#the way u can tell each of these was drawn in a different sitting……unfortunate
forecast0ctopus · 2 years
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he really fell for that huh
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serinesaccade · 3 years
i lovee shsh SO and was wondering if you could explain what being bonded feels like in that universe and maybe more in depth what grantaire experienced w a one-sided one?
ooh sure hm this is such a good question!!
i (weirdly) view this world’s bonding as a pretty biological setup rather than ~magic~ ABO worldbuilding (though I also like magic). so there's no like. mindreading or being emotionally in-tune from a distance. you can only get bonded during heat or rut and it is supposed to be a permanent thing! you can break the bond but it does hurt and can come w/ side effects.
it affects a lot of things! bonded individuals react pretty strongly to their partner's smell and almost anything else about them once smell gets associated. that doesn't mean they can't be attracted to anyone else or are drawn against their will, emotions and scents are just. amplified. grantaire already had a lot of emotions so. so. for people in a mutual loving bond it's great for mood, feeling secure, for their overall health.
a majority of bonded individuals require extra physical affection, scenting, and um more or their bodies start being stressed, experiencing withdrawal, etc. bonding is obviously considered pretty sacred in most religions and is considered more permanent than marriage by most people. first couple of days after the bond are really critical! because it's usually a heat/rut activity done between couples who are in love or at least... like... in the same room... this isn't a problem. they are together and really strengthening a mutual bond and that's healthy.
honestly, grantaire's heat after he got bonded was just. hell. :'( during the heat he absolutely cried his heart out. enjolras wasn't there, and neither was anyone else. like he was starving, it's similar to a nutrient/sustenance thing and he wasn't with his bondmate and didn't even have someone else there. after heat was over it got a little better, but his whole self was thrown off and the bond was still "starving." all his body hormones and brain chemistry is just wrecked. there's meds you can take for bond withdrawal but unfortunately he had a bad reaction to them.
it was summer so he was out of school, but this is when he stopped doing more hardcore gymnastics. body just couldn't take it and his parents discouraged it now that he was married and they'd never liked the events that tended to be more alpha-oriented anyway or that he was muscular. being physically active is really important to grantaire so he was very sad :(
at some point enjolras' estate sent clothes over and grantaire just sorta. cuddled with the one shirt and tried to make do. he felt super pathetic and it obviously was not the same as having the person. (he is triggered when enj talks about clothing as a substitute FOR SURE). drinking and some drugs help numb him to some of it so he takes those up.
sfsdf so I could go on and on about the years of WUMP but it's all just angsty and shapes a lot of his bitterness and existence. by the time he remeets enjolras his body's settled into its new state a bit/he's learned to manage it. meeting enjolras jumpstarts what had sorta been dormant in good and bad ways. he is having mood swings! he would like to punch enjolras in the face! with an actual fist! and also his lips! does he cry after they scent the first time? 100%! but also he is SO RELIEVED. he just goes home and like sobs hysterically but also does some stretches and body strengthening and a 5-mile run with a vigor he has not had in YEARS. jbm is a lil freaked. he is also completely convinced the scenting will never happen again for like the first ten times they do it, which enj ofc has no idea about. he absolutely has a triggered heat in chapter 2 in that one section and absolutely is sitting there crying eating the sandwiches Enj (who was like. pretty close to a rut despite him being suppressed to shit) prepped. just snottily shoving them in his face while bossuet and joly came in occasionally to cuddle or give him snackies/water. "do u want us to get enjolras now," they had both said repeatedly and he's just "NO DON'T"
the scenting does help him stabilize though! honestly combeferre’s research was right and what would’ve been even BETTER is basically them making a mutual bond right away. like. his body can absolutely tell this is his bondmate and would be a lot happier if enjolras was around/ was mutually bonded. a little bit of the other person’s scent gets embedded both in the initial bond creation but also in the subsequent scenting and cuddling; the bond initiates his body learning how to make a little of enj’s scent and he’s happier and more secure when he can tell it’s mutual and enj smells like him too! they wait a bit. which is good for them as people and for their rl. but once they do mutually bond he does recover from most of his health issues and it supports him getting to a better place mentally. it helps enj calm down too! honestly they are both bearing a lot of scars from their childhoods and mutual bonding is just like. the cherry on top of how their relationship eventually helps each of them be a happier and healthier and better person. 
tw cw for some discussion of homophobia bc I guess i talk about subtext now.
like this whole thing is a big honking weird metaphor about queerness. bonding doesn’t fit perfectly into that but overall is some interpretation of the kinds of trauma queer kids in unsupportive households sustain. grantaire’s situation is very much a twisting of what’s supposed to be this beautiful first love for him! he really loved enj even if it wasn’t reciprocated. he is someone who doesn’t do a good job of fitting the gender role he’s been assigned. his family twisted that love and what should be a loving bond into trauma and shoved him into the role they wanted for him. it can really mess u up. forgetting/erasing isn’t an option for people really! so i wanted him to reclaim it and redefine it. enj was trauma too but obviously different in his experience and journey to being happy.
anyway i kinda wish i had more of a “thrilling” answer for this! i’m glad you asked!
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: muse 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: miyoshi kazunari/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.1k words, 1 image
𝐚𝐧: got back to writing again~ how much kazu-speak is too much? sorry this took a while, but I finally got over my writer’s block!
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When your phone vibrates the exact minute your class ends, you know the text can only be sent by him. As the people around you begin to step outside the lecture hall, you find time to read your boyfriend’s message before heading out as well.
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With Kazunari being a year above you, in a different course more so, there were times during the week where the two of you could barely catch a glimpse of each other. Projects were beginning to pile up for both of you, and with his acting to consider you initially didn’t want to bother him, but…
Just as you picked up your bag, your phone lights up again.
Wah, where r u??? I mish u already beb 💓💕💞
Stifling a giggle, you send back a text before quickly shuffling out of the classroom.
Kazunari always made the effort to put time into your relationship and give you affection, regardless if it was eating together during mutual breaks in between classes or sending each other cute messages and memes on social media.
Of course as cute as his selfies were nothing could beat physically being beside him and hearing his voice in person, so who could blame you for picking up your pace and rushing to where you knew your boyfriend was.
He’s seated on a bench when you spot him, fiddling with his phone. Before you could call out to him whips his head to face you. Instantaneously his lips break into a smile and from the lift of your cheeks you know you’re the same.
“Heyho☆ You looking for someone?” Kazunari says as you approach him, a teasing grin settling on his face. “You look a little lost~”
“I’m here for Kazu, my boyfriend!” You reply, lifting your hand and placing it atop of his head. “He’s this tall, and… oh! Super handsome, too. Have you seen him?”
Holding back a laugh, his eyes dart from left to right before sighing. “Unfortunately, he’s nowhere to be found. Aw, but you look totes adorbs~♪ Should I steal you away from this Kazu guy? I’ll def sweep you off your feet☆”
Before you know it Kazunari pulls you into his arms, the spontaneity a surprising but warm feeling. You wrap your arms around him as well, smiling against his sweater as the two of you hug while swaying left and right.
“Alright, that’s enough, Casanova.” You say the moment the hug gets too tight, slowly escaping his embrace.
“I want more though~” He whines, reluctantly letting go of you. He didn’t actually look upset if the glimmer in his eyes was anything to go by. “Well, I needed your help with something anyway!”
Anticipation bubbles up within you, expecting a new piece he needed help with, or maybe something for you to critique. After all, your admiration for his work was one of the reasons the two of you had gotten so close in the first place.
“I’ll do my best, Kazu-senpai!” You beam at him, throwing in the honorific to potentially catch him off-guard. Needless to say, it worked splendidly.
“Senpai?! You haven’t called me that in forever!” Kazunari was buzzing with excitement, grabbing one of your hands to swing it around. “Ahhhh- it was so, so cute every time you called me that! I was like, OMG—”
You roll your eyes. “I know, you’ve said that how many times?” Nevertheless, every time he mentioned it the more fond you grew of him.
“Kazuuu,” you squeeze his hand “come on, we have something to do, right?”
Not letting go of your hand for even a moment he leads you along the hallway, eventually stopping outside one of the classrooms.
“So, like, you can totally say no if you want but I’d be hella happy if you helped me out with this.”
You frown slightly, a little befuddled on what kind of request he’d be asking of you. “Kazunari, you don’t have to beat around the bush. I’ll understand.”
Nodding and looking more sure of himself, Kazunari continues. “I’d like to paint you.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “Don’t you already do that without asking me? I’ve seen your sketchbook, I’m totally okay with it.”
“This is different. I need to submit a painting of something or someone that’s my muse, so I wanted you as my model,” he explains, silently watching your expression change as you grasp the whole situation.
Avoiding his gaze, you look away from Kazunari. “Muse? So- so that means inspiration, right?” You stammer slightly, imagining how frazzled you must look already. “Wait I’m- are you sure it should be me? I’m not really…” you trail off, unsure of what reason you were going to give at the end.
When he says your name you look back up at his face. “I’m being legit here, you inspire me more than you know. It won’t feel right to paint anything else when you were the first thing that popped into my mind.”
Your eyes widen at his serious declaration. It’s not everyday Kazunari gives you such a straightforward and earnest compliment to that degree. Despite your initial embarrassment, your heart swelled up with joy; watching his shoulder’s ease up made you realize that he was probably waiting for a reaction out of you. At this point, it was impossible for you to reject his request.
“If you’ll still have me, then you can paint me.”
Kazunari’s eyes light up again, expressive and sparkling, before opening the classroom door to lead you inside. “Thank you, and like obvi! Why wouldn’t I wanna show off my sunshine to the world! My baby! My go-“
You let out a huff of amusement as he continued to spurt out pet names for you. Looks like he was back to normal?
When he lets go of your hand you finally take the time to absorb the room. It was obvious it was an art-centric classroom, from the numerous easels, art supplies, and artsy clutter scattered around the room. You wouldn’t have noticed such a difference between this and the other “painter occupied” rooms if it wasn’t for the set-up right smack in the middle.
It made for a pretty picture- loads of white offset by its nature orientedness. A few potted plants (you weren’t sure if they were real or not) were strategically placed along the area. The white fabric was hung and draped atop what was probably a bunch of easels used as a base frame. Similar cloths were set on the floor, a pillow placed on top.
You have a good feeling, a hunch if you will, that you were meant to stay there; if that wasn’t enough proof, an easel with a blank canvas was positioned directly in front of the space.
“When’d you even get the time to set this up? Are we even allowed to be here?” You question, a little surprised how everything has already been prepared.
“Friends from the photography dept helped me out~ Plus I’m lowkey besties with the prof so it’s ayt as long as we clean up.” He replies, grabbing one of the spare fabrics on the table.
“Can you remove your jacket?” Kazunari steps closer to you; as soon as you unzip the garment and throw it aside he wraps the plain, white material around your shoulders like a makeshift shawl or blanket.
You know it’s for the portrait, but there was something domestic about the simple act that made your heart race. He stepped back, smiling at you and looking self-accomplished.
“Huhu I can’t- my baby’s so pretty? How is this possible? Like an angel, no, a deity!”
“My venus~ wahh, I need so many pics? Do I have enough space? Do I post on InstaBlam or-”
“Kazu!” You interrupt, your cheeks flaring up in embarrassment. It was literally a white drape! Still, it was always nice when he complimented you, no matter how extra he went about it, so you didn’t have the heart to complain— after a year, you knew he was always genuine with his praise to you.
“We should probably start with the painting, right? We don’t wanna stay too late.” Kazunari perks back up and you briefly watch him choose between paintbrushes before you sit down on the floor.
How do models figure this shit out? Where does your leg go? How do you angle your face? How much tilt was too much tilt? Even the way you sat down was suddenly making you conscious— should you sit cross-legged or on your heels? Legs stretched out or tucked in?
You fidget in place, picking at the stray threads of the cloth beneath you. Should you just let Kazunari do his magic and hope he somehow makes you look good? After watching him from the corner of your eye he drops his paintbrush back in the mug.
“Beb, the vibes are off. I was being legit when I said you looked good, but you look like you’re thinking too hard.”
“Sorry, I can’t figure out what pose works.”
He crouches down in front of you, quietly looking over your awkward form. His hands take action in moving your body, nudging the arm that laid limp on your lap to lay flat against the floor behind you. Then his palms are on your legs, positioning the left thigh atop the right so that your knees faced front and the soles of your feet faced the side.
‘Okay, don’t be weird about it’ you tell yourself, despite hyper-focusing on the ghosts of Kazunari’s fingertips barely seeping through your jeans as they settle on your chin, gently moving your head to the side and tilting it downwards.
Kazunari narrows his eyes, simply staring at your face without a word being uttered. A part of you almost wants him to break into his trendy-speak again if only to give you time to shake off your sudden bashfulness.
“We Gucci! You still look distracted though… oh! Can you think about something that makes you happy?”
Maybe it was because he suggested it, or maybe it was because he’s your boyfriend— either way, the first thing that popped into your mind was Kazunari.
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Settling into university was tough, but you had worked so hard to get accepted into Veludo Arts that you could look past the taxing work handed by the professors. Aside from the workload, you came to really enjoy studying here— you learned first hand how talented your peers were, and that motivated you to work harder.
During one of the campus’ exhibits your eyes were immediately drawn to the canvas with a Japanese painting style. Even from afar you could tell the artist was incredibly talented, but the closer you got the more you were able to see the tiny details and how purposeful every stroke was.
‘The devil truly is in the details’ you thought, looking at the exhibit label card beside the painting.
“Miyoshi Kazunari, 2nd-year student…” you read out loud, wondering if he had more works you could look at around the school.
“I heard my name just now~♪ Could it be, I have an admirer?” You immediately turn around to face a guy with blond hair and green eyes, keeping steady eye contact with you as he grinned.
Cute as he was, you might have totally ignored him if you hadn’t absorbed what he said.
“Hello, you’re Miyoshi-senpai, then?” You ask, trying to hide your disbelief at how he just popped up out of nowhere. Had you been staring at the painting that long that you lost awareness of your surroundings?
“The one and only~♪ You like the painting?”
Abandoning your bewilderment you immediately shifted into admiration mode. “Definitely! I thought the sparse use of colour was genius, particularly how certain parts of the painting got bolder colours than others. Not only that but the title! You think it’s literal at first, but it’s actually a double entendre! I also-“
Your rambling gets caught off by your new acquaintance chuckling, looking infinitely amused by you. You feel pinpricks on your cheeks, deliberating if you had gone too far with your praise or not.
“Kouhai, you’re so cute~♪ If you ever need help, just DM me, alrighty? I’ll always answer ya piko☆”
It had started out with you asking for his advice or to borrow materials, but somehow someway a couple of selfies and hundreds of DM stickers later the conversation shifted to topics unrelated to art.
You had eagerly begun looking forward to seeing the green circle beside his icon as he logged in to tell you about his day, whether it be something he did at Mankai or some crazy shenanigans with his friends.
Becoming close friends with Kazunari, to getting asked out by him, to dating him— you’d be lying if you said the past two years would be just as enjoyable if he wasn’t there to celebrate with you.
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The sound of your name made you escape your daydream, being met with the sight of the blond in front of you.
“Were you calling me for long?” You ask, smiling as he pets you on the head.
“Nah, but aside from some deets the painting’s done now!” Even though the easel was turned to you, you still stand up to take a closer look.
Leave it up to Kazunari to make a human look so… pure? Angelic? How’d he even make you look so good? It was almost as if he had put a dreamy filter over you. As expected, even though he said there was still work to do, the tiniest of details were present— from the creases of the fabric hung behind you to the slight discolourations of the monstera plant beside you.
However, easily the most impressive thing about the whole portrait was the look on your face. The slope of your eyelashes as they shaded your eyes— averted with a faraway look to them, as though enchanted by something unseen to the viewer. The corners of your lips lifted your cheeks, a closed smile holding onto words unspoken.
So that’s what you looked like in love.
“What were you thinking of here, my muse?” Kazunari breaks the silence, and when you turn to face him you notice he’s not looking at the painting. You don’t break the eye contact.
“Were you… musing about me?” He teases, though it’s a little lacking in spirit. You don’t fail to notice— neither the lower timbre of his voice nor the gentleness of his eyes escape you.
Even with all his eccentricities, you and Kazunari aren’t too dissimilar when it comes to love.
“Yeah, I was thinking about you.”
The look on his face was something you wish you could capture in a photo or painting yourself, a medley of unpreparedness, joy, and adoration. You can’t stop your small laughter when he literally clutches his chest.
“OMG my heart, I’m so? You’re so?” He takes hold of the cloth around your shoulders and pulls you closer until the only thing you can focus on is the brilliance of his green eyes. You could look only for a few seconds as he stretched his head forward and pressed his lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and inviting, not unlike the first they shared months ago. Kazunari’s lips were warm and he tasted faintly of the candy he always liked to stock in his bag. After a moment, he brings both hands up to your cheekbones, cupping your face like he was savouring you.
Then he drops his chin, breaking off the kiss and pushing you away a fraction, so he could look into your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says with a small laugh, “Just can’t believe that expression was all for me, you know?”
You pout, poking his side. “And who else would I think about? I only have one boyfriend, Kazu.”
“Oh? Does that boyfriend happen to be a good kisser?” Kazunari asks playfully, his eyes crinkling with mirth, “I bet I’d be a better kisser~”
“Is that so?” You reply with a raised eyebrow, slowly erasing the distance until you were but a breath apart from touching. “Would you like to prove it?”
The intimacy of the moment was both strange and wonderful. You tilt your chin slightly and he immediately took it as the cue to lean in and kiss you again, drawing your lower lip between his with a light suction. If the first was gentle if not a little energetic, this time he kissed with an unexpected passion and confidence.
It was clear that missing each other plus the accumulation of little moments this afternoon led to this moment.
Kazunari traces one hand over your cheek, down your shoulder, back up again. His fingers come to rest at the back of your neck, sending a slight shiver down your spine, his thumb playing idly along your jaw as he works his mouth against yours and in the back of your head you realise the fabric on your shoulders had slipped some seconds ago. Eventually, you pull yourself closer, until you were flush against him.
Kazunari releases your mouth and starts kissing down your jawline. He presses his upper body over yours as he settles in to tease and nip at your earlobe, murmuring your name, the sensation against your ear making your whole body tingle.
You could only whimper in response as he attacks the outer shell of your ear, beginning to get overwhelmed by his warmth and his smell and you burrowed against his sweater, trying to lose yourself in all of it. At this point, you were just trying to steal as much of Kazunari’s loving warmth as you could.
You tighten your grip on his clothes when he grazes his teeth against your neck; then his lips were on yours again and you readily opened up to him, swirling your tongue against his.
When the need for air came desperately, you took to a slower pace until eventually coming to a halt, loosening the grip you had on him. You don’t immediately open your eyes, collapsing against chest once more to catch your breath. You only look back up when Kazunari lets out a loud snort that turned into a fit of laughter.
“I forgot we were still on campus for a sec,” He says, gently squeezing your forearms. You step backward, making yourself look presentable, though it serves a bit of a task without a mirror to guide you.
“We should probably clean up and leave.”
Kazunari lets out a thoughtful hum, and you can already see the grin creeping upon his lips. “Yeah, we def should… unless?”
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want to order again?
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Communication Issues (AT:TTSIMBCMEOAYSFIL)- Chapter Three
Ao3,   MasterPost,   Chap.1,   Chap.2
Relationships: Eventual Romantic Analogince, Romantic Prinxiety, implied background Moceit
Warnings: Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Self-isolation, Arguments, Unintentional Emotional Repression, Body Horror (in the form of Remus being Remus!), swearing, some small descriptions of pain, self-deprecations. There’s some fluff in the middle cuz I’m not pure evil, but this is pretty angsty :3 (I promise it’ll have a happy ending u just gotta wait ok). Remus uses it/its here, and is also aromantic.
Word Count: 8,167
Now, dramatism isn’t one of your functions, so you like to think that you’re being entirely  reasonable when you say that you’d rather die than inform your closest friends that you’ve grown to love them a bit more than platonically. 
And yet, here they are. Sitting on your couch, in your cluttered room, staring up at you with expectation in their eyes. They’re waiting, Logan. You didn’t actually expect to avoid this forever, did you?
Maybe you did, but it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been wrong.
But you digress: you owe them the explanation they came here for. And as you open your mouth to speak, your voice is not nearly as measured as you’d like it to be. 
“As I said before, It was never my intention for you to think I did not want to see you- that is to say, it simply wasn’t feasible, given- well- there were certain complications, you see…”
Virgil narrows his eyes, bemusedly, from his contorted position across the arm and top cushion of your couch. 
“What kind of complications?”
You look at the carpet, but it doesn’t offer much visual stimuli. You look up at the ceiling, but the angle makes your neck ache. You settle your eyes on your bookshelf instead, studying the multi-colored covers of novels that span the length of the entire opposite wall. 
“...Complicated ones.”
Virgil snorts, a sound that usually has you thinking about just how adorable he can be, but the sound is devoid of humor in its current form. 
“Care to elaborate, Teach?” Roman inquires, his legs folded comfortably under himself as he watches you. He’s managed to keep himself pretty still and quiet, though you aren’t sure if that’s attributed to his current restraint or the effects of your room.
  You push your glasses up on your nose. They fall back to their original position. You repeat this action almost compulsively. 
“It’s foolish- Very foolish. I know this is somewhat hypocritical of me, but I believe it is for the best that I do not burden you with it.”
“You aren’t a burden!” Roman squawks indignantly, in conjunction with Virgil snipping: “We’re well past that, buddy.”
You feel your face heat, embarrassingly enough. You aren’t sure why, but their instant and vehement defensiveness for you is a bit motivating. They… they won’t hate you for it. They might even understand, if you’re willing to be optimistic about this. 
“You could call it. Jealousy, I suppose.”
“Jealousy?” Roman scrunches his nose, uncomprehending.
“Yes- I know it isn’t exactly fair of me to feel this way, but it’s the unfortunate truth. I have noticed that the two of you have become much… closer, than you once were,” you see the two of them flush in embarrassment, which only serves to prove your point. “Rest assured, I’m very happy for the both of you and your bond. It’s just that I’ve realized that I have become essentially irrelevant, which I find to be… upsetting. And I know you both are far too kind and non-communicative to outright tell me this, thus I decided that I would take matters into my own hands by giving the two of you your much-needed space willingly.” 
You do not add that you’re also avoiding them because you can barely stomach being around their PDA. It seems unnecessary, and maybe a tad pathetic.
Virgil recovers from his embarrassment at your calling him out quickly enough, his abashment being engulfed by indignation. Oh, wonderful. They really can’t let up without a fight.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His anger is clear, but all three of you know that he’s only upset at the situation. 
“I would love to remain as your friends, of course, I only meant that it would be best if I didn’t interrupt you two-”
“Interrupt us?!” He’s very near shouting, leaping up from his seat and stalking towards you. He stops less than a foot away, and you try desperately not to recoil from him. 
“Yes,” you sound meek, don’t you? “It only made sense-”
He stares at you as though you’re an idiot. It’s a despicable look, but when you turn your attention to Roman for a reprieve, his expression is no different.
And then they- oh, what they do next brings you more pain than any expression ever could. It starts quiet, like they’re trying to hold it at bay, but their resolves crack and crumble. 
They laugh. They’re laughing at you. 
You shouldn’t have let them in- not into your room, not into your head, not into your life at all. You should have known that when your genuine emotions came to light, they’d only find it humorous in the end. Because you, Logan- Logic, your ‘feelings’- they’re hilarious. They are nonsensical and hardly befitting a being such as yourself, yet you have them! And you actually began to speak about them! What a comedic situation. You’re a fool in every sense of the word- both a jester and an idiot. 
They aren’t even laughing that hard, but to you each small sound reads as a raucous, villainous cackle that tears apart your skin and leaves you raw. Roman’s head is tipped back and he appears to be shaking with amusement; Virgil is trying to press his lips together and stifle his chuckling, but he’s doing a poor job of it.
Something writhes in you, much uglier than your shame or guilt. It squirms beneath the layers of your skin and runs up and down your spine, tensing your muscles with its electricity. It’s fury, burning nearly as bright as your face surely must be with this humiliation. 
How could they, tricking you into caring for them, convincing you to help them and support them, only to then heckle you when you hand them your trust. It was such a fragile thing already- which you know is preposterous, trust isn’t tangible, but in this moment it feels quite like a cracked window finally shattering to useless shards.
Virgil is startled into silence immediately; Roman makes a strangled sort of sound as he stops laughing.
“What?” They chorus, both looking ready to contradict you with drawn out and over-emotional arguments. 
You won’t give them that satisfaction.
“Get. Out. Of my. Room,” your shaking speech is blanketed in monotone; it’s like a towel thrown over a forest fire; it won’t last long.
Their eyes widen comically. They speak all over each other, clamoring to explain or excuse their actions, but to you the pleading is naught but white noise. 
You gave them a chance to leave of their own volition, but if they’re so keen on remaining a nuisance, then fine. You huff a sigh, turning your back to Roman and Virgil. With a snap, their chatter cuts off unceremoniously, and you are left cold and lonely. 
When you turn around, they’re gone.
You don’t get a chance to react before you’re thrown upwards through the floor of your bedroom. You land in an unceremonious heap, half-on and half-off of your bed, losing your balance almost immediately and toppling to the floor. Rising up makes you dizzy enough as it is, but being forced away from somewhere makes you want to vomit. 
You pull yourself up from the ground, holding your head in your hands until the world stops spinning. As soon as your brain gets working again, you can hear thunderous footfalls out in the hall. They stomp right past your door and down the hall. There’s a series of loud thumps, rattles, and shouts, before whoever it is retraces their steps.
You walk to your door as if on autopilot, opening it just as Roman was about to knock. He’s panting, distressed. 
“We fucked up,” he says.
“Yeah,” you pull him inside, slamming the door behind him, “We did.”
“I didn’t mean to, you know that right? I wasn’t laughing at him, I wouldn’t, alright?” Roman spirals, “He thinks I did! It was just ridiculous, was all! To think that we don’t want him around- to think-”
He curls into himself. You catch his hand before he can press it against his chest, unfolding him. You hold his wrist and rub little patterns into the back of his hand.
“Ro, hey.”
He glances up at you, wild-eyed. Eyeshadow is already creeping its way down his face.
“Why don’t we talk about this in your room instead, hm?” 
He nods, shaking, with a small mutter of ‘right, right’. You nod back, holding onto him just tight enough that your claws don’t quite dig in. 
You materialize in Roman’s room, dragging him along with you. Almost immediately a fierce pulse of energy overwhelms you. You stagger in shock, but Roman doesn’t even blink at the force. He pulls away from you and falls upon his massive, plush, circular canopy bed with a despairing whine. You can’t really blame him. 
The Creative power of this room takes its effects on you faster than any other side’s abilities could- you really wonder how Roman is so used to it. You sit on the bed beside him, intending to comfort him as he buries himself further into his hoard of pillows. But then, you can’t. You can’t sit down. Far too much troubled excitement is pooling in your stomach; far too many ideas and thoughts are running through your head, and the loudest of them are desperate appeals to start fixing this mess.
Anxiety and Creativity wouldn’t theoretically mix well, but that’s just the thing about theories. They’re often wrong, so very wrong or crackpot or conspiratorial. The truth of it is Creativity and Anxiety work together wonderfully, both as concepts and as actual, metaphysical creatures. You’ve known this, even if you won’t admit it, since you were all teenagers. But only now does it hit you just how much Roman’s abilities can do for you. It takes all of your energy, all that pent-up fear and frustration from what’s just happened, and it gives you the tools to actually use it for something.
It also makes you, ya know. Just a little recklessly confident.
“Alright, Princey, get up.”
He whines again, shifting his head just enough to glare at you.
“I’m wallowing in self-pity! For the reason that one of my dearest friends thinks me a- a bully! How are you not freaking out about this?”
“Honestly?” You wrap your hands around his wrist again, pulling him into a ragdoll-ish sitting position, “I’ve got no idea. Mentally I think I’m in the fifth dimension or some shit, so we gotta work this out quick before I come back down and really lose my mind.”
He grumbles, but you see him biting back an amused smile. Flopping his legs over the edge of the bed and making no movement to stand, Roman narrows his eyes up at you. 
“Alright, alright. We need to give that conversation another go, I know that, but we should give Logan some space first. He’s unlikely to hear us out now. You know how headstrong he is when he gets… like this.”
You nod, vacantly, because you're already three steps ahead of where he is in the conversation. 
“Yeah, good point. More time.”
“Right,” Roman draws the word out, looking at you strangely, “So why aren’t you moping with me?”
You pull the reins of your practically palpable energy enough to sit down, right next to him.
“We obviously have to work out this-” you gesture between yourself and Roman, “-before we can really talk to Logan,” once the sentence is out of your mouth you wish you could swallow back the ‘obviously’, because Roman is usually slow on the uptake and you’d never intentionally make fun of that. But he does nothing more than scrunch his face up in exaggerated confusion, the pink tint to his face giving away that he must have at least some idea what you’re implying. 
“What- what do you mean by that? The two of us already get along famously!”
“I think you know that’s not what I meant. You’re using your stage voice. You always do that when you lie.”
“Who are you- Janus?” He cough-laughs awkwardly, breaking eye-contact with you. You’re surprised that you’re holding up any better than him, but your strongest reaction at the moment is a mild blush and some prickling at your skin. 
It is for these reasons that you both love and hate Creative-Mode Virgil. He is a very productive and efficient version of you, but his propensity for acting bold and impulsive makes you want to strangle him. Him being you, of course.
“Look, Logan was wrong to think that he was a third wheel, or whatever, but I’m pretty sure he was right about the… closeness with us, I guess.”
Roman’s staring at you with wide eyes, a deep red flushing him from his ears right across his nose and cheeks. He’s clearly trying to smile, but it’s coming out awkwardly strained, almost twisted sideways. There’s a second when the anxiety rushes back to you in a wave of oh no you misread this so fucking bad of course he doesn’t feel that way about you you’re his best friend whatthehellwereyouthinkingVirgil- and it almost wins you over, but you’re in Roman’s Room. And that doesn’t just mean motivation and creativity. 
Your paranoid thoughts could never beat what’s ingrained into you as a fact. You can feel the romantic tension, almost like it’s a physical presence in the room. Maybe it is. A part of you- most of you, in fact- still wants to convince you that you’re doing something wrong. But it’s getting harder and harder to believe the longer you sit here, knowing that these emotions you feel aren't entirely your own. 
“Virgil,” he breathes, and you can feel it on your skin- when did you get so close?
“We don’t have to do anything about this,” you start to backpedal, but you don’t move away from him, “Not if you don’t want to, yet. I just… we had to talk about it, I think.”
“So you…?”
The hesitance in his voice destroys your resolve. You reach out, tucking up both of his hands in your own. 
They’re warm. 
“Yeah, I- yeah.”
He surveys you for far too long; it’s hard not to squirm. You let him watch you, though, just so he can find whatever it is he’s looking for in your expression. When he does, it only draws him in nearer.
“You and Logan are right. I love you, V.” 
You try not to smile. It doesn’t work. 
“I figured.”
He huffs at you, shoving you, but he’s grinning widely. You roll your eyes at him. You don’t speak for a while, holding your tongue for as long as you can- but you really need to say it. Just so he knows.
“I love you back, though. Or- something like that, I don’t know…”
Roman laughs outright at that, tossing his head back. You can already feel the energy you were given twisting into an entirely contradictory exhaustion. Because of that, you don’t even try to pretend to be annoyed; you just watch, fondly. 
When he’s settled, that amused look turns sharply to worry. 
“So now what?”
You pause, running your thumb over his knuckles as you think the question over. 
“Yeah, that.”
“Well, like you said, we give him some space.”
“And then?”
You glance up at Roman for confirmation, but you don’t need to. Like you said, you can feel it; his room is a pretty big snitch. 
“We tell him we love him.” 
 You let yourself forget about what happened, just for the afternoon. It’s hard, but what choice do you have? It’s out of your hands for now. And, while usually that makes you even more nervous, you manage to force yourself into the shape of something vaguely undaunted. After all, if you can’t tell Logan just how much you care about him, you can still remind Roman. 
In your own way, of course. 
“Hey,” you mutter, for what must be the millionth time that evening. Roman turns his attention away from the vent-art he’s working on, glancing at you.
“Yes, Knightmare?” He asks, but the tired and affectionate smile on his face says that he already knows your game. Damn, and here you were thinking you were subtle. (not.)
“Mmh,” you press your face into the side of his neck, leaving a few miniscule kisses to the skin there. Your arms are twined around his waist, a position that bordered on- oh, who are you kidding, it’s exceptionally clingy.
The embarrassment that you feel from so openly displaying such sappy, disgusting affection is overturned, however slightly, by the quiet laugh and kiss to the top of your head that Roman returns to you for your efforts. You hide your smile in the crook of his neck.
You continue to shower Roman with attention for a minute or so, covering his face with little pecks and pressing yourself against him, before leaning back a few inches. You sigh. He resumes his work, resting his back against your chest as he does so. 
You will let him continue to draw for ten or so minutes. You will ask for his attention again, and he’ll give it to you with a slightly wider smile than the last time you did it- that smile grows exponentially, but only by tiny increments.
You’ll kiss him all up his neck and the side of his face, hug him even tighter, listening to him laugh in a much too relieved voice before you let up once more.
And he’ll be a little more sure of you each time. A little more sure that you two can do this together. 
You are not a patient entity when it comes to the things you want. You are, in the best of cases, the exact opposite. This gets about One Million Billion times worse when the one thing that you want is to declare your love for someone, and said someone hasn’t left his room even once in six days.
Virgil, Patton, and Janus (once you’d relayed the situation to the latter two) have essentially been keeping you on a leash at all times of the day- or night- to make absolutely sure that you don’t break Logan’s door down. Which- to be fair- you wouldn’t put it past yourself to do that, but still. 
But even with the distraction of a new boyfriend (boyfriend!!!!) and those two overbearingly caring friends of yours, you are still Physically Unable to Not Do Anything currently. And, you suppose if you can’t break Logan’s door down, you might as well try that idea out on someone who wouldn’t bat an eye at such an, ah, intrusion seems to be the fitting word. 
You drop yourself face first onto Remus’ bed in your usual melodramatic fashion, immediately regretting it because fuck that smells horrid. When was the last time it washed its sheets?
Probably never, actually. You sit up.
Your sibling is sitting cross-legged on its desk, working on something that’s got a good deal of goop and limbs. It looks up at you blankly. 
“Ro? What the hell are you doing in here?” It doesn’t sound angry, just very, very surprised. 
“My life is ending.”
“Fun! Does that mean I get full creative control?”
“No! And it’s not fun, you animal!” 
It scrutinizes you, setting its strange arthropodic creation down on the desk. You lean back when it leans forwards.
“Wow, shit must be really bad if you’ve decided to come here!”
You nod, miserably. 
“Okay,” it claps its hands together, standing up only to fall against the bed beside you. It’s half-sitting, half-laying; the way it twists all its limbs up can not be comfortable. “What’s going on?”
You glare at it, but you aren’t sure why. Probably just because it is there and you need something to glare at while you talk. 
“It’s Logan…” You trail off, waiting for Remus to catch on. It takes its time thinking, even more expressionless than before. 
“You know why he hasn’t left his room in days? I tried to check on him but he barely told me anything. Just said he was tired, and ‘thanks for the concern’,” it says at last, catching you off-guard.
“You mean you haven’t heard? I would’ve thought Patton or Janus might have told you.”
It taps its claw to its chin a couple of times, thoughtful. The implication clicks just a second later, apparently, because it lets out a whining groan and drags its hands down its face.
“Oh, not that. I can’t do anything if it’s that!” It exclaims, “Yeah, they did mention it, but I guess I just tune that kind of thing out,” it pauses, “...It’s because you and Vee are fucking now, right?”
You flush, embarrassment and indignation welling up at the back of your throat. You bat Remus’ shoulder, bristly as a thornbush.
“No, we aren’t- I mean, not yet- I mean, that’s none of your business!”
“You did kinda come to me for help, though, so it actually is.”
You glower, refusing to justify that with a response. It rolls its eyes at you, turning over so that it’s flat on its back with its upper half hanging off the bed.
“It’s your bad to come to me for romance advice. You couldn’t have asked literally anyone else- yourself, for example?” It fusses with its talons as it rants, snapping off a couple of nails absentmindedly, “It’s not even the fun kind of gross.”
You can’t believe you’re considering saying it. You won’t! You shouldn’t! You refuse!
“...Please?” Oh fuck, you’ve done it now.
Remus pulls its head up slightly, a very smug grin across its face. Its teeth are horrendously crooked and yellow-stained, looking much too big and sharp to fit into its mouth. 
“Awww, you’re begging? God, you’re so desperate.”
It’s very difficult to resist the urge to push it off the bed. But you are a pillar of restraint today, because it’s not entirely wrong about that, and you still need it to help you.
“Look, it’s too personal to my own life for my abilities to do me any good. And Virgil can’t talk about it- he’s way too frazzled to even think about it, the poor thing. Plus, Patton and Janus aren’t… great… at things,” that’s a very soft way of putting: the former gets much too emotionally invested and the latter is entirely snarky and unhelpful. “So I came here. I think a more, erm, detached point of view could help.”
Remus hums at that. 
“I guess there’s nothing more detached from romantic issues than someone who’s never had any- you’ve come to the right place in that case.”
“So you’ll help?” 
Remus slides slowly forward until it’s landing in a heap on the ground, various crunching noises resulting from the impact. It huffs, lifts itself up to rest its chin on the edge of the bed, and stares at you unblinkingly.
“You’re not allowed to tangent about how pretty his eyes are or how much you love his voice, or anything like that, got it? Otherwise, I will puke, and probably into your mouth just to shut you up.”
You gag, perhaps a bit exaggeratedly.
“That’s vile!”
“Thank you! Now, bitch to me about your problems before I get bored.”
You look down to your lap, winding and unwinding your fingers repetitiously. You think about the past couple of days; in many aspects, it’s been wonderful. Virgil actually wants to be your boyfriend! And that’s what he is now! Of course, you both are just as cuddly as ever, but now you don’t have to worry about holding back. That’s been an amazing relief.
But there’s always that little thing missing, holding you back from being content completely. You want to give Logan his space, truly you do, but every day you feel a little more distant from him. A little further from being able to fix things. It’s familiar in all the worst ways.
You blink rapidly, remembering where you are before the emotions overcome you. With a shaky breath, you begin to speak. It’s just a summary at first, but then you can’t help but give Remus your most detailed accounts of, well, everything. 
You gauge its reaction intensely, but it’s as inscrutable as ever. You finish the tale hurriedly, expectant for some sort of response from the creature across from you.
There is an intolerable silence as you practically see the gears turning in Remus’ brain, which is funny because you thought Octopuses were supposed to have nine of them. You have no idea what it’s using all the other ones for, if that’s the case.
“You laughed at him,” it smirks when it speaks, sounding out the words slowly. You scoff.
“We were laughing at the situation! We didn’t mean it to seem that way. It was just bad timing! ”
It cackles at you, sitting back on its legs and tossing its head back. It sounds like a shrieking kettle.
“No wonder he’s so pissed! He thinks you think his feelings are a joke! His whole deal is not wanting to be that. That’s, like, his big thing.”
You’d… sort of figured that’s what happened, but hearing it out loud still stings. To think you’d done that to him. He was getting so much better with his feelings, but you had to go and ruin it. 
“I already know that I- we-” mental filtering, Roman, “We caused the issue. I wanted to know how to fix it.”
Remus stops laughing as suddenly as it’d started, looking at you with all the sincerity of, perhaps, someone capable of being serious. 
“Corner him,” it answers simply.
“Excuse me?”
“Corner him. Your first mistake was that you went to him in his room, which meant he could just throw you out of there. He’s stubborn, right? Plus, he thinks you were making fun of him. He’s not gonna come out to have a civilized conversation on his own, cuz he’s a dumbass, so I don’t think more space is gonna help you out here. Lure him out! Tie him up, if it’ll make him listen!” Remus pauses thoughtfully, “Orrrrr you could try amputating his legs entirely, but he’ll probably grow them back. He’s annoying like that.”
You choose to ignore the last suggestion, focusing instead on its main point. 
“Are you sure that won’t make things worse?”
“Define ‘worse’ for me, in terms of right now, currently, in here on this day.”
“Good point.”
Remus nods to itself, standing up from the floor and stretching its arms above its head. Its shoulders dislocate, but it pops them back into their sockets once its done. This almost feels like the conclusion of the conversation, but you get the impression that it’s taking its time to piece together a sentence with a little more finality.
“He was obviously crazy about you two before, which means he probably still is. He’s also a sad little shit, though.”
You move to stand as well, curling your fingers against themselves again.
“You really think so?”
“Oh, I have no idea. That’s your department, remember? Now, get out of my room; no alloromantics allowed after-” it checks the time, clearly making the rule up on the spot, “Five twenty-six P.M.” 
“Fine, fine, I can take a hint,” you place your hands on your hips, feeling just a little more confident in the wake of this talk.
“‘Hint’? I explicitly told you to leave.”
You grumble at Remus, but make your way to the door nonetheless. It turns back to its desk, grabbing for a jar that seems to be filled with insect legs. It’s immediately refocused into whatever strange creatures it was working on, pulling them apart and shoving them back together. You let the affronted look fall from your face, replaced by a small, fond smile.
“Thanks, Re.”
It glances back at you, briefly.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing…” it pauses, its hands stilling. “Good luck.”
“Thank you,” you say, earnestly.
You leave, letting it get back to its work. 
 The hallway smells like a fucking Macy’s compared to Remus’ room. Jesus Christ, it’s a relief. 
You shut the door behind you with a soft click, leaning back against it with a deep, shuddering sigh. It’s been a long week. 
Ah, and just on time, as if to prove your point, there’s a gravelly shout and a thump from downstairs. You draw yourself to attention, shaking the slump from your shoulders. You flit through the narrow hall to the top of the stairs, listening carefully for an issue to resolve or an unseemly beast to slay. A prince must protect his subjects, after all.
For a few seconds, all you can hear below is frantic whispering. You set a foot on the top step, but you don’t get the chance to descend.
Virgil is there like a flash of lightning, speeding up the stairs and heading right for you. 
You startle, spiraling back to escape his path, but it’s futile. He catches you at the top, sending you both crashing into the opposite wall. Pain shoots up your back at the impact, as well as sparking in your shoulders where his claws are gripping you. You hiss, the sound dying when you meet his eyes. 
They’re bright. No, glowing. No, seeping- their color is seeping into the world around them, curling in little streaks of murky green and violet around Virgil’s face. 
He speaks, but it’s without distortion. It’s clear and crisp. It isn’t quite anxiety that’s consuming him this way, no, it’s something much more powerful.
“Roman,” he takes your hand in a fervent grip, “Ro, it’s Logan.”
You blink, and before you really know what you’re doing, you're already halfway downstairs.
Light, sparse taps are turned out against the solid wood door. The sounds, however small, echo throughout this packed little room.
Your fingers stall above the laptop’s keyboard, and for a fraction of a second frustration overcomes you. It’s gone as soon as it comes, replaced unceremoniously by numbness. This is a minor inconvenience to your work, but not much else. Thankfully, you are not one to dwell on it; after all this time, you are finally in complete control of your faculties and your emotions. 
The knock returns, more sure of itself as it hits against the surface. Bemusedly, you wonder why on earth they’re still bothering- but, that isn’t them, it belatedly occurs to you. The rhythm isn’t that of some showtune or another, nor is it harsh and pounding.
You aren’t sure how many days it’s been since you’ve heard that particular sound. You aren’t sure… What day is it?
Well, regardless, you’ve been jarred from your work. You could ignore it and continue on- you’d likely forget it soon enough- but the fact that you recognize the presence specifically as Patton stops that idea in its tracks. He’s sensitive, an overthinker to an extreme degree. He could entirely misconstrue it as a dislike of his company if you were to not respond, unlike a flippant Remus or a collected Janus. And, well…
You’re over it. You’ve been over what Roman and Virgil did to you. But even though you very much are, it’s still perfectly reasonable to not want to be near them. There would be nothing to gain from talking to them, and you’d like to spare yourself the headache. But, you digress; Patton was not a part of what transpired. He would not do that to you, and therefore he is not an impediment to your work. Looking at it rationally, he is in fact a great source of comfo- help, for you. 
With this in mind you stand, making your way across the room. You stagger when you walk, like something’s pulling you in different directions. Odd. The feeling is somewhere in your head, sinking down your vertebrae, insisting that you need to remain in the sanctity of your room. If you leave, the pull suggests, then all your carefully built clarity of mind should become disrupted. How strange for such a convincing conviction to be so seemingly baseless, you reflect.
The knock returns, and that is of course a much more pressing issue. There’s a pull coming from there as well, only one much fiercer and easier to place. It’s the strongest thing you’ve experienced in some time, like someone’s arm around your waist, guiding you forwards (even if there isn’t anyone there, really). 
“Good afternoon,” you intone, drawing the door open with excessive force. Strange, again; maybe you had just forgotten how heavy it was. 
Patton stands across from you, shock written across his features with his fist still poised in the air, as though to knock again. He drops the hand quickly, reaching out instead with both arms while a grin consumes his face. But the limbs spasm concerningly, and stop. He sweeps his arms back and presses his balled hands tightly against his chest, still smiling at you, only a little more strained. His eyes are big, murky pools of color and emotion, raging and contradictory and impossible to make sense of. Even looking into them is overwhelming. 
“Hi, buddy,” he says it so quietly, but the actual words don’t matter. He says it with force, like perhaps he’s localized every emotion he’s ever felt entirely into his tone of voice.
You blink at him, an undefined question on your lips before that pull behind you turns into a sharp push, and before you know it you’re slumping forward into the hallway and out of your room. As you’re forced out, you narrowly avoid hitting the carpet. That’s thanks to Patton, who rushes forwards with a yelp, hauling you up into his sturdy arms with very little effort. 
The confusion you’d felt leaves you in a great big rush, replaced by fire. Your skin is consumed by burns at your friend’s touch- or at least it feels that way, but logically it cannot possibly be actual flame- but fuck logic because you’re on fucking fire.
It’s an all-consuming heat, but that’s hardly all it is. It’s breathing. Like you’d been holding your breath to the point of mad deliria and only now are you gasping in great, relieved breaths of clear air as some great and stifling weight is lifted from your lungs. It also feels like moving from an ice bath to a sauna all too quickly, giving you the greatest relief in conjunction with horrific pain. 
Oh. You’re crying. 
“Shh,” Patton whispers, as though this isn’t anything out of the ordinary, “It’s okay, it’s alright.”
You hold onto him hesitantly. Are you sitting? You think you must be, judging from this position.
“Do you need me to let go? Is it too much?”
You open your mouth to speak, and your voice is in perfect, frightening monotone.
“Yes, please.”
Patton draws back gently, just far enough so that you’re not touching. Big, crocodile tears crawl down your face still, but they begin to die down after a moment. You get your breathing under control, even if just barely.
“I didn’t want you to fall and get hurt,” Patton explains, “But I realize that making you touch a living vessel for emotion might’ve hurt, too, after- well, after that,” he gestures vaguely to your room, and then to yourself. You tilt your head in confusion.
“What-?” You look down at your arms, and the question dies on your lips.
It’s lifeless; corpse-like. The cold, slate-gray painted up your arms and probably across your whole body. The color looks sucked out of you, leaving only emptiness in its wake. The only sign that you’re a living being and not a husk, a shell, a piece of shed skin- other than the tremble of your frame- is the shocks of electric blue running up your body. They could be veins, if not for the fact that the lines were perfectly straight and geometrically cornered.
Patton reaches out, pensively, and presses a cautious finger against the back of your hand. At his touch, the spot bursts into life like watercolor on wet paper. Lively, peachy skin with cool undertones appears, before fading back to gray as Patton removes his finger. And it stings. 
You jump to your feet with a struggle, hardly registering when Patton follows your lead. You spin on your heel, staring through the open door and into your room. You can’t imagine entering it- just the feeling of being near it shortens your breath. It’s frigid, it’s hard and unshakeable and dark. It is completely and entirely devoid of emotion or life, and you hadn’t left that frozen hellscape in days.
It’s a wonder you can feel anything at all, after what you’ve done to yourself.
A shaking gasp rips out of your throat, and before you can think another panicked thought you jolt forward and wrench the door shut. You back away from it until your back hits the opposite wall.
“I- I didn’t realize I was doing it,” your words sound like pleas, falling from your mouth without your consent.
“I know,” Patton stands beside you, close enough to feel but not to burn.
“I didn’t mean to, I just-”
“I know.”
“I was doing better. I was doing so well, I was happy.”
He nods solemnly. 
You’ve been aware of the existence of your emotions, and relatively accepting of it, for a good deal of time. Hypocrisy is unsustainable. You can’t very well preach the negatives of repression on a weekly basis and then go on to practice it indefinitely. 
But what you are… everything that you encompass, everything that encompasses you, it makes it much too easy to slip up. To force out every pesky feeling in favor of more ‘important’ things. What it really is is a pitiful defense mechanism, unfortunately built deep into you by the purpose of your being. And it seems that your room can even do it without your knowledge.
You look up, unsure if he can even see how miserable you are. Can you emote anymore? You try to frown, but your muscles are stuck like plastic.
“Why don’t we get you somewhere else and see if we can get some of the feeling back into ya, okay?”
You adjust your glasses once, then twice.
“Not your room, I would hope?”
“Oh, goodness,” he lets out a startled laugh, “Of course not, that would be way too much! I was thinking somewhere a little more, uhm, neutral?”
You perk up at that implication. You could just go to the common room, of course, but that’s hardly the only unaffected area in the Mindpalace. Your world isn’t quite real- and even if it is it’s extremely fluid and easy to influence- meaning you can make about just as many locations as any of you would like. Which includes structures ‘outside’ of your ‘house’.
An ill-defined existence like that might irk you, if you were in a philosophical mood. Thankfully, the only mood you’re in right now is sad. 
“Yes, I think a change of setting could be beneficial.”
Patton chirps happily, much like a tree frog, and makes to lead you downstairs. You follow close behind him, chasing that emotional high but still nervous of the pain that it could cause you. 
You’re on edge for reasons enough already. The idea that you could run into them is a prominent one that you’d rather not focus on. 
For a split second you think you might have to, though, because there’s someone sitting on the couch when you step down from the landing. Your breath catches in your throat, but then he looks up at you, heterochromic eyes wide with surprise, and you exhale steadily. 
“Hello, Janus.”
His eyebrows arch up at your greeting, perplexion in his smile. Appraisingly, he observes you, offering only a small wave. He addresses Patton when he speaks. 
“Well, Dear, it seems you were right to be concerned about him.”
Patton mutters something that you can’t quite make out, looking disconcerted. 
You’d be flushing indignantly, if you had the ability to. Your shoulders hunch up as you glance between your friends.
“You’ve been talking about me?” 
They both look acutely uncomfortable, exchanging looks. That’s answer enough for you, though. 
Oh, just look at yourself. You’re a spectacle now, aren’t you? Poor Logan, getting his metaphorical metaphysical heart broken, only for it to become the talk of the MindPalace for days on end as he relapses into repression. Isn’t it such a lovely thing for you to be? A piece of gossip. Entertainment.
Janus’ worry grows on his face, and soon he’s up from his spot and hastening towards you. You step back from him, trying to remember what glaring is meant to look like. He doesn’t invade your space again, but he just… stares at you. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” He asks. You can almost laugh at the question. 
“I’m sure you already know all about it, though, don’t you?”
Both of them are taken aback by your snapping. You regret it immediately; they haven’t done anything wrong, not really. They’re trying to help you, it isn’t their fault that they got caught up in your ‘tragic tale’. But your frustration is difficult to push down. You get the feeling that you can’t push anything down, without worrying that something will snap; it’s almost like an overworked muscle. 
“Whatever you think has been happening out here,” Janus speaks, even and slow, “It’s not that bad, alright?”
Patton nods along with him, and reaches towards you. He falters, eventually opting to hook a finger through the band of your watch instead. Your skin prickles, but there’s no pain. 
“C’mon, I was thinking we could try heading to the Clubhouse.”
That settles your anger, microscopically. You think Janus is being truthful, and Patton is nothing but consoling. And, of course, there’s the clubhouse…
You might not ever admit how much you like it. It’s been around since before you were around, back in the days of just Anxiety (the oldest), Creativities (tied for second), and a very newly formed Morality. Back when it was first made, it really was just a little child’s clubhouse, made primarily by Roman, with some disruptions by Remus, and small additions by a tiny Patton. It was probably the first neutral structure made up by the sides, as they had just begun to figure out their powers and the ‘world’ that they inhabited. Of course no one had the heart to get rid of it after that.
You give Patton a nod, angling your face so that it maybe looks like you’re smiling. He lets go of you, smiling back as he turns on his heel and heads for the door. You trail behind him, knowing that it must look very silly that you’re basically tailgating him. Janus follows you in turn, a few feet behind. He watches over the both of you protectively. 
You step out onto the lawn, hearing grass crunch beneath your shoes. The wind is particularly biting, and the sky above threatens a storm. You’re sure that the weather in the real world isn’t this chaotic, so someone in the mindscape must be sulking. You don’t mind; it’ll only make the warmth of the Clubhouse all the more pleasant. 
The Clubhouse has changed so much over the years that it’s unrecognizable as its original iteration. What once was a little stick-and-stone glorified fairy house is now a cottage-like building, one story high with a thickly thatched roof. Beside the door on either side are big bay windows, each made into little reading nooks. It’s essentially one big room, the outside painted with such vibrant pastels that it easily stands out against its surroundings.
The doors creak when Patton opens them, but not in a way that denotes damage or wear. It’s an old and comforting sound, one that comes from familiarity and consistent use. You step through the threshold, and affection floods your chest.
It isn’t large, but it’s well-equipped. There are ancient oaken tables stacked up with crafts materials, squashy bean bag chairs, and a bright rug or two thrown over the rustic hardwood floors. The nooks have pillows and blankets piled in them, looking like nests. There are bookshelves, art supplies, vinyl records (complete with a record player)- even some new-looking wall displays of preserved bugs and butterflies for decoration. To top it all off, fairy lights were strung across all the walls, making it all seem quite mystic. 
You find yourself taking another step inwards; the amenities are incredibly inviting. Everything here is inviting, and homey, and lived-in. The house itself almost feels alive, nonsensical as that is.
It’s no wonder this is everyone’s favorite.
Patton watches you patiently, his hand resting on the door handle. You take a deep breath, but you aren’t sure why you need it. You make your way to the perfume-y, floral print sofa against the wall to your right, treating everything around you rather reverently. When you sit, you sink down into the couch.
Patton sits a respectful distance from you. Janus strolls right after him, knocking the door shut with the back of his boot before settling in an armchair on the left of the couch.
There’s a comfortable silence, and you start to feel your numbness abate. With a contented sigh, your head falls back against the cushion and your eyes fall shut. Not in an effort to sleep. You’re just… resting. You breathe deeply, letting the atmosphere envelop you.
The corners of your mouth twitch up.
“Logan!” Patton squeaks, “Look!”
Your eyes blink open, mildly startled at the outburst. Patton’s gaze on you is intense, first focused on your face and then moving down your arms. You follow the look, to see your...
Your perfectly normal, flesh-colored arms. Your human-ish, mildly tan, average arms. You feel what you can now recognize as a smile grow wider on your face. 
“Well,” Janus chimes, “It seems you just needed a little break.”
“Maybe so,” your voice creaks from lack of use. You hadn’t even realized you’d been nonverbal since you’d last snapped at them. Neither had drawn attention to it, which you silently thank them for (they, after all, were all too familiar with the experience). 
“Do you feel good enough to talk about what’s been upsetting you?” Patton gently asks you. And you… don’t have an answer.
“What is there to talk about?” You tilt your head bemusedly. 
“I think he means, are you ready to talk to who’s been upsetting you?” Janus explains. Patton hesitates before nodding his agreement.
“I- what?” Your serenity leaves in a rush, replaced by astonishment and outrage, “You expect me to- to talk to them?”
You give them approximately three seconds to respond before plowing forwards with your rant.
“I’m talking to you both, isn’t that enough? You’ve done nothing to wrong me, of course. What does it matter if I don’t speak to those- those- those-”
Janus’ eyes expand to circles, the pupils shrinking to anxious slits.
“Those?” He prompts.
“Tricksters, betrayers, playactors, wolves- whatever you want to call them!” Where were vocab cards when you needed them? All your synonyms can’t carry the punch that you need them to. Insults aren’t much good if you have to explain them after. 
“No!” Patton practically screams, out of absolutely nowhere. You glance at him, stunned, to see him looking like a kicked puppy- er, froggy. He’s on the verge of tears, leaning towards you precariously, with devastation swirling in his big eyes. “This is why you need to talk to them, please, Logan.”
You are so very bewildered, you barely notice that Janus is standing from his chair until he’s already across the room. 
“As I said earlier: whatever you think happened, didn't. I can prove it, too,” he mutters, standing by the door.
“You weren't there, Janus,” you snap, "I tried to tell them how I felt and they- they laughed at me.”
“They didn't!” Patton squeaks. You shake your head frantically, still reeling.
“It was- it was awful, you can’t-”
“No,” Patton interrupts, “I meant that literally. They didn’t do that.”
This interaction is making your head spin with indignation. You are capable of immense patience when it comes to Patton- and Janus, for that matter- but this has become ridiculous. 
“I’m so tired of being made a mockery of, Patton. I won’t stand for it any longer, even if you’re just trying to help.”
He breathes in sharply, about to argue, but then his gaze catches on something behind you. His mouth stays open, but he’s soundless. You jump to your feet, spinning around to see just what he’s looking at.
The door is open. Janus is gone.
There's a shout from the main house.
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @intruxiety @thefivecalls 
(Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed :3)
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode • 7/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ☾
Authors note• the next part will be the last part I promise guys
Warnings• language, mentions of death I think at this point I can’t remember
Songs• Something - the Beatles/linger - the cranberries/possibility- Lykke Li/ requiem on water - imperial mammoth
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•in your entire life
•were you more surprised than when you opened your locker one morning
•and saw a little note float out, and rest itself in the floor in between you and the locker.
•you honestly didn’t want to pick it up.
•what the hell did that asshole have to say to you now?
•you finally lean down and pick up the note
•and you have to hold your hand over your mouth once you open it to stop the crying
•bc you’re in the middle of school
•so embarrassing
•lol don’t even ask what school was like the Monday after prom
•right there
•on the page
•is a poorly drawn sun.
•but this sun was different
•it’s eyes were closed
•and it had tears running down its cheeks
•Jaemin wrote you another note for a number of reasons
•the main one being
•he just wanted you to feel beautiful in your skin again
•he regretted everything he said to you
•but the one he regretted the most was telling you you’re not beautiful
•bc wtf
•Jaemin had known you for 8 months
•he knew your insecurities
•he knew what to use against you
•and he used it
•and that made Jaemin worse than some of the worst ppl he’s ever talked to
•and he literally can’t look at himself in the mirror anymore
•one time he got so mad he just fucking punched his mirror and it like, shattered
•really fucked up his hand but he didn’t even care at that point
•he was drunk
•felt numb
•so the letters were a way for him to feel something again
•and for him to express his love for you still
•bc no matter what he says to literally anyone
•all he does is love u
•he like truly believes ur his soulmate
•and that he’ll die alone
•and to top it all off
•his parents loved you so they’re always asking where you are
•and vice versa but you told ur mom what happened
•and Jaemin tried to keep it in but one night at dinner his mom is like “i really miss y/n! I told you what we were having earlier bc I knew it’s y/n’s favorite and I wanted you to invite her!”
•and Jaemin starts eating quietly but then starts remembering the first time you met his parents and you ate this so mid bite he just breaks down and starts sobbing
•bc hes like kept this all in
•he doesn’t want anyone to know he actually cares abt u
•but these are his Parents
•so he tells them
•and they are like “bro what”
•and they ask him if his reputation as a high school student was more important to him than love
•and he already knew it wasn’t
•but he was already 10000% sure u hated his guts
•and you did
•but you also still loved him and u hated it
•so you open the letter
•”Sunshine, it’s been a while. I know what happened between you and Jaemin, and I’m so sorry. I’m doing this again, not because I want you to be with me just because you’re single now (you don’t even know me) but because I was there that night. And I heard him. And y/n, I have never heard a more wrong and idiotic being in my life. And I need you to know he was wrong. I need you to know how beautiful you are; inside and out.
First things first, I didn’t get to say it to you that night, because I’m an idiot, and I wish I had, but you looked so beautiful at prom. You’re hair was curled and hanging over your shoulder, and your pink dress with the flower heals; I wanted to marry you right then and there. You took my breath away, even more than the first time I laid eyes on you. But even then you were absolutely stunning. You are so gorgeous in everything you wear. It doesn’t matter to me. I wanted to kiss you, and hug you, and tell you how much I loved you.
But I didn’t.
And I’m so sorry sunshine. I wish I had. I really do.
If you don’t want these letters, then throw them out without ever looking them, I get it. I just want you to have self confidence again; to feel beautiful and smart again. Because I think - no, I know - that you’re the most stunning person I’ve ever seen, and the smartest. And you teach me everyday how to be a beautiful person inside and out.
I love you sunshine.
Always and forever”
•knowing it was Jaemin
•his letters used to make you so happy
•now it upset you so much
•bc what was the truth
•but you didn’t tell him you knew
•you wanted to see what he had to say
•and if you were being honest, you craved his affection still
•bc u were in love with him
•but it ended up hurting u more
•he would write more letters than he used to
•before, you would get maybe three of four a month
•now you got at least three a week
•and they were all about how amazing you are
•and in a lot of them
•Jaemin would subtly tear himself down
•u read in between the lines to see it
•and you were honestly scared he was gonna kill himself
•you knew all the pressure he had on him; football captain, honors and AP student, the popular boy, the good kid (although that on was a bit tarnished after prom lmao)
•he used to sit with u for hours venting
•and then you would be there to help him
•he no longer had that support
•bc he was such a closed off person, he didn’t tell his friends much of his problems
•no matter what, you were not having it
•it wasn’t that you were weak. you like to think of it as you being strong. bc even though everything he had done, you still wanted to make sure he was okay in the end. you still had the courage to say something to him.
•so you left a note in his locker
•”Dear my secret admirer,
Not so secret, huh? I was bound to find out, what with all the notes you used to give me in third period?
I’m not writing to you for any reason other than to make sure you’re okay.
I can tell when you’re stressed, I think you forget
I don’t particularly like you. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you
And as someone who loves you, it would be in your best interest if you don’t put yourself down in the letters you write.
No matter what you say Jaemin, you will always be a good person.
You are an amazing captain that your team members are lucky to have. You lead them in a way that they learn to take pride in the accomplishments AND their failures, and to grow from each.
You are a beautiful friend, Always looking out for the dreamies and making sure that they’re happiness is above your own. You listen and you give advice.
You’re a beautiful son, as is no surprise due to the beautiful people that raised you.
You’re one of the top students in the class, you don’t even have to study and you get A’s.
And no matter how much I want to fight it in my head, you were an amazing boyfriend. Until the end LOL.
What I’m trying to say is life is going to continuously beat you down.
So stand up and swing next
It’s going to want to silence you.
So scream.
Fight back, because it’s what you deserve.
And please, stay safe.
I will always love you,
Ps. Please stop with the letters. They hurt too much. “
•you slipped that in after the last bell
•and Jaemin didn’t go to his locker right after school, he rushed to practice
•he did have to get a book from his locker afterwards though, so he was in the hallway alone when he opened his locker and the note floated its way onto the floor
•Jaemin was thankful he was alone, bc he sobbed like a little baby
•you were such a beautiful person, so kind and such such a good soul
•and he hurt you so bad
•and yet you still felt the need to tell him all of that
•he started off by sobbing into his locker
•but after about 5 minutes of that his knees gave out and he slipped onto the floor
•and just put his head in his hands and sobbed
•you were at school
•just down the hall actually
•you were in the music club, and you had a meeting after school to bc you had to write a song for the school club banner parade
•(side note. remember previously when i said that you had this club w mark? tell no one, but you were actually still regularly talking to mark! on the first meeting after prom, mark practically ran into the room and when straight to you, and before you could even open your mouth, he was word vomiting how sorry he was and that he had known you longer than any of those assholes and you were an amazing friend and that “ifyoudontwanttobemyfriendanymoreiunderstandcompletely-“ but you had to literally cover his mouth and you were just like “um, well. let’s just start writing the next assignment together, okay?” and before you knew it, you and mark were laughing again together. he actually made you feel a lot better, a lot closer. you both refused to talk abt any of the other dream members, or yerim and miri, but sometimes, something would slip. those were secretly your favorite moments, when mark would joke about something that happened that day, or when he would bring up an old memory of all 10 of you. over the course of the two months since prom, mark had made you laugh the most, and was your biggest reason to smile, honestly.)
•for a timeline, your meetings are about an hour long, sports is two hours long
•you stayed in late to finish some stuff up, as you were the leader of the club
•so you were walking out with ur bass in hand when u heard someone crying really loud in the hallway next to the one you were in
•you went to check and
•who do u see but Na Jaemin sitting on the floor sobbing into his hands
•you didn’t want to pry but you knew it was about u
•you felt like u kinda had to
Continue here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys
@comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub
@uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf @infatuated-with-you
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I rambled this out in the tags of my reblog of ur response to my... hm, "pink" ask, but i'll put it here anyways
I think ray and i are similar in the way of emotional sensitivity and people pleaser tendencies, albeit stemming from very different origins. For Ray, it's his traumas and the lifestyle and mindset he's been forced into. For me, it's the neurological disorder/learning difference I've had all my life, ADHD, and its accompanying RSD and anxiety.
One good thing about that bad friendship i got myself into was that i learned how to be a little more independent and how to overcome certain parts of my anxiety at times, as well as how to say no and to not give in so easily into the urge to just do whatever my friends ask.
So, I'm better than I was. But like I mentioned, its a little different when i dont know the person yet, and its especially different if theyre as sweet and kind as ray is. Honestly it gets me weak. I mean, even in the game, when i play AS (and his route) for the first time, i was very compliant to everything he said, especially since he seemed to have some confidence about him (i still cant tell if im just dumb or if he actually seems that way to others in the beginning). And thats not just cos i wanted to progress with the game; i chose the options i felt drawn to.
I'd have a hard time telling him no.
As for emotional sensitivity and RSD... itd be a loop i swear oh my days lol. He's always like "sorry sorry sorry pls dont hate me" and im sitting there like "same." If i was actually there id be like "no no never! Id never hate you i swear ur so freaking nice and sweet and fjbdjdbjd" and then like that very same day, say i shot him a text or two and he doesnt respond for like an hour. I get it. I know he's busy. I don't reach out further cos i dont wanna be annoying, i just wait. And wait. And tell myself he's busy. He doesn't hate me. He's just busy. ...did i say something wrong? Maybe i was confusing...? *proceeds to reread my texts like a million times, analyzing all the possible interpretations and probably scaring myself a couple times*
Finally a text comes in, or a chatroom with him opens up, and- here's where we differ. I keep those "what if he hates me" thoughts to myself. Instead its, "oh thank goodness lol i thought maybe i was being annoying or something or offended u or made u mad" (usually just one of those; which one i felt depends on the scenario) and even then it's only if an opportunity comes up. Sometimes i'll outright ask "was i being annoying? Sorry i know i can get out of hand sometimes" or say something like "just lemme know whenever im too overbearing or annoying or confusing or fast, etc". I tend to prefer to lean towards semi-subtle phrasing rather than outright asking.
But its like... "sorry sorry; are u mad?" "No!! No im not mad... but... i thought you'd be upset at me so I was afraid to face you... and then when you didnt text me i thought it even more..." "what??? No never! I didnt text u cos i thought u were mad!" Lmaooo
Yeah, I can totally relate to that internalized dialogue. So, it just seems that you can look at him and say same hat. I understand that feeling very well because I do it all the time too. Ray oftentimes gets overworked and overwhelmed by the thought that he's not doing enough, as a matter of fact, he's been told that he's not doing enough so he just thinks that constantly without anyone having to prompt him otherwise. A part of it might be a manipulation on his part but another part of it is genuine self-loathing. It is hard to say because he has moments where his genuine sincerity comes out and moments when his plans pop out. That's why I often tell people that he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Yes, he is relatable in a sense but that doesn't mean that he is inherently good too.
His morality is a little skewed but you can't really blame him for it given how he was manipulated himself. It is a matter of getting to know him and helping him see that something is amiss that allows him to almost realize that it's not okay. It is just too easy to overanalyze and get overwhelmed by the smallest of details that may not mean anything. It's an unfortunate circumstance that many of us have to deal with.
He's definitely a lot to deal with, and you have to be on your toes and ready to deal with it. If you are not in the right headspace or you easily get overwhelmed by little comments that may not mean much, then it's probably going to be hard for you to deal with the situations that take place with him. Even I know that I would have some specific problems with it myself given he and I have so much in common. However, don't think that that counts you out or anything. You still have the capability to get through to him.
It just comes down to empathizing and reaching out to each other when things don't feel right. That is easier said than done though so yeah, it would be a little complicated. It'll turn into a game where you're reassuring him and he's reassuring you. Sometimes it's good if someone can understand you firsthand, because the thing you can help yourself in the process.
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koyurim · 4 years
hospital playlist 12 (season 1 finale)
as the 99 crew make their next steps, life chugs along and with that comes the ups and downs that the patients are going through
the season finale provides enough momentum to wrap up some plot lines while still presenting new (or persistent) challenges for season 2 to dive deeper into. for me, all the ups and downs with the patients were the highlight of the episode and had me in an emotional mess. we see how much the patients impact the doctors, but also how much the doctors impacted their patients: 
yun-bok was able to thank song-hwa and cry in her arms when she found out that song-hwa was the doctor who treated her mom. and we got to see song-hwa tell yun-bok that she grew up into a lovely lady. 
right when chi-hong’s dealing with the coma patient who’s not going to make it, the cop patient came back to thank chi-hong for giving him the motivation and understanding that he can return to his job. his life is not over because of what he went through. 
jeong-wan stayed up day and night for the 7-year old girl and all his care was recognized when her family thanked him. also when she came back on christmas eve to thank him personally. jeong-wan always gets a lot of fulfillment from his work and i feel like this is the case that convinced him to remain as a doctor and not a priest. 
seok-hyeong. is just. a Fantastic doctor. he’s so gentle and always provides space for the emotions that come with the medical problems that the patients. when the woman finds out her baby has passed?! and then you see all the moms sitting quietly in the hallway listening to her crying. and the woman who had multiple miscarriages finding out that her baby’s in the clear... the JOY. ugh my emotions are ALL OVER THE PLACE.
jun-wan poured in so much care for the patient with the infected stent and watching him deliver the bad news to the parents was so hard. i was so proud of jae-hak for figuring out a solution! gah! growth.... 
ik-jun learning sign language--IM!!!!!!!! 
now, onto the more personal lives of our doctors. much has been building up all season and our main five must face their problems. sometimes facing your feelings is all it takes to find a fix, but unfortunately more often than not life requires a deeper dive to untangle all the webs and mess (and means we have to WAIT). 
jeong-wan’s plot line feels the most neatly wrapped up in this season finale. he’s made the decision to stay and not becoming a priest. it’s so obvious to those around him that he finds a lot of fulfillment in his work as a doctor helping kids, but it seems like it took him a lot longer to realize that himself. i really appreciated the moments with song-hwa. she can read him so easily, but sometimes you have to wait for your friend to arrive to the conclusion themselves. as for the love line with gyeol-ul, i was really hoping to see WHY he liked her. the show + all of jeong-wan’s friends and family have spent the season saying ‘HE LIKES HER’ but i dont really see why? i wanted some flashbacks about where his love originated from, because the kiss feel too out of the blue. however, i Am glad and proud of jeong-wan for properly facing his feelings and not denying them! you don’t do yourself or anyone around you any good when you don’t face yourself!! anyway, i look forward to rosa doting on gyeol-ul in season 2 even though it makes no sense. 
seok-hyeong’s father may have passed, but his problems are still there. seok-hyeong’s family situation has clearly created many problems in the past. it seems like his divorce with his ex-wife was primarily due to his family and not from a lack of love. as a consequence from his family mess, he’s forced himself to choose a lonely path so as to not hurt anyone else. obviously, that’s no way to live and seok-hyeong has to make peace with the understanding that while his dad is a piece of shit, he himself can still seek out happiness. it’s interesting to me that min-ha is able to approach him in a way that seems to slowly nudge him out of his shell. i hope that she can continue to do so in a respectful way! i feel like in season two we may see a seok-hyeong/min-ha/ex-wife love triangle. overall, im glad that he’s choosing himself in not running his dad’s company. his dad is an asshole, and seok-hyeong doesn’t owe him anything. even tho i think the mistress is shameless, im shocked that he didn’t leave anything to her. anyway, i wanna see a scene where ik-jun’s like hello dad pls redistribute your wealth to me, your son. 
oh, i fear our poor prickly jun-wan has been dumped. i was so pleased with how the finale was developing his and ik-sun’s relationship until he got the returned package! i loved when jae-hak was like ‘dude, just ask her’ because you can’t assume and guess your partner’s intentions. you’ll just be stuck in an endless loop! although i am on pins and needles to find out the reason for the package’s return, i’m not surprised. ik-sun has a lot that she hasn’t unpacked from her previous relationship. she’s worried about being hurt again and keeps anticipating their relationship’s demise. wanting only happy moments in a relationship isn’t realistic and i think she may have gotten cold feet and jumped ship to proactively avoid the ‘bad’ parts to a relationship. im rooting for jun-wan, he’s trying his best to communicate and be a good partner in the relationship; i really hope ik-sun will also do the work and not ghost him. i hope in season 2, the crew finally meets bidulgi!!!! 
even though ik-jun’s basically all but said how he feels towards song-hwa, we finally see him properly face her and be upfront with his feelings. i’d love to have heard him say ‘i like you’ explicitly, but i know that this is a big step for him. despite being the most expressive of the group, ik-jun’s so elusive. he flits around to different departments and loves to give advice, but he struggles much more when it comes to forging a kind of relationship where he needs to be vulnerable. we don’t get song-hwa’s response yet, but the ending with all five of them hanging out before christmas is a reassuring sign to me. regardless of how song-hwa responds, their friendship and the maintenance of the group is something they’ll prioritize and work to maintain. this means regardless, they’ll stay in each other’s life.  
UNFORTUNATELY, we still get very little of song-hwa. im so frustrated! she’s such a great mentor and confidant, but WHO IS SHE! song-hwa! who do you turn to when you want advice? what’s going on in your brain? what are your fears and worries? from the little clues that we’ve gotten, i think song-hwa’s drawn a firm line with chi-hong. she’s no longer wearing the shoes he got her, and she was firm about him not following her/congratulated him for moving up to chief resident in a kind yet professional manner. i really hope season 2 stops making us guess about her inner thoughts and just GIVES it to us. i need All of song-hwa’s thoughts! as an aside it was cute how song-hwa made space for seokmin to confess to sunbin! 
in the end, i rest easy knowing that our OT5 persists. they’ll always have each other to go back to and have a meal with. i love them, but not as much as they love each other. they argue and fight but the way they make space and accommodate each other speaks volumes to how much they mean to one another. the show’s so beautiful in capturing life’s little moments. while there is a (very slow burning) plot, that’s not what captures me about the show. the beautiful moments are small and mundane. the five bickering about song-hwa and jun-wan eating all the food is such a human touch that doesn’t necessarily add to the plot. u-ju eating egg sandwiches and winking isn’t necessarily ~ReLeVaNt~ but it’s so important and damned if i won’t watch u-ju and his dad have fun! 
season 2 will air in 2021 (GAH) and i wonder if we’ll come back to song-hwa returning after 1 year. things will have changed: our interns will be residents, ik-sun will have been abroad for a while. either way, im looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!! 
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okay y’all I’ve been sitting on this one for a bit but it’s time to get back into Sapphire & Steel audios. This time I’m reviewing 2.01, The School.
Okay so initial thoughts I was kind of excited to see Steel having to deal with kids again since he has a record of being terrible with them and that can be funny. Unfortunately that didn’t really happen.
Most of this story I spent going “what the fuck?” and “oh yikes” because there was A LOT of like “you’re fifteen, why are you so horny?!” except they weren’t all 15 and that was part of the problem.
It felt like a weird sex pollen kind of trope thing happening most of the time which was so gross. Like we got dubious consent, old dudes lusting after people/kids, body shaming (really just person shaming kinda? like the one woman was so mad that Sapphire just like existed idek), The whole thing was fucked up.
Things I did like:
The teeny bit of lore/world building we got that the (I need a collective name for them, if there is one lmk b/c idk what to call them. They’re obvs not humans but idk if they’re aliens either technically), elements/metals/gemstones have to concentrate at least somewhat in order to maintain telepathy. I’m still not sure whether it’s an automatic connection tho, which would be interesting to know. Like can they pop into each others heads any time or only if the person allows an open channel? Like Steel was broadcasting words out to Sapph but I couldn’t tell if he was doing that actively or if she was just picking up on what he was doing without his knowledge, or if the weird school atmosphere was affecting that as well and just allowing them to share the experience.
Speaking of that bit, Steel having to do an art class was v good. Wish it had been about perspective instead of shading tho. That was always the most confusing for me. I still can’t do the multi-point ones very well.
Shippy bits:
“He’s a funny one”/”He’s often hilarious” like I know this is b/c Steel has absolutely no sense of humor but like what if he is actually funny in his own way but just with Sapph and she gets it and that’s real cute tbh
Steel going OFF on the guy for taking advantage of Sapphire. Like I know she was technically consenting but you could tell it was absolutely outside her normal senses of control and judgment and like something was wrong, I think Steel made a good call. I have a real soft spot for Steel coming to Sapph’s rescue, but not in a gross ‘nice guy’ way obvs. She can handle her shit usually, but it’s good that he is there for her when she needs help.
“I don’t know why I’m surprised, ever since that thing with Jet” WHAT THING WITH JET?? I’m counting this in shippy b/c Sapph was definitely teasing him and they were talking about the guy spying on the locker room so there was definitely the undertones of something like perverse/naughty/sexy/whatever. Steel absolutely did not want to talk about it tho. My money is on like he accidentally saw Jet in some state of undress (not sure how that works since it’s like timey wimey magic but maybe it’s different for them) and Jet found it hilarious (and teasingly sent her regards by Lead in the first tv ep) and Sapph found out and also finds it funny/teases Steel about it. This would also explain why in ep 5 of the tv show he went in the other room to magic change clothes even tho like Sapph does it all the time just wherever she wants to and it’s not a big deal. Makes sense he’d be like embarrassed about it and trying to be extra careful not to overstep a boundary around Sapph since he actually likes her. I think appearing nude/partially nude would have to be intentional so that implies Jet did it on purpose to embarrass Steel which is kinda mean, unless that was her flirting but even then. IDEK. This is where I’m like ?? about it, #aceproblems or whatever. Like I get u Steel, I would also be confused and embarrassed and like “omg Jet please put some clothes on what are u doing, I thought we were gonna watch netflix” 😂SO yeah
“Steel, I’ve got you”/ “Thank you” and they laughed! and she called him lame! aaaaaaaaa
This was like the most confusing of the audios so far. It felt like a lot was going on, but they didn’t give enough info so it was hard to figure out exactly what was happening. In that respect it was a little reminiscent of the first eps of the tv show in that I was just saying “wait what?” to myself over and over but it wasn’t as satisfying and felt more all over the place. For the first ep of s2, it seems like they were trying too hard and not really getting anywhere.
Summary: Funny in some parts but too chaotic and drawn out on the reveal imo, 6/10
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
Witch Hazel- Pt.3
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: FanficWriter!Jungkook, Idol!Reader, College!AU, Angst, Fluff
Summary: There are two students in your art class with a secret: you and the quiet Jeon Jungkook. You’re a problematic idol singer, infamous for your ice cold reputation and perpetual resting bitch face; he’s the artist and author behind the viral comic series based on a certain ice queen idol. After a blowup of destructive rumors, lost motivation and inevitable solitude, you stumble upon Jungkook’s comic and find a new and unexpected light.
Word Count: 2.7k
Parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // ?
A/N: i made an unintentional dragon ball z reference at the end of the previous chapter, and now this chapter is loaded with anime references LMAO dont worry if you arent familiar with dbz or sailor moon though!💖
As you approach the entrance to the mall, you have but one wish: Taehyung better show up before Jungkook. Not because you prefer Taehyung, but because you’re terrible at handling small talk and conversation—especially with a timid introvert like Jungkook. You’d rather leave it up to talkative Taehyung to prevent any awkward silences.
Unfortunately for you, however, your wish is not granted. Instead, you spot a bespectacled boy in a bucket hat and white shirt (not a hoodie for once!) sitting on a bench and taking pictures on his phone right outside of the mall. He doesn’t seem to notice you until he looks up from his phone and you’re standing right there with a tiny wave hello. Flustered, he adjusts his glasses and waves back, but that’s the extent of your greetings to one another.
So for the longest thirteen minutes of your life, a huge gap of nothingness sits between you and Jungkook on a wooden bench outside of the mall, waiting for Taehyung to show up. The boy resumes taking photos of the blue sky and the mall itself. You don’t get what’s so photo-worthy about an ordinary sky and the generic architecture of the mall. But then again, this is a boy who also probably has 256GB of storage space dedicated to pictures of his favorite idol (one of which is his lockscreen)—and you certainly don’t understand the appeal of Snow. Therefore, you do not bother asking the boy about his reasons for wasting storage space on certain photos. You wouldn’t understand anyway.
And since Jungkook is too busy using his phone for photos at one end of the bench, you decide to use your phone to text the missing boy from the opposite end of the bench.
10:13AM Y/N “Taehyung, it’s past 10. Where are you??”
10:14AM Taehyung “On my way baby. And don’t worry, I promise I’ll make it worth the wait 😉”
As both a desired and disliked idol, you’ve been called a lot of things: beauty, bitch, babe, ice queen, slut, witch. And you’ve put up with it because you feel like, to some degree, you brought it upon yourself. But you’re wondering what you did to deserve a “baby” from Taehyung. Because the last thing you want is for someone who’s kind-of-not-really your friend to make any sort of romantic advances on you when they know nothing about you.  
10:15AM Y/N “Who are you calling baby.”
10:16AM Taehyung “?”
10:17AM Taehyung “But you were fine with it the other night 🍆💦”
10:18AM Jungkook “monkaS”
10:19AM Taehyung “Wait”
10:19AM Y/N “What’s a monkas”
10:20AM Taehyung “Oops wrong chat LOL”
10:21AM Taehyung “Anyway I already told you guys yesterday that I wasn’t coming to the group project thing. I’m busy.”
He sends a screenshot of the group chat where he very clearly had said he wasn’t free. You must’ve missed that text somehow—a fatal mistake on your end because now you’re alone at the mall with Jungkook and it’s damn near impossible to talk to that kid when you can’t even relate to him. At least Taehyung could’ve broken the ice, but of course he’s too busy getting laid.
10:22AM Y/N “Can’t you fuck around later?”
10:23AM Jungkook “poggers”
10:24AM Y/N “What’s a poggers”
10:24AM Taehyung “Sorry I need at least 2 business days to cancel or change an appointment. I’m a man of my word, not a monster ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
10:25AM Taehyung “But have fun on your date without me~”
10:26AM Jungkook “it’s not a date”
10:26AM Y/N “It’s not a date.”
At least you and Jungkook can both agree that it isn’t a date. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re stuck hanging out with him for a few hours to “get to know each other” for your stupid art project. How are you even supposed to get to know the boy when there’s nothing to talk about?
“What’s a monkas and poggers?” you ask, because your antisocial mind can’t think of anything else to say once the spam of text messages ends.
“Oh that…” Jungkook looks back down at his phone, scrolling through the text conversation to track down his cryptic messages. “It just means like oh my god and stuff.”
“In what language?” you attempt to keep the small talk going. But from the look of Jungkook’s shifty eyes, it seems you’ve probed too far.
“Gaming... language…”
“Oh.” As far as you can tell by his brief responses, the boy would rather not elaborate further. So you let the conversation die.
Instead, the two of you begin wandering around the mall, hoping it’ll spark any sort of conversation. Of course it doesn’t.
At least not initially.
For exactly 16 minutes (you would know because you’d been checking your phone every other minute as if time would pass any faster that way), you and Jungkook aimlessly walk around the mall without saying a word. And it isn’t until a new shop fills Jungkook’s eyes with sparkles that you spot an opportunity to make something happen.
The shop window is decorated with the cutest recognizable characters: Pikachu, Totoro, Naruto, Sailor Moon, and all their friends. The boy appears to have his eye on the green dragon summoned from seven Dragon Balls. He doesn’t say anything, but it’s obvious he’s interested.
Knowing him, he’d say no if you asked him if he wanted to go inside, in fear of being a burden and wasting your time. So you find a loop hole.
“Let’s go in here,” you say. He nods, obediently following you in but keeping a safe distance. While he’d say no to his own desires, he has a hard time saying no to what everyone else wants. Sounds familiar.
The first thing you see when you walk in is the magic girl section. As someone who grew up admiring Sailor Moon, you would’ve liked to have scouted out that section for nostalgic purposes. The only thing stopping you is the hoard of weebs in that corner. Jungkook, on the other hand, goes right in.
As he joins the frenzy over waifus and body pillows, you shake your head and make a U-turn towards the section with ninjas, pirates, dragon slayers, and Saiyans. The seven plastic Dragon Balls call out to you, just as they had to Jungkook before he got distracted by pink-haired heroines. If you could have one wish granted with the magic of the Dragon Balls, what would you even wish for? There’s not much that you want, except for maybe a life you don’t feel ashamed of. But not even magic would be able to help you with that.
Sighing, you pick up a display model of one of the Dragon Ball fighters and replace his natural black hair with spiky blonde hair to transform him into a Super Saiyan, an almighty hero to protect the world.
“What exactly is the science behind turning blonde when they unleash their Super Saiyan strength?” you mumble to yourself… and the quiet boy next to you. He has a tiny shopping bag with him, so at least you know he didn’t splurge on a body pillow.
“From an artist’s perspective, it makes it easier for people to distinguish between different power levels. Especially in the comics where it’s black and white, so…” Jungkook’s rambling fades out when he realizes you might not be interested in his weeby-artist mind.
“That makes sense,” you say, still fumbling around with the Super Saiyan’s spiky blonde hair. You’d thought maybe it meant something more significant. As if changing one’s appearance could make them stronger by hiding who they really are. “But I suppose not all plot details need to be that deep.”
He nods and picks up another Dragon Ball character, the bald kid with six dots on his head, and wiggles it in your direction. “Is this the kind of anime you’re into?”
You can’t help but sneer at the random but mysterious six dots on the bald head. “This and Sailor Moon.”
Jungkook’s magic girl radar goes off when you mention Sailor Moon. “Oh, so like heroes and stuff?”
“I guess,” you answer, though you’ve never really thought about it that way. It’s not like you intentionally sought out for anything involving superheroes, but it’s something you’d always been naturally drawn to. “Though it seems a bit childish to say it out loud, doesn’t it?”
“I’m sure everyone has wished to be a hero at some point in their life,” the boy says, glancing back at the seven Dragon Balls. “After all, heroes give us something to admire and believe in.”
“Exactly.” You set the Super Saiyan back down on the shelf and stare at the glammed-up Sailor Moon beauties from afar. For just a split second, you’re reminded of your fateful decision to become Snow. “Kind of like idols, right?”
Jungkook flinches, clutching onto his shopping bag as if you’re lowkey judging him for being obsessed with not only pretty idols, but also pretty magic girls. You weren’t planning on bringing up the topic of idols because it can be quite toxic for yourself, but it somehow slipped out of your mouth in the presence of the biggest Snow fanboy. Oops.
“Yeah, kinda…” He lets out a half-laugh, but it sounds forced, only to fill another round of awkward silence as you both exit the anime shop. Great, you’ve brought up another touchy subject and now the boy’s back on lockdown. And just when the two of you were starting to get on the same page.
“I mean… I used to look up to the Sailor Moon characters… because they were my idols… my heroes…” you stumble over your words in an attempt to salvage any momentum you had built up with Jungkook. Surely this is something the weeb can relate to and not feel bad about now that you’ve exposed a bit of your dark past.
“Really?” He tilts his head and eases his grip on the shopping bag. “Who’s your bias—I mean favorite—of the Sailor Scouts?”
You assume he’s asking because your favorite can say a lot about you. Do you prefer crybabies like Sailor Moon, smarties like Mercury, hotheads like Mars, muscles like Jupiter, or perhaps the one who fantasizes over becoming an idol? “Sailor Venus.”
Before responding, Jungkook shuffles through his shopping bag and pulls out a tiny keychain of Sailor Venus with her pretty long hair and orange sailor suit. “Me too.”
You wonder what that says about Jeon Jungkook.
By the time lunch comes around, long silences still follow into the food court but somehow you feel less pressure to fill in the gaps. You’re simply okay with being in the boy’s company. Something about it is almost as refreshing as the iced tea you’re sipping on.
As you down your drink, you stare intently at the tall stack of pancakes across from you. The boy’s plate of fluffy delicacies has to be quadruple the size of your tiny salad bowl that you ordered out of habit.
“Um… do you want some?” Jungkook points to his pancakes, but his eyes are glued to your lips—probably because of the drool and not because you share the same pout as Snow.
“No thanks, I’m trying to eat healthier, and I already splurged on pancakes the other day,” you sigh. Even though you've taken a step back from idol life, you feel the need to maintain your image and health for the sake of fans who may worry about you. It’s in your blood, and sometimes you hate yourself for it. “But honestly, you’re really tempting me, you know.”
“Here.” Before you can refuse, Jungkook plops one of his pancakes onto the rim of your salad bowl. “It kinda defeats the purpose of dieting if it makes you unhappy, right? But that’s why cheat days exist~”
“That’s true.” You take a single bite of your pancake, savoring its subtle sweetness. You can’t remember the last time you found pure bliss in something as simple as pancakes without worry. “Thanks, Jung-”
You’re cut off by the fact that the boy’s stack of pancakes vanished, only leaving traces of syrup on the plate and a cute little crumb on the corner of his lips.
“Did you just inhale all your food while I took one (1) bite?”
He swallows the food in his mouth and takes a sip of his milk. “Maybe.”
You don’t know whether to be shocked or impressed, but it made you giggle either way. “You’re a funny guy, you know that?”
Flustered, the boy scurries off to dispose of his food tray. You rarely hand out compliments, and maybe this is why. It probably seems too out of character for someone like yourself, and Jungkook’s fragile little heart can’t handle it.
You punch yourself in the face until Jungkook walks back to the table. Seeing as you’ve only started making a dent in your lunch, he captures a few more photos on this phone, this time of the mall interior and food court. Then he pulls out his sketchbook.
He begins by mapping out a blank page with light lines and dots. Little by little, he adds in the tables, the people, the food. And before you know it, he has the whole food court sketched out and you haven’t even touched your salad yet.
“Are you into architecture? Or like exterior & interior design?” You don’t exactly know the proper art terms for whatever Jungkook’s drawing, but it would explain why he always seems to be taking photos of wherever he goes.
“Yeah, architecture and design are cool.” He shrugs and doesn’t sound all that convincing. So he diverts the spotlight back onto you. “By the way, I mean this in the least offensive way possible, but you’re not an art major, right?”
“Are you saying that because I’m shitty at art?” you pretend to be offended, but you know he’s not the malicious type. “Or because I’m always carrying a guitar to class?”
“The latter.” You see a tiny smirk on the boy’s face as he continues to add in details to his sketch. He’d never say it, but you can tell he’s also thinking your art is complete trash. “Is it music theory? Or just guitar? Or songwrit-”
Bing! Your phone notification saves you from a potentially loaded question about an uncertain future in music, and you couldn’t be more grateful. It’s a new Witch Hazel update from jk.seagull.
You glance over to Jungkook, expecting him to have the same notification on his phone. But he doesn’t. “I would’ve expected you of all people to have notifications turned on for Witch Hazel.”
“Really? Is it because you think I’m that in love with Snow?” It’s Jungkook’s turn to pretend to be offended. You’re glad to see him lightening up and not taking things to heart.
“Are you not in love with Snow?” you tease. Jungkook freezes and so do you. Why the fuck would you ever ask him if he’s in love with an extension of yourself? You don’t want to hear the answer because it’ll hurt you either way. “Nevermind, don’t answer that.”
You quickly skim jk.seagull’s beautiful comic-style artwork and stop at a panel of Snow and the new bunny boy character squaring up.
“But doesn’t this look like something right up your alley?” You flip your phone around to let the boy see the cute art.
“Does it?” Jungkook looks up from his sketchbook and puts down his pencil.
“Yeah, it feels like it would be more your style than realistic architecture would,” you say, although his sketch of the food court is somehow more gorgeous than the actual food court itself. “But I don’t know… You’d be fine with anything in the art field, to be honest.”
To your surprise, the boy shakes his head at your phone screen. “I’m not cut out for something like that.”
“Coming from the best artist in our class,” you say unconvinced. He has to be joking. Or maybe just overly modest. “Obviously I don’t know how you are with storytelling and stuff, but your art is undeniably incredible. And you have a lot of passion and knowledge for comics and anime…”
“Thanks, Y/N, but I don’t think that’s the problem.”
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verannaca · 5 years
so I saw Frozen 2 for the fourth time
i have so many questions.
there’s a relatively negative (and very long) review beneath the cut so pls read at your own risk. and, of course, spoilers.
I’ve seen Frozen 2 four times now and yikes. I’d kinda hoped it would get better with each viewing, but it’s somehow worse??? I really loved the first movie; it literally changed my life in an incredibly drastic way (don’t ask) but it had been very important to me over the past six years, and...I’m so disappointed.
My initial reaction was disappointment, and I should’ve stuck with it. Like, wtf was that? But some parts were also really well done? It left me so conflicted lol
Vuelie was a good way to open the film; I quite liked the nostalgia :’)
The intro scene in general was good; I liked seeing more of their parents, although idk what their father was thinking telling them such a tale before bed lmao seems like some shit my mother would do
All is Found is my favourite non-depressing song in the movie, and it opens it beautifully. ERW has a wonderful voice.
The animation really is beautiful; it looks so realistic. Specifically the clouds and the one scene of the waves crashing over the pine trees. It looked amazing!
The music is good but not great. FTFTIF is my favourite; it’s so catchy and cheery. I really liked TNRT, and SY is perfect, but these songs just weren’t as catchy as the ones in Frozen?? I’m thankful for AURORA tho, that was a lovely gift.
Bruni was absolutely adorable (even tho he was an obvious cash-grab for merch lol), 10/10 love Bruni. Bruni + Elsa = even better.
Anna looked absolutely breathtaking throughout the entire movie; the redesign they did animation-wise really works in her favour, and now she’s rocking those Emilia Clarke eyebrows which is a hell yes from me. Her final look gave me all the feels; I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the dress and hairstyle?? it seemed a bit too not Anna, but at the same time, it showed her growth and maturity and I’m very happy with that.
As dark as it was, the shipwreck scene was beautiful. It was handled beautifully; their reactions were devastating. There is a huge con here, but I’ll save that for later.
The ocean battle was really neat. The water looked so good, and Elsa looks good wet???
The whole scene in Ahtohallan was well done; I liked the memories. I wish Anna had been there; she deserved to see her history, too, and it wasn’t fair that Elsa got that spotlight once again.
Everything after Elsa freezing was absolutely breathtaking as well. Anna’s reactions, the song, the scenery-- it was tragically beautiful.
Kristoff had the two best lines in the ENTIRE movie: “I’m here. What do you need?” and “It’s okay. My love is not fragile.” It’s so rare to see a good, supportive relationship in tv/movies, be it heterosexual or homosexual, it doesn’t happen. It’s so rare. So this was a beautiful break from that; the faith he had in her was amazing. Thank u. the real mvp.
The scene with Anna as she accepts the fate of her future; as she takes in a breath and realises/accepts that her home is gone, and her blood family is gone. Everything about it was perfect. You could feel her emptiness. Poor baby needed a hug :(
I liked that Kristoff also hugged Elsa when she returned; it showed that they were friends, which is really important for Anna tbh
I think that’s it for pros??? Now for the cons.
Gonna start this off simple: the plot was weak. This is unfortunately not an unpopular opinion; it made no sense. It was too convoluted to the point where nothing was explained.
The pacing was off, and it was ridiculously anti-climactic. The layout in general seemed a bit weird tbh I could definitely sit here and justify all of it, but I shouldn’t have to.
They gave us no reason to gaf about this voice that Elsa was hearing. How long had she been hearing it for? Why was she so drawn to it? Why didn’t she think she was just hearing things? Or maybe she did at one point and then realised she wasn’t crazy? 
There was almost no character development. Elsa was the same as she was in Frozen, but this time, it was just annoying. She never learned or grew. Anna was demoted to a clingy side-character even though she’s the protagonist; I have no words for how frustrating this was to watch. I miss the Kristanna bickering. I liked their dynamic overall; I understand their insecurities and lack of ability to communicate because of it, and I liked how non-toxic they were. Overall, they did love and trust each other; they believed in and supported each other, even though they had a falling out (again and again) and were separated for most of the film (again, wtf?) EA had no development together, and honestly, they were annoying asf as a duo. There was no communication and no understanding. I will say that Anna’s fear and frustration throughout the entire movie was absolutely 100% understandable and sensible; she’d already lost too much before, and wasn’t prepared to lose anything else. I just wish she’d been portrayed a bit differently??? And it would’ve been nice if Elsa had stopped for, like, two minutes to be like, “hey, are you okay, you seem clingy and worried” but instead she just kept running and didn’t gaf.
It was over dramatic for the sake of plot, when it didn’t have to be. Elsa didn’t have to continuously try and push Anna away “for her protection.” They absolutely could’ve done the vast majority of things together. Fuck, they could’ve gone to the dark sea together. Anna could’ve stayed on the beach while Elsa tackled the Nokk. Then when Anna saw that Elsa was perfectly capable of protecting herself, they could’ve parted ways then and done whatever it was they needed to do. Or, Elsa could’ve taken Anna to Ahtohallan?? They may have discovered there that Anna couldn’t enter, but then they’d be given the opportunity to communicate, and Anna would’ve at least been included, since this was her history, too.
If this is a movie about two sisters, why the ever loving fuck is it all about Elsa and her origins? What about Anna’s origins? They were her parents, too. Sure, we ask “why does Elsa have magic,” but why doesn’t Anna have magic? Why was Elsa the “gift”? Why is Anna’s superpower “love”?? And why is that “superpower” only valid when it’s in regards to Elsa? Why is Anna so strong, physically? Emotionally? Personally? Is it just her? Why isn’t she an element, too? What’s with this bridge bullshit? Why the fuckkkk is Elsa the “fifth spirit” when she’s ice and ice is literally just water? I have so many questions.
How the heck was Iduna Northuldra? Did she become “whiter” because she remained inside a castle for twenty years? Or was she always “white passing”? Or was she adopted into the forest? Who are her parents? Did anybody miss her when she ran off to the kingdom? Her scarf was from “one of [their] oldest families” and yet nobody seemed to know who she was? And what do you mean “oldest families”? Are there no remaining members of that family? Nobody who was missing her? Nobody who would’ve recognised her daughters who are literally carbon-copies of her????
The shipwreck scene and the following scene pissed me off soooo much in the theatre lol First, it really was beautiful how they did it, but the interactions felt out of character. Elsa brought up the memories of their parents’ demise without consoling Anna at all. Not only did she just do it without at least a warning, she then proceeded to leave her behind in her own fit. Which, okay, yes, to an extent that makes sense; she was over-ridden by guilt. But those were Anna’s parents too. Elsa was all she had, and Elsa left her behind. I just- AND THEN in this moment of severe grief and horror, as these terrible things were revealed, Anna was pushed away again to be left on her own to deal with things alone. She’d JUST sacrificed her own feelings for Elsa, and Elsa’s response was to shove her away. WHY. I just??? hello??? Like, Elsa does care about Anna, right? That’s canon? So why tf would they write her like this?? jfc
Every single new character was wasted potential. Mattias above all else was very interesting, and should’ve had at least ten minutes more screentime??? I liked the scene of him and Anna discussing whatever, but there should’ve been more. They both cared more about Arendelle than anyone; they were both sworn to protect. There could’ve been more of an on-screen relationship there. (and don’t fucking come at me with your gross-ass ships please, tyvm). Honeymaren and Ryder were there for ??? merchandise? A reason for Elsa to stay behind? Queer-baiting??? I don’t get it. They did,,, nothing. Yelena? Did nothing. Why do these name-characters do nothing?? What’s the point???
This was advertised as a “big adventure” but had hardly any adventure. Frohana was apart for most of the damn movie, the action scenes had little consequences, the “climax” was ??? what, Elsa freezing? Who cares?? It’s obvious she’s going to come back. The wave heading for Arendelle??? Yeah, that would’ve been a good climax if it actually did any damage. But no, I guess Elsa can teleport now? aight. and now she gets to play hero again even though she didn’t do shit
The plot(?) was very predictable, and didnt really have a twist. Old white guy kills innocent POC. Okay. That’s real life, yeah? It’s shit; it happens, but why was this whole movie based around that? Was it a political statement? We don’t really need more political movies these days??? People are aware, and things are shit as is; idk it just felt forced. But this is a v controversial subject so imma shut up lol
THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES. Unless you’re Anna. Then you suffer severely cuz,,, fuck her, right? The entire cave thing (as beautiful and needed as it was) could’ve been prevented entirely if Elsa had just fucking communicated. But instead, Anna had to suffer again in such a severe way. Her feelings DID have consequences; they effected her severely and even influenced wreckless behaviour. But then?? it’s all over. And suddenly, it doesn’t matter. Suddenly, who cares? Elsa returns and is (for some unforeseen reason) magically forgiven. This ISN’T HOW SISTERS ARE. If my sister pulled half the shit Elsa did, the first thing she’d be greeted with is a slap across the face and a very loud “fuck you.” THEN she’d get a hug and some tears. You don’t fuck with people’s emotions like that. And the fact that there were no serious consequences is infuriating.
Anna becomes Queen without context. Did she want to be queen? Did she suggest it? Did Elsa decided “eh fuck it i’m bored, your turn” and just dump it on her? Anna is a free-spirit. Yes, she was absolutely devoted to her kingdom; her people always came first; she was an incredibly loving and selfless princess, but was she truly prepared to give up that freedom to be Queen? I think she fits the role beautifully; she was absolutely born to rule. But is she happy? Or is she yet again cleaning up Elsa’s mess, since that seems to be all she does?
Why did Elsa stay in the forest? Is it because she felt like she belonged with the spirits? With the people? Away from civilisation? All of the above? None of the above? And how did that conversation go with Anna? How did she explain; “hey, I know I died and fucked you up and promised that we’d always stay together, but I’ve decided I’m gonna leave you behind again and stay here with these people I barely know.” Did Anna object, or did she see the positives of being away from someone so toxic???? It makes no senseeeee, they were so good together in the first movie; it all feels so out of character. Both of them feel out of character.
There were few (very few) moments in which they really were like themselves:
The charades scene.
“You think I’m c R A Z Y?”
Head tilts with Bruni.
Anna laughing at Elsa’s braid-stache.
Elsa making toys for children.
The pleasant Kristanna scenes at the beginning.
Anna’s anger scenes.
Even Elsa’s personal drama???
but that’s it? I’ve seen it four times in theatre, and a few times online (though mostly in pieces) so I don’t think I missed anything. Perhaps I’m blinded by the frustration that this film caused. Overall:
The plot was weak.
The animation was beautiful.
Kristanna wasn’t the Kristanna we truly know?
Elsa was dramatic and annoying because she had no development.
Anna was demoted to a clingy side-character and was given a half-assed purpose.
The music was meh.
There was too much and yet somehow not enough.
It was a mess.
Six years. SIX. I-
final note: PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTIONS IF I MISSED SOMETHING. I think it’s also important to note that if you went to the theatre for 2 hours of entertainment, that’s great, but not the same as those of us that have dedicated six years of our lives to these characters? So please don’t come @ me if you were just a movie-goer. I also wanna say that there were a lot of parts of this movie that I loved and will hold onto, but overall, the movie as a whole was meh. I LOVED Anna & Elsa in Frozen; they had good development and had reasons for being how they were. They had a good dynamtic and worked well together. I hated their relationship in F2; it was toxic and forced in many ways; they didn’t interact nearly enough, and when they did, they were bitching for the sake of plot, which was very frustrating.
This isn’t a hate post so please don’t come at me lol my opinion is entirely irrelevent in the grand scheme of things, but hey, we’re here to chat and share, right?
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dramioneasks · 6 years
FAQ FICS: Music/Singing/Dancing
These fics contain music, singing or dancing as a major theme component in the plot of the fic.
Two Weeks By: MissWitchx - T, 23 chapters - Tired of Draco's arrogant claims that he can 'get any girl he wants', Daphne proposes a challenge to knock him down a peg or two. However when Draco unexpectedly accepts, the stakes are raised and neither Slytherin wants to lose. Elsewhere, Hermione has her own point to prove, but when she finds her path crossing with Draco's, will either of them succeed? 4th Year A/U *COMPLETE*
FortePiano By: I'm All Teeth - T, one-shot - "He actually didn't like having to sit down at the bench and memorize songs, notes, chords, but he loved the satisfaction he felt when music was played well and there was rarely anyone around who could play piano better than he could." One shot.
Defying Gravity By: damnedscribblingwoman - T, 2 chapters - The one where Hermione and Draco star in a musical. At Christmas.
The Pianist - goldhorse - M, 6 chapters - Music can change everything !
7 times By: viv-heart - T, one-shot - Dramione, Muggle Music AU, Do you believe in love at first sight? No? Neither does the famous pianist Draco Malfoy - at least until he finds himself mesmerized by a young woman he doesn't know. Written for Moonsong78
Tango By: MrBenzedrine - M, WIP - A slow burn fic about Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy taking dance lessons to learn the Tango. As the comedy builds, so does the tension -too bad Draco's set to marry Astoria. Dramione. WIP. ***FIRST PLACE: BEST ROMANCE 2017 Dramione Awards***
Painter - snowywintertales - T, one-shot - AU. It is war, made up of loss, of her, Harry and Ron, and, somehow, of his unbroken dignity and her flowing sensibleness. D/Hr.
On First Dances By: luckei1 - K+, one-shot - It's the first Christmas after the war, and the great divide in the wizarding world has yet to begin healing.
Of Warmth Divine - Darkrivertempest - T, one-shot - Something strange is afoot in the wizarding world. When Draco and Hermione investigate further, they are unwittingly drawn together in a most unexpected way.
Bright Lights and Cityscapes By: EaglesLoveSnakes - M, 31 chapters - After the war, Hermione decides to dance again. Draco, a widower, has a young daughter. The only dance studio around is a Muggle one, owned by the one and only Granger, but no matter what, Draco wants his daughter to take ballet like she wishes. Even if it means he's unhappy. A story unlike any other, that deals with love, life and the world of dance. Rated M for future chapters.
Dance Lessons By: xxLucindaxx - T, one-shot - Over a series of dance lessons Draco and Hermione realize that the war changed a lot - including them.
Something Beautiful in Return By: smithandbarrowman - M, 26 chapters - A betrayal of the worst kind has Hermione Granger seeking a place of solitude, where she can leave the world behind and be by herself. All Draco Malfoy wants is privacy, and his name to be forgotten. But is that the only thing they both want?
Stargazing By: In Dreams - M, 3 chapters - Hermione takes up stargazing when she returns to Hogwarts for her eighth year. But she ends up watching a constellation of a far different sort.
Caroled - Misdemeanor1331 - T, one-shot - A good administrative assistant is worth her weight in Galleons. A bad one, however…
Requiem and Rhapsody By: RunningQuill - M, WIP - "They had won the war, but everything in the room screamed of defeat." The Wizarding world is a sinking ship under the rise of a ruthless Ministry. Believing the Horcrux hunt over, Hermione Granger is proven wrong when she agrees to shelter a dead man walking. Draco Malfoy did not live. He existed. (Dramione with a slow burn, post-HP7, EWE.)
Two At The Piano By: Laser Lance 720 - T, one-shot - While camped out at Grimmauld Place with the rest of the Order, Draco and Hermione find that an old piano may be what's needed to keep them both sane through this war. As well, the piano may prove to be all that was needed for the two of them to finally understand the other.
A Certain Step By: DarkRiverTempest - M, 5 chapters - Frustrated with the Minister for Magic and in possession of two left feet, Hermione is forced to take dance lessons. Under her instructors, she not only learns to move with grace, but gets more than she bargained for in the process. Veela!Draco
Together they flew By: MarinersRevenge - T, one-shot - “It felt like forever. It felt like all the cliched feelings people say when they meet someone who shared even a modicum of connection. Mostly it felt like she had been splayed open and her soul had cast itself out into the ether.” Muggle University AU Part 1 of Tiny Star
Taste Of Your Kiss By: AkashaTheKitty - T, one-shot - PostHogwarts. Could maybe follow canon, forgetting the epilogue, I suppose. OOC and HIGHLY improbable. Just a feelgood funny romance I wrote to relieve some of the angst I had gotten from writing Silencio. I don't care if you read or review :PR
So Sweetly by Felgia Starr - T, WIP - AU! Hermione Granger is an insecure singer and dancer who is hated by the press and the media. Draco Malfoy is an alcoholic singer and actor who is also hated by the press and the media. Their manager told them to make a joint album to gain more fans. The problem is, they can’t stand each other. Will they manage to create an album? Or will they drown in all the hate?
Popstar By: cra-z-stephie - T, 12 chapters - Newly made popstar Savannah must attend clases, Head Girl duties, and still be able to keep all of this from her friends as well as attend her many media appearances. The thing is she is at Hogwarts. HGDM GWBZ and many others.
Something In The Way She Moves - Snapes_Goddess - NC17, 20 chapters - “Of all the gin joints in the world, you had to wander into mine.”   Draco Malfoy smirked as he looked down at the familiar witch.  He hadn’t seen her in nearly a decade, not since they had left school.  “So, Granger, what brings you into my bar?”
Band Days - nerdzeword - G, one-shot - Hermione has run out of excuses to tell her friends.
Song of The Slytherin by Queza De Santi (dsantiqueza) - T, one-shot - ‘The Slytherins’ are an up-and-coming band in the Wizarding World, but when they lose one of their back-up singers, who takes her place? And, is it really such a bad thing, after all?
Tango by SiberianCypress - M, 2 chapters - Hermione, along with Harry, Ron and a few others came back to Hogwarts to finish their lost year and get NEWT’s. But there is one more thing awaiting the graduates - the last ball and three necessary dances. Waltz, foxtrot and, unfortunately, tango. When Hermione finds herself unable to crack the last one, maybe an unusual teacher might help?
The Voice By: suri29 - M, 34 chapters - Blaise and draco are business partners and are on a business trip. Blaise takes Draco out to dinner one night and they find themselves with none other than Hermione Granger. But why is she there? M mostly for language & discussions of sex,not too graphic
Hermann/Hermione - lilycat - M, 9 chapters - A wild tale in which Harry and Ron devise a cunning strategy to get Hermione the recognition that she deserves. Intrigue, chaos, humor, and naughtiness ensue when Draco falls hard for the lovely illusion. Humor/Romance- D/Hr. Complete.
Thank you to everyone who suggested fics!
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starc00kie · 4 years
Lucimano Soulmate AU
A/N: Tell me if you want an angsty sequel!
For years we've grown up seeing different coloured hearts floating over every person's head. Whoever shares the same shade as you is supposedly your soulmate, I can't be the one to tell you because no one knows what colour my heart is, not even me. If people become tainted with negative emotions the centre of the heart turns black, and mine's too broken for you to see anything BUT the centre. I guess it's my fault isn't it? I let myself become envious, sad, and maybe a little bit angry. My grandpa preferred my brother and put me up for adoption, and everyone continued to prefer my brother and dislike me... it's always the same. He even found his "soulmate" with a lime green heart over his head. I don't like him, he scares me, not only is he all my brother talks about now and takes all his time, but our grandpa died from a doctor trying to rush his procedure, I think you can guess who's dad that was.
I don't know if I'm actually just jealous, but those are the reason's I don't like him and I can't come to trust him with my little brother. Feliciano is... always at his soulmate's house, he barely comes home to see me anymore. I overheard his friend/third-wheel Kiku telling some other kid that my brother was even planning to move in with his soulmate. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, would I care so much if I had a soulmate of my own? A ruler smacks down in front of me, sending a harsh ringing careening through my ears, "Mr.Vargas! Are you looking to get sent to the principal's office?" Our teacher, Mrs.Marabella growled, clearly angry that I've fallen asleep in her boring ass math class for the fourth time today. "N-No Mrs, it won't happen again." She shot me another glare, but my statement somehow seemed to satisfy her as I'd answered the equations correct both the second and third time. I just sat there and stared at the ticking clock as everyone around me whispered about how lazy I am, I want the bell to ring.
It's finally over, my last class of the day. I don't even bother to look for Feli this time and just head straight home, not letting anything distract me from my path. That was a lie, I can deny it as much as I want but I can't ignore how easily I'm distracted. This time though, it was something incredibly eye-catching for me. A cute little shop with a wooden sign that spelled out the words, 'H E A R T  S M I T H' across the roof of the shop. I know it's dumb, but I didn't even hesitate before entering the shop. Almost everything inside was either white or lavender, from the carpet to the lights overhead. There was a chemist sitting at his desk, peering into some test tubes with a cracked lavender heart slightly tinged with black in the centre floating above his head. "U-Um... c-ciao." The words came out of my mouth flat and awkward, great introduction Lavino, bravo. The man looked up at me and quickly tried to change his comfortable posture. 
"Ah! Ciao, my name is Flavio, how can I help you~?" He smiled softly at me and held his hand out to shake. "L-Lavino, I was wondering if me heart is... repairable." I shook his hand limply, looking at the ground as to not meet his gaze.He grimaced as he peered up at the remains above my head. "Do you mind if I... take a closer look at it?" He asked, cupping his hands carefully. I nodded my head and pulled the heart from above my head and shifted it over to let it float over his hands. He pulled out a mini telescope from his breast pocket and closely examined the broken heart. "I can fix it... but it will cause you severe depression while it's being repaired, do you have anyone you can stay with during the procedure?" He asked, I shook my head miserably, looking down, I didn't even notice when the hot tears fell down my face. He looked at me pitifully before looking back at my heart. "I, have a brother who probably wouldn't mind staying with you, would that be okay?"
He handed me his number, and gave me a quick hug before setting my heart on his desk. "I'll start on it as soon as you call to let me know you're home alright?" His eyes were soft as he gave me a rainbow lollipop from the pot on his desk, I hesitantly took it, which he seemed to be happy about, and nodded my head one last time before turning around and exiting the small shop. I had a spring in my step all the way back to our shared house. I called the chemist known as Flavio to let him know that I had reached home and was prepared for the procedure to begin. Flavio said okay and began to cut into the piece of heart on his desk, causing me to drop the phone and fall to my knees sobbing in pain and misery. After a while, the feeling dulled as I got used to it, which meant that Flavio wasn't cutting anymore. "Lavino? Lavino are you there?" Flavio's voice practically echoed throughout the room from the phone. "Y-Yeah, I am." He wasn't sobbing anymore.
"Well... You know how I told you about my brother, right?" He asked, "his heart is the same colour as yours." My eyes widened, his brother was my soulmate? I couldn't believe it, all I could do was gasp, which apparently was enough for Flavio. "I told him, he's on his way over, he'll look after you until I'm done, okay?" Flavio asked me and waited until I agreed before he hung up. I guess it was just because the store was in town, but I was still nervous when I heard the door open and close softly. "Hey, I'm Luciano, Flavio's brother." a velvety voice slid through the air as if it were silk. I couldn't see him, but I heard his approaching footsteps, and felt the warmth as he pulled me into his lap. "I know this probably isn't the ideal way to meet your soulmate, but he said you were undergoing drastic heart remodelling so... I wanted to be here to... y'know" He mumbled, getting more quiet as he spoke. "No, I don't know, enlighten me." My voice came out sassy and slightly hostile, not even the way I meant for them to sound, but Luciano only giggled.
"Most people undergoing remodelling become suicidal once what is left has been severed and attached to new parts, I'm... basically supposed to stay with lonely patients to make sure they don't do anything stupid." He gave me a half smile, not gonna lie it was the dorkiest smile I have ever seen, but it was still somehow beautiful to me. we ended up staying up all night, he'd just talk to me on and on until Flavio finally called to tell me that the procedure was over. Luciano asked if he could spend the night with me, and of course the older brother happily obliged. I learned a lot about Luciano that night, from his schizophrenia, to his love of sweets, and shared interests with me. He seemed really happy to meet me, but there's only one thing I can't shake off, he had a sort of guilt behind his eyes, I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he told me it was nothing until I attempted to move on and asked the one unfortunate question. "So... does Flavio have a soulmate?"
The sadness took over his eyes as he slowly shook his head, subconsciously reaching for my hand for comfort. "They found each other online and planned to go on a date. Flavio got there early and waited, only to see his soulmate get hit by a car... his name was apparently Mani, he only got to see what she looked like for a split second. He doesn't want to heal his heart because... he's afraid that he'll forget about her." He was crying now, and for once I understood his guilt. Yes, he was happy to find his soulmate, but knowing his brother didn't have one anymore made his heart heavy. "It's okay, he's happy for you... and no matter what happens he's still have unconditional love even without a soulmate..." I trailed off, I didn't know what else to say, and I feared it was only making his pain worse. Luciano looked at me, confused, until the words sunk in and his eyes went wide. "Y-Yeah, I won't leave him... I hope he knows that." Luciano was smiling again, holding his soulmates hand and trying to decipher his expression.
"Thank you." He said softly, pulling me into a hug. I shook my head, but I didn't pull away, I didn't want to. it took about half an hour until we reverted back to normal and were able to talk about other topics, but we did, can't say we separated from each other though. I told Luciano all about my brother and my upbringing, while he told me how Flavio raised him and his younger brother after their father passed away due to liver failure. He had a lot of funny stories to tell, and for once I wanted to listen. We ended up going out and buying four whole tubs of ice cream around midnight and returning home to binge watch a show that we both enjoy. He wasn't as far into the season as I was, but I didn't mind rewatching a couple episodes in order for him to catch up. I don't think we slept at all that night, we just kept binging shows and having long drawn-out conversations. It was great to be honest, I even got up the courage to show him my sketchbook. I continued my self deprecating habit, but Luciano stopped me saying he can't draw a stick figure. 
I jokingly told him to prove it and flipped to a blank page, rolling a pencil over to him. He seemed nervous, but it still kept a smile on his face as he took the pencil in his left hand and setting the tip to this paper. I watched as he brought his hand straight down, but he ended up making a diagonal squiggly line. Next was the head, which turned out to be an incomplete oval. Two more squiggly lines and he was done his jelly-looking stick figure. He put down the pencil and stared at his creation. I was planning to put my hand on his shoulder and comfort him as I know how frustrating it can be to see something you drew as a failure, that was, until he started laughing his ass off. I have to say that his laughter is incredibly contagious, in seconds I was laughing too, doubling over in laughter beside him. I guess even if I'm not as good as Feliciano at art, at least I'm not quite as bad as my soulmate. 
The next morning I walked Luciano to the shop his brother owned. It was Saturday so I didn't need to go to school today. When we walked in, Flavio was looking sadly at a crying girl with green hair and a shattered sea-foam heart floating above her head. "I'm sorry, I can change your heart's colour or sew the cracks, but you'll lose your love for them." Flavio said softly, gently setting his hand on top of the girl's head, she didn't even look at him, just continued to sob louder. Luciano looked uncomfortable, especially when Flavio gave him some sort of... hand signal? Luciano slowly nodded, before going behind the desk, grabbing something from underneath it, and approaching the girl. He pulled a syringe out of his sleeve and injected it into her neck and lowering her to the ground. Flavio went over and took the girl's heart, laying it on the desk and brandishing his sewing needle... until Luciano put another syringe in his neck, leaving him slumped at his desk with his needle in hand. 
"I have an idea." Luciano grinned, turning to me and motioning for me to come over. I did as he asked and watched as he removed his brother's heart and set it next to the girl's before grabbing a sea-foam liquid. "If the sea-foam spreads slowly when he's awake it'll look natural!" He practically cheered, "I don't know what will happen after I tamper with fate, but I just... hope this works..." He was a heart chemist apprentice, so I couldn't really tell him what was wrong or right, but something little nipped at the back of my mind. "Hey... doesn't colour only drip when the heart is over the person's head?" Luciano turned around quickly and nodded as if he had forgotten it. He grabbed a white liquid, and injected all of it into his brother's heart, "this is to make sure the colours don't mix, I've seen fratello do this hundreds of times." he mumbled as he worked, he then asked me to put the heart back over Flavio's head as his hands were covered in lavender. I did so and watched as he injected green into the heart without it changing the colour.  
He then sat Flavio up into his original position and walked over to the place where he was originally standing, I fallowed suit. It didn't take long for Flavio to awaken, same with the girl but Luciano put her back asleep. Flavio lifted the girl's heart again and stitched up the wounds before walking over to the girl and putting it over her head. Luciano feigned a gasp, "fratello! Your heart changed colour!" Flavio's eyes widened and he frantically reached up to look at his heart. Sure enough, his heart was now sea-foam green like the girl's. Flavio was blushing and shaking slightly, and Luciano had to hug him just to keep him standing. The girl woke up right that moment and stared at Flavio, I wasn't sure if it's just because he's right in front of her or it was the sudden love towards him, but I did see a faint blush across her cheeks. I didn't know what was in store, but for now, I'm happy, for the first time in a decade.
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