#the the Hinata chocolate story
Ohmygod I forgot to post these here
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dira333 · 1 month
Orange Peel Theory - Ukai Keishin x Reader
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"Would you peel an orange for me?" You ask, phone crammed between your head and shoulders.
"Hah?" Keishin asks, turning down the car radio to hear you better.
"Would you peel an orange for me? I kinda want one."
"Babe, you're allergic."
You grimace. Right. Fuck.
"You wanna try something orange-flavored?" He asks, voice turning softer. "I think we have something in the story that has no actual orange in it. It tastes pretty decent."
"Nah, it's okay."
"You sure? I'll get it for you after training. Can it wait that long?"
"Yes," you laugh softly, deciding to come clean, "It's not... It's not really about the orange, baby, it's more about the peeling."
Keishin's silent for a second. Then "Hah?"
You laugh, louder this time.
"It's a TikTok Trend. Apparently, if your boyfriend peels an orange for you when you ask it means he loves you."
"Oh," he chuckles low in his throat, a sound that vibrates up and down your spine even at this distance, "You could have just said that. I love you. Of course, I'd peel an orange for you."
"Aw," you start before he cuts in. "Because you don't know how."
"Excuse me?! I do know how to peel an orange."
"Nuh-uh. I saw you cut apples. I don't trust you with oranges."
"Love you," you add, "When are you home?"
"Aiming for seven. Do you want me to pick something up from the store?"
"Yeah, I'm craving chocolate. The weird one."
"Oh," he laughs knowingly, "It's that time already? I'll bring some Pads too. Just to be safe."
"I have enough at home."
"No, you don't, you're running low. I checked."
Warmth surges through you like a tidal wave. You have to blink a stray tear away. Keishin might not peel an orange for you, but there's no doubt he loves you.
"Hey, I'll call you when I get out, okay? The pack's already here."
"HI MISS UKAI!" You can hear some of them scream in the background, no doubt Nishinoya and Hinata. There's the telltale timbre of Daichi's voice, yelling at them to keep quiet, and the soft murmur of all the others conversing.
"Tell them I'll bake a cake this weekend if they behave."
"No," Keishin chuckles, "I'm not going to threaten them with torture."
"Keishin," you gasp, "My cake is delicious!" But you're laughing even as you say it.
"Love you," he chuckles, "See you later."
"Love you more."
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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lssugaluv · 4 months
Things they gift you for Valentine’s Day. 🩷
Haikyuu boyfriends x Fem reader.
Haikyuu time skip. Characters are adults.
Contains: Fluff and love. 🩷
Fem reader is not really in the stories but is mentioned here and there.
Characters: Kuroo, Suna, Sakusa, & Kageyama.
Please: Like, Reblog, Comment & Enjoy!
Kuroo ;
Kuroo loves to make his sweetheart happy everyday. He loves to gift you things all the time but when it comes to Valentine’s Day, he makes sure to put extra thought and love into his gifts.
He gifts you handwritten letters, about 10 of them. Each letter are different reasons on why he loves you. Each letter contains a picture of either yourself that he secretly has taken or one of you two that he loves so much.
He made sure to buy a cute bag and leave them on your office desk. He also bought you a bouquet of tulip flowers. Your heart melted as you saw the gift bag on your desk and flowers. It almost came out of your chest when you read one of the letters that he wrote.
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Kageyama ;
For valentine’s, Kageyama always tends to struggle. Especially since Valentine’s Day is your anniversary with him. He asked you to be his girlfriend since your second year of high school. He always asks for help and advice to Hinata since they’re besties.
This year, he wanted to do something super special. He remembers all of your high school Valentine’s being super plain (in his opinion). He will always gift you a small bear and a carton of strawberry milk with chocolate chip cookies. All the bears he’s given you throughout the years, you have them all in a cute glass case at home.
As much as he tried to make your valentine’s/anniversary special, his plan backfired due to his busy volleyball schedule. He did however plan a fancy dinner where he bought a beautiful navy blue dress for you (all thanks to Hinata). He did show up a bit late but the gift was special. He showed up with a huge bear, about his size. And a small carton of strawberry milk and your favorite chocolate chip cookies. As much as he tried , he knew this was your all time favorite gift from him to you.
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Suna ;
Oh Valentine’s Day. To be honest, Suna Rintarou despises this day. He really does not like it. He hates how people decide to show affection only this day by renting hotel rooms, buying expensive gifts, expensive dinners and the list can go on. He especially hates how full his favorite places to go can be all due to one day.
For you however, you love Valentine’s Day. You love to D.I.Y. gifts for Suna and take your time since they’re meant just for him. You love to gift things to him.
Suna always feels bad because he knows how much you pour your heart onto your gifts for him. He decided to make a heart shaped frame out of wood and paint it for you. And place a picture of you two when you guys were in elementary school. He thought that would be nice.
He made the heart shaped frame and had tiny cuts and bruises thanks to that frame. He painted it baby pink but you can see his thumb prints through it. And thanks to his wet painted thumbs, he accidentally added a bit of a thumbprint to your face on the picture. Of course he didn’t notice until he gave it to you tho.
You still loved it so much because you knew he made it with love.
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Sakusa ;
Believe it or not, Sakusa enjoys Valentine’s Day. He of course loves to buy you gifts all throughout the year, but he loves the dates you guys have this day.
The beginning of the year are always so busy for your pro volleyball man. Especially the end of January up until mid February. So Valentine’s Day is a day where he always gets off just for you.
He planned this date this year since you planned last year’s Valentine. He chose to stay in his home and made a heart shaped pizza with heart shaped garlic rolls. He also bought cute heart shaped bowls and bought strawberry ice cream. He topped the ice cream with heart sprinkles. He had bought you a knitted bouquet of sunflowers and bought you two matching heart pajamas. You guys watched a rom-com together. It was an amazing valentines where it was just the you of two alone together.
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Writer’s note:
| Thank you for reading!
| Hope you have enjoyed this cute fluff headcanons with our favorite boys <3
| Please like, reblog, comment!
| This story belongs to LSSUGALUV! Please do not copy and paste.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hades and Qin with a fem!reader who loves eating chocolate so much.
They competing with each other on who will give reader the most delicious chocolate :)))
(Reader got Mitsuri and Hinata personality~)
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-Anyone who knew you knew how to make you happy, chocolate! You were definitely the definition of a chocoholic, and you enjoyed trying chocolate from all over the world.
-Chocolates were the go-to gift for you at any gift-giving holidays, from store bought to homemade treats with chocolate, if it had the deliciousness that was chocolate, you loved it.
-You were always willing to share, and you were so warm and bright, a big smile on your face whenever you would hug others when they would gift you chocolate, the reward they all enjoyed.
-However, there were two men who realized that others were using this to their advantage to be able to hug you, with you being the slight ditz and not realizing their ulterior motives.
-Hades and Qin Shi Huang, or Zheng, did their best to protect you from these perverts, while in turn trying to keep you all to themselves.
-They would willingly work together to protect you from others, unless it was children, because they could do nothing against children.
-However, for that special affection, they were willing to fight to the death over you, but made sure not to do it around you, as you would use your inhuman strength to pull them apart, before bursting into tears, making them feel guilty.
-So, they had to settle for a more peaceful way of handling things, trying to get you the fanciest chocolates out there to prove that they were the better choice for you!
-It started out calm enough, getting you fancy boxed chocolates from boutiques, hand picking the different chocolates based on what he think you would like.
-Then it moved to taking you out to the fancy chocolate stories where they made everything in house right in front of you, giving you the experience of seeing chocolate made.
-Then trying to take you to specialty restaurants for chocolate to give you fancy chocolate experiences.
-It was honestly a bit overwhelming for you, seeing the two of them constantly taking you out, almost like you were dating both of them!!
-When you started to shy away from them, refusing their dates, they realized how hard they had been pushing you.
-You received a letter of apology the next day from the both of them, ending with asking you to come to Hades’ place as they had prepared an apology present.
-When you entered the kitchen it looked like a war zone, flour and chocolate everywhere, the two of them both wearing aprons and head coverings, yelling at each other that the surprise had been messed up. They had worked together to try to make you a chocolate cake to share, but as proven by the trashed kitchen around you, it didn’t work out.
-Seeing you laugh, seeing you happy again, made them happy before you donned and apron and hair covering as well before you got to work helping them clean up.
-They were both stunned by your words when you smiled after everything was cleaned up, helping them making a new chocolate cake, “This is what makes the happiest about eating chocolate- or in this case making it, sharing it with others I care about!”
-They collapsed to their knees clutching their chests, you were too cute!!
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anonzentimes · 14 days
(holding out an empty plate like a small orphan boy begging for crumbs) do you have any hajime thoughts to share
Oh my gosh okay I'm a little sleepy but I'm literally fixating on him right now so i'll answer this now! Are you inside my walls how did you know. uhh anyways
Hajime can sing really well and likes mostly rock music (Where Giants Fall having their lead singer be johnny yong bosch aka his dub voice actor changed my brain chemistry)
I really wanna know what in the world sakuramochi did to him. I got to know. why does he hate it so much. he's so silly. dude really has an entire story for his liked thing and disliked I need to know the expression he made when he had them for the first time what happened here why.
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I really like the idea that post canon when he has heterochromia and people look at him he wonders if they're looking more at his (green? brownish? danganronpa eye colors when I catch you) normal eye or red eye.
I have a really weird love for his sprites like I really do not understand how to explain it I just really love them he looks so. he looks so hajime hinata. I really love them a lot. His front facing ones look really cute, why is his hair so wonky it's so silly. he looks basic but like there's this charm he has that still makes him special. he is the perfect balance and I adore him so much for that. This goes for his personality and appearance, he is the perfect balance for a protagonist. He is relatable, compelling, and his struggles feel real. He tries to be positive but ultimately is a realist, even so he cares deeply and tries his best. He seems to be a little introverted as well. <3
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does anyone ever think about how his english voice actor just straight up forgot how to do his voice so he sounds really weird in the v3 demo because I do LMAO
did you know: the danganronpa 2 stage play photos that exist are so precious they're so precious i love the stage play and think about it a lot its so wholesome and silly look at him oh my gosh
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also I think Hajime falls in love with people pretty easily and has quality time as his love language alongside gift giving (although most of the protagonists have gift giving as their love language i think)
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Also I like to think Hajime likes sugary drinks especially juices and or teas with lots of sugar, Nagito gets unsweetened tea more than him and he's weirded out by it.
my biggest little head canon for both nagito and hajime is that they like pocky just because I like to project since it's one of my favorite snacks lol. I think Hajime would be fond of the chocolate almond crush pocky. Nagito and Hajime are both fond of Matcha, Nagito really likes strawberry and mint.
Also I think Hajime is bisexual to the point I forget it's not canonically stated lol
uhh thats all i can think of right now to say hehe
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Haikyuu x reader
He helps you a bit during your period
When you tell him about it, he is a sweetheart, he brings you your favourite snacks, painkillers, water pads, and will cuddle the shit out of you if that makes you feel a little better, is the kind of boyfriend who will research about your body only to get an idea about how he can help, he also will give you your space if needed
Oikawa, Daichi, Sugawara, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Aran
He carries to your bed bridal style, wrapped your body on a fluffy blanket and went to the kitchen to grab something for you, his best guess was ice-cream at the moment and then he would curl against you playing with your hair, whatever you need he will fetch it for you, he just silently prays you won't ask him to buy you pads
Hanamaki, Ennoshita, Semi, Satori, Yamamoto, Suna
He doesn't really know what to do, he just thinks it's a normal occurrence, but when you explain how much it hurts and how are you feeling he's worried, he rubs your back and kisses your temple whispering soothing words, got you pain killers and made your favourite food, doesn't really understand how it works but will treat you like glass until it's over
Matsukawa, Asahi, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Osamu, Koganegawa
Big, strong and menacingly looking boyfriend appears at your doorstep with a bag with different pads, painkillers, snacks, chocolate, different types of tea, all suggestions for your period of the females he met at the store, when you both are cuddling he pulls you on top his body with his arms around you rubbing your back tenderly
Kyotani, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Aone
He has no idea about anything, so he decides to ask his mother, your mother, his sisters, your sisters (in case he or you have) and practically any female he knows, when he hears the stories he feels bad for you, so he becomes 10 times more protective and clingy, painkillers? Got it, snacks? He's already feeding you, hugs? Cuddles? Anything for you
Tanaka, Hinata, Goshiki, Lev, Bokuto, Atsumu, Futakuchi
Of all the boys this guy knows about it, because he has good relationship with his family (sister/cousin/mother if he has them) researched a lot about it to be prepared for his s/o, and because he wanted to know what he can do for help, so yes, will be the kind of boy who has pads on his backpack in case of emergency, for you and his female friends if needed, so don't worry, this guy got you covered for anything
Tsukishima, Kuroo, Yaku, Akaashi, Kita, Sakusa
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sunshine-overload · 4 months
[BSTS] Valentine’s Day 2024 ‘Ask Yourself’ Event Story
all chapters!
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Chapter 1
-rehearsal room-
saki: Hello everyone.
mizuki: Yo, we've been waitin' for you, Saki. Now everyone is here.
lico: And so? What did you call us here for?
mizuki: Because the next show is gonna be us, obviously!
lico: Really? But next is the Valentine's Day show, isn't it?
hinata: A team B solo show? Woohoo!
kongou: We performed for White Day last year, so this year we're doing Valentine's?
ran: Oo! I'm lookin' forward to what kinda song Heath comes up with.
saki: I'm sure your Valentine's show will be a blast.
mizuki: Of course. We're gonna go all out an—
lico: Stop right there.
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mizuki: Huh?
lico: I'm not letting this show end up like how White Day did last year. Women hold Valentine's Day in high regard, it's a special event for them, so there'll be no violence.
mizuki: What's your problem?
ran: C’mon, how about we hear Lico out? His idea might be just as excitin'!
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Fine, what do you wanna do?
lico: Keep it simple obviously. A traditional Valentine's Day.
mizuki: Huuh?
lico: We'll put on a show that makes our feelings clear to all the ladies in the audience. Valentine's is the day of love after all. Right, Kotori-chan? You want to receive my love too don't you?
saki: Y-your love?
mizuki: Christ Lico, everything you just said is gross as hell. Besides there's no way we're gonna do some sappy shit like that anyways.
lico: Tch...
heath: ...Why not?
mizuki: Huh? I ain't putting on some show that looks like K or P's.
heath: I promise it'll still be a B show at its core. I won't waver. So let's do it, a 'Traditional Valentine's Day' overflowing with B's flair.
mizuki: B's flair you say... Well that's fine then. Let's show em who's boss.
lico: Wait, actually?
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mizuki: What, you're the one you suggested it.
lico: Yes but... No, nevermind.
ran: Sounds like its gonna be another fun B performance. Speakin' of, I have an idea of what to do for our special activity durin’ the event!
Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
ran: Since it's a special show we should have a special activity too! So how about the guests make chocolate with us? Kongou's on our team yeah? So food related things are B's forte!
lico: How come you actually just said a normal idea right now? But, we can't be making the guests cook, right?
kongou: Having them make chocolate with us would be difficult, but decorating would be possible. For example, we can prepare chocolate cupcakes and decorate them with the customers. How does that sound?
ran: Ooh, that sounds fun!
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hinata: What kind of toppings will there be? Can I make some suggestions too?
kongou: Sure. We can brainstorm what would be good toppings to provide. If there's a larger variety I'm sure it'll be more fun.
hinata: Yay! Ok then umm, I'd like fruits, cream, cookies and marshmallows...
lico: We can't fit that many more extra tables in the restaurant. Well, whatever, how about we let the guests choose their toppings when they order? Then we can bring the stuff to their table and decorate the cupcakes there with them.
mizuki: What the fuck do we need to do all that for?
ran: What!? Ya don't think it sounds fun, Mizuki? What do ya think of my idea, Nee-chan?
saki: I think its great.
ran: Hell yeah, then it's decided! Ain't it fine, Mizuki?
mizuki: Fine...
lico: Huh? Seriously what's going on today? Everything is going so smoothly.
mizuki: Oh shut up, do you wanna do this shit or not?
lico: Well yes it's fine for now. Make sure you look forward to Valentine's, Kotori-chan.
-time pass, behind starless, day-
hinata (on phone): Hello? Hey listen to this! Valentine's Day is going to be a B solo performance! I wonder what it's going to be like~ I'm so hyped! Since I messed up last time I want to make sure I properly help out this time.
hinata (on phone): I can do it, I told you this already! I want to see my dream come true at this store. Ah crap, I forgot I need to call Iwa-san after this.
hinata (on phone): No he's been really mean to me~ Despite never even dropping by the store he keeps asking me to give him reports on what's going on... Yeah that's true, I know. I'll call you again soon then!
-hangs up-
hinata: Aah~! I really can't wait to see B's show~!
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Chapter 3 
-shopping centre-
hinata: I'm so excited to be here shopping with you all~!
lico: Sigh... Why'd we have to bring the whole family shopping.
kongou: Because I'd like to have a nice variety of toppings. You being here is a big help, Lico. We all went shopping like this for White Day last year too didn't we? And before that...
heath: We also went shopping for New Year's and Halloween.
kongou: Yeah. It's like it's become tradition for us to go out as a group for our seasonal performances.
mizuki: Oi, where's the meat section at?
ran: They're doin' taste tests of fried stuff over there!
lico: Hold up, what does meat have to do with anything? We're here to get toppings to put on top of cupcakes with our fans... Jeez, oh, these are cute.
kongou: How about we get them? Though, if they were a little smaller they would be easier to put on a cupcake.
lico: Hmm.
heath: I found something we can use so I'm putting it in the trolley.
kongou: Sure, thanks.
mizuki: Oi Kongou, you're just buying sweet shit, candy ain't gonna fill anyones stomach.
kongou: Well of course it's all sweet. There's going to be special Valentine's menu items.
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Then you shoulda just come shopping on your own.
kongou: Well that may be true...
lico: You're the one who wanted to tag along in the first place, Mizuki. Instead of complaining how about you pick out some toppings too?
mizuki: Oh, they're doing taste tests over there!
-mizuki runs off-
hinata: What, meat!?
-hinata runs after him-
ran: Guess it can't be helped. I gotta go make sure Mizuki doesn't eat too much!
-ran runs after them-
lico: He says yet he just wants to eat the meat too... It always ends up like this, that lot really are just a bunch of damn kids.
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heath: ...This outcome was predictable.
kongou: Oh well, let's pick out the toppings ourselves.
Chapter 4
-street, day-
ran: Alrighty, all the additional shoppin' should be done now.
-phone rings-
ran: Hm?
ran (on phone): Heya, it's me. Yeah, I'm on my way back now.
ran (on phone): Ooh, so somethin' finally came up. Yeah, be there in a moment.
-alleyway, day-
underling: Good work out there.
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ran: Man~ And here I was lookin' forward to participatin’ in the cupcake trial after finishin’ my errands.
underling: My bad, bro.
ran: I’m jokin' don't worry bout it. And so? What happened?
underling: Well...
-thug explains situation to ran-
ran: I see...
underling: Yeah. There's evidence of them being drowned, however any info about who they were working for has been scrubbed clean. 
ran: Hmm. That's not a good sign.
underling: Um, bro... Looking into this any further is dangerous. Please hear me out, I suggest you come back already.
ran: What? What happened for ya to say somethin' like that?
underling: Well, I received a message from the boss... He said that if you're going to keep doing whatever you want, then he'll have to remind you of your place. So let's give up on this already! We can't have you losing face before you become the head.
ran: Dummy. I can't back down now.
underling: But...!
ran: I started this. If I don't see it through to the end then I can't take responsibility for it. Even as things are now, I'm still able to properly assess the situation. Tell my old man that I know what I'm doin'.
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(tl note: if you’re confused about who drowned check the xmas story chapter 4)
Chapter 5
-street, day-
saki: (Hm? Is that Ran-san over there? I wonder if he's on his way to Starless.)
-saki walks over to him-
saki: Hello, Ran-san.
ran: The fuck ya want?
saki: Woah...
-ran realises who it is-
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ran: Oh! My bad, it was just you Nee-chan! I was just a little on edge.
saki: .....
saki: Did something happen?
ran: It's nothin' ya need to worry about. Sorry for scaring ya. Oh right! As an apology let me invite ya to the Valentine's trial event! We're gonna be testin' out all sorts of toppings, sounds fun right?
saki: Sure, If I wouldn't be interfering.
ran: Of course ya wouldn't be, we'd love to hear your opinions too!
saki: Yes.
ran: I was actually just out doin' some extra shoppin'. I got some chocolate pens and chocolate sprinkles, stuff like that. See?
saki: Wow... You sure bought a lot.
ran: Uwah!
saki: W-what's the matter?
ran: Lico told me to buy some dried fruits! I forgot~ I gotta head back to the shops. Sorry, ya should come with me, Nee-chan! 
-ran grabs saki’s hand-
saki: Wah.
ran: Hm? What's up?
saki: Your hand is ice cold, Ran-san...
ran: ...Oh, you’re right.
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saki: Are you ok? If you're not feeling well then...
ran: Ahaha, sorry that must've surprised ya. It's super cold today that's all! Your hand is nice and warm though. Could I keep holdin' it like this?
saki: I don't mind...
ran: Yay! Then let's get goin'! Once our Valentine’s show begins, let's make some chocolate together, ok?
Chapter 6
saki: Good work on the show everyone, it was lots of fun.
ran: Ooh Nee-chan! Thanks for comin' to greet us~ We really put on a great show didn't we!
mizuki: Did you see that, Saki? B's the best ain't we?
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lico: As always.
heath: But we really did put on an exciting show.
lico: I suppose. I feel like I was properly able to convey my feelings to our fans this year.
kongou: It was our opening show though, so it was a bit nerve wracking. It looks like a lot of guests ordered the cupcakes too, I'm glad.
ran: Well it was my idea after all, of course it's successful!
lico: Even though it was basically only Kongou and I that selected the toppings. What about you, Kotori-chan? Did you enjoy decorating your cupcake?
saki: Yes, I loved it. There were so many toppings to choose from, I'm already wondering how I'll decorate the next one.
lico: Right?
mizuki: Shut up, quit looking at her all mushy like that. Though, the cake didn't taste that bad I guess.
lico: You just let the guests do all the decorating, didn't you?
mizuki: Excuse me? I supervised.
kongou: Well, as long as the guests are pleased that's what's most important.
-hinata appears-
hinata: Good job everybody! Today's show was amazing, it was the best! B are the coolest ever!
mizuki: Of course.
hinata: Man, I wanted to tell you what I thought the moment you got off the stage~
saki: Did something happen?
hinata: Well y'see, there were just so many chocolate cupcake orders that I had to deal with, so I got here a little late.
kongou: I'm thankful.
ran: If it's that popular we'll surely get a bonus, right!
Chapter 7
-behind starless, night-
heath (on phone): Hello. I'm done for today. Thank you again.
heath (on phone): This much is nothing, I'm fine.
heath (on phone): That has nothing to do with this. They're all songs that I've created up until now using my own words. And that will not change.
heath (on phone): Yeah, see you.
-heath hangs up-
-ginsei walks up-
ginsei: Good work today, Heath. Could I speak with you a moment? Or wait, are you heading home?
heath: What is it?
ginsei: The script for your show was great. You handle all the script preparations yourself, right?
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heath: Yeah, I do.
ginsei: The vibe of each of your shows has changed multiple times. Like with 'Idaten' and 'No Longer Human' for example... 'No Longer Human' especially portrayed a more sensitive side... It had charm and was interesting to watch.
heath: ...Thanks.
ginsei: And so I wanted to ask, was that—
heath: Is that all? I'd like to go home now. See you.
ginsei: Ah, wait.
-heath leaves-
ginsei: What’s up with him...
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-outside shrine, night-
heath: Me... And B's songs... No, not yet…
(tl note: Heath’s dialogue is extremely vague here idk what he’s talking about either hdjsj)
Chapter 8 
saki: Congratulations on the closing show, everyone.
lico: Thanks for watching, Kotori-chan.
mizuki: Hey Saki, we put on another kickass show didn't we?
saki: Yes, it was amazing. Thank you for the wonderful Valentine's gift.
mizuki: Nice!
heath: I'm glad my feelings were conveyed.
saki: You too Kongou-san, good work.
kongou: Thanks. It was a bit hectic but I'm glad we got to the closing show without incident. It may have been due to how busy we were, but Hinata behaved himself too, unlike during the Christmas show. I'm glad to see he's reflected on his actions.
ran: Nee-chan! Did you enjoy our Valentine's gift?
saki: Yes, it was really fun.
ran: I'm glad. I still have so much further to go. If you think this is our limit then you're sorely mistaken.
saki: Hm?
ran: Ya think so too right? That Ran-chan's capable of way more.
saki: Y-yes. But your show tonight was already wonderful.
ran: Thanks! It's because of ya support that we were so fired up for the closin’ show. It's Valentine's, so I'm glad we could repay your kindness!
mizuki: Huh? Valentine's has got nothing to do with it. Whenever it is and whoever it is, once we've accepted it, B will pay it back in full.
ran: Hahah, true! No matter if its a debt or a grudge. Well anyways, Nee-chan! Make sure ya keep supportin’ us lots and lots!
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girlygirltournament · 9 months
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(32 bracket base here by @mad-scientist-showdown)
This is the full 128 bracket!! Full list of matches under cut!!
Preliminary Polls
Round 1 Statistics
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6 (the finals!)
Bracket 1 - Side A
Mizuki Akiyama (Project SEKAI) Vs. Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess)
Flora (Winx Club) vs. Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) vs. Forrest (Fire Emblem)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) vs. Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon)
Haley (Stardew Valley) vs. Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Veruca Salt (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka) vs. Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Cinderella (Cinderella) vs. Silena Beauregard (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) vs. Amy Rose (Sonic)
Bracket 1 - Side B
Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) vs. Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries) vs. Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Rosie Mayfield (Style Savvy) vs. London Tipton (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
Momoi Satsuki (Kuroko's Basketball) vs. Tuesday Simmons (Carole and Tuesday)
Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games) vs. Stella (Winx Club)
Honey-Senpai (Ouran High School Host Club) vs. Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Sakura Minamoto (Zombieland Saga) vs Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Cure Sparkle/Hiramitsu Hinata (Precure Pretty Cure) vs Lindsay (Total Drama)
Bracket 2 - Side A
Lola (Shark Tale) vs. Colette "Coco" (Thea Sisters)
Therese Wolf (Fable Comics) Vs. Orca/Dex @labor9 (Tumblr User)
Princess Ozma (Wizard of Oz) vs. Aelita Schaeffer (Code Lyoko)
Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales) vs. Hiyoko Tosaka (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Fernet (100% Orange Juice) vs. Donko (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Blythe Baxter (Littlest Pet Shop) vs. Shezow/ Guy Hamdon (Shezow)
Numbah 3 / Kuki Sanban (Codename: Kids Next Door) Vs. Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi)
Jessica Day (New Girl) vs. Caitlin Cooke (6Teen)
Bracket 2 - Side B
Shirou Fuji (Mizutama Honey Boy) vs. Kitty (BBC Ghosts)
Rainbow Brite (Rainbow Brite) vs. Zari (Duolingo)
Momoko Ryugasaki (Kamikaze Girls) vs. Peaches (Ice Age)
Barbie (Sandman) vs. Tilly (Rent a Bridesmaid by Jacqueline Wilson)
Sally (Ninjago) vs. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Generation 3)
Princess Pea (Super Why!) vs. Mai Oota / P-Chan (Gokinjo Monogatari/Neighborhood Story)
The Cat (Red Dwarf) Vs. Queen Red Riding Hood (The Land of Stories)
Arcee (Transformers Generation 1) vs. Gaby Solis (Desperate Housewives)
Bracket 3 - Side A
Cher Horowitz (Clueless) vs. Cornelia Hale (W.I.T.C.H)
Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) vs. Clover (Totally Spies)
Perfuma (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Lilligant (Pokémon) vs. Biscuit Krueger (Hunter x Hunter)
Allison Reynolds (The Foxhole Court: All For the Game) art by @detrinity vs. Isabella Garcia Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Hello Kitty (Sanrio) Vs. Barbie (Mattel)
Mari Tsutsui (Rainbow Days/Nijiiro Days) vs. Ella (Total Drama)
Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place) vs. Rosalina (Mario)
Bracket 3 - Side B
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) Vs Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Amulet Heart (Shugo Chara!)
Holly Munro (Lockwood and Co) art by @lucy-j-carlyle vs. Nikki (UP2U: World Traveller, Love Nikki, Shining Nikki)
Birdo (Mario) vs Lambdadelta (Umineko: When They Cry)
Smurfette (The Smurfs) vs. Regina George (Mean Girls)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) vs. Todomatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
My Melody (Sanrio) vs. Nui Harime (Kill La Kill)
Bracket 4 - Side A
Emily (Stardew Valley) vs. Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Nana Komatsu (Nana) vs. Lucia Nanami (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) vs. Minako Aino/Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Rose Lavillant (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Marie (The Aristocats)
Glinda (The Wizard Of Oz) vs. Hilda Valentine Gonreil (Fire Emblem)
Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew) vs. Coco (Bluey)
Princess Peach (Mario) vs. Starfire (Teen Titans)
Draculaura (Monster High) vs. Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and the Frog)
Bracket 4 - Side B
Bee (Bee and Puppycat) vs. Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
James (Pokémon) vs. Kurako/Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish)
Platinum the Trinity (BlazBlue) vs. Aoi Hyōdō (Maid-sama/Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama!)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) vs. Minnie Mouse (Disney)
Tsunoda (Aggretsuko) vs. Cure Coral/Sango Suzumura (Tropical Rouge Precure)
Daisy Duck (Disney) vs. Cure Flora/Haruka Haruno (Go Princess Precure)
Yukiko Kanzaki (Assassination Classroom) vs. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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doyouknowbtsswag · 11 months
Secret 2 |Tooru Oikawa|
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Part 1
“I think we should talk when we get home” Daichi said sternly which made me softly nod.
“Let’s board the bus everybody” He said as everyone grabbed their things.
I walked behind the group glaring at Hinata and Kageyama along with the look of despair. They had no right to interfere with my relationships. I’m sure they didn’t mean it with bad intentions but it was unfair. I wanted to tell Daichi on my own terms. We got on the bus and I sat on the window seat deciding to block everyone out. I put on my earbuds and looked outside. The boys were loud with Daichi having to scold them. Once we made it back to Karasuno we unpacked the bus. I said goodbye to some of the teammates who left. I threw my backpack over my shoulder waiting for Daichi so we could walk home. I saw him say goodbye to Sugawara and walk over to me. He started walking home with me catching up. He ignored me the whole time as if I was a ghost. Once we made it home he finally acknowledged me.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked looking me dead in the eye.
“I didn’t know how to approach telling you-“
“But you should’ve.” His grip on the table made his knuckles white.. “out of all people to”
“He isn’t a bad guy!” I said defending Oikawa.
“You’re basically rooting for Aoba Johsai!” He slammed his hand on the table.
“That’s not true! I want you to win! I’ll always cheer for Karasuno.”
“Yeah whatever,” He said pushing past me harshly as he walked to his room not letting me explain anything.
I sighed wanting to cry wishing Daichi would understand. I was so close with my brother. It was like nothing would get between us but I was wrong. I dragged myself to my room just wanting to sleep. I closed my door and locked it. I threw my bag to the side and jumped on the bed. Before I could get comfortable a knock on the window stopped me from getting underneath the blanket. I groaned as I got up from the bed and opened the door seeing Oikawa in front of me.
“You know you can come in it’s always unlocked,” I said softly stepping aside so he could come in and closed it shut when he was fully in the room.
“You should lock it so nobody comes in at night.” He said gently sitting on my bed.
“I keep it unlocked so you can come in” I replied sitting next to him.
“Your to sweet” He wrapped his arms around me and leaned back in my bed. “Just like the chocolate I got you”
“You didn’t have to” I hugged his waist putting my head on his chest muffling my words. He ran his fingers through my hair.
“What’s wrong?” He suddenly said. “You looked like you wanted to cry when leaving the court and when you opened the window.”
“It’s a long story” I whispered.
“I’m all ears” He replied rubbing my back. “My parents think I’m at a friend's house”
“Hinita and Kageyama heard us in the hallway and told Daichi about it.” I let out a shaky sigh. “And Daichi was not happy. He ignored me the whole time home and then when we came back here we got into a argument”
“Mhm,” He hummed making sure I knew he was listening.
“I tried to explain myself but he kept cutting me off and wouldn’t let me talk,” I said and started to cry. “I knew he wouldn’t be happy about it but I didn’t think he would be that upset. I thought he would understand. I’m so close to him I feel like it’s shattered now because I didn’t tell him.”
“I’m sure it just caught him off guard and he didn’t know what to say,” He said.
“Do you really think so?” I asked sniffling.
“I know so” He pulled away from the hug and looked at me his hand cupping my cheek. I looked at him his eyes were soft and caring. He wiped away any tears that had fallen on my face. “I’ve seen how close you two are it’s probably the brotherly instinct and the fact that it’s me” He chuckled.
“I hope he’ll accept it” I whispered.
“He will eventually, it’s my fault if it was someone else it wouldn’t be that much of a big deal,” He said rubbing his thumb softly against my cheek.
“I’ll convince him when he cools off. Who knows-“
“Hey Y/n? Can I come in?” I heard Daichi say softly cutting me off.
“Y-yeah one sec!” I said quickly pushing Oikawa into my closet and closing it. “Be quiet okay?” He just nodded. I opened the door for Daichi and saw his face full of regret.
“I’m sorry for earlier it’s just stressful times.” He sighed walking in my room and sitting on the bed where I left the chocolate. “This is my last year and I don’t want to lose. I want to win the championships so bad and that’s all I thought about when it was Oikawa so I guess I hated that you’re dating him. I was upset that you didn’t tell me sooner as well.”
“I know you both aren’t on great terms.” I said nervously.“I was going to tell you after the season so it wouldn’t be awkward for both sides.”
“I shouldn’t have acted as I did and again I’m sorry.” He smiled softly opening his arms out.
I hugged him the secret burden lifted from my chest. I pulled away and smiled.
“You’re forgiven” I crossed my arms. “Just please don’t do it again.”
“I won’t” Daichi stood up and made his way out. “But if that bastard does anything to you he’ll literally get a spike to his head.”
Oikawa shivered in the closet hearing that whole sentence.
“Don’t worry about it” I smiled.
“Sleep well”
“You too,” I said as he officially left. I waited a bit before looking at the closet. “Your good to come out” I whispered.
“Your brother is scary” He whispered climbing out of the closet.
“It’s okay I ain’t let anything happen to you,” I said opening my arms which he gladly went into.
“I know I’m definitely his target next time we have a game.”
I giggled as we gently rocked back and forth. In the end, everything worked out. I didn’t have to fight for my relationship or lie. Everything was peaceful and fine.
“Thank you for being here for me.” I smiled looking at him.
“I’ll always be here no matter where I am.” He smiled holding my cheek. “No matter what I’m doing. I’ll drop everything for you even if I’m in a match.”
“I love you,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
“I love you too” He smiled kissing me. I kissed him back.
“Hey Y/n what do you-“ Daichi walked in half way through us kissing making us both pull away.
“Oh shit”
“Daichi, hey there,” Oikawa said nervously rubbing his neck. “I’m just gonna head out”
“Get back here!” Daichi chased him to the window.
“See ya later” Oikawa winked at me as he climbed out the window.
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Big Ocean - Prologue
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(…I’m trying not to feel scared, but I don’t like how helpless I feel in the dark…)"
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room
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Yuuta: Fwah~…Water really is like the best thing in the world when you’re thirsty. I’m not even exaggerating, it feels like it’s being soaked into your body.
(I was sleeping comfortably, but ended up waking up parched.)
(Well, it’s probably because I was checking out the new snacks and chocolates I got from my photo shoot with the rest of my roommates, so it’s my own fault.)
(…I’m trying not to feel scared, but I don’t like how helpless I feel in the dark…)
(Although the common room has a bright atmosphere during the day, it’s still creepy passing by at night when there’s nobody there—)
Hinata: ……
Yuuta: What’re you doing out here in the dark, Aniki?
Hinata: Ah! Yuuta-kun!
We must truly have an inseparable bond, if we’re able to encounter each other like this at such an hour…♪
Yuuta: I mean, sure. We are twins and family.
But, answer my question, what’re you doing here? Depending on your response, I might inform the dormitory manager.
Hinata: Ehh! To Hasumi-senpai!? Wait a sec, Yuuta-kun. You’re not suspecting I’m doing anything strange, are you?
I’m just having a bit of trouble falling asleep, that’s all~. So I was watching anime out here.
Yuuta: Anime? Was this an anime you liked?
Hinata: No, I just watched whatever was on. But once I started watching, I started to get invested.
Yuuta: Hmm… Actually, Aniki, scoot over a little bit.
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Hinata: Eh, could it be… Yuuta-kun, do you wanna sit next to your Onii-chan and watch anime together with him?
Good! You’re super welcome to join! C’mere to your Onii-chan’s side! ♪ You’re even welcome to use my lap!
Yuuta: Uwah, I feel like I’m going to regret this soon… C’mon, scoot over already. Let me sit down… there.
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Time passes…
Yuuta: Yawn… I thought it’d be a 30 minute episode, is this actually a masterpiece selection?[1]
But it’s better than having to stop halfway. I’m sure I'd be bothered if I was left on a cliffhanger.
Although I just decided to join in watching with you on a whim, it’s pretty interesting, huh Aniki?
Hinata: Yeah, it is. School idols remind me of when we gave our all at Yumenosaki, so I feel a sense of familiarity.
I got emotional seeing the 3rd Years graduate after winning the championship at Idol Koshien.[2]
Yuuta: In a way, it feels unfair. But it’s still really good. It really feels top-notch.
Come to think of it, isn’t it about time for the Repayment Festival?
Things are still relatively calm at school. I’m sure it’s gonna get a lot more hectic in no time…
Hinata: Ah, you’re right. Now that you’ve mentioned it…
Yuuta: I say that, but… Don’t you think it’s tough to feel as emotional as they do in anime?
Hinata: Eh? Why do you say that?
Yuuta: ‘Cuz as it is, even if we say our goodbyes at the graduation ceremony, we meet again right at the dorms.
Hinata: Ahaha, true! Thinking about it like that, you’re probably right.
Yuuta: …Wait. Oh no, the time… The anime’s ended now, so let’s go to bed, Aniki. It shouldn’t be too hard to fall asleep now, right?
Hinata: Yeah, it shouldn’t~. As expected, I’ve gotten pretty sleepy by this hour… Let’s head back to our rooms, Yuuta-kun.
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Hinata: (Right… It’s about time for the Repayment Festival, isn’t it…)
story directory | next →
Sort of like a compilation or a long version, where multiple important idols are stitched together in a movie-like fashion. Typically filler episodes and such are excluded.
They’re watching Love Live! School Idol Project! In Japan, the end goal for high school baseball teams would be to reach “the Koshien”, particularly the Summer National held at the Koshien stadium. In Love Live, the idols aim for the idol version; “Love Live!”, performed at “the Idol Koshien”.
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Ao3 | FFN
Pairing: Hinata Hyūga/Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Ever since Hinata could remember, she’s had one, consistent dream, and it’s always the same.
Word Count: 5.5k
Rating: T
So uh...me and someone else from the SH server wrote stories dedicated to the prolific commenter g.o.d, kissmyass, guest, and their many other aliases where they tell the author to gfkyasap, Ashley. So this goes out to you, g.o.d, from all the Ashley's out there that don't write SasuSaku! :)
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On this blessed holiday of April Fool's, this story is dedicated to the prolific commenter by many names: g.o.d, kissmyass, Guest, and their favorite person in the world: Ashley!
I hope you enjoy :)
If you want to read another SasuHina fic dedicated to our lovely troll, my friend Lea (who you may know already from SHIBARI or Our Lovely Agreement) wrote something hilarious and cracky: The Cult of Ash. Go check it out!
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Ever since Hinata could remember, she’s had one, consistent dream, and it’s always the same.
It started just a few days after the Hyūga affair.
The first night she was able to adequately rest her eyes and fall into slumber, that’s when it first occurred.
It starts off with her looking through her own eyes. At the time, she was taller, a lot taller. Tall enough to reach on top of the fridge, even. It was a strange sensation for the longest time until she hit her growth spurt shortly after the chūnin exams. Then, she found she was the exact correct height, and she realized, she had been dreaming all along from her adult body’s perspective.
She’s in a kitchen, and she can smell cookies. She guesses that they’re chocolate chip because the sweet scent of cocoa fills her senses. Always, there’s a little origami bird sitting on the bookshelf to her left, and she always spends a good few seconds looking at it. Then, she hears a very cute squeal from her right, and what appears to be a mini-Hinata crashes into her side and she’s being hugged by the tiny girl. Hinata’s not sure she’s ever felt anything beyond fear or shock in her dreams, but this is the one dream she always feels…heat. Warmth, blooming in her chest.
The girl speaks a mile a minute at her, but she can never make out the words. Her body turns to the girl and she sees her hand reach out to pet the little girl's dark hair, so much like her own that she can only assume this must be her daughter. Pieces of the dream become clearer as she grows older, and by the time she’s an adult, the little girl has pearly eyes just like hers, and she knows she’s dreaming of what her daughter might look like.
Always, the girl blows her a kiss, then bolts away. Her vision follows the girl as the backdoor of the kitchen leading to the backyard flies open, and the girl goes tumbling into the grass. Another sound comes in the form of a deep laugh, and her eyes shift to the window showcasing the backyard. The same image every time: that little look-alike being hoisted up by a taller girl, with an even taller, shadowy figure behind them. The taller girl has jet-black hair and jet-black eyes to match, with thick-rimmed glasses on.
At first, she couldn’t tell if this girl was supposed to be related to her in some way but reasoned she couldn’t be. Her eyes didn’t match hers, and for a while, there was always something so…peculiar about them. She couldn’t quite tell what it was exactly, but she would always turn away and her eyes would flash, but before she could see what they became, she turned. At first, she thought they might be turning pearly, to activate the byakugan, and this was her older daughter.
But once the war concluded and the dream started becoming clearer and clearer, she could finally see it. Those eyes are turning red, and she can see the distinct pattern of tomoe. The sharingan.
This was…Sasuke’s daughter? The revelation struck her like…like Sasuke’s Chidori. She was having a dream about her own daughter, as well as Sasuke’s daughter. Still, the shadowy figure remained unrevealed.
Perhaps she was dreaming of her life with Naruto. An adorable little daughter, and sometimes his best friend’s daughter coming to train with Naruto. That would make sense because the dream always ended the same. The shadowy figure ushers the two girls back inside to join her, and they run off to get washed up, she assumes, and the figure comes right in front of her. They always wrap one comforting arm around her shoulders and kiss the top of her head.
Again, Hinata didn’t often feel things outside of anxiety from her dreams. And again, this was the one dream that the warmth in her chest would turn to fire, make her beating heart quicken, the butterflies in her stomach oh so real—and then she’d wake up.
Every time.
Today is no different.
Needless to say, interacting with Sasuke since she came to the revelation that she was having dreams about having a daughter that interacts with his daughter…was awkward.
Which is why she’s suddenly dreading the mission she has coming up. With Sasuke. Because last night was the first time she’d had the dream in a few months. She actually hadn’t thought about it much since then, and now the image of a little Hinata look-a-like and a little Sasuke look-a-like were burned into her brain.
Hinata snaps back to reality and is greeted, nose to nose, with Sasuke Uchiha.
“I apologize,” she squeaks out, taking a step backward. She tries to blink away the image of red-rimmed glasses and red eyes. She shakes her head, locks of hair coming in front of her face, and she clears her throat. “Shall we?”
“If you’re done daydreaming.”
Hinata swallows at the phrasing but pushes forward with a nod.
It’s a fairly standard mission they’re on. She’d never imagine she’d be missioning with Sasuke as often as she does now, but here she is. They’re often paired for important delivery missions to other nations. Sasuke carries a scroll that can only be deciphered by the sharingan, thus he writes Kakashi’s message down, they take it to the respective Kage, he writes their message down, and he returns and deciphers it for Kakashi. Rinse, repeat. Hinata’s here to check for strong chakra networks. Kakashi still holds an understandable amount of suspicion for the other nations and likes to ensure they’re not hiding any great power, so Hinata’s sent to ensure everything remains clear.
Today, they’re going to the Sand, and thus, their travel is thankfully shorter than normal. Three days to get there, three days to return.
It’s not that she doesn’t like being around Sasuke. He’s actually sort of pleasant, once you get passed the rough exterior and the mumbled, short responses. She likes being around him more than a good few other people, it’s just the…awkwardness of it all when she has these dreams. Of course, he’s clueless about it, and on more than one occasion, she’s been tempted to reveal the dream to him, if only to have someone to talk to about it. Always, she manages to pull back and realize that no, that would make it about one hundred and ninety-five percent more awkward if she did that, and she never has.
Time crawls a little slower as she’s stuck in her mind, but soon, the sun is setting, and Sasuke stops. Thankfully, she’s got her wits about her a little better now that she’s had time to come down from the initial shock of the dream, and she notices and stops with him. He turns to her and tilts his head. “You’re quieter than normal today.”
She forces a smile up at him. “Isn’t that how you like it?”
That little thump of her heart hits a little harder against her chest when he chuckles and smirks at her. It’s a kinder version of his face she doesn’t see often; she only ever sees it when they’re alone together. She’s not sure what to make of that, but she’s pleased she’s good enough company not to earn a scowl. “Sometimes. I do get bored, though.”
“You do?” she asks, teasingly, feeling a little more at ease now.
“Don’t act so surprised,” he teases back and the thump of her heart hits a little harder. She resists the urge to place her hand over her heart in an effort to make it quieter as if he’d be able to hear it. “We can stop here for the night.”
“Alright,” she agrees, nodding as she lets her pack fall off her shoulders.
“What’d you pack us today?”
Hinata blinks in disbelief. Sasuke doesn’t look at her as he gets to work unraveling the tent. Trying to stop the tiny tremble in her voice, she clears her throat. “Why do you assume I packed us both something?”
That little chuckle leaves him again. That thump of her heart hits a little harder. “At this point, I’d be shocked if you hadn’t.”
“That’s a little presumptuous of you,” she tries to come across lighthearted as she comes to stand next to him, helping him with the tent. Even if he is Sasuke Uchiha, doing these fine motor tasks were a little harder with one hand.
“Trying to keep me on my toes, Hyūga?” She looks up to see him looking down at her, that taunting smile on his lips. She finds it hard not to return. “Besides, you already revealed yourself.”
“How do you figure?” she decides to question, plugging one end of the aluminum pole into its slot.
“You knew what I was talking about right away.”
Hinata pauses with a smile on her lips. She decides not to respond, and instead shakes out the rest of the tent and finishes putting it together while he stands back, watching her. After she’s done, she goes back to her pack and fishes out two containers. When she hears him snicker, she lets a little laugh go, too.
“Onigiri, chips, tomato,” she tells him, opening the lid of one and then setting it in his waiting hand. “Simplicity today.”
“Hmph,” he huffs lightly as he lowers himself to sit on the ground. The air is warm, and their food is preprepared for the night, so they don’t start a campfire tonight. “Feeling lazy today, I see.”
“Oh, stop,” she laughs. She doesn’t give herself time to wonder how she became so comfortable around Sasuke to banter like this. “I may have overslept…just a tad.”
Really, she had been frazzled this morning from the dream. She had overslept and then proceeded to lay in bed while staring at the ceiling for far too long, trying to figure out what it all meant. He responds, “as long as there’s tomato.”
She smiles at that. He sets the container in his lap, and she watches him pick up the pair of chopsticks. The urge to help him is almost completely gone, but she still feels it in the back of her mind. On their first mission together, post-war, she had taught him how to snap chopsticks apart with one hand after watching him bite one chopstick and pull the other with his hand. She kept helping him for several more missions until he perfected it, and he breaks them apart easily in front of her.
They eat quietly together as usual and fall into their usual routine. She gets to sleep first while he keeps watch, and halfway through the night, he’ll rouse her to swap.
When she awakens, she’s relieved at the realization she hadn’t had the dream. It didn’t stop her from thinking about it, but at least it wasn’t so vivid in her mind now.
The next two days of travel proceed as normal, and Hinata feels normal again. She’s pleased for it.
Business proceeds as usual, Hinata keeps her byakugan active for the entirety of their visit with the Kazekage and Sasuke disappears into a room with him to exchange messages. It’s only a short while before he rejoins her, and they’re off to the regular inn they normally stay at when they come here. It’s their only opportunity to rest in a real bed for their travel, so she always likes to take advantage of it.
Before they can exit the Kazekage’s building, a Sand shinobi stops them.
“Hey! Sorry, before you guys leave, Lord Kazekage wanted me to inform you that all of our inns are completely booked.”
Hinata deflates. “They are?”
“Afraid so,” the man continues, gesturing out towards the village, “tomorrow’s the Wind festival, lot of outside tourists came and filled all the rooms.”
Sasuke clicks his tongue. “Disappointing. I enjoy the baths at the Ryukyu.”
“I apologize.” The man bows his head, then turns to lift his arm towards the interior of the building. “However, Lord Kazekage would like to offer you the guest room. We still have one available.”
“One?” Hinata questions with a frown. The man nods and she looks up at Sasuke.
“Does it have as nice a bath?” Sasuke asks, pointedly. The man smiles with another nod. “Very well.”
“B-but—” She’s unable to get the thought out as the man begins eagerly guiding them through the halls, and Sasuke’s left her behind. With a sigh, she jogs to catch up. He reveals the room, and her grimace deepens at the sight of just one bed. “One bed?”
“Again, I apologize,” the man responds, bowing his head again, “I’ll fetch a cot.”
“A cot,” Sasuke scoffs as the man bolts away.
Hinata stands in the doorway, unable to move even as Sasuke enters.
After a moment, he looks over his shoulder at her with a pointed brow. “Waiting for something, Hyūga?”
“It’s just—” she starts, then bites her bottom lip as she looks around. “It’s rather intimate, don’t you think?”
“Sleeping?” he questions without humor. “I suppose for you it might be.”
“To…together? In one room?” she continues, waving her hand towards the room.
He snickers quietly. “I’m going to bathe.”
Hinata clasps her hands over her heart as Sasuke sets his pack next to the entryway, then disappears into the bathroom.
Sharing a bedroom isn’t new to Hinata, necessarily. Team 8 had shared a bedroom plenty of times—but Kiba and Shino were two people she considered as close to brothers as one could get. Sharing a bedroom with Sasuke…she wasn’t even quite sure why it was filling her with such anxiety. She reasoned it must be the dream.
The man returns with a sizeable cot and bids her farewell. She gets to work setting it up, having already decided she would take it because she can already hear Sasuke grumbling about how uncomfortable it would be. Another thing she’d learned about him in their travels is that he’s actually kind of a prima donna. He was very meticulous about their campsite and the material his sleeping rolls were made out of. Always, always needed a pillow with a cashmere case, a sleeping mask, and a heavy blanket. One time, after he’d rolled his ankle on a mission, she’d offered to carry his pack for him and was immediately met with what must have been 25 kg worth of weight.
Hinata’s not surprised when Sasuke takes an extra long time in the bath. Though they’ve never shared a hotel room before, it seems pretty on-brand for Sasuke to take longer than average freshening up. So, she runs down to the café downstairs to pick them up something to eat. At this point, she knows what he prefers, gets him a roasted turkey sandwich and soda, herself a cinnamon roll, and iced tea. When she returns, he’s out of the bathroom and already setting up the bed. She tries not to freeze at the sight of him bare-chested.
He looks over his shoulder and she hopes her cheeks aren’t too pink. “Thoughtful of you.”
“We haven’t eaten…” she says, quietly, setting the paper bag on the little table. She rubs her palms together as he looks back at the bed, then continues, “I think I’ll wash up, too.”
“You should,” he calls back to her and she smiles, slightly, “you stink.”
“Excuse you!” The laugh leaves her involuntarily and she rubs her forehead, shaking her head. She hears that chuckle from him again, though he doesn’t respond, and she excuses herself with a pair of sweats and a shirt.
By the time she comes back out, she finds the cot not where she left it. She frowns at the spot it’s supposed to be, then looks up at Sasuke, who is leaning over the vanity to inspect himself in the mirror. She steps behind him and raises an eyebrow at his reflection, and his eyes meet hers. “What?”
“Where is the cot?” she questions, folding her arms.
“I’m not sleeping on that thing.” She’s about to interrupt him, but he cuts her off while looking at the bed in the reflection, “and you shouldn’t have to, either. The bed is big enough for both of us.”
She bites her lips together and scrunches her eyebrows in concern. His eyes meet hers in the mirror again and a little smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. “It’s not about whether it’s big enough, you know.”
“Then what is it?” He turns from the mirror to look down at her, and she’s met with his bare chest again. She curses the heat rushing to her cheeks. “Repulsed by me?”
“No!” she responds immediately, waving her hands in front of her face. “It’s just—it’s rather…”
“Intimate?” he finishes for her, tilting his head so a lock of hair falls over his eye. She resists the urge to reach up and brush it away. “As I said, we’re just sleeping. Team Taka shared beds all the time.”
For some reason, the image of Sasuke laying in a bed with Karin stirs something in Hinata. Then she also envisions Jūgo and Suigetsu and it quells whatever it was in her gut. She has little time to think about just what it was that was stirred because he’s already settling into the bed.
Hinata wishes sometimes that Sasuke wasn’t so clueless. That’s the only way she can explain why he was doing this, is that he was clueless to human emotion, to her discomfort. No rational person just puts away the only other sleeping apparatus and expects the other person to be okay with it. Especially her, of all people! It’s embarrassing, but she’ll admit she’s fainted in uncomfortable situations before, and this is very uncomfortable.
She drags out eating her cinnamon roll, then huffs in slight annoyance when he shuts off the light to leave her in the darkness halfway through her meal. A few moments later, she finishes and lets out an anxious sigh as she pads her way over to the bed.
“Finally getting over yourself?” She hears him whisper, and she chooses not to respond, instead crawls under the hotel issue blanket he left for her and keeps her body right on the edge of the bed.
Falling asleep isn’t easy, but Sasuke doesn’t make noise or move too much in his sleep, so she eventually is able to slumber.
She’s had the dream so many times, she’s able to tell instantaneously when she’s dreaming when it occurs, like when people can lucid dream. It’s not something she practiced or anything, it’s just such a common occurrence, she’s able to gain some sort of sentience. She can never control what happens in the dream, just knows she’s in the dream when it happens. And of course, it would happen when Sasuke is sharing a bed with her.
Patiently, she waits for herself to wake up. She quit resisting the dream a long time ago. The smell of cookies, the origami bird, the little girl crashing into her, the warmth in her chest, the other little girl outside, and the shadowy figure. All muffled voices and blurry images. The girls come back inside, the shadowy figures following behind, and as always, he stops in front of her. She looks up at him, feels her mouth turn into a wide smile, and…
Jet-black eyes like the taller girls meet hers.
Her entire body is cold with sweat, her chest heaves, her face feels hot. She activates her byakugan out of instinct to enemy attack, but this is no enemy attack. This is her own brain messing with her.
In the darkness, she sees Sasuke’s network, the outline of his body propped up on his elbow, probably looking at her.
“What about me?” She hears him ask.
Did she verbally yell out his name? That wasn’t in the dream?
“Sasuke,” she breathes out, turning to him, though she can’t see his face as she deactivates her dōjutsu. Her fists curl into the blanket around her lap as she debates with herself. She knows if she tells him that it’s nothing, he’ll drop it. Sasuke’s never been one to care enough to push others to reveal what troubles them. But now—how can she keep avoiding this? When he hums at her to continue, she breathes in, then out. “Sasuke, do you ever…dream?”
She knows it’s a dumb question, but she doesn’t know how to word what it is she wants to ask him.
Do you ever dream of your future life with a family? Does it ever include two little girls? Does it ever include me?
“That’s an odd question.”
She sighs and hangs her head. Her eyes squint when light enters her vision. She sees him lean back over after turning on the lamp, and now he’s looking directly at her. For some reason, she feels compelled to keep his gaze. “Do you…ever dream about the future?”
She watches him suck in his cheek as he tilts his head. He brings his hand up to rub at his chin, and she’s holding her breath awaiting his response. “Sometimes.”
“What does it look like?”
“…Is this some sort of deep dive into my psyche, or…?”
“No.” She shakes her head, pulls her hands up to her face to cover it. “Never mind. Forget it.”
“You dreamt about me.” She feels her heart beat a little quicker. “I don’t think I’ll just be able to let that go.”
“It—it was nothing.” She keeps her face covered because she knows she’s now burning brighter than the sun. “Please, let’s forget about it.”
“If you say so.”
They return to bed without another word, and Hinata lays awake for the rest of the night.
The next morning, they still don’t speak.
Great, now she’s managed to make things awkward.
Sasuke wants to take off immediately, but Hinata keeps him back so they can give a respectful goodbye to the Kazekage and his council, their gratitude for putting them up. Gaara offers for them to remain a little longer to enjoy the Wind Festival, but Hinata is the one that quickly, though politely declines the offer. Sasuke looks a little surprised when she does but doesn’t question her further, which she appreciates. Spending more time with Sasuke than necessary would probably spell disaster for her.
That didn’t stop the Sand villagers from beckoning them for their attention—people running the carnival games, vendors selling sweets and flowers, a little old woman at an origami stand who sends a little bird flying towards them. She stops and watches Sasuke hold out his hand, and the paper bird lands in it.
“Sasuke?” she questions, quietly as he observes the bird. She sees chakra emit from his palm, and the bird lifts into the air again. Her eyes follow as it flies over her before landing gently on top of her head. Her eyes cross as she looks up towards her forehead, not wanting to lift her head to knock it down.
“Keep it,” he says to her, nodding his head upwards. She reaches up to grasp it from the top of her head and pulls it in front of her face.
Then it strikes her.
Her mind flashes through the dream, the beginning part, and now she realizes the origami bird on the bookshelf is this exact one. Made with purple construction paper, with a long, pointed beak, and wide wings.
“It can’t…” she mumbles without realizing, her fingers closing around it.
They leave the Sand village moments later, Sasuke having apparently chosen not to comment on her strange behavior. The entire walk, she’s had it balancing in the palms of her hands, just staring at it.
“I’m tired of this.”
She stops when he does and tears her eyes from the bird to look at him. He’s pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes shut. She hums innocently, not wanting to ask him what he means.
“The dream?” His hand drops and his eyes pop open to meet hers. “You’re going to have to tell me about it.”
“Why would you care?”
“You yelled my name in the middle of the night.”
The blush, again, is unwelcome at the turn of phrase.
He notices immediately, too, which is why he keeps teasing her. “Yeah, not something I thought I would be saying out loud to you, either.”
“Out loud?” she decides to tease him back as a distraction. “So, it’s something you’ve thought in your head?”
Sasuke shrugs. “Maybe.”
Hinata’s struggling because she’s getting incredibly mixed signals, now. “That—uhm—”
“The dream.”
He steps towards her and plucks the bird from her hands, then holds it up between them. She sighs out, squeezes her eyes shut. “I’ve had a dream-the same dream for as long as I can remember…it’s always the same.”
Sasuke is silent, and it’s because he’s analyzing her words. She opens her eyes to see his locked on her face, flitting back and forth over it. Then his face softens, and she already knows it’s because he’s realized the implication of what she’s just said.
She’s been dreaming of Sasuke for years.
“I’m an adult in it…and I have…a family. A…a daughter.”
He remains quiet and her heart feels like it’s going to burst.
“I can smell cookies, and I can…see a paper bird. One that’s just like…”
“This one?”
She bites her lips together and nods.
“How do I fit in?”
The inevitable question. “There’s another little girl…she’s outside, and she’s got…eyes like yours.”
More silence.
“The sharingan. And there’s a man with her…and I didn’t realize until last night that it…it’s you.”
Hinata wishes she could vanish. Just poof—into thin air, let the wind carry her far, far away into the upper atmosphere.
“You asked if I dream about the future.”
The words feel heavier than they should.
“I do.”
If she was confused before, she’s downright baffled when he turns on his heel and begins trekking away with the bird in hand.
Because Hinata’s not one to push for confrontation, she accepts that this is where the conversation ends.
By the time they reach the Leaf, they’ve spoken little more than simple greetings and coordinating their travels.
And that’s where they left it. Hinata tried to reason that he simply had no opinion on her strange dream. Sasuke rarely offered others his thoughts and feelings, now should be no different. So, she proceeds with her day-to-day as normal, trying not to dwell on it. Even if it causes her to cringe inwardly every time she thinks about it.
Unfortunately, the dream returns a few weeks later. And this time, she can see Sasuke. She can see everything in painful clarity. The deep purple-blue of the littler girl's hair and her pearlescent eyes. The shine of the older girl's jet black hair and her round, obsidian eyes. Sasuke standing with her, directing her in what she assumes to be training, with shuriken. The smell of cookies is stronger, and the little bird mocks her. He’d kept it after their mission was over.
Her senses are overwhelmed this time. She can feel the coolness of the wood under the pads of her feet, can feel the warm air pushing in from the backyard as the girls come inside, can feel Sasuke’s arm around her shoulders. She can feel the plush of his lips as he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
And for the first time, she can hear him. His voice is deeper in his chest, and his words sit between them.
She can’t make out the words he says but can make out one thing.
Today, she finds a quiet spot by the lake.
She lays in the grass with her body completely outstretched, staring up at the clear sky, wishing there were some clouds to help distract her mind. But instead of distraction, she’s about to be pushed face forward into her inner turmoil. She feels something land on her stomach.
“There are no clouds to watch.”
Her fingers curl into the grass beneath her as her eyes dart down to her stomach, coming face to face with the paper bird.
“You should give it a name.”
Hinata swallows as Sasuke approaches her at her feet, then promptly sits down in a lotus position. Carefully, she pulls her elbows back and props herself up, reaches out to grasp the paper bird in her fingers. She looks back up at him, and the word leaves her dumbly, “what?”
“The bird. I told you to keep it. You should name it.”
Hinata ponders this briefly, pulling the bird up to her eyes. She blinks, deciding to test these waters. “What…what about Sarada?”
She eyes him carefully for his reaction, and his eyebrows twitch just ever so slightly. “Really? Sarada?”
“You…uhm, you don’t like it?” she asks, softly.
“I thought maybe you would have liked something more your family's speed,” he responds, his tone cool. “Something with the sun. Like, say, Himawari.”
She freezes.
Her mind floods with thoughts of her mother, and the sunflowers she took pride in, in the Hyūga gardens. Then, that little girl crosses in, her bright face, the way the tufts of her hair curl outwards, her sunny demeanor.
“Sasuke—” she stutters out, sitting completely upright, “Sasuke, do you—”
“There’s a great big patch of sunflowers out east,” he interjects, looking that way, “saw them on my way back from the Mist. I thought of you.”
Hinata's mouth feels dry as she tries to assemble a response. “You thought of me?”
Without responding, he gets back to his feet. He reaches down towards her, and she instinctively lifts a hand as if he’s offering her help but feels embarrassment pang at her when he instead plucks the bird from her stomach. She brings the hand to her face in some attempt to make it look like she was wiping at her nose and hears him snicker.
He holds the bird towards her and takes it in her hand. With his hand now free, he opens his fingers in offering, and she nods, taking it. He hoists her to her feet and she stares up at him, wondering where this is going.
“Let’s go,” he nudges his head, “see the sunflowers.”
Hinata bites her lip, looking out east. “But the sun is setting?”
“Flowers under the sunset are…pretty.” She smiles at the way he hesitates. “So…come with me.”
“This sounds…something like a date, Sasuke,” she ventures the statement in a bold move, tilting her head at him. When his eyes squint, her smile widens. “A sunset walk through flowers is kind of romantic, don’t you think?”
“Doesn’t have to be,” he scoffs, eyes shifting away, “but I guess it could be.”
Hinata pauses, running her tongue over her teeth as she waits for more, but doesn’t get it. So she nods. “I’d like that.”
They walk side by side outside of the Leaf village, and when she feels Sasuke’s knuckles brush against hers, Hinata feels that thump of her heart hit her chest even harder. She opens her hand and his slides into it, and she realizes it fits perfectly with hers.
“So…” he breathes out, quietly, “what will you name it?”
Hinata holds the little bird up to her eyes and purses her lips, thinking.
“I think I’ll name it…”
She thinks of the image of a kind woman she met once out in the Cloud village. She was bright, bubbly, and completely obsessed with manga and anime. There were a certain two characters in an older anime that, while they had no interactions within the story, she was enthusiastically shipping. She only remembered it because she was just such a die-hard fan, her bag had cute little chibi versions of the characters on it.
Her eccentricity struck Hinata, but that wasn’t why she was thinking of her now. She remembered the little parrot she had off to the side, who always had something snarky to say about cults and frequently demanded chicken. She remembered the girl laughing it off and introducing the little bird, whom she called a ‘birb’ in a quirky way. And she remembered the name of the little bird…
“I think I’ll name it…”
Hinata smiled, looking up at Sasuke.
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Fall-in-Love Chocolates! The Battle of Women | 恋するチョコレート~女たちの戦い
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Want to read along, but don’t have the game? Here’s a link to the event recorded!:
Event Period: 30 of January - 14 of February 2023
Featured cards: Emma Sano / Hinata Tachibana
Event box: Ken Ryuguji
Event pass: Takemichi Hanagaki
Hina! Sorry for the wait~
I just got here too
Thanks for inviting me to make chocolates today! I was a bit worried about making them by myself.
タケミっちを恋に落ちるチョコレート、 作らなきゃね!
We’re gonna make chocolates that’ll make Takemitchy fall head over heels for you!
And the same with Draken-kun.
なんか、人が多いよね? バレンタインが近いからって わけじゃないだろうし
What’s this, there’s tons of people out here huh? It’s probably cause Valentine’s Day is coming up
やば! 聞いた? 恋するチョコレートが0Qに入荷されたらしいよ
Crap!You hear?The Fall-in-Love Chocolates are out at OQ!
For real? I totes have to go buy some.
They’ll be all gone soon, so let’s go!!!
The Fall-in-Love Chocolates…!!
If you give someone chocolate made with the Fall-in-Love Chocolate, they'll fall madly in love with you!?
There’s apparently so many people who’ve fallen in love ‘cause of it that it sells out as soon as it’s in store!?
The Fall-in-Love Chocolates…!!
… I understand, Emma-chan.
We absolutely have to get them!!!!!
_ _ _ _ _
You guys come to buy the Fall-in-Love Chocolate too?...If you’ve come all the way here, you better be prepared.
_ _ _ _ _
We finally made it…
There were so many people. I wonder if they all came to buy the Fall-in-Love Chocolate too?
You guys come to buy the Fall-in-Love Chocolate too?
Whoa! What’s with this!?
You come to buy the Fall-in-Love Chocolates? That’s it, ain’t it? What are ya’ here for!?
Well, yeah we came to buy some.
やっぱりそうか... じゃ、戦ってもらおうか
So I was right then.. You tryna pick a fight with me!?
Eh!? Why would we do that?
生半可な気持ちで買われちゃ たまったもんじゃないからね
You know the effect of the Fall-in-Love Chocolate, right?
It’s a waste to buy them if you’ve got half-hearted feelings.
私たち、 半端な気持ちなんじゃないです! ね、 エマちゃん!
They’re not half-hearted at all! Hey, Emma-chan!
そうよ! 絶対にチョコを手にいれてラブラブバレンタインデーにするんだから!!
That’s right! I’m definitely gonna get that chocolate for a lovey-dovey Valentine’s Day!!
いいね・・・そうこなくっちゃ!! アンタらの愛! 私が試してやんよ!!!
That’s it… That’s what I wanna see!! Your love!! Come on and try me!!!
_ _ _ _ _
I truly felt the strength of your love.
That means…
Hurry up and get to the sales floor
Thanks so much!
Don’t let your guards down. There’s still a lotta girls out there who want that Fall-in-Love Chocolate.
Well, with love like yours… I’m sure you’ll be able to get it.
Chiyoko… Thanks a lot!
私たち、 絶対恋するチョコレートを 手に入れて見せます!
We’re definitely gonna get that Fall-in-Love chocolate and show it to you!
I’m rooting for ya.
_ _ _ _ _
We finally made it in, but…
It’s more chaotic than it looks…
Whaaat? Hina, don’t tell me you’re scared?
That’s not true! I promised Chiyoko-san that we’d definitely get that chocolate.
Haha. That’s right!
According to Chiyoko’s info, the sales floor is at the pink shop furthest from here.
The furthest… Can we even make our way through this crowd?
Well, get yourself ready!!
_ _ _ _ _
らぶ、 だぁとケンカしちゃったんだ~
We got into a fight~ But with the Fall-In-Love Chocolates, you can make it all up!
_ _ _ _ _
た、たどり着いたよ エマちゃん!
W-We finally made it, Emma-chan!
まだ残ってた〜 良かった!
There’s still some left〜 That’s a relief!
Ah! There’s the Fall-In-Love-Chocolate! Time to buy ‘em all!~
Eh, wait a sec! Cutting in line’s so rude when there’s people lining up!
Eh? I don’t care if they’re lining up, that’s nothing to do with me/Rabu?
It does concern you. You’re not the only one who wants to buy chocolate.
Everyone here wanted the Fall-In-Love Chocolates, so they tried real hard to get here.
So that’s why it’s not good to take it all for yourself. Why don’t we just all share?
は〜〜〜 超だる〜〜〜そんなに欲しいならさあ〜
Haaa〜 I don’t wannaaa〜 But if you really want it〜
Why don’t you try takin’ it from me? Well, there’s no chance cause I’m/Rabu’s real strong〜
_ _ _ _ _
だぁとケンカしちゃったから恋するチョコレートで仲直りしようとおもったのに〜 うわ〜〜ん。
Waaah. I lost〜.
I had a fight with my partner so I wanted to make it up with the Fall-In-Love Chocolates〜 Waaah.
W-What do we do? She’s crying! We’re not saying that you have to give all of the chocolates?
But I’ve never even made chocolates befooore. I’m just gonna mess it up, so that’s why I need lots of it. Uuuu.
Well then, let’s just make some together.
We were planning on making chocolates for Valentine’s Day, so we’ll teach you how to make them.
But… Is it even okay when I was so mean to you guys?
Of course. Right, Hina?
Yeah! You’re definitely welcome to! I totally understand the feeling of wanting to make up with someone that you like.
Let’s make some super tasty chocolate together.
…Okay! Thanks!
[ On Valentine’s Day ]
ああ〜 ラッピングもっとクール系にすべきだったかな!?
Aaah〜 Should I have made the wrapping cooler!?
I changed the chocolate to be more bitter but… Will he even eat it!? Hey! What do you think Hina?!
It’s okay, calm down! It’s chocolate made with your love, so he’ll definitely eat it!
You say that but… Hina, how are you so calm? Even when those guys are coming soon.
I may have calmed down after seeing you panicking.
But my heart is still pounding, so I hope everything’ll be okay.
I'm sure they'll be happy! It’s Takemichi isn’t it? I can totes see him crying out of happiness.
Heya! Hina!
Ah, Takemichi-kun!
Yo, Emma.
Wahaaa, he’s here too! W-What do I do!!
頑張ろうエマちゃん! 私たちには恋するチョコレートがついてるんだから
Good luck, Emma-chan! We used the Fall-In-Love Chocolate so we’ll be fine.
… Yeah, you’re right!
Please take these chocolates…!
You can view all my translations for Tokyo Revengers: Puzzle Revengers & Hypnosis Mic: Alternative Rap Battle in my discord: HERE.
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monstrsball · 1 year
iwaizumi mikio + the JNT
my first post about the single dad!iwa au.
i said i wanted to write a post about mikio with the national team so... here it is!! i had some help brainstorming a lot of these because... coming up with headcanons for 14 different guys is hard. thank you to the mutuals who talked about this with me.
ushijima (uncle ushiwaka):
i talked about it a little in the original post but they're pretty close!! mikio's known him since he was a kid.
he calls him 'ushiwaka' instead of wakatoshi bc of oikawa lmao.
mikio likes to share rock and lizard facts with him. ushijima dutifully listens.
tendou sends ushijima chocolates and he always shares them with mikio! and ushijima will write down mikio's opinions on each of them to share with tendou later.
(side note: i don't think mikio has ever met tendou so he's like a celebrity in his mind... his uncle's cool friend who sends chocolates and has been on TV)
sometimes i think they just sit in silence while they do their own thing. ushijima's doing his stretches while mikio reads a book next to him or something. it's kind of cute.
bokuto (bokuto-san):
mikio, like most children, enjoys being thrown. bokuto is happy to throw children. he has a blast. in the gym, it's usually just swinging him around.
iwa isn't really the over-protective dad type but it does give him a heart attack sometimes.
bokuto calls him little/mini iwa a lot, i think... or baby iwa but that one usually makes mikio frown and go "i'm seven" all matter-of-fact.
mikio gets kind of nervous around hyakuzawa and hakuba because they are both So Tall so sometimes bokuto will carry him on his shoulders so he can be tall too.
kageyama (kageyama-senshu):
first of all. he calls him kageyama-senshu bc of hinata. mikio overheard hinata teasing him and was like O: and started calling him that too after hinata explained what it means.
kageyama is the only one he uses this for and it's because kageyama calls him "mikio-san"
they talk to each other like they're colleagues and it's both the funniest and cutest thing in the world.
"good morning, mikio-san" "good morning, kageyama-senshu"
mikio likes kageyama for these reasons! kageyama makes him feel like he's being taken seriously which is nice.
and kageyama is also happy to listen to mikio go on and on about his interests.
hinata (hinata-san / shouyou-san):
i think after he witnesses oikawa calling hinata shouyou a few times, he starts doing it too. but this is probably after the olympics tbh.
hinata is pretty good with kids! i think he's good at striking that balance between being goofy while also not talking down to kids so he's fun to talk to.
he tells mikio a lot of stories about karasuno with a slight focus on suga after he hears that he's his teacher! mikio is like "woah... suga-sen lore..." (<- he does not actually say this because he is seven but you get the idea) (actually it would be kind of funny if he said it exactly like that)
he also tells him stories about oikawa!! he tells him a little about when they hung out in brazil. and mikio's little mind is BLOWN because he didn't even know they knew each other.
atsumu (miya-san):
mikio uintentionally bullies atsumu sometimes.
he's kind of blunt and he doesn't realize that what he's saying sounds rude lmao.
"miya-san, why does your hair look like that?" when his roots are starting to grow back in. (mikio is the first one to notice)
or atsumu will be overreacting about something in typical miya atsumu fashion and mikio goes "miya-san, you're being weird"
mikio calls osamu "myaa-sam" because of bokuto and atsumu thinks it's so unfair that osamu has a special nickname when atsumu definitely sees mikio more often than he does.
he wouldn't say this to mikio though. he just whines about it to osamu.
atsumu thinks mikio hates him but mikio does actually think he's kind of cool. he says this once and atsumu is like "he thinks i'm cool" and sakusa goes "he said 'kind of cool'"
sakusa (sakusa-san):
i really thought about having mikio call him 'omi-san' because the idea of him calling him that while atsumu is just "miya-san" was. really funny but i don't actually think he would.
like, he picks up a lot of nicknames from oikawa and bokuto but this is one where i think he would stick to what his dad says.
partially because he is... a little scared of sakusa. it's not necessarily anything sakusa did, he's just tall and has a deep voice and he was wearing a mask the first time they met and it just freaked him out.
sakusa did unintentionally make him cry once because he saw mikio pick up something off the ground outside and told him it was disgusting. iwa then had a talk with sakusa about how you talk to children.
iwa was firm about it but not mean or anything. everyone else describes it as "the time our athletic trainer almost killed sakusa" though.
komori (komori-san):
komori is a fun guy! fun silly little guy! i think he likes roping mikio into shenanigans.
nothing super bad, he's not trying to get mikio in trouble with his dad or anything. just silly harmless stuff.
sometimes at sakusa's expense but not always since mikio is a little freaked out by him.
i do not have specific examples for the shenigans though. sorry. if anyone has ideas, my inbox is open always.
komori also gives me the vibe as the kind of guy who would like puns so he makes mikio laugh a lot. (even if mikio doesn't always understand the pun, lol. he laughs and then he's like "i don't get it" and then komori explains it to him)
suna (suna-san):
suna wants to be in his "the dad who stepped up" era but mikio already has a dad. (<- this is what iwa says every time suna says he can be the father figure mikio needs)
ok. jokes aside.
mikio thinks suna is okay. he shows him funny videos on his phone sometimes which is about the only time mikio finds him entertaining.
yaku (yaku-san):
it depends a little but yaku's pretty good with kids, i think. he's another one who i think kids would like because he doesn't talk down to them or anything.
(he still talks to them like they're kids though, he talks to them about their interests)
he does encourage some of the unintentionally rude things mikio says lmao.
"he's kind of weird" "you're right, mikio-kun. he is kind of weird" "HEY"
yaku and komori are secretly teaming up to try to persuade mikio to be a libero behind iwa's back. (i don't think iwa actually has any strong opinions on what position mikio would hypothetically play if he decided to play volleyball in school but still)
hoshiumi (hoshiumi-san):
kind of a menace.
he told mikio that the reason hakuba is so tall is because he watched subliminal messaging videos about making you taller when he was a kid (hakuba backed this up).
so for a few days mikio was using his screen time to watch subliminal 'how to get taller' videos on youtube and iwaizumi was like wtf?? (missed hoshiumi telling him this)
mikio didn't even know what subliminal meant. hoshiumi had to explain it to him.
another time hoshiumi told mikio that if he swallows a watermelon seed it will grow into a watermelon in his stomach and then joined the "players who have made mikio cry" club. (iwa yelled at him after)
he just... lies. a lot. about somewhat harmless stuff but still. he is spreading misinformation. and iwa is like "stop lying to my son"
aran (ojiro-san):
nervous but pretty good with mikio!
he's actually pretty good at cheering him up when he's upset because he just says it's okay to be sad! and then he feels a little better.
sometimes mikio asks him to swing him around like bokuto does and aran is like "absolutely not" (but in a nice way lol, he doesn't want to hurt his feelings but he doesn't want to risk accidentally throwing mikio across the gym)
brings extra snacks when he knows mikio is coming in (iwa usually tries to give them a heads up). he gets mikio obsessed with ritz crackers for a while because he always shares his with him.
he corrected the "hakuba got so tall because he watched subliminal videos" misinformation. i think he's actually often stepping in to correct misinformation. every time he sees hoshiumi talking to mikio, he makes sure to listen in.
hyakuzawa (hyakuzawa-san):
he's not necessarily... scared but mikio gets really nervous around hyakuzawa because of how tall he is. he is the tallest person he has ever seen.
hyakuzawa is... also nervous around kids lmao. because of how tall he is. so it's a little funny to watch them be wary around each other.
yaku tells him not to be so nervous because kids can smell fear.
"what" "they literally can't" "oh haha yeah"
he gets a little better as time goes on but he's always the most awkward around him.
hakuba (hakuba-san):
mikio is also nervous around him bc of his height but hakuba is a little better with kids than hyakuzawa. or at least, he doesn't get as nervous.
hakuba is often on like High Alert when he knows mikio is around because he doesn't want to accidentally bump into him or knock him down. (hyakuzawa too but i think it's a more conscious effort with hakuba bc he is not always that aware of his surroundings lol)
he will sometimes assist hoshiumi in spreading misinformation.
kiryuu (kiryuu-san):
i think mikio likes him! i don't think kiryuu always knows how to interact with kids but he does his best (which is pretty good tbh).
mikio asks him for bird facts, kiryuu shows him pictures of birds he's seen while birdwatching. it's nice.
mikio gains a greater appreciation for birds through these conversations and will sometimes point out random birds while he's out with his dad.
and that's it, i think? i hope you enjoyed. i'm not as happy with what i came up with for the last three (well actually i like kiryuu's i just wish i had more lol) but i didn't really want to leave them out either! if anyone wants to talk more about this, my inbox is always open!!!
asked to be tagged: @theirtheretheyre @thegaycodedvolleyballhimbos @midnightemy35
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betchanted · 2 years
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|𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚|
𝐘/𝐍 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮. 𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧. 𝐖��𝐥𝐥 𝐘/𝐍 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐎𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐱-𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤?
Genre: Fluff / Angst / Domestic / Ex Boyfriend / Smut / Fem!Reader
Warnings: Reader is the Miya twins' cousin. The story begins when Hinata goes to Japan to join the Black Jackals. Don't forget! Y/N knows most of the Haikyuu characters. (Of course, there will be things about the Y/N and Haikyuu characters in high school in the story)
1060 words.
Chapter Song:
Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness
It's like I have a heart that has been broken into a hundred thousand pieces, all parts of which have been deprived of love.
"Obviously," the Tendou Satori said, watching the woman across him soullessly eat her third slice of cake. It made him happy that his friend enjoyed the cake, but to see that she was sad, it make him sad too. "I didn't think you'd come to me first."
"What, are you sick of me?" you asked sarcastically. You both laughed at that.
"Of course I'm very bored." said Tendou sarcastically in response. "I'm sick of making you chocolate cake."
You dropped your fork and leaned back. You sighed lightly, "I had nowhere to go-"
"Don't be silly, Japan is your home too. It may be your friends' home, but I'm sure they always have a place for you." The words he said while looking into your eyes, brought tears to your eyes.
"I know, but I couldn't go back right away. I really don't know why. I couldn't. I couldn't find the strength to go. I couldn't go." you said. You clasped both hands when a breeze came in from the shop.
You was holding your own hand; as always, as it should always be.
"I already spent the first two month alone. I lived inside without worrying about anyone. It didn't work out well, I won't lie." You laughed hysterically after that. "But that's how it was supposed to be."
"Don't be too hard on yourself, Y/N. You don't have to carry anything alone. Aren't those your words? I shouldn't use your words against you."
Tendou continued to watch you with his fist against his cheek as you continued to eat your cake.
"Actually, this wasn't where I first came from." When you said that, Satori raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Are you betraying me, Y/N? Did you go Sweden to something to eat chocolate?"
He smiled when you chuckled. Making you smile was like gold to him. In fact, he felt that not only he, but everyone else thought so.
He frowned. "To Brazil?" when he said that you shook your head.
"Shoyo, Hinata Shoyo in Karasuno," you said. "He was playing beach volleyball in Brazil. To improve. I went to him. We played volleyball together and went to a wedding or something."
"Is he still in Brazil?" You shook your head no.
"After coming to him he would soon return. He was going to apply for league teams in Japan alone. It seemed impossible to be called because he had never been recognized." Talking about Hinata seemed to distract you. Just like eating.
"Wow, the shorty's going to play for the team like the others, huh?"
"I think he will rival Ushijima-san." You two smirked lightly when you said that.
"Wakatoshi-kun," the man said, stretching. "Kageyama and he are a fearsome duo."
"Don't forget about Korai. He plays very well too." you said scoldingly. Still, he knew that her favorite player was Romero. He was like everyone's favourite. He was a volleyball genius after all.
"You know you can stay here as long as you want, right?"
"I know," you said with a grateful smile. "But I plan to go in a few days-"
"You may be planning it Y/N-chan but you're here for at least 2 more weeks unfortunately." When you to object, Tendou ignored you and stood up. He brewed the boiling cherry stem tea.
"Satori-san," you muttered softly. The man fixed his curious eyes on you. "My heart is still very broken."
When your eyes met, Tendou felt something break inside him, too. Came behind the your chair placing his hands reassuringly on your shoulders.
"Whose love pain is over soon after all? Some people say that they forgot, but it continue to live inside them for days, months or even years. Some say that they forgot ten days later, but they live in silence for months, years. Some try to burn their memories brutally, they may succeed, but it hurts more to clear their ashes. Some good and beautiful women always cry." He wiped a tear from your left eye.
"They try to calm her love in her heart by shedding sad tears and crying." He said as the your tears kept flowing. You weren't even trying to delete it. Whoever has the cure for broken hearts, you both seemed ready to find it right now. But unfortunately nothing was invented that could glue broken hearts.
"It's a pity if you can't have a common future, but sometimes it's selfish to move on when you have another option."
"I don't know anything, I don't want to love him. I felt love when I with him. But now I just feel pain. My thoughts are always confused. I don't know what I'm saying, it's like I can't even think anymore." you said while speaking out of breath.
"I want to forget, I wish we never existed."
"Even when everyone forgets, you don't forget, but the pain in your heart will surely go away one day. And when it does, you begin to see your surroundings brighter and more vividly than you've ever seen." Tendou said, handing you one of the flowered napkins on the table.
Even if he said so, no one knew when that pain would subside and how long it would last.
Hi guys! This is my second story on Tumblr! I hope everyone who reads it enjoys reading it. If you like it, don't forget to fill the heart with love and follow me!
And I'm a foreigner, sorry in advance for my typos!
Bye 💗
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My boys 💗🌸
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eurydicees · 2 years
things volleyball fans in haikyuu canon would lose their goddamn minds over, an incomplete list:
when youtuber, progamer, and known non-athlete kenma kozume gets tickets to the olympic volleyball games, and is on first name basis with almost every player on the japanese team ("wait is that THE kodzuken? why is he HERE? does he even know the game rules???")
when a documentary about chocolatiers comes out and it features wakatoshi ushijima ("i put on this for background noise and.... WHY IS THE CHOCOLATE GUY BESTIES WITH JAPAN'S CANNON.")
when little known comedian shouhei fukunaga starts casually telling a joke about how internationally ranked libero morisuke yaku used to work cologne model lev haiba to death trying to get him good at volleyball. a video of him telling the story goes viral and gets him a netflix special, in which he tells plenty of stories about said internationally ranked libero ("oh my god he always seemed to put together but he's literally just some guy")
when hinata and kageyama wear #10 and #9 to the olympics ("guys according to this research, those are their high school jerseys" "i'm gonna fucking kill them")
when japanese international tooru oikawa becomes an argentinian citizen and then plays as starting setter for argentina at the olympics ("suddenly rooting for argentina just bc of the POETRY of it all" "traitor" "look. it's just. i. what are sports for. if not for this kind of drama. i'm basically legally required to root for him.")
when 19yo tobio kageyama jumps onto the world stage on the national team absolutely unknown, only to absolutely decimate other teams via service aces ("NO ONE is doing it like him!!!")
when ali roma and asas são paulo play each other, and national teammates shoyo hinata and tobio kageyama take it personally ("y'all..... are seeing this, right.")
when the all-star match happens and atsumu miya and tooru oikawa are on the same team ("tetsurou kuroo i would die for you thank you for making all my dreams come true")
when the interview between udai, bokuto, and akaashi is released and they see bokuaka together and being Just. Like That. ("uh it's kind of a crack ship but i'm gonna start a new ship channel in the discord ok guys" "stop abusing your power as mod" "they're in LOVE")
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the-sky-is-my-home · 1 year
Endless list of things I love about post-ts haikyuu (various teams ver.)
iwaizumi's godzilla phone case
the whole seijoh team not giving a shit about their home country's national team or iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer. oikawa is playing for argentina so they're cheering for argentina and that's that
funeral home employee mattsun
oikawa getting his banner at the olympics, the last one shown in the regular manga chapters, really makes it feel like this is HIS success story even if he lost during high school and was out of the story for so long because of it
I watched the original "petty pride" exchange when s2 came out. the amount of satisfaction I got from reading "What do you think of my petty pride now?" "I think it's fantastic." is unrivalled. it's one piece levels of delayed gratification good. I may love and be obsessed with other characters, but my heart will always be with oikawa tooru and rather than a win or a spot at nationals or whatever, this is what he deserves.
the last page of haikyuu canon we ever got featured oikawa being stupid and petty and cute and iwa bickering with him and it's like. what more could I ever ask for
ushiwaka's relationship with kids. all of it
ushiwaka wanting his dad to watch his games being the reason he works so hard to get good, only to hear his dad being all excited and always watching any games he can it's just so sweet
shirabu still being so intense about ushiwaka all the time always
the shiratorizawa team still going to goshiki's to watch stuff together, just like they used his tablet and his dorm room back in the day. boy will never know peace
the documentary about chocolatier tendou with ushiwaka in it. look at them!!! they're best friends!!! I love them so much! and it's just perfect when tendou was the one assuming he'd be in ushiwaka's documentary
tendou's lil volleyball chocolate <3
bokuto's stupid chest receives. my boy hasn't changed at all lmao
that lil montage of hs age bokuto causing problems for his team
bokuto still doing a feint, the "special attack" he taught hinata ages ago
fukuroudani still supporting him so so much and calling him "our ace" just makes me emotional
akaashi interviewing bokuto and udai tenma just sitting there like "what in the fresh hell are these two talking about???"
someone (yaku) finally understanding and translating when bokuto makes some insane statement about what "normal" is wasn't necessary but I love it so so much you don't even know. my boy bokuto is understood and among his kind. he belongs. this is all I need in life
hoshiumi asking hinata's height even tho he already knows
sakusa being on the same team as hinata AND atsumu AND bokuto. you know this man is getting roped into so many shenanigans against his will
sakusa meeting ushiwaka for the first time and being impressed not because of volleyball but because of his pocket handkerchief that he folds with the damp side in
also sakusa (presumably) choosing his (and komori's) high school based on a guy with a lint roller
hoshiumi seeing hinata as a rival but also more as an ally. short kings unite!!!
kanoka being the ace of japan's women's volleyball team and tanaka being so so supportive of her. like yeah that crush didn't work out for her but she's thriving and there's no resentment between them, she's not defined by romance. queen.
nekoma's "connect" flag being taken from the context of connecting in volleyball to connecting through volleyball is just. chef's kiss
kuroo's con man vibe even though he just genuinely loves volleyball and wants to spread that love to as many people as possible
yaku being the one who plays in russia when you could assume lev would, but no. yaku returns from russia and the first thing he does is make fun of model lev. it's perfect
kuroo in the special baiting everyone exactly with what they want like this man knows what kinda idiots he has at his disposal
yaku next to yoffe
also ending on nekoma's flag is perfect
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