#the subtle facial expressions!!!!! this kills the man
slippery-minghus · 8 months
hhhhh finally watching mandalorian season 3 and the bo-katan character development coming out of left field?? her starting out the season so disillusioned and clearly broken by her failure to obtain the darksaber and magically unlock the ability to retake mandalore... and then in episode 2, the way she watches din— she's clearly come to respect him by this point.
bo-katan doesn't believe in much anymore- she doesn't believe in mandalore being redeemable, she doesn't believe in the creed, she doesn't believe in herself. the creed and what it means to be a mandalorian are just children's stories to her. in the way she recounts taking the creed as an entertainment-focused ceremony—vs the child in the previous episode, who was very clearly swearing an oath to live by. the creed is just for show to bo-katan, so of course she thinks din's Way is the product of a mindless zealot.
but in episode 2 you can see her watching him. slowly coming to understand that there's worth behind the Creed, that it is something to live by, honorable even. when she flippantly states how her father "was a great man" who died protecting mandalore, and din stops and bows to her, and says in somber grief "this is the Way", her facade visibly cracked.
this man before her is the living embodiment of the Creed, possibly like something out of her childhood storybooks. she clearly sees something in him that she had relegated to the stuff of myth.
she reads the touristy plaque at the Living Waters (which just goes to show how, as a society, the Way had been written off as a relic of the past) aloud with a tone that, again, sounds like something for storybooks. lofty and wistful. like she expects a rise out of din, anything from him agreeing with her that it's a pointless waste of time.
but din, the zealot knight determined to redeem himself, isn't even remotely fazed. if anything he's in awe of the place of legend he's finally found. it's not a dinky tourist trap to him. not at all. and bo-katan's expressions as he begins to recite his vow, words he clearly knows without a second thought? it almost looked like she was choking up. those little bubbles of elation you get at something grand.
i think this is more than just a story of din redeeming himself. it's bo-katan too. she went into the Waters as well, and i think she's going to find it in herself to redeem herself as a mandalorian—to be worthy of the throne in more than just title and sword (when she finally gets the darksaber lol)
hhhhhh i love character development and watching internal arcs like that
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thesummerpetrichor · 11 months
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓮𝓷: 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷’ 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷’
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Javier Peña x afab!fem!reader
Summary: When you got dragged along to your father's weekend embassy getaway you were not expecting to meet the one man he couldn't stand. You weren't expecting to catch his eye. You weren't expecting that you'd be fucking him to get back at your father. You sure as hell weren't expecting him to be finger fucking you under your dinner table.
Warnings: 18+ only minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, reader is the ambassador’s daughter [please do not imagine your real dads because this shit gets nasty], thicc age gap [reader is in her early 20s Javier is in his 40s], petnames, Javi can lift reader, mommy and daddy issues for spice, use of ‘daddy’ [once] for extra spice, explicit language, explicit sexual content, size kink, mean!dom!brat tamer!Javi, brat!reader, dirty talk, degradation, public sex, semi public sex, fingering under the table, oral [m receiving], facial [oop], slight cumplay?, spanking, choking [like once], unprotected P in V [ do better!!] let me know if I missed anything!!
Word Count: 10.4k
A/N: This is part one of three (1/3) that follows these two's little horny adventure over the weekend. Pure and utter filth because I dreamt about being on an embassy vacay with Javi. Absolute depravity but I hope you nasties enjoy mwah!! 💗
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Darlin', darlin', doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Sophie’s eyes shot open, mouth falling agape as she slowly turned her head in your direction. “You’re fucking kidding!” Lyn was already leaning over you, her upper body between her and your recliner, and Maria and Sandra had picked up their cocktails and skirted closer. 
“DEA Javier?” Anne’s not so subtle reaction prompted a collective “shush” from the group. She lowered her voice, but sounded just as shocked as she did moments ago. “Mean, grumpy, asshole Javier?!” Sandra leaned in closer, then raised her brows at the former indicatively. 
“Pornstar Javier.” 
Maria smacked the both of you on your shoulders, her expression nothing short of grossed out. “You mean my tio Javier.” 
Sighing you let your head fall back against your chair, legs stretched out and crossed over one another as you brought your straw to your upturned lips. Maria dropped her head on your shoulder. “You're going to kill your father”. Giggles floated through the warm afternoon air, drowned out partially by the music emanating from the restaurant nearby. 
You were an unspecified amount of drinks into the morning, but more drunk on the prospect that Agent Peña was now in a prison of his own mind, having started something that had spun quickly out of his control. The sun was shining down on your mostly bare body, skin glittering thanks to the tiny droplets of water that gemmed your legs from when you’d walked across the beach and let the waves crash gently against them. 
Sliding your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose, you met his gawking eyes from across the pool. He was hunched over a whiskey at the bar, pretending like he wasn’t eye fucking his bosses daughter mere seconds ago, enjoying the view under the guise of relaxing with his partners.  
You shot him a wink, concealing your smirk with your strawberry daiquiri when he nearly choked on his drink– clumsily accepting the paper napkin Carillo confusedly offered him. 
You had legitimately tried every possible way of getting out of joining your dad on his little  embassy getaway. It was the middle of summer, and spending the weekend with a bunch of retirees, cops, and CIA agents was not exactly what you would call an ideal vacation. But as always you ended up giving in, and before you knew it you were in Cartagena, sunhat perched on your head, checking into the hotel. 
Why you indulged him was a mystery to you. The man had practically disappeared for six months, and then called you out of the blue begging you to tag along. It was like having the perfect family was a requirement at that shitty excuse of a job. You were convinced you were just there to be an accessory to his polished image, some sort of certificate of achievement for whatever the hell he called parenting. 
But a free vacation? Free booze? Food? And a weekend with your friends? That seemed worth the trouble of having to deal with him for a couple of days, say ‘hi’ to and make menial conversation with his co workers, and sit through whatever superficial dinner they hosted to pat themselves on the back for the work they did over the past year.
Admittedly, it was going a lot better than you had initially expected. The oldies sat around playing cards– trying to discuss retirement plans and secure raises, and you stayed far away, sipping cocktails by the pool, lounging in the summer sun, and watching the volleyball matches on the sand. Cartagena had terrific beaches, and the DEA had a whole lot of people who contributed to the view. 
At least they were good for something. 
Their attaché was good for a lot of things. 
Despite having never met him, you knew quite a lot about Javier Peña. How could you not? The man was on your dad’s mind more than your entire family. Insolent, dismissive, inflexible, impudent, you could go on for hours. You wondered what he was really like– the guy who had gotten more attention from your father in two years of his career than you did your entire life. 
Expecting some grumpy, old, grubby handed man who spent all his time trying to pick up women at bars– calling it espionage, you were knocked for six when you saw tall, brown haired, broad shouldered, cut jaw, Agent Peña respond to his name being called across the reception. For how much the ambassador liked to discuss him he had completely glossed over his striking good looks. 
Even though he wasn’t difficult to miss among the senior citizens it wasn’t his ‘pinup boy’ persona that initially caught your attention. From the moment you’d dragged your suitcase up the lobby staircase you couldn't help but shake the feeling that someone's eyes had been following you. You brushed it off at first, but their gaze had burnt a hole into your back soon enough, and you were forced to scout the room for the supposed perpetrator. 
For better or for worse your voyeur did little to hide their private indulgence. Leaning against the concierge's desk you met the eyes of the one person you were least expecting to have caught the interest of. Granted, Javier looked rather delicious in his dark jeans and blue, cotton shirt, you’d expect he’d have at least a little more shame than everyone at the embassy gave him credit for. 
It was quite flattering actually, the way he was eating up the sight of you in your sundress– that one you bought on your vacation in Italy last summer, the one that fell just above mid thigh, with that soft, white, cotton fabric that was perfect for the hot weather. He was smoking a cigarette beside your father’s assistant Colleen, and a blonde man whose face was turned away from you. His eyes raked over your body and landed on the pendant your dad gifted you for your birthday as it dangled from your neck– the blue diamond brushing over the valley between your breasts. 
He knew you’d caught him, but that didn’t stop the man. It was admirable. 
You had to assume he didn’t know who you were, because if he did he was pretty adventurous for salivating over you so openly, with your father just a few feet away. It wasn't difficult to get on the ambassador’s shit list, and by far Agent Peña seemed to be kicking everyone’s ass for the top spot. The fact that he was so obviously avoiding the ambassador wasn’t doing him any favors. Maybe this was his twisted way of getting back at your dad. Maybe you liked that it was.
Your father moved around the crowded lobby, switching pleasantries with the mostly sunburned crowd. He didn’t bother dragging you along for introductions, and usually you’d prefer being perched on the couch with your friends, but it was almost impossible not to feel a little left out when he cornered Peña and his blonde friend near the flavored water. 
You watched from a distance as the ambassador took the blonde’s hand, shook it and then quite violently patted his back before he shook Peña’s shoulder in a painfully forced gesture. Truth be told, you felt quite bad for the man. It was a shame really– getting forced into spending a weekend with the only people more insufferable than the cartels.  
For him, that is. 
It's alarming, honestly, how charming she can be
Fooling everyone, telling 'em she's having fun
The smell of a well cooked meal should not have excited you as much as it did. But the prospect of being able to eat something that wasn’t cooked by your mother was far too appealing to pass upon. Lunch was served, even though you knew it was meant to be more of a commencement ceremony for the weekend. 
You looked towards the restaurant– serenely sandwiched between the beach and the pool, and covered partially by a canopy of palm trees, to find the people moving in in droves.  Eager to get the “fun” going. You had already lost your father to the crowd, and even better it seemed like he’d be gone a while before he’d be inflicting his presence on you once again. 
Sophie emerged from the mob, looking dramatically desperate. She grabbed your arm. “I can’t do this sober”. She was serious as a heart attack, and so were you. Sliding your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose you met her gaze. “You and me both” 
Browsing the spread was a workout of its own. The thing seemed to run for miles, and the task was only made harder thanks to the many people who stopped you on the way. “The ambassador's daughter right?!” What more could you do besides smile awkwardly and say hello. The whole world seemed to know your entire life story– where you were studying, your major, the fact that you’d spent the first week of summer with your mother. You knew your father liked to run his mouth, but the fact that you were, in any way, a point of conversation, was at the very least jarring. 
After nearly twenty minutes of perusing you finally made it to the bar, and were utterly grateful for the handsome bartender who fixed your drinks in a giffy. All that was left to do was huddle in the corner and get day-drunk till the entire ordeal was over. 
“Well, well well, what a surprise” Turning around from the onyx countertop, you came face to face with a firm, broad chest. You tilted your chin to find Maria’s dad smiling down at you. He reached for her, then mused the hair in a few rugged motions. She grumbled, but fell into his side anyway. 
You liked Mr Carillo, he was really nice, always personable, and it looked like him and Maria had a great relationship. The man always looked out for her, made jokes with her, and didn’t take himself too seriously. He was a good dad. 
“Nice to see you again Mr. Carillo.” You extended him your first genuine smile in what felt like hours. “So lovely to see you, I was wondering why Maria was so excited to tag along.” The colonel’s booming voice caught the attention of his two companions, who’s heads turned in your direction. 
“That is absolutely false, I would never.” Maria looked at her dad as if to politely ask him to shut up, but as always her bright smile betrayed her. The two laughed, then turned to you once again. 
As if he’d just realized something, Mr. Carillo spoke up frantically. “Oh, my apologies” he shook his head, chiding himself for his lack of introduction, and gestured to the two men sitting beside him. You didn’t need any introductions if you were being honest. After being subjected to your dads twenty four hour complaining you basically knew the whole embassy, could even recognize them from their little quirks or habits. 
You certainly didn’t need an introduction for the dark head of hair that refused to look you in the eyes. “Steve Murphy.” Mr. Carillo grabbed the blonde– the one whose face you couldn't quite catch a glimpse of earlier, by the shoulder. 
If you weren't so taken up by his partner, Murphy’s good looks would have swayed you just the same. But Steve was far too decent to undress you with his eyes from across the room, he was far too level headed to get on your father’s nerves. An unfortunate, or rather fortunate side effect of his unbearably favorable reputation was that he was completely and utterly uninteresting. 
At least to you, brothel stories were far more entertaining than those of the duck hunting variety. And of course, news of hillbilly Steve’s shooting skills had reached the ambassadors desk. You wondered how Javier didn’t consider Murphy and your father’s trip to the lake treason. 
He extended his hand towards you, and you shook it. Deep blue eyes affable and relaxed. Then again almost anyone looked relaxed in comparison to your father. His smile was so annoyingly friendly you thought you might just explode. “Nice to meet you” You noticed the wedding band twinkling on his ring finger. Cute. 
Mr. Carillo nodded in his partner’s direction. “Javier Peña” His presence was a lot less larger than life up close. If you were being honest he looked quite flustered, nervous even. It crossed your mind that who exactly you were was only just beginning to dawn on him. All the machismo seemed to have faded at the realization that death would be better than indulging whatever little fantasy he had brewing in his head. 
If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was fuck his asshole boss’s daughter. 
“The infamous Javier Peña.” Raising his drink to his lips, he formed a tight smile. “That’s me.” He let out a deep exhale through his nose, followed by another shakey smile, barely concealing his apparent desire to escape the entire situation.
“So you’re the one stealing my dad away.” The nice man that he was, Murphy had already indulged Papa Carillo and hija Carillo in a conversation about college. “nice to finally see you in person.” Javier wasn’t an idiot, anyone who could pick up on your tone would have understood in a moment you’d caught their prying eyes. He sighed, then chuckled, as if to acknowledge your teasing. 
“Javi’s famous at home?” You seemed to have caught the blonde’s attention. You rolled your eyes, then fixed them on the agent in front of you. “You’d think they were married.” The group broke out into laughter, Javier excluded of course, who looked rather embarrassed at the prospect. It felt like only the two of you knew you weren't really joking. 
“Not sitting at the ambassador’s table?” Javier seemed genuinely curious, like you had gone out of your way to silently torment him for his little private moment. “I couldn’t do that to myself” Yet again, there was laughter, and yet again it felt like a little inside joke between just you and Agent Peña. 
Carillo and Murphy quickly became interested in something Maria had to say, and you took the opportunity to make Javier aware you weren’t in fact an completely oblivious idiot. “Hoping to see you around Agent Peña, and not just from afar this time.” He smiled, and raised his glass for a toast, rolling his eyes and finishing the last of his whiskey. 
What kind of a psychopath drank whiskey at 2:00pm 
It wasn’t long before you migrated to the far end of the restaurant. Thanks to the time they spent in Cali you were sure almost everyone had forgotten just how tremendously obnoxious your father was. Well, almost everyone. Poor agent Peña took every opportunity to escape working in Bogota, and still ended up trapped in a room with a hundred other people, being subjected to his presence. 
You popped a cherry into your mouth, reaching for your third drink in a span of two hours, and forced your eyes away from the back of his head. Anything that could help you disassociate from your dads co co-workers' excruciating presence was worth a shot. Maria squeezed onto the table you and your friends were crowded on– all unwilling to go within meters of the shit show inside. She placed two margaritas on the table for Sophie and Sandra, the cultural attaché’s daughters, and then took a sip of her own. Looked like everyone was on the same page. 
Bothersome clapping brought you back to reality, and you gazed up to find your dad moseying his way to the little stage at the center of the restaurant to grab the mic out of Noonan’s grasp. He fixed the sleeves of his white cotton shirt, then tossed his shades into its front pocket. 
The man was preparing. Great. 
Javier hung his head, then rubbed his temple. Presumably realizing that Noonan’s was far from the only speech he’d be enduring that afternoon. You watched as he slithered out of his table, presumably to the bar to drown in another glass of whiskey. If he thought this was bad, you wondered what he’d do if he met your mother. 
Grabbing your lighter from the table you scooted out of your little corner in the far end of the restaurant. Hoping to make your escape before your dad began his toast, or worse noticed your presence. You squeezed past Sandra, whose forehead was plastered to the table, and shimmied out through the side staircase leading to the beach, careful to stay out of view of the stage. 
You’d take anyone’s eyes following you besides your fathers. 
She says, "You don't want to be like me"
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen
I'm dying, I'm dying"
The chipped wooden railing crackled softly under the weight of your leaning elbows, not dissimilar to the click of your lighter, to which you brought your cigarette. 
It was difficult to believe you were already two weeks into the summer. The realization hit you that morning as you checked your ticket, and noticed how you didn't even know what day it was. Time had passed by rather quickly, to your dismay, and the feeling that your little vacation was slipping through your fingers had been haunting you ever since. 
You wondered if this senior citizen's getaway you had decided to accompany your father on was really worth your time and energy. Sure, on the surface it was nice to see some of your friends again, and you’d be lying if you said you weren't excited for a free vacation, but you couldn’t shake the bitter taste the whole ordeal had left on your tongue. 
The warm beach breeze kissed your skin, the smell of sea salt and the squawking of the seagulls lulling you into daze. Your father’s speech drowned out in the distance, and your mind drifted to the way Javier had so shamelessly checked you out in the hotel lobby. 
Effecting you was one thing. Surely you were no stranger to catching people's attention, but it was the absolute boldness of the gesture that struck you. He let his eyes linger on your bare legs, let them rake slowly up your frame as if he were documenting the memory for later use. Right there, two feet away from your father. 
It only made you want him more. 
Agent Peña’s shameless gawking was enough to fan the little flames of desire already set ablaze in your system– since the moment you noticed him leaning against the concierge’s desk. But it was the precariousness of the situation that really excited you. As suave as he may seem, Peña was quite an easy read. You didn’t need to be a psychoanalyst to understand the man wasn’t one to say no to a little chaos, a little adrenaline rush, dare say a little fun.  You also didn't need to be a psychoanalyst to notice the fact that he was clearly working against every bone in his body not to yield to his desires– for the sake of his peace of mind, and professionalism 
You could imagine it already, the satisfaction of driving him just a little bit crazy– starting him off on something you knew he’d be compelled to finish. Something that if your father were to find, would drive him absolutely insane. After all you’d endured all these years, who was he to deny you a little fun? That too just to preserve his status and ego. 
“Your dad know you’re sneaking off for a smoke in the middle of his toast?” Startled, you whipped your head in the direction of the voice, speak of the devil. You came face to face with Agent Peña leaning against the railing beside you. He crushed the butt of his cigarette against the wood. It was then you realized he had clearly been out far longer than you had. 
“I don't know agent Peña, does your boss know you’re sneaking out in the middle of his toast?” You leaned towards him as you spoke, catching the faint scent of alcohol, cologne and now nicotine off his shirt, and watched his lips lift into a subtle smirk concealed lightly by thin gray smoke. 
He raised his brow, and without waiting for you to offer, swifty took your cigarette from between your fingers– he took a puff. “So that's how it is..” his fingers brushed your skin when he handed the cigarette back to you, and you matched his expression as you took it between your index and thumb. 
“I wont tell if you won’t”  It was quite impressive how he managed to sneak up beside you, without catching your attention in the slightest. Not to mention you weren’t exactly sure how long he’d been creeping on you before he decided to do it anyway. If he looked at his informants with even half the charm he was flaunting with you, you’d have a lot of faith in his success rates. Who knew, maybe he was better at his job than your father liked to believe? 
“The ambassador’s daughter huh?” It came out more strained than anything. Talk about an easy read– the man could barely curtail his disappointment. He looked at you once again.  “Couldn’t tell.”
Cocking your head to the side you narrowed your eyes at him- expecting some stupid explanation. “Yeah, why’s that?” 
“Expected you to be younger ‘f ‘m being honest.” He used the edge of the railing like an ashtray. “Really? How young.” You knew he was teasing, but you were also somewhat curious. What did he think your father’s daughter would be like? 
He shrugged. “Four, five.” Then just barely managed to conceal his laughter. He was handsome, charming, strong headed and his career goals consisted of more than kissing his superiors asses. Of course your father hated him. 
“At his age, please. If you're looking for a promotion, I'm not helping.” Scoffing, you watched as his eyes shifted to the beach. As he had done in the lobby you took your time to take in his profile– the way the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, his sunglasses teasingly tugging them further down. 
He broke the silence. “So, What brings you on the retirement trip” 
“I like a change of environment once in a while.” You shrugged, surprised by what seemed to you like genuine curiosity. 
“What environment? The antique show?” He half rolled his eyes, then just barely motioned his head towards the restaurant. You sighed as you looked on, making out only the top of your dads head turning left to right, then another burst of artificial laughter. You turned back to face him, eyes raking over his frame. 
“‘Was thinkin’ more vintage.” Javier laughed, almost impressed with how forward you were, leaning further forward across the railing, with his yale blue shirt stretched to the seams across his back, hugging his biceps and folding right above his elbow. “S’ that so?” 
“And what's your deal? Just like pissing off the establishment?” his eyes dropped to your lips as he watched you take a puff. “Doesn't take much to do that now, does it babydoll?” The pet name had your breath hitching in your throat, you knew you were treading rocky waters. 
“And how would I know that, Agent Peña” it felt like his brown eyes could look right through your body and to your soul, deep and twinkling– with what exactly you weren't sure at that moment. He chuckled to himself. He wasn’t exactly wrong, but what fun was just admitting it when you could involve him in your shenanigans. 
Momentarily your eyes shifted to the cigarette. His eyes were trained on the smoke gently slipping past your lips as you inspected it. You twirled it between your fingers, and then turned your head to face him once again. “Just a hunch.” If he planned to keep you away he was doing a terrible job. Every moment spent with you was another foot underground. 
Unfortunately for him, his attention was quickly diverted once again when he noticed you bring the cigarette to his mouth. Aware of what you were trying to do he parted his lips, letting you place it between them. You watched intently as he took a puff, still holding it in place without flinching. Gently, you brought it back to your mouth, but not before thumbing his bottom lip discreetly. 
He exhaled the smoke. “See what I mean?” His jaw ticked, face tense but eyes turning impossibly darker. You almost felt a little bad for torturing and teasing him the way you were– knowing full well he couldn’t act on his desires. The man had little self control, and despite that he knew exactly what he was getting into when he sneaked up behind you. His compulsion was sweet. 
You stepped closer, rising to your tiptoes to have your lips ghost his. “Maybe I do.” As you had done moments ago this time he reached for the cigarette between your lips. The man was using every bit of self restraint he could muster to keep his hands away. The tension in his brows formed tiny creases in his forehead, and his eyes practically pleaded with you to put him out of his misery – because god knows he looked like he couldn’t do it himself. 
“Darling?!” Your eyes widened for a split second, before your lips reverted to their smile– the ring of your dads voice from what was not too far away bursting Javier’s little bubble and sending a wave of sheer panic through his system. It was cute– like a child getting caught holding hands with their kindergarten crush at recess. 
Among the employees you’d heard about, you certainly didn't expect to be endeared by Javier Peña of all people. Still mere inches away from his face, you tilted your head ever so slightly, placing a soft, chaste kiss to his cheek. You felt his skin flush under your touch. The sound of muted laughter echoed from the restaurant once again, and you couldn’t help the feeling that it was mocking the man in front of you. 
“See you at dinner Agent Peña!” 
She says, "You don't want to get this way
Famous and dumb at an early age
Lying, I'm lying"
You had to bend your knees when you tried to catch up with your dad along the cobblestone pathway. Just to make sure you weren’t giving people a view as you ran in your all too short dress. Well, the wrong people that is. The ambassador had stood outside your door for a good twenty five minutes, willing you to come out while you tried on every possible outfit combination you had packed, all to catch the eyes of the one person he couldn’t stand. 
It was quite enjoyable actually, hearing him plead with you to just throw something on and get moving as you sat inside– feet up on the vanity, perfecting your look, knowing just what the consequences would be. 
You looked over yourself in the mirror time and time again. From the nail polish on your toes to the delicate earrings sparkling against your neck you spared nothing to ensure no detail of your appearance was left unaddressed. 
An entire night of sitting and clapping at dull speeches, hearing each diplomat drone on about their achievements? Worst of all your father- who you were sure was going to take the opportunity of an open mic to give a lecture about hard work and dedication? Might as well make it an occasion. 
With so much on your mind, who could blame you for forgetting to slip on your panties? A small lapse in your memory that was completely unmotivated, and to be honest, quite unfortunate, considering you were seated next to a certain Agent Javier Peña for the evening. 
Throwing your oversized blazer on in a rush, you hoped it would do the job of making you look somewhat put together to everyone else at that shitty dinner. You were quite thankful when you realized you were not overdressed for the occasion, rather your short black dress came off far more ‘smart casual’ compared to the full length gowns, satin shawls and bow ties that roamed the hotel ballroom. 
Tables were separated by mere feet, the room barely being able to accommodate the large crowd. Finding your seat seemed like a task, one that nearly everyone was struggling with. You knew you were seated with your dad at one of the smaller ones at the far end of the ballroom, but you didn't expect to be squeezing past entire embassy departments to get there. 
It seemed like you’d been wandering for hours before you saw a face you recognised. You ducked under Javier’s deputy Neil, your head missing a jab from his elbow by inches as you attempted to scoot towards his boss– as always nursing a glass of alcohol in complete isolation, fingers massaging his temples. 
And here you thought you weren’t looking forward to the event. 
You walked up behind him. “I think you’re in my seat” You’d think he’d seen a ghost the way he seemed to be jumpscared by your presence. You felt the fabric of your dress brush the cut of your upper thigh– he was right to be afraid. He muttered a soft “christ” under his breath and swallowed thickly. 
“Well, well, look who it is” The poor man sounded pained, just not pained enough to resist undressing you with his eyes as you walked around him and took a seat. It was like he was scared of you– of how good you looked in that little black dress, that slightly oversized blazer barely hiding you away from his prying eyes. Flattered, you let him enjoy the view for a moment, slipping your blazer off your shoulders far slower than necessary and letting it crumple behind you. 
He watched the goosebumps erupt on your skin, thanks to the cool of the air conditioning.   
“Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, all dressed up” You batted your lashes at him, leaning closer. If you thought he looked good before, boy did he look delicious in his fitted navy blazer, white shirt, and red tie. The outfit was so devastatingly boring, but he made it work somehow. He let out a small laugh, more of an exhale through his nose. 
Your fingers ran along the unnecessarily expensive silk table cloth, lipstick you had smudged on your fingertips earlier staining it ever so slightly, inching closer. “That's cute babydoll, ambassador's mandate” He didn't even need to try to sound condescending, it was practically an inherent part of his tone. You rolled your eyes, then pouted up at him, reaching for his hand that was gripping his glass of whiskey. 
“Who cares what the ambassador has to say, anyway” He let you play with his fingers, but scoffed at your whiny words out of stubbornness nonetheless. “Oh yeah, surely that's not a problem for you, is it?!” He was so close you could make out the scent of alcohol already on his breath– fanning against your smiling lips. You dropped your hand to rest on his thigh. Even by your standards you were being quite bold, but the sight of him shivering at your touch was well worth it. 
You could have indulged him in conversation for hours, but unfortunately for him, from the corner of your eye you spotted a familiar black dress shirt, punctuated by the tone of manufactured enthusiasm.   
“Hi darling” You jumped from your seat, rather quickly, and presumably gave Javier a bigger shock than the one you had two minutes before. A shame he seemed too lost in your conversation to have noticed your father strut to his seat. 
“Hi dad” Smiley as ever you leaned over the table just enough to kiss his cheek, and more than enough to give Javier a view that had him choking on his drink yet again. The hem of your dress tickled your upper thigh. You bit back a smile when heard him cough behind you. 
Thank god for his dark blazer– you’d hate to have his whiskey stain his perfect outfit. 
Your father gave him a curious, worried onceover as he scrambled to his feet. “Good evening Agent Peña, all okay?”
“Yes- yeah,– perfect ambassador-” Things were in fact not perfect– by his standards that is. You could tell by the storm that was clearly brewing under his professional facade. He let out a shaky breath, wiping his sweaty palms on the fabric of his dress pants while he watched your dad inspect the name placards. “Quite a table they put together huh?”
“Tell me about it” He breathed, and shot you a look that could kill. Having caught a glimpse of what was under your dress– or rather the lack thereof, you couldn’t blame him. 
“Mr. Stechner! So nice to see you-” For the first time in his life Javier was happy to see Bill Stechner. He took the opportunity opened by your dad as he greeted him to give you a piece of his mind. “Are you tryna’ get me fucking killed?!” He did not sound happy, voice a seething whisper in your ear. You bit your lip to keep from smiling. 
“Slipped my mind..” You were lucky the table was big, the arriving guests oblivious to your whispers. He took a final swig of his drink, glass now empty and glistening with golden residue. It was nearly full when you first approached him. 
“Bil, Brenda” Javier’s hatred for Bill was so well known even you were privy to it. The man did little to hide it anyway. The thought of poor old him juggling Stechner, Noonan, your father and now you only egged you on. He shook the man's hand, and you wondered if Bill felt the otherwise indifferent agent’s cold sweat. 
He turned back to you. “Yeah? you managed a blazer but not your fucking panties?” You’d think Javier’d leave this kind of a shakedown for his interrogations, because by the way he was talking to you you’d think you’d committed some horrendous offense. When he put it the way he did, it sounded a lot more adventurous then you would have let yourself believe. 
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. 
He grabbed a fresh drink off a passing waiter’s tray– one that was definitely not meant for him. “Thank you.” Then again with how chaotic the past five minutes turned out to be you were sure he didn’t care. 
“Wasn’t thinkin’ bout that” You pouted up at him, and he looked like he could almost cry from frustration. What a sight that would be for the embassy dinner. He exhaled heavily instead. 
“Goddamn brat” 
That you were, and you were going to be until he finally caved. 
The table took their seats, former ambassador Noonan and Milgroup head Owen joining the group. Thanks to the way the room was set up, those sitting opposite you and Javier were forced to turn their chairs towards the stage at its front so as to not crane their necks awkwardly during the speeches. They were quite enthused about the whole thing, but you wondered why, considering they wouldn’t be missing much by looking away anyways. 
“Stuck with the old curmudgeons tonight huh?” Owen pointed to the rest of the table like he didn’t already have a foot in the grave. They laughed nonetheless. “Gonna be a long night.”  Noonan turned away just in time to not notice Javier grip the bottom of your chair, and yank it closer. You looked up at him, as if to ask what the hell he was doing, but he paid you no mind. Until that moment you were feeling quite smug, even impressed with yourself. But you were stupid to think that Javier Peña, of all people, was going to let your misbehavior slide. 
“Better get comfortable” To the ringing words from father dear the group clinked their glasses. Javier pat you on the back, casually letting his hand slither down and rest beside your leg on your chair. What the hell was he doing?  It didn’t matter, your dad was already bringing up his successful raid in Cali. 
“Congratulations Agent Peña, I wish I would’ve bought you a bottle of champagne or something. Completely slipped my mind”  It of course did not slip your fathers mind, he’d brought up the raid on the way to the resort. There was just no way in hell he was conceding to that “fucker” especially after he’d ignored his instructions. Instructions that were very clear: do not go forward with that raid. 
“Not at all, ambassador. All this- “ He gestured to the table “Is more than enough” what a fucking shill. You had to give it to him, the man knew how to kiss ass. Surely the establishment would notice, but hell what could they even do? His mockery was so subtle they couldn't even point it out. 
“Gives us a reason to see the kids” Genuine as ever Owen raised his glass. Maybe you gave these freaks too much credit. Out of the blue you felt a warm hand sneak up your upper thigh, finding a home dangerously close to the hem of your dress. Yelping unintentionally you felt a chill run down your spine as Bill spoke. 
“Of course! s’nice to see some fresh faces” 
Rough fingers smoothed over your supple skin. “To the youngsters” Your father raised his glass, but you could barely think of anything else besides the desire that was polling in your belly. You shifted in your seat again, but Javier was quick to pinch you slightly as a warning. Something told you it was the least severe one he dished out. 
The room suddenly felt a lot warmer than it did a few minutes ago. Javier brushed his thumb against your flesh, then squeezed. He gazed down for a moment, then smiled the first genuine smile you’d seen that evening. He raised his glass, and looked your father right in the eye. 
“To your daughter, ambassador” 
That sick fuck. You’d be lying if you said it didnt make your heart flutter, or your tummy twist with need. And you thought he was shameless before. You lifted your champagne glass to the toast, but clinking glasses was a whole lot more difficult considering Agent Peña had inched his way up and made himself comfortable on your inner thigh. 
It was getting more and more difficult to ignore the warm tingle between your legs, the way Javier’s touch was leaving your skin uncomfortably tingly. 
Feeling the heat rise up your neck and burn the shell of your ears you dropped your gaze from the rest of your companions, grateful when they turned their attention to the ceremony. The lights dimmed to signal the welcome speaker to the stage, and you just hoped, prayed they would stay exactly that way the entire evening. 
You turned to the dirty old man beside you only half hoping what you were about to say would kick some sense into him. “Are you crazy?! What the fuck are you doing?” A few inches up and he’d be fingering you at the table-  
your heart pounded in realization. 
His hand slipped under the veil of your dress, his smile dripping with condescension as he leaned beside your ear– whisper hot and deep and heavy.  “Wanted it so bad didn’t ya babydoll? Now you’re gonna take it, and you better stay fucking quiet.” His words went straight to your core. You wanted to respond, but what was there to say? Besides, Colleen had taken the stage already- there was no going back now.
You felt your pulse in your throat. As the crowd broke into applause his rough fingers slipped between your aching folds, immediately drenched with your slick. Still looking forward he raised his brows, biting back a smile at how wet you were for him. Few more minutes and you’d be sliding off the damn chair. 
Instinctively, you shifted forward on your chair, willing him closer. You swallowed a whimper when he pinched your thigh– hard this time, and shot you a deadly look of warning. You’d flown too close to the sun, and now you were in no position to negotiate with him. 
His fingers moved to draw gentle soft circles on your clit, eyes completely focused on Neils little end of year debrief. He worked agonizingly slow, rubbing you just enough to keep building that pool of desire burning in your belly. 
You had to fight the extreme urge to grind against his hand, his feather light touches making you break into a cold sweat. Folding forward you rested your head against your hand, screwing your eyes shut in an effort to block out the buzz that had taken over your whole body. 
Neil said something marginally funny, and your table broke into laughter– forcing a strained chuckle out of your throat. Javier kept going, no regard for the fact that you were shifting and squirming in your seat with need. You hoped it was convincing enough to draw attention away from your labored breaths. 
His digits slipped further back, barely teasing your leaking entrance. You gasped, but quickly realized your faux pas, and covered it up with the most convincing cough you could muster. Noonan turned around– concerned as ever the poor woman, as did Bill and his wife Brenda. 
“You alright?” you nodded, voice strained. “Sorry, allergies”. Javier the pervert that he was didn’t plan on easing up on you, just returned his attention to your aching clit. With the three of them looking directly at you. “I think I need some water”. You attempted to evade his hold and escape– hoping he’d get the message and finish what he started outside. 
Your plans however, were immediately trampled upon, with the ever chivalrous Javier speaking up. “Oh you can have mine, wouldn’t want to miss the speech.” He pushed his glass of water towards you with two fingers, eyes finding yours, lips twitching into a smile. 
It felt like hours, you had no clue what the hell was happening around you– so utterly focused on trying to curtail your moans. You’d finished your champagne a while ago, but were dizzy thanks to Javier's moving digits. 
Fast for a moment, then slower, he rubbed your sopping cunt like it was the most normal thing in the world. Everytime you looked at him he made sure to ignore you, knowing full well that one glance under the thin cover off your table cloth and anyone would be privy to your debauchery. 
As if things couldn't get any more scandalous, your dad turned towards him. He asked Javier a question, and the agent responded more enthusiastically than he ever had. 
Unable to look at the man you kept your gaze fixed on your empty glass of champagne, burning with humiliation. Part of you, a bigger part than you’d like to admit, secretly seemed to enjoy the entire ordeal. After all he’d put you through you couldn’t help but tip your hat at Javier’s absolute nerve. 
Just barely, he slipped a thick finger in your dripping hole, curling it ever so slightly as he continued to engage your father in conversation. The maniac that he was Javier looked the ambassador right in the eyes– like he wan’t finger fucking his only daughter under their dinner table. 
A bead of sweat rolled down your neck, the whole room looking disorderly. You were beginning to see double. As if not to provide you too much relief he slipped his finger out of your dripping cunt, teasing your inner thighs. 
So close, you were so close, just on the brink of no return, but you couldn’t cum – for more reasons than one. It was all too much, and you were overheating, and you felt dizzy. You didn't realize your breathing had quickened, and so did his fingers. You heard someone call your name, but couldn’t make out who exactly it was. 
Falling forward and into a fit of coughs you screwed your eyes shut. Zoning in and out of consciousness you attempted to focus on your father’s face as he called out for you. Javier’s hand had settled on your thigh once again, rubbing soothing circles in an attempt to calm you down. 
“Jesus Christ, are you okay?” Catching your breath you swallowed thickly, watching as your dad prepared to get up from his seat. From the looks of it he must have thought you were dying. If you were in any condition to, you would have stopped him yourself. It would only make things worse than they already were. 
Lucky for you a hand on his shoulder promptly intercepted him. 
Javier leaned in his direction. Nodding towards the stage. “Your speech ambassador.” He looked towards you, sweaty and hot all thanks to him. “I'll handle it.” That bastard. He knew your dads vices just as well as you did– completely confident he could never abandon his chance at addressing the captive audience of his employees, no matter how important the interruption. 
More swiftly than you’d like to admit he helped your shaky legs out of your chair. You haphazardly pulled and tugged at the hem of your dress, nervous it was doing little to cover you up. 
“Thank you Agent Peña.” In the midst of your extreme desperation you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. What kind of man, father, let some stranger watch his daughter– who by the looks of it was pretty much on the verge of a heart attack? Sure, it would have foiled your secret little plan, but christ it would be nice if he could hold up the caring father act a little longer. 
“Let's get you some air sweetheart” The fucker smiled so sweetly it made you want to deck him in the face, but boy were you itching to get outta that ballroom. He let you walk in front of him, putting himself between the dress that barely concealed your wet, swollen, bare pussy, and anyone else’s prying eyes. 
Once you were out of eyeshot he practically dragged you outside, pushing you roughly against the back of the building. He caged you against the wall, ripping that pathetic excuse of a cover up right of where you were holding it against your body. “Oh babydoll, you still pretendin’ you need that shitty blazer”. It was only then you realized how cold the evening was. 
“See that-” he held up his hand, fingers coating with your slick. “See what a desperate brat y’are” You were dripping for him, you could feel it on the insides of your thighs, you didn’t necessarily need a reminder. 
Bringing his fingers to your mouth he ran them across your lips, the taste of your own arousal now heady on your tongue. “Jus’ for you.” Looking up at him through your lashes you slurred your words. Unintentionally sounding a lot more dumb and drunk than you intended. 
“Oh really?” Unimpressed, he grabbed your face, and roughly tugged you towards him.  “Don’t think so honey” Before you could think you were being spun to face the wall you had you back against moments ago. He was practically scolding you. 
“not when you showed up in this flimsy lil dress, tits and ass out for the whole world to see.” The disgust was evident in his tone, but the both of you knew he had just as much part to play in this whole deal as you did. He pressed your face against it, one hand more than enough to hold you there while the other found the hem of your dress– fiddling with it. A cool breeze brushed your skin when he flipped it over. 
“Look at that-” running two fingers against your folds, he admired the mess between your thighs. Your slick glistened against your skin obscenely in the moonlight, and if the way Javier chuckled behind you was any indication, he sure as hell seemed proud to be the one responsible for the mess. 
You ached for him. Tension only building by the moment. 
“So goddamn needy, ready to cum on my fingers in front of that damn whole room.” The flesh of your ass was left stinging in the wake of his hand that came down harshly against you. Sounding both exasperated and prideful you felt his breath tickle your ear as he spoke.  
“Felt so good.” It came out broken and whimpery, and had him pressing against you with a chuckle. You felt him grind against your ass, hard and heavy. Desperate already, every moment left empty only made you more of a brat. Your hand snaked behind you and between your bodies to haphazardly tug at his belt, but he promptly grabbed your wrist, and twisted it till you yelped. 
Chuckling beside your ear he slapped your ass yet again. “Just can’t help yourself, can you, babydoll?” Upper body pressed flush between his expansive chest and the wall you shivered. The warmth of Javier’s body was the only thing between you and the cold, cold night. 
“dumb” smack “slut” smack. 
You felt your cunt spasm around nothing, if he was looking to get back at you it was working. In an effort to catch a glimpse of him, you turned your cheek. “Need you so bad” your whole body was hot with desire, voice so full of want. 
With a strong hold on your waist, he firmly squeezed before deftly flipping you towards him once again. Your back hit the wall and his hands flew to cup your cheeks. He brushed his thumbs over your cheek bones, mocking your pout with one of his own. 
“Oh babydoll, I know.” murmuring, he trailed his knuckles along the valley between your breasts. Pinching the fabric of your neckline between his fingers he inspected it. His twinkling eyes met yours again. “I know, ‘s okay, babydoll.” God you loved hearing that name. The flimsy strap fell off your shoulder, and he took the opportunity to pull it down, revealing your bare chest to the chilly evening breeze. 
You shuddered, feeling your nipples pebble under his soft touch. The view must really be something– especially with the way he sucked in a breath, reveling in it with a sigh.  “Lucky you’re so fucking pretty”. You meweled when you felt him squeeze your breast in his palm, then bend down to kiss along your neck. His little backhanded compliments making you dizzy. 
“Cuz’ you can’t fucking think straight” He dragged his lips to the base of your jaw. 
“Been all over me the whole fuckin’ day” his teeth grazed your earlobe before he placed a kiss behind your ear. “Beggin’ for my attention?” his voice dropped three octaves, and despite all the shamelessness you’d shown, the heat rose to your cheeks. There was no doubt he felt it on your scorching skin. 
“Wanted to make your pops mad huh?” Your dress bunched up over your hips as he lifted you, legs wrapping tightly around his waist. He took the chance to slip his hands under it, trying to feel any part of you he could expose. 
Your lips met his in a frantic kiss– raw from how you'd been biting them all night, letting him lick into your mouth. Somewhere along the way he’d undone his belt, and you felt his cock rest heavy against the inside of your thigh. “Gonna fuck all this brat outta ya’ jus’ like ya need babydoll.” The ache between your legs was nearly unbearable. He looked so handsome, skin illuminated by the moonlight, hair completely disheveled thanks to how you’d run your fingers through it. 
His hands grabbed your thighs, lifting you ever so slightly to ease you onto his cock. The growl that left his lips was nothing short of animalistic. Your mouth fell agape in a wordless cry at the stretch of him. Big and thick inside of you. The feeling of finally being full beginning to satisfy the burning desire that had been ablaze in your core for the past hour. 
Javier didn’t waste time, hips slamming into yours quick and steady immediately. The drag of his cock against your wet walls had you throwing your head back, the two of you engulfed in a bubble of hot moans and breathy sighs. 
“This what you wanted? Wanted to get fucked against the wall like a hooker?” He forced your eyes to meet his, fingers gripping your chin roughly. He watched you intently, taking in every flutter of your eyes, tick in your jaw, bite of your lip. “Y- yes- god”  
“Fuck, takin’ this cock so well.” Your back arched against the flat of the wall, tits bouncing with every thrust of his hips. The feeling was like no other– knowing he was staring down at your body– the sight of your clothes half off you, eyes clouded and barely open, lips parted.  
You felt his cock twitch inside you. 
One hand gripping your thigh, the other plastered to the wall beside your head he pounded into your aching cunt. His broad frame engulfed you in a little cocoon of your own, broad shoulders slumped forward. 
You made out a muffled voice from inside– your dad going on about something along the lines of “his lovely daughter, who getting through the year would be impossible without.” If only he knew. 
Seemed like Javier also took notice– a sarcastic chuckle slipping past his lips. 
“Hear that baby girl? Think he knows what his ‘good girl’s doin’ out here” You shook your head vehemently, smiling at the thought your father was inside preaching the gospel while his daughter was getting railed by the one man he couldn't stand– like one of his back alley hookers. You moaned between your little laughs– constantly cut off by the feeling of his cock nudging that sweet spot inside you. 
You took his bottom lip gently between your teeth, then released it before nipping at his jaw. “Fucking brat”. He groaned– low and breathy, smiling against your lips. “Think he knows his good girls gettin’ fucked by a guy twice her age?” 
“Not his good girl” In the midst of your breathless whining, you tugged him closer, head shaking vehemently. The hand that had been beside your head came to cup your breast. He looked so proud it sent your eyes rolling back into your head. 
“Yeah, that’s right. ‘s cause you're my dumb slut aren’t you?” Approvingly, he brought his large hand to wrap around your neck, swallowing your moans in a kiss. You nodded your head frantically– it took a whole lot more effort with his hand wrapped firmly around your throat, pinning your head against the wall, but you managed it. 
“Think he can hear you begging for my cock, babydoll?” His nose brushed yours as he murmured suggestively against your slack lips. Probably feeling how your cunt squeezed around him he made the correct assessment that you were enjoying every little bit of this debauched encounter. “Little slut.” His hips slammed against yours, your back grazing the brick wall behind you as you bounced on his cock. 
“Don’t care.” Even when he was fucking you like a back alley slut the prospect of making him feel good was enough to quell your conscience. Besides being able to spite your dad, you were thoroughly enjoying his attention, his praise, the way he liked calling you babydoll when he was making you cum on his cock. 
“Fuck, so goddamn tight-” he nipped at your neck. “wouldn’t think it huh babydoll? Not with the way you’re whoring yourself around” His words disoriented you and you tightened your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer– deeper as you neared your release. You felt your pussy flutter around his cock, each slam of his hips having his tip brush your sweet spot.  
“Gonna cum” it came out a squeak as you flung your arms around his neck, raking your fingerings through his hair– tugging and pulling, just grappling at anything to cope with the heat between your legs. He rested his forehead against yours, forcing your gaze towards him. “Dirty little thing. Cum all over my cock. Show me how much you wanted it– come on.” 
You fell forward, buried your face in the crook of his neck as you came undone, walls pulsing around him. “Fuckin hell, squeezing me so fucking good, babydoll.” Spaced out you rode out your high, body shivering with the aftershocks as he continued to fuck your sensitive pussy. He pinned your head against the wall with his hand around your throat once again, needing to see the sight of you. 
The feeling of your cunt gushing around his cock had his hips stuttering against yours. You felt him throb inside you– he was so close. He screwed his eyes shut. “Where you want it babydoll?” 
You weren't really sure what exactly came over you, but the words were leaving your mouth before you could even register them. “my face.” At first, he looked at you a little incredulously, but after he’d had a moment to register he seemed more than inclined to give you what you wanted. “Really are a whore aren't you?” 
He quickly, but steadily let go of your thighs, and took a step back to make room for you infront of him. 
You swiftly lowered yourself to your knees, taking his cock, wet with both his and your arousal, past your lips. “Fuckin’ where you belong” He grabbed the back of your head, thrusting into your warm, wet mouth. You felt the tip of him nudge the back of your throat. Tears stung the back of your eyes, then smudged your mascara and rolled down your cheeks in thick opalescent drops. 
“Aint that right babydoll?” you hummed around him, attempting to take him as far back as you could. He didn’t spare you any sympathy, guiding you over his cock in harsh motions, and seemingly egged on by the way you choked and spluttered around him. Your hands flew to grip his thighs. 
“S’ all it takes to shut ya up?” You whined around his length, hollowing your cheeks and gazing into his hooded eyes. The gravely, sandy ground scraped against your bare knees, even more so when you shifted slightly closer to Javier. Little grains left their indents on your skin. You felt them bruise with each movement. 
In the moment he eased his grip on the back of your head and you released him with a pop. You took him in your hand, stroking the length of him and suckling at the head, voice slightly hoarse from the friction. 
“Please daddy, need it so bad” You whimpered, gazing up at him through wet lashes. He exhaled deeply, brows furrowed, and lips parted. You caught him completely off guard with that one, but judging by the look on his face you’d hit the jackpot. 
He cursed under his breath. “Holy shit” Closing your eyes you fluttered your tongue against him, relishing his groans as he hit his release. You felt his cock pulse and throb in your hand, cum hitting your face in hot spurts as he rode out his high. Thrusting into your fist. 
You swirled your tongue around the head, kissing his tip. When you opened your eyes you found him intently watching his spend trickle down your chin and down the valley between your breasts. Your tongue darted out to lick your swollen lips, and he visibly suppressed a groan at the action. 
“Goddamn” You could barely make out what he said the way he was catching his breath. Sighing, he stroked your head affectionately, almost petting you. You dodged his hand, then stood back up on your feet, albeit wobbly, as he tucked himself back into his dress pants. 
“There is no way in hell I'm going back inside that shit hole.” You said matter of factly and watched as he bent down to pick up your discarded blazer– now lightly dusted with white sand, and tried his best to brush it off. 
“Like hell you aren’t. What am I supposed to tell your dad? That you're busy cleaning my cum off your cute face?” You don't think you could get tired of hearing him call you cute. 
It was like he was trying to cover up for some horrendous crime he’d just committed– fixing his tie, running his fingers through his hair, smoothing his hand over his wrinkled button up. It was quite funny seeing him half panicked yet completely incapable of keeping himself away. 
When you pulled him towards you his collar felt slightly damp in your hands where your fists had grabbed it. You tightened his tie, fixing the dimple in it. His nose barely touched yours. Unable to keep your eyes away from his lips, you brushed your thumb at their corner as you spoke. “Don't tell him that just yet. Wanna be there to see the look on his face when he figures it out.” 
“Jesus Christ” 
His eyes blackened yet again, and you could already see the little urge to press you right back against the wall for the second time. He rubbed your cheek with his thumb and index, letting his cum coat his fingers before he was pressing them into your mouth.  Your lips wrapped around his digits as you obediently sucked, looking up at him the way you had on your knees moments ago. 
“Dirty little girl.” You couldn't tell if he was surprised or in disbelief, whatever the look was it suited him. He draped your blazer over your shoulders, discreetly scanning your surroundings for passersbys. “Now get the fuck outta here” 
“‘Night night Agent Peña, see ya tomorrow..” You pressed your lips against his, letting him taste himself against them and swallow one last whimper when he grabbed your hips. The fabric of your dress crumpled and rode up your thighs impossibly as he squeezed your flesh. He lightly squeezed your ass once more for good measure. 
Unsurprisingly you felt a lot of pride as you walked, rather limped, on the path towards your little villa. Even more so when you turned around to catch Javier, exhausted and distressed, leaning his forehead against the wall he’d just fucked you against. 
The boys, the girls
They all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like God
Her mind's like a diamond
Audiotune lies
She's still shining
Like lightning, whoa-whoa
White lightning
🍓 Part II
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Gonna burn in hell for this one but it was worth it. I hope you lovelies enjoyed. Again this is part one of three so we’ll be getting more of these nasties don’t you worry. Please let me know what you think, your comments mean the world. Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work you keep me writing! Dividers and banners by @ saradika 💗🐝✨
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subtlelovers · 8 days
Suguru Geto headcanons
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Creator: Yall reblogs, likes, comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!!!! I never knoow who to write these about so I just chose Geto, the nsfw is marked in red mdni
He LOVES when you brush his hair and do it for him.
Geto is the typa guy to always be hot. As in he would heat you up with cuddles yet still manage to be cold somehow.
Definetely does skincare, face masks, scrubs and stuff like that with you.
He would not hesitate to literally kill anyone who hurts or tries to hurt you.
He loves cooking food. Wether that is waking you up with breakfast or cooking dinner. He won't complain if you ask for a 5 course meal.
He would use your clothes to his advantage. Using your belt to pull you closer, putting his hands in your pant pockets. If you have a purse you bet he will put his stuff in it.
Geto is definetely a blanket hogger. He will steal the blanket cause he is "Cold" And when you complain he uses it as an excuse to cuddle.
If he gets jealous and stuff, which he usually isn't he will casually put his hand on your thigh or have you sit on his lap to make sure everyone knows you're his.
He would always peek at your phone whenever you're focused on it. If he sees you watching something interesting on tiktok he will refresh your fyp mid video.
If you end the day with an argument, he will need goodnight hugs and kisses and an "I love you" No matter what or how you protest.
If you watch a sad movie and you start crying he will laugh at you BUT he will also cuddle you so your back is against his chest and hug you.
Though if you get scared at a horror movie, trust me he will just let you be scared while he mocks you. "It's not even scary" "Scared, hm?"
He is very good at remembering to shave his face, it's always clean.
Geto definetely snores. Not that loud obnoxious snore, just a subtle one, enough to keep you up.
Geto is and EATER. And if you try to close your legs you can bet he's forcing them back open.
He loves praising you, but also receiving praise. Man wants to know when he's appreciated.
Doesn't neseccarily do a lot of foreplay but if he wants you to really feel it he will make you grind on his leg/thigh. if that's something you're comfortable with
He is very dominant, definetely top though he is way more on the soft dom side, he still needs to feel like he respects you. While still being in charge.
This guy has the fucking face card. If he want's it he gives you that look, that facial expression. (I put the one i'm talking about at the bottom of the post)
I imagine if he's horny he would either do what I mentioned above, or he will literally strip in front of you. Either keeping or taking off his boxers. He then flexes his muscles, considering it the hugest ego boost if you compliment his appearance.
He always makes sure you are comfortable before he tried something new with you. And is always excited whenever you ask him for something, he would do ANYTHING. Your wish is his command.
I imagine Geto enjoys period sex. To be honest I feel like this man would even eat you out on your period, using anything like placing his shirt or a blanket under your hips as a towel while saying "A soldier isn't scared to get blood on his sword"
This guy would go FERAL if you just as much as traced your fingertips along his v line.
He has long fingers. Let's admit it, he loves fingering you as much as you love him doing it, he reaches places you didn't know existed.
Geto would definetely be a groaner. Deep (sometimes raspy) groans and moans, but you would hear his voice get whiny and shaky whenever he cums.
Kind of related to the one above. Geto would for exampple if you two were at a store I feel like he would pretend to whisper something to you but instead moan next to your ear and give your neck kisses. He loved your priceless reactions and the way you would scold him for doing that in public.
Fucking face card 🡳
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OKAY if yall have suggestions to who i should do next or just anything you want me to write PLEASE LMKK im all outta ideas🥲
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hazelnut-u-out · 7 months
Ahoy! I’m here to talk about the scene in ‘Unmortricken’ again because it’s one of those that pops into my head at 3am.
Another thing I think really adds a layer of depth to C-137’s character and his dynamic with Prime in this scene are their facial expressions, body language, and how they pair with the dialogue choices.
Despite C-137’s lack of dialogue, there are three moments where his resolve breaks and he lets out animalistic shouts/surges in his attack.
1.) ‘I showed you infinity.’
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It makes me wonder what about this statement is special. Is infinity equivalent to nothing when you have access to it? Is ‘infinity’ an absurd understatement of what Prime introduced him to?
2.) ‘Raise echoes of my daughter?’
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I’m sure we get what this one’s about… Ouch. Reminds me of the Diane AI’s dialogue.
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3.) ‘Admit it. You would’ve been me.’
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I think this hit a little too close to home. I think C-137 likes to believe this isn’t true, but he’ll never know for sure. There’s no way to ‘prove’ him wrong. That’s probably what haunts him the most.
He very deliberately doesn’t tell Prime how much the death of his family destroyed him. This moment was about Prime knowing C-137 beat him. This moment was about Prime being afraid, not C-137’s grief or rage.
You can see his facial expression change each time Prime strikes a particular chord:
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Super subtle, but it’s there. You can see him get angry that Prime dared to mention Morty, but he holds back. He listens until it’s about Beth.
Hmm… Thematic much? Or just a cosmetic connection my mind mistakes for thematic? *ba dum tsss*
Prime laughed until the end, but there are moments you can see him flinch, bite back pain, or dissolve into desperate anger in spite of his giddy/amused mask.
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I feel like he even checks to see if Rick saw him wince here.
But… What’s Prime’s motivation if he’s talking to a ‘lesser Rick’? Why waste the energy on trying to hit a nerve or prod for a reaction if he doesn’t care at all?
He gets off on knowing there are infinite Ricks out to get him, and none of them can. He gets off on making them kill each other. Prime is a man of theatrics and grand display, but I don’t think that’s because he’s actually a nihilistic arrogant asshole. I think it’s because he feeds off of the reactions he elicits. He’s so fragile that he needs that acknowledgment of his power to feel powerful, and he needs to feel powerful to be whole.
At the end of the day, Prime has to confront that none of these Ricks are hunting him as much for their hatred of him as they are for their grief of Diane. She’s what they’ll remember. She still has control.
Take a look at the symbolism in his lair. He literally lives in Diane’s shadow.
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Somehow, Diane must have bruised his ego.
I’d wager that’s why he erased her. Now, for the big question: Was that because he’s a classic misogynistic abuser whose ego can’t handle a woman with agency, or was it because someone chose her over him?
I know which I’d prefer to see. 🤷
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unexpected-character · 11 months
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Butter Knife and Blake Time
Fallon Carrington x Reader
CEO!reader and Fallon meet after all these years, what do you think would happen next…
Warning: implied sexual themes, kinda toxic old relationship, rivalry (if you think there’s more, kindly tell me so I can it here)
Fallon's pov
"Who are we meeting again?" I told Kirby while scrolling through my phone looking at news and articles about what people are saying with Dad's fiasco.
"For fucksakes Fallon! Do you even listen?! This is like the hundredth time. We're meeting Y/N Y/L/N. She's the CEO of Y/L/N Industries." I can feel her irritation but I ignored her. I know who we were meeting but I was bored and she annoys me so I annoy her even more.
"Fine. What time do we have to go then?"
"We have to leave in 30 and Culhane is ready."
I followed her to the car, closed my phone. Tried drowning out everything to try to make me relax before this meeting with y/n. I haven't seen her in years, and now because of my stupid father, we will see each other again. How can my father be such an idiot and announced to everyone in Atlanta that he’ll have a "Blake time" what the hell is it even about.
Ugh! The audacity of that asshole to fucking give up everything he built. He really is a selfish imbecile.
Y/N's pov
Mean while in Y/L/N Industries, you were in a meeting with your own mother because she bought the Carrington Atlantics. It is now one of your subsidiaries.
"For godsakes mother! I told you I didn't want to do business with CA because of the scandal they have." I said to my mom, not even hiding how frustrated I am with her.
"Could you just calm —"
"Calm down?! How would I fucking calm down with this? I don't even see why you'd even want it." my secretary knocked on my door, signaling that my next meeting is in 5 minutes.
"You have to go, mom. Let's talk about this at your home. I'll be there for dinner and will continue everything." I gave her a curt nod, didn't even look at her when she left.
I smoothen out the imaginary wrinkles on my suit and looked if my blouse was tucked well. I made myself presentable for my next meeting. I made them wait to the last second of the 5 minutes and pressed the intercom and spoke,
"Donna, show them in." You've been dreading to see her again after so many years.
The woman you didn't want to see entered your office as if she owned it. Still as beautiful and sexy as ever with her a redhead following her. You didn't even sat up your chair to greet them, not because you didn't have the etiquette but because it's Fallon and you just didn't want too. You looked at the red haired woman seeing as she's checking you out not as subtle as you may add. You raised your brows and got up and introduce yourself to her,
"Hello, I'm Y/n. To what do I owe such pleasure Ms.?"
You told the redhead completely ignoring the other woman inside your office who has been studying you closely and staring at you as if she wants to kill you. Jealousy ah green is a beautiful color on her.
"Anders, Kirby Anders, I'm Fallon's executive assistant among others." She told you, slight pink covering her pale face.
"Anders? Like Jo's daughter or something?"
"Yeah? You know him."
"Of course. He's an amazing man, very organized even the smallest of details."
"Yeah that's Dad." Before you were going to reply, the bubble you both had was burst by the ignored woman in the room.
"Have you both forgotten that I'm here too." She looked at you annoyed. If you didn't know her well, which you do, you wouldn't catch the small hurt in her facial expression that suddenly was schooled like it wasn't there before, bug you caught it. You look at her and raised your brow letting her know you saw it too. It's been years and she still thinks she had a claim on you.
"We didn't, we just decided we want to ignore you. What do you want Fallon?"
"I want to buy the company back."
"As much as I want you to have it so I don't have to see you. The contract stated you can't. I seriously don't know how your family sign such without reading the fine print."
"Well why didn't you?"
"I wasn't here you idiot. I gave mom the ropes as I had personal matters to attend to. She fucking accepted the deal. Hell, I didn't want what was written in it."
"Then give it back."
"I can't Fallon and you know it. I'd let hell freeze over before I'd work with you again, we both know that."
"What? Work together?"
"You didn't know? What happened to you? You just don't do stuff without knowing. Are you sick or dying?"
"Stop being dramatic, y/n! I'm trying to think. This can't be it."
"Well that's hopeful. You don't think, you scheme."
"Fucking shut up, Y/n! You don't know me!" She yelled. Kirby flinching as she haven't seen Fallon to be this enraged at someone other than her own family.
You clenched your jaw and looked at the redhead that's been standing awkwardly among you both. You walked around your desk and stop in front of Kirby and said,
"Ms. Anders, would you be a dear and let Ms. Carrington and I have a moment alone. You can ask Donna to show you around or get whatever you want." You smiled at the woman sweetly as if nothing is bothering you at all. You directed the redhead woman to the door. She nodded and smiled, leaving you both alone in your office. You locked the door after she left.
You studied the brunette woman facing away from you. Even after years of not seeing each other. She still has the same physique. Looking like a work of art. You admire her features. Maybe more defined ass but still the same old Fallon you know years ago. You approached her from behind. Your breath so close to her, her breathe hitching. It's been years but you still have that affect on her. She has an effect on you too but you know how to school yourself with all the years of practice.
"You still haven't change, have you pretty girl." you whispered close to her ear. She let out a breath as she felt you nibbling her lobe.b"Y/n..." she whimpered, trying to move away from your proximity. Yet you left open mouth kisses along her ear, neck, and jaw. The sexual tension in your office could be cut with a dull butter knife.
"Still bratty aren't you, love?" You put both your hands on her hips and gave it a hard grip. You heard her groan, finally having your hand on her body. Leaning her body over yours trying to feel anything to help her in her predicament. "Y/n, please..." she tried grinding her ass to your front. She was so frustrated and you can feel the heat. She needed relief and fast. She wants you. You both want each other so much.
"Be a good girl and bend over baby."
To the people outside, they thought nothing of it. As they thought that it was you getting frustrated due to your mother visiting you. It wasn't unusual for them to see your cold demeanour after being in a meeting with her or with old stupid men. Maybe you were angry again and the loud scream they heard and the banging that they can hear from inside was just that. Kirby on the other hand, knew what was going on. Her face looking like a tomato, knowing what's happening but a bit confuse on why it's happening now. Did you both know each other since back then?
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niishii · 1 month
coachella vibes—seongwha x idol!reader
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summary; in which you catch up with your favorite member of ateez at coachella.
author's note: first time writing a kpop fic. please be kind!
Divider by: @plutism
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You had been fiddling with the strap of your dress all night.
"Alright everyone, squeeze in tight!"
The pulsating hum from the music bass in the background jostled your heart against your chest. It didn't help that you were shoved between your group mate and Seongwha - who you hadn't seen since the promotion of Ateez and [insert your kpop group name] song collaboration last year.
Although you obviously knew way in advance that [insert your kpop group name] and Ateez were performing on separate nights at Coachella, running into Park Seongwha still threw you for a loop. During the promotion of each groups' shared song, you two had gotten closer than intended - a well kept hushed secret that was made of prolonged eye contact, inconspicuous flirtatious smiles, and subtle, gentle nudges of each other's arms and shoulders in passing.
"A little closer!" The camera man said while holding the phone horizontally to ensure everyone fit in the picture.
You felt Seongwha shuffle closer to you, the fabric of his shirt rubbing against your bare arm. You two had been positioned at the very end of the line, thanks to your closest bandmate.
Oh, if only you weren't surrounded by wandering eyes, you would give your friend a good—
"This okay?"
His arm fell across your shoulders as he leaned in, subtly tucking you to his side. Your eyes widened, though naturally, you molded into him as he drew a peace sign with his other hand that happened to be stuck in his pocket.
"Yeah." It was the only word your mouth could produce as you drew your own signature peace sign.
The camera flashed multiple times before the cameraman told everyone to 'look cool' this time.
You and Seongwha dropped your cute peace signs simultaneously. He shifted and stuck his hand into his pocket. Meanwhile, your hands stuck out from the front pocket of your jeans, one knee bent so you looked more relaxed.
Click. Click. Click.
"Long time no see, right?"
"Tell me about it," You replied under your breath as the group either switched poses or facial expressions. You could hear your groupmates laughing and talking with the rest of the group. "We should definitely do this more often," you joked.
He chuckled lightly. "What? Take pictures or catch up?"
"Both," you said between the next set of clicks.
Seongwha dropped his arm from your shoulder, shifting the loose shoulder strap of your blouse to the upper part of your bicep. You had forgotten about the darn thing until now. It had been a nuisance all night - seeming to fall off your shoulder every time a wave of nervous energy coursed through you. But your stylist insisted this was the perfect night to show it off to the world of Coachella. You internally groaned.
But before you could reach for the fabric, Seongwha had already draped it back onto your shoulder securely before loosely resting his forearm on your shoulder, posing another time. You were quick to flash a smile just before the last picture was taken.
"Thanks," you mumbled as the group began to disperse. You hiked the strap higher, ensuring this slip up wouldn't happen again...at least not while you were both interacting.
"Don't mention it," he said before the performer onstage began his set. Seongwha stepped towards you so his voice could be over the cheers from the crowd. His breath fanning your cheek. "Don't forget to kill it tomorrow, okay?"
And just like that, you were left with your group as the next artist's set began. You both were pulled into separate directions with your groupmates, sparing one last longing glance before the incoming rave music drowned out the sound of the crowd's screams.
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luvinmads · 2 months
Hannibal's ocd headcanons!
cw: very basic talk about mental health and ocd, can be triggering so be aware.
Three people said I should share my headcanons so here I am, first of all what's ocd? OCD is the acronym for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a mental disorder that affects daily life making the person have intrusive thoughts that distress them and lead to compulsive behavior like the ones I'll be talking now.
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Why do I headcanon that Hannibal has OCD?
through the series Hannibal shows a lot of subtle ticks, changes of behaviors, change of tones, subtle facial expressions that really made me realize that he has a lot of moments where their thoughts seem to fight his actions, something I feel a lot when I'm on a bad day, and I have a great amount of ocd symptoms (another undiagnosed thing, thanks argentinian healthcare) and so I made headcanons about it I won't extend to much on this.
What kind of OCD could distress Hannibal Lecter?
I know I know, a cannibalistic serial killer seen to be feeding his intrusive thoughts, but I don't think so, Hannibal's ocd has nothing to do with killing, hurting, made anything unmoral, Hannibal's OCD lays on dirtiness and rudeness.
Hannibal hates rude people, he hated rudeness as a whole and same thing with dirtiness, but not necessarily as something that's inherently bad, but something that he could never be and disgusts him profoundly.
What kind of intrusive thoughts does he have?
I've been thinking on a few and his consecuences.
Screaming in the middle of a lecture with other professionals, it distressed him to the point he stopped going.
Talking too loud or aggressive to someone else, he never ever raised his voice and sometimes even talked in whispers.
Yawning in the Opera, he ends up with his hand bleeding because he pinch himself from time to time to avoid it.
Forgetting his plastic suit, he can't even remember how many times he looked at himself, he knows he's wearing it, it can be so frustrating that he sometimes had to walk back and make sure of it twice plus times.
Being rude himself, sometimes his brain will scream insults and curses and he would go purposefully mute to avoid saying those words out loud.
Accidentally throwing garbage out of the trashcan, he has to make sure a lot even when he knows he did throw it in place.
What about Will rudeness?
I think Hannibal found Will's rudeness endearing because he was pretty not gonna lie, still there's moments when he seems about to correct him, but he doesn't, because for him correcting an adult man on his manner would show rudeness on his part.
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Thank you for reading !
I'm one of those people who like to think a lot and I can't help but spiraling on some headcanons, maybe this could gave you all some fanfics ideas too.
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columboscreens · 1 year
watching ransom for a dead man and a bit :( about the "working for a woman" comment! any thoughts? would love your insight - not sure whether it's him being legitimately Sexist or it's part of him trying to buddy up to the attorney guy for info and failing
luckily, columbo is too intelligent for that brand of sexism.
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best trial attorney eh? hell i'd kill my dumb boring husband too. oop sorry sir did i say that out loud
he's not quite trying to "buddy up" to her secretary per se, nor does he actually feel this way. here, he's trying to gauge the man's reaction/opinion of her in order to both find out more about her as a person and supplement his working theory that she orchestrated the murder. columbo does that often--he asks questions in roundabout ways that disarm people, make him appear dumb/impotent (important!), and are usually more conducive to getting answers than asking point blank, answers that are sometimes as subtle as shifts in facial expression.
here, he actually doesn't fail the info check--his hypothesis is reaffirmed. a full-fledged male lawyer in an era of burgeoning second-wave feminism not only doesn't mind working for a woman, he's happy to and extolls her skill! columbo is right to assume that this man is an outlier for his time and ask him his opinion by opening with a negative assumption. would he have gotten the same enthusiasm if he'd asked more directly? likely not.
columbo is also aware of how foolish the question sounds considering the woman behind it. Lady Lawyer Leslie breaks stereotype after stereotype, establishing herself immediately as a highly independent woman of her time: she's childless, a pilot with her own airplane, and in 1971, three years before women could open credit lines without a man's cosignature in the US, considered one of the top trial attorneys in the state of california. she's cold, calculating, daring, and most importantly smart as hell. columbo totally drops the act to tell her that, which is saying something.
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when you spend so long investigating a sexy lady murderer who's just as genius as you are that you close the case in total awe of her
so his little remark does not reflect his actual beliefs.
there are times when columbo will push the bounds of chivalry and step into more benevolent sexism, treating women especially gently with extra care and attention, sometimes even acting more susceptible to their wiles than he actually is. he admits his own bias:
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must be nice to prety ladie...
but he has no reservations nor presumptions about any woman's ability based on gender. morals aside, he'd be a pretty shitty detective if he did. imagine how much worse at his job he'd be if he were closed-minded!
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hheh...maybe prety ladie is innocent after all...
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
“ J U S T L I K E Y O U ”
A/N: Some cute Levi fluff your all of u to enjoy! <3 i got 1 request only, so feel free to send more!
Word count: 1.194
Warnings: none
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You landed as your boots touched the hard pavement, whipping away the nasty titan blood that somehow splattered on your face with the back of your hand an obvious disgust look appeared on your face, you hated the feeling of being dirty. A loud thud was heard as the dead body of the titan you just killed fell behind you.
“She is like a female version of you Levi.” Hange teased her comrade as she eyed you obtaining a “tsk” sound from the raven haired man as he looked away from the scene. You joined the pair greeting them with the warmest smile, one that could make anyone instantly melt from the sight, even humanity’s strongest soldier. “It’s crazy how when you are in killing mode your facial expression is terrifying Y/N, but when you snap out of it it’s like you’re a different person you’re all smiles, being cute and sweet almost like an angel.” Hange was impressed with you, well all the superiors were, you being the best cadet they had ever since Levi joined the Scouts back in the day was something they never thought it could be possible.
“What do you think Levi?” She elbowed him with a teasing smile. “She’s good and gets the job done what else do you want me to say shitty glasses?” He would never admit it but he noticed it too, how your personality drastically changes depending the situation and how he also thought you were an angel an angel that was a killing machine, he loved the duality you had. Despite him being so serious and cold to everyone all the time somehow you had nothing but smiles and kindness for him in return.
The mission was a success, once back in the survey corps headquarters Erwin thought it was a good idea to celebrate the fact that titans were killed and every scout made it back alive bringing food and drinks for the cadets to enjoy, some fun every once in a while is not a bad thing is it?
You were with your usual friend group Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie and Eren. Sitting in our usual table as they all experienced the effects of alcohol, you never drank you hated the taste and the feeling of being drunk tea was your favorite drink, you liked going to the city every once in a while to spend money on the best tea you could get. “Come on Y/N, get that shitty tea out of my sight and drink some beer with us!” Eren loudly said as he offered you his cup “hey! My tea is not shitty it’s actually a really expensive mix of leaves, I only like the best of the best you fucker!” You playfully said back with a grin, side eying your corporal as you said the last part. It was true, you only like the best of the best, so of course you had to like humanity’s best soldier.
“See, she is just like you Levi, I never thought I’d see someone that was a tea freak just like you.” Hange said to Levi as they observed the ambient from afar noticing the subtle look you shot him. Erwin laughed as he agreed with Hange “I see how you always look at her. You should ask her out, or some of those kids will take her away from you.” His superior added to the conversation. Obtaining an annoyed look from the man, he didn’t take his eyes off you during the whole night, you were too good for him, he thought, “I don’t want to ruin her.” His voice stern but soft, his comrades taking notice of his words “maybe she is what you need Levi, maybe she will bring some light into your darkness.” “You deserve to be loved too, captain.” His friends stated, they were not wrong though, maybe you were all he needed.
Levi’s gaze followed your small frame as you excused yourself from your friends and made your way to the nearest exit, he didn’t hesitate to follow you minutes after. Once he made it out the door he saw you sitting on a set of stairs admiring the starry night sky “there’s a party or whatever going on inside you know? What are you doing outside brat, you’ll get sick.” You slightly jumped at his voice, not expecting anyone to be there. The warm feeling of your captains cloak was nice in comparison of the cold air that blowed that night. Muting a small thank you at the gesture.
Turning your head to face the man, that was now seated next to you. “I’m not much of a party girl, I get overwhelmed very easily in situations like this, where there is a lot of people and a lot of noise.” You quietly answered his initial question, “I get it, now I understand why everyone tells me we are alike.” He mutters, “they tell you that? I get that too, It’s funny cause I see it too, we might have some things in common I think.” Your smile making him feel nervous, in the best way possible. “Don’t look at me like that.” He couldn’t face you not with you giving him that soft smile, looking at him with those kind eyes, it was too much, if he kept looking at you he might do something he was trying with all his strength to fight away.
“What do you mean Captain?” Your innocence was something he loved about you. “If you keep looking at me like that I will have no other option than to kiss you.” He whispered loud enough for you to hear. “Then I’ll keep staring at you like this until you kiss me.” Your voice mimicking his tone. He slowly turned his head facing you again, “kiss me Levi.” He couldn’t handle the urge any longer, his hand cupping your cheek caressing it softly with his thumb, his grey eyes going from your own to your lips back and forth taking in how perfect you looked with only the moon light hitting your factions, slowly leaning in until his lips touched yours, the kiss was soft and filled with emotions that were held for too long, after a few seconds it became more passionate as if you both were trying to show through it how much you waited for this to happen and how much you cared for each other.
He broke the kiss leaning his forehead against yours whispering “Be mine, Y/N.” Your heart was beating so fast you were sure he could hear it. “I’ve been yours since the day I met you, Levi.” His arms holding you tight against his chest, tears threatening to fall in his eyes, is this what love feels like? Was this the love he has never felt like he deserved before? He was eager for you to love him and take care of him like no one ever has done before and in return he is willing to let you in and love you with this whole entire being and take the best care of you for the rest of his life.
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Thoughts on Helluva Boss Episode 203 (”Exes and Oohs”)
- Crimson’s facial animation is great, especially when Moxxie and Millie first walk through his door, and when he finds out Chaz isn’t rich. His expressions convey a lot of menace through the timing and eye movements alone. It’s subtle, but I hope whoever animated those scenes knows their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed.
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- I like the concept of Crimson’s trophy wall, which shows he actually keeps mementos of those he’s killed, seeing them as no better than animals for him to hunt. Now if there are actually cops in this version of Hell (which the existence of jail implies), this would look very suspicious if they ever stopped by, like a serial killer displaying the hands, eyeballs, etc of his victims. But I guess he could always press a button and flip them all to the dildo side if he didn’t mind the weird looks he’d inevitably get.
- I actually liked Moxxie’s introduction to Blitzo in the flashback. It showcases his fast-talking, big-thinking personality well. Shame he’d go on to treat Moxxie like shit after this.
- I wasn’t expecting the dildo scene to get a laugh out of me, but goddammit it did. It’s such an absurd overcompensation from an old straight dude who thinks he knows what the gays like that it caught me off guard. It’d be kinda tasteless if Moxxie were the butt of the joke, but clearly he’s the straight man (no pun intended) here. The real source of humor is Crimson’s misguided, ridiculously silly attempt to accommodate his son, which just shows how little he really knows (or cares to learn) about him.
- Fuck YES, Moxxie standing up to his dad. Great, satisfying scene. Now do it to Blitzo, Mox. It’s been a looong time comin’.
- Millie’s climactic fight scene is pretty good. The choreography is fluid, the kills are creative and fun to watch, and the music fits perfectly. There’s just one aspect holding the sequence back from being great, which we’ll get into later.
- Good ending. Shows what became of Chaz and hints that Crimson might try to get revenge on Moxxie in the future. More Crimson is a win in my book.
Cons after the cut.
- Dammit, the “Moxxie is fat” jokes were never funny, show. Let ‘em die.
- So Crimson lives in the Greed ring, yeah? Why is everything green? The color traditionally associated with greed as a sin is yellow, while green is reserved for envy. For that matter, you’d think all the sharks here would fit in better in the Envy ring, since it’s ruled by Leviathan, a sea creature. Did they seriously just slap the wrong name on the Envy ring? They used the traditional deep blue for the Lust ring back in “Ozzie’s”, so this is a glaring inconsistency.
- I’ve mentioned before that Viv Medrano likes using the same design elements a bit too much in her characters (bow ties, gold teeth, differently-colored fingertips, etc), and it looks like we can add concentric eye rings to the list. Notice how both Striker and Chaz have these.
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The other sharks in the mob have them too, but Striker’s an imp, not a shark (despite looking like he was ripped off from a shark), so it’s not species-related. Does it represent the characters’ personalities or serve any sort of plot function? Fuck if I know.
- Bit of a nitpick, but the black “cross” shape at the tip of Chaz’s nose is wildly inconsistent from scene to scene. Sometimes it’s thin, sometimes it’s thick, sometimes it has pointed tips, sometimes it has rounded ones. More thorough model sheets for the cleanup department would help mitigate this in the future.
- So prison is a thing that exists in Hell, huh? And so are banks, I guess. And they look exactly the same as they do in the human world. See, this isn’t the kind of episode that’d necessarily benefit from worldbuilding, since it’s not relevant to the plot (or not yet, anyway, but we’ll get there). But seeing all these ordinary settings just reminds me of how pointless the entire “Hell” thing is, and how no one could be bothered to invent a new world for the characters to live in. (Seriously, demon characters disguised as humans in the human world. I’m tellin’ ya. Barely anything in the story would change.)
- Guys, ya didn’t have to explain the Titanic reference. Most viewers probably would have caught it even if Blitzo hadn’t pointed it out. I’m sure even the zoomers who hadn’t been born when it came out would at least recognize the meme. Give your audience more credit.
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- I’ll level with y’all: The dildo pixellation is distracting as hell. If a show made for network TV had it, fine, I understand. But Helluva Boss is made for the internet, which has much more lenient censorship standards. Hell, BoJack Horseman, a Netflix show, features a sex robot with a couple attached dildos, neither of which are censored. Is this just a Youtube monetization thing I’m not aware of? Because I checked their community guidelines, and while they mention “using sex toys to give viewers sexual gratification”, there’s nothing remotely sexy about their use in this episode. They function only as comedic props, not tools of titillation. All about that context, baby. Not that I’m super gung-ho to see a bunch of multicolored dicks in their full glory; the censorship’s just a little annoying.
- I understand the need to give Moxxie a reason to fear Crimson, but the physical violence is a tad gratuitous. Crimson didn’t really need to hit Moxxie’s mom in the past, or Moxxie in the present, to be intimidating. Abusers don’t have to lay a finger on their victims in order to frighten them.
I’m starting to see a pattern: Stella tried to hit Stolas, too. It’s like these writers think abuse needs to employ some physical element, or else it’s not really abuse. Which... no, that’s not at all how it works. And considering how Moxxie escaped an abuser only to find himself working for another one (oh, but he’s hard on him because he CaREs, guys! Yeah, bullshit), it only makes this sequence harder to watch. Mox deserves so much better.
- Helping his dad drown that guy seems like a traumatic memory for Moxxie, so why is he in a business where all he does is kill people? Hasn’t he ever wanted or tried to be anything else? A musician, maybe? We know he can sing and play guitar, so...
- Holy shit, did we really need that shot of Crimson with the dildos just after the exceedingly dark flashback? Talk about tone whiplash!
- I mentioned earlier that worldbuilding wouldn’t affect this episode’s plot... for the most part. The wedding scene is a case in which it would.
So, really think about this for a second: We’re in Hell. And there’s a wedding that looks like a typical one would in the human world. We’ve got flowers, an aisle, a block of chairs on either side, and...
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A priest?!
Seriously, the dude officiating is dressed up like a Christian priest. White robes, hat, the works. Sure, his outfit and book have inverted crosses, but that doesn’t explain why everything else looks so similar to what you might see in a Christian ceremony. It’s like the demons of Hell saw a Christian wedding and were like, “Oh cool let’s do it exactly like that”. Don’t you think Lucifer, the king of Hell in this universe, might have a tiny problem with this??
And for that matter, why is marriage even a thing in Hell? Why do demons feel the need to justify their long-term relationships with human customs? Why can’t they form their own traditions to celebrate their love?
I get that this is all visual shorthand the audience will be familiar with. I get that they’ll take it all in and recognize this event as a wedding in seconds. But in earlier scenes, Crimson already established that a wedding would take place the next day. So with that label in mind, the audience should be able to tell that this ceremony was a wedding, no matter how it looks.
Would a more unorthodox version feel out of place in the very “humanized” culture and surroundings the show has established? Yeah, kinda. But there could be a throwaway line from the priest explaining that he insists on doing things the old way, with the traditions demons once embraced before Hell was overrun with human souls and human practices (”This is how we did it back in my day, before the sinners came.” Then Chaz is like, “Ha! You said came!” or something). This could be a glimpse into a demonic subculture fighting to preserve their heritage, which future episodes could explore further. Think of all the subtext and story potential packed into a single sentence. But, y’know, creating a by-the-numbers world is just easier. So.
-  Remember how I said there was one thing holding Millie’s fight scene back from being great? It’s the camera. It zooms in too far and moves around way too much, to the point where it’s hard to see what’s going on at times. Ideally, the animation and frame composition should work in tandem, hitting all the snapshots of action they need to hit for visual clarity, and doing little else. A bit of camera shake here and there is fine, but there’s no need for all this wobbling back and forth. I shouldn’t need Dramamine just to watch a damn web series.
- At one point, Crimson says to his minions, “What the fuck! She’s a dame! She’s a broad! Kill her!”, implying that women should be easy to kill. I don’t know if Horvitz improvised those lines or what, but considering that Crimson’s gang has two female members (one of whom we even saw moving a body earlier), it feels like there’s a disconnect between the dialogue and the art department.
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I dunno, man. If women aren’t that tough, maybe don’t use them as soldiers in your crime syndicate?? Inconsistencies aplenty in this episode, sheesh.
In conclusion, running the script by another set of eyes during the writing stage would benefit this show immensely. I know it seems like I had a lot of gripes with this one (what else is new, amirite), but honestly, this is one of the better Helluva Boss episodes. When the series ends (or when the writing gets so bad I can’t watch anymore), I might post my personal ranking of all the installments I’ve seen. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually curious to see what kind of story the next episode will tell. It’s almost like a series with an episodic plot structure can be interesting without the creator’s favorite ship hogging the focus. Funny how that works.
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dirtboy-merc · 1 year
watching the hospital scene in the hbo show for the last of us just... it floored me. i mean, it really made me appreciate the differences in the way a show can tell a narrative versus the way a video game can.
video game story-telling is so unique. there’s nothing else like it, you know? you put the player IN the world. you make the player interact with it, and it’s fucking personal. it’s not just watching actors on a screen, it’s YOU doing it. it’s immersive and engrossing, and i think that’s absolutely amazing. especially when it comes to the last of us. it’s brutal in such a unique way. all the different sequences, and the position the game puts the player in. the things we gotta do to survive. the way it makes us invest emotionally, and deeply, in subtle ways. and it comes together in that last portion and it’s really well done.
but that hospital scene in the show just fuckin’ hit different. completely.
in the game, i think the majority of players felt the same way. they were gonna save ellie. there were no qualms about it. we spent the whole game killing npc’s to protect her, and this was no different. and it’s a challenging level, you know? we’re not really thinking about what we’re actually doing in terms of weight and the possible consequences. we’re just saving ellie. just mowing down these npc’s like we have been. it requires some concentration, and that can kinda take away from the emotional weight of what’s going on due to the action and having to focus on the gameplay.
but in the show... that scene is fucking haunting. pedro pascal’s performance was so compelling. the way his facial expression is just... blank. he’s not panicked. he’s not angry. he’s just... on auto-pilot. there’s no reaction from him as he kills all of those fireflies. and us, as the viewers, are just that: viewers. we’re not doing it. we’re just watching. and it’s hard to watch. it’s brutal. and it really drives home how, uh, deranged joel looks. like. holy shit man. this is fucked. this is INTENSE. and the way he does the killing. there’s no hesitation. there’s no emotion at all. even with the firefly who set down his weapon and surrendered. joel just fucking shoots him anyway. and the way he’s just picking up different guns as his runs out of ammo. the way he uses a knife instead to finish the job. when we’re playing it, it feels practical, you know, looting the dead npc’s like we have been. but in the show it’s just like, holy fuck, man. it’s just haunting.
don’t get me wrong, it’s intense in the game, too. but there’s something about seeing it the way the show is able to portray it. with real people. real human beings. the killing and the blood just feels heavier. it’s so visceral. and again, we’re not the ones doing it. we’re not feeling justified or vindicated. we don’t have to defend our actions. it just is what it is. a man killing an entire hospital full of people who could potentially find a cure to save one little girl he’s forged an unbreakable bond with. it gives a different perspective.
tldr: shit is good.
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koskela-knights · 7 months
Additionally, I just wanna admire Peter Franzén's acting and portrayal as both the Koskela brothers and the unhinged murderous Ilmari Huotari in the short movie becos <33
Tbh, when I first saw the ads, I thought they were separate actors lmao because they have such distinct personalities. It takes a good actor to act 'badly' and corny, but it worked so well for the Koskelas. Ilmo has this big body language, exaggerated gestures, boomy and vivid voice. Neatly balanced out by Jaakko who gives more dead-pan deliveries with a straight face. But! He has his own charms: subtle facial expressions and gestures, how he comes alive when he flips the government the bird, subtle smiles.
In-game Ilmo also have a very expressive face and makes grand gestures when he promotes the ads and Coffee World (props to the animators). Also I like that he is slightly hunched over in-game.
Then we have their final moments together. They sound angry, but also desperate because they've gone through many years of supernatural horror and it seems they're so close to putting an end to it. It's out of love for their community and each other. The stakes are so high, so ofc they're pissed off when some shady governments swoop in and try to save the day!
After Jaakko gets brutally killed off, you can hear the emotion in Ilmo's voice. Experiencing all stages of grief at the same time ;_; When he calls out for his brother, it sounds so soft and broken 😭
And finally, Ilmari in the short movie. Deranged, unhinged, sadistic man <3 Love him. He is cleanly put together at the beginning, with his hair slick back but that quickly changes. The way he threatens the detective like a starved wolf is just 😫
He gleefully stabs the detective to death, overcome with bloodlust and his hair gets all messy 👌 He is a completely different character from Ilmo.
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meilas · 11 months
Socks' Ultimate Phantoms list
Franc D'Ambrosio - Yes. Brings all the sad noises and I am here for it. Nice voice. Excellent acting and facial expressions. Very expressive eyes. Is a cinnamon roll irl. Gary Mauer - Best voice ever. 10/10 would believe this man was an angel. Greg Mills - Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you. I never thought tongue action could be sexy but here we are. Ted Keegan - Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll. Surprisingly sexy. Killian Donnelly - Looks like a cinnamon roll. I can't explain why I like him, but I do. Christopher Carl - I've only heard audio of him but I like him based on how he sobbed on the golden angel. Jeremy Stolle - Nice voice. Acting is too subtle. Peter Karrie - I love how he takes certain notes up a step, just to show that he can. Slightly nasally, but tolerable. Davis Gaines - tbh all I remember really is him slowly rocking his hips while he was sprawled on the portcullis and I now judge all phantoms on a metric of how good their pants look. 9/10 his pants. Peter Joback - I absolutely hated him when he sang in English. I liked him a little better when he did the show in Swedish. James Hume - Unmemorable. Michael Nicholson - Excellent acting choices. Was thinking about him for two weeks after watching. I just really like the production in German, okay? Earl Carpenter - Better in his earlier runs. Good acting choices. Simon Pryce - Very deep voice. Stands nicely. Scott Davies - He looked like fun and I wanted to like him. Noped out of that one pretty quick. Too much vibrato. Anthony Crivello - From the Vegas boot! I actually don't remember too much about him. But I know I liked the boot! Ben Crawford - Tended to have really weird pronunciation toward the end of his run. He was decent when I saw him right after the Broadway reopening. The most remarkable thing he did was to belly slide all the way across the stage during STYDI. Other than that, I recall nothing specific. Thiago Arancam - Remarkable only in the fact that he is boring. Uwe Kroger - The boob-stroking guy. I remember nothing else. Cooper Grodin - Entertaining in the fact that his acting is so wooden. Nice voice when he's not doing blocking at the same time. Good pants. It helps that he never skips leg day. Laird Mackintosh - I think he was good? I honestly don't remember. Geronimo Rauch - I remember I liked him! Norm Lewis - Nice voice, a little boring. Sorry Norm. John Owen-Jones - Hands. Michael Crawford - Absolutely not. I do not understand what anyone sees in him. His voice sounds like it's about to snap any second, and he is very unsexy. David Shannon - Yes. Absolutely yes. Excellent acting choices and nice voice. Does sad very well. Deserved better. Saulo Vasconcelos - All I can recall is @wheel-of-fish spamming the chat with "hands" all night and that's all anyone really needs to know about his Phantom. Ethan Freeman - Looks like a goddamn stick insect during Final Lair and I am here for it. Looks like Tony Shaloub. Bronson Norris Murphy - Technically only was the Phantom in Love Never Dies. RIP. He deserved better. Anyway. His voice is a little deeper than Franc's or Gary's. I wish he had gotten a chance to play the Phantom in POTO proper. I am very curious as to how he would have played it. Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a burnt cinnamon roll. Ramin Karimloo - He was my intro to POTO on stage. I liked his performance enough that I went looking for more clips of the musical, and found the Saturday Streams. Eiji Akutagawa - Ah yes. The self-groping Phantom. That's all I can remember about him. Josh Piterman - Does sad very well. Gerard Butler - My first-first Phantom. I still like him. There's something about his voice that I do actually like, and it annoys me very much when people go "he can't sing" yes he can, everyone has the ability to sing. Just shut up and let me enjoy what I like in peace. Hugh Panaro - Great voice, excellent acting. Funny. Fun to watch. Reminds me of Franc, in that they're both innocent/childish. Hugh is more childish and angry. Looks like he could kill you, and he might, it depends on his mood.
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magnolia-miraculous · 11 months
M. Dupain-Cheng (aka Ladybug) Headcanons <3
Honestly she’s just a lil clumsy dummy and I love her lol. Nothing more to say, just that.
She used to do ballet when she was little. She was in the same class as Chloé (and Adrien). She used to make fun of her for being clumsy however, and this transferred over into academic school.
She really likes tea. Jasmine’s her favorite.
She also really likes gardening; she hangs out at a garden top building she knows a lot.
I retcon that a lot of the plants she has growing on her roof are actually herbs and stuff.
Lots and lots of basil.
She knows flower language and has a few books on it.
She rlly loves candles but barely ever lights them so she’s got this huge assortment of brand new candles sitting around in her room.
Tbh she does this a lot.
She has a huge collection of stationary that she never uses. She just has to get them when she sees them.
She has gel pens and post-it’s and stickers galore. It can’t be constituted but she does.
Also doesn’t really color traditionally often; she just does a lot of sketching and drawing in pen and pencil for the most part.
On the other hand, she’s an expert at digital color.
Did y’all see the Jagged Stone album??
Her parents didn’t let her have a sewing machine until she was like 12 bc yikes automated sharp thing.
Thus, she’s rlly good at sewing by hand.
There was a long period however where nearly all of her fingers were constantly covered in bandaids bc she kept sticking herself; she could have just used thimbles but honestly they just made it rlly hard.
At one point she figured out that preliminarily putting on bandaids prevented any sort of actual hurt and she began to do so, replacing the ones that had fallen off each time she went to sew again.
She’ll stick her tongue out when she’s concentrated on drawing or will make the facial expression she’s trying to portray.
Really good at pretty much anything creative that she tries her hand at. Drawing? Great. Fashion? The best. Jewelry making? Like a pro.
She uses mascara and gets into using different colors like pink n stuff.
Eyeliner that could kill a man.
She still has all of her old stuffed animals bc she was too attached to them to give them away.
She doesn’t really listen to rap music too much but she can rap rlly rlly fast which is a surprise given how much she stutters n stuff.
She can wrap the entirety of fergalicious on request.
Both of her parents unironically listen to bring me to life by evanescence and it’s subtlely driving her insane.
She’s French, Italian, and Chinese, but is like 4% aware of her own cultures.
Like, she’s not entirely French but she has no idea what’s going on in the Italian and Chinese scenes rn?? The cultural identity crisis is real lmao.
Also she calls it “patsa”. She couldn’t pronounce it as a kid for some reason and never bothered to stop. Her parents think it’s funny.
Also also Marinette is the daughter of the best baker in Paris but she’d give an arm and a leg for Little Debbie’s cakes and Hostess snacks (like zebra cakes and cosmic brownies and cherry pies and marshmallow/cream filled crap).
She eats a lot of them as of becoming ladybug bc she can afford to tbh.
Her parents chalk it up to puberty + the runs she’s been going on lately.
Hint: the runs are to cover up how she’s actually getting as fit as she is.
Sometimes Forgets to Hide her Strength and will Pick Up people or Heavy Things.
Adrien would be embarrassed to admit that he actually liked it when Marinette Carried him once.
The class secretly shares photos of her Forgetting and Picking Up.
Also, after becoming Ladybug, for some reason, flowers and plants seem to be a lot easier to care for now.
She could forget to water her basil for a week and it’s still as big and bright as ever??
This bouquet should have wilted two weeks ago?? Cut flowers literally never last this long??
Those weren’t supposed to bloom for another two weeks?? Those weren’t supposed to bloom at all??
She’s basically her own little cell tower too. Need a better connection? Go stand by Marinette.
Flexibility is insane. Also reflexes.
If you catch her by surprise, you will be thrown.
Marinette will literally talk shit abt Chat Noir and then someone will simply agree with a lil mhm or a yeah and she’ll turn around and give dozens of counterpoints to what she was just saying two seconds ago and absolutely go for the throat and slaughter them for ever even thinking about saying anything bad about Chat Noir like that like the audacity.
She keeps all the flowers he gives her as Ladybug and presses them and puts them in this giant, heavy ahh archaic lookin book she has lying around.
Tbh even she doesn’t know where it came from but yk, flowers :)
No but actually she doesn’t question it nearly as much as she should.
Or at all. Marinette what is that thing.
We all know that she thinks of her role as Ladybug and her powers as a responsibility more so than an escape like Adrien does, but I like to think that at some point (maybe after the Santa Claws incident?), she loosens up about it and begins to understand Chat’s pov on the miraculous. Obviously, she still thinks of it as something not for personal use, but she’s more open to wandering.
Sometimes when she can’t sleep (particularly because of superhero-related stress), she’ll sneak out to find a nice place to sit and look out on the city, letting the drowned-out ambience lull her to sleep.
Sometimes on cold nights, she’ll bring a blanket or a jacket or something. She also likes bringing her sketchbook.
She’s more than once awoken to the sun on her face, on the roof of a building after accidentally dozing off and had to rush home.
We love her 💞💞 ok that’s it, bye.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Heart Shining Through
I know it has probably been analyzed to death, but the scene in s4e11 (Heroes and Villains) between Emma and Hook in the diner — the one where Rumple is controlling Killian’s heart to tell Emma about the portal to Arandelle — is a bloody master course in acting, and every little detail is just brilliant.
The way he enters, which is just so very not him.  It looks like Rumple tried to capture everything that is Captain Hook without processing the undercurrent of Killian Jones that tempers his usual pirate persona, resulting in, basically, arrogance, rather than mostly harmless albeit cocky swagger.  I can’t recall a single instance of him saying something like “I may not be the Savior, but I just saved the day.”  Add to that the fact that his words have none of his usual energy, none of his usual flirtation/innuendo, nor of his more intimate romance, and it’s subtly apparent that something is wrong from the second he walks in.
Also, the hand gestures throughout the scene.  The way his hand hovers out to the side like it’s just waiting to be used as she inquires, You… found a portal?  The wide, swinging gestures of, Well, I found Gold, and he told me how to locate one and the sentence right after.  The gesture when he’s discussing the Snow Queen entering the Land Without Magic, which mirrors Gold’s as he gesticulates, heart in hand.  Perhaps most notably, the face and hand gesture he makes during the I, alas, tsk, bruised myself during the curse; really need to get it seen to is classic Gold, and I can’t really describe it beyond that.
The idea that Killian Jones, pirate captain who lost a hand and got right up to kill the man who did it, would be waylaid by a bruise is, frankly, laughable.
Then there’s the fact that Rumple tried to have Killian leave with his final sentence being something about said injury.  There’s no real goodbye, no message to Emma, nothing along those lines; it’s merely a discussion of the bruise and that’s it (which ties in well with Rumple’s character and how guided by selfishness he is, and not so much with Killian’s, since he’s basically an honor-bound romantic at heart).  
His facial expressions, too, are just different, alien to how he usually handles himself, or suspicious given the context.  Rolling his eyes at Yes… it appears our Rumplestiltsken truly has… turned over a new leaf.  The deadness in his expression as Emma stops him and asks if he’s okay, and the fakeness to the subsequent reassurance that he is.  The way he keeps his eyes open when they kiss, despite closing them in most circumstances.  The equally dead intonation behind See you around… love that feels so very fake.
And then there’s how Rumple plays Killian, so heavily based on his own perceptions without deference to reality.  He claims that He gave me a long-winded explanation about a portal.  About how it brought the Snow Queen to this land… which I don’t recall, and that is massively out of character.  It isn’t in Killian’s nature to not process at least the gist of something, much less to have no memory of it; after all, he was a ship’s captain, so processing a large volume of information quickly was kind of a necessity.  Add that to the aforementioned over-arrogance and it’s abundantly clear that it’s not Killian with whom Emma is dealing.
Especially with the earlier moment where he pours his rum into a teacup, which is such a very subtle detail, to the point that I didn’t notice it the first time I watched the scene, and yet it’s so very meaningful.  After all, I can’t remember a single instance of him pouring rum.  Even in Neverland, he simply passed the entire flask to Emma for her to take a sip; hell, he even shared with Snow and Charming directly from the flask, too.  And then, as if the dishing-out-the-rum weren’t enough, his receptacle of choice was a teacup.  The very artifact already irrevocably associated with Rumple, and something we’ve almost never seen Hook handle.
And finally, most noticeable of all, is the hand-grab at the end.  The way he actually manages to fight possession-by-enchanted-heart long enough to reach out to her, to hold her arm like it’s a bloody lifeline and do his very best not to let go.  He does, eventually — has to, given the fact that his heart is still being controlled — but it’s enough to let her know that something is amiss, enough to let him have at least a second of genuine contact before marching off to what he believes will be his death.
At any rate, the sheer brilliance of the acting in every ounce of this exchange has possessed me for ages… I hope this made sense and wasn’t just boring ranting, but Colin O'Donoghue was genius in this scene and I wanted to rant about it :)
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makerscockandballs · 2 years
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@tarakau bestie I saw your ask and accidentally put it in my drafts, gone forever..... but you asked about the Mage Dilf!! i could talk about him for days but i’ll try to stick to the main stuff (also you gave me motivation to add a little color to this old sketch and put it here!)
So, Maison Surana:
Is about 50 during Dragon Age Origins, below average height, Primal Mage+Arcane Warrior with sword and shield.
Shows hardly any facial expressions and talks a bit flatly. He used to force himself to emote more, but the mental effort of that is too exhausting to him. Close friends end up learning how to read his subtle body language, like a little shrug when he makes a joke.
Very very dry deadpan humor that is often mistaken for serious statements. If you actually listen to him he's hilarious.
Sort of sauntered into the role of Senior Enchanter, teaching about his biggest strength, primal magic, and trying to keep the mages under his wing out of trouble/hiding their missteps to keep them from getting abused or killed. Never coddling them, though.
Was known to be a tough but fair teacher, highly respected and exuding authority, but had a tendency to overwork his students. Not maliciously, mind you, he just wanted to help them survive the Harrowing (back when he was Junior Enchanter) and the circle, in his own way.
He got his facial scars when he tried to defuse an argument between an apprentice & templar and was attacked by the latter in the heat of the moment. The templar got away with a slap on the wrist, the apprentice killed in the ensuing fight. Maison lost almost all sight on the right eye. Luckily his right hand arm. man (& silly rabbit) is Zevran who keeps close watch on that blind spot during battle. Sigrun picks up that responsibility in Awakening.
After Broken Circle, a certain templar's corpse was found with a dagger in the eye. Totally unrelated, Maison always swears. With a little shrug.
The further he got from the circle, the more he started to live. Everything post-Ostagar is just the Maison Going Ham arc; getting to wield his skills without restraint, falling in love deeply and earnestly with Zevran "Dilf/Gilf Hunter" Arainai, protecting fiercely instead of hiding his loved ones from danger, speaking his mind without thinking of the consequences, just letting loose overall.
Anders and him have a weird but close dynamic during Awakening since Maison knew him ever since he was taken to the circle. Maison forever sees that troublemaking teenager when he looks at Anders, while Anders still half-expects Maison to give him a scolding or homework. (Occasionally, Maison does criticize Anders' spellwork in the same tone as back then. Some habits never die.)
Should be put in a hot scented bath with a cup of tea and nobody to bother him
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