#the west wing process stories
dearvoidgoodnight · 21 days
Jed: You’re young, Charlie. Don’t you want to be having fun?
Charlie: I do, but I work for you.
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jewishvitya · 9 months
Tal Mitnick, an 18 years old Israeli that refused to serve in the military:
It's not just a couple of soldiers that are bad soldiers or that enact violent occupation on Palestinians, it's actually a whole system of violence. Of pulling people into the army and making them work for the occupation and for oppressing Palestinians.
Militarism in Israel is very entrenched in society. And the military is some golden goose that you're not allowed to touch. You're allowed to criticize the government, you're allowed to go out for gay rights, for women's rights. But when it comes to criticizing military action against Palestinians or other oppressed communities, this is totally out of the norm. You cannot speak against the military because it's so entrenched in society.
A lot of conversations start with the military, and because most people did serve, it's seen as this kind of thing that everyone needs to pass in order to become an Israeli.
So. Yeah. When you're older you don't feel ostracized as much because after a while it's less relevant to daily life. At least in my experience, I didn't serve and it's not really talked about much at this point.
In Jewish Israeli society, the military is trusted more than most other institutions. Tbh, more than any other institution I can think of. And it's seen as a right of passage. Some people will be okay with you if you volunteer for a social service instead - work at hospitals, schools, etc. Others think you shouldn't get the choice, and unless there's a medical issue you should be going to the military.
The narrative of self defense is absolutely believed, so by refusing to serve, those kids are seen as saying "I will enjoy the sacrifice made by others, but I will not contribute myself." It's seen as ungrateful. But that's if you don't express a moral objection to the military.
If you challenge the military itself, you're challenging Israeli society. And that's how it's taken. "I refuse to participate in the occupation" - "So you're saying I did something bad by serving. You're saying I'm a bad person." And when most of Israelis served in the military, and those that didn't serve often still support it or have loved ones that did or still do, this is challenging the moral character of pretty much all of us. Which, it should.
The military nurtures a mindset of dehumanization to a scary degree. I listened to a few interviews with stories from Breaking the Silence, an organization meant to bring to light the way the military abuses Palestinians, and there's something described by Yehuda Shaul.
He tells the story of serving in Hebron, in the West Bank, and he describes the daily stated mission of soldiers there.
While on patrol at night, they pick a random Palestinian house - explicitly one that they have no intelligence against, a civilian family - and they get in, wake the family up, separate men from women, search or something, get on the roof, jump to the next roof, get into that house, wake that family up, treat them the same way.
Again, at random. And he described two goals for this:
One, to create the feeling of being persecuted, and two, to make our presence felt.
They want Palestinians to feel beaten down and powerless, and they want them to feel that the military is everywhere, so they're too scared to resist.
This isn't random rogue soldiers, this is what the military does there on a normal day. And he said it's impossible to treat a population this way without seeing them as less human than we are.
I don't know if I can just say that the military is another tool for indoctrination in addition to everything else it does. But as a kid, I had a left-leaning friend from the Tel Aviv area, and we'd argue a lot. Because you don't need to be a full on leftist to disagree very strongly with a teenage settler. And as I was going through the process of changing my mind, I saw him going through the same process in the opposite direction - he became way more right wing during his military service. He told me the stories of why, and all those stories did was make me feel like I don't even know this person. I wonder sometimes how many young people go through the same.
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starsfic · 9 months
Season 4 episode 9 Eros and psyche prompt.
Red Son had never been so terrified.
The visit to his parents had been going surprisingly well. Huiying had been happily showing off her ability to crawl around, much to his father's delight. His mother had a pleased, doting smile when Huiying was excited to see his old nursery, especially loving the plush of his father that apparently Sun Wukong had made.
And now he was here.
The Golden-Winged Peng cackled above him. His mother hovered in a spell cast by the Yellow-Tusked Elephant. His father stood, frozen, as the Azure Lion, Head King of the Lion Camel Ridge, held his granddaughter. These figures, his father's old sworn brothers, were figures only spoken of in stories.
Red was terrified of these bedtime stories come to life.
"This pursuit has warped your mind, brother. It is the only reason I could imagine that you would have the nerve to assault my home and harm my family!" His father glared at the lion. Despite all his huffs and puffs, Red could see the terror in his eyes. It was the same terror that filled him every second of the second journey to the west, terrified of being unable to protect his husband or their baby.
"I only bear fangs to those that would bear theirs to my own. Your family doesn't understand." Red tried to flare up, but Peng's claws dug deep and he found himself stopping. "We are brothers. It was our dream to conquer the Celestial Realm together!"
"How many times must you be struck down chasing the same foolish dream?" His father growled. It was foolish- after all, Red knew what had followed that attempt at conquer.
"The Demon Bull King I used to know would not bend so willingly. He was strong!" Red growled as the lion glared at his mother. He was prepared for an insult spat at her, mocking the depths of the love his parents had for each other. He didn't expect for Azure to relax. "And now I also bend easily."
Azure turned to him. Huiying looked incredibly relaxed in his arms, her eyes wide and a silly smile on her face. Red, despite the situation, felt a brief smile form. She probably thought he looked like one of her silly stuffed animals.
"Peng, get off him."
"What." The eagle demon said. Azure made a shooing gesture and Red felt those claws tighten, just a bit, before pulling away. Dazed and more than a little confused, he sat up, staring at the lion.
"Your husband requested that I spare you," he said. Red could barely process that, the fact that Azure and his cronies had been anywhere near Xiaotian, before Huiying was held out. "He slips into hearts very easily." Red took his daughter, only taking slight comfort in her weight and her sweet smell. "Leave."
He...he couldn't. Not when-
DBK nodded. There was a plea in his eyes.
Leave. Flee. Get Huiying to safety, find Xiaotian, warn Heaven.
Red didn't speak. He took a breath and let himself light up in flames, the fire taking them away from his parents and his daughter's grandparents.
He faintly heard a roar.
Instead, he focused on Huiying's little heartbeat.
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fate-magical-girls · 8 months
Comparing fairy tales with their inspirations from legendary sagas produces a weird effect, because you can see where the stories have been simplified and the behavior of the protagonists sanitized.
The Goose Girl whose position was stolen by her handmaiden and was reduced to speaking to her beheaded horse Falada was a club-footed princess who originally agreed to switch places with her maid because she was self-conscious about her feet and feared her prince was short and ugly. She was also mother of Charlemagne.
The Goose Girl at the Well who was exiled for saying she loved her father like meat loves salt was a British queen who led an army to rescue her father who had been driven insane by her abusive sisters.
Sleeping Beauty, who was cursed to sleep for a hundred years, was a Valkyrie who masterminded the death of her prince when he was brainwashed into marrying another woman, and then threw herself onto his pyre so she could die with him.
The youngest brother of the Wild Swans, whose arm remained a swan wing because his sister ran out of thread to make the tunic that would break his curse, became a knight in a swan boat that avenged a noble maiden's honor and had children with her that would give rise to the royal line of Bouillon.
Cinderella was a successful courtesan and a self-made woman, who had no fairy god mother, but did have a fling with fable-teller Aesop as well as an epic rivalry with her sister-in-law, who happened to be one of the greatest poets of their age. Alternatively, she was a queen of Egypt to died before seeing her family enslaved by the mad Persian king Cambyses.
The mystical husbands of East of the Sun and West of the Moon, The Iron Stove, and the Feather of Finist the Falcon were originally the god Eros, and the Beauty that had to find her husband after losing him was his wife Psyche.
Often the animal husband takes the form of a snake. In certain myths among the indigenous Taiwanese, the animal husband is a snake and the ancestor of their people. In Baltic and Slavic stories, the snake husband is never accepted by his wife's family, who kill him through deceit. Meanwhile, a 9th century Chinese story makes the husband into a Yaksha, and the lovers are eventually parted because the wife cannot stay in the realm of the Yaksha.
Related to the animal husband theme, the Beast was a tragic man from Tenerife with hypertrichosis, and Beauty was a noblewoman who was married to him almost as a joke. Though they lived a long and happy life together, four of their seven children were stolen away and sent to live in foreign courts because they shared their father's condition.
The Girl Without Hands was a Mercian queen who ruled her nation with iron fists, and was involved in more than one assassination.
Maid Maleen's original name was Brangaine, the maid of Tristan and Iseult. In most variants of the tale, it is the guilty bride who substitutes her maid in the bridal procession to hide her loss of virginity that is the actual protagonist. When the prince questions her about the children she has born, she is forced to reveal the tokens that her lover left with her, and the prince realizes that he himself is the lover in question, and apologizes and proceeds with the wedding.
The speechless Little Mermaid's beloved prince was a Swedish duke, brother to the king, named Magnus Vasa. He was afflicted with psychotic episodes throughout his life, and had assistants assigned to look after him. He never married but had a longtime affair with a commoner woman who cared for him. During one of his episodes, he jumped into a moat, claiming to have seen a woman there. This became the basis for a class of ballads called Herr Magnus and the Mermaid, which describes how Magnus lost his heart and then his mind to the mermaid after initially rejecting her. This then became stories of the tragic mermaid's rejection and revenge.
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emptyblog7 · 4 months
For those of you who might know, I had finished a set of three stories for my fan fic series which meshes scrapped ideas for Wish, my own ideas, and a game known as "Disney Dreamlight Valley" into one. Well, now, I finally had some motivation to start the next story in the series, and I wanted to show you a sneak peak of what I have so far.
Now, this writing process is going to take a while, like the others did (especially with school and work), but it will get done eventually. I hope you enjoy it!
@uva124 @rascalentertainments @chillwildwave @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire
Phoenix adjusted the lens of her telescope before shifting the stand closer to the edge of the eastern ledge of the Frosted Heights. The winds up there were mild but still held onto a certain chill, revealing that, though the sun shone above her, winter was still upon the Valley. Her blue cardigan, however, shielded her from most of the chill, and the light of her ethereal wings provided some additional warmth. Once she was satisfied with the telescope’s position on the ledge, she straightened and let out a sigh of satisfaction. “There,” she breathed, “That should work nicely for tonight.” She then walked on towards the west side of the Heights, greeting passing Villagers as she went.
Almost a whole year had passed since she had married Yaron, her dearest friend and the High Prince over all Realms, and each month that had passed had been a joyous, one right after the other. Having someone else rule the Valley alongside her had shown to be an enormous blessing, especially since, in the time that had passed, more villagers had decided to come back to the Valley: Two strange monsters named Mike and Sully and Donald’s sweetheart, Daisy, were among those returning. As Phoenix walked casually down the incline that led to the Forest of Valor, she mused, “Our Valley has grown incredibly over this past year!” She smiled, “It’s so wonderful to see, especially now that—”
Right then, her eyes caught sight of someone jogging over to her. Looking ahead of her, her eyes brightened as she saw her Husband coming towards her. She greeted Him and quickened her stride, “Yaron!”
Yaron beamed and quickened His own gait until they met. They embraced each other tenderly, their wings interlocking with one another, and kissed before Yaron exclaimed, “Ah! Here you are, My dear!”
Phoenix tilted her head in confusion as they separated. “Did I miss something?”
Yaron smirked kindly. “You must’ve been so focused on your project that you forgot we were going to meet at the Glistening Lands a little earlier.”
Phoenix’ eyes widened as she remembered their discussion that morning. She facepalmed. “Oh dear!! I’m so sorry, Yaron!! I guess I was preoccupied with my little venture.”
Yaron chuckled as He hooked her arm around His and began walking with her out of the Forest. “It’s alright, Phoenix! At least now that I’ve found you, I can show you what I’ve been working on in those Lands.”
Phoenix relaxed as she let Yaron lead her on towards the Glistening Lands. During that morning, when they had discussed their meeting for later that day, Yaron had hinted at His project, and now, she was curious on exactly what it was.
As they walked up the Plateau’s incline, Phoenix stated, “I’ve been hoping to catch the eclipse that’s going to happen later tonight ever since Merlin revealed its occurrence to me a week ago, and I wanted to make sure that the telescope was perfectly aligned to where it was said to occur.”
Yaron hummed. “I remember your excitement over the news when you told Me that night.”
They came up the path that led to the Glistening Lands as Phoenix shrugged, “Well, before I came into Dreamlight Valley, there would often be news of an ‘eclipse coming to town’ and stores pushing these glasses for everyone to wear for it.” She then sighed, “But, I never was able to catch a glimpse of the occurrence.”
Yaron patted her hand in understanding as they rounded a bend. “Well, I’m glad you’ll get a chance to see an eclipse, My dear!” He swept His free hand out as He added, “And in a magical place to boot!”
Phoenix smiled in agreement before catching sight of something to her left. Her eyes widened as she gasped at the newest addition to the Glistening Lands. “What in this Realm?!”
A large fountain made of a bright blue rock stood towards the side of the Lands. The fountain had an oval base and was crowned with an arch that spanned the entirety of the base, and from its peak, the clearest and brightest liquid flowed down and into a small, rocky basin that was conjoined to the fountain. Next to the fountain stood a lone side table, holding a simple chalice.
Yaron smiled at His wife’s amazement as He led her closer to the fountain. Once there, He explained, “Ever since these Lands were restored, I have been wanting to add a structure that would both epitomize the Lands’ current state as well as be the most beneficial to our Villagers.” He gestured to the fountain. “And this is what has come out of that—The Guilded Fountain.”
Phoenix placed her hand along the Fountain’s arch and asked, “’The Guilded Fountain’?”
Yaron nodded before taking the chalice and placing it under the stream of water coming out of the Fountain. As He did, He continued, “This Fountain produces a pure liquid that even transcends the purest form of water in the Realms and has its source in My home, the High Realm. Because of this, only those who respect Me can both see and partake of the Fountain.” When the chalice was filled, He brought it to Phoenix and added, “Those who drink of it, will be blessed with immortality and will have access to My home in the future.”
Phoenix was dumbfounded as she received the chalice. She looked at Yaron in shock at His description, and He nodded in urging for her to drink her fill. Smiling, she took a breath and drank from the chalice.
As the liquid entered her system, Phoenix noticed how fresh and crisp it was going down her throat. It refreshed her body and her entire being, and she felt the deepest parts of her soul were being strengthened, and even her wings brightened. Once she was finished, Phoenix exhaled in amazement. Yaron, who was watching this development, beamed excitedly.
Phoenix handed the chalice back to Yaron—who in turn put it back on the table—and embraced her husband. Yaron received her with a smile as Phoenix said, “Thank You, Yaron! This was an amazing surprise!!”
After squeezing her affectionately, Yaron answered, “You are welcome, My dear!!”
“Yaron! Phoenix!”
The two of them turned to see Aster and Asha meeting them from the other side of the Glistening Lands. As Yaron and Phoenix separated, Aster and Asha closed the distance between them as Phoenix greeted, “Good afternoon, you two!! What brings you here?”
Asha answered, “Well, we were wondering if you two would like to join us for lunch at Remy’s Restaurant. The mouse has quite a few new specials today, and we thought you would like to try them with us.”
Aster was about to add to that before he caught sight of the new Fountain. He exclaimed, “This is new!”
Both Phoenix and Yaron laughed at his surprise before Yaron explained, “It’s the Guilded Fountain, Aster! I just finished it a bit ago. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?”
Aster recollected, “I remember hearing Lady Elwyn speaking of it back when I was a star, but…” he turned back to the Fountain and added in amazement, “I never thought I’d see it in person!”
Asha gushed, “It’s beautiful!!!”
Phoenix was excited about the fact that her friends could see the Fountain, and Yaron had a twinkle in His eye as He went to fill the chalice up for them. Once it was filled, He handed it to them and urged, “Drink your fill, My friends. I will refill as needed.”
Asha and Aster accepted the gift thankfully and drank their fill, feeling the same sensation Phoenix felt when she drank of the Fountain. As she watched, Phoenix thought to herself, “I hope more of our Villagers will see and drink of this amazing gift!”
I'm working on more of this first part as we speak, but this is probably the most cohesive part of it I could post here as a sneak peek. For those who know the game, I am expanding my story into the DLC, i.e. Eternity Isle and its story "Rift in Time". Obviously, my story will be different enough so that it isn't just solely relying on the game's story, but it will serve as inspiration and the general backbone of my next three stories (yes, it seems I do everything in threes). Thanks for taking the time to read this sneak peek!
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miracleintheandes · 1 year
What is the “Miracle in the Andes”?
On October 12th 1972, a Fairchild FH-227D left Carrasco International Airport in Montevideo headed towards Chile. It was the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, chartered by an amateur rugby team called Old Christians. The plane carried 40 passengers and 5 crew members. Among the passengers were members of the team and a few of their friends and family.
The purpose of the trip was to play a friendly rugby match against a local team plus a short vacation of a few days in Santiago. Friends and family were brought along in order to fill the remaining seats on the plane, so that each ticket could be sold at a more affordable price.
As it turned out, the Fairchild would never reach its destination. After an unplanned layover in Mendoza, at the foothills of the Andes on the far west of Argentina, the plane departed for Santiago in the early hours of the afternoon of Friday 13th.
Caught in the middle of thick clouds and strong winds, the pilots miscalculated their position and began to descend when the plane had yet to cross the mountains, some of which were over 15.000 feet high.
The right wing crashed against a peak, severing the fuselage in the process. Subsequently, the same thing happened to the left wing. A handful of passengers and two members of the crew fell off the back of the plane and disappeared in the mountains.
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photo taken inside the plane before the disaster
What remained of the fuselage slid down the mountainside at just the perfect angle so as to not come undone in a million pieces. When it came to an abrupt stop, passengers were violently thrown to the front of the plane still attached to their seats. Several more died, some crushed instantly and others a few minutes or hours later due to their injuries.
Sixteen of those that remained beat all odds and survived for 72 days in the freezing cold with no food or water. This blog aims to share information about what is undoubtedly the greatest survival story of all time.
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ontheroad-again · 4 days
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
MSec: Less Henry and Elizabeth and the kids and more perspectives from the staff!!! Nadine especially (obviously), but all of them, really. I think one of the (many, many) things The West Wing got right was giving every senior staff character enough screen time to be fully fleshed out from day one, and MSec really didn’t do enough of that. There’s a reason why people love The Seventh Floor and a couple other more staff-centered episodes so much–those felt like watching the gears turning in the State Department instead of “Perfect Married Couple Agonize Over Problem Child of the Day.” I think that’s part of why I write so much Nadine, Blake, and Jay—everything outside of H/E seems to be lacking in quantity both in canon and fandom writings. 
Also, the obvious: Have Nadine stay through the end. The show was really a shell of itself within a season of her exit and I don’t think they ever really made up for that. 
Cheers: Lilith’s exit from Cheers. I understand the need to write her out because Bebe was leaving, but a) there were so many other ways to do that and b) the eventual divorce would still have been believable without Lilith having an affair. And if nothing else, I find it completely out of character that she would leave Frederick to do so.
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
50/50. I am guilty of pouring all of my own issues and feelings onto characters in order to process them, so in that regard, I largely write for myself. In fact, I had written a significant amount of MSec fics (and West Wing fics, actually) for four years before I decided to post anything—I really just love the writing process, plus it was like a strange form of journaling for me 🤣 But I’m glad I started posting fics, because it has been very fun to write for others as well and hear people’s thoughts about my writing and what they enjoy in stories. (Yay for external validation 🤣) And having an audience, no matter how small, definitely makes it much easier to motivate myself to keep chipping away at a story chapter/topic that is proving difficult for me to get past for whatever reason.
🌻 How often do you read your own fics? 
Fairly regularly. I feel as though when I write multichapters I sometimes lose the style, cadence, rhythm, etc. that I work very hard at getting right in my one-chapter character study/theme-based pieces. So I’ll often return to fics like Lua, March, Doomsday (usually the slightly longer one-chapter ones) and reread them to reset my brain back to focusing on rhythm and the natural crescendo of whatever piece I’m currently writing. 
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Yes!!! I want a career that involves writing in some form—no idea what that will be yet, but that is the goal! I write songs and prose-poem type things in my free time already, and I have a couple of partially finished book drafts lying around, especially one that is on hold currently because I am about to have zero free time for the next two months. And I love essay-type writing too–it’s almost always my favorite part of school and I would not at all mind getting to write essays or formal papers for part of work someday. 
Thank you for the ask! :)
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wordrew · 6 months
Artefact: Pendacour, Testament of the Phoenix (Tome) Session 1
Lately, I have been increasingly interested in the world of solo RPGs as a way of exploring game design and as a creative outlet. Over the years, I have managed to collect a number of solo RPGs, but I have never actually played any of the games I own. I decided to finally start by picking up the one I have been most intrigued by, Artefact, a game created by Jack Harrison and published by Mousehole Press.
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In Artefact, you become a sentient magical item exploring the item's history from creation through its line of Keepers - what a fucking rad idea! So I grabbed some candles and my new soloRPG journal and dimmed the lights down really low - this was going to be some intimate gaming time sans interruptions from the fam.
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To start your journey in Artefact, you must first decide on what type of item you're going to play as - for this first experience, I decided to be a Tome based on its tagline - "A receptacle of knowledge, lost or forbidden." If you've ever gamed with me, you know that I love the trope of lost or forbidden knowledge. My characters are always seeking.
After choosing your item type, you follow a creation process which is unique for each item. For the Tome, you give the item three Traits, draw a picture of it, and name the chapters within. This happens before you start answering the Artefact Questions (which includes giving yourself a name), but I went right into naming since one had already manifested itself.
I was now Pendacour, Testament of the Phoenix. I was penned in the stale air of the now-lost temple of Saint Melacour, by the fanatical monk, Pendax. Since I skipped the three Traits portion, I will stop here and return to what I was supposed to do first.
As an aside, I (Drew) am finding that soloRPGs are a bit of the Wild West in terms of how they are intended to be played or used. From the information I've gathered on social media and places like itch.io, soloRPGs are meant to provide a general guide on how to play the game but openly allow for players to deviate whenever and however they like. For me, naming comes first. Almost always. Names have power, and they serve to help me really embrace whatever character I am writing (even if said character is, in fact, a magical Tome). Often times, I will have a character's name in mind before I begin "rolling them up."
Back to me, Pendacour, and my Traits, though. Artefact gives each item type a list of suggested Traits, which is a useful starting point. In fact, reviewing the list now offers some other intriguing options outside of the three that I embraced. My first trait is Blessed, followed immediately by Divine. In the end, I decided that they were synonymous enough for me to combine these traits. I then embraced Loyal and ultimately decided I was loyal to Saint Melacour and those who embraced His path. Finally, after synonymizing Blessed and Divine, I embraced Eager as my final Trait. We'll get to Eager in a later post...
Then I outline my chapters:
On Saint Melacour
His Blessings Upon Us
Invocations for Channeling
Offerings, Rituals, and Prayers
To Know His Presence
How to Live to Honor Him
Remembrance of Those Before
The final step before diving into the Artefact questions is to draw a picture of myself and give it some brief descriptors.
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So my styling is a purple-dyed leather tome with a fiery silvery-orange/red ball of flame. The flame has stylized wings and tail of a phoenix embossed in gold. I have metallic corner protectors made of ornate, filigree gold, and several ribbon place markers. I am colorful and regal and of superior craftsmanship. I am a labor of fanatical love, but that story will have to come later...
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
I'm ready to Fight God or become him (Zosan X reader) P1
Plot: Zoro, Sanji and Luffy all fight Cthulhu while Reader and the crew try and stop the cult who summoned him.
The creature is based off Lovecraft stories and thank you to @being-worthy for the suggestion <3. Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN.
Warning: Cult, Violence, Blood, Bad language and Luffy being Luffy.
Part 2
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It was just a coincidence that you all ended up here. The sunny docked on an island for supply's, you were all only supposed to be there for a few hours but things never go to plan where your a member of the straw hat crew. One member starts trouble and the others step in to help. This time it was Zoro, he got lost again and ended up walking into a building he shouldn't have, people in robes performing a ritual near the sea. Thinking he was there to stop him they attacked and of course Zoro fought back taking them out and distorting the building in the process catching everyone attention. The whole village started going after your crew you all meeting up with Zoro to find out what on earth is going on. The hole village is a cult trying to summon the god like being known as Cthulhu and Zoro just happened to walk in on that ritual. Now you were all trying to fight your way back to the sunny only for one of the cult leaders to summon the creature, Its large body coming out of the water caught everyone attention, the fighting stopped as everyone watching this thing stand up tall and step onto the island. It stood hundreds of meters tall, a large human body with wings, long claws and webbing on feet and hands. Its head like an octopus, tentacles where its mouth should be, its skin was wet and slimy and its large glowing red eyes looked down at you all.
Luffy's smile widened at the creature and you felt your heart drop, you know what your captain is like, he wants one of two things, for it to join his crew or to fight it. Either one didn't please you but when the captain decides something there's no stopping him. "Luffy, what do we do?" Nami asks stepping back away form the creature. Luffy laughs not taking his eyes off the creature "You guys deal with these guys, i'm going to talk to it" The crew tries to stop him, but he runs off anyway "We'll look after him. Try and stop the leader" Sanji yells running with Zoro after their crazy Captain. The cult turns to the rest of you and starts trying to attack you again. "How?" Usopp yells out not knowing where to start as he fires a shot at a group. "We should split up in groups" Franky yells punching a member away form him. "Right" you all yell running off in different directions. Chopper and Brook headed North, Nami and Usopp headed west while you and Robin headed east which just so happens to be the direction of Cthulhu. Franky stayed behind to protect the ship keeping the cult form trying to sink it.
Running through the cracked streets you and Robin fought off the cult heading soon seeing something that looked like a church, running in you close the door behind you keeping it closed as the Cult banged and pushes on the door. Robin moves some church pews in front of the door making it too heavy for the cult to break through. Luckily there doesn't seem to be another way in so for now your safe to look around. "I'll check the back" Robin nods walking down the center and into some back rooms. Looking around you see stain glass windows all depicting the sea in different weather conditions, long rows of pews and a stand on a stage with a door behind it that Robin went into. Looking up you notice there's a walk way, its think but there seems to be a few doors dotted around, looking around you pull a large curtain back revealing a ladder leading up into the walk way. Climbing up the banging on the door gets louder but it doesn't seem to brake or be moving too much so you keep climbing making it onto the walk way. All the doors look the same so you just look through them one by one, The first was a store room, full of chairs, tables and boxes, the second room was empty and the third wouldn't open, with a smile you lean back and kick the hand braking the door and making it open.
Luffy skidded to a stop near the beach looking up at the massive creature not taking any notice of the cult leader under it yelling up a strange language at it. Zoro and Sanji stopped next to their Captain getting ready to fight. Luffy laughs loud catching Cthulhu's attention looking down at the boy with its red eyes as the captain starts walking closer "So your Cthulhu hu?" he laughs holding his hat to his head as he looks up so it doesn't fall off "I want you to join my crew" he yells the god like creature starts to laugh, it sounds like a male booming laugh but with a inhuman grumble almost like a dragons roar. Luffy kept smiling though the cult leader turning around and yelling at the boy "You should be bowing child, he is a god a manifestation of kayos and destruction that will bring an end to this world" He laughs a crazed look on his face. Luffy laughs louder the cult leader staring in shock at the captain, Cthulhu stops laughing tilting his head to the side as the boy wipes his nose "I'M MONKEY D LUFFY, I'M GOING TO BECOME THE KING OF THE PIRATES AND I WANT YOU... TO JOIN MY CREW" Luffy yells out shocking everyone who can hear him. Cthulhu growls loud almost defining as it swings a webbed clawed hand at Luffy hitting him and sending him flying through a building and into another. "LUFFY" Zoro and Sanji yell before turning their attention to the angry creature.
It slams a hand down at them, but they manage to dodge both running up its arm, Zoro getting all his swords out while Sanji kicked up spinning to light his leg on fire and kicking down at the other creatures hand that tried to squish Zoro "Diable Jambe, Concassé" he yells the monster's hand being kicked away slamming into the ground the Cult leader jumping out the way just in time. Zoro Jumps off the arm up to the creatures face raising his swords as a blue aura surrounds his body and swords before spinning in the air and bringing them down on the god like entity "Three-sword style, 108 pound Phoenix" The creature sequels taking a step back before, another arm grows out of its side slamming the swords man down and into the ground. "GUM GUM... Jet Bazooka" Luffy yells jumping in, his skin burning hot as he uses gear two, keeping his hands close to his sides before punching them out hitting Cthulhu in the stomach. It squeals again the force sending it back a few steps becoming unbalanced.
Zoro sits up using his swords to help him stand as Sanji drops down next to him "You ok?" The cook asks smiling down at the swordsman who simply nods "Yea, that thing doesn't hit too hard" Standing up and cracking his neck Zoro watches Luffy land on the ground in front of him a big smile on his Captains face. "Well if he doesn't want to join, then.... lets fight" Luffy laughs, Zoro and Sanji moving to stand beside him. The cult leader pants moving towards them "You... your just a child, you stand no chance against a god" He yells only for Sanji to kick the man in the face sending him flying into the streets rolling until he hits a pole. "Nice one" Zoro laughs as Sanji pulls out a cigarette and lights it "He was getting on my nerves" Taking a puff Sanji fixes his jacket watching the creature get its balance back "Lets take this thing out" Luffy runs in followed by his two crew members ready to take down this god like being.
Walking through the door the dark room is only lite by candles on the floor. A statue in the back of the room depicts a cloaked man with no face, his hands holding out an open book. Next to it are two octopus tentacles on each side almost reaching the ceiling. In the middle of the room is a large stone circle with a bowl and several books in the middle looking down at the bowl there's some weird green liquid shimmering under the candle light. It smells very metallic but you've never seen a metal like this. "Robin, i think i found something" you call out from where your standing "Bring it down" The woman's voice calls back, grabbing all the books and the bowl you head out of the room, the banging on the door gone as you look over the edge calling out for the black haired woman who walks out of the room. Holding out the bowl she uses her devil fruit powers to take it off you and bring it down to her so you can get down the ladder. Holding the books to your chest you manage to get down and walk over to Robin as she looked over the bowl stopping in front of her and telling her about the room. "There's art in the office of the same man in a cloak" she comments putting the bowl on a nearby pew and taking the books of you to flip through.
"So what do you think the green stuff is?" you ask looking at the bowl again. "Well there aren't many metals that smell and the ones that do need something else in order to smell like this. Im guessing Copper or brass mixed with probably blood" she explains making you look confused at her "Blood isn't green" you comment only for the woman to smile and put a book in your hands, the page open to show depictions of sea kings "Its very rare but there are a hand full of sea kings out their that are rumored to be descendants of gods, and they bleed green" Looking over the pages you see what she's talking about, it takes you a minute for your brain to process but it soon hits you. "Cthulhu is a god like entity so... you need a descendant of gods to summon him right?" you ask earning a nod and smile from the black haired woman "Im thinking the same, i also think the book that cloaked man is using in every depiction is the answer but i haven't found anything like it" thinking for a moment you both get an idea only to be interrupted by a chair flying through the church window and cult members starting to climb in. "You'll pay for making us break these sacred windows" One man yells before you kick him in the face sending him out the window, while Robin grabs the bowl. The two of you jump out and run through town as the cult chases after you.
Making your way through the town you both fight your way to the distorted church, there isn't much left thanks to Zoro but it is where the ritual started. Robin uses her powers to protect you and hold the bowl behind her as you push through the rubble looking for the book. Pushing bricks, wood and body's out of the way you soon find it holding it close to your chest "Robin, lets go" you yell before punching a woman in the face who runs at you getting past Robin's arms. Robin runs up to you taking the book of you and giving you the bowl before running off to where Cthulhu is. Robin reading as you run through the streets, Your job now was to protect her and the bowl, it wasn't easy but you did it soon making it to the edge of town the cult stopping not wanting to get too close to the ongoing fight. Looking up you smile seeing Zoro, Sanji and Luffy fighting the creature, burning it, cutting limbs off as it regrows them and punching it hard enough to make it step back. Your boys and your Captain are amazing watching them take on a god like being while smiling and laughing. Managing to pry your eyes away from the fight you notice a cult member on the ground as you made your way over you see his cloak, it looks just like the statue.
Robin walks over to you looking down at the man "This book mentions a portal made of the sea kings blood, we have to get Cthulhu back into it and close it, but we need this guy to do it" she sighs looking down at the man "I sure we can make that happen" you smile grabbing the man with your free hand and dragging him along the floor "The portal must be at the beach, you head there and get things set up while i find Brook. He can help make this one do what we need" Robin nods putting the book under your arm giving you instructions before running off to find your skeleton crew mate. Dragging the man you walk down the street avoiding any rubble that comes your way thanks to the fight still being close by, the inhuman noises Cthulhu makes sends shivers down your spine and makes your body want to freeze but you don't let it, you have a job to do. The beach isn't too long and in the sand there's the same green liquid in a circle with strange symbols drawn into the sand, letting the man drop to the floor and putting the bowl down you flip through the book finding the page you need.
As the fight continues Luffy gets more and more excited, even though their all cut up, bruised and battered they never stop going at Cthulhu, every arm that gets cut off or broken regrows and the more hits it takes the more angry it becomes, growing more limbs out of its torso. With six arms the battle become harder for the three, but they weren't deterred. Jumping up high into the air managing to get above the creature Sanji forces himself down kicking the god like creature in the face before kicking off "Mouton Shot". Its then he sees you standing on the beach a book in hand, his eyes widen getting distracted as a hand slaps him to the ground "Sanji" Luffy yells getting Zoro's attention just managing to avoid another hit. "Y/N's up to something" Sanji yells looking up a Zoro running up one of the arms and nodding back at them seeming to say he'll check it out. Pushing off the creature as its hand comes down to slap him, a blue spiky aura forms on his swords crossing them over his chest he kicks off the hand slicing through the creatures chest and getting behind it "Purgatory Onigiri" the creature screams, ear-piercing as a cut forms across its chest leaking a little big of green blood.
With you stepping back Zoro lands almost in front of you, taking his sword out of his mouth as he stands up "What are you doing here?" his voice full of worry and anger "Me and Robin found a way to get rid of it... Robin went off to find Brook, so we can close the portal we need that thing in the water when where ready" With a sigh the swords man looks up at the creature, Luffy and Sanji keeping it distracted "Why don't we just kill it?" he asks turning back to you only for you to shake your head "It can't be killed, your doing a great job at fighting it but, I'll never get winded and no matter how much it bleeds it wont die. Cut its head off and I'll just grow a new one... it's a God like being the only way to stop it is trap it" Zoro groans at your words but gives in nodding to you "Fine. I'll tell Luffy and Sanji, stay out of harms way" before he leaves you rub your hand over his cheek getting some dirt off his face before leaning in to kiss him. He leans in too gripping his swords as you move closer "I know you guys can handle it. I'll call for you when where ready." you smile pushing him back with a smile watching him put his sword in his mouth and head off "Wrong way babes" you call watching him curse before he heads in the right direction.
Jumping back into the air Zoro uses Haki on his swords hardening them and creating a dark purple aura around them. Spinning his swords he fly's through the creature creating a hole in his shoulder as he pushes through "Three-sword style secret art... The billion-fold world trichiliocoms". It squeals gripping its shoulder and stepping back as Zoro lands on the ground Luffy and Sanji joining him "They ok?" Sanji asks keeping his eye on the creature "When their ready we need to push this thing back to the water. They'll be able to seal it away" Luffy groans at Zoro's words, but he trusts his crew so decides to go along with the plan. "I am not taking that thing towards Y/N" Sanji yells only for the swordsman to give a look, the look tells him everything, that they have to do this and that you'll be fine. Sighing the cook takes a long drag of his cigarette "Fine" The creatures hand slams down on them the three managing to get away as it continues to swipe at them or stomp on them.
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charlotterhea · 9 months
I wrote a story for the Potions & Parchment Holiday Prompt Fest 2023 and today is the day it finally got revealed. (Me? Impatient? Don't know what you're talking about... 😅)
When the damaged west wing of Hogwarts takes its toll on the wards, Severus has to realise that there's nothing that can be done about it anymore. The wards will crumble and since he is the Headmaster, they will kill him in the process. Hermione, however, is not ready to give up like that.
It's not as Christmas-y as it probably should have been but eh, it's written by me, what did you expect? 🤪
And now I'll take a look at the other stories, all of the prompts sounded amazing and I need some Snamione Christmas fun... ^^
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coolcattime · 2 days
Home and Free: Chapter Fifteen - Wait and See, A Few Days More
Characters: Captain Capsize, Sonja Firefox, Skipper Redbeard, Jordan Captainsparklez, Tucker Jericho, Tom Syndicate, Martha the Mystic, Mot Screziato, Alyssa Countybat, Waglington, Farmer Steve, Prince Andor, Jeriah, Lady Ianite (mentioned)
Relationship: Captain Capsize/Sonja Firefox, Captain Capsize/Jordan Captainsparklez (onesided)
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A few days later, Sonja was doing her best to sort through the mess that her old workshop had become. She knew it was beyond far too late to regret the state she had allowed the west wing to fall into but ruining the cleaning enchantments in her initial rage and frustrations had been in retrospect a stupid decision.
The whole wing was currently covered in dust and broken glass and her workshop was entirely disorganised after being used as a den rather than a study for far too long. How had she been fine to let it fester like this for years?
However, she was not allowing herself to linger and focus on such self-loathing thoughts at the current moment. She was instead thoroughly focused on clearing some space in her workspace.
The room already looked far more welcoming than it had when Capsize explored it. Though the place was still damaged, she’d managed to at least clean up a bit. And she’d gotten the lights working. With warm lighting it didn’t seem nearly as much of a horror show as it had previously. Though, Sonja was only really concerned with making it a good space to work in.
It had been a good long while since she had created a magical item from scratch. Honestly, she was beyond nervous of actually beginning the process, which was a large part of why she was still trying to clear up and make the space look nice rather than actually beginning. This had to go well.
She knew that at this point she was just procrastinating, but even if she did feel ready, she didn’t want to start while being watched. That was proving to be a problem as currently with her in her study was Martha and Mot. She had no desire to work in front of them, mostly out of fear of what had become of her skills, but she also didn’t particularly want to ask them to leave when they were in the middle of a conversation.
“So, you don’t care that she’s Ianite’s messenger,” Martha questioned. As much as Sonja bristled at it, she could exactly blame the clock for asking. The idea of what would’ve happened if she’d learnt of Capsize’s title in those first few days came into her head in terrible bursts. She’d just been desperately trying not to think about it. Still though she bristled.
Obviously, she didn’t care about her title. She wasn’t that anger-consumed monster that she had been. She wasn’t going to ruin everything because of a detail that didn’t matter. Capsize was her friend and she trusted her. If Lady Ianite had sent her here, she would’ve said so. All her confession had done was confirm that the goddess had hurt yet another person that she cared about.
“No, she’s my friend. Her title isn’t going to change that. Besides, it isn’t as if Lady Ianite has been kind to her,” She replied, muttering the latter part. Though, it was an unnecessary addition. She wouldn’t have cared even if she was still on good terms with the goddess, or at least she desperately hoped that she wouldn’t have. Not that it mattered, hearing how distressed Capsize had been by her goddess’ actions, it was impossible to be upset by her title.
“Yes, it is rather unbelievable how the goddess seems to be acting,” Martha said. As Sonja looked at her cursed form, she could also see her nonchalantly playing with hair that she didn’t currently have. There was something she was hiding. So much was incredibly obvious, but Sonja wasn’t particularly in the mood for a long and confusing conversation.
“You only just started thinking that?” Mot said dryly.
Sonja wasn’t able to stop herself from snorting. Even with her head turned back to her desk, she could sense Martha’s eyes rolling. The conversation felt so ordinary, like how it felt before the curse though somewhat softer than they were towards the end. No one was actually snapping at each other. No one seemed exhausted.
“Of course not. I’m not oblivious,” Martha retorted. To one unfamiliar with the woman, this would sound like the start of a fight. However, both Mot and Sonja knew her well enough to know this was simply how she spoke. She might be agitated, but not at them. Rather at someone who could not hear and likely did not care. “But to actively ignore her own messenger after an injury is still… It feels worse than what she did to us.”
“I don’t think we should go around saying it in front of the others, but you’ve got a point,” Mot knew that objectively speaking, the curse was worse. However, hearing all that Lady Ianite had been doing with her own followers since left a particularly bad taste in his mouth.
She was seemingly letting her own champion do whatever the hell he wanted, given how much Capsize seemed to dislike the man. That was enough to make the goddess a hypocrite in his eyes, given how she had judged Sonja for an act of cruelty. However, the fact that Ianite had seemingly just abandoned her own messenger sparked a different kind of distaste. It left the same bad taste in his mouth that Dianite having not spoken to Tom since the curse had begun.
The curse was cruel in the way that one expected of a god: world shaking and terrible but not a betrayal. It certainly felt personal and an extremely over the top punishment to inflict on a teenager, but Sonja hadn’t had any thoughts on the goddess previously, hadn’t expected anything from her. The abandonments, though? They felt far too human a cruelty.
It’s because she didn’t do anything to deserve it. Sonja thought, though she didn’t dare to actually say the words out loud. She didn’t want to imply, even accidently, that anyone but herself had done anything to deserve this terrible fate. However, it didn’t stop her from knowing that truth. The reason what Ianite had done to Capsize felt different was that she hadn’t done anything to deserve her abandonment meanwhile she had deserved at least some punishment for what she had done that night.
“Just another thing to confront her about when the curse is broken,” Sonja muttered. It was not a statement intended to be heard, her voice barely even audible. But her words were heard.
The clock and the snuffbox looked at each other, unsure if they should voice their shock out loud. Never had they heard Sonja say the word ‘when’ in relation to the curse being broken. At best she said ‘if’, but more typically when talking about it, they’d receive a pained look that portrayed her disbelief of the possibility of the idea.
Mot smiled. It was half hidden by the jewels that adorned him in this form, but it was a true moment of heartwarming joy. The princess finally seemed to have hope.
“Ah! Here they are,” Sonja said as she finally found her tools. They, of course, had been doing nothing but gathering dust, but this was hopefully one of those things that she hadn’t forgotten. Well, at least she had some time to practise if it turned out her skills at crafting magical objects had faded over time.
“Are you sure that you really need to give her another gift?” Martha questioned. It felt a little backwards to Sonja. Surely, Martha should be encouraging her to get closer to Capsize in any way possible.
Though, she supposed that none of what she was doing was in any way close to traditional courting methods. Sonja obviously still remembered all the rules of courting that had been drilling into her head when she had been becoming a teenager. She knew all the ways that it was supposed to work.
But Capsize was not a noble and seemed to have neither knowledge of nor care for said rules. As such it seemed utterly pointless to follow them, especially given the ever-dwindling time limit. However, now was also not the time to be petulant.
“It’s for the solstice. She’s giving me a gift too,” She said. It was different from the flower and the library. It was a holiday. Gifts were both expected and a traditional part of it. “But if you think it’s too much, you can be the one to tell Tom.”
“Well, just make sure it’s small. You don’t want her to get overwhelmed,” Martha said, rather more softly than she typically would.
She still feared this all falling apart. She knew that, at this point, that was a rather illogical fear. The two women had clearly been making progress with each other, and quite clearly saw each other as friends. But rather unfortunately, friendship was not enough in their current circumstances, and as such her nerves were stuck.
She knew that being discouraging would not help matters, though. Progress was being made and spirits were far higher than they had ever been, so she was doing her best to bite down her worries so as to not dampen the mood.
“Of course, it’ll just be a traditional sort of gift for the solstice,” Sonja said with a smile. Her tone was so calm that one could almost be convinced that she was merely doing this to keep Tom happy.
This satisfied Martha enough, though she had a feeling that it would not merely be a traditional gift. Arguing about it would get her nowhere and if they were serious about celebrating this holiday, there were things she needed to make sure were in order.
Mot watched her leave, but did not follow after her. He did have his own plans to help set things in place for the celebration, but he didn’t want to leave Sonja just yet. Not when it was infinitely clear that she was not planning on creating something small.
“Really? You’re making a traditional solstice gift?” He said with a slight chuckle. She was pulling out tools and materials to make a magic item for the first time in years. There was absolutely no way that any project she was planning was small or simple.
“It’ll be handmade and be easily held in her hands. That’s the traditional description Tom gave me,” Sonja said, turning to him with a look that he hadn’t seen from her in well over a decade. She was smirking, an actual smirk. He almost laughed. Beyond the progress of the relationship that they were all watching with bated breath, he was seeing another type of positive progress.
Even if she was still stuck in an inhuman form, he could look at her and see her true self. It would be enough to make him cry if he still could. “It’s her first time celebrating, she deserves something special.”
“I’m sure anything you could give her would be special,” He said, expecting an eye roll. Instead, he saw a tiny smile that was quickly hidden.
It was a reaction that bloomed as much hope as it did worry. Clearly, whenever she was actively trying or not, Sonja was closer to breaking the curse than she ever believed herself capable of. And Mot knew that he should see that as an inarguably good thing. However, this curse required two to break.
If someone asked Mot, he would without question say that if anyone was going to break the curse, it would be Capsize. He did not have the unending confidence that Tom possessed but he was optimistic, and he saw how the two were beginning to look at each other. However, he could not stop his worry from festering.
He had always known that, in the worst world where the curse was not broken, that the night where that final petal fell would be terrible. Now though, it had become even worse. The idea of Sonja needing to deal with heartbreak on top of failure would be more devastating than anything he ever wanted her to suffer. He could only pray that his fears would not come to pass.
Thankfully, Sonja was not privy to these thoughts. Indeed, she had only heard the words that he had actually said out loud, words that had finally given her the confidence boost she needed to stop procrastinating. Though, there was one more thing she needed to do within her preparation, the part that she was by far the most nervous about.
She took a breath. She still heavily disliked having to use the mirror, needing to look at herself was still somewhat painful, but she could do it for the few moments that she’d need to.
She picked up the mirror and once again found herself looking into it. Once again looking at a face that wasn’t hers, that wasn’t human. Her hatred for it still hadn’t left, and she doubted that it would ever fade. However, if Capsize could look at her and smile, maybe it wasn’t so terrible.
But she wasn’t using the mirror to look at herself.
“Show me Capsize’s ship.”
🌹 🌹 🌹
Across the castle, Capsize sat in the kitchen absentmindedly preparing ingredients. It was the sort of thing that she no longer needed to focus on, especially with the aid of a sentient stove doing the bulk of the hard tasks of cooking, which was good. If she did need to concentrate, the way that Tom was talking would be impossibly distracting.
“How come you’ve never mentioned this before?!” The candelabra exclaimed as he hopped across the countertop. He had already been overly excitable these past few days as he got closer to once again celebrating the solstice. The fact that it was going to be Capsize’s first time celebrating only grew his excitement all the more. Every small detail he got to help to plan and set up did so too. He felt more alive than he had in years, and Tom had never particularly lacked energy.
His excitement had once again increased when he had learnt that Sonja and Capsize were making each other presents. Even if he couldn’t join in with the tradition, he was going to do anything he could to help them with making their presents for each other. And now he knew what Capsize was going to give as a present. Needless to say, his excitement about the holiday was now mixing with the excitement of the potential he saw for the curse breaking into one giant energetic mess.
Steve could already tell that he was going to be insufferable for the next week.
“It just never crossed my mind,” Capsize shrugged. Obviously, she had shared a good amount of her life with Tom and Sonja, but certain things just hadn’t come up yet. While, admittedly, some of those things were things that she had little want to share, this one was not one of them. She just hadn’t thought about it until the concept of a handmade gift came up. “I haven’t sketched in years. I hadn't even thought about it until I needed to make a gift.”
In all honesty, she was quite nervous about the idea. That was why she was currently cooking rather than actually attempting any art. Her sketches weren’t things that she had shared with people before, and she honestly felt odd calling them anything even close to art. Yet, she quite liked the idea of drawing for Sonja. Though, no matter how warm a feeling it gave her, she couldn’t stop herself from completely overthinking the idea.
“Well, still think you should’ve told me. You could’ve drawn me!” Tom said in such a tone that it was impossible to tell if he was being serious or not.
Capsize shook her head but continued to smile, giving Tom the notion that she might actually be considering his not-quite request. This only increased his excitement, as he hopped closer to Capsize. “Wait! You should draw me! I’ve never had a portrait done!”
“Ah yes, I’m sure that a portrait of you is exactly what Sonja wants as a present,” Steve muttered in a deadpan tone.
Tom looked at him with a frown, or rather a pout, on his metal features.
Steve just rolled his eyes.
For all his investment in getting romance going, it seemed that Tom had immediately forgotten about said goal now that a holiday involving his god had come up. While Steve could hope that meant that romance was progressing so well that they no longer needed prodding forward in that regard, he doubted that was why Tom was suddenly no longer fixated on it.
“Come on, let me dream,” Tom said, though he had no idea if Steve would play along with him. It had all been a bit more random since the curse. The stove still certainly had a soft spot for him but given his current form and the circumstances behind him being in the kitchen the night of the curse, he also got annoyed at him far more than he used to.
But still, he still liked Tom enough to not drive him out the kitchen anytime he entered, so it seemed it was still very much in Steve’s good books.
“I think you’d be disappointed if I tried,” Capsize said with a light-hearted enough laugh that her words almost didn’t sound self-deprecating. She certainly wasn’t trying to be, she was just nervous about any potential skills she might have.
She hadn’t sketched since she had come to the town. She’d considered it, but her sketches had always been a part of her travel journals. Doing them when her ability to travel had been ripped away from her had felt frankly depressing.
That and it was truly a private hobby to her. She hadn’t even told Red about it, so the idea of sketching where people who she’d have to see every day might see her doing so scared her far more than it logically should.
She also would’ve needed to ask Red to get her supplies and that had always left her distinctly uncomfortable for a reason she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Just an uncomfortable mix of anxieties. A little from the mere idea of having to tell him of her hobby which would lead to questions as to how he hadn’t known in the first place. But mostly from the idea of having to ask for something just for her own happiness.
Anxieties had eaten away at her until she had decided to especially abandon the hobby instead. Though, being out of practice wasn’t the reason for her words.
“I’ve only ever drawn landscapes. I imagine if I tried to draw a person, it’ll turn out a mess.”
“I mean, I’m more landscape than person in terms of art, aren’t I?” Tom prodded, just about managing to keep his tone sounding cocky and carefree despite his nerves from her statement.
He knew, undoubtedly, that Capsize was growing suspicious of them just being enchanted objects. But he needed to know how close she actually was to questioning about their true forms.
In a way, he was fine with her finding everything out. It’d make everything easier as they’d no longer have to watch everything they said. But he knew the truth was a story that Sonja needed to tell, so he had to hope that Capsize wasn’t about to ask the question he was sure was building in her mind.
He just had to hope that it had been a slip on her end. Or he was missing something about art. That seemed likely. It wasn’t exactly something he was knowledgeable about.
Capsize found her words frozen on her tongue as she tried desperately to contemplate them carefully. The statement had spilled out so naturally. After all, appearances aside, the residents of the castle were people. The idea that drawing the majority of them would be more akin to a still life than a portrait felt utterly wrong.
Though, as she looked at Tom’s grin, she realised he himself may not even believe his words. He just wanted her to draw him.
“Fine. I’ll consider it,” She said, still more happy than exasperated. Tom counted that as a win, though he could sense that she still had more to say. “But there won’t be any sketches if I don’t find supplies. If you want to be drawn, you can help.”
“Oh! Absolutely! There’s…” Despite his immediate enthusiasm, Tom actually had absolutely no idea where he might find art supplies.
There had been portrait artists that had come through to paint Sonja throughout the years, and they’d always paint her in the same room. There was half a chance that they had left behind some supplies, though he sincerely doubted it.
Capsize quietly sighed at his floundering. It was almost certainly a no.
“Maybe I could just use ink,” She considered out loud, slowly chopping as she thought. It wasn’t a material she particularly wanted to use, with how nervous she was and how permanent it was. But it was at the very least available in plentiful supply.
Steve looked between the two. He knew that there was an obvious answer to this issue. But he certainly didn’t actually want to actually suggest it. He tried to just stare at Tom, as if that would somehow force the candelabra to suggest it for him.
But as he looked at the two of them, he saw them both wearing the same expression. Clearly neither had any idea how to proceed. Unfortunately, it seemed that Tom was not going to remember the solution to this problem.
He bit back his frustration. It’d get him back to being a human. Anything was worth that.
“Waglington should be able to summon art supplies for you,” Steve said, it being surprisingly hard to keep his voice level.
Immediately, Tom did a double take.
“Do my ears deceive me?” He asked in mock shock.
Steve groaned, already not in the mood and regretting saying anything at all. However, no amount of groaning was going to stop Tom from milking this for every ounce of entertainment he could squeeze from it. “Did you, Steve, actually just recommend that we go and talk to Waglington?! Is the world ending?!”
“Look, you need art supplies. The bastard robe should still be able to summon simple objects if he’s got any intelligence left in him. You can light him on fire afterwards for all I care.”
“There’s the Steve I know,” Tom laughed, receiving yet another glare from him.
Capsize ended up watching as the two began to bicker. A small smile grew on her face as she continued prepping her meal. It reminded her of the days on the ship that she missed so much.
She did, as was typical of her time in the castle thus far, end up with more questions than she already had. What precisely the objects were had been on her mind more and more lately. She had begun to consider a terrible possible reality that she really didn’t wish to.
But she didn’t need to consider that right now. Later, certainly, she did want some answers eventually. But eventually was the key word.
For right now, she could just allow her questions to quiet and enjoy the moment.
🌹 🌹 🌹
When the winter solstice came, it was truly picturesque. Snowfall was light, present to make the holiday ‘feel right’ in the words of Tom but light enough that everyone was easily able to go outside. The perfect weather for the holiday if you asked Tom, and even those who didn’t ask were hearing his excited rambling regardless. All his excitement that had been building in the lead up had combined into one giant whirlwind of energy. Needless to say, he had been insufferable for most of the day.
Thankfully, he had in no way put a dampen on the holiday for anyone. After all, if there ever was a day to indulge the champion, it was today. Hence most of the castle’s residents were just smiling through it. It had been a while since they had gotten to celebrate anything, they should let him have his fun.
Meanwhile, his excitement was nothing less than infectious to Capsize. She honestly had had no idea what to expect, but she had spent the day unable to contain her joy. Even without the infectious excitement from Tom, the day felt special in a way that one hadn’t in a long time.
Red decorations had appeared throughout the castle overnight that reminded her of celebrations back on Ianerea. It was so easy to just allow herself to be taken in by the excitement and whimsy and just simply enjoy herself.
Everyone had truly gone all out. After all, it had been so long since they had had anything to celebrate, now that they did, they were going to make the most of it. They could easily justify it with the idea that’d help with breaking the curse, but they were truly just celebrating to celebrate. And that just made the atmosphere all the warmer.
Sonja had been with Capsize the entire day and had been similarly lost in the joy of the holiday. Lost in the joy of finally celebrating something again after so many years of hiding herself away from everything and everyone. Though her mounting happiness wasn’t entirely just due to the holiday. Rather, it was from watching the sheer joy that Capsize was experiencing.
The joy of someone who deserved it more than anything else. It was near magical.
The short day was, as many of their days, mostly composed of Sonja and Capsize feeding off each other’s happiness. But, of course, the day was only a small part of the winter solstice. The true celebration had started once the sun went down.
Sonja and Capsize were now sat outside staring at the fire burning before them. Capsize lent against Sonja’s arm as the two listened to Tom tell the story of the holiday. It was the one he used to tell at the town’s festival, still well practised despite how long it had been since he had told it.
He wondered who had taken over telling it in the town now that he had been forgotten. Tucker? Jordan? Or someone else entirely? He had no idea, and likely was not going to get an answer, but his mind was currently so far from such melancholic thoughts.
How couldn’t it be when he was watching Capsize smile as she lent closer to Sonja? The curse was closer to breaking than ever. He could taste it. Dianite had truly blessed this day.
“And with that flame, the champion restored the sun, finally putting an end to the endless night,” Tom finished the story, feeling truly like a champion as he told such an important story of his Lord.
While he had been quite reassured of his own position when Capsize had unknowingly confirmed that he hadn’t been replaced, he still wondered and feared that Dianite may have forgotten about him due to the curse. In this moment, though, he knew his god was watching him and just hoped he was doing him proud.
Still, he couldn’t stop now. This night was going to be perfect. He’d made sure of it. “And on this night, we light our own flames and wish on them with the hope that the great Lord Dianite will grant our prayers as he did long ago.”
Tom snuffed out one of his own candles somewhat theatrically. This was the bit he had been looking forward to the most. The tradition he had always secretly looked forward to the most. Presents were good, sure, but nothing had more potential than wishes. It helped that as Dianite’s champion, his wishes were surely the most likely to be granted.
Sonja gently nudged Capsize causing her to straighten herself up. As she did, she almost questioned if she should be asking Lord Dianite for anything, but Tom was smiling, and she decided it made sense for the god to be more generous on a day of celebration for him. Even if she didn’t follow him.
As she took a hold of her cane that had been resting beside her on the stone bench, Sonja produced two candles from her pockets. They were thick old things, the kind that she used for rituals. She had been worried at first that they’d be a particular type of candle that was meant to be used, but both Mot and Tom had assured her that the type really didn’t matter. She handed one to Capsize, the candle looking far larger in her hand than it had in her paw.
“You brought them great! Now just light your candle and make a wish,” Tom said. He himself brought his two candles that now acted as his hands together, lighting the one that he had snuffed out. As he did, he wished for the curse to finally be broken.
It was the same wish he had made every year since the curse had begun. Though every year previously, he had been wishing quietly on his own. This year, however, he wasn’t making the wish with a dull hopelessness. He could see it so close to being granted in front of him, he was just asking for a little push.
He smiled up at Capsize, beckoning her closer. “Come on, I’ll light yours.”
“Thank you,” She said quietly. Seeing that Tom was stood on a stone bench like the one she and Sonja had been sat on, she didn’t need to crouch for him to light her candle.
The flame spread from his candle to hers and a new flame began to burn. The candle suddenly felt oddly heavy in her hand, as if its purpose added weight in some way.
“Now just make a wish and leave the candle on the bench. As long as you leave it to go out naturally, the wish’ll come true,” He explained.
Capsize didn’t quite believe that anything could ever be so simple, but she’d spent the day so happy that whether the wish could really come true or not didn’t matter. What was the harm in wishing after all?
As she placed the candle on the stone, she wished with all her heart for Redbeard to be okay. She was safe here now, happy despite everything. Even if there was still some lingering sadness, it was far less than when she had been living in the town. All she wished was that her brother would know that she was okay here and move on with his own life without guilt or worry for her.
It seemed a futile thing to hope for, but she still did.
Sonja looked at Capsize, saw her expression turn serious for the first time that day. She closed her eyes and almost seemed to be praying, a tear blossoming in the corner of her eyes. The Beast reached out, placing a paw on her shoulder. Though, she didn’t dare ask the reason for the tears. Wishes were private things after all. Still, she would offer any comfort that she could provide.
Capsize leaned close to her. Sonja considered wrapping her whole arm around her but thought that felt far too much for the current situation. She just wanted to comfort her, not take advantage of her sadness.
She had no idea how long they stayed in this position. She knew it could not have been an overly long time, but it truly felt like hours before the moment was eventually broken by Tom.
“Ready for your wish, Fluffles?” He said with a softly joking tone. She chuckled, finding comfort in it. It truly felt like everything was normal.
She leaned down, Tom lighting her candle as he had lit Capsize’s.
Sonja took a breath as she thought of her wish. She had no idea if she believed that any of the gods would grant any wish that she had. But she was not wishing for herself, so perhaps they would listen just this once.
Sonja wished for Capsize’s happiness. For Capsize to have all that she wished for and more. For her to have all the answers that she desired and deserved.
Maybe it was selfish of her to not wish for the curse to be broken when it affected so many people. But here in this moment, she could not imagine wishing for anyone else but Capsize.
The two candles were placed next to each other, burning brightly. Neither knew what the other had wished for and neither wanted to know. Wishes were private things, but there was still comfort in knowing that they had not been made alone.
“Well,” Tom said, finally breaking the silence after a number of minutes. He’d done all he needed to and frankly all he could. It was time to leave the two lovebirds to their own devices and hope. “I’m gonna head inside, help anyone in there who wants to make wishes. You two should stay by the fire, enjoy the night. It’s what Dianite would want.”
He didn’t listen to their calls after him as he hopped away, not wanting to be tempted to remain. Because as much as he would like to stay, to continue with the festivities, he knew that any opportunity for the two to bond was ultimately good. Maybe the curse would even break tonight!
With that wishful thought, he entered the castle. He would end up joining Mot and Martha at a window looking out at the two by the fire. Everything had to go well.
Capsize and Sonja had no idea that they were being watched, of course. Nor did the idea so much as broach either one of their minds as they sat back on the bench. For once, Sonja felt no nerves as she sat alone with Capsize.
“Today has been wonderful. I hope the holiday has been enjoyable for you, too,” She said, unable to keep herself from smiling, especially as she watched a similar expression grow on Capsize’s features.
“Of course it’s been enjoyable!” She exclaimed. She had truly had a better time celebrating than she had at any point since she had left the ship. They had made this day beyond wonderful. “But don’t act as if it’s over. We still have the gifts for each other before it can finish.”
“How could I forget?” Sonja said with a slight laugh. The nerves were back again. She’d worked tirelessly on her gifts and though there was a sureness in her that Capsize would enjoy it, that somehow still did not calm her nerves.
Why was she so consumed by nerves whenever she worked to make Capsize happy? Even when she felt so confident, when there weren’t any voices of doubt, there were still butterflies in her stomach. It made no sense to her, none at all. However, she supposed it didn’t need to. She just needed to push past it.
Capsize, though? Capsize struggled to ignore the doubtful voices in her own head. She could do nothing but wonder if the gift she had created was good enough. However, even if she could not ignore them, she was so tired of listening to them.
“If I’m being honest, I’ve been so nervous about giving you this. I’ve… I’ve never shared this particular hobby with anyone before,” She said, her nerves clear in her voice. She took a hold of the wooden box that Tom had insisted she put her gift in and hoped that the nausea she felt was not visible on her face. Her heart was beating in her ears as Sonja took the box from her.
Sonja could feel her eyes boring into her. Not intense but she seemed utterly unable to turn away. Nerves, Sonja recognised, though they felt somewhat wrong on Capsize. After all, there was no chance that she could be disappointed by anything given to her by the woman. But still, there was nothing she could do except open the box.
What greeted her inside the box was a leather-bound book. A journal, she supposed. The sort of thing that mere weeks ago she would’ve been scared to hold for fear of tearing it apart. If she was being completely truthful, she still feared it tearing apart in her claws. But it was a gift, she couldn’t be scared to touch it.
Capsize was struggling to keep her breathing steady. Her nerves felt beyond overwhelming.
So, she carefully took it into her paws, hoping beyond hope that it would not tear. She felt Capsize’s eyes still on her. However, as Sonja opened the book, she found absolutely no reason that Capsize should’ve been nervous at all.
The gift was a sketchbook. Each page had a beautifully detailed sketch she knew must’ve had passion and soul put into. She was beyond terrified to touch the paper, knowing how easy it would be to ruin the whole thing. However, that fear was not nearly large enough to stop her desire to see every image Capsize had created.
There were sketches of things and places she recognised, different rooms in the castle, flowers in the greenhouse, statues that she knew were dotted about the grounds. The view from Capsize’s room also made an appearance, the detail beautiful and intricate.
There were sketches of the other residents of the castle too. Tom, the first to appear, sketched in a moment of pure excitement on a page with one corner lightly singed. But then the others quickly appeared too. Alyssa smiling next to Mot. Martha and Steve together. Andor and Wag had their own sketches too. Despite how none of them were themselves, they all looked so happy to be drawn by Capsize.
She was close to tearing up as she turned to the later pages, to less detailed sketches of places and things she didn’t recognise. Leaves in shapes that didn’t match any of the plants in the area, in the kingdom if Sonja remembered correctly. There were buildings in styles that she knew would not be suited to the kingdom’s climate. Though the sketches were undeniably less detailed, they were still so beautiful.
The final sketch was what was either a sunrise or sunset over an ocean. It, like every other image, was wonderful and she had to note that it was far more detailed than any of the other sketches done by memory.
Was this an image that Capsize dreamed of?
“Capsize, it’s beautiful,” She said, wanting to say so much more by finding herself breathless. She couldn’t even begin to fathom the amount of time that she had put into this book.
What she was holding was far more precious than anything she had ever held before. And it had been made for her.
“You like it?” Capsize asked, relief flooding into her bones. It was such a relief that she almost wanted to cry.
Her sketches had always been private. A small thing to keep for herself, and that she frankly feared anyone finding out about. She had had little idea if she actually had any skill.
Sure, she had shown Tom the sketch of him once she had finished it, an action that had nearly ended with the book set alight. Yet despite how overly excited he had been of the sketch, she had still found herself filled with doubt. She’d managed to convince herself that he was just excited to be drawn.
But now Sonja was smiling at her, smiling at her sketches. She couldn’t help but think how stupid she had been being, but such negative thoughts were quickly washed away by sheer relief.
“Of course I like it,” Sonja replied. She felt so honoured to be given something that felt so personal. “I didn’t even know that you were an artist.”
“I wouldn’t go that far… I just used to sketch in my free time. But I haven’t done so in a long time, and I’ve never shared my sketches with anyone before,” Capsize admitted, still a little self-conscious about it. This was a part of herself that she had always kept private, she felt vulnerable sharing it now. “…I wanted to share with you though.”
“Thank you. I… I’ll treasure this,” She truly, truly meant her words. Never had she held something with no magical properties at all that she still knew without questions was precious. That fact was just confirmed with how bright Capsize’s smile was. That beautiful smile. “I hope my present is just as meaningful to you.”
“I can’t imagine a world where it isn’t,” She said oh so quietly. Quiet enough that her words were barely audible over the flames, hidden the same that the cold hid her blush. Sonja had no idea if she even intended them to be heard, but she smiled at them, nonetheless.
And they were still more than enough to give her the confidence to produce her own box. All she wanted was to make Capsize happy. If she did that then she had succeeded in every way that mattered.
Capsize truly had no idea what to expect. To call Sonja talented would be completely underselling her abilities. So, she was sure that whatever she would be given would be truly brilliant. Somehow, none of her expectations had prepared her for what she found when she actually opened the box.
She was left utterly speechless, her breath taken completely. A ship in a bottle. No, not a ship. Her ship.
She could barely see the details with it still in the box, but she recognised it immediately. She was terrified as she picked it up, it was surely so fragile, and she was sure she was shaking. But the moment it was actually in her hands, she felt a joy that she hadn’t in years.
Inside the bottle, her ship was still sailing as waves moved through the glass. The closer she held it, the more she could hear them crash and smell the salt air.
“It’s just like I remember,” She said as she took in every last detail, unsure whether was about to laugh or sob. The very thing she had missed for so long, that infested her dreams with longing, had been recreated in her hands. A physical dream, that was what Sonja had gifted her. “How… how did you learn all the details?”
“Magic has ways of seeing things that are faraway,” Sonja said, resisting the urge to infodump every detail of the process but she knew that wasn’t what Capsize was asking about. She was looking at the ship, that was what she was asking about. Telling her the basic function of her mirror was good enough for now. “I used one of these ways to see your ship. That’s what it looks like currently.”
“What it looks like…” Capsize found herself unable to finish her sentence as she suddenly found herself looking even closer. She could see the tiny differences now. To most they would be so impossible to see on this scale, but she could see them and recognised wholly what they were. Signs of repair.
They’d repaired it.
Now she was crying.
Despite having sold the ship to Rupert, she had never been completely sure that he was going to be able to properly repair it. But he had, he absolutely had. It was still sailing.
“He repaired it. He actually… Thank you!” She looked up at Sonja, sure that she looked an absolute mess, but not caring in the slightest. Beyond just being beautiful and far more precious than anything she had ever held let alone owned before, this gift had given her knowledge. Even if it hadn't been an intentional part of the gift, it still meant far more to her than she could put into words. “I never thought I’d see it again.”
Sonja was about to reply when Capsize hugged her, holding her tight as she could. They stayed embracing for a minute, Sonja’s arms wrapping around Capsize as she cried from happiness. She may be unable to express in words how grateful she was, but she hoped she was good enough.
Every time she thought that Sonja was done surprising her, she was met by something else from her that was so bright and brilliant that made her appreciate her all the more. She was so glad to have her as a friend.
When the two did finally pull apart, reluctantly though it was, Capsize was no longer crying, her tears replaced with a smile. A smile that Sonja wished could remind forever.
If only they could remain forever in this moment. This wonderful, magical moment. The two of them sat next to a fire with their two candles still burning. With snow felt lightly around them, it looked truly like a moment from a story, the sort to be frozen forever in illustration.
But no moment remained forever. They always fleeted and turned right into the next.
“Truly Sonja, thank you so much. This is a treasure beyond anything I could have imagined,” Capsize was the one to finally break the silence. There was absolutely no way she could say anything that would amount to all her feelings. What words she could muster would just have to do. “Knowing that my ship is still sailing… it’s something I didn’t even realise I was desperate to know.”
“I’m glad it made you happy,” Sonja said. Truly her happiness was its own reward.
Though there were questions that had come from Capsize’s reaction. Questions that she was terrified of asking for fear of the answers that they may bring. Though, what good was keeping more and more lingering questions between them going to do?
“When was your ship damaged?” She asked, trying to be as delicate as possible. She obviously didn’t know much of the vessel, just what she had observed through the mirror and what Capsize had told her. She hadn’t heard of it being damaged. Though, she knew from Capsize’s surprise of it being repaired, she knew that there was only one time it could’ve been damaged.
Her true question was something far more sensitive, something she had no idea how to ask. However, she was not exactly subtle despite her attempt at being so.
Capsize grinned her cane, knuckles turning white. And Sonja’s thoughts suddenly turned to terror as she realised this may ruin all the good of the day.
“You don’t have to— I—” She completely fumbled for any way to fix this, but as she did, Capsize just raised a hand. Sonja quieted.
For a moment, she was concerned, but there was a soft smile on Capsize’s face. That gave her at least the mildest reassurance that he hadn’t ruined everything.
“You don’t need to apologise. I think we’re friends enough that you can ask me what happened to my leg,” She said, feeling far more comfortable than she ever could have imagined before telling this story.
The moment of her life that utterly changed everything in her life. The moment that she tried so hard to not think about. The moment that even if she had wanted to discuss before, she hadn’t because she knew too well the way that guilt flared in her brother if he so much as thought of it. But she didn’t want to keep it as some terrible memory that she dare not touch.
She wanted to share it with Sonja. Even if it would be hard to get the words out, she wanted to be able to share this with someone. And she felt comfortable with Sonja in a way that she had never felt with someone before. If she couldn’t share the story now, she doubted that she ever would. “It was, gods, it was closer to three years ago now. The largest storm I think I’d ever seen in my life, and we were completely stuck in the thick of it.”
As she told the story, it was almost as if she was back there on that night. She always called it a night because of how dark it was, but she knew logically that it had been something during the day. The storm had just been so thick that it had completely blotted out the sun. The only light cast at all being from their own lanterns that were barely managing to fight against the ever-worsening wing and the lightning strikes that were appearing far too frequently and at the same time as their thunderous counterparts.
It was the sort of storm that drove any close enough fleeing to ports for the best chance of safety they would have. Her crew had not been so lucky to have that option. The closest port to them was against the wind. There was no chance that they’d make it. Not a chance in hell.
So, the option they were left with was to batten down the hatches, head below deck, and just hope that they made it through to the other side. How were any of them to know that their luck had run out?
The reason though that she called it a moment was that it did truly sit in her mind as one. Everything leading up to it was all business as usual, things she had done countless times before. All that changed in one single flash of light and deafening crash.
She had whipped around, just catching the image of the strike against the mast. She didn’t know if the splintering and cracking of the old wood was actually audible over the storm. Given how no one seemed to react to it like she did, she imagined not. But even now sitting here retelling the story in safety, she could hear the wood falling apart.
She remembered seeing far too large a section begin to fall. That’s when the world froze.
In the path of the fall was Redbeard. Her brother was going to be crushed. She had to make a decision and what other decision was she ever going to make?
“I ran. Don’t think I’d ever run so fast in my life. I certainly won’t ever be sprinting that fast again,” She said with a hollow laugh.
All she had been able to think about was that she had to get him out the way. Not a single other thought had breached her mind. Especially not her own safety.
There had not been a single ounce of self-preservation as she pushed her brother out the way. The moment such thoughts had entered her mind, it was too late anyway. Her split-second decision had combined with the conditions of the storm. She’d tripped as she’d shoved him, ended up flat on the deck. Only a second left to fruitlessly panic before she was hit.
She remembered the crash and the instant panic that came with it. The worst pain that she had ever felt as she was completely pinned to the deck by the fallen wood. She knew in the minutes that she had managed to keep herself conscious that she must’ve been screaming, but she truly didn’t recall any sound she herself made.
She just remembered Red’s screams, his yells for the rest of the crew. That horrible look of self-blame on his face. However, she was not awake for very long.
“I woke up once we’d made port,” Another laugh, this one more bitter than the last. “They called it a miracle.”
From the story the crew told her, the moment she fell unconscious the storm had cleared. They had managed to make port within hours despite the damage to the ship and the wind being against them. One big miracle.
“I should’ve lost my leg really,” She admitted. The amount of damage that had been done to it, it seemed the inevitable action. Her leg had looked horrible and felt worse. She hadn’t needed the doctor to tell her that they’d assumed she’d need an amputation.
Still, that was not something she had wanted to hear being called a miracle when she felt as though her life had been ruined. “But that’s the whole story. I wasn’t going to be able to sail again for a long time, so Ianite recommended that I move to the town for a safe recovery. I sold the ship to a willing crew member and that was that.”
She fell quiet having said all she needed to. There was more that she could share she knew, but they weren’t things that she particularly felt necessary to the story.
She didn’t need to say her cane had been a final gift from her crew. She didn’t need to go over every detail of her injury. All she’d wanted was to finally get the actual story out and stop it from eating away at her. Truly what she had shared was such a weight from her chest.
Sonja, who had been doing nothing but listening the whole time, knew that she had to say something. That was without question. She had prompted the story to be told in the first place.
But what was there to say? Nothing was her first thought, she should just stay silent until Capsize spoke again. Though she knew that was a coward’s thought.
“You’re beyond selfless,” She finally said, quiet and ashamed of herself. She had already known this fact. Her first meeting with Capsize had been her giving up her own freedom for the sake of her brother. Then she’d returned to this accursed place when she could’ve escaped to a normal life to make sure that she, a monster, didn’t die in the woods.
Capsize was so utterly selfless, she had always known that to be true, but to learn that the turning point of her life was because of such an act put reality into stark perspective. Because Sonja was the complete opposite.
She couldn’t keep living with this secret.
“Are you okay?” Capsize asked, worried that she had been a little too intense in the retelling as she saw the pained expression on Sonja’s features.
Immediately the Beast shook her head, tears beginning to spill.
Capsize took a hold of one of the paws, squeezing it to try and ground her. If her story had gotten her this panicked, then she’d just need to remind her that she was okay now.
“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine here and now.”
“No, it’s not… There’s a story I need to tell you,” Sonja’s voice cracked through sobs. She could tell the story without revealing the truth of herself, but she couldn’t keep pretending to be a good person. “Please just promise me that you’ll listen to the end, no matter how terrible it sounds.”
“Of course, Sonja, I’m not going anywhere,” Sonja wished her smile could give her any comfort.
“It was a bitterly cold winter’s night.”
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shapeshiftersvt · 6 months
Cryptid Collection Spotlight: Mothman
Welcome to our first cryptid spotlight! Over the course of this week we're going to infodump about the six cryptids we chose to feature in our Cryptid Collection! We'll be posting about the lore and origins, our thoughts, experiences, and relationships with all of these cryptids, and we encourage folks to share their own!
First up is Mothman!
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👣The Cryptid Collection 🗺️Cryptid Travel Posters 🦋Mothman Binders & Sportsbras 🧵Mothman fabric designs
On November 15, 1966, two young couples were out for a joyride along the backroads around Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Around midnight, they made it to the decommissioned munitions factory the locals called The TNT Area (now the McClintic Wildlife Management Area) where they encountered the creature we now know as Mothman.
Those two couples (Linda and Roger Scarberry, and Mary and Steve Mallette) weren't the first to see it. In fact there'd been enough sightings before that of the creature lurking in the woods by The TNT Area, that it had gained a local nickname — The Bird. But their story was so detailed and harrowing that it was reported on in the local newspapers the very next day, making it the very first published sighting of the Mothman.
According to the Scarberries' and Mallettes' accounts of the incident, when they arrived at The TNT Area, the first thing they saw of the creature was its eyes, glowing red in the headlights of their car. It didn't chase them, not yet. Instead they watched it turn and disappear around the corner of the building, which gave them a better view of the rest of the creature.
All four eye witnesses — and at least one of the earlier eye witnesses — described the creature as a humanoid with wings. According to the original police reports about the November 15th incident, the Mothman was grey in color, around 6-7 feet tall, with muscular legs. The wings on its back, also grey, when fully unfurled, had a wingspan of around 10 feet. The only color on the entire creature were the circular eyes, about 2 inches wide and 6 inches apart, which glowed "a fiery red" in the car's headlights. But despite seeing its legs and eyes clearly enough to give those detailed descriptions, Linda Scarberry and Mary Mallette both reported being unable to see any arms or even a head.
When the creature disappeared around the building — wobbling as if it were unsteady on its feet — Roger Mallette, who was driving the car, floored it, heading back towards town with his passengers yelling at him to hurry. They were not home free yet, though, because they saw the creature again, perched on a hill as if waiting for them as they turned a bend in the road. As they watched, the creature spread its wings and launched straight into the air. The terrified passengers amped up their shouting for Roger to get them out of there.
As they pulled out onto a straight stretch of road, Roger was able to really open it up, speeding down the road at around 100 miles per hour. But it wasn't fast enough. The creature kept pace with the car, the passengers reporting not only being able to see it and its shadow through the rear windshield and back passenger windows, they could hear its wings flapping as it kept up to speed, could hear them brushing and scratching against the roof of the car. They weren't able to shake it off until they reached the gates of a local farmer's home, theorizing that it was the bright lights that had scared it off.
They drove the rest of the way into town, stopping near the lights of a local business to process what had just happened and figure out what to do next. Linda insisted on calling the police, but Roger and Steve were worried that the police would just laugh at them and, against both Linda and Mary's protests, decided to drive back out to the road. They only got as far as the farm before they lost their nerve and decided to turn back. But, just as Roger was turning the car back towards town, something leapt out from behind an animal carcass beside the road, climbed over the back of their car, and disappeared into the field on the other side of the road. The couples didn't know for sure if it was the Mothman or something else entirely, but it scared them enough to convince Roger and Steve to finally go to the police.
After telling their story and insisting that they hadn't been drinking that night, a policeman and another local, Gary, who'd placed the call for them from a drive-in diner, decided to follow them back up the road to The TNT Area to look for the creature again. The couples saw it first, walking in a pasture as they crested a hill. It flew into the air directly towards them, but veered off and disappeared when it was hit by the headlights of Gary's car coming up over the hill. They drove up and down road for a bit, but didn't see it again and the whole caravan headed back towards town where they met up with Deputy Sheriff Millard Halstead.
The Deputy Sheriff drove back up to The TNT Area with the couples and Gary once more. The drive, this time, was uneventful, and once they'd parked, Halstead turned on the spotlight on his car to search the tree line. While Roger only reported seeing seeing some "dust or smoke" coming from the nearby coalyard, both Linda and Mary reported more. Strange shadows on the building, an odd noise like the squeaking of a mouse "only a lot stronger", and eventually the eyes. Linda and Mary both recalled telling Halstead that they could see the eyes and that he then turned his spotlight directly on them without even asking them to point them out, implying that he could see the eyes too.
They didn't say what happened after the Deputy Sheriff turned his light on the eyes, but after sitting out there for about 15-20 minutes with no other major incident, the group piled back into their respective cars, drove back into town, and went their separate ways. Too scared to be alone after the experience, the Mallettes stayed that night at the Scarberries' home, though none of them were able to fall asleep.
The next day, the couples were interviewed by the local paper, who sent a reporter to go back out to The TNT Area with them, where they saw the creature again. A few days later three of the four witnesses gave their official police report describing the creature and the incident in detail. They also went into some detail about the harassment and mocking they'd been experiencing in the days since the encounter. Accusations of excessive drinking were common; Linda and Mary both complained about not being able to go out in public without hearing people laughing at them; speculations about what they "really" saw out in the woods were plentiful and insistent that the couples simply couldn't have seen what they knew they'd seen; Linda even described a local minister making light of their experience.
But even as the Scarberries and Mallettes were being ostracized by many of their neighbors, the sightings continued. The two couples have, over the years, individually reported seeing Mothman again several times. Linda, in particular, has claimed that Mothman was an occasional visitor to the Scarberry home's roof. Of course after the newspaper article about their encounter was published, not only did previous reports start coming to light, more people made pilgrimages to The TNT Area either seeking out their own encounter or trying to prove one of the many debunking theories people have posed. With so many people visiting the site, it was inevitable that the reports of encounters with Mothman would only continue.
Since that Fall night in 1966, speculation about who, what, and why Mothman is have spread through both the believers and nonbelievers. The most common theories among the debunkers are that Mothman is simply a bird. Some speculate that it's an owl. The Huntington Herald-Dispatch reported a mere four days after the incident that West Virginia University professor, Dr. Robert L. Smith, was certain that Mothman was just a sandhill crane that had taken a detour during its normal migration (though he admitted that not all the details fit the crane, nor was he aware of any confirmed sightings in the area around that time, even though the occasional sandhill crane had been spotted in the area before).
On the other side of the speculation, some folks believe that Mothman is some kind of demon. Others believe it's simply a creature we previously didn't know existed. Still others have chosen to believe that Mothman is not only not an evil or malicious entity, but that it came to Point Pleasant, WV to help.
On December 15, 1967, Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge collapsed into the Ohio River under the weight of heavy rush hour traffic. It was, at the time, the worst bridge accident in American history, thrusting Point Pleasant into a national spotlight and triggering a rehaul in regulations for both the inspection of existing bridges, and the building of new ones.
The fact that the tragedy happened exactly thirteen months to the day after the Scarberry and Mallette sighting; the fact that, leading up to the collapse, many locals reported having nightmares about an upcoming disaster, some even specifically seeing people drowning in the Ohio River; the fact that reported sightings of Mothman suddenly dropped off immediately following the disaster, have led some to believe that the Mothman was simply there to try to warn the people of Point Pleasant about the upcoming tragedy.
This theory, popularized by the 2002 Richard Gere film, The Mothman Prophecies, was proposed originally by writer, journalist, and ufologist, John Keel in his book of the same name that loosely inspired the 2002 film.
It's hard to fully grasp Mothman's influence on the greater US culture. While it doesn't have the mainstream name recognition that Bigfoot or Nessie do, it's impossible to deny that it's become more well-known outside of its territory than almost any other regional cryptid. The 2002 film, largely met with a resounding "meh" by audiences and critics alike, may have been Mothman's most mainstream appearance besides also been name-dropped in the hugely popular '90s series, The X-Files. But where Mothman really finds popularity is in lesser known, more niche media with passionate fans — original comics, video games, prematurely canceled genre sitcoms, made-for-TV movies, and actual play TTRPG podcasts.
There's no mistaking that Mothman has become a symbol, icon, and darling of weirdos, queerdos, nerds, geeks, and freaks. The folks who know that there's more to life than just accepting the world as society presents it to you.
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fountainpenguin · 23 days
Everyone wish "Happy birthday" to the most specialist boy in the world!! SnifferMyFeet is 1 year old! 🎂
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A face many beyond his mother do love!!
Ah, it feels like only yesterday I critically injured Joel in a 'fic chapter and left him in desperate need of grafts from someone with similar biology, not knowing where I'd go from there... and then I woke a few hours later to find THIS GUY dropped in our laps?? sdlkfj, that will never happen to me again... Sniff, my beloved brain-chemistry-altering deus ex machina...
Anyway, I have a multi-chapter 'fic about Sniff being oh so very baby... So baby, in fact, that he's a newborn hybrid who refuses to nurse from his mother dragon. Huh... What's up with that?
Well, never fear! The Fox Dragon and her hybrid son Rhetoric are on the case! Rhetoric's raised hundreds of foxes... Feeding one little endermite should be a breeze!
- Collector's Fee -
🚥 Pixels Imperfect AU
It was only a matter of time before Grian’s off-color soul attracted the wrong attention in the server hub. The thing about foxes is… they like to take. And the Fox Dragon is no exception. Meanwhile, a nurse plots to kidnap a baby. AKA - Grian gets locked in a museum with newborn SnifferMyFeet. Etho and Joel plot to rescue him.
Chapter 1 - Mama Ender - 5,200 words
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💛 T - Ongoing multichapter
💚 More MCYT 'Fics
This story takes place in the Between dimension, where server hubs lie. It kicks off with a focus on OCs (and SnifferMyFeet), with Etho, Grian, and Joel on deck to show up soon. Enjoy!
“Why aren't you also wishing PiglinMyNose a happy birthday?” -> He's Joel's cam account (LazyBeans26) who changed names; Sniff was new :) Born...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
💙  🧡  💚
There's really something to be said about flying west on your mother's back, the sun arcing behind you like a phoenix from the dust. Everything's fuzzy in the early light. Morning's reach casts a great, winged shadow over permafrost and pebbles. Endermen scatter, poofing in zigzags. Ohhh, yes… Rhetoric latches his fingers more tightly in his mother's white and ginger neck fur. His tail streams behind in the wind, flapping like the edges of his open jacket. What a rush. It fights against him, threatening to rip him from the dragon like a picked-off scab.
Look at it all. A rosy pink, purple, and orange glow seeps across the hills. Blue shadows paint their undersides in lumpy triangles hundreds of blocks high, like they were painted with a brush too big for precision. The dropped brush itself could've created this waterless valley. Stray goats and wraiths flicker into view with every hill they pass. They dot the sagebrush and glacier chunks… or what's left of them these days. Slithering monsters with rattly bones and three great necks roam these lands now. Rhetoric can't see them even from the air, but the black roses below wave in the whistling breeze.
They're fresh. Someone would've plucked them up for dye.
The flowers stain the ground in rows like memorial stones. Sculk seeps from a deep scour in the earth just beyond them. Some hybrid in a midnight blue hoodie fights the good fight below, striking with a stone hoe. It's a slow and sticky process; the sculk clings in goopy lines like saliva in a yawn. Yikes. Write home and tell me how that turns out for you.
Charlotte beats her wings and flies beyond it. Rhetoric blinks. Her shadow skims the dry valley below. One by one, flowers slip out of render distance behind them.
The Ender Dragon lurks underground, deep within the cave city of Lower Evernight. Charlotte circles the hill twice, then swoops straight towards the sagebrush and ice. Rhetoric clings to her neck like a bur, arms and legs clamped like honey. The ground blocks blur together, then vaporize in a sweep of smoke. Fox Dragon and hybrid rider drop into the depths of the cave. With a twitch of Mother's claws, her world edit commands repair the gash. Rhetoric shifts, peering past her wispy fur as Charlotte glides across the underground city like a fluffy kite.
This isn't his first time visiting the City of Ever-Shifting Blocks. Granted, it… might be his second. But the cave's no less breathtaking than he remembers, and that's saying a lot for a guy immune to drowning. Endflame lanterns gleam far below, lighting the darkness with pricks of purple. Everything's arranged in a circle like a giant chocolate chip cookie. It'd take all 98 of the Between dimension's dragons to devour one of those, and he snorts at the thought. His mother's mane ripples against his cheek and he nestles tighter to her fur.
It's easier, traveling with a dragon in a place like this. The aboveground world's in anarchy and a city filled with enderman never keeps its streets and signposts for long. Everybody wants pretty things. The easiest way to keep things involves taking them when you see them around. In a way, it's no surprise Jean and Charlotte are thick as, well…
(He chuckles at his own joke.)
Jean's nursing cave lies tucked away, high on the underground city's wall, where her children can reach her if they need to, but will probably think twice before making the effort. Beyond triplet endflame lanterns (one to either side of the door, one above) and a small viewing platform encased in a fence, it lacks decoration. Only on the outside, though… What professional thief openly displays her goods in a city of pickpockets? Hm. Rhetoric's last trip to Evernight ended on that viewing platform. Will Jean step out again this time?
Or are we going in? The ever-present itch - the need - to go deeper coils in the backs of his hands.
With a few swishes and swoops, Charlotte lands like a perching parrot in front of the iron door that divides it. She folds in her wings, almost knocking Rhetoric straight off. Not today. Her form blurs, melting in size and color, until she's standing like a hybrid with a swishing ginger tail. And from there, she slides Rhetoric from her arm to the ground. Charlotte wore her fox-eared hoodie and baggy pocket-covered pants for this trip. Out of place? Undignified? Below her status? Perhaps… but Rhetoric can't blame her. Showing up at her mother's door in her usual treasure hunter's garb probably wouldn't go over well. At least this way, she's inconspicuous in a crowd. Only the five glowing dots pulsing on the underside of her left wrist would give her away.
Rhetoric unbuckles the saddle still hanging from her back. Since he has no inventory space himself (Born without it; long story), he goes to set it on the ground… then stops. He glances over the rail at at the violet lights of the city far below. Hmm…
The thing about Evernight is, not only are there thieves lurking here, and not only can they see in the dark, but endermen and endermites alike can teleport. They could be watching him as they speak. And there's a drop straight to the Void down there somewhere. Endermen and endermites can swim in the Void. Fox hybrids can't. He tucks the saddle under his arm instead.
Charlotte keeps her ear pressed to cold iron. "I don't hear babies," she reports. "Let's give this a shot."
"I'll be ready to grab."
Charlotte presses the button beside the door. It pops open, whacking her arm, and they both jump back. No babies scramble for freedom from the nursing cave, but the small hall between them and the next door is filled with water. Clever… Baby enderman probably make one attempt to escape and never again.
They wade over, taking careful steps in their boots. This iron door, though, must have its button on the other side. To be polite, Charlotte takes the stick from the wall and knocks, introducing herself with a call… but the grunt they get in response is as much of a "Let yourself in," as you'll ever get. Fair enough. With a wave of her hand, Charlotte dissolves the neighboring blocks with world edit, then steps around the door in the place they used to stand. Rhetoric follows with the saddle, ducking out just before the blocks rematerialize behind him.
Oh. Hels. Yes. Now, this is the treasure-filled cavern he'd envisioned on his last visit, lying awake in the embassy kicking and squirming, unable to lie still unless his eyes and fingers could caress secret ores and gems. "Kick me, Mother, for I am dreaming," he mutters.
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
So I wrote a little something about the RWRB movie, particularly the erasure or diminishing of some other queer characters’ (not Alex or Henry’s) identities. I’m cutting it so you don’t have to read it, but of course you can if you would like to. Not going to tag it for now, just for peace of mind.
So overall, there were parts of the movie I found charming and enjoyable, and I think things really picked up in the second half. I did find the whole thing kind of uneven on a writing level. I know changes have to be made and things have to be cut when you go from a novel to a two-hour movie, and I sort of like looking at how the adaptation process works. After a second watch I can probably pin down some of the writing issues and appreciate what did work. I don’t know if I will or won’t post about it.
Really, right now, the thing on my heart that I want to discuss, is the representation issue.
I actually think they did a good job representing Alex and Henry’s relationship mlm onscreen, once it got going. The tender moments were tender, the spicy moments were spicy. You didn’t get actors looking at one another like “oh god I have to be in love with a man now” and we didn’t cut away from the intimacy scenes like we were ashamed of them.
But—sigh. The way they cut or diminished every other queer character in the story. Obviously I knew Luna and Liam had been cut out, so I was ready to adjust my expectations there. I’m glad Amy was played by a trans actress, although I also wish we like… knew Amy was trans and sapphic? Maybe there was a line about Amy’s wife that I missed, but I don’t remember one. 
My biggest feelings of frustration, though, is how they handled Nora, who is very much bisexual and Jewish and a statistical analysis nerd. I get combining Nora and June to streamline things for the movie, but I do not understand why you wouldn’t make Nora bi? You can keep roughly the same number of scenes with her and Alex, and just rewrite their interactions to sound like two queer friends talking instead of a protagonist and his Black Best Friend archetype the protagonist says things to because he needs to say his internal monologue externally. Rachel Hilson did bring great energy to the role, so I liked seeing her onscreen. I just wish the script gave her more to work with and didn’t erase her bisexuality. Like there’s a certain audacity to the script saying that the B in LGBTQ isn’t silent (an important line to have!) when the film is either very much silent about a key character’s bisexuality or has written it out completely.
(Although, the part where Nora was obviously playing a drinking game over political debates? Loved that, excellent example of DC behavior right there, I did cheer at that scene. I am 100% serious.)
Also. There’s just… something. About implying that the gay Mexican journalist character was the one who leaked the emails, instead of the Republican Party. There’s something about writing that storyline in an America where gay people, Mexicans, and ~the media~ are regularly demonized. At a time when the actual Republican Party IRL is literally out here trying to do a genocide on trans people, and Florida’s Don’t Say Gay ban is on the books, and everything. I get that Prime was probably trying not to piss off the actual GOP and draw their ire, but like, conservatives are not going to watch this or like this anyway? I get changing the antagonists, maybe, but maybe we need to go in another direction with that. Hm.
One more thought, as far as overall vibe. Washington DC is statistically the city in America with the highest LGBTQIA+ population. Queer rights are visible in our city’s culture—maybe in a nerdier way than some of the more “hip” US cities but it’s still there if you know where to look. The West Wing/federal government are a bit removed from DC’s broader culture, depending on the administration, but Ellen Claremont is a liberal Democrat with a diverse staff, so she’s more likely to have an open relationship to DC’s queer culture than say, a conservative Republican president. So… idk. Let Alex move through scenes that reflect this culture, is what I’m saying.
Tl;dr I think the RWRB movie worked as a gay romcom in the Netflix Christmas movie sense. It reflected an mlm relationship and did it well enough. At the same time, Casey McQuiston writes books about queer community, which has always been one of the reasons I gravitate toward their work and come back to it. I feel like this movie chose queer individualism over queer community, and that makes me sad. It especially makes me sad in a time where we’re getting tons of mlm-themed things released but every other aspect of LGBTQIA+ identity has been ignored or diminished.
For comparison, RWRB is about the length of half a season of Heartstopper, and even half a season of Heartstopper depicts a range of LGBTQIA+ identities and knows how to write queer community, even when centering the story on a main mlm relationship. And yes, Heartstopper is different, different things need to be considered and so on. I do think the People Who Make Heartstopper looked at what the comic said, went “oh, one of the things this comic is about is about is queer community” and created a show that reflected that, even if they couldn’t adapt everything from the comic. I wish the People Who Make RWRB had looked at Casey’s book and done the same.
I hope we can simultaneously hold the competing truths that like, 1. it’s okay if the RWRB movie isn’t groundbreaking art, because some LGBTQIA+ movies are just allowed to be mid romcoms, but also 2. it didn’t do right by the queer community themes in the book, and it erased the queer women especially, and this feels like part of a larger pattern when so many mlm releases are happening all at once.
Anyway I’m done, for now. More thoughts later? I mean who knows.
Who’s looking forward to Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe?
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scienter · 22 days
Hi scientier, Hope you're doing well.
I have a question. Between Caroline and Stefan,Caroline was always more upfront with her feelings and thoughts simply by virtue of being a more vocal person.She was also someone who put her foot in her mouth and say things which could hurt others not necessarily because she meant it,not always at least,but because that's how she was.Specifically when it came to Stefan though,ever since Stefan found out about her feelings for him,she always either referred to them in the past or she wouldn't directly confess she "loves" him in the present.In 6×14,she said ' I never really hated you'.In 7×01,while it apparently seemed she was giving up control,she technically didn't.Not completely.She said Stefan made her happy at a time when her mom was dead,best friend was gone and the whole town was destroyed.She retained it rather.She didn't say she was ready.She kissed him saying "I just need to...".When she said I love you to Stefan in 7×08,she didn't say it in response to his.She said it after his assurance not to leave her.But when it came to walking away,building a whole new life or cutting stefan out quite easily,especially in life & death situations,Caroline was consistently capable of doing it without ever looking back.That's how Stefan always perceived Caroline simply by virture of how he knew,understood or even respected her boundaries.
The writers,however,always manipulated the viewers into thinking(seeing through caroline's eyes)it was Stefan who wanted to leave Caroline.He was the one who wasn't really interested in her and was guilted into confessing his feelings for her.They would hide or obfuscate his feelings or they would use million plot devices like revolving door of ex-s & Defan to add meaningless drama.In the process,they either created atrocious plots like the surrogacy that violated caroline's autonomy in all respect or they would bait the kc fandom.
IMO this is a very poorly written miscommunication trope that was deliberately used to 1.evade telling story about stefan & caroline together 2.delay the inevitable i.e their getting together, purely for angst 3.to deceive the viewers into arriving at false conclusions,mainly about Stefan's motivations.
Why do you think the writers chose this frustrating path for stefan and caroline?
Hi, anon! Here’s what I think:
#1 –Delay the inevitable to create more angst.
Some writers believe in the “keep the audience wanting more” theory. It’s the idea that happy/healthy romances are boring and viewers are more invested when the characters are pining for each other. I’ve seen this on so many shows (e.g., TVD, Gilmore Girls, The X Files, The West Wing, etc). I think this bullshit though. There are so many well-written shows featuring a happy and functioning romantic relationship (e.g., Monica & Chandler on Friends, Tami and Eric on Friday Night Lights, Elizabeth and Phillip on The Americans). Delaying the inevitable to create more angst is unnecessary and uninteresting. It’s worn-out trope.
# 2 – Season 7 was hastily written to incorporate Candice’s pregnancy.
The showrunners didn’t know wtf to do when Candice told them she was pregnant. They tried incorporating her pregnancy into the show even though vampires can’t get pregnant and they had to create an explanation for her missing a few episodes. This resulted in inconsistent character motivations, stagnant character development, and random relationships like Caroline & Ric.  This was avoidable. The Friends writers were able to create a believable and touching surrogacy story for Phoebe Buffy without fucking up their characters and storylines. And the writers for The Office and The X-Files came up with interesting workarounds when a member of their cast got pregnant. The TVD writers weren’t able to do the same.
#3 – Lack of creativity.
The writers ran out of ideas during the later seasons as evidenced by the formulaic plots and repeating elements. I talked about this in my Similarly Suspicious Substitutes meta. In short, the writers recycled The Villainous Family and Stefan’s Villainous Ex-girlfriend plots.  
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thebreakfastgenie · 9 months
5 (pleaseee 👁️👁️) 12, 16!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
The time loop WIP. It is getting done this year I just don't know exactly when. I'm working on it every day and it's totally outlined, but it may take a while to write. Right now I'm totally into that one so I'm not planning to finish anything else first but I do have several smaller WIPs around so who knows.
I almost said no to a snippet... I'm at a certain point with this fic that I don't want to share too much (unless you are a friend I come crying to with my writing woes) but I think I can share a short bit of dialogue from early on:
“Maybe I have yellow fever,” Hawkeye mutters, scratching his new bite. “All because someone didn’t fix the mosquito netting like he was supposed to.”  “I did!” BJ defends.  “Well, you didn’t do a very good job,” Hawkeye accuses. “One of those little bloodsuckers got me this morning.”  “Sorry,” BJ has the decency to sound halfway contrite, but Hawkeye isn’t satisfied.  “You’ll be sorrier when I’m dead,” he sulks. He rubs at his eyes. “I'm not sure I’m not dead already.” 
I wrote this part back in June after I went to Maine and got a mosquito bite on the first day.
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I hope so! I am considering writing out of order... I've tried it in the past and it hasn't worked well for me, but for this story... I'm not sure. I might try it.
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
I do!!! It's a West Wing fic called Don't Be a Hero and I wrote most of it during my psychology class in undergrad on notebook paper (it was a really boring class. one time I looked up from my fic because I heard Alan Alda's voice in a video we were watching.). I typed it up a while ago, but in the process I realized I write better now so I'm rewriting it and writing the ending. I hope this is the year! I need to finish the time loop fic first.
And that MASH fic about Sidney bringing Hawkeye the DSM-III..... maybe this will be the year it's so close.
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