them.
plus that. from what I read of course the author mainly only focused on the mlm relationship and only made sexual/weird jokes about the wlw relationship as it was pushed aside. at least make the attention equal if you’re gonna ONLY make cis gay and lesbian characters.
finally the trans character has fucked up rep. fortunately they aren’t pulling the sad depressing #brocken💔 “I don’t fit in this body……….” trope or having every character misgender them repeatedly until they’re “””fixed””” but instead he mysteriously says “once upon a time I wasn’t called lucas….!” and then it’s. never mentioned ever again. hey, if you’re gonna make an amazing webtoon with fantastic queer rep maybe you shouldn’t vague the entire trans umbrella and never talk about it again
and it’s not super related but they’re making the only cishet character portrayed as some sort of evil antagonistic person which. is a shitty thing to do because it shows that in media with good queer rep there’ll never be a cishetallo character who isn’t repetitively seen to be some sort of monster
okay. rant over. I hope more people stop getting into high class homos and blindly praising it with so much love
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southwindstories · 4 years
OOC commentary: vivid ponies
This is an OOC post, just as a little insight into my thought process, in case you were curious. there is no tl;dr, you can either read it or not, it doesn’t effect the story.
Folks rarely ask me about why I make things look the way they do. I just post these descriptions because it makes me feel like I’m contributing something more to the blog. MLP does a lovely job of re-envisioning classic mythology in a way that makes it work in their environment. The show tends to stick to Greek roots, but its deviated a few times (the Wendigo being a big one) and it often changes the nature of the legend itself, to allow it to mesh in Equestria. Sometimes the adaptations are small, like with the Hydra being a ‘thing that lives in a swamp’. other times, they completely re-write the myth, like they did with the Wendigo. Even Pegasus ponies are a deviation. Originally, there was only one winged horse, and its name was ‘Pegasus’.
Coatls have never been a ‘race’, traditionally. oh they’ve popped up countless times in more modern renditions, I know MTG uses them as a creature type, i think Ive seen them mentioned in various video games, but much like “Pegasus”, there was only one “Coatl”, and it wasn’t a racial title, it was the second half of his name. Pretty sure there were multiple “winged snakes” in Aztec mythology, they just didn’t have a proper title. But it kinda cuts down on the fun when you’ve only got the one of something, so I decided to branch them out a bit. Serpent bodytypes present a unique challenge when used in a dynamic world; they’re rather specialized toward one specific task. giving them wings grants me a little leeway when it comes to gesticulation, but it also begs the question of how they fly. By all rights, flapping those things would just result in their little tube bodies shaking up and down on the ground. But that gives us a new opportunity for lore.
The coatls in this universe produce lift without flapping. its a magical quality of their wings, which makes their feathers highly prized as a means of making heavy objects lighter. this can provide all sorts of opportunities for story, from barter to piracy to any number of other things, and gives the species an inherent need to be defensive. That feeds into their already edgy nature and gives me some extra dynamics to work with if i need a plothook that’s less dramatic than the Vivid situation.
Speaking of…
Someone is going to get on my case about the Lisa Frank coloring on the vivid ponies, and im going to giggle when it happens. Its quite deliberate, I wanted to make a creature that made your eyes bleed when you looked at it. It should almost be painful to behold, not in a garish sort of way, but in a saturated sort of way. The narrative idea behind a vivid pony is that all the restraints they’ve learned in life have been removed, and theyre left with raw potential. its a saturated, overflowing sort of power that moves like liquid and spills out over everything around it, providing strange and alien results. that takes a strange and alien design, but i still wanted it to be pony enough that it might somehow be recognized as its previous body. the large maw was a combination of trying to factor in some serpent qualities (since the quatl causes the transformation) and to represent the entities tendency to consume and destroy and change indiscriminately. This was a tricky one, and while Im fairly happy with the final outcome, I could see myself redesigning these things a dozen times over in the future. after all, they dont all look the same, its based on the pony’s talent.
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mcuspidey-archive · 6 years
bulletproof | t.h. — part one
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Pairing: Agent!Tom x Agent!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You have one job. Get the evidence and get out. Should be easy enough but with your incredibly irresistible partner in your ear the whole time, it’s a little hard to stay focused.
Warning: A LOT OF DIALOGUE, crime, cursing, angst, major flirting like, did I mention dialogue !!!! 
A/N: COLLAB WITH @thelazypangolin ! This started as a blurb request but I was so inspired and excited about it that I knew it had to be BIG and I couldn’t do it alone. I’m honored to be writing with her and we honestly are having so much fun with it that I’d be shocked if it didn’t turn into an entire series. (That will depend on the feedback we get so please let us know what you think ok?) We are just so proud of this and we really hope you enjoy it ❤️
Your hands reach for the computer that sat in front of you as drops of perspiration trickle down your forehead. You were well aware that the mission would be risky, but your lazy ass hated time-bound tasks enough for you to start stressing out.
Your hand finds the mini USB drive you had stashed in your back pocket earlier and despite it being a minute device, it would be the deciding factor on whether your assignment failed or succeeded.
“Y/N, you sure you can handle this one?” Tom’s voice flows softly through the tiny earpiece.
He was always teasing you and you loved it, but of course would never admit it. Rolling your eyes at the hidden cameras surrounding you, you hear him laugh.
“I can handle anything,” you assure him, a sly smirk spreads across your face. It was true and he knew it. You had only been working together for a few months and he already knew you better than anyone else ever had. You’re strong, the strongest person he knows, and so fearless. It was the reason you were offered the position in the first place because no matter what, you never backed down.
“I know. But are you sure you can stay focused, love? You look so sexy right now.” He tests you and you know he’s busy eyeing the black, skin-tight pants and red leather jacket that were hugging you in all the right places.
“Something tells me that you are the one who's having a hard time focusing, eh Holland?” you chuckle, hiding the underlying anxiety.
“I might be more focused if you dressed more professionally, ya know,” his voice saturates your being, officially distracting you. Though it wouldn't be exactly wrong to say that you did love all the distraction he brought to the job.
“Maybe I’m just trying to show you what you’ve been missing out on,” you say, a little too confidently. You knew you needed to be completely invested in the screen in front of you, but couldn’t help yourself. You dished it right back, only you were better at it and you wished you could see his reactions.
You hear his voice hitch and he lets out a soft groan. “You sure, this is the right time and the right place to show that?”
“Better now than never.” Your fingers tap nervously on all the possible combinations of numbers to unlock the information, yet you manage to let the words glide effortlessly.
“How 'bout after we’re done here?” He says, sending a shiver up your spine as you imagine the gorgeous, uneven grin he most likely had on his face. You gasp dramatically. “Tom Holland, are you asking me out?”
“I might be,” he says and a nervous laugh escapes his lips. It had been months of continuous flirting and ensuing tension between the two of you, and he chose now to do this?
Getting too caught up in him, you enter just enough wrong combinations.
The analogue display immediately sets to 10:00.
“I’m fine, it’s just- I may have set off the intruder alert, no big deal,” you try to brush it off. The fact that you made a mistake in the first place was bad enough.
“Y/N, they’re going to be there any minute, most likely armed, do you hear me? Get out!” Panic ringing clearly through his words.
“I uh-” you glance at the illuminated numbers. “-still have nine minutes. I can do this.” You fake confidence to pacify your partner's concerns but on the inside, you knew that you were fucked, big time.
“No damn it, the moment that clock hits zero, this entire building blows up and all the evidence with be destroyed. You are not going down with it,” Tom was almost yelling through the earpiece, his shrill voice making your already pounding heart beat out of your chest.
“Tom, I have nine-” you correct yourself as your eyes find the blinking red warning once again. “-eight and a half minutes and I can and will make it.”
It would go against the image you had worked so hard to maintain so no, you were not leaving this unfinished. You were given the nearly impossible task of catching these guys. Known to be one of the most dangerous group of criminals and their specialty? Importing stolen money which you were chosen to get proof of on the tiny USB drive now plugged to the computer. It was safe to say that you were scared, a feeling you weren’t familiar with because when it came to what you did for a living, you almost never felt fear. Now with the time still ticking down, 08:00, your nerves threaten to get the best of you.
“Come on, come on,” You urge the data percentage to move faster as it feels like it stays at 43% for hours instead of mere seconds.
Tom was still frantic, his melodic tone that usually calms you down, now builds you up and not in the good way.
“Listen to me, Y/N. Get out right now or I swear I will come in after you,” he scolded seriously and there was no doubt in your mind that he would. But you couldn’t let them get away with this and he was just going to have to trust you.
“I can’t,” you shake your head, about to say exactly what he didn’t want to hear. “I-I have to see this through, otherwise it’s all for nothing.”
“If they see you, you’re dead. If you hide and that timer stops, you're dead. You might be willing to risk your life but I’m not!” Tom yells again, needing you to just listen to him for once. You could tell he was pacing back and forth and with each step that echoed through the speaker, you felt more anxious and equally annoyed.
“I’m staying, Tom. I’ll be fine. You know I always am,” your wavering tone barely convincing you as you try to ease his frantic heart.
“This is different! Your life's on the line and I refuse to just sit in this damn van and let it happen.” He was trying everything because maybe something he said would change your mind. Or at the very least, his voice. Always calm and smooth as silk somehow, even when he was pissed off. One of his many features that typically made you weak, but right now? It just wasn’t enough.
As much as the situation was testing you, Tom's words weren't making it any better and engulfed with rage, you snap. “My life is always on the line. None of our missions are without risks!”
The deafening sound of Tom's fists slamming on the tabletop fills your ears, making you flinch. “There is no mission if you're dead,” he screamed and you take a deep breath and keep watching the data that was close to 78% now. Any second now.
“Can you hear me, Y/N?” Tom heaves a sigh and you swear you could feel his warm breath calm your nerves. You shut your eyes close and muster the courage to utter at least a single word that wouldn't shatter your hopes anymore.
“Please… Listen to me, I can’t lose you,” Tom's voice is a mere whisper and your heart sinks at the possibility of the inevitable.
Nevertheless, you shake your head and put your fingers to your ear. “Tom, I'll make it. Trust me,” you assure him and swallow harshly as your eyes well up. You never were the emotional one, you had aced the impossible before, but today just happened to be the day when your heart ached and you wished to melt in someone's arms. Tom's arms.
“I love you.”
You blink your eyes and furrow your brows. “What?”
“I said I love you, Y/N.” You feel the pain in his voice despite the barriers and your brimming eyes overflow just enough to let a tear stain your cheek.
“Y-you?” Your lip quivers and breath gets caught up in your throat. You sniffle and shut your eyes, it wasn't real. “Do you-”
“I have been in love with you ever since that first fucking day,” he said, sure and steady.
You swallow harshly as your eyes watch the data percentage reach close to 98%. Your fingers tap on the table in front of you, ready to pull out the device and run for your life. To run to him.
“Y/N?” You feel heart-wrenching pain as your name rolls  off his tongue. How little a gesture, yet still left you in misery.
“Dammit, talk to me!” The voice in your ears was loud, loud and desperate. You could even hear the tapping of his foot, like the world silenced every other sound so you could savour the last moment, let his words engulf you for the last time.
“Done,” you manage to slip the word out.
“Run, Y/N!” he screams over the comms and you inhale deeply. Show time.
Your fingers wrap around the device and you pull it with a jerk and take to your heels. Your vision grows hazy and you hastily wipe your eyes with the back of your hand but it doesn't help. Your pools were clouded, but your thoughts weren't. Tom was quiet yet his voice was still playing at the back of your mind like a broken record and you loved it. Maybe it was the last time that you got to hear it and if so, at least it was filled with the love that you desperately needed.
You stumble and then regain your balance.
You had done this before.
You harshly clear your throat and part your lips to let the words out. You couldn't wait to be in his arms, to tell him that you felt exactly the same but your current situation wasn't assuring your chances of escape. You take a gust of air in through your parted lips and manage to push the words out.
“I lo-”
My masterlist | Amy’s masterlist
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low-budget-korra · 6 years
The Legend Of Korra_Book One : “That’s Dark”
So reviewing TLOK made me not only caught up in the nostalgia of this wonderful and special animated show but also reflected on the journey not only from Korra but also from all Team Avatar.
 (Remembering that all this is just my opinion and some of the various interpretations that I have about the show)
 Book 1 is in my opinion the second best of TLOK and the darkest of all.
And reviewing I think I've noticed why.
Book One is the most "real" of all. All the problems there can be seen in the most different societies.
We have an ideological political clash in an environment where segregation between benders and non-benders is still a reality.
I think the whole atmosphere of Republic City is more dark , so at the very beginning we are introduced to those problems that I honestly think we can all understand. Fear of violence, lack of confidence in figures who hold power, a "savior" who appeals to the fear of this population and take's power, conspiracies for power, politics shit , social inequality , etc
Problems that are real at a international  level. I here in Brazil can feel and understand this in the same way as a person who whatch’s the show in Canada. I think 
Not to mention the urban colors and shades of grey and brown more saturated and not so bright (especially at night) , showing that the city is kind of a trap, something “Too good to be true." Its beautiful and scary at the same time.
So we have Korra, who in book one has 17 years (the same age as I when i started to watch the series) and as it is visible in her’s first moments, is that she has the “spirit of a kid”.
I think the expression "kid's mind in a Woman's Body" can define the Korra in Book One. She is naive, immature, spoiled, a bit arrogant, very self-confident, playfull...
I think it was one of the things that enchanted me in her and undoubtedly was what made me connect with her, because I was also, especially,  naive as she.
Korra comes with the glare for just being at Republic City, that childish naivete of thinking that everything will work fine, without consequences.
And it is precisely when she, for the first time, is confronted with the possible consequences of the  fight that she has just entered, she breaks. But before we talk more about Korra, let's talk about her nemesis here, Amon.
 Amon is a white and heterosexual man representing the patriarchy .... lmao im joking, or not...
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Anyway, Amon ... The way he uses to subjugate and dominate his enemies, the violation he makes to achieve this ... I find it almost impossible not to parallel this with cases of sexual violence. Amom takes some of these people for himself, he forces something into them, they get devastated and depressed after losing the benders to him and also they look kinda of feeling humiliated by that.
So we have the terrible and beautiful  episode :"The Voice in the Night". Here we see  this 17 year old girl, absolutely terrified by the idea of ​​confronting this man who must be in his late 30′s.
I think that when Korra saw what Amon was capable of , it was the first time in her life when she felt truly afraid. And for us girls, being afraid of a man, especially when walking alone in the night , sadly still is a reality.
Anyway, going back to the show ...
After being coerced to fight on the front line against the Equalists for Tarrlok ( I will speak of him soon), Korra gains confidence and in her naiveness, invites Amon to a duel.
Amon not only arrives late as he is disloyal and does not come alone. An adult man ambushes a 17-year-old girl in a dark place with the help of his crew ... Man, this is dark ! And all the lighting and animation of the final scenes of the episode are excellent because it resembles more a horror story than a kid’s show.
The way they hold her on her knees, making her so small in comparation to him, who looks even more frightening. But not only this, because “be on knees” historically and culturally associated with submission and she was forced to be in that position. The way Amon holds her face makes it clear that the avatar was totally impotent since her rival had already crossed the “touch barrier” by touching her face.  The Touch for many people is something intimate and touch someone face is not only something more intimate but also associated with caring and love. And this motherfucker just crossed this line 
Amon accepted the challenge with the goal of destroying the Avatar independent of who she was. And thats terrible and scary, but also, so real for so many people.
After he leaves, Tenzin arrives and  ask if everything is okay and all. Korra then says that she still has her bendings and finally opens with him over her fears as she cries in his arms.
Then after, we have an episode more focused on love triangle and comedy. Cause its a kids show right?
 How will Korra deal with Amon now that she has already lost the first battle?
Honestly I dont think she overcame her fears there, I think she just buried them for the greater good that was defeating him. Something like “im scared as fuck but im gonna do it anyway”. And you need to be brave to do that
And after losing her bendings to the enemy in the final episode, when her worst nightmare comes true , she has nothing left to lose. And in desperation to save her friend and crush from going through what she had just been through, Korra discovers she can airbend. And this new wave of confidence makes her defeat Amon at his own game, exposing him as the fraud he is. But is that enough? I see later that she still suffering for losing all the other bendings, she’s still broken until Avatar Aang pass by to say “hey” and give her all the bendings back
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(This scene had me on tears)
Tarrlok is a character that I just did not like. And guys since he saw Korra, he directed all the attention to her.
Of course he wanted to use her to climb the ladder and take Republic City's political power for himself. But seriously ... I know that maybe you find yourself thinking "Damn, you will put sexual subtext and sexual interpretation where they do not have". But listen to me.
Tarrlok is an older man who does not accept Korra’s "no" for his partnership proposals.
Then we have the episode where her confrots him by the arrest of her friends. Of course Tarrlok used the bloodbend on her cause she was ready to burn his ass down.
And it is logical that he would disappear with her so she does not unmask him to everybody. Now, though it seemed like something got at the moment, Tarrlok had it all ready. The place where Korra would be taken  and where he kept her arrested .
Of course, the most obvious answer is that the place might have been prepared to receive Amon, though he did not know that he was a bender so he did not need that metal box because a normal cell would work, but with all that happened , Tarrlok had this change of plans. I think he may think that she could bring problems to his plans and the let this as plan B
But then an now unmasked and hunted by Republic City police force and just before Amon invades the place, he tells Korra that he will run away and that he will take her as his hostage.
But why? If he had hated her for ending his plans, he could just leave her there to die of hunger / thirst. Not to mention that, Korra would definitely fight and delay him in his escape, so why take her ?
Another thing, Amon wouldnt hurt Korra, he doesnt even saw her as a person, he only saw the symbol, the Avatar and that must be destroyed but all costs. Tarrlok in other hand wants to use the symbol but also know the person behind, he knows the 17old Korra and would hurt her if he has to.
The politics, the intimidation, the haressament, the fear, the power dinamics between those 3 characters...
Mako and Bolin do not have much development in book One . Mako is the love interest and Bolin is the comic relief.
Asami has a very remarkable moment. She has to choose between her father and what is right.
And the Fire Ferrets certainly helped her in that choice. Especially Mako, Asami's mother was killed by benders, probably fire benders cause they kinda murder people parents sometimes, and Mako is a firebender. So relating to him might have knocked over all the rest of prejudice and anger she may have for benders until that.
This arc between Asami and her father is also about the loss of innocence. In that case, lose the innocence of thinking that our parents cant be bad people.
And even more, from then on, Asami is shaped much more like someone who makes right choices in difficult times, even if those choices are heart-breaking.
Tenzin leaves his comfort zone. He will train Korra, who is someone who almost totally contradicts who he is. And right away, we see that he is an excellent teacher. All your patience, your diplomacy is inspiring and will certainly help to make Korra the most conscientious and mature woman at the end of book four.
He also has tough choices, and shows himself steadfast in them, doing everything to protect his family and friends.
Lin, there's a moment I think is incredible. When she sacrifices herself to save Tenzin's family. Lin does not flee the fight. Just like her mother, she is determined in her goals. And we have more depth development  in Book 3.
In another post i will talk about the book Two cause this is already too big.
So i believe one of the main sub themes or simple stuff that i can see on book One is the Loss Of Innocence 
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cyberwebbz · 5 years
should i just dedicate this blog to translations? because im probabaly gonna
. ive gotten into amateur translating vocaloid songgs that dont have a translation and this is the only place i can  think to post them so here
"ARIA" √dirge of the world.
Sleep, to the Mother Quantum please return Think, to your daughter's funeral return. Ⅲ : Praise, The life, the cycle, the soul.
Now, from the resurrected second-hand item wisdom. However rare, the civilisation is reconstructed.
My planet minced every memory.
**/Destroy, /my saturated civilisation's wisdom **/Everything for the sake of my planet. Our/civilisation is the root of all evil growth **/Everything for the sake of my planet. Return to origin, **for sure/our downfall mission **/Everything for the sake of my planet. The full hour. /To all of humanity the song of my sleep **Everything for the sake of my planet. ********
However in order to forget the second-hand item wisdom. In order to forget the song that was communicated.
My*star minced****it's memory*.
this song was hard to translate hurrrrr there was so much obscure space lingo
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mattelektras · 6 years
GIRL HEY I LOVE YOU and your blog and just all your marvel thoughts and opinions and your recs tag WOW you got me into comics like THANK YOU AND YOUR SOUL and so i am so curious to know like what are your issues with mcu? like everything i want to know EVERYTHING, every little detail that's bothered you to the shitty casting to the whitewashing to the lack of development LET ME HEAR IT PLEASE
OH HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE. pretty much all of this excludes black panther and ragnarok. nothing but respect for my mcu
it took them literally 10 years and like 20 movies to have anyone that wasn't a white man lead a solo film. like. that is a LONG ASS TIME
not to mention the straight people EVERYWHERE until valkyrie who they didn't SHOW is bi. trust only tessa thompson and taika watiti. let that be the lesson here
and the women and people of colour they DID have in their movies were done incredibly dirty like rhodey (who could absolutely have held a solo movie following iron man 2. or even 1 like. they just slipped in that he’s become a superhero n didn't do anything with it like... really????????) gets shot in the fuckin spine by that piece of shit robot. sharon was set up so well and now doesn't exist. mcu nat i dont even know where to begin
mcu maximoffs/dr strange/iron fist. the whitewashing trifecta. they went for the hatrick and they nailed it. thanks i hate it 
but with the maximoffs specifically like. GOD theyre bad. wendy has gone from ‘moves things with her mind’ (not wanda’s actual powers but whatevs we’ll get to that bit) to literally being able to destroy an infinity stone. she’s everything mr whedon wants in a female character. and mcu pietro??? a weak bitch. pietro maximoff would die of spite before he sacrificed himself for clint fucking barton
so many of the movies dont line up with one another like PLEASE marvel directors watch each other’s movies. the russos basically turned up at taika watiti’s house and told him to go fuck himself 
or just... hire good directors.... the russos fooled everyone into thinking they were good with cap 2 but what the ever loving fuck was civil war and infinity war
stop with the war shit no one likes superheroes vs superheroes
this is petty and i KNOW movies dont have to follow the comics like. i know that and sometimes its a very good thing, but with marvel they wanna take parts from the comics, sometimes GOOD parts and they wanna fuck it all up and force it to fit into their shitty narrative. like. civil war for example.. had a PURPOSE in comics. it was a genuine grey area and, well written, it could've been a nuanced scenario about how different types of people might have benefited or suffered from it (re: mutants etc). in the mcu, civil war was uuuuuh wendy blew up some people and she used to be a nazi but we’re all gonna defend her because im steve rogers and i do what the fuck i like regardless of literally everything else. 
they based the mcu on the ultimates universe???? TAKE THE GOOD BITS THEN!!!! like take miles morales instead of just giving peter his life and his friends 
get better actors jesus christ. just. better as people would be a start. ms substitute asian johansson and mr Gun Rights pratt. perish
the chris x3 jokes really arent endearing either. some of em have gotta go
please hire someone with real eyes for your costume department!!!!!! say what you like about dc movies, but they all WORK together. their suits have the same tone/materials/overall look. the avengers look like a bunch of people who have never met before 
speaking of, i physically cannot buy the ‘friendship’ the avengers supposedly have. they dont talk!!!!!! there’s too many of them to actually get any solid team development!!! you want me to believe thor even knows hawkeye’s real name??? he doesn't!! and he doesn't give a shit either!!
if you're gonna do a romantic relationship......... fucking stick with it or actually end it. steve/sharon could have been SO GOOD but where has that gone. nat/hulk was hideous and thank god it died but WHERE has it gone. 
not to mention the fact that gamora has literally shown no interest towards peter but she loves him in infinity war somehow
peggy carter is really NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!! people are still out here shittalking sharon, the LEADING CAP COMICS WOMAN, STEVE’S MAIN AND PRETTY MUCH SOLE LOVE INTEREST, because she's not peggy carter and she doesn't talk about girl power whilst wearing winged eyeliner. steve and peggy kissed once like if thats your standard for a life long relationship then im married to like 8 people i knew when i was 15
the general need marvel has to own all of their properties. homecoming was a good movie, but did we need it??? like really???? people have seen so many spider man movies but no one had seen a black panther or captain marvel movie and they both got shoved back to accommodate the 3rd peter parker ive seen in my lifetime
SPEAKING OF REPETITION.... snarky movies led by white men alongside a woman who is clearly more capable than they are but dont get any recognition for it are the same. the exact fucking same 
CAN POST CREDITS SCENES PLEASE DIE im not sitting around for 20 minutes waiting for something cool like a hint of a new hero only to see steve fucking rogers doing his ironing or some shit. if its not worth it, dont do it maybe 
the colour grading is ugly as sin. if it’s got some over saturated primary colours in it... its a marvel movie 
marvel movies are just.... straight up not funny at this point lmao like im not a 13 year old boy i dont find dick and whore jokes funny try again
‘it’ll kill you’ ‘only if i die’ ‘yes thats what killing you means’ is supposed to be funny and i get that but uuuuuh its just bad dialogue and there are so many lines like that. write a good fucking movie and then MAYBE you won't have to fill scenes with empty conversations to take up the time
fuck the mcu guardians of the galaxy, to put it finely. mcu peter is a dick and his altered back story makes him even more of a dick. drax isn't a dumbass, gamora would rather die than touch peter. mantis is a literal celestial goddess, not some old white dude’s sleep time therapist 
mostly what it comes down to with me though is that marvel literally does not have to make good movies. they can make any old shit and make literally millions of dollars. barely anyone gave a fuck about ant man or doctor strange, and if you didn't read comics, you likely wouldn't have even KNOWN who they were but everyone went to see them because they had marvel on the posters. and thats pretty much marvel’s entire deal. ALL they do is get credit for things they havent done 
oh and fuck vision too 
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remastermydisasters · 6 years
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This piece is very very important to me. Not because it's anything special, or fantastical, or revolutionary, but because this piece right here taught me things while I painted it and made me realize even more things after I finished it and took a step back.
Things I learned about myself while painting:
I have very short patience for things not being perfect and looking exactly how I want at every stage. Everything at one point or another will be a work in progress and that's okay. The middle bits are going to be a mishmash and look a bit awkward and not fit together bit keep pushing through. Something I need to remember everyday as well.
I have a tendency to get frustrated and quit under the guise that it won't turn out the right way or it's too hard or im just not good enough. One thing I realized was that I keep a lot of the paintings that I end up scrapping and tonight i questioned it. Why, if these things make me feel like a failure am I holding them with the things that make me feel good and progressive? Every person has an artwork that they abandon at one point or another so why am I making myself feel bad for that. But also why not see if I can rework it into something different and if at the end I'm still not happy then it's no loss. And its certainly not an indication of my worth that I couldn't make it work.
Forcing myself to sit in an uncomfortable and frustrating situation isnt making anything better. Ask for help, look up answers, or just take a step back and rework using what I learned through trial and error. Why am I making myself sit here and continually trying to make this better when my view is still the same? I am allowed to step back, take a deep breath and return with a new approach and maybe some new information.
Over saturating my paper will cause it to tear when I take off the masking tape at the end no matter how hard I try. Everything has limits, whether it's me or the paper and its important that I learn them. Everything I do is a learning process and I have to take everyday as such. There are so many things I can learn even from the simplest moments.
Tonight was very important to me because I've been working very hard on my mindfulness in the hopes that I can truly become better to myself this year. I've spent so much of my time in therapy working up to this point in my life where I can finally see everyday just how little thoughts can change my moods so drastically. So being able to pick out the little things in the moment effecting me negatively and counteracting them with good things that I can hopefully take away to other situations is so big for me. This started as a painting that I hated and I was so frustrated and angry at that I basically destroyed and oversaturated to erase. But I took a step back and I looked for some advice and after watching some videos and adapting some things that I couldn't get to work the same way I got this. And I still wasnt very happy but I let it dry and I gave it a chance and I added stars and in that time i realized that i took something that I do for joy and personal growth and made it something uncomfortable and harsh. So this piece took on a new life. Its something that I'm going to look at and remind myself that I do this to grow and thrive and make my spirit the happiest that it can possibly be and if I make beautiful or ugly things in the process it makes no difference because it will shine with my soul behind it. I am proud of my nebula and it has certainly grown on me.
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1, 3, 4, 16, 29, 31-37, 46, 47, 50 :^)
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian
probably more wake-up-with-kisses
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian
corgi probably
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian
sweet tooth
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian
honestly probably gets twirled
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian
generally make them something, but i’d love to be able to spoil Someone once i have more money asdfgh
31. Write her poems lesbian or bake her cookies lesbian
hmmm like, probably both? i like poetry but i’m not always that good at it so maybe cookies
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian
thigh kisses …
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian
hmm like. probably ‘psychologically destroy’
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian
fall asleep asdfghjk but both are… Concepts
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian
floral pattern
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”
from experience? both
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian
ohh i love both asdfghjk but like mini golf is nice when it’s outdoors and it’s like spring so not too hot but nice and breezy
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian
i’ve never played it so asdfghgfdsdfgh im not sure
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian
honestly i have to say… both
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yuchigucci · 7 years
For the ask thing: all of them >:3
babe i love you but WHY THO
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian: y not both 
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian: hmm neither
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian: all the doggies 
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian: sweet tooth
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian: both uwu
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian: rose gold (is there a meaning behind these or just the imagery…)
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian: whoever got vanilla latte’s bish
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian: sunset bc im not a mornin person to wake up early.. if its a long night ill stay up till sunrise
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian: maya angelou
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian: both !! but id prefer dark bc im edgy
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian: strawberry
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian: shorts when its warm, jeans when its chilly
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian: yeah naw
14. Band lesbian or orchestra lesbian: wasnt in either
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian: i was in choir in middle school :’D
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian: get twirled bc im fucking 4′ 11″
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian: y is the second one so specific
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian: bike if nice weather, bus is ok i guess 
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian: dolphin, i got connection with dolphins from where im from
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian: biology
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian: both
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian: bish ima kill it 
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian: o_o
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian: prismacolor
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian: no camping plz owo.. if its with u id consider
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian: every female character is my wife and mother at the same time
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian: ehhhhhhhh 
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian: ill sing~
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian: both 
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian: *hands wing the phone and scribbles more abstract art* 
31. Write her poems lesbian or bake her cookies lesbian: cookies!
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian: how bout both
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian: succ some souls and eat their sad asses for breakfast
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian: both is fine
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian: floral
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian: both but i love snakes
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”: ALL OF THE MEMES
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian: i didnt get into either YET plz don hate me 
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian: IF U WANNA B MAH LUVER U GOTTA GET WITH MAH FRIENDSS
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian: both 
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian: only real maple syrup 
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian: owo both
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian: nomi says paris is racist… and theres a lot of drugs in amsterdam but both are beautiful
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian: i like jazz
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian: plaid hehe gay
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian: stay home, cuddle, eat pizza, watch videos
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian: NO MERCY
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian: all da hoodies
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian: both is good
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian: can’t i do both?~
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blaerbear · 7 years
4 and 47 👀
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian
if this is who i think it is then u already know im a spicy girl ajsdad
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian
DESTROY!! i’m, uh, competitive so i will try my hardest not to lose but i also wont brag either unless she was talkin shit beforehand lmao
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
1-50 for the ask game and I'm not sorry. ✨
ALSO TAGGING MY GF BC IM GAY @perfect-murderer
Under a read more bc long post 
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian- Wake her up (wake her up inside) can’t wake up (wake her up inside) SMOOCH HER
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian- X-Files, I’ve always been gay for Scully
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian- I’ve never though about this but corgis! they look so happy and small!
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian- I can’t stand spice and I love sweet stuff (like my gf...and lemon candy)
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian- As much as I love lily gay symbolism, sunflowers
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian- this hit that ice cold I actually prefer rose gold
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian- I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks so cafe!
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian- Sunsets, they also tend to be the best time to go crab catching~
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian- I THINK EMILY DICKINSON (IS A LESBIAN)
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian- depends...if the dark one shows too much skin (I tend to not like showing skin personally) then bright, but I love a dark dress as much as anyone!
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian- Watermelon lesbian all the way, though nutella dipped strawberries...
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian- Loose jeans...I’m too ‘thicc’ and too short for any jeans to fit me comfortably tbh
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian- chic
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian- Garage band, most of the choir girls who’ve I’ve had crushes on turned out to be homophobic :/
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian- TWIRL HER TWIRL HER TWIRL HER but like, if there’s a dip I’m fuckinG DIPPING BUT I LEAD OKAY EVEN IF I’M TERRIBLE 
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian- I like the ‘gal pal’ sweet lesbians but they’re both paired up with guys sadly (COUGH COUGH PARKS AND REC) so probably dramatic? I’m a drama loving bitch
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian- Mike on his bike and bus lesbian is wlw mlm solidarity (blease ask me about the legend that is Mike) but yeah sadly bus lesbian, I can’t ride a bike and whenever I do I hum the HGSS bike theme and fall. Trains and ships are better
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian- Jellyfish!!! BUT CRABS ARE PRIME!
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian- Biology lesbian by far, gimme that gay bats and crabs and sexual mitochondriac tension
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian- As much as I love SU and OK KO and whatnot, I gotta go with Ghibli (is there a gay Ghibli movie? blease say)
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian- take the spider outside! I always do that, even if I’m scared
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian- Serena...those muscles...those legs...she’s absolutely gorgeous
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian- Faber Castle always, though I have gotten Prismacolor for birthdays and they’re high quality it always seems too...elite for me
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian- Campers are for the weak, but use a damn sleeping bag and tent yo
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian- SCULLY I’M GAY but the latter, I wouldn’t want any character to actually date me they should date each other
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian- when I was a wee bean roller skates but like...I always used to fall. So Ice Skates? No yoi but like it’s cold and cute and lowkey holding my gf so she doesn’t trip more like clinging onto her legs as I do the splits and break all my bones
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian- Dumb and overplayed, I will listen to my gf and join her but like,,,tragic shopaholic mother backstories,,,always, always playing, always there. 
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian- depends, I love making things but I have like, no dexterity so probably buy?
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian- ...I must betray the rat bois...but mojitos. I hate mint but it’s so fucking ~*fresh*~ (I don’t drink but I’ve made ‘mocktails’)
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian- t...thigh kisses....////
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian- Both, nemo impune lassit bitch- Edgar Allen Poe
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian- rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian- floral pattern, love those rainbows but plants dude,,,
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian- *tries not to make a kanako/suwako reference* Snakes, they blep, as much as I love memes. 
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”- SEND HER MEMES SEND HER MEMES I WANT TO NUT (Never leave her Unconditionally love her Treat her right)
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian- Star Wars, i’m not hugely into either but star wars
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian- no clue,,, but probably 5th harmony?
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian- depends, light cotton candy pink but on someone else blue (gimme that dark or lilac purple any gay tho)
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian-Maple syrup slorp slorp slorp
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian- Vinyl? 
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian- never been to Amsterdam so probably Amsterdam? 
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian- hHHhHHhHHHhhHhH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSe I LoVE THEM BOTH oKAY????
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian- Pin stripes forever, flannel looks good on other people but not my thing
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian- bowling because there’s usually an arcade and snacks! I usually enjoy the shoot em ups and pinball and I’ll fuking destroy at air hockey and cause copious collateral damage, but mini golf is senseless whacking destruction so if there’s no security cameras mini golf
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian- try but end up losing, but at least I have the cutest character-cart combo
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian- Zip ups forever, but like, not those shitty half crop top zip up shit, gimme an actual hoodie you heathens
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian- I got pokemon t-shirts so fandom?
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian- uhhh both??? If souls are actual things then souls, bc giving someone your blood pumper would be messy, and I’m a gay ass demon
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