#the very idea that anyone cares when I go to bed is hilarious but in case you do It’s Happenin :D
squigglywindy · 2 years
Good night everyone! This is becoming part of my night time routine don’t mind me…
You are all amazing and talking with y’all and/or just seeing your posts makes my day a lil bit brighter <3
Everyone remember to eat sleep and drink, and take some time to do something you enjoy if you can <333
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Literally no one asked for this, but I started thinking about the hilarious dichotomy of Sanji being with an entomologist and I decided to share my thoughts.
Sanji x Entomologist/Insect Lover Reader Headcanons
The first time you run up to him excitedly asking him to look at what you found, he eagerly turns around only to come face to face with a beetle and screams at the top of his lungs. That is the day you realize that Sanji is afraid of insects, and Sanji realizes you love them.
He cannot comprehend how you can hold so much affection for what he considers to be such vile creatures and can't help but cringe every time you pick one up, regardless of whether you're holding it up to him or not. He tries to be nice about it, he tries so hard, but you can see the pain in his eyes when you bring one too close to him.
If literally anyone else thrust a spider in his face, he would roundhouse kick them, but when you do it he will just jerk back dramatically while redirecting you by saying that Luffy or Usopp would probably like to see your find.
Your offer to deal with any insects that make their way into his kitchen leaves him conflicted. On one hand, it's great! He doesn't have to confront it now! On the other, he does feel a touch embarrassed over the idea of you having to "save him" from something like this. His trepidation goes out the window when he goes to make breakfast one morning onto to be greeted by a massive spider setting up a web in the corner of the kitchen. His relief from you catching it is cut short by you exclaiming that it's a very elusive species and proceeding to go on a long tangent while holding the spider up and pointing out interesting parts of it's anatomy and how you identified it... He wishes he would have just thrown a frying pan at it.
You two eventually find a happy medium. When you want to talk insects with him, you use books and diagrams instead of live specimens. As much as he loathes insects, he loves you, and he knows it makes you happy to share this particular interest with him. Even he has to admit that your in-depth knowledge on the subject is admirable, and he does find some of the fun facts you share to actually be fun and not nightmare inducing.
Over time, he does develop something akin to respect for certain insects. He doesn't like them by any means, but he learns to appreciate what they do for ecosystems and agriculture.
Will not budge on eating them, however. It's one thing in a desperate survival situation, but eating them just because you can is a hard no for him. It's not even that much about eating insects themselves, so much as concern for potential parasites due to insects being breeding grounds for them.
One thing he'll never relax on is you handling insects with medically significant venom. He doesn't care that you know how to grab them to stay safe, he feels like he's about to have a heart attack pleaSE PUT IT DOWN!
God help him if you keep any as pets. Being able to sleep in a bed with you is heaven, but having to hear your nocturnal insects skittering around their enclosures at night is hell. The man lives in fear of them escaping in the night and coming after him.
If your room is decorated with pinned/wet specimens, he hates it at first, but learns to live with it. Especially if you keep any as pets, because he can at least appreciate that these ones won't chase him. Over time, he'll be able to recognize that some insects can be quite interesting to look at when they're pinned. He'll even start keeping an eye out for ones that you don't have yet if he sees anyone selling them. You know he's down bad if he's doing this for you.
There is absolutely no toleration for anyone shaming you for your interest/hobby. If anyone tries to make you feel bad/weird/gross about it, they won't be for long. Even if he doesn't get it, he'll be damned before he lets anyone speak poorly of you for your passions.
You're a unique person, he won't deny that, but you're his unique person.
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bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 22 – prompt 22: Impervius – word count 909
Impervius - Makes an object waterproof
Sirius wasn’t mad McGonagall had caught him charming her classroom ceiling to start raining and had given him detention. No, Sirius was mad Remus had been assigned to supervise him as he stopped the spell and dried the whole classroom without magic. Lately, Remus had been acting weird towards him, and he thought he knew why. After his friends had found out about the scars he had on his legs thanks to Walburga’s favourite Slicing curse he had been a bit more open about his family. Safely guided by James (and more often than not also safely tucked in James’s arms) he had started to tell the other Marauders bits and pieces about the house he had grown up in. About his parents’ rigid discipline. About the Black family motto, Toujours Pur. About the Sacred Twenty-eight and his parents’ belief that anyone outside of that circle wasn’t worth even existing. He suspected that had caused Remus to mostly avoid eye contact with him, exit a room as soon as it ended up just being the two of them, and almost jumping away whenever they accidentally touched. He supposed it was difficult adjusting to the idea one of your friends had parents who thought you were an abomination, but he had always been careful to make it very clear he didn’t support any of his parents’ beliefs. Even what he couldn’t control, he used to say, had turned out against his family values. His being sorted into Gryffindor was the most obvious and the fact he liked men was the most hilarious since he kept flirting with each one of his friends claiming out loud it was payback for the way he had been raised. He had had to stop that too, since Remus had looked uncomfortable about it.
“You’ve outdone yourself, really,” Remus said, shielding his head from the rain pouring from the ceiling. “I’ve rarely seen McGonagall so angry.”
“I know,” Sirius smirked, before pointing his wand at Remus’s bag. “Impervius! Wouldn’t want your precious books to get soaked, Moony.”
“Thanks,” Remus nodded, leaning on a desk nearby. “You should really stop the spell before it gets worse, though.”
“You know it’s not my fault, right?”
Sirius bit his tongue. He hadn’t meant to say that, he just wanted to get detention over as quickly as possible and maybe slip into James’s bed later on and ask him what he could do to make sure Remus knew he was safe with him, he would always be safe with him.
“I’m pretty sure the classroom being flooded is, Pads.”
“No, I mean… Finite incantatem!” Sirius said. If they were going to have this conversation, at least they wouldn’t be in the pouring rain. “I mean about my parents.”
“Their ideas about ‘blood purity’ and all that bullshit. It’s what they think, not me.”
“I know that, Pads.”
Sirius looked at Remus, who was looking back at him with a puzzled expression.
“You don’t… You don’t think I have the same ideas?”
Remus stared at him, eyes wide.
“We’ve been friends for years and I know how horrible your family is. Why would I think that?”
“It’s just…” Sirius hesitated. “You’ve been distant lately and I thought…”
He was expecting Remus to deny it, but instead he looked away from him.
“Yeah, like that,” Sirius sighed. “If it’s not my family, what is it Moony? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, of course not,” Remus was still not looking at him.
“Then what is it?”
“It’s just something about me and it’s nothing, really.”
“It clearly isn’t, you’re not even able to look me in the eye!”
Sirius walked up to Remus, stopping only when he was almost up against him. He hesitated a fraction of second, but Remus was still looking away, so he reached up and put his hand on his cheek, gently but firmly turning his head.
“What is it? Please, Moony, tell me,” he whispered.
He had never looked that close at Remus’s eyes. That warm brown with somehow hues of gold in them. Gorgeous, but Remus was a marvel of a person, in and out, even if he scoffed every time someone mentioned it. Remus blinked, his long eyelashes fluttering for a second, before he suddenly moved forward, crushing their mouths together. It was over in seconds, the feel of Remus’s lips on his, the way his heart skipped a beat, the sound at the back of his throat, before Remus abruptly pulled back.
“Shit, sorry, Sirius, I’m sorry,” he had turned bright red. “I know you don’t…”
“I don’t what?” Sirius said, trying to find words in the sea of no please kiss me again his brain was screaming.
“Me. Don’t like me. Not that way,” Remus grimaced. “James is going to kill me.”
“What does Prongs have to do with this?” Sirius asked, lost.
“Well, I mean… You…” Remus gestured vaguely.
“Me and James?”
“I mean, you’re always in each other’s beds,” Remus said, defensively.
“Yes, to talk and plan, not to make out!” Sirius roared with laughter. “And I’m not his type anyway, you know he likes them mean.”
“I… And what’s your type then?”
Sirius considered it for a minute, still standing so close to Remus, still with his friend a deep shade of red.
“Confused, apparently,” he sighed, before leaning in and kissing Remus again.
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fullofgutsndopamine · 6 months
5 times it didn't matter when hasan touched you,
+1 time when it did
TW: alcohol consumption, mention of being drunk, cursing, anxiety mention, idiots in love
"when you fall i'm not calling an ambulance."
Hasan speaks from your elbow, his voice is low as his eyes are searching the sky.
"not that you can even afford the ambulance ride," he adds, "careful-jesus fucking christ."
he winces as you toe the curb slowly, one foot in front of the other, arms out on either side of you as if for support.
"hasan," you roll your eyes, "i'm fine. jesus talk about an-"
out of instinct his hand reaches out and laces into your fingers as if that's some sort of support.
to him, you say it's an overkill but to the steady heartbeat in your ears from almost falling off the ledge, you're happy with it.
you try to shake his hand off but if anything his grip around your hand tightens and he rolls his eyes:
"now you're stuck with me," he rolls his eyes, “tough.”
liquid confidence makes your teeth chatter. you can feel how hot your cheeks are without a hand pressed against them, but it doesn't stop Hasan from giggling as he reaches out, the flat of his hand against your face:
"you're drunk."
his voice borders on slurring and he's less sober than you are, but it's hilarious as you both all but fall backwards, a loud giggle cutting through the air.
"cmon," he giggles, "let's go outside. Air will do good, or some shit."
he stands and doesn't give you an option to disagree before he's using his own hands to gently lift you up, giggling as you sway in place.
he leads and you follow outside as the air hits your cheeks, the wind blows your hair wild.
naturally, standing in the street with hasan seemed like a good idea when you're a few drinks in. it isn't until the car drives by, no headlights, swerves and beeps at you, a middle finger out the window when you realize the weight of what happened.
"you idiot."
he's never sounded more sober, his eyes wide in horror.
"i thought-"
he shakes his head as your mouth opens, closes again.
"idiot," he says again, but he grabs your hand and squeezes it as he pulls you into him, a messy kiss to the top of your head, "you're a liability, you know that?"
"shh," he squeezes you a little tighter, "holy shit."
on the list of things you'd never be caught doing, business meetings was at the very top.
first, late dinners is an immediate pass. and then to not know anyone besides hasan? triple pass. if hasan wasn't so damn convincing you'd never be here, never be caught dead-
"And what do you think of that?"
It's one of his friends, someone you'd have to really press your hand against your temple to remember a name or even their face, really-
and being put on the spot?
"what do they think of the podcast?" hasans voice finds you, wraps around your brain like a safety blanket, "they don't think about it at all-" his giggling means he's kidding, but it's a dumb question to begin with, and something you hate leaving in the air-
the white tablecloth, far too fancy for the restaurant moves and before you can think too much of it, you feel hasan's larger hand find yours without searching too hard, tangle his fingers into yours. he pauses, his focus still on the people in front of him before you can feel his squeeze your hand four times: i'm here it seems to say you're safe
as if he read your mind, knew what you needed-a deep breath and you're ready to face the friends.
"hasan," you huff, voice gruff from sleep, "move the fuck over-"
you and hasan have shared a bed together for years-doesn't feel weird, don't let yourself think too hard about it. the oklymornlem is you forget how bad of a sleep hasan is-constantly tossing and turning, a furnace himself, reaching and pulling you closer against him, already dripping with sweat.
his leg is thrown over yours and he groans, not saying anything.
you grab the pillow from under his head, wrestle it out from under him before you win, smack him in the head with it. he barely moves; shakes his head and huffs but rolls over to face you
even in the dark you can see the freckles that liter his face, his curly hair plastered down on his face from sweat.
you know what he's about to do before he even does it, but you don't let him win, don't go do without a fight.
his hand twitches, then his fingers, and without opening his eyes his hand lifts, his fingers dancing across the half folded sheet until they come in contact with your leg-how they slowly linger down your arm, practically danicng until he gets to your hand, his fingers laced into yours before he turns his head the other way, an obnoxious snore rips through the air-you can't see him but you know he's smiling in his sleep.
"dude," he giggles and it bounces around the titled walls of a too small cafe, "how do you even do anything with these? they're so fucking small-"
he's half leaned over the table, shoulders hunched as he lifts his hand up against yours, rests his heel of his hand against yours-
"it's not my fault you're practically some mutant or some shit-" you huff, not making a move to move your hand off of his, don't want to lose the warmth of his hand or the way you feel electric through your fingers when you touch
he laughs; his hand collapses against yours:
"it's a modern day miracle you can get anything done."
a frustrated huff comes out of you, the other hand searches for the discarded straw wrapper before you grab it, throw it at his head. he makes a quick dart to the right, it misses and landed on the ground next to him.
he smiles with all his teeth:
"missed me."
you huff, grab for anything else your fingers will touch before he's giggling again:
"hey!" he giggles, "no second throws! the fuck-" he darts out of his seat and runs to where you sit, ducks behind you. his fingers dig into your shoulders as he stands behind you and you try to not think too hard about it.
"hm," Sam smiles at Hasan as they all sit in a too small kitchen, passing time before a stream,
"What's this?"
he throws his chin between you two and hasan looks down, like he's suddenly aware your hand is in his.
you release your fingers from his, ready for him to retract them, waiting for them to dart away like they do while you sleep, while you're caught in meetings-
instead, he looks down and shrugs:
"don't want them to get too far away, right?" sam rolls his eyes: "what could they possibly get into in this small house?"
hasan shrugs, "fuck if i know, they're a liability though; it's for the best."
Sam rolls his eyes and looks away, yelling at the across the room at someone and he looks at you, and you're waiting for his grip to loosen, or for him to shy away:
instead, he squeezes your hand four times like he always has, a wink at you.
you're aware of him, of his presence, of all the eyes on you. you're waiting for him to come to his sense, to drop you, drop your hand-
instead, he leans in close and you can feel his lips against your ear: "thanks for coming."
you're thinking of something to say that makes it seem like you don't care, like this isn't a big deal-
instead, he moves quick, only a second of hesitation like he really sat on this, really thought about it-
his lips are against your temple before you can overthink it, he moves away, a shy smile on his face as if he's asking if that's okay, if he's okay-
his arm throws over your shoulder, hands still intertwined as he lands a final kiss to your temple.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
as I wallow in my fever filled misery I binge your blog for most of the day and i absolutely love it, i hope it's okay if i ask for whoever you want from ASOIAF with their sick s/o love you
Im sorry this is hittin so late anon! I hope you recovered well~ Here's a couple peeps for ya.
Brandon - He's terrible at noticing when he's getting sick himself, and actually sitting and resting ... so while Brandon will notice when your energy is low or you don't feel well, he doesn't worry until you finally collapse. Then he feels terrible while he carries you back and you're set up in a spare room (he wouldn't mind sharing the bed, but he's already been lectured to death by the maester about what a bad idea that is. He doesn't care he probably sneaks into the spare room anyway.
Because Brandon is restless on a good day, so when you're feeling ill and awful, he's distracted. He keeps thinking about you throughout the day, and checks on you often. If you're not improving, he's doggedly following the maester around and hovering and trying to be useful and just ends up getting kicked out. Everyone's relieved when you finally improve, and yes, he gets sick because he couldn't stay away but it barely knocks the guy out. Not fair.
Ned - Ned would be the one who notices your energy dropping and the loss of appetite in combination with the change in weather. It's especially uncanny if you're someone who doesn't get sick often, and he still figures it out. He's also the type who offers you warm food and rest early on, in hopes you'd shake off the cold early. It's all fun and games to tease Ned about being a mother hen until your sickness gets worse and you're stuck in bed. Great. He won't say "I told you so", buuut he still laughs a little when you complain about being stuck in bed all day.
Ned feels bad about you having to be holed up in a spare room, though, but at least you're in one of the heated ones. He visits at least three times throughout the day, bringing whatever you need and keeping you company if you'd like it. If you're the sort who wants to be totally alone when you're sick, he respects it, but he's gotta stop by to at least say goodnight. Also, it's just Ned's luck that he gets sick just days after you do, every. single. time. It's usually worse, too.
Benjen - He does what he can with what's available at the Wall. While he keeps his usual jovial self up around you, wanting to encourage you, he privately worries about your health. Benjen sneaks in extra furs and extra food - If anyone catches him, all he has to do is drop the smile and glare them down. It's surprisingly effective. He'd like to stay by your side all day and night, but he can't risk getting ill himself and there's work to do.
So Benjen comes in in the morning and late evening, starting by giving you a kiss on the brow, then making sure you're comfortable, then showing off whatever he snuck out of the kitchens. He's got a nautral and relaxed bedside manner, but can be surprisingly stern if you try to get up before you're ready. Maybe if this was the South, but the Wall isn't the place to risk it. Oh and he gets sniffles and sick later bc he kept up with the kissing.
Stannis - What a surprise, Stannis matter of factly states you're in no condition to go about your usual business, and you ought to set up in the spare room. Maester is called, food brought, medicine taken, done and done, right? Back to work. The thing is, if you often ask for him and you're clearly not feeling well, he has a difficult time getting back to his duties. He tells you many times to call a servant, but the guilt actually starts to bother him, especially if you get worse before you get better. Stannis sits on the very edge of the bed (his bedside manner is hilariously bad, don't worry,) and keeps asking you to go back to sleep and stop chattering.
His own health actually isn't that bad, especially considering the seige, but guess what. That one time you got out of bed to get something yourself, he caught you and irritably carried you back? That's what gets him. Stannis still doesn't get as sick as you do, but he's definitely bellyaching about it while you take care of him.
Oberyn - He's the sort of man whose either a godsend when you're sick, or driving you up a wall. It depends! If you want constant attention and fussing, Oberyn will indulge in your neediness all you want. He rather likes it, feeling like he's helping even if you don't immediately improve. If you want to be left alone to puke and snot in peace, well ... he has a hard time staying away. Oberyn wants to be the one bringing your medicine and food, whatever you need, and he wants to stay and linger. Even if it's just to chat, or run his hand down your back.
And yes, he’ll still want to share the bed unless you’re in an absolutely awful state. You'll have to kick Oberyn out eventually, or just move to one of the guest rooms yourself, otherwise he’ll get sick - except he never does, the jerk. Must be all the citrus.
Ashara - She's also the sort of person who would pick up on the weather changing and the change in your attitude, and point out you're probably getting sick. She says it so suddenly, and it's so early, you wouldn't believe her ... aaand two or three days later, you're laid out in bed. Just great. Once the maester is done with his business, Ashara likes to visit if it's just a cold. She's smart about being careful where she touches you, not getting too close, avoiding your cough, she even brings a citrus fruit basket and implores you to eat some. Her bedside manner is lovely too, and she brought your favorite book? Alright, this isn't so bad.
She will stay away if you start getting worse, and it just makes her worry more. In that case she's making sure the maester is bringing in gifts, even if you feel too poorly to enjoy a book or a bouquet of flowers - it's about knowing that someone cares and is worried about you.
Asha - It's straight to the spare room with you. Nope, no whining, no ifs or buts, no kisses no matter how much you whine about it. Asha loves you but she is not about to have you snotting and coughing all over the bed. At least she's not about to let you be totally miserable, Asha's pretty good about barking at you to eat more and drink water. There's not a lot in the way of medicine on the Iron Islands, but Asha's recovered from some pretty nasty spells before. She figures you'll do the same.
... There's some worrying when it takes a while. If you try to be stubborn and suffer through what's probably pneumonia, then Asha will drag a maester over from the greenlands by his ankles. Hiding weakness like a proper Ironborn is all well and good until you're coughing blood, then she calls you a fool and fusses endlessly.
Roose - He'll tell you that you're getting sick, and mention you ought to do something about it. His suggestions are pretty terrible, though - no, Roose, you aren't drinking that weird wine or doing leeching or bleeding or whatever. You're fine. Except when the flu finally hits, and you're fighting off his damn maester with a stick. Weird treatments aside, Roose seems like his aloof self, though you're also too addled by fever and congestion to pay attention to his comings and goings. He's actually keeping a close eye on your progress and more or less threatening the maester and servants that he expects you to improve within a fortnight, as if they can directly control it. Well, they better figure something out.
Getting worse means Roose actually ending your sickroom, as if there's something others have missed that only he can see. He spends a lot of time ... watching, and while his face is impassive, there's worry. A lot of worry. He might start disposing of the help and this maester if you don't get better. A lot of the irrational, explosive bloodlust anger that he's spend years burying down is starting to bubble up and there's not a lot of outlets for it. Once your condition turns around, it calms itself, if only for a while. He still won't forget his servant's incompetence.
Jaime - For seasonal colds and a yearly flu, Jaime is gonna avoid you like the plague because a) he hates getting sick and b), all the snotting and vomitting is gross. ... And Jaime's actually not good at dealing with a loved one whose ill, both in the sense it's difficult to see them that way, and he has no idea what to do. You think his father gave a damn when he was ill, or let that be an excuse to stop training? You think his siblings had any idea what a good bedside manner was?
It's easy for him to tease once you're recovering and able to leave the sickroom, though his barbs aren't as pointed. It isn't easy when you aren't recovering quickly, or when you get worse. He doesn't know what to do with himself, so Jaime acts out in a way, threatening the maester, being in an irritable mood, having no way to help because this isn't his area of expertise.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I am in NEED of more headcanons about Ivan, I'm so in love with the idea
AW OMG YAY!!! Ur in luck because I have so so many Ivan headcanons, so many dude 😭🙏. Thank u for the ask!!! I’m so excited. For ppl coming across this without context for who ivan is: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/754664585129279488/okay-i-swear-last-from-me-tonight-and-no-spoilers?source=share , here ya go. TLDR he is my Armand x Daniel fan kid who was conceived by vampire chronicles canon compliant prince lestat trilogy era vampire clone child means
—Armand named his son Ivan to honor his mortal father, and to honor the culture and heritage he associates with him. By naming his son ivan armand vowed to find inspiration in the fierce devotion, love, and protectiveness his father had for him while breaking the cycle of violence and abuse his father introduced him to
—Armand very heavily restricts who is allowed to interact with Ivan, he is VERY weary of anyone being around him extendedly who isn’t him or Daniel. He has a selection of vampires he trusts with Ivan to varying degrees that he composed before he was born, and that list loosens as he ages. Bianca, Alessandra, Benji + Sybelle, Louis, Lestat (selectively), and Fareed and Seth (who handle Ivan’s pediatric care, he has check ups every three months or so), are the only vampires who Armand considers worthy of interacting with Ivan 😭 he’s very over protective
—Ivan didn’t start talking until he was around 6, which Daniel and Fareed thought was probably indicative of a developmental disorder they should screen him for. Armand was very insistent that this was normal and Ivan didn’t have anything wrong with him because “Armand was the same way as a child” (Ivan has autism 💀 and so does Armand). For the majority of his childhood Ivan carried around a communication device to help him with his speech impairments
—When he was young Ivan spawned some inappropriate behaviors from observing the way his vampire parents interact, such as biting ppl as an equivalent for kissing bcus in his household his parents bite each other/share blood bcus they love each other 😭🙏. Which is cute at a glance, but became a problem when Ivan started biting other children to try and communicate that he wants to be friends 💀
—When he was little Ivan had long hair that reached his lower back. Before putting him to bed Armand and Daniel rotated between putting his hair in a braid so that it didn’t tangle while he sleeps.
—Armand goes through hyperfixations like his dads, his longest and most prevailing interests being wolves and video games. He was the type of kid to wear wolf ears and a tail wherever he went, lol. He’s also a major screen addict 💀 his favorite games are Minecraft, Roblox, and five nights at freddy’s
—Ivan is a massive little shit 💀 it doesn’t help that both of his parents encourage him, especially Daniel (he thinks it’s hilarious). Armand is an enabler 💀💀. When he was little Armand used to bring Ivan to Vampire court meetings and have him sit on his lap while he played on his iPad, just for convenience and so that he didn’t have to leave him in someone else’s care, since Daniel usually attended meetings with him. He had to stop doing this when Ivan started talking at 6 bcus he’d end up interrupting meetings to run his mouth and make fun of vampires that armand complained about at home😭. Poor lestat couldnt get a word in without this seven yr old ginger boy making fart sounds whenever he spoke 💀.
—Armand raised Ivan as a Protestant Christian. Armand retains the healthy and comforting aspects of his faith and religious values post canon (in my heart), and he hopes to share the comfort and importance he finds in God with his son in an empowering and healthy way (and undue any generational religious trauma in the process ‼️). Armand tried taking Ivan to church in his early childhood but Ivan was too sensorily overwhelmed by the environment for it to work out, so Armand teaches Ivan his faith at home by reading a kid’s bible to him at bed time and doing nightly prayers, telling him that Jesus loves him, stuff like that.
—Armand was a suppperr overprotective parent, and he had an incredibly intense (trauma based) anxiety about someone harming Ivan or taking advantage of him while he’s a vulnerable child. This *heavily* influenced his parenting, which became a problem bcus the prevailing fear and anxiety that Armand let inform all of his actions began to affect Ivan and cause him to take on some of that social anxiety and paranoia during his childhood. Daniel had to have a lot of talks with Armand about this 🙏 and Armand is eventually able to work through it, but it’s pretty bad for a while
—Daniel is a good contrast to Armand when it comes to parenting. He’s lighthearted and chill, and is a very positive relaxing presence in Ivan’s life. It’s very important to Daniel that Ivan get to experience the typical, classic childhood trademarks Daniel grew up with, which can sometimes be hard to access bcus of his unique circumstances. But Daniel still finds away <3. He teaches Ivan to ride a bike, takes him to theme parks, gets him cheesy decorations and a cake with candles for his birthday parties, takes him on night time beach trips, stuff like that lol.
—Armand wanted to keep Ivan homeschooled for his whole life but Daniel insisted he start going to school when he turned ten so that he can interact with other children and learn to be social and independent from his parents. Armand obliged, and sent him to a private, small, high priced Catholic school, in fear that smth less sheltered and prestigious would be too much. Ivan quickly started to get badly bullied in school, and Armand freaked out and insisted that they need to pull him out of school. Daniel and him had a big argument, Daniel saying that cutting off Ivan from the world anytime he faces adversity is going to ruin him in adulthood. They can’t come to a comprise, and so Ivan is given the finale say, and decides to go back to home schooling. He only goes back to school when he turns fourteen, and tells his parents that he’d like to try public school so that he can get to have the normal teenager experience. Needless to say he has an interesting time 💀 Obviously being the homeschooled, extremely wealthy and socially isolated genetic clone son of a vampire makes it pretty hard for Ivan to relate to other children, but he is able to find his own flock of weirdos, and by adulthood Ivan is a thriving social butterfly.
—Ivan inherited Armand’s artistic talent and passion. The type of art he makes is very different though, lol. He draws a lot of animals (he’s a bit of a furry), and he is rlly into creating characters and making up stories with his art. He gets into animation in his teen years
—Ivan has pretty bad sensory issues, especially when it comes to sound, so he often carries his noice canceling head phones with him
—Armand fixated on child safety when he becomes a parent and took some pretty strict measures when it came to trying to protect Ivan. When he found out about online grooming and online pedophile circles he vowed to very thoroughly go through all of Ivan’s devices once a month. Ivan doesn’t like this 💀 particularly bcus of his love for raunchy wattpad mafia boss romances 😭. Thankfully for Ivan, Armand knows from experience that their r worse ways for a teenager to explore his sexuality then reading shitty erotic online, and if he happens to come across any smutty writing in Ivan’s history he will tasteful ignoring it🙏
—Raising Ivan caused Armand uncover a lot of repressed childhood memories (some good, some traumatic). One of the good ones was the memory of the song Armand’s mother used to sing to him and his siblings to soothe them. Armand starts singing this song to Ivan when he cries as a baby, and it heals a part of him to feel that connection to his mother after so long.
—When Ivan gets older he starts gaining interest in reading the vampire chronicles, which Armand is very adamantly against. When he reaches the age where Armand can’t exactly stop him from reading anything, Ivan tries reading the vampire armand, but he doesn’t get past the beginning because he finds it too nauseating to read about those things happening to his father.
—Daniel struggles with knowing that Ivan will never rlly have an extended family. He mourns that his parents will never know their grandson, and sometimes wonders what they would think of him
—As a rite of passage, on his fifteenth birthday Daniel gifts Ivan his favorite leather jacket when he was a young man. Ivan feels so cool in it that he wears it nearly everyday of freshman year.
—When Ivan reaches the point in puberty that Armand never did and starts to deviate significantly from him in appearance Armand is shocked by how much Ivan starts to resemble his namesake. When Ivan grows into an adult he is stocky and thick, and he wears his hair long with his natural curls, and has a pretty nice beard. He looks like a modern day gay Viking lol
—As a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious phase and starts having a bunch of unhealthy, volatile relationships, in response to how restrictive and isolating his upbringing was. It scares the ever loving shit out of armand. At some point Ivan had a short lived relationship with an older man, which was quickly cut off by Armand and Daniel finding out and very violently killing him 😭. This prompted the end of Ivan’s rebellious streak
—Armand was concerned that Ivan would begin to crave the dark gift and resent Armand for refusing to turn him, but thankfully that never happened. Like any child, Ivan grew up finding his parents pretty lame, and so he didn’t have much of a reason to envy vampirism 💀. He always said he preferred werewolves
i could go on, but I’m going to end my list here haha, sorry for how long it is he’s literally my favorite guy. Thank u sm for the ask ur interest means a ton to me and as u can probably tell, I had a blast writing this ❤️
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happyhauntt · 6 months
gold rush modern au hcs
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series masterlist | writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: the anya / nikolai brainrot is real and i want to start writing for their modern au so until i do, here are some fun headcanons bc i literally cannot stop thinking about them.
─── pairing: nikolai lantsov & anya kamenev (original character.)
anya lets her guard down when she's drunk and early on in their situationship it's the only time nikolai gets to take care of her.
like she calls him to come and get her from a frat party genya took her to and she's so cuddly he's honestly concerned she's been drugged and/or cloned
like 'who are you and what have you done with the girl who bullies me like her life depends on it???'
he's so soft for it when he realises she's just drunk and he tucks her up in her bed with painkillers and a trash can within reach and he sits on the couch until dawn to make sure she's okay and then slips out before she wakes up.
everyone: 'for someone who hates nikolai you sure are obsessed with him'. anya: 'no i'm not???' everyone: 'sure you aren't babe'.
they are the definition of 'fell first, fell harder' !!!
nikolai was out here pining for anya for years, and she just wakes up one day and gets slammed like a fucking freight train with the realisation. oh fuck. i'm in love with nikolai. somehow. how the fuck did that happen. WHY the fuck did that happen. my life is over.
this is right after nikolai is injured at winter fête during an assassination attempt against his father and her whole world just screeches to a halt.
genya and david are just in the corner and david's handing genya a wad of cash and they're laughing while anya has her little meltdown it's adorable.
entering into a friends-with-benefits situation when anya is engaged to vasily (it's an uno-reverse plot of their original story where nikolai is engaged to alina bc PARALLELS and also i can't let them be happy in any universe without first making them suffer) is a Bad Idea but these two are nothing if not self-destructive.
anya may be in love with him but she doesn't have the emotional capacity to Deal with that yet so she's just gonna fuck him.
being friends-with-benefits is all well and good until nikolai gets so fucking jealous of anyone who even looks at anya. she finds this hilarious (until someone's looking at nikolai and then she's throwing hands.)
anya is very insecure about her disability, especially because of her status and expectations, and nikolai makes it his duty to show her how much he adores every inch of her, every day.
anya is engaged to vasily and she and nikolai fully get caught by zoya sneaking out of the engagement party to go makeout in the bathroom. these two are gonna give her premature grey hairs honestly-
anya admits to nikolai that she misses being able to dance. nikolai helps her dance around her apartment by supporting her weight and they're giggling and suddenly they're slow dancing and it's so fuckin adorable.
it's hard to believe anya was so mean to him for literal years.
nsfw beneath the cut!
anya learning she's actually a sub is so fucking funny
like she is so submissive during sex but absolutely not at first. she has a dire need for control in her life and definitely runs their sex life/tops for the first few months.
it's really significant the first time she realises she trusts nikolai and surrenders that control to him, because what she really wants is someone to take care of her, someone to trust completely.
she's so bossy at first and then sex becomes this thing where she just melts and nikolai literally thinks he'll die the first time she allows him that control because it's like seeing anya for the first time, and he's so in love with her already even if it's just sex but in that moment he swears he fell in love with her again. knowing he had her trust like that was,,, everything.
teasing eachother like it's an olympic sport?? more likely than you think.
like she used to hate him (lol not really) and now it's her personal fucking mission to rile him up at any given opportunity. public events?? in the library?? at her own fucking engagement party?? you got it.
nikolai fucking anya in her wedding dress??? yes.
because she is a masochist and doesn't know when to stop hurting herself (or nikolai honestly) she's like 'hey it arrived from it's final fitting, can i show it to you?' and he wants to say no so badly.
she's marrying his asshole brother, there is no world where he wants to see this dress, see her in it, picture her wearing it for someone other than him.
but her eyes are so wide, so vulnerable, and he realises she needs this. needs him to be the first person to see her wearing it. needs him to understand.
so she comes out, and he's honestly,,, floored. and angry. and so, so turned on. his eyes grow dark and hungry and before they know it he's hiking the dress up to her waist and fucking her against the doorframe.
and it's so possessive and full of remember you're my good girl, not his and when you're saying your vows, you gonna think of this? think of me fucking you in this dress? you're so beautiful, my darling, he doesn't deserve you. look at me. you're gonna walk down the aisle and all i'll be able to picture is your face as you come for me.
it's so hot and the room smells like sex and nikolai takes a picture of her in the dress afterwards, draped on the bed, face flushed and eyes shining and happy. and he'll pretend it's their wedding night.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
ch. 5 - hustling for the good life
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your boots beneath my bed
You, on the other hand, had done your proper research. Watched his highlights on Lust Conquers All and everything. You want to know what exactly your stupid brain is doing, thinking someone like that is cute or (retch) boyfriend material but who gives a shit because you’re probably not going to see him again. 
You’re out of the hotel and in some tiny little cottage just outside of London. No paps, no PR agents or what-fucking-ever, just you, Natalie, and loads of fresh air. She finds you in the yard one morning, plucking a tune on a guitar and humming.
“That’s new,” she grins. “Gonna have a new single out soon?”
You raise a shoulder. “I don’t know. Maybe. Might just keep this one to myself.”
Natalie says hmm then turns on her heel to go back inside. 
“Oh,” she says after a few steps, “you should at least send it to him. He might like it.”
“It’s not about anyone!” you call after her rapidly retreating figure. 
“Sure!” she yells back. You flip her off and she says, “I saw that!”
Natalie’s booked some coffee shop concert for you, so you’re a little preoccupied with sound checks and meeting your temp band and promising to drink a latte as soon as you’re done singing because fuck sleeping.
It’s sold out which isn’t hard because the place is small, but it’s fun to sit on a stool and sing into a small microphone and be able to talk and joke like you’re the small-town artist you began as.
The crowd goes crazy when you strum the first few notes of Mango, as they sing along to the whole thing. You finish the set and begin thank everyone for coming when you see an oddly familiar face in the very back of the room. You’re not even sure how you caught it because again, it’s crowded, but there it is. He’s with some other people who you’re pretty sure are part of AFC Richmond, but you don’t care about that now.
You pause in the middle of your goodbye and say, “You know what, I’m actually going to play one more song. It’s a rough draft right now, so be nice to me. The working title is Poolside, and you guys are the first to hear it.”
You begin to pluck the repeating melody that’s been playing on repeat in your brain and start the first verse.
I know it’s a bad idea
And I can’t have you anyway
But you’re like a tiny bit of sunshine
I can’t seem to chase away
It’s terrifying and vulnerable in a way you’ve never been before. You’ve played songs for boys before, but never like this. 
You were in a hotel room with Austin one night after one of his movie premiers and just giggling about how stupid it all was. 
“I already have our breakup song,” you’d said, hopping down from the table. “Wanna hear it?”
Austin thought that was hilarious so he said, “Obviously,” so you grabbed your guitar from your room and strapped it on. 
“Alright,” you said while strumming a bouncy tune, “this one’s a little more line-dancey than my usuals. So.”
Austin had tapped his foot while you sang, “A long time ago/in a land not so far away/we met in a bar/and you fucking said ‘hey.’”
It was silly as you both bounced around the room singing about your impending split. Neither of you cared because it wasn’t real, and you had recorded him singing a harmony on your phone. 
You snuck it into the actual track months later, too faint for anyone to actually notice. 
But that was the closest you’d ever been to directly singing someone their song. It was different with Mango because it wasn’t romantic. 
And now it’s different with Jamie, because you’re singing about how dumb it is that you keep thinking about him asking if you were ok at that dumb fucking party. 
You end the song to thunderous applause, and you’re pretty sure bootlegs are going to end up on YouTube within the hour. You don’t care. All you can think of is slipping to the back of the café to claim that latte then sneaking out the back. 
“Nice one, girl,” Natalie remarks as she hands you a cup. “The label’s gonna love that.”
You smile. “They don’t care. I make them too much money for them to care.”
She rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to speak but just stops. 
“Hello? Earth to Nat?” you say, waving a hand in front of her face. 
“Hey,” says a voice from behind.
You spin around. It’s Jamie. 
And god, he looks fucking fit in trackies, Gucci slides, and a neon orange shirt. 
You can feel Natalie sneaking away behind you, and for once, you’re glad to be alone. 
“Hey,” you reply. “How’d you get in here?”
Jamie smiles. “Keeley. She can talk her way into anything.”
You nod, still holding your latte. “Well, usually we have a strict policy about fans who try to come talk to me unannounced, but I guess for you, I’ll let it slide.”
Oh god, are you fucking flirting?
Jamie smirks. “Babe, I ain’t any old fan. Probably number one.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Uh huh. Right. And when did you decide you could call me babe?”
Jamie takes a step closer. “Right about the time Keeley convinced me to ask you out.”
You almost drop your coffee. 
All you can say is a weak, “Oh.”
“She would love to,” Natalie pipes up from behind a stack of coffee beans. “I’ll get you her number and you can set it up.”
Jamie’s looking at you expectantly, and you suppose he probably wants your consent, not just Natalie’s. 
You nod and say, “Sure,” with the same lack of conviction the oh held. Jamie’s expression ripples for a moment, but then he’s grinning and saying “Mint,” before saluting Natalie and exiting the way he came. 
“What the fuck, Natalie,” you say. Your bones feel like jelly. “I can’t go out with him.”
“Yes you can,” she tells you. “And you are. It’s settled.”
Oh fuck. 
He texts you the next morning.
hey it’s Jamie :)
I can’t be seen with you, you write back before you chicken out. The press would have a field day. I’m not looking for something public, so if you’re only in this to gain popularity, you’re out of luck. 
It’s a little harsh, but you’re going to be open about this.
no worries, he says. paps r fuckgn annoying. we can do smthg small. 
Turns out something small means sneaking into a restaurant where Jamie’s been going for ages. It has a small room in the back with windows you can see out of, but no one can see in.
“John’s been getting me back here for ages,” he says. “Haven’t had an issue with the press yet.”
It’s all so normal, the way he pulls out your chair and tells you what he likes to order. The way he’s making you laugh and asking you questions about your life, not the ones about your music, but the kind that are actually about you. 
The server comes around with a bottle, and asks, “Wine?”
Jamie looks to you and you shake your head, barely suppressing a grimace.
“All good here, mate,” he says.
“Not a drinker?” he asks once the man is gone. 
You hesitate. You’re about to cross into point-of-no-return territory. 
“I- I don’t know, I can’t really smell it without thinking of my family. They’re all…”
Jamie nods. “I get it. Like me dad. Prick’ll be sober when he’s dead.”
“Yeah,” you say slowly. “Yeah, never had a family event without someone fighting. My mom’s the first one to get out, because she’s the youngest. She saw all that shit and decided it wasn’t for her. She went away to college, met my dad, and never looked back. Course, my uncles started showing up once I got famous. And my aunt, too. She’s probably the worst of all of them. She actually broke into my first apartment asking for money. She smashed a bottle and cut up my face pretty bad… I was nineteen and still trying to figure out my music career and stuff. I still have a scar on eyebrow from it. But, I wasn’t so famous that it ended up on the internet, so…”
You trail off again. Jamie’s looking at you all thoughtful. You’re not sure when he started holding your hand across the table, but there it is. It’s warm and calloused, and he doesn’t seem to care that yours is sweaty.
“My dad’s the same way,” he says softly. “Showed up a month back at a match. Fucking prick. But… can’t seem to cut him off, y’know? He’s fuckin’… family or some shit.”
“Hah,” you say, “That’s what Margarita’s about.”
Jamie’s silent for a moment. “Thought it was about how you really fucking liked limes,” he says finally.
That gets a laugh from you. “I do actually really fucking like limes. But enough about me. How’d you get into football?”
By the end of the night, you’re properly smitten. This boy knows how to flirt, knows all the right compliments and ways to brush his hand against yours or brush a stray strand of hair out of your face. 
This is bad, you think as his lips touch yours. This is very, very bad.
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fic rec friday 15
welcome the the fifteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. there, nestled against his pulse by @hiuythn
stop why are you doing this to me stop it stop it stop--
klance soulmate au where your right wrist has the first words your soulmate says to you, and the left holds the last words they'll say to you. super sad, so much angst, and i've been informed it'll make you sob until you choke.
1. there, nestled against his pulse (the main story, from Keith's POV) 2. this is what love looks like: (tnahp from Lance's POV + 38k of sequel content) 3. roll credits (deleted/extra scenes and additional headcanons)
okay. i am so desperately obsessed with this fic, i was obsessed with it the first time i read it and im obsessed with it now. and yes i know i did all hiuythn fics last week and i promise i wont this week. BUT i have a set of comments associated with this fic bc it is Just That Good and so i shall present them to u now:
- literally the funniest characterization of shiro i’ve ever read. this shiro is gay and tired. this shiro unironically and frequently says “move. i’m gay” and gets away with it at the garrison. this shiro has been through A Lot and just wants to fucking retire - allura here is so so funny she’s such a badass. she’s giving “i love shiny things! like the shine of your spilled blood on the floor if you say that dumb shit one more fucking time!!” we stan a queen. - coran is a Mood. this man is desperately trying to reign in four teenagers and two young adults and just wants to go to bed and also he cares for them all so so much. ultimate dad - pidge is Mischief Personified. she is a brat and i adore her. she’s here to cause problems and by god she will succeed - hunk is so done it’s so fucking funny. “that’s literally impossible.” he’s a genius and he knows it, he’s glad to call you out on your bullshit. he doesn’t even TRY to pretend he can keep a secret and/or handle drama god what a mood - don’t even get me started on klance!! they’re so funny omg. the banter is EXQUISITE. lance and keith adore each other so much and they’re so badass. literally the coolest power couple fight scenes ever to be made, i do adore. gosh. and the ROMANCE they are so devoted to each other i’m emotional - honourable mention of lance’s legs and keith’a Soft Squishy Feelings that are mentioned so often that they’re characters. iconic. all in all, the best way to describe this series is Gay and Tired. i love it and i’m sad to see it end. i will be rereading it an embarrassing number of times. infinity/10
2. all the little things by @jilliancares
Or: 5 times Keith let Lance get away with things that he'd never let anyone else do, and 1 time Lance realized that he was, apparently, special
oblivious lance will always be funny to me. and the idea of keith just letting lance get away with Everything and Everyone knowing how whipped he is except for lance himself?? peak humour. never not funny
3. Full Disclosure by @dragonomatopoeia
Keith is impulsive and straightforward when it comes to most things, and emotions are no exception. It's no surprise, then, that when he realises that he might have developed a crush on Lance, he tries to tell him immediately. Unfortunately, it's very hard to account for both circumstance and who Lance is as a person.
Alternatively: Four Times Keith Tried to Confess and One Time Lance Actually Understood
more 2016 eliteness!! this fic is hilarious. and also its number one selling quality is that all of the characters are trans and nd i literally love that for them. nonbinary hunk loml
4. catch me, before i fall by @pastelrainbow
‘We are a good team.’
Even now, just recalling the way Lance had smiled as the words left his lips, made Keith’s heart race and his cheeks redden. Lance had never looked at him so fondly before. No boy ever had. The thought of it made a sigh escape his lips and Keith hunched his shoulders, a pout tugging his lips downwards.
Curse my weak gay heart.
a what if keith caught lance outside his cryo-pod.
the idea of keith being a suave casanova with more game than aphrodite herself but immediately going bright red and hissing when shiro teases him. peak dynamic. absolutely nailed siblings 
5. of demons and dates by spartona (faveour)
Three times Keith scares Lance shitless with his ghost shenanigans, and one time Lance tries to retaliate.
first of all. BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE. second of all. the  “we’ve BEEN dating u dumbass ily” trope is so funny to me. i will never get over it
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
AHHH YOUR HC’S WERE BEAUTIFUL JUST AS USUALL 🥹🥹🥹 little question thoughh— would yan bff rin ever let y/n cuddle with him?! I know if he did hed be rlly shy about it and be tense but i cant help thinking that maybe he would like hugging us and cuddling with y/n 😭😭 OR MAYBE IM JUST BEING DELUSIONAL GNN ☹️☹️☹️
Recommended Readings: Yan BFF Rindo HCs; In Juvie HCs; Out of Juvie HCs
ahh thank you anon, and happy lunar new year! i’ve been super busy with all the spring cleaning and i’m working on the next chapters of Going Home AND A Friend in Me! :’)
Very good question! HMMMMM I would say yandere BFF Rindo would love nothing more than to hug and cuddle with you, especially if its in a public enough location like right outside your school, or even at your desk - it’s a foolproof way to show everyone else whose protection you were under, and of course who you picked as your bestfriend. But at the same time, no matter how much this baby boy just wants to cuddle and bathe in your attention, he is also so conscious over his image and the ever-present comparison between him and his older brother to the point that he will never initiate. Even if he is dying to feel your arms around him, Rindo will absolutely ridicule you if you bring up that you want a hug, teasing you about being so needy and that you were such a baby, and then pretending to give you a hug before pulling away and making you whine. Rest assured he will not let you go after that without his mandatory minimum of fifteen minutes of cuddling, though he will keep making sure to mention how it was your idea and how he was being so extra nice by giving in and how was he going to be paid for his niceness. 100% drags off and beats up anyone who stares even a second too long because no one gets to judge him and his bestie.
If you simply never mention cuddling or hugging though and Rindo is getting desperate and you still haven't noticed his pouting and slumping (because what is life for this baby boy if he isn’t getting his cuddles goddammit), Rindo’s solution would be to simply get between whatever you were trying to do, wrap his arms around you, pick you up and walk off. Doesn’t care in the slightest if you were in the middle of a test, your best friend should be your top priority at all times, like you were his. See, he’s not hugging or cuddling you, he’s just carrying you off to who-knows-where. Starts internally panicking when you start innocently questioning him where you two were going because of course he doesn’t have an answer for you, Rindo just wants his cuddles without looking like an absolute simp. So you two always end up at a cafe or sorts with him stammering out an excuse along the lines of “being hungry” but “unable to finish the food by himself”. Anyway it didn’t matter that his excuse made zero sense since you always ate it up like soft serve ice cream, and you were more than happy to allow him to “carry” you all the way to your destination.
Ran always finds it hilarious that Rindo is so shy around you without you even realising it, especially when it comes to cuddling in bed. You’re a cuddly snooze much to Rindo’s delight (and horror), and when you do come over to the Haitani’s for a sleepover and Rindo “can’t find a spare bed” for you, making sure to slap his older brother’s mouth shut before he offers to sleep on the couch with an amused smirk plastered all over his face, you are happy to share a space with your bestfriend. And you can never keep still in your sleep no matter how far Rindo starts off, shifting and tossing and turning until you finally have something to latch on to like a koala. The younger Haitani (while awake) would be stiff as a board, completely tense as you cling to him and try to huddle closer to your source of warmth, even though this entire thing of his idea - would deny, deny, deny even without Ran saying a thing, would tell him to fuck off with a completely red face. And then Ran would wake up to find Rindo fast asleep and his head on your chest, cuddling you back. Takes a picture because its cute but more importantly for blackmail, and would constantly hold it over Rindo’s head how cute the picture looks. Might even print it out, but Rindo would have enough and eat all of Ran’s leftover pastries, drawing a line of how much he would take his older brother’s antiques.
You, of course, would have no idea any of this is going on.
And needless to say, Rindo would absolutely forbid you from hugging anyone besides him, let alone cuddle. Your hugs and cuddles were only for him to enjoy, since you were his bestfriend, so you weren't allowed to hug, cuddle or even glomp anyone, against your natural instinct to do so. You just really liked expressing yourself with a hug, and Rindo likes that, but not with some random stranger - who knows what they will do to you? Carry you off? When he's around, this boy would actively step in between you and your potential glomping target, catching you in your hug and while gently placing a very confused you back on your two feet, send a very stink eye at whoever it was you were trying to give a hug to. If that didn't send them scuttling, then of course they would meet his fists and feet and brick out of your sight. And when he isn't free to accompany you absolutely everywhere to make sure you weren't hugging trash, Rindo would make sure to thoroughly interrogate you over every action you took during that period of time, pinching you when you lose focus and try to switch the topic to something else. He had fingers to break and arms to dislodge after all.
Of course none of this would work the moment Izana and Kakucho were introduced to your lives, and Rindo had to watch in agony and pain as you land your glomps on the Tenjiku leader - he had tried to step in before between you and Izana, but all he could got was a swept leg to his side, which sent him crashing into a table and then a wall. It wasn't fun, but at least that drew your attention away from the tanned boy and back to him. Kakucho is a gentleman about it, catching you by your waist and telling you glomping others without warning is a dangerous and very childish thing to do, though all you do is blink back in confusion; Rindo reluctantly accepts the black-haired boy as an ally, despite the very red face the other sports. He'll have to step up his training of you even more thoroughly to stop this very bad habit of yours when it comes to anyone other than him. But Rindo definitely admits it'll be hard as he bemoans it to Ran who is actively stifling his laugh: Izana is countering him and encouraging you to send more hugs his way, and you were reasons for beyond him listening to that stupid white-haired boss of his.
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bambirex · 2 years
Steve legit doing what he said Dustin to do in season 2 to Eddie ignoring him but not really working out and getting frustrated about it but still ending together because of Dustin
Warnings: none
Steve looked absolutely miserable, face down on the bed, and with a pillow over his head. He completed the image with a pitiful whine that was slightly muffled under the pillow.
Dustin found it hilarious, to be honest.
"I can't believe it's not working," Steve groaned, "it's a legendary method! And he's just... he's completely unbothered!"
He finally removed the pillow from his face to be able to breathe. He ran an anxious hand through his hair, looking up at Dustin with the eyes of a kicked puppy.
"Maybe it's only working on girls?"
Dustin snorted. "To be fair, I don't think it's working on anyone, Steve."
"Do not question my dating advice!" Steve huffed, pointing a finger at Dustin. Dustin shot him an amused glare.
"Come on now, this I pretend I don't care about you thing is clearly not working, Steve. You gotta come up with something else."
Steve cursed under his breath as he threw himself back on the bed. He had no idea how else to make Eddie interested in him. He was completely lost.
Dustin knew that Steve was completely lost. Therefore, he realized they needed his method to get the ball rolling.
Now that he had a girlfriend, Dustin was aware that Steve's dating tips were very much outdated, and that the only way one could secure a date, was to be honest.
So, that was what he did. For Steve.
Steve quickly fixed his hair when he noticed Eddie coming closer. Then, he leaned against the railing behind him, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
"Hey," he greeted Eddie, making sure his voice didn't waver in excitement. "What's up?"
"Well, Dustin told me you wanted to see me," Eddie replied. There was an almost cheeky smile on his face. "And that you wanted to tell me something?"
"What!? No, I..." Steve spluttered, his cheeks turning red. What the hell did Dustin do this time!?
Eddie waited patiently, looking very much entertained. Steve gaped at him like a fish out of water, his brain only offering white noise.
Then, Eddie pulled something out from behind his back.
"I guess he told me to get you this, so you could feel a bit more like talking," Eddie said with a grin. Steve stared at the bouquet of flowers in Eddie's hands, suddenly wondering if a human could die from embarrassment.
"I... I... had no idea, that Dustin would..."
"Play match-maker?" Eddie chuckled. He fiddled with the petals, suddenly seeming a bit shy himself. "Well, he told me you didn't quite know how to show me you're interested in me, and that you probably wouldn't outright tell me, so... Steve, I had no idea you were into me. You were so distant."
"I thought I was being clever," Steve admitted, suddenly ashamed. "I thought that acting uninterested would make you like me."
Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "Absolutely baffled by this line of thinking, but I'm glad Henderson made me aware of this. So..."
He shoved the bouquet into Steve's hands, who barely caught it before it hit the ground.
"See you later."
After a moment of hesitation, Eddie kissed Steve on the cheek, then quickly turned around and disappeared before Steve had a chance to say anything in his defense.
Well, shit. It seemed like an old dog could still learn new tricks.
But he was still going to kill Dustin.
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ch1-kasak0 · 1 month
Oh hey look I'm done🔥🔥
Anyway uhm I don't have a lot uhhhhhh it's 4am nearly for me so I should probably sleep but I can't be assed what do I do🤕🙏
Whoo dee doo♪♬
•his horns are bendable, even when he isn't actively liquifying, but not as much. For example when he’s normal you'll be able to at the very least bend the tips, but not much beyond that, same with the spiky things on the side of his face
•hay fever. (Fuck summer)
•gets colds easily (fuck winter)
•double jointed knees, freaky🔥
•secretly reads magazines, specifically like fashion and entertainment ones, he's embarrassed by it for some reason
•would probably be a Lana Del Rey listener, only like 3 songs though, maybe he'd like rock lobster, his sense of music is all over the place but loves swing the most
•thrives at dusk, loves sunsets, especially in remote/forested areas, GRGRGRGRGR!!!!!
•is slowly overtime starting to forget what the lake looks like, along with silly vision as a whole, he'll never forget the dancing lady though<3 (is that what it's called? HELP)
•doesn't really like sweets, I mean he likes them, just not as much as the maniac he calls a brother, prefers pies and pastries
•during cups 3 days when he first got the demon blood and died(?) mugs didn't sleep much if at all, he had to be sedated to get any sort of sleep because he was so worried
•Insomnia, exploding head syndrome, sleep paralysis, he's just as horrible at sleep as cup is.. 🤕 he also sleep walks..
•Would text like an elderly person or :), ><,(ʘᴗʘ✿), ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙. No in between
•allergic to red meat, little man got attacked by a tick when he was younger (I don't remember which one it was)
•was obsessed with Quadratus when he first met the thing, tried to swim in it but soon learned that was a bad idea (it was COLD❄❄)
•Chappell Roan and lady Gaga, maybe a little bit of Evangelion or Kendrick Lamar, depends 🙏🔥
•prefers sweet popcorn over salty or sweet n salty, absolute psycho
•does NOT know how to cook, milkshakes she's amazing at, actually cooking is a bit of a struggle, it's edible but not the best🤕
•actually likes licorice fizz wizz
•had appendicitis at some point in her life
•his favourite anime would be devilman crybaby and devilman ova, prove me otherwise
•when he first got his wings and the little face wings he ripped one of them off, literally out of his head, that shit was BLOODY, he thought it was funny. And he actually keeps it in a jar
•he occasionally fills that jar with watered down shampoo, then opens it and flicks some of it at king dice and pretends it's (.), dice loses his shit everytime, Marcus finds it fucking hilarious but also gets told off by the devil, it's worth it (I would too tbh)
•likes analog horror a lot, his favourite would probably be the painter(if that's right) and the Mandela catalogue
•has a really nice apartment, but like it's modern, VERY modern, you'd see it in 2024 and think it's from the same era
•prefers winter over any season, but prefers Halloween over any holiday
•also likes licorice fizz wizz, he likes all the flavours<333
•bi, maybe pan
•is WAY too sharp on corners, he'd wait until the last second to turn it's terrifying because he's always going over the speed limit, especially if the roads empty🤕 sometimes definitely been thrown out of a window before
•his hair is about shoulder length (not fur, hair, there's a difference) and he isn't very good at taking care of it, just kinda put it up one day and doesn't take it down until his next shower
•during the time when Ortensias death was recent he would wear her Nightgowns to bed if he could fit in them, still does that sometimes
✭Finley (happy late birthday my little fennec<33)
•took WAY too long to learn how to tie laces, his parents tried to teach him, but it just never clicked for him until he was about a teen
•also has to deal with hay fever 🤕
•also hates winter because his ears get cold
•used to absolutely cherish anything anyone got him, even if it was cheap shit, he'd love it anyway
✭Charles Harris (“Lucky”)
•Prefers champagne over any other alcohol, maybe some gin and lemonade as well, yum
•brownies aren't really popular for Grannys house, but Red and Cuphead like them a lot so really they're the only ones eating them other than granny herself
•Marcus and Metatron have met at least once. Even if only briefly.
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officialleehadan · 1 month
Blood Interlude
Hello darlings! Today's story was brought to you by Jennifer! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: Blood Spilled
Phaenist, Sar decided, was a comfortable armful to share a bed with. He was a little cool to the touch of course, being dead, but he didn’t kick in his sleep, or snore. Sar wasn’t entirely sure if Phaenist did sleep, or if he just spent most of his time awake, but comfortable with one ear on their surroundings. Many vampires liked to sleep, but none of them needed to. Much like eating, it was simply something their undead bodies no longer needed.
So their evenings, on the furthest edge of camp by both their preference, was comfortable. Sar could sleep, safe in the knowledge that his bedmate was on guard, even if he did sleep a little. More helpfully, it was also the most comfortable way for Phaenist to feed.
“Dinner time,” Sar said, comfortably full from his own supper of bean stew, thick with pork and other vegetables, served in a small, hollowed-out loaf of bread. He had never seen what the cook called a ‘bread bowl’, but he was delighted both by the soup-soaked bread, and by the lack of dishes to wash afterward. Content on a full stomach, he could easily spare more than enough blood to satisfy his vampire companion. “Which wrist do you want.”
“Left is closer,” Phaenist said, apparently unwilling to move from his comfortable spot against Sar’s shoulder. That part, Sar suspected, was a remnant of Phaenist’s Elvish life before he was turned. Every elf he ever knew was prone to laying on anyone they liked. Cats, the lot of them. Phaenist even purred in his sleep sometimes, which was both hilarious, and pleasant. “You know, you needn’t feed me every night. I’m not a fledgling.”
“No harm in topping you up when I’m full-fed myself,” Sar pointed out and proffered his left wrist to Phaenist, who wrapped cool fingers around Sar’s wrist. He had been bitten by several vampires, for various reasons including the occasional vampiric lover, but Phaenist was careful about it. Sar barely felt the needle-sharp fangs enter his skin before the faint, but relaxing euphoria from vampiric venom hit his body. “Besides, it’s fun. Helps me sleep.”
Phaenist hummed a little, which was a frankly strange sensation when he was sucking on Sar’s wrist, but didn’t speak. After a few minutes, he pulled away and nicked his own tongue on his fangs. Vampiric blood was a very fine healing agent, and the tiny punctures were gone before they could begin to hurt.
“It’s nice to be fully-fed,” he admitted when he was settled back down. They weren’t lovers, although Sar was considering whether a proposition would go well. He suspected so. Phaenist admitted a while back that he liked men as much as women. He wasn’t going to push though. Some things were better when they went slowly, and Sar liked Phaenist enough to want to make sure such a proposition wouldn’t cause problems in their friendship. “And as a Hero, your blood is very potent. I need less of it to be full-fed, and what you give me, willingly, is more powerful than a regular human’s.”
“Didn’t know that,” Sar said, dozing a little from the lingering vampire venom in his body. It wouldn’t slow him if they were ambushed, but it was a nice little buzz that capped off a quiet day and easy night. “Are all heroes like that?”
“I wouldn’t know. You’re the only one I’ve fed on.”
“Huh. We’ll have to ask if we meet any of my kind around.” Not that Sar particularly wanted to meet any other heroes. They were a disagreeable lot, especially for someone like him. He didn’t like people who were too good to get their hands dirty. Sometimes just stopping to help someone meant more than saving a country from one invasion or another. “There’s a few who haunt the coast.”
“If you want,” Phaenist said, lazy from his own meal. “You’re rare you know. No one ever wants to just lay with my kind. Even our lovers tend to be wary with us.”
“Why?’ Sar was mystified by he very idea. “If you can sleep with to someone, you can lay with them. Besides, it’s been a while since I had someone, even a shieldsib, in my bedroll. The company is nice.”
“Apparently most humans think we’ll go for their throats even in our sleep,” Phaenist said dryly. Sar chuckled. People believed all sorts of things and most of them were stupid. He was used to it. He combed his fingers through Phaenist’s hair, an elvish affection that he learned from a friend who had, amusingly, never been a lover but explained everything to Sar long ago. Hair-care, even finger-grooming, and braids were the way elves showed everything from family connections to love affairs. Phaenist, of course, immediately started purring and went almost limp. “I was Elvish. You know what you’re doing?”
“I do. I can stop if it bothers you.” The last thing Sar wanted was to make him uncomfortable, although by the purring, he didn’t think that was a true risk. “I won’t take liberties.”
“If you stop, I’m going to bite you somewhere more interesting than a wrist,” Phaenist muttered against Sar’s shoulder and poked him in he ribs when Sar laughed. “Your hair is long enough for braids.”
“Offering me a few?”
“Friendship-braids at least. Maybe more if you keep that up.”
“I’ll consider it,” Sar said, and obediently kept petting his vampire friend. The sun was well down, and it was time for both of them to sleep. “But settle down for now. We’re heading into bandit territory tomorrow, and we’ll need all our wits about us.”
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 8 months
Henry’s little karaoke performance (or lack of) has me wondering:
How each of the guys who lives at 179th Crescent Street feel about a good old karaoke night?
Who likes it? Who needs alcohol or weed to participate?
What’s their favourite song?
I get to talk about my boys? I GET TO TALK ABOUT MY BOYS!!!
Thank you so much for this ask and... let's get right to it! I added the ladies too because... Well I was having fun with this and I can use a little bit of that right about fucking now so, that's why <3
179th Crescent Street Karaoke Headcanon
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Series Masterlist
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @livisss @summersong69 @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos @sillyrabbit81
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Will our favourite man-child sing? Absolutely
Does he need to be drunk? No
Will it be good? Absolutely the fuck it won’t!
Will being drunk help? That depends.
Him being drunk won’t make him sing better, you being drunk might help make it bearable though.
Will probably sing Barbie girl, Girls just wanna have fun, 9 to 5, Wannabe, ... Baby one more time (You get the idea)
100% guaranteed to look ridiculous, 120% guaranteed to not really give a fuck.
(Bonus: no secondhand embarrassment necessary because this boy gets up there with CONFIDENCE)
(And if anyone makes fun of him he looks them dead in the eye and goes “Okay, your turn, then?”)
(They never do.)
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Will need copious amounts of alcohol, yes
But absolutely will sing.
Alternatively; needs no alcohol when Angie begs him. He will say yes to her. Always.
(This man is whipped and he loves it.)
Not horrible, but not great
Does Angels kinda well, actually!
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Highly unlikely
But he has this rare mood...
He’s not bad, either.
Sings something like Summer of ’69 or Living on a prayer.
You’d sooner catch him singing in the shower though.
Will gladly serenade Lexi
In private
He’ll sing her Heaven
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I would love to see you try to get him up there
I mean... He SHOULD
He sometimes sings The sound of silence while making dinner (Disturbed, not S&G, of course)
It’s to die for!
But no.
Won’t do it.
Can’t make him.
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You can’t convince me this smooth motherfucker doesn’t have the voice of an angel.
He might need some liquid courage
(to find the motivation rather than the nerve, though. He’s nothing if not confident...)
Imagine this man making eyes at you while singing I want it that way?
Like. Excuse you, ma’am, but no matter what you say you’re going home with him.
When there’s no girl to impress he’ll go with Africa or Every breath you take.
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After the hockey team won the finals
The whole team sang “We are the champions”
He has no recollection of this
What he does remember is the 2 girls that were in his bed when he woke up, the 2 glasses of water that got tossed in his face because he didn’t remember either of their names, which did nothing to cure the hangover he would have for 2 days because he had WAY 2 (haha get it?) much to drink.
There’s a video
It’s hilarious
He’s bad
Very, very bad
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Do not get this man drunk near a karaoke machine.
Okay maybe do it once, because it’s funny.
Shania Twain. Taylor Swift.
Do I need to say more?
Actually yes I do.
He doesn’t have a horrible voice, but he’s drunk, so...
If you manage to persuade him before he’s plastered, he’ll sing Tennessee Whiskey and he won’t sound half bad, actually!
After that... Just picture this man singing Man! I feel like a woman.
He doesn’t get away with looking silly the way Mike does, but also couldn’t care too much so there’s that.
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Not a fan of publicly humiliating himself
And knows himself well enough to know he can’t sing
So, logically, no.
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Bonus; The girls!
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Can sing well, usually
But she’s too anxious to sing without getting absolutely hammered.
And by then it won’t sound so good.
Not to mention this uncoordinated mess will probably trip over a cable and break an ankle
Maybe if Mike holds her they can pull off Don’t go breaking my heart? 🥺 That would be really cute.
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By now we’ve established that Ange can do anything
A little liquid courage is necessary, but nothing 2 shots of tequila can’t fix
She likes to sing Valerie or No One
And she will 100% absolutely fucking SLAY.
She’s a queen, ok?
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Good voice.
Took singing lessons when she was younger, actually
Her mom forced opera on her though, which she hated, so she quit.
Can, and will, sing Celine Dion if given half a chance
You have not lived until you’ve heard her sing My heart will go on.
Sherlock may or may not have cried. Idk.
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Can sing
Will not
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When hell freezes over
When Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day
Over her cold, dead body
(Sings in the shower. Does not do so very well.)
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Will get up there stone cold sober
Will perform her sexy li’l ass off
Will serve Absolute. Fucking. Cunt.
Before He Cheats was written for this woman.
Carrie Underwood who?
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Will do it for fun
After a few drinks
But not alone!!!
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Can sing and fucking KNOWS it.
Loves to sing Whitney Houston
But her all time favourites are Ready or Not and Killing me Softly
Really, truly, 100% has THAT voice.
Why does she want to be a doctor again?
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
don't tickle a sleeping hank. ...get it? get it?! (i'll show myself out)
sorry the title explains it all. my bad.
i'm in hank brainrot. i want to write about lee!2b but... GOD i love hank. LMAOO
enjoy this small little idea? fic? idk what to call it.
uhm there are feet tickles, for anyone who's uncomfy with that. i think i've tagged my fics with these, but idk. if i haven't, my bad - but i tagged this one. *thumbs up.*
there's also like hurt/comfort? and i mean a physical hurt. not emotional. lmao
he/they for hank || they/them for doc
"Hank," 2BDamned let out an exasperated sigh as they softly opened the mercenary's bedroom door, looking at the adorable sight in front of them. The blankets were kicked off the bed, and the pillows were messy and all over the place... and right in the middle of it all laid the culprit responsible for it all, Hank J Wimbleton, who was still sleeping soundly with soft snores coming from him. His body relaxed against the mattress, with his left arm and leg dangling off the bed.
It took everything in their power not to start laughing at the sight, deeming it hilarious due to the fact that they had never seen him so vulnerable and exposed like that. They knew how much the mission took out of him but dreaded this moment with all of their heart. Hank never slept much, considering the bad insomnia that he fought daily, but when he managed to fall asleep... it was quite literally hell to wake him up. The whole base figured this out the first time it happened, and now the three share a custom of playing rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to be the unlucky soul to wake them up.
And unfortunately, it was Doc.
"I'm comin' in, Hank," Doc whispered, mainly to themself, as they entered the other's bedroom, noticing how messy they kept their room. They were stepping over empty beer bottles and random clothes as they made their way to his bed. Hank didn't even move a muscle, he just continued to lay there peacefully as if nothing was happening. Doc inhaled sharply. This was the moment they were waiting for. They let out the single breath they were holding as they put a hand on his shoulder, shaking him with a bit of force.
"Hank? Hank, it's time to get up." Doc muttered, squinting their eyes at the sleeping figure. Hank only grumbled and turned onto his stomach as if that would protect him from getting woken up. Their fingers grasped the sleeping figure, shaking them a bit harder. There was still nothing happening. Hank was still sleeping, and Doc was growing increasingly frustrated at the fact that they were such a heavy sleeper. Their other hand reached toward the bridge of their nose, clutching it slightly. They knew they'd have to wake him up - but how?
Doc then grabbed the light covers, pulling them off. It didn't do considering his outfit very much was more than enough to warm him during the night. Doc sighed, frustrated.
"Hank, I'm... erm, damn it," Doc growled as they shook their head. They were a doctor! Well, not a legitimate one, but close enough. There had to be something they could do to get the other out of bed. Doc's gaze narrowed down the length of his body, listening to the other continue to snore without a care in the world. They were silent for a few moments before a sinister idea crept into their mind. A grin formed across their face - they had the best idea.
"Hank, I'm going to count to three," Doc announced loudly, moving lower on the bed. They climbed onto the soft mattress, sitting right next to the other man's legs. This was going to be good - something that Hank couldn't ignore or shrug off. Well, if it even worked on him. Doc's hand moved closer and closer to his ankle, a smirk underneath their mask.
"One," Doc muttered, hand wrapping around his ankle with a bit of force. They paused for a second, looking at the still-sleeping figure with a raised eyebrow. "Two," they continued, pursing their lips as his fingertips twitched with anticipation. Their hand hovered over his socked foot, keeping quiet for any signs of life. Doc chuckled softly, a playful and teasing sound coming out of their mouth.
"....Three." Doc's fingers skittered all over Hank's socked foot, in which Doc finally got a rise out of him - one that they had desperately wanted. Hank sputtered out something unintelligible as his body began to fight back against the ticklish sensations, trying to pull his ankle away from the other's nimble fingers. That only encouraged Doc to keep their grip tighter as their fingertips danced all over his soles. Hank burst out into hysterical laughter, shutting their eyes as they buried their head into their soft pillow.
"Ah, so you're awake now," Doc purred, their eyes narrowing in a teasing way that the other unfortunately couldn't see. A giant smirk was plastered all over their face - they found the situation more amusing than ever, knowing that Hank fuckin' Wimbleton, out of everyone they knew, was ticklish. And extremely, by the simple looks of it. Doc's fingers continued to scribble all over his socked foot, Hank's hand hitting the side of the bed.
"Doho- fUHUHCK! DOhohoHOHOC!" Hank squeaked out through his many frantic peels of laughter, his entire body squirming against them. Oh, this was just too good now. "Yes, Hank~? What do you need?" they asked, turning their head back as they continued to mercilessly torture their friend. Their fingers traveled up and down almost agonizingly, making Hank let out a squeal before dissolving into more laughter, his pitch rising with every torturous touch. "YOHOHOU- AHAH-" Hank was cut off multiple times by his own laughter and squeals, as he planted his face back into his pillow.
"Aw, Hank, you know I can't understand you like that..~" Doc teased, letting a small huff of amusement escape their lips. Unfortunately, they had completely forgotten how strong Hank actually was... so the minute the top of his foot met their jaw, it made them jerk back. Of course, Hank didn't mean to - they'd never intentionally hurt the other, but it's... just what happened. "Ahaha, s-shit, Doc, you alright?" Hank asked, feeling their grip on his ankle loosen.
Hank immediately shot up, their hand cupping the side of Doc's face with a concerned look. "Did I hurt you too bad? I didn't ... mean to, it was..." Doc only chuckled in response, giving him a soft look as they shook their head.
"Don't worry about it. I expected to see some resistance. It caught me off-guard a bit," they explained with a bit of a laugh. "But nothin' I can't handle. Hey, you're fully awake now." Hank pouted a bit, still upset that he accidentally kicked the other. His hand continued to cup the side of their face. "Oh, on another note..." they spoke softly, setting aside their mask to show their scarred face. Their lips pursed for a moment before continuing. "I think that might be my favorite way to wake you up now. Well, minus the kicking. I might have to do it again...~"
"...ugh," Hank grumbled, rolling his eyes as he stretched upward. "That was unnecessary."
"For you, maybe," Doc responded with a slight teasing glint in their eye. "But to me, I think it was quite cute. And fun. I'm have to lighten you up a bit sometimes." They joked. "Besides, you wouldn't get up for anything else. I even shook you a bunch of times."
Hank only gave them a side-eye, pouting a bit as their cheeks turned a soft pink color. "...shut up."
Doc raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you sound like you want more with an attitude like that."
And just like that, Doc immediately pounced on Hank, for what wouldn't be the last 'attack' of the day. Deimos and Sanford were long forgotten, thanks to Hank's attitude. It wasn't like either of them minded, though.
Spending time together is what made them special. ...even if it was to tickle the shit out of Hank!
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
So I had a hilarious idea for a Benophie au
In which Sophie was legitimized as the daughter of the Earl of Gunningworth and is determined to not get married in order to cash in on her complete inheritance as soon as she's on the shelf. Because she doesn't want a husband to get his hands on her money the way Araminta did with her father
Cue Sophie being one of the many mildly ellegible misses of the Ton and meeting the Bridgertons at a much younger age. Going to balls and trying to avoid marriage but still having fun flirting with suitors to appease her father
Then she gets the brilliant idea that she's going to get a lover because she wants to know how that feels like. Better yet she's going to seduce some man at the Bridgerton masquerade
Sophie confides the plan to Kate. As a good best friend, Kate doesn't approve of Sophie's plan. Sophie doesn't care. She's going to dance at the masquerade and find a guy.
"Kate!! Kate wake up!" Sophie hissed poking Kate with a stick from the edge of her bed
"Sophie? Wait what are you doing here at.... Dawn" Kate yawned "and wearing a man's shirt of all things??"
"all right so remember yesterday's plan? I may have girlbossed to close to the sun" the Gunningworth heiress said sheepishly
"oh gosh Sophie what did you do"
"I stole some gentlemen's first time" Sophie confessed " as in, you know... I was His first"
"you slept with a virgin??"
"I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS A VIRGIN!!" Sophie protested "He looked good in his mask, and we got kissing and I practically pushed him down on the bed" Sophie looked anything but ashamed "he's a Bridgerton, who in the world would believe one of those is a virgin?"
"oh no!" Kate gasped in horror "you slept with a Bridgerton, you slept with one of the owners of this house, this is bad, terrible, not good" Kate's eyes got impossibly wider " wait which Bridgerton? Because there's no way the Viscount is a virgin, that clown has the look of a man who knows what a woman looks like naked"
"no, not the Viscount, the second one, Benedict"
"The one who can't sit properly in a chair to save his life?" Kate reviwed the fee times she'd come across Benedict Bridgerton and decided that Sophie was right "Well I can definitely see why you wouldn't think he's a virgin" he had too much tendency to lie down in flat surfaces for one
"It gets worse"
"worse than taking a Bridgerton's first time?" Kate snorted
"well he may have proposed in the middle of sex" Sophie paused before adding " something about love at first sight"
"oh no, he's one of those romantic lunatics" Kate groaned covering her face with her hands "still..you're still wearing your mask !! He didn't even see your entire face, we can fix this"
" it's like he wants me to take responsibility for his virginity by marrying him" Sophie groaned "I'm not ready to get married Kate, I'm too young and too wild, to be tied down"
"and what am I supposed to do about it?" Kate wanted to help but really this sounded like a terrible mess " wait, if you spend the night with him, but you are here... did you just vanish from his bed while he took a nap?"
Sophie looked down and nodded "I'm hoping he'll wake up and think it was all a dream"
Kate was about to refute her when the kind voice of Penelope Featherington knocked on the door "good morning Kate, sorry for waking you up so early"
" Hi Penelope, if the Viscount is looking for Edwina please tell him she was indisposed last night so she slept in mother's room " Kate called out making a motion for Sophie to be quiet
"No, I'm looking for someone else actually, did you happen to see a five foot two blonde in a pink mask last night? A friend of mine is looking for her.... to return a glove"
Kate observed the very underdressed Sophie and guessed that it wasn't just a glove that needed to be returned. Infront of her Sophie was making a No no no motion with all her might
"Sorry Penelope, I don't know anyone who fits that description"
"Oh, that's quite all right, maybe we'll see her at noon, the person has to show up eventually right?" Penelope replied and soon left to knock on another door
It was so easy to forget how much of a Bridgerton Penelope Featherington was until things like these happened. Whenever Penelope subconsciously performed the duties of a sister in law to perfection one was reminded that she was the closest thing to a daughter in law that the family had. Kate and Sophie often wondered if the girl knew it
Being patient enough to wait for the globetrotter Bridgerton to propose must take the perseverance of a saint after all..
"Penelope is very observant, she won't take an excuse for long" Kate told Sophie quite seriously " so how do you plan to escape Benedict's proposal?"
Sophie seemed to think about it for a moment "what if I pretend to be your maid?"
This drabble is entirely based on the prompt " Sophie steals Benedict's virginity and panics when he demands she make an honest man out of him and take responsibility"
Featuring Kate as the sensible best friend who will now proceed to hide Sophie from Benedict and gaslight Anthony into believing he never invited Sophie to this house party.
And Penelope, the wallflower who seems not to know she's the designated Bridgerton sister in law.
Meanwhile Benedict is that dude who just wants to meet his Cinderella again, kiss her, marry her, and have a repeat of the masquerade night all over again
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