#the stupid- that one spongebob episode
sometimes really really stupid things make me cry
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57sfinest · 2 years
YOU -- La Revacholiére, will I ever get married?
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princesssmars · 2 months
a few ellie headcanons bc i like her c: sfw.
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she is a backpack lesbian. always has a tiny backpack. they are always black or a dark green. will sometimes get a patterned one. maybe has bananas on it. wants to put stickers on basically all of them but won’t because she gets paranoid they’ll get ruined.
i can’t find the post and ong i don’t remember what type of snack girlie i said ellie was but yes. this bitch loves snacks. always snacking. had a four month long addiction to jello it was a little scary.
she can cook for herself! she can make a damn good burger. hates tomato’s because she’s a baby 👎🏽
feel like she likes the weirdest cereals ever…like bae why are you eating kit kat cereal
runs super cold and always has a blanket. lovesss those super thick fluffy blankets that make you wanna fall asleep immediately. begged joel for one of those full body blanket snuggie things and he kept forgetting so she bought a matching dinosaur set with jessie and she loves it.
despite running cold her bedroom fan has not turned off in thirty years.
loves trivia. likes to play are you smarter than a fifth grader because you are NOT gonna catch her fuckin lackin.
likes mixmatched socks. her dryer is always eating half of her pairs so she grows to like it.
calls things pretentious and overrated as a joke bc she is annoying. watching a popular movie? she hates it the author is trying too hard. if she has a letterboxd she is either giving the most in depth review you’ve ever seen or a five star rating with a “cool”.
super nervous at the start of relationship yo show affection but when she’s locked in she is always on you…cuddles all the time. if you’re getting up to do something she is gripping around your waist. it’s cute until you need to go to the bathroom and she is insistent on going with you. once when she was high she told you she’d get a second toilet so you could go together 🫤
playstation girl yawn. she was hyped for elden ring then got her ass beat and didn’t play for a month before randomly deciding to finish it in two weeks.
whoever said she loves spongebob first was right…binges regular show when high. loves breaking bad. will act like she doesn’t like romance shows but if you make her watch the first episode she hasssss to finish it she can’t help ittt… sorry not sorry i’m making her watch bridgerton.
secretly watches those family guy adhd tiktoks
has a habit of watching movies through tiktok
and those space tiktok’s… comparing the gravity of different planets, what’s it’s like to fall through jupiters atmosphere.
likes orcas… watches marine life documentaries and gets emotional.
would know ur birth chart. ever forget ur big three signs? she knows. kind of scary. weird talent. doesn’t believe in astronomy buts knows every basic fact about every sign?? 😭
has two instagrams. her main is for her art and to post pictures with her friends and you. second she posts anything. and i do mean anything. will go from an introspective into idk why hoodwinked is underrated to
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loves green it’s literally her color. needs some green in her dorm/apartment. thinks about this ahead of time so when she’s in middle school she starts buying tiny plants to take care of. at the start they’d die in like a week but now she has a dozen and they’re all healthy <3
bunch of posters on her bedroom walls. hates bare walls.
likes to try new hobbies every so often! is lazy about working out but when she does she gets on the treadmill and doesn’t break a sweat no matter how fast. kind of scary.
likes to go on the most random dates. you’ll be sitting on the couch and she’ll show you some random restaurant she saw on like instagram and be like let’s go. right now.
likes when you touch her hair. rest her on top of you while watching a movie and run your fingers through her hair? she’s out like a light. if you want to try different styles on it at home she will let you. doesn’t care if she has stupid looking like stubs everywhere she’s like c:
jesse told her she had a fuck ass bob once and she almost hit him :c
such a bike girl omg. i know she used to put water bottles in the back to make it sound like a motorcycle.
who first came up with that she loves spongebob because you’re so right. tried to act like she’s grown out of it but when she’s high and you’re trying to go to bed she’ll whisper “twenty five” to herself and laugh for five minutes straight.
spider-man girl because she’s cool.
pretends to hate all the dumb nicknames you give her when she does stuff. she makes a pb&j? shes now 'ellie jellie' for the rest of the week. has a stomach ache? now she gets to hear 'ellie bellie' for a month.
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links for palestine, sudan, drc
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pix3lplays · 3 months
Imagine drunk! bubbly dr ratio going on a whole shopping spree for clay or something to make a ton of statues of him and you??
like he’s just got that classic big ass “XD” face on as he’s happily purchasing over 1,000,000 credits worth of clay to make sculptures out of the two of you (shopkeepers and passersby are worried..)
the sculptures including the both of you doing things aren’t even lustful, they’re just silly and stupid.
so imagine his shock a few days later (recovered from his AWFUL hangover), when he summons a statue and it’s him and you doing smth silly like idk fighting
I’m crying, RATIO do NOT-
Also another warrior for Bubbly drunk Ratio, hi~
But this is making me think of that episode of SpongeBob where Squidward has the art class, and the only one who shows up is SpongeBob, and for some reason SpongeBob is super artistic-idk if I’m making any sense I just woke up-
But yeah super drunk Ratio somehow constructing detailed amazing statues of the two of you, thankfully using CLAY so he shouldn’t be able to accidentally hurt himself with those marble carving tools lol.
But yeah he’s got one of the two of you…idk…playing leapfrog, fighting but you guys are in very strange exaggerated poses lol, I like the one of the two of you playing the Nintendo Wii despite Wiis not existing in the realm of HSR and you having NEVER even played a single video game with him before.
He’s SO embarrassed when he summons a statue and it’s you proposing to him. He’s like NO ONE LOOK-!!! Don’t LOOK!!! NO ONE CAN KNOW!!
Aww Ratio wants to marry you~
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Adding to the “Velvette is the glue of the Vees” convo (and possible slightly out of character interpretation)
I feel like Vox and Valentino definitely need somebody to confide in other than a fuck-buddy y’know?
Like just a (somewhat) stable friend or business partner no sex involved
…Who they’ll sometimes cuddle on the couch with and bitch about their day to each other
I hc Velvette in all her independent girlboss glory can grow clingy towards those she’s attached herself to - that being Vox and Valentino
Say Vox and Val have an argument Velvette wasn’t around for, so they’re both pissed at each other - Velvette comes to their little shared common space, completely drained from work and drapes herself over whoever is there
Valentino; will immediately start bitching to her but also scoop her up and plop on the couch, maybe get some snacks and drinks as they both recharge
Vox; stays quiet - doesn’t like talking after an argument but will do something similar, maybe go into his office instead to stalk someone while having Velvette in his lap. Velvette is just there doom scrolling on her phone or taking a nap while Vox rubs her back
Whoever Velvette runs into first - she can sense the argument happened. So once she’s recharged and taken care of herself - she’ll text them something stupid like “Can’t sleep. Come here. Now.” without telling Vox or Valentino that the other one will be there - both of them go in her room and are - pissed lol
(Think of that Spongebob episode where Squidward tries to make Patrick and SpongeBob be friends again 💀)
But yeah uhmmm Velvette’s gonna 1. Address the issue directly 2. Force both Vox and Valentino to sleep with her bc she’s too tired to deal with them but will force them into the awkward situation cause she wants the entertainment
If scenario 2 happens Velvette is obviously sandwiched in between Vox and Valentino while they stare at each other angrily. Whoever speaks way too loud first gets punched by Velvette (happens multiple times) so they’re forced to quietly “discuss their issues” while Velvette is playing dumb and pretending to sleep - eventually things do work out and they all fall asleep
I don’t even know where I was going with this it’s incredibly disorganized I just like ranting about the Vees help - love silly Velvette headcanons where she’s the one who’s in control I guess lol
I totally agree with like half of what you've written - with the part taht Vox and Valentino both need someone to confide with. None of them has a lot of opportunities to be just comfortable with another person. Sure they have each other but romantic relatisohips are often more "loaded" than frienships and while they can grant deeper connection, they also generate greater tension. That's why lifelong frienships are way more common than lifelong romances.
But I don't find the idea of Velvette's infantilization appealing, sorry. She strikes me as a person who craves to be feared and respected, to the level that it feels almost like overcompesating for her young age (compared to other Overlords) and non-threatening form. I don't see why would she allow anyone, even her friends to treat her like a plushie. Especially when those friends are power hungry maniacs who nutoriously prey on people they see as weaker.
That doesn't mean I think your headcanon is wrong or bad. It just doesn't allign with my own interpretation. Which is perfectly fine, they can't even be compared in their accuracy in relation to canon because we barely have any canon. So please, don't take it personally - I love you have fun with your ideas, that's the most important part of fandom <3
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katapotato55 · 9 months
that episode of Spongebob where he had a mental breakdown over messing up a krabby patty is so damn relatable as an artist
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this episode is 24 years old how the hell is it so relatable to me man sometimes when you make a bunch of mistakes you feel like you are incapable of doing anything right and it affects your performance. hell sometimes doing one stupid thing and being ridiculed for it hurts enough to affect you. I don't have a point to any of this I just want to say that Squidward isn't the only thing relatable in this show.
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ojamayellow · 15 days
People are claiming that kids groaned at the Earthspark trailer (therefore "kids don't want ES") during the 40th Anni Transformers Event but imo even if that's true I still doubt it? Kids go NUTS over different variations of their fave things. see: Live Action Transformers, or like multimedia franchises like Marvel or Sonic!
But even so, people saying "not even kids enjoy Earthspark" is wrong unless you personally surveyed every child. There were young teens (or pre teens?) at my local 40th Anni Screening who lost it at the Earthspark sneak peek.
Not always, but people who tend to dislike Earthspark dislike it because it's "#woke", or they're a genwunners/tfp-fanatic. I haven't seen TFP, but the way people obsess over it as if it's the only good Transformers show makes me want to avoid it until the very end.
And sure Earthspark has flaws, but that doesn't make it a failure in writing. Everything that exists has a flaw. Your favourite cartoon, Transformers or not, has flaws. G1, Beast Wars, TFA are all highly regarded cartoons that have incredible flaws and issues that frustrate me. But they're not overall terrible shows, unless you solely focus on the flaws.
IMO, Earthspark being a Paramount/Nick show severely affected it. Nick only cares about SpongeBob now. And the "10 episodes in batches every few months" affects the show. A weekly show would've been so much better! One of our free tv channels here only has a batch of S1 Earthspark, but they screen those on a regular basis, much preferable!
And god I DO wanna blame Hasbro, and I sorta do. But toys are bought always. Yeah the quality could be better but that's a sad reality of production these days. I don't know how well the distribution was in other places, but I live in a small city in Australia. We only have some of the smaller toys and Megatron + Twitch + Bee combo. I've never ever seen Nightshade. Can someone please send me a Nightshade? (Yet again we still got loads of Cyberverse Starscreams here... Maybe I'm just in a weird spot).
Actually yeah I'll blame Hasbro too cos they rehashed older toys when we wanted some screen accurate Seekers, but the whole Paramount thing was stupid. Anyway if Earthspark /is/ cancelled after Season 2, I'll be extremely upset. I love this show dearly. There's heart (spark?) in it. And what's worse is that if it is cancelled, the haters will be like "HA! I TOLD YOU SO. WE DONT NEED KIDDIE WOKE MEDIA, WE NEED SKYBOUND QUALITY CARTOONS OR TFP AGAIN" like shut up? Transformers is initially for kids to sell toys? Shut up?
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candyheartedchy · 3 months
Ok I gotta know: what are your fave spongebob episodes and fave spongebob memes/iconic lines?
There’s honestly so many episodes that I enjoy that it’s really hard to pick a few favorites. Like most are from the early three seasons because they are so iconic, but there also ones from later/newer seasons that are my guilty pleasures to watch for different reasons. But any episodes that has SpongBob losing his shit are my absolute favorites lol
And for lines, any dialogue where he has a bit of an attitude or singing. I mean you have the classic “I’m ready!” which is always cute, but also the “Sorry you had to see that…” always makes me laugh. And then there’s the wonderful “LISTEN HERE YOU CRUSTACEAN CHEAPSKATE! SQUIDWARD BEEN LIVING AT MY HOUSE, DRIVING ME CRAZY! AND YOU’RE NOT GONNA TO HIRE HIM BACK ALL BECAUSE OF A STUPID DIME!?!!” makes me giggy.
As for memes, I love the reaction pictures the most, especially these:
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💜🖤(Katakuri Head Canons)💜🖤
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted)
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal
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Okay, soo like I have at least 6 story ideas in my drafts, but they're gonna take forever to finish, and I feel I haven't posted much of anything for the few followers that I have, so here is (for once) a short drabble!~
I see these all the time, and my mind is just stuffed with this mochi man, so I gotta relieve some pressure!~ These are gonna be all over the place with how I think things about him are.~ Enjoy!~
🍩 I feel that sometimes people display Katakuri as so serious, mister grouchy grr grr all the time, but that's just because we mainly saw him when the Strawhat were literally being terrorists. Like, remember how blushy he got with Brulee after his fight?? (Refer to picture at top) This man is literally a softie inside and out with people he's comfortable with!~
🍩 If the incident with Brulee getting hurt as a child bc of him never happened, he'd be so silly with Daifuku and Oven!~
🍩 Like, he'd still be the most serious one, but they'd basically be like Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, haha!~ (I'm literally feral for fanart of those three doing silly shit together!~ 😭)
🍩 Cue Katakuri and Daifuku fighting 24/7 over stupid shit while Oven laughs on the side, and then Daifuku and Oven bantering like children while Katakuri just disassociates beside them.
🍩 I just imagined Katakuri in that tiny shirt Zoro had on in Water 7 while carrying all his little siblings, HELP-
🍩 This isn't a head canon but the one cover art of Katakuri finding out Luffy's the 5th Emperor and him laughing at it while eating donuts with Brulee and Cracker kills me everyday!~ 🥰 He looks so happy and relaxed with them, and his laugh is "BAHAHAHAHA"!!
🍩That cover art just proves he's the sweetest thing!~ He would TOTALLY fall into Strawhat shenanigans if he meets up with the crew again now that Big Mom is gone!~ Kind of like how Zoro is after the time Skip, reserved but still indulges from time to time.
🍩 On the Big Mom being gone note, he is definitely the new captain of the Big Mom Pirates, which he'd probably rename to the Charlotte Pirates or something to get away from Linlin's shadow.
🍩 I can just see Perospero coming home from Wano, all pissed and aggravated from being punched around like nothing by everybody there, yelling at his siblings to do things.
🍩They all just stare, blank faced, at him before pointing to Katakuri running things saying he's the new captain.
🍩 Peros would be livid, going on about how he's the oldest and how he almost DIED fighting alongside Mama in Wano.
🍩 And all of them are like, "Too bad, so sad, Big Brother Katakuri is better. Skill issue, ig- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" And list all the healthy things he's been doing for the islands and family while Peros was gone.
🍩 Katakuri is standing right there, a little flustered at the open compliments, trying to tell them to at least give Peros a chance, but Peros is over it.
🍩 Bro just storms out, claiming he don't want the job no more! Petty af for a few days, grumbling about inefficiencies and punishments for stuff done wrong.
🍩 And Katakuri just shakes his head and says they don't do that anymore because it was hurting someone in the family.
🍩 Eventually, Peros sees all the things he's trying to change not just for the crew, but for how their entire family acts and lives.
🍩 They agree to co-captain just so Katakuri isn't left yet again with everything on his shoulders.
🍩 Katakuri's still busy but his siblings try harder to make him take more breaks, especially Brulee and Cracker.
🍩 It would take a while until he relents, kind of acting like Squidward in that one episode where he keeps coming back to the Krusty Krab thinking SpongeBob is gonna fuck everything up, haha!
🍩 It's not that he doesn't trust his siblings and their capabilities, he's just not used to NOT being needed to hold everything together.
🍩 Once he's relaxed in that aspect, I think he'd slowly come out of his shell and start to go out without his scarf.
🍩 At first it's just in his home, which freaks out his staff into thinking they're gonna die by seeing his full face, and then with some hyping from Brulee, he starts going out without it.
🍩He is absolutely a nervous WRECK walking around feeling so bare without it but the townspeople love him so much and say how handsome he is and how COOL his teeth are that he almost CRIES-
🍩 Like, you can't change my mind on this sappy thought bc remember how the people on Pudding's island were when she went back after the wedding to make the cake?? You can't tell me everyone living in Tottoland doesn't ADORE Katakuri, the man who is always protecting them and kept Big Mom in check the best he could all these years!!
🍩 It's so cute how he tries to pull up a scarf that isn't there when he's trying to hide an emotion, and when he realizes what he did it only makes him flustered! ☺️
🍩 Flampe is disgruntled, maybe even still let down, at this development and tries to trash talk him to her siblings, but for once everyone is like "Shut up, little girl, you're literally slandering your brother who loves you very much, wtf?" And she just shuts down!
🍩 I NEED to believe that Brulee like slapped or punished Flampe somehow when she heard all the things she did and said to Katakuri when he took off his scarf during his fight w/ Luffy! 🙏
🍩 Katakuri isn't mad or anything, just hurt, and tells Flampe that he hopes she can love him again, and finally gives her the pets she wanted but doesn't deserve and that makes her little less bratty
🍩 Katakuri's newfound courage to walk about without his scarf leads to Pudding being less ashamed about her third eye, and MAYBE she starts acting like her normal self with a hint of sadism here and there.
🍩 Secretly, Katakuri fiends for ANY new info on Luffy and his crew, talking about them with Brulee who is the only one willing to listen to his fanboy ass.
🍩 When it's revealed that Big Mom was defeated in Wano, he still thanks Luffy for it even though Kidd and Law are the ones that actually took her down.
🍩 It was a Luffy domino effect, so it counts as a Luffy win, trust 👍
🍩 Obviously, he keeps the black hat that Luffy left on him after his fight, and can't help but laugh every time he sees it sitting on his desk. It's a joy boy affect 🥺
🍩 I know Film Red isn't canon, but I can just imagine the aftermath of that with Brulee now being taken with Sanji like Pudding, and those two just gushing over the Strawhat cook to a disgruntled Katakuri who doesn't like the way they talk about the skirt chasing blonde.
🍩 Mochi man holds some respect for Sanji too since he heard how he refused to poison the cake he helped Pudding make for Mama during her hunger rampage. He saved his sibling's lives and much of their territory from being destroyed.
🍩 Still didn't stop him from rolling his eyes at every squeal over his chivalrous words and actions-
🍩 With Katakuri as the new captain, the Charlotte family actually starts healing and acting like a true family over time.
🍩 Katakuri makes sure that the youngest siblings don't grow up with the same traumas all of them grew up with, reassuring them in their appearances and abilities when he can.
🍩 He's an irredeemable villain to you, but he's my special little princess mochi man 🥰
That's all of my random thoughts and ideas for Katakuri and his family!~ I see why people do this, it's fun to just type what comes to mind and not have to make sure it's sensible in a story, haha!~ I might do one for him again but him with an S/O.~ Maybe him and a few other of my favorites.~
There's not enough for him, I swear I've read everything everywhere already, so now I must make everything I want myself.~ It's a curse to always like side characters that are shown to have depth but aren't given the screen time to explore it!~
Ugh, anyways, see you next time, dearies, I appreciate any feedback and interaction!~ Mwah mwah!~
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felixcloud6288 · 3 months
Episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Mr Krabs decides to stop selling Krabby Patties and instead starts selling patties where each one is completely unique and will only be sold once. He calls them NFPs (non-fungible patties).
At first, the NFPs are very simple condiment combinations. One NFP has only ketchup; one has mustard; one has both; etc. Then when Krabs runs out of unique basic condiment combinations, he starts using different types of cheese and buns. Then he has to start using bizarre ingredients. And eventually he starts adding items into the sandwiches that make them highly toxic and dangerous.
The people of Bikini Bottom start collecting these NFPs which drives up their value and lets Mr Krabs sell his new NFPs at exceedingly bloated prices.
The only people not in on the hype are Spongebob (He's just making the patties and doesn't really notice), Squidward (He thinks the whole thing is stupid), Plankton (Refuses to buy into it and is instead trying to push ChumCoins), and Patrick (He just wants to eat a Krabby Patty but people keep buying them all before he gets a chance).
Eventually, the value of the NFPs plummets as they all start to rot and decay. Everyone stops buying NFPs when they realize they bought worthless commodities that will go bad after several days.
At this point, Patrick finally manages to buy a Krabby Patty, a plain patty with extra mayonnaise, and he eats it. Everyone sees Patrick eating his Krabby Patty and start talking about what sorts of toppings they'd rather have.
Mr Krabs, having lost everything trying to make more NFPs to sell, starts selling Fungible Patties (FPs) that are like NFPs but they aren't strictly unique and you can get any FP you want even if someone else already has the same one.
The episode ends with everything back to business as normal except people are ordering FPs instead of Krabby Patties. The last scene is someone trying to buy an FP with ChumCoin.
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brehaaorgana · 3 months
I really do hate how much contemporary art wings or museums give me headaches. It's like sensory hell 90% of the time:
The worst soul sucking vibrating white on the walls. Brighter than landlord white. Brighter than dorm room white. It's neon white. Death to white box rooms in galleries and museums. Hate that shit. Smh it's worse than neutral greige.
Floors are also usually terrible. Shiny concrete or hospital chic tile type of shit. Everything is literally colder because of it. Bring back polished old wood and carpet!!! Or cream/ivory tile!!
It feels like the chrome episode of SpongeBob tbh
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ACTUAL neon and flashing lights are unfortunately common and while I don't normally find those to be a huge issue, see them combined with above white paint and despair. Had a contemporary curator guest lecturer berate me in grad school for politely asking to move away from the loud room with pulsing lights in order to focus on the discussion better bc I could feel a headache building.
(I also disliked her immensely because she assigned pretentious overwritten contemporary curatorial readings but knew very little about museum theory and also got mad when I pointed out someone's mock exhibition proposal on a staircase was LITERALLY wheelchair inaccessible. All those stupid fucking readings on diversity and the contemporary art world or whatever the fuck and me saying "hey if this exhibition was literally mounted going up a staircase, how will people with disabilities access it?" Was apparently an appallingly rude critique of a final project which was meant to be as realistic as possible and not the most basic fucking question of accessibility. I still get so angry whenever I think about it. A whole class of curatorial theory and "okay but how do people see that cool art if they can't walk on stairs?" Was something No one else in the room considered. Dumb. Pure contemporary curatorial theory is divorced from reality entirely.)
Too many pieces have audio clips on repeat, and an unfortunately large number of the audio sounds are discordant or unpleasant on purpose. Shrieks, squeals, chanting, whatever. Volume levels are never standardized (it can alternate quiet and LOUD) and shit frequently echoes. How tf did I not go insane when I was student working front desk at a contemporary art museum?? Even if there's headphones you can often still hear the buzzing noise coming from outside them. Very specific form of torture when you experience it for several hours on repeat. Especially the quiet humming of the lights or electronics and repetitive audio.
Video clips with light flickering, flashing, or color changes are fine for me briefly or alone but for more than ten minutes? Death.
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toomuchracket · 3 months
matty seeing girlie *politely and professionally* cuss someone out in her lawyer mindset and it rlly gets him going
OOH OOH one time vee @abiiors and i talked about you and matty getting called into the school because elena punched a boy in the face because he was bullying her big sister - matty gets there first and has to listen to this obnoxious dad be like "your daughter broke my son's nose (she did not) i want discipline", all the while thinking Just You Wait Until My Wife Gets Here.
he swoons when you rock up in your work clothes and your heels (red lip optional but it would be so cunty i fear), and does his best not to smirk while you sit through listening to this fucking awful excuse for a father complain about how his son is an angel and would never do anything wrong and your daughters are feral and should be expelled with a raised eyebrow and folded arms, because he knows you're about to tear this arsehole a new one. you do, but in a lawyerly way; you literally pull handouts from your bag for everyone like "email transcripts from the past six weeks, detailing the problems your supposed angel of a child has ben causing my eldest daughter, beginning with a note from their class teacher to apologise for the bruising dylan came home with after he deliberately pushed her off a swing set and to inform us he would be duly disciplined in class, and hopefully at home too, as the email had been sent to you and your family as well. the rest of the transcripts are emails from myself to the class and head teachers, explaining that dylan has since been scared to go to school due to further bullying, and asking if something could be done about this rapidly escalating situation. i don't necessarily condone my younger daughter's actions, although i am proud of her for standing up for her sister, but if you had bothered to deal with your child's behaviour before now then she wouldn't have had to resort to violence to stop her older sister being targeted". the headteacher is (rightfully) mortified, the man is IRATE, and matty's not sure he's ever fancied you more in his life. and then he has to rescind that, because the man tries to pull the "oh, i'm sure my son's only acting like that because he fancies her!" card, and you just say "children learn behaviours, though - you implying that your son equates affection with violence also implies someone in the immediate family thinks so, too. in that case, maybe best to get social work involved. i'm sure they'd be very interested to hear that" - he's spluttering out denials (which don't sound too convincing), and you just stand up and say "i think we're done here. we'll speak to elena about her methods of tackling injustice. and i hope your son's bruising isn't too severe - we can testify from dylan's that arnica ointment helps, though. have a good weekend" and grab matty and leave. he keeps it together until you pick up the girls and take them home, and then he distracts them by putting spongebob on before he pulls you into the utility room and just kisses you until you're lightheaded; he pulls away like "i love you i'm in awe of you and you're so hot that if i don't go down on you in the next two minutes i might die. i'm not even kidding like you ended that stupid cunt. ENDED. sexiest fucking thing i've ever seen. please for the love of god let me make you cum" lol. you're like "you've only got eight minutes until the episode ends and the girls start wandering", and matty lifts you onto the counter and says "plenty of time" and yeah he's right he gets you off with time to spare. i do think the girls are maybe sent off on a last minute sleepover at uncle george's that night, though, lmao, so matty can show his appreciation of you a bit more thoroughly in peace. hot <3
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A/N ::: Kafka Hibino has healed my 7-10 page writing affliction and he's working on healing my soul. Not really. But woudn't that be nice?? Anyway. Just more cute shit and me daydreaming about this strapping 32 years young buck.
C/W ::: Don't freak out people, but I used my imagination here 🖐️🌈 (from SpongeBob?? Anyone remember that episode?) Anyway, I'm not sure if I should be concerned that I'm writing such happy, cute stuff or if I should be concerned that it took me so long to get here. Whatever. There is nothing to watch out for unless you hate that gross cutesy romantic shit some couples do (I hate that stuff, but this is Kafka - and fiction - so it's ok).
WC ::: Less than 800 (I KNOW)
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He didn't know what to do with his hands. He'd never really been in this type of situation before and he didn't want to do something stupid. Something he thought was stupid … and worse yet, something he thought YOU'D think was stupid. So, he just left them there, on the couch, at his sides.
Kafka was so amazed that he'd even landed a girl like you in the first place that he didn't want to jinx it. So, he just stared at you, his eyes wide with adoration and wonder. He took in your every feature and memorized every curve of your face. He wanted to remember this moment forever.
He didn't want to ruin it by doing something that would be a dead giveaway of his lack of experience.
"You're … you're so beautiful, y/n. Gah! 'M sorry, I keep saying' that, don't I. I do. Don't I? Sorry."
You giggled, your nose brushing against his warm cheek. "Yeah, you do. But it's ok. I don't think anyone has ever called me beautiful so many times in a … well, at all, maybe. I don't mind it." Lifting your left hand, you cupped his chin and turned his head, so he'd be face to face with you. "I think you're really handsome, too, Kafka."
"You do?!" He all but yelled out. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, and his heart skipped a beat. "I-I mean, um … thank you. I'm not used to being called that either. Usually, people just say I'm cute or funny, but never handsome. But if you think I am, then … I must be. Right? You're way smarter than me."
"Well, that's not true. You're very smart, too, Kafka. Sure, not about traditional things. But that just adds to your charm. Truly, you have a very extensive knowledge bank of things most people will never understand."
He smiled shyly. "That's sweet of you to say."
"It's true," you insisted. "You're one of a kind, Kafka."
"You know, there are so many things I want to talk to you about. Like, there's this new episode of [show name] that came out last week, and I just had to see it. Did you know that--"
You pressed a finger to his lips to stop him from rambling. "Let's save that for another time, ok? Right now, I'd much rather be doing this." Kafka's eyes fluttered shut as you leaned in to kiss him softly. He'd never felt anything so gentle and sweet before. It was like a dream that he never wanted to wake from. You were just so perfect for him, and he couldn't get enough of you. He never wanted to let you go.
But he just couldn't shut up.
"Have you ever seen that show? I mean, it's so cra-," you kissed him again hoping to gently get the point across that you wanted his lips to be moving, just not in that way.
Kafka nodded knowingly and apologized. "Yep! Sorry! Zippin' it up righ' now!" He motioned with his fingers to fasten the nonexistent zipper on his lips, and he tossed the key.
You tried to reach out and catch it in time, but, in your head, the fake key landed behind the tv and now it wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Kafka, I didn't mean to zip it completely. I just … well, I don't wanna talk in words with you right now. I want to teach you another language. I'll be right back." You smiled down at him and held his outstretched hand until the two of you weren't able to reach the other anymore and went down the hallway to your bedroom.
"Yeah! Yeppers. I'll just … I'll just uh, oh! I'll find the key while you're back there!"
When you came back, you turned the corner to see the man actually looking behind the tv. "Kafka, what in the world are you doing? What are you looking for?"
He stood and faced you, "Hm? Oh! The key I threw earlier. I need to unzip my lips so I can kiss you properly." The smile on his face was like no other you'd ever seen. It had an air of confidence with an underlying anchor of uncertainty that seemed to be holding him back a little.
"Ok, I see. Well, just use the key you already have to do that. Aren't 'body keys' universal?" You gestured for him to come sit back down on the couch with you.
"Key? I already have another key? And uh, what's a 'body key'?" He scratched his head and tilted it like a puppy trying to understand its very first 'sit' command.
"Yes, Kafka. The one to my heart. Here, let me." You pulled your hand out of your pocket and unlocked his (technically already open) lips and kissed him. Deeply. "Now, don't lose this one, ok? I don't have another one and if you look closely, you can see that this is the kind you're not allowed to make copies of."
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@supersecretsaga @darkstarlight82 @southside-otaku
@arlerts-angel @reiners-milkbiddies
@katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@trevengersprincess @bakubunny @viburnt
Just tell me if you guys don't want to be tagged in Kaiju No 8 stuff and I won't anymore. (I think I've said this a couple of times so I'm probably not gonna give you another out ;) )<3 Thanks!!
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mickedy · 2 months
(1. A cartoon you remember that nobody else does.)
I would say "Popee the Performer" but it has a large enough circle of dedicated fans. I really enjoy Ryuji Masuda's other works though I feel like not enough PTP fans have checked out "Mr. Stain on Junk Alley" it's REALLY GOOD. It's got that surrealist feel of PTP, but it's less horror-esque and more bittersweet and heartfelt
There's so many other things I could say for this one, I spent such a huge amount of my childhood watching Blockbuster VHS tapes of the god damn weirdest cartoons ever. Do you know how many times I watched the film "Kimba the White Lion"? I was obsessed with that one.
Trying to think of one of these forgotten cartoons that I'd actually vouch for. Hmm. "The Little Mermaid" (1975) is really heartfelt and tragic and in some ways I prefer it to the Disney one.
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(3. A cartoon you don’t like but everybody else seems to.)
*looks back and forth really quickly.* I watched Over the Garden Wall a couple years back and I thought it was kind of boring and disjointed. I feel like a lot of the plot threads didn't connect in a very satisfying way. I guess I can appreciate it artistically but I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed myself while watching it. I've failed you cartoon siblings everywhere
I also don't really like Hazbin Hotel and I thought that it was kind of unanimously agreed to be not very good But it trends pretty often on here... I had to unfollow the aromantic tag because all I was seeing was that one character and it made me realize that I was sort of in the minority for not liking it 💁‍♀️ I didn't really like the pilot when it came out and knowing what we know now about Vivziepop I just don't see a reason to give the show a second chance
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(4. A cartoon you wish would be forgotten.)
STOP WRITING NEW SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS EPISODES we don't need anymore spongebob okay. it's okay. Take my hand. no more spongebob it's alright it was a great show for 3 maybe 4 seasons. it should have ended with the first movie please stop wringing this poor sponge for all he's worth
(10. An animated character you hate the most, and why?)
I hate Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty and if I talked about everything I hate about him and his asshole family and his stupid show I'd be here all day. I have particularly heated feelings about this entire cartoon, and I feel like Rick popularized the "nihilistic tragic asshole" archetype I hate so much
Message to all shows everywhere. Your tragic asshole will never be Bojack Horseman stop trying to be Bojack Horseman
(21. Something you would like to see more than anything in a cartoon.)
More cartoons that play with the format. More concepts like "Learning With Pibby". Video games seem to have nailed meta storytelling and I'd like to see it explored more in television (specifically cartoons because there's so much more you can do)
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Spelling Video
Context: I love the spelling bee videos, but I always feel s bad because Chris and Matt seem genuinely upset and disappointed with themselves that they didn't get the word right at times. So, basically here's this. I'm going to write a Matt version in a little bit.
Summary: Chris is upset that he struggles with spelling so much. His partner is always there to cheer him up though.
Chris Sturniolo x reader
TW: self-hate/negative self-talk
*important note: Matt calls his gf 'cat/kitty' in this as a nickname. I hate y/n but I didn't want to use an actual name for the immersion. the gf's friend is refered to with bear, also a nickname. sorry if this is confusing :')*
"Chris, it's not that big of a fucking deal." Nick says, his voice coming off a bit harsher than what I know he meant.
"You don't get it! You're so good at spelling! It's just embarrassing when I try to do it." I let out a huff of a breath. I cross my arms.
"You're not great at spelling, so what? I get words wrong too, and so does Matt. You don't hear him complaining." Nick stops. "If you really don't want us to post the video, then we won't. We'll have to film something else though, and I can tell you're tired. The fans like these videos, but it's up to you." He puts a hand on my shoulder. He's right. I am tired. I really don't want to film anything else tonight.
"Fine." I give in. "I guess it's fine if we post the video."
"I'll edit out some of the really bad spelling errors." Nick says. I know he's trying to cheer me up, but it does next to nothing. I nod to let him know I heard him.
"Let's go watch something downstairs while Nick edits. Okay?" Matt slides his phone into his pocket. He was probably texting his girlfriend about the words he spelled right even though they were really hard. I agree and we head down to the living room.
Matt clicks on Spongebob, then switches it to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know he's trying to cheer me up, and while it is hard to be sullen when that absolute banger of a theme song is playing, it doesn't make the bad feeling in my stomach go away. It's only pushed to the back of my mind.
I get closer to Matt, snuggling up against his side. We get through a couple episodes before he pauses it. "Why'd you stop it?" I frown.
"I asked a couple people to come over. They'll be here in a few. Are you sure you want to be snuggled up to me like this when they get here?"
"Huh? All our friends know that we're close like this? I don't see why it would make a big difference." Matt pauses before he responds to me.
"I invited my girlfriend over." I wait for him to continue. "And her friend." I continue waiting because I'm still not seeing the big deal here. Matt sighs. "The one that always teases you about everything." Also the one I have feelings for. I don't want her to see me like this.
"No. Why would you invite her? Seriously, Matt." My voice comes out all whiny and I turn away from him. He wraps an arm around me, looping under my arms; preventing me from moving away further.
"I was telling cat about the stupid spelling thing and she asked if her coming over would make me feel better and I said yes. She asked how you were doing and I told her you were upset. She said she had an idea but needed bear to come with for it to work." He pulls me against his side again in a sort of hug. "Just trust us, okay?"
"Fine. But if she makes it worse, you owe me McDonald's."
"Whatever you say, Chrissy." He gives me one last squeeze and removes his arm, but I don't move away from him.
"I'm not going to move." I say, crossing my arms.
"That's fine, I'll tell cat to let herself in." I nod, and we go back to watching the now unpaused episode. I guess I must have nodded off for a little while. Matt's girlfriend is here, sitting on his other side and the turtles have been replaced with Drake and Josh.
"Hey, why'd you turn off the turtles?" My voice is rough and my words are slurred together. I rub my eyes, trying to wake up the rest of the way.
"I told you not to turn them off. I told you two the second you turned them off he would wake up, didn't I?" Cat's friend says. She's sitting with my legs over her lap. "You woke up the baby."
I pull my legs away from her. "It's fine. I needed to get up anyway." I say defensively.
"Dude." Cat hisses at her friend.
"Shit. Chris that came out wrong. I'm sorry." Oh. Well, that's never happened before. Strange.
"It...it's okay." I stretch my legs back out, but don't put them over her lap.
"The new video is up." Matt tells me, poking my shoulder.
"Can we watch it?" Cat's friend, Bear asks. She's pretty and mean to me. Absolutely not.
"No." I deny her. Cat already has the remote though and is pulling it up on the TV. I look at Matt. He asked me to trust them. "Fine. I don't care." We start watching the video. I'm tripping over words and single letters. It's so fuckin embarrassing.
Finally, in the video, after like five minutes, I get one easy ass word right. "Chris! That was so good!" Bear says from near my feet, moving closer to me.
"No, it fucking wasn't." I'm not going to let her just lie to my face.
"Yes, it was. You did your best. Looked really cute doing it too." She grins at me. My face gets hot. Matt and Cat get up.
"We're going to go get something to drink." It's just me and Bear. Matt said to trust them. I'm okay. It's okay. I sit up in Matt's absence, facing Bear.
"I'm serious, you know. I think you did really good." She gets closer. "You can ask me to spell words, if it would make you feel better." I shake my head. "C'mon, ask me to spell something."
"Fine. Spell..." I think for a second. "Fuchsia." Her face scrunches up.
"Hmmm, fuchsia...I think it's like y-o-u-r-f-a-c-e. Is that correct?" My face gets hotter.
"Uh...not even close." What is she doing?
"Oh. How do you spell it then?"
"Um, f-u-c-h-s-i-a? I think. Something like that."
"Good job, Chris. You're so fucking smart." She reaches out, touching her hand to my face. "So handsome too." Suddenly, she lurches forward and kisses my nose. "Sorry. I had to. I've wanted to do that since we met."
"Uh, it's okay Bear-" I yawn. "Sorry, I'm still tired."
"It's okay. You can take another nap on my lap if you want." I must be really tired because I move my head to rest in her lap.
"Why'd you call me the baby earlier?" I blurt out.
"Honestly? That's just how I view you. You're the youngest and you're goofy and pretty needy at times. Mostly though, I'd like to be able to call you baby, or my baby. So, I said the baby instead."
"Oh." I bury my face against her stomach. "I think I'd like that." I let out another yawn.
She pushes my hair out of my face. "Just go to sleep baby." Matt was right. This is helping. "I'll be here when you wake up. Just relax and sleep, my baby." She coos a little bit and I am dragged into the darkness of sleep.
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slymewizard · 9 months
Ok on the subject of Hynden Walch being amazing can we talk about AT’s voice cast? I feel like it doesnt get talked about nearly as much as it should.
Jeremy Shada is amazing for how he can escalate his voice for wacky moments or deescalate his voice for quieter, more thoughtful moments. Finn would not be the same character if it werent for Shada’s perfect vocal balance.
John Dimaggio, like what really needs to be said here? He’s BENDER! Of course he was amazing as Jake!
Hynden Walch was never really a voice I considered when thinking about how amazing AT’s voice cast was up until now, I really just remembered her because “hey thats Starfire!” But after hearing her performance as the Candy Queen I FEEL SO STUPID.
Olivia Olson…I wish I had something more constructive to say about Olsen’s voicework but I think everyone’s already well aware about how AMAZING she is as Marceline. Her voice is just so perfect for the character, being both good at delivering quips and devastating tearjerkers. And thats not even mentioning her having the single best singing voice to ever grace a western animated cartoon (yeah fuck you Alvin). Just like Jeremy Shada with Finn, I could not imagine Marceline without Olivia Olson.
Niki Yang, look, I know I already said that no one could play Marceline or Finn as well as Olson and Shada…BUT NO ONE, AND I MEAN, NO, ONE, COULD PLAY BMO AS WELL AS NIKI YANG. She brings a perfect tone of childlike wonder, curiosity and innocence into every word spoken by the little robot. She brings such a fun and vibrant energy to the little guy in episodes like “5 short graybles” or “BMO noire,” that just makes it hit all the harder when moments of existentialism pop up in episodes like “The More you Moe” or…well…”BMO.” BMO has one of the most interesting growing up stories in a series where every pretty much every character’s stories are about growing up, and a lot of that is owed to how perfectly delivered his lines are by Yang.
But theres one voice that gets overlooked more than most others, and who deserves way more credit than they get for how important they are to the show. Someone who’s been around since the very first episode and has been continually providing voices for the series even now in Fionna and Cake. A voice actress whos so commited to the show that its easier to count the episodes she ISNT in than the ones she is in. MARIA. BAMFORD. Margaret, Hot Dog Princess, Slime Princess, Ghost Princess, Melissa, Raggedy Princess, Manfried, Wildberry Princess, Undead Princess, The Butterfly with a Gun AND AN ABSOLUTELY GINORMOUS AMOUNT OF EXTRA VOICES. She puts so much of her signature hilarious vocal range into every one of the dozens if not HUNDREDS of characters that she plays throughout the series. Also a lot of you probably don’t know this but she does standup comedy and she’s hilarious and you should all listen to her albums because she also does funny voices in that and you can even sometimes identify a voice she used for a character in the show…but also trigger warning for mental illness and suicide she talks about those kind of a lot. But anyway my point is, Maria Bamford is a huge reason as to why Adventure Time is as wonderful as it is. Her wacky voices contribute so much to the weird and wonderful vibe of the show, and even if she doesn’t play any primary characters, she is one of the most important and under appreciated voices in the entire series.
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