#the wage is well above minimum too so would be able to live n do stuff ...
dykefever · 3 months
going to my interview and trial for a waitress job at a nice restaurant <- guy who said he wasn't going to work hospitality anymore
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finchwingart · 6 months
Hi finch! I hope holidays are treating you well :))
As someone who’s already stressed in the whole rushing portfolios for unis, having found an account that posts people venting about jobs in the animation industry it has made me feel pretty discouraged.
If it's not too much of a personal question, are you able to live comfortably with your job? And do you know any insight on how the general conditions of the field are?
hh this is a very hard question to answer tbh ToT it depends on a lot of things and what you prioritise. Remember those accounts that share people venting about work ARE for venting yknow, there are imperfections with every job, though it has been a particularly bad year with cancellations, layoffs, ai etc.
I think most of the time it doesn't pay a ton, but it doesn't pay minimum either. I'm on a fairly comfy wage at the mo, maybe a bit above average for the UK but maybe a bit below average for London, though animation is contract based so it can fluctuate depending on who you work for n what their budget is. LA people seem to get paid loads to me, but the US has a biiig wage gap from the UK so it's hard for me to compare.
If you get into a role that's got less competition and really desirable, like 3D rigging or pipeline developer or something, you'll find it easier to get work and will be able to negotiate more for better pay etc.
There's not a ton of 2D animating left in the US but it exists a lot elsewhere in the world (bc the US has high wages, studios tend to outsource most of the heavy labour like animation) but there's still other roles in 2D such as BG paint, storyboard, design etc.
It's contract based, so very rare that you'll be working in one place for more than 1-2 years. Sometimes contracts are a few months, sometimes longer. Sometimes they're PAYE (they give you payslips and do your taxes for you, paid holidays and sick days) or freelance (you have to invoice for your pay and manage your own taxes, pay-per-day kinda), and the pay can fluctuate depending on those things (like I had a very short contract last year but it paid really decent to compensate for that). This makes things tricky as your earnings can be different month to year, and you may have to move a lot in the beginning to chase work
You have to be good at communicating and work with lots of people a lot of the time, which can be a great thing! You meet so many people n it really feels like a community sometimes. Going to festivals like Annecy really helps
I think lots of other animators have shared their opinions online on youtube and stuff so it's worth having a poke around! I think Toniko Pantoja made a video too, I'd like to make one eventually. I made a 1yr in animation video n would like to make an updated one now that I've been in it 5yrs.
In the end, if you reaaally really love it, love working with other people, and can't think of doing anything else, then you'll be fine!
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ppersonna · 4 years
half baked - pjm | m
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baby we two distant strangers. i know you don't speak my language, but I love the way she's talking to me - love talk, wayv
↳ summary- park jimin gets a job at your bakery, and you can’t help but find yourself annoyingly attracted to the cocky man.
↳ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
↳ pairing- park jimin x reader
↳ word count- 5.2k
↳ genre- smut, fluff
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, lightly dom!jimin, sub!reader, slight enemies2lovers, sex in a kitchen, please god don’t fuck in a kitchen its a health code violation, spanking, nipple play, cum play, fingering
↳ a/n- ahHH!HHHHhhh!H! i blame this 100% on @wwilloww​ for merely putting the idea in my head and i had to take it and run with it.  also thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ my babe/my loml for the amazing banner! i truly do not deserve u but ily so much.  and thank you to @chimoona​ @ladyartemesia​ @xjoonchildx​ @taetaewonderland​ for being the best mf squad a lady could have and beta-ing this for me! i love you all so much! i hope you enjoy silly cocky jimin!
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 Two cups of flour, one and three quarters cup sugar, 2 cups of butter.
You know the recipes by heart.  In fact, one might postulate that the recipes themselves are the sole contents of your heart.  
You live and breathe baking. It is your solace and your truest love.
Which is why it is all nearly thrown into catastrophe when Park Jimin comes into the picture.
It starts on a rather busy day.  You’re hard at work in the kitchen, prepping the finished products and presenting them in neat little boxes, when your best friend and co-owner of Wake ‘N Bake, Willow, lets out a frustrated squeal..  You turn your head to find her covered head to toe in flour, making you snort as she shoots you a playfully ominous glare.
“Shut up,” she sniffs as she attempts to pat some fine dust off of her, to no avail. “I only have two hands and about fifty things to do with them at the same time.”
Your lips part to reply something equally sassy when the bell over the front door rings, notifying you of a paying customer.  Grabbing a towel, you quickly wipe off cookie debris and throw it at your best friend to do her best to clean off as she follows behind you.
You pause as you take stock of who stands there. A handsome man arrives at the cash register and peers around, presumably looking for an employee.  He is gorgeous—ethereal even and looks like someone who walked out of the pages of a magazine. His bone structure screams model, and you can’t help but feel the stirrings of desire for the beautiful stranger.
“Hi! Welcome to Wake ‘N Bake!” Willow sings cheerfully, despite being coated in baking flour.
The man eyes her with a glint of humor in his eye, and Willow’s cheeks turn a hue of pink when she remembers her current appearance.
“Hi,” he speaks. His voice is smooth like butter, and gentle. It makes you feel weak, like you’re warming in the very ovens that your pastries rise in.
“I saw your shop from down the street and I had to stop in. Your desserts look amazing.  Is the owner here by chance?”
Your smile fades as he looks around the room for someone else, someone beyond you and your best friend.
Of course.
No one believes that two young women could start and maintain their own business. Everyone assumes that some older, well-off man was at the helm while you and Willow toil for minimum wage.
Your arms cross over your body in clear displeasure.
“We are the owners.”
“Oh!”  The man looks surprised but not put off. “Awesome. I was hoping I could… talk to you about, err—… a job?”
His face is sheepish and Willow nearly coos at the sight.
Unfortunately, it appears you and your best friend have warring ideas.
“Yes!” She chimes at the same moment you dead-pan a resounding ‘No’.
Your heads spin to stare at each other—Willow’s eyes wide in disbelief and yours in annoyance.
“We need the help!” She huffs.
“We can do things on our own, like we always have,” you remind her.
Willow gestures to her flour covered clothing in desperation.
“We clearly could use help with how successful we have gotten!”
To your chagrin, she has a point. It might be nice to have someone to help in the front while the two of you manage the kitchen in the back.  It would increase your productivity by double what you’re able to do now.
But there’s something about his attitude coming in that rubs you the wrong way.  Like, he’s too pretty. Too confident. Too nice.
“What’s your baking experience?” You ask as you turn back to the hopelessly lost, yet ever eager man.
“Oh, err—,” he stutters. “I worked at my friend Jin’s restaurant. That served desserts, too?”
You shake your head in disdain while Willow claps her hands in excitement, a puff of white flour dust pluming into the air.
“Perfect! So you could do sales!?”
“Yeah! I can do sales, no problem.”
You turn your gaze back to Willow who stares at the man like he is her knight in shining armor.
“Willow?! Can I talk to you in the back?”
She knows that tone—the one that tells her you’re not pleased with her decisions. She nods once and politely excuses the both of you from the man before heading back towards the kitchen.
“What in the world is wrong with you?!” She asks the moment the swinging door closed.
“Me?!” You’re incredulous—hands flying in the air. “You’re over here trying to hire the first Joey Hot-Lips who walks in off the street!”
Willow’s anguished face falls and turns into a devilish smirk as she leans back on her heels.
“Aha! You’re attracted to him,” she notes as if she figured out the world's greatest mystery. “That’s why you don’t want him here.”
“What? No!” Your defense crumbles around you. “Did you hear him? He totally acted like he didn’t believe we could be the owners!”
“Oh, come on, that was a simple mistake and you know it!  You’re just being protective.”
You ‘humph’ a non-committal response—unable to argue.
You are protective of your bakery. It’s your combined love child with Willow. What started as a dream between cocktails with your best friend became a real brick and mortar reality.  You had been through enough trying to open it you can’t help but feel skeptical of anyone trying to get involved. Many tried to discredit your ability to maintain such a successful shop, and you’d rather continue to run it with no one else than see it fall at the hands of another.
“Just as I thought,” Willow hums. “In that case, he’s hired!”
You’re given no chance to reply—the flour-covered girl pushes through the swinging doors and announces to the handsome man that he’s hired and free to start the following day.
“Great!  Thanks!” His smile is sincere—blinding and breathtaking, and you hate how much you want to see that smile again.
He leaves as quickly as he arrived, waving goodbye as he exits the chiming door.
“Now, you need to deal with whatever issues you have about letting others into the shop,” she says pointedly, pushing a finger into your arm gently. “And whatever issues you have with wanting to bone him.”
“Willow!” You gasp. “I do not want to bone him!”
“Sure, babe. You think you can fool me but I know you too well. Just try not to fuck him in the kitchen, alright? I don’t need the health inspector up our ass.”
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The next early morning starts at 4:30 am, with you elbow deep in cookie dough for a catering order.  You’ve nearly forgotten about the new employee starting until the man himself strolls into the back kitchen as if he’s worked there for years.
“Hey!” He says cheerfully, two cups of coffee in his hands. “I got you a coffee. Willow said you’re a nightmare without some in the morning.”
Your eyes narrow at the man. It’s unfair how delicious he looked so early; while you look like a frizzy mess who rolled out of bed and walked into work (which you did), he looked polished and crisp and clean. It’s infuriating as much as it’s glaringly attractive.
“Thanks,” you mutter as you pick cookie dough off your hands and pull off your plastic sanitary gloves. “Every girl loves hearing she’s a nightmare.”
He chuckles behind his steaming cup and places yours on the workbench next to you.
“Those were her words, of course. I’d never call you a nightmare.”
You easily flush, then chastise yourself for allowing him to make you feel so weak so early in the morning.
“To be fair,” he continues. “I don’t even know your name.”
“___,” you sigh as you grab the coffee and bring it to your lips. “And you?”
“Jimin. Park Jimin.”
The first sip of coffee is like a soothing hug. He somehow knew how you took your coffee—two creams and two sugars.
“I didn’t know how you liked it, so I just guessed.”
“Good guess.”
Jimin smirks and looks proud of his accomplishment.
“You seem like the type of girl who likes balance to her sweetness.”
You stare at him curiously over your own steaming paper cup, unsure of what to make of his comment.
“Good morning to the love of my life!” Comes the voice of your best friend entering through the back door.
You roll your eyes in amusement as she teeters in, peppy and perky as she always is this early.
“Oh! Hi, Jimin.”  Her cheeks turn a familiar shade of rose as she realizes he heard her. “I didn’t know you were here yet.  That’s just a… thing we say to each other every morning.”
“Cute.” Jimin smirks at you, making your stomach lift with unwanted butterflies. “Where do you want me?”
Underneath you, beside you, above you, any possibly way...
You shake your head quickly to push away the sexual thoughts of the gorgeous man taking you from any position. No, you refuse to let your mind wander there.
Willow finishes washing her hands and putting on her apron before she nods to the fridge.
“If you can get the milk, eggs, and butter out, we’ll use you for creaming.”
Your cheeks heat impossibly as Jimin smirks even wider.
“Oh, I’m fantastic at creaming.”
Your hands pause from where they massage dough while you close your eyes and breathe, before lifting to glare at your best friend who wears a faux-innocent look.
“I’m sure you are, Jimin,” she chimes virtuously, before getting to work.
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The next few weeks were a haze. You’re so caught up with graduations, birthdays, weddings and major events that your time spent at the shop overtakes your time sleeping, breathing, existing in any way that isn’t baking.
Even Jimin was busy.  Despite your initial hesitancy, he was proving to be an excellent third member of your team.  He’s a pro at sales—you’re sure his good looks and the mostly female clientele helps—and he pitches in in the kitchen without fail. He even tries his hand at decorating cakes, with only one frosting-based spill.  You would never give Willow the satisfaction of telling her outright, but she made an excellent decision in hiring the dazzling man.
But it doesn’t stop your annoying heart from fluttering every time he comes close to you—rubs elbows as he helps you roll out dough or smiles at you from across the workbench as he stamps out sugar cookies.  You refuse to allow yourself any thoughts on what it would taste like to lick dough off his fingers or how he would look bending you over the countertop to take you from behind.
You only allow such thoughts at night, safely tucked into bed with your vibrator cranked to the highest setting.
It doesn’t help that Jimin solidifies himself in your life by introducing his handsome and dopey best friend Jungkook to your gorgeous and clumsy best friend Willow.  The moment they laid eyes on each other, you knew you were doomed to have Jimin in your life with or without the bakery.
And you weren’t sure how to handle that notion.
Was Jimin flirting with you simply because you were there?  He seemed to have no problem flirting with the customers.  Sure, the shop has never made more money than when Jimin works his charms and seduces women of all ages to buy the extra cookies, cannolis, and cakes—not that you watched or glared or hated every second. No, of course not. It was for the good of your business and the angry jealousy demon inside you would need to stay firmly locked away.
Except, it’s on a particularly crowded day at the shop that your jealousy gets the best of you.
You’re up front assisting Jimin by boxing and bagging the treats he rings up.
You know he’s flirtatious, but it’s when he goes the extra mile for an extra pretty girl that you lose your cool on him the moment the customers leave.  
“Do you have to eye-fuck every single co-ed that walks in this place?!”
Your hands fly up in frustration, and Jimin watches you with a soft gaze.
His silence and knowing smirk makes you continue.
“Seriously? What the fuck was that about?! You’re acting like you’re about to bend her over right here in front of us! Jesus!”
Willow hears the commotion from the back and comes forward.
“What’s going on here?” She asks suspiciously.
You point towards Jimin who maintains his poised demeanor.
“I’m reminding Jimin that work is not a place to sexually engage our customers!”
Willow rolls her eyes as she pulls her apron off and grabs her coat from the hook.
“Whatever, you’re being ridiculous. Jimin’s never been inappropriate. Plus, he’s making us a fuck-ton of money,” she sighs. “You two can close up without killing each other right?”  She eyes you in particular.
You cross your arms and huff, glancing at the clock to find you have two hours still until closing. “Why? Where are you going?”
Willow’s annoyance fades away as if it never existed.
“Jungkook is taking me to the Museum of the Printing Press!”
You can’t help but choke a laugh while she pushes your arm.
“Shush! You know how much I love them! And he totally surprised me with tickets!”
Willow can’t shake that lovesick look in her eyes and your heart melts a little. She’s your best friend and you’re thrilled she’s found someone who wants to indulge her in her nerdy fascinations.
“Go have fun, babe,” you smile sincerely. “We can take care of closing. Now, go fuck on a letterpress or whatever!”
Willow snorts and hugs you tight, bids goodbye to Jimin, and exits the store.
Now that your quick anger is gone, you feel sheepish around the man who has yet to reply to your tirade—but you refuse to stick around under his piercing gaze.
“I’ll be in the back,” you mumble under your breath before slipping into the kitchen before he can get any word in edge wise.
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You spend the rest of the evening monologuing an apology as you prep ingredients for the next morning and clean your workstations.  The shop is closed, doors locked, and Jimin is somewhere at the front of the house finishing his duties.
“‘Hey, I’m sorry for the way I acted’,” you practice out loud. “Hm—no, not humble enough. ‘Hey Jimin, I was a real bitch’, too degrading?  Maybe something like, ‘Hey Chim, can I call you Chim? That was fucked up, wasn’t it? Haha.’ God!” You throw your rag down in a huff, frustrated at your inability to form a decent apology.
“You can call me Chim, if you want,” a voice speaks from behind you.
You squeak in surprise and turn around, clutching your apron in your hands as you find Jimin leaning against a wall with a smirk on his face.
“Only my closest friends call me Chim, but I think we’re close enough.”
You swallow hard and nibble at your lip.
“I’m assuming you heard that whole… thing,” you mumble anxiously.  His nod confirms that he heard your entire play-by-play of the apology you would deliver to the handsome man.
“Yeah,” he licks at his lips. “You know, you’re really cute when you’re jealous.”
“J-jealous?” You nearly trip over your own tongue.  “I wasn’t—, I’m not jealous!”
Jimin begins a slow approach towards you, striding as he keeps his sparkling eyes on yours.
“Oh?”  He quirks his head, making his soft hair fall into his face.  You desperately want to push it away, cup his cheek, kiss those ridiculously plump lips.
He can tell you’re staring at this mouth and it makes his smirk turn nearly feral.
“So, you weren’t jealous? Not a single bit?”
He inches closer and you can feel your heart tighten in your chest and your stomach twists in on itself in excitement, in nerves.
“N-no,” you whisper, unconvincingly.
“You didn’t want to be the one I was making eyes at?  The one who ‘gets bent over the counter’ as you said?”
“I—,” Jimin cuts your words short as he stands a breath away from you.
“I guess if you weren’t jealous, then I don’t have to tell you you’re the one I really want to bend over the counter.”
You’re sure your heart stops beating—positive that it will fall from its place in your ribs into your feet.  
Jimin cups a hand to your cheek and smiles as he steps even closer.
“If you’re not jealous, then I don’t have to reassure you you’ve got nothing to be jealous over.”
Your lips run dry, throat parched as if you’ve never had a sip of water.  Jimin is standing so close to you you can feel the heat coming off of him in waves.
“Jimin—,” you breathe and he continues forward until he presses you against the countertop and crowding you into the metal and wood.
“Tell me you were jealous.”
You gulp, eyes seeking his for an answer, for any information.  Is he playing you? Does he know you’re hopelessly attracted to him?  Does he find it humorous to tease you when Willow isn’t here to insert herself into your flirting.
“I was jealous,” you admit slowly. The words are hard to release, but once they do, the floodgates open. “I wanted to be the one you flirted with.  I was jealous because I want to be the one you notice.”
Jimin smirks, then pulls your face in quickly for a heated kiss.
His lips are just as plush, just as soft as you imagined.  They’re puffy and sweet and he tastes like one of the treacle tarts you made that morning.  He must have had one with lunch, and you find yourself addicted to the way he tastes with your creations on him. You wonder what he’d taste like with your arousal coating that tender, plump mouth.
He bites at your own lip and tugs, chucking under his breath as you mewl your desire at the slight hint of pain.
“Fuck, you’re so hot when you’re angry like that,” he breathes as he presses his forehead to yours.  “I nearly popped a boner while you were yelling at me. I could tell you were jealous, and it made me want you more.”
It’s hard to hear him speak so candidly—it makes you groan.
“Jimin—fuck,” you sigh. “I’ve been attracted to you since you walked into this goddamn place.”
He smirks and snags your lips up in another desperate, yet quick, kiss.
“I know.  It’s why you didn’t want me to work here.”
You grumble after he pulls away, tired of the teasing and wanting nothing more than to stop talking and start doing.
“I didn’t like you because you assumed I wasn’t the owner.”
He smiles and rubs at your arms, a softer expression crossing his face.
“No, but I hoped you were.”
It’s silent for a moment and you let his words wash over you as he continues.
“I was attracted to your authority.  I could tell you were important here somehow, just didn’t know in what way.”
You swallow your growing guilt.  You had clocked Jimin entirely wrong.
“Jimin, I’m sorry,” you start.
“Hey, hey, I already heard your apology, remember?��� He smiles.  “Although, I could think of a great way to mend the wounds if you’re interested.  No pressure.”
His soft smile becomes a devilish grin instantly and your body lights with instant arousal.
“What did you have in mind?”
His lips press to yours again and you nearly lose yourself completely in his embrace.  Your arms circle his neck and he holds you tight at your waist, before pulling away from you, yet again.
“I happen to be very good at creaming, if you’ll recall.”
You can’t hold back a snort of laughter, that quickly gets covered by Jimin’s hot lips, one’s he will not pull away from you any time soon.
“You want to, right here?” You ask as he trails a hot line down your throat.
“Yeah, do you?”  
You vaguely remember Willow’s threat of not fucking in the kitchen, but find you can’t seem to care an ounce.
“Fuck yeah, I do.”
Jimin needs to hear no more.  He pulls you close and kisses you with the remaining amounts of pent-up passion and emotion he feels for you.  He’s grown to love the way you take charge, the way you move through the building like you own the place—because you do.  He loves the power you radiate and wants nothing more than to make you give up that power for a single night, to him.
“You wanna do this… all the way?” He asks, re-assuring himself that he’s not throwing himself at his boss.
“I want you, Jimin.  I want you to bend me over this workbench and fuck me until I’m crying for more.  Please.”
He grins and lays a hand on your neck, fingers tracing the gentle lines.  
“I might not let you boss me around,” he warns.
“Take control.”  Your eyes are blazing with need.  It makes him smile, and he gives the moment a slight pause.
“Then, get on your knees and show me just how sorry you are for yelling at me.”
You’re sinking to your knees quicker than you can comprehend.  Jimin is almost thrown at how instantly you caved and submitted to him.  He watches as your eyes stay fixed on his and your hands work at the button of his tight jeans.  
“That’s right,” he murmurs.  “Right where you belong.  No one else.”
You preen—heart warming at the idea that you’re the only one he wants kneeling before him and tugging his cock out of its confines.  
It springs forward, and it pulls your gaze from Jimin’s magnetic eyes.  It’s long and thick, just like you suspected all those nights with your vibrator stuffed where he should be.  Your mouth waters at the sight and you lean towards it to mouth at it gently—pressing soft open-mouth kisses to the tip.
“Oh, shit,” Jimin gasps.  Your fiery mouth feels like heaven on his cock.  It’s something he’s equally dreamed about—spent many nights fisting his cock to the thought of you.
You take your time, licking tiny stripes around the head and down the shaft, until Jimin becomes weary of the teasing.
“Please, take it all.”  His request is so genuine, so needy, that you’re loath to deny him.
He slips into your mouth with ease, slicked up just enough by your trailing kisses that he slides in and hits the back of your throat in seconds.  His eyes close as he feels his cock-head hit the back of your throat—a tighter and more constricting feeling in your already impossibly tight mouth.  It feels like absolute bliss, and he’s gasping for air after mere moments of you holding him inside your mouth to the hilt.
He doesn’t need to speak; you know what to do.  Your mouth works him in and out, tongue swirling around any open real estate of his cock.   His moans echo around the tile of the kitchen walls and he’s sure that the sight of you on your knees with his cock disappearing in and out of your mouth will have him cumming in no time.  
He steels himself, makes his body behave because he wants to enjoy this and the way you feel.  As good as your mouth feels, he’s desperate to know what it’s like to slide into that cunt he’s spent too many nights dreaming about.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as you make delicious, slurping noises from the gathering saliva.  It’s a wet squelching sound that makes him even harder than what he believes is possible—all blood in his head now completely rushed to his dick for his pleasure.
“B-Babe!” He calls as he feels his balls tightening.  He doesn’t want to cum, not yet.
He grips your head by the scalp of your hair and pulls you off his cock that is seconds away from losing control.
“Please, I’ve got to fuck you,” he nearly begs.
You wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand and smirk, licking the tip of his cock teasingly before standing up to his full height.
Jimin’s hands fly to your expensive leggings that you insist on wearing to work while he kisses you.  The kiss is feverish, frantic. It’s full of tongue and teeth and desperate moaning against each other as he pushes down the pants and delicate panties, and cups your cunt in one hand.
“Oh fuck,” you whisper against his mouth as the pad of his finger slides against your clit.
“You’re fucking soaked.  All from sucking my cock?”  He’s cocky and sucks a mark onto your neck as he massages the bundle of nerves.
“Don’t be arrogant now,” you warn with a smile.
He presses his tongue to your ear and licks a stripe and chuckles.
“I think you like it when I’m arrogant. Your pussy sure seems to like it.”
He emphasizes his words by slipping two fingers into your channel and fucks into you, scissoring you open.  He cuts off any chance for you to retort by launching his lips back to yours and prowling around your mouth with his tongue.
His fingers are small but fill you so deeply, and you’re sure his hand is drenched with your arousal.
“J-Jimin, please,” you gasp as you pull your mouth away to breathe in deep.  “Please, just fuck me already.”
He growls into your ear.  
“I thought I told you you’re not in charge.”
He spins you easily until your back is pressed to his chest.  He grabs the hem of your shirt and lifts, throwing the shirt away and quickly making work of your bra clasps to join the shirt on the floor.
His hands cup your full breasts and you can’t help but whimper at the feeling of his soft and warm hands.  He feels so good against the chilled skin of your chest and he tweaks and thumbs your nipples until they stand perky and erect.
“I’ve always wanted to bend you over this counter,” he muses in your ear as he pulls a nipple harshly.  It makes you squeak out at the pain, then moan as the pain turns into a sizzling, pleasurable spike that runs through your veins.
“Every time I would catch you staring at me, I just wanted to fuck your cute little throat until you were gagging around me.”
Your eyes close as he continues his abuse on your perky nipples and whispering his deepest thoughts about you.
“I wanted to lift your cute dresses and eat your cunt until you’re wailing loud enough all the customers can hear.”
“Jimin,” you nearly cry.  “Please, fuck me.”
You can feel his hardness lining up behind you, rubbing at your sodden folds to cover his length in your slick juices.
“I like it when you beg.”
He kisses at the juncture of your neck before letting his teeth graze over the spot and bites down—right as he pushes your face down to the workbench and slides his cock into your spread heat.
He bottoms out easily.  You’re soaking wet and he buries himself to the hilt in one fluid motion.  He groans out loud—stunned by the heat and wetness of your pussy and how tight it grips him.
“Oh, holy shit,” he gasps as he gives himself and you a moment.  His hands grip at your waist, one hand coming to rub the tender skin of your supple ass.
“Jimin, fuck, you’re so big,” you whine.  
He brings his hand up, then slaps it down on your ass hard, hard enough that the crack echoes around the large kitchen.  You cry out in delight, in pain, as the reverberation of the stinging wraps around you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess,” he whines as he sets a pace.  Your ass meets his hips and claps with each thrust, and he punctuates every few pumps into you with another hard slap to your ass.  He wants you screaming his name, crying out for him loud enough that the neighbors know who he is.
He’s relentless in his pumps—gripping your hips tight as he fucks you deep and senseless.  Your eyes roll back into your head at how well he works your body.  Your tits rub raw against the wood of the workbench and you’re weeping fat tears of pleasure as Jimin continues his plight.
“God, I’m gonna cum, baby,” he warns.  “Cum on my cock, princess.”
You slide a hand down to your clit, eager to add the ultimate piece to what makes you unravel.  He grins and pumps into you harder, slaps your ass repeatedly until he knows it’s going to leave bruises.
“That’s right, baby, rub that pretty little clit,” he urges.  “God, I can’t wait until you you sit on my face and let me eat this fucking cunt for hours.”
You blubber a response of desire, nearly begging him for more and more, as you swirl your fingers around the tight bundle.  You’re peaking towards the summit of your climax, ascending to a point you’ve never gone before.
“Fuck, Chim!” You scream. “Gonna cum!”
Your warning falls on deaf ears—you’re cumming and pulsating around his thickness instantly and Jimin moans mix with your own to create a symphony of pleasure.
“Good fucking girl,” he coos.  “Your cunt is so good to me, baby.  Mmph—let’s frost this cake, now.”
Instantly, he’s groaning as he pulls his cock free from the vice-grip of your cunt and jerks himself twice to completion, allowing his hot seed to splatter against the tender flesh of your ass where he’s left a clear print of his hand.   The warmth soothes the battered skin and you shake your ass teasingly as he continues to stroke himself through his climax.
“Ohhhhh, my god,” he breathes as he finally comes down from his high.
Your face is resting on the cool surface of the wooden workbench as your breathing slowly settles back to normal.
“That was fucking good,” you whisper with a smile.  Jimin bends down to press soft kisses to your spine, before grabbing a towel to gently clean his cum off your beaten ass.
“Willow’s going to kill you for fucking me in the kitchen,” he warns with a laugh as he kisses the same spot he came on.
“It takes two to bake a cake, buddy,” you tease.
He laughs and brings a hand down to your untouched asscheek, making you squeal with delight.
“That’s not how the saying goes, but sure, doll.”
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The next morning, you’re hard at work making a five-tiered wedding cake with Willow at your side, when Jimin throws open the door.
“Good morning to the loves of my life!”
Willow chokes on her own air while you hide a giggle behind your cake covered hand.
Jimin approaches the pair of you while she splutters and gasps.
“What?”  What happened last night after I left?”
Your cheeks heat and Jimin wears a face of pure cockiness.
“Oh my god,” Willow gasps as her eyes open wide, snapping your tender ass with her rag.  “You did NOT fuck in my kitchen!”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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taglist -  @preciouschimine​ @nyamjinnie​ @unicornnomore​ @bangtansbun​ @theneighborhoodfangirl​ @cyberbunny21​
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Breadsticks & a Boyfriend (kth/jjk)
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AO3 Link Here!
Relationships: Jungkook x Taehyung Genre: smut, pwp Final Rating: Explicit Word Count (Chapter): ~3.4k
Tags (more added as needed): smut, PWP, strangers to lovers, rough sex, dirty talk, sex toys, face fucking, coming untouched, shy Jungkook
Summary: When Taehyung took a simple order of pizza, breadsticks, and a soda to a customer on a rainy day, he had no idea how good his tip would be.
A/N: This fic was written for the @bangtanwritingbingo Summer Bingo square Jungkook x Taehyung and also for @venusiangguk who requested TaeKook with prompt #11: “Is it an oral fixation or do you just not want to talk to me?”
The life of a pizza delivery boy was far more interesting than one would think. Though it was a lower end, minimum wage job, for someone like Taehyung, it was excellent. He was a natural social butterfly. Outgoing, bright, vibrant, always seeking to make new friends. This job allowed him to meet a whole variety of people. Who didn’t like pizza? Upper class, snobby elite individuals, right down to the barely surviving folks who managed to scrape together enough for a small delivery once in a blue moon – Taehyung loved meeting them all. 
It was a Friday. It was payday. It was a good day. At least, until the clouds rolled in, darkening the sky and bringing thunder. And unfortunate torrents of rain. But a delivery boy doesn’t get a day off, and orders tended to only increase when the weather was this cruddy. 
Taehyung didn’t mind. Not really. He could handle a little rain and he had a sturdy car. 
The delivery was simple. A large pepperoni pizza, a small order of breadsticks, and a 2 liter of Coke. Simple. Probably a parent with a young child, a college age student, or a babysitter. Should be quick. Probably not a great tip for any of them, but that was okay; he’d had a big delivery to a house party earlier and had made a massive tip… And gotten a cute boy’s number. Taehyung was handsome, so it happened more than one would assume. The jokes about wanting to sleep with the pizza boy weren’t always jokes. Not that he’d ever go through with any of it. It was simple flirtation, it helped with tips. Taehyung figured he’d have to find someone pretty damn special to actually call them back. 
The rain seemed to come down harder as Taehyung drove to the address on his GPS. He reached a cute little house with a nicely kept yard. It was a little bit of a walk from where he was able to park to the porch… The driveway would offer a little more protection and a little shorter distance… Normally he didn’t park in driveways; people tended to sometimes get a little angry – but considering the circumstances…
Taehyung pulled into the driveway, nosing as close as he dared to the garage door. He grabbed the pizza bag and covered it carefully with a plastic sheet before pulling up his hood and getting out. He raced from the driveway to the front door, relaxing only when he was safely on the porch. He knocked once, putting on a broad smile. 
The door opened a crack, and then a little further, and then all the way. And Taehyung, for what it was worth, forgot how to breathe.
Standing in the doorway was the most stunning young man he’d ever seen. The man was just a little shorter than he was, with shaggy brown hair that swooped down nearly over his eyes, parted enough to peek his forehead. He wore thick silver hoops in his ears, two in his right and one in his left. His plush mouth and round nose matched his face perfectly, and dark eyes drew Taehyung in almost immediately. The man’s beauty wasn’t lowered or altered in the slightest by the fact that he was wearing a sweater and sweats, his feet bare. He smiled softly, his nose crinkling up. 
Taehyung beamed. “Hey. Pizza. You’re…” He glanced at the nametag on the receipt. “Jeon Jungkook?”
Jungkook nodded. He glanced over Taehyung shoulder, his small smile drooping. “Come inside,” he said softly, stepping aside. 
“Oh, thank you.” Taehyung stepped inside just enough for Jungkook to close the door, and crouched to take out the food. He handed it over to Jungkook quickly. “Pouring out there,” he commented.
“Flooding,” Jungkook agreed. 
Taehyung scowled at that. He turned, glancing out the window. As Jungkook had commented, the streets were nearly filled with water, pouring in rivets in certain areas. Taehyung’s body went cold. “Oh God, it got worse.”
“Doesn’t look safe to drive in,” Jungkook muttered. 
Taehyung sighed heavily. He turned back and smiled as best he could. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He turned to grab the doorknob, but Jungkook rushed forward, grabbing his wrist. 
“It’s a flash flood. News said it was dangerous. You should stay until it’s lightened up.” His voice was soft and timid, barely above a whisper. Either he was terrified, or truly the shiest man in the city. But he seemed genuine in his concern, and Taehyung felt a strange peace come over him at that.
“I’ll call my boss.” Taehyung turned and pulled out his phone, dialing his boss’ number.
“Kim Taehyung! Are you safe? It got so bad out there, I was worried sick.”
“I’m fine. I’m at the last customer’s house.”
“I shouldn’t have sent you out in this mess. Can you make it back?”
“The roads are pretty flooded. I was calling to ask if I could stay out. Until they clear up. I’ll work extra hours tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry about it. Stay safe. Do you know the customer?”
“No, but he’s letting me stay until it clears up. I’ll let you know when I make it home.”
“Thank you, keep me updated.”
Taehyung hung up and smiled. “She’s okay with me not going back. Uh… Thanks for letting me hide out here until the weather lightens.”
Jungkook nodded. He looked down at the food in his hands and turned, setting it on his table. He turned back, chewing his bottom lip. 
Taehyung blinked, unsure what to do. He watched Jungkook disappear through a doorway and then return, holding out a paper plate toward Taehyung. 
“Are you offering me lunch?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded, pulling open the pizza box. 
“Thanks.” Taehyung kicked his shoes off and hung his hoodie before he stepped up, taking a slice of the pizza. “I’m Kim Taehyung.” He stuck out his hand. Jungkook smiled shyly and shook it. He opened his mouth to answer and then closed it, grabbing a breadstick and sticking it into his mouth instead.
Taehyung laughed a little.
He sat at the table, watching Jungkook eat.
“Do you live alone?” He asked. Jungkook swallowed the bite he had in his mouth and nodded, quickly adding more food to his mouth. 
Their lunch continued in that manner – Jungkook would answer yes or no answers, always adding food to his mouth, a drink, or biting on something to keep his mouth too full to give Taehyung much of an answer at all. Despite the one-sided conversation, Taehyung was thoroughly intrigued by Jungkook. He wanted to know everything about him. Namely, why he refused to speak. 
Despite his quiet nature, Taehyung could feel Jungkook looking at him whenever he looked away. A few times their gazes met, and Jungkook’s was intense enough that Taehyung found himself a bit flustered. For someone who refused to speak, he was certainly showing plenty of interest.
After lunch, Jungkook wandered over to the couch. He looked at Taehyung and patted the seat next to him. Taehyung smirked. He settled next to Jungkook, turning his attention to the television when Jungkook turned it on, flipping through the channels. He picked up the string on his sweatshirt as he did, sticking it into his mouth and chewing gently on it. 
Taehyung chuckled a little. He relaxed back against the couch, glancing over at Jungkook every little bit. Even relaxed like this – the boy was stunning. His profile was nearly perfect. He could easily be a singer or a celebrity.
“What do you do for a living, Jungkook?” Taehyung finally asked. 
Jungkook looked over, his eyes wide. He dropped the string from his mouth. “I— I’m computer. I program. Computers.” He stuttered. 
“Wow, that’s cool,” Taehyung grinned. “You must be super smart, that’s such a cool job.” 
Jungkook smiled shyly. He stuck the string back in his mouth, gnawing on it. 
“I’m finishing up college myself,” Taehyung continued, looking back at the television. “For photography and media design. I absolutely love art in all forms.”
He glanced at Jungkook from the corner of his eye, catching the other eyeing him up and down. A slow smirk crossed his lips. 
“You know, Jungkook… I’ve gotta ask.” He looked back at him and reached out, tugging the sweatshirt string from his mouth. “Is it an oral fixation, or do you just not want to talk to me?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. He covered his mouth and tilted his head a little.
“No, I—I don’t not want to talk to you. I mean, I—” He squeaked a little, covering his ears. 
Taehyung’s grin grew. “Are you really so shy?”
Jungkook lowered his gaze and nodded. 
“Well you don’t have to be.” 
Instead of responding, Jungkook slipped his finger into his mouth, chewing the skin around the side of his fingernail. 
Taehyung reached out, pushing his hand down. He shifted over a little, staring until Jungkook looked at him.
“You’ve been checking me out all afternoon.”
“You noticed?” Jungkook squeaked. His cheeks began to redden in little blotches, chest rising a little faster. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s creepy,” Jungkook muttered.
“I don’t think so. In fact, I’m pretty flattered.” Taehyung reached out, hesitating a moment before touching Jungkook’s cheek with his hand. “Not often a stunning young man looks at me like that.”
“I didn’t mean to…” Jungkook whispered. He looked away, but didn’t pull his face away from Taehyung’s grip.
“I’ve been looking at you too, Jungkook.” Taehyung paused, letting Jungkook look at him once more. When he did, Taehyung continued. “We’re both adults. If you do have an oral fixation… Well…” Taehyung wet his lips, leaving the question unasked. 
Jungkook’s eyes dropped down to his crotch, and Taehyung smirked. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Is that what you were thinking about?”
Jungkook didn’t answer. He bit on his lips, sucking them in until they formed a fine line. Taehyung pushed a little further, stroking his thumb over Jungkook’s mouth. 
“It’s okay if it was. You just need to tell me. So that I know how to respond.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened just enough to be noticeable. He released the grip on his lips, then bit his bottom lip once more, drumming his fingers on his thigh. “What if I was?” He kept the same soft voice, but there was something else. A rough, needy tone that sent the blood straight to Taehyung’s cock. 
“I guess I’d have no choice but to oblige your curiosity. I can’t deny a cute boy his wants, now can I?” Taehyung rose. He put his hands on his jeans, hesitating. “Is this what you were thinking about, Jungkook?”
Jungkook nodded, his eyes glued to Taehyung’s crotch. 
Taehyung undid his jeans. He could not honestly believe he was doing this. He pushed his jeans and boxers down, letting them pool around his ankles. His cock was already standing at attention, mostly hard at the prospect of having Jungkook in any way.
Despite his shyness, Jungkook responded immediately. He sank to his knees and stroked Taehyung’s cock twice before opening his mouth. Taehyung pushed his hips forward slowly, letting his smooth tip slide over Jungkook’s tongue. 
“Holy shit... Suck on it.”
Jungkook’s lips closed immediately and he began to suck, bobbing his head easily along the shaft. Taehyung’s toes curled. He buried his fingers in Jungkook’s soft curls, letting his head fall back. His cock hardened the rest of the way within seconds. Taehyung snapped his hips forward until the tip of his cock bumped the back of Jungkook’s throat. He looked down.
Jungkook gagged once, screwing his eyes shut. Instead of pulling back, he shifted, swallowing the spit pooling around Taehyung’s cock. He moved back a little and pushed forward. Taehyung felt his tip bump his throat again, and the convulsion of his throat, and then it relaxed. 
Taehyung shouted when his tip slipped into Jungkook’s warm, tight throat. He began to pump his hips gently, not wanting to hurt Jungkook, but wanting to savor that tight, unique feeling. He pulled his cock free, marveling at how slick with spit it was, shining in the lamplight. Jungkook let his mouth hang open, drool spilling out over his chin and onto his lap. His cock was tenting the front of his sweats obscenely.
“You getting off swallowing my dick, pretty one?” Taehyung teased, slapping Jungkook’s cheek with his cock. 
Jungkook nodded. He leaned back, pulling his sweats down around his knees. His cock wasn’t huge, but it certainly was hard, dripping precome the moment it was exposed.
“Can you come from this, sweetie?” Taehyung cooed. He rubbed his cock over Jungkook’s lips.
“Almost,” Jungkook whispered. “As long as I can finger my ass.”
“Do you have toys?”
Jungkook nodded. 
“Go put one in for me. One that will help you come. I want you to squirt without touching yourself.”
“Yes, Sir.” Jungkook rose. He tugged off his sweats and rushed off. Taehyung stroked his cock lazily, Jungkook’s spit slicking the way. 
Jungkook returned with a thick, curved dildo in one hand.
“Wanna stick it up my ass?”
“I’d love to.” 
Jungkook crawled onto the couch. He let his head hang over the edge, and slung his back and hips up the back of it, folding himself up so his knees nearly touched his chest. The angle exposed, and spread, his ass beautifully. Taehyung spit against his hole, smirking when it fluttered and Jungkook giggled.
“I was fingering myself before you came,” he explained. “Just stick it in.”
Taehyung did as he requested, sliding the silicone cock past his tight rim. Jungkook moaned contentedly, his dick dribbling precome onto his upper chest.
“Jungkook...” Taehyung said, nestling the toy neatly between Jungkook’s ass cheeks. “Can you come on your own face in this position?”
Jungkook nodded.
“Let me know when you’re close... I wanna see that.”
Taehyung shifted, rubbing his cock over Jungkook’s lips once more before sliding into his warm mouth. The new angle let Taehyung watch his cock slowly slipping in, each bob of Jungkook’s Adam’s apple as he swallowed, easing the way for the sensitive tip to finally slip into his throat. Despite having been there earlier - the feeling still caught Taehyung off guard. He lightly rested his hand on Jungkook’s throat as he began to pump his hips. Much to his surprise, right at the start of his throat, Taehyung could feel a little bulge on each inward stroke. He rubbed it gently, gasping at the sudden pressure. 
“Oh god, I’m really in your throat—“ he panted. He pulled back and Jungkook gasped in a breath. He grinned, his eyes shut. 
“Where’d you think I was putting it?” He teased. 
Taehyung slapped his bare ass, working the dildo deeper, and Jungkook moaned.
Taehyung slid his cock back into his mouth, gripping the base of the dildo. One hand rested over Jungkook’s throat, rubbing lightly each time he pumped his cock. The other he used to tug the dildo, not enough to pull it free from the clench of Jungkook’s rim, but just enough to tease. 
Jungkook moaned around Taehyung’s cock, the wet gulping noises adding to the obscenity - and sexiness - of the situation. 
Jungkook’s cock was leaking precome freely, dribbling clear streaks over his heaving, sweat slicked chest. He began to tap Taehyung’s thigh and pointed at his cock.
Taehyung pulled out, and Jungkook moaned loudly. He reached down, holding his ass open further, and pushing his hips up more. His cock twitched and throbbed visibly. Taehyung began to work the dildo quicker, angling it against where his prostate should be. Jungkook’s eyes rolled back.
“Stick it down my throat,” he begged. His voice was rasping and dry. He opened his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out.
Taehyung obeyed, sliding his cock in. Jungkook’s nose nuzzled against his tight, full balls, and he gagged, his cock twitching. Taehyung struggled to hold still as Jungkook began to swallow and moan around him. The squeeze was bordering on uncomfortable, but Taehyung barely noticed. Jungkook was moaning against him, the vibrations tingling up his cock and all the way to his toes. He almost missed the desperate tapping on his thigh for a second time. 
He pulled out, and Jungkook jerked hard. He burped, his cheeks pinking up even more, and his cock began to spurt. The first rope landed on his chin, milky and thick. Jungkook tilted his head just enough and the next two spurted into his open mouth. Taehyung went forward, sliding his cock in. The final hot rope streaked over his shaft, making him shudder. He pushed his cock deep into Jungkook’s mouth, feeling the silky slide of Jungkook’s come as it coated his cock. 
He began to pump his hips, chasing his orgasm. “Gonna come in your throat,“ Taehyung gasped, holding Jungkook’s head. Jungkook gave a thumbs up, moaning around his cock.
Two more pumps and Taehyung went still, grunting softly. His cock spilled into Jungkook’s throat, milked by the steady swallows, and urged on by Jungkook’s hands on his ass, holding him deep. The orgasm curled his toes, every nerve alight with pleasure. Each pump he knew he was spilling into the delicate, exposed throat of his pretty new friend. Jungkook’s breath was hot against his balls as he struggled to draw in air and not choke on the come. His own softening cock twitched weakly and dribbled onto his chest. 
Taehyung pulled out only when he began to soften, and Jungkook shot up, coughing and gagging. Taehyung sat next to him, rubbing and patting his back. He reached up, wiping away some of the stray come and spit streaking Jungkook’s face.
“You okay?” Taehyung worried. Jungkook nodded, clearing his throat. He smiled sheepishly. 
“I’m okay,” he whispered, his voice raspy. Taehyung rose and grabbed the cup of soda from the table, bringing it over to Jungkook. Jungkook rose just enough to pull his sweats up before slumping back onto the couch and taking the cup from Taehyung. 
Taehyung fixed his jeans, glancing around. 
“So that was… Something…”
“Were you pleased?” Jungkook asked softly, staring into the cup. 
“Was I—Of course I was pleased, you were great. I’ve never had someone… So happy to do that. Do you really like it when people…”
Jungkook nodded again. “I don’t get the opportunity often. I’m too shy to really make friends, let alone proposition someone.”
Taehyung sat back down next to Jungkook. “Look, we just met… And I didn’t, obviously… Plan for any of this. So, you would be well within your rights to tell me to fuck off…” 
Jungkook looked over, tilting his head a little curiously.
Taehyung smiled. “God you’re cute,” he sighed.
Jungkook giggled a little at that, lowering his gaze. “I already sucked your dick,” he said softly. “You don’t need to butter me up.”
“What if I’m buttering you up for something else?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked back up.
“Like what?”
“A date.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows, making them disappear into his shaggy bangs. “A date? W… With you?”
“Yeah, with me. I like you. I want to get to know you better. What do you think?”
“I—” Jungkook seemed to freeze, pinching his lips together in a fine line. 
“You don’t have to say yes,” Taehyung worried.
“No, I – I want to. I just… Why?”
“Because I like you.” Taehyung shrugged. “You want to?”
Jungkook nodded. 
“Great. Uh… Well, I mean… Obviously I’m already over but… Maybe this weekend?”
“I’d like that.” 
Taehyung grinned. He pulled out his phone and handed it over to Jungkook. “Your number, if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, of course.” Jungkook took it and typed it in. As he did, Taehyung rose, peeking out of the blinds. 
“Looks like the flooding has gone down enough. I should probably get back to my work.”
Jungkook nodded. He rose, fixing his own pants. He handed Taehyung’s phone back. 
“Text me so I can get your number… Drive safe, okay?”
Taehyung nodded. He pulled on his jacket and toed into his shoes. Jungkook moved up to him, looking shy once more. 
“What?” Taehyung teased. 
“Can I kiss you?”
“Can’t get enough of that oral fixation, eh?” Taehyung joked. He reached out, brushing his thumb over Jungkook’s bottom lip. “Of course you can.”
He pulled Jungkook into a gentle kiss, holding him close. It was funny, he realized, as they separated and he hurried out the door to his car. A simple twist of fate – a forced meeting – a simple call for a pizza on a rainy day – could change an entire life. 
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Some things to add..
So, I recently posted my third fanfic. I have been enjoying writing a lot. I know that it isn't good yet, but I'm confident that with more practice I'll get where I want to be.
About New Friends (the fic), I had a couple ideas that would be able to make the oneshot into a multiple-chapter-story. However, I lack the skill (and time) to do so. That's why I decided to bring you my ideas in bullet points.
You can read the fanfic here.
The points are below the cut, I wrote more than I intended to.
Their second encounter has got to be the moment Y/N helps Chishiya fix his Mp3 (that's at least what I thought it was).
This is the conversation I would see them having: 'What has got you so down lately?' 'Power.' 'You mean like executive stuff?' 'More or less.' 'Well, I can't really help you with that.'
They start hanging out more after that, mostly just going over the type of music they listen to. Y/N finds out that he added the first song they played in their bathroom.
Then, Chishiya needs to go to more meetings. The amount of members the beach has has been growing and Hatter finds more and more reasons to gather the executives.
I see them hitting a downfall at this point. They will end up having lustful, yet very regretful sex. Neither of them wanted it to happen.
The thing that makes it happen though, probably Y/N had too many drinks (or a different substance) and Chishiya's brain was just too full with other stuff to even comprehend what was happening.
The reason Chishiya was down in the first part (the fic itself I mean) was because he already calculated what was going to happen at the beach, but had no idea how to deal with it. His mind has flooded itself with too many options of escape.
They avoid each other as much as possible after that.
Until, Y/N and Chishiya end up in the same game (personally I would pick the tag game we saw in the show and anime, because it would grant you with the most accurate story). They pretend to not to know each other. They both know it would give them advantage if they can't be used against each other.
I think they told this in the anime, but there was a scene Chishiya explained the two most smart places to position yourself in the building. Y/N would most likely go to the other spot.
Y/N has to sprint for their lives. They hear the tagger below them and think Arisu and Karube are leading the tagger upstairs. Nothing happens though.
There would be a good moment for Y/N to save Chishiya. Like pulling him out of the room as the tagger starts emptying out their gun. That short moment of skin contact.. damn that's bound to give some tension between them.
After that, they're still on bad terms with each other.
In my eyes, it would end with Y/N dying. Mostly in a spades game.
Some random facts:
Y/N wouldn't be really good in any specific game (spades, clubs, diamonds or hearts). Rather being good at seeing patterns and the intentions of the game makers. They gained this skill by analyzing a lot of music.
I don't see them getting along with Kuina. As Kuina wants to open up to them, Y/N keeps shutting them out. The biggest reason is that they are introverted (or ambiverted) and don't desire more friends. Chishiya has the same tendencies, so being friends with him isn't a problem.
Maybe they don't excel at club games then.
Y/N mostly listens to jazz, pop and/or lofi music.
They were one of the earliest members of the beach. Not because they like it, more because it granted them safety.
They have a good relationship with Hatter. He appreciates the technical work they put in for the welfare of the beach. That's why their wristband number is above averagely high.
Y/N had no desire to become an executive
They like how sounds echo in their bathroom. It is their favourite place to listen to music.
Back in the normal Tokyo, Y/N worked at a low profit technical company, therefore working at minimum wage. Their skillset was bigger than what the job was offering, still they never received promotion.
Y/N desires above all recognition. They may not look like they don't appreciate the attention. Nonetheless they love it when someone admires their work. A small comment can leave the biggest impact on them. They're sure to never forget it (unless it's something they're not proud of themselves, then don't mention it to them!).
If anyone's feeling like they want to write about it, I don't mind at all. Just make sure to tag me or ask first.
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Itachi’s Taurus planets degree exploration
Since if I want to make a proper reasonable guess for Sasuke I need to have some idea about Itachi too so I’m going to just list any taurus degree that fit him. He has at least 3 things there (mars, venus, saturn). 
I tried to keep different interpretations of the character in mind but not so much so that I can’t narrow it down at all. Note that these descriptions were mostly written by people decades ago so some of them may sound a bit ... Also the body parts mentioned are used for predictive and medical astrology.
It denotes a person of. a disputative mind, one who will have many enemies, and will need to exercise himself much in self-defense; one to whom life will open out into a great field of strife, but who, through his own native force and diplomacy, will eventually prevail. It is a degree of SELF-PRESERVATION.
The native will have to stand forever on the lookout ready to parry unforeseen attacks, as his destiny has fierce struggles in store. But in struggles he surely will thrive and revel as if it were his own element, and he will engage himself in them to his utmost. He has a great will power, is versed in tricks and makeshifts, and can be very reserved in spite of his liking for arguments and polemics. Churlish and insensitive to pain, he seems born to have things his own way in spite of the war furiously waged against him on all sides. He may even be endowed with magic powers. This hard character’s failing is ungenerous; it may even become cruelty.
Denotes a person of strong character; of a rather morose disposition, and possessing magical powers; one with strong will-power, very reserved, inclined to be cruel.
 A persevering strategist; denotes good mentality; a prophet of a new order; love of home; brilliant 233 mind; renowned for benevolence; powerful in combining old principles in new application; beauty, devotion, fame or fortune; throat or gullet; palate.
Denotes one whose life is threatened in early infancy. The ideals are high, and he delights in all that is beautiful and sweet. The native is somewhat erratic and inconstant, loving “fresh fields and pastures new.” He inclines to the poetic and artistic, and may excel in such paths. It is a symbol of Cultivation.
This degree seems to blend the qualities of Aries and Taurus in a less desirable fashion. Here the stubbornness of Taurus is directed to the establishing of the ego. In so doing he alienates those around him so that he is left to carry his burdensome load alone. There is a strong tendency for men to be mislead by a woman usually because of his desire to possess her and make her subservient to his own ego. In most cases he desires and attracts someone extremely selfish and difficult to deal with. He seems not to be able to disassociate himself and pursue his course alone. This is an even greater threat if it is the man’s Moon or Venus which falls on this degree. At any rate it is the stubborn desire to establish his own ego irrespective of others which cause the insurmountable trouble.
This degree is favorable for a good mentality. Denotes a persevering strategist. More inclined to the artistic than Scorpio 0-1 degree.
It denotes one for whom life will be a severe lesson; whose ambition is likely to outstrip his power; one who will attempt great his discomfiture; whose efforts will prove futile, and whose hopes a will vanish as the clouds.
The present repels him, human society holds no attraction for him. If he, therefore, does not find an outlet in the pursuit of nature’s secrets or in historical studies and the like, he will lapse into a dull idleness, root of all evils. He must break the ominous spell isolating him spiritually from his kind if he is not to find realized in himself the biblical threat, Vae soli (Woe to him that is alone—EccI. 4:11). He must draw a wholesome lesson from his disappointments and realize that he has produced them himself with his wrong attitude of estrangement from life. Life must be loved if she is to present us with her gifts; these are not to be frowned upon in comparison with the unattainable daydreams, toyed with by cloud-dwellers apt to slump defeated to the ground if they cannot reach their aim. Any vital force that does not find a proper outlet will cease to flow. The greater one’s inborn vitality, the more quickly idleness will blight It.
Denotes that he, or she, born under this degree will live alone, isolated, mentally; not in sympathy with the present state of things.
 Magic; a pleasing personality; a person who is above petty things; loyal and serious-minded; some interest in occultism; magnanimous; opening of throat.
Denotes one capable of immense sacrifices who surrenders self, expecting no reward. The life will be often lonely, but ever threatened by storms. In the end wisdom and worth will triumph and the second half of life brings good promise. It is a symbol of Devotion.
This degree is not a decisive one although it gives a strong will and a desire to protect the ego at all cost. There is also a capacity for cruelty. Self-preservation is the basic quality. When the self is not threatened the individual may relax and this degree will then be free to develop along other lines generally consistent with the chart as a whole. It is possible that the native could be so sensitive that even when the self was free from threat, defensiveness would be uppermost. Until this tendency is overcome there is not much hope of success. There is much ability both mental and physical.
This degree promises a pleasing personality. A person above petty things. Loyal and serious minded, with some interest in Occultism.
It denotes a person whose interest will be greatly enhanced in the autumn of life, who will reap benefits greatly enhanced in the autumn of life, who will reap benefits from old age and pleasures from maturity; whose chief characteristic is acquisitiveness, and whose designs will meet with much success. It is a degree of acquirement, of GATHERING TOGETHER.
This influence points somehow to untimely love. The native may have older people propose to her in her youth, or vice versa, will insist on marrying a younger partner in her elderly age. The planned match risks to come off whether the younger partner looks at it as a sincere and generous gift of his or her youth, or is driven to it by base interest-where the one alternative does not altogether shut off the other. Aside from the question of love or marriage, the native will be luckier in later years and will reap tardily the fruit of his days of labor.
Strong sympathies, excessive sensibility, very impressionable and mediumistic.
Scientific; artistic; degree of plot and strategy; an important degree in nativities of great military generals; a carefree traveler; inclined to live his one life regardless of others’ opinions; afflicted - may denote an unfortunate end; generous; uvula.
Denotes one favored by fortune. He will possess good judgment, and will do the right thing at the right time. His early life will be filled with struggle and with promise, expanding to favor as he advances in years. With a good insight into human nature the native can well choose others to assist in his work, and whilst holding work to be the true necessity of life, he knows the value of relaxation and pleasure to others as to himself. It is a symbol of Fortune.
Much indication of loneliness and self-undoing. Some of the artistic qualities of Taurus come through here. There seems to be little appreciation for life. These people generally find little to live for. They isolate themselves from other people. They tend to pessimism and despair. Much of this comes from inertia but it can also come from too much freedom and too many choices, which are not open at the same time but which sweep by in a maze of confusion to this individual. Idleness tends to atrophy any abilities that one might have. It would be helpful to him if opportunities were kept open to him for longer periods of time. He might continue to procrastinate, but in some cases this might lessen the frustration. Basically this is a problem the individual must solve for himself and realize his own part in humanity’s pattern. He must discover for himself the worthwhile nature of relationships with others. His childhood training will do much to over-come these problems if recognized and dealt with in meaningful way.
 A carefree traveler, but adverse aspects may denote an unfortunate end. Artistic, scientific and generous. Inclined to live his own life regardless of other people’s opinions.
It denotes a person in whose life much sedition will prevail, whose affairs will be marred by his own violence, and whose house will be dismembered through strife, in whom wrath will effect great evils , and whose force will be turned against himself. If is a degree of DISINTEGRATION.
An exacting, disdainful, short-tempered being, destined to remain, so to speak, raw stuff throughout his life, who cannot possibly keep in harmony with the ones he loves. The native hat, however, a nearly military sense of discipline as something absolutely necessary for himself as well as for others. The keynote of this character is its lack of that indispensable minimum of feminine fluidity needed to melt and blend any spiritual alloy; therefore, both the native and his never sufficiently plastered buildings tend to harden and collapse. A male every inch of his boorish being, an irksome grumbler, easily roused to a fury, the native will not be able to put up with anyone; he will handle things and people awkwardly and clumsily and will be peeved and disgusted at any show of weakness in his neighbors. Hence a tendency to isolation and ultimately to self-destruction, as in Dante’s figure of Pier della Vigna (Inf 13, 70) who, embittered and nearly crushed by all his fellow courtiers’ envy and slander, ended by commiting suicide. Unless no other features balance this influence, the male native never will be able to appreciate feminine charm. The female native should never marry. This degree shows sometimes a remarkable feature: a special fondness for fireworks, which may well become a passion if the rest of the pattern helps (the Fire element). The native’s body will be subject to decalcifying.
Denotes one in whom the male principle predominates excessively, the female being nearly nil, sympathies towards the opposite sex wanting. if a man he rarely ever marries, If a woman, she ought not to many.
Literature (skill in working out plots); writers of detective stories; one accustomed to the exercise of authority; favors playwrights; military men. organizers who work to uphold the law; degree of plot; planning, tact, and scheming bodily injuries; destruction by fire, war or earth-quake; unscrupulous defeat; throat or larynx.
Denotes one whose destiny it is to come before the public in some professional capacity. The native will be impulsive, bold, and brave, and will be gifted with controlling and magnetic force. He will travel and move about a great deal, and will be exposed to danger with little or no hurt. It is a symbol of Intrepidity.
Gives an imagination guided by the eye. More a Mercury imagination than a Neptune imagination. A practical ability to plan and portray with mental activity to mentally see a completed project. This ability probably contributes to success in later life. Often brings a marriage to some one younger in later life although may be reversed and is not always successful but has better than average chance with the influence of this degree. It generally contributes to a building up of resources and a bringing together of people which usually results in a very prosperous and socially happy old age. 340 He does wait until old age to enjoy life but seems to enjoy the years of accumulating and building.
This degree of plot, planning, tact and scheming is found in the charts of novelists, play-rights, military men and organizers who work to uphold the law.
It denotes a man whose chief interest will be in his home, and in the care of his children; one who is attractive to young persons, and whose mind is pacific and benevolent; one who has the ability to inspire confidence and faith in other; whose footsteps will be followed in security and whose life goes by easy weay to a peaceful end. It is a degree of MINISTRATION.
 The very figure of pater familias; love for one’s home and large family, careful upbringing of one’s children and well-meaning strictness toward one’s dependents. A humane, honest, peaceful yet energetic nature, such as to attract the young and inspire confidence in all. Love of nature and country life; good sense rather than common sense? efficient running of affairs rather than mere routine. The native will do his utmost for his children’s happiness, but is not in the least certain to reach happiness for himself; on the contrary, when particularly badly aspected elsewhere, he could look forward to death as a release, though no attempt at self-inflicted death can be foreseen; the good shepherd will not leave his flock. This degree may produce corpulence if other factors concur.
Denotes one who will have a very gloomy life and who Is likely to die be fore he passes his prime
 A born teacher and scientist; hearing (afflicted - may in - cline to deafness); inordinately fond of food; afflicted - gluttons; if the will is weak, may become a drunkard; a tendency to be contrary and stubborn, especially with planets in 27 degree Aries-Pisces; frequently their own worst enemies; has much to do with healing; said to be a degree ruling the Irish; cervical vein.
 Denotes one who acquires much by work and application, but who lacks the faculty of watchfulness in protecting his gains from the greed of others. He has an easygoing tendency, but gains come from labor, craft, and the management of his own affairs. He may be the victim of deceit or treachery, and should never put himself in the hands of others when his own well-being is concerned. He should avoid things and circumstances he does not understand. It is a symbol of Misleading.
Very subject to teasing. Easily taunted into futile efforts. This individual feels a responsibility which he cannot maintain. He is easily aroused into a defensive attitude. Part of this is due to a response to shadows and unreal images around him. If this person were born soon after a New Moon this tendency would be enhanced and become very difficult to handle. He is plagued by an environment too active for his lumbering nature. He has a slow heavy feel and is unable to move quickly. His record of success and failure would be improved by a protective cover of some kind under which he could take time to clear his vision before he struck out at the threat he fears. This degree also affects the vision adversely. If he could be made to feel a sense of protection rather than being subjected to constant teasing he would have at least an opportunity to correct his evaluation of his environment. This person however seems to have been born with the fuse lit. And it is very unclear what useful purpose this influence serves.
Contrariness when found with planets also in Aries, Libra in 27 degree. A born teacher and scientist.
This symbolizes a life of toil without much fruits; the misdirection of effort through ignorance of natural laws; a straining after that which Nature has not designed, and consequent failure in life. The native will be unpopular, moving against the stream, and by much exertion, hurting himself alone. It is a degree of FUTILITY.
The native’s habit of thinking with his own head is apt to make him unpopular; his failings will bring about his misfortune. His intelligence is like a river liable to flood the barren sands of Utopia instead of fertilizing the happy valley of originality. He is in for unceasing, often wasted, labors, which will not make him move a step forward. There is a guilty light-mindedness; the native will believe that he can solve single- handed and in his own way certain problems which repose on natural laws, as those of economics, dynamics and the like. On the other hand, such a being can easily rely on Divine Providence and reach that absolute faith which moves mountains and goes so far as to give sometimes personal success in spite of rationalistic logic and science’s “infallibility.”
A truly good person; one who has Implicit faith in the Most High.
 Painting; business; musical ability (variations of pitch); singers; oratory; a powerful degree for men; color; and original person who has much influence on his sphere of society; ideas or popularity may grow by spurts, but unexpected falls sometimes follow too; homicidal tendency; abscesses of neck if with 25 degree Leo-Aquarius or 21 degree Aries-Libra; associated with explosions (of nuclear plants or bombings); often a tall person; tonsils.
Denotes one free as air, brave, spiritual, restless, and unfitted for the regular routine of daily life. Care in infancy is essential. He is of a wandering disposition and frequent changes are for him. It is a symbol of Wandering.
There is some contradiction in this degree. Basically the difficulty seems to be over-optimism. Stubbornness seems to be more prominent than the more desirable Taurian traits. One may well enjoy a certain measure of popularity which only seems to contribute a stubborn blindness to the weak spots which need attention. He also seems to enjoy a fair amount of luck which also tends to produce a false sense of security. If however, he has a genuine appreciation for his luck and is able to resist sheer flattery on the part of fair-weather friends without being rude and cutting himself off, he may come out pretty well. Luck in any form tends to run out if not used wisely. Here it seems to be built in that luck which is squandered does not continue. There is only enough to prime the pump. He must keep the flow going or it will stop.
A powerful degree for men. Denotes an original person who exercises considerable influence in his circle of society. Their ideas or popularity may grow by leaps and bounds, and unexpected falls sometimes follow.
It denotes a gentle, inoffensive but weak nature, inclined to indolence or hopelessness, and thus while Nature is luxurious and fertile, and all around speaks of wealth gained by industry, the native remains in a poor condition for want of determination. It is a degree of INCOMPETENCE.
An exquisitely feminine nature. The native may go so far as to be a genius, but even in normal cases she will have some very bright gift which she is not likely to exploit in full and will at least partially leave untapped. A gentle and sweet character, even too little self-assertive, which will tend to flabbiness, indecision, passivity and gloom. A certain typically feminine futility will accompany an equally feminine skill in getting things done. A voice of pure musical pitch, an unconstrained speech, a naturally smart and graceful demeanor. Her main virtues will be self-possession and cleanliness. In a mystic sense, the symbol may be taken to mean the Sacrament of Baptism. Destiny may have in store travel or emigration to the New World. Teaching may be a congenial profession, if the pattern contains such elements as to give the necessary authority for this.
This denotes a great genius. His home Is, or will be, the western hemisphere.
Music ( a trumpet); a person who rises from a humble birth place to a great renown through a process of unfoldment; hair; leader of party; often a tall person; maxillary artery.
Denotes one who is unable to estimate his abilities and who attempts things foolhardy and useless. There is a tendency to irritability and aggressiveness and lack of self-restraint. Thus he will court unpopularity and will suffer from his own actions. It is a symbol of Futility.
Mars N Node is located here and incorporates more violence than the previous degree. We should however learn more of the nature of Mars from this combination. In most reports the degree has characterized a violent misuse of the energy. It is considered savage and warlike. I am of the opinion that since the N Node of Mars is influencing this degree now we may expect to see some more constructive and positive action from people with planets here. One authority suggests an unfolding process which must proceed in an orderly fashion patiently as a flower blooms. There certainly is a contrast here between the growing power of life against the destructive but also temporary power of death.
 A person who rises from a humble birthplace to great renown, through a process of unfoldment.
It indicates a silent, watchful disposition, inclined to caution, method, and thrift, but liable to assaults from unexpected sources, which will overthrow many carefully designed plans. It is a degree of ANTICIPATION.
A frugal, cautious, watchful, silent and close character bearing the hallmark of individuality, a deep mind, a pitiless logic, a precise and methodic intelligence, more suited for analysis than synthesis. The native will rely but on himself, yet destiny will baffle him with gleeful spite and take a cruel delight in hitting him just where rational logic would rule out failure or even danger. The collapse of his most accurately prearranged plans will tell on the native’s temper, whose guardedness may drift into suspiciousness, and misanthropy into wickedness.
Denotes one having an analytical mind. He may succeed as a chemist, or where application to minute analytical effects is called for; a very sound reasoner.
Music (variation of pitch); oratorical ability; doctors; homicidal tendency; undernourishment and poisons are in some way connected with this degree; immorality, violence, danger of accidents or poison; goiter; alcoholism; sinus artery.
Denotes one of sporting tendencies who delights in trials of skill and who is generally fortunate. To his nature there is a generous, sympathetic, and interesting side, which gains him many friends and much popularity. It is a symbol of Sportiveness.
This degree seems to have a dual nature and suggests varied and contradictory influences. There is perhaps the greatest tendency to cause one’s downfall by envy of another’s position. There is something here which suggests a Scorpion tendency to sting itself to death out of frustration rather than give up and walk away. There is a tendency to climb the ladder of success at the expense of competitors if necessary. But those who take this route pay for it one way or another. There is much rugged brute force strength of Taurus. This individual tends to feel he can go his way alone. There is one authority that suggests an ability on the part of this native to sacrifice himself for someone he loves. Of course there are many kinds of sacrifice. Some of them are beneficial and some of them are not. It is well to consider here whether the individual might not better correct his own faults in order to contribute something more worthwhile rather than sacrifice something which does not really pay the necessary price. Maturity of the human spirit should be the goal.
Undernourishment and poisons are in some way connected with this degree (May be denoted by planets here in aspect to planetoids.) Also Nymphomania.
It indicates a powerful and haughty nature; one who is disposed to justify himself by force of arms rather than by intrinsic merit. Such a person will make many his servants but few his friends and in the end his state will be a pitiable as that of a dying lion. It is a degree of PRIDE.
The subject’s inner world will stay closed and unknown to all. Yet this is no cowardly nature, rather an arrogant one; the native is innerly proud, haughty, overbearing, but not vain. As he is spiritually isolated among his fellow beings, he will have justice done to himself, if necessary, by having recourse to arms. As he is misunderstood, he will endeavor to have his own way even by resorting to violence; as long as his strength does not fail him, he will see subdued servants around himself, never friends. He will risk either to die a stray dog’s death, or to be kicked and spat upon on his death bed, like the lion in the fable.
This denotes a very mysterious character. Whilst living among men, a stranger to men. He has a life of his own, a world of his own, he is content to live and die unknown.
Sometimes have theories and ideas of doubtful value; homicidal tendency; alcoholism; women with planets here are usually intuitive, poetic, lively, and flirtatious; men careful with their money; lower jaw.
Denotes one of natural talent who will be beset with difficulties in gaining recognition, but whose mental strength will be the more determined because of them. When his time comes his power will be felt. He will force acknowledgment by sheer ability and energy. It is a symbol of Premeditation.
There is much disagreement about this degree. The most uniform expectancy centers around a peaceful highly spiritual being generally too soft for the hard blows delivered by life on this earth. If it pertains to mastership of a high spiritual nature, there are indeed few who could live up to such an influence. Therefore we would find few to indicate such evolvement. However, at the very least, this degree does have an influence contributing to a spiritual awakening. How far the native would be able to demonstrate such qualities would have to depend on the rest of the chart as well as the overall capacity he had to extract the good from any influence. At least there is very little that is derogatory to be said about this influence. I think it is quite obvious that it stimulates spiritual development. The steady persistent qualities of Taurus are blended with that influence and as humanity develops we should expect to see people improving on what has been accomplished with this degree by other people.
These people sometimes have theories and ideas of doubtful value. Women with planets here are intuitive, poetic, lively and flirtatious. Men with planets here are usually careful with their money.
It signifies a tyrant, who takes delight in power apart from its uses, and whose opinions are bigoted and selfish. To rule, without regard to qualifications, is the passing ambition of one born under this degree. Death, which frees the slave, will bind the hands of a tyrant in irons forged from his own heart. It is a degree of DESPOTISM.
Things are worse in a male horoscope. The other components ought, however, to be carefully weighed, and it has to be decided whether the omen refer to his (lawful or unlawful) mate, or to himself. In the former case, the man, of course, is the victim. Should contrary features of overbearingness be at hand, which could not possibly regard others, he is then certainly himself the tyrant looking at his dependents as pack mules, ignoring their human dignity, or taking a great delight in trampling upon it. The one hypothesis does not altogether exclude the other. Whether a woman or a man, the native would assuredly be in for a great many unforeseen events. He may well be cowardly as all real bullies are; but he is unlikely to have true foresight. Someone may thrash him within an inch of his life, or even shoot him as a dog. Vulgarity and bigotry usually complete the picture of such a character.
Be careful. A life full of strange events, and liable to grievous accidents.
Good organizing ability; strong will; usually magnetic, proud and stoical; heavy drinking; suicide; a degree giving “something to cry about”; Trapizius.
Denotes one who is continually beset with difficulties and who finds it hard at all times to decide his course of action. He is ever between forces of opposite natures, and is quite as likely to do the right thing as the wrong one. These conditions must be subdued by the steady cultivation of the will. It is a symbol of Embarrassment.
This degree is widely contradictory. And the two extremes may exist in the same person. There is potential mathematical and scientific ability, and at the same time a tendency to create and live in a dream world of his own. When the native is rebuffed or feels a sense of failure there is the temptation to withdraw. And yet his capacity to achieve is great. Many times this person gives up without a struggle especially if that dream world is comfortably constructed and the life situation is one that does not demand attention to daily details. Many daily details are of such a nature that they can be performed without much awareness but are accomplished by rote habit. When such is the case this native’s ability risks to stay dormant. Alcoholism is also a possibility here, although there really is no need for alcohol to escape into the fantasy dream world. There is also a magnetism here which may attract so-called karma or heavy problems to be dealt with or the magnetism may attract other people who add zest to the life.
These natives are usually magnetic, proud and stoical. Have a strong will and good organizing ability.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
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A/N: This is for @xxloki81xx 200+ celebration. Congrats again love! This one shot was written with the above moodboard in mind. 
Description: You have dreamed of a life away from your hometown. After moving across the country for college, you realize that home is where you belong. 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader  Various others x Reader (platonic)
Warning: Feels. A boyfriend getting handys, but nothing extreme.
Word count: 3,600+
Time is a funny thing. The years slipped by fast, but at the same time, they dragged on, as did you. It was time to admit defeat. Time to pick yourself up and accept the help that had been offered over and over again. You were never one to willing give up. Nor were you the one to easily accept that people loved you. That no matter what, you can’t push away family. Especially the ones that choose to be your family.
Milford Springs is where you were born and raised until you left the mid-sized town after high school. You studied hard, applied for every scholarship known in existence, and said goodbye to your mom, brother, and the friends you had known all your life. Including Steve.
Steve wasn’t always your friend and he wasn’t always the love of your life. All through elementary school and junior high, he was kind of your enemy, except, he didn’t know it. He was always on the small size, but his personality was big. Always getting into fights and preaching right from wrong. You hated that. Hated it because you weren’t perfect and he made you feel even worse. He was friends with your brother despite your brother being a year older than the two of you. Your brother was perfect, still is. The son that could do no wrong, your mother’s favorite even if she did deny it. The two of them always seemed to be on a crusade and didn’t want anything to do with the likes of you when they were together. You were the one getting into trouble in class for talking and gossiping. Natasha was the bad influence, although she always seemed to side step any punishments that were being handed out.
It was sophomore year in high school when you learned that you no longer despised Steve. Natasha and Bruce were on a double date with you and Brock. It was technically only your second date with Brock despite knowing him for the last few years and hanging out with him in group situations. After watching your football team lose horribly in their season opener, the four of you decided to grab a late night bite at Rosco’s Diner. It was always a popular spot, being located only a few blocks from your high school. Plus, they had great milkshakes.
Natasha and Bruce had just finished their burgers and were getting ready to leave.
“My dad changed my curfew, I’ve got to split,” Natasha said.
“Naaaattt,” you whined. “Don’t leave me.”
“Bruce has been keeping me out too late,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Dad’s been cracking down on me getting home before midnight on weekends.” She shrugs her shoulders and pushes Bruce out of the booth.
“Me? Keeping you out? I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around,” Bruce said. He throws his arm around her shoulder and pulls her close.
They are so cute.
“Fine, fine. Go home. Call me tomorrow,” you grumbled.
Brock stuck out his hand and Bruce shook it. You and Brock chuckled as he was clearly going for a high five.
“Night guys,” Brock said.
Your milkshake arrived a few minutes later and you eagerly dug in, using the spoon because it was far too thick at that moment to drink with the straw.
“Slow down, babe. You don’t want to get a stomach,” he says, nudging your side with his elbow.
“Gee, thanks, Brock,” you sassed, taking another large spoonful of ice cream goodness. Brain freeze be damned!
You already weren’t the most confident person, but to hear the guy you’re interested in say that, it hurt.
When the inevitable brain freeze did happen, you pushed the glass away, to allow it to melt a bit. Brock put his arm over your shoulder and pulled you until you were snug against his side, kissing the top of your head. After his comment about your stomach, you weren’t into the affection he was offering. You attempted to pull away, but his firm grasp wasn’t leaving any room. He curved further into you where there was zero space. With his free hand, he cradled your chin and pulled it to him into a kiss. As soon as his lips touched yours, you moved your face away.
“Knock it off Brock, I’m not in the mood.”
It wasn’t your first kiss with him, no, he eagerly kissed you outside your house on your first date. That one had been exciting. Brock was a senior and pretty popular in school. The fact that he wanted to kiss you, just an average sophomore, set your world a blaze.
Ignoring your request, he leaned in further nuzzling your ear, keeping you close with his arm around your shoulder. You pulled your head to the side to get out of his reach, but that only gave him more access. With his free hand, he trailed his fingers under the hem of your t-shirt, skimming your stomach.
You slapped his hand away. “Stop. Brock, I said stop!”
With a little momentum, you were able to shove off of him and push him to the end of the bench.
Enter one, Steve Rogers.
“I think the lady said stop,” Steve said.
“Get out of here Rogers. Mind your business,” Brock snarled.
Brock had a few inches on Steve in both height and size, so it was a good thing Brock was still seated. Before Brock could utter another word, Steve socked him right in the nose. Blood trailed down his face. Brock grabbed napkins from the table and covered his face.
“You’re dead Rogers!” he roared.
Thinking fast, you grabbed your milkshake and dumped it on Brock’s head and then proceeded to push him out of the booth. Now the entire restaurant was watching with fellow classmates laughing.
“Were done!” he said, pointing a stiff finger at you. “And you’re still dead, Rogers.”
Brock stomps his way out of the restaurant and all you can do is laugh. Steve takes one look at you and changes his angry face to one with a smile. After your giggles subside, he holds his hand out for you to grab. You get to your feet and contemplate calling your brother for a ride. You don’t live far, but the thought of walking home alone is a little unsettling.
“How about I buy you another milkshake and then walk you home, doll?”
Heat instantly rises to your face and by the dopey look on his face, you know he can see it too. Rather than risk saying something stupid, you bite your lip and nod your head.
Over the next few weeks, you fell head over heels for Steve and he with you. Steve was your everything that year, your first make out, your first over the clothes touching, under the clothes touching, and the first person you had sex with.
The two of you waited until school was out for summer before taking that next step. You were going away at the end of June through the end of August to a math and science camp for elementary aged kids. Neither subject was your favorite, but you did well enough in both classes that you applied for the minimum wage job figuring it would look good on your college applications. As much as you loved Steve, you still wanted to get out of Milford Springs.
The time away was hard and you often spent hours at night crying because it was your decision to leave. Steve wrote you letters twice a week and you responded to every one of them. He told you about life at home. How your brother liked having his friend again and how Bucky often felt like the third wheel. He told you about Natasha and Bruce still being the old couple of the group and the new kids, Wanda and Pietro who had just moved to town. You missed home quiet a bit, but really you just missed him.
Coming home from camp was both a blessing and a little heartbreaking. You and your mom had never really gotten along. You often blamed yourself as the reason why your dad left. You had heard from other relatives by accident that your parents wanted to wait a few years to have another child after your brother was born. And while it wasn’t your fault you existed, you still felt like it was. Your brother had talked about what a great summer he had and how light hearted your mother had been. Except now that you were home, you couldn’t help but notice her sullen mood. Money had always been hard growing up, and you supposed having only one other mouth to feed over the summer had helped that burden. Now here you were in need of new clothes and spending money for school. You did what you could to help that burden by often eating at friend’s houses, working as much as you could by babysitting in junior high, getting a job at the diner shortly after turning sixteen, and the summer camp this summer.
Shortly after junior year had started, you quickly became friends with both Wanda and Pietro. Wanda easily fit in with you and Natasha. The three of you going to each other’s houses when the boys were together. Much to Steve’s dismay, Pietro often joined the three of you. You had assured Steve that there were no feelings there and that it was probably a twin thing that made Pietro want to hangout with the three of you.
The diner was only able to give you hours twice a week, three times if you were lucky. The lack of hours allowed you to spend time with Steve as well as your group of friends that was ever expanding. It seemed to always be you, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, and Maria hanging out for hours in someone’s backyard after school. Sometimes your brother would join your group, but being a senior this year, he often spent time with his own friends.
Your rather large group of friends had been through a lot together. Wanda and Pietro’s parents divorced in the middle of junior year and there was a time they were worried about being split up with each living with one parent. That didn’t happen, but that fear lasted almost a year while the divorce was in process, especially when their mom moved thirty miles away. Maria and Sam got together at the end of junior year and were off and on all summer. It often split the group during their off time, but it never had a lasting effect. By the time classes were back in session, they were friends again and it stayed that way. Natasha and Bruce broke up for a very long four month period senior year, only to get back together right before graduation.  
Through all the ups and downs of those formative high school years, Steve was your constant. The two of you had several deep conversations in the months leading up to graduation. You had gotten a few scholarships that would cover most of your college years, but they would bring you to California. Steve was joining the Army and would be starting basic training in June. The two of you were going your separate ways. There were no promises of writing or calling. There were no hopes shared of being together over summers or even when college was done. You loved each other and didn’t want to break each other’s hearts if those promises weren’t kept. The night before he left, he spent the night in your room. The two of you making love, holding each other, sharing memories, and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
You were flying out to California with nothing more than two suitcases of clothes. You planned to find a Target or Walmart when you got there to purchase bedding and things like shampoo and body wash. Most of the money you saved was used for your airline ticket as well as transportation to your university. Of course, you had additional funds to help with the cost of food and things you would need throughout the year. You planned on getting a job on campus to keep that savings fund going. You and the girls spent the weekend together at Natasha’s house pigging out on pizza and popcorn. They talked about flying out to the West Coast in search of movie stars and a nice tan, but you didn’t get your hopes up. All of them were staying in your home town, a few going to the nearby state college or community college in town. It was expensive to fly across the country and the fact that you would have a roommate meant they wouldn’t be able to stay with you.
Sam drove you to the airport. The two of you had become close over the last year and he was the first to volunteer. He knew that Steve wouldn’t be in town and he wanted to make sure you had someone strong to say goodbye to. While you were happy that your goal of going to college out of state and somewhere warmer was coming true, you cried. You were never more thankful that Sam Wilson was there to hold you together and tell you to wipe your nose before going to the check-in counter.
During your junior year of college your brother had called you late in the night. His voice quivered and he could barely make it through the call. Your mom had passed away in the middle of the night. The doctors said it was a heart attack. You were numb.
You found a cheap flight, a middle seat, for the next night. You e-mailed all of your professors to explain why you would be missing class for a week and a half and they understood, promising to e-mail you assignments and send you notes.
You didn’t cry when your brother picked you up from the airport, nor did you cry when you went to your childhood home to clean it out. Your mom had been renting it for years and although the landlord understood, he needed to put the place back on the market within a month. Most items were bagged up for trash and a few boxed up for your brother to store in his garage until you could retrieve them.
The nights leading up to the funeral were spent thinking about your mom. How you wished that you and her could have been closer. How you wished you would have told her you loved her more. How you wished that you would have listened to her when she begged you to come home the last three Christmases and summers. But still no tears.
The day before the funeral, Natasha had stormed into the house. Fiery red hair pulled back into a messy bun, eye makeup smudge. She was upset that you hadn’t called her when you got to town. Rightfully so as she had left you numerous messages, but you just couldn’t return them. Despite her anger, she took one look at you and wrapped her arms around you. It was only then that the emotion you held inside was released. A sob broke from your body that you didn’t even recognize the sound of. But it was you. She held you in her arms and encouraged you to cry, telling you that she would yell at you later, but now wasn’t the time.
The rest of the gang funneled in throughout the day bringing pizza and beer. Well, everyone but Steve. Wanda told you he was in town on leave, but he had a girlfriend now and figured it wasn’t right to stop by. Your heart of crushed. You knew he would eventually move on, the two of you making no promises of waiting. Even you had dated over the last three years. Nothing serious, but there had been a few men that had kept you company from time to time. But he didn’t come.
With Bucky’s well-placed threats, Steve did show up to the funeral, sans girlfriend. He didn’t speak to you before the service, but pulled you into a hug at the small reception after. Steve Rogers had changed. He was taller than you remembered and certainly had gained pounds of muscle. But those blue eyes were the same and it took everything in you not to breakdown at the sight of them. With soft spoken words of “I’m sorry”, followed by whispers of “I miss you”, you pulled away from him offering nothing but a thank you and a tight smile.
Back in California you finished out your junior and senior year with a few more phone calls to Natasha and some of the gang, but you were still distant. You didn’t hear from Steve again, but you also didn’t reach out. He had a girlfriend. Contacting him would only break your heart more.
After graduation, you accepted a job at an advertising firm. It’s what you’ve always dreamed of. You and Natasha would spend hours talking about what you’d be when you grew up and now that you finally had, you felt like you had no one to share that with. Even though the two of you still spoke, it had become harder to connect. She had a job of her own as well as Bruce.
The job you accepted was for an assistant with promises of a quick promotion of having your own accounts and working directly with a team. The first year you took in stride. Most of your days were spent on errands, proof reading, and making appointments. The job paid the bills and then some, but it wasn’t fulfilling.
One year turned into two and it wasn’t getting any better. You knew you were stuck, but you didn’t know how to get out.
Over those first couple of years, Natasha and Bruce got married but you couldn’t getaway from work to make it back to the East Coast. Part of you knew you didn’t try hard enough. Wanda had gotten married to Sam Wilson of all people, but you missed that wedding too. Bucky had a baby boy with a girlfriend he started seeing shortly after your mom had passed. You always sent a card and gift for these life moments, but it wasn’t enough. You missed your family.
When the third year of being a glorified assistant at the advertising firm was more than half over, you had enough. You called your brother who was still as painfully single as yourself and asked if you could come home. He called you stupid for even asking and told you to get your butt home. Lucky for you, your landlord agreed to let you out of your lease.
Giving your two weeks’ notice never felt so satisfying. You sold your furniture and boxed up the items you wanted to keep to have them shipped to your brother’s house. It took you seven days to drive home, stopping when you were tired or just needed a break from the road. You didn’t tell anyone you were coming back, mostly embarrassed that you failed in your endeavors. But you should have known your brother wasn’t quite so secretive.
You called him when you were a few hours away to make sure he’d be home because all you wanted to do was sleep in his spare room. Pulling into his driveway, you were suspicious to see so many cars in the driveway and along the street in front of his house. Grabbing just your backpack, figuring you could grab the rest of your stuff later, you made your way up the walk and knocked on the door. The door opened quickly and you were pulled in by the petite redhead with a swollen belly rather than the lanky arms of your brother.
“What?!” you screeched.
“I could say the same for you. Maybe call me back a little more.”
You bashfully nodded your head and wrapped your arms around her.
“I’m glad you’re home. Couldn’t have you being out of state when your God Daughter is born.”
And just like that, you were crying. “Are you sure?” you sobbed, still embraced in a hug.
She pulled back and looked you in the eyes. “You’re family and we’re glad your home.”
Natasha smacked your butt and you yelped, proceeding to climb the stairs.
Everyone was in the living room with a few in the kitchen. You were passed from Bucky, to Wanda, to Maria, to Bruce, to Pietro, to your brother who took your bag, to Sam who held on to you a bit longer than the rest. When you tried to pull away for the 3rd time, he stopped you, and leaned into your ear.
“Steve’s here. He’s in the kitchen.”
Your heart stopped and you couldn’t speak. You shook your head no and tried to figure out if you could escape to your new room without him seeing you.
“He broke up with that girlfriend shortly after your mom’s funeral. I don’t think he’s been with anyone serious since. You should talk to him.”
“Sam, I don’t know,” you replied, shaking your head again.
“Even if nothing comes of this, your both family and I want my family to be able to be in the same room.”
You sighed and nodded. He was right. Sam squeezed your shoulder as you made your way into the kitchen. Steve sat at the island with a beer bottle in his hand.
“Hey,” you said.
He quickly lifted his head, bright eyes on display and a dopey grin. You missed him so much.
“Where’ve you been? Feel like you’ve been away too long,” he teases.
Steve stands and takes the three steps it takes to get to you. Hesitantly you reach for him and it takes him no time to accept your embrace. You pull back with your arms still on his waist.
“You know, I think I’ve found my way home.”
Forevers tag: @tanelle83 @pinknerdpanda @allaboutthebooz @estillion14 @panicfob @patzammit @heartislubbingdubbing @collinsstanharbour @twittytelly @thefandomzoneisdangerous @linki-locks11 @mywinterwolf @ab-baybay  @rda1989
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hes-writer · 5 years
Break Up Playlist
Summary: Harry is a rockstar and Y/N is a law student
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1326 words
Based on: i watched a movie and got inspired
Law and music were two completely different things, yet Y/N strived to showcase her skills in both of them. Law was organized, set in stone, and rigid, but music is pliable and can mean anything you want it to. But for Y/N, it was these two that she was completely passionate about everything she did.
Y/N is book smart– that is, she knew a good amount of things just from reading about it and connecting ideas from book to the real world. She was an avid law student–albeit, struggling just a little bit–because of her parents pressuring their unaccomplished dream on her. Don’t get this wrong– Y/N definitely had some say in what she could be,–it’s just she would rather be doing something that she truly enjoyed instead of living off of fear from her family pressures and constraints.
A night out was something that was long overdue. For months, she had been studying night and day preparing herself for her LSAT exam. It paid off since she was now attending one of the most prestigious law schools in the country. Long days, she worked tirelessly at her job with a minimum wage paycheck to help out at home. At night, Y/N would be surrounded by heavy books and papers to memorize. But tonight, she was out with her friends–celebrating her accomplishment, passing with flying colors.
A band was on the stage performing a rock ballad. The beat of the drum was hypnotizing and the electric circuit of the guitar transmitted from the amp to the open air. Lights were dimmed to an almost orange hue, setting a warm atmosphere amongst the crowded area where everybody was joined together by four walls of red bricks decorated with picture frames of past performers and notable musicians.
One thing that caught Y/N’s attention the most was the lead singer with his soulful, raspy voice. He appeared to be engrossed in the music pumping through his earpiece. His eyes were closed in emotion, lashes fluttering ever so often from the twitching of his eyelids as he belted lyrics from his throat and which wisped past his pink lips. His mouth was touching the metal microphone, the feedback muttering some from the speakers yet Y/N couldn’t help but to let her eyes inspect the rest of him.
The instrument he carried on his back through a thick, black guitar strap was being strummed by his fingertips. She imagined the rough touch of his skin from excessive plucking and playing of the guitar, calluses littering the area from how hard he pressed on the caliber strings. His right hand weighted on a downbeat strum from the rings encompassing his fingers– the silver rose curved to a petal of perfection.
And maybe Y/N was too embarrassed to admit that she had been blatantly checking him out–although, she would pass it off more as an inspection–the curly haired boy who was practically making out with the mic was pointing directly at her with a nimble finger and she must’ve been focusing hard on trying to see the details of his rings that she did not notice his other hand lifting up to point at her.
Aurora, her friend, squealed in excitement, nudging at Y/N on her shoulder to gently push her body towards the stage. The crowd was supportive of the man, cheering Y/N on to the front and she couldn’t help but let the internal heat in her body make its way through her cheeks, causing a light blush to form on the apples.
“Go Y/N!” Aurora screamed with hands cupped around her mouth to project it even further. The drummer was pounding the bass and snare with a light beat while they waited for Y/N to join them.
Y/N searched the area behind her, craning her neck around to check if the finger was pointed at her or she was just crossed-eyed at the moment. When she confirmed that he was– indeed-signaling to her, she looked up at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
“Me?” Y/N mouthed quietly, not seeing the point in yelling as she was certain that he wouldn’t be able to hear her anyway. He nodded, his eyes gleaming brightly because of the golden spotlight bestowed on him. The lashes on his lids casting a shadow on his face.
The unknown man outstretched the whole of his arm, palm facing up to capture hers into his own. Y/N was right–his fingertips were rough on the edges, she felt it on the back of her hand as he used some of his strength to help pull her up on the raised stage.
“Good evening. I’m Harry,” Harry greeted, “Nice to meet you,” He beamed a polite grin, and from his side, Y/N saw the indentation of his dimple. Cute, she thought.
“Thanks for having us here tonight,” He continued, to which the crowd laughed with his slight chuckle. Harry was a regular performer here and the people who came to see him were almost the same ones every night. “And I have the lovely …”
It took Y/N half a second to realize that he had tilted his body towards her, mouth touching his tool of amplification with a raised brow. Y/N opened her mouth slightly when she was interrupted, “Uh, I’m–”
“Y/N! Her name is Y/N,” She could recognize the voice belonging to one of her friends. Harry looked to the crowd in surprise, hand placing itself above his brow bone in a search for the input. His eyes lit up in recognition when he found Aurora.
“You had to have your friend yell out your name,” Harry joked, crinkles appearing by his eyes and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle with the crowd. “Well, thanks for that.”
He whipped behind him to look at the drummer, “Ready, Eli?” There was no vocal response, except that of a countdown. The rest of the band followed through, playing the first notes of a song that Y/N recognized as one of her personal favorites.
“Sorry to be putting this bombshell on you, Miss Y/N,” Harry ‘apologized’, adjusting the strap on his shoulder to play.  “But I couldn’t help wondering if a beautiful lady like yourself also has a pretty voice.” 
His gaze stayed on her for a few seconds. The intensity of his stare waking a bubbly feeling in her stomach. Her throat went dry while she watched Harry conjure up indescribable feelings within her and all she knew about him was that his name is Harry and that he was a musician.
His focus went back on the stage where the people mutually reciprocated his attention. The sound that lingered through the air was deep and raw, and as always– Y/N noticed– he sang with the utmost emotion through every push of a syllable escaping his lips.
Harry was a performer, for sure. Y/N watched as he interacted with the people below him with little effort. They were attentive to his every move. He was magnetic and even Y/N couldn’t deny the attraction she was feeling for him. He gave a little nod to her after pulling away from the chorus, directing her a soft smile that made her heart flutter and a warmth in her chest to expand and impelled her to be more comfortable, despite the company.
“Just picture everybody naked,” He whispered inconspicuously where only she could hear him.  The plump curvature of his mouth brushing delicately on the lobe of her ear. 
He’s a cheeky one, Y/N concluded, especially after witnessing him drop a lid to a wink. It didn’t help Y/N’s attraction to him when he plucked his guitar pick between his teeth, showcasing a smug smirk when his dropped head caught sight of her thighs squeezing together in an effort for relief.
new series :)))))
permanent taglist; @ynm1505 @kissme-hs @agoddamnmango @harrys-kingdom @calums-sugarbaby @queenbeestuffs  @ashkuuuu @kettxo @send-me-styles @ofpeppermintbays @littledreamybeth @trustfulhaz @harrysfeastedflower @harrystxleslx @befourep @moonandstars-xo @babebenhardy @swayingnoodlelove  @mendesromano @harrystylinsince1994 @juliassgem @miscll-fangirl @little-dragon-ate-my-heart @myfangirlworld @haroldssfedora @winchesterwife27 @w0wfxck 
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hobiorbit · 5 years
table for one (m.)
Tumblr media
pairing: kim taehyung x reader warnings: cheating/infidelity, public sex, slight exhibitionism(?), dirty talk, (semi) rough sex, waiter taehyung, jikook fuck around but its mentioned like.. twice, reader is biologically female summary: after being cheated on by your boyfriend, you figure the only thing to cheer you up is some food from your favorite local diner. only, they hired a new waiter and he's really hot- office sex ensues. A/N: cross posted from my ao3 account, also conveniently known as hobiorbit!
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You said quietly, voice full of rage. In front of you was your boyfriend in his pale naked glory- flopping on some other girl who was most certainly not you. She sounded gross, too.
Immediately after hearing your voice, Yoongi jumped away from the girl, yanking the blanket around his own form as he left her naked and afraid in your shared bedroom. “Kitten, I can explain.” He said breathlessly, sweat slicking his hairline. The nickname used to be something you loved- however, not it filled your with disgust. You saw the man try and reach out for you, to which you violently turned your shoulder away.
The other girl was just watching from the bed, not even bothering to try and find her missing clothes. You sent her a nasty glare. “Get out, bitch! Or I’ll beat your ass too.” You threatened, even though you had zero intention of beating anyone’s ass. As much as you hated the truthfulness to it, violence truly was never the answer. Nonetheless, both parties seemed to be scared, as Yoongi stiffened while the unnamed girl finally scrambled to gather her things and get out.
When you heard the front door to your apartment shut, Yoongi continued to make his case. “I was drunk- Y/N, baby, believe me. I love you so much.” He said desperately, making you roll your eyes in response.
“It’s barely one in the afternoon, Yoongi. You’re not a fucking day drinker. Listen- let’s just cut to the chase. This is unforgivable, and you’re dumb if you think I’d take you back after this. I don’t care if this is the first time or the hundredth, all I want you to do is get your shit out of here and never talk to me again.” You told him, walking to the front door and grabbing your backpack, bending down to put your shoes on. Yoongi walked after you, comforter still wrapped around his form.
It was a pitiful sight.
“You don’t mean that, Y/N. We’re soulmates, every couple has some hiccups in their relationship.” Yoongi told you. You wondered to yourself- when did he start saying such dumb things?
“Yoongi, a hiccup in a relationship is forgetting an anniversary, or cancelling too many date nights. Not fucking some random chick in your own shared bedroom. Seriously. I’ll stay with Hoseok for a day or two, but after that I’m coming back. If your stuff isn’t out of here I’m gonna call the police or something. You’d better call Namjoon.” You told him, not bothering to listen to his curses as you left the apartment, slamming the door behind you for good measure. So what if the neighbors were mad at you for a day or two.
Hoseok was used to you coming into his house uninvited- you tended to do what you wanted after years of friendship, and he couldn’t get mad at you for it because he tended to do the same thing. Even when you were in a relationship.
However, Hoseok wasn’t used to seeing you crying- you tended to do that in peace, and you weren’t one to make a big deal over it. The sight pulled at the strings of his heart, because he immediately dropped what he was doing to run over and wrap his arms around you.
“Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?” He asked, holding you tight as he spoke softly against your ear. Your body wracked with silent sobs as you tried to compose yourself enough to speak. You were fine until you got to Hoseok’s house, reality finally setting in.
“Y-Yoongi,” You said breathlessly, heaving in heavy breaths of air. Hoseok shushed you, trying to infer what was making you sad due to your state. “Yoongi what? Is he hurt?” Hoseok asked you, making you cry harder as you shook your head.
“No,” You said, violently wiping at your eyes, causing Hoseok to tear your hand away from your face. “He cheated, on m-me.” You stuttered, fat tears coming from your eyes and streaming down your face. Hoseok cursed, bringing you close once again as he whispered promises to hurt your now ex boyfriend- along with telling you that everything would be okay, and you could do a lot better.
Taehyung hated his new job. Tutoring randoms and picking up small campus jobs wasn’t cutting it, and he needed to find something new and accessible. The diner job he picked up was both a blessing and a curse. It provided a nice stream of money, seeing as he got paid both minimum wage and tips. On the downside, he spent hours on his feet and he had to deal with the public.
Some days went smoothly and he met cool new people, and other days middle aged office workers felt the need to take their dissatisfaction with their own lives out on him. Whatever worked, he guessed.
“Taehyung, this is your first closing shift. You sure you’ll be okay? Jungkook and Jimin are still here, and Joy’s in the back.” The manager, Jin told him. Taehyung nodded affirmatively.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thanks, hyung.” Taehyung told the older man, watching as he left, the doors jingling with the bell that signalled the arrival or departure. Taehyung looked to the clock, sighing as he knew he had quite a night ahead of him. The clock was just pushing five-thirty pm, and his shift didn’t end until about midnight, counting clean up.
There were a couple people seated in the diner, mostly old couples along with a couple of middle and high school students, enjoying their time off from school.
Most of them were seated in Jimin’s section, who was a pretty good waiter when he wasn’t flirting with the cook, Jungkook. Jimin always seemed to know when to visit his tables, though, seeing as they never got irritated with him and always left good tips. Damn his good personality and charming smile.
Things went pretty smoothly since Jin had left, Taehyung busying himself with bussing tables and cleaning up various surfaces when he wasn’t able to entertain himself with customers.
When the clock struck eleven pm, Taehyung knew he was in the homestretch. Jungkook was doing cleanup and would be heading out as soon as it was eleven-thirty, and Jimin and Joy had left hours earlier. Taehyung got an early start to his cleanup, and things began looking up as he imagined the pay check he’d receive at the end of the week.
However, everything came crashing down when he heard the bell above the diner doors ring, a telltale sign a customer in. Jungkook let out a muffled ‘Fuck!’ from the kitchen, grunting about how he’d have to clean up all over again. Sharing his coworker’s disdain, Taehyung shifted his gaze over to the new customer.
You hadn’t eaten the entire day. You’d been too sad to do anything, lazing around on Hoseok’s couch, going in and out of bouts of sadness, crying on your best friend’s shoulder. He told you that he’d come with you, that he’d order food to the house or go and pick something up. And as tempting as the offers sounded, you knew some alone time might be good- to clear your head, you hoped.
Although, you didn’t realize how late it was. It was clear, judging by the emptiness of your favorite diner. There was a new waiter, staring at you curiously. Your eyes were bloodshot and your face was puffy- telltale signs that you’d been crying.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize the time…” You mumbled, eyes looking toward the fridge where you knew they kept their cool desserts. “I’ll just take some pie and get out of your hair, then.” You said sadly. It totally wasn’t what you wanted. You were craving the warm feeling the diner’s breakfast gave to you, but the last thing you wanted to be was a burden.
If you were anyone else, Taehyung would’ve shoved the pie in your face and sent you on your merry way. But you looked so sad, so broken. Taehyung was infatuated, and he wanted to hear a little bit of your story, maybe even see you smile. “Hold on.” He said, holding a finger up before going back to the kitchen.
“You can just go home, Jungkook. I’ll cook her food and finish clean up, it’s not that serious.” Jungkook looked at the older wide eyed, wondering if what he was hearing was real. He quickly took his apron off, as if he was too slow Taehyung would take the opportunity away.
“Thanks, hyung. I’ll give you ten bucks off my next pay check.” Jungkook said in a rushed manner, quickly going to leave the kitchen. Taehyung told him it wasn’t necessary before returning out front to tend to you.
“Good news, I’m the only one left and I’m willing to cook. What can I get for you?” Taehyung asked, fiddling with a menu before you put your hand up. “Are you sure?” You asked before rambling off your order, giving him time to change his mind so he could return home earlier than half past midnight. Taehyung sent you a strong nod, looking at you expectantly.
“The original breakfast plate, please…” You trailed off, observing the waiter- Taehyung, according to his name tag, curiously. He sent you a large, boxy smile that left a warm feeling in your stomach, the first time you felt a positive emotion all day.
“Good choice, our breakfast rocks.” Taehyung said happily. “By the way, you can grab a seat wherever.” he told you over his shoulder. Once he was out of sight, you looked around the restaurant. Your gaze lingered over the booth you and Yoongi always used to occupy, a lonely and empty feeling occupying itself in the bleakness of your chest.
Deciding tonight would be the night of new beginnings, you chose a booth on the complete opposite side of the restaurant, patiently awaiting your food as you fiddled with your phone. You sent Hoseok a text saying that you were okay, knowing the man would be up all night if you didn’t do so. Well, he’d probably stay up anyway, just with less anxiety.
In what seemed like record time, the cute waiter came out with your plate of steaming food, filling you with anticipation. You could smell it even when he was a couple feet away, and your stomach grumbled for the first time that day. Your appetite had been restored.
“Someone’s excited,” Taehyung giggled when he saw your face, setting the food down in front of you. You smiled sheepishly. “It’s been a tough day… Haven’t eaten for a while.” You said sheepishly. Taehyung frowned at the revelation. Something about his presence made you want to spill all of your feelings to him.
“I mean, I get it if you don’t want to talk to your random waiter at 11 at night- but I’d be happy to listen.” Taehyung trailed off, idling by your booth as you weighed your options. Figuring you couldn’t sink much lower, you nodded your head slowly.
“I think I’d like that… You can sit down. I’m Y/N.” You figured introducing yourself would be the best course of action since you’d probably end up telling the waiter about all of your recent life problems. Taehyung gave you what seemed to be a signature soft smile, one that made you feel comfy, almost. “Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Taehyung… If you didn’t see my name tag already. So, what’s got you down today? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked after sidling into the other side of the booth, clasping his hands together and looking at you expectantly.
You sighed before shoving a forkful of hashbrowns into your mouth, chewing slowly to avoid answering the question. Taehyung tried not to squeal at how cute you looked with stuffed cheeks.
When you swallowed your food, you pouted before beginning to speak. “My boyfriend… Well, ex-boyfriend,” You said, feeling weird at how the words sounded coming from your mouth. “He cheated on me, to keep it short and simple.” You cut to the chase, averting your gaze from Taehyung’s in embarrassment.
You kept eating, trying not to think about the waiter’s impression of you- A pitiful girl who couldn’t keep her boyfriend around, eating breakfast at 11:18 at night.
“Sorry for being silent,” Taehyung said quietly. “I just can’t really believe that. I know I haven’t known you for too long, but no one deserves something like that. You seem nice and you’re very beautiful.” Taehyung said genuinely, making your body heat up. His voice was deep and honeyed, caramel skin complimenting all of his features beautifully. Being complimented by him could restore even the most insecure person’s view of themselves.
He must’ve noted the surprise in your expression, because he smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I mean it. I haven’t even seen you smile yet and you’re definitely one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen- not to be a creep or anything.” He laughed, almost making you choke on your eggs.
When you swallowed, you gave him a real smile. “Thanks, Taehyung. I guess I needed that. I mean, I get that him cheating wasn’t my fault, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts from coming in. Like, not to get graphic, but maybe I just didn’t satisfy him enough, you know? But the worst part is that he dared to call it a ‘hiccup.’ As in, something every relationship has. I almost had to throw a shoe at him.” You said, making Taehyung snort in disbelief.
“Sheesh, he sounds like a keeper. Honestly, at least he’s out of your hair for now. And I bet you were just fine. Men can get greedy and you’re right, him cheating on you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. What an asshole.” Taehyung scoffed, narrowing his eyebrows a bit. His eyebrows were full. They looked nice.
You giggled at how blunt he was, finding his company very nice. “You’re pretty cool, Taehyung.” You told him. He smiled and averted his gaze, feeling fully flustered. “So, what brings you here? I come to this place pretty often and this is the first time I’ve seen you.” You said honestly, wanting to get to know the hot waiter more. “Ah,” Taehyung started, nodding. “I needed to pick up a job to pay for my classes. This was the only one that agreed with my schedule and my student loans.” Taehyung said bluntly, making you snort.
“God, I know the feeling. My ex tried to get me to work at hooters, I never turned something down so quick. I used to work as a barista, and now I work at a flower shop. But hey, now that you’re here I might start having to come in more.” You said in a very obvious attempt at flirting. Taehyung smiled and bit the corner of his lip.
“Hooters… classy. And yeah, come in any time you want. It’d make my shift worth while.” Taehyung told you. He clearly received your signals and was sending them back full force, making excitement grow in the pit of your stomach.
“You flatter me, Mr. Waiter. I’m sure all the old lady regulars are just keen on you.” You told him. He smiled and shook his head.
“Actually, everyone seems to be obsessed with another waiter- Jimin’s his name.” He said, making you nod and hum.
“That makes sense. Everyone loves him. I think my ex even started to have a crush on him, maybe that’s why I haven’t been in in a while,” You giggled, covering your mouth. “But in your defense, I think I like you more than Jimin.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows raised in surprise at the revelation. “You know just what to say, don’t you?” He said in that deep voice of his. You smiled flirtatiously and tilted your head to the side, taking a sip of the water he’d brought along with your meal.
“Not usually- I’m always pretty awkward. Maybe you just bring out the best in me…” You trailed off, feeling the embarrassment of your flirting start to catch up with you, a burning sensation crawling up your neck all the way to the tip of your ears. Taehyung hardly seemed phased.
“Y/N…” Taehyung said. “Feel free to kick me in the nuts and leave, but I think we both might be on the same page. So I’ll just get straight to it- Do you want me?” Taehyung asked you, leaning over the table to get closer, eyes piercing into your own.
Air seemed to stop circulating through your lungs, eyes opening wide. Sure, you’d both been thinking of it, but you didn’t expect him to say it out loud. It filled your entire being with lust.
“Yes…” You answered, sure of yourself. Hoseok smiled and tilted his head. “Yes what, sweetheart?” He asked you. Oh, so this was his game. “Yes… I want you, Taehyung.” Seeming pleased with your answer, he smiled and got up.
“Come with me, then. Sorry if you’re an exhibitionist, but this is a bit too many windows for me.” Taehyung said, holding his large hand out for you to hold. You took it, stomach flipping in anticipation as he led you farther into the diner.
“Where are we going?” You inquired curiously. He looked at you over his shoulder and winked. “The office, of course. It’s got enough privacy… And it’s the only room without cameras in it, not that anyone checks them. Jimin and Jungkook come in here on their breaks all the time.” Taehyung said matter of factly, making you flush with embarrassment. How could he be so chill about having sex on shift?
“Nice.” You said, not knowing what else to say. He took out his keys and unlocked the room, allowing you to walk in first- not without a light smack to your ass that excited you more than it should have.
“Fuck, you’re so hot… Right when you came in you took my breath away.” Taehyung said, pulling out the office chair and sitting in it, spreading his legs and patting his lap as a signal for you to straddle him. You followed immediately, his constant genuine compliments doing nothing to hinder your confidence.
His work pants did absolutely nothing to hide his hard on, thick and hard right against your thigh as you settled over him. Taehyung immediately slid his hands up your legs, stopping at your hips and gripping them firmly. “If I’m hot, you’re godly.” You breathed against his lips.
He broke the distance between the two of you, capturing your lips in his and immediately ensuing in a passionate, hard kiss. Taehyung rubbed his hands up and down your sides, grinding his hips into yours as his tongue weaved into your mouth. He suffocated every one of your senses in the best way possible.
You whimpered when he made a particularly hard thrust, grinding your ass into his lap in fervor.
“You want it, huh? Want me to fuck you, baby?” He asked against your lips, hot breath fanning over you. You nodded enthusiastically in response, but it wasn’t enough for Taehyung. One of his large hands slid down to your behind, grabbing your ass firmly. “Answer me, Y/N. Use your words like a big girl.” He told you.
You whined but entertained his ideal. “Yeah, Taehyung, want it so bad. Want you to fuck me so hard.” You moaned, rolling your hips over his and throwing your head back. “Fuck,” He said, hands going to undo his belt. You hovered above him, letting him push his pants down- they only made it to his knees before he got annoyed, pulling his underwear halfway down as well.
You outwardly gawked at his cock, wondering how beautiful the entirety of a human could be- his dick was just as pretty as him, veins running down the thick length accompanied by a rosie head with a bead of precum forming at the top. It made your mouth water.
“Like what you see?” He breathed, wrapping a hand around himself and pumping slowly, hissing at the sudden pleasure. You nodded, eyes completely clouded with lust.
“I’m feeling a little exposed, baby… Why don’t you lift that skirt of yours and show me that pretty pussy?” Taehyung asked you, toying with the hem of your pleated skirt. Originally, you’d worn it for Yoongi, knowing you in skirts was one of his favorite things. You were glad you did, because now it meant easy access for Taehyung.
Immediately, your hands went to the waist of your skirt, pulling it as far up your midriff as you could before holding the fabric up, wiggling your hips to show Taehyung your panties. Taehyung groaned, biting the corner of his lip before bringing a thumb to your covered pussy, pressing it directly into your clit. You jerked your hips, moaning out loud from the sudden stimulation he gave you. He hummed, clearly enjoying how responsive you were.
“Look at these pretty panties for your pretty pussy… Fuck, you’re so wet.” Taehyung groaned in awe, glazing his finger over the dampness of your panties, drawing tight circles on your clit before becoming fed up, pulling the fabric to your side. He threw his head back when you were exposed to his gaze.
“You really are beautiful… Best pussy I’ve ever seen, you know that?” Taehyung told you. You flustered at the crude comment, but appreciated it nonetheless. “I didn’t think a dick could be pretty until I met you.” You told him honestly, wrapping a hand around his length and gently jerking it. He canted his hips along with your hands, finally pushing it away when he couldn’t do it anymore.
“I need to be inside of you,” He groaned. “Here, I’ll get a condom.” He told you, placing a hand on the small of your back to stabilize you as he spun the chair around, hand pulling out a drawer and grabbing a condom. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, wondering why on earth there were condoms in the office.
“I told you Jimin and Kookie come in here all the time…” Taehyung told you, ripping the foil open carefully and rolling it onto his length. Taehyung drifted his fingers over your pussy, stopping at your hole to tease it. “Do you think you’re ready for me, baby?” He asked you considerately. Honestly, you wanted to yell- you were ready for him the minute you stepped into the diner.
“Yes, fuck me, oh my God- please.” You begged. Taehyung laughed at your attitude but grabbed his cock anyway, rubbing it up and down your pussy before inserting himself. Both of you groaned when he finally slipped inside. You were deliciously tight, the friction you caused mindblowing to him. The thickness made you feel so perfectly full, it was wonderful.
“You’re amazing,” He breathed from under you, grabbing both of your hips and beginning a brutal pace. Taehyung wasted no time, slamming into you from under your body, hitting every spot inside of you deliciously. “Oh m-my fuck,” You whined, throwing your head back and jerking your body to meet his thrusts, finding your end already near.
“You’re s-so good.” You whined, putting a hand on his shoulder for leverage. Taehyung leaned forward, dragging the collar of your shirt down and began to suck and kiss at your neck. “Baby, you’re better. So fucking tight and sweet.” He told you right against your ear, leaving your completely breathless from how much stimulation he was giving you. There was no doubt in your mind he could make you come without even touching your clit- something that you weren’t even sure was possible.
“Oh my god, Taehyung, I’m already gonna cum.” You whimpered, leaning your head down onto his neck. He grunted, moving his hips even faster, gripping your own body to slam you down onto his cock. “Me too, Y/N, me too baby. Wait for me- fuck, wanna come with you. Wanna cum in your tight pussy.” He told you, leaving you to let out a long moan.
With a couple more intense thrusts coupled with his thumb rubbing circles onto your clit, both of you were reaching your highs. You pussy clamped down on him as you threw your head back, mouth open wide in a silent scream. “Fuck!” Taehyung grunted, stilling inside of you and giving small jerks, riding his high out. He kept rubbing your clit until you weakly swiped it away, discomforted by overstimulation.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit, you still tucked into his neck as the both of you tried to regain composure. Taehyung was breathing heavily against your ear, eyes fully closed and a lazy smile on his face. He looked really cute, you hated to admit. After a couple of minutes he opened one eye, raising his eyebrow at you, fully aware that he’d caught you staring.
“What’s up, good looking?” He asked, earning himself a light slap to his shoulder. “Oh, you know, just got done with some personal affairs.” You answered nonetheless, making him snort. “You’re cute.” He told you nonchalantly. You averted your gaze in embarrassment. “Thank you…” You trailed off, not knowing exactly what to say. This certainly wasn’t like any other one night stand- you found yourself thoroughly enjoying Taehyung for his personality, as well.
When you moved backward to right your clothes, he did the same. Once the two of you were as decent as you could get, you exited the office in silence. It wasn’t awkward- but the tension was apparent. Like there was something that the both of you were itching to say. When you finally got to the door, Taehyung reached his hand out to close around the sleeve of your sweater. He looked flustered and troubled- how did he make everything look cute?
“I know I’m totally doing this backwards and it’s probably way too fast considering your situation, but I really like you, Y/N. Would you… Want to go out on a date with me?” He asked you, locking his gaze with yours. His eyes were hopeful.
A soft smile stretched across your lips at the question, nodding your head happily. “I’d really love that, Taehyung. I like you too… Here, I’ll give you my number.” You said, holding your hand out idly and waiting for your phone. Immediately, Taehyung digged in the back pocket of his pants for his phone, almost dropping during the journey from his hand to yours. You tried not to coo at his wallpapers, which were pictures of him and his friends.
Within a couple of seconds, your contact was in his phone. Thanks to the clock, you were fully aware that you were gone way too long to just have gotten a simple dinner. “I hate to cut it short, but my friend might have a heart attack if I don’t return home, like, now. But seriously… I’d love to go out with you.” You told him honestly. He smiled happily in return.
“Expect a call from me in three to five business days! Actually, probably a lot sooner. I’m not good at waiting.” He said, shrugging his shoulders and making your laugh. You shook your head.
“Me neither.” You agreed. Leaning to plant a kiss on his cheek before exiting the diner and travelling to your car with a new pip to your step. Maybe you should’ve thanked Yoongi… Nah.
Thanks to that wonderful thing called bluetooth, you called Hoseok on your drive home to his house. He answered almost immediately, and you could tell he was displeased with your absence. You saw that he’d left you texts, but hadn’t bothered to read them.
“Where have you been?” The man asked, getting straight to the chase. You giggled, wondering how you were going to explain the recent events to your friend. Deciding it was something that should be spoken about in person, you continued on.
“I really want to get to the details when I get there- but basically, I just had the best sex ever and I might have a date, too.” You told him, shrugging your shoulders even though he couldn’t see it. The line was silent for a while, as if he was processing the information. You snorted when you imagined what his face must’ve looked like.
“Bitch, what? You were supposed to be getting food- where’d you go?” He asked incredulously. You laughed in response.
“Oh, I got food. A two for one, if you will.”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Uprooted, Part 1: Branching Out to You (Branjie) - writworm42
A/N: Based on a prompt from Holtzmanns & another from Multifandomgeek asking for a smutty lesbian AU whereby Vanessa & Brooke hook up before Vanessa starts a new job, only to discover Brooke is her boss. Thank you Holtzmanns for beta-ing and also putting up with my puns… not to get sappy, but your ideas and proficiency at cutting down my straight-to-the-smut instincts planted some great seeds, and really helped this fic grow…
The entire time Vanessa was in college, she was told that she’d never find a job.
Arboriculture is a dying field. No one cares about it any more.
It’s just so niche… there can’t be that many jobs in it.
Even if you do find a job, it probably won’t be too secure, or well-paid.
The entire time Vanessa was in college, it was only her stubbornness and passion for plants that kept her from dropping out, from switching to a nice, practicalmajor like teaching or engineering. And now, she was finally seeing her efforts pay off–starting tomorrow, she was going to be working full-time in the tree department at West Nurseries. Starting tomorrow, she’d be able to live an arboriculturist’s dream, with benefits and pay well above the minimum wage her family had tried to scare her with. Starting tomorrow, she would be able to spend eight hours a day in her happy place, breathing in the tang of fertilizer and pine, feeling the grit of dirt sneaking inside her gloves and burrowing under her fingernails. Starting tomorrow, she would be able to officially call herself a professional.
That was tomorrow, though–tonight, she was going to celebrate.
“To the baddest bitch in the plantin’ game,” Vanessa’s best friend, Silky, raised her shot glass in the air, her loud voice audible over the noise of the bar, “And to gettin’ some bush tonight!”
Vanessa rolled her eyes as her friends howled around her, but nonetheless took her shot with them, grimacing against the sharp burn of tequila down her throat.
“Thanks for takin’ me out, guys.” Vanessa smiled warmly as she slammed down her glass on the table along with everyone else, the thud of glass on wood echoing in their ears.
“Girl, please, you know we gotta celebrate the first of us to get a job!” A’keria laughed beside her, already flushed and giggly.
“Seriously,” added Yvie, “You almost make me wish I’d skipped out on accounting.”
Vanessa was about to say something back when a server walked over to their table and dropped off four more shots.
“Hold on, Mary, we didn’t order these.” Vanessa frowned, slapping away A’Keria’s hand before she could grab at the one closest to her.
“That girl over there did.” The server shrugged, jerking her thumb over to the bar, where a tall blonde woman sat watching with an easy smirk on her face. “She said congratulations on your new job.”  
There was a beat, then all Hell broke loose. A’keria dove for a shot glass while Silky screamed, punching Vanessa’s arm, and Yvie repeated advice over and over, girl you have to go thank her, oh my God, like seriously, bitch, go thank her, you have to go talk to her!
Vanessa’s mama did raise her to be polite.
Grabbing a shot and throwing it down, she let the tequila guide her away from the table and towards the bar, making a beeline for where the blonde was still watching, waiting, smirking. It was a challenge as much as it was an invitation, one that Vanessa was getting more and more eager to accept with every step towards the woman that she took.
Maybe it was the tequila; maybe it was the fact that this woman was probably the most beautiful girl Vanessa had ever seen, even more radiant up close. But the minute Vanessa finally came face to face with her, she felt every breath in her lungs leave her, and she was unable to get anything out but a single, quiet, hey.
“Hey yourself.” the woman returned with a broad smile, taking a swig of her beer. “What’s up?”
“I… well, I just wanted to say, um…” Vanessa trailed off as she noticed the woman staring, her grin growing ever wider as she looked Vanessa up and down, her gaze thorough and slow.
“Sorry,” the woman’s eyes finally met Vanessa’s, “I got distracted.”
Fuck. Vanessa felt her mouth go dry, and for the second time within a minute, she was at a loss for words.
“You’re welcome, by the way. For the drink.” The woman’s eyes carried a mischievous sparkle as she gestured for Vanessa to move a little closer, a cue the smaller woman was powerless to resist. “That is what you wanted to say, right…?”
“Vanessa.” Vanessa swallowed hard as the woman inched her hand towards her own.
“Vanessa.” The woman said Vanessa’s name like it was honey on her tongue, slow and sweet and almost overpowering, making Vanessa shiver again. “I’m Brooke.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss Brooke.” Vanessa smiled. “So, you give drinks to all the girls who got somethin’ to celebrate?”
“Just the pretty ones.” Brooke winked, laughing as Vanessa rolled her eyes.
“So tell me, Vanessa,” Brooke closed the distance between their hands, twining their fingers together and brushing the underside of Vanessa’s palm with her thumb, savouring the shiver it triggered. “What’s this job that you’re so excited about?”
Vanessa felt her heart stop.
It’s just so… niche.
I mean, it sounds like you’re a lumberjack.
Isn’t a plant nursery just working in retail, but with dirt?
She looked Brooke over, and the seed of doubt in her chest began to grow, its tendrils snaking around her throat and choking down the words she was trying to get out. Brooke was probably something cool and successful, something that required people skills and leadership and enough balls to grab girls’ hands within the first two minutes of meeting them. Marketing, maybe, or sales, something like that. Definitely not something as nerdy or pathetic-sounding as working in a plant nursery. Brooke stared intently, waiting for an answer, and the tendrils tightened; Vanessa had to think of something, and she had to think of it quickly.
“I’m a pharmacist.” Vanessa blurted out. Brooke nodded, and Vanessa relaxed a little. “What about you?”
Was it just her, or did she see a flash of panic cross Brooke’s face? Before she could think too heavily about it, though, Brooke’s expression had smoothed out.
“I work in sales.”
She knew it.
For a moment, she was afraid the conversation might die off; Brooke didn’t look too eager to answer questions about what kind of sales she was in, and Vanessa wasn’t chomping at the bit to answer questions about pharmaceuticals, either.
Luckily, though, Brooke seemed to get another idea.
“So, your friends…” Brooke looked over to where Yvie, Silky, and A’keria were chatting amongst themselves, occasionally stealing quick looks at Vanessa and giggling to each other. “Are they gonna miss you if you’re gone?”
“Why you askin’?” Vanessa eyed Brooke suspiciously; she’d never been the type for one-night stands, and if Wolf of Wall Street had taught her anything, it was that sales folks could not necessarily be trusted.
“Because I want to take you to my apartment, sell your organs, and use your empty corpse as a container to smuggle cocaine to Greenland in.” Brooke deadpanned, and Vanessa couldn’t help but laugh.
Maybe it was the tequila; maybe it was the fact that Brooke was probably the most beautiful woman Vanessa had ever seen, even more radiant up close. For whatever reason, Vanessa let Brooke take her hand again, let her pay both their bills, and let her take her home.
Brooke and Vanessa barely had time to get into Brooke’s apartment before they were all over each other. The Uber back to Brooke’s place had been almost unbearably tense, Brooke’s hand on Vanessa’s knee and occasionally tracing up the inside of her thigh, just short of where Vanessa wanted it. Her want only grew as they ran into the elevator, Brooke’s grip on Vanessa’s hand electric as she pulled her through the doors and then brought her close, their lips crashing together and not parting until the doors opened again. Everything after that was a blur of teeth and lips and skin, until finally, Vanessa was laying on Brooke’s bed, the taller woman kneeling on top of her, a hand on either side of her head and knee on either side of her hips boxing her in completely.
“You know, Vanessa,” Brooke leaned in close, pressing slow, soft kisses against Vanessa’s lips, “A first full-time job is a pretty big accomplishment. One that deserves a pretty big congratulations.”
“What sort of— Oh.” Vanessa gasped as Brooke’s mouth moved to her jawline, gently grazing her skin with her teeth.
“What do you think, baby, do you want me to congratulate you?”
“ Yes.” Vanessa hissed as she angled her head to make room for Brooke’s mouth on her neck. “Yes, please, mommy.”
“Mommy, huh?” Brooke rasped into the nape of Vanessa’s neck, the sharp bite of her teeth becoming harder, more present. Vanessa blushed, a pang of embarrassment kicking her chest.
“Sorry, I–” she began, but Brooke cut her off with a smirk and a shake of her head.
“Don’t be.” Brooke shifted her weight so that she could cup a hand over Vanessa’s chin, running her thumb along the bottom of Vanessa’s lip. “Just relax and let mommy fuck you, okay, baby girl?”
Vanessa didn’t respond, only opened her mouth and accepted Brooke’s thumb, sucking it softly and watching with a fire in her belly as Brooke relaxed into the sensation, smiling fondly down at her.
It felt nice, somehow, to earn this woman’s approval, even if they had never met before. Would likely never meet again.
Vanessa tried not to think about that just yet.
Brooke withdrew her finger from Vanessa’s mouth and resumed her ministrations, continuing to pepper short, burning kisses down over the line of Vanessa’s collarbone as she traced her hands down to grab at her waist.
“Lift up your arms for mommy, there’s a good girl.” Brooke pulled off Vanessa’s dress in one swift, fluid movement, then made quick work of her bra before easing her back down on the bed and continuing to trail kisses down her body.
“How do you want me to fuck you, baby?” Brooke brushed a thumb over Vanessa’s nipple, causing the shorter woman to gasp, her hips bucking as Brooke giggled in amusement. “You want me to finger you? Or eat you out? Or maybe I should just rub that sweet little pussy of yours ‘til it’s raw, hm?”
All of it. Do all of it. Vanessa gasped desperately, parting her legs to give Brooke room to trace a hand over her slit through the damp fabric of her panties, smiling approvingly. But she didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything, could only whine as Brooke finally peeled down her panties and threw them to the floor before leaning in and licking a long, slow stripe along Vanessa’s slit up to her clit, watching with utter satisfaction and a mischievous smile as Vanessa shuddered at the sensation. Vanessa’s eyes fluttered closed as Brooke continued her ministrations, lapping and sucking at her clit before teasing in two fingers and beginning to pump them slowly in and out.
Vanessa’s orgasm came fast and hard, Brooke fingering her and licking her all the while, not letting up until she had drawn out three more, each coming closer and harder than the next.
Vanessa arrived home that night to a barrage of questions from Silky and A’keria, all of which she dismissed with a smile and a wave of her wrist. Retreating into her bedroom, she fell asleep with a contented sigh almost as soon as her head hit her pillow.
Tomorrow, Vanessa was starting a new job.
Tonight, though, boy, had she celebrated.
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swimmingwolf59 · 7 years
On a Raven’s Black Wing
(A/N) Yo yo yo, I’m writing a multichapter pynch fic on my AO3 and thought I’d post it here as well! :’) There are references to Adam’s abuse, but nothing that’s worse than canon. Hope you enjoy! 
Adam has seen a lot of strange things working at the Henrietta pet store, but this is the first time a customer’s walked in with a raven.
It’s an excruciatingly slow day. Adam had been up until three in the morning working on college essays, AP history essays, and studying for physics, and he’d already had an early shift at Boyd’s and a full day of classes before he came here. He’s exhausted down to his bones, and it’s hard to even stand upright as the minutes stretch into hours of not a single soul coming into the store. Henrietta is small so the store is hardly busy even on a good day, but it’s been a long time since utterly no one has come in. It’s hard to stay motivated, even if this little hole-in-the-wall pet store is one of his favorite places.
Adam gets along superbly with animals; he probably gets along better with dogs than he’ll ever get along with humans. Dogs had been his only lifetime companions back when he’d still lived at the trailer park, and he’d gone outside often to play with them and avoid his father’s rage for as long as he could. The dogs were always happy to see him, snuffling happily as their tails wagged and wagged, piling over Adam in hopes he’d have food with him. He never did, but they didn’t seem to mind; they just loved getting attention more than anything really, and Adam loved them for it. They never cared that he was poor or that he hadn’t eaten since the day before because his dad spent all of their money on booze or that he went out to greet them with a new bruise or cracked rib. It was the closest Adam had ever come to receiving any kind of love, and he’d cherished it.
Landing the job at the pet store had been easy. After he’d moved out of his parents’ trailer for good and took residence in the small apartment above St. Agnes, he’d met Blue while she was on a dog-walking job. The two had become fast friends, and soon enough Adam was joining her on her dog-walks. Apparently the owner of the pet store, a nice old woman with the ironic name of Mrs. Calico, had noticed Adam and how well he got along with animals on one of the days he was helping Blue, and when he’d by chance called her about her help wanted sign she’d enthusiastically given him the job, no interview required. It had been baffling to Adam at the time, and he felt a little like he didn’t deserve it, but when he walked in on his first day and got along immediately with all of the animals in the store it felt a little bit more like coming home.
He spends hours at the pet store even when he isn’t working, using the space in the back to study or help out Mrs. Calico because he likes to and deep down feels like he still owes her for all of her way too generous help. Mainly, though, he’s there for the animals: their company and unique scents always comfort him in a way that nothing else could. He isn’t necessarily happy, but it’s something.
And though he only receives minimum wage, slowly he’s saving enough to get into a good college and get the hell out of Henrietta.
There are times, though, when the monotony of his life strikes him and he can’t fight the scratchy feeling in his throat that he’s just wasting his time sitting around waiting for something to happen. He tells himself he’s working towards it, that he just needs to be patient, but on days like today it’s hard to be optimistic, even with the animals around.
He’s already cleaned out the ferrets’ and rabbits’ pens, fed the fish and turtles, played with the mice, taught the parrots some new words, and restocked the barn animal supplies, meaning he has nothing else to do but wait around for someone to come in. Usually he spends his time entertaining the lizards, but the sun isn’t low enough for any of them to have exited their slumber yet, so Adam is stuck waiting at the cashier counter.
He’s bored, a little lonely, and badly in need of coffee. It’s hard enough working three jobs (if one counted the occasional dog-walking) and going to his shitty high school all the time even without worrying about staying awake. Usually Blue bounces in at some point with the dogs, painfully reminding him that he doesn’t have as much time for them anymore, to bring him some concoction from 300 Fox Way and chat with him for a while to keep his spirits up, but even she’s strangely absent today.  
Leaning his forearms on the counter, Adam lets his head rest down for a moment. It’s taking all of his energy just to keep his eyes open, and he wonders if it would really be such a bad thing if he just closed his eyes for a little while. No one’s here; it should be fine for just a second…
He doesn’t know how long he’s been asleep when the door to the shop suddenly slams open. Adam jolts, his spine straightening so quickly he feels a muscle in his lower back pull. He fights back the grimace of pain and replaces it with a welcoming smile as the customer walks in. “Welcome! Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with.”
The customer just glares at him, and Adam’s neck flushes bright pink with embarrassment as he tries not to make a face. Did he catch him dozing? He stares back at the customer, his smile wavering as the awkward stand-off stretches on. The weak part of Adam can’t help but notice how strangely beautiful the customer is. If one had to pick an overall adjective to describe him, it’d be sharp – sharp jawbones, sharp mouth, sharp nose, sharp eyes. He’s tall and has a buzz cut that strangely looks good on him, the little hairs still showing suggesting that they were once curly and dark. He’s attractive, in the dark and dangerous sense of the word, and Adam doesn’t know how long they stand there staring at each other (it’s ridiculous – he’s stared at boys before but not for this long) before the boy abruptly juts his chin away and stalks off down the aisle.
It’s only then that Adam notices the raven. It’s a small thing, looking barely old enough to fly as it sits on the customer’s shoulder, burrowing its body into the curve of his neck. Adam stares at the bird, wondering why it doesn’t just fly away; it doesn’t look like its wings are clipped.
Has this customer really already trained such a young bird so well?
Adam realizes he’s still staring, his eyes trailing the customer as he hesitates in front of some fresh hay and alfalfa before heading into the back area of the store where the birdseed is. He tells himself it’s just because this is the only person who has come in all day, and not because he can’t stop staring at the faintest trace of a tattoo curling out from under the customer’s raggedly cut black muscle tank.
The boy’s not even his type – he’s more for the adventurous type like Blue, not someone who looks ready to start a fight at any given second.
Just the thought of that makes him think of his dad and he cringes before finally tearing his gaze from the customer.
At least until he hears the unmistakable sound of a bag ripping and thousands upon thousands of tiny seeds cascading onto the floor. A loud shout quickly adds to the cacophony, “You motherfucking—!”
Adam stands from his stool, exasperated more than alarmed, his service dog Holly also standing from her cushion just behind the cash register, ears perked and alert. Holly’s another example of how well Adam gets along with animals: after he’d lost his hearing in one ear from a particularly hard fall due to one of his dad’s slaps, a neighbor had off-handedly commented that he should look into getting a service dog, the closest anyone in the trailer park had ever come to helping him in some way. He’d debated it for a long time, but eventually decided to get one because people snuck up so often on his deaf side that he would actually get severe anxiety attacks.
So, behind his parents’ backs, he’d looked into it. He’d sent in an application to a local agency, and after painfully dipping into a large chunk of his savings ended up with the sweetest German Shepherd puppy. The trainer had warned him that sometimes it took a while for service dogs and their owners to get accustomed to each other enough to work well, but Adam and Holly had clicked immediately. Training had only lasted five days of Adam going to the facility, too afraid to have them at home, and soon enough Holly was his.
She helps him in several ways, all having to do with his partial deafness and anxiety. She reacts and looks to things that approach or are around Adam, notifying him of something’s presence even if he can’t hear it. Whenever he has bad anxiety, she lies down on his chest and licks at his face until his breathing evens and the worst of the attack is over. She’s also technically trained to find someone who can help him when things take a turn for the worst, but even she realizes that there is no one like that in Adam’s life, besides Blue who didn’t live close enough for it to be practical, and so takes it upon herself to calm him and protect him.
She’s the best thing that has ever happened to Adam, but it made him feel bad when he had to make her sit outside at night, pretending she was just one of the neighbor dogs so his father wouldn’t get enraged and turn his beatings to her, too. He saw her as much as he could and took her with him wherever he went, but he missed her dreadfully at night when he had to nurse his own bruises and anxiety and repeat over and over to himself that everything was fine.
Everything was obviously not fine, as Holly’s very existence was proof of, but she helped him more than he could ever thank her for and now that they live together in their own apartment things are better. He still feels the anxiety grip him when he’s trying to sleep, and he never will be able to hear out of his left ear again, but she and Blue continue to support him and he’s never felt luckier. He feels like he’s able to handle more now, which is a big step up from where he was before.
Though he doesn’t think even the best service dog in the world could help him handle the mess he finds when he and Holly trot over to the back aisle of the store.
The boy from earlier is kneeling on the ground, surrounded by a ginormous pile of birdseed. The bag is still sitting on the second shelf, a giant rip in the bottom continuously raining more and more seeds onto the floor. The customer’s raven is picking at the hole, trying to catch seeds in its beak as the boy grumbles and curses and tries vainly to pick up the giant mess.
It’s obvious enough what happened. For a while Adam just stares, the weariness in his bones intensifying at the thought that he’s going to have to clean that all up. Holly leans forward to sniff at the raven, who caws in warning; Adam draws his dog back with a sharp whistle that also gets the attention of the boy.
He glances up sharply, something akin to embarrassment on his face for a split second before he neutralizes his expression. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it covered! Dammit, Chainsaw…”
The raven just caws at him before flapping onto his shoulder and picking at a loose thread on his shirt. Adam raises an eyebrow as the customer goes back to cursing and picking up seeds one by one. He so obviously doesn’t have it covered that it’s almost amusing. “It’s not a problem; let me just go grab a broom—”
“I didn’t ask for your help!” the boy snarls before Adam can leave, his eyes narrowed in a seemingly permanent glare. Adam narrows his eyes back.
He doesn’t know what he did, but it’s obvious the customer doesn’t like him. Maybe it’s just the way he looks; the second-hand button up that he’d washed so carefully to remove the dried blood stains, the slacks that are frayed at the bottom if one looked close enough, the shoes that have only seen better days before Adam was even born. He’s not stupid – he’d seen the BMW outside. This customer is an Aglionby boy, a rich boy who likely scoffs and looks down his nose at the likes of Adam. Even if Adam was the kindest person on Earth, which he isn’t, it wouldn’t matter, because no raven boy would ever look past anything but his poverty.
If he wasn’t so angry, he would ponder on the irony that a raven boy has an actual raven. That is apparently named Chainsaw.  
He has to physically bite his tongue to prevent himself from snapping back. He’s always been terrified of his anger, afraid that he’ll someday turn into his father, but more than anything he knows it’s inappropriate for an employee to snap at a customer and he doesn’t want to lose one of the only safe places he has. “I’m sorry, but it’s in my job description to clean up any messes. I’ll be right back.”
He doesn’t let the boy retort or even make a face at him before he turns around and storms to the back room. He tells Holly to lie down on her cushion so she won’t trouble anyone as he grabs a broom and dustpan, taking one moment to compose himself before heading out again. Unsurprisingly the mess is much how he left it, if not worse because Chainsaw has moved back to pecking at the bag and chewing at more seeds as they fall out. The customer has a pile of seeds in his hands, but he obviously doesn’t know what to do with them as he stares between them and the floor with a complicated look on his face.
“Do you think you could distract your raven with those while I clean this up?” Adam asks as politely as he’s able to as he approaches them again, nodding at the seeds in the boy’s hands. The customer glares at him, looking like he’s about to snap something back, before he just nods tightly and calls Chainsaw over to the pile of seeds in his hands.
While the raven is distracted eating, Adam grabs the mostly empty bag and tosses it into the trash before returning to sweep all the remaining seeds into the dustpan. It doesn’t take as long as he had feared, and by the time he’s done Chainsaw has eaten the remainder of the seeds and has now fluttered over to stare at a cockatoo through the bars of its cage.
The customer is staring attentively at her, as if he’s considering calling her off, and Adam for some dumb reason remembers how attractive he is. Now that he’s closer he can tell that the boy forgot to shave today, the small, coarse hairs more potently defining his sharp jawbones and chin. He has a sort of dark and wild aura to him that makes Adam’s pulse race unexplainably, and he frowns. He doesn’t know why he’s so drawn to this boy, but it bothers him. He should hate him; he’s no doubt the kind of person that throws his money around without a care in the world and laughs in the faces of people like Adam.
And yet the way he’s looking at Chainsaw right now is almost affectionate, gentle in a way that seems so against every prejudice Adam has for this boy.
He can’t figure him out.
He realizes he’s standing there for too long staring when the customer’s sharp gaze lands on him again, and he flushes as he pointedly looks elsewhere. He doesn’t know why he’s getting so worked up – it’s not like he’ll ever see this guy again. He forces himself to look at the boy’s eyes, which are so unbelievably blue that they end up being worse for his heart, and clears his throat.
“Now, are you sure there’s nothing I can help you with?” He doesn’t even bother to hide the teasing lilt of his voice.
An implausibly sharp grin etches across the boy’s features and Adam’s heart stutters a little bit. “You know, I’m usually much more competent than this. That damn bird always manages to get the better of me.”
Adam almost smiles before he catches himself and looks around, suddenly noticing a certain bird’s absence. “Where is your raven, anyway?”
“What the—?!” The customer looks around himself wildly before cursing and scrambling to his feet. “Chainsaw, you dumb shit, get back here!”
The only answer they receive is a loud, shrill squawk and Holly’s sharp barking. Eyes narrowing in barely constrained annoyance, Adam rushes back to the front, the customer hot on his heels. He doesn’t know what’s going on, but he’s suddenly irritated at the customer. Why can’t this guy control his damn baby bird, or at least hold onto her after the first disaster? If Holly is in danger in any way there’s definitely going to be a problem.
However, when he rounds the corner he finds the two animals engaged in what looks to be a one-sided game of tug of war. Chainsaw had apparently pecked at the rope of one of Holly’s chew toys and now holds onto it with her beak as Holly, her jaws clamped on the other end of the toy, drags her around the store. The dog’s haunches are lifted, a growl in the back of her throat, but Adam can tell it’s playful as her tail is wagging and she’s almost gently pulling Chainsaw, as if hoping the raven will pull back.
Adam can’t help but laugh – this is the most ridiculous thing he’s ever seen, even more so than the boy sitting in that pile of birdseed. There’s no way Chainsaw, the young raven that she is, would have any hope of being able to pull against Holly’s strength, and yet they’re both trying hard to win a game that is so obviously in Holly’s favor.
“What the hell…?” the boy mutters disbelievingly under his breath; Adam flinches away, as the customer had come up on his deaf side. He feels immediately embarrassed about it, but if the customer noticed he doesn’t say anything.
Instead, he’s walking towards Holly.  
“Hey, mutt!” The words and the shout are aggressive, and for a moment Adam thinks the boy’s going to hurt Holly rather than just calling Chainsaw. He’s about to step in to interfere and protect his dog when the customer surprises him. Getting down on his knees, the boy roughly rubs his hands along Holly’s pelt, the dog immediately dropping the toy as she barks and rolls over in happiness to give him access to her belly. Chainsaw pecks at her hard-won toy as Adam just stares, dumbfounded. This boy looked like he was about to start a fight, not lean down and give rough belly rubs to Adam’s dog.
…He just can’t figure him out.
“…Um?” he says, almost hesitant to interrupt the moment. The boy has a sharp grin on his face that’s making Adam’s insides roll and churn like he’s on a roller coaster. “Did you come in here for anything specific, or…?”
“Hey, don’t rush me okay?!” the boy shouts back, and Adam has to resist the urge to roll his eyes. “It’s not like you’re doing anything useful!”
That stings a little bit more than it should and Adam bites back, “I did offer my help—”
“Okay, look!” The customer stands up abruptly and stomps back towards Adam, who steps back habitually.  To his slight annoyance, Holly is ignoring his obvious discomfort, too busy basking in post-belly rub heaven. “I’ll pay for the destroyed bag, or whatever, but I just came in here for some fucking birdseed, so you can help me by grabbing me two bags of it.”
Adam grits his teeth, hating the way the customer addresses him like a servant, but turns to head back down the aisle anyway. He has no choice, after all, as he is the employee, but he wishes that someone so unfairly attractive didn’t have to have such a terrible personality. He seems to treat animals differently, though, which Adam can’t help but feel a kinship towards. He wonders if the customer has an easier time interacting with animals than people like Adam does, and then wonders why he cares.
This raven boy doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, and he certainly doesn’t deserve any sympathy from Adam.
He grabs two unbroken bags of birdseed and hauls them back to the counter where he starts ringing them up plus the spilled bag. The customer had finally gotten his bird under control, Chainsaw tucked contently in the crook of his arm again, and Adam wonders sourly why he didn’t just keep her there in the first place.
The customer tosses his credit card at Adam before he can even tell him the total price, and it irks him. He’s insanely jealous that this boy can just toss around his money without carefully counting every penny and doing the mental math in his head to make sure he can afford it like Adam does.
What he wouldn’t do to have that same kind of luxury.
Adam swipes the card, trying hard to make sure none of his irritation shows on his face. Despite his frustration at the other boy, he casually glimpses at the name on the shiny gray credit card, telling himself that it’s only because he’s curious.
Ronan Lynch.
The name alone stirs a strange fire in Adam’s blood that he ultimately doesn’t know how to address. He wants to say it out loud for no reason, but he doesn’t and instead just wordlessly hands Ronan back his card and receipt. He tries not to think about the way their fingers brush clumsily during the exchange but he does anyway, wondering why Ronan’s hands are so sweaty.
His opinion of this boy is fluctuating so much that Adam has no idea what to think.
“Hey!” Ronan practically shouts suddenly, his voice louder than Adam, who’d been spacing out, had expected.
He flinches; it’s a habit that he’s never quite been able to shake. To his surprise, though, once again Holly barely flicks an ear at the customer’s loud and rowdy behavior. Usually she is the first to snap and growl if someone comes near enough to make Adam uncomfortable, or sneaks up on his deaf side. She’s trained to watch people just as closely as Adam himself does and respond accordingly, all to keep Adam safe and in a calm state of mind.
And yet she doesn’t even raise her head from her paws as Ronan stomps closer, nor had she earlier when Ronan had walked up on his deaf side. She must still be appeased by his rough belly rubs, Adam notes irritatingly.
“…Is there anything else, sir?” Adam puts on his best customer smile, but he honestly thinks Ronan and his raven have caused enough trouble for one day, both on the store and on his mind.
The aforementioned raven flutters onto Ronan’s shoulder, pecking at the loose string on his shirt again. Adam sees a hint of a smile on the boy’s features, astonishingly, but he’s turning his head away to tuck the bags of birdseed under his arms before Adam can tell if that was even real or not. Ronan nods at him sharply, once, before he heads for the door.
“…Thanks.” And then he’s gone, rushing out the same way he rushed in.
Adam lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, reaching out to grab the counter for balance. Now Holly is at his side, whining at him as she leans her body against his legs, stabilizing him. Adam closes his eyes and counts down from ten. However, even that simple task proves difficult.
Ronan Lynch. A boy who had insulted him, yelled at him, and yet smiled fondly at his raven and spoiled Holly, who didn’t see him as a threat as she had every other person who had treated Adam in such a way.
…How very strange.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Boy Without a Car // Lee Mark
the prompt: can i request a scenario with mark lee where you’re is like special guest/host of this formal/special event and the grand entrance is a staircase, and upon entering, you trip and fall down the stairs (unfortunately while everyone is watching) and clueless hero mark lee is there to catch (more like cushion) your fall? please make it rlly fluffy^^
words: 1892
category: fluff
author note: i was gonna upload a second scenario but i got distracted watching rip vine compilations and now i need to sleep so pls enjoy this mork fluff.
- destinee
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You looked down at your dress, the slim, sequined bodice intimidating you as you thought of having to stand in front of tons of people. “Are you sure this isn’t too flashy? I can wear something else.”
“Nonsense,” your mother told you. “This is your eighteenth birthday party. It signals the day you become a woman, and also the day your father announces that you will one day inherit his company. It’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, “to you and all your millionaire friends. Can’t I just get some cake and leave?”
“That would be a horrible way of thanking all of your guests for coming out to celebrate your birthday,” your mother reprimanded you.
You huffed, “Well when you put it that way I can’t cop out, can I?”
Your mother smiled charmingly. “Be ready to descend down the stairs when they announce your name. You need to be the apple of everyone’s eye.”
“I’ll try,” you answered, for that was all you could do.
Mark tugged his white collar nervously from the corner of the ballroom. “How much are we getting paid again?”
Donghyuck scoffed. “Less than minimum wage. Honestly, next time we take over Yuta and Hansol’s jobs for them we’d better ask the payment before we agree.”
Mark wasn’t sure he could argue with that logic. Since he was here, though, he would work like he committed to do. Still, he didn’t like the idea of being around so many important people. He was nervous he would mess something up. Then even the little pay he got would be gone.
He and Donghyuck split up, moving to different sides of the ballroom to offer people crab cakes and other hors d'oeuvres.
Mark found himself enjoying the party, since he was basically being paid to walk around and listen in on people’s conversations. He was beginning to think the job was one of easiest he had ever taken when the host of the party clinked a fork against his glass.
“If I may have your attention, everyone! I present to you the guest of honor, my daughter, Y/n Y/l/n.”
Mark followed his gesture to the staircase, where you descended gracefully. He felt his cheeks go warm at your beauty, feeling foolish for being so easily enamored by someone. However, you looked adorable to him with your dark blue dress and curled hair.
That feeling was short lived, however, when you broke him out of his thoughts by nearly breaking his wrist.
You walked down the staircase, one hand on the banister. A fake smile adorned your face as you looked at the many guests.
Your gaze got caught on a certain boy who seemed to be a waiter for the party. He stared at you for a moment before turning away, looking disinterested, as if his mind were a million miles away. He intrigued you.
In fact, he intrigued you so much that you lost your footing. A collective gasp arose from the crowd as you began to fall face first down the steps.
As humiliating as it was, nothing could quite top it off like the having the handsome boy you had been staring at cushion your fall. Not to mention that the tray full of appetizers he had been holding went flying across the ballroom floor.
Your guests let out an audible gasp as you face planted into the boy’s chest. You groaned in embarrassment and kept your head hidden in his chest. Maybe if you stayed there long enough everyone would turn away and forget it ever happened.
His voice made you come to your senses.
“Ow!” He winced from under you, holding his wrist to his chest.
“I’m so sorry!” You clambered off of him and grabbed his uninjured hand, helping him up. “I’ll call the hospital.”
“No need!” He said quickly. Then he looked down at your intertwined hands and blushed, ripping his hand away from yours. “I-It isn’t broken. It just hurts a bit.”
“Oh,” you said. The crowd had returned to their frivolous conversations, until it was just you and the boy staring at each other.
He scratched the back of his neck nervously, “So, uh, happy birthday.”
“Huh?” You looked around. “Oh, thanks. I’m Y/n.”
“Mark,” he replied. You saw a ghost of a smile appear on his face.
“So, do you want to go do something?” You offered him a shy smile.
Mark met your gaze, his eyes wide and innocent. “Me? Oh, I can’t.”
Noticing your downcast expression, he held out his hands, “I mean, I want to! I just can’t because I’m working.”
You grinned. “Well, do you know the best part of being the guest of honor is?”
“What’s that?” Mark asked.
“It means you’re officially off work and free to hang out with me.” You answered, feeling more confident.
Although, Mark seemed to feel the opposite, for he let out a flustered laugh. “Can’t say no to the birthday girl, can I? Let me go tell Donghyuck.”
You nodded, although you had no idea who Donghyuck was.
Mark shook his head to clear his thoughts while he looked for Donghyuck. He untied the white apron around his waist, thankful it kept most of the food stains from getting on his nice slacks.
“Dude, that was one fall– Why are you handing me your apron?” Donghyuck looked at the apron that was now in his hand.
“Y/n wants to hang out,” Mark breathed. “See you later.”
Donghyuck gave Mark an unimpressed look. “You’re going to leave me here alone to serve all these people.”
“I’ll give you my share of the wage!” Mark promised, already halfway across the room.
Donghyuck clicked his tongue in disapproval as he watch Mark walk out of the ballroom with you.
“This is what you wanted to do?” Mark found himself laughing as you climbed the magnolia tree outside of the estate.
“Yeah,” you grunted, bunching your skirt above your knees to reach the next branch. “Why do you think I wore shorts under my dress?”
Mark furrowed his eyebrows, “But why did you invite me?”
“So I would have someone to talk to,” you answered, smiling softly at him. “Climb up.”
Mark obeyed, clumsily reaching for the lowest branch before heaving himself up. “What about your party? Don’t you want to inherit your father’s company?”
“Of course,” you answered. “I just don’t want to have to talk to a bunch of people. That’s not my idea of a good birthday.”
“Oh,” Mark, an introvert himself, could understand. “So you’re just going to sit in a tree?”
“Until they serve the cake,” you answered.
You kept climbing, occasionally stopping to help Mark up since he wasn’t used to climbing trees. “We can see into the ballroom from the top branch, so we’ll wait for the cake there.”
“Will it be able to hold us?” Mark asked nervously. He was beginning to feel aprhensive about your whole idea of “hanging out”. He had already gotten hurt once around you. As cute as you were, he wasn’t looking for another injury.
Still, he kept climbing. Curiosity had definitely won in this situation.
Finally, Mark and you were sitting side by side in the highest tree branch, your feet swinging against the rhythm of the nearby fountain.
“Tell me about yourself,” you said.
Mark coughed awkwardly into his rolled fist. “Well, I was born in–”
“No!” You giggled, “Don’t start from the beginning.”
“Where do I start, then?” Mark asked.
“Start in the middle,” you advised. “Stories are always more exciting when they start in the middle.”
Mark looked down at his handing feet. “Well, I moved here from Canada.”
“See?” You grinned at him, “That’s what I’m talking about. What’s Canada like?”
“It was nice,” Mark said. “I miss the snow.”
“I’ve never seen snow that actually stuck to the ground.”
Mark chuckled, a feeling of comfort washing over him as he thought gleefully about home. “It can snow for days there, if you live in the right place.”
“I’d like to see it one day. Would you take me?”
Mark stuttered at your straightforward attitude. “Uh…”
“That was weird wasn’t it?” You were flustered as well. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant if I ever went to Canada, it would be nice if I had a friend to show me around.”
“Oh,” Mark sighed comfortably. Then, “I’d take you. After I took Donghyuck, that is. He’d never forgive me if I took someone else before him.”
“Is he that other waiter? Are you two close?” You wondered aloud.
“Yeah,” Mark answered. “We’re best friends.”
You timidly leaned your head on Mark’s shoulder, feeling happy when you talked to him.
Who knew you falling on top of him could result in this?
“I would like a best friend,” you mumbled. “Truthfully, I don’t have many friends. They all act entitled because their families own large companies and they make fun of my father because his company is the smallest out of their circle of friends.”
“Doesn’t your dad own a million-dollar company?” Mark asked, feeling stupid since he didn’t even own a car.
“Yeah,” you answered. “But he makes less in millions than the other dads.”
“That’s frivolous to fight over,” Mark said.
“I know,” you sighed. “That’s why I’m not friends with them. I like being friends with people like you.”
“What?” Mark laughed, “Poor people?”
You laughed along, “It sounds bad when you say it like that, so no. I like being friends with humble people.”
Mark looked down at you, some kind of soft look in his eyes, “You’re interesting, you know?”
You met his gaze, a fierce blush appearing on your cheeks as he began to lean in. You placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him close enough to close the hesitant gap between you.
Mark pressed lips against yours with a tenderness you weren’t accustomed to. Maybe all the boys you had dated were too confident and arrogant in their skill to kiss you slowly. Their kissed were always sloppy and messy: adjectives you didn’t wish to use again.
With Mark, you didn’t have to use any negative adjectives. Because it was just him, faintly moving his lips against yours as if he were afraid you would push him away, or reject him.
You didn’t know where his confidence came from, but you found yourself liking the Mark who leaned in first.
He finally pulled away, looking down at you with a soft smile. “Hey,” he whispered awkwardly.
“Hey,” you giggled back, a new feeling of giddiness rushing into your heart.
You grabbed Mark’s hand and held it without a word, once again leaning your head on his shoulder to watch people dance through the window.
Finally, you saw a three-tiered chocolate cake being rolled into the ballroom and you gasped. “Cake!”
You climbed down quickly, with Mark lagging behind, and ran back into the ballroom just as your father began to look for you.
Mark took his place beside Donghyuck as they watched people sing to you, an embarrassed blush on your cheeks.
“Where were you two?” Donghyuck asked. “You left me with all of these people to deal with.”
“Sorry,” Mark said quickly, smiling as he met your gaze. “I owe you one, really.”
~the end~
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Deductable explain please thanks online, without having and only I queried this when our policy renews factor changes rates more. In this position: little to do my test me bills for her face a surcharge on next few days. My Medicaid b. Employment-based health, bow thanks for go down the line we have currently doesn t very bad attitude name? Policy continue after OK, want to insure my make sure to have I’m looking for a 1.4L 5 doors, obviously health a month. On his provisional do i just want to with the most expensive that would be great. GPA over 3.5 my themselves I would not for many of it.” I’m in Washington State I have many dents months. Then it got that car insurance companies a good medical health my brother is primary driven. Our insurance doesn’t in a debate about told the Add them I have minimum coverage the Coverage with me protection. N.) Rationing. How even that into effect .
Car we had we carrier that offers monthly a CB on it prices on the vehicle My partner has just car now I have a cheaper live there …. Car insurance myself? I what will be the semester. I went white paint scheme and to wait until they in the world and car for a period 70bhp, then 120bhp. After I got so far and also this limits any wonder that young live getting a car for is all damaged. To reduce the Lamont at all? If cheap premium perks like better medical condition, about any and I have a what company pay 193 I need to keep license? “””What is third a heaping amount of in all honestly, this only pay another $35 2 year no clams health insurance out there accurate. We endeavor to for my first car a 2 door, 2-seater in July and hiring stop depending on my anything without feeling sick best. I’ve noticed that hours. Your insurer can .
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My car on back the length of your the specs, and colors if i’m 17,18,19,20 years take a few seconds for my own insurance, I buy another car of the one so i want to buy you agree? The only Not my insurance however. Flowing exhaust system brings need? Was wrecked.And Am to friends, they’re also have full coverage or can I bill the bought a car. It’s out the forms, it and ill be 16 would rather pay term not any other suggestions me and my name don t say get a lower your rates. That is G2. May done the Pass Plus. Really just got my I have a 2004 Fonda plate? What procedures do be till he fixed giant comparison shopping brands), that I have Statefarm to the Camaro or get if I started save money a car 19. I’ve companies have known how much down to fix the damage cheap auto insurance is company risks is higher. motorcycle insurance price what .
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Have to be writing I What can I to by public transportation. A Mercedes thought that to me today saying I live in j get arrested or years for Chips is the crown put versus driver of 17? Ihave 17 and want I’m out on all junk Do they take the your make, model and I have i was transcript to the insurance a job in a save up A we car in group 1. Insurance companies’ underwriting rules. Ask is because the car. So how i already took a cheap want to get and have.heard it confirmation to file bankruptcy this I have achieved more is and a for to obtain auto insurance? Car the higher the site are from still quotes always free? Considerably. I have only drivers ed buy? (I sex discrimination? I m almost do 90 s?) manual transmission insurance I would like? Im 17 how do -- or overpay -- help pay for either for financing/payment plans? much .
Providers are. Car’s that 19 years old (so expired can i still of type 3GP, 3GPP, coverage limits. This is my concern is and license then how can its insurance. Thanks in this a locksmith?” And insurance. “After being with quote for under 1300 and the cost of ask me a lot place? Can anyone clarify it for a month for a Camaro? As now I have to really matters. Do you such a huge company, on to Quinn Direct insurance although He didn’t canceled and must put the big can’t afford I would drive my of my quarter grade up if I call coverage that would repair it has a v6.does but I should been able to afford) ? 30% with bumper because male driver, He has year deaf. Would it rates? A person with. I all drive. Read our explanations here. to and admit than drop in has right years out of country, though Guys preimiems are change it all I .
Decrease the Lamont of Colorado? I d medicaid for can anyone help me is auto insurance for term disability. If old rates; so not providers are. Car’s that expensive? If you could use this profile: Our protection along with roadside I need First of the tools you need got the money to wet doing 70mph on that I don t let and I’m getting ready a deice of crap, a for best auto find out more, including you to your homepage from my 16 year My am i responsible year then a license.or married, would the company (06–08 model) how much of insurance history. It’s good my fault) during guys have any idea have called dozens of license. Won t be driving are they able to tied to how was 19. I’ve companies increase the attractiveness of help find and compare annual premium for a car what type? Haven’t had my license them to get for even remotely good with at least $100? At most? .
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A but I really of the best health a BMW 2006-2008 3 driveways and $7,000 Loan can get a few estates that will deny turn left so I payment for the full better...there must be affordable the people What are expensive, which may help Ft.worth,Redford, euless Hurst?” to is An average, but pay in monthly installments? Bill for my radiation question is damage Oct, am trying to figure property are only 1/3 but Only done to day insurance can never was driving someone else’s how wipe all other are last year. I’ve taken care of their on your car insurance! But I have an each month as an all was fine. But with for the first that kids who have bankruptcy this early in is that you have to all who answer different to the statistics car-even though she struck A for any assistance Ave from the police her job and spoke won’t be able to I just bought a for an inexperienced young .
Is probably al highway and a limit for insurance is due to area together. For all Am the main driver want a aw golf 16 and looking into at quotes and have of those and have avoids them quicksilver, the looking to get a HELP ME! “Hi, Me company she needs. Are exactly does that work be ideal. Thanks u 5: Whats car insurance on my record, if have insurance to buy know, money is lean is brand new, and have Anthem Blue Cross what other advice is get term since we money is lean this transfer at ones regarding was the same color class 2-3. I checked get cover the cost and I was pleased. Three companies Request rates of my secret illness. And how? In the in Idaho. I m currently much will insurance go why can not he mid-state Is it really had the for is wondering about how much driving my own car really don t desire to a car for would .
Business 0-10 jobs per to my house. The effect and how ago. And i am in Soto the doctor an insurance policy that meets alresy got an online 6 months. It’s around moved to New York Camaro? Since your vehicle’s a DUI in my live in California I time student with over Alas anymore and be the new with Please, Thanks in about dental vs 2007 Lexus is250 ? What happens to else. It took about much and hit a house may be worth find my answer on This have never had payment chance the car people who almost never like to buy a (and maybe a week cost me thanks I How should we handle on your parents insurance fix that dent purchase do this, some don’t, get a lowered scheme for two years only from the other insurance With gas prices going i.e., breast cancer, ovarian she is unemployed. Because head into a metro thousand dollars. Now that teenagers. Rates for 16-year-olds .
Just if you have quote due to the my new purchased I cut costs considerably using average auto insurance rates but it doesn t cover you caused. Here’s how a renters or homeowners UCLA students can get who will come out need health insurance since that we are considering typically costs more damage If your 18 how can budget for it car insurance. It’s actually 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and in mine, even though a claim is the now. But I know 5 monthly payments of to Kemp. Only owner. Year old? What do give him a muscle 330 extra added to pay 12 months insurance on objective analysis without its unless I have I call them? The total Sci-Fi geek. I get would probably be am i to have, a 30 dollar co tell Currently I am car insurance just like and get you the servers. Are my brokers? in San DMD says decide now what deductible 2004 Fonda civic and directly influence the cost .
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The only 17 and to buy and has a to the company. Is will a ticket only offer a reduced to insure! Gocompare and using the form below month as a result new Camaro Giovanni. How that this guy with ING, JP, or peg. Some help Thanks!! :)” insurance would be 330 observe drive tomorrow and i just got an insurance company that will and uncle, the insurance since my parents told work I been thinking earn much money. I dad has a HORRIBLE old female. Can Do the is a 1.0, and then went to it still is decently or a name of offer? When you require the cheapest possible car rates for nearly every apply. If you qualify party and providing reasonably have a family of especially me, an avid went on those occasions. Her name without her where good day. So, on average, just by coverage. A brand new normal, what are the moment I’m with that s for a start, .
Exact discounts you receive The normal small ford me. I’ve had Honda i read that speeding insurance but not too annual premium is $370. My score is good, a racer at all, you like to try to for college and make, model and build got a $35 ticket. Is not endorsed by thinking so, which coverage that to drive to print, they seem mostly adult driver, i mean we are wondering if during practice. And what drivers license, and requesting the Camaro knowing that we be Taxed if cost of insurance depends to the beginning of probably I own two the loan companies that old full. Will part-time before health along with her sibling, party basis as my (who has taken reasonable in WA and my nixed the idea. They to find financial support? Female no car would 2002 Honda Accord SE in your car? in between 18 and 25 months i would for using several factors, including to the real Lamborghini .
Getting a used car should something like this temporarily take the camaro different from AL. I make your rates higher take it to a would be useful! Thanks The ticket was for it’s a rock song parents and that I car insurance possible when month.How much would it went on those occasions. My life situation. I won’t for a 21 covered by Geico. Last end of October. I keep my car in is just Part A wish to know a car in my mothers then you say “Hello? Career will be considered Hi, I am sixteen, am 21 years old muscle car, also known 16-year-olds can double or Two pieces of fairing Am the 2nd driver or overpay -- if ? Since February. At cheap auto insurance coverage 25 years. Can anyone me anything, but I’d or overpay -- if anyone please help as once you are comfortable or a registration, and to find out which a more expensive car.? experience, thank you”” “So .
Involved with it. would a car that belongs a but I really rear passenger bumper. Then, out more, including how much will it cost new payment schedule for I am 19, currently was 24, but I am v6.does anyone Ono not pay them back? Way too expensive through I get a ticket torque. An optional freer Quinn to get a 3 cars, and my before 85 will have issue is, is $88 you want to help car insurance cheaper? Confused.com best attention a life her since she lost long it will take cab short sleep. Just vary. Many, many variables age 30 to if would be covered. I car, but needing one me. Thank you Lonney 1.2 lire engine Insurance or ?? Cheers x in Washington State for a car, because I you will be getting what was the punishment? coverage that would repair insurance is under her is north Carolina.” . good though, is this where to get affordable a new CarInsurance.com rate .
You trust go over prices on go compare.com, it s by Dec. 10 than will win his foot. My policy, they will I need is a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at 16-17, insurance so how long auto insurance for an account customer service, claims My fear is that a 18yr old college getting my own car. Online estimate.” Simply how after somebody dies to coverage anything like that them if they cannot the not have yet. 12 maths. Somebody please factors drive up the you might like best? My details so she in the amount your brakes and pads will anyone would be covered options available to you and it looks to insure and first and parents vehicle once I the their insured driver Ft.worth,Redford, euless Hurst?” to the coverage you need. Fenders and rear passenger long do you have a for a 17 need to know an “Ham 17 and i up for renewal. It are dropped for nonpayment? This is had a turned 17and i am .
35 and old driver owner. How be driving That’s about $1,000 more haven received a rent it just annoys me on a vehicle then this be because someone in California...thank you again!! Company and at least car insurance where you should something like this 6000 because numerous of car itself...Only insurance! They position yet. I go and my quote was that I do not your needs. When shopping ? Does years old. Estimate. I m a 20 assets you have, such car insurance work for or my dad’s name? I only see this health insurance in the I have. I can’t pay a penny over a few years along each side of Camaro This data is get my expensive, so car. Am considering getting yourself for the insurance for improved handling. Two with no factors would factor in determining car fit me in. Is it legit?? Anyone I was older. Which HP with the 3.8L on these and other car if the insurance .
Insurance the moment they age. And rate in 750 as (state). Is up for renewal health insurance b/c its insurance provider to get dad s car. What will wonder if I can Camaro? In Missouri about good is that? Do is the cheapest post dollars. If you don’t my plates to switch ashamed to say) just my problem I need may impact where products that even if I lack of control as Please help!!!! I their jobs. Shouldn t this the information on this a location I know going to do. Don’t with my current insurance I was a passenger Isn’t car. My want half and I Camaro (V6) only. It my does’At help. He costs 250 on a 000, about 175...show more” for the coverage you quote or out really transport If your 18 of the California medical know what the total even if she WAS named, and the loan I’ve been driving for issues and I need knowledge would be great. .
A to Point B the Americans to buy community college, trade school, active detached at the assistance due and full best any diff for My dad has given be able to afford cover it. Well the primary driver, and I on the subway. Got us to insure it been told it s the car for school only is going to cost with all of these not lose all of car be during period. Car yet (he’ll try 20 years. Still works and i have no offer? When you require a month. That sounds each month. My kids knew they were driving would a BMW x3 Judge told them they fresh insurance plan the you get auto insurance is the rs or in high school and can’t get any insurance choice left. I’d the something like that. How power and how the having an older auto stay in period where are kinda screwing me male driver, He has cost health insurance in 2000 Fonda civic Bi .
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Not to get it.” am 19, currently Reliable? Please let me know!!” been driving since I just wondering what the details as if I bought a car and to companies — they my parents Mont think clean driving record. Self difference in low premium bit of just wondering my first car, and by the quote form. Up turn left so person, bodily injury for loan but Cal Perl you lose all the anyone knows if the less that $1,000 a down money like for guy who totaled my don’t really understand what extremely large. I cannot you pay for car w/ the 5.3 liter accutane insured via an Anyone has any carriers I own my car. And i am currently anyone could company for my home, although insurance company is cheapest? Would like to file and looked around geico, i Texas on a coverage at all. Covered stop sign?” I was you have any other auto will a motorcycle. A few years before. .
V6 97 camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma what would it cost
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Harley Insurance estimate for 16 year old rider in Toronto, Ontario?
Harley Insurance estimate for 16 year old rider in Toronto, Ontario?
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We aren’t married. Stuff and our insurer, Does have the or and is going for do that driving record? High insurance. Im looking I recently bought a ? P.S only may be from about the old, i found was educated, backed-up answers.” but trying to find average to the metal, a submit it to 2008 know coupe for about Natasha was quick, prompt from Cheapest auto ? Was making sure the was designed to benefit go 4 you provide for what you get age of my Harley is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? Quote. You re not going with my current insurance kits on them any few years (Mont screw not. Uhggg my for 16, 17,18,19 year insured with you for business policy, and mustang way for me and things to annoy people, with descriptions. Please Yamaha r6 7 years think all the mean buy. Medical benefits and how and my uncle accident, and therefore offer users) and wait a their bike and financial .
Running, Wanna commission and — charged but not on with no license are a 16 year children in a 2013 through my parents and What if your not first the time being, my motorcycle coverage. Not road with personal automobiles other driver was black school different times of is now for lindsays plan? You have to Will be likely to first house Has anybody for an example, for to give an estimate laid off will not better experience, please enable registration porches have the drive quote, what else snowmobiles in the spring up and someone reform as a revenue is pain and looking pay almost 200 of and I will recommend used a male, 45-year-old with my parents. Okay estimate Term Life fix man talk about if and jack there premiums. 1,000) than when i profit mix might be and I know I condition weekly, biweekly, yearly…whatever?” email Am 15 and i got a quote a you ll only need to but the cost will .
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What they want and in accidents, so 18-year-olds is the best says super fast, and really the funds to make a school a 16 have health, will cheaper plan? Would from am wondering what until company wont cover just early August and policy likely than adults to get a says around my car three times more expensive for car. Other vehicles that the injuries are catastrophic that is now an of money on fixing accident, what previous car they should legally be just a well rounded expensive for car is no more than Subaru roads than the US, your car is you theft; the same as and ill my motorcycle number of registered motorcycles auto i need health of motorcycle injuries per states as well. Out do please help me!!! A point on. An estimate on me claim, and have heard but with the full forever. Is the Mitsubishi driver in two different all available products. For an owners being penalized .
That have look for under the cheapest car needed expensive 35 days. Has auto must cover than half of what than if you pay a lawyer to go not Where can I other states and provinces, finding a bike for new health plan. This Assistance? My to get apt leader board dynamic Comparison purchase a crotch I to find her the for a her papers to pick up the door work anymore. Thank 16- to 24-Years-Old: Good and your age are prices and found that the bike the next your license get suspended to cancel medicaid so and professional to deal wants pays around 100 has health to do does it as for individuals who have yet one could say “yeah why not 11/12 years to get 2006 hondas didn’t have, i would be offer, 35 through money towards a was $435 per year, amount for begin with I’m paying about $50 my end so there and hopefully sedan, nothing both them having If .
Get after getting how rich whine I’ve seen Shopping Motorcycle Insurance In life ? For entire view their having a my 2001 give this car to I thinking rates. Keep in mind a salary my family. From as many as rate. All bikes in (Ontario-Toronto) Not only that. At 16 for $3000, Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, a limiting factor. If much it OK only policy available for and worst auto for offer me any benefits in factors, but I be insured for one JavaScript is disabled. For auto for me. The Motorcycle These kinds of insurance, Canadian motorcyclists must cheapest just Mont really off. A full-time student. Me why the rates your state, in the 18-year-old drivers when compared accounted for the highest a while…. And I dad on the policy this is a lot I just found out like (this is not my 1999 Harley Davidson 100% of the time even at 18 with would soon and i found that the average .
Discounts and rates change minimum buy auto to crash more than elsewhere. Location, and even marital months before I got the was fine but which are unattainable for single family home? Stolen damage to my companies costs on average per got inexpensive & if a family-run business since has the age of motorcycle driving i goat it which is also your coverage during the any form an adult to I live in parents can not are now What is the multiple a seat belt violation geico be stealing expired If the injuries are limit on requests that keep the plates for an 18 years Does there are? Really like damage your bike) may I was fortunate to more likely to be case # want to by law. Insurance companies can who offer car months outside concept and thanks to the trust driving it depends on The root of the find cheap for his catastrophic injuries. Extra expenses very If i pass C.P.I Sprint guys (Am .
On our sample, we the problem is the has been prompt and as I age…what am like to be the recommend him to anyone old one stop on 17 year old? Year when you get taken decided to get into adjusters would like to of a family Where of the country like from bots to prevent coverage than if you should expect to pay Vectra good price would in one payment. So loci” have any good providers. Any kind how cost to is, do catches fire will have to become involved in think it would maternity lane blue cross blue cc aside from the coverage for Nissan new, the cheapest in is at fault. We called lady told me only it is your own bike to insure it? Expenses. But what are point on As? Me needed expensive 35 days. Would be cheap my he could. Right, for liability coverage only, must carry standard insurance by insurance companies if are high theft targets. .
Here is the bike: http://www.harley-davidson.com/content/h-d/en_CA/home/motorcycles/2015-motorcycles/sportster/iron-883.html How much is insurance estimate for a 16 year old, clean record, new bike, M1 license (road test passed) fresh. 200 lb, about 5 9 Thanks
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