#the space area however looked awesome
waterbottle2006 · 5 months
favourite spm chapters, one for gameplay and another for plot?
i personally like the sub chapters in chapter 7 for how castle bleck looks and how it sets the mood for a final boss, its beautiful. however, i still like chapter 7 i HATE 7-3 for dimentios bitchass mirror room. also a huge chapter 4 and chapter 1 fan for visuals.
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carionto · 9 months
Hardcore Space Parkour
Some Humans are worryingly agile. And stupidly driven to endanger themselves. For no reason we can understand.
Within the Coalition governing station of the segment of the Galaxy where the Sol system is are countless embassies for each member civilization. Each is designed to accommodate their respective species (or multiple in certain cases) to the fullest while also being able to host guests from any other member.
Then there are the communal areas, set for a galactic standard that is viable for the majority - gravity at 0.6 Earth, far less of that dangerous oxygen, and slightly more humid and cooler than what Humans are normally comfortable with. In fact, Humans technically fall outside the Galactic standards and are all equipped with a partial breathing assistance unit and pressurized clothing to stimulate their circulation. While they can function reasonably well despite what we assumed would be too draining without assistance, most Humans do make use of these gadgets.
Some, however, prefer to "stimulate" themselves a bit differently.
There is a small group of individual Humans many have dubbed "Leaping Cortix" after an infamous invasive fuzzy gelatinous centipede-like pest species that always manages to make a hive on any sufficiently large space station or vessel given enough time. Everybody swears they're some kind of magic, and it's hard to dissuade such a notion when there are fairly common reports of ships on deep isolation missions, without making contact with anyone or anything else for years at a time, still one day find themselves with a pack of Cortix skittering about near their nutrition supplies!
This group of Humans, found the title amusing and have embraced it. One of them even made a hooded sweater with the name and a stylized Cortix jumping off the letter x.
The reason for the name is simple - despite becoming integrated into the Coalition just around a year ago, Humans seem to appear everywhere within this segment of the Galaxy. Mostly in small groups for tourism reasons, but the point still stands. And these Humans in particular appear to make it a habit to appear out of the most unexpected places.
The leaping portion comes from how this group tends to move around the communal areas. Most Humans adapt to the lower gravity and eventually (rather quickly actually) change how they move around when outside their embassy - the movements seem more relaxed, fluid, some even appear to exert almost no effort at all in their steps. This group on the other hand utilizes the full force of their incredibly dense musculature.
First, they jump good. Real good. Then they bounce and pivot, real fast. After a few days they started a game - get to any place without touching the floor. Not even a day later they managed to always be in the air.
At first it was impressive and quite mesmerizing. Quite a sight to behold as they got better and quicker at chaining their jumps and bounds together into one smooth motion that took them from one part of the station to the other in mere moments.
Then they started getting bored. And one of them had an idea. An "awesome" idea.
Add flying robots and moving obstacles.
Chaos ensued. Naturally.
As the Humans leapt off of one of the maintenance machines they programmed to hover between several distant structures, it could not compensate for the sudden recoil from the movement and crashed down on the floor. Thankfully it was above a small garden and only some artificial plants were damaged, as well as itself, but that was enough to call in the peacekeeping units to put a halt to their antics.
We deliberately brought a Human peacekeeper along to make the reprimand stick. The Leaping Cortix, most of whom are junior staffers and one is a retired military veteran now serving as a consultant, looked ashamed, but also sad. At least they seemed to understand the gravity of the situation (though perhaps not as well as the physics of gravity) as the wreckage was cleared in clear sight of everyone.
After the offending member was issued a token fine (as it was their first offense), the group as a whole became less active. Initially, most people felt relieved, but as the incident grew more distant in memory, the sight of the flying Humans started to become missed by quite a few.
Some from the more physically able races were even inspired to try this "parkour" the Humans had demonstrated and found it quite thrilling. When done in a lower than their normal gravity that is. Trying it at their standard caused a few broken bones and cracked shells.
There is currently a petition by the permanent residents to dedicate a large open indoor field for such extreme physical sports as well as to commission the design of a variety of machines to facilitate, as written in the official documentation - "stimulating courses to improve the physical well being and readiness of all participants".
I.E. - Humans introduced a new sport to us and many are hooked.
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1slightly-mad1 · 4 months
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This is gonna be a long one so bear with me…
Emerging once again with some more fun stuff! I attended Megacon this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday and did some pretty awesome stuff. First off I met Daniel Logan (played Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones) and he was such a sweetheart to me! I started it off by telling him I apologized in advance for how awkward I am and he said, “That’s okay! I’m awkward too! Just in an extroverted way!” He didn’t even stay behind his table he came around to stand next to me and talk and ended it by saying, “Come here, give me a hug.” And gave me the nicest hug (I always want to hug celebrities I meet but always freeze up and forget to so it was really nice of him to offer it).
Then I went over to his space dad, Temuera Morrison! The line was super long but I had my Lula plush and headphones to get me through it. Unfortunately they had to hurry things along because he had to get to his panel (which worked for me because I wanted to see the panel too) but I did manage to tell him that I think his portrayal of Boba Fett is the coolest, to which he said, “Thank you so much, but really, look at you! You’re much cooler!” And gave me a fist bump (I was wearing a Boba Fett shirt, Boba Fett jacket, Boba Fett backpack, and had Bad Batch pins on my jacket).
Then I went to the panel and met up with my friend to go meet Dee Bradley Baker afterward and we got super lucky because he was on a break so there was a very very short line to see him. We both walked up together and got Bad Batch prints and he used his Tech voice when signing mine and Wrecker voice when signing theirs. I then really wanted to tell him how much all of the Bad Batch mean to me because I’m an odd one out, but the one I really feel connected with it Tech. I told him how much the moment in Season 2 Epsiode 9 between Tech and Omega meant to me and how it made me feel seen and while explaining to him he continued using his Tech voice and then told me, “You’re not alone out there.” And that pretty much wrapped up Saturday.
Starting Sunday off early of me practically running to catch the Clone Wars panel (and accidentally making my friend think it was a different panel that they really wanted to see) and we got a free print! (I’ll show off my haul in a different post) During the panel, Dee Bradley Baker was asked who his personal favorite clone is and he talked about how much he likes the Bad Batch because they’re the odd ones out, much like him. Then someone asked the cast what their favorite mental health moment in Star Wars is and Dee Bradley Baker brought up the exact moment I told him about the previous day and talked about how he’s had people come up to him to tell him that that moment made them felt seen (I have a video of it that I’ll post as well). Once he started talking about it I was tearing up something awful (which was bad because I had done my makeup up a bit more than usual). The whole panel was so happy and meaningful, I think several tears were shed among the audience at some points. However, the main event of the day was yet to come.
I was going to meet the man who started this all, who started my social media presence in Tumblr and opened up a whole new experience for me. I, after 12 years of being a huge fan, was going to meet Tom Hiddleston. Unfortunately, the people in charge of keeping his autographs and photo ops coordinated gave me severe run arounds. I was told several different things, so luckily I covered my bases on all ends to finally make sure that I was going to the right spot at the right time. He had a panel at the end of the day right before the last batch of autographs (which I was part of) and my friend had a ticket to it (it was prepaid and I didn’t want to spend a fuck ton more) so we both went over to the area of the panel and autograph together at 3:00 PM. My ticket for the autograph was 5:45. After some extra run arounds I finally figured out where I was supposed to be and met someone who talked with me the whole time we were in waiting. For the general admission line, I was second in line.
Then comes time for the panel to start, and it gets delayed by an hour and 20 minutes (because Megacon couldn’t coordinate things properly, surprise surprise). The panel started 5 minutes after my autograph ticket said that I was meant to be at the autograph room. I was lucky to be sitting with someone who talked with me the whole time because we were both in line for 4 hours. 7:00 PM rolls around and we’re finally getting ready to go into the room, and I already know that they’re going to keep everyone’s interaction brief because the rest of the convention closed at 5:00 PM.
As we walked in I could see him and I went dead silent because I’ve never seen him in person before. I brought my Lula plush with me again for Sunday and I don’t think I’ve held onto something tighter in my life. Then I heard him talk and I was absolutely stunned. When I say this man is so soft spoken and just has such a calming energy about him, I mean it. And he’s so pretty in person, I couldn’t believe it. The person I talked with in the line was the first person in line for general admission and was wearing Slytherin robes. She started to cry and was covering half her face with her sleeve and he looked up from the print he was signing for her and said, “I can see you.” In a joking way to make her laugh. Then it was my turn and at this point I probably looked like a scared toddler clutching their plushie against them. I luckily found words and it went something like, “I’ve been a fan of you since I was 12 and I’m 25 now and your work means a lot to me and Loki is my favorite and I think you’re great I’m sorry I’m just super starstruck” (said very quickly with no breaks). I didn’t even say hi, I just started with that. His smile was so sweet and he was so kind even though they had him keep everything brief and before I walked away I told him, “Thank you so much for being here” and he stopped the interaction with the next person in line to smile at me and say, “No, thank you for being here.” I was barely holding it together now and I walked out of the room like everything was fine.
Then my friends and I stopped outside of the room to talk and dry off my autograph and they were telling me how good I did. Well, I wasn’t speaking much and my hand was trembling. My close friend immediately noticed what was about to happen and hugged me, and I hugged them back and that’s when the tears began. I apologize if this part is a little dark for some, but this is what was going through my mind as my friend hugged me. The moment I started crying, I had my eyes closed and I imagined telling younger me, “We did it, we made it.” I had some really down and dark moments in my past between 2012 and now. I’m much better than I have been, but it hit me that I lasted long enough to see the day that I met the man who basically helped me get through some of my dark moments. Tom was such a sweetheart, and super fucking tall might I say. He was sitting down and we were at eye level with each other.
Thus the Megacon weekend concluded, and I do have to say that the coordination of things was… Not great. The celebrities there were absolute sweethearts to everyone, but some of the staff were very rude, some were giving people run arounds, and some were just straight up unhelpful. There were only a handful of staff that actually helped us out and were nice enough to not give an attitude about our questions. I knew that going Saturday and Sunday would be pretty packed, and luckily it wasn’t like last years Megacon event where we literally couldn’t move if we were in the Artist Alley. Outside of the celebrities there and panels that they had, the experience really wasn’t the greatest. This portion is basically just a warning to people, if you go to Megacon Orlando you’re likely not going to have the absolute best experience (unless you pay a fuck ton of money for VIP). Overall, it was a good and bad experience, I’m just happy that I met the people I wanted to meet. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Until next time.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Rhys;Taika; HowToHelp; Guardian Survey; Ranker; AdoptOurCrewAnalysis; 50DaysInTheGravyBasket; New Watch Parties; Pirate Radio and Yes Man; Watch Party Reminders; California In Person Events; Fan Spotlight; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Another VERY eventful day crew. There's actually more but I needed to get some permissions to share so hopefully I'll have them up tomorrow! Hope you are all having a lovely day/night! <3
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out here being silly and thoughtful on his IG Stories again!
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== Taika Waititi ==
Rita has been so kind to us fans by providing us footage on her IG Stories! We get to see our silly guy being happy and silly!
== How to Help ==
= Guardian Survey Link =
The Guardian would LOVE to hear your feedback! If you have a few moments to help, feel free to fill out the survey! Survey Link
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= Ranker =
Great job all! Looks like we're already up to #1! Thanks @_irene_adler on IG for capturing this!
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== Adopt Our Crew Analysis ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew have put together some awesome data regarding our Captain Rhys Darby!
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== 50 Days in the Gravy Basket ==
@saveofmdcrewmates posted this video today marking "50 days since the cast, crew and fans of Our Flag Means Death were plunged into the Gravy Basket."
@giulianaazr has created this video to remind us that there is a way out! 🏴‍☠️🥹
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== New Watch Parties! ==
= Pirate Radio! =
More details coming tomorrow!
= Yes Man! =
Join us for a Yes Man Watch Party!
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Graphic by@ICouldBeFamily
Where: #RhysDarbyFaction Discord When: March 10th 12 Noon PST / 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Who: Need Access? Reach out to @AspirantAbby42 on twitter, or @gentlebeardsbarngrill here on Tumblr!
Watch Party Hashtags:
= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 29 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more. 
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== In Person Events ==
Nothing Moves Without The Crew!
Thank you to @WGA_fandomLove on twitter for letting us know about this meet up in Los Angelos California! Please visit their twitter and follow for more information!
Gay Pirate fandom friends in the LA area - let’s rally in solidarity with @IATSE on the eve of their negotiations with the AMPTP. They represent Hair & Makeup, Costumes, Grips, Set Decorators, Props, Camera Operators - basically all the magical people that made OFMD shine!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= February Love Collage Fest! =
Thank you again to @wndrngnomad for these collages!
Day 28: The friendships of the cast and crew!
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= Cast Cards by @melvisik! =
Our wonderful crew-mate @melvisik has been kind enough to share their trading cards of the cast members with us over the last several weeks! These are super cool because you can see some other shows they've been in as well! They've said it's okay to print them out, use them as trading cards, or anyway you'd like :) Wanna see more? Check them out over on the Repository!
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== Articles ==
"The Best Series In March" - German Article ty to @Addie__H for the translation of the title.
== Loves Notes ==
I apologize lovelies, I think the last few days are finally catching up to me so I'm going make this short tonight. HOWEVER, I WILL SAY -- I saw so much Safe Space Ship today and it warmed my heart so much. So many of you are reaching out to crew-mates and giving encouragement and I'm so very proud of you <3. Seriously, I don't know of a better fandom out there (and I've been in a quite a few in my day) where there has been so much acceptance and support. I know we're all struggling a bit with disagreements/concerns over renewal efforts, but you all are still just out there giving love left and right. You really are just the most amazing group of individuals and I'm so honoured to be here with you. I've probably said this a thousand times, sorry but it's what runs through my head whenever I see the love you're sending out. I am going to take advice from @thelatestkate and sign off and go get some rest. See you all in tomorrow-world, love you dearies <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Just some goof for tonight. Nothing too similar except I know quite a lot of us look at Taika like that all the time (respectfully).
Tonight's gifs are brought to you by:
Rhys: @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika: @ofmd-ann
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noodledesk · 1 year
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been doing some new year planning, so thought i should document a little and share how i like to plan out my years :) MUCH more detail under the cut 🌱💗 and a free template here if you like to use notion for this stuff!
overview 🌱
there are a couple of principles behind why i do this kind of yearly planning in one spot:
awareness — keeping yourself accountable for the goals you set at the beginning of the year
documentation — writing down stuff you’ve done so you can see what progress youve made towards goals. fun to look at
planning — makes it easier to plan your weeks and to be more intentional with how you’re spending time and enjoying life
how it works ✨
my yearly pages are sorted into a "goals" section, and a "records" section. one is forward looking, one is reflecting on stuff that's happened. i usually revisit this page at least once a month.
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It doesn't have to be on Notion, but I prefer using a digital tool so things are easy to access. Paper-based is totally fine -- whatever works for you. The main point is to have a structure. Additionally, I don't really need to accomplish my goals, as long as I'm working towards them. However, setting ambitious goals for myself helps me make progress, and gets me excited about working towards them :)
goals 🌻
Whenever I have an idea of something I want to do, I put it down as a goal in this database. But my rule for myself is that, at any given time, I can only have five goals that I can focus on. I give myself double that amount as goals to maintain, to work towards them but without dedicating as much time to them. Then I have idle goals that I want to keep in my head and to work towards when I have the time and energy to, but otherwise don't make any real plans towards them.
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After setting my goals (which are not time-bound, i.e. I don't have a specific deadline to achieve them), I set yearly milestones for the ones I want to focus on. These have an end-of-year deadline, and must be measurable so I can work towards them in a tangible way. Then I break the goal into 12 parts, so I have a measurable milestone to work towards each month. Each month, I look at my goal and divide it into weeks, so I know what I'd like to accomplish that week. I keep it pretty open-ended and flexible because life happens and is unpredictable.
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I have other goals that I don't focus on as much. They're still important to me, but I want to prioritize the others. To avoid procrastinating and thinking about goals instead of working towards them, I've decided to keep it simple this year.
records ✍️
the next section is about writing things that made the year good — it’s a joy to look back on them every time i open the page and reminds me that there is a lot of joy in every day life, beyond just accomplishing stuff. every month i usually write down what i can think of under the following areas (keeping a diary helps for this):
i’m glad for: people, experiences, accomplishments, things, game changers — things that made your year really awesome
things i’ve been obsessed with — makes it fun to look at the things that took up a lot of your brain space
important things i learned & mistakes i made — for your realizations, understandings. over a year you’ll see how you’ve grown and changed.
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that's pretty much it! hope it helps :)
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imaveryevilenby · 2 years
I wanna talk about just how alone in the universe an object could possibly be
There are these areas of the universe rightly known as voids
These are defined as spaces between large scale structures in the universe that contain little to no galaxies. Now, though these voids typically have some matter in them, to an outside observer, they look completely or nearly empty.
Voids are typically 30 to 300 million lightyears in diameter, however the ones that aren't are the most interesting and are sometimes called supervoids.
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Here's a map of some galactic voids. Every dot on that map isn't a star by the way, it's a fucking galaxy. That's how unfathomably massive these supervoids are
Empty voids so large, our entire planet, our entire solar system, is like a speck of dust in comparison
One of the biggest of these, the Boötes Void, is about 330 million lightyears across, or what is approximately 0.27% of the observable universe. It's colloquially known as the Great Nothing and contains only about 60 galaxies in a space that normally would have over 2,000
According to astronomer Greg Aldering "If the milky way had been in the center of the Boötes void, we wouldn't have known about other galaxies until the 1960s"
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Here's an artist's rendition of what it looks like
It's just... nothingness.
Empty space
To put it in a bit more perspective, a lightyear is 9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles. This void is 330 million lightyears in diameter. I can't even imagine just how large this empty spot in space is, and that's fucking awesome
So yeah space is big and empty but there's bigger and emptier things in that emptiness
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🎉 Sims Build Challenge: Redesign Our First House!
Wow! Even with the poll not being up for 24 hours, there’s already so much interest! Y’all are awesome! 💖 (Maybe I’ll think about making requests more often—but more on that idea later! 😉) More details about the challenge are below the cut!
The Guidelines:
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I don’t want to restrict anyone’s creative process too much! Just because something isn’t our style doesn’t mean it won’t inspire us! So consider these more like guidelines to spark your creativity!!! 🌟
If someone could upload just a shell of the house (no cc) to the gallery so others (like myself) who aren’t builders can play around and join, that would be awesome and sooooooo appreciated! 🏠✨
My husband and I aren’t flippers or DIY people for major construction on a house. This means we won’t be doing any major overhauls like taking out walls or adding walls. So that would be a restriction in this building challenge. 🚫🔧
Our house definitely has a lot of potential, so feel free to renovate things! If you want an extra challenge of decorating it as is and making an older home look adorable and loved, please do so! We won’t be able to renovate all at once, so I’d love to see what y’all come up with. 🛠️❤️
Feel free to use CC or no CC! Again, I don’t want to restrict your creative process! 🖌️🖥️ I'm personally a fan of no CC homes in my personal gameplay. However, for this particular challenge go ham!
Use whatever iteration of The Sims franchise you would like to participate! I personally will be using TS4, I don't want to exclude anyone who enjoys playing the older version of the games!
Use whatever Sims 4 expansions/packs/kits/etc you have! If you use something I don’t own, well… I guess I have a reason to buy it! 😉
Use the following tags so we can find your home on TS4 gallery and here on tumblr! #PleasantTalesSimBuild #PleasantTalesChallenge and #KaityBsHouseChallenge! Please tag me on any post you make sharing your design!!
Our Home!
Wonderfully spacious and updated 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom Home with a large backyard and deck. Large living area with an open concept floor plan. The square feet of the house is 2070! 🏡✨
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The Exterior - Click me for more reference photos!!!
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The First Floor - Click me for more reference photos!!!
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The Second Floor - Click me for more reference photos!!!
Interior Inspiration💡:
We both really like nature and natural light. We love minimalism, boho feel, clean, bright spaces with neutral or warm colors, and cozy vibes. Unique or character touches and warm lighting are a big plus! 🪴🌞 There’s a little book nook in the home that I’m very excited about! 📚 My husband is most excited about the backyard and landscaping! 🌳🌸 We have 1 dog and 2 cats! So go ham in making sure they feel the love too! Nova the dog is most excited about the dog door the house comes with (located in the kitchen)! 🐶🐱🐱 If I didn’t include any details that y’all may need or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me! Unfortunately, I don’t have a floor plan of the house; otherwise, I’d include it for y’all!
Happy building and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! 🎨🛠️
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yridenergyridenergy · 4 months
2024/02/20 - sukekiyo Tsumetai Chinmoku live report
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Aishita Shinzou
Kuchi ni ringo
Houmonsha X
Rongai na ikimono toshite
Kawattekuremasen deshou ka?
Yumemi doro
Tada, mada, watashi.
Today's setlist was literally the same as the first day of Kyoto, to complete my bad luck of today, because I had to go and mention my preference. However, it ended on a much better note than the 16th because it wasn't a special day, and there were so many announcements after the show. And overall, of course it was amazing nevertheless and I knew what to expect but it went a bit beyond that.
I'll focus mostly on the highlights, or differences from the past performances of this week.
I think that everyone was back to wearing their MOAN outfits like on the first day (which also hinted that the setlist might be the same), except Kyo. He wore a two-piece similar to day 2 which showed a large portion of his abdomen above his hips, but the two pieces were completely different. The top had puffy sleeves and frills on the shoulders, which prevented his massive pearl necklace accessory from slipping when he moved, like it had on the 17th eventually. The bottom piece was a simple long skirt, no folds. All black, of course. There were short portions of frills near the hips on the skirt. This time, with my seat much closer to the stage, I could see the beautiful faded pink outline of his jaw and the side of his face, with his face maybe whitened a bit.
Since I'd seen online that Zepp DiverCity Tokyo had a rather flat floor, I didn't want to risk being unable to see even more, so I purchased a ticket being resold. It turns out that line A was inexistent, so the first line in front was B. Honestly, while it was awesome to see things up closer, especially Kyo's facial expressions this time, I do appreciate having seen sukekiyo from afar, because their shows have so much theatrics thanks to the projections. I literally barely saw them at all from where I sat today.
The show started with awful audio for Margaret, bur it improved after a while. Kyo for some reason kind of forgot "Iro wa ochi namida ni" and maybe the one that followed too. He tried to act natural and pick back up when he could. It was odd because the other members also made mistakes and yet this was the show being filmed. I think it was during Candis that one of the repeated keyboard notes was played one time too many, and there was another song in which it was UtA who did something wacky with his pedals which sounded super off.
For Gloss, I can't remember any highlights. Very emotional "Kokoro wo shibaritsukete" moments though.
Aishita Shinzou, I think that was the song during which Kyo drops to the floor and snakes his way back up slowly, and that he later teased a leg by raising his skirt. A lot of dancing! And it was definitely at the part about "tensed flesh" that Kyo touched the area between his legs seductively.
Candis, definitely from my view way to the right of the stage but also on the first floor, it was super not obvious that the projection made the stage look like the PV location. Anyway, super fun with the penlight! I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed as if Kyo sometimes could raise his hand higher during the "Iya Iya Iya", but that he kind of restricted how high he did it because we also couldn't raise our penlights to block anything outside of our own little space.
From the side by the way, and because Kyo kept raising his arms and arching his back in some songs, it was rather hot to see his tattooed skin move in the space between his pieces of clothing!
Oh and the way Kyo rotates on the spot at the end of most songs to sip water or just turn his back to us, arms straight to his sides, really looks so cool and kind of like a doll.
Valentina was great, of course! Even though Kyo seemed to point the kiss without a word everywhere except toward my section. I forgot to mention it before, but there is a time when he doesn't sing "Do you need me?"x2, I think when the song mellows down before pumping back up. I don't know if it's just for these Shikkoku no Gi shows, but he looks at us and places his index finger to his mouth, as if to make sure that we stay quiet, or maybe it's more in-character because the "Don't answer" comes after those lyrics in other parts of the song. So it's as if the character doesn't even ask if the other person needs them because they don't want to know, in fact. But then he does sing it in the louder part that comes next hahah.
I can't remember anything specific for MOAN.
Oh but yo, I think it was in Aishita Shinzou and another one of those pop songs, Kyo swung his hips sideways so much, it was nothing new to him.
Kuchi ni ringo had the "sono makka na iro janai" screeched again. Being under the blue sea of light this time, the vision is actually unobstructed but the effect can't be appreciated as much. In the song, during the Lan lan lan part, Kyo swung his arm around in a kind of stabbing manner, but I guess he was hammering a nail like he then sings. At the end of the song, his joined fingertips forming a womb actually spent more time moving downward past his hips, and he seemed to offer it outward much less. He even made it move more toward his chest, maybe over his heart? He got tangled up in one of the pearl necklaces and like a pro, he just adjusted his rotation for the next "Aaah Shikyuu ga hoshii".
aftermath really displays Kyo's high-pitched notes in all their glory.
After that, Kyo again sat down to be pampered, a zoom projected on screen simultaneously. It seemed to be much, much shorter tonight though, and the chair was different, a normal height and styled more like the one that was on stage in the tour where Kyo had the fluffy white petticoat. The session that followed had a mix of emotions, and Kyo generally felt more free to end some songs with a reverberating grunt, sigh, etc.
Houmonsha X picked up on that generally whiny/frustrated improvised session and it felt like Kyo really had quite the range of facial expressions. He also makes most of the same gestures as in the PV, which is broadcast above him on the screen. His dancing was more robotic, and I don't know if he danced as if it to avoid stepping on the lights this time around. From the first floor, you totally can't see that detail.
Rongai na ikimono toshite was superb. Intense, aggressive. I think it was in this song that there was a lot of Kyo gesturing to hit the back of his hands against one another. I don't know what it was supposed to refer to. His rings were supposed to hit?
The reflective part of "Aishita? Aishita...i" has a spiral composed of many lines swirling, it's perfect for the mood. Rongai na ikimono toshite was definitely one of the songs where Kyo continued to make guttural sounds at the end, where in the studio recording he's singing the first line in reverse.
Kawattekuremasen deshou ka? was great again, a bit less emotional than I personally feel about it, but still. A majority of the lyrics were added to the videos being displayed this time around! It felt like it added more personality to the song. Yet somehow, the part of "Naze watashi dake hontou no ai wo shiranai" is the one omitted from the screen, like more emphasis is put on the following verse. And when Kyo sings the title of the song, he comes up to the screen and essentially asks whether anyone here in the audience could consider changing places. At the end of the song, Kyo purposely places his hands over the pink lights on his mic stand to obscure his face and create a more dramatic ending.
The biggest highlight of the night by a land slide is Yumemi doro! To set up the situation, at the end of Kawattekuremasen deshou ka?, Kyo's foot caught in either his mic stand or his mic cord, almost making the stand fall over. He noticed on time and prevented it. But that just seemed to give him an idea, because he almost pole-danced that mic stand in Yumemi doro. He then lifted his skirt again I think on both sides, but definitely on his left side high enough that we got to see the underpant (not actual underwear) section of the skirt, and he lifted that exposed leg twice to hug the mic stand.
There was one song in the lot where Kyo dropped to the floor, maybe that aforementioned time in Aishita Shinzou, and he licked his stand about near the height where someone's hips could be, but that's just a measurement for you all, I don't know if it was intended hah.
The other thing about Yumemi doro is that range of distorted vocals which was again even more enhanced and deranged in this live performance. Being closer, it was so cool to observe not only Kyo's facial expressions during those, but also the way he moves his jaw, his throat, etc. to produce that diversity.
Scarlet was more tame in comparison, but anything would be. The drums and bass really hit you full force the most in this song.
Tada, mada, watashi. was powerful as always. I was able to confirm that it's "Oyasumi" in hiragana that's displayed right before the restart of the song near the last portion.
Hakudaku and Uso, same as before.
Before Kokyuu... Kyo slowly came back up to the mic stand after emitting a sad sigh, eyes downcast.
Fortunately, we weren't left on that note. After Takumi, the last one to leave, bowed a couple of times on his way out, there were all the announcements that I posted, plus a best album to be released too. Each time a specific announcement ended, the message on screen said: "Otanoshimini..." (Look forward to it...) until the last one, which sounded more authoritary: "Look forward to it!"
I got my little share of Frameout kara no because it was the song used during the announcement for the tour in August, I guess.
Overall, I'm so glad that this show got filmed. It's weird not seeing cameramen moving around like during Dir en grey shows: what I saw was one small camera on a stand at the very edges of the stage, one small on a very short stand right in front of Kyo on stage, pointing up at him, and a camera mounted on a tall arm that kept moving around, from the side of the stage besides Mika. There must have been other cameras in the back of the venue too.
And Takao Ogata was right there when Kyo hugged the mic stand with his legs and showed off his left leg up on it. We better see those pictures at some point!!
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Not only do you get a unique house, like this interesting home in Tappan, British Columbia. but you get a 1/16-scale likeness of the Great Pyramid of Giza!  It’s big, but it only has 2bd and 3.5ba. However, it has 96 acres of land and they’re asking $3.950M. Let’s look at this interesting house.
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The entrance to the house is this nice, but unique, sunroom. 
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Aside from the flat bear stretched out on the fireplace wall, this is a beautiful space. 
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Look at the size of this place.
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This is cool- a double staircase with bookshelves. 
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Then we move into the large kitchen. Weird that they put a lampshades on the overhead lights, though. 
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So, here’re 2 dining areas next to the kitchen.
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This is cute.
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There’s a sauna. Very nice.
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But, then there’s this sauna- maybe it’s a steam room? Look at the huge kettle over the fireplace. This place is like a spa.
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Beautiful indoor pool- a pyramid is very good for your health vibes. But, wait.
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Check it out- here’s your own mini Pyramid of Giza. How cool is this? I wonder if that’s stone.
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Huge main bd.
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Has a large en-suite. 
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Look at the nice workshop.
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There’s also this big 1bd guest house on the property.
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And, this pyramid you can go inside.
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I can’t get over this awesomeness. I would feel like Cleopatra in here and it looks like it has 2 floors.
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Flower gardens and a vegetable garden. Doesn’t it look like it was once a pool?
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Aerial view of the 96 acres.
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choochooboss · 11 months
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Magma event details!
Please check the rules below if you plan on joining our events!
A few words about Magma for newcomers:
Magma is a free browser based art program where participants can collaborate and draw on the same canvas at the same time! Magma works on both PC and mobile devices! Magma has most useful art program tools! But some are a little difficult to find, like layer opacity lock. You can export the images as PNGs and PSDs so you can save and keep all your layers etc.!
Hosting a session is easy! Set up a new canvas and share the link and that's it, you can start drawing. You can do public sessions like mine, or private sessions just with your close group. Update!! Previously you were able to use Magma anonymously without making an account, but this option does not exist anymore.
Our Magma event rules
Have fun! These events are meant to get you inspired, get to know other artists and create awesome art and ideas together!
Everyone is welcome to join my sessions! Doesn't matter where or when you join. You don't need to draw anything there, you can also just come and chat with us and watch others do their magic! Lurking is totally fine too!
Avoid drawing too big! Make sure to leave enough space for other people's drawings! Mind that there are 40-80 people partaking in these weekend events! (Max. 1/6th of the canvas per drawing is ideal!) We recommend to zoom in at 100-150% before you start drawing to avoid this. However! If you have an idea that others can contribute to, I'd be excited to hear it!! Those are highly appreciated!
Avoid drawing over the canvas frames!This is for possible future use in i.e. collages & personal aesthetics. They are there for a reason.
Keep it PG!
You are allowed to paste reference images in the session to use as a base etc.! Please remove them when you don't need them anymore and make sure not to cover areas where others are currently drawing!
When you are finished with your piece, please flatten your layers! The Magma total layer limit is 60 layers per canvas and it gets full rather fast. We have set a 8 layer limit per user/canvas. (If you have used layer effects in your piece, start flattening from bottom to top so they get preserved correctly!)
If you want to post/share Magma art that features other artists' works, you must ask for their permission first! This is very important!! Simple blur/solid color to hide them is ok, otherwise editing other people's art is not!
If you need more time to finish your piece, please let me know as soon as possible! If you know you aren't going to finish yours, please release the space for others to use!
Don't hesitate to ask anything! We are very happy to help out make the most of your session! Our regulars are all friendly and helpful, and my co-admin and mods are able to assist with i.e. getting your layers back!
Other tips!
Some users have experienced disasters losing layers for good by pressing CTRL + X, we recommend avoiding that for now!
Save regularly! Magma is a server based program so it's not as stable as your usual art programs, and also when the program refreshes you might lose some of your progress. Better saved than sorry! You can export the whole canvas as PNG, JPG & PSD!
You can have up to two Magma sessions open in your browser at once!
If you log out of the session you might lose rights to your layers. Please ask either the admin or approved users to give your layers back to you!
If Magma is going slow for you, it may be fixed by turning off the graphics accelerator. Go to Edit > Settings > Turn off Graphics Accelerator.
Merge layers with layer effects starting from bottom to top! For some reason Magma messes them up easily otherwise and the results will not look like you want.
Magma has a text chat we love to hang out in, it's of course optional but we would be happy to have you there!
You can send private messages to others by being on the same canvas with the receiver and clicking their icon!
Magma also has a voice call option. We prefer not to use it, but it's easy to misclick the button! Don't be alarmed!
We're continually figuring out new features and bugs in each session, I want to note down all of them to make the sessions as smooth and fun for you as possible! Let us know if you have any issues!
Also something notable: it's always well appreciated if you draw official Pokémon characters! Most of my followers are into submas or Pokémon in general so as the host I'd like to offer content most would enjoy! Some events welcome OCs but the free doodle session will always stay open for your characters!
After everyone is done I start post-processing the images. It may take a while until they are ready to be posted, please be patient! I will post the art on both my Twitter and Tumblr. You can use #jun's magma events for tagging your posts!
See you in our next event!! All aboard! <3
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Have you done regigigas?
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I mentioned in my 'regi reviews that Registeel's my favorite, and while that's true, I also like Regigigas a good deal. I do think it has a few issues, but the concept of a giant golem that's powerful enough to not only have made the other 'regis but also move entire continents is just awesome.
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Visually, it's pretty good. I love how it has the braille-like eyes of the other Regis on the band on its head, but then also has multiple-colored eyes on top of that, bringing the total eye count to 13 (which is the amount of eyes I like to see on a legendary monster). I also like that those six colored eyes seemingly represent the three 'regis it made (at least before two more were added, but hey, that's not Regigigas' fault).
The white color and general appearance do a pretty good job of conveying its neutral normal-typing, and it definitely gives off the impression of it being big and powerful... which is ironic, because it's actually only like 12' in both the Pokedex and the games. What the hell, GameFreak? This thing should be dynamax size at all times AT LEAST.
However, I do find something about the design to be a bit off. I think it's the random black raised markings; it needs something to fill the space so it doesn't look too empty, sure, but there doesn't seem to be much rationale or thought put into the stripes. Maybe if they were gold so they weren't so "heavy" looking they wouldn't be so distracting.
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I'm also not a huge fan of the bushes on its shoulders and feet. Don't get me wrong—I absolutely love the idea that this massive creature has been asleep for so long it's actually started to have plants growing on it. It's just that the plants feel too full—like it has bushes glued to it—and the placement of them is too even to feel natural.
I think the plant areas would've worked better if they were flatter, covered more of the body (this could also fix the issue with needing the stripes), and less symmetrical. A few hanging vines also could've looked sweet, and really would've helped to capture that ancient vibe it's trying to go for.
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Still though, as a whole, I really like this one overall. It's abstract, slightly ominous and otherworldly, and has some interesting mythology behind it—everything I like in a legendary.
While I really dislike legendaries getting powerups in general, I actually wouldn't mind Regigigas getting something akin to a mega. It's saddled with Slow Start, but nowadays it's not really all that strong. Imagine a mega that reverts it back to how it used to be back in its glory days—no plants, maybe different markings/more eyes/bigger, and no slow start. Could be really sweet from a conceptual standpoint if nothing else.
Also, side note: Regigigas also happens to have the best anime cry of all time, in that it sounds like a malfunctioning computer trying really hard to boot up for the 17th time today:
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heliosthegriffin · 6 months
Shadow Knight and Magic Girls XX
Chapter 20
Ao3 Link
Jaune got into the car, pushing his scroll up to the front. "I need to get here." He pointed to an address on his scroll.
Miltiades, seated in the front passenger seat, looked at him miserably. "This is the fifth place this afternoon," She whined. "I'm bored!"
"We have ten more places to hit up before we're done."
Melanie tapped the steering wheel. "Are you going to tell us what you're doing?"
"Nope. Drive." The blonde said, leaning into the back seat, and counting lien out in the back seat.
Melanie felt a flash of annoyance, then sighed, taking off down the road.
They stopped at a local pizzeria place in a decaying neighborhood, Jaune got out went inside, a couple minutes passed by, and then he exited, carrying a couple boxes of hot steaming pizza.
"Alright, now, we go here." He pushed a box into Miltiades lap, while he started devouring a meat-lovers in the back.
"We're not just going on food-runs, are we?" Melanie asked.
"No." He said between bites. "I was coming here anyway, got hungry, and it'd be awkward to be the only one eating."
Melanie reached for a slice, taken extra care to avoid her sisters hissing swipes for daring to take her food. "Alright, where to next?"
They went to several more small business, all in similarly low-income areas, with Jaune repeating his actions, leaving the car, going inside for a couple minutes, then return back, and going to the next locations.
Eventually, they hit all the locations that he had on his list.
"That it?"
"For today, at least."
Miltiades let out a whoop of joy. "Yay! Now, we can do something fun! Ooh, how about the gun-range, or ice-skating?"
Jaune looked at the clock, then shrugged. He could spare an hour. "Sounds fun."
"Awesome!" Miltiades cheered, then tapped her red lips. "By the way, will you at least give us a hint to what you're doing?" She gave him a sly look. "Not paying off baby-mamas, are you?"
Jaune blushed. "No! Nothing of the s-sort. I'm just doing something like, uh, ever heard of putting a chip on every horse in the race?"
Melanie looked at him curiously. "Yeah, but what's that got to do with you?"
Jaune shrugged. "I'm just making a bet,"
"And, if you lose?"
He shrugged. "Oh well, then. Gambles don't always pay off, and I'll have the experience."
Melanie shot him a calculating look through the rear-view mirror, the lien he had stacked back there was gone. Well, not like she could say that Miltia and her had been more responsible with their money. Let him reap what he sows.
Where the Wicked Ones went
'Once upon time, there was a great king.
In his kingdom, he did not accept any wickedness, and He chased from his lands the wicked and evil ones with the endless power of the Sun, and those that stood against him and his mighty knights, they were like livestock to the slaughterhouse.
The ones who fled, left this world entirely, fleeing to the Other World.
A place of different time and space, but not separate from our own world. It was not above the world, or under it, but overlapped in places, with stitching vein, and scars covered with stones.
Those who fled into this Other World, they took a different name, different bodies, but their wickedness remained. As they spread across the Other World, they founded many different kingdoms, still practicing their evilness, while fighting meaninglessly and cruel wars between each other.
However, on weird days, under rare stars, they stop fighting and turn to gaze at the World. The World changed, covered with layers of fallen ages and cycles of ever turning light and darkness, and they still yet remember, and most of all, fear that the King of Seasons will find them.
Or, if not him, one with a spirit to succeed him. In their arrogance, though, they are soon to forget that fear. Quickly, they turn their attentions to back to each other, and occasionally, with a bit of foolish pride, venture forth into their former home.
Jaune turned the page, the story ended there. He closed the book.
"Are elves, real?" He mused.
"Of course they are!" A voice shouted next to him, making Jaune jump back a step. He turned to look at the short ginger next to him.
"Thanks, Nora. I really needed those minutes off my life."
"You're welcome!" She circled around him, looking at the book. "Why are you reading a cookbook? You know Renny is always going to beat you in a cookoff!"
Jaune rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He didn't needed to be reminded that Ren had magic hands, metaphorically speaking. Hopefully. He didn't want Ren involved in this whole magic business, he had a whole life of him ahead of beating the snot of people in the CKMC* to be risking life and limb.
*(Cross-Kingdom Martial-Arts Circuit)
Or at least, more than he would otherwise, but at least there were rules there.
Nora circled around him. "Wait, is this an elven cookbook?! Are you trying to cook for elves, or trying to cook elves?! If so, you may have a lead on Renny, as I don't think he has the heart to eat elf heart."
Jaune paused, looking at Nora. Despite his downright magical life, she still found a way to say the most downright weird things. Not that he'd have it any other way. "No."
"Oh," She paused. "But, what if-"
Jaune decided to end that train of thought, now. "No." Still, another person, who says something different about the cover. A idea sprang to mind. "Hey, read this off for me." Jaune pointed to a random sentence."
"I can read, no need to test me!" She squinted her eyes on the page. "Two egg, half cup of honey, a cup of milk-, Oh, are you making pancakes?!" Nora vibrated in places. "Never-mind, you're the best cook in the worlds!" She leaned in, whispering. "Don't tell Renny."
Jaune looked at the page. Not the same, what so ever. This was a paragraph detailing how a girl forged a sword from a shooting star and a matching shield too.
This likely meant that the book changed perception of whoever read it. What did that mean? ... Was he even reading anything at all, or was the book just having his mind fill in the blanks that he wanted to see. What in the world was this book? What was its purpose? Why did it do this, was it some kind of mind-eater thing, that fed off attention?
Maybe, he should get rid of it, or at least, copy what he finds out of the book, and cross-references it. So, that if he found something, a story that existed inside the book, one he had no prior knowledge of before he opened the book, he could know that, it at least wasn't making anything up.
He felt a pull on his sleeve, Nora was looking at him excitedly. "So, pancakes?" He looked at the book in his hand, then put it away, it could wait. "Sure, lets go get some pancakes."
She let out a cheer, jumping up and latching onto his back. "Onward, my mighty knight! To pancakes!"
Smiling contently, he started walking. "Ay, my great queen."
Jaune opened the door for the twins into their home, a light sheen of sweat on himself, while behind him, said twins, shambled in like they were on the verge of passing out, heading to the shower.
"Good run, girls." He tried to sound encouraging, as he was taking off his fifty pound vest. Amber looked at the vest, then twins, then back at barely sweating blonde. "Those poor girls, how far did you make them run?"
"Not that far, just a light run, about ten miles or so,"
Amber sighed, she didn't even want to imagine running one mile, let alone at the intense pace he set. She threw a hot towel at him. "Get cleaned up, and I'll work on any knots who might have."
Jaune nodded, closing the door behind him, stripped his shirt off, and wiped off his chest and back. Then laid down on his stomach on a futon next to Amber.
"Been feeling any discomforts recently?" She asked, working on his right arm.
Jaune grunted, feeling a sense warmth go up his arm. "Not really."
"Good, don't be afraid to tell me anything, though. Even if you think it might be personal. Remember, I've already seen it all, you got nothing to be embarrassed about." Amber felt up his arm, it felt heavier, harder to massage, and looked at him surprised. "You gained more muscle?"
"I guess?" Jaune almost shrugged. "I've just-, oh. Yeah, the armor, the extra weight. It's pretty heavy, heavier than anything I wore before, despite how well it's balanced over me."
Amber let out a breath of disbelief. "You were already ready to compete in any inter-national team I can think of, and you're still growing? Thanks just plain unfair."
"Hey, I'll trade places if they want, then we can have a conversation about fairness."
Amber laughed. "Good point, I suppose, hard times breed hard men, and all that."
"Tell me about it, you should meet my grandfather."
The futon bounced a little, as someone sat right in front of his face, a someone with a pair of curvy, athletics legs, wearing a pair of short black shorts. "What's up, superhero?" Vernal asked him with a wink.
"Not a hero, if I'm getting paid for it."
"If so, most legends wouldn't count as heroes."
"Fair, enough."
A beat passed.
"You think about how you want to get inked, yet?" Vernal asked, curiously, looking at his back like a painter looked at a raw canvas.
Jaune had nearly forgotten about that, Big Bear did want him to get the clan symbol on his back. "I just figured I get the clan symbol."
Vernal looked at him harshly. "Don't be half hearted about this, this is a important piece of work that going to happen, and it's going tell the world about you. Think on it hard, this is something to define you to the rest of the world."
Jaune looked at her. "Woah, didn't think you had much about yourself besides ogling me."
Vernal smirked. "I don't just ogle anyone, just the finer pieces of art. Besides, you don't know all of me." She poked his nose. "I have all sorts of tricks that might surprise you."
Looking into her eyes, not to one to back down, Jaune gave her a smile. "You'll have to show me them one day."
There came a moment them looking at each other, with Vernal slightly flushing, looked away. "One day."
Amber sighed. "Please, no flirting while the doctor's at work."
"It's harmless fun, Am!" Vernal shot back. "Besides, you'll get your chance, later." The she looked back at Jaune. "Back to what I was saying, it doesn't matter what Big Bear wants on your back, it's up to you in the end. So, think about what you want the World to see back there."
"I ... I don't know, what it is, that I want back there. It's hard to think about something I can't see."
"Then, don't rush in. Wait, till you can see it." Vernal waved her hand over his back. "Me, though? I can see all the images in the world, and I can pen any of them, you want."
"What do you personally think would look good?"
Vernal sneered for a moment. "It's not about looking good, it's about the message. It can be the ugliest, bat-shit insane tattoo in the world, and still be a work of art on a living canvas, as long as its on the right person." Her arm made phantom motions over his shoulders, and Jaune briefly saw, among her many tattoos, a red-eyed Raven staring at him ominously. "I could ink almost anything here, something heroic, monstrous, or just strong-looking, but, in the end, it's up to you, and what you want it to be. What do you want to be Jaune?"
Jaune looked at the futon beneath him, thinking for a moment. What did he want to say to the world? That was a pretty deep question, or it felt like one. But, he wasn't one for deep thought, and found his answer quickly.
"Hopeful." Jaune said, his answer naturally coming off his tongue. "If I have to show anything to someone else, I just want it to give a bit of hope."
Vernal looked at him, surprised. Then looked at his bare back, her mind turning. "I can work with that," Then she got up, going to her room, the sounds of intense scribbling could be heard inside.
Velvet stood in front of the mirror, anxiously looking over herself for any flaws in her appearance. Her ears twitching over head, hair shaking with it, hadn't even left her room, but felt like her heart was about to give from stress alone.
Looking over herself in the mirror, dare she say it, she looked cute. Wearing a simple brown and white dress that showed off her neck and shoulders, it felt a little daring, at least compared to her conservative normal outfits.
"Ah, look at my little bun-bun! Just the absolute cutest!" Velvet nearly jumped out of her skin at Coco's sudden remark. Turning around so fast that she nearly tripped over herself, she glared at Coco. "Don't scare me, like that!"
Coco shrugged, as she smugly looked at her. "What's a woman to do, not compliment you?" She pulled up her scroll, showing going through the pictures she had taken of her. "So, are you excited for your date?"
Velvet lost her steam, blushing fiercly. "Its not a date, Nora, and her friend, Ren, are coming along to. It's just a friendly outing." Her ears drooped. "He didn't even seem like he wanted to come."
"Vel, my baby-bun, no man, or woman, could say no to you!" Coco slid up against her. "Including me!" She said giving her friend a flirty smile. "Mr. Buff-tough, is just nervous, he's probably never even kissed a girl, so going out with you? It must be mind-blowing to him, and so what, if you have some tag-alongs? Make a polycule out of it, girl! That Ren chick is hot as hell, and Nora? I'd kill to be alone with her."
Velvet relaxed, feeling her heart-slow a bit. "Your way with words never ceases to make feel better. Also, Ren's a guy."
Coco froze, color draining from her face. "What?"
"Yeah, he's a man. With, a-ahem, the bits, according to Nora."
"Oh..." Coco looked at her Scroll. "I have some pictures to get rid of later. Enjoy your date, and if Mr. Moody gives you any trouble, call me, and I'll take care of him, got it?"
Velvet nodded, smiling. "I'll do that." Velvet chuckled, imaging Coco trying to brow-beat Jaune down, amused her. Though, she also couldn't see it working, she was pretty sure that if Coco tried to slap him, any part of him, she'd break her hand.
Getting off the bus, Velvet arrived at Vale's Historical Exhibits and Museum. She was surprised by how many people where flowing around the yard of the building, and was equally surprised to see the amount of couples here.
Looking up at the banner on the building, it explained nothing, just relics from Vales past wars when it was a series of squabbling micro-kingdoms. Though, she had to admit, there was a certain energy in the air that made her heartbeat faster, drew her attention towards the Exhibits.
A hand clapped her shoulder, making her jump in place. "Vel-vel!" She felt herself turn around, looking at the short ginger, who was unnaturally strong despite her size.
"Ha-hello, Nora." Velvet stammered out, she hadn't known Nora long, but the short and strong girl had quickly made a place for herself in her heart. Though, she wished she wasn't so forceful!
"Velvet, you're here! That means we can get this party started!"
Velvet nodded, Nora's energy starting to infect her. "Oh, everyone is else is here?"
"Yep! Jaune and Renny are off getting-, oh! There they are walking this way!" Nora pointed away from them, pointing to where the crowd was parting ways from two men walking towards them.
Looking at Jaune exit the crowd of people, or rather, the people rushing to move away from his unstoppable walk towards them, she paused, as something was off about him that took her a moment to figure out. His atmosphere was different, and it clicked.
He was relaxed, today he didn't have any tension about himself like he normally did, he was fully there with them. She gave him a shy smile, and he paused for a moment, before giving a calm smile back at her.
"So, what are we here to see?" Jaune asked, Ren following behind him like a remora fish.
Nora shot up. "I want to see the iron maiden and warhammers!"
The other three of them looked at Nora bouncing with excitement, Velvet didn't doubt for a moment they were going to see those exhibits.
"Sounds good." Jaune said, Velvet barely catching the concealed glee in his eyes.
"Don't try and touch them, they're artifacts and we're not here to get banned." Ren said strictly, though, Velvet noticed that he wasn't saying that just to Nora, as he made sure to give a look at Jaune. There was touch of humor in his voice, though.
"That sounds, great." Velvet found herself agree, she didn't have much interest in torture devices or weapons, but if she was with these three, she would be happy.
"So, we ready to go then?" Jaune asked.
"As we ever can be."
Velvet felt a push on her shoulder, and looked back to she the ginger culprit, as she landed against Jaune, who caught her easily.
"Jaune-jaune, make sure you don't lose that, she's precious cargo!" Nora said firmly.
Jaune looked confused, then looked at the sea of people around them. "Oh, good idea." Holding out his arm to her. "Don't want to get separated."
Velvet looked at his out-stretch arm, noticing how his many-times thicker his arm was than hers, it almost made her feel like a child by comparison. As she linked her arm into his though, it made her feel secure too, that Jaune would protect.
In that sense of security, Velvet dared to pull herself closer.
Deep, deep into the mountains, away from the vices of civilization, in the bosom of mother nature. Where the fat of the land was thickest, and beasts that would rightly be called monsters roamed, a man with a glorious mustache led his disciples into the mouth of a dark, ominous cave.
He swung his axe down in front of the cave, spraying the blood of beasts off of his blade. Peter Port turned to regard his young students with admiration. When he first met them, they were unpolished, and aimless children, with nary a hope of a future worth living. But now? Now, they did not need to hope for a future, they could make their own!
They stood before him, bare chested and raw-muscles, covered in mud and filth from the world over, scratched, bruised, and likely had some broken bones that needed treated, but unbowed and unafraid.
Their leader Cardin had taken to wield the femur of a oxen creature they had fought, while Russel had made a pair of primitive stone axes during their camping adventures, Sky had his warpaint on and crude rucksack of javelins and his onyx-head spear, and Dove? He had a sling, which was good enough.
It was almost enough to make him shed a tear. Sucking in a deep breath, he bellowed out with enough power to rival a landslide. "Student!"
"Teacher!" They returned back, while not having the same power as their teacher, they equaled, no surpassed his energy.
It was time, Peter knew, they were ready. "My children, our final lesson is upon us! Soon, you will be men among men!|
They looked shocked at this news.
"But, Teacher!" Cardin interjected. "We've only just begun to learn! How can we be done?"
Peter sniffled a bit. "That, that is how you know, my child, that you know that you've only just begun to learn, that is the sign you've matured. That you understand that to be a man is to know there is always more to see, more to know, and more room to grow. So, that is why, it's time for you leave the nest and fly!"
They bravely held back tears. Manly tears. "Thank you, teacher. We won't forget our lessons." Sky spoke through his tears.
"You will be alright, my students. You are ready for your final test!" He swung his ax at the cave. "Be wary, though! This cave houses dangers you can't even imagine, but what you encounter inside, will change you forever, it will be your cocoon, one for your boyish state, to enters only to emerge as a man! Now go!"
With another sweep of his ax, he signal for them to run in. With a nod between the four young boys, no, the soon to be young men ran into their final trials of adolescences.
Humming to himself, a red-head man sauntered without a care around the back of the museum. A outfit and set of keys that weren't his adorning his person. He opened the backdoor and entered the storage rooms of the place.
Immediately his senses lit up, the feel of magic in the air, and not just from relics either. The ley-lines were practically clogged with power and that was great news! It'd make his goal all the more easy tonight!
Oh how excited he was, so very excited, and there was no-way he was going to be stopped. Not by those Maidens, and not by any questing heroes. Tonight was a new moon, that meant no locks on his power, and whole ley-line to use, oh, how rich was he going to be?
A door opened across the room, and elderly man exited, a janitor. The old man nodded at him, then peered at him curiously. "Are you a new hire? I know most everyone around here, and I don't recall seeing you before?" His voice was raspy, but friendly.
"I'm just a temporary-worker, no need to remember me."
"Oh, that's a shame, its a good place to work here. Maybe, you'll change your mind, once you get the feel of the place?"
The red-head paused, humming to him deviously. "You know what, I think by the end of my shift, they'll always be a piece of the place with me."
The old man smiled kindly. "That's good, sonny. Ah, I didn't catch your name?"
Tapping his head in mock-embarrassment. "Oh, how could I forget to introduce meself? I am the one, the only, Roman Torchwick." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a bone-chilling mask. "Hey, how do feel about presents, Mr...?"
"... Alans." The janitor said a second. He looked at the young man with concern, unnerved by his presence now. "What, what do you got there sonny, that don't seem right?" The bone-mask was strange to his eyes, and didn't seem to be capable of being made by any person.
Roman approached, Sam took a step back in fear, but in a flash of movement, he grabbed Sam's collar and forcefully put the mask on the old man. Sam's body contorted in pain, as if he wanted to have screamed, but couldn't, as the mask meld into his flesh. The old mans kind, bright eyes going dull and cloudy.
"Hmm, that was easy." He patted his newest servants head. "Good work, keep it up!" Then sauntered out, twirling another mask in hand.
Omake: Another build - Horse Arc(h)er
Jaune crept into his secret-shack, where he built and managed his gear, bruised and tired after another night of fighting shadow-monsters. He was so tired of this, they just seemed to keep getting stronger, and he stayed the same. He needed a equalizer for this mess, as it was only a matter of time before he got offed, either by luck on the monster side, or unluck on his.
Looking across his limited arsenal, he got to thinking. He looked over his plans and blueprints, but he had already tried them, or just too expensive or plainly impossible for him. He sighed, forehead against table.
In his childhood, Jaune liked to play knights with his sisters, even if it was him playing the princess in distress. It still was something he admired, the man with the sword, in the shining armor, on a noble and beautiful steed.
It was a shame though, that he couldn't get a suit of heavy-metal armor, or a sword that could cut shadow-monsters to pieces. A suit of armor would just give away his best defense against them anyway, not getting hit at all. Plus, he had done some research, and metal armor was good for turning away a blade, but actually made blunt hits worse, and the shadow-monsters were more than strong enough to tear apart cars, dumpsters, and metal railings, it wasn't really worth the effort.
His luck getting close was dice as well, as all it would take is one good hit to be dead and done with. Where as Jaune knew he would need to put sustained force on the bigger ones, while rolling the dice to dodge their strikes, not that he couldn't do it, but the thing is, chance adds up and eventually, he'd critically fail.
Still, a horse? That sounded nice, there wasn't a night that he didn't feel dead on his feet afterwards, so even just to lower his recovery time, well, that almost sounded worth it.
But, would that even work with hit and run still of fighting? The guns, well all he had was the shotgun, and didn't horses need to be trained to not get startled from shots? That didn't even bring up how he'd train one against getting frightened from the monsters.
Walking out of the shed, he needed some fresh air to think. Unconsciously, he ended up walking home. Stopping in the backyard, he saw his father, bow in hand and aiming at target. Jaune stood there for a moment, just watching gears turning.
His father let loose arrow after arrow in a stream of projectiles, it wasn't hard for Jaune to understand why his father was a former pro archer. All the arrows hit, tightly clustered around the center. Jaune felt a phantom feeling in his shoulder, rushing down his arms.
His father turned around, nearly jumping. "Son? What are you-, uh, why aren't you in bed?"
Jaune looked at the bow in his dads hands. "Can I, try shooting that?"
All confusion dropped from his fathers face, lighting up in joy. "WIthout question."
Across the dark streets of Vale, there came a sound, a sound that was forgotten to all, but the streets themselves. If there were thoughts in the cobblestone and concrete, this was a sound that would bringing them back a century, to when horses ran the streets. When carriages were pulled down the street, when horses carried passengers and messages, it was a sound of a different time.
It was the sound of hooves and horseshoes hitting stone, clamoring of nimble hooves hitting and pacing, as it raced down the streets. Ceaseless neighing, panting snorts and breaths, it was the sound of a large, powerful steed. No, not just one steed, but several. A rider changing steed regularly, ones he had stored across the city, as one became too tired from battle and the endless pace set by their rider.
Then it was followed, by another archaic sound, that of the endless stringing of a bow. All through out the night, outside on the streets was a shadowy rider, swaying over the back of a horse, never falling as he was aiming a mighty bow, firing tens of arrows every minute at some unseen quarry. Never seeming to run out of arrows, as on each horse were quivers of arrows lining the sides of the animals.
Beasts would pursue them, out from the shadows, the alleys, and forgotten corners of the city, only to pelted with a endless stream of arrows. Falling to the ground, finished off by being trampled by other monsters, or a horde of arrows ending them.
There was a new rider in town, and he was here to hunt the night away.
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hinatastinygiant · 4 months
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2 | Thoughts from the Explosion Hero
Pairing: Various MHA x Fem!Reader
Dear Departure
The bass that pounds through the corridor is the only thing that guides Bakugou towards the chaos of the common area. With his hands in his pockets, his eyes scan the scene ahead. Never has he seen the area looking like this- neon lights painting the walls and ceiling, and students filling every single crevice of the space. He has to fight the urge to roll his eyes at the sight.
He'd come down because it was the last night he'll have to put up with the others, but the mixture of the crowd and noise was enough to make him feel as if he was drowning in his own skin.
Just a few more hours, and then he's free.
"Hey, Bakubro!" a familiar voice yells out from the kitchen. Bakugou's head snaps up in that direction, his scowl deepening when he notices it's just Kaminari rushing in his direction. "Glad to see you're joining us! It only took three years!"
"Shut up," Bakugou mutters, looking away. He tries to ignore how his cheeks heat up. "What is all this, anyway?"
"It's a graduation party," Kaminari laughs, slapping a hand against his shoulder. "Yaomomo wanted to do something nice for all of us, and well, it's pretty obvious the others agreed."
"Have you, uh, seen Kirishima?" Bakugou asks, scratching the back of his head as he looks around.
"Oh, yeah, he was over by the kitchen. Actually, I told him if I saw you, I'd bring you over. He wanted to talk to you, too," Kaminari shouts as he begins to guide Bakugou through the crowd, causing Bakugou's skin to crawl in distaste at being manhandled.
He's about to protest, but then he reaches the kitchen. "Huh," Kaminari frowns. "I could've sworn he said he would be here. Well, you could always check upstairs, y'know?"
"Whatever," Bakugou grumbles.
"Hey, wait, before you go we should have a drink together," Kaminari smiles softly. "It is our last night and I doubt you'll ever want to hang out with me again since you won't be forced to."
"Yeah, alright," Bakugou agrees rather easily. Kaminari's only partially right about what he'd said. Bakugou wouldn't be opposed to hanging out with Kaminari after graduation so long as he doesn't try to push his luck.
"Awesome! Here, I'll pour us both some shots," Kaminari grins. He begins pulling random bottles off the counter, glancing back at him as he pours something unreadable in a small plastic cup. "So, uh, have you heard back from any agencies yet?"
"A few," Bakugou shrugs. "Nothing official yet, though."
"Damn. You know, I haven't even heard from any," Kaminari snorts as he slides a shot over to Bakugou.
"You will," Bakugou nods just as Kaminari places the drink into his mouth. However, upon hearing Bakugou's words, the drink ends up spilling from his nose.
"Shit, I'm sorry," Kaminari coughs as he searches frantically for a tissue. "There must be something wrong with my ears."
"What are you talking about, dunce face?" Bakugou asks, looking confused as he picks up the drink he'd been given.
"Are you complimenting me?"
"No," Bakugou snaps, narrowing his eyes. "I was just telling you what I thought, you idiot."
Kaminari lets out a snort of laughter. "Man, all that time with Vlag King's daughter." And then he lets out a shiver. "I really have no idea how you had the balls to go out with her knowing who her dad is. I mean, there's so many reasons why you shouldn't have-
Bakugou feels his entire body freeze at his words. "Y/N and I aren't together anymore, you know that so stop bringing it up. Besides, the only reason why I dated her was because I had a feeling her dad wouldn't like me very much."
"Oh? Is that true?" Kaminari asks, raising an eyebrow. "Cause I can remember clear as day when Y/N came skipping up to me and some of the others telling all of us how you said you loved her."
Bakugou rolls his eyes, looking away. "Look, I was young and dumb back then, okay?"
"You're still young," Kaminari grins. "And-"
"Don't even," Bakugou interrupts, his glare returning.
Kaminari simply chuckles as he shakes his head.
"So, uh, about Kirishima," Bakugou then clears his throat, his words barely audible over the loud music. "Do you think he'll be back?"
Kaminari shrugs. "Hard to say. I mean, if you sit here long enough you're bound to spot him, right?"
Bakugou doesn't say anything back as he turns around and glares out into the crowd. A couple people meet his gaze and quickly disappear before he can recognize who they are.
"Hey, why don't you go look for him," Kaminari suggests, nudging him in the arm. "And anyway, I'm going to look for Jirou so I won't be here."
"Jirou?" Bakugou narrows his eyebrows but doesn't look back.
Kaminari takes that as a sign to begin blabbing about how much he's in love with the girl who doesn't share his feelings. Bakugou can't help but feel a bit bad, however, he's much more interested in finding Kirishima before night's end than listening to the boring details of Kaminari's unrequited love.
"Okay," he says simply once Kaminari finally stops to catch his breath.
"So, will you, uh, be alright?" Kaminari asks.
"Are you saying that I'm unable to handle finding one person in a room with a bunch of drunk extras?" Bakugou grumbles, turning slowly in his seat to face Kaminari.
"N-No," Kaminari gulps, "Of course not."
"Good," Bakugou stands, glaring. "Cause I'm going to sit here until I can find him."
"Right. Good luck, bro," Kaminari nods, giving him a thumbs up.
Bakugou simply sighs as Kaminari walks away from the kitchen for the second time within fifteen minutes. Bakugou, meanwhile, sits as still as a statue in the same seat where Kaminari had previously been before running off to the bathroom with a sick stomach.
Unfortunately, it's not Kirishima who he spots first. Instead, it's Y/N as beautiful as ever. She's wearing the most gorgeous smile on her lips as she and Hagakure hold hands and laugh about something.
Bakugou's heart aches a bit, but he can't look away.
He really did love Y/N. Part of him still does. But after the way things ended, he can't bring himself to ever talk to her again. He should have just been honest with her from the moment she asked.
Instead, he chose the coward's way out. And now he's the one sitting alone at a party, watching his stunning ex-girlfriend shake her hips in the same black dress he once took off of her in his dorm.
Bakugou's hand immediately drops to his lap, quickly covering the tightening in his pants before anyone can notice. And because he's so busy looking down at his erection, he doesn't notice Sero sliding into the seat beside him. "Oh, hey," Sero says, flashing him a quick grin. "What're you doing here?"
"Nothing," Bakugou states quickly as he stands up and turns his back to the tape hero. "I'm going to look for someone."
Sero's head tilts curiously. "Really? Who are you looking for?"
"Mind your own business," Bakugou growls, pushing his way through the crowd.
Dear Departure
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leviathanverse · 7 months
Chapter 28: Trapped again
I felt myself bounce slightly as I came back to my senses. Opening my ruby red eyes, I saw nothing but shiny metal.
My mind was foggy, and my brain didn't register what had happened. However, I bounced because of the object I was in again before I remembered.
Memories of everything that had happened flooded into my brain. I quickly lifted my head, and scanned my surroundings.
I remembered everything now. Zoha's screech. How I went to inspect what happened, the humans and then... nothing.
I remembered how I felt something pinch my neck, how I felt sluggish. How I collapsed. And then... everything went dark.
I snarled and looked at my wings when I noticed that they had felt a lot heavier than normal.
I snarled when I saw familiar metal objects clipped onto my wings. I looked at my tail and saw that it had also been clipped by the metal things.
I hissed and moved from side to side to try to get out. I didn't want to be trapped again! I didn't want to go back!
I heard muffled yelling from in front of me. I knew that it was the humans that had done this. Captured and caged me.
Like I was some feral animal that would kill anything in sight. I was an animal, yes, but I wasn't feral enough to just attack without reason!
I felt my heart drop as I remembered my brothers. They weren't caught too, right? They got away, right? Fled to a safer area!
I hoped so. I desperately hoped so. I didn't want them to get caught again. But... I was more worried about Zoha... my little brother.
" ZOHA!"
I yelled, and got a weak reply from behind me. I heard the humans yell, how they yelled that I had woken up from my forced slumber.
" S...Sekido?"
" Zoha?! Where are you?! Are you okay?!"
I could hear the sleepiness still linger in his voice. I jated those bastards with a burning passion. I'll make sure they die before I can escape with my brothers and-
" Where are the humans?! Sekido?! Where are they?!
I hadn't forgotten about them. Especially the emotional one. I felt bad for her, if she was captured as well.
" I... I don't know..."
I was honest. I really didn't know where the two kind humans were. I was worried for their safet. I could only show anger.
No matter how many times I try to show another emotion besides anger, it never really worked. I guessed because I was destined to be a short tempered dragon.
" But I hope that they managed to escape or got far away from these assholes."
" I didn't know you cursed."
" Of course I curse! What did you think?! I say unicorns instead of fuck?"
" I mean...."
" Oh for fuck's sake..."
I dragged a paw over my face. Well, as best as I could in the cramped space I resided in. That's when I realized that I cursed in front of my younger brother.
My eyes widened as a look of horror crossed my face. I panicked and began to yell at Zoha to NOT curse.
" Do not fucking curse! That is a command!"
" You just fucking cursed, fucking bastard!"
" Hey! Watch your motherfucking language!"
I snarled, and regretted ever cursing in front of my younger brother. Although, I was a but proud that he cursed.
It just meant that he was growing into a mature dragon. In my opinion, of course. I didn't think of how disappointed Aizetsu would be.
If he found out that Zoha knew how to curse. I shivered as I remembered how he whacked me on the head with his paws last time.
It hurt like a bitch. I heard a few groans from Karaku. He was somewhere in front of my environment. Although, his groans wet muffled.
" Karaku!"
" Where are we?! No- WHERE ARE YOU?!"
" In a place called fucking metal shit."
I groaned in anger, too tired to deal with his shenanigans. I just hoped that he wouldn't curse in fr-
" That's fucking awesome!"
Any hope that I had left evaporated into thin air. I snarled, not pleased that everyone started to curse after they woke up.
" I thought I said that no curses!"
" You curse! Why can't we use the words shit and fuck? Is because we are younger than you?"
" Oh for the love of-"
" Shut up you fucking whore!"
I was shocked he used the word "whore", which made me feel not so proud anymore. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.
" Um... Oh- I don't know! Maybe the fucking sun?!"
" You really are a dumb bastard."
" Hah! Finally someone calls you a bastard!"
I huffed, backing down from arguing with my wide awake brothers. Except Aizetsu and Urogi. They were still knocked out.
I remained quiet, thinking. How did we get caught again? With Zoha this time?! I felt horrible that he got dragged into this shit.
I knew that we were trapped again. This time, with out or baby brother. I felt like I was the one to blame.
" Aye! What's going on? Are we in Dragon Heaven?"
Oh for fuck's sake. Urogi was wide awake. I was about to reply, telling him what was going on when I was rudely interrupted.
" Of course we are! We are so in Dragon Heaven!"
" Of course not, you fucking idiot!"
" Since I woke up."
He hissed, displeased by how everyone started cursing. At least Aizetsu didn't curse. He was the only one so far to not curse. Yet.
" Can everyone shut the fuck up?! We are being fucking taken somewhere! And I need to think!"
" Wait- you have a brain?!"
He facepalmed, dragging his paw to be on his nose. Dear Dragon God he hated how Zoha had ways to insult him.
I slid towards the wall in front of me, faceplanting against the cool metal. I felt insulted by it.
I heard people talking. A woman and a man. I bared my teeth as I thought of them being the culprits to our capture.
" I see you got quite the feisty dragons, Mrs. Yami."
" I also got the dragon you wanted. Here is your ¥340. Just as I promised."
So the woman was Yami? I growled, ears lowered as my rage bubbled inside my chest. I fucking hated her already.
" Ah! The fights will be a lot more interesting! You may use any machines! Do as you please!"
" I thank you. Drive to the muzzle barn. I'll see you all there after discussing some business with our dealer."
And the object I was trapped in moved again. I just hoped that my brothers and I would be freed again.
Hopefully the humans escaped. I didn't want to think about what that cruel woman would do to them.
Whatever her intentions were, I knew that they would be nothing but evil. I thought of many things of what her intentions were.
But I was unsure. She could kill the humans in front of us, or use them as an advantage to make us battle other dragons.
" Well... I don't like what I heard..."
" Welcome to the real world where everything is fucked up."
" Who taught you that foul word?"
" He taught himself."
" Well... don't use that word again."
" I bet that he won't listen."
I sighed and waited for... whatever was going to happen next. We were still caught, but as a family this time. Not like last time.
I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. I just didn't know what. I could only focus on the safety of my brothers and the two humans.
I waited, hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Characters: Casey Ramsey, Aurora Emery
Warnings: none
Rating: General audiences
Category: fluff
Word count: 1109
Summary: Caroline steps down as CEO of Edenbrook, her parting gift is a clinic that is also apart of Edenbrook that is located in one of the more working class and culturally diverse areas of Boston.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: Submission for cfwc You go girls event. Prompt used is offering career advice
To Dr Ramsey,
As you are aware, my parting gift to the hospital when I step down as CEO later this year is a clinic based in one of the more working class areas of Boston where there is a large population that is ethnically and culturally diverse. The main focus of this clinic is to focus on Women’s health, family planning, education and health clinic for those who identify as LGBTQI+, as well as general health practices.
Given your current Advocacy work in the Women’s health and LGBTQI+ space, I am pleased to offer you the position of Director of the Delores Hudson Women’s and Community Health Clinic.
The offer is attached. I am giving you two weeks to think it over and for you to give me your final reply.
Caroline Bloom
CEO Edenbrook Hospital
Casey sits there stunned. She knew that there was going to be a new clinic and she knew it was going to be named after Delores, but director?
The team under her and Aurora’s leadership over the last two years had gone from strength to strength, the research arm overseen by Tobias was going great also.
The offer was generous, but she was still not sure if she was the right person. Yes she had done advocacy work within the lgbtqi+ and women’s health space but a white woman directing a health clinic in an area where she was the minority?
Casey was deep in thought when Aurora entered.
“What’s up Casey?” Aurora asked.
Casey startled and then calmed down.
“Sorry, was just in thought” said Casey.
“About the case?”
Casey shakes her head and shows Aurora the email.
“Oh my gosh Casey!!!” Exclaims Aurora, “this would be an awesome opportunity.”
“I know it is but a great one but answer me honestly. Would teenaged you or heavily pregnant you be willing to accept medical assistance from someone like myself?”
“I get where you are coming from but you do have a good profile within the community for the work you have done and continue to do.”
“That is true but will it be enough…”
“When do you need to give Caroline your answer?”
“Two weeks”
“My thoughts, have a think, have a chat although I know Ethan will say to take it but I really think you will do well.”
Casey however was not so sure. She did have a good reputation sure but was that enough. Casey wanted the endeavour to succeed.
A few days later she had her regular meet up with Tobias. He already knew of the offer from Ethan and if Tobias was being honest, he was surprised that Casey was unsure of taking the position. He knew that she would do a great job so when Casey asked him if Aurora would be a good fit for the role he was surprised. His initial reaction was why am I being asked.
Casey stated that you worked with Aurora at Kenmore, you have worked with her here, you saw first hand how she did in a leadership role last year when I was on maternity leave so you would be a good person to ask. And besides if I am going to decline and send a recommendation for whom I think should be in the role then it would look good if there is another endorsement. Tobias saw Casey’s point but he thought that the clinic would be a success but he also agreed that Aurora would be a good fit too.
Casey then thought some more and she was convinced that Aurora would be a better fit. She met with Aurora a few days before her answer was due.
“I have thought long and hard, discussed, written a pros and cons list, you name it I have done it. I have decided not to take the role. I will be recommending that you get offered the position”
Aurora was shocked.
“I was sure you would take the position. What swayed you?”
“I feel the clinic will have more success if there is people running and on staff that are more representative of the area we are going into. Where the clinic is, I am a minority, yes I have done much work in the women’s health and LGBTQI space which would make people receptive but you have a good reputation in the same areas also but I think with you at the helm, you will attract not only the clientele but also doctors who are culturally diverse and fit in better with the area we are going into.”
Aurora reflects on Casey’s words. She does agree with her that she too has a good reputation in the field but it is one thing being team leader for six months and running a clinic full time.
“Am I experienced enough, running a team for six months is different to running and building a clinic up full time.”
“I get where you are coming from, we all remember how I was when I was initially offered the team. I think you are ready. I will be willing to help and also work some time at the clinic as I think it will work well in the rotation. Other doctors in the hospital I am sure will be willing to offer advice and help also.”
“This is true…”
“You are not the woman I met in residency Aurora, the woman eager to escape the legacy of Harper and was convinced everyone only wanted you because of her.”
Aurora smiled.
“So I will be turning down the position but recommend that you be offered it and Tobias will also be sending in his recommendation for you also.”
Later that day Casey sent the following email to Caroline.
To Caroline
Thank you for the generous offer of employment as Director of the Delores Hudson Women’s and Community Health clinic.
After much deliberation I will be declining the offer.
I feel this endeavour will be more successful under the directorship of Dr Aurora Emery.
Again thank you for considering me and I look forward to working with the director of this endeavour, whomever it may be.
Dr Casey Ramsey
Director Diagnostics team, Naveen Banerji Community Health Clinic, Edenbrook.
Caroline received the email from Casey and the accompanying one from Dr Carrick. If Caroline was honest, Aurora was someone she had considered also, but Casey won out to be offered the position first.
Caroline got to amending the offer and sent it to Aurora, like Casey giving her two weeks to think before deciding.
Two days later Aurora accepts the offer. She is excited for the opportunity and so is Casey.
Authors note: The clinic is a huge success. Most of the staff is reflective of the area. Casey does some work at the clinic also, especially in the Advocacy space. The clinic when it is fully established is added into the clinical rotation and the residents really enjoy the differing perspectives and challenges that arise from working with culturally diverse staff and clientele.
The clinic was named after Delores at Ethan’s request and with permission from Alma. Ethan did not want her death to be in vain, Delores also lived near the area that the clinic is situated so it seemed fitting.
Caroline is well into her seventies when she retires. She retires so she can enjoy life instead of just working.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @crazy-loca-blog @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @cariantha @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @trappedinfanfiction
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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notsorryiml8 · 3 months
why does minato get so much slander on this app by kakashi and obito fans?
Interesting question. I may not necessarily be hanging in the same circles of tumblr as you, so I may be wrong, but I haven’t seen a lot of Minato slander, especially from Kakashi fans. His fan base generally tends to be rather chill. However, if push comes to shove, Kakashi fans are passionate and will defend him through thick and thin. But I don’t see them typically intentionally tearing down or attacking another character, especially his sensei. Or maybe I just tend to only see and follow the “nicer ones”🤷🏽‍♀️.
Because most of what I do and focus on is Kakashi-centric, I don’t see a lot of Obito content, unless it’s related to Kakashi in some way with a little Madara thrown in from time to time, so I can’t really say much regarding that space, but even what I do see is more Obito-centric from his fans. I really don’t see the Obito fans that I do interact with going out of the way to bash Minato, either.
That all being said, I don’t want to invalidate you, as I know not all fans are angels - people are human. tumblr is huge and every light side also has a dark side, so I believe there may indeed be some fans out there who do slander Minato, as I’ve definitely seen some fans talk negatively about Kakashi and I’m sure some do the same to Obito. So, it would be unrealistic to not picture the same for Minato.
You don’t mention in what area or ways he’s being slandered, so I can only conjecture as to why and can’t really say why people do what they do, though as I’ve never seen the point in bringing another character down just to make your favorite look better.
Personally, as I can only speak for myself, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Minato and think he’s an awesome character. I think people forget how young he was. Kakashi became a jonin at 9 or 12 - verdict’s still out on that one - which means Minato was his and Obito’s sensei at 19 or 22. And in a war. He lost not one, but two of his students because he was so in-demand that he could only be in one place at a time. The amount of guilt he must have felt is immeasurable. And he kept going.
I will say, if anything, I have seen Kakashi and Obito fans erroneously, in my opinion, call Minato a “bad sensei.” I think for the Kakashi fans I’ve seen do that, they’re reflexively being defensive about Kakashi being labeled as a bad sensei for 20 years, like “Kakashi’s not a bad sensei! Minato was the worst, his students died!” I will say I have seen that. But again, it’s erroneous to say that for both. Due to their talents and demand, both were exceptional and exceptionally in demand. Minato in war and Kakashi because he was spread way too thin and was expected to be a sensei and simultaneously a one man team financing the village with solo S-rank missions.
As for Obito, again, I don’t really have an exorbitant amount of interaction with his fanbase. I’ve seen a lot of power scaling between Minato and Obito on other apps, which is not my thing because it can cause arguments, has potential to bring out the worst in people- people are passionate about what they like, and is inherently biased towards a person’s favorite character. But I don’t see a lot of that on here. If anything, even with that, it’s usually the other way around with Minato being praised for his abilities and Kakashi being “slandered” as the weakest thing that has ever existed compared to everyone else. I have seen fans defend Kakashi in that regard, but even then, they’re not insulting Minato.
So, all that to say, I’m not seeing a ton of slander, but do believe it exists. As a Kakashi fan, I think it may be that his fans constantly feel as if they have to defend him and some may get carried away and degrade Minato in the process 🤷🏽‍♀️? But can’t see the chilled out Kakashi-stans just hating on Minato for no reason. And for Obito fans, again, I’m not a huge Obito fan - I don’t hate him by any means; just not a major fan - so, don’t know much about his fanbase.
Any Obito fans or Minato fans or anybody else feel free to jump in.
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