#the stick everyone says i have stuck up my ass does not interact well with my inferiority complex
I will not take commissions to support my transformers figure addiction its not worth it <- staring at myself in the mirror white knuckle gripping the sink
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triglycercule · 2 months
ok so there's murder time trio where theyre best buddies and get along and sometimes even having more than just platonic interactions. and then there's also the murder time trio where they genuinely just don't like each other and avoid each other and do NOT get along and to me there's just a VERY clear timeline of events that could connect these two group dynamics. like these 2 could coexist,,,,,,
nightmare's fresh outta his little corruption sequence and he needs his henchmen. goes out and gathers the obvious three killer horror and dust (does it really matter how he got them??? kidnapping or not the trio will warm up to him). its his first time having to deal with mentally unstable grown up mortal men and he really has no idea how to manage the team so he lets them have some slack. spoils em a bit yk yk stops fights allows them to hang out allows em to screw around the castle even COMFORTS them,,,, shocking i know (a slightly nice nightmare interpretation from triglycercule? UNFATHOMABLE!!!!)
this killer's fresh outta something new so he's still kinda curious and nosy. he hasnt seen the multiverse and especially not interacted with nightmare/horrordust so he's kinda more outgoing and friendly (ish. to get to know better everyone and satisfy the curiosity of seeing what reactions and feelings these fellas could give him.) bc killer's not that much of a prick and horror and dust would naturally SLIGHTLY get along (and if in the right environment be good buddies. which is nm's lenience and killer's not shittiness) the mtt actually get along pretty well and are good buds!! like the first group dynamic i mentioned where the bad sanses are just kinda like a friend group except they have some weird work relations
and then a fight breaks out and nightmare kills either dust or horror (what about??? anything!) likely dust first because he's more likely to be wary of nm (if kidnapped) and also because he's just kinda more actively righteous compared to horror (who likely wouldn't do much against nm) or killer (does not give a shit.) dust dies, horror likely dies defending dust and that just leaves the og killer and nightmare
nightmare is like "oh shit i just killed my workers". he'll take like a week to ponder what he did and then completely move on (because hes an ass like that.) nightmare gets another horror and dust to replace the ones he killed. and killer is just like wtf how do i deal with this. the guys i were kinda friends were are dead but their copies are right here. like he knew copies existed in the utmv but he didn't think nightmare was so willing to replace them so fast???
this killer's still adapting to the multiverse and stuff (it probably hasn't even been a year since he got snatched up!!!) and yeah hes aware that copies exist and he could get replaced by one but he didn't think that it would LITERALLY HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE HIS EYES. so he decides to stick more around nm and avoid getting replaced like the og dust and horror because it really just hammers in the point that he's kinda useless if he speaks out like those 2. hes avoidant of the new replacements as well bc hes still new to this experience and is getting used to the whole implications of two guys that were once him and he was friends with died and got replaced by basically the same person
but they still have to work together for obvious reasons. and even if killer's avoiding horror and dust they probably aren't avoiding each other and probably are like wary friends/acquaintances. and naturally killer HAS to become okay worker buddy pals with them because hes stuck living with them. nightmare's a lot stricter and cold to avoid something like dust's rebellion against him happening again. mtt are wary of each other (mostly towards killer. horrordust are pals and killer's kinda growing more apathetic to the duo because he's already experienced a lot of the stuff before with the og two that died.) but theyre still "friends" you could say
and then perchance maybe horror and dust decide to let killer in on a lil secret theyve been cooking up. theyre planning to escape (kidnapped DUH. and nm isn't as nice as he was to og horrordust to warrent them to wanna stay) and even though they don't really trust killer theyre still letting him in on the plan and offer for him to come with them because they lowkey feel bad for him and he's really not all that bad under all the bullshit
but killer saw what happened to the og dust and horror so he says no. and the night that the duo are planning to escape he just has this overwhelming sense of dread. the next morning he wakes up to nightmare standing over his bed with a cold glare telling him of horror and dust's attempted escape and death and killer just kinda. sighs. his dread was right (he was lowkey hoping that they could escape so they didn't die like the original 2)
and then the cycle repeats. previous dust or horror or both die to nightmare or some random outside force or escape (because it has to happen eventually right??) and the pair keep getting replaced. killer keeps witnessing their deaths and replacements and at this point he's just so used to it that he doesn't even TRY to interact with the new horrors and dusts. theyre not even like real people that are getting killed and replaced like robots to him anymore they're just distant coworkers that get fired and then a new one comes to take up the position
each new dust or horror is icked out by nightmare and killer. nightmare is incredibly cold and intimidating and dictatorial and just sucks in general. and killer gives them this distant look. like he knows something they dont. he's already proven to them that he knows that they should obey nightmare and how to deal with the king and they know he's been here longer than them but even when he's not with nightmare or not talking about him they get the blank stare
sometimes when a nicer replacement of horror decides to do something nice for killer like make him a meal he just gives him that look and declines (there's already been countless different horrors that tried doing nice stuff for him. it's not new and nice in his eyes anymore.) maybe when a dust replacement gets irked by killer's apathy and decides to try and say something that'll bother him or snoop through his personal stuff killer will just walk away or kick him out of his room with that creepy ass blank stare again (it's not the first time a dust has tried to rile him up. it's not new or interesting and just predictable)
killer just doesn't CARE about the new horrors and dusts. they're all pretty much the same two guy except maybe a bit nicer or meaner or quieter or even taller or something?? all he really cares about is is serving nightmares atp, no other outside relationships. and ngl he doesn't even care that much about nightmare either. he's already figured out his thinking he's already figured out all of his likes and dislikes and what not to do to piss him off. the only reason he's still dealing with him is because he doesn't have anything else better to do and he doesn't wanna be useless to the one guy that he's served all this time
he's just kinda stuck in an empty boring limbo that killer's only maintaining due to a lack of motivation and any other priorities. and personally i just think this bad sans dynamic is lowkey tragic because like killer keeps witnessing all these guys that he used to be friends or enemies or rivals or whatever with and they just keep dying or leaving him behind. not one ever stays for THAT long (because no wayyyy a dust or horror would take being under a cruel nightmare well) and it's given him this idea that none of these people matter (aside from the important one which is nm) because they're just gonna leave me and the connections ill have formed with them will be for nothing so why even try being vulnerable and friendly and interacting with these cheap copies of the guys i USED to be friends with
#nobody asked for this but i wanted to think of this#i don't know why i always have this idea that just because nobody asked for it doesn't mean nobody wants it. I WANTED TO WRITE THIS!!!!!#see this would work better if it were a fanfic and not a cheap tumblr post about this vague idea#i just wrote this because i really like the image of a blank eyed knowing looking killer#like he KNOWS something about dust and horror that they don't. and it bothers them severely#WHAT DOES HE KNOW??? their death or leaving is what#you ever think that killer has this crazy good sense of being able to predict the future#like he's just gotten so used to things that he just knows their next move#he would be crazy good at reading people and figuring out their behaviors#psycho analyze these guys until he could ACT like them. because what else does he have better to do when so bored and apathetic :3#this (may or may not be) is inspired by a song. i was imagining a dust and horror who kept trying to leave nm and failing miserably#and each time killer would tell their story of how they died or how the previous 2 died#he's like a little time capsule. he stores the experiences and memories of each copy of horror and dust to never tell anyone#because who else would be hell??? the MIRROR??? NIGHTMARE??? lmao no#would this make killer much older than the horrors and dusts that get replaced. maybe i think that would be cool#he lies about how old he is to the other two because if he didn't then they would act differently and not like how he predicts#and anything new and unexpected is kinda scary to killer#ok i think that's enough elaborating in tags. time to actually TAG#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#nightmare sans#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#what tricule tag category does this go in hmmmm hmmmm#this COULD be a hc and BOTH an analysis. but which one...............#i guess analysis because there's not really anything outrageously ooc in this one#tricule analyze
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automatisma · 15 days
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Discovered the allure of Topsters & made a chart of the games that significantly influenced my tastes. Not really a top 25 although I believe most of the games of the list are good. Ramblings under the cut.
TLOZ: Twilight Princess was my first Zelda as a child & while not a particularly interesting Zelda gameplay-wise it cemented my fascination with that kind of dark and decadent aesthetic.
Persona 3 is again the first Persona I've ever played. Not the best & with many larger-than-life sterotypical characters but it does have a lovely apocalyptic atmosphere and the sexiest dungeon concept bar none (sorry persona 4 tv world you were not It)
Hexcells is my favourite puzzle game. Perfect difficulty curve, minimal & functional aesthetic, little spatiality sense required to finish it. The whole trilogy is honestly brilliant.
Disco Elysium literally what is there to say about DE that hasn't already been said. Masterful dialogues and characters, deeply political while being smart and complex about it, it has one of the most interesting fantasy worldbuildings of recent memory.
Final Fantasy X was my first FF. Bizarre & unique if nonsensical world, great party interactions and often dumb but really really rich with overarching thematical meanings so
We Know The Devil I believe it's up to personal taste in the end whether you'll like this or Heaven Will be Mine more, but to me the minimal religious setup & the very realistic teenage dialogue take the cake. Also Saturn is #so me #releatable #girlsbeinggirls
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 I bet everyone's sick of seeing it on their dash but what can I say I adore its day-to-day routine and the character subplots and its sound design and the beetle battles and
The House in Fata Morgana is maybe my favourite visual novel of all time. Often cheesy, frequently melodramatic, the epic highs and lows of its writing did not stop me from loving its intricate fantasy plot and multifacted characters.
Valhalla cyberpunk ok too long of a name. The bartending part was fun, the fauxanime thing is well MY thing and the #quiet cyberpunk adult disillusionment of its dialogues stuck with me in some way. Not great but really solid & it worked a lot for me for reasons I am not entirely sure of to this day.
Danganronpa is a terrible and complicated horror b-movie with cartoon characters and stupid but captivating mysteries. I genuinely believe the trials are absolutely cool and adrenaline inducing though & I would love more of this except better I guess
Darkest Dungeon a game in which every inch of its systems and aesthetic choices works in perfect synch to convey the hopelessness of this brand of lovecraftian horror. Also the turn-based combat is soooo fucking good
Final Fantasy VII THE final fantasy ecc ecc what can I say. One of the few games I played when the stereotypical version of the characters I saw in popular culture was so much less interesting than the actual story beats and the direction the plot went in. Packed with genre-defining moments and lovingly mystic at times.
Pyre is probably my favourite Supergiant game even though Hades is far superior in gameplay terms. The peculiar worldbuilding and the choices you make are really something unique to this one and they very much stick with you during your playthrough and even after that.
The World Ends with You when I played it Neku and Joshua were on my mind 24/7 I was on that fujoshi grindset which is quite peculiar for me. Weird and fun gameplay too but to me the main thing was the killer premise, its characters and its commitment to peculiarity in the JRPG landscape at every turn.
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria weird ass sequel of a game I didn't play that spawned my love for this kind of combat. Perfect blend of tactical and reaction-based that's usually a mess but here it works and its glorious. The story was whatever but frankly who cares
Black Closet is probably the most obscure game on this list & I love it. I adore the setting, the writing of some of the subplots, the tight mechanics and even its wonky UI designs. Try it and be captivated by the playful eroticism of mystery and power NOW
Ib foundational as everyone knows. Kind of tied with Yume Nikki in my mind but in the end I played Ib more and I was in awe of its finale systems and the genuinely anxiety inducing gameplay moments. Epitome of you're a kid and something fucked up happens.
Analogue: A Hate Story my favourite Love game even though it's only vaguely sci-fi. Funniest thing about it it's probably that its title works even if it's a silly pun on her previous game
999 I like Danganronpa so this one was a given since it's even less stupid. Puzzles are ok but I was here for the characters & plot because I am a mystery junkie at heart.
Lisa: The Painful managed to work with the legacy of Earthbound without making a lol so random uninspired clone. Profoundly different in its subject matter while incorporating a lot of the bizarre & offbeat humor of its inspiration. It also deals with its themes in a quite brutal and blunt if not at all tactful way which i really respect.
The Stanley Parable is one of the first things I've played as a returned prodigal PC gamer and it blew me away at the time. Full of neat little secrets & mysteries and with a lot to say about the relationship between the player, the game and the narrative frameworks we encase our lives in.
Earthbound is my love and joy and nothing else will ever come close to recreate what I experienced playing it, which is why I never played Mother 3.
Digital Devil Saga yeah I've never played an SMT to the end but I played this duology and I was deeply impressed by its combat system and its weirdass apocalyptic world and even my party of broken people. I was on board for that Gainax ending baby
Dragon Age: Origins was the only good DA actually. I am also the only person who hasn't played it for the worldbuilding and the lore because I'll be frank it's run of the mill fantasy stuff except for some things but I adored my party and the choices I could make and some plot moments so yeah. Still a fan of the saga despite everything
Opus Magnum is the only Zachtronics game I've played but I'll have to play Hackers one of these days. I still have all the gifs saved and I am NOT a minmaxing person irl but this one sinked its claws into my skin and for thirty hours I was an engineer
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leon's characterization in re4r strays too far away from the rest of his iterations- so much so that it no longer feels like this is the same leon
i've had enough time to really soak in re4r, how the game is, how leon's characterized and how (i believe) this iteration of leon is fundamentally so different in comparison to re4 leon (and the rest of the iterations of leon.) to keep things simple, og re4 leon will be re4 leon and re4 remake leon will be 4R leon.
everyone knew going into 4R that it was going to be a grittier, darker version of re4. it wasn't going to be as campy and frankly- silly as the original. however they were able to keep a few of the one liners in. (the fact that they were going to cut out the bingo line is insane to me lol)
we have the obvious ptsd and the traumatic retellings of re2r as the beginning of 4r, giving us an indication of how this story is going to go. leon is ALREADY jaded, cold, angry, and feels as though his life isn't in his control. (it isn't)
with re4, we have this version of leon where he cracks jokes (a lot) and is generally aloof with most of his interactions with people. but he still harbours anger, he still gets angry when the time arises. ex when he faces krauser. but he's not just a cunt to everyone lol SURE he's silly and goofy, a bit too much even for my tastes. but campiness aside, he's still nice to ashley, gentle to her even. he knows that she's a young girl and is afraid. she is defenseless and can not take care of herself. the interactions between leon and luis are minimal in re4 in comparison to 4R so i won't go deep into it. and leon and Ada are seemingly fine as well. they go on as if nothing bad ever really happened between them (even though he knows she's working for someone else.) he just ends up trusting ada to do the right things (and even if she doesn't) he still lets her go on her merry way.
my biggest complaint has been his interactions with ashley actually. he (both re4 and 4R leon) may find ashley annoying, or find her teenage like personality a bit grating-
but he (re4 leon) is in no way ANGRY or resentful towards ashley-
WHICH 4R LEON IS. when he first finds ashley, his main reaction/response isn't relief or joy. it's annoyance when she decides to fight him back (RIGHTFULLY SO SINCE SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO HE IS) and instead of immediately trying to comfort her, he gets annoyed- and for some reason ashley just relents (after leon says one time that her dad sent him there) and then she decides that leon is safe.
when i say 4R Leon is a cunt to everyone. I mean, he is uncharacteristically rude/curt to LITERALLY EVERYONE. he's rude to Ashley (for no reason, he should be nice(?), she's literally his employer's daughter), Luis (i don't really care, he can be rude I guess), Ada (his anger here is okay, but misplaced.)
he's consistently rude, and avoidant towards ashley. only when he realizes that she's legitimately scared does he try to comfort her. but it's in no way similar to re4 leon's "you did it!" and the casual banter between them. re4 ashley is ... sure, more "annoying" but i find her more endearing in a way. 4R ashley is also sick of leon's shit, trying to make light of the situation in most cases as leon walks around like there's a stick up his ass. (IT'S FAIR THAT HE'S TRAUMATIZED, but WHY is he taking it out on EVERYONE ELSE) it's clear that they are both stuck with each other, as opposed to leon's here to save ashley. ashley being- not able to save herself, and leon- probably losing his fucking job if he can't get ashley home.
now i would forgive his behaviour, but now it makes it harder to bridge the gaps. the closest piece of media in the timeline is infinite darkness. and he's resorted back to this "good, loyal, obedient, noble," character. we have a singular clip of him perhaps "in contemplation," of his career/life, but we don't have anywhere the amount of explanation of his life at the moment. and we still have a moment of defiance when he actively goes against claire's wishes because he KNOWS that what claire wants with the chip is dangerous and a death wish. he was willing to ruin a friendship because of his own morals. (this is fine though, his morals was always going to be, in whatever way to keep someone safe)
are we supposed to believe that in 1-2 years that leon just went to therapy or something?
further along in the game, 4R leon is sure, "nicer" to Ashley, but I still feel like it was a means of having her trust him, but also to make the mission go smoother. he can't have ashley freaking out all the time.
one of the consistent things i've said about re as a whole is that the writing is NOT GREAT. a lot of the plots don't go anywhere or don't affect anything majorly. i've argued for a long time, that i feel as though claire's characterization and storyline is so stagnant that it's really a stretch to call her a main character. (her addition to death island was also not important or necessary. if she was removed- nothing would've changed.)
leon's characterization gives me fucking whiplash.
he's either fine or his not fine. and SURE we have REASONS on why he's not fine. but the way that 4R leon had six years to potentially heal from re2r, it seems as though he's only gotten colder. colder so that it makes the whole "he's a hero" trope slip further and further away from him. but that's the thing isn't. it's still a part of his internal conflicts.
he WANTS to save people- so why is he reluctant to save ashley? he's SUPPOSED to want to help people- so why does he not give a shit about Luis? he KNOWS the truth about Ada, so is that why he's still saving her?
all the conflicts in him SURE MAKE SENSE, but the way they steer it in this cold gritty version of him makes sense in instances like vendetta. where after another mission has failed and he is forced to kill his entire unit- it's traumatizing, he wants to be out of it, he wants to be done.
but in 4R, he's forced into it, he does what he can. but is a shell of who he is. SURE, THIS STILL MAKES SENSE.
BUT THEN WHY THE FUCK IS HE FINE IN INFINITE DARKNESS. (this goes with my previous complaints about how he's just FINE in death island, which to be fair, even matt mercer has said essentially, "the power of friendship")
am i supposed to believe that in 6 years, he's been depressed, angry, resentful, and more??? he's still harbouring so much anger that he's fucking rude to everyone- and that in 1-2 years he's just oKAAY
SURE- he gets friendlier within the duration of 4R, and SURE he's polite and respectful when luis passes. and he even gets lured out to save ada when he sees that she's in danger. he's even about to go check on her before the bugs come to attack him >:( but even up to the very end, he's still mostly avoidant to ashley. (which is fair, and im so glad they removed the overtime line) saying, "you don't need me," which is a nice way to tie it back to her gaining some sense of agency. sure she's not taking on any ganados lol but she's come out of this better, stronger, SURE.
but leon? is he really okay? is it just another mission? he's not that excited to get back home, he's not that excited at all for much.
WAY too long; dr
leon was fundamentally changed so much in 4R and i feel as though the game didn't do enough of an arc to make it so that we can bridge the gaps between all the iterations of leon. i understand that he's suffering with ptsd and his own traumas, but his lashing out towards everyone else goes against his own moral principles. he's not a mean or rude person, at least not to people who don't deserve it. i find 4R leon different from his re4 counterpart, yes- but he's so different in ways that make it harder to sympathize with him and his actions.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Do you think you could write a piece about Harry and y/n having sex but she’s like really short and Harry is like throwing her around and just manhandling her and fucking destroying her guts but also make kinda fluffy pls😔👉👈
Welcome Home
Anonymous Said: Hi I’ve discovered this blog recently and can I please just take a moment to say Wow... you’re writing is amazing and your ideas and concepts are brilliant. I’m not sure if your taking requests or concepts but here’s an idea. SNL pilot Harry like with the grey hair and all coming home to his wife who misses him dearly after awhile followed by you know what. And if you could include size kink (I really liked that concept)
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s so late guys! Since I’ve been writing for a year now, I figured that I’d give an ‘Au’ a try. When I got this request, I was completely floored. Like holy shit, sexy ass older pilot!Harry, and small!Y/n. All of this is perfection and I love this so much! Enjoy🙃
4.7k words
Harry loved his job. He considered himself to be pretty lucky to have the ability to travel the world and see places he’d only dreamt of growing up. Even though he wasn’t in those places for an extended amount of time, simply being there was more than enough for Harry and it made him want to go back and explore. If he was lucky, he’d have multiple flights to the same place or longer layover in these But what Harry loved most about his job was the fact that he got to do it all with the love of his life. 
When you two first met, Harry’d been a pilot for some years and you were just hired for your job as a flight attendant. You knew that it wasn’t the most glamorous profession int the world, but you wanted to dip your toes into the pool of world travel, and this was the route you were taking to start. Before your first flight you’d asked around about the pilots for your flight and you were met with the same response each time. Everyone said that Harry was one of the nicest people in the world and was pretty good looking too, but his copilot was the person you were advised to try your best to avoid. Luckily, you only had to interact with Harry. Both you and Harry hated to say it and be all cliché, but from the moment you two laid eyes on and interacted with each other you both were hooked. Even though the both of you could’ve really used the entirety of your breaks to get some sleep, you and Harry couldn’t stop talking to each other. From that point on, the two of you became inseparable. During layovers that were more than just a couple hours and Harry had some spare time outside of his duties as pilot, the two of you would spend time together. You two were so caught up in each other and being together that you’d swap flights and breaks with the other flight attendants so that you and Harry could be together. And Harry did the same. He’d always put in a word with the people who made the schedules to ensure that he was flying the flights you were on or he’d try to get you on his flights. 
After constantly being on flights together and even running into each other during your times off, you and Harry were pretty convinced that you two should give a relationship a try. Even though there was a significant risk involved with starting a relationship with someone who was pretty much your boss and/or employee, you and Harry were willing to take that risk. And you two never looked back. In fact, disclosing you guys’ relationship made things way easier for you and Harry; you two were almost always on the same flights together. Now, you two are happily married and traveling the world together about 99% of the time. You both absolutely hated when the 1% times came around. You two became so used to being on the same flights that when you weren’t, you and Harry were a bit sad and even a little homesick believe it or not. This time unfortunately was Harry’s turn to fly without you. There wasn’t a moment on his trip that Harry didn’t miss you. He was focused on his job but he was still thinking about you. He was constantly wondering about what you were doing at home. When he took his break he just laid there and the cuddles and kisses he’d get if you were there with him. He also missed listening to your passenger horror stories and pushing you to just keep going. And on top of all that, Harry missed all the times you two would try to quietly go at it in the bathroom or crew resting area depending on whether or not you two were the only ones on break. Even though he was able to talk to you during his layover, he was counting the days and eventually hours until he came back home to you. As soon as he landed on the tarmac at the airport, Harry was on a mission to get home. After following all the necessary after flight procedure and filling out all of the necessary paperwork, Harry threw his bag into his car and sped home to you.
Surprisingly, Harry was able to get home and not get a ticket. He quickly pulls into the driveway and carries himself and his bag into the house. When he walks through the front door, Harry could immediately feel your presence. He could feel your warmth radiating through the entire house. All he had to do now as find you. Before checking upstairs, he makes his way around the main level of the house to look for you. As he exits the kitchen and makes his way down the hall, Harry could hear your soft hums getting louder and louder. When he reaches the laundry room, he sees you standing at the folding in the corner. Simply seeing you bought a big smile to his face. He then wastes no time coming over to you and wrapping his arms around your smaller body. 
“Honey I’m home.” Harry happily coos in your ear before pressing a soft kiss below it. When he does this, you turn around in his arms to get a better look at him. 
“Welcome home.” You whisper back to him, lifting yourself up onto your tips of your toes to bring your lips to his. As soon as your lips connect, the both of you release sighs of content. You two were back together. It doesn’t take long for Harry’s arms to tighten around your body and hoist you up onto the table behind you. The kiss lasts a little longer before you pull away from his lips. 
“How was your long haul without me?” You hum, sliding your hands up the lapels of his jacket.
“It was hell.” Harry says pointedly. 
“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“Was thinking about you the whole time.” Harry frowns a little at you to emphasize his point. 
“I missed you too baby.” You coo softly to him. You then reach up and pull the captains hat off of his head, sitting it down next to you before pushing your hands through his greying curls. When you two first met, he had some grey hairs here and there. But now they had taken over just about all of his head; and you were very into it. “Any annoying kids or weird old ladies?” You ask him. 
 “For the kids, I wouldn’t know. I like to stay in the front of the plane or the crew area.” Harry begins truthfully. “But as for the old ladies, they always want to break off a piece of this.” He continues smugly.
“Why would they want you? Do they wanna swap arthritis creams or something?” You joke with a laugh, watching his face fall in the process. 
“I will have you know that I’m considered a silver fox. And you know it.” Harry defends, slightly tilting his head up away from you. When he says this all you could do was pucker your lips and bite the inside of them because what he said was in fact true. You just couldn’t let him know that. “Now what’d you get into while I was gone?” Harry asks curiously with a smirk from his previous victory. 
“Did some stuff around the house and I did a little missing you retail therapy.” You reply happily. 
“So I take it that the credit card bill this month is gonna be a little higher than normal?” Harry asks suspiciously. 
“Just a little.” You whisper trying to undermine your shopping spree. 
“A little?” Harry asks you again, already knowing that you’re undermining how much you actually spent. 
“Mhm.” You mumble, nodding your head sweetly in the process. 
“You’re too cute and pretty for your own good.” Harry chuckles and shakes his head down at you. 
“You love it though.” You hum happily up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I do.” Harry sighs contently. This is what he missed. He missed being in your arms and just loving on you. He loved seeing your smile and feeing your small arms wrap around him. “I actually bought you a couple things.” Harry whispers, tightening his grip around your back. 
“Is it more skimpy lingerie?” You question him, making sure to spread a wide smirk across your face. Instead of readily replying to you, Harry simply unwraps one of his arms from around your back and he brings it up to the front of your dress. Since the front of your dress was loosely wrapped around your body to keep it closed, Harry as able to simply pluck back the top a little to get a good look at your body beneath the fabric. 
“Well I guess this is my cue to stop buying the lingerie, since you’re not even wearing it.” Harry points out, looking down into your dress to find your bare, supple breasts resting on your chest. It took a lot of self control for Harry in that moment to not stick his hand down your dress to take your plushy flesh into his hand.
“Well I thought it was for our sexy times or when I send you pictures while you’re on a trip and on your break or stuck in a hotel room without me.” You explain to him. You even throw in a little pout; you wanted to keep your fancy and very pretty lingerie flow going. “But I am wearing one of the pairs of  panties you picked up in Italy if you wanna see how some of your purchases look on me.” You whisper lowly to him. You then use your arms that are hooked around his neck to pull his head down closer to yours. Harry was already a bit hard from finally being home with you. Now he was getting even harder from your words. 
“Is it bad that I’ve only been home for 20 minuets and I’m already thinking about completely ravishing you?” Harry mumbles against your pillow soft lips. “Just so pretty baby.” Harry grumbles frustratedly before bringing his mouth the rest of the way to yours while pulling you closer to the edge of the table. He couldn’t believe that he, a man who turned 40 a couple months prior, was getting all riled up and turned on the same way he did 20 plus years ago. That was just the age defying effect you had on him. 
“No, not at all.” You begin as you pull away from the short lived yet beyond passionate kiss, slowly bringing your left hand up the back of his neck to his hair. “In fact, every time I see you in your head to toe pilots get up, I’m always fighting the strong urge to fall to my knees and take your cock down my throat.” You bluntly continue, your voice filled with a very nonchalant and teasing tone. 
When this statement left your mouth, Harry was a little bit taken aback. But at the same time he wasn’t. After slowly building up your friendship that in no time blossomed into a more romantic relationship together, Harry was able to slowly show you the ropes so to speak and teach you just about everything you knew when it came to the bedroom and a happy and healthy relationship. When you two progressed to the more intimate stage of your budding relationship, you were pretty inexperienced. You didn’t know your way around the bedroom at all. You we’re still a virgin and you didn’t even know the ins and outs of making out with someone. All you knew was that this smart, extremely kind, absolutely gorgeous, and just overall stunning human being, older man who just so happened to be the pilot on your flight had taken a strong interest in you. And luckily for you, your lack of experience was the least of his concerns. It was like you hit the jackpot with him. Fast forward to now when you two are a married couple, you’ve taken all of the tips and tricks he’s taught over time and you’re running with it. Harry wasn’t the only who had the ability to do things to your body that would make your toes to curl, your entire body to go numb, and cause your mind to deem it all indescribable. You also had the ability to turn Harry into a pleasured, borderline incoherent, and moaning mess; something that most women in his past who were his age or slightly older weren’t even able to do. So it wasn’t a complete surprise that those words came from your mouth.
“Who knew that my pretty little wife had such a filthy mouth.” Harry gasps with a condescending tone.
“Well I’m not a prudish old man like you.” You simply reply. This was the button in Harry that you loved to push. 
“I don’t know where you’re getting that from but I’m far from prudish and I’m definitely not an old man.” Harry says matter of factly. “If I remember it correctly, I made you wear vibrating panties for the entirety of an 18 hour flight.” Harry recalls, making his point against being called prudish. 
“Everyone uses those. Especially older men.” You smugly whisper back, pushing even harder on this button of his. 
Harry knew exactly what you were doing. He knew that you were pushing his button so that he’d unleash everything he had built up over the course of his trip into you. It didn’t take much for him to realize that you wanted him to really make up for not being with you for almost a week. The both of you were itching to feel and be around each other again. After you and Harry made it past the learning and teaching phase of you guys’ sex life, the two of you acquired a constant hunger for one another. When you and Harry had some time off, the sex would be nonstop. Whether it was cockwarming or full on sex where you’re riding his cock or he was slamming himself deep into your pussy, you and Harry were always looking for ways to be around each other like this. And it was exactly the same when you two were on the job. Even though you two didn’t have the freedom to go at it whenever you wanted, you and Harry still found ways to be with each other. For some reason, seeing each other dressed in your uniforms was a bit of a turn on. It didn’t help that the both of you were borderline thrill seekers and loved the rush that came along with trying to be quiet as you both were experiencing some of the best pleasure you’d ever felt.
“Well do all older men pound and shove their cocks into their girlfriends, and now wives tight little cunts over and over again until she’s begging and crying for him to slow down and let them cum? Because if not, I’ve got countless stories about me doing that to you in the cramped bathroom on a flight, in restaurant bathrooms, dressing rooms, upstairs, on the couch, the kitchen counter, right here on this table, and many other places.” Even though you acted confident and enjoyed battling Harry for dominance, you were able to easily fall into a more submissive role. The way he’s calmly able to say the filthiest things made your body quake and your panties become even more soaked than they already were. You were never going to be able to forget about all of those times. How and why would you ever forget the times where he’s hoisted you up against a door or a wall, or pushed you down against the counter, tightly wrapped a hand around your mouth to keep you quiet, and deliciously slammed his cock up into you? If you focused in on those memories, you could remember and almost feel him inside you.
That’s what you wanted right now. You wanted him to pound into you so hard that you’d a sore, moaning mess and you wanted to make up for the time you two weren’t together. This was the first time in a good while that you weren’t scheduled for a flight with Harry and you really missed him. And his cock. So if you had to push one of his buttons to really get what you both wanted, you were going to do it. 
“Well I think you guys can do that,” You begin, pausing to run your hands down from his neck and across the expanse of his broad shoulders. “I just think that you may need a little help if you know what I mean.” You finish. When you say this, Harry knows exactly what you were implying and he wasn’t having any of it. 
“You and this pretty little body of yours is gonna get it.” Harry growls before yanking you up from the table and pulling you into his body. He quietly marches you both up the stairs and to your shared bedroom. When he reaches the foot of the bed, he releases his once tight grip on your body and drops you down onto the bed. He continues to go about everything silently, shoving his jacket off of his shoulders and working on his tie and shirt.
“You look really hot in that uniform just so you know.” You admire from the bed below him. You watch him chuckle at your statement as he shrugs his shirt and undone tie off his body. You were really turned on right now. Like the sight of his bare, toned and tattooed chest and arms was a sight you could stare at forever. Add onto that the fact that he was mad and taking control over you and you were setup to be a complete mess. And your panties could definitely attest to that. You were completely drenched and dying to feel him against and inside you. 
“You don’t have to butter me up baby.” Harry begins as he undoes his shoes. “M’still gonna take care of you and that smart mouth of yours.” Harry guarantees, shoving his shoes and socks off his feet and standing back up to work on his pants. “Gonna make sure you know what I can do to you.” Harry finishes, finally undoing his belt and shoving his pants along with his boxers down his legs. When you see his thick and very hard cock, you couldn’t stop a moan or two from escaping your mouth. “I take it someone needs my cock.” Harry chuckles at your desperation for his cock. He planned on showing you just how much you needed him. He then comes closer to the edge of the bed and in one swift motion, Harry pulls you up from your lying position and flips you onto your front. He masterfully undoes the tie on the back of your dress and he flips you back onto your back. He tugs at the fabric, opening your dress and exposing your partially naked body to him. He takes a moment to admire your body and all he could do is bite his lip. He couldn’t believe that he managed to be away from this for nearly an entire week. 
Harry quickly snaps out of his trance when he feels his cock twitch slightly and he leans down to scoop you up into his arms. When he does this, Harry keeps you low in his grip so that you’d be right against his cock. He keeps one arm securely around your body and pulls your arms from the dress. Once it’s completely off of you, he drops it into the pile of his clothes and drops you back onto the bed. Before crawling up and on top of you, Harry uses your claves to push you a little higher up onto the bed and to flip you back onto your stomach. When he does this, you really know you’re in for it. Whenever you were in this position Harry really made sure to slam into you and make you scream. When he crawls up and is on top of you from behind, he wastes no time in ripping the barely there panties off your body. For the first time in what felt like forever, Harry didn’t snap the delicate undergarment in half. Once they’re out of the way, Harry has complete access to your body.
“Gonna be a good girl and take daddy’s cock?” Harry asks, squeezing the flesh of your ass before raising it up just to crash it back down.
“Mhm.” You whimper, really feeling the sting from the sudden slap.
“Use your words.” Harry demands, raising his hand back up to deliver another slap to your backside. 
“Yes daddy.” You cry out to him, this time feeling not only the sting of his slaps but also feeling of your juices dripping onto the sheets.
“Good girl.” Harry hums at your response. He then straddles your thighs, wanting to keep you in place when he pushes into you. He lifts himself up so that he’s hovering over you, and he grips onto his cock to give himself a good squeeze, resulting in him letting out a loud grumble behind you (that went straight to your clit). He tightly grips onto the flesh of one of your cheeks and he pulls your ass apart to get a better view of you. When he sees your puckered hole, Harry gets a little idea. In the process of lining himself up with your entrance, Harry uses his cock to put a little pressure on your tighter hole. When he does this, words begin to pour out of your mouth. 
“M’too tight daddy.” You rush out to him, trying to stop his actions. Harry knew that you were too tight for him at the moment, but he just liked to work you up a little and hear you beg.
“Don’t worry baby. When were done, daddy’s gonna get you nice and ready for his cock.” He promises, lowering his cock from your second hole down to the first. When you feel his thick head nudging at your entrance, your moans got louder. You needed him to be inside you already. 
“Want your big cock daddy.” You beg. You try to move back against him but he’s practically sitting on your thighs, which is pinning you to the bed. 
“Whats the magic word?” Harry teases.
“Please daddy?” And with that, Harry is finally sinking his cock into you. When you feel his cock stretching you to fit all of him, your mind goes blank. All you could come up with was strings of loud moans and feeling good. You felt full agains which was all you really wanted. As he continues to sheath his cock with your walls, Harry’s hand leaves his shaft and goes right to your other cheek. He pulls your ass completely apart and watches as his cock disappears into you.
“That’s it, take this cock sweetheart.” Harry pants in amazement. He was still in awe at how a small woman like you was able to take every last inch of his manhood. Once he’s fully inside, Harry’s eyes trail up your body to find you resting your cheek against the sheets with your mouth wide open. Thats what he wanted to see. Keeping his hands on your ass, Harry lifts himself up so that he’s hovering over you and goes straight into slamming in and out of your tight and very wet pussy. As he does this, your entire body quakes at the amazing sensation of him fucking you. Feeling him pound into your stomach as he called you his sweet girl and his pretty little wife was beyond extraordinary. You could feel the familiar tight and warm knot beginning to form in the pit of your stomach already.
As Harry fucks into you, he’s beyond turned on. The way you’re pinned below him as he shoves his cock deep into you along with you pitifully whimpering, moaning, and crying at how good he felt was really doing things to Harry. He never wanted to be away from you ever again. He wanted to feel you every single day.
After fucking into you from behind for a good while and feeling the tight burning sensation forming in the pit of his stomach as well, Harry figures that he’s going to cum soon and he wants to watch your face twist as he does. He then proceeds to stop thrusting all together and pull out of you, which causes you to grumble, resulting in you receiving a hard “shut up” slap to your ass. He then gets lifts himself off of you and flips tugs you onto your back. He knocks your legs apart and gets in between them before slamming his cock back into you.
“Like this baby. Like it when daddy takes control of this tight little cunt of yours?” He pants, continuing to slam his his cock into you. You were too caught up in how good he was making you feel that you couldn’t even form a worded response. All you could do was thrash your head against the bed in agreement. When he sees this, a very wide smirk rises to his face. This is exactly what he missed and wanted to see. You taking all of his cock while you’re quivering and barely holding on. As he continues, Harry can feel the warmth from the pit of his stomach spreading to his entire body, signifying to him that his release was getting extremely close. Judging by the way your once tight grip on the sheets has gone loose, your pitiful whimpers, and the way you’re tightening up around him you’re feeling the exact same way. To make you cum around his cock, with him following right behind you Harry only has to do two things. First, he brings his palm to your lower stomach and presses it into you; putting pressure on the warm knot that was about to explode and allowing him to feel his cock moving inside you. He then comes down, bringing his mouth to your ear to whisper one thing into your ear. “Not too bad for an old man right?” Harry hums patronizingly into your ear. He wanted you to eat your words. And you were. His words, the pressure from his hand, and his cock causes you to burst at the seams around him. You let out a mixture of gasps and whimpers as you completely let go around Harry’s cock. When he feels your walls contracting around him, Harry lets go as well. He releases every last drop of the sexual frustration he’d been carrying around all week; and it felt so good. He loved painting your walls with his cum.
Once the both of you are done and it’s safe to pull out, Harry’s slowly pulls his sopping wet cock from your cunt and collapses onto the bed next to you. 
“Harry, I can’t feel my legs.” You whimper after a couple minuets of silence. 
“M’surprised you’re not used to it by now.” Harry hums smugly. Once he says this, a temporary lull fell over you two. You and Harry were very anxious to go at it again, but you two were holding off to see who would initiate round two. 
“Did you take something before you came in the house?” You whisper over to him, deciding that you needed to be the one to initiate round two.
“Do I need to come over there and shove my cock down that pretty throat of yours for you to get the point?” Harry chuckles at your persistence. 
“Only if you want to.” You whisper sweetly. 
“Oh I want to, and don’t you doubt that.” Harry says matter of factly. 
“Well can we cuddle first? Haven’t cuddled since the night before you left.”
“Anything you want.” Harry coos before moving closer to your limp body. 
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
joining the dea and javier peña falling for you would include
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a/n: first javier request and my soft clown ass did her best to bring this request justice for you corazoncitos,, wow anyways pls love me either way if this is actual garbage
taglist: @fandomnerd16 @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @umvirgo @redhairedace
let me know if you want to be tagged!
ok so when i thought about this- my mind went straight to a slow b u r n relationship :))
because all i can think about is him not even realizing the moment where you- the very person hes been trying to avoid since day one- holds his entire heart in your hands
like him coming to the point where he notices hes so deep in love with you the very second he stared at you a little longer than usual,,
 not paying attention to what you said even though he was staring straight at your lips- 
and hes just over here like “fuck me,, this cant be happening-”
i laugh because i know he would start to get all nervous around you,, 
his tie feeling like its choking him when he tries to talk to you, becoming tongue tied,, when he had literally zero problems before talking with you- 
his palms sweating and getting so frustrated with himself,, especially when he looks over at you when you laugh at something steve or horacio said to you-
just wanting you to be laughing at something he said instead-
just the literal exact opposite feelings hes been trying to push away and convince himself he doesnt have has him beyond done with himself at this point because he knows theres no way out of this-
because?? since when the fuck ever did the javier pena start getting nervous around trying to talk to a woman and much less the person that hes supposed to be working with,, thats what pisses him off- 
and i would imagine him having this closed off connection with you since the first step you took in the office
because i have this thought in my head where javier wouldnt have liked the news of you joining the dea in colombia when he first heard about it
bc theres already so much stress going on from trying to catch escobar,,
and hes not about to have to train and catch your rookie ass up to them ya feel?
but woW does he realize he has it all fucking backwards about you when steve introduces you to javi when you get there-
like im not going to lie,, i can feel it in my bones that javier wouldnt really care when both you and steve are standing in front of him
i can just imagine him just glancing up,, looking you over once and just brushing you off,,
just giving you a short hello with like a forced smile and getting up,, grazing past you two-
and steves over here rolling his eyes like “dont listen to him, he can be an asshole,, but youll get used to it-”
i dont know- i get the feeling that you and steve would get along well since the start,, like the two of you becoming best friends:)
because he knows what its like to be in a different country and even more, what its like to be the rookie
so hes just having you always stick with him all the time,, being dea buddies :)) wow
but also having a good relationship with carrillo because i just know he would see something in you-
youre not the one to be a goody-two shoes like steve in the beginning and just by hanging around with you for 5 minutes,, he already loves you and is always with you on missions,,
like you becoming one of the people he trusts the most in the group :)
just- you befriending the whole office to the point everyone would come to you for literally anything-
i laugh imagining javiers amargado ass always being annoyed af by that,, because weve seen this man stress tf over escobar and bernas bs hes always pulling-
and hes just trying to be serious for once and not have this whole case drag on any longer than it has to the point where people dont come to him anymore- 
but listen- i can see you having this attitude with him all the time,, like challenging him everytime you interact with him,,
literally not giving 2 shits if he listens to you,, just getting under his skin and steves over here already on your side no matter what-
i cant-  imagining him giving you an attitude back,, pushing you away and sending you with murphy but
 :(( even tho he wont ever admit it then,, :( he lives for bantering with you because those would come to be the highlights of his day :((
like in those moments he slowly starts to realize unconsciously he doesnt hate you at all,, he just doesnt know how to handle these feelings he has for you because he gives me vibes of him never settling down-
but here he fucking is,, not even noticing that hes constantly looking at you,, sitting up straight when he sees you start to walk over to him :(
or like him muttering to himself,, trying to convince his mind that he doesnt and shouldnt see you in a romantic way-
but he just can’t help stop thinking about you,, the way you smiled at him that morning or that you chose to sit by him during a meeting- 
i dont know- im just emotional at the thought of him being so hopelessly in love with you,, like not even fighting it anymore because he cant
just him slowly coming around to being near you all the time,, and maybe just checking up on you,,
i CRY at thought of him becoming your number one hype man :((
like him yelling at everyone to shut up and listen to you when you have something to say about information-
the both of you smiling to each other,, like him nodding in your direction because he has your back :)) wow i aM SOFT
im fucking sorry but the way he has literal HEART EYES watching you talk in front of everyone,,
not even paying attention to what youre saying just focusing on the way hes never noticed the little details about you- i
this bitch is literally in a haze,, focusing all of his  attention on you,,
like he doesnt even notice when steve looks over at him and back to you,, smile on his face when he realizes what javis thinking about-
i cant- and him elbowing javiers side when you finish talking because hes not even moving from his spot,, still too embobado watching you like
“you fucking like her dont you?”- 
:((HOLD ON?? - I SOB at the thought of steve being the wingman because he just wants the best for both of his friends,,,
 he makes it his fucking mission to get you two together- :((
like im imagining him being the type to give you a note or something from carrillo or messina-
telling you to pass it on to javier even tho he’s literally like 4 feet away from you both lol
like hes just trying to push you two to spend more time together as much as possible-
woW because can you imagine you giving javier these smALL HEART EYES AS YOU WALK UP TO HIM,,
the two of you being stuck to the floor when youre giving him the note,, both of you waiting for the other to make a move first,, 
neither of you being able to get 2 words out to eachother even though you both would banter with each other before but now?? its a difference feel
and all the while steve is over here next to carrillo,, the both of them betting which of you two is going to do something first lmao
god im sorry but im :(( imagining you giving him a small smile and walking away buT javiers not even looking at the note because hes over here standing there,, not moving a single muscle,, just watchinG YOU LEAVE WITH THE BIGGEST HEART EYES WHEN YOURE NOT LOOKING AT HIM ANYMORE- :(((
oh my god, wow can you imagine steve getting connie in on this because hes just so done waiting and watching you both fucking struggle to get 4 words out to eachother- so much p i n n i n g
so like the two of them would definitely do this double date just to get the two of you together outside of work :))
but:) they would skip :)) halfway through the date or just not show up at all :)))
and have you and javier go on :)the date alone :)) so its just the two of you :) WOW
listen i dont make the rules but you and javier definitely walk in the next day together,, holding fucking hands perhaps?? im- i need to go sob
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hillariat · 4 years
Bubbline fanfic rec list
I did it. I made a master rec list of good Bubbline fanfics. Will keep updating this until I leave the fandom.
Grouped by setting (eg. Highschool AU, AT universe, Family AU etc.) in alphabetical order. They’re all romantic bubbline unless stated otherwise. This is a living document so I’ll be updating it every now and then with new fics and stuff. For any questions, changes or additions, please feel free to pm me on reddit/tumblr @hillariat
*SMUT = A significant portion of the fic is dedicated to SMUT
*some SMUT= A part of the fic has explicit smut, but it isn't a major part of the story
*UwU=personal faves
calamitous love
Author: lexaproeighty
Setting: Astronaut AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,173
Tags: Fluff, emotionally stupid PB.
Summary: Author’s summary: bonnie's in her feelings. oh, and about to go into space.
what was missing
Author: spookyscaryskeletons (Buttons15)
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,678
Tags: Fluff, emotionally constipated PB.
Summary: Honestly the most solid, canon compliant take on their relationship. I loved this shit and half my headcanons are from here.
Author’s summary: In which Bonnie has feelings, she does, but feelings are hard and complicated and she rather ignore them until they punch her in the face.
Let you Lead
Author: purplebutterflies
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,225
Tags: Fluff, Mild comedy,Marceline being an idiot
Summary: Marceline being a useless gay and Bonnie taking the lead. Writing gets better after the inciting incident, trust me.
After UwU
Author: 61wisampa
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 23,888
Tags: Major character death, Grieving, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Moving On, Friendship
Summary: This shit be an intense feels trip yo. Like an "I stayed up ‘til 6am" kind of intense. I had to reread this fic twice in order to emotionally process everything. It definitely isn't your average bubbline angst.
Author’s summary: It was hard, having someone similar yet different. It kept Marceline stuck walking along the line that prevented her from moving on.
Everybody Knows Your Name
Author: Sunshine18
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,671
Tags: Exes, Discussion of past abuse, past Ash being an asshole, pre-bubbline
Summary: Solid exploration of PB and Marcy as exes and how they started becoming "civil" post breakup. References to major events in early AT and how PB and Marcy were affected. Can be read independently of “Contact” even though it is a sequel of that.
Bitter Sugar UwU
Author: QueenOfTheRevue (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Discontinued | 72,000
Tags: Political drama, Arranged marriage, Political Conspiracy, fantasy
Summary:The plot's so intense it deserves to be in a goddamn Kdrama. Literally never read anything else like it in the fandom. A well done, intense drama set in a unique  political landscape. Hybrid democratic monarchies, Age old conspiracies, fandom references, Marceline in military uniform, c'mon just read it!.
Musicology series
Author: CountingWithTurkeys
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 625,723 (as of 06/02/2021) 
Tags: Canon compliant, angst, fluff, mindfuckery, sociopathic people, some SMUT
Summary: Set in a possible but not probable AT universe. Darker and heavier overall tone. It's the kind of fic that will give your brain a workout. Dysfunctional Bubbline that becomes healthier. Solid portrayal of dysfunction with a believable interpretation of PB and Marcy
Author: deltau
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,004
Tags: Fluff, SMUT, virtual reality, shapeshifting
Summary: Bonnie gets her VR machine working and the couple delves into the realm of Marcy's mind. Bonnie makes some pleasant discoveries and afterwards they have some fun time. 
Our perfect disease
Author: JupiterDelphinus
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 112,000
Tags: Non-chronological, anthology, some SMUT, fluff, hurt/comfort, canon divergent
Summary: Past, present and future scenes from the pair. Tone and ratings (G to EXPLICIT) vary according to the chapter. Each chapter is a self contained narrative that helps build the overarching Bubbline story. Very cute, very uwu feels.
Apples after Midnight series
Author: Xekstrin
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 18,565
Tags: SMUT, feels, fluff
Summary: Starts off smutty but then has a lot of feels. Has a legitimate exes romance plot.
The One Where There's No Gunther
Author: ijemanja (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,899
Tags: Comedy, Fluff
Summary: Has very good AT-esque dialogue.I can actually imagine the characters saying the lines.
Author's summary: All are welcome at the Coffee Kingdom, even pain in the ass vampire queens. (No Ice Kings, though.)
Double Sugar, Extra Whip
Author: amphitrite
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,067
Tags: College, Fluff
Summary: Classic coffee shop AU. Think a Vanilla latte. You know what you're getting
Author: ValhallaKoala
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 6,298
Tags: Comedy, College, Adorable af
Summary: Author's summary: Black coffee tastes just as good as a caramel macchiato, right? Right!?
Bonnibel is socially inept and makes some questionable decisions.
Viscosity UwU
Author: The Denominator
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 9,049
Tags: Feels, non-chronological, sexual references
Summary: College AU but definitely not a classic college AU. It's one of a kind, makes you feel
C's get degrees
Author: megapidgeots
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 102,550
Tags: Comedy, fluff, feels, just college roomies getting along
Summary: Classic College AU, you get what you see. 
Author's summary: Bonnie has just started her first year of University, and finds she has a mostly neutral-verging-on-hesitantly-positive opinion of her new roommate, Marceline.
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 67,493 (06/02/2021)
Tags: Comedy, fluff
Summary:College AU but you try to cram as many tropes in as possible. It's fun
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,883 
Tags: Fluff
Author’s summary:The other woman hesitated, eyes doing that thing where they narrowed and seemingly judged Bonnibel for existing, and then she sighed. “I don’t hate you,” She murmured and Bonnibel felt a weird feeling of what felt like relief come over her.
Author: breeeliss
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 21,058
Tags: SMUT, sexual tension, teasing, build up
Summary: Marcy is a tease and Bonnie is a thot.
Show and Tell
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 1,527 (as of 06/02/2021)
Tags: soon to be SMUT, Camgirl, toys, strong sexual references
Summary: Character interactions (so far) are adorable and endearing. Really makes you ship them
Entry 38 UwU
Author: deltau
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 5,969
Tags: SMUT, sad feels, strap-on, car sex
Summary: Smut and sad feels
Happy Birthday, Kitten
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College Party AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,030
Tags: SMUT, car sex, praise kink, Top! Bonnie
Summary: Cop Bonnie and Party girl Marcy. That is all. Come get your Top! Bonnie smut
Author: mellish
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 5,932
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Break up, Sad ending
Summary: “It’s like holding a test tube and not knowing what’s inside it, not knowing how much damage will be done if it breaks apart.” Traces their relationship from beginning to end. Has my fave ending line of all fics on this list.
Groupies Wanna Get Fucked
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: Concert, human AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,973
Tags: SMUT
Summary: Author's summary: Bonnibel's NOT a groupie. Except, she is because this is smut. Enjoy! :)
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Concert, human AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 2,784
Tags: First meeting
Summary: Very cute character interaction. Short and sweet.
40 Weeks
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Family AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 221,000
Tags: Pregnancy, Cavity inducing fluff, Slice of life, sexual references
Summary: Domestic grown adult bubbline? Check. Hella extra know it all Bonnie? Check. Snarky Marcy? Check. Some deep feels and backstory? Check. Tooth rotting bubbline fluff? Check. Why the hell aren't you reading this?? This story is really good, starts slow but really picks up after like chapter 12
Pray for the Preacher's daughter UwU
Author: reliquiaen (Ao3) / ArcaFeretory (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 232,197
Tags: Slow burn
Summary:THE fic for the Bubbline fandom. Its the fic that everyone knows and recommends and for good reason. Strong execution of the Punk x Goody two shoes formula.Just... read it if you’d read HS AUs
Anonymous UwU
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 229,681 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, TW for abuse
Summary:The second coming of Pray for the preacher's daughter. JK. Seriously though it's a good slow burn with quality that is as good, if not better than, Pray for the preacher's daughter. The bubbline duo in this fic are just,, pure. So pure I can feel the cavities. Also the author updates every week (as of 6/02/2021)
High School Confidential
Author: gloss
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,085
Tags: Fluff, Flirting
Summary: Marceline never gets too attached to one place or person. In fact, it's probably for the best because her family constantly moves from place to place like nomads. She might stick around this time though. Cute interactions and flirting.
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,918
Tags: Fluff
Author’s summary:Every species has its variants. Bonnie's just trying to figure out which ones are good and which ones are bad.
A love like war
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 433,715 
Tags: Slow burn
Summary: Bonnie moves from New York to some tiny af town in the middle of nowhere. She is not happy.
Different UwU
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Discontinued | 25,022
Tags: Cavity inducing sweet Fluff, Autism, discrimination
Summary: Very sweet and fluffy. Like an I will need to go to the dentist level fluff. Characterisation is a bit OOC but it's a very well written piece. I would send this to people who aren't in the fandom and say it's an original piece. It's that good.It ends off in a good place too.
Author: alizarin_scribbles
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,883 
Tags: Mutual Pining, Angst, Sad ending
Summary: Star crossed lovers that were so close.
Author’s summary: How they were now was normal enough, not too intimate or indifferent in any respect. Back then, their relations simply didn't have any room for change. Now, Bonnie couldn't help but wonder exactly how such casual acquaintanceship had led to the ghostlike fire currently trickling through her veins.
Glandular Fever
Author: reliquiaen (Ao3) / ArcaFeretory (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete |3,740
Tags: Comedy, Fluff
Summary: Author's summary: In which I bundled all the awkward situations I could into a oneshot... and then made them worse.
the secret admirer
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete |4,724
Tags: Fluff, tooth rotting fluff, Bonnie being a disaster, Marceline being soft
Summary: Author’s summary: #ohsconfession220: To the girl who always hangs out in the library with the red hair and round glasses and freckles i think you’re the cutest person i’ve ever seen pls date me
Bonnie has a secret admirer... and she kind of hates it.
Will You Sign My Cast?
Author: bigpinkbaguette
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing |22,122
Tags: Angst, slowburn, childhood friends, enemies to lovers
Summary: The slow burn that hurts so, so much. Otherwise known as Bonnie is too emotionally constipated to deal with the baggage she has with Marceline.
Author: CandiedSweets
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing |36,806
Tags: Fluff, angst, Bonnie being the most useful gay ever, Useless gay Marceline
Summary: *gasps, a multi-chapter high school AU that isn't a slowburn?! Yep you heard right!
Author’s summary: Marceline’s missed a few days of school and a certain pink haired classmate brings her the work she’s missed, but accidentally finds out something about her in the process.
Bass Guitars and Grandad's Ashes
Author: LastOneFromHometown
Setting: Road trip AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 41,448 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Comedy, feels, trippy af, slight angst
Summary: Somehow makes even a funeral comedic. Has a very wild and funny charm to it whilst still having moments of feels. Trippy af, really has some AT vibes in it. Fun read.
Hooligans on the Highway
Author: Valverbek
Setting: Road trip AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 13,123 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Comedy, fluff, established relationship
Summary: A lighthearted and fun read about the gang going on a road trip for Finn’s 21st. Cute & chaotic vibes.
Slaughterhouse UwU
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Serial Killer AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 6,846
Tags: Murder, police, gore
Summary: Who'd be the best match for our beloved serial killer? Why, another psycho of course. One of my personal favorites
The Prolific Works of the Arctic Butcher
Author: HaveFunStormingTheCastle
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 40,627 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: angst, feels, exes, murder mystery,serial killer, slow burn, reunions 
Summary: Bonnibel is the mayor of Kingdom city. When seemingly unconnected and unsolved murders begin popping up left and right, Bonnie starts doing her own investigations, believing that there may be more than meets the eye. Somehow that brings her on a collision course with Marceline, successful rockstar extraordinaire and her ex. Circumstances force them both to examine their shared past and revisit the destruction they each left in their wake as they investigate a sinister killer with seemingly devious intentions for them both.
There she is (Or what to do when your ex is back in town)
Author: durantesknight
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 11,586
Tags: Exes, feels
Summary: A fascinating translation of the Bubbline relationship into a modern setting. This shit legit got me feeling.
Author's summary: Its been seven years since the last time Bonnie and Marceline saw each other, things weren't okay back then, they're not better now.
40 Weeks prequel series (can be read independently of each other and 40 weeks) :
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Working adults AU
1)This Could Be The Start Of Something
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,214
Tags: Graduation, first meeting, mild homophobia, anaphylaxis
Summary:Marceline and Jake crash a graduation party for free drinks. An ambulance was called.
2)To Fall, Gently And Otherwise
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,628
Tags: Fluff
Author's summary: Set between chapters one and two of This Could Be The Start Of Something. After three years of sharing an apartment Marceline really should know better than to take Jake's date advice.
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,065
Tags: Hurt/comfort, intellectual rivalry, differing opinions on alternative medicine, historical character death, feels
Author's summary: Even the most perfect couples can clash when they believe in fundamentally different things. But is Bonnie ready to swallow her pride and apologize even when she thinks she's in the right?
First and Last
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 15,351
Tags: hurt/comfort, feels, family, repressed gay
Summary: Just....intense feels
Author: NightBearrors
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,750
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, feels, exes, ambiguous end
Summary: Their reunion was like a tangent, colliding once only to depart again.
Author: ArrowOvis
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1707
Tags: angst, feels, exes, implied rape
Summary: Author summary: Dough can be a lot of things - wet, dry, fluffy, flat, pre-mixed, under-mixed...a lot. But most importantly, it can be shaped into something it wasn't before. Whether that is a good or a bad thing, only time can tell.
Alternatively titled: Bonnibel Buchman got screwed over and doesn't deal with it well.
Author: Asharyn
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 14,708
Tags: Fluff, some SMUT
Summary: Where Bonnie be whipped for Marcy. And vice versa. Honestly, just fluff and smut stripper AU.
End Of The World
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,465
Tags: Death, Gore, feels
Summary: zombie apocalypse AUs are basically non-existent for this ship, so here's a good one.
Author: spookyscaryskeletons (Buttons15)
Setting: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 9,194
Tags: Death, Gore, feels,angst
Summary: If you’ve ever wanted to read a zombie AU written by an actual doctor this is it. It's good. Set in The Last of Us (TLOU) universe though you can go into this without knowing anything about TLOU and still have a good experience. 
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dingdongitsbees · 4 years
“Gojo has a girlfriend!?” | Gojo x Reader Oneshot (Fluff)
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Synopsis:  Yuuji has just overheard a phone call with Gojo and this seemingly mysterious woman who's coming to visit. He brings the news to the other students, adamant that their teacher has a girlfriend much to the disbelief of Maki, especially when the possibility of the girlfriend being you arises.
Ao3 Link
WC: 2.6k TW: mentions of death/murder Just send an ask to be added to Gojo the taglist! (specify if you don’t want angst etc)
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Guys, guys! Gojo has a girlfriend!” Yuuji announced, slamming the door open to the classroom.
“I refuse to believe that,” Nobara said rolling her eyes. “He couldn’t get a girlfriend even if he had the most romantic script in front of him.”
“I second that,” Maki said, not even looking up from her phone.
“Tuna, tuna,” Toge agreed.
“He’s not that bad-” Yuuji started.
“He’s an egotistical, immature man child who thinks dick jokes are the height of humour, what women would be attracted to that?” Maki glared.
“Then explain to me why I heard him call someone babe over the phone just now! And why I heard a girl’s laugh!”
“You say that like he doesn’t do that to everyone,” Nobara sighed.
“He said they were coming today anyway!” Yuuji insisted. “And he said “I love you” before he hung up!”
Now that raised eyebrows in the room.
“He… he really said that?” Maki said slowly for Yuuji just to nod enthusiastically in reply. “Then who the hell did he brainwash to be his girlfriend?!”
The group moved out of the classroom to outside as they argued leaving Megumi alone to slurp his noodles who was happy to be forgotten in the conversation since he already knew the answer. Watching the two adults yearn obviously after each other for years still scarred him, but he was happy you were coming today, even if you had the worst taste in men.
“Seriously who the hell is it!” Nobara yelled. “There’s no way its Utahime right?” The group was stood at the top of the stone stairs that led into the school, waiting for the mysterious visitor.
“She’d rather die,” Maki deadpanned.
“Mei Mei?”
“She’d go for someone richer.”
“She’s too busy for relationships, let alone with Gojo.”
“We would have noticed that by now.”
“A civilian?” Yuuji suggested.
“Like there’s any way he could explain the jujutsu world to a civilian without making it look like he was insane.”
Panda hummed from behind them. “(y/n)?”
Maki went still. “How dare you taint her name like that.”
Yuuji and Nobara looked to each other. “(y/n)?” they said in sync.
“She’s one of the only other special grade sorcerers,” Panda explained. “She was in Shoko and Gojo’s grade in school. She’s Gojo’s best friend.”
Yuuji and Nobara’s eyes widened.
“He has friends?” Nobara asked with a bit too much genuine shock.
“Somehow,” Maki spoke solemnly, pushing up her glasses. “But (y/n) is too cool to ever do that!” She looked to the sky with her outstretched hand dramatically. “I would never idolise and want to follow in the footsteps of someone if they were that foolish!”
“Bonito flakes!”
Nobara mouthed a ‘woah’ at Maki’s intensity, never seeing her look up to someone with so much passion.
A Megumi scratching his neck joined them from behind, now full enough of food to deal with what would soon happen.
“Who do you think it is?” Yuuji asked him.
Megumi sighed. “It’s-”
Panda whipped his head up, ears twitching, everyone falling silent. They strained their human ears and soon heard footsteps on the gravel coming towards them. Without warning a stick came hurtling at Maki’s head with deadly accuracy who froze before quickly cutting it in half, the pieces gliding past her head before the others could even blink.
“You’ve certainly improved Maki!” A happy voice spoke. Soon they saw a small woman with hands in pockets walking up the stone steps with a grin. “Yo yo yo,” you greeted.
“(y/n)!” Nobara and Yuuji gulped at Maki with, wondering how she would react to the attack. “How was my form? Was it alright?”
“Pretty good, pretty good,” you laughed, “I personally would have just side stepped to dodge it to retain some energy. But if you’re going to counter, I’d suggest putting your front leg a little more forward to help with your balance, but I’m sure you already knew that.” Offering Maki a knowing grin. “You reacted much faster than you did last time though that’s for sure. You’ll definitely have the Zenins kissing your ass in no time.”
Maki nodded sharply with the compliment and Nobara couldn’t help but notice the smile she was trying to keep down to remain in her collected self.
You looked over to Megumi who begrudgingly stepped forward to say hello, but the twitching corners of his mouth said otherwise. You gave him the ritual hair ruffle which he leant down into, knowing you had missed being able to reach down to tiny child Megumi to bother him whenever you wanted, but he still indulged in your methods of affection.
“You keep getting taller what a pain,” you whined.
“It is what happens when children reach puberty,” Megumi deadpanned.
“Beside the point,” you replied with the dismissive wave of a hand. “It’s of personal offense to me.”
You looked over to the other two first years blankly, taking them in, analysing their builds and posture. They gulped nervously under your critical stare. “Ah you two must be nail girl and Sakuna’s vessel, Nobara and Yuuji, right?” You smiled, disarming their defensive walls, nodding. “Nice to meet you! I’ll be coming up here a bit more to help teach now and then so I’ll get to know you two well soon.”
They beamed and you couldn’t help but feel your heart warm at the positivity that still remained in young sorcerers. Too many let their immaturity and childlike wonder, and frankly the happy and fun side of themselves, behind as soon as they realised how the world really was for shamans, you included, but the younger generation always gave you a kick in the gut to force you to remember. An unintended gesture that was greatly appreciated.
“But anyway,” you said, dropping you smile and sighing melodramatically. “Where’s the dipshit?”
“Who-?” Nobara and Yuuji started.
“Over by the track field,” Maki said, the other second years and Megumi pointing with her.
“Coolio,” you acknowledged and stuck your hands back in your pockets and started to walk towards the field before you heard Maki speak.
“Speaking of… Gojo,” she began, “Is it true he has a girlfriend?”
You would have laughed at the question had it not been so shocking to you that the answer wasn’t glaringly obvious. You glanced over to Megumi who had obviously not told them yet, who just looked at you with so much resentment for having indirectly causing what must have been a very long conversation before you arrived.
You looked back to Maki. “He does yeah… why do you ask?”
“Well, we’ve been wondering who it is, is she a sorcerer?”
You nodded.
“Someone we know?”
You nodded again, trying not to let the slowly rising smile read on your face.
“Well…” Maki huffed, “Who is it?”
You raised your fingers to your lips and feigned zipping them closed. “I’ve been sworn to upmost secrecy,” which was just entirely untrue but kept it much more fun.
“But you’re smart I’m sure you can figure it out.”
Maki nodded, absolutely defeated as you waved goodbye and headed to the track.
It didn’t take long to find him, his overwhelming aura hit you before his slender hands covered your eyes from behind. “Guess who!”
“I couldn’t even begin to guess, maybe my ex I still have feelings for, I would probably break up with my boyfriend for him, he’s very annoying.”
“You ass,” he replied taking his hands off which you just laughed at. “Your ex is a fucking asshole.”
“That fact is written across the universe in holy star dust.”
You finally took a good look at him, his stature towering over you as always, but always bringing the feeling of being safe like under a shelter in the rain instead of any kind of looming threat height can give you. You made eye contact through his black blindfold and couldn’t help but wish it was the old days where he wore his glasses so you could see his eyes more clearly, but then again, the old days didn’t only offer happy memories, it was why you were here in the first place.
The gang peered at you two from behind the bushes, watching every excruciating detail they could pick up from the interactions.
“Nothing too out of the normal yet,” Maki breathed, “That’s just ordinary friend things yeah? Yeah?” she questioned Nobara who nodded enthusiastically. Though the younger girl couldn’t help but notice the affection in your look at him, or the way her teacher’s body seemed to soften and let his usually unnoticeable guard down.
You sat down on the large concrete steps together, close enough to feel each other’s warmth. You two looked to the sky and watched as birds passed in a group of four, gliding through the air with no need to need flap their wings.
“How are you?” You asked.
“Straight to the point huh?”
You couldn’t help but smile a little but stayed silent for him to answer.
“I mean, it’s the same as every year isn’t it?”
“We both know that isn’t true.”
The events of last year still haunted you, and Satoru too, even though he was much better at hiding it. The two of you walking up to Suguru’s dying self, his hand clutched on his bleeding stomach as the two of you were just standing in shock, staring at the man that used to be your guys’ best friend. Satoru being the one to do the finishing blow because you were too much of a mess to do it. Gojo Satoru is good at hiding things, but those who knew him well enough knew sometimes the cracks were visible in his perfect façade.
He sighed. “You need to stop being right all the time, it gets frustrating.”
You chuckled and bumped your shoulder into his, internally grinning at his infinity being turned off for you even though it was nothing new. You took the opportunity to rest you head on his shoulder as the two of you looked up into the sky again in silence. Just taking in the slow heartbeat you could hear.
It was a few minutes before it was broken again.
“It feels weird to still feel like celebrating the birthday of a person I don’t know anymore, let alone of a person I killed,” he said honestly. “Like how is the engrained feeling of an arbitrary date that I properly celebrated only three times only mean more to me than it did back then when there’s no way to repeat the happiness of unaware teenagers.”
You hummed quietly, indulging him in his thoughts that you too felt. “I’m sorry I-”
“I’m sorry I made you do it,” I said, “He was your best friend.”
“And he was yours too, I wasn’t going to make you put a childhood friend down like a dog.”
You nodded into his shoulder, going quiet. He looked down at you and you couldn’t help yourself but reach up to touch his blindfold. He didn’t resist and sat quietly as you raised it so you could see his eyes. Little, almost microscopic droplets, detailed his under eyelashes. You gave him a small smile which he returned with his own as you brushed his eyes gently. He grabbed your hand delicately and kissed the fingers tips one at a time while you watched with total calm and comfort taking over your body, snuggling closer into the crook of his neck.
The group watched in tight tension as they spied on the scene before them. Maki looked like she was going to rip out the bush, roots and all, with the way she was gripping onto the small branches like a lifeline.
“It was probably just something very personal, and because they are good friends they feel comfortable doing that, yes that’s it. And the “I love you” over the phone must have been a joke or said in a platonic way. Yeah, that’s it.” Maki said, springing off all the close enough to realistic conspiracy theories in her head.
No one had the heart to tell her what was plainly obvious, nor the bones strong enough to deal with her disagreement.
You didn’t need to say it, he already knew, but you said it anyway. “I missed you,” you said quietly, “Going abroad sucks.”
“You really need to look at the sweet shops there and pick up some souvenirs.”
“Sweets don’t numb things for everyone,” you laughed, “Sometimes food can’t replace people.” You grabbed onto his hand and laced it in yours, his huge hand enveloping yours like a little protector.
“Did you get hurt?” he whispered; he knew you were fully capable to come from most missions entirely unscathed, but it didn’t stop the worry. People he cared about going to missions alone had left many scars in varying forms.
“I’m alright, just a few bruises here and there mainly by my own hand, no biggie.”
He nodded, happy with the answer.
He stroked his thumb over the back of your hand, leaning his head onto yours. “I love you,” he whispered, barely loud enough to hear over the subtle wind.
You squeezed his hand. You’d never been good at words, stumbling over what you’re really trying to say without saying it outright, even if you already knew what you were meant to say, especially when it came time for vulnerable things, but Satoru knew that better than anyone. So, you felt his face widen into a smile.
He squeezed your hand back.
He looked down at you again, taking his blindfold off so you could admire the now rarer sight of his eyes. There was no other way to describe his eyes than beautiful. Their blues captivated you like a ship barely staying afloat in a storming ocean, barely surviving, only at the sea’s mercy. Many were terrified of them, they were whispered about among shamans young and old, and to be fair they held power. Power unattainable except for those lucky few that inherited it. But to you it had always felt like it was the eyes that inherited Gojo Satoru. It was Gojo Satoru that really made them powerful along with infinity, no one had ever come close, and it was doubtful anyone ever will, even if he thought he was raising students that he wanted to be better than him. At the very least it was definitely a high bar to beat. But when it was you, and just him, just Satoru, together, it was not the power you yielded to. It was the fact that it was Satoru, the boy and now man you had fallen in love with and who had allowed himself to fall down to fall in love with you. When you looked into the sea of blue that seemed forever changing, the only word you could use to actually describe them was Satoru.
You rose your head to meet with his lips softly, giving him a sweet kiss that made his mouth upturn into a smile. And to be fair half of it was definitely because of the group of students that were losing their minds behind a bush right now, but the other half you happily knew was because of you.
Gojo Satoru may be an egotistical, immature man child who thinks dick jokes are the height of humour sometimes, okay maybe a bit more than sometimes. But he was Gojo Satoru, the most imperfect perfect person you’d ever met, and you would stay by his side until you parted from the world, but you were sure it wouldn’t take long to find him in the next.
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Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Just send an ask to be added to Gojo the taglist! (specify if you don’t want angst etc)
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed - Episode 02
Warning: Spoilers for all 50 episodes!
(Masterpost ) (Previous Episode) (Next Episode)
Donkey Riding
way ho and away we go, donkey riding donkey riding way ho and away we go, riding on a donkey
Wei Wuxian and Apple are doing their best for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 
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Xiao Zhan had trouble riding the donkey sitting side-saddle, so the Department of Questionable Practical Effects made him a fake leg to wear while riding regular style. 
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Can you spot it? It’s very hard to spot. It is very convincing.
Simple Pleasures
Wei Wuxian takes his time wandering up the nearest mountain, and half of the cultivators in the land also wander up this mountain because...Night Hunting! The cultivators are hot and thirsty from walking because they forgot that they all know how to fly. 
Wei Wuxian relaxes by a well and listens to people stanning him. 
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I’m going to say it: Wei Wuxian never met a drinking vessel he couldn’t blow.
Everything is Beautiful at the Ballet
The actress who plays A-Yan is named Zhang Linran. She probably has studied dance since she was 4 and now she gets her big break which turns out to be feeding an apple to a donkey. So let’s pause for a second to look at how beautifully she moves.  
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Reunions are Awkward, Part 1
Wei Wuxian meets up with one of his family members and it goes super well. 
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I...like Jin Ling? He’s much less of a douchebag than his dad, his uncles Jin, Jiang, and Mo (the three stooges), and every damn one of his Jin cousins. He’s genuinely brave (his Dad’s primary good quality) and his hair is on fleek. He’s still a whiny diaper baby, but I like him. 
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(much more after the cut!)
Then Jiang Cheng shows up, looking fine as hell and radiating peak arrogant-prick energy.
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When he discovers that ‘Mo Xuanyu” stuck a piece of paper to Jin Ling, he tells the child to literally murder him. Excellent uncleing! A+++++ would recommend.  
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“In fact, literally murder anyone who uses Yiling Laozu’s tools, like talismans, lure flags, or spirit compasses - basically murder everyone in the Lan Clan plus those other fanboys we saw coming up the hill. Then get out there and make some friends, goddamn it!”
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These nets full of cultivators on this daytime night hunt are the only time we ever see anything in a net during a night hunt.  In fact dudes constantly go night hunting and the only prey we ever see is rock lady, murder turtle, and a couple of rag mops in the lake. 
You Are Not Qualified to Speak to Me
Also radiating arrogant-prick energy on this occasion is Lan Wangji. He has been using pettiness as a weapon since long before he met this Jiang Cheng turkey, and he *brings it* when Jiang Cheng tries to have a conversation with him.
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Letting your eyes wander everywhere except to his punchable face while you ignore his passive-aggressive questions? Quality work. 
Dropping a silence spell on his child and then letting your own child explain it to him? Golden. 
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Lan Wangji is never ever going to forgive Jiang Cheng for what he did on cliff day, and his silence here is as pointed as an ice pick. I suspect the last words Lan Wangji actually spoke to him were “Jiang Wanyin, stop it,” sixteen years ago. 
Jiang Cheng is actually the bigger person in this particular interaction, visibly mastering his temper and telling Jin Ling to take his medicine. 
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Wei Wuxian hangs out by a beautiful river and hallucinates for a while. River Jiang Yanli is nurturing and River Jiang Cheng is pissed off, so there are no surprises there.  River Jiang Cheng thinks that Wei Wuxian is a promise-breaking douchebag. He’s not exactly wrong. 
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Courtesy of convenient gossiping cultivators, Wei Wuxian discovers that the 16 year old arrogant kid from the Jin clan who his brother from the Jiang clan has custody of is actually and quite obviously Jin Rulan.
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Well fuck I guess now I care about something, that’s inconvenient. 
Needing to help parent the child of the sister who parented him is what draws Wei Wuxian fully into his new life. 
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As soon as he has this realization, Apple comes back from roaming around, and never gives him any trouble after this for the rest of the story. Which...probably doesn’t mean anything. 
Wen Gravesite
Does Wen Ning hang out here because it’s where he and his (dead) people came from? Oh great, now I am sad. 
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Judging by all the leaves on this grave thingy I’m going to say that this grave tender dude is, ah, not very good at his job. 
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Get him, Jingyi!
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I feel like maybe we all focus too much on how Lan Jingyi is so hilarious and sardonic and not enough on how he is a such a biscuit. 
Soul Grass
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As mentioned in the previous post, Chinese spiritual concepts don’t always translate well into English. Soul grass? Sure, why not. 
This is where Wei Wuxian’s Sherlock Holmes brain starts to work, although he still doesn’t remember really basic stuff about Dafan Mountain. Dying and changing bodies is rough on the old neurochemistry. This creates more opportunities for flashbacks, however, and if there’s one thing The Untamed deffo needs more of, it’s kissing flashbacks.
Temple Statue
Presumably grave-tender dude is also in charge of clearing away spiderwebs at the temple, because it’s not getting done. 
Jin Ling walks into the temple blaspheming at full volume. 
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Since this isn’t a Greek story, he isn’t immediately struck blind for this. Then when he wishes for the statue to come alive, it obligingly does.  Everything’s coming up Rulan!
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Wei Wuxian shows up to rescue all the kids by throwing talismans at the monster which does not tip anyone off to who he is. 
Baby Cultivator Babysitting
Lan Wangji chills out in the cultivators’ pavilion with Jiang Cheng and their mutual hate boners.
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Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian forgets all about his nephew and turns into cool professor guy, explaining the basics of soul-eating to the baby cultivators and gleefully encouraging their fear of Hanguang-Jun’s punishments. 
Because the Lan babies are good filial children they are super respectful and engaged with this random adult who is lecturing them. They also - like their own Hanguang-Jun at their age - see and admire Wei Wuxian’s intellect. It’s easy to forget how extremely smart Wei Wuxian is, because of how extremely dumb Wei Wuxian is.
Lan Jingyi suddenly figures out Wei Wuxian is not crazy. 
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Bis. Kit. 
Then Rock Lady shows up and Jin Ling sticks 6 arrows into her while Lans Jingyi and Sizhui stand around not bothering to draw their swords.
I see a lot of comments about the bad effects in the statue sequences but I think Rock Lady is all right. The figure animation is decent and the lighting is no worse on her than on everything else in the scene. Her hair is nice, for a rock person.
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Admittedly I just finished watching Guardian which has CGI monsters so bad they may have injured my retinas and possibly also my DNA, so the bar, for me, is pretty low. Rock lady clears it with room to spare.   
Note: Wei Wuxian’s flute playing does zippity towards controlling the statue. Not sure what his plan was here.
Wen Ning Kicks Ass
Now we get to meet Wen Ning, who appears to be a stone-cold badass. Later we will discover how hilariously inaccurate that assessment is. 
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While all versions of Wen Ning are delightful, this version of Wen Ning is also...strangely attractive? He’s got a Patti-Smith-Horses-Era vibe here, instead of his more usual lost-baby-dork vibe. And his dreamy “I have nails in my head” expression is intriguing. 
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I mean, he’s not a total snack like zombie Song Lan or pre-zombie Song Lan or blind Song Lan or post-zombie Song Lan, but this look is a good one for Wen Ning, is what I’m saying.
Reunions are Awkward, Part 2
Lan Wangji, who has 99% already recognized Wei Wuxian because of the haunted sword and the fierce jawline and beautiful neck and tiny tiny waist, is summoned by his flute playing as inexorably as the Ghost General was. 
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Jiang Cheng also recognizes Wei Wuxian and goes into full beatdown mode, thwarted (silently) by Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian attempts to preserve his incognito by sassing Jiang Cheng in as sibling-like a manner as possible. 
Hanguang-Jun’s Pro-Ghost Agenda Has Been Clear for Some Time
This Jiang/Lan fight is hilarious when you consider the implications.
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Macroexpression vs. Microexpression
Mo Xuanyu brought Wei Wuxian back using sacrifice summons, a dark ritual invented by Wei Wuxian that he, most likely, did NOT show to Lan Wangji back in the day. So it’s a pretty safe bet that Lan Wangji doesn’t know that Wei Wuxian was gifted a body, rather than stealing one.
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when your brother turns around, you must whip him you will never live it down unless you whip him
When Jiang Cheng lets loose with Zidian, it’s not just because he’s angry. He’s using purple power to force Wei Wuxian’s ghost out of the body he’s apparently possessed. And Lan Wangji instantly STOPS him from doing that.
Clan Leader Jiang: this person has been possessed, against their will, by an evil ghost
Future Chief Cultivator Lan: Counterpoint: I am banging the ghost
Flashback Time
Welcome to your 30-episode flashback!
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Once I used to join in Every boy and girl was my friend Now there's revolution, but they don't know What they're fighting
Let us close our eyes Outside their lives go on much faster Oh, we won't give in We'll keep living in the past
Road Tripping to Summer School
Gosh I’m looking forward to younger, kinder, more relatable Jiang Cheng.
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Incidentally, until now this episode didn’t know that Jiang Cheng has smile muscles, and neither did the person who glued his wig on for him.
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I Like Rabbits
Here we have our first rabbit in a large collection of rabbit iconography that appears in The Untamed. 
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Instead of sending everyone to the Wikipedia page for Tu'er Shen I’m going to take this opportunity to rec the short film Kiss of the Rabbit God by Andrew Thomas Huang (tw: blood, tw:body-mod cutting) which you can read about and watch over at  Nowness.com 
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Particularly if you are a queer person of Chinese heritage, check it out. 
So. What the fuck are these? Are they food? 
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Are they made from wax? Or corn starch? or pig intestines? 
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Wei Wuxian runs off to get laid drunk and Jiang Cheng grumps about it. Jiang Yanli reminds him that being free is a Jiang Clan Rule, so really Wei Wuxian is following the rules by not following the rules. Does that mean he’s not free? My head hurts. 
Jiang Cheng: yes but grump grump grump
Jiang Yanli: Nothing bad will ever happen because of A-Xian’s choices, trust me
Wei Wuxian faint tally: one  Caught by: the cold hard ground
Soundtrack: 1. Donkey Riding by Great Big Sea 2. Living in the Past by Jethro Tull 3. Whip It by Devo
Fic prompt:  Lan Wangji’s internal monologue while he sits in the pavilion with Jiang Cheng 
If you write a fic from this prompt and want to share, please post a link in comments!
Bonus: Wang Zuocheng, macro-expression king
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Episode 03 Restless Rewatch coming soon!
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bucky-iss-bae · 4 years
The Best Assassin (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N - You guys, two one shots, in two days. This is as good as it gets really. JOKE. I wanna do morreee. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Prompts/Summary: Its Movie night in the Avengers compound. 
Warnings: Spoilers for John Wick Kinda fluffy, just idiots being idiots. 
Word Count: 1300
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Walking through the compound with your blanket and pillows meant one thing. Movie nights. Every now and then, the team and their close ones got together, and you were fortunately apart of their close ones since you and Bucky started to date.
It was always fun as you grew up as Sam’s best friend, and then got replaced by Steve and Bucky, to then steal bucky. That’s a joke, well its not, Sam set you and Bucky up, it was great, you and Bucky could tease Sam. And bullying Sam was the best.
“You know, your ass looks amazing in those shorts. Maybe we should skip out on movie night and just go have some fun” Bucky commented from behind you,
Turned your head towards him, he was stood with a cheeky smile on his face, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that sweetheart” He said slapping your ass as he walked past,
You glared at him, and then his peach, running past him and slapping his ass in the process causing him to yelp out and you to giggle as you ran towards the common area.
“Why you…” he grumbled, seconds later you were wrapped up in one of his arms, as he then threw you down on the couch that the two of you would be sharing as he tickled you,
“Oh c’mon guys” Sam said pushing you apart and sitting between the two of you, “Nope, nuh uh, no funny business. We got John Wick on tonight. Keanu Reeves in one of his finest”
“Who the fuck is Keanu Reeves?” Bucky asked sighing and sitting on the other side of Sam, although he was sending daggers into his head as he sat between you both.  
“The Matrix” Nat said as she sat down getting comfortable, if anyone saw the way the avengers were sat around right now, no one would believe they were earths greatest defence.
“Ohh, that guy. Okay… okay.”
“You still have no clue, do ya Buck?” Steve asked with raised eyebrows,
“Not gonna lie bud, it all still goes over my head”
“Find that hard to believe when Y/N is constantly making pop culture references. Honestly her and Peter, the bane of my life. Its hell. I seem old compared to her, and we’re the same age” Sam said, you and Peter shared a look, he became your little brother.  
“Yeah but… you gotta get with the times man. Get TikTok, maybe follow a few meme pages on Instagram. You’ll catch up in no time”
“Which leads me to say, I ain’t ever seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gonna be ugly” Peter said looking between you and Sam,
“It ain’t me. What the fuck does that even mean? Who’s ugly? Are you on about me and Buck, Bucky and Steve, Me and Y/N?” Sam asked while everyone was settling in,
You just laughed after hearing that on TikTok all day today, you were pretty sure Bucky had also heard it.
“I’m the pretty one” you yelled, “I dibs it. Now move” you said to Sam,
“Yo, I definitely ain’t moving now.”
“It’s just something on TikTok. Don’t worry” Peter said to Sam, “Now I heard the iconic Keanue reeves is on tonight”
“What is this John Wick even about” Bucky grumbled,
“No one spoil it. It’s sad, it’ll make you cry” You told him,
“Hey, no, I thought it was an action film” He said,
“It is… Wait what if it triggers him?” Bruce asked,
“It’s also about assassins. Will it trigger you?”
“Probably if Sam’s sat next to me” Bucky said causing a few to laugh,
“Okay, fine. I’m moving, I don’t want to be on his winter solider side for the hundredth time. Y/N, come on, lets switch”
You grinned at that getting up and switching with Sam, Bucky held his arm out for you to cuddle into, his chest your own personal pillow,
“Ya’ll make me sick” he grumbled, “Fucking sat there reminding my ass of how single I am” Sam grumbled watching the two of you,
You stuck your tongue out at him and he just shook his head,  
“Also Morgan wants a child friendly film next time. She’s excited to have a sleepover, sad that she’s not here” Tony said causing Clint to laugh, “Oh, yeah. My kids are the same, they’ll all probably make a plan tonight to worm their way into us watching Moana or Brave or some Disney film”
“Yo, I am down. Let them join us, we’ll have a Disney movie marathon, and I’ll find all the films I can cry at” You said knowing that you’ve tried to put Disney films out there, and if it means the kids join, you won’t complain.
Soon enough someone put the film on and you all sat around watching it, a lot of bickering amongst someone stealing all the popcorn, a lot of tears at the dog scene, it was horrible. It nearly made you cry, although Steve pointed out how he recognised the guy from Game of Thrones. You were impressed, he’s getting there.
After that silence took over, the film being action packed, and revenge driven. You figured, if anyone ever hurt your dog, you would 100% get someone to train you to do exactly what John Wick does.
“Yo, Y/N” Sam said calling you during the film, “If you had to choose, who’s your favourite assassin”
Your lips began to move before you could stop yourself, “John Wick, no cap”
You felt eyes on you as soon as you said that, realising you were currently using the best assassin of his time as a pillow, your jaw dropped at your own answer, wanting to laugh but figured, it may not be wise.
“The fact that you added no cap at the end of it” Peter said fake flinching at it,
“In my defence,”
“Go on sweetheart, in your defence. At this rate you’ll be spending the night on this couch”  
A few oohhs erupted around the room making you want to laugh more, “In my defence, I fancied Keanu Reeves when he was in Speed. And no, listen, I forgot okay.”
“You forgot what my profession is? And then continue to talk about how you fancied the man in another film” he asked, you turned your head up looking at him, he tried to look hurt but you knew your man, he had mischief in his eyes,
Someone had paused the film to laugh at the interaction between the two of you, “Got a lot of making up to do huh Y/N” Wanda joked wiggling her eyebrows,
“Although, I do see the similarities between John Wick, and James Barnes, I mean the long hair for starters”
“The Russian assassin part. Although I’m sure the guy had his own red room” Nat said,
“And I’m sure they both have a hair care routine” Peter said pretending to film his own hair,
“Ohh, let’s not forget the killing part” Sam added,
“You think Bucky could do what he does in the second one?” Natasha asked Sam,
“Let’s give him a pencil and send him into a bar”
“I would start sticking up for Bucky saying he defo can, but like it’ll seem like I’m just trying to get on his good side. So let’s just you know, watch the film. And all agree that we all love john wick”
“You don’t make this better for yourself huh?” Sam asked causing you to kick his thigh but giggle at the same time, as someone played the film you looked up to see Bucky staring at you adoringly, you don’t know why, but clearly, he didn’t hate you for the comment. Maybe it was because you see him more as an assassin, and that’s what he always fears, people only see him for that.
“I love you” He whispered only for you to hear,
“I love you too baby” You said before kissing his cheek and laying back down, he wrapped his arm around you tighter as the two of you laid there watching the film.
AN - I wrote this in one sitting because a few days ago I was watching John Wick and mentioned how he’s one of my fave assassins and my sister was like bro Bucky is literally an assassin and I was like damnnn I really be do having a type. 
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echo-three-one · 4 years
Hello, can you please do a one about how a threesome would be between Frank, his partner and Alex Mason
This was a wild request anon. And here you go. I can't say no to askers. Besides I think I liked where this one went... 🥴
Graphic descriptions of Sexual Acts and Anal ⚠️
There I said it. and for those hard headed enough to be warned, here you go.
Wish Granted
Frank Woods x Partner x Alex Mason
Frank's girlfriend placed the tray of lasagna on the dinner table. It was their anniversary and he said he'd try to grant one of her wishes. She didn't exactly know which wish it was but she was prepared for it, in fact she was excited that she felt giddy all day.
The doorbell rang multiple times, like some kid pressed the button rapidly while playing a video game. She chuckled as she knew it was Frank, it meant something else when he does that, an inside joke that had been running ever since you lived together.
She placed her apron by the counter and hurriedly rushed to open the door. Behind it was one sexy Frank Woods, holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates and much to her surprise, Alex Mason, Frank's partner in crime, hugging a huge teddy bear.
"Hey, you." she greeted as Frank quickly entered the room and placed his gifts on the table to hug her tight, squeezing her ass in the process. Alex shyly followed and sat by the sofa, his hands not leaving the gigantic pink stuffed animal.
"I brought Alex over, if you don't mind. hehe" he winked and she smiled at Alex, a smile with a little bit of hidden meaning. Alex smiled back but he had actually no idea what is going on. The only reason he was here was because Frank needed help carrying the bear.
"I should get going." he excused himself only to be stopped by Frank, whose hand was holding his shoulder.
"Oh no no no. Let's have dinner first! My baby makes the meanest lasagna!" he boasted Alex agreed as he was quite hungry and it smelled really good, so they made their wsy to the table.
Dinner was awkwardly quiet. Alex noticed that Frank and his gorgeous girlfriend were just staring at each other, no other words but he felt like they were talking in subliminal messages, something he doesn't quite understand how it works.
"So, how was your day?" she asked, her voice was cute and endearing. It's like a spell forcing you to tell the truth.
"Same shit. Different day. Except this day just got a whole lot better now that you're here." Frank answered. Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. This was far from what he predicted Frank to be in a relationship.
"What about you, Alex?" she continued. Alex stopped his hands midway. His mouth was open and the lasagna fell back to his plate.
"I um…. It was good." Alex's voice croaked. He was surprised that she asked him. And to be honest, he was intimidated by her presence. Someone who had the power to control Woods' temper is a force that shouldn't be meddled with.
"Great! It's a good thing you two are having nice days. Frank told me a LOT about you!" she mused and Alex shifted uncomfortably, his eyes shifted to Frank, who was smiling oddly toward him.
"Get this, pal." Frank nudged him and he snapped back to reality, eating his last slice of the pasta.
"Today marks the first year my babe and I got together and we were kind of exploring a little bit…." he trailed. Alex swallowed his food with caution, he wasn't sure how this night is going to turn out as the couple began radiating a bizarre aura and tone in their voices.
"… so we were wondering if you are uhm.. how do I say this… open for a menage a trois." Frank completed, causing Alex to almost choke on his food. It explained everything, how Frank was too giddy at work and how he treated him quite well throughout the rest of the day. It was all because of this.
"I mean if you're not into it, then you could just say no and we'll forget this happened." he added, his hands waving surrender.
Alex cleared his throat and the couple turned to him, awkward silence filled the room as they waited for him to speak. He sighed.
"Just this one time." 
Frank's partner emerged from the bathroom wearing lingerie that hugged her curves tightly, as if inviting everyone who could see it to slowly strip it away. The men were sitting on the edge of the bed, a huge space beside them reserved for her. Frank's jaw dropped at the view, while Alex still felt awkward and evaded eye contact. 
"Hot damn." Frank whispered and followed it with a whistle as she catwalked across the area and knelt infront of them. Her hands touched their bodies, Frank on the left, Alex on the right trailing her touch across their chests, down to their crotches. She cupped each of their slowly hardening cocks and smiled at their reaction. Alex's shoulders started to relax letting his tension clear out and accept that this was truly happening.
Frank grunted and sighed, her hands weren't even touching their cocks yet but she could feel the heat building inside them already. She slipped her bouncy breasts free from her bra and guided both their hands to play with it. Frank chuckled and quickly devoured his side while Alex was just stuck there. She felt his cold hands and prompted to guide him all the way, get him comfortable as it was going to be a long night.
Soft groans escaped her lips as Frank's mouth made wonders to her senses while Alex's conservative hands were slowly enjoying the feel of her nipples. Then as soon as they enjoyed themselves on her tits, it was time for her to move down.
She had known Frank's every inch quite well. She knew which jeans were buttoned, which were locked and which had belts and as soon as Frank knew it, his pants were already on his feet and his cock sprung against his shirt.
"Someone went through the day on commando…" she mused, her lips started trailing on his veiny manhood. Her hot breaths wrapped around Frank's cock. Her other hand was cupped against Alex's black boxers, he helped himself pull his pants down while she focused on Frank and her hands teasingly rubbed him against the polyester fabric. 
"Mmmm…" she moaned in unison with Frank whose head was now looking up and enjoying her mouth wrapped around his cock, making circles using her tongue not leaving every inch unexplored. Alex watched, feeling a little jealous and a lot turned on, he felt the pain of his erection trying to cut free but she was gripping it quite aggressively, he can't pull the underwear down.
She choked as she slowly lifted her head up his length, leaving trails of saliva drip down his cock, making his boyfriend smile in delight. Her hand gripped on him, slowly jerking it up and down with ease, thanks to the lubricant which came from her mouth. She then turned to Alex, who looked uneasy, and released her grip making Alex drop his underwear immediately revealing an equally impressive package. She giggled in delight as she started to plant soft kisses around him, while still jerking Frank. One kiss lead to another until such time that her mouth was already sliding up and down his length and making gagging noises.
The trio were taking turns exchanging gasps and moans, not caring if they were too loud enough to disturb people. They were having a wonderful time.
A few more gags and jerks and Frank and Alex stood in unison, tossing their pants away and pointed their tips on her mouth as she slid it sideways, giving each cock an equal amount of attention. The men's hands were lifting their shirts up as to not disturb her pleasure-filled performance, swallowing each length alternatively while the other one gets jerked and leaving no man unsatisfied.
Frank started to feel excited as he quickly grabbed something by the nightstand and instructed Alex to lie down on the bed. The friend followed and spread his legs wide enough for her body to fit while his cock wiggled through the erection. She slowly positioned herself on top of her boyfriends best pal and sat on his mouth. Alex immediately understood what this meant and started slurping her pussy, his tongue explored each of her lady parts while Frank gave her a kiss that the French people would start to take notes and update their ways.
They continued this until she was wet enough for action, thanks to Frank's mouth play and Alex's expert tongue painting skills, she was ready to take them both at the same time. 
She positioned herself atop of Alex's tip and slowly teased it by letting it feel a little bit of the sides. Alex brows furrowed in anticipation, his previous hesitation was engulfed by the lust and now he was willing to partake seriously at the initial proposal.
Frank gritted his teeth and pulled the foil wrapper open, quickly wrapping his length with the thin rubber, rolling it with ease. She flattened herself against Alex's firm chest, letting him feel her perked nipples against his and at the same time giving his boyfriend the perfect angle of her asshole.
Alex grunted as she slowly slid herself letting him in smoothly, their combined efforts made it easy for Alex's cock to slide in her as she moaned at each of his movement. 
"Aaaah..." she gasped as Frank's lubed cock simultaneously entered her other hole, his whole sensory organs confused as to which part of her should feel more overpowering. The newness of Alex's rod, or the pain from Frank's stick. Both of them moved differently inside her, making her create a different sound of mixed emotions.
"Damn babe, I like how tight this is... It feels.. new." Frank mused, his thrusts were slower as she was tighter, but he considered how this would initially hurt so he let her have him on her own accord. Alex on the other hand, was feeling the rush, once he got accustomed to her tightness, he immediately picked up his pace, like someone who was depraved of such feeling. Like a caged animal to explore in the wild.
Frank's partner didn't complain, she couldn't and she wasn't able to. Only short inaudible noises escaped her mouth as she was penetrated by two men like the way she dreamed of. It was a wish come true.
Red scratch marks filled Alex's strong arms as she gripped them tightly, nails almost deep enough to create scars. Alex was already biting his lip, hands locked onto his other one on the small of her back as his hips swayed like there was no tomorrow.
Frank was starting to feel the ease as he drops a few more of his lubricant, as he felt the slides were easy, he began matching his pace with his friend, sending the girl into a ride to pleasure town.
It went on for quite a while until they both stopped and slowed down. They were almost reaching their peaks and needed to settle down a while for more.
Alex got up and took a taste of her breasts, this time he was holding the both of them and was no longer shy, she liked this side of Alex, the one that always wanted to go out and get wild. Frank went down to her pussy, and boy did he know how to make her happy. His fingers expertly maneuvered its way inside her, making her lift herself up using her legs. She was squirming while trying to react to multiple pleasure impulses as both men were driving her crazy.
She now went on her knees and Frank effortlessly pulled the rubber away tossing it by the bed. Alex stood up and unbuttoned his clothes, showing her his marvelous body, something she secretly wanted to see. She started swallowing his cock slowly until Frank immediately thrusted from behind making her choke on Alex's. This made her look back at Frank to complain but the wonderful view of his naked boyfriend who's arm muscles clenched while gripping on her hips and the way his chest muscles slightly bounce on each of his thrusts made her forget about it and enjoy it instead. With her head looking back to Alex's cock, she resumed the sucking while being fucked from behind.
They tried every possible combination and positions all throughout the night. The couple took advantage of Alex's participation as they were sure this wasn't going to happen again. They made the best of the moment and the two men came more than once, they burst their loads all around her body drenching her in hot sticky excretions made from lustful desires.
Alex eventually slept at Frank's house claiming he was too exhausted to drive home. The next morning he was slumped on the couch and back to his normal responsible self. Maybe sometimes, you just have to let loose and relax yourself, he thought.
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sleepy-salami · 3 years
Jin Zixuan and Wen Qing for the ask game?
Thank you <3
Jin Zixuan
How I feel about this character: He definitely deserved better. We mostly saw him as a rich narcissistic asshole throughout the novel, and when he becomes a better person... it's for 15 minutes and then he dies. I kinda like how CQL toned down his asshole-ness a little and turned it into awkwardness. And he still has one of the best character growth arcs in both stories.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jiang Yanli and no one else, thank you, she's perfect and why would anyone want someone else when Yanli is right there. (I haven't even seen any other ships with Zixuan, though ChengXuan is funny as a concept)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangyao would have been unstoppable, if Jin Guangshan wasn't such a piece of shit. I believed JGY when he said that he have never wanted JZX to die, Zixuan might have been one of the few Jins to treat him nicely. He even had his passionate rant about how people with poor backgrounds are often much better than nobility. Directed at Jiang Yanli, but still. He got the spirit.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Everyone and no one is guilty of Jin Zixuan's death. In this house we reject Demonic Cultivator Su She and Jin Guangyao Who Is Guilty Of Every Crime. And in the novel it's... it's such a massive fuck-up on all sides of the conflict, because no one wanted Jin Zixuan dead, but everyone contributed a little. JGS, JGY, Jin Zixun, Su She, Wei Wuxian, yes Wen Ning too, and even Jin Zixuan himself ("I'll try to grab this mentally unstable demonic cultivator who is currently convinced that I want to kill him, what can possibly go wrong?"). It's not a very unpopular opinion, is it? I just wanted to say it somewhere.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He would have been a good husband and father... I miss him so much.
Wen Qing (under the cut, because it's getting long)
(I’m mostly talking about her novel/donghua version here, because her character and story are a bit different in CQL... but I have a mess of all adaptations in my head anyway) How I feel about this character: Beautiful. Queen. Goddess. My favorite MDZS girl. I’d let her stick all her needles in me and then I’d thank her. AND she’s a complex character which makes her even more perfect. I love how multidimensional she is. She looks like a boss ass bitch at first, and it’s a correct assumption, she absolutely can kill you in seconds, and she might. But then you learn about the softer side of her personality, about how deeply she cares for her family. And then you realize how far she’d go to protect her loved ones, because that’s the main thing she cares about. And in the end you also see how naïve she is despite all her skill and competence, if she thinks JGS will be satisfied with her and Wen Ning’s deaths and leave Wei Wuxian alone. But everything she does, she does out of love, and... I just admire her so much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Again, ChengQing in CQL is nice but she would probably kill him, and novel!WQ would kill him even faster. Wen Qing/Jiang Yanli is also nice, two queens deserve to be together. I also will explore that NMJ/WQ ship one day.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: As much as I love her relationship with Wen Ning, I’ll go with Wei Wuxian. They’re just. So perfect together as friends. Two gay geniuses with a lot of braincells, but Wen Qing has all of them. Every interaction they have brings me so much life. That moment when WWX complains that there’s nowhere to sit in his man cave, and Wen Qing just sweeps his Creative Mess™ from a stone bed onto the ground and invites Lan Wangji to sit there, while WWX cries in shock? Iconic. And then she literally dies for him and it hurts
My unpopular opinion about this character: I often see the narrative that, while the Wen sect did a lot of really bad stuff, the Wen siblings were “innocent”, I think even Wei Wuxian uses that wording and, well. Wen Ning, yes, he has done nothing wrong, ever, in his life. Wen Qing? We have to remember how powerful she was, how high her position in Qishan Wen Sect was. She was the same rank as Wen Chao. People hoped she would become the next Sect Leader, it was a possibility. Even if she used her power to occasionally stop Wen Ruohan from executing people, everything Qishan Wen has done over the years was done with her participation or silent approval. It was her timid little brother who finally made her do something about it. And I don’t blame her for putting her own and her family’s safety before the rest of the world, because it’s an understandable choice, and a difficult situation to be in, but still, I wouldn’t call her 100% innocent. And it’s not a bad thing, it adds more layers to her character.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she weren’t burned alive by an angry mob, accomplishing literally nothing with her sacrifice, yeah. I also wish she stuck some needles in Wen Ruohan so he just fucking died, and Wen Qing somehow became the Sect Leader, and everyone lived happily ever after and no one died (except Wen Ruohan, but he had it coming). If there’s a fanfic with that AU, please send it to me.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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ectora · 3 years
Screen time
Macy : 23m26s
Maggie : 20m07s
Mel : 18m25s
Harry : 13m20s
Abigael : 5m02s
Jordan : 4m28s
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Here is a table with the details of the time shared
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In a general manner I enjoyed the episode. It was entertaining and well passed. I don’t think it was their strongest episode so far but it was an entertaining one. It finally started to connect the other characters to the main storyline but also felt almost like a filler for the sisters. I also think the show should have maybe showed more consequences and different good things for the sisters. Because except for Mel (and I’ll come back to that later), the good things that happened to Maggie and Macy are pretty normal. It’s not like Maggie didn’t work for that internship. It’s not like a free legal clinic would get bad press. Or that it can’t happen to be upgraded in a hotel. Like yes what happened to antonio and that old man was really bad but at the same time it just didn’t feel like the sisters were gaining that much from it. Maybe if they had sticked to only it being the consequences of what they had to do to get the allergy off or something, rather than good things that could have normally happened, happening. I’m not sure that nakes sense but well lmao
Positive points:
The perfecti. They’re actually really entertaining on screens and are just funny. I think they were a great idea and a good addition to the story. And I’m genuinely excited to see more of them and how they’re story is going to unfold.
Josefina getting her powers. I’m glad they ended up giving her her powers with “wakening spell” similar to the one the sisters needed when they became witches. I really like her powers as well it’s so fitting.
Macy smiling. I have my issues with how the whole thing happened and I’ll take about it later but I’m glad she was finally able to catch a break. The show is often giving her storylines without a lot of time for her to just breath and I’m glad she finally got the opportunity to do so.
Abigael and Jordan. Listen, I just have a soft spot for their friendship. I just enjoy watching them. Tbh they both have easy chemistry with everyone but these two together just gives me good vibes. I just like them together on screen. I also liked how absolutely soft he was with her. And how she easily recognise his qualities. I just love them individually and together.
Maggie finally getting some therapy. I’m glad they’re finally giving that to her. Now can they extend that to like ... literally every single one of their main characters cause they all need it.
Josefina and Mel. As always their scene were really enjoyable. I think it’s always nice to see Mel show other people magic isn’t their only power. And I like how it shows how understanding and empathetic Mel really can be.
Mel and Maggie. Once again, their bond is so sweet and feels very natural. I just love seeing them share normal sisterly moments.
Negative points :
those are only going to be the actual negative points I have. Others that are more like annoyance, I’ll put them with the remarks.
Ruby. I’m just tired of this show giving zero effort to that relationship. I’m a big time abimel shipper but the treatment they give melby is just disrespectful at this point. They had one little moment where they said “oh she isn’t here” and then that’s it. Not even pretending to be on the phone. Or a text message. Nada. This needs to be fixed. Either get on it or get rid of it. But enough. Especially when you compare it to how they treat the straights.
Abigael’s story. Apparently some people don’t make the connexion with self harm, but to me said connexion is pretty obvious. More and more obvious especially after last episode where they showed us Abigael hurting herself directly. It was graphic and kinda unnecessary imo. I think the story itself, of having Abigael’s sides fight each other is interesting but the way they approached it was very careless and if they continue being so adamant about showing us how broken abi is, they need to actually be careful how they handle this.
Things that just don’t make sense:
Did no one tell Maggie about Jordan being cured ? I’m so confused 😭
Mel. Again, is no one ever going to talk about the fact she never finished her phd in season 1 ? Or didn’t have any teaching experience. I know it’s a small things that’s probably never going to be brought up but it’s been nagging me djdhd
At the end of the episode when they go back to putting the egg, suddenly the air isn’t toxic anymore and it’s small but i realised right away and just haven’t been able to get it out of my head.
Same with Josefina and the book. Mel was right there. Couldn’t she have taken it ? 😭
Why did Harry and Macy took the portal to Paris ? Why just not orb.
I’m still confused by the whole demon trying to kill the witch side of Abby to be honest. Like I’m not sure how hurting her physical body is going to do anything ? Isnt her demon part gonna die too then ? Parker’s made more sense because it was like a sickness, you could say the magical cells were killing he humans ones or something. But here ? I’m confused.
Talking about demon abi, ... why this ugly ass dress. I understand the reason for different noticeable clothes but why does it need to be this ugly. Abigael Jameson-Caine is too fashionable for this.
The entire book of shadow thing like ? Did we just forgot Mel presented the book to Josefina the episode before ? Are we just erasing that from our memories ? What’s happening.
How they gonna freeze the therapist and then just leave a note like is she not supposed to unfreeze ? Maggie is just gonna be gone ? And with a sudden note on her laps ? What.
Remarks & speculations
Hacy. I don’t dislike the couple don’t get me wrong. I think they’re sweet. But the show focuses too much on that relationship. Macy barely feels like she has a story outside of it at this point. At least Harry has the whole white lighter thing but again the reason he wants to be mortal is Macy so ... if just feels like the show continues to centre these two characters toward each other first. However it was great to see Macy happy. But again like The sisters had one hug and then that was if.
I’m really sad we didn’t actually see Macy and Josefina interact. Or that we won’t see her reach them a bit more about her magic and the whole new side they don’t know about.
My babies in the tomb. I’m just really wondering what the deal with the perfecti. Are they so big on duality, good and bad that it’s to an extreme that is dangerous ? Abigael in some ways I can understand. She’s the demon overlord. She’s powerful. Her demon form tried to go after TCO. But Jordan ? Was he just a collateral damage ? Did they judge him bad because he was with abi ? Because he was cursed ? Or is it a plan they have that involved isolating TCO ? (I doubt it but still a possibility). I mean he was probably out there cause he was helping abi but then it being strong questions about the perfecti’s moralities and visions of the world. Cannot wait to see more.
Abigael was ... broken to say the least. Kudo to poppy for that, Abigael looked absolutely exhausted. You could feel the fear and exhaustion in everything she did. And I feel bad for her because she’s not only mentally exhausted but physically too. She can’t sleep safely. And I don’t know if everyone realised the level all this must have reached for Abigael to be ready to give up everything. Because she is different from the sisters on this, she grew up as a magical being. That has been her entire life. What has been defining her since birth. For her to be so ready to give everything up so she could finally just find some peace ... she’s literally at her limits.
Talking about abi. We know the sisters are gonna try to help Jordan in episode 13 but does that mean they don’t realise Jordan is gone until then ? So it’s easy to assume 312 will also have abi/jordy mostly and in the tomb. Speculations - if the synopsis of 312 is indeed about saving Jordan from the tomb and not something else - is that they’ll realise on site than Abigael is stuck too and will help her as well. Unless she does something good to help jordan and because of that they decided to get her out too. That could connect both story and have a start on the redemption.
Also while abi is gone are the demons just gonna wait around ? Like the fact they all just willingly followed her rules doesn’t seem realistic but even less when the girl is no where to be found.
I just want Mel to get a proper storyline. And Macy too. Maggie I feel is actually the best written one development wise out of all of them.
I think they brought the storyline of Harry being worried about his age and waiting to be mortal too early. He has a good ten years on Macy anyway. And they barely started dating. There are already a lot of things going on and I genuinely feel like they should have left that for next season at least.
Maggie in therapy. “You seem like you have a lot of demons” “are you under a lot of stress” was genuinely funny. Maggie is so naturally funny I really love her for it.
Mel saying there isn’t another shoe to drop and demon Abigael saying hold me beer.
The dogs that does math. Don’t ask me why it’s just funny.
Josefina using her powers after realising she still has them
Macy’s face when Harry told her about becoming mortal as if he isn’t constantly talking about it djdhd
Abigael’s soft “jordy”
Celebrating later, running now
The entire witch ceremony at the end.
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myriadlabrynth · 4 years
Kiridai vs Type of Girl They Like
With more explanation. All just my opinions, and headcanons (Not the most in depth analysis because they are overall self-explanatory)
Hanamiya - Stupid Girls
There are a few ways to look at this
We know from the light novel with Imayoshi(Chapter 6 of Replace V), and also the online-gaming drama cd(Knb Season 2 Drama Cd 4), Hanamiya puts up this facade as this friendly and humble guy. Whether this is something he does all the time or only sometimes, is up for debate.
A stupid girl would be someone who still falls for this facade. Since there are of course girls who already know what Hanamiya is really like. Unlike the early years of middle school, where most people thought Hanamiya was this nice kid, his reputation is now well known(he’s the “bad boy” for a reason). So all things considered, you might have to be really stupid, or just blissfully ignorant(so still stupid to Hanamiya)to fall for the facade still.
Another way to look at it is, you know how people say “Are you stupid?!” when they do something risky? Same type of deal here.
It’s not just with brains, it’s also a girl who is too brave to an idiotic degree. Or perhaps impulsive. Someone who stands up to him,who doesn’t quite know what they’re getting into when they confront him. It would be someone who did figure it out. They know Hanamiya is not a good person, but they were merely scratching the surface, and they’ll learn that eventually.
Either interpretation, it’s simply good entertainment for him really, especially the ecstasy he gets when the girl eventually realizes exactly who they are dealing with.
I think his type being “stupid girls” would imply he’s not really going into relationships, expecting anything serious? To give an exact quote from the knb 3ds game(knb: miracles to victory)in his conversation with Moriyama:(translation by grimmfeather)
“ I’m completely focused on basketball right now. I want to lay every moment of my high school years on the line, put my best foot forward every day, and win with the rest of my team… That’s why I don’t even have time to think about love and whatnot at the moment.”
(I haven’t actually heard the voice acting for this part, so idk if he said it in his fake nice persona, but regardless, most of this is probably half-heartedly said, especially the “best foot forward everyday and win with the rest of my team”, but the gist of it is true, about not thinking about love)
I think if he was actually serious, he would prefer someone with some degree of intelligence, not a complete lost cause. But who knows, life might/probably will throw him a curve ball.
Since he’s not expecting any relationship to go very far, he is caught off guard if/when one actually works out
Also side note, regarding the light novel with Imayoshi,  can I just say how concerning it is that Hanamiya has apparently been doing rough play since he was twelve years old???? And possibly earlier??
Seto - Intelligent Girls
The opposite of Hanamiya obviously. I mentioned that there are girls who already know what Hanamiya is like, regardless of the phony nice persona,  that is an example of who Seto would prefer.
Just someone who is smart enough to see through it(since Hanamiya’s nice act is apparently pretty convincing, though Seto saw right through it just like Imayoshi did), especially if it's a girl who is meeting Hanamiya for the first time and doesn’t know anything about him. The girls who do know Hanamiya’s nature, knew  from word of mouth, not from actually interacting with Hanamiya.
Seto isn’t really someone who wants to be in a relationship anytime soon, but Seto would see yet another girl who is fooled by Hanamiya and think “Well I know I wouldn’t want a girl that’s that dumb“ that would be why his preference is someone smart.
I mean I’m not saying that the only girls that Seto would be interested in are the ones who go through hanamiya first, but they would certainly intrigue him.
It’s interesting to think about what else Seto considers to be “marks of intelligence” though, since his intelligence is on another level.
Romantic or not, Seto generally is more drawn towards intelligent individuals.(which is part of why he has his eye on Imayoshi, according to Kurofes)He just likes having someone who he can have an intellectual conversation with, it's part of why he gets along well with Hanamiya. Simple small talk doesn’t really bode well, or won’t get you very far.
Cause the things he finds interesting, other people might not understand or know anything about.
Furuhashi - Masochists/Someone with Masochistic Tendencies
It reminds me of the shoujo manga Ookami Shoujo to Kuroo Ouji.Basically the guy is an ass to this girl, even when they start dating.
And the girl was described as a “Masochist”, because she puts up with the guy’s rude and sadistic tendencies. And basically one of the reasons why the relationship worked is because the girl kind of just accepted the way the guy was(and the guy ended up softening up on his own anyway). Other girls would run away or call him a jerk, and never try talking to him again. But this girl was persistent and stuck around and didn’t try to change him. The Guy just needed someone who would accept him for who he is, cause he was just the way he is.(a very watered down version of the manga, idk if i’d recommend it, but it’s out there.)
(Now that I think about it, the manga fits Hanamiya’s situation too...cause the guy puts up a kind “prince-like” facade, and finds enjoyment when the numerous girls he meets sees his true nature…..hm)
ANYWAY, this is how i’d describe Furuhashi’s preference as well. Him being a sadist is just the way he is, and he’s not going to change for anyone. He may soften up a bit, but he’ll be the same guy overall.
Masochist in this sense, would mean someone who would accept Furuhashi for who he is, a sadist. They wouldn’t expect him to change for them. Someone who will love him for him.
To actively choose to still be with him, despite everything may be considered “Masochistic”
He gets pissed when girls try to change him. When they think that just because they’re dating,he’s supposed to change who he is. Because he would think that the girl never actually loved “him”, they were just painting a fake version in their head and tried to make it a reality. Or mold him into their ideal boyfriend. I think Furuhashi has trust issues because of past experiences.
And yeah sure, we can also look at it in the typical sense as well (in a perhaps ‘nsfw’ type of way ) He gets great joy from the things he gets to do on the basketball team, and that he is able to get off scot-free. So of course he would want other means to be able to do similar things, when he eventually leaves basketball.
He’s intrigued at the idea that someone would enjoy being hurt(cause he’s used to being met with anger)
But I think there’s more to it than that.
Hara - Girls with Pretty Legs
Not much to it really. It means exactly what it says.
Interesting that Hara’s preference is the only one of Kiridai that is a physical attribute.
He’s actually one of four(I think) knb characters whose preference is physical attributes (the other ones are Aomine and Murasakibara, and kinda Tsugawa)
This would mean Hara is someone who is (usually) attracted to one’s appearance first, before their personality.
It’s really just legs that Hara finds to be pretty. Doesn’t have to be slender or anything like that.
Huge fan of thigh highs of course, especially when they’re visibly squeezing the thigh, even if it's barely(he’ll notice)
He's the type of guy who sees those pics of girls with thigh highs just barely squeezing the thighs, it’s barely noticeable, and says they’re “thicc”
If we’re thinking about personality traits that Hara would prefer, if there were any, it would be someone who is a bit laid back just like him.
Someone who understands his jokes, won’t be like a “stick in the mud”.
But at the same time, I can see Hara being interested in someone a bit more serious(not too much), because those people are more fun to mess with and tease lol
Yamazaki - Cheerful Girls
So pure…
A girl with an infectious smile. He would try his best and do all he can to see that smile over and over again. They would be a  ray of sun in a room and happy-go-lucky
I think it could provide a nice break from his time in the team?
Constantly seeing bruised and sometimes bleeding players takes a toll on Yamazaki, who barely supports it. The vibes of the team are overall dark and can be overwhelming.
A cheerful girl gives him a break from that and the boost of serotonin he needs.
Just someone who is positive cause he doesn’t always want to think about crushing other players or other people’s demise.
I can see Yamazaki having a crush on a girl who is super friendly to him but he always thinks “She’s nice to me, but she’s nice to everyone so there’s no way she likes me in ‘that way’”
The girl would be someone who accepts his “loudness”, for lack of better word? I can see Yamazaki holding back to try to seem more “presentable”. The girl would be someone who Yamazaki is comfortable with being himself.
Can I just reiterate how cute Yamazaki’s preference in girls is….we have stupid girls, intelligent girls, masochists, girls with pretty legs, and Yamazaki is here like “I like cheerful girls…”
An angel indeed….
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commie-eschatology · 3 years
Return to Redcliffe
particularly proud of this Solas + Trevelyan scene from “Return to Redcliffe” so gonna do some shameless self-promotion. Ao3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/33444538
When all her companions are asleep, Trevelyan leaves the Inquisition camp. She isn’t sure if she’ll come back. Someone is clearly following her, but she ignores that for now. The road back to Redcliffe stretches in front of her, but she hesitates. This is an extraordinary bad idea, she tells herself, but when has that ever stopped her? Lydia used to complain about her tendency to just act on desire alone. But Lydia is dead, she tells herself, you broke her head open with your staff until her brains spilled all over the floor. You killed the woman who raised you, only for the rebellion to sell themselves into slavery. ` In the woods, she stumbles upon a templar caravan. Very fortunate for her, very unfortunate for them. Their screams echo through the Ferelden forest; she imagines getting incinerated from inferno magic would hurt quite a bit, but it’s certainly not her problem. Trevelyan leaps onto the, now empty, wagon, and finds a crate of apples. She takes a few bites of one and monologues, “I rebel, therefore I am,” to the half eaten piece of fruit.
There’s groaning from underneath the wheels, and a jumble of words that vaguely sound like “what the fuck?” so she asks, “Sorry, are you still alive down there?” There’s no response, so in the interest of being thorough, she throws a fireball at the voice. The smell of burnt flesh follows, so she assumes it got the job done, but then again, Ferelden usually smells like that. Really not a terrible scent, she considers. Or perhaps she’s just gone mad.
Trevelyan looks at the Mark on her hand- staying with the Inquisition is the clever choice, she tells herself. Only she can close the rifts, after all. The rebels have been utterly defeated, the movement badly needs allies if it’s to survive. Still, her logic feels cold and hollow. The Venatori ships are already in Redcliffe harbor. She asks herself, how many will be shipped up to the Imperium in chains, in just the time it takes to travel between the Hinterlands and Haven?
Fire burns underneath the wagon. It’s always been fire for Trevelyan- burning the family manor during a childhood nightmare, cremating Lydia’s mangled corpse with her own spells, and, most recently, incinerating more templars than she can count. It’s the same fire that she could use to burn those Tevinter slave ships tonight- despite Fiona and Linnea’s betrayal, she has no doubt that at least a few of her people would join her.  
“Do you want to keep staring at me from the woods then?” she asks the person shadowing her. Solas steps out from the shadows, clearly surprised at being discovered, but he tries not to let it show. He’s usually far more subtle, she doesn't doubt she could be more stealthy if he wanted, but he clearly believes everyone around him is an utter idiot. Fair enough, she supposes. He gives a slight smile, the kind that might say “well done.”
As with everyone, Solas projects emotions into the Fade- but his are more tightly moderated than any other mage she’s ever seen. Now though, Trevelyan sees a wave of complex feelings she can barely sort through, radiating from him: rage at the Tevinters, intense all-consuming fear of something she can’t sense, great sadness for something lost, but all controlled, and directed by conscious purpose.
“These woods are dangerous,” he says, characteristically naming the obvious, “and you have the only means of closing the rifts.” He regards her for a moment. “I apologize if I intruded. You have proven yourself a capable fighter, but I have found it is far too easy to make rash mistakes when one is alone.” His actual meaning is not lost on her: don’t be an idiot and run, is what he wants to say.
He adds, “And in my defense, you did just eviscerate an entire troop of men.” She expects him to ask her why, but he doesn’t; apparently needing no explanation for her small act of rebellion.
“They were templars,” she explains anyways, “most are awful. The others just look away when the Circle rapes happen. Honestly, I’ve always preferred the former.”
“I can’t disagree with you,” Solas says, “my few interactions with templars have been... unpleasant. Either they are accustomed to following the worst orders, as you have said, or they just enjoy inflicting pain, especially upon those without recourse.” There is clear contempt and disgust in his voice, it’s as if he’s speaking from experience.
“That’s why we rebelled,” she says, taking another bite of the apple, “also,  I was hungry. Inquisition rations weren’t doing it.” Solas actually laughs. Trevelyan idly wonders when murder became so casual for her. Kill the woman who raised you, and everyone else becomes easy, she supposes.
There’s a short, but not awkward, silence between them. She knows exactly why he is here, to prevent her from defecting back to the rebels, but his presence is, surprisingly, not unwelcome. They haven’t had much time to talk like this; the conversations they’ve had have so far been in either the shadow of Haven’s Chantry, or on the road with Cassandra.
She motions to the adjacent seat on the wagon. To her surprise, he nods, and walks, or more accurately, struts over, butt wiggle and all. Like most mages, he usually makes himself seem as small as possible, scuttling rather than walking, but unlike the rest, it’s almost as if he has to consciously remind himself to do so.
Solas likes questions, she reminds herself, so ask one. He jumps up on the wagon, and she says, “do you like apples?”
Solas doesn’t even blink. “Apples were first domesticated in this part of the world.” How the fuck does he even know that, she wonders. “I saw a memory once, of a horde of human barbarians, desperately defending a part of these woods they held sacred, from the legions of the Imperium. When the barbarians were slain, the Tevinters marched forward, only to find a simple apple orchard, one which hundreds gave their lives to protect.” He takes one out of the crate, and takes a bite. “However, if you were asking about the taste- no, I detest apples.” He takes another bite. “This one in particular tastes sort of like burnt human flesh.”
“Dying for a lost cause. You really never miss an opportunity to make a point, do you?” she says, “also, how do you even know what burnt human flesh tastes like?”
Solas smiles mischievously. “I don’t like to waste words,” he says. The other point he is suspiciously quiet on. I don’t judge, Trevelyan thinks, you go eat as much flesh as you like, Solas.
His words are somewhat slurred, and she smells something in the air, besides the burning templars of course. She recognizes it as the unmistakable stench of peach whiskey, suspiciously similar to the bottle she had nicked from Dennet yesterday. Solas seems to notice and says, “Master Dennet had many such bottles wasting away on the shelf. He will not miss one, or two, I suppose.” He shrugs.
On the topic, she notices a small bottle of ale in one of the templar crates; the cork is stuck when she pulls on it, so she simply uses a bit of force magic to smash the top of the bottle off. It smells absolutely wretched, and tastes even worse, but she drinks it anyway. Solas watches her, possibly judging her, but he’s always hard to read. “Been a shit day,” she explains. Linnea said, go back to your templars. Fuck her. Tevinter apologist. Shockingly flat ass. Terrible kisser.
“Was today your first time in Redcliffe?” she asks. Solas chuckles softly to himself, apparently a joke only he understands.
“A long time ago, before your rebellion,” he says, “it’s changed since, of course. But I assume you’re asking my opinion on the rebel mages, rather than the settlement itself.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Despair sticks to most of the mages like gnats.” He’s right, during the retreat from the Free Marches, every morning some mages wouldn’t wake up, taken by Despair demons in their sleep. And the war has only gotten worse. She can’t even imagine. “Still, they endure. Their fight against oppression is admirable, and utterly hopeless.” , “Hopeless?” Trevelyan raises an eyebrow. She should be angry, but more than anything she feels exhausted. “You seem rather certain.”
“Of course I am.” he says, matter of fact. Trevelyan picked up some dalish during the rebellion; she’s not ignorant as to the meaning of his name. “In my journeys through the Fade, I have seen countless rebellions rise up, confident in the just nature of their cause, only to be crushed mercilessly. Righteousness, unfortunately, is no match against steel.” Good poetry. She’ll give him that.
“And, yet, Recliffe is still standing,” she says, “for the first time in a thousand years, in this part of the world, mages govern ourselves. No templars. No Chantry. We built that. Isn’t that freedom worth defending?” Trevelyan spent most of her life in the Circle. No price can be too great, she thinks.
“You forget you aren’t speaking to Cassandra or Varric. We do not disagree on the necessity of rebellion,” he smiles, just a bit, mostly to himself, “but, in order for a rebellion to win its immediate demands, as well has change what it is possible in the long term, something you once told me that you seek to do, they must do one thing.” He pauses for dramatic effect, and honestly it works. “They must win.”  
“Even failed revolutions can teach lessons,” she says, the only dogma she’s ever needed to believe in, “no matter what Varric says, the mage rebellion didn’t manifest spontaneously.” She thinks of the thousand year struggle for freedom, and what feels like generations of the dead on her shoulders. In the distance, Trevelyan can just make out the flag of the Venatori, waving from the ramparts of Redcliffe. The ships are not far behind.
“No,” Solas says, suddenly melancholy, “or if they do, it is always the wrong lessons.” He’s silent for a long moment, staring into the ground. “I saw a memory once in the Fade. A man who sought to overthrow a tyrant. Then, a half-hearted assassination attempt, tailored for drama, instead of results. It of course failed. The man himself was burned alive, defiant at first, but when the flames reached his body, when his skin began to melt off, he screamed for mercy that never came.”
Trevelyan takes a long drink. Solas adds, eerily calm, “In the end, martyrdom is just melted flesh upon a wooden stake, and a name utterly forgotten.”  She drains the rest of the bottle.
“I killed my mother,” she says, suddenly, without really meaning to, “when the Circle was annulled, I tried to give her the courtesy of a quick spell, but the tower wards blocked magic so…” she makes a motion with her staff “I, well, had improvise.”
“Your first murder?” he asks. She shakes her head. Definitely not. “If you want absolution, I’m not the person to give it.”
“Oh fuck no, I’m not Andrastian,” Trevelyan scoffs, and Solas chuckles softly. The Andrastians think they can solve all the world’s evils, all their many personal failings, through a song. It’s childish. Besides, Trevelyan would rather hold onto her sins for now- keep them close like a badge of honor. She looks down at the dead templars, corpses bathed in green light from her Mark.
“I don’t regret it,” she says, and she thinks she means it, “not if it served a purpose.” Trevelyan looks again towards Redcliffe, and thinks, everything I am, I owe to them. “In just the time it takes to travel back to Haven, how many will already be on the ships?”
“Likely a few dozen,” Solas answers, “there will be far more, thousands, if these Venatori are not defeated, which is a battle only the Inquisition has the resources to win. It is fortunate, then, that you have a position where you can speak on behalf of the rebel mages.”
The sun begins to rise, bathing the forest in dim orange light. “We should get back then ,” she forces herself to say, though every word is like a block of lead. Solas exhales in relief.
“One final thing,” she says as Solas moves to get up. She looks at her counterpart, studying him best she can, sensing his projections into the Fade. He’s unlike any other apostate she’s ever met, and there’s something about him she can’t quite put her finger on, much less vocalize. “You know quite a bit about rebellions,” she says.
“I have seen much in my travels,” he says, pausing as he considers his next words, “and you could say I had a dramatic youth.”
“One I’d be interested in hearing about,” she says, genuinely. “Especially if it involves more surprisingly melancholy stories about apple domestication.” Solas seems taken aback for a moment, but recovers quickly, chucking politely at her joke. He then smiles quietly to himself.
The two apostates return to the Inquisition camp, though Trevelyan keeps Redcliffe in her sight for as long as she can.
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