#the skin looks plastic-wrinkly
totopopopo · 2 years
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New tat new tat!!! The design is based on the Acheron emblem in the album art for UDAD that’s floating around somewhere!! I got it on a whim in a walk-in tattoo parlor in a casino in Los Vegas, which is what ashes would have wanted, I think. Wooooooooooo !!!!!!!!
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Drew fic where they are high school sweethearts and even after all these years they are still in the honeymoon phase. 🤭
The Sweethearts
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
A/N: I hope this is as honeymoony-phase as you wanted it to be. It's set during Christmas time because that is when I wrote it.
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Y/N didn’t think her relationship with Drew would last past high school. Not that she didn’t want it to, but she knew the statistics about relationships actually lasting past the teenage years. When they did though, she couldn’t have been more happy. Now, in their thirties, they still feel like they are teenagers in love. She is waiting at home for him to return home from filming. Her hands are fidgeting with the stockings, trying to get them to face forward. He is coming home for Christmas and she can’t wait to see him again. The music playing from the speaker occupies her mind, so she doesn’t hear his arrival. She feels arms wrapping around her and looks down to see his hands full. She turns in his grasp with a massive grin. He gives her a peck on the lips. “How is my beautiful, beautiful wife?” he greets, dropping down to give her another kiss. She giggles, “Very good. Happy to have you home for the holidays. How is my handsome, handsome husband?” “Ecstatic to be with you again. I got Chinese food from our favourite place and these are for you,” he replies, handing her the bouquet in his left hand and raising the plastic bags in his right. She presses his lips against hers, “Hmm, thank you so much.”
They head to the kitchen island and start unpacking the food. “You got all of my favourites,” she notes while plating some of the food. His hands find her waist and kisses are peppered up and down her neck. He plays with the top of her pants, “I did. I know what my baby likes to eat.” They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other while they ate. Drew brought his chair right beside his so that he could rest his left arm on her waist. His hand would trace patterns on her bare skin exposed because of her shirt riding up. 
After dinner, they decide to lie in bed together. Her chin rests on his naked chest, ghosting her fingers on his skin. “What are you thinking about, Baby?” he mumbles, giving her a soft grin. She thinks for a second, “Our future. I can’t wait to have babies with you and watch them grow. Then our hair is going to turn all gray and our skin will go all wrinkly. We’ll retire and get to spend our days travelling or maybe at home with the grandchildren.” Drew gives her a goofy look. “I like the sound of that. You are going to look so beautiful, even when we get old. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together,” he concludes. She sighs at the thought, “Forever sounds absolutely amazing with you.” They give each other a smile and their lips find each other’s. She wraps her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. For the rest of the evening, they stay in bed together, not being able to keep their lips or hands off of each other.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 2 - Doctor
@jegulus-microfic July 2, Word count 1000
Regulus had always dreamed about being a doctor. His parents had mostly approved. They would have preferred he’d chosen to be a solicitor or an accountant, but they decided that doctor was also a respectable profession as long as he went into the correct area. Such as plastics, where all the money was. They had a friend who ran the plastics department at St Thomas’s in London and they arranged for him to train under him once Regulus finished medical school. 
But Regulus had other plans. He secretly sent out feelers to other hospitals and got offered a job in York. It was the one that he’d secretly hoped for. Sirius had moved up to York after he’d fled their family home. He’d gone to university there and fallen in love with the kindest man Regulus had ever met. Of course, his parents didn’t know that he knew any of this. 
He’d had all his correspondence sent to Sirius’s house and he’d go out on daily walks to phone his brother on a separate phone Sirius had sent him and paid for so they could talk without their parents finding out. 
Graduation day came. He was top of his class and a highly sought-after new doctor. He had his picture taken, said goodbye to his classmates and made a run for it. He left his parents complaining about the pitiful excuse for food that had been laid out for them and ran to Sirius’s waiting car. 
“Hey, Reggie!” Sirius’s smile was full of love and Regulus couldn’t help himself. He flung himself across the gear stick and hugged his brother as tightly as he could. “I’ve missed you too,” Sirius spoke quietly into his ear. 
They rushed back to his parent’s house and hurriedly carted the few boxes of his belongings down the three flights of stairs and out to Sirius’s car. Soon they were on the M1 and on their way north. 
He hadn’t just left his parents with no idea where he’d gone. He’d told them he had found another job and was sorry he left like he did, but he had no interest in learning how to pull back wrinkly old skin, so people could kid themselves that they looked younger than they were. He thanked them for everything they’d done for him and hoped that they would still want him in their lives. 
Remus was waiting for them at the front door. He flung his arms open and gave Regulus a firm, warm hug. 
“I’m so glad you made it, Reggie,” He said as he ruffled Regulus’s hair. They’d become good friends over the years since he and Sirius had met, even before they’d started dating. Sirius would drunk dial him and Regulus would spend most of the night chatting with Remus while Sirius did keg stands and made a show of himself. 
“Can we take you on a tour tomorrow? You can get to know the city before you start your first shift.” Sirius asked over dinner. Sirius had braved the locals to go to the chippy round the corner. It was excellent, the best fish and chips he’d ever had. 
Regulus went to sleep that night, finally feeling free for the first time in his life. He took Sirius up on his offer to see the small city. They ate breakfast and hopped on a bus into the city centre. Sirius took him to see the giant cathedral towering over the other buildings. Then through the Shambles, an ancient medieval street. The narrow street was jam-packed with shops and shoppers. The top levels of the buildings overhanging the street below. They took a walk along the bar walls that wrapped around the entire city, protecting it from enemy armies. Sirius took him on a river cruise down the Ouse and then into the Dungeons to learn about Dick Turpin. 
“Stand and deliver, your money or your life!” Sirius had yelled at him as he jabbed him in the back with a fake sword he’d gotten from the gift shop. 
“Turpin would have used pistols, not a sword,” Regulus pointed out. Sirius shrugged and poked him again. They walked down by the river to get home. His feet hurt but it had been worth it. The city was beautiful and he’d spent more time with his brother than he had for years. Tomorrow he’d start at the hospital and he needed to be wide awake to be on his game. 
Sirius dropped him off at the door, kissed his cheek and handed him a packed lunch. 
“Look at our boy Remus, all grown up and off to be a doctor.” Sirius pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes. 
“There, there dear. He’s a big boy now, we have to let him go,” Remus made his voice deep but struggled by the end, as he couldn’t help laughing. 
“Yeah, yeah, love you too. C'ya later.” He blew them a kiss anyway and walked through the doors. 
The resident in charge of them was the most handsome man Regulus had ever seen. He had to take a few deep breaths to calm his speeding heart. He felt suddenly very warm and could feel himself beginning to sweat. 
“Dr Black?” Dr James Potter looked up from his list. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Sirius Black would you?” 
“Yes, he’s my brother, Dr Potter,” Regulus replied in as even a voice as he could. 
“He’s one of my best friends, I’ll be sure to let him know how you’re getting on,” Dr Potter winked at him. Regulus felt lightheaded. Oh, great, now he not only fancied his mentor but the guy just happened to be Sirius’s friend. He should have known better than to move in with his brother. Well, he was going to prove he deserved to be here. 
Dr Potter looked at him, his eyes glimmering with something.
“Well, this is going to be fun,” James grinned widely before they began the morning rounds. 
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avvail-whumps · 1 year
‘guns for hire’ — the finale #38
previous · masterlist
content warnings: intimate whumper, conditioned whumpee, stockholm syndrome, past torture, injury recovery, implied bribery, mentioned non-con drugging, mentioned panic attacks, dub-con kissing, dub-con touching (not sexual or explicit)
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Gulping down another glass of fresh water from the miniscule plastic cup, Leo gave a refreshed, soft sight as the cooling water flooded down his sore throat.
His eyes and his cheeks were still sticky from crying, damp under his chin. He eagerly scrubbed it away, reddening his skin as he did so, but part of him couldn’t care. His puffy eyes flickered up to the clock behind him.
It had been a while since the interrogations had finished.
Leo heard a lot of yelling from outside; Sharpe and Summers were right outside the door, and it hadn’t been closed properly, so he could hear their voices clearer than before. A man, old and intimidating from the sound of his booming voice, had been screaming down the corridors.
There was something about not having a warrant for Roy’s arrest, which Leo clung onto tightly. That meant all of this was unlawful, right? It suddenly made sense as to why Sharpe had been so insistent on getting his confession before the forty-eight hours were up. It also meant that he would probably be allowed to leave soon.
His heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Roy again. He just wanted to feel his touch and listen to his voice. Over forty-eight hours without him was too unbearable for the secretary.
After minutes passed, Summers came back in again. She smiled warmly at him, motioning for him to stand up.
“Your father’s here, Leo,” she offered gently, causing his eyes to lift up in surprise. His mouth popped open, unable to find the right words. The concept of seeing his father gave him mixed emotions. Roy’s hissing words were constantly whispering in his ear.
He eventually managed to push himself onto wobbly feet, joining her outside. Sharpe was nowhere to be found, nor the shouting man from before. Judging from what he had overheard, that was the Police Commissioner.
“Am I allowed to go home?” He whispered hesitantly, like he was treading on eggshells. Her remorseful eyes looked down on him, sighing quietly.
“You’ll spend a little time at the hospital so they can properly check your injuries,” she informed, easing him along the corridor. He walked slowly, but she matched his pace to accommodate his sluggish footsteps. God, he just wanted to put his head on his pillow and go to sleep. “They’ll give you some medication to help you process everything, alright?”
Leo slowly nodded his head. “Then I can go home?”
Summers turned the corner, leading him to the front of station and down some stairs. “Yes. Then you can go home.”
When Leo was taken down the stairs, he saw his father. He was waiting anxiously on the row of chairs, hair a mess and his face red from crying. His eyes snapped towards him as soon as he saw the movement, and with a choked gasp, he snapped to his feet.
Leo’s throat bobbed, taking in the image of his father. He hadn’t really changed much since he last saw him. His skin was a little more wrinkly, and it looked as though his eyes had aged decades. They went glossy amongst seeing his face for the first time, and Leo didn’t have time to open his mouth to say something before familiar arms were wrapping tightly around him. A shaking hand cradled the back of his head, tucking him close into his chest, and his father trembled with raw, unrestrained sobs.
The secretary’s fingers dug into his back, and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly to stop himself from crying. Something stirred in his gut.
“I missed you,” he said in a rush before he could stop himself, feeling his father grip him impossibly tighter. He’d yearned for his father to hold him like this. Ever since his mother left, this was all he’d wanted from him. He loved his father deeply. He knew that. It shoved away the stabbing in his heart for a while, though, and he was okay with that.
His father tried to speak. But Leo knew he’d completely lost his voice, and for that, he just simply held him. Leo didn’t really look anything like his father. He got most of his features from his mother, which was always what he wondered caused his father to push him away like he did.
His father pulled away for a moment. Leo felt large hands cupping his cheeks, tilting his head up. His father’s tired, exhausted eyes wandered over his face, taking in every little detail, every little feature he could, like it would be the last time. His lips were wobbling.
Summers cough snatched both of their attention.
“Mr Whitlock, can I have a word?” She asked politely. “I’m sorry for interrupting.”
His father swallowed, hands dropping to his shoulders with a little squeeze. He nodded his head, struggling to find the right words.
“Yes, right. Of course,” he stammered, pressing a soft kiss on the crown of Leo’s head. His stomach tingled in warmth. His father quietly addressed him. “Please stay where I can see you. I love you.”
Leo jerkily nodded his head. “I love you too.”
It came out more as a whisper, because his throat had closed up inexplicably, and his voice had failed him. His father’s hands begrudgingly peeled away from him, before he and Summers stepped to the side where Leo couldn’t hear them.
His feet took him over to one of the chairs, and he found himself sitting down numbly. Part of him couldn’t quite believe what was going on. Roy’s words were consuming his thoughts, reminding him of the conversation they’d had after the twenty minutes with each mercenary. Amplifying those initial feelings of hurt and anger towards him. They were still there, just residing at the bottom of his heart, but it was overshadowed by the very concept of just seeing him again. Of feeling him hold him. Of hearing the words “I love you” from him again. 
Leo wrung his fingers together nervously. It didn’t feel as good as when Roy said it, though. Summers and his father talked for a while. Apparently, an ambulence was on the way to take them both to the hospital so Leo could get looked at properly. He didn’t like the idea of being shackled to a bed again, but there wasn’t anything he could do. She was probably catching him up on what they knew to buy time for its arrival. 
Leo was given some water and a little sandwich to keep him occupied. His father sat with him for a long while, but was pulled away again by both Sharpe and Summers once more. The detective gave him a long, hard stare when he passed. 
Both of them knew that Leo had lied. Both of them knew the truth, but Sharpe still offered him a light smile, as if to say “it’s going to be okay”. 
The secretary had finished his sandwich when two other people caught his eye. An old, white haired man, weathered with wrinkles, dressed in a uniform with lots of golden badges pinned to his chest. Leo deduced that he was the Commissoner. He was shaking hands with somebody, a tall man who he couldn’t see the face of. Leo watched him curiously as he passed, but swiftly looked away when his cold, hard gaze flickered to him on the way out. 
His heart fluttered at that, pounding in his chest. 
He didn't know why those eyes frightened him so much, but it was like a horrible gloom had appeared before him, his hairs pricking on edge. He slowly snuck a glimpse as he opened the glass doors, stepping outside, and stopping beside—
Oh. That was Roy. 
He was talking to the tall man with a bit of a stoic, hard expression, and waved a hand dismissvely when the older one pulled out a big, thick cigar. He seemed to hand something to Roy, but he couldn’t pin exactly what it was. Leo’s heart fluttered in his chest, his eyes glued onto the back of his head. The sectrary wondered something. Was that his uncle? Why had he been shaking hands with the Commissioner? 
As if sensing eyes on him, Roy titled his head back, and Leo almost jolted in his seat. His lips curved into an amused smirk, and he crooked his finger towards himself, as if beckoning him outside. Leo didn’t even have a second to think about it, the worried words of his father unheard in his mind, before he was on his feet, and scurrying towards the door. He pushed the door open, his heart in his throat and his blood rushing through his veins. His eyes ran over him frantically, as if he’d already forgotten every little detail.
The man, who Leo suspected was Roy’s uncle, had already disappeared into a sleek black car down the road. He wasn’t paying any attention to him, however, all of his focus tailored to the mercenary. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he whispered under his breath, itching just to throw himself at the man and feel his arms wrap securely around him. Roy chuckled, his eyes shimmering. 
“I know you didn’t, lion,” he hummed, a soft lilt to his voice that had the secretary melting on the spot. “I know how good for me you can be when you want to.” 
His big eyes stared up at him. “Are you proud of me?” 
He really wanted to feel Roy’s hand on his head, brushing affectionately through his hair, but he knew that probably wasn’t going to happen while they were still outside the police station. The mercenary managed a warming, encouraging smile that made his heart flutter. 
“Of course I am.” 
That was all he wanted to hear. That was all he needed to hear, and any little doubt he had about not telling Sharpe was erased. It was that easy for Leo to get swept violently by the current. He beamed. 
“I’m supposed to go to the hospital for a little while,” he told him, and Roy nodded his head. 
“I know,” he murmured. “I’ll come get you once you’re finished.” 
Leo’s spine shivered. “You promise?” 
Roy nodded. “Promise, lion. You know I’d never let you go so easily.” 
Those words brought a sense of ease and comfort this time. As long as Roy promised. As long as he was going to come back, then Leo could keep going. He could stay separated for a little while longer with that notion in his mind, reminding him who he was doing this for. 
“Oh, and lion?” 
The secretary paused, his fingers on the door relaxing as he eagerly glanced over.
Roy handed him a sealed box, and he flipped it over to find that it was a phone. His eyes flickered up to him in confusion, brows pinching. 
“I’ll be in touch, alright?” The mercenary hummed, patting his shoulder. The touch made his skin sizzle and burn, a blush rising to his cheeks. He latched onto the small contact, and knew it would be all he was going to think about before he was out of hospital. “Be a good boy and wait for me, lion.” 
When the ambulance came, he and his father were both taken away from the police station. Being in the hospital was more difficult than he had anticipated. Being examined and bombarded with even more questions was far too strenuous on his mind, especially since he didn’t have Roy there with him. The mercenary hadn’t contacted him or visited him at all, but Leo tried not to let it get to him. If it was his uncle at the police station, then he was most likely frying much bigger fish than he could comprehend. 
He spent a lot longer in the bleak, mindless building than he would have hoped. Each time they had to take his blood or prod any sharp needle into his forearm, he found himself falling into hysterics. It was only made worse when there were so many hands pinning him down, forcing him into those terrifying memories with the other mercenaries, and he would have to be sedated for a little while. 
His father visited him the most often. But so did people from his old work. They would bring balloons and presents, showering him with cards and kind words. It would have been better if it was from Roy, though. 
When Leo was out of the hospital, his father drove him back to his old home. He cooked for him, helped him into bed, eased his medication into his system and made sure to tell him that he loved him everytime he left a room. It was all Leo had ever wanted from him, but it was hollow. It didn’t feel real. His eyes were only ever glued onto his phone. Waiting for a call, or a text message, leaping for his phone whenever it lit up in the middle of the night. His heart was starting to pound at the very prospect of him not coming. Of being abandoned again. 
When it did come, Leo was already packing. 
His father was sound asleep as he crept through the house, slowly unlocking the door and sneaking out. He’d left him a note. He had his contact in his phone. He’d keep in touch with him, ring him every week, and everything would be okay. His father was trying his best, but he was an adult, and the pain of staying in his childhood home made it difficult to keep his head on straight. 
He took his violin with him. Leo didn’t know what happened to the old one, but Roy had been able to conceal things away so well that they’d never found anything upon searching the house. He even remembered him saying something about a “thorough computer guy” one of the very first times he’d woken up in that basement. 
The secretary was glad for it, though. 
This time, when he saw Roy, he was able to leap into his arms. Strong ones found their way around his waist, pulling him in, and Leo buried his face into his chest with a soft cry. He’d missed the man so much, it had almost been unbearable. It had been far too long since he’d been able to touch him like this again. 
“I missed you too, lion,” he teased, patting the small of his waist gently. “Come on. Put your stuff in the boot.” 
Leo was barely able to do that coherently, with Roy kissing him as he went and easing him into the backseat of the car. He barely registered the fact that there was a driver, wearily waiting for some orders. He wondered if the car and the driver were his uncles doing, but those thoughts were quickly swallowed up when a hand gently cradled the back of his head, fingers teasing the locks. They’d grown far too long for Leo’s liking. 
Roy broke the kiss to send a sharp look towards the driver. “Go on.” 
He obeyed quickly enough, the car purring to life and rolling off the curb of the pavement. The mercenary’s lip found his neck again, and Leo’s hands gripped his shoulders tightly, his legs sprawled out awkwardly across the car. Roy’s fingers tightened in his hair, and they were suddenly jerking his head back abruptly. A sharp pain spiralled through his scalp and his neck, and a soft cry of pain escaped his lips.
The mercenary leaned closer, his lips teasing the shell of his ear.
“Just so you know, lion,” he murmured every do quietly, his low voice making shivers tingle down his spine. “It doesn’t matter if you’d told them or not. Either way, I would have been walking out of here. And had I known you sided with them, I would have hurt you unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.”
Leo’s throat closed with gasps, the grip in his hair making him wince. Still, with a pounding heart, a twitch of a smile pulled at his lips.
“I know,” he breathlessly whispered, his shaking hand moving down his chest, pressing against his leg, and letting his fingers tease under the waistband of his pants. Roy’s eyes glimmered brightly, and an amused smirk spread across his face.
“You little minx,” he purred, the grip in his hair easing when he pushed his lips against his again. Leo’s eyes fluttered shut, melting into the kiss with a newfound hunger. Because if Roy were to take his clothes off and push him onto the leather seats right now, then that was proof that he loved him back. Leo was sure enough of that.
Roy placed light kisses against his lips, easing off. Leo had to hold back a frustrated huff, but a peck against the furrow in his brow made that annoyance disappear in an instant. The mercenary pulled him closer into his side, and Leo melted into the embrace, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
The trees rushed by in a blur, but the secretary was more focused on the warmth of the man beside him. Leo leaned his head comfortably against his shoulder, clinging onto Roy’s arm, one hand tangled snugly within his. The mercenary was stroking the back of his scarred hand with his thumb, making his skin tingle and his heart flutter in his chest.
He couldn’t stop the smile that made its way onto his face. The sense of calm and peace that was flowing through him right now was completely unmatched.
“I love you,” Leo hummed quietly under his breath, and the man shifted, pressing a warming kiss to his temple.
“I know, little lion,” he smiled, squeezing his hand gently, letting him know that he was assured, that he was completely his. In every way. “I know.”
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and with that, the main story is complete. i can’t believe it’s over already. thank you for all the kind words throughout writing 🩵
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10 @professional-idiocy @seaweed-is-cool @theelvishcowgirl @atomicsandwichprince @sunshiline-writes @peasandpotatos @pirefyrelight @enigmawritesstuff @reverie1234 @obsessedsplicer505 @mithras-energy @morning-star-whump
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underrrated1 · 1 year
Not always natural
Uta is probably one of my favorite characters of all time, she's so adorable!!
Just a reminder requests are open!!
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"I'm home!" Y/N shouted, leaning down to take off their shoes. After they've taken them off they turn around and lock the door while taking their jacket off and putting it on the rack.
There was a moment of silence before there was a reply, "Welcome Home dear!" She shouted further in from the house.
"How was your day?" Uta shouted back after a moment.
"Fine" Y/N said back, setting their bag down on the table and walking further into the house, following the sound of Uta's voice like a game of Marco Polo.
It wasn't hard to find her, seeing as the bathroom light was on and the door was cracked open. While walking over they looked at the pictures hanging from the walls. Lovely pictures of them and Uta out on dates and such.
"Whatcha doing hun?" They asked, reaching to grab the door handle and opening the bathroom door so they could see.
"My hair" Uta replied, turning around to smile at them.
Doing her hair indeed. Uta wore a plain white T-shirt and some pajama pants. Her hands wore plastic gloves and one was holding a small brush with red dye on it.
"Perfect timing actually, could you do the back for me? I can't reach that well" she complained, lightly holding the brush towards them.
"Sure" Y/N nodded, grabbing the brush and pulling back their long sleeves.
And so the two sat in silence, just the sound of hair dye and brushing through the air. Uta started humming soon after, a random song but a beautiful one as always.
"I always forget you have to do the white side too" Y/N spoke up, eyeing the empty white dye box on the counter.
"My hair is light, but it'll never be that light" Uta sighed, it was a true statement but she sounded like she was complaining more than stating a fact.
"Eh-" they started, "maybe when you're super old and wrinkly you won't have to."
Uta gasped, putting a hand over her heart and totally staining the shirt. Her pretend offense to their statement made the two let out a chuckling fit.
"I don't know what you mean, I'll stay like this forever. I'll never have wrinkles on my perfect skin" Uta smiled, watching them through the mirror as they combed through her long hair.
With a hum they leaned forward and kissed Uta's cheek. "Whatever you say dear."
After a while of conversation the dying process was complete. Uta has split her hair into two buns and wrapped them up in plastic wrap before putting a beanie on.
"Thank you for the help" Uta smiled, grabbing Y/N's face and kissing them gently.
"It's the least I can do for a beauty like you" they replied, smearing the access die they got on their hands all over their shirt with a chuckle.
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sionisjaune · 9 months
🎁 brocedes... lewis yearning for nico is like hot chocolate to me
🎁mutuals get ficlets for the holidays!🎁
Lewis finds himself pacing the apartment, sweeping from the bedroom to the balcony and back again. He lights a candle. Fetches wine from the rack and sticks it in the fridge. Lifts Roscoe off of the ottoman when he hauls his wrinkly ass onto it because Nico has a no dogs on the furniture rule. 
“Sorry buddy,” says Lewis, scratching Roscoe apologetically under his chin. “You know the rules.” 
Roscoe puffs out a warm sigh and lets a string of gooey drool drop from his mouth onto the carpet. 
“Thanks for that,” says Lewis, inspecting the dark spot on the carpet. “Really classy.” He heaves himself onto the sofa, Roscoe pawing forlornly at his shin for not being allowed up. “Jeez, why am I even talking to you? I must be going fucking crazy.” Roscoe side-eyes Lewis like he agrees. “Don’t look at me like that,” says Lewis, pointedly. Roscoe just sighs again, too human-like, and lays his head on Lewis’s feet. 
Lewis confines himself to the sofa, counting the passing seconds and attempting to nap. It doesn’t really work. He arrives at second six hundred before he admits to himself that he’s too anxious to fall asleep. He could take an edible—that would help. But then he’d be down for the rest of the evening, too useless to do anything but giggle and paw at Nico’s chest. It’s impossible, missing someone so much. It’s only been three weeks. 
Lewis is staring at the ceiling when he finally hears the sound of keys in the door and nearly trips over Roscoe’s head in his haste to get off the sofa. Nico’s only halfway through the door when Lewis gets there, a bag under one arm and his car keys in his hand. Lewis pulls him through the door, tosses his keys in the vague direction of the bowl on the credenza, and kisses him hard with Nico’s bag crushed between them. 
Nico pulls back first, something like surprise on his face. There’s a bit of stubble on his jaw, and his hair is less styled than usual. When Lewis glances at the bag, he notices it’s full of pink paper, drawn on and dotted with glitter. 
“You’re in early,” says Nico, shutting the door behind him and toeing off his loafers. 
“Caught an earlier flight,” says Lewis. “Thank fucking God.” 
Nico hums, maneuvering around Lewis in the entryway. “If I’d have known I would have made my excuses. I was dropping the girls off at Vivian’s, but Amelie insisted I stay for her tea party.”
Lewis imagines Nico hunched over a child-sized table sipping imaginary tea from a plastic teacup. Something aches inside his chest, like a loose rib. “No—that sounds… cute,” he says. He gives Nico a tug on the sleeve to prompt him into the living room and onto the sofa with Lewis. He pulls Nico on top of him, draping him across his own body like a blanket. Nico laughs into his neck. 
“Did you miss me?” he says, muffled, his lips brushing Lewis’s jugular. 
Lewis wraps an arm across Nico’s back and hauls him impossibly closer. It’s a spaceless kind of proximity, like sharing a slim bunk. Every jut of Nico’s fits into every crag of Lewis’s. Somewhere on the carpet, Roscoe huffles loudly, obviously feeling excluded.
“That damn codependent dog,” says Nico, against Lewis’s skin. 
“Yeah,” says Lewis. “The dog.” 
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 for the injury prompts <3333
“Okay. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do—fuck.”
From this prompt list
For: Siv
CW: Animal injury and discussion of animal death
"Oh. Oh my god." Siv stopped running, seeing something in the middle of the road. A black hairless cat lay there, whimpering in pain, her back legs and torso having been crushed by a car. Siv pulled off their jacket, flipping it inside-out so that no blood would stain the inner lining, and wrapped it around the cat, cradling it in her arms.
Siv took a deep breath, holding the squirming bundle close to their chest, when she noticed six tiny kittens running towards her. They all looked like their mama, black and wrinkly. "Okay. Okay, here's what we're gonna do-" Siv hoisted the injured cat over one shoulder, causing it to yowl in pain. "-fuck."
Siv started scooping the kittens into their pockets, thankful for her choice earlier to wear cargo pants. They sincerely hoped that the kittens wouldn't get into her weapons stash, but she was fairly certain that the leather case that the throwing knives in her left hip pocket were in was kitten-proof.
Then she saw it. Mewling and limping, struggling to get to its mama. The runt of the litter, Siv assumed by its tiny figure, had been born different, with legs that didn't quite work.
"Oh, you poor baby." Siv kneeled down, careful not to drop the injured cat on their shoulder, and reached down to grab the kitten. Immediately, it hissed and lashed out, slashing tiny claws across Siv's skin. "Ouch. Spicy baby. But I'm still faster."
Quicker than the feisty kitten could react, Siv grabbed it by the nape of its neck and stuffed it into her pocket. They reached for their phone, struggling to find it under the two kittens that were in that pocket, but successfully retrieved it, going into her maps app and searching up "Veterinary Hospitals". There was one only a few blocks away.
Siv made sure all their pockets were buckled and that the cat was secure against her shoulder, then dashed off in the direction of the vet clinic, screeching to a halt in their driveway.
"I have an injured cat." Siv walked up to the front desk. "I think she got hit by a car."
"We'll have someone to look at her as soon as possible. Is she yours?"
"No. I found her in the road. I don't know if she has a family or if she's a stray."
"Go ahead and take a seat. We'll have someone out in just a moment."
Siv sat on one of the plastic chairs next to a kennel with a very familiar golden retriever.
"Stella?" Siv whispered, putting their hand down for the dog to sniff. Stella immediately began licking her hand, tail thumping against the bottom of her crate.
"She likes you." A tall woman with long purple locs said. "I don't."
"You." Siv narrowed her eyes. "I assure you, the feeling's mutual."
"I'm not going to fight you here." Cassandra sat down next to Siv, pulling Stella's crate closer to her protectively. "Jay's dog hasn't been eating. We need to make sure it isn't anything serious."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Siv adjusted the cat on their shoulder. "Stella's a sweetheart. We used to play with her in Jay's backyard back in high school."
"Hmmm." Cassandra turned up her nose at Siv, turning the other way.
A few moments later, a vet tech walked up to Siv. "Hi. Are you the one who found the cat?"
Siv nodded. "I am."
"Follow me."
Siv followed the tech back, giving one last withering glare at Cassandra before going through the doors into the veterinary hospital. When they reached the exam room, Siv lay the cat on the bed, folding up their jacket and placing it on one of the nearby chairs.
"This is really bad." The vet tech said, examining the shaking cat's crushed lower body. "We might need to euthanize her."
"What about the kittens?"
"What kittens?"
Siv opened her pockets, pulling out three kittens. "These kittens. There's six of them."
"Keep them, or bring them to a shelter." The tech replied. "Though if you intend to keep them, I'd recommend this one. The runt. It'll be the hardest for her to get adopted, especially with her legs like that. Just tape them upright and leave them like that for a couple weeks, and she'll be walking normally in no time."
Siv looked down at the feisty kitten, who was currently attacking the vet tech's shoelaces. "Will she need to be bottle-fed?"
"No. I think they're all old enough to eat soft food. Either canned food or dry, soaked in warm water." The vet tech replied. "Oh. There's the vet."
A man with glasses and dark brown hair in a bun walked in, dressed in rainbow scrubs. "Hey, I'm Zach, I'm the vet." He leaned over, giving the injured cat a scratch on the head. "Yeah, we're gonna need to euthanize her. She's dying, it's the kindest thing we can do. I'm gonna scan her for a microchip, see if she has a family who would want to say goodbye before we put her down."
"What about the kittens?"
"We'll keep them here, if you'd like, to see if her family wants to keep them. If not, do you want to keep in contact?"
"Yeah, sure." Siv grabbed a sticky note off the desk, scratching down their number. They passed the sticky note to the vet, then emptied her pockets of the rest of the kittens. "I hate to be that person, but how much is this going to cost me?"
"Well, we currently have a partnership with a local nonprofit for homeless animals that people take in, so for now, nothing."
Siv breathed a sigh of relief. "Let me know if you need someone to take the kittens, okay?"
"Will do." The vet replied. "You can go now, if you'd like."
Siv nodded, giving the cat a scratch on the head. "Stay strong, mama."
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endwersed · 10 months
Actually, the funniest thing about tiktok and Twitter are the people OBSESSED with skincare who are like "teehee, can you believe I'm 24?? Look how good my skin is!!"
Like yeah. You are YOUNG. I'm 32 and I don't have crows feet yet. It's not like you hit 18 and turn into a sharpei!!
Oh god yes!
I'm 28, 29 in just over a month, and I still regularly get ID'd pretty much any time I go to any bar. You don't turn withered and wrinkly overnight.
Also, wrinkles? Not the enemy. I keep seeing people getting botox/plastic surgery younger and younger and it's genuinely horrifying
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thezfc · 1 year
I love TH looks but he seems to not care about spf too :((
what I find remarkable is that the condition of Tom's skin always seems to change. At the fragrance event everything looks rather dry and wrinkly, but then at official occasions he looks like he hasn't aged in 10 years and his skin is smooth and rosy (screening in paris, wimbledon). And I don't think someone who wears their jeans until they fall apart goes to a plastic surgeon or an esthetician.
Well at events he might have some makeup on or if he was styled at a least some lotion, maybe a well blended concealer
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Truffoire Reviews the Best Things You Can Do for Your Skin to Age Gracefully
When your skin matures, you are bound to face certain issues such as wrinkles, fine lines or dullness on your skin. There may be other issues that are deeper set in the skin such as pigmentation, freckles and more. It is because you need to avoid these issues and keep your skin healthy that you need to learn about the different ways in which you can keep your skin healthy and age gracefully. There are a lot of ways in which you can make sure to care for your skin health and help it age without much trouble. Some people vouch for Truffoire – Plastic Surgery in a bottle? And it is known to be highly effective, which is why the use of the branded products is popular. Apart from using the anti-aging solutions from the brand, it is also important to maintain a couple of other skin care habits.
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If you are aware of how to care for your skin in the right manner, you can make sure to see it age like fine wine. While there is no stopping the effects of aging, you can surely delay it with a couple of good habits. Here is what you can do for achieving a healthy skin with delayed effects of aging:
Start Early:
One of the most important things that you need to do to get your skin care in order and for the effects of aging to slow down effectively is to start early. You need to make it a point to ensure that you do not delay the actions and start even while the effects of aging are not apparent on your skin yet. If you are sure about getting your efforts started early, you do not have to suddenly deal with problems of aging that may eventually become unmanageable.
Put your best foot forward:
When you choose to have your skin care and antiaging efforts in order, make it a point to opt for the best methods of anti-aging. Make use of the most viable products, have the right kinds of schedules and get all your guns out. It is wise to have not just a day time skin care routine but also indulge in bedtime skin care schedules. This is something that can help in ensuring that you give your skin all the care and pampering that it needs to mature gracefully.
Work on sensitive areas of the skin:
There are certain areas of the skin that are more prone to showing the effects of aging than others. When you want to make sure that you are able to age gracefully, it is important to work on those areas with much more vigor. Truffoire Reviews – What Makes People Pick Anti-Aging Products and in most cases it is because certain parts of the skin start to look saggy and wrinkly. However, if you get the right products and routines for the sensitive areas, you can prevent that from happening.
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syrinq · 2 years
sy's Fun Reflective Post On Idk 90s Toys And Shit Or Whatever
glass deco
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the shit you'd draw on some plastic, peel off and then put on a window. fucking awesome. 90s kid version of forbidden edible tidepod or whatever. the minus is that it'd eventually dry up and fall off and be utterly useless. I Wish I Could Have It Forever
2. the water ring things
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especially if they had a little landscape like with idk dolphins and glitter. this shit was fucking lit. the gentle SWOOSH of the water and the rings going uppity and blah blah blah. awesome. fucking lit. a child's cocaine supply or something
3. wooden snake
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whirling this around and getting your fingers stuck in it and it hurt a little but then you do it again because it feels funny. and also shaking it for the wooden snake noise. this hsit is aweosme
4. barbie/generic doll shoes
see video. seriously i don't even care about barbies i just wanted the shoes for that reason. (also reason i loved bugles besides eating them because they were like witch nails)
5. mega bloks dragon
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6. water dinosaurs
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7. the plastic puzzle shit that's really just a predecessor to lego
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8. rush hour
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9. play sand
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10. play dough
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11. predecessor to tennis idk
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the colours were nice. other than that these things kinda fucking sucked ass
12. marbles but they have a playground
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fuck playing marbles with other kids during lunch like you're playing fucking billiards. THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT. ROLLERCOASTER FUN PLAYGROUND PARK ETC. FOR MARBLES. FUCKING AWESOME. FUCKING LIT. I LOVE THIS
13. the sketch thing
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everything you draw on it looks horrible and if you draw enough there'll always be remnants of pen strokes. but it was cool.
14. stinky rubber bouncy balls
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you bounce them around you accidentally hit your head with it and then you also scratch or possibly chew off parts of it because. i don't know. candy ball.
15. apparently called rubber poppers
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annoying ass cunts
16. squishy water anything
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bonus points if it has animals or wiggly things or whatever in it. awesome. fucking lit.
17. groan tube
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also known as the kid's equivalent of an evil trumpet light saber weapon. why is it called a groan tube. that's the stupidest name i've ever heard of. anyway these things were awesome
18. those rubber things that you make things with
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why is it called scoubidou and why did everyone make helicopters
19. the empty doll books that you could draw clothes on
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very cool very swag. i sucked at it tho
20. apparently they're called jelly sandals???
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utterly fucking AWFUL. a tool to not slip in swimming pools or just general shoe usage. DISGUSTING. poking in your skin 24/7. disgusting. awful texture. hate these.
21. anything webkinz but it's not webkinz
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plush... online pet...... the best fucking wombo combo shit you could ever have as a kid. fucking awesome. and then all those virtual pet sites had to go die off or whatever and i'm still incredibly salty about that as an adult. look at that lamb..... my pathetic wet sad summer child i had when i was idk 7
22. magnetix
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fucking killer things these. unless you drop a stick and it's lost forever and then it's Good Bye My Friend
alright i'm done my brain has lost thinking capacity on this topic goodbye
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anawkwardshit · 1 day
Death is a Weird Thing for Children
(‼️Warning‼️: this story does contain the description of a corpse, and it is described rather callously due to a skewed perception, I mean no disrespect to the deceased in any manner.)
I have a very few memories of when I was very young, as most kids obviously, but there are a few that have stuck in my mind for one reason or another. One in particular is a memory from when I was 3, or on the cusp of it, and my parents took me to a funeral.
I vividly remember my dad wearing a suit, my mom wearing black, though I don’t recall what exactly my sister and I were wearing. I vividly remember what the entrance looked like, the layout of the building when we walked inside (it was a small church), and what I was thinking at the time.
I had no idea why we were there. Perhaps my parents had told me where we were going before we left, had explained things, but if they did, I don’t recall that, but I don’t recall getting ready to leave or the drive there either. I highly doubt they did, though, or I likely would have recalled having these thoughts while in the church. Instead, I just remember looking around, seeing all the people talking and greeting each other, and not understanding why we were there.
What I also saw was this weird line congregating at this big box on an elevated platform (which I now know was the open casket on the church stage). People were looking inside of it, and I had no clue what they were looking at. I recall wondering what could be so interesting that everyone was gathering to look, and I simply had to know what was inside this box.
My parents must have been distracted talking to the other adults, because nobody stopped my sister and I (twins, so same age). We waited for people to disperse from the box, because our child brains told us that we had to look when nobody was watching in case we were told no and because we were too small to shove through the crowd of big humans.
Once people were mostly done looking at the box, the stage being almost empty, my sister and I waddled up onto this stage and stepped up this little set of stairs (placed right next to the casket) to grab the edge of the big wood box and lift our chins up to peek inside.
I still remember with clarity what I was thinking of the sight at the time, and how I computed it as a child is still the image it leaves in my head to this day, despite the knowledge of what it truly was as an adult.
I gazed upon this object in a weird box, white and soft-looking on the inside, almost cartoonishly strained on my tippy-toes to catch even just a glimpse of this captivating spectacle that everyone had been gazing and muttering over. So eagerly had I peered in, I was met quickly with disappointment, as the sight was not as exciting as I’d hoped, and also utter confusion, because what was so interesting about this?
It was simply…a thing. I honestly could not comprehend what it was. I stared at it for a long time, thinking perhaps everyone’s interest had not been about excitement but confusion. Perhaps they were so interested because they, too, had no idea what this strange thing in this box was.
It was human-shaped, certainly, that made enough sense, but it was not human. It did not even register as human to me for a moment, and even the description “human-shaped” was a fourth or fifth observation I made when gazing at it. Colored like paper but not, colored weird I knew for sure, dressed up like a doll but underneath the clothes (the skin exposed, though I certainly didn’t compute it as skin) was all wrinkly in a way I thought maybe meant it had been bunched up wrong for too long. Waxy, too (though I didn’t know that word at the time, but I recall making that observation even without understanding the word for it), like a warped piece of dull plastic.
I was so far from recognizing it as a human being that it didn’t even register to me to having any similarity to a mannequin from the mall - it was just this weird thing in a box that made no sense.
It is so interesting to me that, as a young child, I gazed upon a dead body, a once living human being, and recognized that there was no life whatsoever, as though a human-shaped mannequin that had never been alive was more similar to an actual person than a corpse of a woman that had once been alive, like the lack of soul made this person utterly unrecognizable as a human at all.
My lack of knowledge regarding death meant that I had no frame of reference. I still don’t fully understand what it was about the body that made me unable to recognize it as a person, dead or not, just that it was so far out of my understanding that I was only confused. The sight did not scare me, startle me, make me nervous or unsettled - I was just confused, because to me, what I was looking at was something I had never seen before, and I just couldn’t place what it was supposed to be.
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cheddar-inq · 5 months
so rolly girl has NEVER liked baths, at least never since we got her. shes always a bit dehydrated because no matter how hard i try i can never get her to spend more than a couple minutes in the bath, and she often waits so long to actually eat her morning salad that it mostly dries up so she doesnt get nearly enough water in her
i can tell bc 1: always wrinkly,,, if i gently pinch her skin / scales a bit it doesnt return to its original place, just. sits there. 2: the fat pads on her head are sunken in basically always, but shes a good weight and looks perfectly healthy otherwise, which ive seen / read / been told can be a sign of dehydration if it isnt malnutrition or being underweight
i have tried making the water cooler, making the water hotter, adding more water, adding less water, putting her in the bathtub, putting her in a plastic tub on the counter, pouring water on her, ect and she has never, ever enjoyed it and i always end up having to take her out early out of fear that she'll get hurt
HOWEVER. i have found a solution :3333
if i put her in the sink with the drain plugged (not fully plugged but using like. a strainer plug so the water still drains but she cant fall in or get stuck) and run the water like very low / low pressure and turn the faucet to the shower setting, as long as i dont pour it directly on her, i can get her to stand the bath for like. at least twice the time
because even if im not directly showering her, i can pour water over her back and she doesnt mind and she occasionally would run underneath it (and then immediately back out because she hates her face getting wet SBDHBD) and also its still surrounding her with water, and also the water wont get cold over time bc its from the sink on a warm setting :333
so hopefully i can get her hydrated quickly !!!!!!! ill give her another bath like this tomorrow and see how she looks but she seemed very happy once she got used to it
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rishikaroy95 · 1 year
Dermal Fillers and Botox Treatment
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Turn around the indications of maturing with Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are turning out to be more well-known for their restorative viability.
Utilized in superficial strategies, these fillers give volume and completion to the skin.
An extremely successful device to battle the indications of maturing, dermal fillers can manage facial kinks and skin overlays.
Skin loses collagen and fat as it ages and is given different factors, for example, sun harm, smoking, horrible eating routine, contamination and so on making it look wrinkly and droopy.
Dermal Fillers contain Hyaluronic corrosive in an exceptionally cleansed structure.
This is utilized to assemble collagen that is lost from the maturing skin subsequently reestablishing volume, lifting hanging skin and plumping out folds
The hyaluronic corrosive filler is infused in the layers of skin in the folds in the wake of desensitizing the skin with a nearby sedative cream.
Dangers and advantages of facial fillers:
At the point when utilized on the facial skin, dermal fillers are named facial fillers.
There are different facial fillers and the advantages and dangers of utilizing everyone are extraordinary to the item.
While the advantages are critical, the dangers are minor and can be dealt with by picking a specialist chairman and guaranteeing high cleanliness in the interim.
Plus, utilizing a couple of safety measures after the organization can likewise help in forestalling the dangers of facial fillers.
It is essential to take note that you should just involve FDA-endorsed facial fillers for the restorative strategies and guarantee that main a certified specialist with enough experience oversees it.
Key benefits of Dermal fillers in Bangalore:
Benefits for the skin:
Since fillers contain regular skin part, it has a heap of advantages for the skin.
The presence of Hyaluronic is corrosive in facial fillers making your skin gleam and sparkle normally.
Since magnificence is normal you can have a real sense of reassurance and content with the treatment.
Regular outcomes:
One of the greatest advantages of facial fillers is that not normal for plastic medical procedure, it doesn’t leave you seeming to be an alternate individual.
Facial fillers are exceptionally calming and have normal concerning results.
This is fundamentally a direct result of the normal substance present in the fillers.
There are numerous different advantages of facial fillers remembering a lift for self-assurance and fullness of skin.
Notwithstanding, the advantages can be delighted provided that you seek the treatment from a facial forming master as it were.
Wrinkle Unwinding or Botulinum Poison infusions are the furies with Hollywood and our Bollywood VIPs.
This Botox treatment for the face functions admirably that a great many people that attempt them return to keep up with their smooth, youthful, revived appearance.
All in all, what is ‘The Botox Look’?
‘The Botox Look’ or the ‘Frozen Look’ alludes to somebody who has no articulations because their muscles have been loose with excessively many items.
A look that needs a lesser item which helps slice muscle compression to a huge degree yet in addition provides the capacity to shape articulations.
Botulinum Infusions/Kink Loosening up Infusions:
Our looks change because the muscles in the face contract or unwind.
This is brought about by the cerebrum conveying a message through our sensitive spots that we need to, for instance, scowl or chuckle.
At the point when botulinum poison is infused into a particular muscle it hinders the sign from the nerve to the muscles in the face.
It implies that the sensitive spot can’t advise the muscle to move.
These infusions are generally used to treat wrinkles on the face esp.
Botox is additionally used to shape the face or lift the hanging and listing corners of the face.
A portion of the signs for doing these infusions are:
• The crow’s feet (region at the external corner of the eyes)
• Frown lines (in the middle of between the eyebrows)
• Under-eye lines
• Masseter decrease is a famous treatment to diminish the mass at the point of the jaw to change over a square, round or square shape moulded face into the best ‘V’ or oval-formed face.
• To lift a hanging nasal tip
• Nefertiti lift for an etched facial structure and neck shape
• As Meso Botox lessens barely recognizable differences, and crepey skin and opens pores to give the presence of smooth, matt, sparkling skin
After the infusions for Botox treatment in Bangalore, the region treated will look smooth and less creased.
It is normally important to have a treatment each 3–4 months to keep up with and enhance the first outcomes.
It is very protective to have botulinum poison infusions at the above recurrence over a time of years.
A great many people don’t find these infusions difficult.
There will be slight uneasiness and there might be a limited quantity of enlarging or draining at the destinations which will get comfortable in 2–3 hours.
What is Botox aftercare?
After you have gone through a Botox treatment, guarantee you pay attention to the direction of your primary care physician.
You can return to work promptly as it has negligible personal time and is viewed as a noon strategy.
You might be encouraged to play it safe after the treatment.
• For 12 hours, try not to rub or apply strain to the treated region.
• Stay away from the actual effort for 24 hours.
0 notes
on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
(Eskel/Lambert, Triss Merigold & Lambert, Berengar; Modern AU - No Powers; Lambert and Merigold are thirsty and Eskel is hot; mentions of arousal; game and book canon)
Lambert sighed into his knuckles. He was debating whether or not to cuss out the fourteen year old who had just taken a running jump to bomb into the swimmer's lane. Again. It would be his third warning and would therefore mean banishment, followed by a screeching hissy fit from some council estate mother with too-big hoop earrings and talons that could rake the flesh from his face.
Luckily for Lambert, he wasn't the only lifeguard on duty that late summer afternoon. His gaze lifted hopefully to his curly-haired counterpart on the chair opposite. Customers tended to react better to Merigold. She had the face, you know. All cherub-like, innocent and butter-wouldn't-melt. Lambert knew there was a feral cat beneath the sweet facade that took no prisoners, and left claw marks of her own. She could deal with the kid and his mother, and come out with flesh intact. He raised an eyebrow at her.
She shook her head once.
He blew his eyes as wide as he could.
She squinted.
He jutted his lower lip.
She mouthed 'I hate you' as she climbed down from her chair and bellowed at the young swimmer, who stopped splashing before the echo of her voice had even faded and began to wade meekly to the edge of the pool.
She was gone for about ten minutes. Long enough to make sure the kid has gone into the changing rooms, and to inform reception she was happy to speak to any screeching parents that might appear to protest. Her pool, her rules.
Lambert settled back into his chair and resumed staring into space. It wasn't that he was negligent, it was just that nothing ever happened in a midtown leisure centre full of old dears and toddlers on foam floats. It was money, but fuck was it boring. The only excitement was the rotation every thirty minutes to a different chair, when he got to stare at a fresh patch of water or kick people down the waterslide.
It was just as he was slumping down into another post that he clocked Merigold watching something like a hawk. There was no noise, no splashing, so it wasn't a drowner or another nuisance brat. The only other thing that could catch her attention like that was–
Oh. Oh, okay.
Lambert followed her gaze to a new arrival folding his towel on one of the old plastic chairs. Apparently, a statue from a long-dead ancient warrior civilisation had decided to come alive and visit a shitty Kaedweni community pool for a swim. His back muscles alone made Lambert want to sink to his knees and beg; they shifted fluidly beneath tawny copper skin as the guy bent down to tuck his sandals into his gym bag, thick backside pushing out against the thin material of his shorts. When he turned to face the pool, he revealed a muscular, thickly furred chest, and Lambert had to slap a hand to his mouth as it began to water.
Merigold's voice crackled softly through the walkie talkie. "Oh my fucking gods. He's wearing shorts and I can still see–"
Lambert glared over the expanse of the pool and turned the walkie talkie off with a defiant click. She wasn't looking at him. The swimmer had waded into the shallows, rolling his shoulders as he prepared to do his lengths.
It wasn't generally professional to oggle a customer as they went about their business. A body was a body and they all worked the same way, and they were all deserving of the right to exist without fucking judgement. From the old girl with her wrinkly smile as Lambert helped her into the shallow end of the pool to the naked toddler fleeing from a parent desperately trying to put a nappy back on. Lambert saw it all, day in, day out.
But he had a type, alright? Said type didn't use the pool usually. They stayed in the weight room on the floor above, flexing in the mirror and saying the most homoerotic shit to their gymbros while swearing up and down they were straight. They were pretty to look at but the moment they opened their mouths Lambert wanted to knock them out with a dumbbell. Not Lambert's scene. Was a man with the mind of Professor Dorregray and the body of Kreve too much to ask? Apparently fucking so, if Lambert's dating record was anything to go by.
Lambert tried to occupy his caveman brain by checking the clipboard attached to the side of his chair, but it was no use. His eyes drifted back to the chiseled body wading deeper into the pool. The guy did what everyone did; hissed as the cold lapped up his core, took a deep breath and then dunked himself under. Watching the water sluice down from his hair when he stood again, following each curve and contour, made Lambert's stomach clench.
This would all be over as soon as the bloke started swimming. He'd flounder around like a St Bernard in a lake and the spell would be broken. There was nothing sexy about a big man doggy paddling. Cute, maybe, in an 'aww how sweet' condescending TikTok video way. But his dick would be entirely uninterested.
Unfortunately for Lambert, Mr Tall, Dark and Too Fucking Hot For His Own Good was apparently born to be in the water. Despite his bulk, the guy cut down the lanes like a precision torpedo, back taut, limbs efficient and smooth. The water poured over his shoulders, flowed over the crest of his arse. Lambert couldn't tear his eyes away. When the guy flipped over for backstroke, his chest flexing and every other asset barely concealed by cloth and water, Lambert had to lift his thighs and adjust in his seat.
Merigold, who had been laid at some point in the last hundred years, was a lot more composed. She smirked at him when the swimmer started doing backstroke, and then again when he hauled himself out to stretch his calf muscles. They looked tight. Could probably do with a massag–ahh, Lambert needed a bucket of ice water.
Berengar came to relieve him on the rotation and Lambert very gingerly climbed down from the chair. If Berengar saw Lambert's raging and entirely inappropriate boner, then he was polite enough to keep it to himself. Lambert scuttled off to the breakroom and inhaled a cup of searing hot coffee, trying to think of wrinkly grannies and the changing rooms at clearing out time to calm his libido.
When Lambert re-emerged, the walking wet dream had clearly finished his lengths because he was heading into the changing room. Lambert glanced around for Merigold, but couldn't spot her, and then looked at the plastic where the swimmer had dumped his stuff. He'd left his goggles behind.
Shit. Lambert walked over and picked them up. They weren't the cheap kind from the leisure centre shop either. Prescription lenses; fucking expensive. With an irritable growl, Lambert went trundling into the changing rooms. It was getting late which meant they were pretty empty, but for a few late arrivals looking to unwind on the jacuzzi. He found the guy standing by the lockers, water droplets running down his back from his mop of black hair, and cleared his throat. "Hey, you, uh, you left these."
The guy looked round, and a pair of the most stunning hazel eyes Lambert had ever seen settled first on Lambert's face and then the goggles thrust towards them. "Ah, crap, thanks," the guy said, and his voice sounded like it had been ripped straight from an old country music album; the kind only played on vinyl while you drank expensive whisky and smoked a cigar. Lambert's knees gave a dangerous judder. The guy wrapped his goggles up. "Always lose my head a bit in new places."
"Yeah, I uh… haven't seen you about before. New to the area?"
"Moved into a new flat by the cricket grounds last weekend. I've just about unboxed the houseplants."
Lambert swallowed. He was a lot smoother than this usually, he'd swear it. But there was something about the weight of those eyes and the lopsided little grin, and that voice. "There's a uh, a good pub near there. Golden Sturgeon. Craft beer and stuff, if you're into that. Not the kinda place where it's all 'the greater gooood' or anything." Lambert put on the hick country voice and then immediately flushed red.
The guy considered him closely, tilting his head like a gods-damned big puppy, and then he smiled again. "Sounds good," he thrust his free hand forward, "'m Eskel."
"Lambert." The handshake was firm and warm. Lambert had to resist running his thumb over those strong fingers for a little too long, and tucked both of his palms into the small of his back as soon as Eskel released him. "I'll, uh, see you around then."
Lambert high-tailed it out of the changing room like someone had set his fucking arse on fire.
Lambert groaned into his forearms as Merigold mocked him. They had ended up in the cocktail bar as they did most Saturday nights, and she wasn't impressed with his lack of outcome. "You didn't even get his number. Pathetic."
"I'd like to see you string a coherent thought together with that rack in your face, fuck me."
"Eww, gross," she said, swirling the umbrella around her gin glass. "Not him, you. But, the good news is, I tried my play and he's definitely not into women."
"Or your game's not as good as you thought," said Berengar dryly as he sat down between them.
"Please," Merigold rolled her eyes, "don't kid yourself. Anyway, he did ask whether you were on shift at the weekend, and I said yes, so I swapped us around. I'll work Monday and Tuesday, you're welcome."
Lambert choked on his beer. When his throat was clear, he squinted at her. "I coulda had plans."
"You? Plans? Chance would be a fine thing." She sipped the rest of her drink, leaving Lambert to fester in his irritation, and then hopped up from her chair.
Lambert followed her gaze across to the room to an unfortunate bloke in chinos with a fuck-awful haircut. Everything about him screamed Daddy's Hedge fund, and he could practically see the dollar signs pop up in Merigold's eyes. "Beep-boop, new target acquired."
"Fuck off, Lambert," she said airily through her most dazzling smile. She'd already made eye contact, and was preparing to move in for the kill. Berengar sidled off to the games machines as she left, and Lambert pulled out his phone to doom scroll. Anything to stop thinking about glistening tits and hazel eyes.
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍— [meaning harmony, serenity, love, positivity, hapiness] SEND ME A CHARACTER + SCENARIO AND I’LL WRITE A SFW BLURB (no angst)
jamie and reader having a pamper day where they're doing hair and face masks all day and just staying in bed and watching muggle Christmas movies
YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY THIS ASK MADE ME!! i wanted to write something like this but didn’t get the time aaaa i’m so excited <33
pretty boy
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warnings: none, just fluff
word count: 763
a/n: let’s consider this james potter x spoiled!pillowprincess!reader, aka my favourite dynamic with him<3
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James should've stood his ground and said no when you asked him to pop his pimples. But he was too weak for you and that pretty pout that always brought him to his knees, so when you fluttered your lashes with a whiny "pleasee Jamie" he had resigned himself to be your doll for the day.
That's how he ended up splayed on the bed, his head on your lap and a fluffy pink hairband keeping his curls at bay. Under the shower cap you put on him is a mix of avocado, honey and olive oil, because according to you, his hair "desperately needs hydration, oh my god. it's like the sahara desert."
"Ow!" he whines, his fingers curling around the sheets. His eyes are closed tightly, a few tears escaping from the corners when you press that strange metal contraption against one of his nostrils. His favourite christmas movie is playing in the background, but he can't even enjoy it because of the torture he's enduring.
"Shush," you scold. "Don't be a baby."
"It hurts! What're you even doin'?"
You roll your eyes. "Taking out your blackheads," there's a bit of contempt in your voice, like you're mocking him for not knowing what a blackhead is. "You have loads, by the way. Are you even using the face wash I bought you?"
Silence. You press down on his nose again and he winces. "James!" you gripe.
"I forget!" he offers as an explanation, but it's not good enough for you.
You uncap one of your face masks, a hydrating and soothing one that will quell his parched skin and soothe the redness. “Dirty boy,” you grumble, applying the facemask with a brush and watching james’ face relax. “You’ll be all wrinkly and dry when you’re old if you don’t do as I say.”
“As long as we’re wrinkly together, I don’t mind.”
“Don’t you dare! M’skin will be youthful and beautiful forever, not a single wrinkle in sight, and everyone will wonder how an ugly thing like you got a pretty thing like me.”
James cracks one eye open. There’s a smirk on your lips, amusement shining in your eyes as you poke fun at him. But two can play that game. “Got one right there,” he points at your forehead.
You gasp, picking up your phone and using the camera as a mirror. You scan your face and sure enough, there’s a line near your hairline, caused by the dried clay mask that rests on your face. You scowl at your boyfriend and pinch his arm, “Mean. Don’t scare me like that.”
You pick up a face towel and dip it in the water bowl you left on the nightstand. James watches as you take your mask off, then appy three drops of your favourite hyaluronic acid serum and finally scoop some of your moisturizer with a tiny plastic spoon.
Jesus, the amount of products and tools you use is insane. He doesn’t know how you do it.
Then it’s his turn to be cleaned off. You repeat the process, using a new towel of course. “I’m not an unsanitary monster” you say with a disgusted face when he hands you the one you previously used. With soft pats, you apply the serum to his face and then smooth the moisturizer you bought for him yesterday.
“Pucker up,” you say, twisting out your favourite cherry chapstick. James does as you say, smacking his lips when you’re done.
“Oh, look at you! Y’re so pretty, Jamie, and your skin is glowing! Prettiest boy I’ve ever seen,” You coo, running the pads of your fingers over his browbone and cheekbones. “See what happens when you listen to me? I bet not even Sirius can get his skin this shiny, y’re welcome— Oh you just look so beautiful, baby.”
James blushes at your tender touch and compliments. You lean down and pepper his face with kisses, bumping your nose with his and mumble a “not a blackhead in sight” right before he raises his head slightly so that he can kiss you where he actually wants to.
It takes you by surprise, but you quickly lean into it. Both of your lips taste of cherry and something warm, something like love, and James’ heart is ready to burst. When you pull away, lips shiny with spit and chapstick, he gives you one of his gleaming smiles as he laces your fingers together and makes you swoon.
He might not like the feeling of you pulling and rubbing his skin raw, but your sweet kisses make it all better.
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