#the translation I linked was approved by the creators
emeraldskulblaka · 2 years
Лэ о Лэйтиан - 24/11/2022 - Review
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Vilena Sokolova (Lúthien), Rostislav Kolpakov (Beren)*, Edrian Bernada (Sauron), Evgeny Egorov (Finrod), Ivan Grigoriev (Morgoth), Mikhail Sidorenko (Námo), Fedor Nemtsev (Celegorm), Semyon Nemtsev (Curufin), Maxim Rakovsky (Thingol), Ekaterina Busygina (Melian), Nikolay Teryaev (Daeron)*, Andrey Nechaev (Huan), Alexey Grigoriev (Carcharoth)
* premiere
Here's a "review" of the most recent performance in Moscow, Russia on 24 November 2022, broadcast live on Boomstream. Fair warning: I'm not a professional reviewer! Hence, here are some observations, thoughts, favourite moments; I didn't attempt to write a formal review.
REVIEW: Act 1 | Act 2
Full recording | clips | libretto & translation
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ao3commentoftheday · 12 days
Hey :) I recently discovered that the "related works" link in the dashboard is only visible for myself, not for any reader. I've never noticed this in other people's profiles. It made me curios as to why that might be the case? Related works contains translations, works that inspired other author's and works that inspired your own stuff. I think it would be awesome if people could see that, because it would grant easy access to other great works. Do you know why it's not visible?
The Related Works page is a place where a creator can allow or remove a link from their work to the other work. Here's a screenshot for anyone who isn't an author or who hasn't got a related work yet.
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While it's presented as a list, that's simply for the sake of organization. The actual purpose is to give a creator an easily viewable way to either allow or remove a link to their work from someone else.
When another creator translates a work or creates a work inspired by another work and they use the "Inspired by" or "Translation" function in the new post form, AO3 sends an email to the original creator asking if they approve. The original creator can either click an "approve" link in that email or they can approve through this page on their Dashboard.
Approving a related work means that you (as the original creator) allow AO3 to add a link to that related work onto your original. For an example, here's that first work Partners In Chem, and you can see a note on the work that indicates who the work was gifted to (using that feature in the new work posting form) as well as a link to the Russian translation.
So while no one can see a handy list of all of the related works a particular author has, all in one place, they can still see related works linked out from each individual fic itself. The easy access is there, it's just located more specifically.
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petalruesimblr · 3 months
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Hey everyone!
This is part two of my small gift to my followers and to all the support I have received since I started this simblr blog. In case anyone missed it, here's the link to the first part of my gift: click here. It features a small set of starter homes for your Sims all priced below §16,500.
For the second gift, I'm excited to introduce the Sim Service Specialist Career! This is my first time creating a career for The Sims 3 and I owe special thanks to MissyHissy's for the step-by-step tutorial (here), as well as to Emma and Pat222 at Job Centre Discord for their help and encouragement when I felt like giving up.
Additional credits go to the creators of S3pe and Twallan for the Career Mod.
To new visitors, welcome and feel free to browse my Tumblr by checking out the pinned post for easier navigation. To everyone, your continued support through likes, reblogs, downloads and follows is always appreciated and welcomed!
Click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the Sim Service Specialist Career.
XOXO, petalrue 🌺
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Sim Service Specialist (Call Center)
Download Link: Sim File Share | MTS (for approval)
Career Details:
Available for: Young Adults, Adults and Elders Available Languages: English Levels: 10 Does it have Carpool? Yes Does it have Uniforms? Yes Metrics: Charisma, Logic (only at higher career levels), Relationships, Mood, Meetings (for high level) Performance Tones: Business as Usual, Peak Performance, Coffee Break, Team Huddle, Desk Detour, Hold Meetings, Practice Call Scripts, Suck up to Boss, Strategy Review and Conduct Evaluation
For my first career for TS3, I decided to go with the Call Center path which I was already familiar with due to my previous job working at one. This is a vanilla career; meaning no opportunities, events, books nor custom uniforms because those are a lot harder to deal with for a first timer.
This career was made with patch 1.42 and it should work for higher patches as long as you have the latest version of NRAAS Careers Mod. Please be advised that you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for this career to show up in the game, click here.
The career is based at the Business and Journalism rabbit hole with the same uniforms used for the Business career, for female Sims refer to the picture above and male Sims click here for reference. This career focuses mostly on the Charisma skill at the start, which then adds the Logic skill as the career advances to leadership roles.
I have renamed all typical tones such as Power Work and Take It Easy, etc. and have added three custom tones called: Practice Call Scripts, Conduct Evaluation and Strategy Review that will increase charisma and logic respectively.
I'm not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don't hesitate to send me a message here or comment on this post and will let you know the details.
I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. As this is my first career, all feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
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elizakai · 10 months
Ok keep in mind, some of these Are going through reboots or are ongoing! 
but these are BASICS and should mostly hold up!
I only knew of a few of these sources before tonight, so I did have to skim a few of these sources as I searched…. I’d like to think I’m a decent info surfer 🫠 but take with a grain of salt as you should most things _^_
I may have to come back and edit this post :( lmk if any of the links don’t work, sites prove unhelpful, or if you have BETTER sites, please 😁
If you want other au’s, or if anyone’s interested in specific characters simplified facts and/ or analysis, I can do the research for you and write it up more swallowable, just lmk _^_
Au/ canon by rahafwabas
The ao3 link in this was especially helpful to me personally :)⬇️
Au/ Canon by jokublog/ joku
SIMPLE, HELPFUL SUMMARY, JUST FACTS! updated 2021 so beware of potential changes but most of this holds up from reading it⬇️
Dreamtale past archive , xxtha has been approved by joku and has some good character analysis things on their blog, esp on dreamtale/ and dream’s character :D!⬇️
Au/ Canon by ask dusttale
DUSTTALE is hard because the creator speaks Korean.  I’ve yet to find compiled info so here’s their tumblr, there is an archive of asks and such on blog!
DUSTTALE has a lot of intentionally unanswered questions in general, so if it’s confusing that’s…part of it😪
Ask DustTale — Can you clarify something please? You keep...
This is helpful and simple character wise⬇️
Canon Dusttale Sans Storyline, Character, and Facts | Undertale AUs Amino
the creator has several stories on ao3 about dust (well, technically murder) sans, but most are in Korean….if you know how to find translations I’d love to get my hands on it 👀
Au/ Canon by comyet
COMYET Being golden and splendiferous and making it easy for me by compiling it for us I will marry them just for that, this includes a personality section too⬇️
Au/ Canon by SourAppleStudios
❗️This comic contains gore and disturbing images❗️as long as that doesn’t bother you…ABSOLUTELY go read it!!! IT’S GOOD.
If the link is weird, just find sourapplestudios and you should be able to figure it out! Keep in mind the comic is still in the works but a good amount of content is established
K so for horror SANS this is a wiki ( :( I tried avoiding those…) BUT it’s quick and easy, slightly biased but still valuable⬇️ I’m sure there’s better sources but this is the first decent quick one I found!
Now most of you are aware of the underswap drama that occurred…and that most of the fandom doesn’t adhere to the original underswap, especially after the creator stepped away from the story
However, I think this still holds valuable information, even if just for reference or ideas, so here THIS hefty chunkalunk⬇️
Canon Underswap research
I’m afraid an archive for the Fandom underswap probably doesn’t exist, as interpretations are kind of just…accepted?but if the original was more your thing, or if you just want the info, there it is!
god I’ve analyzed this hoe left and right. Not even kidding.
We all know loverofpiggies/ CQ , you should easily be able to find the comic with a search ‘ask error sans’ , there’s also some fun comic dubs on YouTube :) ! Here’s the blog with start at beginning and archive options⬇️
Ask Error!Sans (Unfinished) (Posts tagged errortale)
Also. This entire thing is AMAZING I read this years ago and had a ball,I need to reread it but I managed to find it and 😪✨ great phycology analysis by she-of-many-fandoms…⬇️✨
I draw comics sometimes — themightymarai: she-of-many-fandoms: Preface...
That’s all for now, my arms are dying from Internet surfing🧎🏽‍♀️AGAIN feel free to suggest, request, correct, comment or offer more info! Happy brainworms :) 🐛
( @zucchiyeni )
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hey I just saw your post about the minister and the ace community, do you perhaps have a link or somethin? thanks
Okay, so I'm sorry but I'm gonna use your ask to talk about the so-called 'trans law' in Spain because IT JUST GOT APPROVED!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!!!!!
First of all, I am having a lot of trouble finding links to English-speaking news outlets talking about it so all links are gonna be in Spanish for now, I'm sorry. Please, if anyone finds stuff in English let me know and I'll edit this post!!
Anyways, let's start answering your ask lol. She said this this morning (December 22nd 2022), before they voted for the law. Her name is Irene Montero, and she's the Minister of Equality and creator of the law. Here's a twitter clip where she says it, I'll translate it in English:
"... there's also the rights that are still missing. I know that today is a difficult day for non-binary people, who celebrate the advances that they have also conquered but who need the legal recognition of their reality. In the last few years, you have succeded in letting a very important part of society know you exist; may there be more and more respect and less discrimination, mockery or misunderstandings for your lives and your identities' sake. But I am aware that you also need your rights to be recognized; we will continue to protect and care for you, we know we have to keep advancing. We also know this is the case for trans and LGBTI immigrants, for ace people, for all those lives who are still invisible in the eyes of society and who are going to keep pushing the transformations that your lives need."
After it, Congress voted for this new law. It ended up passing with 188 votes in favour, 150 against, and 7 abstentions; it'll now have to be ratified by the Senate before finally being effective. This finally put an end to a months-old drag and trampling of the law by T*RFs all over the country (and of course the usual conservatives and fascists but that was expected), an extensive hate campaign towards Irene Montero herself (although tbh ever since she started in politics the poor woman has been submitted through continuous heckling and disinformation campaigns) and serious doubts on its approval, many thought it would change too much or be indefinitely delayed; in this article they neatly talk about how many hardships it has gone through if you're interested. But it's finally here. It's finally approved.
So, what's this law about? Well, it basically aspires to recognize a series of rights and protections to LGBT people in Spain, focusing mainly on trans people. As you could imagine, seeing the word T*RF in this post, this was what generated the most controversy and overall bullshit. For what I've gathered, these are the main points of the law:
It facilitates sex change. Under this law, a person who wants to change their sex being between 12 to 14 years old will need a court endorsment, from 14 to 16 the parents' approval, and from 16 on they don't need any documents or permission, they can just go to the corresponding office to change it.
It depathologises transexuality. This means that for the sex change no hormones or medical report will be needed; you can just go to change your sex without any clinical data.
It protects detransitioning. Detransitioning will be able to happen if the person wants to, changing their sex the same way as mentioned above. If there's more than two sex changes, then they will have to go to court for it.
It bans conversion therapies and sets a fine for them of 150,000€.
It protects queer families. Until now, when a queer family had a baby, the non-pregnant partner had to adopt the kid to be recognized as their parent; under this law, they just need to express it so when the kid is born and has to be registered.
It protects intersex people, by banning genital modification for those younger than 12 yo unless it poses an urgent health issue, and from 12-16 yo they can be performed only if the intersex person consents to it.
It protects LGBT people in rural areas, establishing their right to have the same resources and services than their urban folks have.
It studies 'sexile', that is, having to abandon your place of birth due to issues pertaining your sexuality or gender identity, especially in rural areas. Its main objective is for sexile to be recognized as one of the causes of depopulation within the larger measures against depopulation in the country.
There are also general measures that protect LGBT people in hostile environments and instaurate anti-discriminatory measures.
Hope this was clear enough, I'm so happy this law was finally approved, I feel it was so mentally tiring for all progressists in the country, it was a lot. But finally ES LEY!!!!!!!
Also, I'm not really an expert on it so if I've said something wrong or if I'm missing stuff please feel free to add to this post!
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duckprintspress · 1 year
“Aim For The Heart” Creator Spotlight: Lucy K. R.
Today, as we inch toward the finish line on our crowdfunding campaign for Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers,” we have a modern setting alternate universe retelling from Lucy K. R.!
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The Three Mic O’ Tears by Lucy K. R.
About the Author: Lucy K.R. (she/her) is technically in existence. Every time she is free, she writes. Sometimes when she is not free she also writes. This has occasionally created problems. She is fortunate to be supported (read: enabled) by her enthusiastic fiancée Tomo, a loving OG family, and a lively found family as well.
Eager for a change after a decade of waitressing, Lucy K.R. took the chance in March of 2021 to make her first steps into the world of published work. Prior to the success of the largely-fabricated German translation of the short-story found in this collection, ‘die Karaoke-Königinnen’, she was best known for her work on Mageling: Rise of the Ancient Ones and in the Duck Prints Press anthologies “And Seek (Not) to Alter Me” and “She Wears the Midnight Crown”.
In her stories, Lucy K. enjoys writing evil ideas as gently as possible, portrayed through unexpected lenses. She would like to acknowledge that she has never written a biographical statement that did not turn out weird, beg your indulgence, and express her hope that you enjoy her work in this anthology. The people at Duck Prints Press have been a delight, and she is deeply grateful to be included!
Links: Personal Website | Twitter
Story Teaser:
“The plan is to pay you back for the slight, not to ruin your life,” Ash agrees with such dead certainty that Dart feels a thrill of terror and excitement all jumbled up, merged into the same creature.
“You seem very sure you’ll win,” Dart offers, tilting her own head in return.
“Ooh,” Portia’s lips quirk into an even cheekier smile.
“Cute,” Artemis comments, appraising eyes still fixed on Dart.
“So, in order of offense?” Dart asks, feeling her inner performer awaken at their attention. “Ash first, then Portia, then Artemis?”
“You seem very sure you’ll make it to the last dance yourself,” Ash returns, even as Artemis strips off her jacket and neatly folds it, nodding her approval.
“I came here to sing karaoke,” Dart takes the opportunity to roll up her sleeves. “Nothing and no one is going to keep me off that stage.”
She’s never fought anyone before. She’s never had to. But she said it, and she meant it—nothing will keep her off that stage. She lifts her fists, only to be tutted at by Ash.
“Wrists straight, dear,” she says, lifting her one good arm in demonstration.
“Ah,” says Dart, and fixes her posture.
We’ve posted this and 18 other teasers at our campaign page, and shared a lot more info to boot, so if you’re looking for a fabulous anthology this summer, make sure you check it out!
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orangeaesblog · 1 year
Here is a link to the stream :
Notes Before you read:
Any personal notes of mine will be written in Orange and in [Brackets]. Important dates listed will be highlighted in Red. However, Everything else is taken literally from the pages of the PowerPoint, but has been reformatted to better fit a text-post format. This post is my best attempt to put the information on the slideshows into a text post, so let me know if I am missing any information or need to adjust anything. Please include any translated versions if you make them - and feel free to repost this post to other websites.
As mentioned multiple times during Quackity's stream, There is a pre-existing document that has all of the information concerning the Election event in more detail. All of the CC's on the server are being sent a physical version of this document through the mail. Once most of them have received their versions, the official PDF version will be released publicly. This document will have translations to Portuguese, French, and Spanish.
The PowerPoint given during stream is meant as a simple over-view of all of the information provided in that document. So, keep an eye out for when that pdf is released if you have more questions!
I. Selection of Upcoming Authority
Subject: Election Manual - Intro. 
The Federation has determined the citizens of Quesadilla Island are ready to elect their president 
Every resident of the island holds the right to run for president
Subject: The Implications of Power. 
 The new President can, among other things: *
Propose Rules
Propose Addition of any Mod
Propose Removal of any Mod
Propose Public Works for the Community
Propose “Force of Law” on Situations
Add 1 new Member to the QSMP
*Must be pre-approved by the Federation
Subject: Voting.
QSMP Residents - 50% Community voting - 35% Leaderboard points - 15%
QSMP Residents - 50%
Creators residing on the island during campaign season get 2 votes each
They may split their votes between different people
Community Voting - 35%
 The community can vote for their favorite candidate using a poll to be posted on voting day 
These votes will be proportionally distributed to candidates
In-Game Points - 15%
Candidates can secure votes by placing on leaderboards that reflect the qualities of a leader:
DEFENSE - Most damage taken COMMUNITY - Longest time spent playing on the server COMMUNICATION - Longest distance traveled (walked, sprinted, swum) WEALTH - Most diamond ores mined SECURITY - Most mobs killed DIPLOMACY - Most villager trades completed
Each Leaderboard counts for 2.5% of the total vote ; the 6 of them together sum up to 15%
These points will be proportionally distributed to candidates as a percentage of the vote
Voting is a private Right. 
Creators are permitted to show preference towards candidates during campaign season
HOWEVER, creators may NOT show their definitive vote on the voting day
After voting day, creators may say who they voted for; they are not required to tell the truth. 
II. Electoral Process. 
Subject: Submitting candidacy requests. 
To file as a candidate, creators must provide the following information:
Name, Country of Birth, Languages Spoken, Past work experience
A short paragraph on what makes them a good candidate for presidency.
A short paragraph on what is something they love about Quesadilla Island. 
A short Paragraph on something they would change about Quesadilla Island
The Federation will review requests and ACCEPT or REJECT them within 24-hours of submission. 
Subject: The Inauguration of Campaigns. 
(June 17th - June 23rd)
Accepted candidates must fulfill OBLIGATORY campaign requirements (listed below)
Failure to adequately fulfill these during the campaign will result in prompt DISQUALIFICATION
Votes will be rendered NULL for candidates that were disqualified 
Campaign Requirements 
Campaign Materials 
Campaigns must be associated with brandable material provided solely by the FEDERATION DESIGN BUREAU Each candidate will be assigned a team to help create logos, designs, and campaign materials
2. Campaign Inauguration Date
Campaign materials ready, creators must select their inauguration date Inaugurations will be held at set locations where the candidate must deliver a speech announcing their candidacy   Inauguration dates: JUNE 17th to JUNE 23rd
Subject: Debate Nights
There will be 3 nights:
JUNE 23rd 
JUNE 26th
JULY 5th
[Note: Quackity mentions that he would like these dates to be finalized, but they may be subject to change]
These nights are open forums, where the public can submit questions to be answered by candidates
Subject: Disqualification of Candidates.
Candidates can be disqualified upon: 
Death (Candidates have 2 provisional lives during campaign season (June 12th - July 7th) ; assassination counts. )
Failure to show up to at least 1 debate
Failure to fulfill campaign requirements 
Any decision made by the Federation to Disqualify candidates 
Subject: Election Night 
(July 8th)
The night will start with candidates discussing their campaign and future plans
Candidates will be present virtually to witness election results. 
III. The New President 
The elected candidate will have the chance to address Quesadilla Island
Guided by the Federation, the new president will assume the presidency and fulfill their responsibilities
Under the wise and visionary leadership of our president, Quesadilla Island prepares to enter a new phase of unity, progress, and prosperity, following the fundamental principles of the constitution. Citizens of Quesadilla Island shall look forward to a promising future, anchored by the commitment of the president.
Treat this as it is - A lighthearted Event
Have fun and be respectful!
[ Note: Quackity reads aloud a letter he wrote that is included in the official document. It reinforces this last statement in a very well-put way. Here's a link to a clip of him reading this statement: https://www.twitch.tv/quackity/clip/PrettySpookySquirrelMoreCowbell-bU0q1KXsLZ1Rv6-_ ]
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Are there different versions of the Finrod Rock Opera on Boosty? And how does Boosty work, do I login there when I want to watch? I'm thinking of buying the Leithian one, but I've never used the site before. Thanks!
Finrod Rock Opera-
At the moment, no. Eterius is still new to Boosty, and trying to figure things out. But they've made a major step this week by posting the upcoming Last Trial performances!
I talked with them last night, and unfortunately, they will not be putting previous Finrod recordings on the Boosty. However- moving forward, all future performances will be available! So keep an eye on that space, because they're coming soon.
Boosty functions just like Patreon- the creator makes posts, and viewers either purchase the post to view it, or subscribe to unlock more (or all) posts. Because it still functions worldwide, Russian theatre uses it as a workaround, so viewers can access the streaming sites that would otherwise only accept rubles.
Basically- you buy a post, and the post will reveal the link to the broadcast (usually Boomstream) and a password.
Either the post or the streaming site will specify how long the video will be available. In the case of Leithian, one full year. Others like Finrod or Last Trial are 65 days.
But! Each purchase includes both the live broadcast and a recording. The recording will be linked some time after the broadcast, on the same post. Leithian usually publishes theirs very shortly after; most others wait until after the 65 days. The post will tell you! But be aware that you won't receive a notification when they update the post.
Purchasing on Boosty is a little tricky. The site functions in every country I've heard from, and with their currency, but it's often difficult.
I recommend Emerald's post to guide you through the process.
If it still gives you trouble, you may need to call your bank to approve the purchase.
Good luck, and happy viewing!
And I'm here if you need help.
Additional resources-
Leithian Broadcast, May 5th 2023, 8pm Moscow time
Updated translation
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gilraina · 2 years
About AO3’s Related Works feature, how it works, and why the Approve button is really really important you guys pls I’m begging you to click it
If you post your works to AO3, there may come a day when someone creates something inspired by your work: a translation, podfic, fanart, remix, etc. If they post it to AO3 and mark it as inspired by your work, you should get an email* like this:
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Notice the link: Approve relationship and link back to this work from your work. It will lead to your Related Works tab. You can also access it from your dashboard on AO3. There, you will find all the works marked as related to your works, and next to them, the Approve button. If you click it, it will create a link from your work to the related work - in the opening notes if it’s a translation, or below the end notes if it’s anything else, like so:
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As you can probably imagine, it means a lot to any creator to have a direct link to their work from the work that inspired them, but it's especially important in the case of works like translations or podfics, which improve your work's accessibility. If you don't Approve the relationship, then your readers won't know that there's a translation or a podfic available (or a fanart, or a remix, or a vid, you get the idea).
Of course, you're not required to do this. It's entirely up to you if you want to Approve the work or not. But I do get a feeling that a lot of creators on AO3 don’t do this either because they don't know how this feature works, or don't remember to Approve the relationships (and I get it, the system is not exactly the most intuitive). So if that's you, then now you know/here's your reminder!
*I say you should get an email, but the notifications can get buggy sometimes, so you may want to check that Related Works tab once in a while regardless (especially if you give blanket permission for transformative works, and their creators don't tend to contact you about them other than linking them to your work)
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santmat · 3 years
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Page 1148 Guru Granth (Khalsa Consensus Translation)
As Gurmukh, I chant the Name of the Lord. My anxiety is gone, and I am in love with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. I was asleep for countless lifetimes, but I have now awakened. || 1 || Granting His Grace, He has linked me to His service. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all pleasures are found. || 1 || Pause || The Word of the Guru’s Shabad has eradicated disease and evil. My mind has absorbed the medicine of the Naam. Meeting with the Guru, my mind is in bliss. All treasures are in the Name of the Lord God. || 2 || My fear of birth and death and the Messenger of Death has been dispelled. In the Saadh Sangat, the inverted lotus of my heart has blossomed forth. Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I have found eternal, abiding peace. All my tasks are perfectly accomplished. || 3 || This human body, so difficult to obtain, is approved by the Lord. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, it has become fruitful. Says Nanak, God has blessed me with His Mercy. With every breath and morsel of food, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. || 4 || 29 || 42 || BHAIRAO, FIFTH MEHL: His Name is the Highest of all. Sing His Glorious Praises, forever and ever. Meditating in remembrance on Him, all pain is dispelled. All pleasures come to dwell in the mind. || 1 || O my mind, meditate in remembrance on the True Lord. In this world and the next, you shall be saved. || 1 || Pause || The Immaculate Lord God is the Creator of all. He gives sustenance to all beings and creatures. He forgives millions of sins and mistakes in an instant. Through loving devotional worship, one is emancipated forever. || 2 || True wealth and true glorious greatness, and eternal, unchanging wisdom, are obtained from the Perfect Guru. When the Protector, the Savior Lord, bestows His Mercy, all spiritual darkness is dispelled. || 3 || I focus my meditation on the Supreme Lord God. The Lord of Nirvaanaa is totally pervading and permeating all. Eradicating doubt and fear, I have met the Lord of the World. The Guru has become merciful to Nanak. || 4 || 30 || 43 || BHAIRAO, FIFTH MEHL: Meditating in remembrance on Him, the mind is illumined. Suffering is eradicated, and one comes to dwell in peace and poise. They alone receive it, unto whom God gives it. They are blessed to serve the Perfect Guru. || 1 || All peace and comfort are in Your Name, God. Twenty-four hours a day, O my mind, sing His Glorious Praises. || 1 || Pause || You shall receive the fruits of your desires, when the Name of the Lord comes to dwell in the mind. Meditating on the Lord, your comings and goings cease. Through loving devotional worship, lovingly focus your attention on God. || 2 || Sexual desire, anger and egotism are dispelled. Love and attachment to Maya are broken. Lean on God’s Support, day and night. The Supreme Lord God has given this gift. || 3 || Our Lord and Master is the Creator, the Cause of causes. He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of all hearts. Bless me with Your Grace, Lord, and link me to Your service. Slave Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary. || 4 || 31 || 44 || BHAIRAO, FIFTH MEHL: One who does not repeat the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall die of shame. Without the Name, how can he ever sleep in peace?
Page 1149
The mortal abandons meditative remembrance of the Lord, and then wishes for the state of supreme salvation; but without roots, how can there be any branches? || 1 || O my mind, meditate on the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. The filth of countless incarnations shall be washed away. Breaking your bonds, you shall be united with the Lord.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
Hey read (some of) this blog post (long as hell), tries to pick it up where your old scp cult post left off: lackoflepers medium com/scp-is-not-a-cult-196e87ce6b11
this is insane. I've never written anything that's ever received a full response before, so that's exciting. what's even more exciting is that this piece does raise some really interesting questions, and is very well-written and thoughtful.
the strange thing is, I think we're both in agreement -- but I'm calling it a cult, and the author of this piece is calling it a "fledgling religion". I agree with this outlook, if I'm honest -- but at the same time I can't help but think that this has filled a hole in my cult theory, rather than poked a hole in it.
when I wrote the original cult post, the one thing I couldn't quite equate was the religion aspect. there was a lot of things to consider from that aspect, in terms of cults requiring a certain doctrine, rituals, etc, and while I was able to draw comparisons to the site culture and these things, it didn't quite fit. this article explains and illustrates exactly what all of these things are, and the sheer amount of similarities between the SCP wiki culture and religious fundamentalists. it's absolutely incredible, how it all still adds up.
however, some things are way off. I understand the author has a history with site and with staff, and they obviously understand that there's a complicated relationship between the two. the piece certainly tackles the question from an educated site-critical standpoint, but I can't help but notice some glaring omissions and in some places, assumptions which I feel are quite simply incorrect. under the cut we go, because this is long.
the author seems to be very ignorant of the site's cyclical patterns. one of their main arguments for the wiki's not being a cult is how people like Dr Gears and thedeadlymoose don't have more power over the masses, being such important figures. the problem with the wiki is that it is very cyclical, and big names of one era do not translate over to new eras. big names replace old ones, and the old ones either become fond grandparent figures (like Gears, who had the sense to take a step back before the tides changed against him) or they become irrelevant or reviled (like thedeadlymoose, or pixelatedharmony (Roget).) this means that if the former appeals to the group, they will get essentially a pat on the head and a gentle dismissal, or if the latter speak out they will be silenced, harassed, banned, etc. this is very cultlike behaviour -- if somebody goes against the grain, they become an immediate enemy of the people. the only way to survive fame on the wiki is to retire quietly, at your peak, and keep yourself to yourself.
going on from this, there are also different levels to how a staff member is seen. there have been eras of the site where the site admin might not be as impressive as one of the prolific writers, for example. who these days knows about The Administrator? it's all Dr Gears to them. different authors have different levels of unofficial authority, and the author of the piece doesn't seem to realise that it's a cult of personality as much as anything else. there are constant divisions among staff, even if they present a united front; frequently those not toeing the party line have been ostracised or purged, and this filters down to the average user. just because a person is on staff does not mean they immediately skyrocket to godhood, if we're using the religious metaphor. this is why it seems as though "staff" as a whole isn't uniformly worshipped -- they're not. there are complex currents of power at work here, and it's frustrating because at first glance it seems to invalidate the very real fact that a few site members have all the authority. the staff worship extends to staff members. those in lower tiers will act similarly to those in higher tiers as a new member would act towards all staff.
the author draws attention to thedeadlymoose's impressive efforts to bring the site forward from its 4chan beginnings and make it more inclusive to LGBT members -- something that has undoubtedly had an effect. however, the author does not mention that to date, the site's only successful splinter site (as in, a site that lasted more than a few weeks) is RPC, and while this website came about for multiple reasons, it's undeniable that one of these reasons was because of the fact that the wiki was openly supportive of LGBT people during Pride Month. it's also interesting to note that the author is also a member of the RPC site, so it's odd that this piece of the site's origins is not mentioned.
the acceptance of these pro-LGBT policies also seems to be less wide-spread than the author believes -- most people don't care, there does exist users who are homophobic or transphobic, and -- something I'm surprised wasn't mentioned at all in the piece -- when LGBT members of the site spoke up and said the new logo made them feel pandered to, and the resulting blowout made them feel targeted and unsafe, they were mass banned from the subreddit by a rogue moderator who, incensed by the fact his authority was so challenged, then ragequit and abused people on the threads for several hours. this is a typical staff response to discontent in the masses. so yes, thedeadlymoose did have some significant sway in the attitude changing somewhat, but it was not as widespread (nor as cared about) as the article's author seems to think.
now, I shall move on to specific quotations.
Furthermore, as a gaggle of creators, SCP should never feature the mass conformity of thought that defines a cult; theirs is an ecosystem that predicates itself upon creation, and obsessively on the new and original — that is to say, the different (but tempered).
while the author does elaborate on this idea of creativity and conformity, this is just wrong. again, I blame the author's ignorance in regards to the cyclical nature of the site -- which isn't the fault of the author, in my opinion. such cycles are slow, measuring out in years rather than months, which is insanely long for an internet community. in order to notice them, you would have to have been observing for some time -- which I have been. since I have been observing the site (which has been since its very creation -- I was on the 4chan thread in 2007 when 173 was created and I have seen the wiki from its infancy on EditThis over to wikidot) I have seen this happen countless times. a type of writing, be it style or genre, takes off. it could be LOLFoundation, grimdark, whatever -- it takes off, it runs the site for a year or so, and then it crashes and burns. when it takes off, there are rules for writing it that must be obeyed lest you be downvoted to oblivion. as the attitude turns against it, those who still write it are vilified and ostracised, and the new one takes over. there have been mass purges in the past, and there has always been, since the wiki's inception, conformity of thought. one of my oldest complaints about the wiki is that, for a site full of writers, they have no imagination and absolutely no desire to step out of the approved style.
To put it very broadly, things get accustomed to the status quo in a highly regulated environment, and get better at simply remaining and surviving in that.
this could be a decent rebuff to my previous point, but the fact is that while the SCP wiki harbours cultish behaviour, a vast majority of the users are casual readers who maybe write one or two articles. the stagnation is, at least partially, because of the fact that most users sign up, read some articles, think "cool, I have an idea for one!", write it -- and have it emulate the articles they've read, thus sounding similar in tone and content to the rest of the recent articles -- get a semi-decent response if lucky, and then move on after a few months or years.
the people who power the wiki, however -- who are prolific, who churn out insane amount of articles -- are suffering from what I outlined in my above point. a small percentage of the wiki dictates the direction it goes. it has always been like this -- and people who go against the grain that staff have employed, be it old user or new, will pay for it. this payment is often in downvotes, but occasionally comes in harassment, bans, or deletions, too.
Lastly a cult is really the most extreme version of a religion, it is a religion on steroids.
this is straight-up incorrect. cults began as religions gone hayware, yes, but the idea of a cult as a Jonestown-style compound in the middle of nowhere is outdated. cults are the most extreme version of an ideology -- be it religious, political, or otherwise. they are ideologies on steroids. thanks to the internet, they also no longer have to be in real life spaces. you can be in a social cult on Twitter or on Discord; you can be in a cult of ideology on an incel forum or in a social circle of TERF blogs. all of these things are cults. they have cult-like behaviour and thinking.
this is where the author proves my point beyond all doubt. the author says the following about the wiki's increasingly left-wing inclusive policies:
What was intended to be an executive extension in peace has, due to the force required to counteract the sheer hostility and persecution once leveled at this group at its peak, instead overshot its mark and has become a brutal bureaucratic sanctioning of political identity. (I can hear someone saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.)
the biggest shift in this cult-think, for me, was observed when the shift towards Terminally Online Woke Left attitudes began to be increasingly observed. I'm not talking about getting people to tone down the homophobia and whatnot. I'm talking about this culture of purity and suffering that the author outlines very well in the article; if you have read the article, I needn't go over it again. the wiki now holds a monopoly on suffering using the same kind of Oppression Olympics as other spaces devoted to purity culture -- and purity culture is a cult. this is straight-up fact at this point. it is my belief that staff identified the power available to them in a) targeting people from oppressed and vulnerable groups and giving them a so-called safe space and b) using their various oppressions to their advantage.
something that is prolific in purity culture circles is that somebody who is oppressed in any way cannot be held to blame for their actions. they cannot be a bad person. this is ideological armour, and staff wields it. they also use purity culture and apparently progressive ideology to shut down anyone who dissents, and to smear their name and have then ostracised as an enemy. why do they do this? liking the power and fame of their position is a big part of it, as the author outlined, but something major is missing.
throughout the entire article, the author does not once mention the detailed and extensive history of staff sexually abusing minors on the site.
this is well-documented by this point. staff has seen many predators in its ranks, including one of the most prolific site members of all time -- AdminBright, or The Duckman. staff has known about these staff members and has covered it up over years. I myself have heard testimony from countless victims, but whenever we raise enough of a stink, a staff member does an "internal investigation" and nothing comes of it. the fact that the cult-like behaviour of this website can be discussed without one of the cornerstones of cult activity -- using its members for financial or sexual gain -- is astounding to me.
to go on from this, there is also no mention of the SCP lawyer fund, which raised over $30,000 and then faced staff actively resisting transparency as to the case and the funds. financial manipulation is another major example of cult behaviour.
without acknowledging these two things, I do not think that a full argument against the idea of the SCP wiki as a cult can be possible.
the author raises a good point that illustrates both why staff acts the way it does, and why the users are so eager to imitate:
The answer is something that can turn someone into their nemesis; something that would make someone sell their soul for 1000 upvotes; that tragic commonality that binds all individuals who feel the need to write; the need to be received, but more, to be loved for it.
this is a big reason why staff clings to its power, and why people sell out their creativity, and why people emulate this behaviour, and why prolific authors burn out so fast. however, running through all of this at its core -- through the need to be received and loved -- is the power that comes with it. this is all about power.
to mention the specific example of LordStonefish, and his reaction when he found out that his interviewer was enemy of the people pixelatedharmony, now of "burning out, ragequitting the site, and going to talk shit on KiwiFarms" infamy:
[...] it was as if LSF was speaking to a leper, and that the ongoing participation in the salvation of public approval (not to mention site participation as well) was directly dependent upon LSF’s rebuke of pH as a demon who is only worthy of a terrible fate and, as we see in the screencaps, even death.
leaving my personal opinions on Harmony out of this, going from a perfectly civil interview to finding out that the interviewer was an enemy and not only dumping all of his private information to offset doxing, but also going into detail about some highly personal stuff for shock value... I don't think Harmony quite required that treatment. the fact is that, as the quote outlines above, the only way to ensure that he wouldn't be completely ostracised for fraternising with the enemy (KiwiFarms -- of which Harmony is apparently the ambassador) was to behave like a man shunning a sinner. Harmony has sinned -- she rejected the status quo, she defied the group and its authority, and LordStonefish, in order to remain safe from being tarred with the same brush -- has to react with suitable horror to her presence.
it should be noted here that while KiwiFarms has a reputation for being a hive of scum and villainy, its main reputation regarding the SCP Wiki has been for being the one place where complaints against the site are openly discussed, often by defected staff members such as pixelatedharmony and Cyantreuse, and perhaps most telling of all -- the place where a lot of accounts of sexual harassment and abuse have been filed. staff rails against it on the grounds of it being filled with people who use slurs and have questionable ideological beginnings (ironic, coming from a website which began on 4chan) -- but as a leftist myself with extensive knowledge of the wiki, I can confirm that no criticisms I've seen on there have been unfair or inaccurate, and in fact a lot of the evidence and testimony posted there is damning. it would be fair to not wish to associate with the site because of its content in other places, or even its past reputation, but the fact staff rail against it so hard when it's currently one of the only places (and certainly the only public place) where their deeds are on display? it's interesting.
of LordStonefish's reaction, the author says:
This is the behavior of a deeply religious figure.
it is. this is the reaction of a Mormon meeting an old friend who has left the church. this is the reaction of a Jehovah's Witness crossing the street to avoid a shunned neighbour. it is the behaviour, you could say, of a cult member.
in the conclusion, the author states:
And if anyone is to shoulder blame for the creation of this pathology and its complex, it are those true bigots of history and today, who don’t have the spiritual maturity to understand that someone’s sexual preference or identity shouldn’t be enough to categorically separate them from a definition of humanity; to beat, maim, and wish death upon them.
perhaps this might have been true, perhaps this might have drawn a thoughtful and damning line under the whole affair, if not for the fact that this behaviour has been occurring since long before the internet became known for its progressive and now increasingly often, ridiculous takes on inclusion and sensitivity. this kind of cultish groupthink has been ongoing since the wiki's very first inception. the cyclical worship of a group of staff members and other prolific writers (though the group are often one and the same) and their chosen theme or genre has occurred like clockwork since the late 00s. it has occurred when the website was still entrenched in its 4chan days and saying slurs was barely blinked at. it was still there back when staff was predominantly (or at least presumably) cis, white, and male. it was there when being gay was the butt of a joke and being trans was all but unthought of. it has always been there, and while the latest progressive policies and attitudes have had an effect on how the power is wielded, it has not changed the power itself. if the tides ever turn on the Terminally Online Woke ideology, staff will change with it and adapt their policies and ideologies to keep their power.
if anyone is to shoulder the blame for the creation of this pathology, it is the elitist attitude that has allowed a select few to be worshipped unquestionably. it is the power-hungry individuals who seek out fame and respect on a writing website and then use this fame and respect to treat others badly and their fear of a fall from grace to shelter others treating people worse. it is on the shoulders of the staff members who use their position to groom and sexually assault minors. it is on the shoulders of the staff members who keep it silent. as the severity of staff's secrets has increased, so has their attempts to silence dissent and reform at all costs.
the author agrees that this kind of religious think might lead to a cult in the future. the author says the cult will be a cult of vulnerability, but I disagree. I believe the cult is already there, and it is -- and always has been -- a cult of power.
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marvelfans4blm · 4 years
Marvel Fans 4 BLM - Rules and FAQ!
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What is Marvel Fans 4 BLM?
Marvel Fans 4 BLM is a charity auction where fans offer works in exchange for donations. Our focus is to raise money for various Black Lives Matter organizations as well as focus on creating content for Black Marvel characters. 
Who is allowed to participate?
All fans from any and all Marvel fandoms are welcome! We ask that if you are under 18, you do not offer or request explicit rated content.
How does it work?
Creators sign up to offer their works. Bidders then pledge donation amounts in auction-style. The winning bidder donates their pledged amount to a charity; once that donation is confirmed, the creator starts, uh, creating!
What is the schedule?
Monday 15 June - Sunday 28 June: Creator Sign Ups
Monday 29 June - Sunday 5 July: Browsing Week
Monday 6 July - Sunday 12 July: Auction Week
Sunday 19 July: Proof of Donations Due
Sunday 15 November: Check-In
Sunday 31 January 2021: Fanworks Due
More FAQ, Rules, and Resources under the cut! 
What items are acceptable for creators to offer?
All creations should be centered around one or more canon Black characters in any Marvel fandom (movies, comics, TV - any Marvel adaptations!). Other characters are welcome to join the fun, as long as they are not the main focus. Shipping and Gen content alike are welcome! Creations accepted are:
- Fanfic
- Digital art (original art, moodboards, manips, edits, etc.)
- Physical art (artworks, crafts, merch, etc.)
- Podfic
- Fan vids
- Translations
- Fan labor (beta work, sensitivity reading, culture-picking, fact checking, SPAG editing, etc.)
If you’d like to offer something not listed, feel free to ask.
I wanna be a creator! Tell me more!
More details will be shared at each stage, but here’s an outline to get you started! 
Creator sign-ups run from Monday 15 June to Sunday 28 June. You’ll sign up via a Google form and there you can specify what type of fanwork(s) you are offering with some relevant details like characters, pairings, and content you are willing to create in addition to other notes for bidders to see!
As well as fundraising for important causes, this event is intended to create new content for our favorite Black Marvel characters. With that in mind, we will not accept any previously published or created works. The exception to this is physical goods and crafts. 
After the auction closes, we will put you in touch with the highest bidder and from there you two work together to create something great! Once you have your bidder’s prompt, you’ll have until 31 January 2021 to complete your work for them. We’ll have a check-in on 15 November but it’s up to you to follow through by the 2021 deadline. Unfortunately, failure to complete by the deadline will mean you will be unable to participate in future events - until you meet your obligation to your bidder.
You can offer up to three works for auction, but please be honest and respect your limits. We want both creators and bidders to end with a complete work and enjoy the process! For physical goods, it is up to you and your bidder to decide how to handle shipping - keep this in mind when setting your starting bidding price. 
After posting, you can tag us in and any works that follow our rules will be included in our AO3 collection and featured on our Tumblr! 
I wanna be a bidder! Tell me more!
From 29 June through 5 July, you will be able to view all items up for bid, as well as check out each creator’s other works to get a feel for what they can do. You may also reach out to contact individual creators if you have questions. We recommend that if you have a specific idea in mind, or a rarepair, or something the creator has never done before, that you reach out and confirm they will be able to fulfil your request before you bid on them.
From 6 July through 12 July, bidding will be open. All bids will be placed in US dollars, with a $5 minimum starting bid and a $2 minimum incremental bid. Bidding will not be anonymous. Group bids are welcome. 
You may bid on as many items as you like, but please keep in mind that you cannot retract a bid, so make sure you can commit to donating the amount(s) that you bid. You may donate to any of our approved organizations listed below, or ask the mods for approval to donate to another cause that is working towards BLM goals.
For physical fanworks, whether or not your final bid includes shipping will be up to the creator. Once we receive confirmation of the donation, we’re no longer responsible for communication between creators and bidders. Be aware that for physical fanworks, creators will need your address to send you the item. If you aren’t comfortable giving out personal information, we suggest you bid on other auctions instead.
Once the auction is over, we will confirm the final amount for your winning bid(s); do not donate until you receive this confirmation. As soon as we have proof of your donation (pdf receipt that shows date, organization, and amount, all other info can be redacted) we will put you in touch with your creator. At this point, it is up to the two of you to work out how you’d like to proceed to ensure that the bid is fulfilled by 31 January 2021.
If you don’t hear from your creator after we connect you, please reach out to them yourself! If it has been a couple of months and you haven’t heard from them at all despite your efforts to get in touch, let us know and we’ll try to contact your creator on your behalf or help you assess the situation. Unfortunately, there’s always an inherent risk that a creator may fall through for various reasons. If this happens, we hope that knowing that you donated money to support an amazing cause will lessen the disappointment of not receiving a promised fanwork.
Remember that this event is designed to create content for Black Marvel characters, so please be sure to keep your requested works aligned with our Content & Conduct guidelines.
What charities will be supported?
We want participants to feel connected to where their efforts are going. There are multiple organizations linked in our Resources section below, along with master list sites that are updated regularly as new donation opportunities arise.
Creators will be allowed to specify up to three sites that they’d like their winning bidder to support with their donation. Any of the sites or organizations linked in our Resources section are acceptable. Creators can also decline to list a preference, and their winning bidder will be permitted to donate to any of the sites or organizations linked in our Resources section.
We are also open to suggestions! Other donation opportunities requested by the creator and vetted by the mods will be welcome.
Can I sign up to provide more than one offering? Can I sign up as a creator and a bidder? Can I bid on more than one offering? 
The answer to all of these is an enthusiastic yes! Creators can make up to three offerings. Just be sure not to spread yourself too thin; we want everyone to have a successful participation. Do not agree to participate, either as a creator or a bidder, unless you are absolutely committed to following through.
Content & Conduct
This event is designed to spotlight Black characters in a positive way. This doesn’t mean we require fluff, smiles, and happy endings, but it does mean that for this event, we require that you think critically about what you are presenting and how that representation fits within the larger context of the way fandom treats characters of color.
All creations must be centered around one or more canon Black characters, meaning they must be the main focus of the story, artwork, etc. They should not be sidelined in favor of other characters, and if there is any shipping (which is not required, Gen creations are more than welcome) they should be in the main pairing.
This event is designed specifically to support BLM and therefore we expect all participants and creations to align with the values of the movement. To that end, we ask that you do not create or request fanworks that celebrate law enforcement or the military. This is not the appropriate event for a cop AU or similar. For characters canonically affiliated with law enforcement or the military, be critical of how those institutions are portrayed, as well as how BIPOC are treated by and within those institutions.
Some additional points to keep in mind:
- Some Marvel characters have canonical physical, mental, and emotional disabilities - including invisible ones like chronic pain and mental illness. These should be treated respectfully, with due diligence given to portraying their lived experience.
- No perpetrating anti-Black stereotypes or tropes.
- No sympathetically portrayed Hydra or other Nazi analogues.
- No explicit or romantically portrayed non-con.
- No sexual/romantic relationships between adult and minor characters.
- No sexual/romantic relationships between family members.
- All content shared publicly should be tagged appropriately and thoroughly. 
Any offerings or creations that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be promoted on any of our social media platforms, and may affect your ability to participate in future events.
Writing With Color blogs, recs, & resources
Sam Wilson Birthday Bang resource page
Guide for non-Black authors writing Black characters
Common Microaggressions
Stereotyped vs Nuanced Characters and Audience Perception
Black Lives Matters carrd
Say Their Names carrd
BLM card master list
Homeless Black Trans women fund
Who are the mods?
@a-majesti, @awesomesnafu, @gavilansblog, @samstevebuckyhq, and @thundercakes22​ are your friendly mods. We bonded together over our love for Sam Wilson, and are amongst the mods & organizers for a variety of Sam Wilson-centric spaces, including the Sam Wilson Birthday Bang, SamSteve Small Gifts, SamSteveLove on Twitter, and the Sam Wilson Appreciation discord.
I have another question!
No problem, we’d love to hear from you! Email us (marvelfans4blm at gmail) or send us an ask here on Tumblr.
**Mod note: Thank you so much to @fandomtrumpshate and @marveltrumpshate for generously sharing their resources!
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yaboylevi · 4 years
[Fugou Keiji] Interview - Spoon 2Di (2020/4/28)
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Translator: yaboylevi ※ do not reupload in its entirety. credits with link to this post attached if parts of it are reposted.
Interview with Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited’s producer, Matsuo Taku.
Q: Tell us the whole story behind the transformation of Yasutaka Tsutsui’s novel “The Millionaire Detective” into an anime.
A: I personally am a big fan of Tsutsui’s works. In “The millionaire detective”, a multimillionaire man uses his money to boldly resolve cases. I believed such a setting would have been perfect as a form of entertainment such as anime. The novel was published 45 years ago. So, since the historical period was changed to be the modern times, another reason for this adaptation was to add fascinating parts in the form of technology and various gadget.
Q: What about Kambe Daisuke, the character the anime is centered around who also appears in the novel, and Katou Haru, an anime original character? Can you tell us a bit about their character design, the relationship between the two and their personality?
A: In the novel, Kambe Daisuke is a rich young man (t/n: bocchan, for those who know the meaning of this word. I associate with it the quality of being a bit spoiled because of being rich), gentle and quiet. When I thought of the setting of the story - modern times - and about what truly is entertaining in anime, I immediately wanted to have Daisuke be a “follow my orders!” type of guy. It’s my preference, sure, but the director Itou and the scriptwriter Kishimoto approved of it and started delineating the screenplay with this in mind.
By having Daisuke be such a character, we created Katou Haru, because we wanted to “have a common person stand beside such an eccentric man”. What the audience and we want to see is of course a buddy relationship, we reasoned. Katou ended up having a very active role, so we are very grateful that we decided to create this partnership! I personally am a great Daisuke fan, but, amongst the team, Katou is also super popular. I think it’s good that they are able be evenly popular!
The original setting of the story and the characters have been changed, brand-new characters have appeared, the stage has become the modern times… It’s a bold reboot of the original novel but I have faith that I am the biggest fan of the novel and of Tsutsui, so I will protect the important core of the original book, while creating a new “Millionaire Detective”. Ever since the early stages of its planning down to the screenplay and storyboard, Tsutsui let the animation team do whatever we wanted. We’re very, very grateful!
Q: Thrilling action scenes and fast paced dialogues between Katou and Daisuke… the audience has every reason to be excited. Other than the writing of this original story, are there any other parts that you focused on?
A: Flashy action scenes, cutting-edge gadgets, the feel good pace of the production, the way Daisuke x Haru’s relationship as partners hits bumps in the road while it evolves, a story where you can’t predict what’s gonna happen next… These were the points we paid particular attention to. The setting and the world-building aren’t particularly difficult to visualize, the most unbelievable thing is that someone like Kambe Daisuke would appear in our society, really… So I hope for the audience to have fun watching the show!
Q: The stylish design is also a highlight of the show, but are there things, when it comes to themes and highlights, that you have collaborated on with the anime staff, starting from director Itou-san, from the perspective of the design and animation?
A: First on our priority list was making the show as entertaining as possible for the audience, which was the script planning phase’s main focus. When it came to planning for its visual parts, it was completely director Itou’s territory. Since the script meetings and the initial stage of the planning it’s been 3 years and a half, so it’s only natural that director Itou has come up with the best photography production possible. I really love director Ito’s works so I’m excited to find out what there’s in store for us! I personally didn’t cooperate when it comes to animation/design: when all is said and done, it’s the result of the creators’ hard work and talent, first of all the director.
Producer comment, EP 1
My favorite parts were the moment Daisuke appears when you go “the King is here….! (cry)”, and the amazing screen when HEUSC is used for the first time, and also the wicked smile on Daisuke’s face when he pushes on the accelerator.
Producer comment, EP 2
Suzue’s identity which was teased with [???] until this episode’s broadcasting, the multimillionaire Kambe residence, Kambe’s final exciting role as expected…. These are all personal highlights. Suzue is a wonderful character that appears in the novel as well, so we decided to have her play very active roles. I believe we managed to add originality/individuality while preserving the important parts of the novel.
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ranniecrl · 3 years
Translator’s dilemma
It had came to my attention last night that one of the 00Q fics I had the permission to translate had been taken over by someone else without my knowledge. 
I started translating that fanfic back in 2015 before Spectre was in theatre, but I stopped because I was so angry at the movie and lost my motivation for the fandom. On top of that, school and life got me too busy to do anything else. I was working non-stop for 4 years without a break, so naturally I had no choice but to set my fandom works aside, but I always had the intention of going back to my unfinished works. Then COVID happened and for a moment I thought I would have all the time in the world to write, but it was not easy for me to pick it back up because I had strayed away from the fandom for so long and I had gone back to anime. Nontheless, I never officially said anything about giving up the fic or wanted to look for someone to take over. Though some readers had assumed I have abandoned the fic, I have not. 
Then last night, while I randomlly decided to go back to the fandom site I posted the fic on to see if people have started writing fixit fics after NTTD. And lo and behold, another person posted their continued translation of the fanfic in January this year. At first I thought I wasn’t seeing it right, but no, that person continued where I left off and they had uploaded two chapters. They did mention I had translated the previous parts, but no link was attached, nor did they ever attempted to contact me. They only said the original author of the fanfic had open permission for translations. 
Now, I got my permission back in 2014 after sending the original author a message, of which they replied directly. In that case I had always believed I had the exclusive translation right to the fic. Similar situation happened to my other translation fic where someone asked me the rights to continue translate a work that was a multi-parts series, and I had happily approved their request. To say I was shocked and frustrated was an understatement. I consider all my works, be it translation or original writing, my dearest childern. It had felt like someone took my child away without me knowing, and I only found out about it when that person took my child to show off as their own. I know I’m only a translator, and the fic belongs to the original author, but I just felt that it would be common courtesy to at least inform me about their wish to take over. 
I wonder what the protocol is for translators on AO3. There are rules for original creators, but I feel the rules for translators are very few, and the rules had always been focused between the original authors and the translators, not between translators. Now I’m in the dilemma of whether I should continue my translation and ignore the other person, or if I should just leave it and let them finish. They stopped posting in March, but I have no idea if they have finished the entire work or they are just taking a break. 
Sorry for the long post, but I really need to let it out and figure out what I should do in this situation. Any insight would be appreciated. 
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sisterssafespace · 3 years
Assalamu alaykum🤍
Im the 🤍 anon :)
I just wanted to get something off my chest: my mother is muslim like me and dresses modestly but when i want to got to school wearing, long, modest clothes she forces me to wear jeans and a shirt or something like that.
She lets me wear the headscarf tho and approves of it, so I do not see why she behaves like that - or rather, I see why, but I don't understand it: she thinks I look ridiculous and out of place with long gowns and such things, and that "every place has its own dresscode" (though there is no ruling that prohibits long gowns at school) and she cares about what will people say. Also she seems to think that just because I am skinny and with no curves I don't have to dress modestly - my sister, who is far more curvy, gets the opposite treatment: what looks halal on me looks haram on her, and my mom always tells her that she dresses shamelessly and that she should put on larger, longer clothes.
I don't understand that and it makes me so ashamed that I've not been able to win this argument and that day after day I go to school in skinny jeans, astaghfirullah.
And I am just 15 (in a few months I'll be 16) so I have no credit card and no money to buy my own wardrobe, I really don't know what to do.
For now I am wearing the headscarf and see what she does, I don't know what she'll do when/if I tell her that I feel like becoming a munaqqabah, that it is the scholarly opinion that is more believable to me (for this at least I'm grateful for COVID-19, i can just put mask and headscarf and feel like I have a half-niqab).
Wa alaykum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu dear 🤍🤍
I hope you are doing well and that you are staying strong and patient steadily walking your way on Allah's path 🤍🌼
So when I first read your ask, this came to my mind:
لا طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الخالق
‘There is no obedience to any created being if that means disobedience to the Creator.’ - The Messenger of Allaah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Saheeh al-Jaami’ #7520
And on my way to Google the English translation for it, I found this detailed fatwah on this website, I attached the link so hopefully you get to check it and ponder upon it. I have a question tho, is your father or older brother or grandfather maybe present in the picture? If yes, what does he/ do they think? Do they support you or your mother's perspective? Because you can get the support of someone who hopefully can talk to her and convince her to change her position towards your issue.
And I know you said you just wanted to get this off of your chest, but I have a few ideas that I hope you can try, and hopefully in shaa Allah they'll work out for you:
1) Make duāa for her! You have already said that she approves of you wearing the headscarf, and that's great, so the next step is that she accepts the more modest style of clothing, and for that make duāa that Allah swt soften her heart towards the idea.
2) Some things can't be accomplished at once, some changes need to happen gradually. How about you switch to long skirts first, when you go to school, but keep the shirts? Maybe she can accept that? And then you start wearing longer shirts? How about your sister's clothes? Because you mentioned that you can't afford to buy your own clothes, how about you borrow your sister's larger longer items and make a nice outfit that can at the same time be accepted by your mother's standards and be comfortable for you. Some girls wear very baggy shirts with jeans. I say that you can be patient with your mother and take her slowly through the transition so that when it finally happens it won't come as a shock? But tbh as a Muslim girl who gave up jeans not so long ago and who has been facing resistance from her "quite religious" family, I feel you sis and I know how hard it must be for you. And I am so sorry, being forced to wear jeans and whatnot must be making you feel uncomfortable, sübhanallah, but at the same time, honey, you are only 15, legally you are still a child, and technically, you are still under your parents' custody.. it is a tough situation, and Allahuma barik you sound very mature for your age, and it is very clear the level of faith and love for Allah swt and for His beautiful religion in your heart, Allahuma barik laki 🤍🤍
However, I could tell you to pull something radical, like tear all your jeans or burn them or sth, but I am afraid that won't end well and it will only upset your mother more and lead to more complicated problems and conflicts. So, that's a no, I definitely do not recommend it .. 😅
3) my third and last idea would be to actually try and win her over? Try to get closer to her? I think some mothers (please read: most of them) they just want to seem and feel in control of something. Like, she just wants to feel powerful? Like she has some sort of control? So she is controlling the weaker members of the family that are you and your sister (it's a hypothesis not a fact, Allahu aālam). So how about, you make her your friend, you show her outfits that are both modest and cute, there is a lot of content online, modest websites (especially Turkish products) that are at the same time cute, fashionable, and modest in a very pleasing way. I also follow an modest Instagrammer who lives in Scandinavia and who wears long sleeved dressed from European brands like Zara or H&M (which could be ankle length or a bit above) but wears a long black skirt under them so that she is all covered up. It is a very creative hack. So my point is, maybe show her that modest dressing can still be cute and age-appropriate, show her outfits, designs, dresses, ask for her opinion like " oh what do you think of this dress...? Or what about this long skirt with this long shirt, I think they would look cute on me, what do you think? .. " Oh but you know your mother best so you know she needs to be very chill, in a good mood, when you want to bring up something like that 😅
Allahu al'mustaān habibty, Allah swt has given you a very challenging task at such a young age, which only reflects that He swt loves you just as much and considers you to be capable of taking this challenge, Alhamdulillah! 🤍🤍
I will be looking forward to an update, a positive one in shaa Allah! Don't forget to make duāa that Allah swt change and soften her heart!
May Allah swt fill your beautiful heart with patience and persistence, to keep steadfast on his path, ameen 🤍🤍
Stay safe my dear.
Fi Aman Allah.
- A. Z. 🍃
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“Finding the Captivating Dialogue for You”
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- - ——— ꒰ An article by Nicole “Nikki” Elaine S. Chua ꒱
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Cure your boredom by finding something new! Enter the world of art and stories combined! Find the story to obsess over, only here on WEBTOON! Hold on, let me just shake out all the interpretative literary devices I had from my previous articles... There, much better! Welcome back to your favorite bunny—Nikki’s Tumblr blog! It feels a bit different here compared to when I am on Amino, to be honest. Yes, when I formally write without too many literary devices, my blogs smoothen like this, like it was polished with sandpaper or something. Anyway, I loosen up in order to display my love for something I’d like to offer to this world—one of those precious gems that have not been excavated in the realm of fandoms. Today, in this article, let’s enter the world of Webtoons and figure out 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙒𝙀𝘽𝙏𝙊𝙊𝙉 (𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙗𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙨) 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧!
Oh, hold on your horses! You’re asking what do I mean by Line Webtoons? My apologies for not explaining that before I bring you along this own carpet ride. To begin with this sudden class session, webtoons are webcomics that have a vertical reading format. In Korea, “manhwa” is often something you’d hear when the locals there refer to comics. These webtoons originated from South Korea, and now, they are rebranded by different companies with their hit titles. One of those brands is Naver Webtoon, and internationally, it is known as Line Webtoons. In 2019, it has now become WEBTOON, for short! Korean webtoons that are from Naver Webtoon have been officially translated into English, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai, Spanish, French, and German languages in the present. At the same time, all these countries of the world wide web get to also be webtoon creators, too!
Comics are a mix of art and writing in multiple panels. Though unlike those readable from right to left, or the complete opposite of that, webtoons take advantage of vertical scrolling to reveal shocking key plot points and add more aesthetic in the blooming & stunning art they provide to the audience. They don’t upload once a month or year—in WEBTOON, there’s always something to read daily! Most WEBTOON series upload once a week, depending on its creator. As a reader, you’ll surely enjoy the vast options of webtoons to choose from reading at your own pace. There are many interesting genres, art styles, character designs, pairings, story lines, and themes to look forward to. The best part is, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨, 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚! There’s a perfect story to dwell into for all kinds of people, so if you’re curious in knowing how to begin reading, let’s go ahead and jump into the app!
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓵: 𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝗮𝗽𝗽 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲.
The first step to get started with WEBTOON is approaching its services, first! You If you haven’t encountered WEBTOON yet, you could either take a little peak behind its digital pages online. I recommend downloading the app to enjoy the WEBTOON experience to the maximum level. If your first language is not English, perhaps a more comfortable version of the app made for your location fortunately exists! Search for WEBTOON on the playstore, and you will spot the application in a flash. It is only 21 MB or megabytes big, so it is not painful to the phone storage.
However, if you want to save space, you can always take the other route and access the WEBTOON site here. You can search for WEBTOON on your device’s browser, and the link you see immediately will lead you to the destination you desire to land onto. The site is mostly used by personal computer users and those who cannot download the app. It functions the same way as the app, but not all the features, events, and other cool activities can be done here. So, I still suggest to head over to your device’s playstore to get the application!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓶: 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻-𝘂𝗽 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝗮𝗽𝗽.
Any app would instruct the user to create an account to use its services. For WEBTOON though, this is very worth it, for it gives you a chance to use your account to comment on WEBTOON episodes you adore, or subscribe to the series you want to follow and support. You can create an account using your email address and the password to access it personally. Just the same as any other process in signing-up for an account, you will type your own username. You could also your very own Facebook, Twitter, Google, or LINE account to enter, and your name on the site you’ve chosen to log-on with will become your name on WEBTOON.
It is editable, so don’t worry if your username so happened to be humiliating, and you absolutely must change it! Though, if you don’t want to create an account just yet, users can view webtoons with a press of a finger without signing up for anything, if you’d press the return key on your phone or if you’re browsing on the site. Once you submit your approval that you’ve read and understood the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy of WEBTOON, you can finally set foot on the real fun of webtoons!
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓷: 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀” 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲.
Okay, do not get confused! We’ll get to the rest of the areas of the app in a little bit! There’s a lot of things to do, now that we’ve finally arrived on WEBTOON platform itself. Though before being hyped at the things you are seeing right now, I’d like you to scroll down to the bottom of this “For You” section, and dig up the “Find your series” questionnaire to answer it. This is so that you can have an idea of what to expect here on WEBTOON, as well as what to read first. This is a questionnaire that will also introduce you to stories that you’d enjoy, without getting totally overwhelmed with content to stretch out into. No pressure in choosing, it will not affect how your account is set-up! Don’t worry about the results either. Answer as natural and honest as you can! This step is only applicable to those who are on the WEBTOON application. It is also optional to the reader, specifically if they are already used to reading webcomics and know what to expect.
Once you enter, it’d ask what are the genres you like. There is horror, comedy, thriller, fantasy, drama, romance, superhero, slice of life, action, and sci-fi. To clarify, slice of life does not literally mean a splitted life! It is a genre for stories that showcase the everyday life of a person, that are either relatable or engaging to read about. Choose as many genres as you want—it’s totally fine to check everything, or to choose one specific genre. Then, you can choose which art styles you prefer from the choices you see in front of your screen. Again, don’t worry about picking art styles—this is not a critical survey! Go ahead and pick many art styles you find pleasing to the eye. Then, you’ll get a list of webtoons recommended to you by the WEBTOON management! Easy, right?
You can take note of these titles given to you, or you can press on the webtoons you find interest in, and you will be taken to the webtoon’s contents in a jifty. That’s where you can read the description of the title’s plot, and you can instantly start reading if it strummed your heartstrings. You can continue discovering more stories to read from here, since the freedom is yours. Even so, there are still parts of the application to discuss that may give you an extra hand later on. Stick around this article for more of that, especially when you need an enthusiatic tour guide like me!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓸: 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
If you’re still following me, you may exit the questionnaire that you entered into a while ago. Now, if you scroll up, we’re back seeing graphics moving sideways at the front page. Oh, did you something catch your eye there? These graphics that WEBTOON fans usually call as “banners” (or, for me, personally—anyway,) are another way to gain interest in choosing stories to read. Long story short, when I became a WEBTOON reader, my all-time favorite webcomic from WEBTOON was first shown to me on a banner. (A very epic one, too!) Most of the webtoons shown here are in the “Originals” tab! From “For You,” press the Originals tab next. These are the tenths of webtoons that you can also read here on WEBTOON. The image is just one section of that. If you can observe, there are the seven days of the week stated at the top of these webtoons, under the word, “Daily.” You might be asking why is this section called, “Originals.” All these webtoons found under this tab are in partnership with the WEBTOON management, and these stories release new episodes weekly!
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That simply means that the creators of these webtoons are working together with WEBTOON to share their stories with us, and what’s the best thing? They get to tell their stories, while fulfilling their dream full-time job as a paid webcomic creator! Their work is now known as “WEBTOON ORIGINALs,” though before, they used to be “Featured Webtoons.” Everyday, various webtoons of different genres update with new parts to continue the story from where they left off previously, so there’s definitely something to look forward to from Mondays to Sundays. There are also more choices here than those in the questionnaire, so if you weren’t contented with what you got from answering questions, you can also come here to pick out stories. There are also webtoons under “Completed,” and we’ll get to those in a bit. If you’d ask me what I usually do on Originals, I read everything in general, so I never run out of things to read, but I’m more fond of fantasy genres. You can also choose webtoons from all days of the week, so you can keep reading something everyday before going to school or work, or perhaps, when you’re about to sleep.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓹: 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗖𝗮𝗻𝘃𝗮𝘀” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
Now, there must be another question in your head. “How are these webcomic creators chosen to be featured, or have their work included under WEBTOON ORIGINALs?” There are a couple of ways, though, we’ll focus on this canvas of ideas for this article. Usually, creators are discovered on the fan submissions area of the application. Yes, you heard me right! If you are someone who loves drawing comics as well, then you can give this opportunity a shot and meet other aspiring creators here on “Canvas!” So, let’s move from the “Originals” tab and head straight into the “Canvas” section. The webtoons here are under the word, “Spotlight.” It’s simply because these webtoons are uploaded by other webcomic creators who are not affiliated by WEBTOON, yet. So, you could say that this is the wider scope of webtoons to look through. The best thing about “Canvas” which used to be “Discover,” is the fact that we can support these writers and/or artists by reading their stories.
WEBTOON is a platform perfect for people to test the waves of being a webcomic creator. At the same time, they are given the chance to gain a community of a readers that you could also be a part of! However, since these webtoons labeled as “CANVAS WEBTOONs,” are not fully paid by WEBTOON, there is no guarantee that they’ll upload episodes every week. They are free to upload on their own running schedule, but in return, they are also free to create any story they like, as long as it follows the WEBTOON guidelines. Just a brief heads-up, you must have a computer or laptop, in order to upload your own webcomic on WEBTOON. For us readers, it’s a big chance for us to find stories we’ll fall in love with—the one that will make us invested and devoted to how the story continues. If you give the CANVAS WEBTOON more support, who knows? You might be a part of their life accomplishment journey to doing what they love for a living. Very heartwarming, I see.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓺: 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀.
We’ve already seen all the webtoons that the app has to offer to us. Despite that, there’s a chance that you still don’t know what stories pique the elements you like in a plot. Now that you know that there are more webtoons to search for on the WEBTOON app, you might need a guide or factor to know what’s the best story to try out. This is why the rankings and genre sections exist on the app! You can view the rankings of WEBTOON ORIGINALs and CANVAS WEBTOONs in their respective tabs. For ORIGINALs, you can click on the badge-like icon to the top right, while in CANVAS, you can see the rankings immediately. If you want to see the complete rankings list for CANVAS WEBTOONs, pressing the arrow at the right side of the rankings preview will do the trick! This step is for users who cannot decide based on what gem of a webtoon preview has caught their attention. If you'd like to find out what webtoons are popular overall, or in their corresponding genres, be sure to use this feature to weigh the odds. We are people who are influenced by whatever is loved by many, after all.
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If ten genres weren't enough choices during the questionnaire, well, thankfully there is more to play with! In the genre sections of both types of webtoons on WEBTOON, which you can see alongside the rankings, you can also view webtoons listed under the supernatural, mystery, sports, historical, heartwarming, and informative genres! So, in total, there are 16 genres to step into, and that's a plenty! In that said area, you can tell which genres have the best stories based on how many people read each webtoon. You can also sort these webtoons by interests, likes, or date. Just press the "Genres" button next to the "Daily" or "Spotlight" text on either tabs. The "sorting the webtoons by interests" option would depend on what your account has read, so far. These features are really handy to introduce to you new webtoons to take your eyes on or pay attention to.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓻: 𝗨𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗠𝘆” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
I suppose you've already chosen a webtoon to read, or maybe you're already into collecting webtoon titles to remember reading. Regardless, let's make things a little easier. You'd need your account, first! If you haven't created one yet, head to the log-in page and go back to Step No. 2. Catch up here when you're done, alright? If you’re already here, let me take you a stroll around this “My” tab. This section has list of features that are for the account’s convenience and personalization. It tells you what webtoons episodes have you recently read, downloaded, commented, and unlocked. It also states what webtoons have you subscribed to. Oh, yes, you can do all these things for your favorite stories on WEBTOON! To try that out, go to your chosen webtoon to read. As a reader, you are given the chance to rate the webtoon from 1 to 10—whether it is an ORIGINAL or CANVAS-type. That also makes heads turn away or stare closer at the stories, to see if they are worthy of their time.
Just like how subscriptions work on Youtube or any other platform, subscribing to a webtoon with your account means that you’ll get notifications whenever it uploads. It’s also easier to access subscribed webtoons through the “My” tab, instead of continously searching for your favorite stories all over the application or site as if you’re in a never-ending maze. You can track down the episodes you’ve downloaded for offline use as well, which comes in great situations where wifi is not available. Be aware that downloaded episodes will remain on your account for 30 days only, however. After 30 days, you may download the episodes again. Commenting on episodes can give you interaction with other readers’ ideas—those reactions, arguments, discussions, and, well! You could even talk about romantic pairing wars and all that’s fizzling in the premise of the story. With this section of the app, your account will be able to be fit and active, while it gives access to more parts of WEBTOON—including the possession of fast pass coins to unlock episodes for early reading! Wait a minute. Why must we, and how do we do that?
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓼: 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁.
Fast pass on WEBTOON allows you to read episodes before they are publicly released. In other words, you can gain early access to your most awaited ORIGINAL WEBTOONs’ episodes, especially when they get on that gripping cliffhanger that makes you want to go crazy with what happens next! The question is, how can we use fast pass? We can do that with coins called, “fast pass coins.” This in-app currency will permit you to avail one fast pass episode every five coins. In order to get coins, however, there is real money transactions involved. Though, do not fret, because you do not need to spend a dime or a single peso over buying fast pass episodes! WEBTOON offers users to gain five or more fast pass coins through events in the app.
These vary from having to log-in in 7 days, or read similarly themed webtoons that are featured per event. It’s free to do, though, they do not come by all the time—events do not run forever, after all. So, take on the challenge when it arrives, and get yourself some fast pass episodes to enjoy! One benefit in taking part in fast pass coins events is reading new stories that you’ve never tried peaking into before, because who knows when will it become your top webtoon choice in the future? Take it for me—one webtoon became my favorite when the first fast pass coins event entitled, “Climb the Tower challenge,” occured. I participated and had climbed 100 episodes, and now here I am chilling with floors and betrayal!
If you haven’t asked, all fast pass coins given to each webtoon will have a part of its value given to the creators of the said stories. In other words, it’s like directly supporting the artists, writers, and creators of the stories you love! This step can only be done to ORIGINAL WEBTOONs. CANVAS WEBTOONs do not have fast pass, though its creators can provide Patreon accounts where fans can donate or give thanks for their eloquent and awesome stories to tell.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓽: 𝗗𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲.
Remember when I mentioned “completed” webtoons prior to this step? It’s interesting that there also webtoons that have ended, so there is a section for WEBTOON ORIGINALs that have ended in the “Originals” tab. Here, you can still binge-read completed webtoons for as many times you want to, and you can also gain a collection of read finished webtoons on your proud wall. The satisfaction is there when you finish a story—but, wait a minute. We are familiar with fast pass, now, what’s up with this daily pass? For some completed webtoons, they are readable with the daily pass feature. This makes a webtoon’s episodes first episode public for reading, but the twist is, to read the next episodes, you must come back everyday to continue. Episodes in the middle until the end of the story are locked, and can only be carried on if you’ve lended a daily pass entry for it to be opened for a limited time. Then, you can access the next episodes in the following days. Tedious as it may be, you could also pay for fast pass coins to read these specific completed webtoons quicker.
However, if your route is free reading, it is also a fulfilling experience to follow a story as if it was still uploading everyday, instead of reading it in one sitting. This is the patience, yet satisfaction, that can be acquired from daily pass. That is also the goal of WEBTOON for implementing such a feature to their application. You don’t have to pay for anything if you don’t want to speed up your time in reading. This step is definitely for you, if you’re already reading ongoing webtoons, but want to find more stories in the completed section. Trust me, the stories we got here with the daily pass feature were real hits back in the day—somehow, the dust on their covers will be swept away when you touch it. It’s worth it, so why not give it a shot? I heard that one completed webtoon here was recently adaptated into an anime, another has been published physically, while the other was given a live-action K-drama on Netflix! Let’s see if you can figure out which stories these are!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓾: 𝗞𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀!
So, once you’ve found your beloved webtoons, fully invested into them with your account, made use of fast pass, and indulge into daily pass, the only thing left to do to begin on WEBTOON is to stick to it! Keep being a WEBTOON reader, and enjoy as many webtoons as you’d like. As you keep being on the application or site, you will encounter more features of WEBTOON, and maybe, as you stick around, more surprises & stories will be coming your way. There’s the fan translation area to explore, where you can translate the webtoons you’d love to support and be a contributor to its spread to other languages. There are thousands of CANVAS WEBTOONs being promoted in the front page for explorers to uncover reading. Spotlights at the bottom of the front page compile webtoons together, and you’d get to see more webtoons that may be under the spotlighted theme you adore!
You will be a part of this passionate WEBTOON community, and I’d like to thank you if you keep engaging into this craft as a reader. WEBTOON is a group of people who loves comics, and webcomics alike. It’s a place where creators and readers get to connect, at the same time, reach for their dreams. This is where their imaginations sprint wild—the happiness, sadness, anger, fear, worry, doubt, cheer, and excitement at every panel scrolling down your devices. You will be joining along with its growth, as well as all webcomic creators trying out on the platform, that WEBTOON sincerely cares for, wherever or whoever they are. You can witness how its stories will not only become panels and dialogue, but also animation, live-action, physical books, and other media types all around the world.
Do continue finding the captivating dialogue for you in WEBTOON, because for sure, it will become the message you will hold onto for life. Dramatic Nikki aside, thank you very much for reading this article! I had a blast—almost like I was going to be blasted on a rocket ship to Mars, while I was writing this feature. I hope my steps were able to help you get started on WEBTOON, and I’d like to bid you all the best on your personal voyage here. I believe each story of how we became attached to something is very significant, so take this moment to make it a memorable event in your life. Once more, thank you for reading! Come back again in another blog in the unknown future, where my fantasies become realities! A Nikki reminder: don’t just be ordinary when everyone is doing wrong—be unORDINARY, right & just, and continue to climb without holding back!
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ㅤㅤ﹙dedication. ﹚ ୨˚୧ ˚ ༘♡.↳ ₊˚‧
This blog is dedicated to you who is like me, and him who is like her. Both webtoon characters that I salute the most—and that beautiful set of panels that has become my lifestory. May you be in work for ten years or five years, I will cherish you, with this shining sword—diamond, ADAMAS.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ﹋﹋﹌﹌﹌「 🗼 」﹌﹌﹌﹋﹋
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ┊彡 Credits
➥ Cover Edit
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➥ First Blog Dividers
➫ Soara Academy
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➥ The Rest of the Blog Dividers
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➥ Source of Information
➫ Webtoon Wikipedia page
➫ WEBTOON (Line Webtoon) Wikipedia page
➫ My own knowledge as a WEBTOON reader
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...Are you asking me if I wanted to be a WEBTOON ambassador...? Yes, but I have no social media influence. I'm just a small bunny in a burrow who loves talking and helping people get to know more about WEBTOON. Also, thank you for liking this, cheezbot. You're such a cute Tumblr bot, indeed.
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