#the sword is so sloppy though omg
deathly hallows is so weird. i remember even when i first read it at 12 being kinda like ???? because really? this? this was supposed to be the big hyped up grand finale?
obviously book 7 isn't the only book with plotholes but there are so many more than in the others ones and they were really obvious things that just felt so lazy. like suddenly people can be their own secret keepers? meaning that the plot device that kicked off the entire series now doesn't make sense? or jkr forgetting harry canonically knows how to cook. just basic stuff like that that felt so sloppy. or harry and co breaking into the ministry to steal something that umbridge might just as easily have left at home in a drawer in her house. ?? or they somehow don't have food when they're camping even tho they can do magic and can duplicate food so they could just take a ton of stuff from a grocery story and copy it forever?
plus the pacing. it has some really good moments towards the end but omg a lot of it has no sense of urgency. or i remember as a kid after reading book 6 being super hyped to see the other cool and difficult to defeat enchantments guarding the horcruxes like we saw in book 6. but nah. in book 7 they're just lying around anywhere.
it's like jkr set up this whole horcrux hunt thing and then got bored with it and wanted to get thru it as fast as possible. and then added a bunch of poorly thought out wand stuff that contradicts prior canon. there were a ton of cool things that could've been done with book 7 and instead most of it feels so rushed.
It seems we all have secret trauma revolving Deathly Hallows.
The beautiful thing about the being your own secret keeper, of course, now means that if that was the case then someone didn't tell the Potters this or they were dissuaded from this path for some reason makes Dumbledore look very suspect.
Though I personally love the idiotic plan to bust into the Ministry to get the Horcrux rather than try to find out where Umbridge lives or trying to get a hold of her when she does her shopping in the country's one shopping district of Diagon Alley. It's just so dumb.
Or the fact that the gang suddenly survives only on mysterious mushrooms they gather deep in the wilderness of Great Britain or the time they look for blackberries in the middle of winter. Ron knows there aren't going to be blackberries, tells Harry as much, but since he's come back from abandoning this very stupid mission he now believes that Dumbledore must have had a plan.
Dumbledore had a plan.
(But yes, anon, it's just a bad book filled with beautiful stupidity that felt like it should have been a video game and was oddly written as if it was a video game where most of the chapters are boring cut scenes you want to skip and the game play is things like "raid gringotts" or "fetch the sword from the bottom of a pond to destroy the horcrux".)
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tojigasm · 3 years
wb Toji teaching reader hw to fight
Oooo omg he'd be so mad at first,,,, he def doesn't want you doing things that even allude to you being in a position where you might be vulnerable enough to get hurt... but he might entertain you for his own amusement lmao
TW: swords, little, tiny bit of yelling, mostly fluff, petnames
Word count: 770
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When you first told Toji you wanted him to teach you how to fight with his sword you were immediately met with a glare and a bored "No," Followed by Toji ignoring you and continuing to clean the sheath of his heavy sword.
You weren't going to give up so easily though, yes Toji was stubborn, but so were you, and you were going to learn how to fight with that sword.
Anytime you got the chance, you would bring it up: at dinner, at breakfast, while you were watching TV, before going to bed, showering, cooking. You could tell he was starting to crack, his annoyance giving way if it meant you'd stop asking him about it.
"fuck...fine!" he threw his hands up, jumping up from his place next you on the couch and walking towards the hall.
Not sure what he was doing, you kept your seat at the couch, a little startled by Toji's outburst, you remained perfectly still, pulling your hoodie over your hands nervously.
Toji stood in the hall, one hand resting against the wall, "Well?" he threw his free hand up lazily, "You wanna learn how to fight or what?" you only nodded, "Then, c'mon, brat." he motioned for you to follow, making his way to the garage.
Immediately, you sprung to your feet, jogging to keep up only to find him waiting at the door, he let you walk through first before following and making his way over to his wall of swords, picking the lightest one and juggling it's weight in his hand.
"'Kay, if you get hurt, you tell me and we're done." He flicked the sword to point at you, letting you grab the handle.
"Yes, sir." nodding, you backed onto the black gym mat, careful of your footing and keeping the sword stuck out as far away as you could from your body. Not that you wanted to admit it, but Toji had really scared you and the last thing you wanted to do was make him annoyed with you or accidently break the sword.
Bumping into Toji's chest you nearly yelped, turning quickly, the sword nearly hitting his chest, Toji grabbed the blade with his hand, pushing it away from him with a squint, "Careful."
You swallowed wetly, nodding again and suddenly you were being turned around, Toji's hands on your shoulders, your grip on the leather handle tightened, skin suddenly too hot under your hoodie.
"'M'kay," you jumped at Toji's voice, his body molding over your own, large hands running up and down your arms comfortingly. Noticing your shivers, he pressed a kiss to the side of your temple, "You're okay," he spoke softly, slowly gripping his hand around your own, the hilt of the sword now steady.
"I don't wanna break it," you spoke in a near whisper, too afraid that if you spoke too loud the steel would shatter.
"You're not gonna break it, honey," the pad of Toji's thumb circles on your soft hand gently, his jaw resting on your shoulder, "I promise you."
Nodding shakily, you swallow before readjusting your grip; clammy palms sticking to the leather, intricate designs patterning your soft skin.
"Keep your eye on where you want to go, don't watch the sword-" he points over your shoulder to the dummy, a red spray-painted 'X', paint still dripping from it's lines. "The sword," he pauses, "Is gonna follow your swing," he moves your arm into position, holding your elbow up at an angle, "Just let it move, don't be afraid of the weight."
You close your eyes softly, taking a deep breath with a nod before rounding your arm in a wobbly twist, blade of the sword hitting the dummy. the land is sloppy and not at all angled in a way that would be vital but you're still overcome with happiness.
"Good job," Toji smiles, "Gotta' work on your approach, but I think there's potential." he smirks
Dropping the sword to the ground, you run to him, jumping into his arms in excitement, "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" you kiss his cheeks, holding his face to your own.
He struggles through your onslaught of kisses, laughing roughly, hands holding you up underneath your bum. "Okay, okay, okay," he gently places you to the ground, picking up the sword in the process.
Pulling you into a side hug, he presses a kiss to your temple, holding the sword in his free hand.
"Can I go again?" you thread your hands together in a pleading manner, pouting your bottom lip, "please, Toji."
Toji only chuckles, voice thick with happiness, "Sure, baby."
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Keith (Voltron)- Heat Season
EDIT- I took off the “AU” part because I legit forgot what I was doing lol. No AU here
Hey hey! ANON ASKS
omg. can u do a keith x reader mating szn smut? like it’s his first heat so he locked himself away(f’s in the chat for keith) but the reader went to check on him not knowing a thing(gasp!). keith rlly do be rough at first bc he’s not thinkin straight but then becomes more ✨passionate✨ rough smut at first, then some tenderness(like my dino nuggets. lmao im 20), but then heated passionate smut. *chefs kiss* oui oui baggett
Keith from Voltron?....Cuz that’s what I’m doing for my mental health....And I’m going to hope and pray that’s what you wanted....cuz im doing it. Prepare your diddly hole....that sounded wrong. Hope you like it! 
BTW You caught me on an off day, but I didn’t wanna leave you hanging.
You were confused as to why everyone had insisted you go check up on Keith. Then again the last thing you said to him before he locked himself in his room for 3 days was. 
“Wow, it’s so hot in here. I need to change out of these clothes.”
It was a throwaway comment that usually earned you a laugh or two from him. Only this time, it ended with him taking one look at you, and zooming off. Three whole days since then and it felt like you were the only one who wasn’t aware of what was going through his head.
So here you were, standing outside his door. You hesitated for a while, frozen in place.
“He’s your friend.” you declared. “You can do this!” you nodded with determination. You slowly raised your hand and knocked. 
“Fuck!” you heard on the other side. “W-Who’s there!”
“It’s me?” you answered, slowly becoming unsure. “Is it a bad time?”
“Y/N!” he grunted. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to check on you! P-please let me in.” you sighed. 
“Y/N! It isn’t safe for you to be here!” he sounded in pain.
“Keith! It’s either you let me in or I melt the door down!” you warned. "I have a lighter on me, don’t test whether or not I’m serious.”
Suddenly the door slid open. Without another thought you walked in. His room looked normal. “Keith?”
Just as you got in, the door slammed shut, making you jump. A shirtless Keith stumbled out of the bathroom. His face was completely red and he was sweating. Without a pause, you rushed over to him.
“Y/N!” Keith shuddered. “P-please don’t-”
“Keith!” you cut him off. “You’re burning up!” you put a hand on his forehead. For some reason, he leaned into your touch. He shuddered, his eyes glazing over slowly. This was a side of his you’ve never seen before.
It wasn’t long bore you managed to connect the dots. You couldn’t stop the blush from rising onto your face. “Oh.” was all you could say.
“Y/N...” he dropped to his knees. “I’m so sorry.” he whimpered. “It’s...t-too much.” he moaned. “I didn’t want to scare you.”
He rested his head against your stomach. “I want you so bad.” he cried. Like literally cried. “I c-can’t control it.” he whimpered.
“Keith? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you, I could’ve-.”
“The only reason I didn’t tell you was because in order to calm it down...I’d have to...have my way with the object of my aggression.” you could tell he was very ashamed. It then dawned on you what he meant when he said he wanted you.
“And...that’s me?” you clarified, voice shaking.
He buried his face into your stomach, tightening his grip around you. “Yes...”
“...Then do it.” you found yourself saying. This caused him to look up in surprise.
“You just made a big mistake, Y/N.” he glowered. A sadistic smile arose on his face. “You just opened yourself up to me.” he scrambled to his feet. Before you knew it, you felt your back hit the door. “Which means I can do whatever I want to you now.”
Keith grabbed a handful of your hair in his fist and bought your lips to his. You winced in pain, feeling him tighten his grip, as if he was scared to let you go. He must have detected this because he moved his hand to the side of your neck. 
Your body was flush against the wall and he was pressed against you, covering your body like a blanket. He yanked himself away from you and hoisted you up. 
Keith carried you to his bed and practically threw you on the plush surface. In that instant, the tables were flipped. Instead of looking up at you through hooded eyes with a shameful gaze, it was you who was now looking up at him.  Keith stared down at you with a glare. You probably looked ridiculous, but you didn’t care. 
“How do you want me?” you found yourself asking. 
“Fuck.” he whimpered. Just hearing you say that sent him crazy. He could smell sex coming off you, and he wanted to get his hands on you. His mouth, his dick, whatever he could touch you with. He could barely gather his thoughts. Every corner of his mind was occupied by visions of you, imagines, of you, thoughts of you. “Clothes...off...now.”
He didn’t wait for you, instead he ripped your shirt down the back, tearing it to shreds. He gently pushed on your chest, sending you down. Your back in the bed and you didn’t dare try and sit up.
“Is this a good time to mention I went commando today?” you asked aloud. Keith stopped everything he was doing and looked at you. He was expressionless. He didn’t say a word.
“...You’re not wearing any underwear?” he glowered.
“No?” you trailed off. “I didn’t do my laundry.” you admitted. 
The remained of your shirt fell in a pool around you. You and Keith had a stare-down, that glossy look returning to his eyes. He hooked his fingers around the hem of your pants and yanked them down. As expected, you were completely exposed to him. No undergarment in sight. Your smell filled his nostrils.
He instantly began fumbling with his pants, unable to control himself anymore. He could see that you were already excited down there and he was growing inpatient. 
He grabbed hold of your thighs and thrust himself into your tightness, earning a surprised moan from you. You felt better than he thought you would. You fit him perfectly, like a sheath built for a special type of sword. 
“Fu-...Ungh...-” He could barely make words as he pumped into your wetness. “Y/N.” he grunted. “You’re mine.” he growled. “Mine. If anyone else touches you after today, they’ll have me to answer to.” he croaked.
You were at a point where you couldn’t make any words, your body had reacted to him in a way where you felt like a slave to his touch. Was is pheromones? It was probably pheromones...you’d have to ask later.
“I wanna- I wanna kiss you.” Keith fought to speak as he slammed his hands on either side of your head. As promised, he lazily crashed his mouth over yours. His kiss was sloppy and lazily, his lips leaving a thin line of drool as he kissed down your neck. 
He rolled his hips against yours, groaning at each thrust. At this rate, he wouldn’t be able to last long. That didn’t stop him from speeding up. 
“Y/N.” he moaned again. With each sloppy thrust, his name left your lips, sounding more and more guttural before he spilled into you. He yanked his length out of your hole, splattering the entire front of your body in his cum. 
You looked like a pretty sight. You were officially marked by him. When you looked up, that hungry gaze was still strewn across his face. You noticed his eyes were still focused on your heat. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. 
He met your eyes for a split second before giving you a lewd smirk. He winked at you before scooting back to lay on his stomach. 
“K-keith. We just fin-ISHED.” you tried to say. Keith had attached his mouth to your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“I know.” he stopped to speak for a bit. “I didn’t feel you cum for me though.”
“You can tell?!” you look down surprised. No, you didn’t fake it...but you didn’t think he would go this mile. 
“Of course I can fucking tell...you’re mine remember?” he giggled before lashing his mouth against you again. You could feel tears of pleasure welling up at the corners of your eyes. Your fists clenched the sheets under you.  It was like he had full control of you. You felt his fingers pump into you again, fucking his cum back into you. (I’m such a thot omg)
Your orgasm came like an avalanche. A mixture of loud cries and moans ripped through the air. Surely anyone who had been around could hear.
You were just worried about what would happen tomorrow.
“NOT A WORD!” you threateningly held up a butter knife to Lance not even three hours later.
“Just saying...I was on the other side of the-”
“SHUT UP!” you cut him off. 
“...Was he good though?”
“I said shut up!” you groaned, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment.
“I’m just saying...those hickeys aren’t gonna heal for a while.” he shrugged, laughing out loud as he walked away.
“Fuck me!” you seethed, trailing your fingers over your aching skin.
“What was that?” Keith seemingly appeared out of nowhere. You dropped the butter knife, feeling his broad chest up against your back. “Did you say to-”
“In the kitchen though?!” you squeaked. “Bad dog! Very bad!” you whimpered, melting into his touch anyways.
“Don’t worry, it only lasts a week.” he giggled in your ear.
A week...lord help you.
“Maybe longer if I like you enough.”
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gaysiimar · 3 years
Can you tell us a little more about Maxene? 🥺
omg SURE!!
Maxene Aestar is a College of Swords bard-- proficient in basically everything, but her melee preference is to fight with a rapier (finesse / high dex + acrobatics) and instrumentally, play on a Lute and/or Mandolin. She has an affinity to dress in a lot of black with red tones mixed in ❤️
She's a dhampir-- her father (Anthon), a vampire / drow, and her birth mother (Charlotte -- now deceased) a human (She has a bit more of a resemblance to her mother!). Though Anthon remarried, Maxene regards her step-mother (Tanya) as her actual mother since that's the woman who raised her!! She also has two brothers, an older one (Liam) and a younger one (Sebastian).
Maxene is in her early-mid 20s, grew up in nobility, and lives a bit far north so she's more accustomed to colder weather and overcast skies.
Regarding feeding and blood-- she was raised with fresh blood incorporated into many of her meals and drinks (abit spoiled, I know lol) so her hunting capabilities while adventuring are a bit.. RUSTY and sloppy.. the more the mess, the more fun I guess? 👀 Without some kinda of blood in her diet she can get migraines and feel very sick but she doesn't need it to live.
idk what other little things I should put in here since this was getting longish so inquiries are always welcome if there’s something specific anyone would like to know <3
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entishramblings · 4 years
The Bewilderment of Alluring Attraction [Fellowship X Reader]
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A.N: hey guys! This one shot is based off of this one of my imagines! It was really fun to write and helped me work through/explore an aspect of myself. I hope you all enjoy it!! Please let me know what you think! 
Request: none
Pairing: its complicated? none really?
Summary: A female human warrior joins the fellowship. She’s a complete badass and a flirt. In addition to this she is bisexual (though no one knows...yet)!!!
DISCLAIMER: please do not misinterpret Legolas’s confusion for homophobia or biphobia!! It is intended to be that Legolas, as unexposed to anything other than strict elvish customs, is just confusion and is more like OMG WHAAaaa!!!! 
Word Count: 1,065
Warnings: none
(gif not mine)
It was early morning; the sun had just begun to peak out from the horizon to wake the rest of nature from its deep slumber. The crisp wind assisted, as it blew between the sleeping bodies of the fellowship, allowing chills to run though their bones. Well, it danced among those that were sleeping. Legolas and Aragorn were awake preparing the bags for the days journey, while (Y/N) sharpened her long silver sword.
“(Y/N), get them up! We must keep moving if we want to keep hidden from Sauron’s watchful eye.” Aragorn stated.
The human warrior nodded and began to shake her companions awake one by one. When she got to the last person, a mischievous smile pulled at her lips. She bent down and brought her mouth close to Boromir’s ear. She lowered her voice and whispered in a teasing tone, “Time to arise, Gondorian. You cannot lay there looking sexy all day.” She made sure she spoke in such a way that added an appealing and alluring ring to her words.
Boromir’s peaceful face was disrupted by a slight smirk that whispered upon his lip. Satisfied, she stood up and turned away, only to bear witness to Legolas’s wide eyes and shocked expression.
Damn elf ears.
The blonde elf was entirely forged of something proper and conservative. He was by far a traditionalist and spoke to others with only to utmost respect, likely drilled into his head since he was young.
Quite a boring existence if you asked (Y/N). She preferred to live in the state of excitement and amusement, anything less was as bland as lembas bread.
She slung her dark leather bag over her shoulder and walked towards the elf Prince. A smug grin formed upon her mouth as she got closer. The alarm and trepidation pooling in Legolas’s blue eyes was prominent, and it only enhanced with every one of (Y/N)’s steps on the soft soil. Oh this was gonna be fun.
(Y/N) spoke softly so only his elven ears could capture the sound, “Don’t look so shocked, Princeling. You’ll rupture a blood vessel.” With that she reached out with one hand and squeezed his firm ass.
He jumped as he was completely startled and embarrassed. His cheeks flushed and the tips of his ears turned the color of a rose. Lucky for Legolas, the only one to witness this interaction was Aragorn. The Dúnedain shook his head in amusement as he tried to hide his chuckle, for the fearful expression that rested upon the elven warrior’s face was quite humorous.
It took a moment for the flustered elf to move. Never had he met a human, or anyone for that matter, that was so provocative and exacerbating. He knew enough about the human race to know she was definitely a dissident renegade; no normal human, especially a women, would be so openly controversial to the esteemed manners of society. Of course, this was not Legolas’s only hint of  (Y/N)’s strangeness. She was a highly skilled female warrior—something unheard of to the race of men—and she always had an outrageous amount of weapons hidden in the crevices of her clothing. Furthermore, she was lethal and offered no restrain when she fought. She had no regard for authority and often spoke her mind, which included cursing profusely when she was frustrated. (Y/N) was bold and fearless which was a quality Legolas found admirable, but he would never be unfazed by her ill-disciplined behavior.
Much time had passed since that specific incident and many more had occurred, but nothing could have prepared the elven Prince for the shock of his lifetime.
The battle of Helms Deep had been fought and won. The losses weighed heavy on their hearts, but they would not let those lives be taken in vain. So, the fighters of Rohan and others that had assisted were celebrating their victory.
Legolas had seen humans drink and he knew how careless they could be, but he had never seen (Y/N) drink. She was sloppy and, quite frankly, a hazard. The female warrior brought tankard after tankard of ale to her lips, downing it within minutes. The pale orange liquid spilled from her mouth and dribbled down her chin and shirt as she laughed and smiled brightly. When she danced, it sloshed in her cup and flew onto the clothing of many—including the Legolas.
But this is not what stunned the elf the most. It was when (Y/N) laid eyes on Éowyn when the elf had the most considerable surprise.
(Y/N) stood next to Aragorn and Legolas, her drink in hand; they were discussing numerous topics as they came to mind.
When she spoke, interrupting Aragorn, her eyes were filled with lust and interest. “Who is that?!”
The Dúnedain‘s brows furrowed in confusion as he followed her line of sight. He lifted a tankard of ale to his lips before answering, “Éowyn, Lady of Rohan.”
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows as her teeth pulled on her lower lip. “Damn....that women is more gorgeous than silver elven blades.” Her tone was one of attraction and desire. 
Legolas was no expert in human emotions, but he could hear (Y/N)’s heart racing and see the lust and eagerness present in her body language.
(Y/N)’s pupils were dilated and her eyes were fixed in anticipation. Her tongue snaked over her bottom lip as she gazed at the attractive women. (Y/N) wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
She turned towards her two friends and ran a hand through her hair, “Alright, how do I look?”
Legolas’s brows furrowed in confusion, “You look as you always do—“
She interrupted him, “Great.” She paused to take another gulp of ale. She then slammed her tankard against Legolas’s chest and he instinctively grasped into it. 
“Wish me luck boys!” She stated simply before strutting over to the blonde maiden.
As she approached Éowyn reality dawned on the Elven Prince. His eyes widened and he immediately turned to the Dúnedain. He spoke with slight alarm and distress, “Aragorn, are humans attracted to other humans of the same gender? Is this a normal custom?”
Aragorn chuckled and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. Of course (Y/N) was bisexual, and of course the sheltered elf was so confused.
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Happy New Years!! 🎉🎉
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This year has been such a rollercoaster for everyone, I’m sure. A lot of things happened, but I’d say my experience with AssClass and the fandom has been one of my favorite parts of 2020! I’m so glad I joined the BigBang and met lots of new creators, eventually gaining the courage to make my own blog. And now here we are! I love this blog and interacting with all of you so much ❤️
I’ve been a bit messy lately lol...a lot actually omg. This month was packed with a lot of family and school stuff. My biggest New Years resolution is to improve my organization for sure. The next month, I want to empty out my inbox. And I’ll get to posting all the now-late Christmas fics hahaha.
And now to celebrate, here are some headcanons of what the AssClass characters’ resolutions are!
Karma: He tells everyone that he’ll try to be less prideful or whatever. But in actuality, he plans to get more creative with pranks and specifically make Terasaka’s life hell.
Nagisa: Wants to get out of the house and hang with his friends more, get space from his mom. Also wants to improve his sociability and speak up more for himself.
Kayano: Get revenge on that stupid girl who stole her role in- well, that’s a minor one hehe. Her biggest resolution is to honor Aguri and Koro’s legacies, and move on after everything, get her life back in order.
Okuda: Speak up more and get out of her comfort zone! Also take Karma’s advice and get a little wilder with her experiments. After all, science is all about possibility. Go big or go home~
Kanzaki: Beat up some punks with video games, as usual. Rebel against her family, fuck shit up. Basically, to embrace her inner badass all the way. Also start her own little flower garden.
Sugino: Practice his pitching! Also get his grades up because according to Shindou, “Jesus, Sugino, even my 97-year old grandpa could write this essay better than you.” Yeah...the boy needs to improve his academics if he wants to succeed jdhdjej
Gakushuu: Conquer his father of course! Be the best in his school. One-up Class E, although we know that’ll be impossible. Also he WILL adopt that Pomeranian he saw the other day.
Terasaka: He really needs to actually figure out what the politics are like in Japan lmao. He knows nothing, he just said it in the moment to screw with Koro and Karma. But yeah...the boy realizes now what he actually said lol.
Muramatsu: He’s gonna fix the ramen recipe. Damn his dad and whatever tradition they have, it’s so bad, he needs to. Also he’s gonna practice learning more fish recipes since he wants to do fishing more often.
Hazama: Try and stay away from her mom. Get that really nice witch book she saw in the store. Fuck it, she’s gonna go all out with the goth aesthetic and change up her wardrobe.
Nakamura: Thinking of dying her hair a cherry pink. Also will make it her goal to annoy Karma and Asano as much as she can. Tells everyone she’ll try to focus less on gossip and blackmail, but it’ll quickly be a broken promise lmfao.
Fuwa: Get her hands on an actual sword. Buy some more video game and manga merch, like keychains and such. Might tell herself to be more grounded but she knows it’s like impossible.
Kataoka: Improve her backstroke just a bit more, it’s been a little sloppy lately. Work on her self-control...specifically try to calm down the urge to deck Okajima whenever he’s being himself.
Hayami: Adopt a cat. Volunteer at a cat shelter. Pet more cats. Adopt another cat...Maybe try a new hairstyle. A deeper resolution would be to speak up more and make her opinions known. Also to relax a bit more.
Maehara: Maintain a steady relationship for once in his life. When that inevitably fails, his next goal would probably be to give more focus to grades and soccer. Wants to concentrate more on his future tbh
Okano: Working on her temper and insecurities. Will try and be more patient with others...mainly just the boys lmao. Gonna try to remember and stretch more often before she jumps into gymnastics stuff.
Korosensei: Be. Less. Of. A. Perv. This is what everyone assumes is at the top of his list. But no...his number one resolution is to honor Aguri and keep improving as a teacher and person, for the sake of 3-E. He truly wants to better himself for them, and do something meaningful for what little time he has left.
Irina: Do more online shopping. It’s way less work and she can just sit in bed, browsing through lingerie while eating ice cream and crying over Karasuma. Wait. That’s another resolution. Improve her love life. Also...be nicer to the students...I GUESS she yells loudly to nobody.
Karasuma: Eat less junk food, try to cook healthy actual food. That’s gonna fail though. Connect more with 3-E and make sure he’s doing the best he possibly can for them. Save the world. You know, the usual stuff.
This is all I can think of for now lol...hope you enjoyed. I mainly just did my faves jrhrhdjeke.
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peakatseven · 4 years
so i keep meaning to send u lyric prompts and im actually motivated for once in my life so here u go: and he's passing by/rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky/and he feels like homeIf the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
omg thank you for this one!! writing this has been so much fun! it’s still kind of heartbreaking, but in the best way possible.
anyway, before anyone reads, i need to tell you all that, a while ago, kylie and i found this edit of taylor and the color silver and harry and the color gold. another important piece of information is that kylie has created an amazing fantasy world where people have silver blood (children of the moon) or gold blood (children of the sun) and the middle god who’s supposed to keep the balance is called Femke. the silvers are lil fuckers who pray on golds because their blood is really useful or whatever.
SO this story takes place in that world and it’s a haylor fic too cause i promised kylie i’d do it :)
@networkthirteen | lyric typography event
There's no clouds in the sky when I look out the window. Strange, considering how much it's been raining lately. Not that it matters, I've been out of the house by dawn everyday. One must make some sort of routine, make up things to do during the day in order to not go insane. I need to stay sane for my boy. I've been by myself for 13 Moon cycles. Another full Sun rotation without seeing my son. His third birthday is today. People wonder why I keep track of time with the Moon cycles and the Sun's rotations, and I always fail to give them an answer. It's too dangerous, still. So I get up, tie my hair into two buns and a sweater. Despite the cloudless sky, it's bound to be cold outside still. A quick prayer to Femke in his honour and I head to town. I need to buy food for tonight and get the crest from the smithy. The weapon quality hasn't been the same since the war, but the new kid who took over the Prince has delicate fingers that should work well with the typography details of our family's crest. I clench my jaw and I feel a tear threatening to fall. I don't let it. There's people around me, I don't need to raise any suspicions. Instead, I tighten up my fists, nails piercing through my skin. A path of silver blood stains behind me is still better than shedding tears in public. I don't need people worrying for me, wondering about what's wrong. If they find out, I'll be labelled a traitor and punished as such. Surprisingly enough, I manage to smile my way though the market. No one gives me a second glance or seems to read through me. The little boy from the smithy, the one who replaced him, presents my refurbished sword horizontally with both hands extended, eyes on the ground. Am I some sort of royal to him? Is he afraid of me because if the blood on my hands? "Thank you," I say in the sweetest way I can, although it sounds more awkward than intended. I was thinking something else will come to mind. Something to break the ice or, I don't know, make him more comfortable with my presence at his shop. But the thought never comes, so I simply leave the money on the counter and walk away as fast as I can. I hate when people belittle themselves because of blood. Of course, it's not his fault. Ever since the war ended, the barrier between us with silver blood and those with golden blood has kept on growing endlessly. My walk back home feels longer than normal, probably because I'm not used to the weight of a crest, even if it's made of iron and bronze, specifically. I will not be consuming the blood of those less privileged. I hate that my people are the ones doing that, consuming it, accepting it. Of course, they can choose to not be bothered by such a barbaric practice. Taking someone's blood for medicine and weaponry is simply horrifying, but for those who don't associate with gold bloods it's easy to de-humanize them. Maybe I'd been better off if I had never met him. If I hadn't met the love of my life, the father to my son. Only the Gods know, but there might be another reality where I didn't meet him and I didn't get disinherited by my family. Maybe, in that reality, my son was born to another gold blood mother. His life would've been taught, yes, but at least he and his father wouldn't have to live in exile. This time, when the tears threaten to fall, I let them. My house is far from town, in the middle of the forest. It has to be, simply for this one day a year. The one day where I get to see my son and his father. I wished we could do it more frequently, but even this is too risky. The royals would behead us both if they found out, and take our son to bleed him for the rest of his life. Instead, they have to live in exile. Hopping the witches take pity on them until a second war frees the gold bloods. Up until then, this one day is all I have. Their visits feel like the glimmer of a comet, something that almost never happens. People go their entire lives without feeling what I feel when I get to see them. And even though it's once a year, this is the life I choose until there's a better option where we can be together. There's smoke coming out of the chimney when I get home. They're here, they got here earlier. Trying to dry my tears with my arm, I ran towards the door. A few vegetables fall from my bags but I couldn't care less. They're here. "Harry!" I scream from outside as I knock on the door. I hear a toddler's voice from inside, and I know everything's alright. Harry's last letter said he hasn't learned many words yet, but he's a cheerful boy just like his father and mother. "Baby, is that you?" He asks. I don't have to answer, as he opens the door with our son on his arm and crushes me in a kiss. We're both crying, we're both holding onto each other like out lives depend on it. Because they do. And suddenly my alternative reality, the one where I thought we all had a better life, shatters. It'd be a life where I didn't get this. This fire inside of me, a whirlwind of love that cannot be stopped. It's pure joy. It's knowing that this is my place in the world, tangled in the embrace of Harry Styles and sloppy kisses on my cheek from our son. "Welcome home, Taylor." Harry says.
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black-out-wonder · 6 years
Of Crowns and Thorns AU
This is just something that came to mind from @the-pastel-peach‘s animatic and OMG if you have not seen it, do it now because it is literally amazing!
Warnings: Blood, fighting, arguing (let me know if there are more!)
It was madness.
The courtyard had erupted into battle. People who were once citizens were now warriors for the false king. Knights were forced to attack the ones they served to protect. They tried not to hurt the people, but they kept coming back with uncontrollable bloodlust.
Bloodlust. That had to be the word of the night. The entire air was filled with it, suffocating even the smallest child hiding in the distance. The once bright and cheerful castle now loomed dangerously over the battle. It was as if the area was glowing with a demonic aura as the tension grew and grew.
Virgil fought his way through the chaos. He wasn’t much of a fighter, but Ro-he had taught him everything he knew. As a royal messenger, he had to know how to defend himself. There were thieves who would recognize that he came from the castle and try to attack him. He never thought he would be in the heat of a battle, and now here he was, in the middle of screams and blood.
He didn’t linger on the battlefield for too long. He, and all on his side, knew where he was meant to go. Virgil saw Logan and Patton fighting side by side, grime covering the once pristine clothing that the pair normally wore. He wanted to help, but he knew he had a job. And he was the only one who could do it.
He found his way to a secret passage into the castle. He had found it years ago when he was wandering. No one knew this existed. He never even told his friends. He knew it would come in handy someday. He never imagined how.
As the stone wall closed behind him, the sounds were muffled, giving an eerie silence to the hall. There were no torches, so he had to make his way through by memory and touch. He trembled in anticipation, his shaky fingers trailing along the damp stone wall, the roughness threatening to cut his skin. Virgil counted the steps, like he had done so many times before. There was a total of two-hundred thirty-eight steps before he reached his destination. The numbers climbed in his head with a deafening ring. 116…117…118.
He let go of the breath he hadn’t even known he was holding. He had no idea what he was going to do when he got there. Apparently, Virgil was the only one who had a chance of talking him out of this. He didn’t understand why, but he refused to argue. Any hope for them was good. Maybe they were right. Maybe he could do it…235…236…237…
This was it. He stared at the darkness in front of him, knowing this was a wall that would open for him. Virgil took another shuddering breath before pushing on the stone. A soft light poured through the crack of the entrance. He was glad for his lanky frame as he slipped into the small crack, staying silent as he looked around the throne room. “Well, if it isn’t my friend Virgil!” He heard his voice. “Come on in!”
He froze for a moment. Last time he knew, he saw him in the balcony of King Thomas’ room. Why was he in the throne room? Could…could he had known about the secret passage? No…no way. He never told him, no matter how much he begged to know his secrets of getting around so fast.
Virgil stepped around the throne, where the passageway had let out, and faced him. Roman, the man who was supposed his friend, who had overthrown King Thomas in one fell swoop. There was something dangerous about the man who now stood in front of him. For a knight, he was usually quite calm and nonchalant about his actions. Now there was tension coursing through his veins, showing in the way he stood. A black flower crown sat on top of his head, nestled into his sandy colored hair. His white uniform had been replaced by a dark vest with a white undershirt, black pants and a black cloak that billowed out behind him. Roman’s once warm brown eyes were now hard and cold as he stared him down.
This was not Roman.
But it was.
Virgil’s eyes scanned the area, finding that Roman was alone. “Where is King Thomas?” He asked with an edge in his voice.
His face twisted into a sadistic smirk as he glared down at him, “The former king is right where he belongs.”
“Where, Roman?” he stepped towards his friend.
He grit his teeth, placing a hand on the sword on his belt, “That is King Roman to you! Don’t you dare treat me with such disrespect!”
“Okay,” Virgil replied calmly, taking another step forward. “King Roman. Where is Thomas?”
His grip on his weapon tightened as his eyes flashed an unearthly yellow color. He couldn’t help but gasp. Yellow…there was only one person he knew who had those color eyes… “Thomas,” Roman scoffed. “He’s not the king anymore. Why do you care so much?!”
By the end of his sentence, his voice boomed but he was unaffected. He now had a much clearer idea of what was going on. He slowly took another step forward, eying his friend carefully, “I don’t. I’m just curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat, Virgil!” He sang in a toxic voice.
“And satisfaction brought it back,” he retorted, moving once more.
In the blink of an eye, the point of Roman’s sword was poking into his chest. It was stabbing into him slightly, blood already blossoming from the wound. “Don’t make me hurt you,” he hissed, his eyes now completely yellow. “I don’t want to have to kill you.”
Instead of backing down like he wanted to deep down, he put more pressure against the sword, “Try it Princey.”
Anger flashed through his face as he pulled his sword back. He went to swipe at him, but Virgil drew his own sword to counter it. He was in no way a match for Roman. He didn’t need to defeat him though. He needed to snap him out of this spell. “You sure you can kill me?” He teased, just like he used to during sparring with him.
He was sloppy, but not sloppy enough to defeat him. His anger was now pulsating through his sword, making each attack he threw more powerful. He never fought his friend at full power. He always held back. Now he knew why.
It was back and forth, jabs and swipes thrown. Virgil found an opening where he could deliver a final blow, but he froze. Roman sensed this hesitation, grinning wildly as he managed to knock the sword out of Virgil’s hands. Stuck without a weapon, he knew he was going to have to go full in.
He launched himself at his friend, gripping the sword, trying to pry it away. It cut into his palms as he pulled. Caught off guard by this unlikely attack, the blade managed to be taken away and thrown across the room. “I can do this all day,” Roman snapped, throwing a punch at Virgil’s face.
Now it was down to hand-to-hand combat. He had a chance. This was his area of expertise. He blocked and dodged each and every one of Roman’s attacks before throwing a few of his own into the mix. This only enraged him further, causing his strength to grow. He started to break through his defenses, landing his hits against him.
Things quickly went downhill when he landed a punch against his temple. Virgil stumbled back, allowing his guard to fall. Roman was quick to react, hitting him like never before. He couldn’t even defend himself against the barrage of attacks anymore. He had him against a wall. Each hit hurt him more than the last. This was going wrong! He needed to do something!
The breath escaped Virgil’s throat as he was pressed against the wall. Roman lifted him up by the throat so now his toes grazed the floor as he tried to kick himself free. “Why? Why couldn’t you just love me,” he snarled into his face, his voice boarding insanity. “That’s all I ever wanted! I just wanted to be loved! By you! By everyone! No one cares if you’re not royalty!”
This was what the spell was doing. It played on his insecurities and making him lash out. He had always been insecure of how everyone really felt about him. As a child, he was treated like dirt because he was poor. Even his parents were passive aggressive towards him, blaming him for existing. Virgil knew all of this, and knew that this spell was trapping him into a life of rage and burden. “I…do…” He spoke against the pressure on his throat. “We…do…”
Something in Roman faltered, whether it was the spell or something different. His grip loosened, dropping him to the ground, coughing one his airway was free. He took a step back as Virgil tried to catch his breath. “Wh-What?” He stammered, his rage turning into confusion. “You’re lying. No one loves a peasant!”
“Remember what you told me?” Virgil croaked, “I deserve love no matter my background. That is the same to you. You deserve love, and you are loved. You all taught me…you taught me…that position doesn’t equal love. It’s the same to you. You don’t need to be king for everyone to love you, because it’s already true.”
His yellow eyes flickered as he grabbed his head, more specifically the crown. He seemed in excruciating pain as he began to scream. “Vir…gil,” he panted between groans of pain. “The…crown…help…me.”
He leapt into action, grabbing the flower crown. As soon as he touched it, he realized that this was the cause of the spell. The thorns were embedded into his head, black veins pulsating softly from the pricks. As he pulled at it, he realized that it really was stuck. Despite the sharp pain it sent through his chest, he had to ignore Roman’s cries of agony as he pulled the crown from where it had taken root.
When he was finally able to get it off, Roman’s screams disappeared. Virgil looked into his eyes, seeing them melt back to the warm brown he always knew. The crown in his hands began to crumble, fading into nothing but dust. His eyes moved from his hands to Roman, who was staring back. “Virgil?” His voice was soft, gentle, him.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he threw himself at the smaller man. Virgil winced, but was glad that the arms around him were friendly once more. Roman pulled away as soon as he felt him flinch. “I’m sorry,” he blubbered. “I’m so sorry. I-“
Virgil cut him off by wrapping his arms around once more. He was shaking as he held back sobs. It was over.
It was all over.
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