#the situation with my boyfriend has been weird this past couple of months
scorpion-flower · 1 year
Okay, confession time that's gonna make me sound like a shitty person, but on my trip from Catania back to Athens, I sat next to that lovely Canadian woman and her mother and we were chatting during the whole trip and we went out last night, and we went out tonight again (I was supposed to meet them for dinner, but I got to the wrong place and didn't get to meet the mother, but I still got to meet the young woman). There's a slight chance that we will meet tomorrow as well because she's leaving on Thursday, but I don't want to be that creepy person that always invites themselves.
And she's cute, funny and kind and I didn't know what got over me, but I didn't mention that I have a boyfriend, but I also assumed that she would not be interested anyway, because she mentioned past boyfriends and men she flirted with on her trip to Italy, and she's not gonna stay here for long anyway.
And because there was a miscommunication between the two of us and didn't meet her at the place she originally invited me to, and the messenger app wasn't working on my phone, I gave my FB password to my boyfriend and asked him to tell her to text me because I didn't have her number and couldn't reach her any other way. The boyfriend knows about her and how we met btw (he doesn't know that I think she's cute and hadn't tell her that I'm in a relationship tho, I know, shitty me.) It felt kinda weird asking him to log on my FB and text her, and he of course mentioned that he's my boyfriend, but I couldn't do anything else.
And when we actually saw each other tonight, one of the things the woman told me was "I thought that was weird because you didn't mention a boyfriend." but she said it in a way that I couldn't make sense of. I wonder if she was trying to figure out whether I wouldn't have made mention of it because the relationship is bad or because I had other things in mind. And then I thought "But what if she was actually interested? Now she'll never tell me."
I know I am a shitty person because I shouldn't be thinking this way. It's not fair for my boyfriend. I am probably overthinking things anyway and again, she'll be leaving on Thursday, so...
I don't know, I hope we stay in contact even as friends anyway because I really like her and feel that I want to preserve that personal relationship. I asked her if it's okay to message her on FB just to casually chat, and she said she's okay with it.
Yup, I'm definitely an idiot.
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silvanoir · 1 month
I'm as surprised as anyone that this is an unrealistic goal that I actually accomplished
Big part of what made me realize I was ACE was any time I liked the look of a guy, or had a crush on one, I would ask myself "Well, what would you do with him if he was yours?" And I'd answer myself "I don't know. Nothing? Just take him home and admire him? Occasionally cuddle?" and answer back "You can't just treat a human being like a collectable you sit on a shelf"
So for the past decade I thought it would be better not to pursue anyone. Because that's WEIRD. I KNOW it's weird. Who would want me when I only want so little?
But had a crush on my current boyfriend for years (he had no idea, nor did I have any idea he had a crush on me the whole time as well... 'till we finally started talking last year, were friends for a year, then more).
And not only is he fine with me being Ace but like.... I really did take him home. He really did call me up and ask me to come get him and moved in to my finished basement and when we hang out down there most of time time he is doing his own thing (playing music or fixing up his instruments, watching tv, working on a model kit) and I am doing my own thing (on the computer, doing laundry, working on art or doll customizing... though not that lately since my hands have been bad) and when we are in the mood to we do indeed cuddle.... and just.... wow...
I really did get what I wanted??? It worked out ???? He is fine and HAPPY with the situation. It's been a couple of months and while stuff in our lives have been rough, our relationship itself has been good. We are both oddballs who value personal time and space and overall quiet/chillness. (though sometimes we get up the energy to be goofy... I'm talkin' SILLY... teasing eachother then chasing eachother around like its a scene from scooby doo)
The thing we both want most from a relationship is COMPANIONSHIP.
I have no point or advice here or anything, I just got lucky.
And I wish any of you out there who are only comfortable with a highly specific kind of relationship also get what you want.
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jamiesugah · 5 months
I just finished a five-part, six-hour YouTube deep dive on a 45-year old murder case and it is fucking INSANE and needs to be a miniseries. Way more interesting than another OJ Simpson doc. Who cares.
Anyway. Story. Someone I went to high school with is in jail for murder. He was up for parole a few years ago and got denied. Anyway, when Netflix came out with the new Unsolved Mysteries show, it made me think of him, and I mentioned it on our monthly family video chat. Which prompted my dad to go, "oh that reminds me of when this girl that my sister used to babysit was murdered".
And I just kind of blinked at him. Like. Say more right now. Why am I almost 40 and didn't know this. And he didn't tell me much, but there was a TV movie made about the case so I looked it up. Learned the basics of the case, and it always stayed in the back of my mind, because there didn't seem to be much on it anywhere.
Putting this under a read more just in case people get triggered by it. Also it's long.
So when I looked up the Wikipedia, there was a bit on it, but the basics are that she was a teacher in a town in PA near Philly (she is from my dad's hometown, though, which is super tiny and rural), and she was found in the trunk of her car in a motel parking lot near Harrisburg (which is a couple hours away from Philly). Her children also disappeared and THEY WERE NEVER FOUND. IT'S BEEN 45 YEARS.
It was the kids that kept this in the back of my mind. No one ever found out what happened to the kids. Their dad is dead, both suspects in the woman's murder are dead, and they spent their entire lives claiming that they were innocent and the other man had done it. We will never know what happened to these kids. They were 10 and 11.
Anyway, I fell into a bit of a YouTube spiral this past weekend where I started with watching videos on the Watcher situation, then Jojo Siwa, then J Lo, and then somehow ended up on true crime, specifically The Boy in the Box and then the Yuba County 5. And I was like, "I've never been able to find an official documentary, but surely someone on YouTube talked about this case about the woman and her kids." And lo and behold, I found one.
It is six hours long, which surprised me, but I kept watching because this shit is BONKERS, and the fact that there was only one TV miniseries (even if it starred Stockard Channing and Treat Williams) and, like, 20/20 never even covered this is a huge missed opportunity. This shit is BANANAS and Hulu or something needs to jump on this.
So the two main suspects, who were both convicted (though one was later overturned as the cops withheld evidence during his trial), were the former principal of the school - who was also convicted of robbery and his sentencing was like the day after the murder - and her secret boyfriend and fellow teacher.
By the way, the principal has a Wiki page, the woman - Susan Reinert - does not.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher was like a narcissist and compulsive liar. He was dating something like 5 women at the same time (including two former students) while being legally married, and he used to tell people that he had helped the government hunt down rebels in Cuba, which of course was not true. He basically had a little cult of followers around him, and he would ask them to do stuff like HIDE WEAPONS and WIPE FINGERPRINTS OFF $25K IN CASH and no one ever went, "huh that sounds shady" because I guess he was just that charismatic.
The former principal was known to be weird and secretive. He never even let his wife or their children in the basement of their own house (which when they raided because of the robbery they found riddled with bullet holes), and it's more than likely that he murdered his oldest daughter and her husband and then tried to pretend they ran off to California.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher spent the months leading up to Susan's murder telling as his "followers" that he knew for sure that the principal was going to kill her and lamenting that he would likely be framed for it because she had made him the beneficiary of her life insurance (which she did, and he would have gotten like $700k which is a lot of money now, let alone in 1979). And none of these people went to the cops or told Susan, even though they all knew each other because they all worked at the same school. So then boyfriend/teacher worked REALLY hard to have an airtight alibi on a specific weekend, which just so happened to be the weekend that she died.
After the murder, all of this dude's followers were like, "wow you were right, principal actually killed her", and then he suddenly started going, "no I think he was framed by the mob" and everyone was like wtf is wrong with you, you have been telling us for months that he was going to kill her. And then his lies started to catch up with him and basically everyone in his influence turned on him and went to the police, except one of his girlfriends, who may or may not have helped him dispose of the kids' bodies, since they were never found.
ANYWAY this case is fucking crazy and should absolutely be immortalized on like HBO or something, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole, this is the first part of the series that I watched. It is super detailed. Like the murder doesn't even happen until part 3. You can also look up The Mainline Murders, there were a couple of books, but one was written by the principal's lawyer.
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h-pelessly · 10 months
November 30, 2023.
David and Hunter's second Crowd Pleasers show happened today. We weren't actually planning on going because for one, I started a new job and thought taking this day off wouldn't work, and so Tim didn't request it off. But it turns out my assignment ended early and we were able to go. The only thing that sucked was that Tim wasn't able to request it off bc we decided to go late (past 2 week request) and bc another one of his co-workers already requested that day off. So we went right after Tim got out. He got out early for once and he was able to go home, eat, shower, and walk Luna. And then we were off. We arrived like an hour before the show started and I was like oh, it'll probably get filled bc it was last time, but it wasn't. We were able to snag seats in the aisle. However, this time around, David brought many friends which took like half the arena so was it really sold out? Anyways, to the show. The musician started off the show and as much as I like Alex Aiono, this guy was so much more interactive and funny. He stopped by the couple in front of us and my heart fucking stopped tbh because I was like PLS I WILL CRY IF U LOOK AT ME. And then to the dating portion of the show. I didn't know the girl dater, but we knew most of the contestants. The girl in front of me, who came with her boyfriend, who apparently, is in a it's complicated situation, was so fucking annoying and down bad for Zach Justice. Like I get mans is funny. I didn't get the appeal until like 5 dating shows in, but like she would film every time he spoke, and only him. She blocked my whole view because she kept moving her damn head and I'm like????? The other people are also hilarious!! Trevor Wallace was one of the other contestants and people did not like him. I was like WHAT IN TARNATION like that man is hilariously dickish. He even looks like a Chad/Brad like come the fuck on. Moving onto the male dater, I didn't know who he was at first, but then he started speaking and I'm like I swear I know him from somewhere. Then he mentioned his roommate is Fabio and I'm like OH YEAH HE WAS THE WINGMAN IN FABIO'S VIDEO. He's funny tbh. I felt like I didn't know any of the contestants, but they were rizz masters. Oh, and an Asian girl was on there and she almost won. She turned out to be famous. OH, also, she said she was Filipina, and the WHITE girl in front of me was like cheering. I was like ???????/ what the fuck is happening. Anyways, I have mixed reviews for the night like they def made some improvements, but was I just tired/dead? Or was the couple in front of me just assholes?
Also, I wanted to say that I had an assignment for a staffing agency starting on November 13, and they were honestly so fucking strict and weird. I met people, and that was cool, but my manager was super cliquey and weird. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have worn a crop top, but it would've probably been fine if I wasn't reaching for something. But she, my manager, was Asian, and I don't know, I got super weird vibes from her. She's like fake happy, which I get is the role of receptionist/office management, but I'm like????? what the fuck please.... Also, I was mid-talking one time, and she didn't let me finish before snatching my notes away and reading my question. Like she was too impatient to wait. Like SUPER red flag. But also, they said they didn't want me after a week lol like what did u test me on. Like u didn't give me a chance, but that's okay. That shit was far and driving home with astigmatism was so bad.
Books I read this month;
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer (100/10) I loved this book sm. Jamie was the perfect book boyfriend, and if Pippa and Jamie were not soulmates, I would be FERAL for this man. He's such a sweet person whose main focus in life is his mom and his career. He has so much self control, but it turns out his weakness is this girl. This girl who needs him. Who he betters by being her #1 supporter. Pippa's story is so relatable it hurts, and she's being pushed for a safe career. I connected with the characters, and Stephanie Archer can have my soul honestly. This story took my absolute breath away. And the side characters? I'm so excited for the next story.
Play with Me by Becka Mack (100/10) Bro, I'm in love with this book because Jennie is like me which begs the question of do I have daddy issues???? I was not gonna pick this one up because I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book of the series, but omg the tension and the characters are chef's kiss. Okay, but anyways, Jennie has major trust issues and knows how to take care of herself, but in walks a nervous wreck of a hot guy (who also happens to be a hot hockey player and her brother's bff). Garrett (which I might be biased by his name) could have any girl he wants but he wants to stick by Jennie. He agrees to the FWB pact with Jennie even though he could have anyone else including penetration sex (because Jennie is only agreeing to oral.) Garrett is such a cinnamon roll simp for Jennie and she walks him like a dog, but also breaks down her walls for him and I am absolutely here for them. Do I want her more????? I think so because Garrett is blonde and idk. The book was long and there were some repetitive parts, but I enjoyed every last minute of this book.
Delay of Game by Maggie Rawdon (7/10) Only bumping it up from 6.9 to 7 because of the quote "You're the love of my life Liv. I thought I could have that in half measures with us just being friends. I thought it would be enough, but it's not. I want all of you." HE WAS WRITTEN BY A WOMAN. Anyways, not my fave in the series, but I did want to know the tension between Olivia and Liam from the beginning. This was a friends to lovers trope/miscommunication trope with a bit of survivor's guilt/emotional cheating in a way. I have come to the realization that most friends to lovers trope is super cheesy and needs to be crafted to perfection in order for me to read and love it. Regardless, the story was short, but it skipped out/skimmed over major issues that needed more explaination, but the author def. found her voice in this one vs. the first book.
Enemies with Benefits by Roxie Noir (5.8/10) This book had me kicking my feet and giggling in the first part, not going to completely lie, but then it got real. Their hatred for each other was really childish and doesn't really stem from anything-- just that they want to always one up another which is also Devi and Ben from Never Have I Ever. Also, it's a forbidden romance in a workplace setting which I don't mind, given that The Hating Game was amazing, but this one was so realistic. Like they are ALWAYS working and barely have time for anything else, interacting mainly because of work. I like realistic stories, but not THAT realistic. This book was pretty southern and boring, not going to completely lie. But I finished it so I'm proud of that!
The Love Wager by Lynn Painter (10/10) Honestly got me out of my tiny reading slump from the last book I read. Jack, the male main character, was honestly the love of my life for the beginning, then he started being Hallie's love and I was okay with it. I love Hallie, she's honestly such a lovable and strong character. This is a friends to lovers trope, and as much as it's such a hard topic to tackle, Miss Lynn Painter killed it! I was sobbing, hoping they will be together at the end. It was a cheesy rom-com read and I fuck with that.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
saw my london bestie yesterday, she came for the weekend. and she's going thru a lot at the moment with her parents' divorce and everything. it really sucks :/
long story short, her mum has had a boyfriend these past like 5 years. he's this military guy who served in afghanistan, he has a tattoo of his blood type and everything. and the mum was the breadwinner of the family, she's a banker. while the dad is an architect of some sort and he made good money at one point (he has his own wikipedia page lol) but it was the mum who's been consistently bringing in the money and he was living off her salary. she bought a house in like 2015 when they were still married and now that they're getting a divorce they need to split it up but it's not fair bc the dad never contributed to it, so she doesn't want to split it with him. and in the end they sold the house to my bestie's sister and her racist husband who honestly sounds like a dick and an opportunist. but the sister hates the dad. so he's not getting anything from the house in the end. and he's like 10 yrs older than the mum, doesn't have a place to live anymore and no money of his own basically. and the mum is fucking off to a different city to pay less taxes and be with her military boyfriend. the whole situation is a mess.
and the house obvs has a lot of emotional value for my bestie bc this is like her childhood home more or less. meanwhile her sister's racist husband jumped on the opportunity to buy it for a good deal and doesn't give a shit about the family mess. and they're gonna refurnish it and everything and my bestie feels weird about it. oh and also i am sure her sister's husband is gonna leave her in a couple of years. like it's such a typical story, i don't want to get in to it. but like they married in their early twenties, his dad is a bank higher-up so he got him a fancy job, so like when the guy was in his early twenties he was already head of some department at the bank like... and my bestie's sister is a housewife with two kids now. like you can sense the disaster coming.
on a good note, my bestie's other sister is 3 months sober! and honestly i feel like later in life the "messy" sister is the one who's gonna have her life together, meanwhile the housewife sister is gonna be the "messy" one.
but yeah this whole situation really sucks... and my bestie is stuck in london. which is good i guess bc she doesn't have to deal with all of it firsthand. but now she doesn't have a place to call home anymore, you know? like where is she gonna stay the next time she comes back here? her refurnished childhood home with her sister's husband? i feel so bad for her.
i wish she could be free from all of this, just forget london, forget her boyfriend, move to canada or wherever she wants... maybe even come back to switzerland for a couple of years to spend time with her dad, i don't know, just do whatever she wants. but her boyfriend needs to stay in the uk until at least 2028. and then we'll be 30 and it's gonna be harder to move somewhere else with all the new responsibilities and stuff.
im scared that she's not gonna be living her life to the fullest and that she's gonna miss out on so many opportunities. but it's also arrogant of me to think that way. cos maybe her boyfriend is good for her, idk it shouldn't be my place to judge. but i wish she could be free and not feel like she has to stay at her shitty job in london. :/
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spywitch · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like I have a hard time making friends bc its hard for me to care about their lives , but then I’m like why do I think that… Because I don’t think I’ve ALWAYS felt that way about people and like in the past I often have a pretty good memory and attention to the details of things other ppl tell me about themselves.
I feel so much more exausted with talking to other people and focusing on their life and their needs than I used to and like. I think some part of it is I’m so used to people just literally never telling me anything thats going on with them so I feel invisible and forgotten about… so the idea of trying to get to know someone else’s life sounds exausting bc I always have to pry that information from people, and it makes me annoyed to put that effort in bc I know they won’t care about me and my life or remember things I tell them anyway.
And like I always think maybe people don’t tell me about themselves because they don’t like how I respond, because it doesn’t come naturally to me to just respond with emotions (for example, getting excited with someone, or upset with someone) and instead I usually have a somewhat flat “good for you” response or my rational observations/opinions of the situation. Or I might have trouble focusing on what they said at all and change the subject to myself but I try really hard not to do that, at least not until what they said has been acknowledged.
I’ve also learned I guess that other people expect to be Asked to share about themselves. Which like yeah I get that being asked about your life feels good and shows the person cares… but it feels like other people see things like you need permission to share a story or talk about something you care about which I just find odd. Like my mom once told me she was upset I never ask her about work or anything, but in my mind I was just like? You never talk about work, I didn’t know you WANTED to talk about work. You can just talk about work/your life, you don’t need me to give you permission, just like I just talk about my work. I also realized from someone else talking about going from being the “mature kid who always talks to the adults” to feeling childish as an adult, that I’m probably struggling to adapt to like, adult to adult conversations vs adult to child… bc when you’re a kid thats how conversations with adults go, you just get asked about your day at school and aren’t expected to ask the adult about their day 😂
Like idk, I’ve had friends and stuff, and continue to experience this even now tbh, who would always forget to tell me important things (I broke up with/got back together with my boyfriend, I’ll be out of town next week, I’m buying my new puppy that ur literally gonna have to live with in a couple months, etc). They’ll even often be confused that I don’t know about the thing they didn’t tell me about, like it just constantly slips people’s mind that they haven’t actually been talking to me about anything.
Or I’ll have friendships that seem to fizzle into them making 0 effort, so I’ll even try my best to ask how THEY are and about their life and still get little response or attempt at making conversations with it. Like sometimes it feels like even if I reach the realization that I maybe have been talking about myself too much, its too late and nothing I do afterwards to try to improve that will get them to share about themselves with me… and then it feels the only way we can keep a conversation going at all is if I ramble about something.
Like idk maaaaan I’ve always had limited friends but in the past it just felt like it was because I was anxious to meet new ppl, but now its like that COMBINED with just everyday conversation even with ppl I already know being exausting, and attempting to figure out a new person and how They converse and what they respond well to or not is so tiresome. And as a kid it was like “I’m worried I’m weird/annoying” but now its more like uhh I feel like I completely can’t relate to most other adults and like I’ve missed some huge social developments between high school and college and I’m just some big Child amongst a bunch of grown ass ppl with grown ass relationships where ppl are on equal footing with each other.
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wardenparker · 2 years
Starting Over - Chapter 5
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Recently arrived in Texas and only slightly removed from his divorce, Marcus finds himself smitten with the women at the housewares store that is helping him furnish his new Austin condo. It becomes a more complicated situation than he could have expected, but Marcus has never been one to shy away from a challenge when love is on the line. ✨This fic takes place *before* the events of The Mentalist.✨  
Rating: E for Explicit Word Count: 9.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this fic will include divorce, past abusive relationships, deceased mothers, father issues/family trauma, unplanned pregnancy.* Cursing and food mentions, legalities, big conversations full of emotions. Oral sex (f and m receiving). Summary: This chapter picks up right where ch4 left off, so it’s still the night of the discovery and there is a lot more discussion to be had.  Notes: Things are starting to get super serious for our adoring couple, but we all know Marcus was born to be a daddy.
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4
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"What do you want?" In all of this, he might be most ashamed of forgetting to factor in your feelings about all of this. You know what the truth is, and it should have never been his decision to make for what level of intimacy you have with him. It's not like you are being misled. Amanda is right next door and will be under the same roof if she doesn't go to a hotel.
Sighing deeply, you barely realized you were holding your breath until it’s pushing out of your lungs. The honest, underlying fear Marcus might get angry about having his paradigm challenged is dissipating and your chest doesn’t feel so tight anymore. “I…want to be able to be with you.” You murmur, eyes downturned to just looking at your hands when they come away from his arms. “It’s been almost two months, and I’m still referring to you as the guy I’m seeing at work because I’m afraid of calling you my boyfriend and pissing off Amanda. I want to know what side of the bed you sleep on and if you’re a blanket hog. What your skin tastes like first thing in the morning and whether or not you snore. It’s okay with me if it happens slowly…I just hate losing time with you because of the threat of Amanda always over our heads.”
Marcus gives a small sigh, ashamed of how he's lost sight of what is really important, his future, while he's battling his past. "I sleep on the side closest to the door, regardless of how the bed is positioned." He tells you with a shrug. "I know it sounds weird and it drove Amanda crazy, but it's so I can be between you and an intruder if someone were to break in."
“I—I, um…I looked something up. Some…legal specifics.” Curiosity had overwhelmed you, one night when he had been working late, and you had fallen down the Google rabbit hole of legal terminology. “The legal definition of infidelity relies on the affair being secret from one or more spouses. Legally speaking,” because you’ve both been obsessed with the legal ramifications of being together, and if Amanda could use it as ammunition in the renewed divorce, “that Facebook post was the smartest thing we could possibly have done.”
"You are right." He had a conversation with the lawyers and given the history of this case, none of them felt like Amanda would be able to try to claim infidelity. Especially considering she had admitted to cheating in Oregon and Marcus had never wanted the divorce withdrawn.
“So if we’re not worried about the legality of our relationship,” reaching for him again, you’re relieved when his hand slips into yours easily. “And we’re looking a little less at being the polar opposite of your father in terms of behavior…maybe we can pinpoint the things that really bother you the most about how he treated your mother, and see if any of them even apply to us?” It’s such a delicate topic that you wish you didn’t have to dig into it at all, but the fact is that it’s fairly vital. From an outside perspective, Marcus is stuck between the same rock and hard place that Andrew Packard was thirty-five years ago. But the fact is that the two situations are wildly different.
He loves how practically you are approaching this, rather than just dismissing it. "I hated how he would breeze into town and apologize for being late because of some function his wife had planned. Or have to cancel a trip with my mother because his daughter had a sports function that he was expected to show up to." He admits. "It was smoothed over with flowers or some bracelet for her and a toy for me when I was younger."
“Okay.” You nod immediately, lacing your fingers through his and reflexively bringing his hand to your lips to leave a kiss on his skin. “So keeping commitments. We’re pretty good at that. We’ve only had to reschedule things a few times, and we always actually do the thing we’ve rescheduled. We just need to keep holding each other accountable. And we’re pretty good at that so far.”
Marcus' shoulders round and sag slightly. "This has all just been an overreaction to my own childhood." He admits quietly. "I never expected to get divorced in the first place, but I – finding out I wasn't was like a kick in the teeth."
With just a little encouragement, Marcus leans into your side so you can put an arm around him, and you kiss his temple softly. “It’s not an overreaction, love. It’s an honest reaction. Which is why I don’t want you to just dismiss it by jumping back into the literal bed with me.” You chuckle despite yourself. “Not like I’m not looking forward to it. I am. But we cannot and should not pretend like this stuff is all just imaginary, because it’s not.” For a second you sit with him, silently stroking one hand up and down his back. “Do you know why I go out to the garden to do all my introspection?”
"Hmm?" He loves your scent and closes his eyes as he leans against you a little more, his hand sliding over to rest on your stomach.
“Because that’s where my mom always went.” Your hand floats down, settling over his on your belly. “She used to say she was going out to talk to the fairies. Now…I don't know if there are fairies in Texas, but I know that I picked up my mother’s habit of going outside to think. So if that one thing from my childhood stuck with me, then why shouldn’t parts of your childhood stick with you, too?”
"Maybe I should go see a therapist." Marcus suggests quietly. "Work it out so it doesn't have any other issues in our relationship." He leans in and kisses your cheek before he moves slightly and kisses your lips.
“Mm,” you hum against his lips instinctively, keeping the moment short but sweet. “That sounds like a pretty good idea.” With everything going on with Amanda, and childhood issues to sort through, it might actually do him wonders. “Do you want me to find out the name of the guy Madi goes to? He likes him a lot.” Whatever happened to make your roommate’s boyfriend leave the FBI, it has been big and bad, but the normally boisterous and even cocky former agent had needed a hell of a lot of help to get back to his old self.
Marcus nods. "Yeah." He has no issue asking for help and he wants to make sure that any hang-ups he had didn't affect you or the baby again.
“Okay.” Two fingers under his chin bring Marcus’s lips back to yours for a slightly longer but still chaste kiss. “I’ll find out for you, baby. But that doesn’t mean I want us to stop talking about things, too.”
"No. We will keep talking." He promises as he leans in to still another kiss and lets it last longer than the one you had given. "You are amazing and patient and you are going to be a hell of a mother." He praises when he pulls back.
“Just…can I ask you for one thing?” It feels so stupid. Honestly, petty at best. But it’s been bothering you for weeks and if you move forward into being pregnant with this on your shoulders, you’re afraid you’re going to start accidentally being mad about it.
“What’s that baby?” He would probably do anything for you.
“I know it’s juvenile. We’re in our 30s and titles shouldn’t matter. But…I can’t help being a little frustrated by the fact that I’m actually afraid to call you my boyfriend, or partner, or whatever term is most comfortable for you. I don’t want to impose myself on you, but…I think the baby did that for us. I…I need to know what I am to you.”
"Oh baby." Marcus leans back and searches your slightly worried and frustrated face. "I'm your boyfriend, your lover, your partner, your fiancé-to-be." He gives you a grin. "Your baby daddy. Whatever you want to call me. As long as you know I'm yours."
“I’m sorry.” You shake your head a little, clearly embarrassed, and huff a sigh. “I know needing a title might seem juvenile. It’s just…things are weird. And I find that having the right names for things helps me sort out my thoughts a little better.”
"No, it's not juvenile." He chides. "What do you want me to be? What do you want to call me?"
“Honey,” you shake your head again, dropping your eyes away from his. “I need you to tell me. The reason this makes me uneasy is that I don’t want you to feel like I’m pushing or pressuring you. So…I need it to be the term you’re most comfortable with.”
"Call me your fiancé." He whispers softly, reaching out and cradling your jaw in his hand. "Because I might not have proposed yet with the words I want to say to you, but I am going to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you."
Of all the possible answers in the world, that was definitely one that you were not expecting. A few honest, and honestly surprised, tears escape the corners of your eyes and you blink them away quickly. “I love you,” is the sentence that you manage to sniffle out before you close the distance between you with a kiss.
He hums against your lips and closes his eyes, having missed kissing you every single day since that one perfect night. Pressing a bit firmer and coaxing your mouth open slowly while his thumb strokes your jaw lovingly. There’s nothing frantic about this kiss, as opposed to the frenzied effort to get closer to each other that you’d gotten lost in earlier. Instead it’s deep, moving through you and wrapping itself around the two of you together to tie you up in an unbreakable knot.
His tongue slowly glides against yours and he knows that whatever else he might believe, this - this is complete perfection.
You sigh against him, melting even more into his arms and into the sofa. This is beyond doubt - slowly building rather than frantically grasping - and this time you’re not embarrassed to moan softly into his kiss or slide your hands up his chest to feel his heartbeat under your palm. He settles you back gently, the stretching out over you so slow and natural that he doesn't realize he's on top of you.
“Marcus…” The way you whimper his name when you break the kiss to trail your lips down his jaw and neck.
He pulls back and looks seriously into your eyes. "I want to make you feel good, baby." He whispers, salivating at the idea of burying his tongue inside you and seeing if your taste has changed with the influx of hormones. "Do you want that?"
“Y-yes.” Your voice hitches at the feeling of his breath on your skin. “God, yes.”
"Do you want me to do it here?" He asks, cock twitching in his pants. "Or do you want to go upstairs and stretch out in your bed?"
You bite your lip, feeling the tips of your ears burn. “Am I too needy if I don’t want to lose the twelve seconds it will take to get upstairs?”
"No, you're just reading my mind." He grins and reaches for your leggings before starting to drag them down your legs.
The very loud ‘It’s happening!’ voice in your head is drowned out by another of your own moans, and you can’t pull your legs free of your pants anywhere near as fast as you want to. “Needy together, then,” you gasp out, nearly shuddering when you feel his breath on your bare legs.
He chuckles, unable to do more than spread your legs and settle between them. Kissing up your thighs with soft presses of his lips, he hums when your fingers tangle into his hair. "I've been neglecting you and I need to make up for it, baby." He coos, sliding his arms under your hips and tilting them up and moaning at how wet you already are.
“I get to— oohhh!” Your insistence that he get ‘made up to’ next is cut off when Marcus lowers his mouth to you, placing a soft kiss on your swollen, glistening clit.
He groans, the wetness of you already smearing across his lips and he dips his tongue through your folds to taste you.
“Fuuuck.” Refusing to let your head drop back no matter how much your impulse is to just let yourself flop with a groan, you keep your eyes locked on Marcus, clocking every movement of every muscle as he settles between your legs.
There’s nothing on this earth that could stop him right now. Hands gripping your hips, he moans into your pussy and starts relearning your cunt like it was the first time. Nibbling, licking and sucking like it’s his only job. Right now, it is. The last time, it had been a struggle to keep standing. Now, seven godforsaken weeks later, the dreamlike memory of that frantic night is very different to the loving, indulgent strokes of Marcus’s tongue through your folds. The fingers of one hand tangle in his hair while your entire other hand clings to the edge of the couch for dear life.
He loves every sigh and gasp you make. Every choked sob and jerk of your hips. Keeping his tongue continuously moving, curling around that nub of nerves before flattening over the entirety of your gushing sex. This was the way he had wanted to wake you up that next morning. Keeping it slower than the first time but no less eager.
“M-Marcus…ohh—” Every new stroke and flick of his tongue sends you keening, replacing your normal verbal praise with the needy rocking and grinding down of your hips. His pace is completely devastating, as he never wavers from his goal of wrecking you one lick at a time.
He nearly closes his eyes but he doesn’t want to miss a second of your blissed out expression. Every ‘oh’ and bite of your lip works him up and makes him drag his tongue over that spot again so you repeat that look. He’s been starving for you after nearly eight weeks and he’s not pulling away from you until he’s satisfied.
“S-so good baby, fuck.” His blunt fingernails dig into your skin as he pushes you so close to your peak you could cry, and the breathless noises of pleasure from your lips are somehow words again. Every one of them a desperate moment of pleasure in the best sort of way. “Gonna— god, baby, so close…”
He hums, pulling you into his tongue harder and groans when he watches your head tilt back and a loud cry of his name comes out of your mouth. You shatter like glass, sobbing Marcus’s name while your body shakes and hums under his attention. Under an orgasm that hits you like a freight train.
Marcus moans, nearly cumming himself at the sound, feel, and taste of your pleasure. He hadn’t been jerking off often, too concerned with Amanda trying to get into his bathroom while he was showering to risk it. “Mmmmm.” He groans, lapping up your very essence while your thighs squeeze his head.
“Marcus,” as soon as your head clears, you’re reaching for him, dragging him up your body to sink against his lips without a single thought given to the fact that now both of your chins are going to be slick with cum.
He enjoys being on top of you right now, knowing that it will soon be something that can’t happen with the swelling of the little one growing.
Drowning together in long, drawn-out kisses, the cradle of your open thighs is plenty of room for his trim hips and the heavy length between them that presses hard against your leg. “Baby,” you nip at his bottom lip, pulling a groan out of his throat. “Let me take care of you? Please?”
He knows you want to, and he’s got to selfishly acknowledge that he wants it as well. “You don’t have to.” He reminds you, just because he never wants you to feel like it’s expected.
You huff at him, playfully narrowing your eyes. “I haven’t gotten to touch you in seven weeks, and I know you don’t masturbate as much as I do.” One raised eyebrow dares him to challenge you. “I want to.”
He huffs, blushing slightly. “I’m slightly concerned with my ex-wife trying something.” He reminds you, remembering the time she had tried to walk into the shower with him in hopes of enticing him.
“It’s a good thing I’ll be there from now on,” you kiss both of his cheeks and grin. “And if she tries to suggest a threesome, I’m going to laugh so hard I’ll fall over.”
Marcus snorts and shakes his head. “Never would happen. I mean—” he tilts his head at you and sends you a serious look. “If you wanted a threesome, we could talk about it, but not with her.”
“I’ve never been into sharing,” you admit quietly. “I don’t know if it’s old fashioned or narrow minded or maybe a little possessive, but I’m definitely a one-partner woman.”
“Thank god.” Marcus huffs, relieved at your admission. He would have talked about it with you because realistically he knows there are things he can’t give you, but he’s of the same mindset. “Closed relationship with two people sounds perfect.”
“Mmm, we should celebrate that.” Your hand snakes between your bodies, lithe fingers closing around his clothed cock and squeezing experimentally.
“Jesus, fuck.” Marcus hisses, hips jerking up. One innocent touch shouldn’t affect him this badly but it’s you and you have the ability to strip him down to about twelve-years-old jerking off over seeing a hint of cleavage.
“Do you want to lay back or sit up, baby?” Reluctantly taking your hands off of him only makes you hungrier to touch and taste him, and the way that he shudders above you makes you want a damn video so you watch him cum on demand.
“Lay down.” He tells you immediately, not wanting you on the floor. His hand brushes your hair back and he hates pulling away for even a moment.
Two people with a goal in mind can move very quickly, and in no more than a few seconds, you’ve switched places to be kneeling in between his legs instead, already tugging open his belt buckle with a measure of excitement and anticipation in the air.
“I love you.” Marcus is practically whimpering the sentiment, so worked up he knows he’s going to be almost embarrassingly quick. He lifts his hips when you unzip his pants and start dragging his boxer briefs down and he moans when his achingly hard cock slaps against the soft swell of his belly.
“I love you, too.” You’re practically salivating at the sight of him and let yourself just look at him for a long moment, unashamed, before you reach to wrap one hand around his cock.
He didn’t think he could get any harder until he felt the warmth of your hand around him. “Shit.” He hisses, squeezing his eyes shut because he knows if he watches you suck his cock he’s going to cum the second your tongue touches him.
“Just enjoy, my love.” You coo, leaning down to lick a long stripe under the underside of his length. The sound he makes at the first press is delicious, vibrating right through you and making your cunt clench all over again as you wrap your lips around him to take as much of him in that first stroke as you possibly can.
“Oh fuck, oh shit, baby— fuck.” Marcus whines when you take him into the exquisite heat of your mouth, back arching off the sofa and his heels pushing down. His knuckles are turning white where they are griping the cushions like he’s hanging on for dear life and he lets out a moan that if he wasn’t so worked up, he would have died of embarrassment from.
“Tastes so good.” Popping off of him with a moan to keep him worked up but not bursting, you swirl your tongue around his swollen, throbbing head. “Look at this gorgeous cock.” He twitches in your hand and against your lips, and you moan softly.
"It's yours, baby." He promises with another groan, humming when he feels the whisper of a kiss on the tip. "Fuck baby, please." He begs, not sure if he's asking for your mouth or for you to just sink down on his cock.
“Oh no,” you shake your head and wrap your lips around him again briefly. “It gave me a baby.” Somehow, in the last few minutes, that has become the most erotic thought in the world.
Your words almost make him cum. A choked whimper tears out of his throat and he throbs violently in your hand. "It did." He rasps out. "Fuck, this cock planted my baby inside you."
Grinning, you can’t ignore the way your pussy flutters and clenches down desperately but keep all your focus on Marcus. “I think it needs to be thanked for that,” you purr, dipping your head down again to swallow his cock.
The noise that comes out of his mouth can't be human. Marcus throws his head back and cries out at the surprising pressure of your soft palate and warbles out your name while his scrotum pulls tight against his body and spurts of cum pump up his shaft to burst from the tip.
Your own sounds of pleasure are muffled by the need to drink down every last drop he has to offer. A few drops of spit and cum escape the corners of your mouth to match the few tears pushed out of your eyes by how full your mouth is with him, and the feeling and taste of him are so fucking divine you could almost cum just from receiving his pleasure.
It seems like it's lasting forever, you sucking his soul out through his cock. Only when he's stopped twitching in your mouth and starts to soften do you even pull your head up to sit back with a gasp and his eyes open to find you licking your lips like a content cat who just ate a bowl of cream. "Fuck." Marcus whispers, fingers aching when he lets go of the couch to reach down and drag you up so he can kiss you.
“I’ve wanted to do that since we met.” You meet his lips with a muffled moan, sinking into the welcoming space his body has created for you to lay.
He strokes your back and hums against your lips. "I— holy shit, I will never turn down another blow job in my life." He jokes, chuckling softly. "Is there anything you can't do?"
“I’m fairly awful at mixing drinks.” Shrugging a little, you accept the compliment with a flushed smile. “Though I guess that won’t matter for the next year or so.”
"Do you...I know that this conversation is way too early, but do you want to bottle feed or breastfeed?" He asks, wanting to know how you see this pregnancy and raising the baby to go.
“Farm girl.” You remind him with a grin. “I’ve always kind of figured that bottle feeding is supplementary. Unless there’s a medical reason I shouldn’t breastfeed, I think I would prefer it.” Cuddled into his side, the dreamy quality of talking about the future has infinite appeal.
"As long as you pump so I can feed the baby when you need to get some sleep." He tells you seriously, lifting his head so he can kiss to the top of yours. "I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances, but...I'm not sorry that it's happening."
“We’ll make everything work.” For the life of you, you refuse to say her name right now - not wanting to let the looming presence of your mutual ‘ex’ ruin your dreaming. “I…I’d like to think that this is where we would have ended up down the line anyway. Moving in together. Talking about getting married. A baby. It’s what we both wanted right from the start.”
"I know it's where we would have ended." He tells you confidently, smirking smugly to himself. "We just wouldn't have known when the conception date was. But we can tell the doctor with confidence down to the hour."
Giggling a little, you can’t help but shake your head. “The tea would have screwed with my birth control no matter what, you’re right. I wonder how many other couples can pinpoint it like that.”
"Only the ones trying and tracking ovulation." Marcus had looked into it when Amanda had told him she was ready for a baby, but whenever he mentioned seeing a doctor, she had just told him she wanted it to happen naturally.
“Then we go ahead and count ourselves lucky this time.” Perching your chin on his chest, your eyes find Marcus’s gaze. “Did you ever think about names before?”
"Not really." Marcus admits, lifting his brow at that revelation as if it's shocking to him. "She never wanted to plan; told me it was a jinx." He rolls his eyes at the knowledge that he had learned about her after she had wanted the divorce.
“And you never thought about it on your own? Or before her?” It makes your stomach churn a little, to know how much he always wanted a family and to think that he never dreamed about it the way you did. Or maybe you just dreamed about it differently than others. There was no way to know.
"Of course I have." He gives a small shrug. "I had those 'oh when I have kids I'm going to name them Charlie or Josie' but I always imagined picking out names with the girl while we were waiting on the baby to be born."
“We should get a little notebook.” The tip of your nose buries itself in the crook of his neck. “Write down ideas whenever we get them.”
“We can do that.” He smiles at the idea and tugs you closer. “Do you want a boy or girl, for the first?” He says first because he knows that there would be more than one with you.
“You want one of each?” It’s a silly question. Of course he does. Marcus’s dreamy smile matches your own in that respect. “I don’t care as long as there’s two of them. I hated being an only child.”
"Me too." He technically hadn't been an only child, but it wasn't like he had ever met his half-sisters. He raises a brow at you and bites his lip. "What do you think about having them close together?" He asks with a boyish grin.
“I think that condo is going to get crowded pretty fast.” You press in, kissing him with enthusiasm. “You only want two? I figured you’d be angling for a big family.”
"I figure how many children are pushed out of your body is entirely your decision." He promises, knowing how hard pregnancy and motherhood can be on a woman's body. "You let me know when you are done, and I will get snipped."
“My god,” you huff at him, shaking your head in near disbelief. “You are the perfect man, you know that?”
"What?" He asks, confused. "It's easier for a man to recover from a vasectomy than it is for tubes being tied and it's not healthy for you to rely on hormonal birth control for years."
“Yes, I know that, but the fact that you know that is nothing short of a damn miracle.” Rolling your eyes at him playfully, you can’t help but steal another kiss from the corner of his mouth. “You don’t know how rare it is for a man to actually understand women’s health and care about it. The last guy I went out with, maybe six months before we met? He got mad that I wouldn’t just hold my period so we could have sex.”
He can't help but laugh at that, shaking his head and hugging you closer. "I was raised by a single mother." He reminds you softly. "She never wanted me to be like the last guy you dated. I was taught from an early age about that kind of thing." He gives you a small shrug. "I kept a little zipper bag of feminine products in my ever-present gym bag in case one of my female friends started and didn't have anything on them." He wasn't going to mention that it had gotten him laid more than once in college when the girls found that out, but it hadn't been his intent for carrying that bag. "When my mom found out I was sleeping with my girlfriend in high school, she sat us both down and had a very thorough conversation with us about birth control and it being both of our responsibility." He explains with a smile.
“When my mom found out I was sleeping with Erik in high school I got a prescription for birth control and a warning to never tell my father.” You roll your eyes, but only because your mother was right. Dad would not have been able to handle that information. You would have been wearing a promise ring and spending every day after school volunteering at church. “You’re going to be a great dad, Marcus. I really believe that. And I hope to god we have at least one girl so she can have parents she doesn’t have to be afraid to introduce her dates to.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm an FBI agent baby, you don't think some teenage boy isn't going to be shaking at the idea of dear ‘ole dad being able to put him on the Most Wanted list?" He asks with, joking but slightly satisfied at the imagery. "I'm kidding." He says when you turn your head and narrow your eyes at him.
“You can put them on the Most Wanted list,” you smirk, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “But I know what plants they’ll make the best fertilizer for if they ever hurt my baby.”
"Hmmmm, is it bad that I find that comment really sexy?" He asks softly, stroking your hair back and mirroring your smirk. You giggle and he slides into a more serious look. "I do want one thing." He admits quietly. "I want all of our children to have my last name. I want to be on the birth certificate."
“Baby, I insist on it.” Your hand covers his, bringing them both down to rest in your belly. “And I’m changing my name, too. The Pikes will be a whole family.”
He can't help but tear up at your promise. He blinks and nods, caressing your stomach gently. "A whole family." He whispers, like the way that sounds.
“I love you.” A whispered reminder in his ear, and you squeeze his hand gently over your belly. “And I love the hell out of this family we’re making.”
"I do too." He holds you for another moment before he shifts. "Okay baby, we need to get a little bit more food into you and start moving things over. And you may want to inform your roommate. How's Pike-ette treating you now?" He asks, smirking at the nickname you've already assigned the little peanut in your stomach.
“I think an orgasm may have done me a favor.” Sitting up, you grumble for a second in the search for your leggings and panties before redressing and tossing Marcus his own discarded clothes. “I don’t think Naomi will mind. She may take the opportunity to have Madison move in here, instead. His bachelor pad is half this size, and they’re starting to talk commitment.”
"Well then that works out perfectly." Marcus hums, standing up to pull his briefs and pants back up. "So, what you are telling me is that as the father of the baby, it's my duty to take care of the mother of my child by providing orgasms whenever you need them?" He asks playfully, feeling wonderfully relaxed as well.
“Only if you’re up for it as well.” You flop back down on the couch and pick up your cold soup bowl with a rather sheepish expression. “I don’t mind masturbating if you feel uncomfortable or have second thoughts about physical things again.”
He shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips. "I-I've been a selfish idiot." He tells you, reaching up with one hand to rub his cheek and the rasp of his five o'clock shadow sounds out against his palm. "No, I know what you are going to say...but I'm also realizing that she also knows about my hang ups with my father and used to keep me from developing my physical relationship with you."
“I still think therapy is a good idea.” You tell him quietly, but nod in agreement. “She’s a master manipulator, but whether she intentionally tried to put that wedge between us or not, it didn’t work.”
"Oh, I will be going to therapy sweetheart." He promises you, reaching out and taking your hand. "I'm not arrogant enough to believe that I don't need it." He winks at you and lets go of your hand before he starts carrying his plate to the kitchen to clean up. "Well how about this?" He asks from the doorway. "Ask Naomi if you can keep your bedroom set here for now if she and Madison are going to be living here. If not, we will get a storage unit and start filling my second bedroom with baby stuff and hopefully that will make Amanda go to a hotel."
“Oh, I love that.” It actually makes you giggle, the idea of bringing a crib home and moving the air mattress around to put it in place. “But I don’t want to put anything too nice or precious in that room with her. Just in case.”
He frowns at the idea of Amanda ruining things the two of you bought for the baby. "Well, the bedroom is big enough to set up a bassinet for when the baby is first home." He offers.
“If she’s still in our house when the baby comes, I will riot.” It’s only half a threat, as you help Marcus bring dinner things back into the kitchen and dig into the fridge for the oversized cupcakes you’d bought yesterday with the intention of having tonight. “She’ll get a firsthand look at New Mom Crazy.”
"Okay...that sounds sexy too." He chuckles and turns to you to pull you in his arms. "I promise I'm going to get this settled before we have the baby." He vows, kissing you softly.
“You really dig the farm girl half of my personality,” you tease, grinning up at him. “You’re going to lose your mind when you see me actually doing chores, aren’t you?”
"Well, you are not going to do the chores while you are pregnant." He reminds you, lifting a brow at you.
“I will not do heavy chores.” Putting out one hand to him, you can offer the bargain easily. “I can still feed chickens and work in the garden, and the milking is all done by machine now anyway.”
He smirks and gives you a wink. "Now I will be heavily admiring your ass while you are working around the farm if you are doing that kind of work."
“I’ll be wearing my favorite tight jeans while I still can.” You promise him, leaning against him again like you can’t get enough of his warmth. Going to visit your dad always means a bit of farm work while you’re there, and you never really mind it. It’s soothing in its monotony.
"Hmmmm." He smirks and reaches down to cup your ass playfully. "I like that. But first we need to get you moved over enough that you spend the first of every night possible in my arms."
"Cupcakes upstairs while I pack the first round of bags?" The enticement of being able to sleep beside him again is too good. Falling asleep and waking up in his arms is exactly where you want to be.
"Deal." He flashes you a boyish grin. "Although I'll help you pack."
"I guess I'll actually have to wear pajamas." On the way upstairs you throw an extra, deliberate sway into your hips, knowing his eyes will be following your ass. "Too bad. I usually like to sleep naked."
"Why would you have to wear pajamas?" He asks you with pout on his face, not liking that idea at all. "The bedroom door is locked every night. I won't sleep with the door unlocked with her there."
"Plenty of naked fiancée for you, then." It's the first time you've said it - a little apprehensive about using it even when he was the one who suggested it - but claiming that close of a relationship with Marcus makes you feel positively giddy. Like a lightning bug on a sugar high. "I like that. It...it feels good."
"It does feel good." He adds a spring to his step and bounds up the few steps he was lagging behind so he could watch your ass and once you are on the landing, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck from behind you. "I know that it's not— normal...do you want to pick out engagement rings together or do you want me to surprise you?" He asks softly, knowing that he wants you to have a physical symbol of his promise despite you moving into his house and carrying his child.
"Nothing about us is normal." The solid, very real presence of him against you is as calming as ever, but the way your heartbeat races a little thinking about the future is unmistakable. "What if we go pick something out together, and then you can decide when to give it to me as a surprise?"
"I like the way you compromise." He murmurs, kissing your ear before he leans back and lets you go, knowing that you will never get packed up to move if he keeps grabbing you.
"I still want to be surprised." You grin when he backs off, knowing you'll both get carried away again too easily. "I just don't want you spending a fortune on me."
He gives you a sour look, just knowing that you will want to be stingy. “Tradition says two month’s salary.” He reminds you, even though his heart melts at your lack of greed.
"Am I going to be appalled at how much money that turns out to be?" Going straight to your closet, you pull out the suitcase and backpack and other large bags from the bottom corner to fill with things to bring over. It's not that you don't want to have something nice. It's that you grew up counting every penny, and having an expensive engagement ring one day was never even on your radar.
“Well, it’s nice to know you didn’t Google the median salary for an FBI agent.” He mumbles. “How about we focus on what you want to wear instead of the price tag.” He waits until you pop your head out of the closet. “I make over six figures, honey.”
"Jesus," you shake your head at him before passing over a handful of dresses for him to lay in the suitcase. "I don't know a lot about jewelry, babe. I don't know...I guess I'm not a big fan of pearls. But that's not really a standard stone for an engagement ring, anyway."
“No pearl necklaces, got it.” He can’t help but snap his fingers in disappointment. “Damn.” While he was more emotionally mature than most, he is still a guy.
"I mean..." Coming out of the closet again, you throw him a wink. "I still like the natural kind. Just not the jewelry."
He grins and gives an enthusiastic nod. “Okay! Now we are talking.” He can’t keep up the charade for long and snorts. “Seriously. No pearls. Check. I won’t be bringing you home a boring set of pearl earrings when I have been out of town for a month on a case.”
"When you've been out of town on a case, just bring yourself home." Bringing out another handful of dresses, you drop them on the bed and start folding loosely. "Maybe some flowers. Definitely lots of hugs for me and the Pike-ette."
Marcus chuckles at that nickname again and starts folding with you before he stops and huffs. “Why are we actually packing this stuff rather than carrying it on the hangers next door and putting it in the closet?” He asks, turning to you and holding up the dress he’s just removed from the hanger.
You stop dead, looking at the empty hanger in your hand, and snort. "Because I'm a dumbass," you laugh, waving him off when you see the way he's narrowing his eyes at you. "Forget the dresses. We can carry those, you're right. Jeans and panties and shirts can go in the bags." With that plan in mind, you move to your dresser and pull open the bottom drawer. "What about you? I don't have strong jewelry-related feelings for the most part, but do you?"
“I’m pretty easy going.” He tells you. “I just want you to have my ring on your finger. Call it macho bullshit or whatever, but it’s more of my promise to you to be faithful and love you.” He moves over to grab a gym bag and moves into the bathroom to grab your toiletries.
"So how about this?" Jeans, trousers, underwear, and pajamas all stack neatly into the suitcase on your bed. "Let's sleep in tomorrow, go out for brunch whenever we manage to drag ourselves out of bed, and do a little ring browsing downtown? Maybe we'll find something or maybe we'll just get some better ideas, but either way it might be fun. And when we start to get headaches from looking at too many shiny things, we can come home and move over another load of my stuff?"
“I think that sounds perfect.” He tells you seriously. “Do you want to leave the towels?” He asks, sticking his head out to watch for your answer.
"Yeah, yours are way nicer." You flash him a grin. "Whoever picked those out did a nice job."
“They did do a nice job.” He hums. “Did a real nice job of letting me fill the loaf pan too.” He snickers.
"Yeah, yeah," you toss a balled-up pair of socks at him and giggle when he yelps and ducks out of the way. "Please pack my bathrobe, though. I foresee a lot of pregnant lady lounging in that thing."
“Got it!” He snags it off the hook on the back of the door and comes out with a stuffed bag. He hadn’t done more than dump your stuff in there, knowing you will want to set it up in the bathroom you will now be sharing with him.
"You're the best, baby, thank you." When he comes back in the room, you're stuffing a layer of bras on top of what's inside the suitcase to zip it up.
He smiles at you, honestly excited to have you move in, even if you had just been next door. The lingering guilt from touching you was just a residual effect of a lifetime's viewpoint being tossed aside. The question of his father's situation had floated through his mind before he trapped it back in the mental steel box he kept it in. Unwilling to open the proverbial Pandora's box right now when he still has to face Amanda. His lawyers said he could get the police to throw her out, but it would get messy and if he could stand it, just to go with the flow so he could show the courts just how accommodating he could be. However, he wasn't going to put up with her harassing you every day and had every intention of letting her know it.
"Ready to go ruin her night?" He asks, smirking slightly as he slings the bag over his shoulder and starts gathering all the clothes that you had on hangers to carry over to his closet. He had already established his side and if for some reason you wanted it, it would be an easy thing to switch his suits over.
“This will be interesting.” With an arm load of other things and your suitcase rolling behind you, you follow him back out to the hall and down the stairs, actually starting to get a little worried with each step. It was all fine to say that you wouldn’t let Amanda get to you, but you honestly have no idea how she might react. This could be ugly. Very ugly, and quickly.
Marcus's jaw sets when he puts his key in the door, knowing that there could be fireworks, but he will do as much as he can to take care of this. He opens the door and his nerves are instantly shredded. "Honey! You're home." Amanda coos when he opens the door, walking towards him with a smile that freezes when she sees hangers in his hand and your presence peeking out from behind him. "What's going on?" That tone changed from friendly to suspicious really quick and Marcus shoves the door open wider and moves off to the side so you can come in.
"I am moving my fiancée into my house." Marcus is done playing games and he knows she will find out when there is a beautiful ring on your finger and your stomach is starting to swell. Although he's waiting until you want to announce that part. "If you don't like it, leave. I'm sure the Hyatt has an amazing room with your name on it."
“Your what?” She bristles immediately, freezing in place, and her eyes shoot to your hand to look for confirmation. “Oh,” she practically snickers when she doesn’t see a ring, shaking her head at him derisively. “Marky…did the heat of the moment get the better of you? Polygamy is illegal and…” she puts one hand to her heart in mock sympathy. “I know her fingers are swollen from all that hard work, but do they really not make rings big enough?”
Marcus shoots her a glare and stands a bit straighter. "Just because there isn't a ring on her finger yet, doesn't mean there won't be." He huffs, hating that she's already attacking you. "Again, you are free to leave and divorce me at any time."
“Aw, honey, surely she wants to stay and celebrate with us?” Your fingers slip through his, lacing your hands together and bringing the back of his hands to your lips as you’ve been doing for months. “I want to hear all about your first wedding so we can do the exact opposite when we name the day.”
Amanda snorts, sending you a hateful glare. “Of course you would.” She hisses. “You want some outdoor wedding with shabby chic decor and some nauseating theme.”
Holding tight to Marcus’s hand, you honestly have to summon all your strength not to laugh in her face. Stringing up fairy lights and filling the barn with flowers from all over the farm was exactly what you had pictured when you were little. But with Marcus? You’d go to the courthouse the day his divorce was finalized and be the happiest girl in the world. “I want a marriage,” you tell her firmly, loving the look of utter confusion that flashes across her face. “Whatever the wedding is? That’s just extra.”
Amanda decides to change tactics. "Honey, I know that you are scared of me hurting you again." She coos, batting her lashes at him. "I promise you that was a huge mistake, and it will never happen again. You don't have to rush things with her because you are unsure. Besides, your father didn't even put his wife and mistress under the same roof."
You can feel him tense beside you, and the urge to just reach out and punch this woman rolls through you for about the hundredth time in two months. “He’s not his father, and I’m not his mistress.” You remind her firmly, giving Marcus’s hand a supportive squeeze. “And despite the legality? You have never been a wife to him.”
Amanda rolls her eyes. "What would you know about my marriage to Marcus?" She spits, looking back at him with doe eyes. "One little mistake shouldn't discredit all the good times we had, should it?" She asks, biting her lip and giving him a wounded look. "Remember how much fun we used to have?"
Despite your usual restraint, you actually burst out laughing at the incredibly desperate attempt to keep his attention focused on her. “Baby, I’m going to unpack this stuff, do you mind helping? The suitcase is kind of heavy.”
Marcus nods, turning and holding out his arm where the hangers are hooked over. "Take these and I'll bring the bags up." He murmurs, dismissing Amanda completely by not responding to her question.
“Thank you.” One more squeeze of his hand and you’re trading items in your arms, ready to head upstairs - with Amanda right in your heels.
"This won't look good for you Marcus." She tells him, a sharp edge to her voice. "Moving another woman into your wife's house."
Marcus snorts. "My house. You have a home in Oregon."
“We have kept absolutely no secrets from you,” you remind her, only moving past Marcus to the stairs when he hangs back to give you room. “Besides,” It’s just a split second, the way you glance back at him to check in, and the slight smile on his lips is your permission. “He doesn’t want to miss a single second of his first child’s life.”
The annoyance on her face changes to hatred in a split second. Her eyes darting down to your stomach and widening when the notion that you are pregnant registers. "You're pregnant?" She hisses, her face twisting in anger and she actually takes a step forward, quickly blocked by Marcus's larger body between you and her.
"Yes, she is." Marcus's tone is stern. "And you will not cause problems or I will go against my lawyer's advice and bounce your ass out of my house."
“There’s no scaring me off or pushing a wedge between us.” The edge in your voice is very real, not having expected that virulent tone in her reaction.
"Oh Marky." She coos, tsking like a disapproving teacher. "You really fucked this up, didn't you?" She shakes her head and gives him a fake sympathetic look. "You've just proven my case for infidelity."
“You are filing an infidelity suit?” That makes you snicker even more. “You might want to have your lawyers look up the legal definition for you first. And please, I’d like to be in the room when you hear it, so I can watch your head explode over it.”
"Any past indiscretions are forgiven when you withdraw the papers and reconciliation happens." Amanda rolls her eyes at you as if you're an imbecile.
"And there is the issue." Marcus grits out between his teeth. "I never reconciled with you nor would I ever. So yes, your past is going to be brought up." He shakes his head at her in annoyance. "Just give me the damn divorce."
“Sure,” Amanda practically bars her eyelashes at him. “Just sign over the trust, now that you’ll have access to it.”
"Not going to happen Amanda." He tells her flatly. "You do not have any rights to that money and if anyone deserves it, it's her." He nods towards you. "She is the one having my baby."
“And I don’t want it.” You tell them both honestly. If anyone would get that money, you would want it to just go to the baby one day, but that isn’t a debate to be having with Amanda.
"But I do!" Amanda actually stamps her foot and tosses her hair over her shoulder. "I deserve that money for putting up with you!" She screeches at Marcus.
“Honestly, Amanda?” You shake your head at her, and pull Marcus into the bedroom you now shared with him. “I don’t know who hurt you, or why, but I honestly am sorry.”
Marcus sighs in relief and his shoulders relax the second that the door closes. "Jesus..." He whispers, hearing her mutter to herself out in the hallway. "If you want to get to know who someone really is, just divorce them." He tells you, shaking his head in disappointment.
“I’m so sorry, honey.” In an instant, your arms are around him, hugging him tight to you before you move to put everything down on the broad four-poster bed that you helped him choose.
"Well at least you get a full view of how I am during a divorce." He jokes, trying not to let his ex get to him.
“It won’t matter in a few months.” You promise him. “I promise you’ll never have a reason for another divorce once she’s gone.”
He smiles at you and leans over to kiss your cheek. "That's the best news I could hear." He murmurs.
“It’s you, me, and the Pike-ette.” From the bottom of the bag you’ve been carrying, you produce your smaller jewelry box and hold it up sheepishly. “Is it okay if I put my jewelry on the bureau?” He only puts his watch, wallet, and badge there usually, leaving most of the top empty.
Marcus looks at you softly, a smile playing across his lips and he nods. "Baby, you can arrange your stuff however you want to." He promises you, eager to see what the house will look like when your things are combined. "This is your home."
“It’s our home.” And that fact, that brand new fact, splits your face open into a wide grin. “I don’t want to just barge in and throw my stuff wherever.” You toss him a grin. “For all I know, you really like looking at all that blue paint and putting my jewelry box there would fuck with the room’s feng shui.”
He snorts and rolls his eyes at you, picking up a pair of balled-up socks and throwing them at you playfully. "Shut up." He huffs. "Only reason the room looks like this is because of you." Since Amanda had shown up, the finishing touches for his place had been put on hold, but this was perfect in order to be able to meld your tastes together. "That dresser is almost completely empty. I only use one drawer, so take the others for yourself."
“It’s a good thing you didn’t pay for me to come finish doing all that design work.” At the time, you would have given your left arm for that chance of privacy, even on the clock.
"Yeah." He gives you a smug smile. "Now I get that work for free."
“Nuh-uh.” You shake your head and grin. “I charge in kisses these days.”
"I like that payment system." He comes over to you and rubs your shoulders gently. "I'm going to put your stuff in the bathroom and you can move it to wherever you want, okay honey?"
“Perfect.” It’s all perfect. All of it. And that makes you grin even more while you start carefully stacking folded pairs of pants into a dresser drawer. “Hey, Marcus?”
"Yeah babe?" Marcus had just entered the bathroom but he quickly looks out to see what you might need.
You can feel yourself beaming at him. The softness in his eyes and the quizzical expression on his face meet the bright, shiny, flushed smile on your face, and you shrug at him innocently. “I’m…I just…” you chuckle a little, mostly at yourself and the pricks of water behind your eyes. “I love you. That’s all. And I’m really excited to dig in and build our life together. I…it feels really silly to say it out loud. But I thought you should know. I’m really happy.”
There is absolutely nothing more important than putting down the bottle of shampoo in his hand and walking out of the bathroom in order to come over and give you a kiss. So that is exactly what he does. Every time his lips press against yours, the guilt is a little less and he knows that this is where the two of you are supposed to be. "I love you too and I'm really happy with you."
“Mm, let’s hope that doesn’t change when the mood swings and weird food cravings kick in.” You hum against his lips, grinning into one more press of his against yours.
"I will be your Uber Eats driver for any and all weird cravings." He promises with a snicker. "And I haven't snapped at Amanda yet, so you are golden."
“That’s true,” you giggle back. “She did set the bar for matrimonial behavior incredibly low.”
"She wasn't all bad." Marcus admits. "But I see her true colors now."
“I know I’m not perfect, but at least I’ll always have an example of what not to be.” Up on your toes, you press another kiss to his lips. “And if I ever slip, I’m telling you right now to drag my ass into therapy with you, because something would be very wrong to make me act like that.”
Marcus smiles and hums happily, amazed that you are so kind and strong, even with him facing everything that he has been. Now with you being pregnant on top of everything, it's just proof that you are one in a million. "Same for me. If I ever start acting in some way that makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, you tell me."
“We’re going to be fine.” The repetition is for both of you.
"I have no doubt, baby." Marcus pats your ass and kisses you one last time before he turns around to go back into the bathroom. He couldn't wait to get you settled into the house with him and fall asleep with his arms wrapped around you tonight.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri
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My Masterlist!
137 notes · View notes
Pairing: Yandere! Risotto x reader
Prompt: I had an idea and was horny about it, sorry
Description: Lately, you've been plagued by a stalker. Nothing extreme had happened and you likely wouldn't even know if they didn't drop gifts by your place ever so often. Your pile had been growing and with it, your anxiety; your roommates decide that you need something to distract you from these happenings and take you drinking. However, they promptly become more interested than each other than you. Perhaps you're lucky then, that a handsome stranger wants your attention...
Rating: not sfw
Content Warning: stalking, drinking, female reader, may have use of she/her, virgin reader, uhh cunnilingus, unprotected sex, threatens of kidnapping, ask to tag
Word Count:11828
Notes: boy howdy has this idea been haunting me for months! I've been quite literally plagued by the naughty portions for this because I swear like I man possessed the first 5000 words flew out of me and then radio silence for months when I even consider writing the word dick.
I’m free from the curse that is this fic holy fucking shit i never thought I would write so much when I first thought it up. Hope you guys like it ahahah
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“I’m just not too sure about this guys…” You frown softly, tugging gently at you clothing. It wasn’t even anything fancy-- in fact it was a skirt you loved and had worn hundreds of times before. But in this situation it felt revealing, like your legs and chest were there for the world to marvel at.
“I’ve seen you wear that to work--At the bar! You wear that to the bar you work at.” Your friend explains, huffing as he moves past you. “What’s wrong with it at a different bar?”
“Well I mean….” You don’t really have a good excuse, so you falter. “I mean, nothing I guess… I just feel weird going out to a bar to like, to drink and socialize. When I host at work its like… you know, that’s not me. That’s the spirit of customer service taking over my body for 7 hours.” You explain, laughing a little as it leaves your mouth.
“Yeah, okay.” His boyfriend scoffs, pulling their flannel over their shoulders. “You’re overthinking again, ____.” They put a hand on your shoulder and give you a familiar smile. “We want to have fun tonight, relax a little. What with recent events…” Their boyfriend interrupts.
“Hey, we said we wouldn’t bring that up tonight.” He wears a frown, brushing overgrown bangs out of his face as he glares down at his smaller significant other.
“It’s okay.” You smile to try to convince the couple. “I mean, ignoring it won’t make it go away. We all know I have a stalker…” You sigh, shaking your head.
Your latest gift, from last night, sat tucked away in a corner with all the rest of your gifts-- flowers that you adored, candy you enjoyed, manga you had wanted to read. You felt too guilty to throw it away, knowing someone had gone out of their way to get it just for you but at the same time, there was no one in your life (sans the couple in front of you) that would really know all this.
“Yeah but we really didn’t want to remind you tonight.” They sigh, shaking their head. “You’ve never been out like this before, we wanted to make it special.” They smile again, mustache raising with their toothy grin. “So, at least for tonight, we can forget about it.” You smile once again at your roommates, shaking your head at how earnest they sounded.
“I think you two are taking this too seriously, we’re just gonna get some drinks and come back here to play games or whatever.” You remark, grabbing your purse as the three of you pile out of your room and into the entry way.
“Maybe, but still. Try to have fun.” You just stick your tongue out at your taller friend, letting him and his boyfriend lead the way out the door and to the car. Even as you filed in to the beat up car and joked with them, nerves still danced in your stomach.
Was this really a good idea…? You didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself or anything. What if you got too drunk and did something embarrassing? What if some creepy dudes tried hitting on you, would you be able to scare them away? Even worse, what if your stalker followed you there? Would you even know it was him? What if he tried something?
“Hello? Hey, you there _____?” Your friend looks back from the passenger seat, worry written in on his features.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sorta.” You mumble out. It must have been a good 15 minutes you were stuck in your head-- you could see the place your roommates had told you about just ahead.
“Good, because its time to get your drink on!” You can only shake your head at your friend, their enthusiasm helping cool your nerves a bit.
The three of you step out of the car, all laughs and happiness as you step into the bar. Honestly, its not what you had made it out to be in your head; the place is small but not so much so that things are cramped. Its comforting in here in a way, the pool table and the dart board sitting in the far corner making things seem far less serious that you had hyped the place up to be. The bar top its self is sparsely seated, and the few booths and tables that litter the place are quite empty too. Suffice to say, not many people are trying to get wasted this Tuesday night; just you and your friends, bringing a bit of new life into the place.
As the three of you sit down and order some shots to begin the evening, you finally feel yourself begin to relax. Even if you are the youngest ones here tonight, you don’t feel judged for it. Everyone is minding their business, leaving the three of you to yourselves in the corner to start your evening of fun.
For Risotto, however, this night just got interesting.
Just last night, he had finished his most recent hit and with it, once again left a gift outside your window. Tonight, he had simply planned to relax as he thought through what to do next. You coming here wasn’t something he expected-- this was his usual spot, after all, close enough to your home to not arise suspicion but just far enough that not even his teammates questioned it as he headed this way.
He couldn’t help but stare as you walked in with your roommates, trailing behind them slowly and taking in the sights of the bar before you. He was surprised you didn’t feel his gaze on you, but he was on the other side of the bar. It was obvious you were out of your comfort zone but you did your best not to show it.
You always did put others comforts before your own.
Eventually, the three of you did find a seat, one parallel to him at that, but somehow you still didn’t notice him. It was both a blessing and a curse, being this close to you but still unnoticed. Risotto supposed, he would have reason to stick around longer if you were here.
He couldn’t have anything bad happening to you, after all, and whose to say what will happen now that you were here?
“Okay but like, have you seen the new art for the characters?” You spoke to your friend who sat across from you, drink in one hand and phone in the other, facing him so he might see the art.
“I mean, it’s good but like I don’t get why you like him.” He shrugs. “Like, I know he’s your man and all but ehh.”
“I take you two out and you start talking about gacha games?” Your other friend rolls their eyes.
“I mean, yeah.” You respond. You were feeling much better at this point, slightly buzzed but your friend, the light weight of the group, was feeling it far more.
“Aww, are you sad I’m not paying attention to you babe?” He turns to his boyfriend, making a kissy face.
“I mean, I wasn’t, but I won’t say no now--” You politely turn away as the two move to kiss one another. Very quickly, you realize this is devolving quickly, your drunk friend all too happy to indulge in his significant other.
“I’m uhh, gonna go to the rest room.” You make a hasty exit from you shared table, taking your time as you head towards the general direction of the bathroom. As you head that way, you pass by a lone man at another booth. You catch his gaze you pass (you’ve never seen eyes like his, and it captivates you a moment) before you remember your manners and give him a small smile and nod, moving just a little bit faster to the bathroom.
As you finish, you stare at yourself in the mirror a moment, taking a deep breath before smiling at your reflection. “It’s fine _____, don’t worry. You’re gonna walk out there and he’ll just be blabbering away like he usually does…” But as you toss your paper towel and make your exit, you see your friends have not separated from one another, but have in fact gotten ever closer in the small space of the booth. “Oh, eww.” You say as you lean again the end of the bar. The bartender snorts as he glances over at them.
“Friends of yours?” he remarks.
“Yeah…” You sigh, shaking your head. “So much for hanging out tonight.” You take a look at your phone, noticing the time and how your buzz was quickly dying.
“Here.” The bartender slides a drink your way-- one you had wanted to try but it was just out of your price range.
“Oh, um, I didn’t--” You try to explain.
“Don’t worry about it.” The bartender dismisses you with a wave of his hand. “The guy over there covered it.” He points to the man you had locked eyes with just minutes before. He’s looking at the two of you, an unreadable smile on his face.
“O-oh.” You cradle it with two hands, still watching as he turns to face the proper way, looking away from you. “Do you um… know much about him? Like…” You aren’t sure what you should be asking.
“Not really. He’s here nearly as often as I am though.” He huffs. “Tips nice, but I’ve never seen him do anything like this.”
“I see.” You nod slowly, bringing the drink to your lips and taking a sip of the sweet cocktail. With one last glace towards your preoccupied friends you shake your head. Fuck it, you were supposed to have fun tonight, right? They sure were, and what harm was one conversation with a handsome stranger?
With that in mind, you make your way over to him, steps unsure as you focus on not spilling your drink.
“Um,” As you speak, his red gaze turns to you, and it only causes more foolishness to spill from your lips. “Did you uh, was it you that bought this for me?” you stutter and look away from him as you speak, wanting to throttle yourself for how dumb that sounded.
“I did.” His words are solid and smooth in comparison. His deep voices matches the intensity of his gaze.
“Thank you.” You laugh a little awkwardly, tugging at the length of your skirt. “I really wanted to try this one.” You admit rather awkwardly, laughing. “How did you know?”
“You seem like the sweet type, bella.” The more he speaks the more you’re tempted to listen. His words, his way of speaking, his eyes and smile, they create this fuzzy little ball in your stomach; not dissimilar to the nerves you felt earlier in the evening but for some reason, you want more of this.
“Why don’t you sit down?” You can’t see the desperation in his gaze as he gestures to the seat next to him. All you see is a nice stranger, and how could you say no after he was so kind to buy you this drink?
“Well… only for a little bit.” You gently sit next to him, turned slightly towards him to talk better. The booth is already small, so your knees touch-- though perhaps its because you misjudged just how large this man is. Standing beside him, he seemed average but seated next to him now you realize just how much he dwarfs you.
“Oh, wow.” The words spill out of your mouth before you could think twice to stop them, alcohol weakening your already thin filter. You blush and curse. “Shit, uh sorry.” You glace back to your roommates, still in their own little world and look back to him once before settling in your drink. “You’re just… um, well, big.”
You want to die. Why did you just say that? You take a big swig of your cocktail, the sweetness hiding how much this would probably fuck you up in a bit. “Oh my god I really just said that.” You groan out. You weren’t even trying to flirt with him and you messed up.
“Don’t worry about it, I think it’s cute.” His words have you blushing a whole new shade of red. Just to reinforce your words, he offers you one of his hands to get a look at just how big he is. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you take one of his single large hands into both of yours.
“Wow,” You repeat again, because you can’t find any other words to say and really out of all the ways you saw this going, this was not one of them. “How tall are you?” Risotto can hardly remember the number, the euphoria of you touching him (of your own violation, with all the wonder of a child) clouding his mind.
“About… 6’5”,” He mumbles, gently closing his hand over one of yours. He delights in the color on your cheeks.
“Risotto—Risotto Nero.” He’s near breathless as he looks at you. You don’t seem to notice as you test his name on pretty lips.
“Oh my god.” You gently tug your hand back to you, and though Risotto wanted to hold you longer, he relents. “I haven’t even asked your name.” You look mortified-- it’s adorable.
After this, Risotto knows he won’t be stated. A single taste of you, innocent, darling, sweet you, has him greedy for more.
“Risotto…” You hum. “I’m _____.” You giggle again. Oh sweetheart, if only you knew. With another swig of your drink, you find it empty.
“_____,” The way he says your name has a shiver run though you. It falls off his lips so familiar, you would think he’s said it a million times before.
“So um…” You swirl the cordial cherry in the bottom of your cup, the sheer amount of alcohol you just drank catching up with you. “Why… did you buy me this drink, Risotto?” Brave is not something you’d call yourself but in this moment you are curious-- after all, what’s a mysterious man want with well… normal little you?
“To be honest…” He paused a moment, catching your pretty gaze (though thick lashes) as you look up at him. “I wanted your attention all to myself, tesoro. Ever since I saw you, I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of you.” Not one bit of that was a lie-- it’s just a shame you didn’t realize Risotto had met you far before this faithful night.
“You’re teasing!” You gasp, hand moving to grasp his knee. The waitress comes by to replace your drinks, though you probably didn’t even notice yours emptied in the first place.
“Teasing?” Risotto contemplates. He’s drunk on an entirely different feeling than the alcohol. “Oh bella, I haven’t even began.” Once again that feeling in your stomach flares. You think your beginning to understand why your roommates were ignoring you…
“S-stop!” Even as you push off him, you’re giggling, taking another drink of the cocktail sitting innocently next to you. “How can you be so… forward?” It’s a real question-- no one has ever been so openly into you. It’s a lot to take in, even if the positive attention is nice… It’s a lot.
“You make it easy.” Rather, knowing most everything about you did… “I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if I let you get away from me.”
The dark meaning behind his words doesn’t even phase you as you allow him to pull you closer to him. Never in his wildest dreams did Risotto think you would reciprocate his feelings so easily. Perhaps, there was a reason your friends hadn’t taken you out sooner… He’s loathe to think of any other person sweetening up to you so easily.
“Hey now…” An ounce of self preservation flows throw you for just a moment. Your gaze pulls from his as you glance over to your roommates. Surprisingly, they’re looking at you now-- grinning cheekily and giving you big thumbs up. You quickly turn back to Risotto at that, and he can’t help but laugh.
“Seems I have their blessing as well.” He’s still smiling as you look up at him with a furrowed brow and the cutest pout on your lips.
“Shut up…” You mumble, taking another drink. Your head was getting a little fuzzy but you huff all the same. “They’re just tired of me complaining about being single.” Oh, how hard it was for Risotto to play dumb.
“I’m sure they just want you to have fun.” He reassures you. You don’t bat an eye as he fully slides you next to him; you welcome his weight, laying against his frame and allowing his arm around your waist.
“Yeah well, they should have thought of that before they got so busy with one another.” You huff again, looking again at how close they are to one another. You aren’t even sure why its bothering you now. But how dare they ignore you like that!
You snuggle closer to Risotto, glad for his warmth. He was comforting, in a way. You could almost see yourself getting that close with Risotto… But you decide on something else.
“I should play a trick on them.” You announce.
“Oh?” Is all Risotto says, mostly distracted by your delicate fingers drawing absentminded designs along his upper thigh.
“Yeah. In fact, lets leave now while they’re distracted-- when they realize I’m gone they’ll both be sooo worried!” You giggle, as if you plan is genius. Risotto couldn’t believe his luck. You were pretty much asking to go home with him at this point-- who was he to say no?
“Are… you okay with that?” You looked up at him with that adorable shyness in your voice again, eyes glittering.
“Anything you want.” With that, things happened so quickly-- Risotto payed off his tab and the two of you stood. He was far more sober than you (having stopped drinking the moment you sat with him) and was more than happy to support you out the door and to his car.
It all felt surreal as the two of you walked out together, you giggling and stumbling as you clung to him. Even as he sat you in his passenger seat and carefully buckled you in, it felt surreal.
“Ooo, where are we going?” You asked as he began driving. Risotto knew you to be naive but… surely you knew by now.
“My place.” He answered simply. With that you went quiet a moment, thinking. Were you realizing what you had gotten yourself into? Perhaps…
“I haven’t been to this part of town before…” You hum, a little more put together than the minute before.
Risotto would never force himself on you, never make you do anything you don’t want. When you arrived at his place, what happened there would be entirely up to you. Just having you in his space, however, willingly, was enough to drive him insane. It would be hard to keep himself together but for you, he could do it…
All too soon for you, the two of you arrived at his place. It was modest, a small home that didn’t really stand out from the others around it. Still, gentleman he was, Risotto helped you inside his house.
You were gently urged to sit on his sofa as he left to go to another room—the kitchen, you supposed, by the sound of a faucet running. You took in the sights around you, surprised to find how… homey it felt in here.
In fact, the place didn’t seem like it would belong to him; it felt like your grandmothers house, all comforting clutter and decorations from before you were born. Despite being unfamiliar it brought a sense of ease over you. Soon enough, Risotto returned, a glass of water held out to you.
“Oh, thank you.” You took a drink, surprised at how parched you were. How much did you drink at the bar? “Honestly, I’m not sure what I expected.” You laugh, however the sound comes out flat. “Thank you for taking care of me.” You place the water down on a side table and sigh. “I’m sorry if um, this isn’t what you thought it would be.” You laugh a little bitterly at that.
“Don’t worry.” Risotto takes a seat beside you, a comfortable distance between the two of you. You find yourself missing his warmth, the empty house not quite warm enough for your taste. “I want you to be comfortable.” You smile at him.
“You really are sweet.” You laugh again, looking to the blank screen of his tv. “You’ve probably guessed by now, but I’m not really the type of person that goes out or does anything like this.” You shake your head, making sure to take another drink of the water given to you so you can better clear your head. You would definitely have a nasty hangover in the morning but this helped ever so slightly.
“I mean… shoot, I think it’s been actual years since I even kissed someone.” You mused. This was news to Risotto-- you had only moved to the city a couple of years ago to his knowledge, and while here he hadn’t really see you attempt to date anyone.
“Saving yourself for someone special?” He asks, part teasing and part curious. He would gladly be that someone special, after all…
“Well… sorta?” That familiar color paints your cheeks. “I shouldn’t dump this on you, especially since we just met…” You sigh and give him a side glace. Risotto places a gentle hand on your knee and gives you a small smile.
It makes you feel special.
He doesn’t seem like the type to smile too often, so you cherish the look. “I’m just bad at meeting people really. Even here with you now I’m like, kind of amazed? Like I know I’m at your house and everything but I can’t seem to process that you’re into me-- like, attracted to me.” Risotto could laugh at the irony. The depths of his adoration for you went far deeper than that but it was charming all the same to know how easily you were flustered.
“Would you mind if I proved it to you then?” The hand he had rested comfortingly on your knee moved to your shoulder, gently turning you to face him. Risotto moves ever so closer to you looking into your wide eyes.
“...Prove it?” You say quietly in disbelief. You haven’t pulled away from him yet; Risotto still moves slowly, giving you plenty of time and space to move away if you didn’t want this. But you remain frozen, allowing him to tilt his head and meet his lips to yours.
Its nothing serious, a chaste press of his own chapped lips against your soft ones. Far more quickly than he had kissed you, he pulls back, red eyes studying your features for your reaction.
“Was that okay?” He asks softly, free hand bravely coming to up to cup and stroke your right cheek.
“U-um,” You stutter, finding it difficult to keep his gaze or speak. Your heart is beating far too fast and you find it hard to speak, words unable to pass your lips as your mind works a mile a minute.
Risotto, this attractive, sweet and mysterious man, kissed you? He brought you to his house? He really wanted-- you couldn’t even dare to think about it. “Yeah, I uh, I liked that.” A shy smile makes way to your lips as you look into his eyes.
“I’m happy.” Again, he smiles, taking your breath away. “Would you like to continue?” You’re silent a moment, cheeks heating up. Risotto is quick to speak again. “The moment you want to stop tesoro, we stop. Your comfort is my top priority.”
“How did I get so lucky to meet someone as patient as you?” You whisper, mostly to yourself. For Risotto, even getting this far with you is more than he ever expected from tonight; it would be foolish for him to continue to push his luck when he had you so willing and cute in his arms.
“Um… I think that would be okay. A-as long as we continue to take it slow.” You have the cutest pout on you lips as you break from his gaze. Red paints the tips of your ears now and you frankly can’t remember the last time you felt so embarrassed. At the same time you felt… good. You didn’t want to stop, even if there was a nagging part of your mind that warned you how dumb and dangerous what you were doing was.
“Of course, whatever you like.” Gently, Risotto moves his hand from your cheek to your hip, pulling you even closer to him. You’re still a little awkward as your hands find way around his neck.
“Like… this?” Your words are the gentlest whisper against his lips, eyes hooded as the short distance between the two of you plays with your mind.
“...Perfect.” Risotto’s words are more a groan as he closes the distance between the two of you, slanting his lips again yours. As you move against him, soft lips tentative and curious against his own, Risotto decides he can die happy now.
But of course, he couldn’t help but be greedy.
All too quickly the sweet kiss grows more intense; you grow more bold and wrap your arms around him tighter. Risotto quickly finds you more than willing, his tongue sliding into your mouth easily. Of course, you let him take control but he still can’t help but groan at how easily you submit to him. You’re already better than he’s imagined; Risotto knows after tonight he’ll have trouble letting you go.
You moan out in surprise as he pulls you on to his large lap. He can’t get enough of you as he pulls away from you, lips trailing down to kiss the open expanse of your neck and chest. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders as he kisses and nibbles his way to finding the spot that makes you moan out once again. He sets about loving on that spot, sucking and nibbling into making a rosy mark on the underside of your jaw. He couldn’t resist the urge to mark you knowing at least for a few days, it would stay on you.
“D-did you just leave a hickey?” Your voice is breathless but has an undeniable edge to it. “Oh my gosh…!” Risotto can only chuckle as one of your hands reaches up to rub at the irritated skin.
“I promise I’ll make it better bella,” Risotto lifts his head back up to capture your lips once more, cutting off any complaint you may have had.
You shift around in his lap in just a way that you can feel his growing length straining against his pants. It sends a shock of panic though you; not that you also weren’t incredibly horny after all those drinks, but because you’ve never gotten this far with anyone. Its terrifying in the best and worst ways; you can’t tell if you want more or to push it all away. Despite your internal struggle you still find yourself welcoming Risotto’s every action-- its so hard to say no when it feels so right. You manage to pull away and speak.
“W-whoa,” You barely get the word out as you squeeze Risotto’s shoulders. He pulls back, dark eyes hooded as he takes a deep breath. “I, I um…” You aren’t entirely sure what you’re trying to say, dizzy from all the different feelings hitting you at once. Its hard to meet his gaze even as you take your own deep breath, willing yourself to just breathe and focus on what you’re trying to say.
“You really—!” Your words are cut off as you gasp suddenly. Risotto has returned to the spot where he left the hickey before, nipping and kissing the skin before he speaks again.
“_____….” The deep and breathy way he says your name, looking up from your chest as he does so plays funny in your gut. “You really have no clue how much I want this, do you?” You blush again as he raises his head again. “Bella…” A heavy breath passes through his nostrils. He keeps his eyes closed a moment, as if fighting something within himself. After a short pause, he open’s crimson eyes again, looking at you more seriously than the moment before.
“If we continue like this,” Risotto pauses, a strange look passing through his features before he sighs. “I may not be able to hold myself back.” Your heart hammers in your chest at his words. Your mind is reeling at the possibilities, the true meaning behind his words.
“Shit…” You take your own deep breath. “That’s kinda hot…” You bite your lip a moment, For a moment, you consider the future, and how you might feel about this situation in the morning. Sure, Risotto was gorgeous, charming and obviously into you. But… was this how you wanted to lose your virginity? Half drunk, at a beautiful strangers house?
“We… we should stop, though.” As you move to get off Risotto’s lap, he doesn’t stop you, letting you slide off to sit beside him. You scoot away from him a little and sigh. “I-I’m sorry, you probably took me here because you wanted something more but I…” You shake your head.
“It’s okay.” Even as he says the words, you can tell Risotto is still hot and bothered. You’re reminded of the reason rational thought returned to you and dare a peek at his crotch. Yeah, no, it probably wasn’t okay but he was just a cool dude. “You said yourself you don’t really do this sort of thing.” Risotto swallows heavy, the taste of you lingering on his lips.
He would do anything to keep you here. Spend as much time with you as he could. Anything to keep you comfortable and happy with him.
“It’s not only that…” You sigh, shake your head. “I… have this problem. A stalker.” You frown, trying your best to explain this delicately. Risotto does his best to look concerned. “I’d hate for something to happen to you because I stupidly decided to go home with you.” Oh, darling, if only you knew.
“I can take care of myself.” Risotto huffs, sitting up properly. “...Are you letting something like that keep you from having a good time?” He looks to you, contemplative and frowning.
“Well…” You sigh again. It brings mixed feelings about Risotto, knowing that him showing his affection for you was causing such sadness. “He hasn’t done anything mean or harmful as far as I know. I just worry.” You meet his gaze. Seeing him frown, you try to give him a smile.
“Sorry, sorry, it was wrong of me to dump that on you.” You shake your head. “M-maybe I should just go…” You move to stand but Risotto places a hand on your arm. He’s gentle, urging you to look at him.
“Wait.” His eyes look near pleading. It’s a look that strikes you in an odd way, stilling your movements for a moment. “...Would you let me take care of you tesoro?” The hand that rested on your arm moves down slowly, resting on your thigh where your skirt has risen up.
“...Take care of me?” You echo his words, tone more innocent than his. You let his fingers wander under the fabric of your skirt, unfamiliar patterns causing heat and goosebumps to come to you. “B-but I don’t know if I’m comfortable doing anything to you…” You admit aloud, face red as you look away from both his face and how he teased the skin of your thigh.
“I don’t mind.” Risotto grows a little bolder, once again closing the distance between you. You allow him to grab your cheek to turn to face him. He’s more serious than he’s been the entire night and that only serves to make you blush more as he speaks. “I want to make you feel good.” The urge to hide once again hits you but Risotto grips your face just smidge harder.
Finding that you can’t turn away from him you instead close your eyes to will your beating heart down, to find the words to speak past your nerves. “You’ve really done some crazy things to my heart tonight, you know?” You laugh a little, and dare to open your eyes. As you suspected, Risotto is still looking at you, with a small look of hope in his eyes.
“I just have to ask…” You pause a moment, taking a deep breath. “You’re… so pretty, so confident. I feel like there would be any number of people more than willing and ready to be your partner. Why… why me when I’m so… so…” Again you close your eyes and shake your head.
“Didn’t I tell you before? You’ve captivated me since I laid my eyes on you.” You vaguely recall the words through the haze alcohol but repeated here they have the same effect.
“I should probably stop worrying about it, then.” You laugh a little. You’re all the sudden reminded of his hand crawling up your inner thigh. His hand’s are warm, like fire running up you in all your sensitivity. “Then… I guess it would be okay…” You catch a glimpse of a wicked grin on Risotto’s face before he slinks to the floor.
“You won’t regret this.” His voice has that now familiar sultry tone.
All you can do is watch as he slots his large shoulders between your knees. He makes for quite the sight below you, with large hands spreading your knees and red eyes watching your face keenly. His touch has you trembling, not in fear, but trepidation. Risotto takes notice and pauses.
“You okay?” You give a shaky nod in response.
“Yeah, I just um, nervous is all.” A giggle leaves you despite this; Risotto is simply running his hands along your inner thighs. Still, seeing the sound leave you he smiles.
“I’ll take good care of you, I promise.” Your heart flutters at his words. Even though you know you’ve gone home with a stranger you can’t help but feel this is romantic, if not loving on his part. Your initial glance didn’t have you thinking he was a romantic but he had done nothing but sweet talk and accommodate for your comfort. “Remember your comfort comes before anything.” You bite your cheek but nod, watching him with wide, hazy eyes.
His hands leave your thighs only for a moment; they soon find way to your hips where he grabs the band of your skirt. With a slow, deliberate tug he brings the material down your hips, past your thighs and knees until he slips it past your feet entirely, placing it down gently on the floor beside him.
Even through your tremble you can’t help but feel a shiver fall down your spine. You can feel his hot breath on your sex through your underwear. Seeing dark, red eyes look up at you from between your bare thighs is nearly too much, so you close your eyes and take a deep breath in an attempt to even your breathing. It doesn’t help much.
“Are you ready?” His voice is deep, in stark contrast to your own jumbled tones.
“Yeah, I think so.” You once again try to even your breathing, keeping your eyes closed as anticipation grows with anxiety.
“_____, bella.” His words tease more than his breathing, and you can’t help the sharp intake of breath as he speaks. “I won’t start until I hear a yes from you.” As sweet as that notion was you couldn’t help but feel he was instead teasing. Already it was hard to form words, let alone say them.
“Y-yes, I’m ready Risotto.” Heavy breath leaves through your nose. You dare to look at Risotto, and see him smirk before he begins.
He starts by trailing sweet kisses and licks up your inner thigh. More than anything, it tickles; you can’t help but let out a giggle at the sensation and with it, some of your tension. Risotto continues, making sure every inch of your exposed skin is adored before moving over to the other thigh and working there as well. His tongue makes daring passes over your covered pussy, and the sensation already has you squirming.
He rests strong hands on your hips to steady you, before you feel him grasp your panties. Your heart is pounding, and you don’t know if you want to watch or look away as he removes your underwear. You certainly hadn’t expected this when you went out tonight, so you opted for something… comfortable, not necessarily pretty. This doesn't detour Risotto, however, and you can hear the low moans he lets out.
Still shy, you can’t help but try and close your legs. Ever gentle, strong hands rest on your knees. “_____….” You must have closed your eyes at one point, because only when you hear Risotto’s sweet voice again can you manage to open them. “You’re beautiful, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” You can’t help blush. There’s a lot to be said about a pretty man between your legs, singing your praises but in this moment it has you stunned in silence.
“Just let me make you feel good.” His voice has gained a sultry, seductive tone. You don’t fight him as he opens your knees, instead watching with rapt attention as Risotto returns his attention so your pussy.
“Um, so I said I’ve never been out before…” Your words have Risotto pausing right before he would begin. “Sorry, bad timing…” You laughed a little awkwardly, your nerves making your tone higher. “But I’ve um, never really done anything like this either.” Somehow, you manage to look down at him as you say this. “This is my first time doing… anything like this.” You admit to him.
Risotto couldn’t believe his luck. Were you saying that you were a virgin?
“You don’t mean…” He pauses fully, looking up at your blushing face with wide eyes.
“I-I hope it’s not a problem!” You can’t find it in you to admit the words aloud. Your face hasn’t been more red this even, your eyes just as wide. The two of you can’t seem to look away from one another as Risotto takes all this information in.
“It’s not a problem.” He shakes his head softly. “But… are you sure you want this, then?” Risotto would be willing to take anything you wanted to give him but again, he didn’t want to pressure you into anything.
“I-I mean,” You laugh a little despite yourself, looking away from his eyes a moment only t wander back to his gaze. “You make me feel comfortable so… It’s okay if it’s you.” Your words had gone soft, until they were hardly above a whisper. Risotto was sure to hear it all, though.
It was hard to describe the feeling that went through him as you spoke. It was similar to the bar, when he had you giggling and idly playing with his hands. But here… having you in such an intimate position and admitting that you felt comfortable enough to give such a part of yourself to him? He was star struck a moment, left shocked and wandering how he had gotten so lucky to get here tonight.
“I’ll make sure it’s special for you.” Your heart swelled at his words, at his easy smile. Risotto’s own heart was beating faster as he looked at you, took in all of you from his position between your legs. If things went his way, this would be more than a one night stand. He would do anything he could to keep you here, to see you again.
Anything at all.
There’s a long moment of anticipation before you finally feel his tongue against your folds, it’s a foreign, but pleasant feeling. He proved himself to be gentle, one hand on your hip and the other resting on your inner thigh. He explores all of you, finding that which makes your breathing pick up and heart beat faster. His tongue circles around your clit once and you can’t help but gasp, clenching his hair with your hands and his head with your thighs.
When you realize what you’ve done, you immediately lessen your grip around his head and panic, words leaving you faster than you thought they could. “Oh, I’m sorry I just--” Your cut off as Risotto leaves a little nip on your thigh, a gasp leaving you instead. He peaks his head up and you can see, even from a moment between your thighs, his face is wet with your arousal. It’s enough to get you to flush more as he speaks.
“Don’t worry.” His dark hooded eyes and grin don’t help how you’re feeling. “You won’t hurt me.” He once again returns to your cunt, movements a little more bold then the curious licks he did before. His movements once again having you gripping his hair.
He’s obviously had more experience than you; Risotto knows just the way to move his tongue over your pussy, running it over your clit only to tease and dip his tongue into you. It’s when he begins to suck on your clit, and press two fingers into your pussy do you moan aloud, and clench your thighs around his head once more. At this, he moans as well and you can’t help the heat the rises though you; that somehow, he was getting as much pleasure from this as you were.
Risotto presses into you slowly at first, slender fingers gently working you open as his mouth works diligently, sucking on your clit and savoring your taste. By now, you’ve begun trying to follow his movements, but his hand on your hip keeps you in place. You can’t help but whine out, moans following as Risotto pumps his fingers in and out of you.
“F-fuck,” You manage to open bleary eyes, looking down at Risotto between you. “Ris I… please,” You aren’t even sure what you’re trying to say, gripping his head tighter and chasing the heat that he gave you.
His fingers soon leave your cunt, only for his mouth to move down instead. Deft fingers work your clit in a fast pace while his tongue thrusts in and out of your cunt, groaning as your slick coats his tongue. He could stay here between your thighs all night, coaxing more moans and sweet cries from you.
“I… I’m close,” You can hardly get the words out, desperately chasing your orgasm as Risotto doubles his efforts, waiting for your to cum so he could swallow all of your release. His fingers circle your clit in quick, practiced motions as he rubs his tongue along your g spot. It isn’t long before your release hits you. “R-risotto…! Oh, fuck…” Your nails dig into his hair and you clench your thighs even tighter around him, if possible.
You’re breathing heavy, riding out the high of your orgasm. Risotto, ever diligent, gently carries you through the aftershocks and greedily takes your release. Soon enough, your weak knees gently fall from around his head. Your hands grow limp as well, and Risotto soon sits to his full height between your legs, looking at you in a way you can only describe as caring.
“Are you alright?” he’s breathing heavy too, you notice. You can hardly talk but you let out a chuckle and nod for him.
“Y-yeah, just need a moment.” You smile softly as his large hands rest on your thighs, rubbing small patterns into them just as you did to him earlier in the evening. You take him in a moment, from his white hair, disheveled from your hands, to piercing red eyes that look to you with nothing short of adoration. Full lips that shine with the remains of you release… surely, it would be enough to make any person blush.
“Do you need anything?” It amazed you how attentive he was too, as if he didn’t just work to get you off.
“No, no I’m… I’m okay.” You laugh a little and pull him up to your level. You still felt a little shy and anxious, but it was amazing how relaxed you felt after one orgasm. Enough so that the thought of another, didn’t seem so bad. “Come here,” You urge Risotto to sit up on the couch with you. He’s all but eager to do so, moving next to you. Emboldened, you hold his cheek with one hand. “Can I kiss you?” You ask him.
“You don’t need to ask.” You glance a small smile on his lips before he pulls you into him. He kisses you with the same fervor and passion as before. You easily slide into his lap and you’re reminded of the reason you wanted to run away before.
However, this time you can’t help but feel excited as you kiss him and taste yourself; you want more of the friction between you, more of his attention and more of what he can offer. The feel of his clothed dick on your naked pussy is better then it was minutes before, and you want it so bad.
“Risotto…” You pull away from him panting, looking deep into his eyes. “I… I want you.” You feel your face heating up, but you can’t stop now. You push though your embarrassment and continue speaking. “I wanna fuck you.” You whimper, managing to say the words but losing his gaze somewhere in the process.
“_____…” His grip on your waist tightens. You look to him again, a small smile hitting your lips. “Don’t feel like you owe me--” You cut him off.
“No, I really want it.” You take a deep breath. You’re shaking again. “This may sound stupid but… not only do you make me feel good, but safe too. I’ve never felt more comfortable then when I’m with you.” You laugh a little, as if that will underplay how serious your words are. “Like, forgive me if I’m being weird or too forward or whatever but… I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” You press your forehead against his. “And I kinda got that same feeling from you, so…” Your voice dies down as you realize the words you’ve just said.
“Ah, shit… I didn’t mean--” You realize you’ve probably killed the buzz and try to back track, but Risotto speaks up.
“No that’s…” He smiles, genuine and sweet. “I don’t either. I want to see you again after tonight.” You smile back at him, wide and shining. “You make me feel…” He swallows hard, catching himself. “I feel safe with you too.” Risotto uses your words as well, trying to meet you at your level, rather then where he currently was. “If you really and truly want this… let me make it special for you.”
You’re left no room to question him as Risotto rises from the couch, easily lifting you with him. You squeak and cling to him, arms running around his neck and legs finding way away his waist. Your carried further back into the comfortable house and brought to a simple bedroom. Your placed on his bed with the utmost care, but you can’t help but pout as he leaves. It’s only for a moment, to close the door of his bedroom.
Soon enough Risotto is standing before you on the edge of his bed, looking down with an unreadable look. You’re silent as you watch him, caught up in your own emotions. A moment passes and whatever Risotto was thinking passes.
“There’s still time to back out.” Risotto says, slowly crawling over your figure on his bed. You’re forced to lay back to accommodate him, your heart pounding and crawling out of your chest and into your throat.
“I’m ready, it’s okay.” You rest your hands on his chest, along the strange straps. “Why don’t you take this off already? It can’t be comfortable.” You giggle a little and hear Risotto snort.
“If you insist.” You can’t help but smile at his teasing tone. He takes off his cloak and once that’s met with the ground, his harness soon follow. You follow suit, removing your shirt and pausing only a moment when you get to your bra. He’s already seen your pussy and made you come, however, so soon enough your bra joins the growing pile of clothing on the floor.
“Thank you for being so kind to me.” Your hands rest on the waistband of his pants. Risotto’s hands ghost over yours but pause as you speak. “You definitely didn’t have to jump though all these hoops for me… but you did, and still are.” You smile again and Risotto can hardly speak, his heart has begun pounding so fast.
“Don’t thank me. You deserve kindness.” His voice is soft, his words playing funny in your heart. Its all you can do to shake your head.
“Still…” Gently, you tug at his pants, pulling with them his boxers. “It means a lot to me.” You’re trying to distract yourself from your pounding heart and how curious you were-- Risotto was a big man, after all, so surely…
“Remember, this is about you.” Your gaze is pulled up to his. “The moment you want this to end, it will.” You swore, he was trying to make you fall for him-- why else would someone be so accommodating, so sweet and caring?
“Well… I want you to feel good too.” In a moment of bravery, you place your hands over his and pull his pants and boxers off all the way, until you’re both left naked in front of one another.
You take a moment to marvel at him, to take him all in. Pretty face, defined muscles and all… Risotto does the same, amazed to be taking in all of you in the flesh. Soft curves and sweet lips, full breasts and eyes that have captivated him from the moment he saw you… He never really imagined he would get to have you in the flesh, to hold you and please you.
Now, he’s afraid he won’t be able to let go. Or maybe, that he’ll mess up and won’t be able to keep you.
“Oh, wow.” You’ve said it to him countless times tonight, but perhaps now it is the most apt use. Your eyes find way down to Risotto’s fully hard cock and can’t help but stare. You had never seen one in the flesh and he was just… so big. Bigger than you thought he would be.
“You’ll be okay.” Risotto’s words draw your attention back to his eyes. “I’ll make sure it hurts as little as possible.” You nod at him and offer a smile to him. You want to speak more, but Risotto moves his hand back to your pussy.
You’re still wet from your last release. He swirls gentle fingers around your sex, gentle touches to your clit sending small shocks of pleasure through you. Soon, his two fingers dip into your cunt once more, movements tender and slow as he works you open. He gently scissors his fingers in you, before leaning his head down to your chest.
You go to question him before you feel his tongue circle your nipple. You gasp at the feeling, hardly even noticing as he slips a third finger into your soaked cunt, instead arching your back to feel of his mouth upon your breast. He begins to suck on your nipple and thrust into your pussy with his fingers with more power.
His fingers brush against your g spot as he thrusts, and his mouth pops from your breast with a small sound. He trails kisses between your breasts, making his way to your neglected nipple to give it the same treatment as the other. He licks and nibbles, goading more moans from you as he works.
Too soon, his head pops from your breast. He takes a deep breath and speaks. “Dolsetta… are you ready?” His fingers slow their thrust in you, waiting for your response.
“I… I am.” You take a deep breath, looking into his deep eyes. You can’t help but take his face into your hands, and pull him into a passionate kiss. It’s face paced and bruising, gnashing teeth and desperate tongues. You wanted him more than you thought possible.
“I need you, Ris.” You pull away with heavy breaths and beating heart. “I’m ready.” He slowly pulls his fingers from you, grinning and unabashedly licking his fingers of your arousal.
“I’ll be gentle,” Risotto is breathing just as heavy, looking to you with hooded eyes. It was getting harder to hold himself back. But for you, he would be gentle. He would be slow.
“I’ll be okay.” You want to smile to let him know you’ll be fine, but your nerves have you shaking again. Still, you try to be brave; you reach between the two of you and grab his cock in your hand, shocked both by how heavy it was how hot it felt in your hands.
You pump his cock a few times in curiosity, amazed by how it twitched in your hand, how you could hardly enclose your fist around him. “Bet you’ll feel so good in me.” You coo, guiding his head towards your entrance. “You’re gonna be sweet and gentle with me like before, right Risotto?” You look to his face, seeing how his gaze is locked on the space between your bodies—to his dick, barely kissing your cunt.
“I’ll treat you so good,” His words are low, dying into a groan. “Fuck you so gentle,” You bite your lip as he places his larger hand over yours on his cock, rubbing his dick over your folds and kissing your clit with his movements. You let out soft noises, watching as he aligns with your cunt.
You pull your hand away and hold your breath, pussy fluttering against the barely there touch of his dick. “Please, m’ready.” Your heart is pounding, hardly believing this is where the night had taken you. That you were letting Risotto take your virginity.
He presses into you, slowly. The pain takes you by surprise, and you gasp—Risotto immediately stops his movement. You think no more than his head is in you, but the stretch to accommodate his dick is more than you thought it would be.
“I-I’m okay, I’m okay.” You’re breathing heavy though, trying moreso to convince yourself than him.
“I won’t move until you say so, _____.” He leans in close and meets you for another kiss. This one is slow, sensual; anything and everything to distract you from the pain of his entrance. Soon enough, you pull from him. Somewhere along the line, Risotto had began holding your hip.
“Okay, okay…” You take another deep breath. The residual pain was still there, but you found you wanted, needed more. “Keep going. I’ll tell you if I need to stop a-again.” Risotto nods, making sure to pay close attention to your face, and how much comfort you were in.
Still, he pushes into you slowly. As inch another inch slowly sinks into you, you take in a breath. Though not as bad as the initial push, there was still pain. However you let Risotto push in another inch, before you feel two of his thick fingers rub slow circles on your clit. It’s a welcome distraction from the painful stretch of his cock, and you can feel yourself relax a little as he does this.
“You feel so good around me,” Risotto is panting. He’s close to bottoming out inside of you, deft fingers desperately trying to distract from the pain of his entrance. “I’ll make you feel just as good soon bella.” You hadn’t expected that Risotto would be so vocal during sex, but it’s not unwelcome, his low baritone another distraction.
Soon enough, you hear him let out a low groan. You had closed your eyes, gripping the bed as he pushed into you. However, as you look now you can see Risotto has bottomed out inside of you, his dick fit snug in your virgin cunt.
“S-so big…” You shiver as you say the words, taking a deep breath to try and relax around him. The pain was slowly dying, being replace by the slow thrum of pleasure. “I… You can move now. Slowly, please.” You look up to red eyes, that gaze down at you with such a strange, loving gaze.
“Of course…” Risotto swallows hard, gripping your hip with a strong hand to stop from moving so quickly. You felt more than heavenly around him; all soft and pliant beneath him, trusting him so much and allowing him to take care of you like this… Gentle as he could, Risotto pulls away from your cunt until just the tip of his dick sits inside you.
You take a deep breath, looking to him. “It’s okay, I’m… ready.” Risotto smiles at you, soft words leaving him. You can’t really hear him, gasping as he sinks the full length of his cock back into you; not fast at all, but certainly quicker than the moments before. There’s little to no pain this time, instead replaced with small sparks of pleasure.
“Oh betta…” His words are low and breathy. His free hand moves from your clit, instead resting beside your head on the bed to better balance himself. “You feel so good around me, so tight and sweet…” His words have you blushing but they only add to the pleasure your feeling, add to the heat that begins to build at your core.
It isn’t long before Risotto has built a rhythm, thrusting into you with gentle rocks of his hips into yours. Your hands find way around his neck as pleasure begins to build in you and soon enough, you find that his pace isn’t enough; that the slow drag of his cock in your pussy is becoming a torture. You need more; more friction, more heat, more of him.
“Ris, I… more, please.” It’s hard to find the words, both because it’s getting harder to speak and because it’s embarrassing. “I need more.” You feel as if your begging but you can’t help it.
“Shh, tesoro, I know.” His voice is hot and heavy in your ear. “Wrap your legs around me, yes just like that…” Your legs find way around his waist, the new angle helping his reach deeper in you. You moan loudly, feeling his cock reach deeper within you. Risotto pounds into you harder, faster, sultry words in your ear louder than the sounds of your skin slapping together.
“_____…” You name is a growl from his lips. “Feel so good. Wanted this for so long.” You were nearly out of it, hardly able to catch the words Risotto was saying as your move your shops in tandem with his, chasing the high building in your sex.
“W-what?” You open bleary eyes and turn your head towards him, but Risotto captures your lips and merely fucks you with more fervor. It’s hard to keep up, between his strong thrusts and dominating kiss, you’re all but lost in the moment. You pull away from him soon, finding it hard to catch your breath from all his ministrations.
Risotto doesn’t stop, though, moving his head down to kiss and nibble his way to the hickey he had left on your neck earlier in the evening, kissing and worrying the mark again and delighting in the moans that left you. “Hah… can’t let you go. Can’t, need you.” His words are hard to follow, confusing. You’re getting closer and closer to your orgasm and though the words have a small cautionary light going off in the back of your head, there isn’t much you can say or do when your so close.
“Ris… Ris…!” He’s still talking, growling low in your ear about things that would make coherent you run out of the room. But here, in his arms, being fucked as if there’s no tomorrow, it only serves to make you hotter, bring you closer to your release.
“Gonna come for me pretty girl?” His voice has gone darker. “Gonna come all over my cock, let your stalker come in your pretty cunt?” You hardly recognize the words, being fucked too good to remember why that was even bad.
“W-wha?” You snap your head up and look to him. “N-No, I…” Even still, you can’t help the way your hips follow his at a bruising pace. “Y-you can’t, you can’t be…” You attempt to push him away, to slip out of his grasp.
“Shh, betta, I won’t hurt you. Keep you here, keep you safe in my arms, make you feel good.” He holds you tighter, pulling you close to his chest until you can hear the heavy beating of his heart. “Love you so much dolsetta, just let me make you feel good.” His words are a coo in your ear, one you can’t help but moan along to.
“Risotto,” His name comes out as a whine from your throat. “I, I…” Conflicting feelings raise inside you. But you were so, so close. It was getting harder to care. If anything, his words were only getting you closer, teetering you on the edge of your second orgasm. “M’m soso close, please, please” You draw out the words whinnying as he fucks you harder.
“You wanna come? You gonna come all over my cock?” You whine at Risotto’s words, nodding your head. His hand that had been gripping your hip moves now to your clit, circling it in quick motions to push you over the edge. This, in addition with his possessive words and constantly battering of his dick against your g spot throws you over the edge, and you come with a loud cry, clinging to Risotto as your release hits you hard. Even as you come, Risotto chases his own release.
“Oh betta, you feel so good milking me,” His thrusts grow more desperate, more shallow as he grows close. “Love you so much, love you. Gonna keep you here, keep you with me.” Over sensitivity keeps your from responding and it isn’t long before you feel Risotto cum inside your, coating and overfilling your poor cunt with his cum. He moans out, stilling as you lay beneath him.
Soon enough, you’ve recovered somewhat; Risotto hasn’t pulled out of you quite yet, breathing heavy as he rests just above you. You’re quiet, the desperate words Risotto had said only moments before replaying again and again in your head.
In another moment, Risotto takes a deep breath. He sounds, strange. You don’t question it, don’t speak as he slowly pulls out of you. You can feel his cum leak out of you and he moves to lay next to you on the bed.
It’s hard to find the right words. If there are any. What do you say in a moment like this? “You… you’re really the one whose been stalking me?” Your voice is quiet, hoarse from the screaming you had done mere minutes before. “You left those gifts… scared my friends…” You take a deep breath, and closed your eyes.
“I…” He doesn’t speak a long moment. You can hear his heavy breath, feel his gaze on you. “I am. I adore you.” You open your eyes at that, glance his way. “This whole night hasn’t been a lie, _____.” The use of your name now feels so intimate, so raw. It makes your throat dry. Your heart hasn’t stopped pounding.
“But my anxiety. My fear. Those weren’t fake either.” You swallow hard, fighting the forming lump in your throat. “What of those?”
“I never meant to hurt you. To scare you...” Your heart stops as you feel his hand reach for yours, resting by your side. What will happen if you pull away from him, try to make some distance between the two of you? You suddenly remember you’re completely naked. That you’ve given such a special part of yourself to him… To a man that invaded your privacy, followed you around and even potentially hurt other people who may have been interested in you.
“But you did.” You pull your hand away from him. He doesn’t stop you, but you hear a sigh fall from him. “You hurt me, scared me… and you used your knowledge of me to gain my trust. Grow closer to me and even…” You stop speaking as you feel his ever cooling cum continue to drip from your pussy.
“I… can’t deny your claims.” He’s gone quiet, his demeanor somewhat changed from it was before. Was he even the kind and accommodating man you had been with earlier this evening. “But only because I loved you. Because I wanted you to be happy and feel good…” his words die down until he’s completely quiet.
You sit up suddenly, and glare down at Risotto. He raises up as well, concern lacing his features. “No. You knew just what to say and what to do to get me where you wanted.” You clutch a sheet to your chest, in a vain attempt to cover yourself from him. “Were you only kind to me so you could get me in your bed, take from me what I can now give to no other?” You feel tears threaten your eyes as you glare at him, emotion taking over your voice.
“N-no, never.” How dare he look hurt? How dare he looked concerned? “All I ever wanted was… to make you happy.” You frown, and move your legs over the side of the bed.
“Regardless of what you say, that’s happened.” You move to stand, but your legs are weak. As you fall back on the bed, Risotto is there beside you. Worrying over you as a lover would. “Don’t touch me!” You flinch from his touch.
“Tesoro…” He sounds so sad. It makes you sick. “Even if you…” You watch him swallow hard. “Even if you hate me now… you should stay here. You need to rest.” You let out an indignant huff.
“What, so you can keep me here like you were going on about?” You frown at him, full on glaring as you see color dust his cheeks at your words. “No, fuck you. I’m leaving. Don’t ever touch me or talk to me again.” This time, as you rise on wobbly legs, they manage to hold you up.
Risotto merely watches a moment as you march around the room, picking up the pieces of your clothing that were left on the floor. It wasn’t long ago you were watching him with wide eyes, filled with curiosity and adoration… Now that same gaze was filled with hatred and anger. He couldn’t let it end like this.
“Tereso… I’m sorry, but you’re right. I have to keep you here.” You turn to him, still only half dressed, and give him your coldest glare.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” You feel a shiver pass through you all the sudden. Risotto doesn’t answer you, so you go for the door. The knob stays firmly in place, and there’s no lock to be seen on this side. “What the hell is this? You think a locked door will stop me?” You swallow hard, tensing. “You’re locked in here with me, asshole.” You have no qualms with fighting him, but Risotto is both taller and more physically fit then you. There would be no way you could take him on in a normal fight...
“_____, please calm down.” He rises as well, unabashed in his nakedness.
“I’ll calm down when I’m away from you.” You back up as he take a step forward.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” Risotto stands before you, voice even but face betraying his sadness. “I can still keep you safe. Make you happy.”
“Keep me safe?” You stare at him in disbelief. “The only thing I need kept safe from is you!” You back up again, bat hitting the wall by the door. As it does, you stumble again, this time barely managing to right yourself. All the sudden, it’s harder to breathe.
“Don’t struggle, you’ll be okay…” Risotto walks towards you slowly as black dots start clouding your vision.
“W-what have you done to me?” You fall to your knees, Risotto quick to come and support your falling form. “N-No, there’s only one thing this could be…” No matter how much your breathe, how you cough or gasp, you simply aren’t getting enough air. “You… you’re a stand user, aren’t you?” You can hardly stay awake or keep your eyes open long enough to see the shock running through his face. You must already been well under the effects of his stand.
“You are as well?” He clutches you tighter.
“Would… wouldn’t you like to know.” You can’t help but laugh as he frowns down at your form. It wouldn’t be much longer until the lack of air caused you to pass out. You’re a little afriad of that—but what could Risotto do to you that he hasn’t already done? “Guess you’ll… just how to wait and see.” You take one more desperate breath.
“Doesn’t that… scare you?” You close your eyes, and allow the darkness to take you.
If only for a little bit. If only for now, you wanted Risotto to feel the same fear you felt when he was stalking you. You doubted that when you awoke, Glory and Gore would be able to take him out. But knowing he might be afraid—that he might doubt his ability to keep you here—was enough to let you pass out in relative peace.
“_____…” Risotto looks to you in his arms, something soft, something scared, something relived looming in his gaze.
Finally, you were just were he wanted you, where you belonged. But… at what cost? Just when he thought he had one you over he had to go and ruin it because he was too lost in the moment… And what of your stand? Surely you had a stand, if you were able to pick up on the effects of Metallica… But what was it?
He was scared.
Did you have power enough to leave him? To escape his home, maybe even defeat him? Only time would tell.
For now, you were safe. And… that’s what really mattered, in the end.
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Just His Type
"I don't understand what the problem is! Do you really think I'm that ugly? Do you hate me that much!?"
Stephanie was practically crying as she screamed at her boyfriend Derrick, completely fed up with his complete lack of interest in her advances. They'd been together for a long time, and even though she knew they had sex less than other couples, it had always been on the table, but even that had slowly tapered off in the last three or so months.
She only grew more frustrated as he rolled his eyes, looking annoyed as if this situation was her fault, before responding
"Of course not babe! Like I said, you're just my type! You're perfect! I'm just not in the mood tonight. Why won't you understand that? I've been super busy recently..."
He sighed, hiding his face in his palm, before continuing
"Look, why don't I step out for a minute and give you some space? We can talk about this once you've calmed down"
Stephanie, of course, hated this, and although she tried to argue with him to stay, he still grabbed his coat and walked out, leaving her near tears in the apartment.
"I don't understand why he has to be so cruel to me... I'm hot, I'm kind, I'm a great girlfriend! What am I doing wrong?"
As she sat on the couch, feeling sorry for herself, her thoughts drifted wildly, trying to think of any crazy idea in the world to help her in this situation. Suddenly, she vividly remembered a time, only a couple days ago, when she had confided in her elderly neighbor about the situation, and the woman had told her that if she never needed help with that, to come to her. Stephanie had thought it was a bit weird at the time, but didn't focus on it at all. However, now that she was desperate, she quickly grabbed her coat and ran to the woman's door, knocking in it frantically.
As Stephanie pounded on the door, the old crone opened it suddenly, seeing her frantic appearance and immediately inviting her inside. She grabbed the girl a cup of tea and brought it out to her, before sitting across from her and saying
"I assume this has something to do with that little boyfriend of yours storming past my door a half hour?"
Stephanie tearfully nodded, saying
"I don't know what to do... He keeps telling me not to worry about it, that I'm just his type, but then he completely ignores me..."
The old woman sighed, before heading to a cupboard beneath her sink, rummaging around a while before coming back to her with a decently sized jar of pink liquid.
"Remember child, I'm only doing this for you because I like you. This elixir will solve every problem you're having. All you need to do is head home, drink exactly 1/4th of the jar, and think about your boyfriend. As long as you do it correctly, I guarantee you, you will become the exact woman he desires. Understand?"
Stephanie nodded again, taking the vial from her with a quiet "thank you" and heading out of the apartment and back to her bedroom. She stared at the 'elixir' with skepticism, not trusting a single thing that old woman said.
"Am I really considering this? Am I really that desperate?"
Steeling herself after inevitably deciding that she was, in fact, that desperate. She poured out exactly 25 percent of the potion into a small cup, took a deep breath, and drank it with a deep gulp.
The potion tasted bad, almost like an incredibly metallic cough syrup, but she swallowed it down, feeling nothing different at first. However, as she got up to wash out the cup, she felt a crazy rush of heat and pain, and she choked out "Its happening!" before rushing into the bathroom to look in the mirror.
She stared at the mirror in disbelief, watching her once brown eyes switch to a bright blue, and watching her facial features start to shift themselves and rearrange.
"Wow, a lot of facial changes huh? Well, I guess its not so bad..."
She said that before the surge of pain spread downward, flowing through her arms, chest, abs, legs and everywhere it could reach. The energy filling her was almost unbearable, pressing against her skin, as if trying to make more room for itself. She clawed at her skin, her body filled with an insane combination of heat, pain and... pleasure(?), which completely overwhelmed her, and she blacked out, right there on the bathroom tile.
Derrick stumbled back into the apartment two hours later, sighing, already not looking forward to the inevitable nagging that was going to come tonight.
He looked around the empty apartment, surprised thaf his girlfriend wasn't on their couch watching lifetime movies, which seemed to be her default way of cheering herself up. Confused, he called out
"Stephanie, babe? You there?"
While walking further into the apartment. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a deep voice coming from the direction of his bedroom, saying
"So I was 'just your type', huh? Gotta say, I think you had the right idea with this, babe~"
Derrick turned to the voice in surprise, seeing the most attractive man he had ever seen leaning in the doorway, handsome face, bright blue eyes, and incredible body fully on display by the pose he was using.
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Derrick became aroused immediately, feeling his pants tent as he actively had to think about not drooling in front of this hunk, mind short circuiting at the sight in front of him, taking a long time to process what the man just said.
"Wait- babe? Stephanie, is that you? But- how... I don't understand!"
The man chuckled, a deep, sexy low laugh that made him look even more attractive somehow
"Think Stephen's more approriate now babe. And the old lady next door hooked me up, don't worry about it~"
Stephen held up the little vial, waggling it teasingly, while he grinned sadistically
"Now what do you say we use this, add a little meat to those bones, and then after we have some fun, we can share some of this gift with our neighbors~"
And Derrick, despite knowing it was a terrible, immoral ideal, couldn' t deny, that at this moment, turning everyone into their apartment building into hunks just as sexy as Stephen was everything he wanted to do.
The old woman knocked on stephanie's door quietly, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door (she had received a call from Derrick inviting her over just a half hour Go), before a voice echoed from inside
"Come in, its open!"
So she invited herself inside, walking into their living room, but finding it empty, though there was a ton of noise coming from the kitchen. There was a tray of cookies on the coffee table that Derrick quickly shouted to say she should feel free to take, so she helped herself, eating the small confection, surprised at the delicious taste.
As she was eating it, she called into the kitchen
"Did you and stephanie enjoy the gift I gave to her?"
She was genuinely curious, and assumed that this visit was probably as some sort of thanks. To her surprise, however, derrick laighed at that, and almost sounded sarcastic in his response.
"Yeah, 'Stephanie' and I really loved it. We found a lot of uses for that little gift of yours. In fact, did you know that your little potion tastes incredible in any baked good you put it in?"
The second the voice said that, the woman looked down at the tray in horror, getting up to leave and hopefully rush home to find an antidote, but before she could sheheard someone enter from the other room.
"You're not leaving already, are you? Stephen and I haven't even gotten the time to properly thank you. Plus, I just finished a new batch, and I need you to help me hand it out to all the neighbors~"
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The moment Derrick entered, heat rushed through her body, and she sat down, resigning herself to her fate. The last thing she got to see before she blocked out was 'Stephen', looking nothing like the girl she had innocently tried to help earlier this morning, walking in from the bedroom and smirking at her.
"Just give in, Granny. You're gonna love it just as much, if not more than I did"
And when Grant woke up in his own bed later that same day, he had to admit it. Stephen was 100 percent right~
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misschifuyu · 3 years
General relationship headcanons with Inui and Hakkai
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characters: inui seishu + hakkai shiba
genre: fluff
warnings: none
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inui is someone who is very careful when it comes to expressing his feelings. he much prefers to keep a neutral stance whenever speaking to those he cares most about, simply because it helps him not develop too strong of a bond with the other person. he's afraid to follow the path of koko, so he's especially careful when it comes to love
so it came as quite the shock when you came into his life. no doubt, he found you attractive at first glance, but even after just a few words exchanged here and there, he had started to wonder - and, frankly, worry - why he wanted to continue listening to you, to get to know you better
as he started to connect the dots, he quickly recalled just how his friend would act with his sister. and it frightened him.
he was falling and he had nothing to grab onto, to stop himself from sinking into the one emotion he had been running away from - love
when you confessed, since he most definitely not put himself in that situation seeing as he was trying to control his growing affection towards you, he would be left absolutely stunned. of course, he reciprocated your words, but it would take him a few minutes to explain to you that he was scared of a relationship
but, don't worry. you understood him, and were willing to take things as slow as he needed. after all, there was no need to rush into everything all at once
give him a few weeks, let's say two. during this time, he would visit you much more often, hold your hand when he knew no prying eyes were around and, all around, start warming up to you. of course, he knew you well enough by that point, but it still took him a little to get used to the whole relationship status
he will, undoubtedly, come to koko whenever he had any doubts. he wants to improve himself for you, trying his best to become the partner you deserve. his friend may be not always be of the best help, but anything was better than nothing
once he has fallen into a comfortable state around you, you will quickly notice what he had been deprived of all these years. he turns into a very affection person whenever he's around you, mostly when you're either at his house or yours. expect to be followed around quietly by this softie
hugs from behind are his personal favourite. feeling you so close to him, your arms holding onto his as he bring you into his chest and rests his head on yours. it's very comforting for him, so expect him to do so quite often. he may be silent as he does so, but the way his heartbeat will slow down will be enough to tell you that he feels safe with you
play with his hair whenever the two of you are cuddling, trust me. your fingers running through his soft locks will be enough to send him off into a good, hour-long nap, no questions ask. he's a pretty deep sleeper, so you can tie his hair up into a bun. he will be oblivious to it all until he walks past a mirror upon waking up, groggy eyes fixating on the little mass of hair on the top of his head
one thing that will truly make his heart flutter is whenever you pepper his face with kisses. although he may not mention it, he's a little insecure about his scar. but this will quickly change when you tell him how all his features are absolutely beautiful, placing little, butterfly kisses on his soft skin as he lays on your lap, facing you from below
you truly are his source of comfort, of love. he won't brag about you, but by the way his lips would turn up into a smile when he knows he'll see you after a meeting is more than enough to let the other members of the gang know just how much he loves you
a closeted lover boy, let's say
he will, on occasions, turn up at your house during the late hours of the evening with a a flower or two he picked up on his way to your place, or even a box of your favourite snacks. anything that reminds him of you, really. and if you gift him something, you best believe he will treasure it as though his life depended on it
one thing that you hadn't expected from him was his liking towards taking pictures. he's always been fond of snapping pictures of sceneries here and there, and he just so happens to have one of these polaroid cameras
your wall - and his, for that matter - will be filled with selfies, random pictures of him you'd take and some of yourself that he'd keep on his bedside table. he deemed it a way to remind him of how much the two of you have been through and the importance you held in his life
of course, his phone wallpaper is a picture of the two of you when you went to a summer fair, where he most definitely didn't spend the best part of half his change on trying to win you a prize that had caught your eye
afterwards, you had insisted on trying to win him something too; however, he had assured you that there was no need, he was more than content with seeing you get a prize instead
inui will be very cautious when it comes to your involvement with anything related to the gang. if you happen to be also member, he will stick by your side just as much as he does with koko, and will not hesitate to throw himself into a dangerous situation if you were ever at a disadvantage
he's a little reckless when it comes to this. he acts without thinking when it comes to your safety, so more often than not, others will have to get involved if things get ugly. he may not look like much of a threat, but he will completely change his demeanour whenever those he loved were involved
he just can't afford to lose another person again. having found someone he could fully trust in, and show love to, he isn't about to let some punk take it all away from him. so he will put his own life on the line
but it's mutual, between the two of you. undoubtedly made for each other, it would take some doing from the enemy to actually knock one of you out. truly a couple that any gangster would wish for, that is an indisputable fact
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the baby of the shibas. he may act all tough and strong when with toman, but it's a given fact that he has a very soft, vulnerable side. it's really what comes with such a conflictive childhood; but he will constantly try to put all of that behind him, building himself up to stand up to those who looked down upon him
this strategy of his, however, won't be very effective when he was introduced to you. a close friend of mitsuya's, he had thought the two of you might get along quite well. right off the bat, hakkai had to take a few seconds before actually coming to the decision of what to say to you upon first seeing you
he couldn't exactly tell you how attractive you were on the first day, now could he?
as the two of you would get to know you better - fulfilling mitsuya's expectations - he would start to notice that he looked forward to seeing you each time there was a meeting. this would lead to a timid suggestion of hanging out either before or after the next meeting, receiving a content response from your behalf
his crush will go anything but unnoticed by his sister. yuzuha will quickly notice how he would come home a little quiet, lost in his thoughts although not in a gloomy state. he actually seemed to be a little happier now
she would be the one to push him to confess to you, after having heard his considerably long rant about you that he accidentally came out with whilst he was talking to her. she was over the moon to hear that her little brother was finally crushing on someone, and would walk him through all the key points to not scare you off or come off as weird when he told you about his feelings
luckily enough, her strategies proved to be successful, and before he could even register it in his mind, hakkai had achieved a relationship with the one that had been flooding his thoughts for a good few months now
although he may not be entirely experienced in the whole dating area, he will be anything but shy when trying his best to be the perfect boyfriend. he may not show much pda, mainly because he still tries to upkeep his strong persona even around you, but his lingering will not go unnoticed by the other members. wherever you were, hakkai was never too behind
he just loves being around you, to be able to call you his partner. you're like a little - since this guy is ridiculously tall - beam of light that he wished he could keep by his side at all times. behind closed doors he will be much more affectionate, to the point you would actually wonder if this was the same person you would attend toman meetings with
being the soft giant he is, he absolutely loves engulfing you in his arms. spooning you, hugs from behind, laying you on his chest, you name it. he can be awfully cheesy at times, too, so expect to be showered with the most sappy comments ever. you're convinced he keeps a list of them.
"you wanna know what's the best thing in my life? it's the first word of this sentence"
"hakkai...you realise that just works better written down, right?"
definitely an avid enthusiast of making you think over why you were with him in the first place. of course, you loved him and everything that came with the youngest shiba, but sometimes you truly wondered where he got his personality from
speaking of family, meeting his siblings will be an experience in itself, to say the least. yuzuha will be ever so welcoming when you first went over to their house, offering you food and sitting you down to get to know you better. she knew you were a perfect match for her brother, and she's delighted to have you as a sister-in-law
now...taiju may be a little different. just by appearance, he's quite intimidating. you did know about him, but you had never actually spoken to him in the entirety of your life. hakkai will stand nearby when you eventually meet him, just in case something got out of hand.
however, surprisingly enough, the eldest sibling gave you a friendly pat on your shoulder, thanking you for finally giving his brother a chance at a relationship. the way it came off sounded like he believed hakkai to be almost unlovable, but you supposed it was pretty good coming from such a scary individual
needless to say, your boyfriend had a few things to murmur about when his brother left. you reassure him that it was alright, though. truthfully, you had expected it to go another way even
dates with hakkai will be quite an often occurrence. apart from his duties in toman, he doesn't have much to do. he attends online school, so as soon as he slaps his laptop closed, he's usually on his way over to your house. he will always take you out on a ride on his motorbike, around the busy city filled with people and commotion
you want to go out for lunch? he knows the best places. want to go shopping? the guy brought his wallet for a reason. he's such a sucker for you that he will drive across the city for even the smallest thing for you, he didn't mind. if it meant he could see that smile of yours, he's absolutely willing to do anything
he's also a perfect shopping partner. he hangs out with mitsuya a lot, so he's picked up on some knowledge on fashion and is more than happy to help you pick out outfits. he will always offer to carry your bags, too. truly the perfect boyfriend, wouldn't you agree?
just be sure to shower him in love and kisses once you get back home. he will happily receive each and every one with a wide smile, lifting you up into his arms as he tells you, once more, how much he loves you
some may say the two of you are too soft and sappy for a couple involved in the gangster world, but neither of you could care less. not everyone could say they fought alongside their partner that they would, afterwards, spend quality time with, no matter how bruised up you were
you always had a laugh after a fight with other gangs; both of you would always mock the rivals, saying how they never really stood a chance in the first place
the two of you are like a pair of old women when it came to judging people neither of you liked; if anyone happened to listen in, they would automatically think you were simply best friends by the way you would speak
needless to say, hakkai will be both an amazing boyfriend as much as a friend, and you can always count on him if you're ever in need of a mood booster, because he will rush over to your place as fast as he can
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Don’t Go Baking My Heart || Seokjin
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader
Summary: You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
Also available on Ao3.
Word count: 14.7k
Genre: Strangers (to Friends) to Lovers, Bakery AU, tooth-rotting Fluff, some smut
Warnings & Tags: mentions of insecurities and of former relationships, smut (vaginal sex, oral [male receiving], fingering), Jin makes Bad Jokes, Valentine’s Day themed
A/N: Soooo this was supposed to come out for Valentine’s Day, but it wasn’t ready then, so you guys get it now instead! I’m bad with puns so I definitely had to look online for those used in this oops. Finally, I’d like to give a big thank you to the amazing @elidebrey​ who actually worked in a bakery shop and told me all about (I’m sorry you guys ran out of milk all the time). She’s an amazing writer and you should check her out if you like the Batfam! Hope you’ll enjoy this one-shot!
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February 15th
You first walk into Kim Seokjin’s bakery the day after Valentine’s Day. Your eye was caught by the chocolates and cakes you noticed on sale from the outside, and also the name of the place, The Rolling Scones, which is either genius or terrible, you can’t pick. The door bell chimes happily, first when you push the door open and then when it closes behind you.
The place is empty. There’s no one behind the counter, and you find yourself hesitating there for a second, both arms behind your back like a shy schoolgirl — which you once were, but that was a while ago now. Natural light, the cold sun of February, is falling through the bay windows, and the place is cute, clearly decorated with love and care. It makes you feel just a little warmer inside.
Since no one seems to be showing up, you take your time to look at the display. You’ve spent the past week crying over the end of your two year relationship, and you’re desperately craving something sweet and sugary to fill the hole in your heart and in your life. Post Valentine’s Day discount is definitely the best way to do that.
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you knew this relationship was never going to be your forever. It was just a nice and comfortable situation to be in, and you expected you and him to part ways at some point.
You just didn’t particularly expect it to be now.
“Jungkook!” a strong voice shouts from the back of the shop, startling you. It’s quickly followed by a curse, and then a man walks in, glancing back with a worried expression, tying an apron around his waist and adjusting a small black hat on his head. You notice the ‘Jungkook’ tag on his apron, and it makes you soften in sympathy. The second his eyes fall on you, he recomposes himself, and shoots you a smile that’s professional, though the nervousness doesn’t quite disappear. “What can I do for you?”
“I was just looking,” you say, and he leans forward, probably straining to hear. Your voice has always had that weird tendency to become inaudible when you’re talking to strangers. “You don’t have anything with strawberries, do you?”
“I’m afraid everything we had went yesterday,” he says with a sympathetic frown.
“Oh, right,” you mumble. You’re disappointed to a stupid degree, and you know it’s because your emotions have been running wild recently, to the point where any small contrariety threatens to make you cry. Fortunately, you don’t, right now. That would be horribly embarrassing. “Um, I guess I’ll take that box and, uh, the éclair, please, then.”
“Of course!”
His movements are quick and precise as he takes it out, and you could be mistaken, but you think he’s deliberately not looking at you. You’re not particularly blaming him for it, though, because you’re doing the exact same thing.
“Anything else?” he asks once he’s done, and you shake your head, avoiding eye contact. “For here or to go? We’re also a café,” he elaborates when you give him a surprised — and slightly panicked — glance.
“Oh. To go, please,” you say, not so much because you actually want to, and much more because you’re bad at changing your plans when you had already made your decision.
Except… You eye the bakery. It’s not like you have anyone to come back to, and you don’t particularly want to be back at your apartment to wallow alone. You might even get some things done while you’re here.
“Um, actually, would you mind if I…?” The question dies on your lips. You’re already feeling too embarrassed to continue, but he looks up, eyes wide, and nods.
“No, no, please take a seat! Do you want something to drink as well?”
“That— That would be nice, actually.”
“Alright, just give me a second and I’ll bring you our, er, menu.”
It’s not a menu, it’s a list of drinks the owner printed and coated with plastic, and insists on calling a menu, but he isn’t going to tell you that.
You pick a table that faces the door, and after choosing and ordering your tea, pull out your computer. It’s not that the things you have to do can’t wait, but you don’t like sitting alone doing nothing. The shop is desperately empty, and part of you is terrified by the idea that Jungkook could come over to talk to you. That would probably end up not being completely unpleasant, but you’re not sure you can handle that much interaction with other human beings right now.
While scrolling through the text you are currently working on editing, you pick a chocolate out of the box to eat it and hold back a satisfied moan at the taste. The fact that it’s so good makes you feel a little more upset that you’ve never been in a relationship for Valentine’s Day and therefore have never been given anything like that.
It’s always been bad luck really, because you’ve been in a few relationships, but even with your last boyfriend, the two of you were on a break in February. The others never made it longer than a few months, and never fell at the right time. It’s not even like you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, you do think it’s mostly a commercial holiday, and you definitely don’t want any expensive gift, but you’d be happy to have someone by your side to make fun of other couples with. Someone to love you, and someone to love.
God, you want to be in love so bad. For a few months, you thought you had it with your ex, and maybe you did, for a moment, but it had slipped from your fingers without you managing to do anything about it, leaving you sad and empty. You want to feel everything the movies and books promised, the butterflies in the stomach, the rush in the beat of your heart. You want to feel like someone holds your world in their hands. You want them to love you back — really love you, so much that you’ll catch them looking at you and see it in their eyes immediately, so much that they’ll remember how you like your tea in the morning.
You don’t think your ex ever loved you, and you don’t really blame him for that. He liked you, certainly, and for a long time that was enough for you. But now, with it being over and him telling you he’d ‘met someone’, you want more out of your next relationship.
Then again, you’d thought that last time as well.
You’re grateful when Jungkook brings you your tea, tearing you away from thoughts you really don’t want to be having right now. He gives you a smile, then is quick to retreat back behind the counter, and something tells you that he has the same difficulties talking to people as you do.
That can’t make his job fun.
You’re soon able to immerse yourself in your work, much to your surprise. Usually, you’re hyper aware of your surroundings, and it’s hard to get work done unless you’re in a place that’s both quiet and familiar, but the atmosphere in here is so warm and pleasant that you’re able to relax and focus, all while drinking your tea and eating your sweets. It’s quite close to perfect, actually.
Which is why you jump violently when someone’s voice booms into the shop.
“Jeon Jungkook!”
You look up, panicked, and Jungkook turns around with the exact same look on his face. You don’t remember the doorbell ringing, so it has to be someone from the shop, and indeed, a tall man with short black hair walks in from the same place Jungkook entered. And your brain short-circuits.
It doesn’t happen all that often, for you to simply find yourself frozen because of how good-looking someone is, but in that case, you just can’t help it. The man who just walked in is tall, with very nice, broad shoulders, and the apron he is wearing underlines the muscles of his chest in ways you didn’t think were possible, but more than that, he’s also, quite possibly, the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. When you glance at his plump, full lips, you find yourself having a hard time to tear yourself away. You’re relieved that you didn't have to order from him, because you’re sure it would have made you blush and stutter.
“Jungkook, there’s a mess in the back! What are you waiting fo—” Jungkook gives panicked glances in your direction, and the man catches your presence from the corner of his eyes, turning his sentence around as smoothly as is humanly possible, all while his lips curve up into a professional smile. “Ooh, hello, dear customer! I don’t think we’ve seen you here before, have we?”
A smile spills on your mouth, much to your surprise.
“No, it’s my first time here,” you answer. Your voice isn’t as strong as you’d like for it to be, but at least you didn’t choke. You suppose still being heartbroken serves as a shield against the man’s handsomeness. “I figured there’d be some discount after Valentine’s Day, and I was hungry, so…”
“You figured you’d kill two birds with one scone?” the man asks while Jungkook, behind him, silently smacks his forehead. You figure he’s heard it a million time before, but you haven’t, and you can’t help but laugh. That makes the man’s smile widen genuinely and his eyes crease.
“I guess you came up with the bakery name,” you chuckle.
“Absolutely. Isn’t it a great name?”
Jungkook shakes his head in disgust.
“It’s genius,” you say, and the man slams his hand on the table.
“See? I told you! Jungkook keeps saying that I have a terrible sense of humor—”
“I’ll be in the back if you need me,” Jungkook grumbles.
“Hey, what do we say to customers?”
“Ah— It was nice to meet you!” he says, turning around to look at you and he seems somewhat sincere. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again.”
Then he bows his head politely and disappears in the back of the shop. The other man — who you suppose is the owner of the place — watches, laughing fondly, but goes quiet after that, so you go back to your work.
You don’t stay around too long, not wanting to overstay your welcome, but you’re still the only one in the shop by the time you decide to walk out.
“Was the tea any good?” the man asks as you walk by him.
You nod and smile.
“And the chocolates were delicious,” you add. “I’ll make sure to come back.”
“That’s music to my ears,” he says, dramatically putting a hand on his chest. That’s when you notice the ‘Seokjin’ tag on his apron. You don’t know what to do with that information, though. You don’t call strangers by their first name and you also don’t stalk people on line.
Especially not when you don’t have their last name.
You say a quick ‘goodbye’, then walk out. Jin’s eyes follow you for a few seconds, before he sighs and turns around, already taking off his apron.
The boy is quick to appear again, scanning the shop for your presence.
“She’s gone?” he asks, and Jin gives a slap at the back of his employee's head with a groan. There’s no strength in it, though, and Jungkook barely reacts to it.
“How could you run away like that, you little—”
Jungkook easily avoids him when Jin tries to him it again, laughing at his outrage.
“We’re not going to be getting a lot more clients today, are we?” he asks, looking outside at the passers-by that don’t even spare a glance at the little shop.
“No,” Jin groans, letting himself fall on a chair.
The depressing calm that follows what is possibly the busiest day of the year for him is just one of the reasons why he absolutely despises Valentine’s Day.
February 22nd
When you show up at the bakery again, about a week later, you’re feeling surprisingly good about it. Last time went well, you decided, and the people were nice, so you’re not afraid to throw a quiet but polite “Hello!” when you walk in. It’s kind of funny — or is it sad — how it always surprises you when people are nice to you, much more used to passive disinterest at best.
There’s another man in the shop this time, with a laptop and a coffee in front of him, but he doesn’t look up at you. A head lifts up from behind the counter though. You feel vaguely embarrassed that you remember this one is Seokjin, and you only feel more awkward when he gives you a dazzling smile.
A glance at the display tells you that they have restocked on their strawberry-based pastries, and you happily pick a slice of cake for yourself.
“For here or to go?”
“I’ll have it here,” you say with a smile. You feel strangely proud of yourself for being able to say it spontaneously. He has no way of knowing it, but it’s quite the victory for you. Usually, you try to run from the presence of others as fast as you can, and it’s even worse those days. “And I’ll also have Darjeeling tea with it, please.”
“Coming right up, just take a seat and I’ll bring it to you,” he says, and then he winks. He doesn’t stick around to see the surprised look on your face, so you just do as he told you, wondering if he was flirting with you or if he’s just Like That. You think that second explanation might be the answer.
“It’s nice to see you again,” he says when he arrives with the cake and the tea. You’re pretty sure he can’t place you exactly, just thinks your face is familiar, but it still makes you happy.
He tells you he hopes you’ll come back when you leave, and you decide you want to believe it.
June 1st
You’re not sure when you become an official ‘regular’ at the bakery. Maybe it’s when you ask Jin if they even do scones, and he leans over the counter to tell you conspiratorially that he actually wanted to call the shop ‘bake it ’til you make it’, but was told it was too long. That elicits a brief burst of laughter from you, and Jungkook tells you to stop encouraging him, but Seokjin looks so happy with himself when you laugh that you decide not to listen to him. Jin has that way of breaking past your shyness that fascinates you. It might be what keeps you coming back, more than the delicious sweets and how beautiful the two workers look.
Or maybe it’s when Jin tells you that it’s not fair you know their names but they don’t know yours, and that he’d ask you for your ID before selling you stuff if you don't tell him. When you tell him, he repeats it a couple of times, like he’s tasting it, before nodding with satisfaction. After that, him and Jungkook start greeting you with it, and insist you do the same with them. You’re reluctant at first, feeling somewhat confused about the whole thing, but it turns out to feel… nice, to have people to greet, and who also know your name.
Maybe it’s when Jin tells you that you’re late when you come in, or complains when you don’t show up on one of your usual days because you had a meeting with your boss. He doesn’t say anything on the day where you take your pastries to go because you’re visiting a friend at the hospital, though, and you wonder if he can just tell. Regardless, you appreciate it.
You find out about other people who come here frequently, too, and especially the ones who are friends with Jin and Jungkook. Namjoon, who sits with his laptop at the opposite end of the café from you. Yoongi, who usually sits in the same spot as you, and eyes you threateningly when he comes in and you’re there the first time, until Seokjin tells him to knock it off. Taehyung and Jimin, who always come in together, and who Jungkook usually joins to bicker and laugh with them. Hoseok, who likes to waltz in at random times, and whose smile actually rivals Jin’s.
You yourself come in twice a week, getting to your usual place to work — except on the couple of occasions where Yoongi gets there before you and gives you a triumphant smile when he sees you. You enjoy the way you’re always greeted by Jungkook or Seokjin, like they’re genuinely happy to see you. You discover that the old ladies who come here to gossip love to flirt with Jin and that, even though he flirts back outrageously, much to their delight, his ears tend to turn a bright red when he does.
You even bring your friends on a couple of occasion, and Seokjin jokes that you’re responsible for half of his turnover at this point. Your friends enjoy the food, and the drinks, but they enjoy the handsome employees and customers a lot more.
“So this is where all the hot men were,” Hana marvels when you walk out, and you burst out laughing. You like that you’ve shared this place with her, because it’s something that makes you really happy these days, motivates you to come out of your bed, and even to talk to people, something you’ve never been good at.
When you walk into the shop and make small talk with the people you’ve come to know, something you used to consider yourself terrible at, it might be silly, but it kind of feels like home.
June 21st
You are pretty sure you know when you go from regular to friend, though. It’s a day like any other and you hum on your way to the shop. Instead of the joyful “Welcome back, (Y/N)!” that you’ve gotten used to hearing these past few weeks, however, you’re greeted with Seokjin shouting “(Y/N), my savior!”.
You freeze on the spot and give him a worried look. From his table, Namjoon looks up, just as puzzled.
“Is everything okay, Jin?” he asks.
“Jungkook isn’t there today,” Jin tells you. His voice doesn’t sound different from usual, but there is a glint of panic in his eyes.  “I need your help.”
Namjoon stands up.
“Why didn’t you ask me? I could—”
“Stay where you are and don’t even think of approaching my kitchen,” Jin says threateningly. “(Y/N)? Please?”
Well. You suppose your work can get done later. You’re more productive when you come here, so you have some advance on your usual deadlines these days. But you don’t know what Jin wants from you and you’ve never worked in a bakery.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask cautiously.
He grabs your shoulders and your eyes widen at the contact. Not that it’s unpleasant, just unexpected.
“I knew when you first walked in here that you were a godsend,” he tells you seriously, looking right into your eyes, and you tell yourself that if he’s that good of an actor, you should probably watch out. “We’re out of milk.”
You blink.
“Okay. Is there a specific type of milk you want?”
“Just, milk. Get me milk and I’ll worship the ground you walk on until the end of days.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, and take your bag off your shoulder, handing it to him.
“Look after that, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll protect it with my life,” he says solemnly. “Also paper napkins please!” he shouts as you’re already walking out.
“Will do!”
“Bake a leg!”
You want to protest the joke that even you find to be quite bad, but the door has already closed behind you, so you just shake your head at him, only to see him laughing with satisfaction through the glass, and head to the nearest supermarket.
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You come back with two big packs of milk and a lot of paper napkins, just as two men are exiting. You’ve seen them before, but they never stay to chat. Inside, Jin is juggling three women, and he looks more relieved than you’ve ever seen him when you walk in.
“I’ll help you with that,” Namjoon says immediately, bumping in the table as he gets up.
“If you break anything, I’ll kill you,” Jin warns him. He’s smiling like he’s joking, and his tone is light, like he doesn’t want to scare off his customers, but his eyes say he’s sincere.
You’re quick in the back, and Namjoon does drop the packs once, but nothing bad happens. He presses a finger against his lips to tell you to keep it a secret, and you grin without a word. Part of you is kind of wondering what you’re doing there, why Jin feels comfortable letting you in the back and why he asked you to do that, but you don’t have an issue with it, not by a long shot. This is… kind of fun, actually.
“Anything else you want me to do?” you ask Jin when you come out, and he looks at you in a pleading way.
“You don’t mind?”
Something tells you you shouldn’t accept too quickly, that you could end up in way over your head faster than you know. But his brown eyes are wide and desperate and you just can’t say no. So you smile and shake your head.
“Of course not. You look like you really need a hand here.”
“I do.”
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That’s how you find yourself in an apron, with the cute, black hat Jin and Jungkook always wear on your head. Jin mostly sends you in the back to pick up things he needs, or makes you bring the beverages to the customers, which you’re thankful for, because that way you don’t have to greet anyone. Time flies quickly, and you can barely find a second to breathe for the first few hours.
“Sorry, it’s lunch time,” Jin grimaces as he passes you by, and you think to yourself that at least, it will get better, but it takes a while even after that, and when it’s done, Jin sends you to buy some more stuff from the supermarket, because as it turns out, things go fast.
Before you know it, it’s closing time, and you look outside in disbelief. The sky is starting to turn a nice pink, and other shops are putting up their shutters.
“You can go, if you want,” Jin tells you. He sounds terribly sorry, and that makes you feel bad. It’s such an unusual tone for him to have.
His offer is tempting, of course. Your feet hurt, your head aches a little from all the noise that never bothered you before but turns out to be a lot when you’re there all day, you’ve burned your hand against an oven, and you’ve found out that carrying things ends up really hurting your back. But you know that he’s experiencing the same thing you do, and you just don’t have the heart to abandon him here. Also, you’ve already lost your day, so you might as well help him out now.
“It’s fine,” you sigh. “Do you want me to help with anything?”
Cleaning up goes quietly in the main shop, and that soothes you a little. You don’t mind the silence, even enjoy it, and find yourself relaxing for the first time today. Surprisingly, you’re feeling… satisfied. It’s not something you would particularly look forward to doing again, but you’re happy you did it, happy you helped Jin, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something today, which is always a good thing.
“You have flour everywhere,” he tells you bluntly when you walk in the back of the shop, and you laugh.
“Well, it got everywhere,” you reply, trying to rub some off your face, and it’s Jin’s turn to laugh when you fail miserably.
You know you shouldn’t do it, but you gather a small handful of flour from the table, and throw it at him. A good chunk hangs in the air and makes you cough, but the rest does land on his apron. His mouth falls open into an ‘o’ shape and you know you’ve messed up.
“Listen, I am so sorry—”
“No you’re not,” he says, taking a step towards you. His hand is on the table, which is covered with flour, and you swallow.
“Sure I am, Jin, please—”
But your pleas fall in deaf ears, and flour is soon flying your way. It’s your turn to stare at Jin in disbelief, and then you’re laughing, loud and clear.
Maybe that’s the exact moment when the two of you become friends — really friends.
Or maybe it’s seconds later, when the room you’re in turns into the scene for an all-out flour battle. Regardless, you’re laughing the whole way through, when you’re not choking on the flour hanging in the air. Jin’s laughter is quieter than yours, miles away from the booming and somewhat fake laugh you’re used to hearing from him.
The fight only escalates when Jin picks up an egg. You shake your head, mouth ‘no’, but he doesn’t listen, and after that, things get a lot messier. By the time the two of you, exhausted and bent in half because of how much you’ve been laughing, finally stop, you can feel yoke trickling down your back, and you know the sight can’t be pretty. Jin reaches out to you in a useless attempt to wipe some flour from your face, only to laugh more when it, of course, fails once more.
You try not to think about the jolt of electricity that ran through you when his fingers came in contact with your cheek.
“I’ll clean up in here,” he tells you, “but you should go take a shower upstairs.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, surprised. Suddenly, you’re very conscious of the fact that you don’t know him that well. In recent months, you’ve talked to him more than you do with your close friends, and you did just throw several eggs at him, but you don’t know him. You’re aware of the fact that he lives above the shop, but you’ve never been there. The two of you have never even exchanged numbers.
He makes dramatic hand gestures to signal you to get away, like you’re bothering him, and you leave with a last laugh. You don’t notice the way he looks up when you do, or the way it makes him smile. He can’t help it, he just loves that he makes you laugh.
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You’re relieved to step into the shower, both because you’re happy to clean up and because there was something really awkward about being in Seokjin’s apartment for the first time, alone. The place was not quite as decorated as the bakery was, with paler colors. Walking through it, you had noticed big speakers, some books in a shelf, and a couple of cute plushes that you had had to resist not to fawn over. The place worked for him, you had decided. It was more understated than you would have expected when you had just started to know him, but it doesn’t surprise you anymore. Jin tends to be quiet when he doesn’t have to be ‘on’, and it’s something he doesn’t seem to feel he has to do around you anymore.
You sigh in pleasure when the hot water hits you, close your eyes. You’ve been craving it for hours now — long before the food battle with Jin. It helps relax your aching muscles, washes away all the sweat from the day, and you have to resist not to just let yourself fall down onto the floor. Your back hurts, but the worst part has to be your feet. You feel yourself gaining a lot more appreciation for Jin and Jungkook, who are always kind, smiling and polite despite all of this. The only thing that kept you from biting someone’s head off tonight was your crippling anxiety when it comes to interacting with strangers.
It’s almost funny now to think you used to feel that way around Jin.
You look around for some soap you could use, and in your search, you’re surprised to find shampoo that was definitely intended for a woman. You don’t know why you’re surprised. It’s no wonder that Jin would have a girlfriend, really, it’s the opposite that should shock you, but you still didn’t expect it. You force away the pinch in your chest. Jin is a new friend, you can’t have your heart fluttering like that.
You consider using it for half a second, before deciding that it would be very awkward if you came out smelling like his girlfriend. Instead, you do your best to get rid of any egg, and tell yourself you’ll wash your hair at home. You barely hear the sound of the door opening and closing over the water, and you’re startled by Jin’s voice outside the bathroom.
“You can take a towel from the chest of drawers,” he tells you, “and I’ll leave a shirt outside, if you want it.”
“Thank you!” you shout back.
Seokjin stands there a few seconds, before quickly shaking his head and walking away. He knows his ears are turning red, and he hates himself for it, but is it his fault, really? Is he supposed not to think about you, right now, in his shower, water running down your body? He never even thought to pretend he was that innocent.
He occupies himself by preparing a drink for the two of you, and then by cleaning around. He’s not particularly messy, though, and there isn’t much to do, so he ends up sitting on his couch, feeling awkward in his own house, and scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He freezes again when he hears the bathroom door open and close, guessing you’re picking up his shirt. Which means you’re— God what is wrong with him tonight? When did he regress to the state of a hormonal teenager?
He hopes he looks natural when you come out, because he’s doing his best for that. The nervous way he’s running his hands over his thighs would probably give him out, though, if you weren’t feeling just as stressed as him.
“I’m done,” you mumble, your shyness coming back, which you decide is to be expected in that situation.
It vanishes the second Jin looks you over and snorts.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, glancing down, and immediately you know that you’re probably ridiculous in his black shirt. It looks like it’s swallowing you whole. “It’s not my fault if your shoulders are that broad,” you pout.
“You look so small,” Jin chuckles. He sounds endeared, and if you noticed that sort of things, you would absolutely realize that his eyes linger on you in his clothes fondly — and a little longer than necessary.
“Want something to drink?” he asks, gesturing at the stuff he got out of the fridge when he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Sure,” you smile, letting yourself fall down on the couch next to him and pouring yourself a glass. The brief awkwardness that washed over you when you came in vanishes already, because of how comfortable you feel around Jin. He’s always been good at making you feel that way, and now he doesn’t even have to try.
“So, how did you find your day?” he asks you, and you look at him, surprised by his tone. He sounds quiet, cautious almost, like he’s worried about what your reaction might be, or that he could be bothering you.
“Fine,” you say with a shrug. “I can’t say I’d want to do it again— When is Jungkook coming back?”
Jin chuckles, and again, it takes you by surprise. It’s so… quiet. So discreet, compared to his usual attitude.
“He should be there tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” Then, he grimaces. “But seriously, thank you for helping out today. I owe you.”
“Yes you do,” you say with a grin, bumping your shoulder against his, trying to lift the mood a little, because he sounds genuinely worried. “Just offer me the tea next time, and I’ll consider us even.”
Finally, a smile forms on his lips, and he shakes his head dramatically, putting his hand over his heart.
“No, I don't think I could ever repay you,” he says, and you laugh at his antics, like you always do. He looks a little appeased by that, and that’s a relief. “Your back must hurt,” he says. “Turn around.”
You raise an eyebrow, but do as he says, startling when his hands fall on your shoulders. They’re large, engulfing you easily, but they also move gently as he slowly massages you.
“Oh,” you gasp, leaning back into him. This is— good. This is very very good. For a few minutes — or maybe much longer, you couldn’t tell — you just stay there, eyes closed, lips parted, focused on the delicious feelings of his hands gently rubbing all the pain and soreness of the day away. When he stops, it takes you a few seconds to come back down to reality, and maybe, just maybe you miss the feeling of his hands. “Oh,” you repeat, rolling your shoulders slowly. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Jin says. “It’s kind of my fault.”
You turn around, shaking your head.
“Seokjin,” you say. “It’s fine. I didn’t mind helping.”
“You’re too kind,” he frowns. “You shouldn’t let people take advantage of that.”
“I’m not!”
Then Jin smiles, in a way that only lifts one corner of his lips, and suddenly you feel— you’re not too sure. Something seems to melt inside you, something moves in your stomach like you’re free falling. You probably should recognize the feeling. It’s not like it’s anything new to you, and yet you miss it. You do something you almost never do in that situation, and you take a step back. You glance up from his lips, shoot him a smile, and get up from the couch.
“It’s getting late,” you comment. “I really need to go home.”
Jin is on his feet immediately.
“I’ll walk you back,” he says, concern flashing in his eyes.
“I’m good. It’s not that far and I need to clear my head after, you know, everything today.” You’re not sure you know, but Jin nods, though a little reluctantly.
“You’re sure?”
He sighs. He doesn’t seem too pleased about it, but you guess he doesn’t want to insist too much, either.
“Give me your phone,” he says, and when you hand it to him, he types his number in, pouting as he explains himself to you. “Text me when you get home, alright? Otherwise I’ll just worry all night, because everyone is so unreasonable, and just wants me to lose sleep, and—”
You take your phone back from him with a laugh.
“I’ll text you,” you promise, briefly putting your hand over his. That feels— normal, you decide. It’s not like your hands have never brushed in the months since you’ve started frequenting the bakery. It just feels fine, and whatever there was before could just be a false alert. But then Jin looks into your eyes, and the feeling comes back.
“You better.”
You practically flee the bakery. You’re trying to make sense of the whole thing in your head, and it doesn’t go over great. You let Jin know you got home safe, and then do your best to push the whole thing out of your mind when you go to bed. You refuse to think about it too much. Not because you don’t understand what’s going on, but because somewhere, deep down, you do. This isn’t— this isn’t something you do. You fall hard and fast, that’s— that’s your thing.
Sometimes it’s nice, others it’s disappointing, but most importantly, it means that when the relationship is over, your life just goes back to what it was before. It you ever had feelings for a friend, someone you’re so used to having around… You’re sure it would truly break your heart.
July 15th
Summer is horribly hot this year. Fortunately for you, your favorite bakery has started serving ice cream. There is air conditioning in the store, but with the door constantly opening and closing, gusts of hot air regularly reach even you. No one seems too happy with the situation, with Jungkook seeming to slowly come apart under the temperature. Even Namjoon has abandoned ship, leaving much earlier than usual today. He waved at you when he got out, and you waved back.
Who knew, maybe the two of you would actually talk next time.
Jin uses a lull in the otherwise busy afternoon to drop at your table, and you smile to him. You haven’t really gone through anything like that night ever since, and you decided it was just a one time thing. You were tired from the work, and you were touch-starved, and, surely, there was nothing there, other than you gaining a new friend.
Yup. Nothing to see at all. Even when he’s sitting next to you, trying to fan himself with one of the bakery’s menus, head thrown back in a way that makes his Adam’s apple even more prominent.
You never thought yourself as someone who particularly enjoyed necks, but it seems you were wrong.
Not that that has anything to do with feelings, of course. Jin’s just hot. You already knew that.
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s your favorite cake?” he asks you.
It takes you just a second too long to answer.
“Uh. Anything that has strawberries in it, I guess,” you say, and he nods, but he’s also frowning. “Are my tastes not up to par?” you grin, raising an eyebrow.
“Clearly, your tastes are great, since you keep coming back,” Jin answers immediately, with the confidence that you now know to be mostly facade, but that you’ve still come to love. “No, strawberries are good. I can work with strawberries.”
“I actually wanted strawberries the first time I came here,” you reminisce. “But there weren’t any left because that was after Valentine’s Day.”
Jin clicks his tongue in disgust.
“Worst day of the year,” he says, “though February is a bad month for strawberries in general.”
“You don’t like Valentine’s Day?” you ask, and if you were a dog, your ears would be perking up with interest. You’ve always loved to hear people’s opinion on the holiday, because it’s so divisive. “You guys must make quite a lot of money…”
“I’m wounded that you’d think money is all I care about,” Jin sighs dramatically, though the glint in his eyes lets you know that he’s only joking. “It’s just very busy,” he admits. “It’s a lot of work to prepare, people place a lot of orders, and we basically don’t get a minute to ourselves. Not to mention— do you know what it does to a person to know that the food he lovingly prepared is probably going to be eaten off someone’s body?”
You can’t help it. You burst out laughing. When you do, you’re completely unaware of the fond way Jin looks at you. He’s always liked that he made you laugh, from the very first day you came into the store.
“No,” you admit, “no, I haven’t thought about it.”
“Well I have to.”
“I’m so sorry for you.”
“I’m sorry for me too.”
Then Jimin practically waltzes in and energetically greets everyone in the room, including you, and Jin gets up to serve him and Taehyung because Jungkook looks like he’s about to collapse, and you don’t give much more thought to the conversation.
But Jin remembers that strawberry cake is your favorite.
September 18th
Somehow, you get roped into helping Jin with his grocery shopping. He sat at your table and complained about how Jungkook wouldn’t be able to help him that week, and you voiced your sympathy, and next thing you knew, you were in the supermarket with him.
Well, maybe you’d offered your help. Maybe you just didn’t want to admit it because of that time he’d told you you were too kind.
“You know, I thought I’d be helping you for the bakery,” you comment, “but this mostly looks like it’s for you.”
“I am the bakery,” Jin replies, and you grin.
You watch him as he carefully crosses item after item of his detailed list. You expected him to be messy, to grab whatever he wanted, but he is as meticulous with this as he is with the baking he does for his customers. Which is— strangely endearing to you.
“Most of what we get comes in bigger orders,” he explains to you once he’s done with that aisle. “Sometimes, we find ourselves missing some things…”
“Like milk.”
“It’s always the milk,” he sighs, shaking his head it brings back bad memories. “But that’s not an issue for a lot of thing, unless something very specific comes up. Like a customer wanting  a pineapple pie.”
You tilt your head as he cautiously picks pineapples. You’re not even sure how you can tell if a pineapple is ripe, but he looks like he knows what he’s doing.
“That sounds… interesting?”
“It’s going to sound very interesting when I’ll make you carry half the bags,” Jin says, and you roll your eyes. Does he think you’re going to bail on him? You would never do that.
Well. Until your eyes fall on Minho, standing there, like he hasn’t simply vanished from your life six months ago. There’s a woman with him, and she’s laughing at something he said. You suppose she was the one he met — or maybe another one, there’s no way of knowing, really. But they look like they’re getting along well, and it— it makes you happy. You think.
“Huh,” you mumble. “That’s my ex over there.”
Jin looks up so fast you worry he might hurt his neck.
“What? Where? Do you need me to insult him?”
You’re about to say no when Minho turns around, and his eyes meet yours. He gives you a hesitant nod, and you think that’s going to be it, but then, after a few seconds of obvious inner debate, he makes his way towards you.
“(Y/N),” he says, a bit awkwardly. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” you reply softly and, much to your surprise, you mean it. You did your best not to let yourself miss him, but you suppose you did. It’s been a long time since you last saw him.
“This is, erm, this is Lisa,” he says, gesturing at the woman, who gives you a polite smile. It looks like she knows exactly who you are, and you suppose it must be uncomfortable for her as well. “My girlfriend.”
Yeah. You’d pieced that together. But then, Minho’s eyes move to Jin, and he raises an eyebrow, and you realize what he’s thinking about.
“Oh, this is—”
“Seokjin,” Jin says, extending his hand. “I’m her boyfriend.”
You’re sure that anyone looking at you can tell from your expression, from the way your mouth falls open and from the incredulous way you shake your head that that’s not true, but both Minho and Lisa are looking at him, and miss it completely. When Jin looks at you, he gives an imperceptible nod and puts an arm around your shoulders.
The warmth is— kind of nice. Maybe it even sends a shiver down your back, but you’re sure it’s because you’re still quite touch-starved those days.
Nothing else here.
“That’s great,” Minho says, and he looks relieved. “It’s great that you’re with someone.”
“Isn’t it?” Jin says before you can think of anything to answer to that. “She walked into my bakery and I just knew she would become my favorite client. Basically love at first sight.”
“Love at first sale, maybe,” you can’t help but answer, even if you know, reasonably, that you shouldn’t entertain him. You’re pretty sure he’s trying to show off in front of the two, which is really unnecessary, but you appreciate the gesture. “Jin makes the best cakes you can find in the whole town,” you tell them. Not to show off, but because it’s true. There are a lot of good things you could tell them about Jin, come to think of it. A lot.
“Maybe we should try it then,” Lisa says, smiling. She looks more relaxed than earlier, though you suppose she could also just be trying to get out of this conversation.
“Oh, it’s a must,” you reply sincerely, and Jin laughs, pulling you against his chest a little.
“She’s too nice,” he says, and you immediately protest that no, definitely not, he does, and you’re sure you look like a very annoying couple, because it doesn’t take long for Minho to clear his throat.
“Well, we have to go but it was— it was nice catching up with you.”
“Same,” you nod, and when he leaves, you can’t help but watch him. You don’t really feel anything right now. You were sincerely happy to see him, but it felt like running into a childhood friend you haven’t seen in a long, long time, and now have nothing in common with outside of those memories. Except it hasn’t been a life time since you last met him. Just a little over six months. Soon, he’ll just be someone you used to know.
You wish you were more upset by this. You wish there was anything that told you that what you had with him actually mattered. Instead, this vague indifference lets you know that your paths had probably diverged before the two of you even broke up. And that makes you kind of sad.
“Are you okay?” Jin asks. He has that quiet voice you’ve heard a few times now.
“I’m fine,” you nod, “but you really didn’t have to do that. I wasn’t— Minho and I aren’t— there really was no need.”
“I was happy to do it,” Jin says, and you notice how petty he sounds. “It’s always a joy to let an ex see how much better than them you’re doing.”
You laugh. You probably agree with him on that, but you’re not going to help feed his ego even more. Jungkook would probably never forgive you for it.
“I don’t think your girlfriend would like you doing that,” you observe, and Jin answers that remark with a blank stare.
“When have I ever said anything about a girlfriend?”
“Well, there was a bottle of shampoo at your place that—”
“So a guy can’t like having his hair smell like fruit, huh?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Wow, way to reinforce stereotypes, (Y/N). I expected more of you.”
He ignores your attempts at protesting and strides away from you. It takes you a few moments to catch up, because of his stupid long legs of his.
“If I had a girlfriend, I would never stop talking about her,” he lets you know while you’re catching your breath. “So don’t worry. You’ll know about it.”
“Duly noted,” you say. You maybe feel a little too happy about that new information so, to distract yourself from it, you change the subject. “So I’m your favorite customer?”
He scoffs and glances away from you, refusing to meet your eyes. He thought you hadn’t picked up on that.
“You’re a strong contestant, I guess,” he says reluctantly, and you laugh, not pushing it further.
“Anyway— Minho broke up with me a week Valentine’s Day,” you say. You’re not sure why. Maybe to let Jin that you’ve been over it for a long time.
“That’s rude,” Jin comments with a disapproving click of his tongue.
“He probably wanted to spend it with her,” you shrug. “When we got together, he told me he didn’t cheat. He left. So— I guess that was it.” Then there’s a laugh, and you can’t tell if it sounds bitter. You hope not. “I’ve actually never had a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day,” you confess.
The silence that follows is unusual for Jin. When you glance up at him, he’s just looking at you, and for a second, you think it’s pity you find in his eyes. But, from the way he frowns, you realize it could just be genuine sympathy.
“Would it make you feel better if I tell you it’s a terrible holiday that’s just there to sell things?”
“I already know that,” you chuckle, even if it does make you feel a little better. “I just want someone to buy me roses once, you know?”
Jin doesn’t answer, just looks at you, and something about the intensity of his stare makes you feel— feel things you told yourself you weren’t feeling for him. But then, you just ran into Minho, didn’t you? It makes sense that you would be all over the place emotionally.
“Anything more on your list?” you ask, and Jin blinks.
“Yeah, that way,” he says, sounding a bit off, but then he adds “More things for you to carry,” and you decide to brush it off.
But he stores the information in his mind. Strawberry cake and roses. Duly noted.
October 31st
“So do you actually like Halloween, or is this just another shameless cash grab for you?” you ask Jin when he brings you your tea.
You have to admit, him and Jungkook truly went all out for this. They’ve decorated the shop with pumpkins, and there are fake bats hanging from the ceiling. There are also themed cakes and chocolates shaped like spiders. It’s spooky, and it delights the kids that come in and ask the parents about it. You definitely appreciate the atmosphere it creates — and you also appreciate the way Hoseok jumped when he walked in front of the witch that lets out an evil laugh when someone passes the movement detector.
“Halloween is not terrible, I guess,” Jin says, like him and Jungkook don’t take a full day out of their schedules and bring in some friends just to decorate the shop. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you answer sincerely, and Jin’s expression softens.
“Hey, we’re having a small get-together after closing tonight,” he tells you spontaneously. “Wanna join us?”
You take a second to answer. It’s not like you don’t want to — far from that — but there’s that voice inside of you that tells you that you’ve been weird around Jin, and you don’t want to be weird around him. You want to keep things as they are, because he’s such a wonderful friend to have around. You’d hate yourself if you changed that.
But if the point is to have him around, then surely, telling him no right now would be counter-productive, right?
“Absolutely,” you say with a smile, and Jin beams, and you feel all warmed-up inside.
You already know that you’ll have fun, and you’ll laugh, and he’ll insist on walking you him and you’ll tell him no. And it sounds exactly like how you want to spend your evening.
January 10th
You first meet Sungho on New Year’s Eve, at Hana’s party. The two of you click immediately, and you enjoy the familiar rush of feelings, the waiting for a text after you’ve given him your number, the anticipation of knowing where this is all leading, if everything goes right. After a week, you run into him at the bakery, or, well, you’re sitting in your usual corner when he comes in. He doesn’t see you immediately, but when he looks in your direction after a little while, you happily wave him over.
“You don’t usually come here, do you?” you ask him. “I would have seen you by now if you were a regular.”
He chuckles, flashes you a bright smile, and you smile in return. Sungho has a nice smile. He doesn’t laugh easily, though, from what you saw when you met him, which is a shame, but definitely not a dealbreaker, even if you love to hear people laugh.
“No, I saw you were talking about this place a lot online, and I figured I would come and check it out. Of course, seeing you here is the best part,” he adds with a wink, and he leans towards you a little. The obvious flirtation sends a wave of heat through your chest, and you don’t hesitate to lean forward as well, resting your elbow on the table and putting your chin on your hand. You enjoy the closeness, the proximity, the chase.
You pull away when Jin arrives with Sungho’s order.
“This looks great,” Sungho comments. “I’m glad (Y/N) advertised you so much.”
“Well, there’s a reason she’s our favorite customer,” Jin replies, smiling, and when you meet his eyes, they’re fond and— and something else that makes it hard to breathe for a second.
But the smile fades when Sungho takes a portion of his cake with the spoon and offers it to you.
“Wanna try it?” he asks, and you do, because you know everything Jin makes will be amazing. You’re not sure you love the gesture itself — it’s kind of cute, but you’ve also just met him and it feels a bit strange — but you still giggle and take the bite.
And all Jin can do is stand there, looking at the two of you. He feels something he has felt before, and it’s that he let something he wanted pass him by. He waited too long to make a move, once again, and once again, it’s cost him something he doesn’t know how he’ll live without, and now he’ll have no choice but to figure it out.
You glance up, and he catches himself, plastering a smile on his lips.
“Enjoy yourselves!” he says, a little too loudly, and he knows, from the way you blink and the puzzled look you give him, that you’ve noticed and it’s— it’s horrible. It’s horrible that you know him that well and that you’ve seen so many facets of him and you’ve chosen someone else. You don’t ask anything, though, and he’s quick to leave.
He’s also quick to ask Jungkook to replace him in the shop, and he, very deliberately, doesn’t ask anything about how things went. Doesn’t want to know if you kissed, or worse, if you left together.
He’ll be fine. It’s not like it’s anything he hasn’t been through before.
February 5th
You feel impossibly excited when Sungho asks you out for Valentine’s Day. You gush about it to your friends, a lot, and Hana is delighted for you — and very pleased that her circles of friends are meeting like that. Jungkook sounds happy, too, though slightly more reserved, but you get the type of enthusiasm you wanted from Jimin and Taehyung.
Jin gets quiet when you let him know, though. It’s not something you haven’t seen before, but it does take you off guard, because you’ve never seen it happen while in the shop, where he’s usually on top of his game.
“Are you okay?” you ask, worried, leaning over the counter to put a hand on his arm. “You look a little under the weather these days.”
He smiles, but it lacks his usual flamboyance.
“Valentine’s Day is coming,” he tells you. “The worst day of the year.”
You laugh at that, relax, and take your hand off. You miss the way his eyes fall on the place you were just touching.
“Well, not this year, hopefully. Not this year.”
Yeah. He’s not so sure about that.
February 14th
It’s your first time, ever, having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you’re determined to do everything right. Sungho is taking you to a fancy restaurant, so you decide there is no issue in going all out. You take the day to prepare yourself, enlist Hana to do your make-up and hair, and you use the opportunity to wear a lovely bright red dress that you had been saving for a special occasion.
Hana whistles when you come out of your room after you’ve also put on half-transparent black tights.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” she says with an appreciative nod.
You glance down at your body self-consciously and try to smooth the fabric of the dress. You do think it looks pretty good, but you could be wrong. Does it show too much of your legs? Does it hug your curves too tightly?
“You think he’s going to like it?” you ask, somewhat shyly.
“He should if he knows what’s good for him,” she replies, expression turning murderous, before softening. “Just… Are you sure you want to be doing that?”
You give her a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, going out with Sungho,” she says with a vague hand gesture. “I just— I don’t know. Do you like him that much?”
It’s funny. You haven’t really asked yourself that question. You’ve just been going through all the usual motions — the flirting, the dates, and, inevitably, the start of the relationship, which is probably for tonight.
“We— we get along fine,” you answer. “I like him.”
You leave the words ‘well enough’ out of that sentence. You like Sungho well enough. But then, that’s always been good enough for you, so why should it change now?
Hana seems to think about it for a little while, then shrugs.
“Okay then. Do you need my help to walk to the cab? I would not trust these things.”
She’s pointing at your heels, and it makes you laugh. These aren’t even that high, and they’re pretty stable. You don’t think you’ll have any trouble walking in them. Hana wouldn’t abandon her flat shoes to save her life, though, so you suppose the question was to be expected.
“You can just tell me if you want to hold my arm,” you tease, and it seems to take her by surprise, before she chuckles.
“You’ve gotten a little too good at that. I don’t know if I like it.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid Jin has infected me.”
That gives her pause, and she shoots you a weird look, but you miss it. She opens her mouth to say something, then gives up. She could be wrong, after all.
She kind of hopes she’s wrong, or that if she’s right, you’ll realize it soon enough.
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The dinner is perfect. You’re dressed perfectly for the occasion, fitting right in the restaurant’s decor, Sungho complimented you when you walked in and you told him he looked great, which is true, the food is delicious, the conversation flows easily, and there are roses on the table. They’re not for you, part of the decoration, and it doesn’t look like Sungho’s gotten you any, which gives you just a little pinch of disappointment in your chest, but it’s also not a big deal. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
And you’re not happy with it.
You can’t place it, and it slowly drives you insane, as you and Sungho make your way through the meal. You try your best not to let it show, but you think he notices your increasing restlessness. You feel bad about it, because really, he hasn’t done anything wrong. You just— something’s not right.
Dammit. It’s your first time having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you can’t make it work.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Sungho says while the two of you are waiting for your desert, and you do your best to snap out of whatever is going on in your head to focus on him.
“Tell me,” you smile, though the smile is polite, rather than genuine.
He takes a deep breath and reaches over the table to take your hand. It’s far from the first time the two of you make physical contact, you’ve even kissed a few times, and it was nice, but something makes you want to recoil, in that moment. You don’t, though. Why would you? It doesn’t make sense. Nothing about you makes sense right now.
“I like you,” he says, and you find the breath knocked out of you. It’s not unpleasant, though, it’s very nice in fact, and it almost completely dissipates your previous discomfort. “And I think— you know. We haven’t said anything about being exclusive yet, so I figured I’d— ask.”
He looks pretty confident, which you thought would put you off, but it doesn’t. The answer seems obvious to you. It’s been just a little over a year since you broke up with Minho, which is a reasonable time, so your lips part to let him know that you’d be happy to—
It’s then that you remember. You remember what you told yourself after that break-up, and what you thought after the break-up before that, and the time before as well. You remember you told yourself you wouldn’t settle for less than what you really wanted. You told yourself you wanted to love and be loved. You told yourself you wanted someone who’d remember how you liked your tea.
And, just like in a movie, Jin’s face appears in your mind. You almost dismiss it, tell yourself it’s just because of the tea, until you realize it’s not. It just isn’t. You should have noticed earlier, you know that, but you’ve never been friends with someone before developing feelings for them. You’ve always told yourself you were an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person, that you were the type to know immediately if things could happen. Maybe you didn’t quite believe in love at first sight, but you’d always thought that love didn’t wait.
Apparently you were wrong.
Jin’s the one who inadvertently makes you pulse rush, when his hand brushes against you. Jin’s the one who lifts your spirits, no matter what. Jin makes you happy, makes you want to get up in the morning, has done that for months now. Jin actually knows you. Jin looks at you like you’re precious to him. Maybe that doesn’t mean love, maybe to him, it’s all just friendship, but to you, it’s much more than that. And the feeling you get is so strong, so powerful, that you understand that you need to tell him. Need to tell him now.
“I’m sorry,” you say to Sungho, who’s been waiting for an answer all this time. “I’m really sorry, I don’t think that can work out.”
His face falls, but he looks far from heartbroken.
“Oh,” he says. “Um. That’s—”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, already getting up from your chair. You’re buzzing with excitement, with feelings. “I have to go. I’ll pay for the meal, okay?”
“No, don’t—”
You stop at the counter briefly before rushing out into the night. You feel that you know exactly where you need to be.
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You get to the bakery minutes before closing time, which is exceptionally at 9 p.m. for the day. A couple is just coming out, and that leaves only Jungkook inside. There’s nothing left on display, and you know it’s been impossibly busy, which means Jin is probably in a bad mood, but you can’t wait until tomorrow. When you walk in, Jungkook looks up from behind the counter, clearly surprised by the sound of someone coming in that late, and a puzzled look settles on his face when he notices that you’re out of breath, your previously perfect make-up now looking a little worse for wear.
“Is everything alright?” he asks. He sounds worried, and any other day you would take the time to reassure him, but in that moment you’re pushed by an energy that can’t be stopped, so you just nod quickly as an answer.
“Is Jin here?”
“In the back,” he says, tilting his head in that direction, and you’re pretty sure a glint of understanding lights up in his eyes.
“Can I….?”
He nods, a grin on his lips, and now you’re sure he knows why you’re here. You don’t wait for him to tease you about it, quick to make your way past him.
You freeze the second you walk into the backroom, though. It’s not just because of Jin’s back, though that definitely has more of an effect on you than you’d like to admit — the broad shoulders, the muscular back, and inexplicably, the nape of his neck. It’s also because of the large bouquet of red roses, standing in a vase on the table next to him. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at them. They look beautiful, vibrant, their fragrance floating through the room, all the way to you.
“Who are the roses for?” you ask, making Jin jump.
Any other time, you would have been pleased to take him by surprise for once, but right now you’re hanging on his words, waiting for an answer. The air feels heavy between you, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t answer immediately, swallowing silently as his eyes travel over your body. You had almost forgotten about the dress you were wearing, and, instead of making you feel comfortable and confident, like it had earlier, you feel naked and vulnerable under his gaze.
Finally, his eyes meet yours, mouth slightly open, and by that point your heart is hammering in your chest. You wonder if he has any idea of how you’re feeling right now. Had he noticed your feelings when even you weren’t aware of them?
“What?” he croaks, voice dry, like he’s forgotten what you said.
“The roses,” you repeat. “Who are they for?”
You need an answer. Desperately.
Jin’s eyes move to the roses, and his face falls. He turns his back to you again as he goes back to whatever he’s cleaning.
“Didn’t you have a date tonight?”
You shrug, though he can’t see it.
“I broke things off with him,” you say lightly, and you don’t miss the way his movements pause, or the way his shoulders tighten, for half a second, before he keeps moving. “Are you— are you meeting someone?”
“No,” he protests immediately. “You know I don’t believe in Valentine’s day.”
You do. You remember that. So you wait for an explanation. It takes a while, and you just wait silently behind him, suspecting that he’s waiting for you to go away. After a few minutes, though, he slams his hand on the table, still not looking at you.
“They’re for you, okay? You said you’d always wanted roses for Valentine’s Day, and I figured, maybe your stupid boyfriend didn’t know that yet, and that I could maybe just drop them off at your place, and—”
“You didn’t ask me why I broke up with him,” you interrupt him, cutting his rambling short, and he falls silent. You catch his eyes from over his shoulder. Finally, you’re feeling yourself calm down, and at the same time you’re practically shaking with anticipation. “I realized I had feelings for someone else,” you say when he still doesn’t ask, just watching you, lips tight.
“…You do?” he simply says in reply. He’s tense, guarded, and you take a careful step towards him.
“Yeah,” you nod. Your eyes aren’t leaving his, not even for a second. “He’s smart, and kind, and handsome.” You take a step for each description you give, and you can’t help but smile on the last word. But your smile doesn’t reach Jin’s lips, and he’s just looking at you like he’s expecting you to tell him someone else’s name, or to make fun of him. “And he makes me laugh,” you add quietly, as you get to him, leaning against the table. “A lot. Some have even said it was a little too much.”
“So who is he?” he asks, and you smile. It’s wild to you that you haven’t understood earlier how absolutely head over heels in love with him you are, especially right now, when you’re standing so close to him. It’s also wild that he can’t see it, because you feel as though you’re radiating with that emotion, feel that anyone should be able to tell.
“It’s you,” you breathe out. “It’s obviously you.”
Then you’re pushing yourself up against his mouth, soft and slow. One of his hands closes around your waist as he leans forward, towering over you. His eyes are shut, and you close your own, reveling in the feeling of his warm body pressed against your own. You feel his tongue darting out to brush against your lips, and they part to grant him access, eager to taste all of him and—
“Couldn’t you tell me that earlier?” Jin protests loudly, tearing himself away from you, and your eyes snap open. “I would have planned the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever—”
You groan and cut him off with another kiss, faster and harder this time, grabbing his wrists to guide his hands to your hips. You moan in contentment into his mouth when he kisses you back and he swallows it eagerly, pressing you into the table, bodies meeting like they’ve been waiting for it for forever and you—
“I wanted to make you an amazing strawberry cake! Now I don’t have any strawberries left!”
“Jin, please,” you sigh, unable to tolerate any other interruption, “would you just shut up and kiss me?”
And, finally, he does. Holds you like he never wants to let you go, kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, and when the two of you part, he rests his forehead against yours like he can’t bear the thought of being away from you even for a second. The silent stretches, comfortable, only filled with your respirations, until someone clears their throat, and the two of you jump away from each other.
“Sorry,”Jungkook says with a shit-eating grin that tells you he’s not sorry at all, “but I was about to leave. Will the two of you be okay?”
“I’m sure we can work things out without you,” Jin says. “Goodbye!”
But Jungkook doesn’t leave right away, turning his smile to you. You would hide into Jin’s shoulder, but you feel so good you can’t be bothered right now.
“Goodbye (Y/N)!”
“Bye, Jungkook!”
“That kid, I swear,” Jin says, shaking his head, as Jungkook leaves, his laugh hanging in the air behind him for a few seconds.
“I quite like him,” you comment, fingers dancing down Jin’s neck to come trace the border of his shirt.
“Oh, you do?” There is a dangerous edge to his tone and you glance up, surprised.
“Are you jealous?” you ask. “I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”
“I’m not.”
“Because it’s not Jungkook I abandoned my date for.”
“Good that you did. I never liked him.”
“So you are jealous.”
Seokjin mumbles something incomprehensible and you laugh and hug him tighter. And when he asks you if you want to come upstairs, even if he doesn’t have the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner planned, even if really, all he has to offer is himself, you tell him yes, of course.
Because he’s all you want right now.
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It turns out, you wouldn’t have eaten the dinner anyway. The second the door closes behind you, you’re pulling him down against you for a kiss, and he doesn’t oppose any resistance, doesn’t protest like he did before, just lets out a moan into your mouth. He’s just as eager as you are to get rid of that tight dress.
“Careful with the tights,” you warn when his hands start roaming your thighs.
“Take them off then,” he groans.
You press a few kisses against his mouth, feeling delighted with the way he restrains himself, hands turning into fists against your hips as he stops himself from tearing off your closes. Finally, you pull away with a giggle. His eyes are wide and dark with desire, and they only get wider when you playfully slide off your dress’ strap.
“Don’t tease,” he says, practically growls, but you decide that you will. You guide him to his couch, push him down onto it, and evade him when he tries to pull you down with him, slipping out of his grasp. You stand just out of his reach, but more than close enough to be tantalizing, and you see in his eyes that it’s working just fine.
You take the time of making a show out of sliding down your dress down your body, letting it pool down at your feet before stepping out of it. The heels are the next thing to go, and then, finally, the offending tights. The second you’re out of those, Seokjin pounces, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto the couch.
“If you want us to move this to the bedroom, now would be a good time to say it,” he says as he kisses your neck, hands traveling up and down your body, large and calloused, but kind and gentle.
“I’m good here,” you say, arching your back to grant him better access — and to roll your hips against him. “Are you good here?”
You feel his breath catching in his throat when you move, as well as something hard pressing against you in his pants, and his voice is slightly choked when he answers.
“Yeah. This would happen at some point anyway.”
You laugh. You can’t wait to try this in all the places the two of you can think of in his apartment.
“Then let’s get to it, shall we?”
Jin doesn’t seem to have anything to answer to that, especially not when you hook your leg around his, using your heel to push him down on top of you. He’s still dressed, but you plan on rectifying that. You stop kissing him to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he lets you, breathing heavily. Your fingers explore the skin you reveal in the process, and you’re delighted when he shivers as you find out where his sensitive spots are — right under his collarbone, his nipples, his ribs.
Finally, the shirt joins your dress on the floor. You take a second to marvel at his body. His shoulders are even nicer to look at like that, you decide. You capture Jin’s mouth again, this time with your hands fisting his hair. You’re feeling yourself growing more impatient, wetter, and while your panties are the only thing still covering your body, he’s still wearing pants — which is far too much clothing.
“I want you so bad,” you whisper to him, and his breath catches in his throat.
“Fuck. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
That makes you grin, and you arch your back into him again, pressing yourself against his now rock hard crotch.
“Oh, I think I do,” you reply devilishly, and all Jin does is to bury his head into your neck. His fast breathing tickles your skin, and you love it. You love discovering that you have that effect on him, love how you can make him come undone. Another night, you might really, really enjoy teasing him about it, but you have something else on your mind tonight.
Your hand travels down his body to palm him through his pants, and he groans, bucking his hips against it involuntarily.
“Let me take care of that?” you offer, and he pulls away to raise an eyebrow at you.
Wordlessly, you guide him so he’s sitting on the couch, and then, without breaking eye contact, you drop to your knees. You watch as his eyes go wide and he swallows loudly. You don’t give him time to regain his composure, gently nudging his legs apart so you can place yourself there comfortably.
“Fuck,” he repeats as your hands travel over his thighs before unbuckling his belt.
He lifts himself off the couch so you can slide down his pants and underwear, and that leaves him in his naked glory. And boy, is he glorious, dick standing erect and proud, precum already dripping from the tip. You suppose it’s been a while since the last time he had any sort of intercourse, and so you decide that you will do everything that’s in your power to make it worth his while.
You do your best to maintain eye contact with him while you lean forward to gently take in the head of his cock, wrapping your red lips around it as your hand grips the base.
“Ah,” he gasps, and you wonder if he gets loud during sex.
You hope he does.
You mostly tease him at first, running your tongue over the tip, and you feel his hand grabbing the back of your head gently. He doesn’t try to control your pace or to push you down. He seems to just be anchoring himself as he lets you do whatever you want. Glancing up, you see that he’s thrown his head back and his mouth is hanging open, letting out quiet moans that sometimes get high-pitched.
For some reason, the sight of his exposed throat turns you on impossibly. You slide a hand down your body to try to get some relief as well, and you moan loudly when your fingers finally find your clit. The vibrations have Jin push his hips up as his hands tighten on you. A second later, his eyes snap open.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, “I don’t mind but— Do you have a condom somewhere?”
He hesitates, then reaches for the coffee table. He opens the drawer, rummages through it quickly, and finds what he’s looking for.
“Taehyung said it was good to have them all over the house, just in case,” he feels obligated to explain to you, even while he struggles to open it and to put it on.
Well, you owe Taehyung one, you decide, but now really is not the time to discuss that, so you pull him down for quick kiss before he can lose himself in his ramble.
“Want you now,” you tell him, and it sounds like an order.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbles, pulling you back up onto the couch.
Your panties are soon gone, and he spreads your legs open with utmost care. Even if you’re pretty sure he could just slide right in, with how wet you are, he pushes a long finger inside you, then another.
“You’re so wet for me,” he marvels. “So wet, and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Don’t flatter yourself too much yet,” you moan. “There’s still work to be done here.”
His eyes are full of love when he looks at you, taking in your body, now completely naked and offered. Just for him.
“Oh, I’ll do it. Don’t you worry about that.”
You’re about to call him out for his cockiness when he lines his cock with your entrance, tip rubbing against your folds, and you close your mouth instead, wisely choosing not to provoke him when he could so easily make you pay for it by making you wait. Except it seems he’s just as impatient as you, because he pushes himself inside you without pause.
You moan and shift to accommodate the stretch, and Seokjin goes still on top of you.
“Are you okay?” he asks. You’re satisfied with the strain in his voice, like knowing you’re not the only one to be so affected here.
“Hmm,” you hum. “Can you— move? A little?”
He pulls out a little, experimentally, and you moan louder than before. It takes you a few minutes to figure out the pace, as your hips keep moving, desperately searching for more friction, but they’re not unpleasant, filled with kisses, sweet nothings and the feeling of his warm skin against yours. In those moments, you feel like you’re discovering him all over again, and you find yourself enjoying that more than you can say.
Finally, you find yourselves, and the sound of skin against skin fills the room, along with your loud, high-pitches moans, and Seokjin’s — softer, quieter, but definitely there. You meet each of his thrusts, with one hand between the two of you to rub against your clit. When you first clench around him, he finally lets out a moan that’s as loud as yours.
“Fuck, fuck, fffuck,” he says, head falling against you, cheek pressed against your collarbone. “If you— If you do that again I’ll— Wait, please, wait, wanna— wanna cum with you—”
You arch your back, your nipples grazing against his chest, and force up the pace of your hips. Jin is moving incoherently, begging into your neck, and you want to give him exactly what he’s asking for. When you clench around him again, it’s with your orgasm. It’s all it takes to push him over the edge as well, but you barely feel his hips stutter into you, completely taken over by your own pleasure.
It takes you a little while to come back down from your high, and when you do, you meet his eyes. They’re soft and gentle, and, more than anything that’s happened until then, they make you melt.
“Hey,” he whispers, “you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, more than okay, in fact. You?”
“More than okay, too,” he says as a lazy smile spreads across his features.
“Good. That’s good.”
Pillow talk is not your forte.
“Hey,” Jin says, coming to rest his forehead against your shoulder.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
You chuckle.
“I think I’m in love with you too.”
“That’s good,” Jin says, but his voice sounds choked up, raspy, and you know he’s probably blushing. So you don’t add anything, just run your fingers over his scalp, the nape of his neck, down his back. Let him know you’re here, that you’ve got him, that you’re not going anywhere.
“Are you— are you staying the night?” he asks.
“Sure, unless you’re kicking me out.”
His arms tighten around you possessively.
“I would never.”
It takes a little longer before Jin manages to get the two of you off the couch to go get cleaned up, and then into bed, but of that night, there is not a second that you would call unnecessary or superfluous. Not one.
Every single one of them, every moment you spend with Jin on that first night, are essential, and you could not pick one of them to take back.
March 14th
The bell chimes happily when you walk into the shop, and even though Jin is busy with another customer, his eyes immediately find you. It’s something simple, yet it’s something you love about him. The way he always seems to find you, and the pleasant warmth that fills you without fail when you see him. You’ve been told that it was just the high of the first months of a relationship, not to get too used to it but you hope that, even if it dims, it won’t go away completely.
“Hey, Jin, your ears are turning really red. Why are your ears turning red?”
You laugh while your boyfriend turns to shoot a furious look at Yoongi. He’s sitting in your spot, in the back of the shop, and he’s looking smug. That comment of his has become a pretty common thing to hear whenever you walk in, or just when Jin and you are speaking. To be completely honest, you’re not too mad about it. Jin is good at acting like you have no effect on him, but the blush betrays him, and it’s been both cute and useful to see what actually gets to him, or bothers him sometimes.
“I’ll kick you out of my shop if you keep that up!” Jin shouts at him. “Don’t think I won’t!”
But Yoongi just chuckles into his mug, clearly not taking him seriously — and he’s probably right for that.
“So, do you know what today is?” Jin asks nonchalantly after he’s turned back to face you, gesturing for Jungkook take over with the other customer.
Your eyes widen in horror.
“Please don’t tell me you want us to celebrate our one month anniversary. I haven’t planned anything for that.”
Jin rolls his eyes.
“I would argue that our one-month anniversary is tomorrow, if we’re being precise, because that’s when we, um, really talked about it.”
He’s not wrong. It had been a pleasant thing, to wake up in his arms the morning after, to the sensation of his lips gently kissing your neck, and an even nicer thing to take your breakfast with him. You couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. It had just been what had absolutely and irrevocably sealed the  deal for you. You knew it hadn’t been a mistake. You wanted to be with him.
“Hmm, but there is still some sort of anniversary to be celebrated tonight then,” you say, leaning over the counter. “I’m sure I could prepare something for that.”
His ears and neck flush, and Yoongi has the delicacy of not pointing it out this time.
“That’s not— That’s not what I’m talking about! Today is the white day.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“That’s when boys are supposed to give chocolates back to the girls they like,” Jin elaborates.
“But I didn’t give you chocolates,” you say.
“No, but you’re still the one who— Yoongi, I swear to God— You know. You’re the one who took the first step.”
Despite his recent outburst, it’s obvious that he feels embarrassed and vulnerable in that moment. You’d kind of gathered that he really regretted not asking you out before Sungho had, but you had never thought that it was actually an issue.
“I’m really happy I did,” you tell him quietly. He’s not fond of PDA, but you still allow your fingers to brush against his. That feels discreet enough.
“I know,” he says, and there’s so much love in his eyes when he looks at you that it’s a real miracle that you don’t melt into a puddle right then and there. “But I still—” He sighs. “You’re really ruining my plans. This was meant to go over smoothly.”
“Sorry,” you apologize with a wide grin while he picks something up from behind the counter.
“There,” he mumbles, handing you the box.
You open it, genuinely curious. You feel the eyes of everyone else in the shop — Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook and, of course, Jin — on you, and you want to tell most of them off, but you suppose that since this is where most of your relationship development happened, they’re kind of part of the story too.
The box is filled with chocolates shaped like roses.
“I know it’s not much,” Jin is quick to say, “but I just wanted to—”
“Jin?” you interrupt him.
“I’m going to kiss you.”
His eyes go wide, and then he sighs, but he can’t force away the smile that’s forcefully making its way on his lips.
“Well, if you absolutely have to—”
But he doesn’t protest when you pull him over the counter to kiss him, hands gently closing over your shoulders. He even brings you back for a second, even briefer kiss, and there’s something fierce in his eyes then. He superbly ignores the cheers that come from your friends in the room.
“I have to warn you, you’re never getting rid of me now,” he says, and it’s light-hearted, but you know there’s a lot of truth behind those words.
“Good,” you simply reply. “I wouldn’t want that for the world.”
He looks like he wants to add something to that, but he chokes on the words, and he falls quiet instead. It’s just as good, really.
There are some things you don’t need words for.
Some things that can be expressed just as easily with a box full of rose-shaped chocolates.
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phr0gie · 4 years
sleep softly, love; genshin impact
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synopsis: how i think certain genshin impact characters would fall asleep next to you for the first time :)
note: hihi! so i finally feel like i’m caught up enough in genshin lore that i can start actually writing for it!! yay!! anyways, i’m sorry if my portrayal of them is a lil ooc, i’m still getting used to writing for them. still, i hope you guys enjoy! :D
pairings: xiao x reader, diluc x reader
tw: mentions of nightmares and death in xiao’s, mentions of alcohol and suggestive themes in diluc’s, ooc characters, mostly j fluff, not proof read (oops)
wc: 2k 
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the first few times you bring up sleeping next to him he’s probably going to turn you down
you see, xiao doesn’t really need to sleep, nor does he want to
he finds the idea of lying in a comatose state for eight hours in complete darkness to be “weird” and a “waste of time”
and his opinion on the matter doesn’t change for a while
that is, until you confess to him you’ve been having nightmares
these nightmares were like nothing you have ever had before
they shook you to your very core and, rather than the dream just leaving your mind after you woke up, they followed you around for days
once you confide in xiao about these terrors, he grows very concerned
in the past he’s known people who have been plagued with nightmares as a result of a dangerous curse that, more often than not, ended in death
the thought of you, the person he cares about most, succumbing to such a terrible fate frightens him more than anything — not that he’ll ever admit this to you.
and so, reluctantly, xiao agrees to spend the night with you
just this once, to protect you
You roll over to face him and for a moment he panics. To Xiao’s knowledge, couples who slept together often cuddled with each other. While he did occasionally enjoy a few close moments with you, Xiao couldn’t say he was very taken with the idea of physical contact — especially in a situation that left him so vulnerable. To his relief, however, you stay on your side of the bed. Your hand rests on top of your pillow and slowly, almost cautiously you maneuver it so it’s lying a bit closer to Xiao — a silent invitation to hold your hand, is what the adeptus recognizes it as. This gesture was not foreign to him, you did things like this often. You always kept your hand outstretched to him. Even if he were to pull away or turn his back, your hand was still there. You were still there.
You roll over to face him and for a moment he panics. To Xiao’s knowledge, couples who slept together often cuddled with each other. While he did occasionally enjoy a few close moments with you, Xiao couldn’t say he was very taken with the idea of physical contact — especially in a situation that left him so vulnerable. To his relief, however, you stay on your side of the bed. Your hand rests on top of your pillow and slowly, almost cautiously you maneuver it so it’s lying a bit closer to Xiao — a silent invitation to hold your hand, is what the adeptus recognizes it as. This gesture was not foreign to him, you did things like this often. You always kept your hand outstretched to him. Even if he were to pull away or turn his back, your hand was still there. You were still there.
You roll over to face him and for a moment he panics. To Xiao’s knowledge, couples who slept together often cuddled with each other. While he did occasionally enjoy a few close moments with you, Xiao couldn’t say he was very taken with the idea of physical contact — especially in a situation that left him so vulnerable. To his relief, however, you stay on your side of the bed. Your hand rests on top of your pillow and slowly, almost cautiously you maneuver it so it’s lying a bit closer to Xiao — a silent invitation to hold your hand, is what the adeptus recognizes it as. This gesture was not foreign to him, you did things like this often. You always kept your hand outstretched to him. Even if he were to pull away or turn his back, your hand was still there. You were still there.
Your gentle voice catches his attention immediately. As he looks into your eyes all he can see is admiration, his heart clenches at the feeling it gives him.
“Thank you,” you say softly, “for being here for me like this.”
Xiao simply nods his head at you in response.
“Sleep,” he whispers, his tone commanding yet soft, “I will be here when you wake.”
He desperately wants to say more. To let you know that he would always be there for you, that no challenge would ever be too difficult if it was for you, that he would rip the moon from the night sky if it meant that you would rest a little easier. Yet, the kind smile you give him shows that he need not continue. You know he loves you, you have never once doubted it. You are aware of the burden he carries and how it affects him. You know that one day he will be able to share with you the confessions of love and vulnerability that are buried deep inside him. For now, this is enough. He is enough. And so, with a content smile you snuggle even further into your pillow.
“Goodnight, Xiao.” You whisper before finally closing your eyes.
Xiao stares at your resting form for a while. It is not until your breathing evens out and he is sure you are asleep do his eyes flicker from your face to your hand lying closely to him. All of the sudden, an overwhelming urge to hold you in some way overtakes the adeptus. Again, Xiao was not the biggest fan of physical affection, however, something about you looking as peaceful as you do in this moment evokes something from him. And so, he decides to finally accept your invitation. As his palm meets yours in a tight hold — not tight enough to wake you, of course — Xiao allows himself to indulge in the warmth and safety you provide him, just this once.
Neither of you have any nightmares that night.
you and diluc are in a fairly new relationship.
having just started seeing each other a few months ago, it’s only natural to not have done anything too domestic quite yet.
not to mention, our ever stoic winery owner is a bit shy when it comes to his affections.
the two of your were every content with your soft, simple touches.
hand-holding, hugging, and subtle kissing kept you both very satisfied.
until you decide to get drunk at dawn winery.
your work has been k i l l i n g you recently
commissions are beginning to pile up, hilichurls have invaded the area you were supposed to scout next, and you couldn’t help but think that you were getting a bit rusty with your weapon.
all and all, you are very stressed out.
you desperately want a chance to relax.
originally, you had planned on just having a drink or two and ranting to your ever so reliable boyfriend.
however, a drink or two turned into three, then four...
before you knew it you couldn’t remember how many you had and it was rather late.
being the gentleman that he is, diluc forces offers you his bed for the night
seeing as you were in no condition to return home on your own, he has no choice.
it’s the responsible decision.
however, he’s still very flustered about the whole ordeal
Dulic thinks you are a handful. Especially right now. 
He huffs as he attempts to open his bedroom door one-handed. The other appendage preoccupied with keeping you slumped against his side so that you don’t fall over. 
“I knew you shouldn’t have had that last glass of dandelion wine.” He mumbles, gently scolding you. 
You simply blink up at him, a bored expression on your flushed face. 
“You sayin’ I can’t hold my alcohol?” you hiccup, “I’ll show you…” 
You attempt to push off of him, but his hold on you tightens. 
“No,” he grunts, “You won’t.” 
Finally the door opens and Diluc lets out a sigh of relief. Swiftly he lifts you up — earning a small ‘woah’ and a giggle from you — and carries you over to his bed. He then sets you down and turns to his dresser to get you some clothes to sleep in. He picks out a large, white, long-sleeved undershirt and. Your lips curl into a suggestive smirk and you chuckle. 
“Oooh,” you tease, “Master Diluc how bold of you, are you going to dress me?” 
The pyro user looks absolutely mortified but you pay no mind to it, too busy laughing and hiccupping at your own joke. A prominent blush grows on Diluc’s face as he shuffles over to you. 
“Of course not!” he stutters, dropping the clothing article gently on your head. He then grabs a pile of his own clothes and makes a beeline to the door. Just as he is about to exit he turns to you. 
“Wait here,” he instructs, “and try not to fall asleep yet.” 
And with that, the Diluc dashes down the hall, presumably leaving you to get changed. You do just that, tugging off your shirt and removing your bottoms. You huff as you lift your boyfriend's shirt up and over your head. As soon as the garment falls over your shoulders and past your knees, you’re hit with the rich scent of chestnuts and mahogany — the scent of Diluc. His undershirt is so baggy and so warm that you cannot help but feel at ease, Diluc always did have a way of making you feel safe — whether it was the hand he always places on the small of your back when he guides you around town or the look in his eyes when he spots you across the room, so sure that you’re the one he’ll always search for. The red-head returns a moment later clad in a dark, short-sleeved undershirt, similar to the one he gave you, and a pair of soft pants. In one hand, Diluc holds a fresh glass of water and in the other a pillow that seems to be smaller than the ones laid out in his bed. Diluc gently sits on the edge of the bed and pats the spot next to him, beckoning you to sit next to him. As soon as the bed dips with your weight, Diluc is handing you a cup of water. 
“Drink,” he instructs once again, “so your hangover doesn’t kill you tomorrow.” 
You do as you're told, dutifully downing the refreshing liquid. The minute your lips leave the cup he takes it from you, setting it on his bedside table. Then, Diluc picks you up once more and positions you so you are laying properly on the bed. He pulls the covers out from under you and makes sure you’re tucked in well. 
“There,” he says finally, pulling the comforter up to your chin, “are you comfortable?” 
However, he does not receive an answer. You’re already half asleep, head slumped against the pillow, mouth hanging wide open. Diluc smiles in spite of himself. He should be mad at you, he knows he should. But, as you lay there with your hair a mess, wearing one of his shirts, in his bed, Diluc cannot help but fall even more hopelessly in love with you. Stroking your hair a few times, he finally leaves a light kiss on your forehead. Hesitantly, he gets up, being very careful not to jostle you. He’s about to head to his living room to sleep, but he can barely make it two steps away from the bed before a hand shoots out and grabs his wrist. He turns to see you, still snug in his bed, a pout adorning your features. 
“Where’re you goin?” You grumble out sleepily. 
Diluc looks at you curiously. 
“I’m going to let you sleep,” he whispers, “You need to rest.” 
He attempts to remove your hand but your grip only tightens. Suddenly you pull him down, your faces only inches apart. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your forehead against his.
“Please,” you whisper, your voice soft — so soft that Diluc doesn’t think he would have heard it if he weren’t so close to you, “stay.”
The blush from earlier creeps back up Diluc’s neck and rests upon the apples of his cheeks. Hearing you plead for him like this evokes a sense of warmth within the pyro user. He’s never felt so wanted before you. Ultimately, Diluc gives in and indulges you — how can he not? Crawling into bed next to you, he stiffens when you rest your head on his chest and wrap your arms around his torso. Diluc stays up a little while after you doze off, admiring you. 
Diluc thinks you are a handful. However, he thinks he can handle it if at the end of every day he gets to hold you like this.
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please do not steal or repost my work, thank you!
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ugotnojamzzz · 3 years
Mistake Pt.1
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I do not own this gif
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt, ex!Jungkook
Synopsis: Jungkook hasn’t healed even months after his ex-girlfriend Y/N said ‘I do’ to another man.
For a bit of context while I try and write what came before: Y/N is a successful singer songwriter although it’s not super relevant here. I guess you could imagine her to be American although it won’t be clearly stated, she has been really close friends with the other members, for several years especially Hoseok. She had a tumultuous yet terribly loving relationship with JK that ended on rather good terms (you’ll see in other chapters), but Jungkook was lightyears away from being ready to see her married to another man.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering for some because it’s kind of really sad and angsty.
Chapter soundtrack : He can only hold her – Amy Winehouse
"He can only hold her for so long The lights are on, but no one's home She's so vacant, her soul is taken, He thinks, What's she running from?"
Alright let’s get into this.
The Annual Hong Kong Benefit for the national Art Institute. Y/N wandered around the sumptuous halls of the venue, occasionally making small talks with a few people, all the while enjoying a nice glass of champagne. The gallery was beautiful and the art simply exquisite. She was just talking to one of the curators about purchasing one of the paintings when she felt her phone vibrating in her purse.
‘Incoming call from Namjoon-ah’
Weird, she thought, it was late at night, and the band and her had already planned to have lunch all together the next day as they were, by a happy coincidence, both in Hong Kong at the same time. The band was there for a concert and some PR business, while Y/N was there to attend a couple of events during the social season. She excused herself and picked up right away.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Hi, um, I’m so, so sorry to bother you, I know that you’re at this Gala thing but, we kind of have a situation over here…”
“You sound worried, is everyone okay?”
“Actually… no. It’s Jungkook, he’d been acting weird all day and he just- freaked out two hours ago and walked out before the concert was even over.”
“Christ, is he alright? Is somebody looking after him?
“Yeah, not really, he’s cooped up in his hotel room. The staff is losing it, and he won’t let anybody in, but he- he did say he wanted to see you. Do you think you could come over? I wouldn’t normally ask but-“
“No, it’s okay. I- I’ll be right there” she hung up, racing out of the building, stilettos in hand, and immediately hailing a cab.
She rushed out of the elevator only to see the boys sitting at the end of the hallway with a defeated look on their face.
“Y/N! Thank god you’re there” Namjoon said, jumping on his feet to greet her.
“Is he in there?” she asked urgently, a worried look on her face.
“Yes, he ended up opening the door, let Tae in, but I don’t think he’s said anything yet” Namjoon replied.
Y/N walked past him and towards the hotel room. She knocked softly on the door before cracking it open, only to hear Jungkook’s voice shouting: “For fuck’s sake! I told you I didn’t-“
“It’s me,” she interrupted gently, venturing into the room. It was dark, but she still managed to catch a glimpse of the outcome of her ex-boyfriend’s recent mood swings. Chair fallen over, open minibar and clothes scattered all over the floor of the luxurious suite.
Jungkook was sitting on the floor, arms wrapped around his knees and back facing her, but she could still see his shoulders moving up and down as tiny sobs racked through his body. Tae was on his knees in front of him, he looked up at her as soon as she entered. Y/N gave him a weak nod as to indicate that he could leave. He got up and silently walked out of the room, making sure to squeeze her arm on the way out.
She let out a long sigh as she heard the door close behind her. What now? She decided to approach him slowly, the sound of her high heels against the waxed floor letting the boy know of her movements.
“Hey Kookie,” Y/N murmured, looking down at his shaking figure. But the boy kept his eyes on the floor, so she got down on her knees in front of him, “Joon-ah called me… said you had a bit of a problem earlier.” She waited for him to speak for a few seconds but was only met with silence, so she carried on, “you know you can tell me any-”
“I um,” he interrupted with an unusually hoarse voice, his puffy eyes finally looking up, only to see her all dressed up in a beautiful gown. “Shit,” he sighed, “I’m sorry, you- you had your thing, fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m such a moron,” he started pulling on his hair, rocking back and forth.
“Hey, it’s okay. I don’t care about that,” she squirmed closer to him and delicately pulled his hands away from his face. Let’s just say she’d seen him looking better. “I care about you. Now tell me, what is it? The boys are worried out of their mind-”
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, “I-I really thought I’d be okay, I thought I could handle it, but- but then I saw you and you-” he paused, “you were so… okay. And- and I just-” he looked back down in embarrassment, only to see the delicate gold band that sat in all its glory on her finger. A sour smirk appeared on his face, “Jesus, I’m such a fuck-up.”
“No, you’re not, we all have bad days… You’re probably tired. I remember touring was always hard on you guys’ nerves,” Y/N said with a strained smile, her hand brushing the boy’s hair away from his face, desperately trying to avoid the clear fact that she was the one responsible for his pain. “Come on, let’s get you into bed,” she helped him up and took a few steps back to pick up some of the mess from the floor but before she could lean forward, Jungkook had her engulfed in a tight hug, taking her by surprise.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, feeling his heartbeat settle down, “for being here, I mean.”
“You know I’ll always be here,” she replied with a faint smile, hugging him back.
He rested his head on top of hers and inhaled deeply, taking in the citrusy scent of her hair, before burying his face in the crook of her neck. Y/N tensed up as she started feeling his lips travelling across her skin, pressing soft kisses along the surface of her collarbone.
“Kookie, wait-” she whispered, trying to reason the boy.
“Please… Please…” he moaned sadly, his voice breaking as he held onto her for dear life, “Just- just this one time, please, I just- I really need you right now.”
“Jungkook, I can’t, I’m marr-”
“Don’t- don’t say it,” he hissed, stamping away from her to take a seat at the end of the bed, “Please... Just don’t.” She brushed her fingertips against the skin of her neck in an attempt to replace the warmth that had disappeared along with Jungkook’s lips.
The boy’s chest was heaving as he stared at her gorgeous figure, his travelling across every inch of her skin. The skin that was once his to touch. As their eyes finally met, Y/N felt in her core something very wrong was about to happen. He had that look in his eyes. The same look he’d had the very first time they’d- beentogether. Back at the dorms. Like she was the sun. Jungkook suddenly got up and walked up to where she stood. He grabbed her by the waist and planted a firm kiss on her lips. They were soft, just like they always were. Heaven, he thought. But that certainly didn’t last long.
“You’re drunk,” she said, shoving him away with a resentful look in her eyes.
“I’m not. I’m mean, I’m more sober than I’ve been these past eight months” he replied. Eight months, she thought, Jesus, this had been going on since the ceremony. But her thoughts were interrupted as Jungkook walked right back towards her and vigorously pushed his lips back against hers.
“Oh, cut it out, will you!” she yelled, pushing him away once more, this time with more strength, making him stumble a bit.
Jungkook stood there, frozen for a second, while she stared down at the floor, remorse invading her whole body. She wasn’t only feeling guilty about the fact that she’d let herself be in that situation in the first place, but also that deep down, she somehow felt there was no place on earth she’d rather be.
He took a step forward hesitantly and placed a hand against her cheek, his index finger travelling down to meet her chin, gently lifting her head and forcing her to look him in the eyes.
She placed a trembling hand against his chest, ready to reject him once more. Her tiny fist was clenching the fabric of his shirt as she took in a shaky breath, mentally begging for the willpower to turn around and walk out the door. But he had the look. And she felt her heart breaking as she was met with his tear-filled eyes. This was all her doing.
In a leap of faith, he gently lowered his head and let his lips brush against her cheek, before going on a painfully slow journey towards her lips. Now, it wasn’t like the two previous kisses. This one was tender. Desperate.
And as she couldn’t help but close her eyes at the contact, she felt her resistance slip away and swiftly wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, as he eagerly unzipped the back of her dress.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
Hope you liked it! Like I mentioned in a previous post, this is actually going to be part of a lonnnng ass series and this is not even the beginning of the story, this just happened to be the first chapter I managed to actually finish, but I’ll make sure that it’s all easy to understand as I gradually post the other chapters. Don't hesitate to send me whatever xxx
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Shovel Talk
Summary: Hotch and Emily find out about Derek's relationship with Spencer and decide it's time for a chat.
Tags: fluff, humour, est. rel., protective!derek, emily, and hotch, relationship reveal, mentions of past hurt spencer
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 1.5k
Masterlist // Read on AO3
Inspired by this post by @penemily that I couldn't stop thinking about. Honestly I love this fic so much lol.
Derek isn’t quite sure how he’s found himself in a vacant office after hours, crowded into an office chair with broken wheels as the two most intimidating FBI agents he knows stand over him.
“Either of you want to tell me what the hell’s going on?” Derek asks, bewildered by how quickly his evening had changed. One minute he’s sneaking looks at Spencer over his computer screen, and the next he’s hauled off to a private room like some sort of hostage.
He’s not scared, but he’s definitely a little pissed off. It’s nearing 10pm and all he wants to do is go home with Spencer, curl up on the sofa and eat take-out in front of the TV as they celebrate closing a case in their own way. He used to celebrate by going out for a drink, falling into bed with a stranger if the opportunity arose, but a quiet evening on the sofa with his boy in his arms is surprisingly satisfying these days.
Hotch raises an eyebrow. “We know,” he says simply, something fierce behind his words.
Derek’s heart skips a beat. It’s not hard to figure out what it is he’s talking about. He and Spencer had started dating a couple of months ago but had decided to keep it under wraps for now; something so young and beautiful was too precious to expose to all the inevitable eventual complications just yet. They’re so ridiculously smitten, though, that he’s not exactly surprised two profilers paying close attention had figured it out.
Ignoring the quietly humming nerves starting up in his stomach, he mirrors Hotch’s raised eyebrow, trying not to look as affected as he feels. “So… what? You wait for Spencer to go to the bathroom to lure me to an empty office to beat me up?”
“Maybe,” Emily replies, voice dry.
Behind the nerves and the posturing, Derek can’t feel a small twinge of hurt. “Look, guys, we expected it to be a bit of a shock, but we thought you’d at least be happy for us—”
“It’s not a shock,” Hotch interrupts.
“It’s not a shock,” Emily repeats. “Everyone saw this coming a mile off. We’re not surprised.”
Now, he’s even more lost. “Look, can you guys just sit down? You towering over me is creeping me out, man.”
“Good,” Hotch says easily.
Irritation takes over, and he stands up. “You know what, if you’re gonna be funny about it, I don’t actually have to be here.”
Before he can actually make to leave, though, Hotch is shoving him back down into the chair, old metal and plastic creaking under the force of his caught-off-guard body hitting it again. “Stay.”
“What is going on?” Derek explodes. Maybe under different circumstances he’d be able to profile the situation but as it stands, he’s stressed and confused, desperate only to be allowed to leave this dark, cramped room and take Spencer back to his place. It almost surprises him that all he craves in such a weird and unfamiliar situation is cuddles and a nature documentary, but he’s been with Spencer long enough for it to be approaching normal. The younger man’s probably back at his desk by now, wondering where he is, and Derek would hate for him to be worried. He just wants to go home.
“Derek, we are happy for you and Spencer,” Emily finally explains. “But we couldn’t in good conscience let this go on without having a… chat.” Her face twists into the faux charming expression he’s watched her use to disarm unsubs countless times. It stings a little that she’s using it on him.
He splutters a little as a realisation dawns on him, equal parts bemused and offended. “This is… this is a shovel talk!”
“Yes,” Hotch says with a straight face, his expression tight and intimidating as he tilts his head to the side slightly, clearly entirely unaffected by Derek’s emotions. “This is a shovel talk.”
Derek feels himself relax, tension easing slightly. “Guys, I appreciate the sentiment, but Spencer’s my boyfriend; nobody wants to protect him more than I do. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m pretty sure we could give you a run for your money,” Emily says, her expression quickly transforming into something far more dangerous and challenging than only moments previously. “Spencer has something every single member of this team would die to protect. And if you get in our way, then we’re going to have a problem.”
“Emily, what, we’re friends.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, shrugging easily, “and I love you. But Spencer is my little brother, and I would do anything to stop him from getting hurt. As long as you don’t interfere with my primary mission, we’ll be fine.”
Hotch speaks before Derek can get a word in. “Derek, I knew Spencer long before you did. I remember the first time Gideon brought him to one of our lunches, and I saw something in him that made my heart ache. It didn’t take me long to realise that what I saw were the scars left by incredible deep-seated pain. Spencer has been through hell and back throughout his life, and he’s been hurt repeatedly by people who were supposed to protect him, including Gideon. I would do anything to prevent him from getting hurt by someone like that again, you hear me? Anything.”
As confusing as this all is, Derek can’t help but feel touched by Hotch’s earnest, emotional speech. Most of his nightmares these days revolve around Spencer getting hurt, and it’s kind of reassuring to know that he has so many people in the world who will stop at nothing to prevent those horrible dreams from spiralling into reality.
He can’t help but smile a little. “I’m glad he has you two,” Derek says honestly, looking between them, “but I can assure you that if I ever hurt Spencer for some unfathomable reason, your services wouldn’t be needed. I would hate myself enough for all three of us.” Even just considering the hypothetical possibility of hurting Spencer makes his stomach turn: it’s enough for him to know that he wouldn’t need Hotch and Emily to hold him accountable to that, his own self-loathing would be punishment enough.
It seems to appease Hotch and Emily, who Derek realises look sort of like intimidating twin mafia bosses standing over him like this, and they finally step back a little, posture relaxing.
“Well, what are you waiting for then?” Emily says, smiling for real this time. “Get your boy and get home. It’s getting late, you know.”
He rolls his eyes at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Oh, and Derek,” Hotch says, laying a hand on his shoulder, turning him before he can leave, a genuine smile on his face too, “I am actually happy for you and Spencer.”
Derek grins at that. He really is a lucky, lucky man. “Thanks, Hotch.”
“What was that about?” Spencer asks, his features twisting in curiosity as Derek makes his way across the bullpen to his boyfriend, Hotch and Emily emerging from the same room moments later.
Derek doesn’t answer properly, laughing instead. “You got some good friends, you know that?”
Spencer nods, still looking a little confused, but clearly deciding to let it go as he slings his messenger bag across his body, standing up from his desk. Derek slings an arm around Spencer’s shoulders, leading him towards the exit as his insides twist at the adorable blush that colours Spencer’s cheeks so prettily.
“Derek,” he hisses, “shouldn’t we be leaving separately?”
“I think it’s a little late for that,” he chuckles, looking over his shoulder. Spencer does the same, blushing even fiercer as he spots Hotch and Emily leaning against the railing, overlooking the bullpen with all-knowing looks on their faces.
“Oh my god,” Spencer mumbles, clearly embarrassed, but Derek just laughs again as they leave the bullpen and approach the elevators.
“Come on, pretty boy,” he sighs happily, sliding the arm around his shoulders to rest at his waist, fingertips pressing into the small frame of the boy he’s already falling in love with. “Let’s get you home. That penguin documentary awaits.”
“You’re gonna watch Emperors and Kings with me?” Spencer’s happy exclamation and the delighted expression on his face only warms his heart further, and in that moment he decides that he wants a happy Spencer and another nature documentary within his reach for the rest of his life.
Surprisingly, it’s not as terrifying a thought as it might once have been.
(If Derek thinks the shovel talk from Hotch and Emily is bad, though, it’s nothing compared to the one he gets from Penelope. By the end of the next day, he’s somehow reduced to tears that are both happy and the product of extreme terror, on the receiving end of a ‘baby girl’ ban for keeping it from her for so long. In the end, he decides that it’s probably an alright price to pay for everything beautiful that his life has blossomed into over the last few months.)
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @livrere-blue @hotchseyebrows @jellejareau @reidology @i-like-buttons @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @queerminalminds (taglist form)
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Incompatible ships w/ Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Midoiya
Request: hii! i love ur posts so i thought why not request ajbakaha,, can i ask for todoroki, kirishima, bakugou, izuku getting jealous bc their s/o is getting shipped with another student :D (it can be their relationship is still a secret or smth) btw i love your posts!! it's free serotonin!! 😽😽- anonymous
Secret relationships are my favorite trope. This and friends to lovers. I live for these types of fics. Random fact, my allergies are acting up bc I helped take down the Christmas decorations and now my hands are on fire. Love ya. 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff, minor suggestive themes not something major though
Todoroki Shouto
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-Things like jealousy are a rare occurrence in your relationship. 
-Todoroki is the type of boyfriend who trusts you blindly and would put his own life in your hands without a single hesitation. 
-Sometimes it bothers him how other people effortlessly flirt with you but he knows that nothing will come out of it no matter how much they chat you up. 
-He knows you can handle yourself and get out of  a situation if things start getting out of hand. 
-And if you can’t, he will butt in glaring down at the person who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
-Everyone around you seem to believe that the two of you are really close friends; none of them have caught a whiff of your relationship and you are proud of yourselves. 
-I mean it is pretty hard keeping so many romantic milestones hidden from your friends. 
-But alas you both knew that keeping all of this to yourselves would be for the best. 
-Now, we all know that the girls of your class drool over any remotely romantic interaction you have. 
-Same goes for everyone actually. 
-Oh Kirishima held the door open for you the other day?? I can see a new ship sailing. 
-Sero helped you pick up your stuff when you bumped into a wall? Your knight in shining armor. 
-Really any sort of kind gesture was interpreted as romantic interest at this point. 
-The worst part of it all was the ship they had created and have been simping over for the past three months. 
-You had managed to create an unexpected friendship with Monoma from class 3-B. 
-The agency he interns in is right next to yours so you take the same train and then walk to almost the same building every single day. 
-You see him during patrol, the pro heroes you work under have paired up once or twice so a friendship was inevitable. 
-So imagine the surprise on your classmate’s faces when Monoma began waiting for you outside the 3-A dorm building.
-Mina wouldn’t shut up about how cute you two were together and what a perfect match you made. 
-Soon enough the other idiots joined the party and you were drowned in ‘awwww’s and ‘love story in the making’s. 
-You got tired of explaining that he was just a friend, that you weren’t interested in him. 
-The fact that you could feel Todoroki’s gaze burn through your back didn’t help at all. 
-Your boyfriend had asked you about Monoma because he too found it weird how he waited for you everyday. 
-The boy’s presence didn’t bother him at first. 
-He was lowkey grateful that you finally had company on your way to the agency considering he couldn’t walk with you since his building was in the opposite direction. 
-It started becoming a problem when all he could hear during the breaks was the stupid ship name the girls had created. 
-He could see how visibly uncomfortable it made you and how you would seek for his gaze during those moments. 
-Then they started talking about how cute your kids would be and that’s when Shoto had enough. 
-It’s one thing hearing about how cute your girlfriend would be with someone else and it’s completely different when you hear about their potential offspring. 
-Grabbing your wrist he basically dragged you out the classroom and into an empty hallway, pinning you to the nearest wall before connecting his lips with yours. 
-You let a surprised gasp which gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss, making you grasp onto his shirt as your knees gave out. 
-After what felt like an eternity he let you go for air before attacking your jaw, neck and collarbones. 
-Soon those soft kisses turned into little love bites. 
- “Sho you’re gonna leave a mark.” 
-Releasing your skin from between his teeth, he admired the reddish hickey he had left at the base of your neck. 
-He was sure your shirt’s collar could cover it up just barely. 
- “That’s the point, love.” 
-Intertwining your fingers, he led you back to class, going to his seat with a proud smirk on his lips leaving a very flustered puffy-lips-messy-haired you in his wake. 
Kirishima Eijiro 
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-Kiribaby is not the jealous type. 
-Like only if you give your undivided attention to a puppy and you smother it with all your love and affection then maybe, just maybe, he will pout a bit and ask for his own fair share of love. 
-He trusts you just like Todoroki does.
-Nothing has ever happened to suggest that he should worry about others stealing you from him so he doesn’t worry. 
-Plus you are always together no matter what. 
-Almost everyone from your class knows that you are together so the shipping doesn’t start from them. 
-Oh no.
-It starts from class 3-B who has seen you talk to Tetsutetsu quite a bit this past few weeks. 
-You might wait for him outside their classroom during lunch breaks. 
-They have caught you hanging out outside of the school grounds. 
-So the only logical explanation they can come up with is that you two are either A) dating or B) have a thing for each other and are getting there. 
-Soon enough rumors start circulating. 
- “Did you know that someone from the hero course is dating that metal guy from class 3-B?”
- “Yeah yeah I heard it’s that girl Y/N. They do look really cute together, not gonna lie.”
-Eventually these rumors reach Kiri’s ears and they kinda get to him.
-He knows that you haven’t been hanging out extra with Tetsutetsu since every time you guys go out he is always with you. 
-You are the type of couple who does everything together, literally. 
-Apart from being in different agencies ya’ll are holding hands almost 24/7.
-So he really doesn’t get what everyone is talking about. 
-Mineta doesn’t help. 
-He really doesn’t. 
-He starts making scenarios about what you do while Kirishima is out of the dorms; how you have wrapped both homies around your finger and toying with them. 
-Oh the very vivid scenes he creates with all three of you in a…. compromising position. 
-Kirishima hates that most of all. 
-The words coming out of Mineta’s mouth disgust him to no end and soon enough he is walking to your dorm ready to talk this through. 
-Opening the door you greet your boyfriend with a smile and a quick peck but you immediately know what is on his mind. 
- “Baby what are we gonna do?” 
-You basically whine at the question. 
-He spends the whole night at your dorm brainstorming ideas until you both pass out on your floor. 
-And your solution to the problem? 
-Ignore the whole thing and continue on with your lives. 
-He suggested maybe leaving a mark somewhere *like our boy Sho* but you shot him down saying that they would just think Tetsutetsu did it. 
-After Monoma catches you in your classroom making out on your desk though the rumors soon die out. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Crazy boom boom boy. 
-Your relationship is a secret because he doesn’t want to deal with all the other idiots gushing over your relationship and getting all up in your business. 
-Your relationship is a sacred thing he has sworn to protect and he won’t let Mineta’s ugly ass hands get anywhere near it. 
-Gonna taint it even with his thoughts. 
-Guard dog Bakugou bark bark. 
-It’s fairly easy to maintain a secret relationship with him. 
-Sure he might be a tiny bit calmer with you and maybe just maybe his eyes linger on you during training but yeah he treats you just like he treats all the other extras he is surrounded by. 
-Now, Bakugou is kinda *read a lot* jealous in general. 
-He doesn’t like when people he doesn’t fully trust or like, talk to you or are close to you. 
-He has butted in on your conversations with Todoroki one too many times and the poor crispy baby is so confused like why are you like this? 
-I just want the chemistry notes please let me get them in peace for once.
-You have chastised him about that manier times but your resolve melts when he pouts *YES HE POUTS AT YOU RWIHPWIE* before wrapping his strong arms around you. 
- “I just don’t wanna lose you, dumbass.” 
-You can barely make out his words as his face is buried in your stomach but you heard him and now you are tearing up at the pure emotion he is showing at these moments. 
-At the end of the day though, he trusts you. 
-He may not trust the other horny extras around you but he fully trusts you. 
-There’s no doubt about that. 
-You can imagine ,though, the instant rage he felt when he heard the girls talking about you and Deku. 
- “They do make a great couple.” 
- “Have you seen how they look at each other?” 
- “Good for her, Deku is perfect boyfriend material.” 
-First of all, how dare you, second hold the fuck up…..when did this become a WhoRe hOuSe?!?!?!?!  
-Legit someone has to shake him out of his stupor after that one. 
-You look at Deku in a certain way? 
-Fucking DEKU?!?!?! 
-THoughts are swirling in his mind almost pouring out of his ears when he hears the voice. 
-That annoying ass voice that he has engraved in his brain since childhood. 
-And the moment his eyes land upon Deku and you speaking, he sees red. 
-He is pouncing on Deku in -5 seconds, the poor green haired boy completely unaware of what hit him, literally. 
-They are on the floor wrestling on another, you screaming at Katsuki to stop and get his shit together while your boyfriend is spewing curse after curse at the OFA user simultaneously asking what the hell he was doing with HIS girlfriend. 
-Aizawa had to break them up. 
-They both got detention even though Deku did literally nothing. 
-Katsuki was denied cuddles for a whole week and he was set on explaining duty now that the cat was out of the bag. 
Midoriya Izuku 
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-Izuku is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. 
-He is loyal, shows emotions, is good at communicating with you, has incredible date ideas although he is kinda forgetful at times and his packed schedule doesn’t leave enough time to spend with you, at least not as much as he wants, but he always tries to make up for it in other ways.
-You love how much trust he puts in you. 
-You couldn’t be more grateful. 
-But Izuku has his insecurities. 
-At times it becomes hard for him to understand why exactly you’ve chosen him to love when you could have anyone you wanted in this school. 
-He can’t wrap his pretty little head around the reason why you stay with him when the only thing you get out of all this is others saying you deserve better than some crybaby. 
-It has become his mission to prove to you that he isn’t what others say he is; he isn’t some crybaby, he is a hero in training who won’t hesitate to risk his life for you. 
-You have reassured him multiple times that you don’t care what others say.
-You fell in love with him, him and all of his flaws. 
-No one told you that you should fall for him and no you didn’t agree to date him out of pity. 
-Most of the time you manage to erase those thoughts from his mind replacing them with the warm feeling of your love.
-But there comes a time when no matter what you say, the words of other people will get the best of him and it will be a struggle to build himself back up. 
-He is thankful to have you by his side during those moments because then he truly feels weak, he feels helpless, he knows these things shouldn’t bother him. 
-He loves you and you love him end of story, but they do get to him. 
-One of the worst times he questioned if he was good enough was during your third year. 
-Being in the support department you couldn’t be by his side 24/7 but you did always manage to see him during breaks to the point the whole class knew you and slowly became your friends. 
-The thing is they thought you two were also friends; neither had ever mentioned your relationship and things felt so comfortable between you that they assumed that you were really close friends. 
-Izuku had suggested keeping your relationship on the down low; him being in the hero course and having created rather the reputation, he was afraid that you would be dragged into something dangerous. 
-Plus All Might advised you two to keep it a secret and All Might’s words are law. 
-Izuku loved how well you got along with his friends, it meant that when he revealed your relationship they would all welcome you with open arms. 
-What he didn’t expect though was for them to start shipping you with someone else. 
-For some weird reason the girls of his class started obsessing over your interactions with Bakugou and soon after that they started trying to get you two alone in the same room, much to your dismay. 
-In reality, Bakugou was the only person who knew about your relationship. 
-He had ran into you as you were leaving Izuku’s dorm room, catching you two kiss goodnight. 
-Bakugou, as much as he disliked Izuku, would never get in the way of your relationship and he hated this ship shit as much maybe even more than you did. 
-Izuku was ready to crawl into a whole and die. 
-You had to stay in his room for almost a whole month to calm him down completely, him flying you to your own building in the morning so you don’t get in trouble. 
-It was a difficult time aand his classmate’s comments didn’t help one bit. 
-The tipping point was when he overheard Mina devising a plan of setting you guys up. 
-He walked down to the common room the next day with you next to him, hands intertwined, a hickey barely visible under the hem of HIS shirt, shocking everyone in the vicinity. 
-A new ship was created *after they harassed you for answers*
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura @belladonna-coven  @akita-l-lynn @angel6786​ @meena-in-a-nutshell​
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spencersmagic · 3 years
Middle of Adventure - 505 series.
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(found on pinterest).
masterlist // 505 series // taglist
summary: a part two to "greet me with good bye" (found here)
couple: fem reader x spencer reid
category: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: general criminal minds violence, mentions of guns, curse words (f*ck/f*cking), crying.
words: 1.8k
time to read: 10 minutes.
It was quite ironic.
The space between them had never felt as empty, as ruined, as it did right now. It felt like the love, the care that they had had for each other all those years back, all the patience and truth they had shared, had been stolen. The woman in front of them had done it for them.
The last two years seemed empty now. Emotionless. Worthless.
The feelings they had for each other had always been unspoken. Excluding a few instances, core instances that needed verbal confirmation, they had always understood each other without having to share a word. They were both profilers, for God’s sake.
Spencer’s fidgeting in the plane rides on the way back from a tough case was always understood by Y/N. She had always made sure to hold him, caress his hair or read to him when he was feeling anxious. Similarly, when she was feeling weird after an uncomfortable encounter with a disgusting unsub, closing in on herself, carrying herself differently, he would always pick up on it. He’d cover her with a blanket and tell her random facts about the stars, or lemons, or the first shoes discovered… Anything that could get her mind away from the filthy words he had spewed at her.
There were no words exchanged between. Because they always knew what the other needed.
Because they cared. And they wanted the other to be okay.
The lack of words didn’t mean a lack of communication. There was constantly a line of communication between the two of them, established through body language, looks and short beginnings of sentences right before the other picked up on what they wanted. Everything was clear between them. They always just knew.
This had taken time. Of course, it had. At first, they were clumsy. Y/N’s anxiety attacks had gone worse once when he had tried to distract her by talking about the climate crisis (a horrible idea, if you ask me). Similarly, she had learned that after Spencer’s rare, but long talks with Hotch weren’t the moment to make sarcastic comments about, well, anything.
All they had was silence and the promise to love the other if they needed it.
But right now, as they stood in front of the unsub, then woman who had been tormenting Spencer for the past few months with little letters, threats and promises to hurt everybody he knew and loved (or at least everybody who was left), it felt like nothing could ever be the same.
She had called herself “The Woman”, which Y/N understood. She wanted to be everything to Spencer.
She stood still, calmly, knowingly. Because nothing he did could change the course of action that was about to occur tonight. The stillness in the weapon she had aimed at Y/N made sure to make that clear.
“Why would I need to break up with her, Clara? Y/N and I aren’t together” Spencer repeated calmly, trying to focus on his training so he could try to ignore the soft sobs that Y/N was letting out.
The gun rattled as Clara shook in anger.
“Bullshit! I’ve seen you together. For God’s sakes, I’ve seen the way you fucking look at her. You-“she laughed manically “You look at her like she’s hung the fucking stars – like you’re supposed to look at me! So don’t you dare fucking lie to me “. She was met with silence.
“You know…” tears welled in her eyes, strong façade faltering. “You were going to come back. We were supposed to meet, and you were supposed to love me like I have all these years. You abandoned me!” she screamed. “And now you’re with-with her”.
“Do it or I will shoot her!” she screamed, sending spit flying around. Flinching, she shakily repeated Clara’s words.
“Do it, Spencer. I can take it” she spoke clearly, forcing her voice to sound unworried.
It was quite ironic. Because they had been in a similar situation at the beginning of their relationship. And it would end like this, too.
“I can’t, Y/N. Y-you know I can’t! Why are you making me do this?!” he raised his voice suddenly, ripping his lungs open as he sunk down onto the floor. He crumbled upon himself as he sobbed. “I can’t. I can’t do it, Y/N.” he repeated over and over, the last bit of self-restraint leaving his body. “I can’t do it. You are everything. I c-can’t hurt” he hiccupped.
Y/N’s eyes absorbed Spencer every little movement and tremble. She felt as though he had kept her heart right up until this moment, bubble wrapped and intact, but now he was crushing it as he hugged himself tightly. It was too much to bear.
“Spencer, if you don’t do it, I will” she whispered. He looked up, tear eyed, and looked at Clara. Her smile was wide now, red nose, enjoying the scene that was unfolding in front of her. Spencer stood up shakily.
“Clara, you were my classmate in school. Having the chance to go to university, don’t you think I had to take it? Did- Didn’t you want what’s best for me?” he tried to reason. “You love me, right? Don’t you want me to be happy?”. She smiled sadly at him.
“I do. But not if it’s with her”.
He turned to Y/N, eyes filled with tears. “Y/N” he requested. Still, she couldn’t bear looking at him. “Y/N! Y/N. Please look at me” he shook. She turned.
“Y/N…” he whispered, taking a look at her, bloody and beaten. “Y/N, I can’t live without you. Since I met you, I haven’t been able to.” He paused. “You’re everything. I don’t how to live without you”.
“Spencer, you will have to learn. The middle of an adventure is such a perfect place to start” she whispered back. His face changed completely, eyes wide and surprised.
“Oh god! This is so tedious. When can we leave?” had whispered Reid, curling a lock of her hair around his finger.
“We’re here as guests, Spencer. It would be rude of us to leave” she had reprimanded him, seemingly unaltered by his puppy dog eyes.
“But-but my love” he all-but-whined. “I wanna go home”.
“Yeah? You “wanna go home”? Or are your pants getting a little bit too tight from staring down my top?” she shot back. He didn’t dare reply.
“Do you want to play, or not?” Y/N clarified. He nodded eagerly. She grabbed him by the hair as they slow-danced in the middle of the lounge with the other couples at Rossi’s new wife’s mansion.
She pulled him close, lips close to his ear in such a way that appeared innocent to outsiders. Her words, though, were another story.
“Okay, love. “Adventure” is our safe-word. I’m going to tease you and, the moment I bring up that word in conversation that’ll mean that you’ve done well and should now play along. I’ll make up some excuse and we can leave this god-awful party. Sounds good?” once again, he nodded eagerly.
“You know, Clara. Maybe you’re right” Spencer begun, looking into her eyes. “If she’s so okay with letting me go, she clearly doesn’t deserve my time” he swallowed his tears, hoping he was being convincing.
Clearly, Clara didn’t need a lot of convincing. After all, she had been looking for every single indicator in his words and looks in front of the camera to believe he was madly in love with her, and seeking her out.
She lowered the now-forgotten weapon, throwing it on the ground and herself on Spencer.
“You really think so, my love?”
A pet name Spencer had heard coming from Y/N, and had never felt as disgusting as it did in that moment. Spencer couldn’t even think about what it was doing to her.
He just nodded, hugging her back as convincingly as possible.
Sometimes, we do what we can to make our loved ones happy. Sometimes, we stay. Other times, we leave. We give and give for them. At the end of the day, it’s human nature to want to created strong bonds with those you love the most.
Spencer and Y/N weren’t an exception. They gave so much to each other – to their relationship. They loved with such a love that is only seen in movies, with a passion that only occurs during the darkest hours, and a heart that has only been broken and mended over and over.
In retrospection, Clara is no different either.
As Spencer pushed her off, Y/N threw herself to the ground to grab the gun, did a somersault and pointed it at her. Right on cue, Morgan and Prentiss burst into the old warehouse, pointing their guns at Clara.
“Step away from my boyfriend, you bitch”.
It felt almost surreal.
Especially to Spencer, who had been battling with the thought of her for the past three months. It felt like this moment would never come – like a breach in the space-time continuum had been formed and he was now experiencing a reality parallel to his own.
But feeling Y/N’s touch, hearing their mutual comforting words, stumbling like their relationship had been, was grounding. Perhaps not comfortable, or stable, of secure just yet. But it sent a message to both of them. “No matter what happens, no matter how many variations exist in your life, I will never be one. I’ll always be here”.
“You were supposed to come back! You were supposed to love me, and give me a beautiful life. Why didn’t you?” they heard Clara screaming. Tears were streaming down her face as the cop sat her down.
“You could’ve sent a letter, Clara” he reached to grab her handcuffs, which were clasped behind her. Y/N watched the entire scene unfold before her eyes, tears still cascading down her cheeks.
“Would that have made any difference?”
“It’s time to go, Ms. Sondermann”.
“Would it? Or would you have stayed with her?”Spencer stayed silent. “Don’t think you’re anything better than me. You did everything for her! Just like I did. You’re no different than me.” she screamed, as Prentiss pulled her away.
Spencer turned to look into Y/S’s eyes. She looked so different when the fear of losing her wasn’t looming around. Tired, of course, from the three day search, but hopeful.
He hadn’t seen her hopeful in so long.
As he closed in on her, looking so purely loving, she immediately understood. the dust settled and she realized just how much he had been through.
She suddenly understood.
The lack of words never meant a lack of communication.
There were no words exchanged between. Because they always knew what the other needed.
She spread her arms, ready for his embrace at the same time he ducked his head to hold her around the waist. His lips twitched, all the unspoken words at the top of his tongue.
“i-i know, love. i know” she spoke between sobs.
Everything was clear between them. They always just knew.
guys that's the end of the 505 series!!! i hope you liked it.
i'm super sad that it's ending, but the fics i've got in mind are really cool, and i can't wait to write them + share them with you all <3
(im lowkey feeling nostalgic - i've fallen in love with this take on the characters and their dynamic).
taglist: @lady-anon-x @username2002 @eoupe @galaxydefenderjulia @spencerreid-mgg @spenxerslut @urie-bowie-mercury @onyourfingertips @big-galaxy-chaos @fiftyshadesofspencerreid @tbuhgs @exhaleli
tags not working: @huntheimpossible @idontwantyourcookiesthanks
you can join my taglist on the link at the top
happy reading. i love you. stay safe and happy <3
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