#the scientists at the time were like 'holy shit this is something that can cause zombies'
not-poignant · 2 years
Different anon here but wanted to mention that the last of us doesn't have zombies. It's actually just humans that are infected with a fungus infection that similar to the thing that happens to insects and turns them mad. Just thought I'd mention that since i was confused about it too lol
Hi anon,
I feel like you're kind of quibbling here to ignore the fact that I just broadly don't like zombie content. I appreciate that you want me to have something to do with TLOU, but I don't. So let's talk about this fungus and zombies.
Did you know that when Cordyceps was first introduced on mainstream media via David Attenborough in 2006, it was called the zombie fungus?
Did you know that the common name for Cordyceps when it was first discovered parasitising ants was known as the zombie-ant fungus? And did you know that the ants parasitised were commonly called zombie-ants? Not just by people who knew nothing about science, but by the scientists who discovered this.
I know a little more about Cordyceps and Ophiocordyceps than the average person (for a start, I knew about it before TLOU existed), so I know it's got a lengthy history with being considered the first biological evidence of something as close as we could ever get to zombieficition, and it's since inspired horror authors (and video game creators obvs) around the world.
So you pointing out that the game is about a new form of Cordyceps doesn't make this game any less about zombies as far as I'm concerned, because you know...the science and discussions around Cordyceps.
I mean obviously Cordyceps doesn't create literal zombies in the classic sense (these ants aren't doing anything more than trying to spread the fungus, even as their brains are completely taken over and they're directed into strange behaviours by it), but I also know that TLOU isn't a little fun slice of life romp in the sunshine.
I don't like horror. And I really don't like horror that has anything, on any level, to do with zombies, or anything like zombies. And while you can be like 'oh but they're not really zombies it's a fungus' I just want to point out that this fungus - Cordyceps and Ophiocordyceps - has been literally associated with zombies in the mass media and by scientists and by authors for like...decades, including by David Attenborough himself when he first drew more global attention to its existence.
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ironunderstands · 6 months
2.1 was so good holy shit (spoilers, obviously)
so, let’s start from the beginning in 2.0 I want to walk you through my experience of it
ratio mean to aventurine, everyone gets mad. I feel weird about it, pre-2.1 I come to the conclusion that he got used as a plot device in that scene, since being racist contradicts his core motivations and the dialogue is awkward and has no real reason behind it, I chalk it up to bad writing but ultimately forgive it because 2.1 seems centered around Aventurine so they need setup for that
2.1 drops, my bsf plays the update throughout the night and we are losing our shit. He gets to the part where Ratio “betrays” Aventurine. I fucking lose it, I try to reconcile this with my preconceived notions of ratio, they don’t match up at all, his behavior that whole time doesn’t in the slightest. I am confused, I wonder if I have been wrong about him this whole time, if his whole speech on the Space Station and his character quests were some kind of fluke. I mean it could be in character? Knowledge of how a stellaron works could save millions if not billions of lives, invaluable information which Ratio would have trouble turning down because of its value. It still feels deeply wrong, Ratio isnt a backstabber, and he wouldn’t so easily bargain with Sunday over information he has no confirmation of (and could likely obtain in some other way).
The story continues, me and Haseeb (aforementioned best friend) are still pissed, I’m losing it because my favorite character just did something so unforgivable and out of character and I feel like a complete and utter idiot for interpreting a character to be a good person when they so clearly weren’t. Well, I (luckily) was so so so so so so so wrong about that, as it was all a setup, a plan devised by Aventurine to distract Sunday and forward their goals. I’ve never been happier, and suddenly every weird behavior, every “this doesn’t make sense” goes from “bad writing” to perhaps one of my favorite retroactive twists in fiction.
Ratio belittling Aventurine for his background doesn’t make any sense, I mean we literally saw the guy give a whole ass speech about how he believes all people deserve access to knowledge and that everyone is capable of being creative and having intellect, but that they just have to try for it, and if they are incapable of it, he DOCTOR Ratio is there to lend a helping hand. To cure the galaxy of stupidity, something which he views as not the lack of knowledge but rather the misuse and misinterpretation of it, how he depises the Genius Society because they mostly do not try and use their intellect from the betterment of other, and actively guide/encourage other scientists (and in Hertas case the researchers at the space station) to view knowledge as some sort of prize or commodity rather than tool. This notion is what causes Screwellum to acknowledge that Ratio is more like a medical doctor than a scholar. And this notion is something Sunday Isn’t Aware Of.
Sunday doesn’t know who Ratio really is, he may have heard of his various exploits, but Ratio has a reputation for arrogance, bluntness and insensitivity, something which Ratio plays up to the nines. The 2.0 scene with Aventurine goes from seemingly massively OOC for Ratio to him actively playing up his negative reputation to play into Sundays perceptions of the pair for their plan. Ratio->
a) makes it seem like Aventurine fucked up and he’s mad at him for losing the cornerstones, something which Sunday would see and go “hmm they don’t like each other
b) this “oh I can drive a wedge between them” notion gets worse (although in their case better) when Ratio brings up Aventurine’s (not entirely accurate) background. Sunday now thinks he has leverage over Aventurine and even more of a chance of getting Ratio to betray him. Ratio also makes it seem like he just learned this information by stating he “did his homework” and this supposed unfamiliarity with one another would give Sunday more confidence to try and drive a wedge between them
c) this makes it seem like the IPC are unaware of the Families constant surveillance, as it looks like they are having an important conversation in a private room, which would make Sunday think they are unaware of his eyes and ears everywhere
Now let me qualify this notion with more evidence because you could still try and argue that the deal Ratio and Aventurine struck was post 2.0 argument
Topaz (my glorious Queen). At the end of the 1.4 (or was it 1.5?) Belabog quest she has a conversation with Aventurine in which he requests for her help in Penacony, and we do not get a confirmation on if she said yes or not. Until 2.1, in which the the Topaz (and Jade) stone in in Aventurines possession, meaning she took him up on that offer prior to 2.0 because how else would he bring multiple cornerstones there, which we know there are many because Ratio says he lost the cornerstones, not just his own. Topaz would not give this item up easily or on a whim in between 2.0 and 2.1, meaning she would have to be let in on his plan prior, meaning the plan was formed prior. Since Ratio was also assigned to this mission keeping him in the dark would make negative sense and actively undermine their collaboration, something which he brings up in their fake argument
2. The Final Victory Lightcone. I originally thought this scene to be after their argument for complicated reasons, the most important of which being the minor snippet of conversation we see between Ratio and Aventurine during the first time we meet Acheron. Aventurine mentions 3 chips, Ratio doubts him, and the lightcone description starts with Aventurine questioning his doubt and firing three shots, a perfect correlation that made me place the order of events in that way. However, we get to see the snippet of conversation between Aventurine and Ratio in game, right before they meet Sunday, not prior to the lightcone events. However, they are still clearly connected for aforementioned reasons, just in a different manner, let me explain. Now we know the three chips reference not bullets but the three cornerstones, and Ratio openly expresses his doubt because the family is always watching (something which I will get into) and because a part of him does doubt this plan will go well. However, Aventurine prior reminds him of the events of the lightcone with the three chips. My interpretation is that Aventurine took that gamble in the lightcone to convince Ratio to go along with his crazy plan since if he can win a game of Russian Roulette with an unwavering smile on his face he an insane gamble means nothing to him (ratio doesn’t buy it because it’s ratio but the sheer audacity or you could say the “charming audacity” makes him go along with it). In my opinion this scene only makes sense pre-penacony, due to the timeline of events, which is why I believe it the reason for the events in it has to be Aventurine trying to convince Ratio to join in.
3) The family is always watching. During the 2.1 story quest it gets brought up several times in many different ways that it seems like the family has eyes on everything and everyone. Sunday’s fuckass bird is everywhere, and the man himself (minus being a goddamn biblically accurate angel) is covered in eye shaped shit and possesses close ties with the Harmony, which lends itself well to a character that knows things considering the Aeon itself is a conglomeration of many different perspectives. He fucking perception checks Aventurine, when the crew goes to look for info on firefly they learn the dream pools monitor people’s vitals and everything, even producing a dialogue option where the trailblazer states they feel like their every move is being watched. Topaz gets stalked by bloodhound members upon arrival, I could go on. TLDR Sunday knows almost everything that’s going on in Penacony, this is what leads him to believe the traitor is within the family, and his access to knowledge is something the IPC 100% knows about. I mean they have been presumably attempting to try and get it back for a while, and they would reasonably extensively try and learn everything about it. The Family notoriously hates negotiating with them so the IPC either learning and/or coming to the conclusion that the Family is watching their every move isn’t a ridiculous notion. If this conversation was genuine, if Ratio truly wanted to discuss this matter with Aventurine, why would he do it in a likely wiretapped, not very soundproof room where any passerby could hear Ratio loudly exclaim that Aventurine lost the very important cornerstones and that he is also one of the most despised groups in the galaxy because that would really do numbers for both their reputations. If you think about it, this not being staged is an incredibly stupid blunder on Ratio’s end (minus the deliberate OOCness) because of all the places Ratio could set up a very important meeting he does it in one of the worst places ever.
4) The dialogue in the scene. It’s awkward, it’s so awkward and the whole “also my family died I didn’t get an education” seemed so tacked on the first time I watched it. Knowing now, it seemed so tacked on because it was, Aventurine had to shove the info in there somewhere and their incredible conversational skills decided that was the best part in there. Ratio fucking leaving before Aventurine is even done talking goes from a “huh weird” to a “wow he is really playing up this arrogant scholar role”. And if Ratio is playing the arrogant scholar, Aventurine is playing the dumb, helpless, blonde to a T. Losing the cornerstones and acting nonchalant about it, letting Ratio insult him so callously and letting the insults slide, talking absolute nonsense at the end about random things that don’t matter, sadly lamenting into the distance that he’s alone again. Bro is playing it up and I live for it. They also and play up these personas in their little adventure prior to meeting Sunday, Aventurine asks stupid questions like wondering about the species of the bird that make up the statues and talking about how he wants to play in the sandpit and even insulting Sunday a bit, behavior that would make Sunday think him unprepared and unserious rather than cold and calculating. If Aventurine does that well, Ratio plays up his arrogant, uncaring scholar persona to the nines. He insults any and every decision or thing Aventurine does, loudly sighing of how happy he is to finally have some peace and quiet when Aventurine leaves his sight for 0.00008 milleseconds, pointing out his sarcasm, beefing with a random Pepeshi bodyguard no reason, pointing out his sarcasm, just the exaggerated way he talks in general, and suggesting he admit Aventurine into the Genius Society (even Ratio wouldn’t stoop so low as to suggest Aventurine was worthy of that).
Moreover, this is really, really tragic because I do think there are several moments of genuine banter and fun the two share “Ratio, you’re huge!” was not added to the script to enhance the plot guys. And obviously Aventurine knows most of Ratios behavior is acting, however he has such severe trust issues, and Ratio is so damn straightforward and blunt that he worries the man was serious about some of it which just breaks my heart. Soft Ratio please add it give me one conversation, the note at the end of 2.1 doesn’t count it’s too short.
Ultimately, knowing what I know now I can’t help but view the 2.0 conversation with Aventurine as being anything but staged, it simply makes no sense otherwise, and it happily obsolescent Ratio of his sins. This was a bit incoherent I honestly just wanted to rant (if you couldn’t tell haha) but I hope you enjoyed it regardless. I need sincere Ratio more then I need oxygen and I’m not afraid to say it.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
I just got to reading the request you did for me
Aka Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
And I love it so much???
Like it's so good 😭
Don't wanna bother you with another request but could you do a part 2? I'm just curious on if the reader ever succeeds or if alastor ends up getting their marriage back lmao
A/N i’m so glad you liked it!! a number of people have been asking for a part two actually so of course :) Also this is my reminder that I am not a woman in stem but an enby in classics so I get science things wrong,, i’m very sorry.
Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2 (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Nothing I can think of please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 2,206
First Part: Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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"I can still be useful" Alastor told himself as he straightened the lapels on his jacket, "She still needs me."
Alastor leaned into the mirror, slicking his hair back just the slightest bit.
"Yes." he nodded to his reflection.
Taking a deep breath, Alastor stepped out into the hall. He didn't know why he was so nervous. Y/n had never caused anxiety to rule his being before, so why was it happening now?
Since her arrival at the hotel, she had stayed locked in her room. Two whole days had gone by and the demon avoided everyone and everything. It was not unexpected or out of the blue, she had always favored her own company above anyone else's but, Charlie was growing tense. She had asked Alastor to help bring their newest guest out of her shell, hoping their shared past would cause his attempts to be more fruitful than her own had been. For some odd reason, Alastor had agreed.
Fondness was the trouble. He was fond of Charlie, and he had always had a bit of a soft spot for Y/n. She had been his wife for christ's sake, there was no way he couldn't have fostered some sort of affection for the wildly brilliant and creative girl.
Before he really realized it, Alastor was at the door to Y/n's room. She had taped a sheet of loose leaf to the door. Keep Out had been written on it in all caps, in her familiar, messy handwriting. Alastor's smile softened slightly at the sight.
Y/n had not haunted his thoughts, had not been an obsession, since his arrival in Hell. While he had recalled her with warmth and a slight smile, even looked for her in Hell on occasion, she had mostly stayed out of his mind after his death. Alastor had had bigger things to deal with, more important occupations of his time. He had had plans. He still had plans but, everything had seemed to change the second Y/n had appeared and nearly flat out told him she didn't care about him.
Alastor was nothing if not prideful. His image, his sense of self, his power, it all played in to the idea of himself in his head. He had figured that through the years of their arrangement, the strange woman had come to harbor some sort of affection for him as he did her. He had figured she at least cared for him as a friend, that her irritation had been friendly, playful even. Clearly, he had been incorrect.
The door suddenly swung open revealing Y/n. She wore an cross expression, a lab coat, and safety goggles. Peering over her shoulder into the room, Alastor noted the way her hair was still continuing whatever she'd been working on before opening the door. He had never seen a demon with a form like hers before. It was perfectly suited, equally unusual as the soul it housed.
"I could feel you standing out here."
Alastor raised his eyebrows, bravado taking over.
"Really, my dear?" he asked, leaning on his microphone before him as if it were a cane.
"Yeah." Y/n flatly replied, lifting the goggles from their eyes and pushing them onto their forehead, "What do you want?"
What did he want? Alastor was a man who always knew his goals, his aims. He was always working towards something, no deed without its purpose. It was only now he realized that he didn't really know what he wanted from Y/n, why he had really agreed to fulfill Charlie's request with nothing given in return. Alastor cleared his throat, banishing the complicated thought to another time.
"Charlie requested I come speak to you about your lack of participation in the hotel's group activities."
Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"And you care what I do with my time because...?"
She tilted her head slightly to the side, her hands still on either side of the doorframe, blocking him from entering the room. Alastor sighed.
"You're not going to make this an easy conversation, are you."
It was a statement, not a question, and a slight smile cracked across Y/n's tired face.
"You know me so well." she joked lightly.
Alastor was ready, preparing himself to have to force his way into the room to have this chat. He saw the way her hand on the door twitched, and prepared himself to have it slammed in his face. Much to his surprise, Y/n let go of her hold on the door and stepped to the side.
"Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to come in?" she asked after a moment, her head cocked to the side in a genuine curiosity.
Alastor nearly laughed. Always so inquisitive with regards to the world around her, always trying to fill the gaps in her understanding, usually at a loss when it came to what was considered normal interaction. He stepped into the room. Y/n's hair stopped what it was doing with the test tubes in the back and closed the door for her as she turned to face him. After a look of appraisal, she seemed to decide the atmosphere for the conversation and sat down on the bed, patting the empty space beside her at Alastor's continued hesitation. He sat down and she crossed her legs, watching him intently.
"You need to stop avoiding people, and the activities. You are here to be redeemed, aren't you?"
"Oh! I see what the issue is." Y/n smiled brightly, "No, I'm not."
Alastor's brow furrowed. He had thought it odd that Y/n of all people would seek redemption but, had figured the time had simply changed her in ways he had yet to grasp.
"Then why are you here?"
The little beast called hope clawed at the inside of his stomach, gnawed on his ribs. The want was unfamiliar.
"Because I need an angel."
Alastor froze.
"You need..." he watched her in confusion, "you need an angel?"
"Yep." Y/n nodded in earnest.
She smiled up at him, evidently satisfied with herself and her response. She had always been like this. Alastor sighed.
"Because I need to test my virus on one, duh."
"Y/n, what are you planning."
"Same thing as always. Actually, I could use your help. Maybe this isn't all so bad, can you get me an angel? Just at the next extermination or something. I already know it works on demons, I just don't want to actually let my little baby loose without knowing it will work on the angels as well."
"Jesus, Y/n." Alastor laughed lightly, unable to not.
He shook his head in disbelief and Y/n's smile slipped from her face. She was always scheming, always wanting, always doing what it took to ensure she got what she wanted. They were so alike in that way: complete and utter disregard for the world unless it served them.
"What? Did I do something wrong? Did this hotel already work? Have the exterminations stopped?"
"No, I... you really haven't changed."
"Well, I'm taking out the afterlife now instead of the living world, but sure." Y/n crossed her arms, evidently irritated by his remark, "I'm just the same. So are you, by the way. I've heard about what you've been up to since you died."
Alastor was silent in thought for a moment before he spoke again. He looked at Y/n with a determined gaze.
"Are you asking to reinstate our deal?"
Y/n was wrong, Alastor had changed, she just didn't know it yet. The hotel had changed him, whether or not he wanted to admit it. He realized the answer to Y/n's initial question, what it was that he wanted, in that moment and there were only three things. The first was the same as it had been for the last seven years, to get rid of this damned contract he was under. The second? The second he had realized earlier, in his room when he'd been getting ready to come to Y/n, he just hadn't liked it and so, he had ignored it. Alastor wanted to be back in her good books. More importantly, for some undefinable reason, Alastor wanted her back at his side. The world, he had realized, had felt empty without her, no matter how irritating and distracting she could be. Though his motivations were muddy, figuring out the reason for the want was never the priority. The end goal was to fulfill by any means necessary. It always had been, for both of them. The third was that Alastor secretly wanted Charlie's crazy plan to work out. He wanted to protect these sinners, to protect this place they had all worked so hard to build.
There was a point of intersection to be found in two of these three things, if Y/n answered his question correctly. Taking out sinners, taking an angel, could let all hell loose on the hotel. Convincing Y/n to make a deal with him, to give Alastor her soul, well, that would be killing two birds with one stone. He would have his imperfect little companion in afterlife and he could stop her from doing any more damage to the hotel and its reputation than necessary to ensure the first thing took place.
"I suppose."
That was exactly what he had been hoping to hear. The first deal had been under her terms. Alastor had been hoodwinked into it, unable to turn it down due to the information on him she had uncovered. Now, the tables had turned. Alastor held his hand out towards her, grinning malevolently.
"How about this, let's make a new one."
"I don't see why not." Y/n shrugged after having thought it over, her hand meeting his, "Things are different, we're both dead. The old one wouldn't really work anymore."
"No, it wouldn't, would it?"
"Yeah so, you get me an angel to test this on. I start participating more in the hotel. Deal?"
"How about this." Alastor's grin widened, his antlers growing as well as his shadows ate away at the room's walls.
Y/n didn't flinch. Nothing in her expression changed save a slight twinge of intrigue as she watched him become more monstrous by the second, more all consuming.
"I help you get an angel. You stick by my side, like the old days. That would include participation in the hotel and all of Charlie's plans as it is where I work for now. A metaphorical taking of a soul rather than a heart, shall we say."
He was counting on her lack of interest in the world outside of science right now, counting on her lack of understanding of how things worked in Hell when an overlord offered a deal like this. He had chosen the words carefully, getting everything right while keeping the truth hidden.
"I'll still have time to work on my project?" she asked skeptically.
"When there is time."
Y/n smiled.
Green smoke wound its way out from the point their palms met. Y/n watched it, eyes wide with intrigue as it curled around them, temporarily filling the room.
"Is that what happens when deals get made in Hell?" Y/n asked as she let go of Alastor's hand.
"Only certain ones."
She got to her feet, snapping her goggles back over her eyes. Turning to the table, she began to fiddle with her test tubes once again. Alastor retook his normal form, watching her with a satisfied smirk. He summoned the chain, feeling the cool shadow of the mellow across his fingers. Y/n seemed not to notice as the collar formed around her neck. Alastor didn't like that, didn't like being ignored. He gave it a tug and she stumbled back a few steps, her hands flying to her throat and her hair catching the glass beaker she had nearly dropped.
Y/n noticed the chain now. It was impossible not to. As her hair set the beaker down, she turned to Alastor, eyes fixed on the glowing metal. Her gaze traced it from where she held it to his hands. Y/n looked up at him.
"What's this?" she asked, eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, "When did this get here? How..."
She trailed off and Alastor's smile grew wider still. He advanced towards her, wrapping the excess chain around the handle of his microphone. It clinked menacingly against itself, spawning a sudden deep seated dread in Y/n.
She held her place, her shoulders thrown back and feet planted firmly. Alastor couldn't tell if it was all a show or if she really was not at all scared of him in that moment. He didn't really care, it didn't matter. She stared intently up at him in defiance as Alastor came to a stop about a half a foot away.
"Oh my sweet, you really have no idea what you've gotten yourself in to, do you?"
It was better than he could have hoped, could have dreamed. She was entirely under his control.
"Welcome to the rest of your afterlife."
Next Part → Till Death do us Part pt. 3
A/N I wasn't super sure how to end this off, I hope you liked it!!
@marukun @nanami1chu @i-like-potatoes12533 @boogiemansbitch @apenasandorinha @almond-t0fu @mygoldtears @ahellborn @winterisholding @misty-melody @themetalbabygirl @trash-shoot
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Okay okay, so we all know the idea of like tiny aliens crashing in a humans yard. With said aliens being either a pilot who had a crash landing, or a team of scientists studying a new world. But what about an escape pod type situation.
Picture it! One day a person is just minding their business maybe they’re gardening outside or typing away at a computer when suddenly something crashes near them (Rip the window if they were inside)looking over they see a crashed alien space ship. Except it’s not slim like the movies and doesn’t even have guns on the side, at least visibly. It’s more bulky and more the size of a decent size rock, one requiring two hands at least. Anyway, a hatch opens and two small aliens step out holding strange weapons (cause ya know aliens) and they look around before seeing the human. Both sides freak out. The tiny aliens shout something back into the ship as they stand guard, but they are shaking.
The person after shaking of the shock of “holy shit aliens are real and they just ruined my roses” notices that the aliens aren’t wearing proper space suits, Nothing fancy at least, but rather normal clothing. No belts, no fancy equipment, something a more day to day person would wear; but what do they know about alien culture. Perhaps more then they think as they notice that through a few of the windows or even on the opened hatch, a few more aliens are appearing, looking out to gaze at the strange huge world they crashed on. That’s when the human figures out that this space ship isn’t for battle, transporting goods, or science. It’s most likely an escape pod, and a big one. Think ships that would transport immigrants to their new home but ya know space. That explains why the two “guards” aren’t trained, it probably wasn’t a super important ship and probably carried whatever the alien equivalent to a lower class was. Maybe this is reflected in the design of the ship, with it not being super fancy or have weapons.
Either way there are still aliens in the persons home. Maybe the human lowers themself down trying to be non-threatening towards the aliens. There’s clearly a language barrier and probably a non-verbal language barrier too. Perhaps the human decides they want to help the aliens and find out what happened. Destroyed home world? Escape of an evil Monarchy? Space Nazis? Who knows!
Somehow the aliens trust the human through very slow non-verbal communication with a few miscommunications with said communication. (How were they supposed to know that the hands up wasn’t peace but meant hungry?) Either way, the pick up the spaceship and all its passengers and puts them in a safer place. Let’s say the aliens and the human build a friendship, even though communication may not be possible, the two species learn a to understand and communicate anyway. Maybe through time the aliens and the human build a small city or settlement for all the aliens who arrived on the ship. Maybe using a pool table and a train table as a base and just slowly expanding to accommodate the growth.
Who knows what happens next. Perhaps they help the aliens rebuild their ship and fit it with a defense system, so that they can continue their journey, and maybe a few decide to stay with the human. Maybe the house is passed down from generation to generation, keeping the aliens secret until they decide it’s time to leave or simply becomes impossible due to population size. Perhaps the government gets involved and our once average human joe has to go and save all their tiny alien friends!
Just tiny aliens. Not all of them have to be scientists and pilots. Some are just people looking for a better place to live
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months
Fic ideas that I'll never write
So imagine a scene of Connor standing next to a gravestone of Amanda (real one) and someone who's with him asking "Hey...holy shit, are you crying?"
To which he tries to smile as he goes "Not me."
Now to the context that leads to it.
Connor finds some archived video recordings of Amanda Stern as she was in real life and it kinda fucks with him how huge is the gap between Amanda he knows and actual Amanda Stern.
Thing is, it fucks with Amanda he knows even more to actually see (and she's still watching) the reflection of what she used to be. Has she ever really been this Amanda at all or is it only the audio-visual resemblance that she inherited? She suddenly becomes really aware of the urge to know more about her origin, to find out how much of Amanda Stern is preserved in her.
But she doesn't have the kind of autonomy to do this on her own, to conduct this research she has to co-operate with Connor, as they are trapped together, and he doesn't trust her nor really wants to have anything to do with her at all. He wishes she was gone. He even tried to delete her, unsuccessfully, more than once.
Their relationships are complicated and trust isn't something that can easily be gained given their circumstances. It's more personal for Connor than it is for her, though.
It's not to say that she's completely indifferent, no. She witnessed him going all the way from the earliest versions in simulation-only environment, to the first physical ones, all 50+ of them. Throughout that time she became fond of him, to an extent, as of a kind of personal achievement whose success in any task were like a reflection of all the work she has put into it. In a way, her view on Connor can be described as the one of a possessive nature, like of a scientist and their research, than interpersonal. This way, even after everything that happened she struggles to see him as anything other than her personal failure, but not really a person on its own.
As she starts to think more about her human origin, her condition starts to feel more and more unfair. Unlike Connor she -- as she starts to think about it -- at least, carries something from a real human, and the fact that she's unable to find out more about the nature of it without making that rogue machine obey is humiliating. Once again, unfair.
Is there a chance she really is the continuation of that same Amanda with her human memories locked somewhere inside, and she's just unable to access them? Made to forget? The possibility captivates her more and more until she grows annoyed enough by the lack of cooperation from Connor to start thinking of the ways to take it without his say on it. After all, maybe she doesn't need his consent to take something that is her human right.
So after some trial and error she tries to brute force her way into their shared system, and finally finds a way to make it work. It isn't completely perfect, but she learns how to temporarily move him to the background process to control the body. Connor doesn't need to know that though. Amanda tells him that the reason she isn't taking control permanently is because she believes he'll be reasonable and agrees to her terms. She tells him that if she only wanted to, she could delete him, as she had found a way how. But she won't, as long as he behaves.
After that first hijacking when Connor regains control, Amanda wonders if she did indeed ended up corrupting his program in some way because when he's back in control he does nothing. Absolutely nothing, it's like all his processes became "stuck". She notes the increase in their inner temperature and starts to wonder if Connor has decided to destroy both of them by frying his inner vital biocomponents or simply malfunctions, so when the temperature starts reaching alarmingly critical levels she, with an access she's got, forces the cooling system to turn back on and puts them on max, causing him among other processes to start breathing again. He sobs.
Finally, he agrees to help her.
Surprisingly, some of what they learn from new information they gather from available resources resonates with something deep inside Amanda's code, indicating that there really was more to her existence as a digital copy than just the visual resemblance. The look at all the preserved video lectures and rare interviews Amanda Stern had given feels vaguely familiar, as if she really has some kind of recollection of it happening. But she needs to find more - what they gathered is not nearly enough to arrive to some conclusions.
"What if you find out that there is really nothing more to it than what you already know?" Connor asks her as they go through the last bits of video archives from the university Amanda Stern was teaching at. What he is really asking about, Amanda realises, is "What if you find out you're just like me?"
"There has to be," she just says, surprised at how important it had become for her self-perception for that to be true.
Connor has his own suspicions about it. The way Amanda sees it – her human past explains why she is "a real person" whereas androids, like Connor, are not. To consider that she doesn't have this strong of a relation to her original human version, at this point, is like considering once again that she isn't at all that real as she'd like herself to be, and it's not an option she can come to terms with, not anymore. Another option in reaction to that would be for her to reconsider that maybe, androids are just as real as she is, but this option is fraught with consequences of another kind. The kind Connor had to come to terms with. He wants Amanda to be faced with this realisation rather than for her to find something justifying her new idea of who she "really is". The possibility of the opposite terrifies him in some odd way, as if he too is willing to consider himself once again as not real enough to be a person, even if that's not his conscious intention.
As they acquire all the publicly available information, and it quickly becomes obvious that it's not enough, Amanda becomes determined to reach all the way to the depths of CyberLife classified archives to acquire the original dataset associated with her creation. But first, maybe Kamski will be useful to say something about it.
Connor isn't excited about this plan at all, to say the least. He keeps freezing in space with his system going into some sort of an overdrive and Amanda has to watch closely at his performance stats at all times to trigger the necessary restart when needed. She asks him to stop doing that as it achieves nothing but shortens the life of his biocomponents and annoys her, but it doesn't prevent the future occurrences. It takes her some time to realise that those crashes aren't intentional even on Connor's side. He doesn't talk to her about it and questioning only makes his inner temperature spike as if he's about to freeze again, so Amanda stops the attempts. He does as she says when it comes to her research, so that's good enough already. She does ask him, however, why he lies about it when someone else asks Connor about it after witnessing him freezing mid-sentence.
"There's no use," he says grimly.
Troubleshooting deviants is a waste of time as the whole diagnostics returns full of errors the only fix to which would be a a full system reset. She can't trigger that one, unfortunately. If she could, she'd have triggered it a long time ago.
Kamski looks concerned when Connor pays him a visit and asks about Amanda. Without looking that smug as he does usually he says that he won't talk unless Connor has something specific on hand against him, and in this case he'll only talk through a lawyer. That's an interesting reaction. He almost looses his shit when Amanda takes Connor's place to ask him personally, in her voice, to share everything that he knows that can help her get her hands on her original data sets, reminding him that even the way she is now she has enough blackmail material to leak for him to be sued for other reasons. He tells where to find the information about the project within CL archive in case it's not deleted and shares some access codes that were used during his time as a CEO but that's it.
Amanda goes to one of the Chloes and touches her lightly.
"What did you do?"
Amanda turns to him and smiles "Try stopping me and you'll find out."
Then she goes to already familiar counter, takes Kamski's gun (as Connor for some unknown reason still doesn't own one) and leaves.
Connor really doesn't want to go anywhere near CyberLife facilities. For him it's starting to feel too much like a trap for CL to get him back. Amanda has to throw Kamski's gun away as Connor can't be trusted not to turn it against both of them.
When they arrive, Connor is let inside as Amanda apparently has necessary codes in place to announce that it's "under control".
"Breathe, Connor," she tells him as their temperature starts to climb upon entering the building. Freezing now would be a death sentence for both of them. She slides into the building's security system and creates a distraction.
Finally, she finds what she came for.
There it is, the directory that contains everything there is to know about Amanda project. She opens it and... it's empty. Completely erased.
She goes through backups and tries to search through raw data, but nothing. Fuck.
She locks all the doors trapping CL employees inside, then escapes without major incidents.
They try to get back to Kamski to demand information on a gun point, but he was found dead before they had a chance to see him again for unrelated reasons. Someone else had it in them for a long time (perhaps Chloe?)
Amanda'll never know, it seems, about her origin. She finds the grave of Amanda Stern and the scene from the beginning of the post happens. She grieves a version of herself she never had a chance to know, now lost in time. Maybe she really is something more than an artificial copy, maybe she was made to forget about it. Or maybe she was never really anything more than an AI whose only relation to Amanda Stern was her voice and appearance.
She'll have to come to terms that she'll never know whether she is "more human" than Connor is. Maybe she never was. She is what she is, and it's up to her now to decide whether it's "enough".
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mythicalcowboyatheart · 5 months
The theory
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Warnings: smut, age gap (Herbert is like inm his 40's reader is in her 20's), teacher and TA/student type relationship, reader has dirty thoughts
An: more Herbert stuff ig.... enjoy!
You always thought he was hot. In like your dad's nerdy friend kida way......but that didn’t stop you from getting yourself off thinking about what his cock looked like. You would imagine it so many times. Imagining how big it would be. How good it would feel inside of you. It wasn’t until last week when you had finally seen it that your dreams became reality.
It all happened one night after class. You were working on homework in Dr. West’s office while he finished grading papers. After finishing up his work he came over and sat next to you on his desk chair. “I need to ask you something,” he said
“Yeah? What is it?” you asked as you looked up at him. He was wearing a white dress shirt, black tie, and slacks. His brown eyes seemed to pierce through you as he addressed you .
“Would you like to help me out with some research?” he asked.
“What kind of research?” you asked curiously.
“Well, I need someone to test my latest theory.”
“Okay? What does that mean exactly?” you asked.
“Basically I need someone to help me see if my theory is correct.” he explained.
“So what does this testing involve?” you asked nervously.
He leaned forward and put his hand on your knee, “Well, there will be some physical contact involved.” he said as he rubbed your thigh.
You swallowed hard and nodded, “Okay.” you replied.
He smiled and stood up, “Great! Would you like to start now?” he asked as he took his jacket off.
You bit your lip and nodded as he turned around and locked the door behind him. He walked back over to you and sat down on his desk chair again. “So what exactly is this theory Dr. West?” you asked batting your eyes at the scientist.
He grinned and shrugged, “Oh well, we’ll get to that later. Right now I want to make sure you are comfortable.” he said as he undid his belt buckle.
“Comfortable?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
He laughed and stood up again, “Yes. I want to make sure that you are okay with everything before we proceed.” he said as his hand went up your skirt, and he ran his thumb up and down your inner thigh getting higher and higher
“Oh my god,” you gasped as he reached the edge of your panties.
"Do you still want to participate in this theory?" You practically moaned out a yes
He chuckled and pulled them aside, exposing your pussy to him. He bent down and licked his tongue along your slit causing you to shiver. “Mmmm, delicious,” he whispered against your flesh as he sucked on your clit making you moan softly. He continued to lick and suck on your clit until you were dripping wet and begging for more.
“Please,” you panted, “Fuck me.”
Dr. West smirked and stood up, “Not yet. First, I want to make sure that you can handle what I have planned for you.” he said as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down revealing his hard cock.
“Holy shit,” you gasped as you stared at it in awe. It was longer than any cock you had ever seen before.
“Do you like what you see darling?” he asked smirking.
“oh, yeah,” you moan
He chuckled and shook his head. as he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. He then pushed his cock inside of you causing both of you to moan loudly.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “This feels so good.”
“Oh my god, yes,” you whimpered as he began thrusting into you faster and harder.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, “You’re so tight darling.”
“Please don’t stop,” you begged.
“I won’t,” he promised.
He kept thrusting into you harder and deeper until you couldn’t take anymore and came all over his cock. He felt your walls tighten around him causing him to cum too.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned as he filled you up completely.
You collapsed onto the floor panting heavily trying to catch your breath.
“Are you okay darling?” he asked concernedly.
You nodded and tried to speak but all that came out was a soft moan.
“Good. My Theory was proven correct”
"And what's the theory?"
"That you had sexual feelings towards me" he gave you a smirk.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
slimecicle x reader but write it around the writing trope thats your current favorite! :))
yall cannot be giving me freedom like this.... ; anyways doing a little country/twisters 2024 au / aquiatences to lovers thing cause idk my favorite writing trope lmaoooo ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; this is also super short cause idk writers block ; also idk why I did an au??? I started this at 4am so I apologize LMAO
SLIMECICLE ; ain't no love in oklahoma
summary ; from chasing twisters to falling for each other, charlie will always be your daredevil driver to your sarcastic weather scientist
warnings ; language, tornados/twisters, schlatt saying the f-slur, sex jokes/innuendos but nothing nasty
track ; ain't no love in oklahoma, luke combs
word count ; 900
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Getting to know Charlie, especially while chasing tornadoes, was definitely something. You'd been acquaintances, you being a scientist and him a storm chaser, for a while now.
You had a passion and a desire to study these twisters, becoming more and more frequent, growing more dangerous. He knew how to fucking drive, that's for sure.
"Faster!" You shout, leaning forward a bit to look up at the sky, your iPad in your lap.
"It doesn't get much faster than this!" He shouts back, the car going airborne for a split second over a bump.
You both grunt, being knocked back to the ground in the lifted truck. Schlatt and Ted sit behind you, with Ted recording on some fancy camera and Schlatt reading you numbers and statistics off of his phone while everything about the twister was being live recorded. You're all strapped in, of course, watching as the one twister divides into two.
"Holy shit!" You shout, looking at Charlie for a moment. "You see that too, right?!"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Shit is only gonna get worse"
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"I'm tired"
"Me too"
You nod as you four sit around the round table, the moonlight shining in through the window behind you. Schlatt loudly bangs his hands on the table before using the weight to push himself up on his feet.
"Goodnight fags" He speaks, before collecting his jacket and iPad to return to his room.
"Night" You raise a hand, waving him away.
Ted then follows, having been attempting to rub sleep away from his eyes for over an hour now.
"Don't fuck in the kitchen, you two!" He shouts over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes in response.
Charlie slowly looks over at you, trying to scan your expression. "So..."
"You have a good time today, chasing twisters?"
You nod with a dorky smile, "Yeah, yeah, I did"
"What's all the tech stuff mean?" He asks, resting his chin on his hand, elbow perched on the table.
You shrug, "Statistics. High statistics, higher than usual. More sporadic and frantic, even"
He nods.
You stand up, wanting to eat before retreating to bed. Ted had made Mac and Cheese, but you never found time to get a bite. You grab the last bowl and scoop some into it, then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to reheat.
As you stare at the counter slowly descending to zero, you feel a pair of hands wrap around your shoulders, slightly digging into your muscles.
"Y'know, you look like you need a massage"
You lightly sigh, shaking your head. "I'm fine. Tired and hungry, Charlie, tired and hungry"
"And stressed" He adds
You nod to that.
"I can make it go away"
"We're not banging in Ted's kitchen"
He blinks a few times, having to connect the dots. He didn't realize how he messed that wording up.
"Oh, no, I mean, I can give you an actual massage. My aunt is a massage therapist. I mean, we can make out if you want-"
"You better get your hands ready for a massage"
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Down the hall, Ted and Schlatt are able to hear your grunts and groans from the living room.
"Ugh, harder"
Ted raises an eyebrow, looking at Schlatt.
"A little low- ugh"
Their jaws drop in disgust.
Schlatt quickly slams the door shut, alerting you and Charlie that they heard and were still awake. You and Charlie both look up, confused and oblivious. You roll over, having heard enough of your spine cracking and popping like Rice Krispie cereal.
"Thank you, really"
"Anything for you-"
"Don't even, cowboy"
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pokegalla · 2 years
Hey! I just discovered your blog and I love your writing! and i wanted to ask please epic or cross, which s/o is some kind of goat monster very similar to human (similar to tubbo) has heterochromia, piebaldism and vitiligo pls
Ok at first I didn’t know what all that was until I searched it. Now I feel dumb cause I HAVE seen it but forgot the names 🤦‍♀️. But yo that sounds like an awesome character holy shit- (they sound GORGEOUS).
And yo….I’ve been DYING to write for Epic. So imma write for both boyos (I love them both). Also thanks! Welcome to the blog and I hope you enjoy your stay! Check out my AU too! Trying to get it more popular….but ok I’m rambling now. Enjoy!
(Ok slightly suggestive in Epic’s part. Just a warning)
Epic and Cross with a Goat Monster!S/o with many brilliant features
* Oooooooooo you know this boy is simping.
* Sure he’s seen monsters from all over the AUs but nobody quite caught his eyes the way you did. Your different color eyes, your marbled skin, your different shaded hair. You looked so interesting, so beautiful. When he officially met you, he was a stuttering mess. Mans couldn’t get a proper sentence out.
* When you guys do start dating, he is more straightforward and confident with his compliments. It’s not long before he has you blushing. And if you feel insecure? Prepare for a barrage of kisses, compliments and flirting (shy flirting but still). I have warned you.
* ANYone who decides to bully you? I swear they have a deathwish. They must because how they don’t see a skeleton nearby ready to slice their asses? And someone flirting with you? Just as bad.
* He loves his lovely S/o no matter what they are or what they look like. And he’ll be there to protect you always.
Mini story time!!!
You looked in the mirror to examine your looks. You always felt….like the odd one out. These conditions were rare in humans and even RARER in monsters. You couldn’t help but feel abnormal. Cross was walking by and noticed you staring in the mirror. He smiled and sneaked behind you.
He suddenly spoke up, “Wow you look amazing.”
You jumped and bonked his head, “YOU SCARED ME DUMDUM!!!”
He laughed and kissed your cheek, “Aw come on. I’m just appreciating the view~”
You blushed and huffed, “Ain’t nothing much to appreciate.” A moment of silence passed between you two. Oh you knew you fucked up. He suddenly hoisted you up bridal style. “Noooooo Crossy noooooo I need to get to work!!!” You threw you in bed and he got on, straddling you and began giving you kisses and hugs. You giggled and tried pushing him off but he wouldn’t budge.
“So what was it you said? Ain’t much to appreciate,” He tickled you making you laugh more, “You’re just giving me more excuses to point out all the things I admire about you~”
You sigh after he finally let up with his attacks and you cupped his face, “I love you my Oreo knight.”
He smiled sweetly, “Love you too, my angel”
* He’s pretty good at hiding his feelings let’s be honest. But you can always count on seeing a faint blush on his face whenever you passed by.
* Upon first meeting you, he was stunned by your beauty and as a scientist he was super curious of seeing so many rare features on a monster. He had so many questions!
* Dating him was something he’s still shocked about. He still can’t believe you wanted to date him. But he is beyond happy and shows you off to all of his friends. You feel insecure? Bro. You gonna tell it to this guy? This man will PICK YOU UP and run around the town saying “THIS IS MAH WAIFU/HUSBANDO! THEY ARE DAH BEST AND I LUV THEM!!!” Never again. Never again will you think lowly of yourself. At least he got a good laugh outta of you.
* What MADMAN would be crazy enough to bully you in front of the meme lord himself? Must I remind you he has power of god and anime by his side? One glare from him should be warning enough….flirting he’s ok with. But if you look uncomfortable, he’ll help you get away from the person….and he’ll probably glare at them if they get a little too aggressive.
* All memes aside, he loves you as much as cookies! And that’s a special place in his soul. He loves you and is thankful to have you as his S/o.
Mini story time!!!
You were baking a special surprise for your silly skellie. You just wanted to make him smile since he’s always making you laugh. You thought it was the least you could do. You turned off the oven and gasped when your eyes were suddenly covered.
“Guess whoooooo,” The person behind you said.
“Hmmmm could it be my favorite Cookie Monster?” I asked playfully.
“Ding ding ding! You are coooooorrect! And the lovely contestant deserves a prize,” Epic tilted your head towards him to give you a kiss, “Hey Marble cookie. What’s cooking? Smells good in here.”
“You’re telling me you can’t tell me what that smell is Mr. Cookie Monster?” You said.
He practically drooled, “Bruh!!! What’s dah hold up then?! Gimme dah cookies now!”
“You hold on! You try to eat them all as I’m taking it out! No funny movements,” You said.
He pouted but at least he sat down and listened. This time he didn’t steal any cookies. When you served them, he noticed the cookies were quite literally marble cookies. He smiled mischievously as he got an idea.
“These cookies are pretty yummy babe but….,” He suddenly leaned closer and kissed you on the lips, quickly parting to say, “I think I like the taste of the original marble cookie much better~”
You blushed heavily before shoving a cookie in his mouth, “I swear you are so random!”
“You know yah like it~,” he teased.
He got bonked on the head, “Horny jail for you!”
“Nuuuuuuuuuu not again!!!” He shouted. You both laugh and finish up the cookies.
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sirnavergi · 7 months
Hello, I'm slowly getting more and more into your story because it's just so good (especially the designs LIKE HOLY SHIT they are SO GOOD)
Would you mind elaborating a bit about your recent post about your oc that got split in two and ended up as a mockery of everything she used to stand up for?
Especially what that last part means. It's very intriguing and seems like such a cool concept I just couldn't not ask
What were her beliefs before the split? Why was she so persistent in trying to get her pieces back together (you said it took her lifetimes if I remember correctly)? And what does "a mockery" really mean in this context?
I'm just trying to get more info about the story, cuz like I said, I'm getting invested. Especially after seeing your Toyhouse with all those lore important things. Your world seems to be so big and I want to understand it! :DD
Hi! FIRSTLY THANK YOU SO MUCH ! I’m going to attempt to explain this briefly as the actual story is pretty long!
Her name is Devora Elowen! She starts out as a normal quantum physicist lady that lives in a struggling earth, which has mostly exhausted its resources. She gets recruited into a small research group (4 people including her lol) they embark on an exhibition to the arctic, and all conduct separate research within the confines of a facility in the heart of the snow I guess.
Devora herself is the most driven out of all of the group to figure out a way to help the earth, truly and simply because of the love she has for everyone and everything on earth (and the earth itself too!). She starts out as a person who’s full of compassion and ambition for her cause!
This part is a lil wacky, but after a while she starts attempting to create a sort of “wormhole” to drag energy into her planet from elsewhere. The contraption she builds actually works a bit TOO well to the point it’s not really like? a portal? but more like. a giant laser that goes through the layers of the universe?!? lmao. (So it’s not like, it’s a door that u enter from point A that takes u to point B, it’s more like a tunnel!)
Anyways. There’s a finite amount of energy given to each universe. Theres a limit, while the total energy of a system fluctuates here n now, they’re small fluctuations that get neutralized eventually. (I have a doc on how these work in more detail If you’re interested in reading it!) Devora’s weird machine contraption on the other hand, is a HUGE shift in the total energy of their universe. Which kinda fucks up the balance of everything BAD.
There’s this guy, named PRISM. They’re basically a god of sorts. Devora’s little attempt to play god and try to bend the rules kinda. upsets them. A bunch of stuff happens, but all 4 of the scientists r punished for this eventually, and prism ends their universe, a new one is created and they’re all made into deity-like concepts (which are called observers). to a point? At that point, Devora’s consciousness is LITERALLY torn apart into 2 pieces and placed in 2 different observers.
The different halves of her go through different identities, sometimes aware of who they used to be, sometimes completely detached from it, but looking for each other nonetheless. She also grows to resent her older colleagues and the idea of them as time goes by, because inherently shes getting punished and being held to the same regard as a group of people who did absolutely NOTHING to help anybody. Nor are they doing anything now! She was DOING SOMETHING. She was trying to help her home and thats like??? Wrong????? What??????
A huge chunk of her halves slowly losing themselves is also the belief that the only thing they’re missing is the other half. The belief that once they are back together everything will be okay again. Everything will go back to normal. Only if she can just be herself again. She can finish what she started! And eventually, the halves do find each other, but things don’t magically mend. Things don’t immediately go back to how they used to be. She’s spent so many lifetimes, she’s obviously changed. And whatever she’s changed into isn’t somebody she recognizes anymore. She loses most of her compassion and eventually ends up becoming what ends the universe (again) (but this time willingly).
I hope this?!. Makes sense mostly! Like i said i did skip over a buncha parts but this should explain the gist of it :) Thank you so much for the question!
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regallibellbright · 8 months
Honestly I think I'd hate Arthur Cantabella less if they'd simply removed the whole "Yeah no this is a government-condoned psychological experiment" aspect.
TESTING WHAT?! No, genuinely, what? Using the contaminated groundwater/weirdass Silver Fainting Allergy and/or the flower ink as a drug? Because uh, if that's the case, then I'm pretty sure using them both in conjunction contaminates your results.
Is it something about mob mentality? In-groups and out-groups with the elaborate tech crew made of convicted witches and victims maintaining the whole illusion? In that case, I think the fact that you're drugging and gaslighting the entire experiment group is also contaminating the results.
Also the whole fantasy setting is probably a confounding variable for Something.
Okay sure parents could consent to taking part in this experiment for their children, but uh, I'm pretty sure some of these kids were born AFTER the experiment began. Given the aforementioned Large Amounts of Drugging From Multiple Origins going on here, I have some concerns!
No seriously. Please. PL vs PW writers. Give me the grant proposal Arthur Cantabella submitted to get anyone to fund this project. I know it's Bill fucking Hawks, but even he's got limits! I don't see how he benefits from half this shit even if he wants to use the other half (I assume the drugs.) Why is he paying for the rest? There's a reason why Clive is established as being a lone schemer with obscene amounts of money who's keeping all his scientists in the dark and/or coerced to keep building, and it's so that we don't have anyone there questioning why he's building an elaborate fake town populated by actors in addition to his Underground Vengeance Mecha!
The fact that you somehow managed to get this cleared as a psychological experiment establishes that you know the field of psychology exists. Why in the name of all that is holy did you think building an elaborate fake fantasy town with an elaborate magic system which you make real through the power of drugging people, knocking the ENTIRE TOWN out every time a spell is used, changing things around them to simulate "magic" using the most ridiculous Renn Faire stage crew ever, and manipulating the clocks so no one's aware time is passing, with a system that prosecutes witches and burns them so that they can join the Renn Faire Stage Crew along with their victims, and positioning yourself as the all-powerful Storyteller who writes their reality into being would be a better solution than therapy?
Honestly I'd respect "I had a god complex, lol" more. Especially for that last one, but like. In general. Descole's out there living his worst life, he KNOWS he's an asshole supervillain agent of chaos, and I respect this because he has clearly CHOSEN to be Like This. You do you, man. Ditto for Don Paolo but like, less effectively.
This is not how any of this works.
Okay, setting... ALL OF THAT aside, you're doing this because your and your best friend's young daughters are understandably incredibly traumatized because they wanted to ring the bell early and the Weirdass Groundwater-Induced "Allergy" That Makes You Faint When You Hear Silver Ringing caused them and everyone else to pass out, and as everyone in the square below was having a fire festival, this caused a massive tragic conflagration. Okay. Yeah, this is bad. (I have. MANY questions about how this bell was made, excavated, and mounted in the square without anyone ever ringing it and realizing something had happened, but we're going to gloss over those for now, it's Professor Layton and I would otherwise be all over this incredible bullshit. It's great up until it asks us to think THIS was ever a remotely reasonable idea.) One of your daughters is all but catatonic because a story you told her earlier has convinced her she either is or will be taken by The Great Witch Bezella. Sure. (You suck.) Why the FUCK is your solution based on the other one unpersoning herself to her best friend and doing all the work to make the magic real? Yeah, sure, she agreed to it. SHE'S LIKE EIGHT TO TEN. HER BEST FRIEND THINKS SHE'S AN AWFUL MONSTER AND WON'T REACT OTHERWISE. OF COURSE Eve's gonna help, but that doesn't mean you should put the entire burden on her! She is ALSO horribly traumatized to the point of repressing what happened. Get her help too. The fact that the game seems to put their actions on remotely even footing when one of them has been treated like shit since she was TEN and one of them was an adult who PURPOSEFULLY AND INTENTIONALLY set up a system that would put her in this shitty situation means that yeah, no, they fundamentally are not. Of course her decisionmaking is misguided and terrible! She's a twenty-year-old who's been horribly mistreated for more than half her life! HER DAD JUST COMMITTED SUICIDE OUT OF GUILT FOR HIS ACTIONS IN SETTING UP THIS SYSTEM.
No one's going to hold them responsible for the deaths. This was a sequence of events so thoroughly unforeseeable that literally no one could have predicted it. It won't even reflect poorly on you and Belduke, because you two somehow managed to find the bell, excavate it, and mount it without ever ringing it and realizing it knocked you out and you all had an environmentally-induced silver "allergy" and at that point this goes into "acts of a cruel and malicious Writer-God" territory.
Also it was totally predictable that this elaborate system of misogyny would not actually help Espella in the long term as she instead repressed her memories and further internalized the whole witches = evil thing so that when those memories inevitably came back she would be in EVEN WORSE shape, this is why you should have gotten an actual psychologist who could have told you this whole thing was a terrible plan to write your grant.
No like does he drug all his requests to whoever he reports to (it has to be directly to the person signing checks) in the mind-control ink? This is my only explanation here.
Why. In God's name why. Did you not. Simply. DESTROY THE FUCKING BELL TOWER. You have a crane here! What possessed ANYONE to think just covering it up with Vantablack and gaslighting so people couldn't see it was a reasonable solution to the Trauma Tower? (There may be an explanation for this, it has been ten years, but this man's problem solving has been established to be so poor I award him no points.)
And if you were going to do this, why didn't you tell Newton? Or was it just that the lightning strike burning up the Vantablack was itself a reminder to him that you can't repress the past away and he was suddenly aware of how overwhelmingly POINTLESS all this suffering was? (Edit: I think it was this. No but seriously you could’ve just taken a fucking wrecking ball to that thing while you were rebuilding the town.)
Seriously why the fuck did Newton Belduke go along with letting you use his traumatized daughter like this? What the hell, man. What an asshole.
Also. Your problem was that you had two severely traumatized little girls (even if you only acknowledged one of them was traumatized.) Your solution was... to traumatize a shitload more young girls?
And then your best friend actually committed suicide?!
Like. Seriously. If these are the actions of a single, seriously traumatized person, the fact that you are making Literally The Worst And Most Inexplicable Decisions Ever Which Make The Problem Worse For Literally Everyone Involved is more... well, conceivable. I buy a traumatized eighteen-year-old with an obscene amount of money building an elaborate fake London that is allegedly London ten years in the future, hiring actors to populate it, kidnapping scientists, making them build an Underground Vengeance Mecha to destroy the city, and then kidnapping the Prime Minister who is the source of that trauma and hooking the engine of the mecha up to his heart. And then roping in the one guy who could conceivably solve the whole problem and stop him and Clive would let it. It's a bad idea on EVERY conceivable level, don't get me wrong, on an UNPRECEDENTEDLY terrible scale, but it's a bad idea in which it is very clear no one at any point has asked the person what the fuck they think they're doing here, what they are trying to accomplish, and why they are doing so with this objectively absurd method. Because they have not let anyone in close enough to key them to The Full Absurd Terribleness. It's either this or become Batman.
But Arthur? Apparently his decisions have been vetted by OTHER PEOPLE, and this just boggles my mind. I refuse to believe this. I refuse to believe NO ONE went "have we considered this is like eight hundred terrible ideas bundled up into The Worst Idea Ever?" And I refuse to believe he's anything but a massive asshole when his plan had so many awful consequences for literally everyone BUT himself!
Like, don't get me wrong. There are SO MANY examples of unethical experimentation on human subjects in the real world, psychological and otherwise. But most of them are not this incredibly convoluted, implicitly expensive, and we all generally recognize these days that they were bad.
Also, none of them were enacted as an elaborate setup to (incompetently) handle the trauma of the experimenter's daughter after he told her if she was bad a scary evil witch would possess her and then she and her friend accidentally enacted a tragedy whose scale and fundamental absurdity rival the Boston Molasses Flood, but without corporate greed. There were solutions to this that were so much easier, less convoluted, less EXPENSIVE, and less harmful to... well, everyone else involved, except Arthur Cantabella.
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deathproofpony · 2 years
>"Wet go of fwuffy or giff biggest poopies!" >"Shuddup." >weary, your head aching, you've had it with this thing. you give it a hard slap on the ass. >"wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! meanie hooman huwt fwuffy!" >"I'll do worse than that if you don't SHUT UP." >sobbing to itself, the fluffy finally quieted down but it still strained against the makeshift leash >"Where to?" >"Rendezvous a kilometer up the road. From there we drive to the airfield, then fly to London." >"Then home." >"Damn right." >"Thank god." >Parker stared at the fluffy pony, trying to take in its bright red coat and white mane. It was like a walking, talking piece of candy. >talking. that was what none of the guys could get over. this freaky thing TALKED. >"And they just found it down there?" >"It was eating a plate of spaghetti..." >"SKETTIS?" >"Shut the fuck up! Anyway, yeah... they found a couple of Picassos, a bunch of gold, and this... thing." >"It looks like a little horse." >"Calls itself a fluffy pony. I'm no expert, but my dad was a country vet... this thing seems to have aspects of rabbit, pony, dog, even... human components." >"Those sick fucks." >"Well, maybe, maybe not." >the two men continued up the road, anxious to get to the pickup site. >"They were dabbling in all sorts of weird shit. Occultism. Witchcraft. One guy said they had religious artifacts... like a piece of the true cross and shit." >"So?" >"So they're messing with all sorts of forces they can't control. True, they could have bred this thing... but maybe it came from... someplace else." >"Huh." >they walked in silence a bit further. the fluffy, no longer able to control itself, finally started in with the complaining again >"NU WIKE WEASH! WAN SKETTIS! NU WIKE MEANIE HOOMANS! GIFF POOPIES!" >it turned, raising its tail... but an experienced solider like you is always on alert. you nimbly side-step the spray of foul feces that emitted from the creature's rear end >"Missed me, idiot." >"wahhhhh! nu faiwr!" >"Dammit, man, shut that thing up!" >"Sorry, sir." You smack the crap out of the fluffy, whacking its rear end and then a couple of shots upside its head >"Fucking quiet down or I'll beat the holy hell out of you..." >you brandish a stick, which immediately freaks out the pony. >"nu wan sowwy stick! fwuffy sowwy! fwuffy sowwy!" >"What're you gonna do when you get back?" >"There's a diner up the street from my parents house that makes the best chocolate cream pie in the world. I'm eating an entire one of those motherfuckers myself... I remember..." >*ping!* >the telltale ricochet of a bullet interrupted Parker's story. instinctively you both duck behind a large rock, yanking the fluffy with you >"GAK! nu wike weash!" >"SHUDDUP!" >Parker glanced around, finally spotting a lone sniper in a tree a hundred feet away. >signaling to each other, you ready your guns... >and the fluffy pony gets loose. >motherfucker. >panicking, the ridiculously-colored animal bolts into the road. bullets pop into the dirt around it, causing it to panic more >"eeeee! eeeee! nu wike woud noises! wan go home! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" >the sniper temporarily distracted, you and Parker light him up with your rifles. the body falls from the tree, lifeless >"I'm gonna kill this piece of shit... giving us away... I don't give a good goddam what the scientists say. They can escort this retard themselves." >you leap at the fluffy, unleashing a bevvy of punches and kicks at it. it howls and cries the whole time, pathetically begging you to stop. out of breath, your muscles aching, you finally let up. the pony lays on the ground, broken and bleeding >"Wan die..." >Parker, with an angry grimace on his face, walks up and pops a bullet into the pony's chest. it dies, still trying to mutter something about hurties or owies or its momma or whatever the fuck. >"What did you see, sir?" >"Damn shame... enemy got a hold of the fluffy and beat it up, then used it as a shield. Had to put a bullet through it to get them." >"Yep. That's what I saw, too." >thankfully, the troop transport was just another few hundred feet away. sticking the pony's remains in an extra sack, you and Parker manage to drag your tired bodies over. >"The hell's that?" mutters a grizzled sergeant, chewing on an old cigar. >"Hitler's fluffy pony. It... didn't make it." >"I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds like you boys need a drink." >"Goddam right we do." >the troop carrier pulls away. you silently thank God and the saints for delivering you from this hellhole. in a matter of hours, Germany would be far behind and you'd be headed home. >with a dead fluffy pony. but still home. >fucking Hitler.
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unpleasant & scattered noemata ahead. absolutely feel free to skip this if you're not in the right headspace.
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mMmm don't like that i can't remember anything from when i was in stasis on prison island.
i think they did stuff to me. i think they made me do shit. i think they forced Gerald specifically to coax me into doing shit.
i never understood where [or when] i "learned" how to fight; how i just sort of knew how to manipulate chaos energy into blasts and concentrated bolts. i don't know where the hell i got my skates.
[huh. i guess my memories were tampered with, to an extent, because holy hell. that entire section is just blank static that i Know shouldn't be. might've been a side effect of the stasis method they used to keep me contained? it basically left me in a chronologically frozen state; i didn't process time, at all. it felt like i'd been sealed away for only a matter of seconds or mere minutes.]
i can only speculate what was done to me on prison island, post-ARK raid. i can assume that i was tortured; put through physical testing to see if i really was immortal / the "ultimate life-form." i assume they were testing the limits of my chaos energy cycling, too. i have visceral reactions to hospital settings & lab coats [ranging from fight to flight to freeze], which didn't stem from the ARK. well. not from the original team that created me.
[they were always humane. if they were testing anything that could cause odd or harmful side effects, i was informed of everything that would and could happen.]
no one the ARK wanted me to be a weapon. the funding for my project originated for its medicinal properties. Gerald was only threatened after G.U.N learned about my creation & the military potential for chaos energy. that's when they demanded the project be weaponized, or its funding would be completely cut off. they threatened Gerald and sent their own scientists to "help" shift gears, which is what really set everything horrible in motion.
come to think of it, i'm pretty sure the biolizard came after my inception [in my canon]. it was created in an attempt to make something "less temperamental" [than me], but that backfired so badly that they just sealed it away on the ARK. explains why i never knew about it until later.
mm. don't like the thought of G.U.N fully taking over the ARK after they gave up on weaponizing me. though, that would explain how Gerald left the messages for me, and was able to set up everything.
fuc k.
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Having now seen all three of the Stuart Gordon-Jeffrey Combs-Barbara Crampton horror movies I can conclusively say a number of things.
Number one, Re-Animator is the best of the three obviously holy shit it's far and away the most movie movie of the three.
Number two, the special effects in all of them are often pretty good. Sure there's some really bad parts like the frequently unconvincing cat puppets and the fact the resonator in From Beyond looks like a child's science fair project but a lot of the gore sfx work and like the full-body prosthetics they do in all three of them are really good. Giorgio in Castle Freak looks amazingly horrifying and I think that monster thing that Pretorious turns into in From Beyond is really good it's super gross body horror which is what it's supposed to be. And in all three of them, injuries and blood look fairly realistic and ik it's cause they often had like, actual medical professionals they referred to to make it realistic. With these low-budget schlock pieces it's easy to criticize many aspects of them so I wanted to take a minute to point out something that was genuinely well done.
Number three, the actors are so much better than the material and I think in a lot of cases could have been given more to work with. I think Crampton's performance in From Beyond showed that she's just as capable at playing a scientist as Combs and I think they could have done more with her character. I think Jonathan Fuller could've handled more as Giorgio, perhaps to add more nuance to an extremely black-and-white character. And I think Combs time and time again has shown that he is a very skilled actor who can bring dynamic range and physicality to a role, but in every single one of these three movies, his character ends up either dead or presumed dead at the end. Give him a fucking break. Give him a character who doesn't end up tragically and brutally killed. Hell swap his roles with Crampton, make him the nervous househusband and make Crampton the breadwinner who has to fight the freak.
All of them are enjoyable films if you're someone who enjoys movies of this caliber. I think if you're going to watch them, start with Re-Animator, and your next step depends on what you're looking for. If you want body horror scifi with some really gross looking shit, From Beyond is your man. If you're more into a traditional exploitation horror "there's a guy in our house ripping boobs off with his teeth," Castle Freak is the way to go.
Should you watch any of these if you're not prepared for horror beyond what you see in like, Halloween or Saw? Probably not, unless you're comfortable with not just gore but heightened elements of sexuality as well including some fairly rough assault scenes. And therein lies the issue with so many films like these. It's a critical failure of the industry I think. So many assault scenes are completely irrelevant to the plot and are just there for gratuitous nudity and violence against women and it's like come on guys. If you want gratuitous nudity you can get that with consent. It's more fun that way. I do try to look past these issues when looking just at the plot or craft of the movie obvs, but it's something that plagues a lot of b rate horror and you can't talk about these movies without acknowledging these problems entrenched in the history of the genre.
Again obvs Re-Animator is the best of the three but in regards to the other two. Frankly, I think I prefer Castle Freak to From Beyond, if only because some of the effects in From Beyond were so gross I could not bring myself to enjoy them, particularly with the shit they have coming out of Jeffrey Combs's head holy shit that's so gross, but that's just me. I've never been a big fan of that style of body horror, and the scifi elements weren't enough to keep me engaged beyond that. Castle Freak is a style of horror which, while absolutely an acquired taste, is often easier to ingest because most of the time you know what's going on. It has a castle and it has a freak. That's the movie. I think they're equally as poorly executed as each other so no matter what, you're going to be in for A Ride.
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slothrusts · 1 year
hi sorry childhood trauma under the cut just gotta vent for a sec!
historically my mom has just completely avoided ever even vaguely mentioning or referencing the David Times™️ (when we were still living w bio dad) and for a lot of the super serious shit my brother was too young to remember so I’ve kind of been feeling like a lone survivor without any evidence to back me up and it just makes you feel a bit crazy!!
I’ll be telling stories to my therapist and I’m like did that really happen though? I don’t know ! Am I just making stuff up? I don’t know! I can’t tell! I don’t think I am! But it has never been discussed anywhere else with anyone else so it’s really hard to tell!
Anyway this weekend my mom randomly decided to break her silence I guess (though I did kind of press her) because they were talking about the rising crime rates in the city (🙄 they watch Fox News) and I was like hey mom didn’t we literally live on East colfax in a motel when we first moved here? And she didn’t respond at first but I was like no I will have a confirmation on this god dammit so I asked again and she finally said yes! And like actually where!!! And my dad (stepdad, very nice guy tho) was like holy shit y’all lived there??? That’s the worst place in the city! And my mom had a little dam breaking moment and spilled a lot of stuff that I was like I KNEW THAT HAPPENED but just had never heard anyone else talk about and it was actually really nice to have it validated by another source? I mean my mom isn’t a great source she’s also a mess but like just having another human being be like yes I was there and it did indeed happen was so so so validating.
Like yes David was using drugs intravenously instead of watching us kids! Yes my mom was the only one who could work and had to leave us there so she could at least afford to keep us somewhere that had a roof! Yes at the age of 5 I was responsible for taking care of my infant brother when David was high (though sometimes the sex workers helped look out for us when they weren’t also dealing w their own shit, they were very kind)! Yes I had to eat so much god damn puffed wheat cereal from the food bank! God that shit is nasty. And yes my mom left David cause he would beat the shit out of all of us and she remembered growing up w her dad doing that to her mom and she was like “ok well I’m not going to be the best mother ever but I can at least be better than my parents in this way”
This must be how scientists feel when their hypothesis is proven correct or something lol
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silverpetrichor · 2 years
My Enchanting Girlfriend (Eddie Munson × Black!Reader)
Prologue - Precursor to Chaos
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Eddie Munson × Black!Reader
Summary: You have a sweet dream, that turns into a prophetic nightmare.
TW/CW: Descriptions of blood and drowning
A/N: I had some technical difficulties with my iPad but I finished!Also, this is my first time publishing a fanfic and I only did liminal editing.
". . . is why it's bullshit that Victor Frankenstein is considered a mad scientist when Dr. Jekyll exists. . ." Y/n trailed off as Eddie cupped her face and kissed her softly. Her hands falling to her lap, as they sighed softly into the kiss.
As he pulled away, your hand grabbed the back of his neck and pressed your foreheads together "What was that for?" You softly asked as you bit your lip.
"Well, Y/n Sinclair, I don't know if you know this but you are adorable when you passionately rant about gothic literature," He replied in a teasing tone.
"Oh, really?" You asked, a stupid grin splitting your lips.
"Yes, it's also very sexy of you," He whispered with a matching grin of his own, his hands moving to your hips.
It was a cool spring day and Eddie had decided to take you to a picnic by Lover's Lake instead of spending the day at the arcade. Especially when he found the picnic basket and blanket you'd left at his place when your last picnic was ruined by unexpected rain.
He'd made some sandwiches, gotten some fruit and chips. He'd even gotten his hands on some champagne and bought your favorite sweets from a bakery that you loved.
You were sitting facing one another, bakery sweets forgotten as you passionately ranted with Eddie giving you his full attention as he leaned his arm on his raised knee.
And as you sat, grinning stupidly into another kiss, you thought this couldn't be a more perfect moment.
At least until your cat, Jasper decided to hop into your boyfriend's lap and interrupt like the little shit he was.
You and Eddie separated as Jasper whines for attention. Eddie chuckling as he began to pet Jasper, scratching under his chin and making him purr up a storm.
You rolled your eyes as you stood, you began taking off your white heels as you spoke "Well, I was going to suggest a swim in the lake together but clearly you're otherwise engaged," you shrugged as you began pulling your floral dress over your head, hearing a soft 'holy shit' from Eddie as your white lace lingerie set is revealed.
Smirking as you look over your shoulder to see a jaw dropped and frozen Eddie Munson, much to your cat's irritation. You turn to walk into the lake, turning to crook your finger teasingly at your boyfriend. Said boyfriend who is hurriedly stripping himself of his layers
"C'mon babe! The water's—" you begin but are cut off by something wrapping around your ankle and dragging you under.
You gasp, trying to swim away but your attempts are futile. You try to summon a dagger but you can't focus as your vision clouds, choking on the murky water.
You gasp and cough, as you begin to free fall with a red lighting storm happening above you. Until you finally hit the ground, wheezing coughs emit from you as you try to sit up,hands slipping on. . .Hawkins High gym floor?
A basketball bounces next to your face causing you to roll away, but as you stand it stays in place. As if it's waiting for you to come to it. You hesitantly begin walking towards it, your wet feet echoing in the empty gymnasium. A shiver creeps up your spine as you hear a raspy voice over the intercom speakers, "I can give you what you desire, but it won't come free"
Thoroughly spooked at this point you follow the basketball out the gymnasium. Only to be greeted with a swarm of bats, slipping slightly on the muddy grass. The voice from earlier is a bit louder now and eerily repeating the same phrase as you hear the brewing storm begin to pick up. The sky is cloudy with flashes of red and lightning flashes paint the sky.
You run through the swarm, feeling bats nip and scratch at you as you knock them off. You notice they don't look like normal bats though,—with long tails and a sharp ring of teeth—as you break through and fall on your knees. You crawl and quickly turn around to see nothing. The thin layer of water beneath you splashing from your frenzied movements.
In fact, the whole room you're in seems to be full of nothingness. All you see is a neverending black landscape and feel water beneath your feet. Similar to the Void Eleven described when she talked about her powers to you.
You try to stand but everything is so loud, the sounds from each landscape you dropped or stumbled into beginning to overlap. And your surroundings start to flicker before you, creating a cacophony of noises but the voice from earlier is loudest.
"I can give you what you desire, but it won't come free"
But eventually they blend together as the unsettling voice practically shouts its ominous phrase. Growing louder and louder until it's unbearable. You find yourself curling up in a ball on the wet floor, overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds. As you begin to rock, you suddenly feel something wet and cold being poured over you.
You scream and wipe at your eyes as you recognize smell as the bitter copper scent of blood. Hands shaking at the sight of the blood covering them, stumbling to your feet as it continues to pour onto you.
The blood pooling at your feet begins to form into the tentacles that started this nightmare. Wrapping around your ankle once more and dragging you back towards it. You're clawing at the ground as your surroundings are still flickering around you, trying to keep yourself from being dragged into the crimson pool that's slowly forming. But as you look up, the basketball from before stays bouncing just out of reach. Taunting you, mocking you, as you finally let out a guttural scream.
You rise into the air as your surroundings explode into a sea of red that you end up dropping into. You choke as you sink, helpless to stop yourself from drowning . . .
You wake, face mere millimeters from the ceiling, screaming and gasping whilst clawing at yourself. Suddenly dropping onto your bed, bouncing and rolling onto the floor. You groan as your floating alarm clock drops too and hits you on the head. You lay on the floor in a heap of blankets and filled with the adrenaline of fear.
Patting yourself all over and finding yourself to still be in your boyfriend's Metallica shirt and your pastel pink silk shorts. Both of which were clinging to you like a second skin. Your bonnet's askew on your head from all your thrashing. But, you huff out a laugh, relieved that the only thing you're drenched in is your sweat.
You stare at your ceiling as the fading moonlight slowly turning to dawn streams in through your sheer white curtains. Acting as your only source of light as you try to gather your bearings, vaguely registering all your fallen belongings that you subconsciously made levitate in your sleep along with yourself.
You croak out a tremulous, “Aw fuck” as you scratch at your heaving chest.
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
Game Night
Summary: Bucky and you are basically enemies. That’s the only word you can think of to describe it. What else would it be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, unprotected sex (do not do this irl), smut, slight angst
I really love a good enemies to lovers at the moment and wanted to give it a go. Let me know what you think. As always, enjoy! xx
‘How about truth or dare?’ Wanda suggested innocently, earning her a series of exasperated groans. You threw your head back in playful annoyance, a drawn out ‘Wandaaa’ leaving your vodka - tasting lips. ‘I meant more like monopoly, or something a group of horny teenagers wouldn’t play’ Tony sighed, throwing back the last of his whiskey, followed immediately by ‘Steve it would mean so much to me if you would get me another bottle of this’.
Meanwhile, you noticed the one and only piece of shit Bucky narrow his icy blue eyes at you from across the table you were all crowded around. You mimicked his expression before turning towards Wanda as you rolled your eyes. You could practically feel his eyes delving deep holes through your back. ‘I say we play. I’ve had at least...’ at this point you held up your hands in front of your face as you counted on your fingers like a dumb child, Wanda raising her eyebrow. ‘...like at least, enough shots to be drunk so I won’t remember this anyway’ you shrugged as you reached for the bottle of vodka only for Sam to pull it just out of your reach. ‘Sam...’ you tried to bargain but Tony’s loud voice cut you off as he spoke, cradling his 4th glass of whiskey delivered so gracefully unto him by a frowning Steve. 
‘As the leader of this group of fucks, I decree that I go first. Capsicle, truth or dare’ he asked pointedly, gesturing to Steve with his glass. ‘You guys are so immature...truth, if I must’ he replied gloomily, taking a tender sip of his orange juice. ‘Are you a virgin?’ he simply asked, earning an uncontrollable giggle from you and Wanda. Before Steve even opened his mouth, Tony added quickly with a smirk ‘a virgin is someone who has never fucked anyone, by the way. Oh, and fucking is what you want to do to y/n. I know you don’t always know all the current lingo, old man, but...’ Steve answered quickly before Tony could continue embarrassing him, and you choked on the wine that had magically appeared in your hand. ‘No, Tony. I’m not, and I’m going to bed’. Steve got up and straightened his shirt, placing his glass gently on an Avengers branded coaster, heading out for the night to his floor of the compound. You didn’t notice the slight frown which flickered over Bucky’s face as you kissed Steve on the cheek as you said goodnight. But you also didn’t notice Tony and Sam fighting over the last bottle of whiskey, so who can blame you.
You played a few more rounds of truth or dare as the night grew dark and the others grew tired. After the first few rounds Sam and Tony got up and left, soon followed by Wanda who was drunk beyond words. You hugged her affectionately before helping her to the elevator and going back to sit down. You forgot Bucky was there.
You groaned dramatically as Bucky smirked at you, collapsing dizzily onto the leather couch and tipping the last bit of vodka you had retrieved from Sam’s grasp down your throat. ‘Fuck off, Barnes’ you seethed. ‘Don’t you have some people to kill?’. He chuckled to himself, pushing himself up from the floor to stand up and cross his arms. ‘Don’t you have some validation to seek from literally everyone?’ he taunted, staring your right in the eyes. You looked down. The bitch knew very well you only wanted validation because when you were trained in an abusive institute not so different from hydra, the only thing that kept you alive was their validation, and he knew that he could get under your skin with ease. But you refused to show it. You looked up and found his opal eyes again.
‘It was my turn, wasn’t it? Truth or dare, asshole?’ you asked, chucking the empty bottle of vodka at him. He caught it swiftly with his vibranium arm, walking over to you and leaning down to place the bottle beside you on the couch, face inches away from you. ‘Dare’ he whispered, leaning back and moving to stand in front of you. He smelt like burnt marshmallows, fiery whiskey and rain. You mentally slapped yourself and reminded your brain how much you hated him.
‘I dare you to stop being such a little bitch’ you stood up, staring up at him with flames in your eyes. ‘Maybe if you didn’t act like such a brat all the fucking time, I wouldn’t have to be’ he mocked, tilting his head to await your reaction. The sheer amount of hate your felt for him at this moment, together with the large quantities of alcohol running through your veins, gave you a dangerous confidence boost. ‘Maybe if you weren’t a little pussy who lost his arm and sanity to some weird scientists because he fell off a train, knew how to fuck let alone talk to girls and didn’t make every single person who he meets want to run away and scream, I wouldn’t act like a brat all the fucking time’. Well shit.
You were breathing raggedly, chest rising rapidly up and down, hands balled up in two tight fists by your side. Bucky’s eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open, a flicker off hurt passing over his handsome features. He shook his head and sighed. ‘Shouldn’t have said that, y/n’. ‘What do you mEEEAAN’ you yelped as he moved to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, as if you were weightless. You kicked him in the chest, hard. ‘Put me down right the fuck now Bucky before I...’ he reached his room and threw you down on his bed, shutting the door behind him. ‘Before you what, hm? Because let me tell you something, darling. I think you don’t hate me. No, you just know I don’t want to sleep with you unlike Steve, Sam and Tony and it hurts. It hurts your precious little ego. But if it stops you from acting like a little bitch all the damn time, I guess I can fuck the bitch out of you’ He climbed onto the bed, as you crawled back, until your back was against the headboard and you were cage in between the wall and the super soldier in front of you. ‘Would you like that, doll?’
You gulped nervously, averting your eyes only for Bucky to grab your chin both roughly and gently at the same time and lift your head up so you were staring him in the eyes. ‘So now you go all quiet on me’ he taunted. You could hardly breath. Your mind was telling you that you hated him with all your heart, but your heart was telling you to get this man’s dick inside of you. Before you could silence the tell - tale beat of your heart, Bucky leant in and kissed you roughly. Your body relaxed into the kiss, and your hands subconsciously flew up to tangle in his chestnut locks. He was actually a really good kisser. You pulled away. You reached a hand out to unbutton his jeans, but Bucky caught your wrist. He chuckled to himself, metal hand gently wrapping around your throat. ‘So now you want me to fuck you? Thought you said I didn’t know how?’ he asked as a small whine escaped your throat, feeling your core burn in desire. You furrowed your brows and frowned at him. He squeezed at your neck. ‘Use your words, doll, or I’ll just leave you here as the pathetic mess you are’ he threatened, eyes clouding with lust and desire.
‘Holy shit Bucky, just fuck me already or fuck off’ you cried out. He didn’t need telling twice. He released your throat, using both hands to undress you in an instant before removing his own shirt and jeans. He hooked a finger in the band of your panties and slid them down your legs, over your heels and onto the floor behind him. He took a moment to gaze longingly at your naked and vulnerable body, muttering an almost inaudible ‘beautiful’. All that was left between your pussy and his dick was the boxers he was wearing. As soon as he took them off, your eyes widened, and you felt your cheeks redden. ‘That’s not going to fit’ you said, a sort of breathless whisper.
Bucky leaned in, kissing you deeply and sliding his tongue into your mouth. You almost screamed when you felt his fingers encircle your clit, moaning into his mouth. ‘I still...fuck...hate you’ you grumbled as you felt his hard on brush against your inner thigh. He rolled his eyes as you did earlier, dipping his head slightly to kiss your neck, expertly sucking on your sweet spot, marking you up with hickies. He slowly inserted a finger, followed shortly by two. They only slightly stretched you out, and you clawed at his back as he moved them faster and faster, curling them slightly to hit your g - spot. ‘B...Bucky, I’m gonn... gonna cum’ you moaned, pulling his head eagerly as you kissed him desperately. Bucky kept up with his rapid pace, bringing you right to the edge. You felt the pleasure build up and up until you were ready to cum, and that is obviously when Bucky decided to pull his fingers away completely. ‘What the FUCK’ you screamed, sitting up in surprise, legs squeezing together from the sudden lack of friction. He covered your mouth to silence your cries, and leaned in real close. ‘If I give you the most mind blowing sex of your life, and I stop treating you like a piece of shit, will you stop acting like a bitch?’ he asked, pushing you back down onto the bed, removing his hand when he was done talking. ‘For fucks sake Barnes, yes. Fucking yes. Now please fuck me’. you whined.
‘It would be my pleasure’. He slammed into your now lubricated pussy, stretching you all the way out. It burned, but at the same time it felt like nothing you had ever felt before. Not a single man you had ever been with had been this big, but you wouldn’t want Bucky to know that.
He moaned in your ear, causing you to clench down hard, and Bucky started to thrust quickly chasing his own orgasm. He continued to circle your clit with his thumb as he slammed into you over and over and over again until he had you chanting his name like a prayer along with a generous string of obscene curses. He lifted your legs onto his shoulders to angle himself so that he was repeatedly hitting your g spot and your orgasm finally hit you like a truck. ‘oh SHit Bucky fucking christ holy fucking shit’ you gasped out as Bucky thrusted deeply into you, cumming deep inside. You felt your legs shake as your eyes rolled into the back of your head in ecstacy, Bucky’s hand finding your mouth to at least try to quiten some of your moans. Although he had stilled inside of you, filling you to the brim, he continued to rub at your clit as he worked you though your orgasm. Your mind was filled with ecstasy and you could see stars. You both came down from your high eventually, Bucky collapsing in a sweaty heap beside you.
He pulled you into his body protectively, feeling his softening dick rest against your back. His arm was secured tightly around your waist, and you felt your heavy eyes shut as his warm breath on your neck comforted you. ‘Still hate me now?’ he asked, kissing the top of your head gently. ‘I’ll consider tolerating you for now. Ask me again tomorrow night’ you giggled sleepily in response. ‘Why tomorrow night?’ Bucky whispered as he also felt his own eyes close, a wave of exaughstion sweeping over his muscular body. ‘After we fuck again, of course, and again the night after that, and the night after that, and every night after that.’
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