#anyway im on old people medication and i hate it
dogbunni · 4 months
being Unwell™ really fucking sucks bc what do you MEAN I can't get top surgery bc my blood pressure is that of dropping a mentos into a 2l bottle of coke and then screwing the lid on real tight??????? my titties though???
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tnettnba · 1 year
I am clothed. I am housed. I have food. And from here, I can hear my car snoring peacefully. I am here. I am alive. I am loved. I am ok.
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izukusjuicythighs · 2 months
bkdk fics i read because was it ever casual
Horikoshi keeps feeding us bkdk crumbs like wtf??at this point they HAVE to be canon bkdk hospital kiss confirmed I was izukus freckle ALSO IM KINDA IN A BLOCK RN whenever I finish a fic my yappin brain always has something to say but rn its real quiet so uh🤡
left me no choice(but to stay here forever)
summary: Izuku learns early on in life that the people he loves will always leave him.
So when Kacchan asks him to be his boyfriend, Izuku kisses him and starts grieving for the inevitable.
words: 6,925
chapters: 3/4(updating)
notes: im quite aware that its a bitchy move to inflict pain on ppl but jm gonna do it anyways lol READ THIS AND WEEP I literally wanted to gorge my heart out and then slap all of my love into izuku idk it evokes complicated feelings??normally hate reading unfinished fics BUT THIS!!gave me a life changing experience within 7000words dammit
be my good luck charm
summary: See, the thing is, Midoriya Izuku had been born with a curse. It’s not a curse that’s particularly visible. He doesn’t have horns, or a tortured face, and it’s not the kind of silly curse like a friend of his had way down south in Diagnor, wherein the girl had been born without the ability to say the word duck. Midoriya Izuku is just extremely unlucky.
(Or the AU in which Izuku's the world's unluckiest traveling merchant, and Katsuki is someone who may be able to help him. For a price, that is.)
words: 6785
chapters: 1/1
notes: cute lil oneshot for yall cuz mha fans r in dire need of fluff rn yknow why🤭 how to date a hottie101 by bkg: set ur crush on fire to show ur undying love(WRITE IT DOWN WRITE IT DOWN)
Barberries and Variegated Knotweeds
summary: The Fight Another Day Agreement is a required legal document for all professional heroes. In the event of a life-threatening injury and the hero and their proxies are unable to respond on their behalf, medical professionals may do whatever it takes to keep the hero alive.
For Izuku, whatever it takes means removing flowers from his lungs, forcing him to forget about the love of his life. The aftermath leaves Izuku bewildered at the sight of a man with spiky blond hair and red eyes the color of Japanese barberries.
words: 19,286
chapters: 4/4
notes: YET ANOTHER HANAHAKI FIC WITH IZUKU WHUMP I just love seeing my favs go through it🤠I've read so many hanahaki fics ud think I'd be used to it but NOPE THIS SHIT HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT was ready to downgrade 1 dimension to solve this shitstorm myself
If It's You
summary: “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Katsuki said. “You did not just ask me—me—to try and date your loser step-brother.”
He wasn’t even going to say Deku’s name out loud. Wasn’t giving him the time of day, even in a conversation about him. That weird awkward virgin was not worth his precious time, and certainly not what Kirishima was suggesting.
“But Bakugouuu,” Kirishima wailed, hanging off Katsuki’s arm with monster meathead jock strength. “My dad said I can’t date if Deku doesn’t date. Do you understand what that means?”
“Less chance of knocking someone up and creating more of you in the world?”
words: 16,863
chapters: 1/1
notes: 10 things I hate about you but make it bkdk I LOVE THIS SHIT angsty dramatic misunderstanding high school aus are my JAM also somewhat gives off from the sidelines vibes so if ur into that defo read
Down the Red Line
summary: His mom is the first person to know about it. She finds out when Izuku asks ( in a very cute three-year-old way) why can’t he see the red line that connected him to Kacchan in the last picture they've taken. The one where they were about to enter Kindergarten on their first day.
"Red line?"
"Yeah, Mamma. This," Little Izuku says, raising his pinky finger to show her the thing tied to it.
Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
words: 7,804
chapters: 1/1
notes: one of my absolute favs since 2021 MAKES ME SO FUKCIN MAD I have to put my phone down and contemplate life for a few mjns while reading it but it's so good??my red string is tied to thjs fic pls
67 notes · View notes
A Fresh Start [17]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: losing tempers, arguing, mentions of alcohol and a bit of binge drinking, angst, people getting drunk
Word Count: 15k (i am so so so sorry, i know y'all said you wanted long but this is probably insane. i just needed to end it in that specific place to get the theme i wanted to touch on finished😭 i think you'll like the content if you can bear through it lolol)
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night,  you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a  far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be  exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you  fall more  and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant  for everyone.
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"to be in love with you is to know that even on the days you make me so mad i could scream, i still want to kiss the hell out of your face." ⏤Beau Taplin. "it's the way you wrinkle your nose when you're disappointed in me."
a/n: y'all would not believe the trouble tumblr gave me in posting this smh anyways sorry again this is stupid long (i did warn y'all im a mouthy motherfucker) but hopefully it can make up for the absolutely heartbreaking episode we all suffered thru today :)
“If I asked you to kick Karga’s ass, would you?”
“Without hesitation, ner kar’ta.”
You couldn’t help but snicker under your breath at his quick answer. Din was lying reclined in the cot beside you with Grogu napping on his chest. It was an entertaining contrast. The soft father rubbing his son’s back as the child snored while promising immediate violence at a single word from you. The awkwardness of yesterday morning seemed to have dispersed after your confession to him. Add to that the fact that Nima was sleeping in a medically induced coma on the cot you sat on the edge of, and you were on cloud nine. There was still a ways to go and you hated that your close friend⏤ your family⏤ had been injured in such a traumatizing way, but her arm would be saved.
The bacta tank had healed what it needed to. It fixed bone, muscle, and tissue nearly 80%. You didn’t want to risk letting the tank manage the injury to the full 100%. Repairing hand injuries was a tricky thing simply because the tendons and muscles in the hand were so complicated. You’d rather set her hand the old fashioned way⏤ make sure she didn’t lose any function. Nima would be devastated if her dexterity was compromised. Her job, her passion, relied on her hands.
“Anything else I can add to our to-do list today other than fighting the High Magistrate of Nevarro?” Din asked with a hum.
You grinned at him. “I’ll let you know if I think of anything.”
Din nodded his head once. Your eyes glanced down at the hardware holding Nima’s hand motionless so it could heal properly. You had already adjusted them, applied a healing paste, then wrapped it, but you couldn't help but re-check your work over and over again. Your obsessive behavior came in handy when Karga had stepped in ten minutes or so ago to check in on Nima. Though his ‘checking in’ had turned into offering you a job once more. It seemed like every type of denial you had he had a counterpoint.
Your main one being that legally you weren’t allowed to practice medicine. You still had a license because the trial questioning whether or not you were ethically to blame for Soran’s death had ended in your favor. However, one stipulation⏤ which had come from a psychological evaluation the hospital made you go through after you were attacked⏤ was that until Kurt’s trial was over you shouldn’t be in the position of making medical decisions. It had been something you were more than happy to abide by as you ran from your life.
Karga’s cheeky reply had been that he was the High Magistrate and as such he could allow you to do anything you wanted to do. Especially if that thing you wanted to do was be his city’s physician. 
A thought formed in your mind and you huffed out a sigh. You could see Din tilt his head toward you in question. You faced him, “Would I be crazy for considering taking Karga up on his offer?”
“I wouldn’t say crazy.” Din replied. “But why? I don’t want you to feel obligated because Karga won’t leave you alone.”
“It’s not that.” You said. The thought grew in your mind, a chaotic frenzy that wouldn’t leave you alone. “If I hadn’t been here, Nima would’ve lost her arm. She might have even died. I stopped that.” Din remained silent and let you think aloud. “I can keep making that difference. I have to. If I don’t then… If something terrible happens then isn’t that my fault?”
Din sat up, holding Grogu to his chest so the boy didn’t fall, “No. No, it’s not. Thinking like that, taking on that guilt, isn’t healthy.” He threw his legs over the side of the bed so he was sitting up and facing you. “Don’t make a decision based on guilt, ner kar’ta.”
“I guess you’re right.” You mumbled.
He stayed silent for a beat before reaching a hand out to you. You stood and took the singular step that would get you close enough to settle your hand in his. Din pulled you forward so you stood between his legs. The cot was on a lower setting which left you staring down at Din while he was forced to tilt his head to stare up at you. 
“Take guilt out of it. Pretend like you’re one of many that Karga is trying to hire for this job.” Din said. You lifted the hand Din wasn’t holding so you could scratch Grogu’s head. His mid-afternoon nap would be over soon and he’d be awake and bouncing off the walls with energy. “Would getting this job make you happy?”
You pondered over the question. There was a thrill in medicine. One you quite enjoyed when you weren’t forced to care for the people who meant the most in the world to you. Plus, thinking long term, you couldn’t be Grogu’s nanny forever. It wasn’t feasible. Not that you wanted out of their lives. You were so entangled in the web of their lives that that was hardly an option anymore. But, if you wanted a real relationship with Din one day, you couldn’t be his employee. You’d have to find a different way to make credits and support yourself. 
“I think so.” You nodded.
“As long as you're happy, then I think you should do it.” Din replied, but the sigh he released didn’t match the approval of his words. “I just don’t want you to make yourself sick with stress.”
“Worrywart.” You teased. Din chuckled and the rumbling in his chest must have roused Grogu. The boy began to rub his face against the metal he was lying on sleepily. You ran a finger alongside his ear. “Hi, baby boy. Was buir too loud? Did he wake you up?”
Grogu mumbled, then turned with outstretched arms. Din lifted him as you reached out. When you pulled the small child to your chest he leaned his head against your shoulder but you knew he wasn’t sleep based on the way he let his small fingers rub against your shoulder back and forth⏤ just like you and Din would do to him. Grogu was mumbling soft words you didn’t recognize.
“Mhmm, tell mama all about it.” You hummed.
Din’s hands had rested on your hips when he didn’t have Grogu to hold. His thumbs tracing circles over your shirt right above your belt. He nodded, “Do you want children of your own one day?”
Your eyes widened in surprise at his sudden question. It was the last direction you expected this conversation to go. Your jaw popped open slightly. “Uh, wh⏤what?”
“Just curious.” Din shrugged nonchalantly.
To be honest, you had never given it any thought. That was a future decision for future you to make. While in training, you told yourself it wouldn’t be something you needed to even think about until after training was over. Then when you were working in the hospital, you told yourself you needed to get settled in your job first. Finally, your life spiraled apart and during the last year that was hardly something that was on your mind. It was funny that you went full circle and all of that led you to standing in Nevarro’s clinic thinking about a future with children of your own. 
Taking care of Grogu was an experience that had given you more factors and variables to consider, but still you weren’t sure what to say. You shook your head and spoke the truth. “To be honest, I haven’t thought much about it.”
“You’re so good with Grogu, is all.” Din replied.
“What about you?” You paused. “Er, that’s not what I⏤ Obviously you already have a child. You have Grogu.” Din chuckled at your babbling. “I meant, would you want… more?”
Din tilted his head and a very casual nod. “I think so. I like the idea of a big family.”
“Do you have siblings?” You asked suddenly. “I’m realizing just now that I don’t know a lot about your life before Nevarro⏤ other than Grogu and the bounty hunting.”
“No siblings.” Din shook his head. “Not by blood at least. After I was brought in by the Mandalorians, as a foundling, I grew up with a few other kids I considered to be siblings on Concordia.”
“Wait, you were a foundling? Like Grogu?”
“Yes.” Din nodded. “I was born on Aq Ventina, but when I was young… My town was destroyed in a Separatist attack. Battle droids destroyed everything. They… I lost my parents. I would’ve been killed myself if a Mandalorian hadn’t saved me.”
You stepped around him so you could sit down on the cot beside Din. He followed your movements with his t-shape visor. You lifted the hand not holding Grogu to settle on his knee. “Din, I am so sorry. I had no idea, I⏤ I wouldn’t have asked⏤ I shouldn’t have asked⏤”
“It’s alright, ner kar’ta.” Din chuckled and set his hand on top of yours. “I knew you didn’t know, but I wanted you to know. Besides, I started this line of questioning.” He squeezed his fingers around your own. “I know you said you were from Naboo. Can you tell me more? Do you still have family there?”
You fell into a casual conversation with him telling him about the family you still had there. Sharing a few memories that couldn't help but slip out when they came to mind. You felt bad that you were talking about happy memories when Din had just admitted to a tragedy, but he continued to ask question after question leading you into them. Which led to him sharing a few memories of his own from both worlds that he walked. Din lingered on a story about his parents⏤ a happy one he held close to his heart based on the soft tone he spoke in.
“How much do you remember of them?” You asked.
“Enough to know they were good parents.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to spend more time with them.” You replied softly.
In response, Din lifted the hand on top of yours to bury it in the hair at the nape of your neck. He leaned you toward him and set his forehead against yours. The two of you only remained that way for a moment before Grogu sat up and rested one hand on your cheek and the other on his father’s.
“Skraan.” He blurted. Din and you broke apart, laughing, but Grogu was solely serious as he repeated himself. “Skraan, skraan, skraan.”
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Din knew what he had to do. The part he was struggling with was the how. Oddly, in his mind, the first step was going to be the hardest bit. Steps two through whatever included taking the N1 out to Mandalore, find the living waters, bathe in said living waters, bring back proof to the Armorer, be redeemed in the eyes of his Covert, return to you as a full fledged Mandalorian rather than Apostate, and request to court you properly. Simple. Easy to remember. Din didn’t even need to write it down. However, step one involved telling you that he was leaving Nevarro and that was going to be tough.
At first he thought he’d just bring you with him, but then you told him you wanted to try being Nevarro’s physician. Din couldn’t pull you away from your home right as you had grown comfortable enough with your past to retry medicine. So, that was out. Then, when he had worked up the courage to say good-bye, Cara quit. That one had caught Din off guard. It happened days after Nima’s accident. Cara claimed she got an offer to be part of special forces with the New Republic⏤ an offer she couldn’t turn down. She even took the time to remind him that this was never a permanent thing anyways. 
However, Cara left in the dead of night without even taking the time to wait until Nima woke up. Din didn’t believe that was a coincidence. He was more than familiar with the concept of running from emotions. When Nima finally did wake up, the look of heartbreak on her features when he had to answer her question of where Cara was had been tough to handle. Din reminded himself that his plan was not the same as Cara’s. He was not leaving you to stay away. Din was not running from you. If anything he was running to you. He just wanted to be the very best version of himself before propositioning you, and Din wanted to do this right.
Before he left, he was going to explain this to you⏤ in great detail. And, if you truly meant what you said about allowing him to uphold his Creed, you’d understand. Din repeated that to himself over and over again like a mantra.
Regardless of how that played out, Din was stuck. It was one thing when he was leaving Nevarro short one marshal temporarily. Now the city would be missing him and Cara, and in good conscious he couldn’t let that be.
Mayfeld, hands laced behind his head as his feet were kicked up on his desk, called out. “Come on, Mando. What? You don’t trust me to hold down the fort while you’re gone?”
“Uh, ow.” Mayfeld complained. “You could’ve at least pretended to think about it before answering so fast.”
Din chuckled under his breath. Honestly, his relationship with Mayfeld had come a long way. How he felt now was a stark difference in comparison to how badly Din wanted to shoot him in the face when they first met. After what happened on Morak, after revealing his face in front of Mayfeld, Din truly respected the man⏤ trusted him. The truth is he would never forgive himself to leave Mayfeld here to deal with all the responsibilities alone. That wasn’t fair to his friend. All those facts didn’t deter Din from mocking and mildly bullying the man though. That was much too fun to give up.
“I have a friend flying in today to baby-sit you.”
“Nice. Got me a nanny too?” Mayfeld replied. “Hope she’s as pretty as yours.”
Din knew the man was only trying to rile him up, and he technically had picked the exact topic that could do it. But, Din didn’t take the bait. He shrugged. “He’s not really my type, but I’ll let you make the call on that.”
“Alright. So I’ll be the Marshal, and he’ll be my Deputy?”
“No. He’ll be Marshal, and you’ll still be Deputy.”
Mayfeld dropped his feet off the desk, hands falling to his side, and his jaw popped open in shock. “Hold on! The new guy gets to be Marshal before I do?? You’re just gonna promote him over me? Immediately.”
The man scoffed in response and crossed his arms like a petulant child. It reminded Din of the way Grogu would pout when you told him you couldn’t snack on cookies or cakes right before dinner time or when Din would wrestle a full sized critter out of his son’s mouth before Grogu could swallow it whole. Mayfeld shoved up from his seat to cross the room and pour himself a cup of caf. Din stayed where he was⏤ leaning against Cara’s old desk.
“You tell your girl that you’re leaving yet? Or is that still a secret?”
“I’m going to tell her.” Din said firmly.
Mayfeld slurped out of his mug, purposely trying to annoy him, “You said that four days ago, then three days ago, then two⏤”
“Keep talking and I’ll demote you from Deputy.”
“Is there even a level below deputy??”
“I can make one.” Din replied dryly. A wide grin crossed Mayfeld’s face and Din shook his head with a grumble. “Today. I’ll tell her today.” Mayfeld just stared at him from above the rim of his mug. Din pushed off the desk. “I’m going to do it.”
Mayfeld shrugged in response and Din resisted the urge to throw something at the man. He huffed and turned to leave. Mayfeld called out behind him, a teasing comment, and Din threw him a crude hand gesture over his shoulder causing the man to burst out in laughter. 
It barely took him any time to get from the station to the clinic. When he stepped through the front doors he was greeted by Aayla and one other worker he wasn’t familiar with. The Twi’lek waved him in and hit a button on the desk to unlock the backroom doors. It was the sound of your voice that greeted him first.
“⏤and if you pull those staples out, you’ll be dealing with me.” You stood at the end of a bed with your hands on your hips and your face drawn in concentration. Aayla had found and wrestled you into a white coat when you started and Din would be lying if he said he didn’t like the look on you. Din especially liked watching you take control of a room. You could command a scene with voice and stare alone, and Din really, really liked watching you do it.
“Baby girl,” A vaguely familiar voice chimed and Din frowned at the nickname, “Dealing with you would be my absolute pleasure.”
Din stepped further into the room to see that a worker from the hanger, a Trandoshan man he couldn’t recall the name of, was sitting on a cot with a long cut from wrist to elbow. A line of staples was holding it closed. Din crossed his arms and tilted his head. “Yeah? How about dealing with me?”
The Trandoshan looked to him at the same time you did, and he found it comical how different the reactions were. Your face split into a bright, gorgeous smile while the hangar worker stiffened up and averted his eyes.
“Well, hi there, Marshal.” You cooed and stuck your hands into the pockets of your white coat.
“Do we have a problem?” Din asked, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.
You turned to look at your patient and raised an eyebrow in question. The Trandoshan glanced at him before looking back to you and shaking his head rapidly. You nodded and reached out to set a hand on Din’s forearm. “I think we’re okay here.”
“Can⏤ Can I⏤?” The worker pointed to the door.
“Yupp. Keep it dry. Come back in a week, and I’ll see if you’re healed enough to take the staples out.”
The Trandoshan jumped up but paused when he realized he was going to have to pass Din in order to get out. Even though Din was technically blocking the way, he kept his position so the man was forced to squeeze around him. When the man was finally out, your laugh filled the air and Din sighed in admiration. You shrugged, smile still in place, “That was kind of fun.”
“How’re you doing?” Din asked.
“I’m okay.” You nodded and then scrunched your nose once. “It’s so weird. I’m still not used to this, but at the same time I am?” You motioned around yourself. “It’s familiar, but it’s not. Am I crazy?”
Din shook his head, “Of course not.”
“Hmm,” You took a step closer to him so you had to lift your face to meet his visor, “I think you’re biased.”
He grinned under his helmet then shrugged. “Maybe.”
“So, what can I do for you, Marshal?”
“Have you had lunch yet?” He asked, and you shook your head in response. “Can I walk with you to get some? You aren’t busy are you?”
You shrugged out of your white coat and tossed it onto a cot. “That’s the beauty of working for a man who is super desperate to keep you around. I can do what I want.” Din chuckled and followed you out of the room. As you passed the front desk, you called out, “Aayla, I’m going. Just call me if any real emergencies come in. Okay?”
“You got it, doc!”
As you both stepped out, Din offered you his arm and you slipped yours through it. He nodded back toward the clinic. “Who is the new girl?”
“Miriam.” You answered. “Aayla is training her to work the front desk so I can train Aayla. She’ll be able to help me with little stuff. I think she’s got a lot of potential.” Din nodded toward a stand merchant who greeted him first. “We’ll be able to see more if I have an assistant, but we still can’t do any routine kind of work. Karga still needs to get another physician to work that side of things.”
Din hummed. “I hear he’s working on it, but I’ll… encourage him to work faster.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” You shook your head. “I can be plenty annoying on my own. You should’ve seen how much I bothered Admin back in Coruscant when I wanted them to buy the emergency department a whole set of ultrasounds.”
Din could imagine the scene and he wished he could’ve seen it. He’d have to make sure he had a front row seat for when you began to hound Karga for this. Without even discussing it, it seemed you both had the same sandwich place in mind⏤ the one that sold the cookies Grogu liked. Din didn’t bother ordering for himself. He wasn’t overly hungry. He mostly just wanted to spend time with you and make sure you took a break to eat. Din watched as you greeted the owners by name and after ordering your food you ordered a pack of cookies for Grogu as well. He could barely even pay attention to the conversation at hand because he was so busy watching you.
Even when the owners offered you the meal for free as a thank you for taking the job in town, you insisted on paying the full price. As you walked out, you frowned at him. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?”
“I’m fine, ner kar’ta.” He replied. Din planned finding a bench where you could sit and eat⏤ you had commented about how much you loved the current weather this morning⏤ but the sound of his communicator made him groan.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
Din lifted his vambrace to see he was being hailed to the hanger. “Oh. I have a, uh, friend visiting today. He’s here early.”
“Really?” Your eyes widened.
“Yeah. I’m sorry. I have to go meet him.”
Din had begun to pull his arm away, but you kept your grip around it and briefly bit down on your lower lip drawing all his attention to the shape of the lips he loved so much⏤ the lips that haunted his every dream. You pleaded, “Can I please come with you?”
“You want to?” Din was surprised.
“Yeah!” You bounced in place. “I’d love to meet your friend. I mean, if that’s okay?”
“Always. You should start eating while we walk.” Din nodded.
You snickered. “Okay. Bossy.”
Din’s eyes snapped to you, and he chuckled. The two of you changed direction toward the hanger. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t going to meet Cobb Vanth eventually.
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The week had gone shockingly well. Better than you could’ve hoped, but then again your expectations were incredibly low. Working in the emergency clinic was actually enjoyable. Karga had tried to rope you into doing everything, but you put a hard stop on that for obvious reasons. Nevarro was still relatively small so when it came to emergencies⏤ there really were not many emergencies. Only a patch up job here and there like with the Trandoshan this morning. Again the bar was low considering you started this job with Nima nearly losing her arm.
Nima had been doing very well physically, but, as much as she tried to hide it, emotionally she had taken a toll. You weren’t sure why Cara left so abruptly. Din and you had talked about it in depth one night after dinner and he seemed to think it was because she had cared too much for Nima too fast. The only opinion you had on the matter was that Cara had certainly gotten on your bad side. You were loyal to your oldest friend and it irked you beyond belief that the once deputy of Nevarro had left when Nima needed her most.
“Where’s your friend from?” You asked as Din and you neared the landing pad.
“Ah, my neck of the woods.”
Din chuckled. “Were you even there long enough to call it your neck of the woods?”
“I lived in Mos Espa for at least half a year. In Tatooine years, that feels like a decade.” You replied and the laugh that left him made your cheeks warm. 
He glanced over at you, your arm still looped through his, “What made you choose Tatooine, anyways?”
“It’s kind of a depressing answer. Definitely a mood killer.” You winced. Din’s feet came to an abrupt stop and he turned so he was facing you entirely. You should’ve guessed he’d have that kind of reaction. You shook your head. “I took care of a patient who said Mos Espa was where lowlifes and runaways escaped to when they had no other world to call home. So…” You shrugged. “I went to Mos Espa.”
“Ner kar’ta⏤”
“I don’t feel that way now. A lot has changed, and I’m not the person who initially fled to Tatooine,” You said quickly, “But you asked why I went, so I said.” With your next words, you kept your voice low so only he could hear you. “I promise I’m okay, Din.”
Din gave you a curt nod. With an amused shake of your head, you slipped your arm through his once more and tugged him toward the landing pad. The Mandalorian warrior let you drag him along, and you could’ve swore he was dragging his feet on purpose to make it more difficult for you. The chuckle that left his helmet confirmed this for you. 
“How long is your friend staying for?” You asked, and Din stayed quiet. “And is his visit a social call? I imagine he’s heartbroken being away from the sands of Tatooine.”
Din’s feet came to a stop once more, but this time it came as a surprise. You paused with him and gave him a curious look. He tilted his head. “About that, I wanted to talk to you about⏤”
You and Din both turned at the voice. Walking in your direction was a very familiar face. Cobb Vanth? The marshal of Mos Pelgo was a far way from home, but he looked no different than the day you last saw him. His signature red scarf around his neck acting as a homing beacon for your eyes. Vanth’s eyes were initially focused on Din, but then they dragged over to you and he shook his head in surprise.
“Little lady!? Is that you??” Vanth grinned. 
Din and you both snapped to look at one another again rather than the new arrival. At the same time, the same words left your lips. “You know Cobb Vanth!?”
Vanth spread his arms out as he continued to approach, a large duffel bag hanging from his back, “Well, ain’t this a surprise!”
The shock wore off and it finally occurred to you that Cobb Vanth was here. Right here, right in front of you. You let out a laugh and rushed to meet him halfway. He greeted you by wrapping his arms around you in a tight grin⏤ a laugh leaving him as well. What felt like another lifetime ago, you had met Cobb Vanth on your arrival to Tatooine. Though your plan had been to settle in Mos Espa you had accidentally ended up in Mos Eisley. In an attempt to get from one place to the other you got lost in the desert briefly after the land speeder you rented ran out of fuel halfway. It had been your fault for trusting the man you got the speeder from. Rather than dying you were saved by the man you were now hugging. Vanth had even been kind enough to get you to Mos Espa eventually.
You pulled away from Vanth. “It’s so good to see you! You look great.”
“Oh, I know, darling.” Vanth winked. “But still not holding a flame to you.” You chuckled and a hand settled on your shoulder. Din had walked over and you took a step back so you stood right beside him. Vanth motioned to the Mandalorian. “You never told me you knew Mando.”
“I didn’t back when I was with you, Vanth.” You glanced between the two men. “How do you guys know each other?”
Vanth readjusted the bag around his shoulders. “Now that, little lady, is quite the story.” He continued on talking about how Din came looking for a Mandalorian and found Vanth decked out in Mandalorian armor. He followed it by describing how Din ended up flying into a krayt dragon to kill it from inside out. A detail you did not love to hear. “We’ve been best buddies since. Right, pal?”
Din didn’t respond. You were still in awe at the coincidence of it all. You missed your Mandalorian by literal months. Din had swung through Mos Pelgo right before you had. What would’ve happened if you met him then rather than now? 
“Mando?” Vanth questioned. Waving his hand once in front of the helmet. “You alright?”
“I’m fine.” Din replied and you wondered where the tension in his voice had come from. You slipped your arm around his once more and he seemed to relax marginally. He cleared his throat before nodding. “How was your trip, Vanth?”
Vanth’s lips stretched back out into a charming grin. “Hey, I can’t complain. Gotta say Nevarro looks better than I thought it would. I’m excited to explore it.” He chuckled. “The weather ain’t too bad either. I was worried I’d miss that desert air.”
“Don’t worry. These lava plains are plenty hot enough.” You replied. “How long are you here for?”
“Suppose 'til Mando here gets back.”
It took a second for the words to register in your mind, but Din picked it up much faster based on the way his entire body tensed once more. Until he gets back. Gets back? You slowly pulled your arm away from so you could turn and look at him. Before your hand could fall away entirely, Din caught it with his own⏤ holding it against his arm. 
“You’re going somewhere?” You furrowed your brow in confusion. He hadn’t mentioned anything about a trip. Din paused and somehow his hesitance irritated you. “Where?”
Din sighed. “Mandalore.”
Your eyes widened, “Manda⏤ The Mandalore that may or may not be poisoned still?”
“Um. Yes.”
“Okay.” You replied. “Alright.” You pulled your hand out from under Din’s hand and shot Vanth a quick, firm smile. “It was really good to see you, Vanth. Welcome to Nevarro! I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” Din took a step toward you, his nickname for you leaving his lips, but you took a step back. “I need to get back to work, but I’ll see you at home?”
You didn’t give him the chance to answer and turned to leave. If Din called out after you, you didn’t hear him. Your footsteps were rushed as you tried to wrap your head around the information you had just learned. Were you angry? Maybe. It wasn’t a clear cut anger though⏤ it was muddled. There were too many other emotions swirling in your head, but the main one that started to push to the front was disappointment. Every time you thought you understood where you stood with Din it seemed like something happened that made you question it all. Had he just planned on leaving the planet without telling you? Or maybe he wanted to wait until the last second and just wave to you as he took off, or hang a note on the fridge for you to find the morning of. Even if you weren’t in this weird back and forth romantic thing with him, as someone who literally lived in his home and helped care for his child you were incredibly involved in his life. If you were a team, then you needed to know the plan.
More irritation boiled up in your blood, and you found yourself changing direction from the clinic to a familiar house. Your fist was banging on Nima’s door before you fully even registered what it was you wanted to say. Nima opened the door, in her pajamas, and your eyes glanced at the metal brace surrounding her right arm out of habit. 
Nima deflated and whined, “Please, please, please, please tell me you’re here to clear me for work.”
“No. Two more weeks. I’m not changing my mind on that.” You replied and she groaned. “I’m here because apparently Marshal Mando is leaving the planet and hired a replacement marshal but didn’t think to tell me any of this.”
“Come on in. I have alcohol.”
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“I told you! I told you⏤ didn’t I tell you??” Mayfeld cried then spun to look at Vanth who was leaning against the wall. “I kriffing told him. Days ago.”
“Please stop talking.” Din groaned as he hung his head back while slouching in the seat. Din thought that the worst part of learning you and Vanth already knew one another would be the tight hug you literally ran to give him. Vanth had pulled you up off your toes in the hug, and the primal side of him yearned for a fight. His hand literally twitched toward his blaster⏤ his kriffing blaster. As if he was going to shoot down his good friend Cobb Vanth who left his town to do him a favor. 
Din had a problem. He was a problem. Growing up the way he had, with the losses he faced, he tended to be possessive of what he considered his own. Din liked to think over the years he had gotten good at reigning that behavior in. He didn’t shoot Vanth, after all. Still, that side of him didn’t hesitate in rearing it’s ugly head in moments like when he watched Cobb Vanth hold you for what he considered to be a second too long. It wasn’t until your arm slipped through his, a soft smile on your face, that he felt the logical side of him slip back into control.
Then, of course, it all went downhill when Vanth accidentally admitted the thing he had yet to tell you. Watching that smile fall off your features, feeling you try to slowly pull away, felt like he had taken blunt force trauma to the chest. It physically hurt and left a raw, aching wound and it only got worse as he watched you walk away. Din put the pain pretty high on the list of ones he experienced, and this was coming from someone who had a job that led him to be stabbed repeatedly. 
“I am sorry about that, Mando.” Vanth spoke up.
“It’s not your fault.” Din straightened his posture and shook his head. “I should’ve told her ages ago. That’s on me.” Vanth had apologized to him multiple times during the walk from the tarmac to the station. He’d do so between asking questions about the town that Din was supposed to be giving him a better tour on. Din rested his elbows on knees. It dawned on him that there was a question he hadn’t asked in his distress. “How do you know her?”
Vanth crossed his arms. “It was a couple months after you left, actually. She got lost between Mos Eisley and Mos Espa.” Din’s eyes widened at the thought of you getting lost in that Maker forsaken desert. Vanth chuckled. “Her land speeder ran out of fuel. It was by pure chance I ran into her. She stayed in Mos Pelgo for a few days then I took her the rest of the way to Mos Espa. We stayed in touch though⏤ here and there.”
Briefly, Din wondered what his life would’ve looked like if the two of you had been in Mos Pelgo at the same time. It was a curious thought but he knew both of you had been different people at that time. Even if it, in the great scheme of things, wasn’t that long ago. Less than a year. Then again, as quickly as you had wormed your way in his heart he couldn’t imagine meeting you months ago would’ve been that different. Din sighed and stood, he grabbed a holopad off the desk remembering that despite his dilemma in breaking your heart today he still had work to do. 
“Yeah.” Vanth hummed. “Little lady and I didn’t see each other often, but she’d visit me or I’d visit her for the occasional hook up.”
Din’s head snapped to glare at Vanth and, in an attempt to ensure his hands were free, he slammed the holopad back down onto the desk⏤ ignoring the tell tale sound of cracking glass. Vanth’s lips curled up into a mischievous grin and Din was half tempted to drag him back to the tarmac and ship his ass to Tatooine. Mayfeld burst into laughter and Din just shook his head.
“Sorry, brother.” Vanth chuckled. “I saw how up in arms you got out on the tarmac. Couldn’t help myself.”
“Hilarious.” Din replied. 
Eventually, Mayfeld and Vanth wandered out so the newest temporary marshal could get acquainted with the town and meet Karga. It gave Din a couple of hours to work though he spent most of it internally spiraling over the moment your entire face fell. He hated that he had been the cause of that⏤ just because he had been too scared to fess up. His communicator began to go off and Din answered it.
“Hi, Marshal?” A woman’s voice said. Din confirmed who it was. “This is Ms. Wynn, I’m in charge of Grogu’s class. Everything's still fine, but class ended about twenty minutes ago and I haven’t seen you or Soran. Is everything alright?”
Din shoved up from his desk’s chair. “I’ll be right there.”
On his way out the door, he called Aayla at the clinic to see if you had just gotten caught up with a patient, but the woman claimed she hadn’t seen you since he took you out for lunch. The clinic had been quiet otherwise. Din’s stomach churned uncomfortably as he hurried to pick up his son. Were you alright? Or were you so upset that you refused to even care for Grogu? Din knew the moment that thought crossed his mind that he was wrong. Regardless of how upset you were with him, you’d never take it out on the little boy. Din just hoped you were okay.
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You narrowed your eyes at Nima as she downed the last of her beer, “Is this all you’ve been doing all day? Drinking?”
“Well, I can’t work, so…” Nima shrugged. When she offered you a drink you had turned it down, technically still on shift as the physician, but she hadn’t stopped from drinking herself. You had come here to rant about Din, but as it turned out you both had plenty to complain about. For hours, you and her had sat on the back porch of her house . The last thirty minutes or so you were trying to pry information out of Nima about how she felt about the Cara situation, but the mechanic would simply shrug it away. You knew she was hurting more than she claimed though. “Do the skies look gross to you?”
“What?” You blurted and slumped down in your seat.
“The sky. It looks…icky.”
You peered up best you could, and in her defense icky was probably the best word. The day had started clear, but the sky now had a greenish tinge to it. It reminded you of the beginnings of a storm, but you couldn’t see any clouds. You leaned out further to look and by doing so it gave you a clear view of Nima’s kitchen through a side window where you saw a clock resting against her wall. 3:37. Dank farrik. You jumped up.
“Karking⏤ Grogu!” You panicked. Shit, shit, shit. “Stop drinking, Nima.”
She mumbled a confirmation that you didn’t firmly believe then started sprinting back to the center of town. You had never, ever been late to pick up Grogu before. Guilt gnawed at you imagining Grogu looking for you in a crowd of parents and not being able to find you. Maker, how could you lose track of time like that? You got to the school in record time to find that all the kids were gone. Ms. Wynn was cleaning up around a room and she said Din had come and picked him up about ten minutes ago. 
As much as you wanted to avoid Din for a little while longer, you needed to see Grogu so you could apologize to him. On your way in you passed Mayfeld and Vanth who were standing in the lobby. They both raised their hands to greet you and you blew past them without preamble. You were a woman on a mission. 
“Grogu?” You called out, searching the room. Faintly, you could hear Grogu calling back to you and he waddled into the room a second later. You breathed a sigh of relief and knelt down to scoop him up into a hug. “I’m so sorry, baby. I am so, so sorry.”
“No sorry.” Grogu hummed giving your cheek a small pat making you chuckle.
The sound of a throat clearing had you glancing up to see Din leaning against the doorway that would lead back to his office. You were in an odd position because you were still upset at him from leaving you in the dark, but you were also ashamed and embarrassed at missing Grogu’s pick up time.
“Hi.” You mumbled awkwardly.
“I’m sorry.” Din blurted. Your eyes narrowed. Was he not going to address the ‘you abandoned Grogu’ thing first? “I should’ve told you sooner that Grogu and I are going to Mandalore.”
You slowly stood up with the cooing child in your arms. “You and… You’re taking Grogu?? To Mandalore??” If he heard the rising anger in your voice, he didn’t show it. “The planet that, again, we don’t know is even habitable?”
“Of course. Where I go, he goes.” Din shrugged nonchalantly. You blinked once, and Din finally seemed to catch onto at least one of the thoughts you had. “I want you to go, but I can’t pull you away from Nevarro. Not when you just started working in the clinic, and if I did choose to leave Grogu here that would just be added stress for you.”
Right. Because worrying about Din and Grogu on some wasteland of a planet wasn’t a stress factor. You locked your jaw and let out a slow breath through your nose. The boy in your arms seemed to latch onto the tension faster than his father did based on the worried looks he was bouncing between the two of you. Finally, you found your voice, “I forgot Grogu at school. I lost track of time. I⏤”
“It was an accident, I know. I’m not mad.” Din said calmly. 
He wasn’t mad. Din wasn’t mad, and somehow that made you even angrier. A part of you wondered if he was purposely not showing any anger in an attempt to keep you from being angry. One mistake for another mistake. Tit for tat. Maybe he was trying to make up for the fact that he knew he upset you, but you hated the calm demeanor he still seemed to carry. It occurred to you then, that you wanted him to be angry. You wanted to argue. The Mandalorian in front of you was the picture perfect example of composure and it pissed you off.
“You’re not angry.” You enunciated each word.
“Of course not, ner kar’ta.” Din shook his head. He drifted closer. “We should talk more about this trip⏤”
“Why?” You shrugged and pasted a large smile on your face. If he wanted to be composed then you’d be composed too. “I should check on the clinic one last time before heading home. I’ll take Grogu with me. Get as much time with him as I can before you boys go on your little adventure.”
Din shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a nervous tic you usually only saw at home, “Yeah. I might be late getting back. It looks like there might be a volcanic ash storm rolling in soon. Nevarro hasn’t seen one since before the guild left here.”
“No problem.” You said. “I’ll see you at home.”
Din began to take a step toward you, but you turned on your heel to leave with Grogu. You knew you were being petty, but right now you didn’t really care. If the two of you were playing mistake for mistake then this seemed fair too. You were petty to him and he didn’t tell you that he planned to leave you alone on this planet without him or Grogu. Tit for tat.
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Din watched you leave with the sinking feeling that the interaction between the two of you had not gone well. Mayfeld stepped in with an incredulous look while Din continued to just stand with his arms crossed over his chest.
Mayfeld scoffed and motioned behind him, “How in the hell did you make it worse?”
Din mumbled a string of curses in every language he was familiar with and pushed past Mayfeld to leave. The man fell into step beside him. As much as he wanted to chase after you, he needed to help get the city prepped for the oncoming storm. Mayfeld, never able to take a hint, shook his head, “I mean, geez Mando. How is it you can string up a quarry in seconds, but can’t figure out how to apologize to a woman?”
“Where is Vanth?” Din asked, ignoring Mayfeld’s own line of questioning.
“Walking your girl to the clinic then home.”
Din locked his jaw. That was good to hear. He wanted to be the one to walk you and his son back to the safety of your shared home, but considering the circumstance he was just glad you weren’t alone. Din ordered Mayfeld to take the eastern side of the city and warn all citizens to bring in or tie down their outdoor belongings while he took the west. 
He didn’t get it. Had you wanted him to be angry at you? Din was a little peeved, it’d be a lie to say that he wasn’t. He had to leave work to pick up Grogu despite you taking on that responsibility this morning. Since starting at the clinic, you and him had taken turns, but Din liked to know beforehand so he wasn’t just up and leaving the station. If an emergency happened, where you were needed with a patient, that was more than understandable, but that hadn’t been the case. You had just lost track of time. A very human mistake to make, and honestly it was your first when it came to Grogu. So, yes, Din was a little peeved, but he wasn’t angry.
Din pushed it out of mind. You knew the truth, and he could better explain himself tonight when he got home. Right now, he needed to focus on the task at hand. 
According to Karga, the volcanic ash storms were quick but deadly. The closest volcano would spew out a hot and devastating breath of ash. It’d roll over the city, blanketing everything in darkness, but it usually was blown away and gone in a matter of hours. Din had heard plenty about them, but they had never occurred while he was planet side. As long as there was proper prep to begin with then it should be a smooth transition. Karga, ever the planner, had built the city buildings with proper metal shields to roll down over windows and doors in the case of a storm. Everybody would stay indoors for a half a day, and then they’d spend the rest cleaning up.
Din wondered if his helmet was equipped to withstand the ash. It should be. The beskar and his flight suit would keep the hot ash from burning his skin, and if his helmet worked correctly then the filter should keep out most of the dangerous ash. He only wondered in case he needed to venture out to save a citizen or two. They were making the rounds to tell everyone that staying indoors was an order, but Din knew with his luck one or two people would ignore the warning.
It took hours to ensure the entire city was ready to be locked down and make sure that Vanth found his place and that it worked for the man. Din had simply housed him in Cara’s old place. It was still furnished and it wasn’t like Vanth needed anything permanent. The storm was still being estimated at being 24 or 36 hours out. It would give Din, Mayfeld, and Vanth time in the morning and afternoon to run through the city once more for final checks.
“Hey,” Din called out as he stepped into the house with a sigh. When he rounded the corner he noted that you were in the kitchen alone and cleaning up. He glanced around, “Grogu?”
“Bathed and in bed.” You replied without missing a beat. “It’s late.”
“Yeah, sorry, getting the city prepped took longer than I thought it would.” Din groaned. “How was⏤”
“I have leftover dinner for you.” You interrupted him and motioned to the stove. “But I figure you’ll want to clean up first.”
Din nodded in relief, “Thank you.” You gave him a tight nod, a smile that didn’t reach your eyes painted your lips, and he paused before heading back to the shower. “Hey, you’re not going to bed are you? I wanted to talk.”
“I’m not going to bed.” You shook your head.
“Good.” Din turned and hurried off. From the moment Vanth let slip that he was leaving, Din had been craving to sit down next to you and explain everything. He wanted to take your hand in his and reassure you that everything was going to be okay, they wouldn't be gone long, and it killed him to leave you behind. Din wanted to explain that he was leaving to find redemption and revenge. Though, he wasn’t quite sure how you’d handle that information.
As Din washed the day off of him, he wondered how you’d feel about that? If he told you the absolute truth that he planned to find redemption in part so he could court you. If he told you that he planned on tracking down Daelar to rip the man’s throat out. He wasn’t positive how you’d handle either fact, but he was positive that he needed to tell you. Din was human, he made mistakes, but he made it a mission in life to not make the same mistake twice.
After getting dressed, Din carried all his armor, sans his helmet, into the room to set aside. He paused long enough to check in on Grogu and tuck the blanket thrown haphazardly around the hammock around the boy’s small body. “Nuhoy morut'yc, adi’ka.” Din readjusted the stuffed frog in Grogu’s hammock with a smile and left the room as quietly as possible. A nervous energy settled along his skin and he rolled his shoulders once, “Ner kar’ta?”
The kitchen was empty and Din titled his head in confusion at the finding. His eyes landed on a plate of food waiting for him on the island counter and drifted closer. Sitting beside the plate was a small note with the most passive aggressive of all smiley faces he had seen drawn.
‘Went out with Nima. Don’t wait up’.
Din aggressively tore his helmet off and the only thing that kept him from slamming it onto the counter was the knowledge that the sound would wake up Grogu. His nervous energy melted into irritation. Sure, he hadn’t clarified that he wanted to talk when he asked if you were going to bed, but Din knew his intentions had been clear. That’s why you had deliberately answered his question in such a specific manner. His hands clenched and unclenched as he took a slow and steadying breath. 
He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t. Din repeated this under his breath in an attempt to convince himself of it.
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It was funny. The last time you sat in this cantina with Nima, in these exact chairs, the two of you had also been talking about Din. The subject last time was how awkward it was to tiptoe around him in his own home. Mashal Daddy, is what Nima had called him last time.
“Marshal Dickhead.” Nima scoffed before taking the shot in front of her. She pushed your shot glass closer to you and you tossed it back as well. The liquid burned the entire way down and you grimaced. It had been ages since you drank to this degree⏤ you were a light weight now. “That’s what he is.”
You shook your head. “No, he isn’t.”
“Okay, I need you to work on your shit talk.” Nima pointed at you. “Defending the person you’re complaining about is kind of redundant.”
You tapped your glass and the bartender wandered back over to pour the both of you another shot which you took without hesitation. Nima tried to get them to pour another, but you shook your head and ordered two mixed drinks instead. At least those had something other than straight liquor in it. 
“I’m pissed at him, but I don’t wanna shit talk him.” You replied.
“Then what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed. “I want to fight.” Nima gave you a questionable look and you shook your head. “Not physically. Maker, I don’t have a death wish.” Picking to tussle with a Mandalorian could possibly be the stupidest choice in the galaxy. “But I want to argue with him.”
Nima narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
“Because I⏤ I⏤” Your words got caught in your throat and you tried to wash it down with a large swig of your drink, to no avail. It was dumb to want to argue, wasn’t it? Couples tried to avoid that. Not that the two of you were an official couple. You groaned and buried your face into your hands⏤ already feeling dizzy from the drinks. You wanted him to be upset with you, to feel comfortable enough around you to show that he was upset. Up until now, the two of you hadn’t had any real arguments. Sure, there were little tiffs here and there about nothing important, and it typically always ended with Din conceding the point with a shrug. Despite what most people seemed to think, you knew that towering wall of beskar had emotions. He had a lot of kriffing emotions, and you wanted to see all of them. Even the negative ones. 
“I think I get it. The ‘wanting to argue’ thing.” Nima said softly. You lifted your head to look at her and she gave you a small smile. The Twi’lek reached out to set her hand on your shoulder with a comforting squeeze. “You want to have hot, angry make-up sex.”
Despite the sullen thoughts weighing you down, her words made a loud laugh slip from your lips. Nima look affronted that you were laughing at her theory, but you just shook your head and let the laughter die down to chuckles.
“I was serious.”
“I know you were. That’s why it’s funny.” You replied and took another sip of your drink. “But, I think I want to have not angry sex with him before I go for the other stuff.”
Nima’s eyes widened, “Wait, you guys haven’t⏤” You shook your head. “What the kriff are you waiting for!?”
“I don’t know.” You admitted. It was a fair question. “I think we’re going slow.”
“But, why?” Nima replied. “It’s obvious the two of you wanna jump each other’s bones. Half the city thinks you’re already married to him.”
You furrowed your brow, “Yeah, why is that? I get that the evidence stacked against us is damning, but to just assume we’re married?”
“Oh, I’ve been telling everyone the two of you are married.” Nima replied.
“What? Why??”
“I don’t know.” Nima shrugged. “Seemed fun. Figure it’ll be true one day.”
You scoffed, “Well, it won’t be if he disappears on the cursed world of Mandalore.” 
The words fell out of your lips with more pain than you meant to convey. Nima’s face fell and you lifted your drink to knock back the rest of it. That was a possibility, wasn’t it? Din and Grogu leave you to never return. Then what? You live in the house you shared with them alone? Listening to the ghostly echoes of where they used to be?
“Shots.” Nima called out to the bartender. “We need more shots.”
The two of you were four more shots in when a familiar face wandered toward you. Vanth leaned against the bar on your other side with a smile that you could tell was concerned. “Hey there, ladies.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy!” Nima drunkenly lifted herself from her seat, nearly toppling over, and pointed at Vanth. “We aren’t interested. She’s married,” Nima pointed to you then pointed back to herself, “And I like pussy.”
Vanth’s eyes widened and you dragged her back down into her seat. “First, stop telling people I’m married. Second, stop announcing to the bar that you like pussy. And, third,” You motioned for Vanth to take a seat beside you which he did, “This is Cobb Vanth. He’s a friend from Tatooine and the replacement Marshal while Di⏤ Mando is gone.”
In your own tipsy stupor, you had nearly said Din’s name aloud. Luckily, Nima was too gone to notice and Vanth didn’t seem to care. He leaned over to over his hand in greeting. “It’s nice to meet you…?”
“Nima.” She replied curtly and held her hand out like a queen offering it to a peasant. You rolled your eyes, but Vanth just changed the position of his own hand to take hers with a small shake.
“Nima.” Vanth said. “Can I buy you two drinks?”
“I insist you do.” Nima nodded and pulled her hand away.
You chuckled with a shake of your head and tossed back the rest of the one in front of you so Vanth could get you a fresh one. Nima was babbling about something mechanical that you couldn’t follow along with and directing her words to anyone who glanced her way. 
“I’ve already apologized to Mando, but I feel like I owe you an apology too.” Vanth said. “I’m sorry about what happened on the tarmac.”
You snorted. “It wasn’t your fault for assuming Mando wasn’t keeping secrets.”
“I don’t know if I’d call it a secret.” Vanth shrugged, catching the bartender’s eye and holding up three fingers. He turned back to you. “I think the poor guy was just scared.”
“Mandalorians don’t feel fear.” Nima blurted out from behind you, apparently a part of the conversation now.
You shook your head. “I don’t care if he was scared as long as he tells me that he is.”
“Fair request.” Vanth shrugged. The drinks were brought over and you took a small sip of yours. The tipsy buzz floating in your skull was slowly shifting to just plain drunk, and a sadness crept in alongside it. You suddenly wished you were at home curled in bed⏤ curled in his bed. Listening to the soft snores of both him and Grogu. “So,” Vanth’s voice snapped you out of Din’s dark and safe room and back into the noisy cantina, “Where does that leave the two of you?”
“She’s dropping his ass.” Nima barked.
“Nima⏤” You whirled on her.
“You don’t need him! He’s abandoning you!” Nima cried and you took in the way her lower lip quivered for just a moment. “We don’t need either of them! They can⏤ They can go explore the kriffing galaxy or join the New Republic’s special forces team or whatever it is they want to do! We don’t care. We’re better than that. We don’t need them.” She turned and shook her head before taking a large sip of her drink. “I’m better off without her.”
You reached out, wordlessly, and pulled her hand away from the glass so you could hold it. Nima tangled her fingers with yours and squeezed once⏤ hers eyes glistening with unshed tears. You knew she had taken Cara’s departure worse than she wanted to admit. Nima was right. She didn’t need Cara. Nima was strong and beautiful and smart and incredible. Cara had been a friend but she had also been a bump in the road. She left selfishly when Nima needed her most, but Nima was going to rise above it. However, she had been wrong about you.
You did need Din. That’s why the thought of him leaving Nevarro was so jarring and painful. Coming here had been a way to escape your past and hide out, but you had never expected to find someone who would grow to be so important. Honestly, it was a bit scary if you thought about it for too long, but the truth was that you needed Din in your life. Him and Grogu. Without them, you’d have a gaping hole in your heart and you weren’t sure there was anything else in the universe that could fill that. Din hadn’t fully explained his reasoning, you hadn’t given him the chance, but you knew he wasn’t leaving you. Nima had been blindsided by Cara and left with nothing. Maybe it would’ve taken him forever, but Din wouldn’t leave without saying good-bye and you knew⏤ deep, deep down⏤ that he’d fight tooth and nail to return to you. 
“I’m sorry to ruin your night, Vanth.” You said, “But I think we’re gonna call it quits.”
“Don’t be silly.” Vanth shook his head. He tossed back his drink before rising himself. “I’ll walk you ladies home.”
You gave him a thankful smile knowing you were in no state to navigate to Nima’s house in the dark, put her to rest, then find your way back home yourself. Vanth chose to help Nima walk considering you had at least a little better control over your legs. The three of you stumbled out of the cantina into the warm night air⏤ it was time to go home.
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Din didn’t have the time to put all his armor on, it was nearing one in the morning when his communicator went off, so he had simply thrown on the upper half of his flight suit, gloves, and boots. It left him in one of the more ridiculous outfits he wore considering his sweatpants did not match any item he adorned, but he just needed to get the door.
When he swung it open, Vanth stood on his porch with you in his arms sleeping soundly. He nodded toward your figure, “She was wide awake when we dropped off her friend, and was doing decent on the way here, but by time I reached the end of you street she was dozing off on her feet.”
“Thank you.” Din mumbled. He was quick to step forward and take you into his arms⏤ not enjoying the way you were snuggled into Vanth. Though he did appreciate the man bringing you home. “I really do appreciate this.” You shifted so you could bury your head into the crook of his neck and Din sighed. “Was she… How was she when you found her at the cantina?”
Vanth didn’t answer at first. He stared at Din for what felt like a long moment before looking at you then back to him again. Vanth chuckled, “I know I’m new to town, brother, so take this with a grain of salt.” He shook his head. “But it’s obvious she cares about you as much as you care about her. A fight now and then is normal, but don’t let it go on for too long. You don’t get time wasted back.”
“Thanks for the tip.” Din mumbled. 
Vanth gave him a quick nod before turning on his heel and leaving. Din shut the front door with his foot and carried you through the quiet house until he reached your room. The thought that you spent the night drinking until you were too inebriated to get home yourself bothered him more than he wanted to admit. You were a grown woman who could do what you wanted, but you had gone to specifically avoid talking to him. He found that incredibly annoying. 
It was like you were purposefully trying to rile him into lashing out, and that’s the last thing Din wanted to do. Din had a temper, but back during his bounty hunting years that was easily handled. He’d get angry, he’d go hunt a quarry and burn that emotion right out of himself. Now, he was in a setting where he didn’t have an outlet and he worked hard to keep that temper under wraps. Din had lashed out at Karga a time or two since his arrival, but that was expected and Karga was no stranger to his anger. 
Din settled you on your bed and began to carefully take off your boots followed by your socks and pants. He kept his gaze off your lower half as his only goal was to make you more comfortable. He stood and pulled your covers up to tuck you in. Din paused for a moment before pulling his helmet off and tucking it under one arm. He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. Maker, you were driving him up the wall. You had no idea the kind of fire you were playing with. It’s not like you were in danger, Din would tear his own heart out before hurting you, but he didn’t want to yell at you. 
“Ni aalar sha yaim ti gar.” Din sighed aloud. A reminder. He leaned forward to press his lips against your temple. Din would not lose his temper with you because he could not afford to lose you. He turned off your automatic alarm sitting on the night stand by the bed and wished you the same farewell he had to Grogu earlier in the night. “Nuhoy morut’yc, ner kar’ta.”
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The headache you woke up with was nasty, and you swore in that moment to never drink again. Probably a fruitless promise to yourself, and not the first time you had claimed it, but right now you were miserable. You groaned and rubbed your face in your pillow before sitting up with a grunt. There was a weird amount of sunlight in your room and not just in ‘my poor hungover eyes are overly sensitive’ kind of way. You rubbed your face, glancing around, and it was then you realized the alarm sitting by your bed was off.
“Shit.” You breathed and jumped out of bed. The sheets tangled around your lower leg and you hit the floor with a curse. First you forgot to pick Grogu up from school and now you’d be late to taking him to school. Maker, you were so stupid. As reliving as it had been to drink and talk to Nima last night, it hadn’t been worth it for this. The speed in which you got dressed was startling and you burst into Din’s room to find it empty.
Your hungover brain realized much too late that this could’ve been bad if Din were in here with his helmet off. “Grogu??” You hurried out of the room and into the hall. When you stepped into the kitchen you were met with the smell of food and the sound of babbling. Grogu sat in his high chair eating with his father right beside him dressed and ready for work. “Grogu.”
“Ma!” Grogu greeted briefly before diving back into his food.
Din turned to stare at you and you rubbed your face in embarrassment, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why my alarm wasn’t on.”
“I turned it off.” Din shrugged. “Vanth brought you home late. Figured you needed to sleep in.” Din rose from his seat and began to try and clean Grogu up from the mess he had made of breakfast. “You’re fine. I can take Grogu to school this morning.”
“What?” You gaped in disbelief. 
“What?” Din echoed. 
“You hired me to take care of Grogu while you worked and I am failing at that right now.” You spat.
Din scoffed. “Failing is a bit dramatic. You made a mistake. It happens.”
“I show up passed out from drinking on a work night, and your response was to tuck me in and turn off my alarm??” You said as your voice began to raise. “Seriously??”
“Wasn’t a work night.” Din replied calmly. “I wasn’t on schedule.”
You groaned in frustration, “That’s not the damn point, Din!”
“Then what is the point?”
“The point is you’re supposed to be upset! You’re supposed to be angry!” You snapped. Grogu cooed nervously from his seat and you bit back as much of your anger as you could. “It’s a normal human response. Why can’t you just admit that you’re angry at me!?”
Din set his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Why do you want me to be angry at you so badly?”
“Because I want you to be human around me!” You snapped.
Din stiffened, and as much as you hated the way you worded that, you thought maybe it would be the line that pushed him over the edge. Instead, he just gave you a tight shrug. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I wasn’t being human around you.”
“Really?” You laughed in broken disbelief. “You’re not even going to react to that shitty thing I just said?” Din remained silent. “Whatever. I’m taking Grogu to school.”
“You don’t have to do that⏤”
“Actually, I do.” You replied sharply and scooped the boy up from the chair. Grogu reached up to set a hand on your face and you sighed⏤ momentarily finding peace. When your gaze lifted up to spot Din once more the peace fell away. “It’s my job. Remember? Might as well do what I was hired to do while Grogu is still in Nevarro.”
Din didn’t respond. He stood stock still. Enough so that a stranger could walk in and confuse him for a droid. On your way out, you scooped up Grogu’s bag by the door and hurried out. There was a sharp, acidic tang in the air that greeted you and you flinched at the smell. The sky was uglier than it had been yesterday, but you were already late so you pressed on. 
The entire rushed walk to school, you spent it apologizing to Grogu for yelling at his father in front of him. You shouldn’t have lost your temper in front of the child. As if he understood the situation entirely, Grogu babbled along with you and continued to give your face small pats of reassurance. Right outside of the school, Ms. Wynn stuck her head out to greet you.
“Hey, Wynn. I am so sorry about yesterday and for being late this⏤”
“Hurry, get in.” She grasped you by the wrist and tugged you inside. She shut the door tightly behind you and you glanced around the room to see all the children being kept busy by the other school workers. You gave Ms. Wynn a confused look and she sighed. “The storm is coming sooner than everyone thought. The watch people are estimating it to hit city center in the next twenty minutes or so. You can’t be outside.”
You shrugged, “I can get to clinic in fifteen.”
Grogu wiggled and whined in your arms so you set him down so he could run off to play with his friends. Ms. Wynn shook her head. “No. It’s not worth the risk. Volcanic ash storms are incredibly dangerous. The entire city is locking up right now.” You still thought you’d be able to make it, but before you could argue further your communicator began to beep. “I’ll let you take that. I need to start class.”
You nodded and watched her walk off before activating your communicator. “Hello⏤”
“Ner kar’ta?” Din’s voice crackled to life⏤ panic evident. “Where are you and Grogu??”
“At school. Wynn just locked us in for the storm.”
“Good.” You heard Din breathe out a breath of relief. “Just stay there until the storm passes. It should be over by this evening.” There was an awkward pause of silence before he cleared his throat. “If you need anything, call me. Please.”
“I will.” You replied. Then added, “You’ll be safe at home, right?”
“Good.” You hummed. “I’ll, uh, talk to you later.”
The call ended miserably and you wandered to the side of the room where you could drop into a chair. The good news was you wouldn’t have to worry about Grogu like some parents probably worried about their kids. Minutes later, the sound of strong wind and debris rattled the metal sheet covering the window you sat by. It made you jump in alarm and you silently thanked Wynn for stopping you.
That had come much sooner than twenty minutes.
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You had to applaud Ms. Wynn and the other workers for their tenacity. The storm outside sounded miserable and terrifying, but the kids seemed nonplussed by it with the way the teachers distracted them. Around the end of the first hour, Aayla contacted you to ask about a few people who had wandered out into the storm and then stumbled into the clinic. Most of the injuries had been superficial⏤ the exposure short term as they came from nearby buildings. You walked her through how to mix some paste for burns.
It was during the second hour that the patients got too complicated for Aayla.
“I don’t know what to do, Doc.” Aayla’s voice shook. “I keep having him use his inhaler, but after a few minutes he ends up needing it again.”
“I’m worried he’s scorched his lungs. His asthma making it that much worse.”
“Do I mix a paste? Or⏤ Or make a solution?”
You sank in your seat. It was a solution that needed to be made, which you trusted Aayla to do, but that fluid then needed to be aerosolized. That way the patient could breathe it right into his lungs. Working with the machine that did so was tricky and even you weren’t the best at it. You hated the idea of getting Aayla to attempt it only to make a mistake and take on that guilt herself. She was still new to medicine. That kind of guilt shouldn’t be weighed on her conscience considering she hadn’t been trained for this.
“What’s his oxygen status right now?” You asked.
“It’s in the mid-80s and that’s with an oxygen mask on.”
Dank farrik. He might not make it to the end of this storm. The patient could crash much sooner than that. You gave Aayla a few orders to keep the man stable then pushed to stand. You caught Wynn’s attention and the woman drifted closer after helping a child with a small task. She gave you a warm smile, and you returned a skeptical one.
“Hi. So, I need a jacket, scarf, and some sunglasses.”
Wynn warned you against your idea, but you were dead set. You had no choice. So, ignoring her advice, you pressed on. You soaked the scarf in cold water then wrapped it a few times around your mouth and nose to use as a makeshift filter. The glasses would hopefully at least protect your eyes a little, and the jacket was to cover up the remainder of your skin. You were thankful you hadn’t worn shorts today. 
You had traveled to the back door to leave that way none of the ash would slip into the same room as the kids. It would take you 15 minutes to get to the clinic. It was now or never, you supposed.
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Din was furious. His temper running hotter than the volcanic ash whipping around him. As it turned out, his helmet would keep out the dangerous conditions surrounding him. Grogu’s teacher had reached out to him to let him know that you had traveled out into the storm to reach a patient. She had done so to ensure that someone else was aware of the situation. Din had thanked her before rushing out himself. 
He asked one thing of you today. One. 
He just wanted you to stay inside the kriffing school with Grogu. It wasn’t asking a lot considering the literal fire and ash raining outside. It was common sense for someone to stay inside. Din was literally just asking you to follow common human survival instincts, yet you still left. You left, not protected in beskar as he was, but rather dressed in a wet scarf and jacket. As if that was going to help a karking thing.
Din tried to hail you over the communicator but it never got through. He told himself it was because of the storm. If even a little ash got into the communicator it’d glitch. That had to be it. Din refused to believe anything could have happened to you. Still, fear mingled with his rage, but he chose to ignore that for the time being.
Black and gray wind swirled around him, whipping his cloak in every direction, as flickers of burning ash drifted in the air. It was so thick that he could barely see a few feet in front of him. If he wasn’t careful, he could step right over you on accident and not even know it. The thick ash was beginning to settle on the ground in thick piles like the snow of Hoth. When he reached the clinic doors, he saw the metal shutters were down. Din didn’t hesitate to slam his hand against the metal as hard as he could.
If nobody opened the door soon he’d break through the shutters. Sure, ash would collect in the clinic lobby, but he’d deal with that problem later. Luckily for everyone, the shudders cracked open and Din quickly slipped through. Miriam, the new girl, had opened the door for him. Din didn’t mean to blow her off, but he sped past her. She was clever enough to open the second set of doors without him having to have asked. 
Inside the room, were a few people sitting on the cots or against the wall with a pink paste rubbed into splotches on their skin. Aayla stood in front of an older man who was struggling to breathe. A nebulizer, the same kind of machine that blasted a mist of medicine for Grogu, was being held up in front of his mouth.
“Where the kriff is she?” Din snapped.
Aayla nervously stiffened in place. She pointed out of the room, “There’s a small break room down the hall. She’s⏤She’s in there.” Din spun to leave, but Aalya called out to him. He nearly ignored her until she spoke again. “I think she’s more injured than she lets on. There’s some leftover pink paste from the last batch for her skin burns. Right now, she’s using the other nebulizer.”
Din huffed out a small thanks before snatching the jar off a side table and following her instructions out of the room. He wasn’t familiar with the back halls of the clinic, but he didn’t need any more clues to find you. Halfway down the hall he could hear a barking cough. Din picked up his pace then threw the break room door open hard enough that it slammed into the wall.
You startled where you were sitting at a table with a nebulizer mask held in front of your face. Your eyes widened in surprise and you opened your mouth to begin to say his name only for you to begin coughing violently. Just for a moment, his anger subsided. Din hurried over and set a hand on your shoulder to evaluate your injuries.
“Injuries. What’s wrong?”
“Just⏤ Just some burns.” Your voice was hoarse. “Worst of it⏤,” You began to cough again, “Lungs. In my lungs. Medicine will help.”
You took a few more deep breaths of the nebulizer and Din let his eyes trace your exposed skin. There were patches of mildly burned skin on your hands and on your forehead and upper cheeks. The pattern made it clear to see the shape of the sunglasses you had worn. Din tore off his glove and threw it aside rougher than he intended. Your eyes widened but you didn’t say anything. Din dug his fingers into the paste and began to rub it over every single burn he could see on you⏤ no matter how small. 
When he was appeased that he got every single injury, Din shoved the jar aside angrily and huffed, “Are you out of your damn mind?”
“No.” You replied. Your voice already sounding better. “It’s not like I had a choice.”
“Excuse me?” Din narrowed his eyes at you.
“I had a patient who needed me.” You shrugged. Then, you had the audacity to roll your eyes and mutter under your breath, “Just relax, Din.”
Din pushed to stand so fast that the chair he sat in went sprawling back and you jumped at the sound. He set his hands on the table and leaned toward you. “Relax? Did you just tell me to kriffing relax??” You stared at him silently, and Din took a step back with a shake of his head. He scoffed. “Relax.” Din felt his blood boiling under his skin. “Bic ni skana'din.”
“No.” Din snapped. “You’re going to sit there, and you’re going to listen to me.” He leaned in once more. “You wanted me angry? Well, now I’m angry! Dank farrik! What the kriff were you thinking!? I told you to stay in the school. I made myself very clear.” He slammed a hand down onto the table in frustration. “Do you realize how badly that could’ve ended?!”
You set down the nebulizer mask, “Din, I had to⏤”
He reached out to snatch the mask from the table where you set it and forced it back into your hand. Din shoved your hand up so it was holding the mask by your mouth once more. “No, you didn’t. Those patients look fine in there.”
“The old man wasn’t.” You snapped back with a glare of your own. “He might not have made it till the end of the storm.”
“Was there a chance he could’ve?”
“I mean, I guess, but there was just as equal of a chance that he wouldn’t. I⏤”
“Then that’s the risk that gets made.” Din yelled. “You don’t risk your life like that ever again. Do you hear me!?”
“I’m a physician!” You cried. “What would you have me do, Din? Risk him dying⏤”
“Yes.” Din reached out and wrapped his hand gently on the side of your face. Din was breathing hard, his rage making him shake, but he kept his touch soft as he forced you to face him. “That’s exactly what I would have you do. I don’t give two shits about him, but you I can’t live without, ner kar’ta. Is that not clear to you!?” 
You shook your head. “You don’t mean that. You wouldn’t risk him dying.”
“Wouldn’t I?” Din let out a harsh laugh. He wouldn’t risk one of the citizens of his city dying. In your shoes, he probably would’ve done the same thing⏤ but that wasn’t the point. Din sucked in a sharp breath trying to get back to the point he was making. “If I tell you to stay put, in order to keep you safe, you will listen to me. Do you understand?” Your eyebrows furrowed deeper and Din understood the immediate distaste for his words, but he didn’t care. “I said, do you kriffing understand?”
The nebulizer stopped on it’s own and you tossed aside the mask before standing up with a scoff, “I understand, but I’m not promising you I won’t do the exact same thing again.” You tried to walk around the table, out of his reach, but Din mirrored your movements and met you on the other side to block you in. You shook your head. “This is my job. Helping people is what I do. I’m not going to put people at risk just because you don’t trust me to be competent enough to succeed.”
Maker, you were the most frustrating woman⏤ Din’s hands found his hips as he leaned into your space. “You think it’s a trust thing?” He barked out an angry laugh. “All it takes is one mistake, one miscalculated step, and that’s it. It’s not about competence or about trust. It’s about gambling, and I’m not going to let you gamble your life away for a stranger.”
“As if you’ve never gambled your life for a stranger before?? I highly doubt that.” You spat. “Din, you’re a good man and if you think⏤”
You narrowed your eyes. “What?”
“I said, no. I’m not.” Din said through clenched teeth. You were going to be the death of him. He was vibrating with frustration. Fear grabbed control of him at the realization that this was who you were. You were good, to your core, and this was going to keep happening. It was clear on your face that you didn’t believe his words. You weren’t getting this, and Din wasn’t good enough with words to get you to. Resolution settled in his mind, determination, and his next words came out in a low growl. “Close your eyes.”
You blinked almost owlishly. “Huh?”
“Close your eyes, ner kar’ta.” Din demanded, his hands traveling to his helmet without pause. Your eyes widened in alarm before shutting tight. It scrunched your features up. Din tore his helmet off and slammed it onto the table before closing the space between the two of you.
Din had never kissed someone before, which seemed ridiculous considering the other acts he had performed, but the idea of it seemed easy enough. His hands found your jaw and he tilted your head up enough that he could press his lips firmly against yours. Din held them there until he felt your entire body slowly relax. He pulled back just a bit and opened his eyes to see your features had softened though your eyes remained closed. Din’s nose brushed against yours, unable to bring himself to pull away from you any further. He mumbled the next words out, exhausted, but tightened his grip around your face in hopes to get his message across loud and clear, “I am not a good man. I’m a selfish man, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do⏤ no line I wouldn’t cross⏤ to keep you and Grogu safe.” Din leaned his forehead against yours and sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I kissed you without asking permission. I just… Ner kar’ta, I cannot lose you and I didn’t know how to…”
“It’s okay.” You mumbled. “I‘ll forgive you on one condition.”
“And that is?”
“Kiss me again.” You breathed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up to your toes, and Din didn’t hesitate to meet you halfway. His lips pressed against yours once more, but this time it wasn't so simple. It was messy, for lack of a better word. Your lips moved against his, furiously, and Din mimicked every action. It was as if the anger of your argument had shifted and transformed into this moment right here. Teeth clashing against teeth, tongue pressing against tongue. The kiss was desperate and felt like a battle. You versus him in a competition to devour the other, and Din was never one to back away from a challenge. 
He hooked his arms under your legs, lifting and turning, so he could set you on the table. Din’s hands shoved aside the nebulizer machine that sat in the way and he heard the device clatter against the tile floor. He’d buy the clinic a new one. Din pressed into you forcing you to either catch yourself by reaching back or continue clinging to him. You chose to keep your arms around his neck, wrapping around even tighter, and Din had to readjust and wrap his arms around your waist to keep you both from collapsing onto the table.
Din took a chance by nipping on your lower lip and the moan that left you was the perfect reward. He licked into your open mouth, a similar action you had done to him, and it deepened the kiss once more. Finally, breathlessly, Din was forced to pull back just enough to get air. You were panting as well⏤ the only sound in the room being the heavy breaths you shared between one another and the howling storm outside.
“I’m sorry I forgot to pick up Grogu.” You said and the disappointment in your whispered words made his chest ache. “I’m sorry I left last night instead of staying to talk. I’m sorry for yelling at you this morning.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Din replied. “All of this could’ve been avoided if I had just told you about Mandalore. I also promise to get more angry at you if you promise it’ll always end like this.” The soft, breathy laugh that left your lips was like a reassuring melody. You were safe. You were in his arms. You were okay. Din let out a breath of relief. “Ner kar’ta…”
You tilted your mouth against his to let a soft kiss linger against his. The exact opposite of the kind of kiss the two of you had shared. You sighed, “Why did it have to come to this? Why wouldn't you just admit you were upset with me?”
“I… I was worried about scaring you away if I lost my temper.” He admitted. “Things felt so good between us, so perfect, I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Telling me how you really feel is never going to ruin anything, Din. I want that. I want to know what you’re thinking.” You replied. “Fighting isn’t always a bad thing.”
Din pressed his lips softly against yours once⏤ twice⏤ three times. “I can see that.” Maker, maybe taking his helmet off was a bad idea. After getting to feel your lips against his it was going to be twice as difficult to maintain his control. “I need to put my helmet back on, ner kar’ta.”
You chuckled and set a soft kiss against his cheek before releasing him. Din took one more second to stare at you, unhindered by his visor, and he loved the way your lips were swollen from his. He grabbed his helmet and tugged it back on. When it was back in place he let you know. It was cute the way you peeked out of only one eye, just in case, before letting both open. 
“I think I’m ready to talk about Mandalore now.” You shrugged. “Unless, you have something better to talk about?”
Din chuckled and gave you a small shrug. “We can talk about how you were my first kiss, if you’d like.”
“I am?” Your eyes widened. “Seriously?” He nervously gave you a small nod⏤ face burning under his helmet. “Oh man, I am so sorry. If I had know I would’ve⏤ would’ve⏤ I don’t know. Been gentler?” Din laughed at the concern drawn all over your face. Your lips twitched up but you gave him a small shove. “I’m serious! Maker, I was basically going for your tonsils…”
Din lifted a hand to hold your chin. “I’m not complaining.” He leaned his cold forehead against yours. “And by the way, I am proud of you. I’m so proud of everything you do. I… Can you promise to at least call me before you do something risky?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I can promise that.”
Din would take the victory where he could.
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mando'a translations:
Nuhoy morut'yc, adi’ka
Sleep safe, little one.
Ni aalar sha yaim ti gar
I feel at home with you.  
Nuhoy morut’yc, ner kar’ta.
Sleep safe, my heart.
Bic ni skana'din.
Expression of being angry or repelled, i.e. ‘that really ticks me off’
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@aheadfullofsteverogers @yyiikes @kneelforloki @c-ms1ut @sgt-morgan @luthienaliceisilra @fawn-kitten @missbabyjay @coldlamaspersonspy @dilfsaremyfavourite @jamesbuckybarnes @yorkeylover @teawrites01 @emily-roberts @djarinxore @impala1967666 @shelbyteller @faithrenner @dindjarindude @dankfarrick29 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @garbo-lesbo @anythingforattention @tearfulsolace @onceinamando @catharinaroxastovaova @uwu-i-purple-youu @modiddys-blog @harriedandharassedd @stagerightlauren @mini-bees @xxinvisblexx @adoringanakin @sagegreensensei @spidey-3 @sydney-1209 @thepascalofus @hrtsforpascal
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a-whispering-echo · 25 days
very VERY old fic
here - im gonna do this in a few sections, but this is a fic i wrote YEARS ago, and never posted, because i VERY quickly improved and git grossed out by it, but ive JUST found the document again, and figured id chuck em here to do SOMETHING with them i guess?
The air inside Moonlit Halls Mental Hospital hung heavy with despair. Fluorescent lights infrequently flicker, casting eerie shadows on the cracked linoleum floor.
The once sterile white walls had turned a sickly shade of yellow, stained by years of neglect and the suffering that permeated every corner. The pungent scent of antiseptic did nothing to hide the overall lingering stench of decay, scaring anyone it held within its grip. 
The corridors echoed with both whispers and screams of tormented souls, inescapable, much like the building itself. Scratches littered the surface of forlorn cells - futile and desperate attempts of those trapped within to leave their mark on a world that had forsaken them.
In purgatory, time has no meaning. Day melds into the night, as the line between reality and delusion blurred. Tortured cries of the patients were almost in tune with the haunting echoes of their own minds; a composed maelstrom of madness. 
The few patients who had families left had long since given up hope of seeing them again. 
It was a horrible place, and it was run by even worse people. 
 The staff members had long lost their compassion and empathy a long time ago, leaving only cold callously and cruelty behind. Their eyes, once filled with hope and a desire to heal, now held a threatening gleam. Their smiles, twisted and devoid of warmth, were the only outward sign of the animosity that sat behind their masks of professionalism.
And the few patients who had families who cared for them left had long since given up hope of seeing them again, their queries met with indifference or threats if they dare voice concerns or question the facility's practices.
After all, the doctor knows best for you. 
You can forget about getting the right medication, as the staff are much more interested in maintaining control than in providing genuine care. The cycle of medication only ever worsens their state when they end up overmedicated one moment, and under-medicated the next. 
Their fragile minds that once sought solace shattered by the very people who had promised to help. 
Well, Killer had always hated promises anyway. 
Killer stood in the dimly lit hallway, clutching the small bag of belongings that they had managed to grab before being taken in tightly in their hands. New to this particular institution, he hoped this one would be different from all the others. Just by looking at the place, that hope sank like a lead balloon. As a nurse led them down the sallow winding hallways to their new assigned room, Killer's exposed soul pounded with a mix of apprehension and annoyed defiance.
Shit, he really hoped the soul thing wouldn't be a problem here.
But maybe that was the least of their worries. 
Turning their head, empty eye sockets looked up at the apathetic nurse dragging them down the hallway, "Sooooo... Do I have roomies?" 
The nurse gave a quick glance back, and their eyes narrowed in irritation. "Yes, you do," came the curt reply. "But I suggest you mind your manners and keep to yourself. We wouldn't want any trouble, would we?"
Killer only scoffed, "Trouble follows me at every turn."
Rolling their eyes, the nurse carried on.
Upon reaching a withered door the nurse unlocked it, revealing a small space dimly illuminated by a flickering bulb. The room was practically empty, with two sets of bunk beds and one ratty mattress on the floor, a worn-out desk with no chair in sight, and covered head to toe in filth. 
Stepping inside, Killer takes note of the four others in the room, (all skeletons, maybe that's why he's here,) as his eye sockets lock onto a figure on the bed. Tired red and blue eyelights and a haunted expression stared back underneath their owner's hood, as their body tensed in displeasure. 
"Great," The male voice muttered, laced with sarcasm. "Another fuckup to add to this delightful mix."
Killer raised a brow bone, slightly amused by the initial hostility. "Well, nice to meet you too! 
"Dust, play nice." Spoke another skeleton voice tinged with annoyance, this one so tall Killer only came up to his chest, "Ignore him, he's having a bad day, I'm Horror." A polite smile splits his face. 
Killers' attention shifted to a third individual, a skeleton with a scar on their zygomatic bone standing by the window, seemingly lost in their own thoughts. Their weary posture and wishful gaze spoke of quiet strength. 
"And who might you be, window dweller?"
"Cross, I guess," His voice barely a whisper, "Nice to meet you...?" he trailed off like he was asking a question. 
The last person in the room, who had been quietly observing them from the corner of the room, raised a browbone as they stepped forwards and piped up, "Well, isn't this an interesting mix of personalities? I'm Nightmare. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." They seemed to be a hybrid, a mix between a skeleton, and some kind of dark slime creature, and they held an air of darkness like they had dark secrets bubbling under the surface. 
Top dog, spoke the voice from behind his skull.
"Woof Woof." Killer giggled.
"Who are you talking to?"
Killer chuckled under their breath, brushing off the question. "Just my ever-entertaining internal dialogue. Keeps me company." They offered a mischievous smile, though their eye sockets betrayed their slight embarrassment at the open reply. 
The room fell into an awkward silence as the nurse left the room with a scoff of disgust. Killer could feel the tension in the air, a mix of curiosity, weariness, and guardedness, and yet it seemed almost calmer with them gone. 
Dust sighed heavily and broke the silence, "Well, looks like we're all stuck here together," he muttered, his voice laced with resignation. "Might as well make the best of it." 
Deciding to break the ice, Killer speaks up, a mischievous smile spread across their face. "Well, Dusty, seems like we're going to be roommates in this delightful place. I hope you don't snore too loudly!"
Dust's expression softened, his guarded demeanour slipping down into a small grin. "You'll have to bear with my snoring, I'm afraid. But hey, it might help drown out everyone else's screams."
Nightmare smirked, leaning against the wall. "Ah, the screams. The sweet symphony of our beloved asylum. It's music to my ears," they said, their voice dripping with dark humour.
Horror let out a nervous chuckle, eyeing Nightmare warily. "Well, I'm glad someone here appreciates the ambience. Personally, I could do without the screams."
Cross, who had been silently observing the interaction, finally spoke up in his soft-spoken manner. "I...I don't like the screams either. They remind me...of things I'd rather forget."
"...Do you wanna talk about it?"
Cross hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting to the floor as he shuffled his feet. "I...I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "But maybe...someday."
Horror smiled, "No pressure, We're here whenever you're ready."
Killer nodded in agreement, "Yeah, take your time, Crossy. We're all in this together now."
"Does that make us friends?" 
Cross looked up, his eyelights reflecting a glimmer of hope. "Friends? Yeah, I think I'd like that," he replied softly.
Nightmare grinned mischievously, their eyelight gleaming with intrigue. "Friends, huh? Well, I suppose it's always good to have a few allies in a war."
Dust's lips curled into a genuine smile, "Friends it is then. We'll stick together and make it through this place."
Killer chuckled, "Well then friends, let's get settled in."
In the days that followed their initial meeting, the group treaded cautiously around each other, their interactions filled with a delicate mix of curiosity and apprehension. They were aware that their shared experiences within Moonlit Halls Mental Hospital made them survivors of the same kind, but the layers of their individual struggles kept them guarded, each convinced to keep to themselves about it. 
But one evening, gathered in the dimly lit common room, Horror broke the silence with a deep breath, his voice hesitant but firm "I think it's time we share a bit more about ourselves. Our diagnoses, our struggles, whatever. We need to understand each other better."
Nightmare, leaning against the wall, interjected with a detached air. "I was brought here for my manipulative tendencies. They couldn't handle someone who knew how to play the game better than they did," they explained, their tone void of remorse. 
Raising a brow bone in amusement, their curiosity piqued, Killer questioned, "So, you're a master manipulator, huh? Should we be worried?"
 "You should always be cautious. But worry? No, my dear. I am not here to manipulate you. I am here to unravel the mysteries that bind us. I want to manipulate them." Their eyelights gleamed with an enigmatic spark as they smirked.
 Horror spoke of his struggles with depression and his eating disorder, sharing how he had fought to maintain his strength amidst the darkness that ever threatened to consume him.
 Dust reluctantly divulged his diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, revealing the pain of his hallucinations and the constant fight to distinguish reality from illusion. 
Cross muttered about his anxiety disorder, the paralysing fear that often held him captive within his own mind. 
And Killer, keeping their DID hidden for now, nonchalantly spoke about their struggles with anger and impulse control. How their BPD made life a mountain out of a molehill.
As the night wore on, a fragile trust began to form between the group of misfits, as they realised that they were not alone in their battles. And in this sharing, the shallow bond they formed grew stronger.
However, the peace and newfound companionship was to be shattered by an unexpected confrontation between Dust and Nightmare.
Skulking out of the shadows, Nightmare approached Dust, their presence almost suffocating. Dust looked up, unease creeping into his features as Nightmare invaded his personal space, their faces mere inches apart as he traces a fingertip over Dust jaw line. A chill ran down Dust's spine as Nightmare's voice, laced with an unsettling calmness, pierced through the air.
"You know, Dust," Nightmare began, their voice low and taunting. "I've been observing you closely, and I can't help but wonder... How do you distinguish between reality and your hallucinations? How do you know what's real and what is merely... a figment of your imagination?"
Dust's soul pounded in his chest, fear flooding his senses. He tried to pull away, to escape the suffocating presence of Nightmare, but their grip on his chin tightened, their gaze locking onto his with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.
Nightmare's voice dropped to a chilling whisper. "And what about your brother? The one you see, the one who talks to you. Has he ever told you to finish off the rest of your family? Do what he couldn't finish? After all, there's only one left, isn't there?"
"Dust, come with me," Horror spoke, his voice firm but comforting. "You don't need to listen to this."
But Dust, lost in the clutches of his own torment, pushed Horror away, his eyelights fixed on Nightmare. Anger burned within him, a mixture of fear and defiance. "You don't know anything," he spat, his voice shaking. "You don't understand what it's like, what I go through everyday. Leave me alone!"
Nightmare's expression twisted into a sinister smile, their eyelight glimmering with amusement. "Oh, but I do understand, Dust. I understand more than you realise. The question is, can you handle the truth?"
Horror, his voice gentle yet determined, tried once more to break through Dust's spiralling thoughts. "Dusty, please. Let's get out of 'ere. You don't 'ave to face this alone."
But Dust, overwhelmed by his own inner demons, pushed everyone away, his trembling voice filled with defiance. "Just go, all of you! Leave me be!"
As Dust stormed away, his footsteps echoing through the dimly lit hallway, Horror watched him with a heavy soul. He wanted desperately to run after him, tell him that everything will be alright, but he knew that pushing Dust any further now is just going to make matters worse.
Turning to face the rest of the group, Horror's expression was filled with concern, "Give 'im some space, let 'im cool off, we'll talk to 'im later." 
At Killer's "Uh huh," and Cross's nod, Nightmare scoffed, "He knows what I said was the truth," they muttered, their voice tinged with frustration. "He needs to face it."
Horror's eyelight narrowed as he locked gazes with Nightmare. "You may be right about 'im needing to confront 'is fears, but you can't force 'im into it,” he said firmly. "We're here to support 'im, to help 'im through this, not to exploit 'is vulnerabilities."
Nightmare's expression shifted, a flicker of doubt crossing their features before they regained their usual air of indifference. "Fine," they replied, their voice laced with annoyance. "If you insist on coddling him, be my guest. But don't come crying to me when he falls deeper into his delusions."
As Nightmare stalked off, their steps filled with frustration, Horror let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. 'What a great first week.'
Later that evening, when the rest of the group had retired to their beds, Horror found himself sitting alone in the common room, flicking through an old dog-eared book he had stolen from a group therapy room. The book was about some kind of new type of therapy, supposed to help anxious people speak their thoughts easier. It sounded like bullshit to him. 
It was then that Nightmare appeared, their usual composed demeanour replaced with smothered vulnerability. They approached Horror cautiously, their voice hesitant yet filled with a desperate plea. "Horror, may I... can I talk to you?"
Horror looked up, surprise evident in his eyelight. He had expected Nightmare to maintain their distance, to retreat back into the shadows. But the vulnerability in their voice struck a chord within him, and he nodded, his voice gentle. "'Corse, Nightmare. What's on your mind?"
Nightmare hesitated for a moment, their eyelight avoiding Horror's gaze. "I... I don't understand how to...care," they admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. "I've spent so long detached,  observing others.. that genuine compassion eludes me. But... you care for Dust, and the way you all care for each other, it's... foreign to me. I want to understand, to learn how to care like you do."
Horror set the book aside, his attention fully on Nightmare. 
He had seen the facade Nightmare presented to the world, the carefully constructed mask of indifference, and now, as Nightmare stood before him, vulnerable and searching for answers, he realised that there was more to him than what had previously met the eye.
Horror watched Nightmare closely, their inner tempest palpable in the way they shifted their weight and avoided his gaze. His voice softened as he spoke, "Empathy isn't something you can learn just like that, but the fact you want to change says everyt'ing. But you still don't want to let go of the mask, so we'll start simple - right now, in this moment, what are you feeling?
After a brief moment of hesitation, Nightmare's voice trembled as they admitted, "I... I don't know what I'm feeling right now. It's all so... confusing. I've spent so long using my manipulations like a shield - I don't know who I am without them. It's like... I'm not even a person - just a collection of masks and schemes."
"Nightmare," he began gently, his voice soothing, "you're more than just the masks you wear.  Compassion is not an easy journey, but it's one worth taking."
He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "Caring for others isn't about grand gestures or putting on a show. It's about being there, listening, and offering support if they want it. Even if all you can do is listen to their questions when asked - like this."
They listened intently, their gaze slowly lifting to meet Horror's eyelight. "But what if I do not have the answers? What if I am not capable of giving them what they need?" their voice filled with uncertainty.
Horror's voice held gentle reassurances as he shook his head and replied, "None of us have all the answers, Nightmare. We're all just trying to figure things out as we go along. Sometimes, all someone needs is a shoulder to cry on."
Nightmare's brows furrowed as they contemplated Horror's words . "I've always been the one who observes, an outsider, looking through a window at others outside," they admitted, face full of longing. "But watching you all... I see the strength in your connection, you support one another. I want that. I want to be a part of something real." 
Smiling warmly, Horror solaced -  his voice filled with genuine encouragement: "You already are a part of something real, Nightmare. You're a part of us, and we're 'ere for you."
On a quiet evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in dappled hues of pink and gold, casting warm rays of light over the figure by the window, Cross sat alone in a secluded corner of their room - on the ledge of the window the showed the courtyard, the small foliage and trees swaying in the wind - a taste of freedom he could not achieve from inside the walls. He clutched a worn-out journal in his hands, its dogeared and ripped pages filled with sketches and the scribbled words of his innermost thoughts.
Unbeknownst to him, Nightmare observed from a distance, their curiosity piqued by the sight of Cross in such a vulnerable state. Ready to play his usual games, he started to stride over, before he hesitated. Horror's words from their previous conversation echoed in their mind. "Listen, offer support if prompted."
This was the perfect time to try it out. 
As they got closer, they noticed Cross mumbling to himself in Spanish, his words a soft, soothing melody that seemed to calm the turbulence within him.
Walking over to where Cross was sitting with a newfound determination, Nightmare cleared their throat as they greeted him in Spanish, "Hola, Cross. ¿Te importa si me siento contigo?" (Hello, Cross. Do you mind if I sit with you?)
Cross looked up, surprise flickering in his eyelights at the sound of his native language. A hint of a smile touched his lips as he nodded, "No, adelante. Siéntate." (No, go ahead. Sit.)
Taking a seat beside Cross, Nightmare could feel the nervousness bubbling beneath their typical aloof facade. But Horror's words kept replaying and they were determined to forge a connection with Cross, to break free from the walls they had built around themselves. They didn't want to be like this anymore.
"¿Te gusta el jardín afuera? He notado que a veces te sientas junto a la ventana," (Do you like the garden outside? I've noticed you sometimes sit by the window,) They asked, trying to break the ice with a simple observation.
Cross’ eyelights softened, a glimmer of surprise at Nightmare's attempt to engage him. "Sí, me gusta el jardín. Me ayuda a relajarme y despejar mi mente," (Yes, I like the garden. It helps me relax and clear my mind,) he replied, his voice hesitant and wary at the psychopath's confrontation.
Nightmare nodded, trying to maintain the conversation. "Entiendo. La naturaleza puede ser terapéutica, ¿verdad?" (I understand. Nature can be therapeutic, right?)
Cross seemed to relax just a bit more, a small smile gracing his face. "Sí, es como una pequeña escapatoria en medio de todo esto," (Yes, it's like a little escape amidst all of this,) he admitted, his voice softening.
And in that moment of shared understanding, the walls between Cross and Nightmare began to crumble. They found solace in the familiarity of their native language, speaking freely in a way they couldn't in English. As time ticked on, the sunset turned to dusk, as its warm shades turned to sympathetic  shades of indigo and mauve. 
In the time of quiet revelations, Cross continued "Siento que no encajo aquí," he admitted softly, his gaze cast downwards. "Es como si todos fueran piezas de un rompecabezas que no encajo."(I feel like I don't belong here. It's like everyone else is pieces of a puzzle, and I don't fit.)
Nightmare's eyelight softened, a newfound empathy shining through their usual veneer of detachment. "Entiendo cómo te sientes," they replied, their voice gentle. "A veces, también me siento así." (I understand how you feel, sometimes, I feel that way too.") 
"...You know, sometimes it feels like the world is just too loud, too overwhelming," Cross confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of noise, and no one else seems to understand."
Nightmare nodded, their expression empathetic. "I know that feeling all too well," they admitted. "For me, it's not just the noise; it's the emotions of others, the weight of their expectations. It's suffocating."
"It's hard to feel like a stranger in your own mind, isn't it?"
And as the night wore on, they found comfort in the safety of the shared secret language, a safe haven where they could express their deepest fears and struggles without the fear of judgement. Their strings of fate entwined inside the chaotic world of Moonlit Halls.
(ENDING THIS PART HERE, no clue why the FUCK i did the spanish part; i dont SPEAK spanish, nor do i know ANY of the language, with im sure is obvious based on my google translate spanish there, but yk, im sure it'll give someone a giggle at how wrong it is, so-)
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swampcatzx · 5 months
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Creepypasta OC/Au introduction #1 yay
hello dear friends!!:3 First slenderverse au character introduction!!
This is Nevada Ustrashkin "Cadaverine" They are one of the proxies that work at the local funeral parlor that is owned by one of the Operator/Slendermans proxy supervisors (BASICALLY Slenderman Has a lot of different proxies in my au Like ALOT most of them work normal jobs that tie back to slenderman he's also not extremely evil in this au id say his in the middle??but yeah BASICALLY proxies work in like detachments kinda like in army!so every other team Has a leader that orders the proxies by the orders that they get from Operator/Slenderman,the groups always consist of max 10 proxies at most)
Their "normal" job is Tanatocosmetologist however as a proxy they are under the rank of reaserchers(In this au there are like classes/ranks proxies have for example;Scientist are called Reaserchers,Secuirty,medics etc ill make a seperate post for that)
BASICALLY what they do is expirement on decaying bodies and mix body acids etc with other chemicals to create poisons and other weird shit like this!unlike Xvirus tho they keep strictly to working on dead bodies and also run some small surgeries.
As for their character:DD
Other proxies tend to describe them describe them as a little bit of a pushover and people pleaser atleast that' what it seems like
in reality tho they are calm and Reserved person tho they can get pretty cold easly once they hear something they dont like,gets really easly frustrated to a point where they would just straight up leave proxy meetings they have once a Month to discuss important topics lmao.
Nevada is 18 years old!
They are russian and romanian!
Their father was also once a reasercher serving slenderman until he was never to be seen again
they speak 8languages in total
Autistic!!special intrest is Chemistry and Carebears LMAO specifically those old ones tho
Nonbinary they/them only pls
on very good terms with other proxies in their team that consists of two other people;Alana Bjorklønd and Eliza Fischer (They are besties tho Eliza makes fun of them all the time and Alana is their baby sitter lmao)
RIVALS with Xvirus 😰😰😰but this will change as the story progresses tho!!👀👀
definition of nerd emoji!
unfurtunetly they are pretty weak physically so they dont really get sent to more of the physically hard missions one punch and they are gone BRO
Studied under Nurses Ann eye for three months!(Ann runs a clinic??she s like the boss of all the medics in this au)
Blind in one eye
Their "lab" is so old the lamp barely work;in order to get in their they need to go inside a trapdoor in the funeral parlor basement it LOOKS HORRYFYING AND THEY HATE IT
very i mean VERY protective of children
(side note for the colors hair is Black skin rather pale?the whole aesthetic is kinda like those morute/gloomy coquettes with gas masks from Pinterest lmao)
ANYWAYS nothing here makes sense im too autistic for this app but yeah IF anyone would be intrested to join me in making this au PLSSS I NEED FRIENDS TO BRAINSTORM THIS ILY GUYS YAY SEND ME ASKS OR WHATEVER THIS IS CALLED PLS :33
the tag ill be using for this is Nocturneslenderverseau since that's what i called it LMAO djxjndnf
pls teach me how to use this app pls-
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specialmouse · 16 days
i have been diagnosed with adhd for 16 years. since i was 5 years old. and i cannot get fucking adderall. it is ruining my life in every area. i will be dead within five years if i do not get a stronger medication than fucking ritalin due to my unmedicated adhd and it will be seen as my fault or unrelated to this. i am diagnosed with a host of other mental illnesses and none of them even hold a candle to what adhd has taken from me. it has taken my entire life from me. do you know where i'd be if i didn't have it? so much happier, healthier, and i would be able to help my and others' communities. i can't even do my laundry right now. i can barely read books. i can't do homework, i can't schedule appointments, i can't clean my room. i drop things on the floor because i don't have the energy to put them away. it feels like mental torture. and then the guilt. my fucking god. the guilt i have not only for not being able to take care of myself but im unable to show up for other people. i cant make it to palestine protests. i cant volunteer regularly. i cant read theory. i cant hold a job so every time i donate to a gofundme it's a pitiful amount and that money does not replenish itself. it hurts my fucking heart and i hate that i'm complaining about it and i'm afraid i'll get told that if i actually cared i would do it anyway. i've done what i can when i can but lately i can only get up to go to school. and theres more guilt on top of that because im privileged enough to go to school and live away from my mom's house and whatnot so i get stuck in this self flagellation loop. i just want to go to sleep forever so i dont have to confront the inadequacy of myself
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the-broken-pen · 9 months
I love your blog so so much, everything you write is amazing, idk if reqs are open, if they arent, im sorry and feel free to ignore, but could i request a second part of that prompt you wrote where the villain poisons their little sibling hero w/o knowing its them, i just loved that prompt and how you wrote it SO SO much, i think i must have read it about 20 times just these last few days, you can make the second part however you want, sad ending, happy ending, its up to you!!! thank you a lot
Part One (Thank you so much Anon!)
The villain hated hospitals. There was always the threat of exposure—the promise of a fixed wound never meant just stitches. Inevitably, it meant the police.
But really, the villain hated hospitals because they had almost watched their sibling die in one, three years old and a stomach full of cleaning products. They had sworn their sibling would never, ever get hurt again.
Now here they were. Watching the painful rise and fall of their sibling’s chest, oxygen mask hissing alongside the beeping of a heart monitor.
The villain scrubbed a hand over their face, covering their mouth.
Their sibling—the hero—was so small. So pale. And it was their fault.
The villain was going to vomit.
The heart monitor stuttered, and the villain snapped their eyes to the bed. The hero blinked back at them, clammy and bleary eyed.
The hero blinked at them once, before clumsily dragging their oxygen mask off their face.
“You need that,” the villain said gently. The hero eyed the mask with distaste, before dropping it beside them.
“Okay.” But they didn’t pick it up. Their eyes dragged around the room, not quite conscious yet—before landing back on the villain. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
The hero’s brow wrinkled, then eased.
“I don’t feel bad?”
The villain laughed slightly. Their chest panged. “Yeah, that’s the morphine. They have you on the good stuff.”
The hero frowned.
Absently, one of their hands reached for their IV, and the villain caught it, settling it back by their side before they could rip it out.
“You’re an obstinate little thing, aren’t you,” but it was fond.
Their sibling grinned at them, and god, how had the villain not known? The hero had smiled at them, that exact smile, hundreds of times. Maybe thousands. And somehow, they hadn’t stopped to think it looked familiar. They hadn’t questioned that they had the same power.
They hadn’t bothered to wonder if the hero they were fighting was their younger sibling.
How many times had they hurt their sibling and not known?
“You love me anyways.”
The villain’s throat tightened.
“Yeah,” They choked a bit. “Yeah, I do.”
The hero frowned at them again.
“Are you okay?”
The villain cleared their throat. “Of course. It’s you who isn’t.”
The TV on the wall switched to a news segment, and they both watched with detachment as the reporter discussed the political climate surrounding powered people. The hero fidgeted slightly as they aired clips of the two of them fighting.
If their sibling didn’t remember anything about last night—
“The hero always loses,” the villain said slowly. They waited for the hero to look at them. “Why do you think that is?”
The hero bit their lip, anxiety creeping around the fog of pain medication.
“Because they’re weaker, I would think.”
The villain tipped their head a bit. “I don’t know about that. They always hold their own.”
Their sibling shrugged one shoulder, trying for casuality and failing. “Heroics and all that. Busy. Maybe the agency has orders…?” They trailed off, and oh, wasn’t that a terrible thought? Their sibling being ground into dust in the machine of the government.
“They never catch the villain, either,” the villain pressed. One of the hero’s hands squeezed into their blanket.
They stared at each other. The heart monitor beeped. Someone called for a code blue.
“You never catch me.” It was little more than a whisper, but the villain knew their sibling caught it. The hero went still, a deer in headlights.
It was almost like the villain could see them remembering the night before—the gala, the poison. Their big sibling, hurting them.
But they didn’t look at the villain with fear.
“No,” the hero said, and it was the firmest the villain had ever heard their sibling. “I don’t.”
Something began to burn in their gut.
“What were you thinking?” The villain hissed. The hero stared, stony eyed. Their lip quivered, just slightly.
“I was thinking that I love you too much to watch you die on the news.”
The villain jerked a hand through their hair, pacing to the other end of the room. The door snapped shut with a flick of shadow, the curtains following suit.
“You’re sixteen,” the villain snapped. The hero was fighting off tears, pressing their lips together like they were trying to hold in a sob. The villain had seen them do hundreds of times over the years.
“And you’re all I have left.”
The villain forgot how to breathe. Their sibling was trembling, just slightly.
“I’d never leave you,” the villain promised, voice cracking.
The dam broke, and a tear slipped down the hero’s cheek.
“But what if the only part of you left to stay is your ghost? I don’t—I can’t-“
And then their little sibling was sobbing. The villain tucked them into their arms between one second and the next, cradling them against their chest.
“It’s okay, I promise, it’s okay.”
“Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t,” the villain carded a hand through the hero’s hair. “I won’t.”
Their sibling was too young for this.
The villain was too young for this, too.
Being a villain paid the bills—but was it worth it?
The hero sobbed again, and the villain knew.
It wasn’t worth it. How could anything ever be worth hurting their sibling?
It wasn’t worth their sibling almost dying, it wasn’t worth the heart ache, it wasn’t worth the pain.
But it was worth a month’s rent. It was worth school supplies and food on the table. It was worth a life.
Maybe not theirs—no, theirs was ruined already.
It was worth their sibling’s.
That was what mattered.
The nausea was back, deep in the villain’s stomach.
“Stop fighting me.”
The words stung on the way out, cutting the villain’s tongue. The hero jerked out of their arms as if scalded.
“What?” Their voice was rough with tears.
The villain swallowed, and it took everything in them to keep their face blank.
“Stop playing hero. You’re going to end up dead.”
If the villain couldn’t hear the heart monitor beeping, they would have thought their sibling’s heart had stalled in their chest.
“It won’t happen again,” they fisted their hands into the blanket.
“You’re right,” the villain agreed, and it hurt. “It won’t.”
The hero gaped at them.
“You don’t get to do this—“
“I do.”
“Stop it,” their sibling hissed. “Let me talk, I just want—“
“I want you alive.”
The hero went silent.
“And I want you happy, and warm, and well fed, because I love you, and it is my job.”
“Isn’t me being a hero to protect you the same thing? It’s love, not hatred or stupidity, can’t you see that?”
The villain could. They could see all of it. They could see their sibling, just a younger version of themself, desperate to keep their last loved one safe. They could see their sibling, helping the city because they cared too much with a too big heart.
They could see their sibling choking on poison, hunched over a toilet.
“I can’t let you keep fighting me.” The villain held the hero’s gaze. “I won’t, do you hear me?”
Their sibling was crying again, silently, chest heaving.
“I’ll fight you anyways,” but it was weak, and they both knew it.
The villain gave them a long look.
“You’re going to let the nurses help you. You’re going to get better. And then we’re going to go home, and you’re going to go to school, and I’m going to pay the bills, and put money on the table, and you’re going to pretend you don’t know how.”
The hero let out a shuddering breath, jerking their eyes away. Their jaw clenched.
“Do you hear me?”
“Fuck you.”
“Yes,” they sobbed. “Yes, I hear you. Yes, I’ll watch you die and bleed out and I’ll do my math homework and pretend I don’t know why there’s blood stains in the bathroom.”
The villain wished they had been shot. It would have hurt less than this.
The hero shot them one last, desperate look. Like they had expected the last bit to mean something. Like they had hoped it would. Like they had needed it to.
Their sibling was just shy of hyperventilating when the villain tucked their oxygen mask back over their face. They brushed a piece of the hero’s sweat soaked hair out of their face, softening their eyes a fraction.
“I love you.”
The hero just blinked at them as the villain slid off the bed, tucking the blankets back around them.
The villain hesitated, just barely, at the door.
“Don’t—Don’t do this,” their sibling was crying again, voice wet with tears as they shook. Like the villain had grabbed something within them and broken it, something vital, and their sibling no longer knew how to be still. “Please don’t do this.”
Whatever they said next was a mangled sob.
“I love you,” the villain repeated forcefully, more weight on those three words than they had ever put on them. Maybe, when the hero was older and the villain didn’t need to commit crimes to keep them afloat, when there was no danger for their sibling, they would tell them they hadn’t wanted this either.
They would tell them they had wanted them to be a hero.
They would tell them they were sorry.
But for now, the villain said nothing. The door clicked shut behind them like an oath.
The villain managed to make it all the way down the hallway before they started sobbing too.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 9 months
Chapter 6
also happy 2024. im posting this on new year's eve in my time-zone tho so consider this the last update of 2023
Some pre-chapter notes:
lovingly named this chapter 'the naegami pre-divorce fight' in my head
was incredibly worried about how the characterization would work out here. shoutout to @moonlighttogami for beta-reading this one!
Byakuya is an asshole here. But it's in-line with how he is in canon anyways
Reminder that this fic is a slow-burn. For both naegami AND togiri. Which includes conflicts abound
Content warning tags: canon-typical assholery from Byakuya, mention of previous character deaths
< previous - from start - next >
Things are quite tense after that.
It doesn’t help that Monokuma has no intentions of taking any of it seriously. He toys with them openly, seemingly delighting in the collective misery. But he at least opens up the next floor and some other facilities, which offers a wide new variety of options to them.
The first floor warehouse and bathhouse are now unlocked. On the newly available second floor, there’s a pool, some more classrooms, and most importantly, a library, though no kind of technology that could access the internet or the outside world. Even despite all that, it’s a welcome change; Byakuya was beginning to grow bored with the routine of the first floor, and the limited spaces he could occupy to eavesdrop on people.
He found painkillers and nausea medication in the first floor warehouse, which was a veritable boon to him. It’s cheap over-the-counter stuff, but he recognizes the obvious branding labels and has Naegi confirm it for him before he takes some bottles for his own use. Naegi also recovers a bottle of eyedrops, which he accepts, though they prove to have no effect whatsoever; at the very least, they made him feel like some progress was being made.
The real treasure trove, however, was the second floor library. 
It’s nothing compared to the library in the Togami residence, of course, but it seems that whoever was librarian here at least had good taste. He runs his fingers over smooth leather spines and finds titles that he recognizes, old favorites that he once tore through with eagerness and newer ones that he had always been planning on reading, and even ones that he had never heard of before. He felt almost pleased by it, though it was quickly accompanied by a note of bitterness.
Not like I can read these myself, however. He thinks, clicking his tongue and making Naegi jump besides him. And listening to someone else read was always irritating, especially when he could usually read faster by sight than they could speak. But he has little choice now, as he pulls Naegi to his side.
“Come to my room tonight,” He says in a low voice, with no uncertain terms. Naegi’s face flushes, and he begins to stammer out something ridiculous before Byakuya smacks him lightly over the head with a copy of Tolstoy.
“Don’t get the wrong idea,” He scoffs, pushing a sizable stack into Naegi’s hands. “Go take these to my room. Then come back.”
“Oh, o-okay…” He walks off, tottering a little underneath the weight. He was listless after the trial, gloomy and less responsive, but he still followed orders well enough.
Byakuya watches him go, before turning his attention back to the shelves. Much as he’d hate to admit it, he was loath to be out of Naegi’s company nowadays. The atmosphere after the first death was palpable, thick with tension. Plus, it didn’t help that some certain, purple individuals, had taken up a new interest in stalking him.
One of whom was Fukawa. He’d noticed Ultimate Writer had taken up some kind of habit of following him around, as told by the slightly harrowed sound of her breathing in his general vicinity, and the general smell. And the other of which was Kirigiri, of whose presence he became uncomfortably aware of recently.
Maybe it was their few, clipped conversations with thinly concealed aggression. Or maybe it was simply her actions during the trial, which now put her at the forefront of attention - she had gone from being someone who the others were prone to forgetting, to a sort of secondary leader. Someone whose advice was asked for, though she was rarely around to give it. But regardless, he now found himself looking for white as soon as he entered a room, tensed as if ready to right. Though, after their first few, hostile interactions, all other conversations were relatively civil.
At the moment, neither of the two girls were posing any real danger. Fukawa, while off-putting, was more importantly boring and therefore relatively harmless (and furthermore, currently involved in some inane argument with Yamada). And Kirigiri was too involved in exploring their surroundings to pay him any real note; he turns just in time to see her pulling something flat, gray and rectangular out of a desk.
“What’s that?”
She shakes the thing, hard enough for him to almost be worried that it’d fly from her hands and smack against the floor, and a cloud of dust flies off. “A computer.”
“Oh?” Now this was interesting. He approached nearer, curious. “Does it work?”
In lieu of answering, she sets the device on the central desk and flips open the lid. After clicking and holding a few buttons, she shakes her head. “Doesn’t look like it. That would’ve been too easy.”
A shame. But she was right; it would have been too easy, considering all the mastermind’s attempts to cut them off from the outside world. “Send it to Fujisaki. She should be able to figure something out from it.”
“I was already planning on that.” She sounds mildly miffed at the suggestion, as if affronted that he would think she wouldn’t come to that conclusion.
“Good. I’m glad you have half a modicum of common sense, then.” He sniffs. It was more than just about anyone else here, at least.
She faces him for a moment, long enough for him to wonder if she was glaring at him, before turning away. “Did you find anything of note?”
“Not particularly. Some interesting volumes to pass the time with, but nothing obviously relevant to our situation as of yet.” From what he could tell, and what he had Naegi explain, the shelves held more than just good books. There were also case files for crimes that never reached the public eye, documents of incriminating evidence and then some regarding some of the most powerful names in the world. He would have to pore through those individually later. And some medical textbooks - he made a mental note of their location, and a reminder to go back for them.
Kirigiri steps past him to run a hand across the surface of a low shelf, sending up a cloud of dust. He wrinkles his nose and steps back. “Do you mind?”
“Sorry. I was just reaching for this.” And she holds up a thin rectangle of parchment, sealed by red wax.
The letter creates some interesting revelations.
For starters, the school had supposedly been closed down for nearly a year by now. And secondly, it was due to some circumstance outside of anyone’s predictions or control, that the school shut down in the first place.
There was no other elaboration, and nothing could really be gleaned from it other than the mastermind possibly having more control than they originally thought, provided that the letter was real. It was a frustrating loop back to where they first started; nothing was gained from the loss in morale.
If circumstances were different, he would’ve chosen this moment to break off from the group. He found a new source of entertainment and information with which to use, and with Maizono breaking some unspoken promise, there was now no telling who might strike next. If circumstances were different, he would take this opportunity to try playing a more active role in the game, to see how much he could push his limits, to prove the value and right of his blood.
But with his current situation, he had no choice but to continue to participate in the inane routine that everyone agreed to partake in. Waking up at six AM sharp to dress and clean himself accordingly, taking extreme care to ensure nothing was out of place, and then walking to the dining hall to enjoy breakfast. Ishimaru was usually there at this time, as timely as ever and preparing breakfast alongside whoever’s turn it was to handle the meals that day, and could usually be coerced into making a half-palatable cup of coffee. Then was the usual waiting around as the others made their slow, meandering ways in, exchanging yawned greetings and calls for food.
He sat apart from everyone else, as usual. Sometime around seven, Naegi would show up, and bring over a plate of buttered toast and some cut fruit for Byakuya and move on without another word. At first, the others had exchanged curious, barely concealed whispers, wondering at the nature of their dynamic - now, they hardly paid any mind.
“Today, we should split up and look for clues!” Ishimaru declared, after they had eaten.
“Isn’t that what we do every day, anyways?” Asahina muttered under her breath. Her head was resting in her arms, sprawled on the table. “I wanna go to the pool…”
“Yes, I don’t see why we can’t take a day to enjoy the new facilities.” Celeste interjected, hands folded primly over her lap. “I doubt any of it is going anywhere. And we have endured quite a lot, have we not?”
“Yeah, we should take a break! For like, morale and stuff!” Yasuhiro agreed heartily, nodding emphatically.
As Ishimaru tried to regain control over the table, Byakuya silently agreed right along with them. By his calculations, it would take at least twice as long for him to read anything if Naegi was helping him. Any free time was valuable.
“Well- it’s better to get work done before leisure, you know!” Ishimaru tried again, voice raised. “Otherwise, how will we be dedicated students!”
“We’re hardly students at all though?” Naegi’s quiet voice piped up. “I mean, considering why we're here...”
The previously light-hearted atmosphere vanished instantly. Over the course of just a few days, they’d witnessed the deaths of three of their peers. As much as Byakuya respected the entirely logical reasoning that Naegi had offered, he also felt that it was rather mistimed.
He debated whether or not to offer his own input, before Kirigiri beat him to the punch. “Why don’t we do both?” Her tone was calm and clear as always. “I imagine we will all be in different locations anyways. If every person just makes note of something that’s interesting and worth remembering where they are, we can come together later and combine that information. Everyone who wants to investigate on their own is welcome to do so.”
There’s a chorus of agreement to that suggestion. Ishimaru seemed relieved by Kirigiri’s attempt to boost the group’s cohesion, though Byakuya doubted whether that was her real intention. Bit by bit, people began to split off; predictably, Asahina half-dragged, more-led Ogami away in the direction of the pool, and Celeste began demanding Yamada to make her some tea. Byakuya stood up, watched as Fukawa swooped in and took his empty cutlery, and beelined towards Naegi.
He reaches him just at the same time as Kirigiri, both of them placing a hand on the young man’s shoulders at the time. Byakuya locks eyes (presumably) with the girl, frowning. “Is there something that you need?”
“...No.” She releases him, and walks away. It takes both of them by surprise; Byakuya had been expecting a bigger fight.
“...What was that all about?” Makoto asks, bemused. Byakuya had no good answer to that question.
“You’d do better to stay away from her.” Is all he says instead, before dragging Naegi off.
He had a selection of books he wanted to read for his leisure in his room, but had left anything potentially case-relevant in the library. It is for this reason that he pulls Naegi into the room and positions him directly in front of a shelf of all case files, and points to the one on the right. “Start from there. If there’s anything in there mentioning ‘Hope’s Peak’ or crimes of passion, or killing games like this one, tell me, and we’ll go from there.”
“...Wait, for all of these?!” His voice is a little reedy still, presumably from last night - while he was slow at reading, he was decent at it, and not unpleasant to listen to - Byakuya had made him read aloud nearly half of a translated copy of Atlas Shrugged.
“Is there a problem?” He looks down on the other boy. “You said you’d be my eyes. This is part of what I need my eyes to do. Get started.”
He watches as Naegi wobbles for a moment, turning between him, the shelf, and the door, before reaching for the first file on the far right of the shelf and starting to skim through it. He’s slow, taking a good few moments to look through each page, so Byakuya sits down in the large leather chair by the desk, sinking comfortably into it.
It’s quiet in the library, silent if not for the distant hum of the building’s internal machinery and the occasional flip and shuffle of Naegi going through a folder. Not for the first time, Byakuya wishes for a radio, or a music player. Boredom was a dangerous thing - as Pennyworth had taught him, it dulled the brain and made for delayed, clumsy reactions - and Byakuya had already exhausted the few tricks and games he knew to combat it on his own.
Maybe, it’s for this reason that he decides to initiate conversation. With Naegi, of all people.
“What do you think of her?”
The commoner takes a little moment to respond, and when he registers the question, he predictably begins to sputter, fumbling with the papers in his hands. “I-I-! …Um, w-who…?”
Byakuya rolls his eyes. “Kyoko Kirigiri. Who else?”
Kyoko Kirigiri. He was hoping that, if this school was the Hope’s Peak Academy they were meant to enroll in, that there would be more information eventually revealed about her as well. But for the time being, she was a wild card, and a mystery. These were two things that made her dangerous, and a possible threat.
“Sh-she’s…well, she’s nice…I think?” Naegi tilts his head to the side, unsure about his own answer. “I mean…she helped me out a lot with the trial. I don’t think I would’ve been able to get through it without her help.”
Interesting. That was true from what Byakuya could tell, but it also seemed that Naegi had been doing most of the talking, with occasional interjections from Kirigiri to help push him in the right direction. It was a demonstration of clever manipulation, and one that irked him. If Naegi was going to be working for him, he needed to be free of outside influence.
“Keep looking through the files.” He nods at the shelf, and Naegi fumbles with the folder with his hands, flipping it closed and sliding it away. “I saw you and her talking the other day after the trial. What were you discussing?” He asks, voice casual and almost bored.
“Oh, that? That…” He trails off. He seems to almost visibly deflate, his form drooping over like an unwatered plant. “That was…about Sayaka. She wanted to reassure me that Sayaka still cared about me, at the end.”
Still cared about you? The notion was so preposterous that Byakuya couldn’t help stifling a laugh, instead snorting at the thought.
“...What’s so funny?”
“Sorry. I simply find the idea of it ridiculous, is all.” Sayaka Maizono, caring for him? Perhaps, but the entire plan that she had prepared was, albeit hastily executed, commendable in its elaborate design, considering the short time period in which it was concocted. Trying to derive small comfort from such an assumption was like trying to squeeze water from a stone; a pointless, frivolous task.
“Why?” Naegi’s voice is raised now, and he sounds angry. “It’s not ridiculous. We really were good friends-”
“Oh, please. Were you friends back in middle school? Or did you only watch her from afar?” Naegi shrinks back at the words, which meant that Byakuya had been spot-on. “And she only reached out to you after we found ourselves trapped here, and said all the right things to get you to follow after her like a starving dog.”
“Shut up.” Naegi says, voice so quiet he almost missed it.
“She could’ve used any of the half-witted fools in this class, but she used you because she knew you were unlikely to betray her.”
“Shut up.”
“Did you happen to make a promise to ‘help her no matter what?’”
“I said, shut UP!”
The sudden shout is accompanied by the rustle of papers hitting the ground, as Naegi drops whatever was in his hands to the floor. Byakuya remains carefully composed, though he suddenly feels incredibly wary.
“I’m only telling the truth.” He keeps his voice level, calm. Naegi was standing up, and somehow seemed bigger than before; though that was perhaps due to how Byakuya was sitting down. “It was obvious that she was trying to pin you under her thumb. She was going to betray you eventually, so it’s better to forget about her and move on.”
“You don’t get to say that stuff about her.”
“And why can’t I? Everything I say is simply meant as advice. Advice that you clearly need.” He continues anyways, trying to hide the unease creeping at the edges of his voice. Why did he feel so threatened? The only one here was Naegi. “You know it’s happening again, right? That Kyoko woman. She’ll do the exact same thing as Sayaka and you’ll be none the wiser.”
“She’s not like that.” His words are a low whisper now, barely audible. It seems to fill up the entire room.
“And how do you know? What do you know about her that no one else does?”
At last, he’s met with silence. A question that can’t be answered. He watches the realization sink into Naegi, watches his demeanor change, shrinking back to being small and meek again, and without realizing it he lets out a breath he’d been holding.
“...I don’t know.” Naegi says aloud, at last, and his voice is so small again. “I…I don’t know anything about her.”
“Right.” Byakuya nods, while feeling an inexplicable rush of relief. “So-”
“But I also don’t know anything about you.”
“...Excuse me?”
Not for the first time, he wishes he could discern facial features. He hadn’t realized how much he relied on them before; how telling they were to a person’s character, their emotions, their whims and ideals. Even Naegi, someone who should’ve been inconsequential to him, was capable of becoming dangerous. A treacherous link in a chain. 
But Byakuya had no choice but to rely on him anyway.
Naegi turns around, and Byakuya suddenly realizes he was about to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Sorry, I…can’t really think straight right now. I probably won’t be able to help you for a little bit.” There’s a tremor in his voice. Anger? Grief? “But I don’t know anything about you either. Yes, I know your talent,” He adds, as Byakuya opens his mouth to correct him. “And your secret, but…that’s still not enough, right?”
“This-This is different, though.” We’re built on more stable footing, he thinks. Naegi knew his secret and would help him navigate as needed. In return, he would use his authority to ensure the lives of Naegi’s family. That was their deal.
“Maybe, but still. There’s a lot I don’t know about you. And you’re right - I don’t know if I can trust Kyoko’s words, because she could just be trying to use me. Just like Sayaka did…” His voice trails, and he shakes his head. “But I also don’t know if I can trust you. Aren’t you just using me, like you say Kyoko wants to?”
Was he stupid? “Like I said, this is different.” He stands up, steps forward - and hears the crunch of papers beneath his feet, but there’s no time to worry about that now - “I’ve already sworn on my family’s name - there’s nothing else in the world that means more to me, not even my own life - and look at me. Do you really think I’m capable of anything when I’m like this?” He holds his hands out, gestures towards himself. This wasn’t turning out the way he wanted - all he had wanted was respite from boredom, and reassurance that Naegi wouldn’t betray him, and to get some sense into the damn peasant - “Makoto.”
Naegi turns away again. “...I’m sorry.” Byakuya can hear his hand on the doorknob, trembling slightly. “I promise, I’ll keep up my part of the deal still, but…please, let me off for now. To think for a bit.”
He still doesn’t move, however, and Byakuya belatedly realizes that he was waiting for permission. He hears the papers beneath his shoes crumple, as his heels dig into the carpet.
“...Fine, then.” He spits. “Get out. Go play with Kyoko, or whoever you want, and get your pathetic heart broken and betrayed all over again.” He watches Naegi cringe under these words, shying away as if they were physical blows. “Don’t come back to me until I say so.”
< previous - from start - next >
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strangeswift · 2 years
hi abby its jade!! congrats on the follower count, very well deserved ❤️❤️❤️ !!
if those slots havent been filled out already.. ohoh you know what i want. apocalypse byler + jealous mike. im on my knees orz
Congratulations Jade @blueeandyellowmakesgreen you have been selected to receive ✨️a ficlet✨️
Apocalypse Byler + Jealous Mike coming right up!
Will Byers was absolutely smitten.
Mike was sure of it, he could see it in his eyes. Even worse, Mike knew that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it. He was stuck at home with a “sprained ankle” (he still didn’t trust his mother’s diagnosis seeing as she was not a medical professional) while everyone else went out on missions.
Everyone else was out doing supply runs, and fighting monsters, and falling in love. Okay, not love. God, Mike hoped not.
The Wheeler house had become sort of a home base, it was still intact and it was the largest house available. Plus, being hospitable made Karen feel useful.
After missions, everyone would usually return to the house for food or a safe place to sleep. Or they’d gather in the living room and chat. Mike had been essentially living on the living room sofa, since he couldn’t climb the stairs without help and he refused help. So even though Mike wasn’t allowed on the missions, he could listen to everyone talking about them.
He was jealous, and bored. Perhaps he was going a little crazy.
One of the things he’d gathered from listening in was that there were assigned partners on these missions. Everyone had someone to watch their back. Which was good, he supposed.
The problem was, Will seemed to have bonded with his partner.
Mike hated her. He hated the stupid heart eyes Will was constantly giving her.
Robin fucking Buckley.
Mike wasn’t even sure when exactly she became part of the team. When exactly she found out about the Upside Down. A few years ago, she was just the exasperated girl behind the Scoops Ahoy counter who rolled her eyes every time they came to force Steve to sneak them into a movie. Then she… cracked a Russian code? Mike was still fuzzy on the details of that whole ordeal.
Now, ever since she and Will had been working together on missions, she was basically all Will could talk about.
“That reminds me of something Robin said…”
“Robin’s actually really funny, you should talk to her…”
“Have you seen Robin?”
Will was so obviously obsessed, it made Mike want to throw up.
She was too old for him anyway. RIght? Mike wasn’t sure exactly how old she was. He never paid much attention before.
He had, however, been collecting information about her over the past few weeks. For totally normal, not jealous reasons.
He knew she spent most of her time alone with Steve, but they were not dating, much to Dustin’s chagrin. He knew people thought she was funny, because they were always laughing around her. He knew she talked a lot, and really fast. He knew she was sarcastic, which he resented. He knew she was friends with his sister. He knew that when she was alone, she always looked kind of sad. He knew she was pretty. He knew she was smart, at least according to Dustin, who seemed a reliable source. He knew she was kind to Will. He knew she kept him safe, like Mike used to.
This was all information he’d gathered purely from observation. He never asked Will about her, because he didn’t care. Not in the slightest.
He most certainly didn’t care as he sat on the couch with his leg propped up and watched Will and Robin walk through the front door of the Wheeler house, talking and laughing. He continued to not care as Will said something to her and then turned to look at him, his face lighting up as soon as their eyes met. Probably because he was excited to tell Mike more about how great Robin was.
Robin. What kind of stupid name was that anyway? It’s a bird. It shouldn’t be the name of a person.
He snapped out of his hatred induced trance-like state as Will plopped down on the couch next to him, so close their sides were pressed together.
It was a big couch…
He was probably saving room in case Robin wanted to sit.
“How’s the leg?” Will asked with a small smile.
Mike shrugged, “Fine.”
Will’s smile faded, “You okay?” he asked.
Mike stared at his lap and picked at a thread on his shorts. “Yeah,” he mumbled.
“Mike, what’s wrong?” Will asked, sounding concerned.
Of course he was concerned. Will was the best friend in the world. The problem was, Mike couldn’t tell him what was wrong. He couldn’t say, “I know you have a giant crush on Robin and it’s actually driving me slowly toward the brink of madness because I’m having some very strange feelings toward you that I’ve thus far chosen not to think too hard about, but I’ve been stuck in this house alone all day for weeks and it’s kind of hard not to think about them, so I think I’ve come to the tentative conclusion that I’m in love with you.”
He really couldn’t say that, but honestly it was on the tip of his tongue pretty much constantly.
“I uh… my leg just hurts,” he said instead.
Will furrowed his brow, “You just said it was fine.”
Mike sighed, “Yeah, well…”
Will hesitated. Mike could practically hear him debating with himself whether to push the issue. Mercifully, he didn’t. “You want to see something to cheer you up?” he asked.
Mike smiled, he couldn’t help it. “Sure.”
Will nodded and stood up from the couch, he went upstairs to Mike’s room where he’d been staying, and returned with his sketchbook in hand.
Mike’s heart soared. He loved seeing Will’s art, more than anything.
Will sat back down, not quite as close as before. Mike resisted the urge to scoot closer and close the gap.
Will opened the sketchbook on his lap, and Mike looked down at the pages. On one side, there was a sketch of Will and Mike in their DnD personas. It was beautiful. It was mesmerizing. It made Mike feel things. Things like the desire to grab Will’s face and kiss him square on the mouth.
Mike couldn’t focus on that for long though. Because on the opposite page, was a half done sketch of Robin. Her head was thrown back in a laugh and her stupid hair was cascading over her shoulders. It was gorgeous. Of course it was, Will did it.
Mike glanced up at Will. He looked nervous, his face was a little red.
Oh god, was he about to tell Mike about his crush on Robin? Was showing him the sketch his way of doing it?
Why else would he be nervous? There was no reason for Will to be nervous about showing Mike a sketch of the two of them.
No. Mike couldn’t even go there. Hoping would be a terrible thing to do to himself. Especially considering Will’s obvious infatuation with one Robin Buckley.
He took a shaky breath. “Cool,” he said.
Will looked nervous still. “Cool?” he asked.
Mike nodded quickly, “Yeah. they’re really cool.”
Will paused. “Oh. I was really just wanting to show you this one,” he said pointing to the sketch of Mike and himself.
Mike’s pulse quickened. He should say something. Something normal.
“Do you like Robin?” he blurted out.
Great. Really great, Mike. Super cool.
Will raised his eyebrows. “Like… like her?” he asked.
Mike wished the couch cushions would open up and swallow him like loose change, never to be found again. Unfortunately they did not, so he was forced to continue the conversation.
“Yeah, I guess,” he said awkwardly.
Will laughed a little. Why was he laughing?
“No, Mike. I don’t like Robin,” Will said.
“Oh,” Mike said.
“Oh,” Will repeated with a smirk.
They sat in silence for a moment, then Mike blurted, “Are you sure? You know you can tell me if you do. I won’t get mad.”
God. Shut up! “I won’t get mad?” Why the fuck would you get mad?
Will laughed nervously. “Uh… yeah. I’m sure. Like, very sure.”
Mike’s head was reeling. It seemed like Will was telling the truth. He had no reason to lie.
“I’m not really… Robin’s type anyway. I mean, she’s not mine either, and she’s older. Really, we’re just friends,” Will rambled.
Mike was ecstatic. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he said, “Okay.”
Will smiled back, but then he looked nervous again. “I uh… I kind of like someone else anyway,” he said, his face bright red.
“Oh. Okay,” Mike said.
Who the fu-
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imustbenuts · 23 days
watched a video from matt bernstein on youtube titled The Detransitioner Panic and theres this girl who goes by lucy who detrans and hates the shit out of conservative media taking her story as a trans panic prop
basically lucy's story seems to be that she had gender dysphoria as a kid and got extensive evaluation before transitioning, then hit a point in her life where she decided to detrans
and the whole thing got me thinking about my own gender bc some parts of my childhood was similar?
i had features that made me look like a boy and i remember being forced to wear the boys' outfit for a kindergarden play bc apparently i look werid in a dress and they even put lipstick on me at 5 year old (they basically clowned a kid from the reaction i saw). i kept being mistaken for a boy in school when im not wearing the stupid gendered uniform. relatives treated me weird bc of my appearance and the unfortunate 20 year age gap with my cousins
without the concept of trans here i was very much just on my own too lmao. i wasnt a boy but i wasnt a girl either. and then i picked up behaviors that got me seen as a tomboy/boy for like 15 years lol
parents were also very neglectful. couldnt tell you exactly why, like if they were shit or embarassed having me or both but i would rate them a 3/10 either way
anyway. so. i probably had severe gender dysphoria or some form of depression but im not sure if i wanted to be masc or femme. mental evals here are an absolute joke and with neglectful parents i never got it sorted. its complicated
and bc i still dont want to go through the medical psych system bc of a lack of time and gender dysphoria hasnt been kicking my ass as hard, im fine with being... agender? whatever?
im also fine with slamming people spouting anti trans bullshit tho. the amount of idiots sliding up next to me thinking im fully cis both outside and inside. lmao.
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starbeans-cafe · 1 year
Mario and Dr Mario differences headcanons (+slight general doc hcs)
-Full disclosure, the two of them aren’t related. They’re the same person from different universes
-Due to their names being the same, everyone just calls Mario, yknow, Mario, whilst They refer to doctor Mario as either Doc, or just doctor.
——people around them tried finding out anything else to call doc, so they tried using his middle name, which also happens to be Mario.
——whilst talking about the other, Doc just calls Mario "the plumber".
-Doc is slightly shorter than Mario (he’s 5'0, Mario is 5'1), its nearly unnoticeable, but Mario’s hat doesnt do doc any favors.
-Doc has a couple gray hairs (due to stress) and in general just seems old; he tries playing off that he’s just very mature but it’s clear it’s a bit embarrassing for him
-On a similar note, Doc and Mario aren’t the same ages. Doc is exactly one year older than Mario.
——-another similar note, Docs Luigi isnt his twin, but his younger brother by two years.
-Whilst Mario has the resting :) face, doc just looks SO upset all of the time (it’s the autism. For both of them).
—-this is also reflected in their personalities, Doc is much more cranky and a lot more rude. This is because he always wants some kind distance from people and is very nervous about opening up.
-Mario grew up in Italy and moved to the US at an early age, whilst doc grew up in the US and moved to Italy at an early age, which resulted in him being a lot more comfortable with speaking English than Mario is.
-Mario is nonverbal in most cases, whilst only becoming somewhat verbal in stressful scenarios or with people Hes incredibly comfortable with. Doc on the other hand is verbal usually, but becomes nonverbal in stressful scenarios.
-Mario is the "I need sound or else I cant function" AuDHD, whilst Doc is the "if there is one sound too much im going to go ballistic" AuDHD
-whilst Mario is great with kids and is basically every kids uncle the second he meets them, Doc definitely does not. He thinks they’re too loud, icky, etc. he tries his best to be nice to them though.
-Whilst Mario falls asleep within seconds, Doc often has way too much trouble sleeping at night.
-Doc always ALWAYS wears his jacket, or at least something akin to it. Even if the weather doesn’t allow for it, he wears the jacket anyway.
-Mario’s favorite season is summer, whilst doc absolutely hates it and much prefers winter.
-Docs gloves aren’t hospital gear or anything like that, he has em so he doesn’t need to touch anything with his bare hands (#sensoryAvoidantMoment)
-Doc always needs to grab onto something, it usually ends up being his chin or pills he keeps stored.
-Doc is definitely not a real doctor. He has a doctorate but definitely none of the medical variety; he’s a nurse at best.
——on the same topic, he faked his medical license. Everyone knows this but he’s never gonna admit to it.
-Docs stims are much more physical, as a opposed to Mario’s vocal stims.
-As opposed to Mario and Peach, Doc and nurse Toadstool don’t have any romantic chemistry. He sees her more as a sister than anything
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belletlafleur · 2 months
people can hurt me all they want, they can make my nights my worst nightmares but i will never ever wish them the same pain they make me go through anymore, that's just not who i am anymore.
i had a last chance to grow into something bigger and i took it seriously when i almost lost the love of my life for good. he had his reasons, he was right, i was a good person but i wasn't behaving like one.
i grew in hate, i grew in pain, i grew in fights, i grew in suspicion, and that made me who i was and i hurt the people i loved and love the most.
having had a last chance doesn't mean that “you only value when you lose” is true, but the fact that, indeed, we get sick of our own bullshits sometimes too.
firstly, which wasn't right but did anyways and worked slightly, i changed for him and for us, for our relationship. i wanted to be a good girlfriend, a good friend, a good person for him to rely on. but when you don't change for yourself you'll still have doubts.
it took me yet a year to now, change for me.
but this man, this man, he helped healing my soul. he helped me understanding my flaws, he helped me asking for help, he helped me wanting to get better and just do it — even if it took time!
i was scared to death to get out of my comfort zone, to get out of what i knew (anger, sadness, illness) that i wasn't even thinking about the harm i was doing to others — & to myself.
this is not just me bragging about how i've changed and grew into a whole new person — because, in the end of the day im still me and i still have flaws, i'll always have and you too will always have no matter how much you change, no one is perfect, and i still want to grow much more. i still have things to fix, i'm just in a grateful, peaceful and good state of my life right now, taking things slowly — this is a message to those who don't have hope on their illness, on their lives.
3 years ago i was severely hallucinating, anxiety attacks, suicidal, deep into my bpd, my eating disorder just appearing, huge paranoia. today i look back and can tell it took time indeed but i did it.
as a 20 year old girl who's currently without therapy and relying on herself and medication to change (please do therapy if possible it helps so much), some days are harder than others but when the good days knock on your door you'll feel so much better and capable and don't ever blame yourself for feeling down.
some good days come as a surprise, but most of them it's u that have to create them, don't forget it.
im always here open for discussion or conversations. wish u all the best ♡
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maimreddwhite · 2 years
reunion and turnabout spoilers
ok if someone put a gun to my head and told me that i had to choose who i thought, in my opinion, was the most tragic and fucked up ace attorney character, i would without hesitation say mimi miney. her life was filled with so much tragedy, pain, and suffering that its insane.
first things first, she was working in a shitty abusive workplace for god knows how long. they were mistreating her, overworking her, and turner grey was definitely not a caring boss. being exposed to that on its own can fuck someone up, but theres even more.
they have overworked her and exhausted her to the point where she cant even think straight, to the point where she cant even do her job correctly. so, some medications get mixed up, and she has to slowly realise that the patients under her care were dying. she will now have to carry the weight of that for the rest of her life. the lives of the 14 people; as well as the 14 families and friends of those people.
along with this, she also had to deal with legal shit. interviewers, police, people blaming her, news reporters, people showing up to her work, grey trying to pin the blame on her even though he was the one who caused the whole thing.
now, even though your life is absolutely horrible at the moment, there are at least two good things. first of all, you have a younger sister who cares about you, and you have an expensive car that you probably worked for so long to get.
unfortunately, she looses both those facts simply because of how stressed out and exhausted she was. her sister, someone who shes spent the past two decades living with, someone her, as an older sibling, were at least partially responsible for, dies a horrible death in that fire. i would also like to add that ini miney had the shortest lifespan out of any ace attorney character in the entire franchise. she was literally 20 years old. she died very young.
mimi would definitely feel responsible for this as she refused to let ini take over driving for her, a mistake which seemed harmless enough, she didnt intend to kill anybody, but look where that landed her.
im not even going to get into the physical pain but having your entire fucking face burnt off sounds. painful!
anyway, you thought shes been through enough, and that this entire experience has probably done an insane amount of damage on her. but no, she wakes up in that hospital, alive, and she looks in the mirror and shes forced to relive the guilt of that incident, shes forced to carry a reminder of it, everywhere she goes.
now, just think for a second about how terrifying becoming your dead sibling is. first of all, she does not get a chance to grieve properly. everybody around her, her friends, family, everybody she knew, was grieving mimi miney. she would have to watch as everyone she knows cries for someone who, in her eyes, doesnt even deserve it. nobody mourns the person who is dead, and you are the only one who can miss ini. you cant talk about ini to anybody. naturally this would fuck up the grieving process just a little.
hopefully mimi liked inis friends because those were the people she would have to hang out with for ages on end, and what if ini had a partner? would mimi just have to continue a relationship she feels nothing about? she would have to take every aspect of her sisters life, even the aspects she hates, and that would basically be her entire life.
being forced to constantly be around things that remind you of death, and things that remind you of your sister probably did not do wonders for you either! fast forward about a year of living in this absolute misery, and your old boss, somebody who caused every terrible thing that youve gone through, someone yoyve tried to distract yourself from, has now come into your life.
hes, all of a sudden, asking her about spirit channeling and if she could reccomend any. why? because he wants to threaten mimi at gunpoint to sign something that absolves him of all responsibility. shes angry, of course, but she cant show it. she cant show anything. obviously, she accepts, and she panics. she wouldnt know what to do it the truth came out, because then she would have to face herself, her guilt, and what she did.
while shes murdering grey, i would like to point out that ini mineys face is the last thing turner grey ever sees. the woman that he played a big role in killing, she murders him.
anyway, after the trial, for the first time in an entire fucking YEAR she has the ability to be mimi miney again. in that past year, a lot of fuckedup and traumatising things happened to her, so the logical conclusion would be to get some therapy, try to heal from her grief, beco-oh wait shes in prison. she goes through trauma after trauma and the place where she ends up? fucking jail!!!!!!!!! my girl doesnt need jail she needs.......idfk but NOT THAT!!!
this concludes my...*cough*....SMALL RAMBLE on why i think mimi miney is a very fucked up and tragic character. also i am of the belief that turner grey deserved to die.
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🦌(deercervidae): (hai im the same one who sent a few anon asks prior. youve prolly seen the username before and im on twitter and instagram) anyway
i love love love the idea of revs being born on Valentines Day (it fits the depressing nature of the show lol). he gets no bitches and he’s been lonely for about 6 decades and sometimes he thinks he was destined to be lonely since he was a baby until his death. but thanks to people like stephanie and orel in his life, it starts to change his pov on life a bit. sure, he’s still depressed, but hes glad hes got a two-person friend group to ease his loneliness and lonely heart.
iil think at some point his heart problems would be at an all time high and would develop a heart attack and be sent to the hospital to get some kind of cardio surgery. i hc him absolutely Hating hospitals and anything medical related so hed be terrified by the thought of having it. Or he would have cardiac arrest when he gets super old and dies from that
- he could die from a broken heart from being lonely forever and being born in Valentines Day (oh the irony)
and back to the ibs thing i saw that IBS is linked to appendicitis so he could get that at some point idk
and since putty hates hospitals stephanie would be there to comfort him and give him company and food when he recovers from whatever operations he has <33
ive also had a medical fixation as well in my younger teen years eeeee
that’s all i got for now for hc/story stuffs
Omg hey!!! I do recognize you. Might reach out on insta later if I have the energy.
Thank you for replying and giving HC, I need this shitttt.
I love your wording on this btw (might steal some to write fanfic if I have it in me). Revs probably only really saw love as romantic love as he chases after that constantly and I don't think he had the best sense of family love. I HC that his father was serving in WW1 or WW2 and away a lot. He either died in combat or returned home being a very distant person. His mother was more strict, constantly working, and not the best at being a parent. I also know he has siblings, but I see him as a middle child or older of some sorts and still very distant. I see Rod moving out asap so he doesn't have the best connection with family love which may also explain his complicated relationship with Stephanie and Orel. He had no role models and is just trying his best.
He constantly chased after romantic love as platonic is only now more so getting talked about and all the media since the beginning of time says that romantic love is a goal for everyone and it'll fix everything!! It's a weird subject but Revs bought into it and as a result, constantly felt like a failure and probably developed rejection sensitive dysphoria from how he was treated too.
It makes ALL the sense of Revs to eventually die of a broken heart as it matches with the story themes of Moral Orel and general physical health. I may be obsessing over this HC..
On the terms of what you are saying, I see him reaching a peak at around 70s or late 60s, after Moral Orel would end or close to the original ending of it timeline wise. He just ages and while he has family love more so now, he still lacks consistency (as both Steph and Orel have other families to go home too and I know Revs would like to *live* with someone constantly for consistency and to not feel alone). He also feels like he failed in many aspects due to depression, his age, etc.
This is a pile up of issues that he barely works on mentally that is combined with kinda a shitty diet and he also smokes, not making his organ issues better at all. It's not sudden, it builds up. I see him either having chest pains at his house or at church and calling Stephanie in a panic. Stephanie would take him to the hospital despite his protests because I think he would majorly have a fear of them (and needles specifically). He gets looked at immediately and probably grts surgery the same night because it's a legit emergency, if he waited he would have died, and low population yada yada. He would be glad Stephanie took him in but be grumpy about it and grumble, saying if God wanted him out he should of went. That and feeling like even MORE of a failure for having health issuss and feeling guilty for making his kid go through this. Stephanie would get mad at the God comment but be more gentle and reassuring for the others. I bet she wouldn't work for at least a week to watch over Revs.
Also, I know for a damn well fact Revs would be stubborn as hell, so Stephanie would have to FORCE him to lay on his back, not move or pick at anything, and take his meds.
After about a month, Stephanie would let Revs have some days where she isn't there again but she still checks on him more often.
I could very much do a fanfic idea with reader taking Stephanie's place as a caregiver after he has surgery. Either way, sweet. But canon, it would be Stephanie caring for him.
Also Orel would visit and be a questioning little autistic child which might make Revs feel insecure because of how personal the questions get, but Stephanie can guide the conversations and everything.
... one final note is I think Revs would be very grumpy and shy about his scars from surgery but dear god I wanna kiss them if he has them and make him a blushy shy mess. Old grumpy Reverend needs more love. Kiss him over his heart too for another personal touch💜
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abandonedshops · 8 months
ok so i completely understand the "thats a really mean way to think about me, i wish you wouldnt think that i dont know what im doing when i love you" post and it's a wonderful sentiment because it's true. and it's a great post for the people it's helping i'm so glad it's helping genuinely. but sometimes when you're traumatized you can't understand that anybody knows what they're doing when they love you. it's in the back of your mind at all times. you're waiting for the ball to drop any second and they'll snap and lash out. maybe you will understand that there's safety eventually, but not everybody is there.
as a child, i got told that i was mean and hurting my mother when i expressed how scared i was of her. all it's done is make me more self consious of when i'm triggered (i hate that word because of the old internet associations but it's the medical word for what i'm going through so) and adding an extra layer of punishment on top that i'm being mean to them and hurting them by being scared of where the path has gone a million times in the past. i'm genuinely sorry me being scared hurts you. it hurts me too, and highlighting it isn't making it better.
it's like when someone overapologizes and you go "you don't need to say sorry!" and they say "sorry" in responce. and then every time they apologize they now have the original transgression, PLUS the knowledge that the other person wants them to stop apologizing.
anyways. about the original sentence. it's a good revelation to have, but i have complicated feelings about the delivery of it.
of course it's also just someones personal post that broke containment. so im just posting feelings online
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