#the season depression is kicking my ASS
chrismcshell · 6 months
northern hemisphere babes we made it to the longest night of the year. we made it. for the next 6 months, every day will give us a little more daylight than the last. let's go. take my hand. climb out of the darkness with me
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lovaboy · 6 months
whyyy ants in the house again….. there’s nothing for you here…..
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 2 months
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stuff drawn between things
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poorly-drawn-slugcats · 6 months
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sorry fellas im not well right now.
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saw2goth · 7 months
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Redoing a bunch of my refs for my ocs so I'm starting with my mad scientist/surgeon/whatever sona :]
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birdietrait · 6 months
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me btw. if you even care
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daily-yttd-something · 7 months
Day 87: not the main character
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baphosimps · 8 months
Thick Guzma is the best Guzma, honestly.
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miawashere · 8 months
why selfcare is important!!
i know this is way different from what i normally post, but as someone who’s been feeling a little down i want to make sure everyone else is okay!!
selfcare isn’t just washing your face and brushing your teeth (although it helps, imo) but also checking up on yourself and improving mental health! meditating, checking your stress levels, and limiting social media usage are great ways to make sure you’re mentally doing okay, and just remember that it’s okay to be down sometimes. my dms are always open if anyone needs to vent or talk, and make sure to check up on those you care about!! much love <3
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sleepybun-ny · 7 months
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i have dug through my shit memory to compile all the notable pc’s i’ve ever created and drawn them.
i have also gone through the painstaking/embarrassing process of digging through google photos/discord art channels to find all the old dol art i can. these images can be found below the cut.
all of the pencil drawn stuff is from 2020, the digital is from ‘23. most of it is the first boy though, i was obsessed with the concept of him.
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insoukokuhell-434 · 2 years
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furies-inthe-mirror · 7 months
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Kintsugi and paper mache will fix it.
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awakefor48hours · 7 months
Having seasonal depression is so stupid. I'm in the dark all year then suddenly when I'm not the one making it dark I'm sad. Ridiculous
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k1ttennn · 7 months
i’m having a hard time
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sparrow-orion-writes · 6 months
Of The Earth
Genre: Fantasy
Word Count: 1222
Notes: This is the beginning of Golden Dandelions, a sapphic fantasy-romance about a girl who wakes up in the realm of the fairies.
This was written for my secret santa @herethereagain , I hope you're having good holidays, and it's not too cold where you are in the world. Good luck with the new year, I hope you enjoy the story :)
The ground burned beneath her in a blaze so brilliant that it would be all she recalled when she awoke. Dirt stained, arms burned, she lay in the dry grass and tried to recall anything else. She remembered how her heart had felt, pounding in her chest until a wave of nausea overcame her. She remembered that the fire had spread towards her, consumed her gaze. And then…nothing. 
Then, here. 
Gently, Fleur drew her tired body up to a seated position and took in the world around her through blurred vision. She was not anywhere near her home - not that she recognised, at least. In front of her were miles upon miles of forestry. The trees towered above her like giants reaching for the sunlight. Some of that light fell spattered around her, but still it was darker than she would’ve liked. 
A rustle of leaves dragged her attention from the obscured sky, to the surrounding forest. Drawing herself to her feet with a wince of pain, her eyes trailed the dense thickets and broken pathways, until falling to the floor. She became distracted with a sudden horror and remembrance of childhood horror stories, as she realised she was surrounded by pale white mushrooms - only half the horror - in a perfect circle. 
Her wavering breath exhaled suddenly at the sound of crunching twigs, a pressure applied that could only be something living. She dragged her panicked gaze left and right, twisting on the spot - but found nothing. Not a breath. Not a stir. Simply herself and a vast expanse of cavernous trees looming above her. 
“I would step out of that, if I were you.” 
The voice is so abrupt and sudden that she lurches herself against the tree, gripping the firm bark beneath her fingertips as if it might grant her some strength. There was a giggle, and quickly she found herself face to face with…a woman, of sorts. 
In truth, woman was one approximation. By the scream she gave, pressing back against the tree, there was something rather alarming - and not just the fact she was hanging upside-down from the tree branch. 
It was that her skin was mostly moss, her hair a curtain of foliage, hanging like willow tree branches from her head. When she tilted her head back, there were mushrooms growing in the hollow of her throat. 
“Fairy,” Fleur whispers, “...get away from me!”
“Or…?” The fairy raised an eyebrow, before slipping off the branch and landing with all the dexterity of a cat, or thief, to her feet. Her translucent green eyes bore the resemblance to a light in the darkness, peering up at her curiously. “I mean, you’re hardly in the position to be making demands, little one.” She grinned, sharp teeth peering from pale lips. Fleur frowned, thinking that this was both rude and a threat. 
“Well, that’s rude,” she frowned, crossing her arms. The fairy faltered a moment, taking a step back, the corner of her face lifting as if she was almost impressed. Fleur ignored the way her heart hammered in her throat, or the wave of sudden instability that made her want to sink to the floor.
“How so?”
“Ruder still, making me elaborate, but if you’re intending to make me feel like prey - then you’re most certainly achieving great hospitality!” The fairy grins, and for a moment, Fleur feels her ploy to have failed, but then she stepped back, nodding. 
“How rude of me, how may I make it up to you?”
“Please show me how to get out of here,” she glances left and right at the endless winding paths, wondering which one would take her from this place. “I want to go-” home, she thought, and remembered the flash of fire, looking down at her scarred hands. She felt a twitch of pain that so far, she had ignored, and came to realise that her skirts were singed too. “-away from here. Back to where the people are.”
“I’m a people,” The fairy snapped, arms folded, “I may be a different people - but still-!”
“The human people.”
“Now who’s being rude?”
“You’re the one who is snapping at me!”
“You want to leave my home!”
“You live here?” Fleur asked, looking around, “...this is your home?”
“This is all our home, this is Dandelion forest, home to the prince, Dandelion.” 
She pauses a moment to let these words sink in. How, she wondered, had she got here? If this is the realm of the fairies, then this place was not the same as her own. She couldn’t afford to get lost in here, nor trust the fairy beside her. But, there again, she hadn’t many options on getting to safety in a place she would neither know nor understand. 
“How do I get back to the human realm?”
“I don’t know.” The truth stung her firmly, and she could only frown in response. “I’m not in charge of things like that, I don’t like humans very much - usually,” she amended smoothly. “... But I can take you to my family - they will know.”
“Are your family in the habit of whisking away humans and hunting us for sport?”
“Not at this time of year, and not inside the forest, that would be horrible to our ecosystems - clumsy humans trampling all over the fauna, do you know how much cultivation -” the fairy stopped in her tracks, clearing her throat “...what I mean to say is humans are not all that much a part of our diet.”
“So I will be safe?”
“You will be safe from me, and most of my family, I can’t guarantee any safety overall.” She examined the words carefully, looking for gaps in the truth, and finding none. Perhaps the good neighbours were as varied as humans themselves - complex and often misunderstood. She wondered what folklore the creatures must have of them. 
“Then I will come with you.”
“You hardly have much choice, your alternative is wandering the forest for eternity,” she turned on her heel, her voice carrying an air of false indifference. “This way!” Not that Fleur liked that the fairy was right, but she followed anyway. 
They walked for what had felt like hours, to the point where Fleur was growing more and more irritated - and disorientated. Her head hurt the further into the forest’s depths they travelled. The trees whispered in hushed tones, and the ground itself felt almost hungry for her. If she had been of less sound mind, she might’ve asked if the very nature of the place was somehow…alive. 
When they finally broke through the forestry - suddenly - into a vast, open field and a bright, blue sky, she shuddered with relief. The wind curled over her hot, sticky skin, and calmed the sweat that had formed on her red cheeks. Her stomach growled, but she ignored it. Hitching her skirts, she stepped easily over the last few stoned to the lush green grass, seeking a deep breath inwards.
The air smelled of fresh pine and something floral. The grass peeled all the way to the distance, covered in bright golden dandelions. She couldn’t help the rush of joy that so suddenly overcame her. 
“This is my home,” The fairy smiled, swaying on her heels, her willow-laden hair catching the blow of the breeze. “This is where my family lives.”
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 6 months
so my depression has been pretty bad lately. bad enough i had a breakdown earlier this week. i texted my brother, bc he's the only person who knew how bad i was doing, as he lives with me. and i cannot just keep up the charade of mental stability 24/7. so. he tells my mom. which is like, the highest form of sibling betrayal. you don't snitch to your parents. so on top of being in a depression spiral, now i have to worry about my mom, bc i know she's going to be worrying about me. and she overthinks and stresses and fixates. and now i gotta fix that too and i am just so exhausted already
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