#the whole bleach cast really
junebright0 · 7 months
Kuchiki Byakuya
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Damn this man is something. He's so pretty. Also, comparing my Byakuya drawing from back then to currently. I didn't have my old colour style tho 🫠 oh well ~
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obssessivethorn · 17 days
More Yuu Headcanons
Here are some more TWST headcanons of our favorite little shrimpy prefect that I pulled from the depths of my mind which needed to be freed. This mainly builds off of my first Yuu hc, so take a look at that if you'd like!
[Yuu Makes Constant References No One Else Gets]
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Yuu humming/singing Two of Hearts if they’re in a relationship w/ Ace or just hanging out with him as a friend
Yuu refers to the cast as handsome as a casual fact and is surprised when most of them are confused/surprised/flustered by this 
“What? The guys in this school are handsome. That’s kinda just a fact.” 
Yuu being nostalgic on their Birthday 
Deuce: “I bet your family’s celebrating your birthday even if you’re not there.”
Yuu: (hopeful) “yeah. Or, who knows, this could be a whole Narnia situation and no time has passed there at all.”
Ace: “Narnia?”
Yuu: (somber) “oh, just some popular story back home. Maybe I’ll tell you guys some time.”
Ace and Deuce always wanting to hear about stories from Yuu’s home world but being too scared that it will make them sad 
Fem!Yuu being really excited to meet Deuce’s mom because they’ve been surrounded by  only guys at an all boys school for months 
Bonus: Dylla absolutely adores fem!Yuu and is more than willing to help fashion some more feminine clothing for Yuu if they ever wanted.
Bonus +1: fem!Yuu wanting to meet the cast’s moms and sisters whenever the boys mention them.
Bonus +2: All the boys’ families just accepting Yuu as their child regardless of whether they’ve met or not simply because of how often the boys talk about them 
Yuu getting really giddy and excited when they’re able to travel to a new place in twisted wonderland other than Sage’s Island (i.e. cast’s hometowns, etc.)
Yuu asking Crewel for help whenever/if they want to dye their hair 
Based on a voiceline, Crewel canonically bleaches half his hair white and maintains that to keep with his style (the dedication of that man is inspiring)
The moment Yuu realizes they’ve fallen too far down the rabbit hole and are now attached to everyone in twisted wonderland, meaning their leaving will hurt more and more with each passing day. 
The feeling of being incredibly torn between their previous life they were forced to abandon, years of work they had put in to reach the goals they wanted to accomplish, and the new friends, experiences, and opportunities before them in this new world. So they push the feeling down further with each day. Force themself to ignore the inevitable. 
They don’t want to think about the idea of who will take care of Grim when they’re gone? Or how Ace will get his assignments done if they’re not there to force him to do it. Or or who will calm deuce down enough before he gets into a fight and ruins his goal of being a perfect honor student? 
Who will be there if someone else overblots?
This one I kinda stole from Private Thoughts of a Moray Eel by @mochinomnoms, but I love the idea of Yuu, Ace, and Deuce being so close and completely comfortable with each other. I mean, they’ve gone through literal life or death situations together from the start, so it makes sense that they would be closer than most. 
But not just the closeness we see in game with them being a main friend group who always hangs out. But close physically, in the sense that there are few boundaries left between the three. 
For a few examples, I like the idea that the three will commonly be seen cuddling together or leaning on one another when they’re lounging in the courtyard or around Heartslabyul/Ramshackle. 
Ace often times has his arm around the shoulders of Yuu or Deuce. Sometimes leaning in to whisper something stupid or gossipy in their ear. 
Yuu has taken to giving the Adeuce duo kisses on their foreheads and cheeks as thanks or as a goodbye when they head back to Ramshackle with Grim. 
Deuce grew a habit of holding Yuu or Ace’s hand when he gets ticked off by some oaf he wants to punch. The two will respond by giving his hand a squeeze or rubbing a comforting thumb across the back of his hand. It’s a silent thing, no one outright acknowledges it, because it’s become such a common practice for the three. 
Another habit Deuce has developed is that he’ll face-plant directly into the lap of whoever is sitting down after a long day. The first time he did it, it was Yuu’s lap and it spooked them so much they accidentally threw their phone at Ace’s face. Deuce felt horrible after that, but after some reassurance, he started doing it more often. Albet, making sure the landing was softer than the first time. 
In response to Deuce planting his face on their thighs, Ace and Yuu both took to immediately playing with his hair and massaging his scalp with their free hand. 
Yuu’s way of asking for comfort when they're stressed or scared (which they will always refuse to admit, they swear, they just need them as a human shield! It’s just for defense!) is by hugging one of the two around their torso and ducking their head into the crook of their neck to hide their face. Most times, the hug from the back so whoever they’re hugging can’t see what they’re feeling. But they of course still love hugging from the front because the two will always respond by immediately wrapping their arms around Yuu and rubbing their back. 
Because of this slightly abnormal friendship, (I failed to describe the abnormal part here but I can always write more) there have of course been some rumors started about them being in a romantic relationship. Are they polygamous? Are Ace and Deuce fighting over Yuu in an epic and dramatic love triangle? Is Yuu playing both of the boys? Are there hidden feelings between the three they all refuse to talk about? 
While most of the school and some of their friends wonder this, the trio completely ignores it. As if the rumors don’t exist at all. When asked about their relationship or if anything being said is true, all three of them look at each other, shrug, and say completely different things. 
Jack: So, are you guys in a relationship?  Epel: Yeah, you’re all awfully close for just friends.  Sebek: Please, the details of their relationship have nothing to do with us! But if you three are romantically involved in a relationship with each other then I will support you entirely as long as it does not affect my lord.  Ortho: Well, let’s hear them out first, are you three dating each other?  Ace, Deuce, and Yuu: *tangled in a cuddle pile on Ramshackle’s couch with Grim asleep on the arm of the couch next to them* [simultaneously] Ace: Maybe. Deuce: No? why? Yuu: Only on Tuesdays. 
The main part taken from Private Thoughts of a Moray Eel is the idea where Ace and Yuu visit Deuce’s home one summer and Deuce’s mom Dylla immediately believes the three are an adorable couple. 
Regardless of whether they are, aren’t, or are secretly pining, Dylla would decide in that moment that she had two new children she would die for. (Whether through adoption or as an in-law, should secretly hopes she can have Yuu as her child) 
AdeuceYuu is probably my favorite ship in all of Twst but this concept of them being physically affectionate and comfortable with each other transcends simply being a romantic headcanon and something I personally believe to be true as platonic and any other relationship dynamic you can imagine. Because let’s be honest, all three of them need comfort from others after going through so many overblots. And who better to comfort you than the ones who stood beside you through most of those experiences.  
Yuu being seen by the cast as a very passive and soft-spoken individual who couldn’t hurt a fly even if they tried. Only, the projected image of the protag they’ve come to accept is shattered when they witness Yuu tearing a random student a new one after said student had pushed them over the edge after a very stressful day. (Separate HC post for that concept coming soon) 
Yuu, who stood against beasts, overblots, and literal titans and gods, being too scared to ask for extra ketchup in Mostro Lounge. 
Additionally, Yuu who lives with a direbeast, being afraid of squirrels (don’t ask me why, this just feels correct, so we’re going with it)
The first idea that got me to start writing twst headcanons: Yuu having a very different way of speaking in Twisted Wonderland than they do back home. Because many of the references and slang they typically use in everyday speech doesn’t make sense to anyone but them in TW, they talk less and have a very plain way of speaking compared to most people their age. Here’s how I imagine this specific scenario goes:
When hanging out with Adeuce and Grim one day, Ace brings up (jokingly) how boring the prefect sounds when speaking. 
Yuu makes a comment about how they speak very differently from how they do back home.
This piques Ace and Deuce’s interest. 
While Deuce is more reluctant to ask, Ace begins asking questions and hounding Yuu for examples and for them to say things in ways they normally would. Deuce and Grim eventually join in on the barrage of questions. 
Finally, and a little hesitantly, Yuu decided to give them one day where they talk in the way they normally would back home. 
In this case, that means a lot of references, stupid internet jokes, and generational slang.
While the majority of it goes over the heads of Yuu’s friends, prompting more questions than it does answer, it’s still a day in which they see a whole new side of Yuu. One that’s evidently more relaxed and natural for the beloved prefect. 
It’s a confusing day for most, listening to Yuu speak as if they’ve lost their mind and started spewing nonsense, but it also became one of the highlights of the school year for the cast.
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I have plenty more headcanons i can rip from the crevices of my mind, so if you would like to see more let me know! I love thinking of these silly little moments and dynamics and overall making the main character feel a little more real and personal for myself and hopefully others.
@thisisafish123 (you asked to be tagged for a part 2, not exactly sure if this counts for you but I hope you enjoy!)
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educatedsimps · 13 days
hello!!! I love your fics! Can I request a kenma x reader? where he does things he hates but still does it for the reader because the reader loves it? eg: getting wet in the rain etc? thank you if do!!
≪ back to fics masterlist
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kozume kenma x reader
a/n: HI ANONNN i'm so glad you like our stuff! and ofc bae :) yes kenma would 100% do stuff he doesn’t like just for his partner because they love it.
cw: not exactly the usual type of fic with a storyline, it's kind of like headcanons? mostly? but written headcanons? i think ????? idk man. anyway it's all fluff and kenma being ridiculously in love with you :)
wc: 1.7k
fic below!
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the following is based on true events: lyssa: *sends yves a screenshot of the request* look there's another kenma req! yves: he's a literal cat lyssa: yeah! wait but that's not the point of the- yves: hold on i have a tweet for this lyssa: LMAO ofc u do
okay, on to the real stuff!
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"Kenmaaaaa, let's go (insert activity of choice)!"
"...do we have to?"
"Yes! It'll be fun, I promise!"
"...are you sure?"
"Yes, come on!"
"...you really wanna?"
"Yes! And I promise to spend a whole day gaming with you. We can play literally any game you want. Now, can we go? Pleaseeee?"
Sigh. "Alright."
This was the usual conversation between the two of you whenever you wanted to do something Kenma didn't necessarily enjoy. In other words, you’d bribe him with a full day of gaming together.
You knew he'd much rather stay in any day of the week instead of go out and engage in such uncomfortable, sweaty and outdoor (derogatory) activities. Anyone who even remotely knew him would know that. However, you genuinely thought that doing more physical activities together would be good for the both of you.
Hence your increasingly frequent pleas for him to join you in doing said activities.
The first time you asked him out on such a date, it was to go swimming together. He looked at you with a blank expression, but you could read his thoughts exactly. "Do you even like me? Do you even know me?" was what he seemed to be saying. With his eyes, at least.
To be honest, most of his reasons for not wanting to go swimming were pretty valid. Why would he wanna get soaked just to take another shower after that? Why would he go swimming when there are gonna be people around to witness him flap around in the water? And his hair is already bleached, so why would he want to ruin it further by going into a pool practically loaded with chlorine? Out of everything, chlorine had to be the bacteria killer? Why couldn't it have been something nicer, like chocolate or something?!
Fair enough, you thought. But by the time the two of you were out of the pool that day (you don't even remember if you just played in the water or if you actually swam laps together), the sun was literally shining down on him, yet his smile seemed brighter than the sun itself. You weren't sure exactly what about swimming had made him smile like that the first time, but since then, every time you suggested going swimming together, you'd remind him how much fun he had the last time and he'd be less opposed to the idea.
Even though he'd probably never admit it to you, he actually enjoyed going swimming with you that first time because of you. The way you laughed and the way you seemed so comfortable in the water honestly captivated him. Then he started to notice how the sun reflected off the water and onto your skin, casting a golden glow around you.
So damn pretty, he remembered thinking to himself.
Soon, you started going swimming at night - to not "die of UV rays", in his words - and the way the moonlight reflected off your skin was simply ethereal. He couldn't have used any other word to describe you in that state. You reminded him of a siren, and if real sirens were even half as beautiful as you, he’d understand why those pirates and sailors were so easily lured out to sea.
Even if you couldn't swim swim, you still looked so content in the water that slowly, he couldn't say no to going swimming with you anymore.
The next kind of activity you asked him to do together was to go to the beach. And of course, you were met with the usual resistance at first. The way his face lightened when you said "swimming" then pinched together when you said "at the beach" told you exactly what he was thinking.
Ew. Sand. Everywhere.
Honestly? Valid. Sand gets everywhere - and I mean everywhere. The sand gets scorching hot in the daytime so why would anyone wanna go there? To get sand up your ass? To burn your feet off?? Like, can't you just do that over the kitchen stove or something?
That was until you were spending the day together at the beach, building sandcastles and sunbathing and just hanging out by the water. You could never forget how relaxed he looked by the end of it.
Sure, there were tons of other people at the beach that day, but he completely forgot about that when he was with you. You just did that somehow - make him feel like it was just the two of you even in a crowded room.
"It's not that bad, right, Kenma?"
It's "not that bad" only because of you but I'm not admitting that, is what he was thinking.
This process continued with several more activities - cycling, hiking, even going to the gym.
When you asked him to go cycling together, his face told you, "What makes you think I'd enjoy cycling when there isn't even water to help me cool off this time? And what if I lose balance and fall?"
When you asked him to go hiking together, his expression screamed, "There aren't even gonna be wheels this time, are you kidding me? My legs are gonna give out. You're gonna have to haul me back home by yourself and it's not gonna be my problem."
And when you asked to go to the gym together, he muttered, "Kuroo and Yamamoto are rubbing off on you."
Despite these complaints, Kenma always came home looking more refreshed than ever. Even though he still didn’t love those sports, he didn’t hate them either, thanks to you. But that wasn't the point.
To him, the point was just seeing you do what made you happy. And as much as he hated getting all sweaty and sore and tired, he absolutely loved watching you go about the activities you had planned. Sure, you were just as sweaty and sore and tired as he was, but he didn't care. He honestly just cared that you were happy, and he knew then that he would do anything just to make you smile like that for the rest of your lives.
As for non-physical activities, if you love doing things like going to the museum, painting, gardening, yoga or meditation, board games, photography, he'd definitely be less resistant even though he doesn't particularly love those activities, and of course he'd just enjoy spending that time with you. Honestly, he's just glad you didn't pick something physically draining this time.
One time, you dragged him away from his video game and out of his bedroom to go play in the rain together. When you told him you wanted to go out into the rain, he had half a mind to drag you back into the house and lock you in the bedroom with him. But he was also kinda curious as to what you could possibly find so exciting in the middle of a rainstorm, so he followed you outside with just his hoodie, sweatpants and house slippers.
As raindrops pelted against his skin and clothes, he looked up to see you standing in front of him with your arms held out to the side and your head tilted slightly upward.
It was cool and rainy night, and Kenma would typically be in the comfort of his bed or gaming chair, safely sheltered from the rain. Why the hell would you wanna go out in the rain when you have a perfectly good house to stay in? He thought earlier.
Now, he finally had an answer to that. Two, in fact.
One, it was beautiful. He's obviously seen rain before, but only from his window. He had never been in the rain like this before. He's been caught in the rain on the way home from school or practice, sure, but never deliberately in the rain.
Looking up, the night sky was splattered with stars, barely visible behind metallic grey storm clouds. Silvery droplets raced towards the ground and glistening specks of water started to collect on his lashes. Blinking them away, he could see you in front of him.
The second answer to his earlier question was simple. You.
Dressed in one of his old volleyball jerseys, home shorts and slippers, you still looked so goddamn beautiful to him. You were laughing wholeheartedly even as raindrops assaulted your skin from above. You were somehow glowing even with just the dim streetlights nearby. Turning towards him, you grabbed his hands and pulled him towards you, further out onto the empty street.
"Come on, babe, have some fun!" You yelled, making sure he could hear you through the downpour. He could feel the rainwater slowly soaking through the material of his hoodie and onto his skin. He watched as you started kicking your feet and jumping into puddles of water on the road, and soon, the two of you were in the middle of an all-out puddle war.
Sooner or later you'd both be out of breath, and you'd end up with your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. As the two of you swayed slowly back and forth, everything seemed to be in slow motion. The falling of rain around you, the steady beating of your heart, your slow breaths and the quiet rumble of thunder nearby added to the overall ambience.
Thinking back, he wasn't sure if this experience was beautiful because of the rain or because of you. Probably the latter, he thought. Furthermore, if he had to describe this experience in one word, he'd say it was magical. Simply and absolutely magical, and all thanks to you.
That day, he also decided that going out into the rain with you was worth an extra shower, and eventually this became a habit for the two of you whenever it rained heavily at night. If you moved to an apartment, you'd stand on the balcony together and stay there while it rained. Sometimes you'd dance, sometimes you'd play around with the puddles of rainwater on the ground, and sometimes you'd just be in each other's arms talking about anything and everything.
Main point is, he’s in love with you and he would do anything for you - even if it means getting sweaty and tired. Though I don’t think he’d complain that much if you asked to play volleyball HAHAHA
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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remember-the-fanfics · 4 months
Omg I’d love to hear about the earth born reader’s dynamics with the cast!
You get the whole info about the reader because :D
(Y/n) (Middle Name) (L/n)
Age- 17-21
Gender- Nonbinary (They/them)
Height- 5'0 - 5'6
Demon-ish look
• Purple eyes that look like cat eyes
• Pointy ears and sharp teeth
• Claw looking finger that wouldn't actually cut anything
• Hair is multiple color with (h/c) and (any color), hair looks ruffled all the time. Goes to your shoulder.
• Magic necklace to let you look like this is solid metal to not be easily broken.
Human look
• Base human look
• Hair is less ruffled, still a slight mess.
• Clothes are mostly given by any of the main cast, minus a whole suit that Alastor got you fitted for along with a skirt and pants. Charlie did buy you some clothes in your size since most of the cast is taller than you.
• Either you can here by a portal made by some certain imps and got booted to the pride level with how your soul is closest to a sinner and that just whiplash you enough to forget; or random magic nonsense or ritual that someone close to you did and accidentally got you into hell.
• Have yet to figure out the person who gave you the necklace. Maybe someone who use to be in your shoes long time ago.
• Charlie and Vaggie go between acting like your moms or your annoyed older sisters (mostly Vaggie)
• Alastor treats you like a child, like a distant weird uncle when you get to know him more. Gives you random gifts, most get taken away by being deadly weapons by Vaggie.
• Angel Dust reminds you of an annoying older brother or Cousin, that has a 10 year gap between each other. Protective, isn't as sexual in your presence still is though. Never talks about work to you.
• Husk, doesn't let you drink any alcohol even if you want to. Says you're too young, has so water or soda at the bar for you. Definitely an uncle.
• Niffty, weird short hyperactive aunt that hates bugs and loves cleaning. Talks to you about any interest men she sees, also gifts you less deadly weapons or anything interesting she finds. Has given you a bottle of bleach with no context.
• You would kill for any of the pets including Razzle and Dazzle, those two would kill for you too after Charlie request they watched over you as well
• Lucifer mistook you as Vaggies kid and then also Charlie when he learned that the two were dating and that they found you together. Even after finding out that you weren't technically their kid, he would still act like granddad that missed out on half your life and gift you random things, mostly ducks when you said they looked cute.
• Charlie had to tell him not to gift you anymore ones that can produce fire. You've near caught the hotel on fire 3 times and everyone in the cross fire.
• You gave sad puppy eyes for days afterwards towards everyone.
• Sir Pentious had to be tell directly not to make you any deadly weapons after he gave you a hand-held flamethrower when he fell for your puppy eyes.
• Now, Vaggie has collection of weapons that everyone gives you that you almost hurt someone and yourself.
• Everyone defense is that you don't use you demon powers when in danger, not knowing you aren't an actual sinner.
• So you only have a certain few weapons to keep you safe when out if the hotel.
• Charlie and Vaggie know the most of your past that you willing talk about. Knows about your direct family, that you died young.
• Charlie got you as a guest because she doesn't think you should actually be a sinner. Minus the fires that you've accidentally started, you could be here for a pyromaniac.
• But then you apologized right after, not many it to happen.
• The main cast have tried to figure out why you got sent here.
• Alastor doesn't really care, thinking you barely just sinned enough to got sent here.
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windvexer · 5 months
Got any super duper cleansing magical tips?
hell yeah I do brother (nongendered)!
this is just kinda how I do things and people definitely have different opinions but here we go, in no particular order:
If at all possible, physical cleaning is going to go a lonnnnng way towards magical cleansing. Even a little cleaning helps. If we're discussing cleansing something big (like, an entire person, a room, or an entire home), there may also be "key points" which deliver the most cleansing returns if physically cleaned. For example, a human person may find that their spiritual cleansing is very much aided by washing of hands, feet, and face - even if they can't fit in a whole body scrub.
Likewise, certain areas within a room may hold more influence than expected. A certain shelf, bookcase, or corner may alleviate the room of much badness if they alone are tidied and dusted.
In the home overall, look for major thoroughfare areas (perhaps near the front door or kitchen) which have little corners that have gone too far untidied, perhaps sticky with dust.
When it comes to objects, even a little wash, rinse under soapy water, wiping down with a damp cloth, and so forth, can go a long way towards magical cleansing. Often I do not magically "cleanse" at all, as a normal clean suffices for me in most situations.
I don't find physical cleaning to be totally necessary for magical cleansing, but it can be very helpful both as a first step, and to tackle stubborn cleansing problems.
Speaking of physical cleaning, home cleaning recipes also tend to work well for magical cleansing. A little vinegar is a very strong cleansing agent. Steep some lemon and rosemary in that vinegar for a few weeks, and forget about it - that's both a general household cleaner, and it'll cleanse the shit out of your magic stuff, too.
Ammonia is regarded to be an immensely powerful magical cleanser - one that must be heavily diluted, and tends to strip not only negative influences, but positive ones too.
Early on in my education, I was advised that a bit of bleach can go a long way towards destroying magical bonds. So, don't discount the household chemical cabinet.
For the own self, applying bleach or ammonia directly to the skin simply doesn't do - but a very gentle shower scrub containing a bit of salt, plus various kitchen herbs (dealer's choice - try sage and rosemary to start with) goes a long way. Wash from top of head to bottom of feet, and don't forget the back of the neck.
Other mundane things, like filling a space with fresh air or good vibes, are useful in cleansing in general, but may not suffice in heavy-duty situations.
A very fine cleansing charm is created with saltwater, this being from Paul Huson's rhyme in Mastering Witchcraft:
Water and Earth Where you are cast Let no spell, nor ill intention last Not in complete accord with me As my word, so shall it be
My personal lazy modification for the use of incense:
Fire and Air Where you flare Let no spell, nor ill intention last Not in complete accord with me As my word, so shall it be
Speak this over a little bit of salt water (after mixing) or incense (after lighting) and then sprinkle/wave it all about the thing to be cleansed. To be done when physically cleaning did not suffice, or when physical cleaning is not possible, or when feeling a bit fancy, or when preferring to just do magic.
In cases of emergency, or when it's desired to strip all magic and influence away from a thing, put it inside a plastic bag and bury it completely in salt. Seal this entire thing up (ziplocks are under the purview of true magicians) and then cover it up in a black cloth (or inside-out black graphic t-shirt, or oatmeal gray pillowcase, or whatever's on hand - doesn't matter really) in the back of the closet for 3 days and 3 nights, or until you feel like dealing with it.
When retrieved, the object should have no magical influence on it whatsoever.
In cases of confusing or unsatisfying results, consider if "cleansing" is really the action you should take. For example, if a tool is acting up and producing bad results, it might not be because it's "dirty." It could be that the tool needs to be fed. It could be interference from an ancestor looking for attention. It could be because your technique needs an adjustment.
Cleansing is a fine first step, and it's probably not going to hurt anything, but it's kind of like the "have you tried turning it off and on again" of magic. A lot of the times it fixes a lot of problems, but it's not going to fix actual issues that require a mechanic. (The good news is, the mechanic is you, so you're going to save a lot on repair fees)
In advanced cases, consider why things cleanse the way they do, and employ this to your advantage. Rosemary and frankincense may be considered to be "cleansing" because they "raise the vibes" and create an atmosphere incompatible with a lot of heavy bullshit. But, neither of these Allies are really attack dogs (at least, not in my experience).
Clove and Jalapeno are "cleansing" in that they will take the offending energy out behind the woodshed and teach it a lesson, and tell it not to come back to town or else. But, in my experience, neither of these allies really elevate a space with the heavenly touch of more celestial Allies.
So while I would say the average "cleansing formula" (whether it be a vinegar, an incense, and so forth) works in most situations, from time to time a more nuanced approach is helpful. Like a stubborn little stain, difficult-to-cleanse energies aren't necessarily powerful or bad - they're just nonreactive with whatever formula you're trying to use.
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gloomysoup · 7 months
when the world stops turning (my heart stops beating) - pt. 2
so i decided not to be TOO mean and keep writing this... there will be at least one more part, maybe more, i haven't decided yet. honestly i'm just playing it by ear and seeing how far my brain chooses to take it. so here we go!!
ao3 pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
cw: drugs, drug abuse, illusions to overdose, minor character death, dissociation, hospitals, illusions to child neglect (i think that's it but please let me know if i missed anything)
Eddie hated hospitals.
He sat in the waiting room with his bandmates and their tour manager, thinking about the first time he ever had to go to the hospital.
He was seven years old. His mom had been self-medicating really badly again, floating through their house like a ghost. Pale and lifeless in a way she often was those days. His dad was always out of the house, claiming he was working. Eddie had always been suspicious of that, never sure exactly what kind of work he was doing. His dad never said what his job was, but Eddie knew he had a long history with criminal activity. Wayne had taken him out to the park that day for a couple hours in an effort to get him out of the house.
The nearby park had this line of trees by the pond, set off several feet from the playground itself. Eddie liked to climb those trees when he was a kid. He liked the way the bark felt, digging sharply into his palms. He liked feeling the wind blow, the leaves brushing against his face. It made him feel free. The scary parts of the world couldn't reach him in the treetops. Earthly fears stayed near the ground, tethered to the dirt while he put as much distance between them as he could. Wayne had warned Eddie not to climb too high. Eddie should've listened.
He climbed a few branches up on the tallest tree. His favorite tree to climb. He sat on one of the thicker branches, back against the trunk. He watched the leaves waving in the wind above him. His brain still itched with ground thoughts, so he climbed higher. He kept going until he wasn't worried about his mom anymore. He kept going until his head was blissfully empty of those stupid anxieties. He was finally free.
And then he was falling.
Eddie doesn't remember much of what happened. Wayne says a branch broke unexpectedly, giving way beneath his weight with a loud snap. He hit the ground and passed out. Wayne took him to the hospital, where the doctors said he was lucky. A fall like that and all he had was a broken arm. They put his left arm in a cast and kept him for a few hours of observation, just to be safe. They were worried about a brain injury, or internal bleeding. Wayne called his mom, to let her know what happened, but Eddie always assumed she was too drugged out to understand. She never showed up. Wayne stayed with him the whole time, trying to keep him entertained and distracted. The doctor had given Eddie something to help with the pain, but it didn't help with his dislike of hospitals. He hated sitting in a sterile, white hospital room. His nose burned with the smell of bleach and lemon-scented floor cleaner. He didn't know why they used that stuff. It was overwhelming. He couldn't escape the ground thoughts if he was tethered to the ground.
Once he was finally released, Wayne took him to the pharmacy to pick up his new prescription. Pain meds; take one as needed while the break heals— those mysteriously went missing only three days later, and Eddie suffered in silence from then on. Then Wayne took him home, where his mom was asleep on the couch and his dad was fuming. Eddie vaguely remembers laying in his bed while Wayne and his dad argued in the living room. He isn't sure what they argued about; Wayne never told him and always changed the subject if Eddie asked. He assumed it was about the hospital. Hospital bills aren't cheap.
He wasn't allowed to visit his mom when she was in the hospital. Wayne said she needed space to get better. He knows Wayne just didn't want him around all of that. The hospital always kept him from his mom in one way or another. And then there was the spring of ‘86. It only further solidified his hatred of hospitals. Confined to the lumpy, scratchy hospital bed for weeks. Beeping machines and lemon-scented floor cleaner. Sticky patches and wires that always tangled. Itchy IVs and sharp needles and drugs that made him float just on the edge of too far. He didn't like those. Reminded him too much of his mom.
And now here he was, sitting in the dull waiting room of a hospital in New York. He felt numb. Tears still rolled silently down his cheeks, though he wasn't sure how he had any left. He was completely unaware of the passage of time. It could've been minutes or days, and he wouldn't have noticed. He couldn't stop thinking about his mom. He hadn't thought about her this much in years.
“Eddie?” He looked up at Gareth, but he was barely seeing him. “I'm going to go call Wayne, let him know what's happening. Do you want to come talk to him?”
Eddie blinked slowly a few times, his eyes still glassy. He didn't answer. All he did was stare, unseeing and silent. Gareth sighed, shooting Jeff and Grant a look.
Jeff frowned, also standing. “I should call Robin. She should know too.”
“Go,” Grant said, nodding toward the phones. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Their tour manager was talking to a nurse a few feet away. Eddie couldn't hear what they were saying. He didn't know how this could've happened. He didn't understand how he missed this.
His thoughts wandered back to the day Wayne found out he was selling.
Eddie sat on the front step, watching Wayne and Hopper talking in the yard. Wayne was frowning, nodding along to whatever Hopper said. Eddie knew he was mad. Why wouldn't he be? Eddie was illegally selling drugs, and just got caught by the chief for it. Luckily, Hopper was in a good enough mood just to give him a warning and a ride home. Made him promise he wasn't going to do it anymore. They both knew that was a lie.
When Hopper got back in his cruiser and drove away, Eddie watched Wayne take a breath before he turned around. Eddie shrank back at the look his uncle gave him.
“Wayne, I-”
“Hush up.” Eddie shut up instantly. “You're gonna listen close, understood?” Eddie nodded. “Jim was kind enough to let you off this time, but he won't be next time. There better not be a next time.”
“But, Wayne, I-”
“No buts.” Wayne gave him another look. Eddie knew he was disappointed. He hated disappointing Wayne. Hated it even more than he hated making Wayne mad. His uncle had always done so much for him. The least he could've done was not cause trouble. “Drugs are a dangerous thing, Ed. I know you know that.”
He did know, is the thing. He knew better than most people just how dangerous drugs were. Drugs tore his family apart. Drugs killed his mother. Drugs were the main reason Eddie lived with Wayne at all.
Eddie looked down at his hands, fiddling with one of his rings. He didn't have all that many yet. “I just wanted to help with the bills,” he said softly.
Wayne sighed and sat next to him on the rickety steps. Eddie slid over to make room. “You ain't gotta worry ‘bout no damn bills, Ed. That's for me to take care of. You just gotta be a kid.”
Eddie frowned. “I just thought that, maybe, if I could help, you wouldn't have to work so hard. I know taking care of me is a lot of extra money.” He paused. “I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment.”
Burden. That's what he wants to say. Disappointment is what comes out. Maybe that's for the better.
“You're not a disappointment, Ed. I just don't want you endin' up like your mama, that's all. And while I do appreciate you wantin’ to help, I don't need ya to. I'm perfectly capable of takin’ care of us. You're fifteen, Ed. Be a kid, for Christ’s sake. Don't worry ‘bout anythin’ else yet.”
From that day on, Eddie stayed away from anything harder than weed or the occasional shrooms. He made a promise to himself that he'd stay away from it. For Wayne. For his mom. Wayne knew he kept selling, but they didn't talk about it. The K he intended on selling Chrissy that fateful night was a fluke. A one-off. It was something extra Rick had given him before he got locked away. Eddie hadn't even intended on selling it at all; he was just going to keep it hidden away until Rick got out, and then he'd give it back.
After Chrissy, Eddie didn't touch anything for a long time. When the band got themselves a record deal, when they started going out to parties to network with more of the industry, Eddie started smoking weed again. He never touched anything more than that. He knew better. He worried about his bandmates falling to the same vices that killed his mom, even though they also stayed away from it. Her ghost still haunted him. It kept him hypervigilant. He was always watching for addictive behaviors.
So how did he not see it?
How long had Steve been falling down that path without Eddie even knowing?
He should've known.
Eddie blinked, and Gareth was standing in front of him with a bottle of water. When had he come back?
“Eddie, you gotta drink something,” Gareth said gently, holding the open bottle toward him. Eddie pulled his knees tightly to his chest and shook his head. Gareth sighed and sat next to him in the uncomfortable hospital chairs.
That was another thing Eddie hated about hospitals. Everything was uncomfortable. The chairs, the beds, the wires and tubes. IVs itched and the gowns crinkled weirdly. It was a sensory hellscape, truthfully. How did anyone handle it?
“Eddie.” He blinked again, looking beside him. Gareth was still holding the bottle toward him. “Come on, man. At least a little bit. We're worried about you.”
Eddie took the bottle, but his hands were shaking so much he could barely keep a grasp on it. He forced it toward his mouth, his throat burning as the cool water slipped past his lips. He gave it back to Gareth. He looked like he wanted Eddie to drink more, but took the bottle anyway.
“Are you…” Gareth started, but his sentence fell off as he seemed to search for the correct word. “Obviously not okay. That'd be stupid. Of course you aren't okay. I don't know what I was even thinking.” He looked over at Eddie, his rambling cut off.
Gareth always rambled when he was anxious. Worried. It didn't happen all that often. Gareth was pretty laid back, never worked up about much. The exact opposite of Steve. Steve worried about everything. Steve rambled a lot, like Robin. God, Robin. Eddie should talk to her. They hadn't had time lately to call. She was probably worried. Eddie could easily bet she'd been rambling a lot lately. Then again, Robin always rambled. She wasn't like Gareth, who only rambled when he was worried about something or someone. Speaking of Gareth, he was sitting there staring at Eddie with that worried little pinch in his brows. Eddie should answer. He should, but he can't. His tongue feels like lead in his mouth. It won't form shapes or push air through his lips. It won't do anything it's supposed to do. It just sits there, heavy, making it impossible for Eddie to say something, anything.
“Eddie?” Gareth waved a hand in front of him. Eddie blinked. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
Eddie thought hard. Gareth’s mouth had definitely been moving just a few moments before, but anything after the ramble was lost on him. He had no clue what he had said. He shook his head. Gareth sighed.
“I talked to Wayne.”
Oh. Wayne.
God, Eddie didn't know how to feel about that. On the one hand, he needed Wayne. The man was a solid figure in the storm of Eddie’s life. He had always been there. He never walked away like Eddie’s dad. Eddie wanted little more than to curl up on the lumpy couch with Wayne like he had after his mom died. On the other hand, Eddie didn't want Wayne to know about any of this. He didn't want Wayne to have to live through this again. He didn't want Wayne to feel like he had to deal with Eddie again.
“He said he’ll try to catch the next flight out.”
Eddie’s head snapped up, eyes wide. He quickly shook his head back and forth, so hard that his neck popped and his hair flung across his face. Wayne couldn't come. He shouldn't have to. He would have to call out of work. Wayne never calls out of work. Eddie didn't want to be the reason he started. He opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. He couldn't force his tongue to move. His lips failed to form the letters and syllables required to speak.
It was then that their tour manager approached, looking somber. Like he had bad news. Eddie wanted to be anywhere else. He wanted to go back; back to when things were simple and Steve wasn't dying. He wanted to go back to being a kid and stop his mom. He just wanted this to stop.
“Eddie, he's alive.”
Eddie hated that instead of being relieved, his heart crumbled.
Steve was alive, but at what cost?
tag list: @acowardinmordor @mugloversonly @djohawke @hallucinatedjosten @geekyfifi @current-steddie-brainrot
i tagged people who either asked to be tagged or showed interest in wanting more but lemme know if you wanna be added! like i said, there will be at least one more part, but probably more than that tbh
hope you've enjoyed !!
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fisheraser · 9 months
okay. analysis time
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MY GIRL AAHHH SHES BACK!! okay SO. inkopolis square. but dead. its a bleached coral forest basically. there seems to be this sorta of,, electricity thing going on throughout the trailer that we can see on the lobby tower. overall looks dope as hell
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WE HAVE THE FULL FIT!! FOR BOTH GENDERS!! okay first of all what are those ink tanks? sorta looks like those IV bags. same with the outfit,, the shoes sorta look like casts and the clothes look like some sort of sensory deprivation tank suit. a lot of medical vibes going on from the white color and everything. i love it
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PEARL BOT! no questions about it, marina definitely made this for her (the wives :D) its interesting that pearl isn't actually there (marina isn't either, ill talk more about my theory later) but she can still talk to us through this robot. also love how marina added the sliding eyebrows to make it more expressive LMAO
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i love how we can ride pearl bot as well. i think this will be an important feature, wonder if we can control her when this happens :O
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okay what are these? i think the first one on the left is a mem cake, not really sure what the others are though
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okay im seeing a theme of electricity and we can see in the background it sort of glitching, so i think side order might a simulation or something. the huge orb in the middle is definitely some fucked up zapfish (where you end the level im assuming), but its glitching and then a ton of the skeleton creatures come out of it
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it looks like a ton of dead fish (dedf1sh...?),, we havent seen any octolings that you need to fight yet so these seem like the new enemies replacing them for side order. though i do wonder if we'll ever encounter an evil octoling (or inkling or salmonid, who knows) also are these an entire new species? or just some simulation creature
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i also love how instead of ink, its the same electricity we've been seeing used to summon the weapons. this whole realms creation definitely has something to do with marina since its side order and its super technologically advanced
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okay WOA numbers. definitely something marina would implement. i don't have much to say about this but yea, im loving the tech-y themes going on. it also seems like pearlbot is helping you fight these guys since she is shooting lasers at them. if she's sorta like small fry, i wonder if we will ever get to use her as a bomb, or if she is automatic
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also its confirmed that the octoling is indeed agent 8! i was like 90% sure but im glad its definite
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okay the biggest thing about this trailer, DEDF1SH!!!!!!!!!
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"just another bystander who got sucked in." what sucked them in? my theory is that marina somehow trapped them in a simulation she made of a world thats orderly- maybe she made it after the final fest?or is this an already existing place? maybe some whirlpool was created after octo expansion and this place exists under inkopolis square?
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SHE HAS A NAME!!! ACHT!!!! also i am so glad all of the fan theories were correct and she isn't evil, just still partially sanitized. i wonder if that will be a factor in the story? more dedf1sh lore?
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her glasses are different! since she doesn't have the hypno shades anymore she prolly has much more awareness now since she isnt being brainwashed, though she is still sanitized- but i think the music is counteracting the effects of that since shes a dj and shes always wearing headphones
also why is her arm bandaged? what happened to her? also all this time i thought she was wearing a tshirt LMAO
i am a huge dedf1sh fan and i have quite a few theories about her, so i hope she is an important character in the story of side order and we get some backstory
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ESPECIALLY ABOUT HER HISTORY WITH MARINA!! they are both djs so that probably is important, but i am really excited to learn more about them. i think marina mightve gone missing and we are looking for her too?
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the color chips seem to be like, stat boosts? and also 8 started to gain color once you add them! its sorta like deep cut's colored fingers. wonder if this will be a new feature after the dlc! i loveee customization options
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this seems to be the respawn animation which !?!?!? IS SO COOL!?!?!
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i have no idea what this is but. oh my god. i am so excited for this. its happening.
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**The Sunshine Court Spoilers**
I finished the book on the 14th of April but waited to post about it until more people have read it.
It's sooooooo goood. I love these characters. This lived up to my hype.
It was so funny of Nora to introduce Jeremy as having caramel brown hair and I just KNOW she added the scene of Jeremy bleaching his hair for us. Only to have his friends make fun of him for being a ken doll lmao.
I think jean/jeremy shippers will be satisfied with this book. We get so much more information about everyone, their backstories, family situation, and what they look like.
There’s a variety of queer characters and relationship types in TSC and, while limited, better poc rep compared to the foxhole court. The larger casts of characters help. We have a canon trans man character (Xavier) and a nonbinary character (Cody) which i was really happy about.
I spent a good chunk of the book theorizing that the raven suicides weren’t suicides but covered up murders as part of the Moriyamas cleaning up but that didn’t pan out. I suspected that jean’s sister was sold but didn’t think she got killed off. I hope it turns out she faked her death. I also suspected and was RIGHT that the book would end with jean counting the things he’s grateful for like Renee taught him.
The way Jean has been spilling his secrets and unintentionally opening up about his trauma around Jeremy meanwhile Jeremy has been tight lipped about his home situation. I love the way Jean just LOVES people even though he does not want to, even people who do not deserve it, even people he just met. And we finally get to see what everyone’s outsider perspective is on the whole ravens situation.
Everyone cares about Jean SO much. Also I love the way Nora writes romance where the romance is barely there in the first book bc the characters are busy dealing with other shit. Unlike tfc where you don’t really expect it until it’s there and Neil is largely oblivious, it’s obvious Jean and Jeremy are into each other and they both are aware of each other’s interest and their own but they also both know Jean’s too fucked up for that right now. I’m excited to see where they go and how things develop between them so that they are ready for a romance.
My favorite quote: “You are the captain of the sunshine court. In no universe could you be anyone’s villain.”
I still can’t believe Nora came back after 10 years to give us a new aftg book. Crazy. I’m so excited for the next book.
Reading tsc has rewired my brain. I feel like my brain was fried with special flavoring.
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ddollfface · 9 months
For What Is a Poet Without a Muse?
Good poetry is written from ones' known feelings. The feelings we have yet to discover, yet to recognize, and yet to accept.
lovesick!poet x afab!reader
writing type--headcanons warnings; toxic codependency on the yandere's part. subtle mentions of eliminating killing people. mentions of yandere being depressed. honestly, this yandere is kinda sad... sfw. no nsfw. really tame tbh...
Let me know if I missed anything; please and thank you!!!
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He lost all inspiration. Nothing worked. No matter how long he stared at the pretty scenery of the mountains; no matter how many sunsets he witnessed and basked in; no matter how many pretty women he came across, nothing worked. Nothing. He was desperate for something, anything, that would spur and turn his inquisitive, dark mind. He had lost all hope, well, that was until he met you. Pretty you. His neighbor.
"I knew it'd be you."
The moment your eyes met; it was like the world had stopped spinning, like it was just you two. Everything felt right. Just you and him.
You had just moved into this dingy apartment in the poorer part of town, desperate for some type of financial stability. You had just been fired from your job and kicked out of your rental due to overdue bills. Times were tough, and they were only getting worse. Everything was a mess--both your life and appearance. You looked like you were going through it.
Dark eyebags hung low under your droopy eyes. Your lashes fluttered constantly--trying to keep your tired eyes from falling into a long, well-needed, sleep. Your skin had lost its color; bleached and exhausted from overworking your body for so long. Your lips were dry and crusted--overused from working so many customer service jobs. Your hair a mess, whether your hair is curly or straight, it doesn't matter. Now, you couldn't even tell, it was all matted and frizzy--dying from lack of care. Completely forgotten and left to just permanently stay in a messy bun. You didn't have time to take care of yourself, causing your appearance to lack and fail.
But he didn't think so. No, not at all. He thought you looked beautiful, especially when you slept, no matter what condition your physical state was in, he thought you were the most dashing thing in this whole, bland universe. He didn't care that your skin was bleached and filled with acne. You looked so natural, so real. The prettiest thing he's ever seen. There was something about the way you carried yourself; you seemed to just not care anymore; just wanting to live another day.
He loves everything about you; from your matted hair to your mixmatched clothing. Your unmanicured nails, your unkept skin, and your dry lips--everything. He loved it all, but, there was one thing that he loved, admittingly, the most.
Your eyes.
I know, I know, it's a classic, sappy, love story type thing to say, but it's true. He could stare at them for hours, and he does. He loves your eyes, they're so expressive. They say things that you would never dare to speak.
"Your eyes might not be the color of the ocean, but, damn, I drown in them every time."
What's the saying? The eyes are the window to the soul? Yeah, he believes that, there's no doubt in his mind that whenever he meets your gaze he sees into your person. He can feel you--it's like the world stops spinning and it's just you two. Just you and him. No one else.
But your voice is a close second. They way each syllable rolls off your tongue is enough to put him in a daze. It's like you cast a spell on him. The way your tongue flicks and moves as you speak. No matter how simple the sentence, he hangs onto every word--listening as if it's the most important thing in the world. As if you're telling him the cure to cancer, or how to stop hunger. To him you are; you are telling him the most revolutionary thing to ever be heard.
It doesn't matter if you just complaining about some stupid coworker who can't shut up, or you're manager who's always breathing down your neck, or, hell, even the local crackhead who was screaming at 3 AM.
He's taking notes. Of course, it's mentally, but sometimes he'll conveniently have a notepad nearby, and he'll take notes on some people who need to be dealt with... so to speak.
Don't worry, no one, especially you, will miss that drunken man who always roams the streets right when you clock out from work. It's okay, he'll take care of it. Now, you don't have to worry about your safety! You work so hard, look at you, such a hard worker. You deserve a break, come, let him take you to a measure; his treat.
"For you, I'd steal the stars."
You're his light, his muse, his inspiration. What would he do without you? Your forever beauty captivates him and motivates him to write. He has endless creativity when you're on his mind, which is all the time. He just sits in his apartment, his dingy, crappy, apartment, and daydreams about you. Dreaming of how you did your hair today; did you braid it? Is it in locks? Did you straighten it? Oh! What if you used products to curl it! Oh, how wonderful that would be, you'd look so pretty...
"And suddenly, you were all I could dream about."
Sometimes he wonders if you ever think of him, but he quickly dismisses that thought--thinking it's absurd. I mean, sure you confide in him when there's an annoying customer at the dinner you work at, but surely you don't think of him. He isn't that important. Maybe, just maybe, you do? That'd be amazing--a dream come true...
Honestly, he doesn't know what'd he do without you in his life. He doesn't know how he existed before he met you, well, actually; he does. It was a horrible, dull, and hopeless existence. Every day he would go to his studio, painting for some random man, and then go home and attempt to write something, anything. But nothing would come from the hours upon end of him sitting there, tapping his pen against his desk, waiting for something to happen. Something that would cause the gears to turn in his head. But, nope, nada. He had nothing, well, that's until you walked into the picture...
"If forever does exist, then, god, please let it be you."
God, does he love you...
He loves you so much, please, just notice him, he needs you to breathe, to write. You're his everything, his endless inspiration, he never has an empty head when you're around. He's nothing without you!
I mean, what is a poet without his muse? Right?
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osamusriceballs · 6 months
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I thought it's time to finally make a general post with all basic information about this blog! <3
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Masterlist (from two years ago)
Masterlist II (from two years ago)
Masterlist III (from this year and last year)
Kinktober 2023
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General rules:
- If you're a minor, please don't read or interact with any smut you find on my blog. I don't mind you reading the SFW fics, but the "smut" tag is taboo- PERIOD. I'm not going to control or check who you are or what you consume on the internet- you are responsible for the content you choose to watch and read, but please consider my kind request to NOT consume NSFW content on my blog.
- If you want to drop some thirsts or fic recs or anything else- feel free to always send an ask or hop into my DM's! &lt;3 You can also always tag me in fics or art!!
- I'm pretty much open to write/read about most kinks (not all though), but just ask if you're not sure!
- Other than that... there is not much to say here!
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- I only write for Haikyuu characters for the time being (might change someday, but thirsts about other characters are of course always welcome! <3)
- I will only write NSFW for the timeskip or aged up version of the characters!
- I mostly write for fem!Reader or gn!Reader.
- I don't describe concrete features of the reader in my fics (hair color, figure, height etc.), that's a really important thing for me. I enjoy fics that allow you to fully imagine yourself as y/n and I try to write in that way.
- As a future teacher, I don't really enjoy reading student x teacher fics... won't write that either!
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smut - for smut and all NSFW things
love you - for all asks
tw: ______ - trigger warnings, will always specify the trigger (e.g. "tw: pregnancy")
fic rec - fic recommendations
art rec - art recommendations
fanart - for fanart
not haikyuu - for content that is not from haikyuu
spoiler - for spoilers
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About me corner:
I'm Eve~ (26)
She/Her - but any pronouns are fine and welcome! &lt;3
23. May (Gemini)
Student (German and English)
My main is: @osamusriceballz, so don't be confused if I interact from there!
An absolute SIMP for basically every haikyuu character!! I'm not writing for other characters rn, but I reblog fics and art from other fandoms from time to time.
Currently obsessed with:
Including (no particular order):
Don't judge me, but Naoya Zenin is hot... my guilty pleasure >.&lt;
I'm also down for Chainsaw Man's Aki, my long term crush Grimmjow from Bleach, Shanks from One Piece, Dabi and Hawks from my hero academia, as well as Shigaraki- and many many more! Just hit me up with a character if you want to swoon together!! &lt;3
Newly added: BLUE LOCK- goddamn, I would risk everything for Nagi and Rin T.T I'm definitely down for simping for Michael Kaiser too and I think Oliver with his little beard is hot >.&lt;
That's it for now, a very warm welcome to you now, my new friend! <3
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
Bleach’s Issue with Queer characters (1/3)
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So, someone recently(when i started this draft anyway) left a kind of incoherent rant on one of my posts.  It wasn’t actually related to anything I’d said in the post, and just came across as disjointed babble, so it didn’t warrant a direct reply at the time.  But it did bring up a subject I would actually like to talk about:
How Kubo handles gender queer characters.
I think it’s a little easy to look at the most glaring cases, come to the conclusion that he doesn’t handle representation well, and leave it at that.  That’s valid.  And he’s clearly not well versed or tactful in how he portrays these characters, and it’s really not that unreasonable to judge him for it.  But I also think there’s more going on with it than that really accounts for, so let’s pick at it a little...
By and large what Kubo does is some pretty by-the-books queer-coding villains, and what amounts to casting effeminate men in adversarial roles.  In the big picture, it’s not a good trope to be falling back on: it comes from a bad place historically, and even if Kubo doesn’t mean anything bad by it (and I’ll get into why I think he genuinely doesn’t) it contributes to the momentum already behind it that other, less well intentioned creators and readers inevitably stand to do more direct harm with.
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The earliest case of this is actually from Zombie Powder.  Very early episodic villain, Ranewater Calder is a youthful and even girlish looking man who is actually an old man sustained by a youth restoring drug.  He’s a villain of the week type, so the fact that he’s pretty and evil is literally all there is to him.  Moreover, his fixation on youth, his vanity, and his deception (he pretends to be a frail, dainty victim at first) all link directly to his moral character.  Although Calder is himself never made out to be gay, the archetype he's clearly based on is a pretty classically homophobic characterization at face value
But even here it’s not totally black and white...  
There’s a snag in that Kubo’s not writing some 1950s American pulp novel where the perils of homosexuality spell self-destruction or divine/dramatic irony on the loathesome villain; he’s writing a shounen action manga, and it operates on the Rule-of-Cool first and foremost.  Calder isn’t a vehicle for moral preaching by religious conservatives, he’s a highlight character taking up valuable print space in a popular comic.  He’s attractive, he has a cool name, he has a cool weapon with a unique fighting style, and even his vanity and deception aren’t there to make him unappealing, they’re there to make him compelling.
And herein lies the root of Kubo’s problem.  He just likes having cool characters, and he crams them in where ever he can fit them, and that often means in villain roles.  Moreover, although some characters get more vilified than others, even within the scope of villain roles, not all of them get to stick around long enough to be developed as either something other than queer and villainous, or to get the full turn around.  After all...
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Yumichika was a villain at first.
And you’ll noticed I hesitated just now at calling it a “turn around” and not a “redemption” or “turning over a new leaf” because frankly, the Shinigami never actually changed alignment.  They were circumstantially the villains of the Soul Society Arc until Aizen turned on them to be the bigger "real” villain.  Technically it was Ichigo & co. that changed alignments from fighting against the Gotei13 to fighting with them.  But relatively aside, Yumichika became a good guy and his favorable portrayal got to outweigh his villainous introduction.
Speaking of which, there’s not a whole lot to go over with it, but Yumichika’s original appearance pretty closely mirrored the profile of Ranewater Calder’s bit in Zombie Powder: a kind of “sissy” prettyboy is obsessed with his looks, and other than just being a guy with a sword pointed at the established heroes making him a villain, that vanity and narcissism make them mean, judgy and vindictive.
But Yumichika came back, and stuck around, and frankly became something of a fan favorite.  And I think this particular development says a lot about how Kubo looks at these situations.  You’ll notice, he didn’t actually have to change Yumichika’s character much to shift him from villain to hero.  Yumichika gets a little less prickly, but he’s still vain and it’s not even something that anyone ever frames as a problem he needs to work on.  In fact, the introduction of his shikai brought into play a new facet of his vanity: Deception.  So we’re back to that Ranewater Calder framework, where the prettyboy has something to hide with his looks, but in Yumichika’s case it’s shown as an almost endearing quality.  He hides his sword’s powers, a reflection of his true self, to fit in.  But this isn’t shown to be a thing to pity, his willingness to sacrifice a part of his own identity is portrayed as a kind of noble restraint.
Now, granted, I don’t think those elements all play nicely together. (In fact, the nobility of his self-restraint is a very dangerous thing to uphold as a virtue) But when it comes to trying to draw a line between message and intent, I think the most pertinent thing to consider as context isn’t actually the villain or hero dichotomy, or even your own personal feelings about the themes in play, it’s the attitude ("attitude" as different from “intent,” mind you) of the creator towards his creations: Kubo seemed to enjoy making Yumichika.
He had fun with his design (the feathers and the weird sweater collar thing) He had fun with the sword, with giving him a secret power.  He had fun writing his vanity rants.  He didn’t have to have Yumichika, he didn’t have to bring him back, and he didn’t have to add to his character, but he did.  He invested his own time and effort and space on the page to him and to making him interesting to have around.
But like I said, Yumichika’s the lucky one.  He came in early, got to have a comeback, and had time to stick around.  But consider that when Kubo was floundering around trying to figure out how to salvage the mess that was the late TYBW arc, he didn’t need to bring back Arrancar, and he didn’t need to bring back the ones he did. (in fact, only the Privaron even make sense in-world, Luppi and Charlotte weren’t convenient choices, they were just Kubo’s personal picks.)  And when he did finally get around to cleaning up the Sternritter?  Bazz-B was an obvious choice to keep, sure (following that Renji/Grimmjow mold of the hotblodded rival who bucks his own organizations rules) but Giselle and Lilttoto?  That was Kubo playing favorites.
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Luppi was so short lived, it’s hard to really say anything about him.  He was basically just reusing notes from Yumichika’s first appearance, which again also refer back to Ranewater Calder in Zombie Powder for basic aesthetic and demeanor.  (It’s actually kind of weird that Yumichika never really had any kind of dynamic with Luppi when they fought.)
Side note here, but Kubo really loves to build some of his recurring character types around a certain kind of scene or dynamic.  Byakuya and Ulquiorra both do this thing where they’re supposed to be the stoic unflinching types, but they actually get shocked and surprised almost constantly.  Kubo seems to be going into it with the mentality that he thinks it’s cool when the character who predicts everything and always has everything under control, can’t predict something and doesn’t have it under control, and just reverse engineers a stoic person for the purpose of having them “break character” later.  In this vein Kubo seems to have a real love of very pretty characters shifting into a kind of sinister “ugly mode.”  It wouldn’t serve his purpose to just have them ugly or obviously meanspirited all the time, the ugliness has to be served up in its reveal as that “breaking character” moment, even though that “breaking” moment is itself the core of the character.
Not to get too heady about this little observation, but it honestly feels like something that applies even to Kubo’s broader writing habits; wanting the payoff of a twist, and planning said twist first but then reverse engineering the supporting ruse only as a matter of course.  Just a silly little thought...
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
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wrap me up (take me home).
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featuring. jotaro kujo/reader, implied jotakak/reader (past)
word count. 1.04k
synopsis. ten years after cairo, you pay a visit to a gravesite. thankfully, you aren't alone.
content. implied jotakak/reader, major sdc spoilers, mentions of death, gender-neutral reader, cemeteries, fluff, minor angst
merry ficmas masterlist.
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You dream of Cairo one night.
You all sleep under the stars. The deserts get unspeakably cold during the nights, but you and Kakyoin make a sleepy cuddle-pile with Jotaro sandwiched between all of you, and though he grumbles and laments his lack of personal space, he doesn't push at either of you with anything near his full strength. Even at just seventeen he could've pummelled you both into chum. But he didn't, and he doesn't, so Kakyoin nuzzles into his side and you wrap yourself around one toned arm and start to point out constellations above you.
"How strange is it," Kakyoin says softly. "We're looking at the same sky as our parents back in Japan. They can all see the same stars as us."
Jotaro casts him a flat look from under the dark hair that tumbles over his forehead. "Don't get all sentimental when I'm trying to sleep."
"Sorry, sorry," Kakoyin relents with a breathy laugh as you tut and elbow Jotaro in the ribs for his crudeness. "I just... do you suppose we'll be home, soon?"
You bite your lip. You taste stray grains of sand and the kushari you'd eaten for dinner. "Dio can't hide forever," is what you conjure up when it becomes clear Jotaro won't answer. The boy in the middle stares up at the shimmering sky, blue eyes contemplative, softer than you usually see them.
You go to sleep seventeen years old and whole.
You wake twenty-eight, and it's cold.
Not the same sort of cold you'd find in an Egyptian desert at night. This one is clinical and smells of lemongrass air refresher; the air conditioning of your fancy hotel bleaches the oxygen in the room and makes your hair stand on end, and you irritably get out of bed to switch it off. Japan gets cold enough in January as it is, you don't need it and it's a total waste of resources, anyway.
At least you're only here for a couple of days.
You find Jotaro in the bathroom, skin gleaming, fresh-washed. He's dressed already, white suit luminescent against his skin, but for all his care to look put together you can see the circles stretching under his dull eyes, dark and deep.
"Morning," you conjure up. He nods.
"You slept okay?"
"Not really." You hoist yourself up onto the bathroom counter with a sigh. "I dreamed of Cairo."
Jotaro's shoulders stiffen. For a moment, you think he won't answer—but then he drops his eyes and mutters, "Me, too."
You let the silence ruminate for a moment before hopping back to your feet with a deep sigh. "Come on, then. I'm freezing, I want a shower."
You wash and dress in simple black clothes. It feels appropriate for the day—it is one of mourning and respect, after all. And you've always sort of liked dressing in a polar opposite way to Jotaro. It calls attention to the both of you, draws eyes in the street, reminds you that you're still here, alive, still together and in love. You didn't die a thousand miles away from home.
Not like him.
Kakyoin's hometown is small and modest, and the same goes for the cemetery. You don't have to look for his headstone—you two come here every year on January sixteenth, after all. You pick your way across the grass silently, and you stoop down to press hydrangeas against the slab of marble.
And it's as it always is. You kneel, Jotaro stands. You both pray for his spirit, though you muse that if he hasn't found peace after eleven years he's probably shit out of luck by now. He's probably keeping himself around out of spite. Smug bastard.
You miss him so, so badly.
You feel his absence every time you wake at Jotaro's side, every time you take his hand and he has one left over, dangling emptily at his side. The age at which Kakyoin died has begun to feel younger and younger as the two of you grow older—and it's not all melancholy. You're married, after all. You're in love, unconditionally. But there is a gap there, too, always has been since that night against Dio eleven years ago.
You stand just as the hard earth is beginning to bite at you, hands shaking. Jotaro notices, because of course he does.
"Cold?" he asks, probably mostly to spare your feelings. You nod, and he grumbles under his breath as he envelopes your hand in one of his huge ones and tucks them deftly into his pocket. Jotaro always runs so, so warm—he was like your personal heater, travelling through planes of desert in winter at night all those years ago.
"You're warm," you tell him fondly. Jotaro casts a sideways look at you as you begin to leave the cemetery, as though trying to gauge if you're making fun of him. But you're not, of course. You're grateful.
After a moment of blank-faced scrutinisation, Jotaro's face softens ever so slightly, the way it sometimes did back in 1989 when he looked over you and Kakyoin, the way it seems to do so much more often these days as he sheds his teenage rage and sullenness.
"Yeah, it's freezing," he grunts, fingers squeezing yours gently. He's always so very gentle with you, always terrified of hurting you. He never could, which is something he has still yet to truly internalise. He's used to breaking things, your Jotaro. If only he knew how fast he'd held the three of you together. "We can catch a flight back to Tokyo tonight."
"Sounds good," you murmur. "We should spend Christmas here one year, you think? Kakyoin always talked about how nice this place was at Christmas."
Jotaro hums. "Not a bad idea. Erm... his mother did say we were always welcome. I dunno."
"I think he would've liked that," you murmur. "Hey. Thanks."
He blinks at you, expression just a touch bewildered. "What for?"
"Warming me up." Your hand squeezes his, lovingly, and Jotaro flushes and turns away, muttering profanity under his breath. You beam as you walk; in some ways, he really hasn't changed at all.
In some ways, neither have you. You're still dreaming of Cairo, staring up at the stars.
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brightestlulu · 9 months
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I've been meaning to post this for awhile!! it's my homestuck keroro gunsou au!! I don't really have too many ideas based on their world (they'd be on alternia obviously) but I do have the main platoons designs! I'll be working on the rest of the cast later on, if you have any suggestions, comments, criticism, or just want to talk about it, PLEASE feel free!!! I would love to hear anyone's thoughts!
Click read more if you want to hear a little more about my thoughts while creating them and reasons for some of their design elements!
Keroro- For keroro, his horns are based on his shogun outfits and gundam models! His outfit is a military one (and the jacket is supposed to be a gundam jacket but it looks more like a letterman because of the colouring, ehe). All their signs are just their symbols because I thought changing it wouldn't really make too much sense. His chumhandle is from a friend because I couldn't think of anything past lazy LOL
Giroro- Giroro's horns are based on the ends of the guns he has, though it sorta makes him look like a classic alien. He prefers to wear red rather than indigo, though he does have indigo accents. He also prefers to wear his whole military uniform even though it isn't exactly comfortable, it's just how he likes to be seen.
Kururu- Kururu was super fun to design for me, he's my favourite character in the show. His horns are obviously swirls like his symbol, and his hair is just badly bleached, making it yellow and appear more curly than it is. He prefers to wear more relaxed clothing and the lab coat is mostly just for looks. I also made him prince of mind (because he is a bitch, and also because I think he likes messing with peoples minds rather than having knowledge (light)). He likes to pretend he's a lord of mind though and made his own god tier outfit of it in place of his prince one.
Dororo- Dororo's horns are based on his symbol (again). He is a violet blood but he is a rebel of the empire, not agreeing with how it treats lowbloods and just trolls in general. He hides his fins behind his hair and hat flaps (intentionally or not). He doesn't really like wearing violet besides the few accents and his symbol is coloured yellow instead of violet. It's not really known if he hides his face because of his status, because he get's sick a lot, or just because it's what ninjas do.
Tamama- Tamama's horns are based on his symbol as well, but split in half. I originally was going to make tamama a bronze blood because he's the lowest rank, but decided the caste known for their bouts of rage would fit better. He doesn't really participate in the clown religion besides the facepaint. He wears lime mostly because of keroro and he is also the only one in the platoon to have a tail! He is also the same exact classpect as gamzee, which is funny because my gamzee kinnie friend also kins tamama.
All their last names are just their rank because they don't have last names otherwise, and I just thought it would fit. also, from tallest to shortest it goes Dororo, Giroro, Kururu, Keroro, and Tamama.
Again, if you read this and have questions, comments, critism, or just want to talk about it, please comment or reblog or message me or something!! I would love to hear people's thoughts and I haven't found very many homestuck fans who are also sgt frog fans.
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iamumbra195 · 9 months
The other day I saw someone say that the plot of Bleach is mainly driven by the distrust and lack of belief in their friends’ character most of the main cast has in their friends, some examples being Chad and Orihime thinking that Ichigo will run away from the war if given the choice when Urahara told him to do what he believes is best despite Ichigo giving them no reason to doubt him And uryuu not telling anyone what he was doing with yhwach and the other Quincy despite obviously knowing before hand, thus making bleach very different then most shounen around the time it was created, given that those were driven by the trust and friendship the main characters had in one another. Even Ichigo himself refuses to rely on others, a fact of his character that’s made obvious in the arrancar arc where he think Rukia and Renji won’t go to heuco mundo with him to save Orihime and even refuses Ishida and chad’s help at first
and for some weird reason my mind has been fixated on a crossover between one piece and bleach where ichigo and Rukia end up in the one piece world
this is basically an AU where aizen attacks again after yhwach’s gone and everything goes kinda bad
ichigo ends up on an island near punk hazard three years before canon and five years before the timeskip (I’m making it up on the go). The island is a black smithing place where Mihawk’s Yoru and several other swords were made. Not going into details but it’s basically ruled by a tyrant and based of something in mythology
Rukia ends up at a revolutionary because a) I think she’s a great contrast to Sabo since she went from street kid to noble while sabo did the opposite and b) she’s a soldier in a corrupt military organization, the irony of having her end up with ppl who directly oppose an organization similar to the one she served, and being forced to acknowkedge the twisted corruption of the marines, a military organization headed by nobles. sound familiar? (Central 46 and the Gorosei)
like she technically knows that the soul society aren’t exactly the good guys they’re just the lesser evil most of the time so yeah, I think it’d be a great character arc also I think her sabo and koala would be a cool trio
you know what’s even more fun, neither of them have their original shinigami powers (yes, I nerfed them but I kinda have the reason why planned). They have their base swordskills and stuff but none of the fancy powers they had before, No zanpakuto, no kido. Just the basics.
They spend the next like five years adjusting, learning haki and or in Ichigo’s case, learning how to make a sword from the man who made Mihawk’s sword after making a deal to save the island from the tyrant
I love him and the weirdly fast way he learns everything so I’m applying it to this, where he wants to learn how to make a sword because none of the ones he tries feel right in his hands and he wants zangetsu back but obviously doesn’t have him so he goes about making a sword and eventually manages it after like four years
rukia on the other hand, gets her hands on a devil fruit in the second year since her arrival there— the cold cold fruit, the opposite of that Oven dude in Whole Cake Island. Obviously she eats it and learns how to use it. She’s not too creative with it at first because she misses Sode No Shirayuki but after a while she breaks that habit. The awakening would be something like her bankai because I love it and I really love her ice vibe. Also once again contrast to sabo’s flame flame fruit
blah blah blah, timeskip stuff happens and the straw hats, Law, and our favourite samurai hitch hikers get caught in a storm on the way to dressrosa and get blown into Ichigo’s island. More blah blah blah stuff that I haven’t planned and then Ichigo joins them. anyways back to my original point, the straw hats trust each other in a really great way like yes, they’ve had some bumps here and there but they would trust each other with their life AND lay down their lives for one another in the blink of an eye and that’s like a direct contrast to relationships in bleach and I think Ichigo would probably benefit from the knowledge that there are ppl that fully trust him and that he can also put his trust in
some one said in another post that luffy doesn’t have daddy issues, he has daddy solutions because he makes everyone’s daddy issue go away and Ichigo needs that shit on his life
also I think it would be really cool that since Ichigo’s whole life had been surrounded by the idea of death and a large part of his character arc in bleach is accepting death as part of life and finally moving on from his mother’s death, it would be another great character arc for him to genuinely start living his life as he likes and Luffy, the embodiment of freedom and working towards achieving your dream so you can live your life without regrets, is the best person to make Ichigo finally start living his life
this part is pretty much AU and kinda based off a fic but Ichigo’s dream in this AU would have to do with his fascination with languages and that he wanted to see the whole world to explore it and soothe the itch to run into the unknown headfirst. Pretty much wanderlust ichigo + language nerd ichigo
since he’s a blacksmith/sword smith as well, his conversations with zoro, Franky, nami, and robin would be cool plus his dad is a doctor so he’d have some medical knowledge as well so he and chopper would get along
also how could I forget the man himself, soul king brook? Brook knows there’s something fucky going on with Ichigo cause his soul is weird and brook has an awareness of souls as seen in canon. He’s basically a plus soul that’s piloting a skeletal body in a way. He’s able to see hollows and all that weird shit
this is such a fun idea I could talk about this for hours 😭😭
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hezuart · 9 months
Hi Hezu! It’s been a while, Hope you’re doing Well 😊 since the Blaech TYBW Arc is getting Animated👀(more excited to see the Animation), There are Questions I Got to Ask! What would happen if Ichigo Took Rukia instead of Orihime to Face Yhwach? Would it have changed The story that we Currently have or Remain The Same? (To Me, I Think The Main Characters Ichigo and Rukia should Ended The Final Arc As They Are “🖤The Death and Stawberry🍓” Plus They Started The journey and shouldn’t They have finished the Journey Together as Well? I don’t know The Ending in The Manga was Messed up for Me😖) and Also How Would You have Rewritten TYBW Arc? Sorry That There are to many Questions😅😔
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Ah! I almost forgot to Mention, Have you Heard about “Vanitas no Carte”?🤔 it’s Anime About Vampires and More🦋
So the whole thing with Ichigo and Yhwach was already a bit of a mess, what with him stealing Ichigo's powers, the Fullbringers kinda just showing up as a Deus Ex Machina... and the overall rush of the storyline just didn't fit as a finale. I would have completely rewritten BLEACH's final arc so it wouldn't have come down to Ichigo chasing Yhwach through a portal. Anyway, Rukia, despite being more powerful than Orihime, probably wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference in the fight. Her bankai is too dangerous to use on an unpredictable enemy. Her ice powers might have proved more useful than Orihime's powers, but overall I don't think she would have won them the war. She could have very well become an injured damsel in distress too. It is very weird that Renji of all people comes along to the final battle, and not like... ALL of them. Out of everyone, Renji is the one who doesn't belong in the main cast, but they always act like he does. He wronged pretty much every member of Karakura in some way, and he's never made up for it. Rukia spent time in the world of the living and time with the Karakura team  when Renji hasn't. (Even when he did, he spent it with Urahara, who is also a shinigami) So he can't relate to any of them. He may be one of Ichigo's rivals but its just very random for him to come in to assist Ichigo, especially when in the end he barely puts up a fight before Aizen has to interfere. Well for one, to fix the arc, I would have honestly had Yhwach kidnap Ichigo, brainwash him, and train him as a proper Quincy, because Uryu is really useless here. I feel like Uryu, once he realizes Ichigo has been captured and Ichigo is a QUINCY, Uryu would finally have a purpose and kick it into high gear to try and help not only himself but also Ichigo. He's gotta drop his secret agent nonsense with Yhwach to try and get Ichigo out unscathed, which involves needing the help of the other members of Karakura. I’d fix Bazz B and Jugram’s friendship. Maybe have Jugram turn against Yhwach for the sake of Bazz B in the end. (I’d fix a lot of other Quincy characters too, to make them more likable and relatable because honestly I don’t care about any of them) There wouldn't be zombies in the way they were introduced. X-axis guy would never turn into giant mitosis birds because what the fucking hell was that I'd also have more flashbacks explaining the soul king, on top of Yhwach's actual overall plans. Aizen escapes. He never gets back in that chair. At some point maybe ichigos powers go haywire because yhwach is controlling his Quincy side and that clashes with his hollow. Any excuse to see more zangetsu. Maybe Quincy Zangetsu gives up because he knows its inevitable that Yhwach will win, but Ichigo and Hollow Zangetsu manage to convince him. Ichigo gets a badass complete bankai, a perfect fusion of ALL his powers that Yhwach never foresaw, and destroys the man. (See the Bleach Brave Souls all powerful version of Ichigo for reference) Ichigo becomes Soul King, or maybe even Aizen becomes the Soul King. Whoever becomes the next Soul King is placed in Stasis, unable to move or speak……. Or maybe that whole thing is tossed out and they can freely walk around the Zero Squad Barracks. If Ichigo doesn’t become Soul King, then he at the very least would no longer be allowed to return to the human world and he’d probably become a captain, resparking the Shiba family Noble line.
Side note but I’d explain what on Earth was going on with Komamura’s family history, I’d probably kill Toushiro or make him ill (his life was cut in half and he becomes an adult for some really weird reason when he goes bankai… like I know hes the most popular BLEACH character in Japan but he’s been through way too much to come out unscathed like that) Nemu and Mayuri would have never had that creepy Stockholm syndrome chapter sequence. Absolutely kill off Mayuri. Maybe Nemu could take over as the new squad captain in his place. Ichigo’s friends’ tickets would actually be usable and have meaning despite the horrible timing they received them. Orihime and/or Hachigen fix Captain Kyouraku’s eye (because wtf why is that not fixed yet. Like yeah , eye patches are cool but sir there’s people who can fix that for you. Right there. Even Nemu could probably make one for you. Fix it.) Neliel and Grimmjow would have gotten a fight scene against some powerful Quincy, maybe see some Segunda Etapa forms from them. Def a lot more bankais from other characters, especially Hisagi, whose bankai was hinted at, but never received until the novel. 
And probably so much more. I would have rewritten the entire Fullbring arc as well. Given Orihime and Chad proper upgrades. I would have never separated the gang as much as Kubo has the past decade... There’s just so much to fix.  ~~~
I've heard of Vanitas no Carte and I've seen some episodes. It looks really pretty and it seems like something I could get into. The main character sorta reminds me of Lelouch. Unfortunately, the anime has a major tonal dissonance problem. One moment it's very serious or scary, and the next the characters have a complete 180 comedic reaction, and it seems to happen constantly to the point where I'm taken out of the story because of it. And I'm also confused on the direction of it. It seems to tease a romantic subtext with the main characters, Vanitas and Noe, but they both actually have girlfriends??? That they are super romantically involved with? But the girls don't have as much screen time or an overarching plot that truly relates to main characters' overall story? I mean I haven't watched the full thing, so maybe I'm missing something, but we spend a good chunk of time focusing on those relationships instead of the plot at hand and I don’t understand what their purpose in the story is. So I could check it out, but I think it won’t be something I’ll be able to stick to.
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unohanadaydreams · 1 year
So, I just finished reading the Eumenides and there’s honestly so many passages that could apply to Bleach because of the whole ‘when is enough retribution enough’ but this quote in particular really sprung out to me as being very Tosen & Hisagi.
“I urge my people to follow and revere neither tyranny nor anarchy,
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and to hold fear close,
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never cast it out entirely from the city.
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For what man who feels no fear is able to be just?”
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