#the sees boys need theirs too but I heard that's not happening-still looking forward to the extra scenes they'll put in
yuseirra · 5 months
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I did see that one reload screencap of ryoji in front of the piano...
will he get a social link with the male protagonist this time?? Is that confirmed or is it a forever lost cause this'll be his last chance to, too..
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robingurlscorner · 2 months
1966 More Serious Season 3 Whump
That episode where Cat Woman and Joker team up? Annnd the light house explodes? What if it wasn't all so pretty?
Batman warned Robin not to turn around but he didn't listen.
It all happened so fast, his eyes caught the sight of the match hitting the gun powder, he knew they only had seconds to get out if that. He just did what his instincts told him to. He knew his cape was blast resistant but theirs weren’t. The least of his worries were the villains, his main concern was getting Batgirl and Robin out of there or at least out of harms way.
“Batgirl, Robin, RUN.”
They didn’t need to be told twice, Batgirl screamed and covered her ears running as fast as she could to the door just hoping the others were behind her. This wasn’t the part of crime fighting she’d signed up for.
Batman saw that Batgirl was out of the way and Robin wasn’t moving fast enough. He leapt forward knocking Robin to the ground and covering him up with his cape then hid himself as best he could shielding the Boy Wonder with his body. It was dead silent aside from the bickering of the villains then a large explosion rattled the house. He just hid his head and kept his focus on his partner. He heard windows crashing down and glass shattering, a cloud of dust moved through what was left of the room.
Then the room went quiet again. He sat up his back to the rest of the house, his main concern was the teenager. “Are you ok, Robin?”
He wanted to make sure that Robin wasn’t going to see any of the carnage left over if Cat Woman and the Joker hadn’t gotten away in time. The boy was just sixteen and didn’t need see anymore death than was necessary, especially not in this gruesome sense. The Boy Wonder was helped to his knees noticing that Batman wasn’t allowing him to look anywhere else. “Man, that was close.” He let Batman lift his face to check for any wounds, there were a few deep cuts on his cheeks that were oozing blood but nothing too bad it seemed.
“Batman! Robin! Are you two alright?”
“Batgirl don’t come in here. We’re fine.” Then he sighed, he was just going to have to turn around. “Robin, this is an order, turn around and face Batgirl.”
“But Batman, why?”
“Don't ask questions, lad, just do it.” Batman forcibly helped the teenager turn around then stood up and turned towards what was once the closet full of gun powder. There was no sign of Cat Woman or the Joker but he made a face realizing at least one of their goons had gotten caught in the blast. The site wasn’t pretty at all and he sighed shaking his head trying to quell his own emotions about the mess. He was thankful Robin wasn’t looking.
“…Batman…” He heard Robin choke on his next words and looked over seeing that he’d looked anyway.
“Robin, I told you not to look. You didn’t need to see that.”
Robin only shivered, his eyes were wide and he looked as if he were fighting tears. His blue eyes seemed to take in the scene, all the blood and gore everywhere, his knees shook and he put his hands to his mouth feeling like he was going to be sick.
“Batman what is it?” Batgirl asked innocently still turned not facing Batman. She was worried about Robin though. She could see out of the corner of her eye his whole body was shaking. “R-Robin? You alright?”
“Batgirl, go find Cat Woman and Joker and make sure the care keeper are alright.” Was Batman’s calm response.
“A-Alright.” Batgirl ran off obediently.
Batman sighed watching her leave then eased Robin away from the gruesome sight and let him fall to his knees and throw up.
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anonil88 · 2 years
Reposting this because, I was right.
This was written the summer before season 2 aired.
Gonna talk about my lowering expectations and my wariness or worries for Season 2 of Euphoria.
These are just my personal opinions and speculations. This is long oops, buckle in.
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This season is about to be so dark and a bit more gritty, less pretty effects but still great visuals and edits. I look forward to that I just hope it doesn't turn off too many fans. I saw a lot of people did not enjoy the specials for their lack of glitter and their blunt honesty. The dialogue is needed especially because not only Rules but all of these teens have terrible communication skills. The specials were honestly amazing and a great step into this more realistic aspects of a very complicated love story. I hope we can continue this line of realism and more perspectives or at least Rue talking about other characters perspectives. I would actually love to see Leslie, her mom, and things from her side of the story.
We all know it will be dark but my fear is that its going to be a trauma dump with poor writing, and no room for breathe. I know Sam has about like 5 different projects going on so I hope he took or takes his time with this script. But, after Malcom and Marie I'm a bit worried because he is going to have to go into uncharted new territory. Especially with these newer characters, I know HBO/A24 euphoria casting is looking for a stripper or two which has me a bit shook. I wonder how far they are going to push this show in the limits of wild but realistic teenage years. Personally even at 25 have never been to a strip club but I do know people who started stripping/dancing at 18. Either during our senior year of highschool or their freshman year of college. Sam being a cis white man is going to have to do his research and talk to people in order to not write a character like that in a damaging light. Which I hope doesn't happen because I'm pro adult dancer with transparency about that industry and others like it. Someone does need to spell out realistic consequences of joining in those industries at a young adult age, but it needs to be done correctly. I don't know if Sam will be the right person for that but only time will tell.
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I have the same worries with the introduction of more poc cast and specifically black characters. Again time will tell and I cannot judge something entirely that I have not read or seen.
In general with Sam's writing i hope that any input that the cast has with their characters and the storylines is taken into consideration. I know this was done with the bridge episodes and season 1 but, sometimes studios can loom over talent when something is so successful. With all the awards, acclaim, and criticism I hope that peoples voices are still being heard and listened to. It would be a disservice to HBO to force expectations that could hurt the shows quality. *glares in last season of game of thrones*
While I'd love for this season to focus on anyone other than Jason Bateman Jr. the show is a drama and eventually Nathan will have to surface at some point. Rmfe.
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I think there definitely need to be something where the on hand psychology liaison works out a plan for dismantling the Nate is just a fixer upper thing going on. I'm usually fine and let people ship what they ship but seeing so many abuse apologist sends off alarms in my mind. I realize it has partially to do with Jacob being attractive, which is also a great point the show is making pretty people can be bad too. But, it makes sense why this show is not geared for kids/young teens because the point just flew over theirs and even a lot of adults heads. I can only think that he will not be written as a complete villain because truth be told he is not entirely evil. He is a scared little boy in a grown man's body who needs therapy and real weighted consequences. He might not get either of those things and we just see him go off into the world, that is scary but real.
I'm aware that all of these characters could and likely will make turns for the worst. All teenagers and adults make mistakes, sometimes damaging ones. But, since some of these characters are trying to get into college I think that needs to be taken into account with their stories. Unless Nate doesn't plan on going to college it is unrealistic for him to be acting a whole fool the entire season. So I hope we don't get a over the top Joker character because senior year you kind of don't have time to fuck your senior year up unless you actively try to. At least in my experience. Also for the love of Jesus I don't want him and Jules to be anything. Even if he has feelings I need it to be plainly written out that its twisted and one sided because he is emotionally manipulating both her and Maddy.
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Our time with certain characters is either running out this upcoming season or will fade. I know McKay might not come back or will be a background character. I actually think that is smart so the story isn't bogged down with irrelevant characters but, i hope the storyline and Rue or Nate's story doesn't suffer because of this. With the introduction of new characters the focus could go anywhere with this new season.
Maddy has the tape and her limbo of a breakup with Nate to worry about. If she uses it against Jules in favor of Nate, imma have to hope karma bites her in the ass.
Kat has her stalker and I'm terrified where they will go with her storylinr. I hope the writer does show the more negative aspects of camming, as well as, the effects it can/would have on a minor doing that. Because in the moment it is fun....and then you find yourself conscious of the decision you've made and with whom. The very serious legal ramifications that exist as well should you get caught. But, i really don't want them to girlboss Kat for being an underage person making money that way without any scope of what she's getting into. That would be so so harmful. But, I don't want her story to become one giant p.s.a for the dangers of XYZ work.
I believe in a Jules Vaughn supremacy and I want to protect her from that evil boy and his father. Am so so looking forward to new Jules' makeup and fashion looks that reflect the characters rejection of doing things for male validation . I do love her even though her and Rue's communication issues drive me up a wall. She should have just been like Rue, I like you a lot so can we sit down and talk about this but she didn't and now they are both out there crying into a pillow asking why doesn't she like me. I do get that they are 16/17 and I too at 17 most definitely wasn't equipped to communicate that well either. Hunter is doing a phenomenal job and I see a long career in her future.
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Oh Rue, I think he is handling Rue's story well, but as always they can handle certain things differently. I.E even though I didn't see it as romantization I know some people did see the scene with her yelling at Fez and her OD as being too cheery. Rue in the special episode makes you angry and I actually would love more of that. I want to be upset at this character that I love and relate to so much, because a lot of her choices are frustating. Even the ones she makes that aren't revolving around her addiction which is honestly the only thing her life really revolves around. I wonder what else Rue enjoys or will find joy in besides drugs, Jules, and hanging out with her mom. She desperately needs to find a better outlet and hoping we get to join her on the journey to finding that..
Since we see everyone's perspective from her eyes it will be nice to see how her lack of sobriety affects those around her. Especially the baddest most down friends someone could have, Lexi and Fezco.
Lexi and Fez's episodes are gonna be so good, but God i know they are going to be vastly different because of the lives they lead. Fez' will get very sad or upsetting and Lexi' is going to bleed out of Cassie and Rue's storylines. These two are the closest to Rue who dealt with her addiction before rehab and before we met Rue. If Rue is this bad when she has no reason to keep living, imagine how she was directly after her dad passed away. Which because she is unreliable she never talks about and we only see glimpses of when she isn't narrating. So it will be really interesting to get a deep dive for both of these characters.
Fezco is the only man I really care about in this show. Um, Ethan is okay but I don't think he needs an episode. I'd rather get an episode on Fez and his little brother/cousin.
I would also like no love more of detective Lexi because that was too fun. Also Lexi is every person who has a bestfriend who gets into a relationship and they gush about that person in front of you for a little too long.
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I'm kind of worried for Cassie honestly because she has come out of the wanting to date to feel loved phase, but will she focus on herself? Will she focus on school or skating? Will we even get to see more of her character or will she fade into the background a bit more and her story goes stale? I don't know i just hope that if there are any scenes like last season that its done in a "tasteful" way. She shouldn't be the show or productions golden ticket or free pass to be used as an object or trophy. McKay already did that and she deserves better. After my many rewatches of season 1 I'm still a bit unsettled by some of those scenes with her. I get she's supposed to be looked at from that lens of owning her sexuality while dealing with the male gaze, but at times its like jeez yall are really had to go there. Maybe its because i don't or try not to look at women with misogyny as a backlight, BOO DANIEL BOOO. The carousel scene is probably one of the most uncomfortable 5 minutes I've ever experienced watching TV. I just hope that behind the scenes and in table reading discussions are being had with Sydney' and any other actors to respect their comfort levels.
It is funny that out of the HBO shows with nudity that this is the one with the least femme presenting nakedness. I'm not weirded out by nudity but even for me seeing all them elephant trunks had me like O.O. It is nice to see that all bodies are being normalized and specifically that its not just "lets sexualize femme bodies" for views. Instead it subverts the norm while also reinforcing that bodies can be shown without any other intent than that bodies exist in many forms. A couple newer HBO and HBO max original shows are also following in Euphoria's lead with this, but there are still some HBO shows that I'm like so "you can show topless women back to back but the men are covered up and "modest". "
Ugh I hope the Game of Thrones spinoff has learned from its past, but that's me trying to be nice instead of saying I'm not interested after that finale season.
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After this season we likely only have one more season, 3 Season model has taken over and honestly it makes sense to only go to 4 seasons max with this show. S1 and 2 for junior year, S3/maybe 4 for senior year. A season for each semester. Also if im remembering correctly Sam said he got clean after highschool or around that senior year to college years. And since Rue in a lot of ways is based off of him that timing makes sense. So I hope for a season 2 that is more reflective of the bridge episodes that gets us to season 3. And, I hope for this upcoming season even with the criticism that will come that its handled and executed beautifully. Glitter, messiness, and realistic sadness in all.
That's all I've got to say for now.
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zaewriteshere · 1 year
Whispers Into The Night
AO3 Link
Sighing softly, you looked at yourself, dirty by cleaning and sweaty by moving around all day long.
It was a fun day though, especially a fun night.
The look of pure shock on Jay was definitely one you’ve never seen before.
It was funny, to say the least. Watching them stumble upon their words, when normally Jay would be the one making you act like such. It was a nice change of pace. 
But it was time for a change of clothing, since this attire was definitely in dire need of a wash.
Not paying attention to where you were walking, too deep in your contentment, you bumped into a chess. Softly exhaling a cry of surprise, you looked up, only to see Jay gazing down upon you, your eyes meeting. Immediately recognising you, they put on their signature smile that made your heart flutter, greeting you by saying your name enthusiastically. 
“Didn’t expect to see you still here, Jay” you announced after greeting him back with a quiet “hi”. 
“I could say the same to you” they replied without missing a beat. 
“I’m on closing duty, remember ?” you said, playing with the keys around your ring finger. “Which means that you stayed without any reasons. Why ?” You called them out, arching an eyebrow with an amused expression on your face. Raising their hands up, Jay’s expression turned from mischievous to… Sheepish ? Though it didn’t last long enough for you to question it, as they gathered back their confidence. 
“I thought I could help you close the shop !”
‘And booby trap for the one opening tomorrow !’ Was almost heard in the silence that followed.
“I already did…”
“Wow, you’re the type to finish fast, aren’t you ?” If you were on your first day, the innuendo would have you looking like a tomato. Nowadays, only a soft blush on your cheeks was visible at this type of joke.
“Want to find out, pretty boy ?” Sometimes even, you could retort back something that’ll take them off guard, and make them blush slightly.
“Well if you insist~” They said as they slid a hand behind your back to pull you in. 
You were about to say something, like another cheeky line or a “hey !” but then your eyes met, and nothing came out.
You could tell that Jay was in the same situation as you. Lips slightly parted, as if about to say something, but not a word was uttered.
The fact that you couldn’t take your eyes off of their lips, too engrossed in them to look into their eyes instead, blushing at the idea of what would happen if…
They whispered your name, as if calling you, barely loud enough for you to hear, but you did. Locking into their eyes, the tone had none of the usual banter that was usually present between the two of you. As if breaking the silence would shatter the magical scene happening around you, the little bubble that has been formed to protect the both of you. Instinctively, you got closer in answer, not daring or even trusting your words at this time. 
At the lack of a verbal answer, Jay repeated themselves, more demanding, but it bled with hesitance.
“Yes ?” you softly whispered, your voice seeming so loud compared to theirs. You gently rubbed the back of their neck. When did your hands travel there ?
Apparently appreciating the touch, they leaned forward, their forehead touching yours. 
“I…” They croaked out, their voice raspy with emotions. Closing their eyes, they pulled you in, rubbing your back.
Your heart was beating so hard and so fast, you thought that Jay was gonna hear it, as cheeky as it was. 
“You… ?” You encouraged, oh so gently. Snapping their eyes open, you felt them freeze around you. Letting you go as if you’ve burned them, they took a step back, blushing furiously and rubbing their hand where you previously put them. 
“I… Wanted to thank you. Not only for today…” They smiled, as bright as always, “But also for the help and support you’ve given me. It pushed me to come out. In a good way !” They added, trying to laugh.
You, you couldn’t bring yourself to do so.
Did you do something wrong ? You quietly wondered. Jay called your name, softly, but not as quietly as before.
“I mean it” Taking a step closer, they took your hands into theirs. “Thank you.”
“I… You’re welcome,” You said after a moment of silence, “I… Really should get changed” you laughed.
“What do you mean ? You look beautiful no matter what~” They complimented, making you blush once again.
“Oh hush you-” You lightly punched them as they chuckled. 
Shaking your head, you walked into the changing room, swapping your outfit to the one you were wearing this morning before clocking in. Going out of the small room, you noticed Jay deep in thoughts, an unreadable expression on their face. 
“Hey, what’s up ?” You asked innocently, which seemed to get them out of whatever they were meditating about. 
“The night sky, or if you want to be closer, the ceiling.” They answered automatically with a smile.
“Haha, very funny. But for real, what’s wrong ?” You tried pressing.
“Nothing ! Don’t worry your pretty face for me, ok ? You’ll get wrinkles otherwise.” They jokingly stated, giggling to themselves at the joke.
“Are you saying that I will not be pretty anymore once I hit my 40s ?” You crossed your arms, unimpressed.
“Now, I didn’t say that… But it would be a shame if you looked like Gaby, he’s so young yet they look like he’s in late 30s.” Jay mocked, ruffling your hair.
“You’re being mean, Gaby’s handsome ! And he won’t have skin cancer by 30, unlike you.” You pouted, taking your boss’s defense.
“You think the boss’ handsome ?” They apparently only heard that, given their face which was… Shocked and… Something you couldn’t exactly pinpoint.
“Well, yeah ? Somehow in this café, everyone is either handsome, cute, sexy, or even all 3 at the same time !” You explained, wondering if you said anything wrong, studying closely their features.
They chuckled, then shook their heads, as if to shoo away a silly thought. 
“C’mon, let’s not stay here for too long,” They said, already turning to the exit. 
Following them, you sped up to be able to walk besides them. 
“Ah, wait, I gotta close the café. Wait outside !” You announced, before going back to the counter to activate the security. Running out of the café, you saw Jay patiently waiting, playing a game on their phone. They seemed really engrossed in their activity. You silently watched them as their expression shifted from confident to worried to triumphant. When they looked up from their device, they jumped and almost dropped their phone. 
“Can’t get enough of me so you decide to silently observe me, huh ?” Jay said, trying to regain some composure while joking.
“I mean, you were pretty entertaining,” You said truthfully, locking onto their eyes. Taken aback, they didn’t seem to know what to say at first. It didn’t last very long.
“Not as entertaining as you though~” You sighed.
“Alright, I’m out this way, I’ll see you tomorrow, Don Juan” As you turned around, they grabbed your hand, stopping you dead in your tracks. You turned around with a questioning glance.
“Can I walk you home ? I don’t feel comfortable having you alone in the dead of nights.” You nodded, smiling gently.
“Sure thing !”
And so you began to walk, still holding each other’s hand. You thought of addressing it, maybe even joking about it, but that would maybe mean that Jay would let go, which was something you didn’t want to happen. 
So you said nothing, walking silently besides them.
Well, only for a few steps, because they piped up, seemingly very excited about something. You knew that expression.
“Oh, did you know that there are a few cultures in India, Indonesia and Java where the trees’ roots literally grow out to be living bridges ! Apparently, they’re called rubber trees, or ficus elastica, which can grow hundreds of meters tall. Don’t you think that’s interesting ?” They turned to you, the stars in the sky reflecting into their eyes, a nerdy smile on their face. You nodded, just as enthusiastic.
“So, how do they look like, exactly ?” Jay excitedly showed you a picture after a quick google search, and you had to admit, it was pretty cool. 
And so you continued talking about plants and their weird facts, up until you ended up at the entrance of your apartment. You turned to them, smiling softly, squeezing their hands involuntarily.
They squeezed back. 
Neither of you moved, just looking at each other and enjoying the other’s warmth and presence. They called out your name, just like at the shop, the same tone, the same desperation… They hesitated.
“Listen… At the shop… I’ve wanted to tell you that I…” They said, getting closer to you, holding your cheek with their free hand ever so gently, as if afraid to break you. You held your breath, blushing more and more as the seconds passed by. “I’ve always wanted to tell you that I…” Their hand moved to the back of your neck, gently rubbing the root of your hair. Slowly pulling you closer, their face got to your height, and you gulped.
A car passed by, revving its engines.
Whatever was passing through Jay’s mind, it seemed to have flown away, because the same thing that happened in the café… repeated itself. They all but dashed away, as if bitten by a very angry wasp. 
“Really like your hair,” They blurted out loudly, blushing furiously. “It’s very nice to touch,” they continued, softer. 
“Thank you !” You replied, trying to calm down your heartbeat.
“Well then, get home safe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow !” They said in a wave, before turning away and walking out of your sight.
Just��� What was that ?
Gift for AO3 user ForFunWithLove, go check them out !
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Snippet - Moments with Him
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are some cute little moments between MC/you and each of the boys (minus Luke) using sentence starters by @myfriendthedictionary. Enjoy!! 💕
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“You want your usual, right?”
Lucifer glanced up from his paperwork to lock eyes with MC after hearing their question, a hint of surprise flashing briefly over his features. “And you know what that is?”
“Of course,” they replied with a grin. “I’ve seen you have it enough times to figure it out. I’ll make it just the way you like it, too.”
He gazed at their figure in the doorway of his study. The candlelight seemed to shine on them in a way that made them appear even more radiant in his vision than they normally did. No, perhaps it was the fact that they took the time to memorize these tiny details about him, such as his favorite drink to have while he’s working, that enhanced his view of them in this moment. Falling for a human was shocking enough, but falling more in love with them every day? The eldest demon brother wasn’t sure how they managed to do this to him. Even so, it was a strange phenomena that he couldn’t ignore any longer. He may as well accept it.
“Very well,” Lucifer said, a smile tugging at his lips as he refocused on the documents on his desk. “I look forward to it.”
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“This really isn’t going how I practiced it.”
It was meant to be said in his head, but Mammon ended up muttering the words aloud in front of MC. He was trying to properly convey his feelings for them without deflecting or stumbling over himself, but the exact opposite was happening. How many times had this happened now? Why couldn’t he just say what he really thought? Despite how much he motivated himself and the time he spent making sure he’d do it right, he always got tongue-tied the moment MC was in front of him.
“Practiced?” MC repeated curiously, causing Mammon’s face to flush a darker shade of red.
“F-Forget ya heard that!” he demanded.
“Seriously, don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I needed to practice tellin’ ya how much I like ya or anything! I can tell ya how amazin’, intelligent, attractive, funny, and important ya are to me just fine without going over it for hours in front of a mirror, got it?!”
MC bit back the giddy grin that threatened to form on their face in favor of taking Mammon’s hands in theirs. “You sure can. Thank you, Mammon.”
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“Would you maybe want to... I don’t know... do this again, sometime?”
Leviathan’s question came out hesitantly, his fingers fidgeting with the plastic bag in his hand. He never imagined that MC would actually agree to go to an anime convention with him, and yet they had. The two of them spent the whole day there, and Levi had a blast getting to experience something he loved with the one he loved. It was a wonderful combination of his favorite things! However, did MC enjoy it as much as he did? He wasn’t sure, already overthinking everything they had said and done during the convention.
“I’d love to,” MC responded without missing a beat.
“R-Really?” Levi asked, worried he may have misheard somehow. “You didn’t hate it?”
They shook their head. “Some of the stuff there was pretty cool. Plus, I liked seeing you look so happy and comfortable in your element. Make sure to let me know when the next one is, okay?”
Tears pricked at the corners of Levi’s eyes, overwhelmed with joy by MC’s answer. “I-I will! And, um, if there’s any place you really want to go to, let me know! Even if we’re surrounded by normies and extroverts, I’ll still go! B-Because I… I want to see you happy, too!”
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“They say not to touch the artwork, but I have to ask... can I hold your hand?”
Satan’s grin widened as he observed MC’s reaction to his sudden flirty remark. He had invited them on a date to an art museum since both of them were curious about how the creative works in the Devildom and human world differed from each other. With the way it was going, it seemed more like an educational field trip than a date, prompting Satan to change his approach to the day’s activity. He was pleased with himself for having caught the human off-guard when he leaned in front of their line of sight to softly ask for their hand.
“Wh-Where did that come from?” MC inquired, playful nudging him away in an attempt to hide their blush.
Satan laughed lightly at their embarrassment. “What do you mean? We are on a date, aren’t we? Isn’t it natural that I’d want to hold my lovely partner’s hand? Besides, you’ve been looking at this piece for so long, I was beginning to wonder if you forgot I was here.”
Now it was MC’s turn to laugh, the familiar sound bringing a gentle warmth to the demon’s chest. Once they placed their hand in his, the two never separated for the remainder of the date.
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“You always look beautiful to me.”
Asmodeus delicately lifted MC’s chin up so they could see that his expression matched the sincerity of his words. The two of them had gone out shopping for new clothes, and Asmo had suggested a variety of things for MC to try on in the dressing room. With each outfit they came out to present, Asmo gushed over them, showering them with adoration. However, when MC viewed their appearance in the mirror, nothing seemed to look right on them, and they ended up expressing this concern to Asmo when he noticed they weren’t acting like their usual self. They stared at their feet as they spoke, unable to face him from how they felt about themself in that moment. They weren’t expecting his remark or the way he brought their gaze up to rest on him.
“Even now, there’s a certain beauty in the sadness you’re showing,” Asmo continued, his hand moving to cradle their jaw while his thumb tenderly stroked their cheek. “No matter how you’re dressed or how you’re feeling, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, MC. And I’ll always see you that way.”
MC reached their hand up to place it over the hand he kept on their face. “Thank you, Asmo.”
“No need to thank me. I’m just telling you the truth. I’ll remind you as much as you need me to until you believe it, too--and even long afterwards, okay?”
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“What do you mean you burnt the popcorn?”
Beelzebub rubbed the back of his hand in guilt when MC discovered the blackened kernels that were supposed to be part of their movie night snacks. He hadn’t meant for it to happen. MC had tasked him with watching over the popcorn heating on the HoL kitchen’s flaming stove top while they were putting the finishing touches on the sweet treats they had made. Beel’s focus had drifted from the popping kernels to MC’s figure, working diligently on the other side of the kitchen. Not even the wafting smells from the food around him could peel his eyes away from the human. As a result, he hadn’t noticed the popcorn burning until it was too late.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized with an expression rivaling that of a kicked puppy. “I just wanted to see what you were adding to the treats, but I ended up staring at you instead. I like how you look when you’re focused on something, and then I started thinking about how great those treats are going to taste because you’re the one working so hard on them. Everything you make always ends up tasting better than anything I eat at a restaurant or bakery. ...Then, before I knew it, the popcorn had been on the stove for too long. I’m really sorry for burning it, MC.”
It was difficult for MC to stay mad at Beel for an honest--and cute--mistake. “It’s all right, Beel. We’ll just pop another batch. I’ll even stay with you to watch over it this time.”
That was all it took for Beel’s wide grin to return. Still, after disposing of the burnt popcorn into his mouth, he couldn’t keep his loving gaze off the human beside him as the new batch of kernels popped on the stove.
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“Nope! Not moving. Too comfy!”
That’s what I should be saying, Belphegor thought bitterly to himself after MC vocally refused to remove themself from his chest. The two of them had been studying for a while in MC’s room when Belphegor suggested they take a nap break. No amount of pouting or whining could pull MC away from their notes, so he reluctantly plopped himself on their bed, all alone. Well, that is, until he tricked them to come over because of a “hilarious picture Beel sent.” Once they were near, he pulled them down onto the bed with him and claimed that they had to take a break now with him since they were already there. As revenge for duping them, MC managed to situate themself to lay on his chest, which was one of his lesser preferred napping positions. Belphie wanted to be more upset, but he was actually kind of impressed they got the better of him. Still, that didn’t prevent him from complaining for a bit until he was too tired to do so anymore.
“Fine, I guess you can stay there then,” he conceded.
MC giggled triumphantly while snuggling closer to him. “Good! It’s rare that I get to rest on your chest like this. It’s nice.” They sighed in contentment as their eyes drooped shut.
Belphie wrapped an arm around them before following suit. When he thought about it, it really didn’t matter how his body was positioned when he slept with MC. He was satisfied just having them by his side. If it meant that the human he cared deeply for would stay with him and enjoy his company more, then he supposed he could let them lay on his chest more often.
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“Oh, hello again!”
Diavolo greeted MC once more with a bright smile that stretched from ear to ear after bumping into them for the umpteenth time that day at RAD. What might have seemed like strange coincidences to MC were entirely intentional on the prince’s part. He had been wanting to see them more, but his duties typically kept him busy and farther away from the human whenever he wasn’t at RAD. So, he decided to find them every chance he got between classes that day in order to spend some time with them. As nice as these short interactions were, there was one last part to his plan that he was looking forward to the most, and since the school day had just ended, it was finally time to carry it out.
“Are you headed anywhere before returning home, MC?” Diavolo inquired.
“No,” they answered with a slight shake of their head. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, they have a new live show at the aquarium featuring Black Dolphins and Devilkiller Sharks. It’s said to be an exciting experience you’ll never forget! I’ve been wanting to see it since it was first announced, so I was wondering if you’d like to join me.”
“Sure, sounds like fun!”
Diavolo beamed at their enthusiastic response. “Excellent! I’m so glad I’ll get to enjoy it with you. Ah, one other thing. It may run a bit late, so allow me to treat you to dinner as well afterward. …Perhaps we can call this a date, then?”
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“Yeah, I somehow don’t think this was how the recipe was supposed to turn out...”
MC’s comment brought Barbatos’s attention to the deflated cake that they had recently taken out of the oven. MC wanted to recreate one of the cakes they saw at Madam Scream’s, and when they had asked Barbatos if he knew the recipe for it, he had instead voluntarily offered his assistance in making the dessert. Lately, he had been making more of a conscious effort to engage in activities with them outside of his usual responsibilities, and since it wasn’t often they got to be alone with the ever-busy royal butler, they readily accepted his help. Although, with the way the cake looked right then, they wondered if their baking skills with Devildom desserts were beyond even Barbatos’s help...
“Actually, this is how it’s supposed to look after being baked,” Barbatos explained reassuringly. “There’s one more ingredient we need to add while it’s still hot in order for it to take its proper shape. I prepared it before you arrived.”
He brought over a heart-shaped chocolate and dropped it within the opening the unique baking pan created in the middle of the cake. The candy quickly began to melt within the cake, causing it to rise until the chocolate completely filled the inside of it and oozed slightly out of the top.
“Whoa, how’d you do that?” MC questioned him, amazed by the magical sight.
“The recipe calls for a special kind of chocolate that can only be made by someone who has overflowing feelings for another.” Barbatos turned his head to make eye contact with them, a tender smile gracing his features. “So, you could say I simply filled our cake with love.”
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“There’s nothing that could keep me from coming back to you. Nothing.”
MC stared back at Simeon in awe after he finished reading aloud the draft of the latest chapter in his manuscript. The angel author had invited them over to his room at Purgatory Hall to receive their input on a new story he’d been working on. He had been mulling over a pivotal scene between the two main characters for so long that every rewrite he did seemed worse than the previous version. MC noticed how absent-minded he was during one class at RAD, so when they had asked if something was wrong, he decided to seek their outside perspective on his writing. He must’ve done something right in the draft he read to them, considering they even started clapping once they recovered from their initial astonished reaction.
“That was amazing!” MC praised. “I felt like I was right there in the scene!”
“You did?” Simeon questioned them, a feeling of shock overtaking his bashfulness from their feedback. “How so, if you don’t mind telling me?”
“Your descriptions were so detailed I could picture exactly what the area looked like. And I could feel the tension in the air and the physical and emotional pain the characters were going through... You know, I actually lost myself for a bit. Like, I thought I was the love interest for a while there and you were the protagonist. …Is that weird?”
Simeon gazed back at them with a warmth that resonated in their chest. “Not at all. I’d say you understood the characters quite well.”
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“Remind me why I love you, again?”
That was the first thing MC said when they saw the state Solomon was in after he had asked them to come over to Purgatory Hall and help him with a “small problem” he was having. He had been experimenting with Hell Jasmines to see if he could alter the effects its aroma had on demons, which resulted in him creating a scent that drove every cat within a 10 mile radius into the building. Simeon and Luke were out running errands, so he knew he needed to get this mess solved before they returned (if they even could among the sea of cats). And who better to call on for aid than his beloved fellow human?
“Ah…” Solomon trailed off while a cat leapt onto his shoulder to nuzzle the side of his head. “Because I’m a witty sorcerer who teaches you magic, cooks for you, and would do anything you ask? And...I love and appreciate you above all else?”
“That was almost correct,” MC noted, stepping around the swarming felines to reach where he was trapped by a group of them.
“Almost? What did I miss?”
“We can worry about that later. For now, I’ll keep the cats off you so that you can stop whatever is causing this.”
“Thanks, MC. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Getting Drunk With Fred Weasley
Prompt: getting drunk w/ your boyfriend Fred would include + mini blurbs
Warning: drinking, swearing, and some suggestive wording
Word Count: 2.2k
Notes: n/a
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Parties are not an uncommon event in the Gryffindor common room
Alcohol and drink mixtures of all sorts are being poured left and right every weekend
Most weekend you have a drink or two while catching up with your friends after a busy week of school
Other weekends you choose the path of getting plastered alongside your boyfriend off smuggled liquor and bottle of beer
On these night in particular, 
Fred does not let you out of his sight
At all
Unless of course Lee challenges him to a beer pong match then he’ll carefully usher you over the couch where he can keep an eye on you while he’s playing
Has to pause the match like 20 times to chase after you and lead you over to his side “Y/n! You know you can’t out drink Seamus- he’s Irish! C’mon, come watch me kick George and Lee’s ass. They’re so bad it takes two of them to even manage a winning shot yet somehow they still suck!”
Loves it when you cheer him on
Is constantly glancing over to reassure himself you haven’t run off again
Your distraction is heightened in this state
So he feels the need to be your second set of eyes
Which had come in handy many a times
Like when Ron dared you to touch the burning fire while he was wasted on dragon barrel brandy
“Don’t be a pussy, Y/n. Swipe your hand real fast and you won’t even feel a thing-” “Y/n, pull your hand away from that fire, love. Ron, what the fuck? Are you trying to set my girlfriend up in flames? Angel, Ron is an idiot, you know that, don’t do anything he says again.” “Hey!”
And the time when you all were playing strip poker and Fred quite literally threw himself on top of your body to cover your chest when George teased you to take your bra off and your hands reached back for the clasps
(( he bitched at George for five minutes straight for that suggestion ))
Fred knew you were not one to back down from a challenge, especially when drunk and not considering the consequences or regret that would follow
So he always made sure you never embarrassed yourself too much or did anything you’d be wanting to take back come morning
During any Gryffindor party, Fred is the life of it
When he’s not preoccupied fawning over you, he’s hopping around with George seeking out trouble
The man throws back liquor like its water
Claims he knows his limits, but he really doesn’t
He is a touchy drunk
Hands brushing through your hair as you chat on the couch
Arms wrapped around your shoulder as you laugh along with your friends
Fingers laced in yours whenever you’re near
He craves your touch even more so when the liquor taints his veins
Let’s be real, Fred is not exactly the type of boyfriend to try to get you to stop drinking
He still makes sure you’re safe and not over drinking but,
Most of the times,
He’s the one pouring the shots for you
And mixing the drinks
But he always knows when to stop, and when you’ve had enough to drink
He tries to mentally keep note of how many drinks you've had but loses track once he reaches about five on his own end
Sometimes he’ll silently swap out your glass of whiskey for a glass of pumpkin juice
It’s obvious to Fred that he made the right choice when he watched as you sipped gleefully on the juice, not making a single comment on the dramatic change in taste
In these moments he begins to prepare himself for a night of babysitting you
And he’s so sweet in helping you on the nights when you go an inch- or ten- overboard
Carries you up to your bed and helps you change out of your clothes and into new ones for bed
He gets you wipes to take of your makeup, if you’re wearing any, and he’ll sit you between his legs on your bed while he brushes through your hair
After you’re properly ready for bed, Fred makes sure to set a glass of water on your nightstand incase you get thirsty and a bag of crackers if you get hungry
Stays the night without question when you ask
Other times he stays regardless of if you do or don’t
Your roommates don’t mind seeing as he takes care of you meaning they don’t have to
He’ll lay on his back and usher you over to place you head on his chest
His fingertips will soothingly trail up and down you back, lulling you into a deep sleep with the rhythmic motion
Tries his best to make sure you fall asleep first
Drunk Fred really has no control over his sleep habits and has a tendency to pass out from sudden exhaustion at any moment
One second him and George are fucking around with partygoers, supply them with different products of theirs, and causing pure chaos
The next second Fred was snoozing away while he laid on the couch with his head in your lap
Then he was back up an going again
Like a toddler on a sugar high
He’s such a giggly drunk
Kisses to the tip of your nose
Always smiling over at you and complimenting you  
“Have I told you how breathtaking you look tonight?” “Only ten times, but I’m okay with elven.” “Let’s make it twelve, you looks absolutely stunning- so pretty, and all mine.”
The boy can’t help it, you make him feel weightless with happiness sober and the feeling only intensifies when he’s been drinking
There are nights when Fred can’t seem to taste the scorching burn of the liquor anymore after about six shots and it these nights where George and yourself are left dragging him up the stairs
George will beg you to stay the night because he can’t handle Fred’s drunken rambling about how much he misses you
And you agree because, how could you say no to Fred’s adorable puppy dog eyes and grabby hands longing for you to cuddle with him
If you two are both drunk, you’ll stay up talking- or rather whispering- under his comforter
He’ll stumble over his words and jumps from topic to topic in the blink of an eye
Uncontrollable giggles as he whispers- or rather stutters- out the most confusing jokes you’ve ever heard
“Angel, angel…” “Yes, Freddie?” “What happens when a toad’s car breaks down?” “I dunno…” “It gets froged!” “I’m sorry, come again? Isn’t it meant to be the frog’s car that breaks down and it gets ‘toad’...not ‘froged’?”
But he’s out like a light before you can get an explanation
He breathes like darth vader when he’s in his drunken slumber
Yet its somehow comforting in an odd way
Like it reminds you that he’s there holding you
And also that he’s still alive, which is surprising at times with the amount of drinks he consumes in one night
If you think Fred acts reckless sober, he thinks he’s invincible when he’s drunk which is even worse
He’ll agree to almost anything
If Ron were to tell him he bet Fred wouldn’t jump from the Astrology Tower all the way down to the courtyard? Fred would do it just in spite of him
The only time this attitude of his had gotten him into trouble was when Fred, George and Lee came up with the grand idea to go down the boy’s dormitory staircase on mattresses
Fred, being the brilliant man he is, decided to go first
You had been gossiping away in the common room to Hermione about a new Muggle actor the two of you had seen in a film when you heard the loud crashing, followed by the voice you loved so much groaning in agony
By the time you reached the opening to the stairwell, George and Lee were aiding Fred down the stone steps, carefully avoiding his ankle which had been twisted in an inhuman position
Madam Pomfrey surprisingly kept hum about Fred’s intoxication and instead scolded him for hours on end about his reckless, mindless choice to try to slide down, winding, steep, stone steps
Once news reached the professors the nest morning, McGoagall dismissed 40 points from Gryffindor for the incident
Using your mattress to surf down the twirling stairwell has since been prohibited
On a separate occasion Fred had accident lit the edge of the curtain on fire
You can always tell when he’s reached that level by the volume in his tone
It tends to get deeper the more intoxicated he becomes
And his words slowly slur together into a string of blabber
Mostly compliments, sweet words, and sometimes suggestive ones as well
Fred gets a bit more… forward when he’s got that liquid courage soaring through him
His hands will start to roam slowly from around your waist to your lower back, then resting on your bum
He gets turned on watching you play beer pong for some reason
Especially when you win
Maybe it’s the view he’s graced with when you bend to bounce the pin pong ball
Or the feistiness that arises when the match gets hot
It’s more than enticing for him
Fred can feel his frame get stiffer everytime you bend across the table to retrieve the cup and chug the beer from it
When the round has ceased and you’re declared champion yet again, Fred steps forward to pull you in for a hug
As he gives you a kiss on the cheek, he whispers, 
“Good girl! Now if you beat George again I’ll give you a special surprise later tonight, angel.”
Which makes your knees weak like jell-o as your frame pushes into his for support
It doesn’t help that you can feel just how excited he is through the denim of his jeans
Fred dips his head to plant a trail of wet, teasing kisses along the skin of your warm neck until George was groaning and pleading for you to start the match
You practically shook for the entirety of the game, still managing to sink almost every shot into a cup forcing George to drink for the majority of it
He ended up tapping out once you nailed the seventh cup in a row and kept your winning streak alive due to his need to find a trash can immediately
You stopped there to join Fred by his side as he smiled to you, clearly pleased that you won
“Looks like someone is getting rewarded tonight.”
His arm draped around your shoulder as you leaned into his side, your cheeks flaring from the mass of bodies but mostly from Fred’s suggestive promise
He only forced you to suffer through the party for another ten minutes or so before pouring one last shot for the both of you, then nearly pushing you up the winding stairs to his dorm
Lets just say he certainly fulfilled on his promise- more than once that night
Loves it when you sit in his lap when you’re on the couch together
Whispers dirty secrets into your ear
Drunk Fred leaves hickies under the clothes
He’s not the type to care who’s around, he’ll try to slide his hand up your skirt in front of nearly anyone when he’s inebriated
“Fred- you’re brother is sitting right there, stop it!” “Shhhh, angel. He’s not even watching, right George?” “Right, Fred.” “See?”
To which you glare dangerous at him as you place his hand back in his lap, but Fred continues to smirk in amusement
It’s like you’re a preschool teacher constantly having to tell a child to keep their hands to themselves, Fred just refuses to listen
Fred doesn’t necessarily get jealous of other guys
He trusts you and he’s confident enough in your relationship not to feel threatened by other guys
However he is possessive af over you when he’s been drinking
In a sweet way tho
Literally wants all your time and attention when he’s drunk
If you don’t feel like dancing, he’ll ask you to come watch him dance
When you say you need to use the bathroom, he’ll ask a million times if you want him to come with
If George places a bet against Fred in a game of cards, Fred will drag you over to sit next to him as Seamus shuffles the deck and prepares the table
He’ll show you his cards and tell you to pick one
Even though he knows you’re completely unaware of the rules to the game, he loves the smile of excitement that appears on your face when he lets you
And in the rare times that you do say no, he works his magic with those big doe eyes and pouty lip until you say yes
It brings him comfort when you’re by his side
Your nights end the same each day, wrapped in his arms listening to the relaxing thump of his heart as the two of you doze off, both silently dreading the awaiting hangover than would surely greet you first thing in the morning, but you wouldn’t want it any other way
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elysianslove · 3 years
hi !! i am in love w ur writing omg <33 can i req hcs of miya twins && suna w a crush who is in the girls ( or manager of the boys team if u only do gn!reader hcs ) vball team of inarizaki and they share the same bus or sumn when theyre traveling to another school ? thank u <3
hi hi hi!!! thank you so much <333 and i write fem!reader, hehe, so i made her part of the girls vbc! i hope you like these <3
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miya atsumu 
i firmly believe none of the hq boys would be picky about the girl they’re dating. like yeah they all say certain traits they want but when it really comes down to it and they are dating you, they won’t be upset if you don’t fit certain previous criteria of theirs 
that being said, tsumu would absolutely lose his shit if his girlfriend also happened to be a volleyball player like he’d be convinced it’s fate or something
like he wouldn’t crush on you because of volleyball, he just thought you were a really pretty girl he’d constantly see in the halls and stuff 
and listen! he really was planning on asking you out
except asking a girl out has never been so nerve-wracking. like he’s never, ever felt this nervous about it?? and he’d keep chickening out every time he saw you
fast forward to you guys having to travel to another prefecture for a game, and it just so happens that the boys’ basketball team also had a game out of town. between the teachers and coaches, they decided since both the boys and the girls’ volleyball teams were going to the same prefecture, you’d just take the bus and make due 
the bus isn’t small, but y’all are a lot, so it’s a bit of a mess when you’re climbing on 
somehow, someway, you find yourself sitting next to miya atsumu 
pls he will never stop talking about how you two were meant to be after omg 
imagine his shock when he looks up from his phone and he sees you sitting next to him his brain literally goes ???!!@#$#&^$#&%(&
you just smile at him sweetly and say, “i hope it’s okay that i sat here. there’s not really anywhere else.” 
he can’t really speak. no like he really can’t. he’s. starstruck? just completely gone. you’re just so pretty and now he gets to sit next to you for the entire ride? he’s thanking everything holy
samu smacks him on the head because he still hasn’t replied to you and you’re starting to look a little saddened 
“uh, yeah, yeah, s’fine, yeah.” i’m telling y’all he’s secretly a complete dork. 
at first he doesn’t really know what to say, he just knows that he really wants to talk to you, like badly, and finally his brain catches up to him and he asks you about volleyball. you two spend nearly the entire ride talking about the sport
his heart would not stop beating insanely fast the entire time 
so y’all arrive, and you’re about to head off to the girls’ gymnasium when he stops you. you’re kind confused but you don’t stop him bc !!! hello !!! attractive !!! and kind !!! and interesting !!!
and omg you don’t think you’ve ever seen miya atsumu flustered before, and apparently neither has his brother or his friends because they’re in the back just snickering to each other
and finally, he manages to ask, “do you like, wanna hang out? soon? tomorrow?” 
it makes you giggle how red his cheeks are 
the relief that floods him when you say yes is unbelievable 
he wishes you good luck with your game with a kiss on the cheek that shocks everyone because what a contrast to the person he was literally a minute ago 
just v briefly: y’all are THE couple. you know what i’m talking about right? imagine just him being at your games and cheering you on the loudest, kissing you fully on the mouth after disregarding any rules in place, or the opposite, of you cheering him on his games and just jumping at him even though he’s really sweaty and hugging him so tight with your legs wrapped around his waist
no please don’t think about going to the gym with tsumu, where he makes you cling onto shirtless him as he’s doing pull ups and you kiss him every time he lowers himself, or practicing volleyball with tsumu, where he’ll serve a ball onto your ass and have you chase him around the gymnasium until he lets you jump onto him and you both fall on the ground
and no! don’t you dare consider practicing serves with him and it being a competition until you’re both so spent and breathlessly lying on the cold ground next to each other or how proud he is every time he sees you finally achieve something you’ve been trying really hard to perfect —
good bye 🏃🏻‍♀️
miya osamu
okay different from atsumu, osamu knew you were a volleyball player, and he realized he had a crush on after watching you play once 
your gymnasium, the girls’, was up for inspection but you had a game against another school so you’d borrowed the boys’. the whole boys team decided to stay and watch and holy shit was he impressed. your team won by a landslide, and it was clear the rest of his team was also impressed by the way they were all speaking about you
after that, you kinda stood out to him more? like, before he wouldn’t really notice you, but now anytime you were around or he heard your name or you were mentioned or he heard your voice he would kind of perk up and his heart would beat a little fast 
he was like fuck 😃🔪
you didn’t really share classes with him so it wasn’t too difficult to avoid you until his little crush had wavered 
yeah until god himself seated you right across from him on the bus while both your teams were on their way to a different school. it’s not that there wasn’t a bus, the coaches were just lazy and decided to combine you both since you were headed the same way anyways 
the entire time he wouldn’t stop staring at you while you chatted with your friends and with some of the boys from his team. you just seemed so. magical. he hated it. why were you so perfect
atsumu was asleep for half the ride so he only made fun of him for the other half. it was v humiliating. 0/10
he thought he had been soooo slick lmfao 😹
he was not
samu’s generally a slick guy but. not right now he wasn’t. not with his crush he isn’t
so when everyone steps off the bus and he’s like stretching out his limbs from being seated for really long, he feels someone tap on his shoulder, so he spins around and sees you and honest to god his blood runs cold
you had a really sheepish smile on your face like you were ready to embarrass him and when you said, “hey i noticed you staring,” on god he wanted to die.
but then you noticed his pale face and quickly went, “no, no, i think it’s very flattering! and i’m hoping it means i get to take you out?” 
cue tsumu’s cheering in the back he is so obnoxious bhjdbcdbjc
samu’s mouth is moving but his brain isn’t really working he just likes to thank god that he said yes and didn’t say anything else 
this time, you wish him luck with a kiss on the cheek and he really hates how his entire body is just heating up right now so on the outside it looks like he’s not enjoying this in the least, but trust, his heart says others
that was the most nervous you’ve ever been but he doesn’t need to know that 
on the bus ride back he invites you to sit next to him in the back, and you’re both a little shy about it all but you make conversation and somehow it ends up with him telling you he loves to cook, which leads to the promise that he’ll cook for you one day
it’s a very sweet conversation where you’re both really excited but you’re also a little nervous about it all
again, briefly: if we’re going with you being a wing spiker like him, then training with samu is so fun. he loves to toss the balls up higher and higher knowing you can’t reach them, until one day you shock him and the ball goes smack on the other side of the court and damn he just fell in love all over again.
tsumu practices with you two sometimes and nine times out of ten he’ll make samu think he’s tossing to him then toss to you instead. 
you’d think he’d be quiet and calm while he watches you play? absolutely not he is the loudest. it’s okay you luv him <3
omgomgomg meeting up with samu after both your after school practices are over and you just walking home alone in the quiet and you’re both munching on some snacks and it’s so serene and your hand is in his and you’re swinging your arms playfully and it’s just so
remember that promise he made to cook for you? every weekend without fail, since he usually wakes up before you, he makes you breakfast, leaves his home, and wakes you up with a little box of your favorites. the tradition never falters. every weekend you wake up to his beaming face with a steaming box of breakfast. husband material 
suna rinatarō
with suna, you two briefly knew each other
you shared class with him, and sat quite near him so you were like sort of acquainted with each other. i feel like suna’s not too big on speaking with strangers not because he’s introverted but because he just doesn’t wanna waste his time
he does speak to you from time to time though, mainly just to ask about class or homework or exams 
he didn’t know you were on the girl’s volleyball team though, so when you walked onto the bus, and he spotted you, he was really confused. when you spotted him back and waved at him with a bright smile his brain went uh oh
and then you walked closer to where he sat and his brain went UH OH
and then you asked to sit next to him because you’re all the girls are scattered everywhere and aside from them he’s the only one you know here so he just shrugs and goes yeah sure 
his brain is going uhohuhohuhoh repeatedly though he’s just exceptionally good at not showing it 
you don’t really talk as everyone settles down, each of you is busy looking down at your phones, but when the bus starts moving, suna takes out his headphones and 
he offers one to you 
ok im good 
you’re a little taken aback but you accept. the entire ride you two don’t talk, you just listen to music together, and occasionally he hands you his phone to choose a song, and somehow, in the middle of all this, your head fell on his shoulder and his head rested on yours and it was really comfortable and good god does he have a crush on you
when you take out your phone and open instagram/snapchat and start messing with the filters, taking snaps of him and making faces with him, and he gets to hear and feel your little laughs he realizes yeah, maybe he does have a tiny crush on you 
you skip away from him after stepping off the bus with a yell of good luck. he makes time after his game to go watch yours and he is thoroughly impressed by your skill. decides maybe it is not as minuscule as he thought.
the boys are on the bus before the girls, so when you walk in, he waves you over and points at his headphones, which makes you laugh a little and rush over to him. this time, he doesn’t wait for the bus to start moving before he hands you one earbud, and just like before, your head rests on his shoulder throughout 
middle of the ride, he opens the notes app, and types, ‘you’re really cute,’ while showing you the screen 
you take the phone from him and type back, ‘you’re really pretty.’ 
and then a conversation carries like this until he just straight up goes, ‘wanna go out with me?’ 
this time, you don’t take the phone from him. instead, you sit up a little, press a kiss to his cheek and whisper, “yes.” 
it only shocked him a little a lot
as soon as you’d said that, he relaxes a bit, and as you’re going to rest your head on his shoulder, he brings an arm around you, hugging you closer to him i am going to Scream
briefly: please, imagine just how encouraging it is for suna to see you in the stands at any of his games like it just gives him that necessary boost  and whenever he wins he just cups your face and kisses you so passionately yet serenely and there’s that small smile hidden in the kiss only you can feel and tell of
or just imagine you and suna relaxing after a long day of practice in a bath together or you completely drained snuggled in bed as you lazily and sleepily pillow talk 
or oh my god, suna coming before a game and helping you do your hair in a braid or anything that will keep it out of your face because he has a little sister and he’s just so good at it and all the girls are fawning over how he’s sitting on the bench with you kneeling between his legs and he’s just working diligently at your hair and once he’s done he just gives your head a little pat before leaning over and kissing your cheek like “all done babe good luck” 
or suna watching smugly as you absolutely destroy your opponents or if you ever play with the boys how you never go easy on them and he just 
heart eyes <3
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end note; im sobbing im this 🤏🏼 close to losing my mind why are they not REAL 
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Title: What the Heart Wants
Pairings: Young!Shota Aizawa x GN!Reader
Summary: You were a young hero in training, living in the United States. And when your high school offered an exchange internship to one of the hero agencies in Japan, you were first in line. But the last thing you expected was to fall for another of their young hopefuls.
Notes: Story features the other dumbigos as well. It’s implied that this story is just the reader reminiscing, and that the reader and Aizawa have been in an established relationship ever since.
Warnings: Mention of blood and a little battle damage, otherwise just superpowered teenage friends being pretty wholesome honestly.
My Masterlist
The first time you’d ever met the now pro hero Eraser Head, he hadn’t been much more than another teenager in over their head so much like yourself.
Back then you hadn’t known how to say no to anything either. While most of your classmates had been taking the typical internship offers from your state’s local hero agencies, you’d heard about a new exchange program abroad. And of course you’d jumped at the opportunity, anything to set yourself even one hair’s edge above the amazing competition.
Your Japanese had been terrible too honestly, so much so that you’d almost been afraid to speak for fear of ridicule once you reached Japan.
Luckily, the hero you were assigned to, Stunner Man was fluent in several languages. And his quirk was something akin to fireworks from his body at will, like a human flash bang. It greatly complimented your own quirk of consuming light energy to then expel it as energy blasts as well.
For the first few jobs together, you’d likely grown too confident and complacent because of this. It was all too easy to replace your own energy by drawing in that light from his fireworks. Sometimes to the point that all around you went dark, before then expelling the energy again as concentrated blasts from your hands to help incapacitate the small time villains you both ran across.
But then had come that rainy night and reports of a much stronger villain taking out actual teams of heroes somewhere downtown. Multiple agencies had responded to this of course, but your hero had been adamant about you staying behind. This was real danger he said, and it would be unheroic to let your desire for success blind you to your own inexperience. You would be a liability in the main battle, and you could be just as valuable assisting firemen and police in their efforts to evacuate the nearby apartment buildings instead.
Of course you were obedient, and so there you’d been, running up the stairs and through the corridors as fire alarms blared and people cried in panic in these high rise buildings. You’d put on your best act of confidence, directing the scared people to exits, asking them to mind their neighbors. You told them not to push, to please help those that were elderly or disabled, and that it would all be all right. Surely it would be because so many pro heroes were now on the job.
But just as you were almost done clearing the last floor at the top of that building, a terrible crash had sounded from far down the hall. Maybe debris breaking through from the nearby battle? You were cautious enough though to make sure that the police and firemen safely exited this floor entirely with the last civilians before you went to investigate.
You would make sure no one was left behind, that no one was hurt or trapped. But as you’d rounded the corner, in a glitter of broken glass and blood, that was where you’d first seen Shota Aizawa…Eraser Head.
He was only a sidekick you thought immediately though just from his age, so similar to your own. Yet he was already trying to get back to his feet even as you called out to him. The hole he’d come through in the large windows and the cracked wall around it were letting the rain now blow fiercely inside.
“Get back!” He’d yelled right back to you in Japanese however. As if he wasn’t losing blood all over the floor as you did pause brief enough to hear an odd humming sound outside even over the rain.
It was reflex of course. He hadn’t even been facing you, but the way he tensed you’d assumed what was going to happen only that fraction of a second before it did. Before whatever villain had just thrown him through this window attacked again, you’d used your energy reserves to make a shield of light between Shota and the broken windows and wall.
The blast that came through the hole had likely been intended to finish the boy. As it was, it still exploded violently against your force field, the recoil sending pain through your arms as you’d dug your boots into the floor beneath you as much as you could just to keep from being knocked backwards with the force.
You wouldn’t be able to take another direct strike like that without gathering more energy. And in the confusion as the blast did dissipate, you ran forward, grabbing the boy by the wrist. “Come on!”
You only saw the surprise in his reddened eyes for just a moment, the first time he’d really looked at you. His shaggy black hair was dripping on you from the rain before you both ran together.
“It’s going to get dark. Just hold on to me and trust me!” You spoke as you pulled your goggles down from off your head to cover your eyes in mid run. The goggles were a support item developed especially for you. In darkness you could switch between night-vision and thermal imaging to allow you to still see when your opponents and even teammates could not. And when you used your light abilities to discharge energy again, the opacity of the lenses darkened instantly to keep you from being blinded by the brightness of your own quirk as well.
As you both ran, you activated your quirk to draw energy from the artificial lighting in the hallway. True to your word, the whole hall became almost pitch black in short time. Your skin darkening to an inhuman shade as well as you used your power, a color akin to the lightless void now around you as you led him to a stairwell in the center of the building.
“Will the villain follow us in?” You asked as you closed the door, but making sure not to absorb all the light of the stairwell as well as you could still hear people making their way down to evacuate below. You knew you couldn’t stay in this place long. You had to protect these people you had already been trying to rescue as well. But information was always crucial to having a better chance at victory, and you needed anything that the boy could tell you quickly now.
As you lifted your goggles back up in the light of the stairwell, you were already trying to assess his wounds as well. But when you realized he was just staring at you, you finally made eye contact with him again just before he spoke.
“He’s more powerful out in the open.” The boy said. “So I don’t think he’ll follow us inside yet. But you’re assuming I’m a hero?” He sounded somewhat surprised? But the way he was looking you over, he was also trying to discern your quirk even in his own confusion.
“You told me to get back when I found you in the hallway, even though you were hurt.” You saw now that most of the blood was coming from his lower abdomen. A puncture wound maybe? “Who else would worry about others even when being attacked themselves?”
You saw his eyes widen a little at the sort of compliment, but you kept on. “And I’m sorry if I’m hard to understand. My name is (Y/N). I’m from the United States. Part of the intern exchange. I’m working for Stunner Man right now.”
“I can understand you.” He admitted. Though still looking at you in that odd way. “My name is Shota Aizawa.” He paused, seeming a little less confident, before he admitted his nickname. “Codename Eraser Head. I’m interning from the UA with His Purple Highness.”
“Oh,” You said, impressed truthfully, as that school’s hero course was obviously world renowned. But from the quizzical look you couldn’t help but show at his codename, he clearly had already discerned your next question.
He answered before you could ask, but even as he did you could tell he was already steeling himself for your disappointment. “I can erase others’ quirks just by looking at them.”
“You can…what?” You stared helplessly, for a moment almost forgetting your training to always be cool and collected as you tried to fathom what on earth this boy could really mean.
But he just stared back at you, was he that surprised at your reaction?
When he said nothing more, you had to shake away your shock to press further. “I’m sorry. This might be the language barrier again, but I need you to explain that to me please.”
Hero work could lead to unexpected team up situations at any time. And if this was to be one of those times, you both needed to know what you would be dealing with.
He frowned slightly, like he was having to talk more about himself than he was comfortable with. But he did comply. “If I activate my quirk while someone is in my direct line of sight, it inactivates theirs. But I can only do it for so long. Once I blink, or the line of sight is broken, their powers will come back.”
Silence hung between you for one long moment after his admission, and you could sense the tangible unease building in him.
You didn’t mean to make him jump either when you just blurted out. “That’s amazing!”
You still didn’t yell, but it was loud enough to be unexpected. But you couldn’t help it. You’d never heard of such a quirk. How could anyone be so powerful to make someone else quirkless just by looking at them!?
And why the hell did he look so self conscious about this? “You can’t be this modest. How are you not believing me that this is amazing!? I bet you only got thrown in here then because the rain obscured your vision, right!?” Your voice was quickening with your excitement. Your strategies to victory also readily multiplying in your brain. You could make a shield of light to push away the rain and Shota could look at the villain to make them helpless, then you could take them out with a subsequent light blast!
“My quirk has no offensive merit.” He deadpanned.
“Not every quirk has to!” You retorted, but maybe yourself now finally starting to understand a hint to his self conscious nature. “There are always multiple ways to win! Don’t they teach you that at UA?”
“We need to get moving,” He grumbled still in resistance to this subject. “People could be being killed out there.”
He wasn’t wrong you knew, as you nodded. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to gather information.” Which fair was fair as you tried to keep your own explanation as straight forward as you could.
“As you saw, my quirk is that I can absorb visible light energy. It doesn’t matter what kind. I darken everything as I absorb the light around me. I can store it inside myself, then discharge it when I’m ready, to make force fields for defense…or light blasts for offense or distraction to blind opponents.” Like everyone though, there was always still a catch as you continued. “But the weakness is that once I’ve discharged what I have, I’m tapped out until I can absorb more light. Which, at night in a rainstorm like this…there’s not much to be had.”
He was mostly stone faced as he listened to you though. But there was an analytic sharpness to his eyes, like you were inputting information into a human calculator before abruptly he tried to walk back away from you as if to continue up the stairs.
“I have a plan then,” He announced quietly, his back already to you again.
As much as you somehow believed him already though, you grabbed his hand before he could get much farther. “And whatever that plan is, we still won’t be much help to anyone if you faint from blood loss.”
It was obvious he was someone not used to being touched, you could tell that from the instant way he stilled and looked back at you.
But you didn’t weaken at the stare, only offering him a slight smile. “I’ve been trained in emergency first aid as well. There are first aid kits all through this stairway.” You’d passed them on the way up. “I’ll be quick, alright?”
The logical side of him must have won out that night in that stairwell. He’d known you were right about at least stopping his bleeding. But that was the real beginning you thought. This odd relationship that would keep its hold on you both for so many years to come.
Him, still so skinny then and self conscious, quiet and awkward as he’d sat on one of the stairs, holding his shirt up so you could clean and disinfect the wound just above his belt while you kneeled in front of him. Luckily the injury was not as deep as it could have been. Just too wide to close or clot on its own as you’d wrapped his abdomen with the appropriate bandages after cleaning out the debris.
And you kept your word, you still weren’t negligent of your duty as a hero in training even then. You didn’t waste any time at all, being as quick and efficient as you could while working on him. But even if all your training told you to also keep your mind on the mission at hand, you’d still felt that warmth in you.
The intimacy was practical, professional. But it still had its effect as you’d run your fingers across his abdomen to finish securing the bandage. You felt him tremble just for the slightest moment, and then it was over. His shirt was back down and he was standing again.
He’d only muttered a quick “Thank you,” as you’d both headed for the roof to execute his plan.
And still only being teenagers then, the clumsiness of your yelling and waving to attract the villain’s attention again would be something you’d both have been embarrassed about now. But at the time, you’d really both done rather well considering your low experience levels.
That villain of course hadn’t been the only villain that night. The main heroes had had their hands full with the other, stronger one at the heart of downtown. This one had been more like the sidekick really, just trying to keep on the outskirts to run interference and keep even more heroes from joining the fray for his boss.
He’d picked off Shota earlier he thought, so he was easy to get worked up when he realized Aizawa was now back for more.
But that villain had drawn his power from the difference of electrical charges in the air. Obviously then at an even greater advantage over the two of you with the thunderstorm above. But the trick had only been avoiding his electrical blasts, but drawing the light energy from them enough times to eventually surprise him with a big enough blast in return.
There’d been a few miscues of course, as well as you using your shielding to protect Shota all the while trying not to get hit either before you could finally land that big enough return hit to stun the villain. Then Shota binding him up in his scarf like weapon and removing the enemy’s quirk long enough to deliver a decisive knockout kick to the villain’s head.
It was your first ever victory as a team.
And it’d been a bit of a whirlwind afterward. The congratulations and acknowledgement from your respective heroes for the small, but positive role you had both played of course. But more personally for you, you had owed so much to one of Shota’s best friends you had met immediately in the hustle and bustle afterward.
Oboro Shirakumo, otherwise known as Loud Cloud had been there immediately, ecstatic to hear the story of Shota’s and your success. His extroverted and effervescent personality such a direct opposite to Aizawa’s quiet nature. But Oboro had been the one seemingly so excited to learn you were from the United States as well.
He’d insisted that he, Shota, and their fellow UA student and other best friend, Hizashi Yamada (codename Present Mic) show you the real young hero life in Japan before you would leave again in the coming weeks.
Without Oboro’s intervention, there was likely no way otherwise you would have gotten to see the shy Aizawa so many times again after that night.
As a group the four of you had gone to malls, out to eat, and to see the touristy sights you likely never would have gone to alone. They didn’t even make fun of your bad Japanese, well not seriously anyway. Hizashi did a few times, but in a way that had you laughing with him as he teasingly walked you through a few pronunciations you’d butchered yet again.
On your last night in Japan, you’d been feeling a little sad really though as you’d wished you had gotten to speak to Shota a little more one on one. Even though he’d accompanied you all on your excursions together in those few weeks, you still had noticed how little he really talked and how often he seemed to always be looking away from you.
In the end you just had to think you were being silly for the way you’d felt in the stairwell with him briefly that night and how often you’d thought of him ever since. You’d probably never see him again you knew.
That night though you’d all gone to a park together that met the beach and ocean. Oboro was insistent that you needed to see the view of the sea there before you flew back to the United States the next morning.
Oboro had made one of his clouds, taking just the two of you up high into the air. As Shota and Hizashi still on the ground grew smaller and smaller, you did look away to the horizon and the starlit ocean beyond. It was beautiful of course.
But what Oboro said next, made you forget all about that view entirely.
“He likes you you know. He just doesn’t know what to do about it.” The blue haired boy said as if it was as simple a truth as saying the sun would come up tomorrow.
Your head turned immediately, just to see Oboro smiling at you in an almost conspiring way. “And you feel the same don’t you?” He asked you. “You look at him the same way he looks at you.”
“He doesn’t look at me!” You blurted, stupidly protesting as if your stomach wasn’t already trying to tie itself into a knot.
But Oboro just laughed, that genuine, happy one you’d heard from him so many times already. “Well he knows what to do with his eyes doesn’t he? He has practice. Of course he doesn’t let you catch him staring!”
So many emotions ran through you at once then. Embarrassment at your naivety, sadness that you still had to be leaving the country regardless, shock that this could even be true, and….frustration that you would just be being told now!?
“I’m leaving tomorrow, Oboro. Why would you even tell me this now!?” You asked somewhat desperately, but still keeping your voice down in your escalating panic.
He raised his hands innocently, yet unafraid of you either way. “Hizashi and I have been encouraging him as much as we could to speak up, but Shota is like those stories where an unstoppable force meets an immovable object…but in this story both are Shota!”
You stared, the absurdity only mounting at his words.
He chuckled, looking a little embarrassed then. “He’s quite stubborn is what I mean? And he says it’s pointless because you’ll be thousands of miles away. And I said that’s what phones, email, and video calling are for! Of course conversation is not one of his better skills…”
“Oh, man” You sighed, yet trying to think in your nervousness. “Did he send you to tell me all this? Or does he even know we’re having this conversation right now?”
The boy just shook his head. “He didn’t tell me to, and I didn’t ask his permission, no. He would have only told me not to. But sometimes heroes have to do what heroes have to do, right?” A kind look overtook his face again. “I want to see him smile sometime. He actually has a nice smile you know. I think I’ve seen it all of twice,” Oboro joked.
And it was true, it’s not like Shota was cruel or anything. But he didn’t smile, he didn’t laugh. It was like he was always afraid to perhaps. You weren’t really sure yet. You hadn’t known him long enough. But surely Oboro and Hizashi had. You should at least be able to trust that they had made a correct assessment of their friend’s feelings.
“Well…” You hesitated. “If I told him I wanted to stay in contact…do you think he’d actually call or write me?” You looked at Oboro imploringly, unsure if it would hurt more to try this and be rejected later anyway if you still never heard from him again.
“I can only promise you that we’ll try to keep him from screwing up if it’s only his fear that’s holding him back. We all have to overcome fear in one way or another if we’re going to be pros one day.” He smirked then, before looking a little more boastful. “You know, when Shota, Hizashi, and I graduate, we’re going to start our own hero agency. I’m sure by then if you wanted to come and do some more work in Japan, we could make a space for you too. I’d be a bad manager to turn down foreign talent you know.”
He did seem so sincere, you couldn’t help but smile back at him. “I’ll talk to Shota. But, whatever happens, thank you for trying to help either way.”
Oboro gave an exaggerated thumbs up with, what honestly you were guessing was his best imitation of an All Might type grin. “Of course! Plus Ultra! Always!”
It was something how quickly Oboro and Hizashi got themselves out of sight, now just you and Shota on the beach together. Yet you suspected they may still be in earshot somewhere in the distance. No doubt painfully curious of how this would go and silently cheering their best friend on.
At first you were afraid that Shota was angry actually, the way he’d visibly bristled, shooting his friends’ quite unhappy stares before they’d left as he fully realized what was about to happen.
But he didn’t ignore you, nor did he look away from you this time as you got closer to hopefully speak a little more privately. “I’m sorry if this is…weird.” You started awkwardly. “But I don’t think you should be too hard on your friends either. It’s obvious they really care about you.”
Your foot was kind of shifting in the sand. Nervousness still flowing freely as you just kept on. “But I’d still like to hear it from you…if you’re wanting to keep in touch. If you want to get to know me better, I’d like that…so…um-” Ah, this would be awful at any time, but stumbling over words you’d only recently learned made it all the worse. “So is it true, Shota? Do you want to keep talking after I’m back home…maybe I can come back again though…I’d like to see you again…I really would.”
He was silent at first, but he was clearly listening. Intently, as if analyzing your every movement, your every word.
But it was painful how long you had to wait for a response. Surely it wasn’t really as long as it felt though before he finally responded. His voice surprisingly even, almost emotionless?
“You’ll be a successful hero if you keep to your studies and training. I find it unlikely that you wouldn’t be able to start at any agency of your choosing in the United States once you graduate.”
A huge compliment to be sure, as you stared at him in surprise. But what did that have to do with the subject at hand? Was he trying to avoid your questioning entirely?
Yet his eyebrows lowered before you could interrupt as he kept on. “So I don’t understand why you would ever want to come back to Japan longterm where your reputation would have to be built back up again just to get equivalent job offers to what you could attain already in the US. The one instance with capturing the villain at that apartment complex isn’t enough for top placement at the agencies here in Japan. Especially without UA accreditation on your record. You would be putting yourself at a disadvantage to be here. It would be a mistake for your career.”
You could swear you almost heard a groan from somewhere in the distance. If you’d put your goggles on now, you were sure you’d probably see Oboro and Hizashi hanging on every word, wherever they were hiding to eavesdrop in the dark.
But your brain was also quite busy trying to digest the most words you’d ever heard from Shota at one time. Was this his excuse to reject you more lightly? To say he was only thinking of your career?
Of course he was under no obligation to feel anything for you. You knew there were certainly those with more powerful or interesting quirks than your own, or people more physically attractive. You weren’t anything amazing in your own mind compared to all the potential superstars you interacted with on a daily basis back home.
Yet if he didn’t feel how you did, you wanted to hear it outright instead of buried in a confusing way like this, and you couldn’t help but admit so then. “So you think I shouldn’t ever want to date you because it could make me spend too much time in Japan and not become as famous as I could have been otherwise? Nice that you assume working at a top tier agency is the only thing I would care about for my future….”
Perhaps you did come across a little harsher than you intended, but the way his normally tired looking eyes suddenly widened in shock had you realizing you had definitely brought some sort of emotion out of him at last with those words.
“You…wanted to…date me?” He uttered the words as if he never would have expected that combination of syllables to ever leave his mouth.
Well, you never would have been so forward if you didn’t feel he forced your hand with that strange insinuation of saying your personal choices should all be tied to a need for future fame and fortune.
You put one hand on your hip, trying not to sound as dumb as he was making you feel in this moment. “Well, not like tomorrow or anything. We’d need to get to know each other some more of course. But yes, I thought about it a lot these last few weeks. But if you didn’t like me like that, then friends is fine. I was hoping that was what we were going to talk about here. If you…liked me like that or not.”
Oh Lord, was this high school like it should be or was this elementary playground kind of drama? You didn’t have enough experience to be any more adult about this. But it was a yes or no type of question wasn’t it? Either he felt some sort of interest and attraction like you did, or he didn’t. You just needed to know.
“I…think you’re talented. And capable.” He said, like it was taking so much just to do this.
It was maddening somehow though. Could he not just say he felt nothing if that was the case? Was he so afraid of hurting your feelings? But honestly, he didn’t seem the type to ever mince words either. “Shota…” You tried. “You know you don’t have to worry about sparing my feelings. All you have to say is that you’re not interested. I’m not some delicate flower.”
Yet, you were starting to feel guilty yourself. Maybe this was all wrong, trying to force him out of his comfort zone too much. You should just take a hint right?
When he still said nothing more, your stomach finally sank as you stepped back from him a little again. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to know the truth, so I didn’t have to worry wondering later. If I’m not your type that’s okay. I appreciate you taking the time to try and talk to me like this.”
Oboro must have been wrong. That was all it could be. His friends had seen something that wasn’t there, and then pushed it this far in a sincere, but misguided attempt to help their friend.
But the let down still hurt. In the span of a short time, Oboro had gotten your hopes up and then they’d crashed down again. You’d been able to admit your feelings to Shota, just for it to end up as one sided.
Or so you thought.
You started to walk away, not wanting to be further embarrassed if the disappointment in your face had really started to show.
But you froze as soon as you felt his shockingly quick hand grab around your wrist. The memory of you doing the same to him in the apartment complex flashed through your mind.
“I didn’t say you weren’t my type…not that I’ve had a type before.” He spoke, but not in his usual even tone as you looked back at him.
And that was likely the very first time you’d ever seen a little bit of fear in his expression. He was still holding your wrist tightly, but it was like he didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t know how to express whatever it was that he was really thinking.
“Eraser really is that bad at this! Just run with it, (Y/N)!” Hizashi’s voice boomed in the distance even if he was only partially using his quirk. The vibration startling you both as Shota immediately shot a death glare in that direction, his hair levitating as he activated his quirk as if trying to lock on to Present Mic even in the dark.
And you couldn’t help it then, slipping your wrist out of Shota’s grip at his distraction, but just as quickly clasping your hand warmly around his own instead as you used your quirk to absorb some of the ambient starlight. It created a dark spot on the beach between the two of you and the others, just enough that Oboro and Hizashi would no longer be able to see. Though Shota would still be able to see you as you chose to take a risk, leaning in enough to kiss his pale cheek.
His hair fell back down at that very personal touch, the red glow also leaving his eyes as he looked back to you.
But you couldn’t read him then. You weren’t sure at all what would happen.
Yet he was still human wasn’t he? Even as stoic and calculating of a person as you’d ever met, he was still human, and still young then with that touch of recklessness you all had deep down.
And when you felt his lips touch yours not long afterward, it was as clumsy as could be expected for teenagers. But you didn’t care at all as you easily returned the kiss.
You knew immediately then that you would be coming back to Japan as soon as you could. Your goal was still to be a pro hero, but it didn’t really matter where.
A true hero’s spirit came from the heart. And if your heart ended up in Japan…who were you to tell it no?
(End for now. ❤️ I will likely write more of this pairing, but not sure of how soon. Thank you for reading!)
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche [2]
thanks for all the support in the first part! i wrote a second part where scaramouche plays genshin + the reader comes in (i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, so let me know if there’s something off!). you’re a close friend of scaramouche and also a voice actor!
i had been planning this since i wrote the first part, but because i was busy and uninspired i couldn’t finish it. but here it is and it’s actually pretty long (over 5k words...)! i hope you guys will like this!! obviously he’s a little nicer than he is in game but,,, for the sake of the plot + it being a modern au, it had to be done sjnfdskjf
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He was selected to play the beta for genshin because of his popularity and tbh he really wanted to play it
The game hadn’t really caught his eye all that much when he first heard about it but he saw how everyone online went crazy over it (plus other streamers who also were selected to play it in early access kept talking about it) and he became more curious to know what it would be like and if it’d live to everyone’s expectations
However he couldn’t really play it until it was officially released because he had a very busy schedule, and when he saw other streams of people playing it he was,,, lowkey jealous because it did look fun
When it was finally released and the game finished downloading and installing, he went live right away
And since so many people were looking forward to seeing him play plus the game was getting so popular so fast, that stream of when he first played hit his biggest milestone of live viewers ever
ANYWAYS skip forward to further into the game
when it comes to the gacha,,,
we’ve established that this boy is loaded. he won’t hesitate to throw some big amounts of money at the game to get every single character and weapon he wants and get their constellations to the max
i feel like he’d make little bets (and it works as a way to thank the chat for the support) like “if i get (insert newest character) in the first 50 pulls, i will gift 50 subs”
he’d be SOOOOOOO LUCKY it’d make everyone who doesn’t play think that it must be very easy to get the 5 stars or that the drop rate must be very high,,,
so in the end he’d have to gift the subs and it’d be funny to see the chat go absolutely crazy because everyone is commenting at the same time trying to see if they got lucky too and got the sub
but the chat goes so fast that they can’t even see their own comment after they send it sNDJGDJSK 
he’d end up turning subs mode on for a while because it goes crazy
and that’s when he’d see people going “I GOT THE SUB-” all excited and he can’t help but chuckle and congratulate them for being one of the lucky ones
probably another game he can use to play with some subs once in a while! they could play co-op and when he’s a very high level he’d go to the worlds of some of his subs with lower level to help them with whatever they need
this is where i want the reader to slide into the picture
you’d be a voice actor, and also you have been a friend of his for a very long time
he met you even before he started streaming and you were always so supportive of him, as he was of every and each of your dreams
in fact, he would have invited you over more than once to stream with him
people don’t say anything bc they’re afraid of scaramouche banning them (it’s happened before) + they understand it can be disrespectful... but…
some people lowkey ship you two a little bit,,,,,, you didn’t hear it from me. scaramouche don’t ban me----
so one day he’s making another livestream playing genshin (sponsored by mihoyo to promote the newest update and event) and they’re going to release a new character 
AND he has told everyone that you are the voice actor of the new character, who will be introduced in the event and is also getting their own banner
so everyone is very curious of what they’ll be like, if scaramouche will try to get them (obviously he will, he has every single character…. the amount of money he has put into the game…. just thinking of it gives me the heebie-jeebies) 
could he even,,, main them,,,,
spoiler: he won’t because he’ll stay honest till the end (and no hard feelings) but there are other characters that he has built up to the max just like them and still work better with the way he plays but he’ll still find a chance to use them often
he didn’t know anything of what the character you voiced would be like because you wanted to keep it a surprise and he knew his audience would enjoy seeing his first reactions
I think the character you voice in the game would have the role that Scaramouche has in the actual game, and their design would be fairly similar (maybe similar color palette) to the design fans made for him as a genshin character (the one i mentioned that he uses for popup notifs of subscriptions and all!)
needless to say he’d absolutely love their personality and the charisma you showed in their lines
of course when he finally gets them he shows everything about them including all their voice lines and he compliments y/n’s voice acting… that was the first time people suspected that....
mayhaps… scaramouche….
has feelings for you....
it’s in the soft gaze in his eyes,,, the gentle smile on his lips,,, his soft voice when saying “I think this one is my favorite line of theirs”
and just how BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL his laugh sounds when someone comments he should invite you and ask you to do that voiceline live for him and everyone else
he’d jokingly reach for his phone and be like “should i call them? i could” 
(but he wouldn’t because he doesn’t want to disturb you, you may be busy, considering you still hadn’t replied to the messages he sent to you before he started the stream a few hours ago)
if anyone dares be mean to you saying you got the chance to voice act for genshin just bc of scaramouche
or implies that he did something to get you there he’ll get quite mad even tho he won’t speak up about it (he might if enough people say it) 
people can see something shift in his gaze,,,, and he bans them permanently right away
it’d be kinda funny when he does those “reading unban requests” streams and he goes past immediately rejecting people who said those kind of stuff, not even reading the apologies JSNKJFNDSJKGNSDK
some people say he’s too strict about it but literally his stream his rules. people who don’t like him should just not watch him
and people who like him should NOT speak badly about you or doubt your talent and effort, which is what brought you that opportunity in the first place
one day he’d be streaming playing the game, he had been using your character and gathering materials to get their last ascension
and at one point he’d grab his phone and look at the screen for a second before putting it back down and saying he had planned something else for tonight besides playing genshin for a while
then, the doorbell would ring (before he could even close the game-) and it’d be heard from his setup room so people in the chat heard it and they’re all like???
it’s definitely not takeout because scaramouche never orders takeout when he’s on his own, he usually cooks for himself and just orders it when he’s with friends and they all feel like eating something different
actually, offtopic, but i have a feeling he’d be very responsible when it comes to food and like he’d cook himself proper meals all perfectly balanced and all- he could afford having someone cook for him but his house = his privacy and personal space so he’d rather do it himself
it’s like, past 10pm, so no way it would be a package or mail at that time
and then he says “we have a visitor tonight”
and then the chat goes crazy saying “CHILDE” “HARBINGERS” but mostly “Y/N!??!?/PLEASE LET IT BE Y/N”
and omg you brought takeout--------
it had been a while since they had seen you in scaramouche’s stream and you didn’t have your own channel (even though there were many people who encouraged you to open one)
SO everyone was very excited
i feel like scaramouche wouldn’t be the biggest fan of eating on camera so you guys would put the food away so that you can eat it later on your own without an audience
and you two would just spend a while talking to the chat, watching videos
AND reviewing fanart and fanmade content together!! it’d be so cute especially fanarts of the two of you together, little animatics or comics of funny clips or memes from his streams of you two,,,
someone made a little felt plushie of the genshin character you voiced and the way you COOED because it was SO cute
only those who were truly paying attention were able to notice the soft smile on scaramouche’s lips and the way he looked at you as you gushed over how cute the little plushie is and how talented the person who made it is!!
also you’d tell him you saw signora make a stream where she talked to some of her fans on discord individually to give them advice on their life/problems (nothing too serious) and it was very funny and you wanted to do that with him someday
and he’s like “that… could be a huge mess. people could say some crazy stuff” and you’re like “NO but i talked to her about it and she said she got her mods to talk to them first and approve them before they moved them up to the channel where she was to talk to her”
and he’s like “still…….. what if people lie and then when they get to talk to us they say something-”
and you’re like “BOY!!!! DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR FANS *GASP*” and everyone in the chat is also going “GASP” “HE DOESN’T TRUST US…” “IS THIS YOUR IDOL…..?” “SAY SORRY” (all good fun, obviously he’d love to talk to everyone if he could make sure there won’t be anything disrespectful said)
SO!!!!! you two say you’ll plan to do something like that soon and everyone is very excited, they can already tell it’ll be both super cute and hilarious
before he ends the stream, you two watch some videos together
some are about some upcoming videogames and he talks about them and what he knows and explaining things to you... he is.. so knowledgeable…
the way you look at him as he goes into a little rant about it… cinematic parallels with the way he looked at you before
ONCE AGAIN, people aren’t blind. they notice. but they keep it to themselves bc scary scara (the way i had to resist overusing this one joke with his name-)
so the stream ends and you two walk out of the setup room to go to his living room and eat the takeout you brought while watching something on tv
he apologises because the food is cold now, but you brush it off saying it’s ok, you had missed being on his streams and you two can just heat up the food again
he doesn’t look at you in the eyes as he mutters that you know you can join his streams whenever, and instead just says it as he makes his way to the kitchen to heat the food
you join him in the kitchen soon after and tell him you also bought something for dessert and put it in the fridge already before
and honestly he didn’t know how much he wanted to eat that dessert until it was in his fridge, so he can’t stop himself from sighing and saying “god, i love you”
there’s silence for a second, right as the microwave beeps as it finished heating the food
it feels eternal to him, but you immediately started laughing and said jokingly “of course you do! you’re welcome!” 
he’s happy you took it as a joke because that’s not how he planned to confess (he didn’t plan to confess anytime soon in the first place) but at the same time ?? he’s lowkey offended inside because? you took it as a joke?? is it so unrealistic that you wouldn’t even think that he meant it romantically?
it’s at that moment that he realises that if he didn’t want to confess before, now he does.
he wouldn’t want anyone to know about how he let that slip because he’s sure no one in you two’s friend group even knows he likes you
but you,,, actually,,,,, were actually caught off guard too because scaramouche wasn’t precisely one for words of affection and he showed his care for everyone with his actions
in fact, you had never heard him say those words before but well- it was kinda nice- if only he meant it as you feel it- but he couldn’t, right? who’d confess their feelings so casually while looking at a dessert in the fridge with desire-------
that night, it gets pretty late and to be honest he’s a little too tired to drive you home as he usually would, so he asks if you’d like to sleep over
it wouldn’t be your first time doing so, not even the first time you stayed unplanned, and he had a couple guest rooms that you could use so you accepted
also, staying for longer meant you could keep watching some more of that series with him without worrying about it getting late
“actually” you said in a low voice, almost a whisper, since it was getting late and you two had been in complete silence while watching the series “i lowkey still wanted to stream some more”
he scoffs but then lets out a short chuckle, replying in the same volume
“it’s past 2am, who’s going to watch me stream now?”
“i would” have mercy for his poor heart- “but i’d be the streamer too this time so it doesn’t count” 
“what even would we do”
“can we play that co-op game you played with childe? it was so much fun” 
had you not brought it up, he wouldn’t have offered that ever because? if he had recently played it with childe he didn’t want to stream it again and make it feel repetitive for his audience 
(jokes on him because when genshin came out they put up with it being the only thing he streamed for over a week. they’d rewatch any game if it’s you two playing it)
but to be honest, he didn’t really want to stream anymore that day and just wanted to be with you, just you and no one else
he got up from the couch and walked towards the hallway, making you look up to him in confusion for a second, but then started getting excited knowing this meant he was going to let you play it with him
“i don’t really feel like streaming anymore today, but we can still play it. let’s go”
the next day, you two wake up around the same time and make breakfast together
scaramouche i feel is not very talkative in the mornings 
in fact, i feel like he’s just not the most talkative in general. he’s more the type to listen, but it’s different during his streams because he’s doing what he loves and talking about what he loves
and when it comes to you and he talks more it’s because he’s talking to who he loves----
before you’re going to leave and you’re standing at the door about to say goodbye to him, he suddenly speaks up before you can
“do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?”
you raise your eyebrows in curiosity from the sudden request, but then smile at him and nod
“yeah sure! what do you have in min-”
“it’s a date” he said, interrupting you, which was weird enough of him (since he would never interrupt you), but his words were even weirder-
“h-huh?” you felt the heat rising to your cheeks, and scaramouche just repeated his words
on the outside, he looked so casual and just, confident- bUT INSIDE he was actually panicking a little bit 
but just a little bit.
After a moment, you smiled at him again, this time somewhat more shily but also excited for your date!
“I look forward to it”
Just with that, you two knew you had made the first step
You weren’t just friends anymore
You two had hung out on your own many times before, in fact and as it was mentioned before, you two had even slept over at his house or yours many times before
but it had all always been purely platonic, and you guys had never even questioned that aspect of it even after realising you had romantic feelings for each other
he’d spend the rest of the day thinking of what you could do the next day, as if he hadn’t been brainstorming for ideas all night either
i feel like he hasn’t gone in many (if not any--) dates before
solely because he has never been interested in romance plus he had never liked someone or at least, not as much as he liked you
and even when he found out he felt something for you, he just always told himself he was okay with how things were, because he’d never experienced anything beyond friendship and didn’t feel the need to try and maybe ruin the friendship
SO he didn’t have many ideas of what a good date could be
he definitely didn’t want a cliché corny date, but he really didn’t have any idea of what was good enough for a date
(and if for future dates you want something he’d consider a “”cliché corny date”” he’d do it for you and actually enjoy it)
the last thing he wanted was to have to ask you what you could do for your date
1- because he didn’t want to show you any side of him that didn’t look like he always has everything under control and he’s always composed (as if you wouldn’t want to see every side of him, even his most vulnerable sides- you’d have to work on that with him when you two become official)
2- he… kind of wanted to surprise you…..
but it really got to the point where he really didn’t know what you’d like the most (or what he’d like the most too) and what he wanted most over anything else is to not disappoint you in you two’s first date
SO he finally texted you asking if there was anything special you wanted to do (and therefore indirectly admitting he……….. just really wanted to ask you out. so much he did it without thinking of what he’d do if you said yes--)
you didn’t seem to mind, and in fact you were happy he asked for your opinion 
overall, scaramouche was very independent so he wasn’t one to ask others for advice, opinions or anything, much less for help regarding anything
“how long has it been since we last went to the arcade? we could go there! i heard from childe that they added new games!”
and he’s like !?!?!?? THAT…. is…….. the perfect idea
“that actually sounds perfect” he admitted, and the message brought a big smile to your face 
“just don’t get mad at me when you lose at all of them” he sent right after, teasing you, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh out loud
“the last time i won in your favorite game” you reminded him, and even after he read your message, he took a little bit to reply
(he needed a second to put the pieces of his pride together SJNFKJDS)
“don’t get used to it, it won’t happen again”
“we will see about that” the more you two joked like this, the more excited you got thinking about tomorrow
scaramouche was sure now that it’d be a great first date that you’d both remember forever
the next day, it was almost the time for the date and scaramouche was going to pick you up at your house
i feel like scaramouche would be very fashionable and even in his style he doesn’t try to hide that he’s loaded…
not that he cares about buying cheap clothes, literally he’d say if he likes it and it’s good (aka it’s not cheap because it’s made of something that won’t make it last longer than 3 weeks) he’ll get it
but it just so happens that many times… the clothes he likes most are from famous brands…
AND THIS DAY!!!!!! he’s putting together one of his favorite outfits because it’s a special day
it almost hurts me just how nonchalant he’d look on the outside, making it a little hard to know exactly just how much this date meant to him (because as i said he’s not one to be very vocal about his feelings or even his thoughts)
BUT i trust that you… since you know him well…. can see past all that and you know that this is not just anything casual to him. this is special.
STILL!!!! he’d try his best to not let the blush rise to his cheeks and show, as well as to not let his voice shake when he complimented that you looked very good
ANYWAYS i think i think Scaramouche wouldn’t be one for big pda
the most he’d do where anyone can see is hold your hand or put his arm around your waist
WHICH IS WHY he’d try to be all smooth (and he would manage) reaching for your hand and lacing his fingers with yours
he wouldn’t make eye contact because then he’s sure it’ll show on his face that he’s getting somewhat flustered, but he’d still ask if you’re okay with it, to which you said yes
the area where the arcade was is always somewhat crowded so when you two were getting there, scaramouche would tighten the grip on your hand a little bit to make sure you wouldn’t let go and you’d be pulled apart by people trying to walk past however they can
you know that if you two got serious about your relationship, he would want to be the first person to share the news with his fans
BUT since he was so popular now, you two lived in a pretty big city and now were at a popular area (+ scaramouche wouldn’t be the type to try and hide his identity because he’s never had people make a fuss when they recognise him)
you were a little worried someone would see you two and maybe take a picture and post it online and it’d go viral before he can admit it himself
because of that, you end up throwing back to him the question he had asked when he held your hand 
“are you sure this is okay?”
your question confused him because he didn’t know what you mean, so he finally looked you in the eyes and waited for you to explain further
“it’s just- what if somebody sees us and recognises you?”
he looked away from you and back at where he was going, taking a few seconds to answer before he just shrugged
“i don’t care”
you softly let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you waited for him to say something, and almost missed the way he whispered
“as long as it doesn’t affect you”
for someone who seemed and actually tried to seem to self-sufficient, who appreciated his friends but was also okay on his own because he was absolutely comfortable with himself, he was actually…
more selfless than people would ever know, especially when it came to you
you two would have SO much fun in the arcade, trying every single game many times
this time though, scaramouche won in his favorite game so he lived up to his words
you two won so many tickets you literally didn’t even know what to do with them once you got the couple prizes you were interested in
you bumped into a couple fans of his, so you talked for a while
once again, you were met with suggestions of opening your own streaming channel, and even scaramouche said “i’ve told them that many times too, but they always say they think their streams won’t be fun enough”
and the fans are like “NO!! literally everyone thinks you’re super nice and fun!! of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’d love it!!”
one of the fans (exaggerating a little as a joke) said “i’ll be your number 1 fan i swear” and the three of you laughed, except scaramouche who just scoffed and smirked 
“i am ALREADY their number one fan. but good try” <- scaramouche in his head. say it outloud u coward.
but at the same time it was a joke scaramouche chill pretty much everyone knows you’re their number one fan……. even though you think you’re so smooth………. they just don’t say anything 
they were very nice and fun to talk to and you knew scaramouche and you didn’t really want anything else from the prizes, so you offered you two’s tickets to them
“we don’t really need these anymore so maybe you’ll have more use for them!!”
they got SO excited, the way their eyes lit up :( scaramouche is convinced you’re an angel but he’s also very happy to see how joyful his fans got because those were more than enough for the prize they really wanted-
so after that cute little interaction and having used up your energy for competition, you two leave and think of buying some ice cream or a milkshake or something to end the date nicely and to enjoy while you walk back home
the arcade was not exactly very close to where you two lived (it was far from your house, but even farther from his-) so he asked if you were okay with walking back or if you two should get an uber or something, to which you said you were okay
walking back with him meant!! a little more time you could spend with him
and he was happy you said that because he was feeling the same way and still didn’t want the day to end
we’ll see more about the kind of things he likes and dislikes if he’s released as a playing character BUT FOR NOW i really get this vibe that he’d LOVE boba tea
i even think he’d?? enjoy tea in general??? classy boy…
SO you two would end up going to get some boba 
it was very touching how, when reading the flavors they had that day, he suddenly and casually went “oh, they have your favorite” and you looked at the one he was pointing at and !!! indeed it was your favorite!!!!!!!
he remembers this kind of details very well
you take the chance to talk some more as you’re walking home
scaramouche asks about your job with voice acting and you tell him that you actually have been recording some new lines for your genshin character lately because in the next update there’ll be an event involving them
he’s looking forward to it but he teases you a little asking if it’s okay for you to spoil him with such information
but it’s okay because it’s not like he’d tell anyone, especially knowing it could get you in trouble
when he drops you off at your house, he has a hard time saying goodbye
literally you’re standing at your door and he’s in front of you, a couple steps away, looking away from you
you don’t say goodbye either, mainly because you know scaramouche is working the courage to say something, and you can also sort of guess what he wants to say
you think of saying it first, but then think that it would make scaramouche proud to be honest about his feelings and confess first
“i’ve liked you for a long time”
you can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face, unconsciously reaching a hand up to slightly cover it
“i feel the same way” you replied to him in a soft voice
he took a deep breath and exhaled it softly, finally lifting up his gaze and making eye contact with you
it was already dark outside, so you couldn’t appreciate the faint rosy blush on his cheeks well
“can i kiss you?”
your eyes widened for a second, not expecting him to ask and if anything, thinking he’d just step forward and do it
so you were a little embarrassed and caught off-guard to reply properly, so you just nodded and put your hand down as he took the last couple steps and his face was right in front of yours
he’d cup your cheek in one of his hands, feeling the warmth of your skin
you closed your eyes, and he looked at you for a second longer before he finally leaned in and closed the short distance that separated your lips
at that moment you both knew that you had been missing on so much more when you two just settled and were content with your friendship
but!! that was about to change now, so it was all worth it
after that, scaramouche would make clear that this would be the first day of your relationship!! and even if he didn’t say it with words, you could just feel his happiness!!
so!! after that, because of work you two got a little busy the next couple months so dates weren’t very frequent 
or at least, they weren’t dates like the one you first had
but still whenever you two were free he’d go over to your house, or you’d come over to his to play, stream together, or literally just spend time together doing anything
he wouldn’t let people know you two had started dating straight away (if anything, only his other streamer friends -aka you two’s friends in common- knew)
but the day he said it, he wanted you to be there
SO one day you two were streaming and you were currently reacting to one fanart of you two together
so he looked at you and you made eye contact and it was like you two spoke with your eyes like
“do we tell them now”
“let’s tell them.”
so scaramouche would clear his throat and without closing the fanart, he’d say he has something he wanted to announce
everyone was excited thinking it’d be some new project, maybe involving you
maybe some merch??? and the fanarts had reminded him of it???????
BUT THEN he straightforwardly said
“y/n and i are dating”
and everyone goes aBSOLUTELY CRAZY
amidst the chaos, you two catch a comment saying “will you unban the people who shipped you two” and you laugh
and you look at each other like “did you read that one?” “yeah”
and scaramouche is like “yeah, i guess i will have to unban some people”
and when some get unbanned they’re like “fREEDOM!!!!”
and jokingly they’re all like “APOLOGISE!!!!!!!! SAY SORRY!!!” so he just laughs and you join them being like “!!! apologise!!! you banned them for it and!! look at you now!!”
so he ends up trying to hold in another laugh as he mutters a halfassed ‘sorry’ and everyone starts commenting claps and hearts and celebrating that he apologised. now justice has been made.
the rest of that stream suddenly feels livelier and brighter!! you two are laughing a lot and so is everyone in the chat!! 
and also the new genshin event would’ve already just been released that same day so you can talk about some of your experiences with recording or what you thought of it
and scaramouche would let you play it yourself!! (he still hadn’t played it) and it was also the first time you played genshin live!! you’d show people the characters you have and everything and tell them some anecdotes
people would be SHOCKED because you!? don’t have the character you voiced!? D:
and you’re like “yeah… i pulled for them and used up all my primogems and… didn’t get them”
and your banner is back because of the event, so scaramouche won’t let this slide!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL GET YOUR CHARACTER.
your luck is terrible compared to his so at one point you’ll literally feel bad for how much he’s spending for you to get it
but he doesn’t mind at all and everyone is having fun so!!
and once you finally get them you’re sO HAPPY and everyone in the chat is celebrating
and you think it’s over but scaramouche is like ???? what are you doing?? open the wish page again. you’re going to get them c6.
but he won’t listen and he’ll do it
so!!! he’ll always do his best to be the best boyfriend he can be for you!! so you better give him your heart!!!!
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
[Part ii. of Bite] Jason’s been resurrected, only to find he’s been replaced as Robin. Luckily, an old enemy of the Batman has the attributes to help. Word Count: 6465
Warning[s]: guns, crime, language, crude humor, Mitski, non vegetarian reader, age gap, glorified taskmaster ally. Following part i the readers official gender is not disclosed. 
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“Uh, Jason? We might wanna let god fix it, because if we fix it, we’re going to jail.”
☈ - ✮ ✭ ✮
Six months. That’s how long it took for Jason to die. Six. Whole. Months. In an abandoned warehouse, in some foreign country that he couldn’t even remember. He’d been fifteen, small for his age but fifteen nonetheless, when that clown had beat him. And what had Batman done? Nothing. He’d let him sit in that warehouse, in that foreign country, with that clown at age fifteen- for six months. And he had done nothing.
Not that it really matters now. It had, at one point, to Jason. He’s in denial that it still does. But to Batman? Oh, it never mattered at all. How long had it taken Bruce to replace his son? A week? A month? No, it had been six months. Barely. And the clown? He was safe and sound, very much alive and loose as he usually was. Batman had put him in Arkham, after a while, but of course it hadn’t lasted for very long. Jason’s death? That was permanent. At least until there was a new and improved and very much replaced Jason running with Batman, six months later. That was permanent too.
So one can imagine the confusion you felt when you opened the door to find a very much alive ex-Robin on your apartment doorstep. 
201 Arkham Street, apartment 317 Gotham City, Gotham County, New Jersey
That’s the address given to him by the Riddler. Putting him in Arkham seemed to be one thing that the Batman had got done during Jason’s little time away. Clearly it had ended up well enough for at least one person. Jason hadn’t even needed to threaten the Riddler out of riddling. In less than ten minutes, Edward Nygma had revealed the Mockingbird’s address, who they like and don’t like, what their suit was made of, and finally their name. Batman had always assumed Riddler and Mockingbird were best friends, birds of a feather with all the times the they’d seemed to make some kind of appearance by the others side. Some friend Riddler was now. 
Jason had snuck into the Batcave recently, and while going through files, decided to take a glimpse into Mockingbird’s just for the sake of curiosity. He wasn’t expecting much. When he was fifteen, it had been near empty. But sure enough, the file had been expanded upon relatively greatly in the past- what? Four years? That sounded right. But one thing that hadn’t changed was your seemingly long standing friendship with Edward Nygma, the Riddler. Still, so much for it. 
Batman had seemingly made a note of allies of theirs, then crossed out multiple names. Poison Ivy, Bane, Deadshot- and yes- the Riddler, stayed. Scarecrow, Black Mask, and Catwoman were all shockingly crossed out. Jason hadn’t expected the last one. Below the allies were the list of crimes. That had changed too. They’d gotten more violent towards the end of the list, straying away from the Mockingbird that the ex-Robin had known. Mockingbird had picked a fight with Dick’s Nightwing enough times for Batman to make a note of too. Before Jason could get to the new pictures of Mockingbird, he quickly closed the file. Didn’t need to see anymore. 
So based on what he had gathered, you should’ve looked different. He’d memorized your face when he was fifteen. Was expecting it to have changed compared to then. But when you open the door and Jason’s face to face with you, Mockingbird, it’s like the first time. Only your eyebrows have gotten slightly darker, and your eyes have rung with dark circles. 
✮ ✭ ✮
The same can’t be said for Jason Todd, however, who you let into your apartment rather quickly. 
You’d done your research on him, too, but only after you’d heard about his death. A death which was confirmed. After locking the door and beginning to turn around, he answers the question before you can ask. 
“Superboy and Lazarus Pits.”
“Ah,” you respond, crossing your arms. The man stands tall in your living room, though it’s not forced. You’ve got no idea what a Lazarus Pit is, but it seems to have changed the Robin you knew before. He was scrawny before. He puffed his chest out before. He had something to prove before. Now his broad shoulders make him look bigger naturally. He could reach up and touch your ceiling with no effort. His face and jaw are masculine and strong, eyes bright green and blue and cyan like you remember. That’s how you know it’s Jason Todd.
“It’s because of the power struggle, isn’t it?” says Harley beside you as you both look over the side of the roof, her flat on her belly and you crouched on the ledge in watch. 
“Hm?” you’d tossed back through your voice changer, not even looking away from the busy street below. 
“Jay killed the Robin,” Harley chirps. “You know- Batman’s little boyfriend? In the shorts and the tights with the flips and the kicks? Oh, that kid went bing, bang, boom. Jay’s been real pumped about it.”
This had made you turn to Harley Quinn. You looked at her over your shoulder, still in position. Though you hadn’t thought about it at the time, it was a good thing she couldn’t see through your mask right about now. 
“The kid?” you say at last. 
“Yeah! Jason Todd! Ya’ know him?”
Harley doesn’t look at you, bubbly as ever in her own world. But you watch her for a moment. Then you turn back around to the direction of the street. “No.”
“Well I’m sayin I bet that’s why there’s so much crime goin’ on now. Old Batty’s got it...”
“I heard,” you tell Jason, before he can go into further detail. He nods once in understanding, in line with a breath, and then looks around the room. Your apartment is small, seemingly in decay, and looks like a shithole. Just like the rest of the building. 
“Mockingbird, I presume,” he offers finally. “Y/N L/N was it?”
You nod once, holding your gaze at the ground in thought before taking a step toward your kitchen. It’s close by to the living room. So close, in fact, that your island counter practically touches the back of your couch. “Robin,” you greet in turn. 
“My name’s Ja-”
“I know what your name is.”
Just then a sprinkle of dust falls from your ceiling, mixing with dirt and shit and pollen. “Nice place,” Jason condescends. 
“I’m sorry,” you put your hands on your counter as you lean in to look at him. “Weren’t you under the ground not too long ago?”
“Weren’t you in jail not too long ago?”
“I never went to jail.”
“But your buddy Ed did didn’t he?”
Your eyebrows crease, and Jason notices you lean forward a fraction of an inch more. He got to you. “How do you know about Edward?”
Jason Todd gives a small smile. His right hand reaches up until it’s poking the side of his head a few times. “Bat knowledge.”
You frown tightly. “Don’t do that. I didn’t like that.”
“You like beating up Dick Grayson?”
You shift. “Yeah. I did.”
“And Catwoman? Huh?”
“Yeah,” you say a little louder. “I did. What wonder boy? You wanna see the scar to prove it?”
“Okay,” Jason huffs. He closes his eyes, his jaw clenching, and then he speaks softer to control himself. “Okay. I’m not Boy Wonder anymore, or wonder boy. Don’t call me that.”
You look him up and down. His eyes, his jaw, his brows. The Robin you knew those years ago. He’d been beaten and blown up. He must’ve cried for help. 
“Okay,” you say, equally as soft. “But just for the record, I haven’t been the Mockingbird for years. Can’t really call me that either.”
“Why not?” Jason Todd questions, turning around so his back faces you while he observes your apartment. You can see his muscles through his shirt. 
Because you were just a kid. Because I liked you. Because you didn’t deserve it. Because Batman didn’t help. Because you were replaced. Because most of my friends laughed it off. Because I couldn’t go after Joker myself. Because I got angry. 
“Just grew out of it,” you shrug instead, turning around. You open your dirty fridge and pull out a bottle of lemonade and two glasses. “What are you doing here, Jason?” you say as you pour the drink, your back now turned to him. 
“I need your help.”
“Whatever with?”
“I’m thinking of getting a little...” Jason’s voice goes low into something like a masculine purr, “...revenge on Batman.”
“You came back from the dead,” you turn around with two glasses of lemonade, “to get revenge on the Batman? That’s your great plan?”
“No,” Jason says simply. He’s since turned around so he’s facing you. “Screwing with the Batman is just a piece of the fun. He’s nothing.”
Jason accepts the glass that you hand to him. You sit down on your couch in front of his figure. That simple motion is enough to bring out some more dust from your walls. “So what’s the revenge?” you take a sip of the sweet, gritty liquid. It coats your teeth strangely in seconds. 
“New Robin. Ever heard of Tim Drake?”
You stop your sip, looking up at the big, broad Jason. You can already tell where this is going. “Uh, Jason? We might wanna let god fix it, because if we fix it, we’re going to jail.”
His brows shoot up. “You hit me in the face with a pipe.”
“I didn’t hit you. You walked into my swing. But you wanna go after the kid, Jason? Really?”
“Yeah.” He crosses his arms so his forearms flex. 
“Tim Drake?”
You roll your eyes in thought. On one hand, you hadn’t been Mockingbird for years. You stopped when you were eighteen, and you’re twenty one now. Not that it’s helped you very much. You’re still struggling in a shithole, broke and unhappy and no longer able to afford school. And Tim Drake hasn’t really done anything wrong. But on the other hand, Batman is a dick, and you really stopped liking him after what happened to the former Robin. You’d wanted to go after him and the Joker for it, but you’re not far enough in the Gotham food chain for that. Trading swings with Selina was as close as you got. 
“Alright.” You stand. You’re not even close to Jason’s height. “Lay out the deal. You got a suit?”
✮ ✭ ✮
And that’s how you and Jason Todd ended up on a roof that night. You, at the crisp age of twenty one, and he at what you suppose is his version of nineteen. Still working on wrapping your head around that one. 
You’ve pulled out your Mockingbird suit from under the bed. It was a bit dusty, but not hard to slip into. Everything seems in place. It’s just old. Your voice scrambler is still working okay and all the eyes light up efficiently. Jason’s got a suit too. 
“I don’t,” Jason answers, his face suspicious. His eyes are twinkling as he looks down at you. It’s so hard to believe he’s just a boy- or was, last you saw him. 
“Don’t worry,” you tell him. “I got you.”
You lead Jason to your room, into your closet, and into a space even farther back where an illuminated glass case the size of several yard sticks stands. It must cost more than your whole apartment. Inside of it is a metal suit like a military uniform, similar to Bruce’s Batsuit but with an Arkham emblem over the chest. 
“Call it the Arkham Knight. You like it?”
“Where did you get this?” Jason steps forward, raking his eyes up and down the design. Bruce would hate it. 
“I stole it from the Batcave.”
“The whole display case?” Jason snaps to you. Then his brows shoot up and he takes a step closer. “How do you know where the Batcave is?”
“How did you know where my apartment is? And yes, I took the whole case. It was just sitting there.”
Jason turns back around to the suit. It’s growing on him. He admires it. It’s perfect. The Arkham symbol will put the Batman into a state of despair. “Hard to believe you and Selina aren’t friends anymore.”
“We never were,” you mutter back. It’s really not his business that you ended so many partnerships because of his death.
“You’re sure this is the place?” you question. It sends Jason into a state of euphoria, hearing the distorted villainy of your voice again. It feels like the first time too, just like when he saw your face again. It feels how it did when he was fifteen and infatuated with the Mockingbird. It’s almost dizzying. It’s just strange to hear it knowing that now you’re on the same side. 
“Yeah,” he answers through his helmet. His voice is distorted too. “This is the place.”
You’re overlooking a Gotham street at night, something you’ve both discovered vigilantes, heroes, and villains do a lot of. Smoke fills the air along with police sirens and building lights. You’re positioned in one of the outer districts though, away from most of the commotion. 
“I can’t remember the last time I was here,” you say, half to yourself. 
“I can,” Jason says back. “When I ran with Batman. Last year. I was fifteen.” Jason's voice drops. “Or was I...”
You frown behind your own mask. Of course. Jason died four years ago, and he was fifteen when that happened. He came back- you’re not sure when- older and stronger and behind on the changes of the world. He must not know about social media, or the latest television crazes, or the new roads in Gotham. It makes you sad. 
All Jason sees when he meets your eyes through his visor is several red slanted lines. You’re both unreadable through your helmets. 
“There’s a good restaurant down on this corner,” you both turn back to the street, crouching in wait. “Maybe B-Man likes it.”
“He never eats,” says the ex-Robin. “Never sleeps. Never does anything.”
“You know he broke my buddy Scarecrow’s bones last Halloween?” you scoff. “Literally for not knowing where Black Mask is. Your old boss is weird as hell.”
Jason cocks an eyebrow you can’t see. “Thought you weren’t friends with Scarecrow anymore?”
“Anymore? B-Man keeping tabs on me?”
“He keeps tabs on everyone,” Jason shakes his head. “You’re just a file.”
“Hm,” he hears you say. Contemplate, more like. You speak again after a moment of silence. “Well Scarecrow and me are fine, thank you for asking.”
Jason scoffs. “He your boyfriend or something?”
“My boyfriend’s over in Metropolis.”
“How’s your girl?” Your head snaps to Jason at once, hands twitching around. “Or guy.”
He tosses a look to you that you can’t see, but you can guess at. Somewhere between ‘what the hell’ and ‘why the hell’ and an eye roll with furrowed brows. 
“Come on. Rose Wilson seems your type. Ooh, Artemis?” You suddenly nudge his arm with your elbow. “Batgirl? Is it Dick?”
Another look is thrown your way. This time it feels more angry. “Whatever, Robin,” you offer lightly. 
It dawns on you that perhaps Jason has never had a partner before. That seems more likely, especially after thinking about his situation, and suddenly you feel bad. It’s too late to vocalize an apology now though.
“Fine,” you say at last. “Let’s just stop talking.”
“Let’s do.”
✮ ✭ ✮
It starts raining not long after that. 
The drops bounce off your suits harmlessly. There’s still no sign of this Tim Drake and Batman. 
“Hey,” you break the silence. “Has anyone ever told you you look exactly like a statue?”
“Must be a resurrection thing.”
The rain falls harsher.
“So,” Jason begins. “I have to ask. How do you do the- the…” he spins his pointer fingers around rapidly.
“What the fuck are you doing? What is that? No- what is that right there?”
“The thing that you do.”
“I’ve never done that in my life, Jason. What is that? Finger jiu jitsu?”
You hear Jason suck in a breath as he turns away. “You think you’re so funny.”
“You asked me for help. And between the two of us- who has died here? Not me. I’m hilarious.”
“Oh,” he scoffs. “So hilarious.”
“You seemed to think so. When…” your voice trails off. You almost wanted to mention that night in the warehouse to him. A memory of him looking up at you, his hands bound behind his back as he stares in wonder flashes in your mind. But it doesn’t linger for long. Movement in the street catches your eye. “Jason.”
Both your heads snap down to the place below. Sure enough, after a few seconds, a figure steps into view of the moonlight. A skinny kid with dark hair and a bright red and yellow costume. He looks younger than Dick or Jason.
“That’s him,” your partner says. He reaches behind his back and pulls out a long rod. It unfolds with a click that you recognize- the click of a gun.
“What?” you furrow your brows. “Woah- what?”
“I’m gonna shoot him,” Jason tells you casually, fiddling around with the weapon. It’s coming into shape more and more as a sniper rifle.
“That is a child,” you whisper hiss. “He’s like ten!”
“I don’t think he’s ten,” Jason puts his eye over the scope. “This is revenge.”
“Please, do not shoot a child for replacing you in your job of tightie whities vigilante.”
Jason huffs through his mask and looks over at you. “What did you think this was, bird?”
“I thought we were just like, gonna kick him in the balls or something! This is exactly what I meant by ‘we are going to jail’! I told you we should’ve let god fix it!”
“He’ll be fine.”
You knock the rifle out of the Arkham Knights hands with a bang. It clambers across the roof top until it’s nearly over the edge, half on half off.
Jason and you go down at once, shoulder to shoulder in a tackle. Thunder booms overhead. Through his visor, Jason sees you raise a white, gauntleted fist back in a punch, aimed right for his face. Luckily, he manages to catch you by the torso and neck and throw you off.
When he pushes himself to his knee and foot in a kneel, he looks up to find an exact replica of himself. Not literally, of course, but looking at you is like looking into a mirror. Your hand is placed on the rooftop the same way his is. Your knees are bent at the exact same angle as his own. When Jason cocks his head to the side slowly, yours follows him at the same time. So this is what it means to fight the Mockingbird.
He decides to reach for the gun at the side of his leg. He manages to fire once- and miss- a bang going off that he’ll be lucky Drake doesn’t hear over the storm. You knock the gun out of his hands easily, dodging a punch to the stomach before countering with one of your own to his face. It hits the exact same way Jason’s do. He sees your knuckles coming closer to him and almost thinks they’re his own.
Next idea is toss you off the building. Key word: you. Not him.
Jason grips the back of your head through your hood, reaching around. He carries you with him while he stands, tensing his abs as he feels you hammer your elbow away at them. It’s the knee to his crotch that makes him let go and let out a strangled groan.
But before anything else can happen, you spring forward at him in a pounce. Your palms latch onto his shoulders. His feet disconnect from the surface of the roof and the both of you go backwards until neither one of you are on the building at all, over the side.
Jason gets tangled in the emergency stair well. His metal suit clangs against it as he falls and tumbles down, either causing or saving some head injuries. You hit your back on an old street light before landing in a trash bin.
This is it, you manage to think to yourself. Lying in a garbage bin in Gotham at night. And in the rain. This is rock bottom.
I am going to kill everyone on the block for this, thinks Jason.
✮ ✭ ✮
You do eventually get up and remove yourself from the garbage bin. Jason sits at the bottom of the stairs, watching you. You do not exchange words. He does, however, follow you down the street as you essentially stomp.
“Ma’am,” he offers quietly to a gawking older woman.
You enter a small restaurant. More of a diner, really. The door jingles as it opens, and Jason watches you walk to the side until you find a table by the window. You sit down with a huff, tapping one of your helmets red eyes. He shuffles into the space ahead of you, nearly skirting the table across the floor with the bulk of his own muscle and suit. He can feel your judgy eyes on him as he clambers into the seat like a large, run down father.
“Hi there,” a chirpy waitress bounds. She’s a large, redheaded woman in a bright yellow uniform and a hat with a spring connected to a plastic burger on top. It is ridiculous, funny, and you are sadly not in the mood. “My, aren’t you two some interesting looking people! We don’t get a lot of men of metal around here!”
You both look at her silently, masks on but hatred seeping through boredly.
“What can I get you tonight?”
“A gun,” you drawl tiredly, rubbing your palms over your mask.
“We’re not sellin’ those right now, my dear. Something else?”
“Two cheeseburgers would be fine,” Jason speaks up for you.
“Two burgers,” the waitress repeats with a smile, writing it down in her burger notepad. Her cheeks are rosy as she beams happily. “And should I be expecting Superman?”
“Die,” you snap to her, watching her hurry off to the kitchen. Then you put your head down in your folded arms on the table.
Jason glanced around. It’s empty except for the two of you and some dumpy guy in a trucker hat with wide eyes. “What’re you staring at?” Jason all but barks. Normally, he tries to make himself as unnoticeable as possible in public. Not very confident or secure, it seems. But now he’s tired. He just fell down about a million floors worth of metal stairs. It’s late and he lost two of his guns.
“What?” you raise your head, also looking at the trucker hat man. “You’ve never seen two people in superhero suits before?”
“Beat it,” Jason orders.
The man is quick to stand and speed walk away. Still you egg on, “get out of here, bozo!”
“What a fuckin’ prick,” Jason grumbles as he watches the man trip down the street through his view from the window, the door still ringing to signal it’s been opened.
“Yeah,” you agree tiredly.
Your nimble fingers reach up and back to push your white hood from your head. Then they click against the sides of your face and pull the helmet away, revealing your face. You inhale as if you couldn’t get enough air before. Jason watches you, still as a statue, his visor giving him the luxury of being able to monitor your breathing.
“Now what?” you gripe, rubbing your eyes. It can’t be comfortable with all the armor on your hands, but you don’t seem bothered. You must’ve gotten used to it by now.
The Arkham Knight ahead of you only cocks his head to the side slightly. Silent with his helmet. “I’ll help you punch Tim but that’s as far as I’ll go.”
“Why are you defending this kid?” you hear Jason breathe in return. For a split second, electricity runs through you at the sound of his distorted voice, the way his body looks in his suit of armor and how unreadable he is through the helmet. It shocks you all the the way down to your crotch.
“You know,” you begin, eyes widening and voice quieting with a sudden nervousness. “He’s just a kid. Younger than you were.”
Jason scoffs and turns his head away from you, now looking out the window. Gotham is dark and damp outside. “Bullshit,” he scoffs. Then after a few seconds and continues. “Tim Drake and I are the same age.” His head pulls back slightly, fingers giving a strange, sudden twitch. “Or were. We’re-”
You’ll never know what Tim Drake and Jason Todd were. Jason never finishes his sentence, and only his suit flashes with little codes and details to let you know he’s still alive in there. Besides that, he’s as still, lost in sudden thought. You frown and lean in a bit, tapping your elbow with your fingers while you shift uncomfortably. “You’re nineteen, Jason.”
His head twitches again. Now you know he’s heard you. “I’m two years older than you,” you reason. “You’re nineteen.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Why did you let me go?”
Your eyebrows scrunch and unscrunch. Another wave of electricity shocks down your body, but this time it’s because his voice sounded more like his own. You could hear it under the layers of metal and distortion. But option one is to respond to his question by pretending you don’t know what he’s talking about. That seems like it’s for the best.
“You were just a kid,” you tell him honestly. He silently presses you on. “And I just- I looked at you and I…” I really liked you, kid. Best night I had in years. Made me smile. God, you had to stop working with so many other Gotham city villains just for making jokes about the kid. “You were fifteen,” you say, looking away. “Just a kid.”
Jason watches you. Again, your head turns so you look out the window. He would’ve expected that to be the end of it, but you continue. “Why didn’t you turn me in?”
Jason’s about to pretend to not know what you’re talking about, because it seems like it’s for the best that way. But then he remembers you can’t see anything through his helmet. “What’re you talking about?” he gruffs.
“You saw my face in that warehouse,” you press. “If you had told Batman, I would’ve been to jail. Maybe Arkham. But that never happened. So why didn’t you tell him?”
I was obsessed with you, Jason’s mind screams. In love with you! It hisses, which makes Jason cringe. “Guess you were a kid too.” That’s right. You were seventeen back then. What is that? Last year of high school? You balanced a criminal career and the required education for a minor at the same time. Where were your parents during this?
Jason bites down on his lip hard. Parents. Should shut up about that, probably.
“I’m uh,” you bite your lip and then lick it. “I’m sorry for pushing you. On the roof.”
He shifts. “It’s nothing.”
You turn back to the window. Your arms uncross from atop the table and go to rest in your lap. This close and this still, Jason can make out all the details in your suit. It’s impressive. Kevlar and rubber and plastic, the Riddler had told him. Not the gloves. That’s metal and plastic. 
“So,” Jason decides. “How do you that?” Your brows crease in confusion. He tries to do the finger motions he’d down before, which makes you cringe. “The mirroring. And the fighting and the…” he goes through the motions again. “It in your helmet?”
Your confusion sinks away. A new expression washes over your face as you lean in. One finger reaches up, poking your temple and you smile softly. “Bat knowledge.”
Just then, the waitress saves the day. “Two cheeseburgers for the scary suit people!” she beams, setting the plates down. For a second, her breasts are pressed into each of your faces. Jason first, who does not move and you can’t see under the helmet. You bite back a snicker but instead seep a childish look. Then you’re next, and you can feel Jason’s silent laugh under his Arkham Knight suit as your eyes go wide. “Enjoy, dears!”
“Boobs,” you shiver. “Just got boobs in my face.” And then Jason watches you carefully pick up the burger in your dangerous gloves, and take a bite.
Indeed, for the first time that night, the man in front of you reaches up and pulls off his own helmet with a click. You watch it be taken into his large, veiny hands and passed to the edge of the table, against the wall of the window. Then your eyes wander up to his face, which makes you chew slower.
A strong face. Sharp jaw, perfectly in line nose. Lips always pulled into a scowl. Bright eyes with tired circles and scars across his skin. There’s a streak of white in his dark hair you hadn’t noticed at all before, though now it’s practically blaring you in the face. Jason Todd is very handsome. 
“What?” he says behind his burger, raising it to his lips but freezing before he can bite into it.
You shrug and focus again on your burger. You hear Jason bite into his own.
“I don’t have any money,” you tell him after a moment, swallowing down a bite.
“Me neither,” Jason answers. He nudges his head towards the window. “There’s an ATM across the street.” You nod in response.
A few bites in you speak again. The minutes have been filled with the noises of chewing and swallowing and yummy meat and cheese. “You ever heard of Mitski?”
Jason swallows his bite, which are bigger than yours. “What?”
“Mitski,” you repeat. “The singer?” Jason shakes his head. “You seem like you’d like her. My boyfriend hates her.”
Jason’s brows twitch.
“Why aren’t you with him?” he questions, taking another bite.
You roll your eyes. “Too expensive. He’s-”
“But he lives there.”
“He just didn’t offer,” you shrug. “I don’t have the money anyway. It’s fine.”
Jason cocks a brow. Your own boyfriend didn’t offer to get you out of this shithole?
You roll your eyes. “We haven’t talked in a long time okay? He’s busy. I’m busy.”
Both of Jason’s brows raise now, almost playfully. “Busy with what?”
You’d be offended if you weren’t busy trying to answer. What were you busy with? After you graduated, money went dry with university. It became less frequent after retiring from the Mockingbird mantle. Most of your jobs were minimum wage and short lived. You’re a bartender now, but not somewhere that’ll keep you going probably. Most days you sit around the apartment or run errands, sometimes hosting Ivy. Last time she’d been over, she’d given you a plant that had quickly died and spoke about Harley quite a bit. And Riddler obviously doesn’t come over anymore. Scarecrow had once but he’s off doing god only knows now. 
“Shut up,” you hiss. “What are you busy with?”
“Controlling crime in Gotham,” Jason takes a bite.
“How’s that working out for you?”
“You know you didn’t have to ask me to do this,” you say. “You could’ve just asked someone else. There’s a lot of people in Gotham okay with child killing.”
“I wanted you,” Jason explains. He’s quick to speak again to keep you from thinking about his words. “You were the first person I thought of.”
You’re nearing the end of your burger. “How did you find me?”
Jason shrugs mid-chew. He’s almost done as well. “Riddler.”
“Gave me away that easy?”
You chew your last bite. It was a good and hearty burger, the cheese melting perfectly against the patty and your tongue.
“You want anything else?” Jason asks.
You watch the street outside, eyes squinting on the ATM. “Jason,” you mutter. “Jason.”
✮ ✭ ✮
Three men snicker as they load up dark blue duffel bags. They’re slimey and smelly, like an old sewer. Money falls from the machine like a waterfall.
Their success doesn’t last long.
One of them comes in contact with the Mockingbird’s elbow and slams his head into a brick building. The other two are just inexplicably on the ground, incapacitated while the Arkham Knight stands overhead.
“Fuck,” you breathe through your helmet. “I missed this.”
Jason’s just picked up the duffel bag when the sudden sound of sirens blare through the air. It’s close. Too close.
“Well that’s no good,” you mutter. You turn to Jason, taking a sharp step forward. “Give it to me.”
His brows furrow under the mask.
“I’ll pay the waitress,” you say. “You run.”
Jason reaches behind his belt and shifts the weight of the bag into one hand. A gun appears- a small handgun. You duck down as he raises it at you, holding your head down as the BANG! rings through the air.
You stand back to your feet, bracing yourself at the sudden sight. The Arkham Knight charges you, but only to pick you up like you’re nothing and jump through the glass window he previously shot at. The adrenaline makes things hazy, but you can see the blue and red lights now. It doesn’t matter. The two of you fly across what turns out to be a pawn shop, burst through the back door and back room until you hit the cold outside air of Gotham again. Multiple doors slam shut behind you. You’re both out of breath and panting, and it’s raining again. This time in an alleyway.
But the cops won’t follow you out here.
It’s quiet besides the panting from you two. Jason has more endurance, you’re sure, but you can hear his breathing inside his helmet. He lets the duffel bag slip out of his grasp as you double over. “I did miss that,” you offer. “Running from the police.” The Arkham Knight just continues his breathing.
“Thank you,” you tell him.
✮ ✭ ✮
Two days after the incident, you enter your apartment lazily. Your keys are tossed onto the island counter before you wander through your mail. One of your letters is from Ed in Arkham, warning you about “some big guy asking about you”. A bit late for that now. You haven’t heard from Jason since that night.
It isn’t until you go to sit on your couch that you notice a large, nearly bursting open envelope. Your fingers stretch to reach it, examining it. No return address, but written in pen in sloppy letters is the word “Bird”. Luckily, it doesn’t feel like a bomb. It feels more soft but firm.
You open the envelope. Your breathing hitches, breath slowing when you see what’s inside. Then a smirk comes over your face.
Just then, dust falls from your shitty apartment ceiling.
✮ ✭ ✮
A week after the failed Tim Drake incident, a young man decides to pay a visit to your building. He is tall and strong, with raven hair laced with a white streak at the front. He frowns at everything, ducking his head to make himself smaller and less noticeable. He cares not for being perceived by other people. He’s well aware of how he looks.
The man’s knuckles tap against apartment 317. He shifts, looking back and forth. The man is quite attractive in is casual red hoodie and jeans, but he wants to be out of the open as soon as he can. After a moment, there is no response from inside.
He scrunches his brows and knocks again. When he takes a step closer, he can hear something from the inside. Music. A piano and drums and maybe an organ?
Jason twists the door knob with ease and steps ahead and inside. The apartment is completely and totally empty. The music becomes louder and more clear. It’s a female singer he doesn’t recognize.
Only the bones of the kitchen remain. Counters, cabinets, a sink, and an old fridge. There’s mold in the corner of the space. But in the middle of the floor where the couch and living room used to be is a cluster of things. Things meant for Jason Todd. 
The man eyes the pile for a few seconds. Then he sets towards it. The first thing he recognizes is a CD player with the volume turned all the way up. He still doesn’t know the song.
Besides the player is a suit he’s quite familiar with. It’s clunky, but folded as neatly as it can be given that it’s made of metal. On the top is the helmet that gives it away. The Arkham Knight suit. It sits on a dark duffel bag in front of a small white piece of paper with the promise of ink inside. Jason decides to open that first.
You’re coming back… and it’s the end of the world…
Haha! I knew you’d show up!
Jason nearly rolls his eyes at the first sentence.
Thanks for the money. I know it was you. Thanks for the fun night too. Sorry about hitting your balls. They felt really big if that makes you feel better.
It didn’t.
I was thinking of Metropolis, but what do you know, me and the boy toy decided it might be better to hold off on it. I got a bit of dirt on the kid by the way. You’ll find it on the back of this paper. Oh and I hope you like the Mitski soundtrack. I bet Drake’s the kind too. I’m going to keep the Mockingbird suit if you don’t mind. I guess our night of fun kinda reignited an old flame. Don’t even think about coming after me.
Son of a bitch, Jason internally screams.
I have a gift for you though. You get the Arkham Knight. You look good in it. And a little something extra in the bag by the way. 
Love, Mockingbird.
I just need a quiet place… where I can scream, how I love you…
Indeed, inside the duffel bag Jason Todd finds some cash and red fabric with an R emblem over the chest. He doesn’t need to pull the rest out to understand what it is. He decides not to question how you got his old Robin suit or when, but lets himself smile a bit, his chest expanding with his breath. It’s a real smile too. 
You’ve given Jason everything he needs to go after Tim Drake himself.
✮ ✭ ✮
I hope I’ve ruined everyone’s day. You think I would let the reader and Jason be happy together? You absolute baffoon. Maybe I’ll make a part three for gits and shiggles though. I’m not sure about this one. Definitely more based around their interactions than the drama unlike the first one. It was fun though. I hit the paragraph limit. I think I did a good job with the chemistry. I do apologize for giving the reader a real set in stone age though. I don’t like to to that because I think it takes away the point of having a ‘reader’. Also if you’re vegetarian please just eat a cheeseburger it’s so good y’all are weird. Oh and fun fact I just got a Red Hood tattoo on Saturday! Look at me go!
Tagging everyone who asked for a part ii: @yunho-leeknow @fyowyn-writes @martianmilfhunter @beardedfandiplomatprofessor
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tennessoui · 3 years
1 - Soulmate AU - Soulamtes share dreams to learn more about each other and to teach each other their local traditions if necessary. Obi-Wan learns the hardship his mate faces in slavery, their secret language, and how to help free slaves. Anakin gets taught about the Jedi, reading, writing, and how amazing his mate is.
ahhhh ok i really don't want to share this under this prompt because i wrote the ask down wrong in my notes so the prompt i wrote follows my poor notes that just say - 'soulmate sharing/learn about them before they meet' but this is amazing prompt wise and it would clear up a ton of misconceptions in the prequels obviously if they both got dreams of the other's early lives but this is.... not that but i hope you enjoy anyway <3 <3
1. Soulmates (and daemons) (2.0 k)
Obi-Wan doesn’t have a soulmate for sixteen years.
It’s just him and the animal representation of his own soul that had traveled to the Temple with him as a babe, a Vulptex kit. She’s named herself now and grown larger and stronger through the years, her coat growing out to perfect crystalline ends. From a distance, they look like razor-sharp spikes of ice. Or so other people have said.
Obi-Wan knows that’s not true. He knows that his soul isn’t cold or untouchable or unreachable. But he’s had no luck telling anyone else that, not when Avarie snaps at everyone who tries to touch her in a manner that’s quite un-Jedi like. She’s prickly and quick to bristle. He’s emotional and angry, even before he’s ten years old.
Look, it’s not easy living around people who all know they have soulmates, either because they’ve met them or because they’ve woken up to find that their own animal has disappeared only to be replaced with their mate’s soul representation.
Most of the time, that sort of switch happens when a person’s still a youngling. A very young youngling. Sometimes babies are taken to the Temple with their soulmate’s animal tucked between tiny arms. Those, in Obi-Wan’s opinion, are the luckiest ones. They never have to wonder if they even have a soulmate at all.
They just grow up knowing that they’ll be loved one day.
Obi-Wan grows up thinking maybe it’s just going to be him and his vulptex until the day he dies. It makes him angry at the injustice of it all.
He knows his own emotions probably keep him from a Padawanship, but he can’t help but think that Avarie’s own appearance and attitude certainly don’t help. They’re at odds with one another for two years, bound together but each ignoring the other. Obi-Wan’s never heard of this before, of fighting with your own soul’s animal.
But, he thinks, most people don’t spend as long with theirs as he has with Avarie.
Perhaps she is everything unlikable about himself, made apparent to everyone else. No one, master or soulmate, would ever want him. Not when everything about his soul screams keep your distance.
Master Jinn taking him as his Padawan is a surprise then, one that soothes over some of Obi-Wan’s soul-deep aches. The night he gets his padawan braid is the first night in years that Avarie curls up against him to sleep.
When he is sixteen and a few standard months old, he wakes up alone in his bed, Avarie nowhere in sight.
Well. Not alone, actually.
A ball of fur that he had originally thought to be a wrinkle in his bedspread whines pitifully and moves to follow him when he sits up.
He stares dumbly down at the strange little muzzle and unopen eyes. Half of its face is a pure white, and the other half a solid black, as if someone has taken it and held it against a fire until its fur was stained with smoke.
“Uh,” he says to his soulmate’s animal. The creature, some sort of canid, perks up at his voice and snuffles closer to him eagerly. “Yes, hello,” Obi-Wan grins, petting its tiny head with the tip of his thumb. It tries to prolong the touch by lifting its muzzle up and whining.
It’s so small.
His soulmate must be...must be just as young.
Obi-Wan is sixteen and a few months and his soulmate has just been born, most likely. But.
But he has a soulmate.
Odyna grows fast, much faster than Obi-Wan had thought possible. It feels like he blinks once on the morning he wakes to see her, and then suddenly she’s at his knees. Her paws and ears are huge still, and Obi-Wan knows she’ll grow much, much bigger.
His master in particular is very interested in trying to figure out what species his soulmate’s animal is.
“She feels incredibly strong in the Force,” Qui-Gon says on more than one occasion. “And her markings--”
Odyna growls from where she’s laying splayed out in Obi-Wan’s lap as he brushes over her furry back. She instantly preens when he taps her gently on the nose.
Some days he thinks she’s the exact opposite of Avarie in every way possible, and has to wonder how his soulmate--who would be six now--is faring with Avarie. He hopes she’s at least letting them pet her.
Odyna relishes Obi-Wan’s attention always, though she scorns anyone else’s hands or affections in a way that reminds him of his own Vulptex.
The Jedi Council was unimpressed with Avarie’s aversion to touch and seems even more skeptical at Odyna’s. “A dangerous, possessive attachment, it will be,” Yoda has told Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan more than once.
Soulmate relationships in the Order are common and practically encouraged, seen as the will of the Force. But even then, possessive attachment is heavily forbidden. The Force animals of the Jedi will often allow other Jedi to touch them and greet them. It’s unbecoming of a Jedi’s soul, to close itself off from the touch of others.
And yet a part of Obi-Wan can’t stop himself from feeling smug about how overt Odyna’s claim over him is. She’s clingy, incredibly needy, and overprotective at turns.
A Jedi’s mission to Lothal brings back a trade deal and a name for Obi-Wan’s soulmate’s Force animal. “It looks just like a Loth-wolf,” she tells him. “But the ones on Lothal I saw were huge. Taller than a Wookie.”
Obi-Wan groans at this. His master is already so much taller than him. Now Odyna too? If his soulmate grows to tower over him as well, he’s going to have some choice words for the Force upon his death.
“You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?” He asks Odyna that night as she flops down onto his bed in her customary position of splayed everywhere. “My room is only so big.”
She grins at him and licks his face.
“Force, that’s so uncivilized,” Obi-Wan grouses, getting up out of bed again to go wash his face.
Surprisingly, Tatooine’s heat is not the first thing Obi-Wan notices about the planet. No, what he notices first and foremost is the way that Odyna, until this point relatively satisfied to lay curled around his chair (at nine, she’s big enough to come up to his shoulders when standing), seems to lose her damned mind as soon as the door is open and the hot air permeates the ship.
He was just going to look at the damage, but his soulmate’s Force animal seems to have other plans. Odyna bounds out onto the sand and nudges Obi-Wan forward, hard enough that he loses his balance.
She nudges him again, even as he tries to bat her away. “Odyna, stop it,” he demands, scrambling to his feet.
“Are they...alright?” One of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens asks.
Qui-Gon at least tries to hide his amusement, but Obi-Wan shoots him a dirty look anyway because he can hear the smile in his master’s voice when he says, “Oh yes. This is quite normal.”
It is not normal, thanks.
Odyna howls in agreement.
When Qui-Gon tells them that they’ll have to go into the nearest town to barter or buy the parts needed to fix the ship, Obi-Wan volunteers first. Maybe if he can let Odyna stretch her legs, she’ll calm down.
Instead, the closer they get to Mos Espa proper, the more antsy she becomes until, quite suddenly, she bolts through the streets. Obi-Wan has little choice but to take off after her. It’s almost impossible, of course, to lose a Loth-wolf when they’re that huge, but there’s a sort of strange tight pressure in his chest at having her out of his sight.
He leaves his master and the handmaiden behind without a second thought, but at least he doesn’t have to run far.
Outside a shop that looks as rundown as the other ones, Odyna has stopped and sat down, her tail wagging furiously behind her.
Obi-Wan has a fair few things in mind to yell at her, but all of that gets knocked out of his head when he sees the crystalline figure of a very familiar vulptex standing in the shadow of the loth-wolf.
His breath catches in his throat and he almost loses his balance again when Avarie turns to look at him with those intelligent black eyes, head cocked.
If she’s--if she’s here, then that means--that means--
He stumbles forward until he can kneel in front of his Force animal, hand outstretched.
Suddenly there’s commotion inside the shop and a little boy tears outside holding some sort of rusted pipe over his shoulder threateningly. “Don’t touch her!” the boy yells, brandishing the pipe. “She doesn’t like it, get gone or I’ll make you get gone!”
Obi-Wan blinks. His very first interaction with his soulmate after waiting twenty-five years, and the boy is threatening him.
“You’re mine,” he says dumbly, brain trying to process these impossible events.
It is, of course, the wrong thing to say. If anything, the boy puffs himself up even more. “I’m no one’s!” He yells indignantly. “I’m a person. My name is Anakin Skywalker!”
Obi-Wan holds up his hands in apology. “Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--I meant that she’s mine. Avarie. She’s my soul.”
Anakin lowers his pipe with narrowed eyes. “How’d you know her name?” he asks suspiciously.
Obi-Wan fights the urge to roll his eyes. He’d never considered that he’d have to win over the trust of his soulmate. “She’s my soul,” he says again slowly, before gesturing to the black and white loth-wolf behind them, who has laid down in the dust, tongue hanging out in response to the heat. “As she is yours.”
“You’re my...soulmate?” Anakin drops the pipe as he looks over Obi-Wan in frank disbelief. “But you’re so….”
Obi-Wan raises a wry eyebrow and grins. He braces himself to hear old, or maybe even male.
But instead his soulmate shocks him again by saying, “....pretty! Are you sure you’re not an angel instead?”
Which, of course, corresponds to his master’s arrival. The maiden with him at least has the decency to cover her smile with her hand. Meanwhile, his master’s smirk is probably going to be burned into his memory forever.
“Yes, Anakin,” Obi-Wan responds. “I promise, I’m your soulmate.”
“Mine,” Anakin says in a wondrous tone. And then, a grin steals across his face and he grabs Obi-Wan's hand. “My soulmate.”
Obi-Wan hopes this isn’t the beginning of that dangerous possessiveness Yoda has spent years lecturing him about.
“I’m going with him,” Anakin argues, stomping his foot in the Council chambers. Obi-Wan hides his face in his hand. “He’s my master.”
“Anakin, we’ve been over this. You’re much too young for this mission,” Obi-Wan explains gently, as if they don’t have a dozen interested eyes on them.
“I’m twelve!” Anakin will not be deterred. “That’s plenty old!”
“It’s too dangerous,” he tries instead.
“Then you shouldn’t go!”
Obi-Wan wonders if he should try arguing that he’s a twenty-eight year old Jedi Knight, who may go where he pleases. He doesn’t think that’ll go over well with his padawan.
Anakin, he says through their training bond. Do not do this in front of the Council.
Anakin turns to stare mulishly up at him. I want you to be safe.
I will have Odyna with me, Obi-Wan points out, tilting his head in reference to the loth-wolf spread out on the Council Chamber’s floor. And you will have Avarie with you. You will know I am safe. And I will know she is making you sleep and eat and bathe.
Anakin seems to consider this and then crosses his arms, but eventually nods. I don’t like it when she bites me until I go to bed, he grumbles, kicking his feet and glaring over at Avarie, who is dozing between Odyna’s paws.
Obi-Wan fights the urge to chuckle out loud. In truth, he’s a bit jealous that Avarie has figured out a way to get obedience from their soulmate. Half the time, Obi-Wan is still floundering to get simple acknowledgement of a command.
Many years later, of course, when Anakin is a knight and Obi-Wan a master, he figures out the thing that never fails to get Anakin soft and pliant and relaxed.
It’s kisses.
More specifically, kisses from his soulmate while they’re lying in bed together, sheets tangled around their feet and both of their Force animals in the other room, keeping watch at the door.
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the-likesofus · 3 years
Anchor (Weight Me Down, Lift Me Up)
by thelikesofus
Read on AO3
It is not that Jihoon dislikes skinship, it is just that he prefers when it to happens on his own terms.
Jihoon is touch starved to the point of a breakdown. Boi just really needs a hug.
It is not that Jihoon dislikes skinship, it is just that he prefers when it to happens on his own terms. Grabbing hands and surprise touches make his skin crawl and he finds no comfort in unsolicited hugs. However Jihoon is a tactile person by nature and so in his own time, by his own discretion, skinship is not an uncommon or entirely unwelcome occurrence. He often finds himself placing a hand on the thigh of the person next to him, playing with the hair at the back of a member's nape, or even resting his head on a nearby shoulder when his eyes grew weary.
The trouble is, that his general dislike of unrequested contact has led to it now being expected that the other members steer clear of Jihoon unless he specifically seeks them out. Under any other circumstance, this would be ideal but sometimes Jihoon just cannot bring himself to search out the affection he sometimes craves, no matter how badly he requires it.
It has been a long week trudged down in endless schedules, recordings, meetings, and interviews. Jihoon's mind has been such a mess of information that he has barely had a moment to think. As usual, it starts out as a dull itch, a light tickling sensation across the inside of his palms and along his ribs. Easy enough to ignore but present all the same. He has dealt with this before, he knows that it comes in waves and will soon pass, it usually does.
However, by the end of the week, his arms feel heavy and his stomach is permanently twisted into a knot. In the evenings he finds himself wrapping his sheets around himself just a little too tight and turning up the heating in his room at least five degrees above where he usually sets it. He knows exactly what he is subconsciously trying to achieve, some semblance of pressure, of presence. He is finding himself desperately looking for some way to elevate the weird strain in his chest and the thick feeling in the back of his throat.
Monday morning, all the members have to sit through a meeting with their managers. Jihoon knows that he should be paying closer attention to the topics being thrown around but he has been preoccupied counting back from one hundred in his head and squeezing his hands into tight fists for the last twenty minutes. His mind feels like it's floating in a vacuum and he has been trying desperately to ground himself. He does not even notice the way his legs are rapidly bouncing under the table until Seokmin rests a hand on his knee from beside him. Jihoon's whole body freezes at the contact and his mind goes blank.
"Are you okay, Hyung?" Seokmin whispers in his ear, trying not to catch the attention of any of the staff in the room. Jihoon vaguely registers Seungcheol glaring at them from across the table. Nothing getting past their leader, but Jihoon still does not feel like his mind and his body are one entity and the way Seokmin's hand rests against his thigh is sending all his nerve endings into overdrive.
Seokmin must notice Jihoon staring intently at his offending limb as he quickly retracts his hand and a slurry of whispered apologies follows. A wash of ice-cold floods over Jihoon at the loss of contact and his chest constricts painfully.
He catches Seungcheol's eye across the table and he is still glaring at the two of them for not paying attention. Jihoon quickly schools his face into what he hopes is an impassive yet attentive expression and hopes that he covers his uneasiness. Seokmin gives him a funny look from beside him but does not comment as he also turns his attention back to where the staff members are still talking.
Later that afternoon, Jihoon shoulders his way into another smaller conference room, having come from his studio down the hall he is the last member to make it to Seugcheol’s impromptu gathering. Taking in the possible seating options left in the room he sees an unoccupied armchair off to the side and a small space in the middle of the couch. Jihoon’s heart leaps as the perfect excuse to sit next to someone shows itself, an opportunity for contact without questioning, and he makes a beeline across the room. He sits snugly between Chan and Minghao, his shoulders pressing against theirs on either side. For a brief moment, the churning stops and he takes a deep breath in, and then Chan stands up and switches to sit in the empty armchair, and Minghao slides away to sit closer to the arm of the couch.
He knows he cannot be mad at them, they are only doing what they think is expected of them. In their mind, Jihoon just wants to sit on the couch and in respect for their Hyung, they are allowing him his personal space. But space is the last thing Jihoon wants right now and he does not know how to ask for the opposite. Instead, he settles back against the couch cushions, laces his fingers together inside the front pocket of his hoodie, and squeezes his fists tightly as he tries to focus on Seugcheol explaining their schedule for tomorrow.
Again, he struggles to concentrate on what their leader is saying. He makes one attempt at expanding his limbs in small increments until his knee brushes against Minghao’s foot where it rests on the seat of the couch, and for a brief moment the tingling in his limbs eases. However, as soon as Minghao notices the contact he shifts and places his feet on the floor. At that, Jihoon completely zones out. He can ask Jeonghan to fill him in later if need be but right now he cannot force his mind to focus on anything but the fading paint on the wall behind Seungcheol’s head and the intermittent ringing in his ears. He does not even notice that Seugncheol has finished talking until a hand on his shoulder shocks him out of his thoughts.
His head whips behind him to see that Soonyoung is just using his shoulder for balance as he stands up from the stool behind the couch, and a moment later the connect is gone and Soonyoung passes him by with a quick smile thrown over his shoulder. Jihoon digs his nails into his palms as he takes a deep breath and follows the members out of the room.
The rest of the afternoon and evening is filled with the briefest instances of contact. Mingyu brushing against his back as he reaches for a cup on the shelf above his head, Seungkwan leaning against his side as he laughs at something Seokim said during dinner, Vernon grabbing his wrist and pushing it aside to collect his dirty plate for him, and Joshua tapping him on the arm to get his attention as he passes him a blanket from the other couch. Each touch leaves Jihoon’s head spinning. His hands feel numb and he is overtly aware of his tongue being too big for his mouth, yet no matter how much he swallows or how tightly he wrings his fingers together he cannot make the feelings go away.
The late evening finds Jihoon alone in the living room, bundled up in the blanket that Joshua had given him earlier. He has wrapped it so tightly around himself that only the top of his head and his eyes are visible over the edge of the plush material. He has bruised the sides of his fingers from squeezing too tightly and has matching indents in both palms from his fingernails. His bottom lip is raw from chewing on it and he has started counting in his head again. He gets down to sixty-seven when Jun walks past after finishing clearing the table. He ruffles Jihoon's hair with his long fingers as a silent goodnight and then extracts them as he leaves the room. In a split second Jihoon crumbles.
His breath hitches and he involuntary lets out a strangled wine as his vision blurs. He can hear his heartbeat pulsing in his ears, his chest feels so tight he thinks it might burst and his head is spinning. The blanket is too tight, too much. He throws it off in a rush and leans forward on his knees but his balance is off and he falls off the couch barely missing the coffee table in front of him. It is at the moment that he registers the hands on his shoulders that stopped him from colliding with the floor.
His commotion must have drawn Jeonghan’s attention from where he was washing the dishes in the kitchen with Wonwoo. Jihoon scrambles to grab onto the hands, to hold them or to push them away he is not sure, he just needs to find them. Jeonghan must notice his panic but he misinterprets it as he quickly lets go of Jihoons shoulders and shuffles back a few feet to give him more space. But space is the last thing Jihoon has wanted for days and he reaches back out towards his Hyung, the blurred figure sitting across from him.
“Jihoon? Can you hear me?” Jeonghan’s voice reaches his ear and Jihoon wanted to say that yes he can hear him, but it is not enough.
"Hyung,” He finds himself pleading. Any other time he would be beyond embarrassed to be seen in such a state, to be heard sounding so desperate but right now that is exactly how he feels. Desperate and yearning but unable to find the right words.
“Jihoonie, can I touch you?” Jeonghan asks further and Jihoon’s heart squeezes so tightly he thinks it stops. Yes, yes that is it, that is what he wants.
“Please! I just-, Hyung.” Jihoon can only imagine how confused Jeonghan must be and yet his Hyung takes it in his stride as he does with anything else. Jihoon registers Jeonghan shuffling closer and then his hand on the side of his neck, his thumb brushing back and forth against his jaw, and Jihoon melts into his touch as a sob is torn from his throat.
“Oh, Hoonie. Come here, come here.” Jeonghan mumbles softly as he reaches out both of his arms and draws Jihoon closer to himself. “You’re okay, you are okay.”
His words sound like a promise and Jihoon believes him. For the last week, Jihoon has felt like he was floating, suspended, and fuzzing but the moment Jeonghan’s arms come around him he comes crashing down as he crumbles against his Hyung’s chest. Jeonghan mumbles soft reassurances into his ear as he tucks Jihoon’s head under his chin and rocks them back and forth gently.
Another body appears beside them as Wonwoo comes through from the kitchen. Without a word he takes a seat on the floor next to where Jeonghan is cradling Jihoon and rests his hand against the back of Jihoons neck, softly rubbing the tension out of the tight tendons. Jihoon is sure that the two older members are having a silent conversation over his head but he cannot bring himself to care and only snuggling deeper into Jeonghan’s embrace.
“I’ll go get Coups,” Jihoon hears Wonwoo say as his hand moves from the back of his neck to squeeze his shoulder before he stands up and leaves the room. For a brief moment, Jihoon almost dissolves into panic again at the loss of contact before his brain registers what he said and he relaxes again.
Wonwoo returns a few minutes later with not just Seungcheol but also Soonyoung and Mingyu in toe. Brief words are exchanged between Jeonghan and Seungcheol before Jeonghan’s arms loosen from around Jihoon’s frame and he is transferred to Seungcheol who lifts him up off the ground effortlessly and begins carrying him down the hallway. Again, under any other circumstances, he would be beyond embarrassed at being treated like an infant, he hates it when anyone tries to carry him and he would be perfectly capable of walking, and yet he does not realize how drained he is until he allows his head to lull against Seuncheol’s shoulder.
Seungcheol carries him into one of the dorm rooms and sits him on the bed. Soonyoung quickly sits down right beside him in a way that would usually be too close for comfort but at this moment Jihoon reveals in the press of Soonyoung thigh against his and how he rests flush against his side. Mingyu chucks a sweatshirt in his direction and Jihoon fists his fingers in the soft, warm fabric. He vaguely recognizes it as the one that Mingyu had been wearing at dinner. He does not even hesitate before pulling it over his head, over top of the one he is already wearing.
Soonyoung wraps his arms around Jihoon shoulders and tugs him sideways to lay down on the bed and Seungcheol pulls the blankets over the two on them. Jeonghan comes into the room and sits on the other side of the bed and softly runs his fingers through Jihoon’s hair as he rests his head against Soonyoung’s shoulder and breathes in deeply. He barely hears Joshua enter the room and exchange quiet words with Seugcheol before he leaves the room with both Seungchoel and Mingyu. They turn the light off as they leave but leave the door open slightly to allow the light from the hallway to filter in softly. Jihoon stops fighting his exhaustion as he yawns, a hand reaching up to rub at his eyes and settles deeper into Soonyoung’s embrace and focuses intently on the way that Jeonghan’s nails scratch against his scalp and within minutes he is sound asleep.
I am back and definitely not projecting onto Jihoon at all. Sorry for the big sad, hopefully the cuddles at the end made up for it.
Love y'all, Meegs xx
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theharrowing · 2 years
Dollhouse 💛 14: A tangle of bodies
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Hoseok’s job is simple: He enters the host’s body, he confiscates or terminates the target, and he gets back into his own body by dinnertime, easy peasy. Until a client comes along who becomes as obsessed with his life as he becomes with theirs, and the lines between their realities begin to blur.
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💛 Hoseok x Namjoon, Jungkook x Yoongi, Hoseok x Yoongi, Namjoon x Jungkook, Hoseok x Yoongi x Jungkook 
💛 word count: 7.9k
💛 hired assassin au, sci-fi, body swapping, graphic violence, infidelity, body dysphoria, lgbtq, smut, fluff, angst, poly, nsfw, smut, 21+
💛 chapter warnings: infidelity, ass eating, angst, oral, vaginal & anal sex, threesome, recreational drug use (ecstasy), selfcest?
💛 beta read by @neoneunnajimin​ 
💛 posted may, 2022 | read on ao3
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Jeongguk: Old men are heading home tomorrow, on schedule with us. We'll have to whack them on home soil.
Hoseok: I need you to stop sending me texts containing orders to whack people. We're not part of a mafia.
Jeongguk: Who are you afraid of seeing your messages? You're literally a government official.
Hoseok:  We'll talk about this later. 
Jeongguk: Are you sure? I plan to have my hands and mouth pretty full later. And I don't think you'll be in any shape to argue, big boy.
Hoseok sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He misses the façade- Jeongguk, who was too shy to look him in the eye, much less call him "big boy." This Jeongguk—bossy, sexually deviant Jeongguk—is a fucking troublemaker. Hoseok wonders if Namjoon still wants to go through with their drunk plan or if he'll realize it's all been a mistake now that he's had time to think it over. He should probably find a way to ask him. 
Namjoon: Ran into Jeongguk at the gym. He's asking about brunch. Yes or no?
Hoseok: Sure. Do you want to come back and shower, or should I head down soon?
Hoseok gets off the bed and makes his way to his closet, deciding that now is as good a time as any to put on some actual clothes since he just went to sleep in briefs last night. He chooses a black tee and slacks, telling himself they should be good enough for today, forgoing his standard button-up—something he's been doing too often lately. Namjoon will probably want to dress more casually, anyway, so he tells himself that it's probably fine.
As Hoseok changes into new briefs and pulls his t-shirt over his head, there's a knock at the door. He pauses, arm hanging halfway through its hole, unsure if he really heard a knock when there's another. 
"Hoseokah?" Yoongi calls from the other side. 
Hoseok sighs and, forgetting he's not wearing pants, pads his way over to the door, straightening out his shirt. When Hoseok opens the door, Yoongi's eyes fall to Hoseok's bare legs, then move back up, and he pushes his way into the room with a smirk. 
"Hey, baby," Yoongi says, taking Hoseok by the wrist and pulling their bodies together against the closing door. Yoongi wraps his arms around Hoseok's waist, and Hoseok stumbles forward, allowing Yoongi to overwhelm him. 
"Our boys are in the gym and are probably gonna hit the shower for a bit, so I figured I would come keep you company while we wait."
Hoseok's phone is on the bed, so he hasn't had a chance to see if Namjoon has responded, and he's not sure if Yoongi's just trying to get in a quick fuck. But he also doesn't care. Yoongi's freshly showered with slightly damp hair and dewy skin, and he smells like a field of lavender and newly chopped trees. And, wearing just a black t-shirt and black sweats, Hoseok can make out every delicate curve of bone and muscle on Yoongi's torso.
"Yoongi," Hoseok mutters, "I—"
Hoseok's head spins, heart pounds, and Yoongi's fingers, which have inched up Hoseok's shirt and hold his waist, are searing hot. Yoongi cocks his head and hums, encouraging Hoseok to go on. 
"What happens if all of this works out?"
Yoongi squints, attempting to read Hoseok, and holy shit, Hoseok feels incredibly anxious. He takes a step back, guiding Yoongi toward the bed, and Yoongi follows, holding eye contact, waiting for Hoseok to elaborate. The walk across the suite feels like forever, but Hoseok's thoughts are so scattered, he welcomes the time to attempt to think. When his calf finally hits the mattress, he flinches, then sighs. 
"If Namjoon likes it, and if everything is good, and it works out, what—" Hoseok leans against the edge of the bed and allows Yoongi to spread his legs with a thigh, grazing Hoseok's cock and balls through his thin briefs. 
"What are you afraid of?" Yoongi asks, leaning in just enough to graze his lips over Hoseok's as he speaks. 
"You," Hoseok admits, almost whispers. "Me. Everything. I won't want to stop. And Jeongguk...I want you to fuck me in his body again. I want to feel what it's like to be him again."
Yoongi licks over Hoseok's lips, and Hoseok whines, melting into the kiss. Yoongi's thigh gently rubs Hoseok, and Hoseok can't help but whimper and rut against the friction. He wants Yoongi to touch him so badly. To fuck him, to taste him, to do anything he wants. 
"Wait," Hoseok mutters. His brain is foggy, and his body is electric with arousal, but he knows he should check his phone. "I should see if Joonie responded."
"I told you, Jeongguk has him."
"He's not going to just let Jeongguk touch him, though," Hoseok mutters, stretching his arm out to reach his phone, which sits just out of reach. Yoongi loosens his grip, and Hoseok manages to touch a finger to the device, then shimmy it over with his fingertips. When he grabs his phone, he notices messages from both Namjoon and Jeongguk. 
Namjoon: Jeongguk wants to work out a little longer. He says he sent Yoongi to keep you company. I hope you don't mind?
Hoseok:  Not at all. Take your time.
Hoseok checks the time stamp. It was only four minutes ago. 
Jeongguk: Sent you a gift. Feel free to unwrap him. I want to make Joonie a sweaty mess and then clean him off.
Hoseok: Joon is the one who wanted all 4 of us to be together the most, but good luck. You have my blessing. Let me know when you're heading back. 
"Everything okay?" Yoongi asks, tightening his grip on Hoseok's waist. 
Hoseok tosses his phone to the bed and wraps his arms around Yoongi's shoulders, pulling him closely while he pouts. "No, daddy."
"Awe," Yoongi mock-pouts, "what's the matter, baby?"
Hoseok grinds his ass down on Yoongi's thigh and whines when the tiniest amount of friction passes his hole. He hasn't felt this needy for someone in so long, and although he still feels sore from taking Namjoon's cock the night before, he knows Yoongi's mouth will feel like heaven on the sensitive flesh.
"I miss your tongue, daddy," Hoseok whines, resting his forehead against Yoongi's. "I want you to eat me out."
"Hands down at your sides, baby," Yoongi mutters, and Hoseok nods his head, then drops his arms from Yoongi's shoulders, brushing his fingertips down Yoongi's chest and breathing in his smell. 
Yoongi grips onto Hoseok's waist and spins him, shoving him into the mattress, and Hoseok gasps, feeling a jolt of excitement start from his tummy and shoot through him. The old familiar vines snake tightly around Hoseok's ribs, blooming with bright flowers as Yoongi yanks Hoseok's briefs down and spreads him with his big, firm hands. 
Hoseok bends into the mattress and grips onto the comforter, and as soon as he feels Yoongi's tongue lap slowly over his hole, Hoseok moans, melting further forward. Yoongi's tongue is wet and warm, and it sends a wave of arousal crashing through Hoseok, already causing his legs to tremble.
"Did Joonie fuck your tight hole, baby?" Yoongi groans then licks again.
"Y-yes, daddy."
"It's so puffy, baby; so pretty. Is it sensitive?”
"Yes, daddy."
The trouble with fucking around with Yoongi is that Yoongi clouds Hoseok's senses so completely that all the world falls away. This includes thoughts of his husband. Hoseok knows in his heart that letting Yoongi have so much power over him may ultimately be his downfall—could very well claim everything Hoseok holds dear, ripped straight from his grasp—and he does nothing to stop himself around Yoongi. Hoseok is powerless.
Yoongi eats Hoseok's ass. His expert tongue traces him in circles, flicks, laps, and penetrates, and Hoseok whines and sobs as the pleasure overwhelms him. Hoseok's cock presses into the mattress, and every tremble in his thighs and jolt in his hips give a painful rush of pleasure. Yoongi licks him in a rhythm that has Hoseok's desperate, leaking cock throbbing quickly.
"Please," Hoseok whines, holding himself on weak, shaky legs.
Yoongi moves his mouth away, and Hoseok's hips jerk back. "Please what, baby?"
"Please, I want to come. Please, daddy. You feel so good."
Yoongi tugs Hoseok away from the bed, then twists him again, and Hoseok nearly topples over, grabbing Yoongi's head for stability. The sight of Yoongi down on his knees with his lips pink and chin slick from eating his ass makes Hoseok's heart pound hard. Yoongi angles himself up, holding Hoseok firmly against the mattress with his hands pressing into Hoseok's hips, and mutters, "Then come for me, baby boy," before taking Hoseok's cock into his mouth, sucking down into his throat. 
Hoseok leans back against the bed, hands propping himself up, and loses himself in pleasure as Yoongi sucks his cock down and swirls his tongue as he comes up. Yoongi's deep, raspy voice moans, sending vibrations through Hoseok, and Hoseok whimpers and tries not to cry out too loudly as his hips shake and his arousal builds.
It's a tidal wave crashing hard against the shore, and Hoseok can't even form words before he's about to come, just mutters a weak, "Da-ha-aah—" before his hips jerk, and he fills Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi groans as if Hoseok's orgasm brings him pleasure and sucks until Hoseok begs him to stop and then sucks a little more. Hoseok jolts forward and gently grabs Yoongi's head, then his legs give out, and he tumbles, assisted by Yoongi as Hoseok straddles his thighs. 
"Fuck," Hoseok whimpers, burying his face in Yoongi's neck.
"You taste so good, baby."
"Fuck, we weren't supposed to—how do I keep letting you—"
Yoongi scoffs and kisses Hoseok's neck. His voice is deep and raspier than usual when he mutters, "Letting me, what? You begged me, Seokah."
"Letting you intoxicate me. Letting you cloud my thoughts. How do I keep letting you do this to me?" Hoseok sighs. He's so incredibly fucked. 
"It's okay, baby. Jeongguk and Joonie are probably fucking in the shower right now. I bet Namjoon couldn't wait to taste pussy again."
Hoseok sits back, and his head hits the side of the mattress. It's a dull thud, and he squeezes his eyes shut. "No," he mutters. "He wouldn't do that. He's probably gently turning Jeongguk down. He wouldn't just do it without us discussing it."
Yoongi hums and holds onto Hoseok's hips, keeping Hoseok from sliding off his angled legs, and Hoseok opens his eyes and stares at a spot on Yoongi's shirt rather than look him in the eye. This thing that they're doing—this thing that Hoseok seems addicted to—it's getting the best of him. Try as he might, Hoseok can't figure out why he can never seem to get enough of Yoongi. 
"I should get dressed," Hoseok finally says, forcing his thoughts to stop swimming. He pushes back, out of Yoongi's grasp, and haphazardly stands up. 
"Alright," Yoongi says. "I'll go change and brush my teeth. Call me if you need anything."
There's something so casual in how Yoongi invites Hoseok to call if he needs anything; Hoseok can't imagine what he could possibly need from him. As Hoseok walks to his closet and picks up the slacks he intended to put on earlier, he can't help but wonder if Namjoon would do something with Jeongguk down in the showers. After what just transpired, he hopes that Namjoon would. 
"Alright, well, thanks for uh—" Yoongi stops and clears his throat, and Hoseok turns to watch Yoongi shrug, "uh, coming down my throat."
Hoseok scoffs and looks at the floor. "Thanks for letting me. It felt amazing."
Yoongi hums, and then he's gone, and Hoseok can't help but feel suffocated by his anxiety. He walks to the bed and checks his phone, and when he finds no new notifications, he sighs in relief. Maybe Jeongguk was convincing enough, and Namjoon went along with it. Maybe. Hopefully. 
Hoseok walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face and neck, and put enough product in his hair to comb it out of his eyes. He returns to the main room and sits on the ugly fucking white couch that he might miss a little once they leave this place, and he inhales deeply, holds it, and exhales. His phone dings. 
Jeongguk: Coming back. Is Yoongi with you?
Hoseok:  No.
Jeongguk:  Okay.
The moment Hoseok sets his phone down, his mind is in overdrive once more. Jeongguk didn't brag—why didn't Jeongguk brag? Jeongguk would brag, right? So, why. He wants to ask, but he's not sure whether he should because what if Jeongguk was joking before, just riling Hoseok up, and Hoseok did something with Yoongi that he should not have done. Not that Jeongguk would mind, but...Namjoon. Namjoon, Namjoon, Namjoon. 
Hoseok squeezes his eyes shut, and when he opens them, his vision is clouded with white spots, and the door to his suite opens. Namjoon enters alone. His hair is wet, indicating a shower. Good, that's good. But his cheeks are flushed, and he's looking at the floor. That's concerning. Hoseok gives Namjoon a moment before greeting him, then smiles widely when Namjoon finally makes eye contact. 
"Hey, baby!" Hoseok says, sitting forward and giving Namjoon his full attention.
Namjoon approaches, opens his mouth to speak, and then crumbles. He falls to the floor in the middle of the room, knees bent in with his hands on the carpet, and he heaves desperately as if suddenly the air is too thin. Hoseok gets off the couch, half-standing, half-crouching as he walks over, then kneels next to Namjoon.
"Joonie, what's wr—"
Namjoon curls in on himself and cries. Big, heavy, shoulder-shaking sobs that echo through the room, and this is not what Hoseok imagined would happen, though he isn't fully surprised. And he already knows. Hoseok already knows what happened before Namjoon even has to say anything. And the vines squeeze and squeeze. 
"Baby, talk to me," Hoseok coos, reaching to rub circles on Namjoon's back, and Namjoon flinches away and throws himself further onto the floor.
"I don't deserve—I don't—don't touch me," Namjoon stammers through sobs and sniffles loudly. 
"Of course you deserve me, baby; just tell me what's wrong."
"J—Jeon— Jeongguk, he—'' Namjoon shakes his head. "No, it's my fault. I can't blame him, I wanted it."
Hoseok swallows a lump in his throat and fights the urge to cry for his husband. He wants to tell Namjoon that it's okay, that he's not upset, but he doesn't want it to seem like he knows. So he says nothing, and he waits. Namjoon gasps for air and cries for a while longer. And then, when he's laid on the carpet in the fetal position, he clears his throat and tries again. 
"I'll understand if you leave me," Namjoon says, voice raw and deep. 
Hoseok lays on his side on the floor facing Namjoon and slowly reaches out to test a caress. Namjoon doesn't flinch when Hoseok's hand gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze, and Hoseok gives Namjoon a soft smile. 
"I would never leave you, baby. Just tell me what's got you so upset and we'll handle it."
Namjoon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. " Jeongguk came to the gym, and he was very touchy and flirty, which I expected. And I was good at laughing off and allowing it because it was...nice. It was nice. I didn't think you'd mind."
Hoseok shakes his head with a smile. "Of course not, Joonie."
"But then we went into the showers, and he—he followed me into my stall, and I was shocked and told him that he shouldn't be there, but he begged me for a kiss. I barely h—" Namjoon chokes on a sob and begins to cry more, though not as hard as before. 
"I barely hesitated. Hoseok, I hardly thought twice. I just thought about last night and how good it felt, and I pushed him against the stall door and kissed him until he was moaning and begging me to let him suck my cock. And he got naked, and, fuck, he was so, so pretty."
Hoseok takes a deep breath quietly, not letting it sound exasperated because he does not want to make Namjoon even more upset or make Namjoon think he is upset. Then he squeezes Namjoon's shoulder tighter. 
"Joonie, look, I know we agreed to wait until we were all four together, but I promise you, whatever happened with Jeongguk in the shower is not enough for me to leave you."
"Seok, I'm so—"
"I mean it. Whether you kissed, or Jeongguk sucked you off, or you fucked...whatever happened, I'm not mad at you, and it would never change how I feel about you. We already blurred the lines with them last night, and I don't feel hurt or upset."
Namjoon curls further into himself and cries harder. "I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you, Hoseok. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
Hoseok gets up, crawls to Namjoon, and drapes himself over his body. "You deserve the world, baby. You deserve me, and Jeongguk, and Yoongi, and you deserve pleasure. I promise you."
Namjoon shakes his head and continues to sob, and Hoseok repositions himself to spoon Namjoon, holding him through his tears. Hoseok tells himself that he should have expected this, but he hoped that, with what happened last night, Namjoon would be far less devastated. 
Enough time passes that Hoseok begins to feel drowsy, and he wonders if Namjoon is asleep when Namjoon finally sniffles and begins to sit up.
"I need to shower again," he says weakly. 
Hoseok sits up on the floor. He pulls his knees to his chest and hugs them tight, watching Namjoon get onto his feet and shuffle into the bathroom. For the most part, Hoseok feels numb. He wants to console Namjoon, but he's not sure there's much more than he can say, and he doesn't want to upset him further or overwhelm him. 
Once Hoseok hears the shower start, he gets off the floor and walks back to the sofa, where his phone was left. Hoseok's stomach grumbles as he curls onto the monstrosity and checks his phone. 
Jeongguk: I can't tell if Namjoon is okay with what happened. If not, I'm sorry.
This begs questions, although Hoseok can't say he's too shocked if Namjoon held in most of his feelings until he got back to his room. Whatever may have happened, Hoseok can't imagine Namjoon fully blames Jeongguk; otherwise, he wouldn't be so upset.
Hoseok: What exactly did happen?
Jeongguk: He didn't tell you?
Hoseok: Not really. 
Jeongguk: Is he upset?
Hoseok: He's pretty upset. He's taking another shower now.
There's a pause, and then Hoseok's phone rings, showing Jeongguk's name. Hoseok hesitates, then answers it. Before he can say anything, Jeongguk says, "I'll tell you what happened. No need to speak. And if he comes out of the shower, you can just hang up."
Hoseok hums, and Jeongguk continues. "I was really touchy at the gym. Tentatively at first, testing the waters to see if Namjoon would allow it. He allowed it and seemed into it, so I laid it on thicker and thicker, and he flirted back. I thought everything was good. So then, when we went into the showers, I followed him into his stall. I had a towel on, and I hovered in the doorway, asking him to let me in."
Jeongguk sighs, seeming to collect himself. "He let me in, and I begged for a kiss. He hesitated, and I offered to leave, but then he pulled me in and pushed me into the door as he locked it behind me. We kissed until we were both super turned on, and then I begged to suck his cock. He said no, and I begged again, and he said no, so I backed off and said it was fine. But then I guess he changed his mind. We took our towels off our hips, draped them over the door, and I got onto my knees. He seemed like he was into it and happy, but then once post-orgasm clarity hit, he seemed...different. Like a switch had flipped. He wouldn't say much, just stood in the water stream and stared at the floor, and I attempted to console him, but he didn't want it. You okay, Seok?"
Hoseok hums; he is as okay as he can be. Jeongguk continues. "Anyway, I managed to get him to leave the shower and get dressed. I was apologetic, but he just shrugged it off. He said he needed to walk alone and gather his thoughts, so I went another way up a different elevator. I gave him his space. Fuck, Seok, I never would have pushed him if I thought he would feel so guilty."
The sound of the shower curtain opening pulls Hoseok's attention, and he whispers, "Gotta go," and hangs up. Then he texts Jeongguk. 
Hoseok: I'm not surprised he feels guilty, but it's worse than I expected. I'll talk to him and see what he wants to do. I'm not mad at you, but I wish I could have prevented this from happening.
Jeongguk: I feel like an idiot.
Hoseok: You are an idiot. <3
Jeongguk: </3!  We want to get lunch. Maybe if Joonie seems more relaxed, we can get room service and talk?
Hoseok: I'll let you know.
Namjoon comes out of the bathroom, and Hoseok turns to look at him. He wears a towel around his hips while using another towel to dry his hair and walks to the closet. He seems to just stare ahead for a while, and Hoseok clears his throat quietly. 
"Baby, would you be okay with bringing the two of them here to talk things out? We could order room service and—"
"Oh. O-okay."
Namjoon drops his arm to his side, dangling his towel in his fingers, and he continues to stare at his clothing. "I might look for a flight and go home today." 
Hoseok's heart pounds and everything feels heavy. "Baby, we're going home tomorrow."
"I want to leave now."
Tears well in Hoseok's eyes. He wants to console Namjoon, but he's never seen him shut down like this before, and he doesn't know what to do. 
"Look, I wish you would stay, but if you need to go home now, I won't stop you. Maybe a ferry to Busan would be good? Stay in a hanok overnight and take the train to Seoul in the morning?"
Namjoon nods his head, but they're shallow and noncommittal movements. Hoseok stands and cranes his neck to try to see Namjoon, then makes his way to the closet. Namjoon stares ahead with tears in his eyes, and Hoseok gently pulls the towel from Namjoon's fingers, making him flinch. 
"Joonie," Hoseok says softly but sternly. "How can I prove to you that I'm not upset?"
"I'm upset," Namjoon croaks weakly. "I disappointed myself. I hurt myself. I hurt you and—and Yoongi-hyung."
Hoseok rolls his lips in between his teeth to bite back the urge to make any noise in response to the idea of Namjoon possibly hurting Yoongi, then licks his lips. "I asked Jeongguk, and he told me that Yoongi is not upset."
"But we agreed—we said we would all—" Namjoon inhales a shaky breath and sighs. 
"Listen, I understand that we agreed on that boundary. I know that we all said it was important for all of us to be together. But Yoongi trusts us as much as I trust all of you. I'm not worried about my husband running off to be with another man; whether you feel affection for either of them does not hurt me because we all—to some extent—seem to feel that way about each other."
Namjoon closes his eyes. His breathing is measured and shaky on the exhale. 
"Would you have been hurt if the tables were turned today? If Yoongi met me in the gym and we fooled around, still high from what happened last night."
Namjoon bites his bottom lip and knits his eyebrows. "Maybe," he mutters. "Maybe at first. But maybe not?"
Hoseok swallows a lump, and his voice shakes. He decides that perhaps giving Namjoon a half-truth might help, despite the fact that the entire truth is almost a mirror of what happened in the gym shower. 
"Yoongi and I kissed when he came here."
Namjoon's breath hitches, and he opens his eyes. When he turns to face Hoseok with surprised, pained eyes, Hoseok feels instantly anxious and looks off to the side, squeezing the towel in his hand. 
"We were talking about last night, and about you and Jeongguk, and then we just...looked at each other and then…we kissed. It wasn't terribly heated, but it wasn't innocent, and—and I wanted more. I'm sorry, baby."
Namjoon nods and scoffs, and Hoseok meets his gaze to find something burning, something Namjoon appears to try to blink away. "Good, so none of us are trustworthy. Wow."
"No. Wow. Thank you for your honesty, Hoseok."
Not Seok, not Seokie, but Hoseok. That one stings.
"Wh-what I mean to say is that we are all still excited about what happened last night, Joon. Because it's the two of us and the two of them, not because we're unfaithful people at heart. I mean, god, how long have we been married?"
Hoseok is panicking. The air twists and contorts in ways that throw Hoseok off balance, and he finds it hard to focus. At this point, he truly doesn't know what to say, and he's terrified of saying too much.
Namjoon finally begins picking out clothing, sliding on a white tee, brown slacks, and a brown cardigan. All the while, Hoseok stares ahead at the shirts hanging in front of him, barely seeing Namjoon in the periphery, watching as the lines of the sleeves hanging together blur in and out of focus. When Namjoon is dressed, he goes into the bathroom, then returns while shoving his phone and wallet into his slacks.
"I'm going to go have lunch and look for a flight or ferry home, and I'll be back to pack a bag," Namjoon says. He doesn't turn back and look at Hoseok. "Good luck with the rest of your stay. Tell the guys I'm sorry."
"Namjoon, wait," Hoseok calls—no—whimpers. He feels weak and suddenly defeated. So, so defeated. 
"I'll text you when I figure it out. And at each stop, so you don't worry."
Tears pour down Hoseok's face, and he tries to blink them away, tries to get his bearings on what is happening, but as the suite door opens and clicks shut, Hoseok feels grounded in place. Hoseok wonders if he should try to chase after Namjoon. But, ultimately, he doesn't make a move. 
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Hoseok wakes up in a pile of bodies. It's hot, and he's covered in sweat, and his clothing tugs and indents uncomfortably around his waist and thighs. Yoongi stirs and releases his hold around Hoseok's back, allowing Hoseok to sit up. He sucks in drool and mutters a weak "S-sorry," to Jeongguk, whose shirt is too dark to reveal the size of the wet spot.
"You cried all over me, baby; a little drool is nothing," Jeongguk says, and Hoseok weakly nods. 
Noise from the television can faintly be heard, and Hoseok squints through sleepy eyes. "What's this?"
"Some old western," Yoongi responds as he sits back and crosses one leg over the other, which is how Jeongguk sits. Hoseok straightens himself out and then pulls his knees to his chest. 
"Thank you guys," Hoseok mutters, staring at the white comforter covering their bed. 
"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asks. 
A large palm rubs circles into Hoseok's back. He's inclined to think it's Yoongi's hand, but he's not quite awake enough to tell. "Yeah."
"Good," Jeongguk says, running a finger along Hoseok's cheek and neck. "We ordered a bunch of shit; it should be here any minute. Also, uh...Joon-hyung texted you to say he landed in Seoul about ten minutes ago."
Hoseok was still crumpled on the floor when Namjoon came to pack his suitcase, and he didn't speak a word until, while in the open doorway, he said, "I love you, Seok. Safe travels tomorrow."
Yoongi and Jeongguk kept their distance until he was gone, and once they had the go-ahead, they came to get Hoseok and bring him back to their room for a cry session that exhausted Hoseok until he fell asleep. Everything piled on at once and felt too heavy to carry, and Hoseok let it all out. Now he just feels numb. 
Room service comes shortly after Hoseok wakes up, and they sit around their table, passing around plates of steak, seafood, vegetables, rice, and noodles. Yoongi fills everyone's glasses with wine, and they eat and drink quietly. It's still light outside, probably just mid-afternoon. 
"Seokie, baby, do you wanna get high and forget about everything for a bit?" Yoongi asks.
"High how?"
Jeongguk leans forward, elbows on the table. "Ecstasy."
Hoseok doesn't do drugs—being an employee of the government and all—but he has in the past, and the idea entices him. Maybe, for the next 8 to 12 hours, it would be nice to just feel euphoric and let go. Hoseok nods his head. It's still daytime, his flight is tomorrow evening, and they don't anticipate getting any more actual work done, so...why not.
Hoseok nods. "Sure. That sounds fun."
"Yeah?" Yoongi asks, sounding shocked. 
Hoseok shrugs.
Jeongguk gets up, walks over to some luggage across the room, and starts unzipping zippers. Hoseok pokes at his food, drinks his wine, and tries to feel a little excited for what's to come, but it's tough to feel anything at all, so he just doesn't. 
When Jeongguk returns, they inspect the little pink pills with a beloved cartoon character stamped on the front, and Jeongguk mutters something about how sometimes it's beneficial to have a drug lord father-in-law. The three of them touch their pills together over the center of the table as if they're shots of liquor, and stick them on their tongues. 
The pill is bitter and tastes repulsive, and Hoseok lets it sit for just a moment to bask in the awfulness before he chases it down with the rest of his wine. The waiting period between swallowing a drug and feeling a drug is always filled with anxiety—anticipation putting every nerve on edge—so Hoseok goes back to picking at his food, so he doesn't overthink it too much. Nobody has much to say; probably the others are feeling the same way, but Hoseok doesn't mind the silence.
Several minutes pass, and Yoongi's voice breaks the silence. "Would you ever swap bodies and fuck yourself?"
Hoseok looks up to find Yoongi looking at Jeongguk, but then his gaze turns to Hoseok. Hoseok shrugs. "I guess so. I don't see why not."
Jeongguk nods. "I would lick my pussy."
Yoongi nods and chuckles. His eyes look a bit glazed over and far away. "Nice. I would. I would fuck the shit out of me."
"You should use my body to fuck yourself," Jeongguk suggests.
Yoongi takes a long, finishing gulp of wine and reaches for the bottle, dumping the rest of it into his glass, filling it a little over halfway. Two full, recorked bottles sit in the center of the table, and Hoseok finishes his glass, then reaches for one of the full bottles.
"I'm suggesting it because I think we should put Seokie back in your body and take care of him," Yoongi says. Hoseok's eyes fly between Yoongi and Jeongguk, who share a glance and then turn to Hoseok.  Yoongi smiles sweetly. "Would you like that, baby?"
Hoseok licks his lips. He knows he should put a stop to this affair and prevent further damage to his relationship. But he's already come so far, and he's about to come up on drugs. What's once more?
"Yes, daddy."
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Once the choice is made, they quickly shuffle over to the penthouse suite. Although there is plenty of time to jump before the drugs have a chance to kick in, they do not want to risk anything weird happening. A staff member stands idly while Yoongi performs the jump himself, and Hoseok decides that, while it is pretty fucking sus, he has bigger fish to fry than to keep asking why people let the Mins do whatever they want.
The jump is easy—so easy that Hoseok actually fears that nothing happened, just for a moment. But then he sits up and looks to his left and sees his body lying there and lets out a huge, deep sigh of relief. Once the men get their bearings, they thank the staff—who said and did nothing to assist them—and shuffle back to Yoongi and Jeongguk's suite. As soon as they arrive, the room feels foggy and air is a bit light.
"Whoa," Hoseok mutters as he stumbles back to the bed. "I think it's happening."
"Good, baby," Yoongi says sweetly from behind Hoseok. He runs his hands up Hoseok's back, making Hoseok flinch and then sink into the feeling, and when Hoseok groans, he remembers he's in Jeongguk's body. He tells himself that Yoongi's hand runs up Jeongguk's back, and when arousal licks between his legs, Hoseok feels beyond excited that it's between Jeongguk's legs that he feels the familiar tingle. 
"Let's get you out of these clothes, okay, baby?" Yoongi asks, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's torso, gripping Jeongguk's stomach tightly in one hand while the other goes down between Jeongguk's legs and rubs his pussy.
Hoseok feels Jeongguk's legs tremble beneath him, and he gasps. It feels so good, like Yoongi has somehow lit hundreds of tiny fireworks inside him, and Hoseok arches Jeongguk's back and rubs Jeongguk's ass over Yoongi's cock. When Yoongi groans a deep, raspy sound, Hoseok melts against his chest. 
"Please, daddy," Hoseok whines in a voice deeper than he's used to. "Please, I need you."
Jeongguk gets onto the bed wearing only briefs, and he sits in the center against the headboard and pats his legs. Hoseok is stunned at the sight of himself and clambers onto the bed. Jeongguk's limbs feel heavy and wobbly, but Hoseok does his best crawling between his own legs. 
"I want you to suck your pretty dick, baby," Jeongguk says, smirking at Hoseok. "Let me see what my perfect lips look like around your shaft."
Hoseok wonders if this counts as selfcest and whether it's ethical to suck his own cock, but decides that he still doesn't feel weird about it and tugs his briefs down. Hoseok knows what his cock looks like, but it's strange seeing it from this angle, and when he licks up the shaft, he's pleasantly surprised by his taste.
"F-fuck," Jeongguk whines in Hoseok's voice. "I'm still not used to how this feels."
Hoseok licks his cock, then begins to tease the tip. His mind is floating in the clouds, and he feels like melting, but he does his best to stay in solid form to fellate himself while his voice moans and whimpers in pleasure above him. Hands are on Jeongguk's hips, pulling his sweats down, and Hoseok makes sure to wiggle Jeongguk's ass for Yoongi as he's undressed. 
Yoongi gets Jeongguk's pants to his knees before spreading him with his hands and licking over Jeongguk's pussy and ass, and the feeling sends wave after wave of pleasure so intense that Hoseok worries he might collapse. 
"F-fuck, I'm still not used to how this feels," Hoseok whines. 
All feelings that aren't pleasure melt away. Yoongi licks and caresses in slow, deliberate movements that cause Hoseok to suck and lick in a similar rhythm, steadily building and drawing out arousal, as if they have all the time in the world and there's no need to rush. Hoseok thinks he's in love, thinks he could be sandwiched between the two of them for eternity—thinks the way he feels electrified is enough to cure all his pain and worries. But he knows it's the drugs; they're hitting him really hard. 
Time and space operate differently, and as eternities pass in seconds, Jeongguk whines about feeling like he's going to come. Hoseok is so focused on Jeongguk that he doesn't feel the build quite as strongly, but the feeling of Yoongi's mouth is still so perfect and inviting that he lets it be this way, at least until he can swallow down the load that Jeongguk keeps trying to warn him about. 
Hoseok sucks his cheeks in, and Jeongguk squeals, a pitchy nasally sound that Hoseok is all too familiar with making, and Jeongguk grabs his own hair tightly as he holds his head in place and fucks into his throat. Hoseok keeps Jeongguk's jaw relaxed and takes everything given to him, and when Jeongguk comes in his throat, Hoseok swallows it proudly, litters kisses on his cock and thighs, and thanks Jeongguk for coming for him. 
As soon as Hoseok is finished focusing on his task, the overwhelming, shaky euphoria returns, and it feels like a dam has been broken, causing the pleasure to flood in. Hoseok falls forward on his thighs and whines as Jeongguk runs fingers through his hair and tells him what a good boy he is. He doesn't have a chance to whine about feeling like he might come before it rushes over him, and he comes hard. All he can do is whimper "Please" and "Thank you" over and over. 
Yoongi's languid movements are heaven, and though Hoseok feels like the orgasm begins to wind down, it keeps coming, never stopping. It's too much, and Hoseok begins to worry he might experience a full mental collapse if it continues, but he doesn't want it to end. But then it does end. Yoongi stops, and Hoseok whines, even though he can still feel traces of pleasure tingle between Jeongguk's legs.
"I want you to sit on my face," Yoongi says as he crawls to the head of the bed and lays next to where Jeongguk sits. "Can you do that for me, baby?"
Hoseok looks up to see Yoongi talking to him and nods weakly. Limbs are still gelatin and so heavy, but Hoseok manages to shimmy Jeongguk's calves out of his pants, get out from between his legs and crawl to Yoongi. Yoongi pulls his shirt off and tosses it aside, and Hoseok sits up on Yoongi's hips and runs Jeongguk's hands up and down his body.
"You're so fucking beautiful," Hoseok mutters. 
Yoongi smiles at Hoseok affectionately, then looks at Jeongguk, reaches a hand to pet Hoseok's cheek, and says, "You're beautiful too, baby."
Hoseok's breath hitches. He wants to be beautiful in Yoongi's eyes. He wants it so badly. Jeongguk leans down and kisses Yoongi deeply. Both men moan, and Yoongi reaches up to grip Hoseok's shirt to hold Jeongguk close. 
"Your lips taste so good, Seokie," Yoongi whines against his mouth, and Hoseok gasps again. He can't begin to explain the euphoria he feels, despite not being able to experience the kiss that Yoongi shares with his lips. Jeongguk pulls out of the kiss and sits up. He removes Hoseok's shirt and crawls down to where Hoseok is, near Yoongi's hips. 
"Kiss me," Jeongguk whines, and Hoseok leans down and kisses him—kisses himself. Hoseok likes how Jeongguk kisses, spinning his tongue gently while moaning. Jeongguk sucks on his bottom lip and smiles against him when he moans, and Hoseok thinks once more that he must be in love, though he knows that it's as effect of the drugs; they're still hitting him really hard. 
Yoongi's hands rub up Jeongguk's thighs, and Hoseok whines. He remembers he was supposed to sit on Yoongi's face. Hoseok pulls from the kiss, and Jeongguk nods toward Yoongi to signal Hoseok to go and Hoseok chuckles. He suddenly feels shy, though he has no reason to, especially since he's not even in his own skin—especially since he's in skin that Yoongi loves and has memorized a thousand times over. 
"Get over here, baby," Yoongi says, and Hoseok does as he's told. It's awkward to crawl up his chest and kneel around his head, but Hoseok gets where Yoongi needs to be, and Yoongi wraps his arms around Jeongguk's thighs to guide Hoseok right to where he wants him. 
Yoongi wastes no time going back to work on Jeongguk's pussy, and Hoseok falls forward into the headboard, doing his best to angle Jeongguk's hips to not suffocate Yoongi. Yoongi seems unbothered—like he's done this many times before—and Hoseok closes Jeongguk's eyes and gets lost in the shimmering, all-encompassing pleasure once more. 
A gasp followed by a deep, raspy whimper comes from Yoongi, and Hoseok looks back as best as he can to see Jeongguk sucking Yoongi's cock. He wishes he could get a better look at his own lips around Yoongi, taking Yoongi's shaft into his own throat. Yoongi's tongue pulls Hoseok back into Jeongguk's body, and this time he licks and sucks fast and hard like he wants Hoseok to crumble and come as soon as possible. Hoseok wonders if he can handle coming again or if it might be enough to stop Jeongguk's heart. 
Yoongi pulls his mouth away and says, "Grind your hips down on me."
"Huh?" Hoseok asks, feeling suddenly very dizzy. 
"Rub your pussy on my tongue and make yourself come."
Hoseok gives Jeongguk's hips a tentative swish against Yoongi's tongue, and although it's not the right spot, it feels good. He leans into the headboard and tries again, angling Jeongguk's hips down a little, and when Jeongguk's clit rubs on Yoongi's tongue, Hoseok trembles and whines. 
"Oh," Hoseok says, realizing he can do this. "Okay."
It's awkward at first to swirl Jeongguk's hips and chase his own high, but once Hoseok finds a rhythm, he gets lost in it—completely swept away. Yoongi moans and whines while he keeps his mouth open for Hoseok, only occasionally sucking on Jeongguk's clit when he finds it in Hoseok's rhythm to do so. It's not as fast as a build as it was before, but it's exhilarating. Hoseok envies Jeongguk for getting to ride Yoongi's face often. Then, Hoseok feels silly about being envious and tries not to think about it right now—tries not to think about anything right now, which is impossible because all his mind can do is feel overstimulated and race.
Hoseok feels overwhelmed. So, so fucking overwhelmed. He leans into the headboard more and struggles to move Jeongguk's hips. Yoongi pulls him close and goes back to work on Jeongguk's clit, and Hoseok whines and shakes. There's an external shakiness that spreads throughout, but there's also an internal shakiness, like all the blood in Jeongguk's body is being pulled by magnets. Like he's full of glitter, and it's all shimmering under intense bright light. 
"I don't know if I can come again," Hoseok whines. "I'm too—I'm so—intense. It's too intense."
"Wanna lay down, baby?" Jeongguk asks. 
Hoseok nods and sits back, and Jeongguk and Yoongi somehow manage to get Hoseok onto the bed but not without creating a big, weird tangle of bodies. Once they shimmy around, Yoongi and Jeongguk lay Hoseok down and litter kisses all over his—Jeongguk's—face and neck and chest, and Hoseok giggles and pants. He's so sweaty; maybe he's even melting. Maybe he'll evaporate and disappear into the bed completely. 
"I can't stay hard anyway," Yoongi mutters against Jeongguk's clavicle. "I don't know why I thought sex while coming up was wise. I was just excited to make you come."
Hoseok feels sad for Yoongi. "We'll make you come, I promise," he whines, and Yoongi chuckles. 
"Baby, it's okay," Yoongi assures.
"I might need to go outside," Hoseok says, sitting up and shedding Jeongguk and Yoongi from him. Hot. He feels so hot. 
"We can shower," Yoongi suggests. 
A shower sounds good. So they shower. It's cramped and awkward, but they touch and hold and kiss, and Jeongguk and Yoongi focus most of their attention on Hoseok. When the water feels too cold, and his high starts to feel more evened out and less internally chaotic, they return to their wine and share a full bottle while swaying and dancing around the room to music Yoongi plays from a laptop. 
Hoseok sometimes thinks about Namjoon, and he hopes that Namjoon is feeling relaxed and getting the clarity he needs. Hoseok knows that no matter what Namjoon chooses, he will accept. Even if it breaks him. Even if it shatters him into a million pieces, and he loses some of them and is never able to fully heal. He knows he'll have to let Namjoon do what he needs to because he's the one who fucked up. 
Hoseok tries to tear his thoughts away from Namjoon, but it's hard to. When they're in a pile on the bed, hands stroking hair and breaths gasping a whimpering, it's hard not to think about Namjoon. 
When they fuck again, over and over again, tangling their three bodies in ways that makes Hoseok dizzy and sore, he thinks about Namjoon. When they collapse into a sweating, writhing, sticky mess of intertwined limbs and exhaustion, he thinks about Namjoon. He thinks about how fucked everything is and how much he wishes he could just make it alright. But he knows he wouldn't go back and change a thing because he's so, so deeply infatuated with Yoongi that he can't imagine his life now without him. He can't imagine never jumping into Jeongguk's body again. 
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It's 4 am when Namjoon calls. Hoseok rolls out of bed in a sleepy search for his phone on the bedside table, but as he reaches for it with Jeongguk's tattooed hand, he realizes that he shouldn't answer it. How would he explain being jumped at this hour. Instead, he stares at Namjoon's photo on his phone, at his name in bright white letters across the top. Yoongi grumbles, and Hoseok realizes he never silenced the ringer and whispers, "Sorry."
Silence and darkness fill the room once more, and Hoseok sits on the floor holding his phone in Jeongguk's hands. He feels deflated, like a balloon filled to the brink of explosion, then let go to fly around the room as all the air pushes itself out, leaving him a vacant, hollow shell of unwanted, shimmering latex. Hoseok's screen brightens once more with a message, and when he reads it, his heart drops. The vines around his ribs clench so tightly that cracks begin to form. 
Namjoon: I know it's 4, but I can't sleep. I told myself that if you picked up, we could talk it over, and I could begin to heal. But maybe it's for the best that we have some space. I'm going to stay with family for a while in Ilsan. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll call when I'm ready. Love you, Seok. Safe travels. 
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tag list: @btsstan12​, @dasexydevitt13, @giriiboyy, @moonleeai​ ✨ comment or dm to be added to the tag list!
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Dollhouse is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader! I love to hear from you! Comments and likes keep me motivated! 
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munsnz · 3 years
Bittersweet Critic — Steve Harrington ☘︎︎
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TW: Cussing??
Requested: None
Pairing: Steve Harrington x GN! Reader
Lydinous Radio: Bittersweet— Kennen
Summary: Steve is sick and tired after working at Family Video for months after the Starcourt incident. Christmas break comes up, meaning more people coming over to their homes. Unlike him, a witty college student comes by for an odd request, making him look like that douche from years back. Days later, he finds this person again, wanting to apologize for the prude actions from the previous..
Masterlist — Requests are open!
Another boring day.
Cold everywhere.
Showing where the bathroom was.
Rummaging through movie posters.
Checking out the pretty girls.
Organizing VHS shelves.
Another Thursday in the cold mornings in Hawkins, Indiana. Steve Harrington had been sick of working at Family Video after working here for 3 months since the incident in July. Now he and Robin were taking different shifts in days and rarely got time to work together at the same times. Watching the customers coming in and out of the store, he sighed due to boredom working there. He would’ve been off to college, possibly coming back for Christmas Break since everyone was coming home for Christmas. More families and couples came in and out of the store now, happy-looking faces, and cheerful moods. Steve realized how lonely he was, after his heartbreak with Nancy, the rejection from Robin, just grew on him, leaving him with the group of kids he mentally adopted. Where was he going with his life now? Was there a possible future for him? Is there-
“Hello? Are you deaf or something?”
The voice made him snap out of his thoughts and feelings to find a conventional rather good-looking person who stood upon him. Steve shakes his head to focus on his attention. “Sorry I was..... I was.....”
”Distracted?” You smiled at him and tapped your fingers on the counter.
Steve nods at your response and shrugs, “I suppose you’re correct.”
“I’m always correct,” You boasted while trying to sound humble about it. There was a silent chuckle shared between the two of you, but continued with the silence, “Anywho, I was wondering if you could give me a good movie recommendation.”
”A what now?” He questioned while being throughly confused by the weird request given by this person who he had just met in 5 minutes.
You sigh at his reaction and lean closer, “I need a good movie recommendation.”
”Oh... Oh...Right,” Steve looks around, trying to remember the movies he’s seen. Although working at a video store, it was hard to keep up with the most popular movies nowadays. He snaps with his fingers and looks up at you, “Back to the future is a good one.”
”I’ve watched it and it wasn’t that good.”
Well, there went one shot. Steve tried to keep concentration in this memory from the last film he saw while dozing off to look at you. Realizing another movies, he chuckles, “Star Wars?”
”A new hope?” You say, furrowing your eyebrows. It reminded Steve when he first got the job at this shithole.
”I don’t really know,” He mumbles, digging his fingers into his hair and watches you cross your arms.
“Well isnt this store supposed to have good staff that actually know a bit about film?”
Steve squints his eyes and clicks his tongue, “Well, I’m just a teenage boy who couldn’t get into college and is trying to earn a living, so I don’t know much.”
“Oh,” You sigh, looking down at your feet, and slide your paper from a notebook harshly across the counter, “Thanks for the help dipshit.”
”Are you a movie critic or something?” He desperately blurts out, wanting to continue to talk to someone,making you turn back to him.
In awe, you look at him up and down, sternly as you said, “I’m not, but I’m studying to work in the film industry in the future as if I’m here to fill out this assignment about the public’s perception on movies, but it’s okay if you don’t want to help, you don’t seem like it.”
”No! It’s actually okay,” Steve apologizes, softening his face and extended his hand to give him the paper, “I really got nothing else to do.”
You watched his hand, almost with pleading eyes to do something in such boredom he was in. After a hot minute of decided, you smiled and breathed to walk away to the exit of the store, “No thank you dipshit! Just remember first impressions are important!”
”What?” Steve gasps, with his mouth open at such rejection, watching you swiftly walk outside into your car to drive off. First impressions were important, he had looked like a total asshole in front of them. Now this was just a huge blow for him, no luck.
☘︎︎ ☘︎︎ ☘︎︎
“So..... what are you doing tomorrow?” Dustin questions, shuffling his feet in the snowy cement, putting his small hands in his pockets to avoid frostbite.
Steve sniffs, watching the people inside relaxing inside the cafe on a Tuesday morning in Hawkins, it was still Christmas break and now both guys were going to have their own day after the holidays.
”I don’t know, I’ll probably catch a movie,” He sighs, shivering in the snow falling on his hair. Watching the people inside, he sees that one familiar person. That movie critic. Different it was though, the person looked awfully stressed with a huge amount of papers scurried everyone on the table, not that one put together person he saw a few days back. His stomach dropped at the sight, not wanting to interact with them, “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, can we cancel this? I’m not comfortable.”
Dustin looked up at Steve, “Why not? We get a free time to hang out together, I heard they give the best hot chocolate!” Seeing Steve flustered, Dustin turned to see at what he was looking at before getting so weird, it seemed to be a person, somewhat Steve’s age, good-looking meanwhile scribbling notes onto sheets of paper. He hangs his mouth open and nudges Steve with a sly smile, “Oooooh! Someone’s got a crush!”
”Shut up,” He snaps, making Dustin stop giggling like an idiot. Steve gulps and feels a bit anxious about it, after all this time, why did he feel this way?
“Try talking to them,” Steve’s friend advices, both of them watching her through the window in deep concentration, “Until you feel the electricity.”
Steve glances at Dustin, “Don’t use my advice against me.”
”It’s not that bad, Steve,” Dustin claims, moving his jacket around a bit, “Maybe this is your chance.”
”Chance,” He scoffs at the comment, “I haven’t felt like this in months, what ever happened to the glory days where everybody would fall for me at first sight?”
“They probably like you,” Dustin shrugs and looks up at his friend hopelessly sigh, “What’s the matter? Do they not?”
“Well......” He mumbles, trailing off, “I made a really bad impression on them, they came over to the store and I seemed like an asshole, they don’t like me.”
After peering through the window, both boys noticed that same person’s eyes meet theirs. Panicked, they looked away rapidly, trying to not make the situation awkward. The person they were eyeing went back to their task, Dustin ran to the door, dragging Steve inside, “Go talk to them.”
Steve flattened his jacket and breathed deeply, feeling Dustin’s pudgy hands push him forward, making the bell ring as soon as he walked inside. Feeling awkward, he slowly trudged towards the table where you were sitting.
”Hey,” He shyly whispered, ruffling his hands inside his sweater, you looked up to meet his warm, brown eyes, confused of who this might be.
”Hey?” You watch him stand weirdly in front of you, feeling a sense of awkwardness in the air, “Take a seat if you want.”
Steve pulls the chair back to sit, scooting himself forward into the table. He looked over at Dustin who was grinning from the outside of the cafe, “How are you?”
”Fine, but have we met?” You squinted, trying your best to remember him, although you couldn’t, then went back to scurrying through your assignments.
”I believe so,” He watches you scurry through more and more assignments, writing quick notes on each page, “What are you working on?”
After finishing the second to last pair of notes, you reply, “Assignments, it’s crazy how college still wants to make you work your ass even though you’re on break. And how have we met?”
”Film student right?” The comment he made making you look up, he was correct. You nodded, watching his every move on how he knew, he sighs and goes on, “Well I’m that asshole that couldn’t do your stupid assignment for college.”
Wide eyed, you nodded your head and breathily giggled, “Oh yeah, the dipshit.”
”The dipshit,” He nervously repeated, remembering the brood impression he made on you, “Yeah so...... how did that go?”
”No one else wanted to do it,” You huffed as the memories of what dick he had been towards you, he seemed sorry for you, rapidly making sharp eye contact and looking away.
Steve watched your expressions changed as your thoughts did too, “Sorry about that.” Was all he said.
“It’s whatever,” You shrug, getting irritated a bit, but before you could comment anything else, he blurted out.
All you did was giggle at his flustering comment he gave you, he looked so hopeless and dazed off. Taking a sip of your French Roast coffee, feeling the bitter taste touch your taste buds, a new burst of energy filling you, you scratched your head, “Not so easy..... Dipshit. A. I don’t even know your name and who you are, B. you’re desperate.”
”I- w-what?” His words tumbled off his mouth, denying the answer, “I’m not, I-I just wanna help you.”
His dumbfounded expression made it harder for you not to laugh, “It’s okay, I was just teasing you. And I’m free around 4, if that works out.”
”O-oh, yeah I mean I have work but a day to skip won’t hurt,” Steve chuckles, feeling tingly around his hands, he had never felt this for years on end. Cliche much right?
You raised your eyebrows up and a tiny smile escaped your lips, “Okay, just so you know, it’s going to be a challenge to warm up to me.”
He nods his head, bringing his hands together in front of you, “Well I’m up for that challenge!”
”You dipshit.”
”You movie critic.”
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ventisehe · 3 years
being in a relationship with bennett and razor / genshin impact
i main these boys and they make such a great team, i love them so much. i had a lot of fun writing this hehe. again, all characters are aged up, 21 or older unless stated otherwise. this includes chongyun and xingqiu.
requested by: pastelpeachyposts
includes: bennett, razor
warning: unedited, not proofread
You, Bennett, and Razor were an unusual trio, and many will attest to this statement. You differ in personalities and ambitions, even favoring completely contrasting delicacies, and yet there will never be a more lively and iconic dynamic than the three of you.
You and Bennett were the first one to meet when he rescued you from a group of vicious Electro Slimes. He was successful in his intent, but you had to escort him back to Mondstadt where he can be healed by the Deaconess.
You met Razor the next after you grew comfortable with your friendship with Bennett. The latter excitedly told you about another friend of his who resided in Wolvendom and was quite well acquainted with the wolves. Your first encounter with Razor was rather tense, and understandably so. He was wary of you, watching your every move as you strolled around Wolvendom with a gleeful Bennett who was oblivious to the atmosphere between the two of you. Most of his experience with humans are less than ideal but as Bennett unknowingly forced the two of you to spend time together, his walls slowly broke and he accepted you as one of his Lupicals.
As time passed and the three of you grow closer and closer together, a revelation descended upon you, and a startling one at that. You acquired feelings for both boys. It wasn't difficult for you to understand why you grew to like both of them. They were so easy to fall in love with. Bennett is an adventurous and motivated boy who, although had a streak of bad luck in him, has a positive spirit and is very generous and caring towards everyone. Razor is a strong yet gentle soul who is protective over those dear to him, and will always go out of his way to show his affection with his uncommon but innocent gifts.
Unbeknownst to you, the two share the same feelings for you. Bennett knew he liked you when you refused to leave after he saved you, even after he insisted this was a normal occurrence for him. Razor took a while to understand what was that hammering in his chest after you took the responsibility of caring for the wolf pups his Lupicals gave birth to.
It was an awkward situation for the three of you when Bennett and Razor decided to confess to you at the same. When the two of them professed their love for you and offered their gifts with bowed heads and tightly closed eyes, they slowly turned to look at each other with puzzlement, heads tilted and eyebrows furrowed. You, however, stood in front if them with redness coating your face and a thundering heartbeat.
"You like ( Your Name ) too, Razor?" Questioned Bennett, gaping at him.
Razor nodded once. "Like her, very."
Normally, when two people discover that the a close friend of theirs holds the same affection to their person of interest, a quarrel will ensue, and estrangement will follow. But Bennett and Razor were very unlike such an example and instead of compromising their close friendship, the two came to an agreement that whoever you should choose - if you indeed have feelings for one of them - they will remain friends and accept your decision.
Imagine the surprise on their faces when you leaned forward and gave each one of them a small peck on their nose, admitting shyly that you have feelings for both of them.
It took some time for the three of you to get used to your relationship. After all, none of you have ever been in a relationship before, not to mention there was the three of you in it. You carefully treaded through uncertainties and tribulations of inexperience, and it took a while but the you, Bennett, and Razor got the hang of how to make your relationship work.
Bennett is always the one dragging you and Razor to adventures. He will come knocking at your door with a wide grin, Razor lingering behind him and giving you a small smile and a shy wave.
"We're going to Windrise today! I heard some adventurers saying they spotted a weird looking Hilichurl with a briefcase! Wanna join us?" Asked Bennett excitedly, eyes shimmering.
Razor glanced at the other boy before returning his gaze at you with firmness. "I will protect you both. No worry."
You can't ever say no to them, especially when both of them look so happy and thrilled.
Razor is the protector of the relationship. With the dangerous enviroment he grew up in and the training he took under the supervision of a human, it was to be expected. He was always on the prowl, prepared to draw out his claymore and defend you and Bennett from any enemies with an evil intent.
You and Bennett are never worried of being attacked out of nowhere with Razor around you.
Razor takes his responsibility as your protector seriously. The rare times he and Bennett come over at your place, he will never allow himself to fall asleep and would sit by the window where he can oversee your residence. You and Bennett would have to drag him to your bed and convince him that you were in a safe enviroment to make him ease down and actually take a rest.
You three share the same bed, and it's always you in the middle. Bennett will cling on to your slumbering form and would snore from time to time, but when you stroke his hair or when Razor softly nudge his head against his, Bennett will quiet down for a while and continue snoring again after. Razor was quite a sight to see when sleeping. Being raised and cared for by wolves, it was to be expected he would mimic their position in sleeping. He would curl up beside you or Bennett, always nuzzling his face against the crook of your necks. You and Bennett will never say it but he looks so adorable when sleeping like that.
You and Razor know of Bennett's unluckiness. Unfortunately, because you're in a relationship, you two are more involved in his bad luck. Bennett is always guilty of putting the both of you in difficult situations and will apologize profusely, even when the two of you insist that it wasn't his fault.
"It kind of sucks that I'm also giving bad luck to the two of you. I mean, you're one of the few good things that ever happened in my life." He admitted in a gentle whisper, a pout forming on his visage as tears begin to appear at tbe corners of his eyes.
You and Razor felt like an arrow shot through your hearts at what he said and you spend your time cheering up Bennett. Although his unluckiness always seemed to hinder your attempts, Bennett appreciated and loved your efforts, which is enough to bring back his big smile.
When the rare times come when one of you are busy and cannot find time for the other two, the latter pair will frequently visit the missing member, often with gifts.
Bennett loves giving you kisses. Not just on the lips, but all over your face. When your relationship was still at the early stages, Bennett would lean forward towards your face and pull back after an awkward amount of time of hesitation. But when you told him that he is allowed to give you kisses and you would love to receive them, Bennett will take all the chances to shower you with kisses. He loves giving kisses more than receiving because he has so much love to give, but when you do the same to him, his cheeks will be painted in a rich scarlet color and his tongue will be tied, unable to anything except stammering.
"A-Ah, ( Your Name ), please, stop - " Stuttered Bennett as he covered his blushing face with his gloved hands, embarrassment palpable in his posture.
You let out a giggle as you took his hands and tried to pry them off. "Aww, don't be like that, Benny. Let me see your cute face. And I know you love my kisses."
Bennett splutteted.
Razor prefers to give you hugs over kisses. His hugs are big, warm, and welcoming. You'll always feel safe when you're in his arms. When you're in his embrace and you're both comfortable, you won't be leaving his arms for a while. Sometimes Bennett will wiggle himself into the embrace and the three of you just cuddle.
"You're so warm, Razor." You whispered as you nestled yourself on his chest.
Razor showed you a small smile. "I make you feel safe?"
You let out a laugh. "And loved."
More often than not, Bennett and Razor will convene and think of something to surprise you. These boys are filled with love for you that even if there's no occassion, they'll come together to buy you a gift they thought of together.
Bennett gives you trinkets from his solo adventures, but even if most of the time they're broken or burnt, you heartily accept them. Razor always gives you items that are found in the wild such as sweet flowers, mushrooms, pinecones, windwheel asters, sometimes wolfhooks, and if he was lucky, an abundant amount of fowls. You mentioned once how you needed ingredients to make food while you're out adventuring alone, or some things for this thing you call ascension. You love their gifts and always make good use of them or take good care of them.
Bennett had long introduced Razor to his dads (a group of adventurers who saved Bennett long ago). When he introduced you to them, you were immediately flocked and you regaled with tales of their adventures back when they were young, and Bennett was just a wee baby then. You stayed with them for hours, just listening. All the while, Bennett just enjoyed watching you get along with his family so well. Since the adventurers were old, you visit them often and help Bennett take care of them.
Some would think meeting Razor's family would be difficult. They are wolves, after all, and they were known for being vicious. But they couldn't be more wrong Anyone Razor trusted, the wolves trusted so they immeditely accepted you in their pack and treated you the way they treated Razor. They surround you whenever they sense danger, ready to pounce on whatever enemy emerges. The wolves would stay close by and let you snuggle into their fur when the weather is cold. Razor really likes it when you play with the wolf pups and help in hunting dinner for his family.
Bennett and Razor talk about you with their families. Bennett's dads approved of you the very second they saw a glimmer in his eyes when he mentions you, and even though the wolves cannot understand Razor's human speech, they can sense the love in his voice and the frequent drop of your name makes them understand it was directed to you.
" - she and Razor helped me fight an Abyss Mage earlier!" Bennett exclaimed, beaming. "If it weren't for them, I would've probably returned back here with more injuries, hehe."
"( Your Name ) made Bennett and me flower bracelets." Razor then proceeded to lift his arms to show the wolf pups the bracelet he mentioned. "Now, Razor need to take care of it, so me not moving around much."
The three of you always walk hand in hand together, you in the middle. You will swing your linked hands together and Bennett will follow your lead. You and Bennett will have to encourage Razor do the same and have to explain the process of it. Razor will be a little confused at first but then begin enjoy the hand swinging once he get used to it.
Dates are frequent, and it'll always be with the three of you. You all promised never to have a date with someone missing. There will be times where the boys will want a private date with you, but most of the time, it's always you three.
Bennett's dates are adventurous - of course - and unique. He'll find some place you haven't seen before or find an activity you three can try. You'll experience a lot of things in his dates, this includes being attacked out of nowhere and having to save Bennett from time to time. Nonetheless, his dates are always fun and will your heart palpitating.
Razor's dates are simple and peaceful. He'll find a nice and safe place with a beautiful view and the three of you have a picnic there. He's always the one preparing the food for you to eat, but you and Bennett will always bring desserts for Razor to try. Razor insisted that he wanted to learn more human dishes and he can find motivation in doing so by having you and Bennett eat them. His cookings at first were not up to standards - or consumption - but the more dates he arrange, the better he becomes. You mentioned once you liked his hash brown shaped as a puppy paw print and strived to perfect it. If you're lucky, he'll even bring a wolf pup or two.
In your dates, you always make sure you cater to your partners interests. You will do something Bennett likes to do, and then what Razor likes, and then something the three of you can bond over. With that, your dates are always chaotic (not as chaotic as Bennett's dates though) but extremely fun.
Bennett and Razor are suckers for your compliments. They always love getting them from you. Although the two have different ways of accepting them.
Bennett cannot easily accept compliments. It was rare for him to receive one with his bad luck and whenever he does get one, he malfunctions. What more if it comes from you?
Bennett will shake his head vigorously as redness painted his cheeks, waving his arms as though denying your compliment.
"( Your Name ), y-you can't mean that! I-I'm not that great!"
"But Benny," You cooed, as you leaned closer to him, smiling. "You're one of the best person I've ever met! You're kind, sweet and - "
As you continue praising him, Bennett will slowly, slowly accept your compliments, and you might not know, but your compliments are building his confidence in himself. Bennett is a happy and positive boy but his bad luck caused him so much troubles and backlash that his self esteem plummeted. Continue supporting and praising this boy, you're making him super happy.
"I guess I do have some good qualities . . . thanks ( Your Name ). You're really cool, too. And very pretty." Bennett admits as he rubbed the back of his head.
Razor's compliments to Bennett are simple and straightforward, and somehow Bennett accepts them easier than yours. Probably because it's simple and straightforward.
Unlike Bennett, Razor accepts your compliments with a smile and always returns your compliments with one of his own. He doesn't know why some people are embarrassed being complimented. It was a nice thing to do, after all.
"You're really strong, Razor!" You exclaimed after watching the Cryo Abyss Mage he was battlinng evaporate in thin air.
Razor faced you, a smile gracing his briks as he wiped a sweat from his brow. "Thank you. You strong too."
"I can fight Hilichurls, but I'll need some backup if it's Abyss Mages." You laughed. "But thanks, Razor!"
Razor and Bennett insisted that they help you train. You have seen how they fought and trained, and you were a bit reluctant because of its harshness, but after contemplating over its benefits like being able to defend yourself, helping more in adventures, and being able to finally properly protect Bennett and Razor, you accepted.
Bennett is very eager to teach you what he knows and has brought you and Razor to a nearby Hilichurl camp to showcase his abilities and give you pointers after. You and Razor end up carrying him back to the Mondstadt with his arms over your shoulders, the Hilichurl camp up in flames behind you two.
"Did I . . . defeat them?" Questioned Bennett. He couldn't lift his head from the exhaustion and pain.
"Yes, you definitely did." You answered.
Razor's training was a bit more proper but you haven't learned much because his training required claymore, and you were far from being a claymore user. Razor demonstrsted how to pick up a claymore but you couldn't even lift it off the ground.
You pouted as your hands lets go of the handle of the claymore. "I couldn't do it."
Razor approached you and patted your head. "Good effort. Maybe claymore not for you."
Bennett and Razor now always goes to you when they need patching up. Now, they could go and visit Barbara like they used to but they preferred that you tend to their wounds for two reasons. One, they love you and love spending time with you. Two, they get kisses on each wound you cover.
Bennett has a habit of running towards you and Razor at full speed and tackling you both down to the ground, hugging the two of you. You and Razor don't mind it and actually enjoy this sort of thing.
Razor named wolf pups after you and Bennett. This causes confusion when you visit him at Wolvendom.
"Bennett, sit." Ordered Razor.
Bennett and wolf pup Bennett both sat down at the same time.
"( Your Name ), stop playing with food." Razor reprimanded sternly.
You looked down at your plate of neatly cut steak strips while wolf pup ( Your Name ) who sat by your feet poking at the meat it was eating whimpered.
When a fight ensues between you three, it won't take long before you relent and make amends. You three have soft hearts and can never stay angry at each other for too long. You apologize and promise to be better and more understanding.
But if a fight arises between only a pair, the one who isn't part of the fight courts the other two to make up already. If you and Bennett have an argument, Razor will push Bennett to talk things out with you. If you and Razor are the ones in the argument, Bennett will panic and will have a hard time choosing who to approach first. You and Razor make up after the two of you try to comfort Bennett at the same time. If Bennett and Razor were the ones in an argument, you can easily talk to them individually and the two will approach the other and apologize.
Bennett and Razor never compete to be your favorite. They know you love both of them equally, and they love you just as much. You have never felt unloved when you're with them. You three are content and happy.
The most wholesome relationship ever.
"And you two got ambushed by a Geovishap - wait a minute - " Your eyelids curtained your retinas as your digits delicately massaged your temples, trying to ease the pressure in your head as Razor and Bennett averted their guilty gazes from you. Their skis were marred in cuts and bruises, their hair disheveled, and clothes torn from what you suspect were large and sharp claws from a humongous creature. " - how did you two even encounter . . . what was it again - a Geovishap? I know there isn't one in Mondstadt."
Bennett reached out to rub a his hand of his over his neck as he tried to dismiss the mystery at hand with a chuckle. "Uh, well, we kinda . . . " He trailed off, clearly not fond of the idea of continuing his sentence.
Your eye fluttered open and you lifted a brow at Bennett. "You what?"
Bennett opened his mouth to answer but right when you thought he was about to speak, he nudged Razor with his elbow and whispered, "You tell her."
Razor turned to you and looked at you with reluctant eyes, shoulders slackening. "Me and Bennett," He began, " - went to Liyue."
You let out a deep at their answer, your hands slipping from your hips. "I knew it. I heard the two of you talking about doing a commission there. I just didn't think you'd go through with it, and without mentioning it to me." You stated. "Do you know how worried I was when the two of you didn't visit me earlier? I had to learn from Katheryne you took on a commission."
Bennett and Razor casted their gazes away, guilt crowning their expression.
You heaved out a sigh. "At least you two are back safely. And alive."
You approached the two boys who have yet to return their sights on you and assessed their forms, scrutinizing each of them carefully. "You poor things. Those look painful." You murmured. "Need me to patch you up?"
Bennett's and Razor's eyes shimmered at your offer, and the two nodded eagerly in response. Any traces of shame vanquished for they know your disappointment has evaporated and they were forgiven. "Yes, please." The two answered in unison.
You permitted a small laugh to escape your lips. "Alright, alright," You tittered. "Follow me, then."
Before you can even move, Bennett interjected. "W-Will we still get kisses . . . " The white haired adventurer turned completely red as he realized how silly his words were. " . . . you know what I mean . . . "
Razor looked down, a shy expression encompassing his features, to which surprised you. "Razor wants kisses too . . . from ( Your Name )."
Your heart jumped in your chest at the sight of their hopeful and coy expressions. Even if you wanted to tease them a little for this as payback, your heart couldn't. You shook your head at them and clasped their cheeks, one hand on the other as you stared into their eyes.
"You two . . . " You whispered, breathing out. " . . . you make it so hard to be angry with you."
Their only response was a grin.
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
Hucow!AU Part 5 (FINALE!!!)
WOOHOO!! It’s finally Bruno’s turn, I saved best boy for last.  All parts combined in gdocs are 29 pages total, this is def the longest thing i’ve written in over a decade!! I hope you enjoy, and look forward to whatever i decide to write next
thanks, and enjoy!
as always. credit goes to @dark-side-blog2 for the wonderful hucow! au
WARNINGS: not sfw, yandere, duncon, noncon, sleep fucking, force feeding, manipulation, dark themes, afab reader, she/her pronouns, all characters 18+!!
After taking care of Narancia and tucking him into bed, Bruno returned to your room once more.  You slept like the dead, worn out from a long night.  Bruno smiled proudly, you had been wonderful for them.  Each bull, you had accepted their love, their passion, their essence and earned your place in the herd once again.  It filled Bruno with such joy, knowing that you were the perfect mate for them, for all of them.
You were caring and kind for Narancia, playful and fun for Mista, calming and gentle for Fugo, accepting and attentive for Abbacchio.  And for Bruno: you were everything.  For so long, there had been a piece of the puzzle missing in his life.  He had a family with no mother, no children.  
Bruno had met you first in a very dark part of his life-his herd was beaten, driven from his home in fear, on the brink of death with no hope.  And then, you had appeared, an angel hidden away in paradise, offering safety, shelter.  Much more than that, even, with a little bit of convincing, and a lot of planning.  He would have his family, his children, and you.
Bruno knew how to play the long game, how to strategize and manipulate, but he only did it for good reason.  He had to, you were too prideful, too stubborn to realize how much you needed him.  You were running a giant farm several acres large by yourself, no employees, relatives or neighbors to help.  Bruno couldn’t have that,now could he?  He and the other bulls took over the hard work and heavy lifting-eventually, after a lot of hemming and hawing from you.  Bruno managed to talk you into it; it was beneficial for both of you, a way for the bulls to earn their keep and for you to get some help.
The bulls helped with Bruno’s plan as well, in their own ways.  Mista put his cooking skills to use, making you healthy meals infused with lackweed (Mulgeo, a plant that encouraged your body to lactate) and pills that increased your sexual urges.  He’d even been adding charcoal to your meals to cancel out your birth control; it wasn’t necessary, Bruno had gotten rid of your birth control months ago while you were asleep, but Bruno appreciated it nonetheless.  
Narancia had gotten you to warm up to them very quickly, being as innocent and naive as he was, and Bruno was able to use him to display his parenting skills.  Yes, Narancia was a grown bull, and mostly treated as such, but he was still the youngest, and hard not to spoil.  Plus, the way you seemed to light up when Bruno would baby Narancia- it was clear your maternal instincts were awakening.  Good!  It was excellent practice for your own children.  
Fugo was admittedly the most awkward around you, it wasn’t really his fault, though.  He had the least experience out of the bulls with women, but Bruno could tell his true feelings about you.  So, he encouraged Fugo to show his strengths to you; mainly his brain.  There was an old tractor collecting rust that needed repairs, and you had lost several crops last season due to lack of irrigation. Fugo was able to repair them, thanks to researching some books and some help from you.  Plus, it was one less job for you to do, and another reason for you to depend on them.  Bruno knew Fugo was nervous, but Bruno was certain he’d be a good mate and husband.  He would make their children very smart.
Abbacchio could be a little rough around the edges, it's true, but he clearly had a soft spot for you.  While he would smack Mista and Narancia around when they got on his nerves or got ornery, you he respected and let a lot slide.  Bruno had seen you tug on his tail (admittedly by accident) , elbow him (after a funny joke), and even put flowers (that he was allergic to!) in his hair!  Abbacchio had taken it in stride, and even defended you when Mista’s teasing or the other shenanigans went too far.  Plus, Abbacchio’s skills as a lockpick let them sneak into your house when you were away or sleeping.  Very useful indeed…
 Bruno knew he had to share you, as much as he wanted you for his own.  He couldn’t hurt his herd, his brothers, who loved you almost as much as he did.  So Bruno was patient, he let them have their turns first, keep the peace….
But Bruno couldn’t wait any longer.
The timing had to be perfect, to ensure he had the best chances. He had snuck into your home months before, stealing and disposing of your birth control, and destroying your refill prescription.  Thankfully you were too busy and preoccupied to make a new appointment with the doctor for new medication, which Bruno appreciated greatly.   Digging through your trash, he was able to record and determine your cycle, in order to find out when you would be most fertile.  He would allow his herd many things,including you.
But his child would be first.
Letting the others go first- he allowed it before you were truly in heat.  They didn’t know why, but were grateful nonetheless, eager to claim you. 
He pulled back your blankets, after making sure you were deep in R.E.M. sleep.  Birds started chirping as dawn rose outside, but you were dead to the world.  So much, in fact, that when Bruno pulled back your bed sheets you didn’t so much as flinch.  You were still nude, too tired to put your pajamas back on last night; Bruno admired the early morning light glowing on your body.  Bruno kissed down your face and body everywhere the sun touched, relieved you were still asleep.  Bruno made note of every bruise and marking on your skin to treat later that morning, as he went lower and lower down your body.  Spreading your legs, you tasted divine.  You were definitely ready, too: now would be his best chance. 
 Licking the others out of your core, he heard you quietly whimper- he paused, waiting for you to stir, but you eventually drifted back to sleep.  You always were cute when you slept, the way you would sometimes talk in your sleep or kick your legs “Running.”  Bruno had learned a lot observing you, and intended to learn a lot more from you today.  He cleaned you out with his tongue and prepped you thoroughly-maybe it was petty of him, saving you all for himself, but Bruno was the alpha bull, and the perfect mate for you.  That’s why it was so important to not just get you pregnant, but pregnant with his children.  It’s what you, the both of you deserved.
Once Bruno was certain you were ready ( you were still soft and wet from last night, and pleasantly warm against his tongue and fingers)  he leaned over you, pulling your legs up against his shoulders into a mating press.  It terrified him how easily you slept, how dangerous it would be if his herd hadn’t found you.  What if someone else had found you before them, taken you like this in your sleep?  It worried him so, that’s why he had to do this, claim you and protect you from any rivals.
  Bruno stroked your cheek, before pressing inside.  Finally, after all this time, he was inside of you, warm and wonderful and all his.  You squirmed in your sleep,but otherwise accepted him without complaint.  Bruno was so happy he could cry, he settled for kissing your  shoulder as he pushed into the hilt.  Bruno couldn’t hold his urges back any longer, he thrust into you again and again, hitting against your sweet spot.  You cried out in your sleep, jumbled noises Bruno convinced himself were his name.  In this position, he was able to reach so deep, force himself as far inside as he could reach.  
His grip on you tightened, feeling the strain of the position, the slap of his balls on your ass fueling his desire more.  But it wasn’t enough, he had to make sure you felt good too.  He suckled your chest, licking your nipples the way he had seen you enjoy.  Your pussy was so wet he was able to rub slick onto your hard throbbing clit, careful to rub the raw skin gently. 
“Y/n, I’m so thankful to have found you, finally we can make our dreams come true~” Bruno whispered to you, desperate for you to know the feelings he’d held back for so long.
“I can hardly hold back with you; I’ve been waiting so long for this, and I can tell now that so have you.  Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, we all will.  Just give in, you can trust me.”  Bruno pleaded, close to the edge.  Bruno grit his teeth, it was about to end, all too soon.  Bruno wasn’t ready, he wanted to stay like this with you forever.  Relief washed over Bruno as he heard you cry out in release, tightening around him and bringing him to release.
“I’m cumming, y/n.  Please, accept all of me!”  He gasped,spilling his seed inside.  Tears Bruno had held back spilled down as his emotions overcame him, something he would only allow to happen while you couldn’t see.  He was certain this was the right thing to do, now more than ever.  You were his, all of theirs, safe and protected. 
 In the next months, you would become full with child.  Naturally, you would have to stop manual labor-which would be fine, you could depend on your sturdy bulls to run the farm for you.  And then when you had their children, you would need to raise them. Obviously, you had five capable mates to help you; taking turns feeding them, staying up on long sleepless nights, teaching them right from wrong.  So many precious memories to be made with you, Bruno could 
hardly wait.
As Bruno turned to leave you to rest, he saw you start to rise.
“...Bruno?”  You called weakly, and Bruno was by your side in an instant.
“Y/n?  What’s wrong, you’re up so early?”  Bruno asked, concerned.  
“...It’s hot” you groaned, reaching out for him.  Bruno’s heart fluttered, you called out for him.  He felt your forehead; admittedly sweaty, but not necessarily from illness.  
“You are a little warm.  Let’s get you out of these sweaty blankets and cleaned up.”  Bruno helped you out of your sheets, and ran to get a damp washcloth.  He returned quickly, sitting on your bed and wiped the cloth over your body.  Your body flushed, and whenever you thought Bruno wasn’t looking, you would glance over at him.  Bruno smiled to himself, you really were spoiling him this morning-he couldn’t be more delighted.
“Are you feeling any better?  You should take it easy today, you had a long night.”  Bruno said as he washed your stomach.
“Umm, yes, im-ahh!”  You jumped, as Bruno’s wash cloth reached your nether regions.  
“Relax, bella, It’s important to clean this area as well. We don’t want you getting sick now do we?”  Bruno continued, unfazed by your reaction.  You fidgeted a moment longer, but considering all that had happened, you relented.  What more could Bruno do to you?
He toweled you off quickly, patting you dry and then headed to your closet.
“Let’s find you something extra comfortable to wear today, shall we?”  Bruno asked, flipping through your hangers.  What a shame, most of your outfits were utilitarian and industrial, not befitting a mother to be.  
“Oh, Bruno, you don’t have to-”  You began, but Bruno cut you off.
“Here we go, perfect!  Ah, and this shade of lavender will look lovely on you!”  Bruno proclaimed, holding up a flowery sundress made of soft cotton.  Very comfortable, but not the best for farm work.  Bruno couldn’t be stopped though, grabbing some undergarments for you    (how did he know where you kept them?) and helped you sit up in bed.
“Let’s get you dressed, as much as I love the thought of having you nude all day, nothing will get done around the farm with the boys fawning over you.”  Bruno chuckled, sliding socks onto your feet for you.
“Bruno, please! I can dress myself!”  You pleaded, trying to pull away, but Bruno stopped you with gentle but firm hands.  
“Bella, please-let me take care of you the way you’ve taken care of us.  It’s only fair, isn’t it?”  Bruno smiled, tugging your socks up to your ankles.  He held a white pair of panties out for you, “Step in, dear, one foot at a time” You groaned, turning an adorable shade of red Bruno loved, but did indeed let him slide the panties up and onto you.  He convinced you to skip a bra today (Bruno wasn’t completely selfless) and slip into the sundress, snug as a bug.
“Much better!  Now, do you want to see if you can get some more sleep?  You didn’t get many hours of sleep last night, and your body must be very sore.”  He asked you, stroking your cheek.  “Well, maybe later, but-”  You began, only to be interrupted by your growling stomach.  Bruno chuckled, “Ahh, of course, let’s get you fed shall we?”  he winked, placing a hand on the small of your back and escorting you to the kitchen.
You tried to make yourself breakfast, really you did, but Bruno wasn’t giving you any leeway this morning.
“Please, Bambina, let me cook for you.  You always make the rest of us meals, and I’m not completely hopeless in the kitchen.”  He told you, sitting you on a kitchen chair, rolling up his sleeves.  True to his word, he was decent in the kitchen-more than decent, in fact.  Bruno fried up a pig’s worth of bacon, crispy and fried with a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Eggs, sunny-side scrambled and over-easy, just a little bit runny and fresh from your henhouse.  And the cru-de-ta, a mountain-pile of fluffy home batter pancakes, smothered in homemade syrup and creamy smooth butter dollops piled on top.  Bruno piled your plate to the brim, sure to give you only the crunchiest bacon strips and roundest pancakes, with plenty left over for the boys.  It was a miracle the other boys hadn’t woken up yet, but you supposed they were still wiped out from the night before and needed a little more rest.  
Bruno didn’t mind one bit, enjoying the one on one time with you he rarely got.  Sitting patiently for him like a good mate, letting him clean you, dress you, even feed you. Bruno was determined to spoil you, so you would never want for anything other than him again.  Looking around your plate, you asked Bruno, “Sorry, but you forgot to grab a fork and knife.  Would you mind?”  
Bruno smiled, unblinkingly, “Oh no, I didn’t.  Open wide~”  He cooed, stacking a silver fork full of your breakfast.  You looked at him incredulously, “Seriously?”  
Bruno didn’t relent, smile unwavering, “You wouldn’t turn down all my hard work and this delicious food, would you?”  
You wanted to argue with him, you really did.  For every inch he gave you, he took a mile, and it was starting to be humiliating.  But for whatever reason, Bruno always made you cave.  Besides, after everything you’d been through, he’d never hurt you, always gentle and caring.  So, against your better judgement, you sheepishly opened your mouth for him.
Bruno lifted the fork into your mouth, watching your lips close around his fork.  You savored the buttery rich flavor of the pancakes, the spongy texture bouncing lightly in your mouth as you chewed.  To say it was delicious would be an understatement; you were starting to consider letting Mista and Bruno handle mealtime more often.  Bruno bit the corner of his lip, watching you eat your meal.  You wanted to pout, not give Bruno the satisfaction of knowing you enjoyed being babied like this, but you couldn’t help smiling as you swallowed bite after bite, opening your mouth and even leaning forward.  Each bite was better than the last; the salty sweet bacon grease and runny eggs soaked into the pancakes, soaking up the flavor medley and sending your palette into overdrive. 
 Bruno loved every minute, watching you let your guard down for him, licking up syrup from your chin, even letting him wipe your cheek clean with a napkin.  Your stomach puffed out as you ate through your meal, it excited him to know he did that to you, and that your stomach would soon be even more distended and full with his baby.  Your plate was nearly clean, but you didn’t think you could eat another bite.  Bruno had given you so much already, and it was all delicious and rich, and had no more room.
“Please, Bruno, I’m full to the brim.  I’m sorry but I can’t eat anymore.”  You groaned, clutching your stomach.  
“Oh please, just another bite, bambina~  you’ve done so well, you’re almost done.”  He cooed, forking the last bits on your plate.  You tried to excuse yourself, but Bruno stuffed it into your open unsuspecting mouth.  You nearly choked on the utensil forcing your way into your mouth, a sugary syrupy mess that was starting to nauseate you.  It was too much, too rich, but Bruno held your mouth shut.
“Please, y/n, you have to eat more.  Think of our children, won’t you?”  You froze, as you remembered everything that had happened last night with a wave.  You looked at Bruno, mouth still full and ready to vomit.  His gaze tore into you, more serious than he had been all morning.  In fact, the last time he looked at you like that…
Bruno rubbed your back, as your eyes watered and spilled over.  Poor thing, were you already having morning sickness?  No worries, it was only natural; he would take care of you. You were having trouble breathing, not sure if it was the food or the panic setting in.  
“Come on Bambina, you’re almost done.  Just swallow it all down, you can do it~”  Bruno hissed, as he plugged up your nose.  Bruno sighed, watching your eyes bug out; he didn’t want to be harsh with you, but what other choice were you giving him?  You needed to follow his orders, that’s how he kept you safe and happy.  “Now, y/n”  
Despite the lump in your throat, you had no choice but to swallow, the lack of oxygen making you gag.  How could you forget who you were dealing with?  How could you let him take advantage of you again and again?  You wiped the snot and tears from your face, catching your breath.  You flinched as a familiar hand reached out and grabbed your chin.  Bruno turned you to look at him, his face calm and smiling as if nothing had happened.
“There, Bambina, that wasn’t so bad was it?  You have to let me take care of you, okay?  We don’t want you hurting yourself do we?”  He asked, voice soft and patronizing, like he hadn’t just force fed you against your will.  You wanted to run away, but didn’t know where to go.  It didn’t help any as you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  
“Yo, y/n!  You’re up already?  I thought we wiped you out last night!”
“Guess we’ll have to try harder next time.”
“Are you okay, y/n?  You look ill.  Maybe you should go back to bed.”
“Ohh, it smells so good!  Did you make breakfast for us, y/n?”
You were surrounded.  No way out.  Five strong angry bulls that had taken over your life, your home, even your body.  You couldn’t trust them, not any of them.  There was no escape.
“What’s wrong, bella?  Are you crying?”
“Don’t cry, y/n!  There’s nothing to worry about, we’ll take care of you!”
“You can count on us, y/n.  We’re mates, after all.”
You were trapped.
 You opened your mouth to scream, but it was no use.
It’s not like anyone would hear you, anyways
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