#the two are just happy to learn they live next door to each other
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Okay, to enable your brainrot:
Imagine: Schlarklez as Tubbo’s parents, sending him to the first day of school. Tubbo is a very quiet and respectful kid most of the time. But as soon as he gets home from this first day, he immediately tells them that he is too big of a man to listen to anyone.
Now the question is: For how long each of them will hold a grudge on Tommy after that despite the fact that Tommy and Tubbo are inseparable now?
at first both of them think it’s fucking hilarious, but only when it’s not happening to them. jordan asks tubbo to wash his dishes after dinner and tubbo refuses because big men don’t wash dishes, they get other people to do it for them. schlatt falls out of his chair laughing. he is nearly instantly hit by karma as he tries to wrangle tubbo into taking a bath and the kid Will Not Budge. schlatt probably ends up falling into the tub himself at some point because tubbo’s too damn squirrelly, which genuinely almost sends jordan to the hospital because he ends up laughing so hard he bruises a rib.
jordan’s first instinct is to give tommy a stern lecture, but schlatt’s like “dude. he’s 6. he probably picked it up from his parents or older brother or something, you should talk to them instead.” lo and behold said dad is philza goddamn minecraft, jordan’s next-door neighbor that jordan SWEARS is ruining his lawn to make his own look good, and yeah, that definitely does Not help his feelings towards the man. phil assured him he’ll talk to tommy about it but there is No way jordan believes him. he’s 90% sure phil actually told tommy to amp it up, because the next time it somehow gets Worse. both of them get used to tommy after a few months, seeing that he and tubbo get along so well. they Definitely work to correct what tommy teaches tubbo before he passes it onto crumb, because they cannot deal with three tommys. one is more than enough.
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Loustat short comics - There is nothing else until the storm is over - Interview with the Vampire TV Series
text transcription under the cut ⬇️
Fake magazine illustration
Page 1 Daniel : So, tell me... Did you see Lestat again?
Page 2 Louis : When he's not on Tour, he would occasionally visits.
Page 3 Daniel : So you're what, now? Friends?
Louis : [Hello Lestat.]
Lestat : [Hello Louis.]
It would be too simple. You know us.
Louis : [ That's new. Still enjoying the glitz and glamor?]
But there is this arrangement we are both fine with.
Page 4 When two people hurt each other so deeply, what is left afterwards?
Page 5 Things like that, it seals doors once still unlocked at the time. Can time really heal everything?
[Mets moi dans mon cercueil, Louis, Louis...]
Page 6 [Stay down chéri, I don't want to fight like this. I'll stay. I'll stay, I'll never leave you ever again. I promise. I'll be happy. For you. For her. Please please please please]
Some things were flipped over to show the truth. Others, I learned to see differently. I faced my wrongs.
[I'll be anything please please please please please please. I didn't know it was a gift. I wore it like a curse. I was selfish. I wanted you to suffer. Because I was. Suffering. I came to thank you.]
Page 7 Do we love each other still? Yes. Can we live under the same roof, share the same spaces, the same bed, for an extended period of time, again? No. But this raging, all devouring passion, it is now replaced by something that can never be altered. Is this the price we had to pay to finally be equals?
Page 8 We have never been more understanding of each other. A shadow of something that could have been from the start. Friendly jokes. Bickering I will never admit enjoying. Respect. And then, the always surprising softness. So eerie after all that happened. Yet, we always welcome it.
Page 9 Daniel : [How dramatic. Not ready to live together again, yet he's all over your coffee table.]
Louis: [I didn't buy these.]
Daniel : [Sure. Will you let me know the next time he passes by?]
Louis : [Well I can't. This is his safe place. You will have to find him by yourself I'm afraid.]
Daniel : [Of course. He can't make anything easy. As if he didn't have enough safe places with his ten properties.]
Page 10 Louis: [Nice chat. Bye, Daniel.]
Lestat : [Only when I'm not on Tour, hm?]
Louis [Approximately.]
Lestat : [Thanks.]
Louis : [Did you really just say thank-]
Lestat: *kisses Louis* [...too soon?]
Page 11 Louis : Almost a century is enough waiting.
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Ruin the Friendship
Max Verstappen x best friend!Reader
Summary: you and Max refuse to confess your feelings for each other in fear of ruining your friendship. Naturally, Max chooses to ruin every date with another man you go on instead
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You can’t remember a time when Max Verstappen wasn’t your best friend.
The two of you grew up together, playing in the streets of Hasselt since before you could walk. Your parents joke that you learned to crawl just so you could keep up with him.
As you got older, your friendship only grew stronger. You were inseparable, there for each other through all the ups and downs of childhood and adolescence. When Max’s karting career took off, you were his biggest supporter, traveling all over Europe on weekends whenever you could to cheer him on at races.
After he moved to Monaco when he joined Red Bull, Max begged you to come with him. “I can’t do this without my best friend by my side,” he said. You didn’t hesitate — there was nowhere you would rather be than with Max.
Now you live together in his apartment in Monte Carlo. Mornings are spent on his balcony overlooking the glistening Mediterranean, drinking coffee and chatting about everything and nothing. Evenings are filled with video games, movies, and dreams of the future.
You know everything about each other, from favorite foods to secret fears. You trust Max more than anyone else in the world. He’s your person, the other half of your soul. Sometimes you think you love him as more than a friend, but you’d never risk what you have. If you lost Max, you’d lose yourself.
Today is like any other day. Max is sitting next to you on the couch, focused intently on crushing you in Mario Kart. You’re trying your best, but he’s just too good.
“Yes!” Max pumps his fist in the air as he wins yet again. “Too easy!”
You roll your eyes and shove him playfully. “Whatever, I let you win.”
He laughs. “Sure you did.” His smile makes your heart skip a beat.
You’re about to suggest another round when Max’s phone rings. He grabs it off the coffee table. “It’s Christian,” he says. “Probably wants to go over strategy for the race this weekend. I better take this.”
“No problem.” You stretch your arms over your head. “I’ll make us some lunch while you talk to him.”
Max answers the call as he makes his way out to the balcony. Through the glass door you see him pacing, one hand waving animatedly as he talks. You smile and head to the kitchen.
As you rummage through the fridge, you think about the race this weekend. You couldn’t be more proud of Max and everything he’s accomplished. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t worry every time he got into that car. Still, you know racing makes him happier than anything else in the world. And his happiness is what matters most to you.
You find the ingredients for Max’s favorite sandwich — nutella and banana. As you start spreading nutella on slices of bread, you hear Max call your name from the next room.
“Y/N! Come here, I need your opinion on something!”
You poke your head out of the kitchen. “Can it wait? I’m making lunch!”
“No, it’s urgent! Just come here!” He’s smiling like he has a secret.
You laugh, wiping your nutella-covered hands on a towel. “Alright, I’m coming!”
You make your way out to the balcony, wondering what Max wants your opinion on. With him, it could be anything.
“Ok, what’s up?” You ask.
Max grins and takes your hand, his eyes twinkling. “How would you feel about being my date to the FIA Gala this year?”
You stare at Max, stunned. “Your … your date? To the FIA Gala?”
He nods, still grinning. “Yeah! It’s next month in Baku. I could really use my best friend by my side for moral support on the big Red Carpet.”
Your mind is reeling. The FIA Gala is the biggest formal event of the Formula 1 season. All the top drivers and teams come dressed to the nines to celebrate the end of the championship. Rumors always swirl about who will bring the hottest date.
And Max wants you to be his.
“Are … are you sure?” You stammer. “Wouldn’t you rather bring a model or something?”
Max scoffs. “Please. You know I hate those stuffy events. But with you there cracking jokes and making fun of everybody with me, it might actually be fun for once!”
You can’t help but smile at the thought of being on Max’s arm. “Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no?”
“Yes!” Max pumps his fist. “This is going to be epic. I’ll have my team sort all the details. All you have to do is show up looking gorgeous.” He winks.
You blush slightly. “I think I can manage that.”
Over the next few weeks, Max’s stylist comes by the apartment for dress fittings. You settle on a couture emerald gown with a daring slit up the leg. The perfect blend of classy and sexy.
Max lets out a low whistle when you emerge from your suite the night of the gala. “You look incredible,” he says, staring at you in awe.
You smooth down the front of your dress self-consciously. “So do you.” Max cuts a sharp figure in his black tuxedo.
He offers you his arm. “Shall we?”
Your stomach flutters as you take it. You still can’t believe you’re Max’s date tonight. Part of you wishes it were real instead of just for show.
As predicted, jaws drop when you walk the red carpet on Max’s arm. Cameras flash furiously around you.
“They’re gonna think you’re my new girlfriend,” Max murmurs in your ear.
You laugh. “Let them think what they want.” But secretly, you wish the rumors were true.
The night flies by in a blur of champagne, dancing, and laughter. You and Max stay by each other’s side the whole time, laughing and judging everyone’s outfits. It’s the most fun you’ve had in ages.
On the ride back to the hotel, Max rests his head on your shoulder. “Thank you for coming with me tonight,” he says. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You kiss the top of his head. “That’s what best friends are for.”
But as you fall asleep that night, you can’t help but wonder if Max will ever see you as more than just his best friend.
Not long after coming back home, you’re getting ready for your first date since the FIA Gala. After seeing you all dressed up with Max, your friend Julian finally got the nerve to ask you out. You said yes, partly to stop constantly pining for Max.
You’re meeting Julian for dinner at a nice restaurant downtown. As you put the finishing touches on your makeup, Max lounges on your bed.
“I can’t believe you’re going on a date with Julian,” Max says, scowling. “That guy is so boring.”
You toss a pillow at him. “Stop it, he’s cute! I think it’ll be fun.”
Max catches the pillow and frowns. “What if I took you somewhere way better tonight instead?”
You pause your makeup application. “Wait, like a date?”
“What? No!” Max avoids your eyes. “Just as friends.”
You feel a twinge of disappointment. “Oh. Well, I already made plans with Julian.”
“Fine, go on your lame date,” Max grumbles. “But when Julian puts you to sleep talking about accounting, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You finish getting ready then head out to meet Julian. He greets you with a bouquet of flowers. “You look beautiful,” he says.
“Thanks!” You reply. The date starts off nicely. Julian is a perfect gentleman over dinner. But as the conversation wears on, you find yourself growing bored. Max was right, Julian is really dull.
Suddenly, you get a text from Max.
SOS come quick! Emergency at the apartment!
You frown, instantly worried. “Sorry Julian, I have to go. My roommate needs me.”
Julian looks disappointed but nods in understanding. “No problem. I’ll walk you out.”
You hurry home, anxious to make sure Max is okay. You burst through the apartment door. “Max! What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
Max looks up casually from the couch. “Oh hey Y/N. What’s up?”
“What’s up? You texted me that there was an emergency!”
“Oh yeah, we ran out of gummy bears,” he says, waving an empty bag. “I was hungry.”
Your jaw drops. “Are you serious, Max? I was on my date!”
Max grins. “Oops, my bad! But I saved you from dying of boredom with that guy. How about we order a pizza instead?”
You want to be mad at him for ruining your date. But looking at his smiling face, you can’t help but laugh. “You’re impossible,” you say, plopping down next to him.
Max just winks and hands you a controller. “Now come on, let’s see if you can actually beat me in Mario Kart this time.”
And just like that, you forget all about Julian and your ruined date. Nothing is nearly as fun as spending time with your best friend.
A few days later, you’re getting ready for another date, this time with a guy named Levi who you met online. He’s gorgeous with tattoos and an edgy style, totally your type.
When you tell Max about the date over breakfast, he nearly chokes on his eggs. “You can’t be serious. That dude looks like a complete tool.”
You roll your eyes as you grab your purse. “Don’t pretend you know anything about him. I think he’s hot and he seems cool.”
Max crosses his arms. “Well I don’t like it. How do you know this guy isn’t a total creep?”
“I appreciate your concern,” you say, “But I’m a big girl. I can handle myself on a date.”
Max opens his mouth to retort but you hold up a hand. “Nope, I don’t want to hear it! I’m running late as it is.” You give Max a quick hug. “Don’t wait up!”
You meet Levi at a trendy speakeasy bar downtown. He looks even hotter than his Tinder pics, with arm tattoos peeking out from under his leather jacket.
“Hey gorgeous,” he says with a crooked smile. He leans in for a lingering kiss on your cheek.
You blush. “Hi yourself.” Maybe Max was wrong about this guy.
You have a great time with Levi. The drinks are strong and the conversation is easy. After a few hours, Levi asks if you want to get out of there.
“I’d love to see your apartment,” you say with a flirtatious glance.
Levi grins. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
He pays the tab and you start walking to his place. As you turn a corner, you run straight into someone, nearly falling over.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorr-Max? What are you doing here?”
Max steadies you with his hands. “Y/N! Fancy running into you!”
You stare at Max in disbelief. “Did you follow me?”
Max avoids your gaze. “What? No, of course not. I was just in the neighborhood.”
You cross your arms. “I find that hard to believe.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Levi pipes up from behind you. “Uh, do you two know each other?”
“Unfortunately yes,” you reply tightly, not taking your eyes off Max.
Max finally meets your stare, his jaw clenched. “I was worried about you, okay? This guy looks like bad news.”
You scowl at him. “That’s not your call to make. I’m allowed to go on dates without you ruining them.”
Max’s shoulders slump. “I know, I’m sorry. I just care about you and want you to be safe.” He glances at Levi again uncertainly.
You soften a bit, seeing the genuine concern in Max’s eyes. You put a hand on his arm. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’ll be okay. See you at home later.”
You turn to Levi, who looks understandably confused. You loop your arm through his. “Shall we keep going?”
But as you walk away, the playful mood from earlier is gone. Levi tries to make conversation, but you’re preoccupied thinking about Max and the sad look on his face.
Levi invites you up to his apartment still, but your heart’s not in it anymore. You make an excuse and head home, feelings conflicted.
Max is on the couch when you storm in. “Hey! How was the date?”
You don’t answer, just grab a pillow and start smacking him with it.
“Ow!” Max holds up his hands, laughing. “What was that for?”
“You know exactly what it was for, you sneaky jerk! Sabotaging my date again.”
Max grins up at you impishly. “Maybe I just happened to be in the neighborhood.”
You keep hitting him with the pillow, but end up collapsing on the couch next to him, both of you breathless with laughter.
“You’re the worst,” you say between giggles.
Max drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah but admit it, you love me anyway.”
You sigh and nestle against him. “Unfortunately yes, I do.”
And you know that no matter how many dates Max sabotages, he’ll always be your number one.
After the last two disastrous dates, you decide to take a break from dating for a while. But your coworker Jess convinces you to give it one more shot with a guy named Liam she met at her gym. Reluctantly, you agree to meet up with him.
The day of the date arrives and you get ready halfheartedly, already anticipating Max’s attempts to sabotage it. Speaking of Max, you realize you haven’t seen him all day, which is odd.
You find a note on the kitchen counter:
Had to fly to Milton Keynes last minute for work. Will be gone all weekend. Have fun on your date.
<3 Max
You’re surprised but also a bit disappointed. While his meddling is annoying, you’re so used to Max being a constant presence in your dating life. It will feel weird doing this without him.
You push that thought aside as you head out to meet Liam at a burger place. When you arrive, you’re pleasantly surprised. Liam is handsome, charming, and easy to talk to.
After lunch, you go on a walk through a nearby park. You’re having such a nice time, you don’t even think about Max. At the end of the date, Liam asks to see you again.
“I’d love to,” you say with a smile. Liam leans in for a sweet goodbye kiss.
As you turn to go, you hear a familiar voice yelling your name. “Y/N! There you are!”
You whirl around to see Max jogging towards you, slightly out of breath.
“Max? What are you doing here? I thought you had that work thing.”
Max shrugs nonchalantly. “Oh, it got canceled last minute.”
Liam looks between you two, confused. “Wait, is this the dude you live with?”
Before you can respond, Max strides up and vigorously shakes Liam’s hand. “Max Verstappen, nice to meet you! I’m Y/N’s … boyfriend.”
Your eyes nearly bug out of your head. “My WHAT?”
“Yeah babe, your boyfriend,” Max says, draping an arm around you. “Sorry I couldn’t make our date today, got held up at work. But who’s this guy you’re with?”
Liam stares wide-eyed at Max’s arm around you. “Uh, I should get going. See you around, Y/N.” He scurries off.
You shove Max away from you, fuming. “What the hell was that? Why did you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Max shoves his hands in his pockets sheepishly. “I just couldn’t stand the idea of you dating that dude.”
“So you LIED? You scared him off forever!” You poke Max’s chest angrily.
He grabs your hand. “I’m sorry! I don’t know why I did that. I was jealous and I wasn’t thinking straight.”
You search his face and see real remorse in his eyes. Your anger starts to fade.
“Jealous? Why would you be jealous, Max?” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper.
He takes a shaky breath. “Because the truth is, I’m in love with you. As more than a friend. I have been for a long time. Seeing you with those other guys made me realize I couldn’t stand not being with you myself.”
You stand frozen, stunned into silence. Max rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Please say something.”
You finally find your voice again. “Took you long enough, idiot.”
And you grab his shirt and kiss him deeply. Max grins against your lips, wrapping you in his arms.
“No more sabotaging my dates,” you murmur.
“Deal,” Max whispers. “As long as I can be your one and only from now on.”
You answer by kissing him again under the setting sun. At long last, you finally have your dream guy.
The next morning, you wake up in Max’s arms, still unable to believe the incredible turn your relationship has taken. Last night after the park, you came home and talked for hours, admitting your true feelings while cuddled up on the couch. You kissed and kissed until you both finally fell asleep tangled together.
Now in the light of day, your worries start to creep in. What if this ruins your friendship? What if you’re not meant to be more than best friends?
You untangle yourself from Max’s embrace and go to make coffee. He finds you a few minutes later on the balcony overlooking the sea.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Max says, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He kisses your shoulder.
You turn in his arms to face him. “Can we talk about this?”
He frowns slightly. “Talk about what?”
You gesture between the two of you. “This new aspect of our relationship. I’m just worried it will mess things up. Maybe we should take a step back and think things through?”
Max’s face falls. “You’re having second thoughts?”
“No, not second thoughts exactly. I care about you so much Max, as my best friend. I don’t want to ruin that.”
Max caresses your cheek. “You could never ruin our friendship. It means everything to me too. But we both deserve to be happy, and I know we can make each other happy in this new way as well. I’m willing to take that chance if you are.”
You search his earnest eyes. He’s right — your connection runs so much deeper than just friendship. And you trust Max. If anyone is worth taking this risk for, it’s him.
You take his hand and intertwine your fingers. “You’re right. I want to make this work.”
Relief washes over Max’s face. He leans in and kisses you softly. “I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll be the best boyfriend ever!”
You laugh. “Well in that case, take me on our first official date tonight!”
“It would be my pleasure.” Max strokes your hair. “Thank you for taking a chance on me. On us. I know we’re meant to be, schatje. I’ve loved you all my life.”
“I’ve loved you all my life too,” you whisper. And you know that no matter what happens, your bond with Max will never break.
The future has yet to be written, but you’re ready to face it hand-in-hand with the man who has always had your heart.
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just-aake · 5 months
Dyeing to See You Again
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary:  The need for a change of style brings about a reunion between Natasha and her old friend.
Warnings: light fluff, light angst
Words: 6659
Ohio - 1995
Three years ago, in the heart of the Midwest, a typical family of four moved into the ordinary suburban home next to yours.
Naturally, as their neighbor, you became interested in learning about the new family, especially since you found out that one of their daughters was similar to you in age. 
Initially closed off in the beginning, you slowly chipped away at the girl’s cold exterior until eventually the two of you became inseparable friends, forming a close bond with her over the three years they’ve lived here so far.
Currently, you find yourselves in the bathroom of her home amidst a chaotic mess of scattered bottles of hair products and dyes, the result of two young teens messing around without supervision.
You watch as Natasha removes the towel from her head, revealing the experiment that the two of you have been working on, and your eyes widen in shock at the sight.
“Uh oh, Nat, I think we might’ve mixed up the wrong bottles,” you exclaim in a slight panic as you rush around to pick up the different dyes, trying to find the one that was applied to her hair.
“I’m so sorry, Natasha,” you apologize as you try to figure out where you two went wrong.
“No, no, it’s okay,” Natasha reassures, her voice distracted in awe as she examines the strands of her newly colored hair in the mirror.
“It’s blue,” you state plainly in disbelief at her untroubled state. 
“Yeah, but…it was my choice,” Natasha says with a widening happy grin.
You drop the bottles in your hand and tilt your head at her in confusion.
“I thought you said that your mom was okay with this.” 
Natasha makes an unsure sound before shrugging, “I’m sure she will be..I think.”
You twist your lips skeptically at her words as you stand and return to her side. Your hand raises to her hair, but before you touch it, you pause and look at her with a questioning look, silently asking for permission. 
Over the time you’ve known her, you’ve learned how much Natasha values her personal space. The first time you patted her back in a friendly gesture, she pushed you away so hard that you scraped your hands while catching yourself on the ground.
Natasha apologized profusely immediately afterward and supported you home where she helped to tend to your wounds.
That was the first time you saw the true warmth that Natasha was hiding underneath her cold exterior as she cared for you.
At that time, she explained to you how she was not used to such friendly gestures like that from her peers and had reacted instinctively. 
Hearing this, you decide to always ask if she’s comfortable before you touch her.
With her nod of permission, your finger gently threads through her now light blue hair, brushing it in contemplation.
“Well, I guess it’s fine since it’s summer, but you’re going to have to change it back before school starts,” you remark.
Natasha shrugs, unconcerned, before flashing you one of her rare teasing grins.
“I’ll just have you dye it for me again. Maybe next time it might actually be the right color.”
You huff in disbelief at her, but before you can point out she also contributed to the mistake, the sound of the front door opening and the call from Natasha’s mom, Melina, causes both of your eyes to widen. 
Within the next second, the two of you scramble to clean up the mess in the bathroom, laughing with each other the entire time.
You never did get a chance to change her hair color back to normal. 
Natasha and her family vanished without a trace before the end of that summer. 
There was no note. No warning. 
She was just suddenly gone from your life.
And though many years pass, you’ve always held onto the hope that someday you can see her again.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Ohio - 2016 (21 Years Later)
The peaceful ambiance of the late evening is pierced by the gentle chime of the bell hanging above the entrance to the hair salon, announcing the arrival of an unexpected visitor.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” you call out, your eyes still fixed on the task of sweeping the floor.
A familiar voice responds, breaking through your concentration. 
“What about for an old friend?”
Instantly, you freeze in your movements and look up at the visitor, disbelief flooding your senses as you recognize the voice and then the face of the woman. 
"Nat?" you utter in disbelief.
Natasha stands before you, a soft smile gracing her features as she greets you. 
“Hey, Y/n.”
Abandoning everything in your hands, you rush towards her, only to stop short of barreling into her when you remember how she felt about her personal space. 
To your surprise, Natasha pulls you into her arms for a tight hug, breaking the barrier herself.
Momentarily stunned, you quickly recover and return her warm embrace, tucking your head against her shoulder and letting out a breath of disbelief that she’s actually here in front of you.
The two of you stay in that position, reveling in your reunion with each other, before Natasha breaks the silence with a soft murmur against your shoulder.
“So, about that haircut?”
You chuckle, nodding in response to her request.
As Natasha settles into a chair, you move to secure the salon, locking the door and closing the blinds, shielding the two of you from prying eyes. 
Despite the late hour and remote location, you’re not taking any chances. 
Even though it has been years since you last saw Natasha in person, that doesn’t mean you didn’t eventually discover who she really was, recognizing her immediately through the news during the attack in New York and now with her current predicament.
But that’s her business. 
You’re not going to bring it up unless she wants to talk about it. 
Here in this moment, she's not a spy or the Black Widow. She’s simply Natasha, your friend. 
And right now, she wants to change her hair.
Taking your position behind her, you place your hands on the back of the chair and meet her eyes in the mirror. 
“So, what are we thinking?”
Natasha ponders for a moment before a teasing grin lights up her face, and she turns her head to look at you. 
"We could attempt the platinum blonde again, maybe without the blue this time?"
You roll your eyes and shake your head with a laugh of disbelief at the memory of your past failed attempt at dyeing her hair.
Before you begin, you give her the same questioning look as when you were younger, silently asking for permission to touch her.
A small smile forms on her face at the familiar request, and Natasha nods to you before facing forward once again to give you access to her hair. 
With her consent, your fingers gently thread through her hair, delicately brushing out the tangled areas as you go. 
As you continue your actions, Natasha’s eyes flutter closed, and a relaxed expression crosses her face as the tension in her shoulder eases with every movement.
A happy smile tugs at your lips when you see this, so you continue your soothing actions as you inspect the condition of her hair.
“What did you do?” you ask in concern when you realize the state of her hair. “The ends are all burnt up. Did you light your hair on fire or something?”
Natasha chuckles lightly, her eyes still closed as she responds.
“Not exactly. I jumped off an exploding secret evil base that was floating in the sky.”
A brief pause follows as you process her words before you release a huff of disbelief at her casual explanation. 
“Well, obviously one of us has chosen the more exciting career.”
You finish your assessment of the extent of damage to her hair before shaking your head with a resigned sigh.
“I don’t think these are salvageable. We might need to cut most of it off.”
“That’s fine,” Natasha answers calmly, unconcerned by the news.
“Seriously?” you ask, making sure she sees the length of how short her hair will be.
She meets your eyes in the mirror and gives you a reassuring nod.
“It’s not like I haven’t had that style before,” Natasha reasons before letting out a tired sigh. “Besides, a different look for me is probably better at the moment anyway.”
Understanding what she’s referring to, you don’t press further, replying with a soft, “Okay.”
You proceed with the transformation, draping a cape around Natasha’s shoulders before delicately combing through her hair.
With each snip of the scissors, you work meticulously with care, shaping Natasha’s hair into a style that would best complement her features. 
Lost in your task, you can’t help but be captivated by her beauty, understanding how she came to be described as the spy who captures the hearts of all those who encounter her.
As you finish up with the haircut, the peaceful atmosphere of the moment is shattered by an alert from the tv, interrupting the currently airing program. 
The late-night news anchor appears on the screen, delivering the all-too-familiar message that has become a nightly ritual.
“The search efforts are still ongoing for the fugitives Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, also known as Captain America and the Black Widow. The two are currently on the run for violation of the Sokovia Accords. Any information regarding their possible whereabouts should be reported to—” 
With a frown, you swiftly reach for the remote and shut off the tv. 
Turning back, your frown deepens when you find Natasha rising from the chair.
“What are you doing?” you question, puzzled by her sudden action.
Natasha shakes her head with a grave expression as she removes the cape from her shoulders.
“This was reckless. I shouldn’t be here,” she answers, her voice filled with regret. “I’m just putting you at risk.” 
Realizing her intention to leave because of the possible dangers of her presence, you interject firmly when she strides past you toward the exit. 
"I'm glad that you did."
Your unexpected words cause her to pause in her tracks, confusion flickering across her face as she turns to meet your gaze.
"I don't care about the risks, Nat," you say, your tone unwavering and softening with a small smile at her. 
“I’m glad that I got a chance to see you again.”
Natasha’s eyes widen slightly at your words, but a hesitant look still remains on her face, so you offer another reassurance.
“If I didn’t want you here, I would’ve told you to go already.”
Her gaze focuses on you in contemplation, and you know she’s almost convinced, prompting you to continue, your hand turning the chair around to her in invitation.
“Besides, I’m not finished yet. I still have to dye your hair and show you that I can get the color right this time,” you tease lightly.
A small smile tugs at Natasha’s lips, and a hint of amusement appears in her eyes as they soften into a fond look at you. 
With one final contemplative glance to the exit, Natasha comes to a decision and gives in, settling back into the seat again.
“Alright, show me what you got.”
With her permission granted, you proceed with the dyeing process, your fingers moving with practiced ease as you bleach and tone her hair, removing the remnants of her signature vibrant red locks, before applying the blonde dye. 
Your brows furrowed in concentration as you carefully coat each strand of her hair to ensure an even color in the end. 
Meanwhile, throughout the process, Natasha watches you intently through the mirror, a tiny admiring smile pulls at the corner of her lips when she sees how focused you are on your work.
Once all that’s left is to wait for the dye to set, you disappear into the back of the salon in search of some snacks and return triumphantly with a tub of ice cream. 
Offering Natasha a spoon with a playful grin, you both indulge in the sweet treat, the casual banter flowing effortlessly between you as if the years apart had never existed.
“So do you still live in the same neighborhood?” Natasha asks between spoonfuls.
You shake your head, explaining, “My parents are still there, but I moved out here years ago after fixing up this building for myself. My place is actually next door, though sometimes it’s hard to tell these are two separate buildings. You have no idea how many packages I end up never receiving because the mailman can’t find my home.”
The two of you share a laugh and continue reminiscing about past adventures and mishaps and then about your current lives.
Throughout the entire time, your questions to her remain light-hearted, carefully avoiding any mention of her current situation or her mysterious past.
Despite the happy atmosphere, your consideration for her only makes the sense of guilt within Natasha grow with each passing moment, reminding her of what she put you through.
Eventually, the room falls into a comfortable quiet as you clean up the empty containers and move to throw them away. 
When you return, Natasha decides to address her mistakes and the role she played in the fracture of your friendship.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly.
You look at her with a perplexed look, tilting your head in confusion.
“For what?” you ask.
“For not telling you who I was…for leaving without any warning,” she confesses, her eyes closing briefly with remorse. “You didn’t deserve that.”
You lean back against the counter, arms crossed, your gaze dropping to the floor as you contemplate her words. Your thoughts and feelings about her apology remain inscrutable on your face. 
After a brief pause, you finally meet her gaze again with a serious expression.
“Was it real?” you ask.
At your question, Natasha furrows her brows in confusion, causing you to elaborate.
“Our friendship,” you clarify, gesturing between the two of you. “All the times we spent together…was it real?”
Natasha pauses as she thinks back to her time undercover. The mission was to pose as a normal family to infiltrate and gather intel from a research lab nearby. 
That didn’t necessarily mean she needed to form such a close relationship with you at the time. 
So was her friendship with you genuinely her choice?
As Natasha contemplates her answer, you take a step closer to her, causing her focus to return back to you.
“The way I remember it, I wanted to be your friend,” you admit before giving her a knowing look. “And I’m guessing you didn’t have to be mine, at least based on all your brooding and glares that you gave me in the beginning.”
Natasha grimaces sadly at the memory of how distant and cold she was initially before giving you a curious look.
“So why did you try to become friends with me?”
You shrug, a nostalgic expression appearing on your face. You recall the first time you spotted the lone girl curled up into herself underneath the shelter of the branches of the trees.  
“When I first saw you, you just…looked like you needed somebody on your side for once,” you admit softly before tilting your head at her. “And I thought… maybe I could be that person for you.”
Natasha’s mouth parts slightly in surprise at your answer. Before she can respond, her stunned silence is abruptly broken by the sound of the timer. 
With a gentle shake of your head, you return your focus to her hair, positioning yourself behind her.
“You don't have to apologize, Natasha,” you assure her, your voice steady and comforting, as you delicately begin to unwrap her hair. 
“Odds are I would’ve still chosen to be your friend whether I knew if you were a spy or not. And as for leaving…”
You recline her chair, her head now hovering above the washing station, as you let out a soft sad sigh and begin washing her hair.  
“People come and go throughout our lives all of the time. And most of the time, we can’t stop it from happening.”
Your voice wavers slightly, the memories of the devastation you felt when you found out Natasha had left come flooding back. 
Even though she wants to, Natasha can’t see what kind of expression you have on your face, your hand covering her eyes to shield the water from her face.
Shaking off the sad memory, you dry her hair and reposition Natasha upright. Your fingers glide through her newly shortened locks, combing them as you continue with a lighter and more upbeat tone.
“But the one thing we can do is hope that the people who truly mean something to us are the ones we’ll get to see again.”
Satisfied with the results of Natasha’s new hairstyle, your hands settle on the back of the chair, turning it so she faces the mirror.
Bending down, your head hovers beside hers as you meet her eyes in the reflection.
“And look, I got to see you again, didn’t I?” you say with a happy grin.
Natasha is stunned, her heart warmed by your words. She gazes at her reflection, admiring her new look, but her eyes keep returning to you, your words still echoing in her mind.
Oblivious to her awed stares at you, you return your focus to brushing her hair and examining it proudly.
“Do you like it?” you ask eagerly with anticipation when you finally look up back at her. 
“Yeah,” Natasha responds honestly, her gaze fixed on you. “I do.”
You give her a beaming smile at her answer, causing the corners of Natasha’s lip to quirk up fondly at the sight. 
After you do your finishing touches and declare that she’s done, Natasha stands from the chair and reaches into her pockets for the remaining money she still has on hand.
“How much do I owe?”
You wave your hand in refusal, shaking your head.
“Nothing, consider it a gift from a friend,” you insist, giving her a resolute expression, daring her to argue.
Huffing lightly under her breath at your determination, Natasha gives you a small smile as she relents with a soft, “Thank you.”
Her eyes glance at the darkness outside, seeing how late into the night it is, and she turns back to you, tilting her head in question.
“Can I at least walk you home then?” she offers.
You raise an amused brow at her, probably because your home most likely only takes less than a couple minutes walk from here. 
Still, you agree to her request with a nod, unable to resist the opportunity to prolong this time together with her.
“Alright. Let me just close up.”
After you lock the shop, the two of you walk side by side along the sidewalk to your home before you suddenly stop and point to the lone motorcycle parked across the street.
“Is that yours?” you ask curiously.
“Yes, it is,” Natasha says proudly.
“It’s nice,” you compliment before you shoot her a teasing smirk. “It’s definitely cooler than that bicycle you used to ride.”
Natasha lets out a playful offended scoff in disbelief.
“Hey, you’ve always loved it when I let you ride on the back of that bike with me,” she points out.
You chuckle at her exclamation in defense of her precious bicycle, but you don’t deny her accusation.
Your heart warms at the memory of wrapping your arms around her waist, clinging to her from behind as Natasha rides her bicycle down the neighborhood streets.
Your eyes linger on her hand at her side, wanting to feel that warmth again, but you resist the urge to reach for her. Instead, you tuck your hands behind your back as the two of you continue your path.
Once you reach your front door, you turn back around to face Natasha, a somber expression settling over you.
“Will you ever come to visit again?” you ask with a tinge of hope in your tone.
Natasha hesitates, wanting to tell you ‘yes,’ but she knows better than to make promises that she can’t keep, especially with her current situation. 
“I don’t know,” Natasha answers honestly in a soft whisper. 
You dip your head slightly, a sad smile on your lip.
Natasha swallows her own desires in her heart and gestures awkwardly behind her.
“I should…probably get going before someone sees me,” she says with a small grimace.
You nod at her in understanding, moving to unlock and open your door.
“Stay safe, Natasha,” you tell her, your voice thick with longing. “If anything, I do hope I’ll get the chance to see you again one day.” 
When you enter your home and close the door with a dull thud of finality, Natasha's hand rests gently against the solid barrier separating you. 
Leaning her forehead against the cool wood, she whispers sadly, "Me too,” before finally turning away.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Ohio - 2016 (2 Months Later)
It was late one evening again when the bell above the door chimed just as you were cleaning up for the day. Looking up, a surprised and excited expression forms on your face when you see who it is.
“Can you take one more?” Natasha asks, a small smile also appearing on her face when she sees you.
With a light chuckle, you approach her, your hands clasped behind your back.
“For you, always,” you reply warmly, stopping in front of her with a fond tilt of your head.
Natasha bites her lips lightly to keep her grin from widening at your words. Just as she’s about to step closer, a gentle knock on the door behind her reminds her of her original reason for coming to see you.
“Actually, it’s not for me though,” Natasha explains before opening the door again and waving someone in.
A brown-haired girl cautiously steps into the salon at Natasha’s invitation. Her eyes look around, examining the room before falling on you with a wary gaze.
“This is Wanda,” Natasha introduces. 
The girl gives you a timid wave in greeting from her crossed arm, but she subtly retreats to a position slightly behind Natasha. 
Her expression is pinched with apprehension as if she’s anticipating some sort of reaction from you.
You recognize Wanda quickly from the nightly tv alerts, her picture now featured alongside Natasha’s after the news broke about a high-security prison break a month ago.
Before you can offer her some reassurance, another familiar face walks in.
“The perimeter is secure,” the man announces before focusing on you and extending his hand in a greeting. “Hello, I’m Steve.”
Reacting instinctively to his polite greeting, you shake his hand and introduce yourself. 
“Hi, my name’s Y/n. I’m Natasha’s friend.”
Steve raises a brow at that and gives you a skeptical look.
“Just a friend? With the way Nat talks about you, I thought she was going to pull the same move as Barton and introduce us to her secret family.”
That draws a curious look from you as you ask him.
“What did she say?”
A loud cough from Natasha interrupts your conversation, drawing your attention before he can continue further.
Natasha’s subtle glare silences Steve, her arms crossed in disapproval, as she grits out to him, “Didn’t you say you wanted to see if you could find a place to resupply?”
Hearing this and wanting to offer some help, you raise your hand to get their attention and interject, “Most places around here are closed at this time, but…” 
You pause as you go to the back and retrieve your keys and offer them to Steve, explaining, “...there is a convenience store around the corner that belongs to my ex’s grandparents. They gave me a spare key for if I ever need something. Just write down what you take and leave the money behind the counter. Oh, and the security cameras don’t actually work, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
Steve takes the keys from you with a grateful nod. 
“Thank you, this’ll help us out a lot.”
He then turns to Natasha and Wanda.
“I'll meet up with you two when you finish up here then,” he says, heading towards the door.
“I can come help you,” Wanda offers, moving to follow Steve, but Natasha blocks her path with a knowing expression.
“You said you wanted to change your look since we’ll be going into hiding,” she reminds Wanda who twists her lips in disappointment when she realizes she failed to escape.
“I didn’t think that meant we would be forcing someone to do it for me,” Wanda says, still glancing at you with apprehension.
You wave your hand in reassurance, interjecting quickly, “Oh, I don’t mind. Natasha’s not forcing me to do this. I’m happy to help.”
“Well, that’s settled then,” Steve declares with an acknowledging nod to you. “Thanks again, Y/n.”
After a pointed gesture from Natasha, Wanda settles into one of the chairs with a small sigh.
Natasha leans against the counter facing you and Wanda as you move to your position behind the chair.
“So, what color did you want to dye your hair?” you ask her.
“It doesn’t matter,” Wanda replies with a resigned tone, her eyes downcasted and focused on her hands in her lap.
You frown slightly in concern at her defeated attitude, and you look at Natasha, giving her a meaningful look.
“What do you think, Natasha? I believe I got some new colors recently. Maybe purple or green would fit her,” you ponder out loud as if actually considering those options.
Wanda’s head shoots up in shock as she sputters incredulously, “Green?”
Natasha grins, catching on to your intentions, as she shrugs casually at your suggestions, adding, “You could never go wrong with blue.” 
You laugh at her comment, nodding in agreement.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Wanda says quickly, a hint of exasperation in her voice. She points seriously at the two of you. “No to all those. I don’t want it to be that big of a change.”
Her voice lowers to a sad but determined tone.
“I don’t want it to be as if they succeeded in forcing me to change who I am,” Wanda admits as she stares down at her hands where a red ball of mist flows between her fingers in a gentle pattern.
“Well, the great thing about changing your hair is that ultimately whatever you decide, it’s your choice to make,” you say, your gaze meeting Natasha’s slightly widened eyes, before continuing firmly, “No one can take that decision from you.”
Wanda contemplates your words for a moment and then nods at you decisively.
“Can you lighten my hair into an auburn color?” she asks.
You give her a gentle smile and nod, replying, “Alright then. Auburn it is.”
Before you touch her hair, you give her a questioning look and ask, “Are you comfortable for me to touch your hair and start?”
Wanda blinks at you in surprise, and her tense posture relaxes slightly when she realizes you’re asking for her permission.
With a nod, she responds softly, “Go ahead.”
As you work on Wanda’s hair, Natasha watches you intently with a fond look in her eyes, lost in her thoughts at the sight of you and glad that she had this opportunity to see you again.
Before she knows it, you’re already finishing up applying the last coatings of the dye on Wanda’s hair when you suddenly speak up.
“You know, I’ve always had a soft spot for redheads,” you state casually before meeting Natasha’s eyes with a teasing smile.
“Are you trying to say that you don’t have a soft spot for me now that I’m blonde?” Natasha asks with an amused raise of a brow.
You shrug nonchalantly and hum in thought as if having to contemplate the answer.
Natasha huffs in disbelief and rolls her eyes slightly at you.
However, your words remind her of what you mentioned earlier to Steve, and Natasha can’t help but ask curiously.
“Was your ex also a redhead?” she asks, her tone seemingly casual.
“Impressive, your deduction skills as a spy must be really good,” you tease, chuckling lightly, as you return your focus to Wanda’s hair.
“The two of you must’ve been pretty serious for their grandparents to still trust you like that,” Natasha says, unable to hide the slight bitterness of the thought slipping into her tone.
You laugh and shake your head quickly in denial.
“No, definitely not. She moved away years ago, and our relationship didn’t really end on good terms. My close relationship with her grandparents is kind of like my revenge on her. Plus, they’re actually a sweet old couple.”
“Oh,” Natasha says, a small breath of relief releasing from her.
“I’m not really seeing anyone at the moment,” you admit softly.
“Natasha’s single too,” Wanda chimes in, her focus originally on the sitcom playing on the tv but now looking between the two of you with interest.
“That’s a surprise,” you say with a laugh as you go into the back to retrieve some things.
Natasha chuckles lightly as you leave before giving Wanda the same warning glare that she gave Steve. Unfazed, Wanda just gestures with her head encouragingly in your direction.
However, Natasha shakes her head resolutely in a silent reply to her, and before Wanda can attempt to convince her further, you come back and begin doing the last steps on Wanda’s hair.
With one final brush of Wanda’s newly red hair, you declare happily, “All finished.”
“Thanks, Y/n,” Wanda says as she stands from the chair and goes to examine her hair in the mirror.
You watch as a small smile appears on her face, and you let out a breath of relief, glad to finally see Wanda in a moment of happiness. 
Natasha comes up next to you and holds out some money in an offer. 
“Thank you for doing this,” Natasha says.
You shake your head in refusal, your hands folded behind you as you face her.
“I’m sure you all need this more than I do,” you say resolutely.
Natasha chuckles lightly and huffs in disbelief.
“You know, you can’t always give me free passes like this every time. You should be paid for your work,” Natasha points out.
You hum in thought before tilting your head at her with a questioning look.
“How about dinner?” you suggest.
A surprised expression appears on Natasha’s face, but she hesitates to answer, facing the same situation again of wanting to accept your offer, but a beep at her side along with the message that comes with it reminds her why she can’t.
“Steve’s on his way back. I have to take Wanda back to the safe house and then we’re moving right after,” she explains sadly with regret. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Nat. I know,” you say gently in understanding, taking a small step back from her and changing your tone into one lighter. 
“But if you’re ever in the area again, you’re always welcome here.” 
You turn to look at Wanda, adding, “All of you.”
“Can I walk you back home at least?” Natasha asks.
Before you can respond, the sound of a car pulling up outside catches your attention, and based on Natasha’s disappointed expression, you know that’s probably Steve.
“It’s okay, Natasha. You can go,” you reassure her, offering a comforting smile.
Wanda gives you a small wave goodbye as she exits, but Natasha lingers at the door, her gaze fixed on you.
“About before…” she starts before hesitating and trailing off into silence as she presses her lips together in contemplation.
When her shoulder drops slightly in defeat and disappointment, you know she’s decided against whatever she’s about to say.
“You can just tell me later,” you suggest. “You know, whenever I get to see you again.”
Though you both know that you don’t know when that’ll be.
“Right,” Natasha agrees, her smile tinged with sadness as she gives you one last glance and moving to leave. “I’ll see you next time, Y/n.”
After closing up, you head home, the events of the evening replaying in your mind.
Though the goodbye was bittersweet, you’re still happy you got a chance to see Natasha again so soon and even meet the other important people in her life.
As you step out of your bathroom, just finished with a shower, a knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. 
You check who it is before quickly unlocking and opening the door for them.
“Hey…” Natasha’s voice trails off, her gaze taking in your appearance. 
Remnants of water from the shower still remain on your exposed skin since you decided to wear some light clothing to counter the warm temperature outside.
Leaning against the doorway, you greet her with a curious tilt of your head at her sudden silence.
“Hey,” you reply in greeting.
Natasha shakes her head lightly as if coming out of a daze and gestures in a direction behind her.
“So, uh, Steve said that he can take Wanda back to the safe house. She really loves her hair by the way. Um, she also told me that I should..uh..I should see you again before we leave…”
Your lips twitch in amusement at Natasha’s endearing ramble, your gaze softening as you continue to listen.
“…but it looks like you’re probably about to go to sleep, so I should just go,” Natasha concludes, turning to leave.
“Wait,” you call out, your hand instinctively reaching towards her, but you stop yourself before you touch her, your hand retracting back to your side, a mixture of hesitation and longing in your movements.
Natasha pauses at your request, and when she sees your hesitating action, her features soften in understanding.
Stepping back closer to you, she extends her hand in invitation.
“You can touch me, Y/n,” Natasha reassures you. “I never have a problem if it’s you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, touched by her trust. 
Tentatively, you reach out, your hand finding hers, before checking for any signs of discomfort but end up seeing none from her. 
Your hand then trails up lightly to her shoulder and then to the back of her neck, your fingers play with the strands of her short hair as you watch her carefully.
Natasha closes her eyes at your touch, the same serene expression appearing on her face as before.
Seeing this, you bring your other hand to cup her cheek as you urge gently.
“What was it that you wanted to tell me earlier?” 
Natasha opens her eyes and meets your gaze with an affectionate look, her hand moving up to hold the back of yours as she responds.
“That it was real,” she confesses softly.
You furrow your brows lightly in confusion, prompting Natasha to clarify.
“Your question from before,” she explains. “It was real for me too.”
Natasha lets out a shaky breath as she continues, “I loved that I had you on my side back then, and the truth is…I’d love to have you by my side now.”
Surprised by her admission, you search her eyes but only find genuine warmth and sincerity in her gaze. 
Natasha’s smile softens, and you find yourself drawn to her at the action, unconsciously leaning in closer.
Even though Natasha gave you permission earlier to touch her, this desire that you have is different, so you give her the same questioning look that you always have before and ask hesitantly in a breathless whisper.
“Can I kiss you?”
Natasha chuckles lightly under her breath at your question, resting her forehead against yours.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
With a gentle pull, you close the small distance between the two of you, sharing a tender kiss with her. Her lips are soft against yours, fitting perfectly and enveloping you with the same warmth that you've always felt from her.
When you finally pull away, your breath still mingling with hers, Natasha gives you a teasing grin.
“So, about that dinner?” 
Laughing, you roll your eyes fondly and wrap your arms around her to pull her into your home.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Ohio - 2018 (2 Years Later)
The soft rustling of movement reaches your ears, pulling you from your sleep. You glance at the clock on the nightstand, its dim glow showing the late hour, before turning your gaze to the familiar figure standing beside the bed, quietly slipping her shirt over her frame with practiced ease. 
At the sound of your voice, Natasha turns back to you, her expression reassuring as she moves to sit beside you. Her hand rests gently on your shoulder, stopping you when she sees that you’re about to sit up.
“Go back to sleep, moya lyubov,” Natasha whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your head. “Wanda and Vision missed their check-in, so Steve and I are just going to check up on them real quick.”
A flicker of unease flares within you at the news, coupled with the realization that Natasha intends to go straight toward potential unknown dangers.
Your hand reaches out and grips her arms, a surge of unsettling fear tightening in your chest. 
“Natasha, don’t…” 
Don’t go 
The words are trapped in your throat as you stare at her. 
Holding your gaze, Natasha’s eyes reflect both love and determination. 
Love for you…and for her makeshift family.
And as much as you wish for her safety, you know you can’t keep her from her loyalty and duty to them.
With a bittersweet smile, you cradle her face in your hands, suppressing the selfish urge to ask her to stay.
“Don’t take too long to come back,” you manage, a hint of teasing in your voice as you catch a strand of her blonde hair in your hand. “We wouldn’t want your hair to be two different colors by the time you return.”
Natasha chuckles lightly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on your lips.
“It’s going to be a quick trip. I’ll be back soon,” she promises.
You pull her close, giving her another lingering kiss, before wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug and tucking your head against her shoulder. 
“And I’ll be here when you do,” you whisper against her in a promise in return.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Ohio - 2023 (5 Years Later)
In the quiet solitude of the salon, Natasha stands alone, the weight of the five years after the snap hangs heavy in the air. 
A mixture of exhaustion and sorrow is etched on her face as she examines the space.
With a weary sigh, she rubs at her eyes, wiping away the stray tears at the memories of you. She remembers vividly her last moments with you, your unspoken words to her. 
The truth is she knew, deep down, what you were about to say to her at that time. And she understood why you stopped yourself. 
Because if you had asked her not to go, she would’ve chosen to stay with you without any hesitation.
Seating herself in one of the chairs, Natasha meets her reflection in the mirror with unwavering determination.
Her hair has grown out to its former length over the past five years. Yet, traces of the dyed parts you did for her still linger at the tips. 
Those strands of blonde color are her lifeline — a connection to the part of her life that she holds dear. 
They serve as a constant reminder to keep going.
To keep fighting for a way to bring everyone back. 
To bring you back. 
Because amidst all the uncertainties of the world and the future, one thing remains steadfast in Natasha’s heart — she would do anything to see you again.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
a/n : Thank you for reading!
Part 2
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eddiesxangel · 3 months
Noisy Neighbours | E.M
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Summary: Eddie has no idea what he’s getting into with the two new girls next door.
An: HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈 this is my first fic like this so im hoping you’ll like it! Today is my birthday and I wanted to do this as my little gay gift to you! And shout out to @xxbimbobunnyxx for listening to my deranged horny thots throughout writing this 😘💋
Cw: f!reader x f!readers girlfriend x Eddie. Reader and of gf are bi/pan/ whatever you want them to be. Threesome, oral ( fxf + fxm) fingering, , 69ning, ass play ,p in v.
4.3k words
Eddie felt a surge of frustration and disappointment when he learned about the impending arrival of new neighbours that would be moving in directly beside his apartment. Despite the several vacancies in the building, the landlord, Gerry, opted to place the new tenants next to Eddie. This decision left Eddie contemplating whether Gerry held a personal grudge against him, possibly due to his occasional late-night guitar solos that may have disturbed the peace of the building.
Eddie had grown accustomed to the absence of tantalizing food aromas wafting from his neighbour's kitchen and the absence of music that he imagined others endured. He found solace in the cozy life he had built for himself in apartment 3A. However, the impending arrival of new occupants in 3B threatened to disrupt the tranquillity he had carefully cultivated.
Eddie changed his tune the second he got wind of who his new neighbours would be. When he had seen the moving truck out front through his window, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Eddie watched and waited as one of the hottest girls he’d ever seen get out of the driver's seat; he soon learned her name was Sabrina. He continued to watch, his eyes begging him to blink but he couldn’t move as he watched you hop out. You had giggled at something at what the bombshell blonde said. His jaw hung open, and his tongue almost hit the floor like a cartoon character as he ogled you as well. The set of you sure was a sight for soar eyes. What karma Eddie had was finally coming for him, and he was so grateful.
Eddie felt he had to introduce himself, it was a neighbourly thing to do.
After two days, he worked up the courage to knock on the door of 3B.
“You expecting someone?” Your girlfriend pops her head up curiously. You’re both cuddling on the couch, exhausted from unpacking.
“Nope,” you emphasize the p sound.
She shuffled up and opened the door. “Oh, hello,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, and your morbid curiosity took over, needing to see who stood on the other side.
“H-Hi,” you hear a deep voice. "I'm Eddie.” He sounded hot. You quickly get up off the couch and make your way to where Sabrina stood.
“Who’s this?” You caught sight of the man before you and gave a small smile.
“This is Eddie; he lives next door.” You grab onto your girlfriend’s waist as she speaks.
“Hi Eddie, it’s nice to meet you.” You smile genuinely.
“Pleasure is all mine.” His eyes scan your body; you’re in tiny sleep shorts and a baby tee with no bra.
“Do you want to come in? I think we have something to drink around here.” Sabrina offers.
“Oh no, I can’t impose, I-uh… just wanted to come to say hi, but another night when you’re settled.” Eddie is trying so hard not to stare at both sets of tits laid out for him. The fabrics of your shirts were so thin he could see each of your nipples. And he can tell the AC is working, to his pleasure.
“Okay, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” You both smile and shut the door.
The second the door closed, you both gave one another a knowing look. He's hot.
You run into Eddie sometimes on the elevator, but you still haven’t had time to coordinate a time to have that drink.
Eddie will see you leaving and Sabrina coming, or vice versa. He figured it was a pretty sweet deal for you two to set up, each having your own space but maintaining a good friendship.
You’re both quiet and listen to decent music. At least one of you is seemingly an amazing cook because the food smells delicious each time.
He hasn’t thought much of how touchy the two of you were when he first met you. He was too focused on not getting a stiffy while meeting the both of you for the first time. He scolded himself for turning down Sabrina‘s offer for a drink, but he didn’t think he could conceal the ever-growing issue in his sweats.
It’s been a month since you and your girlfriend, Sabrina, just moved into your new apartment. It wasn’t much to boast about; sure, the wallpaper was ugly-but the rent was cheap, and so far, you haven’t seen any critters crawling around, so that was a huge plus.
You wished your schedules were more aligned, but with Sabrina’s new job and yours, life had gotten a little hectic. You’d hardly seen one another until tonight.
Tonight, you both ensured one another that it was date night. You haven’t had the chance to spend quality time with one another since you moved in, but that changes tonight. You will wine and dine and get that much-needed time together…
Sabrina and you are stumbling over your heels, trying to balance yourselves as you make your way through your front door without trying to break the kiss. It’s hot, it’s needy, and god, you missed her like this.
Her long, soft hair is tangled through your fingers as you pull her into you for more. You don't want to mess it up because she looked so pretty and spent so much time on it but that went to the wayside when she let out a soft moan.
You can feel Sabrina’s emerald green slip dress rub between your fingers as you grip her by the hip. This dress has been teasing you all night, and you can't wait to get it off of her.
Your lipsticks are smudged, but none of that matters because they’ve created a beautiful new pink colour on both of you.
Stumbling through the hallway to your shared bedroom, you land on the bed with a squeal as your girlfriend crawls on top of you.
“Oh, baby!” You let a moan a little louder than usual; you and some cocktails were starting to take effect- not that you needed alcohol to loosen up, but it definitely made you more vocal in the bedroom.
Her perfectly manicured hands trailed up your inner thighs and under your mini skirt, brushing over your bare cunt.
“No panties?” She whispered. “Naughty girl, hiding this from me all night.”
“Baby, please, I want you so bad.”
“Don’t worry, pretty girl, I’ll take care of you.” She sinks down, her glossy wet lips make contact with your pussy and you let out a cry of pleasure.
Just as Eddie is ready to fall asleep, he hears a sharp squeal through the paper-thin walls of his bedroom.
Maybe she saw a spider? He almost called out to see if you're okay, but-
“Oh, baby!”
Ok, maybe not a spider…
A pang of jealousy shoots through Eddie's chest. He wanted to be with the one to be on the other side of his wall. It didn’t matter what roommate it was; he wanted both of you.
Eddie listened and waited to see if he would hear anything more, but it was silent for a few minutes. Maybe Eddie was hearing things?
“Your pretty little clit is so puffy, begging for me to suck on it.”
“Baby, please stop teasing!
Nope, he heard right.
Eddie can’t help his curiosity. He presses his ear up against the wall to listen.
“Yeah, baby, just like that! Such a good girl f’me- OH YES!”
No way this was happening right now? No way he had the two hottest neighbours on the planet, and they were fucking?
"Sabrina!"—"Good girl, y/n say my name.”
Yes. That was 100% what was happening on the other side of the wall.
Both you and your girlfriend’s filthy words and moans fill Eddie's silent room, and he can’t help but touch himself. It was impossible to not be turned on. He can picture the both of you, how one is spread out under the other- Or maybe one of you has their ass in the air and is getting eaten out from behind? Or maybe you’re pussy's are rubbing together?
The sounds mixed with the images Eddie is mustering up in his own head have him whimpering and moaning. No longer aware of the fact that since he can hear you, you can hear him, he gets lost in it as he fucks his fist.
Eddie’s moans fill your bedroom as you’re about to go down in Sabrina. She’s on all fours facing the wall where Eddie’s bed lays on the other side. She quickly crawls up closer to get a better listen.
You follow suit and kneel beside her. “He’s so hot I want him to fuck us,” you pout.
Sabrina turns to you with a mischievous grin on her face, and you can’t help but lean into her touch. She starts twirling a piece of your hair. “Oh, my baby wants that pretty boy next door? I’ll get him for you; good girls always get what they want.”
“I'LL DO IT,” Eddie immediately blurts out, not realizing you don’t know he can hear you.
“What the?” You gasp.
“Eddie?” Sabrina taps on the wall like she knocking on a door.
“Yeah,” he answered, and you giggle.
“You naughty boy, have you been spying on us?” You giggle again.
But there was no answer. You wait a few more seconds before repeating his name, but you’re both startled when you hear a knock on your front door.
You both quickly get off the bed, not bothering to put on clothes and look through the peephole to ensure it’s him.
He stood in the hallway in only his boxers hands in front of his boner, as if that would do any good at hiding it.
Sabrina opens the door and you quickly grab him and pulls him inside before he could say anything and before anyone else could see you.
“Holy shit” his bold brown eyes go wide when he sees the pair of you standing there naked in front of him.
“Did you like listening to us?” You ask.
“Yeah,” he nods his head dumbly.
“I bet you did. You’re so nice and hard.” You both look down at his cock strained against his boxers.
“You wanna play with us, Eddie?” You ask with your voice, which is so silky and sweet. Stepping towards him, your fingers trace their way down his arm moving it from where his hands cup his cock so you can graze it yourself.
“Fuck yeah” he pants.
“Come” Sabrina takes his hand and you take the other and you both lead him to your shared bedroom.
I can’t believe this is happening Eddie thought.
“Better believe it, big boy”
Oh shit, Eddie didn’t think he said that out loud.
Eddie falls on the bed and watches as you and your girlfriend crawl up into the bed and hover over top of him.
“Like two goddamn succubus,” he lets out, and you and Brina can’t help but giggle.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Your girlfriend looks to you.
You lean in to give her a kiss as Eddie watches from below. His cock still growing by the second; it was like he was watching a live prono.
Nerves suddenly flooded Eddie. What was he allowed to do and not do? Would he get to fuck either of you? Maybe just one? Maybe none? Maybe you’ll only make him watch. Not that he minded, but go, he needed to fuck at least one of you.
“I think we’ve teased Eddie long enough.” She spoke as her hand grazed up Eddie’s cock.
“I’m sure he’s more than ready for us, don’t you think?” you counter.
Eddie lay there propped up on your pillows, too stunned to speak. He didn’t even know where to start. His mouth was getting dry and he did not want to fuck this up.
“What do you?-what can I?” His hands pointed between the two of you.
“You can do whatever you want to use, Eddie.” Brina took a loose tendril of Eddie’s hair and twirled it around her finger like she did with you; all the while, you were starting to remove his checkered boxers from his hips.
“Tell us what you want, sugar.” She purrs.
“I wa- I want to fuck you both.”
“Oh, tell us more” You plant a kiss on his upper thigh, moving towards his hard cock, which is painfully being neglected.
“I want to watch you fuck each other.”
“Mmmmm, that’s so hot.” Brina moaned before moving down to where you are and taking Eddie’s cock in her light grasp.
You make your way up Eddie’s body by kissing him inch by inch until your lips are latched on Eddie’s neck.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening.” Eddie whimpered.
“Want to taste this pussy, make sure it is real?”
“Please” he sighs.
You hear Brina moan around Eddie’s cock at your words.
It’s been a while since you had a cock in your mouth, and you wished you were the first one who got to go down on him, but the thought of sitting on Eddie’s face while your girl was swallowing him was too hot to pass up.
“Look at these nice big balls; I bet they’re filled with so much cum, just for us,” you hear her moan.
“Fuck me, you’re so hot,” Eddie brushes Sabrina’s hair out of her face.
You turn your body to face her so you can watch while you perch yourself right atop Eddie’s face.
“Yes, yes, come sit on my face,” you feel his big strong hands grip your hips and pull you down so your pussy lips meet his mouth.
“Oh fuck!” You laugh as the rough stubble of his face brushes the inside of your thighs.
Eddie wanted to waste no time. He needed to prove to you that choosing him was the right decision, and he needed to prove himself so you guys would let him play again; with much thought, he drags his tongue, moving through your folds to your clit, tasting every inch of you.
A loud moan left your throat as you looked down at your girl smiling up at you.
“He that good, baby?” Brina asks as she begins to jerk Eddie off with her hand.
“Oh yes, baby.” You grind your hips into his mouth, and Eddie smacks your ass before grabbing a handful of it.
“Oh!” You let out an excited squeal.
“Oh, you like a princess?” Eddie mumbled into your pussy.”
“Mmmph, yes, Eddie,” You were already so worked up by the situation you were already about to cum.
“Come on, Eddie, make my girl cum, and we will let you fuck us both.”
That piqued Eddie’s interest as he continued to flick his hot wet tongue over your clit while slowly sticking a finger up your dripping hole.
“Oh fuck!” You fall a little bit forward on your hands, your pussy in Eddie’s face, and your ass up in the air.
"Tastes so fucking good."
“Fuck that’s so hot"
You nod in agreement, unable to form words.
With Eddie's cock so close to your mouth, you can't help yourself but take it in your hand and bring it to your lips.
"fuck me, that is so good," Eddie speaks as your mouth finds his tip and Sabrina licks his balls.
Eddie needed to make you cum now, or else he wouldn't have the chance to fuck either of you if the two of your kept it up like this.
His long, thick fingers worked inside of you, hitting your g spot perfectly.
"Don't stop" You pop off his dick, drool dripping down your chin as your cry out.
"He making you feel good, baby?"
"Yes!" You shake as your orgasm hits you.
Eddie doesn't stop until Sabrina pulls his face away from your pussy.
"Let me taste." She moves his head to face her and kisses Eddie while you collect yourself.
"You taste so good, baby." She pulls away and leans into you, "Want to see?" You nod your head dumbly as she leans in to kiss you, sticking her tongue in your mouth.
Her soft lips pull away, and you whine at the disconnect.
"Wanna show Eddie how we play together?"
"Mmm, yes," you nod enthusiastically.
Quickly, Eddie moves to the end of the bed and steps off so Sabrina can take his place. She lays out for you, legs spread wide, showing you just how turned on she is. Her pink pussy is glistening, just begging for attention.
"Oh, baby, you're so wet for me" You lay down in front of her with your legs propped up to show Eddie your ass.
You slowly kiss up her inner thighs, teasing and biting at her skin until you reach the apex. You kiss around her pussy lips until she's grinding and begging for you to touch her.
"Baby, baby, baby." She begs until you give in. Placing your lips onto her clit and giving it a kiss before you poke your tongue out to finally run it along your girlfriend's sweet pussy.
The view in front of Eddie was enough to make him cum on the spot. He needed to stop stroking himself, or else he would be finishing before he even got started.
He was so tempted to fuck you right now. It would be so easy to slip his cock inside your pussy that was perched on display for him, but he also needed to commit this picture to memory. Nothing would ever let him forget this moment. Watching you go down on your girl and having her cry out from the pleasure you were giving her. Your skills are so good that her hips won't stay still on the bed. You need to hold her down as your fingers enter her weeping pussy. The lewd, wet sounds filled the room, along with Eddie's heavy breaths trying to hold back. His cock was so hard it was edging on the point of pain.
"Fuck I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum." She screamed.
"Fuking cum for her," Eddie growled.
The command was so hot it made you moan into her making her cum instantly.
"Good job, baby," you praised. You crawled back up to kiss her lips, and Eddie couldn't take it anymore. He needed to feel his release.
"Can I?" He looks at the both of you with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes.
"I think he's been a good boy; he deserves a treat. What do you think?" You ask.
"Oh, he's been a very good boy." She smiles back and moves to get a condom from the drawer.
"You guys just leave those around?" Eddie chuckles in disbeliefe.
"Never know when your hot neighbour will agree to have a threesome." You pull him into a kiss. His lips are so soft and supple that another rush of arousal courses through you as his hands roam your body. He pulls away to kiss down your neck to your breast, taking a perked nipple into his mouth while he grasps the other one in his large hand.
"Her tits are perfect, aren't they?" Sabrina hands Eddie the condom.
Eddie's tongue flicks off your nipple deliciously before he moves to answer.
"Can you fuck us now?"
"Yes!" Eddie said a bit too enthusiastically, but it was endearing.
"How do you want us?"
"Doggy," he points to you, "on top." He points to Brina.
You enthusiastically turn around in anticipation of his thick hard cock stretching out out.
"Fucking perfect." Eddie rolls the condom on, but before he gets to you, he watches as Sabrina makes her way closer to you.
"You know this is her favourite position because she loves a finger up her ass." She smirks, and a rush of arousal flooods your pussy once again. You hear her spit drip from her lips, and a warm wet liquid runs down your ass to your hole before you feel her tongue flick your small hole.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck," Eddie grounded, letting his head fall back, not knowing he could get any more turned on.
"Your turn, big boy"
Eddie walks to the edge of the bed; your pussy is at the perfect height, so he runs his cock up and down your folds collecting all of your slick so he can glide in easily.
You wiggle your ass into him, already cock drunk before it even begins.
"God baby, look how desperate you are for his cock."
You nod in agreeance.
"You just can't help yourself, can you? Greedy girl." your girlfriend leaves an open mouth and kisses you, watching and waiting for Eddie to enter you. She loves watching your pussy open up while taking cock, whether that be real or dildo.
"She is, isn't she" Eddie agrees while kneading your ass as he finally slips his cock into you.
A feral noise leaves your throat as Eddie's cock stretches you out.
Nothing occupied your mind other than how Eddie was making you feel now. His delicious cock, pumped in and out and out, not letting up.
"Fuck right there!"
"I think you found her special spot," Sabrina smirks before taking her fingers in her mouth to wet them. Too consumed to listen to what they were saying, your focus on only the feeling and when it intensifies because Brina's fingers enter your ass, you can't help but cry out again.
“Such a good girl. Take that cock, baby.” Sabrina praises as her fingers pump in and out of your ass.
The combination of Eddie's cock and her fingers made you feel so full. Nothing mattered other than how you were feeling.
"More" you cry.
"Oh, she is greedy." Eddie's hips slap into you at a more frivolous pace.
His balls hit your clit with every thrust until, out of nowhere, you feel a vibrator on your clit. She must have gotten it out while getting the condom, but you hadn't noticed or cared because it was just the thing to bring you over the edge.
"I'm going to cum!" you cry.
Not even a minute with the vibrator to your clit, and your pussy was clamping down hard on Eddie. It was like a tidal wave crashed into you; never had you cum this hard before. Your body shakes so hard under their touch that your arms and legs give out, and you collapse face down on the bed.
Mindless giggles leave your lungs as you ride out your high.
"Fuck did we break her?" Eddie looks at Sabrina.
"No, she's more than good. Never had cock that good, though." She smirked, and Eddie shuffled onto his back so she could get ready to be on top of him.
Exiting your daze, you see your girl already mounted on Eddie- and what a sight to see. A tit in his mouth as she bounces on his cock.
"God, that's so hot," you moan, and you sit up.
"Come here, princess," Eddie commands.
You obey and crawl your way over.
"Kiss," he instructs.
You lean into Sabrina, and she willingly takes your open-mouth kiss. Your tongues fight for dominance against one another, your lipgloss and hers are rubbed off, and your lips are swollen with a hint of colour flushed through them.
“Oh fuck I’m going to cum.” She pulls away.
"You're doing such a good job bouncing on his cock, baby," you praise before pressing your lips to hers once again.
“Mmmmm fuck her good; she’s been such a good girl she deserves to cum. Don’t you think Eddie?”
“Yes, she has,” he agrees while giving his ass a slap. “Fuck, you’re just my bunny, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she nodded her head. You can tell she’s so close, and you want her to experience cuming in Eddie stock just as you did.
“Come on baby, cum in his cock like I know you can.” You slip your hand between where she and Eddie connect to rub her clit, knowing it’s that little extra boost that will send her over the edge.
A loud cry leaves her lungs, and you know she’s cuming and cuming hard.
“Oh, good job, baby.” You purr before leaning in to kiss her neck.
“Fuck!” Eddie screams out, finally letting go as he allows himself release into the condom.
“Oh, Eddie, you did such a good job for us.” You praise sticking his hair out of his face before taking his lips into yours.
Eddie lay there in a daze as you helped Sabrina off his cock.
“Baby, did we break him?” You giggle.
“I think he’s reprogramming his brain,” she laughs.
“Nothing in my life will ever top this moment,” Eddie admits breathlessly.
“Oh yeah, wanna bet?” Sabrina challenged.
“You mean? You wanna do that again?”
“Not now, silly. I don’t think any of us would survive. But who said this has to be a one-time thing?”
“Best neighbours ever,” Eddie fist pumps.
After you all catch your breath, Eddie gets up and finds his boxers to go home.
“Wait, where are you going?" You pout.
“Uh, I thought?” He points to the door.
“Stay. Please?” Brina lifts up the blankets to invite him to sleep between the two of you.
“Really?” His eyes go wide with disbelief.
You both nod your heads enthusiastically.
“It will be like a sleepover!” You clap.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Eddie scrambled back to the bed between you. No one would ever believe him, but he will take everything to his advantage out of this new and exciting situation.
“We really like you, Eddie.” You smile and snuggle into his side.
“I really like you guys, too.” Eddie falls asleep soundly, smiling, and without a care in the world.
Tags: @strangerstilinski @voyeurmunson @espressomunson @littlexdeaths @lokis-army-77 @andvys @taintedcigs
@tlclick73 @penguinsandpotterheads @nailbatanddungeon @hellfiremunsonn @paybacksawitch @jamdoughnutmagician
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ptersparkers · 2 years
reckless (aaron hotchner)
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summary: After two years with the BAU, you get the feeling that Aaron Hotchner isn’t your biggest fan. That’s too bad, because you really like him.
notes: hello. this is singlehandedly the longest fic i’ve ever written (like 21.7K words). i didn’t intend for it to be this long and i tried to see where i could break it up, but i think it flows better if it’s in one piece. happy reading! x 
(edit: adding in that the reader is fem)
a huge thank you to @hotchsdoormat​ for being the best person alive and for listening to me rant about this piece. love u forever.
warnings: typical criminal minds speak, kidnapping and mentions of broken arms and ribs and typos, probably. 
Years of dreaming of becoming a federal agent for the Behavioral Analysis Unit led to the beginning of an illustrious career solving crimes and traveling across the country. It had only taken guest lectures by none other than the BAU themselves for the idea of catching killers and outsmarting them to do so to seep its way to the back of your mind.
You just wish you liked your job.
You like your work. You like walking into the office with a sense of purpose and you like profiling bad people and saving the good ones. You even like the shitty coffee that never seems to run out and you don’t mind the early call times and the sudden departures. 
What you don’t like, however, is your boss. But you know that’s just because he doesn’t like you. 
In your two years with the BAU, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Aaron throw a smile in your direction if it wasn’t meant for someone standing next to you. Two years of Aaron being dismissive and choosing to sit farthest from you in the conference room and on the jet. Two years of watching him foster friendships with your coworkers without sparing you a second glance. But work is work.
You’re an outsider. It’s almost what you expected. 
Emily’s the first one to tell you that you don’t need to take it personally. Her rocky start with the BAU and stories of learning that trust takes time eased your worries for a while, but Aaron never seemed to give you the time of day aside collaborating with the rest of the team. Everyone says he’s notorious for being stoic and intimidating, but you don’t see it that way. In your mind, he loathes you. 
Which is unfortunate, because you liked Aaron the most.
The guest lecture had sent you into a spiral of researching recently closed BAU cases and watching hours of press conferences led by Aaron. You appreciated the way he spoke about his work. He spoke about it like it was his due diligence and you liked that he treated each victim and their loved ones with grace and kindness. 
It kills you to know that he doesn’t trust you despite doing your best in the field. Your six month review approached and you passed with flying colors, earning a short-lived celebration from Erin Strauss before she exited Aaron’s office. But he kept quiet the entire examination, aside from putting his own input with how you acted in the field. He said you were diligent, followed orders well enough, and could listen to directions. It was the most you’d ever heard Aaron speak about you, but the swell of pride didn’t last long.
Sometimes people compare the two of you when it comes to your worth ethic. Last ones to leave, can’t be bothered when focused, and the need to excel in your career field while downplaying your contribution. Perhaps the need to do good in the world catapulted you into considering a role where you’d be actively helping others instead of a career where it would be too late. 
But every time you sit at your desk, opposite of Aaron’s office, you find yourself frowning. The blinds are always closed and you always wondered if Aaron could feel you staring at the emblem on his door when you wondered how you managed to keep your job. 
“I can hear your brain all the way from here,” Derek says, leaning against the stall of your desk. You avert your eyes from the door to his voice. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you say.
Derek gives you a look. “I know it’s not nothing, sweetness.”
“Just tired,” you lie, “I slept poorly last night.”
Your gaze focuses on the files in front of you and Derek looks between you and Aaron’s office. He does his best not to let you know it’s been affecting him too; everyone’s noticed how Aaron’s been giving you the short end of the stick and that his wavering trust hasn’t disappeared like it had for the rest of them. It doesn’t do any good for team morale. 
For a moment in the beginning of your time with the BAU, you think he’s asking you to prove yourself. You’re new, you need to get used to team dynamics, and you need to prove yourself capable before he can trust that you’d have everyone’s back. You understand that. 
What you don’t understand, however, is why he treats you like a first-day agent after your contributions. 
“Alright,” Derek says, knowing better than to pry you out of your work. “Coffee?”
He leaves you momentarily when Aaron steps out of his office. You try not to look up, but it’s hard to ignore him when your desk is pointed in front of his door. He’s wearing a classic black suit with a red tie, belt and shoes to match. You know what the look on his face means–there’s a case. 
“Everyone in the conference room,” Aaron pointedly says.
Derek finishes pouring two cups of coffee and brings it over to the room where he sees you sitting in front of the screen. You thank him for the cup as he sits beside you and Reid gives you a small ‘good morning’ before everyone files into the conference room and their attentions are focused on the faces on the screen. 
“Two children have gone missing in Los Angeles, California,” Penelope begins. “Gracie and Olivia McCormack, four and six respectively, were last seen in their shared bedroom last night and LAPD has contacted us to help find them.”
“Looks like the mother reported going into their bedroom to wake them up, only to find them missing,” you say, frowning. 
“Is the father in the picture?” JJ asks. 
“Jaqueline, the mother, divorced Scott McCormack before her youngest was born,” Penelope informs.
“New flame?” Emily wonders. 
“Yes ma’am. Logan James.” Penelope presses a few buttons and Jaqueline and Logan appear on the screen. “This is where it gets tricky.”
“It looks like both Scott and Logan were abusive towards Jaqueline during their marriages,” David reads from the file. 
“Jaqueline’s pretty familiar with the local hospital,” you mutter. 
“We can talk about the file and start to strategize on our way to LA,” Aaron says, packing his file in his go-bag, which is already in hand. “Wheels up in thirty.” 
The six hour plane ride doesn’t feel as nauseating as you had predicted. Your second cup of coffee sits on the table in front of you as your file is displayed on the surface, along with everyone else. Departure wasn’t terrible, mild turbulence followed but nothing you couldn’t handle. The armrest becomes your best friend on these flights. 
“Did Scott kidnap Gracie and Olivia because he wants his kids?” Derek says aloud. 
“Most likely,” Reid adds. “Scott’s a migrant construction worker. I can’t imagine anyone letting him raise two children without a steady home or income, though.”
“So he’s angry at the loss of his children and wants them back,” Aaron says. “Garcia, does Scott have any background of domestic abuse prior to his marriage with Jaqueline?”  
“One count of domestic battery with a former girlfriend, but his childhood tells us a whole different story.”
“What is it, babygirl?” Derek beckons. 
“Scott was born to heroin addicts and they’d leave him in hotel rooms for days while they tried to rob local convenience stores for money, presumably for their next high. Poor kid, he never stood a chance.”
“Damn,” Derek says, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine growing up like that.”
“He was put into the care of his grandparents on his mother’s side until he was six and–oh, ouch–he apparently caused too much trouble for himself that his grandparents gave him to the foster care system.”
“I can imagine that abandonment took a toll on Scott,” JJ says.
“Take the kids away from Jacqueline as punishment,” adds Rossi. “Makes sense, especially when Jacqueline was the one to file for divorce.”
“What about Jaqueline’s marriage with Logan? Haven’t we established that Logan was abusive during their marriage?” you ask. 
Aaron raises his eyebrow. “What about it?” 
“I think it’s important to consider him in all of this, Sir. If Logan was abusive to Jaqueline throughout their marriage, maybe Scott sees this kidnapping as some sort of effort to save them from harm.”
All eyes are on you now. It makes your skin crawl and you hope you don’t say the wrong thing.
“Go on.”
“If Scott really did take his kids, I don’t know if he did it to get back at her by kidnapping them. It makes more sense that Scott would want to save his children from an abuser. I mean, he knows what it’s like to live with abusive and absent parents. What if Scott wants to protect his children from suffering what he went through?” 
“Interesting,” Dave hums. “You’re theorizing that Scott considers this kidnapping as rescuing?”
You nod. “It makes sense. Maybe he has some animosity towards Jaqueline for letting Logan into their lives and retaliates by taking his children away from her because he thinks he’s saving them.”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Aaron says pointedly. 
“I’m just spitballing,” you say. “I’m not trying to step on anyone’s toes.”
“Well, let’s keep it that way.”
You shut your mouth and revert your eyes back to the file that’s in your lap, desperate for any minute distraction it can give you. The rest of the team is stunned in silence and Spencer tries his best to fill in the awkward silence by reviewing all of the facts that have been listed in the report. 
At this moment, you feel small. Aaron’s dismissive attitude makes you feel somewhat inadequate at your job and you find it difficult to remind yourself of all the cases you’ve helped close when your boss has just undermined your work in front of your colleagues. 
His coldness towards you is what you don’t get. Aaron has a reputation for maintaining professionalism, which you can appreciate, but it seems like his stoic tendencies extend far beyond keeping it civil in the workplace. It feels like you’ve been isolated and boxed out from day one and despite having gotten to know the rest of the team on a deeper level, you still walk on eggshells around Aaron. It makes you wonder why he hired you at all.
From the other side of the plane, Aaron takes a seat in an empty chair and looks out the window pensively. He knows he’s being hard on you and he knows it’s unfair that he’s treating you much harsher than the others, but Aaron knows that it’s for the best. 
When you walked into his office for your initial interview, there was no doubt that you were the perfect candidate to fill in the role as a new profiler. Your past experiences had clued you into profiling and he promised Strauss that your addition to the team would benefit the BAU as a whole. 
And Aaron was right. Cases were closing at a higher rate than previously, your quick thinking and problem solving skills aided the capture of many prolific criminals, and it almost felt like you’d been with the team since the beginning. 
What Aaron didn’t account for, however, was developing feelings for you. 
All it took was a simple undercover operation to see you in a completely different light. The unsub had targeted women who looked like you and you were more than ready to step up to the plate to catch him. It took seeing you in a sleek black dress to make Aaron’s heart lurch out of his chest and make him feel like he was a teenager in love all over again, and he hated it. 
He hated feeling this way towards his coworker. For weeks, his mind bounced around the idea of what it might cost the team; your respective positions might cause an interference because of the dating policy set in place and how it would look from the outside. Aaron didn’t want to jeopardize your career by making it seem like you were providing unprofessional favors if news were to come out that you were romantically linked with him. He didn’t want your career to be damaged just because he couldn’t keep it in his pants. 
Moreover, Aaron hadn’t felt like this towards anyone since marrying Haley.
He had dated casually but never thought about the possibility of anything serious coming out of it. Aaron thought he might’ve come close to it when he had dated Beth for a while, but her career taking her across the country made him realize how unstable his life already was. Dating became a question of who gets along with Jack and the rest of his family and who is able to handle his frequent absences. His marriage to Haley showed Aaron the downside of traveling all the time and he’d be damned if he made that mistake again.
The idea of liking you in any capacity that wasn’t professional scared Aaron to death. He hates that he’s willing to find any excuse to walk by your desk or strike up a conversation with you if time permitted. He hates that his mind often wanders to a life of domesticity with you. The only logical possibility for him to combat his feelings for you is to keep you at arms length and treat you like he would any of his coworkers, which means keeping your personal lives separate and maintaining professionalism at all times.
It works a little too well and Aaron doesn’t realize it. He misplaces his anger—the frustration of knowing he can’t have you the way he wants you—and you’re at the receiving end. Aaron thinks he’s doing his best by delegating and separating you from him in the field, but he doesn’t realize that it’s causing professional tension because you constantly think you aren’t doing enough to help the team solve cases and catch criminals. 
Aaron spends the rest of the flight looking over reports the precinct sent over before the plane lands in Los Angeles. You elect to keep your nose buried in your reports for the fear of looking like you aren’t working hard enough.
The Los Angeles weather has cooled down when you land and Aaron has ordered everyone to head to the precinct first thing after touching down. The detectives are kind enough to reserve a room for all of you to work out of and you waste no time setting up the white board with the missing girls and timeline of the abduction. 
The stakes are high and you can feel the tension in the room. You aren’t a stranger to cases like these and you know that everyone is trying their best to keep themselves together for the sake of the department and the family of the victims. You try not to read into Aaron’s coldness to you too much. You’ve convinced yourself enough times that it’s the stress of the job and being away from his home that keeps him running on pure stress and adrenaline to prevent you from overthinking your position on his team. 
Aaron has you and Spencer stay behind in the precinct to work on the profile and piece together a timeline of the abduction, and you’re more than grateful you don’t have to spend time in the field with him. The relaxation enters your body the section you see him step out of the precinct and Spencer can’t help but pry. 
“You okay?” he asks.
You turn around from the white board and your sleeve smudges the freshly written text. The annoyance bubbles up in your chest and you hastily erase the mess you created and rewrite it before turning your attention back to Spencer.
“Stressed out, but otherwise I’m good.”
He pauses. “You’ve seemed that lately, though.”
“Can you blame me?” you ask defensively. “Our job isn’t exactly low-stress.”
“It’s just that every time Hotch enters the room, you stiffen up and you seem to lose your voice, and you play with your nails. It’s your biggest tell, actually.”
You give Spencer a pointed look. “Reid, I did not ask to be profiled.”
“Sorry,” he relents. “I just…look, I care about you and I hate seeing that you feel like you can’t share your ideas with us. Is something bothering you?”
You know Spencer knows. You’re sure the team knows why you’re apprehensive about your work and second guess yourself every time you bring forth a new theory or concept. But it’s hard to admit it out loud when all you’ve done is complain about him in your head and push your feelings aside for the sake of solving cases. 
But you know Spencer has always looked out for you after the first time you took a bullet for him a week into the job after barely getting to know each other. It’s the same way that he looks out for you in the field, protecting your cover and being the first to volunteer partnering with you when Aaron asks. He’s keen and perceptive, and you know you can’t hide your feelings from him unless you want to jeopardize another relationship with your coworker.
“I feel like Hotch doesn’t like me,” you say earnestly. “And I mean it in a way that seems almost personal.”
“He’s been pretty distant,” Spencer adds.
You shake your head. “It feels like he doesn’t trust my judgment or values what I have to say unless one of you backs me up. I can’t really tell you when I started to feel this way, but I’ve always felt like I have to walk on eggshells around him or else he’ll fire me.”
“No one’s going to fire you,” Spencer reassures. “You have an exceptional skill at finding unsubs and getting into their heads. It’s quite impressive how you’re able to put yourself in their shoes.”
“Thanks, I think,” you say with a laugh. “But you saw what happened on the plane. Hotch shot down my theory and told me not to jump to any conclusions even though I was just theorizing. I feel like he doesn’t want to listen to what I have to say because he doesn’t think there’s any value in it.” 
Spencer pauses. He sees your grip on the dry erase pen and knows how frustrated you feel. He knows you, the way you think, your work ethic, and just how badly you want to save these girls. He also knows how to distract you from your own feelings.
“Then tell me about your theory,” Spencer chides. 
“Scott might’ve taken his children as a form of punishment against Jaqueline. Sure, I think that’s a plausible theory to go off of, considering she was the one who filed for divorce. But he was never abusive towards the girls, whereas Logan was abusive to all three of them.”
He smiles when he knows it’s working.
“So you’re thinking that Scott is trying to rescue Gracie and Olivia from further abuse?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “As a parent, I can’t imagine tolerating a stranger abusing your kids. Maybe in Scott’s mind, Jaqueline was allowing Logan to abuse them without realizing he was doing the same to her.”
“The wife had full custody of the kids too,” Spencer adds, opening a case file. “He was only allowed supervised visits with a social worker present if she allowed it to happen and in the time they’ve been divorced, she hadn’t let Scott see them since she and Logan got together.”
“Okay, so Scott had enough and wanted to take matters into his own hands. If his ex-wife won’t take care of the kids and neither will her new husband, it’s up to him to take care of the girls.” 
“It looks like Scott’s had a problem with authoritative figures his entire life,” he says, frowning. Spencer turns the case file towards you. “His grandparents were physically and emotionally abusive and social workers did nothing about it. Looks like he was also a truant during his time in foster care.” 
“Get this. He’s been fired from multiple construction sites because he couldn’t follow orders,” you read. 
“Jacqueline was also the breadwinner of their relationship. I think Scott resents people who hold authority.”
“Scott wants to raise his kids,” you say, snapping your fingers. “It’s a rescue mission because he thinks he can raise them better than she can.”
Spencer grabs his phone and dials Aaron.
“What is it, Spencer?”
“Y/N and I talked more about her theory on the abduction. I think she’s right.”
Aaron doesn’t say anything. You’re almost sure he’s going to tell you to change the profile.
“We’ll meet you at the precinct in fifteen.”
You consider yourself lucky that Spencer backs your theory with claims and evidence. Your voice wavers multiple times when Aaron asks you to make your case, and the way he’s looking at you makes you doubt yourself. 
But everyone comes to the realization that you’re right. A few conversations with Jacqueline and an interrogation with Logan convinces Aaron that your theory had been the correct one all along. You should feel happy, but you don’t. 
You feel like you have to piggyback off of your coworkers and get them to support you before you can make your case heard. You feel like the smallest person in the room when you stand next to seasoned profilers who you’re sure Aaron values more than you. The weight of the world is on your shoulders and you carry it with you every time you formulate new ideas you want to share with the team. 
But you don’t dwell on this too long. 
Aaron has Spencer comb through security footage of local gas stations while Emily and David talk to Scott’s most recent employer. Derek and JJ are searching his last known whereabouts and searching for the girls, which leaves you and Aaron.
You’re barely able to hear his command. He wants you to talk to Jacqueline and try to coax more information out of her while he connects with Penelope about financial records and possible places he’s hiding the girls. She’s your age and he figures you might connect with her better than JJ did.
Jaqueline is understandably crying when you walk into the room. You hand her a box of tissues upon entering and she doesn’t say anything. She starts to open up after you tell her about yourself, your nieces and nephews, and you show her photos of them to prove yourself. You let her know you’re not a mother and can’t imagine the immense pain she’s going through, but you know what it’s like to care for people and how much it hurts when something bad happens to them.
Slowly, Jaqueline begins to talk. You ask her about her relationship with Scott and Logan, and all the important places that hold significance between the two marriages. She lists off a few and you make a note of it for later. Aaron calls you from the interview when Jaqueline has started to close herself in. He lets her go and gives her his business card in case she wants to talk, but tells her they’ll be in contact soon.
He doesn’t say a word about the interrogation. He just tells you to see if Derek and JJ need help canvassing more area. 
Two days later and the team is nowhere near finding Jaqueline’s children. Scott’s previous employer had less than stellar things to say about him and you’re beginning to panic at the thought of your ability to catch him and save the girls. Penelope calls with a development and thinks one of two locations is where Scott might be hiding the children. His trailer in East LA or a small house a friend of his owns. 
Aaron dispatches Dave, Emily, and JJ to the trailer while he commands you, Derek, and Spencer to follow him to the house. It’s located off of the freeway off the beaten path and you have a bad feeling about what’s about to happen.
Aaron’s driving like he knows something you don’t. You’ve taken a seat in the back with Spencer and listen as Derek points Aaron in the direction of the house. It’s getting dark outside, the sun is just barely above the horizon, and you know everyone has to be quick in order to save the girls if they’re in the house. 
LAPD officers drive behind the SUV. Aaron pulls over and you can hear the gravel underneath the tire. You swing the door open with all your might and draw your gun out as the rest of the team does, following Aaron’s orders to follow behind him as they explore the house. 
It’s quiet. Too quiet. 
The floorboards creak underneath you and Aaron tells you he’s going to clear the back of the house while you take the front. Everyone calls a distinctive ‘clear’ and you’re about to breathe out of frustration and ask Aaron if they’ve found the girls at Scott’s trailer when you hear the faint sound of someone crying from behind you. 
You’re careful not to step too loudly despite the hardwood floors. Derek finds you and calls out your name but you put your finger to your lips and he silences himself. The sound of feet shuffling sounds incredibly quiet, but you swear you can hear footsteps somewhere behind you. 
Spencer and Aaron join the two of you after hearing silence despite calling your names. Derek tells both men to silence themselves as you walk about the room, unsure of what you’re looking for. For the most part, nothing looks out of place. That is, until your hand falls on a set of books that feels much too hollow to contain any pages. 
“What is it?” Derek asks from behind you.
“I don’t know…I think this is a false backing.” 
And you’re right. You pull the books to reveal a small hidden entryway that’s dark, and it looks like it doesn’t lead to anything. Aaron’s halfway through telling you to let another police officer look through the crawl space because you have to take off your vest and gun to fit, but you’re not hearing it. 
“Hotch, I’m the only one who’s small enough to fit through here,” you say. “I’m shorter than the rest of you and all of you are men. I don’t think Gracie or Olivia want to see someone who looks like their dad.”
“She’s right,” Spencer mumbles. You don’t wait for Aaron’s approval, venturing into the crawlspace. 
Gracie and Olivia are understandably scared until you tell them their mother’s waiting for them at the police station. You help them out of the small room they’ve been kept in and notice how relatively furnished it is–a mattress, blankets, pillows, and coloring material–and make note of how your profile was right. 
You don’t spare a glance at Aaron, too invested in making sure the children are safe with EMTs while they’re being checked for harm. Olivia asks you to stay with them and holds your hand, and you don’t bring yourself to leave them. When the EMTs let you know they aren’t injured and can visit the police station without going to the hospital, Aaron reluctantly lets you accompany both of them back to the precinct. 
It’s well after dark by the time both children leave with Jaqueline. JJ and Emily have worked out a deal with local police to keep them under surveillance and protection until Scott has been captured and are instructed not to let Logan near the three of them for the time being. 
You aren’t able to say goodbye to the three of them, instead recounting your story to the local detective who needs your statement for the paperwork while it’s fresh in your memory. You’re on a high after seeing the two girls reunite with their mother and the entire team congratulates you on a job well done when Aaron storms into the office, angry.
“Y/N, go back to the hotel.” 
Aaron stands tall, his hands on his hips and his mouth etched in an angry frown. His voice is low and you can’t believe the words you’re hearing. 
“To the hotel? Hotch, you can’t be serious.”
“You made a reckless decision to abandon your gun and vest. That could have gotten you killed,” Aaron says. “You are not capable of working under pressure.”
“You told the entire team to use our instincts and that’s exactly what I did. I saved two little girls, for God’s sake.”
“You are hot headed and have this overwhelming urge to prove yourself when nobody cares how well you perform,” Aaron says angrily. “The entire time you’ve been with the BAU, you’ve barely contributed aside from piggybacking off of someone else to reach a conclusion.”
That, you know, is a lie. Aaron just wants to hurt you.
“At this very moment, you are incompetent and can’t hold yourself together for the sake of the victims and their families.”
“We have to catch Scott.”
“You can’t do your job, go back to the hotel.” 
“That’s not fair.”
“I don’t have to be.”
“I want you gone, Y/N,” Aaron says firmly. “Go back to the hotel or hand in your badge.” 
You don’t spare Aaron another glance. Your feet carry you out to the lobby and your breath is so uneven that you need to step aside into an empty interrogation room to calm yourself down. Your jaw clenches and you ball your fists to gather some sort of relief, but you don’t find it. Instead, your nails dig into your palm until it turns white and you let go, exiting the room without another word.
The keys to the SUV are still in your pocket. You don’t necessarily care that the team will have to squeeze into the remaining vehicles and you don’t care enough to let one of them know you’ve made it outside. 
Your hands shake when you reach into your pocket. The warmth of the metal is familiar and your hand pulls it out when a stray tear falls from your face and splashes onto your cheek. Hastily, you enter the car and slam the door shut and lock it when you feel yourself overcome with sadness and anxiety. 
The tears fall freely at this point and you bow your head to the steering wheel, your breaths hot and mouth wet from crying. The back of your sleeves are soaked as you try to wipe away your tears to no avail and your vision becomes too blurry to drive. 
You allow yourself a few minutes to cry. The sound of your gasps echo throughout the care and your shoulders feel heavy with every sob. The weight of the world is truly on your shoulders now and you aren’t sure if you have a job when you go back to Quantico. 
But you pull yourself together and drive back to the hotel. It feels much longer than it needs to be and you sit in the driver’s seat for a moment when you park the car. You hate that you feel incapable of being a member of the team without Aaron breathing down your neck. You hate that you can’t live up to his expectations and that you try to in the first place. Working at the BAU wasn’t supposed to be a nightmare. 
You exit the car and lock it behind you, another stray tear escaping. You feverishly rid yourself of the tear and walk to the entrance of the hotel when you feel someone grabbing you from behind and an acute sense of pain at the base of your neck. 
It’s black after that. 
Back in the station, the local police have distracted themselves with their case files and other happenings while the rest of the team looks at Aaron in shock. Spencer's looking at the empty space where you stood and Emily is looking at Aaron like he’s grown a second head. 
“Are you serious?” she begins. “Hotch, we need everyone on this. We need Y/N.”
“She’s too hot headed,” Aaron replies. 
“Oh yeah?” Derek chimes in. “And how about you?”
“This isn’t about me.”
“You know damn well that Y/N adds as much value to this team as the rest of her. Two years with the BAU and stellar reviews from the board has proven that. Why are you still treating her like a first-day agent?”
“Y/N needs to learn to let go of her ego,” Aaron retaliates. “I don’t need to explain myself to any of you.”
“You’re wrong about her not contributing anything,” Spencer says. It surprises Aaron to hear Reid defy him on your behalf. “For the cases that we’ve worked on with her, she’s been the one to take lead on the preliminary profiles for most of them. Some of our biggest leads have come from her.” 
Aaron breathes and doesn’t say a thing. He looks at his team and knows they don’t approve of his choice to send you back to the hotel, but he stands by it. David looks at him like he’s almost disappointed in him and JJ holds his stare. 
He knows why he’s being extra hard on you. He knows he’s pushing you to your limit by keeping you at arm’s length. Aaron doesn’t want to admit that he sees you as anything other than his subordinate and coworker, but he does. He doesn’t want to be the reason why you don’t advance within the bureau and why there might be a future workplace ban on relationships. Even if he disagrees with how you handled things tonight.
Aaron doesn’t communicate any of this with the team while he stares them down. Instead, he fixes his posture and clears his throat. 
“Get back to work.”
When you come to, you’re acutely aware of the handcuffs around your wrist. 
The air is cold and you realize you’re bound to a pole in a barn, and you’re not sure where you are. Everything is suddenly hazy and your vision blurs until you blink rapidly with the hope that you’ll regain full consciousness.
The first thing you can feel is a headache. Your head’s pounding viciously and you wince at the pain, inadvertently tugging in your wrist and against the handcuffs. The metal is cold and it sends a chill up your spine when you realize you’re alone. You try your best to recite what you can sense over and over again in your mind.
The air is cold. You’re sitting on a hard floor with straw and other debris around you. The air smells like manure and hay. You can hear crickets and wind blowing just outside of the barn, and you can see hardware tools towards the back of the building.
The influx of emotions that creep into your chest is enough to make any person an anxiety-ridden mess. Your heart feels like it’s going to lurch out of your chest with every second that passes by because your reality becomes more real; this isn’t a nightmare you’re desperately hoping to wake up from. 
“Look who’s awake.”
It’s Scott. 
He flickers the lights on and that’s when you realize he’s holding a gun. 
“You took quite a while to wake up, actually. I’ve been waiting here for two hours wondering when you’d return to the land of the living.”
Scott dons a smirk that you wish you could wipe off with both of your fists. His right hand grips the gun haphazardly and he waves it around as he gestures while speaking, and the fear of dying has finally crept into the forefront of your mind.
“Where are we?” you ask. 
“South of Los Angeles,” Scott replies. “Far enough that your little team won’t find this patch of land.”
“Why’s that?”
His smirk widens when you stay quiet.
“You know, Agent, I find you interesting.”
“There’s nothing remotely interesting about me,” you say. You try your best to remember the profile and give him what he wants. He hates authority and between the two of you, you legally have all of it. So, you downplay yourself, 
“I beg to differ,” he laughs. Scott takes a step towards you and you recoil. “I’ve been watching this investigation unfold because I need to keep tabs on what’s happening so that I don’t get caught. It’s worked so far, but you were just lucky to have found my little girls.” 
“We found them because you made a mistake,” you chide. “You slipped up.”
Scott’s smirk turns into anger, and he takes another step towards you. 
“I made a mistake because I wasn’t thinking far ahead, Agent.” 
He takes another step and he’s by your thigh. Scott bends down to your level and you’re aware of how close his gun is to your abdomen, and you pray that you don’t say the wrong thing.
“I wasn’t thinking far ahead because I couldn’t see the bigger picture. But it came to me a few nights ago when I realized that you and I are people that don’t naturally get to be in the spotlight.” 
Scott caresses your cheek and you shudder underneath his fingertips. He retracts and stands up, pacing back and forth in front of you. 
“See, you and I are people who don’t get enough credit for our work. All it took was one moment watching your horrendous boss dismiss you for your work. I knew you’d be the key in getting my girls back to me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Scott leans forward. “You’re smart enough to figure it out.”
Unfortunately, it comes to you quickly.
The team had gathered around the house that Jaqueline and Scott had lived in when they were married. Penelope had clued the team in on this location. A new couple lived in that house with no connection to Jaqueline and Scott but you thought it was worth checking out.
Aaron disagreed. That house hadn’t been occupied by either of them for years since they got a divorce but your gut had been telling you to visit the property to look around for extra clues that might’ve turned up. Your insistence angered him, who accused you of disobeying orders, and it was David who had to intervene and remind Aaron never to leave any stone unturned.
Reluctantly, Aaron ordered the team to the house and you successfully convinced the new owners to let you look through their property with the promise that nothing would be disturbed. Two hours into searching and Aaron was ready to write your mishappenings in the file report when he returned to Quantico, but your sudden interest in the backyard piqued everyone’s interest.
You had discovered a well-hidden doorway to an underground room. The new family would’ve never seen it, as it was tucked away with roots and other invasive plants that covered the wooden doorway. When you and Morgan entered the space, it was clear that Scott had been there recently.
Unbeknownst to you, Scott has been hiding out a few houses down watching everything unfold, including the way Aaron distrusted your judgment. He’d been using that bunker as a living space, careful to work around the new family so as to not get caught. It was far enough that they couldn’t see him from where the windows were placed unless they were out in the backyard the same as he was.
“Remember now?” he asks.
You nod, complying. “You watched my boss reprimand me for wasting everyone’s time.”
He nods. “You and I are overworked and underappreciated. We don’t get credit or recognition even though we deserve it.”
“You knew we’d find Gracie and Olivia.”
Scott’s jaw locks but he agrees.
“I knew there was no way I’d be able to get to my girls in time to move them someplace else. So, I let you find them because I knew that I’d have no other chance to get them back if you arrested me.
“Then I followed you all the way back to the precinct so I could keep tabs on you and see where you were staying. It was just my luck that I happened to hear your boss yelling at you because of an open window. I knew my chance was when he ordered you to go back to the hotel.”
“How do I fit into all of this?” you ask.
“You, Agent, are going to help me get my kids back from Jaqueline and cover for me.”
“No chance in hell.” 
Scott doesn’t like that answer. He lunges towards you and tugs on your hair, enough to make your scalp feel like it’s being set on fire. 
“You don’t have a choice. I want my kids back and you aren’t in the position to make any demands.” 
He doesn’t say much after that. Scott looks into your eyes with a murderous expression before letting you go. Your head hits the pole behind you because he pushed you away with enough force that it makes you dizzy again.
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” Scott says from the barn’s entrance. “I need some sleep and so do you.”
He doesn’t uncuff you and you’re left wondering how you can sleep when you’re being held captive.
When the team leaves the precinct, everyone is too drained to continue talking about the case on the ride back. They’d only been there two hours after you left but Aaron gets the feeling that the rest of them aren’t happy with him dismissing you. 
The ride is silent and everyone retreats to their rooms respectively. He tries to forget the aching feeling in his chest and goes to sleep. 
He wakes up to a cold sweat. 
Aaron’s still not happy what perspired last night. He nearly made the choice to knock on your door and apologize for being harsh in front of the team and the local police, but he doesn’t. It’s better to put distance. It’s how he rationalizes how he’s treating you because he’ll fall apart if he imagines the consequences of being in a relationship with you. 
You’re the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up. He’s surprised he didn’t hear you knocking on his door to give him a piece of your mind, but he was too tired to consider that you didn’t. 
His clock reads six A.M. and he’s sure the rest of the team is waking up and heading to the police station like he is. Aaron feels more tired with each day passing and it feels like his body is on autopilot mode with how fast he’s able to change and get to the precinct. 
The team trickles in one by one and everyone makes their coffee before picking up where they left off last night. Penelope had sent the team a list of possible places that Scott might be and Aaron wants to cover as much ground as possible.
When he’s more awake, he mentally groups the team and the other police officers to search each property. 
He stops when he realizes you’re not in the precinct. 
At first, Aaron feels annoyed because he thinks you’re late. It isn’t completely out of character for you, as he’s watched you stumble into the office a few minutes before debriefing. Still, he prays that you’ll show up so everyone can move on with their day. 
But you don’t come in. Every person that walks through the door isn’t you and Aaron’s annoyance becomes a question of curiosity with fear at the end of it. 
“Where’s L/N?” Morgan asks from beside him. 
“Probably slept in,” JJ snorts. “She sleeps like a brick.” 
Everyone laughs at her comment in good fun because they know it’s true. You’re a heavy sleeper. But Aaron isn’t convinced. Something doesn’t feel right to him but he can’t quite place what it is. 
He gives it another ten minutes. Aaron’s bouncing from leg to leg, anticipating your arrival. He’s waiting for you to hastily apologize about not hearing your alarm and he’s waiting for you to jump right where you left off because of your tardiness.
But you never walk through the door.
“Something’s wrong,” Aaron mutters. Spencer nods at his disheveled expression from where he sits and Emily looks down at her phone.
“I know she’s a heavy sleeper but there’s no way she’d be twenty minutes late with the stakes this high,” Emily points out. 
JJ walks out of the room the BAU is occupying and inquires with everyone outside if they’ve seen you come in, but all of them say they haven’t seen you since last night. JJ walks back into the room with shaking hands and she’s almost reluctant to tell Aaron that nobody has seen you yet.
Emily tries to call your cell phone one more time with no luck. Aaron sends Derek to check on you at the hotel and doesn't bother to respect the speed limit on the ten minute drive to the hotel from the station. The receptionist is more than willing to give him a key to your room when you don’t answer your phone. 
When he walks in, he notices that you aren’t sleeping in the bed. Your room is clean. The bed is made and there’s no indication that you slept in it last night. Your go-bag is perched on the table and a few clothes are haphazardly thrown on the chair beside it. Nothing seems out of place. 
It’s when he walks back outside to return to the station that he hears a phone ringing from the bushes. Derek walks towards the sound and his breath catches in his throat when he realizes the phone is yours. He curses and picks up the phone to see Emily’s contact.
“It’s me,” Derek says through your phone. “L/N’s not here and her phone was tossed in the bushes.” Metal catches Derek’s eye. “Wait a minute.” 
He walks forward with caution and his heart drops when he realizes it’s a discarded needle and your gun right next to it. 
“What is it?” Emily asks from the other line. She hears Derek sigh and she knows it can’t be good. 
“It’s a needle and her gun, Prentiss. L/N not showing up to the precinct and her belongings being discarded can’t be a coincidence.” 
From the police station, Emily panics. She hangs up when Derek lets her know he’s coming back and her panic rises when she sees her teammates looking at her quizzically. The lump in her throat grows when she realizes everyone is looking at her for an answer. 
“Did you find her?” JJ asks. Emily doesn’t speak for a second. 
“Morgan found her cell phone in the bushes by the front of the hotel,” Emily explains. “He also found a discarded needle...and her gun.” 
Aaron’s attention shifts from the file he’s holding to Emily, who’s fidgeting with her hands. 
“Her gun?” Dave asks for clarification. “Found outside of the hotel room?” 
Emily nods. “Morgan picked up L/N’s phone and said he found it tossed aside.”
“And none of us saw her when she left the precinct?”
Nobody says anything. 
“I think she’s been kidnapped,” Reid says abruptly. “None of us saw her when we got back to the hotel nor when we arrived at the precinct. Scott must know Y/N was the one who rescued his daughters and he’s either kidnapped her out of revenge or because he wants them back.”
Aaron doesn’t like that answer. 
His hands feel warm and his heart is racing too quickly for his liking. Aaron can feel his exterior start to wither away with the realization that you’ve been kidnapped and he doesn’t second guess himself when he calls Penelope and asks her to track Scott’s cell phone and to triangulate his last known location.
This is now a rescue mission and he hates that you’re the victim. 
The team doesn’t spare a second in finding a third location he could’ve taken you too. Penelope foregoes any of her other responsibilities to find you and Aaron can hear the frantic pace of her keyboard typing as she speaks. Derek and Spencer are visiting locations that hold significance to Scott in the event that he’s returned, but Aaron's doubtful that he’d make that mistake. 
It’s when JJ explains what’s happening to the lead detective does Aaron feel like his world is crumbling around him. He’s put himself at arm’s length so much as to push you away from him and right into the arms of the unsub, and he feels like he might pass out in the middle of the precinct. 
Emily and Dave pick up how quiet Aaron’s been ever since Penelope hung up. He’s too busy staring at the white board and it doesn’t help that your handwriting is all over it. Aaron’s throat is dry and he’s a second away from starting to blame himself for your disappearance, but he knows that he doesn’t have enough time to feel sorry for himself if he wants to find you.
When Derek comes back and tells the team there’s been no luck in finding you, Aaron’s heart sinks. He’s running out of options and he knows his head isn’t where it should be, but he can’t help it. Aaron does his best to keep himself composed when Spencer tries to piece together your timeline and he hates that they’re treating you like a abduction victim because you should be in this room with them. Instead, you’re God knows where and Aaron doesn’t bring himself to imagine that you might be dead already. 
It’s Spencer who makes the connection between you and his children. He theorizes that Scott must’ve been present when you had rescued the children and kidnapped you for one of two reasons: to exact revenge or to force you to help him get his children back. JJ suspects that it’s the latter because of your profile. Scott wants to get his children back and he’d do anything to do it. 
Dave wonders why Scott would risk kidnapping a federal agent and how he knew you’d be at the precinct or the hotel, and Spencer doesn’t hold his tongue when he said the only common link between the two of you is the way you’d both been treated by your superiors. 
The room goes quiet and Spencer thinks he’s overstepped, but he doesn’t regret his choice of words. 
Everyone looks at Aaron, who’s been silent the entire time. He thinks about how angry you were last night and how he convinced himself he didn’t see you shed a tear as you passed him. The guilt of sending you home and not checking in on you when he got back to the hotel is eating him alive because you’ve been missing for twelve hours and nobody knew about it. 
“Reid’s right,” Aaron says. He feels his voice start to break. “We know why he’s taken L/N but now we need to understand how he’s going to use her in order to get his children back.” 
Aaron’s phone rings and he’s grateful for the distraction. Penelope informs them of a house that was paid in all cash and purchased under a false identity a few months ago, and confirms that it was Scott who paid for the property after speaking with the realtor and showing her a photo. Aaron wastes no time ordering the team to head to the house and he feels like he’s running out of time when Penelope says the property is seventy miles from the precinct. 
The ride to the property is agonizing. Aaron’s grip on the steering wheel is lethal and he’s swerving between every car with the hopes that he’ll reach you in time. Emily’s sitting in the passenger seat and she knows there’s nothing either of them can do except hope that you’re alive and well.
“We’ll find her,” she says after a long period of silence. “You know L/N. She’s strong and won’t go down without a fight.”
Aaron hesitates to speak. He gulps and he feels like his mouth is far too dry to hold a decent conversation because while he knows that Emily’s right, he can’t help but feel utterly hopeless on the freeway while you’re being held hostage by Scott. 
“I shouldn’t have told her to go to the hotel,” Aaron says. “I should’ve left it at reprimanding her for going in alone. We could’ve avoided all of this.”
“You of all people know you couldn’t have predicted that Scott would’ve done,” Emily said. “It wasn’t in the profile. Neither of us could’ve predicted that he’d kidnap L/N.”
“I know.” Aaron signals and passes three cars who are driving far too slow for his liking. 
He’s silent again, which doesn’t surprise Emily. Aaron sits in the driver’s seat, a million thoughts racing to the front of his head but he can’t seem to choose the right words to speak. He knows how unfair he’s been to you and all the anger and frustration about not being able to be with you has transpired into this mess he’s found himself in. He should’ve never let his feelings get to this point nor let his frustration shift from the forbidden relationship onto you. 
“I’ve been unfair to her,” Aaron croaks. He hears the crack in his voice as it starts to falter, but he keeps talking because he thinks he might go insane if they sit in any more silence. “I’ve pushed her aside and made her second guess herself as an agent of this team all because I couldn’t keep my feelings in check.” 
“What do you mean?” Emily asks. Aaron sighs and he grips his steering wheel, embarrassed that he’s been an unfair leader and that he’s admitting it to one of his colleagues. 
“L/N is an exceptional agent and it’s no wonder why I fell for her.” 
Emily’s quiet and Aaron’s sure he’s made a mistake by confessing that to her. He wishes he could take it back and lie instead of being honest with his friend, but he can’t take back the words he’s said. And he stands by it. 
“I’ve been so busy trying to pretend like I don’t have feelings for her but every day I’m scared that something like this could happen to her. I hate it when she’s reckless and disobeys orders because I’m afraid that it’ll get her killed.
“I know what it looks like on the outside to see me and my subordinate in a romantic relationship. She’s young, career-driven, and I’d hate to stand in the way of whatever’s next for her. I don’t know how to act around her and I thought that pushing all of this down would help me lose feelings for her, but I haven’t.”
“You sound like a teenager,” Emily says. It shocks him and when he looks at her quizzically, Emily chuckles. “What, you think I couldn't see how hopeless you were when it came to L/N? Hotch, you’re like a kid in a candy store when she’s around. The rest of us were ready to start placing bets on you two until you started giving her the short end of the stick.”
He feels awful. Aaron’s guilt causes him to flex and rev the engine. 
“I never meant to hurt her,” he confesses. “But that doesn’t matter now.”
“What matters is that we’re on our way to rescue her and there’s nowhere else she could be,” Emily reassures. “Scott wants his kids back and he knows they’re in LA county. There’s no way he would risk taking her somewhere else when he doesn’t have Gracie and Olivia.” 
“Right,” Aaron says, clearing his throat. Neither he nor Emily need to chide him for how he’s been treating you. He knows he’s wrong and Emily knows it too. 
“L/N is the strongest out of all of us. She’ll make it through this.”
Aaron has a sneaking suspicion that Emily’s trying to convince herself, but he doesn’t say anything. 
When the team reaches the property, it’s notably quiet. The next neighbor is two miles down the road and Derek’s ready to search the house when Aaron steps out of his vehicle. 
“More backup’s two minutes out,” Aaron explains, “but we’ve got enough people to start the search. Reid and JJ, check the backyard. Prentiss and Rossi, check the house. Morgan, you’re with me. We’re checking the garage.” 
Aaron orders the police officers to check elsewhere before he and Morgan make their way to the garage. With his gun and flashlight in his hands, he approaches the enclosed space with caution and his heart spikes with anxiety. Before he can think about the worst that could happen, two police officers manage to open the garage door as he and Derek search the place. 
It’s empty. 
Aaron curses under his breath as they check the confined space but find nothing out of the ordinary. The rest of the team relates the same information and Aaron feels like he’s losing hope because he doesn't know where else you could possibly be. 
“Guys, there’s a barn across the landing,” comes JJ’s voice from the communications line. “There’s a truck parked outside and I’m willing to bet it’s Scott’s.”
Aaron’s heart stops beating for a moment. 
“We need to search that barn,” Aaron commands. “Everyone pull your resources and let’s head out.” 
It feels like slow motion to him, the way he diverts his attention to the barn that JJ pointed out. He feels like he’s watching the scene unfold in front of him from another person’s perspective and desperately prays that you’re in there, safe and alive. The grip on his gun is falling from how his hands are trembling but he reminds himself that he has a job to do. 
Dave touches the hood of the car and says it’s warm, which means Scott is most likely inside of the barn. The lead detective is ordering his team to secure the back entrance and surround the building so that Scott has no place to run and Aaron instructs his team to do the same at the front. Under hushed voices, he can almost make out the faint scout of scuffling coming from behind the large wooden doors and feels his throat close. 
Then he hears a gunshot. 
Everyone rushes inside and he’s overcome with dread when he walks inside. Aaron’s heart is racing; he can feel the grip of his gun slipping because of how unsteady his hands are and he’s nearly tripping from all the hay that he’s stepping on. He fears the worst when he enters and does his best to prepare himself to see your lifeless body.
But you’re laying on your stomach with a gun in your hands. 
You don’t process the ringing in your ears until Aaron moves beside you to reach for the gun in your hands. He’s tossed it aside and maneuvers you to check for any injuries. Aaron glances at your face and notices a deep bruise forming on your left temple with scratches and smaller bruises adorning your face, and he hates it. 
He hates that your body and face is covered in Scott’s blood. He hates that your hands are still shaking with fear. He hates that there’s nothing he can say or do that will make everything better for you. 
The shirt you’re wearing is covered in Scott’s blood spatter and you’re barely able to process that you’ve most likely broken a few ribs. You don’t say anything. The overwhelming urge to cry resurfaces and this time, you don’t stop yourself. 
Aaron catches you before you hit your head onto the ground and moves his body to sit behind you. You’re stationed between his legs, your back pressed against his chest as you slump over and grab his arm for support as your tears wet his dress shirt. Aaron foregoes all standard procedure and lets you cry in his arms instead of calling for the EMT to whisk you away from the hospital. 
You don’t care that your cries are almost louder than the ambulance sirens. Your adrenaline makes the blood pump loudly in your ears and you grip onto Aaron like you’re afraid Scott will come back to life and kill you if you let go. 
His free arm is secured around you. Aaron’s eyes become glossy as each second passes by and his heart breaks in two when he hears your continual cries.
“You did so good,” Aaron whispers. “So good. You’re safe now.” 
Aaron doesn’t let the EMT get close to you when you’re trembling in his arms. He tells them to wait a moment and they try to argue with him, but they relent when they see Aaron’s stern expression. His voice cracks when he tries to speak upon hearing your soft whimpers. Your eyes are screwed shut and Aaron strokes your hair as you bury yourself further deeper into him.
Dave and Spencer canvas the scene and look around for anything out of the ordinary to report. Derek's speaking with the EMTs while JJ and Emily are patiently waiting with blankets and bottles of water for you. But you don’t get up. Your legs feel numb from sitting down and Aaron’s grip on you is so tight that you feel like you’ll fall back down if you try to stand up.
Your sobs have turned quiet and you almost feel like you’re at peace. But then you remember your bruises and the blood still on your body. You remember Scott’s body and find yourself crying even harder.
“Let’s get you to a hospital,” Aaron says in your ear. “We can get you cleaned up and on your way home. Does that sound good?”
His voice is like honey. Sweet.
You nod and you try your best to sit up to no avail. Aaron tries to help you up and the EMTs catch you before you can fall back onto the ground. He reluctantly lets the EMTs take you to the ambulance where JJ and Emily are waiting. He watches as they drape a blanket over you and as you’re wheeled up into the vehicle. Emily offers to follow you to the hospital and JJ steps away, letting the ambulance drive off.
Aaron doesn’t process anything. He doesn’t hear the sirens, the police chatter, or Dave approach him with a concerned look.
“She’s gonna be okay, Aaron.”
Dave’s voice is nothing but a hollow shell to Aaron. It feels like an empty promise even though he knows you’re going to make it out alive. Still, Aaron doesn’t say a word.
“Let’s go meet her at the hospital.”
The doctor explains that you’ve suffered a concussion, a couple of bruised ribs, a broken arm, and a grazed bullet wound. You’ll be relatively fine, but Aaron’s heart is racing and can't get past seeing you covered in blood to pay attention to anything the doctor is saying. He hasn’t had time to beat himself up for sending you back to the hotel without accompaniment and he hates that the guilt is crashing in on him when you need him the most.
Aaron looks down at his sleeves and they’re covered in blood, dirt, and your mascara. He stares down in shock and his mind flashes to the barn, and he realizes it’s the first time he’s ever seen you cry before. It breaks him.
The doctor explains that they needed to sedate you because of your sudden adrenaline rush. Your shock had caused you to lash out when a nurse had grabbed your wrist, and through your clouded judgment, you’d swung at him with all of your might. Your fretful apologies made you uncontrollably sob afterwards and the nurse could only look at you with sympathy. 
Two hours later, the team was still waiting in the waiting room. Under the guise of wanting to get you something to eat other than stale hospital food, Aaron leaves to buy you a meal. But he needs to get ou and get fresh air before he suffocates. 
Aaron’s guilt eats him alive. He walks aimlessly towards a deli and scolds himself over and over again for making you drive to the hotel unsupervised. In hindsight, Aaron knows his personal feelings came into play when he berated you for your recklessness. He knows he was unfair to you because he would’ve done the same thing if he were in your position.
When he returns, Dave’s looking at him like he knows what he’s thinking, but doesn’t say anything. Aaron appreciates his friend’s concern but the guilt doesn’t relent. He fidgets in his seat and tries to calm his spiking anxiety but nothing seems to work. His mind retracts to the moment he found you covered in Scott’s blood and your cries are enough to make Aaron feel like he might shed a tear in front of his teammates.
His thoughts are disrupted when he sees your doctor approach the group. 
“She’s a little out of it,” says the doctor, “but she’s conscious. You’re all welcome to say hello, but only for a few minutes.” 
When the doctor directs the team to your room, she explains what happened after you reached the hospital. Aaron can’t process anything she’s saying. His ears are ringing and he feels like everyone around him is talking too loudly for him to be able to hear anything the doctor is saying. All he can pick up is “dehydrated” and “concussed.” 
Everyone hastily walks to the room you’re in. JJ files into the room first. It takes Aaron a few breaths to find the courage to step inside of the room and he’s sure Emily’s the one who helped him take the first step.
“What’s the prognosis?” your croaked voice asks. JJ sniffles and laughs at the same time, and the rest of the group watch you try to prop yourself up.
“How you’re able to joke at a time like this is beyond me,” JJ gushes. She takes a pillow from the bed and helps you sit up.
“What, a few broken ribs and a concussion? I’m lucky the bullet only grazed me.”
Nobody laughs but you can tell they’re trying their best.
Aaron towers over everybody easily and he’s in between trying to catch your gaze and trying to avoid it. Emily hands you the sandwich from the local deli and you waste no time, opening the wrapper and letting the aioli slide down the side of your mouth.
It’s easily the most adorable and most heartbreaking thing Aaron has ever seen.
“Slow down, Tiger,” says Derek. He grabs a nearby napkin and wipes the sauce away while you smile sheepishly.
“Sorry,” you mutter, taking slower bites. Spencer’s next to hug you and you welcome the way he refuses to let you go.
Everyone looks at you under the harsh lights of the hospital room and you feel like you’re being observed. The sedative you’d been given is enough to make you feel somewhat normal because no matter how hard you try to panic over the last few hours, you can’t. 
You feel like you’re numb to your experiences and the pain Scott inflicted. Staring at your team feels eerily normal and you almost forget that you’re sitting in a hospital gown with enough injuries to put you out of the field for a few months. 
“You broke my heart, kiddo,” Dave chimes in. He grabs your free hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, accompanied by a kiss to the back of your hand. JJ pulls you into a mother-like embrace, kissing the crown of your head. You lean into her touch and Aaron wishes he were the one comforting you.
“I feel like shit,” you confess. “I woke up feeling groggy and I feel like I’m about to pass out.”
“We’re so glad you’re okay, Y/N,” Emily says. 
“Thanks, Em,” you say. You take another bite. “This sandwich is good.”
“Aaron bought it,” Emily speaks.
You look at him. It’s the first time you’ve acknowledged his presence since he walked into the room.
“Thanks,” you mumble behind the sandwich. “I could eat five of these.” 
“I don’t want to deal with you puking on us,” Spencer jokes, and it makes you feel somewhat normal.
You don’t like feeling as though you’re a delicate piece of glass that’s close to being dropped. You hate feeling useless and pitied. Everyone’s looking at you with sad eyes and it makes you feel like you’ve let your colleagues down, even though you know there’s nothing you could’ve done to prevent what transpired.
“I’m really sleepy,” you say, haphazardly throwing the wrapper on the table next to you. It isn’t a lie, but you say it with the hopes of being alone.
“We’ll be back in the morning,” JJ says. She looks at the clock in front of her and doesn’t realize that it’s four in the morning. You squeeze her hand when her eyes well up. JJ wipes her eyes and blinks her tears back and you lean against her side.
Aaron can’t help but stare. You look so vulnerable at this moment and you’re doing your best to keep yourself awake, but the sedatives are making you drowsy. The team says their goodbyes and reluctantly trek back to the hotel, but Aaron can’t bring himself to walk into the building once he’s parked.
“Get changed,” Dave says after a brief moment of silence. Aaron looks at him in confusion. “Take a shower, eat something from the vending machine, and go back to the hospital.”
“She doesn't want me there,” he says slowly. 
“She’s asleep,” Dave dismisses. “She’s not going to know you’re there and I’m sure she’ll want to see a familiar face when she wakes up.”
“I’m not sure I’m the person she wants to see.”
“You were the first person she reached for when we entered the barn,” Dave explains, “and I know you won’t be sleeping a wink tonight unless you’re by L/N’s side. Go get changed and get back to the hospital, Aaron.”
“I just–”
“I know you feel guilty. Whatever feelings you have towards her never went away and that’s why you’ve been so hard on her.” Aaron’s not surprised that he’s picked up on this habit. “I don’t have to agree with how you handled it, but what matters is that she’s alive and she’s resting. We got her back, Aaron. She’s here and Scott isn’t.” 
Aaron knows Dave is right. He thanks him for being a good friend and trudges back into his hotel room, hastily freshening himself up before returning back to the hospital.
You wake up later in the morning with little to no recollection of how you got there. You feel extremely out of it, like someone removed a ton of bricks from your chest after keeping it there for a fortnight. You look to your left and see a window that shows you a gloomy D.C. morning. You look to your right and see Aaron Hotchner slumped over in a seat, asleep. 
This wakes you up. You’re blinking the sleep out of your eyes when you realize he’s snoring. It’s soft and unassuming, but you don’t remember the last time you’ve ever seen him sleep. 
The chairs must be uncomfortable, too. You do your best to sit up—which is when you notice the sling on your arm—and manage to prop yourself up on the pillows until you’re sitting upright. Aaron stirs in his sleep at the sound but he’s still asleep.
You’re not close enough to reach him and wake him up. You aren’t sure that you want to either, for the fear that he might start telling you a laundry list of all the things you did wrong throughout the case. 
The doctor from last night walks in and knocks on your door, which shifts your focus. Aaron’s still asleep and the doctor, who reintroduces herself as Dr. Aguta, gently walks around Aaron and to your bedside.
“How are you feeling?” she asks you while holding a clipboard. You notice her colorful print skirt first and it’s a contrast to how grey it is outside. 
“My head hurts,” you say with a croak. It’s the first thing you’ve said since you woke up. “And I realized my arm’s broken. But other than that, I feel fine.” 
Dr. Aguta gives you a pleasant smile. “I’m glad to hear that you’re doing okay. The sedatives we gave you last night seemed to help ease your pain, though I’ll be giving you a prescription for the rest of the month when it wears off.”
She hesitated before speaking again.
“Do you remember why you’re here?”
Unfortunately, you do. You remember Scott, the gun, and Aaron coaxing you to go with the EMTs. It’s mostly a blur and you can’t remember the details but you remember enough. The softened expression is a dead giveaway and Dr. Aguta doesn’t press any further.
She sees your gaze shift to Aaron, who still hasn’t woken up.
“He came last night and insisted on staying with you,” Dr. Aguta informs. “Typically I’d only let immediate family stay overnight, but your boss seemed extremely worried about you.” 
“He did?” you ask. It’s news to you.
She nods. “When I saw him for the first time last night, I could tell he’s a man of few words and the leader of your team. But last night he was a stuttering mess and I let him stay overnight with the condition that he doesn’t wake you.”
You don’t say anything. Aaron’s mouth is partly ajar and you know he’s going to wake up with a lot of back pain from how he’s positioned. Dr. Aguta performs a routine check up on you and lets you know that you’ll be discharged from the hospital the following day. You thank her profusely and she can only give you a reassuring smile. You ask her to wake Aaron up for you just before she leaves.
Aaron blinks and remembers he’s not in the hotel. Dr. Aguta excuses herself to give the both of you privacy and he sits upright, stretching his back unpleasantly. 
“Morning,” he says, clearing this throat. “How do you feel?”
You’re getting tired of answering this question but you humor him.
“Better,” you say honestly. “Aside from my broken arm and concussion.” Aaron’s gaze shifts to your arm and he almost winces.
“Did you sleep well?” 
“For the most part, but I think the sedatives had more to do with it than anything.”
“Good, I’m glad.” 
An awkward silence falls over the both of you. Aaron desperately tried to pull himself together by waking himself up and you’re fiddling with your hands. You noticed he’s changed since you saw him last night, now in slacks and a quarter zip, and you don’t remember the last time you’ve ever seen him look so casual.
Aaron’s trying to think of the right words to say. As your boss, he wants to tell you that none of this was your fault and there’s nothing you could’ve done to prevent it from happening. He wants to tell you he shouldn’t have ordered you back to the hotel, not without anyone accompanying you.
But as someone who has deep feelings for you, Aaron wants to say he was scared to death and thought he might lose another person he cares for. His anxiety skyrocketed through the roof when he saw what you had done to Scott and he wishes that you didn’t have to work through this trauma.
But he doesn’t say anything. You watch as he swallows and you know his brain is working overtime by how often he pulls his eyebrows together. You don’t have it in you to be angry at him like you were the night he sent you away. The sedatives, along with your exhaustion, leaves little room for anger. 
“I’m getting hungry,” you say to break the silence. 
“I can get something from the cafeteria,” he offers immediately, touching his pocket to make sure his wallet didn’t fall out. 
“That would be nice.” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t touched by the offer.
Aaron leaves for a short while and you try your best to process what just happened. He chose to stay with you overnight. He offered to buy you breakfast. You didn’t think Aaron would care for you like that.
He comes back a while later and apologizes for both the sandwich (that looks haphazardly made) and the time it took, as there was a long line. You thank him politely and eat the meal, and you’re grateful that you have anything to eat at all.
Aaron watches you and feels like he’s invading your personal time. He bought himself a fruit cup, knowing Dave would reprimand him for not eating if he were able to buy something. 
“I shouldn’t have told you to go back,” Aaron says softly. You almost didn’t hear him say it. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you. I did the wrong thing and it got you kidnapped.”
You don’t tell him that it’s okay, because quite frankly he’s right. He shouldn’t have sent you home, but you know it’s not his fault that you were abducted. 
“It’s not your fault that Scott took me,” you say matter-of-factly. Aaron can sense what you’re trying to say and his eyes hang in shame. “But I’m alive. I’m going to have one hell of a transition back to work, but I’m alive. I’m here. That is, if I still have my job.”
Aaron’s eyes snap to you.
“The job is yours for however long you want it,” he says immediately, and he means it. “What you did was reckless but I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing.”
This makes you smile a little and Aaron soars when he sees it. 
“I didn’t mean what I said back at the precinct either, Y/N. You’re a fantastic agent and we’re lucky to have you.”
There are a million things you want to ask him. Why have you been second guessing me? Is my work not satisfactory enough? Why did you stay in the hospital with me? 
But you don’t. There are too many things you want to say to Aaron that it ends up turning into a frustrating mess every time you think of the right question to ask. Aaron doesn’t seem to notice your lack of conversation. Or if he does, you think he’s trying to fill the awkward silence like you are.
“I don’t mean to be a burden,” is what you settle on. “I don’t purposely challenge your authority or how the team operates. I know I haven’t been here as long as everyone else but I like to think I make enough contributions.”
“You do,” Aaron says. “You aren’t a burden.”
You don’t believe him. “I just…lately I feel like I've been getting in the way of things.”
“You haven’t.” Aaron means that honestly but you don’t pick up on it. “You’ve shown immense critical thinking and problem solving skills. This case alone has proven that.”
You don’t disagree with him, but your mind reverts back to Scott and you start to deflate. 
Aaron knows he needs to apologize for how he’s been acting towards you. The abduction and his guilt is eating him alive and it forced him to be truthful with himself about how harsh he’s been treating you upon realizing he likes you more than a colleague should. But he doesn’t know whether this moment is appropriate or not. Ever the professional.
Both of you are saved by Dave showing up unannounced. He’s dressed casually too, with jeans and a sweater for an unusually cloudy day in Southern California. His knocking brings both you and Aaron out of your heads.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dave laments. He enters the room after you beckon him in and gives you a gentle hug on the side that doesn’t have your sling. “I won’t ask how you’re feeling because I’m sure you’re tired of that.”
“Thank you.”
“But I did want to check up on you,” Dave continues. “The rest of the team are slowly waking up, I imagine.” He turns to Aaron. “I assume we’re grounded here until Y/N can fly back.”
“That’s right,” Aaron says. “Tell the team they have the rest of the week off. I don’t think Strauss wants us spending more of our budget on flights.”
“Already done,” Dave says with a smile. “You had us worried for a while there.” 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, even though you know you have nothing to be sorry for. “I didn’t mean to make any of you worry about me.”
“We always worry about you, kid. It’s our job.”
“Are the girls okay?” you ask him. 
“Safe and sound. That’s actually why I came to visit, other than to check up on you.” 
You blink out of confusion.
“Jaqueline called the precinct and asked to speak with you,” Dave explains. “Long story short, she got in contact with me and wanted to know if you’d be willing to speak with her. She wants to thank you in person.”
The thought never crossed your mind. Saving her children had always been your first priority, even when Scott threatened to kill you if you didn’t help him. You’re not a mother by any means, but Jaqueline is around your age and you have plenty of nieces and nephews to get an understanding of how difficult this whole ordeal was for her.
And if you were being honest with yourself, you wanted to make sure Jaqueline would be okay. 
“Absolutely,” you say immediately. 
“Y/N, are you sure?” Aaron asks. “You just got to the hospital.”
“I’m sure,” you confirm, turning your attention back to Dave. “They can come visit me here if they’re willing to. I don’t think I have it in me to go to the precinct.”
“Of course,” Dave says with a small grin. It’s almost like he knows this will heal the both of you. He leaves the room and tells you he’ll be back later this afternoon.
Aaron sits in silence and he’s in awe of your resilience. He’s sure it’s the shock and sedatives talking, but he’s always known you to be someone who puts other people first. 
“I should call Strauss and let her know the situation,” Aaron says. “I’ll be back in a little bit, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, and you’re strangely reluctant to let him go. But you do anyway and he walks out of the hospital room, leaving you with your thoughts. 
Dave lets you know Jaqueline is here with the girls a few hours later. 
“Agent Y/L/N?” a voice says from beside you. The young mother knocks on the door as two children hide behind her legs. You beckon them inside, with Aaron and Emily supervising from beyond the threshold.
“Jaqueline,” you say, propping yourself up to seem more presentable. “Hi. It’s great to see you.” 
“I’m sorry for barging in like this,” she apologizes, but you’re already waving her off when you see the two children emerge from behind her. “I wanted to thank you in person. For saving my kids.”
“It’s no problem,” you downplay. 
But Jaqueline shakes her head and rushes to grab your hand. She pulls away when she thinks she’s crossed a line, but your grip is devastatingly tight when you squeeze hers. Jaqueline looks at you and tears slip from her eyes, and her children hug her legs like they know something’s wrong.
Jacqueline composes herself and brings Gracie and Olivia in front of her, who each have hand-decorated thank you cards made of colorful cardstock paper, stickers, and glitter. Your heart swells at the gesture and you will yourself not to alarm the family in front of you with your tears, so you promise yourself you’d cry when they leave.
“Hi, Munchkins,” you greet. “What’s all this?”
The girls shyly give you the cards, the eldest taking initiative to put them in your hands.
“Thank you,” she says quietly. “Mommy says you were very brave and saved us.”
“We drew these last night!” the younger one exclaims. “Mommy let us stay up late because we couldn’t sleep, so we made these for you.”
“They’re beautiful,” you compliment, looking at the colors below you. Jaqueline hasn’t let go of your hand. “You girls are very talented.”
“Thank you,” the young one says bashfully. “I hope you get better soon.”
Your heart swells and Jacqueline squeezes your hand again before letting go. You watch her lips flutter and as her children become preoccupied with their dresses, Jaqueline surprises you again.
“Would it be alright if I called you from time to time?” she asks. “To let you know how we’re doing. That we’re okay.” You reach for her one more time.
“I’d love that,” you say honestly.
Jaqueline doesn’t say another word, but the look of gratitude and her quivering lips is enough to make all the hurt from the past few days disappear.
You watch as they leave the room and as the young girls save goodbye. David escorts them to the front of the hospital, which leaves Aaron awkwardly standing in the threshold with his body leaning against the doorframe.
Aaron watches you. Your eyes glaze over and the cards in your hand are slipping through your fingertips, and your lips move as if you’re trying to find the right words to say. But nothing comes out. Aaron listens as your breathing becomes shallow and watches a stray tear slip from the corner of your eyes.
Before he can think, he rushes by your side and envelopes you in his arms.
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, somewhere between wanting to give you enough space and wanting to pull you against him. Your fingers are tight on his forearms when he hears your labored breathing become erratic and as your tears soak the fabric of his t-shirt.
Aaron takes the liberty of moving you in front of him, his back against the pillows you were sleeping on. He looks at your frail body in front of him; you always carry yourself as a strong-willed, independent agent on the field, and now he sees that he mistook your brazen character as recklessness when it was false bravado.
His heart aches when your grip on him tightens. Aaron reaches out to move the cards to the side table and pulls you against his chest, thankful that this bed is barely enough to fit the both of you. Aaron notices your craned neck, bringing the hand that isn’t wrapped around your frail figure to your head and gently moves your head to his chest.
Your soft whimpers are enough to make Aaron’s heart break all over again.
“You’re an amazing person,” Aaron says. “You are selfless, caring, and generous.” His words compel you to cry even harder and Aaron lets you weep in his arms until your eyes are dry and you’re hiccuping. 
Aaron doesn’t let you, not for a second, feel embarrassed about breaking down in front of him. His thumbs are drawing soothing circles on your arm and he’s wiping away your tears with a tissue, allowing you to unravel before him. 
Your dry heaving doesn’t bother Aaron, but he coos into your ear and tells you he’s going to get you a bottle of water when you grip his arm. He pries your fingers off of him and melts when you snuggle your head closer to him, but he knows you’re thirsty and the best thing he can do for you is keep you healthy. 
“I’ll be back in two minutes,” he promises. “I’m all yours after that.” 
You nod reluctantly and let him go. The bed feels empty when he leaves and you feel pathetic for hanging onto him like he’s your lifeline, but you don’t care. You just want to be held.
True to his word, Aaron comes back a few minutes later and uncaps the bottle for you. A soft ‘up’ utters from his lips and you sit up straight. He brings the bottle to your lips and tilts your head back enough to let the water slide down your throat. 
Aaron puts it aside when you’ve signaled that you’re done and slides into the spot next to you once again. He puts his arm around your shoulder and brings you to his chest again. 
You don’t tell him, but you feel his heartbeat. It’s irrationally fast and you don’t know what to make of it. You tighten your hold on him as you start to fall asleep and you miss the way Aaron rocks you to sleep. 
When it’s time for your discharge, you’re feeling better than you did a few days ago. The team welcomes you back on board once you’ve been cleared to fly and it feels like nothing’s out of place. 
JJ bought a bunch of pastries from a local cafe and everyone (save for Aaron because he was with you the entire time) has written little messages on a decorated card. It’s Spencer who frets over you the most, bringing you cups of tea and asking if there’s anything he can do to ease your pain. You’re quite touched. 
You know you’re in no shape to drive home when you land. Your dominant hand is broken and your car sits in its designated spot, no doubt gathering dust and debris. The team is tired from the trip and everyone checks in on you one by one before leaving, and you don’t know how you’ll get home until you realize your car keys are still in your desk drawer.
Aaron watches you for a moment. He notices your apprehensiveness and the way you look at your car keys, and he puts two and two together. Before he can register what he’s doing, Aaron’s making his way to you and offering to drive you. You start to tell him you don’t need a chauffeur and that he should go home instead, but he’s more worried that you might hurt yourself inadvertently. He persists and you reluctantly say yes because you know he’s right. You could barely open the door to the building, let alone drive home. 
The car ride to your apartment is quiet, save for the sounds of cars passing by on the freeway and the sound of gravel underneath the tires. You look up at your apartment complex when you tell Aaron the code to get into your garage and he parks in the visor spot after you’ve directed him.
The sling on your arm is a nuisance and you already can’t wait to get it off. You’re able to unbuckle yourself with your free hand and you’re surprised that Aaron opens the door for you.
“Thanks,” you mumble. 
“It’s not a problem.” You can tell he means it.
When you get to your apartment, you’re somewhat surprised that you haven’t lost your keys. You struggle to put them into the lock correctly with your non-dominant hand and Aaron can see the quirk of your eyebrow and how you’ve bit your lip out of frustration.
He fears he’s overstepping. He takes the keys out of your hands gently and opens the door for you anyhow. 
When you walk inside, you don’t think you've ever felt happier to see your small one bedroom apartment. Aaron sets your go-bag on the kitchen counter and you stand still for what seems like an eternity until he brings you out of your haze and encourages you to change out of your clothes and take a shower. 
But you don’t move. You stand in the middle of your living room and stare blankly out of your window, unable to appreciate the breathtaking view of D.C. like you always do. Your throat feels dry and your feet feel like they’re permanently planted on the hardwood floor beneath you.
Aaron comes to stand beside you and he leaves distance between the both of you. He looks at the sight before him and makes a comment about how he’s jealous of your view, but not even that gets a reaction out of you.
“I don’t want to be alone,” you mumble after a long pause. “I-I can’t be by myself right now.”
Aaron knows Jack is at sleepaway camp for a school trip and doesn’t get back for another few days. He doesn’t have to think about keeping you company so you don’t feel alone.
“I can stay with you,” he offers. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
You turn to look at him and the offer is enough to bring tears to your eyes. 
Aaron sounds so soft, caring, and unlike himself. Your heart tugs at his caring nature and you’re overwhelmed with the notion that he’s caring for you like he cares for your colleagues.
“Please,” you croak.
Aaron nods. He puts his hands on your arms and ushers you into the hallway and you point him in the direction of your bedroom. He’s acutely aware that this is the first time he’s ever been in your apartment, let alone in the room you sleep in, and tries not to dwell on it for your sake. 
“You should take a shower and sleep,” Aaron suggests. “It’ll help clear your head.”
You follow Aaron’s lead. He guides you to your dresser and you grab an extra change of clothes and he accompanies you to the bathroom next door. 
“I’ll be in the living room if you need anything, okay?” he says. “Don’t be afraid to get me.”
“Okay,” you say meekly. Your voice is far too dry to speak normally.
Aaron closes the bathroom door and you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror. You’re sure you look like a mess, despite being taken care of in the hospital back in Los Angeles. But you feel sticky from the flight and the sudden change in temperature, and you want nothing more than to cleanse yourself of the memories from LA.
You remove the sling from your arm and try your hardest to take your clothes off but you find it exceptionally difficult with your arm being in a brace. It hurts to lift your arm and you nearly cry out of frustration and exhaustion when you realize you can’t take your shirt off by yourself.
Embarrassed, you contemplate on showering with your clothes on, but ultimately know you’d need to take them off anyway. You open the door and call for Aaron, and you hear his steps as soon as you do.
“Are you okay?” he asks when he realizes you’re still in your clothes.
“I can’t, um, take my clothes off,” you say, clearing your throat. “I can’t bend my right arm and my left one is extremely sore. I can’t take my fucking clothes off.”
Aaron isn’t offended by your defensiveness. He gathers that it’s your coping mechanism because you feel embarrassed, but Aaron doesn’t care. He doesn’t say anything but he nods like he knows what you’re going through and you have a suspicion that he might.
“I’ll close my eyes and take your clothes off for you,” Aaron says. He says it in a way that’s so sincere but it still makes your cheeks redden at the innuendo. Aaron tries to ignore it because he feels a blush coming.
“It’s so pathetic that I can’t do this by myself.”
“It’s not pathetic,” he reassures. “You have a broken arm and your body’s still in pain. Let me help you.” 
You don’t say anything and Aaron takes it as a cue to move closer. True to his word, he puts his arms on your waist and turns his head away from you, careful to not hurt your broken arm. He maneuvers the fabric until it’s free from your body and he’s acutely aware that he’ll need to touch you in order to take the rest of your clothes off.
Aaron’s surprised when you move his hand to the button of your slacks. He clears his throat while you look up at the ceiling and bite your lip, pretending that the situation you’re in is completely normal to keep yourself from blushing too much. Aaron’s fingers work on the button and he’s careful not to put his hands where it’s inappropriate. He almost laughs at the thought, considering he’s your boss and he’s helping you take off your clothes.
You shimmy out of your slacks as Aaron slides it down your legs. He blushes at the thought of what’s to come next and swallows hard. Aaron returns to his stance and finds his neck is sore from craning, so he keeps his eyes closed and faces you.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize again. “I-I don’t think I can unclasp my bra.” 
You wince at your words, but it’s true. You tried to reach behind you when Aaron worked on taking off your pants, but the ache in your shoulder was too much. 
Aaron doesn’t say anything and you’re afraid that he might leave you. He’s so quiet that you can barely hear his breathing and you look at his closed eyes and see that his jaw is clenched. He mumbles and you’re barely able to catch it. Aaron lifts his hands to find your shoulders and you nearly shiver underneath his warm hands, despite the fact that your body might be just as hot. 
Aaron reaches behind you and searches for your clasp. You can feel his fingers on your back as he feels for it and he’s incredibly aware that your gaze is on him. It takes all of his willpower not to open his eyes. He’s imagined undressing you before, but not like this. Aaron’s fingers find the clasp and he’s slow to undo it, afraid of tangling the metal.
You feel yourself free from its constraints and Aaron slowly moves his fingertips from your shoulders and down your arm. You comply the best you can with your sore arm and your broken one, and your breathing hitches.
Aaron ignores how fast his heart is beating when he hears your bra drop to the floor. His mind is in overdrive and he bends down again, his fingers immediately coming to your waist and gripping them with gentle care. You look down at him and your mouth is wide open with your jaw hanging when you realize he’s on his knees in front of you. Aaron’s fingers hook on the material of your underwear, but you can’t bear to see him take them off.
“Wait,” you say, squeezing your eyes shut momentarily. 
Aaron forces himself to keep his eyes closed and he can hear your shallow breathing. His fingers are wrapped around the fabric of your underwear and suddenly he’s aware that it’s an intimate piece of clothing. Aaron’s cheeks redden and he’s desperately hoping you don’t notice.
“I can do it,” you say. Your voice wavers and you aren’t sure that you won’t be in pain when you take them off, but seeing Aaron on his knees with his hands practically down your underwear is too much for you at this moment.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, clearing his throat. His fingers detach themselves and he abruptly stands up. Aaron keeps his eyes closed still.
“No, it’s okay,” you say, and you mean it. “I really appreciate you helping me out…I’m sure this has crossed a lot of boundaries.”
Aaron wants to tell you he doesn’t mind it one bit, but he holds his tongue to refrain from making you uncomfortable. His eyes feel heavy and he stumbles when he stands up but catches himself when he feels the doorknob behind him.
“Like I said, I’m here if you need anything.” 
Aaron stands still for a moment and it feels like the both of you had the air knocked out of your lungs. He doesn’t want to overstep or make it seem like he’s taking advantage of your vulnerable state, so he exits the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
You lock it immediately and pin yourself against the door. Your heartbeat is irrational and you turn the water on, fixing it to your desired temperature. Bending to take your underwear hurts and your shoulders feel like they’re about to pop off, but you manage.
You’re acutely aware that Aaron’s in your living room, no doubt trying to rid himself of the awkwardness. You aren’t sure if you’re grateful at what transpired because while it’s enough to help you forget about Los Angeles, it makes your cheeks flare into a hot mess and you feel uncomfortably turned on.
Aaron, too, feels the same way. He feels filthy sitting on your couch and results in pacing around the room. His shoes are discarded by the door and it feels all too domestic. Aaron’s tie is suddenly too tight so he tugs on the knot to loosen it. He rids himself of his suit jacket and places it neatly on the arm of the couch, and thinks about anything but you, naked in the shower. His slacks feel a little too tight, so he takes out his phone to check his email. It works for a while,
A while later, Aaron realizes you’ve walked out of the bathroom and you’ve managed to change without his assistance. You comment about how the shower loosened your muscles and you were able to get your clothes in relatively painlessly, but all he can think about is how cute you look in an oversized shirt and sweatpants.
He’s too preoccupied admiring how undone you look because it’s the complete opposite from how he sees you at work. In Quantico, you’re somewhat put together, always wearing appropriate office attire and taking your caseload with grace while the rest of the team complains to no end about the amount of paperwork that needs to be filed.
Now, you’re standing in front of him with wet hair and an old shirt that has lost some lettering. It’s domestic and Aaron loves it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about offering you the bathroom,” you say timidly. 
It’s nerve wracking for you to be in Aaron’s presence because of what happened a few moments ago and because you’re not sure why he’s been so nice to you. It’s fresh and strange at the same time, as you’re used to him looking over your shoulder.
But you don’t feel like he’s being domineering. 
“I’ve got a few shirts that might be your size,” you announce. “And a bunch of sweatpants too.”
Aaron’s heart flutters at how welcoming you are considering all that happened to you, but he’s also found himself standing with jealousy when you mention that you have men’s clothing. Are you dating someone? Does he know he’s there?
“I love thrifting and sleeping in big shirts,” you explain, overcompensating for how awkward you feel to be standing in front of your boss looking like a disheveled mess. “I tend to thrift for clothes in the men's section because you guys have really good clothes for dirt cheap.”
Aaron’s worries are quelled and he doesn’t know why he feels so relieved to know you aren’t seeing anyone. 
“That would be great,” Aaron says. 
You nearly skip to your room and huff at your awkward demeanor, pulling out a large shirt from your dresser and a pair of sweatpants you hope is big enough. When you walk back to the living room, Aaron is still standing in the same spot and you’re somewhat touched that he’s nervous to be in your apartment.
“You can change in the bathroom,” you instruct. “Take as long as you need. There’s an extra toothbrush on the counter and a towel on the rack.” 
Grateful, Aaron scurries into the bathroom and you walk away before you can think of imagining him getting undressed. Instead, you busy yourself by fetching extra blankets and pillows for him. There’s an extra thick blanket in your closet and you pull two pillows from your bed, unsure if Aaron’s the type of guy to care about his pillow count. You find yourself stumped for a moment, each hand two with pillows as you debate on how many to give him, before you realize how idiotic you must seem if someone were to take a peek inside your head.
You settle with two pillows. 
You’re fixing a cup of tea for the both of you when Aaron walks out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later. You know he likes to drink chamomile tea on the plane when you’re coming back from a case late at night. You’ve seen him make it a million times. It feels weird to be making him a cup, but you figure it’s the least you could do after he helped you change out of your clothes. 
“I made you tea,” you say lamely, setting the cup down on the opposite side of the kitchen counter. Aaron walks towards you and he feels the hardfloor beneath him and how hot the mug is when he touches it. Thinking about this distracts him from your broken arm and the swell of guilt he has in his chest. 
“Thank you,” Aaron says. 
“I put in a little bit of honey. I hope it’s not too much.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow. “How’d you know I liked honey in my tea?”
“You drink it a lot on the plane,” you explain. “I see you make it a lot. You always scold Spencer every time he puts too much of it in.”
He can’t help but smile, but he hides it behind the cup.
Neither of you say anything. You don’t know what more you can say. The words cause you to choke every time you think about what happened back in Los Angeles. Realistically, you know there’s no way Scott can hurt you anymore, but it doesn’t stop you from panicking at the thought of being alone in your apartment. 
But you look at Aaron, who’s looking at you, and you’re able to let your guard down for a little while. 
“Thank you,” you muster. “For taking care of me back at the hospital and back at the barn. It…it meant a lot that you stayed.” 
“Of course,” he says a little too quickly. “You’re a member of this team and your safety is my top priority.”
Your gaze drops to the floor. You aren’t sure what you were expecting. An apology? A confession? Truthfully, you don’t know what you want to hear from Aaron but it hurts knowing that he views you as just another colleague.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t made you feel that way in a long time,” Aaron starts when he realizes you’ve grown quiet. “A member of the team, I mean.” 
“I-I just felt like I should’ve been doing more,” you confess. 
“You’re doing everything right, Y/N. You’re an exceptional agent and an outstanding person. Any part of the bureau would be lucky to have you.”
“Yeah?” you ask quietly. 
“Absolutely.” Aaron means in.
You finish your tea and it all becomes too much for you. The pain of your arm is quelled by the medication your doctor prescribed and Aaron helps you open the bottle. It makes you feel silly that you need someone else’s help to do something so simple and you feel your frustration get the better of you. 
“I’ll be out here if you need anything, okay?” Aaron reassures. “Please don’t hesitate to wake me up.”
“I promise,” you say and it’s one you’re planning on keeping.
You close the door behind you and turn off the lights. It feels weird to be in your apartment because you feel like everything should be back to normal, but it isn’t. In your years with the BAU, nothing as serious as this kidnapping has ever happened to you. You’ve been trained to deal with kidnappings before and how to talk to the victims and to the survivors, but you’ve never thought you’d have to deal with the aftermath yourself. 
You can’t sleep on your side because of your cast and your body feels like it’s constantly being run over by a stampede. The soft mattress is a contrast of how stiff your body feels and it all feels like it’s too much. 
Aaron can’t sleep either. He’s been staring at the door for the past thirty minutes as he tries to fall asleep. His phone is plugged into the wall behind him and he checks in with Dave, who texted him as he drove you back to your apartment. Aaron briefly thinks about Jack and his heart softens for a moment, but then he hears your soft cries from the room.
Aaron lies completely still and hears your whimpers. He hears you sniffle, blow your nose twice, and he’s acutely aware of the fact that he has no idea what to do. He has half a mind of barging into your room to comfort you until you’re asleep, but he doesn’t want to overstep his welcome more than he already has. Aaron feels frozen on the couch and doesn’t know if you’re too nervous to ask him for comfort.
He’s surprised when you walk outside. You don’t turn the lights on and he can barely make your face when you step into the moonlight. But you look frail, broken, and like you’ve been tormented by your memories. Aaron hates that.
“Aaron?” you call out. Your voice is small and his heart cracks. “Can you keep me company?”
Aaron doesn’t need to be told twice. 
He lifts the blankets from his legs and follows you into the bedroom. You sit on the edge of the bed and sniffle. Aaron sits next to you and carefully puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
It’s comforting and it aches. The pain of trauma and knowing that your life will never be the same again makes it seem like you’re never going to recover. Aaron doesn’t say anything, letting you cry into his shoulder and ignores the way your tear stains have soaked through the fabric. 
He’s imagined being in your apartment before; he often wonders what your decor looks like and how often you spend time here. He’s imagined cooking breakfast for you before you wake up, making you cups of your favorite tea, making the bed after you’ve both woken up, and kissing you goodbye when you walk out the door. Being in your bedroom like this feels too intimate, but if he was being honest with himself, Aaron doesn’t really mind it. He likes that he’s the person you choose to lean on. He feels like this is the first step in holding himself accountable for how he’s treated you in the past. 
Your shoulders are shaking and Aaron does everything he can think of to coax you through your sadness. He whispers praise and allows you to cry when you keep apologizing for your behavior, and he keeps telling you that he’s not going anywhere. 
When you manage to calm down, you’re tired. Aaron lets you climb underneath the covers and tucks the blanket under your chin. His hand brushes your skin and he blushes, though he’s sure you can’t tell because of how dark it is. Aaron bids you goodnight and starts to walk back to the living room but you reach out for his hand before he gets the chance to leave. He turns around and feels your soft grip on him. 
“Could you sleep with me?” you ask. “Or at least stay with me until I fall asleep?”
“Of course,” Aaron says. He throws all caution in the wind and starts to walk to the other side of the bed and he’s surprised when you open the covers for him.
Your mattress is soft and your blankets smell like you. He tries not to think about it and leaves space between the both of you.
“Did you know I joined the BAU because of you?” you ask in the darkness.
“What?” Aaron says of shock.
You laugh lamely. “You guys held a few seminars at my alma mater and I knew then what I wanted to do with my life. I applied to the academy the next fall.”
Aaron doesn’t know what to say. His cheeks are hot and you’ve rendered him utterly speechless. In your tired state, you push yourself as comfortably as you can until the back of your head is leaning on Aaron’s chest, mindful of your broken arm. 
Aaron’s stunned and his body stiffens. But he thinks of all the times he’s thought about laying beside you like this and decides that he’ll cherish it as much as he can. His arm snakes itself underneath you as he tugs you closer, and he whispers a soft goodnight.
D.C. is a little cloudy when you wake up. The light peeks through your blinds and you’re made aware of the man sleeping beside you when you realize your face is buried in his chest. Your good arm is beneath you while the other is on top of the blanket. Aaron’s arms are encircled around you and when you feel his warmth. 
You don’t rush to wake him up. Being here with him somehow feels right despite the part of your brain telling you he’s your boss and nothing more. But Aaron wouldn’t stay with you if he didn’t want to, right? 
Part of you thinks he’s doing it just because he feels guilty. You know that there’s some truth to that, but you wonder if it’s the only reason he elected to take care of you. But you decide it’s too early to think about this. Instead, you close your eyes and bask in Aaron’s warmth, and fall asleep again. 
This time, Aaron wakes you up twenty minutes after you fall back asleep. His arms are numb from your weight and he feels like he might try to kiss you if he doesn’t wake you up. 
Your eyes flutter open and you bury your head in his neck. Aaron doesn’t bring himself to push you off of him. He pulls you against him and the both of you lay in silence for what feels like an eternity. 
Eventually, Aaron has to leave because Jack’s coming home from a sleep away camping trip. He apologizes a thousand times over because he knows he said he wasn’t going anywhere, but you tell him that Jack is more important. An unrecognizable expression flashes across his face before he’s out the door, promising you that he’ll call to check in once Jack’s home.
And he does. Aaron calls you a few hours later when Jack’s in the shower and asks you how you’re feeling, if you’ve taken your medication, and if he needs to do anything for you. You decline for his help despite desperately wanting him back in your apartment.
When night falls, Aaron lets Jack stay up an hour later than usual. They’re watching cartoons from the nineties when Aaron gets a sudden idea. He pauses the television and turns to Jack.
“Do you remember Y/N?” Aaron asks his son.
“Of course I do,” Jack says. “She’s the one who buys me snacks when I come to visit you.” 
“That’s right, buddy.” Truthfully, Aaron didn’t know you’ve continuously done that for Jack. But he rolls with it. 
“Is she okay?”
Aaron knows Jack can tell something’s up.
“Not really,” Aaron replies honestly. “She got hurt real bad in our last case and broke her arm.”
Jack opens his mouth in surprise. “Oh no. Do you think she’ll get better soon?”
“I hope so. She needs a lot of help right now because she lives alone.”
“Well she can stay with us until her arm is better,” Jack says as if it’s the most obvious solution in the world. Aaron can’t help but smile through his shock. 
“I’ve gotta ask her first, but I think that’s a great idea. That’s actually what I wanted to ask you.”
“It’ll be fun!” Jack exclaims. “Me and Y/N can watch cartoons while you’re at work and she can help me with my homework. She’s nice like that.” 
“Yes she is,” Aaron says, nodding. 
“Do you think I should make her a card so she feels welcomed in our home? I think I have leftover paper and glitter. Girls love glitter.”
“Y/N would love that. I’m going to talk to her first and if she agrees to stay over, you can make her a card.”
“Yay! This is gonna be the best sleepover ever.” 
Aaron’s ecstatic that Jack’s receptive to the idea. He calls you the next morning and proposes the idea of staying at his place until your cast comes off. When you lament how long that’ll be from now, he insists and tells you Jack was the one who came up with the idea.
You can’t say no to Jack. 
Aaron helps you gather belongings from your apartment and tells you that he’ll drive you back here or pick you up any time you want or need to. You double check that you’ve packed enough clothes for a week.
It’s a gradual and awkward start. You feel out of place as you try to navigate his apartment and where he keeps everything, not wanting to feel like you’re already welcomed in his home. But Aaron keeps reminding you that his home is your home and you don’t need permission since you’ll be here for a while.
Jack is sweet, too. He helps you by telling you where everything is stored and goes so far as to hold your hand while doing so. He insisted on tucking you in while you slept in the guest bedroom just to make sure you were comfortable on your first night, and you thought you might start crying in front of him.
At first, you walk on eggshells. You tiptoe around the boys and feel like a burden when Aaron brings home dinner for three or when he buys extra groceries, especially when he refuses to let you chip in. Jack tries to ease your worries after sensing your discomfort by asking you to build legos with him and you do your best despite the pain in your arms.
Aaron reminds you of your medication (and in turn, Jack asks you if you’ve taken your pills), cooks your favorite comfort meals, and drives you to mandated therapy sessions whenever he has the time. It warms your heart at how helpful he’s been since you know how busy he is typically, and you’re not sure what to make of your emotions. 
Time passes by and suddenly staying with Aaron feels somewhat normal. You’re off of work until your arm is healed and you’ve seen your therapist a number of times, and you know you have a couple of months of doing whatever you want until you go back into the field. Against the advice of Strauss, you continue to help with cases and the paperwork load so Aaron can spend more time with Jack.
Gradually, you start to feel comfortable when you’re alone. You use his kitchen, clean his dishes, and busy yourself with tidying Jack’s messes. You explore his neighborhood and have found a few cafes and restaurants you’d like to try out. You feel more comfortable lounging on his couch instead of keeping yourself in the guest bedroom.   
It feels domestic and you can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing. There’s still so much left unsaid, including how you’ve felt being his subordinate prior to your abduction. Aaron’s apologized over and over again, has given you time to heal from it and chooses not to ask for forgiveness in lieu of letting you find it yourself. It means a lot. Deep down, you know Aaron isn’t a bad person. You just wish you knew why you were different.
A week turns into two, then into three, and soon enough you find yourself caring after Jack. You feel useless if you sleep in and start waking up early to make breakfast as best you can for everyone (limited to cold breakfasts until you start to feel confident using your dominant arm when it’s out of the sling). Aaron walks into the kitchen to see you making oatmeal one day and you’re worried that you’ve overstepped, but he thanks you profusely.
Jack waddles in and he takes the oatmeal without question and asks if you can put brown sugar and fruit in it. You look around and see apples and blueberries, and Jack chooses the blueberries. He watches as you fix him a bowl and eats his breakfast in silence.
It becomes a routine for you after growing tired of doing nothing all day. Helping Aaron’s around the house as best you can, working remotely on cases, and spending time in his neighborhood feels like you’re recording.
Jessica, Jack’s aunt, has been informed of your stay by Aaron. You’ve met her before in passing but have never spoken to her in depth before staying with Aaron. She picks him up and drops him off, making small talk with you about her life and about your work. It goes so far as coffee dates when she’s available and it feels like your life is getting back on track.
Meanwhile, Aaron realizes he’s bit off more than he can chew when he sees you every morning. He hears your morning voice and finds himself wanting to wake up to it every day. He sees the way you are with Jack, how thoughtful and helpful you’ve been, and thinks it’s where you belong.
And it hurts. It hurts to know that all of his suppressed feelings are suddenly coming to the surface.
Your cast is coming off later today and you’re due for another mandated therapy session and a psychological evaluation before you’re able to return to work. He’s elated, but that means you’re okay to return to your apartment and he’ll have to get used to the house being empty.
Aaron’s parked his car at Quantico and he glances at you in the passenger seat. Your arm sling and cast are gone and you look as good as new, but he’s reluctant to step out of the car. You look back at him, hands fiddling in your lap.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you begin. “I don’t know what I’d do without you and Jack.”
“You’d be just fine,” Aaron assures. “But it was nice seeing you recover. Is your arm doing okay?”
“It’s like I never had a broken arm.” You flex it in front of him for emphasis. “My shoulder’s still a bit sore but I think my physical therapist has expedited the healing process.”
Aaron smiles. “Good. I’m glad.” 
A brief moment of silence falls between the two of you before you both get out of the car. Your therapist had asked you whether or not you were ready to integrate yourself back with the team and was scheduled to supervise your initial day back in the office. You’re apprehensive, however, because you know that you never perform well if you’re being watched closely. 
JJ’s the first to greet you when you walk through the doors. The office smells the same and it looks the same, but it doesn’t feel the same. You spend a few extra seconds embracing JJ and gather that she needs this hug more than you do.
Everyone files in and it’s barely eight in the morning. David congratulates you on recovery, Derek and Penelope bombard you with jokes that make your stomach hurt, Emily shows you photos of Sergio upon your request, and Spencer gives you a side hug and tells you he’s glad you’re doing better.
The therapist arrives soon after and you’re on your best behavior without making it seem like you’re trying to be. 
In the end, she permits you to return back to the BAU with the promise of continuing therapy. She refers to you to a few others and tells you that you should try to go in at least once a week, or however frequently your job lets you. You’re clear to fly, yield your gun, and you’re reinstated as a profiler with the BAU.
Aaron drives you back to his place to pick up your belongings before he drives you back to your apartment. He and Dave had been kind enough to drive your car back to your place, where it’s been sitting untouched.
The ride is filled with music from the eighties and you’re so elated from your first day back at work that you don’t mind singing in front of Aaron and pretending you’re shredding on an electric guitar. He takes his time getting home, taking the long way instead of the direct route, and he doesn’t think you notice. Aaron hopes you don’t.
But he arrives at his place and Jessica’s greeting you at the front door, happy to see you’ve recovered before she goes home. The sun has barely set and Jack walks out behind his aunt, asking you what’s for dinner.
You’re stunned for a moment as the realization that this all ends tonight. Staying with Aaron, falling into a life of balancing work and domesticity comes to an end when he drops you off at your apartment. Jack’s tugging on your elbow and Aaron scolds him because you might still be in a little bit of pain. He apologizes sweetly.
Aaron beckons you inside where you've started to pack your belongings. The luggage you've brought seems smaller than when you brought it, as you find it difficult to pack everything. You make the bed and set the room as you found it (to the best of your recollection), and you’re ready to put your shoes on when Aaron rounds the corner.
“I was thinking we could have one last meal here.” He clears his throat. “To celebrate your recovery.”
You don’t hesitate. “I would love that. I finally get to show you my cooking skills.” 
Aaron smiles and Jack runs to your legs, beckoning you to the kitchen. You settle on making oven baked chicken with mashed potatoes and honey glazed carrots, all of which Aaron had in his refrigerator. Jack asks how he can help and you’re touched when he brings a stool to perch on, and you tell him he can help you by rinsing the potatoes. 
Aaron offers to help and you look at him with a silly grin, letting him prepare the carrots while you prepare everything else. Halfway through the process, Jack becomes somewhat irritable because of hunger and because the entire kitchen smells like a Thanksgiving feast. But he relents and waits for the meal to be done when you tell him the food always tastes better when it’s cooked longer.
You almost forget it’s your last time with Aaron and Jack when you eat your meal together. You forget it when Jack insists on ice cream for dessert and when Aaron makes you a cup of tea just the way you like it. You forget about it until Jack asks his father if he can be there when he drops you off at your apartment. 
Your heart breaks a little. Aaron agrees and lets you grab your belongings while he buckles Jack in the car. Your luggage is in the trunk by the time Aaron is done and he opens the passenger door for you before getting in the car himself. Jack talks the entire ride, thanking you for dinner and lamenting how much he loved spending time with you. Aaron’s grip on the steering wheel is tight and he doesn’t think his heart could swell any bigger.
Eventually, the boys walk you up to your floor and Jack lunges at your abdomen after the three of you have walked into your living room. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” Jack mumbles in your sweater.
“You’ll see her around, buddy. She’s not leaving the team,” says Aaron.
“But I’ll miss Y/N at home. I like spending time with her there.” 
You and Aaron share a look. You can’t tell what he’s thinking but you know you’re unable to control the influx of emotions that will eventually spill out of you when they leave. 
“Me too,” Aaron says quietly. 
They leave soon after that.
You spend an hour crying in your living room and you haven’t unpacked your suitcase. Living with Aaron and being so close to him made you realize how your feelings for him, albeit complicated, have always been there. 
You love him. You love his generous nature. You love the adoration he has for Jack and for his team. You love how he knows your beverages of choice and how gentle he’s been with you. You love the way he says your name and you love that you feel right at home with him.
It’s ten o’clock when you grab your phone and you know Jack’s been asleep for at least an hour. You dial Aaron’s contact and in your anxious state of mind, nearly regret your actions. But he picks up and you hear the sweet melody of his voice through the phone. Your voice falters at first, but you push through them anyway. You’re sure Aaron can hear your voice post-crying because of how raspy your voice is, but you don’t care.
You tell him you think you love him and it’s not because he’s been taking care of you. You pour your heart and soul into this speech and you panic when he doesn’t say anything.
“This’ll be one hell of a story we tell Strauss.”
And you laugh. You laugh because you know Aaron feels the same and you laugh because facing paperwork and recounting this conversation to Strauss doesn’t seem like the most frightening thing in the world anymore.
But just for good measure, Aaron tells you he loves you too. 
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fanficimagery · 8 months
Violent Little Thing
To the Sons of Anarchy, you're just Happy's neighbor that doesn't care for drama or the fact that they wear kuttes. But in actuality, you've dealt and probably have done far worse, and it isn't until you're kidnapped that they find out your secret.
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Author's Note: Long time no see, huh? Does this mean I'm back? Hell no. This has been sitting in my drafts since mid-2023 and thought it was time to go out. For never having seen more than a few episodes, I love these SOA boys. I'm not super familiar with the lingo or clubhouse etiquette, so this is gonna take place away from that particular setting. Trigger warning for graphic violence and attempted sexual assault (it doesn't get far). Reader is gonna be a little… off the rails. Blame all the dark romance I've been reading lmao.
Before moving into your new home, you knew it was going to be a fixer upper. Fortunately for you, you loved working with your hands, and after having been banished to Charming in hopes of calming your inner demons, you were going to have a lot of time to do just that. But the joke was on your family because there was no calming your demons. People just needed to learn to not piss you the fuck off.
When you get to the house, however, you see that a majority of the work has already been done for you. The only thing left for you to do is paint the walls, rearrange furniture, and unbox your belongings. The electricity and water are already turned on, and wifi has been installed with your password on a sticky note.
The master bedroom is huge and you love it, but you don't have nearly enough belongings to fill it. Your queen-sized bed looks tiny and you immediately want something bigger. So heading back outside to your vehicle, you grab your bag that has your laptop inside and head back in. Setting up at your kitchen island, you search for a place that will deliver any type of food and beverage. You find a pizzeria just on the outskirts of town that will deliver to Charming, so you place a quick order. It's a forty minute wait period, so to pass the time you start looking up bedroom ideas.
You run across a California king bed, but none really catch your eye. What does catch your eye, however, are the DIY beds that touch from one side of the wall to the other. You take your laptop back to your bedroom so see if it's do-able, and come to the conclusion that it is. You'll have to add some floating shelves since you won't be able to have bedside tables, but that's perfectly fine with you. You then take the time to get down the measurements of your room because you still have to situate your dresser and mount your TV to the wall, and you need to make sure everything will fit.
Eventually your food gets there and, sitting at the kitchen island, you dig in. You slowly eat and drink your fill, and then place any leftovers in the already cool refrigerator.
Needing some bathroom necessities and sheets for your current bed, you unload your vehicle. You place each box in their respective rooms, but leave them mostly boxed up. And not wanting to get any TV's mounted or bed fully put together since you still have to paint the walls, you remain on your laptop to pass the time and send messages to your family to let them know you're okay.
It takes you a couple of weeks to build your bed frame, get in your special ordered mattress, and paint the walls to your liking. You do most of your building in the driveway, so you've become accustomed to the people living on your street, waving at them as they pass or call out a greeting. But there's one individual everyone seems to steer clear of or avoid eye contact with, and that's your next door neighbor who rides a motorcycle and proudly wears a Sons of Anarchy kutte.
You had first seen the intimidating, bald man when he showed up a couple days after you moved in. You'd looked up when you heard the rumblings of engines and watched two motorcycles pull into the driveway next door. You paused hammering for a moment, nodded at the two men who took a moment to stare back, and then went back to work.
Over the next few days, men came and went from next door. And each time, they were intrigued watching you work. But eventually your bed frame was finished and you had to situate it in your bedroom. Maneuvering the mattress was no easy feat, but you were not about to ask for help, and it didn't take you long to finally finish furnishing your home to your liking.
As busy as you've been, you haven't really had the time to eat a home cooked meal. So after everything, you took a trip to the grocery store and bought hundreds of dollars of food and drink to stock your kitchen with.
The air is finally cool and crisp, so all the windows to your home are wide open. You'd been feeling a little restless, so you opted to cook a meal that would keep you busy. Enchiladas, rice, and beans is one of your favorite meals, so after making sure you have everything, you put a pot of beans to cook. They have to cook for a few hours, so while that's going on you get online to check in with your family.
When the beans are done, you get started on browning hamburger meat. Setting a majority of the meat aside, you use only a bit for the enchilada sauce. You pour in water, flour, spices, and some canned chili until it's to your liking, and then heat up some corn tortillas before you start rolling the enchiladas. After they're in a pan that holds far too many for only you, you pour the enchilada sauce on top before shredding some cheese atop of it. Once that's in the oven, you get started on a pan of rice.
It's when the rice is boiling that your doorbell rings. A little tired and more than a little hungry, you grab up your beer after turning off the rice, and take a swig of it on your way to the door. Since the door is wide open, you can easily see who's standing just on the other side of the screen door. It's one of the Sons, one of the only two with brown skin that you've seen so far. But this isn't the intimidating bald one, this is the one with a shaved mohawk down the center of his head and a killer smile.
You arch an eyebrow at him as he tucks his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and you take another swig of beer as you lean against the door jamb. "Yes?"
The corner of his eyes crinkle as his smile widens. "Hi. Uh, me and my boys are chilling next door and we couldn't help but smell whatever it is you're eating. You mind sharing the name of the place where you picked up your food from so we can go get some too? Smells really good."
Your lips twitch. "Who said I picked anything up?"
"You cooking?" His eyes widen. "Bullshit."
You huff a laugh and nod. "YN."
"Mhmm." You push the door open just enough so you can lean out and peer next door, catching sight of two men sitting sideways on the seats of their bike. "Just you three?"
You hum again and then back into your home as the screen door shuts quietly. "I've been watching you guys come and go, nodding cordially when our gazes clash," you say. "If you're willing to leave your shoes by the front door, you're more than welcome to pull up a seat at the table."
"Sure." You shrug. "I never learned how to cook for one, so I might have made an entire tray of enchiladas that will most likely go to waste if someone else doesn't eat them."
"Oh hell yeah." Juice turns, cupping his hands around his mouth as he says, "Yo! Free meal! Get over here!"
You watch as one man eagerly gets off his bike, whooping in delight of free food. The other, the one you believe actually lives next door, casually gets up at a leisurely pace. You push open the screen door as they're stomping up your porch steps, and Juice introduces you to Tig and Happy. You do your best not to smile because Happy does not look quite so happy, but he grunts a greeting when you tell them your name.
As Juice steps into your home, he's quick to kick off his shoes and tell his boys to do the same. They do and then you lead the way to the kitchen, pointing at your table. "Siéntate."
"Ohhh. A Spanish lady," Tig muses as Juice translates for him to sit down as you instructed. When you glance at him, his wild-crazed gaze makes you snort. "I like 'em a little spicy."
"And I like 'em less talkative." Happy and Juice both snort, and Tig beams at your sassy retort. "Beer or soda?"
Tig and Happy take beers, and Juice takes a soda. You serve them each their own plate of three enchiladas, a scoop of rice, and a scoop of beans. You serve yourself last with a glass of water, and finally take a seat to dig into all your hard work.
"Goddamn," Tig grumbles after his first bite of everything. "This is some Mexican restaurant level shit here."
You grin as you eat at your own pace, feeling content at watching three grown men finding your cooking delicious.
"So what's your story?" Juice asks. "In all the times I've come around, it's just you here."
"That's because it is just me here."
"Why Charming?"
You take a moment to swallow your food, washing it all down with a sip of water as you lean back in your chair. Then glancing between each man and the patches on their kuttes, you ask, "Do you want the real story or the story I'm feeding anyone who asks in polite small talk when they see a new face in the store?"
All three men slow their eating, their gazes sliding up to you in surprise.
"What's the story you tellin' the locals?" Tig asks.
Placing a hand over your heart and changing your voice so you sound like a southern belle, you say, "Just that I just left a very nasty relationship and my family thought I deserved a fresh start away from the man who dared lift a fist in my direction."
Tig snorts. "And the real story?"
You chuckle as your voice goes back to normal. "My family thought I needed to calm my inner demons, so they banished me to Charming. Joke's on them, I've made peace with my demons. It's not my fault people keep pissing me off."
Tig and Juice laugh as Happy smirks at you.
"What'd you do to earn banishment?" Juice wonders.
You shrug. "I wasn't joking about the nasty relationship. I just leave out the small detail that once I was out of the hospital, I went crawling back to my dickhead of an ex-fiancé and plotted my revenge."
"Crazy and you can cook. Marry me," Tig says.
You shake your head at him, eating a bit more before finishing the story. "I was raised to take no shit from anyone. So after he put me in the hospital, I made him believe all was well. Then one night, when he least suspected it, I slipped him a little something so he was conscious, but paralyzed, and set fire to his house."
The three men freeze, but you continue eating as if it was no big deal.
"Did you- did you kill him?" Juice warily asks.
"Unfortunately, no." You pout and then laugh at their awed expressions. "He had nosy neighbors so they were able to get the firetrucks there as soon as they smelled smoke. But when my family found out, they said I was sloppy, so I got shipped out here."
"Yoo.. what the fuck?" A moment of quiet ensues and then Juice is laughing. "That has to be the craziest shit I've heard in a while."
"I highly doubt that." Your gaze drops to the patch on his kutte. "I'm sure you've heard, seen, or taken part of some pretty crazy shit." When you meet his gaze again, you smirk. "Am I wrong?"
Juice grins and then looks at Happy. "Your neighbor is cool as shit. I'm kind of jealous." The air of amusement lingers as everyone continues to eat. "So what do you do for work?"
"I do some IT stuff for my family." You shrug. "I can work from anywhere, so I guess I'll still be doing that. What about you boys? What do you do other than ride?"
"We work at Teller Automotive," Tig says. "Only car garage in town."
"Really? Do you guys have any openings this week? I need my oil changed."
"Sure. We'll leave a number before we leave."
The rest of dinner is spent with the men telling you what there is to do in Charming and asking how long you plan on staying. You're not really sure, but if you end up liking Charming then you have no issues setting down roots. And then when dinner is done and you've seemed to exhaust all the small talk topics, you plate up the leftovers and send the men on their way.
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Over the next couple of weeks, you befriend your neighbor. You take your vehicle into Teller Automotive and Happy takes it upon himself to take care of it for you. Tig and Juice had kept you company, and introduced you to a few of their other brothers when they took interest in their new friend. You were invited to one of their parties and, after some pressuring, you went. Nothing shocked you, not even a few members of the club getting head in plain sight, but Happy apparently shocked everyone else by gluing himself to your side. According to the club President, Happy was normally found in the ring outside or fucking his way through croweaters, but that night he made sure that no one bothered you.
Then more often than not, Happy reaped the benefits of your cooking and appeared for dinner before taking leftovers home for lunch.
In such a short period of time, you grow accustomed to the stern biker's company.
One morning, you're startled awake by the doorbell ringing and a fist pounding on the door. You sit up and scoot out of bed, hurrying towards your front door in a groggy, yet panicked state. But before you pull the door open, you peer out one of the thin windows on one side of your door. It takes a moment for you to realize it's Happy and that the sky behind him is still dark.
Unlocking the door, you pull it open. "What the fuck, Hap? What's going on?"
With a duffel bag hanging off his shoulder, Happy looks you up and down. "You always answer the door like this or am I just special?"
You freeze and then glance down, rolling your eyes when you remember you went to sleep in a gray wife beater, that makes it very obvious you're not wearing a bra, and a pair of hipster underwear. "Neither. You're lucky."
"Sure." You narrow your eyes at him and he smirks. "I forgot the bills were due and everything got shut off. Can I crash here until I get it sorted?"
Without missing a beat, you say, "Yeah," and step back from the door, opening it wider. "Shoes off. You know where the bathroom is and I'm pretty sure you can find the guest bedroom." You yawn and lock the door behind your friend. "What time is it?"
"Little after five."
"Happy," you whine. "S'too fuckin' early. M'going back to bed." As you pad back to your room, you don't hear any footsteps behind you. "Stop staring at my ass!"
"Can't help it. Might start dropping by early now."
"Do it and die, Lowman." Stopping and turning, you point an accusatory finger at him. "Do not come in between me and my bed. I will murder you."
His lips twitch. "Worth it."
. .
. .
It takes less than a week for Happy to get his power and water turned back on, and then he's back at his house. Though there are times when he shows up for dinner, dropping off on your couch when he's too tired to walk back home. Normally you would mind, but Happy knew how to clean up after himself, so you didn't mind that it seemed he was practically half moved in.
One night, you get a call from your brother that they need you to come in and work on cracking the passwords on a few laptops they'd gotten their hands on. You agreed, but first you needed to arrange someone to look after your house.
The next afternoon, you show up to Teller Automotive. You find Happy on a smoke break and ask him for a favor. When you ask him if he can keep an eye on your house for two days, he seems surprised, even more so when you give him a copy of your house key. You tell him he can crash there and eat whatever food you have so long as he doesn't trash the place. He readily agrees.
And when you return two days later, you realize you should have specified that he could crash in the guest bedroom. Finding a nearly naked Happy in your bed isn't half bad, nor is the firmness of his ass when you smack a hand down on it to wake him up.
Immediately he jerks awake, twisting his body as he sits up, and pointing a gun right at your face. You laugh and lick the tip of the barrel while wiggling your eyebrows at him. "Wakey, wakey."
"You're a fuckin' pyscho," he grumbles, lowering his gun.
"Yeah, well duh. You should have had that figured out a long time ago." He rolls his eyes before turning to drop down face first back into your pillow, shoving his gun back under it. You grin. "Was there something wrong with the guest room you've been using?"
"No. I just didn't know how fuckin' massive your bed was. It looked lonely without a body in it."
"Mhmm. I'm sure." He grunts and you chuckle as you crawl out of the bed. "I'm gonna go pick up some breakfast from the diner. Want anything?"
"Anything and everything."
"Gotcha. I'll text you when I'm on my way back."
. .
. .
The dynamic between you and Happy ended up changing after that fateful morning. When he slept over, it was in your bed. You hadn't crossed the line past lingering touches or innuendos, but it was a given that he was the only person allowed in your bed. You didn't care for the croweaters at the parties his club put on every Friday night, but the two of you made a statement when he rolled up one night with you seated behind him.
The Sons nearly gaped as Happy amped up his protectiveness, pulling you between his parted thighs as he took a seat on a stool at the bar. Tig and Juice had walked over, and Happy perched you on his knee as you joked with his brothers. The croweaters didn't bother to hide their glares or sneers, but you merely smirked at their cattiness and took to scratching the back of Happy's head with your nails when you'd draped your arm around his shoulders.
"So, is this a thing?" Jax, the club president, had asked.
You shrugged and grinned. "We're friends."
"Friends don't stake claims."
"We're possessive friends."
Happy had snorted but didn't correct you.
From there on out, it was known that you were Happy's.
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The Sons are relaxing at the clubhouse after a long day's work when blacked out Escalades and BMW's pull up. The atmosphere immediately goes from relaxed to tense, and the Sons flank their President when he walks out to the lot to see what the deal is.
Thug after thug exit the vehicles before opening the doors on two Escalades, ushering out four well-dressed men. None of them look like they'd be a person to fuck with, so Jax is extremely curious as to what the fuck is going on.
"Can I help you?" He asks, eyebrow arches as tattooed thugs flank the apparent important men.
"I hope you can." The one in charge reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a picture. "What do you know about this woman?"
When Jax is shown a picture, he mentally curses. It's Happy's neighbor and a friend to many Sons. He keeps his expression neutral, before shrugging. "Nothing. Should I?"
"She's my baby sister."
"Oh hell…"
"YN never misses check-in and she's missed two," the man explains. "It's come to my attention that she's made some connections to Happy Lowman, Juan Ortiz, and Tig Trager- all Sons of Anarchy. Do you understand why I'm here now?"
"Fuck, man, we didn't know. What can we do?"
"You can start by questioning your men to see if they'd heard from her."
At that, Tig steps forward. "I haven't seen or spoken with YN in a little over a week."
"What about Juan or Happy?"
Jax looks at his gathered men, frowning. "Where are Juice and Happy?" No one says anything, looking as confused as their President when they don't see their familiar faces. Then raising his voice, he asks, "Has anyone heard from Happy or Juice today?" Nothing. No one utters a peep. "What about yesterday?"
"Jax." Opie has his phone to ear, shaking his head. "Both are going to voicemail."
"Shit." Then turning around to face the slowly darkening expressions of YN's apparent brothers, Jax asks, "How can we help?"
. .
. .
When your eyes flutter open, every inch of your body is in pain.
"How the fuck does my hair hurt?" You groan. You try to sit up, but realize you're on your side, on dirt and hay, with your hands tied behind your back. "What the actual fuck?" Clearing your vision, you see that you're not alone. Happy and Juice are with you, but they're in chairs with their hands tied behind their backs and looking a little beat up.
"Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty," Juice tiredly muses.
"What happened?" Maneuvering around some, you manage to sit up.
"Kidnapped," Happy says. "They injected us with some shit, but they gave you too much."
You grimace as you roll your neck. "Dicks." It's dim in the empty barn you're being kept in, but you can see sunlight through the cracks of the walls. There are stalls for animals on either side of you, all empty, and a table filled with various blades and weapons not too far away. Your aching arms are your main priority though, so you move into a crouch and wiggle your tied wrists under your butt. With a grunt, you fall backward and maneuver your hands until they're situated in front of you. "Ah. That's better."
"Get up and grab a blade so we can get the fuck outta here," Happy urges.
You do as you're told, mentally scoffing at the thought that these morons didn't think to bind your ankles. Unfortunately, you're not so lucky as someone had been watching from the shadows. So just as you're reaching for a blade, that someone jumps out at you and roughly pins you against the table.
Bent over with your arms above your head and someone pressed up right against you, you immediately start thrashing and cussing out whoever it is. Happy and Juice shout, and start wriggling in their own seats when a hand then pins you to the table by the back of your neck.
"So close, princesa." A man tuts and you jerk in his hold, but still he persists. Laughter causes you to look up, watching as another two men step out from behind Happy and Juice. "Is that anyway to talk to your host?"
"Fuck. Off."
"Oh, I will." Just then, a hand grips your waist and squeezes, and you freeze. "Just not yet. I have some questions for you."
"Don't you fucking touch her."
When you glance up at Happy, there's a look on his face that you've never seen before. You know what he does for the Sons, but you'd never seen that particular dark look or glint in his eyes, and for a moment it steals your breath away. Then you remember that look isn't meant for you, and you squirm a little as the man behind you laughingly presses his pelvis into your ass. "Or what?"
Juice answers, "Or we'll fucking kill you."
That causes all three men to laugh some more.
"Doubtful. But thanks for the laugh." Then the man behind you focuses on you once again. "Besides, my business isn't with you, but with the princesa de la mafia."
You tense. "I don't know anything."
"Aw. Of course, you don't," the man coos. "I would hope that your brothers are smart enough to never let a woman in on their secrets. But then again, you are the baby sister of one of the most dangerous mafias in the United States. I'm pretty sure you know something that I can use to hurt those brothers of yours."
You manage to angle your head just enough so you can make eye contact with Happy. He meets your stare, and you see it subtly soften, but then he's glaring at the man holding you once more. "I won't sell out my brothers."
"No?" The man releases your neck, only to trail his fingers down from your ribs to hips. "I don't want to mess up such a pretty face, but you do know there are other ways to break you and get you to talk, right?"
And then before you can answer, he's grabbing the back hem of your shirt and ripping it down the middle.
You yelp just as Happy shouts, "You motherfucker!", and squirm to get away. Across from you, Happy and Juice are pummeled a few times until they stop trying to break the chairs they're bound to.
The man rubs a hand up and down your back, fiddling with your bra strap, but never unsnapping it. You feel gross, but it's only when the guy reaches around to fiddle with the button on your jeans does red cloud your vision.
"Hey, Hap?" You manage to meet Happy's livid gaze. "Remember when I spoke about my demons?"
"They desperately wanna come out to play."
"Shut the fuck up, you whore!" The man slaps you across the back of your head and you grit your teeth, biding your time.
Happy slowly smirks. "Then let them out to play, baby."
The moment the button on your jeans is opened, you scream at a pitch that startles every man in the room. Then pushing up as much as you can, you headbutt the man behind you. As he swears, you reach for the first handle you see and are pleasantly surprised to find a small machete. Then without even thinking, you whirl around and swing the blade, catching your would-be abuser in the neck with the blade.
Blood sprays as you immediately tug the blade free, leaving the man to try and cover his wound as he splutters on his own life force. From the corner of your eye, you see someone running at you, but another swing of the machete finds a home in the second man's face.
As the man falls back with a scream unlike anything you've ever heard, he takes the machete with him. Happy and Juice shout at you, and it's then you remember the third. He's running at you, a small blade in hand, and you reach for the nearest weapon. It's a metal bat and just as you rear back to swing, he swings first. The blade makes contact with your bicep, slicing it open, but you only feel the sting of it after you swing.
The bat clips the man in the jaw, stunning him. As he stumbles back, you advance. He sloppily swipes at you again, but you dodge it. The second hit with the bat hits true, catching him in the temple.
The man falls and you're quick to stand over him, bringing the bat down a third time.
The bat connecting for a fourth time makes Juice cringe, but Happy proudly watches on.
Thwack. A scream.
"Shit. I think that was his skull," Juice mutters.
YN screams as she continues to wail on the man with her bat, caving his skull further and further in, to the point there's now a puddle of blood beneath his head and splattering with every pull back.
The barn doors open, and Happy and Juice tense when armed men start to file in, but they exhale with relief when they see Jax, Tig, Chibs, and Opie in the mix. All the unfamiliar men take in the scene with an air of indifference, but it's the expressions of the Sons that almost make Happy laugh out loud. They'd only known YN to laugh, feed them, or threaten the croweaters with violence. None of them, with the exception of himself, Juice, and Tig, knew the violence she was capable of.
"Uh, a little help?" Juice calls out. "My arms are killing me over here."
Tig rushes over, pulling out a blade to cut his brothers free. "What the fuck happened?"
"One of them threatened to rape her and she just lost her shit."
Juice is cut free first, and he immediately stands, rubbing his raw wrists. As Jax checks in with him, Happy is cut free.
"Boss, should we stop this?" Someone asks.
Happy looks over in time to see a guy in a suit grimace when blood is flung onto his pristine boots. "Do you want to get in the middle of that? You know how YN is. Let's just let her run out of steam."
As the guy steps back in line with a nod of agreement, Happy huffs and stands. He stalks over to YN until he's behind her. Then when she raises the bat high above her head, Happy lunges. He manages to grip the bat where it isn't slick and pulls it from YN's grasp.
Still very much livid, especially now that your weapon's been ripped from you, you whirl around to start screaming expletives and pummel whoever it is with your bound fists. Instead, arms are wrapped around you, keeping your arms stuck between your chest and another, and there's a gruff voice in your ear saying, "It's over. It's over, baby. The cavalry's here. You can stop now."
It takes a long minute for the voice to infiltrate the fog of rage, and then a moment to realize who's speaking.
When your struggles cease, Happy leans back a little to look down at you, but with his arms still wrapped around you. "You back?"
"Y-Yeah. M'sorry."
Happy grunts and leans his face closer to yours, and for a moment you think he's about to kiss you. Instead, he presses his forehead against yours as his eyes close, and he exhales with relief. "Don't be. That was hot as fuck."
You huff a quiet laugh as a bout of silence ensues, but then one of your brothers decides to ruin it.
"Hey, Lowman, we'll give you a million dollars if you give her your last name and take her off our hands."
You jerk in Happy's hold, turning to glare at all your smirking brothers. "Fuck off!" Laughter ensues at your disgruntled expression before Juice fills them in on what happened, and then Happy is tugging on your bound wrists so you look back at him before finally cutting you free. "Thank you."
One hand grasps the hair at the back of your head, gripping a little tight as he holds you in place so he can press a kiss to your forehead. "Let's get you home. You're covered in blood, and I need to take a look at your arm."
Glancing at your arm, you shrug. It stings, yeah, but it doesn't seem deep enough. And then just as you go to take a step, Happy swoops you up into a bridal carry.
It's then you notice that you, Happy, and Juice are all barefoot, and it's Juice who answers your unasked question. "You sleep like the dead, girl. Happy and I heard them enter the house, but they still managed to get the drop on us."
"I'm getting you a goddamn dog," Happy grumbles in response.
"Only if you clean up after it." He grunts and you grin. If he wanted a guard dog for you, then he was cleaning up any messes.
Outside the barn, suggestions are made about where to go now. Jax suggests the clubhouse, but at the wrinkling of your nose, Happy says you'll be going home. Your brothers mention not everyone can go because that many vehicles will draw attention, so Jax suggests sending your brothers' men back to the club with Opie and Chibs. They agree, and then you're loaded up into an Escalade with your brothers and Happy.
When you get to your house, Tig mentions that they had cleaned up and straightened your furniture after they figured out what had happened. You thank him and let Happy carry you to your bathroom while Juice takes the guest bathroom.
As Happy sets you on the counter, you watch as he gets the first aid kit from beneath your sinks. "They're gonna talk."
"Let them. The club already thinks we're fuckin'."
You snort. "Please. They should know by now that I'd never settle for a relationship where the guy gets to fuck around when he's on the road." Happy freezes with the antiseptic spray bottle in his hand before shaking himself free of thought and spritzing your arm where you were cut.
"Is that why you haven't given me the go-ahead to slip between your thighs?"
You smile at his blunt question and then wince when he wipes your arm clean. "Pretty much. I'm not a fan of my partner sticking his dick or tongue in some rando pussy, then coming home and doing the same to me." Happy grunts and you arch an eyebrow at him. "Would you be okay with me visiting my brothers and sucking someone's dick before coming home to you?"
"Fuck no."
"Exactly." You grin triumphantly. "So, unless you plan to stop dicking down croweaters or sweetbutts, the most you'll get out of me is some cuddling."
Stepping back, Happy tosses the used gauze pads into the trashcan and then reaches into your shower stall to turn on the water. Then looking at you, he demands, "Strip."
"If I fully strip, there's no going back. You're mine and mine alone." You hop off the counter, slipping off your ruined shirt without batting an eye. "I was calm and collected at your parties before because we're friends, but that all changes after this. I won't take it easy on any woman touching what's mine."
Happy smirks as he eyes you in your bra and jeans, and then strips off his shirt. "Good."
You've seen the man shirtless only a handful of times, but seeing his ink never fails to give you pause. You reach out for the first time, tracing the snake tattoo that takes up a majority of his chest and upper abdomen, before you trace the various happy faces on the side of his waist. You feel his abdominal muscles twitch and then between one heartbeat and the next, Happy's crowding you against the sink counter and angling your head up.
His kiss is as aggressive as you figured it'd be, his tongue sliding against yours and teeth digging into your bottom lip. You give as good as you get, nails digging into either side of Happy's waist as you kiss him. Then when the need for air arises, you pull back and try to catch your breath. "Well okay then."
Moving out from Happy's reach, you strip, uncaring of your nudity and then step into the steaming shower. Happy isn't too far behind you, but you're not too interested in seeing him fully naked as you are cleansing a stranger's blood from your body. Standing under the waterfall, you watch as the shower floor turns red. Happy presses in close behind you so he's under the water as well, and you straighten up before leaning your head back onto his shoulder, smiling softly at his hardness that presses against your ass.
"No funny business, Lowman. At least not until we've eaten a fuck ton and slept for a day or two."
He grunts. "Agreed."
You immediately start washing your hair, and you're surprised when Happy takes it upon himself to lather up some soap on your bath pouf to wash your body. For the most part he behaves himself, but when his thumb oh so casually brushes over your nipples, you slap his thigh and pay him back when it's your turn to wash him. He grunts when you take his dick in hand and thrusts into your soapy palm, but you quickly release him to finish washing his body.
"Fuckin' tease."
"You started it."
You get out of the shower first, smirking as Happy tells you he'll be out in a moment. You know exactly what that moment's going to entail since his hand is already stroking his cock before you can even find a towel.
"You gonna want something to eat?"
"Send Tig to get burgers and fries."
Back in your room, you can hear a muttered conversation from somewhere in your house. Clutching the towel around your body, you stick your head out your door. "Tig!"
"Happy said to go get us some burgers, fries, and Cokes!"
"Do I look like a fuckin' maid?!" Tig appears in the hall, hands on his hips.
You grin at him. "No, but I do have a maid's costume. Wanna try it on?" Tig gapes and you laugh at his expression. "Come on, Tig. Please? You can grab some cash from the junk drawer."
"Fine. But only because I know Hap will murder me if I don't, not because I'm picturing you in a teeny tiny maid's outfit."
"Sure, buddy. Thank you!"
Tig grumbles as he turns to march out of your house and then you worry about getting dressed. You dress in nothing but a sports bra and boy short underwear, and then with a reluctant sigh you head to the front. Everyone's in your kitchen, sitting around your table, and your brothers groan when they see how little you're wearing.
"Oh, shut up. You've seen me in clothes like this before."
"In tights, not underwear," one brother grumbles.
"Just be glad they're boy shorts and not a g-string."
All your brothers groan yet again whereas the Sons find the interaction amusing. You take a seat at the table, grimacing a little and touching at your raw wrists.
"Let me get that for you," Juice says. He leaves to, no doubt, grab the first aid kit from the bathroom. Then taking a seat next to you, he asks, "Did Hap disinfect your arm?"
"Yeah. Just spritz it again and wrap it. It'll be fine."
As soon as Juice gets to work, Happy enters the kitchen in nothing but a pair of jeans hanging off his hips.
"Jesus," one of your brother's mumbles. "Are people suddenly allergic to clothes around here?"
You grin as Jax arches an eyebrow at his friend. "You have clothes here?" Happy nods and sits, and you quickly introduce him to your brothers while Jax looks at Juice to say, "You seem to know your way around this place too."
"It's because they practically live here when they're not at the clubhouse," you say. "Hap's moved his shit in my room, and Tig and Juice have slowly taken over my guest room." Then glancing at your brothers as if you didn't just drop somewhat of a bombshell on Jax, you ask, "So what the hell happened?"
Juice taps above one of your raw wrists and you situate them so he can disinfect them.
Your eldest brother meets your gaze. "There's a new family in town- Jimenez. They're trying to make a name for themselves and thought they could intimidate us." You scoff as your other brother's chuckle. "When they didn't get the reaction they were looking for, they came up with the bright idea to target the weak link. They thought they had the perfect candidate when they found out we had a baby sister."
"Joke's on them, you're fuckin' psycho," another brother muses.
"I'm not-"
"We literally walked in on you bashing a guy's head in."
"And let's not forget the whole reason you're in Charming is because you tried to burn down your ex's house while he was still inside."
"Or that one time you wrecked your car into that other girl's car all because she broke your friend's heart."
"That cunt cheated on him. She deserved every bit of karma I dished out."
Jax snorts, shaking his head. "Christ. You and Hap are gonna be a pain in my ass."
"You know it."
Tig shows up just after Juice is finished with your wrists. Juice then dishes out the food to you, Happy, and himself, and you get up to grab drinks from the fridge. As you settle back down, Jax and your brothers watch in surprise at how the three of you go to town on your provided meals.
"So, what exactly does one do as a mafia princess?" Jax wonders.
Chewing the food in your mouth, you only answer him after taking a drink of your soda. "I'm the family hacker. If they need a computer hacked into to gather information or scrub information, I get called in."
"So, in other words, you're female Juice," Tig says.
You laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, I am." Juice grins and you reach over to fist bump him.
You continue eating as Jax speaks with your brothers, listening as this small portion of the Sons of Anarchy are filled in about what business your family gets up to. When you're finished eating, you stand and start gathering up the trash to toss. While you're up, you grab yourself a glass of water and some Ibuprofen. Then after downing four pills, you head back to reclaim your seat at the table, only for Happy to gently grab you by the arm and tug you down onto his thigh.
Your brothers don't care about your new chair, but Jax, Juice, and Tig can't help but raise an eyebrow.
"So, is this a thing?" Jax wonders, gesturing between you and Happy.
As you drape an arm behind Happy's shoulders to settle more against him, you smirk. "What's the matter, Teller? Scared?"
He huffs and then stares at Happy, but the man beneath you merely says, "Gonna start drawing up a crow. Does that answer your question?"
The kitchen goes eerily quiet and then…
"Holy shit. Hap's actually gonna take a woman," Juice says in awe.
"This is a momentous occasion. We gotta throw a rager." The glint in Tig's eyes has you narrowing your own eyes at him.
"You just wanna see a girl fight. Don't you?"
"Hap's been possessive of you since you first showed up to the clubhouse, but now that you're staking a claim, the thought might have crossed my mind."
"Are you sure you wanna see that?" One of your brother muses. "YN might traumatize a few poor souls."
Tig smiles. "I look forward to it."
You roll your eyes at Tig's excitement about possibly seeing you fight and your brothers chuckle. The Sons really had no idea what they were in for when someone tested your patience.
Standing, you keep a hand on Happy's shoulder as you say, "Well as much as I love, like, and appreciate all of you, you need to go. I'm exhausted and I still need to sleep off whatever I was drugged with."
Jax grins. "Is that code for us to get the hell out so you can bang Happy's brains out?"
Snorting, you shake your head as your brothers all grimace. "No. I'm seriously exhausted. The fucking will come later after we're well rested. I have a feeling I'm gonna need loads of energy for Hap."
Your brothers all make noises of disgust as they stand, and you take a moment to hug and kiss each of their cheeks on their way out. You promise to call when you're feeling better and then you're ushering the Sons out as well.
Locking up after everyone has left, you head to your room where you find Happy stripping off his jeans. He's in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs as he pulls your blanket back before sliding under and you pad over to do the same. You meet him in the middle, laying on your side as you drape one arm over his abdomen. With your head on his arm, you snuggle closer and Happy reaches for your leg to have it draped over his thigh so you're as close as can be without actually laying on top of him.
"Were you serious? About the crow?" You ask right before you drift off.
"Does that freak you out?"
"Not really. But if I get your mark, you're getting mine."
Happy huffs. "And just what is your mark?"
"My lips and name." You run your hand across his abdomen before walking your fingers down to one of the few empty patches of skin, below his belly button and right beneath where the snake's tail curls. "Right here."
"Above my dick, you mean?"
Happy grunts and then squeezes you a little tighter to him. "We'll see, princess. Now get some sleep."
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 8 months
TF141 w/ a chubby girl♡
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A/N: I'm definitely all for "fictional characters don't have a type bc YOU are their type." But I dreamt of Johnny, and he was obsessed with tummies, so I had to write something <3
~Fi 🐝
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ♡
Kyle is such a cutie, I can't. First of all, he's always smiling like an idiot when it comes to you. Whether he's talking about you, admiring you or if your name is even just mentioned.
He's the biggest gentleman the world has ever seen!! Especially when you first start dating. He's holding all the doors for you, bringing you flowers and complimenting you every chance he gets. No, seriously, he will drown you in praises and compliments until you either tell him to stop before you overheat, or when you're such a flustered mess that he can't help but grin proudly at the affect he has on you.
He's the best boyfriend ever and you can quote me on that!!
Kyle is so, so gentle with you. Whether that's touches or how he talks to you. He's head over heels for you. I feel like he'd move in with you very fast. He just needs to be near you. Not necessarily in a touchy way like John, but only sitting next to you while either of you do your own thing makes him happy.
On a particularly good day, he lets out his teasing side. Kyle whistles at you or lovingly cat-calls you from across the living room. He's always making comments about your body when he's like this, telling you how hot you are. He will get touchy if you need more convincing.
Tightly wrapping his arms around your waist and jokingly poking your tummy while placing soft kisses on your cheek and down your neck.
On a lazy day when the two of you are just lounging in bed, he rests his chin on your thighs and shimmies your shirt up to your waist so he can trace any stretch marks you have on your stomach. He's just gently brushing the tip of his finger over them, mesmerized by how they seem to shimmer.
He definitely calls you his little Tiger as a cute nickname. Not only do you have the stripes, but you're fierce and strong, and he loves that about you. I'm not even kidding when I tell you he would trace your stretch marks for literal hours.
That's until you feel him stop, look down, only to see him having fallen asleep with his hands on your lower back.
If you ever feel sad or uncomfortable in your own skin, he'll take your hands and guide you in front of a mirror with him right behind you. Kyle would ask you to tell him all the things that bother you or that you don't think are pretty, and he'd tell you how he sees all those things.
They make you so uniquely you, so of course he loves them. Each one of your insecurities will get a little soft kiss from him, and sometimes, he shares some of his insecurities with you to show you that you're not alone.
Although, I don't think he has many physical insecurities (if any tbh) so you can't kiss them, but his lips and face will have to do. He's such a comforting personality. He'd be one of the best people to go to about things like this. He's not as radical in his methods as John, but they work just as well.
Kyle takes you out on cute dates all the time. Like at least once a week. It's his way of showing you off to other people. It's definitely more discreet than John, (he's learned a lot from his Captain/Friend) but he's always looking if other people whip their heads around and gasp in awe at how cute of a couple you are.
He takes pride in his relationship with you. He was positively beaming when an older couple came up to you and commented on how well of a match you were and that they were like that too when they were younger.
And when the old lady tells you what a beautiful young lady you are, you take the compliment with confidence, earning a squeeze from Kyle's hand in yours. He's so happy and proud of how far you've come.
And the boyfriend of the year award goes to... Kyle "Gaz" Garrick <3
Captain John Price ♡
John has a chubby wife in every universe and you can not and will not change my mind (chubby chaser Price *cough* *cough*). He's the perfect candidate for a bigger girl, are you kidding me???
He loves wholly and truthfully, and he will show you just how much he adores you if you ever doubt him.
He's just such a man, you know? He loves REAL women. Rolls, stretch marks, cellulite, body hair, scars. He's there for all of it. John loves nothing more than to come home to you. You're his home. You feel him sigh, and his shoulders slack every time he returns and hoists you into his arms. If he could merge with you and always be enveloped by your warmth and softness, he would.
Besides, he's got some huge hands, so he needs something to grab on to!
John is so incredibly touchy when he comes home from deployment. It might not seem like it with his stoic Captain facade, but he needs to have his hands on you whenever he can. He's always holding your hand, a hand on your cheek, squeezing your thigh, an arm slung over your shoulders, tracing patterns on your upper arm.
We all know he's built like an absolute wall of a man, and he will just snatch you away from whatever you were doing and plop you down in his lap just to hold you close. The comfort of your weight on his chest always makes him feel safe.
He loves to do this when he has reports to finish. John gets to hear you talk again, and he listens while he writes the reports and finishes off file after file.
In my mind, he loves to read, especially something like murder mysteries (add ten points if they have something historical in them) and, yeah, the couch is fine but he never reads more comfortably than when he has his head resting on your thighs, the best pillow in the house in his opinion, and holding your hand.
John is such a kiss fanatic. This goes along with his need to hold and touch you all the time (he's reassuring himself that you're safe and that you're the one thing he didn't fail to protect) he has his lips on your skin as much as he can. It doesn't even need to be a full kiss. His lips grazing over your neck or the back of your hand has him content as ever.
He would definitely be the best at reassuring you if you ever feel insecure about your body. He never lies and keeps this word. You have no choice but to believe him that you're the image of a carefully chiseled marble statue.
I feel like maybe he'd get a bit cheesy with his analogies, but he can't have you thinking less of yourself. It makes him sad, truthfully. He loves you with all that he is, and he will make you believe it and prove it to you.
John has definitely fallen on his knees before you and talked a solid half hour about how beautiful you are, that he loves every pound on you and that he would ask you to marry him over and over and over again.
The way he would show you off so much. He'd dress you in sparkly dresses and jewelery and just watch with a smirk as jaws fall to the floor and eyes widen when the pair of you attends an event.
He definitely polishes up his wedding ring 2 times a day just in case someone got the idea to hit on him, he can flash the ring and then follow it with a wide smile and a picture of you.
He loves how your softness and plumpness is such a nice contrast to his rugged and hardened edges.
You take care of him, and he takes care of you. And the curve of your tummy makes him smile when he remembers that you're home and shielded from everything he's seen.
You're John Price's sanctuary, his cushiony paradise, and he'll love you forever <3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ♡
Soap loves when you're wearing a (his) shirt, and it stretches over the outline of your tummy. The dip of your belly button and the curve of your soft pudge (I literally dreamt this. Not even kidding, he would NOT shut up about it. Best dream of my life) He gets weak in the knees.
You better be quick because when he sees that, this man will squish his face into your tummy so fast.
Johnny bites, too. Softly, of course, but he will gently gnaw and nibble on the fat of your stomach to his hearts content. If he was a cat, he'd be purring so loud that the walls shake.
He can't help it. You're so soft and squishy and lovable!! Soap loves to knead and grab at your body, just watching some of your chub spill through his fingers. He definitely gets cuteness aggression when it comes to you, pinching your cheeks (both pairs, hehe) and hugging you so tightly while gritting compliments through his teeth.
Basically, he loves you so much that he could explode.
Johnny wants you to drape over him like a blanket. Like a warm, soft, comforting blanket that gives him kisses. He actually gets a small crisis sometimes because he can't decide whether he wants you to sleep on top of him, or if he wants to bury his face in your tummy and knock out in 2 minutes.
If he chooses the latter, his snores vibrate softly into your skin. It's an odd feeling at first, but now it gives you comfort, knowing that he's alive and breathing. Because he does not care for that when he's face down in tummy-heaven and you have to pry him away to take a breath.
Johnny loves to have his hands on your hips. You're his stressball at this point. He'll always fiddle with a part of you. But your hips will forever be his favorite. He can grab handfuls of you and feel so much of you.
He will slide his hands past the sides of your panties and just hold your hips, your underwear, keeping them in place so nicely. Johnny will gently pinch the fat of your hips sometimes, just to see your reaction. It has him grinning like the cheshire cat, the cheeky bastard.
He thinks you're so pretty. Like so, so, so, so, so pretty. Johnny stares at you with heart eyes, a lovesick smile, and occasionally a dreamy sigh slips out. He can't help himself. You're so beautiful and perfect and his. You've definitely caught him pumping his fist in the air when he thinks you're not looking because he's so happy that he's yours.
Will brag about you so hard. To anyone and everyone. No one is safe. Not even the old lady in the shop he helped get something from a shelf. He's pulling up pictures on his phone or the one he particularly likes, of which he has a solid copy in his wallet.
He's so in love with you and your softness, it's insane.
One thing about Soap? He loves a good challenge. You come at him with that "I'm too heavy!" Bullshit Or you feel bad about being a bigger girl and you're already lifted off the ground while angry scottish rambling hits your ears. The absolute disbelief on his face when you even imply that you're not attractive or not his caliber. He will not have any of it!! You're perfect. He won't argue with you.
You wanna be manhandled? He'll manhandle you, sweetheart. Always carefully and lovingly, he would never, ever want to hurt you (even if you asked him to, bless his soul, he can't bring himself to do it). You're too precious to him! You wanna be carried like a princess? Say less, Bonnie, he's carrying you like a QUEEN.
Johnny is so strong. Like so fucking strong (I literally saw a video of Neil rep deadlifting 405, kill me now) and he will use it for and against you!!
Maybe you're being a little stupid (whatever that may entail for you personally lmao) and he's grabbing you and carrying you across the room.
Again, he loves the challenge. He'll push himself that little bit further when he trains in the gym and not only does he look good, but the surprise on your face when he comes back and suddenly he's strong enough to throw you over his shoulder?? So worth it.
The weight of you is the weight of your love, and Johnny MacTavish wants to be crushed by it <3
Simon "Ghost" Riley ♡
Upon meeting you, Simon does not care what your body looks like. Like at all. It's your personality that absolutely captivates him, and he feels himself drawn to you constantly.
Simon acknowledges that you're attractive, but he could really care less if you're big or small. He values different things. Simon is a deeply troubled man, so the way you love and trust is way more important to him than physical appearance.
That's not to say he doesn't notice the benefits he gets from having a chubby girlfriend over time. He's in love with you, period. Once that happens, there's no going back. The longer you're together, the more obsessed he gets with you and your soft body and curves.
You fit like puzzle pieces, like you were made to heal all his aches and cure all his ailments. He's not too keen on physical touch at first, but he becomes a fucking maniac for you. It's even more than with John, Simon always has you with him.
No matter where he needs to go, you're coming with him. And if it's some military thing and they say you can't come? He's not going. You're not going, he's not going. Easy.
You two always manage to mesmerize people. How ever did you, a soft little thing, get this behemoth of a man so soft?
Although only very few get to see Simon be an absolute sap. He would do absolutely anything for you. You're his deity, and he's a devoted follower, willing to give his soul to you. I feel like he's very lost sometimes, he doesn't know his place or purpose in the world. You give him a purpose.
Simon makes it his goal to come back to you each time. Adjusting back to civilian life is difficult for him, but you helped him find some methods and tasks that make it just that little bit easier.
He loves it when you cook him food. Simon eats a lot, and no offense to the Cook on base or the MRE's, but your food is just his personal heaven. Even if you can't cook many things, he appreciates it all.
He's very much a man of few words but meaningful actions. So, when you do something nice for him, he feels so loved. Words don't mean that much to him purely because of the amount of liars he's met, but when you do something, no matter how small, he engulfes you in a hug and presses his lips to your forehead.
You've helped him become a better version of himself simply by loving him, and he will forever be grateful to you.
When Simon finds you prodding and poking at yourself while staring in the mirror with a crease between your brows, he knows he has to do something.
He pulls you into his lap and gently holds your cheek while telling you how amazing and gorgeous you are. As I said before, he's not a man of many words, so this means a great deal coming from him. Simon loves everything about you. There are no flaws in his eyes. And yes, that does include the rolls of fat on your body and all the chub that comes with it. (let's be real, no matter how big you are, Simon could carry you with ease)
You're so soft. He uses you as his personal teddy bear. He holds you close to his chest, and he has never slept better than when you were pressed against him.
I also think he’d be the perfect man for a chubby girl because he doesn't need to be as afraid of breaking you. He's very rough, and you're so fragile to him. He's assured that you won't fall apart if he just as much as look at you.
Again, big hands, that fit perfectly on the curve of your tummy.
Simon loves taking baths with you. The intimacy and closeness combined with the warm water and gentle scents has his muscle relaxing like never before. He found that you're even softer when your wet bodies are smushed against each other.
Simon Riley is infatuated with you and your extra pounds make it that little bit better in his eyes <3
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
There's still so much more I could add, I love these boys to death <3
I thought you might be interested in this @bravo4iscool 👀
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sanarsi · 2 months
stepfather!reed richards x reader who is also a student of his in the uni PRETTY PLEASE. ANDDDD THEY'RE LIKE DOWN BAD FOR EACH OTHER BUT CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABT IT TYPE OF TENSION AND THEY SNAP BY THE END, LIKE- "I'm sick of pretending I don't love you but I do" SKSKSKSK PLS
Physics in Practice
stepfather!professor!Reed Richards x student!f!Reader
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Summary: You accidentally discover that your stepfather has a shameful soft spot for you. Reed has to deal with everything you decide to serve him after that. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader is in college, Reed is her professor, so idk, 20y), angst, sexual tension, arguing, friends to family to enemies to lovers trope, STEPFATHER!dom!Reed, pussy eating, unprotected PIV Wordcount: 5,6k An: That was a hot one. Thank you so much for the idea anon! I immediately woke up with the desire to write this. I hope you like it! Music I worked with: Falling to Pieces - Two Feet
For as long as you can remember, Professor Richards was your idol. You did everything to get into the department he headed. You did everything to become his best student.
You always came to extra classes. You always passed all the tests flawlessly. You were always the first to raise your hand to answer his questions.
Reed saw potential in you that no other student had. You were young and smart. You wanted to learn everything he could teach you. There was no better combination than a young mind full of enthusiasm.
That's why after your first year of college, Reed started giving you private lessons. Sometimes at his house, sometimes at yours. And as fate would have it, he and your mother decided to unite their lives through marriage.
Did it hurt? No. You were happy that your mother had found a decent and loving man. And you were even happier to have Reed every day.
You were a happy family. The perfect family.
Until one Saturday night.
You came back way too late from your friend's birthday party. Later than you promised. But all the lights in the house were off. You were relieved to find that your mother was probably asleep already so you would avoid the quarrel.
You slipped into the house as quietly as you could and winced at the click of the lock, which you turned as gently as you could. You took off your purse and coat, hanging everything on the hanger.
Why did everything suddenly make such loud noises?
You carefully took off your shoes placing them perfectly straight next to the men's shoes. How on earth did your stepfather have such big feet? You shook your head in surprise because you had never noticed it before.
You tiptoed through the hallway and up the stairs where you almost fell. Yeah, alcohol stopped being so great when you had to keep your balance.
You stopped at the top when you noticed a streak of light under the bathroom door. Your heart pumped adrenaline into your veins which made the alcohol lose its control over you.
You had to hide and wait. You didn't want your mother to come out of the bathroom just as you were sneaking into your room.
You took a step down the stairs when a muffled groan caught your attention. You glanced towards the door, recognizing that it wasn't your mother in the bathroom. Another groan made you involuntarily step closer to the door. You put your ear to it, frowning as a quiet gasp pierced the silence.
"Fuck yes, baby."
You opened your eyes wider hearing his growl and then you realized what was happening behind that door. You immediately decided to back away but before you could take a single step your heart froze.
Your name fell from his lips with a moan of pleasure. You stood staring into the darkness as your world collapsed in a split second. Blood roared in your ears as your legs led you to your room. You closed the door behind you and leaned against it with your full weight.
Finally you were able to catch your breath which almost made you choke. An unfamiliar feeling flooded your entire body as you began to realize what you had witnessed. You covered your mouth with your hand as a groan of terror escaped your throat. Tears of helplessness welled up in your eyes.
He was your stepfather. He was your family. He was your mother’s husband.
So why did your name fall from his lips in the middle of the night behind closed doors?
Why did your name fall from his lips when he came?
What happened that night changed everything. You weren't able to look at him the way you used to. Every time he came closer to you, you tried to pull away. You watched everything he did carefully. Even how he ate his fucking breakfast. You constantly watched his behavior, trying to notice something that could give him away. Anything.
Because maybe you were stupid from the very beginning and didn't see the signs he was giving you? Maybe all his glances hid a second meaning? Maybe all the times your hands touched weren't accidental?
But nothing changed.
It was the same as always.
You never again witnessed anything that could indicate that your stepfather had deeper feelings for you.
And that's what made you start provoking him. It started innocently. You started hugging him more, touching him more. You sent him more innocent smiles and giggles. But it didn't work.
So you went further.
More make-up and more flirtatious glances. More sitting in front of books until late at night with him. More accidental thrusts of your hips in his direction. Still nothing.
Several months of hard work didn't work. It made you angry. So you took a different tactic.
First, he caught you smoking cigarettes after class. He didn't say anything to your mother but he forbade you from doing it ever again. Truly fatherly behavior.
Later you started partying more. You spent weekends with friends at the bar than with him explaining the next puzzles from your textbooks. That was the first reaction. Your first serious conversation about whether something was going on in your life. Pathetic.
Then, you started skipping studies. Getting worse test scores and skipping classes. It worried him enough that he started paying more attention to you than before.
You were his best student. You were his future. He wanted you to be even more successful than him in future. But it seemed that you stopped wanting the same.
The atmosphere at home was tense. But only between you two. Your mother still had no idea. She thought you were just growing up and Reed hadn't mentioned what was happening at college so she was really blind in this situation.
That was your problem. Or at least that's what he thought. Your relationship with your mother was still the same. Only something had gone wrong between you two. He didn't know what. He didn't even know when everything started to fall apart. When you stopped being his five-star girl.
Like every morning, you went down to the kitchen all ready to take your breakfast with you.
"Mornin," you said and gave your mother a quick kiss on the cheek, who was frying bacon in a pan. She smiled at you in response and put breakfast on a plate in front of Reed.
You grabbed an apple from the basket on the counter and bit into the red fruit. You leaned back against the counter, staring at the shopping list on the fridge.
Reed was sitting at the kitchen island reading a newspaper and drinking coffee when his gaze fell on you for a moment. He looked down at your body and hid behind the newspaper again.
"You should button your shirt higher," he said indifferently, catching your and your mother's attention. You looked down at your cleavage, just like the woman next to you.
"I like it that way," you replied just as indifferently. Reed closed the newspaper and put it on the counter, looking at you intensely.
The silent fight of glances was interrupted by your mother's voice. "Your dad is right." She smiled gently but you didn't even look at her for a moment.
"He's not my father," you said dryly looking deep into his eyes.
Silence fell over the kitchen. The heavy atmosphere between you was visible to the naked eye. Your mother was in such shock that she didn't even know what to say. But you didn't even give her a chance to, leaving the kitchen.
"We'll be late," you threw casually passing Reed. You started to get dressed making far too aggressive movements.
"I'll talk to her," Reed's muffled voice reached your ears and right after that a kiss on the lips.
Your stomach twisted unpleasantly at the fact that this man was showing feelings to your mother. You didn't know when it started. But you couldn't look at the way the woman's eyes sparkled at the sight of him. You couldn't stand the sight of them together.
For the first few minutes of the journey, there was a tense silence between you. His gaze fell on you every now and then but you were unmoved.
"Will you tell me what's been going on with you lately?" he asked finally breaking the silence. You rolled your eyes hearing the concern and nervousness in his voice.
"Nothing," you mumbled without even looking at him. He glanced at you, clenching his jaw tighter. He stopped the car at a red light and was silent for a moment.
"Is it about studies? Did I push you too hard?" He tried to guess but that only caused you to snort dryly.
"It's not about studies."
"So what?" he asked immediately. The car started moving.
You were silent. What were you supposed to answer him? Definitely not the truth. That's why your silence was prolonged.
Until you felt his hand on your thigh. You tensed under his warm touch and began to stare intensely at his hand.
"Baby girl, you know that-"
“Don’t call me that,” you interrupted him, making him immediately fall silent in shock. “And take your hand away,” you added dryly.
A nervous snort escaped his lips as he obediently withdrew his hand and clenched it far too tightly on the steering wheel.
“Okay,” he nodded as if he himself needed to come to terms with what you had just said to him. “No nicknames or touching.”
You clenched your thighs, feeling a strange current flow between your thighs, and moved as far away from him on the seat as you could. This didn't go unnoticed by him.
He clenched his jaw tighter and his knuckles turned white. Reed didn't know how to approach the whole situation. Your dislike for him had appeared overnight and he honestly had no idea how he should talk to you.
He had never been a father so he decided to talk to you like an adult to an adult. You weren't a child and even less so his daughter.
"Listen," he began seriously, "you're right. I'm not your father." His words caught your attention but you didn't dare look at him. "You don't want me to be? Okay, I won't. But I'm your mother's husband. Like it or not, as long as you live with her, you live with me too. We'll run into each other, eat in the same room and use the same bathroom."
His last words made your pulse quicken and bile rise in your throat. You glanced at him but he was staring stubbornly at the road.
"We'll live together in the same house so we can maintain neutral relations with each other. No rude comments or disgusted looks," he glanced at you expressively and held his gaze on you a little longer than he intended. “If you don’t want to get along with me like we used to, then we can get along for your mother,” he suggested, slowing down the car as you pulled into the parking lot at the university.
“Did we really ever get along?” you muttered under your breath with a snort as he parked the car. Reed frowned, turning off the car.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, but you had already gotten out of the car and slammed the door shutting him off. He leaned out of the car, shouting your name, but you ignored him. You didn't want to look at him any longer, much less talk to him.
For the first time in a long time, you spent a whole day at the university. You were in every class, which gave you a pleasant feeling of nostalgia. Despite the stormy morning, you finished in a good mood.
That's why you decided to even take Professor Richards class, not wanting to give him any more reasons to pick on you.
He didn't even notice you, when you sat down in the last row. He had already gotten used to not seeing your face during his classes. Watching and listening to him lecture, you felt a stab in your stomach.
You remembered the times when you had just met him. How he looked at you with pride when you showed him that you could learn anything. Why did he have to ruin it? Why did he have to plant a strange seed in you, that grew around your body like ivy?
Now, when you looked at him, you felt something strange. Your stomach clenched unpleasantly, making you want to throw up. You knew it was hatred. Or at least that's what you told yourself until his gaze met yours.
He got stuck in the middle of the lecture but quickly regained his composure. He continued to explain the notes on the board but this time he glanced in your direction every now and then.
This time you felt heat in your stomach.
Finally the lecture ended and the students started to leave the room. Some approached professor to ask the last questions, which he quickly answered so he could catch you.
The last students were leaving when your name rang out around the room. Some gathered at you with amusement seeing you roll your eyes. Everyone had noticed that your relationship with your stepfather had recently deteriorated.
The door to the room closed so only then you turn to him.
"What?" you asked casually frowning.
"I think we need to talk," he announced crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, I don't really-"
"Sit down," he ordered seriously nodding towards the nearest bench. You clenched your jaw tightly maintaining eye contact with him for as long as possible. But this time he won.
You sighed heavily and threw your bag on the ground then sat down on the bench. He didn't comment on your childish behavior and slowly walked towards you.
"We'll talk like adults now," he began seriously. You wanted to roll your eyes but you held back.
He stopped in front of you, looking at you intensely as if he was trying to find the answer to his questions in your eyes. But apart from dislike for himself, he found nothing. He sighed heavily and rubbed his face with his hand.
"What happened?" he asked directly. You opened your mouth to answer but he interrupted you. "What went wrong between us?" He looked at you with a strange pain in his eyes. You fell silent. You couldn't answer his question.
"Nothing." A typical answer he'd heard from you a few hundred times. Nothing. Nothing was wrong. Everything was fucking fine.
"Nothing," he repeated, nodding.
He was silent for a moment but suddenly his face became serious.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?"
Your whole body tensed up hearing the tone he'd never used with you before. He was furious. He'd never been angry at you before. Well, he had been, but not like this.
"I asked you a question."
“No,” you denied obediently.
“So what’s the problem? What did I do wrong to make you treat me like your enemy?” he asked, spreading his hands helplessly. You swallowed the lump in your throat seeing him in such a state.
“What did I do to make you not want to spend time with me? Don’t want me close?”
You clenched your thighs tighter feeling those strange waves of electricity again.
"Don't fucking lie!" he shouted. You looked at him in shock feeling all your muscles tense painfully.
He shouted at you.
He was so broken that he shouted.
"Answer me why you don't want me anymore," he added more quietly.
You blinked a few times feeling your heart pounding in your chest.
"I…" you started in shock but quickly shook yourself off frowning. "What?"
Reed was breathing heavily trying to calm the emotions boiling inside him. And only when he saw your face, he realize, he had said a few too many words.
He fell silent trying to find a logical explanation for his words.
"Is that why you said my name back then?" you asked mindlessly.
And then you both fell silent staring at each other.
Shock, surprise and then understanding flashed across your faces.
Your breathing quickened when you realized that you were right. You had been blind from the very beginning.
"How long have you known?" he asked in a low voice that sent cold shivers down your spine. His jaw clenched tightly as he finally got the answer to why you had changed so much lately.
You knew.
And you hated him for it.
“A few months,” you admitted honestly because you saw no reason to lie anymore. Everything was out. All the thoughts that had been swirling in your head for so long finally straightened out like a thread.
His gaze was heavy as he nodded in understanding. He took a few steps back, running his hand anxiously over his stubble. He snorted nervously, looking around the lecture hall.
You watched him closely as he began to pace until he was standing by his desk. He snorted again, shaking his head.
“Fuck!” he shouted, throwing all his things to the floor. You flinched at his sudden outburst. His shoulders rose quickly as he tried to calm down.
“Why-” your voice trembled, so you swallowed hard. “Why did you marry my mother?” you asked uncertainly. He glanced at you over his shoulder and remained silent. You really wanted this to turn out to be some unfunny joke.
But his gaze wasn’t fake.
His helpless snort wasn’t fake.
“Because you were too young for me,” he replied with contempt for himself.
He looked away from you, leaving you with your heart in your throat. Your breathing quickened so much that you felt like you were about to have a panic attack. You jumped off the bench on shaky legs that almost gave way under you. You grabbed your bag and practically ran out of his lecture hall. And he just watched as the door closed on you and sighed heavily.
That day your private hell began.
A whole month passed. There was a strange atmosphere in the house and even your mother felt it. But she didn't say anything.
You stopped arguing with her husband and became more than obedient again. But this time you were also silent, scared.
You ate Sunday dinners with a trembling hand and then you ended up in the toilet throwing up everything. You went to university with him but you sat in the back seat staring stubbornly at the view outside the window. You sat locked in your room from the moment you crossed the threshold of the house. You didn't even want to go to the toilet, just so you wouldn't fall on him.
You felt like you were in a cage with no way out. You spent almost every night thinking about everything that had happened. About who Reed Richards really was.
And you were disgusted by the conclusions you came to.
Because the only conclusion you took from it was his name, which you moaned every time you came.
And it wasn't as shocking as the way you started looking at him. You replayed in your mind all the moments when you were alone. The way he smiled at you. The way he praised you. The way he inhaled your scent when he cuddled up to you.
And suddenly you started looking at everything differently. Everything started to have a different meaning. Everything he did, started to have a romantic basis.
The way he looked at your lips just to kiss your mother.
The way he looked at you with delight just to compliment your mother.
The way he spent half the night with you and books just to go fuck your mother.
Your view of him changed dramatically. And only during his lectures, you allow yourself to look at him shamelessly. You didn't take your eyes off him for even a second. Your notebook was lying on the desk without a single sentence written on it. And he didn't miss your burning gaze.
The entire lecture he tried not to look in your direction but he couldn't help himself when all the students were focused on taking notes and only you were sitting with your head held high. Then and only then, he allowed himself to just stand there and look at you.
Thousands of unspoken words flew between you in that short moment. And Reed saw the way you looked at him changed. The sparks that flew between you couldn't hide.
So every day he woke up hoping that maybe he hadn't destroyed everything. That maybe you had decided to understand him.
Until finally one day everything went back to normal.
You started laughing in his company again. You started spending movie nights with them again. You were able to talk to him over dinner again. But only when your mother was around.
When you were alone, you were silent. You didn't even look in his direction. It made him realize that nothing had really changed. You had simply decided to act normal around your mother.
He respected that. He didn't try to force you to be able to even look at him again.
Not until you were back in that damned lecture hall.
Then everything ceased to exist. The world and problems outside of the university ceased to matter.
There were just you two.
A young and talented student and her professor.
But a few months in this mode were starting to take their toll on his psyche. He couldn't stop looking at you more and more often. He barely took his eyes off you during dinners. He deliberately dismantled the back seats in the car so you could sit next to him again. He even started to miss your rude teasing.
It all took its toll on him so much that when you stared at each other during lectures, his cock quivered in his pants.
Every time.
And every time he ended up in the bathroom, releasing tension.
He couldn't even remember the last time he had sex with your mother. Luckily, she was going through menopause, so she didn't even notice.
Your life turned into the worst possible game. And there were no winners in it. You both always ended up moaning each other’s name.
Until the day came when your mother went to visit her family for a few days. Leaving you two alone.
And that was the beginning of the end of everything.
All it took was for the door to slam shut behind her back.
“Can you explain to me what we're doing?" Reed asked immediately as you poured yourself a glass of juice. You looked up at him and snorted, rolling your eyes.
"I'm going to make dinner. And you? I don't know," you shrugged, which only frustrated him more. He was sick of this cat and mouse game you were playing.
"I'm fucking serious," he said, entering the kitchen with a confident step. You watched this, sensing an increasing threat.
"I like you like that the most," you mumbled and put the juice in the fridge. His hand tightened on your arm as you tried to leave. You looked at him, frowning. There was something about him that you hadn't seen before. He was hellishly determined and frustrated.
"I've had enough of all this bullshit."
"Then divorce my mother." You shrugged embracingly, to which he frowned, his gaze wandering into your eyes.
"Is that what you want?" he asked seriously. "Do you want me to divorce her for you?"
There was silence. Your heart was beating so loudly that you both probably heard it.
"What? No," you denied and yanked your arm away from him.
"So what do you want? What do I do?" he asked desperately. You didn't know. You didn't know what you wanted from him. You got used to how everything looked between you two.
"I don't want anything from you."
"Don't lie to me."
You fell silent, staring at him. He was on the verge of a breakdown. These past few months had destroyed him more than he wanted to admit. Your closeness was starting to wear him down, and the lack of - killing him.
So in the end it turned out that he was the one who was in a losing position.
"Fuck, please, baby," he groaned, approaching you and placing his hands on your cheeks. You blinked a few times as he bent down to the height of your face.
He was walking on thin ice, and honestly, on the lack of it. He was drowning.
"What should I do? Tell me and I will," he said desperately. And in that moment you could use all of his weaknesses. If you wanted, you could do anything with him.
You could break him.
"I'm tired of pretending. I'm tired of you not saying a word to me. I'm tired of not being able to touch you. I am sick of not being able to show you that I love you."
Your heart sank. You stared at him in shock. At the desire and regret with which his eyes stared into yours.
But you remained silent. You were unable to think straight, much less respond to his confession.
"Please, from the very beginning there was only you. I thought it would pass. I thought it was a temporary desire. That you're just a fantasy," he continued, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. "But you're real. You're the realest thing in this whole world," he smiled helplessly and you still stood there in too much shock.
This wasn't supposed to happen like this.
"So tell me what you want. I'll divorce your mother. I'll take you away from here. Just say the word and I'll do it."
Your breath hitched as you finally decided to answer. But then the sound of the door opening echoed through the house.
Reed pulled away from you in a split second and you immediately reached for your juice, drinking half the glass in one go.
Your mother entered the kitchen with a wide smile.
"I forgot the cake," she said amused and reached into the oven for the tray with the chocolate cake. Without looking in your direction she headed for the exit again. "Bye, I love you!" she shouted before the door slammed shut behind her.
You put the glass down with a bang and began to breathe deeply as your mother pulled out of the driveway.
It took a second for your eyes to meet again. And even less for Reed to be by your side again, pressing his lips tightly to yours.
You moaned in shock when he pressed you against the counter with his body. His hands immediately tightened around your waist, sending shivers down your spine. His lips kissed yours hard and almost aggressively. But you kept up with him without a problem.
Because you were just as thirsty as he was.
Even though it was so fucking wrong.
Even though you cursed yourself for it in your mind every day for the past few months.
This was what you dreamed about at night. These were the lips that kissed your heated body. These were the hands that explored every inch of your skin.
That's why you submitted to him without protest. His moans of pleasure mixed with relief carried waves of electricity. You intertwined your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. You moaned when he pushed his hips towards you and his tongue immediately intertwined with yours.
Without waiting, he grabbed you for your thighs and pulled you up so you sat on the counter. He was immediately between your legs, tightening his fingers on your thighs. You sighed into his mouth when his hands slowly started to move up to your shorts. His fingers crept under the material and tightened on your hips. He moaned feeling your delicate skin.
"Let me and I'll do anything with you," he breathed into your mouth. He didn't have to repeat it twice.
"Yes," you nodded without hesitation, to which he moaned with pleasure.
That was enough for him to pull away from you and, not so gently, pull down your shorts along with your panties. You barely took a breath as he knelt down in front of you, pulling your hips closer to his face.
You looked down with parted lips when his gaze met yours and his tongue ran from your wet hole to your clit, on which he sucked. You moaned, tilting your head back and involuntarily spreading your legs wider.
He groaned with pleasure, licking your arousal and kissing your clit passionately until your legs began to tremble. You squealed, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling hard, causing him to growl. He bit your sensitive spot gently in retaliation until your vision went dark.
"You're so fucking delicious."
You moaned in response only to come in his mouth a moment later. You began to pulse on his tongue as it continued to work, prolonging your orgasm and licking up everything that came out of you.
You were breathing heavily when he pulled away from you and wiped the moisture that was left on his stubble with his thumb. You looked at him not being able to think straight but you didn't have to, because he was already pressing his lips to yours. He tasted like you.
His kisses had taken up all your attention from what he was doing with his pants. It was only when you felt something soft and warm right at your entrance that you woke up. His moan died in your mouth when he slowly pressed the tip of his cock into you.
"You feel better than I dreamed," he whispered sliding deeper into your pussy.
A broken moan left your throat when he pushed his hips all the way in.
"So tight and warm," he purred with pleasure and kissed your neck. He tightened his fingers on your skin and slowly started moving his hips. He didn't even pull out of you halfway, not wanting to leave your insides.
Your moans echoed throughout the house. You wrapped your arms around his neck and supported yourself with your other hand on the counter behind your back. His cock entered slowly but firmly until the very end, taking away your ability to breathe.
"Tell me, baby, is this how you imagined it when you touched yourself at night?" he whispered into your neck and then left a mark of his teeth on it.
"No," you moaned which was met with his harder bite.
"And how?" he growled, tightening his fingers and thrusting harder into your pussy. You almost screamed, throwing your head back.
"I thought you'd be more gentle," you gasped and he just laughed into your neck and straightened up. He smiled, panting heavily when you locked eyes.
"Yeah, your mother said so too," he said and not giving you a chance to react, he sped up his hips.
Moan died in your throat as he thrust into you like madman, taking away the feeling in your legs. He watched with satisfaction as the overwhelming pleasure painted across your face. You felt your orgasm approaching with each thrust of his hips. His cock brushed perfectly against the spot that was hidden from your reach.
"Come on baby," he growled thrusting into you over and over again. "Give it to me," he began to pant heavily feeling like he had to hold back so he wouldn't come himself as you began to tighten around him. "Yes, yes, just like that," he praised you with a smile as you watched him helplessly until finally the orgasm took over your body. You moaned loudly clenching painfully on him and then his brakes gave out. He stopped, coming inside you, moaning every time another wave of cum flew out of his cock.
He rested his head on your shoulder, panting heavily as you continued to moan quietly from your slowly receding orgasm. His lips found their way to your neck, planting a series of wet, delicate kisses until he reached your lips. Your tongues immediately joined in a lazy kiss as you both continued to calm your pounding hearts. His hand found its way to your jaw and his thumb gently stroked your cheek.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked quietly. You pressed your lips into a line and shook your head in denial.
"I can't hurt mom," you said in a whisper.
Reed sighed, resting his forehead against yours and closing his eyes. He was silent for a moment, tangling his fingers in your hair.
"You'll finish your studies," he began, looking at you. "And then I'll take you out of here," he assured you seriously.
You looked into his eyes uncertainly.
"Have you ever been to Europe?" he asked with a smile on his face. You pressed your lips together tighter as his smile began to infect you and shook your head in denial. “So Europe,” he nodded and captured your lips in a deep kiss again.
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kentobb · 2 months
The Bet (Part Five)
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Characters: College!Sukuna x Female Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Ok. Listen yall. There is PURE SMUT at the end. I am warning yall. Second, foul language.
Author’s note: After this part is published, part six will be next in a few minutes since its already written. Pure smut and angst that next chapter.
Part 01
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Two months had passed since Sukuna and you had officially started dating, and your relationship had quickly become the talk of the campus. Everywhere you both went, people would smile and whisper, excited by the unlikely yet perfect couple. Sukuna's tough, athletic image was softened by his obvious affection for you, and you seemed to glow with happiness whenever you were by his side.
Hand in hand, you would stroll through the campus, fingers intertwined. Sukuna loved the way your hand fit perfectly in his, and he never missed a chance to pull you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple. Your dates were always filled with laughter and tender moments, from casual coffee shop visits to adventurous ones. But your favorite dates were the book dates, where Sukuna would take you to your favorite bookstore.
In the cozy aisles of the bookstore, you would each choose a book for the other. You would carefully pick out a thriller or a fantasy novel you thought he'd enjoy, and he would select a romance or a classic, knowing how much you loved getting lost in those stories. Both of you would spend hours browsing, reading excerpts to each other, and sharing your thoughts on various books. It was during these quiet moments that both of you felt closest, surrounded by the stories you both cherished.
Tonight was no different in terms of closeness. Both of you curled up in his bed, each engrossed in your own books. You were lying on his chest, and he was gently caressing your hair as you read. The low hum of the TV from the living room indicated that Yuuji and Choso were watching a game, the occasional shouts and laughter providing a comforting background noise.
You closed your book and looked up at Sukuna, a contented smile playing on your lips. He glanced down at you, his heart melting at the sight of your adoration. He closed his book, setting it aside as he shifted you so that you were on top of him.
"Why are you looking at me with those eyes?" he asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.
You giggled, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. "What eyes?"
He chuckled, his hands moving to your waist as he pulled you closer. "These eyes," he said, before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
Your kisses grew more intense, and he began to grind you gently against him. You moaned into his mouth, a sound that drove him wild. His hands roamed over your back, pulling you closer as your breathing grew heavier. Just as things were heating up, the door suddenly burst open.
Yuuji stood in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock. "Hey! I've been calling you guys for... OH MY GOD, IM SO SORRY!" He screamed, covering his eyes with his hands.
You quickly scrambled off of Sukuna, your face turning a deep shade of red. Sukuna, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh. "The door is closed for a reason, dumbass. Learn how to knock!" he said, a smirk playing on his lips.
Yuuji stood frozen for a moment, his face a mix of embarrassment and horror. "I... I'm sorry! I didn't know you were... you know!" He turned around, practically running out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him.
You buried your face in Sukuna's chest, mortified. "Oh my god, that was so embarrassing!”
Sukuna continued to chuckle, holding you close. "He will forget.” He tilted your chin up, kissing you softly. "Now, where were we?"
You giggled, pulling back slightly, your cheeks flushed. "Actually, I have to go. I have a night study session with Utahime.”
Utahime. Your new friend. You met her two months ago and now she is your “bestie” according to Sukuna. He was proud of you for making your first friend and having someone else other than him. Although he didn’t mind having you all to himself. He was selfish like that.
Sukuna's face fell comically. "You're leaving me like this?" he pouted, trying to sound playful but clearly feeling a bit needy.
You smiled apologetically, leaning in to give him one last kiss. "I'll kiss you more later, I promise.”
Sukuna sighed dramatically but couldn't help but smile. "Alright, go be a good student. I'm happy you've made a friend, my bookworm."
You quickly gathered your things and left, giving him a final wave before disappearing out the door. Sukuna lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling the acute pang of unfulfilled desire.
A moment later, Yuuji knocked on the door, the sound exaggerated and mocking. "Knock, knock! Can I come in, or it isn’t safe yet?"
Sukuna groaned, laughing despite himself. "Yeah, come in, you idiot.
Yuuji opened the door cautiously, peeking his head in first. "You're not going to beat my ass are you?”
Sukuna rolled his eyes. "No, but I should.”
Yuuji stepped inside, his face still carrying traces of shock. "Dude, seriously, you two were like... wow. I mean, I've seen some stuff, but that was..."
"Yuuji," Sukuna interrupted, holding up a hand. "I don't need a play-by-play."
Yuuji laughed, plopping down on the bed. "I'm just saying, it's good to see you so happy. And, you know, in love and all that mushy stuff.”
Sukuna smirked, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Stop trying to embarras me.”
Yuuji leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. "So, what are you going to do now that she's gone to study with her new friend? Need any tips on how to distract yourself from, uh, pent-up energy?"
Sukuna groaned again, tossing a pillow at Yuuji. "If you don’t stop talking, I might actually kill you.”
Yuuji caught the pillow, laughing. "That's why you love me, bro."
Sukuna chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Now get out of here.”
Yuuji stood up, saluting with a grin. "Yes, sir! Use your lock next time.”
Sukuna laughed, giving Yuuji a playful shove toward the door. "I'll remember that."
As Yuuji left Sukuna's bedroom, Sukuna's phone buzzed with a call from Geto.
"Yo, Sukuna, wanna hang out? We're all chilling in my dorm," Geto said, his voice filled with mischief.
"It's kinda late, man," Sukuna replied, glancing at the clock.
Geto laughed. "What, you got a curfew now? Don't tell me your girlfriend has you on a leash already!"
Sukuna laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. I'll be there in five."
After hanging up, he quickly sent you a text message.
Mr. Mysterious: Hey, heading to Geto's dorm to hang out. See you later?
You replied almost instantly…
My bookworm :): Oki! I’m with Utahime. See you later! <3
Feeling a bit lighter, Sukuna made his way to Geto's dorm. As he entered, he saw his teammates sprawled around the room, chatting and laughing. The familiar camaraderie put him at ease. Even Gojo was there, though Sukuna had noticed he had become more distant recently. Still, Sukuna was determined to bridge that gap.
"Look who decided to show up!" Geto announced loudly, grinning from ear to ear.
Sukuna rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get too excited."
As he joined them, they handed him a drink, and he started to relax, watching a random game on the TV. The banter flowed easily, but Sukuna could feel Gojo's eyes on him, a mix of curiosity and something unspoken.
"Hey, Sukuna," Geto said, squinting at his neck. "Is that a hickey I see?"
Sukuna's hand flew to his neck, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. "Uh, maybe."
The room erupted in laughter and teasing. "Our boy's been busy!" one of the teammates shouted.
Geto leaned in, his grin widening. "So, did you guys... you know?"
Sukuna felt the weight of Gojo's gaze intensify. "No, we haven't. She's…” He coughs, “She’s not ready yet," he said, his voice calm but firm.
The room fell silent, everyone staring at Sukuna in disbelief. Known for his reputation, this was the last thing they expected to hear.
Gojo was the first to break the silence, chuckling. "Wait, hold up. You're telling me that for two months…you haven't been getting any?"
Sukuna shrugged, his expression serious. "No."
The room buzzed with shock, and Geto finally spoke up. "Damn, man. I didn't think I'd ever see the day."
Sukuna sighed, feeling the need to explain himself. "We are just taking things slow. Whenever she is ready… I’m ready.” He said
Gojo, still chuckling, added, "Guess our Sukuna's a softie after all."
Sukuna smiled, appreciating the shift in his attitude. "I care about her a lot, and I don't want to mess this up." He said, as he saw Gojo shifted his sight away from him.
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Back at your dorm, you were hanging out with your new friend Utahime, the two of you seated at a small table, books and notes spread out around you. The atmosphere was light and filled with laughter as you both attempted to study. For you, this was a new and wonderful experience. You had never really had a friend before, and the bond you were forming with Utahime was something you treasured deeply.
Utahime looked up from her notes, noticing your face light up as you received a text. You giggled softly, your eyes glued to the screen as you typed back a reply. Utahime raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on her lips. "Sukuna again?"
You nodded, a dreamy smile on your face. "Yeah, he is going to Geto's place. They're going to hang out."
Utahime chuckled. "You guys are so cute. How's everything going with him?"
"Everything is great," you said, your voice filled with genuine happiness.
Utahime watched you for a moment, noticing the way your smile faltered slightly, turning into a small, almost pouty expression. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, her tone gentle.
You sighed, looking down at your hands. "I've never had a friend before. I don't really know what's right and wrong to talk about."
Utahime reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on you.” You can talk to me about anything. That's what friends are for. Beside, you have heard about all of my fail talking stages… so whatever you have in mind can’t be worst than mine.”
You took a deep breath, deciding to share what had been weighing on your mind. "I haven't... you know…done it with Sukuna."
Utahime's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't say anything, waiting for you to continue.
"And…we were so close of doing it today… until Yuuji came bursting on the door. But that’s not the point" you explained, your voice trembling slightly. "I don’t know if today I would’ve been ready either you know. Like… I am but… I’m scared. What if… he doesn’t like my body? Or he ends up feeling the ick with me? Or what if he changes his mind about me?”
You could feel the anxiety rising within you, your fears bubbling to the surface. Utahime squeezed your hand gently, offering silent support.
"Hey, hey," Utahime said softly, "breathe. It's okay to feel scared. But you need to remember something important—Sukuna likes you for who you are. That won't change."
You looked up, tears welling in your eyes. "But what if—”
"No 'what ifs,'" Utahime interrupted gently. "I've seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you're a piece of art, something precious and beautiful."
Your cheeks flushed, a small smile tugging at your lips despite your tears. "Really?"
"Really," Utahime confirmed, smiling warmly. "You don't have to worry about your body or whether he'll change his mind. He cares about you, and that won't change just because of something like that."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you, Utahime's words sinking in and calming your fears. You hugged your friend tightly, feeling grateful for the support and understanding. "Thank you, Utahime. I really needed to hear that."
Utahime hugged you back, squeezing you reassuringly. "That's what friends are for. Anytime you need to talk, I'm here for you."
She pulled back from the hug, smiling. The tension that had been hanging over you seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of peace and confidence.
"Now," Utahime said, playfully nudging you, "let's get back to studying before we both fail this test."
You laughed, feeling lighter than you had in weeks. "Alright, alright. But you know I'm going to ace this."
"Oh, confident now, are we?" Utahime teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Maybe just a little," you replied, grinning.
You both dove back into your studies, the room filled with the comfortable silence of turning pages and scribbling notes.
As the night went on, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. You had a wonderful boyfriend who cared deeply for you and a new friend who was quickly becoming an important part of your life. The fears and doubts that had plagued you seemed smaller now, overshadowed by the love and support you felt from those around you.
When you finally decided to call it a night, you felt more at peace than you had in a long time. You hugged Utahime once more, thanking her for being such a good friend.
"Anytime," Utahime said with a smile. "Now go get some rest."
Utahime waved as she started to walk away, her heart light from the pleasant evening they had shared. She couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the bond they were forming. But as she walked down the quiet, dimly lit path back to her own dorm, she couldn’t help but to feel guilty. Her phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen and saw Mei Mei's name flashing.
With a sigh, she answered. "Mei Mei."
"Utahime," Mei Mei's voice came through, smooth and confident. "How did everything go?"
Utahime's smile wavered slightly as she remembered your conversation. "You don’t have anything to worry about. They haven’t done it.”
Mei Mei's laughter rang through the phone, sharp and knowing. "I knew it," she said, her tone dripping with satisfaction. “That’s why he hasn’t left yet.”
Utahime hesitated, glancing around to make sure no one was within earshot. "So? What are you planning to do?” she asked quietly.
"Nothing really. Yet. I’m just waiting for the right time.” Mei Mei replied, a smirk evident in her voice. "Sukuna won't last long in that stupid relationship.”
Utahime couldn't help but laugh nervously, though a part of her felt uneasy about the whole situation. "Are you sure? He seems… pretty in love.”
"Why don’t you just keep following the plan, hm? More to do and less talking." Mei Mei said, her voice firm. “Just wait and see.”
Utahime nodded, even though Mei Mei couldn't see her. "Yeah…”
As she hung up the phone, her smile faded completely. She pocketed her phone and continued walking, her thoughts a mix of guilt and resolve. She knew she was in too deep, and the stakes were high. But Mei Mei has been her best friend since first grade. And she would do anything for her best friend. So for now, she would have to play along, hoping that things wouldn't get too complicated.
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After Utahime left, you stood in your room for a moment, taking a deep breath. The study session had been wonderful, and you felt a warm glow of friendship and support from Utahime. Now, it was time to get ready for your sleep over with Sukuna. You began packing a small bag, placing your essentials and a few overnight items inside. As you reached for a brush, your eyes caught sight of a lingerie set you had bought a few days ago while shopping.
The lingerie was delicate, white with a small red bow that made you think of Sukuna. You picked it up, running your fingers over the soft fabric. "Am I ready?" You whispered to yourself, a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling up inside you.
You knew you were ready, but fuck, that fear lingered. What if he got a post-nut clarity, like those countless post you have read about in Reddit? The thought made your heart race with worry. You started to overthink, your mind spiraling with doubts and insecurities again.
But then you remembered Utahime's reassuring words: Sukuna liked you for who you are, and that wouldn't change. Right? You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.
Deciding that tonight was the night.
Determined, you ran a warm bath, letting the soothing water relax your tense muscles. You brushed your hair, feeling more confident with each stroke. After your bath, you slipped into the white lingerie, the red bow standing out against your skin. You then put on a dress to cover it, a simple yet elegant outfit that made you feel beautiful.
Taking one last look in the mirror, you gathered your courage and grabbed your bag. You left your dorm, heart pounding with anticipation and excitement. The walk to Sukuna's dorm seemed to take forever, each step filled with a mix of eagerness and nerves.
As you turned a corner, you saw your boyfriend walking towards you from the opposite direction. His face lit up with a smile when he saw you, and without a word, he closed the distance between you and kissed you gently.
"Hey, baby," he said, his voice warm and reassuring.
"Hey," you replied, your voice soft and a bit shaky.
Sukuna noticed the bag she were carrying and, without hesitation, took it from you. “Let me carry that for you," he said, slinging it over his shoulder.
Both of you started walking together, heading towards his place. He glanced at you and noticed the slight blush on your cheeks, the way your hands fidgeted nervously. He could tell something was on your mind.
"What's up?" he asked, gently ruffling your hair. "You seem a bit... distracted."
You looked up at him, trying to muster a reassuring smile, but your nerves were getting the best of you. "Oh, it's nothing," you said, though your voice betrayed your anxiety.
Sukuna chuckled softly, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. "Come on, you can tell me," he teased. "What's got my baby blushing?”
She bit your lip, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks even more. He took one look at you and chuckled, “You’re cute.”
You both arrived at his dorm, the night air filled with anticipation. As you stepped inside, you were greeted by the sight of Yuuji and Choso lounging in the living room, engrossed in a movie.
Yuuji was the first to notice you. "Hey, you two! Welcome back," he called out with a grin.
Choso looked up and waved. "Good to see you!"
Yuuji's grin turned mischievous as he looked at Sukuna. "Don't forget to actually lock the door this time, big bro," he teased, winking exaggeratedly.
Choso chuckled and Sukuna rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "This is why you’re adopted.”
You couldn't help but laugh at the banter, feeling more at ease despite your nerves. Sukuna said his goodbyes to his brothers, leading you to his room. You have been here before, but this was going to be your first sleepover with your boyfriend, and the thought made your heart race.
You knew he had no idea what you wanted to do tonight, but you also knew he was being incredibly patient with you. As you entered his room, you found yourself lost in thought, the nervousness building up inside you.
Sukuna's voice broke through your reverie. "I'm going to take a quick bath," he said, grabbing a towel from a nearby shelf. "Make yourself comfortable."
You nodded, trying to steady your breathing. "Okay."
As Sukuna disappeared into the bathroom, you sat on the edge of the bed, your mind racing. The nerves were getting to you, again and you felt your heart pounding in your chest. You didn't know how long you had been lost in your thoughts, but suddenly you realized you could no longer hear the shower.
The bathroom door opened, and Sukuna stepped out, steam billowing around him. He was without a shirt, droplets of water still clinging to his skin. You blushed deeply, your eyes widening. You had never seen him without a shirt before, and the sight made your heart race even faster.
Sukuna noticed your reaction, he couldn't resist teasing you. "Enjoying the view?" he asked with a playful smirk, walking over to you and kissing your forehead gently.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, so you just nodded, feeling your face heat up even more. Your hand moved almost on its own, reaching out to touch his abs. As your fingers brushed against his skin, Sukuna's own cheeks flushed, a rare sight for someone usually so confident.
The feeling of your touch was electrifying. He took your hand in his, guiding it gently across his abs. "You okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with reassurance.
He looked into your eyes and saw them filled with need, a mix of nervousness and lust that mirrored his own feelings. You stood up from the bed, your movements delicate and hesitant.
He watched as you took a deep breath, your fingers trembling slightly as they reached for the hem of your dress. You lifted it over your head and let it fall to the floor. The sight before him took his breath away. You stood there, almost naked, dressed in a delicate set of white lingerie that made his heart race.
In that moment, he felt as if time had stopped. The dim light of the room cast a soft glow on your skin, highlighting your curves and the intricate details of the lace. You looked like a vision, ethereal and breathtaking. He could barely contain the surge of emotions that rushed through him-desire, admiration, and an overwhelming sense of love.
Your eyes met his, and in them, he saw a mix of vulnerability and determination. You were telling him without words that you were ready, that you trusted him. He stepped closer, his gaze never leaving yours and gently took your hands in his.
He leaned in close, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Let me make you mine.” Your heart pounded in your chest as you nodded, unable to speak. You had never felt such intense desire, and the fact that it was your first time made the moment even more electric. Sukuna seemed to sense your nervousness and pulled you gently into his arms, kissing the top of yout head. "Relax, baby," he murmured.
His words sent a wave of relief through you, and you snuggled closer, inhaling his fresh, clean scent. His strong arms felt like home, and you couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.
"Better?" he whispered, nuzzling your neck, his scruff brushing softly against your sensitive skin.
"Much," you replied, tilting your head to give him better access. You closed your eyes as you felt his lips press gently against the pulse point on your neck, his hands roaming gently over your back. One hand slipped on your bra, his fingers tracing patterns on your lower back, sending sparks of pleasure throughout your body.
He continued his sensual assault, kissing a trail down your neck to the sensitive spot where your shoulder met your collarbone. He nibbled gently, causing you to gasp and arch your back, pressing yourself closer to him. Taking advantage of your position, he slipped his hand under your bra, cupping your breast and thumbing the peak through the thin fabric.
You moaned softly, your hands clutching at his shoulders. You had never felt such pleasure, and you wanted more. Sukuna seemed to read your mind, tugging your bra over your head in one smooth motion before taking your mouth in a searing kiss. His tongue teased yours mimicking the movements he wanted to make lower down your body, and you opened to him, eager to explore this new world of sensation.
Breaking the kiss, Sukuna trailed kisses down your jaw and along the curve of your neck, pausing to suck gently on the sensitive skin, leaving a mark that would remind you of this moment long after it had passed. His hand slid down your body, fingertips grazing the tops of your breasts, your nipples pebbling at the light touch. With a gentle squeeze, he rolled the peaks between his thumb and forefinger, earning a soft whimper from you.
"You like that, baby?" he murmured, his hot breath fanning over your damp skin. "You like it when I touch you here?" He pinched the peaks gently, rolling them between his fingers, and you nodded, too lost in sensation to form words.
Sukuna smiled against your skin, loving how responsive you were to his touch. He wanted to worship your body, to explore every inch of your perfect skin. Sliding his hands down your sides, he lifted you onto his lap, shifting so that you could straddled him. The position allowed him to cup your breasts fully, and he moaned softly at the feel of their weight in his palms. Leaning forward, he took one nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bud before sucking gently, then firmly, earning a soft cry from you.
"K-Kuna," you breathed, threading your fingers through his hair, encouraging him to continue his delicious torment. He switched to the other peak, giving it the same attention, before pulling back to admire your swollen, damp nipples. "So beautiful," he murmured, capturing one peak between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it slowly as he leaned in to capture your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss.
You moaned into the kiss, your body on fire. You wanted—no, needed—more. Breaking the kiss, you looked into his dark, passionate eyes. "Please," you whispered. "I- I want you.”
Sukuna's heart swelled at your words. He had hoped, but never imagined you would offer yourself to him so willingly. "Are you sure, baby?" he asked, his voice hoarse with desire. "I don't want to rush you. We can take it slow."
"I'm sure," you replied, your eyes shining with desire. "I trust you, Sukuna. I want this moment to be with you."
He captured your lips in a fierce kiss, pouring all his love and desire into the embrace. His hands roamed over your back, tracing patterns on your soft skin, before sliding down to grip your firm ass. Squeezing gently, he urged you closer, grinding his hardening cock against your core through your panties.
The feeling of his arousal sent a jolt of need through you, and you rocked your hips, seeking more friction. Sukuna groaned, tearing his mouth from yours. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good," he growled, his voice thick with desire. "Let me take care of you.
Sitting you back on the bed, he stood and quickly shed his towel, letting you take in the sight of his muscular body. His erection pointed proudly towards you, and your mouth watered at the thought of having him inside you. He was big, that’s for sure. Reaching behind you, Sukuna slipped your panties off and tossed them aside.
His dark eyes devoured the sight of your naked breasts, full and lush, the dusky pink nipples begging for his attention. Cupping them in his palms, he lowered his head, taking one nipple into his mouth as he rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger, earning a soft moan from you. Sucking gently, he lavished attention on one peak before switching to the other, determined to drive you wild with pleasure.
You threaded your fingers through his hair, holding him to you as waves of pleasure washed over you. You had never known your breasts could be so sensitive, every touch sending sparks of desire straight to your core. "Please," you whispered again, needing more, needing him.
Sukuna released your nipple with a soft pop, trailing kisses down your abdomen, his hands reaching behind your ass, he paused to kiss the insides of your thighs, earning a soft whimper as your knees fell open on their own accord. He chuckled softly against your skin, the vibrations sending shivers through you.
"So responsive," he murmured, nipping gently at your inner thigh before trailing kisses lower, closer to your core.
You held your breath as you felt his hot breath fan over your most intimate folds. You were wet, aching for him, and couldn't wait to feel his mouth on you. Sukuna, seemingly able to read your mind, obliged, pressing a soft kiss to your swollen pussy lips before flicking his tongue across your clit, causing you to cry out and grip his hair tightly.
"That's it, baby," he murmured, the vibration of his words sending shocks of pleasure through you. "Let me hear how much you're enjoying this." He sucked your clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bundle of nerves before nibbling gently with his teeth, sending you spiraling closer to the edge.
You moaned loudly, hips bucking involuntarily as Sukuna continued his assault on your sensitive bundle of nerves. His hands gripped your thighs, holding you in place as he devoured you, his tongue delving into your wet heat, tasting your essence as he sucked greedily on your clit. Your pleasure built, coiling tightly in your belly, and you knew without a doubt that you’re was his, body and soul.
Sukuna sensed your impending release and increased the pressure of his tongue, rubbing your clit in firm circles as he slid two fingers into your hot, tight channel. Your walls clenched around him, milking his fingers as he curled them upward, seeking the spot that would send you over the edge. Finding it, he rubbed firmly, his mouth working your clit relentlessly.
"K-Kuna I'm—I'm going to—" you stuttered, your breath coming in short gasps as you surged over the precipice, crying out his name as waves of bliss crashed over you. Sukuna continued his relentless assault, riding out your orgasm with you, prolonging the pleasure until you were reduced to a quivering mess, boneless in his arms.
Pulling back, he admired his handiwork, your skin dewy with a post-orgasmic glow, your chest heaving as you panted for breath. "Beautiful," he whispered, climbing onto the bed to lie beside you, pulling you into his arms. You nestled against him, feeling safe and loved in his embrace as he nuzzled your hair. "You were such a good girl baby" he murmured, a satisfied smile on his face.
"I- I want more. I want you." You muttered as you looked at him, your breathing not evenly yet.
Hearing the desire in your voice, Sukuna felt his cock twitch, ready and eager to claim you as his own. "I want you too, baby," he growled, his voice deep and husky. "But we don't have to rush. We have all night."
You shook your head, looking up at him with passionate eyes. "I want to feel you.”
His dark eyes smoldered with desire. "As you wish, my baby.” Climbing over you, he positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of his throbbing cock teasing your wet folds. "Are you ready, baby?"
Nodding, you wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him forward. With a slow thrust, he entered you, groaning at the tightness surrounding him. You gasped, your eyes widening at the sensation of being stretched, filled by him. Holding still, Sukuna gave you a moment to adjust to his size, kissing you softly as you whispered words of encouragement.
"You feel so good, baby," he murmured, nipping at your earlobe. "So tight and wet. Made just for me."
You moaned softly, your body relaxing around him as he stroked your hair and kissed you tenderly. "Move," you whispered, wanting to feel him deep inside you. "Please, Sukuna."
With a gentle thrust, Sukuna began to move, sliding in and out of your wet heat, setting a slow, sensual rhythm. You met his thrusts, your hips moving in perfect synchronization as you rose to greet each stroke, bodies creating a delicious friction. Wrapping your legs tighter around him, you urged him on, your breath coming in short gasps as pleasure spiraled through you once more.
Sukuna leaned in, capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss as he increased the pace, his hips moving faster, slamming into you with deep, hard strokes that had the headboard banging against the wall. Fuck, Yuuji and Choso are going to kill him tomorrow.
You cried out, nails digging into his back as you met his passion with your own, bodies slick with sweat, sliding against each other as both of you moved in perfect harmony.
Reaching between your bodies, Sukuna found your swollen clit, rubbing it in firm circles as he thrusted into you, aiming for that sweet spot deep inside you. You moaned, the pleasure building again, crashing over you in waves as you surged towards another climax.
"That’s it baby, cum for me, baby," Sukuna growled, his own orgasm building as your inner walls clenched around him. "Come on my cock."
His words sent you over the edge, crying out his name as your walls clamped down on him, milking his cock as he joined you in release, filling you with his hot cum. Gasping for breath, he collapsed onto you, his weight crushing you into the mattress as he struggled to catch his breath.
You laughed softly, your fingers threading through his hair as you looked up at him with adoring eyes. "K-Kuna" you breathed, pressing soft kisses to his sweaty forehead. "I love you."
He raised his head, his dark eyes filled with passion and love. "I love you too, baby," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
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YES. I WARNED YALL. IT WAS PURE SMUT. BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR THE NEXT PART. 🩷 Also, this is my first time writing smut.
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sammyofold · 3 months
Here are those fic recs I promised you @incesthemes ! I hope there's some in there that you'll really enjoy <3 I split up the recs into overarching tropes to group some together, but I'll start with those that don't fit into any of the groups.
The list got a bit long, so I decided to split it up into two parts.
(Part 1 | Part 2)
Courting Death by theproblematique.
Summary: Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester's only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He's supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn't have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.
Servant of Servants 'verse by klove0511.
This is a two-part series (though I think it might've been intended to have more fics, its ending doesn't leave you feeling snubbed), posing the question: "what if it had been Sam who'd been mortally wounded at the end of Season 1?"
love potion no. 9 by according2thelore.
Summary: Dean drinks a love potion. Sam is falling apart at the seams because he's been in love with his brother for more than a decade.
keep me in a daydream by according2thelore.
Summary: After an accidental kiss makes a hunt go suspiciously well, Sam and Dean decide to try it again. And again. And again. It's no different from wearing lucky socks, right? A 5 + 1.
for you and me (i got no alibi) by remy.
Summary: There are people hitting on Sam wherever he goes, and Dean is doing weird things like holding doors open for him and touching him way more than is necessary, and it's all driving Sam up the wall. It doesn't help that he's been in love with Dean for just about forever, and all of it feels like a mockery of something he'll never get to have. Meanwhile, Dean is at his wits' end trying to figure out how he can make Sam realize that he is, in fact, trying to get into his pants.
Ben Has Two Dads by regala_electra.
Summary: When Ben turns thirteen and learns that Dean Winchester is his father, he runs away to join his father (and uncle). A tale where boys are boys, Vikings are Vikings, unicorns go to Candy Mountains, Dean and Sam are in big gay love, and Ben becomes a Winchester.
Last Temptation by merle_p.
Summary: Sam is running a fever again, the kind of fever no Ibuprofen or cold compress will bring down, the kind of fever that is eating him up alive, eviscerating him from the inside. He is too hot and too cold and too pale, delirious and shaking, resonating with whatever divine energy the trials are subjecting him to, and Dean is not sure how much longer he can stand to see him be in this state. Because Sam is quite possibly dying, and there is nothing Dean can do to stop it. Because Sam is dying, and he just. Won’t. Shut. Up.
Five Times Dean Forgot and One Time He Remembered by elsi.
Summary: Rowena warned him the obliviate curse might have “aftershocks.” That Dean could relapse to his amnesiac state without warning—though only temporarily, she assured. But this? This goes beyond calling a lamp a “light stick.”
Whatever It Is by theproblematique.
Summary: Both Sam and Dean get sent to the year 2014.
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life, Too) by TeacupUnicorn.
Summary: Sam and Dean get handcuffed together during a hunt. With a werewolf on their tail and a proximity to each other they haven’t had since they were kids, their unstable relationship is put to the test and their trust in each other is pushed to the limit. Set sometime after 5x16 and before 5x20.
Not Her Sam by Yuval25.
Summary: Future Dean goes back in time to change the future and saves Jess. Future Sam tags along unexpectedly. And Jess is okay. No, seriously. She's fine.
Mistaken For a Couple
101 - mythology by ani_coolgirl.
Summary: As Sam, Dean, and Kali flee Lucifer's slaughter, Kali makes an assumption. The boys try to clear up any misconceptions. They don't do a very good job.
I need you so much closer by cherryvanilla.
Summary: five times they're mistaken for a couple plus one time they actually are.
Paisley by samsexualdeancurious.
Summary: After his mind wall was broken and was healed, Sam knows he can’t be a hunter anymore, so he and Dean retire, and Sam ends up finding a homeless dog who was abused and together they heal.
The Chicago Verse by compo67.
This is a series spanning a whopping 169 fics. I've read only a few of them and I enjoyed Sam and Dean retiring in this town together. It's still updating, looks like, since the latest fic added was in May of this year.
a few things worth saying by hathfrozen.
Summary: “So this morning,” Dean ventures as they blast down the highway in pitch black night toward a probable werewolf case. Sam looks over at him, thin eyebrows raised, eyes clear and calm. He’s not even difficult about it, doesn’t ask what Dean is after, doesn’t deny what had happened. Instead he says, very simply, “I just figure, why lie?” Alright then.
All The Way In by hunters_retreat.
Summary: Sam never did know how exactly it happened. One day, he and Dean were run ragged, exhausted from yet another disaster of a hunt, no money and no gas, no prospects and no allies left alive to give them a hand. The next, they owned a store with a shooting range and Sam was a professor of religious studies at a local community college.
Pre-Series & Season 1
To Blow Against the Wind by dreamlittleyo.
Summary: After Oasis Plains, Sam and Dean can't. Stop. Touching each other.
Star-Crossed by Agent_Hellcat.
Summary: Before Sam departs for Stanford, he writes a letter to Dean, begging him to come to Palo Alto with him.
Birthday Suit by wincestation.
Summary: On the morning of Dean’s eighteenth birthday, Dad takes him to buy a suit. Sam is… interested.
house song by according2thelore.
Summary: “The werewolf.” Sam says, quick. Hushed. Scared. “I don’t know how. I was—He was standing above you and then he wasn’t. And I think I did that.” Dean keeps whispering stuff to Sam, banal reassurances that Sam soaks up like a sponge, but he feels sick. Sammy did something impossible. Sammy’s been doing impossible things. For years. Or: Pre-Canon/Teen!chesters AU in which Sam develops powers at age eleven, Dean will do anything to protect him, and they have to live with the consequences
Outsider POV
What I've Done by Amoreanonyname.
Summary: He wasn’t going to say anything more about it. He could tell, Dean was happy to see him, but wasn’t going to humor this topic. Dean, young Dean would jump to obey John, to answer John’s questions, but this was an older Dean who was more loyal to someone else now. More loyal to his brother. John wasn’t the priority here, and he realized with another guilty jump in his stomach that he never should have been.
something you love and understand by monsterq.
Summary: In heaven, Mary makes an unwelcome discovery about her sons’ relationship.
a skeleton terribly restless by remy.
Summary: Mary knows she doesn't fit right in this strange new world she's woken up in, with these grown men masquerading as her sons, but she tries her best. She really does. She closes her eyes to all the things she does not want to see, and she lies to herself until she's convinced. Until she can't.
Flowers on the Window Sill by orphan_account.
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester's relationship as observed by the good people of Star's Hollow.
Fix You by non_tiembo_mala.
Summary: After their encounter with Famine, the boys are in dire straits. With Dean left shaken by the horseman's taunts - which rang truer than he'd like to admit - and Sam juiced up on demon blood again, Dean is at a loss. He has no idea how to move forward, or where they're meant to go from here. Then again, they’ve always had each other - perhaps their salvation isn't as far away as it seems.
All Too Familiar by sammichgirl.
Summary: Sam's new hobby has consequences they never saw coming. Turns out, that's OK with Dean after all.
What We Do by BleedingInk.
Summary: Castiel catches Sam and Dean in a compromising position.
since feeling is first by queenklu.
Summary: That he wants to think this is Dean yanking a leash should make his blood run cold, not aching hot. It should make him sick, angry, it should get his fucking hackles up and make him fight. He does want to fight. But there’s a skin-thin line between primal things, and fighting isn’t all he wants to do.
if the dam breaks open many years too soon by deirde_c.
Summary: Sam’s soul springs a leak, and Dean’s the one who can repair it.
In the beached margin of the sea by rivers_bend.
Summary: Sam and Dean black out on a hunt, and when they wake up, Dean's having visions and Sam can't get new, strange feelings out of his head. When John finds out about the side effects, he'll do anything to get rid of the "curse". But Sam and Dean don't want to go back to the way things were before.
I Don't Need A Symbol by amoreanonyname.
Summary: It hadn’t meant that much to Sam at first. A warm glow at being able to do something nice for Dean, to give him something for once, to make him as happy as he seemed when he put it on immediately. It was what it meant to Dean that made it mean something else to Sam.
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the girl next door 22
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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A man shows up shortly after. You think it’s the judge but you vaguely recognise his thick gray hair and his stance. Steve greets him happily and introduces him as Bucky; the other witness. 
He nods at you and your mom as he crosses his arms and subtly checks his watch. He’s not dressed as nicely as Steve; he has no jacket but he wears a button-up and slacks. You wonder if he’s just as surprised by the whole affair or even if he has the context to be. 
Your mom and Steve barely know each other. It’s only been a few weeks since he moved in. Isn’t marriage supposed to be a big thing? Something you do after at least a few years. Well, how do you know? All you know of normal life, you learned from TV and everyone knows that’s not realistic. 
The judge arrives and introduces herself as the Honorable Valentina de Fontaine. Your vision is blurry as she begins by reading from a piece of paper. Is this how it really is? No romance, no fairy tale, just a stuffy city hall room and a judge with a script. You don’t know why it’s bothering you so much. 
It’s just too fast. It’s too surreal. It just doesn’t feel real. 
You can barely process the words as Steve and your mom stand before the judge. Their vows are lost to the void of your confusion. That man, Bucky, stands near, intently listening but showing no emotion. He senses you looking at him and gazes back at you. You quickly turn away and self-consciously pull at your dress. 
You don’t move until your asked to sign. You take the pen but have a hard time getting a grip on it. How strange it all is. You manage to sign your name on the paper to verify your presence and step back. The declaration of man and wife echoes in your ears. 
What does it all mean? Steve is... your stepfather now? Is he still going to live next door? Is he going to move in? Do you have to go? Where? What about your mom? She’s still sick. None of it makes sense. 
The judge congratulates the happy couple. The do seem happy. You bend your arms over your chest and clutch the sides of your neck. You chew your lip awkwardly as your mom and Steve beam at each other triumphantly. 
“Uh, right,” Steve snaps out of it, “so, we’re going to do lunch. How about it, Buck, you wanna join?” 
Bucky looks dully at his friend then glances at you. You notice how your mom clings to Steve’s hand. All of this is so fast and so much. 
“Sure, why not, I can drive this one,” Bucky says, “so you two love birds get at least the drive to yourself.” 
“You don’t gotta do that,” Steve smiles. 
“Don’t mind,” Bucky insists, “you two must be so excited.” 
“Honey,” your mother keeps her voice low, “it’s alright, they can meet us at the restaurant, right? I mean, we’ll need to talk about a few things on the way.” 
“Sure, uh, sure. There’s a reservation so you can just give my name,” Steve’s voice evens out, “see ya there. 
“Mm, sure. Starving anyway,” Bucky mutters and turns to you, “coming?” 
You look at the man then your mom Steve. Your mother gives you a look that says get out of here. Best that you don’t ruin the happiest day of her life. It truly does seem to be. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her anything close to elated but she’s just smiling and latched onto her husband. 
Her husband. 
You turn and follow the other man from the room. He slows his gait until you’re walking beside him. He’s quiet as you tread through the maze that is City Hall. As you get to the parking lot, he points you without a word. You go to a car and hear the locks slide back. 
You wait until he gets in the driver’s side before you open the passenger door. As you buckle in, he checks the mirror and turns the engine. He sighs. 
“Must be strange,” he comments as he reverses out, “new dad and everything, huh?” 
You’re quiet but make yourself eke out a noise, “mhmm.” 
“Sorry, I probably don’t make it any better,” he steers casually, “why don’t you save us both the trouble and find something to listen to?” 
He turns on the stereo with a button on the wheel and you flinch. You hesitantly lean forward and search the stations. You don’t want to make him listen to anything too out of his preference and you’re a bit too embarrassed to search for what you really like. You settle on a station with old songs you recognise vaguely. 
“Talking Heads, nice,” he comments. It takes you a moment to realises that’s the band’s name. 
You nod and look out the window. He doesn’t press further. He doesn’t try like Steve to manufacture the conversation. He just lets you be. You can appreciate that. You watch the buildings pass by and flutter your fingers against your legs. 
As the car pulls in behind a restaurant, you feel another lurch in your stomach. You’re both hungry and terrified. It’s a nice place and you’ve never been anywhere nicer than an Applebee’s. That was when you were eight and your grandmother took you out for your birthday. 
You let Bucky take the lead. He gets out, you get out. He crosses the lot, you cross the lot. Right there at his side. He’s a stranger, you don’t know him, but his presence is almost reassuring. He has a confidence you could never fathom. Besides, what choice do you have? 
You step inside and he steps ahead to meet the hostess. He gives Steve’s name and you trail after him as you’re led further inside. You see other diners dressed nicely for their meals. You look down at yourself and the faded polka dot dress. 
You sit and wait. You’re on edge, waiting for Bucky to say something, anything. To ask you a question. So what about your mom? You take care of her? She’s sick, huh? 
He lets you be and orders a coffee, asking if you want something at the same time. You just ask for water and sink into the chair. Your eyes wander over the floor and up another table. Another woman stares at you. You try to ignore her as the server nears and puts down the coffee and water, a small divet between his brows. 
As you sip, you hear your mom’s crow above the din. You glance over as she walks ahead of Steve. The settle in and order drinks as Bucky greets them. It all still feels so disjointed, like a dream. As if the little pieces of reality have been stuck together haphazardly. 
"There's the happy couple,” Bucky muses dryly. 
“Says the eternal bachelor,” Steve retorts, “sound jealous, huh?” 
“I’m quite happy, actually. Got my own space, my own bed, my own everything.” 
“Sure,” Steve chuckles, “sounds amazing.” 
“Any plans for the honeymoon?” Bucky asks though he sounds disinterested. 
“Probably will have to wait a while. For now, we’re just gonna sort things out,” Steve turns and looks at you, “you’re quiet, kiddo, what’s going on?” 
You shake your head and sit back as the server returns with a coffee for your mom and a grapefruit juice for Steve. You wait for him to leave but he doesn’t. You stare at the table and he clears his throat. You look up at the man as the table stills. 
“Excuse me, miss, um,” he keeps his voice low, “this is a nice establishment so I’m going to have to ask you to cover up.” 
You bite your lip and your eyes go wide, “what? I don’t...” 
“You can put a napkin over your chest,” he suggests. 
Steve lets out a heavy breath and your mother mutters under hear breath. 
“I...” you look down and try to pull your dress up, “I’m sorry.” 
“Here, take my jacket,” Steve stands strips off his jacket, offering it up. “Thanks, you can go.” 
You accept his coat with a quavery thank you and he sits after the terse dismissal. With your head down and your body on fire, you pull the jacket around your shoulders, hiding in it. It smells like his cologne. Your eyes tinge and you roll them back to keep from crying. 
“Wow, that was rude,” Steve says. 
“Well, she shouldn’t be wearing something so inappropriate,” your mother snorts. 
Bucky shifts awkwardly and you turn your face away, humiliated. 
“Her dress is just fine. That guy has no right to be commenting on her body. We’re paying customers,” Steve snarls, “makes me wanna just go.” 
“It’s okay,” you sniffle, “really.” 
“It’s not okay,” Steve insists. 
‘”Oh, honey, don’t be so dramatic,” you mother snickers, “if she didn’t want people to comment, she’d cover up.” 
Steve is quiet as Bucky sips from his coffee. He clinks it down and you wince. 
“I think you both should let her speak for herself,” he says bluntly, “and if she doesn’t wanna talk about it, move on.” 
You blink and slowly peek over at the man. He doesn’t glance back or even acknowledge you. He just sits back and swirls his mug. 
“I always hated places like this,” he scoffs. 
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imtryingbuck · 11 months
Happy Ending
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, past Steve x fem!Reader
Summary: Happy Ending that’s all.
Word count: 1,109
Warnings: swearing, my awful attempt at fluff and I think that’s it
 Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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You were wrong. About Steve I mean. Steve wasn’t the love of your life. The man sitting on the floor trying and failing to assemble a crib without instructions because and I quote ‘I don’t need instructions Y/N it’s not that difficult’. Him. He’s the love of your life.
You’re standing at the door to the nursery watching this beautiful man struggle and instead on offering help as you know for a fine fact he’d tell you no, you stand and watch. You look around the room and smile. Sam came over two days ago to help paint the room with Bucky whilst you were sat in the living room with Natasha and Wanda going through baby names both women argued with each other for ages about if the baby’s a girl to be named after one of them.
For 6 months you and Bucky dated without anyone knowing until Bucky asked if he could tell Steve as he wanted to introduce you to his newfound family as his girlfriend, you nervously agreed. Bucky came back to your apartment with a black eye and busted lip. Steve was furious claiming that you both betrayed him and when Bucky mentioned that Steve had dated your sister that was a betrayal, their argument had spilled out to the common room, and everyone was in shock not only to see the two super soldiers’ best friends arguing but to learn that you was Steve’s ex-girlfriend. Bucky threw the first punch after Steve made a comment about you which still to this day, he has never told you what that comment was. After meeting the team again things were going great, that was until you was going to the bathroom and walked straight into Steve an argument happens with him calling you all the names under the sun then apologising and proceeding to tell you how much he loves you. You tell him you don’t love him anymore; you tell him you wish him all the best and with that you go and sit next to Bucky.
Another six months go by, and you walk into your apartment and at first your confused you’ve walked into the wrong place when you take in the sight of your floor covered in rose petals and there’s candles lit up, as you walk further into your home you see Bucky standing there with a nervous smile. 
“Hi baby” he says.
“Hi Buck, what’s all this?” Your minds racing thinking you’ve forgotten your anniversary but that’s not for another two weeks.
“I had a whole speech I wrote but standing here looking at you I can’t remember what I wrote” he chuckles lightly. “So I’m just going to say this. Y/N I love you more than anything in this world. You are my happiness, my forever. I- woul- Will you marry me my love?” 
You didn’t even notice he had dropped to his knee; you didn’t even notice the ring, you didn’t even notice the tears rolling down your face as you nod spluttering ‘yes’.
Your baby was conceived that night.
When you told Bucky you was pregnant you was a nervous wreck, your apologising whilst he drops to his knees kissing your stomach over and over and then he’s thanking you for the best news ever. 
Three months later you and Bucky get married in the field that you had your first date, Tony is adamant he’s paying for the whole thing. Natasha and Wanda are both your maid of honour’s as you simply couldn’t decide. Sam is Bucky’s best man. Bruce and Pepper are running around making sure everything is running smoothly. Your parents and sister aren’t there as you haven’t spoken to them since Steve broke up with your sister. Your brother is there with tears in his eyes and he’s the one that walks you down the makeshift isle. Steve makes an appearance which makes your heart race with worry, thinking he’ll do something but luckily he doesn’t. As you’re exchanging your vows there’s not a dry eye around. You see Steve give Bucky a smile with a nod as you both walk past. When the night draws to an end you tell everyone that you’re expecting Baby Barnes everybody cheers. Steve asks if you two could talk and you agree, you walk into an empty room and he asks you if your happy you tell him yes so with a nod he tells you that he’s sorry for not doing right by you. He congratulates you for your marriage and pregnancy, he pulls you into a hug whispering that you will always be the love of his life.
Steve has to watch the love of his life walk up to hers and there’s nothing he can do about it. He lost you and it was all his fault.
The day Baby Barnes decided to make an appearance your husband is a nervous wreck which actually helps you with the pain as your too focused on him to register that soon enough you’ll be pushing a human into the world. After four and half hours of labour you give birth to the most beautiful baby boy. The doctor tells you to keep pushing as another baby is on its way, you and Bucky share a look of horror and confusion. You give birth to a beautiful baby girl.
As your sat there with your family the room starts to fill up with your other family. Like yourselves everyone gets a shock when Bucky shows them your daughter, wide eyes and laughter fill the room. 
The love of your life sits on the bed besides you with your daughter in his arms your son in yours and neither one of you can stop smiling. He tells you he’s so proud of you and repeatedly tell you how much he loves you.
You see the love of your life kissing another girl instead of your heart breaking it flutters. Bucky kisses Winnie’s face all over to make her release that delightful squeal whilst James Junior (JJ as Bucky calls him) is playing with his Captain America shield. Catching the love of your life attention you tell him your pregnant again he cries and tells you he’s so happy and so madly in love with you, the three year olds are confused but as soon as they see their parents laughing they follow along.
Sitting there later that night with the babies in bed yourself and Bucky take a minute to thank Steve for messing up and as Buck puts it ‘letting the most beautiful and incredible person walk away’.
You finally got your happy ending.
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Tags: @bruher @cjand10 @themotherof10 @spngingerbread21 @behindmygreyeyes @hnnhbananananana @reguluscrystals @learisa @unaxv
~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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daisyblog · 5 months
Wine, Pizza and Never Have I Ever
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Unexpected Love Masterlist Summary: Harry and YN’s second date.
It had been two weeks since their first date. Harry had been busy in the studio and YN had been busy with Jacob and in the florist. But despite their busy lives, they had been texting back and forth every moment they could, and on some evenings talking over the phone. 
As Jacob was staying at his dad’s that evening, YN and Harry had arranged to see each other again. Due to Jacob being picked up at 6:30pm, YN asked if Harry was happy to have dinner at her place instead. 
The sound of the door knocking alerted YN that Jack was here. Opening the door, they smiled at eachother and YN invited Jack in. “Jacob…Daddy’s here!”. 
“What are your plans for the weekend? Zara mentioned you were thinking of taking the kids to the beach”. YN asked Jack as they waited for Jacob. Zara is Jack’s fiancée and they have a little boy, Theo who is nearly two. 
Jack shrugged his shoulders at the question. “We’re going to let Jakey decide in the morning”. He looked at YN with a suspicious grin. “You’re dressed nice for someone who likes to be in her pyjamas by seven”. 
“I fancied a change…is that okay?”. YN laughed knowing how right Jack was. Usually by now she would be in her unmatching pyjama with a messy bun. 
Jack continued to stare, until he cracked. “You’ve got a date, haven’t you?”. The big smile on his face was genuine. He’d waited a long time for YN to finally give in and give someone a chance. “Who is he? Do I know him?”.
“Shut up Jack!”. YN could feel the pinkness rush up her neck and land on her cheeks. “It’s just a second date”. 
“Second? Second date?”. He continued to question. “You owe me and Zara all the details…oh wait until I tell her!”. 
“It’s still early days, but I like him”. YN admitted as they still stood in the hallway. “Why are you smiling like that?”.
“‘Cause I’ve waited for this day forever and I want you to be happy”. Jack couldn’t hide his excitement. 
“Daddy!”. Jacob ran his little legs into his father who scooped him up into his arms. “Missed you”. 
“I’ve missed you too bud!”. He kissed his cheek in affection. “Give Mummy a kiss and cuddle and let’s go have fun”.
YN cuddled Jacob tightly as she already missed him before he had left. “I love you to the moon and back again”. 
“I love you too Mummy”. His sweet voice whispered into her shoulder. 
“Go and have fun with Daddy and give Zara and Theo a big cuddle from me okay?”. YN watched as Jacob held Jack’s hand, ready to leave for the weekend. 
“You have fun too yeah?”. Jack wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing YN to roll her eyes. “Remember we want to know all the details”. 
“I love you Jacob…goodbye Jack!” YN put emphasis on the last part as she chuckled to herself. 
Harry arrived just after 7pm and YN couldn’t  believe how someone managed to look so good in an outfit so effortless. 
“Hi.” YN greeted him and gestured for him to come in before closing the door behind him. 
“Hi”. Harry let out a shy giggle at the sight of seeing YN again. He leaned in gently gave her hug and a peck on the cheek. “You look beautiful”.
“Thank you”. YN blushed at both the peck and compliment. “Come through”. Harry followed YN through another door before they entered what he knew was the lounge area. “I hope you didn’t mind coming here tonight…I just thought it was easier with Jacob being pick-“. 
“YN” Harry interrupted with a smile. “It’s fine…I promise”. Harry took a seat next to her on the sofa. “Here I’ve got us a bottle of wine”. 
“Oh something old and red.” YN rose from her seat as she looked at the bottle. “I’ll go and get some glasses for us”. She walked to the kitchen. She felt like she needed to keep herself busy, to ease the nerves. 
“You know your wine”. Harry showed his dimples as he fidgeted in his seat. He watched as YN walked through to what he assumed was the kitchen. 
He looked around trying to learn more about YN, when he saw a photo on the sideboard he went for a closer look. Harry pointed YN out straight away as she smiled loudly for the camera. She held a little boy in her arms, who he naturally thought was Jacob. But he wondered who the other people in the photo were. 
“I’ve got two glasses and some nibbles for us” YN disturbed Harry’s as she placed the glasses and some bowls with snacks in on the coffee table in front of the sofa. 
“Uh sorry…I was being a bit nosey”. Harry got himself into a fluster, as he placed the photo frame back in its original place. 
YN shook her head as Harry sat back down next to her, taking a sip of his glass. “You can look, it’s fine”. YN took a sip from her own glass. 
“Is the little boy you’re holding, Jacob?”. Harry couldn’t help but ask, he knew it was because he could see they had the same eyes that crinkled when they smile. 
YN glanced over at the photo. “Yeah it’s Jacob”. She smiled at Harry. “The man and woman is actually Jacob’s Dad and his fiancée and their little boy, Theo”. 
YN tried to read Harry’s reaction, but for once she couldn’t.  “It’s a lovely photo”. He complimented. 
“I know it probably seems strange…me having the photo but-“. YN began to justify herself, feeling her throat close a bit with nerves. Her voice wobbled a bit has she began to defend herself. 
“Hey” Harry’s voice was gentle as he reached over and touched her hand. “It’s okay…you don’t need to explain yourself to me…my first thought was that’s how blended families should be”. 
“M’sorry…it’s just people have told me it’s strange that Jack and I still get on…and that me and Zara are friends”. YN explained as she looked down at Harry’s hand that was still on hers. 
“Do you want to know what I think?”. YN nodded. “I think you need to stop believing what other people think, and actually be proud of yourself for putting Jacob first and being able to co-parent”. 
YN smiled at his words because she knew he was right, she cared too much about what others thought. “Okay…when do I start to see your flaws?”. She joked as she nudged his shoulder playfully.
Harry let out a laugh, his smile wide and his eyes crinkled. “What do you mean?”. 
“You just seem to perfect for me…me being a Mum doesn’t bother you…me getting on with my ex and his partner is fine too…you just seem too good to be true”. Harry laughed at YN’s teasing, rubbing his finger under his nose as he did. 
Harry shrugged his shoulders. “I’d like to think I’m quite humble…I mean my Mum was a single Mum when I was growing up and we would see my Dad on the weekend…so I think I just get it”: 
“Well tell your Mum she raised a one of kind”. Harry took YN’s compliment because he knew his Mum was the kindest woman he knew.
“Shall I order us pizza?”. 
It was later in the evening and YN and Harry were both a couple of glasses in, and full from sharing a large pizza. The effect of the wine was starting to show as they both became extra giggly and Harry’s hand now rested on YN’s knee as they both leaned towards each other. 
“Okay…never have I ever gone skinny-dipping?” YN asked and they both took a sip from their glass. “Spill!”.
Harry let out a chuckle at YN wanting to know details. “Uh…I was on tour with the band…and one night me and a few of the boys thought it would be funny to sneak down to the pool, and go skinny dipping”. 
“Did you get caught?”. YN asked as she leaned her head on her hand against the top of the sofa. 
“Only by our security…but they just laughed at us and told us to go back to our rooms”. Harry recited the memory. “What about you?”. 
“It was when I was in uni…we went on a trip to the beach and we were playing a game…and our team lost and that was the consequence…quite boring actually”. YN laughed at how plain her story sounded. 
“Next one…never have I ever…been walked in on whilst having sex”. Harry asked but his drink stayed in place. But YN brought hers up to her lips to take a sip. “Really?”. 
“Yes…it was so embarrassing!”. YN shivered at the memory of Jack’s older brother walking in at an awkward time. “Moving on…never have I ever joined the mile high club”. YN watched as Harry took a drink from his glass, a slight smirk on his face. “I always imagined it would be cramped”.
“Well I mean…depends on the plane…if it’s a private plane then you’ve got enough room”. They both laughed, the alcohol taking over. “Never have I ever..” Harry thought of another question. “Wanted to kiss someone in this room”. 
Harry knew it was a bold move, he knew it could go either way but with the alcohol in his system and how close they were sitting, he took the risk. The way YN stared at him, he thought he may have ruined the moment but as he moved his glass up to his lips, YN mimicked his movement. 
YN gently took his glass from his hands and placed them both on the table. “Maybe we should do something about that”.
Harry was in awe when she made the first move and placed her lips on his. He could taste a mixture of red wine mixed with strawberry lipstick, as their lips moved heavily against the others. Harry pulled her closer so she was straddling him, both looking for closeness. 
YN moved her hands so they rested just below Harry’s neck. Harry’s one hand found familiarity on her thigh, whilst the other rested against her cheek. Their lips remained eager to get to know the other and their hands wanted to follow suit but nerves still remained present. 
@ell0ra-br3kk3r @vikiii07-blog @sleutherclaw
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01zfan · 6 months
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argue with you pt. 3 | s.es
valedictorian!eunseok x debate leader!reader | 17.9k words
the long awaited part three. i hope the actually insane word count makes up for how long i kept you guys waiting heh. thank you again for 1k and that you for support the argue with you series. i love you guys so much. i hope you guys enjoy!
argue with you: one | two | three
contains: no content warning enjoyyyyy
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you haven’t been the best leader of your team lately. in your defense, you may have been too hard on yourself. in fact, if you were to ask anyone on your team about your performance as a leader this season they would only say great things. besides the fact that you seemed distracted. it had gotten to the point that your team had exhausted every synonym of the word during the season.
when you’d mess up calling out events you were preoccupied. when you had to correct wrong information you gave to your teammates you were inattentive. when you would lose your footing and almost trip over nothing you were absentminded. it had gotten to the point that the only time you weren’t flustered was when you were debating. 
they didn’t blame you for seeming distracted. your team came to the conclusion all on their own that you were constantly thinking about your last competition season and how the stakes were raising with each win. they believed you were stressed and felt the pressure for your team to perform well. no one knew the real reason, why your mind seemed to be in a million places at once. when you weren’t debating you were thinking about your debate partner and what you two would do when you were alone. when calling out events you would see eunseok’s name written beside yours on the clipboard and lose track of your thoughts. 
at first your dirty mind would drift to what he looked like on top of you at the previous competitions when he’d sneak into your room after light’s out. you mind would force you to remember how foolishly adamant you were about not fucking in missionary. you thought about how once you started, you couldn’t go back. you lived for each competition not just to debate but also for what you knew was coming each night. either one of you would give your secret knock on the others door after the competition to be let in instantly. in the beginning you two would act only on carnal desires, taking off clothes and clashing teeth before stumbling onto the bed. you two barely spoke in the beginning besides teases and taunts, or the occasional that feels good and right there’s.
as the season progressed the air around you and eunseok changed. the desire was still there, in fact you believe it started to burn brighter than before. sometimes it felt like you were on the verge of combustion, especially when the sun would set on competition days and the anticipation started setting in. but as you started being around eunseok more and more you would see his name on the clipboard next to yours and think about how soft his hands always were and how he started looking at you with so much care. you starting thinking about how much eunseok was beside you at school now, walking you to your classes and sitting at your lunch table. he always made sure to get you the food you liked in line so you could get an extra serving.
when you tried to give pointers to your teammates you started thinking about how both you and eunseok started helping eachother in regards to debate. you would accidentally give your teammates tips that helped the enemy team while you recalled eunseok showing you how to sway the lay judges, teaching you how to convey confidence through your body language and tone. you learned then that eunseok was shyer than you. he was an extreme introvert who just so happened to have an aura people were drawn to. 
the same way he taught you, you gave him pointers on how to save an argument that seemed unsalvageable. it was run-of-the-mill stuff for you, but each tip you gave eunseok’s eyes would focus and he’d nod his head eagerly. it was the same head nod he’d give you in bed when you told him to touch you a certain way or the nod he’d give when you started losing your ability to speak. 
clumsiness wasn’t something that you struggled with before eunseok. but when he was close, you felt yourself tripping over nothing, foot catching on air or something that wasn’t there. eunseok was no better, sometimes stopping for no reason while passing by you. he let his head follow you down hallways and across stages, always stopping mid sentence. he left his friends wondering what he was looking at and your friends would joke that you wore shoes a size too big.
everything was easier when it was just sex with eunseok. you two had set rules aside, a shared google document with a million codewords that could not be cracked by the average person. it was written meticulously, never openly saying the word sex and posing the rules in debate format. it was excessive, but necessary for your peace of mind. your teammates and sponsors often asked for you to share documents with them and the thought of accidentally sharing a document with them that had the logistics of your sexual arrangement with eunseok made your heart drop. you even considered making a whole new email just for the document, but eunseok convinced you it wasn’t necessary. you both compromised by wording the rules in a way that would confuse anyone so immensely they wouldn’t even bother trying to decipher it. eunseok found himself reading the manifesto—the name he came up with—shaking his head as he tried to understand what you were writing on the other side of the screen. 
many rules on the manifesto were broken pretty early on. you two actually had to start writing in the margins to keep track of who was breaking which rules. 
eunseok was the one who broke the rule of no kissing. before you two hooked up for the second time, you made a point to stop his lips from touching yours. who broke the rule was decided after a heavy debate between the two of you. you argued that because you were the one who first denied kissing eunseok it made no sense that you were the one to blame for breaking the no kissing rule. eunseok argued that you only set the rule so it could be broken. he also made the point that no kissing wasn’t in writing when he kissed you. it was arguably a moment of weakness for him, lost in the moment when you emerged underneath the sheets after sucking him off. eunseok saw the spit in the corner of your mouth that you wiped away with the back of your hand, and the glassy look in your eyes that told him you pushed yourself a little past your limit just to make sure he felt good. you gravitated towards towards him like a dream and something came over him when his two hands pulled you in for a kiss. eunseok withheld the fact that you only hesitated a moment before kissing him back, and how quickly you took control while kissing him. you were riding his thigh while he pulled you in closer, and you started whining when he put his tongue in your mouth.
but whoever it was—it was eunseok—was long forgotten. because now you guys kissed without having sex, sneaking away to another storage closet or empty classroom to suck on eachother’s faces. eunseok always would pull away from your lips with a smile on his face one that told you he knew how happy you were that he broke the rule.
you’re able to admit that you were the one who broke the rule of no missionary. you still remember which debate it was. it was a day that challenged you as a leader and debater. everything seemed to go wrong—your team arrived late due to a pileup on the freeway, two of your teammates forgot their uniform, and you were going against the same team that beat you the year prior. you hated being frazzled by things you couldn’t control, unlike your debate partner that let the problems bead and fall from his body like rain. the circumstances and stress of the day made you a terrible debater. you stumbled over your words and rebuttals caught on the tip of your tongue. nothing helped when you saw a smirk on your enemy teams lips, knowing that you were lost. for the first since becoming a debater you felt like you were the worst in the room. you found yourself looking to eunseok in between the breaks. each time he gave you a look that urged you to relax you felt more tense. by the end of the debate you were completely leaning on him and were avoiding the looks of your teammates that had come to watch. 
you were shocked when you and eunseok won the debate. afterwards, you learned the two of you won by the skin of your teeth. you found out after the fact that extra points were rewarded due to eunseok’s confident body language and cracks he exposed in the enemy teams arguments. 
you felt like a shell of a leader when you stood beside eunseok to accept your medal. it was all the same to your team, a win was a win no matter how it was awarded. but you felt awful. it was the first time you failed so miserably, and the first time you didn’t take the lead during a debate. you smiled through the photos while you felt a rock forming in your throat. it unsettled you immensely, and it made you hyperaware that you could no longer have days where you didn’t perform like a future finals winner. you immediately took off your medal after the last camera flashed in your face. you disappeared from your celebrating team for the rest of the day, avoiding calls and texts about lunch and dinner. any selfishness you felt for hiding in your room boiled down to anger and shame for your terrible performance. you were stuck on an infinite loop, recalling the way you choked on your words and feeling the hot light from the stage beat down on you. the sweat rolling down your back made you uncomfortable as you failed at defending your argument. you planned on being completely alone to ruminate on your mistakes when eunseok showed up at your door. he was apologetic even though it wasn’t his fault with food in his hand even though he had already eaten.
the argument that followed eunseok coming to your room unannounced was inevitable. you don’t know why you were so angry, or why eunseok kept a cool head the entire time. you had tired yourself out thirty minutes later, the truth came to the surface after eunseok gave you a surprisingly warm hug. your combative nature that was fueled by your lackluster performance as a debater and leader was extinguished when eunseok started rubbing your back. you bit back tears, and anymore arguments melted in your throat while you slumped into eunseok’s arms.
eunseok then comforted you the only way you’d accept it at the time. he touched you gently where you needed it most and wherever you told him. he made sure you didn’t have to lift a finger, taking off your clothes with gentle and steady hands. yours were still shaking from the adrenaline when you laid down on the soft sheets of the hotel bed and kept pulling eunseok’s body up until he was hovering over you.
“can we do it like this tonight?” you asked him quietly. 
you could barely hold back your tears when eunseok nodded and caressed your face. you felt hot tears slide down your cheeks when eunseok kissed your forehead tenderly while he slid in. he was gasping at how you felt around him while you let out sounds of your own. he whispered in your ear about how great of a leader you were until you were a whimpering mess underneath him. eunseok was slow and deliberate the whole time, and held you close as you came. when he looked at you in the eyes and kissed the tracks of your tears you couldn’t stop the raw emotions from taking over your body. you held eunseok even closer while you cried from stress of the season and the conflicting emotions you were feeling for your fuck buddy. 
you two never spoke about that night but something changed again. you found yourself more distracted than ever before. it was dangerous how often you were thinking about eunseok even if he was right beside you. your mind often started thinking about holding his hand in public and kissing him outside of the bedroom. you would think about seeing him after the competition, and how missionary was your position of choice with him now. 
despite your mind being somewhere else all the time, it wasn’t an issue. no one was bothered by your aloofness as long as you were focused for the debates; and you were. you had led your team to the finals, only two people on your team didn’t advance. the achievement was unprecedented for your school and you were hailed as an exceptional leader for securing funding for future seasons. your wins showed the school board how successful the team can be.
the grant that was given to your team was something to celebrate. the school board came to your final debate meeting, congratulating everyone for a successful season. your teammates looked to you when they awarded the team a grant. the money would be used for better hotels, official uniforms, and better transportation. it was one of the biggest grants awarded in the history of your school, and it was a cause for celebration. that’s why you were hosting an all girls slumber party two days before the competition. it was convenient, being able to celebrate and do prep work with the girls on the team and then carpool to the school together to get to the buses. it was one of the few strokes of genius you had as leader as of late.
the girls on your team enjoyed it immensely, being able to chat and go over the highlights of the season. you tried to be as present in the moment as possible, talking and adding on to everything that was said. you were able to give advice to the first years on your team, and metaphorically pass the baton to them, emphasizing the new attention the debate team would have especially if you won the finals. your team nodded at you eagerly, like you were giving them the keys to life. it was hard to understand why your team looked at you with so much respect and admiration. if they knew about your sexcapades of the season—with the person everyone thought you hated nonetheless—you imagined all of their opinions would change. 
you successfully didn’t bring up your arrangement with eunseok, and how all consuming it was. you kept it to yourself, sneaking off once everyone was in bed to think about what to do. you felt creeping anxiety from the looming presence of the most important competition of your life being two days away. your sleep schedule was in such disarray that staying awake through the night was more plausible. you were also afraid of dreaming, scared that your subconscious would make you dream of a medal or a person just out of your reach. you knew you would end up sleeping on the long bus ride to the competition anyway. you convinced yourself it was because of the constant movement of the school bus that rocked you to sleep like a baby and not the presence of your debate partner next to you.
see you tomorrow.
sleep well.
you read the text as you opened up your fridge. eunseok was the one that broke the rule of texting you outside of your hours of operation—during competitions, priority after lights out. you can’t lie and say you weren’t humoring him, texting him back whenever you got the chance. your progression of texting had turned from sparse texts every now and then to full on conversations. you don’t know why some nights you ended up on the phone with eunseok, only talking about debate for a few minutes before going into mundane things. now you were at the point of eunseok telling you goodnight and how excited he was to see you tomorrow.
your eyes stayed locked on the message, rereading the text over and over again until your fridge yelled at you to close it. you still stared at your phone when you went to your dining room with your late night snack. when you looked up from your phone you saw yunjin.
yunjin came into your dining room, wrapped in her night robe. you were annoyed at yourself, not noticing or hearing yunjin come down the stairs. you truly were distracted.
yunjin and you stood underneath the fluorescent kitchen lighting waiting for the other to say something. you shuffled on your feet and yunjin crossed her arms
“okay. tell me.” she said
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you said.
yunjin laughed and gave you a dumbfounded look, amazed that you think she’s so stupid. she wordlessly makes her way across the kitchen and sits down with you at the table. you sat at the head, looking down at your hands and yunjin sat next to you, head in her palm while she waited for you to start. 
you took a deep breath, thinking about how you are going to have to write in the margins of your google document later owning up to the fact that you broke another rule. you look at your friend then immediately looking down at your hands again. you clenched your fists and closed your eyes.
“you should get it out before it effects your perfo—”
“i’ve been sleeping with eunseok.” you say quietly.
you swear you can hear yunjin hold her breath. you caught her mind sentence, and you could see the gears turning slowly in your friends mind as she tried to finish her thought and comprehend your words. you look up and see yunjin blink slowly as she processes what you said. she still has the same expression on her face as before.
”what?” yunjin asks.
“i’ve been sleeping with him since the season started.” you repeated.
this time the information sinks in. the same moment a weight lifts off your shoulders you can see it transfer to yunjins. she takes in a deep breath, one that takes in all the fresh air of the dining room. you’re forced to sit in silence and watch yunjin’s eyes go wide. you can see your friend thinking about the logistics of it all, finding the facts and thinking about evidence of fooling around. yunjin lets out the breath. she cracks a smile before looking at your dumbfounded face. it surprises you when she starts to laugh. yunjin’s whole body moves as she laughs, causing her robe to fall down her shoulder.
“i was not expecting that,” yunjin adjusts the sleeve of her robe before raising her eyebrows to emphasis the word that. ”i thought you were gonna say someone was getting cut from the team.” yunjin says.
she starts laughing a little louder, and you also smile at the situation. here you are, two days before the biggest debate of your life and you’re confessing to your teammate that you have been sleeping with someone who you treated like a rival for as long as you’ve known him. yunjin tries her best to wrap her head around you and eunseok, it makes perfect sense but at the same time it doesn’t. 
yunjin shakes her head trying to clear her thoughts.
“is that why you seem so distracted lately?” she asks.
you shrug your shoulders, bringing your eyes to your phone that rests on the edge of the table. eunseok’s text still remains unanswered, sitting in the graveyard of all your unanswered texts.
“i thought it was because of finals?” yunjin says.
“that too. i’m going through alot right now.” you laugh dryly, trying to brighten the situation.
“clearly.” yunjin says.
you let your friend process it even more and sit patiently. you know she’ll begin her cross examination soon.
”are you guys together?” yunjin asks.
you shake your head. 
“are you guys exclusive?” yunjin asks.
you nod your head.
“what are you going to do?” yunjin asks.
that is when you do nothing. it’s a complex question, one that can’t be answered with a nod or shake of your head. it surprisingly can’t be answered with words either, you’re speechless trying to think about what you’re going to do with eunseok when the season ends. you think about how you said to eunseok you’d date him if you won finals. back then, it was a joke and something you said to fill the awkward silence of trying to leave eunseok’s room before you were caught or got to comfortable. at the start of the season it seemed impossible to advance this far ahead. but now it felt like the painful conversation with eunseok was unavoidable. 
looks at her hands resting on the table, twiddling her thumbs before you see an evil smile come across her face. yunjin puts her head on top of her hands and looks at you innocently.
“is it big?” yunjin asks.
she’s facetious and expects you to withhold your answer. yunjin audibly gasps when you look down and smile after nodding your head.
“he knows how to use it too.” you say shyly.
yunjin gasps again and hits your arm playfully. she didn’t know this side of you existed, sneaking around with your debate partner. she asks you about the logistics and you share it all. it’s refreshing, finally being able to be somewhat open about your situation with eunseok. you show her the text messages and photos you ended up taking with eunseok during random moments of your time together. she raises her eyebrows when you insist none of the outings were dates. yunjin secretly hopes that you’ll eventually talk yourself into a hole, and she will be able to nail you with a question that makes you realize your arrangement with eunseok has turned into a relationship. you narrowly escape each of her attempts, pivoting when the conversation starts heading towards that direction.
you also spare yunjin some of the details, not subjecting her to the more intimate aspects of your relationship. you think you’ve said more than enough, and all is understood when you give yunjin the look when yunjin asks a racy question. by the time you’re done, you can see your friend understand your conflict. she brings her hand to rest on top of yours, rubbing the same spot you would mess with when the conversation got too serious.
“you know you’re the smartest person i know, right?” yunjin asked.
you lifted your head to look at yunjin. you shook your head the same way you did each time she told you that. yunjin only smiled before gripping your hand even tighter.
“you’re the smartest person i know. so stop being so stupid.” yunjin said.
when your jaw went slack, yunjin laughed and went back to lean into her chair. you looked at yunjin from your side of the table, feeling like her hand smacked you across the face. yunjin only shrugged, telling you that’s all she had for you.
“just focus on ending the season. everything else will come afterwards.” yunjin said.
you nodded your head and looked down again. suddenly there was a wave of shame again. you felt like curling into yourself, or grip your phone until it cracked. the loose ballast in your ceiling lights buzzed as you and yunjin sat in silence. your phone dinged again, echoing off the walls in the room. you looked to the lit up screen and then to yunjin’s raised eyebrows. 
everything else will come afterwards.
you repeated it like a mantra when you turned your ringer off. yunjin’s face remained neutral, following behind you as you headed back up the stairs. 
yunjin withheld what she truly wanted to say, that she had been covering your trail with eunseok like the good friend she was. each time the nosy freshmen tried to pry yunjin had an excuse locked and loaded for you. yunjin didn’t debate but she was cunning, something your team seemed to forget. so she had noticed the glances and the unnecessary touching and the tension no one else picked up on. yunjin had even caught eunseok walking out of your room. she played dumb, pretending she didn’t see him freeze like an deer caught in the headlights. yunjin instead fiddled with the vending machine for a second too long as eunseok backed into your room, closing the door silently to try and not draw her attention. yunjin will tell you about it one day, a day when you visible look like you can handle it. instead she has to play the role of the nurturing friend, putting a hand on your back as you drag your feet up the stairs.
when yunjin comforts you silently you try not to think about how you broke another rule—don’t tell anybody. it was bolded and in a larger font than everything else. you even had it in all caps on the manifesto, and you underlined to really get the point across. you try to comfort yourself by saying it doesn’t matter, your arrangement with eunseok will be null and void in a few days when the season comes to an end. 
the next morning came slowly. it was due to the fact that you were awake looking at your phone, waiting for the sun to rise so you could wake up your team at a reasonable time. while everyone else snored you used your phone as a distraction to occupy your mind. you kept pulling down your notifications tab, checking to see what eunseok was trying to text you. you refused to clear the notification, keeping it there as some sort of punishment. you had peaked at the notification for the millionth time when your alarm finally went off. 
you wasted no time getting your girls up. you let your obnoxious second alarm clock sound off and watched as more and more of your team were pulled from their blissful sleep. they were groggy, rolling over on eachother looking for the source of the noise. some of them were more stubborn, forcing you to jostle their limp bodies until they came back to the land of the living. 
once everyone was awake you went over the list of toiletries they’d need for the hotel stay and their debate materials needed for the competition. you heard disoriented words of confirmation as everyone loaded their things into your car. everyone was able to cram into two cars that had designated spaces in the staff parking lot. any leftover belongings and your vehicles would be safe and secure for the long weekend. it eased your mind as a leader to give a ride to your teammates, it made you feel less guilty about how irresponsible you were at the competitions. you were able act like the leader you once were by double checking everyones debate material and making sure that everyone arrived to the school on time. by the time your crew arrived to the bus pickup, the whole team was accounted for.
the rest of your team was in a huddle in front of the school. it was the designated meeting place for the early morning competitions. it was easy to leave from the front before the rest of the student body woke up and drove their cars to school. the autumn morning sun looked like it was coming straight from the pavement, blinding everyone as they searched for the bus in the empty parking lot. you blinked and held your free hand to your face, trying to block the sun.
“where’s the bus?” you asked.
the boys of your team turned towards you. they had been busy looking for the missing bus they didn’t see you approach them. your girls trailed behind you, their overnight bags and duffles slung over their shoulders. the weather had just started getting nippy from the approaching cold season, and the bitter looks on your teams faces told you they wanted to be inside of the bus to seek refuge from the weather. 
no one answered your question, even the chaperones that were whispering in their own separate huddle.
your team as a unit were decked in their most comfortable loungewear, sweatpants and sweaters that shielded everyone from the frigid air. some people found extra relief from the wind by throwing on a windbreaker. regardless, everyone acted the same by shuffling on their feet and trying to garner any amount of warmth.
when the whole team was together, the boys instantly merged with your group of girls. everyone greeted and hugged eachother in excitement, happy to get an excuse to miss classes. 
you found yourself feeling apprehensive, searching in the small crowd for a certain face. you looked around with furrowed eyebrows, head moving to try and look through the several mini conversations that was happening around you. you even got on your toes to do a headcount that kept coming up one person short. you looked to the group of chaperones that had separated themselves from the group of students. they were teeming with excitement too, looking towards the back of the school and whispering something along the lines of they have no idea.
you approached the group of parents calmly, adjusting the strap of your duffle bag.
“have you seen eunseok?” you asked your sponsor.
before your sponsor could answer, their faces lit up. at the same time you could hear the exclaim of your teammates, some of them even letting expletives slip out. you turned around immediately, having to adjust your eyes to the sun that shined in your face.
when you held your hand up to your eyes you got a clear view of the spectacle. you saw a mini-coach bus come around the back of the school towards your group. the bus pulled up to the curb, stopping right in front of your team. it was sleek and luxurious, the exact opposite of the dingy school buses you took to previous competitions. everyone was in disbelief until the bus opened its doors.
your team looked towards you, as if it was your doing. you had the same shocked and wide eye expression when you turned towards the chaperones. they had big smiles as they approached the bus.
“us and your co-captian pulled some strings for the final competition of the season.” your sponsor said.
before you could ask how, your team erupted in cheers. you don’t think they reacted this positively to anything the whole season. when it was announced your school would advance to finals, the blood left your teammates faces. they had blank expressions as your school was called out, no one cheered or made a single sound. you could’ve heard a pen drop in the room, the only sound coming from the sparse courteously claps from other schools. but now your team was hollering and jumping around, throwing their large duffles into the undercarriage storage so they could rush onto the bus.
the bus jostled slightly as people filed out. you had to tell your team to slow down to let the people off first and to not crowd the entrance. you were more stern than you should’ve been, their reaction for some reason left a terrible taste in your mouth. you understood the excitement regardless, this was the first time your team had been given such an amenity. the hotels was the bare minimum, and most of the funds for your overnights stays were crowdfunded by your team. this was the first time you had seen something so nice that didn’t come out of the pockets of your teammates.
you were staring at the door of the bus, strap of your backpack clenched in your hand when eunseok finally filed off. it caught you by surprise, seeing him come out in between the extra bus driver and the principal of your school. he waited in the folding doors of the bus for just a second until his eyes found yours. you smiled and lifted the hand that was holding the strap of your bag. it was weird waving hi to him, like you two didn’t know the other would be here. regardless, eunseok did the same and shyly lifted his hand in greeting. he forgot about the people behind him trying to get off and the people in front of him trying to get on. eunseok suddenly snapped his head backwards when the principal pointed forward. he hastily got off the bus, almost missing the space between the curb and the last step of the coach bus. 
eunseok floated through the crowd towards you. you were lucky that the exhilaration of the future competition and the luxurious accommodation occupied your teammates thoughts. they didn’t notice how eunseok approached you nervously, or how he stuck his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants when he realized he had nothing to say to you. you shifted in your slip-on shoes and adjusted the bags hanging off your shoulders. it was going to get painful soon carrying all of this weight.
“did you get my text?” eunseok asked.
he didn’t have a backpack on to grip nervously. he was forced to face the situation head on, looking at you right in the eyes. you think he would’ve ran his hand through his hair if he had the chance, but the strands were tucked into the beanie he wore. eunseok looked more comfortable than you did, sweatpants and a matching sweater with a jacket vest over it. 
you knew that eunseok knew you purposely ignored his text. after talking to yunjin you took her advice to try and ignore all of it, focusing on the competition you had tomorrow. eunseok was your debate partner before he was a distraction, but it was getting hard to distinguish the two. 
you nodded your head to his question, and he didn’t say anything else after. you let your confusion turn into anger about the bus situation. your mind quickly evaluated the situation, filling in the blanks to help you feel like your anger was valid. you had already felt like you were failing as a leader, eunseok had to have known by the way he comforted you. maybe eunseok purposely left you out of the loop because he knew you couldn’t handle being the leader anymore. you let the thought sink into your mind more. the irrational part of your brain overtook the rational side and you felt your fist clench at your side. you let your emotions run rampant for just a moment before trying to reel them in. it was no use, strong emotions bubbled in your chest that pulled you away from looking at eunseok.
the two of you stood side by side, silent as the rest of your team mingled and talked about the naps they were going to take on the way to the competition. you turned ever so often to see if eunseok was still beside you. he reached for the bag on your shoulder and you moved away from his hand. you saw yunjin looking back at you as she got on the bus, and you quickly looked away. eunseok noticed something between your glances and backed off immediately. he went on the bus behind anton, and you were left alone to put your things in the undercarriage. once everything was inside you took a moment, looking at your things resting beside eunseok’s. you took a deep breath and slammed the undercarriage closed before getting on the bus. 
when you got onto the bus, the chaperones filed in behind you. you took attendance call, reading the list of your teammates names. every name rolled off your tongue easily, until eunseok’s got caught in your thought. it was there like water that went down the wrong pipe. it was a second of hesitation covered up by a small cough but it felt like everyone knew something was up. your mind came up with the scenario that in under six hours yunjin told everyone on your team that you and eunseok had an arrangement of sorts. it made your eyes stay stuck on the attendance list and it made you tap your pen against the clipboard anxiously. your mind somehow turned it into another reason to be mad at eunseok. 
you sat next to him with your arms crossed as the principal gave your team the worst pep talk you’ve ever heard. your crossed arms tucked further into your chest as he spouted out nonsense. there was no way this was the same principal that gave speeches to the football team. your team clapped simply because it was over as the principal walked off the bus. the chaperones were confused as well, sitting in their seats as the bus driver pulled off from the curb.
the bus ride to the hotel was surprisingly smooth. this was due to the fact that you guys got an actual bus built for comfort as opposed to the school buses you took to previous competitions in the season. once you hit the open road it was soothing with the working air conditioner and screens that were embedded in the seat in front. you were out like a light once you put on your music. you think you went to sleep extra fast because it gave you a reason to not talk to eunseok. 
you don’t remember what you dreamed of, all you remember is that you woke up to him. just like he always had, eunseok lifted one side of your headphones once the bus came to a complete stop. you jolted awake, sitting upright from your resting position that had your head leaned on his shoulder.
“we’re here.” eunseok said gently.
he must’ve woken up recently too. eunseok spoke to you in the same groggy voice he had when he’d ask you not to leave his room. you don’t say anything to him, only stretch and stand in your seat to look at your team.
they get up slowly the same way you did, stretching in their comfortable seats and taking their headphones off their heads. they seem infinitely more comfortable as opposed to the stiff seats of the bus. no one complains about their back hurting, or how bumpy the ride was. everyone seems refreshed as your sponsor speaks first, coming back to the bus after leaving to the front office. she goes down the aisle handing out keycards with the numbers written on them.
“boys are staying in buildings across from the girls. dinner is waiting for you guys in your room. lights out is immediate.” she finishes handing out the keycards and stands in the front of the bus. “competition is early morning so try not to stay awake for too long. call if you need something.” your sponsor says.
you team is still waking up and grabbing their things from the overhead storage. the other chaperones file off and line up people’s things from the undercarriage storage on the paved parking lot. your sponsor looked to you, offering for you to speak but you politely shook your head. anything you said to your team would go in one ear and out the other—everyone was extremely exhausted. you didn’t have half a mind to speak, and you had an annoying crick in your neck that needed to be underneath the lukewarm water of your shower. you just sat back in your seat as the team filed off back to front. 
you and eunseok were the last ones off the bus. everyone was silent, moving slowly as they absentmindedly grabbed their things. people still yawned and stretched, while others talked about the weird layout of the buildings. the boys and girls buildings face eachother and are only separated by the small parking lot. the buildings could easily be mistaken for two separate hotels if there wasn’t another building at the end. the cool weather was becoming colder as the sun disappeared behind the building at the end of the parking lot.
you focused on the setting sun instead of eunseok who stood behind you like a shadow. he barely gave you any space and followed your every move. when he reached for his bag you prematurely leaped for yours, thinking he was trying to help you. 
the boys headed for their building while the girls went the opposite way. you don’t look back as you head for your room despite feeling eunseok’s eyes follow you as you crossed his path. you follow behind your group, keeping your eyes trained on everything but the world behind you. 
eunseok lingers only for a second before turning to walk to his room too. he turns back once he’s made it to his room to watch you struggle up the stairs. he sees the bottom floor hotel rooms illuminated inside, and the curtains either are drawn closed or are opened by the girls as they settle into their rooms. eunseok sees you find your room, then he sees you walk down the walkway to direct your lost teammates to the correct room. he watches your head go down to read the keycard before nodding your head. he sees you adjust the strap on your backpack, and how the heavy weight causes your body to lean as you get everyone into their rooms. he sees your room light up last only after everyone is safely inside their rooms.
eunseok keeps the number on your door at the forefront of his mind. he remembers the number as he eats his cold food, and when he’s in his cold shower. he remembers your room number as he checks the delivered messages on his phone, and he remembers your room number as he recalls the way you’ve been avoiding him all day. 
eunseok stares at the drawn curtains directly in front of him as he absentmindedly chews the gamy and cold chicken. he sits in near darkness, only thing illuminated the silver platter in front of him is the moonlight that seeps through the curtain and the dim glow from the hotel rooms across the parking lot. progressively more and more lights turn off across the way and the night begins to set in. by the time eunseok is done eating he can barely see the plate in front of him. he leans forward until the tips of his fingers grasp the corner of the curtains. his body nearly falls off the bed as he uses the last of his momentum to flick the curtain open. he sees your room light still on, calling him like a moth to a flame. 
eunseok sees the light in your room and he swears he can see your figure through the curtains as his fall back into place. he sits in the silence and darkness of his room for a moment, listening to the clock tick and the sheets ruffle underneath his body. it’s not long before he gets up to dress himself in all black and heads for his door.
eunseok knew that when your rooms were in separate buildings, it was more risky. more often than not, your rooms would be no further than the end of the corridor. on one occasion, your two rooms ended up being side by side, only separated by a corner in the hallway. eunseok ended up breaking a rule that night when he asked you to stay the night in his room, cuddled with him underneath his sheets. eunseok remembers seeing you write his name in the margins on the manifesto, then after a brief pause you put yours there too. 
following that, it got harder and harder for eunseok to not beg you to spend the night with him. once he discovered how pretty you were in the morning it was hard to live any other way. eunseok still believes he had the best sleep of his life that night with your chin tucked underneath his head as he held you close. eunseok found himself subconsciously keeping track of your breathing, matching his chest raises to your breath that would fan his chest. eunseok wondered if you struggled with not having him beside you at night, or if you sat on the edge of your bed hoping the distance of the two rooms would keep him away.
if he had any pride left, he would’ve avoided you completely due to how you were acting towards him all day. but eunseok is nothing if he’s not a man of his word. you two made a binding contract that eunseok planned to abide by. even if the feeling he got from you on the bus ride was strange, it wouldn’t deter him. this was possibly his second to last chance to ever be with you again—he’d be damned if a little walk across the parking lot kept him away from you. so eunseok put on black head to toe and left his room, carefully opening and closing the door so it wouldn’t make a sound.
you sat on the edge of your bed looking at the door. you had been pacing around since you got here, adjusting the temperature in the room a million times before settling for something that was a little too cold. when your body was finally tired, and your mind was drained from overthinking you let yourself try to relax on the couch. then you got up and moved to the bed—then to the couch again. you found yourself finding comfort based on your relationship to the door. it was a restless feeling that started in your feet and worked all the way up to your teeth that picked at your nails. the only thing that pulled you from your full body jitters was a quiet knock on your door.
your head instantly snapped towards the source of the sound, and your body froze. you still had the tip of your thumb pressed against your teeth when you heard the knock again. you stumbled over your pacing feet to get to the door. you pressed your hands against the wood, and put an unclosed eye to the peephole. 
you saw eunseok standing on the other side of the door. he stood there patiently, the opposite of you. when it was you knocking on eunseok’s door you were constantly looking to the side to see if anyone would come out paired with a million texts to eunseok’s phone. he was so patient it almost made you sick—like he knew you were going to let him in. you thought about leaving him out there in the cold. you could tell him the next day you went to sleep with the lights on, or that you were too busy focusing on the competition. but when eunseok looked at the peephole, it felt like he was looking right at you. your hand reached for the doorknob and before you knew it, eunseok was in your room again.
he stood next to your doorframe, moving out of the way so you could close the door. when it was just you and him, it was alot harder to ignore the elephant in the room. it was right next to eunseok when he sat on the couch and looked at you.
“why have you been avoiding me all day?” he asked.
eunseok’s superpower was confrontation. it used to be yours too, but when it came to eunseok it seemed to be your biggest weakness. when he brought up problems between the two of you with ease, it made your heartbeat too fast and it made your face too hot. you looked past eunseok to look at the thin pasty white curtains that hung behind him.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you say. 
your words are anything but convincing. eunseok scoffs before leaning further into your couch. 
he makes himself at home in your space, moving his arms to rest on the back of the couch. he messes with the lamp on the table beside the couch, forcing you to stand by your bed in silence. the only thing you can hear is the machinery of the lamp click and you’re forced to stand there with your own thoughts. when the setting of your lamp is changed to the dimmest setting, eunseok looks at you again.
“do you want me to leave?” eunseok asks.
you can see him clearly, even if it is almost completely dark the hotel room. eunseok looks a little nervous himself, like he is expecting you to say no. but you haven’t been able to say no to him in a very long time. so you shake your head, still standing in the same spot on the carpeted floor of your room. 
eunseok’s arms fall from the back of the couch and go to his black sweatpants, mindlessly soothing out the ripples of fabric. when his hands reach his knees he brings them back up to rest on his thigh. he looks down at his pants only for a second before looking at you.
“want to come over here?” he asks.
when you nod, eunseok reaches a hand out to you. you try not to approach him too quickly, letting your hand fall into eunseok’s outstretched hand as you walk to stand in front of him.
when you stand in front of eunseok, he sits upright to bring his back away from the couch. he looks up to you, and you can see his eyes shine. even in the dimly lit space of the couch you can see how they scan your face for expressions as he brings his other hand to your body. one messes with the bottom of your shirt while his other hand wraps behind the back of your legs bringing you closer to him. when you’re pulled forward by his arm, you place your hands flat on your shoulder for stability. 
you let eunseok lift up your shirt and kiss the skin of your stomach. he looks up to you before placing each kiss, and you tilt your head back to stare at the popcorn ceiling of the room. you count each bump of the ceiling, and you can feel it coming closer to you the more eunseok sucks and kisses the skin of your stomach. when he presses teeth to your skin your whimper is quiet, and eunseok brings your closer by the back of your legs. he pulls away from your skin to blow cold air on the forming marks. 
he picked up the nasty habit of leaving hickies on your skin in places no one else could see. it was one of the few rules he abided by in the manifesto, and he took full advantage of it. his favorite place was on your hip bones and along the line of your waistband. it had gotten to the point he would just be leaving marks on top of already discolored skin. each time eunseok pulled away, he had a look of pride on his face. it was sick, but it was a perfect metaphor for your relationship. something only you two could see, but so easily exposed if you wanted it to be. you felt something similar to eunseok’s sick pride after eunseok would leave and you had the chance to examine the purple and deep crimson marks.
eunseok started to mess with the waistband of your pajama pants. you pulled your head from the ceiling to look down at him. eunseok was already looking up at you, messing with the waistband again until you got the hint. you nodded your head and helped eunseok pull your pants down your legs. when the loose fabric pooled at your ankles, and you stepped out of them. eunseok looked at your naked bottom half, and used his hand that played with the bottom of your shirt to run a line from your thigh to your heat. when you sighed and leaned further into him, eunseok grabbed a hand full of your ass. he spoke into your hot skin as he left a light bite on your stomach.
“take off your shirt, baby.” he said.
you obeyed immediately, taking your hands from his shoulders to take off your shirt. you took off your bra too, throwing it somewhere behind you. you let your hands go back to eunseok’s shoulder, and he reached a hand up to grab your chest. 
too many times did you end up completely naked for eunseok while he remained fully clothed. there was something people called men like him. it was a name you only let slip out a few times when everything got to be too much.
“are you nervous for tomorrow?” eunseok asked in between kisses.
your hand that grabbed eunseok’s hair the same way he grabbed your chest loosened. when you stopped your movements he did too, looking up at your with confusion.
“the competition?” you asked.
eunseok laughed before nodding and going back to kissing your skin. you continued to rub your hands through his hair, trying to think about what happens tomorrow. whether you win or lose, you had something arguably even more daunting waiting for you after the fact. you were going to have to talk with eunseok about whatever this was, if it was more than love bites or only two people acting on carnal desires. you two were going to have to make a decision to either continue seeing eachother or to let the moments you two shared end with the final competition. you don’t know what scared you more.
“i don’t want to think about that right now.” you said.
eunseok placed one last kiss right underneath your bellybutton, letting his bottom lip graze on your stomach as he looked up at you. you felt his index finger tease your clit before he brought two fingers between your folds. your hand that was on eunseok’s shoulder tightened.
“what do you want to think about?” eunseok teased.
you could feel his fingers prodding at your entrance. he was so close to being inside of you that you debated on grabbing his hand and doing it yourself. but eunseok knew what you wanted, he always has. so all you have to do is whimper and lean your head to the side before he pushes his fingers inside of you. 
“just keep going. please.” you sigh.
eunseok only hums before going back to sucking on the skin of your body and fingering you. it’s slow and deliberate, when he bends his fingers inside of you it causes your body to lean forward into him. your weight slowly pushes his body further and further back until he is leaning against the back of the couch with his face pressed into your stomach. eunseok uses his free hand to guide your legs to straddle his hips until you are on the couch with him. 
you let your body become pliable to eunseok. you let him guide you down to the couch without a second thought, driven purely by the building tension in the pit of your stomach. you wished it had remained like this through the entire season, none of the feelings get involved. but something about the way eunseok touches you feels better than meaningless sex. when eunseok lets his head rest on your chest you pet his head tenderly. the gentle touches and whimpers wouldn’t be possible if you two still only acted on carnal desires. you just wish you could have both without the feelings.
“so wet.” eunseok says.
his head still rests on your breasts as he continues to finger you. he’s off in is own world now, feeling your slick between his fingers. each time eunseok has the chance to lie with you he is distracted by how ready you always are for him. it distracts him so much that he almost doesn’t notice the way you preen your chest further into his face, trying to get him to suck on your sensitive nipples. 
“want me to suck on them?” he asks.
you nod and continue to pet his head. your pace increases as his hand inside of you increases too. he plays off of your pleasure and desperation, how you can barely speak when you get close. each time you have sex with eunseok it feels like years have passed since you’ve been touched. it makes you equal parts sensitive and whiny. you are a mess when eunseok looks up at you from the valley of your breasts with a grin.
eunseok takes your breast into his mouth. he lets his tongue peak out, laving the area that isn’t in his mouth. his mouth is wet and warm, and you can his smooth teeth graze your sensitive nipple. your lean over eunseok’s head from the sensation, holding onto him tightly as you try and hold yourself together. you don’t know why you’re so close so quickly, but you can already feel the telltale signs of your approaching orgasm.
“eunseok.” you quietly cry out.
“hmm?” he hums around your breast.
eunseok knew you were close. it was getting harder and harder to keep your thighs apart, and your hole was sucking in his fingers and clamping around them tightly. he had to keep your spread by a handful of your ass, and his fingers were thrusting into you with such speed it made your chest jump.
“i’m gonna cum.” you whine.
eunseok detaches from your breast. the cold air hitting your wet skin makes your nipples harden even further. your grip on eunseok’s shoulder is tight, and you have stopped petting his head to grab a handful of his hair.
“i got you.” eunseok says.
you let go of his hand to pitifully paw at the waistband of eunseok’s sweats. he pauses fingering you, shocked by how desperately you reach for his sweats. eunseok can feel himself throbbing against the thin fabric when you look at him with blown out eyes.
“take your dick out.” you say.
your voice is not nearly commanding as you wish it was. it’s still breathy and high-pitched as you come down from almost finishing. eunseok grabs a handful of your ass to lift both of you up slightly from the couch. it’s just enough for eunseok to push his sweats down for his dick to spring free. eunseok’s hard dick barely has enough time to slap against his stomach before you bring your body down to grind against it. he has to tuck the bottom of his shirt underneath his chin to get a better view of the way your hips move. he watches you in awe, alternating between where your bodies meet to your serene face. your eyes are hooded, and your bottom lip is pouted as you chase after something more. 
eunseok’s hands go to your hips, forcing you to slow down. you try but fail to overpower him, and your bottom lip juts out more as you whine in eunseok’s hold. he smirks, and places a quick kiss to your pout.
“you want my dick that bad?” eunseok taunts.
“so bad.” you answer.
in any other situation, you would’ve never given in to eunseok’s teasing. but through the time spent with him you realized that relinquishing control to eunseok is the rare occasion in your life where you don’t have to be in charge. with other people it would’ve caused panic and it always led to you taking a dominant role in the bedroom. but eunseok proved to you each time that he was more than capable of taking care of you and your needs. so you answer his taunts and react well to his teasing, because you know eunseok will give you what you want.
when eunseok’s damp hand holds on to your hip while he lines his dick up at your entrance, you shiver. your grip on eunseok’s shoulders loosen and tightens in anticipation. you can feel his hand let go of your hips and dig into the pocket of his pants before putting the foil packet in your hand. you rip open the package with shaky hands as eunseok keeps you suspended above his lap, only to the point where his tip barely pushes into your entrance. when you get the condom out of it’s packaging you drop it into eunseok’s hands. your walls flutter around what you can feel, and you put your head into the crook of eunseok’s neck to whimper quietly.
“please.” you whine.
eunseok hums empathetically while still holding your body in the same place. it isn’t until you sink your fingers into the skin of his shoulders and mutter something that felt foreign on your tongue. you thought it came from your lips abruptly and too rushed for eunseok to decipher. but he understood you perfectly, evident in the way he bit your shoulder before thrusting his hips upwards to you. 
you cried out loud, trying to muffle your voice in the balled up fabric of eunseok’s shirt. his pace doesn’t relent, so different from the way he fingered you at an achingly slow pace. now his hips come upwards earning a slapping sound of sweaty skin making contact with skin. you start letting your hips drop down in tandem with his thrusts, and you can feel eunseok deep inside of you each time you come down. you pant into eunseok’s neck, and he wraps a hand around your back to press your chest into his.
“you’re so tight.” eunseok grunts inbetween thrusts.
“you’re so big,” when eunseok hits that part deep inside of you, your hips falter ”so deep.” you whimper.
eunseok hums again, and his hand that wraps around your back goes to your shoulder to pull you from his neck. eunseok presses your forehead to his, looking deep into your eyes. when you hold eye contact eunseok’s fast pace changes to a slow and deliberate one, repeatedly hitting that spot with deep thrusts. it’s nearly painful, trying to hold back the pleasure that burns across your body. it started in the pit of your stomach and spread like wildfire. the way eunseok doesn’t relent causes you to sweat, even though you stopped attempting to do any work awhile ago. eunseok likes when he brings you to euphoria all on your own, your only job is to look at him with blown out pupils and to kiss him fervently. 
“i love you.” eunseok says.
your hands are on his face, running fingers over his cheekbones when he says it. you could easily say that the declaration slipped past his lips accidentally, or he meant to tack on a compliment about your body at the end like he has done many times before. but eunseok says he loves you and doesn’t stutter, only looking to you waiting for you to say something back. you can’t stop yourself from closing your eyes and dropping your head into his neck again.
“i’m going to cum.” you say back.
eunseok’s hips falter for a moment. he doesn’t pry, or bring your body back to look at him again when he finishes inside of the condom. he only pulls you closer so your chests touch, sticking together from the sweat.
“fuck.” eunseok sighs.
he only has to thrust up into you a few more times again before you have to bite the fabric of his shirt to muffle your moans. you clamp around his dick, and you can feel the fire project from your body to ignite your room. you hold on tight to eunseok, grinding your hips down on him even though your skin already kisses. you hips don’t stop swiveling until your out of breath and you slump against eunseok’s chest trying to catch your breath. he continues to gently rub and pat your back, soothing you back down to earth.
eunseok guides you off his lap to the empty spot on the couch next to him. you sat there, trying to catch your breath while eunseok started touching you again. he started with your legs that were draped over his legs. he started by running light fingers from your thigh to your knees, creeping higher and higher until your body twitched from the sensitivity. after you let out a sigh eunseok moved to your hands. you let him do it, while you tried to think about anything else. while you scanned your room a million times eunseok was busy changing the grip of his hold on your hand and playing with each individual finger. he continued to play with your hands as he cleared his throat to get your attention. you turned. your head that was pressed against the back of the couch turned to face him. he continued to look at your hand when you cleared your throat.
“i’m sorry.” you say quietly.
eunseok doesn’t heed your apology, only shakes his head like he is trying to clear his mind of what happened.
“i was thinking,” eunseok turned to look at you. “when we get back home, i was thinking we could go to that new mini golf place that opened.” he said.
you stopped letting your hand be so pliable. your hand stiffened in his, and your fingers became unbendable.
“the season is going to be over tomorrow.” you said.
eunseok nods. his hands move up to your bicep, running up and down your skin.
“you said if we make it to finals you would consider dating me.” eunseok laughed.
you could tell that he still had a playful attitude as he spoke. when you shook your head though, eunseok’s demeanor changed. his eyes got a little wider, and his hands stopped running up and down your skin. you felt the absence of his touch, and you could feel the air in the room change. it wasn’t warm anymore, and as the loud air conditioner unit kicked back on you felt goosebumps raise across your skin.
“i said that as a joke.” you said.
“well then it was a joke. but now, it feels like it might not be a joke anymore.” eunseok says.
when you sit beside him without saying anything, eunseok’s smile falters slightly.
“you don’t feel the same?” eunseok asks.
“i don’t like you.” you answer.
your attempt to sound lighthearted failed. it came out deadpan, completely void of all emotion. it wiped the smile from eunseok’s face. he detached his hands from your body, and you lifted your legs so he could lean over and pull his sweats back up. 
he got dressed without saying a word, pulling his black hoodie back on as you stared at him. 
”are you really upset with me?” you scoffed.
eunseok not sparing you a second glance made you realize what this was. this would be the second time you have had an actual fight with eunseok. before your arrangement with him it was usually just meaningless bickering, one trying to get on the others nerves. when eunseok would push your buttons back then you thought you were annoyed, but it paled in comparison of what it felt like to actually argue with him. he ignored you always to try and gather his own emotions, but it only made you lash out more to try and get a reaction from him.
“you knew that this was just sex from the beginning.” you said.
eunseok scoffed as he checked his pockets for the keycard to his room.
“you’re not going to speak to me?” you roll your eyes as eunseok continues to get ready to leave in silence. you get up to move behind him as he heads for your door. “you’re overreacting.” you say.
eunseok stops in his tracks and turns around to face you.
“why are you like this?” eunseok shakes his head from confusion before looking to you. “you make everything so complicated.” he says
eunseok putting all the blame on you has you denying your feelings even more. you regress back to the person you were with eunseok in the beginning of the season. you cross your arms in front of your body and tilt your head to the side. you don’t know how to reciprocate the feelings eunseok has for you, or how to comprehend the conflicting emotions you have felt for him for too long. but there’s an innate part of you that knows how to upset eunseok down to his soul. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you say casually.
every single emotion was firing off in your mind, making your body hot and tense. the question was simple but it made adrenaline rush through your veins. you failed to calm yourself, only becoming more highstrung. no matter if you were angry or sad you always ended up fighting back tears, leaving you confused as to why you were so emotional. you argued with people for fun, why was it suddenly the hardest thing you had to do when it was with eunseok.
when you shrug your shoulders waiting fro a response, eunseok continues to look at you. his eyes search yours before he starts to speak.
“do you just feel nothing?” he asks.
you don’t let your mind contemplate for a second before you give him a knee jerk reaction of a response.
“of course not.” you said simply.
eunseok tried to remain calm with you the same way he did the first time you guys fought. that was different than now, he understood back then why you were bothered. but he didn’t know why you stood in front of him now, with a look of regret on your face as you said things you couldn’t take back. if you just admitted feelings it would be easier, it would feel less painful than everything did right now. but you stubbornly stood your ground, crossing your arms like a child. 
eunseok still felt everything for you when you acted this way towards him, but it didn’t stop it from hurting. seeing you actively deny the feelings you have for eachother caused his heart to sink a little further each time. 
suddenly, it like eunseok was drained of all his energy. his tense shoulders sagged and his clenched fists loosened at his sides. 
eunseok continued to move silently towards your door, and he could feel you still behind him.
“that’s it?” you ask.
the defeated tone in your voice almost makes eunseok turn around. but he is drained mentally, and he can no longer be the only one who lets his feelings be known. he also knows that if he turns around and sees your face, he will have no choice but to fold to you. so he says nothing, and only turns the door of your room quietly. he looks down at the floor by your feet, seeing one of your feet move forward like you are about to come to him.
“i’ll see you tomorrow.” eunseok says quietly.
eunseok closes the door behind him and your air conditioner turns off. now it is truly silent and you are truly alone. you stand there in the spot eunseok left you for hours, trying to think where you went wrong. you fall asleep on the same spot in the couch where you and eunseok laid together.
you completely missed your alarm for the next morning. you hear it going off on your phone in the center of your bed when you were woken up by frantic knocking. it brought you from your sleep immediately, making you shoot up from your uncomfortable position on the couch like a vampire. the pain in your neck followed a second later, and the soreness of your legs came after that. you’re mouth is dry as you look around the room trying to figure out where you are. you still have a headache from crying and you can see the outlines of your teammates as they stand on the other side of your window trying to peer in.
you only had a second to adjust to being awake before another series of knocks came to your door.
“i’ll have to come in if you don’t answer the door.” your sponsor yells on the other side.
you look at the clock near the bed. you are almost late, and you don’t have anything ready. realization hits you like another wave of pain to your neck as you come to. it’s the biggest competition of the season and you aren’t ready at all. your team is waiting for you. you are in this position because of what you did last night.
your hand pulls back the curtain so quickly it shocks your teammates on the other side. they end up leaping backwards, caught off guard by your sudden appearance.
“she’s alive!” you hear someone yell.
you don’t see anyone else after you make eye contact with eunseok. he looks at you only for a moment before casting his look somewhere else. you are stunned to silence, forgetting your voice as you let the curtain cover the window again. you fall over the edge of the couch trying to get to your debate uniform that’s neatly folded on your desk. you get dressed in a minute, and brush your teeth in three. you try to tidy up your hair, giving yourself the chance to fix during the ride to the competition. you trip over your feet as you pull on your socks and your shoes.
you answer the door with bleary eyes and a groggy voice. your team looks at you with wide eyes as you apologize profusely. you fix the uneven buttons on your uniform with all of your things haphazardly tucked underneath your arm. you follow behind our group, trying your best to ignore the worried glances they cast backwards to you. 
you let eunseok take the lead as co-captian for the morning. you used the word “let” loosely. you didn’t get the chance to clear your throat before eunseok was calling out who would be deabting and at what time. you were too embarrassed to take control of the situation. instead you looked at yourself in the camera of your phone while fixing your appearance. while you tried to compose yourself on the bus ride there, you heard eunseok give pointers to anyone who asked. you eavesdropped while eunseok gave the same talking points you gave to him. you tried to seem unbothered each time he looked at you, as if he was waiting for you to interrupt. you only continued to look at your notes, trying not to let the severity of the situation today get to you. you had to compete with everything you had inside of you with someone you were currently fighting with. 
you thought about yunjin’s advice, how she told you to save it until after the competition was over. it was entirely too late now, you were in the middle of dealing with it when your mini-bus turned into the parking lot of where the competition was being held. eunseok looked to you once before taking the lead again, handing out name badges as everyone filed off the bus. you were the last one to go down the seats. you let eunseok put the badge in your hand while you keep your eyes trained on the floor. 
eunseok puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes them gently, the same way he used to do at the beginning of the season. usually you would’ve swatted his hand away, but now you felt yourself yearning for any type of contact with him. so you only looked up, focusing on the way eunseok’s lips moved as he spoke to you.
“we will do well.“ he said simply.
before you could even nod, or open your mouth to thank him his hands were off of your shoulders. he walked past you in the parking lot and you trailed behind him, trying to put the lanyard underneath the collar of your shirt without tripping.
you and eunseok never left eachothers side the entire day, but you continued to punish the other with silence. it was ironic getting the silent treatment from eunseok when you only heard his words bounce through your head all day. they bounced around in your skull on repeat while you sat in the audience to watch eunchae and bahiyyih debate. eunseok and you both nodded at the same time when bahiyyih nailed the opposing team with her refutation and when eunchae projected her voice not just to the lay judges but to the audience as well. you were both beaming with excitement at the future of your team, smiles that were wiped off your faces when you both made eye contact.
eunseok telling you that you would do well was echoing in your mind as your breath caught in your throat outside the room you would be having your debate. you were in the same loop you were always stuck in before going into the room. pacing back and forth, using your fingernail to floss between your incisors. nothing brought you from your trance, not even eunseok looking at you with so much worry as he leaned against the wall. everything only made you feel worse, and you had to clear your mind by breathing in and out deeply. 
when the assistant to the judge came out, you turned to look at eunseok. he pushed himself up from the wall, and ran his steady hands down your arms. he blew warm air on your cold hands and rubbed them together to create warmth.
“don’t worry about anything else,” he put your unclenched hands back at your side. “you came here to debate. so lets do that.” he said reassuringly.
you nodded your head and licked your lips. for the second time that day, eunseok let go of you before you could tell him to keep touching you. he fell back right before going through the door, letting you take the lead. 
when you go through the door, the first thing you see are your opponents. they stand tall, and you know they have every reason to. their school has won the finals for the past three years. respect is such a ridiculous thing to talk about, especially when it’s in regards to kids your age who you have never met before. but you feel respect for the opposing team and how they stand tall. you come to the center of the two tables with the other teams leader while eunseok stands behind his chair. you shake hands with your opponent, reading the badge as you agree to debate fairly.
we will do well
eunseok’s words play again and again in your head when you sit at your seat. it finally causes the blaring sound in your ears to subside and your thoughts are streamlined and pieced well together. 
you barely remember debating—it comes and goes and only reappears in pieces. what you remember is looking back to your team in the crowd as they give you a big thumbs up, and how eunseok nods in his seat with confidence as you spoke. you go back to the tips that eunseok gave you, puffing your chest to convey confidence and almost talking smugly. 
when the debate is over, adrenaline has you on your feet for the rest of the day. you don’t come down until the sun does, and just when you think your nerves have settled the time to announce the winners comes. you are alone for the first time the whole day, eunseok is nowhere to be found. you are left to your own thoughts while you wander the halls of the university like a ghost. you aren’t pulled from your stupor when eunchae pulls your hand towards the auditorium.
you filed into a seat next to bahiyyih at the end of the row you intentionally left the row seat next to you open as you looked around for eunseok. people from the competitions were filing in, the auditorium would be full soon. the end of the competitions when they’d announce the awards were always your favorite because it gave you an excuse to look around for eunseok. you were able to hide your need to sit next to him under the guise of having to be next to your debate partner. you never spoke it out loud, but having eunseok next to you calmed your nerves that came with the anxiety of losing. usually you were fine, your skill in the debate room let you know you’d come out on top. you also admittedly enjoyed being the first person that saw eunseok’s face light up each time you were awarded a medal. he was always the first person you turned to, smiling ear to ear as you both got up from your seat. but now he was nowhere to be found and you felt like this was the time you needed him most. the trophy could go to anyone, the debate was evenly matched, sometimes the scale tipped in your favor and sometimes it tipped to theirs. you wanted nothing more than to have eunseok next to you telling you that you guys won. when he spoke about hypotheticals they always came to fruition. 
eunseok came and sat next to you quietly. it was so quiet you didn’t see him, still looking around the room waiting for him to come through the door. when eunseok shuffled in the seat next to you, you were prepared to tell whoever it was that the seat was for somebody else. 
when you turned to see eunseok you were unnerved by how he continued to look forward. he was unbothered by your presence, nearly ignoring it as you sat next to him. it made you even more anxious, getting the serious silent treatment from someone who was usually so playful. you only moved in your chair before clearing your throat, trying to look busy as you flipped through the program. eunseok was his usual self with everyone as they greeted him. you two had to put on fake cheery smiles, laughing along with people and thanking them when they complimented your debating skills. the moment it was just you two though, eunseok would go back to ignoring your existence. the silence made you go through your phone a million times, checking notifications that stayed the same and the weather app that remained unchanged. 
you were relieved when the lights in the auditorium went low and a spotlight shined on stage while the hosts and judges walked out. they came out in a line, holding trophies and a oversized check with no name written on it. you could hear your team surrounding you make interested noises at the check and the trophies. 
“that’s ours.” someone whispered.
“money money money.” someone else said.
your team held in giggles while the host of the competition started the rules and how the winner was calculated. everyone listened on the edge of their seats, waiting for the winners to be announced. you felt nerves of your own, picking at the frayed fabric of your debate uniform. it only got worse as the announcer started naming off categories. string pulled from the stitching of your skirt twirled in your hand, and the sound of it being plucked from the seam filled the tiny space between you and eunseok’s legs. he looked down for a moment to see where the sound was coming from. you instantly stopped, letting your hand rest on your thigh to soundlessly pick at your black tights.
“i’m sorry.” you said quickly.
eunseok looked back to the stage as they announced the debaters for independent events. he said nothing, but he brought his hand that was on the armrest down into the darkness past the seats. his hand settled there for a moment, completely gone in the void of the seats. you thought nothing of it until he brought his hand back up and gently placed it hand over yours. 
you stopped picking at your inky black tights immediately and turned to look at eunseok. his expression didn’t change, and he still looked ahead at the stage, but he gripped your hand a little tighter to let you know he meant it. you instantly squeezed back, letting your clammy shaking hands find comfort in eunseok’s steady hold. anxiety and bewilderment bubbled in your stomach, reaching all the way up to your chest. you tried looking forward at the stage to be nonchalant like eunseok, but your heart was beating so fast you thought it would explode. 
when each winner is announced, both you and eunseok linger to see who will take their hand away first to applaud. sometimes it’s you and other times it’s him, but each time your hands on instinct go back to holding eachother. 
you have a white knuckle grip on eunseok’s hand when the public forum debaters are called. you close your eyes when you hear your name, preparing to let go of eunseok’s hand when the winner is announced. you both only freeze and continue to hold hands when your name is called.
you didn’t expect to hear your two names come through the stage microphone. it took everyone on your team in surprise. you turned down the aisle mouth agape to see your teammates slack jawed too. you turned to eunseok whose wide eyes still looked ahead.
”are you two out there?” the host said jokingly.
yunjin started cheering first, and giselle leaned over bahiyyih to pinch your arm. when you smacked her hand away she pointed to the stage, motioning for you two to get up. you forgot that you had to go onstage, and you also forgot that you were still holding eunseok’s hand. when je got up first from his seat, and the commotion brought everyone’s eyes to focus on him. he held your hand still, so when he stood everyone on your team clearly saw your two hands clasped together. you heard the whispers again, but the blood rushing into your ears nulled every sound. you both looked down at your hands clasped together. eunseok hesitated for a second before letting go, and you quickly pulled your hand down to rest at your side. 
you felt like your face was on fire you followed him down the aisle of seats, with your head hanging as the rest of the auditorium began applauding as well. it started off scattered, but picked up when your team started cheering loudly. the tension in the room raised and the space between you and eunseok felt like a chasm. he let you ahead of him as you approached the stairs. his hand went to the small of your back like it always did when he was navigating through spaces, and you tried not to read too much into it. you instead focused on the sound of your school shoes on the hollow ground of the stage. you focused on not falling, and taking the gigantic check that was in the judges hand seamlessly.
you and eunseok remained onstage as they announced the rest of the winners. it was incredibly awkward, standing up there with a gigantic check in your hands with someone who was essentially your ex. while your sponsor took photos of you two standing on complete opposite ends of the check other debaters came up to you guys. they had nothing to say but praise for your teamwork and the first time win for your school. you and eunseok only nodded awkwardly, while thanking people profusely. your face was burning and eunseok’s ears had become beet red. by the end of it you were exhausted to the point of tears. when your team left the auditorium you handed off the check to your team, letting them take their own pictures with it.
the overstimulation from the awards ceremony made the resolve crumble, your stoic demeanor regarding eunseok was more obvious than ever. it also didn’t help that your team also saw you two holding hands in your seat. they pieced everything together over the course of dinner, some faster than others. by the time eunseok came to dinner everyone knew. it was silent as eunseok walked into the lobby. they watched as your eyes followed him the whole time, and eunseok not sparing you a glance. as fast as he was in he was out, and you watched him like a hawk the whole time. it angered you the same amount it worried you, and your whole team was intrigued. 
when eunseok left it was whispers and rumors for the rest of the night. you finished your food quickly after, cleaning up your area before heading to your own room. 
as you walk across the paved parking lot you look back to see eunseok’s room. it feels like it’s miles away. the curtains are drawn and the lights are off, unlike the other rooms of your teammates. you’re sure festivities will be happening all night celebrating the wins, but you would be heartbroken that the season was over. 
it was a creeping realization why it broke your heart so much. you loved debate, you always had. but you don’t know why you felt your stomach sink each time you thought about never coming to these competitions again. never seeing your team in this context hurt, the thought of this moment in time never being created again hurt even more. but you would have the chance to see them at school. you only bonded with everyone on your team this season, learning about them through long bus rides and lunch table talk. 
but you had gotten so close to eunseok over the time too, learning things about him that added depth to the character you thought he didn’t have. the thought of never being able to be with him again in private and in public made your steps falter and your breath catch in your throat. you looked at his room again, praying that the light would turn on and he’d open his door to call out to you. but the cold wind continued to nip at your face and freeze your hands tucked into your pockets. you look at eunseok’s door again, then you look to yours. your room for some reason seemed lonelier.
it was ironic that it was you nervously crossing the parking lot of the hotel now. you were clad in black the same way eunseok was, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible while you walked the moonlit path to his room. you wanted to turn around, to try and salvage whatever was left of your pride. you were a highly decorated debater and a leader that took your team to victory. but now here you were, pitifully walking across the parking lot as you came to terms with your feelings.
you must’ve went back and forth in the parking lot a million times, trying to decide what you really wanted to do. each step you took to eunseok’s room you thought about all your possible options. you could never talk to him again, never even look his way at school. it would’ve been easy. the season was over and you really had no reason to see him again. you wish you had the excuse of having a class with eunseok, because then you’d have a reason why you wanted to see him so badly. it was inexplicable why you needed him in your life, and why you only came to this conclusion after realizing the possibility that he wouldn’t be in it at all.
you let your train of thought run wild until you ended up in front of eunseok’s door. you were still, not moving your hand up to knock on the wood. you just stood there, waiting for yourself to gain the courage to knock. the skeptic in the back of your mind also told you it was time to prepare to be rejected. you held your breath as you formed a fist and knocked gently on the door.
you stood out there for what seemed like ages. you thought about how you left eunseok waiting outside your hotel room for even longer than this and felt guilty. with each second your heart dropped more and more, you don’t know why you would subject the man you like to waiting outside. you started losing hope quickly, that eunseok was being cruel to you in the way you deserved. you were being left out to dry the same way you left him—it was poetic truly. so you pitifully turned on your heel and started walking back across the parking lot to cry yourself to sleep.
before you left the shade of the platform above, eunseok opened his door. you turned back around instantly, trying to stop the smile from forming across your face. it was hard to remain happy as you took in eunseok’s serious expression. he only opened the door enough to see half of his face, and the short metal chain as an extra safety measure covered part of his face. the less you saw of him the more panicked you felt. eunseok always gave you everything, but now on the other side of this door you felt like a stranger. you wanted to reach through the crack in the door and touch him. he continued to look at you, the playful glint he usually had in his eyes were gone.
“what do you want?” eunseok asked.
he spoke at a normal volume, different from the usual hushed whispers. you looked down the row of doors in panic. someone could easily hear his voice if he kept that same volume.
“i came to apologize.” you said quietly.
eunseok looks at you for a second longer before closing the door. you continue to stand out in the cold, hearing the chain unhook on the other side of the door. eunseok a second later opens his door, inviting you to the warm yellow glow in his room. 
you smile at him as you walk into his room. you’re still met with eunseok’s expressionless face, and you want to continue walking to lock yourself in his bathroom as he closes the door and locks it. you sit on the edge of eunseok’s bed, putting an indent in the neatly folded sheets. eunseok still stands by his door, arms crossed as he looks at you. the warmth you felt in between the moments of intimacy was gone. eunseok made you feel like an intruder, and you started feeling a rock form in the bottom of your stomach. 
you’re silent for too long—eunseok tilts his head and raises his eyebrows to show you his impatience.
“i’m sorry for how i acted yesterday.” you said.
you rock back on your heels, taking out all the nerves you feel from looking at eunseok in his eyes. he stands with his hands in his pockets, repeating your apology in his head over and over again. after a moment he lets out a sigh and nods his head.
“i forgive you. and i did overreact—you were right.” eunseok rubs the back of his neck as he thinks back to his own actions “i can’t force you to like me. so we should end it here before we head back.”
you shake your head and take a step closer to eunseok.
“you only reacted like that because of what i said to you.” you reasoned.
“i still don’t like how i reacted.” eunseok says.
you nod to accept his apology. it gives you time to try and think of how to say the things you still need to say. your confession sits on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t put it eloqunetly like you imagined it. 
eusneok stands in front of you, with his hands moving in his pockets as you two stand in complete silence. you hear the door next door open, and you instinctively move out of the line of sight in the window. your movement puts you close to the door, so close that you could turn the knob and be outside in a few movements. eunseok looks past you to stare at his door, motioning towards it gently.
“the person next to me is random. he won’t know if you leave.” eunseok says casually.
his tone doesn’t tell you to leave, leaving it open to what you want to do. eunseok walks towards you, until he stands in front of you. you can smell the fresh soap on eunseok and see droplets from eunseok’s wet hair fall on on the carpet. when he’s close enough to take in a deep breath of him, and close your eyes.
“i like you,” you open your eyes to see eunseok already looking down at you. “i like you so much it kind of freaks me out” you say.
your confession floats in the cold silent air of eunseok’s room. it circles around your bodies like a string, pulling you closer and closer together as the words sink in. eunseok brings his hands from his pockets so squeeze both of yours. he works his way up from your hands to your elbows, then to your shoulders. your hands go to eunseok’s waist when his hands hold your face, rubbing his thumb along your features. a gentle hand tilts your chin up before eunseok brings you into a kiss. you close your eyes a second after he closes his, to make sure that this is real.
eunseok’s soft lips touch yours, and you press gently back. the way eunseok can’t stop running his hands over your body makes you think he’s not sure if this is real either. you both kiss back timid and gentle, the sound of pecks and chaste kisses fills the room. when you push back against eunseok’s lips a little rougher he pulls away. 
he runs his pink tongue over his slightly swollen lips before looking at yours. the lamp beside eunseok’s bed casts the shadow of his hands reaching for the bottom of your shift against the wall. you see your bodies move in realtime in your peripheral vision when you reach your arms for the ceiling.
eunseok helps you out of your sweatervest, tossing it behind you somewhere. he slowly undoes each button of your blouse while you start pulling eunseok’s shirt over his head. he has to hurry with the last button to take off his shirt the rest of the way, leaving you both in your bottoms and you in your bra.
he takes a step closer the undo the button of your slacks. the teeth of your zipper makes a quiet noise, but it’s heightened by the absence of sound in the room. you let the material pool at your ankles and eunseok does the same, both of you stepping out of your pants at the same time.
eunseok knows he has seen you naked before. he doesn’t know why it feels like the first time again, or why you look like a fallen angel in his room. your eyes are red from nearly crying as you look up at him, and your bottom lip is swollen from nervous bites. when the yellow glow of the dingy hotel room bounces off your skin, it makes you look too fragile to touch. his hands almost shake as you guide them to your back, letting them rest on the clasp of your bra. you let your hands rest on eunseok’s shoulder as he undoes the clasp on the second try. the elastic snaps forward, and your chest is free from the material. eunseok helps your arms out like you’re made of porcelain. he lets your bra drop onto the ground beside your pants.
eunseok brings you in for a kiss again, turning you around so he can guide you to his bed. when your back legs hit the edge he guides you down gently, leading you all the way until your pretty head rests between the pillows.
you can feel eunseok twitching against his boxers as he presses his dick against your clothed heat. your panties stick to your folds as eunseok continues to grind into you, and you can feel precum seeping through his underwear. eunseok trails kisses from your cheek to the crook of your neck, letting out a depraved groan when you wrap your legs around his waist and lift your hips up.
“remember the first time i fucked you like this?” eunseok asks.
eunseok kisses your forehead before putting a firm hand on your waist, keeping you in place. he leans back on his legs to be upright and a gentle hand pushes the waistband of your panties down. all you have to do is lift your ass off the bed slightly while eunseok guides your legs out of the holes. eunseok leaves a trail of kisses starting at your ankles that ends at the space right next to your lips before he’s hovering over you again. he takes off his underwear with much less care, and you use a cordinated foot to help him get his underwear off all the way.
you nod your head and wrap your legs around eunseok’s waist, not letting him get any further from you. you move your hips to close what little space there is between the two of you, and his hard dick presses against your entrance. it’s like it’s the first time again, the way eunseok looks to you for approval until you nod your head desperately. the space between your lips crackles with electricity as eunseok slowly pushes his dick inside of you. it’s delicate just like his touches, and he takes his time pushing in all the way.
eunseok slowly slided back out. you’re forced to keep your hips in place and take it all as eunseok continues to pepper kisses all over your face. he pushes back into you just as slow making you gasp and pull him close to you.
“i missed you too.” eunseok says.
“i’m sorry,” your words are caught in your throat when eunseok puts a delicate finger to your clit. “i’m so sorry.” you whine.
eunseok continues to kiss you. he stops rubbing your clit to press his finger to the sensitive bud. it makes you squirm undeerneath him, and he kisses your sleepy eyes.
“it’s okay, just don’t break my heart again alright?” eunseok says.
when he presses a little harder to your clit you arch your back, and eunseok wraps a hand behind you to bring you closer. 
“alright.” you whine.
you are the one that kisses him first this time. your hands bring eunseok’s face impossibly close to yours as you push your tongue past his lips. you taste everything, and you can feel eunseok’s warm tongue touch yours. you can barely get enough of him, only halting in your kisses when eunseok changes the motion of his fingers or thrusts into you roughly. your moans are eagerly swallowed by eunseok, and he starts ravaging you the same way you were doing to him.
“feels so good.” you say in between thrusts.
“i know. i know.” eunseok coos. 
he kisses the waterline of your eye, and you dig fingernails into eunseok’s back.
“i’m close.” you whimper.
“me too.” eunseok says back.
his voice starts to waiver on its own. his usual steady tone cracks, and you can hear his moans become more breathy as he increases the speed of his hips. 
you reach between your two bodies to pull his hand away from your clit to hold it. you squeeze his hand, trying to find an outlet for your orgasm so you can prolong feeling of eunseok’s hot puffs of air against your neck and him hitting that spot deep inside of you. eunseok still rests in the crook of your neck, nearly whimpering into your ear when you need to look at him.
“eunseok.” you whine.
he pulls away to look at you in the eyes. you move his bangs away from his eyes as his hips begin to stutter.
“i love you.” you say quietly.
eunseok pecks your lips before pulling away to look you back in your eyes.
“i love you too, baby.” eunseok grins.
he can’t get another word out before your body reacts to him. you pull eunseok close to you by pressing hands to his back and wrapping your legs around his waist. for the first time ever you overpower eunseok, and he lets you completely take charge. your walls seize around eunseok’s dick and you press your ass into the mattress to fuck yourself on eunseok’s dick. eunseok lets you overstimulate him while you reach your own peak. his moans turn into desperate whimpers while you continue to milk him. it isn’t until eunseok is nearly crying out your name that you orgasm yourself. eunseok wedges his hand between the mattress and your body to pull you into a hug, and you moan mixing curses and eunseok’s name while you came undone. 
you two lay in bed together for awhile. it takes you what seems like ages to stop twitching, where eunseok can touch you without you moaning from overstimulation.  you two talk about everything, giving the other a play by play from your individual perspectives. eunseok proudly informs you that he knew about his feelings after the first time you two had sex, and how he was waiting for you to realize your own feelings. you told him a story of your own, how scared you were to admit your feelings for no reason.
before it’s time for your team to depart, eunseok regrettably tells you that you have to go back to your room. he helps you back into your debate uniform, finding your undergarments and clothing items that are strewn across his room. he helps your sore legs through the black tights, and he laughs when the buttons on your blouse are uneven. he lends you his jacket before walking you across the parking lot to your own room. the sun started rising over the parking lot, illuminating your path in light blue and golds. the usual nip of the cold morning was manageable with eunseok’s hand clasped over yours, and you didn’t have to worry about tripping over potholes in the parking lot with his hand resting on your lower back. when you get to your door you kiss eunseok one last time. before closing it all the way, you open it again to give him one last peck on his lips.
“see you in a little bit.” eunseok says with a smile on his face.
“yeah. see you in a little.” you laugh.
when you finally close your door and eunseok finally leaves your stoop, you finish packing up. you change out of your rumpled debate uniform and take a quick shower. by the time you’re done getting ready for the long bus ride back, you get a knock on your door. you leave the person on the other side waiting for only a second before swinging the door open. 
eunseok turns away from the parking to look at you, smiling bright when you smiled right back at him. you let him grab your hand as you leave the awning of your hotel room. 
you two take the walk together back to the mini-bus, acting oblivious to the loud exclamation of your teammates as you admire your trophy.
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lemoncrushh · 6 months
Tattooed Heart - Part I
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SUMMARY: You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion.
PAIRING: Waitress Y/N x Artist/Tattoo Artist Harry
TROPES: Enemies to Lovers
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You could spot the birthday parties from across the room. Beautiful, rich kids and socialites tend to go all out, with the balloons and banners, ordering bottles or at the very least, top shelf cocktails by the dozens. On occasion, you might get a wealthy middle-aged businessman, or some guy who just made his first half-mil in crypto, ready to live it up for the night, but they usually kept a lower profile, not attracting as much attention to their celebration.
Zelda’s was a swanky, high-dollar lounge for the rich and the wannabes. In your two years as a cocktail waitress there, you’d learned how to spot the difference. Those with money knew how to spend it. Those that were only there for one evening of “let’s pretend” spent frivolously, cashing it in before - or sometimes after - going belly-up.
Tonight seemed to be just like every other weekend evening, the corner booths filled with decorations and Gucci-lipped twenty-somethings taking cell phone pics of each other. You gave your best fake smile, ready to serve anyone willing to blow a few hundred on drinks and hopefully dishing out hefty tips.
“What can I get you, doll?” you asked the blond at the end of the half-circle booth.
She gave you a quizzical look at first, as though you had just interrupted a private conversation. Then with a flip of her hair, she smiled at her group.
“Oh, I think Harry was gonna order for us all,” she said. “It’s his birthday.”
“And which one is Harry?” you grinned at the three young men who shared the booth, all dressed in suit jackets with their shirts unbuttoned past their pecs. Everyone at the table pointed to the dark-haired guy who sat in the center with his hands up.
“That would be me,” he remarked nonchalantly in a syrupy British accent.
“Well, Happy Birthday, Harry,” you raised your voice over the loud music. “What are we having for this celebration?”
“Tequila, the best you’ve got,” he replied, his ringed finger gesturing in a circle. “All around. And a bottle of Cristal.”
Two of the girls at the table cheered, clearly impressed with Harry’s selection.
“Sounds like a good party to me,” you nodded. “Be right back.”
Heading over to the bar, you heard the group cackle behind you. Then one of the girls shouted, “Stop it!” When you reached the edge of the bar, giving John, the bartender your order, you snuck a glance over at the table. The girl sitting next to Harry held her cell phone up to take a photo, the birthday boy with his tongue in her ear. Clearly the group had gotten a head start on drinks before they’d ever arrived.
“Another one of those, huh, Y/N?” scoffed John.
“Same shit, different day,” you commented, shaking your head. “Gimme one of the birthday glasses, will you?”
“Ah, which Paris Hilton wannabe is the birthday girl? Lemme guess…the blonde in the silver bandeau top getting her ear tongue fucked.”
You chuckled. “Try the fucker.”
“Oh yeah?” John raised a brow, placing the bottle of Cristal on your tray. “The himbo, eh? Wouldn’t have guessed it.”
“Why not?”
“Imposter Armani suit? I can spot it a mile away, honey.”
You laughed as he finished pouring the tequila. “Guess he’s out of his element. But he obviously wants to impress on his birthday.”
“From the look of the caliber of girls he’s with, I’d say I don’t blame him.”
You nodded, carefully taking the tray. You knew what John meant. Harry may have not been the typical socialite to walk through Zelda’s doors, but the women in his company obviously were. And they expected to be treated as such.
Returning to the table, you gave your biggest smile as you set out the tequila. You noticed Harry eyeing you as the rest of the group claimed a glass.
“This is your best tequila?” he asked, almost in a huff as though you couldn’t have possibly selected the best.
“Definitely,” you replied. “It’s a Siete Leguas.”
“Hmm.” Lifting his glass, he let the liquid swirl before taking a sniff.
“Smells good to me,” remarked the blond next to him. “But I don’t know much about tequila.”
Harry took a slow sip, his eyes still on you above the rim of his glass.
“What d’ya say, H?” asked one of the other gentlemen.
“It’ll do.”
Trying your best not to react negatively, you chewed your bottom lip. “I can get you something else if you like.”
“I said it’s fine.”
Not bothering to mask your frown, you took a deep breath through your nostrils. This was gonna be a long night.
“Would you like me to pop the champagne now?” you asked.
“Sure, go ahead,” Harry gestured with his hand, taking another sip of his tequila.
Taking the bottle, you opened it with finesse, just the way you’d been taught and had been doing since you’d started working at Zelda’s. The girls all cheered when the cork popped. Harry, however, was not impressed.
Grabbing the special birthday glass, you began to pour.
“What the fuck is that?” spat Harry.
“It’s for you,” you smiled.
“I don’t want that. Gimme one of the regular champagne glasses.”
“I’ll take it!” beamed the blond on the end. “It’s cute!”
Harry rolled his eyes before handing the glass to her with a smirk.
“Here, Tawnie,” he said. “Pretend it’s your birthday.”
“Aw, yay!” she giggled with glee.
Trying to keep your composure, you poured another glass of Cristal, handing it to Harry.
“Shouldn’t ladies go first?” he remarked, scooting the glass to the girl next to him.
“God, I’m gonna be so wasted,” she laughed.
Swallowing hard, you knew where this was headed, so you poured champagne for the other two girls, then passed around the remaining glasses to the guys, leaving the last for Harry.
“Happy Birthday,” you said again, this time with no enthusiasm. “Enjoy.”
Leaving the bottle on the table, you turned away, cursing under your breath before making your way back to the bar.
“Jesus fucking Christ, kill me now,” you whined at John.
“That bad, huh?”
“He’s a petulant, disrespectful asshole!”
“The good looking ones usually are,” John sighed.
“You think he’s good looking?” you twisted slightly to look over at the booth. Harry was laughing at something one of the other guys had said.
“Honey, don’t tell me you didn’t notice!” chuckled John.
“I was too busy wanting to pour tequila over his head,” you grimaced.
“Well, try not to let it get to you, hon. Just be your sweet self, and get that massive tip. The night will be over, and you’ll never have to see him again.”
With a nod and a sigh, you took the refills for the next table, handing them out with a bright smile. The older gentlemen gave you a thanks and a wink, one of them patting your behind as you bent over. You hated being fondled at work, but if you had a choice, you’d take that any day over dealing with jerks like Harry.
“Excuse me!” you heard someone shout as you started to make your way back to the bar. Speak of the devil.
“Yes?” you grinned, stepping over to Harry’s table. “What can I do for you?”
“Can I get a glass of wat-” asked a brunette before Harry rudely interrupted.
“We need water,” he said, accusingly.
“Sure, no problem. All around?”
“Of course,” he rolled his eyes. Apparently this man lived to be constantly perturbed.
“I’ll get those for you right now.”
“That should have been like…a given, right?” he remarked. “What waitress doesn’t automatically bring water?”
With a sigh, you slid your tray under your arm, pressing your hand on your hip.
“If you want water…or anything for that matter…you can ask for it!” you barked. “I’m happy to bring it to you. But you don’t have to treat me like an imbecile!”
“Jeez,” one of the other guys muttered under his breath.
“What?” Harry glared at you, his eyebrows knitted together.
“You heard me, Birthday Boy! I’m just doing my job!”
As you started to turn away, you heard him mutter, “Doesn’t look like it,” followed by the rest of the group either giggling or shouting “Ooooh!”
You decided not to delight him with a response. Instead, you strutted to the bar where your darling pal John was already getting water glasses ready.
“Fuck me sideways, girl, that was rough!” he exclaimed.
“I’m done, John! I can’t deal with these assholes anymore!”
“Uh oh, looks like you may have to,” John averted his eyes to the glasses in front of him. Turning to see what he was talking about, you nearly ran into Mr. Personality.
“You owe me an apology,” he growled.
“Excuse me? I think it’s the other way around!” you yelled.
“I’m out with my friends for my birthday,” he explained, gesturing toward the table, “and I don’t appreciate the way you’re treating me.”
“The way I’m tr-” you turned beet red. “How dare you! You entitled, self-centered prick!”
“Easy, girl!” you heard John shout, but you paid no mind. You were ready to have it out with this guy.
“What did you call me?”
“Y/N!” someone else shouted. Looking up, you noticed your boss, a scowl on his face as the entire lounge had turned their focus on your encounter. “What seems to be the trouble here?”
“Are you the manager?” asked Harry.
“Yes, sir, how can I assist you?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” he began, “but your waitress here seems to have a problem with me. I’m here celebrating my birthday with my mates, and she’s gone out of her way to be rude to me all evening.”
“What?!?!” you shouted incredulously.
“Y/N, did you have a problem with this young man?”
“No, sir,” you shook your head, your arms crossed over your chest. “It’s the other way around. He’s been nothing but rude since-”
“She just called me a prick,” Harry interjected.
“Because you’re being one!” You glared at the asshole, shooting daggers at him. You felt like your insides were on fire as you held your hands in fists at your sides.
“Y/N, if you can’t control your temper, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” said your boss.
“I’m sorry, but he’s so rude, Mr-”
“Y/N,” your boss narrowed his eyes at you, before turning to Harry. “Sir, I do apologize for my employee. We do not condone this kind of behavior at our lounge.”
You watched Harry as his shoulders fell, a breath releasing from his nose. “I should hope not.”
“Now…” your boss added. “What can we do to rectify this situation? Perhaps we can put your tab on the house?”
Harry raised his brows, surprised at the offer. “That would…yes, that would be nice. Thank you.”
Your boss nodded, patting Harry on the back. “No problem whatsoever. I hope you’ll come see us again.”
“Not if she’s here,” Harry scowled.
“I assure you, that won’t happen.”
With a gasp, you watched your boss turn around and face you. “Get your things, Y/N,” he said in the most relaxed voice possible, as though you weren’t just getting canned.
“Are you serious?” you cried.
“We don’t talk to our patrons this way,” he explained. “I won’t allow it. Now, put your apron away and clock out.”
Your jaw set, you tried your best not to cry. No, you wouldn’t allow yourself to. Not in front of him.
“Fine,” you said, untying your apron. You slapped it down hard on the bar, then turned for the back room, but not before noticing the sly, satisfied smirk on jerkhead’s face.
Only when you reached the back room did you let the tears fall. Cursing at yourself, at Harry, and your boss, and at the entire situation, you managed to grab your jacket and purse. You almost forgot to clock out, but you figured you might not get paid otherwise. Sitting on the dark green leather sofa, you waited until you thought Harry and his crew might be gone. Then wiping your eyes, you stood up, nearly bumping into John.
“Oh, Y/N, honey I’m so sorry!” he cried, wrapping you in a big hug.
“What the fuck, John? Why does he get to win?”
“I don’t know. The whole ‘the customer is always right’ thing, I guess.”
“That’s a load of bullshit,” you sobbed against his chest..
“Preaching to the choir, sister.”
“Is he gone yet?”
“Mr. Pretentious? Yeah, he left a few minutes ago. Want me to walk you out?”
With a nod, you let John walk you halfway through the lounge until you met up with your boss again who insisted he be the one to see you out. Just in case you were to cause a scene or some shit. As if you would. Not after that whole ordeal. You felt completely defeated…and deflated. You felt the eyes on you as you made it to the front door. Your boss held it open for you as you stepped into the balmy night air. With a sigh you walked to your car, turning once to give Zelda’s the middle finger.
Fuck that Harry guy. Fuck him to hell and back.
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“Are you ready?” asked Shae.
With a sigh and a nod, you grabbed your keys. Last month you had promised your roommate that you’d go with her to get a tattoo. While you had been thrilled then about getting some new ink, after getting fired from Zelda’s, the excitement had worn off. In fact, you’d considered canceling all together, seeing as spending dough on a tat now seemed frivolous, and you could certainly use the money in case you couldn’t find another job soon. But in the end, you decided you owed yourself some kindness. And besides, Shae was chomping at the bit to get one, and she wouldn’t let you live until you went with her.
You drove to Fine Line Ink, just a few blocks from your apartment. You’d driven by it several times, but had never gone inside. Shae specifically requested this tattoo shop because apparently it was fairly well-known on social media. At least your roommate had done her research, even though she had no idea what tattoo she wanted to get.
“I’ll know it when I see it,” she’d insisted.
You heard 90s rock music playing when you opened the door, but saw no one standing near the counter, or even in the waiting area. The front room was dark, but with warm lighting, much like at Zelda’s. You could smell incense burning as you gazed around at the walls decorated in various designs. Wandering over to the glass counter, you inspected the display of body jewelry.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you heard a voice say.
Your body instantly felt cold as you stood up straight. You knew that voice. And it was one you’d hoped you would never have to hear again. Turning around, you caught a glimpse of his tall frame, his t-shirt stretched tight across his chest, his biceps peeking out from the sleeves.
“Hey,” beamed Shae. “We’re here to get tats.”
Shae gestured toward you, and your body went numb.
“Oh?” Harry raised a brow, then looked at you. The recognition and disdain both happened instantly. “Oh.”
Turning back to Shae, he asked, “Do you know what you want?”
“Not exactly,” she shrugged. “Nothing too big. But not too small either.”
Harry chuckled. “Alright. I have a book right here,” he pointed to one on the counter. “It’s got some ‘not too big, not too small’ ideas in there, if you wanna take a look.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“Take your time,” Harry grinned at her. “I’ll be back.”
He gave Shae a small wave, but you didn’t miss the way his expression changed when he glanced at you before he disappeared to the back.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” your friend asked as she perused the book. She stopped on a page of flowers, but scrunched up her nose. “Nah.”
“Um…let’s go somewhere else,” you told Shae, practically pulling her arm out of the socket.
“What? No! I wanna get a tattoo here!”
“Well, I don’t.”
“Why not? I heard this guy’s the best. Plus…he’s like hella hot!”
“No, he’s not,” you argued.
“Are you fucking blind?” scoffed Shae. Turning the page in the book, she stopped and pointed at a baby lion. “That’s it!”
“I just…” you stammered, “I just don’t think this is a good idea anymore. I changed my mind.”
“Did you find something you like?” Harry asked from the doorway.
“Uh huh!” exclaimed Shae. “This baby lion is so cute. It’s so me. I want him right here on my hip.” She jutted out her hip, slapping her hand where she wanted the tattoo to go.
Harry chuckled again, making your insides churn. You wanted to vomit.
“Alright,” he said, handing her a clipboard. “If you’ll just fill this out for me, I’ll go prepare your stencil.”
You weren’t sure what to do. You’d already promised your friend, and she looked so excited. You knew there were dozens of other tattoo shops you could go to, but Shae had picked this one. Why did it have to be this guy’s shop? Of all the fucking…
Taking a deep breath, you lowered yourself slowly in a nearby chair as Shae filled out her paperwork. Signing her name, she turned to you with a smile.
“Isn’t it cute? I’m so excited!”
With a gulp, you were about to respond when Harry returned.
“Let’s go back here,” he gestured once he’d taken the clipboard from Shae.
“Wait, my friend’s getting one too,” she looked at you. “Aren’t you?”
“No.” Although the sound came from your mouth, you could have sworn Harry’s lips moved too.
“Um…” you cleared your throat. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Shae asked, confused.
Although you didn’t want to, you gazed at Harry. His frown was so apparent, it almost looked like his eyebrows were sewn together. Finally, he relaxed his expression, pretending for Shae’s benefit.
“Don’t reckon I have enough time, love. It’s only me here tonight.”
You had to hand it to him. That was a good answer.
“Oh,” Shae pouted. “But I wanted to get tats together.”
“It’s alright,” you assured her. “I need to save my money. And I doubt there’s anything here I’d want anyway.”
You had to hand it to yourself. That was a nice dig.
It wasn’t lost on Harry, either. He scowled at you before turning for the tattoo chair, Shae following behind.
“This your first tattoo?” you heard Harry ask as you remained in the doorway.
“Yes. So please be gentle,” your friend replied, obviously flirting.
You rolled your eyes as Harry chuckled. In any other situation, with any other man, not only would you have encouraged the flirting, you might have even joined in. Both John and Shae were right in saying he was good looking…or hella hot as it were. Even you had to admit that. But you hated to. And you also hated how his laugh rang through the shop, like an invisible tattoo of its own, lacing with the sound of the Foo Fighters song that played.
Crossing your arms, you leaned against the door frame, trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. You thought of faking an illness. You did feel like throwing up. But Shae wasn’t having it.
“Come sit over here, Y/N!”
“I’m fine here.”
“Noooo. Come over here in case I need to hold your hand. What if I pass out or something?”
“Do you pass out easily?” Harry asked as he pulled on his gloves.
“No,” Shae replied. “I’m actually not scared of needles. But you never know.”
You caught the grin on Harry’s face as he turned in his chair. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Y/N!” Shae whined. “Please!”
Rolling your eyes, you surrendered, walking slowly toward Harry’s tattoo station. You noted everything he had set out on the tray beside him. At least he seemed to know what he was doing. But you weren’t about to admit that. Grabbing a nearby chair, you took a seat on Shae’s other side, opposite from Harry.
“So, you want it on your left hip?” Harry confirmed.
“Alright. So I’m gonna need you to pull down your pants just a bit, past your hip, and turn on your right side facing…um…your friend.”
“Yes, sir,” Shae smiled, happily willing to oblige.
You watched as she unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them down as sensually as she could on the leather chair. You caught a glimmer in Harry’s eyes when he noticed she was wearing a thong.
“Seriously?” you scoffed.
“What?” he frowned, looking up at you.
“Do you have to ogle at her for fuck’s sake? She’s getting a tattoo, not stripping for you.”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
“Believe me, joking is the last thing I’d be doing with you.”
Shae stared at you as she laid on her side. “Y/N, it’s okay! He can ogle at me all he wants!”
“Shae,” you narrowed your eyes.
“I think your friend can speak for herself,” remarked Harry.
Making a face, you sat back, crossing your arms and legs. His expression stoic, Harry pushed his chair closer to Shae, lightly swiping her skin with rubbing alcohol. Then he took a disposable razor to gently shave her hip.
“I promise I just shaved this morning,” giggled Shae.
“I’m sure you did,” Harry smirked. “It’s just procedure. We have to thoroughly prep the area before adding ink.”
Taking the stencil, he placed it on Shae’s hip, directly under her panty line.
“Is this where you want it?”
“Yes, that’s perfect.”
“Good.” Harry ran his fingers slowly and smoothly across the thermal paper, and you just had to say something.
“You’re enjoying this way too much.”
Blowing air between his lips, Harry glared up at you.
“Would you stop? I’m just doing my job.”
“Oh, really? Could have fooled me. Looks like you’re trying to feel her up.”
“Y/N, what the fuck?” cried Shae. “Do you have a problem with this guy?”
“Oh, you noticed?”
Shae sat up, looking at you quizzically. “Do you know him?” Then lowering her voice, she whispered, “Did y’all fuck?”
Hearing the question, Harry snorted.
“Yeah, you wish,” you scoffed, giving him the evil eye.
“In your dreams, babe.”
“That’s it, I’m outta here,” you sprinted out of your chair, heading for the door.
“Y/N!” Shae shouted. “What is going on?”
“I’m sorry, Shae, I tried to keep my cool. But I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.”
“Feeling’s mutual,” muttered Harry.
“Ugh!” you cringed. “C’mon, Shae, pull your pants up. We’ll find someone more competent to do your tattoo.”
“I believe I’m more than competent,” Harry rolled his eyes.
“I’m so lost here,” Shae whimpered, still in her chair. “How do you know each other?”
When you reached the doorway, you turned to face her, your arms still crossed.
“He’s the asshole who got me fired.”
“What?! Are you serious?!”
Adjusting herself in her chair, she faced Harry, waiting for him to retort. But he remained expressionless, his mouth in a straight line. Giving up on getting any response from him, you sighed and gestured for Shae again. When she slid off the chair, buttoning her pants, Harry finally spoke.
“I didn’t mean to.”
“What?” you glared at him.
“I…I didn’t mean to get you fired.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“I mean it. I was…a complete prick to you…just like you said. And I’m sorry.”
“Pffftt,” you sounded. “It's a little late for that. I lost my job because of you!”
“I know, and I felt bad about it.”
“No, you didn’t!” you spat. “You were ecstatic that you’d gotten your way! You’re an asshole!”
“You’re right,” Harry nodded. “I deserve that. But I hope you know that wasn’t me.”
“Do you have an evil twin?”
“No. I was trying to impress my friends.”
“By being a jerk?” piped Shae.
“Yeah. I know it’s not a good look,” Harry shook his head. He rose from his chair, stepping closer to you. “I was seeing this chick, Nicolette…and she was…used to a certain lifestyle. It felt good to be part of her world for a while.”
“Doesn’t sound like friends to me,” you remarked.
“No. They just wanted to go to Zelda’s and get drunk. I swear, it’s not my scene.”
“You don’t say.”
“Look…” Harry sighed. “I’m not asking for forgiveness because I know you won’t give it to me. I have no real justification for the way I acted. I truly was a prick that night. But I regretted it later. I knew it was wrong of me, and I wanted to apologize but I didn’t even know your name, let alone where to find you. I broke it off with Nicolette, too.”
“Oh, jeez, that makes me feel soooo much better,” you said sarcastically.
Throwing his hands up, Harry turned around and began to gather things from the tray.
“You really have some nerve, you know that?” you added.
Harry spun around, “For what? For apologizing?”
“For everything! For acting like a big shot, especially when you obviously didn’t belong there. For yelling at me in front of the entire bar, including my boss, and for getting me fired. And for being rude to me as soon as I walked in here.”
“Hey, you were rude to me first!”
“I was not!”
“Hey, guys?” Shae interjected. “Maybe we should just drop it. You were right, Y/N. We shouldn’t have come here.”
“I swear, Shae, if I had known he worked here, we wouldn’t have. Let’s go.”
As soon as you pushed the door open, you heard Harry huffing. “Your loss, not mine.”
“Fuck you, dude!” you exclaimed. “And get a life. A real one, not someone else’s.”
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