#the special phrase from the first two games made an appearance and I was like omg
alebrijediscordico · 2 months
i need to sleep soon, but i've been rotating pastra's new video with his own retelling of the jeff the killer creepypasta and. mein gott……
first of, Go Watch 🔫
and second of, spoilers under the cut, bc im gonna ramble abt it now!!
so there's thing ive noticed of a few rewrites i have read before is that many times the authors take a lot of creative liberties while rewriting and, well, many of them interested me a lot ngl! most of them are full rewrites with almost no similarities to the og story that isnt the characters and maybe one or two plot points, and i think about them and it amazes me how one can change a characters story and still make it feel like the same character
but the thing about pastra's rewrite, is that they understands Who jeff the killer is and What jeff is, and not only gives the original story's Feeling an actual structure, but a Why for it too
and that starts with the who. jeff is a villain in most narratives that had included him before, even if the original creepypasta aimed (?) for him to be sort of the empathetic, like. back then he was but a kid, maybe a violent one, but a kid that fell to his most destructive urges nevertheless (and with this extra, irrational fear that i think was more of a personal observation when i first hear of this creepypasta when i was Really young, of "oh god, what if turn out like Him" since he was around my age then, but anyways.)
but this jeff is not a kid anymore, is actually of college age, and for most of this rewrite's narrative he is this looming terror on the loose; death with a rotting, self made smile. and as more things are revealed, and both the detectives and audience get closer to jeff, at first one would think is going with the same, empathetic route like the original, with the bullies and stuff, but since we already know how that goes, pastra actually Uses that to get people by surprise and… no, he isn't just a kid, or in this case a man, Driven to madness by circumstances. he starts a villain, ends a villain
which perfectly pictures what jeff as a concept was and is in essence:
a brutal, unpredictable force of violence; a monster
and that's what makes him scary again, because he is still a human after all, but his actions slowly take away that until only his appearance, no matter how mutilated it is by that point, is what anchors him to his humanity; a tether to it made out of a spider's web string
like i remember listening to the narration in the background while playing splatoon some days ago, and sometimes having to pause the game just to listen more attentively. and in some parts, specially towards the end, making me actually feel kinda scared, not only for liu (which is also Very well written and the role he plays to connect jeff's past to the present and reveal his true intentions is Amazing), but for every single one of the witnesses too
and then that part. that one part after staying convinced most of the video that this rewrite would follow a similar plot as the original, liu says "but no. it was just… jeff" LIKE- that legit gave me Chills, and minutes after jeff's infamous phrase Actually used well??? like as i said, this actually brought back some of that fear from the original, tho it mostly impressed me for the execution, but genuinely what the fuck (legit said out loud while listening "are they gonna- no they won't- HE DID…")
n. well, this is less about the creepypasta now, but just me thinking how good pastra's storytelling is, the story's structure feels so clean and interconnected, the pacing is so nice but it has that touch of his that is across all his videos. and the voice acting!! the man genuinely sounded insane when jeff did, is incredible :D
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ro-botany · 1 year
On the Characteristics of the Risen, and the Character of their King
The Risen King... Finally, a concept which once only existed in whispers and a single cipher 0 card, has made it into a Fire Emblem video game! Just the mobile game, sure, but it counts. And the Fell Exalt Chrom unit is so fascinating to me that I have not only this, but at least two other meta posts in the pipeline about it. I am so normal about him.
To kick things off... let’s talk about exactly what Risen King Chrom is, and also how he’s doing mentally. (Badly. He’s doing very badly.)
Real quick, we have to get one snag out of the way: the mechanism by which a Risen is made.
Shadows of Valentia introduced us to a prototypical version of the Risen created by Forneus, known as Death Masks. They’re made by fitting a dead body with a mask containing insects known as thanatophages. The thanatophages prevent the body’s decay and assert physical control over them in a manner not unlike certain real world parasites that control the muscular movements of their hosts.
I’ve seen a handful of my colleagues (lol) assume there are modern Risen made the same way. BUT. The Risen which exist during the events of Awakening are explicitly NOT Death Masks. During the xenologue Death’s Embrace, Brady states that “In the future, our wounded often turned to Risen just as we were tryin' to heal 'em.” This has to mean that Grima is transforming the dead and dying remotely, using some kind of magic; and at the height of their power, they may be either passively creating or deliberately casting an area of effect that turns dead bodies automatically. There’s nothing to suggest any Risen are manually created with thanatophages, or that Grima is manifesting thanatophages for that purpose.
Alas, we cannot do insect body horror with RK Chrom while also staying true to canon. But moving on...
Fell Chrom is, to make an understatement, very unique among the Risen. And to discuss why he’s unique, we first have to define what’s typical.
Behaviourally, typical Risen don’t appear to have sentience outside of their competency in wielding weapons and their tendency to form loose hierarchies based on individual strength. They’re incredibly aggressive by nature; it’s like their only innate drive is to fight and kill humans. Most of them are not capable of speech, though the stronger Risen Chiefs can grind out single words or even short phrases, which are usually just related to wanting to kill things. When being actively controlled through dark magic, they appear capable of basic tactics, though whether that comes from them or the person controlling them is unclear.
There’s no doubt that Fell Chrom is a Risen. He’s certainly got the appearance, the purple miasma, and the vocal distortion for it. Not to mention the giant glowing fatal wound in his side. Man certainly isn't alive.
He’s evidently still subject to control via dark magic too, if the fact that he was forced to war against his own country is anything to go by.
Fell Chrom also has the strong aggressive drive typical of Risen. Nearly all of his dialogue in battle situations suggests this. In order of increasing intensity: There’s the turn action quote “Find me an enemy”, which depending on your mood can read as either resignation or as chomping at the bit. There’s hostile level up quotes like “You shall count yourself...among the dead” and “You would...block my path”. His special trigger quotes are yet worse. He yells “This is your fate”, “No resistance”, and “Useless effort” with a fury you don’t expect from Chrom—and for the fourth one, he just shouts “DEATH”. And his voice clips for attacking aren’t words or even anywhere in the realm of a regular human noise, they're just distorted, monstrous growling.
But unlike with typical Risen, aggression is not all RK Chrom is. He can walk around the Askran castle and be around others without constantly trying to attack people. And in fact, he’s aware of and bothered by how violent being Risen makes him. One of his status page quotes is begging someone to “back away!” in a panic, as though he’s afraid of hurting them. It’s possible the violent instincts Risen have mainly only come into play for him in battle situations, or possibly when he’s in a state of heightened emotion.
And while RK Chrom displays the kind of difficulty with speech you would expect of a Risen, with his slow halting pace and gravelly tone, he speaks in complete, coherent sentences and displays remarkable clarity about who he is and what’s happening around him. He’s no husk. Chrom's mind is intact.
That is massive. That is completely unique among Risen, and deeply, deeply horrifying. Because even though he can think, he is by no means in control.
If the Forging Bonds supports are anything to go by, Chrom did try to resist Grima, at least in the beginning. From C through to A he moves from disbelief to outright despair at the very prospect of warring against Ylisse. But by the S support—which necessarily takes place years after the others due to how far Grima’s campaign has progressed—he’s given up. So much of his dialogue is mourning the past, or repeating Grima's belief that everyone is doomed and nothing can change. He’s not fighting it anymore. He's resigned to his fate as Grima’s executioner.
And why wouldn’t he be? After the initial confusion from being resurrected passed, he was lucid. He was fully mentally present when he was murdering his allies and slaughtering his own people. And between the deep, fundamental drive to kill and the direct influence of Grima on his actions... There wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop himself. He couldn’t protect a thing.
Even now that he’s free of Grima’s influence in Askr, he doesn’t exactly do anything to avoid being an instrument of violence. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a playable unit. Everyone he’s ever cared about is dead, and he’s been nothing more than a monster and an instrument of violence for years. Why not fight. It’s the only thing he has left.
This Chrom is a deeply broken man. Angry and utterly hopeless. It’s no wonder after all he’s been through.
And yet... there’s still a spark there. For all his rigid insistence that Grima’s bleak outlook is the truth, his ally growth quote speaks volumes: “If this power were mine...back then...”
If fate is so immutable and hope is so pointless, why deal in what-ifs? Why wonder about what could have changed? And he’s still trying to protect people he cares about from himself; why else would he yell for others to “back away” when he feels he might attack them?
Through all the years of horror and the terrible curse of undeath... he’s still Chrom.
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2af-afterdark · 11 months
Ok. I wrote a 2hole thing in here before with each of the angels specifically and my thoughts but it got deleted so I'll just ask for a request
DomGod!Mc spanking Gabriel?
NooOOoOooooOo. I would have loved to read that. Curse you Tumblr! Let the Anons speak!
But... Gabriel spanking... there are so many ways to go with that. A lot of the God!MC au was made before we really had a good idea of what the characters were like, so sometimes I adjust things to fit more with what I see in game. I like my version of Gabriel though, so I'm gonna made the two together here and see how it works when he's completely and utterly selfish about getting MC's attention but also acknowledges that MC is their own person.
Heaven is boring. The entire place was made to revolve around God, so little was added that would distract from being able to revere them. MC is the new God and they can see why the old one left. It's stifling to be the center of Heaven. It's oppressive to be loved by angels that revolve their entire existence around them. They aren't even sure if "love" is the right word. It's more like the angels of Heaven use MC to feel better about themselves and their place in the universe.
And Gabriel? Gabriel is the worst of them all in some ways. Okay, they all suck, but Gabriel is a special kind of suck. Gabriel is the only one that calls them but name, but there is a subtly mocking tone when he says it. Not mocking them, per se, but mocking the idea that they think they can still be only MC. At the same time, he sounds euphoric when he says their name, because he's the only one that uses it in all of Heaven. It's something of theirs that's only his and he will abuse the privilege.
Their name is sickeningly sweet as it drips like honey from his lips. It echoes in their head, beating against their skull and driving them mad. He says it so calmly, like a lover whispering in the night. He uses it so casually and with such reverence...
It makes MC feel sick.
They've asked many, many times for him to stop. They've told him that he's not allowed to use the same name as their friends. He isn't allowed to address them like that. They aren't friends!
But he keeps doing it...
Do you know the phrase "spare the rod, spoil the child"? MC is starring to understand what it means. If MC is supposed to be God now, doesn't that mean that punishing disobedience is their job? Perhaps Gabriel can be the first one they test their new duties on.
He's almost too eager to lay across their lap when they tell him to. If MC didn't know better, they would think he was smiling.
When they bring their hand down against his backside, he barely makes a sound. They do it again to the same response. They scowl as they pull down his pants and expose his bare buttom. Then they smile as he finally yelps when they hit him.
They do it again and again and again until they lose track of how many times it's been and Gabriel's ass is cherry red. The entire time, he hasn't said anything, but the sound of his cries are ingrained in MC's memory. Between each one, it sounded almost like he was praying. Not the kind for forgiveness, but the kind given in thanks.
MC feels vile afterward. Not because it was wrong, but because they enjoyed doing it. They are sick to their stomach that they allowed Gabriel to get enough of a rise out of them to do that. And they are disgusted that they want to hear him cry more. Maybe spank him until he can't sit or walk properly...
Gabriel, for his part, does not seem upset. If anything, he appears to be amused as he calls MC's name yet again just to see the shivk in their eyes turn to anger once more.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Gideon the Ninth, Chapter 17
Alright, I’m done procrastinating on this. Before I start, some brief metacommentary on the skull mascots for each of the houses, which I only recently bothered to scrutinize;
First House skull is very big.
Second House Skull has a centurion's helmet.
Third House has jewels in the eyes;
Fourth has laurels- that was a military thing in ancient Rome, right?
Fifth has some kind of wavy crown thing. I bothered to check this in the first place because I thought it was going to be flat-out removed from the section header as an evolving credits thing.
Sixth has scrolls between the teeth; no surprise, they eat lots of books as children
Seventh has a rose jutting out the eye sockets (Hakahani disease AU!)
Eighth is blindfolded;
Ninth has absolutely nothing. Less, even. No lower jaw.
Okay, onto CSI: Canaan House:
"In the early hours of the morning, even Palamedes admitted defeat." EVEN Palamedes. Delightfully concise phrasing. This establishes from the start that we’re in the midst of the first group study session this rock has seen. It reinforces that Palamedes is first among equals in his headstrong sherlockishness. He could be the protagonist of this. You could rewrite this to do that.
“The early hunger of ghosts.” So ghosts are vampiric. Are vampires Vampiric? Are there vampires? Can Vampires be made to be, using necromancy?
Christ. The Fourthlings. This is another example of something that was funny until it wasn't funny. They had, like, a bit going with the Fifth, a back-and-fourth; their dialogue was almost exclusively rendered a punchline. Now they're voiceless on an entirely different axis. Shoo out the clowns. Rosencratz and whatshisface.
Taking note here that Gideon is capable of identifying what she refers to as the “minute” signs of Harrow’s exhaustion. She’s paid that much attention to her mannerisms in the past, despite their ostensible enemyhood. This book does such interesting things conveying the depths of their familiarity with each other while also being a story about how they barely know each other.
There is no way it's an accident that Coronabeth and Ianthe didn't bother to dress. Only solace of the night indeed. This is a power play. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have the “painfully useful” Sixth. See, when Palamedes shows up to work in his PJs, that's the opposite of a mind game. That's a mark of sincerity.
He apologizes to Abigail as he steps over the body. Jesus.
Palamedes gives his bedrobe to Dulcinea. Those two had a thing. They were the protagonists of a John Green type novel some time before the start of this book.
Palamedes and Harrow, once both cognizant and faced with a problem, are on the same wavelength. There was, somewhere out there, a place where Harrow would have fit in immaculately.
What should I read into Camilla’s overprotectiveness of Palamedes? Gideon’s narration makes her hovering sound unwarranted, but Gideon’s narration also set us up to think that Ortus was much more of a wet blanket than he wound up being. She’s not the greatest at assessing the personal circumstances underlying idiosycratic behaviors. Is Sixth House the terminal exaggeration of “Publish or Perish?” 
Not to harp too hard on this scene, but "Gideon had to stare pretty hard at skimpy nighties to get over that one." Best way to cap off the reveal of how Third House necromancy works; also a pretty good explanation of why they go out of their way to keep up appearances otherwise. This is not a faction that could get away with being both cannibalistic AND ugly; they've browsed Tumblr. They know that as long as you're alluring you can eat a few fingers. As a treat.
Dulcinea's not allowed to get involved in the investigation. The Seventh sent a Necromancer who isn’t allowed to get involved in hardcore necromantic exertions? Something weird is going on.
And NOW the Eighth House show up, having taken the time that nobody else did to get fully kitted out. And they specialize in spirit magic.
Silas is a soul siphoner. And Harrow knows this- despite someone else’s exclamation in this sequence indicating that soul siphoning isn’t a widely known technique. Know your enemy.
Oh my god. That's why his Nephew looks older than him, isn't it?
Silas was probably expecting this to be a big-damn-heroes fix; instead he (predictably) nearly kills Dulcinea and finally causes someone to throw a punch, tensions being what they are. Making a note here that Colum seems to not give a shit that his Uncle has been laid out and held at swordpoint; a direct side effect of the siphon, or an indirect one in the sense that he's not gonna lift a finger to help his charge if not expressly ordered? Like Artemis Fowl if Butler thought his charge was a little shit and kept trying to rules-lawyer a permissible way to let him die.
A schoolyard fight broken up only by the arrival of Teacher, who is, for the first time, AFRAID. And demonstrating a coherent and involved necromantic knowledge; nobody was supposed to be allowed to die in this section of the facility, because something very, very bad happens if you leave a dead body down there. He's giving actual, actionable suggestions. He is telling people that they are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Everything is absolutely wrong.
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adverbian · 5 months
How does music affect/influence your writing? (more specific questions if that's too broad! Are you inspired by particular types of music? Or, do you like to write while listening to music and if so, what kind? OR EVEN feel free to just go off about something that inspires you if music isn't a big one for you!) ❤️
Ooh fun question!
Sometimes it’s lyrics. See, my brain has a built-in lookup feature for song lyrics. If I read or write a word or phrase that appeared in the lyrics of a song I know… I will start humming that song. This often happens while writing fic. A lot of the time, the song will wind up resonating with the story, and I’ll use it for the work or chapter titles. “What We Think About When We Think About Each Other” is probably the fic I did that the most.
Sometimes the fic comes first, and I want to reference a piece of music with particular emotions at a particular point within the fic. Then I go down a research rabbit hole to find the right thing. For example, I did that for the opening to my first Good Omens fic ever, “one more river (and that’s the river of jordan).” Had to find something romantic but not too cheesy (and not be-bop). After a long research journey, I ended up with Liszt’s Consolation No. 3, and it now holds a very special place in my heart forever.
(I do not have any sort of music education, so my music appreciation comes fully from the University of Googling It.)
And sometimes a piece of music is the prompt. This happened most directly with “Exsultet,” my fic for the Good Omens Song and Poetry Exchange, in which the whole game was “get a song prompt, write a fic.” I got incredibly cool prompts from @grimboigio (“The Bomb” by Florence + The Machine, and “Stripped” by Depeche Mode) and worked until the vibes coalesced into a fic.
It also happened indirectly with “Confiteor.” (I rambled on at length, so this goes under a cut.)
See, way back last fall, there was a discussion on Good Omens After Dark on Reddit about what music Aziraphale would play during sex. One suggestion was Stravinsky’s 1919 Firebird Suite.
So I put a reference to it in the beginning of “Set Me As a Seal Upon Your Heart.” Then I decided I wanted to write the sex scene that happens offscreen between the end of “That the One Ought To Have of the Other” and the beginning of “Set Me As a Seal.” And I wanted to set it to the Firebird Suite.
So I looked it up and found a neat Khan Academy music appreciation video about it. The suite is an adaptation/condensation of music from the ballet, so I watched three different stagings of the ballet to get the mythic vibes. I realized the vibes are actually pretty dark.
At the same time, I was having lots of thoughts and feelings about Aziraphale and guilt. This all cross-pollinated with the music, and I started drafting a makeup-sex fic about guilt and forgiveness, that I was going to try and pace with the movements of the Firebird Suite.
I ran into problems.
First, the angsty vibe didn’t really fit between the two sweet, romantic, happy fics I’d already written.
Second, the pacing of the Firebird Suite is really hard to use for a sex scene, it turns out. The crescendoing action is interrupted by a lullaby, which is beautiful but meant I had to slow the action to a crawl just when it was getting good. I couldn’t make it work.
I struggled with it. I got beta feedback. I struggled with it some more. I wrote a non-smutty, dialogue-only version which felt way too therapy-speaky. I eventually threw up my hands and shelved the whole thing.
Then, well… eventually…months later, it came back around. I figured out how to approach it. The smut was gone, and it was a standalone piece instead of part of an existing series, and the music references were gone. But the vibes of the first and last movements of the 1919 Firebird Suite can still be felt in the intro and outro of Confiteor — which are the only pieces of the original draft that made it through.
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houseofhurricane · 2 years
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games without frontiers
Summary: Azriel and Eris, in the Autumn Court at the winter solstice. But who has the knife?
Pairing: Azris
Word Count: 15,460
This fic is a gift, with so much love, for @iftheshoef1tz as part of the @acotargiftexchange​— though I have to say, who thought it was a to write Azris for my favorite Azris writer in the fandom, who also happens to be a good friend and the person you talk about writing with? Kidding aside, this fic is so much less than what you deserve, but I hope you enjoy it anyway 🧡
Thank you to @poisonivy206 for the beta! All mistakes, as always, are my own.
You can read this fic on Archive of Our Own.
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“I need eyes in the Autumn Court,” Rhys says, a few weeks before the winter solstice.
Azriel had come to give his report on the latest dealings in the continent—bleak, as they have been for months—but Rhys had spoken as soon as he’d crossed the threshold.
Outside, snow falls thick on the gardens of the river estate, and Azriel considers the situation, his first recommendations, trying to keep his own guilt from his posture. He’s spent years trying to get his spies into the Autumn Court, but something has changed since the battles with Hybern that have made entry all but impossible. The corpses left after his latest attempt make regular appearances in his nightmares.
“You know how tightly they’re warded,” he says finally, flexing his hands. The shadows writhe at his elbow.
“I thought we could send Gwyn for their solstice celebration.” Rhys’ voice is too light, as if he wants Azriel to think he’s considering only the twelve days of excessive, fussy revels for which the Autumn Court is known.
Though Rhys must know what it would mean to send her, why Azriel’s Siphons flash cobalt as soon as the words are spoken. That he would never send the priestess he rescued from Hybern into such a pit of vipers, no matter her success in the Blood Rite. He cannot allow it. Not after what they did to Mor. Not after what happened to the last spies.
The words are a trap.
Two years ago, Azriel never would have suspected this of Rhys. Even as spymaster of the Night Court, Azriel believed in Rhys’ general goodness. Then came the moment with Elain at solstice, Rhys’ censure. He began to think of the blood he’d spilled in the dungeons of the Hewn City, the Court of Nightmares left to fester in the dark. The monsters howling beneath all of it. Everything a swirl of dark inside his mind, so that when the war came, Azriel was happy to throw himself into it, to think of nothing but strategy and steel and blood until something like clarity returned.
“Eris can’t give us what we need?” he asks, trying to evade the pull of this new mission. In spite of everything, the winter solstice has always been special to them, the Court of Dreams, a few days when everything else fell away and they were simply a family.
“He says he’s being watched.” 
Rhys isn’t lying, exactly, but he’s concealing something. Which means what’s happening at the Autumn Court is vital for reasons Rhys doesn’t yet want to reveal.
Or, of course, he’s newly concerned about the possibility that Eris could turn on them. In spite of the information he’s managed to pass to Rhys, there’s always the danger that Beron or Koschei could bring him over to their side.
Though, even considering the disaster of such a betrayal, Azriel wouldn’t mind putting his dagger through the column of the Heir of Autumn’s pale throat. Even if, now, that dagger isn’t Truth-Teller. His aim is still impeccable.
“What do you need, brother?” He sees Rhys’ eyes widen slightly at the phrase, knows he understands the weight of it. Azriel has never been like Cassian, comfortable with spoken affection or touch. But in spite of everything, he would still die for Rhys, his friend and High Lord, the person who first rescued him from darkness.
“I need you in the Autumn Court, then,” Rhys says, and there’s no light in those violet eyes, only grim determination. He’s not sure if he has ever seen that look on Rhys’ face before, even when the fight against Hybern looked most hopeless.
So Azriel does not think about the implications, about his place in the Night Court, about a solstice ruined. Instead, he nods, accepts his fate.
Read the rest on AO3.
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neerons · 2 years
Masquerade Kiss 💋 
Overanalyzed thoughts and analysis on the Boss’ love for the MC
The Boss’ real name will be used at times to refer to him, so be careful if you don’t want it to be spoiled. Other spoilers such as some moments from Kei’s Season 3 and the Boss’ own route will be used as well. This post has been written a long time ago and has been edited recently before the posting date. It could be edited again in the future. I’m only putting my own thoughts and interpretations on things about the Boss as a character here. I didn’t want to post this for a long time, but decided to put it out there to finally get it out of my drafts. English is not my first language, therefore any odd phrasing could be due to that
The day he and MC met
The Boss and MC’s relationship relies on their history together. The day they met was a turning point in their life, for both of them. MC has always described their meeting as what pushed her to change her path and become an agent despite finishing her studies, while Seiichi told her himself that him meeting her reminded him of how it felt like to save someone/that it made his work seem meaningful again somehow. So they’re both special for each other in a way, and it’s obvious for multiple reasons that he thinks of her as different compared to his other agents.
Due to him being an agent, it’s possible to think he’s only lying if he tells her she’s special to him, because he could say that just to manipulate her. However, it has also been shown multiple times that he also treats her differently.
How he usually acts with the MC can be described with these two screenshots ↓
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What he pays attention to
I love whenever a MC is recognized as “beautiful”. Otome games are about dating fictional hot men, so describing the female as also beautiful doesn’t feel one-sided anymore. I really enjoyed seeing The Boss’ reaction to MC’s appearance in his first Season. It was subtle but we could see at least twice that he began seeing her as a woman. He watched over her for 6 years as her boss and most of the time, he wasn’t physically present with her. Him becoming interested in her in that aspect showed that he started reevaluating her ↓
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His gifts and praises to the MC
He gifts her perfumes and jewelry (spy earrings) as her boss
He has an ambiguous behavior with her, he’s not just her “boss” all the time. Their banter and sometimes the way he flirts with her in the special stories show (but this is not tied to the Main Stories) that he sees her romantically as well
He also refers to her as his favorite and best agent and I live for it
He compliments her skills as an agent all the time, and not only out of mere flattery (he also recognizes her skills in his PoVs) ↓
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Here, he’s talking about her but he’s subtle because that’s the Boss for you ↓
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His agent side and manipulation techniques
He has known that the MC has a crush on him for a long time, and used it to his advantage in his own route ↓ (and also particularly in Kei’s)
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It’s possible that he is also unconsciously trying to keep her near him by manipulating her so she doesn’t go team up with the 3S’s, since she’s the best agent he has and losing her would not be beneficial to the EAC (or to him, if he does have feelings for her in the other routes as well, at least in Kei’s)
However, he could act in a sweet way with her in every route not out of affection but to have her listen to him more. After all, making people think you can trust them makes them open up and easier to control in some cases ↓
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He once refers to the MC as his agent very clearly. This is also noticed by the 3S’s as they said that he emphasizes some words such as “my agent”, or “she’s one of us” to talk about her. Kazuomi and the others often make fun of the Boss and MC by calling him her “handler” while calling the MC the Boss’ “pet”
Seiichi (The Boss) often interrupts the MC and the guys when they’re approaching a sexual development in the 3S’s routes. As in they’re going to make love and BAM, here he calls. We don’t know for sure that this is done on purpose, because if it is, it’d mean that the Boss can observe them whenever he wants to. Which is not entirely surprising if that’s the case, the man’s an agent and has his way of getting intel. It has also been shown before that Seiichi knew the MC and Theo (MC’s previous coworker) almost dated and there were recorded videos of the two kissing. Seiichi knew about this development in their relationship, so it’s not unlikely that he also knows about the MC being intimate with the 3S’s at exact times. That, or he simply has amazing instincts like the MC does
Some facts
Kei’s S3 showed how shaken Seiichi was by MC leaving the EAC, even though Kei’s route is where he could appear as very despicable to some readers and to the characters themselves because of how he treats her and Kei
Seiichi is someone who has lost himself, through the many masks he put on to embrace a new persona during missions. Relationships, even with women, were means to an end for him for a long time. He has lived in appartments that were giving off a feeling of being “unlived in” by MC. He is only attached to one furniture that he keeps with him, his croton plant (omg it sounds dumb putting it like that)
MC is the one to make Seiichi go back to “himself”, as in to who he was before becoming this "cold" agent who would do anything possible to get positive outcomes for the EAC (in his own story). In Kei’s S3, when the MC leaves the agency and follows Kei, the Boss seems sad. MC thinks to herself that she’s seeing the real him behind that “perfect facade”. (If MC’s love makes the Boss go back to “himself” (to Seiichi Setoyanagi) in his own route, as mentioned by the Boss himself, would that mean that he is also in love with her in other routes, if she is able to crack that facade there, too? I think this could be true)
Right now, the most relevant story that showed him having potential feelings for the MC (romantic ones or a deep attachment to her), in other routes than his own is, surprisingly, Kei’s route. Especially Kei’s S3. Despite what Seiichi did to the MC in Kei’s earlier seasons, as in threatening to shoot her and use her as a trading object along with the rosary that Kei craved all his life, there’s this moment that shows just how complicated and deep he can be as a character. The fact that I can’t understand him is what makes me want to know more, to know everything. What Seiichi delivers as a character are double meanings, subtlety, and we’re never sure of where we’re going with him. I absolutely love how most of what he does and says is up for interpretation in a lot of cases. He’s a mystery and that’s part of his charm. What is true though, is that he’s very attached to the MC in every route, whether he’s conscious of it or not, whether he manipulates her or not
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adultswim2021 · 10 months
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The New Big Ball With Neil Hamburger | Unaired 2008 pilot debuted online: November 7, 2013
The curse of Tasty Tuesday has been lifted!!! For some reason.
An Abso-Lutely production in 16:9?? As I live and breathe! The New Big Ball with Neil Hamburger was an absurd game-show produced by Tim & Eric's Abso-Lutely productions. It’s produced a little more like a sketch about a game show than it is like a traditional game show. It doesn’t feel like a “real” game show, really, but nothing in it suggests that it’s completely scripted.
The main appeal of the show is Neil acting as a host and using very Hamburgian turns-of-phrase. In a trivia question he casually refers to Michael Caine as an alcoholic, and Billy Crystal as a “disgraced comedian”. He also bitterly berates his contestants, including one who doesn’t share any personal information about himself, opting to refer to himself as just a plain person. We also have Corbin Bernsen in an isolation booth for literally no reason. 
This is pretty funny! I wouldn’t have minded if they did a season of this, honestly, because Neil cracks me up and the idea of him just hosting any show is already funny, almost no matter what it is. I do think the start of the show is funnier than the end, which isn’t so bad. Like the Richard Dunn talk show, I would have happily sacrificed a weaker episode of Awesome Show season three to air this instead.
Notable Tim & Eric connections include the muscle woman who appears in an Awesome Show season 5 sketch. When Neil eliminates one of the contestants, he tosses a drink his face and has the muscle woman escort him out in a headlock. Also, the audience shots would be used later, I think in the season 5 opener as well as the Chrimbus Special, but I’m not positive if it’s one, the other, or both. 
I’m reviewing this here at the end of 2008, because it was reportedly shot in 2008. I’m not positive if the particular version of the pilot floating around actually IS from 2008 in any sense. I mention this because I found a few things that casually dated it being from 2010, meaning maybe it was reshot or it wasn’t properly edited/finished until 2010. There's no copyright year at the end, at least that I saw.
It was made available in 2013 on Adult Swim’s website. The copy floating around now looks pretty cruddy; too bad for what could be the first HD-produced Tim & Eric production (not counting Nite Live, of course). 
My personal theory was that this was shot between seasons 4 & 5 of Awesome Show. I also think it’s very possible that season four was produced fairly far ahead of when it aired, which makes this being shot in 2008 still possible. I sorta get the impression that seasons 2-4 were shot rather quickly. But I don’t know this for sure. I hope I didn’t fuck up big time by not reviewing this in 2010. That would suck so much dick!!
Moral Orel: “Nature” (combined cut) | January 1, 2009 - 12:00AM
For some reason I can't get that link to display like it usually does. Hopefully it's fixed by the time this posts. If you're reading this, I didn't fix it. Sorry.
On New Years Eve, Adult Swim ran a Moral Orel marathon that kicked off with a 30-minute combined cut of Nature, parts one and two. They aired the entire third season followed by the first five episodes of season one (in production order).
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yeonchi · 2 months
Koei Warriors Retrospective Part 1: Dynasty Warriors 1 & 2
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Dynasty Warriors (三國無双) Platforms: PlayStation Release dates: Japan: 28 February 1997 USA: 27 June 1997 Europe: 10 December 1997 (source)
On 31 May 2024, Dynasty Warriors Origins was announced for a 2025 release. I thought they would have gone the way of the iPhone and named it Dynasty Warriors/Shin Sangoku Musou X in all regions, but it is what it is.
Over the past few years, I've been slowly rekindling my love for Koei Tecmo's Warriors games after leaving the fanbase in 2018 for various reasons including the dumpster fire that was Dynasty Warriors 9. After being delayed for two years because of projects and real life getting in the way, I've finally found an opportunity to begin my Koei Warriors Retrospective, and not too soon as well (at the time of writing).
As I said in my 1000th Post Special that acted as the introduction to this series, I'm going to be reviewing each generation of Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and Warriors Orochi games along with their expansions and spin-offs. Without further ado, let's begin the relaunch of the Koei Warriors Rant Series with the OGs, Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2.
Dynasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors 1, more commonly known without the number, was originally released in 1997 for the PlayStation 1. It's a fighting game more akin to Street Fighter as each of the buttons perform or block against slashes and thrusts and moves are performed by combining button inputs.
Playing Warriors games for many years has made me accustomed to the format of a button being assigned to a function, plus buttonmashing is my thing, so I wasn't necessarily accustomed to playing fighting games like this. Initially, I tried playing this game a few times but I couldn't get the hang of the controls enough to land enough hits on my opponents, which made me want to reconsider reviewing this game that seriously. As I wrote this review, I got the idea to try performing Musou Attacks in the Practice mode and once I got the hang of it (on top of setting the CPU difficulty to Very Easy and changing the controller settings to make use of the triggers), I was able to fight effectively. Musous can be interrupted or countered, so this is something to note.
The characters introduced in this game are as follows along with the stages during which they appear in (the time of day varies depending on who you play as and against):
Shu - Changban (Yellow)
Zhao Yun
Guan Yu
Zhang Fei
Secret: Zhuge Liang (Wuzhang Plains)
Wei - Guandu (Green)
Xiahou Dun
Dian Wei
Xu Zhu
Secret: Cao Cao (Great Hall, Shang Yong aka Xuchang, like why couldn't you just have used that name)
Wu - Chibi (Red)
Zhou Yu
Lu Xun
Taishi Ci
Secret: Sun Shangxiang
Other - Various (Blue)
Diaochan (Phoenix Palace)
Lu Bu (Hulao Gate)
Nobunaga (Hulao Gate)
Toukichi/Hideyoshi Hashiba (Xuchang)
Typically the format for the game is as follows - you play a character from Kingdom 1, fight against three characters from Kingdom 2, then Diaochan, then against three characters from Kingdom 3, then Zhuge Liang or Cao Cao, and finally Lu Bu for 9 rounds in total. The secret characters can be unlocked by playing the game with all characters, then pressing button sequences on the title screen for Sun Shangxiang, Nobunaga or Toukichi.
The character voices in this game are entirely in Japanese due to it being Koei's first game to be localised to the West. The name display and announcement settings can also be changed in the settings. The Japanese version allows you to select how the character names should be displayed, either with the Kanji only, the Japanese pronounciation or the Chinese transliteration, aka their English names. Both versions allow you to change the announcement from their selection phrase to the character's name in Chinese, or rather, Masaya Onosaka's attempts at saying their names. The Japanese version also adds a female voice saying the character's name in Japanese as an option (either Rika Komatsu or Eri Uwagawa, I'm not too sure). Even with the Chinese voice, Nobunaga's name is still in Japanese and Toukichi's name isn't voiced for some reason in either Chinese or Japanese.
Aside from the 1P Battle (Story Mode) and the 2P Versus modes, there is also a Team Battle Mode (a 3-vs-3 tournament), the Tournament Mode (an 8-character elimination format), a Time Trial Mode (same as 1P Battle but in a time trial format), Endurance Mode (where you defeat as many opponents as you can with one life bar) and finally, Practice Mode, where you can test out characters. Note that your game difficulty settings will not affect the CPU difficulty in the Time Trial and Endurance Modes.
The ending image song for this game, Blue Sky Blue, So Blue, was sung by a Chinese girl group known as Seirei Bishojotai Ceres (聖麗美少女隊セレス), or by its real name, 青春美少女. The group was made up of Liu Ying, Li Yan, Hu Jing, Jiang Zhong Yi and Xin Xin. The writer and composer, Maiko Kikkawa, changed some of the lyrics and finished the song as a self-cover known as Sora no Kakera (そらのかけら), which was used as the first ending theme for the anime series Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden in 1998.
The group has been through four generations, with the aforementioned five making up the first generation disbanding in May 1999. Their agents went through quite a few lawsuits back then as their activities were apparently affecting the girls' education. As a result, the second generation only lasted four months before three of them left and had to be replaced, creating the third generation. The fourth generation was formed in 2003 after the disbanding of the third and the current lineup has lasted to this day. Talk about 30-year-old teenagers lol.
I initially thought that this game was difficult until I finetuned the settings and got the hang of it. Anyway, this isn't what I'm really here for, so let's quickly move on to...
Dynasty Warriors 2
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Dynasty Warriors 2 (真・三國無双) Platforms: PlayStation 2 Release dates: Japan: 3 August 2000 USA: 26 October 2000 Europe: 24 November 2000
And so we come to the game that paved the way for the hack-and-slash genre. This game was originally meant to be a sequel fighting game, but it was changed as the genre was becoming more of a niche (not that that stopped Tekken and Street Fighter). With the new game intended to be made for the PlayStation 2, its stronger graphic capabilities allowed battlefields to be realised.
This is normally where I would cover the Xtreme Legends expansions for the mainline games, but given the nature of the first game and the length of that review, I've decided to cover this game as well. Honestly, I was tempted to review each game individually, but the problem with that was what I would do when I got to a game I wouldn't be able to play for this review.
In Japan, this game was released as Shin (True) Sangoku Musou (真・三國無双) while in the West, this game was released as Dynasty Warriors 2. This would begin a numbering tradition where subsequent games in the West would be numbered one more than their original counterpart.
The characters from the last game are carried over to this game with additions to all factions. Adding new characters would become a staple of future sequels and later, spinoff games.
Liu Bei
Ma Chao
Huang Zhong
Jiang Wei
Xiahou Yuan
Zhang Liao
Sima Yi
Sun Jian
Sun Quan
Lu Meng
Gan Ning
Dong Zhuo
Yuan Shao
Zhang Jiao
The main story mode in this game is known as Musou Mode. Characters in Shu, Wei and Wu play the same five stages for each kingdom as follows:
All kingdoms
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Hulao Gate
Wuzhang Plains
Wuzhang Plains
The battle system for this game is a 4-hit combo system, that is, you can perform up to 4 levels of Normal Attacks by pressing the Square button. At the same time, you can perform up to 4 Charge Attacks by pressing the Triangle button on its own or in conjunction with other attacks. Typically, the C1 breaks enemies' guards, the C2 knocks enemies into the air, the C3 stuns enemies, and the C4 sends the enemy flying away. The Musou Attack is performed by pressing Circle when the gauge is full, which can be filled up with attacks. Guarding, jumping and sidestepping are possible, along with jump attacks, bow attacks and counterattacks. Typically I don't really care for counterattacks because it's so hard to get the timing right, but that's a thing I guess.
Practically all of the new characters debuting in this game have cloned movesets. Most of the sword-wielding characters (including Sima Yi and Zhang Jiao) share their movesets with Liu Bei, while other debutants share movesets with each other. Cloned movesets have been criticised by fans, particularly with their use in future games. I'll elaborate on this in future instalments.
There are two main problems that you can encounter in battle. One of them is that once you hit an enemy, your character will keep going in their direction and you aren't able to rotate towards other enemies around you. This is a phenomenon known as "charge lock" or "lock-on" that would be resolved in future games. The other one is that when you knock enemy officers back, they will typically recover their health, oftentimes recovering their whole life gauge so you have to start all over again. The AI can get fairly aggressive compared to later games, to the point where playing this game on Easy is equivalent to playing on Hard in the modern series games.
In this game, you start with two bodyguard soldiers, but as you level up, you can get up to 8 bodyguard officers. Enemy officers will typically have horses so you can knock an officer off and take their horse to attack, however enemies that you trample dead don't get counted to your KO count. There's also another problem where you can't pick up items on horseback, which is also resolved in future games. As I'm playing the Japanese version of the game, there is no way to save your progress. This capability has been added to Western versions (presumably due to feedback given the gap between releases) by finding memory card items in crates.
After playing with one character from each kingdom, you can unlock Free Mode, which also allows you to play as the other faction in battles (if not already playable through Musou Mode). It's also a good more for grinding character growth, even if you play on Easy and are constantly stuck with +1/+2 boosts. The BGM test feature is also unlocked along with the opening edit movie, which allows you to create a custom opening cutscene montage with different characters. The opening edit feature was inspired by a fan of Xu Zhu who made a fan edit linking together the different ending cutscenes from the first game.
Although I initially believed that Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2 didn't have any English voices, let alone Japanese voices due to most of them being grunts and wails, Dynasty Warriors 2 does include more voiced lines than the first. Where the first game only had officer selection lines and victory lines, the second game adds voices to cinematic movies that appear between battles (different to in-battle events). After looking up some of the names in the English credits, I found out that they were also featured in Japanese-produced English dub works, such as Iron Chef, Shenmue and the Ultra Galaxy Fight series, meaning that this game was dubbed in Japan by a company known as Movie Television Inc. I guess that's the reason why those English voice actors were credited.
This game did not receive much attention and the initial shipment was only for 100,000 copies, with the popularity going to Kessen, which was released earlier that year as a launch title for the PS2. Despite this, Dynasty Warriors 2 ended up selling well through word-of-mouth, a marketing strategy that would prove detrimental when it came to certain decisions being made in later years.
The ending song for this game is Can't Quit This!!! ~ KNOCK'EM OUT ~ by m.o.v.e, which is used in the credits.
Rant: Why localise?
As the Koei Warriors Retrospective is a spiritual sequel to the Koei Warriors Rant Series, I want to include a rant in each mainline instalment. This time, I want to ask the question, "Why localise the games in the first place?"
During the events of 2017, one of my haters made the argument that the target audience for these games is not Westerners, but only Japanese because the market is too shallow and game companies wouldn't make a profit from them if they released their games abroad. Naturally, I called bullshit on that right away, because if that was the case, why would Japanese gaming companies set up international divisions? Why are Japanese gaming franchises popular with Western fans? Why would Japanese gaming companies continue releasing games in the West if they thought it wouldn't make a profit?
See, the argument that "the target audience is only Japanese people" can only be made if a company's offerings aren't regularly being released to the West (preferably by the company themselves and not through third-parties). This is an argument that you can make for tokusatsu, particularly Toei's Super Sentai and Kamen Rider franchises, as uploads of clips and compilations are frequently demonetised and taken down due to them not believing in the Western doctrine of "free use", yet the only Western releases we get are basically a trickle stream with no clear plans for the future, although I wouldn't rule out Hasbro getting in the way even if such plans existed.
"But then why release the games to the West in the first place?" After thinking about it years after, it's very likely that the first attempts at localisation were to test the waters for Western markets, hence why the dub for Dynasty Warriors 2 was produced in Japan before moving to North American studios for future dubs (like most localised Japanese games). When companies continue to release future works to the West, it becomes a habit for the company and an expectation for the fanbase the longer it continues. And as long as the money keeps coming in, it's very unlikely that they will stop localising anytime soon.
However, as I speculate in future instalments, it can be concluded that Koei Tecmo does seem to prioritise the opinions of their Japanese and Asian fanbases more than their Western fanbases. Even with that atypical Japanese sense of xenophobia that foreigners are unfamiliar with, it sometimes does feel that Western fans are being treated like dogs and being fed scraps left by the Japanese companies, even if companies go out of their way to seek the opinions of international fans in future years. At that point, you can probably make an argument about certain fans like community managers and influencers claiming to speak for entire fanbases, but that's an entirely different story and I'm totally not one of those people lol.
In the end, while I do concede that the hater may have had a point (especially given that Tsuburaya has really put Japanese-based English voice actors to work in recent years), I'm not giving him the satisfaction of being correct because he was still wrong about the whole thing. Maybe they might have known better if they kept playing localised Japanese games past the year 2000.
Dynasty Warriors 1 began the dive into ancient Chinese history through an adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, while Dynasty Warriors 2 became a groundbreaking title with much potential that would gradually be realised and improved in later years. It's honestly hard to judge older games on their own merits when you're accustomed to playing newer games, but as this series goes on, you'll see how the series gradually improves or deteriorates.
That's it for Dynasty Warriors 1 and 2. Next time, the Xtreme Legends begin with Dynasty Warriors 3.
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blogparanormal · 6 months
Paranormal (Data Dump) 2B
* After I moved to Florida with my family I was just as bored in New Hampshire as I was down here. So I decided to make my life more interesting. That’s right! I watched some “Youtube” videos on how to do so. I learned from a video that I should look up things that interest me. I did, and I found some paranormal stories on “Youtube.” I clicked on the side where it showed relevant videos to the watcher. The video I clicked on was a Steve Huff video. It showed a person using technology to speak with the dead through EVP. It featured an app called “Murmur Box” by “Paranormal Shadows U.K.” I used the app and started collecting EVPs right away. I was fascinated by getting words to come back. Then I noticed there were eight separate frequencies coming in through the app on the same recording. Many entities were trying to communicate with me. This discovery hooked my attention. Then there was an update to “Murmur Box” and I could only get two frequencies at once. Then a third update happened and I could not get any frequencies. I was frustrated so I got other apps, but none of them were as effective as the original Murmur Box app. I made many discoveries and had many awesome experiences but I am going to save them for the EVP Florida Chapter. After not getting very good EVPs, I tried collecting recordings without the apps. I was amazed that spirit voices could still be heard. Around this time I learned about reverse messages in music songs on “Youtube.” Then I listened to my spirit recordings in reverse, and found out that some sounds I heard playing forward were in fact speech in reverse. I also noticed that forward and reverse speech put together could make full sentences or messages.
I was amazed. Then I started playing board games with the spirits and recording them. I could get voices that were not hearable in real time on the recordings. Sometimes I would get a message in reverse speech when I talked. The most interesting thing was if I said a repeated phrase on the same recording that I would not get a message except on one or two of my repeated phrases each with a separate message using my own voice in reverse!
Then I tried quizzing the spirits. I played “Need For Speed Most Wanted” (2005) on my Playstation 2. The PS2 did not have wi-fi connection and I never set up the internet with the special disk needed to do so. I recorded a question. “What color is the car on my screen?” I received more than what I expected as an answer. The voice recorded said “That is a turquoise Lotus Elise.” By the way I should mention I only heard this on playback of the recording. This proved to me that spirits are real and somehow they can see. You can’t guess a turquoise Lotus Elise on your first try, an obscure car with an obscure color. How do they see? I am not sure and I want to find out. This is what changed my life to seek ghosts.
* In 2015, weeks before I moved to Florida, I saw a ghost. This being was just kind of there. It did not appear. It was in plain view. Imagine a female with long white strait hair. Her skin was as white as sour cream and was very slender. Her face was slender too. She had soft gentle looking eyes. The eyes themselves were white like a living person’s eyes, but her irises were light gray and her pupils were medium gray. Her left shoulder was perpendicular to the wall. She was standing on one side in the middle staring blankly at the corner of the room. She was wearing a white gown and white Dutch wooden shoes. She stood still like a statue. I was looking at her. Only her eyes moved in my direction as if she could not move her body. I came closer to her. I noticed her eyes; sometimes they would face forward and then look back toward me. She looked like a real living person; I could see the texture of her skin. I said to her “I want to help you.” Then a voice came from behind me and exclaimed my name “Anthony!” I turned around and immediately one of my videogame cases fell out of my closet as if it was pushed off the shelf in the closet. I turned back to where she was, but she was no longer there. I heard a woman’s voice say “Thank you.” I think this lady and the unknown voice that said my name knew each other. Was one of those ghosts dangerous? Perhaps both of them needed help? What would have happened if I ignored the videogame case falling and kept looking at her? * I have seen acid green colored ghosts. They all were wearing clothes, but you could see through the clothes and their bodies to the other side. I have seen them standing and floating. Even though these ghosts were see through, you could tell their facial features apart and know their fashion sense. I have seen three of them on separate occasions. The best one I saw was standing in the road of a gated community wearing a tuxedo and a bowtie. Then the ghost took of flying in the air. It flew head fist into the sky. I could not believe my eyes at how easy flying was for it. It reminded me of the character “The Flying Dutchman” from “Spongebob Squarepants”, a children’s television program. “The Flying Dutchman” was an acid green ghost, but the real acid green ghost I witnessed had clear distinctive legs which the fictional character did not have. Another acid green ghost was really fat, wore a suit and a tall top-hat. The final acid green ghost was a boy wearing cargo shorts, a t –shirt, and a baseball cap.
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eighteenoheight · 2 years
The story for saints row has got to a point where I’m like omg how am I supposed to stop playing it’s nearly 3am
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technowoah · 3 years
Dating The Dream Team Headcanon(s)
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Dream! (Clay)
Our supposed golden retriever
He loves you with his whole heart and he'll tell you that every second he gets.
He loves showering you with affection on and off camera
Mostly off camera
Pda isn't a problem because no one knows his real face.
He'll kiss you, holding hands, hug you, piggyback rides when your feet hurt, locking arms, arms around eachother when you're walking. All of be above
Just hugging you from behind all of the time. And always wanting to be around you
But if people know who you are and know you're dating Dream you two rarely go outside in public areas.
But home dates are amazing too!
Blanket forts even though its so cliché, he insists.
Watching horror movies on the first date was his choice.
Ya know for somone to cuddle, just in case they get scared. It worked.
You guys dont need "dates" because you always are around eachother.
But Clay likes to have formal dates every now and then
At first you didn't know what to call Clay.
You had called Clay, Dream for the first month you two started officially dating.
One day he asked you why, and you said that you watch videos that he's in and gotton used to people calling him Dream
He melted on spot when you mentioned you watched his videos and videos with him in it.
Except for the minecraft cheating ones
He always asks if you like the video first before anyone else because he values your opinions.
He'll sit you on his lap while recording or editing and sometimes, I emphasize sometimes, your voice will make it into a video.
He was very protective of you, and still is. Especially because of the place he is in popularity.
In the beginning your conversations while speed running would always be either muted from his audience or either cut of from the extended manhunt videos.
Now he takes pride in having his significant other's voice in videos. He dosent cut out your conversations, except if they're too personal.
Or the kisses
Dream bought you roses on the first date, and now roses are such a special thing between you two.
Those little rose pendants for jewelry, fake roses to keep around his place, gifts things that reminded him of your first date with a rose that comes with it.
He gives you merch of course!
Your closet is full of Dream hoodies and a box full of milestone coins.
You always either get the prototype one or the first one made. Idk how he made that happen, but take his word for it.
You've meet "Drista" before, and you had met his family too!
His family adores you.
He has yet to meet yours, but one day he promises he will make a great first impression.
I would do into more detail, but Dream is one of the most caring, sweet, boyfriend's you'll ever have.
My boyyyy
I love sapnap srs
He'll treat you like royalty
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but further into your relationship he got more comfortable with showing you love in public.
He loves hugs, lying together, just hugs and sitting you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder.
You guys mostly have home dates for him to have an excuse to hold you all day.
The dates are mostly movie marathons with one of you laying ontop of one another
He loves cheek kisses btw.. all the time
Conversation between you two flows so naturally you could talk for hours about anything.
You try to convince him to have a podcast.
When you get too riled up his voice calms you and he knows that so he uses it to his advantage.
You two play fight alot, its never serious you two barely fight.
Also calling him his real name was the strangest thing to him.
Like Dream, it had to take some getting used too because their friends wouldn't call them by their real name (most of the time)
He adores nicknames for the both of you. You both have too many nicknames but the most popular one between you is 'angel'
You never sit in the same room while he plays video games, because he can scream very loud.
There probably has been noise complaints. And you wouldn't be surprised.
You'll always defend him no matter what. Even when the twitter stans get to him, he knows you'll be there without a doubt. Always ready to defend your man.
You're kinda protective of Sapnap, but he's more protective over you.
You two would defend eachother to the ends of the earth.
You trust him with hanging out with other people, but you just dont trust Twitter.
He loves showing you off to his community. He kept you a secret at first then gradually started saying "my significant other" and they caught on.
Sapnap isnt that much of a gift giver. He loves to spend more quality time with a person.
He likes to spend more time with you than buy you material things all the time.
But he gives you his merch, but then the rest of the clothes you get are his actual hoodies.
He's actually starting to miss his clothing so he asks for them back for them to inevitably end up back in your closet.
You and Sapnap are planning to take a trip to meet his parents and then make a weekend out of it.
Then the next stop is to meet yours and out of all the relationships you've had you're not nervous for him to meet your parents.
We love sapnap in this household and he would just be the best boyfriend srs
GeorgeNotFound! (George)
This man is so annoying
But like in an endearing way ya know?
He never fails to brighten up your day
Making you laugh
repeating phrases over and over again
poking you nonstop to get a reaction out of you
giving you long hugs that never seem to end
kissing you all over your face.
He is just so bright.
Hes the neighbors kid
George loves giving you affection whether its kisses or holding your hand he wants you to know he's there.
Even if you dont want him to he'll always want to be around you.
He loves skinship.
George loves walking around London finding stuff to do for dates.
He loves taking small roadtrips too so you get to see stuff around the area you wouldn't normally see.
Just walking around holding hands while making fun of anything you can see.
You two are out in public a lot so when George does his meetups with his friends and brings you along people would stop them and want to take pictures.
He'll introduce you as his significant other in public to fans who ask or notice, but online when his friends ask about his relationship he says "what relationship?" Even though his whole fanbase knows you two are dating.
His fanbase loves you two together, but sometimes they can get too much.
George couldn't care less about what his fanbase thinks if him and his relationship and he wants you do think the same because its not worth it.
Your voice sometimes appear in his videos when you comment on something he does in minecraft.
George doesn't like to put his personal life out on the internet so he still keeps secrets about yall relationship
All his community knows is that you're his significant other and you're "really cool" in George’s words.
You stay in his room when he's recording because he insisted that you stay.
Also he doesn't give you his merch, he refuses to and everytime you ask he just says "because I said so" and "I need the money"
He ends up giving you merch, you knew it was a bluff anways.
Dreams love language is gift giving
Sapnaps is quality time
and George’s is skinship like I said.
Hugs and kisses all the time. Even when your mad at him
You guys have so many inside jokes its ridiculous.
You say them around your friends and laugh just to annoy them.
You guys love to flaunt your relationship around. Showing off that "this is George’s jumper" and "oh this is y/n's necklace"
One time you threatened to cut George’s hair and he didnt speak to you for like an hour.
You already have a good relationship with him and his friends, but you havent met his family yet.
If your family lives out of the country you both plan to travel for him to meet your family.
If your family is in the same country you guys plan a month where you both meet eachothers parents in that same month.
George would be so proud that he got to meet your parents. And the same goes for you.
After all you both love a little road trip from time to time.
Anyways being georges significant other would be a 20/10 experience.
Dream Team Imagines: @bozowrites
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
Some very good news! That I think might make many of you happy! 🤗
You know how much I love Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales, I think it's a great game based on Stranger Things. In fact the other ST games related properties have been amazing so far, so it's great that they are able to keep this quality for all the side stuff.
But just today, a new update appeared and with it a lot of amazing things came with it including them making the game more accesible and balanced.
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But we also had new content including two new chapters! Chapters 15 and 16 centered around Nancy and Jonathan and I think for the first time Billy and Max.
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While I'm still far away from that point in the game, I'm sure just like with the first chapters, we will try to guess what is the reference hidden in these posters.
Because yes the posters of the chapters reference something in pop culture! With some being very hard to find but this post is not for that even if I'm sure a lot of you will try to guess what it is. 😏 And also make theories about what it might mean for these characters, the show and the story. Because if you look at the poster of chapter 16, Billy's surname is once again different, it's not Hargrove, it is Mayfield. Just like the first time his character was released in the game. Strange to make the same error twice. 👀 So keep an eye on this just in case...
But nice to have new content to keep you waiting, and it's a lesson for many of you, there's a lot of side content available for you to wait while Stranger Things 4 is being made. You just have to look for it and take interest in it. These games are a good example of that along with the comics and books that are released out there such as the Kamchatka issue coming March 23.
But going back to the good stuff, there is also something that caught my attention. Something very suspicious.
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ST Puzzle Tales every time it announces an event, something bigger ST related happens. Last time it was November 6th, Stranger Things Day, they were the first to post about it (about a very good surprise they would give us in the game on that day and it was a really good surprise. 😏) which then was followed by the announcement of the official schedule of ST Day 2021. And ST Day 2021 was a lot and was... ST Day 2021. 😅 (I still hate 004 but that's not the point.)
The point is Valentine's Day is not just any day. Outside of the cheesy and annoying atmosphere this day exhibits, it is the day when we got our very first look at new footage from ST4.
The 001/004 teaser centered around Hopper. Exactly 2 years back.
Not only that they mentioned another special feature coming in summer 2022, when ST4 is releasing. Plus, the #Justice4Barb thingy. Which I don't remember being in the other mails I got, so could be a new thing and might also hint at something new in itself. Maybe more in the game but let's watch out for any bigger ST related stuff.
But since this pattern so far has always worked with ST Puzzle Tales...
So maybe, we could suppose that since the first teaser for ST4 was released on Valentine's day 2020, perhaps new content will be released on Valentine's Day 2022 to come full circle ? 🤔
Plus it would give new meanings to Matthew Modine's hints on Twitter who recently hinted at new content coming out SOON. Also he did use the phrase "What goes around comes around." which means something going back to it's original value after completing some sort of cycle. Outside of just the story significance of that element...
Could we perhaps return at the beginning, when everything started, on Valentine's Day ? Maybe. It's worth thinking about.
So what could it be ? A trailer ? The poster ? The release date ? Or a secret teaser ? We will see what happens, if it even happens. 🙃 Meanwhile I'm gonna go beat some flayed stuff in the game so watch out for any potential news while I'm away...
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roanniom · 4 years
The Night That Follows
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Poe Dameron x Reader
Word Count: 8,000~ 
Summary: While celebrating a successful mission, you and Poe accidently ingest a mysterious beverage that makes it hard to resist one another, helping you forget the stress that weighs you down and the friendship that you’ve been holding between you two as a shield. 
Note: This is my first ever non-ADCU fic and it is dedicated to the ever lovely and supportive @paper-n-ashes who urged me to get out of my comfort zone and cheered me on.  
Warnings: NSFW, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, sex pollen, drugged drink (it’s drugged with the sex pollen by a 3rd party and not with malicious intent but it still might be triggering), masturbation (f/m), PIV sex, unprotected sex, war-related angst 
When people talk about war, they often discuss the paralyzing fear, the numbing depression. Hopelessness that spreads through your veins like cold water as you face immeasurable odds and stare death in the face day after day. And you can attest to these feelings. You experience them with each dawn that breaks, muddy in the sky regardless of the atmosphere shrouding whatever planet you find yourself waking on each morning. Your life is transient, full of ships and bases and camps. The constants are the clothes on your back, the friends in your squadron (those who survive), and the x-wing you hop in each time danger calls.
The other constant is the part of war that people do not discuss. The rush of adrenaline every time you make it out of a tough scrape. Adrenaline that burns your veins, evaporating the icy hopelessness that had flooded you up until the minute your boots hit turf and your jellied knees catch up to the reality that you are still very much alive. The euphoria that crackles in your brain when you spy your best mate zooming down from above, finally landing and throwing themselves into your arms in the hug you never thought you’d experience again after their coms had gone down in a fire fight. The absolute debauchery of a night of celebration after such a fire fight. Because nobody needs to live quite as much as those who may die.
Which is how you find yourself here, on this non-descript jungle planet, the name of which you didn’t catch during your descent because honestly there have been so many jungle planets and they have all become little more than coordinates on a screen to you at this point. You and your squad have been set up with a mini-festival by the resistance-sympathizing locals as a thank you for your recent decimation of their First Order oppressors. The operation had been pretty seamless, thanks in no small part to the excellent teamwork between you and a one Poe Dameron.
Your flying today had rivaled some of his best, which is certainly saying something since Poe prides himself on being the best pilot in the resistance. You certainly gave him a run for his money, outflying TIE fighters and swiveling shuttle cannons in a perfectly choreographed tandem maneuver wherein the two of you manipulated your assailants to ultimately destroy themselves.
As you knock back a burning shot of the local alcoholic beverage, the liquid tingling and warming you all the way down, you search the triumphant crowd for the cocky pilot who had helped you set the stage for this celebration. You wouldn’t dwell on the earlier events of the day much more tonight. Wouldn’t think much of the comrades you’d lost in the struggle. That was an ache that would throb back to life tomorrow. Tonight, the priority is living.
It is then that you lock eyes with Poe Dameron through the throngs of semi-drunken revelers. His handsome face splits into a wide, cocky grin, so you adopt an exasperated smirk in response as he pushes his way towards you. Such is the game you play. A dance, if you will. Poe plays the role of the self-assured, overly confident golden boy while you, his long suffering partner, humble him with your good-natured criticism and ever rolling eyes.
“Alright there, Sweets?” Poe practically drawls as he reaches you, the nickname both a term of endearment and a teasing reference to the sweet tooth that keeps you hoarding candies of all kinds in your bunk, much to Poe’s own benefit. You beam up at him and upend your little glass to demonstrate its emptiness.
“On my way there, Fly Boy.”
“Looks like you’re falling behind, rookie. Like you did on that triple barrel twist today.”
You throw a punch that lands a little too lightly on his shoulder to produce the grunt and showy flail that he graces you with.
“First of all, you’re not allowed to call me rookie anymore. Your dumb ass might need to be constantly reassured that you’re ‘best pilot in the resistance,’ but by now I am, at worst, second best.” Your gut warms and you’re not sure if it’s the drink or Poe’s deep, full-bodied laugh in response. “And second of all, we don’t talk about the day if we make it to the night.”
Poe almost seems to sober at your words, a phrase of his tossed back at him. The smile remains, though, and he tosses an arm around you before dragging you over to the table that’s been set up with refreshments.
“Right you are, Sweets,” Poe agrees quietly. Louder now and injecting you two into the crowd surrounding the cluster of bottles, he continues, “as for you being second best pilot, I’d rather let the squad decide before you go getting a head too big to fit in your helmet.”
This receives a laugh from the crowd as well as another smattering of slaps thrown towards Poe’s chest.
“Dameron, we all know you already have your own helmet custom made so you can stuff that massive ego in there,” your friend Myrna.
“And those curls,” you add, reaching up and ruffling your hand through his hair in that way that always makes his nose scrunch up in mock anger.
“If you must know, there’s something else they also have to custom make me…” Poe says, grabbing your wrist and forcing your hand to slide down his chest towards the bottom of his flight suit zipper and wiggling his eyebrows. You shriek and yank your hand away.
“In your dreams, Dameron.” Poe leans down toward you so that his face is close enough for you to feel his breath fan across your cheeks.
“Or perhaps in yours?”
Suddenly a small, wrinkled face appears between you. It’s an elderly female member of the local alien race and she’s beaming up at you, holding two steaming mugs and smiling around a garbled statement in a language you don’t recognize.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m not sure I…” you interrupt her, glancing awkwardly between her massive eyes and Poe’s confused ones.
“I might be able to translate!” Myrna cries out, stumbling forward with a newly refilled glass in her hand.
“You sure that’s not just the liquor talking?” Poe asks with a chuckle. Myrna waves him off and kneels unsteadily to listen to the old woman. More garbled speech issues forward as the woman gestures between you and Poe with her mugs. Myrna nods several times and gives little hums of agreement and affirmation. You and Poe trade glances of amusement during the interaction, but you have to look away when the upturned corner of Poe’s mouth begins to distract you.
“Alright alright,” Myrna pipes up. You turn back in time to see Myrna standing back up to her full height, now holding the two mugs, while the woman waddles back into the crowd.
“What’s the deal?” Poe asks, slinging his arm back around your shoulders. You resist the knee jerk actions that come to mind, both to slap his touch away and to lean into it, standing rigid instead.
“She said these are for you,” Myrna says, pushing the steaming mugs into your hands and Poe’s.
“Did she say why?” You peer at the milky, opalescent contents curiously. Myrna has already moved on, however, turning back to the pilot she’d been hanging on before you and Poe had approached. You look to Poe but he shrugs.
“I don’t know, something about you guys deserving it.” Myrna waves her hand dismissively, obviously ready to get back to her own evening. You look up at Poe, unsure, but he’s nodding and smiling.
“Hear that, Sweets? Seems like word travels fast that we’re the top two pilots,” Poe says cheekily, clinking his mug to yours before throwing back his head and downing its contents in one gulp. Your insides ignite at his acknowledgment, as well as the bob of his adam’s apple, but your eyes still flit warily to your beverage.
“We don’t even know what it is and you’re drinking it?”
“Honey, I’m pretty sure that liquor we were taking shots of earlier was actually jet fuel, I don’t think we need to be too worried about this.” Poe smacks his lips and runs his finger around the inside of the mug. “And besides, it’s really kriffing good.”
Watching the way his cheeks hollow out as he sucks the last dregs of his drink from his finger makes a heat boil in the pit of the stomach. You decide you actually are quite thirsty, and since your curiosity is stronger than your apprehension, you knock the liquid back yourself.
“Atta girl!” Poe cheers you on, nudging you. The drink is sweet and thick on your tongue like a melted version of the ice cream you’d tasted once, many years ago. You can still remember the creamy texture, very much worth the credits paid to the traveling vendor who’d brought it to your village during the hottest summer of your childhood. As you swallow this liquid down, however, its cold temperature changes into a burn, similar to alcohol, though smoother than any liquor you’d ever had.
“Good, right?” Poe asks, eyebrows raised. You nod and lick your lips, sure that you’re imagining things when Poe’s eyes flicker down to your darting tongue.
“That was actually pretty good,” you concede with a grin.
“So what have we learned tonight?” Poe prompts, grabbing your mug from your hands and placing it next to his on a nearby table. You shake your head.
“Your cockiness extends to believing locals on a miniscule planet find you special?”
“The correct answer was ‘always give things a chance,’ Sweets, but you can continue being closeminded if you want,” Poe responds with a chuckle. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and makes to walk away.
“Fine!” You reach out and grab his arm before he can leave. When he rounds back on you with a wide smile you roll your eyes and refuse eye contact. “And just so you know, I’m a lot more open minded than you think, Dameron.”
“Is that so, rookie?” You bristle but as the glee raises in his eyes at your reaction you do your best to tamp it down.
“I’m…flexible,” you say, your grin begrudging. A hubbub breaks out beyond you in the crowd as the makeshift band that had assembled to play party music transitions to a particularly festive song, causing both you and Poe to watch as people begin forming an impromptu dance floor. When Poe turns back at you and raises his eyebrows, expectant, you throw up your hands defensively.
“No. Don’t look at me like that, Fly Boy,” you’re quick to say, but Poe’s even quicker, having already grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to him. Your body collides with his and his other hand finds the dip of your waist.
“Oh I’m sorry, what was that I just heard someone say about being open minded?” Poe asks. In a sudden fluid motion he dips you, bending you over so that your back is parallel to the ground and his face hovers over yours. “Being flexible?”
You let him pull you back up and steady yourself with a hand on his chest to catch your balance, dizzy now, most likely from the suddenness of the motion. You’re about to toss back a witty retort, possibly something that will knock him down a few pegs, but then you catch the glint in his eye and a smile spreads across your lips unbidden.
“You get one dance, Dameron.”
One dance turned into many, as it turns out. The band, upon realizing their audience’s appetite for raucous music, had begun a steady rotation of upbeat tunes. The dance floor had expanded, spilling out of its original confines in the center of the town square and into the concession areas on the perimeter. Resistance members danced and drank, their bodies jumping and moving to the beat in one chaotic mass of excess energy and euphoria. Bodies writhe against one another in all directions as people seek out friction that can confirm to them that they did indeed survive the day’s trials.
You’re experiencing friction of your own in your little portion of the dance floor. Where things had started out innocently – energetic bouncing to the beat and moving in unison – the tone had long changed. At this point Poe is behind you, arms slung dangerously low on your hips to hold you against him, hands pressed right above your pelvis. The feeling of his chest pressing against your back, his hips bracketing your ass – you’ve lost yourself in the sensations. The rhythm of the music shakes through your muscles but instead of tense and tired, they’re loose and buzzing.
Though truth be told, they aren’t the only thing buzzing. The proximity of Poe’s hands to your lower body feels charged like a magnet. Without thinking you press your hands over the backs of his, encouraging pressure on your lower abdomen. You swear you hear Poe growl behind you has his hands pull you further to him, but it could also be the roar of the crowd. Your hips move in sync, your ass grinding against him in time with the music. Escapism in its purest form is what you’re experiencing in Poe’s arms, held against Poe’s body, matching Poe’s motions. It’s heady and distracting and everything you could ask for to make living feel like living, especially in the aftermath of a day centered on death. You’re content to let this moment last as long as the universe allows.
That is until you realize that the increasing beat you’d thought was a shift in the music is actually the rapid crescendo of your own heartbeat.
Swallowing you find your throat is thick, saliva pooling in your mouth inexplicably. You take a deep breath and allow your mind to reel. How long had you been feeling like this? Why hadn’t you noticed these feelings coming on?
One of the large hands at your hip begins sliding up along the plane of your side and you get your answer. The weight of his touch lights your skin on fire as it drags up and across your collar bone. Your breath feels ragged, rattling around in lungs that can’t seem to take in oxygen no matter how high your chest rises and falls. Poe’s hand lingers on your throat for a second so you swallow again, with even less luck than before. His hand reaches up to grip your jaw which he uses to turn your head back toward him.
Poe continues to move behind you, his motions controlling you both on the floor, but his face is strained. Sweat dots his temples, gleaming in his curls, and his teeth seem gritted, making his jaw set at a striking angle. His eyes pin you down, however, and they keep your attention as you gaze back, wide-eyed.
“You okay, rookie?” Poe’s voice is deeper than normal, huskier. The way it reverberates through your body makes a rumbling bubble up deep inside your chest. The beginnings of a moan, perhaps? You’re quick to gasp a response before such a sound has a chance to make its way into the air between you.
“I’m…feeling quite strange.”
The hand still at your waist tightens its grip while the other rejoins on the opposite side. You have to gasp again to keep from moaning. Suddenly you’re being maneuvered forward, Poe’s guidance weaving you through the crowd with ease despite the congested revelry.
Neither of you see the way Myrna is watching you both with a knowing smirk from her place draped around her own handsome pilot beau. Or the way the little old woman who’d gifted you the beverage hovers on the outskirts of the dance floor, a proud look on her wrinkled face as she eyes your retreating figures.
You’re not really able to follow where Poe is directing you, mainly because of how the imprint of his hands on your body seems to be searing into your skin through your flight suit. While your accelerated heart rate was the thing you had been most worried about, now you are equally worried about the dull ache that has seated itself in the pit of your stomach. You bite down hard on your lip to keep the moan from spilling out, the one you’ve been suppressing since the moment you became conscious to your current discomfort.
When Poe’s stride finally slows to a stop only then are you able to take in your surroundings. Blinking, you’re surprised to find that you’re now outside of the town, far from the lights and bustle of the party, walking into the silent clearing that contains the squadron’s parked aircrafts.
“Why are we all the way out here?” you ask, unsettled by how deep your voice sounds in the darkness.
“Needed to get away from the crowd.” You’re even more unsettled by how breathless Poe’s voice is as he says his first words since the dance floor. So unsettled that you turn in his arms so you can finally take in his disheveled appearance fully.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know, it’s the weirdest thing. One minute everything was fine and the next…”
“You can’t catch your breath,” you finish for him and he nods gravely. Both of your chests are practically heaving, pressing into each other with each exhale. When you become aware of this, it also brings awareness of the way his chest pressed up against yours is also adding pressure to your nipples. Since when were your nipples hard? The night is balmy, a cool breeze barely able to disturb the moist warmth that settles in the jungle terrain. You feel sweat begin to collect on the back of your neck and your hairline, much like the sweat causing Poe to shine a bit in the moonlight. And yet your nipples are hard and a shudder runs through your body, nerve endings clearly ten steps ahead of you, taking in some experience to which you’d yet to catch up.
“Wait a minute, look at me,” Poe suddenly orders, his fingers wrapping around your chin to lift your face toward his. You freeze as he stares down at you, eyes widening at whatever he sees.
“What is it?” you ask, voice urgent, almost frightened.
“Your pupils are wide as planets,” he mutters, distracted fingers drawing up the side of your jaw to press to the pulse point at your throat. “Your heartbeat is out of control.”
“I haven’t been able to calm down,” you say, nodding but getting more worried by the second. “Why can’t I calm down? Are you feeling the same way?”
Poe’s mouth presses into a hard line and he turns away abruptly, head tilting down.
“Oh fuck.”
“What?” You try to pull him back toward you but he doesn’t budge.
“I think…we’ve been drugged.”
Your blood runs cold and a hand flies to cover your mouth. You’d known tonight was too good to be true. Your mind races, making connections out of thin air, trying to place when and where you could have possibly come in close enough proximity to First Order agents to be compromised.
“But what – how – what can we do? What is it? Is it deadly?” You’re cut off by a sound issuing from Poe’s now curved body. You wonder at first if it’s a sob, which makes sense because you’re about ready to cry yourself. But then you realize it’s a chuckle.
“I wouldn’t say deadly. Just exceedingly inconvenient.”
“So you know what it is then?” you prompt, tugging at his shoulder some more to try and see his face. “Tell me!”
“Well for starters I’m pretty sure it was that drink the old woman gave us.”
Of course. What was the one suspicious thing you’d ingested all day? The fact that you hadn’t thought about it sooner makes you want to kick yourself, but you press on instead, anxious to have the matter dealt with.
“What does it do?” You hate the tremor that colors your voice. At that Poe finally turns around and you take him in all at once, trying to assess what he could have been hiding. His tall, wide-legged stance makes it easy to notice after a few seconds. As your gaze moves lower on his body you finally see the massive tent forming below the zipper line of his flight suit.
Without even being able to mentally process what you’re looking at your body responds immediately. A rush of warmth and wetness floods the apex of your thighs and the moan that you’d so far been able to hold in finally makes it way out of your throat. Poe’s eyes, which had recently gone hooded, widen in response to the lewd sound. You clap a hand over your mouth and snap your eyes back up to his face, away from the rigid shape that had made the muscles inside you contract wantonly around nothing.
“It’s made from a plant that’s meant to accelerate sex drive,” Poe says matter-of-factly.
You almost don’t hear him because your eyes have already slid back down his body, feasting on the sight of his impressive bulge. You’d heard stories of Poe’s sexual prowess, many from the man’s own loud mouth. You knew he’d satisfied many members of the Resistance, male and female alike. But you had never truly let yourself consider what he’d be like. What he’d look like. What he’d feel like…
“Why would she possibly give that to us of all people?” You feel like you’re going to cry. The feelings coursing through your body are overwhelming.
“Maybe she went around spiking many people at the party. Maybe she just thought you and I would look hot together? You can’t blame her for that one.” Poe winks at you and it diffuses some of your angst. You let out a tense laugh and shake your head.
“How do we make it stop?” you force yourself to ask, just as you force yourself yet again to look back up in his eyes. Poe averts his own, a sheepish look overtaking his face. When he doesn’t answer you step forward and grab his arm in alarm, trying not to consider the way his bicep bulges under his sleeve. “Poe?!”
“We have to…take care of it.”
You’re launching yourself away from him before he can finish the sentence. You probably knew the answer before you’d even asked the question, but his words still sent electricity through your spine.
“We can’t. That’s…that’s crazy – you’re crazy, Dameron!”
“Hey, you think I like this? Standing here like an idiot with my dick so hard I can barely see straight?”
The sexual nature of his words, spoken so plainly and without euphemism for the first time, makes a new wave of wetness pool between your legs against your will.
“Don’t….talk about it,” you say through gritted teeth, closing your eyes in an attempt to center yourself.
“What? Don’t talk about my aching cock?” he asks, almost as a challenge. He’s frustrated now, egged on by your attitude.
“Stop it.”
“Are you about to tell me you aren’t wet right now?”
You turn your back on him in a childish and fruitless attempt at blocking out his words. When you don’t reply you hear his footsteps as he approaches from behind.
“If we’re both having the same reaction, and I’m certain we are, then I’d imagine you’re practically dripping right now.”
His words would have made your eyes cross if you didn’t have them shut so tightly. A hand molds around your hip while the other grasps at the side of your neck, both working in tandem to pull your back flush against his front. The impact, though gentle, knocks the wind out of you. Or whatever wind had been in you in the first place. His lips are at your ear then and you melt into his touch.
“If we take care of this together we’ll go back to normal.”
“…back to normal?” you ask, simply repeating and not really aware of your words.
“I…I don’t know.” Poe’s hardened length is pressing into your ass now, insistent and firm behind you. The hand on your hip migrates lower to pull you against him. A swivel of his hips causes your own to follow the momentum, gyrating in their own right.
“We can be quick,” Poe coos, his voice vibrating over your earlobe where his lips are making contact with your skin. Another low chuckle sounds. “Or I can take my time if you want. Either way, I can promise you’ll enjoy it.”
There’s your cocky Fly Boy.
You wrench yourself from his grasp and take a few steadying steps away before gaining the wherewithal to turn back and face him once more. He looks supremely disappointed, arms still outstretched in the place where you had just been.
“Does this really have to be a…team effort?” you ask, face screwed up with discomfort. Poe runs a hand through his hair and casts a distracted glance about your surroundings.
“I mean I guess theoretically one could take care of themselves – ”
“Great!” you cut him off and stalk around to the other side of his x-wing. Of course he’d brought you to his ship. You look around for your own but when you can’t find it you plop yourself down on the ground.
“Are you kriffing serious?” comes Poe’s angry voice behind you as he stomps over. “We could bang this out and feel better but you’re just going to – ”
“Oh ‘bang’ this out? Real nice, Dameron.”
“You know what I mean.” You can practically hear his eye roll.
“The other side,” you say simply, lowering the zipper on your flight suit. When you don’t hear the sound of his retreating footsteps, however, you pause. “Stay on the other side of the ship, Dameron.”
He grumbles but does as you say. When you finally hear the sound of him throwing himself to the ground, you lift the tab of your zipper again. However, the loud and sudden ziiiip indicating that he’s yanked open his own garment seems ring out then in the clearing and you’re inundated with mental images of what that must look like. Poe sprawled on the ground with his flight suit open and askew. You imagine the expanse of his chest, the way the muscle would ripple in the shadows of the jungle. You’d seen him without a shirt before, the arms of his flight suit tied at his waist as he reclined beneath his x-wing making repairs. Covered in sweat and grease. The memory and the subsequent lurid thoughts have you dipping your hand down into the small opening you’ve made in your clothes, not fully comfortable enough to expose yourself entirely to the elements. When you reach the place between your thighs you have to swallow the gasp that bursts forth at the realization that Poe had been right. You’re not just wet. You’re dripping.
You think you say it quietly but a chuckle from the other side of the ship proves otherwise.
“Need any help over there?”
You ignore him and try to focus in on your own body, closing your eyes. You allow a hand to ghost over your breast as you ease a finger through your folds. You feel the insistent thrumming of your pulse even down below and your breath is shallow in your chest. The images dancing behind your eyelids show you flashes, glimpses of things you try to banish from your mind. The angle of Poe’s jaw. His faint, ever present stubble. The arch of his eyebrow. The curve of his smirk. His ass in those pants.
Poe’s voice interrupts a whimper you hadn’t even realized you were releasing.
“Poe.” Your voice is small and it cracks around his name. Your muscles are contracting but nothing you do eases the sensation. It just continues building within you. “It hurts.”
“Just come over here. I don’t even have to touch you. Just let me help you through it.”
You ponder the darkness before you, the way it envelops the other aircrafts in this makeshift parking zone. You hear a shick shick shick behind you and your cunt aches. Completely in response to the siren call of Poe Dameron’s building pleasure. You’re immediately intensely jealous. Jealous of the way that, you assumed, he was having more luck getting himself off than you were, despite the fingers inside you right now. Jealous of the way his voice didn’t crack when he beckoned you over.
But most of all jealous of the fact that he’s the one currently touching his hard cock. Not you.
You will yourself to stand up, pulling your hand out of your flight suit but not bothering to zip it back up. On jelly legs you make your way to the other side of the ship. The far side, facing away from the town square and the distant glow of the party you’ve now forgotten.
As you round the edge of the x-wing you bite your lip at the sight before you. Poe is indeed sprawled out with his suit zipped all the way down. His thick member protrudes from the bottom of the opening, a fist moving up and down rapidly, pulling from root to flushed tip in skilled motions. However the eyes that gaze up at you from under his unruly mop of curly hair are not doused with pleasure and satisfaction as you’d imagined. Instead he looks pained, almost agonized. At the sight of you he sits up a bit and does his best to give you a reassuring smile though it comes out as more of a grimace.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful, rookie.”
“That’s the drink talking,” you dismiss, despite the way your stomach swoops as you move to settle yourself down next to him, careful not to make contact. “And you know I hate you calling me rookie.”
“I’ll call you anything you want, baby, as long as you start touching yourself.”
Your cunt pulses at his words so suddenly that you almost double over. Your breathing, already ragged, speeds up as you feel the overwhelming urge to have something deep inside you. Dropping your hand into the opening in your suit you halt, however, watching Poe warily in your peripheral vision. He catches you looking and reluctantly stills the hand moving on member.
“Would sitting back to back help?” he sighs. You nod, scrambling over so that your back is to his.
This is better. This is much better, you think as you dip your hand back between your legs and into the waiting slick. You drag a finger in tight circles over your clit and do your best to calm the racing thoughts that flit back to images of Poe’s body.
The body that is currently pressed to yours, though not at all in the manner you would prefer.
Poe grunts then, making you lose your rhythm.
“This isn’t the first time I’ve wanted you, you know.”
You cut your answering gasp off at the source, not daring to make a sound lest it interrupt this information that you desperately needed to here. He interprets your silence correctly and continues.
“I’ve thought about you. When I’m in the cockpit on my way to some distant planet. When not even hyper speed can get me there quick enough before thoughts of you creep in.” He almost sounds mad, but you get it. The emotions coursing through your body along with the hormones are driving you wild and you don’t know how to feel.
“What…what are the thoughts about?” you can’t help but ask.
“I’d love to say it’s your smile or your brains or something sweet like that. And I do think about those things too, don’t get me wrong,” he says on a hoarse chuckle. “But it’s mainly your body.”
You slip a third finger inside your cunt as he says this, his words and the feeling mixing to cause you to let out an unchecked moan. You feel Poe’s body shudder against you.
“Shit Sweets you’re killing me.” You feel him tense as his hand begins moving faster. “I think about how you look poured into that flight suit. The way your tits and ass jiggle when you hop into your x-wing – fuck.” Another shudder wracks through his body and you can’t take it anymore. The way you’re touching yourself isn’t the way you usually do it. Not in those rare moments where you’ve got the sleeping quarters to yourself and you’re able to get yourself off in your bunk to images of a chiseled jawline, a clothed bulge, rippling muscles, soft, curly hair…
You abruptly pitch yourself forward to balance yourself on your knees and one hand while the remaining hand redoubles its efforts between your legs. The shift in position ends your physical contact with Poe and he swivels to see.
“What are you – ”
“Don’t turn around,” you gasp out. Your new angle works in your favor as your swollen clit becomes more sensitive, pulled down by gravity so that every swipe of your finger becomes more potent. “But for the love of gods, don’t stop talking.”
Poe is taken aback by your sudden forwardness, but he doesn’t let it faze him for long. Instead you hear his renewed efforts at jerking off as the sound of skin swiping across skin, made smoother by spit and precum, gets louder behind you.
“What do you want me to talk about? How much I wish it was your tight little pussy I was fucking instead of my fist?”
The whimper you release at that statement is unlike any sound you’ve ever made and it only spurs Poe on.
“And I just know you’re tight. I know it. And wet too, just like I guessed you were. I can hear it, baby,” he practically growls and you become intensely away of the slick, creamy sounds coming from the rapid in and out, in and out rhythm of your fingers delving into your cunt. “You’re dripping, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” You close your eyes and hear his words and wish the fingers inside you were harder, thicker, him.
“You wish it was my cock inside you, I know you do. You don’t want to admit it but you wish I was pounding into you, making you feel good. Making the ache go away.”
Your answering whine confirms his beliefs and he lets out a triumphant grunt.
“Fuck, baby. I want it, too. Bury myself deep inside of you and fuck you till that drink wears off and you’re still screaming for me, that’s how good it would be.”
“Oh gods.”
“Tell me who you’re wet for.”
“Y-you.” It comes out small. You’re shocked that you even say it, especially with how much you’ve been fighting all of this. You want it. You want it in your bones and in your blood and in your tight, spasming cunt. But you also want Poe’s friendship. Want him to tousle your hair on the way to the hanger. Want him to keep sending you funny messages over your data pad, constantly trying to outdo your own silly riddles and jokes. Want to tease him and eat dinner with him in the mess hall and slap him when he says something stupid and yell at him when he does something dangerous and cry when he doesn’t come back on time from a mission…
A sob finds its way out of your body, sandwiched between two moans. You’re not sure Poe even heard it until his voice reaches your ears again, this time gentler.
“Sweets? Is this working for you?”
You take a shuddering breath before answering.
You practically hear Poe slump in defeat, the rhythm of his hand on his length slowing down. You bite your lip before continuing.
“Take me, Poe.”
“What?” Poe whirls around so fast you feel the air woosh over you as he disturbs it. You jump to your feet, still facing away from him and yank your flight suit over your shoulders and down your body, stepping out so it pools on the ground. He watches as you get back down on your hands and knees before him in your underwear, ass in the air, waiting for him to catch up.
“I need you, Poe. Just…just please get inside me,” you say, reaching back to pull the damp fabric of your panties aside, exposing your glistening, swollen folds for him to see.
You don’t have to ask him a third time. He’s on you so fast that you’re confused by his motions. It takes a few seconds before you realize that he’s taken your discarded flight suit and stretched it out on the ground, positioning you over it so that your hands and knees are protected from the dirt. The sweetness of this considerate action is offset by the way his fingers dig harshly into your hips, maneuvering your ass so that it lines up with his pelvis. You tilt forward, aided by pressure on your lower back which raises your click cunt to the level of his cock.  
“I’m going to make you feel so good – ”
“No more words, Dameron. Just shut up and get your cock inside – FUCK.” He spears you mid-sentence and you immediately fall down onto your elbows. Your ass still in the air, held in place by his hard grip, receives a smack and you cry out, feeling no pain. Only pleasure as the sting ripples through you and into your clenching cunt. He feels it deep inside you and groans.
“Maybe you’re the one who needs to shut up, baby.” His words issue forth from gritted teeth. “Always fucking teasing me with that fucking mouth.” His hips rut into yours, taking up an unforgiving pace, while the rest of his body folds over yours so his chest pressed flush to your back. One hand closes tightly around your chin, wrenching up your head and dragging a finger over your bottom lip which has grown plump from biting. “This beautiful, bossy fucking mouth. Always telling me off, telling me what to do.”
Your tongue darts out to meet his skin and his other fingers caress your chin in response. It’s a stark contrast to the almost feral way he is still clutching your hip and driving into you over and over.
There’s almost no resistance. You’re tight, cunt clutching onto his throbbing cock in an effort to keep him buried inside, but you’re wetter than you’ve ever been and it’s making his thrusts effortless. You assume it’s a side effect of the drink. But in some part of your brain you can’t believe that a plant could possibly make a man’s cock feel as good as Poe’s does right now inside you. How a plant could cause you to feel pleasure that is not simply rooted in the way his hand drags down from your jaw to wrench your breasts out of the cups of your bra. How a plant could in any way magnify the surely already intoxicating feeling of Poe’s mouth working at the side of your neck, the curve of your shoulder.
“This working, baby? This doing it?” Poe checks in then, not relenting in his thrusts. Never relenting. “You’re squeezing me, so I know your little pussy likes it.”
A shuddering gasp kicks through you before you can answer his question and he laughs. The vibrations go straight from his cock to your clit and you whimper some more.
“Your sounds. I want to record these little sounds you’re making and play them back when I’m flying. Have you fill the space in my x-wing till I can’t take it any more.” Poe presses a kiss to the back of your shoulder, nipping and then laving the skin over with his tongue. “I’m going to hear these sounds in my dreams.”
“It’s…just…the drink,” you practically hiccup, barely able to form thoughts from the way your body has focused all energy, all recognitions of nerve endings to the space between your thighs. Poe slaps your ass again and you keen.
“Just listen to yourself, baby. No drink is making you sound this hot. That’s all you, Sweets.”
Before you can argue further you do take a second to listen. To the way your shallow breaths mix with whimpers and whines. The gurgle in the back of your throat when his cock bounces against your cervix. He’s right. It is hot. You are hot. You reach a hand down to your clit, desperate to increase the already mind-blowing stimulation, greedy for more.
“You feel so good. You’re sosososogood,” you barely manage to slur. Despite your inability to fully speak you make the attempt because you assume that if hearing your gasps is egging him on, your words will amplify it. And amplify it they do. Poe’s hips stutter for a second before he drops down heavier on you, thrusting deeper and from a more primal place. A hand savagely kneads at one of your breasts, playing with the nipple.  
“I’ve never been this full. I can’t take it, I can’t…”
“Seems like you’re taking it pretty well, baby,” Poe coos, pressing more kisses to the side of your neck.
“I need m-more,” you gasp, realizing with urgency that the pressure in your core is finally building past the plateau of the last…hour? Half an hour? How long had this been going on? All night? It doesn’t matter because Poe’s inside you and he’s listening to you and suddenly you’re being slammed into with all the force he can muster. He expertly wrings pleasure from your body and you feel yourself careening toward a release that you can’t describe. Just out of reach and full of all the potential energy inherent in an object rocketing toward the moon only to soon plummet back to the depths.
“Poe! I…I…oh fuck…oh gods…I…”
“Go on, baby. Cum.”
“You ha- ahhhh. But you…y-you…” You’re babbling. You’re incoherent, not wanting to leave him behind in the blinding ache that comes before release. Your hands are fisting in the flight suit below you, desperate for something solid, something substantial to hold onto.
“Don’t wait for me, Sweets. Let go.”
And then his hands are closing over yours, fingers interlacing and squeezing down, pinning you to the ground with white knuckles that would hurt if you weren’t squeezing him right back, finally grounded in the way you needed.
And you’re cumming.
And cumming.
You feel every muscle in your body seize and spasm and bliss roils out through you in waves. You shake and stutter under him, feeling fresh wetness gush down around his cock as he fucks you through the feeling. You keep waiting for it to stop but it doesn’t, it only intensifies. It must be a side effect. Of the drink not the man. But when you feel yourself transcending the moment, the way your soul feels like it is literally floating above you, you use the out of body experience to take in the man who is causing this pleasure. The way he cages you in, bracing you through the storm of your orgasm, giving more and more to keep the flame burning as long as possible.
His muscles ultimately seize sometime around when your soul seems to sink back into your body and you’re one again enough with your senses that you can feel him paint your walls with sticky, hot cum. He doesn’t drop his weight on you like other men have after the completion of such exertions. Other men who had focused more on the destination than the journey, leaving you as wanting for release as you were wanting for air under the pressure of their body weight. Instead, Poe pulls you of you and flops to his back in the grass beside you. Without him holding you up you crumble down, face pressing into the fabric of your rumpled flight suit instead of the dirt, thanks to Poe.
A few minutes pass, silent except for the sound of your slowing gasps for air. When your breathing evens Poe sits up on his haunches to guide you back into your flight suit. You’re sticky from sweat and your combined cum, but you couldn’t care less with your bones liquified and your eyelids heavy. Gone is the buzzing ache, in its place a heavy sleepiness. When Poe lays you, now clothed, gingerly back down on the ground you automatically curl into him, allowing him to wrap his arms around your body.
Neither of you shares another word. You don’t have to.
Because shortly after you doze off. And for the first time in a long time your final thoughts before sleep overtakes you are not of the dread the morning will bring, but the solace you found in the night.
When you wake it’s to a dawn as grey as all the ones before it. Hazy with receding fog and with the promise of all the danger that looms ahead in the hours soon to follow. One of the planet’s suns has already breached the horizon, and you raise a hand to cover your eyes as you peer out from under the x-wing’s protective wing. Looking down you take stock.
Your flight suit is on but fully unzipped, leaving your chest and stomach entirely exposed, all the way down to your lower belly. A large hand covers one of your breasts, fingers twitching against your flesh as the man attached to it continues to dream. You follow the length of his arm to take in his body, tucked close into your own, equally unzipped, his broad torso showing through the gaping fabric. You watch Poe’s abdominal muscles contract with his inhales and exhales for a moment while you check in with your body.
The humming from last night is gone, that much is for certain. This makes you believe that the effects of the drink have worn off. You’re quick to question this hypothesis, however, when Poe stirs in his sleep and his hand squeezes down a bit on your breast. Your breath catches in your throat and fire shoots through your veins. A lingering symptom, you wonder. Or perhaps just a normal, biological reaction to sexual stimuli. You kick yourself mentally because of course it has to be the latter. It couldn’t be the third option which you won’t even allow yourself to fully consider.  
You require a shower urgently, it occurs to you suddenly. And food, a realization that coincides with a rumbling in your empty stomach. Knowing you’ll never have a good enough excuse to extricate yourself from this gorgeous man’s arms you steel your nerves and pull away. When you stand, Poe groans and allows an eye to crack open, his hand flying up to shield his eyes from the rising sun. You’re silhouetted against the dawn and he takes in your outline. The curves of you.
“Morning, Sweets,” he says, voice hoarse with sleep this time instead of sex.
“Morning, Fly Boy,” you reply simply with a small smile. You feel a buzzing in the pocket of your suit then and pull out your mini com unit, even more portable than your usual data pad. The message that blares across the screen and you relay it before Poe can reach his own device which had similarly vibrated.
“We’ve got a new mission. Briefing is in an hour and then we take off.” The information feels stilted as it leaves your lips. How can you feel so entirely, earth-shatteringly changed and yet in many ways everything is still the same. The sun still came up. The war still rages on.
You look down at Poe and his intense expression as he watches you makes you think that he’s wondering the same thing.
Your heart thumps in your chest, this time unaided by any drugged drink or the eyes or hands of a man whose existence seemed both your making and undoing. Routine is the only thing that can calm these nerves. Routine is what is required to survive war. Routine and protocol and boundaries.
You zip up your flight suit with finality.
“See you at the briefing?” you ask, though its more statement than question.
“Of course.” Poe’s response is quiet as he continues to watch you from his reclining position. You’re still above him and at a distance, a position he often associates with you.
You smile and give him a good natured salute before turning and making you way back toward the town where you know the rest of the Resistance members are already bustling about and preparing for the day.
Another day you hope you, and Poe, will be lucky enough to outlive.
Doing a smaller taglist since it’s a Poe fic and I’m not sure if everyone on my usual taglist is into it (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed for future work!): @paper-n-ashes @mariesackler @tlcwrites @foxilayde @mylifeisactuallyamess @sacklerscumrag @jynzandtonic @millenialcatlady @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @hopeamarsu @direnightshade @leather-flannel-liquor @fizzywoohoo @aliveandlonely @wayward-rose @safarigirlsp @emeraldsiren20 @finn-ray-nal-beads @maryforyou @maybe-your-left
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buwang2018 · 3 years
A turtle’s every question
If you are a turtle, eventually, you’ll answer this question: What moment made you BJYXSZD?
So it’s technically July 9 for me - the 2nd anniversary of this Yizhan Happy Camp appearance taped on this day in 2019. Oh, and what a happy event it was!
[CPN ahead. Fake. Do not take it seriously]
Fan meets, variety show appearances, and interviews still had me questioning my sanity, but everything about this episode falls in place.
This episode was not scripted - GGDD participated as guests. We can see both in a relaxed, fun environment, just being themselves (if one can be in front of an audience). The main topic of the day is garbage classification of all things!
This episode presents a multitude of opportunities to see their relationship.  Most of the items listed below are found from fancam, including this [see this YT account for more]. The official episode is hilarious and educational as well. I initially watched for GGDD but ended up watching the entire thing. Let’s start with the obvious where GGDD:
Matched outfit with long white sleeve. GGDD are the only two there wearing this.
Made constant eye contact; tracked where the other person was from the beginning of the episode to the end. They always knew where the other was. There was a moment when GG moved during the game. DD looked down and looked back up and didn’t see GG. The look on his face as he tried to locate GG.
Paid attention to each other more than others.  There were many instances where they walked and talked together, ignored the rest of the guests and hosts. 
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Reported/whispered to each other. DD told GG what the anti-freeze-looking drink tastes like. The host had to call their attention back. 
Concerned when one got hurt by a special necklace. GG’s eyes almost left his face when he saw DD hurt. DD stepped toward GG to show him his boo-boo. GG’s face is one of worried, and love. This is such a tender moment.
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Wore the special necklace during the game. Either DD forgot to take it off or didn’t want to take it off. We know of its importance to DD, who subconsciously touched his neck, checking to make sure it was there. Although some lipreaders say that DD confirmed it was a gift from GG, that is just another facet to ponder.
Waved at the other with a sweet smile. You’re on different teams; you’re friends with other people. Why are you just waving at one another? 
Threw the game to allow the other to win. DD running in the opposite direction to enable GG to go through first. And then DD followed up with a confused look as to why he went in another direction.  
Forgot their teammates. It seems GGDD was just playing the game together. Poor WZC didn’t know where to go.
Was not happy when the other was tackled by another. GG lost a bit of his usual calmness there when he saw the scuffle on the floor between DD and WDX
Performed a dance together and ended it with a hip hop couple pose. Now have GGDD performed a dance like that with another?
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The most direct clue of their relationship is during the photo session. The conversation has been debated and translated in a few different ways. I’m going to offer my translation. 
The idiom “old cow eat green/tender grass” is a common reference for the significant age difference between two people in a relationship. Implying that GG is older, you can see the slight snarl in his laugh, not being too happy about that. Note that this phrase doesn’t have to be spoken by those in a relationship. For example, a friend can say to his friend about his friend’s relationship with his s/o. If that was the case, the friend would just smile and shrug it off. What made this different? GG’s reaction and the way he was coming in closer to DD. This confirms who’s the cow and who’s the grass.
The following phrase, “do not repair/fix your brake pads,” has been translated differently. Some say it’s about GG controlling the purse and threatened to put the kibosh on DD, literally fixing his brake pads. Hence, there is implied sharing of finances here. This doesn’t make sense as both are similar earners and don’t really need to share finances, but it could be symbolic.
My mother (& granny) commonly used this idiom to warn me when I said or do something I shouldn’t have. It means to put a brake on it, fix myself, do not proceed to where I am heading because I am heading into trouble waters, a no-good-would-come-of-it kind of thing. In today’s comparison, it is similar to put a filter on it.  As a teenager, I was constantly told to “fix my brake” when I say out of turn or speak back with disrespect. This makes sense to me. GG is usually telling DD to zip it, don’t be naughty!
This episode alone was not the only reason, but it certainly did cement it
Yep, I’m a happy camper.
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becomewings · 4 years
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The Most Beautiful Moment in Life <I’M FINE>
  BTS Universe Story Highlights, pt. 4 / 4
« pt. 3  |  start at the beginning
The final sections for TaeHyung’s arc and the Epilogue are 4.3k and 4.4k, respectively. As with earlier parts of the series, I have included “tl;dr commentary” at the bottom of the post after a section of additional thoughts (specifically devoted to an interesting MV location parallel!). This commentary summarizes the parenthetical asides I made throughout the summaries and may be of interest as standalone reading to those who have already played the game yet would like to review its connections to the BU texts and MVs.
Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers and includes references to other BU media
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
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Heart’s Distance
TaeHyung’s story opens with a short cutscene. In his apartment (with the calendar on the wall open to May), TaeHyung smiles at a photo of his father holding him as a baby. (The image looks similar to the photograph he holds at 1’48” in the HYYH On Stage: Prologue short film.) Remembering his father’s drinking and violence, he crumples the photo with a sigh. SeokJin then narrates over a series of shots explaining the latest developments in the loops. By this 15 May Year 22, he has saved NamJoon, ensured that JungKook and YoonGi saved each other, prevented HoSeok’s accident in the hospital, and borrowed everyone’s help to free JiMin. Everyone is gathered outside NamJoon’s container that night, smiling and giddy from saving JiMin. “How long has it been since we’ve all laughed together?” SeokJin asks. (This is a reference to the recurring phrase “we can laugh when we’re together” present throughout the Notes and occasionally this game.) He wants to relax and enjoy the moment too but knows this isn’t over yet. TaeHyung is laughing radiantly next to JiMin. “What drives this happy and innocent TaeHyung to commit such an unspeakable act?” he wonders.
SeokJin’s reflections on the coming days in previous loops present the crux of his challenge and this story: on 19 May, TaeHyung is arrested for vandalism while painting graffiti on the streets. (The bus stop depicted in the shot is the same as the one in Highlight Reel.) One thing SeokJin has learned through the loops is that TaeHyung and his sister live under the constant threat of domestic violence. On 20 May, TaeHyung goes home after spending the night at the police station. The situation gets especially bad for his older sister, and TaeHyung makes a choice that he can’t take back. (In the shot in the game, TaeHyung approaches his father from behind and the sound of glass occurs on a cut to black. We know from the I Need U MV and Save Me webtoon that he fatally stabs his father.) SeokJin’s inner thoughts relate that he has tried to stop this event by preventing TaeHyung from going home this day or even involving NamJoon—but all of his attempts have ended in failure.
While SeokJin is mulling over this challenge during their gathering on the night of 15 May, HoSeok approaches and asks what he’s thinking about by himself. “Oh, nothing much,” SeokJin dismisses. HoSeok remarks that it’s nice to be there with everyone. “It makes me think of the old days…” While HoSeok happily chats, SeokJin’s attention stays on TaeHyung as he approaches NamJoon. The player is given the choice to “get closer to eavesdrop” or “listen to what HoSeok has to say.” In the first path, SeokJin excuses himself to make a phone call and only pretends to pick up the phone as he nears TaeHyung and NamJoon. In the second path, HoSeok jokes about eating too many snacks in high school thanks to SeokJin. SeokJin is a little distracted, but HoSeok notices that TaeHyung has snacks. “Huh? What’s that? I want some too!” SeokJin uses this opportunity to follow HoSeok and join their two friends. The paths converge with SeokJin overhearing TaeHyung and NamJoon’s conversation. TaeHyung says he doesn’t want to go home and asks if he can spend the night at the container. SeokJin remembers that TaeHyung often mentioned not wanting to go home in high school. Back then, they thought it was because he enjoyed being with the group, but now SeokJin knows that he was probably avoiding his father. He wonders why TaeHyung insists on going home on the 20th since he hates it there so much. Maybe learning the reason will be the key to stopping—and saving—TaeHyung. “Do whatever you want. You can sleep over,” NamJoon replies. TaeHyung brightens visibly at this answer. “Do you want to stay up doing something? We can play a card game, or…” HoSeok chimes in too that it sounds like a fun idea, but NamJoon says he has work tomorrow and can’t stay up late. “Let’s play until I have to go to bed.” TaeHyung’s phone vibrates. His face is already grim when he peers at it. “Actually, I think I have to go home.” Surprised, NamJoon asks why, but TaeHyung leaves without answering.
SeokJin leaves the gathering and follows TaeHyung, shadowing him carefully to avoid detection. He wonders what was in the text that changed TaeHyung’s mind and notices that they’re heading in the opposite direction of his home. After purchasing snacks at a nearby store, TaeHyung stands at a bus stop. SeokJin wonders if he’s waiting for someone since he lets several buses pass by. Eventually, a disembarking figure approaches TaeHyung. SeokJin recognizes her as Kim Eunhye, TaeHyung’s older sister. She asks why he is waiting for her since he said he’d be home late. “I was about to head in, so I thought I’d wait for you,” TaeHyung replies. “You should’ve gone ahead. Dad probably hasn’t had dinner yet…” she trails off. TaeHyung says he ordered delivery to the house for their dad. “Did you eat yet? Here.” He hands her a hot dog. SeokJin follows at a distance when they begin walking home. “Do you think dad will be drinking?” Eunhye wonders. “Is that even a question?” TaeHyung returns. They go back and forth about how he has been drinking less these days, goes to work every day, and doesn’t get as angry. “I hope things stay like this,” Eunhye finishes. “...It won’t last,” says TaeHyung. From his sigh, SeokJin senses how little TaeHyung trusts his father. He is surprised to hear that his father goes to work every day. In previous loops, he wondered if the cause for TaeHyung’s accident was an external force and went to observe his father’s workplace, but the man was not at the construction site and apparently hadn’t shown up for several days.
“I better check it out,” SeokJin decides. He calls Uncle JunHo, his father’s assistant, to ask for a favor. The two meet later in SeokJin’s bedroom. “You wanted to go on-site for practical training, right? This is the form you need,” says JunHo. He dismisses SeokJin’s thanks. “The Assemblyman seemed to be interested, too. He said he’ll be keeping an eye on things.” “Father said that?” SeokJin checks. “Make sure to use this opportunity to take a thorough look around. It’ll all be helpful to you later,” JunHo advises. (It’s helpful to know that Kim ChangJun is involved in some shady business with a construction company—this is revealed in The Notes 2.)
On 17 May, SeokJin visits the construction site. The foreman tells him that they’re busy and won’t have time to pay any special attention to him. SeokJin is glad for the lack of watchful eyes because it gives him the opportunity to observe TaeHyung’s father, Kim SungHoon. He is working silently, and SeokJin can’t see anything wrong on the surface. “Why does he get so violent at home?” he wonders. The foreman has apparently been watching too and yells at him. “Oi, you! Why aren’t you working?” Kim SungHoon points out that there isn’t any scaffolding. The foreman orders him to use a ladder instead. “You can’t get any work done being all careful.” Kim SungHoon tries to protest, but the foreman won’t hear it. “Are you going to pay for it if the schedule gets delayed, Mr. Kim? Hurry it up!” A look appears on Kim SungHoon’s face as though he’s been wronged, but he uses the ladder to begin working. SeokJin’s concern must be visible, for the foreman makes conversation with him. “Ahem. Don’t get the wrong idea. You might not be well aware of it yet, but it’s hard to always follow the rules on site. We can’t stay on schedule if we’re not flexible.” “I see…” murmurs SeokJin.
Another laborer shouts, drawing their attention: Kim SungHoon has fallen from the ladder and lies groaning on the ground. The foreman curses and rushes over, demanding how he could be so careless and shifting the blame to him for not paying attention. With a hurt back, Kim SungHoon cannot continue working. Trying to downplay the accident, the foreman gives him a few bills and advises him to stop by the hospital. TaeHyung’s father seems to have something to say, but he withers under the foreman’s stare and accepts the money in resignation. The foreman then assures SeokJin that this happens occasionally on a rough worksite and hands him money too. “You’ve worked hard, so here’s a little something for you to get a nice snack. Forget about everything that happened today. You know what I mean, right?” His brazen, selfish attitude angers SeokJin, but he smiles and leaves to follow Kim SungHoon. He is shocked to witness TaeHyung’s father purchase alcohol at a convenience store rather than go to a hospital. Worried about what will happen if he drinks while injured, SeokJin tries to call TaeHyung, but he doesn’t pick up. The episode ends with a small scene of TaeHyung finishing graffiti on a wall. He doesn’t know why he painted what he did, but the “dumb, ugly-looking graffiti” represents how he feels. He rubs the still-wet paint, yet it doesn’t go away. Picking a new color, TaeHyung sprays over the existing layers like he’s pouring and emptying out all of himself.
On 18 May, TaeHyung deals with his third rude customer of the day at the convenience store. The man demands why he must pay for a bag, even though the law has changed so they can no longer be given freely. TaeHyung either relents and gives him the bag without charge or stands firm. In the first path, he gives in, knowing that he probably won’t restrain his anger if they argue further and that he’ll have to cover the cost with his own paycheck. In the second path, the customer flings the money at him before leaving. TaeHyung clenches his fists and holds in his anger. The paths rejoin with him reflecting that this isn’t a good day. He greets the next customer and realizes that it’s SeokJin. “How come you’ve been stopping by so often these days?” TaeHyung asks while ringing up his bottled coffee. “Huh? Just. I have some things to take care of around here,” SeokJin answers. TaeHyung doesn’t know whether or not to believe him. SeokJin keeps asking how he’s doing, and it makes him a little uncomfortable. Today, SeokJin asks more meaningless questions as always, until: “How’s your father?” TaeHyung can’t stop himself from responding sharply. “Why do you ask about him?” Taken aback, SeokJin stammers, “N-No reason, really. I was just wondering if he was well… Uh… Never mind.”
A rich-looking father and son enter the store, interrupting the awkward silence. The way the father looks after his son and buys him what he wants to eat plunges TaeHyung into memories—he once felt the same as the boy about his own father. He remembers asking his dad who the baby is in the photograph we see at the beginning of the story. Kim SungHoon said it was him. “Don’t you think you look just like dad, TaeHyung?” An incoming phone call shakes TaeHyung out of his memories. The food deliverer informs him that no one is home to accept the order of hangover soup. “Huh? My father should be there…” TaeHyung confirms that the deliverer can leave the food outside the door, but he worries about his dad, who was passed out drunk and groaning in his sleep when he left for work. “SeokJin. I need to run home really quickly. Do you think you can watch the store for me?” TaeHyung leaves as soon as SeokJin gives a startled affirmative. The episode ends in SeokJin’s perspective. He’s curious and concerned about what is going on with TaeHyung, as he couldn’t overhear the phone call. Since leaving the store alone to follow TaeHyung may just create more trouble for him, SeokJin decides to stay put and look for clues.
Arriving home, TaeHyung brings the hangover soup inside and finds his father slouched in the corner. More soju bottles are lying out than when he left this morning. “Your lunch is here.” TaeHyung shakes him when there’s no response. “Wake up and eat.” Kim SungHoon mumbles something unintelligible, so TaeHyung nudges him again. His father shudders and cries out. “You bastard! I’d just gotten comfortable!” “Oh… I just wanted you to eat before the soup gets cold…” says TaeHyung. Kim SungHoon calls him a bastard for not listening. “I just told you to leave that damn thing here!” “Hah… Anyway, eat your lunch.” TaeHyung touches his shoulder again, and his father shoves him away. “The pain is killing me. Get lost, bastard!” TaeHyung yelps. The back of his neck burns from something he hit, but he doesn’t feel the pain over the rage brewing inside him. He can’t stand to look at his father for another second and kicks the door open to rush outside. “But of course. Why did I run over here to make sure that miserable geezer ate something?” he thinks bitterly. TaeHyung’s temper cools as he walks back to the store, and he remembers the pain in his neck. His fingers come away with blood when he touches the spot. He trudges onward, planning to bandage it at work. The memory of the rich father-son duo comes to mind: the man holding his son’s hand so tenderly, and the kid smiling brightly up at him. It makes TaeHyung even more miserable, and he fights to suppress the feelings that threaten to overflow.
Alone in the convenience store, SeokJin feels anxious not knowing when TaeHyung will return but decides to poke around, hoping to learn something like he did when observing NamJoon’s room at the gas station. He either looks through TaeHyung’s backpack or a full box near the register. The box is only a makeshift lost-and-found with customers’ forgotten items. Despite his discomfort at rooting through someone’s belongings, SeokJin finds the crumpled photograph of TaeHyung as a baby with his father in the bag. “He wouldn’t be carrying it around if he truly hated his father. But it wouldn’t be crumpled if he liked him, either. Is it… love and hate?” SeokJin wonders. He also finds a post-it stuck on the counter with a note left by HoSeok: “I packed this for myself but Auntie invited me over for dinner. There are two patties inside. Make sure to enjoy it and write me a full review at least one page long!” SeokJin realizes they’ve spent all this time looking out for each other. He’s glad to see the signs of HoSeok taking care of TaeHyung and TaeHyung being grateful enough to keep the note.
When TaeHyung returns, SeokJin is concerned to see blood from a cut on his neck. “Are you okay, TaeHyung? What happened to your neck?” But TaeHyung avoids looking at him and doesn’t answer, instead putting on a bandage and continuing work. SeokJin ignores a call from Uncle JunHo, deciding it’s more important to look after TaeHyung. “Are you sure you can stay here all day like this, SeokJin? Aren’t there people at home wondering where you are?” TaeHyung speaks up at that moment. SeokJin smiles sheepishly. But with the incident looming ahead on the 20th and no solutions yet to avert it, he has no choice but to stick close to him. After TaeHyung’s shift ends, SeokJin asks what he’s doing now. The red seeping through the bandage worries him. “I’m just… gonna go paint some graffiti,” says TaeHyung. He reluctantly agrees to allow SeokJin to tag along. His phone vibrates before they leave. “Sis? What’s going on? What? The emergency room? Why is Dad there? Hold on. I’ll be right there!” TaeHyung runs out. SeokJin catches up to offer him a ride, which he accepts after a moment’s hesitation.
The perspective switches to TaeHyung when they arrive at the hospital and find his sister waiting with an uneasy expression. She thinks that their father was injured at work. When she tapped him lightly to wake him up for dinner, it caused him a lot of pain. TaeHyung remembers the incident at lunchtime and wonders if he felt like that earlier, too. Eunhye notices SeokJin, and TaeHyung introduces them, noticing that her hand seems to make her uncomfortable. “Did you hurt yourself, sis? What happened to your hand?” “Oh, it’s nothing. I… tripped before we came to the hospital.” TaeHyung knows she’s lying but doesn’t argue. He pretends not to see her injuries, and she pretends not to see the one on his neck—like they always do. Eunhye voices concern about the high bill, which the hospital wants them to pay before discharging their father tomorrow. “The company will take care of it if he was injured at work,” SeokJin assures. TaeHyung finds the construction foreman’s number in his dad’s cell phone and calls him. Reporting the situation, he asks if his father’s injured back can be processed as an industrial accident. The foreman denies that they can help. “How can we cover an accident where Kim SungHoon was drunk on the job and failed to follow safety protocol?” The foreman informs him that he already gave Kim SungHoon money to see a doctor. “There’s nothing else to say, so I’m going to go. And I’m telling you—don’t try to pull anything.” TaeHyung swears when the call ends. Eunhye wonders if the foreman is mistaken because she doesn’t think their father drank that day. TaeHyung purses his lips shut instead of replying, filled with rage at the patronizing foreman and their incompetent father. He hates that he can’t say his dad isn’t the kind of person to drink on the job, and his body shakes with indescribable emotion.
“They won’t cover it as a workplace accident?” SeokJin asks, the perspective shifting to him. He knows the foreman is lying but is unsure how to help TaeHyung and his despairing sister. He could pay the hospital fee himself, but that was counterproductive when he tried it for NamJoon in an earlier loop. Noticing a text from Uncle JunHo asking where he is, SeokJin postpones his decision for later and bids TaeHyung a quick farewell. “I’m sure there’s a way to take care of all of this. Don’t worry too much. Take care of your dad. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
On 19 May, TaeHyung and his sister exit the hospital room with twin sighs. Their father called the foreman back after hearing about the first conversation and let loose, only hanging up when his supervisor agreed to speak in person at the hospital. He also demanded alcohol all night and only recently fell asleep. TaeHyung notices that Eunhye looks exhausted and suggests that they take a nap before the foreman arrives that evening. Later, the foreman arrives with some workers and a box of drinks. TaeHyung stands in the corner, not wanting to butt in since this is his father’s business. The foreman asks how Kim SungHoon is doing, advises him to rest, and then adds, “We’re here to say that you shouldn’t bring up compensation since it’s your fault you were injured.” The foreman accuses him of drinking on the job, and the coworkers Kang and Seo nervously agree. Kim SungHoon argues back about being denied the scaffolding and drops the box of drinks, a “token of their sincerity,” on the floor. While the other works avert their gaze, the foreman looks down on him and clucks his tongue. “You bastard! You call yourself a man?!” Kim SungHoon roars. The foreman bristles. “What? Bastard? Watch your mouth punk!”
Eunhye tries to intervene, pleading for her father to calm down and apologizing on his behalf. The foreman accepts her actions like it’s the obvious thing for her to do. His arrogant attitude reminds TaeHyung of how he probably deals with his underlings. “Sir. My father wasn’t drunk,” he speaks up. The foreman’s arrogant air dissipates. “What are you saying? I have witnesses here.” TaeHyung explains that his dad did not drink that day or the previous one. The foreman scoffs. “Look at this kid. Where’d you learn your manners? He probably drank on the way to work even if he didn’t at home! Who do you think you are, raising your voice like that?” TaeHyung’s hands tremble with rage at the injustice, but he has nothing to retort. Suddenly, SeokJin appears. “I also saw everything. Remember me? I was there on site for practical training that day. I watched him work and he definitely wasn’t drunk.” The foreman grows flustered as SeokJin reveals the truth of the site’s dangerous work process and makes it clear that he coerced Kim SungHoon into not following the correct procedure. He glares between SeokJin and TaeHyung. “I don’t know how you both are putting up this united front… But you think it’s going to change things? We already paid him. It’s a done deal. Understood?” Fuming, the foreman leaves with the other workers in tow. “It’s alright now, TaeHyung.” SeokJin gently taps his shoulder. TaeHyung realizes how tense he has been when he loosens his grip and sees little crescents of his fingernails cut into his palms. (His wounded palms are a recurring motif.)
The perspective shifts to SeokJin while TaeHyung stares blankly at his hands. He decides to come clean about his payment of Kim SungHoon’s hospital bill, since the problem with NamJoon was that he paid it secretly. “You can think of it as borrowing—” “Thanks, SeokJin,” TaeHyung interrupts. “I’ll pay back all of it. Thank you.” SeokJin is a little shocked by his response—it is the first time he’s heard “thank you” from TaeHyung. He hopes that this is the beginning of solving TaeHyung’s problems and bids farewell for the day. Outside the hospital, SeokJin runs into HoSeok, who correctly guesses that he came to visit TaeHyung. “How’d you know?” “I stopped by TaeHyung’s work and didn’t see him, so I called him right away,” HoSeok explains. SeokJin expects him to ask about Kim SungHoon, but instead HoSeok worries about his friend first. “Is TaeHyung alright? He must’ve been so shocked. He cares a lot about his dad…” “TaeHyung does?” SeokJin checks. “Yeah. Even though he says that he doesn’t want to go home all the time, he always makes sure his dad gets a real meal every day. Even if he just eats convenience store snacks himself.” This is new information to SeokJin, who wonders if this is why TaeHyung is determined to go home on the 20th. HoSeok seems more familiar with TaeHyung’s sincerity than anyone else. SeokJin is still braced to explain how he knew about Kim SungHoon’s injury, but HoSeok is more focused on contacting TaeHyung and continues on towards the hospital. Overcome with exhaustion as his tension ebbs, SeokJin trudges home to plan his next move.
Later on 19 May, TaeHyung helps his father walk home after he is discharged from the hospital. He is grateful that SeokJin paid the bill but even more so that he intervened to verify Kim SungHoon’s unjust treatment. “SeokJin might be a better person than I thought.” No words are exchanged as TaeHyung supports his father. His arm is thin, but the weight that presses down on him is burdensome. “It’s the weight of the wheel that I can’t escape. The weight of reality—that I’m always going to be responsible for my father. A person that I wish I could let go, but can’t, and the contradictory feelings of hating my father but wanting to protect him.” In a perspective switch, SeokJin watches at a distance with bated breath. Even though TaeHyung seems accustomed to helping his father walk, Kim SungHoon raises his voice every time he almost falls. SeokJin guesses that TaeHyung is adamant about going home on the 20th because he is worried about his father, who is just out of the hospital, but all he sees is violence against his sister when he arrives. “I’m going to stop it this time, no matter what,” he vows.
On 20 May, SeokJin stands at the bus stop and touches the graffiti for which TaeHyung was arrested the previous night. (It’s the “I’m Fine” message depicted at the same location in the Highlight Reel.) He wonders what TaeHyung felt when he painted it and feels uneasy that he may not be handling this sequence correctly. SeokJin shakes away this premature doubt. There’s one thing that has changed from the previous loop: him. He has protected Kim SungHoon after his injury, paid the hospital bill, and built up enough credibility with TaeHyung to earn his thanks. This time, he reassures himself, his words will get through to his friend. Later, SeokJin follows TaeHyung when he leaves the police station. They walk in silence, but TaeHyung does not push him away or ask why he’s following. “Thanks for walking me here, SeokJin,” he speaks up when they arrive at his house. SeokJin waits a few moments before heading inside after him, entering a familiar situation he has seen far too many times: TaeHyung lunging toward his father, who looms near Eunhye. “TaeHyung! No!” SeokJin dashes to grab his arm. “Let go!” TaeHyung snarls and flails. SeokJin holds tighter, pleading for him to calm down. TaeHyung yells and shoves him away. SeokJin slams into something and falls, pain blooming in his skull. TaeHyung spins around with an expression of shock. The voices calling SeokJin grow fainter, and his vision blurs. “Tae… Hyung…” The glass shatters, marking another failed loop and concluding the story. (This is not the first time TaeHyung has caused SeokJin grave or mortal injury during his intervention: in the Save Me webtoon, he accidentally stabbed SeokJin with the broken bottle instead of his father.)
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Nightmare: Epilogue
Throughout the <I’M FINE> series, we have witnessed SeokJin’s trials and failures in the earlier time loops. These experiences culminate in the Epilogue, titled “Nightmare,” as in The Notes 1. This arc spans his efforts to save each of his friends between 11 April and 22 May rather than focusing on one or two characters. SeokJin’s decisions and their consequences here closely follow The Notes 1, so now we have a more detailed picture of his journey between the Save Me webtoon and the first book. The Epilogue fills in some gaps and provides greater depth to these events. For the sake of clearer context, I have still summarized the moments that parallel The Notes 1.
On 11 April Year 22, SeokJin opens his eyes to the familiar bedroom ceiling, the events of the previous loop replaying in his mind. Will he be able to save his friends this time? Uncertainty, horror, and the fresh pain of failure plague him, but he looks at the photo of his friends by the sea. Once, he believed that saving them would be straightforward. But while obsessing over only the problems that he could see, SeokJin lost his way and had to learn from his mistakes. The “signal fires” that helped guide him back were the times spent with his friends, the moments they began to truly understand each other, and the memories he wants to treasure. As he leaves his room, he reflects: “We’re all connected together by a single string, and we’re fated to save one another. And the person to finally put an end to all of this… has to be me.”
In his car, SeokJin encounters a scene at the school crosswalk that he always runs into around this time. He sees a downcast-looking JungKook crossing the street among a group of students. The player is given an option to get out of the car to greet him or pass him by. Regardless of the decision, SeokJin knows that he can’t let his emotions steer his actions. In a previous loop (depicted in JungKook’s arc), he brought JungKook to see the cherry blossoms blooming on the university campus. SeokJin wonders if the JungKook from that loop enjoyed it at least a little. But ultimately, it was just a day and JungKook ended up alone with nothing changed. Not wanting to repeat his past mistakes, SeokJin drives by without stopping.
Later that night, SeokJin pulls into Naeri gas station. NamJoon greets him with a now-familiar look of surprise. “Oh. SeokJin?” “It’s been a while.” SeokJin is determined to make this the last time they repeat this conversation. (As mentioned in part 1, this sequence parallels their moment at the end of the Blood Sweat & Tears Japanese version MV.) As they move to a corner of the station to continue their conversation, the perspective shifts to NamJoon. Something seems a little weird to him, and SeokJin looks like he has a lot to say, but he manages to gloss over it. NamJoon is about to invite him to the meetup with the other guys after work, but his boss yells for him to do his job. An expensive foreign car pulls up to the gas pump, and the customer drops the money on the ground when NamJoon reaches for it. “Ah, butterfingers. What are you doing? Not gonna pick that up?” the man sneers. The player is presented the choice to pick up the money or not. In both paths, NamJoon unconsciously clenches his fists. “You don’t want it?” asks the customer. The paths converge with SeokJin easily picking up the bills and handing them back to the driver. “You dropped this.” Hands shaking, NamJoon is mortified by the situation that caused SeokJin to react, yet his friend continues to stand there between him and the customer. The man demands who he is, but SeokJin advises, “You must be busy… So you should leave.” Out of steam, the customer drives off. NamJoon thanks SeokJin. “It’s nothing. What were you going to tell me earlier?” NamJoon forces his mouth to move. “Ah. I’m meeting up with TaeHyung and HoSeok today after work. Do you want to come with me?”
Back in SeokJin’s perspective, these are the words he’s been waiting for. Nerves dry his mouth, but he tries to speak naturally and inquires about the others. NamJoon doesn’t really keep in touch with them, but offers to call HoSeok, who still talks to YoonGi. SeokJin knows that YoonGi will call JungKook after hearing from HoSeok—this is how he saves JungKook tonight. His phone buzzes with a call from his father. “Oh, I’m sorry… But I need to leave.” NamJoon’s expression reflects disappointment yet understanding. “That’s too bad. Let’s hang out another time.” “Yeah. Tell the guys hello for me.” SeokJin turns back as he arrives at his car. “NamJoon. If we can get everyone together… Let’s all go to the ocean.” NamJoon looks puzzled by the suggestion. “The ocean?” SeokJin smiles in lieu of an explanation.
The third episode begins with JungKook fighting a group of thugs in a covered alley. (The date is unspecified, but this is a continuation of the night of 11 April.) They kick his stomach and spit on the ground as they walk away, a sight that reinvigorates him even though he can barely sit up. He either says something to provoke them or hurls his bag at them. Riled up, they beat him again as he laughs, vision blurring. They’re gone by the time everything comes back into focus. JungKook got what he wanted: he deliberately provoked them, and when he laughed, they called him crazy and hit him harder. He watches a breeze flatten a tuft of grass in the pavement, just like him. JungKook forces himself to laugh again because he’s afraid he may cry. Where does he go now? He feels like a ghost at home: he’s never a priority for his mom, and dealing with his stepfather is a pain. JungKook closes his eyes, hoping that when he opens them, he won’t be here.
The scene that follows appears to be a memory of 7 April, although it is not specified as such and is written in present tense. (This encounter occurs in The Notes 1 as well as episode 4 of JungKook’s story.) While wandering the streets at night, JungKook is drawn by a familiar piano tune to a music shop with broken showroom windows. He sees YoonGi, for the first time in two years, playing within and looking like he will crumble at any moment. JungKook can’t muster up the courage to follow when he leaves and instead sits at the piano. The keys feel cold like no one has touched them. By memory, he stumbles through the song that YoonGi played this night and back in the classroom hideout. YoonGi appears beside him and corrects the notes like he did in their school days.
The story cuts to YoonGi in the present, possibly in the classroom. He ignores his ringing phone partly because of his drunken stupor and partly because he doesn’t want to talk, but he finally relents and answers. HoSeok offers that NamJoon wants to hang out later. “I’m not going,” YoonGi says immediately. “Hey, don’t be like that. SeokJin’s here, too. Do you want to talk to JungKook? I called him earlier, but he didn’t pick up.” HoSeok encourages YoonGi to call instead because JungKook may pick up for him. YoonGi hangs up, thoughts complicated as he remembers a time when he watched JungKook play piano. “Looking back, that kid was my shadow. I couldn’t ignore him, even if he wasn’t speaking to me. And I kept looking out for him… because it seemed like he’d fall apart if he was ignored.” He considers leaving it be, but his fingers are already dialing.
The perspective switches again: on a rooftop overlooking Songju, JungKook grows dizzy and stumbles. Darkness grasps his ankles, and his mind empties. “I don’t want to leave anything behind. This will just be the end.” At that moment, his phone rings. He sees YoonGi’s name, and everything sharpens, as though he’s awoken from a dream. “What took you so long to pick up?” asks YoonGi. When JungKook doesn’t answer, he continues, “Everyone’s meeting up later. Do you want to go?” After a pause, JungKook says, “YoonGi. Please come get me.” (From the thug beating to the rooftop, this is how his 11 April entry plays out in The Notes 1, but it ends before their phone conversation.) Waiting for YoonGi down on the street, JungKook recalls when they all used to hang out in the classroom. “I have a place to go. People to be with. Right now, that’s enough.”
On 2 May, SeokJin sneaks into YoonGi’s workroom, which is filled with oil-soaked papers as though he intended to set it on fire. (It’s dark, so as the later part of the episode occurs in the daytime, it must be past midnight or in the early morning.) There is no foolproof way to save YoonGi since he acts unpredictably between the loops, but SeokJin has determined that YoonGi needs someone who can tie him to the world—someone whom he won’t push away. Once, NamJoon told SeokJin that JungKook still carried the photo they took at the beach. (The photo depicted in the game is the one of the boys on the wall by the sea.) While NamJoon probably relayed this to show that JungKook hasn’t forgotten about SeokJin, it stirs a different memory for him. In high school when they ditched and went to the beach, hunting for a boulder that supposedly made dreams come true, SeokJin noticed JungKook ask YoonGi an important question while their voices were drowned out by construction noise. He has now realized that both JungKook and YoonGi have the same desperation in their eyes. JungKook knows that YoonGi is like him: a person who needs a string to hold him here. Therefore, JungKook is the key to saving YoonGi.
SeokJin places his copy of the photograph next to the mirror in the workroom, hoping it will lead to saving them both. Before he can leave, footsteps grow closer. Flustered, he chooses to either explain himself honestly or hide. In both paths, YoonGi stumbles inside and collapses on the sofa, too drunk to notice that someone else is in the room. In the second path, some extra information is presented when SeokJin notices a little water dish and paper cup with breadcrumbs as he hides beside the piano. “He must’ve looked after it again.” In another loop, SeokJin saw a small, weak bird that got mistakenly trapped in the workroom. YoonGi looked after it, most likely thinking of JungKook. (This particular episode is called Small Bird, so the title may only be meaningful to players who choose this path or are familiar with the bird from The Notes 1.)
SeokJin escapes undetected while YoonGi sleeps. Later in the day, he watches the workroom from his car. The most difficult part starts now: JungKook must follow the hints SeokJin has left to save YoonGi. After staring up at the second floor for a while with an unhappy expression, JungKook seems to make up his mind and enters the building. The story cuts briefly to YoonGi’s perspective. In the workroom, the mirror shatters. (The reason is unspecified, so we are left to wonder if a confrontation unfolded like the one depicted in the Run MV and implied in The Notes 1, or if something else occurred.) Dizzy, YoonGi falters but manages to stand up. (Again, standing up from what? Possibly because JungKook hit him.) “YoonGi…” JungKook is rooted to the spot in surprise. YoonGi runs, leaving him behind. Back in his perspective, SeokJin starts the car as soon as he sees JungKook dash out of the building. He hopes that leaving “a sign” will guide JungKook to the correct motel. (In The Notes 1, it is a bloody tissue that SeokJin drops by the entrance gate because YoonGi fled his workroom with busted lips. The game episode closely follows how this scenario proceeds in Notes 1, so I’m not sure why it is so cryptic around the details implying that a fight occurred between YoonGi and JungKook.) Inside the motel (once again matching the I Need U MV), YoonGi lights the bedsheets on fire. He regrets having JungKook by his side because the people close to him get hurt. The memories of his childhood burn along with the flames: fragments of the day he arrived home and found it collapsing in a fire. YoonGi hears JungKook shouting. “I’m sure… He’ll be sad because of me. But he won’t be unhappy anymore,” he thinks. JungKook shouts for him to get up, and YoonGi finally looks at him. His last view of the room encompasses the red flames, the air wavy with heat, and JungKook’s crumpled face. The episode ends with sirens playing over a black screen.
Episode 5, “Connecting Threads,” picks up on 12 May with SeokJin preparing to set events in motion for saving his next pair of friends. At the hospital, he waits for JiMin to show up and overhears a conversation between a nurse and doctor. If SeokJin stays where he is, they notice him and postpone their discussion, but if he steps out of sight, they continue. The nurse mentions “patient Park JiMin” who has “transferred down from the 9th floor.” She reports that he keeps roaming the hallways at night and wonders if they should stop him “just in case.” “He’ll be headed back up in about three days or so. Just leave him be. If it really bothers you, check with them,” advises the doctor. SeokJin moves to his precalculated spot when they leave, planning to lead JiMin to the stairs so that he’ll run into HoSeok on his way down. In his perspective, JiMin is troubled by his stiff wrist as he waits for the elevator. A familiar voice suddenly calling his name draws him to the stairwell, but the light makes it difficult to see its owner.
The story cuts to HoSeok wrapping up a consultation with the same doctor from earlier. The doctor states that they haven’t noticed any huge issues and that he’ll be discharged soon. “Do you have any discomfort still?” “Nope, I’m fine!” HoSeok answers energetically and even strikes an exaggerated pose, feeling that he needs to. “Please take care to avoid any future collapses,” the doctor adds. This comment makes HoSeok either recall the last time he collapses or the last moment he spent with his mom. In the first memory, he collapses on the bridge as he thinks about his sick Auntie leaving him alone after she has always been at his side. In the second, he stands at the merry-go-round and wonders if his mom will be standing there when he finishes counting. “Sir… Sir? Are you alright?” The doctor’s questioning shakes HoSeok out of the past. He wants to say hello to JiMin before he leaves the hospital, but JiMin’s bed has been empty for a while. Worried, HoSeok heads to the elevator to look for him. A woman dressed in a long skirt and hat passes by with her child. “Mom!” Convinced that she’s his mother, HoSeok chases after her. He shoves past people, breathing ragged and heart pounding. Afraid to lose her, he either yells out again or goes to the stairs. The results are ultimately the same because she doesn’t respond to his shouts and disappears into the stairwell. HoSeok skips steps down the stairs in his haste. “Mom!” His foot suddenly slips, throwing his weight forward. He flails, but there’s nothing to grab onto—and suddenly, his fall is arrested by someone grabbing his arm. “HoSeok?” “JiMin? How are you here…?” JiMin looks equally surprised. HoSeok realizes it’s obvious that the woman isn’t his mom. Though he can’t remember her face anymore, he still can’t let her go. “Are you alright, HoSeok?” JiMin asks. HoSeok figures that JiMin doesn’t inquire about what he was doing or why because he already knows. “I wonder if JiMin is like me… living trapped in the past. If he’s unable to get better and move on, stuck inside the memories that bind him…” “JiMin,” HoSeok says aloud. “Let’s get out of here.”
From JiMin’s perspective now, he notices that everything about HoSeok in this moment is different from normal. “Get out of here?” JiMin echoes. Outside is unfamiliar and scary, and he knows that even if he escapes the hospital, he will still have to return some day. “JiMin, I’ll come back for you.” HoSeok leaves without waiting for an answer. Not wanting to say goodbye, JiMin follows him secretly as he’s discharged from the hospital. He stops at the line where the hallway ends up on the ninth floor, watching the bright sunlight filter in through the open door. JiMin turns away, believing that the place to which he needs to return isn’t outside but the ninth floor. “Because… I’m a patient.” The rest of episode 6 follows the events in his 15 May Year 22 entry of The Notes 1, with only minor dialogue changes. HoSeok pulls JiMin out of his hospital bed the night before he is scheduled to return to the psychiatric ward. SeokJin and NamJoon meet them in the elevator, while JungKook, TaeHyung, and YoonGi are waiting for them in the first floor lobby. A nurse finds them and sees through YoonGi’s flimsy excuse that they’re having a birthday party. Throwing snack bags and plastic bottles, they all run toward the exit. (This sequence is likely the one depicted in the Euphoria MV, although in the video it’s staged during the daytime instead of at night.) JiMin unconsciously slows as he nears the invisible boundary in the hallway, but HoSeok’s urging grants him the courage to cross the line. Passing through the door, he draws in a breath of fresh air and feels on the verge of crying.
The beginning of episode 7 follows SeokJin’s preparations to prevent TaeHyung’s incident on 20 May in the same fashion as The Notes 1. He waits at the park on the hill behind TaeHyung’s apartment building until HoSeok escorts TaeHyung home from his night at the police station. With careful timing, SeokJin calls HoSeok after he sees the two part ways and asks him to invite TaeHyung to their beach trip in two days. HoSeok turns around toward TaeHyung’s apartment.
The next sequence provides more details of the confrontation (and notably unfolds a little differently than what is depicted in the I Need U MV). TaeHyung arrives home to a familiar stale odor of mold and stench of alcohol. “Where the hell have you been all night?!” TaeHyung turns to see his father’s bloodshot eyes and his sister standing behind him, face swollen. Defiance surges through him, but the desperation in Eunhye’s eyes roots him to the spot. “TaeHyung, tell Dad you’re sorry and go to your room.” TaeHyung either apologizes, holding his anger in, or tries to go straight to his room. In both paths, Kim SungHoon yells that a beating should set him straight. He seizes TaeHyung by the collar. Something bursts and rages inside him. “What have I done wrong?! You’re the one who needs to get things straight!” His father stammers in shock, “W-what did you say?!” while his sister calls his name in warning. TaeHyung chooses to shake him off or hold still. In the first path, he shoves his father to the floor. “Why are you doing this? How long? How long do we have to keep doing this?!” In the second path, Kim SungHoon snarls that he has a lot of nerve to look him in the eye and strikes his cheek. “Why do I need a beating?” TaeHyung thinks.
The paths converge with Eunhye begging their father to stop. The voice continues thundering in TaeHyung’s head: “Why does my sister need a beating? How long are you going to do this?” “You two are a double dose of pain in my ass today!” Kim SungHoon swings at Eunhye, who has thrown herself between them, and she sways at the rough blow. The injustice of it all stokes TaeHyung’s rage. “What have we done wrong? Why do we have to live in fear like this?” Heart pounding, he notices that the cold bottle he’s somehow picked up grows warmer from the heat of his hand. He roars and charges forward. A shattering sound plays over a black screen, and someone cries, “No—! TaeHyung, stop!��� TaeHyung comes to his senses. HoSeok is hugging his midsection, his sister is crying, and his father is nowhere to be seen. He wonders whose blood is on his hand. HoSeok stands there silently, looking like he has a lot to say but holding back. “I’m sorry, HoSeok. I’m okay… So you can go now,” TaeHyung says, calm voice belying his inner turmoil. “I want to cry, to scream, to kick, break, shatter everything. I want to fall apart, but I can’t do any of the things I want.” The world spins as he closes his eyes. Mind blank, TaeHyung craves NamJoon’s presence and wants to talk to him—to tell him that he almost killed his father.
The eighth and final episode, “The Pier,” closely follows the version of 22 May in The Notes 1, with the addition of SeokJin’s perspective providing greater depth to the events. The boys make it to the same beach they visited in high school. The observation platform strikes TaeHyung as familiar. As the sun sets, he remembers this all occurring in a dream, except that SeokJin climbs the platform instead of him. Atop the platform, SeokJin is fearful and full of emotions. Memories flash by of their suffering and loneliness, his failures and desire to give up as the misfortunes repeated. He is relieved that TaeHyung does not follow him. At nightfall, they head to where they’re staying. (In The Notes 1, this location is simply called their lodging, and in The Notes 2 it is referred to as a lodge by the beach that SeokJin reserved under his name. In the game, the room appears like the one in the Run MV party scenes (0’57”, 3’00”, etc.), down to the same string lights and sconces—more on this in the Additional Commentary section below.) As the others dance and laugh, SeokJin realizes that this is the first time they’ve made it this far. “It’s something I hoped so desperately for… and a day I thought would never come. We were all lonely once. We hid our own scars and lived through it alone. But it’s different now. We’re all by each other’s sides. We’ll never be alone again.” Despite these thoughts, he has a nagging feeling because he hasn’t told them the truth. SeokJin is afraid of their reactions, but this will be the only way “to really see them properly.” He announces, “I have something to say.” Only TaeHyung turns to look at him through the chaos.
TaeHyung balls up his prickling hand, wondering if this is about the dream he asked SeokJin about several days earlier. (The location of this conversation is unspecified in The Notes 1, but the game provides a flashback shot of it at the bus stop.) His frustration grows when SeokJin begins to mention high school instead. TaeHyung interrupts sharply, believing that SeokJin is still cowardly avoiding the truth. “Are you talking about when you spied for the principal in high school and told him everything we were up to? Or were you going to mention how, because of that… YoonGi got expelled?!” The mood in the room chills. “I’m sorry.” SeokJin drops his head, while the others look away or stare in surprise. But TaeHyung doesn’t want to be unhappy without knowing why, even if the truth is worse than the nightmare. “Is that all? Or are you hiding more from us?”
The perspective switches back to SeokJin. He guesses that TaeHyung is asking about the dream but can’t reveal that the tragedies he experienced were real, believing that no one else should have to suffer with that knowledge. NamJoon approaches and tries to calm TaeHyung, but TaeHyung pushes him away. “Stay out of this, NamJoon. Why does it matter to you? You’re not my brother.” (In the album Note from Her and as a flashback in The Notes 1, TaeHyung overheard NamJoon talking on the phone while they walked to their lodging. NamJoon was speaking to his parents about his younger brother being old enough to take care of himself, but TaeHyung apparently took this to heart as something about himself. It hurt and angered him deeply.) “TaeHyung, I’m sorry,” SeokJin attempts to plead with him. “Stop it, Kim TaeHyung!” NamJoon warns. TaeHyung demands again that SeokJin explain everything. The interrogation unleashes all the memories of his friends’ tragedies that he has tried to forget. SeokJin feels like his nightmares are going to become reality, and his mind goes blank as TaeHyung and NamJoon continue to argue. “I repeated so many moments of suffering… for you… Why are you doing this to me?! I only wanted to be able to laugh together.” A little flame grows within SeokJin, an indescribable feeling cresting like a wave. This is what his countless attempts have led to? “What’s so great about being together?” Shaking off NamJoon’s arm, TaeHyung yells, “Who are we to one another? We’re all alone in the end!” “Alone…” The thing SeokJin has desperately been holding onto breaks away, and the shaking in his hands now consumes his entire body.
SeokJin hits TaeHyung. He remembers TaeHyung’s sudden jump off the seaside platform—a time he thought he saved them all. “I even kept that from happening—and he says we’re all alone in the end? The hopes I had for all of us to be happy, and for us to face coming days together… It all feels like it was for nothing. I thought I left my repeating misfortunes behind me, but I now see them again, taunting me from just ahead.” This concludes the Epilogue and the <I’M FINE> series. Notably, the glass does not break, suggesting that this loop continues from this event (as it does in The Notes 1) without yet resetting.
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Additional Commentary
The only point I want to touch on here is the depiction of the boys’ lodging on 22 May after their beach trip and its potential implications. In The Notes 1, this location is simply called their lodging, and in The Notes 2 it is referred to as a lodge by the beach that SeokJin reserved under his name. In the game, the room appears like the one in the Run MV party scenes (0’57”, 3’00”, etc.), down to the same string lights and sconces.
As a standalone MV set, this location felt (to me) more metaphorical than concrete. It’s introduced after NamJoon opens the door of a train’s shipping container, a little film editing trick as though it’s a world inside—and it does feel like a space away from the real world where the boys are free to let loose, revel in their youth, and be themselves. While it seemed to serve as a more glamorous substitute for NamJoon’s shipping container where they often gathered, this location also appeared to stand in for the location of JungKook and YoonGi’s confrontation (2’24”-2’55”). An altercation between them is heavily implied in SeokJin’s 2 May entry from The Notes 1, but it occurs in YoonGi’s workroom. Since Run is an MV rather than one of the short films, which always present BU events and locations more literally than their song counterparts, it doesn’t seem too unusual that these sets are condensed to one in this video. YoonGi’s workroom isn’t portrayed until Highlight Reel, so we can kind of excuse one of the earliest MVs for artistic license.
However… the inclusion of this location in the game considerably changes the circumstances! Since it is both canon and animated, the creators had the ability to design the settings as they are truly intended to appear (within the general limitations of the game’s engine and visual style). It must have been a very deliberate choice that led to the reuse of the Run MV’s set for the 22 May beach lodging. (For what it’s worth, I have always interpreted SeokJin’s and TaeHyung’s fight in the Japanese MV for Blood Sweat & Tears to represent the fallout of that night, and that is staged in a different set.)
To further complicate matters, a date has been explicitly attached to one of the scenes in Run because it is matched shot-for-shot in the BU Story trailer Map of the Soul—and it is neither 2 or 22 May.
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24 July Year 22 is not reached in <I’M FINE>, but in the Notes, this is the date the boys plan to gather at NamJoon’s container to celebrate JungKook’s discharge from the hospital. So far in The Notes 1 and 2 (and various album-accompanying Notes from MotS: Persona and 7), this event has hardly manifested as the celebration it is intended to be. This particular shot maps a little better to the circumstances in Notes 2, as not all of them even show up in Notes 1. But again, this gathering occurs at the container—so what, and where, is this shot really depicting? How is it linked to the beach lodging they visit in some loops on 22 May?
BU has been in development for years now, so I believe there is intentionality behind this location’s depiction in the game, even if it raises more questions than it answers. Perhaps it is foreshadowing a very different version of 24 July in which they return again to the beach lodging. This is my best guess for now, and it’s exciting to think that there are still hints embedded in the older MVs for aspects of the plot that have yet to be fully revealed in The Notes.
What do you think? Did you notice the location parallels if you played the game, and did they inspire any new theories for you?
As mentioned above, the following “tl;dr” commentary summarizes the parenthetical notes I provided in the summaries in case you want to review them on their own.
Heart’s Distance — tl;dr commentary
In the opening cutscene, TaeHyung’s photograph of his father holding him as a baby looks similar to the one he holds at 1’48” in the HYYH On Stage: Prologue short film.
During the gathering at NamJoon’s container after everyone freed JiMin from the hospital, SeokJin asks, “How long has it been since we’ve all laughed together?” This is a reference to the recurring phrase “we can laugh when we’re together” present throughout the Notes and occasionally this game.
On 19 May, TaeHyung is arrested for vandalism while painting graffiti on the streets. The bus stop depicted in the shot is the same as the one in Highlight Reel.
In the shot in the game illustrating TaeHyung’s choice on 20 May that he “can’t take back,” he approaches his father from behind and the sound of glass occurs on a cut to black. We know from the I Need U MV and Save Me webtoon that he fatally stabs his father.
When SeokJin asks Uncle JunHo for a favor to visit a construction site for practical training, JunHo expresses that SeokJin’s father seems to be interested, too. “Make sure to use this opportunity to take a thorough look around. It’ll all be helpful to you later,” JunHo advises. It’s helpful to know that Assemblyman Kim ChangJun is involved in some shady business with a construction company—this is revealed in The Notes 2.
After the foreman leaves his father’s hospital room, TaeHyung realizes how tense he has been when he loosens his grip and sees little crescents of his fingernails cut into his palms. His wounded palms are a recurring motif.
On 20 May, SeokJin stands at the bus stop and touches the graffiti for which TaeHyung was arrested the previous night. It’s the “I’m Fine” message depicted at the same location in the Highlight Reel.
The story ends with SeokJin losing consciousness after TaeHyung shoved him away and he slammed into something, marking another failed attempt while preventing the homicide. This is not the first time TaeHyung has caused SeokJin grave or mortal injury during his intervention: in the Save Me webtoon, he accidentally stabbed SeokJin with the broken bottle instead of his father.
Nightmare: Epilogue — tl;dr commentary
SeokJin and NamJoon’s conversation when they reunite at the gas station on the night of 11 April begins with 2 familiar phrases: “Oh. SeokJin?” “It’s been a while.” As mentioned in part 1, this sequence parallels their moment at the end of the Blood Sweat & Tears Japanese version MV.
In episode 3, the scene of JungKook finding YoonGi playing piano at the music shop appears to be a memory of 7 April, although it is not explicitly stated as such. This encounter occurs in The Notes 1 as well as episode 4 of JungKook’s story.
From JungKook’s beating at the hands of thugs to the rooftop, this is how his 11 April entry plays out in The Notes 1, but it ends before his phone conversation with YoonGi.
SeokJin reflects on a time NamJoon told him that JungKook still carried the photo they took at the beach. The photo depicted in the game is the one of the boys on the wall by the sea.
Episode 4 is called “Small Bird,” yet the bird is only referenced in one of the choice’s paths (SeokJin hides behind the piano in YoonGi’s workroom). The title may be more meaningful to players who choose this path or are familiar with the bird from The Notes 1.
The game is even more cryptic than The Notes 1 about JungKook and YoonGi’s apparent altercation on 2 May in his workroom. When the perspective cuts to YoonGi, the mirror has already been shattered. The reason is unspecified, so we are left to wonder if a confrontation unfolded like the one depicted in the Run MV and implied in The Notes 1, or if something else occurred. The “sign” that SeokJin leaves to guide JungKook to the correct motel is also unspecified, but in The Notes 1, it is a bloody tissue because YoonGi fled his workroom with busted lips.
The motel room that YoonGi sets on fire in this loop once again matches the I Need U MV.
JiMin’s escape sequence from the hospital is likely the one depicted in the Euphoria MV, although in the video it’s staged during the daytime instead of at night.
TaeHyung’s confrontation with his father on 20 May unfolds a little differently than what is depicted in the I Need U MV.
Some notes/thoughts on the 22 May post-beach trip lodging are included in the Additional Commentary section above.
TaeHyung has a flashback to several days prior to 22 May when he asked SeokJin about his recurring dreams. The location of this conversation is unspecified in The Notes 1, but it’s depicted at the bus stop in the game.
TaeHyung pushes NamJoon away physically and verbally when he tries to interrupt his interrogation of SeokJin at the lodging. “Stay out of this, NamJoon. Why does it matter to you? You’re not my brother.” In the album Note from Her and as a flashback in The Notes 1, TaeHyung overheard NamJoon talking on the phone while they walked to their lodging. NamJoon was speaking to his parents about his younger brother being old enough to take care of himself, but TaeHyung apparently took this to heart as something about himself. It hurt and angered him deeply.
Notably, the glass does not break at the end of the Epilogue, suggesting that this loop continues from this event (as it does in The Notes 1) without yet resetting.
This brings us to the end of the BTS Universe Story <I’M FINE> highlights! This series turned out a little different than I originally envisioned, but I hope you found these summaries helpful and worthwhile to read. If you have any questions, important details that you felt I overlooked, or theories of your own that you would like to share, feel free to send me an ask!
For more informational storyline content, please check out the Timeline project, currently in development!
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