#the seer of all
twilit-creature · 6 months
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When the shapeshifter looks horrific in their 'sleep' but its to them like moving in their 'sleep' so its fine.
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
Writing Apollo-as-a-young-deity is fun because sometimes it involves completely making shit up based on the loose outline of a story told through old poems, prayers and plays and other times it involves researching the totally legit and well documented ancient art of studying sheep livers to make sure your statesmen don't accidentally piss off Jupiter.
In completely unrelated news, if anyone has any recommendations for books about bird augury, that'd be wonderful.
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bubblesbinxs · 5 months
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helenosaurus · 2 years
The Ides of March hype just starts earlier and earlier each year. It's like, at *least* wait on sharpening your knives until Spurina's warning
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hollowtones · 2 months
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^you are honestly the bastard of my life right now
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justaz · 2 months
like i’ve said time and time again, i haven’t watched bbc merlin in years but i was just wondering when the first time merlin called arthur by his name to his face and im scrolling thru the transcripts on the fandom wiki (supposedly it was s1ep4 btw) and im skimming the script for all these episodes and getting angrier and angrier. gaius was wrong for all that. morgana deserved so much better. edwin muirden was valid as hell (for targeting uther AND gaius. yeah. i said it.). also kilgharrah ate with that one lil line “then turn a blind eye. that is, after all, your talent” okay lizard brain pop offff.
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tblsomedoodles · 4 months
Might I request a seer twins doodle? It's been a long time since we've seen the bois
oh yes! the bois!
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Leo had a bad night so donnie's putting a Jupiter Jim movie on one of his computer screens while he works off a different one. : )
Thank you!
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possuminatrench · 1 year
More memes, let's goooo
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starsreminisce · 6 months
Azriel figured out that Elain is a seer, but you know what else he did with that?
Absolutely fucking nothing.
He didn't offer to find Vassa, even though he would know more about her whereabouts and her connections than Lucien.
No, wait, he did do something. He deterred Mor from going because of how dangerous it was.
But Lucien didn't.
Lucien actually stepped up and insisted that he goes. Insisted that he'll find her and hopefully bring back an army.
And he did.
He also brought back an army that Azriel couldn't find. He brought Drakon and Miryam with them on the day of the battle.
I don't give a shit if Azriel named her power when she has Lucien who followed through with her vision and succeeded.
And when Elain said that she needed to get reacquainted with her powers, Azriel again said and did nothing. Guess that's in line with all of his current plans with her. At least he's consistent.
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wingedblooms · 7 months
The dreams that are answered
When they were children, the Illyrian brothers dreamt of wielding the legendary sword, Gwydion, to slay wyrms and rescue damsels.
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And the stars who listened answered those dreams. Feyre slew a wyrm and rescued Rhysand. Nesta rescued Cassian in their book and now, with the release of hofas, has slain a wyrm. These patterns tend to come in threes in Sarah’s writing, like a Welsh triad, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Elain defeated her own wyrm (or better yet, if it yielded to her, like the scaled creatures yielded to Bryce) and she rescued Azriel in their story.
The Starborn blades have been returned to the Night Court for a reason. Nesta has her own trove of blades, and Azriel clearly cannot carry them by himself…
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He hasn’t even unlocked the full potential of Truth-Teller’s blade after possessing it for years.
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Vesperus, the Asteri in the Prison, makes an interesting comment here that reminds me of the Illyrian brothers’ childhood games. She accuses the Fae of playing with weapons they don’t fully understand. Their minds couldn’t hold all the possibilities at once. But we do know someone whose mind might be able to hold multiple, if not all, possibilities at once: Elain, the seer.
It was Elain who appeared out of nowhere, out of shadow, with Truth-Teller:
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She may have opened a portal into nowhere, the void, with her power (which, like the Harp, might influence time and space) while linked to Truth-Teller, allowing her to appear exactly where she was needed, when she was needed to protect her loves ones.
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Our damsel made her moment with a legendary weapon count. And it wouldn’t surprise me if we learn that—with her heightened, Cauldron-blessed senses—she can hear the blades singing to each other, tugging at her hidden powers.
And perhaps, when they explore the powers of those legendary blades together, Elain and Azriel will open a portal and travel the space between to places she’s only seen in her dreams.
Because the stars do listen—and dreams are answered.
Special thanks to @willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd for their inspiring reactions to and thoughts about these connections.
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ford-owner · 3 months
Homestucking the one piece characters has my wheels turning so damn fast. Nami would be a rogue 100% and id loove robin as a witch. Idk if youve thought about who the space player would be for zoro to have to team up with for the frog but there are literally no bad options they’d all be so funny.
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to be honest i completely forgot about the frog ectobiology stuff . i dont really know who out of the strawhats would be a space player but i guess robin would be the closest to fit the bill (?) i dont know its been years since i was into homestuck im just winging this shit 💔 im just gonna take what yall say as fact
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twilit-creature · 11 months
A promise
Hello, Hi,
I have been writing the past two days my silly fic with EXPOSITION. Its more about how Seht met the Seer for the first time - And I would like to mention the behavior featured in this piece is considered friendly for the Seer. So - UHHH yea.
It's more or less a prequel to the comfort in the cold but takes place a good while before that. Idk how much though I suck with times.
Word count: 4805
I get its mega cringe but know this.
No proof reading, like always.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” the creature questioned, uncertain if this was a good idea at all. “I can just tell her that – You just don’t want to see her?” in a way the creature tried to ask the clockwork god to not go. “I am certain of my decision. Besides, I am rather curious to meet your creator.” While the creature knew now it can’t say anything to change his mind, it still took it’s time to open the gray door. It fiddled with the keys and lock on purpose and Sotha Sil could tell. Eventually however, it opened the door and behind it was – nothing except a relatively small square floor covered partially by an intriguingly designed carpet and a chandelier floating above it in the center. There were no walls. Instead there was nothing but an endless darkness that was only kept at bay by the dim chandelier. There were two doors one each side of the square floor. One gray the other brown.
Sotha Sil carefully entered this strange place, leaving Mundus. The creature followed him, closing the door behind them. It noticed a few small ordinary packages on the floor. “My deliveries!” it picked them up, for one moment forgetting why they were here. Sotha Sil took the time take in his surroundings or lack there of.
The chandelier was entirely unmoving as if it was frozen in time. The light coming from it was not flickering either it was a constant. The floor appeared to be made of the same gray wood as the door they came through. That carpet however – it’s intricate design really drew Sotha Sil in. All the shapes and eyes on it were arranged in, what he could only describe as, a ritualistic manner. With one foot he slightly stepped on the carpet and the carpet responded. The pattern changed ever so slightly and all the eyes were now following the clockwork god.
In the meantime, the creature had picked up it’s packages and just threw them into the gray door. When it came back to Seht they still looked concerned. “Are you really sure about this? I know they asked to see you but…” it averted it’s gaze and played with it’s own fingers. Sotha Sil could tell it was getting nervous. They had spend enough time and despite the creature’s odd and nonsensical reactions to some things, it’s reactions became somewhat clear to the clockwork god. No matter how little he might understand them. “My decision stands, I won’t be running away from a simple meeting.” the creature only whispered something in response he could not hear. “Would you mind repeating that?” it turned away and walked to the brown door “It’s nothing.”
Sotha Sil followed it and in front of the brown door it grabbed his wrist a little too forceful “Listen. No matter what it is she offers you, do not accept – do not even consider it. Please. No matter what it is, okay? You’ve got to trust me.” the creature sounded genuinely desperate. Could this Seer really be so awful? The creature had hardly ever told him much about the Seer and thus Sotha Sil had hardly an idea of what the Seer was going to be like. All he knew was that the Seer was supposedly more powerful than the gods and older than time and had a deep hatred for the divine. But even knowing this, Sotha Sil questioned the validity of these claims. “Of course. I will keep that in mind.” the creature finally let go of his wrist and pointed at him “Promise me that.” Seht did not think much of shallow promises but he figured, if it would ease the creature’s mind he would play along. “I promise…” he gave a slight bow with his head. Firstly it stared him down for a few seconds then it turned to the brown door to open it but the door already did that for it. It was visibly startled and nervous. The clockwork god looked into the door and saw nothing besides the faintest of lights reflecting on the nonexistent floor. He stepped inside “...Please… be careful.” but as he turned back to reassure the creature the door had already closed – and the exit was gone.
The clockwork god was not sure anymore if he was on the right way. He followed the dim reflection but it did not move. Nowhere around him was anything. He could not even tell how much time had passed. But he could feel he was getting closer to… something. Was this even still the void? This darkness was nothing like the darkness in the room with the chandelier. It felt like he was walking inside of something greater than he could imagine but he did not know what. The further he went the more he felt any attachments he had to Mundus fade, even his memories. Yet at the same time, it was like he was living through all of them again. Even memories he never had the possibility of making. Memories from another time.
Nall had survived. Nall had died. He had died. They both lived. Nothing ever happened.
More and more of these memories he lived through yet he knew none of them were his own.
Then suddenly there finally was something. A small light. It flew by making the weirdest of noises before extinguishing in a way that could be described as painful. The further he ventured into this place, the more of these lights he encountered. Some small some bigger, some died others did not. Some flew by and others seemed more stationary. Eventually he could see a shadow in the reflection on the floor. He could not tell what this shadow looked like it was too stretched.
And just as he was trying to figure out what he was looking at something stopped him. No, it was himself that stopped him. He had found the source of the shadow. A being much, much larger than himself. It’s body contorted and twisted. It did not look at him but it seemed to be controlling the lights somehow.
“Sotha Sil… Finally.”
This voice was nothing like he had ever heard before. Even the creature’s ever changing voice sounded like a normal person in comparison. Suddenly Sotha Sil felt as if an invisible force wrapped itself around him. He started to feel restrained, unable to move. As if the very magicka was getting compressed within his body, unable to make use of it if necessary. He wanted to speak up to confirm the identity of the one before him but-
“Shut.” with quick movements of it’s finger the lights around it flung violently into each other, effectively getting destroyed. Sotha Sil was not sure what this being was doing or what these lights were but it felt like it was doing something vile. Something profane.
After the destruction of the lights with loud cracks and pops the being took up a more normal stance and it was now appearing even taller than him. Seht barely reached it’s hips. It looked down – seven eyes staring Sotha Sil down, piercing his very core. He was petrified.
He felt his lower lip quiver and every ounce of his being screamed to turn back, yell at him it was a mistake to have ever come here. Whatever the Seer was, he felt he was never supposed to see her. No, no one was ever supposed to see this being if she could even be considered that.
“You really are. As pathetic in. Person as I had. Seen.” the voice boomed.
Six glowing triangles appeared around the central eye and did a half rotation around the eye before turning back. The three pupils rearranging themselves to be in a horizontal line.
“You. Look disgusting.”
Sotha Sil did not know what to say. He could not say anything. He felt he was on the verge of tears and he did not even know why. One of the Seer’s six arms came forward and with just one finger she flicked his helmet off of his head. She tilted her head.
“You gods. Are. All the same. And if. It were not for. My child. I would have. Ended. You right here. Your flimsy. Little home world is not. Even capable. Of housing a fraction of my. Physical. Form. I could never. Enter Mundus. But. You came. To me willingly.”
Despite the threat Sotha Sil was starting to feel calmer for some odd reason. In his mind he speculated whether he was getting used to being in her presence or if she was manipulating the situation somehow. Her pupils rearranged themselves to be in a vertical line. Her voice changed too.
“But I could. Never do that. I do not. Want to make. My. Son sad. And yet. It is hard to. Resist a. Little treat when it. Willingly sacrifices itself to you. Don’t you. Think?”
“I… Am not a sacrifice.” hesitantly Sotha Sil finally found his voice but was quickly shut down.
“And what makes. You think this. Is a decision. That. You can make? You are. Nothing. Compared to. Me. Your. Life and existence. Means. Nothing to me.”
Then it was silent for a while. For how long only the Seer knew.
“But. You matter to. My child.”
She blinked at him for the first time in this entire conversation which was more of a monologue.
“But does he matter to you?”
Just for this one sentence her voice sounded like that of a person. Her voice was like that of a concerned parent despite the lack of visible emotions. Before Sotha Sil could give an answer she interrupted him.
“Your answer. Does not matter. For you have. Been manipulated. By him.”
He was confused as he did not know or notice how the creature could have manipulated him. He felt it was being nothing but genuine even if it did not always make sense.
“It is by. Design. He releases. Mind altering parasites. That infect the people. Near him. It was a design. Choice I have. Made so. He could wander the. Realms and Planes. Freely. Without getting. Instantly skewered by. The first primitive mind. That assumes him. To. Be a threat. He is. Unaware of the. Parasites.”
After a short pause the Seer continued.
“One moment.”
The six triangles around her center eye made a swift full rotation and Sotha Sil felt… different. He could feel something left him. His mind wandered for a moment and he thought of the creature. Now with his mind free of those parasites he felt differently about it. He was not even sure anymore why he allowed it to stay in the clockwork city in the first place. It was an otherworldly threat. The thought of it’s huge bug eyes unsettled him.
He looked up to the Seer. She already knew the answer why was she asking, he wondered. Seht was reconsidering it. While the looks of the creature were no longer as endearing and how it got into the clockwork city was no longer fascinating but rather a sign of possible lacking defenses of the city – he still could not forget the genuine compassion it had shown him. Even if those parasites had altered his mind previously without his knowledge, did not change the fact that it cared for him. He’s had for the first time someone in his long life who looked out for him. Even if he did not always enjoy it insisting on staying close, he felt a sort of relief just knowing someone else was there. And as Sotha Sil recalled those memories the Seer was getting impatient. She snapped her bony claws right in his face.
“What will. Your answer be?”
Sotha Sil felt as if his answer now will have serious consequences no matter what his answer might be. But no matter how one would try to twist it – he did care about the creature, despite this new revelation.
“As a matter of fact… I... do care about him.” He looked at the Seer for any kind of response or reaction. But when nothing came he felt uncomfortable and continued. “In all those years I have only met so few that were willing to stay by my side despite my lack of presence. Yet no one before had been… this persistent. Even after I have been gone for a longer amount of time… He was still there. W-” He was cut off before he could continue.
“Disgusting. Why he cares. About you. This much I’ll never. Understand.” her pupils rearranged to form a triangle. “But fine. I take that. As an answer. You may. Speak now. And ask whatever. Is on your mind.”
The feeling of being utterly restrained faded slightly. He felt he was allowed to do more than merely answer when directly spoken to. There he was in front of the being that knew the answers
to everything.
Sotha Sil was considering his options. What could he possibly want to know?
“Just don’t. Get too cocky.”
He was thinking but his mind wandered back to the creature and that was when he realized he barely knew anything about it aside from it’s personality and a few things it liked. Seer had created it and referred to it as her “child” and her “son” despite them sharing no blood connection. Neither of them had blood to begin with. “Why have you created Moon?”
“T☾-013. Is his name.”
With this new information Seht felt his heart somewhat sink. It did not take a lot of thinking to figure out this was not a name. It’s a serial number.
“One. Of many. And the first one. That was stable enough.” Seer did not continue for a moment. She knew how this conversation would go but it was like she considered which outcome she preferred. “What do you. Think? Why have I. Created him?”
Seht considered her words. He thought of Moon. A shapeshifter and perhaps something more. What use could the Seer have for something like that?
“You can figure this. Out yourself. Despite your rather. Simple mind. You will figure out. Eventually.”
Not quite satisfied with the answer, Sotha Sil knew he was not going to get more out of her in regards to this. “You’ve said one of many-” she kept cutting him off, seemingly wanting to end the conversation.
“At another time. I will show you. Tell you. Even. But not now.” her pupils rearranged to be a horizontal line once again.
He was considering his options once more. “What exactly is he?” he questioned, feeling as if he was not going to get a straight answer for this either.
“You have met him. Before. All of you. Have. All of you have seen. Him. In one way. Or another. He specifically. Is an amalgamation of many. Things. Yet. He is still. Incomplete.”
Sotha Sil raised his eyebrows slightly. Moon had told him about being incomplete and that it would possibly take another 70 years before his completion.
“I had to. Take a part from him. So he would. No longer. Be unstable. So he. Would last. For many eons. He had to sleep. He was supposed. To still. Be asleep. But he woke. And now he. Harasses you. And many others. Before you.” All of her eyes now fixated on Sotha Sil. “But you. He especially. Likes.”
Sotha Sil knew what Seer was implying but he decided not to dwell on something he already knew. “Why is it that you called me here?”
And then
There was silence.
It was so silently Seht almost assumed for a moment he had lost his ability to hear at all. And for the first time, very slowly, the Seer’s expression changed.
The center eye seemed… to smile? Seer’s lack of a mouth made it a little hard to tell but it was the closest possibility. The three pupils merged into one. “I am very happy you finally asked.” Her eye returned to being an emotionless stare. “What do you think, why I called you here?” Suddenly her speaking entirely changed from the choppy spat out words. “Why might I, the Seer of all, want to see an insignificant low-life such as yourself?”
Sotha Sil was somewhat frightened by this sudden change of behavior. What first seemed like a cold uncaring being felt threatening. She felt like she was taking joy in his uncertainty and his fear of her.
“I have called you here to make you an offer.”
He felt like his heart had stopped as he recalled Moon telling him to not accept any offer she might be making.
“I know that my son told you to not accept, no matter what I might offer you… But I say you should make your own decisions. You believe yourself sentient – make use of that sentience. Mammal.”
That sounded awfully judgmental. For one moment in a slight state of trance Sotha Sil wanted to just blindly agree without even knowing what was on the line. He snapped out of it and looked into the Seer’s center eye, a purple glint just vanishing. Was she trying to control him? It made him unease. “What… what are you doing?” he wanted to back off but his feet did not move. No part of him obeyed him anymore.
“Doing what?” the Seer leaned in a little closer “What could I possibly be doing to you right now?”
Sotha Sil wanted to speak up, voice his concerns but his lips stayed shut.
“So you want to know what it is I offer? Fine, if it eases your mind.” A purple glint like that in her hair appeared once more in her center eye. The glint looked like a clock and as the pointers did one full rotation Sotha Sil faded.
Then a vision of what he would be given.
Seht was in a different place, elsewhere. Somewhere that was not there and possibly did not even exist in the present. His physical form resembling that of a Dunmer yet he had become more than that. While his form remained consistent, he had become ethereal. He felt the power of something foreign rush through him, near limitless potential at his fingertips. More than anything the heart could ever give him. He looked up, endless lights floating above. Similar ones as the one the Seer was tempering with but in this moment he did not realize it. Some of them came down to him and he embraced them, feeling their warmth, their comfort. He could only remember a few times when he’s felt something similar. But then he felt a tuck on his right wrist. There was a bright red string attached to him. He opened his arms and the lights returned to their original places as his eyes followed the string. It led into the darkness. He stared into the void and a set of red eyes stared back. And yet. He wasn’t afraid.
Then he returned to the realm with Seer, still waiting for him to make a decision. Near limitless power, limitless knowledge with the freedom to go where and when he pleases… It was too good to be true but the euphoria of the vision still had a hold on Sotha Sil. All of this handed to him practically on a silver plate with nothing but one string attached. As the euphoria faded Sotha Sil began to understand what this entailed. His eyes met the ones of the Seer with as little fear he could muster. “There is a catch, is there not?”
“There is. And you know what it is.” she kept looking at him, waiting for his answer but internally suffering for how long he took to give her an answer she already knew.
Sotha Sil carefully considered his options. He already knew to an extend what was to come for him in his life. He knew how it would end. What could he possibly lose?
“Please make your decision, I am getting impatient.” her stare became more intense as she wanted to move on.
He hesitated for one more moment “I… Accept your offer.” after uttering those words he was not sure anymore why he did that. The creature had warned him, why did he agree. It told him no matter what she would offer he needed to decline. But he was unable to speak up again.
“Wonderful. Just… one more thing.”
Sotha Sil felt something tightening around his throat.
“If you so much as dare of thinking of betraying what I have entrusted you with…”
The blood stopped flowing to his head, he could no longer breath. Desperately trying to gasp for air he grabbed his throat. He fell to his knees nearly passing out yet he couldn’t.
“...I will ensure you suffer for your insolence more than you will be able to endure.”
Sotha Sil could barely see anymore. His sight was fading and his body felt like every nerve had begun to shut down. It tingled painfully and he even lost control over his clockwork arm. He was lying on the ground, dying, looking up to the Seer with what little sight he had left.
“...You won’t tell him of what has transpired here until the day comes you were meant to pass. I shall only grant you what I have promised once you have made it to that day without telling anyone of today. Live your sad existence as you would have, until the day I shall take you in.” then she looked down at him writhing on the ground like a newborn maggot. “Promise it.” She allowed him a few breaths to speak his answer. Not that he had much of a choice.
“I… I promise-” he choked before the lights went out. Seht could barely feel the cold anymore.
“Then. Consider it. Done.”
The last thing he felt was the Seer’s claw poking him between his eyebrows.
Then there was nothing.
Something woke him.
“SIL! SIL! WAKE UP, DAMMIT!” he could hear the familiar inconsistent voice. The creature. There were sounds… of water? Yes, there was water. Sotha Sil managed to somewhat open his eyes before they involuntarily shut again. “No no no!” the feelings returned and he could feel the creature tugging and pulling at him while he… floated. He realized he was in the water. He opened his eyes but they shut again. As the feelings kept returning to his body he held onto the creature as it tried to pull him out but it was like the water tried to hold him in place. Seht managed to open his eyes and the creature finally managed to pull him out. It held onto him for dear life but that was the least of his concerns. His eyes wandered around the new environment which was something much more tangible. A cistern. At least that is what it looked like. The only light source around was the stairs that led to the outside. His eyes wandered to the waters he was just floating in. The creature’s grasp on him loosened when it was sure that he was awake. That he was here.
Sotha Sil sat up, inspecting the waters he was in just moments ago. They changed color from a murky brown to a slightly less murky green and back to brown again. He could see something at the bottom not too deep below the surface. At first it appeared as large rocks but the closer he leaned in, the more it became obvious these were not rocks – they were bodies. Of varying shapes, sizes, species. “What is this place?” he questioned as he tried to make out each body, which was hard given how different they all were. The creature crawled next to him and sat by Sotha Sil’s side, looking into the waters as well. “This is the cistern which Seer has created…” it’s eyes locked on a specific body. A huge black and fuzzy being which looked like it could have been once a mighty beast roaming the forests. “I- I don’t know what it’s purpose is…” it’s gaze wandered to the darkness. “...I don’t even know what’s back there. Seer told me to not go there… Light does not penetrate that darkness and uh… I am not too keen on going there.” it’s gaze wandered back to the water. “...All I know is… these are the bodies of gods… or any divine being for that matter.” Seht’s eyes widened. “Gods? Are you quite certain of that?” “Sadly.” He looked at it as if he could not believe it’s words. “I do recall you mentioning Seer hating divinity but…” his eyes caught the dark fuzzy body in the water. “...I had never assumed she’d act upon it.” “Oh yes, she does… she does. And I don’t think she will stop… considering that… whatever this is… it- it seems clearly not to be done.” it gestured around the whole cistern. “...She even eats gods in a… somewhat metaphysical sense.”
Sotha Sil could not believe it’s words. The implications of what had happened and that he woke in midst of these corpses. Right, the events that transpired before he ended up here. He recalled them more clear than he actually wanted. The creature turned to him and saw the confusion in his eyes. The uncertainty, the worry. “Sil… What happened? What did she do to you? Why… Why were you… in here.” he kept quiet. He remembered the Seer’s threat. He could not say a word. If she had such great power over him without lifting a single finger, whatelse could she be capable of? Seht did not want to find out. “I…” he sighed and considered his next words carefully. “...I do not remember.” the creature did not say anything for a moment. “...Nothing?” but he only shook his head slightly in response without looking at it. He simply could not tell a soul. It sighed looking to the floor and got up. “Well… it has no use to sit here in this awful place.” it reached out to him with one of it’s hands. Sotha Sil looked into it’s eyes and then to it’s hand. He took it.
They made their way out of the foul cistern, carefully treading the stone platforms as to not touch the waters. Outside was a small world, hardly looking like a world at all. It was merely a few floating islands, covered with grass. There was a small river nearby with a bridge leading to the other side. There were a few buildings visible in the distance on the other islands and one larger one close by. But aside from those islands there was not much around. There was what looked like a few suns and a blue sky above but below was a dark sky with several moons and stars. “Where are we?” the creature shrugged in response. “I don’t know but ma- I mean Seer comes here. She made all these buildings but how exactly I don’t know. Maybe she made all of this but I am really not sure. The entrance of the cistern is not even always here.” Sotha Sil tilted his head. Hardly anything seemed to make sense when Seer was involved and as of right now he did not have the energy to question it. “But… How did you find me? How could you know I was here?” “Oh Seer just told me when I got worried and asked her where you are.” Sotha Sil wondered just how long he was really here.
The creature spawned a few bright red strings as it does so often when it tries to do anything. It opened a gateway leading directly back to the clockwork city. “After you.” it gestured to the gateway and Seht surely did not have to get asked twice. He went through the portal without hesitation and found himself in a familiar environment. A comforting feeling after all he had been through. He took note of the fact that the portal led right next to the gray door he and the creature stepped through to enter the void. The creature followed him, closing the gateway.
Looking at the creature now that his mind was unaffected by the parasites, he knew he had to get used to it’s looks away. But he also knew, this being was truly his friend. Whether it was a daedric invasion or finding out how to deal with the seeming endless guilt ��� it stuck by his side. A small smile crept on his face and the creature returned the little smile. The clockwork god put his right hand on the creature’s shoulder.
“I thank you… for being my friend.”
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0605018redactedasmr · 4 months
Ngl kind of obsessed with the though of Morgan being obsessed with his listener
Like my man is pathetic
'Would you kill for me one day ?'
'Yes, of course I will my darling'
Type a thing
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bagheerita · 4 months
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Stargate Atlantis: "The Seer"
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justaz · 4 months
thinking about emrys, god of life, death, and magic, who saw the atrocities being committed against his people and traveled to the realm of humans to be born to mortal parents and live in the flesh to rescue his people and find what it means to be human. thinking of emrys, now merlin, feeling joy, feeling sorrow, feeling pain, feeling love and marrying arthur to rule camelot together and unite albion. thinking about merlin reclaiming his throne in the realm of the gods and raising arthur’s soul to rule alongside him above as he ruled alongside arthur below. merlin and arthur raising their court to their realm and continuing on their journey now gods rather than mortals
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tblsomedoodles · 9 months
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Some Apocalypse Seer twins,
Also the first of my January Speedpaints (Aka make-up work for my missed december speedpaint. I will be doing a second one mid-January.)
Was suggested by @soniclozdplove a few weeks ago. (the suggestion was technically just "seer twins" but i went the apocalypse boys route. I felt the need to draw a billowing cape lol.)
i kinda want to rant about some shit, particularly to do with Donnie's cloak, like how it's darkened over the years, and how between the dark cloak and the fact that if Donnie "rescues" someone they either come back dead or soon to be dead (compared to Leo who's rescues always live), he ends up with a Grim Reaper sort of reputation. But, then again, that's really it on the subject and i'm pretty exhausted rn.
anyways, video link will be up once it's available.
Edit: Speedpaint Link
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