#the school for young assasins
The School for Young Assasins, pt III (the final part)
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*credits for the drawing to @serpenera. Thank you for letting me use it!🤍
Note: I know it's been a while but I just couldn't write the ending right. Thanks to my burnout I got from coding daily for the past month and a half now I finally got to finish this story. And I hope you like it. Enjoy!🤍 tagging @smilingformoney and @astronova-00 to let them know that the story they showed interest into finally got its conclusion.
Warnings: to not spoil anything i'll say just death and a lot of talk about it and about suicide, also angst as hell. Again, if you're a maurader stan, this is just a work of fiction, James and Sirius take the role of Kurt and Ram, period. No massive editing, just raw material.
Part 1 // Part 2
“Put those back!” Veronica urged, looking panicked from left to right to check if anyone in the library heard or saw anything.
“So you’re familiar with them… All the better,” Severus smirked at her, putting the two pistols back in his school bag. He hunched over it, trying to fit them inside as they were before he showed them to Veronica.
“I’m not ignorant as others in the Muggle Studies class,” she whisper-shouted at him. Severus knew who those others Veronica mentioned. They were all those dunderheads that didn’t deserve to breath a second more, the ones he and Veronica would take care of. He could already imagine them two conquering the world from the shadows, two rogues against the system, always two steps ahead.
 “But how are you going to scare them if you plan to kill them? Dead bodies can’t feel.” Veronica wanted for all this to be a dream but she could tell by seeing him so confident near her that this was all reality, his reality, their reality, her reality. Severus didn’t respond so she continued: “You already shot at them with blanks, that won’t scare them if you thought about it. Plus, where in Merlin’s name did you get them?” Her eyes met his school bag. 
The guns, always the guns, why can’t she just go with the flow and thank me later? Always asking questions, too many questions, he thought.
“When you have a drunk, violent, and muggle father, you’d be amazed to see what one can find in the house waiting to be taken.” And it was true. Severus found one pistol in the bathroom of his father’s house. The bastard tried to take his life from the looks of it, and he couldn’t even manage to do the deed. Coward. One pistol turned into two with the help of a multiplying charm. You know what they say, you can’t make a killer if you don’t squeeze the trigger with your own finger. “And we’re going to use Ich luge bullets,” Severus added nonchalantly.
“Ich lu - What?”
“Ich luge bullets. The nazis used them in World War Two to fake their own deaths.” He could tell Veronica didn’t understand a word he said, but it was all good. It meant his charade would hold for long enough. “Muggle history. I didn’t expect you to know it. You’re pureblood after all. But thanks to them we can forge their suicide and make it look like a suicide pact. The bullets will leave them unconscious for some hours. It would probably damage some tissue but it won’t be anything deadly.”
“You’re sure it’s safe?” Oh, she was so delicious with her innocence. He would miss her once he turned her to his liking.
“Of course. Now, for the suicide scene. We shoot them and make it look like they shot each other and by the time they wake up, they’ll be the laughing stock of this school. And for the final piece, we need a suicide note.”
“And what did you have in mind?” Veronica asked, her face blank, with no indications of her true feelings. If you want to mingle with the predator, you have to act like one. Severus smiled when he noticed this and added proudly: “How about ‘James and I died because we had to hide our gay forbidden love from a misapproving world.’?”
“I can make it work,” she smirked at him. Veronica decided then to give him one more chance. If it turned out to be a messed up joke, fine, haha and move on, trying to make Severus see that the world wasn’t such a harsh place as he thought. But if it was the opposite, some cruel thing with consequences like the Heather Chandler accident, then it was goodbye.
And so they planned the encounter with James and Sirius for the remainder of their time in the library. By the time they each went to their common rooms, the note was written, the weapons distributed to both of them, and the lure set.
The lure consisted of a letter inviting James and Sirius to a menage a trois with Veronica in the forbidden forest, that night, at around 9. The letter emphasized this fantasy of hers and how shy she was about it until she gave it a second thought. 
There they were. Both James and Sirius were facing Veronica in a moonlit clearing far from curious eyes. She tried to control her urge of fidgeting and biting her bottom lip nervously. She could feel the coldness of the gun’s barrel against her lower back and couldn’t think of anything else, no matter how hard she tried. 
“Glad you could come!” Veronica managed as seductively as she could. “I’ll ask you each to step in the circle closest to you,” she said as they appeared on the ground with a wave of her hand. James and Sirius stepped inside without any fuss, too excited by the prospect of making the “once nerdy, now hot bombshell hanging with the Heathers” theirs. “Now strip for me!” They got rid quickly of their cloaks, shirts were discarded and when they got to their belts James raised his head, eyebrows meeting in a silent question, trying to make Sirius look at him. 
“What about you, Veronica?” Sirius voiced the other’s query.
“I thought you could rip my clothes off of me, sport!” She gave them a reassuring wink. Veronica prayed for this to end soon. She felt sick, dirty, ashamed. What did she think she was doing so late after curfew? Playing good auror-bad auror with Severus in front of those two Hogwarts bullies? And with what purpose? So they could feel what the others felt in the presence of their “attention”? 
Veronica was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by James. “What about now?” Yeah, what about now, Veronica? 
“Now I’m gonna count to three. One…” Her right hand slipped under the cloak on the way toward her back. “...two…” Fingers found the cold metal of the pistol and curled around it. The air felt heavy in her lungs and seeing the eyes of James and Sirius gleem in excitement, her knowing what it’s going to really happen, didn’t help very much.
“Three,” a deep voice shouted from the sky. All three of them lifted their eyes, only to see a dense shadow floating between branches. A sudden explosion broke the silence, disturbing the forest, and making Veronica’s eardrums hurt, followed by a short flash of orange light that seemed to hit Sirius in the chest, knocking him unconscious. Creatures from the forest started to cry and run in a chaotic pattern. 
“Now, Veronica!” The shadow screamed and Veronica remembered what she was supposed to do. Her fingers felt numb from squeezing the grip during the first gun shot and almost dropped the pistol when she released it from the elastic of her skirt. She pointed the barrel toward a scared and confused James and squeezed the trigger. BANG! 
The bullet hit the tree left to James. His eyes were as wide as a niffler’s who was caught stealing and turned to run, forgetting his clothes and his wand on the ground near the circle he was in moments before.
“He’s escaping… Shoot him!” The voice was behind her now, but she couldn’t care less what he was saying. She let a wild laugh leave her parted lips.
“Did you see him? His eyes?” Veronica asked, turning to face Severus. His face was livid with anger, eyes hunting for a glimpse of James. She stilled her laughter, the worse things now coming in the front of her mind. Then her head turned to Sirius’ limp body on the ground, a thin trail of blood smearing the right corner of his mouth, a bullet wound ornating the left side of his chest like a morbid, wild rose.
“I’ll catch him. Stay here!”, and he rose up into the air, disappearing in the night in the direction James ran.
“Sirius! You’re alright, aren’t you?” There was once more silence in the clearing, too much for her liking. “Sirius!” She pleaded again, this time shaking him gently in the shoulder with the tip of her foot, pistol still in her hand. But he didn’t open his eyes, his chest didn’t rise and fall with the hint of breathing. He remained stiff in the same position he fell, on his back, arms by his side, mouth half open in shock. Veronica didn’t need anymore hints to know he was in fact dead. Ich luge bullets… How could she be so stupid? 
From deep inside the forest the sound of another gunshot came to her. This is it. He’s done it. He lied to me, he used me. He killed them. Who could he kill now? It’s me. I know too much. It’s gonna be me. Severus is going to kill me. 
“Problem solved,” Severus panted from behind her, reaching for her shoulder. He gave it a short squeeze and went to search in her school bag. “Now let's leave that note somewhere and get out before Hagrid decides to investigate what those sounds were,” he said as he rose to his feet, the false suicide note in his hand. 
Severus went to Sirius’ body and left the note near him, then grabbed the pistol from Veronica’s hand and put it in Sirius’ right hand. “I left mine with James.” As if this was soothing for her or something. “Let’s go!” 
He grabbed her waist and flew them to the wooden bridge where no one would think to look for them and where they could celebrate their success. At least that’s what Severus daydreamed.They landed and as soon as her feet felt the hard wood under them, Veronica tore his hands off of her and took several steps back from him.
“I’ll find my way to the Ravenclaw Tower by myself,” she mumbled, eyes fixed to the ground in front of her. “It’s pretty late, you should head back to the dungeons too before Filch or someone else finds you out of bed.” Veronica began to turn around but she was blocked by Severus’ hand grabbing her arm tightly. 
“What are you talking about? I’ll take you there. I’m never letting you go, Veronica!” She flinched at his confession. She didn’t expect this of all things possible. 
“Let me go, Severus! This is over. Us, whatever it was, it was over the moment you shot Sirius.” Severus let his hand drop from her arm and stared at her in disbelief. All he sacrificed for her, for them. Was she really that stupid? Was she really a dunderhead like the rest of them? No, not that. He wouldn’t have become so involved in this relationship if she was like the rest. He just made an error of judgment. Severus thought Veronica was ready for this, for his type of living, but it turned out she wasn’t. And he was left trying to fix what he had broken.
“You say it’s over but you’re wearing my cloak.” He smirked at her. Veronica was then aware of the fact that she indeed wore one of Severus’ green collared cloaks. He gave it to her after that night he made love to her in the clearing and she took it from her trunk because she looked for the comfort his smell provided before performing that sick joke to James and Sirius. 
“Damn you and this cloak and me for not figuring it all out sooner!” Veronica shouted into the night, struggling to get the cloak off of her shoulders. In her confusion she didn’t notice Severus taking one step toward her. Veronica only felt his big, warm hands capturing her face. His thumbs were caressing her cheeks in up and down motions. She froze in place and stared at him in disbelief. Veronica expected him to scream at her, to jinx her, to throw her off the bridge, not coming at her with this tenderness that broke her heart.
“I love you, Veronica Sawyer! I may not be the pureblooded snob your parents want you to marry, but you're stuck with me, it seems.” Her cheeks were blushing. From his confession, from anger, from the temperature difference between the cold night and his hot breath on her skin. “All I did from the moment I met you, I did it for you. Heather hurt you, I took care of it. James and Sirius overstepped their boundaries again, I took care of that too.”
“You lied to me…”
“And I’d lie over and over again if I could keep you safe.” His eyes gleamed in the darkness.
“You call this safe?”
“Life isn’t fair and it bites you and chews that bit of you very slowly so it would hurt even longer. What we did is nothing more than assuring it won’t happen as often as before. We did a good thing. They won’t be able to bite, and spit, and mock, and torture just because they want to.”
“Severus, I don't see it like you do…” Veronica tried to escape his grasp once more but he kept her there, his fingertips finding their way to her hair.
“You’ll see. I promise you that, I’ll make you see,” and Severus brought her lips closer and crashed his against hers, searching for reciprocation. But all he found was reluctance. Veronica didn’t even touch him, let alone embrace him. He forced his mouth on her even more, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. He wanted to feel her passion too. It was there, Severus knew it, it was Veronica’s stubbornness that wouldn’t let it unfold. He broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes, searching for a clue of some kind. Severus found them glassy, and a little red from trying not to cry. 
“Until then I don’t want to be near you again,” she breathed and ran away from him. It didn’t matter if Severus heard her, or understood her. This was about keeping the promise she made to herself.
Fine, of course, she is still influenced by the others. I should have thought about this before. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I need to end the others too. That’s how I make her see. I’ll bring quiet and peace in her life. I’ll eliberate her. Just wait, Veronica. I’ll come for you. His thoughts raced and he took off flying, going to the Astronomy Tower to think and plan all in the privacy the tower provided.
A few weeks passed by avoiding each other in the hallways. It was easier than avoiding the James and Sirius scandal anyway. Severus was right about one thing: they would end up being the laughing stock of the school. Rumors circulated among students more violently than wildfyre did, and as much as Veronica wanted to shout in everyone's face what the truth really was, she couldn’t because of Severus. 
Severus? He was quieter than usual. He didn’t try to talk to her after that night, didn’t leave her notes. It was like she never met him in the first place. It worried her and comforted her at the same time. But nevermind Severus at this point. The NEWTs were approaching and Veronica focused on that when her mind forgot about him. 
This and hanging out with the Heathers. Heather Duke took over after Chandler’s “suicide”. It wasn’t the same. Duke was more bossy and absurd than Heather Chandler. The perks of being chief popular I guess, Veronica thought. Did she bully Heather McNamarra to an inch of killing herself? Yes, she did. It was Veronica who stopped the Hufflepuff from doing something she couldn’t undo. Did she start gathering signatures for some school club or other, mocking and stalking and terrifying whoever dared to deny signing that piece of parchment? Yes, she did.
Veronica couldn’t care less about anyone at that point. Her thoughts seemed to keep bouncing to Severus. Will he come after me? I know too much. I know he’ll come after me, but when? How?
The day she sensed for the first time in a while his gaze on her through the crowd of students in the halls she panicked. Severus following her around did nothing but aggravate her state. This is it, she thought. 
Everywhere she went, Severus was just around the corner. The panic turned to fear, who turned to dread, who turned into an idea. The only way he was going to let her be is if she was dead.
Climbing the stairs to the Ravenclaw Tower Veronica could still feel him behind her. Good, she thought, come and see with your own eyes.
That was the day Severus was going to let Veronica know about his big plan and drag her out, by force if necessary, to see and understand what he meant that night. He made his way after her to the Ravenclaw Tower, answered the riddle, and sneaked into the common room. It was deserted. All the better. It was lunchtime so most likely the other students were there, having their last lunch. He got to the staircase to the girls’ bedrooms and flew straight to Veronica’s room, avoiding the enchanted steps. 
“Veronica, I know you’re in there, open the door!” Severus shouted through the wood, one hand turned into a fist that kept banging the door’s frame. “Veronica, don’t make me come in there. Just open the door and indulge me with your presence!” Silence.
Severus started to feel his stomach sink in an all knowing feeling. She’s behind that door dead. Veronica please don’t be dead, please. With a nonverbal spell he unlocked the door and entered. His knees were beginning to get weak and they buckled when he took in the sight of Veronica’s body hanging from a rope made of sheets. Her body was still warm and soft. Only if I acted earlier, she might still be alive. He let a quiet sob escape, a single tear tainting his cheek, before composing himself.
“I’m so sorry to find you like this, Veronica! It’s my fault in some way. You weren’t ready, I should have known that. But it’s too late now unfortunately. You know, I had prepared a surprise for you today. A gift one might consider. I planned to run away with you tonight after we watched the castle burn together. That was my surprise. Beside the gun I brought some explosives. From my father also. He’s a miner. I didn’t know what I would use them for when I took them. You gave them use. I do this for you. I’ll see you on the other side.”
Severus’ cheeks were wet with tears and his voice was nearly failing him by the end. He turned abruptly and left, shutting the door behind him. 
Seconds passed like centuries, and Veronica’s muscles were sore from keeping herself up and making sure the sheets were loose enough for her to sneak shallow, hurried breaths. She let herself fall limp on the ground, her lungs burning for air and mind burning for explanations. So Severus was after her in a way, but not to kill her. He wanted to take her with him after…
“The signatures,” she exhaled, her mind running at a massive speed. Summoning her wand, Veronica ran from her dormitory in search of Severus. It might be too late to stop him, but at least she could look him in his eyes in their final moments in a silent cry of Was it worth it? as they burned to ashes.
The dungeons were the only place she had to search. By now all the other students and the staff were in the Great Hall for dinner which was what Severus looked for sure. To have all the victims gathered around in one place while he set up the explosives right under them. That’s what the signatures were for. A massive “suicide pact”. 
“Veronica! You’re dead… I saw you dead!” Severus said, his eyes bulged in confusion. Veronica was in front of him, wand pointed straight at his chest. She got there while he was turned to grab a box of cables.
“You were mistaken, Sev-” he let out a tear at the sound of her nickname for him, “-and it seems to me you were mistaken since the moment I saw you.”
Severus’ soft expression turned into a frown.
“I wish your mom would have been a little stronger and would have stayed for you. I wish your dad was good to you. I wish you weren’t mocked and beaten in school and I wish those grownups saw what we all see, what we all face, what you’ve been through.” 
“You know nothing of what I’ve been through!” Severus spat, still crying, though he didn’t know the source of the tears. He had his wand pointed at her too by then, his arm trembling slightly.
“You’ve told me enough of it. And they deserve to be punished, yes. They all wronged you, I wronged you too. But we don’t deserve to die. Life is a much harder prison than death.” Veronica was sobbing then too. All she’d been through these past months came back in that moment and turned into tears.
For a minute they kept pointing at each other with their wands, in silence broken only by their whimpers.
“You’re right, darling!” Severus said as he dropped the wand. With a slight move of his wrist the boxes of explosives and cables were gone. Veronica’s knees gave up then and let her fall to the ground, a relieved breath escaping her.
“Life is a much harder prison than death. I love you! Always!” She lifted her head only to see Severus’ black wand pointing at his head, a greenish glow at its point. “Avada Kedavra!”
“Severus,” she whispered in shock. Veronica didn’t have any power left but to stay and look at the lifeless body of her former lover. It might have started as a whim and a lie, but it ended how he always said.
A suicide.
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sytoran · 1 year
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howdy! it's two weeks till october, and that means kinktober season. i've planned a very elaborate (and spicy) menu for you lot. it's my first ever kinktober event, so don't be too harsh on me. stay tuned for the good stuff!
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🎃 minors dni! for the rest of yall please be mindful of warnings and tags before reading (a lot of these fics may contain sensitive/triggering stuff!)
🎃 all fics will be dom!reader x sub!marvel women. (mainly wanda maximoff and natasha romanoff). don't like, don't read.
🎃 posts relating to this kinktober event will be tagged as 'sytoran's kinktober 2023'
🎃 i generally like to write reader as more masc-representing, and only either fem!reader or gender-neutral!reader (no male!readers)
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🎃 OCTOBER 001.
somnophilia | CW!wanda x beefy!avenger!reader summary: after a particularly taxing work day, there's no better stress relief than your cute little bunny sleeping half-naked in your bed. cont: mild non-con, vaginal fingering, begging, daddy kink
🎃 OCTOBER 003.
blowjob | secretary!natalie rushman x ceo!reader summary: natasha's mission to retrieve a thumbdrive file involves seducing a high-ranking executive, and the seduction goes smoothly. a little too well, in fact, that she doesn't notice you're not all you seem to be. cont: reader has a cock, power play, begging
🎃 OCTOBER 005.
thigh-riding | IW!wife!wanda x gn!reader summary: you've always loved writing stories since young, but the tale of you and your wife writes itself, and it ends with a sweet happy-ever-after. cont: soft sex, established relationship, romance + fluff
stockholm syndrome | AOU!wanda x hydra!reader summary: after being taken as hostage by HYDRA's runaway assasin, newbie avenger wanda is prepared for pretty much anything, except developing feelings for her captor. cont: reader has a metal prosthetic arm, humiliation, degradation
🎃 OCTOBER 009.
mermaphilia | mermaid!wanda x pirate!reader summary: as captain of a notorious gang of pirates, you've got a reputation of steel, but when there's a pretty little mermaid presenting herself for you, there's no chance in hell you're not saying yes. cont: sweet talk, begging, humiliation, overstimulation
🎃 OCTOBER 011.
size kink | roomate!natasha x werewolf!reader summary: despite your countless pleads for natasha to stay away during the full moon, she decides to brave the beast and be right by your side during your transformation. she gets a lot more than what she bargained for. cont: (very) rough sex, reader has a cock, breeding, creampie
🎃 OCTOBER 013.
knife play | bimbo!wanda x ghostface!reader summary: for years on end you've chased sweet revenge. from being your high school bully to the fount of your desires, wanda maximoff is your esteemed salvation and utter demise. today, you plan on taking it all back. cont: dubious consent, degradation, fingering
🎃 OCTOBER 015.
tit-fucking | milf!natasha x amab!reader summary: your wife thinks you've been acting a little off lately. she tries possible solutions to lighten your mood, but eventually it comes down to the 'hard' truth that you wanna fuck her tits. cont: reader has a cock, teasing, possessiveness, praise
🎃 OCTOBER 017.
breeding press | housewife!wanda x amab!reader summary: your wife looks a little too good on a particular weekday morning. spoiler alert - you end up late for work that day. cont: reader has a cock, daddy kink, possessiveness, marking
🎃 OCTOBER 019.
public sex | milf!natasha x mechanic!reader summary: natasha's had a completely shit day, and the last straw is when her car breaks down on the way home. the unbelievably sexy mechanic who shows up to fix her car makes it an unforgettable night. cont: daddy kink, horniness, hot mechanic stuff
🎃 OCTOBER 021.
wall sex | cheerleader!natasha x footballer!reader summary: natasha gets more attached than expected after a one-night-stand with the college's infamous player, both on the field and with the ladies. however, she's always been good at getting what she wants. cont: very long fic, squirting strap-on, cunnilingus
🎃 OCTOBER 023.
exhibitionism | agent!peggy x lieutenant!reader summary: there's nothing quite like a classic 1940s sapphic romance, except the element of 'forbidden' doesn't apply to you; you're eating your wife out under her office desk as she speaks to - or least, attempts to speak to - her military soldiers. cont: office sex, cunnilingus, fingering, edging
aphrodisiac | witch!agatha x hunter!reader summary: during one of your hunting sessions in the woods, you stumble across a little wooden shack that wasn't there before. your curiosity gets the better of you, but you aren't prepared for what lies beyond. cont: non-con, sex pollen, riding, power bottom
caught masturbation | college!kate x professor!reader summary: kate's your best student, diligently attentive in your lectures. who knew that there were hidden intentions behind all that attention she paid to your teaching. or more specifically, you. cont: age gap, professor kink, humiliation, fingering
brat-taming | bimbo!wanda x sugarmommy!reader summary: what was supposed to be a relaxing day off at the bar turned awry when your pretty little girlfriend stepped in. wanda has a little too much fun toying with those sleazy men, so it's up to you to teach her a lesson. cont: bathroom sex, spanking, hair-pulling, degradation
omegaverse | omega!natasha x alpha!reader summary: while visiting your sister, kate, at the avengers compound, you stumble into none other than the black widow. there's big reputations, miscommunications, sexual tensions, and a whole lot of hot sex. cont: flirting, seduction, heat/rut, mating bite
mirror sex | barbie!wanda x gynecologist!reader summary: a sequel to 'doctor's orders'. wanda's curious nature to explore her new body intimately leads you to purchase a full-length mirror in your shared apartment. you teach her everything she needs to know. cont: fingering, guided masturbation, power play
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credits to @cafekitsune for the line dividers i will be using
do not copy, edit, or translate my works.
kinktober requests || main masterlist || ao3
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setare7x · 3 months
tim having the most random allies in every place is the most funny thing to me ever😭
just to list a few:
prudence wood (an assasin he WORKED with)
danny temple (he meet him in school and helped him take control of a cult😭)
young just us (and whoever he met on all those crazy space missions with them)
ali ben khadir (his roomate at brentwood academy who is the leader of a country)
i'm just convinced that he would know people everywhere
(and i love the comics about his time at brentwood academy and i'm still so sad that they never developed danny further😔)
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
MHA/Spy x Family Story Prompt
So! A Spy X Family Crossover with MHA, how would that work?
Well, when Deku was battling Shigaraki he almost won. He landed one final Reality Warping Smash on him, but accidentally broke something in reality and ended up getting Himself and Shigaraki sucked into a different Dimension.
Izuku ends up in Ostania, and eventually gets placed in the Orphanage that Anya was in because he's still 15. She befriends him because she realized that he was a Superhero from another world, but doesn't tell him about her Powers because she thinks that her Powers are weird even in a world where powers are normal.
Izuku also starts searching the Area around where he was found to see if he can find Shigaraki. He uses Blackwhip and Smokescreen to disguise himself so he isn't recognized, but accidently starts the Rumor of a Dark, Shadowed, Beast stalking the countryside.
The day Loid comes to the Orphanage, he is actually there for 2 Kids. One child for a Long Term Plan of molding her mind from a young age, and one Teen to try and fast track getting Stella Stars using an already developed mind.
He decides on Anya and Izuku, and takes them home.
Izuku goes along with it since he has had no luck finding Shigaraki in the outskirts of the City and wants to search more areas. The City is the perfect place to search, since the can question people and has access to Local News. He also starts saving people in accidents or from Muggings, becoming a Vigilante.
He is enrolled in Eden alongside Anya, with the excuse that he wanted to follow his little sister to her new school to protect her.
(As for why he goes along with the family act I don't know yet. Maybe Loid lied to him, maybe he thinks it's weird but holds his lounge for Anya's sake, I don't know yet.)
Yor is eventually added to the mix, and now we have the weirdest Family to ever Exist.
A Spy Dad, an Assasin Mom, a Telepath Sister, and a Supehero Brother.
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daddysfangirls-dc · 3 months
The Arrangement
Ch 2 Exposed
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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Robin enters the cave to find everyone there, including Duke, who should have been sleeping. The only one missing was Jason. Not for long, however, he drove in, parking his motorcycle next to Robin's and walking past him, removing his helmet and settling it on the counter. It seemed like a him vs them situation as they took one side of the cave and left him alone on the other. He was nervous, a bit scared. In his head, he was going over every possible wrong he had committed recently, but he could find none that would warrant a full audience. They didn't let him stew for long.
Without a word, Bruce hit a button on the computer, and it came alive, revealing a dozen images. The main subject is Damian and a girl in various locations and situations. And while his appearance changed between images, Robin to Civilian, she wore the same outfit in every picture, bearing the scandalous insignia of the League of Assasins. If that doesn't make it bad enough, the center photo was of him kissing her knuckles while she looked up at him lovingly in a bed. Damian stood before his father, sharing the same expressionless face. 
"I see me in various situations with ...my fiance." 
The silence was still, and one would have thought time had stopped, of course, time started again. When Alfred started to stumble, everyone moved quickly. Jason, the closest to him, gathered him before he could fall and pulled up a chair with Duke's help. It was after Alfred was settled that chaos erupted. Damian couldn't say who said what. 
"what the fuck!?"
"You know how to talk to girls?"
"He doesn't even like people!"
"I'm sorry, did you say fiance?"
"She's part of the league?"
"When did this happen???"
"When did he start dating?"
"You're still in high school, right?"
"ENOUGH," Bruce said, silencing everyone. He looked to Damian." Explain. Everything"
Damian 'T T' the truth was bound to come out. " It's an arranged marriage," ignoring the smug look Tim and Jason shared. " It was made between Ra's and Her father. I was always told I was supposed to rule, to conquer. I was supposed to continue the legacy, have an heir, and teach as I was taught. I was five years old when I was introduced to her. She was three. She is the second daughter. I didn't like her at first. But she was skilled. The arrangement was made, and she was my mother's choice."
"Makes sense," Tim said. Dick smacked him upside the head.
"Ra's made the arrangement> He's gone. We can- " 
" I agreed to it," he said, striking his father's conclusion and ending any planning. "After Ra's died, her father approached me about the arrangement. I agreed to continue, and we stayed in communication."
Dick stepped for " Why didn't you say anything?"
"Your reactions were predictable."
"This is the young friend you've been talking to over the years." Now, all eyes were on Alfred. Damian confidence stance starts to flatter, and he nods shyly. " We'll. I'd like to meet her."
"I... she's sleeping now."
"Obviously, it's 3 am, " Tim scoffed. 
"She'll be leaving soon. I'll speak to her tomorrow and see if she can make time for dinner, perhaps."
"Is she a part of the League?" Bruce asked- No, demanded.
"She's not a threat."
" If the League is operating In Gotham- ."
" She's here to see me. Her purpose here is not as nefarious as you want to believe."
"I believe we should take a moment. Maybe pick up the conversation tomorrow." Alfred could see where everything was heading; honestly, it was far too late in the night for such things. It was all too much. Following the orders of their patriarchy, everyone files upstairs to their respective rooms.
"I'm just clearing the screen and saving the files. I'll be up in a moment B" He gave a nod and quickly lef. Alfred would come later and see if he actually did as said. 
"Good morning"
"They know." She took a moment. This was definitely not the phone call she had expected this morning.
"How did you tell them?"
"I didn't. Apparently, Drake has been surveilling us for some time. I'm unsure as to how or when it started." Damian was losing his touch when she suspected something, and he dismissed her. She didn't think to question him; it was his city.
" I'm sorry," she apologized. " If I had been more stealthy, more hidden, this wouldn't have happened."
"Don't apologize. It was inevitable. I was a fool to think I could hide it for so long."  Damian was too busy in the bliss of having her to remember to hide her. That sounded wrong. " They want to meet you?" 
"I told them you'd be departing in a day or so. You don't have to." They fell into silence. He heard the chirps of morning birds on his end while she heard the muffled sounds of cars honking from early workers.
"Damian?... do you want me to meet your family?" He had to take a moment. Did he want her to meet his family? No, he didn't. He didn't want to introduce her to his family. They hadn't even met her, and they had already formed an opinion, already judged her. And while he knew one meeting her, some would change their opinions of her, others would not and would continue villainizing her until she proved herself worthy. And he simply didn't want to go through that, at least not yet.
"I want you to meet Alfred."
"your grandfather? You want me to meet your grandfather?" '
He was safe. He was good. He'd see how much Damian cared for her and she for him, and he'd look past everything else... hopefully.
"Yes, he wants to meet you as well."
"Damian, I'd love to meet your Grandfather."
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dinaanana · 8 months
What If Verlaine Trained Teenager!Reader?
the Character is from Stormbringer Novel
synopsis: Fluff/Crack
Paul Verlaine x Teenager!Reader (Platonic!)
(He's so pretty)
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(Pretend you're Also a stormbringer Character aswell)
So first of all This Man is strict asf. so Brace Yourselves
(Didn't he also Train Kyouka and Gin? Yeah)
There's no problem with training you either
If you already know Any type of Martial Arts or MMA he's Glad to hear that.
When he Looks at you working out and f you do Something he doesn't like? You get the exercises wrong? He's making you Do 50 Push ups 50 Sit Ups and yeah☠️
And if you're still lazy Then you'll be doing 100 instead of 50 (He is really nice isn't he)
(Obv he trains You in his musty ass Basement)
Sometimes Chuuya Watches As His big Brother Trains you He's just Standing there like 🧍 while you're fighting for your own Life
And when you look at him with Tired eyes and drenched In sweat Asking for Help? he just Smirks and Shakes his Head
Verlaine doesn't care about Your age if you're young or not if you think that you're young and he's gonna go easy on you Nah you're wrong .
You're Training to be an Assassin for the Port mafia. After all
Not only he teaches you martial arts but he also teaches you how to use A gun a Knife Anything for self defence
''Oh my god I'm tired'' You whine as you Lay on your back all sweaty and breathing heavily
'Did I hear something?'' He Looks down At your lying form
''I- no-'' You know what's coming Next.
''Im not deaf,You're doing 100 push ups and 100 sit ups Right now.'' He Says in Stern tone with his French accent
We also Know that To become an Assasin you have to get used to Alot of Gore.
I mean You gotta see some Gorey shit everyday You're a Mafioso After all.
Training with him is Bit Intense
But you'll become Stronger and It boosts your confidence Everyday Around other Ppl soo It's worth it 100%
You're literally being trained By king of Assassin's how could you not be strong I mean.. you can knock Down 10 Grown men With Just Using your fists
After Years of training He asks you to have Hand to hand combat With Him
Well you put up A great right but you still lose ''You may not win against me But you put Up a great fight.Thing The Members older than you in Port Mafia can't do..'' He Says
(Bro the things I'll do To be trained by This Man omg I don't mean it cuz I simp for him and not in A creepy way tho☠️)
After Training for like Years You go on your first Mission and guess what
When you come back With the mission accomplished
You go down in the basement to tell him the News but he already knows That,Ge Comes near you looking down at you and He Pats u on Shoulder ''Good Job.'' with His French accent.
He's like a Proud dad when his Kid Gets high score in elementary school omg
He also Tells you to read books (If you don't like reading them) He'll tell you That Assasin Are suppose to be Smart and not dumb Like you (Not to Insult you just to Get you to read Them)
You agree after that and ask him what type Of books you shall read and he Suggest you to read Some detective Books By Some Authors Like Agatha Christie and etc.
And if you already read Alot of books? he praises you and tells you you're doing Great
(Except If you read Wattpad stories ☠️)
Training with him is Amazing but Very I mean very exhausting even thought you Barely Can walk after all the Exercises and Training
Id rate him
10/10 tho
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not-a-big-slay · 1 year
John Wick x platonic!fem!reader
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summary: while watching TV, you go on a rant about the absurdity of birthday gifts...
warnings: fluff, father-daughter relationship, established platonic relationship, horrible ahh parents, very tooth rotting, hopefully not ooc, trauma...
a/n: this platform has a lot of daddy john, but not much of dad john and that needs to change...this shit long as hell though, hope you enjoy it :)) also kudos to whoever finds the se7en reference
The hum of the microwave, heating up his food from the previous evening, rushed across the room and slowly mixed with dimmed voices of the television. The sun has already set and the remainings of its light shined into the room through red clouds.
John patiently waited for the beep, approving that he can eat his meal. It went unheard as you exclaimed from the living room, silencing it. "That's ridiculous." John looked over, but he could barely see the reason for your sudden speaking. His hands retrieved the plate from the microwave and he finally joined you on the couch. "These folks got their 16 year old daughter a car. A car, John." you widened your eyes at the man when ending your statement while said person just moved his eyes from you and the screen, trying to understand your reasoning.
You noticed his confusion and helped his mind get rid of it: "I mean, why? Like how is 16th birthday important? It's not like it's a big milestone. I'd understand 15 maybe, but 16? It's such an.. unsatisfying number, ugly even and not important." John seemed to get your thought, so you sinked back into the couch. "You get a license at 16." reasoned the assasin, catching your attention immediately. You looked over to him, furrowed eyebrows sending the signal of disagreement. "Which is bullshit, by the way, kids shouldn't be on the road." you stated before continuing, "But they got her a brand new car, she doesn't need all that, they could have given her like their old one or just let her share theirs, she is 16 how often will she drive that thing." while talking you have made so many hand movements that John needed to sit further away, worrying you might smack him.
The television broadcasted some reality show about spoiled kids from non-rich families. Neither of you really payed attention, but it served as a good backround while doing other tasks. That is until you got interested in its bizarreness. Parents, that previously stated they each had to find 2 jobs to keep their kids in school, bought their youngest daughter a new car. It was even one of the newest models as John noticed. They have said they would do anything for their kids and that birthdays were always so important in their family. That pissed you off, apparently.
“I know this comes from a place where no love was showed, but still, too much..”
John knew about your past, you knew about his too. You were just a kid when he first met you, both of you pursuing a man with a contract on his head. You have made a good competition and teamed up with the Boogeyman after many failures to kill him. After going through a near-death experience together, the two of you became a good friends and John slowly made plans to introduce you to Helen. He didn't plan on the introduction being at the funeral. His abandoned feelings of protection that were, until that day, stored for his wife poured into the other closest person to him and you gladly accepted them and even returned yours.
To say John was relieved when you obliged him with the refuge he sought after being marked excommunicado would be an understatment. Though he wasn't enterily thrilled after you insisted on fighting for him, you were the reason he could even have this absurd conversation in the first place. Being free could never feel so good without you.
"Like what did you get for your 16th birthday?" your voice pulled him out of the waters of his mind, the young eyes tracing his. He soon found his gaze interested in the empty plate on the table and with a sigh he reached for it and started to get up. You almost accepted he wouldn't answer, but his mouth let out the answer before you could: "A gun and a victim. Just like on any other day." John disappeared into the kitchen, but your loud "Damn." found it's way into his ears anyway and uplifted the corners of his mouth. Ruska Roma didn't care about these sorts of things. For them birthdays were just for the books and to track their age, no party, no gifts. The only gift he got from them was the cross, a symbol and a reminder he belongs. His first birthday party was with Helen and it was unusual to say the least.
You said sorry as he came back to the living room and John could see the regret and discomfort on your face. You got too talktive that you forgot this fact. The man came to your rescue and quickly varied the discussion. "What about you?" he asked as he sat down, petting Dog as he filled out the space between you two. Your mind digged deep to find the answer, John assumed from your scrunched face. At last, you shrugged: "I don't know. Money? Some candy too, I guess..." The voices from the television flowed in the house, but neither of you could hear them, too invested in whatever you started. The Boogeyman raised his eyebrows at you and you narrowed them in response, confused.
"That's much worse." he scoffed.
"Worse than having to kill a person?"
Your mind fully froze, not able to function properly. John internally laughed at your expression, but decided to not torment you any longer. "Parents giving money to their child is just sad. Money as a gift basically says the person doesn't know or care about your interest, so they give you money to make up for it." he started to explain, "Now, you can get some dollars from your other relatives like grandparents, counsins, aunts and uncles, because you don't see them everyday, they are allowed to not know what you like. But parents? People that live with you and provide for you should be at least familiar with it.."
He left you speechless, that he knew. Your mouth was slightly opened when he finished his monologue and slammed shut when you seemed to realize. "Well," you began once every word John shot your way striked you, "thanks for the additional reason to hate my fam more." You brought out a smile, but John's fell a little when he heard that. While not knowing him well yet, you told him you were an orphan, which wasn't surprising. Everyone in this deadly industry had no chance to have a normal, healthy and loving family. At least not that he knew of. What did shock him was when you admitted to lying after the funeral. Yet you wished to be an orphan, you had the bad luck to be born in a cruel home. Mother, a guilt-tripping monster with a victim mentality, and a father, anger-issued fanatic that tried to shape his children into his made-up idea of them. You moved out as a 17 year old and to at least finish high school, bowed to the High Table. You never had a stable home, John changed that. He offered you a place to stay once he was free again, he wanted you close to protect you, but also knew you could help with his old loneliness that never seemed to leave him. He never told you how much of a help you actually were.
John focused on the present moment again when you said: "I-I still can't see how can it be worse than a murder. At least I didn't work for money and got them for being born." Dog got up and let out a little bark. A sign for hunger, as you both understood. It got dark already and you gladly followed the dog's steps into the kitchen, John already in the lead.
"Ruska Roma at least didn't hide their uninterest, I knew what not to expect." he argued back as he reached for the dog pellets. Dog started eating before John finished filling up the bowl. That made you smile as well as hungry. John, as if almost sensing it, grabbed a plate and started to heat up the rest of the food. The familiar humming sound greeted the room again.
"Ah well, let’s just agree we both got worse gifts than a car and move on." you streched your hand out while the other rested on the counter-top of the island. John replicated your smile and shook your hand. The silence following right after sealed the agreement and the microwave dinged as in celebration. You walked across the island to take your food, knowing that John will be faster. "Birthdays are horrible anyway, I don't need to know I'm one year closer to death." you thought out-loud as the man handed you your plate. The food looked delicious. John always rather kept away from the kitchen, Helen was a great cook and even when he tried to make a meal, it ended in disaster. Once you moved in though, his guardian angels granted him the luck of finding an old recepe book his wife used. This was one of the easiest, but the quantity didn't define the quality.
"Would you rather not know how old you are?" John smiled and his eyebrows settled atop when you nodded. "Yep, I'd measure it in holidays." you joked, grabbing the cutlery, "In fact, I think 6th September should be erased from the existence. It's not an important day, no one needs it and it certainly doesn't bring any good." John watched you take the food to the table and changing the channel on the screen on the way, not realizing the crucial piece of information you just revealed non-chalantely. He didn't know your birthday, he just knew you were 18 when you met him, which was apparently 6 years ago. It was before he even engaged to Helen. He also understood you were old enough to drink once you downed 3 shots as if they were filled with tap water when you both tried to figure out how could John get out of his mess. Suddenly, a calender on the wall across him whispered his name.
Today was August 3rd.
Heavy sigh and the car door were last things he heard before feeling the dryness of his car. The raindrops that couldn't reach him before closing the vehicle were banging on the roof out of anger. John carefully placed the box on his passenger seat. He did everything he could to shield it from this afternoon weather, but some water managed to force itself through his coat, not enough to do a lot of damage fortunately. His eyes didn't peel away from it, John still wagered in his mind if it's a good idea. You weren't used to gifts from your real family, why should you accept his?
Without looking away, his fingers slipped the keys into ignition and his other hand played on the wheel nervously. He didn't take the receipt, he cannot return it. But he could survive the loss of money if this gift meant destruction of your bond. He wouldn't survive that. What if it's too far, you never cared for birthdays. For every September he has known you, nothing even remotely signaled him you might be different on the sixth day. You just wanted to forget you were ever born and he would set your mind back to the start with this reminder.
His logical sense slapped these thoughts away. You were a good kid, if you hated it you would tell him politely and be honest with him. And he knew you would keep it just for the sentiment you love so much. John turned the keys sideways and started following the mentally written route home, trying to keep his gaze from trailing to the passenger seat every now and then.
Even after parking in the garage and opening the passenger's door did he avoid the box's way. First he thought he could just close his eyes and take the box in his arms blindly, though overcame it and finally made contact with the white cardboard. A box is making him insane, brilliant. John grabbed the rest of his things and welcomed the hot air rushing to him as he opened the door inside. Dog barked at his owner as if he tried to warn John before rushing to him excitedly. The house was quiet and dim from the rain protecting the room of any light. You didn't bother turning on the lights and John knew you wouldn't. You hated the yellow glow it casted and how bright they were, natural lightning wasn't forcing itself into your view.
You came around the corner as the man got up from petting the good boy. He watched you ignore him, listening to music in one ear while the other earphone swished on your shoulder with every movement made. It was broken for a while now, but no one could be surprised. In the long time you've had them, you managed to step on them, close them in between the car doors and let the dog chew on one of the pods, which was the breaking point, John assumed. The rest worked fine, the quality still haunted him.
You turned around and caught a glimpse of him, immediately taking out the music and greeting him. He smiled in response while you already had your interest on the box, laying next to him. "What's in the box, Somerset?" you got close to it, but John was faster and picked it up quickly. Your eyebrows must have been suspicious of that act the way they connected.
"It's-uhh-it's-" the room picked up the heat as John's nerves shaked anxiously. He never had a problem with creating a lie on the spot, but your pose decorated with crossed arms on the chest somehow intimidated him. He was so sure you would be able to see throught the paper lid any minute now, so he tried to hurry his thinking up. "It's just some things for the car." he waved it off, leaving you slowly nodding in understandment, deciding not to ask any questions that you definitely had. John adored your capability of minding your own business, he more adored the fact you have learned it from him. You were very curious about everything when he met you, trying to know everyone around you to the last bit of detail. He was very strict about his personal life, so he introduced you to the concept of privacy through a lot of no's and death stares. Even now, when you two could be more than open with each other, you still didn't ask, nor cared.
"Want help?"
"No, I'll just take it to the basement."
"Alright." you said before putting in the earbud again and walking to the kitchen. John sighed heavily, hoping the nerves would settle down, and made his way to the basement. He hid it under a white dirty cloth, afraid it will disgrace the gift and left. Now the only thing left was to make sure you won't visit the basement for 2 days. 2 days, he realized. So, he is really doing it, huh? John froze thinking about the worst things that you could say or do as a reaction on his idea, the worst being you kill him, but that was unlikely, he'd done the math. Your humming got picked up by his left ear as he realized that the only moment to back up was in the car. He didn't, he missed it. The backdoor is closed and the only way to move is forward.
John checked the time. 6pm.
September 4th.
You were relieved that the store had air conditioning, because one more second in the outside heat and you would collapse. Your hands were trying their best at waving cold air on your head and chest, yet nothing could stop the sweat of going down your skin. Even though the sun has already set, the consequences of its hot presence still appeared in these late hours. You wanted to stop for second and cool off, but remembered you're supposed to get only one thing.
It baffled you, why is it so important to get salt right now and not tomorrow as you were already getting ready to shower and to relax in bed when John asked you to get it. You weren't very happy about it, but you didn't feel like refusing him either. That man held a lot of respect from you and you never wished to upset him. Not that he would do anything bad to you, you just rarely told him no. Not sure where the need to please people came from, you were still happy it only applied to him. He deserved it after what he has done for you.
The store was as empty as its freshly baked pastry section. While strolling through, you only saw a few workers and some costumers hunting for evening snacks, all of them visibily tired. Your footsteps echoed in the big space, you wondered if they could be heard on the other side of the store. You thought about John's weird request, trying to justify it with a reason. None came to mind. Maybe he had a girl over, but you considered that unlikely. He clearly wasn't yet over Helen- reasonably so. Or he needed some alone time, you could admit being too annoying or too much for a quiet man like John, no judging.
The salt was hiding in a tricky spot, but luckily, thanks to your noticing abilities, you found it rather quickly and headed to the checkout. If the second reason was correct, you would be fine with sleeping somewhere else to not disturb his peace, but since you were already worn out and ready for the comfortable bed, you settled on taking the long way home, letting him enjoy at least the extra 10 minutes.
You knocked before entering, something you do automatically without waiting for a response. You kicked off your shoes, balancing your weight and the pouch of salt on one leg, and yelled out "I'm back." into the dark. The dark, you realized. Why were the lights off? The stars already began to shine when you were halfway home, so it was weird if John just forgot to turn them on. He wasn't the forgetful type.
"Hello?" you called out again, more quietly though, suspicion already growing deep in your stomach. Hearing the eery silence made you drop the salt and reach for a gun taped on the bottom of a dressing cabinet. Some comfort was brought by the click announcing safety is off, but it got lost in your high anxiety once you started walking deeper in the house, back steadily on the wall. The worst case scenarios accompanied you while every sense focused on the dark living room you happened to be in. You spinned around, walking backwards to the kitchen, your mind challenging the intruder to show themselves. Suddenly, the door creaked behind you and it was enough for you to turn around rapidly and caress the trigger.
After taking in the view in front of you, you finally exhaled and lowered your gun, whispering the lord's name in relief. There stood John, glowing in candle lights, distressed by your unexpected presence and, of course, by the barrel of a gun. You didn't notice the kind of candles. Your palm held your forehead in order to stop its stressful spinning and your brain desperately trying to convince your heart to calm down, you were too busy to recognize it.
Lights above you brightened your eyelids and you felt a pair of hands on your biceps. "What's wrong, what is it." John asked quietly, scared someone followed you home or has already done something horrible to you. You shook your head before sighing heavily, getting the last bit of shock out of your body.
"Shit, you scared the fuck out of me, John." Irritation attacked your tone as you leaned forward on the counter. Your mind only had pictures of the man dead on the floor with a bullet wound he gained from you. The bullet was so close to running out the gun and for what? For a cake?
Wait a minute.
Your head lifted up, eyes being instantly mesmerized by the flow of little fires on an icy surface. A cake. John has baked a cake. And you almost shot him for it. Your gaze flickered next to you. He was nervous, only you couldn't tell if it was from the near death experience from his own friend or from the possibility of you asking about the mysterious unexpected dessert. You made the latter come true.
"What is this?" you nodded to the cake, studying every move John made as though it would explain it for him. He took a deep breath before taking your own away: "It's for you. Happy birthday." The glow of the candles brought out your widened eyes, desperately trying to find a sign of a cruel joke on John's features. They failed to do so of course, you have never seen the man so serious.
It's been a while since you heard those words. You forgot how they hugged your heart and sugared your ears. You used to whisper them to yourself sarcastically with a harsh undertone when there was no one to trust or turn to. You've stopped though as it was cringe and overly depressing. You convinced your mind birthdays were for nothing, they give you nothing and are only important for knowing your age, nothing special. They made everyone emotional over a number of years and as long as you had no one, it was pointless in making it a big thing. It couldn't be denied John was your safe space, you would place your whole life into his hands and would be sure he'd keep it more protected than the High Table could ever be, you just never thought of bringing the concept back.
Amazed by the yellow waves again, you held your breath: "Are you serious?" John smiled a little as he answered: "Yeah. Now blow 'em out." You did as you were told, taking a deep breath and blowing it forcefully on the candles. They flickered and disappeared in the thin air. It was the first time in your life you got them all on the first try. Tears of forbidden nostalgia became impossible to hold in and you eventually let them go slowly from the prison of your eyes. When you made eye contact with John.
Without hesitation you close the space between you two and digged your face in the crook of his neck as your arms tightly wrapped his torso. His hands buried you in the feeling of safety and you felt shielded as they squeezed you into him. "Thank you." came out of you silently, only for John to hear. As a response, he took a step back to look at you. "You have no reason to thank me." his palm found its den on your neck as his eyes grew comfortable on yours.
You couldn't help but wonder if this is the way others feel on their birthday when they are surrounded by people they love and care for, by people that love and care for them. Because if it is, a big part of your birthdays was stolen, you would love them if they felt like this, you would wait a whole year only for this feeling, this sense of family, this certainity you are loved and you matter.
All of that left momentarily when John's hands let you go. "No reason to thank me yet." he bent down and came back up with a white box in his hands. He gently placed it on the counter next to the cake. After you clearly didn't understand what is supposed to happen, he gladly gave you a hint. "Open it." he motioned his head to it and you obeyed, carefully touching the lid as if it was a bomb that would go off any second. It's not like it was unlikely to hide a bomb inside a similar-looking box. You pressed the cardboard with your fingers and lifted it up.
You gasped quietly in order to help your mind take in the brand new headphones that shined at you maybe more brightly than the candles. They were white, wireless, so no annoying wire to slow you down, they were also overhead, too big for Dog to chew on them. You felt John's eager gaze, waiting for you to pick them up, but you felt even your stunned look would bruise them. You didn't deserve this, none of it. The happiness that danced into you the moment you realized John remembered your special day now began to look like a well-known and hated naivety. This love and luxury didn't belong to someone like you, what were you thinking.
"This- this is-" you began to panic. What would happen if you accepted it, would the world explode from the connection of two things that could never work together? You doubted it, but who would wanna risk it. "I can't accept this." Suddenly all you wanted was to run from the cake and the gift, you now felt like the bomb that you tried so hard not to light, that was supposed to be in that box. John's figure stopped you from going anywhere. "Yes, you can." You rapidly shook your head from side to side, his words couldn't distract you from the harsh reality. You weren't worth all of this.
"You are good enough for all of this and more." his calm tone was confusing for your stressed state, but the demanding adittude of his got through your walls and made you listen. "Take it, you deserve it."
Your hand subconsiously touched your necklace and pressed one of the daisies on it. It belonged to his wife, you found it when his house was blown to pieces and gave it to him once he started the repairs. He insisted on you keeping it, though. You protested, it was a gift for the love of his life, you couldn't take something that serious. "Take it. You found it, you deserve it." he said back then. You never knew her, yet you wore her jewelry, her gift.
"She would adore you."
Your eyes snapped to John, noticing him looking at your neck with a sad smile on his face. You lowered your hand and trailed your eyes back on your birthday gift. Without thinking you reached for the headphones, picking them up. They were suprisingly light and very comfortable to touch. As you put them over your head, everything went quiet. You didn’t know that an already silent room could get even more deafened, but here you were, hearing absolutely nothing.
"No way." you know you said, even though you couldn't hear it. John's smile got wider as you looked around in awe, it seemed like you were in a complete different place, not a boring kitchen. After taking them off, you sighed overwhelmedely, you could only imagine how beautiful the sound may be. "So?" John was interested, still a bit on the edge if the gift is good or not and only you could push him from it. However the only thing you did was throwing yourself around his neck, making him lose his balance momenteraly.
Before he could hug you properly, you already pulled away. "Now can I thank you?" you joked, but you could never make up for this. He had done all of this for you, that wasn't something you'd brush off with only two words. They lost meaning next to John's actions. "Yeah, now you can." was all you needed to hear to press into him again. John rested his head on top of yours, but not before kissing your hair and stroking your back.
You felt Dog nuzzling up against your legs and you looked down to see his happy, carefree face. He definitely woke up just no. You laughed and only noticed you were crying when tears fell into the corners of your mouth. You quickly wiped them away, turning away from John so he couldn't see. The man had the same problem though, also showing you his back while complaining silently about the dust getting into his eyes.
Once you both wiped your tears, you turned back around and laughed a little. This is all you needed. No assasin had this as far as you knew. Why two of the most deadliest people got visited by the biggest luck this world had in store. You looked back at Dog, his face excited for whatever you'd do. You sighed and rememebered the oh so good-looking desert on the kitchen counter.
"Want some cake?"
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stardustpinkart · 2 months
So, someone tried to assasinate Trump.
Pity they missed.
I KNOW its wicked to wish people harm but... Some people I dont think you would be sad to see drop dead. Trump, Putin, people who hurt young woman and children. The isarealis! The ones murdering, slaughtering children, bombing homes, raping prisoners, all while LAUGHING and smiling about like its a big game.
At the very least strip them of power so they cant hurt anyone anmore, which I though they were doing, his name dirt, losing money, being cut of tv appearences, losing buisiness... AND yet they allowed him to seriously try for a second candecy?
Im only sorry for the victims who were in the area. Supporters of him or not. I wish they hadent got killed.
Some of the plans Trump has for America include:
Ending gay marriage.
Ban-remove trans troops from the military.
Ban trans healthcare for kids
Outlaw Pornography
Imprison people who create pornogaphy(DEMONIZING sex workers)
Oh and btw the asshole and his platfrom "project 2025" defines transgender ideology as porno, so, YEAH, gunning to get any "dirty trannies" into prioson
National abortion ban
Abortion medication ban, restrict ivf acess, limit acess to conctraception in an effort to end recreational sex( SO your sex life is now the govs buisiness, and if you dont want a baby, there taking away you right to engage in safe sex)
End no fault divorce
Public health clinics must EMPHASISE the important of STRAIGHT marriage
Repeal any programs that support single mothers or LBGT parents
As per the bible the only legally recognized families are those of a husbad wife and BIOLIGICAL children(so I guess adopted dont count)
Limit social media interaction for children via parental and govermental controlls. They claim its cuz its for there own good, but its so they can controll what they see. They dont want confused kids looking up infromation about feeling trans, maybe gay, non binary, whatever, or even Gaza and progessive issues via the net. ITS CENSORSHIP and there thinking "Our kids wont be dirty lil homos and freaks if they cant SEE these sites"
End free school lunches
Infuse public education with christanity
Band education on race gender and slavery
AND thats just some of it.
....TRUMP is a bigoted, STUPID, racist, intolerant, SACK of shit. Hes like one of those old time polictions in the old days where segagration still existed and a woman was still property of her husband. And seems to want America just to be that way again. HOW much misery did he cause the last time he was president?
I dont care who defends him, he is a terrible human being with terrible, EVIL policies. And I wont be convinced otherwise, EVER.
There are some people SO awful, the world truly doesent need them
Voters, please, do your best! I live in England, but I would, I would WEEP, if these policies came into effect in the USA. I thought MOST of the world would.
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Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 7) favorite BL and your top 3 (or top 5) favorite GL? And why do you love them? It can be from any media : books, manga, anime, manhwa, tv series or movies.....
Hard question again! I'm going to do 7 for GL and 7 for BL, again under the cut!
In no particular order:
Revolutionary Girl Utena - is including it on this list cheating since it's not primarily GL? I don't care, it's too good to not recommend. A teenage tomboy fencer gets 'engaged' to a mysterious girl by winning a duel, many more duels happen alongside symbolism, feminist messages and a really mature handling of topics like depression and abuse. REALLY dark though, but worth it! Deserves its place as one of the classic anime.
Bloom into you - incredible handling of internalised homophobia, first love, high school relationships both in the platonic and romantic sense and golden child syndrome. A heartwarming but occasionally heartwrenching story that felt very real. Bonus points for the author actually being a sapphic woman.
The Handmaiden - sapphic thriller from Korea set in the early 1900's! Dark but incredibly engaging, surprisingly happy and hopeful despite how much the girls have to suffer to get their happily ever after. The book it's based on, The Fingersmith, was also great!
GAP - Thailand's first GL series and got so popular there are now multiple other projects coming this & next year! The protagonist is a uni graduate hired in her idol's company only to discover the lady is both meaner and hotter than she thought. Lesbian crisis and full-on romcom shenanigans follow, though the series also comments on traditional family values in Thailand acting as an excuse for homophobia (the idol, Sam, is in an arranged engagement to a man as ordered by her grandma). Don't worry though, the show is mostly very fun and light & ends very very happily for the ladies.
Whisper Me a Love Song - look, as a former band kid I can't not mention the band lesbians manga. It's a highschool romance full of miscommunication and funny/cute shenanigans with occasional sadness to balance it all out. Very relaxing. It's getting an anime adaptation next year so looking forward to that!
Riddle Story of Devil - as an action series fan this was pretty incredible. A school full of assasins, everyone is sapphic and they're all badasses? High school me was obsessed and I still am. The manga is much better though, the anime is both way less gay and develops the characters much less due to the story being compressed into 12 episodes.
Legend of Yunqian - short fantasy drama from a small Chinese studio, it's about a regular young lady going back in time via a magic fan and falling for a magical warrior woman. Lovely and available on Youtube for free!
Honorary mentions: Flip Flappers (anime), Clear and muddy loss of love (novel), She likes to cook and she likes to eat (manga & TV series)
Heaven Official's Blessing - come on, it's incredible. Dark fantasy with immortal love that breaks even the most powerful curses, a complex and deeply human protagonist, a lot of emotional moments and incredible use of flashbacks to slowly reveal his backstory to the readers- what's not to love? Just a warning, when I say it's dark fantasy I'm not kidding. The series has funny and light moments but when shit gets real, it gets REAL.
No.6 - just like RGU isn't technically GL, this isn't technically BL but I am gonna talk about anyway, it's incredible. It's a dystopian sci-fi story about Shion, a teenager who discovers a government conspiracy and works to stop it alongside his new friend/love interest Nezumi. It treats the gay relationship super casually, there's no sexuality angst or anything, it was super refreshing! Read the novels though, the anime compressed the story a lot.
The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi - love the intrigue, love the main romance, love the fantasy elements! My first Chinese series and one I hold dear for introducing me to the wuxia (Chinese fantasy) genre. Any version of the story is great but I'd recommend to start with the series and then read the books.
Kinnporsche - it's deeply insane and I love it for that. Everyone is gay, everyone commits crimes (they're in the mafia, so. Yeah) and it makes for a really entertaining show even if its darker elements aren't always super well handled.
Not me the series - Motorcycle gang of young anarchists against corruption! Very radical and critical of capitalism and the police system, engaging and fast paced. The director/showrunner is a trans activist/filmmaker so it's not like she doesn't know what she's talking about. It's very universal so I'd recommend it even to people who normally don't watch BL. One minus point for minor queerbaiting with 2 side characters, nothing major but it did bother me a bit + felt unnecessary in a series full of queer characters.
Cherry magic - queer office romance + mind reading! If that combination sounds interesting please do check it out, it was super cute. Bonus for very realistically human protags and an explicitly aroace side character.
Semantic error - opposites attract-type romance between an introverted, collected STEM prodigy and an extroverted art student partnered together for a project. The protagonist is autistic and written pretty well so I latched onto the show immediately, bonus points for side queer representation (bi character who's a super cool and pretty lady, love her).
Honorary mentions: Word of Honor (series), Yuri on ice (anime, only homoerotic sports anime to make the gay explicit, iconic), Nobleman Ryu's wedding (series, short but v heartwarming!)
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samehadasushi · 5 months
Okey, listen to me. I had a flash of inspiration today: Naruto into Soul Eater AU! I know I'm not the first one with this idea, but I just had so many ideas for designs and story structure!
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So, here are a few basics that I have thought about:
The Kage's are all Shinigami (the world is big, so it's not far-fetched that there are multiple Death Gods running their own schools). This makes Gaara a very young Shinigami (here are the parallels to Death the kid, which I love because in German they have the same dubbing voices).
The Bijuu spirits are demonic weapons that have sought a master after several years or even decades of sealing. Now Naruto must learn to deal with Kurama, even though he did not choose this bond.
Like Black Star, Sasuke is the last descendant of an Assasin clan that was very notorious. Hinata comes from an old family of powerful farsighted weapons. Due to the school's good relationship with this family, Sasuke and Hinata were forced to team up in order to create a strong fighting force and, if possible, the next Deathscythe. I think later in the story they will split up and find new team partners.
Sakura is the rebellious young witch who takes her fate into her own hands and joins the students of the Konoha school. Together they try to minimise the dangerous tensions between witches and humans.
And last but not least, Orochimaru, who I could obviously only mix with Medusa. Somehow they look strangly friendly...
I've got a lot more ideas, so this is definitely not the last post on this AU!
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Now The School for Young Assasins is live on AO3 too:
It's posted as a single chapter fic (you can consider it a novella if you keep in mind it's almost 10k words). Happy reading!
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romanoffshifting · 7 months
Beginning of the Redback
Sorry its a bit late! Didn't get home as early as I thought.
Warning: red room is a warning in itself. Mentions of murder. Spelling errors. i think that's it??
Constructive criticism is greatly welcomed.
Ao3 link:
Natasha was officially a pledged Black Widow. Now she could take missions on her own and she was one of the most feared, admired and envied widows in the programme. She had just finished lunch and was currently in the middle of training with an other Widow whom natasha couldn't name. A round-house kick here, hair pull there and the second Widow was on the floor in about 10 minutes. She was good, but not as good as Natahsa. Until she lifted her face off the floor and headbutt Natasha. She jumped off the second Widow and grasped her nose which seemed broken. The Widow grasped at the newfound opportunity and lunged at Natasha whom barely dodged the punch aimed at her face. Rolling from her spot on the ground and jumping to her feet she kicked the widow before she received a blow to the abdomen. This widow was older, than Nat. Dark hair and blue eyes. Neither of them seemed tired, but both would be grateful for a rest. Three soldiers walked into the room which didn't go unnoticed by the fighting assasins but wasn't enough of a distraction to get them to stop. The two women kept going, punching, kicking, bitting and grabbing. Anything that could give them an advantage. While the red room preferred clean kills and fights, they encouraged "playing dirty" if it would get you the win. Natasha had the older Widow in a headlock and was about to throw her to the ground when she heard Madame B."Останавливаться!" (Stop") 
Both Widows thought they were in trouble and immediately ceased what they were doing, standing at attention. Natasha was able to get a good look at the three soldiers now. All were male, which confused her but didn't surprise her. Another thing she noticed was the red octopus symbol on two of the mens forearms, a red star on what appeared to be a metal sleeve on the third soldier and the ski masks which concealed their faces. The soldier with the metal sleeve was carrying a large basket as well as a two handguns on his hips while the other two were carrying larger guns.She thought she was able to recognise the metal soldier, but couldn't remember where from.
"Наталья, следуй за мной и солдатами.  София, вернитесь в свои покои. (Natalia, follow me and the soldiers. Sofiia, return to you quarters.) Madame B stated, looking at the girl's each in turn.
Sofiia and Natasha shared a glance, a look of fear in both women's eyes. Sofiia was feared for Natasha and gave her an apologetic look before leaving, Madame B and the soldiers following shortly after. Natasha, not wanting to be  into more rouble, followed behind quickly,  the soldiers falling to walk behind her so she was in-between them and Madame B.
They started heading towards the tip of the building, where she knew Director Dreykov was staying currently. He was visiting their school for a short time, but whatever it is for it has to be important.
All the way up, Natasha was thinking of what she could've done wrong. She just had her initiation half a year ago. Did she really mess up that quickly?As if Madam B was telepathic, she reassured the young woman. "Не волнуйся, девочка. Вы должны быть удостоены чести. Вы из всех наших вдов были выбраны для важной миссии. " (Don't worry, girl. You should be honored. You, out of all our widows, have been chosen for an important mission. ")  Natasha was still scared, but slightly more relaxed. She heard rustling coming from the soldier's basket but payed no mind to it.
Eventually they reached the Dreykovs office where the halted. Madame B knocked on the door thrice before stepping back and a faint "Входить." (Come in") Could be heard.They all walked inside where the soldiers all stood off with the metal soldier standing front an centre of the other two. Madame B brought Natasha up to stand beside her in front of Dreykov's desk.
"Natasha, wonderful to see you again. " He said, referring to their brief encounter when she returned from Ohio with Alexei, Melina and Yelena.  "As I'm sure Madame B told you, you have been selected to be the Head of our new Programme, mission. Whatever you wish to call it." Dreykov said while standing up."All you have to do, is raise and train the Redback. From how old it is now, up until whenever it is decided it is ready. Then it will will be sent to Hydra for to undergo a few, enhancements, before being put into cryosleep where it will stay until your retirement or death.
You are our best, Natasha. But the Redback will be better. It will be the only member, as of now, of the programme. The cycle will repeat when it's old enough to do the same with another child."
Natasha was astounded. Her, the head of a new programme? The reason for a new killer? For a better killer than she would ever be. What would they do to the child in Hydra? What sort of enhancements? Super soldier serum? Mind control? What other enhancements were Hydra able to perform?
"большое спасибо, дрейков. Это честь." (Thank you very much, Dreykov. It is an honour") Natasha replied, proffering to answer in her mother tongue.
"It is. One I know you will be great at. "Natasha's head snapped to her right when she heard more rustling coming from the basket the metal soldier was carrying."Ah yes, Natasah i hope you remember the Winter Soldier. He trained you for a while I believe. " dreykov said in reply to Natasha's distrust. 
The winter soldier. She knew she had recognised him. He trained her and a small group of her fellow widows for a while. Dreykov muttered something in russian and the three soldiers walked forward to him, the winter soldier handing off the basket to Madam B who received it with a smile (which was unusual).
"This, is to be the Redback." Dreykov said, gesturing towards the basket. "Go on," he stated to Madame b, motioning to the basket then natahsa with a wave of his hand. Madame B handed the large basket to natasha, the latter taking it cautiously. Dreykov looked at her expectantly, before she realised he was waiting for her to open it. She placed it down on the second chair in front of dreykovs desk before carefully opening the top.
Inside was a young child who couldn't be more than a year old, wearing a blue onesie, occasionally dotted with little moons and cats. She looked up at natasha with her big, mismatched eyes. A bright green one a and a warm brown eye. She looked at natasha and giggled. When natasha looked up, Madame B seemed to be holding back a smile while looking at the babe.
Natasha was really expected to train, fight, go on mission and raise a whole child all on her own. When she looked at dreykov and the winter soldier, dreykov seemed overly pleased with himself, while holding a look of disgust anytime he peered down at the child. The winter soldier, who had since got rid of his goggles held a soft look for the child and Natasha, but not letting anyone else see so. 
Natasha was speechless, she had no idea what to do now. She reached for the child and gently took it out of the carrier? Baby basket? She had no idea, but the babe seem pleased and held onto her when she rested the child on her hip. There was no love in natashas eyes when she looked at the baby, only pity and suspicion. She did however, catch a glimpses of blood in the child's hair and on the onesie.
"Почему там кровь?" (Why is there blood there? ") Natasha questioned, thinking the child might have been hurt. Dreykov stared blanket at the soldiers, before looking up again at Natasha.
"The mother made a fuss about it. Tried to hide away with it." He said. With a light laugh at the end. Natasha felt disgusted, but did not let her façade crack while Madame B stared longingly at the child, pitying it.
"It has no name, do with it what you will. But whatever you do, do not become too attached to it. Do not hold it at the top of your priorities to protect. That child shall only be at the top, because it is your mission. Only because it matters to the red room. "
By the time Dreylov had finished, natasha was still looking at him, nodding at his warning while the child was playing with her hair (Natasha pretended not to notice.)"Now that that is settled, it needs a name for our records. We will place its last name as Romanov for now and if you wish or it does when it is old enough to think properly, it can be changed but it does need a first name, and if you so wish, a middle name." Dreykov said while taking his seat again. "Any ideas."Natasha glanced at Madame B, looking for help but the woman only nodded at her as if giving her permission.
Natasha thought for a few seconds before replying to him.
"Даниил." (Daniel")
"Very well, you are all dismissed unless anyone has any final words."
When nobody answered they all left, Natasha taking slightly longer while putting the child, Daniel, in the carrier. She left after taking a final look at Dreykov, who gave a slight nod if his head.
She closed the door behind her, sensing someone else's presence.
"What are you doing, soldier?" She turned to look at the Winter Soldier.
"У вас есть новая миссия. Защити эту девочку, присмотри за ней. " (You have a new mission. Protect this girl, look after her. ") He said to her quietly, not answering her question.
Natasha was a bit confused, to say the least."Однажды ты сбежишь. С моей помощью или без, вы оба сбежите." (One day you will escape. With or without my help, you both will escape.") He continued.
Natasha opened her mouth to say something before closing it.
"Ты защитишь ее?" (Will you protect her?") He looked at her awaiting her answer.
"Да." She said finally.
"Good." He said, before walking away, leaving Natasha looking after him.
She sighed, looked down at the carrier and whispered to the now sleeping child. “давай детка. Пошли домой” (Come on, baby. Let's go home.”) walking away.
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Mother knows Best
Palais de Royal Rouge, Pierreland
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Louis:...He basically dressed me down in the throne room in front of...some members of the court...I know one of them is on Eloise's staff-, fuck I think even infront of Prince Lenerd!
Katalina: You mean Queen Viviana, Louis...you two aren't familiars anymore and watch your language!
Louis: Right...so that's why I took the jet home before Henri...Raheem basically kicked me out of the country!
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David: Was this before or after the mingling at the gala?
Louis: During! So then I had to interact with Eloise...I mean Queen Viviana and...it was all levels of awkward
Katalina: I can imagine...were you at least polite?
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Louis: Of course! I feel bad for Prince Micahel of Carrington who had to witness the whole affair...I just...politely kept my distance so that way I could leave in the best possible terms but....it didn't feel right...I feel like I may have messed up relations with the Ionian Union.
David: Actually-
Katalina: You did no such thing mera rajkumar...
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Louis: I feel like I've ruin...decades of diplomacy and-
Katalina: Papa and I will deal with this...you just be careful at PIMA
David: Yes. Mama and I will take care of this. Stay safe...and watch your fingers
Louis[chuckling]: Okay Papa
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[Door Shuts]
Katalina: I told you, sending Louis would be a bad idea.
David: I thought they would've talked...cleared the air
Katalina: and your consience and Felipe's guilt
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David: What am I going to do Kat? I need your advice.
Katalina: You mean you want me to fix this.
David: yes...going against you caused this mess for sure...
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Katalina: I have heard from sources in the Imperial Court of Francesim that the young Emperor wishes to hold a Europesim Union meeting in light of two assasinations being so close to each other. I want you to tell Eloise the truth about what happened.
David: What?!? Kat...this is mad...
Katalina: It is what's right...now I know that you quote unquote "changing your mind" about acknowledgement now is a bad move for you but perhaps we can negotiate some terms with the young Queen, who is very offended by what Felipe and extension, you have done to her and her son. But I have one request that you must fight for.
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David: Just one Kat? Most people who hold alot of cards ask for more than one thing.
Katalina: I want updates on young Lenerd. School pictures, the ability to send him presents on his birthday and on Christmas, updates on his progress. To know him as much as possible. He is my first blood grandchild David. I want you to ask Eloise on my behalf.
David: Should I not ask for those things for myself as well?
Katalina: David...she would probably cuss you out if you did and from what Louis has said, her profanity vocabulary is quite extensive.
Mentions of characters from @funkyllama and @empiredesimparte
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
DBZ Theory: The Secret of Chiaotzu
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[Art by @HAL7040 on Twitter]
Tien and Chiaotzu are inseparable. Whenever one is on screen, you know the other one is not far away. They go together like crab potstickers and rice. Tien is Chiaotzu's best friend. There cannot be any doubt that they treat each other with affection.
Tien is always trying to push past his limits, and Chiaotzu is always there dutifully at his side - to assist with his training, to cheer him on, join in a fight, and even prepare meals for him. Without any ambitions for himself to distract him.
I mean, that fits into Tien's lifestyle a little too perfectly?
Think about it... does he even talk to anybody else? Try to recall a moment that Chiaotzu talked to anyone that wasn't part a filler moment? You'd have to go back to the original Dragonball, even then Tien was watching near by.
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Also, he was introduced as small rival for Krillin, but that highlights another question. What's up with his body?
I mean, he met Goku 3 years before he married Chichi. Now Goku's a Grandfather and Chiaotzu looks exactly the same as when he was introduced.
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A few of you might be thinking - he's might be a psychic projection sustained by Tien himself. A lot of you are probably chiming up to say - Chioatzu is a Chinese Vampire.
That's not what I'm saying.
My theory has always been that Chiaotzu is a homunculus.
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If you don't know, Tien started as a villain. He would go to extremes to prove he was the strongest. He entered the Tenkaichi Tournament and had no qualms about crippling his opponents. If the rules allowed, there's no doubt, he would have killed them. You see the Crane school had one other outstanding member, "Mercenary Tao" a world famous assassin. Tien was training to be the greatest Assassin in the world.
Now, think about Chiaotzu's skills. He can communicate telepathically with Tien. He can use his Psychic powers to block bullets, hurl objects, or hold a person in place. His signature attack is the Dodon Ray, it's like an assassin's bullet. Plus, he's got an suicide attack as a last resort. Plus, he's tiny, and he can fly. And he looks like a small, unassuming Child.
The perfect tool for an Assassin.
Add to that, that now we know, the Crane school had no qualms about dealing with the dark arts, as exemplified by Yurin's talisman magic.
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My theory is that to increase his chances of success, a young Tienshinan used the Dark Arts of the Crane School to craft a perfect Assassin's tool. Going to extremes and not being hampered by breaking a few laws, he might have started with the dead body of a young boy (maybe he killed him himself) and resurrected him as a living weapon who's mind is totally devoted to him.
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Of course, Tien had a dramatic change in his course in life. He left behind the Assasin's road to travel an honorable path. And Chiaotzu and him are enjoying life.
But what I can't help but wonder is what will happen to Chiaotzu after Tien finally passes? Will he find another fighter to glom on to? Will he finally find a life for himself? Or will he stand by Tien's grave still devoted to his master?
Chances are - we'll never know. But we can theorize about it.
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haliaiii · 2 years
Kinda wanna make a comparison list of the bullet train book vs the movie just for fun since I reread it (includes spoilers for both movie and book)
- So in the book there really isn't a main character, it's most likely hinted to be Kimura instead of Nanao (ladybug)
- the book gives you more info onto what happened to Kimura's son, apparently the prince pushed him off a department store building (he lives dw)
- the villain in the movie (white death) does not exist in the book, it's actually the previous yakuza boss (Minegishi) that the white death killed in the movie who's the villain (the prince also has no relation what so ever to this guy)
- the prince in the book is a young school boy and the reason he pushes Kimura's son off a building to lure him into killing Minegishi is because he's an actual sociopath who like to manipulate people
- Lemon and Tangerine actually aren't brothers in the book, they just look similar so people assume they're twins
- Lemon in the book and the movie are more or less the same but Tangerine is really into novels and is a Virginia Woolf fan (he recommends novels to lemon but lemon doesn't read them because he only likes books with pictures)
- (spoilers) in the book both lemon and tangerine die, lemon is killed by the prince (fr this time) and then tangerine is killed by ladybug when he tried to get revenge on the prince
- Book Ladybug's real name is Nanao and him and his movie counterpart aren't too different except he's a lot more cringefail in the book
- The wolf actually doesn't really have a prominent role in the book, his whole backstory was movie original (he literally just shows up and gets his neck snapped, poor guy-)
- Kimura's mom in the book is actually not dead, she's also a cool assassin like his dad and they both go onto the train together to take on the prince and have a chat with him
- what happens to the prince at the end of the book is not told and kinda left up to the imagination, all we get is that Kimura's parents took him and probably did something (probably killed him)
-Kimura spends the last few chapters of the book presumably dead and locked inside the train bathroom with a very dead Lemon, there's no cool fight scene at the end of the book :/
- Kimura is also not a great dad but a good enough one to go and kill a 14 year old who pushed his son off a building, he's also a recovering alcoholic
- the hornet in the book is the lady who was the server (not the one in the weird character suit thing she was wearing)
- prince's real name is Satoshi Oji, that's why he's nicknamed prince (also because he manipulates his whole class at school and his friends)
-Kimuras parents have no relation to Minegishi, they're both well respected assasins instead
Anyway that's all I have for now, i definitely left out a lot but I'm gonna stop here. I enjoyed the book and the movie a lot, i wouldn't really say the movie is an adaptation of the book but more like heavily inspired since the plot is pretty different towards the end. Definitely enjoyed the movie tho even if I'm a book fan
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
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boku no hero academia verse !!
name: yor briar. age: verse dependent. ( mid to late 20s. ) alias: ibara-hime. / thorn princess.  association: vigilante. / one of the hero commission’s top assassins'.  profession: building secretary for u.a. high. / thorn princess. quirk: inside out - yor can view the emotions of others in ‘ auras ’. they appear to her as colors. red for anger, blue for sadness, green for envy, etc. this helps aid her in reading her targets. & it’s very easy to tell when one of her student’s is lying. 
history: from the time that yor was a young girl, she learned first hand what the trials and tribulations could be of growing up in a hero based society. gangs. mafia. villain's. you name it & it exists. 
at the age of 8, yor lost her parents to a villain attack and became the sole caretaker of her younger brother, yuri. for some time she and her brother were shifted between social workers, homes, the list goes on-- but, there were no relatives available to take them in. yor asked the authorities to let them be on their own, yet-- none, would allow it. 
life-- moving from home to home, if you could even call it that, was no home at all. so, yor did everything she could to keep her younger brother’s spirits high and stayed strong, for him. she talked to her case worker. said she would do anything to get her and her brother out of this situation. the case worker at first encouraged yor to focus on school, & told her that she was too young to work-- but. the next time yor arrived for her check in appointment, there was someone else in the office and they heard her plea. someone, that worked for the pro hero commission. the rest? was easy. 
yor was young, easy to train. if she really was serious about a better life for her brother and wanted to commit to steady work and pay with rigorous training, she could have her own home. paid for in full, for her and her brother: yor didn’t hesitate in saying yes.
yuri went to school and continued on with his studies and his life. meanwhile yor studied in other ways. she trained. learned interrogation tactics with her quirk. learned the ins and outs of her support knives: earrings that she wore every day. when they were taken off and activated, they became piercing sharp blades that she uses to take out her targets with. she herself became a weapon. an assasin, and one of the commission's best. 
as she got older, they only gave her more and more work. but, with larger targets required bigger covers. garden, yor’s own personal codename for the commission and her superior, had secured yor a job at u.a. high where she’s been the building secretary for the last several years. by day, she yells at kids running in the halls, by night? well-- i’m sure you can imagine just what it is the thorn princess does. 
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