#the sexism in this fandom is crazy
Istg if I don’t see everyone freaking out ab Zar’s new fic the same way they did with just lovers and crimson rivers. Zar’s fics are all extremely popular and he’s a beloved author in this fandom, this is the first fic he’s writing that is centric on a wlw ship and it’s so disheartening seeing so many people ignore it just because of that.
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 months
I am having late night sleepover thoughts but like.
The thing about Naoto's arc is that if you insist on reading it solely as a story about sexism and Naoto only presents as male to avoid workplace sexism...
Then it's a shitty arc that fails at that goal? Because you'd like. Expect as part of that arc to have Naoto embrace feminity, say "I'm good enough on my own I don't need to present as male to get what I want" and in general be the most generic 90s-mid 2000s baby's first feminism arc but it ISN'T
Like. Ok sure some of the spin offs that take place post game give Naoto a more feminine design but the base game itself? Getting Naoto to dress in a skirt is like pulling teeth.
I cannot stress this enough guys, Disney's Mulan does not have Mulan continue to present as Ping once she is found out (and I don't say this to deny a trans reading of Mulan. I'm saying this as a basic point of comparison for a cis reading of Naoto)
Like what is Cis Naoto's story? "She presents as a dude to gain more respect. When she is in a peer group that doesn't care about her gender... she still presents as male because she can never really overcome the sexism of broader society by being herself?"
Yeah, what a great thing to implicitly tell your female players, and yet it never comes up?
Almost like people who are emphatically against a queer reading of Naoto's arc haven't really thought through the implications of a straight/cis reading either, they just say "it's about sexism, idiot" and leave it at that
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meadow-mellow · 8 days
Man. I'm too old for ship fighting/discourse. I ain't 16 anymore, dunno how these ppl manage to remain so stagnated mentally cause you'd expect they'd outgrow this kinda thing.
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iwatcheditbegin · 16 days
Taylor haters have the most unnatural and unhealthy obsession with her. But somehow people like me who grew up with her music are creepy cult worshippers.
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doffies · 5 months
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vintagebyers · 4 months
i’m about to say something i’m sure a lot of people don’t want to hear, but i truly cannot fathom the hold tommy kinard has on half this fandom. he is more of a cardboard cutout of a character than anything. the majority of the (very little) time he’s been on screen, he’s been more irritable than likable. the closet comment on their first date? sure, let’s say something like that in front of buck’s best friend and potentially out him. tommy of all people should’ve understood that it is a struggle to accept your sexuality. the daddy issues comment?? CRAZY in the context of the situation, and in no way the serve he thought it was. tommy has mentioned he’s jealous of buck twice now, and yet people still don’t see the red flags of it all. not to mention his past of racism and sexism, which most conveniently brush aside. though god forbid, the person who acted like this was a woman. the pitchforks for her character would of been immediate…
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madara-fate · 2 months
Sometimes I don't understand these people
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How is a woman supporting a man, sexist? What is wrong with being supportive? That's not called sexism that's traditionalism, these people force their own views on others and it's infuriating sometimes.
Didn't Naruto say he likes Hinata?
Didn't Sasuke thank Sakura ?
Wasn't Shikamaru greatful when Temari came to his aid, didn't you see the fondness in his face
Most of the complaints there are untrue.
Wtf do they want Mikoto to do? Play ninja while her sons are infants. They want her to be a bad mother. What just to chase a career of death.
And no Sakura isn't a bad mom, she prioritizes Sarada over her work. We see her spend more time with Sadara and being a good mom.
I don't understand it,do they want a man in a woman's body? Sakura Hinata Kushina and Mikoto chose family over work because they are good women. They are selfless and love their families. And that Hinata is basically a pacifist.
Heck Tsunade who I reckon as the best of them all is still devoted to her love and family (Dan and Nawaki). After all she became Hokage for them if I remember correctly.
Btw is Mikoto even a Jonin?! I remember Sasuke saying fucking toddler Itachi is better than her in shuriken jutsu.
Kaguya is the origins behind chakra but it's Zetsu that causes all the problems. It was he who planned her resurrection and it was he who brainwashed the Uchiha.
Most of the story men were villains so when a woman is finally the villain it's suddenly sexist?
I don't get the sexism in here tbh
"Sexism" is another one of those annoying buzzwords that people just love to carelessly throw around and grossly misuse in this fandom, right up there with "misogyny", "homophobic" and "fangirl". Everything that person said is complete and utter unadulterated nonsense, everything. I was actually left dumbfounded by the sheer level of absurdity emanating from what I just read. I thought I had read it all in the Naruto fandom but fucking hell, there are literally no bounds to the amount of drivel people can spew in this fandom.
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So apparently, every single female character was defined by her relationships to men, and most of them were also boy-crazy. I'm not gonna bother listing a plethora of female characters proving this statement to be idiotic, but it also shows how much of the female cast's characters this person is ignoring by claiming how all of them are defined by their relationships to men.
People love to say how someone like Sakura was "obsessed with Sasuke", despite the fact that by their logic, Naruto was even more obsessed with Sasuke. But then they'll try and counter by highlighting his other relationships with Jiraiya, Iruka etc. As if Sakura didn't have her own other relationships with Tsunade, Ino, Hinata etc. They think someone like Ino is "boy-crazy", as if she didn't have very prominent and platonic relationships with Shikamaru, Choji, Asuma and her father. The relationships she had with them were far more prominent and important than her romantic relationships, but this person will of course ignore all of that and insinuate that Ino was boy-crazy, as if the romantic relationships were all her character amounted to.
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Apparently, Shikamaru not being shown to marry Temari during his Infinite Tsukuyomi dream is evidence that he actively dislikes her. God only knows how they reached that conclusion.
Sai ultimately didn't find Ino ugly, as evidenced by Shikamaru Hiden's conclusion.
The amount of times Naruto has praised and held Hinata in high regard... The blood promise during the Chuunin Exams, the "Proud Failure" speech, him reassuring her during the skirmish with the White Zetsus, the hand holding scene, the entirety of The Last...
Sasuke called Sakura annoying at the very beginning, but she became one of his most precious comrades, as he himself stated.
This person literally picks and chooses where the story just ends for certain characters because they just ignore all of the later developments for these characters and their relationships.
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Another stupid generalisation, acting as if all men who showed some measure of interest in women were just like Jiraiya or Ebisu.
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Not every scene depicting Naruto's crush on Sakura showed goofy immaturity and innocence, and his growing feelings for Hinata certainly didn't demonstrate that.
Lee's crush on Sakura wasn't dropped entirely, they were brought up again during his Infinite Tsukuyomi dream.
So because Obito retained his feelings for Rin into adulthood, it means he was still the same childish boy? So by this person's logic, you can only truly grow up once you've moved on from the romantic feelings you had as a child? That's the same ridiculous argument I hear about Sakura - she developed in so many different ways as a person, but because she held on to her feelings for Sasuke, all of her development doesn't matter and her character regressed according to these people. It's pathetic.
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"Women were almost always healers and support", despite the fact that 57% of all the Medic-Nins shown in the series were male, yeah I did my research on that one.
"Women make up less than 1/3 of ninjas even at Genin level", no. The ratio is definitely in favour of the male characters, but it's not that large. But that's to be expected, it's a battle shounen catered to young boys, so of course there will be more male characters. The vast majority of battle shounens have noticeably more male characters - Bleach, One Piece, Dragon Ball, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen just to name a few.
"Girls are almost all desperate to become wives and earn the attention of boys who don't even like them!", more blanket statements, more gross generalisations based on the early chapters of one or two characters, and more misinformation regarding boys who apparently didn't like them.
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Who the hell ever said or even remotely implied that Fugaku "married into the main family"?
To answer your question about Mikoto though, she was indeed a Jonin, but Itachi being better than her at something ninja related as a toddler isn't surprising, he was a literal prodigy.
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Minato was the Hokage because he earned that title due to his unprecedented skills and accomplishments during the Third Shinobi War. Just because Kushina was "borderline royalty" and from a prestigious clan doesn't mean that she had more of a right to be the Hokage. Was she more competent as a leader than Minato was? Did she have the same level of respect in the village that Minato did? Was she more capable of defending the village than Minato was? No. If she had done what Minato had done during the War, and she wasn't Kurama's Jinchuuriki, then perhaps Hiruzen would have chosen her as his successor instead. There was no sexism in the choice of Hokage for fuck's sake.
How the hell can this person exaggerate Kushina's status by claiming that she was "borderline royalty", while simultaneously severely downplaying Minato's prestige by ignoring everything he had done to earn the Hokage title, and not see the glaring double standard? They're complaining about how Kushina's credentials were apparently ignored, while they themselves were ignoring Minato's.
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Wow, the reach here is insane. This person really just wants to feel victimised from non existent sexism. The vast majority of the "sins" committed in the series were done by men, but we'll just ignore that I guess, like they chose to ignore so many other things proving their claims to be preposterous.
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Kishi has no idea the sexism is there because it's not fucking there. However, nowhere did he claim that the women have "epic girl power", and at least with regards to Sakura, he openly acknowledged the errors that he made when writing her as the heroine. I won't dignify this person's further bullshit about the men apparently hating their wives, their loveless marriages, men being forced to marry women they don't like and Kishi apparently blaming women for this. It's just a bunch of baseless bullshit, like everything else they said.
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mid0khan · 19 days
I know it's not what I usually post here, I mostly use Tumblr as a comfy space for friends and fandoms, but there's something that has been itching at my brain for a time and I think it's worth a post, so let's talk about something more serious and less funny than gay ships for once.
Let's talk about transandrophobia. (throwing some TW for transphobia and misandry too while i'm at it)
I am a trans man, and I'm quite often exposed to the "all men should die" and "you're a gender traitor" discourse, which is awful for obvious reasons (the genocidal ideation, the sexism, the hatred, you get the point).
I don't know if the people who believe in those ideas realize they are sexists, or that wishing to kill half the human population is Marvel Bad Guy level of bad? But they seem convinced they are knights in shinning armor for the feminist cause. Which I disagree with (feminism was created to achieve equality, not to reverse the sexist hiearchy). It sucks, but I manage to deal with it most of the time, since it's "only" transandrophobia (they hate me for being a man, not for being trans, and they don't question my identity).
I have been exposed to another... flavor of those ideas. And they are both terrible, I'm not trying to say one is worse than the others. But I struggle a lot more with this other version.
I have a flatmate who wholeheartedly believe in the "all men should die" thing, and they aren't affraid to say it. But when they say this kind of things when I can hear them, they hastily add "except trans men, because obviously they don't count". Which I can't help but understand as "you don't count as a man -> you aren't really a man".
Which sucks twice, because it's misandry with bonus transphobia. Coming from a friend (who will soon be a former friend though if they don't do some self-reflexion) and a fellow trans person (they are enby) it hurts a lot. I often wonder if, since I started my medical transition, maybe one day I'll be too "man" for them and they'll start being openly against my mere existence.
Not only that, but this discourse shows some crazy hypocrisy imo; they seem to think that, by saying "all men deserve to die but trans men get a pass", they get to be violent but since they say they accept that a minority exist they are obviously good, unlike those who want to kill everyone.
And sadly my flatmate isn't the only one saying this kind of things; I am lucky enough to live in a fairly LGBTQIA+ friendly area (which doesn't mean there isn't any queerphobia, but it's a lot less common than where I grew up), and some people seem to think that, as long as they don't direcly attack LGBTQIA+ people, they can be hateful without it being bad.
All of that to say, it's not possible to be a misandrist and be an ally to transmascs. Personally, I'd rather people be honest when they are being hateful and discriminatory, rather than try to do moral gymnastics to be hateful without attacking minorities so they get to think of themselves as allies.
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
do you have any thoughts on girl marc? and specifically if her being a girl would have made her do certain things differently bc (presumably) she would have faced a lot of shit in the other classes due to being a woman
every thought I have is like that could be true but also the complete opposite, the only thing I'm confident in is that she would be earth shatteringly hot. like I'm talking fuuuucking crazy gorgeous
there's that picture of marc on the podium in aragon in 2019? girl marc would have killed people
see i have a little trouble with getting into the nitty gritty ‘how would x rider fare as a woman’ of it all because. well there are no women in the grid. and i don’t think that’s because generationally talented motogp superstars is a trait defined by being a cis guy. so if we are doing the gender swap i’m gonna have to like. pantomime these guys experiencing sexism which is an interesting cognitive dissonance to inhabit. like i’m not against a good old horny time (and i think a lot of the time it’s women who imagine these scenarios as a mechanism to like. fill a void that exists in the sport in the first place. would we write as many gender swaps like this if there WERE simply women in the premiere class ??) but it is something i think about, so i’m gonna start there. just as a lil food for thought. interesting sociological phenomenon in sports fandom that i have some complex feelings about. not bad not great.
that all being SAID. wheee fun time. um marc as girl. marc. winning above everything but image always at least a consideration. loves to be hot isn’t the MOST concerned with entirely fitting in a gender box about it as he’s gotten older though he’s still pretty conforming. hmm. i think marc starts her career like long hair straightened compulsively smiling at everybody no matter how sexist they get and. the same sort of murderously crazy on the race track.
i ALSO think. marc’s racing behavior has already earned him a significant amount of haters worldwide even BEFORE sepang-gate and he is a handsome white man. uh oh ! like i think this marc learns a lil earlier a lil harder the lesson that you cannot always care what everyone thinks of you even when it rips you up inside and is in fact significantly traumatic. like people were being WILDLY homophobic to marc in 2015 i cannot imagine how bad it would be for him if he was a girl. but uhhhh all this to say i think she gets a sexy undercut post sepang (it was 2015/16. the only option.) and stops straightening her hair. i also think she hardens up a little more. even less friends even more alex. instagram game would be an absolute MINEFIELD bc it’s one thing to post your own slut back and hole out 9000x as a man it is ANOTHERRRR to do it as a public figure who is a WOMAN. especially coupled with that quote from marc when he was younger about how he didn’t like it when people told him to look sexy in pictures (before he realized he could control that himself on his insta shdhgdgs). in that vein. marc’s catastrophic control issues also interesting. perception wise. good lord. controversial queen
it’s also like. what if you’re the chosen one but aren’t. because he wouldn’t be if he were a girl. would her family pin their financial future on teen marc? would they prioritize alex instead? would marc have to take a different route to the premiere class? would she be the first option for casey stoner’s bike? how much worse would the sepang fallout be? what would marc do to keep winning? keep competing? would it be enough ? like there’s a LOT.
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fleursfairies · 29 days
saying sexism isnt real anymore is actually crazy
i am on a relatively good side of the internet so im not usually around too much toxicity but i have seen a LOT of sexism
i personally have seen 10x more sexism than homophobia, racism, or ableism. not that those things dont exist but i personally just havent seen it very often.
sexism is VERY rampant. even if its not consciously.
men dont usually listen to music fronted by a woman (unless they are rockers or 2020s pop lovers). ive even seen people listen to only men covering womens songs. its actually crazy
men dont watch movies with female main characters. and if they do they either dont understand her, sexualize her, villainize her, or dont like the movie. i even see this with my favorite youtube reaction channels.
theres also a problem with our language. "ann wilson is the best female rock voice of all time" why do we feel the need to add female to that sentence? you wouldn't say "robert plant is the best male rock vocalist of all time" would you? no. it implies that "yeah ann wilson is the best female rock vocalist of all time but there are always men that are better" which is not a compliment. if you love ann wilsons voice but she's personally not your all time favorite why cant you just say "ann wilson is one of the best rock vocalists of all time" ????? why do people do this??
and dont get me started on fandom culture. if you look at the top 20 pairings on AO3 overall (as of august 2023) there is not a single woman. this is because not a single "fandom member" loves a female character the same way they love a male character. it is completely different. you can love a female character but they will never have the same type of fandom as a man. even if your favorite character is a woman you are most likely to be on the side of tumblr that loves a man. i dont really know how to explain it but i have observed it and its really unfortunate.
there is so much more i could go into. actually, i have a bunch of videos saved that prove my point that sexism is still very strong. if anyone wants to see them let me know
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purplepixel · 2 months
Sendin' one back at ya! (for some reason can't asks send from my normal blog?? Shakes fist at Tumblr)
Don't think you've answered it yet (?) but would love to hear you're thoughts on 28 for the tmnt ask! - Crow
Ohai crow! :] Ready for my extremely passionate long winded answer that's been in my mind for months now? Gonna respond with rise cuz that's all I read
28) What is one thing you'd like to see explored more in TMNT Art/Fics
What is her relationship with each of the turtles, splinter, and April post seasons 2? Where is she in the aftermath of the movie? How did she redeem herself and earn the turtle's/april's trust? How does she feel escaping a cult? What is it like to experience FAMILY. DID SPLINTER ADOPT ANOTHER DAUGHTER?
I could go on. She is prob rises most underrated character, mainly bc she gets over shadowed by junior. Which is sad bc SHES GOT SUCH GREAT POTENTIAL FOR STORIES.
I am gonna call out fandom sexism here. With my full chest I fully believe that if she were a man, we as a fandom would have more works of her. Especially bc imo Junior is less of his own character outside being a fish out of water and his trauma of the apocalypse, yet he's got TONS of fan works. He's the bucky of rise if you will. Whereas with Casey, she is passionate, chaotic, loud, will choose FIGHT every time, overly eager, wants to prove herself etc etc. She is rise's version of Casey Jones to a T.
And yet for being a prominent character in the main series, I NEVER see her in fics. She is relegated to "extra character we needed cuz we're sending in the calvary" bg character with like one or two lines. The only time I see Casey focused stories is when she's attached to a ship pairing. Which isn't bad or anything, I just didn't bother to read those cuz I want THE FAMILY FOCUS.
I would love to see the classic Casey and raph dynamic more. We got a little in the show when they were enemies, but I want to see their friendship form. Enemies to friends. It literally writes itself. And Casey and Donnie would be SO CHAOTIC. Take the two most dramatic characters, put them in a room together, and watch the shenanigans occur. Eyse's fic is the only one I've seen do something crazy with them and it's THE BEST. A spar between Donnie and Casey where he ends up enlisting the wood animals to assist him and Casey is just having the time of her life getting to go all out fighting someone? Eats that scene
So ya. Casey and the turtles. I need more of them. If anyone has ANY good fics with Casey in them, let me know. Cuz I just have two so far. (I'm promised a third as of today but I haven't read ch 25 of Spiders web with strings attached yet)
Thank you for reading this long answer haha
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
with the new Azula comic that showed her as a traumatized abuse victim like Zuko out I have seen so much victim blaming sh*t from a bunch of zuko stans
I f***ing hate this fandom and I want to hear your opinion about it
Nothing new under the sun and to be expected, especially since Azula actually rejected redemption this time (unlike all the other times people claimed she "rejected second chances" she was never actually given).
The fact that Zuko ALSO rejected redemption in Ba Sing Se, and that even with that no one was saying "He is a villain therefore what his father did to him doesn't count as abuse because he isn't an 'innocent' victim" doesn't matter to them for four reasons, that often overlap:
1 - Zuko was never described as being mentally ill, while Azula was, so she has to deal with a ton of ableism Zuko got to avoid.
2 - Zuko is a boy, so he avoids falling victim to the sexism of some parts of the fandom.
3 - Zuko is a victim of physical abuse. The proof of his suffering is literally burned into his face. Azula's scars are all emotional, so it's easier for people to dismiss them without being called out. Nobody is gonna have the balls to say being disfigured by one's own parent doesn't count as abuse.
4 - The writers never intended for Azula to be a victim at all, hence some EXTREMELY tone-deaf things like Iroh saying "She's crazy and needs to go down" or the script literally describing Azula like she's an animal during her breakdown. She was meant to be the crazy, evil villain that is evil because she's crazy, and crazy because she's evil. It was only when other writers on the team started giving her a bit more depth and people really thought of all the implications of things like hering being raised by Ozai, considering herself "imperfect" for things like one hair out of place, having a breakdown due to feeling like an unwanted monster, acting as bait for the enemies while her father was hiding away safely during the invasion, or the fact that Ozai is canonically the only person to ever manipulate her (which shocking ease) that people realized "Holy shit, this is abuse too."
5 - This fandom, for all their praise of Zuko's redemption/healing arc, doesn't actually understand or like said arc, hence them taking away all of Zuko's flaws and pretending his bad choices were not truly his - after all, if he isn't an "innocent" victim, then he is no victim at all and thus deserved all that happened to him like his evil sister does.
(I'll say it again: this fandom does not actually understand why Ozai was an awful parent, they just think he was too harsh on the wrong child. They think Azula is the "good-for-nothing" child that deserves to be abused, while Zuko is the "golden boy" that needs to be perfect - or else)
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verlierer-is-lost · 4 months
I have looked past so many issues concerning Tommy. I tried. I tried so damn hard to like him. Hell I was even willing to tolerate him as a love interest. Is he way more boring than Abby and Taylor combined? Maybe. Am I annoyed they brought back a character who was complicit in racism and sexism? Oh 100%. But I was willing to accept that maybe he could change. I mean I do love a good shipping war, a little bit of drama gives us character development. I’ve been in fandoms that are way more toxic than this one.
And you know what, to a certain extent I get BuckTommy shippers. I too have been a fan of the lesser popular ship in a fandom, and I’ve had to fight for it with my dying breath. I mean a lot of y’all are crazy, but hey who doesn’t get a little insane during a shipping war.
But holy mother of Jesus tonight was a hard watch. I mean I REALLY tried to ignore the parts of BuckTommy I didn’t like. At this point I’ve stopped trying to convince myself to enjoy it, and rather to tolerate it. But like… a daddy kink joke? Really?? I’m not even trying to kink shame here, it was just such horrible timing. Not to mention is there relationship even developed enough to justify it? The worst part about the BuckTommy situation is that I don’t think it’d be such a disliked ship if the writers would just commit to giving him some better writing, rather than letting him say weird lines that feel undeserved.
Look… i honestly want Tommy gone by next season. If he stays(which he’s probably going to) can the writers make him worth our time?? Are they giving him so little screen time because he’s gay? It can’t be that, Hen and Karen are lesbians and they’re the most interesting canon couple in the show. So what is it??? I’m not even asking for Tommy to be perfect, he can have flaws(lord knows Eddie has enough flaws to go around). So if he has to stay, give us an actual reason to like him. If BuckTommy has to be endgame, don’t waste my fucking time with weird ass jokes. Either give him better writing for S8, or just cut him out of the show.
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controversial opinion (I don't think it is tho) : I think people who hate on Shin are kind of unreasonable to be honest? It seems the core hatred for the character was born when the wolfwren ship got celebrated by the stars of the Ahsoka series, by conflicting ships. The idea she is a "bloodthirsty, violent, psychopath" is... not really founded when you look at every minute she is on screen. She is on the opposite side of a war, so yes she kills people who see as "good", but there are no moments in the series where the villainy she is accused of truly comes out.
The truth is that aside from cool fights here and there, Shin doesn't talk that much and doesn't make that many decisions that are not someone else's (her Master's.) So the very few words she does say and the very few decisions she does make on her own matter all that much more. The fact Filoni made sure that the stab wound made to Sabine is visibly at an angle certainly explained her survival, but it seems people who hate Shin reject the nation of asking themselves "why stab someone non fataly?" Because yeah... why do that? Another few moments is her pursuing her fight with Sabine in her rage, stopped by Baylan. And last big action she commits on her own is questioning her master about the promise he made to Sabine. Breaking the promise achieves their goal, there is little since to questioning it if ahe is as evil and bad as she is framed to be. She doesn't have a clean slate, but people can love Anakin for commotting the jedi equivalent of a school shooting and they can love Maul for killing plenty of beloved characters. Shin's crimes pale in comparison for the level of hate she gets.
My opinion is that she is villainized this hard because certain people think that if Shin is bad and evil and crazy, she won't be shipped with Sabine Wren. And when you hate a character for what people think of the character inside their heads... you kind of lost the plot?
I just think so many people are missing so much of the mysteries and intrigues around Shin specifically. Baylan knew the jedi order, he knows the millenias of history between the sith and the jedi, but Shin? She wields a red lightsaber and has a jedi padawan braid. When she talked about a jedi, she said "just like me." She has no conception of this hard solid line between light and dark, she sees opposing goals, she doesn't hate the jedi, Baylan certainly seems to have no hate for them and he is her master. Clearly he never taught her something that goes against what he fundamentally believes. So we are left with a New Empire hired padawan of a former jedi, who cannot draw the line between the light and the dark fully, who relates to a jedi and value to some degree promises made to them, who now has to confront the other side in a serious way to know where she stands in the full big picture of the fate of the galaxy. COME ONE THIS IS SO COOL.
Why so much hate? All for a ship? Shin to me was the highlight of the Ahsoka series. Many speculate she will be a jedi and I think they may be right, I think Baylan and Ahsoka are different shades of grey, and their padawan are destined to choose to be jedi like those who trained their masters. Or maybe their own separate shade. People summarizing Shin as a villain to vanquish really seem just focused on keeping Sabine away from her, but whether they remain nemesis or become allies, it is a bit ridiculous not to think they are doomed to have plenty more of story between them.
I like Shin! I also like Wolfwren, I think it's a cute ship.
However, I'm not really involved in the fandoms (or the anti-fandoms) for either, so I don't know too much about The Discourse. I can't really speak much on this issue.
The only thing I feel confident speaking on is this: the fact that Shin is scrutinized for actions that are far, far less severe than what- for example- Anakin Skywalker has done probably has less to do with Wolfwren discourse and more to do with plain old sexism.
If Anakin Skywalker was a female character, we'd live in a world where the character would not be being brought back for nostalgia, and her actress's career would've be destroyed.
A female Hayden Christensen never would've gone on to do movies like Jumper, and there would be no female equivalent of The Haydenaissance.
Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox.
That was a really interesting ask, Anon. I'd love to know what people more involved with the Shin/Wolfwren fandom think!
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menlove · 8 months
back to that post abt mickey.... idk I just find it really odd that in the dw fandom it's pretty common to completely discredit moffat's run bc of his sexist writing (which is understandable don't get me wrong) but when you bring up rtd's racist writing it barely gains traction Or you get white (or non black in general, which I am also not black for a disclaimer) fans saying you're crazy for thinking it's racist. when like. for me personally? the way rtd wrote martha and mickey completely poisoned the rest of his writing and run for me. like how am I supposed to enjoy these white characters knowing it's on the backs of black characters they treated like jokes or emotional punching bags?
and it's the same way lots of ppl feel abt moffat's run bc of his treatment of women but weirdly enough it's way more scandalous to say you don't like rtd bc of his racism than it is to say you don't like moffat bc of his sexism
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shovson · 1 month
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 well well well u keep saying u don't have that many
not necessarily unpopular but i guess i feel like it's an opinion that's never expressed enough which makes it sort of unpopular TO ME. as much as i think it's good to call out bad shit the drivers do in terms of racism, sexism, bigotry etc. etc. i feel like a lot of progressive f1 spaces are forgetting that you can just hate a driver for no fucking reason. in fact, you can hate a driver for a stupid reason if you'd like. i know it's kind of instinct for a lot of fandom spaces to be like "oh did that guy do something problematic" (real 2010s tumblr users remember the blog yourfaveisproblematic which most likely is where this behaviour comes from imo) but also i've literally seen ppl go "it's kinda rude to hate a guy for no reason" NO IT'S NOT. going back to the previous unpopular opinion ask i find the hater ship quite easy bc i don't fucking know any of these people. AND ALSO it's SPORTS. of course im gonna be fucking crazy and think irrational things and have stupid reasons. GET REAL.
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