#the way they create more dimension and the way the flow
chai-en-kaadhale · 9 months
forever obsessed with kamome shirahama's borders and paneling like just l o o k
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
I love you and all your works 🛐🛐🛐
Currently I'm fangirling over Danny Fenton's ex cuz I love stories where Bruce is a disaster lololol. Speaking of, do you think we can have more parts of it? Please?
Danny is tending to the cosmos creation and shaping when his summons digs again. He closes his eyes, reaching out to the one making the ritual and huffs at the feeling of a familiar soul.
Ugh, Bruce has been attempting to summon him none stop. It's so annoying to have a new sacerfices again and again. He mentally presses the ignore button on the runes, feeling Bruce's sadness as his calls go unanswered once more.
He reopens his eyes, trying to focus on his work. His mood is off now, though, and the soothing sensation of light bursting in darkness is sour.
Cosmos' creation was a lot like gardening to him when he was human, and the fact that Bruce is somehow ruining it makes it worse.
Why was he bothering Danny now? It's been fifteen years! Okay, maybe it had gone in the blink of an eye for a being like Danny, but it was still a long time for Bruce, wasn't it?
He was pretty sure it was longer than Bruce's oldest child.
Which wasn't that something? Bruce Wayne, the man who claimed he couldn't offer commitment but needed to "find himself", had run off only to find some bimbo and create mini versions of himself, not once, not twice, but six times.
Didn't that just sting?
Danny could do much with his power, but he was determined to give it all up to be more human for Bruce. He had been human for three years and had been Bruce's support during his youthful days.
He should have left that human flouting in the Infinite Realms. But Danny had always had trouble looking away when someone needed him. Maybe it was left over from his hero days.
Still, Bruce had only been eighteen, just ten years away from his parent's murder, and still struggling with his need for vengeance. At first Danny had only trained him, wanting to give him the edge he would need in a fight, but somewhere along the way his heart had been stolen.
When Bruce turned twenty- two years under Danny's mentorship- he had return home, but not before begging Danny to come with him. Like a fool he had followed.
It has been a struggle to remember how much pain humans endure in everyday life. He stub his toe three steps into Bruce's caves underneath his manor- the location of the natural portal that had sucked in Bruce.
The portal would close and not reopen for another fifty years, and as a human, he would not be able to return to the Realms until his death. Danny had been fine with that, even when Jazz, Sam and Tucker begged him to think things through.
You aren't human anymore. Jazz had said from the perch of her throne. This will only end in disaster.
He hadn't cared. Danny was in love, and for the first time since their home dimension vaporized with the passage of time, he finally felt alive again.
Even before his powers forced his heart to beat once more, his lungs to expand with air, and the blood to flow through his veins, Danny felt alive, and that was because of Bruce.
Bruce, whose gentle smile, could hide his pain for only so far.
He had thought offering everything he is and everything he could be- Jazz had nearly become the Queen of the Realms since Danny was busy breathing, bleeding and suffering as a human again- but maybe it was only his body Bruce liked.
Maybe it was the fact that for all of Danny's creations, he could not give Bruce a child. What were stars in the sky to humans on Earth that could not withstand their glow? What was the point of promising him enteral happiness when humans were destined to die before they could notice the passage of time?
Danny grimaces as the familiar burning sensation starts in his eyes. He angrily wipes the tears away, bitter that even now, as a full spirit of space, protection, and death, he can still linger in humanity.
He can feel pain.
Pain that no medicine from Jazz's soft hands treat, no ointment from Sam's plants can soothe, and no peace of mind that Tucker's dreams can bring.
Just pain that raddles his otherwise still heart.
The summons flairs up again. Danny can sense Bruce placing a small notepad in the circle, ovbiosuly writting on it as the runes attempt to send Danny a mental image. He grimnces as the words flash before behind his eyelides.
Please Danny, I just want to talk.
It's too late—fifteen years too late. He sends the message in green flames, hoping they burn Bruce as much as they burn Danny. He shuts the summons down before Bruce can think of replying. Just as the wards that keep Danny out from controlling the summons shatters he can sense Bruce slumping to the ground.
It reminds him of himself, slumped over the notepad in horrified confusion. Danny had awoken from the most tender lovemaking of his life only to find his lover long gone. The message had been short and apologetic, but it did nothing to hide Danny's engagement ring, which he had Alfred help him buy in secret, which had been dug out of his suitcase and flung to the other side of the room.
It did nothing to hide that Danny had no money, documentation, or life outside of Bruce Wayne. He had not been human in many years and had thought he could trust Bruce to not worry about such things.
He had paid the hotel with a few bills on his person, and the staff gave him pity glances. The hotel had not even been in Gotham or the United States. Bruce had taken them to the Middle East for a vacation- and a possible new trainer for him, something Ghul- and left with everything before Danny awoke.
He had even been able to use his powers because part of the deal to become human was to let Phantom go. Danny had been left abandoned in a foreign country with nothing but the clothes on his back, a suitcase and a broken heart.
Had it not been for Tucker worrying about him and checking on him through his dreams, Danny would have died there, and unlike before when he turned into Phantom, his soul would have faded away.
Bruce Wayne broke something in him that day. He would not have a second chance to do it again.
Never again.
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rboooks · 1 year
DC X DP fic: Legal Compensation
Bruce Wayne doesn't know what sick monster would think it is funny to ruin Jason's grave, but when an alert arrives at the cave, he's flying towards the cemetery intending to find out.
And teach them some respect.
Of course, he knows Jason's not in there- not after his son returned with more hate and rage than a person- but it was still his last resting place.
He barely acknowledges Tim and Damian pulling up beside the Batmobile, each on their own bike while Dick, Steph, and Cass fly above him. They all got the alert. None of them are happy.
When they arrive, it's to see a teenager happily whistling as he shovels away layers of dirt. The stranger is in a white and black hoodie, a neon green ghost crossing from the front to the back, and his white hair with glowing green eyes lets them know it's not a human.
Or if it is, then not an average human. Meta, based on how he picks up way more dirt than he should be able to lift with his glowing green shovel.
They also see Jason get there first, his eyes glowing in Pit Rage and .points a gun to the back of the teenager's head. Bruce opens his mouth to shout, Damian manages to throw a ninja star, but they are far too late.
Jason pulls the trigger. A large bang is heard across the cemetery. The teenager drops into the deep hole he is making.
The family can only watch as the Pit Rage disappears from Jason's mind, and horror creeps onto his face as he realizes what he has done. It's too late now, though. The child is dead.
Bruce feels sick to his stomach- and then The teenager stands up, his head reforming in terrible familiar green liquid. The family forms a protective circle around a frozen Jason as the teenager turns around to look at them with Lazarus' green eyes and smiles.
Smiles at Jason with far too bright eyes. "I found you! I didn't realize you already left your grave, but that makes things easier. Jason Peter Todd, yes?"
"Who are you?" Bruce demands, stepping before his second oldest.
The white hair boy's smile becomes wider- if that's possible. "I'm Phantom. I'm working on behalf of the Ghost King."
Damian hisses, "What does the most powerful being in the multiverse want with Todd?"
"Baby Bat?" Dick asks without really asking.
"The Ghost King is the ruler of the Infinite Realms. The place where grandfather harvests the Lazarus Pit."
That's not good.
The teenager laughs. "The very same. He wants me to offer Legal Compensation to Mr. Todd."
"Legal Compensation? For what?" Tim asks this time.
"The glitch. See, Mr.Todd wasn't supposed to die- he was supposed to break the door and crawl to safety while the bomb jammed. At the same time, the Master of Time was preoccupied with another dimension saving the lives of six very important people to the Ghost King from a junk food explosion. Because of that, he was not there to control time correctly, creating a glitch in this universe's time flow. It speeded up certain areas, in your case, the location of the bomb's jam, making it explode earlier than it should have. He corrected it by bringing you back, but you were in a grave by that point. The Master of Time realized the grave injustice this was, so he sent me as legal Compensation."
That.... was a lot.
"How are you legal compensation?" Jason growls.
"Well, those people were just as important to me as the Ghost King. Since you lost your life due to the incident, I will give you my natural life here as a human for you to use." The teenager's form shifts after an ample bright light, and suddenly they are looking at a perfectly black hair blue eye average looking human who smiles happily at them. "Ta-da! So what do you want me to do first, Master Todd?"
"No." Jason hisses, looking angrier than he's ever looked before. Bruce can't say he doesn't feel the same way. "No, the Master of Time does not get to kill me. Go oopsie-daisy and then send me a fucking slave as an apology!"
"Not a slave- more of a- ugh Bulter!" The teenager argues, trying to crawl out of the hole and falling down, into a heap as he oversteps. "Wow, being a full human is going to get some getting use to."
"No!" Jason yells, turns around, and walks away.
"Wait! Wait! Master Todd, wait for me!" The teenager calls desperately, but Jason disappears into the shadows of Gotham without a backward glance. The boy slides into the mudd, voice muffled as he screams.
Steph takes pity on him offering her hand to help him out of the hole. "What's your name, by the way?"
"Phantom." The teenager says with a grateful smile taking the hand and climbing out. He gives the rest of the family an awkward smile "Danny Phantom"
Bruce ends up with another son by the following day. Jason ends up with a restless wanna-be butler who follows him everywhere, trying to serve him. The fact he cure his Pit Madness didn't seem to even register with him.
Jason wants Danny to leave him alone and quit the "I must spend the rest of my human life providing for your every whim". It's getting creepy.
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sweemmy · 9 days
Relationship with Bill Cipher.
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Being in a relationship with Bill Cipher is like walking a tightrope suspended over chaos. You never know what’s coming next, and that keeps you in a constant state of alert and fascination. Bill has no concept of human or emotional boundaries, which makes every moment with him intensely unpredictable. One second, he’s laughing maniacally in your ear, his voice booming in your mind like a distorted cacophony, and the next, he’s whisking you away to dimensions that defy logic and time.
Sometimes, his physical appearances are grotesque, as if he enjoys showing you his most unsettling form just to watch your reaction. One night, he might approach you with arms that stretch unnervingly long, his eye flickering with a mix of mischief and malice. To him, it's all fun and games. To you, it’s a constant test of your nerves.
Romance with Bill is strange, bizarre, like a cosmic game no one else could ever understand. He’ll give you flowers that wither as soon as you touch them or take you to dinner in a place where time flows backward and the food looks like something from a Lovecraftian nightmare. His way of showing affection is twisted, but deep down, you sense there’s a spark of something genuine, though corrupted by his chaotic nature.
He whispers secrets in your ear that no one else knows, but those secrets are often too dark, too ancient, and they weigh on your mind like an unbearable burden. He warns you not to repeat them, yet tempts you to, just to see what happens. For Bill, human emotions are just another experiment, and you're his favorite test subject.
Sometimes, you feel like you’re losing yourself in his madness, as if the lines between your reality and his are dangerously blurring. But just when you think he’s dragged you too far, when you're on the edge of losing control, he pulls you back with a manic grin and reminds you why you stay by his side.
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Bill doesn’t distinguish between pleasure and pain; to him, both are just tools to manipulate your emotions. In more intimate moments, his touch is a mix of fascination and torment, his fingers—when he has them—glide over your skin, leaving behind a burning sensation, as if he’s marking you in some invisible way. He relishes your reactions, your shivers, and whispers in your ear that pain is just another form of love.
When you’re alone, Bill amuses himself by twisting reality to his will, creating illusions that toy with your senses. One moment, you're trapped in his embrace, but the next, it feels like something is pulling you into another dimension. He laughs at your confusion, feeding off the fear that radiates from you. For Bill, fear is as exhilarating as any other emotion, and he loves to push you to the edge of the unknown.
Sometimes, he leaves marks on you, invisible scars only you can feel. He calls them "souvenirs" of your encounters, trophies of his mental and physical games. He loves the idea that you carry a piece of him with you, a constant reminder of who’s really in control. And the worst part? You start to crave those marks, longing for the twisted pain only he can deliver.
Bill is a master of contradictory sensations. One moment, he's touching you softly, almost tenderly, but the next, his nails—or whatever he has that day—dig into your skin with a pressure that borders on unbearable. He delights in your gasps and your attempts to hold yourself together. He loves when you surrender, when you embrace the chaos he brings.
In his most grotesque moments, Bill blurs the line between the physical and the mental. He plunges you into disturbing visions while his intangible presence wraps around you. What you see is as grotesque as what you feel, warping your perception of pleasure and pain. He makes you watch as your own body deteriorates, distorts into impossible forms, while his laughter echoes in your mind. And when he pulls you back, you're left trembling, fully aware that nothing you experience with him is truly real… and yet, it feels as real as you want it to be.
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History hates Lovers
Imagine dis…
When Batman got lost in time it was said that he made some signs or even some symbols that send a message in the future. For example, a portrait that looked exactly like him or even a cave painting of a bat that looked too modernized to be from the early cavemen.
But it seems that we have forgotten that every change that he made whether it was just standing in a portrait as a background has a severe consequence in the time stream. The butterfly effect rests on the notion that the world is deeply interconnected, such that one small occurrence can influence a much larger complex system. The effect is named after an allegory for chaos theory; it evokes the idea that a small butterfly flapping its wings could, hypothetically, cause a typhoon.
Small changes could result in another and entirely new timeline, whether the changes were small enough that people don’t notice or large enough that people merely conceived it as normal.
But at the end of the day it still changes, so how did the timeline remain stable as it is?
(I am no expert in time travel so don’t get your hopes up, I do enjoy a good time travel or time travel -fix it fic in A03)
Bruce didn’t know where and when he is right now. Still weak and disoriented from the consent way he fell from each timeline. One moment he could be in the middle of a group of cavemen and then he was at the edge of a town in the Middle Ages. 
He kept sending messages subtle as they may be, as long as they survived the passage of time and arrived to his future. He just hopes that his teammates can see his messages, especially with the flash in their midst who had both knowledge and experience in time travel.
He tried to fit in every time he tried to send a message as the last thing, he needed was to change the time. 
But little did Bruce know the little messages he kept making and sending, despite their subtleness still created a butterfly effect. It makes some of the people in the period who were supposed to be in time to some event pause and take a look at the mysterious symbols and signs that Bruce made. Thus, making them late or even have some delay, thus creating a large domino effect that started small. From insignificant people, people who are just literally background characters who just have a very short greeting or meeting with someone in the event made the entire timeline crack.
Clockwork was looking at the time stream due to the fragile situation at hand. CW knew that this event was crucial for the Red Robin’s growth as a detective and vigilante. But the small cracks are turning into something unchangeable, CW knew that this was the only communication that the Dark Knight could send as well it was his way to get back to his own time.
Yet CW can see the cracks getting larger and larger, with each move that the Dark Knight made creating more holes in his known future. Usually, such events as the Dark Knight's faces don’t create any consequences or even affect the time stream of the said dimension as it was meant to be. An event unavertable in the end is more justifiable than the means.
But due to the Flash family going back in time as well the countless time traveler visitors made the time stream in that dimension week and prone to break in any given time. It was just a surprise to CW that it lasted so long.
CW found a solution in the form of his apprentice/ grandson, Phantom. Despite the young ghost being an Ancient of Space as well as the King of Infinite Realms he still needs a mentor to not only guide him to his new duties as an Ancient but also his responsibilities as the future High King.
Space and Time are two sides of the same coin thus CW ended up being the mentor of the young Phantom. 
Clockwork sent Danny to not only seal in the cracks in the flow of time but also want some great-grandchildren, if you heard the last part then you heard nothing from me.
Danny didn’t know he was getting in when Clockwork sent him out to another errand at another time. He should have gotten used to CW’s vague and cryptic errands through time when he was a teen, but as he was sealing another crack from time, he saw something that shouldn’t be in the period. A man clearly from out of time trying and failing to fit in, though he may have fooled the locals but he had been traveling and fixing time since he was in high school. 
At first, he looked perplexed but if CW didn’t mention anything then he won’t do anything.
But slowly Danny realized that whichever period the guy was in, it was where the next set of cracks would be, so Danny decided to follow the guy.
Bruce may still be weary and tired from the constant falling through time but even in his tired state can see that there is someone following him.
Every era there that man was, seemingly walking around aimlessly but then he noticed that he kept a good distance away from him.
Eventually, it led to and confrontation between the two males.
Danny who explained that despite having the power to travel through time cannot help Bruce as his little messages are creating small cracks in the time stream and are merely there to seal up the cracks, but offers news that he will get back to his own time.
Bruce who is just wishing for human contact that relates to him as well in the verge of going off to the Flash to stop going back in time for another chance to eat a breakfast that tasted better than before.
The two began conversing with one another and slowly fell in love.
Bruce is the first one to fall hard, Danny whose light-heartedness brought Bruce out of his shell. It had only taken a few conversations with each other to lose his shield around his heart. Danny both accepted both Bruce and Batman within him. Danny’s smile lights up Bruce’s world, at first Bruce tries to hide his feelings to Danny so as not to lose his only companion throughout the ordeal.
The two began dancing around their feelings and Bruce in an out of character of him sent a love letter and a poem to Danny when the ghost was needed somewhere else to seal the crack.
As old as I am, I have had the most dreadful experiences in love. I have a very dark past and I'm a damaged soul. My past experiences have groomed me into believing that there's no such thing as true love, but with you, I feel different. You make me fall in love with myself too. You always make me smile, and I'm scared. I'm scared to fall in love and get broken again, I'm scared to give my all, only to be used again, to get shamed and embarrassed. I've seen how careful and caring you are around me, but sometimes you give me a cold shoulder, and it's small things like these that break me. Please bear with me and be fragile. I come from a very painful past where I had to be a woman and have no say. All this love and affection is a little scary to me because I'm not used to it. I'm falling for you and I'm falling hard. I hope our love story has a happy ending. Know that I will always love and cherish you.
 (Mmakoma Kamogelo. "My Confession." Family Friend Poems, September 6, 2016. https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-confession-2)
Danny who received the letter burned red from reading the poem to the point his freckles were the only thing prominent on his red face, Danny knew that this man was from the future and couldn't help but feel a little bit insecure. That man, the Batman is someone out of his league but sends out a letter and a poem of his own.
Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.
My love for you is uncontrollable.
 My feelings for you are unstoppable.
 Can't go a day without thinking about you.
 Without you, I'm not complete.
 With you, my heart finds its beat.
 My heart is filled with joy because of your love.
 You are my strength, and without you I'm weak.
 Before you came into my life, I was
 Hopeless, lonely, sad.
 When you showed up, I knew that you were sent to me. (Namely CW, Danny just knew that old Ancient did something)
 You are always here to support me.
 Your smile makes me shy,
 And sometimes I wonder where you have been all this while,
 But I'm just glad that I managed to get you in my life...
(Mmakoma Kamogelo. "My Confession." Family Friend Poems, September 6, 2016. https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-confession-2)
When the two realized both were pinning to one another began sending each other little love notes, in the form of short poems to full-blown letters.
Both males whenever received a letter when one was apart, collected and hid it in a box to reread each stroke of the letter from the other, and whenever they were together, they just spent the entire day basking in each other’s presence.
Their little note exchange didn’t stop whenever Bruce fell to another period, Danny just followed him and started a new exchange mail of letters.
Of course, both used pseudonyms in their letters ranging from initials to fake names using only the letters from their names.
When Bruce was saved by Red Robin, he felt relieved as he could now stop falling into another period but another shock as he didn’t get to say goodbye to Danny.
Bruce knew that someday it come, but he was going to offer Danny the future with him. He is going to offer Danny the world, but it seems that it was never meant to be.
Maybe that’s why his past self never met Danny, too disappointed, too dejected to meet him once again.
It has been a few months since he came back to his future, it was another family outing organized by Dick.
It was a museum featuring the latest found by archeologists, as Bruce was surveying case to another case, he fell upon a worn-out parchment with his handwriting.
Wide-eyed, Bruce looked closely at the exhibit and found that the description said the letter was about a man named “Brooks” confessing his love in the form of a short poem to a woman named “Daniella” who had the same feelings as him but had other responsibilities to fully go where he is.
Bruce began looking at the other exhibits and there along rows and rows of his letter exchange with Danny from different periods. 
Jason and Tim who were a few cases away from him began having a heated discussion with a stranger about the supposed woman in the letters being a man the entire exchange is between a pair of male couple, and the so-called Historians are hiding the fact that it was between men.
Bruce was about to interfere with the upcoming verbal fight when a stranger beside him commented that “Daniella” probably missed “Brooks” as the last letter and poem to the exchange when “Daniella” noticed that “Brooks” is no longer responding is…
(By E.E. Cummings)
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
 my heart)I am never without it(anywhere
 I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
 by only me is your doing, my darling)
                           I fear
 no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)i want
 no world(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
 and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
 and whatever a sun will always sing is you
 here is the deepest secret nobody knows
 (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
 and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
 higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
 and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
 i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
 (E.E. Cummings. "[i Carry Your Heart With Me(i Carry It In]." Family Friend Poems, https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/i-carry-your-heart-with-me-by-ee-cummings)
Bruce is startled as he doesn’t even notice Danny’s last letter to him when he takes a good look at the stranger…
There he is, Danny in his early 30’s looking at him with softness and deep love in his eyes and a gentle smile. As if he hadn’t waited centuries for Bruce to appear once again, and what looked like willing to wait once again for him.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: As you can see, I have never fallen in love and please mind my poor and lack of love life in my life to relate to my work.
PPPS: I decided to post a bit early, I've got something going on to the actual February 14.
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f6bron · 11 months
pairing : iso x gn!reader
notes : mutual pining ? i’ll let the audience decide , might be ooc since i wrote this based on all of his available voicelines so far ( . — . )
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The echoing clang of bullets hitting metal targets reverberated through the shooting range as you took aim alongside Iso, the new recruit to the Valorant Protocol. You’d been itching to get to know him better, and what better way to break the ice then some target practice?
“Clean shot! I should let Chamber know he has a rival now.”
Iso shrugged and chuckled, as an acknowledgement to your compliment.
“So, Iso… I heard you isolate your enemy into that domain of yours? Interesting…” you remarked, keeping your eyes trained on the target as you shot a bullet straight to the head.
Iso nodded shyly, his fingers still gripping the handle of his pistol. 
“Y-yeah… Just my way to secure a 1v1 duel…”
Oh, what the hell am I saying, Iso thought, mentally facepalming at his awkward response. He felt silly for acting awkward in front of you. To be honest, he finds you really, really beautiful. Maybe that’s the reason.
But to his surprise, you merely gave him a soft smile. 
“That is sooo freaking cool ~! Can you bring me there someday?” you asked, your tone playful and light.
Iso was surprised, his eyebrows knitting together. 
“Why would I bring you there? I don’t think having a gun duel with an ally there is a good idea–”
You giggled, which interrupted his words. “Not in a gun duel, silly. I just wanna know what it looks like in the dimension.”
Warmth crept onto Iso’s face, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment at having misunderstood your context. “O-oh… Yeah, sure. I hang out a lot there even though there’s nothing much… Mostly when I need alone time to read my books or… listen to music.”
“And, having company once in a while would be nice.” He smiled, his eyes glanced at you.
“Mhmm, then I’ll be waiting ~” you replied, your curiosity piqued. You adjusted your stance, firing a few more rounds with precise accuracy.
“Oh ! Talking about music,” you continued, gesturing to the earbuds that Iso always had whenever you saw him. “I always see you got your earbuds on all the time. I assume you’re a music enthusiast, yes?”
Iso nodded, his fingers fumbling with the gun’s magazine as he exchanged it. “It helps me to stay relaxed and focused. Music has this way of grounding me, you know?”
You smiled, appreciating his honesty. “That makes sense. What kind of music do you listen to then?”
As Iso put his pistol down, he began to list off his favourite genres and artists. You noticed the way his purple-coloured eyes lightened up. You were surprised by the variety of his tastes, from classical compositions to high-energy EDM tracks. Your conversation flowed seamlessly, as Iso continued geeking over his profound hyperfixation.
“So, do you have a favourite song?” you asked, genuinely interested.
Iso took a moment to think before answering. He has so many favourites, heck, he could create millions of playlist when he thought of it. Then, a song came to his mind, “There’s this one song that I find myself going back to quite often. It’s called ‘Helena’ by My Chemical Romance.
The name caught your attention, “Wait ! I know that song ! What’s the worst that I can say ~”
Iso chuckled, he continued singing along, “Things are better if I stay ~”
“So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight.”
Both of you started giggling, which lightened up the mood surrounding the both of you.
Iso started to fiddle with his gloved fingers, his expression softening. “To me, that song carries a powerful and cathartic expression of one’s emotions surrounding the loss of a loved one, so it has become one of my favourites.”
You were touched by his description and decided to make a mental note to listen to the song again later. As you both finished up with the training at the shooting range, you couldn’t help but feel a connection forming between you and Iso. He’s slowly getting along with you, no longer the quiet and reserved recruit. 
Someone you could genuinely relate to.
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As the both of you left the shooting range, the two of you talked and laughed, not just about combat training but about music, books and everything in between. His giggles caught your attention, the way he would bring up his hand to stifle his laughs. 
Goddamn, he’s cute.
You didn’t expect the training you had with him could be the perfect time to bring you both closer. You couldn’t wait to explore Iso’s unique dimension with him, discovering not just his hidden talents but the beauty of the world he had specifically created for himself.
“So, about that dimension visit,” you teased, “When can we make that happen?”
Iso grinned, the embarrassment from earlier dissipating. “Whenever you’re ready. I’d be happy to show you around the place.”
“Can we make that a promise?”
“Yeah, promise.”
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(A/N): my love for iso is growing… he’s so cutie patootie… do u get me…
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spiritual showers
Turning your shower into a more spiritual experience can be a wonderful way to start or end your day with mindfulness and tranquility.
Here are some ways to make your shower more spiritual:
1. Set an intention: Before stepping into the shower, set a positive intention for your experience. This could be to wash away stress, find clarity, or simply be present in the moment.
2. Use aromatherapy: Incorporate essential oils or scented shower products with calming or spiritually uplifting scents, such as lavender, eucalyptus, or frankincense.
3. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the sensations of the water and the sound of it falling. Be fully present in the moment, letting go of distractions and worries.
4. Meditate: Consider using your shower time for a short meditation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and clear your mind as you feel the water cleanse your body and spirit.
5. Visualisation: Visualize the water washing away negative energy or stress, leaving you refreshed and renewed.
6. Affirmations: Recite positive affirmations or mantras while in the shower to promote a sense of inner peace and self-empowerment.
7. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the water, which is essential for life, and for the cleansing and rejuvenating effects of your shower.
8. Gentle movement: Incorporate gentle stretches or movements to promote physical and spiritual well-being while the water flows over you.
9. Sacred symbols: Consider placing meaningful symbols or objects in your bathroom to create a sacred atmosphere.
10. Music or chanting: Play soothing music or chant softly to enhance the spiritual ambiance and promote relaxation.
Remember that the key is to create a personalized experience that resonates with your spiritual beliefs and intentions.
Experiment with these suggestions to find what works best for you and adds a spiritual dimension to your shower routine.
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yumisilver · 2 months
Nine-Tailed Travel Guide through the Multiverse Event!:
Into the Sonicverse
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As it has come to be expected, it didn’t take long for Nine to run into this universe's version of Sonic. What caught him off guard, however, was that this Sonic RECOGNIZED him almost immediately. “Did I accidentally backtrack to a universe I’ve already been to? No, that’s highly unlikely (infinite universes and all that).”
 It didn’t take much longer for Nine to realize which Sonic this is; this must be the Sonic he met in the Shatterverse event!
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Nine was astonished; he never thought he’d see his friend again after the universe was put back together. 
Once they separated, Sonic asked how the heck he was there. “Oh no--did Tails accidentally touch the prism?? Nine, have you seen any other versions of yourself around here??!” 
Nine tells Sonic to relax, and explains how he came here on his own, and his overall objective. Sonic seems relieved by this answer, and invites Nine to hang out at his home until he’s ready to go. Nine agrees. 
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While walking Sonic tells Nine about what’s been happening since they saved the universe, and his current “predicament”.  At some point, Sonic met up with Shadow to discuss what to do with the Paradox Prism, like where the best place to hide it might be. During their conversation, Sonic got a bit too close to the prism, and it tried to pull him in (like how the individual shards did). Shadow managed to pull him out before it completely absorbed him, but the prism disappeared right after. Since then, Shadow has gone looking for it. Apparently Sonic coming into contact with the prism has some…unintended effects. 
They finally reach Tails’ workshop, and upon entry, Nine quickly realizes there are 
not one,
not two,
but THREE other Sonic’s sitting around and chatting (one of them was dangling from the rafters when they walked in)
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“Everybody, this is my friend Nine from New Yoke City! Nine, this is Dash, Flow, and Tumble the Hedgehogs!” 
According to Sonic, these variants of him appeared around Green Hill shortly after the prism tried to absorb him. 
This is how he says he met them:
Tumble: They, quite literally, ran into each other.
Flow: Found by Amy and Rouge on the beach, seemingly having wiped out on his board. 
Dash: Found by Knuckles, who Dash started trying to fight immediately. He did the same when Sonic arrived. Apparently he thought he was in a simulation set up by the "Chaos Council". 
They aren’t sure why, but when Sonic touched the prism, it pulled the others from their prime universes to Green Hill, that was about a month ago. As of now everyone is trying to find a way to get the three hedgehogs home. 
At first, Nine isn’t sure how he feels being around four Sonic’s at the same time, but Sonic himself convinces him to give it a chance. If anything, his knowledge of dimensional travel could be really helpful to them, and…Sonic thought it would be nice to spend time with him again. 
At that, Nine concedes to stay, but only for a little while. Sonic is over the moon about it. 
Nine figured he would take some time to see what each of these Sonic variants were like, at least to some degree.
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Tumble the Hedgehog
Original Dimension: Boscage Maze
Nine found Tumble to be very, VERY energetic, somehow more than Sonic himself. He never sits in one place for long, practically bouncing off the walls. His speaking is a bit broken, but he communicates just fine (apparently his first language is “canine”). He spoke a lot about his little brother Mangy, who he’d spend the most time playing with back home. His favorite game to play, Nine discovers, is a game he created called “Tumble Tag”. Similar to regular tag, someone is called “it” and their job is to chase down the other players. The only major differences in Tumble’s version being;
Tumble is ALWAYS it 
Whenever Tumble catches you, he gives you a 30 second head start to get away again
You don’t get to decide when you start playing, you don’t get to decide when you STOP playing 
Nine was forced to play with him for about 45 minutes before Sonic was finally able to distract Tumble long enough for Nine to get away. 
Honestly Tumble wasn’t AWFUL, he was just a lot. 
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Flow the Hedgehog 
Original Dimension: No Place
Any time Nine spent one-on-one with Flow was filled with Flow’s seemingly endless stories and tales about his life on the high seas. Going on adventures, meeting his crew, fighting sea beasts, exploring the vast oceans….yeah he talked a lot. One of the few things Nine was actually a little interested in hearing about was his surfboard; It had a rudder with a gyroscope built into the underside of the board, which allowed Flow to control where his board goes via his center gravity. 
Upon asking, Flow went into a long story about how he’s the crews lookout, meaning he spent most of his time in the crows nest. But being such a high energy person, being confined to such a small place for so long was stifling, to the point even running laps around the ship wasn’t enough to settle him, and it was annoying the crew too. Luckily, his buddy Sails had the bright idea to upgrade Flow’s board so it doesn’t need waves to move through the water. Flow seemed ecstatic to talk about this, singing praises about his companion for HOURS. 
Nine decided asking wasn’t worth it in the end. 
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Dash the Hedgehog 
Original Dimension: New Yoke City
Nine couldn’t help feeling a bit bitter upon learning Dash was from his home dimension, as he never got to have his own Sonic like most of his own multiversal counterparts. Upon questioning, it turns out Dash had initially fled Green Hill when the Chaos Council invaded, and only returned several years later to help the rebellion. Nine wondered if they would’ve found each other at some point if he hadn’t left so soon, but didn’t linger on the topic long.
Much to Sonic’s disappointment, Dash and Nine didn’t speak much to each other for the majority of Nine’s stay, as they had no real interest in getting to know each other, there was no point. 
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Miles “Tails” Prower 
Original Dimension: Green Hill
Nine found this version of himself to be tolerable. He had a lot of questions, of course, he and his counterparts were all equally inquisitive. Tails was working on helping the Sonic counterparts return to their home dimensions, and so asked Nine lots of questions related to the topic. Nine unfortunately hadn’t mastered travel between SPECIFIC universes without the Paradox prism, so all he could provide was what little knowledge he had gained about multiverse travel and the prism itself. 
Tails also gave Nine a bag of mint candy to snack on, so that was a bonus. 
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Sonic the Hedgehog 
Original Dimension: Green Hill
Nine found being able to spend time with Sonic without the constant threat of danger to be pleasant. Sonic spent a lot of time telling Nine all about his friends, what they like, what they don’t like, and how they differ from their multidimensional counterparts. He didn't linger on himself long, and was instead more curious to hear about Nine and his multidimensional adventures, so Nine obliged in telling him about the all the universes he had seen up until that point. 
Seeing how engaged Sonic was in his stories was also really encouraging. 
Overall, Nine enjoyed any time he got to spend with Sonic one-on-one. 
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Something everyone seemed to neglect informing Nine about before nightfall was a certain ahem “condition” that Tumble has. According to Sonic, Tumble had informed all of them that he was born this way, and it only happens every couple of weeks after sundown (Tumble had assumed all his counterparts had this ability, which is why he didn't say anything straight away). While in what they call his “hedgewolf” state, Tumble becomes completely nonverbal and just a bit more feral. While still in his right mind, he seems a bit more influenced by his instincts while in this form. 
Tumble Tag becomes significantly more anxiety inducing when being chased by a hedge-beast double your size while also under the cover of night. 
Nine slept in late the next morning.
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[Nine's personal log] - “From what I’ve been able to observe during my stay, dimension 6U441-/U441 has an overall stable environment and it’s ecosystem is decent. My radar did detect some minor anomaly, but I was unable to pinpoint a location. I let Sonic know regardless.  Population in this dimension is overall decent, aside from the ‘anomalies’ currently present due to the Paradox Prism." 
"While I find this dimension is decent overall and I wouldn’t mind being in Sonic’s presence more often, I’m not comfortable staying long term as the presence of my counterpart makes me feel... invasive. I'm sure Sonic would have a fit if I admitted that to him, so I’ll keep that to myself."
"I’ll stay until I’m positive the group is able to handle this “situation” of theirs on their own. I have no real obligation to stay, but I don’t mind hanging around for a bit." 
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Eventually, Nine decides he’s ready to move on to the next dimension. Tails thanks him for all his help, Tumble tries to play with him one last time, and Flow holds Tumble back for Nine’s sake. Sonic is a bit disappointed, but he still wishes him the best. Dash and Nine don’t exchange words. 
Nine opens the next portal, but before he can go through, Sonic embraces Nine one last time. “You know, once you’re all settled wherever you end up...we wouldn’t mind if you ever wanted to try visiting us again. ” 
Nine smiles a bit, and ensures he’ll see what he can do. 
As he steps through the portal, all he hears is the voices of the group, wishing him safe travels. The portal closes behind him, and Nine continues on his journey. 
Dimension: 6U441-/U441
Time Spent: 2 1/2 weeks
Overall Rating: 7/10
“It was good to see an old friend, kind of wish it was ONLY him though.”
What awaits Nine on the other side of the next portal? Check 
#Nine-Tailed Travel Guide through the Multiverse to find out! 
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doukeshi-kun · 4 months
THE OVERCOAT — mostly yapping
i'm still sane about nikolai's ability. i'm gonna ramble here because i know nikolai better than asgr sensei himself LMAO. also, please note that i am mostly using manga panels for references because that's like the most canon. yippee i'm using the normal font.
this is not entirely a definitive theory or anything. i'm horrible in writing essay. i just want to create a conversation regarding his ability :3
first, let's establish that: he can definitely use his ability without his cloak. (why he looks big in suits omg pin me down pls)
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which means he is a LIARRR RAAAAA
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(technically not because it is true that his cloak is connected. it's just that he doesn't mention about the ability is not restricted only to the cloak)
now, i think his ability is either:
A. he has a pocket/personal dimension (like lucy's) but can only be accessed through clothings, not restricted to his cloak. like if you're tiny enough to fit his pocket, you might slip into his personal dimension. and i like to think that his personal dimension can be anything he wants. one day it's a big mansion with things he has stored inside scattered all over the floor. and the next day it is probably a circus tent with creepy mannequins around. who knows. i think that's cool. great fanfic source lmao
there are a few similarities between The Overcoat and Anne of Abyssal Red—they are a type of personal dimension and time flows differently than the real world.
some key differences could be that: Nikolai may or may not change the appearances of his personal dimension. The only way to enter his dimension is through clothings/fabrics. Nikolai can still access his dimension without having to teleport himself fully to there. Obviously he doesn't have a big monster waiting in his dimension. He also doesn't have fancy mechanisms like prison door or things like that. His dimension is literally just a fancy storage room.
i remember, a few people here have mentioned that time does not flow in Nikolai's pocket dimension. there are multiple evidences of this. this poll he unleashes moves on a very great speed. he also mentioned that he can dump a blast of explosion just like that.
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he could be dropping the poll from a great high and as soon as the dropping poll slip into his dimension, the momentum and velocity stayed the same. he could be pulling out a safety pin of a grenade and put them into his dimension, and he can just immediately unleash an unsafe grenade right onto his opponent.
B. when there's an entrance, there is an exit. the core of his ability is essentially portal creation. as long as the portal is on, things are still connected (perhaps it isn't restricted to a clothing at all. perhaps he severs his own hand to make a gun appear elsewhere). when he closes one connecting portal, the matter trapped within it will get spliced too.
the most prominent example is atsushi's leg.
atsushi's leg is still connected to himself. the portal is 'connected'. and once nikolai severs it or closes it, the object trapped in that portal is also severed. if we apply this logic, it means that atsushi's bone and flesh are literally exposed openly which makes me gag a bit.
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by this logic, nikolai can literally sever anything as long as you are within 30 metres. imagine he creates a 'portal' between your head and neck. he could behead people just like that. i think that will be very cool to see. i mean, he already did so in his chainsaw escape trick, which he has a gap between his body and someone else's—which you know what, i feel that the trick is pulled last minute. nikolai is likely intended to be killed off right then and there idk. wouldn't it be more logic to say that he severed his own body like how he did to his own hand? he can already sever and keep his hand connected, it's not impossible for him to do the same for his whole body.
i like to imagine that in this murder when he 'skinned' someone alive.
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nikolai probably creates a portal on the victim's body, which allows him to pry open the skin from inside out. imagine you're being tied up and a pair of foreign hands or blade suddenly appear out from your own body and tear your skin apart.
not gonna lie, i feel like fukuchi's sword amenogozen can be totally be replicated by nikolai up to a certain degree. when amenogozen first made the appearance, i literally thought nikolai was helping to manipulate it. i literally thought fukuchi 'borrowed' nikolai's ability or something. nikolai can stab his knife into a fabric or something (an entrance portal) and the knife would come out from inside an organ (an exit portal). the only difference with how amenogozen works and how the overcoat works is that—nikolai just cannot travel back to the past.
i wonder if he can also sever space like akutagawa, but by portal-ing shit
also, i think his ability really doesn't need his clothing to be a medium? because in sigma's case, does nikolai just create seperate portals on sigma's body? connected to what? can he just create random portals onto any space and matter as long as it's within 30 metres? is it really 30 metres? am i tweaking
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two things can be true at once. now that i'm properly thinking, Nikolai probably does have a pocket/personal and portal creation at the same time because then he can also keep things and link them. i think i am leaning more to that.
Nikolai is already a strong and versatile ability user (that's my man). ngl i am biased but i do think he can take on a lot of characters. his reflexes and timing is very good—as seen during his fight with atsushi and his timing to jumble sigma (mind you sigma falls from the sky in great velocity). besides, nikolai is spontaneous and chaotic—i imagine it would be hard to figure out his next moves because he can unleash literally anything from his cloak. if he can just create portals with less restriction or medium, he can divert attacks.
i can also take nikolai.
what do you guys think :D
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ghelgheli · 6 months
According to Marx, metabolic rift appears in three different levels and forms. First and most fundamentally, metabolic rift is the material disruption of cyclical processes in natural metabolism under the regime of capital. Marx’s favourite example is the exhaustion of the soil by modern agriculture. Modern large-scale, industrial agriculture makes plants absorb soil nutrition as much as and as fast as possible so that they can be sold to customers in large cities even beyond national borders. It was Justus von Liebig’s Agricultural Chemistry (1862) and his theory of metabolism that prompted Marx to integrate an analysis of the ‘robbery’ system of agriculture into Capital. [...]
Liebig harshly criticized modern ‘robbery agriculture’ (Raubbau), which only aims at the maximization of short-term profit and lets plants absorb as many nutrients from the soil as possible without replenishing them. Market competition drives farmers to large-scale agriculture, intensifying land usage without sufficient management and care. As a consequence, modern capitalist agriculture created a dangerous disruption in the metabolic cycle of soil nutrients. [...]
Marx formulated the problem of soil exhaustion as a contradiction created by capitalist production in the metabolism between humans and nature. Insofar as value cannot fully take the metabolism between humans and nature into account and capitalist production prioritizes the infinite accumulation of value, the realization of sustainable production within capitalism faces insurmountable barriers.
This fundamental level of metabolic rift in the form of the disruption of material flow cannot occur without being supplemented and reinforced by two further dimensions. The second dimension of metabolic rift is the spatial rift. Marx highly valued Liebig in Capital because his Agricultural Chemistry provided a scientific foundation for his earlier critical analysis of the social division of labour, which he conceptualized as the ‘contradiction between town and country’ in The German Ideology. Liebig lamented that those crops that are sold in modern large cities do not return to the original soil after they are consumed by the workers. Instead, they flow into the rivers as sewage via water closets, only strengthening the tendency towards soil exhaustion.
This antagonistic spatial relationship between town and country – it can be called ‘spatial rift’ – is founded upon a violent process of so-called primitive accumulation accompanied by depeasantization and massive urban growth of the working-class population concentrated in large cities. This not only necessitates the long-distance transport of products but also significantly increases the demand for agricultural products in large cities, leading to continuous cropping without fallowing under large-scale agriculture, which is intensified even more through market competition. In other words, robbery agriculture does not exist without the social division of labour unique to capitalist production, which is based upon the concentration of the working class in large cities and the corresponding necessity for the constant transport of their food from the countryside. [...]
The third dimension of metabolic rift is the temporal rift. As is obvious from the slow formation of soil nutrients and fossil fuels and the accelerating circulation of capital, there emerges a rift between nature’s time and capital’s time. Capital constantly attempts to shorten its turnover time and maximize valorization in a given time – the shortening of turnover time is an effective way of increasing the quantity of profit in the face of the decreasing rate of profit. This process is accompanied by increasing demands for floating capital in the form of cheap and abundant raw and auxiliary materials. Furthermore, capital constantly revolutionizes the production process, augmenting productive forces with an unprecedented speed compared with precapitalist societies. Productive forces can double or triple with the introduction of new machines, but nature cannot change its formation processes of phosphor or fossil fuel, so ‘it was likely that productivity in the production of raw materials would tend not to increase as rapidly as productivity in general (and, accordingly, the growing requirements for raw materials)’ (Lebowitz 2009: 138). This tendency can never be fully suspended because natural cycles exist independently of capital’s demands. Capital cannot produce without nature, but it also wishes that nature would vanish. [...]
The contradiction of capitalist accumulation is that increases in the social productivity are accompanied by a decrease in natural productivity due to robbery [... i]t is thus essential for capital to secure stable access to cheap resources, energy and food. [...]
The exploration of the earth and the invention of new technologies cannot repair the rift. The rift remains ‘irreparable’ in capitalism. This is because capital attempts to overcome rifts without recognizing its own absolute limits, which it cannot do. Instead, it simply attempts to relativize the absolute. This is what Marx meant when he wrote ‘every limit appears a barrier to overcome’ (Grundrisse: 408). Capital constantly invents new technologies, develops means of transportation, discovers new use-values and expands markets to overcome natural limits. [...]
Corresponding to the three dimensions of metabolic rifts, there are also three ways of shifting them. First, there is technological shift. Although Liebig warned about the collapse of European civilization due to robbery agriculture in the 19th century, his prediction apparently did not come true. This is largely thanks to Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, who invented the so-called Haber-Bosch process in 1906 that enabled the industrial mass production of ammonia (NH3) by fixing nitrogen from the air, and thus of chemical fertilizer to maintain soil fertility. Historically speaking, the problem of soil exhaustion due to a lack of inorganic substances was largely resolved thanks to this invention. Nevertheless, the Haber-Bosch process did not heal the rift but only shifted, generating other problems on a larger scale.
The production of NH3 uses a massive amount of natural gas as a source of hydrogen (H). In other words, it squanders another limited resource in order to produce ammonia as a remedy to soil exhaustion, but it is also quite energy intensive, producing a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) (responsible for 1 per cent of the total carbon emission in the world). Furthermore, excessive applications of chemical fertilizer leach into the environment, causing eutrophication and red tide, while nitrogen oxide pollutes water. Overdependence on chemical fertilizer disrupts soil ecology, so that it results in soil erosion, low water- and nutrient-holding capacity, and increased vulnerability to diseases and insects. Consequently, more frequent irrigation, a larger amount of fertilizer and more powerful equipment become necessary, together with pesticides. This kind of industrial agriculture consumes not just water but large quantities of oil also, which makes agriculture a serious driver of climate change. [...]
[T]here remains a constant need to shift the rift under capitalism, which continues to bring about new problems. This contradiction becomes more discernible in considering the second type of shifting the metabolic rift – that is, spatial shift, which expands the antagonism of the city and the countryside to a global scale in favour of the Global North. Spatial shift creates externality by a geographic displacement of ecological burdens to another social group living somewhere else. Again, Marx discussed this issue in relation to soil exhaustion in core capitalist countries in the 19th century. On the coast of Peru there were small islands consisting of the excrement of seabirds called guano that had accumulated over many years to form ‘guano islands’. [...]
In the 19th century, guano became ‘necessary’ to sustain soil fertility in Europe. Millions of tons of guano were dug up and continuously exported to Europe, resulting in its rapid exhaustion. Extractivism was accompanied by the brutal oppression of Indigenous people and the severe exploitation of thousands of Chinese ‘c**lies’ working under cruel conditions. Ultimately, the exhaustion of guano reserves provoked the Guano War (1865–6) and the Saltpetre War (1879–84) in the battle for the remaining guano reserves. As John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark (2009) argue, such a solution in favour of the Global North resulted in ‘ecological imperialism’. Although ecological imperialism shifts the rift to the peripheries and makes its imminent violence invisible in the centre, the metabolic rift only deepens on a global scale through long-distance trade, and the nutrient cycle becomes even more severely disrupted.
The third dimension of metabolic shift is the temporal shift. The discrepancy between nature’s time and capital’s time does not immediately bring about an ecological disaster because nature possesses ‘elasticity’. Its limits are not static but modifiable to a great extent. Climate crisis is a representative case of this metabolic shift. Massive CO2 emissions due to the excessive usage of fossil fuels is an apparent cause of climate change, but the emission of greenhouse gas does not immediately crystallize as climate breakdown. Capital exploits the opportunities opened up by this time lag to secure more profits from previous investments in drills and pipelines. Since capital reflects the voice of current shareholders, but not that of future generations, the costs are shifted onto the latter. As a result, future generations suffer from consequences for which they are not responsible. Marx characterized such an attitude inherent to capitalist development with the slogan ‘Après moi le déluge!’ (Capital I: 381).
This time lag generated by a temporal shift also induces a hope that it would be possible to invent new epoch-making technologies to combat against the ecological crisis in the future. In fact, one may think that it is better to continue economic growth which promotes technological development, rather than over-reducing carbon dioxide emissions and adversely affecting the economy. However, even if new negative emission technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) are invented, it will take a long time for them to spread throughout society and replace the old ones. In the meantime, the environmental crisis will continue to worsen due to our current inaction. As a result, the expected effects of the new technology can be cancelled out.
Kohei Saito, Marx in the Anthropocene
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dharmafox · 4 months
Storefront for the Medicine Seller BJD
I doubt they ship outside of Japan, but in any case, the USD price is about $1,410...
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The way these Japanese sites talk about the Medicine Seller offers some fascinating insight into how Japanese audiences view him. Though the DeepL translator has its limits...
The "Medicine Seller" was created through a process of trial and error in order to reproduce the image of the original work, which is reminiscent of an elegant picture scroll, in three dimensions. The smooth and supple beauty of the modeling was achieved by using resin material with excellent expressive power. The gorgeous and graceful appearance of the flowing medicine seller has been thoroughly reproduced. The cast doll of the medicine seller has a somewhat secluded atmosphere, but her bewitching appearance and dignified gaze will captivate you. --- The beauty of the medicine seller has finally been materialized after dozens of adjustments to the head modeling in order to reproduce her glossy, out-of-this-world beauty in three dimensions. The eyes reminiscent of a fox that is being transformed into a monster, the large ears peeking out from between the softly swaying hair, and the gorgeous makeup reminiscent of Kabuki shading were achieved using decal stickers after repeated adjustments to the colors and patterns so that the makeup applied to the three-dimensional modeling would stand out even more. Don't miss the bizarre, bewitching, and somehow fragile beauty of the medicine seller.
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Nexus' 7 Drones
With his sense back, Nexus first decided to make drones so that he could spy check in on his family, so he made each of them their own personal drone!
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I will add little profiles of each drone under the cut and go into more detail on some of them!
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Drone #1 - Name: Good_egg Follows: Sunrise
Notes: Nexus was originally going to make several versions of the egg drone but decided to only redo one (i.e. I only wanted to recreate one :)), thus creating Good_Egg. Because it can't blend in as easily, he managed to make it, so this drone, in particular, has invisibility! Good_Egg is the one to go around to the more stationary drone, get their data, and report everything back to Nexus itself. Due to the little device on it's head, it can create portals wherever it wants (like Molten).
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Drone #2 - Name: Snack_Time Follows: Moondrop
Notes: Though it is not in the image, this jar is constantly full of snacks/goodies. Moon currently seems to think that this was a gag gift from either Sun or Monty (though he's leaning towards Monty). Snack_Time can move around, but normally, it's to ensure it doesn't fall off an edge.
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Drone #3 - Name: Observatory Follows: Lunar
Notes: Mimics the mini star observatories you can find in stores that double as a nightlight. The little "eye" in the middle will show the moon's current phase when in idle stage. Much like Snack_Time, Observatory can also move around, but it only does so to ensure it doesn't fall over.
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Drone #4 - Name: Plant_Pot Follows: Earth
Notes: Easily one of the most hidden drones, but obviously, that's the idea. Much like Snack_Time and Observatory, Plant_pot can move, but it struggles a bit due to its size. If it does move- it'll need to be an emergency. Earth seems to enjoy growing various things in the pot, changing out the plant every now and then with something else.
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Drone #5 - Name: Better_Times Follows: Solar
Notes: Better_Times is a well-hidden tablet with a stand; due to this, it is the only drone that can't move on its own. However, it can act as a communication device- should something bad happen. Nexus had a few breakdowns while making Solar's drone, it went through several rough drafts. Ruin ended up having to finish it, per Nexus' request.
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Drone #6 - Name: Playmate_[V.J] Follows: Dazzle
Notes: A handmade doll that Nexus took his time to create (taking advantage of the inconsistent time flow of the pocket dimension). It was sent alongside Playmate_[V.D] so it wouldn't be too suspicious. Both had a note that said, "A secret gift from me, don't mention it. -Moon". Both drones have magnets in their hands, so they can hold onto each other or even the individual they're following. When he saw their reactions, Nexus was very proud of himself- they loved their new dolls! He's even outfitted them with (most likely) nanomachines so they can get up and move around when given certain directions.
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Drone #6 - Name: Playmate_[V.D] Follows: Jack O'Moon
Notes: A handmade doll that Nexus took his time to create (taking advantage of the inconsistent time flow of the pocket dimension). It was sent alongside Playmate_[V.J] so it wouldn't be too suspicious. Both had a note that said, "A secret gift from me, don't mention it. -Moon". Both drones have magnets in their hands, so they can hold onto each other or even the individual they're following. When he saw their reactions, Nexus was very proud of himself- they loved their new dolls! He's even outfitted them with (most likely) nanomachines so they can get up and move around when given certain directions.
Side Note: When I tell y'all I STRUGGLED with Moon and Solar's drones but I love how Dazzle and Jack's drones came out! Also, yes, that is the Gemini constellation on Observatory. Obviously, I had to put them there! I think the main way that the drones would be discovered is by either Jack or Dazzle accidentally tearing one of their dolls. So they go to Moon like "can you fix this, please?" and he's just sitting there like "????? I didn't make those." Thus, everyone starts realizing that they should prooooobably check their mystery gifts! That or they manage to find Good_Egg getting data from all the other drones before reporting to Nexus. =)
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fantasblog · 16 days
CHAPTER 1: riffle between us (scibill au/shift falls)
In the dim light of a lab scattered with arcane artifacts and scientific instruments, a peculiar figure adjusted his glasses. Bill Cipher, an enigmatic triangle demon known for his chaos and destruction, had shed his usual chaotic demeanor for the role of a scientist. His black necktie, neatly tied around his neck, and his tailored scientist's cloak created a sharp contrast to the turmoil that had once defined him.
Years had passed since the Euclidean massacre, a cataclysmic event that left its mark on the very fabric of existence. Bill had been a survivor of that disaster, though he was not the only one affected. His parents, once benevolent beings, had turned to darkness in the aftermath, driven mad by the carnage that had unfolded. They had embraced chaos, leaving Bill to flee and start anew. The rift between them was as vast as the void itself, and Bill had not seen them since.
Now, he occupied himself with research and invention, trying to piece together the shattered remnants of his once-promising life. The chaos that had been his birthright seemed like a distant memory as he worked tirelessly to understand the mysteries of the universe from a scientific perspective. His new life was a strange blend of old-world knowledge and modern scientific theory, and his laboratory was a testament to this synthesis.
The lab was quiet, save for the occasional hum of machinery and the scratch of Bill's pen on a notepad. He was deep in thought when the lab's door creaked open, and a familiar figure stepped in. It was Stanford Pines, the renowned scientist whose reputation for unraveling the mysteries of the universe preceded him.
"Dr. Pines," Bill greeted, setting down his pen and adjusting his glasses. "I wasn’t expecting a visit."
Stanford, dressed in his usual attire of a tweed jacket and glasses, glanced around the lab with curiosity. "I heard you had made some impressive breakthroughs in your research, Bill. I wanted to see for myself."
Bill's eyes, usually alight with mischief, softened with a hint of pride. "I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been working on a theory about interdimensional stability. It’s quite complex."
As the two scientists delved into discussion, Bill couldn't help but notice the irony of his situation. Here he was, once a being of pure chaos, now engaging in conversations of quantum mechanics and dimensional rifts with one of the foremost minds in the field. The juxtaposition was not lost on him.
Stanford, absorbed in the conversation, remarked, "You know, it's impressive how far you’ve come from your... previous endeavors. Your work here could have significant implications for understanding the boundaries between dimensions."
Bill shrugged, a wry smile playing at his lips. "I suppose it's my way of compensating for the past. If I can contribute something positive, maybe it will make up for the chaos I once caused."
As the hours passed, the discussion between Bill and Stanford flowed seamlessly. Their shared passion for discovery bridged the gap between their respective pasts, creating a new partnership founded on mutual respect and curiosity. In that moment, Bill realized that perhaps he could forge a new path, one where he could reconcile his past with his present.
Outside the lab, the night sky was clear, and the stars shone brightly. For the first time in a long while, Bill felt a glimmer of hope. The darkness of his past seemed to recede, if only slightly, as he looked forward to the possibilities that lay ahead.
As the evening wore on, the conversation between Bill Cipher and Stanford Pines grew more animated, filled with complex theories and mutual admiration. The two scientists were so engrossed in their discussion that neither noticed the soft knock on the lab door.
The door creaked open, and a burly figure with wild, silver hair and a pair of thick, round glasses entered the room. He was dressed in an old-fashioned lab coat that looked as though it had seen better days, its pockets stuffed with various tools and gadgets. The man’s eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and excitement as he took in the sight of the advanced equipment around him.
“Howdy there!” he called out, his voice rich with a Southern drawl. “I heard some mighty interesting talk and thought I’d come see what’s cookin’ in this here lab.”
Stanford glanced over and smiled. “Ah, Fiddleford! Just in time. This is Bill Cipher, a colleague of mine whose work has been truly remarkable. Bill, this is Fiddleford McGucket, another brilliant mind in the field of scientific research.”
Bill’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of the newcomer. Fiddleford McGucket was a name he had heard in passing, a scientist known for his unconventional theories and inventions. Though their paths had never crossed, Bill had always respected McGucket’s reputation.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. McGucket,” Bill said, extending a hand in greeting. “I’ve heard quite a bit about your work. It’s an honor.”
Fiddleford shook Bill’s hand enthusiastically, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “Well, the pleasure’s all mine! I’ve been followin’ your research from afar and I gotta say, I’m impressed. You’ve got quite the knack for makin’ sense of things that most folks wouldn’t even dream of.”
Bill chuckled, slightly taken aback by Fiddleford’s friendly demeanor. “Thank you. I suppose we’re all just trying to make sense of a universe that often defies understanding.”
Fiddleford’s gaze shifted to the array of gadgets and devices in the lab. “I can see you’ve been busy. What’s the latest project you’re workin’ on?”
Stanford, sensing the enthusiasm in the room, took a step back to let the two scientists converse freely. “Bill was just explaining his theory on interdimensional stability. It’s a groundbreaking approach, and I think Fiddleford’s expertise could offer valuable insights.”
Fiddleford’s eyes lit up as he examined the blueprints and notes scattered across the lab table. “Interdimensional stability, you say? That’s right up my alley! I’ve been tinkerin’ with some ideas on dimensional harmonics myself. Maybe we could collaborate on this?”
Bill’s interest was piqued. “Collaboration? That could be very beneficial. I’d be open to exploring new ideas with you.”
As the evening continued, the three scientists delved into discussions that spanned multiple disciplines. The exchange of ideas was invigorating, and the synergy between them was palpable. Bill found himself more inspired than he had been in years, his past struggles momentarily forgotten as he focused on the exciting possibilities of the present.
Outside, the night deepened, but inside the lab, the spirit of discovery burned brightly. Bill Cipher, once a figure of chaos, was now part of a new chapter—one where his talents could be harnessed for creation and understanding. With Stanford Pines and Fiddleford McGucket by his side, the future seemed filled with endless potential.
As the evening advanced, the lab’s atmosphere was charged with excitement and new possibilities. The sound of lively discussion and the clinking of tools filled the air. Just then, the lab’s door swung open once more, and in walked another Pines sibling—Stanley Pines. His presence was marked by a rugged charm and a slightly disheveled appearance, a stark contrast to the polished looks of his brother and their colleague.
“Hey, Stanford! I thought I’d find you here,” Stanley greeted, his voice carrying a mix of warmth and weariness. He spotted Bill and Fiddleford, giving them a friendly nod. “I see you’ve got company. Nice to meet you both.”
Stanford looked up, his eyes lighting up with recognition and a touch of concern. “Stanley, it’s good to see you. I didn’t expect you to come by tonight.”
Stanley’s gaze shifted to the room’s various gadgets and blueprints. “I figured I’d drop in and see what you’ve been up to. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up.”
Bill, sensing the tension between the brothers, gave a polite nod. “I’m Bill Cipher, and this is Fiddleford McGucket. We were just discussing some intriguing theories on dimensional stability.”
Stanley raised an eyebrow but didn’t pursue the matter further. “Sounds like you’re in good company. I’m here to—well, let’s just say I’ve got some unfinished business with my brother.”
Stanford’s expression grew serious. “Stanley, I hope this isn’t about—”
Stanley cut him off with a wave of his hand. “We’ll talk about it later. Right now, I want to know what’s really going on. I’ve heard some troubling things, and I need answers.”
Fiddleford, sensing the undercurrent of tension, attempted to lighten the mood. “Why don’t we all sit down and have a chat? There’s plenty of room in the lab for discussions.”
As they settled around the table, the conversation turned to less contentious topics, though the air remained thick with unspoken concerns. Bill observed the dynamics between the Pines brothers with a mixture of curiosity and unease. He had heard about the rift between them—Stanford’s mysterious disappearance and the subsequent discord between him and Stanley—but witnessing it firsthand added a new layer of complexity.
After a while, the conversation naturally shifted back to the topic of Stanford’s research. Stanley’s curiosity was piqued, but it was clear he was still preoccupied with his own issues. The talk was cut short when an unexpected commotion was heard from outside the lab.
Stanley’s eyes narrowed, and he stood abruptly. “That doesn’t sound good. I need to check something.”
Stanford followed, clearly concerned. “Wait, Stanley—”
Before Stanford could finish his sentence, Stanley was already out the door. Bill and Fiddleford exchanged puzzled looks as they followed at a more measured pace.
Outside, the night sky was illuminated by strange, flickering lights that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Stanley stood by a swirling portal that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The portal crackled with unstable energy, casting eerie shadows on the surrounding landscape.
Stanford arrived breathless, his face pale. “Stanley, what have you done?”
Stanley’s face was set with determination. “I didn’t do this. But it’s connected to the problems we’ve been having. I need to get to the bottom of it.”
Stanford’s eyes widened in realization. “This portal—it’s unstable. It could lead to anywhere—or nowhere. It might even be linked to the dimensional rifts I’ve been studying.”
The portal began to pulse more violently, and before anyone could react, a sudden burst of energy erupted from it, drawing Stanford toward its swirling vortex. His eyes locked with Stanley’s, a mixture of regret and determination flashing across his face.
“Stanley, I—” Stanford’s voice was cut off as he was pulled into the portal, which closed with a blinding flash of light.
Stanley staggered back, shock and anger warring on his face. Bill and Fiddleford rushed to his side, their own concerns mirrored in their expressions.
“What just happened?” Bill asked, his voice tinged with urgency.
Stanley’s face was grim. “That portal—it’s taken Stanford. And we don’t know where he’s gone. I’ve got to find him.”
As the night settled into an uneasy silence, the gravity of the situation became clear. The portal had not only separated the Pines brothers but had also opened a new chapter of uncertainty and danger. Bill and Fiddleford knew that their work was far from over and that the coming days would demand their utmost resolve.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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omegas-reincarnation · 4 months
But what if magic has always been in the Doctor's universe. What if it's not that letting the pantheon into the universe with the salt line bought magic in, but that it made the Doctor finally see what has always been there?
What if preventing a far right politician from destroying the world with a web of string and flowers would have always worked? The Doctor has always said time energy isn't magic because he understands it, but it can power a time machine, regenerate a dying person, instantly transport a weeping angel victim into their own past, return a slitheen to her egg, make Jack Harkness immortal, give Rose the power to blow up a dalek fleet, let the Doctor say goodbye to her from another universe, create Ten's clone and Metacrisis Donna (and Metacrisis Rose Noble), trap the entire planet of Galifrey in it's own dimension, place a homing beacon signal in the Master's consciousness, transfer Omega and Morbius and the Master's souls from one body to the next, devour Rory Williams' entitre existence, reincarnate Clara hundreds of times along the Doctor's timeline, keep her suspended between one heartbeat and the next, and make the Doctor live the same three days for seven billion years.
There is lots of technobable "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow" 'we promise this IS science, in this universe' stuff in doctor who but the time energy stuff doesn't feel quite like that. It's less explained, more accepted as an inherent part of the way the world works.
Kind of like magic.
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distortionmewtwo · 3 months
-The Unown shifts from next to Uv to spin and rotate their body in frustration outlet needing to move as they think-
How could that detail even slip your mind?? Oh this is what I shall claim as my champion this is my champion then just oop this is a child huh how did I end up with a child oh well. Just,! I cannot comprehend such a detail slipping I know time moves differently with God's when you're alive so long years can blink into seconds or months can feel like a lifespan it's all complex and disproportionate but you didn't even make plans with yourself on what sort of training you'd provide your champion when old enough?! I can understand waiting while Uv was a child but did you never set anything up in advance?? An area to play to learn coordination to dodge and dive and be wary of flying obstacles nearby, when Uv learned their first move did that not remind you that he needed to know more?? I'm sorry Giratina but your love for Uv and forgetfulness has endangered Uvs safety!
And stars above but all three of you are so stupid! You picked yours first, who's to say Dialga couldn't have foresaw these events with time powers?? I don't know if you three took an honorary oath to not use your respective ability to your advantage when picking a champion but even if you didn't you didn't even pick at the same time! If Dialga and Palkia knew and saw and sensed you picking Uv that immediately gave them both an edge in their choosing and with Palkia choosing last that gives an advantage over you and Dialga!
Non of these champions are going to be proportionate to the battle they need to partake in, Uv no training, Dialgas champion HAS had training and if Palkia has only just picked a champion who knows what kind of creature was found that Palkia feels so confident to call for a battle effective immediately. This little proxy war isnt fair by any means in terms of power levels experiences equality or anything! Save for Uv everyone else has an advantage if Dialga checked the flow of time and found a timeline with a champion which guaranteed victory and if Palkia already saw what you both picked and waited to choose a champion with power and typing advantage over the pair of you!
God's this is so stupid all of it and I hate it I hate it so so much because I know there's nothing I can say even if I convince you I don't know if your siblings will listen be reasonable and I don't know what sort of empathy and care your father has if Arceus here would even step in, you all need to be thrown into a pocket dimension away from everything where you can fight it out and sort out all your shit!
-The Unown heaves heavy breaths-
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just, I don't know, this fight isn't fair I've already raved my piece about it and I still stand by the idea you three should just ask 3 rattata to have a play fight but I know your egos will get in the way and there's always going to be subtle differences between each of their strengths due to natural variation nature's what not, and you can't exactly ask a mew to create three pokemon of completely identical stats purely for this battle as creating life just for the benefit and satisfactory pleasure of God's wanting to know who's better is all kinds of messed up. Not to mention I don't know your siblings I don't know how liable any of you are to cheating which could just urg break everything in the everywhere all at once. -The Unown floats down in a sigh exhale drooping after their rant, no matter what they thought of they couldn't see anything working out, they already felt as though this was an event that could not be changed and it only made them feel worse-
- U
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IV belongs to @hoodies-monster-ranch !
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radiantrice7 · 1 year
Goldenpunk/Chaipunk Headcanons
- Hobie cannot handle spice like at all but he is extremely against wasting food so he’ll still eat extremely spicy food if given to him even if it makes his insides melt
- Pav does not have a sweet tooth but put some jangri in front of him and he’d devour them in seconds (his mother made it for him a lot as a kid n it reminds him of her)
- Both H and P are people watchers , Hobie keeps it a bit more internal while Pav creates whole life stories for random people
- Hobie has been trying to get better at drinking less but it’s something that he turns too whenever he messes up or stresses out . He also smokes on the reg but does not do it around Pav bc the smell makes him gag
- Sometimes some of Pav’s belongings will just disappear only for him to find them in Hobie’s place
- Hobie’s a lot better at handling kids than Pav is
- Pavitr is way too nice for his own good n feels peoples emotions for them but it’s bc whenever he moved to his school on the scholarship he got extremely bullied and doesn’t want anyone to go through what he did
- Hobie keeps a picture of him and Captain Anarchy in one of his vest’s pockets
- Pav has always felt inferior to the other spider people but Hobie would be the one to really drill into his head the beauty in difference
- Hobie acedently broke one of Pav’s tea cups so the next day he came back with a whole box of tea cups (they were stolen) to apologize (this was very early on, like when they didn’t know each other that much)
- Hobie has a tea cup for himself in Pav’s house which he’s taken the liberty of painting all over it
- Both are extremely loud people vocally, but Pav’s motions are always quieter than Hobie’s
- Pavitr is very laid back comes to his studies becuase it comes very natural too him but gets mad whenever Hobie tells him to stop doing his homework
- When they get stressed out, both Pavitr and Hobie need space but Hobie will just disappear while Pav will at least let everyone who needs to know know
- Maya Auntie thinks Hobie is a bad influence but doesn’t tell Pavitr to stop hanging out with him becuase he had a hard time making friends and it warms her heart to see her nephew happy
- The last thing Pav needs is caffeine ; he’s naturally hyper yet insists he needs caffeine on the daily
- Pavitr thinks extremely loudly : he announces where he’s going even if it’s just to the bathroom/room to grab something and actively talks to himself
- Hobie isn’t that self conscious of his living situation and if very explicit with the fact that he does live in the homeless shelter but he will never actively invite people over to his dimension
- Hobie and Gayatri are absolute besties: they bonded over both being models and noticing some of the stupid shit Pav does . They have matching anklets
- Hobie makes woven bracelets out of pure boredom when he has the materials and Pav has a lot of them pinned up to the cork board in his room (he doesn’t like the feeling of the multiple bracelets on)
- Hobie does not have any social media, let alone a phone (actually, he has a flip phone but yk what i mean), so majority of the time whenever Pav talks about stuff trending he doesn’t really understand what he’s saying but casually goes with the flow
- Pavitr once crashed in Hobie’s dimension unannounced for a little bit to see what tiktok was like and got bored within minutes
- Hobie’s spider sense is much less sensitive than Pavitr’s
- Pavitr wasn’t really a music listener before he met Hobie, like sure he listened to random music casually but it wasn’t until Hobie introduced him to a couple of his favorite bands where Pavitr actually started forming a live for music, resulting in him putting up a lot of band posters in his room to show his support
- Hobie isn’t too keen on other people defending him in his own fights, but he will never tell someone to stop because he knows it comes from a good place
- Hobie tears up when he gets frustrated but never cries as much as he should
- Pavitr is very competitive, and while Hobie doesn’t reciprocate the same competitiveness, both will be at each others throat in a game of chess
- Pavitr is a little bitch sometimes and Hobie straight out calls him a bitch to his face bc it genuinely pisses him off
- Hobie was piercing Pav’s ears one night and Maya Auntie caught them in the act so they stopped so now Pavitr has just his left ear pierced
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