#the things kid says about harry
aquarri · 1 year
"don’t get me started on hl surrounding themselves with enablers" would like to know your thoughts, especially regarding harry, cause with louis i kind ot see it already, but harry is more of a mystery to me.
both their teams?! jeff and co? dare i say his therapist that he brought to his show?
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
Harry Kim saying Naomi is lucky to be born on Voyager and that he would have given "anything" to have her life when he was a kid...
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#He sees NO downsides????#Also I love how Neelix was yelling and panicked and Harry was like 'haha ok buddy. Hey this little guy is ugly huh~? See ya later!'#absolutely unbothered and not the least bit curious - love him <3#saw someone post about how they don't like 'once upon a time' bc Neelix doesn't tell Naomi right away about her mother .... bro.#c'mon. Anyway I love Neelix and him trying so hard to shield Naomi from bad things / upset bc he KNOWS how fucking painful#it is to lose a family DID make me tear up.#Also Naomi in that burned-down forest (symbolic of innocence?) was a kickass visual. Neelix telling her about his family and Naomi trying#to comfort HIM??? SHE'S SUCH A GOOD KID MAN....Neelix making her a flotter doll was also v cute#OH AND Naomi going 'I Am Borg...' and Neelix going '~??? No you're not~!!!' and Naomi giggling...added NOTHING to the#episode - as it should be!! Sometimes you've just gotta have a really cute silly moment <3#Tuvok: [says something] / Tom: Nice bedside manner Tuvok =_=#Tuvok: [about to say the most beautiful comforting words you've ever heard one parent say to another] And I took that personally.#Love how Naomi is scared of Seven at first...girl that's your roommate.#HEHEH she starts off the series scared of her but by the end she's her little buddy and also her intern#but yeah never forget that Harry Kim can and will say the most unhinged things but so casually that no one will really clock it#NEVER forget that he says he remembers.....either being an infant or his own birth - both WILD to me#Harry Kim lowkey loves destiny and being special and the idea of 'chosen ones' and the narrative even though he will fight it all if it#harms the ones he loves#Harry: (guy from an alternate timeline who replaced the dead Naomi with the alive one from his own) That kid's living the dream <3
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radiation · 2 months
This is no longer a hot or controversial take, but well before it became well known that JKR was a massive bigot and racist I hated Harry Potter. I still can't even articulate why I disliked it so much and it's a passion of mine to dissect and analyze (at an academic level) horror movies, novels, and tropes.
I think it was just so bland and over-hyped from the beginning. Literally bland to the point where I have nothing interesting to critique about it. I think a current AI with a good editor could make something more interesting.
I really think it's popularity just came from being most kids first large fantasy book and that's all.
For context I was 5 when the first book came out and was introduced to the series when I was 9 or so.
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mispelled · 5 months
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Idk if there are enough overlapping fans to get this but that's ok because I cater to myself
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teledild0nix · 1 year
One of the reasons the Dursleys refused to associate with Lily and barely even know her husband and son's names is because she married a Black man and had a Black son.
And they're so ashamed of Harry when he comes to live with them not solely bc of the possibility that he has magical power but simply because he is Black and having a Black person in their household (not their family because they don't treat him like family) is a source of shame to them.
So they treat him like a servant and tell everyone he's a criminal whom they are attempting to reform out of the goodness of their own hearts. AND ALL THEIR NEIGHBORS BELIEVE THEM even tho Harry is the kindest, most generous, most polite child in the world!!! Everybody is soooo ready to think he's a bad egg, and it doesn't end at Hogwarts even tho everyone there has magical power too. The fickleness and disloyalty with which so many of Harry’s peers treat him when he is smeared by the press or puts a toe out of line at school!!
Dumbledore's thumb up his ass attitude toward the Dursley's abuse and grooming Harry to believe it's his duty to die for the cause HMMMMMMM!
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sydmarch · 1 year
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anyway this is what i was actually trying to find. fucking thinking about this.
#NEED to know about their young adulthood. acele is described as 'late teens to early twenties' & we have no fucking clue how old evrart#is beyond 'around the same age as harry' which could mean anything when klaasje thinks hes 44 & kim thinks hes 56#but i imagine they ARE actuslly very close in age bcus it'd just make sense wrt the timing of the revolution & all & yknow the parallels#so like they definitely could have been somewhere in their mid or late 20s when they came into power? & this 'at her age' as just a handful#of years before that? (choosing to just believe this line rather than taking it as him only trying to 'kids will be kids'ing away the drug#lab thing & making something up. so i can totally just like imagine lots of anger. at the state of things. about powerlessness. what do we#DO about it? probably getting into trouble & getting in fights for a long time. like leo says they ALWAYS came to help it wasn't just a one#off thing where they defended him it was just that one incident where the bullying stopped. bcus they beat him until he NEEDED STITCHES#like god i can just imagine their childhood & then the adolescent & young adult frustration & all of that coalescing into ok we WILL do#something to make things better. whatever it takes even. coming to the decision it's worth killing for#'your honor it's fine that my little meow meow had someone assassinated he had a bad childhood you see'#im chewing through concrete im throwing up im pacing my enclosure#anyway. me when i'm normal about the video game men#texticles#de#disco elysium#evrart
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humaforever · 3 months
Harry wears all those belts so he always has something on him that Uma can tie him up with later-
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greenerteacups · 9 months
How do you feel about the fact that Bellatrix was Voldemort’s concubine/lover?
This ask prompted a real coleslaw of emotions.
Top level, I can't take the Cursed Child seriously as canon. I'm a purist about text to begin with — no word of God or adaptation can change what you put in the original books, and if the author wanted the text to be different, they had their shot — but, even if not, the Cursed Child is bad. Like, it's My Immortal type bad. It's the kind of bad that makes you glad it didn't come out closer to the original books + movies, or it could have had a Game of Thrones-type cratering effect on discussion and fandom. The Albus/Scorpius dynamic is cute — everything else about it sucks. It is a no-fly zone for good ideas. The Golden Trio are all twisted into funhouse mirrors, Voldemort has a daughter, and most perversely, the absolutely horrific mutilation of Cedric Diggory's character (in no world did that boy become a Death Eater! he was KIND AND DECENT! and he DIED ANYWAY! that was THE FUCKING POINT!!!!!!!).
Second layer: let's say that Bellatrix/Voldemort is canon and explored beyond the writers going "whoops gotta find a working womb for Voldemort's kid." That's a really interesting dynamic. It's a horrible dynamic! It's a motherfucker of an age gap to begin with, and it would have started when she was in her late teens to early twenties! Plus, she was married. To another man. So that would have to be explained? Because she obviously wasn't always so mindlessly devoted to Voldemort that she couldn't entertain connections with others? But that's not to say that I'm against it as a narrative decision. Tom Riddle is (captain obvious moment incoming) a Bad, Bad Man, and the idea of him seducing a younger woman is actually an understandable extension of his connection with his followers that's not explored in the books. Because, like: the Death Eaters are a cult! Riddle runs a death cult. Cults use sex to manipulate members. One of the oldest tricks in the book.
Third layer: this could be a kind of interesting move for Riddle, who as a villain is never developed all that much, and doesn't have much in the way of humanizing qualities. Because Riddle is anti-love as such. He doesn't believe in it, and if you believe Dumbledore, he's not capable of it. (I don't really love this take on the character, but I think that Riddle thinks this is the case, and Dumbledore is so grizzled and jaded by the years that he believes him. Dumbledore's great failure with Tom was never seeing past the person Tom wanted him to see — or, rather, looking at Tom and seeing Grindlewald when he should have seen Harry.) So for him to harbor enough affection for Bellatrix to take her as his (only?) lover, when he doesn't seem to need it to convince her to join him (and he doesn't really need her support, anyway) creates a wrinkle in the Story of Voldemort as we're told. It suggests that either Tom or Dumbledore (or both) is lying about his capacity for love— or at least his capacity for human attachment. And that Tom isn't so unique as either of them would like to believe.
Also, it adds a wrinkle to Bellatrix's character, too: even if they met when she was an adult, there's manipulation happening there that's clearly one-sided and unequal. or at least, there probably is. and if it's consensual, or if she aggressively pursued him— that's interesting, too. my point being: this isn't a bad idea, necessarily. it's a bad idea because i don't think the writers of the Cursed Child thought about any of that when they were trying to find a womb for the Voldebaby.
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statementlou · 2 months
So you think he didnt know he was going to be asked that question? To me it looks like both the interviewer and Louis knew what the next question would be about
I don't know and we never will! I tend to automatically bristle a bit at people saying everything is planted planned fake etc because I really just... disagree. So so much of the time. And I don't find it remotely unlikely that an interviewer in LATAM (where like... everyone is a larrie) would ask that and I don't find anything about any of it strange, including that he would be able to answer the question the way he did and without a reaction. But who knows? If they did plant that now I wouldn't find it weird at all (though I don't think they did); however it came about I'm sure they're very interested in taking the temperature of the fanbase around this, seeing what the response is. The fanbase is going through a lot of growth and changes, especially around this stuff! I'd give a lot to know what they're seeing tbh to have that data, it would be truly fascinating. I will say however that I really do not think they arranged for this to drop at the end of his press tour as I've seen suggested (and I imagine there are still more interviews that haven't dropped yet so it isn't even the end? I'm not keeping track but probably?). It was recorded on the very first day of the junket- and having seen this I would guess that NOT knowing when it was going to drop is why Louis has been so very Online these last days monitoring the progress of his little junket tour, knowing that at some point things were going to blow up with this and checking to see if it was happening yet (especially as he probably thought it was going to drop while he was still face to face interacting with fans every day and he'd certainly want to know when it had dropped for that.)
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origami-butterfly · 1 month
Ok but sometimes the most infuriating political stance a person can have is point blank refusing to discuss social issues with you when you bring it up because they "don't want to get political". Don't open the tags unless you want to read a rant
#my random stuff#vaguepost#vent post#like... babes. how do i explain EVERY DAMN THING YOU DO can be considered political by some metric#YES that includes your silence#also the fact that they will happily talk about being a socialist and fuck the tories and everything#but then if i ever want to discuss something that doesn't directly affect them they will literally just shut me down#like i know our normal friendship consists of sunshine and rainbows and silliness#but I'd fucking appreciate if you didn't ruin that friendship by refusing to agree with me about things that should be a no brainer#I can't even discuss fucking JK ROWLING with them!! because their sibling loves harry potter and they always say “it's just a kids series”#and “let them have their nostalgia”#OH I'M SORRY.#DOES YOUR FUCKING NOSTALGIA MEAN MORE TO YOU THAN MY LITERAL SURVIVAL AND HEALTH???#like. I'm sorry but there's more important things here#babygirl i don't know how to explain to you#that if a political party said they were going to kill all lefties people BUT give all right handed people unlimited access to horror films#you would vote for them wouldn't you?#even though I'm left handed you'd say “of course i support left handedness how can you even question that”#<- shit metaphor. i know.#but i could point out “yeah they want to kill me” and they'd say “I just don't know enough about it to discuss this; sorry”#like??? if you don't know enough#maybe. fucking?? educate yourself??? by having discussions about it???#PLEASE pull your head out the sand sweetie#saying you care is just empty fucking words#i shouldn't be saying this; they're one of my oldest friends but GOD.#if you can't even agree with me about jkr being a fucking holocaust denier we're going to keep having problems
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showinalittlelife · 11 months
J*ly stans are like cockroaches infesting my house and no matter how much anti-cockroach spray I buy they always find ways to get on my nerves it doesn’t matter how many I crush, or how many times I move they’re like tiny parasites finding their way to me through every crack and one day I’ll just burn my entire house down with them all inside and live a peaceful life.
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felix-lupin · 9 months
G'morning 💟💟💟
This is a ramble about a post about the Harry Potter books (wishing they were not written)...
I Really Enjoyed the Geodyssey series by Piers Anthony (Isle of Woman, Shame of Man, Hope of Earth, Muse of Art... I never read the last book... Climate of Change)
I read the first 4 books many years ago, and I Really Enjoyed reading these books and the style of writing that spanned across many generations and time periods. I re-read this series many times over the years, and each time I enjoyed the stories and the characters.
Piers Anthony is a prolific author that has written a plethora of books. I have only read the Geodyssey series, and not any of his other works.
And then something happened and the reputation of Piers Anthony changed from 'respected prolific sci-fi and fantasy author' to 'creepy creep'... He was writing too much about panties and female bodies and teenage sexuality and he is no longer popular or respected 😶
These things are confusing and sad.
Many times I have experienced emotional cruelty from others in the form of 'You like/enjoy (random media)? Then you must be the kind of awful/evil/wrong person who supports (inappropriate behaviors of the creator of that media)!'
These things are confusing and sad.
I imagine that about 98% of Creatives are Normal Humans that will be sometimes good and sometimes bad, but always Humans that are Going Through It, making mistakes and learning, and never perfect... And only about 1% of Creatives are perfectly evil rotten humans, and only about 1% of Creatives are perfectly good kind humans. The individual that consumes media is not responsible for the actions of the media creator. I guarantee that all humans have enjoyed a work of art/music/literature that was created by someone that they would be repulsed by, if they were to know the creative personally. Should this diminish the experience of enjoyment that the individual feels upon consuming the media?
For example... Michaelangelo was secretly queer but openly hatefully homophobic. In person he was bitter, condescending, sadistic, and rude. He did not bathe, and upon his death he had had the same pair of stockings on for So Many Years that it was necessary to scrape them off of his skin with a spatula. Meeting him in person would not be a pleasant experience for most humans... But he gave us David and La Pieta and the Sistine Chapel and So Much More! Should the Beauty of those works be diminished because they were created by an asshole?
And Jared Leto is a bad person and a bad actor, but Mr. Nobody is still an emotionally beautiful and thought provoking film.
There were too many examples, across all media, and through out all time. Should you choose to only consume media that was created by perfect humans, it would be necessary to live bereft of Art.
I perceive Art like this... There is a Collective Consciousness of humanity's ideas and imagination (the noosphere) and Creations are conducted into this realm of reality (born) through the Creatives (conduits). Consider the Michael Sheen quote/acting advice about the characters they portray not being able to exist unless they open themself and channel that out into the world (paraphrasing)... Consider a child being born... Is that child an extension of the parent? Responsible for the behaviors of the parent? Or is it its own entity that should be perceived by its own merits? Creations of Art are the manifestations of ideas and imagination that have been born through the conduit of Creatives... Creations of Art are the Children of Creatives. Should you be repulsed by a beautiful child because its parent is ugly or vulgar?
Have been thinking on this for a day or so... And just wanted to submit these thoughts for your consideration.
(I agree 100% that JK Rowling is a jerk and this ramble is Not About That)
Good morning!
It's definitely a. Complicated subject? I agree that people shouldn't be harassed for what they enjoy in media, though. Someone who harasses or belittles others for what they enjoy in media will always be 100x worse than the person that's enjoying the "bad/problematic" media.
I personally could never read the Harry Potter books after what happened with JKR, but I do understand that there's a good amount of people who read the stories *before* the transphobia stuff came out, and to a lot of those people the series means something to them. There is some degree of separating the art from the artist, although it's impossible to do that entirely.
I think it's mostly fine as long as one acknowledges the problems that a work does have, things in the work that are. Prejudiced, for example. Although I do also understand that there's a lot of people that would rather not be. Reminded about Harry Potter, or talked to about it, or it upsets them when there's references to it.
Both of those people—people that are attached to Harry Potter and keep talking about it and making fanwork for it, and people that don't want to talk about it and having it referenced makes them uncomfortable— are valid. As long as nobody's harassing or belittling anyone else. Although, I will note that, while I can't control what anyone decides to do with their money bc it's their money, even the people who are still fans shouldn't buy things that are going to give money to JKR.
#im in class rn so sorry if this isnt like..super coherent. but ignore that#from the nebula#But anyways#if someone wants to properly seperate the art from the artist and make it clear that they dont like the artist#even though they like the art. the Not-Supporting-Said-Person by buying stuff thing is. important. imo#also anyways#im loosely in the latter camp. I would rather not talk about Harry Potter or participate in things related to it#Although one time my old school had this Harry Potter day thing where they decorated the school#and a bunch of kids and teachers showed up in cosplay. Which is sweet‚ I guess‚ but I was uncomfortable with it at the time#They talked about how great JKR was the entire day and when someone brought up her transphobia they just brushed it off#like it didnt matter. And when I was like yeah ok im not gonna really help set this up. because i dont like JKR#the teachers acted like i was being. whats the saying. a wet blanket#So while i do understand that theres some people who like Harry Potter and still want to have fun with it#I also completely understand people who wish it wouldn't be brought up around them and they didnt have to hear it referenced#..#Although I do agree that no artist or *human* for that matter is 100% 'unproblematic' and expecting people to be perfect is unreasonable#And what someone enjoys in fiction is NOT a reflection of their morals. I would be a BIG hypocrite if i claimed that people's fictional#enjoyments said ANYTHING even SLIGHTLY about their morals. It doesn't.#Think i say that in my bio too
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lunarheslwt · 2 years
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Girlie how are you gonna be a stay at home mom when you literally have been parading around with your bf and been at like more than half his shows from city to city country to country. Wow that's some real dedication for your kids.
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The Mirror of Desire
focus on the marauders
approx. 1100 words
���Oi, you two. Shut it, else Filch will hear.”
A mumbled reply of “Sorry, Prongs” and “Yeah yeah whatever” float from beneath the shimmering fabric of the invisibility cloak.
“Seriously lads, sometimes it’s like you hate each other or something.” Peter joins.
“Nah. Moony and I just like a good argument sometimes,” Sirius grins into the dark,“Isn’t that right Remus?”
Remus hums noncommittally and swats Sirius’ hand when he jabs him in the ribs, teasing.
James pauses and points down the hall, “Alright, I think it’s that way.” He pauses to look down at the map in his hands and leads them further into the pitch black.
"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Remus asks.
"You'll see." James replies mysteriously.
They turn at the end of the corridor and enter a seemingly empty room. At the back stands a tall object covered by a cloth. Once they are all inside and the door is closed, James throws the invisibility cloak off of them and marches straight at the mysterious object. He rips the cloth off with a flourish and gestures dramatically at what is uncovered.
“A mirror?” Pete seems confused.
“Not just any old mirror. The mirror of Erised,” James explains.
“Erised?” Remus questions. “Let me guess, it shows our deepest desires? Someone was being a funny bugger.”
James squints his eyes at Remus, “How did you know?”
“Prongs.. Erised is desire spelt backwards.”
James’ eyes widen behind his glasses and he smacks himself on the forehead. “Merlin, how did I not see that?”
“Not many people are as clever as our Moony. Don’t compare yourself to him James.” Sirius says earnestly and smiles when he sees the flush that has risen to Remus’ face at the compliment.
James clears his throat. “Alright who’s first?”
Pete steps forwards towards the mirror and squeaks at what he sees.
“What do you see Wormy?” Sirius asks.
Pete stares at the scene in the glass, him being lifted up onto the shoulders of his friends and paraded around the common room, everyone chanting his name.
“Oh, I see myself going to collect a trophy. I think it’s the international wizards chess championships.”
“Wicked” Sirius responds.
“I’d say that’s an achievable goal Pete. No one plays chess like you.” James encourages Peter. “Okay it’s my turn now.” James steps in front of the mirror, smiling in anticipation. His smiles fades and he swallows harshly as his deepest desire takes shape. He sees himself crouching down next to a toddler that resembles him almost perfectly; brown skin and unruly black hair coupled with warm brown eyes. Almost perfectly, save for the finer bone structure and delicate features. No, those come from the man standing behind him, hand on his shoulder. Regulus smiles down at their child and squeezes James’ shoulder lovingly. He joins him on the floor and leans in to kiss his jaw. James watches on longingly in a trance. He can almost feels the ghost of a kiss on his skin.
“Hello? Prongs, are you in there?”
James is snapped out of his trance and turns to face Remus. He looks at him kindly and asks what he saw.
James forces a sheepish grin onto his face and lies, “Evans and I have a kid. He’s got my eyes and her hair.”
Sirius groans good-naturedly and shoves James out of the way “Such a family man, you are.” He watches the mirror expectantly and flinches when an image forms. It’s him and his family. Regulus is there, arm around his big brothers shoulders, smiling. Sirius has never seen Regulus this happy. Their parents stand behind them, except something is different. They seem softer. Kind. They don’t look so harsh, as if they would never even consider hurting their children. Like they would do anything to stop that from happening. Tears spring to Sirius’ eyes and he swipes at them angrily. He takes a moment to compose himself and turns to face the group.
“I saw my family. My real family. Effie and Monte, and you Prongs.” Sirius ruffles James’ hair and gestures for Remus to take his place in front of the mirror.
Remus tentatively walks towards the glass and pauses. He watches as a full moon begins to peak out from behind clouds. He braces himself for the transformation but it never comes. He waits, but all he sees is a boy, unencumbered by the harsh realities of the world they live in. His face is free of scars and his eyes are bright.
Remus continues watching himself and says, “I see me. But I’m not a werewolf.” I look happy, he thinks.
Silence follows and Pete breaks it with an idea. “Do you think it would work if we all stood in front of it? Like would it show our collective group desire?” They all pause to think and James shrugs and says, “Well it couldn’t hurt to try.”
They all shuffle in front of the mirror and wait.
“Nothing’s changing,” Pete says.
“Patience, Wormy.” Sirius scolds.
They all stare, entranced, as the image in front of them begins to change. They watch themselves age. They grow taller, their faces mature, and they stand straighter.
“We’re getting old! Look! Sirius, you’re starting to get wrinkles!” Peter starts excitedly.
Normally, Sirius would bite back, but he was too busy watching as his older versions hand drifts closer to Remus’. He flicks his eyes to Remus to see that his gaze is fixated on that same region. Their hands meet in the middle, and young Remus looks up at Sirius to see that he is already watching him. Sirius blushes and looks away, going back to seeing himself age.
Remus stares at their hands joined in the mirror. He knows Sirius sees it too. The way his cheeks turned red when Remus caught him staring confirmed it. Remus’ heart begins beating harder as he flexes his fingers and slowly moves them across the space between him and Sirius.
James and Peter are still engrossed by their ageing selves and don’t notice when Sirius flinches and then slides his fingers between Remus’.
“I can’t believe our deepest desire is just to be old. That’s so boring.” Peter complains.
“Come on Petey, don’t be like that. We’re going to grow old together, isn’t that nice?” James argues.
“Yeah, I guess. But I still wish we saw something that would never happen, like us all being world famous quidditch players on the same team or something. That would be more exciting. Because we already know this is going to happen.”
“Yeah.” Remus says softly.
“I can’t wait to grow old with you,” Sirius speaks to them all, but his eyes are on Remus.
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releaseholiday · 1 year
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steelycunt · 2 years
aus where r/s have a kid are a little strange to me sorry. because well s okay i sort of get it but r? what about that man makes you think he would a) want a child b) be a good father to one. be real
#when i say aus i also mean the child she made him father in the canon material. which never shouldve happened#teddy lupin means nothing to me. those are just words. there is no residual fondness left over from my affection for his father#sorry but even if they got married. i dont think theyre having kids. that seems like such a strange next move for them i cannot imagine the#wanting that#r endangered every child in hogwarts incuding his dead best friends son so as not to damage his reputation with the big boss. and now you#have to understand i dont see that as any sort of crime because i dont give a shit about any of those kids if it was up to me#he wouldve eaten harry when he got the chance. but the principle of it does not scream to me 'man who should have a child :-('#as much as i HATE to acknowledge the existence of hjp. he was kid enough for s i think and i grant you he was a good parental figure to him#but like. for him and his loser boyfriend to go out of their way to have a child. feels unlikely ill level with you. but this might all jus#be my disinterest in kidfic showing. i think im right though#like its one thing to take h in as the orphan son of ur dead friend in canon. but like in aus...hm.#its the same as i feel about them proposing to each other. said it b4 but i cannot imagine either of them planning some big heavily#orchestrated candles and roses down on one knee proposal. that is not them its just not. if they DO get married its because they are#brushing their teeth together and one of them goes we should get married and the other one goes what? and the first one says we should#get married again and the other one goes take your toothbrush out of your mouth i cant understand what youre saying like that. and the#first one takes their toothbrush out and repeats i SAID we should get MARRIED and the other one goes oh okay. if you'd like#anyway. this post got away from me no one is reading these tags are they jeez#r/s
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