#the single worst sentence i've ever written
thatonebasicfan · 1 year
Y'all wanna see a line I wrote for my WIP?
"In addition to all the violent ways that Sirius wanted to violently end Pettigrew's life, the other thing that kept Sirius sane was Harry."
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jnnul · 1 year
five questions
a/n: and here is the first of the wips! i know this was supposed to come out on friday and now it's almost wednesday but it's out and that's worth something, right? i hope you love this little fluff piece + mark as much as i do!
word count: 5.1k
tags: finance bro mark and y/n, slice of life, mostly fluff, kinda your typical suburban modern day couple, idk they’re just good ppl who experience a slow and sweet romance, oh! and mark sucks at beer pong
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sorry, is this seat taken?
you pride yourself on not being a very superficial person. you always look deeper into a person of interest and in the past, your friends have made fun of you because you never seemed to find the people they thought were attractive very hot at all.
he seems like he swears at his mom. they give off the impression that they are rude to waitstaff. i don’t care how hot she is, she’s literally fighting with a customer service worker for no reason.
did it mean that your ability to look past superficial identity led to you giving some pretty sketchy people second chances? maybe. but usually, it did more good than harm.
but for all of your in depth thinking, you realize that you’re just as superficial as every last one of your friends when the man of your dreams asks you to marry him.
what he really says is, “is this seat taken?” but it all sounds the same when you’re half in love.
with dark eyes that are bright and shine with innocent curiosity, slender lips with a slight pout, and tousled black hair that falls into his eyes, you realize this man looks like nothing short of an angel.
you stutter out a squeaky, "no, go ahead!" before moving your laptop a little closer to you so that the hot stranger could have space to put his things down. he offers you a sweet smile before sliding into the seat next to you.
"my name is mark, by the way," he says once he's settled into his seat. he's about to ask your name but he nods to the keychain that's attached to your lanyard. "i'm guessing your name is y/n? that's a cute keychain."
"yeah," you say, flipping the keychain so that mark could see it properly. "one of the kids i teach made me it a couple years ago and i've carried it around ever since."
mark's eyebrows furrow at that as he checks his calendar to make sure that he's in the right class. "you're an education major? what's an education major doing in a business statistics class? this class is an upper level business class i thought?"
you nod and close your laptop so that mark could see the sticker on the backside of your laptop. you point out the biggest one that has 'ucla - anderson school of management' written in bright yellow letters. mark's eyebrows knit as he reads it and you can't help but laugh softly at how utterly confused he looks.
"i'm a finance major. i just really like kids so i spent last summer juggling between an internship at apple and volunteering at a learning summer camp for kids who are underprivileged in education," you explain, watching as mark's confusion turns to awe, his dark eyes glinting as you explain.
"damn. that's so cool of you, y/n. i'm sorry i assumed you were an education major. turns out you're just an angel instead," mark says, almost offhandedly. you freeze at the last sentence and immediately, mark's ears turn bright red as he realizes what he had said.
you to turn to face forward as mark rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and if you weren't so damn flustered, you would take a picture of how incredibly cute he looks.
mark had pretty privilege, as far as you were concerned. if any other person said that, you would probably just laugh it off and thank them but a single comment from mark had you blushing and internally combusting. the worst part? you didn't even mind it.
the two of you are silent for another couple minutes before you turn to him once more, a corner of your lips tilted upwards, a teasing look in your eyes.
"you know i definitely don't mind being called angel by a pretty boy," you say casually. you try not to let your voice give away how nervous mark actually makes you but there's still a little shake when you say the word 'pretty'. because really, mark was so pretty. just...too pretty to be good for your heart.
it doesn't really matter though because mark looks at you like you've personally put the stars in the sky.
"you think i'm pretty?" mark says, his voice soft and tentative. you look at him strangely. surely he had heard that many times over the course of his life? why did he sound so surprised?
"i think you're very pretty, mark," you say matter-of-factly. mark wants to say something else but everyone has filed in and it seems as though the professor is starting the lecture soon as the lights begin to dim in the hall.
mark has heard that he was attractive many times before. in fact, he'd probably become synonymous with the word handsome, as his superlative in high school was 'most likely to become a famous singer' and 'most likely to win prom king'.
so why did his heart flutter so much when you called him pretty?
can you help me with this one?
turns out, mark is shit at statistics. he's great at the business part, as you have learned over the past three weeks of sitting next to each other and working on the practice problems together. but the actual statistics? you might as well be working with a victorian child.
"i still don't understand why you can't just assume that this condition applies in all scenarios," mark says as he reads through the question once more. the two of you had grown pretty close over the past month or so, and often, you would go to the library after class to work on the assigned homework or projects together.
mark was a good study buddy (he always brought good snacks) and he had a great work ethic that made you feel guilty about not studying when he was. not to mention that he was gorgeous eye candy to look at whenever you needed to take a break from your work.
which was pretty much all the time if it meant looking at mark lee a little while longer.
your friends had teased you when you described your encounters with mark thus far. although they never really crossed the line between platonic and romantic relationships, just the fact that you were practically dying of anticipation was enough to rile your friends up.
you had had a few partners in the past but most of them ended at the situationship stage - very few of them become actual relationships. so, you had put a pause on dating for good (much to the dismay of your gossip mongering best friends) and had been happily single for the past year or so. unfortunately, that was when you met mark lee and your heart decided to rebel against all sense of logic.
besides his pretty face (your friends were very surprised to hear that you had developed a crush on a good looking man for once; you had a seriously incriminating track record), mark lee had a pretty heart. he was so incredibly humble and kind to everyone he knew - which was a lot of people, as you came to learn. he was super friendly and great at remembering little details about people that made them feel as though he truly cared about them.
which he really did. it seemed like mark truly cared a lot about every single one of his seemingly thousands of friends and went out of his way to make them feel loved. for you, however, it seemed like he went above and beyond.
it seemed as though after mark (and you, really) had gotten over the initial shyness and awkwardness, the two of you were rarely seen apart. you weren't sure if the two of you were toeing the line of romantic relationship yet, but it just felt like you guys were having fun. even without a label or anything, you and mark tended to gravitate towards each other in social situations and even made consistent efforts to see each other outside of your respective friend groups.
for example, you really didn't belong in the frat scene. you had expended all of the energy and patience you had for frat house parties during your freshman year and quite frankly, as a junior in college, it felt kind of embarrassing to go to them without having any real connections to brothers themselves.
but mark was a brother in nu chi theta so within the first month of your friendship, you found yourself at the NCT house with a red solo cup and an uncomfortable top on.
"hey y/n! i'm losing over here! can you help me with this one?" mark calls out from behind you. you turn around to see him extending a ping-pong ball (that smelled like it was coated in beer, vodka, and...laundry detergent?) in your direction. you look to see if your friends, who you had dragged along to the party, were going to save you from death by beer pong but you're on your own when you see two of your friends making out with the same boy.
you would stop them but the image was far too gruesome and downright hilarious. and in their drunken state, you doubted you could really separate the lovebirds (?) anyway.
"alright, but it's gonna cost you, lee," you sigh dramatically, setting your cup down on the counter before accepting the ping-pong ball, your fingers brushing over mark's.
"name your price," mark says confidently as you line up your shot, ignoring the heat that radiates off of mark's body as you realize that mark was a lot closer than you had previously anticipated. his words sink into your skin and you involuntarily shiver when you feel his breath on your neck.
"hmm...i'll have to think about it..." you trail off, finally throwing the little ping-pong ball into the cup. you turn so that your chest was pressed against mark's front and all your thoughts have been replaced by the look of his eyes in the dim lighting. the words tumble out of your mouth before you even realize what you're saying.
"go on a date with me?"
your heart drops as you see mark's face turn from confusion to shock and then back to confusion. he rubs his neck awkwardly (a habit, you had noticed, that tended to present himself when he felt particularly confused) as he licks his lips nervously.
"was...was us hanging out everyday not...dating? i kinda thought we were already going on dates," mark mumbles, his cheeks flushed. you stare at him and a strange gurgling laughter rips out of your mouth before you clamp your hand over your mouth, your eyes wide in horror at the sound that came out of your mouth.
"does this mean you like me?" you ask, and once again, you're graced with the sight of mark lee looking just all too angelic under the strobe lighting as he nods before tentatively making eye contact with you.
"uh...if you asked me on a date, am i safe to assume that you like me too?" mark proposes and the way that he says it, almost like he was presenting a business pitch to a potential investor, makes you laugh once more as you lean a little closer to mark, your lips barely brushing against his.
"more than you realize, mark."
can i come inside?
the first time mark came with you to help out with the kids at the school, it was completely unexpected. another one of the student teachers had suddenly fallen ill (you found out a few months later that at his girlfriend's baby shower that he was not, in fact, sick) and no one else was available to help out.
your supervisor was a sweet old lady who was dedicated to helping as much as she could before 'her joints gave up on her' - which meant that oftentimes, she tried to take on more responsibility than she really could. and then that meant that she often didn't hire enough staff to keep the place running, hoping that she could do all of the administrative things herself so that all of the people who did come in could focus on working with the kids. needless to say, as one of the only volunteers who had been with the organization for more than four years, you knew more than well that the sweet old lady needed more people to help her out.
so, you forced your boyfriend of three years to help you out. well, not really forced. mark had the day off from work because it was the day before july 4th and really didn't have any plans for the day. so when mrs. varghese calls you frantically at nine o'clock the previous night, mark offered to come with you.
"we've been together for the past three years and we've been living together for the past one and a half. i lose my girlfriend every monday and thursday evening to kids. i gotta meet the little suckers who've been monopolizing my girlfriend." which was mark's stupid way of saying i love you. let me help you out a little bit. let me be part of your world. maybe in the disney princess way.
and you're a sucker for kids and your boyfriend, even after dating for three years, so you agree and the next day, you're piling into the passenger seat at seven in the morning to teach young children addition and subtraction.
not really how the two of you (mostly mark) were planning on spending on of your rare days off but you could never deny mrs. varghese of anything. especially if it meant more time with the kids.
mark always joked about how you should've become a teacher but as much as you loved the children and the interactions with them, you were not a fan of the underpaying salaries. so you made it a point to become successful in your career and dedicate a percentage of your paycheck to donate to the school you volunteered at instead.
which had caused some struggles when you first moved in with mark, given that it was only the two of you rather than you living with three of your friends and your share of the rent went higher. but you figured it out and mark definitely wasn't the type of person to hold it over your head that you weren't able to pay your full share of rent for the first two months.
because that's just who he was. he would cover for you, covering up all of the little parts of yourself that you didn't like. and you would help him see that those blemishes he thought he had were just things that made him more lovable to you.
so when mark steps into the little school and immediately, kids are swarming to the two of you, trying to find out who the attractive boyfriend was, you're not even surprised. mark had a natural, comforting air about him (not to mention the fact that the kids were overly invested in your personal life) that made people want to draw to him like moths to a flame.
in fact, he's so overwhelmed by the love that the kids are showing him, he's still hovering around the door awkwardly, semi-bowing to mrs. varghese, who's watching him with amusement.
"can i come inside?" mark asks, trying to take a step forward while not hurting any little kids. you snort at his awkward shuffle before clapping your hands together, taking it upon yourself to relieve your poor boyfriend from the possibility of death by enthusiastic children.
"can you or may you?" mrs. varghese says with a humorous smile and mark's eyebrows furrow as he contemplates the question. the kids are slowly making their way over to you, where you're starting to distribute fruit pouches as a morning snack and mark finally feels as though he's only carrying his own body weight - as opposed to ten other children's.
"it was 'can i' at first but now i think it's more of a 'may i'. mrs. varghese, i presume?" mark says, extending his hand for the old lady to shake. she just looks at it strangely before gathering mark in a tight, bone-crushing hug.
for such a frail old lady, she had a lot of strength.
"get out of here with those manners. y/n's told me a lot about. and anyone in y/n's corner is family here, alright?" mrs. varghese says, and mark has to blink furiously to push back the tears, although he can't really tell why her words are hitting him so hard.
you mean that?
mark was really easy to love. that's just the type of person he was. in everyone else's eyes, he was a good guy who just always tried to be better at the things he was already incredibly good at. he was always polite with strangers, babies cooed at him, and was the type to be the person to start a 'pay-it-forward' queue whenever he could afford to do so.
and for all of his perfectness, mark was a very flawed man. he was a little bit of a miser - he hated to spend money on himself, even if he would splurge a little more on you. he was a little bit on the insecure side, and no matter how many times you told him that you loved him all the more for his quirks, he still got down about it. mark was also really bad at communication when things made him upset. he was just so easy-going that he would let the smaller things accumulate and build until he's practically bursting.
and mark was kinda mean when he got angry.
he would never hurt you, of course. mark didn't think he could ever live with himself if he knew that he had laid a hand on anyone - but you in particular. and he really, really was trying to work on his communication skills so that he wouldn't let it build and then get so angry.
but when mark got angry, he seemed to just turn into a different person. it had only happened once in your relationship before, almost right after you had moved in together
it was about something incredibly stupid but the tension had been building for a while prior to that. technically, before you moved in, the apartment had been mark and one of his friend's, johnny seo from school, before johnny had moved out to move in with his own girlfriend. and mark and johnny weren't exactly...the cleanest people. you didn't really mind the mess but soon it turned into an unhealthy balance of mark leaving things around the house and you having to clean up after him.
not to mention that a lot changes when a couple moves in together. naturally, tensions were running a little high. for all your cleanliness, you had a really bad habit of leaving unfinished meals in the fridge until they went bad and started to smell, which made mark upset because that was a waste of a valuable meal. and so on and so forth.
one day, the tensions just burst and the two of you ended up in a screaming match going back and forth and back and forth about cleanliness and not eating properly and soon, it escalated from a conversation about living together to being together in the first place.
mark regretted it almost immediately, cursing himself out when he saw you just completely shut down in front of his eyes. he knew his anger got the best of him sometimes, and when he was in the moment, all he could think about was winning the argument, no matter what he needed to say to win.
that had been the worst fight you've ever had. after that fight, you got a lot better about portioning your food to eliminate leftovers and mark made a more conscious effort to clean up. you also started talking more to each other about what things did or didn't make you happy.
but even as mark was getting better at communicating with you, he still didn't know how to raise up issues with you. usually, you would tell mark what you were up to and then you would naturally ask him yourself if he was comfortable with what you were doing. he would then reply with a simple yes or no with an explanation and that would be the end of that. he always hesitated to raise up an issue with you though. he didn't want you to think that he was trying to control your life or be one of those possessive boyfriends.
one day, though, you were out clubbing with your friends (your friend had recently broken up with her fiancé and she really needed her girlfriends) and you had come home pretty late. mark had stayed up, watching a movie (barely), worried about you making it home safely because he knew that your friends were prone to trying to get you as wasted as possible.
mark never told you explicitly but you had a feeling that's how he felt. it frustrated you though that he never said anything to you and wait for you to bring it up to him instead. so that night, you decided to drink a little more than usual (but not as much as they tried to make you drink) so that you could finally, finally get mark to talk to you about his issues.
really, for your behavior, you were expecting to have a round two of what had happened when you first moved in with him. you were imagining a screaming match like no other but instead, mark just looks at you, sighs, and pulls you into a hug when you come stumbling through the door. confused, you begin to pull away, but mark just continues to hold you tight.
"i was so worried that you might not get home safe. and i promise we'll have a proper conversation about this when you're sober in the morning but i love you so much and...let's just talk about this in the morning, okay?" mark mumbles into your hair. you let mark just rock you gently side to side as he clings onto you, completely opposite from the reaction you were expecting.
"mark, i'm not drunk. i just...i'm tired of always being the one to bring up issues. i know that you don't like it when i get drunk outside because you're worried for me but i'd rather you tell me that than me having to guess that by myself. i can make my own decisions and i'm a big independent girl but you're the singular most important person in my life. i would never consciously do something to make you uncomfortable but i make mistakes sometimes. i need you to be open and honest with me when something makes you uncomfortable - because i know it takes a lot to get that far in the first place."
mark steps back to look you in the eyes, his eyes glittering in the shitty lighting of the apartment. "you really mean that?"
"i mean it with my whole heart."
do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?
mark tries not to trip. he tries really hard to hold in his sneezes, tears, and any other bodily fluids that are inappropriate for the situation. but the nearly fifteen feet from the entrance to the where the officiant is standing is enough to make mark want to puke all over the very expensive carpet you bought for the wedding.
when you first proposed having a backyard wedding, mark was extremely opposed.
a wedding was a once in a lifetime day where you could celebrate your union together with your partner and start the journey to the rest of your lives together. in fact, it was mark, not you, who had the pinterest board (although, to be fair, it wasn't actually a pinterest board and was rather just a folder on his phone of screenshots from pretty tiktoks). he had a vision for the wedding - one that included all members of your friend circle, your families, and your family friends as well.
and well, that wasn't really in the budget. rather than spend 100k on a one day event, you proposed having a backyard wedding that would be significantly more economical and using that 100k to buy a starter home.
"you still get your expensive venue and we have a place to move into. a real home that we can start a family in, mark," you had argued as mark paced back and forth in the small, almost cramped apartment the two of you shared. mark stops when he realizes that it only takes fourteen steps to make it from one side of the room to the other side and back.
and that was the biggest room.
so mark agrees on one condition: there are no lacking traditional elements of the wedding. the both of you worked together on the pain-staking process of planning a wedding that included portions of your culture and his culture to put on the wedding of a lifetime. hopefully the only wedding of your lifetimes.
well, the only wedding for you and mark, at least. but that was about the future and in the present, mark can barely keep from keeling over right there at the beautifully decorated altar that you and your mother had spent hours on.
after so long of being together, mark can't help but feel just so incredibly lucky and overwhelmed to be finally marrying you. you. the person of his dreams. the person who taught him that love isn't always fireworks and euphoric thrills; that love can be huddling together when gas bills were too high to pay and wanting nothing more than to see your significant other when it's been a long day.
love was you and mark really, really can't wait to finally show the world how much he truly loved you.
unsurprisingly, mark almost cries when you finally enter, the picture of the stunning bride as you clutch your father's arm for the last time as y/n l/n instead of y/n lee. mark isn't sure the last time he saw you this nervous but when you meet his eyes, he can feel the rest of the world melt away.
just normal people with enough love to fill the world, is what you say in your vows. just a guy and a girl in the same business class who never travel business class because the two of you are such money minders - something that my soon to be husband has rubbed off on me.
"i will never forget the moment that i knew i was so irrevocably love with mark. it was two days after we fought for the first time. i remember that i was so incredibly angry and scared that that fight would be the end of y/n and mark. that i would have to move out and redownload tinder and just be miserable again for losing one of the best things in my life over a little sock in the wrong place and leftover pizza."
"but two days after we fought, mark came up to me, hugged me and just said, 'we're gonna get through this. i love you too much to not get through this.' and even though everything just seemed so uncertain, the moment mark said that, i knew instantly that we really were going to get through it. because mark had faith in us. and i have faith in us. i love you, mark lee. from the moment you sat down in that ucla business class. i have loved you for so long and i will continue to love you forever."
there isn't a single dry eye in the house (quite literally) after your vow. mark has to clear his throat four or five times before he can start his vows, too afraid that his voice would give out on him in the middle due to how much emotion he was feeling.
"y/n, you asked me one day when we were binging american horror story and pigging out with a family sized bag of chips when i started falling in love with you. and i couldn't answer then so i just said that for as long as i can remember. and that's true - i still don't know when i fell in love with you. i just remember that one day i woke up alone in bed (don't worry mr. l/n, i have never slept in a ten mile radius of your daughter...please don't make her divorce me) and thinking that i would rather wake up next to you instead for the rest of my life."
"but i do know when i realized you were my soulmate. five moments when i knew i found the one. when i asked you if i could sit down next to you in business class. when i asked you to help me with statistics because for being a business major, i'm horrible at math - go figure. when i volunteered with you for the first time with mrs. varghese. mrs. varghese! - where are you - mrs. varghese! may i marry y/n? then i'll be real family."
mrs. varghese blows into a handkerchief unceremoniously, waving mark off through her tears, making the crowd and you laugh a little. mark's smile grows when he sees you laugh and continues on nervously.
"and the fourth moment was the time when you gave me a reality check. when you reminded me that love doesn't work without communication. you've changed me so much for the better, y/n, and i truly could not thank you enough for it. so, i have one last question for you. one last moment for me to know that we're soulmates."
mark takes a deep breath, holding one of your hands in both of his as he looks at you with soft eyes, so filled with love that your breath catches in your throat. "i promise to love you and stand by you for as long as i breathe. can you - can you promise...do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?"
it seems as though everyone in the venue is holding their breath before you press a sweet kiss to mark's cheek and say the words that everyone has been waiting for.
"i do."
and with those five questions, mark lee had found his soulmate.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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glitteringcrab · 8 months
Nip this in the bud (2)
Okay, I think I finally figured out what Rick Prime was hoping to accomplish with this:
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Because I was all "WTF" during that scene.
First things first:
It's clear that Rick Prime has been monitoring Rick C-137 during this whole time. Maybe not continually monitoring him, but monitoring him often enough that he knows:
Rick lived in the Prime Dimension
Rick is hanging out with Morty Prime
Rick has two Beths now (LOL) "echoes" of Prime's daughter since C-137 Beth never grew up
Likewise, he knew Rick C-137 was accompanied by Morty Prime, and could tell (without actually checking nor monitoring this, because then he wouldn't have fallen for Evil Morty's trick) that one of the Mortys Rick C-137 showed up with was Morty Prime, his original grandson.
In a similar vein, it's theoretically possible that he has some inkling of Evil Morty's identity. I mean, otherwise why tell him "you're like an evil Morty, a clever one". Um, excuse me? Evil Morty didn't do a single "evil" thing during the Prime fight. Why the heck call him "evil"? Just because he's wearing an eyepatch? WEAK. Call him clever, sure. But evil? Nope.
UNLESS... Rick Prime has also sporadically been monitoring the happenings in the Citadel of Ricks. News of Evil Rick's killing spree might have reached him, he might have read witness accounts and known that Evil Rick was accompanied by an eye-patched Morty who disappeared (although I seriously doubt anyone would bother to write more than a single sentence on Evil Morty in any report). Or he may have noticed (you know, after he was teleported in the Prime dimension right after Evil Morty contaminated EVERYONE'S portal travel) that the Citadel blew up, that there was a breach in the Central Finite Curve, and he might have investigated the ruins out of curiosity. He might have found out Stuff.
(Edit: nah, the name "Evil Morty" was mentioned a couple of times in the box, so Rick Prime using it only means that he was paying attention to what was happening in the Box)
In any case, even if all that isn't true, even if Rick Prime had originally no clue that there ever was any animosity between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty, and him calling Evil Morty "Evil" was just a lucky guess, Prick Prime was definitely able to tell that was no love between Evil Morty and Rick C-137 during this scene:
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...in which he uses Evil Morty as a literal human shield and Rick C-137 shoots without hesitation (on a different note, I'd like to say how sad is that when strangled Evil Morty doesn't have the presence of mind to try and use any of his implants; he's just a 14 year old boy against an grown-up man at that moment. Forget shooting him with plasma guns; you can literally just strangle him).
And so we come to this scene:
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Okay, Rick Prime could already tell that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 weren't family, but the suggestion of "nip this in the bud" was still absurd!
(I've written a similar post in the past while venting, but this one is actually getting somewhere, so please bear with me)
Because Evil Morty and Rick C-137 were, at worst, temporary allies. Rick C-137 owned to Evil Morty:
his freaking life (Evil Morty revived him)
his revenge (Evil Morty let him kill Rick Prime)
and (depending on to what degree Rick Prime was monitoring his clones and the killing box) he might have also known that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 track Rick Prime down and helped him to escape the box.
That's a huge debt. And I know that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 to save his own skin from getting Omega-ed if/when Rick C-137 failed to win, and to get the weapon plans, but he wasn't at all obligated to save Rick C-137's life nor to hand him his nemesis on a plate.
Arguably, Evil Morty did this precisely so that he'd have an Omega-enslaved and morally indebted Rick to come to his aid in a hypothetical future hour of need. However, the truth is that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 worked well with each other since the beginning of the episode, before any Omega Device threat (nor carrot!) dangled in front of Evil Morty to influence his decisions (he had just wanted to... talk) and Rick had trusted him enough to leave Morty Prime alone with him.
Like, under normal circumstances, Evil Morty honoring their alliance during the Prime Fight could have been the beginning of a friendship (or at least a more honest and permanent alliance) between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty. Evil Morty is insecure and traumatized enough to need the failsafe of the Omega Device backing him up, but Rick C-137 was game...!
Rick Prime instead puts in Rick C-137's head the idea that Evil Morty might kill him in a tantrum. Not because their interests might clash in the future. Not because Evil Morty may get power-hungry when he grows up. But because he's young and emotional. (Mind you, this is about a boy whose whole characterization revolves around being extremely cautious and calculating; not someone who'd kill another person in a fit of fury.)
Of course, the first idea that pops up in our minds (at least... it was in mine) is that Rick Prime said this hoping that Rick C-137 will drop everything to go stop Evil Morty, and so Rick Prime would get a chance to escape.
...But that doesn't make any sense, either!
Rick C-137 isn't so stupid as to give Rick Prime that chance of survival. Even if he took Rick Prime's warning seriously, he'd hurriedly shoot him in the face before running out to deal with Evil Morty. Rick Prime was toast, and he knew that. This wasn't about his own survival.
Rick C-137 wasn't about to take his worst enemy's advice to turn against his temporary ally. Like, what the heck? Since when Rick Prime fancied himself trustworthy? He could have easily lied, made this up. Rick C-137 couldn't have actually known if Evil Morty really had the weapon plans at that moment, and he'd have to take Rick Prime's word for it. No way he'd drop everything at his worst enemy's word.
Rick Prime saw that Evil Morty downloaded the weapon plans straight on his person. There was no external device that you can just snatch away (like the cone thing Evil Morty used when scanning Rick C-137's brain). So Rick Prime knew that the only way to "nip this in the bud" would be for Rick C-137 to run outside, confront Evil Morty, find out that there was no external device to forcefully take from him, and promptly attack him with lethal intent. But, come on, Rick C-137 was not going to do that, because of the aforementioned debt. Even Rick C-137 isn't so ruthless as to have his own life saved one minute, and him returning the favor with a murder attempt. This was never going to work.
Even if Rick C-137 took Rick Prime's warning seriously, even he trusted his advice, even if he was willing to murder a version of his grandson (to whom his owned his life) in cold blood, I doubt he could do it. He was a mess physically, while Evil Morty was perfectly fine. If they did clash at that moment, I think Evil Morty could have escaped easily with a portal. So this was never going to work.
And don't even get me started on what a joke it is for the Rick who wanted to murder Rick C-137's whole family, one by one, to express Rick-to-Rick camaraderie. As if...!
So what was all this for? This would never work, Rick C-137 would not try to kill Evil Morty at that moment...
...but he can do it in the future.
Any seeds of trust or appreciation that were planted that day were promptly poisoned by Rick Prime's "well-meaning" warning.
Evil Morty himself did trample said seeds further by warning Rick C-137 he could kill him any time he wanted as of now, but he also said that "using a weapon like this doesn't get you. Left. Alone." His whole speech would have hit very differently without Rick Prime's warning. We would have trusted him, we would have trusted that he did all this with the single goal of being left alone and that this is going to be the end of it. Worse case scenario, we would have thought Evil Morty might demand Rick C-137's support for A Thing (like a slave) if he had no other choice, but we still wouldn't have thought Evil Morty would murder him in a flight of rage during a disagreement. Now, the idea that Evil Morty might become unhinged in the future has been planted in our heads, by Rick Prime!
We fans were discussing on how the narrative seems to be setting Evil Morty as the final villain, but it's not the narrative, not really! It's Rick Prime manipulating Rick C-137, hoping he'll attack Evil Morty sometime in the future, so they can kill each other.
He fueled Rick C-137' paranoia on purpose, so as to get delayed revenge on the Rick who dared to think himself better than him... and on the one person who actually bested him.
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sparklepocalypse · 2 months
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First Line Analysis
Big thanks to @kiwiana-writes, @energievie, and @read-and-write- for the tags here! It's been awhile since I've done something like this, and I've posted a few things since then, so here we go!
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
Opening Lines, from most to least recent:
“We’ll just have to keep it very casual, of course.” Henry is an idiot. He hopes desperately that this realization isn’t written all over his face, like his every thought always is when it comes to the man sitting opposite him on the boldly colored sofa. The taste of Alex’s cum still lingers in Henry’s mouth, and he might have just prevented himself from ever getting a refresher, and — [Nobody Knows, Just We Two | Alex/Henry | E]
Each evening, Alex texts when he gets off the subway, and today is no different. Be home in ten. Love you. Missed your face. [He Drives Me Fucking Crazy; I am His Everything | Alex/Henry | E]
“Ma, seriously. I’m sixteen. I can go to the UN fundraiser,” Alex huffs, smoothing down the front of his shirt as the car rolls to a stop. “It feels like you’re dropping me off at daycare. I don’t even know these people.” [Count to Ten & Breathe Real Deep | Alex/Henry | E]
“Oh, come on,” Alex groans as traffic grinds to a halt on I-10 just outside of Norwalk. His shift starts in an hour and a half; it’s his first as a face character, and he’s going to be late if the cars don’t get fucking moving. [Love Like Yours Will Surely Come My Way | Alex/Henry | E]
The worst part about being a siren in the modern era, Henry ponders as yet another ship flies past his cove at a speed that he knows will disturb the anemone gardens below, is the yacht bros. Between the sound of their vessels’ motors and the dissonant noise the humans call music, Henry’s singing has no chance of attracting anyone’s attention. [All the Ocean Was Sleeping | Alex/Henry | E]
Alex Claremont-Diaz is sixteen years old, and he hasn’t presented. His dad seems to think it’s fine and offers Alex regular reassurance that his cousin Angel hadn’t presented until nearly 20. His mom, though, gets a little crease between her eyebrows whenever she thinks Alex isn’t looking. Presenting is a Big Deal in the Claremont family, and Alex just... hasn’t. [Late Bloomer | Alex/Henry | E]
For once, they’re not due on set until nearly noon. The night shoot at the V&A had run until nearly 1 AM, and Matthew had deliberately given the cast a recovery day, with only their Prime Video interview scheduled until that evening. It will, the Prime reps have promised, be a low pressure interview featuring some unserious activities framing an opportunity to reintroduce themselves to the world as the men bringing Alex and Henry to life. [You're the Spark That Won't Go Out | Taylor/Nick | E]
Nick can pinpoint the exact moment the line disappears. [Just Want You to Make Me Move | Taylor/Nick | E]
It’s coming. [Single Sad-Sack Seeking Same | Alex/Henry | E]
“Go win an election.” [Wrap Me Up, Unfold Me | Alex/Henry | E]
Analysis and tags behind the jump because that's already a wall of text. 😅🤣
First Line Analysis:
Not a ton of world-building in any of these first lines.
You can typically tell what sort of AU one of the more out-there AUs is going to be from the first line; Late Bloomer mentions presentation; All the Ocean Was Sleeping mentions sirens. The less outlandish AUs are less obvious.
60% of my last 10 fics make it clear whose POV you're reading in the first line.
Only one of these first lines contains a swear word; likewise, only one contains an overt reference to smut (even though these are literally all rated E).
Two of these first lines are a single sentence under five words; the remainder are... much longer.
Two of the first lines are either just a quote from the movie script or include a quote from the movie.
Four of the first lines open on dialogue, and of the rest, five are expository and one is ominous.
Tagging @eusuntgratie, @firenati0n, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @duchessdepolignaca03, @priincebutt,
@violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @cactusdragon517, @bigassbowlingballhead, @anincompletelist, @cha-melodius,
@orchidscript, @porcelainmortal, @thesleepyskipper, @onthewaytosomewhere, @mudbloodpotter05
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butch-reidentified · 11 months
“ask the average reader to guess whether a male or female wrote this based on the fact that the author used coarse language I bet they’ll tell you male 😏” this is what you sound like. that person clearly wasn’t even saying that women with body hair are disgusting, they were likening themselves to them, and condemning holding yourself and others to pedophilic beauty standards and you have to be reading it in the worst faith possible to have any other takeaway
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yeahhh you're making shit up lmfao
post being referenced:
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I never said he said women with body hair are disgusting. I never thought he said that; he was clearly trying to say that we're all just gross animals. If other people claimed he said that, talk to them. HOWEVER. he said "u are a nasty little slug too and having a vachina does not absolve u of that." I take issue with this specifically because radfems take a very "humans are just animals like any other" view. We do not believe "having a vagina" makes us superior or cleaner or less animalistic or whatever the fuck he was trying to say with that weird ass sentence.
my saying that any rando on the street would more than likely read that and assume it was written by a male is not about "coarse language" (this literally made me laugh out loud, so ty). have you looked at my blog?? it doesn't get much more "coarse language" than my writing 💀 you can say "this is what you sound like" all day, but you made that up completely while dozens if not hundreds of women knew exactly what I was referring to. Not that I actually believe that you were confused what I meant by that, but to be clear, his post reads as male because it reeks of porn-induced brainrot. "breedable 12 year old anime girls floating in a glass jar of formaldehyde waiting for some old man to come and fuck them and tell them they are so teeeeeeeeny tiny and worth it" specifically is simply not a turn of phrase (or even abstractified image) that would ever enter my mind in a million years, nor that of any woman I know. I've never seen a woman say something quite that far porn-rotted. not that it's never happened at all, but I've never seen it and I would bet my life it's exceptionally uncommon.
Everything within that image he painted is the polar opposite of how radfems see women/what radfems want for women. "Holding yourself and others to pedophilic beauty standards" - you mean the exact ones radfems speak out against relentlessly every single day??? Search my blog for terms like "female body hair," "shaving," "beauty myth," and the like, and tell me how on earth you came to the conclusion that I think women should shave or tweeze or laser or whatever a SINGLE hair even once in their entire lives. I don't shave my legs, which were wildly god-tier hairy BEFORE even I was on T. I don't shave my bush, I don't shave my armpits, I don't shave my mustache or the chin hairs cross-sex hormones gave me.
Radfeminism is opposed to every single thing that has to do with the gender construct. We absolutely do not have any requirements or expectations or criteria for womanhood beyond simply being a human + female. Like I said about viewing humans like any other animals, radfems see "woman = female human" the same way one means "doe = female deer." Woman is not a gender; it's a term referring simply to species (human) and to sex (female). That's it. No further expectations or criteria apply.
Before you try to argue that this definition excludes women who are infertile or intersex, let me be very clear about sex:
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> "of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs"
"the sex that CAN" is crucial to defining female/male. the female body has biologically, genetically, and physiologically developed from before birth to support the POTENTIAL capability of producing large gametes (eggs aka ova). It is totally irrelevant if one has a medical complication that prevents her from actually producing those gametes; which gametes your body has clearly developed structurally and functionally to produce is what defines your sex, no matter what.
The fact that this is how we view "woman" and "man," as simply referencing one's sex and humanity - this is why we maintain that trans-identified males are men. Again, we don't see "man" as a gender in the slightest. We don't engage with the gender construct at all beyond our desire to dismantle it entirely so that everyone would be able to live free from those roles/stereotypes/expectations that are assigned on the basis of sex.
This makes it a ridiculous thing to assert that we have to "go so far to prove that trans women are actually men...." We do not feel that it requires any effort at all to say "a drake is a male duck, a buck is a male doe, a man is a male human." It CERTAINLY does not in ANY capacity require us to "reduce women" to that horrific sentence, or to "reduce women" at all. Is it "reducing" a doe to state that she is a female deer?
It also makes it ridiculous to insist radfems "dehumanize" women by using this definition - the definition which includes "human" as a non-negotiable criterion.
About the first of his two-part post pictured above, last but far from least: There will NEVER come a day when women - ESPECIALLY lesbians & ESPECIALLY extremely gnc lesbians - calling out misogynistic males for their behavior counts as "punching down." No matter how he identifies, how he dresses, where he works, what his talents are, what he likes/dislikes, his sexual orientation, or anything else, women (and again, lesbian women especially) do not hold institutional/systemic power over men.
as for the 10 foot pole part, I really couldn't care less what he meant or why, tbqh, because the supremely creepy pedophilic rant that made up the first part was the thing we all truly took issue with in that screenshot.
and let's not forget, this all started bc he called an ND woman the r slur for her critique asserting that he was appropriating a type of religious trauma specific to the sex-based oppression of women/girls, and profiting from doing so. personally, as a human female with a history of such religious trauma, while this has been resolved for approximately 7 years in my case, I still vehemently object to any male claiming it as his own for profit. especially if said profit is hoarded rather than given back to victims of such trauma.
NOTE: this answer was written while I'm barely staying conscious. I will come back to edit/clean up a bit later after getting some rest 😴
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igotanidea · 1 year
Relapse :Jason Todd x plus-size fem! reader
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Warnings: this is probably the heaviest thing I've ever written, so proceed with caution since might be triggering. I'm deadly serious! Here we go: eating disorders, mentions of anorexia, body shaming, insecurities, mentions of self-harm, bad relationships, self-hatred, self-depreciating thoughts, possible heart-break, past trauma, emotional damage.
Remember: no matter what you are struggling with, it will get better. You are not alone, don't be afraid to reach for help.
It’s pretty funny how one single memory can be carved into your brain, just waiting to emerge. A smell or taste can bring back good things, your favorite song, connected to some happy times can make you smile instantly. But, on the other, darker side, there are whole lot of bad associations. A word, a feeling, a single shot through your heart and you end up falling back into the same pattern of thinking and spinning, unable to get out of the cycle. All the energy spend on building yourself up, all the effort and one reckless behavior sends you back to square one.
And that was what was happening to Y/N at the moment. It was a nice day, spend with her family, talking, joking, laughing and enjoying the sun. And she was good for the most of it. Only when she get back to her apartment and started thinking, she could feel the lump growing in her throat, not sure of the reason of it. Her mind just started spinning, emotions taking over her, being too much, too fast, all at once. She simple could not handle them. And to think that all this was sparked by one single bad thought about herself.
You are not like your family. You are so big, how can you even compare yourself to them? Take a look at your mother, your sister, your friends… How can you even look at yourself in the mirror and feel good? That’s just pathetic. You are pathetic. Pathetic and fat. Do you really believe someone can love you? You? with your big ass and round belly? The worst lie is the one you tell to yourself.
And then there was more:
Summer is coming. How are you going to show yourself out? Do you really think you can wear shorts? Or short-sleeved T-shirt?
The truth was she did not wear any of the summer clothes in like 6 or 7 years. Last time was probably when she was anorectic and due to some twisted image of herself believed she looked good while being severely underweight.  At times like this, she truly wished she was a skeleton rather than a meatloaf.
All she knew was that she just had to get those feelings out of her system. And unfortunately, she did in the only way she knew – binge eating. Escaping the emotions by literally stuffing them inside. Feeling sick of herself, of this eating disorder she was dealing with for like 10 years on and off, constantly. Once it got better, then it started all over again. High one minute and then down the other.  
She hated herself. She hated her body. She hated the empty promises, all of them starting tomorrow. She hated controlling every calorie during the day, refusing to have even the tiniest piece of chocolate and then getting hungry, frustrated, overwhelmed at night. And starting this all over again.
 And all that guilt and rage finally bend her to the ground and she found herself sobbing desperately on the kitchen floor, surrounded by the evidence of her guilt in the form of empty pocket of cookies, an XXL size bar of chocolate, a carton of milk, half-eaten cheese-strings and a jar of apple mousse. She did it again, fuck, she did this again!
Sudden steps In the corridor startled her beyond recognition and in the utter terror she tried to hide all those empty papers and wraps, but it was no use. Her boyfriend, Jason Todd, was simply too fast, he was a vigilante after all and that trait came in a package.
“Hey baby, how was your…..?” he stopped in the middle of the sentence, eyes widening a bit upon seeing her crouched figure on the floor, surrounded by the trash. He instantly knew, the question was however, what caused her panic attack and the aftermath in the form of overeating “What happened?”
“Nothing.” She looked onto the floor, trying to keep her voice calm and collected while trembling inside. I am worthless, I am pathetic, why are you even with me?
“Don’t lie to me. Please.” He crouched next to her and put one hand on her shoulder, reassuringly but it only made her tremble more. He knew her well enough to  notice that fear, shame and guilt in her eyes and realize that only too many emotions triggered her eating disorder again. She’s been clean for a while now, but sometimes life was just too much to handle and that was the result.
To be completely honest, sometimes he blamed himself for her relapses. If he was home, like a normal boyfriend should she would at least have someone to rant to and let all those worries out. She might have been one of the strongest person he knew, always, always getting up and moving forward, but he experienced first-handed that situations like this could leave some long-lasting scars on mentality.
 “Talk to me.” He practically begged, eyes focused on her face, searching her orbs, gently asking for explanation. “Please, baby, I can’t stand to see you like this. Let me help you. Let me make you better. I’m here.” He tried to cup her cheek but she flinched and moved out of his reach probably breaking his heart in the process.
“Please, just leave me alone, Jay.  It’s enough that I despise myself for what happened. You …. I don’t want you to look at me with that pity in your eyes. I’m a fuckup. I wish I could go back to the times when I actually had anorexia, at least then I didn’t have to look at my chubby face in the mirror and fell all that…... I didn’t have to judge my thick thighs, those stupid fat ass and those fucking round belly.” She sobbed, barely containing the shaking of her body, grabbing the skin and pinching at it angrily until it became red and started to hurt. That was all she deserved.
“Can I hug you?” he whispered softly, his voice breaking, wanting nothing more than to embrace her, to make her feel safe and loved. To take all that pain away. Both mental and physical since she was really hurting herself at the moment.  He knew the mechanisms all too well. When he died, he was afraid of Joker coming after him again, he had panic attacks and multiple nightmares that made him jolt in the middle of the night, and this, this was her equivalent of all that living hell.
No matter what she was saying or thinking about herself, he’s been thought it too.
He hated his body, his scars and injuries, she hated the way she looked and how it made her feel. It took him years to open up to people enough to let them in and trust them in the slightest and she was still feeling judged. Her pain was his pain and he could feel his stomach do flips upon watching her so broken and scared on the floor. He wanted to be her shelter, her save haven. If only she let him, he would just engulf her in his warmth, keep her there, taking all the tears, all the shivers, all the fear and worry.
God, he loved her so much.
He would gladly spend eternity with her in his arms, just proving his love and loyalty but at this state she would never believe him. He’d been there and had done that. The only thing he could do was help her calm down, give her a bit of space and just be with her until she feels ready to talk.
“No….” she shook her head frantically “I don’t want you to feel all my curves. It’s too much. And I’m so ashamed of them. But it’s all on me. I made this. I made myself look like a freaking balloon.”
“Princess. Please…. Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t hurt yourself.” He begged again, his throat clenched by the pain he felt for her.  
“You know, today I got a perfect reminder of why I hate summer. It’s because of the sun and warmth and nice weather.” She said in a robot-like voice, staring at the space, reliving the memory from few hours before.
“Why?” he asked, talking the moment of her distraction to move a bit closer, sitting next to her,  leaning head on the wall, inch by inch his hand was moving towards hers. ‘I'm here baby, let it out." he thought.
“Because I never believed I could wear any summer clothes, you know. Never. It just didn’t feel right. I mean, my sister, she’s got perfect figure, no rolls or fat on her body, so she’s the one to feel confident in those. I do not. I spend the day in long, black pants, overheating, just because I look like a freaking head cheese. And the worst part, I’m the biggest in my family and it always makes me compare myself. I do not match with them. Never felt like I did in the appearance area. And maybe I just don't fit with anyone and will always be the D.U.F.F. It hurts, Jason. It freaking hurts.” A few tears flew down her cheeks “It’s just too painful when I see all those women just feeling good in their bodies."
“I know. “ he sighed deeply
“I wish I just could go back in time when I was skinny.”
“Babe, you were severely malnourished back then. On the verge of life and death.”
“At least I could look at myself in the mirror.” She sobbed. ”And now I can’t. Sometimes it just feels like no matter where I go I’m always the biggest and ugliest.”
“You are neither of those.”
“Stop it. Just…. just stop it. I know how I look all right? And I’m not ok with this. Some days just hit worse than others.”
“I’m sorry, baby. But you need to know no one is judging you…..”
“I don’t care! Out of all the people in the world you should understand it the best, Jay. I judge myself! I compare myself! I torture myself with thinking than I’m not worthy of love, of care, of affection. Of your love and care and attention. Not when I see my former school friends looking like a fucking supermodels.  And that makes me ashamed. And …. And this is what happens then….” She waved her hands around pointing toward the empty wrappers around “I’m not good enough…..” he voice broke a bit and she trembled again, bursting into the waterfall of tears. "  
“Y/N, princess, please don’t do this. It will damage you…..”
“Please, go away Jason. I want to be alone.”
“You know I can’t leave you like this. I just…. I can’t . Not until you calm down. ”
“It may take hours. “ she raised her teary eyes to look at him.
“So be it. You are my priority, not going anywhere till you stop spinning. I’m here.” He whispered, entwining their fingers “we don’t need to talk, not yet, but you just need to remember I love you.  You are not alone. And I don’t care how long it takes, I will put you back on your feet.”
“Why? Why are you trying to fix me?”
“Baby, you are not broken, you don’t need fixing. And I will remind you. Just let me take care of you.”
“I think I really want to be alone. I might take a nap. It will probably get better after that.”
“All right. I’ll tuck you in if….”
“No.” she shook her head “I need to think. I need to distance myself. Just…. leave Jace, I promise I won’t do anything stupid. Besides, it’s late. You should be getting ready for your night work. You know the team needs you.”
“You need me more right now.”
“I’ll be fine. I promise, Jay.” She lifted corners of her mouth, but this fake smile did not reach her eyes and did little to convince him. “It’s not like it happened the first time and I’m still here, right?”
“Right.” He could pretend not to notice the scars and traces serving as recollections of what she used to do herself in the past.  That though always made Jason shiver. He could have lost her so many times before if it wasn’t for Bruce help and the medical care he got for her. And it made it a bit harder for him to hate his father.
“I trust you.” he simply said “If anything happens, I mean anything you call me, right away, you hear me, babygirl? I’ll get rid of whatever scumbag may come onto the streets tonight in a second and will be right with you in a heartbeat.”
“I know, Jace.” She would never call him during patrol and put him in danger even if she was dying on the floor in a pool of blood. Never.
“I love you.” he muttered kissing the top of her head lightly and getting up. Something was telling him this was going to be a rough night for both of them.
When he got back she was already asleep in her favorite position. Seemingly, finally at peace, but he knew better than to look at the appearances and masks she knew how to wear. She was crying herself to sleep for god knows how long. Most probably she only passed out because of exhaustion and her mind playing trick on her. It was like a brain power cut off before it went overload. She was curled up, legs up to her chest exposing a bit of her lower back, hugging herself. Fuck! He should have stayed with her!
Slowly, carefully he discarder his jacket and body armor, approaching the bed. Only then he noticed tossed away blanket and goosebumps all over her skin – to top the pain, fear, and tears she was also so cold. He needed to hold her. He just had to give her the comfort, no matter what she said about that.
The bed dipped when he laid down beside her, wrapping arms around her, pulling her close, not caring about her rolls and surpluses. She hated them, he barely noticed.
“Jace….” She whined, squirming, still feeling uncomfortable when he was touching her.
“It’s me baby. I’m here.  Everything is all right. I’m back to you.”
“Please don’t leave me” she sobbed turning around and pulling herself close to him, face hidden in his chest “Please, don’t leave me just because I don’t look like a model. And because I’m an eating disorder freak. Please, Jace…”
“How…. How could you even think I will leave you?” he held her tighter. God! If she ever had thoughts like this what was this saying about him as a boyfriend? “I’m not. I won’t. I promise. I got you, baby.” He cooed rubbing her hair and shoulders. “I’m with you. It will pass, just let it out and I’ll help you heal the same way you did for me.”
"Ok...." she managed to gasp in the tiniest, barely audible voice, finally leaning onto him and letting him care for her. Just that one word was enough for him. She trusted him and he was not going to let her down.
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
Hi! I’m a big fan of your writing, basically everything you put out there, fanfics, tumblr posts long and short, everything. Any topic you choose to discuss you manage to present very well, and get me interested every single time. If it is about a tv program I’ve never watched, or a theme park I’ve never been in - it’s captivating, it’s clever, it’s just GOOD writing! Are you subscribed to any newsletters? It’s quite a popular thing now, and a lot of time a real journalists are writing them. But unfortunately, very often this pieces are written pretty badly, like for example, they over edit and break the fourth wall at the same time, try to seem so deep, and profound, but at the same sentence drop some edgy joke and address me directly, as if we’re chatting and are buddies or something… like.. idk. And I know we all are very grateful for the Kerrang p2 interview, but did you see that sentence “the bassist grins at one point”? It’s like the worst #badfanfic cliche you can ever imagine. And it’s a big well known magazine, wtf??? What’s next? “The long haired man”, the “older boy”?? I’m sorry for the rant, but sometimes it just seems, that the best written articles about this band and others too, I’ve read on this website. Do you remember all those great things people wrote in retrospect about the tour this past year? A lot of very talented people are here. I’m really glad I’m subscribed to some of them.
Okay, first of all, thank you so much for the lovely compliment and I appreciate it, thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy listening to me babble. :-)
Second of all, though, I totally agree with you that I routinely read on Tumblr excellently written pieces that I do not read in professional publications, and it is infuriating to me. For some reason, "professional writing" is just so often...not good. Is it the editing? Is it, like, some kind of marketing data saying this is the tone everything should have? IS IT AI???? Like, for real, what is it??? But it is so frustrating to me.
I don't subscribe to any newsletters, I confess, but I have been trying to read more books, and I know I've talked about this before, but I keep reading highly recommended books and I'm just like, ....these are all terrible????? I read better fanfiction on literally a daily basis????? What is happening????? I just finished a queer romance and if anything should have been like a fic to read, you would have thought it would be that, but I was so distracted by how inconsistent the characters and even the story was, like, I was just like, This was professionally written and edited and this is what we ended up with?????
Anyway, I agree with you, everyone on here writes excellent Fall Out Boy analyses and reflections, thanks so much for them, I'm sure Pete Wentz also enjoys them.
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fullstcp · 7 months
"Amidst the Chaos" by Sarah Bareilles Sentence Starters
"Won't lose much sleep."
"He/she/they never went that deep."
"Let me hold your ego while you get your bag packed."
"Don't take this the wrong way."
"We were never gonna catch fire."
"We'd've burned up in flames."
"Talk, touch, kiss, then this one's just like all the others."
"I know all too well that I want deeper waters."
"Shallow shores aren't safe enough to dive in."
"I feel you."
"It's like you're in the next room."
"At any given moment, you could appear."
"You're out there in it somewhere."
"If I could only get there, I could breathe again."
"Tell me how to start."
"What comes after you?"
"I am in the dark."
"No such thing as over you."
"I don't want it anyway."
"I've tried to get over you, but I think there's no such thing."
"You're Rome, I am the ruins."
"You're on your mind, all the time."
"But I can't fix it by fixating on a rewind."
"Hold on, 'til there's something else to hold onto."
"Let me tell you something you'll understand."
"Only little boys tell you they're a big man."
"All my armor comes from you."
"You make me try harder."
"That's all I ever do."
"You brought the flame, here comes the phoenix."
"You tell me that you're leaving."
"I had a feeling this day would come and leave me reeling."
"I just want to run back in your arms again."
"I'm thankful that I held you at all."
"I miss you every morning."
"I count the seconds between the thoughts of you."
"I'm getting better, baby, I'm almost up to two."
"Some folks are seasons, they got to come and go."
"And the world's on fire."
"Life, it gets louder now."
"All I can do is keep my eyes on you."
"The only thing on my mind is you."
"We were stars of some old classic film."
"In the glow of the candlelight, we danced all night."
"No one needs to know a thing."
"I've never quite been here before."
"Finally made a house feel like home."
"The years are flying past us now."
"You twist around me like vines."
"You sold me a future from the ones you had in the trunk of your car."
"You said I think too much."
"You said I always mess it up."
"It was so easy to believe."
"I've always said the same things."
"I don't want your wicked love."
"You thought I didn't notice."
"But I won't forget this moment."
"My love, I see you're growing tired."
"Set the bad day by the bed and rest a while."
"I know you miss the world, the one you knew. When everything made sense because you didn't know the truth."
"We're all just hunters seeking solid ground."
"Don't stop trying to find me here amidst the chaos."
"Just stay here."
"We did not give up on love today."
"I'll show you good, restore your faith."
"I'll try and somehow make a meaning of the poison in this place."
"You were written in the stars that we are swimming in."
"I hope my love was someone else's solid ground."
"By the time you hear this, I'll be in the rearview mirror."
"Go and take some more time, but me and mine must go."
"I wanted to be your girl/guy in a white t-shirt."
"I wanted to be your girl/guy with your hands on my skin."
"By the time you hear this, who knows where I might be?"
"I was ready, but you weren't."
"The two of us, oh, what we could have been."
"How can I make you remember?"
"Would you turn to me if I say, I still want to be your girl/guy?"
"Could I rest here for a while?"
"I can't go face the world."
"My bones won't hold me up."
"Surrender's just a word 'til you try it out."
"I'm the worst I've ever seen. Afraid of almost everything."
"We're leaving all the windows open."
"We don't even mind the rain."
"We won't settle for the silence."
"We won't drown in the tears."
"We'll say every single word even if we think they'll hurt."
"The ocean is wild and over your head."
"You don't know who will catch you, but maybe somebody will."
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amewinterswriting · 8 months
Things I've learnt from writing fanfiction
Done is better than perfect. We all love our ideas (at least at first) and want them to be as good as they can possibly be and we're brimming with excitement over the shiny new idea. But then we get bogged down in the weeds of actually writing the damn thing and practicality sets in. Fanfiction really taught me to lower my own personal standards and get the story out there. Even if that story is different to the original idea. And sometimes - not always, but often enough - it actually morphs into something I feel is better than the original idea, or at least different in a good way. All of my ideas respond to the characters and what they want to do, and that often winds up drastically different to the original expectation. Learning to embrace that and write it regardless helped me to actually make some progress in my ever expanding WIP folder.
Feedback will not always take the form you want/if you want to get a critique you're happy with, you might have to do it yourself. Fanfiction is great for getting eyes on your work - there is a pre-existing fandom waiting for content and if you throw it up online, especially on a platform like AO3, you will almost certainly have eyes on it within 24 hours. What you cannot guarantee is if someone will like it, kudos it, comment on it or give it any kind of meaningful feedback beyond "this is great, I really liked it". I know a lot of people throw fanfic up for external validation...I don't. It's always nice if I get feedback that points out an element that the reader loved, or gently points out a typo, but I don't actually expect engagement of any kind. Which makes every single kudos feel like a gift, and every single comment is a priceless treasure. If I want more detailed analysis, I purposely seek out my trusted friends in the fandom, with the idea that they know the level of feedback I'm after and know I'll take critiques in the spirit that they're intended. But that's a relationship built on trust and mutual respect and takes time to cultivate. If you want immediate analysis, you need to put on your critical hat and do it yourself. You are always going to be your own worst critic - you know what you intended and how you might have fallen short of the mark. So be kind with yourself and let yourself embrace the things you did do well, too. Look out for the happy accidents.
Taking risks and writing outside your comfort zone. When writing original fiction, you might shy away from writing styles or scenes you have never written before. Commonly, things like smut scenes, action scenes and experimental sentence structures feel too 'risky' to attempt for the first time with your own original ideas. But fanfiction can be a great vehicle for experimenting with unconventional writing choices in a lower stakes way. Fanfiction gave me the confidence to write smut (and I'm damn good at it, if I do say so myself) but also a reason to write a football match (never again, way too many moving parts and characters, would literally rather write an orgy). I wrote a first person descent into immortal madness that started eloquently and ended with the character only able to form single, simple words. I could experiment with writing in first person, in third person with an omniscient narrator and in third person with a close perspective and work out the pros and cons of each for the stories I wanted to tell.
Learning to analyse characters and subtext. One of my biggest strengths when writing preexisting characters (in my opinion) is being able to nail the character voice and motivations. I'd love to say there's a trick to it, but it's just a lot of analysis of the original media and reading between the lines. Working out what we actually know about the character, then what we can assume or guess based on the interpretation of that knowledge. An adult character who adopted a surrogate father figure in adulthood and never speaks of their birth family probably didn't have a great childhood, though the exact reason why might be conjecture (and a great idea for a fic!). A forgotten hero who willingly succumbs to a curse in order to go somewhere familiar must be quite lonely, and is simply seeking to return home, even if it destroys him. Once you understand why a character has done a thing, it's quite easy to find reasons why they might do any number of other things. As long as you can justify why, you can push a character quite a bit further than you might imagine.
Writing for an audience might surprise you. Most of my fics are in very small fandoms. Or a very small niche in a larger fandom. (I genuinely think I have one of the longest fics in a given fandom. Which admittedly only consists of about 30 people worldwide.) So I never really expect much attention and it's just a nice happy accident when I do get anything as simple as a kudos. That said, some of my fics get patterns of kudos that are really interesting. I will often get kudos out of the blue from the same person on everything I have written for a specific rare pair (so rare in fact that I believe I'm one of 2-3 people to ever publish anything for it) - likely a curiosity click that turned into 'wait, I actually ship this now, dammit'. I have a couple of stories with a specific pairing that consistently gets new attention every time there is a big bang or mini bang for that pairing, despite me not being involved in either of those events. Lately, I've had a single guest kudos per day on a little OT3 piece consistently for the last few weeks. Which probably either means someone keeps coming back with different IP addresses every day (which is really flattering) or that this fic is being shared around a friend group, one link at a time (which I love the idea of, someone reading it and then knowing exactly who else would love to read it and it continues to be passed around).
Formatting for ease of reading. Different mediums are read in different ways. Fanfiction is predominantly read on smartphone screens, in my experience. So learning best practices for formatting web text is useful: frequent line breaks, allow text to be dynamically readjusted by the web browser, if you are embedding images make sure they can also dynamically adjust otherwise readers are zoomed into the top corner of the image and have to scroll left and right to piece together the entire work, etc. But fanfiction (and web-based media as a whole) also lets you experiment with things that wouldn't be seen as acceptable in a novel. I've recently published fic that changes fonts to indicate the text written in a letter, and managed to assign different characters their own font to imply characteristics visually (if you do this, try to limit yourself to the most common webfonts around as these are only visible if the reader's browser has these fonts installed). I'm toying with the idea of a future fic - which is all entirely written via the medium of letters between characters - to be entirely visual renditions of the letters to include interesting environmental details like blood stains or scratched out words or torn edges, but I would definitely want to include image ID for people who use screenreaders or struggle with certain fonts.
Pst, if you enjoyed this and want to throw a few coins at my Ko-Fi, that would be very nice and would support me rambling on about other writing topics or getting more of the actual writing done!
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scribefindegil · 1 year
authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Yayy! Thanks Mary! <3 After agonizing it for a while, my top 5:
The Real World (Mob Psycho 100, post-Mogami arc) is absolutely my favorite fic I've ever written. It's some of my best prose, I'm really pleased with how concise and focused I was able to keep it despite touching on so many characters, and it let me distill down a lot of my thoughts on the themes of the show and why it's so important to me. And I wrote it during the absolute worst stretch of the curse, painstaking sentence by painstaking sentence over the course of half a year. I am so so so proud of it.
Fisherman's Knot (Gravity Falls, post-canon fic focusing on the Stans, their deeply-entrenched mental health issues, and their eventual recovery. Also there are selkies.) At 104k words, the longest piece of writing I've ever finished. Writing it was a journey; I took a long break but I'm so happy and proud that I managed to come back and finish it and that there were still people who were as excited as I was to get to the end. The response to this fic blew me away; it started out largely as a coping mechanism to deal with my own poorly-treated mental illness and I feel really honored that my writing resonated with so many people dealing with similar things. I grew so much as a writer over the course of it. Both the big moments of catharsis--Stan's glitter and Ford's realization by the harbor--were things that were so powerful and electric in my head that I worried I wouldn't be able to put them down in words that did the feelings justice, but I did!
Bloom (Discworld, a Glorious 25th of May fic set a few years after Night Watch) Everyone who sets out to write a Discworld fic is undertaking an extreme act of hubris, because not only are you trying to emulate a specific writing style, you're trying to write like Terry Pratchett, which as we all know is basically impossible. Still, I think I hit some good resonant Discworldy notes in this little piece and really nailed the Themes I was going for. Periodically the Tumblr post version gets a little burst of notes and it always makes me really happy that people are enjoying it.
First And Final Orders (Mob Psycho 100, Dimple character study) Hi. Have you heard of ring composition? I love ring composition. It is my single favorite literary device (and I love a LOT of literary devices), so I had to include one of my fics that makes heavy use of it. I also love pointing at a piece of media and going "Hey. Hey have you thought about how there's kind of some Discworld themes here? What if we thought about the Discworld themes together?" And ALSO i love DIMPLE!!! I hope this fic helps explain why.
Casualties (Gravity Falls, missing scene from the finale) So the reason this fic makes this list isn't so much its quality (though I do still really like it!) but the fact that it was my first-ever completed fanfiction. I'd idly poked at the idea of writing fic a couple times before but never made much progress. I hadn't actually done any creative writing for years at that point. I came to fandom late due to a combination of being scared of the internet and, when I did check out my real-life friends' fandom blogs, feeling like everything was so focused on shipping that there would be no place for me and the kinds of stories I cared about. Gravity Falls changed that. I'd made friends and felt like part of a community for the first time. I'd read fanfic that I loved and that focused on the sorts of relationships I really cared about. And so finally I decided that even though it still felt really scary, maybe I would try my hand at actually writing and posting a fic of my own.
360,000 words and 54 works later, I still think it was a pretty good idea.
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shadow-tumbler · 11 months
I still love you (Sebastian sallow X Amelia Marksmen)
Tumblr media
(Warnings: Smut, oral :female Receiving, breeding kink, dominant sebastian)
(My first attempt at a fic with proper written smut so I apologise if it's bad 😅😅😅😅, Amelia is my new sliverin mc )
Sebastian Sallow, was sentenced to Azkaban at the end of his fifth-year, for killing his Uncle. I was part of the reason that he was put there, no longer able to agree with his actions. Now, it's been five years, he's twenty-one and he's been set free and I'm afraid he might come after me—for revenge.
Amelia's pov
Me and sebastian used to be friends, more than friends almost and now, I'm always wondering if the next knock on my door...will be him. Its bad to think like that but I cant help it and whenever I went out I'd look over my shoulder making sure I didn't see him think the worst could possibly happen if he dose come back. I swear if it wasn't for my friends mainly ominis, poppy and natty and my twin brother Elijah I definitely would've gone off the rails due to my nerves but I've remained sane so far. I had confounded I'm sebastian about all the things me and my brother had been though in our childhood and he was always there to listen to me. At the moment I was getting ready for bed after Having been out getting things for little Lillians birthday, Lillian is the child Elijah and ominis adopted together and she's the cutest little girl in the world. There was a storm outside the sound of the rain hitting the window brought a senes a peacefulness to me but there was still that feeling that something was gonna happen but I ignored it as I got into bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep a flash of lightning made me jump since even as an adult I'm still scared of thunder storms but what made it worse was when I hear a sound of a twig snapping from around back.
I got out bed and carefully go to look out the back window hoping it was just an animal, as I looked out the window I didn't see anything but that feeling of being in danger was still there so I ran and grabbed my wand there stood in the dark facing the backway of my cabin. I held a vise like grip on my wand and just as I was about to go back to head a heard a soft whisper "hello?" Making my eyes widened as I recognised the voice, it was sebastian and he had fianlly come me. A part of me was happy that he was finally back home but a part of me was still scared think he held a grudge for what I did and was gonna get his revenge. I feel like my heart will explode, I feel so many emotions. The face i see though the window, his eyes...I remember those eyes. I find myself staring him down "Sebastian...? What are you doing here?" I asked still standing my ground "I'm here to talk to you" He replied lookinng back at me through the window, his eyes seem...more intense then before. The rain had course his brown curls to become flat against his head "Let me in and we can discuss the last five years" he says like he was begging me to let him in.  I held my shaking hand up with my wand "I  don't know if I can sebastian" I said firmly "Of course you can. It'll be like old times" he said with that same smile he gave me the first time we met "I didn't travel all the way to your house to turn around and be denied" he added on which was true but I was still nervous as he asked again to be let in. I take a deep breath, this will either be fine or the dumbest thing I've done as I slowly walked to the back down unlocking it then opening it stepping back for him to come in still keep my wand in hand  as he walked inside his clothes soaking from the rain.
He looked at me after shutting the door "I missed you darling" he says kinda surprising me "you have?" I asked, I those he'd hate me after what happened but there wasn't an single shred of hated to be heard or felt. He nodded as he began to walk over to me and smirked "More than you know, I've thought about you ever day since I've been locked up"  he replied as he watched now stood in front of me "You haven't stopped thinking about me, have you?" He asked. I lowered my wand "truthfully there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought about you" I admitted to him as he smiled slightly "do it's mutual then darling" he says. He gently traced the outlines of my face sending shivers up my spin as I could feel those same butterflies that I would get all those years ago. His touch was familiar yet something different in the way his body approached me, his fingers gently brushed my lips. I looked into those beautiful brown eyes, i looked deep into them and it felt like my world stopped, I was finally...with the man i loved. I had been dreaming of this for so long and I  could finally touch him. Sebastian leaned in closer and our lips met, It was passion &  intens his lips pressed against against mine was something I had wished for. I of cause kissed him back and one of his hands held the back of my head while the other rested on my waist  My fingers were intertwined in his hair. Both of our tongues danced around each other, his touch was making me feel so much, He was everything to me in that moment, everything i've ever needed.
He pulled away briefly, looking into my eyes "Let's take this somewhere a little more...private dear" He said smirking at me and I couldn't help myself as I blushed and nodded in agreement. He smirked at me, his eyes were filled with a new hunger that I had an idea of what it means,  He took my hand and lead me up the stairs towards my bedroom. Once in my bedroom he shut the door behind us and then turned to me still smirking "are you ready my darling?~" he asked and I looked up at him as he stood in front of me now "yes" I say and judging my his reaction he loved that word as he brings me over to my bed. He gently pushed me down onto it and climbed on top of me a look of pure love and lust in his eyes "I've been waiting so long for this" he says. He moved closer to my face, his nose just barely touching mine & Sebastian let out a tiny chuckle He kissed me again, deeper this time and nothing else mattered apart from having this moment with him. I feel my heart pounding in my chest and my body burning with pleasure as Sebastian kept kissing me, his fingers were now going under my shirt. Sebastian worked to undo the bottoms of my pyjama top and it didn't take him long to remove it "holy shit your so fucking hot" he says looking at my body and I blushed a little, his lips then found my neck. Once the brushed against a particular spot I gasped slightly and he the attacked that spot which resulted in me letting out a moan, I feel him smirking against my skin and his hand went to work in removing my bottoms. It revealed the pair of black lace panties I wore and his fingers rubbed over the fabric making a louder moan leave my lips as he kept up the motion for a few seconds before finally removing the panties and throwing them somewhere in the room.
I removed my bra leaving me completely naked in front of this man "oh I am gonna take full claim over you darling" he says as he moved down and slowly kissed up my thighs making me let out a pathetic sounding whine. He smirked then out of nowhere I felt his tongue against my Clit and I don't think I've ever moaned that loud before, the moans doesn't stop and he continues that attack against my clit and I felt myself getting close. I bucked my hips and he smirked pushing them down "I want you to only cum when I say, you got that?" He says in a demanding type of voice "y-yes~" I moan out. He smirked and continues his attack till I could feel myself practically brusting "do it, I wanna taste you" he growls and I let go Cumming over his face. He licked the area clean and got up, while keeping eye contact he got himself undressed and holy shit he has an amazingly buff body. He had the perfect amount of chest hair that was placed just right but what left my eyes wide was his size, I had kinda imagined it before but damn. He took his hand and whiped my clit collecting a mixture of my cum and his Spit levering himself with it pumping a couple times. The moans that brought out of him were so hot "ready my love?" He asked and I nodded, without saying another word he line's himself up and slams into me which course me to scream out from please. He didn't waste a second before he trusted hard and fast grunting with each thrust. The room is filled with a mixture of skin slapping against skin, his grunting and my moans especially when kissed my neck again leaving more marks. Oh god this was so god damn amazing "oh baby~ your so tight for me~" he groans into my ear and I scratched up his back, he trusts got faster and I had ended up having several more orgasms. He groans again "I wanna put a baby in you" he said completely out of the blue but the thought of that left he shaking wity pleasure "oh you want that? Want me to fill you with my seed so you can carrying my child?" He asked in a teasing voice. I nodded and he smirked even more "well I shall grant your wish my love" he says and his thrusts started to get sloppy and with one last go he stops as I feel his seed spurt inside me. He Stays like this for a second "wanna make sure a baby is definitely made" he says and finally he pulled out laying next to me. I right away cuddle into his side with him wrapping his arms around me "I love you so much darling, guess it means we're a couple now?" He asked with a slight chuckle "well of course I does seb" I say and he kissed my forehead.
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rotschopf-thedrow · 11 months
WIP Whenever
Got tagged by the lovely @cr-noble-writes
This is the scene my last sentence written from recently was taken from. And since I've been called out for it, I guess this scene is especially for @ad-astra13, @swaps55 & @commander-krios.
Kaidan realised that it would take him some time to get used to waking up alone again. In just a couple of nights, Coats had managed to make him feel safe and secure in his arms like no one else had ever managed. Not that there had been many in Kaidan’s life. A soldier’s life was a busy life, but it had been mostly him doing the holding and comforting. Now that he knew what it was like to not only give but also receive, he didn’t want to give it up again. Only two weeks, he thought. In two weeks, he would go to London for the weekend. Until then, they had to resort to vid calls after hours. Kaidan hated it already. “Hey, sleepyhead,” Coats said, his voice still morning-rough. “Didn’t wake you, did I?” Kaidan looked towards the voice, grinning when he spotted his man still wet from shower and towelling of his hair. He wondered if he would ever get enough of looking at Coats, feeling his mouth water and his heart beat faster as his eyes roamed over those delicious plains of muscle playing under soft skin. Not the best of ideas when they had to be at HQ in an hour. “No, you didn’t.” Kaidan rolled out of bed and padded over to Coats, kissing him on the cheek. “Good morning,” he said softly, unable to wipe the stupid grin of his face. “You could’ve woken me up, you know.” “Yeah, and risk missing my shuttle because I would’ve ravished you in the shower.” He laughed, grabbing a fresh towel from the rack. A small selfish part of him wouldn’t have minded if Coats had missed his shuttle. That much he could admit, but they both were men who loved their job, loved to serve, and there were only a few things they both would consider worth getting in trouble for. Morning shower sex didn’t make that list. He yelped when Coats gave him a slap across his ass, and Kaidan wagged a finger at him. “Don’t start something you won’t finish.” Coats was at his side in two long strides, towel discarded on the floor, and cradled his face in his hands. “You make me question every single principle I have, Kaidan, and I have no clue if I should be annoyed or enamoured.” Kaidan swallowed, feeling Coats’ hard cock against his own rapidly hardening length. “We have to be fast.” “Pretty sure I’m still lose enough,” Coats replied huskily, his lips whispering across Kaidan’s mouth. Kaidan growled and turned them around, shoving Coats in the general direction of the bathroom. “In the shower, mister. I get the lube and a condom.” Coats’ grin was both mischievous and feral at the same time, as he threw Kaidan a mock salute before he disappeared in the bathroom. Kaidan grabbed the lube and a condom from his nightstand, shaking his head at his antics. Coats was bringing the worst out of him and he didn’t mind one bit.
If you can read this, consider yourself taggged :-*
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appalamutte · 3 months
10 Qs for Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 12 (which includes one anonymous fic)
What's your total AO3 wordcount? 44,278
What fandoms do you write for? So far, Check, Please! mostly, though I've written/posted for Attack on Titan, and have various WIPs for both Haikyuu and Vinland Saga! (the Vinland Saga one might be posted soon.......)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Of course!! I try to respond to every one
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Thankfully not to my knowledge
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't
What's your all-time favorite ship? Damn, that's a tough one. I love too many too much. But, really, I think Daichi/Suga from Haikyuu just barely edges out Jack/Bitty from Check, Please! as my all-time favorite. Despite Zimbits being my favorite dynamic, Daisuga just found me at one of my darkest moments of life and has quickly grown to be my go-to comfort ship
What are your writing strengths? I'd say imagery and the justifiable overuse of em dashes, but I'm very interested in what others might think!!
What are you writing weaknesses? Perfectionism. I have the worst habit of editing as I write, because even though it's the first draft, when I read it back I'm reading it as if it were already posted/published. And that then leads me to obsess over every single sentence and phrase, usually before it even leaves my head, and I'll go back and reread what I've already written and rewrite it all, and it slowly dissolves me until I get so overwhelmed and burnt out that I just. Jump ship lol.
It's why all but one of my posted fics are less than 5k words - sometimes I get the burst of inspiration to sit down for 3-4 hours and bust out a quick 1-3k word fic (i.e., I black out and suddenly a fic appears before me), and it's complete enough for me to feel comfortable posting. Those are just so rare to occur, like maybe 2-3 times a year at most
First fandom you wrote for? God, I want to say either Halo Reach or the Red vs Blue webseries by RoosterTeeth (also Halo Reach, really), but that was so long ago that I don't know if I actually wrote something or dreamed that I did lol. I definitely know that somewhere on my middle-school-assigned Google Drive, there's a half-written World War Z reader-insert fanfic collecting dust haha.
But if we're talking about the first fandom I wrote and completed a fic for, then Attack on Titan.
Tagging (with no pressure): @montrealmadison @doggernaut @parvuls @gordiemeow @a-very-gay-disaster @vitaliskravtsov @starthecozy open tag for anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!!
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venturethighs · 21 days
*sorry it's a bit long I'm a rambler <3
I think as long as you write small bits at a time, whenever you get a spark of motivation, it's always better than turning away from a piece of work, art or writing or anything of the sort. Even if it's just a few words or a single sentence in your notes app, it's still something that brings you closer to the finish.
I struggle with the same thing, even when writing for myself, that I feel like I can't get the true feeling of how I want a story to go in the right words. But being able to get something written even if it's not the greatest sentence to ever be written or even one that is detrimental to the plot; it'll help to fill in the slower scenes and you can always go back and change it if you end up not liking it.
Also! Don't feel like you have to do anyone justice! While I did give the idea and original ask about it, don't feel obligated to fulfill the entire idea! Take the parts you like the most and write those; I, for one, will enjoy anything you post about it, I've liked everything you've posted so far so! Writing is the best when you're writing what you enjoy, even if there's some who don't enjoy it too, so don't feel pressured to write for others' enjoyment! The ones who do enjoy what you make will support you!
If it takes weeks, I'll wait; if it takes months, I'll wait; if you end up discarding the idea, I'll still support you! ~ 🐺
It will get done. I do tend to write whenever inspiration strikes, but it just takes a while for it to.
If worst comes to worst I can just reformat it into headcanons since it's less overwhelming and publish it that way. It's a much easier way to write as someone with debilitating ADHD lmao
So ADHD in fact that I forgot I could just do that in the first place until I was answering this ask
It's still stuck at half way done, so I wouldn't have to rewrite too much if I went that route... we will have to see...
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multi-fandom-simp00 · 9 months
Okay, so I have this Shovel Knight x reader fanfic in my drafts and as I'm going through each chapter to edit them, I see this
Tumblr media
"Oh, you haven't heard?"
I absolutely lose my shit every single time I fucking see this sentence
This is either the best or the worst sentence I've ever written in any of my works, and I sometimes forget it's there
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