#the ship is canon
nilseyart · 1 year
Really want to post this again and thanks to @abed-with-a-knife Sorry to let you know I do this all the time
OK, let's go
You said everything I wanted to point out about the ship, they took an image that at the time I made it I was innocent about it being viewed so much, but unfortunately it was something controversial for an audience and that wasn't really my goal, I didn't want it to be used the way it was to visualize the ship really gave a bad impression
But what frustrated me most about that time is that I had the idea of ​​reborn this ship that happened to be on the internet 5 years ago, because I couldn't get it out of my head
I thought it was cool and decided to bring it up again, but I would know that there would be many haters and many would understand the idea and would know that this is a crossover and that nothing would change in their lives and they could continue with their formed couples or anything involving the individual characters
I don't know if I could have done the character Ricky Junior (son of Rick and Pearl or OC) in this edit but like I said, I was very innocent of what that could become and how it would reach the end public drastically, like you said they could have a kid thanks to Rick, damn him and a badass scientist, they just forgot about it
About Pearl being a lesbian, I think everyone has their own opinion about the character I THINK she FOR ME is binary
Remembering even each one can have their point of view or anything else about
NoNot once did I want to take away her point of view or what she thinks about Pearl, if you think she's a lesbian, that's fine, it won't change anything (This excerpt is for those who said something about) thank you
ANDI'm writing this for everyone who stops by and sees the post if you want to read it well, if not I'm so sorry
ANDI'm defending the ship because just like others made different ships and supported it, why can't I do it too? Since I continue to do it and I like it
THEPeople are very uncomfortable with something that is not part of their daily lives and that they never had a different imagination, I liked it and found it fun to do, no and I wonder why some people liked it, so I know I'm not doing anyone any harm unless you're too sentimental to feel something so small (Like I said it wouldn't change anything just carry on with what you're used to and let people have fun cause they aren't doing anyone any harm) And that goes for any and all other content
Maybe I can produce something for Ricky Junior from his early appearance.
💙 Until then, I thank those who watched until the end 💙
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seenthisepisode · 4 months
no offence but the reason tumblr is “dying” is, well, yes, of course the cursed like/reblog ratio and the change in user behaviour (because of people being used to how instagram and tiktok work) BUT also the lack of weekly shows. i say it with my whole chest, they don't produce captivating and engaging stupid weekly tv shows anymore because streaming killed that so you have spikes of activity here when Something happens in general fandom or up to three days after a new season of whatever drops and then it's a wasteland. this is obviously an old woman yelling at a cloud missing supernatural and the vampire diaries and pretty little liars and all these other shows type of post but honestly give me back weekly tv shows where i have something to watch for 40 minutes almost every day of the week after work so then i can read and reblog it on tumblr give it back for the sake of my sanity
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bitty-bytes · 7 months
"Your boyfriend is evil!" "Your boyfriend is cruel and horrifying!" Well, he's a joy to me. Maybe it's a you problem.
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prokopetz · 6 months
I think people sometimes misunderstand why we come up with such elaborate justifications for shipping two characters together. I don't justify my ships because I feel that I need to; I justify my ships because squinting at the published canon with furrowed brow and asking myself "okay, how exactly would this work?" is my idea of a good time.
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mothwiingz · 6 months
hey btw there’s nothing wrong with shipping your ocs with canon characters. or shipping yourself with a canon character. even if you have a crush on the character. you are hurting literally no one. you can do whatever you want. cringe culture is dead
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bitterly-almond · 5 months
AU: Kuina lived and her father was supportive of her ambition. He sent her to Wano to learn the way of the swords so they meet again when Zoro arrived at Wano.
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I just rlly wanted to design a giant Kuina after seeing how big Kiku is :)))
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 28 days
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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erabu-san · 1 month
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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dorkynerd23 · 11 months
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blackpunkbird · 2 months
I love this little extra comic.
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Because at first you're like:
"Awwwww, even Senshi offered to help with the cookies, that's so nice of hi..."
And then it dawns on you: Senshi is there.
It's post-canon. Where's Kabru in this scenario? He's literally stuck to Laios' side at all times as his advisor? He's not participating in "Let's make sure Laios isn't fumbling White Day" party? Essentially a group-bonding exersize?
Unless he's the only person on earth that literally cannot remind Laios. Since, you know, Kabru gave Laios those valentines chocolates and it would be extemely inappropriate for him specifically to be reminding Laios about the white day.
Mystery solved. Everything makes sence now. Good comic.
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softestepilogue · 2 months
if buddie becomes canon 911 will be the first show with banger after banger after banger after banger of main ships.
athena and bobby? unmatched. immaculate.
hen and karen? magnificent.
chimney and maddie? perfection.
buck and eddie? flawless.
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starcurtain · 2 months
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Please someone redraw this with Dr. Ratio and Aventurine because this is the exact vibe they have in my head post-Penacony.
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sm-baby · 2 months
Freakshow Au by @hootbon
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I was gonna send this in Hoot's inbox in exchange for a Caine and Pomni fact, but her ask box is closed so take this, Tumblr *looks up at you with my beady little eyes*
(Also no need Hoot, take your time X3c that ask box is closed for a reason)
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
“this ship isn’t canon” to YOU. I, however, am delusional
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watermelonsloth · 3 months
The push and pull of “relationships can be very affectionate and still be platonic” and “those are the gayest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen”.
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kermahillway · 4 months
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I've been none stop drawing this fucking dumbass since yesterday... I need somebody to come help me!
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