#the tension is real though it's SO fun to watch them play it
quaranmine · 9 months
i love watching hermitblr users make like meta or strategy posts about decked out but truthfully it just glides smoothly in one ear and out the other for me. i don't know stategy or cards or shards. im just here to watch my blorbos turn a corner and run directly into a ravager and die with a silly scream <3
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME (part 1)"
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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part 1 ⟶ part 1.5
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9k (holy shit)
warnings: swearing, reader is described as cute and small a lot, Bada is kinda confusing with her feelings, also this isn't proofread so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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“I think Jam Republic is finally coming out-” someone states and the excited conversations start to fill up the studio. Jam Republic walks into the fight zone for their first introduction and they're all just very happy to be there. All the girls are smiling but Audrey and y/n have the biggest smiles on their faces out of anyone. Everyone is commenting on how pretty they are and how their smiles are so precious
“Wow, Audrey is like a doll! So pretty…” Tatter is outwardly in awe of the girls, much like some of her other teammates. But their leader, even though she agreed, was trying to keep the girls’ confidence up.
“True, but we’re prettier” she replied in a motherly tone and patted the blonde girl's head, causing them all to smile and giggle. Minah notices Jam Republic approaching the area they’re seated in, and shares a mischievous look with Lusher, before adding to the conversation-
“Y/n’s like a princess though. No one’s beating that” she states matter-of-factly, anticipating her leader’s response. Bada opens her mouth to say something but right as she’s about to speak, she and y/n make eye contact. Y/n smiles even bigger than she already is, eyes twinkling, and she bows politely greeting team Bebe. Bada is lowkey rendered speechless because she’s pretty sure she just saw an angel.
“Oh- h-hello” she struggles to speak and immediately after y/n turns away, Bada is grimacing and covering her face out of embarrassment, her teammates now laughing at her distress. She tries to laugh it off and put on a smile because of all the cameras around- she just really hopes they didn’t catch that and it won’t be aired.
As Jam Republic continues to stride across the stage, past all the other crews, getting a feel for the room, they finally settle in the middle- waiting for their video to be played. Audrey and Y/n are holding hands and giggling excitedly, while the rest of their team shares similar smiles and affectionate chuckles towards their youngest members.
Then the review video plays…
“I think they all want to be the main character- how are they ever gonna work together?” Y/n can’t help but huff out a laugh of disbelief, but she’s not quite angry yet. She felt a little twinge of annoyance but other than that, she thought it was kind of funny. 
“I’m gonna steal the spotlight from you” Audret whispered sarcastically, bumping her shoulder, causing y/n to laugh. They were smiling and giggling again… until the others started targeting her and Audrey.
“They’re like babies- I don’t think they’ll have any real skill.” All the members are just nodding and keeping their composure, with light smiles, except for y/n. Her smile has dropped into a frown and her brows are furrowed as she tries to understand how these people could so willingly make assumptions about them. And it only kept getting worse-
As their individual dance clips started to play y/n could already feel the tension inside her start to rising. After Kirsten, Ling, Latrice, and Emma’s clips all played- Y/n’s was next. It was a somewhat recent clip of her dancing to “Basics” by TWICE, where she’s got her signature bright smile, and is bouncing around, just enjoying the choreography. She loves that choreo and has always been proud of it because it was fun, so her smile started to come back a little while watching it. She tried ignoring everyone’s words, and for the most part, it worked, but she was still able to hear- 
“Isn’t this too juvenile? She doesn’t seem competitive at all.” 
And if there’s one thing y/n hates- it’s people doubting her passion. She’s always been very dedicated to dance, but she also learned how to have fun and enjoy it, while still working hard to always be improving. But to be honest, it didn’t upset her too much because she never really cared what people’s opinions were on her- as long as she was happy, healthy, and kind y/n couldn’t care less what people thought. Unless it was about someone she cares about, then that’s when problems arise. 
Audrey’s video played right after y/n’s and even though the older girl was keeping it together and even sporting a small smile, the same could not be said for her teammate. Y/n listened to everyone laugh and jeer at her friend, and she felt genuine violence start to bubble inside her. How dare they laugh at her? Who do they think they are? She clenched her jaw and felt any bit of respect she had for these people leave her body. Y/n was already over this shit. 
“I think they’re pretty dancers, but that’s it- they’re just pretty dancers.” The other teams ‘ooh’ at this and letter other noises of enablement. By now Y/n’s face has totally dropped, and there’s no expression besides a deadly look in her eyes. While everyone else is brushing it off with some laughs, especially Audrey, y/n can't help but feel her anger fully ignite into a blazing fire. Their video came to an end and while others applauded respectfully, y/n stood there- arms crossed with her head tilted slightly, a stone-cold expression overtaking her face.
"Oh my god- y/n is the only one not smiling anymore" Akanen pointed out from Tsubakill’s side of the room. To which Rena gasped and replied “Eh?! Oh no! She looks so upset!” and the others all focused solely on her. other teams seem to be thinking similarly.
"Audrey is laughing about it like it's nothing and y/n looks like she's about to kill everyone who picked her as the worst dancer…" Mina Myoung jokes, laughing at the young girl. Some of her members laughed with her, while others just observed with cautious eyes. They didn’t want to accidentally make eye contact with Jam Republic’s seemingly small but mighty dancer.
"From everything I've seen of Y/n, I never thought I'd see her without a smile- more importantly I never thought I'd see her look that angry" Harimu gasps, gripping Redy’s shoulders, pulling herself to hide behind her slightly. Peaking over Redy’s shoulder, she listens to the older girl reply in a tone just as fearful as her own. "I didn't even think she'd be able to make such a scary face" Redy laughs but trembles a little.
"Oh my- wow, she looks so much older with that look on her face…" Funky Y openly expresses how baffled she is to her crew, with wide eyes and mouth slightly dropped open. Yoonji replies quickly in a frantic tone
"Like she's not a baby anymore, suddenly she became a Lion" she animatedly expressed with a growl after to prove her point. And her members can’t help but huff out a few laughs and roll their eyes at her antics. But still- even as they joke around, all are still weary of how y/n will act now.
All of the dancers quickly took notice of y/n’s 180 switch in vibe, and couldn’t help their conversations- some frantic, some laughing and continuing their degrading energy that got her all worked up in the first place, some fearful… and then there was Bebe.
"Woooah… what happened to cutie y/n? She's scary now-" Bada marvels at the small girl standing at the back of her team, with her arms crossed. She really was just as confused as everyone else on how y/n could go from being this darling princess with a dazzling smile and sparkly eyes- to this ice-cold girl who might start calling people out by names soon if she gets pushed any further. 
Bada’s teammates look at her, and some nod, while Tatter holds back a laugh, mumbling her leader’s words to herself, 
“Cutie…” Minah and Lusher hear her and start giggling, causing Tatter to start giggling as well. Bada doesn’t seem to hear them- that or she just pretends not to, cuz she sits there, unbothered, leaning her elbows on her knees, observing the scene before her with a barely-there smirk.
y/n continues to glare at the screen ahead of her and tries to contain her rage. Latrice puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and y/n just nods her head, poking her inner cheek with her tongue, trying her best not to say something that will definitely get her kicked off the show. Audrey sees how furious her bestie is and turns to poke her cheek playfully, of course with a smile still on her face
"heyyyy, don't stress. It's okay!" she puts an arm around the younger girl's shoulders and continues
"Plus this is just another great opportunity to show everyone what we've got!" and of course, Audrey, ever the optimist, successfully calms her down. y/n sighs and leans into the taller girl.
"I know, I just hate how almost all of them think we suck just cuz we're young." 
"well they also think we suck cuz we're pretty" And Basically everyone watching is like- "Aw they're still cuties, even though y/n can be scary". 
Bada can't help but laugh at them, specifically y/n
 "She's pouting now. Cute." She chuckles softly with a small smile on her face, as she sits, elbows resting on her knees, with her hands clasped. Lusher can't help but side-eye her leader and chuckle as well but for a different reason
"Bada, you seem a little too interested in her" She snaps out of whatever daze she was in, sitting straight up and looking over at Lusher for a second, before turning to look back at the front where Jam Republic is now exiting
"I'm interested in a lot of people here." she explains cooly, surveying the room
"Not true-" Tatter leans over from the other side of Bada to look her right in the eyes "We can all tell you haven't found a single person here interesting, until her- or at least her team."
"She looks kind of scary now…" Yoonji whispers to her teammates looking at y/n. Redlic looks in the direction Yoonji is looking at and laughs a little.
"What're you talking about? y/n? She looks like a kitten trying to be a lion." Now the rest of ManneQueen is staring at Jam Republic, specifically y/n l/n. And sure enough, instead of her usual bright and smiling self, her eyes were back to being fiery and to put it bluntly, she looks pissed the fuck off again. Waackxxy was the one to turn to Redlic and go-
“No, she’s definitely got something fierce going on right now… I hope she has a lot of battle cuz I’m kind of interested in her now…” causing the rest of her team to laugh and agree. On the other side, Jam Republic is having their own discussion regarding y/n. 
“I think you should just wait and see- maybe no one will even pick you as a “no respect” dancer!” Ling tried cheering up her younger teammate.
“No I want someone to battle me- I want everyone who voted for me and Audrey to come and try us” y/n fired back with her arms crossed as she leaned back into her chair. She really did look intimidating, especially with her makeup and hair done. Audrey on the other hand was not feeling the same fire-
“Uhm, maybe we don’t need everyone to want to battle us…maybe just a few.” Audrey started to reason, 
”Cuz I don’t know if you remember, but there were a LOT of people that voted for us as the worst dancers…” which caused Kirsten and Ling to sigh, and y/n to roll her eyes and clench her jaw.
“Audrey, my love, I’m very well aware of how many people think we suck-“ 
“You don’t suck-” 
“Thank you Emma, but please give me a second”
“Y/n take a deep breath and check your well-being”
She sighed at their team leader’s advice, knowing it was to help her out and so that she didn’t get too fired up with her teammates. It’s not that y/n doesn’t get along with them- it’s the furthest thing from that, she adores her teammates- but she gets very passionate about everything, and she’s a bit of a hothead. On top of all that, y/n is very protective of those she cares about, some of those people being her dear teammates.
“I’m sorry” she mumbles a bit, but ultimately huffs out the response. To which Kirsten replies with a motherly “thank you”, causing the others to chuckle.
“I just don’t understand how they can all collectively make the assumption that we’re not as good as them- for what? Why? Because we’re foreigners? Because we smile a lot? Because we’re pretty? To me THAT just sounds like jealousy” y/n continues to rant, frantically moving her hands and arms about, expressing her frustration- and her team just listens patiently for her to finish. Once she finally lets out her final huff and relaxes back into her chair with her arms crossed again, and a pout now sporting her face, her teammates can’t help but smile gently at their youngest member- some even trying to hide giggles and chuckles of endearment. 
“Y/n, sweetheart, you’ve gotta remember- not everyone thinks like you- I wish they did, but they just don’t” Kirsten starts to comfort her, and places a hand on her head, trying her best to calm down the passionate young girl. 
Kirsten always felt like asking y/n to join her team was one of the best choices she made in regards to being a leader. She knew the younger girl had experience in kpop dance styles, having performed at multiple k-con stages and doing countless covers from other groups, even choreographing her own routines to kpop songs for fun and still getting the attention of the original artist. Kirsten also saw an unlimited amount of potential in y/n and saw how quickly and easily she absorbed everything around her. The only thing she was worried about was how young she was. it wasn’t a huge concern to her since their whole team was pretty young, but when it came down to it, Kirsten ended up adding Audrey in as well, and the two hit it off right away! To be completely honest- Kirsten felt as if the three youngest members were her babies. Audrey being the sweet angel of a golden child, Emma being the responsible oldest, and y/n being the chaotic troublemaker who’s always trying to pick a fight with someone for hurting her sisters. 
“You just need to remember that we’re here to dance, have fun, and gain a new experience… alright?” Kirsten has successfully reduced her gremlin child to a less angry (but still very pouty) version of herself.
“…alright” y/n mumbled.
“Thank you. Now please stop pouting, you look like a kicked puppy and the others will probably start picking on you soon” Kirsten teased lightly, which caused Audrey to join in and start poking y/n’s cheek, leading to Emma tugging gently on her hair, and Ling poking her other cheek, all while Latrice coos at her and pats her head. This all of course causes her to start whining and complaining playfully at her members teasing.
But the endearment for each other doesn’t end outside of the members' little cluster. the love for Jam Republic, and specifically y/n, has now spread to the entire studio. as everyone originally took notice of the youngest member’s slight temper tantrum, most didn’t really know what she was ranting about, but they could tell she was once again not happy at all. The two teams sitting nearest to Jam Republic happened to be Bebe and 1Million, who originally both had members that intended to battle y/n, but after hearing her rant, some opinions changed. 
“I like her style! She’s very passionate” Harimu laughed as she explained her newfound interest in Jam Republic’s youngest. 
“That’s what I was thinking- I don’t even wanna battle her anymore, especially after how scary she looked before- I just wanna watch her tear up the stage with all her energy” Redy chimed in.
“Do you think we should go up to her during break and try to become friends?” They begin to laugh and joke around about their shared interest in y/n. But their team’s older members aren’t quite on the same level of endearment.
“Ya- you two should be trying to take her down before befriending her, don’t you think?” Lia warns the two girls, who just look at each other and start giggling.
“I don’t know if I’d necessarily wanna go up against someone with her temper” Redy starts off jokingly, but Harimu is already coming back in a teasing mood-
“Yeah cuz you’d probably cry.” Which has Redy letting a gasp-  her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock and (false) betrayal.
The other team seated next to Jam Republic isn’t as chipper as 1 Million though, as their leader is trying to convince her team to stick with their guts.
“You wanted to battle her at first for a reason- why would that reason change if you still haven’t seen her dance?” Bada asks Kyma, Sowoen, and Minah. They all voted y/n as the worst dancer because her style was too “pretty” and they thought she relied on having cute expressions. Bada didn’t entirely agree with her teammates, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She even originally stated how she thought y/n’s style was refreshing and youthful, but she was worried about how she’d be with darker concepts.
“Well- I mean- she seems kinda crazy…” Cheche halfheartedly joked, but in reality, she was being completely serious.
“Why? Because she’s angry? She should be angry. Being voted as the worst dancer isn’t something to be happy about…” Bada replies calmly. No one really says anything, as they all are just trying to process whether or not their leader is provoking them, or if she’s defending their opponent because she thinks she’s cute. 
Bada sighs and stands up to stretch. She wants her team to not only be amazing dancers, but critical thinkers too. Of course, Bada wants a win, but she also wants her team to be strong- and if going up against someone with untouchable morale and endless energy will force her teammates to be stronger, then that’s what they need to do.
She also may or may not be personally interested in seeing what y/n is made of. After all, she caught her attention originally with her bright smile and explosive personality- then again shortly after with how serious and intimidating she gets when people question her abilities. Bada thought her bold expressions and reactions to things were an endearing contrast from her cute or refreshing facials used when dancing. So now having seen y/n in stark opposition, she’s even more interested.  
They all finish up introductions and meet the judges, then are sent off to get changed and prepare for the battles that are about to ensue. Jam Republic’s hideout is full of conversation from the second they enter the room.
“Well besides y/n almost setting the place on fire, I think that went well!” Ling chirps, smiling in faux satisfaction at her teammates, who let out variations of laughs.
“I can’t believe they think so lowly of us” Audrey finally expresses her disappointment, sharing a kicked puppy look with y/n, who longer feels angry, just tired. The younger of the two just leans her head on her friend's shoulder and stays quiet.
“I know, but that’s exactly why we’re gonna go out there and show every single one of them how wrong they were, right?” Kirsten encourages with her once again motherly tone and warm smile.
Bebe’s hideout conversations on the other hand are going quite a bit differently than Jam Republic’s…
“So moral of the story: I’m scared of a five-foot-nothing, angel-faced, baby who may or may not have the ability to shoot lasers out of her eyes.” 
“Minah, what the fuck are you even saying right now-” Tatter sits and stares at her teammate with a concerned look. Minah and Kyma have been going back and forth since they got back about how they regret picking y/n as their no-respect dancer already, because of how quickly and drastically her personality changed when she got upset.
“I’m just saying- I feel like if I looked her in the eyes at that moment, I would've died.” Minah replies dramatically, and Kyma nods her head enthusiastically in agreeance. Bada huffs out a laugh and rolls her eyes at the two members’ antics.
“You do realize she’s still just a kid, right? You have nothing to worry about. Even if she does look scary, she’s probably all bark and no bite” Bada smirks slightly and leans back comfortably on the couch in their space.
“Weren’t you just saying how cute she was?” Lusher side-eyes her as she questions.
“Yes, and? That’s exactly my point. She’s too cute, so there’s no way she’d actually be able to go through with whatever she looked like she could've done.” Bada reasons, shrugging. Everyone just sighs and new conversations arise. 
After all the teams have finished preparing, they all head back down to the main studio and take their seats again. The judges are all prepared and after a slight re-introduction by Daniel, the host, the battles are set to begin. 
Bada being part of the first battle of the season was definitely necessary, and her win practically secured her spot as the best dancer involved in the program. 
Everyone was hyped especially the members of Jam Republic, who were all just very happy to be there- even y/n, who had managed to calm down from her original state of rage, and now she’s back to her excited, vibrant self, of course wearing a giant smile. The girls all cheered and at some point (she doesn’t know when) y/n ended up clinging to Emma with wide eyes and jaw dropped. After Bada finished everyone obviously went crazy with an uproar of applause, but y/n could only let out a few claps, as she was still shell-shocked. Ling glanced at her teammate and started laughing
“Did you enjoy that y/n?” Y/n, still in a daze, puts the back of her hand on her cheek, then her forehead
“My face feels so hot right now”
“Oh my god y/n! You’re like- actually a tomato!!” Kirsten noticed her youngest dancer’s flustered state and couldn’t help but bring attention to it. With all her teammates' eyes on her now, they giggle as she starts whining and covering her face, collapsing into a ball on the floor. She looks up at Ling, who gently pats her head, and goes
“I don’t think I’m gonna survive this” sending all of her members into a fit of laughter over their youngest dancer’s uncontrollable admiration.
“The way she got up in Redy’s face- UGH I WOULD’VE DIED” she continues fangirling, catching the attention of a few of the other dancers- specifically from Bebe. Lusher is the first to glance sideways at y/n with wide eyes and a hidden smile- she’ll have to tell Bada about it afterward. 
When it’s revealed that Bada won, y/n just about flew twelve feet in the air, that’s how high she jumped. Bada acted coolly and honestly pretty cold toward Redy, but the second she made eye contact with y/n, she smiled charmingly causing the already flustered girl to smile even brighter. She sits back down with her crew and Lusher leans over to whisper in her ear,
“I think y/n really likes you” she teases, causing Bada to roll her eyes and glare. 
“Enough…” the older girl warns playfully, in tow causing Lusher to raise her hands in defense.
“Alright, fine- but just know she really enjoyed your performance.” and the conversation ended there.
During Kirsten’s battle with Waackxxy, the members of Jam Republic are once again hyped up, but this time- it’s tenfold. 
Y/n is standing on top of the front row of their team’s bleachers, jumping up and down so much that at one point she nearly slips. Emma and Audrey are of course both there to keep her out of trouble (like always) and they all make eye contact before bursting out laughing
From across the room- Bada is pretty much just as invested as they are. Except she’s a little more focused on one of the members who ISN’T currently dancing. She of course paid attention to Kirsten’s battle and was genuinely blown away by her style- But Bada couldn’t help but get distracted by the small girl a little bit behind her, screaming and jumping like her life depended on it. She tried not to smile or laugh at y/n’s antics but she couldn’t help it when she almost fell off the bleachers. At first- when she watched her slip, Bada felt herself tense up, almost as if her instant reaction was to reach out and try to catch her from across the room. But once she realized y/n was alright (and that she’d have been fine had she fallen from the short height) she shook her head laughed, but more at herself for feeling so protective of this girl she hadn’t even spoken to yet.
Shortly after Kirsten’s first battle, Audrey has hers- Which means, y/n is about to be at her peak of hype woman realness. When Audrey's name is called, y/n shoots straight up and gets right to hyping her best friend up. She’s smiling and rubbing her shoulders and shaking her around a bit to show her excitement, and finally, the two do their signature handshake that they’ve done before every performance together since they became friends
Bada again watched from the opposite side, and she couldn’t help but feel extra critical while watching Audrey. There was nothing wrong with Audrey’s dancing! In fact- Bada was thoroughly impressed, (but she wishes she wasn’t). Instead of catching y/n’s reactions, this time she was totally focused on the dancers- Bada was curious as to what made y/n so defensive of Audrey, and now she understands a little better. That doesn’t ease her feelings of discomfort though, especially as the battle comes to an end and she watches y/n pounce on Audrey the second the timer runs out. What frustrated her even more was how quickly she became self-aware in that moment. Wait- why do I care so much? She was asking herself as her eyes darted to the floor.
And when she was announced the winner, Bada applauded and cheered, but again felt bitter seeing Jam’s Republic’s two youngest members be cute together. Now all Bada can focus on is why she herself is so bothered by y/n clinging to her teammate, and smiling like Audrey just won the Olympics.
“She seems like a really clingy person” Bebe members all look at Bada and then follow her line of sight to Audrey and y/n- or rather y/n sticking to Audrey and congratulating her. Lusher is the first to speak up again,
“Audrey?” she questions, peaking over at Bada in confusion, whose eyes are fixed back on y/n.
“No, y/n”
“Oh, of course”
Lusher’s response is sarcastic and causes the others to laugh lightly at the sub-leader’s attitude towards their oldest member. Bada once again has no reaction as she’s too focused on y/n smiling angelically, celebrating Jam Republic’s win.
“Omg please don’t tell me you’re already jealous” Sewoen teased and Tatter laughed hysterically. Bada raised her eyebrows and finally turned to look at the girls.
“Me? What would I be jealous of?” she pouts slightly when she talks. Even though she seems all tough, and tall, and cold- only one of those things is true. Bada is really a big softie- a baby angel trapped in a 5’9 body. Her teammates know this all too well as they halt their teasing for a moment to admire their cute leader. But that obviously doesn’t last forever.
“Bada-” Lusher tilts her head, exasperated. She stares at the older girl for a few seconds in disbelief, before letting out a huff of a laugh again. Bada’s eyes just widen as she looks around at her team- she really is confused, because while yes- she is starting to realize she may have a genuine crush on y/n, Bada thought she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it!
“What?? I’m serious- I'm not jealous of anyone” She tries to laugh it off and move on but the only reaction she gets is a few side-eyes from the other members. So she lets out a sigh and hangs her head in embarrassment.
“Let’s just leave it please” She smiles timidly, and THIS causes the other girls to laugh.
Many more battles occur before it’s finally Y/n’s chance to dance. When she’s called up to pick her no-respect dancer, y/n smiles brightly and walks to the center.
"So I actually have a lot of respect for this dancer, and I kind of selfishly chose her for the opportunity to share the stage with her and feed off her energy…" she starts, making sure to survey the whole room before eyes finally land on Bebe
"No way she's gonna pick Bada", "is y/n really about to pick Bada???", "Ya, she must be insane" excited murmurs fill the studio as everyone anticipates her pick.
Bada tries to keep her expression neutral, but she can't help how her eyes widen when she makes eye contact with the young dancer standing in front of her crew. Bada thinks y/n looks cute holding the mic with both hands, poking her tongue out and smiling nervously.
Y/n takes a deep breath and walks slowly toward the team she's been eyeing up
"For my no respect dancer, I'd like to battle Bebe's…" It feels like everyone is holding their breath. Y/n holds eye contact with Bada but breaks it with a nod
Everyone goes crazy, even Lusher herself- She stands up and bows, smiling brightly, and as she starts to descend the bleachers they're sat in, she turns to Bada with wide eyes and whispers-
"I for sure thought she was gonna be calling your name…" she started seriously
"Hm… guess not yet" she teases her leader and Bada shoves her away
"Ya, go dance or something" she mumbles, already exhausted from dealing with the teasing of her members. Lusher meets Y/n halfway and actually reaches out to shake her hand, to which a nervous Y/n excitedly and politely bows and shakes her hand
"Good luck" Lusher smiles gently and y/n's eyes twinkle a little more at the kindness
"Thank you so much, you too!" and then they're separating and heading back to their sides to start the battle. Bada can't help but roll her eyes at her younger teammate, because while she's appreciative of the good sportsmanship, she knows it's really just to tease her more. Once Lusher heads back to Bebe’s side, Bada is behind her with a hand on her shoulder, talking calmly and softly.
"You know this is a cutthroat competition right? You're not supposed to be nice to your opponent- especially since she chose you as her "no respect" dancer-" Bada begins firmly
"Bada, did you listen to a word she said before? Or did you block it all out after you realized she wasn't talking about you?" Tatter laughed, once again taking the opportunity to tease the group leader
On the other side, Jam Republic is also teasing their group member
"I for sure thought you were gonna pick Bada" Latrice stated, massaging y/n's shoulders, shaking her around a bit to keep her energy up. She didn't say anything, just laughed and rolled her eyes. Noticing the lack of reaction, Ling reaches over and pinches her cheek-
"Are you kidding, y/n would probably forget how to breathe if she had to go up against Bada" causing them all to burst out laughing, including the youngest. She moves out of they're teasing reach and steps onto the dance floor. Daniel introduces the two again and allows them to do their little speeches before the battle actually starts. Y/n goes first and she has that same nervous smile back on her face, but her eyes still twinkle with excitement
"As much as I do respect you, I apologize because I'm still going to compete and perform like I don't"  she finishes, trying to seem cool, but she ends up giggling a little. Everyone obviously loses their shit and starts screaming, and even Lusher is clapping and nodding with approval
"Y/n-ya" Everyone's eyes widen, especially Y/n's, as they anticipate Lusher's comeback
"I appreciate your admiration, but there won't be any sharing of the stage, cuz it's all mine" and cue the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the other dancers, and y/n just smiles and nods. They turn over their mics and prepare for the music to start
"First up- Bebe! LUSHEEEEER" Daniel shouts out and the music comes in as everyone cheers. She starts with some smooth groves and then hits all the accents once the beat drops. Y/n just felt happy to be there, face scrunched up showing how impressed she is with her opponent's moves. Bada tried to solely focus on Lusher, but she couldn’t help but eye up the opposing dancer. and if anyone happened to notice and ask her about it, Bada would just tell them that she was inspecting the competition for the sake of her team…
As Lusher's time runs out, she finishes off strong by getting in y/n's face and ruffling the shorter girl's hair while smirking, causing her to giggle and poke the inside of her cheek with her tongue. She nodded as Daniel announced the switch, and she anticipated everyone's reactions
CL's "Tie a Cherry" starts playing from the pre-chorus and everyone gets even more hyped- some were jumping around and screaming, some grabbed onto their hair, some just had wide eyes and jaw dropped. Lusher stood similar to the last group- eyes wide and jaw dropped to the floor, but she still smiled and laughed in astonishment. Y/n smiled coolly and nodded her head to the beat before bouncing to get into the feel. She does a quick spin around and her vibe has completely changed again- 
Everyone notices the different look in her eyes and they all start fangirling amongst themselves again, expressing how excited they are to see her dance. Lusher stands back and watches, amused and somewhat proud, like she's just got herself a new friend- a friend that challenges her by picking a song that she already danced to with the artist.
Bada on the other hand is trying to control her emotions and reactions again- standing behind with the rest of her team, hand covering her mouth, brows furrowed. She's stressing rn, but not because she's scared that Lusher will lose (frankly, she could care less about that) but rather because she doesn't know how she's gonna last a whole season of watching y/n dance without reacting in the most obvious ways possible- especially since she has a reputation to uphold. Now- Bada has never really cared about that type of stuff, she's chill and doesn't really care whether or not people think she's cool. But this- this feeling she gets while watching y/n dance- is a whole new level of uncool. To be completely honest- Bada feels pathetic.
y/n's been hitting every beat, leaving it all out on the floor- her movements are explosive and captivating. So much so, that certain viewers are mesmerized even by the smallest aspects of her performance that she doesn't even have control over.
"Woooow… how does her hair just perfectly fall into place…" Bada's mesmerized voice doesn't fit in with the chaotic energy and screams, so it catches the attention of Tatter, who looks over to see a dazed leader with a slight blush painted on her cheeks, and she bursts out laughing.
"Bada… you need to pull yourself together" she laughs. but right as she finishes her sentence and looks back to watch the rest of the dance, the iconic "razzi shots" line occurs and y/n handles it perfectly.
Right as the "razzi shots" line is played through the speaker, y/n's whole body reacts as if electrified- her articulation is so on point that the final hit of her movement mixed with her unmatched expression sends everyone spiraling into a frenzy. And it only got worse as her next movements were smooth, yet articulated combinations of body rolls and hip swivels, leaving everyone with jaws dropped. No one expected the cute, sometimes fiery, girl to have such an alluring, sexy side to her. Especially Bada, who is now fumbling between covering her eyes and her mouth cuz she's so flustered she doesn't know what to do. And the fact that she doesn't understand why she's feeling this way is making her even more flustered.
Y/n's time is about to run out as she slides onto the ground, and with a flip of her hair, she hits a sexy pose that's all tied together with a seductive smile. The applause are the loudest they’ve been so far, everyone is beyond baffled after watching her perform. She stays in her pose for a second, basking in the attention, and to make it even better she daintily bites her finger and puts on a cute-clueless kind of sexy facade. As if she didn’t just completely destroy everyone’s expectations of her. 
After a couple of seconds of holding her pose, she laughs at herself and stands up, first bowing to Lusher, then turning to the audience on her side and bowing- which causes another uproar. Y/n’s brilliant smile is back and she can’t help but clap her hands and cheer with everyone else. The sweet girl who loves to perform was back and she was once again just happy to be there.
The time comes for the judges to decide the winner and in a clean sweep, 3-0, y/n takes the win. Everyone cheers, and y/n comes running up to Lusher to shake her hand again, but Lusher pulls her into a hug instead before pulling back and holding onto the smaller girl's shoulders.
"You're literally so amazing- I was totally joking before, let's share the stage all the time" Lusher jokes around, a genuine smile on her face, but still a teasing lilt in her voice.
"Oh so now you wanna share cuz I won?" y/n teases back, causing Lusher to laugh and shove her shoulder gently, the two girls smiling and giggling together.
"You wish that was you, huh?" Tatter whispers to Bada as they watch from their seats. Bada just turns to look at her with the most fed-up look, causing the blonde to let out a snort of a laugh. As Lusher strides back over to Bebe’s side, she’s smiling still as she looks at her team and shrugs her shoulders. They all hurry to pat her on the back and tell her how well she did, no matter the outcome. 
“Y/n is no joke, you guys should be scared to challenge her for sure now.” She looks specifically at the three who had picked her as their no-respect dancer. Causing them all to sigh and chuckle a little in defeat. 
“It’s okay- we’re stronger. We have to be.” They all turn to look at their leader in disbelief. They've all noticed how she’s been acting toward y/n, and find it hard to believe Bada actually thinks they could beat her- shit they would even agree that Bada doesn’t think anyone could beat her. 
“Whatever you say, captain…” Tatter replies and they all turn their attention back to the front. 
As everyone finishes up their individual dance battles, and the battle of the aces finishes off- the teams are released to go prepare for the group battle. Everyone begins heading to their respective rooms, but one dancer stalls behind her crew by a few steps. y/n keeps peaking over her shoulder every so often, to glance back at Bebe. She simply wanted to ask Lusher for her phone number, but the girl didn’t seem to be with her team. She eventually stopped walking altogether and when y/n looked forward again, she realized the rest of her team was so far ahead she’d have to jog to catch up. 
“Were you looking for someone?” y/n whips back around and is met with the rest of Bebe, more specifically their leader, who is a lot closer than she expected her to be. Her eyes turn into saucers and she seems to struggle a little to find words.
“Oh- actually- well yeah actually I was…” y/n nervously smiled and looked up at Bada, hoping that her face wasn’t turning red already. Bada gave a gentle smile in return. She looked relaxed, cool, but in her head she was trying to keep calm and not squeeze the cute girl in front of her.
“I was wondering where Lusher went, actually.” the Jam Republic dancer spoke up a little more confidently this time- still very shy, but definitely was able to speak without stuttering, which is progress!
“Mmm” Bada hummed and nodded, seemingly understanding. She held eye contact with the younger girl, before asking, 
“Why?” to anyone on the outside looking in, this situation probably looks like a gang of scary tall women harassing some poor girl- which is exactly what Audrey is thinking when she turns to ask y/n a question and looks back to see her many meters away, conversing with Bebe’s leader, while the rest of the crew stands behind her.
“Oh my god- we lost y/n” she starts to panic, causing all the older members to whip around and look at Audrey like she’s crazy, then look at the spot next to her where the youngest member usually stood. Kirsten takes a deep breath before releasing it and shaking her head, Emma and Ling are genuinely in shock, and Latrice just looks at each of the members before laughing and starting to head back towards the direction they came from, to retrieve their baby.
Meanwhile, said baby is still struggling through a conversation with “the love of her life”, as she described to her team after watching Bada battle Redlic.
“Uhm- well I was looking for Lusher hoping I could get her number, or give her mine, cuz… because I really enjoyed dancing with her!” y/n finishes off strong and Bada just tilts her head in an amused, yet condescending way. Y/n finally took the opportunity to actually look at her, and wow, does she wish she didn’t, because if her face wasn’t on fire before, it sure is now. Bada was standing confidently with her feet planted shoulder-width apart and her hands casually in her pockets. Y/n was usually good at acknowledging an attractive woman leaving it at that- but this shit was just too overwhelming for the poor girl. 
“She went to go refill her water, but she should be back soon. We were obviously heading to our room so if you wanna come back with us and wait for her, you’re more than welcome to.” Tatter speaks up in a chipper voice from beside Bada. She could see how red the girl’s face had gotten and wanted to help her out a little by putting her focus on something other than Bada. although her comment only seemed to make it worse-
“Oh! Oh no, that’s okay! I don’t want to intrude, and I- I should probably get back to my group anyways to prepare for the battle-” y/n frantically starts to ramble, her face somehow even brighter red than before. Bada couldn’t help the amused smirk that spread across her face.
“How about you just give me your number and I’ll give it to her?” Bada cuts her off, and not only do y/n’s eyes grow four times in size but so do Bada’s teammates’. They all try to discreetly glance at each other without freaking out, cuz since when was their leader this bold???
“Yeah… yeah of course.” Bada smiles and y/n is about to give her number, right when-
“We seriously need to put you on a leash, girl” Latrice laughs and puts her hand on y/n’s shoulder, leaving her to jump in surprise a little, not expecting her crew to have showed up behind her. The young girl let out a relieved sigh and then a tired laugh. She glanced back at Bada and the rest of Bebe then bowed slightly.
“Thank you so much for your help, but I'll just keep an eye out and try to catch her later” she speaks softly and smiles politely before moving to finally head back to her waiting room with her members. As she’s about to round the corner, y/n looks over her shoulder and shouts a sweet “good luck!” then waves cutely. 
Bebe is still standing in the same spot they were in when y/n left when Lusher finally made her way back to them.
“Why are we just standing in the hall… I thought you guys would be back in our room already.” She eyes up her crew suspiciously, looking at every one of them before landing on Bada.
“Well, we would’ve been if Bada hadn’t decided to harass y/n” Kyma pipes up, and Lusher sends a look that can only be explained as concern and disbelief toward Bada.
“Excuse me, I did not HARASS her???” Bada looks over at the girl with an incredulous look.
“Right, you just tortured the poor girl and acted so cold she probably thought you were gonna eat her-” “EAT HER???? WHAT AM I NOW? A WOLF???”
“Well-” Tatter chimes in this time, “you did kind of give off that vibe when she was talking to you just now.”
“Okay- we can get back to unpacking that later. Why was she even over here?” Lusher interrupted the flow of conversation. Bada sighed and hesitated before sharing
“She actually was looking for you…” she started calmly. Noticing Lusher’s confused expression, she continued
“y/n was asking for your number… said it was because she really enjoyed dancing with you.” Bada smiled a little as she shared this information with her teammate, who in turn also smiled. Lusher’s wide eyes and light grin, made Bada realize how she actually had the opportunity to get y/n’s number and failed miserably. 
“But she said she’d come find you later, so be on the lookout.” the group leader stoically expressed. Lusher hums and nods, mentally pocketing the information. They finally head back to their room and begin to prepare for the battle.
As ALL of Jam Republic enters their room, the first they do after shutting the door is all turn to face y/n. All of the members stare in anticipation, waiting for her to burst.
“So are you gonna tell us what the hell you were doing talking to Bada Lee?” Latrice urges with a teasing grin. Everyone continued to wait for y/n to start excitedly ranting, but it never came.
“I feel…” the youngest starts and they all lean in slightly, waiting for her to express everything vividly,
“I feel really confused.” She finishes her statement in a daze and honestly, the members are now convinced she’s totally out of it.
“Oh my god… what did she say to you?” “Are you okay?” “Do we need to fight her?” Emma and Audrey go back and forth with their questions, hurrying to bring y/n to sit in between them on the couch.
“She just… she’s… I just really love women, and I think I specifically am going to fall in love with that woman, and I think I'm gonna die” she rants outwardly, still in a daze. All of her members lean back slightly, flabbergasted by the youngest’s statement. Kirsten tries to keep her jaw off the floor but she puts up a hand and tries to dismiss the situation for the time being
“Well… uh… alright should we prepare for the battle, and revisit this later?” “yes please” “alright awesome, thank you for sharing y/n” “yeah, no problem”
All teams have gathered again in the main competition area for the group battle, all fired up again and ready to rumble. The energy is high as all groups compete, the mission’s final ranking is announced and Jam Republic celebrates their decent rank of fourth place. With Bebe placing right above them in third, y/n turns to the groups and claps for them, making eye contact with Lusher and giving her a thumbs up, which is returned. 
They wrap up and begin to head back to their rooms again. Y/n approaches Bebe with a bright smile and hopes that Lusher will come right forward and save the other girl from embarrassing herself again in front of the group’s leader. But it turns out Lusher has other plans. She skips down the bleachers and smiles at y/n before walking right past her.
“Bada, can you get y/n’s number for me, I have to use the restroom- thanks!” she shouts as she retreats, causing all of her teammates to laugh in shock, except her leader. Bada, unprepared for the confrontation, is a little flustered and doesn’t know if she’ll be able to put up the same act as before. 
Bada stands from her seat and calmly and coolly strides towards y/n. She pulls out her phone and opens the contact app, handing it to the small girl with a relaxed, almost bored, expression. When y/n doesn’t do anything at first, she looks up at Bada with wide puppy eyes, and Bada swears she stopped breathing for a second.
“You can just put your information in my phone and I'll send it to Lusher” the team leader explains, hoping y/n can’t tell how worked up and tense she is right now. 
“Oh- yeah. duh” Y/n awkwardly laughs and enters her information before looking back up again with bright eyes to ask-
“Can I give myself a contact picture?” She doesn’t seem awkward or nervous at all when she asks for permission, and Bada finds it adorable. She couldn't help the endeared laugh that escaped her, and she was honestly okay with it because afterward the vibe totally changed.
“Of course you can give yourself a picture” Bada responds with a gentle, amused smile and y/n feels her nerves start to dissipate, as Bada’s genuine smile makes her feel warm and fuzzy, and she never wants to stop seeing such a beautiful thing.
Y/n poses for her contact photo by simply doing a peace sign and sticking out her tongue. Bada again giggles at her cuteness and thanks her when she hands her phone back. She’s about to speak when the Jam dancer beats her to it-
“Even though I technically gave you my number for Lusher, you should definitely still text me too, so I have your number as well!” y/n confidently speaks, but the blush painting her cheeks betrays her nerves. Bada’s eyes widen, genuinely shocked at her bold request.
“Of course- I’ll text you right now.” and so she does. Y/n giggles as she watches Bada take a similar selfie to her, which she receives moments later.
“That’s for my contact picture by the way-” the older girl jokes, which causes y/n to burst out laughing. She was surprised that this Bada was the same person as the one who almost had her fainting in the hallways earlier. The two talked and laughed some more- they really couldn’t get enough of each other.
“You know, I was freaking out during your battle with Redy- when you got in her face and started like- making fun of her height or whatever you'd call that- oh my god it was amazing! My face got so hot watching that” y/n excitedly expressed her admiration, but realized a few seconds too late how she possibly exposed herself. And she felt her face heat up immediately when Bada tilted her head and smirked teasingly.
“Oh? Why was your face all hot? Huh?” Bada teases, standing firmly with her arms crossed over her chest. She steps up to y/n, similarly to how she did with Redy. except when she’s directly in front of her and able to look over her head entirely, Bada glances down at y/n who’d already staring up at her with those wide puppy eyes that have been trapping her all day, her mouth slightly hung open. 
Y/n is holding her breath- the way Bada is looking at her right now is making her want to cry. She’s so close, and the tone she uses while teasing y/n makes the younger girl weak in the knees, ready to fold at any second. She tries to stay aware, but y/n can feel her eyelids start to droop, as do Bada’s. The way she’s looking at her- with half-lidded, seductive eyes- y/n doesn’t understand how she got here, but the last thing she wanted for was it to end.
Bada had to remind herself there were many other people and cameras currently around, so she looked y/n up and down, smirked slightly (yet effectively), and backed away. She cleared her throat, but the smirk remained on her face, in fact- it was even bigger than before.
“I’ll text you later, okay?” She’s still close enough to where she can speak softly, and it makes her heart rate pick up when she realizes how flushed and dazed the younger dancer is in front of her. Bada raises her eyebrows slightly when she doesn’t get a response, to which y/n reacts quickly with a firm nod. Bada giggles at her and continues to tease.
“Ya- you should really learn how to use your words, puppy” Bada smiles condescendingly and y/n’s eyes widen once again. She lets out a small gasp when the older girl ruffles her hair before walking away.”
“I’ll text you, y/n!” Bada shouts over her shoulder and y/n just stands there, astonished. She eventually makes her way back to her crew, who watched the entire thing go down.
“What the FUCK was that-”
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notes: thank you so much for reading!! sorry that this is so long and there wasn't any "real" romance written in yet. this is definitely a slower burn series, but it's because I like to build up every detail of a story haha. hoping to have the next part ready by the middle of this week, please look forward to it!!
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cowboy-lover69 · 1 year
Ghostface first-time with you headcanons
(1,236 words)
(nsfw 18+ only)
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Billy Loomis
--- It would be like a month into your guy's relationship when he suggests having sex. He would not ask you outright, he would dance around it for a minute before asking you he's a little bashful about the whole thing.
--- When you guys start having sex he's pretty gentle, he doesn't want to scare you off the first time you have sex with him he goes easy on you. During sex he asks you a lot if you are enjoying yourself but in a hot way like “Oh, do you like that sweetheart?”
--- He definitely tops you the first time you guys have sex. I mean in general he never really bottoms unless you ask really nicely, but since it's your guy's first time he kinda gets a feel on how you are in bed so he goes with what he's used to.
--- After sex, he probably lay there for no more than a moment then got up to get dressed. He's very casual about the whole thing.  After the first time, it might be a little awkward but he tries his best to break the tension after the first time you guys have sex.
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Stu Matcher
--- You guys would most likely have sex for the first time within the first few weeks into your relationship at most 3 weeks. It would be pretty informal just something that happens. Like you, two would be sitting on your couch watching a movie, and he starts making out with you, and one thing leads to another and you two are having sex.
--- stu is very goofy and informal when it comes to sex in general. He will crack jokes during sex and stuff like that. it's not like the sex is not hot though, he just toes the line very carefully between silly and hot. The first time it does take you aback a little thought.
--- Stu is a freak. I mean he's a very kinky guy. He refrains from doing anything too kinky in bed the first time you guys have sex, he doesn't want to scare you off. 
--- After the first time you guys have sex he will ask you if you had a good time along with other questions about his performance then you guys will go watch tv.
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Mickey Altieri
--- you guys would most likely not be in a relationship when you guys first have sex. I feel like he would joking flirt with you and come onto you, well you would think he was joking but he wasn't. At some point, you will say yes as a joke, because you didn't think he actually would do it, but he did. Of course, you were a little shocked but you gladly reciprocated.
--- Mickey is not ashamed of his kinks and does not fear scaring you off with them. He goes all out during your guy's first time. It could be a little overwhelming how much of a freak Mickey is compared to others you have slept with, but you get used to it.
--- After you guys have sex for the first time you guys might lay there for a few minutes before Mickey asks for a round 2.
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Roman Bridger
--- You and Roman would definitely have sex for the first time before being in a real relationship. It would most likely happen at a party or after a party. Definitely, a situation where you two had started making out which led to sex.
--- Roman is really selfish when it comes to sex. You're not used to it your first time around but you don’t mind it too much. 
--- After having sex for the first time with Roman he asked a few questions about how the sex and he gave you a few compliments then he just got up, dressed, and left. He's not too interested in having conservation. Of course on further sex adventures with him, he's warmer to you.
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Jill Roberts
--- I don’t feel you guys would have sex for a little while in your relationship. At least 2 months and at most 3 months. You guys would be watching a movie and a sex scene would start playing and Jill would lean over to you and would say “ I think it would be fun if we did that. Don’t you think so?”
--- Jill definitely has a pain kink. Not like being in pain, she likes inflicting pain on others. She doesn't go too much into it the first time you have sex with her. Mostly to see how you feel about the whole thing.
--- After sex, you two will just lay there for a few minutes until she says “That was fun right?” afterward she offers to get you something to drink.
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Charlie Walker
--- Charlie would be rather eager to have sex, but he definitely doesn't instigate it, at least for the first time. You guys would be like watching a movie or something and then you guys start making out and one thing leads to another and you two have sex.
--- Charlie is rather nervous during your guy's first time, he just wants to please you so he does whatever you ask. He's almost a little too giving during sex. When you guys get a little more into it he will ask you to do something for him mostly just fulfilling the fantasies he has about you.
--- After you guys have sex he will praise you for your skills, then he admits that you have been the first person he had ever had sex with you guys talk about that for a little before you two go to sleep.
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Amber Freeman
--- I think it would be a very spur of the moment kinda thing, she would pull you into a closet at a party and they ask you if you want to. 
--- I feel like she has a thing for this kinda thing both public sex and very spur-of-the-moment sex. It definitely takes you by surprise but you get used to it. 
--- After you guys have sex for the first time you and her will just leave the closet as if nothing happened. After you guys leave the party you guys will talk about it.
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Ethan Landry
--- I think you guys would have sex very soon after dating. I think you guys would be playful and be messing around then somehow you end up on top of him. You would realize he was turned on so you offer to relieve him. 
--- I feel like when you guys have sex for the first time he would be pretty basic since he's pretty new to sex in general. 
--- After the sex, he would be pretty amazed at how good the sex was, and sheepishly ask for a round 2.
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Quinn Bailey
--- Quinn is a pretty sex-positive person. You guys would most likely have sex before you guys officially dated.
--- Quinn has a VERY high sex drive so if she can’t she will make sure you can go as long as possible of course your stamina might not be able to keep up the first time since you probably don’t have that kinda stamina yet.
--- After sex, you guys will take a little bit of a break since you are probably pretty tuckered out from the very long sex session, but soon after maybe 10-15 minutes of just talking while laying in bed she will ask you when you wanna go again
masterlist (taking requests)
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roseychains · 1 month
Make him jealous ~
A/n: entirely self indulgent.
C/w: written by a minor!, porn with minimal plot, marking, nipple play, fingering, oral (r!receiving), kissing, praise, gentle, idfk.
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2 weeks. That’s exactly how long it had been since your now ex had suddenly cut contact with you. A long relationship you poured your heart into for months, gone without a second though, leaving you void, unable to enjoy anything. It was like you were a shell of the fun loving person you used to be. The joy sucked out, and all that remained was a sad, confused girl who was all but betrayed by the man she loved the most.
You hardly made it through the day without tearing up atleast a little. Everything hurt. It hurt even more when your friend, shoko, has shown you photos of your ex and his new girl. Cuddling in bed, his arm around her waist it was sensual. Your frustrations came pouring out to her. It hurt that you meant so little to him, he could move on so quick, he wasn’t hurting like you were. You wanted him to care, to hurt, to be jealous.
The topic continued to your lunch break, where you met up with 2 more of your colleagues, Gojo and geto. Your frustration seemed to radiate to the rest of the group, the 3 of them vocalizing their distain for the man, that you deserve better, he deserves to hurt, it’s almost like they wanted him to suffer more than you. But in truth, you just wanted him to realize what he lost, to make him jealous.
The sexual tension was thick. Talking about how you needed someone to mark you up and post it on media, to be fucked till you forget, to feel loved again, right in front of your 3 friends, all eyeing you like hungry predators ready to devour their prey. They were so tired of seeing you sad, watching as you slowly lost motivation and will power for all the thighs you used to love. So if anyone was going to do something about it, let it be them. They will make you feel better, like friends do.
Eventually, Gojo took the initiative to finally offer up his services. “I mean, you know the three of us would be more than happy too, you just say the word it will all be yours~” you felt yourself twitch with excitement, almost like a fantasy, to be in between the most attractive people you know. It wasn’t just you, they wanted you too, maybe even more so. Anything for their dear friend.
Finally, the trio came to a plan. They were going to dress you up, take you out, feed you, and fuck you till you feel nothing but pleasure. Then hold you tight till you fall asleep together. It began Saturday morning, breakfast Gojo paid for. You ordered pancakes, that satoru ended up sneaking a few bites of. Next, you were off to the mall.
It was fun, riding the carousel, getting small snacks here and there, but the real event was when you made it over to a high end store with gorgeous dresses. The boys had ran off, but shoko kept her hand in yours guiding you through the store and picking out dresses for you to try. She even came in the changing room to help you sip them, and give you her opinion.
One thing lead to another, she found herself getting handsy with your delicate body, her hands that had previously helped you slip in and out of your clothes was now tracking down your abdomen and dangerously close to your heat, covered only by lacey panties. You gasped as she began toying with your clit through the fabric, her other hand coming up to cover your mouth. “You wouldn’t want to get caught right? Be a good girl and keep it down”, she’d whisper sensually in your ear.
Her words shot right down to your cunt, throbbing with need. She wasted no time to slip her long fingers inside the hem, now. Rubbing them along your slit, feeling your wetness. “Your so fucking wet, my fingers are drenched baby. I can tell you want this.” You felt your eyes roll back against your skull as she plunged two long fingers inside your hole, giving you only a moment to adjust before roughly curling them inside you repeatedly.
Her assault on your core had your legs weak, threatening to fall down. “Careful, baby.” As she helped you to the small chair, fingers still deep inside you. She moves her mouth to leave small love bites on your neck, proof of what the two of you had done in the dressing room. Your hands flew up to hold on her shoulders as you felt yourself reaching your high. “Are you close? Go on then. Let me feel you.”
Your legs shook as you came on her fingers, and your sounds where muffled by her hand covering your mouth. After you came down from your orgasm, dress long forgotten, you put your clothes back on and left with the dress that you and liked the most, face still red and flustered from your exchange in the dressing room. Shoko held your hand as you made your way back to the boys.
The marks on your neck where painfully present, “with out me?” Gojo whined, earning him a smack on the side from geto. “Today isn’t about you, satoru. Anyway, shall we, princess?” His gaze, now back on you offering a gentle hand as you continued your day, until yourself and the trio made your way to the club. After sitting at the bar for a minute, drink in hand you made your way to the floor with the boys, shoko content with her drink.
You were face to face with Gojo, and his hand caressed your face. “You look so beautiful tonight, you know that?” Brushing the hair of your face with his fingers. You giggled and thanked him. He grabbed your chin, and leaned down into your ear, “I can’t wait to show you just how beautiful I think you are~” you felt shivers run up your spine, ones that where only exemplified as you felt a second pair of hands meet on your hips, getos face on the other side of your face behind you.
You were sandwiched between the two large men, you felt your heart facing. There hands roamed your body as much as public decency would allow them, peppering you with gentle kisses on your jawline and collar. As the night went on, the two men could feel themselves losing restraint, shoko getting needy as well. And after a few hours, they escorted you back to the car where the three of you arrived at the closest house, gojos, and hurried inside.
As soon as all of you stepped in, Gojos lips where immediately on yours, practically moaning into your mouth. Geto pulled him off, “let’s take this upstairs. Tonight is all about you, baby.” He picked you up bridal style the other two close behind, and paced to the master bedroom, an Alaskan king easily enough for the four of you. Conferring with you one last time that this was what you wanted, their clothes were being tossed on the floor. You moved your hands to lift up your dress, but Gojo quickly grabbed your wrists. “Let us do it, you don’t have to move a muscle tonight for that?” You nodded, as geto grabbed your dress lifting it over your head, and shoko unclamped your bra, your breasts falling on your chests. You were then layed on your back, and your stocking pulled off your legs, leaving you bare in front of them.
Shoko was the first to move. She grabbed your face and kissed you passionately, tongue diving into your mouth. she then trailed kissed down your neck before reaching your tits. “Fucking gorgeous girl.” She popped one of your buds into her mouth, swirling it around while grabbing your other, fondling your chest.
Meanwhile, the boys layed down settled between your legs, your thighs on either side of their faces. With one hand, both held up your leg and started on your thighs, kissing and sucking on them before they both meet at your heat. Suguru went first, pressing a kiss too your clit before taking the bud into his mouth, “mmm s’ good” he mumbled into your cunt. Satoru took his fingers up to your hole, teasing your entrance before gently pushing in two fingers, making your back arch into shoko. “Careful, sweetie. Tell me if you need anything to change mkay?” Gojo reassured as he began pumping his fingers in and out.
Shoko continued her work on your chest, occasionally letting up to take your mouth in hers, sucking up all your moans, when she remembered your earlier words, reaching for her phone. She held it up enough to show off all the marks on your neck and collar, without getting your boobs in the shot. She snapped the photo, kissed your cheek and hit post.
Geto was making sloppy work of your cunt, eating you out like his life depends on it. His moth was ravenous, mumbling praises here and there relishing in your taste. “Could eat you like this forever, fuck.” Satoru was busy fingering you and kissing every inch of your body, his other hand rubbing gentle shapes into your thigh. “You’re so fucking pretty. We don’t deserve you.”
The combination of stimulation quickly accumulated, you tried to let out a warning before you came, shaking and arching off the bed. On nights like these, one time was enough, and you just wanted to sleep now.
“Do you want a bath? Something to drink?” Geto questioned. “No,” you murmured, “just get me some clothes and hold me till I’m asleep.” And so they did. You lay in the middle, shoko cradling you on one side, satoru the other, and geto holding onto both you and shoko.
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Pretty Girl
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
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author’s note: I finally caves and joined the Ghost pit. This is my first real attempt at writing full smut so be gentle lmao. Reader’s callsign is “Necro” 
warnings: smut, talk of body issues, mention of injury. 
word count: 2k
     Soap enjoyed needling the masked soldier more than any of you did of course, but maybe that's just because he could get away with it more. 
     You said it’s because Ghost had a soft spot for him. 
     “Bet you live a real double life Lt.”
      “How so?” 
     He sits across from you, long legs stretched out under the rickety table covered in turned over cards from the others that turned in earlier. You're hardly playing anymore, but the way his boot knocks against yours every other minute keeps you from getting up. 
     “You’re a right fucking terror but I’d bet money on you being some secret softie.” It’s a poor attempt at getting him to lose focus. So he doesn’t see Soap’s knee bouncing like a blinking beacon he got dealt a shit hand. 
     Ghost doesn’t budge.
     “You see me as the picket-fence type, Johnny?” 
     “Wife and kids too, I’d bet.” He plucks a card from the deck and grins. “Probably the coach of the football team and everything.” 
     While the idea of your Lieutenant coaching some junior soccer league - and no doubt getting entirely too angry at a bunch of six year olds taking the ball in the wrong direction - was arguably fucking hilarious- 
     You noticed a shift the moment Soap spoke to him. 
     Ghost draws up, like a string inside him had pulled taught. Something flashes in his eyes then disappears just as quickly. 
     Soap looks to you before dropping his eyes to the cards in his hand. 
     An exposed nerve neither one of you were aware even existed has just been pulled open in the middle of a poker game and nobody knew how to tend to it’s bleeding. 
     “I call bullshit on that.” 
     You could certainly try though.
     “Guy like you?” Ghost turns and suddenly that silent tremor of anger is being shot your way instead of Mctavish’s. He seems grateful for it. At least you assume he is, since you're putting your ass on the line for him now.“Would definitely be a shit husband.” 
     It’s nothing. A light jab at the kevlar covered core of the man across from you who could arguably very well be somebody’s husband -none of you truly know much about him aside from the origin of his accent and his own horrid humor he terrorizes you all with. But it’s enough. His shoulders slump and the tension in the room ebbs away as he leans forward on his knee, cards completely neglected in his hand. 
     “What makes you so sure?” 
     You toss your own hand on the table. Cards splay out in front of them both and you hear Soap mumble a barely legible ‘fucking cheat’ as you stand. 
     “Call it a woman’s intuition.” You nod towards Ghost, who watches you through narrowed eyes as you leave.
     “I’m turning in. Have fun with the full house.” 
     You count ten minutes into their next game before the door opens. You don’t bother turning over from your spot on the creaking couch you’ve played yourself out. It’s only a matter of seconds from when Ghost enters the room that he’s tugging the blanket off of your body. 
     “Your lack of subtly is becoming appalling lieutenant-” 
     A sudden pull at your hips leaves you falling face first into a dusty pillow until your ass is in the air and he’s tugging your pants down at a frantic pace. Teeth graze the inside of your thigh and you groan. 
     “Don’t give a fuck about subtly tonight.” 
     “Had more pressing matters to attend to.” 
     “You let Soap win?”
     Two fingers slip beneath the band of your panties and slide through the slick of your cunt. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as presses himself against your ass, cock straining against his fatigues. 
      Sex with Ghost is always powerful. Rough hands pushing and pulling you into place on disciplined muscle in between debriefings. His mask lifted up just high enough that you see a flash of his mouth before he sinks it into the scarred skin of your chest until it blooms with his own bruises. 
     But it’s different tonight. 
     Fingers breach the give of your cunt and you dig your fingers into the cushion beneath you. 
      “That’s it.” His hips rock against yours as you hear the sound of him undoing his belt with his free hand. “Fucking soaked for me, Necro.” 
     He’s rushing.
     The stretch of his cock against your walls tips over the cliff bordering on pain but then he leans down, covering your body with his own and tucking his face into the crook of your neck. Your lieutenant isn’t small by any stretch of the word. The first time you took his cock in full was prefaced by slow orgasms pulled from your body with his tongue and fingers until you were trembling for him. Even then he slowly sank into you inch by inch until you were grabbing at his shoulders to make him move. But now there is no warm up or gentle touches. Nothing but stars behind your eyelids and mumbles of “That’s it, darling. Take it.” that rumble from his chest as he begins to drag his cock from the grip of your pussy before sinking it back in at a cruel pace. 
     You hear the scraping of a chair across the floor in the other room. Most likely Soap turning in for the night. It strikes you with the awareness that neither of you are being particularly quiet. 
     “Oh, Jesus.” 
     “Nah. Just me this time.” 
     What begins as a laugh melts into a shuddering cry you muffle with your own hand until he grabs your wrist, pinning it above your head. 
     “Don’t do that, Necro. Let me hear you, yeah?” His breath fans out over the back of your neck. “Let me know how good I make you feel.” 
     “The others-” 
     “Won’t do a fucking thing about it.”  He rasps. “They all know I’d bash their heads in if they even thought of taking me away from you.” 
     The double meaning makes your head spin but you push it away. It isn’t something you can afford to think about when your slick has begun to drip down your thigh and the room has become nothing but a choir of your voice mixing with his in the most carnal way possible. 
     The hard surface of his mask bumps the back of your head as his teeth drag against the small of your neck. 
     He knows you so well it’s angering. Every curve and crook of your body responding to his touch while you’ve yet to see his face.
     The civilian part of your brain whispers in your ear and tugs on the thread. That a man who fucked like this while calling you names had surely been swiped up by somebody years prior. 
     “You know, maybe Soap was right.” You look over your shoulder and grin at him. His mask has slipped ever so slickly that you can see a scar poking out under his eye. 
     "I've bet you got a pretty girl waiting for you back at home." 
     "Why would I want a pretty girl when I have you?" 
     It's said so plainly. So flat and blunt you can’t help but bark out a laugh that has you squeezing his cock as he drills into you. 
     "You calling me ugly, lieutenant?" 
     A trained hand wraps around your throat and pulls you flush against his chest. You feel coarse hair rub against your bare back as his hips snap against yours. ‘He took his shirt off.’ you realize. ‘When did he have time to take his shirt off?’
     Sneaky bastard. 
     “I’m calling you mine, Necro.” 
     He pulls out of your pussy and you barely have enough time to register the empty feeling of your own orgasm dwindling away before he’s flipping you onto your back and slamming back into you. 
     “You hear me?” Ghost grips your thighs so hard you're sure there will be bruises come morning but you just nod. “Those sweet tits and that wet little cunt are all mine, aren’t they?” 
     Even as he fucks into you at a brutal pace you can tell something is different. He’s possessive and needy in a way you’ve never seen but welcome nonetheless. Maybe your comment really got to him. 
     Maybe he does have some lonely little housewife back at home. 
     “Say it.” 
     You hope not. 
     “Say youre all mine.”
     Adultery didn't need to join the laundry list of reasons you were going to hell. 
     His teeth sink into the crook of your neck and you're shocked back into the moment. “Necro-” he rasps. He noses at your cheek, mouthing at your skin like he’s committing you to memory. “C’mon, let me hear it. Say youre all mine.”
     He’s begging. Fucking Ghost of Task Force team 141 is begging for you and its giving you a high you'll never be able to kick. 
     He slides his hand down your stomach and the rough pad of his thumb presses down on your clit and you cry out. 
     "Say it." 
     "I'm yours, Ghost." 
     Ghost groans against your cheek, teeth and tongue flicking out in a mess of a kiss to your salty skin. 
     “Goddamn right you are. My Necro, my pretty girl. That’s you, isn’t it?” 
     "Say it." His mouth drags against the shell of your ear as he orders you. "Say 'I'm your pretty girl, Simon'." 
     For a moment you freeze and he wonders if he's crossed a boundary. 
     No, fuck that. He knows he's crossed a boundary. 
     Before this it had only been Ghost or Lieutenant and the occasional "you fucking perv". 
     But Simon was personal. Simon was raw. It was one inch closer to the man beneath the mask than he had ever let anybody else get to and he’s blurting it out mid stroke like some pussy-drunk highschooler on prom night. 
     You're looking at him like he just fucking proposed and for a sliver of a second he wonders what that’d be like before ripping the thought to pieces with his incisors. 
     He wonders if he’s struck a nerve.  
     The lieutenant had once said something of the ilk before. After an infiltration that left you all walking away exhausted and half of you needing medical attention, he found you in the safe house bathroom, blood dripping from your nose and staining the front of your shirt. 
     "It looks worse than it is." You defend when he crosses his shoulders and overtakes the space around you. "It's not even broken." 
     "Yeah." He shifts from one foot to another. "It looks like it's been broken before, though." 
     The concern coating your face in fear of angering your superior was wiped away at his statement and replaced with a flat expression.
     "Well if you want to pay for the nose job-" you turn on your heel to face the dingy bathroom mirror once more and continue cleaning the blood from your face. "-be my fucking guest, sir." 
     He made it up to you, of course. That same night you had spent three hours finding ecstasy again and again with your legs wrapped around his head, the crooked ridge of his own nose lighting you ablaze with the way it rubbed and dragged against your clit. 
     You were all broad shoulders and hardened muscles. Hands calloused like his own and he savored the way they felt against his biceps when all you could do was hold onto him and muffle your moans by biting into his shoulder. 
     Simon was nice like that.
     But it didn’t change what you knew. You weren’t pretty. Not in the classic definition. 
     Some days you were indiscernible from the men on the team. With hair cropped close to your scalp and covered in just as much blood and scars as the others, there was nothing small or lithe about you that stood out in contrast to them all.
     Perhaps it was an old insecurity he unearthed on accident. One you thought had been buried away but was slowly uncovered by every poke and prod about your femininity or lack thereof by your teammates. Until years of poorly hidden remarks and self image came barrelling forward from a teammate who was doing his own poorly made attempt of saying something romantic while the two of you screwed in a safe house. 
     Simon wonders if this is the last time you’ll let him fuck you. 
     There’s a moment he’s convinced it is. You’re watching him with wide eyes, completely frozen underneath him and he’s about to apologize, something the liutenant doesn’t fucking do and doesn’t know how to do when he’s already balls deep inside of you but then your hands settle on the back of his neck. You take a shaking breath before nodding. “Yeah.” your hands pull him down to you as you speak in a trembling voice that has him drowning. 
     “I’m your pretty girl, Simon.” 
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mothwingwritings · 4 months
F!Reader X Ren Hana
Hello everyone!!! Back at it again with a new Boyfriend To Death fic ❤
I know what you might be saying. “Wow another BTD fic based around a collar, real original Moth” BUT in my defense I actually wrote this one before the story I wrote for Strade. My brain barfed this out a few months ago (when I finished playing through Ren’s route for the first time) but I wanted to make something Christmas-esque because it was December, so Strade’s story came out first.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun writing both, so I hope you enjoy them too! ❤
Though there is nothing overtly sexual in this, due to the subject nature of this fic this story is 18+ ONLY please!!!
Warnings: imprisonment, abuse (physical and mental), reader has some extreme Stockholm syndrome going on, incredibly unhealthy relationship, biting, blood, reader gets hurt, mentions of sex, I guess maybe petplay potentially??? (what with the collar and all).
Thank you for reading!
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“Okay… You promise you’ll be a good girl, right? No funny business?”
Despite being perched on soft carpet, your legs ached from kneeling on them for the past half hour. You kept your back pin straight and your shoulders even, your hands neatly folded in your lap. His voice was cheery as he spoke down to you, playful even, but you knew Ren well enough to know that these next moments were crucial. With him, even the most benign moments could turn at the drop of a hat.
“I promise Ren. I’ll be good.”
Your voice was soft as you responded to him, big doe eyes looking up at the beastkin in expectation. Your promise wasn’t a lie- you always intended to be good for him, striving to do so even when the situation made that nearly impossible. You bit your bottom lip apprehensively, a slight shiver wracking Ren’s body when you did so. He was watching you just as closely as you were him, drinking in your form, honing in on each and every move of your body and change of expression. 
He smiled at you, that sad half smile he always got when he was grappling with his inner emotions. “I know you will. You are always good for me… To me…” He hesitated for a moment, staring with trepidation at the key that lay in his hand. It was no bigger than his pinky, but seemed to weigh him down regardless.
“I’m just, um, nervous I guess. But I’m not sure why? It’s not like taking it off is gonna change anything,” Though he laughed to dispel the tension, it had the opposite effect, his nerves palpable as he fidgeted where he stood.
For a moment you thought he was going to go back on his word. Tell you to forget about it and toss the shock collar’s key aside, leaving you stuck in it for another day. Part of you wondered if that would even matter. Ren was right, nothing truly would change, collar or not.
… But still, you couldn’t help but hope. That cruel, nagging feeling swelled up in your heart, making your breath hitch in anticipation. Your heart beat like a drum in your chest and sweat slicked your brow as you watched him nervously turn the key around in his palm, your fate in his hands as he mulled the decision over.
It had been months now that the collar had been around your neck, heavy and overbearing, a constant, torturous reminder of your new life. He had only allowed it to come off in brief intervals when you showered or when you slept so that you could find some comfort as you laid next to him, caged in by his embrace. Otherwise it wrapped around your neck like a noose, and even though these days its intended purpose was hardly necessary, Ren kept it firmly in place. He was too afraid to keep it off you for long, worried that given the choice you would abandon him too.
But you wouldn’t. For better or worse, whatever twisted feelings Ren had harbored for you, you now shared for him-all of his ardent affections reciprocated. Deep inside you knew this all was wrong, and it would be a blatant lie if you said you no longer felt any fear or sadness over all that had transpired (all that continues to transpire) while he held you in captivity. Even so, none of that dulled the fact that at this point you craved his touch, yearned for his smile, and wanted nothing more than his companionship and love to get you through the lonely struggle life had become.
After spending months with him as your only companion, you had grown to care deeply for Ren. Though the experience was often terrifying and confusing, you had learned to place your trust in him as he watched over you the past half year, relying on him for all your needs and necessities. The more time you spent together, the more you learned about him. And the more you learned, the more you began to open up to him. 
After a certain point, love began to blossom.
That feeling flourished within, growing so unruly that even his moments of torment and cruelty were accepted with open arms. It took you awhile to realize it, but you now understand that everything Ren does he does for your benefit. Whether he was treating you like a princess or teaching you a harsh lesson, Ren did everything in his power to make sure you were cared for, protected, and aware. Life wasn’t always fair and kind, it was better to be taught that at the hands of someone who loved you then to experience it unexpectedly out in the wild.
Looking back on it now, you were a fool not to appreciate him sooner. All the fussing and fighting you did when he first brought you home seemed completely ridiculous now. He took you in, let you live in a nice home, prepared you home cooked meals every day, and lavished you in affection even when you were being stubborn and didn’t deserve it.
For all that he is and all that he has done for you- the good and bad alike- he deserved nothing but your wholehearted devotion in return. Thinking about the past made you cringe but you refused to let yourself get caught up in it, doing your best every day to be good for him and make up for your prior indiscretions. He loved you with all that he is, poured his soul into caring for you and keeping you content. No past lover had ever treated you with the loyalty or attention that Ren had, and you were thankful for that.
 His happiness had become your happiness. To risk the life you had built together by taking advantage of his kindness was unthinkable.
But even with your steadfast dedication to him, he still continued to mull over this decision with a deep scowl plastered on his face. An ache blossomed in your chest. Surely he had to realize by now that he was just as precious to you as you were to him? You pouted a bit as you watched him agonize over the situation, your heart hurting to see him have such a lack of faith in your bond.
“… Ren?”                                                                                    
Your questioning voice caught his attention, dragging his focus away from the key he was clutching in his sweaty grip. The moment you had grabbed his attention, you slowly began scooting closer to him, your knees itching as they scratched against the fibers of the fancy carpet. Once you neared him, you raised your hands till they cupped his, gently enveloping his shaky fist in your warm hold. You pulled his hand towards your mouth, delicately kissing each of his fingers as you stared up into his eyes.
“If you don’t want to take it off, you don’t have to,” you smiled at him genuinely, your lips lingering on his thumb before you pulled away. You felt a shiver pass through him as his eyes grew hazy, boring into yours with growing intensity, “I can tell it’s making you uncomfortable, so it’s OK. I am not upset, we can keep it on another day-“
Your eyes widened at the assuredness in his voice, all previous concern nonexistent. “No… It’s time to take it off. It’s only getting in the way at this point. Just… Gimme a second, OK?”
He positioned himself behind you, nervous hands fumbling as he worked to remove the collar. After several seconds of poking and prodding, a loud ‘click’ came from the back of your neck followed by a small thud as the heavy collar fell from your body, colliding with the carpeted floor.
Your hand’s shot up to touch your exposed skin, a shiver coursing through you as the cold air hit your sweaty flesh. Tears began to well in your eyes as the realization donned on you. You were free. You had been a good girl for Ren and he rewarded you for it, just like you knew he would.
“W-well,” you heard Ren stutter above you, clearly a bit nervous about what may happen next, “What do you think? How does it feel?”
“It feels amazing,” your voice warbled as you still got used to the sensation. Its absence was foreign and exciting and you couldn’t help but break out in a huge, elated grin. “Thank you Ren. Thank you so much.”
He lowered himself in front of you, crouching on his knees. “Can I see?” A hint of worry still remained in his timid voice, fearful that you may still end up rejecting him.
You looked to him with a smile and nodded, baring your neck for him to witness. “Of course! I probably look a little bit different without it on, huh?”
“Pretty…” His voice was breathless as he dragged his fingers gingerly across the freed skin of your neck. His pupils dilating slightly as he felt you shudder under his touch. “So, so pretty… But also, a little barren, don’t you think?”
Your breath caught at the insinuation, a small wave of panic causing your body to tense. Did he regret his decision after all? Was he going to put the collar back on? You had told him it was fine if he decided that, and you weren’t someone who went back on their word, but at the same time… that was before you experienced it. Now that you realized how good it felt without that horrible, weighty reminder clinging to your skin, you dreaded the thought of it attached to your body once more.
An airy chuckle fell from his lips as he noted your reaction. He leaned in closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
“Don’t worry pumpkin, I’m not going to put it back on. But I do hate the idea of you walking around without something on your body to signify that you’re mine, you know?” His caress traveled from your cheek, his right hand snaking around your head to cradle it, pulling you closer to him. His free hand wrapped around your waist, which kept you flush against him.
“I want to give you something better than that collar,” his voice had become strained, lithe fingers curling up to entangle in your hair, tugging roughly on the strands at the base of your neck. “I want you to have something personal, something that will look perfect on you.”
Without another word, he latched himself to your neck. Not in a kiss, but a harsh, powerful bite.
You gasped as his sharp incisors dug themselves into your flesh, a wave of pain causing tears to flood your eyes. You pressed your fists against his chest, biting down on your trembling bottom lip in an effort to hold back your cries.
Warm blood trickled from the wound as he detached himself, a vibrant trail snaking from the puncture wound to slither down your neck. His tongue stopped it before it hit your collar bone, leaving a wet, sloppy streak across your neck as he licked up the mess.
“This is much better, right?” He asked tentatively, his fingers traveling down to trace the wound he had inflicted. Blood coated his fingertips as he ran them over the injury, his breath hitching as he smeared you with crimson, “prettier… you are so pretty, (name)…”
“T-thank you Ren,” you flinched at the movement of his fingers, shuddering as he pressed down on the open wound, “It’s much better.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed, pivoting your head slightly so that he could nuzzle into the unmarred side, “but it’s not perfect yet, there needs to be more.”
Another abrupt bite sunk into your flesh. This time you couldn’t help but cry out, blubbery whimpers tumbling from your quivering lips. You felt Ren shiver against you, your reactions eliciting an excited moan from him that was muffled by your flesh in his jaw. The hold his teeth had on you eventually yielded, but the assault of his mouth did not. Feverish kisses pressed against the new wound, his tongue lapping at the blood as it muscled its way across the puncture. You whined at the sensation, waves of pain emanating from the weeping, gory wounds as he continued to aggravate them.
When he finally pulled away tears had already begun to fall freely down your cheeks. Though he had given your neck a much needed break, you were given no time to collect yourself as he proceeded in pressing his lips firmly to yours. The taste of copper flooded your tongue as he deepened the kiss, forcibly pushing himself against you until you had no choice but to lean backwards, your back falling flat against the floor as he crawled overtop you.
He placed his hands on either side of you, his legs straddling your hips as he sat himself atop you. You were effectively caged in when his lips parted from your own, and though his face was obscured in shadows, you could clearly see a swath of your blood spread across his mouth. It perfectly complimented the animalistic hunger in his eyes, his mischievous fox like features seeming far more sinister than normal as he leered down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you would fear he was going to eat you alive.
“I want to mark you in all kinds of ways, (Name),” His tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, a sliver of pink peeking through the red, “I want to mark you to show you how much I love you. I want you to be able to look at every inch of your body and be reminded of me. That way even if we get separated, you won’t be lonely. You’ll have a constant reminder of how much I love you.”
A serene smile spread across his face as he looked at you, the vibrancy of his blush nearly matching the blood that coated his mouth and chin. He shifted a bit above you, the feel of his hardening cock unmistakable as it pressed against your pelvis.
“I love you,” his voice wavered as he leaned closer towards you, unsteady breaths fanning your face as his lovesick eyes drank you in. His lips were teasingly close to yours as he continued to smile down at you, a small, happy laugh tumbling from his lips as his tail began to swish behind him in excitement.
“I’m so glad I made you mine.”
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Im not saying im horny for Sebastian Krueger
But Sebastian would let you trace his tattoos for fun while he grinds against you gently through clothes
He loves to rub up and down your body.
His favorite hobby is rubbing lotion into your soft skin. He’d never admit it though, he’ll just grab the lotion and start rubbing her.
Truthfully it’s like the only stress relieving mechanism he has in his life, rubbing knots out of your muscles the same way you do for him.
He gets so horny when you moan. He’s even hornier if you help massage his muscles after a long deployment he’s a mess.
His body is rippling and twitching under your hands, he’s rock hard and grinding into the bed as your massage an especially difficult knot from his shoulder. He’s both trying to run from your hands but craving your keep going. He’s biting a pillow so he doesn’t make any embarrassing noises as you straddle his back. He’s praying you dont notice how he’s grinding because it’s a knot that’s probably been in hid back for years and having you release that tension is heavenly.
When you did get it unstuck he came in his pants a little. He ate you out and fucked you real good as a thank you. Truly, you are hus saving grace. He gets so whiny when he has knots now and all his comrades notice.
His cock, you asked, tell me about his cock?
My darlings I’ll tell you about his cock.
7 inches, moderate girth, nothing too big. Even girth throughout his length but a big flared tip that just bullies your insides. Its like that video of the train ramming into the little hole in the side of the mountain sometimes.
Huge fan of cock warming. Like the biggest. Will make you sit on it while you watch cooking shows because it was your choice that night for tv show and he was so bored.
Dont get him wrong, he’s taking notes so some day he can surprise cook you a fancy meal, but he gets so bored. He loves feeling you breath heavy and lean against him as he plays with the lips of your pussy as you sit on him. Truthfully there’s no place he’d rather be than with you on his cock as he rubs lotion into your hands. He loves the way your hands go almost limp in his touch when you feel pleasure, like you brain can’t separate the resources to keep controlling them and that priority is only on senses to your special areas.
Truthfully, this gruff and brutish man loves nothing more than his girlfriend, even if he shows it through snarky remarks and oddly sensual touches. “I love you” just doesnt come easy to him, but thats ok.
SO MUCH MORE in comments bc why not
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
I saw the jealous Aegon ii image and loved it 🥰 , I was wondering if you could do one for Aemond being jealous of his wife being nice to Luke and like he gest real angry and tries to hid it and reader could see this and plays along making him more jealous and later that night she doms him in sex saying that 'there's nobody else', please??
Hi Anon! I love me some jealous fic >:) I must warn you I believe I am terrible at writing smut. Hope you enjoy though <3
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aemond targaryen x female! wife! reader
pretty much the ask
word count: 801 words reading time: about 4 minutes warnings: jealousy, smut
Aemond could not fathom why you entertained Luke's advances, it was clear as day the boy had a little puppy crush on you. Why did you bother being nice to him, he did not deserve it. He had done nothing to grant your affection. He was not worthy of it, only he was. You knew Aemond was watching you, you could feel his eye watching you intently. Even Jace picked up on it, watching Aemond in case he did something. Finding it fun you began to egg him on a little.
Watching you laugh at something Lucerys said bad he jump up from the table. You knew straight away the Dinner was going to be ruined due to his jealousy and your foolishness. The grip he had on his goblet as he raised it was tight enough to make his knuckles turn white. The head of those sitting at the table turned to him, wondering what he had to say. Yet, they all know it couldn't be anything good.
"A final tribute," Aemond begins, the music stopping as everyone waits with bated breath to hear what he has to say. "To the health of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffery." He looks at both the boy who was present as he said their names. The tension was rising quickly and you all but prayed your husband would not allow his emotions to could his judgement. "Each of them handsome, wise ... strong" Alicent tried to stop her son, calling his name with a firm but pleading tone. Yet the man was already too far in to stop. "Come, let us drain our cups. To these three... strong boys."
"I dare you to say it again," Jace snaps, taking a step forward. Rising from your seat you move to your husband's side. Hoping your presence would calm him to not do anything rash. Placing a hand on his arm you tried to pull him away, not wanting the feast to be ruined. Yet he simply shrugged you off, squaring up to his nephew "Why? Do you not think yourself strong?" He asked marching towards him.
Jace was a protective older brother, he saw how Aemond's eyes filled with hatred for his brother. He would not allow his words to go unchallenged. Throwing a punch at Aemond, seemed to open the gates to Aegon slamming Luke's face against the table, stopping him from reaching the other two. Aemond hardly flinched at the punch, not even spilling a drop of wine from his cup. Simply shoving Jace away as though he was nothing. You almost hated how the action seemed to light a fire in your core. Seeing him so effortlessly display his strength, without even a single blemish to himself.
Alicent was angered by Aemond but there was little he could do to stop her son. Everyone watched Aemond glare at Daemon for a few moments. But you have had enough of this, grabbing Aemond by the arm harshly. "Let us retire to our chambers Aemond." Your voice was firm as you pulled him away from the dining room.
You knew a great way to get rid of the anger Aemond had while also reassuring him of your devotion to him. Moving your hips at a quickening past, the sweat on your body increases. The ragged breaths that felt your both were one of the few noises in the room. Looking down at him, Aemond was already looking up at your eyes filled with adoration. A grin formed on your face as you lean down, your hair making a sort of curtain. Aemond was at your mercy, hand staying on your hips where you placed them. Not daring to move them, no matter how much he wished to grab your breasts.
"Are you still made, my prince?" Your voice was teasing as you reach down a whisper in your ear. Afterwards placing a long string of kisses on his neck and down his collarbone. A mixture of you sucking on his neck and your hip movement made it hard for him to think straight. The man could not seem to think of the right words to say to you, he wanted to say something snarky in an attempt to gain power. But you were having none of it, your head rising from its place on his neck. Your eyes look down at him, studying him "Are you going to say something? Do you need some more reminding?" With each word, you move your hips sharply, pulling a shaky breath from him.
"You know there is nobody else. I have my hands filled enough with you." You tease but your eyes darken a little, whispering in his ear once more, "Besides, I don't know any who can fill me better than you."
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Hi love your andrew fic! Thank you so much for writing it <3. if you dont mind, i would like to request another. im not sure if you watched friends but theres an episode when Rachel and joey go on a “date” and they show off their date moves which is when Joey starts having a crush on Rachel lol. i was wondering if u can write something like that for Andrew. Where they’re close friends & costars & both single with an age gap? The key thing about the episode was when their date was over they showed each other what they do to get their date to kiss them and oof the tension it brings
Seal The Deal
pairing: Andrew Garfield x Femreader
warnings: mentions of sex, teasing, fluff, slow burn
summary: as friends you go on a date, wanting to remember what it was like to be taken out. In the midst of showing each other what kind of moves you would do on a real date they end up working on each other. (I love Friends and I thought this was a really clever and cute idea for Andrew even though I never shipped Joey and Rachel, but this was a fun one to write)
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You hadn’t been on a date in a very long time. No one had asked you to join them in a dimly lit restaurant in ages. You had missed being wined, dined, and pursued by another. You hadn’t been on a nice date in so long you had started to wonder if you were losing your game. So when you voiced this to your older costar he offered to wine and dine you, and allow you to feel like you’ve still been in the game despite how long it had actually been. So here you were, sat across from him, in a four star restaurant, and one of the greatest meals you’ve ever had in front of you.
“So did I do a good job?” you perked your head up to look in your costars dough eyes which were glimmering with the light from the candle in the center of the table.
“Good job on what?” you asked and he chuckled as you took a quick bite of your food.
“The date, I want to make sure this will hold you over until you finally find another guy to date” you gave him a deadpan look which filled his lungs with laughter. The belly laugh filled the restaurant and yet you couldn’t help but smile that your one look gave him that reaction.
“It’s fine Andrew, and I wouldn’t have died from withdrawal but I’m still glad to be here” you told him as his laughter quieted down.
“I’m just making sure, you were really worried about your game” he teased and you rolled your eyes as you continued to eat your meal.
“Nothing could deter my game, I’m the best there is” Andrew rose his eyebrows at this statement, intrigued by your sudden cockiness over this subject.
“Oh really, what makes you say that?” he folded his arms over, more interested in your answer than the food on his plate.
“I have date moves, they haven’t failed me yet” you acted coy not wanting to let on to too much.
“Date moves?” he asked as he leaned forward, curious now.
“Don’t look at me like you don’t have your own moves” you told him and he shrugged, falling back into his chair.
“I have tactics” you laughed as he responded, knowing he had moves of his own.
“Alright, you show me yours I’ll show you mine” Andrew rose his eyebrows but sighed and leaned back forward nonetheless despite the dirty undertone to your sentence.
“Well sometimes if a girl is talking to me I’ll reach forward and grab some hair and play with it” then suddenly Andrews long fingers reached across the table and grabbed one of your soft curls, wrapping it around his finger and moving it with such gentleness you could barely feel it, but your body felt it everywhere else.
“Doesn’t that distract her?” you asked after you struggled to find the words.
“If it does it means I have some sort of effect on her and it makes my other moves go so much smoother” Andrew spoke as he released your hair and moved back into his space of the table.
“Clever” you offered and he smiled before clapping his hands.
“All right, show me one of yours” he said before setting his hands down on the table. As he waited you smirked a little bit before setting your own hand on his. “You call this a mov-”
His sentence was cut short by your slim fingers slipping under his shirt sleeve, brushing along and making it very clear they were under the fabric. It alluded to wanting to get him out of his clothes while looking so innocent at the same time. Andrew found himself gulping as he tried to calm his heart rate the further your fingers moved up his sleeve.
“That’s my maybe you’ll get lucky move” you continued to smirk at him, noticing how he reacted the same all the guys did to that move.
“I’ll admit, I’ve never seen that one before” Andrew said as he pulled his arm away, your fingers still in his sleeve and doing things to him he hadn’t expected.
“Alright, give me another” you grinned, your focus now completely off of your food and on this fun little game you were playing.
“Okay, just start some conversation with me” he told you and you cleared your throat as you thought of a topic to discuss.
“I’m not sure if you ever knew this about me but I’m a memory hoarder. I like the keep mementos that remind me of fun moments in my life and I’m so bad about it I have the most random stuff stockpiled just because it reminds me of those moments. Do you keep anything?” but Andrew didn’t answer. In fact he had seemed too zoned in on you to even be listening. His deep stare made you start shifting in your seat and quickly you moved to make more conversation. “Andrew? Are you listening?”
“Sorry” the boy shifted upwards and shook his head as if he was shaking his thoughts away. “I wasn’t ignoring you I just got so distracted by how beautiful you are. I can’t believe I’m the lucky guy sitting with the prettiest girl in the restaurant” your blush was a deep crimson red that flowed all the way to the tips of your ears. Now that was smooth.
“So ignoring your date while she’s talking is a tactic? Good to know” you teased quickly, not wanting him to realize your whole body was now warm because of his comment.
“I was listening Y/N. I think it’s adorable you keep things that remind you of good moments. That might be my new favorite thing about you” he spoke before focusing on his food, taking some bites before it got cold.
“You have a favorite thing about me?” you couldn’t help but ask and he offered a quick smile your way.
“Yes Y/N, you’re one of my favorite people. I’d have to enjoy things about you for it to be that way” you hadn’t known Andrew had thought so highly of you and you were surprised by the feeling it gave you. You had worked on films in the past before but usually if you weren’t in the same project you both sucked at keeping in touch.
“Well that’s good to know” you told him with a soft smile and he returned it just the same. The rest of the night continued filled with good conversation and greats laughs. You actually didn’t remember the last time you had been on a date you had enjoyed the other persons presence so much. But maybe being friends made it all that much easier. So the date was a success and you found yourself sitting contently in the front seat of Andrews car.
“I’ll walk you to the door” he told you as you both exited the vehicle. It had gotten a bit cooler in the night air and he quickly shoved his hands in his pockets as you approached the door to your apartment.
“Thank you for tonight, really” you smiled at him as you turned to bid him goodbye.
“No problem, I actually had a really good time. I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed a date knowing it wasn’t leading to sex” you both laughed as he said this and you shook your head.
“Crazy that men forget how fun dates can be” you told him and he shrugged, knowing he was guilty just like every other guy.
“So, any end of the date moves you want to show me?” he whispered into the night air and you felt yourself shiver lightly.
“You first Garfield” you told him and he grinned as he stood up a bit straighter.
“Well usually when I walk a girl to her door I stand as close as I can-” he took a few steps in, his chest an inch from your face and you were forced to look up at him, his breath falling towards you. “And I tell her what a great time I had and I wish her goodnight, and when I know she’s waiting for me to kiss her, I take a small step back. When she starts to look disappointed before she even realizes I lean down and kiss her good and hard. Then hopefully she’ll invite me in”
“And what’s the success rate on that?” you asked, breathing heavily because he was still in your space.
“Nine times out of ten she invites me in. Now what about you Miss moves” you smiled and started to shake your head.
“It’s embarrassing” you started to step back from him and he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
“No, come on. Remember you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” sighing you knew you couldn’t escape this one.
“Fine, but you can’t laugh” you glared and he nodded quickly, agreeing to your terms. Wanting to get it over with quick you prepared to move into your seal the deal move.
“I can’t believe how incredible tonight was” one by one your hands grabbed his suit jacket tugging him the tiniest bit closer without it being to noticeable. “To bad the night has to end”
Then slowly you slid your hands under the suit jacket, circling around his waist and pressing yourself flush against him. “I’m never very good at goodbyes”
Your hands traced random figures into his back and you finally looked him in the eyes, pressing your chest to his own, any space between you now disappeared. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s a bit cold”
“It’s fine” Andrew wasn’t sure if this was your move or not but it was working and he found his heart rate accelerating as he stared down into your eyes which glowed in the moonlight.
“If only tonight could last forever” you whispered, leaning up, so your mouth was only an inch from his own. The words fell from your lips and landed on his and he quickly closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He had never expected to feel this towards you.
“And then I pull away and go inside, and that usually earns me the second date” you pulled away and Andrews eyes quickly snapped open, surprised you had such an effect with just your touch.
“Yeah, I can see how that works” a nervous hand reached to rub the back of his neck and you offered a smile but he saw it in your eyes. The disappointment.
“Goodnight Andrew” you turned to unlock your door. Suddenly a hand gripped your wrist and spun you around “What-”
Then just like that Andrew was kissing you on your doorstep. All the air sucked out of your lungs as you feverishly kissed back, surprised that you had wanted him to kiss you like this. When he realized you weren’t fighting him he pushed you against the door, his tongue roaming your mouth. You hummed slightly and you felt him tense as you did so. His fingers laced with your own and he quickly pushed your hands against the door on either side of your head as he continued to roam your mouth. The tension you both had built through the night was so thick that this kiss felt like a breath of relief.
You wanted to pull back but this kiss had reached the point of no return. He either needed to be in your apartment or ruin the best night you’ve had in a long time. But your stomach was on fire, your skin burning against his own, the slight scratch of his beard giving you a sensation you had never expected. The kiss was tender, but heated, and he was confident to the point it felt like you were his best kiss to date. You gripped at his collar, pulling his mouth impossibly closer to your own until you had to break apart for air.
“At least now you know your moves work” he told you, his forehead pressed against your own as he continued to pin you to your own front door.
“Yeah well so do yours, now get inside before we give my neighbors to much of a show”
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yulin-pop · 1 year
↛ ❀ 2023 Kickoff
Azul Ashengrotto
“ You’re my type. Wait…”
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“Hey, look at this. Aren’t they hot?.”
“Watch the way you speak in my office, Floyd.”
Floyd laughed off the warning from the octopus. You looked at his phone.
“Oh wow, yeah they are really pretty.” You agreed as you nodded your head. “Not my type though.” You shrugged as your crossed your arms.
Floyd’s arm draped over your shoulder and he leaned in close. “Oh yeah, what’s your type then?” He asked curiously. Before you could even respond, he spoke again. “Is it someone like me?”
Azul squeezed the pen he was writing with and glanced over at the two of you. He pressed his lips together and closed his eyes, almost like he was pouting.
Doesn’t matter to me!
“Stop playing. It’s definitely not you. You’re too crazy.” You pushed him away with a playful smile.
“Describe it, will you?” Jade said from behind the two of you.
“Oh wow, even Jade’s involved! You must be curious too.”
Jade smiled and side eyed Azul. “Of course I am. The Prefect always seems to have the attention of many.”
Of course Azul didn’t see this, while you three were chatting he was trying to do his paperwork and calculating taxes he owes to the school. However, he was listening in.
“Okay but you need to answer my question first. Whats your type?” The question was directed at both of them.
Jade was a bit surprised but it didn’t show on his face. While Floyd, he grinned ear to ear and rubbed his hands.
“Probably someone with your hair, your eyes, your personality, your—“ The three of you broke into laughter in the middle of his sentence.
“Okay for real, I can like anybody as long as they’re interesting. I want someone who can’t keep me entertained all day and will never bore me.” Floyd admitted.
“I agree with Floyd.” Jade stated.
Azul raised his head and frowned. “That’s only to be expected…” Azul half heartedly commented from his desk.
“Since when we’re you apart of this conversation?” You asked.
“Well, I didn’t want to be but you bunch are awfully loud.”
“Well, what’s your type?”
“I’m not gonna trouble myself with such discussion. I don’t have a type.”
Floyd crossed his arms and shook his head. “Boring! Okay MC you gotta say now.” He pointed in his face.
“Sure!” You remained confident. “I kinda like the more serious people as long as they’re still fun to tease.” You looked directly at Azul, your voice was shakier and sounded unnerved. “Pretty face, especially it they have a beauty mark. It just makes them look ten times better. With a good sense of humor. I wouldn’t mind if they were a little bit crazy too!”
You kept your eye contact with Azul. “You’re my type.” There was a quick pause in the room. “Wait…”
Azul’s face burned and he knew his whole face was pink. Jade chuckled under his breathe while Floyd basked in this awkward tension between you two.
“I think it’s time we go now, Floyd.”
“Ahhhahaha! Yeah let’s leave the love birds alone for a moment.”
They escaped the room quickly, “Wait! Me too!” You cried as you pulled on the door, trying to run away from the octopus that just so happens to be your type.
Yeah they locked you two alone together.
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katiexpunk · 9 months
28 Floors, Part 3 | Joel Miller x f!reader
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Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader Rating: 18+, minors DNI, don't make it awkward pls. Word count: 4.5K Series summary: You're a good girl. A senator's daughter who is always there to show your support to your father. What he doesn't know is that his best friend, Joel Miller, is practically the only real reason you show up to events to support him.  Series warnings etc: [NO OUTBREAK/AU] We'll call him dad's best friend Joel from his time in the Army, fairly soft!joel, age difference (28/47), alcohol, sexual tension, slow burn...and eventually smut, like shitttt that's smut. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 - You're already here Part ?? - Maybe some drabbles for these two in the future Read on AO3 Chapter summary: You and Joel share a passionate night together, only to wake up and do it all again. It was all perfect, oh yeah, until your dad figures out you were with Joel all night. Don't worry, though - this story has a happy ending. Chapter warnings: References to food and alcohol, oral (both male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v (wrap it up, folks), creampie, praise kink, dirty talk, Soft! Joel, rough!Joel, rough sex...I mean, it's a lot of smut. A/N: Wowowowowow. When I set out to write my first fic, I really didn't think it would get any attention at all. To all of you who have read, reblogged, commented, and encouraged me along the way, thank you - ilysm. While this may be the end of the series for these two, I might still play around with a few drabbles. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you! It's been such a fun journey. Onward and upward (get it...elevators) to the next story.
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The dimly lit hallway stretches endlessly in front of you. 
A nice seductive touch to the night, you think. 
With his large hand holding onto yours, Joel walks like a man on a mission.
His only goal is to get you tucked away into his room so he can finally have you, all of you. 
The patterned paisley floor swirls under your feet as you get closer and closer to his room. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you’re pretty sure it was the electric charge between you two causing your senses to blend and play tricks on you. 
You both walk fast, eager. 
Just like that, you’re at the door. 
Your breath comes out in ragged pants, and the heat between you two practically shimmers in the air. 
You think you hear a muffled ping in your purse, but you can’t be sure. You’re too focused on Joel. 
Joel, Joel, Joel, your mind thinks on repeat like a broken record, reminding you that you want one thing and one thing only. 
He places one hand on the doorknob and dips the other into his suit jacket pocket to reveal a white keycard. 
The beep the lock emits acts as a go-signal, like the sound of a shotgun at a race, and he’s pulling you through the threshold of the now open door to reveal a warmly lit and inviting space. 
As the door falls shut behind you, he pins you against it, your lips meeting in a clash of urgency. 
Your hands roam freely over his body, and you need more. 
You push off of the door and urge him back into the room, only slightly stumbling over your heels as you do. 
These things have got to go. 
Lips still locked on his, you briefly open your eyes to step out of your heels when you see it – a large ottoman, up against the back wall of the room. 
Suddenly, you’re the one in control. 
With a firm push, you send him sprawling back onto the plush cushions. He hits them with a faint oof. The breadth of him spans wide, as he drapes his arms along the back of the ottoman, waiting with baited breath for what you’ll do next.
His eyes watch your silhouette, a tantalizing vision against the backdrop of the room, as your fingers dance with bold assurance at the hem of your dress.
A smirk curls your lips, and it blows Joel’s pupils open even wider.  
You peel off your dress, and reveal yourself to him – braless, with only a thin scrape of fabric covering your lower half. 
You toss the dress into the air, a forgotten memory. 
You see lust flicker across his face as he watches the fabric pool on the floor. 
At that moment, it’s not just a dress you’ve discarded; it’s all inhibitions, all rules, and all pretenses. 
You walk closer to him, and lower yourself to your knees. 
You place your seemingly tiny palms on his very large thighs and glide them up to meet his belt. You watch his face as you make quick work of unbuckling it.
Pants next, you pull the zipper down with a potent zzzrrrrp and slip them off, flinging them to meet your dress on the floor. 
You pause to palm the length of him under the single piece of fabric left on him, before pulling his boxers down far enough for his cock to finally spring free. 
The length of him slaps against his soft tummy, leaving a little smear of pre-cum in its wake. 
You take his large member in your hand and begin to stroke it slow and rhythmically, admiring it’s size. Joel's head falls back as if to gaze at the ceiling – you’ve barely touched him and already he’s melting like putty.  
You wet your lips, duck down to the base of his shaft, and plant a small kiss at the base of his cock. 
“Don’t play w’me,” he torts. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you say with a wink. 
You hum as you flatten your tongue and lick a long, wet stripe up the underside of his dick and stop at the top with your mouth open wide. 
As you hold the tip of him in your mouth, your tongue darts out to taste the salty heady flavor of his pre-cum. You let the saliva pool and dribble out of your mouth for a moment, and then you finally take him. 
Joel lets out a small grunt as you unhinge your jaw further to open your throat and take more of him. You move up and down, and one of Joel’s hands meets the back of your head, and he grabs a fistful of your hair.  
With his grip on you, he begins to guide your mouth as he fiercely thrusts up. 
Your head bobs up and down, trying to keep up with the pace of him, and tears begin to prickle in your eyes. You can feel your lips swelling. With the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat, you let out a small gag and he pauses at the hilt. 
“Fuck, baby,” Joel pants, “woulda put this mouth to good use long ago had I known you could do this.” 
His praise melts you like cotton candy on a warm tongue. 
He lets you continue to mouth fuck him just like that, lost in his own pleasure, when you reach up to cradle his balls. 
Ooo, he likes that. 
“Shit, gonna have to stop sweetheart or I’m gonna cum,” Joel huffs. 
You stop. 
You need him – down to the last drop – inside of you tonight.
You’d have to wait to taste him for another time.
Will there be a next time? 
You let the silent wish float away as you rise from the floor, knees cherry red, not much unlike the cherries from your whiskey earlier at the bar. He stands and pulls you up the rest of the way by the undersides of your elbows. 
He yanks your body to his, his wet and pulsing cock between you when suddenly both of his hands are on the underside of your ass and he yanks you up off the floor to straddle his ribs. 
You let out an excited little yelp, not expecting to leave the floor, and wrap both arms around his shoulders. 
Joel walks you across the room to the bed, planting kisses on your chest and breasts that rest so perfectly in his face as he does. 
He stops when the front of his legs meet the edge of the bed, and he releases you, your back hitting the mattress with a small thud. 
Joel crawls on top of you and pauses to momentarily hover over you. 
This is it. 
He’s finally going to fuck you. 
He looks down between your bodies and begins to follow the path, using his tongue as a trail of bread crumbs back to your mouth all the way down your body, until he finds himself at the foot of the bed on his knees. 
They hurt like hell, but he didn’t give a shit. 
He grabs both of your ankles and pulls you closer to him. 
“Told you I was gonna take my time with ya,” he whispers. 
He plants soft kisses up your leg, your inner thigh, and finally pauses once he reaches your mound. 
His thumbs come up to meet your hip bones. They grip the skimpy piece of fabric, and he slides them down off your legs. 
He takes a small whiff before he throws them in the growing clothes pile. 
You blush, partially out of embarrassment, but by the look on his face it does nothing but stoke the fire within him. 
His tender tongue comes out to lap up your sweetness. 
He makes small licks towards your slick entrance, and he stays on the outskirts of your folds, just barely pushing past them to where you want him to be. 
Always such a fucking tease. 
You buck your hips up to his face, and you’ve made your point. 
He moves back up toward your clit, and begins to drag his tongue over you, working at you slowly, devouring every drop of you, igniting every one of your nerves down there as he does. 
You grab a fistful of his hair, alternating between closing your eyes in sheer delight and looking down at the sight of him between your legs. 
His grip on your thighs doesn’t relent. Neither does yours. 
You cry out his name, but it comes out weak and wet. 
Joel’s lips suck and lap at your clit, as he slowly begins to press one of his fingers inside. 
“mmm, feels so good, more, please,” you say. 
You know he loves his manners. 
One becomes two.
“You’re so tight, baby,” he admires, “Gotta stretch you out, get you ready f’me.” 
Two becomes three. 
Your back naturally comes off the bed in a graceful arch as you feel him move inside you, his fingers gently curled as he scissored in and out, his mouth still on your sensitive nub. 
He has you right where he wants you, on the verge of total release. You’re shaking, a woman drowning in the pleasure coursing through your veins. 
Holy shit. You’ve never orgasmed so much from one man in your life, and certainly not like this.  
A moan slips past your lips, and your mind goes foggy as your whole body stiffens. Joel rides out your orgasm with you and doesn’t stop until you totally soften under him, slightly shaking from overstimulation. 
Joel lets his grip on your thighs fall, as he rises up, smile on his face, beard glistening from your release. 
A devilish grin sweeps across his face. “Taste so sweet,” he compliments, before planting a kiss on your lips. 
His head falls to the side of yours in the crook of your neck, his breath heavy. 
The woody aroma of his cologne catches you once more, and you just can’t hold out anymore. 
“Joel, I need you to fuck me. I need to feel you inside of me, please, I can’t wait anymore,” you beg. 
You’re not one to ask for it so outwardly, not really, but Joel certainly has a special way of making you beg for it. 
“You’ve got me, sweetheart.” 
He takes his heavy cock in hand and notches his weeping tip at your entrance, and begins to push himself inside you. 
He pauses a moment to let you adjust, but not for long, his patience wearing thin – Joel has waited far too long to know what you feel like.
He slowly backs the tip out, and you whine, but before you can say anything, he buries himself in you in one strong push. 
Your face twists at the adjustment. 
“Joel, fuck,” you pant, “so big.” 
Joel loves the compliment.
He begins to fuck you in earnest, cashing in on his promise in the elevator to wreck you. 
“I know, Darlin’,” he pants – “but you’re taking it so good.” 
“Perfect,” he thrusts. 
“Fucking,” he thrusts again. 
“Cunt,” he slams into you this time. 
You swear you see stars.
He slightly pulls back, but not all the way, and flips your right leg over your body to the left, and you’re straddling his lower torso like some sort of sexy pretzel. 
He holds onto your right leg for leverage, as he begins to fuck you deep. 
The sound your bodies make with each thrust is filthy. 
You begin to bury your face into the bicep that rested on the bed, hands reaching for anything in their grasp as he stretches you out. 
He brings his thumb to your clit once more, and you flinch – part pleasure, part pain. 
You’re so fucked out already, but you can tell he isn’t going to let you off easy. 
Still fucking you, his thumb makes slow circles on your swollen clit, bringing you back to full pressure. 
“Fuck,” you cry, unable to finish your sentence before another intense orgasm hits you like a truck. 
Joel slows, “there’s my good girl, being so good, coming all over me, felt so good,” he praises. 
Joel flips you so you’re on your belly, and the he’s yanking you up by the creases of your hips into doggy.
His cock was fiercely hard, pumping in and out of you, just twitching with the need to release. 
“Where do you want me, baby?” he asks. 
“Inside me. I want you to come inside me. I want to feel all of you. I’m on the pill. Please.” 
You and your begging tonight. 
You don’t have to do much convincing. 
A few quick more thrusts, and Joel is coming hard and fast, your pussy milking him of everything he’s got.
He collapses onto you, breath and body tense, before you both collapse onto the bed. 
A long moment of comfortable silence passes, and he pulls out of you and rolls to his side. 
He lifts his head to scan your face. 
You’re a wreck. 
He’s a wreck. 
But you both look at each other like you’ve just seen the sunset for the first time. 
Your heavy limbs and sleepy eyes begin to melt into the mattress, your body warm and gooey from the buzz of the night. 
Joel collapses once more beside you, and his heavy arm drapes around your waist. He pulls you into his side and kisses your temple. 
Without saying anything, you both let your eyelids fall, the events of the night catching up with you. 
You both drift peacefully into sleep, only to find each other again in your dreams. 
As dawn breaks, the first light of day slithers through the crack in the hotel's heavy curtains, refusing to acknowledge any societal norms of 'do not disturb'. 
You flutter your eyelids open to a mess of tangled sheets and scattered clothing, a testament to a night lived passionately and unapologetically, on your own terms. 
You stare at the ceiling, reminiscing about last night – you really fucked Joel Miller. 
God, his cock. 
You’re wet again just thinking about him.
You roll onto your side to face Joel and interlace both of your palms like a pillow under your cheek. 
Joel’s still deep in slumber, giving you a quiet moment to soak in and admire how beautiful he truly is – his aquiline nose, his soft lips, his sun-kissed skin, the little freckles on his neck and chest. 
The butterflies are back. 
Your eyes dance over him, taking in the visuals of the crisp white sheets draped over his chiseled features, revealing the truly physical nature of his job. 
Ugh, he’s so hot. 
Just the sight of him once again causes the chorus of electric tingles to erupt in your belly, you feel a familiar tug at your navel. 
You reach out to place your palm on his chest, and he emits a low grumble and stirs.
His heavy eyelids open and he notices you looking at - okay, eye fucking - him. 
“Mornin’ beautiful,” he says with a smile, “See something you like?”
Before you can even clock what he’s doing, he’s got your entire body pulled onto his – chest to chest, face-to-face, both still naked from the night before. 
“Yeah…you could say that,” you say as you greet his lips with your own. 
That gentle peck morphs into something wild and fervent. 
Your lips move in sync, parting and meeting in a rhythm that's as old as time and yet, so uniquely yours and Joel’s.
His massive cock throbs under you. 
Looks like you aren’t the only one with a need this morning. 
His hands move down to grip your hips, and he begins to grind himself against you. 
“mmm, baby – I need you,” he growls into your shoulder. “Need to feel this tight pussy wrapped around me.” 
God, you could hear him say that until the end of time and never tire of it. 
You happily oblige his request. 
You adjust your legs to straddle him and lift yourself up onto your knees as he lines himself up into your entrance. You sink down onto his length, your eyes falling shut as you do. 
He’s so big. You pause to give yourself a moment to adjust, and then you find yourself pacing on him, expertly rolling your hips against his. 
His hands hold you and he assists your rolls back and forth as you grind your clit against the coarse black hair surrounding his dick, teasing yourself with each move. 
Mmm, that feels good. 
Your slick makes his member so easy to roll up and down on, your tight walls squeezing and stroking him.
Joel watches you bounce on his cock, your breasts moving fluidly with the motion as one of his palms leaves your hips to grasp it. The added sensation of him playing with your nipple is intense. 
You tilt your head back and let out a moan. 
“Fuck,” Joel says, “Not gonna last much longer if you keep makin’ sweet sounds like that, sweetheart.” 
Joel’s hand sweeps down from your breast, over the softness of your stomach. How is every touch from him so electrifying? 
His fingers find your clit in the space between your sticky bodies. 
As you ride him, the pressure of his fingers on your clit relentless, you feel the heat rise in your body. Your stomach begins to tense and you can feel your own orgasm not far off. 
“Fuckkkkkk, Joel. I’m gonna co..” you trail off, and your vision goes white. You ride the wave of pleasure that extends from your head to your toes. 
Hearing – no, feeling – your orgasm sends Joel over the edge. 
As your walls pulse around him, his hands find a bruising grip on your ass. He begins to thrust hard and deep all the way to the edge of your cunt. 
Your name leaves his mouth in a deep growl, as he finally lets his thick, milky release paint your cervix. 
You fall forward, your body limp and sore, as he twitchs under you. Your combined heavy breaths begin to slow. 
You pull off of him, sad to no longer have the stretch of him, but satisfied to still have part of him inside you.
As you both lay there in blissful silence, a ping from your phone draws you back to reality. 
You lazily roll over and grab your phone from the nightstand. 
It’s a text from your dad. 
You hastily sit up, and a little rush of seed spills out onto the pristine white sheets beneath you. 
“Good morning — just checking in to make sure you’re safe. Tommy mentioned you never called for a ride home last night. Congressmen Allen’s aid also told me she saw you get into an elevator with Joel around midnight?” 
Joel’s brows furrow as he looks at you, “What is it, Darlin’?” 
Words fail you, so you pass the phone to let him read the message for himself. 
It’s no use, he can’t read the screen without his reading glasses. 
Why is that so hot?
As he reaches for the nightstand to grab them, his phone lights up and emits a beep. 
He freezes momentarily, hand pausing right over the device. He takes a deep breath, grabs his glasses, then snags the phone. He unlocks it to find a text, also from your dad. His best friend. 
“Were you with my daughter last night?” 
Joel whips back to face you, and your wide eyes lock in a death grip.
The air is thick with tension as a silent “what the hell do we do!?” fills the room. 
You sit there, facing each other, your faces a mirror of the other’s emotions.
But then, out of nowhere, you break out into laughter, letting a little snort go as you do. 
Yeah, a good old-fashioned, unsexy snort. 
It hangs in the air for a nanosecond, as does Joel’s confusion about your response. 
Then you both explode into laughter. 
You clutch your stomach, and tears stream down your face, and further little spurts of cum fall from your folds. 
All that tension? Gone. 
Because sometimes, life’s too short to take everything so seriously. 
Sure, Joel was your dad’s best friend, but he was also a good man.
You know that.
Your dad sure as hell knows that.
And even Joel knows that, despite what he might think sometimes. 
It’s not like you were a child, for fucks sake. 
You are a grown woman, with a life, a job, and responsibilities. 
You’re certainly old enough to know that good men are hard to come by in this city. 
Without saying a word, Joel seemed to understand that you didn’t really care if your dad knew. 
He didn’t care, either. Not really. 
A final little breathless chuckle leaves your lungs, and the joint laughter dissipates and is replaced with calm.
Joel looks at you, the hungry and concerned eyes have gone, only to be replaced by something warmer. 
With the morning sun shining through, you catch a different shade of amber you hadn’t noticed before. 
He pushes a strand of hair out of your face and tucks it gently behind your ear, leaving his large palm on your cheek. His thumb meets your chin, and he pulls you in for a kiss.
It was tender. Soft. 
No words were said, but it was in that moment that Joel knew that if he really were a smart man, he’d never let you go.
You’ll come clean to your dad. 
You know him – it’ll be okay. 
But first, you both need a shower. 
For the first time, you don’t find yourself grumbling in the mirror as you get ready for another event. 
Sure, there would still be the mind-numbing conversation, that you could count on. 
But there would also be food, booze…and Joel. 
You dawn a pretty pink dress, conveniently forget your underwear, and slip into your heels.
As you’re applying the finishing touches to your makeup, you look in the mirror and a large figure is perched up against your doorframe. 
God, he looks good in a suit. 
“You know, I meant what I said on the elevator – your body is gonna be the death of me. Look at you," the words come out sweet like honey.
You walk towards him, taking his large hand in yours. You pause there to feel the thickness of his fingers and rub the pads of your fingers over the rough calluses. 
You drag his hand slowly up the top of your thigh, letting the dress gently bunch underneath his touch to reveal your smooth skin. When you reach the top, you hold him there and let him discover that you’re pleasantly wearing nothing underneath. 
You feel him tense and the tips of his fingers barely graze where you so desperately want him to be.
But that would have to wait. 
“Oh Joel,” you coo seductively, “I’m just getting started with you.” You say with a wink.
This time your words linger in his ears. A threat. A promise. A need. 
Joel moans, and palms his growing length to adjust. 
You both make a point to leave the apartment quickly, knowing if you stayed too long you’d both lose your resolve to attend the event.
You arrive, and interlace your palm over Joel’s bicep as he guides you through the threshold of the space. 
You catch a few wandering, judgemental glances. You catch wind of hushed whispers as you begin to mingle.
Isn’t that the senator's daughter? Isn’t that his best friend? 
You don’t care. This feels natural. 
Just you and Joel. 
You both work the crowd as you normally do, mingling through a series of separate and boring conversations. 
Halfway through the night, your eyes lock across the room and Joel gives you that nod. 
You know it’s not for just a drink this time. 
Joel slips into the hallway.
You graciously excuse yourself from the dull conversation and set your champagne glass on an empty passed tray as you glide across the ballroom floor to follow him. 
There he stands, palms interlaced behind his back. 
Really pushing the fabric of that suit jacket to the limit, isn’t he? You think to yourself, already noticing a familiar stickiness between your thighs. 
Joel's eyes are fixed on the elevator indicator on the wall in front of him as he patiently waits for you. 
His broad frame turns as he hears your familiar steps come closer, and his big brown eyes catch yours in a silent hello. 
Yeah. If looks could kill. 
You swallow and gently bite your bottom lip. 
The taste of the future, laced with sweet, raw, passionate love, is deliciously intoxicating. 
The corners of your lips lift in a smile and a familiar blush returns to your cheeks as you walk closer to him, knowing what’s to come. 
A soft bing echos through the lobby and the metal doors slowly open. 
People shuffle off, and the robotic elevator voice reverbs through the air. 
“In you go, sweetheart,” Joel says as he ushers you into the lift, his large palm once again finding its favorite resting spot on the small of your back.  
You step into the small box and wait for others to join. 
As luck would have it, once again, none do. 
You glance up at Joel’s face and see a familiar need. That hunger. Pupils blown. Jaw tense.
“My turn,” falls from your lips. 
By the time the elevator doors come to a full close, you’re already on your knees, ready to worship at the altar of the your gorgeous man. 
This time, Joel Miller doesn’t just have 28 Floors with you. 
He has forever. 
Back to Part 1 or Part 2
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: in which a victory against cyno at genius invocation tcg leads to unexpected confessions
characters: cyno x gn!reader
wc: 880
warnings: fluff, angst, kinda hurt/comfort? established relationships, jealousy, loneliness
notes: sorry it’s been so long since i’ve written something :( this also isn’t based on the new event since i haven’t had the chance to play it yet! it kinda just popped into my mind randomly
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“Ha, I win!” You exclaim loudly, immediately bursting up from your spot at the table and pointing downward at your victory.
“What?” Cyno gasps before spouting words of denial, “No, that’s impossible!”
Ruby eyes hurriedly glance over the cards on the table, desperately searching for some sort of error. Cyno was the king of Genius Invocation TCG. He fought people over it, entered dangerous competitions just to win cards, and for you to so easily defeat him? He couldn’t bear to admit his pitiful defeat.
Cyno never knew just how good you were at TCG. Your deck was damn near flawless, cards powerful beyond belief — not to mention how many limited editions you had. All these years of knowing each other, and not once did he know of your affliction for the card game.
“Admit it, Cyno, you lost!” You rub in your victory once again, reveling in the shear defeat painted across his face. It’s priceless, an expression you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen on his face. If you’re being honest, you didn’t know he could make such an expression.
“No, I won’t accept it,” he says slowly, staring down at his own cards, analyzing where he went wrong, “Let’s go again. If you really are that good, then beat me again.”
Your smile grows big and is rather mischievous, “Oh? Ready to lose again?”
And so you play. Again and again and again. Over and over. It takes hours before either of you declare it time to leave the tavern. Countless people go in and out, some wander over and stare at the intense match, while others pass by without a glance. It isn’t until Lambad comes over and tells the two of you the tavern is closing that you finally pick up your cards and place them back in your deck.
You glance up curiously at your boyfriend when you’re done. His looks distraught and a pinch of disappointment rests on his face. You watch as he picks up his cards one by one and carefully places them in his deck as to not damage them. It contrasts how you care for your cards: eager to place them away in bundles, almost like you didn’t practically sell your soul for them.
When he’s done, the two of you walk out of the tavern silently. You don’t like the tension in the air or the lingering sense of defeat, even though you won.
A grumble from either of your stomachs cuts through the deafening silence. You go to meet Cyno’s eyes, but he isn’t looking. You speak anyway, “I guess we played so long we forgot to eat, huh?”
“Do you want to stop and get something? I’ll pay,” you offer in the hopes he’ll give you a real response.
“I’ll just eat at home.”
“Oh, okay,” you say meekly and avert your eyes. You play with the bracelet on your hands for a few seconds, fiddling with each gem on it.
“I never hid that I was good at TCG, you know?” You blurt out suddenly. It captures Cyno’s attention in an instant and his eyes finally snap to yours.
“What?” He says as if he doesn’t believe you.
“Really, I swear! I just—we’ve been dating for years. And, well, I knew how much you liked the game, but I was never any good at it. You always go out with the others and play with them and it always made me feel a little jealous because I didn’t understand how to play it.”
Cyno looks shocked, but he motions you to continue on, eager to hear your explanation, “One day, a few years ago, I decided to find someone to teach me and I got a good deck and started collecting cards in the hopes that I could play on your level one day. I didn’t mean to make you feel so defeated though, honestly! I just wanted to have fun with you too.”
Cyno sighs. He hates the way he made you feel guilty just because he was upset he lost at a stupid card game. That, and he never knew how you felt all these years. While he was off playing for hours on end with the people you both called friends, you were at home feeling left out. How did he never realize?
“You could’ve asked me, you know?” Cyno says quietly, “I could’ve been your teacher.”
“Yeah, but I sort of wanted to surprise you,” you smile bashfully.
“Trust me, you certainly surprised me,” he scoffs, “All that talk about wanting to be on my level and you go and exceed me.”
You laugh loudly at that, and a smile pulls at Cyno’s lips as he lets out a breath of air, “You’ll have to teach me some of your tricks. I still cannot believe you beat me every single time.”
“Maybe, but only if you give me that card with the limited edition Inazuma backing!”
“What? No. Do you know how long it took me to get that one?”
You dramatically sigh and look away, “Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to continue losing then.”
“Okay!” Cyno interrupts, “but only if you agree to share it with me.”
You smile and nod at him, “I can work with that.”
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
ooo and 5 please! who's saying fuck no about what??
This waaaas a werewolf oneshot I was playing with, separate from Hungry. It features a transmasc Gareth, protective Eddie and Steve, and a personal favorite, Secret Berserker Jonathan Byers.
This was another oneshot that is made entirely of various scenes, so I wrote a quick introduction here to it. It wouldn't make a lick of sense otherwise lol.
(Similar to Hungry, we're playing with dominant/submissive werewolves. Think Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews & how they run their werewolf stories based on super outdated but very fun concepts of real wolf packs lol. I have my own little modern twist on them, but there's a difference between a social work/school friend group "pack" and a Wolf Pack TM. )
Hellfire won't be out for another few minutes, but neither Steve or Jonathan talk much as they wait. 
It's a peaceful kind of silence they share, particularly between two people who aren't friends, but ended up as family anyway. 
Which is why both startle hard when the doors to the school slam open. 
One of Munson's wolves storms out, looking over his shoulder instead of ahead. "What part of fuck no don't you get!?" 
"Come on." Wheedles another voice, and Steve and Jonathan both watch as a sandy haired boy in a letterman jacket pursues the first.
Slowly, casually, and with the air of a predator.  
"Don't fight it so hard, baby!" The harassing party coos, in a smug mimic of Danny Zuko. 
"Do not call me that." Munson's wolf--Steve can't recall his name but he thinks it starts with a G-- whirls around.
The guy seems to be made of both fury and anxiety, backing away even as he spits and snarls--though his actual emotions are hard to get a read on given he's drenched himself in scent-neutralizing cologne.
(Steve almost sneezes when he scents it, but manages to keep himself together.)
The Hellfire kid's putting up a fight, but its clear from the way he holds himself that he’s a more submissive wolf--and a bad match to the dominate one chasing him. 
Jonathan tosses a glance at Steve. 
"I'll call you whatever I like." His pursuer tells him, a smile unfurling on his face. "Especially after I make you my bitch." 
Steve shoves off the car the same time Jonathan does, but he ends up being the first to the scene, surging forward to step in-between the two.
Hardened battle buddy he is, Jonathan takes this as his cue to fall in behind him, sticking near Munson's wolf. 
"Andy." Steve identifies, voice cold. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" 
"Harrington?" Andy replies, thrown off his target and showing it. "What are you doing here?"
"Putting you in your place, apparently."
Andy's head snaps back, eyes narrowing in mounting rage.
"Excuse me?" 
Steve cocks his hip, hands on his hips.
"Not until you swear off hunting down submissive wolves, you fucking walnut." 
"That isn't what this is, Harrington. Mind your business." 
He makes to go around Steve, and finds the older wolf won't let him. 
"I told you to back off." And the voice Steve speaks with then, is different. 
Steve's wolf is the dominant party here, and he's making Andy feel it. 
Andy growls at him, an inhuman sound, eyes darting from Steve, to Jonathan and back.
He's outgunned and he knows it.
Tension grips them all as Andy meets Steve's eyes in challenge, before clearly thinking better of it.
He drops his head, stepping back.
"Fine. But I'm not giving up, Grace. We're doing this, sooner or later." 
"My name is Gareth." Munson’s wolf snaps, and Steve knows Jonathan will hold him back if he tries to escalate things, 
Submissive has never meant unable to fight, after all. 
Steve keeps an eye on Andy as he retreats another step, and it's all too clear he wants a parting shot.
"Now we both know that's not true." He says, and Gareth hisses like a kettle, fury emitting off him in choked waves. 
Steve clears his throat in warning--he's done playing here, and no matter how much he hates fighting, his wolf has no such qualms.
Andy's eyes dart to him once more, before he whirls around on a heel and storms back through the school doors.
Right in time to plow through the rest of Hellfire.
"Get out of my way, freaks." Andy spits, shoving his way through. 
Will yelps in surprise, caught off guard and off balance, falling back into the lockers with a crash.
His head smashes against metal and he slumps for a moment, stunned.
Mike and Dustin both turn to shout at Andy, Lucas slotting himself to Will's side and trying to get a look at his head.
Behind Steve, Jonathan's eyes go dark.
Munson and Gareth both choke as power floods the parking lot, bloodlust pouring off the elder Byers in waves.
He knifes forward, past Steve, hands blurring in a slurry of shifting muscles and bone until his fingers elongate into sharp, wicked claws. 
It's a controlled change, a feat very few can accomplish--and a deadly one, given Jonathan's reacting out of instinct than anything else.
"Jon." Steve calls, power ringing out from his voice.
(Can see, from the corner of his eye how even Munson, the second most dominant wolf present, flinches from it in surprise.
Steve isn't. He might be a trash fighter, too worried about preventing injuries to inflict them, but his wolf doesn't share the same sentiments.
It's not a disconnect. Rather, it's an agreement he has, with his wolf half, and it serves them very well.)
Jonathan freezes, and it's immediately clear by how tense his muscles are that he's not doing it on his own.
That Steve's using his position in the Pack to hold him, magic and Pack bonds pulsing between the two.
"Steve." Jonathan warns, all too calmly. 
Steve's wolf doesn't rise to the challenge. Doesn't consider it a challenge, even if most wolves would. 
Amber pours into Steve's pupils, the mark of the two halves of a werewolf blending themselves together.
Just as Jonathan did.  
"Check on the kids." Steve and his wolf say together.
 Jonathan's face twist in a snarl as his body shudders under the command.
"Fine." He says after a beat, and Steve's Pack magic releases its hold.
Jonathan's hands twist again, bloodlust fading from his scent, frantic energy draining from the air like a hole punched into an inflatable pool. 
"I'm fine." Will calls out to him, and Steve eases himself back into his own natural state, the threat of Jonathan murdering Andy neutralized. 
He turns to check back in on Gareth, and finds the younger wolf has pressed his face hard into Munson's shoulder. 
"He okay?" Steve asks.
It's redundant because of course Gareth’s not okay--but that's not the question he's really asking.
What he's asking, is if Eddie has Gareth.
Steve has never quite been sure of Munson’s pack status--he knows some clubs and friendships are closer than others, and many can act similar to how Steve’s own capital P Pack does. 
Knows through the kids that Munson runs his group more similar to a proper pack than your normal little high school friend group.
That does not mean Gareth will get the care he needs right now, hunted down like he had been.
"Yeah." Eddie says, understanding relayed in a nod. He turns his gaze to the right of Steve's face, the polite thing to do when two dominant wolves to interact. "Harrington, we need to talk." 
It's in a tone that'd normally have Steve's hackles up, but given what's happened, Steve soothes down his wolf.
Follows when Eddie gently pulls away from Gareth, handing him over to a teen Steve is pretty sure is named Jeff before edging Steve away from the crowd. 
"Can you tell me what Andy said to him?" Munson asks, and his tone is odd.
Off slightly, like he's trying hard to be extra careful. 
Steve chooses not to read into it. 
"He called him names. Bitch and baby. Said Gareth shouldn't fight him so hard." 
Eddie stares at him then, eyes burning into Steve's own, and Steve's wolf itches under his skin at the audacity of it. 
"Anything else?" Eddie demands. 
"He said he wasn't hunting, that it wasn't what it was." 
Munson frowns. "No, did he call Gareth anything else?" 
Steve's dropped the polite urge to keep his eyes averted, now staring dead into Munson's eyes, unable to ignore the direct challenge offered in it.
"He called him Grace, but I figured that was just another insult."
Steve’s voice is clipped. He’s not eager for a fight, particularly not against the guy the kids won’t shut up about, but his wolf is already closer to the surface than it usually is.
Munson stares at him for a moment longer.
"Think you and Johnny boy over there can keep that last bit to yourselves?" 
It's too much like a command, a threat of force in Eddie's voice that's backed by hints of his own wolf shoving forward.
The Steve of old would have been downright violent when faced with that. 
The Steve of now, the one who'd gone three rounds with the Upside Down; who sat drugged out of his mind in a bathroom while Robin confessed to liking Tammy Thompson and then looked at him like he might kill her for it, keeps himself in place as he looks Munson over. 
He’s not imaging it, there is a challenge there--but Steve pauses to think about what he’s being challenged over before he responds. 
How Munson isn't so much focused on Andy, as he is on the name he'd called Gareth.
His eyes flick over to find the younger wolf staring right at them. 
The guy’s arms are wrapped tightly around the middle, a poorly hidden tremble rolling through his body.
Steve hadn't taken Andy's words at face value but Eddie’s request reframed things in his head, and he’s silent as he works out why, exactly Gareth's name matters so much. 
No wonder the kid had drowned himself in that awful, scent neutralizing cologne. 
"Yeah. I'll make that happen." Steve agrees, his words heavy with promise. 
"Thanks." Eddie inclines his head. 
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nothingenoughao3 · 2 months
favorite horror film you just recently discovered
(From this meme)
Uuuuuuuh yeah that's Re-Animator.
Writing tons of porn fic for it, watched it probably fifteen times in the last month, built a whole deck of Arkham Horror cards for it... the obsession is real
It hits a very specific, great spot for horror. It's zany and campy. The effects are bonkers in some places, but really goddamn good in others. The stuff that should be awful instead comes across as camp, because it watches as though everybody in this film really seriously believed in the projected and wanted it to succeed.
I know Combs gets a lot of deserved credit for how he refuses to turn in a lackluster performance, but I think everybody here does a great job. I love that David Gale had almost quit acting and then did this one "last" film that turned into a mini-career with people who loved him to the end of his life and beyond. I love Bruce Abbot's protagonist accent and utter sincerity. I love the rightfully-crowned scream queen of Barbara Crampton. And can I get a shoutout for Robert Sampson? He basically plays three characters throughout the whole fucking movie and nails every single one of them.
Most importantly, though, it does the Shaun of the Dead trick of balancing comedy and horror throughout the film--then, at the exact right moment, shifts all its gears towards horror. I unironically believe that everything that happens after Dr. Hill hisses "So... do... I..." in the morgue is some of the greatest horror action I've ever seen.
The makeup jobs on the reanimates? Amazing. The acting? Also amazing. There's maybe one or two tension-relieving jokes, but broadly, the silliness is traded for horror in a way that's astoundingly effective. The blocking, the fights, Dean Halsey trying to save his daughter, Dan trying to save Herbert, how every single element was subtly pre-established in earlier scenes so nothing feels like a cheat, that droning music that plays over the chaos in the emergency ward...
I'll make jokes about how gay Dan and Herbert are for each other along with everybody else, but I don't think we'd all feel this strongly about the movie unless there was there there. And there is. What a fun movie.
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cynicalruins · 8 months
Changérion Bible - Hagino Takashi interview
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Translation by Windii, scans by me
(Mild spoilers for a few episodes of the show)
Carefree, but manly! Suzumura Akira, a descendant of a family of weird (?) detectives whose ancestors have been venerable for generations, has somehow become a hero of justice. Where in the world would there be an ally of justice who would use "being a hero" as a way to pay his debts…? Ah, here he is. So we talked to Hagino Takashi, who played Akira, and who has created a stir in the way heroes are supposed to be.
"Actually, last year when I was in a drama called Love is Justice, I went to the scene very depressed. I had a chance to think a lot about what kind of job it is to be an actor and what kind of actor I am…"
-The trigger was an encounter with two actors.
"Takahashi Katsumi and Tayama Ryousei, both of whom have stage backgrounds and have a great deal of skill and experience. And since it was a drama about lawyers, there were many courtroom scenes, and I was in the audience as a detective. Every time I was in the courtroom behind the fence, I would watch the various performances and think, 'Oh, they are so good, I wish I could be a part of that.' I was very envious of the high tension and flexibility of the actors. The two of them have taught me that the world is a big place. I am sure they went through a lot of hardships, but when they talk about it, it all becomes a charming boastful speech. I admired their personalities. When I look back on my own acting, I think, what have I done? I have done many things in my life, but what is my own acting? I enjoy being on set. When the courtroom scene starts, I become a spectator. I am the first person in the audience to see the two perform. But on the other hand, it's like, what about me? So it was a lot of fun, but also a lot of pain."
-Is it the actor's desire to perform on an equal footing?
"Yeah. At the time, I thought about many things. I wondered what was wrong about my acting, why was I so troubled, what on earth was bothering me, and so on and so on, rinse and repeat."
-Escape from that conflict came suddenly one day.
"It wasn't triggered by anything. I met a lot of people, read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies, and gradually I thought, 'Ah, I have no choice but to do this.' I was troubled and suffered a lot, but I arrived at that answer. As I worked consistently, even in one or two scenes of a two-hour drama, I talked with the director every time, and as I acted, I came to be able to separate the role from the real me."
-It was the beginning of a new awareness of the need to "manipulate roles at will."
"In interviews and such, I was told that I was just as I was, even though there were usually some differences from the role I played in Changéríon. I thought the same thing. But finally, I came to think that no matter what role I play, a role is a role and I am me. But since I am the one playing the role, I am more determined than before to always give it my all, but I have also come to have a sense of calmness about it. That's why I was able to play the role of Ouja in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" with a very detached attitude. I don't know if "detached" is the right word, but I hope to be able to play the role even if I don't have the role in my mind. If I have to play a role that is completely different from me again, I may feel conflicted, but be that as it may, I would like to see myself in that role as soon as possible. And I hope to complete it before I die. I think I have come to be able to look at things from a longer span of time, rather than immediately judging whether or not something is "not in me" or "not possible." For example, if there is a costume that I would have thought "what the heck" before, now I can say "yes, I will wear it" if that is what I want. I am not so much asserting myself anymore. In that sense, if I played Akira now, it would be different. That was a role I was able to play because I was doing it then as it was, and I don't think I can play it anymore. And now I am playing completely different roles, and when I receive fan letters, some of them say they were betrayed in a good way, but I'm not really conscious of that. I'm just thinking, that was then, this is now, and I'm me."
-Are you now experiencing fulfilling days?
"But of course! But sometimes, when people around me say that they're so scared of Ouja, I think, 'Shut up, I get it' (laughs)."
-It is said that you are impersonated by all of your co-stars at the scene.
"It's like, oh my God, they're all so cocky in a way. Everyone was quiet at first, but then they started to rebel (laughs). But it's fun. I used to work with a lot of senior actors, but this time there are a lot of younger actors, and it's a lot of fun. I think of myself as everyone's big brother. ♡"
-He describes his position in the midst of that as follows.
"I do what I'm given, and I think everyone else does the same. I think it's important that we do our best to create one thing properly."
-It is not about not losing to anyone, but about not losing to yourself. Not to be aware of others is actually very difficult, but it is a very big deal.
"Really? That makes me happy. Apparently, everything seems to take a long time for me, and there were times when I had a hard time being aware of other actors my age, but recently I finally got there."
-Now that you are in such a state, did you have any resistance to "transforming" again?
"I have to admit that I was a bit embarrassed by the transformations. But at the same time I wondered if it was appropriate for a 29-year-old. Still, it was a big deal to get a transformation at the end of my twenties. But, well, the people who knew me invited me, so I felt the most motivated to do my best."
Changéríon Memories
"We were just filming episodes 30 and 31 when we heard that the show was coming to an end. Episode 30 was the one where the dark creature in the form of a Zen priest appeared, and his end-blown bamboo flute was so loud that everyone had insomnia. The cries of 'I can't sleep!' were filled with a sense of 'Why did this get cancelled?!' (laughs). So I was very excited about episodes 33 and 34. But in the preview for episode 36, there was a voiceover saying, 'I don't care about this show anymore,' (laughs) and I'm sure the staff was determined to give it their all."
-In episode 35, Akira was abducted by Zafia, a dark creature who is in love with and obsessed with him, and somehow in the middle of the desert, he was tied up naked and whipped in a crazy fantasy scene.
"That was crazy, wasn't it? We shot it in front of a blue background and composited it, and the director praised my panting (laughs). It was kind of absurd."
-That desperation (?) is said to have been a bit unusual to be before the final episode.
"There was a break before we shot the final episode, and I had a lot to think about, so I got sentimental. But now I think it was all for the best."
There After All! Auditions
"The first time I met Hayami (Aizawa Kazunari) was when we rode together in the elevator at Toei's headquarters when I was going to an audition. I asked him what floor he was on and he said "…the 8th floor." I remember thinking, "You should use polite language when you meet someone for the first time," but he insisted that it was polite language. I had the worst (laughs) impression of him. So after I passed the test, we had a costume fitting, and I told him that the guy who played Hayami would be there, and he came. And when we were shooting the first episode, he asked me what he should call Akira, and I said, "Just Akira" while thinking that he seemed like such an upright guy."
-Legend has it that you were in your best personal attire at the audition.
"Well, um… I went to the audition on the way home from some party. I was wearing a really nice suit at the time, and I remember the manager telling me why I was wearing that…"
-It was a flashy double three-button men's Bigi suit.
"At the time, I loved Shouken's Wounded Angel, and I had made everything up, from the accessories to everything else, and of course I had my shirt bare, and my pants were a little thicker, so my whole body had a tight vertical line. The theme song was playing in my head, and I felt like Shouken, so I opened the door and said, 'Ah, hello ♡.' I had read the script for the first episode beforehand, and I didn't go in thinking, 'Oh, I really want to do this,' so I didn't really prepare for the role. Looking back on it now, I am horrified. That's the work of ignorance, isn't it? (laughs)"
-As a result, you passed the test with flying colors, perhaps thanks to (?) your appearance. However, the new attempt at casting, aimed at creating an unprecedented hero show, (seemingly) caused a ripple in every quarter.
"I was told for a long time that it wasn't decided (laughs). I was told, "It's not decided, but we're going to take the camera test, we'll introduce you to (suit actor) Jirou, and we're going to greet the big guy." Toward the end, I was like, 'Do whatever you want. ♡' But the producer, Mr. Shirakura, and the director, Mr. Nagaishi, both smiled and said, 'Well, I guess it's okay.'"
-The real challenge, however, was the final audition.
"I was told that there would be no dialogue test, so I was very relieved. Then one day, they handed me the script and said, 'Well, let's try to get this together,' and I read the lines with my heart pounding… By the way, that was for the first episode, when I disguised myself at school."
-The next day, to his surprise, the manager was summoned to Toei's headquarters. According to him, "He asked a certain producer with whom he had been in contact for some time, "What do you think of that?!' (laughs)" (according to the manager) From those words, you can guess how good the acting was…
"But, you know, from my point of view, it was so perfect that it couldn't have been any better. But Mr. Shirakura said, 'Next time I decide to go with this guy, I'll never let him read another script.' and I was like, 'Huh?' and he said out of the four who were left, I was the worst."
-In the end, rumor has it that Mr. Shirakura and the entire staff pushed through the company until the very end, using only photographs and visual materials.
"Well, I mean, I guess my performance was amazing, making everyone say that much! (laughs)"
-That's true… In other words, you had "something" that made people say the role of Akira belonged to Hagino Takashi, even though you had gone that far (laughs).
"But actually, I found that out around episode 20, when I was having a drink with Mr. Shirakura, and now that he finally told me about it, now I'm depressed about it! So, if it were to be released on DVD, then I would have to rerecord the dubbing… No, I'm sure it would be painful to watch… but, it's a good memory in that sense, so let's leave it as is! Yeah, let's!"
-Mr. Hagino was convincing himself on his own. In fact, this program is the first Toei tokusatsu work to be released on video while on the air, and it's incredible (laughs). It is said that it also set a sale record. It may be because the times were too early.
"Most heroes start out as bad boys but become good guys toward the end, but Akira was like that until the very end. In the script for episode 28, there was something about "Akira turning into a cat" (laughs). We don't have shows like that, do we?"
-He borrowed money from the bank, went on binges, and was lectured by monsters about the true image of a hero. It is not difficult to imagine how much friction there was at that time to dare this program. However, the voices of the third party did not enter the scene at all.
"For me, I thought I was just doing something fun rather than doing something great, and I didn't think about whether the numbers were bad or how it was. It was just fun anyway."
-That atmosphere was definitely palpable.
"That's why I'm glad that even after six years, there are still people who say they like it. I'd be happy if you could keep it as a secret treasure."
Akira (Hagino Takashi) & Rui (Matsui Yuka)
Rui: I hear you're doing Kamen Rider now? Akira: Oh man, I transformed again! It was called "Sanzen" at the scene, but I told them it was "changing." Rui: That's great, you guys are so close. Akira: The staff is all together, after all. The other day, my brother showed up, and his name is Akira, and we have the same name spelling. And of course, it was written by Mr. Inoue (laughs). Rui: Ah, I'm sure the fans will be happy to know that there is a connection like that.
Akira: It's been a long time. But you haven't changed at all. Rui: You too, Hagino. I had to drop out of the role due to a car accident, so it's been about five years since we've seen each other. Akira: That's right. That was a surprise. I'll never forget the tree-lined street in Aoyama! You didn't show up at all, but we were all talking about how it wasn't like you to be late, and then we got a call that you had been in an accident, and all hell broke loose. There was a lot of dialogue by Rui in that episode, but we tried to do something about it, and in the end, we had Hayami say one line (laughs). Rui: I see… I'm sorry. Akira: Was your head okay? Rui: Hmm… maybe I hit it a little and lost some of the contents? Akira: Maybe there was nothing to begin with… (laughs) Rui: That's mean… but that may be true (laughs).
Akira: My first impression was that you looked much younger than your age. I thought you were in junior high school… Rui: I was nervous because I was in the middle of the show… and you looked really scary (laughs), so I wondered what kind of person you were, but when I greeted you, you smiled at me, and I was happy. Akira: Really? (happy) It was a pity that there was an accident just when we were all getting to know each other. Rui: I hope we can play together again someday. Akira: Yeah. If we work hard in the same world, there will be opportunities. I'm looking forward to it.
Hagino Takashi Born May 27, 1973 in Tokyo. He made his acting debut in "Lipstick Message" (TBS) in 1991. After acting in "You're the Only One I Can't See" (Fuji) and "I Like You" (TBS), he was selected for the role of Suzumura Akira, the main character in "Super Shining Soldier Changéríon." Since then, he has been active in TV dramas and V-Cinema. Currently, he appears in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" as Asakura Takeshi, aka Kamen Rider Ouja.
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the-cult-of-riley · 3 months
Sleeping With Ghosts (Act Two: Chapter Three)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Female OC
Man, I’ve been feeling like shit lmao
My b12 anaemia has been kicking my ass and I’m not even joking. I went to see Greg Puciato on the 10th and I legit spent the whole first two starting bands throwing up and almost passing out, with zero alcohol consumed. I thought I was gonna die but refused to go home ‘cause no way was I missing Greg loooool I pushed through and it was the best show I’ve ever been to, even if I felt on the verge of death. I also picked up some germs ‘cause now I feel like I’ve got the flu and I haven't even got over whatever I was dealing with before.
I don’t know why my brain has been really struggling with this chapter. I have so much of Act Two mapped out but it's mostly the action and the fun and the angsty bits and the making up and all that. The little in-between parts to get there haven't been written and my brain really wasn't playing ball. Sorry for any typos, It's currently 2 am here and I've literally just finished writing and quickly editing it lol
In the name of our Lord and Saviour, Simon Riley, I beseech you to strike the writer curse from my weary body and allow me to continue feeding my hungry children with Ghostly content.
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The last wisps of sleep were still clinging onto Charlotte’s consciousness when she felt her bed dip and the covers rustle and move. Her eyes blinked open slowly, her brain trying to comprehend the shit show that had become her life. For a brief moment, she thought she was back home, dying under the weight of grief and raising a child alone. But then she realised this wasn't her bed, these weren’t her bedroom walls and her husband wasn't dead. She still felt that grief though, it wouldn't shake even if he was breathing and now she had a heaping scoop of betrayal to go along with it. She rolled over to the source of what woke her up to see Beth beside her, giving her a cheeky smile.
“Good morning, mummy,” she murmured tiredly, scooting closer and wrapping herself around Charlotte like a snake. It made all of her tension seep from her body, even if only for a moment. She loved these moments in the morning with her daughter. They made her feel like she was glued back together briefly. 
“Good morning, pickle,” she smiled softly and Beth made a disgruntled noise like she always did at the nickname. They didn't need words as they cuddled together as they both woke up and Charlotte tried to will some backbone to leave the room at some point. 
They’d need breakfast and she hoped Simon wouldn't be in the mess hall. She wasn't sure how Beth was supposed to bond with him when she wanted him nowhere near her. She knew she needed to suck it up for Beth’s sake and Simon was lucky she’d do anything for their daughter. 
“Did you have a good sleep?” Charlotte asked, her fingers stroking through Beth’s unruly curls. The girl shot her a bright smile with a nod.
“I did. I’m excited to go and see daddy at breakfast! Can we go yet?” she asked eagerly and Charlotte tried to stop her stomach from tying itself in knots. 
“Let's get dressed then,” she flashed her best fake smile and Beth giggled, rushing to get out of bed as Lottie sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“Can we match, mummy?” Beth asked hopefully and Charlotte nodded.
“You pick what you want us to wear,” she instructed, watching with a fond smile as Beth rummaged around in the bag, pulling some things out and leaving them strewn about the place. 
She picked out two matching hoodies that had Placebo across the chest. Hers was real merch but they didn't make kids stuff so she’d wound up using fabric paint to replicate it on a kids hoodie. She picked out black leggings to match too. They both got dressed in their matching attire, boots to finish off the look and Charlotte really didn't feel like making much of an effort with her hair with how she was feeling so she threw it up into a high pony. Naturally, Beth gave her a look and was only placated once she also had a high ponytail that looked nothing like Charlotte with her blonde curls.
If she thought she felt nauseous on the way to the mess hall, it was nothing compared to how she felt when they strolled in, hand in hand. It felt like everyone’s eyes turned to the two civilians on base and she knew she wasn't imagining how they all murmured to each other. Maybe word travelled fast. 
One pair of eyes in particular felt like they burned her right down to her bones and she glanced over to the table housing the 141, seeing those deep brown hues staring right at her. She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her and she looked away quickly, ushering Beth to the food. She grabbed two trays, feeling guilty that Beth was babbling about something but she was struggling to pay attention. She scooped some scrambled eggs onto the plates and some bacon. She was just scooping some beans too when someone approached. 
“Well then, who’s this wee pretty lass?” 
Charlotte turned to see Johnny standing there, a smile that she could only compare to sunshine on a rainy day as he peered down at Beth. she clung to Mr Snuffles tightly, blinking up at the man.
“I’m Beth,” she answered sweetly and Charlotte watched as Johnny crouched to be closer to her height.
“What a beautiful name,” he grinned and Beth beamed at him.
“What's your name?” she asked curiously.
“I’m Johnny but people call me Soap,” he answered and Beth giggled.
“That's a silly name!” 
Johnny snorted with a nod.
“Aye, it is, but it's mine and I love it. We need to get you a call sign, aye?” he asked and Beth toddled closer to him, eyes wide as she nodded.
“Yes please, Mr Soap,” she clapped her hands excitedly and Charlotte didn't miss how she was drawing attention. 
“Alright., let’s think…” Johnny rubbed his chin, making a show of thinking and it made Beth giggle again.
“Do ye have a nickname already? We could use that,” he suggested and Beth pulled a face.
“Mummy calls me pickle sometimes,” she muttered gloomily and Johnny chuckled.
“Nah, we don't want a name like pickle, do we?” he asked her, pulling the same face she had and it made her laugh.
“What kinda things do ye like?” he asked her thoughtfully and Beth’s face lit up.
“I like Halloween and spooky things. Ghosts, skellingtons and pumpkins. I like monsters,” she made fake claws with her hands and growled at him. 
Being the good sport he was, Johnny yelped dramatically, falling on his ass and Charlotte couldn't help the grin on her face as she watched the pair, Beth laughing brightly at him. She was quickly warming up to the man. 
“I have the perfect name for ye, and it kinda goes with yer daddy’s” he announced, looking pleased with himself and Beth was practically bouncing on the spot.
“What is it?” she asked eagerly.
“Spook,” he declared with a flourish and Beth’s eyes were almost sparkling. 
“I love it!” she beamed, dancing about a little, the bunny in her hands getting thrown about in the process.
“Awesome!” Johnny grinned, holding his hand up to her and she slapped him a high-five harder than he expected if his wince was anything to go by. 
He stood back up, a slight groan leaving his lips as he back popped. 
“Now that's settled, let's eat, aye?” he smiled, turning to look at Charlotte as he gave her a warm grin that had her smiling back at him.
“Alright?” he asked her and she nodded, feeling somewhat better by his soothing presence. He seemed happy with her answer, clapping her gently on the back before he swiped Beth’s tray so Charlotte didn't have to carry two. 
Beth was happily chatting to him as the three of them made their way over to the table. Price was at the head of the table to the right, the bench along the back housing a man she didn't know with a cap on his head and a calming smile aimed at her. She smiled back nervously and looked away, her hands tightening over the tray. There was an empty spot beside the man and Johnny plonked into it, not before putting Beth's tray on the other side of the bench which was empty. On the head of the table to the left was Simon, whose eyes were glued to her. Beth’s tray was placed beside him and that left the spot between Beth and Price open for her. 
She noticed two of the men who were there at her outburst the day before weren't here but she was glad. It was bad enough being around just this small group, especially because she’d spilled her heart out in front of them. Worst of all was Simon though and the only respite she got from his burning gaze was when Beth climbed up on the bench, having to sit on her knees to reach her tray as she beamed a blinding grin at him and his eyes now went to his daughter.
“Good morning, daddy,” she smiled up at him. Charlotte wished to tear her eyes away and yet she couldn't, seeing his dark eyes peering out of his mask at Beth, all soft and gooey. It was the same look she had herself when her daughter was being sweet. 
“Mornin’, lovie,” he murmured quietly and Charlotte swallowed thickly. 
“So! Introductions since this spooky bastard won’t be makin’ ‘em,” Johnny started with a smirk and Beth gasped, slapping one hand over her mouth, the other pointing accusingly at the Scot, making him go silent.
“You swore!” she exclaimed and the whole table went quiet as they watched her. Charlotte bit her lip to stifle a laugh as Johnny blinked at her for a moment before he let out a laugh.
“Aye, I did, I’m sorry, lass,” he murmured with a grin and Beth raised a sassy brow at him.
“You owe me a pound now,” she held her hand out expectantly and Charlotte watched the Scot look to the girl's hand before back at her face.
“I owe ye?” he asked slowly and Beth nodded.
“We have a swear jar and every time mummy swears she puts a pound in and then I get to spend it,” she flashed her teeth in a toothy grin and Johnny’s lips quirked upwards as he glanced to Charlotte and then back to Beth.
“Well, I don’t have a quid on me right now, but I’ll owe ye one, aye?” he asked and Beth sighed with a nod.
“So, ye already know the Captain and this creepy fu- fool…” he trailed off after curtly cutting his words so he didn't owe even more money to the mini Riley. He slapped Simon on the shoulder and Lottie watched carefully as his dark eyes slid to Johnny, mild amusement and annoyance shining behind them. But when those eyes slid back to her, she felt like a lightning bolt struck her right in the chest and she looked away quickly, picking at her eggs. 
“This one is Kyle Garrick, also known as Gaz,” Johnny finished as he gestured to the only man on the table she hadn’t met yet.
“Nice to meet you Mr Gaz,” Beth smiled sweetly at him. The man smiled, a soft look on his face.
“Nice to meet you too,” he replied politely, his eyes turning to Charlotte then.
“You too, Mrs Riley,” he smiled and her hand tightened around her fork.
“Charlotte’s fine,” she muttered tensely and she could practically feel Simon’s eyes burning into her.
“And all you fuc- idiots know Charlotte and Beth, now also known as Spook,” Johnny gestured to the little girl with a flourish and she grinned, making a spooky noise while she wiggled her fingers.
“You gave her a callsign?” Simon asked and Charlotte couldn't decipher his tone. It was so detached, different to what she was used to with him.
“Course I did. She loves spooky shi- stuff, so it felt right. You like it, aye, Spook?” he asked her and she giggled, nodding her head.
“I love it,” she answered happily before she turned her deep brown eyes to her father.
“Do you like it, daddy?” she asked, her eyes hopeful and wide as she stared at him. He just watched her for a moment and Lottie was starting to think he wouldn't answer her.
“I do. Suits you,” he answered, reaching out slowly and stroking her head softly. Her smile widened as she leaned into his touch and Charlotte felt a burning in her chest. 
“We need a call sign for Charlotte then,” Gaz commented, a thoughtful look on his face.
“Grim,” Simon answered before anyone could suggest a thing. Had he shot her in the chest? It felt like it. So many memories flooded her system, memories of a happier time, of a time where he hadn’t betrayed her trust, hadn’t lied to her, hadn’t hurt her. 
“Aye, that's good. Ghost, Spook and Grim, a proper family,” Johnny snorted gleefully
“What can I say? I like a good theme,” Simon answered dryly but she heard the amusement and it sparked an annoyance in her. 
Five years he’d been gone, five years he’d fucked off, only to live in their old base. Was he here every day eating with his friends and cracking jokes like she wasn't at home raising a child alone and drowning in grief? Did he really care that little that he hadn't even checked in with her once? Didn't have anyone look into where she might be, what she was doing? Would he have even bothered to come back if he knew Beth existed? Would he have come back for her? Did he like it here without her? 
She pushed her tray away from her, a vile feeling creeping into her chest like an infection that was spewing puss. She didn't want to be here.
“Mummy, your breakfast,” Beth murmured, looking up at her carefully.
“I’m not hungry anymore, sweetie,” she replied but her voice felt far away, floating out of reach. 
It felt like her eyes weren't seeing, she couldn't get out of her own head. She suddenly felt warm leather on her cheek and with a start, she realised Simon had reached over Beth to cup her cheek, turning her to look at him with pure worry in his gaze. She jerked her head from his grasp like he’d burned her and his arm dropped back down. She didn't miss the pure anguish in his eyes. She needed to get out of here, she couldn't break down in front of everyone, not in front of Beth.
“How about I give ye that tour we were talkin’ about?” Johnny asked her with a grin but there was something on his face that touched her, soothed her spiralling. He’d never offered her a tour, he was giving her an out and in that moment, she knew Johnny meant his promise from the night before. 
“Sounds good,” she forced a smile and Beth grasped her arm.
“Mummy… could I stay here with daddy?” she asked with a smile and Lottie hated the pain that lanced through her chest. 
It shouldn't hurt her that she wanted to spend time with her dad, she’d only just met him and they had a lot of lost time to make up for. Yet she couldn't help the burning jealousy that hit her out of nowhere. He hadn't been here, it wasn't fair that he got to covet her and she got left in the dust.
“That's fine,” she answered, trying her best to keep herself in check until she left. She stood up quickly, not looking at anyone and not really bothering to think about manners to the other men at the table as she rushed out of the mess hall and outside. 
Johnny was right behind her, hand on her back as he led her to a bench. She crumbled onto it, resting her face in her hands. She didn't want to cry, not again. She was sick of it. She wished she could just pretend it didn't bother her what he did. That she could just be happy he was here, happy he was alive. She couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment though. That the one person who swore he’d never do that to her had done it without care. It hurt so much that she felt she might die.
“It's alright, love,” Johnny murmured sympathetically as he rubbed her back. 
“I just… he’s been here this whole time while I’ve been suffering ,” she lamented, feeling like her sanity was slipping through her fingers. 
“I know… I know, lass. I wish I had the words to make this all better. Ye didn’t deserve to go through all this,” he sighed sadly, his hand still rubbing her back. Silence settled over them for a moment as she fought the deep urge to cry, sitting there staring out at nothing as she wondered how it all came to this.
“Ye wanna blow some shit up?” Johnny asked out of the blue. Her eyes darted to him, wondering if he actually meant what he said and he gave her a roguish grin that told her he did indeed mean it.
“Okay,” she nodded with a sniffle. Johnny’s grin widened, a gleeful laugh leaving his lips as he jumped from the bench, grabbing her hand and yanking her with him. He all but dragged her through the base to get to the demolitions section where training was held. 
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Ghost sat stiffly, watching as Charlotte rushed from the mess hall, his best mate in tow like a little puppy at her feet. He couldn’t get that haunted look she had out of his fucking head. She looked so lost, adrift at sea with no anchor to tether her to the world. He’d been that anchor once and now he was the cause of her spiralling. He’d wanted to be her anchor again and his touch had brought her back, but it wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. 
Having her pull away from him like that was more painful than the gunshot wound to his collarbone last year. The fleeting contact he’d had with her filled his dead heart up with so much warmth before it was snuffed out like it was never there to begin with and he cursed himself for wearing his fucking gloves. He just wanted to be okay with her again, wanted her to accept his touch, wanted to fall into her arms and have her make everything okay again. 
It wasn't okay though, it hadn't been for a while and this was his doing. He wasn't sure he’d ever be able to fix it and having Johnny be the one glued to her side was like salt in his wounds. He knew it was a good thing, Johnny would try and get her back on his side like the good best mate he was, yet it still stung. Hurt like a bitch when he saw her embracing Johnny while she refused his touch so viciously. How easy she’d fallen into Johnny’s arms, how desperate for comfort she was. It hurt. It really fucking hurt . 
He was brought out of his depressing musings by a tug on his hoodie and he glanced down, remembering the little girl sat next to him. Her brown eyes were blinking up at him carefully, tilting her head like she was sizing him up. She was so beautiful.
“Daddy?” she asked him, her voice soft and sweet, wrapping him up like a warm blanket.
“Yeah, lovie?” he asked quietly. It was like no one else existed in that moment but her. She nibbled her lower lip as she shifted where she sat for a moment, looking deep in thought. 
“Can we do something?” She gave him a hopeful smile and despite looking so much like him, he saw Lottie in that smile and he wasn't sure if that eased the ache in his heart or made it worse. 
“What do you wanna do?” he asked, unsure what four year olds liked to do and even if that was possible on a military base. Her eyes seemed to light up as she flashed him a bright grin.
“I know!” she shuffled off her seat, moving to stand as she grabbed his hand and tugged on it impatiently. He stood, seeming to tower over her and she refused to let go of his hand as she started pulling him along. He couldn't hear Gaz’s witty remark but he heard Price chuckle at them both as he left. 
He allowed her to lead him until they got outside and she kept pulling him until they moved over to the patch of grass that ran along the gates near the car park. She let go of his hand and he watched curiously as she plonked herself down without a care. She looked up at him expectantly and his lips tugged up slightly as he moved to sit on the grass with her. 
“Daisies are really pretty,” she murmured happily as she started picking them. He’d never really noticed them before but now she’d drawn attention to them, he noticed they were scattered all over the grass. 
He had no idea what to say, couldn't remember how to act around kids, it had been far too long. Part of his brain tried to remember how he’d interacted with Joseph but that was far too painful and he shoved it away quickly. He wanted to bond with her but he really had no clue how, so he just watched her. 
She picked a bunch of daisies, her tongue poking out of her mouth a little in pure concentration as she started fiddling with them. He couldn't really tell what she was doing with them but after a few moments, she grinned triumphantly and put a flower crown on her head.
“What do you think, daddy?” she asked him sweetly and he melted into a puddle looking at her. The sun shone down on her and he wondered for a moment if he was dead and she was in fact an angel. 
“Perfect, love,” he murmured, his throat feeling tight and uncomfortable and he had to clear his throat to ease the sensation. 
Her smile widened even more and his chest felt like it was expanding. She picked a bunch more and he was helpless, could do little else but watch this little part of himself as she busied herself with the flowers. He still hadn’t fully wrapped his head around the fact he was a father now. 
He’d been so ready for it back then, when he’d left for the last time. He’d been so excited to get back to Lottie and start a family. He’d been excited to watch the bump grow, to watch Charlotte glow as she carried their baby, looked forward to the scans and all the milestones. Looked forward to holding a tiny bundle of his own, much like he had when Joseph was born. 
He didn't have any of that though and it was all his own fault. He’d missed out on the most precious moments of Beth’s life because he was a coward. He’d never be able to get those moments back, he couldn't undo what he’d done. Knowing all the things he’d missed made him wish he had died back in Mexico. It would be a relief from feeling what he was currently feeling. 
He flinched with a blink when something touched him, rousing him from his thoughts. Beth was standing in front of him now, a cheeky grin on her face as she put a crown of his own on his head over his balaclava. He felt a rush of warmth flowing through him and he really didn't give a toss who saw him wearing it. She’d made him something and he wished he could keep it forever, wished it wouldn’t wilt away. 
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he smiled softly even though she couldn't see it. It was like she could sense it or maybe she was perceptive for her age and picked up on the scrunching of his eyes because she beamed at him, such a radiant smile he wanted to burn to a crisp from it. 
“You're welcome,” she smiled, kissing his cheek over his mask before she moved away. 
He was overwhelmed, too many thoughts and feelings running rampant in him and he wasn’t sure how to deal with it. An explosion across base felt like it shook the floor and Beth jumped up, a worried look on her face that had a protective streak surge through him. He steadied her with his hands and she settled closer to him, plopping into his lap as if she’d done it a million times before.
“What was that?” she asked with big eyes, looking towards where the noise came from.
“It's just the demo practice. Its where they learn about bombs and things,” he explained, hoping to ease her worries. It seemed to work as she relaxed into him more. 
“So, it's not bad?” she asked him, blinking her pretty eyes at him.
“It's not bad. You don't have to worry, lovie, I won’t let anythin’ bad happen to you,” he meant those words wholeheartedly. He’d burn the entire world down with everyone on it to keep her safe. 
Another explosion happened and this time Beth seemed fine, pressed into his chest as she sat on his knee. While he wasn't worried as the noises were coming from the demo area, he was sure there weren't any classes or training today. It wasn't uncommon for Johnny to go and play around a bit, the only one to get away with it as the demolitions expert and being one of the 141. Was Lottie with him? Was it them making all this racket?
His eyes drifted back to Beth then, happily sitting on him with their matching flower crowns. He wanted to know more about her, all the things he’d already know if he’d have been around. 
“You wanna play a game?” he asked her and she grinned up at him.
“What kinda game?” she asked him excitedly. 
“We ask each other questions to find out more about each other,” he suggested and there was a mischievous twinkle in her brown eyes. 
“I already know everything about you. Mummy told me,” she beamed, sounding more than proud of herself. He felt like someone just gutted him, sliced him right open and let his insides splat onto the floor. He pushed it away though and tried to ignore it. Of course Lottie told her everything. 
“How about you tell me stuff about you, then?” he asked her hopefully and she clapped her hands excitedly. 
“My full name is Elizabeth Anne Riley,” she started. No, he hadn't been gutted before, he was now though. The pain that ricocheted through him tore through skin, muscle and bone. He bit down on his lower lip hard behind his mask, drawing blood. The sensation grounded him though as he nodded, trying not to look too upset. 
“That's a lovely name,” he muttered, voice strained and choked. Her smile turned softer then, blinking up at him and she leaned into him more.
“It's a special name. Mummy told me I was named after special people,” she murmured. His chest felt so tight that he felt like he couldn't breathe. Without thinking about it, a hand came to stroke her hair and he found the feeling soothing to him, easing that ravaging ache in his chest. 
“I’m four but I’m five in two weeks,” she held her hand out, wiggling her fingers at him to demonstrate her point and he felt his lips tug up a little at her excitement. 
“My favourite colour is…” she trailed off, tilting her head with that thoughtful look on her face again. “Black. I like black ‘cause it's all spooky,” she flashed him a toothy grin and he melted once again. 
“Mummy’s sketty is my favourite meal but I also love when she does eggy bread on my birthday,” she beamed up at him and he swallowed thickly, still stroking her hair as he nodded.
“They’re my favourites too,” he replied hoarsely and she gave him a cheeky look.
“I know,” she giggled and he made him smile. 
Without warning, she hopped off his lap, his hand suddenly cold now it was no longer stroking her hair but she flopped down next to him, laying down and making her crown fall a little onto the grass.
“Lay down,” little one was bossy and he knew he had no choice so he obeyed. He held onto his flower crown as he shuffled around before laying on his back beside her. He moved his hand back to his side even though he was sure the crown had slipped off into the grass anyway,
“Do you like clouds, daddy?” she asked him softly. He turned his head to look at her and she was laying there, staring at the sky. 
“Never really thought about it,” he replied honestly. She turned to look at him then, scrunching her face up with the most judgmental look he’d ever been given.
“Look at the clouds. Sometimes they look like things,” she murmured.
“I’ve seen that sometimes. Once I saw a cloud that looked like a co-... clock,” he muttered, shaking his head as he changed his words. Wouldn’t bode well for him as his first day being a dad coming out with that. 
He still remembered that day though, in the sweltering heat of Al Mazra in the middle of a mission. Wasn’t every day you see a cloud shaped like a fucking dick in the sky and he’d have thought he was hallucinating due to the heat if it wasn’t for Johnny seeing it too. The Scot had said it was the best thing he’d ever witnessed in his entire life. When Soap had got Price to look, the shape had changed and the old man was sure they were off their rockers. 
“Look at that one, it kinda looks like a bird doing this,” she pointed at a big cloud before she started flapping her arms around weirdly and he shook his head fondly before he looked back up at the clouds. He just watched them go by for a moment, enjoying the peace he felt. Something he wasn't sure he’d felt in a long while.
“That one kinda looks like a bum,” he murmured, pointing to a cloud.
“Daddy!” Beth burst out laughing, smacking his arm and he found himself laughing. Actually genuinely laughing and not the half arsed chuckled Johnny would draw out of him with a bad joke. It was an odd feeling to laugh like that, he was sure he hadn't done it since before he’d left for that mission, the one that ruined his life. It made him feel lighter.
“You can’t tell me it doesn't,” he huffed playfully and she laughed again.
“... It does, but you're still silly,” she snorted, making his whole body light up. 
She was so precious and he wasn't sure just how to handle it. He was sad things with Charlotte were so bad and he didn't want to think about how the hell he was supposed to fix that mess, but being able to spend time with Beth and bond with her meant the world to him. He could focus on Beth for now, one thing at a time. He’d build his family back up from the ground, brick by brick. He’d done it before, back with his brother and his mum and he could do it again. It’d be painful and probably take a while but he wouldn't waver, wouldn't give up. Not when he had the whole world in the palm of his hand. He couldn't give that up for anything.
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